#I don't really want to talk about it I'm just bitching into the void
undead-potatoes · 2 months
Sorry for all the bummer posts lately, my mental health is just *toilet flushing sounds* at the moment, and I really should know better than to vent everything on here by now
It comes and goes in waves too, so one moment I feel like everything is bad and will never be good again, and then 5 minutes later I'm here like "well that was a whole lot of something over a whole lot of nothing, how silly", literally just this gif
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icanseethefuture333 · 7 months
Random ass question, but what do you think is the best way for a 4/10 girl to become at least a 7 out of 10? I’m aware that “beauty is subjective” but I’m literally below average, 4/10 is being lenient for me lol
How to have confidence in your physical appearance 🎀
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First of all sweetie,
let's not rate ourselves on a scale about how pretty we are! It's really degrading and I feel like you deserve so much better than that. Living in a generation where filters are oversaturated, people using AI to edit their photos, and incels with porn addictions and have never felt the touch of a woman, will call the most beautiful girl "mid". It's so understandable why one's self esteem can feel low at times. You need to change the way you talk about yourself (especially me). Beauty always start from within - as redundant as that sounds. You can't feel pretty if you're not focusing on the reason why you feel this way. A pretty soul (and self concept!) makes a prettier face. Moving on, let's get into the actual tips of a glow up 💖
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Let's address the elephant in the room 🐘: you're not ugly, just acting pitiful
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Have you ever wondered why you have seen those people who are considered "unattractive" or "unconventionallly pretty" by others be in successful relationships or popular with their peers? It's because they have confidence. Have you ever been attracted to someone that may not necessarily fit the beauty standards or be considered a jaw dropping model, but you thought they were cute anyways because of their personality or charm? That's exactly what I mean. You can be a pretty face or have a nice body, but have terrible self esteem. Living in California my whole life I come across this everyday. There is plenty of beautiful people here, but there is also a lot of people with no sense of humor and no offense, but have no personalities. In other words, you can be attractive, but superficial and boring.
To feel beautiful or more like a "10" even on your worst day is mainly having a good self concept. You need to think with the mindset of "I am the baddest bitch even on my worse days and nobody can make me feel different about that, not even me." Our concept can be changed, reshaped, rebuilt, morphed, etc, into any way we want it to be. Our self concept and dominant thoughts are created by our previous past experiences and what people have told us what we are. For example, if you were bullied in your youth and somebody picked on you for your features. Why would you give a fuck about what a bully thinks??? A person who humiliated and traumatized someone at a weak point in their life does not matter. Their opinion, their actions, their thoughts - doesn't matter. You can change yourself anytime you want, we are animals, we are literally mean to be apart of this cycle called life and our habits, attitudes, opinions, etc, can change at any moment. We are meant to grow and adapt. You get to decide who you are, what you feel, and how you wish people to perceive you. Nobody else. So when you repeatedly say things to people like "I'm not beautiful", they're gonna get tired of it honestly and be like "Yk what damn bitch I guess you are ugly!" because it gets tiring to hear someone complain about the same thing even when they just reassured them (again, I'm guilty of this too). So when you depend on someone to make you feel good about yourself, that's just codependency. You are also giving them the power to manipulate you. Don't do that. Be free and be independent, love yourself. It's your self esteem and you cannot be dependent on anybody else to fill that void you have within yourself.
As Katt Williams said, "It's the esteem of your motherfucking self!"
Why it's not your fault you don't 'feel" pretty
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Like I said above, you are most likely a product of your surroundings. Most people are not raised by their parents to have good self esteem or to teach them how to be confident or emotionally secure. There are many environmental factors to insecurity and that it is okay if you are never 100% feeling confident about yourself. People in the media construct this ego to seem "cool" and act conceited as a way to avoid being seen as weak to society. You can be confident and also have insecurities. Confidence is just about being secure with the essence of who you are and setting boundaries when necessary with other people when it comes to that. A confident person doesn't tolerate disrespect.
"Conceited" or confident?: how to avoid confusing the two
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I think the most irritating thing to me that is normalized these days is narcissism and conceited people. People will literally act boastful and cocky then say "I'm just confident". Behaving like a narcissist or saying that you are one is not cute and never will be because it's literally a personality disorder, a mental health condition. Everytime I hear this it makes me want to roll my eyes so far back into my head. Try to avoid being this person with a "God complex" because there's a difference between a person who is being loud and fake with "confidence". A real confident person makes moves in silence and is genuine with themselves. If you have to brag or put another person down to feel like hot shit, then you're not a confident person, period.
Tips to enhance your beauty
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As I said before anon you are already a 10 in my eyes, but I understand how it feels to not feel pretty at times and we all have our days when we are looking "rough". Here are some self care tips I do that helps me feel pretty and pampered physically ✨️
Get some beauty sleep! This is not just a saying. When your body has time to rest it gives you time to reset & have more energy for the next day. Getting plenty of sleep helps prevent dark circles & puffy eyes as well. If you struggle with falling asleep spray lavender pillow spray, drink tea, or play asmr/soothing sounds.
Skincare & hygiene, this is such a crucial step that everyone should practice in their daily lives. All of us have different skin textures and when we neglect our skin it causes a dry, oily, or bumpy surfaces. Now skin texture is totally normal but if you notice the days where you are not washing your face frequently enough, your skin either looks dull, dirty, or you experience more pimples / acne breakouts. Not to mention how dirty we feel when our body is projecting a certain odor. You don't need to have an extravagant routine, but at least try to have about 4 hygienic products (soap, deodorant, lotion, & body spray/prrfume) and 4 skincare products (facial cleanser (I recommend double cleansing!), serum, SPF/Sunscreen, & face lotion).
Mirror work, saying affirmations in the mirror has proven to be helpful for people's self esteem & feeling more confident with their physical appearance.
Change your wardrobe! Start dressing for your body type & how your ideal self would. It might feel uncomfortable at first but you will feel so much more beautiful! You could try finding videos on tiktok of people with your body type to help (for example, if you are plus sized, you could search your desired aesthetic & find people with the same shape as you).
Detox from social media 📱, learn when it is time to take a break from your phone & engage with the real world. Scrolling for hours on your phone can be really harmful especially if you're reading negative comments or watching videos that are self depreciating.
Follow people who uplift you, not tear you down. If you are following people who obviously are negative or affect your self esteem somehow, then you do not need to be supporting them.
Make appointments! Whether that is a doctor appointment or lash, nail, or hair appointments. Take care of your mind, health, and body. You could ask your doctor what vitamins you should take or also seek a counselor/therapist to find the root of your insecurities in a safe place. Also sometimes just getting my hair or nails done makes me feel more confident!
Learn to treat yourself. Buy yourself flowers or a gift you always wanted but never received. This could be anything, it doesn't necessarily mean to spend money. For example, cooking your favorite food, having a lazy day, etc. Remember that you deserve to be happy!
Lastly, beauty spells, glamour magick, and manifestation are popular methods for people who wish to enhance their physical appearance. I do all of these myself and I always feel so hot afterwards!
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I hope you found these tips helpful beautiful ♡!
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yurislotusgarden · 2 months
pm!dazai for the event and 23?
ʚїɞ Port mafia!Dazai Osamu x Gn!Reader
ʚїɞ Keep in mind English is not my first language, so you may find mistakes!
ʚїɞ word count: 751
ʚїɞ Tw’s: very small mention of death but it's Dazai so what do you expect
ʚїɞ Just Dazai getting used to this thing called feelings lmao, it isn't really mentioned that it's pm!Dazai but yeah... also I have no excuse for not posting for a month, simply didn't feel like writing🤷‍♀️
ʚїɞ anon if you will see this after all these months that this has been in my inbox, I'm sorry for how long this took, but I'm gonna write all the event works I never did😭
ʚїɞ 23: Moving the other one by their waist / the event this is from
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He would really appreciate it.
He would really appreciate you not standing up on that unstable stool. He may have not voiced it out, but he really dislikes the idea of you falling over and hurting yourself, he would probably laugh if it was anyone else, but not you.
You were currently getting ingredients out of a higher cupboard, the things you were reaching for were things you didn’t use often to cook, so he could say that it made sense that they were up there, but couldn’t you stand on something more stable? Is that really too much to ask?
“You already took a few things out, isn't that all that you need?” He was hoping that the thing you took out just a moment ago was the last one.
“Nope! I still need one more thing.” It seems life hated him more than he thought.
He did plan on just staying in place and letting you get that one last ingredient, but then the stool decided to be a bitch and scare both of you (not like you knew it scared him) by swaying in a way that a stool for sure damn shouldn't. You didn't fall, no, you simply gripped onto the shelf in front of you until it stabilized, but it was more than enough to make Dazai freak out internally and get him to move after having enough of the whole situation.
It was obvious to him that you were trying to decide whether you should get that last thing or just get down, but he didn't give you time to think before he wrapped his arms around your waist and simply made you get down by pulling you backward, and then setting you down on the floor.
“You're gonna end up dead because of something absolutely stupid, you know that?”
“No, I won't. Besides, falling from that stool wouldn't kill me.”
“Look who's talking.”
“You little shit!”
“I may be shorter but don't call me that!”
Maybe he's the one who's gonna end up dead because of something stupid, and that thing may just be you.
He sighed quietly. He still wasn't used to this shit called feelings.
“Even if you didn't die from that, you would still hurt yourself and would probably have to go to a hospital.”
No answer? 
“What? Did a small fact shut you up so quickly?”
“...You care whether I will land in a hospital or not?” It was just an innocent question, and yet it was more than enough to get him to feel strangely warm and his heart to speed up somewhat. Jesus, you’re gonna be the death of him someday.
Oh shit. Don't look up at him like that, you're gonna kill him. 
“No, I simply don't need your parents on my ass-”
“No no no, I saw the look in your eyes, you idiot! You're worried even about the idea of me getting hurt, don't you?” The grin on your face has to be infectious right? Maybe a hidden ability he didn't know about? Because there was no way that he wanted to smile just because you did.
“You're actually crazy [Name], did you ever think about applying for a mental hospital?”
“Did you think of doing that yourself?”
“I- what the fuck?!” He was lowkey speechless inside, but you didn't need to know that. Why didn't he expect that response? It was so damn easy to predict that you would say that back!
“Wait, what do you mean you saw it in my eyes?” It was surprisingly a genuine question. His eyes were like a bottomless void, there was nothing that one could see in them, so how did you see anything like care?
You chuckled softly under your breath as if you could read his thoughts, and he didn't know if he liked that thought or not. “Eyes are the door to the soul, no?”
The door to the soul that he was sure he didn't have.
“By the way, can you let go of my waist now?”
“Hm? Yeah, of course.” The calm tone of his words did not reflect what he felt internally at the moment.
Shit. Fuck. He didn't let go of your waist the entire time. He wished that someone would just shoot him in that moment to save him from the embarrassment that he felt.
…He would lie to himself if he said that it didn't feel nice to hold you so close to him though.
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Notes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated
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allthelovehes · 2 months
Hardware Store Hookup*
Summary: Y/N just broke up with her boyfriend and kicked him out, she is redecorating her apartment and the guy who works at the hardware store just has something special to him.
Pairing: Harry x reader
Word count: 4.7K
Warnings: Smut!! Protected sex tho, oral female receiving, p in v.
Taglist: @justmystyles @bitchybabyharry @harrysslut7 @swiftmendeshoran @lucasandharold @harrysbabycherry @htaylor18 @rose-garden-dreamz @myalovesharry @mellamolayla @hsonlyangelxo @yousunshineyoutempter @heartateasee @blueheisenbergtragedy @bikestyles @bohemianrhapsody86 @cherrylovers-world @harrys-littlefreak Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist! 🤗
Support my work by joining my Patreon!
A/N:  Ugh, these two are so cute and loving. Makes me wanna paint my house and find Harry at my hardware store.
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Setting down the last box of his belongings in the entryway of her apartment building. Y/N feels bittersweet. This building has been their home for the last two years, but the second she found out he cheated on her she was packing up all his shit and moving him out.
“I don't understand why you won't just listen to me! We can work this out!”
“I'm done talking to you, Michael.” She responds, her voice void of emotion. “The apartment is in my name, and I'm paying the bills, you're out.”
Michael huffs and walks around her as if he's going to leave, but turns around and comes right back. She can feel his eyes boring into her and her skin crawls. He's trying to play the victim and she can't stand it.
“Fine, you know what? Just... just fuck it, Y/N. I don't even want to live with you, you're an ugly bitch anyways. I can find someone prettier and younger to take care of me than some fat cow.”
“You're an asshole, Michael. I never want to see your face again.” She replies, opening the door and pointing outside.
“Fuck you!” He spits, picks up his boxes and leaves.
She watches as he gets into his truck and pulls out of the parking spot before she goes inside and closes the door. As soon as she locks it she collapses on the floor and bursts into tears. A year ago Michael was her knight in shining armour, her soulmate, the love of her life. Now she wants to erase his entire existence from her memory.
A couple of months pass and Y/N feels like it's finally time to transform their home into her own. The couch was a gift from her parents when they moved in together and it's not even comfortable. It's also stained and ratty and she's ready to get rid of it. She's browsing Pinterest when a couch catches her eye, it's white and has a tufted back. It looks beautiful, so she clicks on the website and begins filling her cart with things for her new interior.
Shipping the pieces takes quite some time as they get delivered by truck and they schedule an appointment with you to make sure you're home. Still, three more weeks until her furniture is supposed to be delivered, so she decides to make most of the time in between and visits the hardware store for some paint.
The hardware store is surprisingly quiet and she has the aisle to herself. There are dozens of different brands of paint and it's overwhelming, let's not even get started about all the different colour options. She has an idea in mind, something warm, inviting and calming. Something that feels like home.
“Can I help you?” A voice says behind her and she startles, almost dropping the cans of paint she picked out.
“Ah, yes! Please!” She chuckles, turning around and looking at the man behind her.
He's tall, very tall, and wearing a navy blue polo. He has a nametag, 'Harry' written across it. He's got curly, dark brown hair, and his face is handsome and symmetrical. The thing that stands out to her the most are his eyes, they're a soft green, almost grey and they remind her of the sea. His lips look soft and pouty and she can't stop staring.
“You seem lost.” Harry smirks.
“Yeah, a bit, actually.” She chuckles. “I need paint for my apartment and I don't really know how much I'm gonna need or where to start. I just wanna do my bedroom and the living room.”
“Well, first, let's start by picking out a colour. Do you have an idea of what you want?”
“Oh, um, yeah!” She smiles, grabbing her phone and showing him her Pinterest board. “Something like this.”
“Ah, I see. A warm colour, that's good. And what are you painting over?”
“Well, right now it's a cream colour.” She explains, following him through the aisles as he looks at paint cards.
“Okay, so we'll probably want to stick with a neutral colour for the living room, because the natural light changes a lot. Here.” He hands her a warm yellow coloured paint card, “This one would look great, it's warm and it will compliment the furniture.”
“I love it.”
“And your bedroom, we'll do something more daring, because that's more of a personal space.” Harry smirks at her. “I think something darker to add some mystery, but with a pop of colour would look great, like maybe a navy wall with a bright coloured accent piece.”
“I have a yellow throw I'm planning on using. That's good contrasting colour, right?”
“Yes! Exactly! You can use the yellow throw to really add some warmth, especially during winter, and the blue to contrast that and create some depth.”
“That sounds great.” She smiles, her excitement growing. Harry is charming and his excitement for her project is contagious. “I can't wait.”
“Let's head over to the paint mixer, yeah?”
They walk towards the back of the store, where the mixing area is located. During their walk Harry asks her what her more about the wall sizes so he knows how much she'll need. She tells him everything he needs to know and Harry gets to work. The heavy paint buckets cause his muscles to flex and his biceps bulge. He's definitely a looker and she can't help but blush and tries to turn her attention elsewhere.
“There we go.” He smiles. “Let's go get some painting supplies and we'll ring you up, yeah?”
“How are you planning on doing this?”
“The painting.” He chuckles. “Are you planning on doing it yourself or are you hiring a painter?”
“Oh, I'll do it myself, it's only the two rooms, right? I can handle that.”
“You can, absolutely.” Harry grins. “You're brave. Most women hire painters to do that sort of thing, or their boyfriends.”
“Oh, well, I don't have a boyfriend. I guess I'm just doing this all myself.”
“That's admirable. I wish more women were like you, not afraid of getting their hands dirty. You're going to be fine.”
“I hope so.”
“Trust me, you'll do great. And if you need any advice you know where to find me. I'll be glad to help.”
“Thank you, Harry.” She says. Harry loves that she calls him by his name that she clearly read off his name tag. “I appreciate it.”
“It's my pleasure, darling. Let's get you checked out.” Harry gives her a small wink and they head to the counter. He helps her lift all the heavy items onto the conveyor belt so his colleague can scan them. He normally wouldn't give this much attention to a customer, but he's drawn to her, she's different.
Y/N notices him staring as they load her purchases onto the conveyor belt and it makes her blush. She can't help but look at him and the way his lips move as he talks. They look soft and she can't help but imagine what kissing him would be like.
“Will that be all, miss?” His colleague asks, snapping her out of her daydream.
“Um, yes. Yes, thank you.” She smiles, handing her her debit card.
“I'll bring these to your car.” Harry says, lifting two buckets of paint and carrying them outside.
“Oh, thank you!” She smiles, grabbing the other bucket and following him. She knows he's giving her some kind of special treatment as he shouldn't be doing this, but she isn't complaining. She's not complaining at all.
He sets down the buckets next to her car, and she unlocks the trunk so he can place them inside. He turns around and looks at her. He wants to say something, anything, to her, but he doesn't know what.
“Do you have a card or something? So I can contact you if I have any questions?” She speaks up, feeling brave.
“Oh, yeah, of course.” Harry grins, reaching behind him and pulling out a small note block. He scribbles down his name, phone number and writes hardware store employee underneath as if it's an official business card. He rips off the piece of paper and hands it over with a goofy grin on his face. “Here you go.”
“Thank you, Harry.” She chuckles. “I'm Y/N, by the way.”
“It's lovely to meet you, Y/N.”
“Likewise.” She grins. “Well, I have to get going. I still have to buy a few more things.”
“Of course.” He nods. “Good luck.”
“Thank you.” She smiles, getting into her car and driving off.
As soon as she's out of sight, Harry lets out a sigh and heads back into the hardware store.
“Hey, mate.” His colleague says. “What was that all about?”
“What was what about?”
“Don't act stupid. I've never seen you give special attention to a customer.”
“Shut up.” Harry chuckles, walking towards the back room. “It was nothing, I was just being nice.”
Harry sighs, rolling his eyes as he starts to put away some equipment. He has no idea why he's so intrigued by her, she was just a normal customer, right? He thinks back to the way she blushed when he spoke, and the way she fiddled with her hands. Maybe he's just imagining things, but he's definitely got a soft spot for her. ***
She's spent the last few days painting the walls of her bedroom, as a darker colour needs multiple layers and drying times. It's finally time to paint the living room and she's excited. She's picked out the perfect colour and the weather is cooperating so she can leave the windows open.
She's put on her favourite music and has a cup of tea next to her as she paints. Her hair is up in a messy bun and she's wearing sweatpants and a sports bra. She's enjoying herself, and the room looks great so far. The colour is a bit darker than what she expected but she doesn't hate it. It's warm, and inviting and she's happy.
After a few hours her back and arms start hurting, so she decides to take a break. She grabs her phone and takes a picture of the wall and posts it in the family group chat.
She scrolls through her Instagram feed when she suddenly remembers the card that Harry gave her. She pulls it out of her pocket and enters his number in her contacts. She debates on whether or not she should send him a message, but decides to do it anyway.
Y/N Hey Harry, it's Y/N, the girl from the hardware store. I've finished my bedroom and I'm doing the living room now. The colour looks amazing, thanks again for helping me pick it out.
She sends the text and immediately puts her phone down. She can't believe she just did that. Did she sound desperate? Did she sound too eager? Is he going to reply? She's got no clue, and it's killing her.
“Get a grip, Y/N.” She whispers to herself. She shakes her head and grabs her cup of tea, taking a sip. She looks back at her wall and sighs, she's got a long day ahead of her.
The sun is slowly starting to set, and Y/N has just finished the wall. Her hair is still up in a bun and she's sweaty, but she's happy with the result. The walls look amazing, the colour is beautiful and she can't wait to show her parents tomorrow.
Her phone vibrates, and she grabs it to check the notification. It's a text from Harry.
Harry I'm so glad to hear that, love! I bet the colour looks lovely with the sun setting right now.
She can't believe he called her 'love' in a text, it's insane. He barely even knows her. But his message is sweet and cute and she's smiling like an idiot.
Y/N You'll have to come and check it out for yourself.
She stares at her phone screen for what feels like an eternity. She can't believe she just flirted with him. She's not even sure if he's single, and if he is, does he like her? He could be interested in someone else, or he could even be straight for all she knows.
Harry Are you inviting me over?
Y/N I'm not stopping you.
Her heart is pounding and her hands are shaking. She's definitely overstepping, but she's hoping it won't scare him off.
Harry I leave work in about 10 minutes. What's your address?
Y/N Oh, it's 27B, Parkview Apartments.
Harry Be there in 20.
She can't believe he's actually coming over. She runs over to her bathroom and quickly brushes her hair and her teeth. Her apartment is a mess, and she's not wearing any makeup. She looks terrible and he's going to be here any second.
“Calm down.” She whispers to herself.
She walks out of the bathroom and starts cleaning up the living room. There are paint supplies everywhere, and she wants the place to look at least a little presentable.
A few minutes later she hears the doorbell and her heart almost leaps out of her chest.
“Coming!” She yells, rushing over to the front door and opening it.
“Hey.” Harry grins.
“Hi.” She smiles. “Please, come in.”
Harry steps inside and closes the door behind him. She looks stunning, despite the fact that she's wearing sweatpants and a messy bun, which makes him feel a little overdressed.
“Your apartment looks nice.”
“Thank you.” She replies, closing the window. “It's a bit of a mess right now, but I'm working on it.”
“Don't worry about it, I understand.”
“Um, would you like something to drink? Some water or beer or something?”
“A beer would be great, thanks.”
“Alright.” She nods, walking over to the fridge and pulling out two cold beers.
Harry sits down on the couch and watches her. She's got a few paint stains on her pants and her sports bra and he finds it endearing. He can tell that she's trying hard, and he's definitely charmed by her.
“Here you go.” She smiles, handing him a beer.
“Cheers.” He says, clinking his bottle against hers.
“To your apartment looking better than ever.”
“Cheers.” She smiles. “And to the man who helped make that possible.”
They both take a sip and stare at each other for a few seconds. Y/N has a feeling that something might happen, but she's not sure if it's the right thing.
“So.” Harry starts, clearing his throat. “What are you going to do now that the painting is done?”
“Oh, well, I'm still planning on doing a few other things.”
“Mhm. I've ordered a new couch, and I'm thinking of getting a new rug.” She answers before Harry moves closer to her.
“So, you don't mind getting this couch a little dirty?” He asks her. Harry is blunt, but he feels the way she's looking at her. It's almost as if she's undressing him with her eyes, he can see the desire sparkling in them.
“Dirty how?”
“You know what I mean, love.” Harry smirks, taking another swig from his beer. Y/N doesn't know what has gotten into her. Normally she's not like this, not at all, but she wants him, badly. She's been craving him since the moment she saw him, and she's tired of denying herself.
“Yes.” She whispers. Harry doesn't reply, instead, he leans in and captures her lips with his own. The kiss is intense, full of lust and hunger. Y/N has been waiting for this and she's not going to waste the opportunity. The last couple of months with Michael have been stale, she's been missing this exciting feeling deep within her.
Harry pulls her closer and kisses her harder, his hands wandering over her body. Y/N moans into the kiss and straddles him. He grabs her hips and pushes her down on him, creating delicious friction between them. Y/N can feel him growing harder and his bulge pressing against her core. She wants him, and she wants him now. Harry breaks the kiss, and Y/N whimpers at the loss.
“You're a very good kisser.” He murmurs. “Are you always this good, or am I just lucky?”
“I don't know, maybe you're just lucky.” She teases, grinding down on his cock.
“Mmm.” Harry hums, leaning forward and kissing her again. This time, the kiss is even more passionate. Y/N wraps her arms around his neck and deepens the kiss, running her fingers through his hair. She pulls on it and Harry groans, his hands moving to her ass and squeezing it.
“Fuck, you feel good.” He mutters against her lips, squeezing her ass again.
“You too.” She mumbles, leaning down and kissing his neck. Harry groans as she starts sucking on his skin, leaving a trail of love bites. He knows that they'll be visible tomorrow and that his colleagues will have a field day. But he doesn't care, he loves it. He loves the fact that he's been claimed by her.
He spins her full body around in his lap, so her back is flush against his chest and his face is buried in the crook of her neck. His hands move up her stomach and under her sports bra. He cups her breasts and pinches her nipples between his fingers, making her whimper.
“You're so beautiful.” He mumbles, his lips pressed against her neck. She places her hands on his knees and grinds down on his cock, loving the feeling of him underneath her.
“Fuck.” Harry groans, thrusting his hips up, meeting her movements. “You're so fucking hot, you know that?”
“I'm aware of the effect I have on you.”
“Oh yeah?” He smirks, pulling her hair and forcing her to expose her neck.
“Yeah.” She reaches behind her to unclasp her sports bra and lets it fall to the floor.
“Fuck, look at you.” Harry grunts, grabbing her breast and squeezing it. Y/N throws her head back and moans. “Look at these perfect tits.”
He continues to massage her breast, teasing her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. Y/N arches her back, pushing her breast further into his hand.
“That feels so good.” She whines.
“Mhm.” He hums, licking a stripe up her neck. He loves the way her skin tastes, sweet and salty. He can't get enough. He sucks on her earlobe, one of his hands sliding down her body and slipping into her pants. He finds her clit, and two of his fingers circle it, making her gasp.
“Oh god.”
“Do you like that?” He asks her, continuing his movements because he already knows the answer.
“You're so wet, baby.” Harry smirks
“Mmm.” She whimpers, grinding her hips into his fingers.
“I can't wait to be inside you.” He growls, his fingers dipping lower and sliding into her.
“Fuck.” She hisses, her nails digging into his legs.
“That's it, baby, let me hear you.” Harry grunts, pumping his fingers in and out of her. He curls them and hits the perfect spot, making her cry out in pleasure. Her walls are spongey and tight around him, making him impatient. But the thought of feeling her come all over his hand is more than enough for him to keep focussed. He wants her to leak all over his hand, to make a mess for him and only him.
“Oh fuck, please, more.” She whines, her thighs trembling. She's never felt this way before, the way he touches her, the way he makes her feel is intoxicating. She loves how she's still half-clothed, and yet, he's managed to make her feel exposed. She's not ashamed of the noises she's making, but she's definitely enjoying the way he's making her feel.
“More what, baby?” Harry asks, his lips grazing her ear moaning softly to send shivers running down her spine.
“More of you.”
“Oh, I'll give you more, baby. Just be patient.”
“Yes.” She cries out, feeling her orgasm approaching. She knows it's close, and she wants it, badly. Her hips start grinding down on his hand, her movements becoming faster and less controlled. Harry continues to pump his fingers into her, his thumb rubbing her clit, making her body shake.
“Oh, fuck.” She gasps, her walls tightening around him. She comes, squirting all over his hand. Harry moans, his dick twitching as he feels her squirt.
“Holy fuck.” Harry moans, watching the mess she's made. “That's so fucking hot.”
“Mmm.” He hums, as he picks her up and roughly lies her down on her back. He grabs the waistband of her now completely soaked sweatpants and pull them down her legs, throwing them to the side. He does the same with her panties. He gets rid of his own shirt, revealing his toned body. Y/N is taken aback, he's got some tattoos, which is not something she expected. But it suits him, and it's hot.
“Look at you, such a pretty pussy.” He hums, admiring her dripping wet cunt. She's glistening and his mouth waters at the sight.
“Stop staring.” She chuckles.
“Oh, I'm sorry.” He laughs. “Would you prefer if I did this?”
“Do what- fuck!” Y/N exclaims, as Harry suddenly leans down and sucks her clit between his lips. He places his big hands on the inside of her thighs to keep her legs nice and open for him. He is relentless, his tongue licking a strip up her cunt, making her squirm and cry out. He laps up her juices, enjoying every second of it.
“Fuck, Harry!”
“That's it, baby.” Harry groans, sending vibrations through her body. She's gripping the couch, her knuckles turning white. It's an overwhelming feeling to have him eat her out so eagerly right after she came all over his hand. She doesn't know how much more she can take.
When she first met him, she never would have guessed Harry would have been this skilled. The way his tongue moves along her pussy, his lips sucking and licking her clit and the way his fingers dig into her thighs is making her dizzy. She knows she's going to come soon, and she's not sure if she's ready for that.
“Mmhmm, yes.” She moans, her back arching. She grabs a fistful of his hair and holds on to it, pushing his head further down. He takes it as a sign and doubles his efforts, his tongue moving even faster and deeper.
“Oh fuck, yes, right there!” She cries out, her toes curling as her orgasm hits her. It's intense and makes her see stars. Her whole body trembles as her muscles contract, and her mind goes blank.
“Jesus, you taste so good.” Harry groans, as he carefully licks her clean. He gets up and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. Harry catches his breath and he looks down at the sweet girl in front of him. She is completely wrecked, and he's not even done with her yet.
“You okay?”
“Good.” He smiles, standing up and removing his pants and boxers. His cock is hard and leaking precum. He's long and thick, and Y/N can't wait to have it inside of her.
“Fuck.” She mumbles at the sight, a bit too loud. She's certain Harry heard her even though she didn't intend for him to hear it.
“What's that, love?” Harry grins, his cock throbbing.
“No, I want to hear you say it.” He insists, his eyes locked on hers.
“You're big.”
“And hard.”
“For you.”
“Fuck me.”
“Your wish is my command, love.” Harry laughs. He grabs his wallet from his pants and pulls out a condom, ripping the package open and sliding the condom down his shaft.
“Come here.” She tells him. He obeys and walks towards her, getting down on his knees in front of the couch. He leans forward and kisses her passionately, his hands cupping her face. He slowly pulls away, his eyes locking with hers.
“You're beautiful.” He murmurs.
“I bet you say that to all the girls who need help at the hardware store.” She teases.
“Oh, shut up.” He laughs, kissing her again. He positions himself, his tip pressing against her entrance. He can't wait to feel her, to be inside of her. Y/N's breathing heavily, her heart racing. He teases her by slowly pushing his tip up and down her folds before slowly pushing it into her. Just the tiniest bit to make her all needy and whiney.
“Patience, baby.” He whispers, his lips inches from hers. He keeps teasing her, his tip rubbing her clit. Y/N moans and her hips buck, trying to get him to push his dick inside of her. But he makes sure to not give in to her desires just yet. He pushes back into her, a little bit further this time, his tip disappearing inside her. But he doesn't go any further, and Y/N lets out a frustrated grunt.
“What's the matter, love?” He smirks, his hand slowly trailing up her stomach and resting on her breast. As he rubs his cock on her clit, his hand squeezes her breast and he starts sucking on her neck.
“You know exactly what's wrong, you fucking tease.”
“Oh, do I?” He chuckles, his hand squeezing her breast again, this time a little bit rougher.
“Yes.” She moans, arching her back. “Please, Harry, stop teasing me.”
“Alright.” He whispers, his lips brushing against her ear. He slowly thrusts into her, filling her up completely. He stills his hips, letting her adjust to his size. She moans, her hands resting on his hips, urging him to move. He complies and begins to rock his hips, pulling almost all the way out before pushing back in.
“Fuck.” Harry groans, his pace increasing. Y/N's walls tighten around him and her nails dig into his hips, as she tries to pull him even deeper.
“That's it, baby.” He growls, his cock sliding in and out of her easily. “You feel so good, baby. So fucking good.”
“You're so big.” She gasps, her eyes closed and her mouth agape. He groans, his hips slamming into her. His fingers find her clit, and he starts rubbing her. Y/N whimpers, her toes curling as his fingers and his cock bring her closer to the edge.
“Yes, baby.” Harry grunts, his free hand cupping her breast, his fingers tweaking her nipple. It's sending sparks of pleasure throughout her body.
“Oh god, fuck!” Y/N moans, her hips bucking, and her walls tightening around him. “Fuck, I'm gonna come.”
“Oh, baby.” He whispers, his voice dripping with lust.
“Shit.” Y/N gasps, her eyes flying open as her third orgasm washes over her. Her whole body is trembling, her muscles contracting. Harry feels her clench around his cock, and he knows that it won't be long before he comes too.
“Fuck.” He grunts, his thrusts getting sloppier. He curses under his breath as he pulls his cock out of her. He quickly rips the condom off and strokes his cock, coming all over her stomach.
They're both catching their breaths, both still riding their high. They look at each other and share a laugh.
“I've made a mess.”
“It's okay, my couch was a mess to begin with. We just made it messier.”
“Fair point.” He chuckles, leaning in and kissing her. “This was...fun.”
“Yeah, it was.” She says, her fingers running through his curls.
“How about we go and get cleaned up in the shower and then we can have a proper drink?”
“Sounds perfect.”
Y/N's never had a one-night stand like this. Normally they are rushed and messy. This was different. It was sensual, erotic, and passionate. And she didn't feel bad about it. It felt natural like she was meant to do this. Like she was supposed to have a fling with the hot guy at the hardware store. She's never believed in fate, but maybe this is what it feels like.
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chvoswxtch · 28 days
Court, my queen, congrats on 4k!!! 🫶🫶🫶 May I order a macchiato where Billy introduces the reader to the Castles for the first time?
thank you so much nonnie!
okay i'm setting this in an alternate universe where billy isn't a backstabbing little bitch for my own sanity
headcannon below the cut
billy russo introduces you to the castles
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as we all know, billy is a whore. when frank teases him about quality over quantity, billy literally says "god made me this way for a reason, it would be wrong not to share the wealth"
but despite playing up his playboy persona, billy is secretly envious of what frank has
every time he comes over for sunday dinner & sees frank & maria standing side by side in the kitchen, sharing kisses & sweet nothings while doing the dishes together, he feels a deep longing for that same kind of connection
he doesn't want to always be fun uncle billy, he wants more
billy has never brought a girl around the castles bc well...he doesn't keep one around long enough, but that all changes when he meets you
from the moment he meets you, billy can feel a special spark between you. he can't explain it, he's never felt it before, but he knows he doesn't want to lose it
he's not used to someone wanting to be with him just for him. in all his "relationships", he's lured women in with his good looks & charm, & given them a taste of his luxurious lifestyle to have them eating out of the palm of his hand. however, that doesn't work with you, & him showing off actually makes you pull back from him
billy realizes quickly he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing when it comes to having a real, honest relationship, so he turns to the one person he knows can help him: frank
oh and you know frank is absolutely giving him shit & having a fucking field day with it
"billy the beaut comin' to me for advice on women? hell must have frozen over, huh, bill?"
but despite getting a kick out of busting his balls, frank is genuinely happy that billy has found someone, & even maria chimes in with advice & pointers
billy talks about you all the time to them, & he talks about them all the time to you too since they're the only family he has. they've been bugging him for weeks to bring you along for sunday dinner, especially maria. they all wanna meet the girl that's managed to reform billy russo
when he finally agrees to bring you over with him, billy is ecstatic. he can't wait to show you off & watch them fall in love with you too. he can tell that you're nervous considering this is the equivalent of meeting his family, but he reassures you several times on the way over that you've got nothing to worry about
"sweetheart, I don't think you realize they already love you. they just wanna put a pretty face to a name they hear all the time."
sitting there at the dinner table with frank, maria, & the kids & you by his side, it's like something finally hits him. this is it. that thing he's been searching for since he was a kid, that void he's been trying to fill with money & women, the one thing he's truly always wanted; he finally has it
watching you help maria with the dishes, play with the kids in the backyard, trade banter with frank, it all just reinforces that newfound warmth & feeling of fulfillment. this was it, you were it
the raw happiness he feels nearly brings him to his knees, & he has to excuse himself to the bathroom for a moment to collect himself. you fit so perfectly into his life, like you were meant to be there all along. seeing the way you interacted with his chosen family just confirmed it
but what really warmed his heart was the look of joy & excitement on frank & maria's faces. he could see just how happy they were for him. they interacted with you like you had been coming over ever week for dinner for years despite it being their first time meeting you
when billy goes to the kitchen to grab another beer, frank follows him. he just gives him a knowing look & a grin before patting him on the shoulder
"gotta tell ya bill, never thought i'd see the day you actually picked a winner and settled down, but i'm happy for ya. you got a great girl out there. bein' all lovesick looks good on ya."
all throughout dinner, billy holds your hand under the table. there's a moment when frank & maria are talking, & billy's just looking at you like he's in awe. he gives your hand a light squeeze to capture your attention, & when you look at him, he just grins and flashes you a wink
for the first time in his life, billy feels a weight lift off his chest that had always been there, & he feels nothing but pure content, bc he finally has the sense of belonging he's always wanted. he suddenly realizes that he's not alone in this world anymore. he has a family, & he has you
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You want me to talk about Verity Willis? I'll fucking talk about Verity Willis.
Spoilers for Agent of Asgard, maybe some other comics beyond that. Let's crack into it because I love Verity.
They're soulmates. The God of Lies and the Human Lie-Detector? Are you kidding? They were made for each other! They were meant to find each other, they were meant to oppose each other. If they aren't soulmates, they're (I'm not a Homestuck person, so I don't know what the opposite of soulmates are) meant to be rivals. But, to steal a phrase from Merlin, they are two sides of the same coin, essentially.
What the universe did not anticipate, however, is that Verity's ace. I don't make the rules; Verity is ace. And so, not a love interest. However, that doesn't mean they're not soulmates. They are, have been, always will be, in any life, in any world, in every iteration of Loki and every variant of Verity Willis, in every dimension, in every universe, queer-platonic soulmates. They're best friends. They're not "just friends". They're best friends.
You want me to talk about Verity? I'll fucking talk about Verity.
Even when shit hits the fan, even when Loki has been off doing god knows what shit for months on fucking end, and drives her insane to the point that she's like "I don't know if I can do this anymore, Loki," and he's like, "I'm sorry, I'll try to be better," she still sticks around and she still wants to be by his side.
And that's love, bitch! It may not be romantic love, it may not be sexual love, they may not be love interests. But that's love, bitch. He loves her. She loves him. They were made to be a match. Just not a romantic one. Just not a sexual one.
And in that moment of reckoning, that final moment when Loki is grappling with himself, and waffling between remaining in the void with the other versions of himself or going back to his brother's heartbreak and anger and Asgard's distrust and the All-Mother's betrayal and the chains of the future or die and not return. Or to transcend, undergo ego-death. To change, to transform, to do something that's ultimately going to be very painful and very hard, and what might not end up doing what he thinks it's going to do for him in the end. In that moment, she calls him. And he is on an alternate plane of existence, his phone should not even work, should not even exist. He is talking to previous iterations of himself and grappling with his own ego, he's not in a physical plane, he shouldn't even have his phone. But she calls him, to tell him she's on his side, still, after everything. She was there, when he told Thor what he did, she was already on the outs with him, before he told Thor what he did. She left.
But she's calling him, across planes. A love that transcends logic, that transcends planes, that transcends the existence or lack thereof of cellular towers. The human lie-detector, whose name literally means truth, calls the long-hated, long-condemned God of Lies, to tell him she's on his side, and that it's not the end.
Now, for my personal thought, I think she saves his life. I think there's a part of him, however small or large, that is not planning to come back from this, that is not planning to undergo this metamorphosis, that is like "What the fuck is the point? No one thinks I can change. Why the fuck should I change for them? Why the fuck should I change for me? Why the fuck should I even try? Why the fuck should I come back after I've changed, even if I manage it?"
But that one phone call from his best friend, from his fucking queerplatonic soulmate, saves my boi's life. And I don't think it's the first time she saves his life, nor am I convinced it will be the last. And she has no idea. Not a clue. She's got this lingering sense that he's about to do something stupid while they're on the phone, and she's like "Don't do something stupid." But I don't think she really knows that she saves his life.
And then he undergoes ego-death, and she is the first person he goes to. We don't know how much time passes between when he comes back from ego-death, figures out there's an incursion (I think that's what the event was. It might have been Ragnarok again), and goes to her. He could've gone to her and then been like, 'Oh shit, there's an incursion, I guess I'd better save her now.' Or if he knows there's an incursion and decides to save her first. We don't know, but we do know that they go to her first. And I think that's telling. Yes, Thor is mad at them; yes, the All-Mother betrayed them; yes, there's a sadistic future version of themself in their apartment right now (maybe), so there's not a lot of options. But they have options, and they go to her first.
Because they love her. And she loves them. Because they're best friends. And soulmates. And they were made for each other.
Literally. I mean, the future Loki created her for AoA Loki, more or less. He didn't plan on her eating the ring as a baby, but that's basically what happened.
You want me to talk about Verity Willis? I'll fucking talk about Verity Willis. Verity Willis is the shit. And I'm waiting for her to come back. Because she needs to. Because Loki needs her to. Because all this nonsense about being cursed and unloved and unwanted? Verity nips that shit in the bud. And Verity would stand there in front of Naglfar, and be like, 'Yeah, I know you think you're telling the truth, dipshit, but just you think it's true does not mean that it's true.'
And I think Loki needs to hear that. So they can stop feeling sorry for themself and start doing some shit.
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neverinadream · 1 year
This Ain't Over Yet
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Summary: Last summer, you had a secret fling with your brother's best friend, and this summer might just be no different.
Pairing: Christian Pulisic x Fem!Reader
Requested: Nope
Song Inspo: Last Night - Morgan Wallen <- for @thoseboysinblue she'll know why 🤭
Warnings: 18+, minors dni, angst, ex-lovers, older brother's best friend, blonde mullet!christian, dom!christian, sub!reader, brat!reader, hate sex (???), instructional, dirty talk, pet names (princess, baby, good girl....), degradation, reader gets called a bitch and a whore, praise kink, begging, talks of gagging, choking, trying not to get caught, references to past encounters, unprotected sex, aftercare-ish, breeding kink....porn with little plot....not proofread....the summary
Notes: this is to make up for the smut i didn't put in my last fic. in terms of what i'll be posting next, i have a rúben dias smut in the works and then it will either be little chilwell or frat boy!christian. did we like it?? please let me know - it really helps writers when you actually tell us.
"Don't play dumb, princess," Christian takes the beer out of your hand, wrapping his hand loosely around the neck of the brown bottle, "I know this little game that you're playing." He wets his lips, taking a sip of the beer you were sharing. You weren't the type to drink beer, much preferring the sweet taste of wine on your lips to that of bitter beer, which he had remembered from your previous encounters. He had got you to like it, but beer made your body feel fuzzy and made you do questionable things like sleeping with the man standing in front of you. "I'm not stupid-"
"That's debatable."
His jaw tenses, but he doesn't bite. "I saw you looking at me tonight." You scoff, rolling your eyes. "Come on, now, don't deny it," he chuckles, pulling his hand back as you lean in to grab the bottle, "you look, and you look, and you look. I saw how your eyes wandered, checking to see if I was watching you." He takes another sip, grinning when he catches you watching him licking his lips. "You wanted me to notice you getting close to Nico, flirting with him, touching his arm, laughing at his shitty jokes, going as far as sitting on his knee the entire night. I bet your brother really liked that - seeing his baby sister flirting with one of his best friends."
You snatch the bottle from his hand, the kitchen lights reflecting off the glass bottom as you tip the bottle toward your mouth. The soft, dull sound of music floated through the kitchen windows, filling the void of silence inside your brother's holiday home in Florida. You could even make out the conversation your friends were having, with a couple laughing loudly at what was probably a joke. You had only come inside to grab another drink; you didn't think you would spend the next ten minutes sharing your beer and having Christian, who had snuck in behind you, jokingly accusing you of trying to make him jealous.
"I don't even know what you're talking about," you shrug your shoulders, holding the bottle down at your side, "Nico and I, we were just having a nice conversation."
"Huh? A nice conversation?" He tuts, slowly shaking his head. "Don't fucking act like you weren't doing it to try and make me jealous, but guess what? It didn't work." His hand reaches down to retrieve the bottle, his fingers lingering over your own as he waits to take the beer from you. "I don't care who you talk to," he tells you, looking into your eyes, studying you closely to see how you would react, "you want to talk to Nico? Go ahead, talk to him. It doesn't bother me. We had our fling, or whatever, a long time ago, and I'm over that." He listens to how your breath hitches in the back of your throat, a reaction to him wrapping his whole hand tightly around yours. "And I'm definitely over you."
You pry your hand out of his and push him away with your other, refusing him access to your drink. "You sure about that?" You question him, placing the bottle on the counter behind you and pushing it towards the centre. The sound of the glass sliding across the marbled counter seems to echo in the stillness you've both created. His brows frown before relaxing again. "Why would I want to make you, of all people, jealous?" You cock your head to the side, trying to remain calm under his height. "I don't even like you. I never liked you."
"Bullshit," he finally bites, his hands gripping the counter's edge, caging your body between his and the counter, as he backs you up against it, "that's a lie."
"No, it's not."
"Yes, it is." The sigh of frustration that rattles in his throat surprises you. "You make it so easy to be mad at you-"
"-Mad at me for what?" You cut him off, folding your arms across your chest. It amused you greatly to be able to get under his skin. "I haven't done anything," you continued to protest your innocence, "you're the one who is fabricating something that isn't even real."
"Look me in the eyes and tell me I'm wrong," he fires back, his knuckles straining against his skin as he tightens his grip. He inches his face closer to yours. "Hmm? Do it!" Hot breath prickles your skin. "Tell me I'm wrong, princess." Your thighs involuntary clenched as the name slipped quickly off his tongue; a part of you had missed hearing him whisper it into his ear as he massaged your inner walls with his thick cock. You just only hoped he hadn't noticed. "What are you waiting for, hmm?" He hums, the sound coming deep from within his throat. "Is it because I'm right?"
You shake your head, but fail to speak when you finally open your mouth.
"That's right, baby girl," he chuckles, mocking you with his laughter, "you still like me, don't you?" You shake your head, partially determined to keep up the act of innocence. "Yes, you do," he nods, relaxing his grip, "you thought you'd be a bitch and toy with a good guy's emotions so that you could...what? Make me jealous? Do you want me fucking mad at you?" He licks his bottom lip, letting his eyes drift below your face, down your neck and onto your breasts tightly caged inside your bikini. He could see your nipples pressing against the flimsy material, begging him to touch, pinch, twist or suck on them. "Maybe you wanted me to remind you of all the times I fucked you senseless until you couldn't see...until you couldn't breathe-"
"-Shut up-"
"-No," he tuts, talking over you, "this is me getting started, baby. Be happy. I'm giving you exactly what you wanted."
Was this what you wanted?
Is that what you had in mind when you first spotted how his jaw tensed as you caught him looking in your and Nico's direction earlier that evening?
The bubbling excitement in the pit of your stomach and the threat of one of the others walking in at any moment to witness this confrontation left your body tingling and pressed your thighs tightly together. It left you taking slow, deep breaths just to try and hide the cracks in your composure. It left you with a desire and a hunger you hadn't felt in a very, very long time.
"Do you remember all those times I had to prop you against a pillow because you were that exhausted?" He hooks his fingers under your chin, tilting your head back so you were looking directly up at him. "Oh, princess," he chuckles dryly, "look at those eyes! Those pretty eyes are getting real big. What are you thinking about, huh? You thinking about my cock filling you up? Or, maybe you're thinking about my hands? They're still your favourite necklace, right? All wrapped tightly around your throat, squeezing until your vision is blurred and you're gasping for breath."
He presses his thumb against your bottom lip, smirking as you part your lips for him, letting his thumb intrude the inside of your mouth. You wrap your lips around his thumb and listen to him groan as you lazily suck on it. It made his stiff cock twitch, and he thought about making you drop to your knees, your mouth ready and opened wide for him to fuck, but he wasn't at the end of your shared memory lane yet.
"Do you remember that dinner for your brother's birthday? How I played with your needy, dripping cunt underneath the table?" He chuckles, thinking about the memory himself. You squirmed in your seat, piercing your nails into his wrist as he edged you for most of the night. "I still can't believe he bought that whole "I'm too drunk, I need help to get home" act. You couldn't even wait to get to your bedroom; had me fucking you on that side table in your hallway before the front door was even closed."
You gag and splutter around his thumb as he pushes it deeper, gasping for a breath when he eventually pulls out. His hand travels below to your chest, rolling his thumb over your clothed nipple as his hand cups your left breast. "I have missed these," he hums, keeping eyes focused on your face, waiting for the changes in your expression, even if you were trying your hardest to keep a straight face. But you finally break, biting your bottom lip and trapping a moan in the back of your throat as he pinches your nipple. "They were always just begging to be touched," he chuckles, returning his hand to the edge of the counter.
"What is it that you want, baby?"
"No-nothing," you stuttered, failing to get your words out in a calm manner.
"No-nothing," he mimics you, chuckling as he watches you look away. You feel his hot breath on your face as he leans into your ear. "Tell me, princess, who would you rather have fucking you tonight? Me or Nico?" He asks, whispering into your ear, the smooth richness of his voice making you shudder. "Come on, tell me," he encourages, placing a soft kiss on the spot below your ear, "use your words."
It should've been Nico's name that you wanted to say. He was sweet, funny, and intelligent, but...
He wasn't Christian.
"Say it," he tuts, "say my name."
"-Liar!" Your eyes snap up to look at him, your breath hitching as you look into his eyes. They were his most redeemable thing about him. "You don't want him," he shifts his focus between your eyes and your lips, which were taunting him by being so close and yet unavailable to him, "you want me." You shake your head. "Yes, you do," he counters, sliding his hands closer to you, "that's why you've been trying all day to make me jealous. Admit it. You want me. You need me. You long for me. You think about all the ways I could fuck you, how I could lift you onto this counter and take you right here, right now."
You gravitate towards him, fisting your fingers in the back of his newly dyed mullet, pulling him and his mouth against you. His hand wraps around your throat, squeezing it as his tongue delves into your mouth, leaving you to moan against him. There was no passion or love behind the exchange. It was never meant to be like that for the two of you. You just felt hunger, lust and the usual little sprinkle of hate. You had several unbearable itches to scratch, and only the other could soothe them.
"There she fucking is," he smirks, chuckling into your mouth. He nips at your bottom lip, tugging it as he pulls away to look at you. You'd missed the feeling of his hand wrapped around your neck and seeing a glimpse of his tattooed arm every time you looked down. It only added to the ache between your thighs every time he tightened his grip. He was right. It was your favourite necklace. "I know that look," he mumbles, recognising the longing desperation in your eyes. His thumb strokes over the edge of your jaw and places a quick kiss against your lips. "I've missed that look."
"Christian," his name floats off your lips like a prayer.
"What is it, baby?" There's a flicker of softness in both his eyes and voice. "What do you want?"
"I want you to do to me what only you can do best, Christian," you reply, sliding your hand inside his shorts, wrapping it around his thick cock. He sighs satisfactorily as you start to jerk your hand up and down his hardened length, feeling the precum on the tip and spreading it with your thumb. "I want you to fuck me and fill me up with all your cum," you tell him, licking your thumb after pulling your hand back, "fuck it deep, deep inside of me, and then send me back outside to Nico, with all your cum dripping out of my pussy."
"I hope you don't kiss your mother with that dirty whore of a mouth," he chuckles, unbuttoning your shorts. Helping him to remove your shorts and bikini bottoms, you push them down your thighs, stepping out of them as they hit the kitchen tiles. "Don't fucking look at that door," he stops you as you turn your head to look at the back door, a noise outside temporarily catching your attention, "no one's coming in here, but you gotta be quiet, or else they will."
"And we wouldn't want that-"
"-No, we wouldn't want that," he talks over you, lifting you onto the counter, "now spread those legs for me." He hums as you do as you're told, spreading your legs to give him the perfect view of your pussy. "Look at that," he groans, biting his lip. You shudder, goosebumps prickling your skin as he reaches to you, stroking his thumb between your folds and rubbing against your clit. "Already dripping." You whimper at the loss of contact as he pulls away. "Touch yourself," he instructs, reaching behind you and grabbing the last bit of the beer, "show me what you do to yourself when you're all alone, and you're thinking about me."
"And who's to say I'm thinking of you?" You raise the question, watching how his throat bops up and down as he swallows the last of your beer.
"Because I'm the man of your dreams and the object of all your desires, princess."
"No, you're really not," you giggle, shaking your head, "you just have a really good cock." Shifting to the edge of the counter, you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. "Now, just fuck me already," you murmur against his lips, skimming them to kiss along his jaw, "or I'll call Nico in here and have him fuck me instead. I might even let him do that thing you always wanted to do."
He snaps back, looking at you with wide eyes and in total disbelief. "You wouldn't?" He gasps, his mouth remaining open until you finally answer. You nod your head, biting your bottom lip to hide your smile. "You dirty little..." He laughs, shaking his head as he hooks his arms under your knees, yanking you onto the very edge. He uses one hand to untuck himself from the confinement of his shorts, groaning as he jerks his hand along his shaft a few times. "You're the woman of my dreams, princess," he whispers, lining the tip up against your pussy, "and most definitely the object of all my-"
"-Oh, just shut up and fuck me," you tangle your fingers in the bottom of his mullet, pulling on his hair as you bring his mouth against yours. You swallow up his groans as he pushes just the tip inside, your pussy already clenching and gripping around him as he gradually eases the rest of him in. "Fuck," you whimper, breaking the kiss, "did you always feel this big?"
He raises his eyebrow. "Were you always this tight?" He asks, failing to keep steady breaths. He hooks both arms back under your legs, fingers bruising your thighs as he sticks to a steady rhythm. You tried your best to stay quiet, but it felt far too good, feeling his thickness stretching you out and massaging the inner walls of your pussy. "God, be quiet, bitch," he groans, looking over your shoulder, checking to see if there were any shadows approaching the back door, "do you need me to fucking gag you? Are you that incapable of being quiet?"
"I can be quiet; I can," you promise, quickly and enthusiastically nodding your head. Your words were a jumbled mess as they left your lips, some sounding higher than others and some not even sounding English. It made him laugh. "Just don't stop," you beg, slipping your hand between your bodies, swallowing a moan as you press your fingers against your clit, "just...please, don't stop!"
He clears his throat, dislodging a groan trapped in the back, "oh, don't you worry, baby girl, I ain't stopping."
One hand leaves your thighs and finds a place wrapped around your throat, squeezing until he sees your eyes rolling into the back of your head and feels your pussy clenching around him.
"Dirty whore, hmm," he groans, gripping your other thigh tighter as his pace becomes sloppier, "letting me fuck you on your brother's counters whilst he's only a few feet away from us. I bet you want them to catch us, huh? Let them know how much of a fucking whore you are!" He leans his head against yours, his lips brushing against your hairline as he continues into your ear. "But then this wouldn't be our dirty little secret anymore, would it?"
You tug at his hair, pulling him back. "Savour it because this isn't happening again." You gasp as he tightens his grip on your throat, both of you mirroring the other's smirk. "Never. Again."
"Haven't we made that promise to each other before?" He chuckles. "And now look at us-"
"-Oh, just shut up!" You interrupt him, frustratingly groaning as you roll your head back. Your hips grind into him, with your hand leaving your clit to grip the counter, keeping yourself steady on the edge. "Just like that," you cry out, forgetting for a second that you were meant to be staying quiet, "oh, fuck me, just like that! Fuck. Fuck!"
"Getting a little too loud there, princess," he warns, checking over your shoulder again, "maybe I'll just have to gag you after all. What do you say, huh? Should I gag you with my fingers or with my fucking cock?" You feel his cock twitch at the excitement of stuffing your mouth with his cock, making you gag and spit all over him, finally shutting you up. "Nah," he grabs your jaw, pulling you back to face him, "you don't want my cock in that pretty little mouth of yours, do you? You want me to keep it in the wet, warm, dripping cunt, don't you?"
You desperately nod your head, whimpering, "Yes."
"Do you want me to fill you up?" You wrap your legs tighter around his waist, digging your ankles into the bottom of his back. "Do you want me to fucking breed you, princess?" He chuckles as you clench around him, your walls gripping his cock. "Of course you do," he pants, losing his breath as he feels himself coming undone, "You're gonna let me do that, aren't you? You're gonna let me breed this fucking pussy, because it's my fucking pussy to fill. No one else's. Not Nico's. Mine!"
You fist both hands into his hair, making him hiss as you tug and pull harshly on frosted tips. "I'm gonna cum," you tell him, crying into his shoulder and hiding your face, "don't stop, please, don't-!" Your body tenses, the coil in your stomach snapping as white spots blur your vision, and your orgasm rips through you. It had been so long since you had felt a euphoric high like the one you were experiencing - your thighs shaking, your skin warm and tingling with a thin trace of sweat, your chest heaving as you desperately fought to catch your breath.
"Attagirl," he praises, feeling your body shudder and tremble against him, "good fucking girl! Let your pussy milk this cock, baby." He gasps, bruising your thigh as he grips you tighter than you thought was possible, his hips bottoming out as hot sparks of pleasure ripple through him, finally cumming inside you. "Fuck...ing hell," he grunts, collapsing against you, whimpering as he feels you grinding your hips into him, working you both through and down from your high.
Soft kisses are pressed along your shoulder, up your neck and against the corner of your lips. You had a lazy half-smile printed on your lips, the same one you always wore after sex. He was glad that hadn't changed.
"I've missed this," Christian whispers his confession, brushing his nose softly against yours as he leans in to kiss you properly. You wrap your hand affectionately around his jaw, his five o'clock shadow scratching the underside of your palm as you reciprocate his kiss, whimpering into his mouth as he eventually pulls out. "I guess one of us should go back out there then," he mumbles, adjusting his shorts and fixing his hair.
He passes your shorts and bikini bottoms, fingers lingering on the back of your hand as you reach for them. "Better you than me," you hum, pulling your bikini bottoms back on, "I don't need to walk out there with your cum running down my thigh."
"Right," he cheekily laughs, with a bit of a tint to his cheeks. You watch him turn to the fridge, his head disappearing behind the door and returning with a six-pack to take outside. "Want some help with that?" He offers, knocking the fridge door shut with his foot.
"Ha!" You bark, loudly laughing as you fix the button on your denim shorts. "You offering to help to clean up your mess?" Aftercare wasn't one of Christian's party tricks, at least not the kind of aftercare where he reached for a warm cloth or ran you a hot bath. "Now that's a first." You shake your head, suggesting he go back outside before someone comes looking for you. He gets as far as the back door before he turns around to look at you. "What now?" You sigh, slipping your phone into your back pocket.
"Just...I missed you," he shrugs, reaching behind to turn the handle. His confession seemed to be genuine which only meant trouble for yourself.
"We're not good for each other, remember?" You remind him, letting your arms hang awkwardly down at your sides.
"I don't know, princess," he half-grins, "I think we're perfect for each other."
@shanoontje @maseandkepa @theblxefox @blueathens  @ofxinnocence @1-800-benji-chilwell @mrschilly @geek-and-proud @in-my-body-bag @laurasstufff1 @mountchilly @spicysainz @greykitkepa @thoseboysinblue @mountpulisic @dinonuggiesforliferz
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findafight · 10 months
Controversial headcanons/opinions! That are mostly about Steve now that I read them back.
1. Stancy’s biggest roadblock is Nancy’s inability to admit she’s wrong/makes mistakes.
2. Jancy’s biggest roadblock is Jonathan’s parentification. Jon loves Will, but some of his devotion to him is tied up in that - something I think fandom tends to overlook. We’ve already seen that Nancy either forgets or underestimates how much the Byers rely on Jon and I would not put it past her to view him looking after Will on the same level as her having to look after Mike & Holly.
Even once it’s revealed and they talk about it, it’s going to open a rift between them.
3. Joyce doesn’t give a shit about Steve and never will. Hop gives a shit reluctantly, in a mostly professional capacity but will be haunted with guilt if Steve dies.
4. Karen Wheeler is a shitty person and if the Duffers wanted me to think different maybe shouldn’t have teased her considering sleeping with a kid her daughter’s age. Also doesn’t give a shit about Steve, but is better at hiding it.
5. Billy, while being in the closet and brimming with self hatred, did not have a crush on Steve - he wanted the weird codependent yet weirdly void of sexual tension friendship that Steve would go onto have with Robin.
The fact that Steve hated him and was constantly ignoring him or pushing back at him was part of the appeal. That and the fact Steve’s a bitch - Billy thought that was hilarious.
6. Steve intelligence wise is average and actually has a fairly broad general knowledge - he just has difficulty with the terminology and isn’t great at explaining things to other people.
7. Steve’s kids are Dustin, Max, Lucas and Erica. He will absolutely protect the other three, but any presence he continues to have in their lives is a by-product of the other four.
8. Mike has a on again/off again crush on Steve and it’s part of the reason he turns into an angry cat around him.
9. We will meet Vickie’s entire family before we see the Harringtons on-screen.
10. Jon would *not* react well to Stargyle happening - he refuses to believe Steve is queer, assuming he’s just messing with Argyle/trying to get revenge on Jon for cheating with Nancy (for added tragicomedy, this is how Steve finds out about that).
11. Eddie likes ABBA. I have no fucking idea why fandom seems to think that he’d hate it and has me genuinely questioning how many people in fandom have met an actual metalhead. I know he’s a pretentious douche, but *Jesus*.
12. Whatever else happens between them, Robin will always hold a grudge against Nancy for not knowing who she was when they were first introduced. Steve has the excuse of being a popular kid who was ignorant of his surroundings at all times. Robin is the person who could swipe Valedictorian out from under Nancy but chooses not too. See also, Barb and the handful of grudges she has with Nancy regarding Steve.
omg so many anon! let's do this. long post so I'm going to add a readmore!
Yeah I mostly agree? The inability to let Nancy apologize or be wrong I think really sets back her growth as a character no matter what, and it's really pronounced with stancy! It is something that could be resolved but I do not think the show will do that. Steve wasn't the person Nancy needed in s2, but maybe he is now. Idk there's better stancy meta out there haha There are issues they have I'd love to see addressed but. doubtful they will. Idk if nancy will end up single (like I think she should) but I also don't know if they're actually going to follow through on stancy revival in s5 or just leave jancy as is.
2. Jonathan's parentification!! Absolutely agree. He needs to work through his inability to move on and look to the future for himself. His focus is on Will, who needs more of an older brother from him than another parent, especially now Will is closer to the age Jon was when everything started. Jon is defined by his family, and them needing him. But we sort of see in s4 that Will is growing up, El is too, and they don't need him in the same way Will needed to depend on him in earlier seasons, and Jon is spending time smoking with Argyle, but not actually dealing with what he's feeling.
this is room for Jonathan to develop character-wise, but it's also so interesting how his parentification has been an issue with Nancy! Like she wants to be a priority, but Jon can't do that, because he hasn't figured out how to 1) focus on himself and his wants 2) let himself look at the future as something that isn't looming but something to look forward to!
God I would love to see him figure out what he actually wants and how to balance that with his loyaty to his family in the show! or read a jon focused fic where he gets to deal with these things.
3. Joyce doesn't like steve :'| why would she? he's just some guy to her that Jon didn't like and who used to date her son's girlfriend. Steve's not on her radar at all she doesn't give a shit about him lol (I should write more of the joyce doesn't like steve fic)
4. uhg yeah I think I've already posted about alternatives to the stupid Karen side-plot where it's like. random pool middle age affair man, flirting with mr. clarke, or just her making moves on her own husband to show she wants to make changes in their marriage and the fair being a little date for the wheelers or SOMETHING to make her not creepy and actual have it mean something to her character? or just. not! include! any karen plotline at all!
5. billy is interesting because i would say there might be some one-sided sexual thing happening between him and Steve, and Steve hating and ignoring him would totally egg him on with whatever was going on in his brain. idk if he wanted it actually actionable but was probably going for some weird and very intense pscho-sexual homoerotic relationship. maybe not what could be described as a crush but certainly not whatever stobin has going on (though if he had lived stobin would have also pissed him off lol)
6. Yes! steve can understand a lot if he's given time to understand it. like he's just not a genius or talking fast, and he asks clarifying questions so he (and everyone else) knows exactly what's happening. maybe that might look like he's getting left behind but he's making sure everyone is on the same page, which is actually an important part of plans and sharing info. I'd also say he'd probably have pretty good head for strategy!
7. Dustin, Max, Lucas and Erica are absolutely steve's kids! thank goodness we got Steve and Max content in s4, but I'd love to see more of Steve and Lucas and Erica! I do love Steve with El too, because I think they should and could have a great dynamic, but that's all fanon, unfortunately. Mike and Will having some kind of relationship with Steve are just byproducts of Steve being friends with the others.
8. Mike and his mortifying crush on steve is so precious to me. He'd be so mad about it. It'd be so funny. to me. not for him. but for me :)
9. Harrington parents will remain an unsolved mystery haunting the fandom forever and always. We will know the names of Robin's grandparents and their pets before we see or hear anything more than Mr. and Mrs. Harrington.
10. I am obsessed with this idea. I love stargyle sort of coming out of nowhere for other people. My favourite. They can bond over having great hair and being a chauffeur for children not related to them. Jon side-eyeing this so hard even tho maybe he's been focusing on Nancy and their relationship when steve and argyle are having their Bonding Moments. The confrontation of Jon accusing Steve of getting with Argyle to mess with him, Steve going "what the hell. why would I have an elaborate polt to mess with you that included pretending to be queer? and kissing a man? multiple times??"
and Jon blurting about how of course he would to get back at jon for cheating with Nancy and steve just stopping. and trying to clarify. and Jon digging himself deeper. ooooooh. something to think about and expand on?? 👀👀👀
11. it was the 80s and disco was way out of style but also. who doesn't like ABBA. don't trust anyone who doesn't like at least one ABBA song. suspicious. Eddie would be vocal about his hatred for Progressive Rock though.
12. Robin and her grudges!!!! omg yes if robin was holding herself back from being valedictorian she'd be Pissed that Nancy didn't know who she was. like at least know your rivals! that in combination with the barb thing and all the steve things. Robin's not letting it go. I love her pettiness she's so funny and great. Queen.
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golbrocklovely · 9 months
i'm gonna make this post since i have like ten asks wondering my thoughts on it. and i don't really feel like repeating myself over and over again.
long story short, i'm disappointed.
so… snc did a video with elton and corey. they addressed the rumors that have been circulating about elton and the things he has done to snc, none of which were true. and i'm glad that that can finally come to a close and the death threats can calm down. bc while i never liked elton, he didn't deserve death threats.
but let me get into the video.
i don't feel like rewatching it, so if i get some things wrong, idc. but what i know for certain is that elton flat out said "the fans drove us apart and made me act the way i did." which, is just a flat out lie. HE started way back in late 2020/21. i have proof. i've seen it with my own eyes. i was literally there while he was tweeting out things against snc. if he is that easily persuaded, he should reconsider his career choices. fans took it too far, i'm not disagreeing with that; but to pretend that him and corey didn't shade snc for years and that the fans started a beef between them is ridiculous and incredibly incorrect. elton started a battle that he didn't think was gonna continue for as long as it did. he believed his ego and thought fans would side with him in his unjust belief that snc were copying him. and it didn't play out in his favor, so he just got more bitter and bitter over the years about it. once ppl started making up lies about him, something he had no issue doing to snc, that's when things went "too far".
again, did he deserve death threats for being petty? absolutely not. did he deserve lies to be made up about him? no. but do not pretend to be an innocent bystander in a war YOU started. you handled things publicly and then got pissed when the public had opinions. idk what you expected. snc didn't do anything to elton. they didn't copy him, they didn't take content that was his and change it around to be their own. that is something elton CLAIMED to have been the case. and now he tries to blame it on fans and that they were the ones that claimed that. his apology is null and void when he turns around and says "yeah i said some things i shouldn't have but it's actually the fans' doing that made me think that way." you are full grown adult man with multiple businesses. act like it.
and i cannot fathom under any circumstance why snc would ALLOW elton and corey back into their lives. they bad-mouthed you two for YEARS. they did it in front of fans on tour! they cultivated a fandom that was happy to see you guys fail or get called out. i get you feel bad that fans took things too far. that maybe you were petty too in some instances, that you could have reached out sooner. but YOU DIDN'T START THIS. they don't deserve loyalty or to be in your lives again bc fans were assholes! and you shouldn't want someone in your life that will believe a stranger over you. bc what is there to say that elton won't turn around and shit on you again? he obviously has issues talking shit out. what about the next time he thinks you slighted him? you think he's gonna be rational and act like an adult and talk to you? probably fucking not.
snc bitch time and time again about feeling used, that they always feel taken advantaged of. they keep their inner circle small bc they can't trust anyone. colby literally talked about not being able to date outside of the industry bc what if the girl he's with wants something from him. they do all of this complaining, only to bring elton and corey back in. two ppl who will only BENEFIT from being their friend again. they have been losing subs and followers for years now ever since they started this war. they have nothing to lose being your friend again. they will USE YOU.
it became very apparent to me that snc only want elton and corey back in their lives for memories' sake. they had a three hour conversation only to go back and talk about the good ol times. there's a reason why those moments are in the past. elton literally still sees you guys as the young 20 year olds he has to "take care of". he literally said he loveD you guys, past tense - bc now he hasn't hung out with yall in so long. and you want that back in your life bc you miss feeling young and have uncle elton around? let go of 2017. that was a life time ago. there is no reason to have this man back in your life. and same goes for corey. neither one of them even wished you well publicly when you were diagnosis with cancer or going thru chemo, colby! what about that screams good friend material??
i know i am one person with one opinion. you don't have to listen to me, and that goes for everyone reading this. if you're happy they're back together, that's great. good for you. but i will not be supporting any content that comes from elton/corey and snc. if they do a video together, go on a trip - i will not watch it. i don't care to see two men who i care about hang out with two other guys that literally wished them the worst for three years straight.
snc are allowed to make whatever choice they want. if they want these guys back in their lives, that's the choice they make. if they accept elton's apology, that's fine. but i will not support it. it is such a disappointing feeling to see the ppl you care about act like floormats personified. you guys are so desperate to be seen as good and positive and it is mind-numbingly annoying. who cares if you're an asshole sometimes?! set boundaries for christ's sake. and follow thru on them. stop listening to fans who have the attention span of a spoon and are only here bc they think you're hot.
…this goes into a longer issue i've had with snc for a while now. and that's that i'm no longer excited to be an avid watcher of them. everything that has happened this year was proof, to me, that they should have taken an actual, long term break, the moment colby got sick. they started out the year not even being with each other on colby's bday. and even before that you could tell something was off with the two of them. it was clear colby wanted a break, was aching for one, and sam was the one that wanted to jump right back into work the moment the new year started. then colby got diagnosed, then sam and kat broke up, then colby went thru chemo, then sam needed to get his shit sorted out so he went to therapy (and still very much needs it). then they celebrated colby being cancer free and jumped back into the amount of work they were used to doing. this doesn't even take into account that colby never got time to recover from even realizing HE HAD CANCER, or the fact he was working all while going thru chemo and before that too. they NEVER took a break. taking a week off to black out in japan doesn't count. they are so obsessed with working and numbers, it's not even funny.
and then this podcast with kris… while i did enjoy it, it became very clear to me that snc are really only making content anymore for views and money. and look, get your coin, this is your job after all. but at what point do you start making content you actually enjoy making? bc the moment they shitted on 25x25, something they very much loved when it was happening, that was enough proof that they only care about views and money anymore. the only reason they stopped that WAS bc no one watched it. and ppl didn't stop watching it bc it was inauthentic. you were travelling during a deadly pandemic… what did you expect fans to do?? not to mention you cold turkey-ed content that ppl signed up for (haunted stuff). of course the views are gonna plummet. it wasn't bc the editing was weird and new, which is what yall love to latch onto even to this day. you guys were so excited for that content, and now shit on it bc it's become the joke to the fandom, half of which wasn't even here when you made that content.
you collab with ppl no one even cares to see you with bc you know it will bring in views. who the fuck wants to see yall and bella poarch at the conjuring house??? none of these collabs make sense anymore, unless you just want to get views. all the content you have put out this year has been mediocre at best. you talk about quality over quantity but really should have just considered not working and taking a break since one of you was literally going thru fucking cancer.
i just feel so deflated. i'm not even excited for the conjuring house. i don't care about hell week. i can't even be pissed that sam is barely helping with the edit still. none of this fucking matters anymore.
yall don't care, so why should i?
do whatever makes you happy, i guess. but don't complain when you realize it doesn't, bc i'm not gonna be here to hear it.
also, if any of you get pissy at me bc you feel like this is a good thing and you want to see them collab and i'm taking it too far... respectfully, i don't give a single shit about your opinion. have yours, i'll have mine.
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thatmiraclecupcake · 6 months
Little things I liked/thought were funny/want to yell into the void about (but not in a bad way) in the first Nicktoons Untie game and only the first one because it's the only one I've actually played part of and I'm biased. SPOILERS ABOUND!
Sandy unironically making Patrick a spy
Patrick immediately blows his cover and gets captured
the whole bit before and after Plankton's boss fight about his mother
the video call from Calamatus where Plankton and Vlad have to finish his sentences
the fact that said call doesn't have Crocker in it+the camera movements being janky like a person was holding it as opposed to a robot, so one could infer that Crocker was holding the camera for the Big Plan Reveal To The Heroes TM
Timmy calling Spongebob a piece of cheese
Goddard has fleas. this is an integral part of the plot
"Well this is the craziest thing I've seen since....well, since last Tuesday." Spongebob. Spongebob what happened buddy. What happened. What did you do.
Spongebob's little scared jump animation in some of the cutscenes where his eyes bulge out of his face like a looney tune
"Great things come in small packages-just ask Wanda!" COSMO WHAT THE FUCK
The fact that Cosmo and Wanda can be out and visible and shit, like the Secret Fairy Godparents are no longer secret to anybody here. Crocker can fucking see them.
I get the angst of people making like. fanfics and whatnot of Timmy losing his fairies and forgetting the other nicktoons. I GET it. but like. honestly. I think he'd be fine.
I just think Jorgen would let Timmy keep his fairies even outside of the whole crossover spinoff games because like. How many fucking times have they had to save the world. From something Timmy didn't make to begin with. Anyways
The Doomsday Device has four comically large wall plugs, which are probably color coded to each of the members for each world being siphoned
Calamatus' stupid little fucking dance while the boys try to scramble and stop the device. Seriously. Look up a cutscene video and watch his little stupid fucking dance.
Spongebob saves the day by unplugging the comically large plugs
Jimmy, after being given a Fenton thermos by Danny: Wait Vlad's not in here is he O-O
Spongebob would have to owe Mr Krabs money for saving the world, the Krusty Krab, and Mr Krabs himself on company time, even though the opening cutscene suggests that Spongebob was off today because his first idea of what to do that day was go visit Patrick.
Everybody talks about Jimmy and Timmy dating, Danny and Spongebob being besties, and the different roles each person plays in the squad's general relationship dynamics, but I wanna know what those Middle-Aged Scientifically-Minded GOOBERS known as the Syndicate had going on while they weren't getting their asses kicked
I'm not even talking about shipping I just want to know what those conversations were like.
Like. Plankton wants a sandwich recipe. His key to ruling Bikini Bottom is a really good burger, but the others might not understand that Krabby Patties are the glue of Bikini Bottom society and therefore an important political piece. How does this fact play off the other villains
Vlad and Plankton seem comfortable finishing Calamatus' sentences for him already and don't really seem annoyed so they must be at least a little friendly with him
Vlad's little run into the portal after his boss fight is actually pretty well done considering the rest of the jank in the animations
Spongebob lets himself be sprayed down in (what is to him) a mystery substance made by a stranger
Jimmy's solution to the gang breathing in Bikini Bottom is chewing gum
"Spongebob, your birthday's not for another month"
Jenny XJ-9 should have fucking been there. She had existed for 2 years. My Life as a Teenage Robot had only ended like 2 months before the first Nicktoons Unite game first released in 2005
Yes it was 2005
Look there's 2 cartoons made by Bitch Hartman in this game. Nice of them to add Tak and Zim and Dib and whatnot but I think Jenny would have done well with the others in the first game.
And!!! AND!!!! Who would be more willing to rule multiple worlds than the fucking CLUSTER???
would've also added like. another world/hour to the game. could be nice for a remake. hint hint wink wink nudge nudge
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You got the devil on your team.
Summary: The mccall pack sent Theo to hell and yn plans a revenge. which includes bringing void stliles back in the picture
Tumblr media
really recommend to reading with the song
Yn threw open the doors of the Hale loft and walked down the stairs. The sound of her heels echoing through the place as she ,made the way to the basement. Her eyes dark as she seeked the revenge she desired.
Yn pushed both doors open at the same time as she entered. she walked slowly beside the shelfs looking bothways looking for a jar. she furrowed her eyebrows as she though a triskelion carved into a wall. she smirked and took two knives that were hidden in her belt, she hooked a knife in each side of the carving and twisted them whith all her strength. Her smirk grew widder as the wall pusshed back and moved to a side showing another room full of shelfs. The lights of the cealing turned on as she walked in and make her way toward the back of the room. She reached out and took a jar made of mountain ash whith a triskelion on the top.
"The Hale family really has an obsession with that thingy" Yn muttured sarcastically. she turned around and close the opening of the wall. making shure it was completly locked.
She wasent even a suppernatural but she could still hear an angry buzz that came from the jar she held in her hands.
"well void time to come out" she said and opened it a fly inmidiatly flying out.
there was a Cloud of smoke and stiles appeared. Exept of course it wasent stiles, but void. he had her back turned away from her, but he slowly turned arround to face her with a sadistic smirk.
"If it isint Yn" He said "I knew youd always had a thing for the bad guys uh" he said giving her a sarcastic smile. " I thought you were a good girl" void said moking her.
Yn walked slowly toward him. giving him an evil smirk "well shit happens" she stepped closer to him. she touched a seringe she had tucked in the inside of her belt." and I was a good girl" Yn slurred distracting him. "I just turned bad" she looked at him with her dark shadowed eyes "and I plan on getting my revenge" Void gave her a almost confused glace and Yn stabbed with with the syringe pumping kanima venom into his system.
" you little whore" Void spat as he fell to the ground.
"im not taking any chances of you killing me"
"not only a pretty face but smart" Void mocked.
YN rolled her eyes at him and dragged his toward a shelf and leaned him back on it.
"OK now lets talk about how you are going to help me"yn started squatting infront of him.
Look at you needing me You know I'm not your friend without some greenery
"Look at you needing me" void laughed
"I know that we're not friends whithout some greenery"Yn answered lifting a perfectly plucked ayebrow.
Walk in wearing fetters Peter should know better Your cover up is caving in Man is such a fool Why are we saving him?
"tell me what do you want?"
"You see, in the time you were gone I fell in love, as you see, the guy I fell in love with, was, a bad guy" yn told him moving her head to the side "And Kira Yukimora, you've met her before, sended him to hell"
"Uhh, what did he do sooo wrong"asked Void making a fake pout.
"he traid to take over the pack" Yn answered with a shrug
"Man's such a fool? why are we saving him?"
"I havent found a way to free him. kira took the sword to the desert walkers, such a bitch" sighed Yn shaking her head " I want something else. And ... I really need your help" Void lifted both eyebrows as if waiting for something. Yn pursed her lips and let her head fall. she grunted in annoyance"....please"
Poisoning themselves now Begging for our help, wow!
Hills burn in California My turn to ignore ya Don't say I didn't warn ya
"Begging for my help, wow!" Yn looked at him though an angry frown."and what do I get in return?" asked the spirit
"A moment of freedom" Yn aswered sarcastically " common Void, you should be thanking ME, Im the one who got you out, you better accept anyway." yn said giving him a dangerous glace
Void turned his gaze away from her "My turn to ignore ya"
"Dont say I didnt warn ya" Yn said straighting up from her position.
She walked toward an oppossite shelf. she rummanged through the vases and boxes till she found a little glass bottle. she took it and walked toward void.
"you see this?" she asked her gaze fixated on the little jar." this is fox poison" she said giving him a sarcastic smile" I pour this little bottle in you, and BAM! youre reduced to a little fly. Again"
Void furrowed her eyebrows at her as if daring her. Yn just smirked and bent down next to him.
"oh common Yn, remember youre a good girl right?" Void pleaded nervosly.
All the good girls go to hell 'Cause even God herself has enemies And once the water starts to rise And heaven's out of sight She'll want the devil on her team
"Well, all the good girls go to hell" Yn said smirking. she opened the bottle. she harshly took voids face holding him still" youre no good to me if you dont do what I say" she whispered. she held his jaw still, and was reaching the bottle up to his lips.
"Ok, Ok waht do you want!!!" Void cried.
yn smirked and let go of his face" I want revenge void. I want to make Scott MCcall feel what I've felt this past two months" Yn stared at Voids eyes and saw a glint at the perspective of hurting Scott. yn straightened up "and for that..."
"you want the devil on your team" Void finished smirking.
"precisely" Yn answered with dark humor laced on her voice.
Void wobled into his numb feet. feeling the venom leave his system. He looked up to her.
"Lets go"
How did you guys like evil Yn? requests are open!!!
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wehangout · 1 month
Hello can I ask for gallavich + 27 for the kiss prompt? Thankyy ;)
Send me a number and I’ll write a gallavich kiss 👄
27. - - as a suggestion (this was sent in by two separate anons, but I'm only writing one, lmao) (also, it got dirty).
"This is not how tonight was supposed to go," Ian whispers, and you smirk.
"Oh? You had big plans for tonight, huh?"
"Real big plans." He tries for cocky but doesn't get close.
He's sitting on one of the new dining chairs you finally got for your apartment, blindfolded, restrained, and naked as fuck. His cock stands at attention, a tiny drip of precome clinging to the tip, and you fight to keep yourself in check, to keep from dropping to your knees for a taste.
Instead, you watch him and holy fuck is he gorgeous. His pale skin glows in the light of the setting sun, his red hair shining bright. He's all long limbs and flesh you want to sink your teeth into. It's a strong jawline, stiff nipples, and a hard cock, all of which you want to suck on.
You swallow and take a small step back.
"Well, your real big plans became null and void when you ditched me tonight. Really, Gallagher? You had such big plans that you leave me to fend for myself while you go out for dinner with your brother?"
He shifts in his seat, dick still straining, which is interesting given you haven't touched him since fastening the blindfold behind his head.
And, to be fair, you don't give a shit that he had dinner with Lip. You care that he's been bitching for the last three days about fucked up schedules that have you both exhausted at the end of the day, about not having enough alone time with you, that you haven't fucked properly in forever, Mick.
So now that you're not exhausted and that you're alone, you're gonna fuck and you're gonna fuck properly. Bitching about him going out with Lip is just a good fucking excuse to get him tied up.
You think he might know that, too.
"Mickey," he whines.
You suck your bottom lip into your mouth and release it with a pop. "What do you need, Ian?"
"Fuck, I - touch me. No, your mouth. Fuck, no wanna be in you - fuck, Mick, want it all, want everything."
"Everything, huh?"
"Yes, fuck ..."
And then he's talking non-stop, only half coherent, a litany of Micky and fuck and please, and it's such a fucking turn-on that he's already begging.
So you give in. For him, for you, you don't fucking know or care.
Still fully dressed, you sit in his lap, heavy enough that he can't thrust up into you, can't get any friction on his dick, a thrill runs through you when his words break off into a rough moan.
"Enough," you say, voice soft, hands on his face. "I'll give you what you want. I'll give you everything you want."
"Yeah?" His breath comes out in little erotic pants and it just so fucking hot.
"'Course, baby." You kiss him, lick into his mouth and pull back with a smirk he can't see. "Now, how about you quit ya whining and let me look after you?"
And then you give in and drop to your fucking knees.
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im transfem/nonbinary and honestly the whole cutesy uwu anime girl puppy girl aesthetic is making me feel ill. i recently got harrassed by a cis woman chaser who saw the transflag in my bio and started talking to me in this really weird overly cutesy way and started flirting with me, i told her im taken and not interested and this is weird and she said something like "oki u silly transie, if u ever need a girly to do something for you im here, cuz nornal girls are boring" and then the next day she sent me some image of some anime girl w/ the caption "im not like other girls, i have a massive cock" and asked "this u?" and she was so weird and gross and overly cutesy. and like the fact im trans is part of me and im proud of it but i want to be seen as me, as a person, as smthn beyond arbitrary boxes. thats why im nonbinary, i dont wanna be forced into some made up vague perception of how i have to be and instead just be me and do my own thing. i dont label my sexuality either but im pretty sure im like pretty aromantic. greyromantic or whatever its called. and my sexuality i kinda tie together with my romantic attraction, so its often incredibly odd to me how prevalent sexual language and stuff is online and how weirdly its treated as smthn normal, especially in more queer communities. and when i feel terrible and get support online, ppl will say ooo ur pretty ooo ur cute dont be sad and downplay it when i need someone to talk to qnd need to be acknoledged beyond how i physically am, it makes me feel rlly objectified and like my only value is in the fact that i am trans and how i look, and its my only thing and the only way ppl refer to me and boil me down to. but i dont want to be some cutesy meme girl, i want ppl to acknowledge me and what i do and like and love and enjoy and hate and dislike and think and say, i want to be seen and understood regardless of and beyond my transness. because im a raw, living breathing human person thats infinitely complex, and i just wanna be me and do what i enjoy. i dont want my personality boiled down to superficial aspects of me that exists solely because outside society needed a label for it to ostrasize or fetishize it. im sorry for the long rant its just rlly frustrating, especially when you try to find communities and its just so weirdly sexual and condescending and objectifying 😭
hey unfortunately, i do not have the mental capacity to be able to read all of this and actually respond to it, i just lose 80% of the ask once I'm finished reading, so I'll just say: damn fuck that cis bitch.
While i get that after your experiences this "aesthetic" might make you feel ill, i really don't see why i should be told this.
I do not choose the way i present to other people because it's what i feel i should look or act like, i act however feels good to me. the reason my blog looks like this is because, put simply, i like it.
I may not be just a puppy, girl or gay, in fact the most accurate way to describe me would be "thing that should not be alive as far as anyone knows, but it persists, it's also a puppy that is a girl, a robot, a void and divine flesh"
but i go with my current aesthetic, username, and whatever else because they're the descriptions I'm most confident in, they make me feel nice, i love them.
I am quite literally a tranny girl faggot that acts like a puppy sometimes.
Sometimes i feel like I'm a shattered vessel built of divine flesh that's empty and yet so completely full.
Sometimes i wish my flesh melted away, permanently fusing me with the outer shell of a mech.
None of my identities are fully separate or stable, but they also feel distinct enough that i only choose one at a time (and even then sometimes they can split apart).
I don't act like this because i wanna be "haha silly cute trans girl that's an adorable puppy and is so so overly sexual", it's just what i act like, in general, if I don't worry about pretending to be someone else.
I guess put simply: if you don't like me: fucking leave, block me, get rid of me, i won't hold it against you, I'll continue to do what i like, the way i like doing it, because this is my blog.
i forgot where i was going with this post, y'all just get this really long one i guess.
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poognthebrainbois · 4 months
Rant/vent about current denial spiral under the cut - some context first: (*extremely brief mention of abuse/SA, medical history mention)
Had a fight with my mom about why I "still think it's DID." There were a lotta layers to that conversation, including:
- My (our) experiences don't line up with all the "research" she's done about DID
- according to her, co-consciousness doesn't exist and "you would have no idea there's another person [controlling your body], you can't be 'standing behind, watching.'"
- she doesn't trust anecdotal/personal experience of actual systems because "that's just people on the internet making up whatever they want"(paraphrase)
- she had also never heard of OSDD before. Even though she claimed she knows all about the DSM-5.
(medical trauma/history mention)
- I was never *physically abused or SA'd, therefore I don't have trauma. (She doesn't believe in emotional/verbal abuse, and all my *medical trauma/history was during/right after my birth (I was born 10 weeks early, had a surgery while in the NICU) so it doesn't count [I can't disagree with that])
(Might make a separate vent post about what we consider possible trauma that she "doesn't count")
- she told me "it sounds like you found something and stuck to it" (paraphrase) (meaning I learned about DID and just decided that was my problem.)
- made the same sweeping generalizations as always about my entire generation "wanting to be different" and "wanting to have something wrong [with us]"
(Again, I could make a separate vent post about what she says during literally every argument)
- told me (us) to "stop saying 'we' for Christ's sake!" (We will not.)
- she decided I (we) need to bring her "actual sources" of why I (we) believe it's DID/OSDD.
Which meant to us that we were gonna stay up all night doing extensive research.
Or that was the plan, before the denial set in.
(Recreation of Denial spiral below, just to throw it out to the void and be able to come back to it later to disprove I guess?? Could be triggering (lots of repetitive phrases, disbelief of trauma, derealization/depersonalization, there's a lot in here.)
What if she's right and I'm not a system? What if it's not DID or OSDD and I'm just desperate to make it into something? What if I actually don't have trauma and I'm secretly an endo??? (Any headmate tries to talk to me) You're not real, shut up. Why did I do this to myself? I ruined my life over something that's not even happening! Why did I let it get this far? Why am I still perpetuating this if it's not true?? It was never a problem until I did weed and "opened doors" that was just weed! I'm making up trauma that's not real! I want so bad to be traumatized so I can feel justified to be mad at my parents when really I'm just an entitled little bitch who's never had anything happen to them and needs to pretend they're worse off than they are! She has real trauma! She's actually been through real abuse and they've never done anything to me other than yell and that doesn't mean anything and I'm just a crybaby for being scared of getting yelled at they never actually threaten me (why do you remember the "I'll give you something to cry about" threat/phrase then???) and I cried over nothing all the time for no reason and I've just always been afraid of nothing. I can't believe I'm actually sitting here thinking about doing all this research just to prove a point?? Just to prove her wrong? That doesn't mean anything! That's not a good reason! I shouldn't even bother. This is a waste of my time. I should just tell her she's right and move on. It's not DID and (Losing my train of thought trying to write this, Jesus) I've just convinced myself it is but it's not. I've made it out to be more than it is so they'll care and that didn't work anyway. I can't believe this is happening right now. There's no way I got this far. That all of this really happened over nothing. They were just characters in my head! Why did I ever start believing more than that when I don't have trauma! Nothing that bad has ever happened to me and all these thoughts that keep coming up are fake and even if some of this stuff was trauma it wasn't in my childhood so it's not relevant. I spend too much time on the internet and I shouldn't just believe all of this stuff. What do I think I'm actually "relating" too? I should've just left it at Maladaptive Daydreaming and been fine. I've made everything worse for myself. There was a reason I stopped doing research on DID years ago! 'Cause I don't have trauma and I can't sit here and pretend I do. Why am I doing this?
(Etc etc etc. Front changed while writing this. I've been in co the whole time but Parker needed to step back for their own comfortability.)
We went back n forth for a while about a bunch of this stuff. Had a number of headmates hop in co-front just to prove a point, only for Parker to continue to tell them they're not real and it's "all me and I'm faking" bro you are at that point proving a point to yourself but okay.
Anyway, eventually Kiara took front and started on research anyway. We were up til 5am. Didn't finish but marked all our tabs so we could go back and finish it up the next day (yesterday). Did not get back to it yesterday 'Cause Parker got anxious.
We now have a deadline to present this shit. We've got a psych appointment tomorrow morning and Mom's leaving on Thursday to visit a friend. So we should get to it today. But they're really not ready for that conversation. Unfortunately we (Lio) told our psychiatrist that we might actually get to that conversation with our parents before our next appointment so now Parker feels like we have to. And if we don't then they'll be anxious about it the entire time Mom's gone which is also not productive.
There's a worry that if any of the rest of us try to explain it then it won't be taken seriously because we're not them. This whole situation is exhausting. We weren't planning on trying to have this conversation yet and now we're so rushed and there's a lot more pressure.
In any case, there's a chance we'll post an update if/when it happens.
If you've read this far, any kind of support would be appreciated. <3
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iam93percentstardust · 4 months
i hope you're doing well, sending hugs! <3
Thank you for the well wishes! They mean the world to me, and I love you to pieces! Don't read any further if you don't want the lengthy, depressing rant.
But honestly? I'm not alright. I'm really discouraged and rapidly coming to think that maybe the only way I'll be alright is if I stop writing for a while (okay, maybe not stop writing, but definitely stop posting) so I can reset my brain to think the way modern fandom seems to think these days.
The problem is that I've gotten to the point where I actively dread posting the last chapter of something because once upon a time (last year), posting the last chapter of something meant I'd get a whole influx of new readers to be excited about it on top of all the regular commenters who came with me from chapter 1. But now, I don't get either. A lot of people don't want to read wips, but they seem to not want to read long fics either. Posting the last chapter of a fic, for a while now, has increasingly come to mean getting 1 or 2 comments within the first 24 hours and a couple more trickling in over the next few days and that's it.
And I try really, really hard to be okay with that. I try not to be the entitled bitch I keep getting accused of being, but it's hard. Because I miss that thriving, active community of a couple years ago where, even if I didn't get comments on a thing, there were still people to talk to. I don't feel that way anymore. I feel like I have to actively fight to get any attention for a fic, and god forbid I hope that people will respond to it. As I said just a few days ago, I increasingly feel like I'm not just shouting into a void but that the void is ignoring me.
And I get that this is how fandom is now. I think my inbox and the notes on my last post about people being unwilling to read not just wips but also unwilling to read completed long fics too proves that--a whole lot of writers saying they miss when people would take a chance on wips, and a whole bunch of readers explaining why they, personally, should be excused from the people expected to support authors of wips. Which isn't to call anyone specifically out, but it felt like I was seeing the bystander effect in action: all these people seemed to have the impression that Someone Else would read the wips and support the authors, and it was depressing.
But like I said: this is how fandom is now. Short of a completely drastic restructuring of the internet and social media, I don't see fandom returning to a stage where the end of a fic is celebrated, where comments are abundant, and wips are seen as just as valid as completed fics. And I need to learn to be okay with that, but for all that I tell myself not to get hopeful when I post something new, that the odds are high I'll only get a couple comments at best... I still do. I still get disappointed on days like today when I post the last chapter of something and 9 hours later still don't have a single comment on the chapter. I still question whether my writing is any good or if I peaked three years ago.
And that's my own personal problem to deal with. I need to learn to be okay with this new fandom direction. I just worry that maybe I can't. Maybe the best thing for me is to accept that I don't fit in with this version of fandom and that maybe it's time for me to bow out.
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threebooksoneplot · 3 months
love this podcast so much! this is probably a bit of a nuts ask but i just wanted to let you guys know that you've genuinely helped me in real life- I was approached by two Mormon missionaries today (i live in the UK so it was Unexpected to say the least) and for the entirety of the conversation I was remembering how you mentioned on one of your episodes (99% sure it was you guys) about how being on missionary is most Mormons' first experience of the wider world so you should do your best to be polite etc. all the context you gave genuinely helped me navigate the conversation so much lmao, you guys are entertaining AND educational 10/10
oh wow!! daaaamn, good for you!
and yeah, that sounds like something we would say. I (G) can't seem to dig up receipts right now but the tl;dr is that oftentimes, door-to-door evangelism of the kind mormon missionaries and jehovah's witnesses engage in is less effective at converting people, but highly effective at reinforcing to the group's members that all outsiders are Cruel And Sinful and therefore you should never leave The Church because that's where the only good and kind people are.
but also, like, 90% of the time the reason I (G) try to be kind to mormon missionaries is because they're like 20 and have never been allowed the simple joy of a macchiato (but must try to fill that void with vile concoctions of dr pepper, gummy worms, and half 'n half, apparently.)
also, let the record show that "being kind" does not mean showing any interest whatsoever in converting to mormonism, or leading them on to that effect! but it costs $0 to wish them a nice day and be a shining example of how wearing spaghetti straps does not in fact lead to sacrificing live goats to satan.
anyway. we're proud of you, anon! glad you like the ole podcast 🤠
yeah this is awesome to hear!! and even to add onto this, that sort of advice is pretty good to utilize just in general when talking to people from these ultra-conservative, super-sheltered (and yes, usually religious) upbringings. like G said, you don't need to lie to them and make them believe that "oh yeah totally i'm absolutely going to see you this sunday and I sure will consider changing the entirety of my belief system/morals!" but, yknow, just be kind. it's good to do even for Normal Regular people you see on the street. but this isn't sesame street so I won't start that brand of schoolyard lecture.
semi-related, but a little tangential: my super-strict catholic high school used to invite mormon missionaries to come and 'speak with' specific religious classes (usually the TrulyCatholic bitches took these) every year. and every year we heard about how "lol the ridiculous mormons keep coming and being nice to us to try and talk about their religion as if we're EVER going to change our minds and believe in their FAKE and WRONG version of christianity?? isn't it so stupid that they're so patient and kind to us even as sister catherine anne stands back and lets us bully—I mean, debate these guys? anyways I wonder when the morons—I mean, mormons, will stop coming back. 😌💅"
and to this day I still think about those guys! because I never understood their willingness to come back every year, and I could not fathom why they were consistently so nice. learning more about mormonism through this podcast has really helped my ex-catholic ass look at the outside world and be like "oh, we were the assholes. I mean, I knew that already, but shit." and tbh i'm sure they honestly loved coming to my school, because nothing will solidify your own stance/opinion on a group of 'outsiders' than a mob of privileged ravenous catholic teenagers. anyways, let that be a refrain for you on your new day-to-day: don't be like the catholics, be kind. amen 🙏
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