#I did herbalism research for a few months
tleeaves · 5 months
back again with homeopathy, first off super glad you're able to empower yourself and find what can be helpful to you! unfortunately right now i've been reminded of something and it's pissing me off so if you're not feeling up to a trauma dump please stop reading here!
basically i just have memories of feeling helpless and not enough and being told 'oh take this' when i really didn't have the spoons to be thinking about my body and if i bruised myself playing sport or had a scratchy throat or whatever and it's just. i've tried. for my birds, for whatever actually matters to me, but sometimes it's just a huge fucking mystery with adults in my life throwing random compounds at whatever and no one teaching it to me in bite sized ways or allowing me to mess up with it even though they did?? and i can't keep going through this with my guinea fowls, i need to find some way to either reclaim it or just leave it the fuck alone i swear it's like a cult and some people (including professionals in the field) get defensive if you ever mention something like antibiotics, i'm a fan of doing whatever works and it's generally going to involve a mix of ideas from different sources
so i can't really leave it the fuck alone and still value indigenous wisdom and still be connected to what's left of my asian roots but i can't be part of this toxic system (which i always forget exists til something outright reminds me of it) full of paranoia and inventing things to feel like were wrong with me as a kid even though i was so healthy then and i am now (and i'm learning to be grateful for it). anyway idk if you find this interesting, i feel like me with this is a bit like you with religion. but you see how some people used something good with amazing potential (holistic healing) to just cause so much hurt and i'm ready. to figure out better. but it has to be baby steps, even just reading books is gonna trigger me so like. i'm at a weird crossroads where i think the path forward is gonna involve a whole lot more gentleness than I've ever seen but perhaps is at the core of any kind of healing with nature and its substances yknow
Sorry that it's taken me so long to answer. What I have might be brief because it's on my phone rather than my laptop (taking a bit of a writing holiday this Christmas), but I think I know what you mean. It's as you said, like me with religion, seeing the cult-like behaviour of some individuals, not really being made to feel welcome in a space, and not having it feel for me the way it does for others.
Homoeopathy and holistic healing I tend to take with a grain of salt. I know of folks personally who refuse a lot of other medical practices and things like antibiotics, preferring everything to be natural. I can understand even that drive, though it's not for me (if I rejected a lot of modern medicine and healthcare, I wouldn't be here to answer your ask right now). If anything, I see herbalism and the ways the knowledge can be used for one's health as supplemental. It's an extra if you need to bolster your health, if your immunity is low, if you have some bodily problem or discomfort that plain old painkillers can't always quite fix. Sometimes it's just a thing I think speeds the recovery process. But it would not be my first nor only answer to everything. And that's where I think you might be coming from. Because there are folks who believe so firmly in it that it's their only answer, but that makes teaching it also difficult.
And then from there, I fully understand that its difficult for you to learn or get into something that has been a source of frustration for so long. I just hope that one day you find your peace with it, in whatever form that comes 💛
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Aita for lying to my parents about quitting pot?
So weed is legal where we live, and I (22f) started smoking it when I hit legal age. I have suffered from chronic pain for pretty much as long as I can remember (insert joke about weed worsening memory) and though it typically ranges from mild to moderate, with exertion it can get severe. I couldn't do sports as a kid, field trips and some gym classes and even intense play would often end up with me unable to go to school the next day and still feeling worse for wear for up to a month afterwards. I've been to multiple doctors and had all sorts of tests done, as much as possible being not exactly wealthy, just to find nothing. I've tried hard to manage it in various ways; mindfullness and meditation, hot water bottles and heating pads, even essential oils and herbal concoctions, and of course over the counter painkillers. I've found these things to mostly only really help when the pain is low moderate to mild. As time has gone on it seems to be getting worse, but that might just be because kids are more resilient. I missed out on mostly everything that wasn't necessary in highschool because it was too taxing, even hanging out with friends. Now I've been living on my own since I turned 18, mostly with money that my parents put aside for me for the first few years, and finishing my schooling from home. But that money is now running out, so I have to work. Thing is, work that I can do from home has been near hard to find, at least anything long term. So I'm stuck doing the kind of jobs that exacerbate my pain, I'm in worse pain more often. But I've still been seeing doctors and they still say there's nothing and my doctor won't even consider prescribing me anything until it gets way, way worse. I'm also aware that anything I could get prescribed would be above my means anyway, and my parents wouldn't pay for it. So that's around when I started smoking weed. I did research and talked to my parents beforehand about it and explained why, and my mom (43f) didn't care, while my dad (45m) made me agree to only use it once in a while when my pain gets severe, only buy it with money I earned and never go out in public stoned. And for a while, I did everything like I agreed to. Don't get me wrong, the weed doesn't make the chronic pain go away, but it helps keep it manageable. I can actually work 2 days in a row. But now I smoke daily, sometimes even when my pain is moderate. My dad found out about this and demanded I completely quit or else he'll disown me. So I promised I would, and have been pretending that I have.
What are these acronyms?
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momoxxxrinn · 1 year
Op straw hats crew what do they do if you ask them to buy you or do they have pads/ tampons while you're on your period having cramps dying on your bed cause you can't move due to pain.
Warning: none just fluff, enjoy (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ no spoilers.
Editor's note: I wrote this in middle of night sorry if there's typo and English isn't my first language. I use shortcut words.
Feature: Luffy,Sanji,Zoro,Usopp, Nami,Robin,Franky,Brook,Jinbe, Chopper
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Nami & Robin
Nami & Robin : realistically they both always have pad or tampon nearby. Will let you have as many as you need according to your flow. Because they don't need to go out to buy for you they stay behind feeding you food.
Robin would feed you more like Chinese herbal medicinal soup to relieve pain. Made you bone broth with angelica sinensis or more common ginseng help with bloating, helps with blood circulation flow preventing cramps and digestion. She used to read and learn along her journey before joining the straw hats. She has been all by herself until now so she definitely would love to help you. Saying ton of benefits and most ingredients in a common household kitchen but she uses scientific names.
Nami definitely feeds you chocolate, mikan juice or pasta anything high in iron and magnesium. Cause losing blood might lead you to feel headache or worse pass out and pasta, mikan juice replenishes iron in your body. Nami doesn't want you to pass out from anemia. Chocolate gives magnesium which helps your mood better and gives you energy, chocolate is delicious in general. Either let Sanji cook your favourite food or make food that easy to digest herself. probably cost you big money.
Both of them literally have big sister energy you never had. Would bring you entertainment together like sharing their favourite books or gossip or fashion magazine. Try to let you rest as much as possible. Help you with different hacks like warm water bottle trick if they don't have pad warmer available. If you like to be alone they would sure you got your rest, not letting Luffy or anyone bother you I repeat, especially Luffy. Spoil you with anything you want.
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Vinsmoke Sanji
Sanji: would do anything for you, honestly probably know a few famous pads tampons brands but not sure which one you use so he got all the one that would seem to helping bringing more comfort. Would be really proud and waiting your praise. He knows it's probably uncomfortable for you so he bought some painkillers.
On the way back to sunny, saw bunch of good ingredients for you, easy to digest, nutritional and probably bought too much cause he want to give you a super comfort 3 course meal. Definitely don't forget ice-cream cause ice cream make everything better. Bought you a bouquet of lavender for relaxation. He's a romantis
Honestly, he won't let anyone know what he's doing cause he doesn't want you to get uncomfortable with others with your period if you're more personal type of person and don't necessarily need to announce your time of month. Respect you and woman in general cause it's painful, and how strong woman are. Do his research to develop new recipes to relief cramps.
Would giving you facial treatment for your period acne. Do skincare together to keep you company. Actually really enjoyed it.
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Roronoa Zoro
Zoro: understandable, totally know that biologically woman body are different than man. The impact of Kuina feeling of the hardships of woman in society in term of swordsmanship is deeper than he realized. Of course his respect towards woman is grew more once you educate him.
Totally get lost every second so you don't expect much from him but surprisingly he did return safely with an actual thing you requested. Probably ended up finding one piece along the way.
Struggling to choose type you use, asking stranger to help him and low-key everyone in the store recommended him different brands products so he ended up buying all. Would be type of guy thinking what size is your vagina. Yes, he knows the biological sciences different woman body with man but that doesn't mean he know everything about woman organs. This man simply an idiot so cut him some slack.
He knows Nami Robin dealing with cramps time to time. Would actually help them when usually he don't, cause he's aware Nami Robin independent and won't need help unless they ask but he love doing small things that make your day a bit better, won't ask for praise or acknowledgement. Woman around him shape the way he is honestly, if you educate him he probably listen but tend to got it wrong sometimes. Again he is muscle head, you gotta go slowly. Once he got it through his skull, he would force you to rest.
Actually asked Sanji to cook you easy digest food, Zoro would bring to you himself. Then asking Sanji to teach him how to cook that recipe. Totally shocked some other crew too lol. Don't really need to do it often cause there's the "love cook". Bring you soft blanket or even use his shoulder as you pillow if needed, those thick yummy muscle. Once he understands more, he encouraged you to exercise or stretch to a point you can handle. His excuse is to best way to relief cramps. This training muscle maniac.
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God Usopp
Usopp: have no problems. Honestly probably the most normal among other crew. To him it just like another errands. Understand how period, uterus work and don't mind helping others if needed. Ngl Nami probably had sent him to buy her pad or tampon before, so boi got experience and from experience, food make anyone happy and in this situation it make you happy but gotta watch out from glutinous monkey food stealer Luffy.
Ask and you shall receive. If you ask for anything he would drop what he's doing just to make your day better especially dealing with something you can't helped.
Definitely keep a box or two of pads tampons you Nami Robin use. Would make you lay down and gently massage your lower abdomen to help relax your muscles. Genuinely really good at massaging. I mean look at those biceps muscles. He would be one of the guy who keeps heat pad with him, carrying inside his bag
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Jinbe: Imagined a single father with teenage daughter, flustered because his lack of knowledge. Would ask Nami Robin more about woman body. Even though he is older gentleman and sometimes around woman his knowledge is have limits. Know what is period or cramps is, it just he never experienced someone asking his help on this situation and feeling need to do his best is adorable.
Would read intensely the description on the pads tampons brand and selection and decently did a good job. Realized people around him keep starring and not wanting any attention he grab the most comfortable and long lasting pads he saw. If you used tampons, too bad he still struggling to understand how it works that's. Accidentally gives you life time supplies lol.
Keep asking you if he did was acceptable and reassuring him he did a good job. Later learn he could help more than that. Would be happy you ask for his help. I low-key want to hug him and relive my pain. I need a squish mellow out of this guy.
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Tony Tony Chopper
Chopper: yes he's definitely is a child in my opinion but regardless he's the doctor. And naturally he learn from Dr Kureha about sex education and woman body too. Tbh Dr Kureha already passed far from her menopause tho. So chopper is not innocent but he still pure tho, definitely don't really understand about lust or that desire of human but it is what it is.
Would believe this task is his time to finally show his usefulness. This is his first big boi errand. He does understand is really matter and important. Of course it's important but not to some extreme intense level. He's cute when he's trying his best. Please give him cotton candy and lots praise the moment he return.
Definitely know what he supposed to do and probably overwhelmed which to choose and ended up buying little bit of everything. Thin, ultra smooth, scented, unscented, wings, non wings, night time, longer version etc. There's probably an older woman helping him after seeing his struggling. Have very wholesome moment with new humans, very kind to him which suprise him. Please create new happy memories for him with human.
Definitely thought buying ice-cream for both of you to share but realized ice-cream may not be the best desserts so he chose something soft, fluffy, sweet marshmallows for you. Ngl he keep staring at your snacks so you feed him. Too adorable. See he put so much effort for you. Better appreciate this child. Since he's the doctor he give you painkillers and herbal remedies to relieve your symptoms.
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Monkey D. Luffy
Luffy: what can I say about this man. He's aware of world situation, different between woman body than his and pretty much normal information of a person his age. He's not idiot just umm.. stupid on not this topic, I guess?? Even with his awareness, he don't know cramps exist and once he learn that he's reaction is the most hilarious ever. Super shocked how bad the pain is for you.
Therefore after a few minutes learning new information off he goes buy the necessity you needed. Bought the first thing he saw and call it a day of success. Later learn he bought the wrong stuff, there's difference between a pad and a baby diaper or panty liner. Need Robin to help him out while teaching him new stuff but definitely didn't throughly understand it but somehow got it.
Was excited to bring you food but miraculously it arrived half eaten. Yes magic. Would stretching and making funny faces to crack you up, got drag away by Nami cause you need rest.
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Franky: he's second oldest person in the strawhat and obviously he's an adult and even he got 2 younger sister he adopted. Older brother you can always rely on. Would buy you brand his sister use cause he didn't remember to ask you what brand you use. He's use to taking care of his sister so it's a habit going straight to the store and getting what you need and realised a few minutes later but he's too far to go back.
A type of person would gift you candy but made out of cola, like gummy cola, chewing cola flavour candy etc. Asked if you need massage cause low-key his new invention is a portable massage machine. If you let him use you as his guinea pig first user, he be extremely grateful. Your comments and review is matter. Give you a heating pad that immediately heat up in a second you need and there's temperature changes according to your liking for your lower abdomen. His invention is useful for daily use not just robot nerd.
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Brook: if there's a song to make people sleepy there's a chance of song to relief pain exist or at least distracting you from your pain. Not sure if period products know 50 plus years ago available so got you covered by literally buy like 10 bag full of goodies.
Besides his playful and kinda unique personality, he is the oldest crew members and there's time he can be mature, mostly not but that's his coping mechanism. Love setting up warm bath, sprinkle with few drops of any essential oils you love or he just put lavender oil for relaxing your mind and body. A few oil of rosemary and sage would help better. This man loves bath and the most bizarre thing he did was filled the bathtub with milk, hoping your skin soaked up with all the benefits. 100% asking what colour panties you wearing. If he ask big mom definitely would ask yours. What a way to icebreaking.
Hope y'all enjoy it and thank you for reading this goddamn long writing. ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ 💕
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starfall-spirit · 11 months
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Day 5: Nature
Summary: Over the past few years, Elain has learned to grow many types of plants. When Lucien is sick in bed, Elain can't help but use her growing expertise to tend to him.
AN: Starting this fine Thursday off with an Elucien drabble. Be aware, I have never written a sickfic, even though I posted Tuesday, this is technically the first Elucien thing I wrote, and my knowledge of herbal remedies comes from Google. In short, I hope this doesn't suck.
Word Count: 755
Elain had been a faerie for nearly five years now. If there was one thing she had learned in that time, it’s that very little separated fae males from human men, when it came down to it. In other words, no matter what race a male may be, he became an absolute toddler when he fell ill. 
Lucien was no exception to nature’s flaws.
He had been working hard lately, juggling his duties to Night and the human lands as well as assisting Spring’s recovery. Its High Lord had finally come to accept reality in the past few months. The pieces of his court were starting to mend, albeit slowly. And Lucien for whatever reason put himself in the middle of it all. And she could feel the toll it took with five courts between them.
And when he returned to Night… that bond between them was a curse. At least she wanted to call it that. But after five years her mentality had begun to shift. Perhaps it was how disgustingly happy her sisters seemed with Cassian and Rhys. Perhaps it was some faerie breeding instinct, as Feyre had once admitted when Elain dared ask what was expected of her when it came to the bond. If she was required to accept Lucien. Or perhaps it was something she was entirely too afraid to admit. Lucien was courteous to her wishes, charming when they did speak on occasion, respectful to her and every other female she’d seen him near—which was more than she could say of most human men.
So that was why with him near and unwell she felt the need to… help.
It was just a common cold of course. Nothing he should be acting as if he was dying over. But the strain of his travels and work had weakened his body and the “male bonding”, also known as Feyre pushing Rhys and his brothers to invite Lucien to their annual snowball fight so relationships could be mending from all sides, had been the catalyst. Even fae bodies needed time to recuperate and Lucien hadn’t been respecting his health enough.
She stood from her seat, leaving her book on the bench to head down to the kitchen where she knew Nuala was working. Having learned the cultures of the fae, Elain knew better than to cook anything herself, but she was sure Nuala would help her with that much.
“Elain,” the wraith greeted her. “Can I get you anything?”
“I thought you might help me prepare something for Lucien. A broth, perhaps.”
Nuala gave a hint of a smile. “Of course.” Without further comment, she set to work over the stove, leaving Elain to her own business. In her research and experimentation over the past few years, Elain had learned quite a bit about growing and preserving medicinal herbs. The aerial portion of the echinacea was beneficial in curing common ailments such as this, strengthening the immune system among other things. A tea would be just fine.
A few moments later she had everything plated and gathered on a tray, easy enough to carry to the room Lucien was keeping upstairs. Adjusting the tray against her hip, she gave a soft knock on his door. “Come in.” The second she stepped into the room his attention zeroed in on the broth and tea. “Elain—”
“All I touched was the herb for the tea.”
His posture eased and he set his book aside, nose scrunching a bit. “Herb?”
“Echinacea,” she confirmed, amused by his skepticism for traditional medicine. “Your immune system was weakened by stress and overexertion. Human medicine may seem simple compared to fancy healing magic, but it still gets the job done.” She set the tray in his lap with a smile. “So, broth and herbal tea for you. I hope you feel better soon.”
“Wait,” he called as she turned for the door. She cocked her head. “I’m not contagious at this point if you’d like to stay? Talk for a while. Your sister feels bad for sending me out in the cold and sent a heap of books this morning, if you’d prefer silence.” 
She nodded, warily settling in the chair beside the bed. He passed her one of the books from his bedside table. “Feyre told me once that all the old fables and tales have been washed from human history. Care to read a few?”
Sitting in silence once more, Elain began to read, for the first time in a long time feeling at peace.
General/Elucien taglist: Reach out to be added or removed.
@elucienweekofficial // @goddess-aelin // @shallyne // @the-lonelybarricade // @the-lost-changeling // @faeriequeensuriel // @pandavelaris // @s-uppertime // @elentiya-whitethorn // @vulpes-fennec // @headcanonheadcase // @aldbooks // @panicatthenightcourt // @corcracrow // @jennity-blog // @thelovelymadone
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nirikeehan · 2 years
happy friday / dadwc!! for your Thalia Trevelyan & Vivienne, may I prompt: "Pouring unfamiliar potions into bottles of fogged glass"?
Yes, you may!! What a thought-provoking prompt. I went pretty deep researching alchemy for this one, and I rather like how that part came out.
This probably will feature in the next chapter of nightmare au/Through a Glass, Darkly. I keep saying that but this time it's true I think, lmfao. For some context, "the rot" is the colloquial term for accelerated red lyrium corruption, and Cullen has been missing for a few days, making Thalia increasingly worried about him.
For @dadrunkwriting
WC: 624
Thalia’s boots echoed on the stone floors of the Chantry chambers, falling in time to the clicking of Vivienne’s heels. Down a dark hallway, Vivienne paused outside a heavy wooden door, fishing out a key from a chain that plunged deep into her neckline. 
Once the lock clicked, Vivienne pushed open the door and beckoned Thalia to the room beyond. Whatever its previous function, it had been converted to an alchemist’s station, laden with tools of the trade. A liquid so purple it was nearly black bubbled in a giant alembic. The iridescent cerulean of distilled lyrium glowed in another bulbous flask, accompanied by beakers, bottles, and crucibles of unidentified substances. Hanging from the walls were several varieties of dried herbs. Thalia recognized elfroot, vandal aria, and rashvine at a glance. A mortar and pestle sat on one table, its contents half-ground, as if someone had put it down only moments ago. 
“Vivienne,” Thalia breathed in awe, “what is all this?” 
Vivienne clucked her tongue, gliding over to the alembic dripping the violet-black liquid into a container of spherical glass fitted with a spigot. “I take it you never reached Advanced Alchemy in your Circle studies, my dear?” 
Thalia bristled at the insult’s subtlety. “I opted for the Herbalism track in the Natural Sciences discipline.”
“Ah. A practical move,” Vivienne cast a surreptitious glance over her shoulder, “for someone of your skill level.”
“Was there anything you’d like to accomplish here, Vivienne, aside from asserting your superior intellect?” Thalia asked tartly.
She paused, waiting for a scornful remark about falling short of her full potential due to the abolition of the Circles. Thankfully, Vivienne seemed to know how to pick her battles. Without another word, she placed a small bottle of fogged glass under the spigot. Using a set of metal tongs, she opened it. The steaming liquid oozed into the bottle. 
Thalia stood by, anxious. “What exactly are you—?”
“Shh, my dear. You wouldn’t want me to spill any.” 
When she finished, Vivienne turned off the spigot and turned to her, holding out the bottle. “Drink.” 
Thalia hesitated. “What is it?”
“You said you wished to leave the village to search for the Commander. This is a preventative measure. To protect you from the rot.” 
Thalia took the bottle lightly. It was warm to the touch, though not scalding as she’d been expecting. “I thought you said something about — mages having a natural immunity?” 
“A natural resistance, we think,” Vivienne corrected gently. “That is by no means a guarantee.”
 She watched Thalia expectantly. 
“Who is ‘we’?” Thalia asked.
“Myself, a few local Chantry scholars, and my trusted guard. The formula has been tested over many months on myself first and them second. Then, we introduced it to the general townsfolk. It seems to have a deterrent effect, yes.” 
“Local Chantry scholars?” This was the first Thalia had heard of them. “Where are they now?”
“They did not survive the last bandit raid, I’m sad to report.”
“If you’ve had this potion this whole time, why didn’t you give some to Cullen when you saw him at the gate?” Thalia asked archly. 
“‘Preventative’ does not mean ‘curative,’ darling. Surely you learned that in your Herbalism lessons?”
Thalia sighed. She stared at the bottle, smoking ominously. 
Vivienne pressed her lips together. “Of course, given your time in close proximity to the Commander, one cannot be sure whether this remedy is entirely—”
Thalia put her mouth to the bottle’s rim and downed the concoction in one go. It burned thick and slow along throat; she fell into a coughing fit. When she straightened and wiped the moisture from her eyes, Vivienne stood with a look akin to admiration. “Well, you never did lack for courage, Inquisitor.”
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stitchlesswitch · 2 years
Hi, I'm sorry for reaching out to you, but..I need your advice!
So it started off by my partner seeing dead birds on their walk, then to hearing screams and whispers even though nobody is around, especially at night my partner noticed somebody sitting on their bed and pulling their hair and scratching the Walls.
it had been affecting my partner for a few months now! What are we suppose to do?
Hmmm; that’s pretty intense.
I’d begin by ruling out medical causes. Have your partner speak to their doctor to discuss possible causes like hallucinations, psychiatric disorders, and even things like carbon monoxide poisoning. (Check your carbon monoxide detectors!) Or also mold, maybe hire an inspector to come make sure the house isn't growing mold. I know that there’s a lot of stigma behind admitting to the possibility of having hallucinations but it’s not abnormal! Hallucinations can be caused by everyday things like stress and lack of sleep. I had an ex partner who admitted to having a visual hallucination, I can assure you nobody broke out with butterfly nets.
If your partner is medically cleared (and the house is deemed safe), then I would say it sounds like you have a pretty serious haunting on your hands. Although it’s not always the case, these things can have some sort of trigger that caused this to occur. Did your partner do anything strange or unusual before this occurred? Disturbed some kind of grave, for example? Determining why this is happening to your partner may be a big key in determining how to properly resolve it. (But sometimes it can be completely random.)
Essentially, it sounds like you want to banish one particularly nasty spirit. In any case, you'll start with your basics and work your way up. Here's how to do a basic cleansing:
Depending on your religion, assuming you have one, you can obtain protective amulets/symbols, protective prayers pertaining to your religion.
You can find tons of protective magic for house and person here on tumblr, but if you don't want to do it yourself you can also purchase lots of protective spell bottles from Etsy or a local metaphysical shop.
Due to the dead bird issue, I'd include a hex/curse breaking ritual for added measure. They sell curse breaking candle sets where all you have to do is burn the candles. You can also check Etsy for this. I also used. I'm a big fan of these candle makers https://mysticelements.shop/collections/blessed-herbal-candles-1
And I've used "Powerful Indian House Blessing Dragon's Blood" and "Powerful Indian House Blessing Jinx Removing" -- you can also use Florida water, which is easily available everywhere. You can throw some on your floors, throw it into a misting bottle and spray for carpeted rooms, and splash some on yourself during the shower.
In sum, make sure your partner checks out medically first and foremost. Make sure the house is literally physically safe second. Then go about a cleansing to get the evil spirit out, bring in some protection magic (or religious protection symbols/prayers), and make sure to do a curse breaking ritual on you and your home (which can be as easy as using Florida water).
Try not to be afraid, because whether it's a normal problem or a paranormal problem, that only makes things worse. Remember, every problem has a solution! Remaining calm and confident throughout this process is key.
Edit: please be cognizant of whatever rituals you perform if you have any pets; not all house rituals are safe for pets. Please be sure to research on your own (don't take anyone's word for it) (even ask a vet if you're aren't sure) and modify any rituals accordingly.
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Why Choose Fast Lean Pro Formula?
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FDA Approved
Fast Lean Pro is backed by FDA standards, ensuring quality and safety.
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100% Natural
Harness the power of nature with Fast Lean Pro's all-natural formula.
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Made In The USA
Proudly crafted in the USA, Fast Lean Pro upholds stringent production standards.
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GMP Certified
Manufactured under Good Manufacturing Practice guidelines, Fast Lean Pro guarantees premium quality.
 Our Happy Customers: Fast Lean Pro Success Stories
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"Fast Lean Pro - A Game-Changer!"
"I've tried numerous weight loss supplements in the past, but Fast Lean Pro is a game-changer! Within just a few weeks of incorporating it into my daily routine, I've noticed a significant boost in my metabolism, increased energy levels, and a noticeable reduction in body fat. The natural ingredients in Fast Lean Pro make me feel confident about what I'm putting into my body. Plus, the customer service team is exceptional, providing prompt and informative responses to any questions I had. If you're looking for a reliable and effective weight loss supplement, look no further than Fast Lean Pro!"
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"Unbelievable Results with Fast Lean Pro"
"I've struggled with weight loss for years, trying various products with minimal success. Fast Lean Pro has been a game-changer for me! Not only did I experience a noticeable decrease in appetite, but the energy boost I get from taking these supplements has made my workouts more effective. The results are unbelievable – I've lost several pounds in just a month, and my overall well-being has improved. The fact that Fast Lean Pro is backed by scientific research and contains natural ingredients is a huge bonus. I highly recommend this product to anyone serious about shedding those extra pounds!"
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"Fast Lean Pro - A Pleasant Surprise"
"I was initially skeptical about trying another weight loss supplement, but Fast Lean Pro has exceeded my expectations. Not only did it help me shed those stubborn pounds, but it also provided a noticeable increase in my focus and concentration throughout the day. The natural ingredients in Fast Lean Pro have made a positive impact on my overall health, and the fact that it doesn't give me the jitters like some other supplements is a huge plus. The results speak for themselves, and I couldn't be happier with my decision to give Fast Lean Pro a try. Highly recommended for anyone looking for a reliable and effective weight loss solution!"
What is Fast Lean Pro Supplement?
Fast Lean Pro , a dietary supplement designed for healthy weight loss, metabolism acceleration, and improved fasting capabilities, has garnered attention for its unique approach and potential benefits. This herbal product cleverly tricks the brain into a fasting state, initiating fat burning even without adhering to traditional fasting practices. Fast Lean Pro stands out by offering a natural weight loss solution devoid of rigorous exercise or strict diets. Its key features include a boosted metabolism, aiding efficient calorie burning for accelerated weight loss.
To promote controlled eating habits, Fast Lean Pro mimics a fasting state, preventing overeating and excessive snacking between meals. This feature fosters more thoughtful and disciplined eating, particularly beneficial for those struggling with food cravings. Fast Lean Pro prioritizes safety and effectiveness with its carefully selected natural ingredients, ensuring no harmful chemicals or fillers. The involvement of a medical team in the formulation underscores the commitment to scientific rigor and thorough research, instilling user trust.
The careful selection and blending of ingredients reflect the dedication to creating a safe and effective supplement for natural weight loss. However, individual responses vary, emphasizing the importance of consulting a healthcare professional before incorporating Fast Lean Pro into a weight loss plan. This personalized approach ensures compatibility with unique health conditions and needs, offering users a trustworthy and tailored weight loss journey.
Benefits of Fast Lean Pro Supplement?
Fast Lean Pro offers several key features:
Exceptional Limited-Time Pricing: The current pricing is exceptionally attractive, creating a sense of exclusivity and urgency for potential buyers. This strategy aims to prompt individuals interested in weight reduction programs to take advantage of the offer promptly.
Instant Access to Free Bonus eBooks: Customers purchasing the 3 or 6-jar bundle receive two complimentary eBooks, enhancing the product's perceived value. These bonus materials provide valuable insights, tips, and strategies for effective weight loss, enriching the overall user experience.
Convenient Powder Form: Fast Lean Pro's powder form allows for versatile consumption. Users who prefer flexibility in integrating supplements into their daily routines, such as blending the powder into meals or beverages, may find this aspect particularly appealing.
Holistic Approach with Plant Elements: The natural formula emphasizes plant elements, reflecting a comprehensive approach to weight management. These components, known for boosting the immune system and possessing rejuvenating qualities, align with the growing demand for wellness products featuring natural and plant-based ingredients.
Good Sleep Cycle Support: Recognizing the importance of a healthy sleep cycle in weight management, Fast Lean Pro positions itself as a holistic solution. By addressing factors like sleep in addition to dietary components, the product aims to enhance overall well-being.
Energy Boost and Athletic Performance Enhancement: Beyond weight loss, Fast Lean Pro claims to enhance energy levels and athletic performance. This suggests users may experience increased vitality, potentially motivating them to adopt healthier and more active lifestyles.
Craving Alleviation for Better Dietary Choices: An essential aspect of weight control, Fast Lean Pro's ability to reduce cravings and hunger may promote healthier eating habits, supporting long-term weight loss by curbing overindulgence or snacking.
Cognitive Advantages for Enhanced Attention: Fast Lean Pro proposes potential cognitive benefits, specifically improved attention. This suggests a positive impact on mental focus and clarity alongside the physical aspects of weight reduction.
No Harmful Side Effects: The assurance of no negative side effects enhances Fast Lean Pro's reputation as a safe and reliable weight reduction solution, appealing to health-conscious consumers.
Attractiveness to Natural Solution Seekers: Positioned as a natural and healthy weight-loss aid, Fast Lean Pro caters to individuals seeking sustainable and natural approaches to well-being.
Stress Reduction: By supporting a healthy balance of hormones and neurotransmitters, Fast Lean Pro aims to foster a more relaxed and optimistic mental state, potentially aiding in stress reduction.
Antioxidant Support: The inclusion of plant-based components may endow Fast Lean Pro with antioxidant properties, helping prevent oxidative stress and protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.
Joint Health Improvement: Recognizing the positive impact of weight loss on joint health, Fast Lean Pro may contribute to this by encouraging a reduction in body weight and subsequently alleviating stress on joints.
How Does Fast Lean Pro Works?
According to research done by Japanese scientists, Fast Lean Pro is a substance for weight loss that mostly works by turning on an enzyme that is normally turned on during long periods of fasting. It is thought that this action starts the process of making new, healthier cells and getting rid of old, unhealthy cells. It also starts the breakdown of fat that has been stored. In the end, this complicated process helps the body's natural fat-burning process and makes you feel less hungry, which helps you lose weight. The supplement also has a special mix of chemicals that are meant to balance gut flora, which helps the immune system, metabolism, and digestion. Because it is easy to use and made from 100% natural, non-GMO, vegan, and gluten-free ingredients, Fast Lean Pro markets itself as a good alternative for people who want to lose weight in a safe and effective way.
In order to work like the body's natural processes, Fast Lean Pro turns on an enzyme that is related to fasting. This may cause fat stores to break down and release energy. A carefully chosen mix of natural ingredients, such as caffeine and green tea extract, which are known to reduce hunger and speed up metabolism, works well with this method. The supplement's focus on gut flora balance is very important because a healthy gut microbiome is thought to have an effect on digestion, immunity, and metabolism, all of which are important for healthy living in general.
With its focus on gut bacteria, Fast Lean Pro tries to improve the body's environment and make it better at absorbing nutrients and keeping weight in check. The supplement is also dedicated to keeping a 100% natural formula and following non-GMO, vegan, and gluten-free guidelines. This shows that it wants to provide a safe and welcoming option for people with a wide range of dietary preferences and restrictions. Fast Lean Pro is a complete option for people who want to lose weight in a healthy way that will last. It takes a multifaceted approach to weight management and focuses on overall health.
Ingredients of Fast Lean Pro Supplement
Fast Lean Pro Supplement boasts a meticulously crafted formula derived from a synergistic blend of six exceptional rainforest superfoods and plants, each selected for their unique contributions to health and weight management. The composition is a fusion of potent ingredients, and a detailed exploration of these key components follows:
Sukre, thoughtfully included in Fast Lean Pro, provides multifaceted support by bolstering liver health and accelerating calorie burning. This unique addition showcases the supplement's dual effects, addressing both organ health and metabolic processes. Sukre's presence underscores the product's commitment to holistic well-being.
Fibersol 2
Fibersol 2, a key ingredient in Fast Lean Pro, is intricately linked to gut microbiome balance and the introduction of beneficial bacteria. This dynamic combination contributes not only to digestive health but also enhances overall well-being, making it an integral part of the supplement's comprehensive approach to weight management.
Biogenic Polyamine Complex
Fast Lean Pro incorporates a Biogenic Polyamine Complex, a synergistic blend of natural compounds crucial for various cellular functions. Polyamines, involved in cell growth, differentiation, and maintenance, contribute to overall metabolic balance and cellular well-being. This complex aligns with the weight loss goals of Fast Lean Pro users, providing a comprehensive approach to support their journey towards improved health and well-being.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin-B12, a cornerstone of Fast Lean Pro, epitomizes the supplement's holistic approach to well-being. Recognized for its benefits in skin renewal and its correlation with efficient calorie burning, Vitamin-B12 contributes to the overall health and vitality of individuals seeking comprehensive support on their weight loss journey.
Niacin, a pivotal component in Fast Lean Pro, is vital for sustaining high energy levels and promoting fat metabolism. As an essential member of the B-vitamin family, it plays a crucial role in maintaining vitality throughout the day, making it indispensable for individuals striving for sustained energy and effective weight loss.
Chromium, an essential mineral in Fast Lean Pro, plays a pivotal role in metabolism by supporting insulin function and promoting balanced blood sugar levels. Its inclusion in the supplement aids in metabolic processes, potentially facilitating efficient calorie burning and contributing to effective weight management.
Our 180-day, Money-Back Guarantee
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Get 180-Days 100% Money-Back Guarantee
Absolute satisfaction guaranteed.
Enjoy a full refund within 180 days.
Experience a worry-free journey with the Fast Lean Pro Supplement, backed by our generous 180-day money-back guarantee. If the product or your results don't meet your expectations during the initial 180 days, simply contact us at [email protected]. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we assure you a hassle-free refund process within 48 hours of receiving the returned product. Embrace the Fast Lean Pro experience with confidence, knowing that your satisfaction is our utmost concern.
FAQs Related to Fast Lean Pro
What is Fast Lean Pro?
Fast Lean Pro is a dietary supplement designed to support weight management and promote lean muscle development. It typically contains a blend of natural ingredients that work synergistically to boost metabolism, suppress appetite, and enhance energy levels, aiding individuals in achieving their fitness and weight loss goals.
How does Fast Lean Pro work?
Fast Lean Pro works through a combination of mechanisms. It may contain ingredients that boost metabolism, such as thermogenic compounds, which increase the body's calorie-burning process. Additionally, it may include appetite suppressants and energy boosters to help users control their food intake and stay active during their weight loss journey.
What ingredients are in Fast Lean Pro?
The specific ingredients in Fast Lean Pro may vary depending on the brand or formulation. Common ingredients include natural extracts like green tea extract, caffeine, Garcinia Cambogia, and other botanicals known for their potential benefits in weight management. Always check the product label for a detailed list of ingredients.
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healthguru1 · 27 days
Quietum Plus: Restoring Clarity and Peace to My Hearing
For years, a constant ringing plagued my ears. It wasn't debilitating, but it was persistent, a nagging background noise that made it difficult to concentrate and disrupted my sleep. I tried everything – earplugs, white noise machines, even some strange relaxation techniques. Nothing seemed to work.
A Natural Solution
Frustrated and desperate for relief, I embarked on a research journey. That's when I stumbled upon Quietum Plus, a dietary supplement formulated for ear health. The all-natural blend of vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts promised to improve hearing function and reduce tinnitus, the technical term for that awful ringing. Skeptical but hopeful, I decided to give it a try.
A Blend of Potent Ingredients
What initially drew me to Quietum Plus was its focus on natural ingredients. The formula includes impressive components like:
Ginkgo biloba: This herb has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine and is believed to improve blood circulation, which can be beneficial for ear health.
Juniper berry: This extract boasts anti-inflammatory properties, potentially reducing inner ear inflammation that might contribute to tinnitus.
Vitamin B complex: These vitamins play a crucial role in nerve function, and deficiencies can be linked to hearing problems.
Quietum Plus also contains other vitamins and minerals like folate, magnesium, and zinc, all of which contribute to overall ear health.
A Gradual Improvement
I started taking Quietum Plus religiously, following the recommended dosage of two capsules daily. While I wasn't expecting overnight results, I did notice a subtle shift within a few weeks. The constant ringing seemed to lessen in intensity, offering moments of blissful silence I hadn't experienced in years.
Finding Relief and Improved Hearing
After consistent use for about two months, the improvement became undeniable. The ringing became significantly quieter, and some days, it was barely noticeable at all. More importantly, my hearing seemed sharper. Sounds were clearer, and I found myself straining less to understand conversations.
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A Life Regained
Quietum Plus has truly been a game-changer for me. The constant ringing that once dominated my life has faded, replaced by a newfound peace and clarity. I can now focus on conversations without getting distracted, and sleep comes easier without the intrusive noise. I highly recommend Quietum Plus to anyone struggling with tinnitus or age-related hearing loss. It's a natural, non-invasive solution that has brought significant improvements to my overall well-being.
Disclaimer: It's important to note that I am not a medical professional, and these are my personal experiences. It's always wise to consult with your doctor before starting any new supplements, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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DentiCore Supplements - Health
A Smile Saver: My Experience with DentiCore Supplements
Brits are known for a good cuppa, but keeping our gnashers in tip-top nick can sometimes be a right faff. For years, I relied on the standard brushing and flossing routine, but pesky gum sensitivity and the occasional twinge of toothache kept reminding me I needed a stronger defence. That's when I stumbled upon DentiCore Supplements online.
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Natural Ingredients for a Healthy Smile
What initially drew me to DentiCore was its focus on natural ingredients. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts like green tea and Coenzyme Q10, it promised a holistic approach to oral health. After a bit of research (because you can't be too careful these days), I discovered the ingredients list included some familiar names like vitamin D and calcium, which are essential for strong teeth and bones. Plus, the fact it was manufactured in GMP-certified facilities in the US gave me some peace of mind.
Easy to Swallow, Easy to Maintain
Taking DentiCore couldn't be simpler. Just one capsule a day, preferably in the morning before breakfast, did the trick. No faffing about with multiple tablets or bad-tasting liquids – it became a seamless part of my morning routine. After a few weeks, I noticed a difference. My morning breath wasn't quite as, ahem, "enthusiastic," and my gums felt less sensitive. It wasn't a dramatic overnight change, but a subtle shift that left me feeling more confident about my oral health.
A Brighter Smile and Fresher Breath
Brushing twice a day is a must, of course, but DentiCore felt like it was giving my oral hygiene routine a bit of a boost. After a few months of consistent use, I even saw a slight improvement in the whiteness of my teeth. No drastic Hollywood smile here, but a noticeable lessening of those stubborn tea and coffee stains. More importantly, the fresh breath feeling seemed to last longer throughout the day, which is always a bonus when chatting with colleagues or catching up with mates down the pub.
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A Great Investment in Oral Health
DentiCore isn't a magic bullet, but for me, it's been a valuable addition to my oral health regime. It's easy to take, uses natural ingredients, and seems to be making a positive difference. The fact that there's a 60-day money-back guarantee also gave me peace of mind when first trying it. While I'd always recommend consulting your dentist before starting any new supplements, I'm certainly glad I gave DentiCore a go. It's given my smile a new lease on life, and that's something to cheer about!
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healthsupplement24 · 18 days
Fast Lean Pro™ Official Website - Get 70%Off Today
Fast Lean Pro introduces an approach to weight loss, prioritizing your well-being. This innovative formula offers a safe and effective route to your desired weight, eliminating the need for harsh diets or exhaustive exercise regimens.
Jump into a holistic solution that's tailored for results without compromising your health. Try Fast Lean Pro today and feel the difference firsthand.
Try For Over 70% OFF Today!
Visit Official Website- Fast Lean Pro
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Why Choose Fast Lean Pro Formula?
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FDA Approved
Fast Lean Pro is backed by FDA standards, ensuring quality and safety.
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100% Natural
Harness the power of nature with Fast Lean Pro's all-natural formula.
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Made In The USA
Proudly crafted in the USA, Fast Lean Pro upholds stringent production standards.
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GMP Certified
Manufactured under Good Manufacturing Practice guidelines, Fast Lean Pro guarantees premium quality.
 Our Happy Customers: Fast Lean Pro Success Stories
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"Fast Lean Pro - A Game-Changer!"
"I've tried numerous weight loss supplements in the past, but Fast Lean Pro is a game-changer! Within just a few weeks of incorporating it into my daily routine, I've noticed a significant boost in my metabolism, increased energy levels, and a noticeable reduction in body fat. The natural ingredients in Fast Lean Pro make me feel confident about what I'm putting into my body. Plus, the customer service team is exceptional, providing prompt and informative responses to any questions I had. If you're looking for a reliable and effective weight loss supplement, look no further than Fast Lean Pro!"
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"Unbelievable Results with Fast Lean Pro"
"I've struggled with weight loss for years, trying various products with minimal success. Fast Lean Pro has been a game-changer for me! Not only did I experience a noticeable decrease in appetite, but the energy boost I get from taking these supplements has made my workouts more effective. The results are unbelievable – I've lost several pounds in just a month, and my overall well-being has improved. The fact that Fast Lean Pro is backed by scientific research and contains natural ingredients is a huge bonus. I highly recommend this product to anyone serious about shedding those extra pounds!"
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"Fast Lean Pro - A Pleasant Surprise"
"I was initially skeptical about trying another weight loss supplement, but Fast Lean Pro has exceeded my expectations. Not only did it help me shed those stubborn pounds, but it also provided a noticeable increase in my focus and concentration throughout the day. The natural ingredients in Fast Lean Pro have made a positive impact on my overall health, and the fact that it doesn't give me the jitters like some other supplements is a huge plus. The results speak for themselves, and I couldn't be happier with my decision to give Fast Lean Pro a try. Highly recommended for anyone looking for a reliable and effective weight loss solution!"
What is Fast Lean Pro Supplement?
Fast Lean Pro is a cutting-edge dietary supplement designed to revolutionize your weight loss journey. Crafted as a herbal solution, it capitalizes on the brain's response to fasting, igniting the body's fat-burning capabilities even outside fasting periods. This innovative approach offers a natural path to shedding unwanted pounds without extreme workouts or restrictive diets.
The standout feature of Fast Lean Pro lies in its ability to naturally boost metabolism. Through a thoughtfully curated blend of ingredients, the supplement elevates the body's metabolic rate, enhancing calorie burning efficiency. Fast Lean Pro empowers you to reach your weight loss goals more effectively and efficiently.
Another advantage of Fast Lean Pro is its potential to maintain a healthy weight, regardless of meal timings. By tricking the brain into a fasting state, the supplement curbs overeating and unplanned snacking, making it particularly valuable for those challenged by impulsive eating habits.
Developed by a medical team, Fast Lean Pro boasts a well-balanced formula of carefully chosen natural ingredients. Free from harmful chemicals and additives, the supplement prioritizes safety and effectiveness. While Fast Lean Pro offers a promising avenue for natural weight loss, it's wise to consult a healthcare professional before incorporating any new supplement into your regimen.
Fast Lean Pro presents an innovative solution to enhance fasting, rev up metabolism, and champion healthy weight loss. Its unique approach to triggering the body's fat-burning processes sets it apart as a potential aid in achieving your weight loss aspirations.
Benefits of Fast Lean Pro Supplement?
Fast Lean Pro offers several key features:
Exceptional Limited-Time Pricing: The current pricing is exceptionally attractive, creating a sense of exclusivity and urgency for potential buyers. This strategy aims to prompt individuals interested in weight reduction programs to take advantage of the offer promptly.
Instant Access to Free Bonus eBooks: Customers purchasing the 3 or 6-jar bundle receive two complimentary eBooks, enhancing the product's perceived value. These bonus materials provide valuable insights, tips, and strategies for effective weight loss, enriching the overall user experience.
Convenient Powder Form: Fast Lean Pro's powder form allows for versatile consumption. Users who prefer flexibility in integrating supplements into their daily routines, such as blending the powder into meals or beverages, may find this aspect particularly appealing.
Holistic Approach with Plant Elements: The natural formula emphasizes plant elements, reflecting a comprehensive approach to weight management. These components, known for boosting the immune system and possessing rejuvenating qualities, align with the growing demand for wellness products featuring natural and plant-based ingredients.
Good Sleep Cycle Support: Recognizing the importance of a healthy sleep cycle in weight management, Fast Lean Pro positions itself as a holistic solution. By addressing factors like sleep in addition to dietary components, the product aims to enhance overall well-being.
Energy Boost and Athletic Performance Enhancement: Beyond weight loss, Fast Lean Pro claims to enhance energy levels and athletic performance. This suggests users may experience increased vitality, potentially motivating them to adopt healthier and more active lifestyles.
Craving Alleviation for Better Dietary Choices: An essential aspect of weight control, Fast Lean Pro's ability to reduce cravings and hunger may promote healthier eating habits, supporting long-term weight loss by curbing overindulgence or snacking.
Cognitive Advantages for Enhanced Attention: Fast Lean Pro proposes potential cognitive benefits, specifically improved attention. This suggests a positive impact on mental focus and clarity alongside the physical aspects of weight reduction.
No Harmful Side Effects: The assurance of no negative side effects enhances Fast Lean Pro's reputation as a safe and reliable weight reduction solution, appealing to health-conscious consumers.
Attractiveness to Natural Solution Seekers: Positioned as a natural and healthy weight-loss aid, Fast Lean Pro caters to individuals seeking sustainable and natural approaches to well-being.
Stress Reduction: By supporting a healthy balance of hormones and neurotransmitters, Fast Lean Pro aims to foster a more relaxed and optimistic mental state, potentially aiding in stress reduction.
Antioxidant Support: The inclusion of plant-based components may endow Fast Lean Pro with antioxidant properties, helping prevent oxidative stress and protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.
Joint Health Improvement: Recognizing the positive impact of weight loss on joint health, Fast Lean Pro may contribute to this by encouraging a reduction in body weight and subsequently alleviating stress on joints.
How Does Fast Lean Pro Works?
Fast Lean Pro operates by employing an innovative strategy to deceive the brain into a fasting state, capitalizing on the benefits observed in intermittent fasting studies. The fasting window within the two eating windows triggers a transformative process that flips the switch on fat-burning mechanisms and cellular renewal.
As the body perceives fasting, it initiates an innate regenerative process, fostering cell renewal and supporting weight loss. This process, known as autophagy, marks the removal of old, dysfunctional cells, setting the stage for cellular rejuvenation.
Autophagy's significance extends beyond weight loss. Scientifically linked to reducing cancer, type 2 diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease risks, this process underpins vital health outcomes. While fasting remains one route to hasten autophagy, exercise and caloric restriction also contribute.
Delving into weight loss, elevated glucagon levels during autophagy play a pivotal role. Glucagon aids in regulating blood sugar levels and suppressing appetite, while the body adjusts to potential energy deficits over time.
It's important to note that autophagy doesn't directly induce weight loss but rather facilitates it through improved insulin sensitivity, muscle preservation, lowered ghrelin levels, and fat droplet breakdown. While the groundwork is laid, further human studies are essential to unravel the full scope of these interactions.
As we explore the core mechanism of Fast Lean Pro™, the spotlight now turns to its ingredient breakdown, dissecting its potential effectiveness in promoting weight loss.
Ingredients of Fast Lean Pro Supplement
Fast Lean Pro Supplement boasts a meticulously crafted formula derived from a synergistic blend of six exceptional rainforest superfoods and plants, each selected for their unique contributions to health and weight management. The composition is a fusion of potent ingredients, and a detailed exploration of these key components follows:
Sukre, thoughtfully included in Fast Lean Pro, provides multifaceted support by bolstering liver health and accelerating calorie burning. This unique addition showcases the supplement's dual effects, addressing both organ health and metabolic processes. Sukre's presence underscores the product's commitment to holistic well-being.
Fibersol 2
Fibersol 2, a key ingredient in Fast Lean Pro, is intricately linked to gut microbiome balance and the introduction of beneficial bacteria. This dynamic combination contributes not only to digestive health but also enhances overall well-being, making it an integral part of the supplement's comprehensive approach to weight management.
Biogenic Polyamine Complex
Fast Lean Pro incorporates a Biogenic Polyamine Complex, a synergistic blend of natural compounds crucial for various cellular functions. Polyamines, involved in cell growth, differentiation, and maintenance, contribute to overall metabolic balance and cellular well-being. This complex aligns with the weight loss goals of Fast Lean Pro users, providing a comprehensive approach to support their journey towards improved health and well-being.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin-B12, a cornerstone of Fast Lean Pro, epitomizes the supplement's holistic approach to well-being. Recognized for its benefits in skin renewal and its correlation with efficient calorie burning, Vitamin-B12 contributes to the overall health and vitality of individuals seeking comprehensive support on their weight loss journey.
Niacin, a pivotal component in Fast Lean Pro, is vital for sustaining high energy levels and promoting fat metabolism. As an essential member of the B-vitamin family, it plays a crucial role in maintaining vitality throughout the day, making it indispensable for individuals striving for sustained energy and effective weight loss.
Chromium, an essential mineral in Fast Lean Pro, plays a pivotal role in metabolism by supporting insulin function and promoting balanced blood sugar levels. Its inclusion in the supplement aids in metabolic processes, potentially facilitating efficient calorie burning and contributing to effective weight management.
Our 180-day, Money-Back Guarantee
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Get 180-Days 100% Money-Back Guarantee
Absolute satisfaction guaranteed.
Enjoy a full refund within 180 days.
Experience a worry-free journey with the Fast Lean Pro Supplement, backed by our generous 180-day money-back guarantee. If the product or your results don't meet your expectations during the initial 180 days, simply contact us at [email protected]. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we assure you a hassle-free refund process within 48 hours of receiving the returned product. Embrace the Fast Lean Pro experience with confidence, knowing that your satisfaction is our utmost concern.
FAQs Related to Fast Lean Pro
What is Fast Lean Pro?
Fast Lean Pro is a dietary supplement designed to support weight management and promote lean muscle development. It typically contains a blend of natural ingredients that work synergistically to boost metabolism, suppress appetite, and enhance energy levels, aiding individuals in achieving their fitness and weight loss goals.
How does Fast Lean Pro work?
Fast Lean Pro works through a combination of mechanisms. It may contain ingredients that boost metabolism, such as thermogenic compounds, which increase the body's calorie-burning process. Additionally, it may include appetite suppressants and energy boosters to help users control their food intake and stay active during their weight loss journey.
What ingredients are in Fast Lean Pro?
The specific ingredients in Fast Lean Pro may vary depending on the brand or formulation. Common ingredients include natural extracts like green tea extract, caffeine, Garcinia Cambogia, and other botanicals known for their potential benefits in weight management. Always check the product label for a detailed list of ingredients.
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useful-health · 1 month
A Welcome Relief: My Experience with Prostadine
I used Prostadine for several months now, and I felt compelled to share my positive experience. As a bloke of a certain age, prostate concerns had become a bit of a worry. Frequent nighttime trips to the loo and a sluggish flow were starting to disrupt my sleep and impact my overall well-being.
Seeking a Natural Solution
I wasn't keen on jumping straight onto medication, so I began researching natural remedies. There were various options out there, but Prostadine stood out for a few reasons. Firstly, the all-natural ingredient list appealed to me. It included well-known herbs like saw palmetto and beta-sitosterol, both with some evidence for prostate health. Secondly, the positive user reviews on the Prostadine website were encouraging.
Easy to Take and Integrate
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The supplement itself is a liquid formula, which I found very easy to take each morning. A few drops under the tongue, and that's it! No bulky pills to swallow, which is a bonus. It did have a slightly herbal taste, but nothing unpleasant.
Gradual Improvement
It's important to note that Prostadine isn't a miracle cure. I didn't see overnight results. However, after a few weeks of consistent use, I started to notice a difference. The nighttime trips became less frequent, and my flow felt stronger. This improvement continued over time, and I'm happy to say that my sleep has returned to normal.
Beyond the Bathroom
Another benefit I wasn't expecting was a boost in energy levels. Prostadine seems to have a general effect on well-being. I feel more energised throughout the day, which has been a welcome change.
A Word of Caution (and Transparency)
It would be remiss of me not to mention that some reviews online haven't been as positive. Everyone's body is different, and what works for one person might not work for another. It's also important to consult your doctor before starting any new supplement, especially if you're on any other medication.
My Overall Impression
In my experience, Prostadine has been a valuable addition to my health routine. It's a natural, easy-to-take supplement that has addressed my prostate concerns and provided an unexpected energy boost. If you're a man looking for a natural way to support your prostate health, I recommend giving Prostadine a try, but remember to speak to your doctor first.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
0 notes
healthsupplement24 · 18 days
Fast Lean Pro® official 86% off | Price - $49/Bottle
Fast Lean Pro™ is an innovative weight loss solution that has been carefully developed to aid and enhance the process of healthy weight control. Fast Lean Pro is its dedication to safety and efficacy. It aims to give a trustworthy and sustainable option for people wishing to commence on their weight loss journey with confidence.
Order Fast Lean Pro & Save Up to 80% OFF Today!
Visit Official Website- Fast Lean Pro
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Why Choose Fast Lean Pro Formula?
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FDA Approved
Fast Lean Pro is backed by FDA standards, ensuring quality and safety.
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100% Natural
Harness the power of nature with Fast Lean Pro's all-natural formula.
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Made In The USA
Proudly crafted in the USA, Fast Lean Pro upholds stringent production standards.
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GMP Certified
Manufactured under Good Manufacturing Practice guidelines, Fast Lean Pro guarantees premium quality.
 Our Happy Customers: Fast Lean Pro Success Stories
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"Fast Lean Pro - A Game-Changer!"
"I've tried numerous weight loss supplements in the past, but Fast Lean Pro is a game-changer! Within just a few weeks of incorporating it into my daily routine, I've noticed a significant boost in my metabolism, increased energy levels, and a noticeable reduction in body fat. The natural ingredients in Fast Lean Pro make me feel confident about what I'm putting into my body. Plus, the customer service team is exceptional, providing prompt and informative responses to any questions I had. If you're looking for a reliable and effective weight loss supplement, look no further than Fast Lean Pro!"
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"Unbelievable Results with Fast Lean Pro"
"I've struggled with weight loss for years, trying various products with minimal success. Fast Lean Pro has been a game-changer for me! Not only did I experience a noticeable decrease in appetite, but the energy boost I get from taking these supplements has made my workouts more effective. The results are unbelievable – I've lost several pounds in just a month, and my overall well-being has improved. The fact that Fast Lean Pro is backed by scientific research and contains natural ingredients is a huge bonus. I highly recommend this product to anyone serious about shedding those extra pounds!"
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"Fast Lean Pro - A Pleasant Surprise"
"I was initially skeptical about trying another weight loss supplement, but Fast Lean Pro has exceeded my expectations. Not only did it help me shed those stubborn pounds, but it also provided a noticeable increase in my focus and concentration throughout the day. The natural ingredients in Fast Lean Pro have made a positive impact on my overall health, and the fact that it doesn't give me the jitters like some other supplements is a huge plus. The results speak for themselves, and I couldn't be happier with my decision to give Fast Lean Pro a try. Highly recommended for anyone looking for a reliable and effective weight loss solution!"
What is Fast Lean Pro Supplement?
Fast Lean Pro is a unique nutritional supplement designed to facilitate healthy weight loss, enhance metabolism, and support fasting capabilities. Instead of relying on conventional methods, this herbal supplement employs a distinctive approach by tricking the brain into perceiving a fasting state within the body. This innovative strategy enables the initiation of fat-burning processes, even without adhering to traditional fasting practices. Noteworthy for its emphasis on natural weight loss solutions, Fast Lean Pro aims to eliminate the necessity for strenuous exercise or restrictive diets.
One key aspect of Fast Lean Pro is its promotion of increased metabolism, achieved by incorporating specific substances that enhance the body's calorie-burning efficiency. By accelerating the metabolic rate, the supplement facilitates a quicker and less effort-intensive weight reduction process, aiding individuals in achieving their goals more efficiently. Additionally, Fast Lean Pro addresses issues related to overeating and snacking by simulating a fasting state, fostering healthier eating habits. This function is particularly beneficial for individuals struggling with impulse control, promoting more disciplined and thoughtful approaches to food consumption.
A distinguishing feature of Fast Lean Pro lies in its commitment to using natural and safe ingredients. The supplement is carefully crafted from selected natural elements, ensuring the absence of harmful chemicals or additives. The focus on safety and effectiveness underscores the meticulous approach of the medical team involved in its development, instilling trust and confidence among users. The active participation of a medical team also highlights the company's dedication to scientific rigor, emphasizing thorough research in the formulation process. Despite its potential benefits, it is crucial to acknowledge that the applicability of Fast Lean Pro may vary among individuals. Therefore, consulting with a healthcare professional before incorporating it into a weight loss program is strongly recommended to ensure compatibility with specific health demands and conditions.
Benefits of Fast Lean Pro Supplement?
Fast Lean Pro offers several key features:
Exceptional Limited-Time Pricing: The current pricing is exceptionally attractive, creating a sense of exclusivity and urgency for potential buyers. This strategy aims to prompt individuals interested in weight reduction programs to take advantage of the offer promptly.
Instant Access to Free Bonus eBooks: Customers purchasing the 3 or 6-jar bundle receive two complimentary eBooks, enhancing the product's perceived value. These bonus materials provide valuable insights, tips, and strategies for effective weight loss, enriching the overall user experience.
Convenient Powder Form: Fast Lean Pro's powder form allows for versatile consumption. Users who prefer flexibility in integrating supplements into their daily routines, such as blending the powder into meals or beverages, may find this aspect particularly appealing.
Holistic Approach with Plant Elements: The natural formula emphasizes plant elements, reflecting a comprehensive approach to weight management. These components, known for boosting the immune system and possessing rejuvenating qualities, align with the growing demand for wellness products featuring natural and plant-based ingredients.
Good Sleep Cycle Support: Recognizing the importance of a healthy sleep cycle in weight management, Fast Lean Pro positions itself as a holistic solution. By addressing factors like sleep in addition to dietary components, the product aims to enhance overall well-being.
Energy Boost and Athletic Performance Enhancement: Beyond weight loss, Fast Lean Pro claims to enhance energy levels and athletic performance. This suggests users may experience increased vitality, potentially motivating them to adopt healthier and more active lifestyles.
Craving Alleviation for Better Dietary Choices: An essential aspect of weight control, Fast Lean Pro's ability to reduce cravings and hunger may promote healthier eating habits, supporting long-term weight loss by curbing overindulgence or snacking.
Cognitive Advantages for Enhanced Attention: Fast Lean Pro proposes potential cognitive benefits, specifically improved attention. This suggests a positive impact on mental focus and clarity alongside the physical aspects of weight reduction.
No Harmful Side Effects: The assurance of no negative side effects enhances Fast Lean Pro's reputation as a safe and reliable weight reduction solution, appealing to health-conscious consumers.
Attractiveness to Natural Solution Seekers: Positioned as a natural and healthy weight-loss aid, Fast Lean Pro caters to individuals seeking sustainable and natural approaches to well-being.
Stress Reduction: By supporting a healthy balance of hormones and neurotransmitters, Fast Lean Pro aims to foster a more relaxed and optimistic mental state, potentially aiding in stress reduction.
Antioxidant Support: The inclusion of plant-based components may endow Fast Lean Pro with antioxidant properties, helping prevent oxidative stress and protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.
Joint Health Improvement: Recognizing the positive impact of weight loss on joint health, Fast Lean Pro may contribute to this by encouraging a reduction in body weight and subsequently alleviating stress on joints.
How Does Fast Lean Pro Works?
Fast Lean Pro is a weight loss supplement based on Japanese scientists' research, with a primary focus on stimulating an enzyme that is normally activated during prolonged fasting. This activation is thought to start the breakdown of accumulated fat reserves while also stimulating the elimination of aged cells and the synthesis of new, healthier cells. This complex process eventually supports the body's natural fat breakdown mechanism and helps to reduce hunger, boosting weight loss. Furthermore, the supplement contains a proprietary blend of substances meant to balance gut bacteria, promoting improved digestion, immunity, and metabolism. Fast Lean Pro promotes itself as a viable alternative for consumers seeking a natural and effective approach to weight control because of its commitment to a 100% natural formula that is non-GMO, vegan, and gluten-free, as well as its user-friendly application.
The activation of a specific enzyme associated with fasting in Fast Lean Pro mimics the body's natural processes, attempting to trigger the breakdown of fat storage as an energy source. This method is complemented by a carefully chosen natural ingredient blend, which includes green tea extract and caffeine, both of which are known for their metabolism-boosting and appetite-suppressing characteristics. The supplement's concentration on gut flora balancing is critical since a healthy gut microbiome is believed to play an important role in overall well-being, impacting digestion, immunity, and metabolism. Fast Lean Pro seeks to build a better internal environment by targeting the gut flora, thereby increasing the body's capacity to assimilate nutrients and manage weight more efficiently. Furthermore, the supplement's devotion to a 100% natural formula, as well as its adherence to non-GMO, vegan, and gluten-free standards, demonstrates its commitment to delivering a safe and inclusive option for persons with diverse dietary preferences and constraints. Fast Lean Pro, with its diverse approach to weight management and holistic focus on overall health, is a comprehensive alternative for people looking for a natural and sustainable way to attain their weight loss objectives.
Ingredients of Fast Lean Pro Supplement
Fast Lean Pro Supplement boasts a meticulously crafted formula derived from a synergistic blend of six exceptional rainforest superfoods and plants, each selected for their unique contributions to health and weight management. The composition is a fusion of potent ingredients, and a detailed exploration of these key components follows:
Sukre, thoughtfully included in Fast Lean Pro, provides multifaceted support by bolstering liver health and accelerating calorie burning. This unique addition showcases the supplement's dual effects, addressing both organ health and metabolic processes. Sukre's presence underscores the product's commitment to holistic well-being.
Fibersol 2
Fibersol 2, a key ingredient in Fast Lean Pro, is intricately linked to gut microbiome balance and the introduction of beneficial bacteria. This dynamic combination contributes not only to digestive health but also enhances overall well-being, making it an integral part of the supplement's comprehensive approach to weight management.
Biogenic Polyamine Complex
Fast Lean Pro incorporates a Biogenic Polyamine Complex, a synergistic blend of natural compounds crucial for various cellular functions. Polyamines, involved in cell growth, differentiation, and maintenance, contribute to overall metabolic balance and cellular well-being. This complex aligns with the weight loss goals of Fast Lean Pro users, providing a comprehensive approach to support their journey towards improved health and well-being.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin-B12, a cornerstone of Fast Lean Pro, epitomizes the supplement's holistic approach to well-being. Recognized for its benefits in skin renewal and its correlation with efficient calorie burning, Vitamin-B12 contributes to the overall health and vitality of individuals seeking comprehensive support on their weight loss journey.
Niacin, a pivotal component in Fast Lean Pro, is vital for sustaining high energy levels and promoting fat metabolism. As an essential member of the B-vitamin family, it plays a crucial role in maintaining vitality throughout the day, making it indispensable for individuals striving for sustained energy and effective weight loss.
Chromium, an essential mineral in Fast Lean Pro, plays a pivotal role in metabolism by supporting insulin function and promoting balanced blood sugar levels. Its inclusion in the supplement aids in metabolic processes, potentially facilitating efficient calorie burning and contributing to effective weight management.
Our 180-day, Money-Back Guarantee
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Get 180-Days 100% Money-Back Guarantee
Absolute satisfaction guaranteed.
Enjoy a full refund within 180 days.
Experience a worry-free journey with the Fast Lean Pro Supplement, backed by our generous 180-day money-back guarantee. If the product or your results don't meet your expectations during the initial 180 days, simply contact us at [email protected]. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we assure you a hassle-free refund process within 48 hours of receiving the returned product. Embrace the Fast Lean Pro experience with confidence, knowing that your satisfaction is our utmost concern.
FAQs Related to Fast Lean Pro
What is Fast Lean Pro?
Fast Lean Pro is a dietary supplement designed to support weight management and promote lean muscle development. It typically contains a blend of natural ingredients that work synergistically to boost metabolism, suppress appetite, and enhance energy levels, aiding individuals in achieving their fitness and weight loss goals.
How does Fast Lean Pro work?
Fast Lean Pro works through a combination of mechanisms. It may contain ingredients that boost metabolism, such as thermogenic compounds, which increase the body's calorie-burning process. Additionally, it may include appetite suppressants and energy boosters to help users control their food intake and stay active during their weight loss journey.
What ingredients are in Fast Lean Pro?
The specific ingredients in Fast Lean Pro may vary depending on the brand or formulation. Common ingredients include natural extracts like green tea extract, caffeine, Garcinia Cambogia, and other botanicals known for their potential benefits in weight management. Always check the product label for a detailed list of ingredients.
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sjjnyc · 10 months
dream workshop with charmaine bee
I'm very happy that I had a chance to take a dream workshop facilitated by charmaine bee; a dream tender, herbalist, swimmer and host of the Dream Support Hotline. Below, I share about how Lavender came into my life (I choose Lavender to work with during the workshop), my dreams related to death and my experiences strengthening a practice of documenting my dreams.
How did I meet Lavender?
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In 2018 I met performance artist mayfield brooks and since that time, I have attended several of their performances, movement workshops and even got to participate in a dance film they created in 2021 called "Whale Fall". One time I went to one of their Improvising While Black workshops at 122CC - Ninth Street Studio via Movement Research where we drank Lavender tea. I had never had Lavender tea before and remember it being really fragrant, oily and extremely relaxing. It must have left an impression on me because ever since then, I've day-dreamed about working with Lavender off and on, eventually getting some at my go-to herb store in Brooklyn. Years later (i.e. this year actually - 2023), I would see a jar of Lavender Honey during my Valentine's Day trip to Albuquerque, New Mexico, and I knew I just had to have it! And when I didn't have Lavender in my life, this plant still found a way to me, particularly as an herbal hand salve from my friend and herbalist, Katie Calcaterra of Big Love Botanicals. I can see why mayfield worked with Lavender as a performing artist because it's so calming, and for some reason I want to connect this plant to my dreamtime. I drink Lavender tea with Milky Oats sometimes while I make this website. Even though I've always known about Lavender, I didn't really start paying attention to the plant until the Improvising While Black movement workshop with mayfield.
Tending to our dreams: making time to acknowledge them
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I really enjoyed charmaine's workshop; it gave me a lot to think about, particularly how I record my dreams. We talked a lot about the ways we can document our dreams whether by journaling or remembering them using a voice recorder app on our phones. I've mostly recorded my dreams with a voice app, but I do want to explore writing my dreams down. I'm really inspired when I learn about other people's dream journals; for example, "MISA TSURUTA EXPLORES THE INFLUENCE OF THE CULTURE ON DREAMS" is an interview by Charmaine Li in a dope dream focused online magazine called ONEIRIC.SPACE. Li talks about a Buddhist priest who kept dream journals for a large part of this life that are still available today. Read an excerpt from the interview below:
I wanted to ask you about one of the prominent dreamers in Japanese history named Myōe (1173-1232) that you’ve spoken about at the IASD conference. Could you introduce us to him?
"Myōe was a Buddhist priest who lived in the twelfth century during the transition from the Heian period to the Kamakura period. During this time in Japanese society, the power shifted from the aristocrats to the warriors—so the samurais. As a child, Myōe lost his parents and was then sent to live in a temple. He wanted to be a Buddhist monk early on and went on to study the Kegon sect of Buddhism, which he wanted to rejuvenate and preserve. He was very critical of his Buddhist peers at the time and was so devoted to his practice that in one instance he cut off his ear to prove it. Later on, Myōe founded and led the Kōzan-ji Temple in the mountains of Toganoo, near Kyoto. He’s very well-known for keeping dream journals from the age of 19 to 58—and they still exist today. They’re actually kept in a few different places around Kyoto. It’s quite amazing that we still have access to these dreams records from the twelfth century".
Months later I would read an Instagram post by Queens-based poet Sherese Francis about their research on Benjamin Banneker's dream journal. Shout out to Sherese because learning about this opened up my dream explorations even more! I did a brief google search on Banneker's dream journal and Google brought me to a book called "The Scribes of Sleep: Insights from the Most Important Dream Journals in History" which was recently published June 22, 2023! And honestly, this is what I needed to find because I feel like I want to create a robust practice of recording my dreams, but I haven't taken it seriously. Until now.
Documenting our dreams with the possibility that they could be shared publicly one day could be an interesting way to continue communicating with and even inspiring others when we are long gone. We could also view this as ancestor work in the form of left-behind dream writings and other embodiments. Imagine a dream journal (day and night-time dreams) as an extension of your legacy as well. In another vein, it's totally fine to record our dreams only for ourselves, and even our (chosen) families, and not offer them to the public. There's a variety of ways to connect to and share our dreams.
Sharing a few of my dreams on the internet
These dreams (and a few more) will only be available to listen to until the end of October. Thank you for taking time to look at my website and listen to my dreams.
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Dream Transcript:
I had this dream that I was, I could choose between going to this really nice trailer or this home. But I just remember choosing a home, and then changing my mind and said oh I have to tell grandma, oh I was in this trailer. I can't remember it at all, but I just remember some kid that I knew taking me to their, taking me to a house but it was a trailer, I don't know. And we went upstairs and there was this table filled with all these gorgeous herbal medicines. I just remember there was this lotion, this lotion with . . . it had Calendula and Rose in it. This lady also said there was molasses. There were just these beautiful medicines to dig through. She asked me . . . I just remember looking out and seeing this beautiful expansive sky, and her saying, "do you want to go home?". I remember thinking this is so different than being in New York, being in the city. There was so much more to that dream. But the thing that really stuck with me was . . . those gorgeous medicines.
*dreams are recorded right after I wake up
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Dream Transcript:
Oh, see I didn't even record. I just said in my last dream that I was dreaming a lot, but I remember . . . walking past this tiger that was like, split open, and its body had been deteriorating in a pool of water. And it's eyes were wide open and there was someone else dead next to him. Like a Black woman, and I don't know who it was, but I think I was looking for her. I remember thinking water is connected to wealth and also violence. There was a lot going on in this dream, like, I was in this dark house and I grabbed some fruit, but it was so dark and . . . I don't know, it was like I was in different worlds . . . I don't know if I'm dealing with ghosts, I don't know. Okay, now I'm going to look up what a dead tiger means, because tigers have always represented God to me, so . . . let's go see what this means.
*dreams are recorded right after I wake up
PROMPT: Record your dreams (I especially encourage using the voice app on your phone) and listen to them in six months with some snacks! I personally like eating fruit, nuts, jerky, cashew yogurt ect when I listen to my dreams!
Lighting Candels: Dreams about death
**Trigger Warning: I talk about death**
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I have had a lot of dreams about death; whether I am actively passing away myself, or I have died already and observe a group of people conducting my funeral rites, to dreaming of ghosts, which are different than the dead people I dream about, who some if not all know they are dead, to dreaming of my great-grandmother's voice and visiting her as she asks me "what am I doing here?". It wouldn't be the first-time I find myself with people who have passed away in my dreams, and they ask me in one way or another what I'm doing there. Me, I'm like - what am I doing where? Where am I?
My reaction to these dreams at first was like . . . Okay . . . lol . . . it was odd but I never thought too deeply about them. Then I started having more and more dreams related to death, and then I started paying attention. I noticed I wasn't scared in any of these dreams (and there's more details about them that I'm not sharing here), and it got me thinking about how death and ghosts in particular are portrayed in film. More on this later.
These dreams have stayed with me (and I don't usually remember my dreams, but as I always say, when I remember my dreams it's because I'm supposed to and/or something is being communicated to me), and I've tried to make sense of them, but I don't have any answers I'm completely sure of. I do know that the more I have acknowledged these dreams, the more they come to me. I feel like acknowledging dreams and the dream world in general is telling this world "I am open to you".
Back to the portrayal of ghosts - kids movies can truly be healing. Check out the section of this website where I talk about my favorite films and TV shows I watched during my time in Arizona, and how #adulting is not always what it's cracked up to be. Anyway, hang tight with me, I know this is a lot of words, but I really want to share this.
Last Fall I watched 28 Days Haunted; a reality tv show that sends paranormal investigators and psychic-mediums to some of the most haunted houses in the United States. I personally didn't like this show at all because there was this overwhelming focus on evil, fear and trauma. If I could write Netflix, I'd tell them to take the show off their streaming service and cancel it. Even though I know the participants signed up for the experience, I can't imagine what they were going through.
After watching that show I had to cleanse my aura and remember there are other portrayals of death and ghosts, like "Coco" (2017 -video clip shown below), "Casper" (1995), "Haunted Mansion" (2003), "Ghost" (1990) and even "Beetlejuice" (1988) and "Pirates of the Caribbean" (2003). A bit of fright like the Sixth Sense (1999) is okay (not opposed to snuggling up with friends/bae and watching a scary movie), as long as I know there are other ghost stories out there and find balance around different representations. Death, funeral rites, ghosts ect shown through magical realism, fantasy, comedy and more is cool. It's worth it to contemplate how all these things are being served to you.
Well, I've written so much and think I will end here: the more I think about death and all that it is connected to, for example, the soul, how different families and cultures honor and remember a person's life, grief, dreams, the ancestral realm, mediums, God, the unknown and more, it feels like a really rich and tender topic to explore.
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hazedxhealing · 1 year
A life update cause I feel it's needed
Quite a lot has happened since my last life rant, and I mean A LOT. And most of it is why I'm not as active on here as I would like to be, rather active in short bursts.
I am going to give a TW, for symptom mentions, trauma mentions, medication, weed, etc etc.
If you aren't aware of who my ex-husband is, take the time to familiarize yourself before continuing. He will be mentioned, a bit.
There are a few different subjects I'd like to talk about. None of which matter greatly to any of you, but to to me.
Medication managment;
I have yet to talk to my therapist about this, as I fear some form of backlash, but I have gone medication free. I know meds are helpful for those with bipolar disorder, ptsd, etc, but I didn't like how I felt.
It was a very difficult decision to make, and came with a lot of researching, weighing the pros and cons, taking self inventory. It was not a decision I made immediately, it was something I thought about for multiple months beforehand. I then slowly over the course of a few more months weaned myself off of my meds, little by little.
I hadn't been back on them for long, but it was the same meds and dose I was on in NY, that I wasn't allowed to go get refilled for the longest time, so it wasn't too difficult. I hadn't regained dependency yet.
Now, don't get me wrong; me being med free doesn't mean they didn't work. My meds worked beautifully, amazing even. I just didn't like feeling like a mindless zombie. Not being able to spend time with my loved ones wasn't a price I was willing to pay. That being said, just in case, I still have multiple full doses on standby, and continue to get my meds filled, just to be safe, in case I ever would need to (or I decide to) go back on them.
I am herbally medicated, though. As needed. (yes, that means weed, and only medical grade weed).
2. Symptom changes;
The main things that have changed symptom wise is DID related; most, if not all of my brainmates are currently dormant (or more like on standby, if I'm being honest).
For those who will say "all your alters can't just go dormant, they can't just go away!!!!", I know. They haven't left, they haven't went anywhere, they are still here. They just aren't needed - currently.
They are in a sort of 'standby' mode, dormant but watching, if you will. This is a normal - and good - part of recovery. It is a step closer to knowing the difference between healthy situations and traumatic once, and a big step closer top functional multiplicity, which is my goal.
Lilith checks in every now and then, takes inventory, but other than that, I have no need for them, or at the very least not as big of a need for them. I am in a big - and important - part of my recovery, where I am progressing, and am happy, and in healthy relationships.
3. Relationship changes;
As y'all know (if not please review the link above), I left my ex-husband in June of 2022. The anniversary is actually gonna be coming up soon.
After having the whore phase I never got to have due to being abducted at 18, I entered and exited a few failed relationships.
They failed due to different love styles, and repeating patterns, to spare the boring details.
I have since fallen in love with and am dating my best friend, who is my absolute world. I love them so much. They treat me amazing, and their behavior is consistent, and hnnnng.
So, uhhh, yeah!!
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