#I got some things for new inlaws too
amerasdreams · 1 year
Today I went shopping with mom and we found some after Christmas sales. When we got back she was lamenting she hadn't gotten a mini vacuum bc she wants to vacuum before our Christmas on Saturday. Dad got a vacuum for his Christmas bonus but we didn't get it yet
I actually got a vacuum for them before i knew what he ordered for the bonus. Hidden in my closet. When mom said that, after she went to get some stuff for work (for me to work on) I got the vacuum out. I figured might as well give it now so she can be happy to be able to vacuum.
When she got back she was flabbergasted that a vacuum suddenly appeared in the living room. I said I got it when we were in the store today and snuck it out to the car. She believed me lol
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yetanothergreyjedi · 1 year
Ghosts of Our Pasts: 9
DP x DC Crossover
Danny Fenton and Damian Wayne Siblings AU
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Dani: Yo, what's with the massive group chat I just got dropped into?
Dani: I'm assuming you guys have to do with this
Tucker: ....did... did we forget to send you Danny’s new number? 
Dani: he has a NEW one? I just swapped his contact information like 2 weeks ago 
Tucker: it's actually the same number just backwards... present from the Backwards Day Ghost 
Dani: WOW
Tucker: it was miserable 
Dani: I'm sure
Dani: so about the group chat?
Tucker: Danny met his bio-sibling and he had a fraid too, so idk its like fraid inlaws or something? 
Dani: Bio-sibling? Danny's adopted? 
Tucker:Shouldn't you know this?
Dani: Why would I?
Tucker: You're his cousin....
Dani: Oh... I forgot I told you guys that...  
Tucker: ?
Dani: I'm his clone
Tucker: this is gonna be a wild story isn't it
* Dani started a call that lasted 31 minutes *
Jazz: Danny why did you just put me in a group chat with like 25 people in it?
Danny: Sibling groupchat 
Jazz: What? 
Jazz: Danny, I'm going to need a bit more explanation than that. 
Jazz: you didn't get cloned again?
Jazz: Did you???
Jazz: Danny?
* 1 missed call from Jazz *
* 2 missed calls from Jazz *
* 3 missed calls from Jazz *
Jazz: please tell me Danny lost his phone again and isn't in some kind of trouble. 
Tucker: Oh, it's in his bag... he's out rn...
Jazz: out where?
Jazz: I thought this was supposed to be a 'laying low' vacation? 
Sam: that was before he met his brother 
Jazz: his brother? 
Tucker: yeah! Apparently he's related to the Batman!
Jazz: you left him alone with his brother 
Sam: Yeah...?
Jazz: the brother that killed him?
* multiple people are typing *
So yeah, Danny was officially tasting emotions now. He realized as Damian looked him over. The flour-y taste of concern was replaced with a salty-savory pride as he confirmed that, no, Danny hadn't been shot. (Well, he would've been, if he hadn't decided to not be tangible.) Then Bio-dad dropped down, mugger dude gave off another milk-sour wave of fear. Then Bio-dad saw the gun and huh, he didn't think describe how disappointment tasted with human words. But maybe he should be focusing less on what flavors most accurately described his stupid new empath ability and focus more on the situation at hand.
Together Dami and Bio-dad explained the normal process of cuffing criminals in obvious places so the police can find them. It was simple, didn't really require Danny to do anything, so he disassembled the weapon while he listened. Which he probably shouldn't have done, because now he was being asked to hand it over as evidence...
"Uh..." Danny fished the larger pieces back out of his pocket, but their was a lot of little ones, because he might've phased the screws out to take apart the fun little inner bits and he ended up dropping tiny metal parts all over the sidewalk. 
There was a beat of silence, then Damian clicked his tongue with a little "Tt," and Danny flushed. 
"Sorry..." Danny started.
"It's fine," the Bat said. Amusement, it turned out, tasted like raspberries.
Danny, holding a deadly weapon: "is this a fidget toy?"
Somebody told me once that they didn't see any Canon evidence that Sam and Tucker knew Dani was a clone. And like, their lives are so crazy that peice of information falling into a crack, sure. Where did Danny's concerned about vlad cloning people came from. Like they didn't question it, vlad is weird. They could see him doing it... oh... he did do it? That makes more sense than a sudden semi rational fear.
Also Batman has absolutely noticed some weird things about Danny. But he also knows that Danny has "a weird conglomeration" of Lazarus put side effects, and that Danny said "mood" about being in other dimensions. It might be ooc for him to be patient with answers, but he's in my story so he's gotta play by my rules.
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sapph-mik · 1 month
life right now is similtaneously going 100mph and also frozen in time.
two years ago i was scared of what you meant to me -- meant for me. i looked at you and knew it then, it just scared me at 21. it has always been you. it always will be you. i'd do so many thing differently. but this isnt about the past... this one is about the future.
im so eager and impatient to get there with you. i want it to be 2025 and we're both eager to announce the engagement. we will have already had a year of celebrations with each other. 4th of july; i mentioned us going back east for your family and you refused another "nash summer,"
august 1st you treated like a national holiday in honor of my favorite song. later in the month you survived the annual family boat-camping trip, meeting my siblings, my inlaws, and of course, my niece and nephews. they all loved you.
Halloween wasn't anything great in my opinion but you loved it, going to the pumpkin patch, touring Halloweentown, begging me to watch a scary movie with you, both of us skipping parties to hand out candy to the kids in your neighborhood, you telling me the dogs will not be wearing a costume and gibby ended up in a tutu somehow.
thanksgiving you came with me to my family reunion. I was scared because everyone on my dad's side was going to be there, but you wanted to spend time with savannah some more. family members pulled me aside to ask me about you, and if we were getting married. i just responded for them to be on the lookout in a year or so.
i made your birthday the biggest deal i could. i had never gotten to experience one with you until then. balloons and candles and letters and photos and it took a lot of string pulling but we got your friends out here for a weekend.
christmas you went back home and i watched the dogs for you. you told me you wished we could have spent it together, and i did too, but we ended up exchanging gifts at the airport before you left. christmas night, i showed up with your little sister's help to surprise you. my mom was watching the dogs for us. i met a lot of your family then. we stayed through new years, celebrating 2025 together. you made a comment this being the year we get engaged.
i told you valentines day wasn't a big deal to me, but you made it a big deal. you insisted on gifts, baked goods, and a fancy dinner. balloons and candles and letters. I felt bad because all i got you was a letter and concert tickets. you still cried anyway.
i had never had a birthday quite like the one with you. you made it such a big deal. you took it upon yourself to make the best 24th a girl could have. i begged to read the letterbook. you told me "not yet,"
and then april 24th came... and we went shopping. we got dinner. we went away for the weekend. you cried, i cried. nothing was more perfect than the time we spent. you finally had finished the letterbook and gave it to me, i read every page right then and there.
but for now, it's only may 1st and its only been a week. well. a week + 2 years. I love you and im so excited to see what ACTUALLY becomes of us this year.
yours always,
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polikszena · 1 year
Alaskan midnight - A “For a little bit of sunshine” New Year’s Eve special
Fandom: Top Gun: Maverick
Rating: Teen and up audiences
Summary: He is one of the country’s best naval aviators, she is a dance instructor and a writer. He has been called back to Top Gun for an extremely dangerous mission, she is battling her insecurities. They meet at a bar. This is their story.
Relationships: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Female OC
Chapter 1 I Chapter 2 I Chapter 3 I Chapter 4 I Chapter 5 I Chapter 6 I Chapter 7 I Chapter 8 I Chapter 9
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Chapter summary: Maggie "Letdown" Miller planned it all: finish the workshop, lead a rueda and then go to The Hard Deck to meet Rooster and have her midnight kiss. However, due to a delay in the schedule, she cannot leave the salsa club on time. Does this mean she and Rooster can forget that kiss?
Not if it's up to Maverick.
Word count: 1678
Notes: This is a New Year's Eve special for one of my Top Gun fanfics, For a little bit of sunshine. Some fluff with a little Mavdad moment as well.
Alaskan midnight
Maggie “Letdown” Miller didn’t plan to step into the new year like this: standing in the crowded club, on her own, while the DJ was counting down the seconds until midnight. She agreed to do a workshop and lead a few ruedas in La Cubanita’s New Year’s Eve party way before she had even met Rooster. He and the rest of the Dagger Squad were in The Hard Deck, and Maggie wanted to join them before twelve o’clock, so she could have a midnight kiss - something she was dreaming about for a long time. She knew it was a huge cliché, sharing a kiss when the clock struck twelve, yet she still wanted it. As a romance writer, she had written several scenes like that, but it had never happened to her before.
However, to achieve that, she would have to arrive at The Hard Deck before midnight. She planned it all: to leave before the traffic got too heavy and get to the Coronado bar on time, but there was a delay in the schedule. She had to start the workshop later than they had planned, and even if she skipped one of the ruedas, it would still have been too late. The only thing she could do was to text Rooster that she couldn’t make it and be very sorry for herself.
She watched the excited crowd counting down the seconds, forcing herself to smile, trying to ignore her sinking heart. When the clock finally struck midnight she saw the people hugging, kissing and clinking glasses.
“Happy New Year,” she turned to DJ Inlaw - a man in his mid-thirties, who was a regular DJ in La Cubanita, but surprisingly, a terrible dancer.
“Happy New Year,” he replied, smiling back at her. “I won’t kiss you,” he added.
“Of course,” Maggie nodded with a small laugh.
“But I can give you a hug,” the DJ continued, opening his arms.
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw didn’t plan to welcome the new year like this: sitting on a motorbike, next to a police car, waiting for the red light to turn green. He regretted listening to Maggie. For him it was clear that he wanted to spend New Year’s Eve with her, and when it turned out that she would be working that night, he offered to go to La Cubanita, but she talked him out of it, not wanting to separate him from his friends. Instead, she convinced him that she would be the one joining them in The Hard Deck as she also had friends partying there (most of them were his friends, too). However, seeing her message that she couldn’t make it, Rooster realized that it was a bad idea. Now he could forget the midnight kiss he wanted to share with her. It would have been so romantic taking her into his arms when the clock struck twelve. But it wouldn’t happen, at least not this year.
“What’s wrong?” Pete “Maverick” Mitchell asked when he heard him sigh.
“Maggie cannot come,” Rooster said. “There was a delay with the workshop and now she won’t be able to get here due to the traffic.”
Maverick nodded, while his thoughts were already racing in his mind. Glancing out of the window, he saw his motorbike parking next to the cars, and he had an idea.
“She can’t make it until midnight, but you might get there,” he said with a smile forming in the corner of his mouth.
“How?” The younger aviator burst out. “I can’t fly there!”
“You don’t have to. You can go by motorbike,” Maverick said.
“But I don’t know how to drive it.”
“I’ll take you, so you won’t miss your New Year’s kiss.”
“And what about your New Year's kiss?” the kid wondered, throwing a glance at Penny Benjamin behind the bar.
Maverick looked at her, too. He wanted to kiss her, but he found the kid getting his kiss more important than his own. Taking him to his girl was a fatherly thing to do, even if the kid in question was a thirty-something adult.
“I’ve had my fair share of those,” the aviator said. “Let’s go.”
However, despite the motorbike being faster and easier to navigate on the crowded roads, it still wasn’t enough. Maverick crossed a few red lights, but there were way too many cars and people out there to go full speed. He was still dangerous, but he didn’t want to risk the lives of the people partying on the streets. Hitting someone on New Year’s Eve would definitely give Admiral Cain a reason to fire him for good, and now Iceman wasn’t around to save his ass.
They weren’t too far from La Cubanita when the lights turned red again, and Maverick was about to speed up, just a little bit, when Rooster spotted the police car stopping at the same red light, but at the line next to them. Maverick had no other choice but to stop and wait. His gaze was jumping between the police car and the traffic lights, waiting for the green light when the clock struck twelve. He heard people cheering, car horns honking and fireworks crackling. They were too late.
“I’m sorry, Rooster,” he said, lowering his head.
The kid, however, strengthened his grip around the older aviator’s waist. At least he was there with him.
“Happy New Year, Mav,” he said.
Warmth spread out in Maverick’s chest hearing the kid’s words. He knew it wasn’t ideal: sitting on a motorbike with Rooster, at a red light, next to a police car. Yet he couldn’t help smiling.
“Happy New Year, son,” he said.
“May I have this dance?”
Maggie was finishing a text to her father when she heard the question, and once she looked up, she almost dropped her phone.
“Bradley!” she exclaimed and a grin broke out on her face. “What are you doing here?” she asked.
“I came for the New Year’s kiss,” he said, enjoying that he managed to surprise her. “But I missed it due to a red light and a police car.”
“You drove here?” she wondered. If that was the case, he might have left The Hard Deck before she messaged him, she stated in mind.
“It wasn’t me. It was Maverick. We came by his motorbike,” Rooster told her, throwing a glance at the older aviator who was ordering himself a drink at the bar. “When I got your message, he offered me a ride.”
“I owe him one, then,” Maggie said.
“We couldn’t make it,” Rooster reminded her.
Maggie looked at her watch and smiled.
“In Alaska it’s still before midnight,” she told him. “If we celebrate the New Year according to the Alaskan Time, we can still have that kiss.”
A laugh escaped Rooster’s mouth and he felt warmth spreading out in his chest. This was why she liked her so much: for her ideas like this.
“Why haven’t I thought of that earlier?” he wondered.
“It only came to my mind just now as well,” Maggie admitted.
“It’s brilliant.”
“Thanks,” she said with a giggle. She even blushed, being happy that he liked this silly idea.
“Let’s hit the floor before the clock strikes again,” Rooster suggested, taking her hand.
“Wait,” Maggie said, then cupping his face with one hand, she gave him a long, passionate kiss.
“Hey, isn’t it too early for that?” Rooster asked, glancing at his watch. Not that he minded it - not at all! - but the Alaskan midnight was still pretty far away.
“Oh, no, this was just an ‘I’m so glad you’re here’ kiss,” she told him.
“In that case…” he said, pulling her closer to himself then he kissed her back fiercely, making her weak in the knees.
“Let me guess… you’re happy to see me, too,” she breathed when they broke apart. Her cheeks were red and her eyes were sparkling as he was still holding her in his arms.
“I am, but that’s actually some serpentine throws,” he told her, pulling the plastic-wrapped paper roll out of his jeans’ pocket. He had to admit, those kisses did make his stomach flutter, and he did want more, but they weren’t quite there yet.
Glancing at the serpentine, Maggie started laughing and she blushed even more.
“I meant the kiss!” she said, playfully smacking him on the chest. “I haven’t thought of that! At least not yet,” she added and they both laughed.
“Now let’s go,” he said, leaving the serpentine on a table then led her to the dance floor.
“We have less than a minute left!” Maggie announced, picking up the champagne glasses from the bar. She thanked Ramón, the bartender, for his service, then handed out the glasses to Rooster and Maverick.
“Alaskan time zone?” the older aviator raised a brow. “That’s smart.”
“Ten seconds!” Rooster said, looking at his watch, and they counted down together until one.
At midnight they clinked their glasses, then putting down his, Rooster slipped an arm around Maggie’s waist. She glanced up at him and smiled before his lips touched hers. He kissed her with so much passion that she had to hold onto him in order to stay on her feet. She couldn’t tell for how long they were in a liplock - it could be one minute or ten, but when they stopped, Maggie found themselves surrounded by the Dagger Squad, all smiling at them.
“Alaskan time?” Phoenix asked. “Clever.”
“What are you doing here?” Rooster wondered.
“Maverick said this party needed a little help,” Hangman replied.
“Plus the baby guns took over the jukebox,” Payback told them.
“Because you lost against them,” Coyote pointed out.
“They have a horrible taste,” Fanboy said.
“Even worse than your fashion sense,” Hangman added, throwing a glance at Rooster’s Hawaiian shirt.
“We didn’t want to get into a fistfight, so we decided to join you instead,” Bob said.
A smile touched Maggie’s lips. In the end, she did get to celebrate New Year’s Eve with her friends.
“Hey, Ramón,” she turned to the bartender. “Is there any more champagne left?”
Tagging: @lj13oct, @discojohndeacy, @luckyladycreator2, @moechen86, @katieshook02, @the-untamed-soul, @literary-lesbian, @a-littlebit-ofeverything, @jascasandra, @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth, @angelinagabriel, @alanadetigy, @multiple-fandoms-girl, @heaven-bvck, @agentlyddon​, @carlaangel86, @yuewengao, @justahopelessssromantic, @lais06, @gabby-youremymiracle-dawson​
If you would like to be added to the list or removed, please let me know!
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mushroomwillow · 5 months
Some thought ramblings (I love my in-laws they are amazing this is just thoughts)
My mother inlaw is adamantly and very loud about her disgust of thrifted items, especially clothing.
Myself, and my father inlaw however, are not. We grew up poor (I still am) and thrifting was (and is for me) the only way we could get clothing, and when struck with a hell of a lot of luck, very nice clothing.
So, when selling my daughters old clothes and toddler bed (I’m so sad that bed was so dope, it was a whole ass space ship with planets but she’s too tall for it now) at a consignment store with extremely cheap thrifted baby and kids stuff, my fiance and I wandered around for a bit.
I found a pair of nearly brand fucking new kids doc martens. I have never been able to afford shoes or anything as expensive as those brand new. These were $30. And we got a good amount back from all my daughters stuff that we gave (some they wouldn’t pay for but they took them as a donation and like, I didn’t need them so I gave them to them as a donation, anyway). So, I bought them. They were my size, I love the zipper, and like, brand new these are $90.
Insert my mother and father inlaw. I was very excited, showed them off. My father inlaw agreed it was a hell of a deal, and I kind of got them for free with enough left over for things we needed at the time. My mother inlaw however was horrified.
“But you don’t know who wore those!”
“Probably a child?”
“You don’t know where there feet could have been!”
“Ok?? I barely know where my feet have been.”
“They’re full of germs!”
“So are all shoes? I’m not going to lick them, or eat off them?”
She continues to go on about how gross it is that I bought them. Brings up that my favorite shoes I got from a thrift store, I’ve had them for years now and they’re still doing great and I got them for $5. Meanwhile me and my father inlaw share quite a few looks. He mentions he had to thrift as a kid, and she shuts him down because now he has the money not too, totally ignoring the fact that like, me and her son do not have that kind of money.
She bought me new docs. I do love them, and I do wear them. But like, idk. It seriously seriously bothers me. And I’m going to continue to wear the ones I bought, they’re black and go with everything. The ones she got me are pink and they don’t go with like, most of my work clothes.
I love my mother inlaw, I really do, it’s times like this tho that hurt and feel totally out of touch. She grew up never needing a thing, always getting things she wanted. And I grew up poor. At times homeless and only surviving off asking for change just so I could eat. It sucks. And I have shut her down by reminding her about these things. But she always ends with a quip of how I/everyone needs to just work harder.
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icharchivist · 9 months
Belial trying to ruin the wedding at this point more to spite Sandalphon than anything. he can't even really bring himself to feel much more than confusion towards Lucifer about it but how dare this guy who was so ungrateful for so long get to marry him. also he designs Lucifer the sluttiest wedding dress ever just for fun and also because he knows it will have Sandalphon on the floor without bothering Lucifer at all
Like i like to imagine that once Lucifer as dead, Belial probably felt a bit empty, because it didn't solve his resentment for him and didn't do anything to erase the affection they used to have and all, so, anytime we go with an AU where Lucifer is back it leaves Belial in this chaotic mindset of having lived too long with the resentment to let go but also knowing too well that it didn't solve a thing to kill Lucifer to just outright being a menace again (if not for Lucifer insisting on them fixing their relationship)
so that's kinda my initial take away on the dynamic there, so i definitely think he wouldn't be doing this for Lucifer, or if he does, it's to give a facade of not caring for him while dealing with his internal turmoil.
however, bothering Sandalphon is game in EVERY possible alternative, so at least this is the one thing that gives Belial some stability. Can't deal with his feelings so he'll distract himself bothering his new in law instead.
i also like to think Belial does blame Sandalphon for Lucifer's death (bc of the "Lucifer wouldn't have died if he wasn't protecting you that day") (and yes i say it knowing painfully well Belial knows he's the one who caused Lucifer's death but i believe he's an hypocrite. Like "oh come on, me trying to kill him was just normal, we're like siblings. you, however, as his lover, shouldn't have put him in danger, so it's your fault, actually <3") so it means he would screw the wedding fully out of spiting Sandalphon.
Also it means Belial might make a best man speech where he ends up going on about how Sandalphon doesn't deserve Lucifer in the most coy and subtle way and Lucifer isn't sure he gets what he's saying because Belial is talking about how Lucifer died for Sandalphon, meanwhile Sandalphon has grabbed his fork already and is trembling, literally only stopped by Lucifer having his hand in his other hand from attacking Belial on the spot.
as for the dress, you're SO right. yknow i would imagine like. A dress especially that is completely backless, perhaps diving a little too low even, and Sandalphon is just completely short circuiting.
After the reception and after Belial almost got killed 100 times by Sandalphon, Belial comes to see him and tell him "btw, if you just undo the ribbon behind his neck the dress comes totally undone. that's my inlaw gift for you ;D" and Sandalphon just stops computing.
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dausy · 11 months
I'm back in town! we survived! So as I have said in multiple videos. The husband is about to leave on a 9month rotation and I won't see him again until next year. This was his vacation before he leaves though I'm not sure exactly when he's leaving but it'll be a few more weeks.
I know I was just in Vegas, but that was a holiday weekend so we both had 4 day weekends and we did splurge to get there. I feel like I have to apologize for going on vacation but in hindsight the last time we went on vacation was actually back in December when we were in the process of moving and this year is over half over now...don't even know how that happened.
My MiL wants to try and go to Disneyland for Christmas and invited me so I won't be alone during the holidays but we were both looking at the prices for tickets and I'm not sure thats going to happen.
Anyway I'm going ramble on about our trip more (including comparing Universal orlando vs hollywood) below.
So again, my inlaws live in Arizona so we drove the 8 hours to their house and spent a couple days before picking up my SiL and driving another 8 hours to Los Angeles.
We had discussed what kind of vacation we should take this year. Besides this past Vegas trip my SiL hasn't really had a vacation (kinda) and wanted to go to the beach for the first time ever. Some of the logistics for other trips we were just too..tired...to handle...so we both wanted to see the new Super Mario World so California was an easy enough thing to plan.
When we got to Los Angeles we checked into our hotel..which hilariously was having some sort of water inspection and they gave us an apology letter saying the water would be shut off until the next day T_T so we dropped off our luggage and went and wandered around the City Walk which is like Universals version of Downtown disney. The shopping district. Now I have been to Orlando many many times living close on the east coast. This city walk in Hollywood was super tiny. We ended up going to go see the new SpiderMan movie which was fabulous. Little long, but wonderful. Ate dinner and then went to bed.
Next day we actually went to Universal Studios and I have some safety issues. Now US really has a pretty view up on their hill but somebody didn't think about these logistics of these escalators. We got let into the park early but the mad rush for mario at the bottom of the 3 escalators felt like a dangerous human stampede. I don't know how people werent falling off or getting squished and dying. Thats dangerous. And I'm sure they had them but I didn't see any elevators. My FiL is disabled and though he wasn't with us, I honestly don't know how anybody in a wheelchair or scooter manages to get around this park at all. Its small and cramped and very dependent on going up and down hills. I will say too that I was actually disappointed with the Mario ride. The land looks cool even though it isn't magically hidden. Like at disneyworld or universal orlando they hide the buildings and structural supports within a facade so you "forget" you're in a themepark. Mario you could see the wirings and supports..which was fine..but the ride sucked. I was honestly expecting some sort of 3d immersive ride. Maybe not a real rollercoaster but one that felt like you were on one. This was just another Buzz Lightyear or Men in Black. Instead of lasers you are shooting turtle shells. 8( sad. I didn't get to try any food because we planned poorly and are broke (not really but yeah).
I will say that Jurassic World is great. I wish they would update the one in Orlando. I also really enjoyed the studio tour. And I could be totally wrong but I think we accidentally saw a celebrity from afar idk. But I liked how they incorporated F&F and kingkong into it. I'm not a fan of the individual rides over in Orlando.
Overall we finished the park quickly. Very small. P.S. we did single rider for mario because it was a 2 hour wait from rope drop and I aint about that wait. Near walk on with single rider.
And then the next couple of days were spent at Santa Monica Pier and Little Tokyo and Hollywood BLVD. I had no desire to visit Hollywood at all but we accidentally drove by the Line Friends store and miniso so we stopped. I was hoping for korean make up and then I just like looking at anything cute. We did see an angry woman screaming at somebody who then pulled her naked boobs out and swung them like nunchucks and then saw another naked man applying sunscreen(?). So that was about accurate to what my inlaws said Hollywood was like, I guess.
In Santa Monica we ran into 2 celebrities. One, I don't know who he was but a group of Chinese tourists were taking photos of him. I asked who it was and they showed me what looked like an IMDB page for him but I couldn't read..the..chinese..its fine..he was handsome and smelt good up close?
and then Logan Paul was filming literally behind me. Photo was posted to twitter. So like..catch my butt on his youtube later I guess. I had a simba backpack on.
But mainly I wanted to go to Koreatown or Little Tokyo. For times sake, we went to Tokyo because I was told its less "ghetto" and just better. Tokyo I had high hopes may have art supplies but korea had make up..ugh...I did see art supplies in Tokyo but the amount of people just brought on stress anxiety. One of the bookstores I went into had sets of 5 copic markers for 7.99...that is...impressive. Looking back theres some stuff I kind of wish I'd bought but I got stressed out I left the shop.
but overall, I could spend another day or two for sure. But I know we got scammed a bit with parking costs, traffic made me nauseous, it was kind of cold too...I was honestly expecting weather to be like Florida (hot and muggy), so I brought summer clothes and ended up cold. And oddly enough, I think I also expected the landscape to look like florida. I've definitely heard of the "hollywood hills" but in my mind I was still expecting swamp..and yes..LA is very dirty. I don't think I need to live there. I do however like some of the architecture on the outskirt cities.
also, I finally got some decent pastries and a matcha coffee. /highfive/
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stardust-static · 2 years
I have exciting news!!
I just got my letter in the mail saying that I'm approved for the bariatric surgery in October. I'm so excited!!!!!! My doctor is supposed to call me with the exact date. Finallyyy!!!!!!
All that sleep study nonsense with my other surgeon? Was totally not required. This surgeon was like "yeah that has nothing to do with this. You're done with your requirements and ready to go" i was pissed that she wasted two months of my time and intended to waste a whole other month as well, but I am greatful I was switched over to this surgeon and he seems a lot more accessible and I can have a conversation with him without being brushed off.
My whole life is about to change, but I'm so ready!
This month I'm going to spend detoxing from diet coke. Which is my weakness. A part of me wants to savor it while I can, but I need to stop. I can't drink soda anymore or alchohol. Alchohol isn't really a problem. Gives me a tummy ache and makes me sleepy, and I very rarely drink anyway. There's also a lot of people in my family who have struggled with alchohol addiction. My mom recently went through this and has come out finally that she's been struggling with alchohol addiction now for years when everything came to a head at the beginning of the year.. She was in denial about it for years and passed off her strange behavior on other things.. One night some months back i got a scary call and she ended up being hospitalized because she drank way too much. She was getting worse and worse at hiding it. We had an intervention of sorts and she vowed not to drink at all anymore and she got the help she needed. I'm very proud of her.. I've been thinking of never drinking again as an act of solidarity for the people in my life who have struggled with alchohol addiction. Not that I enjoy drinking anyway, so it would be very easy for me to cut out completely. The occasional margarita at my inlaws or malibu w/ pineapple juice are as crazy as I get these days. I can't even drink wine anymore because it always gives me a horrendous migrane. Diet coke will actually be the difficult thing for me. I crave it. It's so bad for me though, so it's a vice I'm going to have to cut out. I do plan on doing things this month that I won't be able to do anymore. There's a night market with a bunch of food trucks I've always wanted to go to. I'm gonna do that. I'm gonna eat all you can eat sushi one last time, and I think thats it... I might even bake a couple desserts I've always wanted to make.
Ahh! I'm so ready for this though. I cannot wait!😁
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maxkirin · 3 years
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I recently finished writing a novel and, as promised, here are the 5 realest tips I picked up from this experience.
Make sure to reblog / share with your writing friends! 😊🌻
First off, let's demystify what writing a book is actually like by showing you what my writing calendar actually looked like for this novel:
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What do the colors mean?
Yellow = Brainstorming and outlining. That's right, I only spent 3 days planning before jumping in. More on that later.
Red = Writing. One chapter a day, shooting for 2.5K words (though it often was more or less, and that's okay!)
Gray = Other work, days life got in the way or I couldn't write.
Pink = Days off / resting days.
⭐ TIP #1 - It's Okay to Miss a Day (or Many)
We writing-types tend to have unrealistic expectations. Daily writing is one of them. You don't have to write every day, and it's okay if something gets in the way and you miss days or even weeks.
It doesn't matter how many days you miss, as long as you always get back to writing.
⭐ TIP #2 - You Don't Have to Outline Your Whole Book
I understand that first-time writers combat their fear of the blank page by outlining / planning well in advance, and that's okay, but here are some real-ass truths:
If you're like me, you think about your book several times every day. Trust me, books take a while to write and you are going to have plenty of chances to find ideas.
Instead of outlining the whole book, scene by scene, I just get myself enough of a framework to get started, and then I use a bit of my secret sauce:
🌶 Each night, as I'm winding down before bed, I take a journal and write down what I think will happen in tomorrow's chapter. It takes a few minutes, and those notes are pretty much all I need to get me through a writing session.
⭐ TIP #3 - Writing Is Not That Important
Writing a book is more than just the writing part, it's also about the living part too. You're a human being with responsibilities and sometimes things get in the way. And this is okay!
So what if life got in the way of writing?
Roll with the punches and try tomorrow. That's all we can do~
Now, let's build on the last point by adding even more context to the calendar, because writing a book is more than just the writing part—it is also about navigating through the chaos that is life.
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What do the icons mean?
🥄 (Spoons) = Days I was tired, sick, or out of spoons / Action Points
🖥 (PCs) = Computer issues! Thank you, Microsoft!!
😰 (Distressed Face) = Stressful or unexpected life events! Can you believe I got surprise visits by my inlaws twice while writing this book? I wish I was kidding!
💊 (Pill) = After a life-long struggle with anxiety and depression, I finally started taking medication. Good news: I feel better. Bad news: the transitory period is rough.
⭐ TIP #4 - Every Day is Different
It's easy to think that every day is the same and that you should be able to do the same things consistently—but that's a fantasy! If you're like me, some days you have more energy than others, and some days the writing is easier than others! It's a crapshoot, but there's little we can do about it.
It's best to be kind to yourself, and take the L, than push yourself when you're already running out of steam and end up burning out. Take it from me. 🤞
⭐ TIP #5 - Life is a Sitcom (No, Really)
Looking at the experience of writing this book, there is so much more I couldn't just fit into two images—but there's a point I want to drive home.
I have the tamest, most peaceful life, and I still get on average 2.5 plots going on every week (like it's a sitcom up on here). Every week something breaks, something bad happens, something unexpected (good or bad) gets in the way.
And I'm basically a hermit! I can only imagine what it's like to be a person with an interesting life.
All of this to say that, you gotta lower your expectations a little. You're not going to write that book in one weekend. You're going to go over estimate. Something is going to get in the way. Between the prologue and the epilogue you're probably going to have to survive through a whole season of sitcom disasters.
In theory, writing a book is simple:
You sit down and write.
In reality, every day feels like a miracle.
This book took me ~6 weeks to write and in that span the best streak I ever got was 5 days in a row. Out of all those weeks, I spent a total of 15 whole days doing stuff other than writing.
The key isn't in being a perfect human being who never makes mistakes… but in being willing to get up, no matter how many times life knocks you down.
I hope this helps!
☕ Buy me a Cup of Coffee - 💖 Support me on Patreon
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Soulmarks, Part 2
First part
She sighed and rested her hands on her hips, her fingers carefully detaching her yoyo.
They were giving her orders, she could tell from their tone, but she couldn’t understand a word he was saying. She barely spoke English outside of a few vague lessons she’d had when she was a kid, and they were talking too fast for her to catch a single word.
“You know, I’d love to do that, but I don’t speak English.”
The person paused at this, and then they switched to fluent French: “Oh, sorry. Turn around slowly and don’t make any sudden moves.”
She slowly turned around, resting her hands behind her back. His gun lowered slightly to point at her legs and she let herself relax a little bit. A shot would be absolutely terrible, but at least he wasn’t actively trying to kill her.
She flashed Nightwing a bright smile. “Why, hello, sir!”
He raised his eyebrows slightly. “Who are you and what are you doing here?”
“I’m Ladybug...” They didn’t know who she was, so she didn’t have to hide her yoyo. She pulled it out from behind her back and started doing tricks with it to let out some of her nervous energy. “And, well, I’m here because I think my soulmate is in trouble. Apparently you, Batman, and Batgirl all know them.”
Nightwing’s eyebrows disappeared behind his bangs. “Uh… can you prove that?”
“See, the problem with that is most of my soulmarks have disappeared for them. All of them, actually.”
“Oh.” He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “I guess I’ll explain it to you…”
“Oh! No, they’re not dead! I thought they were, but then a new soulmark appeared and it’s… weird? Weirder than their normal ones, at least...”
She trailed off. Her eyes narrowed slightly. He’d certainly phrased the ‘I’ll explain it to you’ thing oddly, it was almost as if there was someone else there that she didn’t know about.
Her eyes searched the area for a sign of movement as she continued: “I don’t know if you can make sense of it. It’s a gun, but it’s one of those fake ones with the little flags that say ‘BANG’ you see in cartoons…”
Her eyes spotted a flickering in the shadows and she cringed mentally. Damn, she hated it when she was right. Whoever they were, she couldn’t see a glint of metal. So it was probably safe to assume they didn’t have a weapon out --.
“Where was it?”
She pulled her attention back to Nightwing. “Over my heart. Do you know what it means?”
He obviously knew, but he seemed hesitant to say anything. This really didn’t help her anxiety about the situation. He’d been prepared to tell her that her soulmate was dead, so just how bad could this be?
He opened his mouth to tell her, but he was cut off as a gun went off a few blocks away.
Listen, she wasn’t proud of it. But she was anxious... and it was at least two-on-one... and he’d had a gun pointed at her. She latched her yoyo around his wrist.
His eyes found their way to the polka-dotted yoyo and shock flickered across his face. “You’re-- oh sh --!”
She threw him to the next building without thinking and brought her hands up to her mouth as he crashed into a wall. Oops. He was a human.
She wheeled around to find Batgirl and held up her hands with a weak smile. What was the English word? “Sor-ree,” she said. She pointed the woman in the direction of the gunshot. “Can you? I’ll fix ‘im.”
Batgirl was apparently stunned enough by what Marinette had said that she complied.
She quickly hopped over to where Nightwing was and cringed as she summoned her lucky charm. The first thing she thought of popped into her hand: a computer mouse. “Sorrysorrysorrysorrysorry,” she mumbled.
He could only groan in response.
“Miraculous Ladybug,” she said.
He was enveloped in ladybugs and, when they cleared, he was patting himself with a shocked expression. “What the-- how did-- why--?”
“I really didn’t mean to hurt you, I swear. Are you alright?”
“I’m… fine, apparently,” he assured her. He slowly pushed himself to his feet and gave her a weak smile. “Well… that was certainly one way to meet the inlaws.”
She let them escort her, blindfolded, to the batcave.
Did she think it was stupid and unnecessary? Yes, she was already lost enough without the whole blindfold thing. Did she care? No, if this is what it would take to figure out if her soulmate was okay she would do it.
The blindfold was whipped off her face and a gasp left her lips.
“Oh, I need to get me one of these.”
Nightwing laughed and Marinette felt her face warm. She’d meant to be quieter.
She was allowed to wander around while Nightwing explained the situation to Batman and Batgirl. She tried not to laugh at all the names on plaques starting with ‘Bat’. She wondered if Nightwing was actually called BatNightwing.
“Ladybug!” Called possibly-BatNightwing.
She smiled awkwardly as she walked over. She perched herself on a railing.
Batman handed her a tiny device and she raised her eyebrows.
“It’ll translate everything so we can all speak in our native languages,” he explained calmly.
She nodded and placed it in her ear and pressed on. Lights flickered in front of her eyes and she stared at the interface in front of her with a stunned expression.
She reached up and selected her language and then waved for them to go ahead.
“Your soulmate is Tim Drake. He went missing on patrols about three weeks ago,” explained Batman.
Her eyes widened at the text in front of her and she pulled out her yoyo again. Her soulmate was a vigilante? You’d think she know about it from her soulmarks...
“What was his hero name?”
Nightwing shook his head. “Vigilante, not hero. And Robin.”
She hit herself in the face with her yoyo. Ah, so he wasn’t an avid birdwatcher, he was a bird-themed vigilante. She supposed that did make sense, considering her chosen career path.
Batgirl crossed her arms over her chest. “And you swear it’s a gag gun?”
“Do I have a reason to lie?”
Batgirl shrugged a little bit.
Batman seemed to think for a minute before sighing. “She’s a child, we can’t tell her this.”
“A child who launched that guy --” she jabbed a finger towards Nightwing “-- across some rooftops.” She smiled brightly. “So, how about we start talking, please?”
Batman sighed again. “No need for threats. We think he’s been captured by Joker.”
“And Joker is…?”
“A Rogue -- or I guess you would know of him as a criminal or villain. He’s pretty big here,” explained Batgirl.
She nodded slowly. That explained the deck of cards that had been on her back since she was a child. She started messing with her yoyo again.
“So, he was captured by Joker and…?”
Everyone looked at the oldest to explain, and Batman shook his head slightly. “He’s seemed to have lost his identity, if everything has disappeared.”
She thought about this for a minute and her face paled. What could Joker have done to him for him to lose his identity? She found herself hoping he’d just gotten hit too hard on the head once and lost his memory. That was the best case scenario.
Somehow, she doubted it.
“Right, so how do we save him?”
The Batmobile was… cramped.
The thing was huge, but there was very little actual room to sit for anyone besides Batman. Nightwing joked that it was almost as if he didn’t want anyone else in there.
In the end, Marinette got to sit in the passenger’s seat while Nightwing and Batgirl cursed their father out from the roof of the car. Sure, they were going slower than usual so no one would fall off and die, but it couldn’t be fun. She messed with her summoned yoyo (yes, she summoned a yoyo with her yoyo, what of it?) as she listened in to make sure they didn’t fall.
All too soon and yet far too late, they stopped at the gates to Arkham Asylum. She and Batman climbed out and helped the others down.
They all hopped the fence and Marinette sent a cheeky grin as she slipped through the bars.
Nightwing sighed. “I wish I was that tiny again.”
She gave a quiet laugh.
Everyone’s slight smiles dropped off their faces as they entered the asylum.
A shiver ran through her at the singing that floated through the mostly abandoned building. Everyone exchanged glances and then Nightwing and Batgirl split off.
She and Batman made their way through the halls, following the sound. She fought the temptation to curl in on herself or run away.
Batman sent her a look, a ‘stay back’, and then burst through the door.
Marinette slowly inched around the door as well, looking for cover. The place looked like Picasso had tried to make a house. There were walls where there shouldn’t be and an extra floor that just jutted out from the wall. Typical household items were placed around at random. It felt warped and… wrong.
The woman cut herself off and set a vase of flowers on the table. She turned around and looked up at the chair. “Puddin’, company!”
Marinette took the chance to dive under the table.
Her eyes landed on a… was that a bazooka? She’d never seen one in person before, and being so close to it made her anxious. She scooted as far away from it as she could. Her fingers pulled up the tablecloth slightly and she ducked down to see what was going on.
The man in the chair turned around to look and then smiled. “Hello there,” he said, stepping down. “Welcome to our happy abode!”
Joker and the woman embraced each other.
Batman didn’t humor them. “Where’s Robin?”
The couple looked at each other with mock confusion. “Robin? There’s no Robin here!”
“Maybe he means our little J!”
“Of course!” Joker snapped his fingers. “That’s it!”
They both looked at a blue curtain and Batman scowled as he strode towards it.
The woman giggled and reached under the table, her hand poking Marinette’s face. She made a quiet sound in the back of her throat and continued on, grabbing the bazooka. “Uh-uh! No peeking!”
Marinette’s eyes widened in horror as she pointed it at Batman but, before she could react, she pulled the trigger.
Ribbon wrapped around him.
She breathed a sigh of relief.
“Mommy’s little helper!” Said the woman brightly.
Joker pressed a kiss to her cheek. “You know, bats, we’ve been doing this little runaround of ours for years. It’s been loads of laughs, but the sad fact is…” He stepped towards the curtain. “None of us are getting any younger.”
“That old clock’s a-tickin!”
“Quite right, poo. And Harley and I were thinking it was time to start a family. Add a Joker Jr. to our merry brood.”
“But rather than go through all the joy of childbirth, we decided to adopt.”
“We couldn’t do it legally, but then we remembered you always had a few spare kids hanging around!”
Harley beamed and suddenly grabbed one of Marinette’s pigtails. A curse slipped from her lips as she was pulled out from under the table. “Whoops! There’s another one!”
“A surplus, really!” Joker grinned more widely than ever. “So we borrowed one.”
He pulled back the curtain with a dramatic flourish to reveal… an operating table?
She looked at the person on the table and felt bile rise in her throat. Their skin was blotchy white and paper-like from bleach treatments. Their eyes were unblinking and nearly pupil-less. The smile on their face was so wide that it had to have been stretched somehow.
“He needed a little molding, of course. What kid doesn’t? But, in time, we came to love him as our own. Say hello, J.J.”
The person started to laugh. The kind of laugh someone makes when they’re trying their hardest not to cry. They hopped down and laughed harder, their arms clutching their stomach as a few stray tears slid down his face.
Next part
Every time I think I know how long a fic is going to be I’m wrong help --
@pawsitivelymiraculous @golden-promises @salty-fang @kitsunebell @sassakitty @octobitch @glastwime859 @miyla-lokidottir @onlyabatfan @ira-sairain @2confused-2doanything @ultimatetornshipper
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ohnobjyx · 4 years
Do you think yb and xz stayed together during quarantine?
Hi, anon! Answering late, but better late than never.
I don’t know if any of you have noticed, but I’m interacting less with tumblr, and even though I left a lot of posts queued. Real life keeps me busy (I recently moved!), and I have to take care properly of that to be able to enjoy this properly. So don’t take it personally if I take a lot to answer or if any comment goes unreplied! Just ring in again if you really want my input!
Disclaimer: bjyx ofc is fake. Why would you think we believe it’s real?
From my pov... yes. Quarantined in the same city (they both live in Beijing, where they stayed during quarantine), wouldn’t you rather be with your partner than alone?
There are ofc those moments in ttysj that made me go really wide-eyed, and the little clues like the ones with the traditional Chinese medicine. If you don’t remember it, it’s when he said:
“Ma gave them to me”.
For this candy, there are a couple things you need to know:
In China (I can’t talk about other Asian countries, but I think something similar happens in some of them), you call your inlaws 妈 (ma, “mother”) and 爸 (ba, “father”).
There are several ways to call your own mother when you’re talking about her to people who aren’t family, like 我妈 (woma, “my mother”), 妈妈 (mama, “mum”) 我的妈妈 (wodemama, “my mum”), but none of them are just “ma”. The same happens with “father”.
So bxg think he was talking about an inlaw, not his own mother.
Besides of this, bxg are also wondering who prepared the medicine for him. Traditional Chinese medicine requires a process of decoction that varies in complexity, and for someone who didn’t know to wait for boiling water to add the noodles or didn’t know how to boil a chicken, I think the decocting medicinal herbs would be beyond his reach.
Coincidentally, dd has a “friend” who takes this kind of medicine and who knows how to cook, and probably would be happy to help him, especially if it’s to take care of dd’s health.
The last one that makes me 90% sure that they stayed at least quite some time together, in quarantine or otherwise is the matter with dd’s newly developed tolerance to spiciness. As I’ve said in this hotpot post, Sichuan spicy food takes time and frequent exposure to get used to it.
The timeline would look like this:
Dd’s skateboarding variety show was aired in June 2019, and filmed probably a month in advance. He absolutely can’t take spicy food in that show.
He then spends a few busy months promoting CQL (+ filming TTXS + filming YF + endorsements). He was probably too busy to be eating regularly, so it’s not probable that he ate a lot of Sichuan food in that time. Said promotion ends in November 2019.
Then he enters the busy period of the end of the year during December and January. There’s a short winter holiday after the Chinese New Year, which this year was January 25, but quarantine started in Hubei in January 23, and soon the country was in a lockdown.
He “reappears” (he never stopped working really, with ttysj and all) in April to film YF, and films the first hotpot episodes in early June, with a good tolerance to spiciness and boasting that he got his knowledge from a friend he met in a filming crew. 
So there’s a clear period of time in which he “learnt to eat” (a Chinese expression) spicy food. And well, someone had to cook them for him, isn’t it? And explain how to adapt the hotpot to his tastes. I don’t know about you, anon, but I don’t usually order take-outs of food I’m not used to and didn’t really like when I tried it.
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youarejesting · 3 years
BTS Seoul mates: Dulcet Couple.5
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Beta: @xiaokoo​ Pairing: Yoongi x Reader Genre: Romance, comedy, angst, fluff, soulmate au Words: 1.1k
Summary: You were connect through music. Yoongi a member of BTS and a music producer was having trouble concentrating. If he sang baby shark one more time he would pour hot coffee over his computer and give up his career to hunt you down personally.
You were happy to see the bags under Aster’s eyes had faded a little and you were also surprised to see Alexa standing in the entrance with Adora. The two were wearing masks, “You can’t leave for two weeks due to quarantine but after that, you should be free to visit the town. Just remember to wear your masks girls.” Adora said with a sweet reprimanding tone.
Adora waved goodbye saying she would come around one afternoon to have tea, before heading back out into the corridor. 
It was kind of funny how silent it was, it must have really sucked being the last soulmate to join the house so you took it upon yourself to make Alexa feel at home. 
“Since Alexa is the last one to join the house it must feel a bit intimidating or exclusive so let’s all try to be nice and accommodating to her. I know I would feel odd being last, so I will give Alexa the tour of the house. How about you all prepare some snacks and drinks and maybe we can sit and get to know one another?” You gave out some jobs and realised you probably should check in with Alexa, “Unless you would like some time to freshen up or rest?”
“Uh, I am a bit jet lagged but I would like to hole out until it’s night time to go to sleep try to assimilate this new sleep schedule” Alexa gave a bright grin as she looked around, “This place is really pretty, I would love a tour?”
“Sweet, this way we will show you to your new bedroom.” you smiled, leading her through the house and explaining the rooming situation. “We thought you would like your own room, so we gave you Imogen’s old room.”
“Thank you, you didn’t have to. I don’t mind and I don’t want to burden anyone by being here,” Alexa moved with certainty. She was poised unlike her clumsy counterpart and reminded them of a really tan vampire. Her dark hair and eyes were sultry. She felt like someone tough who could protect you. 
The tour ended with Alexa unpacking and handing out a few gifts to the girls, some got bath bombs others received scented candles. She had given Aster a weighted blanket that she said might help her fall asleep when she was on her own. “Wait we didn’t get you a gift?” Aster said a little disappointed, Aster loved giving gifts more than she received them. You believed giving gifts was how Aster showed her love, but how she received it was almost identical to Jimin receiving praise. Yoongi also liked words of praise even if he didn’t admit it but he prefered to show you how much he loved you from acts of service. Getting things you need and being there to help with jobs. He liked to be a silent helper, not to draw too much attention to himself.
“That’s okay, it is my culture to give gifts when meeting your inlaws and well I consider you part of Namjoon’s family” Alexa smiled, the group sat in the lounge room talking and eating snacks. It started to rain late into the afternoon and as the evening drew near the power went out. 
“We could play a game.”
“Sure what game?”
“No to high stress.”
“What about scrabble?”
“It’s in Korean.”
“Yeah scratch that.”
“Hmm, we could play bts uno?” Imogen laughed, cutting through the chaos by holding up the pack of cards and searching everyone’s faces for confirmation.
“Sure,” everyone seemed to agree. It didn’t take long for you all to grow comfortable with one another. The sound of someone's stomach growling caught your attention, “we should make dinner,” Thank gosh the portable gas stove was stored in the cupboard. Lighting candles around the room, you began preparing some ramen for everyone to enjoy. 
They all seemed to grow more excited as the aroma of the noodles filled the room, carrying the pot over and placing it on the pot cloth to protect the wood you each began eating, their fill. 
The sound of keys jingling in the door across the hall alerted them to the boys finally returning home, there was a knock and beau rushed to the door and opened it. 
“Welcome back!” She chimed and Taehyung was quick to enter smelling the ramen and sitting behind Iris and stealing some of her noodles. 
“They were mine, and you didn’t even say hi to me.” She pouted. 
“I am sorry my love, I saw you were eating ramen and I was so hungry,” Taehyung apologised pulling her into his lap, squeezing her tightly. 
“Next time I will eat with my eyes closed and then you won’t see anything,” she said closing her eyes “what do you see now huh?”
“I see the most beautiful girl in my world, the love of my life,” he kissed Iris’ lips. 
You got up abandoning the noodles and heading to the boys dorm where Yoongi was dropping his things off in his room. He knew it would be loud in the other dorm so preferred to stay clear of the noise. Leaning your head against the open door you watched him unpack. 
“How was the performance?” You asked curiously watching him stretch his shoulders. 
“Tiring,” he slumped on the bed. You crawled behind him and began gently massaging his shoulder trying to relieve the pain. 
“You need to get this shoulder looked at Yoongi it is causing you so much pain” you spoke softly, it hurt to see your soulmate in pain it became your own pain but worse because you couldn’t ease it you couldn’t take the pain from him, you just had to watch him suffer. 
“Just lay with me for a little bit,” Yoongi smiled, laying back and holding you. It was sweet feeling his hand on your waist and his breath against your cheek, it was a little laboured but each exhale came out softer until he had finally relaxed in your arms. “You smell like ramen.”
It made you laugh, but you let him drift off in your arms inhaling the faint ramen seasoning scent of your skin. There was a faint song in your head unlike any you had heard. It didn’t really have a melody, just an odd lyric. ‘She makes me laugh and smile for no reason, she holds me close smelling of ramen season’ It was cute how snuggly he got, almost making you forget everything, but there was still a part of you that wondered what the others were up to. 
These thoughts don’t last long as you start to drift off with Yoongi lying against you, your last thought is trying to heal his soul. Being close to your soulmate does wonders for your health but you doubted it could reverse the damage inflicted on his shoulder.
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hpfluff-fest · 4 years
HP Fluff Fest Masterlist
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We would like to thank everybody who has made this fest such a success, whether as a prompter, creator, or reader! Both of us hope the featured fics and art have brought you happiness and warm fuzzy feelings. Now, without further ado, may we proudly present the HP Fluff Fest 2020 Masterlist. 
Albus Severus Potter/Scorpius Malfoy
🌻god, you're beautiful by lov-lyness || @lov-lyness, Traditional Art (G)
Scorpius and Albus are by a lake, Scorpius's soulmark is showing.
🌻Sticky Love by motherofmercury || @motherofmercury, 1.3k, (G)
Scorpius always leaves encouraging notes and reminders around their flat for Albus to find.  Albus realises he's a messy person to live with.  Cleaning and the discovery of Albus' romantic side ensues.
 Bartemius Crouch Jr./Harry Potter FIC 
🌻Coming Home Late by Firebull || @swampwitchkaterina, 525 words (G)
It had become a bit of a routine to them.
 Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
🌻K is for Kiss by Pinkelephant42 || @pinkelephant42, Digital Art (G)
Harry escapes the spotlight to teach young magical kids. Draco is charmed by his son's new teacher.
🌻Moving in together - shopping for laughs. by digthewriter || @digtheshipper, Digital Art (G)
Trying out mattresses w/ your partner leads to giggles in the furniture showroom. 
🌻The Case for Borrowed Underwear and Morning-After Pancakes by toutcequonveut || @cequonveut, Digital Art (Comic) (T)
Harry and Draco have just Done the Deed™️ for the first time. After a truly fantastic night, Harry wakes up alone in bed and wonders where Draco has wandered off to..
🌻Age is just a number by gnarf || @gnarf, 1.5k (T)
Married for decades, their life is perfect. Until Harry gets a call and hears the following words: "Mr Potter, we caught your husband stealing ten large packs of King Sized condoms."
🌻And They Say Romance is Dead by static_abyss || @static-abyss, 9.7k (E)
Harry is in love with Draco Malfoy. This is, quite possible, the worst thing that could have ever happened to him. Not because he doesn't want to love Draco but because now that Harry knows, he doesn't know how he's supposed to tell him.
Or, five times Harry tried to tell Draco he loved him and one time he succeeded.
🌻Chasing Coffee by Yesimawriter || @foularcadebanana, 5.6k (T)
Harry's service dog, Coffee, is obsessed with a certain Slytherin prat, and Harry cannot figure out why. It can't be because Harry wants to spend more time with him, right?
🌻darling, your kisses are sweeter than honey by unicorninthelibrary || @unicorn-in-the-library, 1k (T)
No matter how many years have passed, waking up next to Draco is Harry’s favorite thing in life. 
  🌻Dear (For Want of a Better Idea) Diary by tigersilver || @stripedsilverfeline, 12.3k (M)
Draco likes his life; there’s not much not to like. He’s got himself a family of rescued kneazles and nosy Weasleys plus two fun jobs to keep him busy, which is more than he ever expected, post-Voldemort.  But he’ll have a bash at keeping a journal, just as his boss George suggested. Who knows? It might even help him sort out what’s up with Potter, right? 
  🌻Disastrously Perfect by savant (teii) || @teii, 8.3k (T) 
Neville figured that whatever was going on between Harry and Draco, he could quietly keep out of the way and observe from a safe distance. Luna, however, has other plans.
🌻 Duck And Cover by Drarrymadhatter || @drarrymadhatterstuff, k (T)
Draco is struggling with eighth year, until he’s forced to adopt a flock of ducklings. Harry, convinced his old nemesis is up to his old tricks, decided to find out what he’s up to. When he discovers his fluffy secret, he decides to have some fun with it. However, along the way, he starts to realise how much Malfoy has changed.
  🌻Ferret Support Services by CoCo (cportera) || @cportera, 4k (G)
Harry discovers a ferret while hiding away from his friends. He adopts the furry animal telling him secrets, never knowing the ferret might have secrets of his own.
🌻If This is Happiness, I Don't Mind Having This by Orpheous87, 6.2k (G)
Eighth Year isn't going too well for Draco. He's isolated and ignored by his classmates. Then he stumbles across a flock of tiny ducklings that need a helping hand. What Draco doesn't expect is someone to offer him a helping hand.
🌻I Knew I Loved You Before I Met You by Ladderofyears || @clemandben, 20.7k (E)
All Draco ever wanted was to carry his beloved husband's baby. It had been a journey of years, of tearful nights and smiling while he was breaking inside. It was finally happening though. They've tried for so long. They're having a child.
  🌻Just Like Potions by vivi1138 || @penguinanimagus, 2.3k (E)
Kreacher is on holidays. Draco thinks he can cook because he's so good at Potions. Hint: he can't.
  🌻Let Your Heart Hold Fast by MoonlitMarauder || @moonlitmaruader, 7.1k (E)
After three years together you'd think Harry would have learned to let Draco keep his secrets, but Draco is up to something. He just knows it. Or  That time when Ron had to give Harry advice on his love life.
🌻Love In Ikea by kai_blxck || @im-kaifused, 30.6k (T)
In all the trips Harry had made to Ikea, Harry never expected to bump into the love of his life? 
Draco never thought Wizards could exist but here he is, falling in love with one. 
  🌻Misunderstandings are as easy as A-B-C by VeelaWings || @veelawings, 3.4k (T)
A slow blink and Potter seemed to catch himself, clearing his throat and nodding, his smile friendly and bright when directed at Scorpius and Draco. “Hey Mal—”
“Mr Potter,” Draco spoke up rudely, but necessary. “This is my son, Scorpius Black. He’ll be one of your students this year.” 
Potter looked completely wrongfooted for a few seconds before his mind appeared to latch onto the most likely conclusion. His expression cleared up as Scorpius took a step forward and offered a tiny hand. 
“Hello, Mr Potter. It’s nice to meet you,” Scorpius said, enunciation steady and practiced.
  🌻Seeking: pet carer for Bartholomew (four-year old rescue greyhound, no special needs)  by GallifreyisBurning || @gallifrey1sburning, 14.7k (E)
When Draco’s boyfriend ends their relationship rather abruptly (and, frankly, extremely rudely), he leaves Draco with full-time responsibility for their rescue greyhound, Bartholomew. Draco loves his dog with all his heart, but the long hours he works at his law firm mean that he can’t possibly be home as much as Bartholomew needs. Enter Sirius Pet Care, an app designed to solve this very problem! When Draco books Harry, he’s relieved at how quickly the man and his dog bond. He’s less relieved by how unexpectedly, distractingly attractive Harry turns out to be… and how Draco’s afternoon meetings keep being “mysteriously” cancelled, meaning that he JUST HAPPENS to be home when Harry comes by. After all, it’s not appropriate to ogle one’s employees… right?
  🌻sign me up for that full-time by M0stlyVoid || @bonesliketambourines, 4k (T)
Harry should have learned by now to never trust anything the Weasley twins try to pass off as a thoughtful holiday gift, no matter how innocuous it might appear.
🌻Soft & Hard by DragonGirl87 || @drgngrl87​, 8k (T)
In which Draco is forced to grudgingly admit that Harry does have some taste and Harry learns more about mattresses than any sane person should ever know.
🌻Some Assembly Required by peachpety || @peachpety, 6.5k (E)
A relationship must occasionally endure a test of strength, be it confronting an ex, or meeting the inlaws. Sometimes, however, an inanimate object can make or break a couple. Harry and Draco's relationship is put to the test when they attempt to assemble a piece of IKEA furniture.
🌻They were Once Young by acupforslytherin || @acupforslytherin, 6.4k (T)
Draco nervously expected for the worst when Harry invited him to Godric’s Hollow for the summer holidays. Little did he know, he was in for a delightful French dinner, two generations of embarrassing Potters, and a fascinating story of how Harry’s parents got together.
  🌻Too Many Legs by vivi1138 || @penguinanimagus, 4.4k (T)
Draco is thrilled when his son produces a powerful bout of accidental magic. But unlike most children his age, Scorpius doesn't stop there, and soon Draco is overwhelmed. Harry just finds it funny. 
  🌻Too precious to share by slowroad || @slowroad, 1.6k (M)
Harry and Draco are several months into their eighth year at Hogwarts. They've been in a relationship for a while now, but no one knows about them yet and they like it that way.
🌻Whiskers and Kisses by MotherBooker || @motherbookerao3​, 1.5k (G)
When rabbits trust and care about a person, they can be very loving and affectionate creatures.
  🌻With a Bite and A Hiss (and Some Curry On Top) by Zandra Gorin || @zandragorin, 4.7k (T)
Draco keeps bringing animals home and keeps cooking curry for Harry. Harry is of the opinion that it has got to stop. Well, not the cooking curry part.  
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter/Neville Longbottom ART
🌻Home is where the Bloody Plants are by Thunder_of_Dragons || @thunder-of-dragons, Digital Animated Pixel Art (G)
When Harry invited Neville and Draco to move into Grimmauld Place with him, his one condition was that they help him remove all of the old Pureblood artefacts. Draco was more than happy to agree, but he's determined not to let their drawing room become overrun by Neville's plants.
 Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
🌻Crookshanks and the Worst Weekend by Aneiria || @aneiria-writes, 2.1k (T)
In which Crookshanks' perfect weekend is ruined by the arrival of a tiny, annoying, infuriating kneazle kitten who follows him home, and the wizard who comes looking for it.
🌻Stranded Apart by In_Dreams || @indreamsink, 10.5k (T)
Lost in the wilderness without their wands, Hermione and Draco will need to learn to work together if they want to make it out in one piece.
🌻The Art of Seating Etiquette by inadaze22 || @inadaze22, 9.7k (E)
Hermione believes that every problem has a solution, and that solution can be found in a book. That is, until Draco starts sitting to her right every Friday. She has no answers until help comes in the form of an unlikely source: Ron Weasley.
🌻The Heart of Healing by niffizzle || @niffizzle, 5.1k (T)
Spending her Saturday volunteering at St. Mungo's was Hermione Granger’s favourite part of the week. Nothing would ruin that, not even Draco Malfoy showing up to complete his community service hours.
🌻The Importance of Being Honest  by floorcoaster || @floorcoaster, 9k (T)
In the pursuit of the truth, sometimes nature lends a hand.
 Draco Malfoy/Neville Longbottom
🌻A Tattoo to Match by Pinkelephant42 || @pinkelephant42, Digital Art (G)
Tattoo Artist Draco Malfoy and Florist Neville Longbottom work next to each other, flirt a lot, and get matching tattoos.
 Dudley Dursley/Gregory Goyle FIC 
🌻Stranger in the bakery by toutcequonveut || @cequonveut, 3.6k (M) 
The people of the town are confused. Dudley is confused, but then he isn't. Greg is confused, but he's in love and that's more important. Harry is very confused, but just goes with it.
Or: a glimpse into the morning after Dudley and Greg's first time, featuring bakery buns and other buns
🌻it seems to come down to us by porcelainsalt (bluedreaming) || @porcelainsalt, 1.1k (G)
Minerva takes matters into her own hands.
Ginny Weasley/Luna Lovegood
🌻Bluebells and Asters by goldenzingy46 || @goldenzingy46, 826 (G)
Luna braids Ginny's hair. Ginny complains about boys. Softness (and a little kissing) ensues.
🌻Morning Eggs by PhenomenalAsterisk || @phenomenalasterisk, 842 words (G)
Luna began her mornings with tea. Ginny began her mornings with Luna. With the first stirrings of consciousness, Ginny found herself snuggling into her beloved — Luna’s neck, her hair, her belly, wherever Ginny could reach, really, was free game for the morning ritual. Ginny would cling like a barnacle to Luna until she was lucid enough to function on her own.
🌻Sleepy Smiles by PhenomenalAsterisk || @phenomenalasterisk, 554 (G)
Luna’s eyes are still shut, though the corners of her thin lips are just barely quirked into a smile. “You missed the movie, love.” Ginny says quietly, pressing her lips against her hair in a brief kiss. 
Luna tucks her head further into Ginny’s neck and murmurs back, “I woke up for the best part.” Ginny smiles. It’s not unusual for Luna to enjoy her wife’s strength, in the bedroom and otherwise, though she has never asked for something as indulgent as being carried to bed. 
OR Ginny carries Luna to bed. Soft, sweet, and short bit of domestic fluff.
Ginny Weasley/Pansy Parkinson
🌻get off on whiplash by cjmasim || @lesbianlilyevans​, 6k (T)
Ginny manages to convince herself that entering the drawing was nothing other than a way to help a friend out by getting the numbers for The Quibbler's entries higher.
Naturally, she wins the drawing. 
 Harry Potter/Severus Snape
🌻How to See Without a Camera by RoonilWazlibMalfoy  || @evenmyzefronposter, 11.7k (E)
Having returned to Hogwarts after his training to take over for Madam Pomfrey, Harry was just happy to be back home. He didn't even mind it when he realized he'd have to work closely with Severus Snape.  One Kiss Cam incident at a Quidditch Match, however, left him wondering just how close he could get to the man. 
🌻Quite The Perfect Sunday by HogwartsToAlexandria || @dwell-on-dreams​, 751 words (E)
Spending all day in bed, every Sunday they could, had been on of Harry and Severus's traditions almost from the start. It was a moment just for them, which they cherished and made the most of every time.
Hermione Granger/Luna Lovegood
🌻Picking Daisies by dragontamerdrarry || @dragontamerdame, Digital Art (G)
Luna Lovegood has a terrace garden filled with Xenophilius Lovegood approved yellow flowers. Today, Luna’s picked some yellow daisies and is enjoying spending some quality time with her girlfriend (who has her nose buried in the hottest new Magizoology text in town!)
Hermione Granger/Narcissa Malfoy
FIC 🌻Life Is Good by Houseofmalfoy || @malfoylestrange​, 1.2k (G)
Narcissa surprises herself with the number of times she thinks that little sentence, surprises herself with how genuinely happy she is with the way her life turned out, even if she’s no longer surprised at all by the person who gave it to her.
She’s happy.  
Hermione Granger/Pansy Parkinson
🌻A Million Worlds Apart by SiriuslyThatBitch || @siriuslythatbitch, 13.6k (E)
After spending the bulk of her childhood fighting a dark wizard, Hermione was looking forward to a relaxing year. Too bad fate always has something else planned, including ancient spells, sarcastic roommates, and a suffocating amount of sexual tension.
🌻Exodus by cdav || @cdav, 6.6k (T)
After the war, Hermione finds herself drawn to Pansy Parkinson for reasons she can't quite explain. Parkinson is adamant that they won't work out. Hermione's determined to prove otherwise.
Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
🌻The Perfect Moment by DameinToyland || @dameintoyland, 1.8k (G)
Hermione gets home late from work and witnesses story time with Ron and the kids. Ron is nostalgic, Hugo is excited, and Rose isn’t having any of it.
  James Sirius Potter/Teddy Lupin
🌻The Waiting (Is The Hardest Part) by Ladderofyears || @clemandben, 1.1k (E)
Teddy is waiting to give Jamie a performance.
Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
🌻A Purrfect Match by captainegg || @im-captain-egg, 1.7k (G)
When Remus walked into the shelter that day, he expected to leave with a new furry companion and not meet the love of his life.
🌻Here comes the sun by PollyDarton || @polly-darton, 5.5k (M)
Honestly, screw the sun. For all I care the world revolves around you.
  🌻Moonlit Reflections by MoonCat457 || @mooncat457writing, 6.4k (T) 
Sirius has been pining for Remus for far too long and James is sick of it. So, when it’s James’ turn to go on a late-night scouting mission with Remus on the grounds to work on the Marauder’s Map, he sends Sirius instead with instructions to finally just admit his feelings.
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arcticdementor · 3 years
I was a pre-teen in the seventies, which means that long before I hit the jaded age of fourteen when older men tried to use it to get me to peel off clothes, I was used to hearing “we’re all naked under clothes.” (Later on I greatly regretted most of these idiots hadn’t read Heinlein so I couldn’t say “nul program.” So instead I had to say things like “We’re also all clean under our dirt, so I see you don’t intend to shower ever again.”)
There were other just as crazy aphorisms that passed for “deep thought.” I’m honestly not sure what caused this, whether it was more people than ever being pushed to higher ed they weren’t really qualified for, but that made them want to sound “intellectual” or that the Soviets were diligently working with their wrenches to take apart the ability to think of the new generation. Or perhaps for whatever reason mass media and TV just encouraged a ridiculous wave of aphorisms that not only didn’t mean much but that aimed to destroy rather than build habits, patterns and ways of life that led to success.
You know, crazy stuff like “What difference does a piece of paper make to whether we’re married?” (Other than meeting potential obligations to potential children, and getting the buy in of both sets of inlaws and recognition of society that protects well…. mostly the woman who puts more biological investment in the relationship, none, really.) And “If it feels good do it!” and– Well, a lot of you are old enough to have heard all this cr*p growing up. And the younger ones, trust me, the current spate of crazy is well anchored in a barrage of crazy — to my certain knowledge — from the sixties and seventies.
I fell for some of them too. The unflappable Miss Almeida was not unflappable when this stuff came at her from someone she respected. So for a long time I bought my brother’s “romance is the opium of womanhood” long before I realized where the origin of that nugget came from, or that my brother — never having been a woman — was in fact assuming that without having romantic notions to encourage her to care about attachment and feelings, young women would be as “free” and sexually available as men wish they’d be. Of course now we know that’s the rankest and most absolute bull excreta, and that in fact women have — surprise! It’s not like we evolved to be the caretakers of children or anything — a different set of sex related hormones that encourage attachment to sexual partners and incidentally children.
But the excreta of “pseudo-profound-social statements is now everywhere, and yesterday I was hit in close proximity by two bits of crazy. And suddenly it hit me “And what is the alternative, precisely?”
Look, all of human civilization has been an attempt to suppress inter-personal violence, or at least keep it within bounds that don’t prevent us from assembling in numbers larger than clan or tribe. Almost any reading of the records of older cities will quickly come to the conclusion that people used to be a lot more interpersonally violent. They just were. Even in early modern England, well…. Let’s say men died young because they fought over the most stupid things.
And that was already a state-nation, where people identified with the nation was though it were a race, and had not only forgotten their early tribal affiliations but their micro-kingdoms (the regional association, which given travel in that time probably had a lot of genetic backing) before it was unified into “England.” So the fights were rarely tribal or regional (though there were family feuds.)
But we are built on a template of great apes, and the remains we find of hominins and other man-tribes show that their lifestyle was in fact close to that of great apes everywhere. And do you know what you call a baby chimp found by a genetically unrelated band? Snack.
So, sure, let’s assume that education — public or not — is a way for a culturally dominant “elite” to suppress generalized violence.
What is the alternative?
The left is assuming violence is justified and on their side, because of course their idea of social dominance, and the model they implement is to take control and rob everyone. But throughout history they are an exception, in fact. Even the “bad old kings” were trying to do the best they could for their tribe or micro nation. They often screwed up and followed their own desires, because human, but the idea of noblesse oblige is very very old in humanity. And most people at least try (Unless they’re all ‘et up with Marxism and self-righteousness, because bullsh*t means never having to say you’re sorry.)
Instead let’s look at it as meaning what it says “education” (by which we can mean everything we do to tame the toddler-beast and up through specific knowledge of how to get ahead in life) is a way to suppress inter-personal violence.
Well, yes. And we’re all naked under our clothes. And wearing clothes isn’t natural, maaaaan.
But what is the alternative? The civilizational process of mankind, from band to clan, from clan to city, from city to nation, accomplishing things that could only be accomplished by many people cooperating without violence is a process of suppressing unnecessary violence and waste of human life.
In the same way, later, while doing my instapundit link rounds, I saw an article about how 2 + 2 is colonial thinking imposed on non-white populations, and are alien and evil, compared to their native ways of knowing.
After I got my eyes from under the sofa, I took a deep breath and asked “What’s the alternative?”
Because, you know, I’ve heard this before, but I never thought about precisely what their nonsense would entail.
Sure, we’re giving up the internal combustion engine, bridges, anything better built than a hut made of rough stones, and probably — let’s be honest — crops. The horrendous thing is that this might be completely acceptable to them, since they don’t realize what supports their ability to live in relative comfort.
Let’s instead explore what this means at the interpersonal level and how much eschewing simple math would make living with other human beings impossible.
Humans have partly got this far, and now enjoy untold prosperity which had practically eliminated famine (until of course the covidiocy starved the third world) because “colonial thinking” defeated that of isolated tribes.
Or perhaps more cogently: those who won a clash between two populations generally (there are exceptions, like Greece and Rome and to an extent India and Great Britain, and perhaps to an extent America and Japan) imposed their mode of life on the defeated. Though they might culturally appropriate that which was worthy in the culture of the defeated.
Is 2 +2 a colonial way of thinking? Oh, probably. But that was probably way back when the colonization of the homo sap by the Neanderthal (culturally, that is. Well, that seems to have been the direction) occurred, because we have trade going that far back, and trade can’t survive without counting.
In fact, even though the concept of zero is also fairly sophisticated, we’ve come across very few tribes that don’t have a concept of counting, or a concept of numbers over 5, and those are usually highly isolated and tiny tribes. Because arithmetic is a darn useful skill, as is everything we’ve built on it from accounting to architecture.
And what’s the alternative? People walking around “Sensing” the numbers? Be real. That’s not native to anyone but the crazier tribes of Homos New Agicus, a tribe who uses cannabis in such vast quantities they’re sure to become extinct.
The alternative is never “death or cake.”
When idiots run around with blunt aphorisms, demanding you dismantle civilization, ask them what their alternative is. And stop them when they start talking of rainbows and unicorn farts, and ask them the exchange rate of the unicorn fart to the rainbow. Because if it’s a civilization, we have to know.
You want to eschew controls over violence? Basic arithmetic? Clothes?
Well, sure. I believe you’re ultimately free to do what you want, as long as you pay the price.
You’re free to take all your clothes off, and take off to the forest with your buddies, where you can live as though 2 plus 2 equals 20, or potato, or chicken.
We don’t care. Heck, you probably won’t live long, but if you do, you’ll be a fascinating ethnology-experiment.
What you won’t be and can’t be is able to shame us out of living our lives as civilized human beings, who have enough to eat and can trade a known quantity for a known quantity. Because you know, there really is no alternative. Not an alternative that allows humanity to survive.
And if you hate humanity enough you don’t want us to survive, I have an easy solution: You go first. After which the existence or non-existence of humanity stops being your problem.
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seawherethesunsets · 3 years
I just saw your post about being disappointed with the endig of Song of Youth If you don't mind, can you give me some spoilers??? 😬😬
Hellooo dear, just to let you know it's a happy ending hahah but here goes
There are a few reasons why the whole drama is disappointing 😂 I don't know if you started the drama yet but if you do I guess if you don't mind you can stay for the women and side characters. But why the ending especially is disappointing is because to me it's just plain stupid.
The synopsis informs viewers that the father-in-law might be behind Shaochun's father's demise. So if you're like me, you'll probably wonder how she overcomes this after marrying into the family, already in love with Yunlou. We have 43 episodes yeah. So many things could have happen to make this drama angsty and everything else. They kinda brush it off in the beginning making it a little too easy for Yunlou to clear her father's name and suddenly rekindle this issue at the last 2-3eps. So they re-introduced this supposed plot back into game when we're like 90% done.
//THIS IS HUGE SPOILER, IM JUST PUTTING ALL HERE I GUESS YOU WONT MIND HAHA// Suddenly, it became an issue and shaochun works behind to make sure that revenge was done. Her father in-law got prosecuted, the whole family moved to where the 2nd son military base at. Yunlou stayed behind. The father in-law was to drink poison as his punishment and died. Shaochun came back to the house, all emptied except for Yunlou who was sad drunk. She told him, she'll still be by his side no matter what. Morning came and she woke up to a letter from Yunlou saying he is so ashamed he can't face her so he is leaving. Shaochun goes to find Yunlou on every city.
Guess what, the father inlaw DIDNT DIE, IT WAS A HOAX (like wtf?!). The person who spread news that the father inlaw caused shaochun's father's death was actually the one who did it. He wanted to frame the father inlaw because of some hate (i didnt bother to pay attention why) and he got executed for bringing false evidence. The father in-law got reinstated to his position and explains how he teamed up with Shaochun to expose the real criminal (look at this point idk if it's real criminal or what cos i dont care anymore, just know he's the petty villain)
And soooo..Shaochun went everywhere to find Yunlou and they cut back to the scene in Ep 1 where he was a puppeteer and she's the spectator. They reunited. FIN.
idk about you but that shit sucks like you had 43 episodes and you linked 1st ep to ep 41-43. Not to say I just found out about the plagiarism issue. Apparently some of the lines are word by word copied from classic chinese novels. So it kinda makes sense how the story was not well thought, no angle and no consistency. Yes, the cinematography of the drama was beautiful in the beginning but they kinda stopped providing that halfway through (maybe it was just me 🤪).
I lost interest halfway because they either dragged problems or conveniently Shaochun is solving their problem lol. I stayed for Shaochun (+Yunlou I was hoping they show a bit more char development but it was like the tiniest bit), Yuehong, Dizhu + Junhao mainly. So yeah, I felt like the drama is a waste, the casting were quite okay, they can act and all. And I also felt like I gave this drama chance to improve but the throwing of nonsense in the last 2-3 eps really made me mad tbh. hahahah I never felt so much rage in awhile for a drama.
So this has been wayyy too long hahah I hope it gives you another perspective of it. Other people might not have the same thoughts as me and I could be too sensitive teehee.
Thank you anyway for dropping by! What are your thoughts for the drama so far if you're watching? love to hear it from you too 😊
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scroll-of-thought · 3 years
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Hope everyone has been having a wonderful Holiday Season.
I thought I would do a quick show and tell of the gifts I got this year for both my birthday (a couple weeks ago) and Christmas. None of us really celebrate Christmas in a religious sense, but my inlaws like the decorating and gifts and stuff.
Do first picture is a neat little pocket knife multitool called the Old Timer from my father-in-law. It’s got a variety of blades, chisels and gouges for whittling and woodworking. Seems like it would be really nice for spoon carving and other little projects like that, and it’s moderately sharp out of the box. I’m going to have to try it out, maybe give a full review if any of my crafty maker witch followers are interested in that kinda thing.
Next is a PLAGUE DOCTOR PLUSHIE. This little guy’s got a glow in the dark lantern, a little embroidered amulet, and he’s overall super fluffy. Little dude is awesome, and my partner Silver, knows me perfectly.
Last is a group of stuff from my mother-in-law. I got a tiny cast iron caldron, which is going to be perfect for stuff like involving fire. I’m going to make a little grate for the inside for burning incense, herbs, and paper spells. Super useful and practical gift.
First book is The Saga of the Volsungs, translated by Dr. Jackson Crawford. I’ve already read his translation of the Poetic Edda several times, and it’s my personal go to translation, so I’m excited to read this too.
The other book is Backwoods Witchcraft by Jake Richards. I don’t know anything about this book or author, so I might have to do some research before I start it, as you should probably do with every new author on witchcraft. Seems like a neat thing to learn about. I don’t know a ton about Appalachian folk magic aside from a few traditions from my local chunk of Eastern Pennsylvania.
And lastly is a really pretty dagger. I mentioned something about needing a new ritual knife back in summer, and she saw this online, liked the vaguely Norse/Celtic style and thought I would like it. She was right. Very pretty, very heavy. It’s obviously cheaply stamped out, but I’ve already started filing off the rough edges and less pretty bits. It’s not exactly my style of dagger, and I don’t know if I’ll use it for ritual purposes (mostly because I’m forging my own ritual knives), but I’m sure as heck going to put it somewhere where I can look at it.
Also not pictured is a mug that says “Witch’s brew” on it, and that’s probably going on my desk where it will hold pens and whatnot. It’s one of those super breakable ceramic one’s so there’s no way I’m drinking out of it or it will chip.
So yeah, I made out like a bandit this year. I count myself as so fortunate to have family who’s accepting of this aspect of my life. What did you guys get for the holidays? Anything witchy? If you’re in the broom closet, did you get anything that the gift giver doesn’t know you’re going to use for witchy things? Which one of you lucky bastards got a PS5 with Demon's Souls? I’d love to hear how things are going for each of you :)
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