#I got to be honest I just block people these days
eff-plays · 3 days
To me it's not really about morality if I have to be honest. I'm an Isaac Castlevania stan and he wanted to kill literally all of humanity. Like I don't care if you play evil characters or get off to immoral dom daddies or whatever. I've wanted to punt children in Skyrim into the sun for saying sassy shit to me so like. It's a video game where you kill people. I do not care.
To me, the "problem" (or rather, the thing I like making fun of the most) is just how very surface-level evil the Ascendant ending is, how obviously evil it is, how Larian pretty much beats you over the head with it using very simple and traditional storytelling techniques ("you'll have to kill 7000 people, including literal children btw"), and how some people still manage to twist it into something it isn't (a triumphant, perfect ending) despite Larian constantly blasting at you how bad it is. (And this isn't a critique, it works well and tropes are tropes for a reason, this shit works.)
And it's not even a unique setup. It's a classic dichotomy of want vs need. That's why they're contrasting endings. Astarion wants power, but he needs freedom and self-worth. That's the gist of it.
That's why I love the epilogue titles so much, because they perfectly sum up the endings. Radiant Hopeful, because he's his own light in the dark. For someone who's been a pessimistic asshole after suffering for two centuries, that's HUGE. Sunwalking Regent means he can walk in the sun, a symbol for everything he wanted, but "regent" implies he's a temporary ruler. Someone, somewhere, will come to de-throne him one day, and every day he fears that moment. His newfound power binds him to constant fear and paranoia, and he always searches for new ways to become stronger, because in his mind, he can never be strong enough.
Spawn ending is bittersweet: he lost power, he's still cursed with vampirism and can't walk in the sun, but he is free, he is his own person and he has hope for the future. He's decided for himself what he wants to do, and that's adventuring and helping others, lending his strength to those who do not have any, in his own weird way. He's physically weaker than Ascendant Astarion, and yet he's got strength to spare.
So what's the flip side? In the ascendant ending, he has power, he has control, he has money. But he's paranoid, he's controlling, and he's terrified of losing it all again, because without it, he believes he's nothing, so having it becomes his one and only purpose. It's also bittersweet, because he finally has everything he wanted, but he'll never again have what he truly needs.
These are like ... classic tropes. You can't have it all. You have to make a choice. The thing you think you want, or the thing you don't know you need. AA stans argue that actually, no. His endings are actually suuuper flat and uninteresting. Either he stays a weak and worthless and fearful spawn, or he becomes a strong and powerful and manly supervampire (let's not unpack the masculinity stuff here cuz that's a whole other bag of yikes). That's the argument they're making. That it's a black and white choice of either you pick the stuff where everything works out forever or the stuff where he's a loser lapdog who has to obey Tav because men must either control to be real men or are controlled pussies who can't do fuck (again, not getting into that here). And it's just literally not how the story is set up. None of the companion stories are this flat. If they were, there wouldn't be any argument or choice to make. No pros and cons to weigh. And it's just logically not a good gameplay mechanic, for a role-playing game.
And yet there are people who are just choosing not to get it, just the way I choose to believe it's a choice for most of them because I don't want to believe so many of these people are genuinely this stupid.
So yeah. That's why I block AA fans on sight. Not because I think their fetish is funny (though I do), but because I genuinely don't think I would have anything to gain from people who fundamentally cannot comprehend extremely basic storytelling techniques when they're practically spelled out for you with not-very-subtle methods. It's not even a thing of consciously choosing the bad ending where he's a very shitty daddy dom because it gets them off, that's literally whatever to me, but the fact that most of them genuinely believe it's somehow the better ending.
Despite. Well all of the shit I wrote above.
So yeah. It's not about enjoying evil characters, to me. People who do generally don't brush the actual evil part under the rug. It's the refusal or apparent inability to grasp extremely basic storytelling concepts lmao. And for what? Pff.
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aftgscenes · 5 months
“You shouldn’t like Nicky he…” he’s scribbles on paper. “We need to talk about how toxic andrew is…” he does not exist. “If you like Aaron your a bad person because he…” a fictional characters actions have no effect on the real world.
Please stop taking everything so seriously y’all- it ain’t that deep I promise. They are not real.
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burntoutdaydreamer · 7 months
Things That May Be Causing Your Writer's Block- and How to Beat Them
I don't like the term 'Writer's Block' - not because it isn't real, but because the term is so vague that it's useless. Hundreds of issues all get lumped together under this one umbrella, making writer's block seem like this all-powerful boogeyman that's impossible to beat. Worse yet, it leaves people giving and receiving advice that is completely ineffective because people often don't realize they're talking about entirely different issues.
In my experience, the key to beating writer's block is figuring out what the block even is, so I put together a list of Actual Reasons why you may be struggling to write:
(note that any case of writer's block is usually a mix of two or more)
Perfectionism (most common)
What it looks like:
You write one sentence and spend the next hour googling "synonyms for ___"
Write. Erase. Write. Rewrite. Erase.
Should I even start writing this scene when I haven't figured out this one specific detail yet?
I hate everything I write
Cringing while writing
My first draft must be perfect, or else I'm a terrible writer
Things that can help:
Give yourself permission to suck
Keep in mind that nothing you write is going to be perfect, especially your first draft
Think of writing your first/early drafts not as writing, but sketching out a loose foundation to build upon later
People write multiple drafts for a reason: write now, edit later
Stop googling synonyms and save that for editing
Write with a pen to reduce temptation to erase
Embrace leaving blank spaces in your writing when you can't think of the right word, name, or detail
It's okay if your writing sucks. We all suck at some point. Embrace the growth mindset, and focus on getting words on a page
Lack of inspiration (easiest to fix)
What it looks like:
Head empty, no ideas
What do I even write about???
I don't have a plot, I just have an image
Want to write but no story to write
Things that can help:
Google writing prompts
If writing prompts aren't your thing, instead try thinking about what kind of tropes/genres/story elements you would like to try out
Instead of thinking about the story you would like to write, think about the story you would like to read, and write that
It's okay if you don't have a fully fleshed out story idea. Even if it's just an image or a line of dialogue, it's okay to write that. A story may or may not come out of it, but at least you got the creative juices flowing
Stop writing. Step away from your desk and let yourself naturally get inspired. Go for a walk, read a book, travel, play video games, research history, etc. Don't force ideas, but do open up your mind to them
If you're like me, world-building may come more naturally than plotting. Design the world first and let the story come later
Boredom/Understimulation (lost the flow)
What it looks like:
I know I should be writing but uugggghhhh I just can'tttttt
Writing words feels like pulling teeth
I started writing, but then I got bored/distracted
I enjoy the idea of writing, but the actual process makes me want to throw my laptop out the window
Things that can help:
Introduce stimulation: snacks, beverages, gum, music such as lo-fi, blankets, decorate your writing space, get a clickity-clackity keyboard, etc.
Add variety: write in a new location, try a new idea/different story for a day or so, switch up how you write (pen and paper vs. computer) or try voice recording or speech-to-text
Gamify writing: create an arbitrary challenge, such as trying to see how many words you can write in a set time and try to beat your high score
Find a writing buddy or join a writer's group
Give yourself a reward for every writing milestone, even if it's just writing a paragraph
Ask yourself whether this project you're working on is something you really want to be doing, and be honest with your answer
Intimidation/Procrastination (often related to perfectionism, but not always)
What it looks like:
I was feeling really motivated to write, but then I opened my laptop
I don't even know where to start
I love writing, but I can never seem to get started
I'll write tomorrow. I mean next week. Next month? Next month, I swear (doesn't write next month)
Can't find the time or energy
Unreasonable expectations (I should be able to write 10,000 words a day, right????)
Feeling discouraged and wondering why I'm even trying
Things that can help:
Follow the 2 min rule (or the 1 paragraph rule, which works better for me): whenever you sit down to write, tell yourself that you are only going to write for 2 minutes. If you feel like continuing once the 2 mins are up, go for it! Otherwise, stop. Force yourself to start but DO NOT force yourself to continue unless you feel like it. The more often you do this, the easier it will be to get started
Make getting started as easy as possible (i.e. minimize barriers: if getting up to get a notebook is stopping you from getting started, then write in the notes app of your phone)
Commit to a routine that will work for you. Baby steps are important here. Go with something that feels reasonable: every day, every other day, once a week, twice a week, and use cues to help you remember to start. If you chose a set time to write, just make sure that it's a time that feels natural to you- i.e. don't force yourself to writing at 9am every morning if you're not a morning person
Find a friend or a writing buddy you can trust and talk it out or share a piece of work you're proud of. Sometimes we just get a bit bogged down by criticism- either internal or external- and need a few words of encouragement
The Problem's Not You, It's Your Story (or Outline (or Process))
What it looks like:
I have no problems writing other scenes, it's just this scene
I started writing, but now I have no idea where I'm going
I don't think I'm doing this right
What's an outline?
Drowning in documents
This. Doesn't. Make. Sense. How do I get from this plot point to this one?!?!?! (this ColeyDoesThings quote lives in my head rent free cause BOY have I been there)
Things That Can Help:
Go back to the drawing board. Really try to get at the root of why a scene or story isn't working
A part of growing as a writer is learning when to kill your darlings. Sometimes you're trying to force an idea or scene that just doesn't work and you need to let it go
If you don't have an outline, write one
If you have an outline and it isn't working, rewrite it, or look up different ways to structure it
You may be trying to write as a pantser when you're really a plotter or vice versa. Experiment with different writing processes and see what feels most natural
Study story structures, starting with the three act structure. Even if you don't use them, you should know them
Check out Ellen Brock on YouTube. She's a professional novel editor who has a lot of advice on writing strategies for different types of writers
Also check out Savage Books on YouTube (another professional story editor) for advice on story structure and dialogue. Seriously, I cannot recommend this guy enough
Executive Dysfunction, Usually From ADHD/Autism
What it looks like:
Everything in boredom/understimulation
Everything in intimidation/procrastination
You have been diagnosed with and/or have symptoms of ADHD/Autism
Things that can help:
If you haven't already, seek a diagnosis or professional treatment
Hire an ADHD coach or other specialist that can help you work with your brain (I use Shimmer; feel free to DM me for a referral)
Seek out neurodiverse communities for advice and support
Try body doubling! There's lot's of free online body doubling websites out there for you to try. If social anxiety is a barrier, start out with writing streams such as katecavanaughwrites on Twitch
Be aware of any sensory barriers that may be getting in the way of you writing (such as an uncomfortable desk chair, harsh lighting, bad sounds)
And Lastly, Burnout, Depression, or Other Mental Illness
What it looks like:
You have symptoms of burnout or depression
Struggling with all things, not just writing
It's more than a lack of inspiration- the spark is just dead
Things that can help:
Forget writing for now. Focus on healing first.
Seek professional help
If you feel like it, use writing as a way to explore your feelings. It can take the form of journaling, poetry, an abstract reflection of your thoughts, narrative essays, or exploring what you're feeling through your fictional characters. The last two helped me rediscover my love of writing after I thought years of depression had killed it for good. Just don't force yourself to do so, and stop if it takes you to a darker place instead of feeling cathartic
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corpsegold · 1 year
Typing that out has had me panicking and freaking out sweating for the past few hours. I've been miming to myself and rehearsing talking to the woman about it and the only way I can describe how overwhelming and intense this feels is that it's like when I came out to my mum. What the fuck does THAT say
#i feel like throwing up#like anger mixed with shame mixed with a very strange relief mixed with a lots of hating myself and being exhausted#jesus christ its like hard to think about#to be honest i convince myself i have a new mental illness every few months this is probably just the next in a long series#ive had this realization several times over the years but i normally block it out and it makes a huge mood drop#talking to the alcohol guy and this woman and what the p.doc said where theyve been questioning my usual excuses or reasons i tell myself#has got me thinking about it again and this time my mood is clearer and ive typed it out rather than passed out and reading it back is#extremely fucking exhausting#it literally feels like coming out to my mum#what the actual f u c k#bro this is too much#jesus christ#its fine its probably just traits lol like its not the end of the world im literally fine#it literally cant be bad if i can see it#maybe its not true at all like im just completely wrong about this or im missing something or not understanding myself clearly#i need to feel like i can live the life i want one day otherwise i dont know how im gonna cope lmao#im tired of grieving for a person i never was#i cant cope with the idea that i might never get to be that person#ive been too scared to try on my own and if people cant teach me how to try or tell me I'll likely never be able to have normal relatnships#and be liked and secure and feel proud of myself and stop disappointing my parents#oh my god#anyway#just got a notif from the abstinence counting app it says#continuous effort is the key to unlocking our true potential#ig mb thats cool#whatever
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saltofmercury · 1 year
Pairing: König x reader
Plot: Someone breaks into the house at night while you and König are sleeping.
A/N: Had a random idea about what would happen in this scenario.
“The Break in.”
Over three break-ins had happened over the weekend. All unfortunately 4 blocks away from your apartment. Break-ins didn’t scare you. You felt like your apartment complex was in better condition than most of the apartments surrounding the neighborhood. In addition to that, you weren’t too concerned because you were tucked away for the weekend with König.
You didn’t think a person who saw him would even attempt to do something, especially at his own house.
König, on the other hand, was worried sick.
“Maybe you could stay here for a couple more days. It wouldn’t be a bother, honest.”
You didn’t like the sound of it. Breaking into his routine which he then would be uncomfortable with. You knew how he liked his space. He needed a couple days to recharge, be with himself, and then come back to you.
You remember how antsy he got when you overstayed your welcome one weekend. He kept finding excuses to be alone.
“I’m going to read in my office. I’ll be back in about an hour.”
“I’m going to the gym for a workout. I'll be back soon.”
“I know you want to finish your show, I’ll be watching the game in my bedroom.”
It wasn’t until you were getting the shower that he had crept up and asked shyly if you needed company.
You laughed.
“Oh now you want my company?”
He traced his finger along the bathroom counter looking down.
“I never said I didn’t want your company, we just always shower together.”
So you knew keeping yourself here would only have him finding excuses in his own house to find privacy.
König would deny this. He loved your company, he loved waking up next to you with your legs on top of his. Seeing your toothbrush next to his on the counter. He loved seeing your products lined up on the bathroom shelf next to his. Your clothes piled on his dresser, your bras hanging on the doorknobs in his bathroom, or scattered around the floor after hastily getting to devour each other in bed. Small little pieces of you throughout the house reminding him you were home.
Sure he liked his space, but it wasn’t anything he couldn’t distance himself from another room for him to recharge and come back to you.
He was adjusting rapidly to you being around him all the time. He wanted you around all the time.
Which is why he wanted you to stay here, in a house, where someone could protect you.
König never told you the missions he was on. You sort of preferred that way. He would just tell you the gist of the mission. He was very careful about not scaring you away with what his real job was. He was good at what he did, but he preferred to keep what he was out on the field away from you.
Calmly, while watching you, he gave you just enough to not try and scare you.
“It was a room of about 15 people. I was first one in.”
You stared at him. You knew he was hiding the real him. “Mercenary” was the word he used, however he never described the things a mercenary did.
There was nothing scarier knowing König was a shark at sea but there could be a bigger fish that would one day end it.
Part of you was glad he could protect you and himself from anyone and anything given his training and ruthless alter ego out on the field, but another part of you was worried someone out there would be quicker or one step ahead of him.
You packed your overnight bag with your dirty clothes.
“Where are you going?” He stepped out of the bathroom watching you collect your clothes.
“Home, I have a lot of work to catch up on and do laundry.”
“Okay we bring your laptop back here and we can start a load of colors here.” He replied so casually.
You laughed.
“Although that is tempting, it’s fine. I’ll be back this weekend.”
He didn’t like hearing that.
“Baby please, you know how dangerous it is around where you live right now. Just stay one more night. I’ll go pick up your laptop and —“
You cut him off:
“It was 4 blocks away, König. It wasn’t even my apartment. I know I’ll be safe.”
“Well I don’t care if it was in another town, I don’t like the idea of you staying alone when someone is out there like that.”
You turned to him, raising an eyebrow.
“You don’t like the idea of someone robbing houses when your job is ten times scarier?”
He leaned against the bathroom doorway, raising his eyebrow at you.
“Exactly. What if this guy is like me and he’s out there attacking houses because he knows how to do it so well that he’s not getting caught?”
You rolled your eyes
“I'm sure a trained military man is out there robbing houses for fun.”
“y/n!” He stopped you. “This is serious, would you want to run into me?”
You smirked, stood up, and went over to him.
“Yes I would actually, because I know your weaknesses.”
You gently ran your fingers down his stomach.
“I would know how to take someone like you down so easily.” You whispered.
You stood on your tip toes and kissed his chin.
He didn’t like the idea of you flirting when speaking about your life. With that, he took your bag and shoved it into the top shelf of the closet.
“You’re staying here and that's final. I’m not going to risk anything.”
He ended up taking you to your apartment, telling you to get extra clothes, your laptop, and anything else you needed. You settled back into his house again.
“Are you sure you don’t mind?” You asked one last time.
“Of course not. I can never have enough of you.”
You both had dinner, showered, and got in bed.
He pulled you against his chest and held you close.
“Thank you for staying here. It gives me peace of mind. I enjoy your company.”
You blushed, leaned in for a kiss, and mumbled “if it’s not bother then okay…”
You settled into the night routine you both had. He watched a show on his iPad, while you read through a book before both falling asleep.
It was around 3AM when you heard the speakers in the living room turn on. Your eyelids still closed, you searched for König with one arm. An empty space in bed. You sat up, fear crawling up your throat.
König was already up and placed himself by the doorframe, a bat in hand, mask covering his face, and shoes on.
Had someone come inside the house? Another crash, scratches on the floor, and some scrambling.
König looked back at you, told you to stay put.
“Do. Not. Leave. This. Room.” He said it low, his accent had come out. He looked at you, but you didn’t recognize this König. He stood different, sounded different. You felt your stomach turn, the hair on your neck rise.
Where did he get the bat from?
Now you were scared. You weren’t ready to see this kind of person he was.
You heard his calculated footsteps as he checked the hallway bathroom and guest room, slamming open the doors so hard and loud they bounced against the walls. He continued to stomp all the way down towards where the sound was.
You suddenly felt safe, how thorough he was checking all the rooms and how bravely he went into each room announcing himself with just his body. You were now glad you stayed with him.
… then out of nowhere, you heard him laughing. A loud, boisterous, breathless laugh.
You shouted from the room “Who is it?!”
You hear him drop the bat, the bat clinking on the floor. Footsteps followed closer to the door.
“Not who schatz, but what.” His voice had come closer. Standing there, he was holding a small baby raccoon. The raccoon was being held up by his neck with one hand, and his other hand placed underneath him.
You screamed —“Becareful! We don’t know where it’s been!”
König tilted his head at you and then mumbled “it’s only Monty’s baby.”
König went to the backyard and placed the small raccoon outside. He came back into the house, washed his hands, and walked into the room.
What just happened?
“What was that?!” You were confused, at a loss for words.
He settled himself back into bed and pulled you close.
“Monty is the raccoon that lives in the backyard. She had babies.”
You looked up at him still confused.
“All this time you’ve been staying here and you haven’t seen Monty and her family?” He asked innocently.
“I’ll tell you all about them.” He turned the light off.
What was happening? Was this a dream?
Part of you was still confused but you settled in and relaxed anyway. The other part of you was secretly relieved that because of him, you felt safe enough to go back to sleep.
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I (26, NB) dropped a long-term friend (23, not disclosing gender, I'll call them X) for being a proshipper, and now they're trying to get in the way of my other friendships.
A little more than a month ago, an old friend from when I was an itty bitty teen on the internet (we met when they were 12 and I was 15 or so) messaged me on twitter asking if we could share discord since they're more active on that platform, and they missed hanging out. Ok, no prob!! I missed talking to X and life was going kinda icky for me at the time. We exchanged discords and started talking more frequently, before we would talk through twitter dms maybe one day every few months, and we went from almost no contact to talking every single day. It was like being a teenager again; we still shared similar interests and we really fast clicked over old and new fandoms we were in. We talked about college and how they're starting to get the hang of their new job but needed support, talked about our family lives, etc., and in general I felt really comfortable and happy to be chatting again with someone I've known for so long. We were inseparable for weeks.
However... of course, as adults, and having known each other for YEARS, we started talking about fandom ships and fics we enjoyed. We didn't have the same taste in pairings, but that was okay. Until it wasn't anymore.
I shared my NSFW twitter with them, and they followed me. A few minutes later X told me, "I see you have "proship DNI in your bio, I just want to let you know that I am a pro-ship and enjoy some things in fandom that you might think is gross. I hope that's okay."
I was kind of weirded out, and told them that as long as they didn't like anything that would be criminal in real life, that's fine. They told me they *did* enjoy things in fiction that they "wouldn't condone in reality" and even though they "don't talk about it publicly" they still wanted me to know. For some reason. ?? Even though they KNOW that I have an irl history of abuse as a kid, they still told me this.
I was so fucking uncomfortable and really, really sad, and honestly I felt betrayed? I stepped away from my account for like, an hour before messaging them back and saying I didn't want to continue talking to them anymore. That I didn't know they were that kind of person and I'm not comfortable being their friend. I didn't read their response to me because I soft-blocked them.
While I was getting over that and trying to move on, a few days later I was talking to another mutual friend of ours when they asked if I was still friends with X. I got chills remembering how I broke off with them, and said no, we weren't talking anymore. That they were the kind of person that made me really uneasy and uncomfortable to be around. The mutual friend, I'll call R, said that X was "feeling kind of down about losing a friend recently" and talked about it in a discord server they share. X didn't mention my name but R wondered if it was me who dropped them since I was really touchy about boundaries online. I freaked out a little thinking about them talking about me, and asked what else they said, and R told me "not much, just that they felt sad but it was your choice in the end because you two were different" and I don't know why but it left a bad taste in my mouth. Were they trying to make people seem like I was the bad guy or something?? Idk.
I told R the reason why I stopped talking to X, and that X is a proshipper who likes things like inc*st and rape, and R wasn't as supportive as I thought he would be, saying that he understood how I felt but if X was being honest and open about their interests, it probably meant they trusted me and didn't want to "lie" to me. I don't understand how that's even relevant if X is a fucking proshipper. I don't want their trust in the first place if that's who they really are, and I felt betrayed that someone I knew for so long was hiding that for me until we were bonding again. R basically dropped it there and said "idk then" and I told him I was going to shut off my notifs for a bit. I really don't want to talk with him again right now especially since he didn't seem THAT bothered by X being a proshipper who's into really criminal shit.
Since then, friends of mine who are also friends with R (because he's a friend of X still, for some reason), haven't been replying to me as much anymore and I'm super sensitive to noticing these things, at first I told myself it was nothing, but there's an obvious decrease in our interactions. I can't help but think that X actually said bad stuff about me, and R didn't want me to know, or maybe X convinced R that I was a terrible person or something. I still haven't read X's reply to me because I genuinely do not want to interact with them ever again, but for the past few days I've been so angry and hurt by my other friend's actions that I can't help but want to blame them, since this all started when I left them.
AITA for dropping a friend because their interests made me SEVERELY uncomfortable? I don't know what to do.
What are these acronyms?
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theminecraftbee · 4 days
for anyone wondering where i've been: i got... distracted... by a potential huge project. I was considering running a mcrp project/smp project, inspired by stuff like fan life series servers, with the rest of the sexyman team! but... a different one. a very specific one, even.
now, I'm aware there are probably outstanding questions, so if you're uncertain, please read more event/server details below the cut and see if it interests you!
I don't know anything about Survivor–what would this show even be like?
so if you know nothing about survivor, it's easy to think it's a show about surviving on a deserted island. it is that, but it's not mainly that. survivor, at its heart, is a social deception game, about making close alliances, betraying people, and social dynamics under pressure–hence why i suspect it would be a great fit for mcrp.
the way the show would be structured is this: a certain number of contestants would be placed on a (slightly modified) survival server, set up to be difficult to survive on. they are placed into two "tribes", the teams for the first half of the show. every episode, they would spend time with their tribes bonding, surviving, searching for secrets, and base building. then, they would compete in challenges. the tribe that loses the immunity challenge must go to tribal council, where they vote on which member to send home. this continues with the tribes eventually merging together into one tribe and immunity becoming individual before there are only two contestants left. at that time, they go in front a jury of their former fellow contestants, who will determine who the sole survivor is.
while challenge performance is one key to winning (as it prevents you from being a target in the first place), the other, bigger key, as you can likely see, is forming alliances and voting blocks strategically to get your opponents voted out and yourself kept in. this makes a great vehicle for social emergent storytelling, where narratives emerge about who is honest, who is a liar, who is good at the social game, who is bad at it, and what people will do in order to become sole survivor.
in other words: it's kind of like what current-day mcrp is ALREADY about. except its a gameshow also, and the very construction of the thing is designed to cause tensions by its very nature.
it's great! and you wouldn't be required to know anything about survivor–our host would explain to the audience all of the mechanics as they came up, as would production staff to the players.
You keep calling it "a show"–what do you mean by that?
the result of this project would be an edited youtube series, like survivor, of likely around twelve episodes. each episode would show footage from the game, as well as a lot of "confessionals" shots of the players explaining their opinions, before ending in tribal council! unlike most mcrp series, this would not be a multiple pov affair. it would be one tightly edited project. (this editing, for the record, is the largest overhead; we expect the amount of footage to go through to end up being in the hundreds of hours combined between all the players.)
it's possible that after the show's finale releases we'll release the players to make their own highlights from any footage they take. but the product we're hoping to make is just a single TV show's worth!
what exactly does applying to be a contestant require?
if we get enough interest, once we have enough of the required plugins and builds created and have a better sense of gameplay, we will put out a casting call form. while this will ask a number of questions to help us get to know you as a potential player, you're going to be REQUIRED to have the following things: a tumblr blog that you can link us to, the ability to record an audition tape in minecraft to send to us (so that we can get an idea of what audio we'd be working with, mostly), enough free time for us to be able to schedule recording sessions into, and a willingness to agree to some rules about keeping things secret until the finale airs and about rp etiquette. that's it! there are no other requirements–you don't have to know survivor, you don't have to already do mcyt or stream, you don't have to have friends, none of it, and while we'll ask you for those details, we're going to be looking for a large blend of people from across mcyt! anyone (who can send us mostly clean audio) can be considered!
EDIT: we would ALSO REQUIRE YOU BE AT LEAST 18. sorry i forgot this before! this is for a number of reasons i don't want to get into, but will be prominent on the actual applications.
what exactly would being a production staff member entail?
we're mainly looking for two things in production staff: a willingness to run replaymod for us and act as cameramen by following contestants around getting footage on the actual recording days, and a willingness to work with us on what's likely to be a fairly intense editing and "scripting" period during and after recording, during which we're going to have to scrub through massive amounts of footage and form it into a coherent narrative. we may, depending on how bad we realize we've bitten off more than we can chew, also end up looking for build team members for the production crew. if these things sound fun to you (they sound fun to me god help me), then go ahead and select this option! just know it's mutually exclusive with playing; no one in the production staff will be considered for the contestants. this includes my friends and myself who've already agreed to help me.
these applications would come out before the casting call, since even before casting call we're going to need to do playtests and dry runs and have things mostly ready. so keep an eye out!
will this be run on your blog?
nope we're going to make a new blog (and youtube channel) (and branding!) for this eventually, just want to interest check before we go through all the branding steps. (also, i've even gotten us a specific gmail for this that we will likely end up using for certain communications.)
for now that's all the FAQ i think that is required. let me know if you have more! and i hope you all are interested in this baby of a project that's taken over my mind for the past few weeks!
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kakujis · 5 months
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and when the world treats you way too fairly... well, it's a shame i'm a dream.
synopsis: a break up is nothing, not when the two of you are sworn to be together. satoru thinks you just need a little reminder.
warnings: dark content. ageless blogs + minors DNI. afab!fem reader, sub!reader, yandere!satoru, switching povs at times, possessive behavior, dubcon, recording, dacryphilia, cheating (not on gojo), somno, praise, manipulation, gaslighting, mind break(?), begging, fingering, oral f!receiving, choking, pussy slapping, creampie, masochism (reader), tiny bit of man handling and hair pulling. he is mean AND whiny. he literally sniffs u at one point lol. you wear makeup. implied multiple rounds.
ft + wc: gojo x reader, around 5.2k
an: hi, so like months ago (as all my wips start) i had this idea for toxic!ex bf gojo which delved into yan gojo LOL. he is so hard to write... like wtf... so anyway this was been rotting away since september!! i think i did lose my mind just a little bit writing this ngl LMFAO. idk if i really leaned that heavily into the yan, but we are going to truck along and post this anyways. thanks for waitin'. also, thank you to dooby and sky for both proofreading and giving me some ideas to push through, @sxgars for the banner, and my brain/fingers for not giving up.
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gojo satoru still remembers the day you left, eyes puffy and face streaked with makeup as you stormed out of your shared apartment. in gojo’s mind, it was fine, you’d be back. no matter how big of a fight, you always came back. 
but it’s been months now of you ignoring his calls and texts, avoiding him whenever you see him. you’ve even blocked him on some of your social media platforms since he can only access the ones you haven’t used in years. most people have told him to let it go, move on, it’s not worth it. but satoru’s heart knows what it wants and at the core of it all, it wants: you. 
he thinks you might need a little coaxing, something to help you realize you love him again. once he finds out your address, his plan is set. he spruces himself up, spritzing on the cologne of his that was your favorite, even getting suguru to stop by the flower shop near his workplace to grab you a bouquet. yes, gojo’s got it all figured out. he’ll swing by, shower you in love like he used to, and you’ll realize you missed him just as bad. 
imagine his dismay when you won’t even open the door, your voice muffled from the other side. you tell him to leave, it’s over, you don’t want to see him anymore. he begs you to open it, just give him one more chance, but you sigh, crack the door open a smidge, and tell him. 
“satoru, leave. my boyfriend’s here.” 
he thinks that word is disgusting if he’s not the one it’s referring to. maybe you’re lying, maybe it’s another ruse to get him to piss off, but when you peek behind your shoulder, giving a little smile, the kind you used to give gojo, soft, sweet, loving; he realizes you’re completely honest. 
the lump in his throat is sticky, clinging onto the walls of his neck like gum. meanwhile, his heart feels like it’s beating in his ears, a not-so-friendly reminder of his fragility. 
you turn back, eyeing the flowers, an assortment of your favorite kinds - satoru, satoru, i like these, see? - and in a moment of soft-heartedness, step out. you can’t deny the pull of your heartstrings, satoru’s endearing aura plucking at them in a solemn tune, but you’re different now. you don’t need satoru anymore.  
“look,” you start, adjusting his tie and fixing the crinkling cellophane. “maybe you could give this to someone else? they’re so pretty, someone out there would be lucky to have them. and, you’re satoru, handsome, funny, sweet. you’ll find someone else in no time!” 
but he just stares, eyes boring into you as if it feels like the wind’s been taken out of him as your words fall on deafened ears. fuck the flowers, you’re so pretty, you’re the one people are lucky to have. in a sense, he’s bewildered because there’s no way you’ve actually moved on… right? 
you sigh again, a hint of exasperation tinging your voice, “gojo, i think… this should be the last time we see each other.” you step back, hand on the door handle. to you, this is a step in the right direction. 
for him, he finds that the way you don’t use his first name has him wanting to rip his hair out from the root. 
“wait, please, i love you.” he states, finally finding his voice, feeling like his time with you is running out. his lip quivers while his heart continues to shatter with each passing second. “i’d do anything for you, you know that right?”
ah. same old satoru, the man who swore he’d take the moon from the sky if you wanted. anyone looking in would swear you were lucky, but you remember things being a little… suffocating. it was too much, too overwhelming eventually. 
you bite your lip, strengthening your hold on the handle, ready to leave. you can’t meet his gaze, knowing that if you do you might falter. “but i don’t. i don’t love you anymore.” - it’s a lie, you know it is from the little bud inside your chest blooming, breaking out past the walls of your heart, but you just… can’t. 
he shakes his head, taking a step forward. “you don’t mean that.” 
“i do, satoru!” you flinch at your own voice, taking a deep breath to calm down. “please, just leave.” you tell him one more time before you retreat back inside and slam the door. 
he waits for a few minutes, thinking that maybe he’s on one of those prank shows. you’re going to open the door, tell him it was a joke, and to come inside. except you don’t, and he’s stuck under the low flickering haze of your complex’s lights. 
gojo’s a bit stunned on the walk back home, foggy eyesight mixed with thoughts flying a mile a minute equates to a tall stumbling man with no care for those around him. he can’t even count how many people he’s bumped into, let alone the amount of sorrys he’s muttered, the now crumpled bouquet still firmly held in his hand, indicated by the whites of his knuckles. 
when he gets home, he sinks into the floor, his head wrapped around his arms before he flings the bouquet across the room. “fuck!” a picture frame of the two of you clatters to the floor, glass breaking in tiny, jagged pieces. he kept it after all, in hopes that you’d come back eventually, but now it’s clear you’re not. he doesn’t even care that he’s knocked something off a table, he’s so fucking hurt.
hurt that you’ve moved on so easily, hurt that you’re out there calling someone else ‘baby’. he can’t fucking stand it, wanting to rip out the baseboards of his home or set it all on fire. from the first day he met you, gojo’s always firmly believed you were made for him. that thought was always reaffirmed with every ‘i love you,’ that dripped from your lips into his ear every morning and evening. 
maybe it’s not the best timing, but he remembers other things as well. like each time he’s been deep inside you and your pretty mouth would hang open, eyes blown and glassy, as you gasped out his name like it was the only thing you knew how to say. or even the times you took initiative yourself, crawling under the covers to wake him up, kitten licks and sloppy kisses to his cockhead. his own eyes met yours, with a lidded call of reverence, and that was all he needed to know. 
there’s no reason to wallow, he thinks, a small reignition of flame in his gut brewing. each passing memory that trickles by is another reminder that you did love him. no, that’s not right. you do love him.
okay, he thinks, i can still fix this. you just need a little reminding is all. you love him and you’re just a little confused. maybe his mind is breaking, but he reminds himself that it’s better his mind than his heart. 
”yeah,” he mumbles, dusting himself as he gets up off the floor. “she still loves me.” 
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to be honest, breaking and entering wasn’t really his thing, he never saw the appeal in it before. but, this isn't really a break in, he’s just visiting his girl. he will say though, you did make it a little too easy by keeping your key under the mat. no, you kept it easy because you knew he was coming, simple as that. 
he goes in tentatively at first, wanting to see what you’ve done with the place, nodding in approval as he scans over the rooms. you’ve done a good job, just like you did before, but he does frown when not a single one of his photos is up. you must have forgotten or maybe you’re trying to save your new boy toy some heartbreak. silently, he walks over to your bedroom door, peeking in.
his mouth quips up into a smile when he sees you. you’re pretty as you sleep, just like he remembers. you’ve always been a heavy sleeper, mouth slightly agape as your drool dribbled down into the pillow. 
“hey beautiful…” he murmurs when he reaches you, bending down to brush away a few strands of loose hair from your face. 
a little “mm,” leaves your lips as your face twists at his touch. he leans in til he’s just a hair’s breadth away, before he ghosts his lips over yours slightly. still the same old you, lips just as soft as he remembers and what little self restraint he had continues to chip away. 
the hot breath of exhales continue to mix as satoru spends his time taking in your scent. he tries his best not to whine when you pull away slightly, once again leaning further in to stay as close to you as possible. if he could get high off of it, he probably could, but the ache in his belly grows. he needs you. 
“wait a minute…” he mumbles when you try to once again turn away. “why are you always trying to run away from me?” it’s a silly question, rhetorical since you’re still locked in the deep throes of sleep. but your body seems to answer in place of your voice when your legs rub against the sheets and your chest once again heaves itself over, leaving him behind. 
he’s sad that you’ve taken away his favorite aromatic, but with your shuffling, you’ve moved the blankets down letting him get a peek of your bare skin. you’re always a sight to behold and his fingers run themselves lightly over your body before he’s pulling the blanket off you completely. 
you’ve always been a heavy sleeper, affectionately dubbed his “sleepy wife,” even though you were never married. it’s been a while since his hands burned with such intensity, running up and down your thigh and leg, even tracing along the curvature of your ass. 
his knee dips into the bed as he finally looms over you, pushing you gently onto your back, before he’s prying your thighs open with one hand. he thinks he should take his time, savor it, satoru, but you’re just so… inviting. he runs a finger across the waistband of your shorts, experimentally tugging lightly. he flickers his eyes between his hands and your face, seeking for any signs of waking as he slowly starts to expose more and more skin. 
hints and glimpses of skin are all he needs to get riled up, further than he already is, as he takes the leap and pulls your bottoms off completely. 
“oh fuck princess,” he groans when he sees your pretty pussy for the first time in months. he’s nearly salivating like a dog as he remembers just how good you taste, bending down to get perched between your thighs. 
the first kitten lick against your clit chips away at his already waning self control. the next one that delved between your folds nearly completely breaks it. but he’s missed tasting you on his buds, missed consuming what was his. take your time, satoru. his mind ticks again, and he settles back to prepare a nice lob of spit before he’s letting it fall onto your pussy. 
you shiver unconsciously at the sensation and he takes a pause, not wanting you to wake just yet. you’d probably flip out on him and he can’t have you getting mad at him just yet. 
he waits until you settle again before he’s diving back in, driving his tongue between your folds as he laps up your essence. to say he was starving was an understatement, for these past months he’s felt like he’s been dying. 
it’s intoxicating as your juices and his saliva mix to dribble down his chin, dripping onto your bed sheets below. he eats you out like it's his first real meal in months, tongue lapping as much of your essence as he can while his fingers dig deep into the plush skin of your thighs.
he shudders as he grinds his hips into your mattress, the tip of his nose running against your clit sending little shockwaves up your unconscious body. you taste just as good as he remembers, losing himself in the sweet slick of your cunt.
your eyelids finally flutter open, readjusting to the darkened light of your room, but you can't miss that familiar snowy peak of hair settled in between your thighs.
"satoru?" you breathe, meeting his lidded eyes as your hands come down to immediately push back against his forehead, but instead your fingers curl up into his locks. 
“hi,” he chimes, smiling against your pussy as he readjusts, sitting up to shoot you a wicked smile. “hi baby, good mornin’.” the tone ofhis voice is sweet, nearly identical to what it was like when you were together.
he replaces his tongue with his fingers, whining a little when he feels you clench down onto them as he starts to scissor you open. 
“what the fuck are you doing here?” you hiss, but your body jerks when he rubs against a particularly sweet spot of yours. 
“i missed you. i can’t visit?” he pouts, pressing a kiss against your clit before his tongue is laving over it again as if to make a point. “did you miss me?” he asks when your eyes roll back and you tug just a bit harder on his hair. 
“no.” you grit, but you can’t stop the way your hips buck up into him. 
“you’ve always been a bad liar, angel.” he shrugs, before he’s latching onto your cunt again.
he’s eaten you out more times than either of you can count, he knows exactly how to get you there. he knows it’s just a little bit more until you fall apart. he’s back on with even more fervor, alternating between sucking on your clit to sloppily and quickly flicking his tongue against it. 
“oh fuck,” you mewl, throwing your head back and thrashing as you come undone on his fingers, pussy fluttering and toes curling. 
“see, i knew you missed me.” he grins, as he brings his fingers up to suck at the slick around them. you’re still panting as you try to close your legs, but satoru’s fast, bringing his hands back down to tear them open. “ah ah ah,” he tuts, “we’re not done til i say so, got it?”  
“sa- gojo, you need to leave.” you plead, head heavy and stomach churning at what’s just happened. you fucked up but it’s fine, you can fix this still. 
“why?” he asks, “your boyfriend gonna come home?” fine, he’ll play your little game for now. he’ll antagonize you for a bit, before he’s disgustingly sweet again, just like the good ole days. but there’s also the anger brewing within him, why the fuck won’t you just come home? 
he smirks when you pause, already knowing the answer, “don’t tell me you two aren’t living together?” 
you shake your head, “that’s none of your business, gojo.” in hindsight, after satoru, you wanted to take things slowly the next time. moving in after only a month of dating probably wasn’t the best idea. 
“why not? i’ve got a right to know what you’re up to.” he pouts as he says it, hoping your irritation will ease up. 
you scoff, narrowing your eyes, “since when?” but your attitude is nothing more than a facade, always has been. “we’re not even together anymore-“ 
“since i decided, you’re mine.” he snaps, cutting you off and leaning down into you. “i decided that years ago by the way, and i’m not gonna let some fucking random mess with us.” 
you squeak as you hear him rustle with his pants, freeing his aching cock and you hate the way your stomach flip flops when you see it. it’s been so long since you’ve been fucked let alone touched. gojo was the last person to have you writhing underneath him and if you told him, he’d have even more of a need to keep it that way. 
your tough facade is breaking, you’re falling back into your hazy, mindless, and needy ways. you love satoru, even if the relationship was toxic, even if he gave you so little breathing room. but not yet, you won’t give in just yet. 
you try to scramble back further before you’re able to twist out of his hold for just a moment. but he grabs your hair by the root, twisting and pulling you back close to him and you yelp, clawing at his hand.
“baby, you’re really testing my patience.” he hisses into your ear, before he’s shoving you back down on the bed. “god, you know i hate being mean to you. just be good for once, yeah?” 
“gojo, leave.” you try one more time, but the hands that push up against him are so weak that he can tell your body’s betraying you. not only that, but your thighs shake at the pain in your scalp and you wish he would do it again. 
“i don’t think you want me to.” he states and you hate that he’s right. you don’t want him to leave, you want him to slide into you, filling you up. “or am i wrong?” he asks, looming over you, running his pretty cockhead through your folds. “go ahead, tell me to stop.” 
you bite your lip in an effort to not gasp out a pathetic moan, squeezing your eyes shut. each run against your clit has your legs widening, almost like you’re inviting him to come in. 
“knew it,” he quips, before he’s prodding at your entrance. your eyes fly open then, breathing heavily through your nose, but you don’t try to back off letting him glide in, inch by inch. “it’s cause you love me.” 
“i don’t,” you exhale as you watch his dick disappear within you, stretching you further than his fingers did. you’re nearly breathless when he finally bottoms out, fists balling into your sheets. 
“yes, you do,” he breathes, his own breathing jagged and rushed, almost like it’s being squeezed out of him. “you always have and always will.”
gojo satoru always fucks with your psyche, one of the many reasons you decided to leave him. it wasn’t obvious, not at first and neither was it nefarious. it was silly little item mix ups, funny conversations that seemed to follow satoru’s lead, until it was a loss of freedom, like a nightingale in a cage. 
huh? no, you’re meeting them next week… yeah, you told me last night. 
but that’s not- 
it is. check your phone. 
oh, i guess it… is? 
c’mon, would i lie to you princess? now you can hang out with me all day. 
and then suddenly it was all too clear when you did get that girl’s trip out, when your friends stared at you like you were fucking insane. it wasn’t normal at all that you couldn’t do a single thing without him. your friends helped you fit the pieces together and that was enough. you were going. 
leaving that day was easy, satoru hated seeing you upset and was more than willing to give you space when needed. it always went one way: you cool off, he swoops in and dresses up his words extra nicely to make you stay. but you didn’t this time. 
it was easier to leave all your things there as well instead of trying to leave in the middle of night. you thought you could do it, away from him you’d figure things out. 
but there must have been a part of you that still wanted him to chase after you, a divergent, rogue piece that strayed too far from the board. is that why you didn’t leave the city? still a part within satoru’s web of connected streets, just waiting until you were ensnared again. 
his eyes are still as pretty, his face almost too handsome, and voice just as alluring as before. you guess that’s what this is, a predator just waiting to stick his fangs into your neck.
“you’re insane,” you gasp out, holding onto your tiniest bit of strength. 
“aw, just for you.” he smiles, before he’s rolling his hips into yours, grinding in just the way you like, just as you remember. 
with each stutter of his hips, your walls twitch around his length and body jolts in waves of pleasure. soft gasps and moans tumble off your lips and satoru buries his face into your neck, nipping little marks into your skin, almost as if he’s etching one word into it: mine. 
it hits him almost instantly, this sick feeling in the pit of his stomach when he remembers that stupid little nuisance. he uses his hands to push up, still ramming into you as he takes a look at your face contorted in pleasure, as you peek up at him. 
“gojo?” you mumble, trying to take into account that look in his eye, but your head is bubbly with the pleasure he’s giving you. 
even with your walls clenching down around him with each roll of his hips, his anger seeps into him like water to a sponge as he tries to block out the idea that someone else was in what was his. that they probably saw this face that you’re making and got to hear your pretty little moans. 
“where’s your fucking phone?” he hisses, snatching it off the nightstand when he finds it, illuminated by the notifications of text messages from your “boyfriend.”
you whimper, trying to grab it, but satoru holds your hands together by the wrist, strategically keeping them against your chest so you can’t move up. 
“gojo, don’t!” you plead, snapping out of your trance for a moment, but the grip on your wrist tightens and you yelp. followed next is a glare, his gaze striking you right to the core. your words die off and he goes back to looking at your phone. it’s easy to unlock, you never changed the pass code. 
his eyes scan the texts quickly and frankly, it’s fucking disgusting to read this guy call you pet names that only satoru can say. he continues to scroll, trying his best to not dig his nails deep into your skin as he takes note of every heart emoji, flirtatious interaction, and pet name from your end. 
he keeps his breathing deep and even to keep himself from blowing his lid and he has half a mind to block his number to make sure you can’t speak to him again. but suddenly he’s got a better idea, getting back at him seemed so easy. 
you look so cute underneath him, pretty pussy enveloping his cock just like it was made to do, why not show it off? especially to someone that pissed him off. 
“hey baby, can you smile for me?” he says, voice sugary sweet as he opens your camera app, but you shake your head, trying to sink further into the pillow. you’re wary of the sudden personality change, especially when he finally releases your hands. 
he pouts, “c’mon now, you’re so pretty when you smile… please?” he sighs when you continue to refuse, but continues on, angling the camera til he’s satisfied with the image. 
“god, you’re so fucking gorgeous.” he says as he zooms onto your flushed face, hands coming up to hide it, before paneling back to record down your body. he stops when he reaches where both your hips are flush together, pussy sucking in his cock right to the brim. “fuck, would you look at that? i don’t even know your name man, but how fuckin’ pretty is this?” 
you gasp when you realize what he’s doing, but before you can say anything, you feel a hand come down onto your sensitive pussy. you yelp out but his hand comes down again and you're mortified when it sounds more like a moan. “bet you didn’t know she liked that,” he goads, “she also likes this.” he says, wrapping a hand around your jugular and giving a squeeze. 
your eyes roll back as the air escapes you, muddying your sight in little black dots. your hands fall to pull at his wrist, a moot effort considering the strength difference, and he laughs. a condescending flit of noise dripping in ego. “scratch that, she fucking loves that. hey, in my defense, i’m a little rusty, it’s been a while.” 
gojo has always been one of two things, needy and arrogant. but the worst was always when the two came together, usually in his worst fits of jealousy. he’s never recorded you before, always too eager to remember to set anything up before he’s pouncing on you.
but this satoru feels different, he feels scarier, nearly dangerous, although you shake off that fear til it’s nothing more than a fleeting thought. you liked this - no he was right, you loved this. before you broke up you were always begging satoru, just a little harder, just a little meaner, please.
with another heavy squeeze as the oxygen is once again cut off from you, you feel the walls around your heart finally crumbling completely, almost like a switch is flipped on. you can’t run from nor deny the heady need that was gojo satoru, the man that knew you in and out. you flutter your lashes at him, like you always did when you wanted to tell him something. he loosens his grip on your neck, just enough so that you can speak, “you wanna say somethin’, baby?” 
“u-use me,” you mumble, voice no louder than a whisper as your eyes start to leak that familiar pretty liquid that drives him insane. you’ve missed him, missed this - whatever the fuck it was, some messed up amalgamation dressed up under the guise of love. 
“hm?” he goads, a sick smile plastered on his face because you’re finally acting how you should. “a little louder for me, princess. i can’t hear you.” 
“use me!” you sob, trying to shift your hips to get some sort of stimulation, “please, satoru, please.” 
the use of his first name has him feeling like an actual god as he switches the camera back onto him. “you heard her.” he says with a wicked grin, before ending the video and pressing send. he tosses your phone to the side, “now where were we?” 
you whine when he shifts, one elbow propping him up as his hand once again finds it’s place against your neck. your own hand resumes it’s place as well, but instead of pulling this time you press, lashes heavy with tears as you wordlessly beg satoru to claim what’s his again. 
he’s so close to you now, his snowy hair tickles your forehead and his breath mixes with yours as he finally starts to move. you choke out a sob as he ever so slowly hits all the right places and you wonder how long you actually managed to make this far. 
“this is what you wanted isn’t it, baby?” he coos, being careful to not choke you for too long, even though you almost wish he’d fuck you passed out. “just needed a little reminder that i’m all you need right?” 
you nod, hiccuping with each thrust that knocks any air you have left out of your lungs. he’s right, just the two of you is all either of you need. you think the world is melting away as satoru presses kisses against your spit ridden lips, his own groans mixing in with yours as your tongues mesh together in sloppy, messy runs. 
“and now you’re gonna cum on my cock, aren’t you?” he picks up the pace, slamming in harder, rougher, like he’s proving a point. but he’s almost always right, with each kiss of his mushroom tip against your sweet spot pulsing pleasure throughout your body. “show me how much you love me.” 
“‘m close, toru,” you sniffle, nails digging into his arm as you blink away more tears, gasping up into his mouth. “‘m so close, please.” 
“i know.” he states, pressing his forehead against yours, sticky and sweat covered, as he gazes into your glassy, hazy eyes. “come on, cum for me princess. show me who you belong to.” 
there’s something so euphoric about satoru’s words, claiming every last bit of you, that you fall apart almost instantly. your orgasm hits you hard, rippling through you as your eyes and head both roll back, your pussy clenching down on his thick cock. 
“f-fuck! cumming, toru, i’m-“ you squeal, tears running down your face freely but satoru swallows up your moans, his lips once again sealing over yours, since those belong to him too. 
that’s enough for him, a firm affirmation that you love him, and he loses control of his once precise thrusts. he pistons into you, heavy balls slapping against your skin and pounding hard as if to leave marks all up your velvet walls. you milk out his own orgasm, walls fluttering and he detaches from your lips to growl out, “you’re all fucking mine, got it?” 
you chant out “yes,” as many times you can, still riding out your own orgasm as his cum paints your walls in white, til he finally slows back down to a stuttering close. he pants as he runs his hand up to rub his thumb over your tear-ridden cheek. 
“i love you.” he mumbles and you blink up at him sleepily meeting his pretty lidded blue eyes. it’s a stark contrast to the satoru just moments ago, pounding into you like his life depended on it. 
“love you too, toru.” you whisper, running a hand over his. your head and body feel heavy, yet your mind is still floating above the clouds. he’s probably oversensitive but you can’t care, knowing that your neck is prettier now that his fingerprints are littered on it. “toru… again.” 
he laughs when he feels you start to grind your hips, sticky slick and cum dripping from your hole. he feels like he’s on cloud nine hearing you beg for him after all this time. 
“please, please, toru,” you whine, craning your neck to brush sloppy, wet kisses across his lips and jawline. “i love you, so please.” 
“course, angel,” he mumbles in between kisses, “just gimme a few minutes and i’ll give you everything you want.” 
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moonriverrise · 1 year
Steve has a secret, well “secret” may not be the correct way to describe it. He has something for himself, thats what. Ever since he stopped playing basketball and doing swim competitions once he graduated he's had way more free time, which at first he filled with shifts at Family Video, or bothering Robin.
Then, when she started school he started doing art more. Which, may come a surprise to many, as he never really talked about his interest in paintings and old art.
Greek sculptures that are able to show life in a still ethereal way, while still being able to twist it at their will. Renaissance oil paintings, capturing tragedy yet still being able to portray it as beautiful, in their own terrible twisted ways.
He likes sketching on paper, painting on canvas. His paintings aren't usually too different from the things he sees around him. Honestly thats the only things he paints, people, his friends, places he goes, things he sees that stick with him, dreams, moments that play on repeat in his head.
Around his Junior year, after the Demogorgon, Steve had turned the sad basement in his sad empty house, into his own space. A place where he can go and do his art, hang it, play music on his walkman, or using the record player he got from a pawn shop a few months prior. Somehow the basement is the only space that actually feels like his in his house, not even his bedroom.
Steve’s art was not very consistent to be honest, mostly the kids and Robin, landscapes that he liked, the Demogorgon/dogs, the Mindflayer (he needs some way of getting those out of his head, and somehow drawing them down feels freeing.) He does have a few paintings of Nancy from when they were together, she’s become less of a model for his work after everything though.
The last time he painted her in a painting alone, was one of that bathroom in a girl he barely knows’ house, a spilled drink on Nancy’s dress, and red solo cups littering the counter.
Steve’s art shifts though, after a moment that will never leave his mind. He knows who Eddie Munson is, obviously. How could he not? Honestly Steve isn't that surprised Henderson and the others befriended the guy, he does run a DnD club.
But then, Henderson needs a ride home after their club meetings because his mom is working late, and then Lucas and Mike’s parents are also asking Steve to pick them up too. Babysitting duty, as per usual.
Steve arrives a bit earlier than he planned. He didn't have any project to consume himself into, hitting an art block begrudgingly. But then, Steve sees Eddie Munson, sitting on a fake throne, watching the kids and other club members argue, he has his chin rested on his fist, and he's wearing a white tank top, showing off his shoulders, given the fact it’s still September.
The lighting of the small theater room captures Steve’s interest like a moth to the flame, and he is regretting having left his sketchbook at home, even though he never draws around the kids or anyone he knows.
Eddie Munson’s face and curly locks fill up the pages of Steve’s journal and some canvases for months after, and Steve rarely genuinely complains about coming to pick the kids up.
Afterwords, months later from that day. Chrissy Cunningham dies, and Eddie Munson almost goes with her. God, or whatever deity that was looking down upon him, was on Steve’s side in that moment, when he was able to revive Eddie and then drag him out of the Upside Down.
Steve gets closer with Eddie after that, they become actual friends. Steve was so used to witnessing his muse from afar, it was so…exciting, to see Eddie in all his glory, just a few feet away, and his smile being directed at him.
“Do you even have any hobbies, Harrington?” Steve blinks. Him, Eddie, Robin, Nancy, and the party, are all hanging out by the pool. Steve is lounging on one of the chairs, sunglasses over his eyes as Eddie talks beside him.
“What?” Steve responds.
“I mean…I like barely ever see you do anything besides sort Movies at Family Video, or boss around the kids. Like, what do you do when we're not all together?” Eddie asks, moving his hand a little as he talks. Steve thinks for a moment.
“Funny,” Steve answers instead. Eddie scoffs.
“I'm being serious, man! What do you do?” Eddie laughs a little, most likely at the ridiculousness of it all. What would Steve know, Eddie is like a puzzle, and Steve has to take every minute slowly, deciphering everything he lays out for him, via tongue or action.
“I don't know, what do you do?” Steve says, almost carefully.
“Band stuff, DnD, Writing,” Eddie lists. “And I guess saving the world now, but thats a bit of a side hussle.” Steve scoffs.
“Whatever, man.” And thats that, they don't talk about it again. But it sticks with Steve, because his friends really do think he doesn't do anything with his life. It's not like he has college classes to study for, so what does he do?
Later, maybe two or three weeks after, Steve decides he wants to show Eddie his space. The two of them are alone, Robin is in Nevada, visiting her grandparents, so the trio’s usual movie night is cut down to a duo’s movie night.
Although Steve finds himself mostly focusing on Eddie and his beautiful hair sitting next to him, than watching ET. The little alien scares him a bit anyway. Eddie notices him staring though, his eyes flickering to meet Steves, then a smirk spreading across his lips.
“We are watching a movie, lover boy.” Eddie says. Steve goes red, his gaze shifting to his lap. Steve furrows his eyebrows then stands and shuts the TV off. “Woah! Hey!”
“I want to show you something.” Steve says, it's a bit quieter than he meant it to be, but his tone indicates something to Eddie, which has him staring at Steve, starstruck.
Steve walks out the room and hears Eddie follow him. He gets to the basement door and opens it, flicks on the stair light.
“Basement- woah- okay, guess I'm getting murdered. Thought I’d go out in a more metal way than this.” Eddie says as they walk down. Steve laughs a little and shakes his head.
“I just think you should see this.” Steve says. “Nothing life threatening, I promise.”
“Alright, I trust you, Stevie.”
Steve turns and flicks on the light as they step onto the concrete. The lights flicker on, revealing the paintings on the walls and art supplies on the tables and counters.
“Woah-” Eddie says. “Is this, all your stuff?” Steve sighs, he folds his arms and faces Eddie. He looks shellshocked.
“Yeah.” Steve says. “You said I don't have any hobbies, I do, actually.” Eddie looks around, walking slowly.
“Is that Henderson? Why is he wearing yellow gloves?” Eddie asks. Steve walks over to a painting of Dustin from Steve’s angle while they were walking on the train tracks, a bucket of raw meat is in one hand and he's wearing the headphones for his radio.
“D’Art,” Steve says. “That was when we were leading him away. I made that one after everything happened. I was trying not to think about the Demogorgon stuff and everything, so I just drew him. I have one of Max from that day I never finished painting in a stack I think too.” Eddie doesn't say anything for a minute after Steve is done explaining.
“You can paint.” Eddie says, though not like a question. “These are beautiful…” Eddie looks around and walks to another one he sees. It's one of the Byers and Hopper’s, all hugging while laughing. El looks the happiest. Steve had painted that after they had all gotten together after everything. “Why…didn't you tell anyone?”
“About what?” Steve asks, folding his arms as Eddie brings up a hand to touch the painting.
“This- Steve, you're amazing at this. These are…” Eddie trails off as something catches his eye, he slowly starts to walk towards a big painting propped up behind one of the tables laid out in the middle of the room. Steve walks to him to see which one he's looking at.
An angel, knelt over a puddle, crying as it stares at his reflection, which is blurred and dark. He stands in a forest, his wings are long and huge, sprawling out above him.
It’s one of Steve’s bigger ones, the inspiration came from a dream he had after they had read about Icarus in his english class back in Highschool.
“It’s… magnificent.” Eddie whispers. Steve smiles gently at Eddie’s reaction. Eddie backs up a bit and looks away from the painting. “Is that me?” Steve follows his eye, to the painting. Eddie walks towards it, Steve stays behind him. It’s the first one Steve ever made of Eddie, the one of him on the throne.
“Yeah, it is.” Steve says. “I made that the first night I came to pick up the kids.” He says. “The first time I met you, actually met you.” They share a look.
“You are incredible, Steve Harrington.”
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sunflower-lilac42 · 2 months
✧ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐞 || luke hughes ♔
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summary: when she gets cold on the boat, luke gives her his hoodie and all the emotions come out.
warnings: reader feeling crappy about herself, negative thoughts
publish date: 03/31/24
notes: this is for my plus-sized girlies coming from a plus-sized girlie. i am here for you and i will give you as much content as you would like. this really healed my inner child fr, so i hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as i had writing it. i love you and give me three-eight business months for a next fic | add yourself to the taglist ➺ taglist!
nhl masterlist | main masterlist
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A lot of the time it felt like that was the only feature people noticed about her. Not that she was funny, or smart, or insanely good at making a spreadsheet for anything and everything. It was the fact that she was fat, or excuse people’s language, curvy. It had been what labeled her for her whole life it seemed like. And no matter how hard she tried to stop it from happening, it never did. 
She heard the whispers every time she was in the hallways in high school, every time she sat down and the chair would creek even the slightest bit, every time she’d accidentally brush someone’s shoulder. It was horrible, something that would haunt her for years to come no matter what happened. 
When she went off to college, her voice was the only one that stayed with her. She met Luke through mutual friends and while she loved their relationship, she always thought it put a damper on her mind especially when she realized she liked him. Luke was Luke, he was tall, handsome, adorable, cute, charming, and all of the above. And on the inside, he was funny, smart, kind, nice, everything a girl could ever love. He made it impossible not to fall for him.
But why would Luke want her, when he could have anyone he ever wanted? This put a strain on their friendship during sophomore year especially. She would go to games, supporting the hell out of him because he asked her to be there. And always somewhere further down the row, in a different section, wherever, there was a group of girls who looked nothing like her. They were skinny, and pretty, they wore outfits that looked not only good on them but just good in general. 
They were standing there, looking like that, while she looked like this. Wearing leggings that were too tight to make her look thinner, they pressed too hard on her stomach. Wearing the largest sweatshirt in her closet to hide the way her hips bulge a little, to hide everything if she was honest. And while she knew it shouldn’t have bothered her, that she shouldn’t have been mad at them, she couldn’t help it.
However, when she was around him and it was just the two of them, she couldn’t help but notice the thoughts dissipate. There was something about him that made her forget what she was thinking, forget what she was feeling besides happiness. He made her feel beautiful even if he didn’t know it. 
But, when he went away to New Jersey, there was no one to block out those thoughts anymore. Every day she thought negative things about herself, and compared herself to her friends, to those she passed on the way to class, those in the dining hall, everyone. She was left feeling alone with her thoughts, which made her feel all the worse. 
In the weeks following her last day of class, she got a text from Luke. He had asked her to go to the lake house in Michigan. She wasn’t expecting it, to say the least. It meant that she would have to spend at least a week around Luke and his brothers and their friends in shorts and shirts. The things that made her uncomfortable when she was alone. 
She reluctantly agreed to his invitation and the only reason she did agree was because she knew Luke wouldn’t stop texting her and calling her until she said yes. She didn’t like summer, it meant that she couldn’t resort to her long sleeves and leggings due to the temperature. It was too hot for that. At least when she was at her own house, it wasn’t bad, she could do that and wouldn’t be hot due to her being able to set the house to a cooler temperature. 
But, Luke was Luke, and it was hard to ignore him. They hadn’t seen each other since he left for New Jersey, keeping up only through texts and FaceTime (which was not her favorite thing in the world). So, when that text came through that she had said yes to coming, he was bouncing off the walls for hours. He had run to tell Jack and Quinn, immediately, yelling at them to get a room set up for her and to make Trevor and Cole or whoever share one. 
It was rare that Luke got excited to see someone besides his brothers and his closest friends, so when Quinn and Jack heard him rambling a million miles an hour, they knew that this “friend” was special. Luke picked her up from the airport, having flown in from her home state. He was quick to bring her bags to the car for her, open up the passenger side door, and everything in between.
When he saw what she was wearing, he curled an eyebrow, “Aren’t you hot?”
“W-what? No.”
“Y/n/n, you’re wearing a literal sheep right now and it’s like 80 degrees.”
“I’ll have you know, I’m quite comfy.”
“Whatever you say.” He muttered but he made sure to turn the AC on full blast so she wouldn’t overheat more than she already was.
Y/n was trying to prolong the time she would have to be around Luke, and his brothers and their friends, in shorts and t-shirts and tank tops. And while she knew it was going to have to happen soon, it didn’t mean that it had to happen now. She was beyond grateful that Luke turned the AC on, it was a blessing in disguise. 
When they pulled up to the house, he wasted no time in doing the same things he did at the airport; grabbing her luggage, opening her door, and leading her up the steps. He opened the door with his elbow and pushed it open with his back, or well more or less his butt. Y/n giggled at the action and stepped inside after him, looking around in disbelief, “Can’t believe you get to spend every summer here.”
“Yeah, kind of lucky to have two-”
“Heads up!”
The two turned to see Jack hurling a football in their direction and Luke dropped her things to catch it. Due to Luke’s reaction time, he spared his best friend from getting hit in the face, “Dude!”
Y/n stood in shock, blinking even as Luke’s hand was taken away from her face. Jack winced, “Sorry.”
Luke threw it back at him and hit him square in the head, “Well, that’s Jack, which means…”
As he trailed off two more voices and two pairs of footsteps came from the hallway, “Cole and Trevor aren’t too far behind him. Blonde one is Cole, the douchey looking one is Trevor.”
She stood there in the entranceway, raising a hand as if to say hi. Trevor and Cole walked in and took her bags for her, “M’lady.”
She giggled again as she watched the two bumble around the house like idiots, all while Luke’s face heated up in embarrassment. When she looked at him she threaded her arm around his waist, “Don’t worry. I have my bunch of idiots back home. They don’t compare honestly.”
Luke’s arm wrapped around her shoulders in habit, slightly tightening as a way to ground himself. He looked over at her to see her still watching the three 22-year-olds, who were now dancing around the living room playing Just Dance. His eyes were filled with fondness, he couldn’t remember the last time or if there was ever a time he felt like this about someone. 
“You must be y/n! I’m Quinn, Luke’s oldest brother.”
Y/n smiled at him and Luke swore he could’ve died right there, “Nice to meet you, Quinn. Oh! I saw your guys’ last few games of the season, you guys played well.”
Quinn’s cheeks flushed, “Oh, thanks. Well, listen, your room is right next to Luke’s if you need anything. Anything in the kitchen you are more than welcome to have, we do have some things that if you want to cook you can. The bathroom is at the end of the hallway and the campfire is out back. I won’t tell, but I’m fine if you drink, just don’t do it outside the property or when our parents get here.”
She nods, trying to keep up with all the information he is spitting at her. He walked away and let the two be on their own, going back to his room. Luke picked back up her things and led her into the hallway and to her room. He placed her bags on the foot of the bed and looked back at her, “Well, I’ll let you get settled. I think we’re going out on the boat tonight.”
She didn’t think it would be this soon that she would have to wear them. Luke could see the panic that showed in her eyes for a brief moment, “Are you okay?”
“Oh, yeah. I'm just not a huge fan of the water.”
“Oh, that’s okay! You don’t have to go in it if you don’t want to.”
That sent some relief through her body, “Okay.”
“I’ll come back when we’re ready to go, okay?”
She nods and watches as he leaves, worried about what was to come.
Two hours later, Luke came back into her room. He knocked before coming in, of course, looking down, “Hey we’re just about- holy shit.”
Y/n stood there in her ripped jean shorts that didn’t come down fully because she had gotten them last year, her oversized UMich hockey shirt that was beginning to fade from the number of times she’d put it through the wash. Her hair was in two braids with her UMich baseball hat on and her makeup was done in the slightest bit. She was wearing a pair of gym shoes, her trusted ones that she’s had since she started college. When she heard Luke’s voice and then it cut off, she shied away, wrapping her arms around her waist.
“Nothing, you just look-”
Here it comes. The fat jokes, the “you should get clothes that actually fit you” monologue, the snide remarks about her working out, and everything in between. But what hurt more, was that it was going to come from Luke, her best friend, her crush, her seemingly everything. The one who made her forget about those things.
“Really pretty.”
Her head snapped up and her eyes opened wide, “I- what?”
Luke’s face flushed, “You look pretty. Um, we’re getting ready to go! You ready?”
“Oh, uh yeah.”
“Did he really just call me pretty?” Her thoughts ran a thousand miles an hour as she grabbed her bag from the bed and followed Luke. There was no way he said that, was she imagining things? What had she eaten for lunch? 
Luke helped her onto the boat, holding her hand as she stepped up. She sat down and immediately pulled out her computer, connecting it to her portable hotspot. The boys watched her both in confusion and in awe, but Jack was the only one to speak up, “Why are you on your laptop? Dude, you’re gonna get it wet.”
“I just have to do something quick.”
Jack watched from beside her as she pulled up her spreadsheets and started typing information in it, “Holy shit,”
That was the second one of the day, and both of them had been directed at her, “What now?”
“Dude, these are insane.”
He stole the laptop and started scrolling. Now she felt ten times more embarrassed than she was before, “It’s nothing.”
Luke was the next to steal the computer, sitting in awe at the payrolls among other stuff she created, “Damn girl. How much free time do you have?”
She toyed with the ends of her shorts, starting to fray, “A lot.”
She was glad once they moved on from the topic and she was able to shove her computer back in her bag after updating a few things. She watched as the boys went out on the water, Luke staying with her, claiming that he didn’t want to go in the water either. However, as time went on it got colder and colder, yet none of them wanted to go back.
It was now nighttime and y/n was cold from the drastic temperature change. Luke watched as she shivered and instantly took off his sweatshirt and handed it to her, “Here.”
Her eyes looked between him and his hoodie before shaking her head, “I’m okay.”
His eyes softened, growing increasingly worried and confused, “Y/n/n you have goosebumps all along your arms. You’re not ‘okay’.”
“No, I promise. I’m okay.”
She hesitantly took it and unfolded it to hold it up and look at the size. This had always been a worry for her, fitting into other people’s clothes especially when it came to boys. Sure they were ‘bigger’ than her, height was and all, but was that enough to counteract? She nervously put her arms through it, being careful not to stretch it out. She pulled it over her head and was pleasantly surprised when it fit a little baggy on her. 
However, her mind clouded with negative thoughts and it started yelling at her that she was the one that stretched it out, that that was the reason why it was baggy. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes, “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Hey, it’s okay. You can tell me.”
She tugged slightly on the hoodie, feeling it start to cling to her impossibly tight. It wasn’t the hoodie, it was her mind making her think that it was smaller than it was. She tried to get out of Luke’s gaze but it was no use. She cursed to herself before looking out at the water, watching the boys splash each other like immature 10-year-olds, “I’ve never been the skinniest girl out there, Luke.”
Her words caused him to frown. ‘Is that seriously what she’s worried about?’ He brought his right hand up to her face, placing her chin in between his index finger and his thumb. He turned her head so her eyes had no choice but to look at him, “You listen to me. You are beautiful, okay? You are the prettiest girl I have ever laid eyes on.”
She moved her head away from his grasp and wrapped her arms in front of her stomach. Luke was determined to convince her that he wanted her. That she was the only one for him, so despite her worries and insecurities, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his lap. She yelped in surprise and as soon as her butt touched his legs and squirmed, “Let me go, Luke.”
“No.” His voice was stern as he spoke. 
“Please, Lu.” 
“I’m sorry but I don’t think I can. Not when you are talking about yourself like this, out loud or in that beautiful head of yours. Listen, y/n/n, I know it’s hard, believe me. And while I might not know exactly what you’re going through, I have had my fair share of insecurities myself. You are gorgeous and I love every single part of you there is, okay? I cannot tell you one moment that I have seen you look ugly.”
Completely brushing over the fact that he said ‘I love’, she continued trying to prove him wrong, “What about that-”
“Nope! Doesn’t exist. And I’m going to tell you that if you do not come to at least one game of mine next season, wearing my jersey I might lose it.”
Luke’s words had her blushing in an instant but her mind did not want happiness to be a thing tonight. Her thoughts of this being a prank clouded the intense blissfulness she felt for a few seconds, “Why?”
“Why what, sweet girl?”
The nickname passed over her, “Me. Why me?”
“I’m going to tell you my favorite moment of you and then we’ll see if you know why,” He removed one of his arms from her waist to wrap his fingers around the back of her neck and rub his thumb against her cheek before continuing, “Freshman year. First game you ever went to. I had just bought you a jersey and wrote on the back of it with a sharpie my name and my number. It wasn’t the prettiest thing in the world, obviously because that’s you, but it made sure everyone knew you were supporting me. You wore it with those jeans that I like, the ones with the rhinestones bordering the pockets, and you wore these gym shoes, the ones you’re wearing right now. You had your hair in two ponytails and this hat,” He flicked the brim of it, “and you brought two of your other friends for whom the life of me I cannot remember.
“But you stood for the whole game with this little pompom thing in your hand, cheering every time someone got a goal and booing every time whoever we were playing got one. And then after the game I met you outside and then we went to go get ice cream and you got vanilla with sprinkles and we tasted each other’s because I kept looking over at yours and you finally gave in. And then I took you back to your dorm and you stole my beanie. Which you didn’t give back for another two weeks.”
Her eyes watered as she listened to him, “Y/n/n. Don’t cry, please.”
She shook her head, “I’m not, I promise.”
“No matter how long it takes, what it takes, I am going to prove to you that you are beautiful no matter what anyone says. And as long as you love yourself, that’s all that matters. But you’ll always have my love, okay?”
“You love me?”
“Of course I do! I know we’re in college, or well, you are, and we haven’t really dated, but when you know you know.”
She smiled at him and closed her eyes when his lips made contact with her forehead, and then her cheek, “Can I kiss you?”
She nodded and leaned in to meet him halfway. Once their lips connected they heard ‘whoops’ from the water. They pulled away, both red in the face. And as they drove back, y/n sat next to Luke with her head on his shoulder and his hand resting comfortably on her thigh.
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paradisedumpling · 4 months
Secret Love
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trope: idol!sakura x lesserafim6thmember!reader; slice of life(?); secret romance; fluff; tiny bit of angst bc it's secret; girlfriend!sakura
content warning: secret relationships; mentions of polyamory; mentions of iz*one; among us; making out after work out; some members get the flu at the end; brief thunderstorm; wine
a/n: to be honest I don't even know what this is anymore bc it was supposed to be something completely different but I did this instead 😭. also, I wrote this when unforgiven was announced so yeah
synopsis: where the other members don't know you're dating and the little moments you and sakura share in the rare moments you get to be together alone (kinda)
Sakura quietly hummed to herself as she made breakfast for her and the other members.
The sun had risen a few hours ago, but the grey clouds outside blocking the sunlight made it look like it was just a little after six in the morning, even though it must've past nine by now.
The woman scrambled the eggs in the pan with skill, enjoying the quietness in the house. Even though it was considerably late for their usual morning schedules, everyone was still sleeping. The day prior they had had a very late schedule and had gotten home a bit after two in the morning, so their manager allowed them to stay home and sleep-in during the morning. Their first schedule of the day was just after three in the evening, so it was okay.
Sakura was too lost in her thoughts to hear the light feet padding towards the kitchen, getting startled when two arms sneaked around her torso suddenly. Only relaxing when a soft deep morning voice spoke in japanese on her right ear.
"Morning, Kkura." The older woman turned her face to the side to look at a sleepy Y/n, quickly looking around the kitchen before turning back to the other girl and giving her a quick peck on her lips, a smile growing on both of their faces.
"Morning, darling." You snuggled your face in her neck as she went back to cooking, not wanting to burn the eggs. "Did you see if any of the others were awake yet?"
It was common for you two to speak japanese when you were alone, much like it was for when either of you were with Kazuha or the three of you were together. Even if you weren't japanese like the other two, you spoke fluently and always wanted to make sure they felt included and had the warmness of the familiarity of their mother language.
"Didn't see." You mumbled, voice coming out muffled but she heard you loud and clear throughout the quietness of the house. She only hummed in response, enjoying the warm your body provided her.
It was uncommon for the house to be this quiet, all of you being usually very loud people when together, so the both of you were enjoying it. It was also becoming quite uncommon for the two of you to be alone together, your group's schedule getting busier and busier as summer approached.
Even if Sakura wanted to turn off the stove and turn around in your arms to kiss you deeply, she knew she couldn't. For one, you seemed very tired. And she knew she wouldn't hear if anyone came into the kitchen, seen as she didn't hear you earlier. She couldn't risk you two getting caught.
You see, the girls didn't knew the two of you were dating. It wasn't because you were afraid they wouldn't approve of your relationship, far from that. Eunchae was probably the only straight one in the group and all of you knew about the situationship between Chaewon, Yunjin and Kazuha. But the two of you were official, and they weren't. You didn't want to risk the group if you two got too comfortable around others and ended up getting caught. Besides, you and Sakura enjoyed the solitude that was not being teased by your friends for being the group's couple. If you all already teased the trio, you couldn't imagine how it would be with the two of you.
With those thoughts in mind, Sakura simply rested her free hand on top of yours on her stomach, quietly watching the water boil in the kettle as she carefully prepared the mugs with her other hand.
"Oh~ Did you make breakfast for us, unnie?" The older woman nodded as she turned to look at Chaewon, who seemed more tired than you were, still quietly snuggled on her neck. "Thanks." She gave Sakura a smile, passing the two of you to fetch herself a cup of water.
"I'll be serving everything at the table as soon as the coffee is ready." Chaewon nodded, not sparing a glance at the two of you. Sakura didn't move either. It wasn't unusual for all of you to share PDA with each other. And even if the japanese woman was the most reserved with it in front of the cameras, she was never one to refuse any of her members affection. Besides, Chaewon knew how cuddly you got when you were sleepy.
And thinking of it now, as Sakura looked down at you and how you didn't greet your leader like you normally would, she thought you probably fell asleep holding her. Cute.
"Is she napping standing up?" Chaewon asked as she noticed Sakura staring at you adoringly, coming to rest a hand on your back. "Y/n-ah?" You didn't respond. The two woman shared a look before looking back at you with fondness. "Y/n-ah. Wake up." Chaewon lightly shook you and Sakura could feel your arms tense around her before you lifted your head, looking between the two with a confused sleepy face.
"Unnie?" You look at Chaewon, blinking your eyes slowly as you came to your senses. "I wasn't sleeping I swear." But the yawn you let out at the end of the sentence gave away how tired you were.
"Come on to the couch. Let Kkura unnie finish cooking." The small woman sneaked her arms around your shoulders as she pulled you away from Sakura and into her embrace, while another yawn left your mouth as you rubbed your eyes tiredly.
Sakura watched with a small smile on her face as your leader slowly lead you to the living room, sitting down with you and pulling you to lay on top of her. You were like a little sister to Chaewon and Sakura loved watching her best friend take care of you. It reminded her of her brother, and it filled her heart with a warm feeling.
Sighing content, the japanese woman turned around to pour the hot water into the coffee machine and turn off the stove, getting herself mentally ready to go wake the others up and have the house filled with loud noise for the rest of the day.
"It wasn't me! I swear it wasn't me!" Sakura watched with small giggles as Eunchae yelled defensively at you and Kazuha. The three of you were sitting on a blanket on the floor, playing some game on your phones she felt too lazy to join in. If she did, it would end up more chaotic than your match was right now. "I wasn't even there!"
"If the impostor turns out to be you Hong Eunchae, I swear you won't see your switch for a week after this." You threatened, face slightly red with anger. Eunchae looked at you mortified. How would she play Mario Party with Kyujin without it?
As far as Sakura understood from your yells, you and Kazuha had died and Eunchae was the only of the three of you alive, had convenently not seen Kazuha die even though they were in the same room in the game.
"Ah, these kids..." Chaewon let out a loud sigh as she flopped down beside Sakura on the couch. "Yah! Stop yelling so loud!" The three maknaes looked at the leader and gave her an apologetic smile, before turning to their phones with concentration faces. "Everyday I feel bad for Eunbi unnie more and more." Sakura let out a loud laugh at that, nodding her head.
"It's rough taking care of them, isn't it?" Sakura asked, even though she already knew the answer.
The two older girls remained silently watching the three maknaes playing on the floor, eventually being joined by Yunjin as the american laughed and took photos of the trio.
"You're up in ten!" Their manager said as he opened the door to the waiting room, peaking his head inside to call for the six of you.
"Alright you three, get up." Chaewon ordered and you, Kazuha and Eunchae quickly got up, checking up with your stylish and make-up artists if everything was okay before the six of you got out of the waiting room.
Sakura slowed down her steps when she noticed you quietly falling behind the group to be alone, Eunchae had gone to bicker with Chaewon and Kazuha talk with Yunjin. Your girlfriend knew you were very confident on stage and she would never admit it out loud be she'd watch your fancams daily. Your stage presence was amazing and she'd always blush watching them.
Still, she knew how nervous you got at the first stage of your comebacks. So she silently walked by your side, slipping her hand onto yours and squeezing lightly.
"I'm okay." You told her. You knew she knew you were nervous, and if she didn't she definitely could feel it with your sweaty hands, but you still didn't want her to be nervous because of you.
"Love." She lowered her voice as she spoke in japanese to you, keeping an eye on Kazuha so she wouldn't accidentally hear anything she wasn't supposed to. "Everything will be fine, we all worked hard. Specially you."
"I know." Your voice was shaky and she wished she could do more than just hold your hand and whisper in your ear. But there were too many people around and too little time to work with.
She felt your body tense beside her when you all approached the stage entrance and she took the new dark environment to pull you to the side and away from the other members.
Sakura held your face and looked into your eyes, slowly and deeply breathing as you unconsciously copied her. "You'll do great, baby. You've practiced hard and this is your territory. You're gonna get into that stage and make everyone scream in excitement." She caressed your cheek, smiling when you nodded. "I love you." She let go of your face to hug you, squeezing your body before quickly pulling away and taking your hand to lead you back towards the girls and the staff.
The japanese woman kept a close eye on you until the moment UNFORGIVEN started to play and your entire demeanor changed, the nerves quickly fading away as you sang and danced, being immersed in your zone. Sakura was sure that was going to become one of her favorite fancams as soon as it gets out.
Sakura walked the halls of the HYBE building in silence, a small smile plastering her face. Today you were all given the day off, due to the storm outside that had been going on since the early morning. You only had schedules outside today so it had all to be rescheduled, but of course Sakura didn't mind.
With the newfound free time, she had spend the entire morning and most of her evening playing videogames on the computers at the company building, not bothering to check her phone once as she knew if she was needed they'd call her instead of text.
But when she did get tired of gaming and decided to see what the others were doing during their day and text her manager to drive her to the dorm, she felt excitement fill her body and she didn't even opened her manager's chat after checking on the Le Sserafim's non-business group chat.
Eunchae had gone to her parents house. Chaewon, Yunjin and Kazuha were home. And you were at the company practicing. Honestly, Sakura felt a bit sad for not checking her phone sooner because that meant she could've spent more time alone with you. But she was still happy that you both still had a few hours before you had to go home. Still, she didn't rush to the practice room.
Now that she was out of the computer room she noticed that there wasn't many people in the building, all probably also having their schedules cancelled for the day. Even with her being deep into the building, she could still clearly hear the heavy rain with occasional thunder outside. And less people in the HYBE building meant it was less likely for someone to come knocking in your practice room and interrupt you two. So Sakura took her time walking in the halls in hopes of seeing any potential interruptor to keep in her mind.
Once she finally reached the practice room, her smile grew bigger as she heard music coming from inside. The woman opened the door and rushed inside, before quietly shutting it as not to disturb you.
When she turned around, she saw you by the corner, empty water bottle in hand as you monitored the routine you had just finished on your phone screen. Sakura quietly giggled to herself as she silently approached you, hugging you from behind and laughing when you jumped in surprise.
"Unnie!" You squealed, looking over your shoulder at your girlfriend's playful face. "You scared me!"
"I know." She mutered, looking down at the pout on your lips. "You know.... No one's around...."
"Hm..." You hummed, turning around in her arms and pulling her closer, knowing where she was going with that, your routine already forgotten in your head. "I'm sweaty though."
"You know I don't care..." Sakura was still looking at your lips as she slowly guided you to the wall, smirking to herself when your back hit the wall. "I missed you." You smiled and was about to respond when her lips crashed on yours.
You both sighed as your mouths moved together, her hands wrapping around your shoulders as you pulled her by the hips. You felt her hands tugging your hair and you gasped. Sakura took that opportunity to slip her tongue inside your mouth and press you into the wall with your body.
Sakura's hands traveled down to your back, slipping past your shirt and caressing your skin, making you shiver. Her mouth left your lips and she started kissing down your jaw, making you let out soft noises.
Sakura was about to kiss your neck when a loud noise resonated in the practice room, the sound of 'Impurities' breaking the two of you apart with a loud groan from the japanese woman.
"What does she want?" You put a hand on your mouth to hide your laugh and your red face when Sakura reluctantly pulled away to grab her phone on her back pocket and bring it to her ear. "Yes, Chaewon?"
You took the opportunity to walk around the practice room and gather your things. Wether Chaewon was calling to get you two home or not, you were sure you weren't going to practice after this. Even if only Sakura had to leave, your mind wouldn't be able to focus on dancing for a while.
"Oh, really? Okay, okay. We'll be home soon." You turned to look at your girlfriend when she referred to the both of you. You had a small pout on your face, sad that you and Sakura didn't get much time together. "Yeah, I'm with her. I just got here." She looked at you, giving you a small smile. "Do I bring dinner? No? You sure? Oh, nice. Okay. Bye-bye!"
"So I guess we are going home?" You asked when the call ended, slouching in defeat as Sakura walked towards you.
"There's a bad thunderstorm coming, it isn't safe to go home later." Your mouth opened in a small 'o', shoulders straightening as you now understood why your time with Sakura was cut short. You were glad Chaewon called.
"We should get going then!" You squealed, turning around to walk to the door, now very much aware of the sound of heavy rain outside. If you could hear it from inside the practice room, then it was bad. And you were just a tiny bit scared.
"I can't believe my girlfriend is afraid of storms." Sakura giggled, pulling you back just to take a hold of your hand and walk with you.
"I'm not–"
"Don't worry, Y/n-ah. Your strong girlfriend will protect you~" Your face turned bright red at Sakura's teasing. You let out a loud squeal when she grabbed your face to give you a hard kiss before opening the door and leading you two out to the corridors. You were too dazed to even notice your surroundings. Sakura laughed loudly at your face. "I love you so much, Y/n."
Sakura and Chaewon opened the door while chatting loudly, laughing at each other. The two of them had just gotten back home from an outting with a few of the Iz*one members. It was Friday and they both had the weekend off, but since they had planned to go to the beach with the rest of the Le Sserafim members tomorrow they got back home before midnight. It must've been just past ten. But they were in a good and light mood and we're planning on drinking home for the rest of the night.
"I think we have some wine." Chaewon had a big smile on her face, happy with how her night went.
"Where's the others? It's quiet." Sakura said, sitting on the table, but intently watching Chaewon take the wine bottle from the fridge. "Should I call Yunjin?"
"Yes! See if Zuha and Y/n are awake too then all of us can–"
"You're home!" They both turned to look at Yunjin at the entrance of the kitchen. The two older woman noticed how the american looked tired and how her hair was messy, but with their light mood they simply thought it was just their busy schedule catching up to Yunjin after she finally had time to rest.
"Hey Jen, you want wine?" Chaewon asked with a big smile, raising the bottle in her hands a little.
But Yunjin shook her head, confusing the two woman. Specially Chaewon. "You didn't read my texts, did you?" She let out a sight and closed her eyes, knowing they didn't even check their phones since they left their house. Otherwise, she knew they wouldn't be inviting her to drink.
"Where's the maknaes?" Chaewon asked carefully, now fully taking notice of Sakura's statement that the house was quiet.
"Hopefully sleeping." Yunjin opened her eyes, looking between Chaewon and Sakura as they looked at her apprehensively. "Kazuha and Y/n have a fever. Eunchae's feeling sore and she's warm, but not feverish yet." Chaewon and Sakura's eyes widened in shock, the wine bottle being carefully placed on the counter as Chaewon processed Yunjin's words. "I've already had them take a cold bath, gave them medicine, which we have to buy more by the way, and made them soup from a recipe my mom sent me." Yunjin smiled reassuringly at them, seeing the worry in their eyes growing with each word she said. "I rearranged Zuha's bed so I could put her mattress on the floor and grabbed mine and Manchae's mattresses so they could all sleep together in there. They've been clingy and whiney." Yunjin rolled her eyes at her last phrase, but she had a playful smile on her lips. "It was also easier to keep an eye on them if they were all together." The american let out another sight. "Anyways, after they ate some soup I put them to sleep. Like, twenty minutes ago I think. So they're hopefully sleeping already."
Chaewon and Sakura slowly nodded at Yunjin's words, their minds running many thoughts, guilt setting into their cores for not being home earlier.
"Hey, they're okay for now. I took good care of our maknaes!" Yunjin had a proud smile, pointing to herself. Sakura let out a nasal laugh at that, a small grin appearing on Chaewon's lips. They were feeling less worried now, although still guilt. "I kinda made a mess running around so don't mind it." Yunjin giggled awkwardly, rubbing her neck and looking away. "I cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom already though."
"Thanks for taking care of them, Yunjin." Chaewon finally walked towards the other woman, putting a hand on her shoulders. "How about you? Are you feeling any sore?" Chaewon put her hand on Yunjin's forehead to check her temperature, making the taller one laugh.
"I'm okay Chaechae, don't worry." Sakura looked at the two of them with a fond smile, her lips slowly dropping when she remembered her own lover.
Her girlfriend was sick. You were rarely sick. Sakura probably has never seen you sick before, only heard stories here and there. Still, it was common sense that you had a good immune system and barely ever felt unwell. But right now you were sick. Very sick at that. And Sakura didn't knew.
She knew you probably wouldn't have told her regardless of Yunjin being here or not and choosen to suffer until she got back because you wouldn't want the older woman to miss her outting because of you. But she can't help but feel like you would be wishing for her and she wasn't there to comfort you.
"Kkura?" Sakura blinked startled when a hand gently shook her shoulder.
"Sorry, I was thinking." She looked at Chaewon's understanding eyes and felt her heart get a bit calm. Only her best friend's presence already did a lot to calm her down. "What was it?"
"I told Yunjin to go take a shower while we go check on the girls." Sakura nodded, following Chaewon to Kazuha's room, where they found the three youngest girls curled up on the mattresses on the floor.
"I wonder what happened." Sakura whispered, crouching down at your head and gently brushing the sticky hair out of your forehead, checking your temperature in the process. Still warm. "For them to get sick at the same time, I mean." She didn't need to look at Chaewon to know she had a questioning look on her face.
Instead, she kept looking at her girlfriend. Your face was contorted into a uncomfortable expression, but otherwise you seemed to be sleeping peacefully.
"They've been together a lot these past days." Sakura nodded, gently caressing your hair. She smiled when your face muscles relaxed. "Probably caught something when Eunchae took them out to make friends." They both had to suppress a laugh when the mentioned girl moved, not wanting to wake any of you up.
It was fun how you and Kazuha were satisfied with only having them as friends but Eunchae was determined to have you two make a least a couple more of friends.
"At least they got sick when we had the day off–"
"Unnie?" They both stopped talking and moving when they heard a raspy voice, Sakura looking at your confused face as you tiredly rubbed your eyes. "Hmmm Kuku is that you?" Sakura smiled at the nickname you only called her when it was only the two of you together, glancing at Chaewon by the corner of her eyes.
"Yeah. Me and Chaewon." You only hummed, sighing as you turned around to look at the two older woman better, Chaewon walking to be besides Sakura by your head.
"Hi unnies." You smiled at then, wincing and closing your eyes as you did so.
"You okay, Y/n?" Chaewon put her hand on your forehead to check on your temperature.
"Yeah. Headache." You yawned, leaning on Chaewon's warm hand. "Was the outting good?" You asked with a voice heavy with sleep, eyes fluttering close again.
"It was." Chaewon spoke in a soft voice, looking at you with adoration and worry. "You should go back to sleep, big baby."
Chaewon giggled. "I'll go get it for you." You nodded.
Sakura watched Chaewon leave attentively before she turned back to you, sighing. "I guess we aren't going to the beach anymore then."
"Just cause we'd share a room." You mumbled in frustration, snuggling up on Sakura's hand as she caressed your cheek.
Your girlfriend stared down at you with amusement. You were feeling miserable, yet the only thing you could think of was her. It made her heart warm with love, although she was still concerned about you. It was rare that you got sick, specially this sick. But she felt loved knowing she was on your mind even in moments like this.
"If you and Zuha get better just enough to travel and Eunchae doesn't get worse by tomorrow then we can still go. We were planning on staying the night there anyways." Your excitement little smile made a big one appear on Sakura's lips.
"I'd like that." You opened your eyes and looked up at your girlfriend. "I think I need cuddles to get better." Sakura put a hand on her mouth so she wouldn't laugh at your words. "I'm serious, Kuku."
"I'm sure you are." You shared fond stares before being interrupted by the door opening, Chaewon coming inside with a glass of water and Yunjin followed.
"Hey, babygirl. Are you feeling better?" Yunjin asked you with a sweet voice, attentively watching Sakura help you sit up just enough to drink the water Chaewon was handing you.
"Too soon to tell." You mumbled, sighing in content as the cold water soothed your sore throat.
"I told her that we might still go tomorrow if she and Zuha are feeling better." Sakura told the other two, receiving nodding approval. All of you were needing a vacation, and even with you and the other maknaes sick, you could get some healing time at the beach.
"Well, you better rest well then." Chaewon said, grabbing Yunjin's hand. "I'll take this one to rest. You take her cup to the kitchen, unnie?" Sakura nodded, silently watching the two girls leave the room.
"You should rest too, baby." Sakura whispered to her girlfriend, silently giggling as you already had your eyes closed, grip weak on the water cup.
Sakura grabbed the cup, guiding the you to lay down. She pressed her lips to your forehead, covering you with your discarded blankets.
"Goodnight, my love."
With fondness in her eyes, Sakura left the room wishing she could cuddle her girlfriend like you wanted her too. But at the end of the day, she would cherish your soft and peaceful moments until the day the girls find out you two are dating.
"Night-night, Kuku...."
a/n: this went so many places I wasn't planning but at least it worked?
thank you so much for reading!! <3
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karin-sauer · 2 years
Bruh are you ducking serious I literally was just saying you shouldn’t throw a fit about it and here you are throwing a fit bro I expect nothing less out of the people in this site y’all are hopeless
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general-fanfiction · 1 year
Hopes And Fears. (Wally Clark x Reader)
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Summary: Y/N’s death is traumatic. So traumatic in fact, she can’t even look at Wally without reliving what happened to her.
Word Count: 3,073
Gif Not Mine. Requests are open!
Warnings: Violence, Swear Words, Hints Of Rape?
I’m not too sure how I feel about this to be honest but it’s my first fic since coming back and I would love to write for Wally more so please send requests! I might continue with this if people like it, I’m not sure yet though.
“Homecoming game tonight. Are you nervous?”
Closing my locker, I look to my left to see Abby, my best friend since elementary school. We’re inseparable. People find it odd that we look like we are complete opposites and yet we are the platonic loves of each other's lives. She’s a very loud and extroverted theater kid, I’m quiet, shy and introverted. Though in a weird turn of events, I became head cheerleader. Kind of ironic right?
“I’m not too worried. We’ve been rehearsing everyday, sometimes twice a day. I think we might actually have our best routine yet, I just hope we can pull it off.”
“You’ll be great, you always are. Besides I heard Spencer is going to ask you to be his date for homecoming.”
Abby’s words catch me off guard. Spencer is the Split River High quarterback. While typically the head cheerleader and quarterback are perfect for each other, I’m way below his level that the thought of us being together is ridiculous. I couldn’t even imagine it, that’s how ludicrous the idea of us is. Not that I would complain, Spencer is model level attractive, an academic genius and of course, insanely popular. Any girl would die to be his homecoming date. Me included.
“Don’t be stupid.” The blush on my cheeks is a vibrant red as I speak, leaning against my locker with my books clenched against my chest.
“I’m being serious. Some of the other football guys were talking about it in study hall. Apparently he’s got some sort of big surprise planned.”
Her grin is wide, clearly happy for me, though I can’t match it. I still don’t believe it, that sort of thing does not happen to girls like me. Guys aren’t interested in girls like me. That’s just the way high school works, maybe I’ll blossom when I head off to college at the end of this year but for now, guys keep their distance. My mom always told me that high school guys like girls that are easy and that because I know my worth, guys don’t even attempt it. I’ve always hated that idea though. If nothing else but for the slightly sexist and anti-feminist ideals that it pushes.
“Not to alarm you Y/N but he’s walking down the hallway.” Abby tells me, grabbing my forearm tightly, obviously excited. “I think he’s headed this way so that’s my cue. Have fun, text me all the details!”
With that she scurries away, flashing me a cheesy smile over her shoulder as she speeds down the hallway. Almost bumping into several other students as she does so. I laugh slightly, always entertained by her antics before hearing the metal of the locker next to me clang at the sound of somebody leaning against it.
“Mind if I steal you for a second Y/N?”
Spencer’s voice is charming and smooth, a relaxed smirk on his face as he stares down at me. His eyes are intoxicating and I feel as though I’m drowning in them. There’s no way Abby could be right. God, if she is I’ll never hear the end of it. Maybe I could live with that though, especially if it does result in Spencer potentially being my boyfriend.
“Sure, yeah, okay.”
Spencer’s smirk grows wider, and as he leans in to take my hand in his, I catch a whiff of his cologne. A dark musk that matches the darkness of his eyes and hair perfectly, it takes everything in me not to collapse right then and there. My senses are completely heightened and I can feel the roughness of his hand against my palm. The butterflies in my stomach make me feel as though I’m about to explode from my nerves and before I know it we’ve made our way to the old block of showers that were closed in 2004, following an incident involving an inappropriate relationship between a student and gym coach. New showers were remodeled and these were left to decay.
Spencer takes my books out of my hands, placing them on the bench that sits in the center of the room before turning to face me. His hand gently cups my cheek and although his smile is soft and loving. His eyes hold a mischievous glint. Without saying anything he leans down to kiss me, unprepared and a little shocked I step backwards.
“I didn’t know you wanted to kiss me. I didn’t even know you liked me.” I tell him, shuffling backwards again as he continues to approach me.
“Everybody likes you. I’ve just been wanting to save this for a special occasion, and what better time than homecoming?”
With my back pressed against the wall, a soft smile forms on my face as he cages me in. Though it doesn’t feel threatening, it feels new and exciting and my insides are on fire waiting to see what happens. I feel as though I finally understand what the cringey teen movies are talking about when they discuss sex and love and passion.
“I really like you Spencer.” I whisper, voice barely audible, gazing up at him through my lashes.
He laughs, pushing his hair out of his face before leaning down once again. This time his lips do touch mine and it’s nothing like I imagined. He’s rough, hands moving down to grab my breasts , almost painfully. The softness from before clearly disappeared. As much as it is a dream come true to be making out with the guy of my dreams, I’m still disappointed that this is how my first kiss turned out. His tongue forces its way into my mouth and its uncomfortable, I know this isn’t how it is supposed to go. As I try to pull away, to allow myself some air, his hand grips my throat, holding me in place. Continuing his almost aggressive movements.
“Yo Spence, did you get the bitch?”
Finally, he pulls away. I manage to take in some air despite his hand still wrapped around my neck. He’s looking over his shoulder, nodding his head. The rest of the football team stands in the doorway, menacing looks on their faces as they see me in such a vulnerable position. I hear the click of the door lock, and the butterflies in my stomach don’t feel so good anymore. The energy in the room shifts to one of darkness and evil, no trace of kindness and love.
Spencer looks at me, and for the first time in my life, I fear for my safety. This is not the same guy that I was obsessed with. There is no sign of human emotion on his face, no sympathy or pity. Gripping his hand to try and pry it away from my throat, I feel the tears begin to prick in the corners of my eyes and upon seeing my reaction, he smiles. My pain is his pleasure. Despite my attempts at removing his hand, his grip only gets tighter and I’m pushed further against the wall.
“Let’s have some fun boys.”
A dull ache radiates through my body, pushing through the pain, I force myself to stand up. Staring at the room around me, I wonder if I was dreaming. However, with no sign of my books on the bench, I take that as confirmation that what I experienced did truly happen. Blood splatters the walls and floor but with no sign of injury on my body, I refuse to believe it’s mine. Sure, what happened was bad, but not that bad.
Not wanting to stay in this room any longer, I quickly make my way to the exit, pushing open the door with more force than necessary causing it to slam against the outside wall. Making the shy looking boy who happens to be standing outside jump. I smile apologetically, about to make my way past him when I notice what he’s wearing. Clad in double denim with round glasses, he looks straight out of Friends.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to come in because I thought you might feel kind of exposed but I wanted to introduce myself.” He says quietly, holding out his hand for me to shake. “I’m Charlie.”
Shifting my gaze between his hand and his face, my mind can’t really comprehend what is happening. Why am I suddenly meeting someone new? By the old shower block of all places, especially after what has just happened to me. The confusion on my face must be obvious as he smiles before revoking his hand.
“You haven’t worked it out yet have you?” He asks, almost as though he doesn’t want to push me.
“You’re dead, cherry pop.”
Looking to my right, I spot a girl sat against the wall, blue lollipop between her lips that has stained them ever so slightly. Wearing a black turtleneck with a matching cap and pinstripe pants, she’s the kind of girl that would intimidate me had I seen her walking down the street. Who am I kidding? She still intimidates me.
“Rhonda, Mr Martin told us to be gentle with her!”
“I’m sorry, I actually have somewhere to be but you two look great.” I tell them, beginning to walk away and head towards the main school building.
“Did you not hear me? You’re dead, you don’t have anywhere to be.” The girl, I’m assuming Rhonda, shouts after me, causing me to stop in my tracks.
“Look I don’t know what sort of joke this is, but it’s not funny. Seriously, go find some other kid to pick on.”
As I walk into the school building, I begin my mission of searching for Abby, hoping I can find her in the auditorium or even the costume department. My search doesn’t take too long, as my assumptions proved correct. She is sitting on the stage, the theater club’s newest script in one hand and her phone in the other. Our text thread open on her screen, as I sit myself beside her, she doesn’t even acknowledge me, eyes flicking between her phone and the script.
“Abby, I need to tell you something but you have to swear you will not tell anyone.”
She completely ignores me, flipping the page of her script. Its as if I’m invisible to her, a joke that isn’t funny. Waving my hand in front of her face in an attempt to get her attention also proves futile as she doesn’t even look up. Glancing at her phone I notice she’s messaged me multiple times asking me of my whereabouts, telling me she’s seen Spencer but she didn’t see me with him, asking me if I am his homecoming date.
“Abby, seriously? This is important, your show can wait.”
“She can’t hear you.” Charlie says, him and Rhonda standing in front of me, arms resting on the edge of the stage. “Or see you, we’re invisible to them. Nothing you do is going to change that.”
“I don’t get it, why isn’t she answering me?” I ask, panic starting to set it as I grow more and more confused at my situation.
“Oh my god, do I really have to tell you again? Are you that fucking stupid? You’re dead. D-E-A-D. Deceased. Not living.” Rhonda speaks slowly, using a voice you would use for a child.
“I can’t be dead. There’s no way, it’s just not possible.”
“Yeah it takes some getting used to, but we’re all friends and you’ll come to terms with it soon enough. Mr Martin’s support group helps too.” Charlie tells me, smiling encouragingly as I watch Abby walk away with some of the other theater kids.
“Support group?” I ask, hopping off the stage to stand with the only two people that can see me.
“Come on, we’ll take you.” Rhonda states, almost as if it's more of a chore and not like she offered to take me.
Sitting in a circle with the rest of the group, I can’t help my heart racing as I spot the football player sitting amongst everyone. He reminds me of Spencer and that’s what makes me nervous, or maybe it’s just the fact that he plays football. Either way I can’t help but feel on edge, hence why I placed myself in the furthest seat from him.
As I take in the rest of the room, I notice the basketball team playing further down the court. Not aware of the existence of the group of ghosts sat in a circle like they’re in an AA meeting. It feels so surreal, almost like an intricate nightmare that I will wake up from at any moment. Yet everything I’ve seen so far has been pretty real.
“We have a new student, would you like to introduce yourself?” The only teacher, who I am guessing is Mr Martin asks, as I feel all eyes divert their attention towards me.
The football player has a gentle aura around him, smiling at me as he waits for an answer to Mr Martin’s question. I look away quickly, unable to face the feelings of sickness in my stomach that I get when I look at him.
“I’m Y/N.”
The group mumbles a chorus of welcomes as I stare at the floor, still struggling to come to terms with the fact that I am actually dead.
“It’s hard at first, but I’m grateful that you decided to give the group a shot. It helps us all to move forward instead of focusing on our deaths and the past.” Mr Martin tells me, offering a look of sympathy. “Charlie, Rhonda, thank you for being Y/N’s guide, I’m sure it was very helpful.”
“So how did you die? In the old showers clearly, but that’s gotta be an interesting story right?” Rhonda asks, her eyes piercing into me as she places the lollipop back between her lips.
“Rhonda, you can’t just ask people that. Let her get used to us at least.”
His voice startles me, it’s as gentle as his aura. Soft and ever so charming. The protection in his tone is obvious as though he doesn’t wanna frighten me away and I glance at him for a moment. His football shirt sits perfectly against his toned chest and a gold chain hangs delicately from his neck. He’s beautiful. Truly beautiful.
“I’m Wally by the way, Wally Clark.” His voice is directed at me, staring at me intently.
At that moment, I can’t help but be transported back to before. Remembering my screams and pleads for them to stop. Praying someone would hear me and come to my rescue. They never did. They never stopped.
Jumping up from my chair, I feel myself getting worked up as I sprint out of the room. Terrified of reliving the past. Finding myself in an abandoned hallway, I slide against the wall until I’m sitting on the cold linoleum floor. Staring at the lockers as I try to calm my breathing.
“Hey, hey, are you okay?” Charlie asks, crouching in front of me with a concerned expression on his face. “Wally’s shitting himself thinking he did something wrong. I told him to hang back while I spoke to you.”
I let the tears fall down my face as I stare up at Charlie, feeling guilty that I’ve potentially upset an innocent boy because of my own trauma. I can’t go back to the group, I know I can’t. It would be in the best interests of every other ghost if I do my best to simply avoid Wally. That way nobody gets hurt.
“I’m sorry Charlie. I can’t do it, I can’t go back to the group. I can’t see him in that fucking uniform. I just can’t, I’m sorry.” My sobs are uncontrollable and I feel bad even just for putting Charlie through this when he’s known me for all of two hours.
“It’s okay, you’re okay. Is it the uniform, we can get him to change I’m sure, I know it’s not the best look but it is all he had since he died in his shoulder pads and all.”
I can’t help but let out a small laugh, wiping the tears from my face with the sleeves of my jumper. Charlie offers me his hand to help me stand up which I take graciously. He places a hand on my shoulder as a sign of encouragement, along with a gentle smile.
“I mean it Charlie. I can’t go back to the group. I don’t want to relive the memories.”
“She’s adamant she’s not coming back.” Charlie tells the group, all of them awaiting the answers he has for them as to why the new girl ran away. “I don’t think it’s anything personal Wally but she said she can’t see you in that uniform and I think she may have had something happen regarding the football players. I don't wanna speculate though.”
“So, what? Her footballer boyfriend cheated on her and now she can’t look at poor, innocent Wally because it reminds her of him?” Rhonda asks, unimpressed by the lack of answers Charlie has.
“No, I think it’s something more than that. Something deeper. I’m sure she’ll tell us when she’s ready but for now, I would stop wearing the uniform Wally.”
The footballer didn’t need to be told twice, he instantly pulls the shirt over his head leaving him in only a tight, white tank top. Charlie smiles in appreciation, while Rhonda scoffs slightly upon seeing his muscular arms.
“Okay, so I’ve ditched the uniform, should I apologize or what?” Wally asks, looking at the group to gauge their reactions.
“Maybe now isn’t a good time Wally.” Mr Martin states, trying to think rationally. “I’d give it a day or so.”
“Or maybe just leave her alone for a while. Let her come out of her shell a bit first.” Charlie interjects.
“Yeah, let's not hurt cherry pop’s feelings.” Rhonda replies sarcastically, staring directly at Charlie.
As the rest of the group session continues, Wally stays silent, playing with the football uniform in his hands as he attempts to figure out different ways to apologize. To help her feel more at home in her new life, and potentially help her overcome the trauma of her death. Despite not managing to come up with a good idea, he does decide one thing. He will do whatever it takes to make her feel safe and become her friend.
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gurugirl · 6 months
The Warning | bfd!harry
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best friend's dad!harry x reader | forbidden relationship
Summary: You and Harry are trying to heal after coming clean to everyone and Mrs. Styles comes to you with a warning.
Word Count: 4.5k
Warning: 18+ only, smut, angst, mentions of cheating and divorce, age gap, an uncomfortable confrontation
Best Friend's Dad!Harry Masterlist
You missed the occasional texts from Fae. Goofy memes or links to TikTok videos she knew you’d like. Recipes for you two to try. Screenshots from conversations with guys on Tinder.
There was nothing but silence from her for weeks at that point. And being blocked by her on every social media site you two were both on was glaring. It hurt. But what could you do? You’d categorically fucked up. There was no coming back from what you’d done to her family.
Most of your mutual friends were on Fae’s side and had also blocked you. Which you deserved and expected to be honest.
Harry slowly moved his things in. It took a couple of weeks. Every time he went home he tried to go at a time he thought his wife, well, he was calling her his ex now, wasn’t going to be there.
But, that afternoon, when he came home after you’d just had the worst shift you’d ever had in your life he was clearly upset. On edge.
And even though you’d had a terrible day you wanted to make sure he was okay, “Hey, are you all right?” You hugged one of his arms to your body after he sat a box full of his things down.
He smiled at you and brushed his fingers up the back of your neck, “She was there. It was awful. She’s just so full of rage toward me. And I get it, but it took a lot out of me. Better now, though,” he dropped his face to yours to kiss your mouth.
His kisses and his touches always made you feel better too. It was like everything outside of your little apartment was crashing down around you both, but as long as you stayed inside together you’d be okay.
He told you how his day at work was and then you both sat down on the couch and cuddled together, “How was your day at work, baby? I haven’t asked how your day was yet.”
You placed your chin on the top part of his arm as you looked up at him, “Horrible. Caressa is really mean. I think she’s trying to make me quit.”
Harry’s brows pulled together as he wrapped his arms around you, “Really? What has she been doing?”
“Well, last night she put me at the back. I had too many tables and no one to help because the bussers and floaters don’t go into the back when the restaurant is busy. They usually have two people waiting at the back to cover things but I was by myself so it was really stressful and the people I served were getting impatient with me so my tips were awful. And today I only had 2 tables my entire shift so I barely made any tips at all. I asked her if she could give me at least one more when a group came in but she just stared at me and laughed like I was crazy for asking,” You frowned. “Oh, and she updated the schedule without telling me. She’s got me off for five days in a row where I was supposed to be working all those days.”
“Why didn’t you tell me about this last night?” He rubbed his hand up and down your back.
“I just didn’t feel like rehashing it last night. Didn’t want to think about work at all.”
Harry pulled you into his body until you were sitting in his lap with your legs on one side. You rested your head on his chest and closed your eyes. Everything was better when you were with Harry.
“Quit your job. You don’t deserve to be treated like that. And if she’s trying to sabotage you then it’s not going to be worth it to fight for it when you’re not making tips anyway.”
You sighed. It already looked like that’s where it was heading. Caressa had been cold to you since she learned it was in fact Harry that she’d seen that day. Of course, she sided with her friend and started treating you like the tramp you were.
You and Harry made dinner together and then cleaned up the kitchen after eating, “Have you heard anything from Fae?” You asked.
Harry shook his head, “Not yet.”
You frowned, “I hope she comes around.”
“I think she will. Eventually.”
You hoped he was right.
When you’d both finally climbed into bed together you snuggled into Harry like you always did. And even with the stress of everything going on outside you two always found a way to unwind together and being intimate (which usually included sex) seemed to help you both calm down and sleep well through the night.
Harry’s hand dragged up and down your back, as you nosed at his shoulder with your thigh hitched over his hip, “I love you, baby. Can I make you feel better?”
You smiled in the dark, “I think we both need to feel better.”
Harry’s chuckle vibrated from his chest as he dropped his hand to your bottom and pushed at the fabric of your panties until they were down around your thighs.
He kissed you gently and ran his hand over your breasts and then downward to your labia.
You pushed at Harry’s underwear and slid your hand under the band and smoothed your palm over his cock.
With mouths connected you both gently got one another worked up. Harry’s fingers soon became messy with your slick arousal, and Harry’s cock hardened with the stimulation from your hand rubbing over his shaft.
“You want to be fucked, little girl,” Harry teased as he spoke against your lips.
“Yes, I do, Mr. Styles. Please.”
Harry groaned. He enjoyed it when you called him Mr. Styles or Sir. Lately, it had just been Harry as things seemed so serious with everything going on.
“Mmm… love that,” he smiled into the kiss as he pushed you down to your back and quickly rid himself of his underwear as you kicked yours the rest of the way down your legs.
He ran his tip through your pussy lips and inhaled deeply as he pushed into you. You felt yourself stretch around him and moaned in relief.
“It’s so good with you, sir. I need you,” you cooed.
Harry’s languid strokes long and deep always had you weak. You felt his fingers wrap around the back of your neck as he brought his mouth against yours with a whimper.
It might have been the quietest sex you’d ever had together. Harry kept his unhurried pace, deep and searing while he kissed you. Your body was on fire. You’d come soon.
But then his next words against your lips changed the mood and had your head spinning and your heart pounding, “Wanna be my wife? Have my babies, Y/n? Want to show everyone you’re mine?”
His harsh rut into you had you inhaling a sharp breath as your eyes popped open and you arched your back into him., “Yes, Harry…”
“Yeah? Wanna be my Mrs. Styles? Have your pussy fucked and filled every day?”
“God… fuck yes, Harry…” you groaned loudly and somehow you felt yourself grow wetter at his words.
“M’gonna give you a big ring and keep you properly fucked, baby. Okay? Show everyone this is real.”
His words were thick and deep and with his lips against yours, you could almost taste them. It made your mouth water. That you’d be his wife and get his cock every night. Prove everyone wrong. Give him a few babies. It was just a fantasy at that point but it sounded exactly like what you wanted.
“Oh my god…” you gasped. Harry was fucking into you harder and your bed began to rock and your quiet sex turned wet and loud. He still had his hand at the back of your neck, almost cradling your head as he gently squeezed and kissed you, his cock spreading you apart as he thrust deeply hips pasted to yours. “This is real. You and me,” you moaned.
You felt Harry begin to quiver over your body as he gasped, “Want all of you, baby. Want every inch of you to be mine.”
You nodded as the tip of your orgasm started to wind its way through your system, “Every inch of me is yours. From the first time you fucked me, Harry.”
He lifted himself slightly and pulled himself out to his tip before driving back into you, repeatedly fucking himself into you in punishing strokes.
You grunted at each plunge and clung to his love handles as you unraveled loudly.
“There you go,” he groaned, “Sweetest girl. Gonna give this to you every day, baby,” he began to thrust erratically, his hips swaying and grinding into you.
Your ears rang as your orgasm wiped you out. You heard Harry loudly moan in time with his thrusts just as began to come inside of you. You felt the sharp punches of his cock against your cervix as he unloaded himself within your pulsing walls. Just like you loved. The final moment of your orgasm with his long dick reaching into your cervix making you ache and swell as he throbbed and pumped into you.
You’d happily be his wife and give him babies and rub it in everyone’s face with how wrong they all were about you and Harry. This man was the love of your life.
.           .           .
“I can’t believe you’re hooking up with Fae’s dad,” Paloma whispered to you as you sat at the little table in your favorite café. A café you and Fae often met up at.
“Well, we’re not just hooking up. But yeah. I feel really bad about everything but...” you trailed off as you shrugged and took a bite of your pastry.
She nodded at you excitedly. Paloma was a mutual friend of yours and Fae’s. She was always closer to you, though. But when she found out about your affair (thanks to Fae) she called you to get the tea directly from the source.
“I always thought her dad was so hot. It’s crazy that this is real. That he left his wife for you? You know that’s not typical, right? Usually, affairs don’t wind up with the man leaving his wife for his side piece.”
 You cringed. You hated that was the perception. But you let it slide. You figured she wouldn’t exactly understand everything but it felt good to talk to someone about it who wasn’t your mother.
“I know. That’s why when we started everything it was just going to be like… not serious you know. We’d end things before it got to be too much. Before anyone found out or got hurt. But we both fell in love. I don’t know how we could have stopped it.”
“Fae despises you and her dad. When she called me I was confused because she never reaches out to me but then I realized she wanted to make sure as many people knew as possible,” Paloma laughed, “I mean… I was shocked but I’m still your friend. I can’t judge you for what you’ve done.”
“So you don’t think I’m a bad person?”
She chuckled, “Well, I don’t agree with what you did but I could never think you’re a bad person. You can’t help who you fall in love with.”
You drank your hot tea and tried to enjoy yourself with your friend but the longer you and Paloma chatted, the more you missed Fae. No one could replace Fae. She was your other half in so many ways.
“Can I ask you a really personal question? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want.”
You shrugged, “Okay. Sure.” You had an idea of what she was going to ask based on the fact that you’d gotten onto the topic of birth control.
“Is he good? Now that I’m thinking about him like that I can imagine he is.”
You breathed out laughed through your nose and smiled as you looked down into your tea, “He’s good. Yes.” You weren’t sure how deep into it you wanted to get but you’d entertain her for a bit.
“And I bet he’s got a big… dick.” She whispered the word dick quietly.
That’s where you drew the line. You sipped your warm tea and turned your gaze to the corner of the room where someone was just taking their seat.
“I shouldn’t have said that,” she spoke, drawing your attention back to her.
“It’s okay. I’m not sure I want to talk about that anymore, though. Tell me what you’ve been up to.”
It turned out that Paloma didn’t have much to say about herself. She gave you the tiniest bit of information, where she was working, that she’d dated someone a couple of months back and that it didn’t work out, and how she was planning a vacation to Cancun. But that’s it.
It felt strange to divulge such personal things to someone who gave you so little in return. And you should have known that’s what was going to happen. She wanted the dirty details about you and Harry. She wasn’t there to be a friend. Not really. She wasn’t rude but you saw that her motivation was to sate her curiosity.
Maybe you were better off just confiding in your mother. Though, she never asked you things about how sex was with Harry. She always only wanted you to be happy and doing your best.
And it would have been fun to discuss in detail how good you were getting it with Harry. And if Fae weren’t his daughter you’d do that with her. Tell her all about how insane his body is, how strong he is, how big his cock is, and how he eats you out almost every day. You’d totally brag about him with her if things were different. But instead, you were stuck with Paloma who you didn’t want to give too many details to. And besides, you and Harry were still healing. To talk about how he was in bed didn’t seem right. Especially when you didn’t know who she was going to tell.
You stopped at the grocery store on your way home to get some things you needed and you picked up one of those cheap grocery store flower bouquets. Harry had stopped having them sent when shit hit the fan and he moved in. You didn’t know if it was because they were so expensive or just because he hadn’t thought about it what with everything going on, but you figured a small bouquet might feel nice to have in the apartment.
But when you pulled into your building’s parking lot you saw, what looked like Mrs. Styles’ car parked at the front. Of course, perhaps it was someone else’s, you were a bit paranoid lately. You always had your eyes roaming around just in case you accidentally ran into her or Fae.
With one arm occupied by your grocery bag and your other hand holding the small bouquet, you slowly walked up the steps toward your door and thought, maybe it wasn’t Mrs. Styles. Perhaps it was actually just someone with a car like hers. Plus how silly for her to confront you. What good would that do anyone?
“Y/n. I’ve been waiting for you.”
You heard her voice before you saw her and then felt her pull your bag from your arm, “Let me help you. Looks like you’ve got your hands full.”
You felt your vision blur and shade in with red as your heart pummeled in your chest, “Oh. Thank you, Mrs. Styles.” It was difficult to hide the shock you felt. You were sure she saw it.
You put your key into your door to unlock it and did some quick math in your mind for when Harry would be coming home. You didn’t want to be with Mrs. Styles alone. In your apartment.
“Cute. Kind of small,” she commented as she walked into your home behind you. She’d never visited before. “I’ll set this in the kitchen here, then?” She pointed to what was very obviously your kitchen.
“Yes. Sure. Thank you.”
She sat the bag on the countertop and you laid the bouquet on your little round kitchen table. You didn’t know what she wanted. What her intentions were. You weren’t sure you wanted to know.
She leaned her hip to the counter and crossed her arms over her chest as she looked at you, taking in your outfit. You felt like you should have dressed nicer. Maybe you would have put more thought into your outfit if you knew you’d be seeing Mrs. Styles. You were wearing jeans with holes in the knees and a hoodie.
You kept thinking of things to say to fill in the very uncomfortable silence. One was that Harry would be home soon, but that felt wrong to say to the woman who was still married to him. Another was to ask her how she’d been doing. Also, not a good question to ask.
“Uh, would you like some water?” You walked toward the cupboard to pull out a couple of glasses. Even if she didn’t want one you needed it.
“No, thank you.”
You nodded to yourself as you poured a glass with water and took a gulp to soothe your dry throat.
“Would you like to sit?” You carried your glass to the kitchen table and gestured at it as you looked back toward her.
Her eyes pierced through you coolly, “No, thank you.”
You leaned your bottom into the table and looked down at your linoleum floor. You hated this. You had no idea how to do this with her. Whatever this was.
“Did you,” you looked up at her eyes, “Want to talk? Or…?”
“I don’t know that you and I have much to discuss that won’t end with hurt feelings. I just came here to see you again and say my peace. It was hard for me to remember what you looked like in my mind. I always imagine you as a high school girl even though I know you’re an adult and I’ve seen you as an adult. Kind of like how I see Fae still. My little girl,” she smiled. “And so with you, you were still a high school girl in my mind’s eye. Quiet. Polite. Fae’s closest and dearest friend. A warm and bright girl that I loved like my own daughter,” her words were razor blades.
“But I couldn’t imagine what you looked like anymore now that you’ve done something so unlike the girl I used to know. I needed to see you for what you are now. The person who’s sleeping with my husband. Who threw away a relationship with my daughter, who is the most beautiful and loving young woman anyone could ever know. And now I see it. I never saw it before but it was always there wasn’t it?”
You shook your head, “I never wanted to hurt–“
“No one ever does, Y/n. No one with any amount of good in their heart ever wants to hurt anyone much less themselves. But you’ve done it haven’t you? You’ve hurt Fae. You’ve hurt me. You’ve hurt Harry. And worst of all is that you’ve hurt yourself.”
She wasn’t wrong about anything she said. You had caused a lot of pain. You hurt people that meant a lot to you. Mrs. Styles, at one time, had meant a lot to you. But now it felt like she was a stranger in your apartment. Someone you didn’t want there.
“I get it, now, though. Looking at you. I was so confused at first. I thought why would Harry even look at you in that way? So I just came here to see if I could make sense of that and you as you are now. And… yeah I see it. You’re lovely. Definitely his type. And you’re sweet too. God that makes it so hard to hate you. I really wanted to hate you too but instead, I just hate Harry now. Because this is really his fault in the end. I mean, don’t get me wrong,” she laughed incredulously, “I don’t like you one bit anymore. But I can’t hate you.”
You couldn’t keep eye contact with her. It felt like you were being incinerated.
“Harry’s had a lot of women after him in the past. Even after we were married women would flirt and try to get close to me just so they could get closer to him. It was funny because I noticed all of that. I was aware of what they were doing. Even had to cut a good friend out after she drunkenly admitted she wanted to sleep with him. He’s such an attractive man. Believe me, I know. I always knew other women found him sexy. But with you? Never had a clue. Wouldn’t have ever imagined it.”
You felt numb. You had no idea how to respond or even if you should.
“Anyway,” she pushed herself away from the counter and clapped her hands together with a faux smile, “That’s all I wanted to say. I hope you’re prepared for him to break your heart. Because this won’t last, Y/n. I don’t want him anymore but I’m just giving you a warning. If he can throw away a 24-year marriage for a 24-year-old girl whom he has nothing in common with, then just expect him to do something that catches you off guard.”
She walked past you to your front door and you listened as she opened and closed it behind her. You couldn’t move from your spot. You tried to breathe to calm yourself and not overthink the words she said.
You knew that she was angry and some of what she said was an attempt to get under your skin. To make you feel bad. Which you already did feel bad, of course. But now it felt suffocating. Felt like there were cracks starting to gape and widen between you and Harry but you needed to not allow that, as hard as it was. Hard not to take heed of her advice and note how other women wanted him and how he strayed from his wife whom he was married to for 24 years.
When Harry finally came home you didn’t know how long you’d been standing there at your kitchen table. You hadn’t moved a muscle. Your groceries hadn’t been put away. The flowers were still lying on your table. You were caught in your mind and battling not to allow your doubts about Harry to overcome you. Because you knew he loved you, you reminded yourself.
“Baby,” He wrapped his arms around your front as he stood behind you and kissed your temple, “Got groceries and flowers?”
You nodded shallowly.
He kissed you again and then you felt his face next to yours, could see from your peripheral that he was looking at you. He pulled his arms away and stepped to face you, pulling your hands into his, “Honey, what’s wrong?”
You slowly brought your gaze to his and immediately you felt better. His eyes. His concern. His warmth. And you could see the way he loved you. He loved you. You stepped toward him and put your arms around his middle and smushed your ear into his chest as you finally let your tears pour.
Harry drew his arms tight around you, “Baby, what happened? Tell me what’s wrong?”
You choked out a sob and squeezed him even more.
Harry sat down in a chair, and kept you with him, pulling you into his lap as he cupped your face and tried to look at you, “Sweetheart, you’re worrying me. Did something happen?”
You nodded and pushed your face back into his chest. You wished you could stop your tears and just tell him but you could barely sputter a word out.
He rubbed your back and gently rocked you as you cried in his arms and wetted his nice button-shirt with your tears.
When you felt better and felt like you could speak, your first words came out sounding so tiny and pathetic, “I’m sorry.”
“Shh, shh, shhh…” he softly hushed you, “Don’t be sorry, baby. Can you tell me what happened?”
You sniffed and looked up at him, “She… your wife. She came here.”
Harry’s face dropped, “What happened? What did she say?”
“She just wanted to see me and tell me what she thought about everything. I couldn’t even speak I was so nervous. She wasn’t here long.”
He nodded and used his thumbs to wipe your tears, “I will have a talk with her. She should not have come here. She has no business to do such a thing.”
You leaned into his touch as he wiped your tears.
“What did she say to make you so upset? Talk to me.”
“Just that you’ll hurt me eventually and you and I have nothing in common. She wasn’t mean, though. Everything she said was true about me. How I hurt everyone. And she said that other women want you too and…” you swallowed. You could hardly put your thoughts together coherently.
“I’m not going to hurt you, Y/n. And you know it’s not true that we have nothing in common. You and I get along perfectly. She’s just upset. You know that right?”
You nodded.
“And I don’t care how many women find me attractive, or even how many men find you attractive. None of that matters. You know that.”
“I know. She was just upset. It just scared me that I had to confront her alone. And I hate how she looks at me now. I’m the woman who took her husband.”
When your tears had finally dried, Harry helped you put the groceries away and put the flowers in a pretty vase to display.
“I need to have flowers delivered again. These are pretty but I like the ones Florero delivers.”
You wrapped your arms around Harry’s middle and looked up at him, “You’re so sweet but you don’t have to. I know those were expensive. I just thought any flowers would look nice so I picked them up on a whim.”
“You deserve flowers from Florero, baby,” he kissed your forehead. “I just forgot about it since everything that happened and moving here with you. But you still deserve nice things.”
You really didn’t feel like you needed nice things. Harry had never done all that much in the way of spending money on you. It was flowers, some jewelry, food, a toy. Things like that. But you were happy to just have him. You were happy that he was yours. And as awful as it was to feel the way you did, you were glad he chose you because you were always going to choose him.
Harry smushed you against his chest, “You know how much I love you, Y/n. I would choose you over and over again. No matter how hard it gets. Never let anyone’s words convince you otherwise.”
And there wasn’t a single part of you that didn’t believe him.
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gglitch1dd · 11 months
Good Afternoon
Alpha Izuku Midoriya x Omega Reader
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Izuku hates father's day, but with the birth of his new son, he can't help but find beauty in the day too.
AN: Sorry to post this so late onto here. It was first on AO3 but I was way too tired to put it on here.
Warning: Children, SMUT, NSFW, Lactation Kink, mentions of post partum body, OMEGAVERSE, Domestic fluff, sorta quickie, BREEDING, mxf, AFAB READER ?but gender neutral pronouns)
“ProHero Deku!”
Midoriya wiped the sweat off his eyebrows as he took a breath, closing his eyes for just a second. He had just defeated a rater large and powerful villain that had needed his attention. Midoriya was tired but at least he got the fight over and done with. To be honest, he got most of the cases and emergencies today over and done with pretty quickly. Today the green haired Alpha was in no mood to deal with any villains, thieves, arsonists or emergencies of any kind. To be fair, his mind wasn’t on work today. Nor was it for the past two weeks. The Alpha was in no mood to be out of his own home actually, not with the condition you were in. It would be any day now that his Omega, his beloved partner and rock, would give birth to his pup.
A son.
His first born son, son of the Number One hero of Japan. It was almost ridiculous how many people were so excited and happy at the news. Almost a picture perfect image for Midoriya and he couldn’t help but agree. He was the Alpha with everything. He had the money, the career, the loving Omega and soon he would have the pup. It was perfect. Midoriya felt as if everything was perfect. The only reason Midoriya wasn’t with you right now was because he wanted to soak up every second of leave time that he could have with you the moment his son was born. Of course, there was a lot of anxiety being first time parents, but that was swept away by you. Truly, today he was just upset over one thing and one thing in particular.
“ProHero Deku!”
The green haired Alpha turned his attention to the press down below on the sidewalk. Midoriya floated down to them from where he was, landing on the blocked off road with a heavy thump. The large Alpha ran a hand through his hair luscious green locks as his cape bellowed behind him. He put on his camera winning smile and immediately the cameras went flashing.
“Another great day, Deku especially for this years Father’s Day.” The reporter stated, as they all started to crowd him with mics. Midoriya’s face faltered.
Father’s day.
That’s what he was upset about. It was what had him on edge all day.
Midoriya hated father’s day. He hated it ever since he was but a pup himself. He hated it ever since he couldn’t spend a single one that he remembered with his own father. His own sire who he’d rather not think about for a second let alone have a day surrounding it. Midoriya didn’t understand why he, a man that could never have a day with his father, be forced to be happy and join in the celebrations of such a day that he found meaningless.
His father tried to kill him when they reunited again.
People should understand why he isn’t exactly, jumping for joy for this one day of the year.
“It’s just another day being a hero.” Midoriya answered with a smile, sharp canines on hid display as he answered the reporter with a shrug. “Gotta keep the city safe regardless, especially with a special day like today.”
Another reporter moved forward to ask a question. “Deku, any plans for this father’s day?”
Midoriya chuckled shaking his head. “Unfortunately not, although I did send AllMight on a cruise for the special occasion, so I would like to think he’s having a fantastic time.”
“How far are you and Dynamight with the Jojo case?”
The green haired Alpha was relieved to hear a question that wasn’t about this stupid day. “It’s up to the courts now. Dynamight and I have done our parts and will continue to monitor the case but we trust in the judicial system and are being kept informed as we speak.”
“Deku!” Midoriya turned around as one of his sidekicks came running, a phone in hand as they ran to him. Midoriya took a step back from the reporters, his eyebrows furrowed in worry at the look on their face. The sidekick stopped just in front of him. “It’s your Omega, sir.” Immediately Midoriya took a step forward, fear instantly going through him. “They’re in labour, sir.” He notified the Number One hero.
Immediately, it was as if a bucket of cold water washed over him. He froze as everything around him went silent all at once. Midoriya was stuck frozen for a second. “What?” His side kick nodded his head as he passed the phone over to him. Midoriya looked down at the phone, still shocked at everything happening around him. He couldn’t even hear the screaming reporters that wanted a scope on the number one hero’s Omega about to give birth. he put the phone to his ear as he turned around walking away from everyone, leaving his sidekicks to deal with the press. “Hello?”
“Izuku.” It was Kirishima, his voice having a slight tone of urgency as he spoke over the phone.
Midoriya swallowed down hard. “Head Alpha.” He spoke.
“YN. Apparently they’ve been in labour since this morning but the femmes only told us now that the pup should be born any minute now.”
Midoriya stilled, he closed his eyes knowing that it was so like you to keep things under wrapped until the last second especially when you didn’t want people to worry. “I’ll be there in a second.” He answered. He put down the phone. With his demeanour changed to one of determination, Midoriya handed the phone to his side kick. “I’m on leave.” He told them all simply, before pushing off the ground in a loud bang of sound, flying off.
Midoriya couldn’t care about anything else as his heartbeat loudly in his chest. Maybe that was one of the reasons his heart was beating out of his chest. Maybe that was why he felt so uneasy today. You, his loving Omega were fighting so hard to bring his pup in the world and here he was running around the city playing hero. Midoriya wanted to slap himself in the face for not picking up on it sooner.
It didn’t take longer than two minutes before he landed with a loud thump on the road outside his house in the pack estate.
He looked up at the door to see Bakugou was leaning against the doorway, with an expectant look. “You sure took your time.” He spoke with a frown.
Midoriya quickly made a jog towards the blond Alpha to his front door. “Where are they?” he asked, only focused on you and nothing more. He pushed past the blond inside his doorway, just barely kicking off his shoes before marching to the staircase.
“Whoa! Easy there, Izuku.” Shinso stopped him as he just barely wrapped his binding cloth around the green haired Alpha, stopping him in his tracks. The mascs were downstairs with him with most of the femmes upstairs helping you with the birth.
Midoriya shook his head as he tried to escape Shinso’s hold and head upstairs. “I have to get to them.” He spoke eagerly.
“Not like that, you aren’t.” Bakugou shot back with a frown. Immediately Kirishima, Bakugou and Shinso started dragging Midoriya over to his downstairs bathroom. “You just came off the streets and you want to walk into your Omega’s nesting room, let alone where they are having your pup? You must be more stupid than I thought.” Bakugou shook his head as they shoved him inside the bathroom. Shoto brought him a change of clothes they had waiting for him, putting it on the counter.
“But I-”
Kirishima smiled as he moved to close the door. “The quicker you get yourself cleaned up and presentable, the quicker you can go to them.” He informed him before closing the door.
Midoriya was tired of this antics, just wanting to be with you but he knew they were right. He needed to be clean and he also needed to get his head in order. Midoriya took in a breath before quickly moving to slip off his hero uniform. He scrubbed his arms and face so hard he was sure he was turning pink. He didn’t want even a hint of a risk on infecting you or the pup. Once that was done, he made hasty work of changing into sweatpants and slipping into slippers before harshly throwing open his door. He ran out of the bathroom and nearly slid onto the floor trying to get to the staircase.
“They ain’t going anywhere, Izuku!” Sato said amusedly as the rest of the mascs watched the green haired alpha try not to break down his house trying to get to you.
Bakugou scoffed, folding his arms over his chest as he watched amusedly. “I don’t think he knows that.”
Midoriya made it to the top of the stairs. He quickly made his way to your nesting room. His heart was beating out of his chest as he felt it sitting in his throat. He took in a deep breath. He had to be stronger than his. He had faced so many dangers, villains and even death himself and yet he had never felt more scared than he was now. He knocked on the door, not entirely sure what else to do.
He heard some shuffling but not even a second later the door opened. Looking up at him was Momo who looked surprised but then she smiled dearly at him. She chuckled. “We were just about to call you, Izuku.” She told him as she stepped to the side. She turned to look into her room. Her sleeves were pushed up her arms as she stood with a content smile on her face. “YN, guess who’s here?”
You turned your head, looking at your green haired Alpha tiredly as you lay in your nest. You had a bundle in your arms as you looked to him. You let out an amused chuckle at the look of bewilderment on Midoriya’s face. “Come in, Izuku. He doesn’t bite.” You teased him as you looked down at the small pup in your arms. “At least not yet anyways.”
Midoriya took a hesitant step forward, every step seemingly harder than the last. The room smelt of happy scents that crowded around him. Melissa was watching your vitals, making sure you were okay at all times while the rest of the femmes were either cooing at the new baby or rushing around getting the room cleaned. Midoriya approached you near the bed where your nest was, he moved to your side.
He let out a shaky breath, moving his forehead against yours. “Y/N.” He closed his eyes as he caressed the side of your face lovingly. A rumble came out of his chest knowing that you were alright and with him.
You smiled at the Alpha’s affection. You moved your nose to nudge his as you purred up at him lovingly. “Izuku…”
“I’m so sorry I missed it.” He apologised quietly, squeezing his eyes shut as he tilted his head. “Are you okay? Are you alright? It was so stupid I-”
You shushed him sweetly before he went off on a tangent. You saw him squeeze his eyes some more almost in pain but then he eased up, his green jade eyes fluttering open to you gently. Nothing but a soft look on his face. You smiled at the sight of your loving Alpha. “It doesn’t matter.” You told him. “And besides, you are just in time to meet your son.” You told him gently turning your attention down to your arms at the little whimpering baby in your arms. “Come on Toshi, lets say good afternoon to your dad.”
Midoriya was hesitant but he looked down. Immediately he felt his world stop as everything around you seemed to fade away and it was just him sitting next to you and your son in your arms. You gently handed the baby over to him. Midoriya was fearful at first, not knowing what to do, but he automatically held the small newborn like he was taught to in those parental classes that the both of you went to.
The little boy was exactly like his father. A full set of curly green hair that was unmistakably and irreplaceably a Midoriya family trait. His chubby cheeks had tiny little freckles that were so faint, he wasn’t even sure that they were there and had the softest skin on earth. He let out a sound akin to a kitten almost with an upset look. Strong green eyes that looked up at his sire almost confused and a bit scared himself. He was just as timid as Midoriya was when he was younger.
Midoriya let out a gentle scoff but smiled. “Hey there…” He whispered down to the little boy. “Hi… I… I’m your dad.” He whispered with a gentle smile, moving to position the little baby against his chest.
You watched with a genuine smile as your Alpha put his son against his chest. The little boy let out a small whine before settling against his father with a gentle coo, closing his eyes once more. Midoriya lowered his head as he bit back a sob. His large hands holding the small pup almost scared that he would lose him. Midoriya had rivers flowing out of his eyes the moment he first laid eyes on the pup but he didn’t notice it until now.
He turned to you, his pupils huge with adoration as he reached down closer to you. You felt your own tears at your eyes. He was crying, and he felt horrible for crying like a baby but he couldn’t help it. “Thank you.” He whispered with such utter gratitude in every syllable.
You opened your eyes looking up at him. “Happy Father’s Day, Izuku.”
You smiled as you leaned against the doorway looking at Midoriya who was looking down at his son with such love in your eyes, it made your heart swell. It had already been two months since you had Toshinori and life had been nothing but filled with love. Of course, as first time parents you rarely slept as is and you often found yourselves rarely showering in a two day cycle, quite literally forgetting with Toshinori around. However, Midoriya soaked up every minute of it. The large green haired Alpha loved being at home with you and his new son.
Everytime it was mentioned he started to get tears in his eyes. He promised himself he would stop crying but there hasn’t been a day since Toshinori was born that he hadn’t cried himself into a sobbing mess at how amazing your son was for two months old already, at how cute he was, at how amazing you are for bringing him another star to add to his solar system, then he would start crying some more at how much he felt he didn’t deserve this. Although parenthood and being an active hero were two very demanding things, Midoriya could safely say he would drop everything to be here with the two of you.
You walked over to your Alpha, being careful not to be too loud as you didn’t want to wake up Toshinori from his afternoon nap. You wrapped your arms around him, his warm body underneath your hold comforted you immensely. You looked up at him, although a slightly tired look on his face, he looked so content. You chuckled softly, placing a kiss to his shoulder. “We’re going to miss you, you know.” You spoke softly.
Midoriya moved his arm to encase you in his hold, bringing you closer to him, a content rumble going through his chest as he turned to look down at you. He let out a heavy breath as he wrapped you in his arms and placed a kiss to your forehead. “I kind of don’t want to go back.” He admitted. You giggled making him smile gently at the sound he found angelic. “Is that bad?”
You shook your head. “No… it’s not.” You reassured him as you gave him a pointed look. “I… I want to be selfish and say not to.”
He let out a low groan as he wrapped his arms around you tighter, burying his head in the crook of your neck. He took a breath of your scent that he always found addicitive. It had turned sweeter and milkier since your pregnancy and hadn’t stopped since you were pumping milk for Toshinori. He was addicted to the smell of you, the taste of you, the feel of you, but he had restrained himself not wanting to come on to you until you were ready. “Don’t say that.” He whined making you chuckle at the large oversized baby you had in your arms now. “I want to stay.”
“Yah, but…” You swallowed down hard as you rubbed his back soothingly. “Japan needs its Number One hero.” You remind him. “The people need you.”
“The people have Kacchan.” You let out a soft chuckle at his deflection. He moved to kiss over your mating mark making you gasp for a second as your hold on him grew possessive. “I… I feel like I haven’t had enough time to appreciate you yet.” He whispered against your neck.
Your hands moved down the muscles of his back. So defined and expansive that everyone time you saw his back was enough to get you in the mood. He was too gorgeous for your own health. You didn’t know how you were so lucky as to end up with the number one hero of your country, to end up with the ProHero who was on billboards, magazines, talkshows. His smile alone could capture the hearts of every Omega in Japan and yet he always aimed it at you, for you, with you in mind.
It was a bit intimidating to be honest.
But you couldn’t think of that right now. All you could think of was the fact that your Alpha hadn’t touched you in months and you had been craving his skin for so long. You tightened your hold on him as you moved to take a breath of his scent. The scent of a new book, sweet ink and almost of the forest when it rained. It was so uniquely him. It was perfect.
“I miss you.” You whispered against his neck. You gasped as you moved closer to him. “I want you.” You whispered in need.
Midoriya raised his head, closing his eyes, not wanting to rush into something. “Honey-”
“Izuku, I need you.” You brought your hands behind his neck, looking up at him. “My body aches for you. Please, I’m ready. It’s okay.”
Midoriya hesitated but when he looked down at you, the way you looked as if you were so ready and waiting for him with open arms, he couldn’t say no. Especially with your gown open and he was able to see your chest without hinderance. He let out a soft groan before reaching down and cupping the back of your head and kissing you ferociously. You let out a purr from your chest at the feeling of him and in return he sent a rumble back.
Midoriya felt his mind go numb just at the feeling of you. Life was perfect for him right now and he wouldn’t change a thing. You felt his need for you grow tremendously as he moved his hands to undo your gown and feel the bare skin underneath. He chuckled into the kiss, finding that you were already planning for this. His rough hands moved to caress up your body, grabbing at your breasts. A whine was pulled out of you as he did so, the pain moving into pleasure as he rubbed his thumb over your nipples, small beads of white wetting his fingers.
You separated for air but Midoriya found you insatiable, his mouth moving to land on your scent gland. You let out a whine at the feeling of his warm mouth on your mating mark. The rush that went down your back making you want to crumble to your knees. Midoriya seemed only more determined the moment he heard the noise that left your mouth. He was desperate for your pleasure and your sounds. You moved your hand to tug on his curls making him release a low groan.
“Izuku,” You let out breathlessly. “We… we can’t…”You bit back a groan as his mouth kissed down to your nipples, aching and waiting for his attention. Eagerly he took one into his mouth sucking and lapping at the sensitive bud that was leaking already. You had to bite back a loud moan, being barely conscious of the sleeping infant not even a meter away. “Izuku. Toshinori.” You pointed out.
Midoriya picked you up easily, sweeping you into his arms effortlessly as he quickly made his way out of Toshinori’s room. He sped down to the master bedroom, quickly racing into the bedroom. The moment he had kicked open the door and closed it behind the two of you, you were trapped with no way but through him. The baby monitor was luckily already on so with nothing else stopping or hindering the Alpha, Midoriya lay you down on the bed, moving back to sucking the sweet milk that came from your breasts.
You gasped as you arched your back at the pleasure. You dug your hands through his curly green hair pushing him closer to you, needing more pressure from him. You whined in need as your face twisted in pleasure. Midoriya’s large hands travelled up your body, grabbing at your free nipple, twisting it in his fingers making you gasp.
The large Alpha on top of you couldn’t help but smirk as he looked at you, his green devious eyes finding pleasure in what he was causing to you.
“Izuku…” You moaned out into the air. “Alpha Please.” You begged as you tried to squeeze your thighs together but with his body in the way, you found no such relief even in that action.
You hissed as he moved to the next nipple, giving it the same attention as the other. Only this time, one of his hands travelled lower, opening your robe and pulling it off you to reach your wet sex. His fingers rubbed circles on your sensitive clit and immediately you tensed as you dug your nails into his back. You let out a keen at the pleasure, so relieved to finally have him touching you there again after so long. You felt so sensitive it was almost embarrassing at how much slick your body was producing due to the Alpha’s antics.
Midoriya let out a low chuckle as he let go of your breast with a pop. He grinned down at you, finding you insatiable. A low growl coming out of his chest as he looked down at you. “You’re so sensitive my love. You’ve been missing me so much? Hm?” He asked you as his calloused fingers moved up and down your slick, playing with your clit in the process. You nodded your head with a whimper. “Come on, love. You know how I like my Omega to answer me.” He moved his free hand up to your neck, not squeezing but keeping his hand there leisurely. “Answer properly.”
You nodded your head. “Yes, Alpha. I’ve missed you! I miss you so much! I need you inside me.”
A loud rumble came out of his chest at your words, finding approval in them. His sharp canines glinted down at you in the afternoon light as he towered of you. “That’s my good Omega.” He praised. “How can I say no to that?”
Easily tearing your robe off of you, Midoriya made quick work of ditching his sweatpants. You bit your lip as you whimpered at the sight of his cock, already leaking pre. You flicked your eyes up to him, his eyes stuck on your body as if it was the most desirable thing in the world. You had a lot of insecurities because of your pregnancy, but Izuku seemed to just destroy every single one of them with his endless love for you. Even know you felt it hard to believe he was looking down at you with such hunger.
Easily the green haired Alpha caged you underneath him, moving to wrap your legs around his torso, positioning himself perfectly at your entrance. He looked deep into your eyes. “Look at me, beautiful.” He whispered. “No where else. Just me.”
You nodded your head but before you could give him a verbal answer, you felt the head of his cock pushing inside you. You hissed, your eyes fluttering to close at the feeling of his cock back inside you. It was almost as if you had the missing piece of your puzzle fitted inside you. Midoriya found it hard to focus on you underneath him when he felt as if he might just burst a knot at the feeling of you right now.
He groaned as he closed his eyes for a second. “You feel so fucking good. Fuck, I miss this pussy.” He let out with a low growl as his hand gripped your thigh harshly. You had your arms wrapped around him as you both took a moment to catch your breaths at the sensitivity of it all. You relaxed for a moment, revelling in the beautiful feeling of being one with your Alpha again. “My love…” Midoriya moved his lips to your ears. “May I?”
You nodded your head, kissing his jaw. “Yes.”
Slowly but leisurely, he pulled back, leaving in just the tip before pushing back inside you. You both let out a moan at the delicious feeling of sex again. Slowly but yet almost passionately you both found a rhythm together. A sort of push and pull motion between the two of you. Your arms wrapped around him as he kissed you deeply, his kisses moving all over your face and focusing on your lips as he thrusted inside you.
Midoriya was sure that he had died and gone to heaven to have this moment with you. To feel your hot wet sex wrapped around his cock and to have you underneath him like a fallen angel. “Fuck, you feel so fucking good. You’re everything to me. I love you so fucking much.” He praised you, his hands holding you as if you were a diamond in his hands.
“Izuku! Alpha, harder! Harder please!” You begged as you tightened your arms around you.
He couldn’t help but smirk and abide by your wishes. With a sharp thrust you found yourself crying out at the pain and the pleasure. Midoriya roughly fucked into you, telling himself that he was just doing what you asked him to do and not doing it because he wanted to absolutely destroy you underneath him. He wanted to see you crumble on his cock. Making a drooling, dripping mess.
You felt that coil inside you twist and tighten, your sensitivity fueling your pleasure for him. You whimpered. “I… I’m going to…” Your eyes rolled back as you felt yourself tighten around his cock as slick gushed out of you. Midoriya’s hips stuttered at the heavenly feeling of your orgasm. A growl being ripped out of him as he found his canines deep into your mating mark once more, bullying his knot inside of you.
You let out a low moan at the added pleasure of his reclaiming on your body. With a final thrust, Midoriya had his knot inside you. He let go of your neck, his canines having a tint of red as you both took a moment to revel at the feeling of his cum inside you and the both of you joined together. You closed your eyes breathing in heavily. You felt Midoriya wrap his arms around you, flipping the both of you around to have you laying on top of him. He snuggled his body around yours making you giggle lightly.
You kissed his cheek as you stayed in his arms, wanting to soak up every second you had with your hero while you still had it.
Midoriya quickly swept up Toshinori in his arms with a loud laugh as he threw the five year old up into the air and into his arms. He ruffled the curly unruly green hair on his eldest son’s head. Toshinori giggled at the action, letting out a pup chirp as he was set down on the floor in front of his father. “You defeat all the evil bad guys?”
Midoriya chuckled nodding his head as walked into the house, minding the buzzing pup that was almost a little carbon copy of him when he was five years old. Large gleaming green eyes of adoration, with a huge smile on his face to match too. “Of course, bud. I wouldn’t be the Number One hero for nothing.” He winked down at the little seven year old. “What did you do at school?” He asked him.
“We drew pictures of our families and we did some maths and writing too, but I don’t like maths.”
Midoriya couldn’t help but laugh at the statement. “Can’t blame you there.” He paused turning to look down at Toshinori. “But you gotta practise it, especially if you don’t like it.”
Toshinori nodded his head eagerly. “Mhm! If I defeat maths, I can be a hero like you!”
Midoriya offered the miniversion of him a high-five. “Hell yah, you can.”
Toshinori jumped up, slapping his father’s hand with a smile. “Plus Ultra!” He shouted.
Despite Toshinori not having shown any signs of having a quirk, even though already being five years old, Midoriya wasn’t too worried. He knew how life would be for Toshinori in the mean time with no quirk, but until he was ready, Midoriya planned on passing on One for All to him. It was rather convenient actually and it would make it much easier on Toshinori than it was for him, having to deal with the quirk.
“Where’s your dam?” Midoriya asked looking around at the living room?
“In the kitchen!” Toshinori chirped, taking Midoriya’s large hand and leading him into the kitchen where you were.
Sitting in a baby chair as you fed him lunch was your youngest, Midoriya Hero. Another green haired little broccoli that seemed much too hungry for you to keep up with. You focused on trying to feed the pup his cinnamon pumpkin puree but he seemed rather disinterested in the pumpkin right now and more interested in his milk bottle that sat not too far away, despite it being empty.
The green haired Alpha’s expression softened the moment he saw you. You stood with an apron on, although you felt like a mess and needed a shower, he found you the most beautiful being in the world standing in the afternoon light. He walked over to you, you too focused on his youngest to notice much of anything else.
A surprised chirp was ripped from you as Midoriya lifted you up off the ground. You let out a shout. “IZUKU!”
He let out a loud laugh as he placed kisses all over your cheek and neck. You laughed as he spun the both of you around before placing you back on the ground. He grinned down at you, cupping the side of your face with an adoring look. “Afternoon, angel.”
You couldn’t help but give him a pointed look which turned into a real smile. “Good Afternoon, Izuku.” You chuckled. “Good job saving that run away train earlier.”
He smiled at the praise. “Well you know none of it matters as long as I return back home to you.” He reminded you, placing a kiss on your forehead. Midoriya turned to the right as he saw Hero reaching out for him with a whine, wanting to be lifted up out of his seat. The large Alpha laughed, hoisting him up. “Hey Hero!” He carefully brought the young little pup into his arms with a smile. “You’re getting bigger every day. Jesus, you’re heavy.” He pointed out making the pup giggle as he put his chubby hands on Izuku’s face.
Midoriya couldn’t help but smile dearly at the little one. He put his mouth to Hero’s (rather non-existent) neck and placed raspberry kisses there making him let out a loud belly full laugh. Midoriya, carried Hero as he turned his attention to Toshinori. “Hey Toshi, you wanna show me those drawings you were doing earlier?”
Toshinori’s eyes lit up like stars as he cheered, grabbing Midoriya’s hand. “YAH! Come on, daddy!” He pulled Midoriya around as if he was stronger than the strongest man you ever knew.
You smiled dearly at the sight of all your boys together. No matter what Midoriya thought, no matter how unfit he felt as a father especially not having one of his own, he sure was a fine good one. And you doubted that that would ever change
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impishjesters · 7 months
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Aggression Distraction
warning(s): canonical character..death? (it's Kaufmo), nondescript type of panic/anxiety attack (honestly the whole thing glosses over exactly what type of mental state you are in, just that you aren't doing so hot after that experience), cursing, minor suggestive content note(s): This can be read stand-alone but goes in hand with my previous post about Jax with a partner (platonic or romantic) who suffers from depression/suicidal tendencies. Can be read as platonic or romantic but written with more romantic intention in mind, consider it like pre-dating romantics or whatever. A/N: It's worth mentioning that Jax's behavior is a little back and forth, which is intentional. This stuff is new territory for him, but you matter to him so he's trying to be a rock for you, he's just gonna be a little shit while doing it though. ♥ AO3 version
With the latest addition of Pomni and the recent departure of Kaufmo, things had taken a slight turn from the usual day-to-day. You weren’t particularly close to Kaufmo, but to see him abstracted like that? Someone you knew, for god knows how long to just..stop existing like that?
It was horrifying.
As nonchalant as Jax had been over the whole thing like he’d seen it a million times, it had yet to leave your brain. Even days later. Days? It’s still hard to tell the passing of time.
Jax had taken notice when your gaze lingered on Kaufmo’s old room, the large red ‘X’ over his face. Every time he’d swing by your room to pick you up or drop you off he’d catch you staring, and he knew it wasn’t a good thing. Sure, nobody really liked Kaufmo, and you knew him for an even shorter time than them, but he had an inkling what had you so..distracted for a better term.
The first day or two after the events left everyone a little thrown off. Pomni stuck by Ragatha like a little duckling, Gangle had taken to trying to fix her comedy mask, Zooble did whatever Zooble does, and Kinger? Yeah, nobody cared what he did. But you? You distanced yourself or tried to at least, Jax was never far behind.
It was sweet really, he’s still getting the hang of this whole situation the two of you got going on and it’s been going on for a while. Honestly? It’s almost scary how well he knows you and is able to silently confront you without you realizing something’s even wrong, like some weird sniffer dog.
The thought makes you giggle.
Jax’s head lifts and his gaze falls to you with a brow raised, it’s not the first time you’ve randomly giggled but usually there’s a reason, generally something he did. And he wasn’t doing shit worth giggling over. Waving him off that it’s nothing he shrugs it off and goes back to his little task that his torso is blocking.
To be honest, you aren’t even sure what he’s doing anymore, he kinda just showed up and said “I need my favourite doll for this new little prank, so get off your butt and come to my room.” And then proceeded to drag you off your bed and over his shoulder like a sack of rice into his room.
A prank that he has still yet to tell you if there even is one.
During the time spent together, there’s something you’ve managed to pick up in the way he always goes with the crowd. Sure there are times he’s alone, but it’s different, it’s like he wants to be alone compared to the times he seemed to be following others around simply because he didn’t want to be by himself. It was something you yourself used to do after all. Hanging out with people you didn’t really care about simply so you weren’t completely alone.
Now if you tried to confront him on this little theory, he’d no doubt make some comment about how he’s not sure if it’s sweet or creepy that you’re staring at him so intently. Then immediately follow up with some spiel about how he can’t watch funny stuff happen to others if he’s alone. “Think of all the funny shit I’d miss!” Or whatever.
“Are you ever going to tell me what this latest ‘prank’ is?”
“Mmm..” he hums as if debating, but it doesn’t take a genius to tell you it’ll be a—“nope!” Called it.
You wanna call him out that there isn’t even a prank, he’s not even doing anything other than sitting there polishing a…bowling ball? You sit up from your spot on his bed confused. “Is that.. the bowling ball from—”
“What you think I went back down to that creepy place just for this exact bowling ball?” he scoffs, this place has plenty of the damn things he doesn’t need that one.
As tempting as you wanna say yes, you know just how lazy and manipulative he can be. “You? No. Making someone else fetch it with some excuse about how it’s got meaning and worth to you? Now that I can see.”
His eyes squint as he throws a grin over his shoulder at you, one that looks almost painful if not for the fact that he’s almost always grinning.
“You know me too well sugar,” he turns to face you, bowling ball balancing in his hand like it weighs nothing to him, “but I hate to break it to you. This really is just a different bowling ball, but now you got me wanting to send Gangle down to see if she’ll actually do it.”
“Behave.” You playfully chide. It’d be hypocritical to say “poor Gangle” after all, you’ve also sent her on a wild goose chase once or twice, even if you felt a tad guilty later on.
He scoffs and places a gloved hand on his chest in mock offense. “I always behave. I’m the textbook definition of the word gentleman.”
“Oh yeah? In what book?” Slipping off his bed, you walk over to him and reach out to the bowling ball only for him to yank it out of reach. Even sitting the bastard has enough reach to keep anything away from you.
Jax waves his arm about every time you try to reach for the ball, there’s no real reason to keep it from you, he’s just fucking around at this point. Plus this little endeavor has kept you distracted and him mildly entertained. “Oh, now that’s just rude doll, have a heart.” You stop trying to get the ball and he waggles it at you like he’s trying to tempt an animal. “You don’t think I’m a gentleman?”
“A man? Yes.” You scoff and push the ball out of your face. “Gentle? Only when you want to be.”
He hisses and tosses the ball aside letting it roll away, no longer finding it fun. “So harsh, you really do wound me.”
You flinch at the loud thud, unsurprising at the lack of dent the ball should have created under normal circumstances. “Oh bite me.”
“Is that an invitation?” His shit-eating grin nearly splits his face in two, it’s a shame the others aren’t around, he loves seeing their reactions when the two of you banter like this.
Like an old married couple.
You roll your eyes and step into his personal bubble, one of his ears twitches out of habit and his shoulders tense but they gradually relax as you get yourself situated on his lap.
It takes everything in him not to spit out something insultingly sweet, he’s heavily aware of your mental state right now and that wouldn’t help. Though he really wants to joke about how this definitely seems like an invitation seeing as how you’ve walked into his bubble and made yourself at home on his lap. Maybe later.
Silence falls between the two of you, huddled up against him with your face buried into his chest. He pulls the blanket off his bed and drapes it around you, it’s not cold per say, but you had voiced once that you still liked the habit of curling up into a blanket. Specifically how you were a fan of blanket sushi? Much to his original confusion.
“You know I’ve seen some pretty gross things wrapped in seaweed, you by far are the grossest sushi-filling doll.”
To which your immediate reaction was to question whether or not he’d still try and eat you. That was definitely not something he thought would leave your mouth. Luckily his quick tongue bit back something along the lines of “Not while the playschool toys are around baby”.
Jax placed one hand on your back applying light pressure while rubbing small circles, the other falling loosely to rest on your lower back. Your arms tightened around him and he gave you a squeeze back, when you got too embarrassed early on to keep asking for him to squeeze you the two of you settled on this unspoken method of asking. And it wasn’t always limited to full-body squeezing either, you’d squeeze his hand, arm, or leg and he’d squeeze back.
The longer the silence went the more his irritation grew, not at you though, just overall irritation at the silence, at seeing you like this. Kaufmo’s abstraction itself wasn’t what had you like this, he knew you thought of it more like Kaufmo dying. Which, who’s to say that you weren’t wrong for thinking that? That thing wasn’t Kaufmo, and now he’s in the cellar doing whatever it is abstracted things do. If Caine couldn’t fix them they might as well be considered dead.
The topic of death and dying almost never came up in day-to-day conversation, maybe a joke here or there but nothing like this. And you were doing so well too.
If he had the ability to fall asleep he would’ve, not that it wasn’t cozy and domestic as shit being all huddled up with you, but he was getting bored. His leg began to wiggle, lightly bouncing you in the process, something you recognized as him being antsy and an unintentional aid in soothing you.
Another squeeze to the lilac torso resulted in another returned squeeze, except unlike the first time, the grip didn’t loosen. It wasn’t suffocating but grounding, the hand on your back stopped moving, and both hands were glued to your back to apply pressure like a weighted blanket. If asked, Jax would probably lay himself on you like an actual weighted blanket—but part of you felt like he’d enjoy that too much and force you into some shitty deal to get him off of you.
The thought sparked a tiny giggle, one that didn’t go unnoticed by Jax. What the fuck were you giggling about? Meanwhile, his ass is going numb (it’s not) sitting here holding you like he’s trying to wrestle a balloon and not pop it. Mood swings aside he’s grateful for the sound, it’s not much but it shows him you were coming out of it. Especially when the giggling starts to pick back up.
“What’s so funny you little brat? Finally gone bonkers?” It’s harsh but there’s a fondness in his tone that only causes you to giggle harder. The lost grin slowly returns to his face and he purposely jostles his leg harder now, bouncing you more chaotically.
The giggle turns into a full-on laugh and he can’t help but find himself grinning more at the sound. “Okay, okay! Enough jostling, I’ll lose more brain cells if you keep it up.”
“Oh, you still have those?” He chuckles. “Here lemme just.. shake those loose too.” Both of his legs wiggle, jostling you back and forth like a boat would, his arms caging you in so you don’t actually go flying.
You let out a squeal following more giggles and hold tightly to his neck until he comes to an abrupt stop. “Jeez, that’s a real workout on the legs..” he mumbles, letting out a little exhausted sigh.
“Hey you did that all on your own, you have only yourself to blame.” Your grip doesn’t leave him in its entirety as you shift on his lap turning sideways, he loosens his grip and grumbles out a “watch it” until you settle down.
After making grabby hands at the arm not trapped behind you he rolls his eyes and relents, giving you his newly free hand. It’s obvious that Jax is pushing his limit at both sitting still and being this vulnerable, and you could keep going on and just soak up the affection full well knowing he won’t actually blow up at you. The others however will pay the price of his pent-up aggression. Perhaps you could lessen that by…
You give his palm a few gentle prods with your thumbs like it’s a squish toy before bringing it to your face, moving it in such a way that allows him to take your jaw and squish your cheeks between his thumb and fingers.
And oh boy does he squish, a bit too roughly but it’s not unbearable as he moves your head side to side. He knows what you doing, letting him have some playful aggression with you to lessen what he’ll put the others through.
You’ve done it before but it rarely does much, he’ll play nice when you’re around then subject the others to his full bull shittery when you’re gone. It does give him a good chance to just fuck with you and squish those cheeks and rattle you around, you’re at his mercy and you happen to make some particularly cute little noises after all. It’s a nice and rare chance to soak up being able to have your face in his hand without him having to subject himself to any embarrassing vulnerable shit of outright asking to touch your face in such a.. intimate-like gesture.
His internal struggles are lost on you though, simply content on his lap, in his arms letting him squish and waggle your head around. You silently count down the minutes, or guesstimate the minutes until he’s had enough and lets you go. At least this time he has the decency to help you stand versus shoving you off his lap and onto the floor.
Jax brushes the imaginary dust from his clothes and puts a hand on his hip, gesturing the free hand towards you. “We done here babe?”
You nod, rocking back and forth before shaking your head. “Lean over real quick.”
He rolls his eyes and groans but does as asked, leaning over to be on your level. Before he can ask why he’s breaking his back you lean up and press a quick kiss to the side of his mouth before pulling away and racing out of his bedroom.
The grin slips for a split second while he processes that you literally had him lean down, just to kiss him and then bolt. That face-splitting grin returns as he strolls out of his room just to see you at the end of the hall giggling like a maniac.
“You know what? I’ll give you a head start, better hope I don’t catch you!”
You bolt off with a squeal and he chuckles, maybe when he catches you he’ll just settle all that pent-up aggression toward you—he’s long overdue for an intense tease session after all.
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