#I actually didn't hear it because I keep my volume low but I glanced over and saw his expression change
royalarchivist · 1 year
Just like Fit, Vegetta, and Roier, Phil also heard something scary while mining with Chayanne and Tallulah underground.
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alloftheimaginesblog · 5 months
holding on {alex karev}
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plot: you and alex aren't friends but he's the person that sits by your hospital bed day and night until you wake up.
character: alex karev (early seasons) x reader
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The steady beeping of the various machines was something that Alex had grown tired of two days ago, the machine's volumes had been turned to 0 but his anxious eyes kept flickering to them every few seconds just to be sure. The background noise of the hospital was something he was used to and it was an oddly comforting sound. Now, the silence of being in the room with you had been nice at first but now that he was here, with you, waiting... just waiting... the silence was unnerving him.
He tapped his foot, checking the clock on the wall. Bailey should've been here by now, she promised him that she'd check on you every two hours. She was late. Anger surged through his body causing his heart to pound and his fists to clench.
"You're such an idiot," he could hear you scolding him in his mind, "if you just stopped dealing with your problems with sheer anger then maybe, maybe people would actually start to like you."
He scoffed.
You and him had hardly been friends. You and the rest of Bailey's interns were the best of friends, all living together in Mer's mom's house so why wasn't George or Izzie or Cristina or Mer here? Why was it Alex? That's all the four of them had been whispering about. Cristina asked Alex, Izzie asked Alex... hell, Bailey even asked Alex. Alex had ignored each of their questions and instead gave some snarky asshole comment with an eye roll. Alex didn't even know why he was here - why he'd purposefully demanded the week off to be by your bedside day and night sleeping on a camping bed with the scratchiest sheets in the world. He didn't know and yet, here he was.
You were annoying. You annoyed him. But since the news of the accident and since you'd been in a coma, Alex couldn't stop thinking about the way you laughed as you teased him. He couldn't get one specific moment out of his head.
You and Alex had been working on a case together - much to your dismay - and Alex had opened up slightly, letting you see that he was much more than what you previously thought.
"So... you're not just an asshole with the emotional range of a teaspoon, who knew?" You helped yourself to the bar stool next to Karev. Joe glanced at you, asking if you wanted your usual to which you nodded.
Alex rolled his eyes, "Whatever."
There was silence for a few seconds before you tried again, "I know you have this hard 'I don't care' exterior," you started, "and I know it's probably because of some past trauma in your life, Karev - believe me we've all got some shit - but..."
"Are you gonna keep giving me a stupid high school girl pep talk or are you gonna shut up and drink?"
It was your turn to roll your eyes now, "Joe, another round please."
As Joe poured the two of you more drinks, Alex sighed and looked at you, "Thanks," he murmured quietly, "I'm not- I don't..." he cleared his throat, "I don't mean to be an asshole all the time... I don't really know... Social shit isn't really my thing."
"Now who's acting like an emotional high school girl?" You teased. Alex laughed, a genuine smile stretched onto his face. Yeah... maybe he wasn't so bad after all.
So after the accident, Alex stayed.
It was then Bailey strode in, chart in hand, "Karev," she said glancing up for a second, "you look like hell. Don't you think you should go home get a proper sleep? Take a damn shower?" She could see the worry in him, she could see how stressed out he was; the dark circles under his eyes, his nails chewed down. Alex might not even know it yet but he cared about you.
"I'm staying," he said with a nod standing to look over her shoulder at your chart, "Any updates?"
"You tell me, you're the one who's been here since she got admitted." Bailey moved to you, turning the volume up on the machines, checking your levels.
"Oxygen levels were a little low at 3am, managed to level them out... No issues since." He nodded, arms crossed with a hand rubbing at his jawline, "Why hasn't she woken up yet, Bailey? She should be-"
"Karev," Bailey said, voice strong, "Go get yourself a cup of coffee, now."
"I don't-"
"Now, Karev. Let me do my damn job and stop hanging over me. Coffee."
With a few harsh words which made Bailey surprisingly laugh, Alex stormed out of your hospital room, storming past O'Malley and Stevens who had come to check in with Bailey on how you were doing.
Bailey leaned down closed to you, "If you die, god help us all... that boy..." she looked to the door where Alex had left from, "he'll be lost forever. So don't you dare, you hear me?"
The coffee machine was a minute's walk away from your room so Alex would know if anything were to happen to you, he would know but he kept checking over his shoulder anyway just in case. He was exhausted, he couldn't remember the last time he'd drank or even the last time he'd eaten. You had consumed him for the last two days; making sure that you were okay was his first priority.
He stopped at the coffee machine punching the button for a crappy black coffee that he wasn't going to drink anyway, "Come on," he grumbled as the cup dropped and the coffee began to pour in slowly, "Damn piece of crap machine, hurry the hell up!" He yelled suddenly, slamming his fist into the plastic front. Around him, people stared but he didn't care. When the coffee finally stopped, he pulled the cup out when he heard it.
"Code blue! I need a crash cart! Room 2203!" It was Bailey. It was you.
Boiling hot coffee splashed over the floor, the cup dropped and on the ground as Alex Karev took off running.
His heart pounded, usually the thrill was the thing he loved the most but this wasn't a thrill, no, this was dread. When he burst into your room, the first thing he heard was, "Clear!" and heard the noise of the defibrillator.
"What's going on?!" He yelled over the chaos.
"Get him outta here!" Bailey yelled, "Charge to 200! Get him outta here, O'Malley!"
George tried but a determined Alex was a strong Alex. He resisted George's grip, shoving him back every chance he tried to take him out. It got to the point that George gave up, "Dr Bailey!" He exclaimed, hopelessly as Alex barged to your bedside. Bailey couldn't do anything, she was busy trying to save your life, she couldn't deal with Karev as well so she let him be.
"Don't you dare die on me," Alex hissed, eyes flooding with tears, "don't you dare. Can't do that to me, (y/n). Can't have me sitting here waiting for two days to just die on me-" he looked to Bailey, "Save her... please."
Bailey's eyes met Alex's and she found a lump in her throat, "You hear him?" She asked you as the paddles charged, "don't you dare die on us, (y/n)." With one final shock, the monitor started to beep again, "Heart rate is coming back up," she said with a relieved sigh, "Thank the Lord. Levels are stabilising."
Alex collapsed into the chair at your bedside, hand clamped around yours, as his eyes closed, letting the relief wash over him. You were alive; you were stable.
"What- what caused it?"
Bailey shook her head, "Don't know, levels were fine but as soon as you left the room they started to drop so do me a favour, Karev," she looked pointedly at him, "don't leave this room again." Normally he would've bit back, said a comment about her forcing him out but instead, he just nodded falling back into his chair, hand still in yours, "I'll check every hour, okay? You page me immediately, got it?" Again, he nodded and then the room cleared out.
Alex didn't turn the monitors down, he needed to hear the steady beep to know that you were okay, you were alive and you were breathing. For the last three hours that he'd sat here, he had prayed to every god he could remember the name of - he didn't know if it counted but even started praying to some Greek Gods as well. Why have God in the title if it doesn't count? His hand was still firmly in yours.
Bailey had checked five times in the three hours, checking on you but also on him. She brought him a soda, a sandwich and a muffin and didn't leave until he'd drained half the can and eaten one of the sandwiches. He hadn't realised how hungry he was until he'd started eating, he devoured the rest of meal once she'd left. You were still stable but you weren't awake yet. Bailey was optimistic but Alex wasn't. He was dreading the worst, expecting your levels to become unstable again but as he was dosing off, he felt your hand twitch in his.
He shot up, "(y/n)?" He asked staring at your hand and then at you and much to his relief, your eyes began to flutter open. He let out a sound that was half laugh, half sob. Utter relief crashed over him, "You're awake," he grinned, "you're actually awake."
"A-Alex?" You croaked.
"Here," he said gently as he grabbed a plastic cup and straw and filled it with water from the jug on your bedside unit, "Drink up. How you feeling?"
"Multiple ruptured organs and a few broken bones'll do that to you," Alex teased with a smile. You noticed his hand was still in yours, warm and strong. He saw your eyes narrow at your joined hands and he was quick to pull his back despite everything inside him not wanting to, "I- I'm gonna page Bailey, you drink up." He helped you take the water and left. He was just outside, close enough to make sure that you were still safe - still alive.
It was as he left you looked around the room and you noticed the camping cot which was set up on the floor next to your bed. You frowned. Someone had been staying here. Was it... no, it couldn't have been Alex; Alex hated you.
Your thoughts were cut off by Bailey bursting into your room, "Oh thank the Lord," she grinned, "it's good to see you awake. You scared us." As Bailey checked you over, Alex returned to the seat next to you. Bailey saw your confused expression seeing him sat there, normal clothes not working, "Karev," she said, "go and get (y/n) a sandwich, will you? She's hungry." Alex went to argue, to tell Bailey she told him not to leave your room but Bailey's pointed look made him stop and nod. He left a second later giving you one last worried look, "She's fine now go."
You looked up at Bailey who sighed and looked down at you, "You had that boy scared to death, you know."
"Who? Alex?!"
Bailey nodded, "You're not the only one who's surprised. As soon as you were admitted he was here. It was his day off and he was here. Soon as you got outta surgery he was set up in your room. He hasn't left since Tuesday."
You looked down to the cot next to you, "He's been here the whole time?"
Bailey nodded, "I don't know what's going on between the two of you - if anything - but I'd say that there's something." Your frown deepened and Bailey smiled, "Just... be patient with him."
When Alex came back, Bailey gave you a secret nod with a knowing smile before she left promising to come check on you every hour and to not dare think about going back into a coma otherwise she would kill you. "I'm a doctor, I know how to save people but I know how to kill them too."
"Hey," Alex said as he placed a sandwich and soda on the unit beside your bed, "You okay?"
You nodded, finding yourself rather overwhelmed and touched by his actions. He - Alex Karev - had stayed by your side since the accident. What did that mean? What did Dr Bailey mean? You nodded quickly, "Yeah," you said softly, "just tired."
Alex puffed out a long breath as he sat in the seat next to your bed, "Yeah, you must be. Gave me- gave us all a fright."
Silence fell and the two of you fell into the comfort of the sounds of the hospital. You sipped at the soda Alex had brought before curiosity got the better of you, "Alex... why did you stay with me?"
You could've sworn his cheeks flushed a darker shade of pink but he rubbed his hands over his tired looking face so you couldn't have been sure, "Hell if I know," he muttered, "it's not like we're friends but... I didn't want you to be alone. You're the only one that's almost like a friend and... I dunno." He shrugged, "I don't really understand it myself." Maybe there was something deeper lurking under the surface but he didn't know. That was something you'd have to navigate together, "I know you'd have probably preferred Cristina or Mer-"
You took his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, "Thank you, Alex," you whispered, "for everything. Thank you." Now, this time you could see the tips of his ears go pink. You smiled, "Now when are you going to shower cause boy you are looking rough-"
"Shut up!" Alex rolled his eyes but he laughed with you and for once, it felt nice to joke around with him. It felt normal. You didn't know what was going to happen but you somehow knew that he would be beside you, figuring out this crazy journey together and somehow, that made it a little less scary.
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A fluorescent green gaze pierced through him from the rearview mirror. As much as the eye contact sent chills down Dale's spine, he didn't want to look away. Some primal part of his brain was much more comfortable keeping his eyes firmly planted on the predator in the back seat of the police car.
"Why won't he leave?" Dale whispered to his partner, the woman grit her teeth.
"I don't know, but I'm not the idiot who decided to fucking arrest him." spat Whitney.
"I didn't think it would work!" Dale hissed. They were trying to be quiet, but he was certain the ghost boy could hear them clear as day, especially with the quiet of the late night streets. "I was just following protocol. We're not supposed to ignore criminal activity."
"The protocol," Whitney's knuckles tightened on the steering wheel as she circled the block for the third time. "Is to not fuck with the ghosts Dale. Especially that one."
She jerked her head roughly to the boy in the back seat, he was looking around the car and humming to himself, he didn't appear to be paying attention, but that didn't mean he wasn't listening.
"Look I just... we need to at least keep up appearances. We can't just let people think we aren't even trying."
"Yes! Yes we can!" Whitney snapped her mouth shut as her volume started to rise with frustration, she glanced nervously into the mirror and took a deep breath before continuing in a low tone. "We aren't paid to deal with this kind of bullshit, we radio it in and let a Fenton or a Guy in White deal with it."
"Okay I get it!" Dale ran a hand through his thinning hair. "I just... I feel so pathetic doing nothing when ghosts are just running around destroying public property-"
"Oh yeah no that's fine Dale that's a great reason to go and put handcuffs on the most powerful ghost in the fucking city." Whitney took the next turn a little too sharply, Dale felt himself lurch sideways, but the boy in the back hardly moved. It wasn't especially surprising given his usual disregard for the laws of physics.
As well as all the other laws that Officer Dale was supposed to be enforcing.
"I told you I didn't think he would actually come willingly." Dale whispered harshly, his voice containing just the barest hint of hysteria. "I just wanted to show him that we aren't total pushovers, I didn't expect it to go this far."
They circled the block once more as Dale checked the rearview mirror again. Phantom was playing with his handcuffs, jiggling the chain and twisting his hands around them. It was almost like he was trying wriggle his way out of them, Dale knew perfectly well that they were just ordinary handcuffs, and he could phase through them at any moment. Phantom had to know that too.
Whitney flicked her eyes between the mirror and the road.
"Asshole," the word was barely audible, Dale would have missed it had he not seen her lips move. "He's just doing this to fuck with us."
"Of course he is." Dale rubbed at his face tiredly. "He's probably got nothing better to do, maybe he'll leave if another ghost shows up?"
"And exactly how long do you expect us to go around in circles waiting for that to happen?" Whitney asked through gritted teeth. "This is getting fucking embarrassing."
"Maybe we should just take him in," Dale sighed in defeat. Whitney took another corner way too hard, jostling him roughly in his seat.
"I am NOT taking Phantom back for processing. They will NEVER let us live this down, and I am NOT becoming the joke of the precinct because YOU decided to be a god damn moron and arrest a fucking ghost."
Another sharp turn and the entrance to the city park flew by their windows again, Dale had lost count how many times they'd circled the block, but somehow he was certain that Phantom hadn't.
The little shit was enjoying this, why couldn't he just sneak into a movie theatre to get his kicks like a normal teenager?
Whitney growled and pulled the car into a complete stop, the wheels screeched and Dale let out a loud WHUFF as the inertia jerked him hard against his seatbelt.
His partner violently wrenched the door open and pulled herself out of the car, slamming the door shut behind her with far more force than was necessary.
Dale followed suit and looked over the roof of the car as Whitney pulled open the back passenger door and whistled sharply, pointing up and out into the sky.
"Go on, get. Ride's over, you've had your fun."
"Awww come oooon," Phantom whined, "I didn't even get to hear you use the siren!"
"Don't care, we're the police, not baby sitters. Go find some ghost cops to bother."
"The ghost cops aren't as fun," Phantom moaned, but he did as he was told and stepped out of the car. "You know, you guys shouldn't swear so much around minors, you're corrupting the youth!"
"I'll corrupt my foot up your ass if you don't get going." said Whitney, flatly. She put her hand out and Phantom effortlessly dropped the cuffs from his wrists and tossed them at her.
He pulled a face at her as she fumbled with the handcuffs, sticking out a very green tongue.
"I saw that young man!" Dale pointed at him from the other side of the car. "Don't let us catch you disrespecting an officer of the law again! Next time you won't get off with just a warning-"
"Dale! For the love of all that is holy shut your damn fool mouth!"
Phantom hopped backwards from the irate woman, his last few steps landing on empty air. He floated gently upwards with a shit eating grin on his face.
"Well this has been fun but I gotta head off, but thanks for the company! We should do it again some time, see you around!" He waved a casual salute and swung around, legs stretching out into a long swirling tail as he sped off into the sky.
Dale felt his knees shaking as he slipped back into the car. Whitney settled into her seat, hands steady as a rock as she belted herself up and started the car.
"That was terrifying." He gasped.
"And yet you still had to keep playing bad cop."
"I'm sorry it just slipped out! He's no different to any of the other punks we deal with around here. A wiseass with no respect for authority." Dale huffed and folded his arms, crossly.
"...He probably wasn't any different, before he died." Whitney said, quietly.
Dale didn't respond, letting the statement sit heavily between them as the car pulled away from the curb.
"I forget that sometimes, you know." said Dale. "This is the first time I've ever seen him up close and he... he really does just look like some kid. How do you think he... how do you think it happened?"
Whitney let out a deep breath as they completed their final lap around the block and headed in toward the city centre.
"I have no idea, and I'm pretty sure that's the kinda thing you can't ask." she paused for a moment, before continuing with a quiet pain in her voice. "He's so young."
"I wonder if his parents know," Dale mused sombrely, "That he's, you know, still around?"
"Who knows."
A car cut them off suddenly at an intersection.
"That was a red light." Dale announced.
The police car's lights flashed as the siren echoed through the empty streets, and Whitney slammed her foot down to catch up with the offending vehicle.
The conversation was over, but neither cop forgot about the incident, and neither could look at their city's hero and menace quite the same. Dale had gotten quite good at seeing ghosts as merely 'creatures', or 'monsters', things that were entirely Strange and Other. Being up close and personal with one had been a much needed reminder of what a ghost truly was.
And that ghost, the one messing around in the back of his car, was a boy. Just a boy. A boy who had a family, a boy who had a life, a boy who had died.
When Dale got home in the early hours of the morning, he hovered by his kids' bedroom, carefully easing the door open to look at their little sleeping faces. Just to make sure they were still there, right where he left them. Still breathing, still alive.
He knew there was a family out there somewhere, parents who had looked through their son's bedroom door and seen only cold, empty sheets.
Dale stepped very carefully over the spilt lego pieces on the floor, and gave his girls both a long, heartfelt kiss on their little heads, before going back to his own room to lay by his sleeping wife's side.
No, no he truly couldn't look at Phantom quite the same way, not anymore.
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mytwistedhome · 4 years
“The Alchemist” ❤️❓
A very old request that I’ve finally finished for @rainebowkitty​ !! 
It took me a while because it required a bit of research (of which I really enjoyed doing!)
This little drabble involves Riddle and... another Disney character (leaving the name out in this intro because you don’t really need to know who it is to be able to understand this story >u< ) 
Summary: During his alchemy class, Riddle Rosehearts gets paired with a strange, magic-less student that he's never noticed before. This student seems to know quite a lot about the subject, but his bizarre ideas tend to stray from the rules that Riddle is used to.
I think that the reason why this particular story took me so long to complete was because the subject of alchemy was quite intimidating to me •́  ‿ ,•̀ Even after weeks of having the basic plot written and taking many notes on the actual science of alchemy, I still always hesitated to complete this. Every day, I would try to write just a little bit, but I always ended up cowering away because all the different little parts of the science seemed overwhelming and, again, intimidating. I've never before procrastinated this much or run away from subjects of my own writing, so this was quite a new experience for me... I wish I could've gotten this done much faster, but I think this entire writing process helped me to face a fear I didn't even know I had--a fear of writing about science/scientific topics! It might be silly, but that's really the way I felt while writing this: afraid to delve too deep into the subject.
Still, I am very happy that this is finally done! I only hope that I served justice to this ancient science 💗 Kitty, I very much hope that you enjoyed your two favs together!!!
Okay!!! I'm gonna stop being annoying now
Riddle stood in the midday class with his back turned to his alchemy professor, easily slipping the buttons through the holes of his lab coat as Divus gave his greetings and instruction. His voice was clear and loud, reciting his usual classroom demands of always taking full precautions, ensuring safety, and arriving prepared. Always, it was these same rules, yet they were just a little bit different each day to suit whatever the current project may be.
But, on this day, Divus added to his instruction, "And, boys! Make sure you pair with a NEW partner today."
Riddle turned his head to stare at his professor and froze in place, absolutely dismayed. Crewel was asking them to switch partners? A brand new partner? All of a sudden?
How very strange that was, for wasn't it better to keep with the same partners? So that the two are familiar with each other and can work their best together? This switching of partners was truly, very odd, and it seemed just the thing that Professor Crewel would be against, for he was always the most sensible in keeping to rules and the traditional order of things. But, who was Riddle to argue or question the one in charge of the classroom?
He turned his head away once more and smoothed over the small wrinkles in his coat as the clean, clear goggles slipped over his eyes. It seemed the others in his class were just as confused as he, for they stumbled about awkwardly in search of a friendly-looking acquaintance of whom they were unfamiliar with. Riddle breathed out a huff and narrowed his eyes, a bit annoyed to have to deal with the uncertainty and the bother of finding a "brand new" partner. He turned around and looked, himself, for a person that seemed amiable and new, and to his luck, he was able to spot someone standing at one of the large, wide cauldrons of whom he was sure he hadn't ever worked with before.
He slowly approached where the other boy stood with his back to him. He was hurriedly flipping through the pages of several different books that were spread over the long desk just beside the pot of which they were to work. He had dark hair of an impressive volume and seemed rather intriguing in the way he went about his work. Riddle tilted his head slightly, watching with curiosity and interest as the boy worked quick to search what he was looking for, before he said in warm greeting, "Hello.. I don't believe I've worked with you before."
The boy went still upon hearing Riddle's voice, and he turned himself around to acquaint the unfamiliar classmate as he pushed the round goggles he wore over his head. "Hello!" he said with a nod, "I could work with you, if that's what we must do." There was clear enthusiasm in his voice before he turned his head once more to focus back on whatever he may have been searching for.
Riddle blinked several times in bewilderment. He had never even seen this student, let alone worked with him before. In alarm, he stared to get a better look at this stranger. His dark hair was accentuated by a teal stripe that ran down the center--a unique trait that Riddle had never noticed in a student before. He also had a soft, summer, sun-kissed shine to his complexion, which flattered and glowed upon his warm and freckled face, making him even more unrecognizable to Riddle.
Divus then gave further commands to the class, telling them that their goal was to make a particular potion. Riddle payed close attention to the details of the instruction, but all the while, he could not help but think in the back of his mind upon how strange his partner seemed to be. And, then, with the brief lecture over, he turned his attention again to that unknown student. "I'm sorry, but what is your name?" his voice was soft and polite with an ease in his eyes, "I don't believe I've payed much notice to you in this class before, and I'm sorry for that."
"Oh! Uh, I...." he dragged that last syllable out, much to Riddle's distaste, as he rummaged with the ingredients spread before the cauldron, "I only just began coming to this school. Not that long ago, really, so it makes sense if you didn't know. And--I'm Varian, by the way."
"You just began coming here?" Riddle said with alarm as his head tilted with even more interest than before, "A new student on the middle of the school year... And just like that? That isn't a typical thing here. How did it happen?"
Varian gritted his teeth and briefly glanced off to the side in attempt to avoid the question, "It's a... rea~lly long story. Don't worry about it."
Riddle looked at him with skepticism in his gaze. How odd it was to have a student transfer in the middle of the school year. As far as he knew, it was incredibly uncommon in NRC, for it meant that they would miss the welcome ceremony and so many other lessons and meetings that were essential in their learning.
But, again, who was he to argue with the way the school was run? Perhaps Crowley had a very special reason to allow this student entrance in the middle of the year.
Riddle took a small step to better observe what Varian was doing. All around on his side of the desk, there were sketches of obscure symbols that appeared unrelated to their project at hand, along with notebooks opened to pages of quotes that were beautiful poetically, yet seemingly unintelligent. How strange, how strange That one word kept repeating in Riddle's head, and he grew slightly skeptical of the student standing beside him.
Riddle pulled his head away and pressed his lips together as he began looking over the ingredients, chemicals, and metals that were laid out neatly upon the long desk, but his attention was seized once more by Varian who immediately grabbed two beakers of melted medals and mixed them carefully with one another.
"Just a touch of sulfur, and some more iron for the base...The iron brings forth the energy of Mars, so we'll have a fiery and quick result for this potion!" Varian was getting more and more excited as he explained the steps, and he seemed to talk more to himself than to Riddle. But, he soon took a breath in woeful thought as he continued with the mixture. "I really wish we had access to use gold in this lab. I guess it's understandable that we aren't allowed, but it isn't fair! Gold, after all, represents the sun, and the sun is connected to a princess I've been honored to become well-acquainted with--"
"Varian!" Riddle let out loudly, cutting him off after having had enough of his mindless chattering, "What are you even doing with all of those metals and chemicals?"
He reached out and took hold of the beaker that his partner held in his left hand, vigilant enough as to not disturb the dangerous mixtures, but harsh enough to cause a drop of the pinkish liquid to fizz onto the table.
"Woah be careful with that..!" Varian said frantically, trying to steady all the beakers that could cause a mess.
"What have you made?" Riddle's eyes were fixated in a glare, yet his voice wavered with fascination as he asked the question.
"Oh," Varian smiled with excitement and straightened his back, and he cleared his throat, preparing to deliver a recitation of all he created in a matter of minutes, "That's still just sulfur with an iron base, but the sulfur also works as a primer. You know... the 'spirit of life'. I also added a bit of mercury to better blend the high concentrations with the low ones, which also aids in connected the high and low energies. And, of course, I added a touch of salt as well, just as another primer."
"I see..." was all Riddle said in quiet response. He knew of the three primers and their functions in the mixtures--every student learned that at some point or another in the class. But, as for the other symbolic and rather spiritual things mentioned by Varian, he had never heard of them before, and he wasn't sure if he should believe them now.
Varian only continued, "It's unfair that we can't use gold or silver. I'd complain if I wasn't so new to this school." Getting excited again, he seemed to be talking mainly to himself once more, "Gold is the sun! And the sun is willpower, inner ability and inner strength! It's deeply connected to the heart and the heat of the body... It ignites passion and life! And it's connected to vision, too. But, silver probably has even more use than gold does. It's connected to the moon and creation... but in formulas, it helps the metals grow more quickly and aids in their blending."
The scowl on Riddle's face deepened, and his small nose wrinkled every slightly in skepticism and suspicion, yet that typically unsavory expression looked oddly beautiful over his fair face, and so Varian payed him no mind. Instead, he kept up on speaking, though this time it was less of a ramble. "We should probably go through the first couple steps together, shouldn't we?" he asked with a kind smile. "The first thing would be to go through the operation of calcination. You know, heating things to purify the metal and cancel out any toxins. But, I trust this lab, so it's fine to skip that step. Next would be dissolution, like... using water to dissolve bits of the metal into rust at the edges. It usually works as another purifier, as the water brings in life. But it really isn't that important, is it? Let's skip that one! Then, that brings us to the operation of separation. Specifically, separating the components of the dissolution... But if we don't do the dissolution, there really is no point. It's basically isolating the rust and the different elements of the metals by filtering them carefully and then discarding the bad materials. That always seems to tedious to me. I doubt there's anything very bad that could sabotage our results, anyway. I don't think it's necessary; it'll only eat up our time. We should skip that as well--"
"Varian!" Riddle's patience was reaching its brim. His anger ripped through his voice, causing Varian to flinch back and widen his eyes. "We shouldn't skip anything! There's an order for a reason!"
"Okay, okay," Varian said with a timid smile in attempt to ease his partner's nerves. "But trust me, we should just go ahead a proceed with the fourth operation. Conjunction. It's basically the re-combination of the components that should have been separated in the previous step. But, combining the metals is basically what I've been doing so far, so it's like we're ahead. All we need is potassium nitrate. I promise! It's like a short cut." Varian said, looking to Riddle with pleading eyes in hopes of convincing him.
"Alchemy is a discipline," Riddle said sternly, though his voice was now kept soft, "There are rules and a direction you must follow. Every step involves a precise measurement, and unless you adhere to the order set in place, you will never achieve a good result!"
"Well, yes, you're... kind of right."
Riddle stepped back, blinking in disbelief. Kind of right? Who did he think he was? An alchemy expert? Someone so profound that he could skip around on the steps? Riddle's anger was building up inside, heart racing, blood boiling. His face was heating up, just about to burst--
And, then, Varian quickly drew from the cauldron a small sample of the potion they were to create. It was small bit, but it was perfect. Made with such quick ease, and filling up half of the beaker. It was quite impressive to have achieved such a wonderful result in such little time, and noticing this, Riddle slowly calmed.
"Hey... Relax, okay? It's really not something to stress over," Varian reassured with a confident chuckle and a mocking role of his eyes that went undetected by Riddle.
Riddle pressed his lips together before softening his expression and letting out a sigh, easing himself of the tension and excitement, yet also ashamed now for having gotten so angry before. Maybe, perhaps, he could trust this kid to do what he seemed so passionate about.
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yes... drew the pic because I wanted the two of them together but, obviously, there are none that exist, so I had to create my own with my very slim art skill. I was originally going to have it at the top, but I am NOT confident enough in my doodling to do that lmao
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btsareyandere · 5 years
Safe - Gabriella
Yandere jungkook
Warning - violence, mentions of a gun, graphic mentions of blood and injury, mentions of murder.
E/N= enemies name
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"Gabriella!" Jungkook shouts, stepping out of the backseat of his limo into the vast expanse. Thick tree lines surround him and they are being drowned in a thick fog hanging just feet above the leaf covered ground.
"Gabriella! I swear to god if I have to come and find you I wil-" he stops suddenly to turn and face his henchman who is coughing to gain attention.
With a deep sigh, junkook opens up communication with the stocky framed man.
The guards eyes shake slightly before settling on the spot between his boss's eyes.
"Mr Jeon, Sir...Gabby is-"
A sharp click echoes through the otherwise still forest as Jungkook lines the cold barrel up with the forehead of his man
"I've told you before not to call her that. Have I not?!"
The man falls to his knees and begins to plead for mercy, much in the way he has seen you do, many times before.
"Y-yes sir, sir you did. I'm incredibly sorry for my negligible behaviour, please forgive me. I was hoping to tell you that ga- uh your wife left around an hour ago with the new guard. She said you gave them the all clear"
Jungkook is silent for a moment before he realises that he personally assigns and...well 'fires' all staff and that he hadn't hired anyone recently and especially no one who has contact with you.
"Find her. He doesn't work for me and if you don't bring me her before harm occurs, you wont work for me either".
The men all scatter in different directions on phones and ear pieces as jungkook also sets off in search of his most prized possession.
On the other side of the forest, your quick, secret little stroll with the new guard was taking an uncomfortable turn and you knew you needed to head back home.
"Um, I'm grateful you snuck me out but I think we need to go back. If jungkook finds I'm not at home, he'll kill us both" you fiddle nervously with the long sleeves on your thick t-shirt and glance tentatively at the overbearing guy, your brown eyes becoming glassy as they harden in the beginning stages of panic.
He shrugs and places a hand on your lower back to keep you walking forward, an action that tenses your entire body.
"No ones allowed to touch me!" You shout automatically, recalling the times you didn't obviously protest others physical touch and jungkook punished you severely.
He turns and grips your throat in one swift motion, pulling you close to his much firmer body.
"Listen here you little bitch. I don't care what you say, or for the rules of that degenerate you call a husband, or is he your owner, we've not figured it out yet."
You gasp for air, naturally, but the frequent inhumane treatment by jungkook has taught you how to preserve your oxygen for quite a long time and perhaps that's a good thing.
"We?" You question
He nods and drops you like a hot pan.
"Yeah, me and the boys. See we used to do business with that brute, was going alright actually; that is until one of the young ones saw you" from this moment the man becomes increasingly animated and sarcastic, clearly mocking the words of the juvenile that used to work with him.
"*Ain't she got the prettiest hair.....those curls are to die for.....maybe I could work for Mr Jeon one day and save her...* and other sappy shit like that, damn you really had him hooked." He finishes with a scoff.
You stare at him open mouthed and wonder about the identity of this man who would fantasise about rescuing you from your husband.
"What happened to him?" Your small voice asks.
The man, who had previously wandered a few paces comes running back to tackle you to the floor.
"Your husband is what happened, death is what happened and HE....he was my baby brother"
You watch in horror as the balding man raises his left arm and prepares to bury it in your face, only stopping when a loud yell is heard from behind the trees.
You both look up in wonder and see a silhouette barreling towards where you both lay on the floor.
Jungkook launches himself into the bigger male and knocks him free of your smaller frame.
Instinctively, you roll onto your stomach and shelter your head with your hands, a common position you take up when jungkook looks pissed.
Minutes pass and you focus on your breathing, spitting out the dead leaves and specks of dirt that get sucked into your mouth with each inhale.
You hear your name being called but it sounds distant and dreamlike, not promting you enough to open your eyes and face the world; that is until you're being lifted into the air and placed squarely on your feet.
You keep your eyes closed and hold your hands out above your face, still clearly fearing danger.
"Baby open your eyes" a familiar voice coaxes as they grip your wrists to lower your arms.
"What were you thinking? Seriously, I really need to know" his voice is low but soft, much softer than you were anticipating.
You shrug and sniff quietly, keeping your eyes trained on his now scuffed shoes.
"I wanted to go out. Since you banned me from leaving the house, I've felt trapped. I hate it". To match his, you kept your voice low and soft.
"I do these things for a rea-"
Suddenly a loud roar could be heard from behind jungkook and he turned to face it with you held tightly behind him.
"Baby stay quiet" he calmly orders.
Jungkooks semi-dazed opponent rises to his feet despite the blood pouring from his cracked skull.
You peer around your husband and take note of the damage he has done to the man, realising that when he is angry and taking you to the borders of life and death, that he is in fact going easy on you and not releasing the full extent of his physical abilities.
Jungkook notes your little head poking out from beside him and nudges you back to cling desperately to his suit jacket.
"Jeon-fucking-jungkook" the man spits.
"I was giving you a chance to live E/N. To not end up like that pervert little brother of yours" jungkook taunts.
You wince a little at his words since you had enjoyed hearing how someone wanted to stand against the scariest man you know and fight for your safety.
"I wasn't going to kill her, you know; not immediately anyway. I figured I could send you pieces of her for a while, see you pained the way I was when you murdered my brother."
The man shuffles closer with each word and holds a hand out, trying to reach for jungkook despite the distance, clearly not seeing well.
"Why do you keep her, jeon? You could end her, I've seen how strong you are, seen how you treat her. You could easily get another toy, possessions come and go"
Jungkook hisses and you notice his shoulders tense considerably.
"This one is my favourite possession though. She's priceless and definitely not replaceable, that's why I keep her safe at home"
The man falls and grips his temple as he laughs gently at jungkooks words.
"I almost felt something then, you're a great actor. Perhaps she'd be happier with me....but remember this, Jeon, as long as I continue to live, even in your home, that woman wont be safe. I'm everywhere."
Jungkook finally loses his composure and with one great push, throws you to the floor before retreating and beginning the end of his enemies life.
You watch with horror as he lands blow after blow to the mans already fragile skull, watching as it bleeds profusely and begins to soften.
One exceptionally graphic sounding punch has you on your knees, emptying the contents of your stomach where you kneel.
Once again, jungkook is the one to bring you back to the present when he plucks you up and throws you over his shoulder, marching with intent, back to his waiting car.
Once there, men swarm from all directions to assist him with you.
"Take us home, clear up the body, cover this up and I might not kill you all"
He orders to the crowd of silent males, all shocked by the volume of blood that covers their boss and the empty expression on your messy face.
Jungkook lowers you down and tosses you unceremoniously into the car before sliding in and turning you to face him.
You're dirty, clammy and looking far from okay, something that pains him greatly.
He holds your upper arm tightly and strikes you across the face to which you don't react.
The silence between the two of you is bitter until he exhales and pulls you into a tight embrace.
"I keep you locked up and close because you're precious. I treat you the way I do because I love you, Gabriella and you've put yourself in danger all for some fresh air. You're selfish and it wont go unpunished"
Unlike his previous tone, this one is harsh and cold, he's obviously angered and that frightens you, however when he leans back and looks into your eyes for the first time today, you see concern and fear reflected back at you.
"I'm sorry" you half cry, half whimper.
"I know. I am too. I just want to keep you safe"
You nod and bury you head into his chest. Does he really mean that, are you ever free from danger with him?
Your eyes leak gently and you grip his shirt with force, continuously repeating the same word again and again whilst the car begins to move...
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atinyidea · 5 years
Glitch | Ateez Gang!AU | ONE
⟶ gang!au, hacker!au, love triangle? poly? female!original character
How curious it is, the fact that the police just gave a media conference, confirming ATZ’s involvement in Kyungri’s families newly-appointed murder, just as she sat down for her best friend, Jaehyeon, to be tattooed by one of the gang members?
⟶ glitch ml! main ml!
⟶ prologue | next
⟶  note! if anyone wants to be on a tag list for this fic just let me know!
⟶ 4046 words!
⟶ edited 06.03.2020
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ONE: Make Sure One Isn’t Stupid.
Thursday 23 October 2025, 21:39.
“I don't see the point of getting a tattoo to commemorate you breaking up with your girlfriend.” Pyo Kyungri grumbled into her scarf as she and her best friend, Lim Jaehyeon, walked down the street in the freezing, open air. She had been dragged out of her comfort zone – which was essentially just her memory foam bed and fluffy penguin onesie – to make sure Jaehyeon didn't do something one hundred per cent idiotic. She was there to keep his idiocy to a low minimum of 75 per cent.
“It’s not about that,” Jaehyeon replied, grinning across at her, “not really.” He took a pause as the crossed the road. “This is a new step in my life. I want this tattoo to commemorate the best decision I've ever made in my life.” This time his pause was because he was a dramatic idiot. “To get that woman out of my life.” He stressed. “To let go of five years of toxicity. To have my eyes finally re-opened from her cheaters blindfold.”
“Such a way with words for a cold-hearted evil bitch. You can call her that you know, it’s officially her title now.” Kyungri replied, looking at her best friend with a heavy heart.
For five years Jaehyeon had been strung along by his ex-girlfriend, Evil Bitch, and no-one was any the wiser. Kyungri carried around so much guilt for not catching on to it sooner, for not looking into her like she did with literally everyone else, for getting so caught up in a closed case of the crash that killed her parents and brother, that she forgot all about her best friend and what he was going through. Though to her credit, he thought he was in a loving relationship – for all relationships had arguments right, so where was his right to complain about the large small arguments they got into? Jaehyeon hadn’t really opened up about his relationship with Evil Bitch like he previously had with his other relationships. He would never blame Kyungri the way she was blaming herself.
Jaehyeon sighed with a chuckle, watching as his breath came out as mist in front of him in the cold air. At the sight of it, Kyungri seemed to shrink further into her scarf. “Just because she cheated on me – tore my heart out, stabbed through it with her devilish heels as she crushed it under her foot, spat on it before kicking it into the middle of a busy road just for multiple cars to drive over it forever – doesn't mean I'm going to start calling women derogatory names. I never have, and I never will.”
Kyungri’s eyebrows raised as she looked over at Jaehyeon with an amused expression yet, said nothing as they stopped in front of the shop.
Why Jaehyeon chose this particular parlour she wasn’t sure. The shopfront was indeed very appealing, with the purple neon lights casting pretty coloured shadows across the dark street as well as their faces. It was very pretty and Kyungri had to fight the urge to take several million pictures of the shopfront and look like a complete weirdo.
“C’mon, I’m a minute late already,” Jaehyeon mumbled as he pushed forwards through the glass door. He looked back at her as they walked towards the front desk – where a blonde-haired man sat silently tapping away at his laptop – “I won’t stop you though.” He grinned, continuing their conversation from outside. He took no note on how the receptionist had raised his head and now could hear them perfectly, but neither did Kyungri.
No one ever thinks about the receptionist.
“I will!” She exclaimed, grinning back at him. “I’ll call her an Evil Bitch all I like! I call upon the right to freedom of speech!” The young woman joked as they finally turned their attention to the receptionist.
The blonde man – whose hair was looking more sandy-brown than blonde – smiled up at them. As he and Jaehyeon began talking, Kyungri tuned them out taking more of an interest in the receptionist’s face rather than whatever Jaehyeon was saying. His face and features were small, cheekbones high with a clear complexion. His eyes were a gentle brown but Kyungri could see that he was trying hard to hide something behind those kind eyes. She decided not to think about it too much – everyone has their secrets and worries. He wore makeup, subtle oranges around the eyes and his lips were adorned with a light red tint. However, what caught her eye the most was the sheer amount of ear piercings the man had. That and the singular tattoo she could see peeking out from under his collar and around the back of his neck – where his hair was slightly longer and covering it.
Kyungri looked away from the receptionist, Hongjoo as he had introduced himself, not wanting to look a creep for staring exactly the right amount of too much. She glanced down, staring at the bag that hung on her shoulders that carried her laptop. If she was forced to say what her favourite possession – for one never willingly tells anyone their favourite thing in the world if they're not stupid. It would never be taken if no one knew it was important... or something – it would be her laptop. It may be a cliché for a hacker’s favourite possession to be a laptop but this one was quite special, this one she had built with her father. This one she completed her first hack with. While she never really went anywhere without it, all the files on the laptop were actually stored in an external hard drive that never left her person.
That hard drive was the real jewel.
It would be better to ask if she could use their Wi-Fi instead of hacking into it, right? That’s what polite people did.
When she looked up again, snapping out of her little daydream – the memory of switching out parts with her father by her side fading away from her mind – she noticed she stood in front of Hongjoo alone. The blonde man smiled at her, amusement written across his face and Kyungri had to make a conscious effort not to let a blush take form upon her cheeks. She cleared her throat, trying not to make it obvious that she was embarrassed and after a few seconds of silence she finally had the thought to break it.
“Do you have Wi-Fi?” She mumbled, not listening to her own words. She grimaced as soon as the words were out, immediately knowing how stupid she sounded. “That... I can also use?” She dragged out the sound of the words, trying (and failing) to make them sound planned. She looked anywhere but the man in front of her. If Kyungri ever disliked anything, she hated when she got tongue-tied in front of attractive people she had to be around more an extended period of time.
Hongjoo’s amusement never faltered, the smiled on his lips turning into a grin as he shook his head playfully, grabbing a pen and post-it note. He said nothing and if Kyungri was paying attention to anything other than the blue spot on the wall behind him she would’ve seen how his jacket had revealed a bandaged around his right wrist as he lazily reached for the post-it pack.
“He went through to San in the back.” She finally registered his voice, switching her gaze from the wall behind him to Hongjoo himself. His smile was now sweet, gaze playful, as he handed over the password, post-it note stuck to the fingertip he had extended out to her. He motioned with his other hand the way her best friend went. Kyungri gave him an appreciative, if not slightly embarrassed, look as she gingerly took the post-it note from his fingertip, mouthing the words ‘thank you’ as she stumbled her way through to the back. She hadn’t noticed that her attempts to smother her blush had also failed. She had never been good in front of people.
Once she was through to the back, the first thing she heard was Jaehyeon’s laugh. The second was the TV, hanging on the wall, it’s volume setting quite low like it was only on for background noise. She glanced over the room, gaze falling on a chair near the bed Jaehyeon was currently sat upon and she made a bee-line for it.
“What took you so long? Tired of daydreaming?” Jaehyeon teased her once he noticed she was with him once again. Not looking at him, the blush from her cheeks faded and her eyes rolled, Kyungri’s comfortable personality filtering through the small scowl on her lips. Jaehyeon had often told her she was like two sides of the same coin when it came to other people – she could be shy and uncomfortable with someone one second and the next she was rolling her eyes and slapping him on the back of the head for ‘saying something utterly fucking stupid.’ Jaehyeon grinned when he saw her small scowl, knowing that she was becoming comfortable once again before he moved on to introduce the other person in the room.
“Ri, this is the one and only Choi Yusan.” He began, slinging an arm around the other man’s shoulder. Kyungri made no move to answer him so Jaehyeon continued, “Best tattoo artist I know!” He boasted like a father would his only child.
“I’m the only tattoo artist you know.”
Yusan’s reply made Kyungri snort. The sound coming from her before she could tell herself not to. Making the decision that she had to now acknowledge the other man, she finally lifted her head to look in their direction. The man introduced as Yusan – or just San as she recalled the receptionist tell her – was grinning up at a flailing, and ever dramatic, Jaehyeon who looked simply appalled at his words.
“The only?!” Jaehyeon cried out, clutching at his chest like his heart had just been ripped out. Kyungri decided then that she wasn’t going to listen, again. Instead, she looked to Yusan. He was shorter than Jaehyeon. Not by much but she could tell from the way Jaehyeon’s elbow rested on his shoulders and how his head was slightly tilted to look up at the dramatic blonde-haired man. She only noticed this because it was how Jaehyeon himself looked like when he looked at her since she was slightly taller than him. The man beside her best friend was also quite attractive. He has a sculpted face with sharp cheekbones. When he smiled, Kyungri noted the deep dimples that made him both more attractive and way too cute. His hair was dark, a dark brown with dark red highlights, curled slightly at the top like he’d just run a hand through the locks. She decided she liked his hair. Yusan’s grin was cheeky as the two boys began to play around with each other and Kyungri noted that they must be friends. That or they were both overly dramatic and became best friends in the span of a minute – it wasn’t impossible when Jaehyeon was involved.
“I don’t really care how many tattooists you don't actually know, Jae. I’m here to make sure you don't get a penis on your forehead.”
Now it was San who snorted, clapping a hand on Jaehyeon’s back. “You would actually do it and you know it.” He said before Jaehyeon had time to disagree with Kyungri. The two watched as he nodded to himself, accepting that he would probably do that.
With a small smirk lifting to her lips, Kyungri raised a brow at their direction. “You know each other?” She asked, watching as the two of them sat back down next to each other, comfortable enough with one another to be leaning against the other. Jaehyeon nodded at you with a grin.
“I’ve told you about him before, haven't I? We went to the same high school. He was a junior when I became a freshman!” – Kyungri raised her eyebrows in amusement – “Met during my time on the swim team.” Jaehyeon said, sniffling slightly like the thought of no longer being on a high school swim team was so painful. “Been super best friends ever since!”
Now, she knew Jaehyeon was exaggerating but she found the whole thing rather amusing. She looked at the red-haired man with an entertained, questioning look. San chuckled, pushing Jaehyeon away by the face.
“You were on the swim team for three days before you got kicked off and we spoke four times.”
“That sounds more like Jae. He didn’t do very well?” She asked at the same time Jaehyeon exclaimed, “Exactly! Best friends!”
“Not if my memory serves,” San replied to the girl, who had now switched her laptop on and was sat with her legs curled into her body.
“Anyway, please call me San. It just... sounds better.” He grinned, the smile holding a secret that Kyungri didn’t know if she wanted to know.
“Sure. I’m Kyungri.” She smiled before turning her head down to her laptop. When Jaehyeon had shown up at her house earlier that night she was halfway through a job. It wasn’t a particularly hard job, which is why she was able to continue doing it on her laptop and hard drive. Kyungri didn’t like leaving a job unfinished, a pet peeve of sorts. Once she started a job she finished it, there was less chance of being traced the quicker the job was done. Close by, she could hear Jaehyeon’s voice, loud as he always was, talking with San about his tattoo. She felt the smile pull at the corner of her lips before she could do anything to stop it.
Soon after San had begun the tattoo Hongjoo entered the backroom with another man behind him. He wore a work uniform with the name badge ‘Yoosang’ pinned to the black material of his shirt. His expression was slightly downcast: eyebrows furrowed like he had just heard some bad news. However, his eyes sparkled as he shared a laugh with the blonde-haired receptionist as they walked into the room. Hongjoo held a tray with mugs on them, catching Jaehyeon’s attention.
“Oooh? What do you have there?” He asked, nothing but curiosity lacing his words.
“Hot chocolate,” Hongjoo grinned at him, “Want some?”
Jaehyeon was quick to nod, his whole body moving as he did so. Kyungri had to smother a small laugh with the sleeve of her hoodie, he really did look like a child. The small glare San sent him didn’t help the image either. Yoosang made his way to a chair, pulling up next to Kyungri while Hongjoo made himself comfortable on the other table bed on her other side, smiling down at her and offering her a cup.
“Thank you,” Kyungri smiled shyly, taking the medium-sized bright orange mug from the blonde man’s hands. He sent her a wink in response.
“Got kicked out of another job, Yeo?” San asked, not lifting his gaze from Jaehyeon’s calf but letting a smirk glide over his features. The man next to Kyungri just slouched in his chair. Kyungri could feel the way her head tilted slightly at the way San called him Yeo... Didn’t his name tag say Yoosang? Perhaps it was just a nickname, she had no place to judge what friends called each other.
“Yeah, man. That place was just rough.” Yoosang sighed, causing both San and Hongjoo to erupt in laughter. Kyungri didn’t make any move to let them acknowledge she was listening while she watched her program run.
“You’ll find one that’ll stick,” Hongjoo reassured him.
“You need a job?” Jaehyeon piped up as if he knew Yoosang and wasn’t a complete stranger. Yoosang simply nodded.
“Our friend, Chaeyoung, works at a cafe that just had an opening. She’s been bugging me about helping her find someone because her boss doesn’t promote on the internet and Chae has, like, no connections.” Jaehyeon grinned, flapping a finger between him and Kyungri as he explained. “You want it?”
“Dude! you might be a lifesaver, what cafe is it?”
“The Cafe.”
“Yeah, which one?”
“It’s called ‘The Cafe’. Jaehyeon’s a bit dumb to not explain properly.” Kyungri spoke up, not looking away from her laptop. She smiled as Jaehyeon let out a small ‘Hey!’ and San let out a small laugh. “It’s about two blocks away, maybe three I can't remember.”
“Even better, thank you.”
Kyungri glanced up to the man beside her, flashing him a smile. She didn't need to be thanked, Jaehyeon was the one who thought about it anyway. She had opened her mouth to retell her thoughts but was distracted by the sound of a news jingle coming. from the tv. She looked over at Hongjoo – “Can you turn that up for a second” – who just motioned to Yoosang, who lifted a remote in his hands and gently nodded at her.
It was the ten o'clock late-night news. It was usually uneventful but the big red lettering of ‘BREAKING NEWS’ put Kyungri on edge. She didn’t like the feeling that wracked through her.
“In the last hour ago a police report was leaked from Seoul’s Dongdaemun Police Station about an old case that was on the verge of being re-opened with new evidence. A few moments ago we received an official statement from the Cheif of Police of the station, Kwon Soonchul, who announced that the report was real and that the Pyo Family Car Crash of the twenty-fourth of November two-thousand-and-eighteen, a long seven years ago, because of new evidence brought up involving the well-known criminal gang known as ‘A. T. Z’.”
From beside her, she could see one of Yoosang’s arms raise, remote in hand to switch the channel. Without much thought, Kyungri reached out her own hands and stopped him, taking the remote from his fingers and turning the sound up. She hadn’t cared that it may have been rude, she could always apologise later but there was apparently something she hadn’t heard about her family going on and she wasn’t going to just not listen to it. She missed the way the three workers shared a glance only they would understand. Jaehyeon had fallen silent.
“Cheif Kwon also revealed that he would be taking point on the case and that it would have his full attention since the involvement of ‘A.T.Z’ especially since one of the victims, Pyo Mina, had been a quote ‘close partner.’”
Kyungri no longer listened, her eyes unfocused and her body still. Why was this happening now? How was ATZ involved? Why did Kwon Soonchul have to take point? Did the news reporter know they were saying the gang’s name wrong?
“Ri? You good?” Jaehyeon asked, more worried about the expressionless girl who wasn’t moving than the pain in his calf and San continued his tattoo. “What’re you gonna do now?” He continued when Kyungri remained silent, her eyes still stuck to the tv screen but Jaehyeon could tell they were unfocused. He kept talking at her, not wanting her to slip away and shut down in a room full of strangers, she would never forgive herself if she did that. He was about to motion for San to him to stop she Jaehyeon could physically move Kyungri, she moved.
She tore her eyes away from the TV and stumbled a little back into the chair she sat in. She pulled up her laptop from the floor, she had fallen from her lap as she stood up, and started tapping away at the keys. “You’re not thinking you’ll find ATZ are you?” Jaehyeon guessed, knowing his best friend. He was never one for subtlety, why he would talk about this is a room of strangers to Kyungri one would never know. Fortunately for those of KQ Ink, Kyungri was too focused on her laptop and Jaehyeon was as oblivious as always to how all three men seemed to freeze up slightly, falling into silence at his words. “Not doubting your skill or anything but they're not called the Ghost Gang for nothing.”
“No one calls them the Ghost Gang apart from you.”
“Yeah, well.” Jaehyeon grinned, happy with himself that he got her to reply. “People should, its a cracking name.”
“I’m finding out what the police know, please shut up.” It was like the two of them had forgotten they weren’t alone.
“Don’t be emotional about this. It’s just a news report.”
“I.. just need to know.”
“Kyungri! ATZ is an invisible force of immense power!” Jaehyeon emphasised loudly before continuing much softer, genuine concern lacing his words. “I don't want you to get hurt.”
“If they are,” Kyung swallowed, looking up at Jaehyeon, tears on the verge of clouding her vision. “If they are the reason my family is dead. Then I will find them.” Her words were cold, strong, final and Jaehyeon knew she had made up her mind about it. That didn’t mean he wouldn’t try to change it.
“Kyungri.” His voice was soft. “It’s been seven years.”
“I know.” Her words were fast, snapping back at him. She bit her lip before continuing a few seconds later, her tone much softer and her shoulders falling slightly. “I know how long it’s been. This whole thing doesn’t make any sense, that’s why I’m looking, okay?” She glanced back at Jaehyeon, her eyes flittering between him and San, who had his head down in what looked like concentration. She didn’t want to say anything else, realising just how much they had spoken about her family and her job to complete strangers.
It didn’t take her long to break the police force’s security system and firewall. She would have to notify Gongmyung about how the police may be coming to them with a job quite soon.
“Do you know a Jo Jowon? Or a Choi Jongho?” Kyungri asked, opening the files she had just hacked into. She had asked Jaehyeon but had spoken the words to the whole room. She figured it wouldn’t hurt, they had already heard more than enough. They didn’t seem to care anyway.
“Doesn’t ring a bell,” Jaehyeon replied almost instantly. “I know a Chu Jongho though, Chaeyoung lives next door to 'im. Why?”
“They're the lead the police have. Chaeyoung’s father is the head officer on the case by the way. As if that makes me feel any better.” Kyungri spat. It wasn’t hard to tell she held contempt for Chaeyoung’s father. She blinked twice before lowering her tone, “I’ll ask Chae later.”
“And we’re done,” San spoke up for the first time since he started working, wiping Jaehyeon’s calf twice with a cloth before leaning back and grinning at him. “You’re done.”
Jaehyeon’s lips were turned to a grin in a split second. Like he felt no pain, he bounced up from the client bed and bounded over to Kyungri, pulling her up by the forearm and dragging her to the mirrors. Kyungri, extremely used to this from her best friend simply rolled her eyes and let him drag her.
“Is that my drawing?”
“You got my drawing on your leg?”
“Because you’re my best friend.” Jaehyeon smiled. “Plus you drew it for me.”
“Yeah, when we were fourteen!”
“Well, it’s still my favourite thing you’ve given me.”
“You’re an idiot.” Kyungri smiled, letting her head fall on his shoulder, her arms winding around his torso to squeeze him quickly. Jaehyeon just smiled.
The pair of best friends split off from one another, Kyungri went over to collect her things and pack away her laptop while Jaehyeon was led to the front of the shop by Hongjoo to pay for his tattoo. Her laptop was sat on the floor with the files of Jo Jowon and Choi Jongho up on the screen. Kyungri mentally cursed herself for being so careless and prayed that the other three people in the room hadn’t snooped. They had, but she didn’t need to know that.
As the left the tattoo parlour, exchanging small smiles and tired waves with the three men, in walked a fourth boy. They passed each other so quickly that Kyungri failed to realise that she had been staring at his face for the last twenty minutes.
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mara-twins · 5 years
Your pain is my Pain
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[3:41pm] You just finished cleaning the mess you made in the kitchen from making, your boyfriend, Mark and the other members a surprise homemade meal. You knew that they have been working really hard lately so that means a lot of take out food. You were glad they still ate when they can thanks to some of the fans, but all that thought does is make you miss Mark that much more. So you decided it was time you do the same. With you now done with the cleaning, you put everything in a big bag so carrying it would be a bit easier.
You make your way upstairs; however, as you step on the bottom step you felt a sharp pain shoot up your leg. The pain only lasted ten seconds, but those were the longest ten seconds of you life! The pain reminded you of lightning, it was fast coming, but clearly there. In its wake lingers a cooling patch. This sensation you have felt before, it comes when Mark is hurt. So you instantly look for your phone, which you found in the kitchen.
Your fingers moving as if they had a mind of their own, dialing Mark's number. One ring...two rings...Three rings...You let it ring until the automated voice comes on to tell you that the number you have dialed isn't answering, you don't wait for it to finish. You try again and again, only on the fourth try does he answer. Although, it wasn't Mark, it was Jinyoung.
"Hello?" He whispers.
"Where is he Jinyoung?"
"I don't think he can answer right now."
"What? Where are you guys?"
"Jinyoung, who's that?" You heard someone say in the background.
"It's Y/n, what do I tell her?" You have to really concentrate to hear Jinyoung's voice as it now sounded like you were talking under water.
"Jinyoung?" You call out to him.
"Tell her the truth, that we're taking Mark to urgent care. She knows which one." This time you knew it was one of their managers talking.
"I'll meet you guys there." You said into the phone. You didn't hang up because you didn't know if there was more you needed to know. All you know is that you were mindlessly grabbing what you think you needed and the only things you know for sure you have in your hands are your keys and your phone.
You pull up into the parking lot of the clinic and parked in the first open stall you could find. Turning off the car and grabbing your keys and your phone you hurry inside. The sterile scent of hand sanitizer and light cleaning products fill you nose even before you hold open the door for an elderly couple. You tried to make your smile genuinely sincere, but the only genuine thing going through your mind are the thoughts of wishing they would hurry up so you can see what was up with your boyfriend. Deep in the back of your mind you knew that it wasn't right, but if you`re being honestly, that's what is happening.
When you were finally able to make your way into the clinic you look around for Jinyoung since you knew he would be there. Instead you found Youngjae. You speed walk over to him so you don't bump into someone and hurt them.
"What happened? Where is he?"
"Hello to you, too, Y/n."
"I'm sorry Youngjae, hello. How was practice?" He didn't get a chance to answer as you saw Mark, behind Youngjae, on crutches walking your way. You stepped left from Youngjae and met Mark three fourth's of the way down the hall.
"What happened?" You asked, as your eyes scanned and search Mark, Jinyoung, and their manager's faces. The other two looked to Mark, which made you do the same. You also just did a full body scan over your boyfriend stopping to see his foot was wrapped up. You KNEW Mark, so you knew not to ask what happened just yet when he looked away from you.
"They were in rehearsal, he [Mark] was doing a flip and he landed the wrong way. They doctor said it's sprained. As long as he stays off that foot and keeps it elevate for the next few days he should be good."
"Is there anything he needs? Meds?"
"Yes everything's there," their manager says as he gives you the prescription. You all go to the in clinic pharmacy to get Mark's meds then tell them you're going to take Mark home. They walk you and Mark to your car then when you open the passenger side door for him, you see that you brought the bag of food instead of your purse.
"What's that?" Mark asks as you grab the bag so he can sit.
"Oh I wanted to surprise you and the other boys with food. I was gonna call you to let you know I`ll be stopping by the studio. So uh...surprise!" You say with your expression like this. 😅
"Actually, now that I remember about the food, how about you guys take this." You give the bag to Jinyoung.
"What about me?!" You injured boyfriend whines.
"Don't worry honey, I made sure to make enough so there were left overs. It`s at home." Everyone laughs as Mark's face lights up. Everyone says their goodbyes and you drive Mark and yourself home. You stop by the store first to grab a drink for Mark so he can take his meds.
When you get home, you help him into the house and he tells you he wants to take a shower.
So you help him up the stairs then into the shower. You go back into the bedroom to get Mark some clean clothes and by the time you come back he`s already in the shower.
"Honey, do you want me to wait so I can help you when your done?"
"No, its okay love. The meds are kicking in now. But can you get me some of that food you made? It smelled delicious." And as if on cue, Mark's stomach grumbles angrily. You laugh and leave Mark to his shower.
You head down to the kitchen where you put some food on a plate then pop it I to the microwave to heat up a bit. You put it on a tray, when it finishes, and made sure to grab more drink for Mark; just in case. By the time you got back, you were amazed to find Mark dressed and laying on the bed with a smaller towel hanging over his shoulders. He was trying to pick something to watch on Hulu.
"I'm surprised you didn't go to Netflix first." You say as you walk into your shared bedroom.
"Smells amazing baby." You smile as a response. You eye his injury, but don't say anything still.
"You want me to tell you what happened, don't you?"
"No, I know what happened, but I want to know what your thinking...about yourself." Mark's forkful of food stops midair. He starts to puts it down, but changes his mind last minute only for it to go straight into his mouth.
"We don't have to talk about it now, honey."
"Did you feel it?" Mark asks after he swallowed that mouthful of food.
"I did, It's why I called you."
"How do you do that?"
"I don't know, honestly."
"I'm sorry, baby. I was trying to be careful, but I was tired." You giggle at Mark's words.
"I know this is your job honey, but you also have to remember that you need to rest too. But I feel like this isn't the only thing on your mind." Mark sighs.
"Sometimes I wish you didn't know me so well."
"Liar, you love how much I know you."
"True," he sighs again, but looks at everything but you.
"Again honey we don't have to talk right now if you don't want, but just don't internalize it too much okay?"
"How can you sit there and not be mad at me?" Mark glances at you as he let's out a defeated huff.
"Because your very much like me, we internalize and beat ourselves up more than we should. I don't need to be mad at you when your already beating yourself up. You don't have to say anything babe, your actions are loudest thing about you. That also means your silence speaks volumes when you voice doesn't."
Mark, who had the food on his lap, pushes it away. He reaches for your hand, but stops. You know what he's thinking. You know that he doesn't want to hurt you more since you will feel the full force of his pain through touch. However, you don't care so you reach the rest of the way to take his hand in yours.
You knew what would happen from the touch and in that split second of you decide to hold his hand you try to prepare. However, let's face it, nobody is really prepared for pain. Mark sees you wince, trying to pull away his hand, but you hold firm.
"Let go babe! I'm hurting you."
"Get this through your thick skull, Than. We call ourselves soulmates. So that means, we're connected in many ways. I also don't want to leave nor will I even if you want me to. I'm here for the long run and I'm not going anywhere.
"It doesn't matter if things get bad or if you end up hurting me like in this instance. You are honestly the only one I can imagine and want to grow old with. Through the good, through the bad, us together is all that matters. We have lasted this long because we just work. Your highs are my highs, your lows are my lows, and your pain is my pain. And vice versa. Do you understand?" All throughout your speech Mark's eyebrows move closer then move away. His chest rising and falling evenly, then at the very end he sighs.
"No matter what, you always bring me back to my senses." He smiles.
"Someone has to honey." You return his smile, but you wanted to raise it with a kiss on the cheek. However, at the last second Mark turns his head so your lips meet.
"Don't forget the best part, your kisses are my kisses." With that you both laugh.
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No Place Like Home 💜
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Dedicated to @marvelpotterlove 💜 Thank you for commissioning me and trusting me with your fic. This is a five part series. Reader is a single real estate agent in Cali. There will be fluff and mild drama. Also, this is super late but I got you and I'll make up for it. Word Count: 3,662
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Part 4: Break Some Eggs
At sunrise, Erik rose ready to stunt on the obnoxious trio he now referred to as the three stooges. Climbing from the top bunk he quietly hit twenty pushups, up and down quckly.. careful not to wake the sleeping beauty before grabbing his grooming kit and the mismatched red washcloth and blue towels he’d borrowed before Y/N fell asleep. She’d knocked out looking at listings and checking her emails. He didn’t expect anything different, she was a functional workaholic afterall. That was her whole bit. Heading to the empty bathroom while the house slept, he got started on the hygiene portion of his morning routine. He had to get in there before people started acting crazy over bathroom time. This seemed the type of group to fight about stupid shit. Under the hot stream of the shower, he thought through the day ahead. Today would be the bridal shower and bachelorette party. He’d go to the bridal shower to buffer whatever he could but she’d be on her own at the bachelorette party. What could he tell her to get her through? What scenarios would pop up to go wrong? Between work, her family, and these events what the fuck has she done to alleviate stress? She need to take a walk. Not in this crackhead neighborhood, but in Central Park or some shit.. a garden.. with flowers. Wrapped in the dingy blue towel, he popped his golds back in and moisturized his beard before a knock on the bathroom door interrupted him. He cracked it prepared to turn on his charm, but it was just the old man. He’d been missing from the welcome crew yesterday, but if anything it answered Erik’s question about his relationship with Y/N. It was nonexistent. What kind of childhood did she have? He had to wonder. Also, what happened to her actual dad?
"You must be Y/N's stepfather. I'm Erik," he opened the door wider, holding his hand out for the old man to shake, but unsurprisingly no handshake came. Erik's hand withdrew, his eyes still warm.. assessing.
Breezing into the bathroom and closing Erik out without his shit, the man began to gripe in bitter-man fashion, "Whole street know that by now..." It was muffled through the door, but that part was clear enough for Erik to hear. Old ass passive aggressive nigga. The spladow of a morning dump let Erik know to gone head and walk away. Stepdad had a bug up his ass just like the rest of the house, but it couldn’t be personal. It was a personality flaw and as long as stepdad stayed in his funky ass lane there would be no issue. Making his way back to the room he shared with Y/N, she was still peacefully sleeping. He silently pulled on his black joggers, his white Lost Tribe hoodie and his white Nike air max 90's before heading downstairs to activate his plan.
An uber took him to a nearby market where he bought a few items to make a grand breakfast. He was in and out, already aware of what he'd make and how long it would take. With the proper time management, it would be simple. Back at the house, he shook his head at the entrance. It was truly an ugly mothafuckin house. He wondered what Y/N’s house in Cali looked like. Hopefully she didn’t live this way. With her career and style, it wasn’t likely that she did. Anyway, none of that mattered at the moment. All he cared about was the kitchen. Stripping off his hoodie, He made sure the space was spotless before he cooked. Pancakes, fried eggs, potato hash, fresh strawberries and grapes, bacon, sweet blueberry muffins, and a few omelettes with homemade salsa. He poured champagne into four glasses, mixing it with orange juice and decorating with a bright orange wedge on each glass before starting on cleaning the unoccupied soiled dishes. He hoped the fam would be brought downstairs by the smell of the heavy food hitting their noses and he wasn't disappointed. A thud of footsteps came down the stairs, and he listened as they approached the kitchen. Throwing a quick glance over his shoulder, he could see that it was stooge number three, Jamira, and by the glint in her eyes.. she was checking out more than just the breakfast spread. He hid his annoyance, facing forward to wash a plastic bowl he'd used to mix batter in.
"Good morning, bride to be. You the first up?"
"Yerrr. Call me Mira and it looks that way. Whatcha cooking? Smells good in here." She walked forward, grazing his bare side with her fingertips, propping herself on the countertop to lean over him as he washed dishes. Touch barrier broken, here we go. “I love a man that cooks,” she gushed. He watched her eyes slide hungrily from his eyes to his lips and her head tilted, her stiff hair moving with her as a unit. Looked like a sew-in, but it could've been a wig. As her attention shifted to his exposed chest the volume went up in her mind making the questions and interest in her eyes loud. She obviously wondered about the markings but he didn't plan on answering not one of her questions.
"You hungry?" He tried to shift the atmosphere. Her thirst was obvious. She could lust from a distance as much as she wanted as long as she didn't touch him.. again.
"I am hungry, but I what I really want is what Y/N had last night. That shit? Whatever that was sounded delicious." He looked up at her bold comment, eyes low, judging and assessing. She held his gaze steadily. She was dead serious, coming onto her blood sister's man like a homewrecker. He’d expected her to test his loyalty to Y/N to see if she could come in between, but nah the look in her eyes went beyond that. She dead wanted him, he could feel it. Erik felt bad for the groom. His fiance was a rip. Did he know what type of woman he was marrying? The kind of family he was joining? Every moment with this family raised more questions. Maybe she was the type to want everything her older sister had, men included. Maybe she felt like her sister had the best life and this was her way of feeling special.
“Guess Marcus ain't hitting it right," he mumbled. Looking her up and down, he couldn't find anything she had that Y/N didn't. Nothing but the love of her family. It sickened him because he knew exactly how it felt to be an outcast among his own, fighting to make something of himself while they sat comfortable and united among themselves. Not even oblivious, but uncaring and cold. "Trust me, sweetheart. You couldn't handle all the freaky shit I be doing to ya big sis. She can barely handle that shit."
"TRY ME. She can’t hang because she a rough draft.. very rough. But I'm the final copy." Her long finger stroked a keloid on his large bicep, touch barrier broken yet again. It was starting to irritate him. He didn’t take well to being touched without his permission.
"Final copy my ass," he snorted. She blinked in surprise. She didn’t expect him to fire back at her. "You into metaphors, let’s do metaphors. You a rewrite with typos, but you found a nigga to marry you who’s illiterate and doesn’t care about all that.. so do yourself the favor and don't fuck that up messin with me." He honked her nose with his wet hand and she swatted it jumping down from the counter.
"Okay nigga, but I'm vigilant and I always get what I want. Deadass." Her hands went to her tiny hips confidently and his eyebrows rose. She wasn’t giving up, it was crazy. If anything his outburst made her thirstier. He couldn't help but snicker, his laugh sputtering as his knees went weak. Always.. Until now.
“C-c-c-combobreaker!” She frowned, not liking that but he found it hilarious. "You better want that weak dick nigga you marrying and sit down. I'd break yo lil ass in half. Here." He fixed her a plate and sat it on the table for her along with one of the mimosas. "Eat that and chill. Please." Of course she wouldn't chill. She had zero chill. He felt her eyes hard on his back muscles and a second set of footsteps approached. He did a double take as Y/N appeared in the tight black tank and red plaid pajama pants she'd changed into last night. It clung in all of the right places and his thoughts went straight to getting in them yams. 
"Morning Love," she smiled, looking him up and down with equal thirst. He could feel his lips turning up in response and he nodded, a come hither look in his eye. Electricity fizzled in his veins. This was her effect on him. She came closer, encircling his waist with her soft arms and he rested his head against hers, her satin bonnet still in place. She smelled like hairspray but she was warm. After a quick, sweet peck on his lips she stepped away, releasing his wait. Her eyes were trained on her sister who rolled her beady eyes into her glass. Of course.. the smile, the hug.. it was just for show. Y/N looked back at him with a sneaky grin that simultaneously lifted and crushed him. The attention was for show and that greeting smile.. It wasn't even about him, she was only smiling because her sister was jealous. Her eyes lingered on his, concern lingering as she tried to decipher his mood. He pushed warmth into his eyes to ease her mind. Afterall, she was happy right now and that was all that mattered. He took her plate to the table and sat her across from stooge number three . He didn't need any subtle daggers ruining an otherwise quiet morning. Jamira seemed to be behaving and keeping her mouth shut as the two ate in silence. Suddenly, more footsteps approached. Larry and Curly.
"Who is in my damn kitchen cooking my gotda-" the rough and rasping voice fussed before pausing in the doorway. India. Erik smirked as her sentence cut off, noticing Iris' eyebrow raise in silent communication as if to say ‘Shut up’. India returned the gesture. Handing Iris her plate and mimosa, he met her shameless eyes with a "Good morning." She gripped the drink quickly, but her hand lingered on the plate for seconds, not grabbing it. She was stuck, staring dead at his face. He flashed his charming grin, watching her eyes go to the flicker of light reflecting off his bottom gold fangs. If she were to push her with one finger, she'd probably fall dramatically to the floor in a puddle. She finally took the plate and moved to the side, her eyes sliding to abs and crotch in his joggers now fully soft. Resisting the urge to shake his head at all the thirst in the house, he fixed India's plate next and handed it to her. She looked like he'd handed her a bomb. "You in here wasting my gahdamn groceries? Leave it to a nigga to come in here and fuc-"
"Ma'am..,” he called and she paused mid-rant, focusing on him. As irritable and bitter as she was, that thang between her thighs and her eyes still worked. She wasn’t immune to his charms and she could use her brain to observe that she ain’t have no champagne or oranges in the house before his arrival. “Do I look like a broke ass nigga that need to use my girl or her mama shit?" His eyebrow raised daring her to lie as he crossed his bulky arms. She looked at him and then into the plate, hesitant before taking her ass to the table to sit. Within seconds, she started wolfing the shit like it was edible cocaine. "Taste good?" He asked with a teasing smirk causing her to catch herself and slow down. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she remembered her table manners.
"Who taught you to cook like this," Iris, clearly humored, asked between loud wet smacks of pancake. It was a basic ass breakfast honestly. Pancakes, meat, eggs, potatoes, and mimosas and they were eating it up like it was gourmet.
"My daddy," he said fixing his own plate. It was the truth he didn't wanna elaborate on. With the exception of Y/N, they ain't deserve it and if she really wanted to know she could ask him herself.
"Your daddy?! Well. Is he single?" Iris swirled her glass. “What do you do for a living, Erik,” India interjected. “You get those bedroom skills from ya daddy too? I might need to--” “IRIS. Hush! He wanna date my lil nappy ass daughter, I need to know what he has going for himself. Lil’ boy.. what do you do for a liv--”
“WHO MOVED MY MEDICATION,” a loud gruff voice yelled from upstairs. “IT’S IN THE DRAWER,” India yelled back. “WHERE MY MEDICATION,” the voice yelled again. “DAMMIT IT’S IN THE SAME GOTDAM--” India jumped up grumbling and made her way upstairs.
“Anyway.. I need to get ready for my bridal shower. Aunt Iris, help me choose a wig.” Jamira sighed lifting from the table and Iris followed suit, heading toward the stove. On cue Y/N spoke up, “Erik, while we’re gone would you mind--”
“He’s not your slave, Y/N. He’s a man.. but OF COURSE,” she paused as though remembering something important, “Wow, you never could keep one of those, could you?” Her frown was mocking while Iris spit the swig of champagne she’d stolen back into the bottle, laughing. Erik watched Y/N’s eye twitch as her younger sister made her dramatic exit. She popped her head back into the kitchen briefly to invite Erik to the bridal shower, sending him a wink and dropping her eyes in attempt to locate a dick print before disappearing again.
“Chill out,” Erik whispered to Y/N once they were alone. “Consider the source and don’t let their bullshit get to you.”
“Why does everyone hate me here? Did I do something? I just don’t get it..”
“No, no. It’s not you. Sometimes people have issues within themselves.. Different flaws and shortcomings, regrets.. and they take those out on you. It’s not your burden to bare. The only thing you’re responsible for is keeping yourself healthy and mentally clear. Look at me.” She was slow to look up, still in her head. He had to grab her chin and turn it. “I know what I’m talking about, okay? It’s them. It’s not you, you have nothing to prove to anyone. But if you keep absorbing this negative fuckin energy it’s gonna be you too. Do you want that?”
“Hell no,” she growled looking a bit more present.
“Gimme that growl a lil bit louder. Do you want that negative shit in your life?”
“HELL NO,” she yelled with the fire of a hellcat. It made his dick twitch. He knew what he was getting into tonight.
“DAMN RIGHT,” He barked, watching her exhale a long calming breath.
“Did you eat anything,” she squinted.
“Not yet, but I got time. I just gotta change clothes, I already took my shower. It’s just you and your funky ass family that gotta get cleaned up.” 
“Yeah, okay,” she grinned. “You can wear anything just make sure you actually put on a shirt. The way these people thirst around here, won’t nobody be able to focus.”
“These people? You mean you and your family? I thought you were gonna bite me the way you were staring.” He flinched for comedic effect and her gaping expression was priceless.
The three stooges piled into their small van together, Jamira offering Erik a ride and completely ignoring Y/N's presence. They all treated her like an afterthought.
"Let's just blow it off and you show me your New York," he whispered in her ear pulling out his phone for another uber. She shook her head and pulled him into the van. He was irritated until she gave a silent vicious scowl that let him know she was still growling on the inside. She wanted to go to the shower.. So they went.
The car pulled up to a brownstone in Bed Stuy. Once inside, there were ribbons and streamers tied everywhere and balloons littered the floor. "Cousin. Cousin. Family friend. Marcus' mama and sister.. and then I don't know," Y/N nodded subtly at the women in the room answering Erik's unspoken question. Women old and young, mostly young filled the living room and kitchen space.
"Cheap crystal, no effort decor, and bad appetizers.." he whispered in Y/N's ear as he bit a mozarella cheesestick. Wasn't a fruit or vegetable in sight. It was a culinary and aesthetic disgrace.
"Don't forget the flood of FashionNova," she added lowly.
"Why we here again?" They could've been at the park, at a restaurant, a movie, anywhere else where they could be alone.
"You mean you don't like free champagne and hors d'oeuvres?”
"Erik! Come," Jamira waved, the double meaning in her words lost on no one. Only Y/N saw his deep eyeroll and she touched his cheek in support. He crossed the floor to where Jamira stood with few other women. "Yeah, he's staying with us for time being. He came for my wedding, so no he's not the stripper," she sounded disappointed.
"That's too bad," one said, drunk off of champagne. "If only he were single," another said looking him up and down in full view of Y/N.
"Oh no, I couldn’t be single. I love my baby too much. Baby!” He called out and Y/N caught the hint, coming to his side. “This woman is my future.” A quick nudge in the side and Y/N was on board. She rested her hands on his shoulders as his wrapped around her waist.
“Yes, I can’t be without this man. I’m sure y’all know how it feels when someone loves you so much you can see your life in their eyes,” Y/N smiled, her eyes innocent of malice. Erik knew better. She was as shady as he was. Shots fired. He was proud. Whisking her away from the group to the middle of the room, he rocked her back and forth, swaying to the new Lil Wayne music like it was a waltz. Her bright eyes were alight and he knew she was enjoying the moment, completely stress-free.
Then the party games came. Guessing how many skittles were in a jar, Bingo, and a bride and groom trivia. That last one got spicy, the groom’s sister and mama was there so where most people didn’t know personal details about the man, Marcus, his family would overshare shit that they shouldn’t have. No one needed to know when he was potty trained or that he stopped pissing the bed when he was twelve.
“Hold on, hold on y’all. We here for Jamira,” India rasped, her words slightly slurring. She must’ve been lit too. “Everyone here for Jamira, it’s Jamira’s day, but her big sister finally came back from across the world and I think we should acknowledge her here too. She brought a man, over there. You see them all close like they engaged.”
“MOM,” Jamira hissed. Erik watched the outburst from his seat. Y/N was comfortable leaning against him, close. She didn’t move a muscle.
“What? Jamira, I just need to know what the boy does. He been all up in my house and I still don’t know. When is a right time to ask?“
“Oh my god, not now!” Jamira looked at her future in-laws apologetically. She was trying to show a better side of herself and her mother’s all too honest outburst was a setback and an embarrassment for her. Erik wondered how the groom saw her. Apparently she was into hiding shit. A look at Y/N confirmed his suspicions. Jamira wasn’t herself around her fiance or his family. He shook his head, keeping it between him and Y/N. India’s eyes went back to Erik and he decided to answer her. Why not?
“Alright,” he shrugged. “Sup everybody, my name is Erik. I own a restaurant out in Cali and I’m also a chef.”
“Yeah, I go there all the time. That’s how we met actually,” Y/N added. It wasn’t a lie.
“How long you been together? Both of you answer at the same time,” India challenged trying to catch her daughter in a lie. “Four months,” they both said without missing a beat and Y/N laid a fat kiss on his lips catching him off-guard. His expression made her giggle and in turn he smiled.
“Mom,” Jamira hissed again. She was pissed, but trying not to go off. Y/N was stealing her thunder on her day without trying. It was their own fault. The party went back to its original focus and India sat down to gossip with some of the other women.
“You ready to go yet,” Erik whispered. “No, I gotta stay and go to the bachelorette party. Everyone’s leaving from here to go to the strip club.”
“Yeah, about that. I already called the uber. I’m a head out and you enjoy yourself. Don’t get too wild.. Judging by your expression right now I don’t have to worry about that.” She didn’t look interested in it, but she still wanted to go. She was definitely loyal. He could respect that. “I’m leaving, but be easy and if anyone try you you can text me, call me, anything. I’ll come to you. Okay?”
She nodded and he kissed her on the forehead wishing her good luck before taking his leave. “Aight,” he said waving at the party on his way out. This next part, would be all Y/N.
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voightsgirl · 7 years
crossfire: volume i - chapter 17
a/n here’s part two of the previous scene, hope you enjoy some feisty jay!!!     & previous chapters can be found here
☆ the best chance she has ☆
"You're wrong."
His voice was slow and he tried to keep his anger contained but it could still be heard in the tense vibrato that ricocheted around the room and found its mark right in the social worker's back. She stopped when she felt the words hit her, and turned around.
"Excuse me?" her voice was incredulous.
"I said," Jay repeated, no longer trying to keep his voice down. They were in the bullpen in front of all his colleagues, sure, and he was sure he'd face hell from Voight when this was over, but he found that he just didn't care. Not this time. "You don't know what you're talking about. Every day, Erin and I, we come to work and we see people shot, and raped, and tortured, and abused! Everything that Avery's been through, everything she's seen - so have we! Yeah, maybe we're not the perfect guardians – we're damaged goods, but who isn't? Did you ever think that maybe that's exactly the reason why we would be so good at looking after her?"
Sharon narrowed her eyes, but before she could speak, Jay cut her off. His voice had risen to a shout, the same voice he used when he was trying to intimidate a suspect into a confession.
"Listen to me. You take this away from Avery, and you've taken away the only people who are fighting for her right now. Because who else is? Her best friend was just killed, for God's sake! She's completely alone! And the one person who is supposed to be helping her is trying to take away the best opportunity this kid has had in years!"
Voight had left his office at some point during this commotion, but Jay only just now noticed, as he shifted in the corner of his vision. He was expecting his usually stern boss to interrupt the interaction but instead he seemed as transfixed and shocked as the rest of his unit. He was, too. He hadn't realized that Jay felt so strongly about this – naturally, he'd assumed that he would be supportive of Erin and when Erin had told him that Jay wasn't actually a hundred percent down with the idea, Voight had been mildly surprised. Now, he was sure he'd been right all along: no matter whether Halstead was entirely comfortable with the situation or not, no matter what his personal opinions were, he was ready to fight like hell for what Erin wanted. In spite of the seriousness of the situation and the scene that was playing out in the middle of his bullpen, he smiled.
Jay must really, really, love her.
Sharon looked almost as shocked as the rest of the unit, who were sat there, gawping at their colleague, who was normally so calm, shouting at a red-faced and pointed looking social worker. But no one said anything, hoping that Jay would continue.
"You take Erin Lindsay away from this kid and you take away the best chance she's got," he spoke quietly, but the silence in the room meant that everyone – even Atwater, who was hovering in the hallway pretending that he was staring intently at the door frame and hoping Jay hadn't noticed him (which he had, of course) – could hear him.
And those words seemed to speak louder than any he had shouted at her in his anger.
The social worker blinked.
"Okay," she stuttered. "Thank you for, uh…your – honesty. I will…I'll think about it."
"Thank you," Jay said coldly, and turned on his heel and stalked over to his desk where he sat down and switched on his computer, staring intently at the screen and making a big show of typing away at nothing until she had left and he could finally breathe.
Jay could feel the eyes of everyone he worked with on him, burning a hole in his wall of pretend nonchalance after his outburst – or the heat that he was feeling would have been his anger. He couldn't explain why he was so angry at Sharon for what he had said. It wasn't like he didn't already know that he and Erin would probably be turned down as official foster parents if they were ever to apply in the conventional way, but something about the way she said it, or the fact that she said it all to him while he was in his place of work – there were photos of dead children Avery's age, photos of Avery's friend, on the murderboard right outside where they were sat, for God's sake! – that really got under his skin. Maybe it was just the sudden realization, after seeing Avery the way she was the previous night, that Erin had been right all along, and that there really was no one looking out for the hundreds of Averys across Chicago who didn't have an Erin Lindsay to fight for them.
Or maybe it was just Erin Lindsay.
(Who was he kidding? It was always Erin Lindsay.)
Because despite everything Jay already knew about her past, everything he'd seen and experienced with Bunny, and Jimmy, and Charlie, and Annie, and Teddy and Justin and Voight…he would never, ever be able to reconcile himself with the fact that a little over fifteen years ago, Erin had been Avery.
And the thought of Erin Lindsay not being allowed to stay with Voight just because he didn't look good enough on paper or in front of lawyers; the image of Erin in Avery's thin, bruised and beaten body, high on God knows what and scared as hell and cowering in a dark alleyway without a Voight to save her and help her and love her; the thought of Erin being denied the future that she had grown into so radiantly and saved countless lives because of…
That made Jay angrier than he'd ever even known was possible – and he'd known a lot of anger in his day.
And now that he thought about it, it all seemed perfectly clear: of course Erin was the reason.
As far as he was concerned, Erin Lindsay was always the reason.
When Jay made it home after shift – still not much progress on the case, although Antonio was working on a CI that may be able to get them a sit down with one of the low level dealers in the gang – Erin and Avery were waiting for him.
"So how was your day?" Erin greeted him, a knowing look etched into her concerned eyebrows as she kissed him on the cheek and Avery slurped loudly on a can of diet coke from the breakfast bar.
"I, uh…Erin, can I speak to you for a second? Alone?" he asked quietly, and Avery took the hint, jumping down from the stool.
"Don't get too frisky," she raised an eyebrow. "I'm here, remember, so apologies if your sex life is a little compromised because of me."
Erin snorted and then remembered that she was meant to be a responsible adult and put on her telling-off face. "Avery!" she scolded, but she couldn't hold it properly. She softened. "Get out of here," she shooed her, and as Avery disappeared into the other room, Erin turned to face Jay. "Babe, what is it?" Her voice turned serious when she noticed the grave expression on his face.
"Erin I'm really sorry," he looked up at her from where she had sat at the table. "I think I might've blown it for you and Avery."
Erin's face seemed to fall temporarily, but when she spoke again, it was soft and loving and pure, and Jay realized that her seeming disappointment hadn't been directed at him, but it was for him, because she loved him, and of course she already knew about what had happened, because Voight had witnessed it; but even though he knew all this, Jay still didn't understand why she wasn't angry at him, and – why was she smiling?
"Babe," she took his face between her hands and lifted his chin so that he was looking into her hazel eyes and she could see that his own blue ones had glossed over with tears and guilt and she smiled at him because "it's okay. Hank told me what happened, and it's okay. I told her the exact same thing. I just got off the phone with Sharon, she said the placement is fine."
"You're not mad at me?" Jay bit his lip.
"Jay," she shushed him. And as if to prove her point, she bent over and kissed him lightly on the lips, "I'm not mad. I love you. I love you so much and I'm so grateful to you because I know this wasn't easy for you and I know that taking in a fourteen year old probably doesn't fit with your life plan but Avery needs our help and I don't know if I could do it on my own. And I love you. Also Burgess said you kicked ass today, and I couldn't be prouder."
Jay laughed a little, sniffling slightly through the tears that had welled up throughout Erin's little speech, and Erin stroked the side of his face.
"She had it coming," she giggled. "For sure. It's about time someone told her."
"Thanks," Jay breathed, leaning into her hand. "I love you, too."
Before they could kiss again, Avery came barging through the door loudly. Erin and Jay pulled apart hastily, embarrassed, and turned to face Avery in the doorway.
"Okay," Avery announced. "So what time are we leaving?"
Jay shot Erin a confused glance and Erin grinned back at him. "I forgot to tell you!" she said, clapping her hands to her mouth. "Sharon wants to meet us for dinner. Since it's Avery's first official night here, she said it would be good to get away and have some time on a more neutral grounds."
Jay's face fell dramatically. "I – uh…don't think that's the best idea," he muttered.
"Jay. It'll be fine. Anyway, since Avery's technically in protective custody, this technically counts as overtime. And, like I said, there's not much she can do about it now. She has all the official documentation, so she needs better cause than you just yelling at her –"
"You yelled at my social worker?" Avery interrupted. "Nice!" she raised her hand for a high five but Jay just scowled and her hand dropped feebly to her side.
"Anyway," Erin glared at Avery. "If this dinner goes well, and it will, she won't have any reason to pull the plug."
"Okay, fine," Jay said. "But only 'cause it's overtime." He stood up to go chance, and, without thinking, Erin slapped his ass as he left, and Jay laughed loudly as he made his way into their bedroom, leaving Erin to blush violently at the look on Avery's face, who was just staring at her in baffled amusement, eyebrows raised.
"Okaaaaay," Avery said sarcastically, with a hint of disgust on her teenage features. "You can go after him if you want," she whispered out of the corner of her mouth to Erin, which only made the detective blush even more. "Don't bench yourself on my account."
Recovering herself, Erin frowned. "Avery," she warned. After a moment's pause, she muttered under her breath, "but actually. Yes. I do need to change." She got up and followed Jay into the bedroom.
"Don't worry, I'll turn up the TV!" Avery yelled from the living room.
"Jay!" Erin hissed as she joined him.
"Yeah?" he mumbled. He was utterly shirtless but had started changing into a suit.
"Do you think this is all just a huge mistake?" Erin asked, her voice suddenly nervous and her face creased with anxiety. "I mean, Sharon was right in what she told me – I don't know the first thing about raising a teenager!"
Jay stopped looking through his wardrobe and walked over to his girlfriend, placing his hands on her shoulders protectively. It was funny, he thought to himself, how much could change in a few minutes – how he could go from being so vulnerable and leaning on her so much to the complete other way around – but he guessed that was just their relationship in a nutshell. Leaning on each other, needing each other's support, even if they didn't want it.
"Erin," he whispered. "This is only a temporary placement. No one's asking you to raise her."
Erin just sighed, her eyes fluttering down to the floor.
"Hey," he said, lifting her chin up so that she had no choice but to look him straight in the face. "Do you remember what you said to me in the breakroom last week?"
She shook her head slowly, not quite sure what he was referring to.
"The day we babysat Owen together, you said you were worried because nothing would go wrong." Recognition flitted across her face as she remembered the moment he was talking about. "You said you were scared because you didn't know how to deal with people who aren't broken, because you only know how to fix people."
Erin swallowed. She wasn't sure where this was going.
"And as much as I believe that this isn't true, Avery isn't one of those people. She's as broken as they come. You wanted somebody to fix? So fix her."
"But what if it's like last time?" Erin whispered back, finally voicing the fear that had been eating away at her for days.
"What do you mean?" Jay reached forward and listed a loose section of hair that had fallen over her face and he tucked it behind her ear.
"I mean," she took a shaky breath. "What if it's like Nadia?"
Her voice was so quiet, so fragile, so broken as she whispered those words that Jay's heart broke for her.
"It won't be," was all he could think of to reassure her, but that wasn't fair. How could he possible promise that?
"How can you be so sure?" Erin replied, evidently thinking the same thing.
"Because I'm here this time, for good. You don't have to do this alone. We'll do it together. We'll keep her safe."
And Erin hadn't realized how much she'd needed to hear those words – we'll do it together – how much she'd needed to hear them from him, until they'd been spoken and suddenly she was so overwhelmed by his love for her and his constant and unwavering support that she crashed her body into his, wrapping her arms around him to tightly that he didn't quite know what to do with himself; the air was almost knocked out of him as her head buried into his bare chest and it took a few moments before his arms returned the favor, squeezing her shoulders so tightly he hoped all her broken pieces would fit back together.
"Thank you," she whispered. "Thank you."
☆ ☆ ☆
thank you all so much for reading and supporting this fic!! if you’d like to be notified when it’s updated either head over to my ff.net account or message me and i’ll tag you at the end of the post :)
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