katz-chow · 4 months
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part 1 | part 2
ghost distribution system when you're walking from your parking space to the apartment building you live in before hearing small animal whimpers. the snow continues to plow through the city as you pull your scarf closer to you. the sounds echo again and you pause in your steps, awaiting for the source to make the whimpers again.
your feet step closer amidst the snow, it crunching underneath your heavy boots. the sound got less frequent as you turned the corner and peaked behind the parked car. to your surprise, a bundle of brown fur was curled up and snowed on. you gasp and reach down while unfurling your scarf to cover the bundle. as you did, the wind picked up and, from what you notice, is a tiny kitten.
you hurry up the stairs and into your apartment, quickly wrapping more blankets around your new furry friend. you turn on the heat, then a warm bath, then put your towel in the dryer to warm up. the little meows starts to continue again and you coo at it while dialing a number.
the kitten kicked the shallow water in your tub as you massage its soft fur. you giggle and it meows back in response. the knock on your front door startles you but you knew who it was.
you opened the door is a broad man who pushes past you, eyes fixed on your ceiling and a shopping bag in his hand.
"simon, i'm so glad you're here, i..." you turn to him after locking your door and see him reach up, batteries in one hand and the lid to your smoke detectors in his other. "oh, thank you..."
he mumbles as he continues to change them, "the beeping... it's uh...annoying..."
you smile and tap him on his shoulder as you walk to get your towel from the dryer. he follows behind and bangs the lid of your washer close, it's always slightly open.
you feel him close behind you again when you go to the bathroom, humming a familiar song as you walk in. the kitten walked around the warm water and mews at you and simon pokes his head over your shoulder. "is this why you called?"
you nod and bend over to pick up the tiny furball into the warmed towel as you dry..."can you check if it's a boy or a girl?"
he moves a bit, struggling to not bump into various corners in the small bathroom. he picks up the kitten by its scruff and you panic, cupping your hands underneath it to prevent it from falling. after a bit, he finally answers you, "dunno what i'm looking at."
you giggle and take the sopping wet kitten into your hand and continue to dry it, switching from the warm setting on your hair dryer and the towel.
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"you think we should take it to the vet?" you ask him as he orders takeout on your phone. you look over at him, your fingers gently petting the kitten that's curled up on your chest, no longer damp and cold but warm and sleepy.
he nods, a bit distracted as he scrolled through what drink to get. "are we sharing custody?"
"like a divorced couple?" you ask him through a silly smile.
that gets a chuckle out of him and he elbows you softly. "we're not divorced."
"well we're not married either. we're not even dating..." you mumble the last part, a bit of hurt runs through your chest as you remind yourself. it was a thought that popped up late last week when he went home after installing your new dryer in your apartment.
after that, it plagues your mind every time you find him helping you or staring close to you. it sounds cheesy but you’ve thought of asking him “what are we?” a few times.
he noticed your silence and meets it with his own. you refuse to look at him, instead focusing on the purring cat on your chest. unbeknownst to you, simon meets your silence with confusion. “yes we are…?”
you snap your eyes at him, brows furrowed. “you never asked me!”
“i changed your smoke alarms…and your tires…” he begins, looking at your weirdly. you don’t get it, mostly because you can only see his eyes and a little under it.
you stare at him, he stares at you. then you begin, “but you didn’t ask…”
he looks at you, confused and kind of amused. he gives you a huff of playfulness and responds, “can i date you” can i marry you?
“yeah i guess…” you tease as you lean over and tap your shoulder against his.
he rolls his eyes and goes back to inputting his credit card into your phone to order food. “just for that i canceled your drink”
“asshole!” you hit him on the shoulder push him away from you, which he plays along and falls to the other side of the sofa.
a silence falls over the two of you once again, this time comfortable and a bit bashful as the two of you, mostly you, begin to process what just happened.
“what’re you gonna name….it” he breaks the silence, remembering that he really doesn’t know if it’s a boy or a girl yet. “what about snow…gender neutral?”
“cheesy name…alex”
“you’re impossible”
you laugh and he can tell you know he’s not serious, which is good. he’s always worried about pushing too many buttons, making you so upset that you leave. not right now though, his body relaxes.
“fucking hate that…”
“toaster it is!”
"bloody hell..." the kitten paws at his outreach hand.
master list | letter box | main directory
stop by the letter box!
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puckinghischier · 2 months
Boyfriend!Nico Headcanons
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these pics are gonna get me everytime, i fear
just some soft nico thoughts floating around in my noggin. enjoy :)
- boyfriend!nico coming home from morning skate and tiptoeing into your room, careful not to wake you so he can lay back down and nap with you
- boyfriend!nico waking up about an hour later to an empty bed, huffing because you didn’t wake him up, only for you to walk in the room wearing one of his t-shirts carrying two cups of coffee, a grin breaking out on his face
- boyfriend!nico suggesting you both shower together, even though he showered at the rink, simply because he loves when you wash his hair (and so he can use your products so he can smell fruity like you do)
- boyfriend! nico asking girls that approach him when he’s out with the team or on the road where they get various parts of their outfits/jewelry because he can’t stop thinking about how good you’d look in them, writing every store down in his notes app so he can take you there the next time you two go shopping
- boyfriend!nico who looks for you in the stands of every home game during warm-ups, needing to know you’re there watching before puck drop because he swears you’re his good luck charm, but also looking for any and every reason to impress you when he’s on the ice
- boyfriend!nico who buys you a custom jersey with his name and number on it, but with small four leaf clovers embroidered on each sleeve so everyone knows you’re his good luck charm, not the team’s
- boyfriend!nico who enlists jack’s help in surprising you with the golden retriever puppy you’ve been begging Nico to agree to adopting, making the poor kid drive three hours one-way to pick up the dog and then sneak the puppy into your shared apartment so Nico can keep you distracted and occupied, wanting to see your face when you open the door and the little furball comes running towards you
- boyfriend!nico who rushes through every post game interview he can because all he wants to do, win or lose, is go home and watch whatever current netflix show you’ve roped him into while eating whatever take-out you were in the mood for that night
- boyfriend!nico putting you on speaker in the locker room before games because the team overheard one of the pre-game pep talks you gave him earlier in the season, so now they all like to hear your encouraging words and how well you inspire each and every one of them to play their best (what jack refers to as your mrs. cap duties)
- boyfriend!nico who has to explain to his teammates why he can’t bring you along to every event the team has to go to because you have your own job and responsibilities, only for the team to whine and grumble about how nico hogs you and they never get to see you (just for him to facetime you halfway through the event so he can pass his phone around for everyone to say hi a few of them asking you to blink three times if nico was holding you hostage)
- boyfriend!nico who arranges for flowers and various treats to be delivered to your door every. single. day. that he’s gone during the season so you know he’s still thinking about you and he misses you, even if he only leaves for a day or two
- boyfriend!nico who listens to the playlist you’ve made for him anytime he’s traveling because he loves hearing whatever new song you’ve found that day that reminds you of him
- boyfriend!nico who begs you to take a bath with him because he’s so sore from a nasty hit earlier in the night and wants to just relax with you and your peach smelling bubble bath with one of your vanilla scented candles burning (but he’ll never admit he loves your sweet, scented candles)
- boyfriend!nico who will always trade a puck or a stick for anything that a fan brings as a gift for you, heart swelling seeing that the fans love you as much as he does
- boyfriend!nico who always wears a wrist full of friendship bracelets you make for him at warmups so he can trade them with the female fans that bring handmade bracelets for the players, so “they always feel included and welcomed at the games, despite what the grumpy old men have to say about it”
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emojellyace08 · 10 months
Hiii! I love the way you write and I was wondering if I could make a request (only if you want)
So how about the lookism boys reaction to an extremely beautiful and ethereal fem!reader who is like so feminine and ethereal she looks like a princess from a fairytale and even animals love her??
Anyways remember to stay safe and healthy!!
Lookism Men x Stunning Fem! Reader
Hiii Thanks for the request @jejegilipollas! This kind of reminds me of a Disney Princess reader! I'll be doing headcannons for almost every Lookism Men so I wouldn't leave out who you actually simp for xD. And remember all of us are really pretty in our on ways and we're all equal. And stay safe and healthy too! Warnings: insecurities, mentions of trauma, mature themes for the bottom/second part Genre: fluff ☁️ angst 🥀, slight lemon/smut 🍋 slight crack (comedy)🧨 ︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿
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Daniel Park/Jay Hong/Zack Lee/Vasco/Eli Jang/Warren Chae/Jerry Kwon/Johan Seong/Jake Kim/Sinu Han/Duke Pyeon/Jace Park/Line Man/Brad Lee/Jiho Park/Magami Kenta/Young Jinyoung Park/Young Gapryong Kim/Jichang Kwak/Taesoo Ma/Xiaoleoung/Jihan Kwak/Jibeom Kwak/Yuseong
He doesn't really prioritize having a "Goddess or too good to be true looking girlfriend" since he already has lots of trauma and he's been really stressful lately. So having a dependable, trust-worthy, and helpful partner is enough for him.
But when he saw you, a transferee student/staff on his school/working place he couldn't stop staring at you. He may look like a creep so when you turn in his direction, so he'll look away pretty fast. But you took notice of this and knowing your friendly personality and warm vibes, you thought befriending him isn't a bad idea.
So when you approached him, he couldn't help but to blush and be awkward around you. He thinks that you're too good for him and he's out of your league. Your smart, pretty, kind, you name it. Because of his insecurities getting in his way, he doesn't really know if he even deserves to stay beside you. But after getting to know you better, you're not really a judgmental person and you're always staying beside him even when things aren't really going well for him. So he really learned how to trust you more.
He's also the type to innocently admire your beauty. He'll definitely shower you with lots of pure compliments! "Hi Y/N!" "Oh hello." you greeted him back with a soft voice as he noticed your hair tied in a different hair style since you often let your hair be loose down. "Your hair looks pretty today." he complimented you while rubbing his nape feeling shy. "Oh really? Thank you!" you smiled back at him, you've been feeling down lately because of your pretty privilege making you insecure. But his compliments just makes your day better. "Yeah, no problem."
You may not know it but it's obvious that he's an animal lover. And he always adopts or feed stray pups and kittens who either lost their way or have gotten abandoned by their animal parent or owner. So you asked him about this and he seems pretty flustered when you brought about the topic and you couldn't help but to giggle at his reaction. Oh God, your voice sounds so pretty. He really can't help but to admire you even more. He just really can't help but to compliment you a lot though you can hear the shy and bashful tone beneath his voice.
So when you're walking home after school/work, you saw a little kitten crying near the road. You decided to gently approach the animal since it can get hurt by a vehicle if you just let it be. You called for it's attention with a sweet voice. And unexpectedly, the cute furball didn't hesitate to rub her body on your leg making you chuckle. "You found a stray kitten?" you heard a familiar voice as you turned around to see that it's just him making you sigh. "Jesus, you scared me" you replied back as he softly chuckled and squatted down beside you making sure that he wouldn't scare the kitten away. "Shh, don't worry little one he's a nice guy" you cooed as he was shocked at your statement. Him? A nice guy? He couldn't help but frown thinking about the things he have done and the names people called him. He feels like you're too good for him, yet you're like a fire in a cold snowy weather. It may seems like your warm feeling can hurt him, but it's in fact the opposite. You made him feel, what's the word. Relaxed? Comfortable? He doesn't really know as he couldn't stay away from you no matter how many times he tried.
"So umm..." "Yes?" you asked him in a sweet tone as he tried completing his sentence, he couldn't help but stutter since he's been hiding his true feelings for you for a long time now. "I have pet food on my house, would you mind if we take her home?" he requested as your eyes sparkled. "Really? Sure! I was also planning to buy her food since it looks like she hasn't been fed for days." "Okay, but do you think you can carry her? Stray cats may have rabies if you got bitten y'know" he reminded you as you chuckled once again. "Don't worry. She let me touch her and it seems like she's getting used with my presence" "Sure. Let's go now" he stood up as you picked the little kitty on your warm arms. "So what will you name her?" he asked on his way home as you followed next to him. "Meowy!" (Chainsaw Man reference lol) "Meowy?" "Yeah. I couldn't think of a cool name. And when I saw her she didn't even hesitate to greet me, so I think Meowy will be her name" you stated as he can still see the light behind your eyes (MCR reference lol) as you petted the animal already felling asleep. He smiled at you as he thought how not only how beautiful you are, you also have a good heart. "Meowy is a pretty name. You should keep it" he replied back as you smiled at him and continued to thank him for helping you out on taking care of the little kitten. Can he just enjoy this moment with you? He have forgotten the danger outside the world as he has the desire to protect you. You really are his sunshine.
Gun Park/Samuel Seo/James Lee or DG/Magami Kenta/Hudson Ahn/Vin Ho Bin(Vin Jin)/Cheong Taejin/Mandeok/Olly Wang/Jiho Park (villain arc)
For the most part, he's not the type to be looking for a date unlike the others. He's not a hopeless romantic.
Though if he founds someone attractive he can't help himself to do the fling with them, releasing his stress on someone while making himself feel good. Yep, he's only fucking someone just so he can pleasure himself. Nothing more and nothing less.
But he can't help but to curious the moment he laid his eyes on you. You're cute to be honest, he won't deny that. You look and act so fragile, innocent most likely. You're also very gentle, sweet and passionate. Contrasting his wild and bold side. He's like a wild animal. He's harsh, aggressive and cold. He never has the desire to be involved on a romantic relationship. He finds the idea of it cringy to be honest. He finds it making him vulnerable. And he finds the idea of having a soft spot on someone well what's the word, to be honest he can't put words on the idea of it.
He does wonder sometimes if he actually lived a decent life, but that doesn't mean that he has regrets of becoming who he is today. He's strong and he can handle things on his own which makes him proud of himself. But hearing it from you and showering him with pure and genuine compliments sounds and feel very different. "Wow! You're so cool and strong!" you stated as your eyes sparkled like little stars on the dark, starry night. He smirked at this, he must admit that you look so innocent and if you continued to act like this, he wouldn't hesitate to give you a kiss if he's more affectionate. "Well I know" he simply replied. Thinking about this moments make his head ache and his stomach grumble. It's not because he's sick, but is it because of what most called butterflies? He chuckled at the thought of it. It's useless. He doesn't need anybody let alone a girl, but he'll often look for your presence when you and him are away for each other even if it's not a very long time.
And it makes him wonder why do you always stay on his side. You and him are too different. You actually lived a decent and peaceful life with a healthy environment, unlike him who's always surrounded by thugs and who's often obsessed with money, power, drugs, alcohol and sex. As much as he doesn't want to admit it, he does like you. That's why he's always pushing you away. He doesn't want you to get hurt. And he'll definitely kicked someone's ass if they ever tried to lay their hands on you.
"Hey," he called for your attention as you looked at him with those doe-like eyes. His voice sounds a bit harsh and demanding, but after getting to know him better and getting close to him you know that he's just like that to everybody. And you know that he actually doesn't mean it to be like that. "Yes?" you asked him softly as he made eye-contact. "Why do you always stay next to me?" he asked curiously as it made you slightly upset to be honest. Does he think of you as a burden? Are you annoying? Well despite you always getting compliments from other people about how you look like a princess or Goddess that popped on a fairy tail and given life, you're actually insecure about yourself. Your gentle and feminine side can be annoying to some. You can't help but to feel like a little child that always needed to be protected and taken care of. And you often cared too much about others making you a people pleaser. "What do you mean?" you chuckled trying to hide your distress but he took notice of this. He doesn't mean to be rude, he sighed as he reconstructed his statement since you misunderstood it in the wrong way. "I mean, why do you stay beside me? You can get hurt you know?" he stated as your eyes sparkled once again. "Ahh, you mean in that way?" "Yeah." "Well, because you're really nice!" you honestly answered as he was shocked by your response. Really? Most people viewed him as an asshole for beating them up for his work. "You're joking right?" "Why do you think I'm joking? You're strong, kind well in some times, and you actually protected me when I need help." you smiled at him once again as he looked from a different direction trying to hide his blush. So far, that's the most genuine compliment he got from someone else.
And he also took notice of how gentle you are with animals. Not only you help out other people, but also those street kittens and pups that randomly pop up on streets. He just finds owning a pet a bit stressful since he already has lots of responsibility in his shoulders. "PLEASE CAN WE ADOPT HIM!" you pleaded as you cling on his arms making him groan. "No." "WHY!" "Well, I can't take care of it and I don't want to." he answered honestly but in a brutal way making you frown. If you have dog ears right now it will droop down and your eyes got bigger again like you're about to cry. "Please? I'll take care of it..." you put your hands together begging as he stares at you. He honestly find it cringy since he doesn't know if you're doing that on purpose or if you're just too soft. Not being able to stop you, he sighed. "Fine, but don't ask me to be his babysitter." he looked away as you smiled once again. "C'mon just tell me that you also find him cute!" "Shut up..." he may sound rude, but you can see that little smirk forming on his lips.
Goo Kim/Jake Kim/Kuroda Ryuhei/Yoojin/Sinu Han
This men will be a 100% simp for you (especially Goo and Ryuhei). He just founds you really hot, cute and pretty! Well you name it.
In some levels, they do care about their partner's appearance (remember having preferences are not bad ladies and gentle man). But they actually do not belittle others who are not their taste especially women since for the most part. He's a gentleman (or he tries to be).
To be honest, they're just secretly horny lmao. Remember they're still men so having a partner with a beautiful face and body just makes him worked up. Like, you don't have a right to be this pretty (he just praises you at this point).
But he does know deep inside that looks are not just a fundamental in having a partner. He does care about personality. He just honestly can't stand women who looks hot but just acts annoying and bitchy most of the time. It turns him off the most. But meeting you is one of the best blessing he have. Not only you look like a deity, but you also act like one. He just thought you're an angel who fell from the sky, in this hellish place called Earth. Did God sent you for him? Is life not finally being an ass to him? Who knows.
He'll also compliment you 24/7. Like his mouth just wouldn't stop talking about you. Like, in some levels you kind of find it annoying especially if you're the quiet one. You also probably thought at first that he's a perv but he's just being honest and appreciative! So you just brushed it off and you actually started appreciating his comments about you since it's not harming you in anyways. In fact it also boosts your confidence even more. "Y/N do you know how pretty you are?" he teased just to get a reaction out of you (and he also likes making you smile H:LKHDL:KHAL:KFH:LDKHA) "Of course I do" you smirked as you played along with him. "Well you actually look like a koala" "HEY THAT'S RUDE!" you stated as he laughed at your reaction "BUT KOALAS ARE CUTE!".
He also finds it adorable when you adopt stray animals. He just finds you "waifu material" girl. He also fantasizes about adopting 5 kittens or puppies with you and living on a peaceful and small town. You know, just the normal couple living their best life. Though he wouldn't be open about it since he finds it lowkey embarrassing lmao. "BABE! I FOUND A KITTEN ON A STREET!" "C'mon Y/N it's the fifth time you adopted a cat. Are you making an orphanage out of animals?" he teased as your kitten named Pebbles cling into him like a toddler begging for his dad's attention. "Please? I already have a name for her" you pleaded as he sighed knowing that he can't stop your motherly behavior with animals and besides he finds the cat cute too, it's a pure white kitten with blue sapphire like eyes. "What's her name though?" he asked curiously as you smiled and named the cat Snow. "Why won't you name her Elsa?" "C'mon love you make too much jokes." you sighed trying not to laugh as he chuckled at your reaction. "I'm just kidding, besides Snow's a really fitting name." he gently picked the cat on your arms and petting it. He just finds you daring. You're more than just your looks and he finds that fascinating :3.
A/N: I hope you really like it! It's kind of rushed yet late lmao. And I'm more of a cat person than a dog person but I still hoped you liked it!
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kairiscorner · 9 months
no thoughts just miguel turning into a cat. like a literal cat bc of sum villain did sumn to him on a mission and we have to babysit him. him as a cat would be so grumpy and would hiss if anyone touched him but ofc miguel o’purra has a soft spot for us ( • ̀ω•́ )✧ he’d be the purrfect cat me thinks plus bonus points bc him as a cat is 100% extra clingy and demands to be perched on your lap or shoulder at all times <3
AWWWWWW ngl this is reminding me of the tropes in cartoons i used to watch as a kid, where like, the only way for a stubborn character to get with the person they secretly like is through being an animal the character doesn't realize that's actually them (this sounds so fucking confusing i'm sorry) but yeah, I WANNA DO THAT FOR THIS HEUHEUHUEHUE
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 – miguel o'purra and you.
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miguel o'purra is a very angry kitty, one that loves to hiss, scratch, and bite—though, when you're rubbing that sweet spot on his stomach all slowly and gently... he lives up to his name and quits being grumpy for a bit and just purrs as you rub that spot on him.
miguel o'purra is a bratty kitty, he hates not getting what he wants—despite hearing his own, normal voice in his own head, he hates it when lyla nor anyone else at the spider society can understand his angry purrs of frustration when he's asking for updates on anomalies or for a leg (or paw) up to get something because... he's such a small little kitten now.
miguel o'purra refuses help, he kicked ben reilly in the face when the blonde guy picked him up and cooed to him, and he hissed at jess when she baby talked the cute little thing. he definitely scratched peter b multiple times when the stubborn brunette tried getting the cat to warm up to him, but no, he was a very grumpy kitten that didn't want anyone to do things for him.
miguel o'purra hates everyone at HQ, he can finally be vocal about it through his incessant hissing, scratching, biting, kicking, and... littering on others' desks as revenge for taking your attention away from him while he was still human. it's petty, sure, and he did debate with himself whether or not to do this because it is pretty disgusting—but he can't help but want you to tend to him, your touch is the nicest and softest to him, why can't he be in your arms for the whole day while he's like this? without having to worry what you think of him the next day because he's just a cute, helpless, furious little furball that just so happens to prefer you over everyone else.
miguel o'purra is not appeciative of the fact you kindly named him 'mr. furball', he glares at you every time you call for him like that. he finds it a little degrading, too, because he still has his human consciousness intact; he's just in the body of a cat. though, he does like how your eyes light up and how your smile widens whenever he walks over to you and nuzzles up by your legs whenever you call for him, it warms his little heart, though he isn't sure why.
miguel o'purra knows he should be hatching up a plan to break this stupid spell that has technically incapacitated him in this feline form, but... he can finally have a day of rest since you insist on giving this cute kitty you found the most proper grooming and makeover fit for royalty, royal cats, that was.
miguel o'purra doesn't mind how your hands are all over his furry little body as your brush his hair, trim his long claws, how you boop his little paw pads that make him purr lowly whenever you touch the sensitive pads on his paws—and when you rub in between his ears all gently, just stroking his head all hypnotically and repetitively... he smiles a little, and it warms your heart so, so much.
miguel o'purra despises baths, however—he has such killer instincts whenever you're about to put him in the bath full of water, his archnemesis. he literally spreads all his legs out and clings on to the walls of the bathtub to stop you from putting him in the bath, aggressively hissing in resistance.
miguel o'purra loves being rewarded for such good behavior. he loves being stroked on his back and on his head, on those sweet spots he loves being touched on so, so much. he's relaxed like this, being on your lap while you work and try finding miguel, not knowing he was right here on your lap as 'mr. furball', but you didn't need to know that.
miguel o'purra accidentally brushes his little fuzzy paws over your thighs, tickling you. he gets all surprised and arches his back, jolting up, realizing he touched you by accident. you giggle and ask 'mr. furball' why he's so on edge and compliment his fuzzy little paws, with him purring in a questioning tone if you meant what you said. you reassure him and tell him your lap was basically his second home; he feels like he could just live like this forever, but he resists that notion and treads lightly when it came to you and your irresistibly beautiful lap.
miguel o'purra doesn't want to leave your side; he's always perched on your lap and will hiss at and swing his claws at anyone who dares take you away from him. you tell him you aren't going anywhere, but he doesn't buy it—he wants to go with you and protect you, even as a cat; he has claws for a reason, and he's unafraid to use them now, especially as a cute, fuzzy little clingy furball that loves you dearly.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @hearts4gabri @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @fictarian @yuridopted0 @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @fable-library @ophanimgold @smokeywhalee @capnshtfce
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A @libraryraccoon prompt
It was now a week since the whole STYKS fiasco and Grim was now back to Ramshackle living his student life to the fullest... however there was something bothering Grim... "Why does this place fill empty?" Grim hadn't seen his henchman since his return to the school grounds.
In his room the prefect was still unconscious recovering from the last overblot fight; the phantom had made him hit his head by throwing him to a wall.
When Yuu finally woke up ramshackle was surrounded by silence; "It's probably school time I shouldn't worry about it too much" after struggling a bit the prefect got up leaning onto the desk that was near his bead. Suddendly the mirror gave him a crude sight of reality: a black and blue scar ran trough his left eye.
"Oh right Grim..." The prefect murmured with sorrow before sighing "It would be better if I cover this up..." After a quick patch up his left eye was bandaged and hidden to everyone's sight with his black hair.
A week had passed again. Things were back to normal, and Yuu couldn't be more glad to see Grim finally happy! However there was something bothering him... why even after all the medication he took the scratch was still there? Didn't that potion cure scars? Why is it still there?
Lost with his train of toughs, Yuu didn't notice his legs took him to one place he dreaded the most: the botanical garden.
Yuu knew if he met the sleeping lion his cover would be blown and make Grim and the others far too preoccupied for his sake.
Panicking, he tried to exit the place, making as little noise as possible, only to be betrayed by a twig on the ground.
And there he was standing in all his majestic stance thr sunset savanna Prince, observing with annoyed eyes the now panicked prefect.
His look then softened before he scrunched up his nose without any word spoken he wrapped his hand around the collar of the prefect's shirt "Herbivore you stink."
The prefect tried to play it dumb
"Thanks, Leona..."
The lion growled. "Do you think I'm stupid Herbivore? Don't play dumb. We both know what I'm talking about the fact that you smell of decaying flesh." After his hand moved Yuu's hair out of the way, revealing a patch of bandages.
"Listen, Yuu, I'm not gonna tell anyone if that's what you want... however, I was not kidding when I said it smells like rotten flesh you should get checked by that dog trainer but for now I'll patch you up." Releasing his grip on the prefect he whipped out his magic pen casting a healing spell."This should keep things at bay for a while." Yuu swallowed before looking down not saying a word Leona hears were now flat on his head "You know I didn't want to say this but... that scar... reminds me of when I overblotted... the tought of me hurting you is now a nightmare to me so please get it checked."
Leaving the prefect stunned by this sudden confession, Leona started to head back to his dorm before turning one last time "Also; don't worry about that furball I'm sure he will understand that you forgive him if you tell him and you know.... having a scar is not something to be ashamed off" the lion said before pointing to his scar."For me, this is a reminder ofa successfull hunt, for you it will be a reminder of how much you endured since you came here..."
The prefect smiled softly thinking of Leona's words before heading back to the school ho owned everyone an explanation afterall.
(This was supposed to be super agsty but I made it fluff- o well. Sorry if it's not what you imagined @libraryraccoon but we'll enjoy? I guess?)
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leaderpinhead · 8 months
Leona - The Kingscholar Men
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Leona wanted to squeeze that big head full of even bigger orange hair between his palms like an actual orange. 
And no, he wasn’t talking about his brat of a nephew. He wished he was talking about his nephew. The sheer stupidity he was having to deal with would have made more sense coming from a child. Not a full grown, adult king nearly ten years his senior! 
He skidded around one corner of the hallway, ignoring the servants who gave him dirty looks when his shoes left noticeable marks on the floor. He caught sight of the wild bush Falena called a mane slip around the corner at the far end of the hallway. With a snarl, he took off down the hallway like he was on the Spelldrive field intersecting a win-or-lose disc heading towards his team’s goal. 
He barely registered the orange furball when he sprinted past one of the archways. His ears twitched from Cheka’s high-pitched voice. “Mama? Wha’s Unca Leona and daddy doing?” 
Sade’s loud sigh was both dramatic and amused. “Cheka, dear. This is why mommy makes you go to daycare. So you can learn how to communicate your feelings with others like a normal, healthy person.” 
“I like playing with Timmy and Pupa!” 
Leona clicked his tongue and ignored his sister-in-law. Sitting on a comfy throne all day had created a larger gap in their stamina because Falena was tiring out a lot quicker than Leona. Leona could already hear his brother huffing with exertion while he was barely winded. It only took a few more turns for Leona to fully catch up to him. 
With a tackle that would have made Vargas obnoxiously caw with muscle praise, Leona took Falena to the ground. While Falena whined, Leona wrangled his brother into a chokehold. He snapped his teeth in his brother’s ear. “Give it back now.” 
Despite his chokehold, Falena somehow managed to huff out a chuckle. “I don’t know what you mean!” 
Leona flexed the arm around Falena’s neck, digging the bend of his elbow deeper into his brother’s Adam’s apple. “You know exactly what I’m talking about. I get notifications for messages on my tablet.” 
Falena huffed another laugh, tempting Leona to completely cut off his airflow. “Sade told me about Cheka’s new pen pal.” 
Now Leona really did cut off Falena’s windpipe. “Don’t say another word.” 
But Falena did. “The Kingscholars are naturally virile—.” 
His voice cut off with a satisfying croak. Leona kept pressure on Falena’s throat. “Long live the king.” 
Falena quickly tapped his wrist. “Leona, I can’t breathe!” 
“You’re a fool to think that’s not the point.” 
Falena bucked up against him. Leona was quickly reminded that even though he was clearly the lither of the two, Falena still had a good bit of muscle on him. After a quick round of hissing and spitting, it wasn’t too difficult for Falena to reverse their positions. His brother boisterously laughed the moment he could breathe again, and Leona was subjected to a rough noogie between the ears. “There’s no reason to be so shy! It’s about time you showed interest in someone.” 
Leona glowered at the guards who had finally caught up to them, embarrassingly gasping for breath. “You’re already growing senile in your old age.” 
“When do you plan to bring her here to meet me?” 
“Now you’re just being obnoxiously full of yourself.” 
“We have to introduce her to Kafaji and Baraka!” 
Leona’s snarl was punctuated by a loud chime. With one arm still wrapped around Leona’s shoulders, Falena used his free hand to pull Leona’s phone from his pocket. Leona glowered at the screen, kicking himself in the rear for disabling his passcode to make it easier for Ruggie to use his phone. It allowed his brother to easily swipe the phone unlocked and gain access to his messages. 
The picture Falena had sent to the prefect—one of Leona grinning up at the camera as a toddler—took up most of the space on the screen. The only text bubble on the screen was her new response below it: Cute! You and Cheka have the same nose! 
Falena chuckled and showed Leona the screen like he had something to be proud about. “She likes kids. That’s a good sign!” 
Leona snorted and ignored his brother rambling on in his ear. He was enabling the passcode on all of his devices again even if it meant having to hear Ruggie whine when he couldn’t use it for coupons or something. Anything was better than having to listen to Falena plan out some delusional “five-year engagement plan” like an old spinster. 
And everyone wondered why he occasionally dreamed of pushing his brother off a cliff into a herd of stampeding wildebeests. 
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“Leona!! There’s my cute baby brother. It’s so good to see you.” Farena smiles as bright as the sun, it’s blinding. He carries Cheka in his arms, and Cheka waves and squeals. “Ojitan, we came to see you!!” “That’s right, you haven’t visited home in so long so we decided to come to you instead. How’ve you been, Leona? How is school? Have you made new friends? Anything fun happen recently?”
While writing this interaction, I tried to keep the dynamic of Mufasa and Scar and Simba and Scar in mind. The brothers themselves were often in opposition, but Scar often said phrases which could be easily misconstrued as playful or caring in the eyes of a child like Simba. I wanted to get similar vibes down for Leona interacting with Falena and Cheka!
Not me making Falena basically drop an Uncle Iroh line--
Family means Nobody is Left Behind or Forgotten.
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The second Falena and Cheka paraded into his room, Leona bolted up from the bed. Every hair on his tail stood on end, his eardrums ringing, as his senses rushed to process the nightmare playing out before him: his brother and nephew announcing their arrival. All sunshine, and too much of it.
Leona burrowed back under his blankets and buried his face in a pillow. It’s just a bad dream, he told himself. They’ll go away if you ignore them for long enough.
“Leona! Are you still taking a cat nap? Rise and shine, baby bro!!” He felt a hand on his back. Meant to be encouraging, he presumed.
“Who exactly’s your ‘baby bro’ here?” Leona grumbled, wrapping the covers even more tightly around himself. He despised it—the reminder of being second born, and how Falena said it with such ignorant glee.
There was a soft laugh, and the hand on his back retreated. “Old habits die hard. I’m sorry, I know you’re a man now—but to me, you’ve always been my precious younger brother. Please, won’t you see us?”
A mass came upon his mattress, excited bouncing causing the springs to creak. “Wake up, Ojitan!! It’s time to get up and play with me and Papa!! You promised to show me how to play magift, remember?”
Dread immediately set into Leona. If he didn’t move soon, Cheka would be jumping on his belly instead of on his bed.
Defeated, Leona irritably dragged himself up, wearing his blanket like it was a cloak. It fell low, hooding messy bangs and shading his eyes. Bright green and discerning against the shadows.
“Ojitan’s up!! I did it, Papa, I did it!!” Cheka cheered. He spun in a circle, pumping his tiny fists.
His father scooped him up with a hearty laugh. “Atta’ boy! You got your uncle good!”
“If you’ll pardon the interruption to your merriment,” Leona cut in with a drawl, “to what do I owe this pleasure? It’s not every day when the King of the Sunset Savanna deigns to walk among the masses.”
Falena’s cheer faltered. His sibling’s biting sarcasm cut deep, even after all these years of growing accustomed to it. “You don’t need to be so formal with me, Leona,” he advised patiently. “We’re family.”
“Fine.” Leona crossed his arms. He didn’t speak the counter that was on his mind: but family doesn’t have to like each other. “Where are your bodyguards? It’s dangerous for high profile people to roam the campus unattended, especially today, when the NRC gates are open to outsiders.”
“We have our ways of slipping away from them. Don’t we, champ?” Falena ruffled his son’s hair, and Cheka beamed a little too proudly.
… So that’s where the furball learned it from. He shouldn’t have been surprised.
“A king and a prince ditching their royal babysitters in favor of singing and dancing the day away… The people would be simply beside themselves if they knew,” Leona simpered. (A smirk tugged at the corner of hjs mouth at the thought of the old coot Kifaji’s panic at losing sight of his sovereign.)
“No one in the world would rather tend to royal duties than spend time with his family. I certainly wouldn’t.”
Leona scowled.
“Ojitan looks kinda scary.“
“He’s just making a funny face at you,” Falena reassured his son.
“Oooh, I get it!! I can make a funny face too!! Watch me!!” Hooking his index fingers, Cheka pried the sides of his mouth and wiggled his tongue. “Blegh!!”
“Real charming there, kid,” Leona said dryly.
“Thanks!!” The reply was earnest, not understanding one bit of the edge to Leona’s voice.
Falena smiled warmly at his son. "… Cheka, I have an idea. Why don’t you run along and prepare the magift equipment to play a round? You can get some help and form teams by asking the nice young men around Savanaclaw.”
“That sounds really fun!! But Papa… what about you and Ojitan?”
Falena gently set Cheka down. A hand found its way into the lion cub’s mane, ruffling it once more. “Your uncle and I will be out in a moment to join you. We need to talk about something important first.”
It was good enough of an answer for Cheka.
“Okay!! I’ll do a good job, promise!! We’ll have the most funnest magift game ever!”
“That’s my boy.”
Cheka took of racing out and down the hallway. His eager, high-pitched voice carries through the wide open spaces. Inquiries directed at passing students, asking if they wanted to play, or if they knew where the right gear was.
Falena waited for the noise to subside—for Cheka for be out of earshot—before he met Leona’s gaze again. His younger brother’s expression was sullen, gleaming eyes almost sunken into the darkness of his blanket hood.
“So kind of you to grant me a private audience, your majesty.”
Falena did not back away. He glanced at the unoccupied space on Leona’s bed.
“May I?”
“By all means. It’s not like you didn’t already barge in unannounced. What’s the use in denying you a seat?”
“… Thank you.”
Falena sat gingerly for a man of his size, careful to not disturb his brother. The bed frame creaked, now bearing the weight of two fully grown Kingscholars. A shared family legacy between them.
“… I know if was rude of us to surprise you like that. I apologize. I couldn’t help it. I wanted to see how you’d been doing at school.”
“A text or a call would have been more than enough.”
“Ah, but then you’d leave it on read or pretend the signal was bad and you were breaking up.”
Leona stared incredulously at his brother. Falena grinned like a cat that had gotten to the cream.
“I know most of your tricks by now.”
“Oh, good. I’ll have to brainstorm new ones to outwit you.”
“A text or a call wouldn’t have been enough anyway. I wanted to see the school that changed you for myself.” Falena gestured around them, at the blue sky waiting beyond the window. “And, of course, I wanted to see my changed brother for myself as well.”
“You’re mistaken. I haven’t changed at all. I’m still as miserable of a wretch as I ever was.”
“I beg to differ. You visited home for the first time in forever on winter break. You even brought some friends with you to Catch the Tail.”
“Whatever it takes to placate you and Kifaji,” Leona snorted.
“I think you’re deflecting. Big brothers know these kinds of things. It’s like my secret sense.” Placing his hands on the bed, Falena tilted his head back. His eyes were on the ceiling, but his words were directed at Leona. “You always avoided coming home before. Never quite liked it. Now you’re making a little more of an effort of it, even if it’s difficult for you.”
“Whatever would give you that impression, brother dearest?”
“Come on, Leona. I don’t have bugs for brains. I can tell when you’re uncomfortable or unhappy, or when you don’t want to do something. You’ve always been the stubborn type.”
Leona cursed internally. The palace servants would have called it the king’s sensitivity—but to the younger brother, it was nothing more than an annoyance.
Falena chuckled, elbowing Leona. “Something happened at school recently, didn’t it? Something that made you reconsider.”
Leona held his tongue. There was so much to tell, and none of it he wanted to be told.
I hurt other students to get a chance to prove myself. I plotted a stampede to take out the leader of a rival dorm. I Overblotted.
I conspired with fresh meat to infiltrate and steal. I dusted an octopunk’s contracts. I put together a stage.
I got hauled off to a secret underwater research facility and experimented on. I fought ancient Phantoms. And I… thought about the past, the future... and my role in it.
I survived all of that. I’m still here.
“A lot of things have happened,” Leona said vaguely. “There’s nothing for you to get your tail in a twist over. School's uneventful. It’s just me and my good chums livin’ it up.”
"Chums?" Falena's face brightened considerably. "Aw, so you have made friends after all! I'm so proud of you for finally opening up, Leona!"
He recoiled with disgust. "Hah?! Don't give me that 'power of friendship' bull crap, it sounds like something the Daikon Radish Sprout would quote from one of the shows he obsesses over."
"Don't be shy!! You've even got cute little nicknames for your buddies! I bet you stay up late into the night to talk about your hopes and dreams too."
Falena laughed at the automatic, snappy response. Only he, the sunlight to Leona's shadows, could. "You're doing just fine. I'm glad."
"You're relieved that I won't disgrace the royal family."
Falena shook his head, letting red locks fall over his shoulders. "I was never angry or upset with you. I was sad because I was afraid you had lost your way in the dark. But you managed to find your way to the light again with the help of your friends. That's what I'm glad about."
Ever the brother's keeper, like a gnat to a wildebeest.
"Hmph. Despite what you say, you've yet to get out of my fur."
"As I've said, old habits die hard." Falena attempted at a chuckle, but it came out awkwardly. "... Say, Leona. Have you given some thought into what you'll do for your internship next year? Then there's your graduation...
"Things are changing so fast. It feels like just yesterday when father was still well, and we were still cubs wrestling in the savanna. Kifaji would tell us off, but we'd conspire to sneak off to explore the Elephant Graveyard anyway. You'd always beat me at chess, and Kifaji would beat you at your game. We'd dare each other to eat bugs from a pile, trying to find the one that tastes like chicken first.
"Still children, not yet king and prince, not yet shouldering the weight of our adult responsibilities. Now the older we get, the more and more we seem to drift apart, and the worse off father becomes."
"You're blabbering," Leona sighed, lowering the covers he had been cocooned in. His chocolate mane and lion ears made themselves known. "What's the point in reminiscing? We can never return to those days. Your eyes should be set on a future littered with prizes. You'll never seize them if you continue to fixate on the past."
"You're right." Falena smiled, looking properly at Leona still nestled in his sheets--but slowly inching out of them. "I've said this before, and I'll say it again. You're an intelligent young man, with a good head on your shoulders. You have skills and strengths that I could never dream of having."
"You're going to start on another one of your cooperation spiels, aren't you." Leona said it as a statement, not as a question.
"I hope you don't see it that way. No, I... I'd like to join hands with you again, brother." Falena offered an open hand, his entire being shining with hope. "Like we did in the past, this time for the future. Together, I firmly believe we can usher in a new era of peace and prosperity for the Sunset Savanna."
Leona stared at the waiting hand like it was a bear trap with a tasty morsel. If he reached, those steel jaws would clamp around him, hurting him once more.
"What makes you think I'll accept the same speech you've thrown at me for years and years? It's the same song and dance."
"I know you, Leona. And I know that you must have had a change of heart, however small it may be. Here, at Night Raven College, you've become different."
Falena's fingers curled, and the hand retracted back to his lap. "You don't need to give me your answer now. Please, just consider it seriously. That would be enough for me."
"As always, you're endlessly optimistic."
"We balance each other out."
The sun had risen high in the sky, crowning another day. A fresh wave of heat pervaded the room.
Leona's blanket slipped to his waist, the material pooling at his legs. He emerged from the covers like a lion from its den.
"How fortunate," Leona purred, "killing two birds with one stone. A diplomatic meeting and a courtesy call rolled into one."
If only you were usually this efficient with handling your duties.
From down the hallway came the tmp, tmp tmp of footsteps. They grew progressively louder by the second, like a cheer swelling into an uproar. People coming closer, a crowd gathering.
A new game about to start.
“But unfortunately for you, my most exalted elder brother Falena…”
Leona stood at last, casting off his blanket in one glorious motion. It fluttered to the ground, no longer needed to shelter the beastman from the world--nor the world from him.
“I don’t play by your rules," Leona announced, his lips pulled back into a cocksure smirk.
At that moment, an out-of-breath Cheka came sprinting into the room, thrusting the door open. He was followed by a stampede of footsteps, hoots, and hollers--a whole pack of Savanaclaw students wielding brooms and a golden frisbee.
Through rosy cheeks, the cub declared, "Papa!! Ojitan!! We're ready!"
Chanting students echoed his sentiment.
"Perfect timing, furball." Leona languidly stepped off of his mattress, hands in his pockets. He was a king descending from his throne to be among his people.
He cast a glance at Falena, still seated on the bed, and felt his smirk widen. "I'm doing things my own way... and that includes wiping the floor with you in magical shift. Isn't that right, boys?"
The group broke out into rapturous barking. Stomping, clapping.
"Yeeeeah!! Let's body him, Leona-san!!"
"You could totally take him, dorm leader!!"
"Leona-senpai, fight, fight, fight!"
Oblivious Cheka, at the head of the group of absurdly burly young men, threw his arms up and squealed. "Everyone's so excited to play together!"
"Haha, you have such an enthusiastic group of supporters, Leona." Falena rose from the bed himself and turned to his brother. Sun and shadow, staring at each other in the face. "I would be honored to play a match with you. How about you and Savanaclaw on one team, and myself and the royal procession on the other team? We could ring up Kifaji to referee."
"What about me, Papa? What can I do?"
"Hmm... well, it'd be dangerous for a young one like you to play against older kids and adults. Maybe you could fetch water for the players?"
"Awww..." Cheka's ears flattened, his tail hanging in dismay. "But bringing water's not playing."
"Your dad's right, furball. Listen to him." Leona groaned, nudging the child. "You don't want to get caught up in the crossfires."
"Huh? Crossfires? There's no fire though."
"Oh, there is."
Leona's eyes, an immaculate shade of emerald circled by shadows, glinted with newfound promise and vigor.
This time, I'm settling the score... by my own rules.
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readsstuffwhenever · 2 years
A Tale of a Kitten's Jealousy
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"Love...It's just a kitten...." You sighed.
"Get rid of it." Leona demanded again.
"Aren't you a bit harsh on the little guy...?" You narrowed your eyes and covered the sleeping kitten's ears.
Leona irked.
You found the little kitten that was injured in the forest a week ago and you didn't have the heart to leave it there to die. So you took the kitten with you and took care of it until it got better. However, after telling your boyfriend about the news he seemed a bit quiet for a few days.
Suddenly out of the blue, he complained to you as you were visiting his dorm today.
"I even asked the headmage if I can take care of it." You innocently gave a close-eyed smile.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
"I apologize but I can't allow another creature to roam this school." Crowley said firmly.
A flashback of you who was in his office held the kitten with a towel wrapped around it to keep it warm . You wanted to ask if you can keep it and take it into your care.
"Headmage Crowley."
Crowley sweated a little as he felt something sinister coming from his student.
"Sir, I don't think you want me to remind the other teachers about your little debt to them, do you?" A dark aura covered you as you smiled. "Think of this as a little payment for all I've done for you. You are very GENEROUS, aren't you?"
"H-How cruel!"
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
The lion sweatdrop at the smile since he could imagine what could of happen in that crow's office before composing himself.
"You already got a furball in your dorm." The lion raised a brow. "You don't need another one."
"Grim's alright with it!" You said. "He even help me feed it!"
'Although, I have to do twice the head scratches as compensation.....'
He began murmuring stuff under his breath.
"Uh, I don't understand what your saying....."
Then, you realized something.
"Wait a minute, I thought you weren't bothered....?" You tilted your head. "You never complained about this until now."
"Tch." He averted his gaze.
"Never mind...." He went to his bed and plopped down facing away from you. "I don't want to talk about anymore...."
You sweatdrop at his childish action before sitting at the side of the bed, kitten in arms.
"He was too cute to be alone, why are you sulking now—"
Then, your eyes widened as finally figured out why he was like this.
"Leona, are you jealous....?"
"No." He immediately answers.
It wasn't visible but he tensed up.
Your eyes blinked before you let out a little chuckle at his behavior. You petted his hair to sooth him.
He would have slept if it was continued but was stopped at a little meow.
It seems the kitten woke up from its nap and was crying little meows now.
"Ah, he woke up...." You petted the kitten's head.
"He?" Leona sat up and turned to look at you.
"So now you want to talk?" You glanced at him playfully.
The beastman grumbled and looked away.
"His name is Leo..…" You smiled gently at the kitten wrapped in a towel in your arms. Leona's head quickly turned back to you. You shrugged. "He kind of reminded me of you."
To say Leona was surprised would be an understatement. A tinge of red could be seen on his ears as he finally took a good look at the kitten and you.
"Think of it as your child since I was hoping you would also look after him with me."
A sudden vision came to his mind as he saw a woman and himself holding a child that cried softly. He shook his head to get rid of that thought.
"I was hoping that would be a yes or a no but that'll do I suppose....."
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kuschelkissen-art · 4 months
Chapter 14 - CAT
Summary: Koumei adopts a cat. But not just any cat. One that weirdly looks like him...
Inspired by:
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“What's that?”
“Pardon?” Taka'aki looked at Kansuke with mild annoyance.
“I asked what's that,” Kansuke repeated and pointed at the little furball in Taka'aki's hands.
“That is obviously a cat.” Taka'aki held the kitten a bit more closely to his chest, as it got a bit skittish by now. No doubt because of Kansuke's rude attitude.
Kansuke huffed. “I can see that! But why do you bring a cat to work?!”
“I found it,” was Taka'aki's nonchalant reply. “And I plan on taking it to the local shelter in my lunch break.” The little thing had been all by itself in a soggy box at the side of the road, he couldn't just leave it there! So he had carefully tugged it under his jacket to keep it warm on the way to work.
Kansuke stared at him and then the cat. “You could've brought it there right away!”
“Kansuke-kun, are you suggesting that I should have been late to work?” That was just silly. “It is small and doesn't take up a lot of room. It will be fine for a few hours.”
“Inspector Morofushi!” Yui entered the office, carrying a big box and a pillow. “I found a box that should work.”
While Kansuke looked at her in disbelief, Taka'aki seemed relieved. “Ah, thank you, Yui-san.” He waited until she had put down the box with the pillows on his desk, then he carefully sat the kitten inside the box.
Kansuke frowned and got a bit closer. “So you're in on it, huh?” he grumbled, which made Yui smile apologetically. “Explains a lot.”
“Don't be angry, Kan-chan. I couldn't leave that little kitty in the rain.” She chuckled and leant over the box, where the kitten was now sniffing everything intensely. “Doesn't it remind you of someone?”
“Remind me?” Kansuke frowned even deeper and looked at the cat. “What do you mean, remind me, it's a cat-” He blinked. “Why does that cat have a mustache?” A mustache and eyebrows and hair that framed its face perfectly. At least that was what the black pattern on white fur looked like.
Both of them raised their head to look at Taka'aki and Yui chuckled some more behind her hand.
“Why the hell does this cat look like Koumei??”
“Do you understand now why I couldn't leave it behind?” Yui whispered.
“What are you talking about, Kansuke-kun? It is a cat. Do I look like a cat to you?”
“No, but the cat looks like you! It even has your eyebrows!”
“You're acting silly,” Taka'aki said as he sat down and started his computer. “Cats don't have eyebrows.”
When Kansuke wanted to protest – this cat very obviously had eyebrows! - Yui grabbed his arm. “We will leave you and your little assistant now. Don't drive to the shelter without me, okay?!”
Taka'aki didn't correct her about the assistant.
It took maybe half an hour before he put down the box from the desk to the ground, to easier take a look at the little one. It had rolled up on the pillow and fallen asleep. Taka'aki smiled a bit, before he turned back to his computer.
It was a busy day. Very busy. In fact, Taka'aki thought that there were a lot of inquiries today that needed his attention, even from people he did not usually work with. Some even came more than once to ask him things or get signatures or other advice. It was rather tiring, especially since none of them left immediately afterwards, but insisted on stating how cute the kitten was, watching it for a bit, and sometimes even taking pictures.
It was almost noon and Taka'aki hadn't finished half of his tasks because of these constant disturbances, so he was a bit annoyed when there was another knock on the door. “Yes?!”
It was Yui who peeked inside. “I wanted to see how you're doing with your little friend here.” She got in and closed the door behind her, immediately catching on his annoyance. “You ok?” She smiled at him, now that there were just the two of them.
Taka'aki sighed and buried his face in his hands. “I haven't finished the things I wanted to finish, all because it seems like no-one in this department has ever seen a cat.”
Yui chuckled and crouched down next to the box to pet the little one. “Well, most of them haven't seen one that looks like you, Taka'aki-kun.”
Another sigh. “It does not look like me.”
“It does.” Carefully she lifted the cat and held it up, pointing at the little mustache and eyebrow markings. “Look? Twins.”
At that, Taka'aki made a face, but finally rubbed his temples with a defeated groan. “Fine. I can see where you're coming from, but that does not excuse all the nuisance I had to endure today.”
“Well, you didn't want to go to the shelter before work, so you have to live with the consequences of your actions.”
“Thank you, I figured as much.”
“So? Have you decided yet?”
“Decided?” Taka'aki looked at her with raised eyebrow. “Decided what?”
“Whether you want to keep it?”
“Keep it? I cannot keep a kitten, Yui-kun.” The mere idea was laughable. Even if he didn't account for his job, even if he did have time to care for a little animal like this, he wasn't the right person for it. He had no idea about the needs of a cat, or how to care for one. Besides, even these few hours had been enough to completely cover his suit in white cat hair, and that wasn't something he'd be able to tolerate for long. It wasn't exactly professional to go to work like that either.
“Aww.” The disappointment in her voice was a bit concerning. “I thought it would be cute. It would've been like one of these old cartoons where people had pets that looked like them.”
Taka'aki didn't bother to correct her this time.
“Are you really sure you don't want to rethink it? Maybe keep it for a few days, just to make sure?”
“If you want a cat, why don't you take it in then?” Taka'aki asked.
“Oh, no, no. I'm not suitable to be a cat mum.”
“A what?”
“A cat mum! I think I would be spoiling the little one and it would wreck havoc in my little home. But you have a nice house with lots of room and even a little garden!”
“Somehow I begin to doubt that you ever planned on bringing this kitten to a shelter, Yui-kun,” Taka'aki said, his neat eyebrows furrowed deep enough to form a little wrinkle between them.
“Ah, that's not true! I did! But I hoped it would be not today.” She laughed and held the kitten out for him. It meowed loudly and Taka'aki carefully took it from her.
“You have to support the legs, Yui-kun,” he said, as he held it to his chest. The kitten looked at him and meowed again, trying to climb him. “Ah, don't do that, little one. You will leave holes in the fabric.”
Another meow, this time more demanding.
“I think it is hungry~” Yui said with a grin.
“Ah?” Taka'aki examined the cat and nodded. “Yes, that is very likely. But I don't have anything to-” A baby bottle was held under his nose.
“I allowed myself to go to the nearest pet shop and bought some milk for kittens.” The bottle was placed in his hand and before he could protest, Yui was back at the door. “See you later, inspector!”
“Wait! Yui-!” Taka'aki sighed and looked down at the kitten, squirming in his hand. “Fine...”
Feeding a kitten from a bottle was a new experience for him, but at the same time, it gave him a feeling of nostalgia. Of peace. Made him remember times that were long left behind, when his little brother had still been a baby and his mother had carefully placed him in his lap, instructing him on how to hold him and the bottle.
Hiromitsu had drunk almost as eagerly as the kitten, emptying his bottle in no time. And just like his brother had back then, the kitten fell asleep almost right away when it was done. Taka'aki held it for a bit longer, before placing it back into the box, watching it get comfortable. He smiled a bit. Maybe he could understand just a bit why everyone was fussing over the little cat.
Just a bit though.
The next officer that wanted to get a glance was met with a glare and a hissed “shh! It fell asleep!”.
In the end, Taka'aki didn't make it to the shelter in time, so on his way home, he made a stop at the pet shop to get some food, a cat bed, and a cat toilet. The little kitten had left a wet stain on the pillow in its box and Taka'aki had no intent of letting it do that on any floor or furniture in his home.
“Well... here we are,” he said, putting down everything after entering his house. Yui and Kansuke were on a stakeout, so he was all by himself with this situation now.
But while his thoughts were going into all kinds of directions, trying to think of every possible scenario in this, the kitten was already exploring the house, sniffing intensely on every piece of furniture. And scratching its surprisingly sharp little claws on some.
“No, no, no!” Quickly, Taka'aki pulled it away from the couch. “You cannot do that, you will ruin the leather.” He sighed. “I should have bought the scratching post after all.” It was too late for that now, so he sat down on the couch, the kitten on his lap, and started searching the internet on his phone for solutions.
In the end, he managed to dig out some old boxes from the bin and gave these to the kitten. It seemed to work, even though the result was tons of tiny scraps of cardboard all over the floor as the kitten did its best to destroy the box.
“You sure are a feisty one,” Taka'aki mumbled. The kitten may have the mustache, but it certainly didn't have the manners.
He was surprised though, on how easily the kitten understood where it was supposed to poop. It made a mess with the litter, shoveling it all over the place in its enthusiasm, but it did not wet the floor, or worse, pooped somewhere, where it shouldn't.
When he ate his dinner, the cat had its own portion of food in a bowl on the floor, and it emptied it just as quickly as it did with the bottle before. Taka'aki smiled as he saw it fall asleep next to the bowl. He carefully scooped it up and carried it to its bed, where it rolled up, sinking into the soft fabric. “Good night, kitten,” he said and went to bed as well.
When Taka'aki woke up in the morning, it was from a weird, vibrating sound and the feeling of not being able to breathe properly. He opened his eyes and found the source for both in the kitten, that had curled up on his chest, purring louder than he would've imagined a small creature like that could possibly do.
He groaned, rubbing his eyes. "You were not supposed to sleep in my bed."
The kitten barely raised its head and meowed tiredly at him.
Taka'aki turned his head to look at the LED numbers of his alarm clock. Still thirty minutes before he had to get up. "I guess it doesn't matter now, does it?"
Another tiny meow and louder purring was the answer.
It's okay, he thought. It's just another day.
Getting ready with the little one turned out to be quite a bit more of a hassle than he had expected. The kitten managed with fascinating precision to always move right where he wanted to step next, and more than once he almost stumbled over it. In the end, he was actually running late - for his standards - and getting a bit hectic, when the door opened and a very tired looking Kansuke and Yui stepped inside.
"You're still here?" Kansuke asked, barely concealing a yawn with his hand. "You're late."
"Thank you for letting me know, I had no idea," Taka'aki replied, annoyance very audible in his voice as he pushed the kitten away from fishing for his shoelaces. "What are you doing here?"
"We're tired from the stakeout, and your house is closer to the PD than mine," Kansuke explained matter of fact.
"You brought it home!" Yui suddenly didn't sound too tired anymore.
"I did. The shelter was closed when I got off work." He looked up, suddenly a bit more delightful about their unplanned intrusion. "Since you're here, you can look after it. Food is in the kitchen by the sink, and keep it from destroying my couch, please."
"Yes, Sir~" Yui saluted with a smile, while Kansuke raised an eyebrow.
"This is a bad idea."
"No, it is a brilliant idea because now I can leave and be at work at a somewhat decent time, without having to fear coming home to my house destroyed by this little ferocious creature."
"Did you hear that?" Yui had crouched down to pet the purring kitten. "What a ferocious creature you are~ but he cares for you anyway."
Taka'aki hesitated, then grabbed his jacket and left.
When he returned from work in the late afternoon, he found Yui sitting on the ground, playing with the kitten with what seemed to be a shoe lace or something similar.
"Taka'aki-kun, you're back!~!" She smiled, but didn't get up. The kitten though ran to greet him with its tail trembling in anticipation. It jumped on his foot and made an attempt to climb his leg, which Taka'aki quickly stopped by picking it up. "I told you to not destroy my suit, please," he said and the kitten just meowed at him, rubbing its head against his hand.
Yui giggled. "I'm not sure he can understand you."
"He?" Taka'aki repeated as he slipped from his shoes and got closer.
"He. It's not very obvious, but... yeah. Kou-chan is a little boy."
Taka'aki raised a perfectly trimmed eyebrow at that. "You named it?"
"I named him. He's too cute not to."
From the couch, Kansuke let out a snort. "l told you it's a bad idea~" He grinned widely. "Congratulations, Koumei, you just adopted a cat~"
Taka'aki made a face, but then sighed. He should've seen this coming from the moment Yui set her eyes on the little kitten. "You know what that means, Kansuke-kun?" he said as he stepped closer, little "Kou-chan" on his arm. "We adopted a cat."
Now it was Kansuke who grimaced. He hadn't thought of that, but Taka'aki was right. Where the kitten was, Yui would be, and vice versa.
"Don't worry~" Yui said as she hugged Taka'aki from behind, on her toes to peak over his shoulder. "You'll be great cat dads!"
Kou-chan meowed and reached to bump his head against Taka'aki's chin
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queenofdragons12 · 1 year
Love Untold — Cute Moments W/ Hyunjin
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— Making Muffins Togher
Making muffins with Hyunjin was rare, but when you embarked on this culinary adventure together, it was an absolute delight. In the present moment, you gathered flour for the delectable baked goods while your boyfriend arranged kkami, his beloved pet, in his small room. This precaution ensured the little furball wouldn't scamper around your legs or cause accidental mishaps.
"Love, the flour's ready!" you called out, and the familiar sound of feet swiftly padding across the wooden floor reached your ears. Hyunjin's warm hands encircled your waist, and his chin found a cozy resting place on your shoulder. A soft chuckle escaped your lips as you turned to steal a sweet kiss on his cheek.
"Hey, love, we have to work together, you know," you gently reminded him. Hyunjin simply shrugged, refusing to relinquish his hold on you, and nestled closer. "I want to savor this moment, baby," he replied, his voice filled with endearing playfulness. The sheer cuteness of his response caused your heart to flutter, warming you from within. He, indeed, was too adorable for this world.
— Braiding Each Others Hair
You sat idly in the boys' changing room, engrossed in some activity on your phone. Hyunjin was off somewhere, most likely getting his makeup done. It didn't bother you, as you felt safe in the presence of Felix and the others.
Suddenly, slender fingers tugged at your hair, causing you to emit a slight squeal. Looking up, your face immediately brightened as you saw who it was. Hyunjin stood before you, sporting a white-red shirt that accentuated his charm. His hair was artfully tousled yet expertly styled as if he had just emerged from the shadows. A faint dusting of orange-red makeup adorned his cheeks and nose bridge, giving him an ethereal aura.
"Let me do your hair, baby," he murmured, kissing your nose sweetly. Felix couldn't help but gag playfully at the sight, eliciting your chuckle. Then, leaning into your boyfriend's touch, you disregarded the voices around you as his skillful fingers weaved through your locks, deftly braiding them to mimic his previous hairstyle when his hair was longer.
The remaining strands near your temples were transformed into intricate, delicate braids that intertwined seamlessly. However, much to your dismay, it seemed to be over all too soon. Hyunjin patted your head affectionately, causing you to pout, your fingers tracing the braids that now adorned your head. Hyunjin stepped back, a proud expression on his face.
"Perfect," he declared, and you beamed at him. However, before you could bask, a staff member called for Hyunjin and the boys to proceed to the stage. He bid you a temporary goodbye, and as you watched their performance on the screen, another cherished memory found its way into the recesses of your locked chest.
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liaromancewriter · 9 months
What Could Have Been (9/9)
Series Premise: When Ethan breaks his promise, Cassie is forced to accept they’re not inevitable after all.
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Words: 2,110
Series Masterlist
A/N: Submission for @choicesseptemberchallenge2023, day 7 prompt "sharing something personal" and @choicesflashfics week 48, prompt 2
Chapter 9: Beginnings and Endings. When it’s all said and done, some things are just meant to be, and others are not.
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Ethan Ramsey loosely held the leash in his hands, strolling behind the Jack Russell Terrier that could give him lessons on being inquisitive. If he’d known Cassie Valentine would insist on meeting today, he would have begged off dog sitting for his neighbor.
He sighed as Jack (his neighbor, Donovan, wasn’t known for his imagination) stopped to sniff at yet another tree. So far, he hadn’t had any luck getting him to hurry up and finish his business. The last thing Ethan wanted was to greet Cassie while picking up dog poop.
He cursed when he checked his wristwatch. It was almost two o’clock, and they were nowhere near the swan boats.
“You’re not helping, furball,” he said in exasperation, looking down at the unrepentant canine.
The dog didn’t care about his love life. Instead, he watched Ethan curiously, head cocked sideways, and barked good naturedly before nosing the mulchy ground.
“You’re lucky to be so cute,” Ethan continued the one-sided conversation. “And that I’m a patient man because you’re crimping my style.”
He hadn’t thought about getting a dog again. When Jenner passed away a few years ago, his dad told him he didn’t have the heart to replace him. Busy with his own career, Ethan didn’t push it either.
Now and then, he wondered if it was time. And then he got busy with work, coming home late into the night, leaving early, and it reminded him why it was a bad idea.
The wind picked up, ruffling his hair. Summer was almost over, he thought, leading Jack onto the walking path and their destination with a firm grip on the leash. As they neared the pond, the noise of families enjoying a day out increased.
Tourists chattered as they waited their turn, couples took selfies, and kids ran around screaming and laughing. Cassie had picked the perfect venue to throw him out of his comfort zone.
Lost in thought, he suddenly stumbled when Jack barked excitedly and took off running, the leash flying out of Ethan’s hand.
“Jack, come back here,” he shouted, giving chase.
Ethan staggered to a halt when he saw Cassie crouched on her knees on the path ahead, her arms full of Jack. She giggled as she scratched the back of his ears. Jack woofed and burrowed his nose into the open vee-neck of her white button-down shirt.
“You’re such a good boy, aren’t you?” Cassie’s laughter rang out as she hugged him. “Did you miss me?” Jacked let out a sharp back. “Aww. I missed you too.”
Ethan watched the scene with a perplexed expression. How did Cassie know his neighbor’s dog?
As he slowly walked towards them, he took in Cassie’s outfit. Dark denim jeans paired with a distressed black jacket, white sneakers and a matching handbag.
He mused that she even looked like Old Money, thinking back to the gossip he’d overhead.
Ethan wondered why he hadn’t noticed before. She hadn’t balked once while they treated Bloom in his majestic house or luxurious yacht, taking the excessive wealth in stride.
Outside the hospital, her classy outfits and demeanor exuded an understated elegance he’d often associated with the patrons at the yacht club in Newport, where he worked summers during college.
It was a world far removed from his blue-collar neighborhood in Providence or the place he occupied now in the hospital. He might have invested to grow his earnings, but his car, a couple of custom suits and a season’s box at the opera were the extent of his luxurious lifestyle.
Something else he needed to reconcile with if today went how he’d hoped.
Cassie glanced up at him when his legs stopped in her line of sight. Her green eyes beamed with joy from Jack’s antics, and her lips curled into a warm smile.
“How do you know Jack?” he asked, unable to hold back his curiosity.
Cassie affectionately kissed the top of Jack’s nose and uncrouched from the ground.
“Jack and I are old friends,” she explained with a misty-eyed smile at the dog. “I often ran into Jack and his dad when I visited you about Naveen last year and then when we were dating. Jack likes evening and late-night walks, so we often rode the elevator down.”
“It was love at first sight.” She reached down to pat Jack’s head. “Soon, he and Donovan started walking me to the T before continuing on their adventures.”
“The sentiment is clearly mutual,” Ethan commented neutrally, at a loss of what else to say.
He had a different idea of how their meeting would go. Now, he wasn’t sure how to segue from this to that.
They started walking again. He kept one eye on Jack, who seemed more interested now in a patch of grass. This would be so much easier if his attention wasn’t split in two. But Cassie loved dogs, especially this one, so maybe it wasn’t all bad.
“Thanks for meeting me,” Cassie said, eyes softening as she stepped closer. “And thank you for the flowers. I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful earlier. They really were beautiful.”
“Were?” he said, ears pricking at the word.
“There were thirty-six red roses, Ethan,” Cassie said, rolling her eyes. “I don’t keep enough vases in our apartment on the off chance some guy’s going to send me three dozen roses. I saved a few for my room, but the rest…well, my neighbors are enjoying the heady scent of roses from a secret admirer.”
Ethan grinned, more at the amused exasperation in her tone than anything else she said. He felt lighter than he had in weeks. Their easy banter, the way she looked just right beside him, the domesticity of walking the dog in the park on a weekend.
Why did he think he didn’t need or want this?
“Ethan?” Cassie said, apprehension written across her face as she waited.
He turned abashed when he realized she had been talking and he hadn’t listened. A look crossed her face, one he couldn’t identify.
“Cassie,” he began, only for her to put up a hand to stop him.
“Look, this was clearly a bad idea,” she said, walking off the path to sit at a secluded bench.
Ethan followed slowly, uncertain of what was happening. He dropped the leash when Jack squatted beside the bushes and joined Cassie on the bench.
“I thought we could have a reasonable conversation in a neutral zone,” she said when he turned to face her. “But I can’t be reasonable around you.”
He wanted to say something to fill the sudden silence, but he sensed she had more to say.
“All I want, all I ever wanted, was to be yours and for you to be mine,” Cassie said, voice breaking as tears pricked her eyes. “And when you told me it wasn’t to be, I had to pick up the pieces of my broken heart and start anew.”
She closed her eyes. They were filled with resolve when she reopened them.
“I met a good man, one who deserves better than me. He doesn’t see me as lacking. He shows me in little ways how much he cares for me even though I’ve hurt him because of my ambivalence. He’s unafraid to share parts of himself with me, tell me how he feels, and be my equal.”
Ethan’s heart sank as he heard the affection in her voice for the other man, and he knew he’d lost her.
“But all I can think is that he’s not you,” she said in a small voice. “Now you’re sending me red roses and telling me you made a mistake, want me back. I want to believe you, but I don’t trust you.”
Ethan stilled at the last. He could make her love him again, but trust had to be earned. Nothing he’d done in the past few months would justify her faith in him, but he knew something that could.
“I saw my mother,” he blurted before he could change his mind. She wanted him to bare his soul, and he needed to try.
Cassie’s eyes filled with sympathy, and he looked away, unable to get the words out as long as she watched him.
“I told you she walked out on us, but I never told anyone how much her leaving broke me. I loved my mother with everything a child had to give, and it wasn’t enough,” he confessed.
“The fact that my father still loved her despite everything was another wound that festered,” he continued. “Seeing her again, watching who she’s become, a hardened addict with no one, made me realize I’m just like her.”
“Ethan, no,” Cassie sputtered, appalled. “I don’t know her, but I know you. You care about people. Your patients adore you even when you’re tough on them. You don’t give up and walk away because it’s difficult or inconvenient.”
“I walked away from Naveen and the hospital when I couldn’t find a cure,” he cursed, brushing one hand through his hair in frustration.
“And I walked away from you,“ Ethan said quietly, leaning forward. “I did it because I was falling in love with you. I was afraid you’d leave like she did, so I broke it off first. Cauterize the wound before it turns into sepsis.”
“Did you have so little faith in me, in us?” Cassie asked, her voice so soft the wind almost carried it away.
“I figured I’m already broken. I have nothing else to lose.”
“You had me,” she said, placing her hand atop his.
“You are all I ever wanted, Cassie, and the one person I couldn’t give myself to completely.” He swallowed hard against the lump in his throat.
“So, what are we even doing here?” Cassie sighed, letting go of his hand.
She stood up abruptly, and he scrambled off the bench, putting two fingers to whistle for the dog when he didn’t see Jack immediately in the vicinity.
“I won’t be with a man who spends his days afraid to love me,” Cassie warned, stepping back and wrapping her arms around herself. “I deserve better, Ethan.”
“I don’t want to be that man,” Ethan said.
“It sure doesn’t sound like it,” she mocked, picking up on the hesitancy he hadn’t been able to hide despite his best efforts.
He marched toward her, eyes glittering with determination, a panther stalking his prey. Or a wolf circling his mate. His brain might not be convinced, but his heart and body had no such issues.
Before Cassie could sidestep him, he grabbed her elbows and reeled her into his embrace. He locked his arms around hers and framed her face between his palms.
“Give me one more chance,” he cajoled, lips hovering tantalizing above hers.
“Let me earn back your trust and your love. I can’t promise I won’t stumble or make mistakes. But I make a vow to you, here and now, and in the presence of this dog you love so much,” he grinned when she snorted in amusement, “that I will try my hardest every day to not give up and to become who you want me to be.”
“I just want you to be you, Ethan.” Cassie stretched on her toes, her hands circling his neck.
“Be the man who kissed me on a moonlit balcony in Miami because he believed it was a risk worth taking,” she whispered against his lips. “The one who comforted me when we lost Dolores and Teresa even though he wanted to keep his distance. And the man who made love to me like I was his whole world. That’s the Ethan I fell in love with.”
“I can do that, Cassie,” he said decisively, closing the distance to kiss her softly. “This is one promise I won’t ever break.”
She wrinkled her nose in disappointment. “Is that it? I was hoping for something more pass—”
Before she could finish the sentence, Ethan covered her mouth, devouring her lips in a hungry, explosive kiss that took her breath away.
“Wow,” Cassie said, feeling lightheaded as she fanned herself.
Ethan smirked arrogantly. Before he could kiss her again, Jack pushed his way between their legs, jumping and barking excitedly.
“Your timing sucks, furball,” he groaned in dismay, making Cassie laugh.
She bent down to play with Jack, sending the dog into ecstasy when she rubbed his belly. Ethan hunkered beside her and gazed into her eyes.
“Come home with me, please?”
“I thought you’d never ask,” she smiled softly.
Ethan clasped Cassie’s hand in his, picked up the fallen leash and walked toward his future, leaving behind what could have been.
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @doriopenheart @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @takemyopenheart @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @midnightmelodiz
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @hopelessromantic1352 @mrs-ramsey @youlookappropriate
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handercover · 4 months
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"I think we're missing something in our apartment" frowns Hannibal returning home from her job, Tom just deadpans at her from the kitchen, having returned earlier and therefore started on cooking "My apartment, woman" he reminds her, Han just removes her coat and hangs it over her chair
"Come on, Tom, it feels empty" she grins before moving to his side to see what he was cooking as he was, begrudgingly, better than her at cooking. Tom looks at her before rolling his eyes and handing her a spoon silently, wanting her opinion
Han grabbed the spoon and tasted, nodding approvingly before washing the spoon in the sink "Come on... think about it?" she tries again with a grin and Tom just rolls his eyes
"We are not getting a cat, Han"
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Tom couldn't help himself, the black kitten was just crying and shaking under the heavy rain as he was rushing back home, not having brought an umbrella this morning due to how late he was
He just walked past the loud call before slowly coming to a stop, biting his lip as the kitten's cries became slowly silent. Tom silently took a few steps back and peered at the wet box and there it was
A small black kitten with it's eyes still closed, alone and pathetically wiggling around the box. He looked at the tiny bean for a few seconds, biting his lip as he looked at the abandoned little thing, and without meaning to he approached it
Somehow it felt like watching himself, alone and powerless against the world, a child in a storm
With a sigh Tom eventually reached in the box and hid the wet black furball under his coat, making sure to not get it wet, despite the fact that he was already drenched under the heavy downpour
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"Don't you dare entering like that, I'm not letting you ruin my parquet" hissed Hannibal as soon as she saw Tom in the doorway, dripping wet due to the rain. Tom shifted uncomfortably with a scowl "This is my apartment" he reminded her but Han just glared murderously at him
He decided that silence was a better option, then sighed "Can you at least bring me a towel or something?" he huffs as he shifts to look under his coat
Han walks off to grab him a coat and probably a change of clothes, as she did that he discreetly checked on the kitten that was asleep under his coat, purring quietly as he somehow managed to keep the little creature warm
As he heard Han's footsteps he immediately stood straight, not wanting her to notice... but of course Han narrows her eyes suspiciously at him
"Tom" she starts, towels, a blanket and his clothes under her arms "what are you hiding?" Tom acts like nothing is wrong "I'm cold to the bone and I feel like I'm dying out here" he said, exaggerating but with a hint of truth as he tries to reach for the towels
Han just steps back "You know you can't like to me, Tom" she said looking at him straight in the eyes, he shifts uncomfortably on his feet before relenting, moving his hand to his coat and showing her what he had. She instantly gasped before moving closer to the black kitten
"Baby... where did you find him?" she asks worriedly as she carefully takes the black kitten from Tom while he takes the towels. As he dries up enough to step inside the apartment she looks at the kitten, silently analysing it as the tiny furball cries for a few seconds before falling back asleep "I found him on my way here" he finally responds as he removes his coat and jacket, Han frowns "Under the rain? he nods
She looks at Tom, waiting for an answer "I... couldn't just leave it there" he explains with a quiet sigh as he runs his hand through his wet hair. She nods, understanding without even needing an explanation as she hands him his clothes and wraps the kitten in her scarf
"You made a good call, by the looks of it he wouldn't have survived there" Tom freezes at that before eventually nodding, then frowning "He?" he asks Han. She scoffs at him in amusement "You forgot I love animals, Riddle, specially cats"
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This has been stuck in my head for a while, you'll have to pry the idea of Tom having a roommate (and a cat) out of my dead hands. This has been in my drafts for too long
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Giving him a crumb or semblance of empathy was somewhat easier than building a Lego set and I totally didn't do that just yesterday
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faulty-writes · 2 years
Bully Bakugo & bully highschool mirko w a reader that secretly owns a tiny rabbit?
[ Real talk though, isn't it sad and slightly disappointing what's happening in the manga right now in relation to our little Kacchan? But then again, I've personally been disappointed by the manga before so, haha. Oh well, right? ]
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He was always relentless when it came to bullying. Every day you'd be subject to his screaming and physical assault. Though given his anger and the fact he treated his "friends" in a similar way, you often held your tongue and said nothing during the instances he bullied you.
Of course, like anyone with a bullying problem, your negative emotions built up. But there was one solace that helped you put that negativity to use, this happened to be your pet. A small silver-haired rabbit.
"Hey!" Katsuki growled as he pushed you into your locker. "What the hell is this?!" he demanded, pointing at the pictures you had hung of your furry companion on the inside of your locker. Of course, you refused to tell him which made him angrier. "Oh yeah!? Going silent huh? Pff, I'll get you to talk," he threatened before walking away.
In the weeks following, you began to introduce your rabbit to the outside but used precaution and put up the equivalent of a baby gate so your rabbit was free to explore but not escape. "What the hell is this!?" came a voice that caused your blood to run cold, you hadn't expected him to find you outside.
You nearly screamed when Katsuki proceeded to grab your rabbit by the folds of its neck. "Ah, what's the matter? Afraid your little bunny rabbit will get hurt?" he questioned, blocking your attempts to snatch your precious pet back.
"Heh," he grinned down at you, somewhat enjoying the tearful look in your eye due to him withholding your rabbit. Then, he wrapped his arm around you and pulled you close. "I have an idea, you want this furball back then you gotta do something for me," he said and you shivered when you noticed the evil glint in his eye.
Your face was burning red the next day at school when you showed up wearing fake bunny ears and a tail and it was all thanks to Katsuki. Other students laughed as you walked down the wall, except your angry blond of a bully who crossed his arms and smirked in victory.
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Something was amiss with you lately, you seemed happier and there was a strange scent on you Rumi couldn't identify but it made her nose twitch and her ears stand up on end. 'What the hell is pretty face hiding? Are they getting too close to someone else!? I'll fix that!' the thought of anyone else being close to you made her angry.
"Pretty face!" she growled, shoving you into a wall under the staircase. "What the hell have you been up to? Stay still!" she demanded, digging her nails into your shoulders as she proceeded to sniff you. She pondered what this scent could be before it finally hit her and she only got angrier.
The thought of you having another rabbit in your life pissed her off and maybe she'd just have to remind you that you were hers and hers alone. She'd be damned if she let anyone else have you, so she devised a plan to torture you until you introduced her to this other rabbit that seemed to be stealing your attention away.
In the following weeks, her bullying tactics doubled. She tripped you in the hall, put tacks on the seat of your desk, dumped food over you in the cafeteria, and made sure every day of your life was a living hell. "Ready to surrender, pretty face?" she questioned with a smirk, what other choice did you have?
Against your better judgment, you took her to your room and introduced her to the silver-haired rabbit you had. Rumi's nose twitched, but she tried to ignore the scent in the air. "Heh, so had to get another little rabbit because I wasn't enough, huh!?" she said, shoving your shoulder.
You panicked when she proceeded to take your rabbit and lift it up to her face, you watched as both their noses twitched rapidly as if silently communicating with each other because suddenly, she grinned and turned to look at you with a mischievous expression.
"So, you like thinking of me as your little pet, eh!?" she demanded, yet again backing you into a wall before slamming her fist next to your head, creating cracks in the foundation. Then she grabbed your shirt collar and pulled you close, "Guess I'll have to teach you better," she growled almost seductively causing you to shiver.
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nyxnightshade1332 · 8 months
Expectations When Expecting (Prologue)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15:
Fighting them had led to nothing more than the multiplication of ghosts in the mini brawl (if it was considered a brawl to literally be running while throwing spells) . She, of course, had resorted to throwing rocks, which surprisingly would sometimes land a hit.
"More ghosts?! They're floating around here too!" Ace cried over the sea of chaotic giggles that erupted from the ghosts. He ducked at another rock that made contact with a ghost, making it disappear with a comedic, "Owie!"
"If we stop to fight, we'll never get anywhere. Let's just keep moving." Deuce gasped, pulling ahead of the group as if to lead them to somewhere safe.
"Sure, but don't act like we voted you team leader." Ace responded, inhaling to try to speak as he ran. "The only reason we're here in the first place is because of that stupid stunt you pulled." Ace accused.
Deuce's jaw dropped at the audacity of the ginger haired boy. "Oh? I'm pretty sure this all started because you tried to shirk your window-cleaning punishment!" He retorted. Ducking behind a wall, effectively leading the group to an escape from the ghosts.
"So, we're bringing up ancient history now?" Ace scoffed, sitting down to regain some energy. "Then if you wanna get down to brass tacks, this all started when this furball torched that statue!" He hissed, glaring at Grim.
"Maybe you shouldn'ta made fun of me, then!" The cat monster yowled indignantly, spitting at Ace, who childishly stuck his tongue out.
"Would you idiots just quit it with the blame game!" Yuu whisper-yelled, gasping for air and shivering. "Holy heck, wow. I'm never doing that again." The girl groaned.
"If you puke, I'm leaving you here to die." Ace quipped, irking her. She shot him her best STFU glare.
"Guys! We're in real hot water, remember?!" Deuce reminded them, handing Yuu a (very crinkled) paper to fan herself. She took it gratefully. "If we don't come back with a magestone by morning, we're all being expelled!"
"Yeah, which is why we don't need you ordering the rest of us around. It gets old real fast." Ace snapped. Yuu opened her mouth to argue again before freezing.
"Yuu! Run!" She heard the voice cry out faintly before hearing the groaning of something heavy traveling through the mineshaft.
"... Guys? Guys shut up." She said, attempting to remain calm.
Ace sputtered incredulously. "No, you-!" He began before being promptly silenced by a distant bellowing. The ginger shrunk back, scampering to be behind her.
"Wh-where's that comin' from?" He whisper-yelled, terror flashing vaguely in his eyes.
The movement began to get louder, bringing the voice with it. "...neeevvvaaa... ...iiivvv... ...ooouuu..." Wailed the disembodied voice as the hair on Yuu's arms raised.
"Ooooh... this is definitely not good." She sucked in a breath.
Deuce shuddered slightly. "Sounds like... it's getting closer..." He pointed out, anxiously rubbing his wrist.
Yuu felt a harsh tug on her sleeve, pulling Ace, Grim, and herself forward, pulling them away from the wall, making them face away from Deuce, who was now behind them. Yuu's eyes caught movement from behind the corner. For a moment, she didn't have a clue as to what she was looking at.
From behind the wall, the group watched as a large, deformed figure bound past them. From the dull lighting of the mine shaft, she noticed its large hatted head glistening as if made out of glass. She felt her heart begin to pound as she noticed a thick, inky substance oozing from its body, nauseating her.
"... What- what is that thing?!" She yelped, scrambling backwards and alerting the beast.
"Stooonesss... ...nevvva give stooonesss...!" It bellowed, making the ground shake with the power it possessed.
Yuu's consciousness seemed to recede, ignoring whatever it was the boys were saying. She stood, frozen at the sight of such a horrible monster that was making its way toward their hiding spot. Instinctively, she wrapped her delicate arms around her abdomen in an attempt to shield her unborn baby from the clear danger.
She shook herself out of the trance-like state in time to see Deuce being pulled back by Ace.
"Are you outta your mind?!" The ginger haired boy hissed at his classmate. Yuu looked into Deuce's eyes, noting a distinct desperate reaction.
"Deuce! Please don't go! It's too dangerous!" She pleaded with him.
Deuce simply looked down before growling. "No! I won't be expelled!" Yuu felt the dread pool in her stomach, realizing exactly what was about to happen. The dark haired boy placed a hand on his magical pen. "No matter what!"
Chapter 16
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italeean · 2 years
Good boy... GOOD BOY?!
Kuroko is trying his best to convince Kagami that Tetsuya #2 is harmless and really sweet, but nothing seems to work. The puppy decides to take the matter in his own... paws
A/N: Good evening guys!! How are you? 🍡 Today's fic is a request from @wertzunge and it's my first Kuroko no Basket work, as I told you yesterday. Thanks Max for making a second request and for always giving me such wholesome prompts 🥺 I hope you all will enjoy this fic, suggestions and support are always appreciated. Buona lettura 💚🤍❤️ (Have a nice reading)
DISCLAIMER: This is a tickle fic, if it's not to your taste I don't suggest you read it
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The basketball gym at Serin High School wasn't exactly a quiet place. Actually, it was anything but quiet between the noise of everyone steps, balls bouncing and the coach's whistling and loud voice. But that day it was noisier than usual.
"KUROKO!! I TOLD YOU TO KEEP THAT THING AWAY FROM ME!" Kagami's voice was so loud that it created an echo in the room. "He's not a thing," the blue-haired boy quickly corrected him "and he's harmless. He's at least twenty times smaller than you." The dog barked in response and jumped into Kuroko's arms eager to get some scritches.
"I don't care how big or small he is," the ace of the basketball team replied with an irritated and subtly scared tone "he's a dog! He can bite!!" He backed away while his best friend followed him. The sixth man's face was expressionless, but it was more than clear that he was having fun.
Their chasing and bickering went on for a while, and they were lucky that the coach had left earlier or they would've been scolded for sure. "Oh sorry the ball slipped from my ha- watch out Kagami!" Shinji's voice resonated through the place, but the red-haired guy didn't hear the warning in time and tripped on the ball, falling on his butt.
After making sure he was alright, everyone started snickering and replaying the scene in their mind, and even Kagami was smiling. He knew it was funny and it could've happened to everyone. What he wasn't expecting at all was a surprise attack from a certain furball, now that his guard was down.
Tetsuya #2 was getting restless in Kuroko's embrace, so the guy put him down to let him run. However, the puppy ran straight towards Kagami and jumped on him in sign of affection. He was more than determined to show to the tall human that he was a good boy, and not someone to be afraid of! To prove that to him, the dog nuzzled and licked his face and neck, anywhere he could reach, not realizing that he was getting the opposite effect.
"K-KUROKO!! GET THIS THING OFF OF ME ALREADYEHE-" The red-haired player covered his mouth with his hand, hoping that no one had noticed what had just happened. Luckily no one did, and Kuroko picked up the mascot eventually, although he vehemently reminded him that he wasn't a thing.
When practice was over everyone went home, but Kagami and Kuroko decided to stay some more to improve their speed and coordination. After another slam dunk, the redhead wiped the sweat off his forehead and grinned "We're getting faster, right Kuroko?" He turned around perplexed "Kuroko? Where are y-AAAHH" He suddenly jumped while shielding his sides with his hands.
The blue-eyed guy had used his "secret ability" to disappear for a second and reappear behind his friend and give a firm jab to his sides. He just wanted to test something he'd noticed when Tetsuya #2 was "assaulting" the taller player, and he was pretty satisfied with the results.
Sensing the playful mood, the dog rushed towards them and barked happily. "THAT THING AGAIN!!" The ace exclaimed in fear and exasperation. Kuroko approached the two of them to take the mascot away, but then he had a mischievous idea. At the last moment, he latched his hands on his friend's hips and squeezed and poked the bones.
"WHAT THE- nohohot yohohohou ahagahahain!" The poor guy broke into a fit of laughter, unable to hold back. "He's not a thing, admit it." The blue-haired boy used his short stature and speed to his advantage to not get caught by the redhead, who was turning around over and over in an attempt to stop him.
"I told you to admit he's not a thing. Say it or I won't stop." The smaller guy replied with a hint of amusement in his tone, while poking all over his teammate's torso, spidering his fingers on his toned belly, worming his index fingers into his underarms and drilling his thumbs into his hips. "Shuhuhut uhuhup and stohohop ihit alreheheahahady!!" Kagami knew that the smartest choice was to just say it and put an end to his friend's shenanigans, but seeing (better yet, hearing, since he was using his invisibility powers) Kuroko amused was such a rare sight that he wanted to carry on a little more.
And maybe he wasn't exactly distressed or uncomfortable with the situation...
Not knowing what to do to escape the tickles, the ace decided to drop to the floor and have his chances in a wrestling match on the ground. As expected, Tetsuya was quick to follow him, and Kagami's plan would've succeeded if it weren't for the unfair intervention of the certain furball.
Having a dog right next to him made the taller player yelp, and that distraction was all Kuroko needed to effectively pin him down. The blue-haired boy knew he had no chance of beating the other when it came to strength, so he pinned his hands above his head with his knees, instead of straddling him and using only one hand to keep him still.
The tickle attack resumed almost immediately with the sixth man sliding his fingers up and down the ribcage and underarms, randomly digging in just to enjoy the startled increase in pitch of Kagami's laughter. "Kurohohokohooo stahAHAHAhap ihihit WAHAHA!!" The red-eyed guy was still too stubborn to let him go just yet, so Kuroko just carried on, watching him squirm and struggle to get away.
With all that movement, the tank top of his uniform had rolled up a little, and the puppy noticed it with excitement. He immediately climbed on top of Kagami, who was too busy laughing to even notice, and started licking the exposed skin. No one knows if he did it to show affection, or to mimic what the shorter guy was doing to get the same happy reaction, or both but the roaring laughter that echoed in the gym was priceless.
"GEHEHET THAHAHAHAHAT THIHIHING AHAHAWAHAHAYEHEHEHE" The redhead didn't even know he was so sensitive on his belly, maybe it was the different touch... but it wasn't the right time to think about that. He still had to break free. He didn't even know that a puppy could tickle that much, even the fluffy paws trying their best to not fall felt tingly on his skin. He really was in quite the predicament.
Luckily for him, Kuroko thought it wasn't safe to let Tetsuya #2 stay on the taller guy when he was squirming so much so he got up and quickly straddled him before getting tge dog off. Kagami instantly covered his torso with his hands, but his friend simply gave him a tiny smug smirk and turned around before getting off.
He proceeded to lay the redhead's shins on his lap, not without an intense struggle, and crossed his legs to trap them. Then he scribbled under his knees with one hand while squeezing right above the kneecaps with the other.
If he thought that the previous laughter was loud, it was nothing compared to the one that broke out the second his fingertips touched Kagami's knees. It was boisterous, just like him; Kuroko thought it suited him perfectly.
However, the fun came soon to an end. It turned out that, despite being so strong, tough and cool, even the ace was weak to being tickled in his most sensitive spot. "YOHOHOU WIHIHIHIN!! HEHEHEHE'S NOHOHOHOHOHOHOT AHAHA THIHIHIHING!" As soon as the red-eyed guy admitted it, the tickling stopped and he found himself free from the blue-haired player's clutches.
After Kagami had calmed down from the residual giggles, Tetsuya #2 started headbutting Kuroko, who was still sitting on the ground, because he felt left out and wanted attention. The shorter guy laughed a little and turned around to give him some tummy rubs. The puppy panted happily with his tongue sticking out and the sixth man awed internally at that sight. "See? He's a good boy..."
"Good boy..." Kuroko could almost see his teammate's furious aura building up around him "GOOD BOY?! IF I HAD TO GO THROUGH ALL OF THAT, IT WAS BECAUSE OF H-"
"Don't you wanna pet him..?"
Kagami could've said no to that request, but something in his friend's wide, expectant eyes and his hopeful tone made it impossible for him to refuse. He scooted closer and tentatively put his hand on the puppy's stomach, astonished at its softness, then he wiggled his fingers to give some scritches to the little rascal.
Maybe Tetsuya #2 was a good boy, who knows...
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woozten-x · 2 years
#. 𝘼𝙨 𝙃𝙮𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙨 | 𝙒𝙖𝙮𝙑 𝙋𝙩. 2
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‹𝟹 gif(s) originally founded by xiaojvn (there is no silver hair xiaojun gif cropped the way i wanted, so here are the gifs for compensation: kyungsoosus) ; xiaojvn (hendery) ; yutaslaugh
[ ; M.List including other Neos! ]
─ Genre: Fluff/Wholesome Headcanons
─ Length: 14 bullet points (VERY) Descriptive! 
❒ a/n: There are two parts because there is a long list of bullet points and it’s incredibly descriptive! I finalized the decision of what type of hybrid they are by what they remind me of and based by their personality. So, the animals aren’t exactly the emojis they personally use or describe themselves as. Check out Part 1 for the other members! 
⊱ WayV as Hybrids Pt. 1 (ft. Kun, Ten, Winwin, Lucas)
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!! Xiaojun - Wolf Hybrid.
Appearance: Dejun has a very pretty and elegant look to him, as his white hair compliments the pair of gray ears with blacks tips and fluffy black tipped gray tail; no matter what he says or does, his tail will always reveal his true emotions. He is one of the few hybrids, who has claws but it is more manageable than a feline’s
First Impression: Awkward yet easygoing and says “I wasn’t awkward!” every time you bring it up after befriending each other. In the beginning, he tried his best to relieve the tension between the two of you but he always laughed/chuckled in reply. To be honest, you may need to let him relax by doing stuff/chores together around the house to grow more comfortable/familiar 
Once the two of you bond with ‘breaking the ice’ activities, Dejun is definitely more dramatic than before and is similar to those dogs that seemingly barks at nothing; it isn’t annoying, however - it’s just him being way more expressive than before!
Love Language: Acts of Service and Words of Affirmation; Dejun may not be the best at cooking, but he is always trying to return the favor. Whether it be cooking small, simple meals or helping you with groceries or even cleaning - he is always there to help and stay by your side, as your personal aid. Another instance is him being emotionally available and supportive, as he is always lending an ear or giving words of encouragement whenever you are feeling negative. He is willing to show his support by saying “I am proud of you.” / “You did good today.”
Although, he tends to give his own words of praise towards you; he always gets shy whenever you praise him and he would roll his eyes while biting back a smile, but the wagging tail is a dead giveaway of his own giddiness
Due to his overdramatic nature, he can get paranoid with certain noises (especially after a horror movie) and he becomes hyper aware of his surroundings; you may need to calm him down sometimes whenever this occurs
He loves sleeping next to you and has a tendency of cuddling up beside you whenever nightfall occurs. He loves it when you stroke his head and it helps him fall asleep instantly
Dejun’s energy levels are incredibly balanced, he easily adapts to the vibe of his surroundings and he is usually busying himself with a book or video games; he doesn’t ask for much, unless it’s video games or books. But, his diet mainly consists of meat and he would never touch veggies/greens by itself unless it’s with a side of meat
As a wolf hybrid, his fur does get everywhere! Some furballs appear or loose fur comes off whenever you touch his tail - you may need to brush his tail to prevent such a thing, and he loves having his tail brushed. He also has a very sensitive nose and he is always pinching his nose or covering his nose whenever a smell is too bothersome; you may need purifiers or be mindful of certain aromas to prevent him from getting a headache
Furthermore, he does have a bit of an oral fixation; don’t be too alarmed when he starts chewing on toothpicks and he enjoys chewing on meatless bones - he may get embarrassed if you watch him or say something though
Dejun is not possessive but more on the protective side. He does not mind social gatherings, but he is always by your side and doesn’t seem to leave it to mingle with the crowd; he is always alert in public surroundings, and he is always ready to protect you if necessary!
Yes!: Brushing his tail (he would always bring the brush to you as a silent request) and scratching behind his ears, playing games with you (he doesn’t mind if you are bad at them), humming/singing you to sleep, resting his head against yours
No!: Any strong smells (please rethink about spraying perfume/cologne around him), yelling/screaming (hurts his poor ears), anyone (but you) touching his stuff (he’s a little territorial), messing up whenever he cooks something for you (he feels bad)
Bonus: Has asked for PC parts and you eventually do get him the parts to make his own gaming PC (he was so happy with a fast wagging tail and everything), playfully growling and baring his teeth whenever you tease him, him rambling about his interests whenever he gets excited, loves being little spoon because he feels protected (would never admit it though)
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!! Hendery - Ferret Hybrid.
Appearance: With his prince-like appearance, he looked the most “normal” despite his little tanned ears peeking out from his dark brown hair. He has a long tail that has a lighter shade of his hair, but a bit darker than his ears - his tail would sometimes thump in excitement or wag to express his happiness; his round doe eyes almost resembles a ferret’s also!
First Impression: Upon arrival, he was very quiet and aloof. He wasn’t exactly awkward, but more on the quiet side where he preferred to listen to you than really lead the conversation; he is incredibly laid-back, and he is a hybrid who asked questions to get to know you better or to know certain boundaries - in a way, Hendery was very thoughtful with you and your home
Eventually, he does warm up and does show a more chaotic side which is a complete contrast from his “normal” first impression; he is still considerate, but he is definitely louder and more talkative. He is a very playful individual and quite goofy, he is always trying to make you laugh no matter how embarrassing it is for himself
Love Language: Words of Affirmation and Receiving/Giving Gifts; Your personal happy pill and hypeman! He is always giving you words of encouragement and he is always building you up, no matter how insecure you are. He loves to dance around and make a fool of himself, trying to lift up your spirits whenever you are stressed or down. For gifts, he is always expressive with his gratitude especially when you take care of him or give him a gift. Whenever the two of you are out shopping, he is the one pointing out certain things that remind him of you
Hendery likes to sing loudly and sometimes forgets that neighbors exist or you are busy concentrating with something important, he does apologize if you scold him but you can always hear him quietly singing/humming to himself after
He can’t cook and if you ever do give him a chance, he is always starting a fire despite the low heat; he usually helps with the little tasks or he simply watches you cook while talking your ear off or the two of you are sharing a comfortable silence
If you are talkative like him, Hendery is always listening to you! If you are a listener, he is always telling you everything and he seems confident to share his interests/passions with you; please don’t ever tell him to be quiet or say he is annoying
Surprisingly enough, Hendery’s levels are balanced; at times, he can get energetic but he is never the type to bother you or seek entertainment from you - he is considerate of your schedule and your personal space, after all! On some days, he can be seen dead asleep and you are always worried whether he is dead or not due to his heavy sleeping antics. Thankfully, he is not a picky eater either and tends to eat whatever you make/buy
As a ferret hybrid, he is naturally curious. He has an endless curiosity that gets him lost in public places or wandering around without a word; you may need to keep an eye on him or remind him to carry his phone. Hendery does return to you, but he always brings random stuff he found to show you and sometimes convince you to buy
He never minded whenever you touch his tail and ears, his face instantly brightens up whenever you do; it seems like he recognizes your touch and enjoys every second of it. His favorite skinship is belly rubs! He loves laying on his back and you simply caress his tummy and his tail is always wagging with a big smile plastered on his face
For social gatherings, he doesn’t mind them at all! At first, he is aloof and prefers to observe while standing close to you. But, he does like to talk about you whenever he is talking to someone and he tends to point you out in the crowd to show you off. He personally loves going out with you because it always entertains him, but he tends to hold onto your hand to avoid getting lost
Yes!: Playing games with you (he likes to tease you, but purposely loses for you sometimes), music (he loves to force you to dance with him), rambling about his favorite movies/shows/games, giving you back hugs
No!: Stepping on his tail, you being sad/down (it really affects him and he hates seeing you upset), ignoring him (makes him a bit sad/sulky)
Bonus: Hendery likes to punch the air whenever you are close to him like those weird little brothers, hops/dances around when excited, likes to re-enact horror scenes and pretends to be the monster/ghost chasing you, always peeks his head in your room to see what you are doing or to greet you
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!! Yangyang - Fox Hybrid. 
Appearance: Yangyang possesses light brown hair and his ears are sharply pointing out from the strands in a blonde-like color, but the tips are colored black - his ears tend to twitch at the slightest of sounds. Of course, he has a bushy, fluffy tail that has shades of blonde with a black tip. He has a very cute appearance, especially with his cute yet sharp canines whenever he smiles
First Impression: When first meeting him to adopt him, he was playful and kind with his actions/words. But, when first arriving in his new home, he was more cautious and quiet due to the unfamiliarity of the environment; he isn’t exactly the most awkward person, but he was letting you lead the conversation for the most part. At times, he would point out a few things and ask you about it
It wasn’t too long whereas Yangyang is acting like himself when you first met him, and he definitely grew more comfortable in his new home. He is back to his playful self! Overtime, you learned that he was a mischievous individual and tends to prank you around the home
Love Language: Physical Touch and Acts of Services; similarly to most of the feline hybrids on this list, Yangyang does like the idea of showing you are his only. He is always placing a hand on your lower back, guiding you elsewhere if you seem lost in public - at times, he would stand a little close to you and is always letting your hands/shoulders brush against each other. Unexpectedly, Yangyang can be quite observant and if you need help, he is always lending a hand to lessen the burden. Of course, he throws a few teasing/playful comments but his actions always come from his kindness
A mischievous way of getting you to ask for help is purposely putting items on higher places or he would hide your stuff around the house, always acting innocent if you question him; he enjoys watching you look helpless and tends to adore the innocence of it
Yangyang is quick-witted with his words and pretends not to listen to you; his words never hold a deeper meaning or are never laced with malice, but simple sarcasm. He tries not to overdo it, if you tend to get upset - he does know his boundaries and he is not one to cross it for fun
If you are as sarcastic as he is, Yangyang loves to play a game of “Who gets the last word with you” with you and he is always laughing with whatever comebacks you have. If not, that’s okay! His comments are way lighter, and he tries not to sound like a smartass
Overall, Yangyang’s behavior does not make him higher in maintenance as he can be quite a logical problem-solver, and can communicate well in solving misunderstandings. Also, he is independent and he can handle things himself and doesn’t always need you taking care of him. However, he does get bored easily and he likes to be active explore/try new things
As a fox hybrid, Yangyang is another individual who has a sensitive nose and does get headaches easily from strong smells. Due to being a fox, he can run quite fast and if you ever race him - he will most likely win every time. Whenever he gets stressed or nervous, he likes to play with his tail as a habit - but, whenever he is asleep, he loves to hug his tail 
He loves skinship! Petting/stroking his head/ears/tail are always welcomed, and sometimes he would place your hand back whenever you pull away - he always says “What are you doing? I didn’t tell you to stop.”
Yangyang does not mind social gatherings or accompanying you on small trips, but he is the type to be clingy and seek attention, as he likes to let his presence known. He does get jealous after some time and starts to hug you - it does get a bit extreme when it’s another hybrid. He hates the idea of someone stealing you away
Yes!: Playing games (he loves to troll you, if you ever join him), you giving him attention, hearing stories about your personal experiences, trying new things with you
No!: Another hybrid’s scent on you/acting too comfortable with you, grabbing/yanking his tail (it hurts for him since its a sensitive body part), strong smells
Bonus: Using his cute antics to convince you to buy something or try something out with him (he loves to pin his ears back and let his tail wag slowly while gazing at you with big, doe eyes - how can you resist that?), tickling your nose with his tail to tease you, loves being the little spoon because he likes to rest his head on your chest, him randomly purring in your presence with a fast wagging tail
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