#and instantly cranked that volume up
royalarchivist · 1 year
Just like Fit, Vegetta, and Roier, Phil also heard something scary while mining with Chayanne and Tallulah underground.
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javierpena-inatacvest · 7 months
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Summary: After a bad day at work, coming home to his family makes Javi realize his day wasn't so bad after all
Word Count: 1.9K
Pairing: Dad!Javi x f!reader (no use of y/n)
Warnings: Tooth rotting, sickening, fluff 😩😭 Allusions to smut, breeding kink, dad!Javi needs his own warning bc oh my GOD (more specifically, girl dad!Javi...) (*Also general spoiler warning if you don't want to read NTL out of order!*)
A/N: Y'ALL. I told you the dad!Javi brain rot was UNREAL. After writing this, I don't think I'm ever gonna be able to stop writing for dad!Javi ever and I'm not even sorry about it 🤷🏼‍♀️ Don't mind me casually screaming from the rooftops about how much I am obsessed him okay BYE 🤪
Can be read as a standalone or as a part of the NTL universe!
Series Masterlist Never Too Late Masterlist
There were a lot of words Javi could have used to describe how his day at work had gone. 
At 9:30, after his weekly phone call with border patrol, who provided him with little to no helpful information, the word would have been annoying. 
At 11:15, after Agent Miller knowingly jammed the copier and left it for someone else to fix, leaving Javi with no way to make any copies, the word would have been frustrated. 
At 3:40, after his department meeting with the other Sheriff’s Offices from the county, none of whom came prepared, as usual, the word would have been angry. 
And now, at 6:15, after a spilled afternoon coffee, a giant stack of paperwork that had been thrown on his desk, and a pounding headache, the word to describe his day was nothing short of shitty. 
Throwing his briefcase into the passenger’s seat, cranking the AC up and the volume of his car radio to zero, Javi sat in his truck, silently brooding in his moodiness to sulk in the misery that had been his absolutely shitty day. 
The rest of his drive home was the same as his pouting in the parking lot of the Laredo County Sheriff’s Department- no music, no windows down, no grin on his face like his usual drives home after work. Javi couldn’t remember a day at work this shitty since the DEA, and that in itself was saying something. 
As Javi pulled onto your street, dust swooshed beneath the bouncing of his truck tires along the gravel road, the sun just beginning to fade from its vibrant yellows and oranges to its soft pinks, beaming behind the clouds scattered throughout the September sky. The view was just enough to snap him out of his overbearing funk- the brightly colored sunset painted behind the view of your house and tiny, shadowed figures dancing in the driveway meant that nothing else in the world mattered anymore. Not frustrating colleagues, piles of paperwork, even spilt cups of desperately deserved coffee. The only thing that mattered to him now, were his 4 favorite people in the world, waiting for him to come home. The only thing that mattered was his family. 
Lucy was the first to notice Javi’s truck rolling down the driveway, immediately prompting the 4 of you to pause your soccer game that had been happening in the front yard, which, after your two year old had decided she wanted to get involved, had really turned into more of a match of “Chase Harper through the grass as she tries to run away with the soccer ball”. 
“Daddy’s home!” Lucy and Elliot squealed, bolting towards Javi’s truck as it finally reached a halt at the end of the driveway, prompting you to scoop up Harper and follow behind, knowing she would be just as thrilled to see her dad, even if her little legs couldn’t keep up with her older sisters' quite yet. The girls bounced in excitement, frantically waving at Javi as they waited for him to exit the car.
From the moment the driver’s side door was open, and both Javi’s feet were on the ground, Lucy and Elliot were wrapped around Javi’s waist, squeezing him with a love and affection that instantly eased every last bit of stress, melting away any remnants of the previous parts of his day. 
“Hi Daddy!” The girls giggled in delight as they latched tighter around their dad’s hip, the feeling instantly making him crouch down to their level and drape his arms around them, pulling them in as closely as he could in return.
“Hola, Pollitas.” (Hi, little chickens). The sigh Javi let out was like the weight of the world had been lifted off his shoulders, hugging his girls just a little tighter and longer than normal, almost as if he couldn’t bear to let them go. 
“Daddy, you’re squishing me!” Elliot squealed, wriggling her little body in Javi’s grasp. 
“Yeah, Dad, you’re gonna crush us!” Lucy teased, both the girls bursting into laughter as Javi gave them one last squeeze before hosting them up, letting their little legs flail as he shook them in his grasp before setting them back down, pressing a soft kiss on each of their heads. 
“Crush my Pollitas? Never. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Javi teased back, making the girls roll their eyes. 
“Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!” Harper cooed, outstretching her arms towards Javi as the two of you made it to the driveway, Javi immediately scooping her up from you and hosting her in the air, peppering her with little kisses across her body, making her squeal just as loudly as her sisters. 
“Mi mas pequeño amor (My littlest love).” Javi grinned, resting Harper against his hip as his little fan club had finally parted ways enough for you to greet your husband, gently cradling his face in your hands, pressing a soft kiss on his lips, savoring the sweet taste of him that felt like home. 
“Hi.” You smiled, pulling back just enough to see the sweet grin spread across his face before leaning back in for a hug, letting the warmth and scent of his body engulf you whole, making the grin on your face just as wide as his. “Long day?” You asked, still pressed against his chest, noting his arrival time back home was later than normal. 
“Not anymore.” He beamed, staring down at you with that tender gaze that still made you melt, even after all your years together. 
“Daddy, can I show you the picture I made you in art today? Please, please, please?” Lucy pleaded, once again wrapped around Javi’s hip, gently tugging at his shirt for his attention. 
“I made one, too!” Elliot interjected, crossing her arms in defiance, a shocked look on her face that her sister dared to leave her out of the art contribution about to be made to their dad. 
“Your little artists have been hard at work today.” You grinned. “I’m pretty sure the Peña house is going to soon be a nationally recognized museum for pictures of puppies, Daddy, and gorillas.” 
“Gorillas? That’s a new one.” Javi laughed, looking at you with a confused tilt of your head, your only response to shrug your shoulders in just as much confusion and amusement. 
“Mrs. Collins read us a book about them in library today! So I showed Elliot and Harper how to draw them!” Lucy beamed, proudly crossing her arms over her chest with a satisfied nod. 
“I’m sure they’re amazing, mi amor (my love), gorillas and all.”  
“Alright goobers, now that Daddy’s home it’s time for dinner, why don’t you go clean up the rest of your art stuff and we can show Daddy your pictures before we eat.” You smiled, Javi gently setting Harper back on the ground, only to quickly be scooped back up again by Lucy, the 3 girls racing through the front yard and into the house, giggling and screeching in excitement the whole way there, leaving you and Javi watching your daughters dash across the driveway. 
Once the girls were out of sight, Javi’s hands slid down your sides, fingers pressing into your hips as he tugged you in closer, making your rest your hands on his broad chest as he kissed you, now making you giggle as he grabbed an unexpected handful of your ass, giving it a playful smack as you swatted at him, rolling your eyes. 
“You’re in a surprisingly good mood for having a shitty day at work.” You smirked, biting down on your lip as you raised a suspicious eyebrow at him. 
“How’d you know I had a bad day at work?” Javi asked, cocking his head in confusion, hand still gripped tightly around the small of your back. 
“Because I know you like the back of my hand, Javier Jesús Peña. I could just tell. Plus, you always give those girls an extra big hug after a long day, since I know how much you miss them, even though you literally saw them this morning.” You snickered, lovingly nudging Javi before pressing another kiss onto his lips. 
“What? Like it’s a crime to miss my family while I’m stuck in terrible fucking meetings and doing shitty ass paper work all day? To wanna spend all my time with my beautiful daughters and their even more beautiful momma? Fine, guilty as charged, I guess.” Javi winked, gently tracing his thumb on the soft skin of your stomach, barley peeking out between your shirt and shorts. 
“Well I guess the five of us will all just head off to Peña prison together since we’re all guilty of missing you just as much.” 
“God, you’re such a dork.” He sighed, pulling you in to plant a kiss on your forehead. “I love you so much, Osita.” 
“I love you too, Jav.” The two of you stood there for a moment longer, the comfort of each other’s embrace, forever your favorite feeling. “Okay, we should probably get back in there before the munchkins get up to no good, huh? In addition to trying to teach Elliot and Harper how to draw gorillas, Lucy was also trying to teach them how to body check someone when they played hockey in the driveway.” 
“They are their mother’s daughters, I wouldn’t expect anything less. Plus, I apparently have some pictures of gorillas to go see.” Javi chuckled, reaching back to open the passenger side door of his truck to pull out his bag as the two of you headed back towards the house. 
“Well, if you needed something to make you feel better, looking at Elliot’s attempt at drawing you, her, Lucy and Harper riding on a purple gorilla while I chase you riding a rainbow gorilla will probably do the trick.” The two of you laughed, walking hand in hand to the front door, pausing one last time on your porch before entering back into the giggles and grins filling your home. “And if that doesn’t work, I bet after we put the girls to bed, I can think of something else that might help you feel better, too.” You smirked, eyeing Javi up and down with a mischievous grin spread across your face. 
“Yeah? You gonna let me give me baby number 4, huh Momma?” Javi’s face lit up, biting down on his lip, his eyes wide and smirk even bigger than yours. 
“Bold of you to assume the rainbow gorilla isn’t enough. Guess we do have an extra room to fill, don’t we?” You giggled, giving Javi a playful nudge before heading through the door, joining the girls in the kitchen, eagerly waiting with drawings in hand to show their dad. As Javi trailed behind you, greeted by the image of his wife and daughters gleefully gathered around the kitchen counter, waving their colorful papers at him, he couldn’t help but feel his heart burst at the seams, flooded with sense of love and comfort that he was convinced nothing else on this earth would ever be able to top. 
Even on the shittiest of days, Javi knew that nothing could really ever be that bad, knowing he would get to spend the rest of his life coming home to the 4 people in the world that made it all worth it. Knowing he would spend his forever surrounded by the love of his family.
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rvp32 · 8 months
Enchanted Desires
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5K words, Commission, Threesome, DP. If you guys want a story written text me here.
The final exams were over, the weight of your last college test lifting from your shoulders. Exhausted from the all-nighter you had pulled to cram for it, you yearned for some well-deserved rest. Returning to your room, you collapsed onto the couch, instantly succumbing to sleep.
A thunderous commotion disrupted your slumber, and you awoke to the raucous clamor of your roommate Brian. He had the volume cranked up to eleven on his excitement meter.
"Y/n, let's hit the pubs today! We're finally free from this college grind, time to celebrate!" Brian's voice rang in your ears like a blaring alarm.
"Brian, for the love of peace and quiet, can you tone it down?" you grumbled in irritation, your eyes half-closed. You put your index finger to your lips, urging him to lower his voice. The silence was golden, but it was as fleeting as a summer breeze, for Brian ventured closer.
"Come on, man," he urged, his tone more subdued. "Let's go to the bars. This calls for a celebration, you know?"
Still reluctant to commit, you sought a way out, questioning, "So, who else is joining us at the pub today?"
Brian started listing off a few names of people who would be joining the celebration at the pub, but one name rang in your ears like a siren's song—Yooa. She was the girl you'd been with once, and saying she was adventurous was an understatement. Yooa had a taste for the unconventional and was remarkably open about it. Her company was known to be quite eclectic, and she enjoyed the company of many.
After a brief moment of contemplation, you agreed to join Brian for the pub outing. As you were about to make your exit, you issued a stern warning to your friend, your eyes locked onto his.
"Listen up, Brian," you said firmly. "You better not drink yourself into oblivion tonight. I swear to God, if you do, I won't hesitate to leave you on the side of the road."
Brian nodded in acknowledgment, his expression more serious now. "Hey, don't worry, bro. I'll make sure I stay on this side of blackout drunk tonight," he reassured you with a determined look in his eyes.
With your warning delivered and accepted, you and Brian set off for the pub. As you walked down the bustling streets, the excitement of being done with college and the prospect of meeting Yooa again began to take hold.
"So, Brian," you began, trying to lighten the mood, "you think this night's gonna be as wild as the last time we hung out with Yooa?"
Brian chuckled, recalling the memorable escapade from their previous encounter. "Oh, man, that girl knows how to keep things interesting, that's for sure. I wouldn't be surprised if things get a little crazy tonight."
As you turned the corner, the neon lights of the pub came into view, casting a vibrant glow on the sidewalk. The energy in the air was infectious, and the distant sound of laughter and music promised a lively evening.
You couldn't help but grin as you approached the entrance. "Well, whatever happens, let's make it a night to remember, Brian."
Brian clapped you on the back, his enthusiasm undiminished. "You got it, Y/n. Tonight, we'll raise the roof!"
With those words, you pushed open the door and stepped into the lively atmosphere of the pub, ready for a night of celebration, laughter, and whatever surprises Yooa had in store.
The pub was alive with energy, the dance floor pulsating with music that seemed to reverberate through your very core. The warm glow of the lights bathed the crowd in an inviting atmosphere. You decided to start the night with a few drinks, hitting the bar with Brian in tow.
As you downed your second drink, the music's rhythm seemed to seep into your veins, making it impossible to resist the magnetic pull of the dance floor. You couldn't help but move to the beat, swaying your hips in time with the music.
Brian watched with amusement as you grooved to the music. "Looks like you're getting into the spirit, Y/n," he shouted over the music.
You grinned and nodded, feeling the music coursing through you. "Can't help it, man! This music's too damn good!"
As you danced and lost yourself in the music, a familiar figure caught your eye. Yooa was on the dance floor, moving with fluidity and confidence, drawing you in like a moth to a flame. Her presence was magnetic, and you couldn't resist the urge to approach her.
You made your way through the dancing crowd, and as you got closer, Yooa turned to meet your gaze with a playful glint in her eyes. The music provided the perfect backdrop as you both moved in sync, your bodies communicating in a language of their own.
"You've got some moves, Y/n," Yooa said, her voice sultry, as she leaned in closer to speak in your ear.
You chuckled, the proximity sending shivers down your spine. "I've had some practice since the last time we hung out," you replied with a wink.
Yooa's laughter rang out, and she pulled you even closer, the connection between you growing stronger with each beat of the music. The night had just begun, and it was shaping up to be a memorable one, filled with dancing, laughter, and the promise of a connection that transcended the ordinary.
As the music throbbed through the air, you and Yooa moved together on the dance floor, lost in the rhythm of the night. The crowd seemed to fade away as your focus shifted entirely to the captivating woman in your arms.
Yooa's body pressed against yours, and the sensation was electric. She ran her fingers teasingly along your chest, her lips dangerously close to your ear. "You always know how to make an entrance, Y/n," she purred, her voice filled with playful seduction.
You couldn't help but smile at her words, feeling emboldened by the chemistry between you. "Well, Yooa, I had to make sure this night lived up to the last one."
Yooa's laughter was like a sweet melody, and she leaned in closer, her lips grazing your cheek as she whispered, "I have a feeling it's going to surpass it."
The dance floor became your playground, a space where words were unnecessary. Your bodies moved in perfect harmony, a dance of desire and anticipation. The flirtatious tension between you grew with every touch and every shared glance.
Yooa playfully brushed a lock of hair from your forehead, her eyes locked onto yours with an intensity that sent a rush of heat through you. "You've always been a tease, Y/n," she said, her voice husky with desire.
You couldn't resist the urge to tease back, trailing your fingers along the curve of her waist. "I learned from the best," you whispered, your lips brushing against her earlobe.
The connection between you two was undeniable, and as the night wore on, the flirtatious dance continued. The world around you faded into the background, leaving only the intoxicating sensation of Yooa's presence and the promise of a night filled with passion and adventure.
The seductive dance with Yooa was abruptly interrupted when a tall, well-dressed man approached her on the dance floor. He leaned in close, whispering something in her ear, causing Yooa to furrow her brow slightly. The sudden appearance of this man piqued your curiosity, and you couldn't help but ask, "Who's this, Yooa?"
Yooa turned to you, her eyes meeting yours as she spoke candidly, "This is my boyfriend, Jake." She paused for a moment as if assessing your reaction. "Actually, we have an open relationship," she continued her voice a mixture of honesty and vulnerability.
The revelation took you by surprise. You had heard of open relationships but had never been involved in one. The idea intrigued you, and you considered stepping away for a moment. However, something in Yooa's eyes, genuine warmth, and sincerity, made you pause.
She reached out to touch your arm, her voice was soft and reassuring. "Y/n, we're looking for someone to join us tonight. Would you be interested?"
The proposition hung in the air, and your mind raced with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The chemistry between you and Yooa was undeniable, and the idea of exploring something new and adventurous tugged at your curiosity.
You glanced over at Jake, who wore a knowing smile, and then back at Yooa. Taking a deep breath, you made your decision, a hint of excitement in your voice. "Alright, Yooa, let's see where this night takes us."
Yooa's eyes sparkled with excitement as she began to paint a vivid picture of what the night could hold. Her voice, a sultry melody, filled your ears as she whispered, "Y/n, just imagine the possibilities. With Jake and me, we can create an unforgettable experience. You'll get to explore desires you might have never even realized."
She leaned in closer, her lips tantalizingly close to your ear as she continued, "We're all about pleasure, and there are so many ways we can make this night incredible for you. You'll be at the center of our attention, and we'll ensure every moment is filled with ecstasy."
Yooa's words sent shivers down your spine, and you couldn't deny the allure of her proposition. Her confidence and sensuality were impossible to resist, and you found yourself captivated by the tantalizing possibilities.
She gently touched your cheek, her gaze locked onto yours with an intensity that made your heart race. "Think about the passion, Y/n. The pleasure. The adventure. It's a chance to explore your deepest desires and fantasies."
As you considered Yooa's words, you couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. The idea of a night filled with passion and exploration, guided by the experienced hands of Yooa and Jake, was undeniably enticing.
Finally, you met Yooa's gaze with a newfound determination. "Alright, Yooa. Let's make this a night to remember," you said, your voice filled with anticipation and excitement. With that, the three of you embarked on a journey of pleasure and adventure, ready to explore the uncharted territories of desire and passion that awaited.
The decision had been made, and as the music continued to pulse through the air, you leaned in and captured Yooa's lips in a passionate kiss. The spark of desire ignited, and the world around you seemed to fade away, leaving only the intoxicating taste of her lips.
Yooa responded eagerly, her arms wrapping around you as the kiss deepened. The chemistry between you two was undeniable, and the anticipation of the night ahead only fueled the intensity of the moment.
Breaking the kiss, you looked into Yooa's eyes, your hands tracing a path down her body, teasing and exploring. Her breath hitched, and a mischievous smile played on her lips as she whispered, "You're a quick learner, Y/n."
With a playful glint in your eye, you continued to dance with Yooa, your bodies pressed close as you reveled in the thrill of the moment. The pub seemed to disappear around you as you lost yourselves in the passionate connection you shared.
As the night wore on, and the desire between you intensified, you decided it was time to leave the pulsating atmosphere of the pub. You gently took Yooa's hand, your fingers entwined, and you led her toward the exit. The air outside was crisp, a welcome contrast to the heat of the dance floor.
Together, you walked towards Yooa's apartment, your hearts racing with anticipation of the adventures that awaited behind closed doors. The night was young, and the world was yours to explore, one desire-filled moment at a time.
Upon arriving at Yooa's apartment, she left you on the couch and disappeared into her room. As you sat there, a mix of excitement and uncertainty filled your mind. You couldn't help but question the decision you had made earlier in the night. Was this really the right choice? Were you ready for what lay ahead?
But then, you thought about the undeniable chemistry between you and Yooa, the adventurous spirit of the night, and the thrill of exploring uncharted territory. You realized that even if it was a bad decision, it might also be the last opportunity you had to experience something like this with Yooa.
With newfound resolve, you got up from the couch and approached Yooa's bedroom door. You raised your hand to knock, but before you could, the door slowly creaked open, revealing a dimly lit room and Yooa standing there, wearing a black lace lingerie set that left very little to the imagination.
Your breath caught in your throat as you took in the sight before you. Yooa's confidence and sensuality were on full display, and the anticipation in the room was palpable. The air was thick with desire, and all doubts and hesitations melted away.
Without a word, Yooa extended her hand, her eyes locked onto yours with an intensity that sent a rush of heat through you. 
Before taking the next step, a hint of concern crept into your mind. You gazed into Yooa's eyes, seeking reassurance one last time. "Are you really okay with this, Yooa?" you asked, your voice tinged with genuine care.
Yooa met your gaze with a smoldering intensity, her fingers gently tracing a line along your jawline. "Y/n, this has been a dream of mine," she confessed, her voice filled with desire. "And Jake, my boyfriend, he's been eager for this too."
At the mention of Jake, curiosity got the better of you. "Where is he now?" you asked, a hint of interest in your voice.
Yooa's lips curled into a knowing smile as she leaned in closer, her breath warm against your ear. "He's taking care of something, but he'll be joining us soon," she whispered seductively.
With that, she closed the distance between you, capturing your lips in a kiss that was nothing short of passionate and lustful. The room seemed to spin as desire coursed through you, and any lingering doubts or questions faded away in the heat of the moment.
The passionate kiss between you and Yooa continued, intensifying with each passing moment, until suddenly, the apartment's front door swung open. Startled, you both broke apart, the intimate moment disrupted by the arrival of Jake.
Awkwardness settled in the room as Jake stepped inside, his presence a stark contrast to the heat that had filled the air just moments before. He looked between you and Yooa, his expression a mix of surprise and appreciation.
Breaking the silence, Jake offered a sincere smile. "Thank you, Y/n, for agreeing to be a part of this," he said, his voice filled with excitement. "I've been looking forward to tonight."
The tension in the room slowly began to ease as you realized that Jake's arrival had shifted the dynamic. It was clear that they had discussed and planned this moment together, and the three of you were embarking on a journey of desire and exploration.
All of a sudden Yooa says “Now that both of you are finally here get started because I can’t wait to get stretched and used to the point where I can’t remember my own name” 
Taking the invitation you walk to Yooa, grabbing her top and ripping it from her body leaving her completely naked. Yooa liked it rough and you knew very well how to give her what she wanted. 
You hug her from behind, one hand resting on her neck and the other hand squeezing her supple boobs, they were soft and the hard nipples were good to flick. Yooa had sensitive nipples so it didn’t take a long time before she turned into a moaning mess that was squirming in your grasp.
Your attention was peeled away from Yooa only to notice that her boyfriend was sitting down and pleasuring himself all while staring at Yooa’s sexy body crumbling in your hands, he seemed to be enjoying this from the looks of how fast he was pumping his cock. 
Seeing this as a good sign you slowly move your hand lower, exploring every inch of her upper boy, her supple tits that were red from all the harsh grabbing, her toned stomach that flexed whenever you bit her neck. Now reaching the most sensitive area of her body you decided to tease her, light feathery touched over her thighs slowly moving closer to her glistening pussy. 
“Please, touch my pussy,” Yooa begs, obliging with her request you touch her pussy, it was drenched, leaking from the anticipation. Playing with her swollen clit causes her eyes to roll back. Every touch causes her body to release more liquid, signaling that it is close to climax. 
“Are you gonna cum, Yooa?" You asked, your voice filled with a mixture of desire and anticipation. You already knew the answer, but you wanted to hear it from her lips.
Yooa nodded, her eyes locked onto yours, her breath hitching in her throat as she struggled to find her voice. "Yes," she finally managed to whisper, her voice trembling with anticipation.
With a knowing smile, you urged her on. "Then go ahead, Yooa. Show your boyfriend how big of a slut his girlfriend is," Increasing your pace, Yooa screams in pleasure before letting out a huge stream of squirt. 
Yooa's legs gave way, and she collapsed into your arms, her desire and need evident in her eyes. A simple command passed your lips, and she obediently opened her mouth, her anticipation palpable.
You held your wet fingers before her, your gaze locked onto hers. "Taste yourself," you whispered in a husky voice, Yooa Sucks on your fingers religiously, licking every nook and cranny of the 2 fingers that you placed in her mouth. 
“You like it?” You question Yooa, and she simply nods. “Maybe I should get a taste for myself straight from the source,” you carry Yooa to the bed and place her on the edge before kneeling. Spreading her legs apart you finally get a view of her pink pussy with a cute little bush and you take your time to admire it. 
“Don’t stare, please,” Yooa covers herself embarrassed because of how much you were looking. Diving into her pussy, you finally get the taste of the heavenly goodness. Her  pussy tasted sweet, making you want to eat her forever. 
“Fuck! That feels amazing, Keep going! Oh my God,” Yooa moaned as she griped onto your hair pushing you further into her. Continuing your feast on her wet and delicious pussy, using your free hand to occasionally flick her clit. 
“Oh yeah! Fuck!” Yooa said in between moans. Her back bends upward due to the immense pleasure that she is receiving. 
“I’m going to cu-” Before she could finish her sentence you feel another stream of squirt on your face. Trying your best not to let liquid gold go to waste you lick up everything you possibly can. Wanting to drink more of her amazing squirt you insert 2 fingers into her and pump while stimulating her clit with your free hand. 
“No, too sensitive, stop please Y/n!” Yooa screams, her body now bouncing on the bed trying to get away from your fingers but your legs managed to keep her in place as you overstimulated her cunt. 
The intensity of the moment had pushed Yooa to the brink of ecstasy, rendering her unable to form coherent words. Her hands flailed in a desperate attempt to communicate her overwhelming pleasure and the need for a moment's respite, yet her body betrayed her as it writhed with unrestrained passion on the bed.
The room echoed with her screams and pleas for mercy, a symphony of desire and surrender. The connection between you two was electric, and in the throes of passion, you continued to ravish Yooa, lost in the sensual dance. 
The crescendo of pleasure finally reached its peak, and Yooa came undone in a powerful release. A torrent of liquid accompanied her screams, her body trembling uncontrollably, tears of ecstasy streaming down her face. It was evident that this experience had pushed her to new heights of pleasure she had never reached before.
Her boyfriend, concerned by her screams and violent shaking, rushed to her side, his expression a mix of surprise and care. Jake gently pats Yooa’s hair as she slowly comes down from her mind-destroying orgasm. Once she manages to come down from her high and sit up, Jake hugs her and kisses her.
The room was thick with desire and the afterglow of intense pleasure as the three of you found yourselves entangled in the aftermath of a passionate encounter. Jake, his eyes filled with awe, turned to Yooa, his voice filled with admiration.
"Are you alright, babe?" he asked, his concern mixed with an undeniable excitement. "That was incredible. I've never seen you like this. It was so damn hot that I almost lost it myself."
Yooa, still catching her breath, nodded in agreement, her voice filled with a newfound desire. "Yeah, it was mind-blowing. I didn't know my body could handle something like this. Now that I've had a taste, I might just get addicted." She looked at both you and Jake with a sultry gaze. "I hope this is just the beginning of the night because I need you guys to use me."
Yooa's hands found their way to your thighs and Jake's, her touch sending a shiver of anticipation through both of you. A mischievous smirk played on your lips as you locked eyes with Yooa, knowing full well what was about to unfold next. 
To make it easier for her you stand up and take off your pants and underwear that were restricting your erect cock. While you were doing so, Yooa helped her boyfriend out of what little clothing he had left on himself. Once she turned to look at you in all your naked glory you could see the excitement in her eyes, “You don’t have to just stare, you can touch it.”
Your permission was all that she needed because her hand reached over to grab your cock and spit on it before she began stroking you. Completely immersed with the cock in her hands, her boyfriend was again left on the sidelines but he wasn’t having any of that as he took her free hand guiding to his hard cock.
Yooa enthusiastically stroked the two hard cocks in her hand for a minute before taking mine in her mouth. The warm feeling was amazing, Yooa was very good at sucking cock but she wasn’t able to take your cock to the hilt, she continued using her tongue to play with the head and then all of a sudden she started trying to deepthroat your cock, with great difficulty she managed to take almost everything, taking your hand you place it on the back of her head to push her till her nose was touching your pelvic bone. Your cock managed to reach parts of her throat that weren’t touched in a long time. 
After holding her in place for a few seconds you let go, Yooa immediately started coughing but it didn’t last long as she put your cock back in her mouth, seeing how well she was doing, you started to face fuck her. Losing all sense of your surroundings you were pumping into her face like there was no tomorrow.
The intense feeling of fucking her throat was driving you closer to your orgasm. “Fuck Yooa, I’m going to cum soon where do you want it?” You manage to say as you continue pounding her face. Yooa doesn’t reply but she grabs your ass with her free hand and pulls you closer to her which causes you to cum down her throat. 
“Fuck that felt amazing,” you say before falling onto the bed. Yooa then moves on to pleasuring her needy boyfriend. taking this time to recover some energy as you didn’t want the night to end this way. However, it doesn’t take long before Jake cums, “Don’t tell me you are done just from blowing one load,” Yooa says after swallowing Jake’s cum. 
“Not so fast, I still have a lot left in the tank and some more stress to relieve,” You say and wink at her. 
“Come here and prove it,” Yooa says as she spreads her legs and plays with her pussy. Her pussy was wet and inviting. Taking her up on the offer you crawl to Yooa and push her into a missionary position. “I’m going to put it in now,” You tell her as you slowly insert your penis inside her. The feeling was inexplicable, it was tight but not suffocating, almost like it was made as a hilt for your sword. 
Yooa’s nails dig into your back as the little space between Yooa and you decreases, her nails are going to leave a mark but you couldn’t care less. Once you bottom out Yooa wraps her hands around your neck and pulls you into a kiss. It was a kiss filled with lust, both your tongues battling for dominance. 
Not being able to withstand staying still, you pull out from the kiss, “ I am going to start moving,” With that warning, you begin moving slowly but your pace gradually increases.
“Fuck, Y/n feels so good. Don’t stop!” Yooa moans out, “You are stretching me out so good. God damn this is amazing!”
Jake was now sitting next to her, guiding her face to his erect cock, she sucks on it without any complaints. All of a sudden, Jake suggests something you weren’t expecting, “Let me get into her ass, and you can take her pussy.” 
You make eye contact with Yooa to make sure she is okay with this, and she nods. Not wanting to pull out from the warm pussy, you lifted Yooa, holding her close to your body as Jake got into place. 
Once Jake was lying down on the bed, you slowly put Yooa down on his erect cock, the sensation was too much for Yooa as she let out a loud scream as the foreign object entered her asshole. Her pussy tightened around your cock squeezing it hard as tried to cope with the pain.
“Oh my fucking God!” Yooa screamed and bit down on your neck to stop herself from screaming because of the initial pain. Once she adjusted to the feeling, “My holes are being stretched beyond my wildest dream. Now fuck me, do it like your life depends on it” 
Both of you start moving, Jake speeding up a lot faster than you. Her vagina still gripping onto your cock like there is no tomorrow, your initial movement is slow but that immediately changes when Yooa says “Is this the best you can do? If it is then you are fucking useless,” 
This sets off a switch in your brain and you see red, not caring about how tight her pussy is your movements get hard and fast. You were reaching deep inside of her as you could see your dick poking at her toned stomach every time you thrust into her. 
“Yes, this is what I wanted! Fuck me like I am a useless bitch who is nothing but a sex toy for you both to dump your cum in” Yooa screams as she is being pounded in both her holes, her mind overtaken by pleasure. 
Using your free hand to slap her tits hard as you continued to pound her pussy, Yooa’s supple tits turn red with the impact and her moans only got louder with every slap. The three of you were completely lost in the realm of sex, all chasing for their own pleasure not caring about how the other feels but coincidentally pleasuring the other without knowing. 
The room was filled with nothing but the sound of skin slapping against skin, moans, and grunts. Noticing that you were getting closer to your climax you paused. Due to the sudden lack of pain and pleasure, Yooa looks at you in surprise, Jake also stops. 
“Let’s switch positions, I wanna fuck that tight ass and fill it up with cum,” Yooa agrees with your proposition. Once your cock was out of Yooa’s pussy and Jake’s cock was out of her ass, you flip Yooa over, she was now in doggy style but she lowered herself until Jake’s cock was inside her pussy. 
As you push your cock into her puckered hole, “Oh wow! This is crazy, I am going to cum!” Yooa convulses on Jake’s body. “S-Slow down, it feels like you are going to rip my ass apart.”  Obliging with her request you slow down your entrance into her ass, finally managing to bottom out, you give Yooa some time to adjust. 
“Move,” Yooa gives you the green signal, You begin your assault on her ass, it was different from her pussy, it was much tighter and you didn’t know how much longer you would last. Jake was pounding into her pussy like there was no tomorrow and you were positioning hard into her ass. 
You grab Yooa’s hair with one hand and pull it using the other to spank her ass, causing her to yelp with the sudden infliction of pain. You could feel how close Yooa was to her orgasm and both Jake and you weren’t much better as well, thrusts no longer had a rhythm. 
“Fuck babe, I am going to cum,” Jake said, “Hold it, babe, I am so close to cumming as well. Let’s cum together, be a good boy for me,” Yooa said. 
It only took you a few more thrusts before you announced, “Fuck, I am going to fill your ass Yooa,” your pounding getting faster as you were in the final stretch for the best orgasm of your night. 
“Let’s cum together,” Yooa announced and that led to all three of you cumming together, Yooa’s pussy and ass gripping harder, Your dick pumping cum into her ass, and Jake filling up Yooa’s pussy. 
You were the first one to pull out, watching your cum drip down from Yooa’s pussy. You fall onto the bed tired from the strenuous activity. The lack of sleep was catching up to you. The last thing that you remembered was Yooa saying, “Babe, check the cameras. Once we post this online it’s going to make us a lot of money” 
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v-ternus · 5 months
I like to think of the ways Dew and Aether kept up with each other while Dew was away with everyone else on tour.
This one's for @iamthecomet, those SwissDewther thoughts never left, they just turned into this. Im so sorry... I dont know where the angst came from.
Under the cut cuz it got long again.
Also, I swear Dew and Aether love Swiss to hell and back, he's just a proxy for this night (he'll get his turn some other time)
Sister was going to kill him. It was bad enough that he was replaced, fired with no real rhyme or reason, but the desk work he was being saddled with? It was maddening, and some days it feels like he'd rather be sent back to the pit.
Today was one of those days.
Sister had berated him for something, misfiling a form or messing up her damn coffee, since he apparently doubled as her secretary too. Whatever it was, it was dumb. Plain stupid. But apparently bad enough to have her turn beet red as she screamed her head off. Worst of all, he had a whole days worth of work to get through still. By the time he got back to his room, he was fed up and ready for the day to be over.
He got in the shower, intent on washing the day off of him with the hottest water the tap could spit out. He turns the handle as far as it'll go and hisses as he steps in.
Aether used to hate the burn, it made him feel like he was being boiled alive, but he figured out two weeks into the tour that if he held himself under the steady stream just right, it felt like Dew's touch. Regardless of their promises to not let the distance change anything, regardless of their late night calls and constant texts, it wasn't enough-- he was still going to fall asleep in their bed alone and Dew's scent was still going to fade from the sheets. If he had to burn himself to feel his mate, then so be it.
He stays until the water runs cold and gets himself into bed soon after. He shuts his eyes tight, getting ready to do the same things he''s done for the past two weeks-- remember the last night he had Dew next to him. He swears that if he thinks hard enough, he'll feel Dew's back pressed against his chest again.
He's just about to fall asleep when his phone vibrates on the bedside table, a text from Swiss. It's short and it makes his chest ache all over again.
We miss you
It's followed by a bright red heart. Before he can respond, those three dots pop up, so he waits for whatever else Swiss is typing out for him. Only this time, it's not a text, it's a video. He thinks that it's just a few clips of whatever city they're in for the night, shots of the venue and all the touristy stuff they did before they had to get ready. He's content to just watch it later, tomorrow when the weight of the day has lifted off of him, but something in him tells him to open it.
He's really glad he listened. The video starts and has him throbbing almost instantly.
"Say hi Dewy," Swiss' voice is gruff, heavy from strain. He's standing in front of the camera, holding Dew up with a tight grip under his knees, spreading his legs so Aether has a perfect view of how Swiss fits in his cunt so nicely.
"I said say hi." His hips snap up hard, burying himself further into Dew who yelps and picks his head up from where he had it resting on Swiss' shoulder.
"H-- hi Aeth" He whimpers as Swiss moves like everything is normal, like he doesn't have his phone set up in front of him and Dew, filming each measured thrust of his hips. With the phone so close, Aether gets to hear each wet and slick slide of Dew's cunt in perfect detail.
Aether lets a hand slip into his boxers, rubbing his palm over his cock, pressing it down against the curve of his belly. He feels himself throb with each and every filthy noise that falls from Dew's lips. His finger mindlessly presses on the volume button, cranking it up till Dew's voice fills the room just like it used to.
"Fuck Dew," He cant help but moan his mates name when he finally wraps his hand around his shaft. He holds himself tight, trying to convince himself he's wrapped up in Dew.
"Tell him how it feels love" Besides his grunts, Swiss has been silent so far. Selfishly, Aether is glad. He wants to hear Dew's pretty gasps, and if Swiss has to be the one to draw them out for now, then so be it.
"He's in deep Aeth," Aether matches his strokes with Swiss' thrusts, bottoming out when he does, squeezing the ruddy head when Swiss pulls out far enough to just leave the tip in. He lets his eyes drift from the slick dripping down Swiss dick to look at Dew's chubby little cock. With his legs spread, Aether sees it perfectly, poking out from his lips, pink and puffy. Probably from Swiss' devilish mouth.
"Wish..." Dew cant get a breath in, not with the relentless pace Swiss has set. "Wish it was you Aeth, wanna feel your cock in me, stretch my pussy around you."
Aether can only groan, hips bucking up, fucking into his tight grip. His slowly growing knot bumps against his fist with every thrust.
"Touch your cock Dew, let him see how much you missed him" A quick hand dips between his legs, gliding over his cunt to lube it up in his mess before spreading it over the fat nub. He whines, high and feminine, and if there were any witnesses, they'd say Aether sounds the same. He's a moaning mess, writhing with his shirt tucked over his tits, letting his nipples harden with the chilly air of the room.
"You'd fill me so fucking good Aeth, press in so deep that I see you through my tummy" All those late nights come back to the front of Aether's mind, the nights with Dew bent in half, leaving him no option but to take each heavy thrust, or other nights with Dew on top, arching his back so they can both see how far Aether is buried in him.
"Get me stuck on that fat knot of yours” Aether answers back, a slurred string of yeah's, nodding his head like Dew can see him. He doesn't know how loud he is and he doesn't care.
"I'd fuck my cum in, fill you with kits," He polishes the ruddy head of his cock, bringing himself dangerously close to the edge.
"He's so tight around me Aether, feels so fucking good" Swiss' knot is obvious now, almost full, and pressing against Dew's hole, threatening to pop in with each thrust.
Dew wants it, so bad, to be broken open on something so wide, made to feel like it's almost too big. He wants Aether to split him open, but it's Swiss he’s got. It’s Swiss buried deep in him. He tries not to think of that. 
"--m close Aeth, let me cum. Please let me cum," Aether loves the way he begs, always so good for him, even half a world away.
"Yeah baby, come on, make a mess for me," He watches Dew go rigid, breath stilling as his pleasure crests over. Swiss keeps his pace, letting the air fill with the sound of skin against skin until that familiar rush of liquid rings through his phone. Aether watches Swiss work him through it, watches him squirt around his dick. He watches Dew's euphoria quickly turn into overstimulation, it’s good, it’s what he’d do too. Dew’s dick twitches in time with his heartbeat. 
Between that and Dew begging Swiss to slow down, its all Aether needs before he's painting himself with pearly white stripes of cum. He works himself through it, stroking slowly before dropping the phone so he can get both hands around his knot. He milks himself until his cock has nothing left to give but a weak dribble.
He sings his praises, tells Dew he's been a good boy, that he takes him so well every time, that he loves him-- he lets the empty air be his Dewdrop for the night.
He lays there with his eyes shut and his hands around his deflating knot, holding on to the last moments of the high, until his phone buzzes again. Another text from Swiss, this time a photo.
It's Dew, curled up under the covers, tucked in tight with a hint of a smile on his face. It's followed by a text again.
We love you. 
He loves you.
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dark-nimbus · 5 months
Well I said I’d ruin the mood, so let’s ruin the mood
Deaf/HoH Bakugo who misjudges the force he needs to move his arms around when he’s not wearing his gauntlets
He accidentally whacks Kirishima in the face mid-conversation, but Kirishima activated his quirk on reflex
The yelling that followed after could be heard all across the dorm
Kirishima: What I did? You slapped ME man!
Kaminari would hear it all from like seven doors down and instantly grab his phone and start filming
Jiro would hear it from the other side of the damn building and just crank the volume on her speakers up
I can also see Bakugo signing aggressively to paparazzi after taking down a villain and he accidentally uppercuts himself trying to call them a bitch, and right as he did someone snapped a photo. Now it’s making its rounds on the internet as the next hottest meme.
It’s been printed out on shirts and stickers, and if Bakugo catches someone with it it’s on sight
By the end of it all his PR team demands a raise
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how should i go about writing if i keep deleting and restarting everything I have every few minutes ??
The first thing to do is figure out why you feel the need to delete. Here are some things to consider...
1 - Do you know what you're trying to write? It's easy to imagine a writer as sitting down at the keyboard with an empty mind, and then--like turning on a faucet--a story simply flows out of them. But that's not really how writing works. Even the most organic writer sits down with a premise in mind, not to mention a basic grasp of how stories work--or at least they type of story they want to tell. If you sit down without these things and try to write a story, you're pretty much just snatching random ideas out of the air and hoping they take root, and it can be really hard to write a story that way. The solution is to spend some time learning about how stories work, then spend some time thinking up a premise, characters, and a story goal.
2 - Do you need a more solid plan? Not all writers can sit down with only a premise, characters, and story goal and create a story from that. Some of us need to do more planning. Some of us need to do a lot more planning. If you're trying to write a novelette/novella/novel, you might take a look at some different story structure templates to get an idea of the kind of structure that would work well for the story you want to tell. Story structure templates can be a helpful guide in figuring out what beats you need to hit, and you can use elements from different ones. Whatever works for your story. You might also consider doing a plot summary, timeline, scene list, scene cards, or any number of other things to help plan and plot your story.
3 - Are you focusing too much on quality? To (badly) paraphrase Ira Glass, the thing that got you into writing in the first place is your taste... you have good taste in stories, and you know what makes a story good. But if you're just starting out, or if you don't have a large volume of work under your belt, what you're putting out is probably not as good as you want it to be. That can be really, really frustrating, because we know what kind of writing we want to put out there, but when we feel like it's not happening, we want to backspace over it all. The thing is, though, writing is a craft. Like any other craft, the only way to get better at it is to practice, and practice means cranking out the less good stuff and accepting that it's a necessary part of the journey. If dancers watched the choreography for a performance one time and instantly did it perfectly, there would be no such thing as dance practice. If people took one piano lesson and could play a perfect concerto, we wouldn't have piano lessons or practice. So, even when the writing doesn't feel as good as you want it to be--or maybe feels downright awful--you have to push past the urge to backspace over it and get caught up on quality. You have to keep writing forward. And hey... editing and revision exists because there's always room to take the "rough draft" and make it better.
4 - Are you letting yourself get distracted? Few things make writing more difficult than distractions. If you know how stories work, know your premise, have done the planning you need to do, and aren't stressing about quality, but you still find yourself backspacing and starting over every few minutes, it could be due to distractions. If your phone is buzzing every minute, your sister is playing loud music in her room across the hall, the neighbor's dog is barking up a storm, or you can't stop thinking about something that happened at work--those interruptions are going jam up your momentum, and when you're constantly jerking to a stop like that, frustration makes you cranky and you're liable to backspace over something even if it's not a problem. So, if you can, try to eliminate distractions as much as possible when you sit down to write.
5 - Other possibilities... Even if none of the above situations seem to fit, it's still worth taking some time to consider what else might be going on. Can you find a pattern in what you're deleting and why? If you dig deep, and you maybe figure out what the issue is? What are some potential solutions?
I hope something here will help you get to where you're moving forward with your writing again.
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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Steddie things/ head cannons abt these two morons living in my noggin rent free
CW: Dick size comments, smoking/pot, brief mention of (a fear of, nothing actually happens) period typical homophobia. Briefly mentioned experiences with antisemitism. Mention of Chrissy Cunningham anorexic bulimia. Jewish Byers’s. Jewish steddie.
It’s a long one. Oops
think abt Eddie calling Steve “lover boy”, like the sweetest most affectionate tone, pulling him into a kiss and whispering “c‘mere lover boy”, sneaking up behind him when he’s cooking or leaning over anything and mumbling “hey lover boy” while he kisses the moles on his shoulder.
Also like, the theory that Steve’s actually packing quite the dick and that’s why Eddie called him “big boy” when he was hotwiring the camper, and and whenever Eddie calls Steve big boy he gets flustered about it because he knows exactly what it’s indicative of. That it’s an innuendo that only him and Eddie understand.
Eddie absolutely has a kink for being called master or dungeon master in the bedroom. I will not explain further. Steve did it as a joke once and the reaction was way too good.
But besides that nicknames for Eddie stump me. Of corse the usual “eds”, usual pet names/ terms of endearment, but beyond that I get stumped.
They use the same hair products, they realize, but in totally different ways and in totally different quantities. They both stand there infront of the bathroom mirror futzing for an hour in the morning, hip checking each other out of the way, teasing, hair spraying and all around being high maintenance bitches together. If Steve finds out eddie killed the last of his Farrah faucet spray? Oh, he is such a little bitch about it, whining and bitching all day until Eddie replaces it. Not like Steve hasn’t used so much of Eddie’s hair spray that the tow do them nearly choked to death in the bathroom that one time.
Speaking of hair, Eddie walks around with his hair in a ponytail or god forbid even a messy bun in the summer or if he’s doing house work or something, anything he really can’t stand his hair in his face for. And it drives Steve crazy, his pretty space all on display like that. Bonus points for Eddie in sweats, shirtless, tattoos and veins on gum tantalizing display, hair up, completely oblivious to how bad he’s got Steve.
Steve listens to the worst pop shit, in Eddie opinion. Bowie, wham, tears for fears, Toto, Elton John, queen. It makes his fucking ears bleed.
But when Steve starts belting good old fashioned lover boy in the shower and eddies sitting in Steve’s room, laughing to himself at the sound, it’s pretty cute. And he can live with it. It’s how Steve got the nickname anyway.
In the car Steve blasts head over heels on the radio on one of their first dates. They’re at lovers lake, Eddie’s trying to get the balls to make a move on him, palms sweaty and anxious that he’s taking too long to make a move or that he’s going too fast, and suddenly he, obliviously, himbo style, yells “oh my god I love this song!” And cranks the volume all the way up. Kills the moment, but when they talk about it later it’s all laughs at how they were both so oblivious. It instantly became their song, unfortunately for Eddie who has to hear is all the time. Steve leaves cassettes of this shit in Eddie’s car and you can’t tell a soul, but sometimes when he’s driving alone he misses his baby, and listens to some of that shit. To feel like he’s there.
Steve eventually comes around to Eddie’s music, even head bangs a little in Eddie’s car. Eddie loves it so fucking much. It’s like Steve’s just that much more into his weird little world.
Both boys are Jewish, I’ll die on this hill. Because I’m Jewish and I said so. My word is law.
Steve is the gold chai Jewish fuckboy. Eddie has an antique magen David from one of his grandparents he wears every day. Tucks it in in his shirt to survive Hawkins :(
“A little havdalah?” “Eddie that’s a joint” “so?” “Sure, fine”
I want to see a fucking yarmulke on all that fucking hair. Eddie is 100% the poor fella who needs to use bobby pins to get his kippah to stick. He and Steve end up barreling into the wheelers one day, accosting Nancy in her bedroom “we need bobby pins! Now! We’re already later to high holiday services Wayne’s gonna kill me I don’t have time to stop at the drug store HAIRPINS NOW WOMAN!”. Idk I just see it so clearly, so funny.
Unfortunately it’s probably where part of the “the freak” reputation comes from. Blood libel and all that good shit. So that’s a bummer.
Eddie and Wayne never had the kind of spare money around to get a lot of things, even after Eddie started selling drugs there was of corse new financial issues, so this lead to Steve noting, the first time he stayed the night in Eddie’s trailer, that they didn’t have a mezuzah. Eddie just shrugged. “We don’t have the kinda cash laying around for nice judaica, harrington”.
And yeah, it was a point. They grew up in such different households financially. Steve had two (albeit absentee, traveling for work all the time) working white collar parents, a two story house at the end of a cul de sac, with an inground pool. And Eddie and his blue collar uncle lived in a trailer, Eddie sold pot because he was too ADHD to hold down a stable job, while Steve worked weird little retail jobs for pocket money, because all the real bills were paid. Eddie paid half the bills at home. Different worlds.
Next day Eddie’s unhappy to wake up in an empty bed but he hears hammering. He rolls out of bed, shirtless, bed headed, grumpy mess, to find Steve nailing a mezuzah to the doorway of the trailer.
“Steve what are you doing?”. Redundant. “We’ll, I woke up this morning, remembered we had a spare in my garage from when my grand mom died and we had to clean out her house, so I went home, dug through the boxes of her shit and found it, came back here and put it up. Was gonna see how long it took you to notice. Uh, surprise.” Hes all sheepish and blushy. Cutest shit ever, Eddie thinks, as he kisses the daylights out of him on the living room floor.
Eddie makes a mean matzo ball soup. “It’s a good thing my ma wrote down one recipe for once. I’d be up shits creek without this to fallow”. Whenever their queer teen comrades™ or Steve’s kids™ are sick, they make soup and deliver it. They look so funny, like imagine mrs wheeler opening the door to this big ferocious grunge fella and nancys ex boyfriend, Eddie holding a Tupperware of soup saying “we made Mike soup. Sorry about his sinus infection.” Shit makes me giggle. Domestic lil bitches, party mom and dad.
Ms Henderson things it’s the sweetest thing when Dustin’s got a cold and they show up.
(This also means that Steve became the stand in alternate for any time someone can’t make a hellfire meeting.)
Joyce nearly court orders that they start coming to Shabbat dinner at the Byers’s. It’s a grand chaotic occasion. Hopper is barely getting the hang of things at this point, trying his best, 10/10, he’s not sure when his daughter ended up Jewish, but he came back from gulag and he was the house goy somehow. Max is always there, because well, max is always there, period. And becuase will and el and max are there the whole party wants to come, so what was once Joyce’s small Shabbat dinner with her two sons and herself is this big communal found family gathering now and she loves it so much.
But the boys! Steddie are so cute at Shabbat dinner. Serving eachother, Eddie grumbling that “you need to eat more vegetables, dumbass” forcing more into his plate, and Steve complaining that “every fucking time we eat a fucking meal together I have to force Protein down your throat! You’re still healing, asshole! You need it!”. And Joyce thinks it’s so cute how they fuss over eachother during dinner. Also bonus points to wills role models of a healthy, loving, competent gay relationship. He needs it. His stoned brother and his even more stoned boyfriend aren’t the best role models of domestic partnership. Mwah.
Steve alwyas makes his moms kugel. Joyce swears they don’t have to bring anything, sweetheart. “It’s the salt and pepper one”. Joyce can’t argue with that. It’s too good to deny.
Eddie once accidentally called joyce mom. He was helping her make something in the kitchen, and he just offhandedly addresses her as “mom” when he asks a question. He instantly goes bright red and apologizes, but, she just smiled. “Sweetie it’s fine. Everyone else calls me mom, you can, sweetie, it’s okay.” And the little punk is shy and blushy as he says okay, thanks. Joyce just adores Eddie.
Also bonus points for hopper having NO IDEA how HE, an adoptive single father, cop, from bum fuck Indiana ended up the surrogate father for like a dozen gay teens. He isn’t gonna judge them, god forbid let a soul put a finger on them but he’s like??? How did this happen??? And how did I become a pillar of the Hawkins Jewish community???
Friday nights also became family game night, with a desperate campaign which is extremely chaotic and idiotic. Eddie and will decided to DM together. Eddies entheasium and dramatics help will out of his shell a little bit- proves that there’s no reason to be shy about loving something, or having a cool campaign. And Joyce adores Eddie for that. They had to teach hopper and Joyce how to play, and they’re still getting the hang of it but it’s funny when they have to help them. Hopper asks a lot of weird questions. “Can I fight the door?” “No but you can roll to see if you can open it” “okay can I shoot the door?” “What are you, Nancy? Just roll to try to open the damn door, hopper”
Steve was such a little prep in highschool, he’s embarrassed by it now. And I’m heavily convinced he must have been on swim team, 100%. Idk it’s just his build. His personality. Eddie found an old team photo and ripped on him endlessly, teasing him mercilessly. One night Eddie gets one of Steve’s shirts and a pair of boxers to sleep in, like he always does, and he spots an old Hawkins swim team tee shirt. So he of corse takes it to be a little shit about it. He turns around to rejoin Steve in bed and Steve’s just slackjawed, realizing this is having way too much of an effect on him. Next day he steals a hellfire shirt to get back at Eddie, and ends up… ends up in a compromising position because of it. He’s gotta do that more, he realizes
Eddie comes around to Family video to see steve when he’s working. He props himself up on his elbows on the counter to loiter around, laying moves on steve, annoying steve, and only going home once he’s gotten a kiss. Robin is dramatic about how much she can’t stand them and how disgusting they are but she’s gotten used to Eddies weird antics and she liked having another weirdo around, and seeing Steve happy, truth be told.
Speaking of kisses, such a diverse array of kinds of kisses they share, but best of all, they mostly share soft, slow, sweet little PG kisses, smiley, cute little loving things. Murmuring teasing words against the others lips, gentle hands cupping faces to respect the hair.
So many smoking head cannons too
Steve obviously smokes (pot, if I need to specify) as well, but he always got that “rich kid crap” in highschool, according to eddie. Once these two are comfy and cozy together eddie just shares his shit with Steve. And he’s got some pretty damn good shit for himself. And Steve can’t get over the difference like holy fuck this shits kicking my ass Eddie god damn.
Eddie is a giggly high. He gets giggly at every little thing and it’s the best thing ever for Steve to Whitney’s. It’s so damn cute. Eddie has been through some wild shit, his childhood wasn’t great, but so see him so relaxed, fucking giggly, it’s the best to Steve.
Steve is a chatty high and an affectionate high. All over eddie, head in his lap talking about how they’re gonna have 6 kids and travel the country every summer in a camper and Eddie sits there nodding like an idiot but thinking ‘wtf is this stoned idiot talking about?’
This high confession is why eddie makes Steve drive the camper, 200%. He expected that Steve had experience with the matter considering this detailed life fantasy he had. Only to later find out he did not.
When Johnathan and argyle come into town and bring their California shit with them? Oh, Cali weed is no joke. They 4 of them get high and it really gets Eddie and Steve fucked up. Eddie has enough of a sense to get nervous when Steve starts to get touch freely, practically in his lap after a couple good hits, but he realizes he doesn’t have to worry when argyle literally pulls Johnathan in for a kiss. He lets Steve be as squishy as he wants for that smoke sesh after that.
I think that these two horny bastards would shotgun from time to time and I wanna talk abt that. The sloppy nasty make-out in the name of sharing smoke. Yeah, okay fellas keep telling yourself that. All Eddie knows is that a shotgun make out means he gets to taste his two favorite things: the inside of Steve Harrington mouth and good bud.
But also imagine how the Harrington house just reeks of pot, and when Steve realizes ‘oh shit my parents are coming home for a weekend’ him and Eddie spend the entire week before that trying to air the house out desperately, all the windows open, candles lit, etc.
Not exactly smoking HC, but not exactly not, Eddie takes Steve around with him to party’s when he deals. Steve gets him in most of the doors, TBH. he was king Steve in high school after all. And Steve just kinda sits there, glued to Eddie’s side while eddie does his shit. Like a lap dog.
Eddies like “you know all these kids and they like you, they hate me, you could drum me up some business you know” but Steve’s like they were all dicks to you in higschool why would I want to be nice to them???
They usually hang out and smoke with Chrissy once a week or so. Light a bonfire in Steve’s backyard. Steve’s gotten some weird shit from Jason carver that he thinks he’s fucking his girlfriend, but the reality is that he’s third wheeling to his very gay boyfriend and his cheerleader besties gossip sesh. Yeah, Chrissy is the worst gossip when she’s high. She also gets munchies like a mother fucker which the boys are SO HAPPY about, knowing abt her ana/mia. It’s not always just the three of them, Robin comes sometimes, sometimes even Nancy surprised everyone with her presence (just to take one hit and spend the rest of the night waxing poetry about her girlfriend). Robin is absolutely the conspiracy theory stoner of the group, and Chrissy surprisingly gets right into it with her. I wanna see these morons ordering so much fucking surfer boy, in weird ass flavor combinations, okay? To the point where they get a call to Steve’s address and realize shit it’s those stoner kids again, they’re gonna get some weird shit. Oh, and of corse once they Byers move back to Hawkins Johnathan joins them, just to whine about missing his boyfriend and get sentimental about how much he loves everyone. When argyle visits he’s the perfect gossip partner for Chrissy because he doesn’t know any of it and she gets to fill him in from the top.
Steve and Eddie to this disgustingly obnoxious thing where the call eachother ‘Steven’ and ‘Edward’ for dramatic effect. It annoys the fuck out of everyone. It’s pretty cute though. Eddie tearing into whoever’s house their hanging out of yelling ‘Steven! Steven how DARE you’ all to find out the dramatics are because he didn’t turn the drier on.
Steve is a moley Bastard. Freckles, moles, birth marks, he’s a fucking giraffe as far as Eddie’s concerned, and Eddie loves kissing all of them, makes a thing out of it, and Steve pretends he’s annoyed and tired of it but he adores it sm. He loves being loved on. Eddie just loves all his unique little bits.
Eddie has pleanty of scars from the demo bats. It’s impossible to ignore. But Steve loves them, reminds him how brave and amazing his man is. So he loves kissing on all his scars and marks, reminding him how beautiful they are
Steve learning how to paint nails just because he hates watching Eddie struggle with his non dominant hand. He just rolls his eyes, goes “gimme the damn bottle”, and does it without letting Eddie protest a second.
Eddie is ADHD as hell. And Steve let’s him use him as a human stim. Wanna play with my hair? Futz with my hands? Mess with my belt loop? Unbutton and re button my shirt sleeves? Sure Angel boy whatever you want.
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trillgutterbug · 29 days
me: shut up you fucking nanny phone i'll crank the volume to max if i goddamn want also me: *screams in shock when the guitars on in the flesh finally kick in, shattering both my eardrums instantly*
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asydicsydney · 1 year
I was just remembering how Carlos said he could catch Cecil's broadcasts in the Desert Otherworld, but that they were sometimes from the past or future.
Anyway here's a very inaccurate fic I just cranked out with that premise.
I haven't eaten or drunk anything in days. Although I'm not sure I need to anymore, really. I also haven't heard his voice in days. I was so accustomed to slacking on work when his show came on, punishing myself for it later on with all the all nighters, such a welcome escape from reality while I assured my team I was simply using my resources wisely for finding new issues around town. His voice could slip into the air around me and dig out my deepest secrets. A prize only for him, but one of which he knew nothing of. Even after a year of dating and moving in with each other, you can't know someone's deepest secrets. It would take a lifetime to know someone that well. And we would never get a lifetime, all because I went through that stupid door. Carlos, 'the man who can't stop sciencing even during a capitalistic uprising'. My team definitely owes me those 5$.
I've managed to find a wire hanger sticking out of a cactus. I bent it into an antenna-like shape and stuck it in the top of my phone. I couldn't do any damage to it anyway, maybe I could do some good, find a signal.
Yes! Oh, sweet radio waves, how I missed you! Now, if I go to my NVCR app I might catch him on the air... Unless it's his lunch break, or the weather, or it's 2AM and he's pretending to sleep. Oh, I forgot to turn my volume up.
"-has a square jaw, and teeth like a military cemetery. His hair is perfect, and we all hate, and despair, and love that perfect hair in equal measure."
Is he waxing poetic about me again? Eh, at least he still thinks of me.
"-had come to study just what is going on around here. He grinned, and everything about him was perfect, and I fell in love instantly."
Aww, he sounds exactly the same as when...
He sounds exactly the same...
Did I just go back in time?
No no no no no, this must not be tuned right, I'll just-
"And here I remind you that he became trapped there while saving our city from treacherous, dark forces. I remind you he is a hero. I remind you that my boyfriend is-"
Wait! No no, go back! That sounded like the right frequency... Where are we now?
"-and Carlos. I'm proud to call you family."
Steve? Family?
"I said once that a home is just a group of objects connected by a shared personal experience of time. Which was just a fancy way of asking you to move in with me. And it worked."
Now I'm talking? Am I talking to Cecil? Where on the timeline is this?
"In other words, changing the story about you or the story about me into a story about us."
I- what? I'll-I'll just sit down for awhile and listen. Not like an oak door will just show up anyway.
"And now, tonight, I say I'm glad again, for this decision and all the decisions that will come every day after. Which is to say-"
Is this really?
"I just thought that it was time for us to make a life together."
Us? Did.. we? R-really? And of course it's on air. Oh, Cecil, babe! We did it! Wait, that means-
"-knowing that Carlos was there, that no matter what else happened we would come back to each other-"
I made it home.
"I know nowhere friendlier. I know nowhere hotter. The moon is still beautiful, mysterious lights still pass overhead."
I really made it home.
"Stay tuned next for a drunk, newly married couple, long after all the well-wishers have left, pilling up bags of garbage-"
I'm gonna make it, Cecil.
"And good night, Night Vale, and every person who can hear my voice. Good night."
I'll make it home on time. I promise.
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corroded-hellfire · 1 year
I was listening to Hysteria by Def Leopard the other day and couldn’t stop imagining Eddie associating it with his partner 💀 like dancing to it, singing it to them!? Ugh
YES! The first image that came to mind is the radio playing in the trailer and he instantly perks up. He cranks the volume up and offers his hand out, singing to you as he urges you to get up and dance with him. Of course you agree, so then he’s twirling you around the small living room, holding you as close as possible to his body; the only exception when he spins you around like a ballerina. The lyrics never meant much to him until he met you, then they hit him full force in the chest because it describes how he feels about you so perfectly. So anytime you’re with him and the song comes on, you’re going to be serenaded. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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ladywildwood · 10 months
I like to think that Nimalia piqued Rahadin's interest near the beginning of the campaign, when he paid Ismark a visit in the village.
He approaches the burgomaster's estate, fully expecting to be bored out of his mind, when our party shows up — a dragonborn, two humans, and an elf. Our paladin is originally from Barovia and was besties with Ismark growing up, so he's like...who the heck are you? to Rahadin, who's instantly annoyed.
I don't remember how the conversation went (besides not all that well), but in the end Rahadin cranked up the volume on the screams and 3/4 of the party had to make Will saves (not the fourth because she wasn't in range).
Borakov and Denethor took a psychic punch from it...but not Nimalia. She just stood there, staring at him while the other two dropped to their knees.
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godlizzza · 2 years
the couple down the street prompt: either herbert and dan's drive back from the wedding ceremony, a snippet of conversations about their future after orrrr their wedding night?? whichever works best for you thank you!!
It was a testament to how drunk Dan was that he let Herbert drive. Their 'wedding' reception- if the ten minute ceremony they'd had with the officiant and the witness in the private chapel could even be called such a thing- had consisted of Dan walking into a corner store, buying a bottle of wine for the two of them, then proceeding to drink the whole thing himself while Herbert tried to remember where they'd parked the car. He was stumbling over his own feet by the time Herbert swiped the keys and pushed him into the passenger seat. Dan just laughed jovially at this, singing some tuneless song as Herbert hopped in the driver's side, pulled the seat forward, and started the engine.
Dan had his head out the window, yelling at people strolling down the side walk. "We're married! Hey! Hey, we just got married!"
He received some hollers and jeers in response and Herbert shook his head with a smile despite himself.
"You're ridiculous," Herbert informed him when Dan pulled his head back in.
The wind had done a fine job of messing his hair up, but Dan seemed entirely unconcerned with this, instead smiling a lazy, wobbly smile at Herbert. He kept trying to grab Herbert's hand and kiss it, but Herbert laughed and pulled his hand free.
"Dan, you're distracting the driver."
"I'm distracting my husband," Dan corrected him, then a peel of giddy laughter burst out of him. "My hussssband."
"Yes, you mentioned that," Herbert said fondly.
"Oh!" Dan perked up with excitement. "I love this song!" He reached for the console and cranked the music up to a deafening level, then began to loudly sing along into an imaginary microphone.
"Baby, when I met you there was peace unknown,
I set out to get you with a fine-tooth comb!
I was soft inside,
There was something goin' on."
He shimmied and sang to Herbert, bumping their shoulders together, and Herbert did his best to exert control and keep his face neutral, but Dan was incessant. Eventually, he cracked, a smile splitting his face and Dan crowed in victory, then kept singing. This kept up for the entire duration of the song, earning them more than a few turning heads at the traffic lights. When the song faded out Dan slumped back against the seat with a dreamy sigh.
"Ah. Our song."
"That was not our song," Herbert retorted. "We don't have a song."
"Yes, we do," Dan shot back. "And it's Islands in the Stream." He was distracted by a loud gurgle emanating from his stomach and he placed both hands on his midsection with a look of concentration. "I'm hungry," he announced.
Herbert was already pulling into a rest stop. "We'd better get you something to eat, then."
They walked into the Burger King, arm-in-arm, still wearing their suits. Dan had regained some composure but was still a little wobbly on his feet and speaking at a volume that was too loud to go unnoticed. When they walked through the door and the little bell chimed over their heads, Dan threw out his arms and declared to the two stupefied cashiers behind the register, "We're married!"
Herbert pinched at his brow.
The workers both looked at each other then back at Dan with equal looks of stupor. "Um, congratulations?" one ventured to say.
"Thank you," Dan replied, then instantly went about perusing the menu board. "Hm, I think I'll get the bacon cheeseburger combo. Don't worry, Herb, you can have some of mine. What's mine is yours, right?" He cackled, like he'd just cracked some capital joke.
Herbert fought to tamp down his own smile, but it was hard when Dan was laughing so bright and open. Even though this whole marriage thing had originally been Dan's idea, Herbert found that perhaps he was looking forward to it. The rest of his life with Dan didn't sound so bad.
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hauntedmoonstone · 1 year
“All the good in me is because of you.“
HHHHHHHHHRRFGSFDGGAFSGA such a Haddie confession omfg-
Haddie stared down the drain of the yellow-stained sink, her mind somewhere else completely. The first aid kid was strung about the bathroom from when she patched herself up earlier, or was it just a moment ago? Who knows? Her mind is such a mess it’s hard to gauge how long she’s been standing over the sink. A slimy substance dripped from her messy hair right down into the sink, snapping her back into focus. She made a face of slight disgust at the dark blue goo. She wiped it up from the sink with a dirty rag and tossed it over her shoulder into a pile of clothes stained with the same substance.
That’s right she was going to wash out her hair in the sink since the motel shower was broken. She turned on the sink, cranking it all the way it could go on the cold knob. It made an odd noise before stuttering to life and freezing water poured out into the sink. Haddie ducked her head under the facet and began to wet her hair and try to get the remaining goo out. It seemed to work, as only after a couple of minutes of scrubbing the goo was gone. She turned the facet off and looked into the mirror. She studied her face and was surprised by just how…..worn she looked.
She had deep eye bags and her eyes were slightly bloodshot from lack of sleep and a bruise was creeping its way across her cheek from the monster she fought today. She was sick to her stomach suddenly, she leaned back over the sink half expecting to throw up. Instead, the lights of the bathroom flickered and a heavy feeling began sinking into Haddie. She gripped her head and fled the bathroom to her motel room. She knows that the feeling wouldn’t magically go away, but she didn’t want to be in the cramped bathroom anymore.
She laid down in the bed, closing her eyes, trying to fight off the heavy feeling as the overlap wrapped around her. She knew defeating the monster would cause the overlap to follow her for a bit before it naturally moved on but this was just bad. She covered her ears as the whispers of people who were a victim of the monster filled the room. She couldn’t pick out what any of them were saying, they were just overlapping murmurs.
This was supposed to be an easy trip, investigate the rumors of the strange liquid creature and either take it out or help move it on if it was a lost soul that became corrupted. It quickly became apparent that this wasn’t a normal monster when Haddie entered the lair. It was riddled with bones, which was expected, but the church-like setup with piers and an altar in the cave room wasn’t. This was another monster created by the black vale, and it was a powerful one. Haddie got very lucky with fighting it catching the beast by surprise.
The voices got louder, and it seemed as if the dark parts of her room became darker and were slowly getting bigger, approaching her on the bed. She tried her best to ignore it and try to break free from the overlap influence, but it was difficult as her mind could only focus on it. It was swallowing her. It felt like she took a deep, breath but even the air felt thick and gross. The voices were now at talking volume, but still, Haddie couldn’t tell what they were saying.
The lights in her room flickered violently for a couple of moments before going out completely. She took a deep breath and held it as the voices paused. She felt an immense amount of pressure all around her but she dared not move, afraid of what would happen. That’s when the phone on the bedside table lights up brightly, blaring some silly song from the early 2000’s that Mikaela liked. The lights flickered back on and Haddie snatched the phone answering it greeted by Mikaela’s bubbly voice.
“Heeey honeybun! You usually would have sent me a text or call by now, just wanted to check up before I head to work!”
Haddie smiled almost instantly that dark feeling that comes with being inside an overlap disappeared and was replaced with a warmness Haddie only got with Mikaela. They talked for several minutes with Haddie chuckling at how goofy her girlfriend was despite it being so early back home, Mikaela was cranked to 100 already. By the time the call came to a close, Haddie’s mind was back in place and the voices were gone. The shadows no longer seemed dangerous or overwhelming. Haddie smiled warmly, playing with a beaded bracelet Mikaela got her as she wrapped up the call.
“Hey, sunbeam?”
“Hmm? Yeah, moonshine?”
Haddie paused for a moment, rubbing her neck, embarrassed at the words that left her mouth.
“All the good in me is because of you….. I just …. I don’t know where I would be if we didn’t meet….I wonder if the overlaps would have broken me by now if you weren’t around.”
Mikaela paused for a moment before making a kissing sound through the phone.
“Mwuah! Oh Haddie, there was plenty of good in you before me. You just wanted to hide it away is all. You’re strong Haddie I’m sure you would be doing fine if I wasn’t here but, I’m glad I can make things easier. Get some rest you never get so sappy unless you’re tired. Plus I’m sure you haven’t slept in 13 hours….I’ll keep my phone on so if you need me, feel free to call okay?”
Haddie nodded suddenly feeling the lack of sleep and over-exertion hitting her all at once.
“Yeah yeah I’ll get to bed sweet bean….See you in two days Mikaela. I love you don’t forget that.”
“I won’t forget if you don’t forget I love you too!”
With another kissing noise, Mikaela said her goodbyes and hung up the phone. Haddie flopped back into the bed, she didn’t even bother turning the lights off or getting under the covers before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep mind and heart filled with the warmth of her and Mikaela’s love.
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moregraceful · 1 year
Beryl read my tags on this post and said "touring musician Ryan Graves' sex music playlist is acoustic trance" and well folks, I woke up at 3am possessed by a demon and wrote it. I am NOT posting this on ao3, but Beryl did give it a name.
STILL WATERS RUN DEEP | Dougie Hamilton/Ryan Graves | 1.2k
Dougie’s had a lot of strange sexual experiences while stoned in his life and he’s enjoyed most of them, but he wasn’t prepared for this. He thinks that playing 80 sets in 90 days in festivals across the world should have prepared him for this, because he’s really had almost every kind of hedonistic experience possible in almost every European country on the continent and several in North and South America. Shit, even here in Nova Scotia, he’s had several experiences that could have been described as “life-changing.” He’s a musician. He’s a DJ. He makes house music. Shit’s just part of the lifestyle.
But he’s never had anything like this.
20 minutes ago, Ryan Graves was standing above him and telling him that if he played Doja Cat during sex, he would take his weed and go. Dougie capitulated instantly, because he had a very real need to touch Ryan, a need that had not yet been sated despite spending a solid week laying down tracks in this rental house in the Maritimes. If not playing Doja Cat was what he had to give up in order to kiss Ryan’s beautiful face, he’d give it up gladly.
But Ryan, for all that he is a mild-mannered touring bassist whose smile is pretty but awkward and who is turning out to be one of the best artists Dougie has ever had the pleasure of working with, is a fucking freak. He turned off Doja Cat and put on the most heavy acoustic trance Dougie’s ever heard, cranked up the volume until Dougie could feel the bass in his chest and sat down next to him. Dougie was basically reading lips when Ryan said, “don’t overthink this” and palmed Dougie’s cock through his sweatpants. He couldn’t hear a damn thing except the bassline. 
And now? Now? Dougie’s receiving the most intense handjob of his life while the music drops into his bloodstream. He feels dizzy with it - the pleasure, the attraction to Ryan, the feeling of Ryan’s hands on him, and the music so loud he feels it rather than hears it. He’s played a lot of loud concerts. He’s a lot of sex. He’s never experienced something like this. Ryan is leaning over him with an intent look, his hand hot, tight, and wet around Dougie’s cock, and Dougie gave up trying to track that movement several minutes ago and ended up staring at Ryan’s dark eyes, his gentle, solemn face, the look of concentration.
He feels like he’s stoned and the worst part is, he isn’t. This would be a lot easier to handle if he’d had like, 100mg, minimum, of THC, but he’s stone cold sober and going to remember every minute of this. He’s not sure how he’s going to move on with his life after this. Everything about this feels spiritual, the bass heavy in his body, the growing pleasure in his spine, and Ryan, just Ryan, looking back at him.
Dougie’s so far out of his body that his orgasm doesn’t even catch him off guard so much as one moment he’s on the edge and the next moment his head is rushing and he’s spilling over Ryan’s hand with a groan. He can’t even hear himself make noise, but Ryan is leaning over to kiss him softly, and it feels good, and it feels like Dougie’s experiencing the closest thing he’s ever felt to divinity.
Ryan holds up his hand to Dougie’s mouth and Dougie doesn’t even think twice before licking Ryan’s hand clean. When he’s done, he drops his head back on the couch and lets the music wash over him.
Until Ryan turns off the music and says, “hey, let’s get coffee.”
Dougie says, feeling not wholly tethered to his body, “...okay.”
He cleans himself up and they head outside. He keeps bumping into Ryan, his balance thrown in ways he hasn’t experienced in a while, maybe ever.
Outside, it’s a bright afternoon. It’s warm. It feels like it should be 3AM in Belgium, but no, it’s fucking 2pm in a coastal Nova Scotia town. It’s not even like returning to reality; Dougie feels like he’s just landed on a different planet.
Dougie stands on the porch and goes, “hey, what the fuck.” He feels weak.
Ryan is heading down the steps. He looks back with a grin. “Coffee, Dougie, come on.”
Dougie walks down the stairs, trips on the bottom stair, but recovers just in time not to fall on his face. Ryan wraps his arm through Dougie’s, hand warm on Dougie’s arm. “Are you always like this after sex?”
“Was that sex?” Dougie asks as they walk down the gravel path to the road. “That felt like a religious experience.”
Ryan laughs and it’s a lovely sound. It’s doing a lot to bring Dougie back into the present. Dougie feels like he’s more aware of his body than he has been in months. Not just the warmth of Ryan along his side, the feeling of his calloused fingers against Dougie’s arm, but the sea breeze washing over him, the warm sun on his neck, the sound of their shoes on gravel, the distant sound of waves crashing on the shore.
It’s a sleepy little town, just far enough from Halifax that they can be alone. They chose it because Ryan just got off an intense three month world tour with his band and Dougie is burnt out from a long spring and summer of EDM festivals in Europe. Dougie was expecting to create some good music, maybe have some decent sex. Not this. Not something that brought him closer to his body after he’d been pulled so far out of it.
Ryan says, “Oh jeeze, are you a virgin? That was literally just a handjob.”
“No,” says Dougie. “Not at all. Not since I was 16 at Tomorrowland with my first boyfriend.”
“Sure,” says Ryan, nodding.
Dougie looks at him. Ryan has a small, private smile on his face, one that Dougie has seen only rarely in the past week. It’s his smile that suggests he’s thinking a lot of things through, but none of them are anxiety-inducing.
“Oh my god,” says Dougie. He kisses Ryan, hands on his face, right there on the road where anyone could see.
Ryan kisses him back and then gently pushes him away. “Coffee, Dougie,” he says, and starts walking again.
Dougie trails after him, feeling a little lost. Ryan looks back at him, rolls his eyes, and takes Dougie’s hand like Dougie is a particularly helpless individual. “Come on, Dougie,” he says. “That was nothing. I’ll fuck you later and you can experience God in the human form tonight. Right now, It’s time for coffee.”
“Okay,” says Dougie. He holds tight to Ryan’s hand. They walk into town like that. Dougie watches Ryan’s face as the sunlight lights him up and the sea breeze dances around them. He’s pretty as he smiles at a dog tied up by the coffeeshop, letting go of Dougie’s hand so he can pet it.
Dougie was pretty sure he wasn’t supposed to overthink this, but it might be too late. He looks up at the sun, feels it hit the planes of his face, and thinks that if there’s a bright center of the universe, it’s kneeling in front of him on the sidewalk, cooing at a Yorkie.
He looks down, brushes a hand through Ryan’s hair. Ryan looks up at him and smiles.
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chaotic-mystery · 1 year
currently listening to your dbf joel playlist & building my own 🤎 it’s sooo good. joel will not escape my mind. how do you think he’d react if you made him a playlist/mixtape and showed it to him 🤭🥹
Omf I’m so glad you like it! I’m constantly adding to it and I wanna see yours when you’re done!
I think Joel would instantly want to listen to it, like if it’s a mixtape he’d hurry up to his truck outside and crank it full volume, listening to every song closely. He’d be so touched you took the time to make him that. He’d play it constantly at work and when your dad asks what it is, he’d just smile to himself and say, “this lil lady made it for me.”
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Day 2: Stitches - Medi Whump May
Medi Whump May Masterlist
CWs: blood, stitches, minor whump, Supernatural
Note: this one's more of a kinda wholesome Supernatural whump fic, not super whumpy
Dean clutched his jacket to his side, grimacing as blood instantly seeped through and began to soak the material. "Crap, Sammy." He muttered.
"Come on, let's get you fixed up." Sam said.
He took Dean's arm over his shoulder and helped his older brother outside, where Dean collapsed against the wall of the warehouse.
Sam grabbed the supplies he needed from Baby's trunk and sat down beside Dean.
"I can do it myself." Dean grunted as Sam picked up the needle and sterilised it with his lighter.
"It's fine, Dean. Just keep pressure on it till I'm ready." Sam replied, getting the thread ready. "All right, shirt off."
Dean pulled the jacket away, and then gripped his shirt and tried to peel it off, wincing as he did so. Sam grabbed the material and helped ease his brother out of it. The knife wound wasn't incredibly deep compared to some of the brothers prior injuries, and Sam easily threaded the needle through and pulled tightly.
"Ow!" Dean grumbled.
"Sorry." Sam said, furrowing his brow as he focused on pulling the needle back through the other side of the wound to pull it closed, then continued the stitches.
"How many's it gonna need, Doc?" Dean asked.
"Uh.. a couple."
"Remind me to never land myself in your ER again " Dean groaned.
"Hey. Who's holding the pointy needle?" Sam reminded his jerk brother. A few minutes later, he pulled the needle through the last time and tied the stitches off. "Alright. All done."
"Thanks Sammy." Dean grumbled.
His brother taped a piece of gauze over the wound and helped him pull a fresh shirt back on, then pulled him to his feet.
"Alright." Dean moved towards the car, headed for the driver's side.
"Uh-uh." Sam shook his head, hand out for the keys.
"Come one, man!" Dean protested. "I'm fine to drive."
"Dean. Not only did I just give you fifteen stitches, you haven't slept in two days. Get in the passenger side."
"It was only like, ten." Dean mumbled as he threw Sam the keys to Baby and headed around to the passenger side.
"Nope. Fifteen. You passed out at ten." Sam said as he and Dean buckled their seatbelts.
"I did not!" Dean retorted.
"Did too!"
"Did not!"
The two brothers kept bickering asDean flicked on the music, the volume cranked to  maximum and blaring Highway to Hell as the '67 Impala pulled out of the warehouse driveway and turned onto the interstate.
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