lanceville · 6 years
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halfhappyhooligan · 4 years
a voltron au? in 2020? it’s more likely than you think
look. LOOK. i know that voltron is stupid and we hate it but lets be honest: everything up until season 3 was pretty good and had lots of potential !!
today i was rewatching voltron and a thought struck me: what if, instead of shiro being cloned, he was chipped and turned to the side of the galra?
so here it is, i did not blink since i thought of this
(warning, i have not seen voltron in a while and this is just knowledge i have stored in my moss brain and stuff i know from rewatching the first season)
au where shiro goes evil bc of what happens @ end of season one instead of the clone thing bc 1) haggar rly could not have made thousands of shiros after bumping into team voltron like what twice? its hella improbable and 2) just… weird
so instead they insert a chip in him that helps them spy and control him just like kuron (the clone) did minus the unlikely storytelling
eventually after the convo with sendak when he was in the pod trying to temp shirp, he does have thoughts about helping zarkon
(“im already infiltrated with the arm, i could just speed up the process by leaving now. save the team the trouble of investing in a leader that’s doomed to fail from the strart.”)
shiro ends up leaving team voltron in season 2 after zarkon goes crazy w the black lion n stuff
^^ this adds to Keith’s reasoning of joining the Blade of Marmora (shiro is his main stability and one of the main reasons he even stuck around with team voltron, so with shiro gone and keith questioning his place as the leader and paladin of the black lion, he decides the BoM is just.. what’s best for him) 
obviously lance isn’t happy with this (“you just told me that i’m a valuable member, now you don’t think YOU are? what logic is that?”)
ofc keith goes anyways
lance becomes paladin of the black lion
allura takes on the red lion
who has blue lion? ...idk this isn’t that thought out (maybe matt after pidge finds her family) (which will happen earlier in the plot since we can forget about the miniplot of black no longer responding to shiro)
enter lotor only this time he has a sidekick and what omg its shiro wow
shiro has that bigger version of his arm that was once offered to him
he’s stronger and scary, but his eyes aren’t the same, he has the strength of a galra but lacks the passion 
in the fight between lotor and zarkon, (and after, of course lots of self doubt and questioning) shiro comes between them and convinces lotor NOT to kill zarkon
then zarkon kills lotor
everyones like oh shit bc surely someone who’s life was just spared wouldn’t kill the person who seems to have the most power
but he did. bc he’s zarkon. and he’s fckn crazy.
shiro doesn’t go back to team voltron bc its too much too easily
instead he takes the place of lotor in the group of gals 
he convinces them all to rebel against the galra
eventually they teach him all about quintessence and all the shit lotor had planned that they can’t do anymore
(lotor wasn’t harvesting alteans in this universe bc what the heck even was that subplot that had little to no relevance to the main storyline?
instead he was trying to find a way to technologically bring back alteans (kinda like how allure’s dad was originally preserved in s1)
i know nothing about How Stuff Works and i dont remember much about quintessence n shit but the basic idea is that when tying in some of a persons artifacts with technology stuff and some quintessence then boom. a weird route from astral projection land to the team is created and ppl can come back or smth idfk
but lotor was never able to get the comet so shiro decides he and the gals will get that comet and try to bring back as many alteans as they can
^ all this while infiltrating as many galra fleets as possible + saving planets under galra empire
they personally visit every planet that lotor was in charge of and release them from galra control
they are able to bring back an altean (its romelle) and she talks abt her friend who lives on the balmera and they go to the balmera and its revealed that it was shay’s great grandmother so romelle asks where shay is and shay’s family is like with team voltron of course
they take her
obviously team voltron, the BoM and the Rebels r very hesitant to make contact but they decide to try it out
keith refuses to meet, instead he’s on the team that stands guard
reunions !! 
romelle and shay hit it off and hunk makes a dinner much like roselle’s past (allura and coran also hang out and they all vibe)
lance talks to shiro abt everything to do with keith and shiro is like dude do u??? like him?
and lance is like what? no ofc not—oh shit.
and keith ✨overhears ✨
pidge matt and shiro catch up n shit
meanwhile keith is like Hey Lance Uhhhhhh What The Fuck
they end up being like hey since we’re all here and we hate zarkon what if we make a plan to end the galra’s reign Right Now
so they do
and y’all.. it’s hella baller plan
except something is going wrong and in the middle of an attack zarkon is able to get the upper hand 
due to haggar’s magic and lance’s mental and emotional instability, zarkon is able to get in his head
everyone is trying to talk him down but they’re all under a lot of pressure
allura is also conflicted bc she wanted to be black lion bc she wanted to rub it in to zarkon’s face that she was stronger than he and that she could beat him at his own game
but the negativity and instability feeds into zarkon’s power and makes him and haggar stronger as they pull in voltron to finally take over the team and regain their status as the most powerful alien race
hunk realizes this and is like okay can y’all stop being negative? its clearly affecting them in a good way and it makes us an easier target
and pidge is like im literally a child pls i don’t wanna die i just got my family back it can’t end like this
shiro realizes what’s going on and he goes to save them
he uses all his energy, pulling in the positive memories (everything: first learning about space, becoming a teacher, meeting adam, meeting keith, first making team voltron, his friends and family--all of it) to push back zarkon and haggar’s powers and battle once more in the astral realm 
in defeating zarkon, shiro loses his life
afterwards keith enters the ship in a hurry and is like where the fuck is shiro where’s my brother what did you do what happened
and team voltron is like hey man.. we are so so sorry
and keith cries because the last thing he ever said to shiro was mean
lance feels like its all his fault since he was supposed to be a good leader
they talk about separately while hunk pidge and allura discuss
krolia is like keith we, ur family, are here for u
and axca is there and shes like um?? hey?? sry for trying to kill u bro
and he’s like i absolutely do not wanna talk i just lost my closest friend
they talk about it later
axca tells keith abt shiro finishing lotor’s work and abt bringing people back and well.. 
they use the methods to help keith visit shiro in the astral realm
shiro is like oh uh hey i was just having a drink w adam we r happy
and keith is like shiro u fuckhead why would u sacrifice urself
shiro sighs bc cmon keith you KNOW why “remember what i always said? we can’t focus on what went wrong..”
“we’ve got to figure out how to make it right” keith finishes
keith breaks tf down crying and screams apologizing
“i love u shiro. ur a like a big brother to me.”
and shiro is like yeah i know and ilyt but hey. everyone’s safe and happy. im safe and happy. & you deserve to be too. you don’t need me anymore.
so the galra rule is over and everyone goes to their respected planets
romelle and the other alteans as well as some galra babes hang in earth
romelle and shay r in an apartment together and have a garden
allura realizes she may not have been the strongest leader for voltron, and  couldn’t stop zarkon on her own but that physical strength doesn’t define her as a whole
her heart is strong enough to care for everyone, so thats what she does
allura starts running an inn for alteans filled with painted sceneries like altea in case anyone ever needs a reminder of home
when lance reunites with his family its a real tearjerker
rachel finally gets her jacket back and veronica is like So.. Axca 👀
the McClain’s host a huge party for everyone and it’s filled with lots of hugs and loud music and even tho lance was way too tired, he danced all night
he wouldn’t trade his family for the world—genetic and chosen
when hunk reunites with his parents they don’t let him out the house for hours, he tells them all about his new best friend shay as well as hundreds of his favorites stories from space
they are so, so proud of him
hunk spends the next days playing minecraft and animal crossing with pidge, giving their brains a rest from being on hyperdrive for 3 yrs straight
when pidge gets home she finally gets grounded by her mom, only being allowed to leave the house to see her old teammates
(same for matt and her dad)
(her mother cries so hard when they opened the door to the home)
the holt family holds movie nights filled with popcorn, cuddles, and tears
keith moves in with the holt family, and finally accepts that he has a home as well as a family
he often goes on trips with the BoM but mostly just stays on earth
after a Team Voltron sleepover in the altea inn keith and lance decide to get an apartment together and live their lives in love and in peace
everyone gets together once a year in celebration of shiro and the sacrifice he made for them
they use the ship to visit Astral Shiro and once they even met adam
everyone laughs and catches up and just... live their lives
everyone is happy
pls ignore any and all errors lmao
again, just a thought !! maybe i’ll write a fic abt it idk for sure but yeah
feel free to add anything <3
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themysteryofwriting · 3 years
No One Noticed...
Very important Note! I changed a lot of season 8 for plot reasons. 1. The whole ending arc, how they defeated Honerva, doesn't happen here 2. Instead there's some big final battle 3. After said battle, Honerva, losing all of her supporters, goes into hiding 4. Allura probably died in the final battle 5. The Paladins get magic rights How long had they been trapped here?  They weren’t even sure anymore? Weeks? Months? Years?  They had thought their fellow paladins would have noticed, would have rescued them, and yet, there had been no sign of them anywhere.  
Sometimes they had wished they hadn’t gone on that mission.  After all, that mission is where they were replaced with their clone.  Apparently, the Galra already had them ready, they couldn’t help but wonder if they had one ready for each of them and they had just been the one unlucky enough to be replaced.
They had tried to get out before, with no real luck.  And if their fellow paladins hadn’t found them by now...well they had to hope someone would find them.  Otherwise, they might be stuck here forever.
As they started zoning back into the world around them, they thought they heard footsteps...well more like footsteps out of the normal guard schedule.
They could feel a sliver of hope start to rise but squashed it, those footsteps probably didn’t mean anything after all. ~~
It was still strange looking through all these old Galra bases.  Of course, most bases had peacefully turned over once the whole announcement had gone through.
This was not one of them, unfortunately.  For the first time in a while, Keith had to call the other Paladins in to come help. Just like old times.
Except..for some reason, Lance didn’t want to come.  No matter how much they tried, none of them could convince them to come with him.  He kept stating that he’d prefer to stay at home.
That should have been Keith’s first clue.
But at the moment he was more focused on the base.  They probably didn’t need all of Voltron, so Lance could stay home if he wanted.
Maybe his trouble with Red was throwing him off, even though it had happened a while ago.  Maybe he should talk it over again with Lance once they got back from the mission.
It seemed like a normal mission at first, fighting Galra, keeping some of the distracted with the Lions while the others snuck in.
At least it was normal until they found that room.
Unlike the other rooms on the ship, it seemed more secluded, almost like it was barely touched.  Or maybe it was like that because not everyone knew about it.
There was no way Keith could have been prepared for what he found in that room. 
Actually, it would be more accurate to say cell.  As trapped in the room was Lance.  Keith was confused.  Hadn’t they left Lance at home?  What would he be doing here?
Lance glanced up at him from where he had been positioned. “I’d rather not do this today,” he muttered, “Not in the mood to deal with you.”
Keith was still slightly in shock but brought his hand up to his communicator.  “Guys I found something I think you’re all going to want to see.”
“We’re a little busy here Keith,” Pidge called, sounding slightly irritated as they worked on something, “Can’t this wait?”
“Not really,” Keith replied, “Look this is going to sound crazy but…”
“But what,” Shiro asked, noticing how Keith had started trailing off.
“I found Lance.  I know he stayed home but I swear he’s in front of me right now.”
“We’ll meet you there once we have everything else wrapped up,” Shiro said.
Keith gave a quick acknowledgment before glancing over to Lance.  Keith still wasn’t completely sure how they had captured Lance.  He had just been fine before they left so how did they even capture him and beat them here?
Keith must have gotten caught up in his thoughts because the next thing he heard was the gasp was Hunk upon seeing Lance.
Shiro started moving to get Lance out and Keith was about to move to help when he noticed something.  
Pidge had just frozen, they were staring at Lance, seeming to realize something.
“Pidge is everything okay,” Hunk asked noticing how they had frozen. 
“You mean you haven’t realized,” Pidge asked as they turned to Hunk, the shock in their voice evident.  
“Realized what,” Keith asked.
“No matter how you look at it, ance has been here a long time.  This means there’s one of two options here. Either the Galra have some sort of time manipulation technology, which we would have discovered by now, or the Lance we’ve thought was Lance wasn’t him and we didn’t even fucking notice.”
Keith froze, glancing back at Lance as Pidge’s words began circling in his head.  Were they right?  Did none of them notice that they were dealing with a clone rather than the real Lance?
After a long silence, Shiro walked up, Lance slung over his shoulder.  “Let’s just get home, we can deal with all of this once we get back to Earth, including dealing with the other ‘Lance’ back home.”
After some discussion, they decided Lance would ride with Shiro.
The ride back to Earth was the quietest they’d ever had.  Keith wasn’t sure what the others were thinking of but he kept wondering why he hadn’t noticed, hoping that for once in their life, Pidge had been wrong.  
It seemed like forever before they got back, all of them quickly rushing to the medbay.
After Lance was stabilized the rest of the Paladins went out to talk.  “We need to keep the Lances separate,” Pidge said.
“But why-,” Hunk started to ask.
“Because at the moment we don’t have a way to prove which Lance is the real one.  We know one of them isn’t real but until we can find a method to figure out how we can not let them meet.”
“Pidge is right,” Shiro said speaking up, “We don’t know what the clone, whichever they are, will do if they find the real Lance.  Hunk, you know Lance’s family right?”
Hunk nodded. “Yeah we hang out a lot, I’ve swapped a few recipes with his mom.”
“Ask them if they noticed any changes since Lance came back, anything they’ve noticed that might help us will work.”
Hunk nodded, heading off to go ask.
Pidge was quiet, clearly thinking for a bit before speaking up. “I think I can make something to detect the level of magic someone has.  It might take a bit but it could tell the difference between clone Lance and normal Lance.”
“That’s a good idea,” Hunk hummed, “I can try to help you if you need any help after I’m done talking to Lance’s family.”
Keith glanced around, not sure what he could do to help.  He glanced back towards the room thinking.  
Shiro must have noticed Keith’s glance as he spoke up again. “Keith and I can keep an eye on the Lances, make sure they don’t interact or anything like that.”
Shiro glanced over to Keith. “It might be better if I keep an eye on the one who’s been here the whole time.”
Keith nodded.  “You’re probably right about that.”  Keith wasn’t sure if he’d be able to keep his thoughts in line to watch the one that wasn’t currently in a cryopod. 
Shiro nodded a bit. “So we’ll meet back here later today?”
They all agreed before going their separate ways.  Keith watched the others go before walking back in the medbay and sitting in front of the pod.
With no one to talk to besides those on duty, Keith’s thoughts were allowed to drift as he kept an eye on Lance.
What if Pidge was right and this was the real Lance?  How long had he been captured?  Had the same trick really worked all of them twice? Once with Shiro and now with Lance?  Were they really….that bad friends?
The next few days seemed to pass in a bit of a blur for Keith.  Hunk met up with everyone after talking to Lance’s family.
Apparently while the adults hadn’t noticed anything at first, the kids had noticed differences. While before everything, Lance played with the kids a lot, whether it was joining in on their games or helping them get what they needed for the games...within reason of course, after he got back he just...stopped.  
The adults had just brushed it off as he was still adjusting back from being in space, he also spent a lot of time alone whenever he had so free time so they thought that it was a part of that.
The second Hunk said that everyone grew concerned.  Lance had always talked about how close he was to his family.  He wouldn’t just distance himself for no reason.
But first….they had to wait for Pidge to finish their device.  
They worked a little faster with Hunk’s help, but that didn’t make the wait any less stressful, especially considering Lance still hadn’t woken up.  
Fortunately, both Pidge and Hunk were fast workers, especially once they worked together.  They called Keith down to their lab on the third day to test it out.
Being half-Galra had some advantages, one of those being he had a higher magic level then most humans.  
Then again, all of the paladins had higher magic levels from actually being in pure quintessence.  Keith remembered the magic everyone used in that final battle, though it didn’t seem anyone had been able to use it since.
The second he stepped into the lab, Pidge pulled him into a seat. “Good, you’re here,” they said, “Hunk and I have already tested it on ourselves, but we needed a test with a different level of magic before calling itcomplete. And Shiro’s keeping an eye on ‘Lance’ so you’re the best option.”
“What do you need me to do,” Keith asked, knowing Pidge probably wouldn’t calm until they were sure that this worked.
“Just sit there and let us test the device out,” they said, waiting until Keith sat down before rushing to grab the device.  
It only took a few seconds for them to rush back over to the device.  “Here this end is a bit like a thermometer, don’t worry we’ve already cleaned it.”
Keith nodded and put in his mouth, the second he did that, both Pidge and Hunk rushed to the other half of the device to see what it said.
After about a minute there was a beep and he could see Pidge grinning.
“So it worked?”
“Yep! I probably need to do some last minute adjustments before we use it on the clone, I’ll probably send a message for everyone to come down so he doesn’t get too suspicious,” Pidge answered.
Keith nodded. “I guess I’ll see you then?”
Pidge barely nodded, already deep into their work.  Keith left them to it, knowing he’d probably get shooed out soon if they didn’t anyways.
It was only a few more hours before Pidge sent a message to all of them in the group chat, the one that included the possible clone, telling the rest of the paladins (and the potential clone) to meet them in their lab.
Keith took one last glance at Lance before heading there.  He couldn’t help but hold onto that last shred of hope that they were wrong as he headed to Pidge’s lab. 
Keith was a bit surprised to notice he was the last one there.  He glanced over at ‘Lance’.  Shiro had probably brought him here.
Keith turned towards the front when Pidge cleared their throat.  “So I've been working on a device to test magic recently.  Mainly to see how it affected different species and all that, and I figured we’d be a good test run, most of us quite literally being in pure magic.”
Most everyone nodded, but Keith thought that he noticed a second of panic on ‘Lance’s’ face.  When he looked again though, it was gone.
Pidge had him and Shiro go first.  Two different levels to make sure the device couldn’t be overloaded, or at least that was their explanation.  After Shiro went, Pidge turned to ‘Lance’.
“Do you think you can go next Lance?  It would probably be good to get an example with the least amount out of the group and Hunk and i already tested earlier.”
“Well you shouldn’t need a test if you already have a few examples,” ‘Lance’ said, trying to backpedal.
“More data is better in situations like this,” Pidge shot back.
Seeing no other way out, ‘Lance’ stepped up to be tested, everyone’s eyes shooting to the screen.
Their worst fears were realized as the saw ‘Lance’  light up as made of magic.
‘Lance’ chuckled a bit.  “You know, I didn’t think it would take you this long to figure it out.  It didn’t take nearly this long for you to figure Kuron out.  I thought I was screwed once you figured him out I would have been discovered any day,” the clone smirked a bit here, “And yet no one noticed. Makes you wonder how much you really cared about him.”
You’d think after spending time with the paladins, the clone would have known better not to taunt them when the whole team was against them, as it only took another second before 4 paladins had their weapons at their neck.
As they took care of the clone, Keith came to a conclusion.  They were going to have tell Lance what happened when he woke up.
And none of them were looking forward to that.
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delaneytveit · 4 years
Hold me Close, and Let It be
Annnnnndddddd she’s back. Uni is up and running again and I had to take care of some personal stuff, but here is a new little ficlet for ya’ll to enjoy. Hope you like angst with a little bit of comfort. 
Today was definitely not a good day. Lance woke up to the blaring alarm of his phone, a piercing screech that on any other day would have earned no more than a disgruntled groan before a quick press of a button. Today however, it received a string of curses as the Blue paladin rolled over and away from the device, stuffing his head under the pillow to muffle to sound to no avail.
With another few choice words, he reluctantly withdrew himself. Sitting up with little grace and all the annoyance he could probably use to fuel the ship for decapheobes. Lance was pissed.
After spending all day the day before training and failing and training more, chores upon chores in the infirmary, his own solo missions, and meetings with the team he was once again forced to find each and every paladin and put them to bed at a reasonable hour. God forbid they be able to pull themselves away from whatever they were doing to do so themselves. Okay, forced wasn’t the right word. No one was holding him at gun point, threatening his family. But his team was hurting. They weren’t taking care of themselves. And he would be damned if he let his second family spiral when he could so easily stop it.
So he spent each night hunting down each paladin, getting them to eat, drink, rest. Usually taking hours before he was finally able to do the same for himself. Of course that meant that while the rest of his team got to bed at a reasonable hour, he was far from it.
He stumbled lazily to his ensuite bathroom, quick to wash his face and brush his teeth before returning to his room to dress in his paladin armor.
Allura had announced the night before that they would be attending a diplomatic celebration on a planet Lance had no hope of ever being able to pronounce. On any other day, Lance would have jumped at the idea of such a mission. Celebrations meant parties, and if anyone liked to party, it was Lance. But over this past pheobe or so, he’s lost any and all emotional capacity to do more than train.
Coran had told him to come to him when this feeling started. Knowing what the missions were asking of Lance, and how heavy they would weigh on the Paladin’s mind. As grateful as Lance was for the Altean’s words, he couldn’t shake the thought that it would just be better if he didn’t. The less people traumatized was better, and these missions were confidential for a reason.
So, there he was, drained, exhausted, and irritable. Dreading the day before it had begun as he entered the bridge.
To his surprise, he wasn’t the last one. In fact, he was the first of the paladins to reach the bridge. Though he probably shouldn’t have been as surprised, he had been getting pretty good with his time management if he did say so himself. The room was only occupied by Coran and Allura. They quickly shared good mornings, Allura in her excitement already briefing Lance on the celebration. A day-long party followed by a dinner with all of the planet’s officials. Easy enough. Lance just had to act like he wanted to be there, and not like he wanted to crawl inside a hole and hibernate for the next decade.
The room was quickly filled with the noise of the other paladins, bright and lively as they entered. They didn’t seem to notice Lance as they bickered, Shiro stepping in a few times to keep it out of hand.
“Where is Lance, is he late again?” Pidge joked, earning a scoff from Keith before both of their eyes landed on the Blue Paladin already standing at the console with the Alteans, their conversation seemingly interrupted by the outburst. After the briefing, it was little over a varga before the castle landed on the planet and the Paladins were greeted by its inhabitants. Music and excited shouts filled the air as the group marched from the castle to the large civic center that was to house the celebration.
To Lance’s joy, Hunk stood with him the whole time. His friend finding exciting food for both of them to try as they mingled with some of the natives. As exhausted as Lance felt, his smile never faltered, and in all honesty it could have been much worse. He just wished that whatever alien was practically hanging off of his arm could let off a bit.
It was smooth going throughout the party, all the way up until the dinner. Nothing could have ever prepared him for this dinner.
Well, could anyone really prepare to be seated across from the most beautiful alien he had ever seen. Her skin a dusty pink that seemed to aglow in the candle light, her long flowing hair dark as night and hung in long curls where it wasn’t plaited in the most intricate braids. But her eyes, her diamond like eyes could have put the most precious stone to shame. The way he could see almost every colour in them shook him to his core.
She was beautiful, strikingly so.
He almost hadn’t realized he had been staring until he felt the elbow of his best friend hit his ribcage. But he couldn’t bring himself to look away.
The girl sitting in front of him looked up with such sad eyes, it made him want to cry just looking at her.
“You carry much pain with you, Blue Paladin.” her voice was soft, but the sentiment in it struck an arrow in his chest. It seemed her words had silenced the entire table as eyes turned towards the two.
“Though you crave to return home the most, you know that you will not. Not in your lifetime...and yet you remain.” she took a shuddering breath, reminding Lance that he hadn’t breathed since she sat in front of him. “I will not ask you why. For your silence is all the answer I need, but I must ask. You are scared are you not?”
“That’s enough Nalena.”
But all she did was hold a singular slim finger to her father, an action that silenced him yet again.
“Yet you brave the fight, the war that you are convinced you will not survive.” She moved her hand to cover his, offering him the slightest squeeze of comfort.
“You fight because though you may not return, you will do all you can to make sure that they,” she dropped his gaze finally to pass her eyes upon his team before those kind diamond eyes returned to his once more, “they may. You lay awake at night, haunted by the prophecies of your demise, yet you continue. You rise every day, answer every call, knowing that it could be your last.”
He could feel the pain in her voice be mirrored in his heart, and knew the tear that fell from his eye matched that on her cheek.
“Alejandro, you have committed many sins in your effort to protect your team. Though they will never truly know what you have done, what plagues your mind every waking moment, know that they could not have a more devoted nor more loving paladin. Your heart will never be hardened, your efforts never in vain. You carry the curse of the Blue Paladin, and take it in stride. Your loyalty knows no bounds. Know this Alejandro Serrano-McClain, if they do not let you into your heaven it is not your fault. The road to hell may be paved with good intentions, but it is their loss for not honoring the hero you have become.”
Blue eyes stared, unlooking into the vast expanse of the stars hidden behind the glass. His mind still reeling relentlessly vargas after his encounter with the princess Nalena. Her words played in a continuous loop in his mind. Keeping him awake.
So here he stood, arms crossed, dressed in only a pair or dark sweatpants and his lion slippers  shielding his feet from the ice of the cold castle floor. He was so wrapped up in his own mind, he hadn’t heard the doors whoosh open, nor the light footsteps that followed to where he stood.
Startled he turned around, eyes wide when they settled on the violet ones belonging to the red paladin.
“Keith...what are- are you okay?”
They both stood in silence, Keith dressed in his pajamas seemed colder than Lance did, shuddering a little in the dark of the observation deck.
“Shouldn't I be asking you that?”
Lance shifted on his feet, not really sure where this was going, but dreading it nonetheless. “What do you mean? I’m fine.”
“Are you? I mean, after what happened today, I wouldn’t be. And I-” Lance watched as Keith fidgeted with the sleeve of his shirt, his eyes refusing to meet the blue paladin’s in front of him. “I don’t know. What she said. It seems like you haven’t been okay for a while.”
Lance wasn’t sure why he was so surprised, after all the whole team had been there to witness the incident. They weren’t blind. Of course they’d be concerned. He’d be worried out of his mind if the same thing happened to Pidge, or Shiro, even Allura. But he had to admit it was a little weird having Keith, his self proclaimed rival- not rival, genuinely worry about him.
His first instinct was to deflect. Hell, this wasn’t something that a few kind words could fix, and the last person he’d want comfort from would be the boy that only bickered with him. But that wasn’t right. Keith was standing in front of him because he wanted to help, because at the end of the day they were a team, friends. And he genuinely did care.
Lance sighed before holding out his hand, gesturing for the other boy to come and join him in front of the glass, only turning back to the stars when Keith finally stood next to him.
“You’re right.” he said, breaking the long drawn out silence, his eyes never leaving the stars he had grown so accustomed to. The stars that he knew he would live and die fighting in. “I don’t think I’ve been okay for a long time.”
He could feel the smaller boy’s eyes on him, studying him and if the conversation hadn’t weighted so heavily on him, he probably would have blushed.
“I used to look up at the stars, and dream about flying through them. I wanted to be the best pilot out there, traveling farther than anyone ever had. Even when we were brought into this war, I couldn’t help but dream of doing great things. It's all I've ever wanted to do... fly.”
“All I ever wanted to do was fly.” He repeated softly, as he looked down at his feet, shaking his head at his own ignorance. No, not ignorance, naivety. All those years ago he was a naive 17 year old who would have given an arm and a leg to travel the stars.
“Now I’m here, fighting a war my family has no idea even exists. And all I want to do is go home. I want to hug my mom, argue with my siblings, play with my niece and nephew.”
“You will, Lance. We’ll go back to Earth, and you can do all that, and more-”
“Will I?” he interrupted. There was no harshness, no anger. Just a reserved sadness that Keith would have done anything to never hear from his friend’s lips again. This wasn’t Lance, Lance was supposed to be loud and happy and...not hurting like this. Lance deserved to be happy.
“It doesn’t scare me any more, the thought of not going home. At first I used to be terrified, of getting hurt, dying, leaving my family to wonder what happened to me. As bad as it sounds... I don’t feel that way anymore.”
“I used to spend hours imagining how I would die, getting gunned down by a Galra soldier, or saving one of you, or… I spent so much time imagining it, that I couldn’t even imagine going home if I wanted to.”
Keith had turned completely now, facing the taller boy, tears in his eyes as his friend struggled to talk. How could he have not known about this? How could any of them not have known? They were supposed to be a team, and when one of your team is hurting, you help. They didn’t seem like a team at that moment, neglecting their Blue Paladin. The one person who was holding this team together was completely falling apart and none of them could see it.
It made him want to wrap Lance up in the biggest hug he had ever known, and Keith was far from a hugger. But seeing the boy stand before him, speak about how accepting he was of fucking dying? That was not okay. None of this was okay. They had grown up fighting a war, and if there was any indication that it had taken its toll on the teens, Lance was it.
“She was right.” Lance said finally. Breaking Keith out of his stupor.
“Right about what?”
“I’ve done horrible things for this goddamn war. I’ve killed people Keith, not droids, or senteries. Living, breathing Galra. Not just Galra, but anyone who would cross the coalition. I-” his voice cracked as he placed his head in his hands, stifling a sob that threatened to escape him. “I don’t want to be remembered for that. I never wanted to be a hero, but here I am pretending to be one, knowing all the things I’ve done.”
Any self control that Keith had once had evaded him in that moment, as he lunged forward and wrapped his arms around Lance. Pulling him close, as if he was afraid to lose him if he didn’t.
The action only made Lance cry harder, no longer hiding it as he clung to the Red Paladin. Keith guided them to the floor, and there they remained until Lance had cried himself out, Keith releasing a few tears himself.
It was some time before either of them spoke again. Neither one really wanting to break from the safety of the silence, but knowing that more had to be said. In the end, Keith waited until Lance pulled away before speaking.
“Lance, war brings out the worst in all of us. We’ve all done things that we’re not proud of, but we can’t let it define us. What we do is to help the universe. Voltron exists to help the universe.”
Lance scoffed at that, the disbelief held in his voice only pushing Keith more.
“I’m so sorry that you’ve been forced to do those things. But I’ve also seen you do some amazing things as well. I’ve seen you carry children out of a collapsing building, I’ve seen you push Pidge out of the way of a shot, I’ve seen you talk Shiro down from his nightmare induced panic attacks. Hell, you literally drag me out of the training deck every night to make sure I actually sleep. Lance, you care for this family.”
Before Lance could get a word in, Keith cupped his cheeks in both hands, angling him so that their eyes met.
“I know me listing all of the good things will never outweigh the heaviness of the guilt you carry. All I ask is that you acknowledge that you are more than that, because you are. You are Lance McClain, the Blue Paladin of Voltron. A hero, a fighter, a friend. The scar on your back is a testament to how true that is.”
He let the words sink in, let Lance just have time to feel them. Because he meant every word.
And he’d be damned if he let Lance go on believing that he wasn’t worthy of being here. He defined what it meant to be a paladin, and though he may not be their leader, he still managed to instill it in each and every one of them.
“Lance, I-”
“Thank you. I think I’m gonna go to bed.” Lance pulled back before moving to stand up, popping the cricks out of his shoulders.
“...Just think about what I said, please.”
Lance turned then, a small smirk replacing the broken expression that plagued him just the minute before.
“Yeah, I will. Thank you, Keith, really.”
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Voltron Circus AU
This is my idea for a circus au. Personally I came up with the idea thinking about an aerialist Lance and Fire performer Keith klance au. But you guys can do what you want with it.
- Allura is the daughter of Alfor who owns and runs the circus.
- She is younger than Shiro but older than the other paladins
- When she is in her late teens Alfor gets sick and starts training her to be his replacement and to take over running the circus.
- She becomes the ringmaster.
- Shiro joined the circus when he was about 14. His father was abusive, and his mother was sick. She died of a terminal illness, and after her funeral Shiro grabbed a bag and fled. (He got his scar on his nose from his father)
- He ran to the next town where the circus was performing. He didn’t know that at the time, he was just trying to find a place to stay.
- Somehow he happens across the lions tent. He sees a cub, and starts playing with her. While playing with her, Allura comes in. They talk and when she finds out that he has no place to go, she offers for him to stay with them. Shiro was hesitant at first, not wanting to be a bother. So Allura says that their current lion tamer was getting old, and looking for someone to train as a replacement.
- From then on he is with the circus. When he is 17 he meets Keith, and decides that he is now his brother.
- (I love Adashi, so I’m thinking that either Adam is joins the circus and they get together, or that they meet at one of the shows and keep in touch)
- When he was 9 Keith ran away from the orphanage.
- He met Shiro who at the time was a lion tamer for the Voltron circus. Shiro basically decided that Keith was now his brother and adopted him.
- Alfor agreed to let him stay, never having been able to turn down someone in need.
- Alfor gets him a computer, and Keith gets “homeschooled” with all the other young runaways
- It takes a while for Keith to warm up to other people. Initially he just stuck to Shiro’s side like glue.
- Keith gets restless easily, so he decided to find an act.
- He tried lion taming with Shiro. He liked the lions, and worked well with Red, but decided it wasn’t for him.
- He tried knife throwing, aerials, pretty much everything. And while he was good at them, they just didn’t fit.
- When he was 13 the circus gained a new member. (I don’t know who you want it to be but I’m thinking one of the blade members) She/He was a Fire Performer, and he was mesmerized by it instantly. He decided to learn it, and found his place in the circus.
- Honestly, Keith was just living his best life. Until it gets upended by a certain aerialist *cough* Lance *cough*.
- Pidge is the next to join after Keith. She joins with her family. Her father gets hired to be the mechanic for the circus, and he brings his family along.
- Matt and Shiro become quick friends. It takes a bit longer for Pidge and Keith to become close, but eventually they do.
- In the beginning the other performers mistook her for a guy, and it took a while for them to realize the truth.
- She graduates high school really early, since she is a genius. And goes away to college. After a year or two she realizes that she misses the circus, and comes back. She finishes her degree online while traveling. She doesn’t really have an act, but will fill in in places if needed. She takes over her father’s spot as the main mechanic and technical person for the circus. She upgrades them, making their shows even more popular than they previously were.
- Hunk and Lance come together. They met at military school. He came from a military family, and his father wanted him to become tougher. So he sent him to a military school in Texas. Neither Hunk nor Lance liked it there. Hunk didn’t want to join the military, he had other ideas of what he wanted to do. Either culinary or engineering.
- They gave the school a year, and both went home to try and talk their families out of sending them back, with no such luck. When they got back, Lance convinced Hunk to go AWOL with him. Hunk wasn’t sure about it, but Lance had always been the planner in their relationship, and he trusted him.
- After they get out of the school, and are a few towns away, Hunk asks what they’re gonna do now. Lance tells him that they are joining the circus. Needless to say, Hunk is not a big fan of that plan. But they had already left, and it was too late to turn back now.
- They head to a nearby city where they heard a circus was going to be performing. They stay for the show, and Hunk is mesmerized by one of the performers. He thinks that she is one of the most beautiful people he has ever seen.
- So after the show, Lance says that he’s going to try and find the ringmaster and ask if they can join. Hunk nods, and heads out trying to find that girl. After looking around he eventually finds her. He introduces himself, and she says that her name is Shay. Usually she just helps backstage, but one of the elephant performers fell ill, and she stepped in to help.
- They talk for a while, until they are interrupted by Lance. He walks over with the ringmaster who is a tall white haired woman. She welcomes them to the circus, and asks if there is a specific act that he would like to do. He says that he is fine with helping out backstage with Shay. Eventually the rest of the performers realize how good of a cook he is. They had always had a mobile kitchen thing, but no one had been willing to use it, until Hunk. The performers are thrilled at this discovery. (He also helps out Pidge with building and sciencey stuff)
- Hunk wouldn’t say that he falls into his place with ease, but it’s not as hard as he thought it was going to be. He ends up dating Shay not long after joining.
- (Honestly I don’t know why Lance got sent to military school, but maybe he was acting out or whatever) Lance hates military school. The only bright spot being his friendship with Hunk. And when trying to convince his parents fails, he comes up with a plan to get out. Sure, joining the circus is cliche, but it sounds like fun. Plus, Lance has always been good at gymnastics. He feels a bit bad for dragging Hunk along, when he is clearly unenthused about joining.
- While watching the circus perform Lance feels exhilarated. It’s one of the most breathtaking things he has ever seen. He decides there in that seat, that he has to be a part of it.
- So after the show he goes searching for the ringmaster. Along the way he bumps into Shiro and Keith. Lance notices the strange look that Keith is giving him, and makes a joke about taking a picture (or some kind flirting joke thing). Keith blushes, scowls, and turns and walks away. Shiro apologizes for his brother and asks Lance if he can help him. Shiro leads him to the ringmaster and leaves them alone.
- Once he starts talking, it’s like he can’t stop. He would say/do anything to be able to join. Allura listens to him with an amused look on her face. She eventually cuts him off and asks if there is anything in particular that he can do. Lance mentions that he’s always been good at gymnastics, and that his friend is pretty strong. She agrees to let him join, and they go to find Hunk.
- After that Lance and Hunk join the circus. Lance gets put with the aerialists. He loves it more than anything. The feeling of flying through the air on the trapeze, or the thrill of performing a hard drop on the silks. He can’t imagine anything better.
- Lance and Hunk quickly become friends with Pidge. Keith is harder though, at least for Lance. Keith didn’t seem to have a problem with Hunk. (It’s because Keith is GAAAAAYYYYYY) So Lance makes it his mission to become friends with the fire performer.
- (I don’t really want to go over all that hard work, but eventually they fall in love and date)
(Also I know i didn’t mention Coran yet, and that’s shame on me. I feel like he’s just the one that everyone know, and he runs around helping with everything. I really don’t know how I would describe his place within the circus)
It’s free real estate. Please feel free to use this idea. If you do use it, please just let me know. My ao3 is KnightsofAce if you want to gift it to me. Or just let me know if the comments. I want to read it so please just let me know if you write something based on my idea.
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voltrontranscript · 3 years
VLD S8E6: Genesis
Season 8 Episode 6: Genesis
Transcript by @dragonofyang
Summary: The Voltron Coalition has found Honerva’s base of operations on Oriande and prepares to take her down before she can use the siphoned quintessence to do untold damage, but they find her goals are not so simple, and every reality will pay the price for her ambitions.
[Google Doc]
Coran: We have confirmation that Honerva’s beasts have touched down on planets Sanook, VeXilum, Siiz, and we continue to receive more transmissions.
Veronica: This is consistent with the reports I’m receiving as well.
Pidge: The wormhole signatures we discovered on Olkarion, they were a map to where the robeasts were headed. They must have been waiting this entire time.
Keith: They’re targeting multiple fronts simultaneously.
Hunk: What do we do?
Shiro: We keep our calm. Coran, continue to mark the planets where the beasts have landed. Veronica, give us any real-time updates as they come in.
Veronica: Copy that. Just got another report from Sanook. The robeasts are covered in some type of shield like a particle barrier.
Allura: They’re not attacking the planet?
Veronica: Not yet.
[Scene change to the colony Alteans standing on Oriande.]
Honerva: For eons our people have suffered, cast out from our home, driven mad by the cursed Galra. We have sacrificed much. You have sacrificed much. But Lotor gave more than any of us. And today, his ultimate wish will be fulfilled. The Galra will pay for what they have done to the Alteans. The end for anyone that dares oppose us is near. It is time to begin. May Lotor’s light guide you.
[Cut to the meeting room of the IGF-Atlas.]
Veronica: The planets are reporting activity. The robeasts are siphoning quintessence.
Iverson: We need to engage them all, save as many people as we can. We’re talking about triage here.
Keith: We could split up the Lions.
Hunk: One Lion can’t handle a robeast on its own.
Keith: No, but it could slow them down, buy us some time.
Shiro: I say we attack them with the totality of our forces and wormhole from target to target.
Allura: No, we must attack Oriande directly. I think I know what Honerva’s doing. We know Honerva has the ability to create wormholes and that these wormholes are emanating from Oriande. She used a robeast to steal the Olkari cubes, which can mimic and intensify energy at a distance. And those robeasts are essentially armed with Komars, able to drain and transmit massive amounts of quintessence. Honerva is going to concentrate energy from across the universe to Oriande. She is making a Komar magnitudes larger than anything we’ve ever seen, something that could drain quintessence from an entire galaxy.
Sam: No.
Coran: That monster.
Pidge: What could she possibly need that much energy for?
Allura: I don’t know, but we need to act immediately. The only way for us to stop them is by going directly to Oriande.
Keith: And that’s what Voltron is gonna do.
Shiro: The Atlas will accompany you. We don’t have time to wait for the rest of the Coalition.
Keith: Contact Matt, let him know the rebels are gonna be in charge of the evacuation efforts for the occupied planets. They shouldn’t expect assistance.
Allura: Then we are in agreement. It is time to begin our assault on Oriande.
[Cut to Olia preparing to launch.]
Allura: Is everyone ready?
Shiro: We’re in position.
Allura: The universe is facing the gravest threat it has ever seen. Honerva has exploited a vulnerable people, my people, and bent them to her will. She convinced them to pilot her abominations and commit heinous acts. And now she has built a weapon that can destroy an entire galaxy. Today, we risk our lives for the greater good. We are the only thing that can stop her and defend the universe. It is time to end this war.
[Cut between Allura and Honerva powering up their respective teludavs, and then the robeasts shooting pink quintessence out from the planets they’ve occupied into deep space.]
Matt: Is everyone else seeing this?
N-7: Matt, what is happening?
Matt: I don’t know, but we’re going to save as many people as we can.
[Cut to the IGF-Atlas wormholing to the Petrulian Zone.]
Shiro: Sam, we’re experiencing interference. Can you lock that down?
Sam: I’m on it. This interference is multi-phasal. What could cause something like this?
Slav: Wait, what color socks are you wearing?
Sam: What? Why does that matter?
Slav: You didn’t answer me. Why didn’t you answer me? There’s a ninety-nine and three-fifths chance the multi-phasal interference is from a reality-ending event!
Sam: Because of my socks?
Slav: We need to modify the dichromate resonance chamber to a super position.
Sam: Good thinking. That will isolate the mutated antimatter isotopes.
Slav: And please put on some green socks!
Coran: The Atlas can’t go much further due to the Petrulian Zone’s radiation. There they are! The Olkari cubes!
Iverson: I’m not picking up any energy signatures. They must not be active.
Veronica: I’m picking something up. It’s coming from the white hole.
Allura: The Guardian. No! Where is the Guardian?
Keith: We don’t have time to engage these robeasts. Can you clear a path?
Shiro: We’ll get you through. Atlas crew, prepare for transformation sequence. Okay, Voltron, engaging now. Good luck out there.
Keith: Good luck to you as well. I’m deferring command to Allura. 
Veronica: Voltron is clear.
Shiro: We need to first focus on neutralizing those robeasts. Then we can attack those cubes to try and halt the process.
[Cut to Honerva on Oriande, then to the rebels evacuating the occupied planets, and once more to the IGF-Atlas fighting the robeasts in the Petrulian Zone as the beams of quintessence reach the Olkari cubes as Voltron flies through the white hole.]
Lance: Look out! Behind us!
Keith: We gotta move!
Allura: The Guardian! She’s draining its quintessence! No! She’s destroyed the Guardian! We have to stop that witch immediately!
Merla: It’s Voltron. Defend our goddess!
Pidge: Two robeasts, incoming!
Keith: Form swords!
[Cut to the IGF-Atlas fighting the robeasts.]
Veronica: Shield energy at forty-three percent. Thirty-six.
Shiro: We’re not going to make it through their blockade.
Iverson: What’s the plan?
Shiro: Scramble the MFEs. We need their precise striking ability. Pilots, attack the weak spot on their chest plate when their cannon fires.
Pilots: Copy.
Shiro: Stay safe out there. Give them heavy covering fire so they can get in close.
[Cut to Zethrid, Ezor, and the Olkari Technician in a holding cell.]
Olkari Technician: I think we’re in the middle of a battle.
Zethrid: We need to get out of here.
Ezor: No! 
Zethrid: Trust me.
[Cut to the bridge of the IGF-Atlas.]
Veronica: We’ve got a security breach reported in cell block two one four. Zethrid and the Olkari have escaped their cells. It looks like they’re on their way to the bridge.
Shiro: We don’t have time for this.
Coran: Performing evasive maneuvers!
Iverson: We have an overload in munitions bay three.
Veronica: Sir, Zethrid’s almost here.
Shiro: Prepare for a breach!
Zethrid: We’re here to help!
Shiro: What? How did you even escape?
Olkari Technician: I’m an Olkari. Your security is childlike.
Zethrid: Look, I know you don’t trust me, but we are facing certain death. Let my tech help!
Shiro: Fine.
Olkari Technician: Excellent job fusing Earth technology with Altean magic.
[Cut to the MFE pilots fighting the robeasts.]
Rizavi: I’m hit! Repeat, I’m hit! Recovering all systems.
Shiro: It worked! Pilots, we’ve got you covered. Kinkade, get Rizavi back to the Atlas safely. Griffin and Leifsdottir, use this opportunity to hone in on the robeast’s crystal.
Griffin: Copy!
Shiro: MFEs, on my count. Three… Two… One!
Iverson: Yes!
Shiro: Outstanding.
Veronica: Yeah!
[Cut to Voltron fighting the robeasts on Oriande.]
Lance: Huh? Wha… What is going on?
Hunk: Are those people down there?
Pidge: According to my readings, we’re seeing into other realities.
Lance: What?!
Pidge: There must be some kind of rip in the fabric of time. The essence of realities is leaking out. Honerva is tearing apart timelines. She could cause irreparable damage to reality itself.
Allura: Hunk!
Hunk: I feel it.
Allura: Let’s move!
[Cut to the IGF-Atlas as the white hole emits a blast and forces it to revert to ship form.]
Sam: What just happened?
Slav: I don’t know. I’ve never seen anything like this before.
Sam: I’m attempting a reboot of the thera-magnetic oscillator.
Slav: Wait, did you change your socks?
Sam: What? I thought you were kidding.
Slav: Oh, no! I think we were just hit with time spillage.
Sam: Time spillage?
Slav: It’s a rip in the fabric of this reality. Pulses of quintessence are disassociating the synchronized molecules in the ship’s power crystal.
Sam: How do we fix it?
Slav: For starters, you have to take off your socks!
[Cut to the rebels as the robeast collapses and the energy beam dies.]
Matt: Everyone’s safely on board. Let’s get out of here.
[Cut back to Oriande, where Honerva screams and collapses as a bright flash of light reveals the Sincline mech kneeling in the center of the alchemical circle.]
Keith: This was Honerva’s plan all along.
Allura: No. He’s back. I can’t… No!
Keith: Paladins, attack!
Merla: Lotor!
Altean Acolyte: Lotor has returned!
Allura: No.
Merla: Something’s not right.
Allura: We need to move. Does anyone copy? Blue, please respond. Time to end this.
Lance: Allura!
Altean Acolyte: The Red Lion is moving.
Merla: Wait! Stay back! Get out of there now!
Altean Acolyte: Lotor?
Merla: No.
Honerva: Still… Altea’s wayward daughter.
Allura: Don’t you dare mention Altea to me.
Honerva: This is just the beginning. Join me and our people. Together we will go back to Altea.
Allura: We cannot go back. It is destroyed because of you.
Honerva: Think of your father. I knew Alfor well. This is what he would have wanted. Join me and the Alteans.
Allura: Never! You cannot keep me here forever. And the moment you release your hold, I will end you.
Honerva: Then you will end your friends as well. I am the only thing keeping my son at bay. Join the right side of this war.
[Cut to the IGF-Atlas as power returns to it.]
Veronica: Captain, Commander Holt got the Atlas back online.
Shiro: Get the MFEs on board.
[Cut back to Oriande as pink lightning begins to spark.]
Allura: Paladins, are you there? Paladins, respond. We must get out of here or we will all perish.
Lance: Allura.
Keith: I’m moving again. Pidge, Hunk?
Pidge: I’m here.
Hunk: Yellow’s back online.
Allura: Let’s move.
Pidge: The white hole is closing. If we don’t get out, we’ll be trapped here forever.
[Cut to the bridge of the IGF-Atlas.]
Veronica: The white hole’s energy is collapsing into a gravity surge. There’s no way we’ll hit escape velocity.
Coran: At this point, our only hope of escape is via wormhole.
Shiro: How long do we have?
Veronica: Minutes? Seconds? It’s impossible to be sure with these surges.
Shiro: Coran, move us into position to intercept.
Coran: Adjusting heading.
Shiro: Sam, I need every ounce of power you can give us.
Sam: Pulling energy from all systems.
Shiro: They’ll come.
Veronica: The white hole’s about to collapse.
Coran: They’re here!
Shiro: Coran, we need a wormhole, now!
Hunk: What the heck just happened?
Allura: We failed. And every reality will pay the price.
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Soul of a Lion (Chapter 2)
Sequel to The Smallest Blade.
Summary: After the Red Lion steals them away from the Marmora base and takes them through a wormhole, Shiro, Keith, Katla, and Lance find themselves in front of a majestic castle with nowhere to go but inside. The events that unfold while they’re there will change the fate of the universe.
Also posted on AO3 under the username “kishirokitsune”.
I delve a little into different Altean magics in this chapter. If you want to know a little more, I have notes on AO3 at the end of the chapter.
☆ - ☆ - ☆ - ☆ - ☆
2 | The Castle of Lions
10,000 Years Prior – Hidden in the shattered ruins of Altea
The Castle was too still. Too quiet.
There were only four of them who remained onboard but Hunk felt as though he were completely alone. His footsteps echoed through the halls as he hurried towards the bridge, where he hoped to find one of the others. The doors parted before him as he approached, letting him continue on his way without the need to slow down.
It wasn't long before he was stepping into the bridge, where the only one in sight was King Alfor.
Hunk nearly tripped over his feet as he came to an abrupt stop, dropping into a low bow. “Your Majesty!”
King Alfor continued to input coordinates into the center console and only turned around once he was finished. He gave Hunk a sad smile as he instructed him to rise. “It is time I leave this in your capable hands.”
“Me?” Hunk's voice went high. “I don't understand. Where are Coran and Princess Allura? Shouldn't they be here too?”
King Alfor shook his head. “Someplace safe. Right now they are both too angry to do what needs to be done and I need someone with Heart to help me with what comes next. This is the only way we stand a chance, do you understand?”
“I don't, but...” Hunk's voice broke a little. “What do you need me to do?”
“I've set coordinates to a small planet over in the Javeeno Star System. Once you land, the particle barrier will activate in camouflage mode and the entire castle will be undetectable to anyone who doesn't have the right means to get inside. When the time is right, one of the Lions will return to you with the next generation of Paladins. It's the only way we can stop Zarkon,” King Alfor said firmly.
“That could take years,” Hunk said.
King Alfor nodded. “It could... And that is why you will join Coran and Allura in the cryo-pods, so that you will wake when the time is right. I wish I had the time to explain to them, however...” He paused a moment, his expression pained as he looked away. “They wish to keep fighting. I understand that, I truly do, but we cannot risk Zarkon getting his hands on the Black Lion – or any of the others.”
Hunk did understand.
The thought of the destruction that Zarkon could cause if he had any of the Lions on his side, but especially the Black Lion, was more than he wanted to consider. Allura and Coran did as well, but their drive to keep moving forward and to fight back overshadowed that.
It was as King Alfor said; they would need someone gifted with Heart to help them through the events to come.
Alfor walked over to Hunk and placed both hands on the younger Altean's shoulders.“I cannot say who the Lions will choose, but you must trust that they will pick those who are worthy.”
“Do you really think I can do this? Wouldn't it be better to talk to them?” Hunk asked.
“I believe in you. And should you find yourself in need of further guidance, I have made some adjustments to the Memory Chamber that you may find useful. “
“You're... You're not coming with us?” Hunk asked, realizing all at once what King Alfor wasn't telling him. What he'd been telling him all along. And it was that realization that opened the floodgates, breaking down Hunk's careful emotional shields, and all at once he was hit by the fear, the anger, and the hope that poured off of Alfor as he kept up the appearance of the calm and composed King of Altea. Hunk swallowed thickly and closed his eyes to try and rebuild his shields enough that he could think straight.
King Alfor waited until Hunk opened his eyes once more. “I must face Zarkon. If there is even the slightest chance that I can stop him before it's too late, no matter how hopeless it seems, I must take it. Please, Hunk, I need your word that you will guide my daughter and keep her from making the same mistakes that I have done.”
“I... I don't think it's a mistake that you trusted your friends,” Hunk said. He was sure he was stepping over a line, or coming very close to it, but he needed to speak his mind.
“And that is something I agree with you on,” Alfor said reassuringly. “It was not my trust that led to ruin, but my willingness to turn a blind eye to what was happening. I thought that allowing them the chance to see that what they were doing was wrong was the correct path, but in doing nothing and standing idly by, I have doomed all of Altea – and all of Daibazaal as well.”
“I have decided.”
Hunk didn't need to have his shields lowered to know that his King wasn't going to hear another word.
Alfor's mind was made up.
Hunk stared at him with worry, wishing he could use his gift to reach out and change his King's mind, to convince him to fall into slumber with the rest of them and waken when the time came that they would be needed once again, but he would never betray the man in such a way. Nor did Hunk truly think he had the power to do something like that.
Instead of trying to convince him, Hunk bowed to his king for the final time. “I will do ask you ask, your Majesty.”
☆ - ☆ - ☆ - ☆ - ☆
The next time Hunk opened his eyes he was bombarded by a slurry of emotions running thick in the air. He stumbled, catching himself on the edges of his cryo-pod and using it to stabilize himself and get a grip on his embattled emotional shields. It took him a moment before he felt well enough to address the situation in front of him and another few minutes after that to convince Allura and Coran that they should move to a more comfortable room to talk to their guests.
The division between both groups was clear.
Allura and Coran sat side-by-side facing their guests, arms crossed and expressions stern.
Shirotak, the apparent leader of the group of Galra who made it onto the Castle of Lions, was as tall as any warrior that Hunk had met before. Four black horns stood out starkly against his white hair and they curved back over his head, reminding Hunk in some ways of the valgo's he had heard about in his youth.
His exact opposite was the young female Galra named Katla, who Hunk could only think to describe as “fluffy”. From her fanned ears to the tuft at the tip of her tail, Hunk would be hard-pressed to think of another characteristic that stood out as much.
His gaze slid to the Galra sitting next to her. He looked close in age to Katla and was clearly of no relation to her. Keith's skin was smooth, broken only by a pair of darker stripes on his forearms, as well as the ones rising from the underside of his jaw. His hair was pitch black – a rarity among Galra, who tended towards a simple white or the blues and violets of their skin (or fur).
And finally, there was Lance, whose appearance was so plain compared to the others that it actually made him stand out more. His hair was short and dark, leaning towards a shade more blue than violet, and his ears came to gentle points like the way Altean ears did. He had no distinguishing marks and his eyes were missing the typical yellow sclera of the Galra, but Hunk figured he was only half-Galra at the most and it wasn't a big deal.
There was a tiny part of Hunk that wished at least one of them wasn't Galra, but he pushed that aside to fulfill his promise to King Alfor.
The Red Lion had brought them to the castle, which meant they could be trusted. All Hunk had to do was convince Allura and Coran of that. He withheld a sigh as he looked at his fellow Alteans, who were eyeing the newcomers with clear distrust.
It wasn't going to be an easy task.
Hunk cleared his throat and looked at Shirotak, who he suspected was both the oldest and the leader of the group. “Before we were put into those pods, King Alfor hid all five of the Lions so Zarkon couldn't get his hands on them, so how did you do it?”
“Keith was the one who found her,” Shirotak said, speaking with the slowness of someone who was carefully choosing their words. “We heard rumors that the Empire was looking for a superweapon on Venadh, but when Keith went there, he found the Red Lion instead.”
“And then you took her,” Allura said scathingly.
“She called to him,” Shirotak corrected. “How did you describe it, Keith? Like being pulled towards something but not knowing why?”
Keith nodded.
“You're lying. You have to be. The Red Lion would never choose someone like you!”
The flash of anger from Allura beat heavily against Hunk's shoddy shields and before he knew it, he was on his feet and staring her down, arms crossed over his chest as a rage that wasn't his own churned hotly in his chest. “Princess, that's enough. I know it's hard to accept, but they are the new Paladins and we're going to have to accept that sooner or later if we want to stand any chance!”
The flames of anger burnt out quickly and Hunk bowed under the shocked gazes of Allura and Coran, who were both stunned speechless by his outburst.
“I'm sorry,” he said in a softer tone. “Princess, I... I know it's a lot to take in, but I think we can trust them. King Alfor told me that the Lions would return when they found new Paladins and when that happened, we would wake up from our sleep.”
After a few ticks, Coran spoke up. “I think it would be best if we took some time to ourselves to think this over. Hunk, would you show our... guests to appropriate rooms where they can stay? Meet us on the bridge once you're finished.”
Hunk nodded and stood back as his fellow Alteans stood and left the room without a backward glance. He sighed in relief as the intense atmosphere left with them, giving him a moment to patch up his shields before turning to face their guests. (And Hunk was definitely going to take a few doboshes to himself before going to the bridge – suddenly waking after 10,000 years of sleep was evidently Very Bad for his empathic abilities and he needed to regain control if he wanted to stand a chance of convincing Allura and Coran to give the Galra a chance.)
“Sorry about that,” he said, offering them a small smile. “Come on, I'll show you where you can stay.”
“Let me guess: in a special cell in the dungeon?” Katla asked.
While Hunk was fairly sure that was what Coran had in mind, he was absolutely not going to imprison them. “I figured you'd be more comfortable if you each had a room of your own. You'll be on the same hall as I am, so if you need anything, I'll be right there.”
“I'm surprised you trust us to be so close,” Keith said.
Shirotak gave a nearly inaudible sigh at their behavior and Hunk had to fight the impulse to make a joke. While it would make him feel better, he wasn't so sure that trying to joke with them would go over so well.
Honesty would be a better choice.
“You haven't given me a reason not to trust you and you deserve to be comfortable while you're here. Though, uh, I don't recommend leaving your rooms for a while. Let me talk to Coran and the Princess and then I'll come down and give you guys a tour,” Hunk said.
“Sounds good to me,” Shirotak said as he stood up. “I don't suppose the kitchen will be part of that tour? We missed dinner when the Lion brought us here.”
“I'll make it our first stop,” Hunk promised.
☆ - ☆ - ☆ - ☆ - ☆
The rooms were a little small, but they offered security in the form of password-enabled doors and each one came with its own bathroom, though Hunk did mention a communal bathhouse at the end of the hall. Each room was furnished with a bed, a side table, and a desk with a chair.
Hunk pointed out his room, which was the first door on the left at the start of the hall, and then left them to pick their own.
Shiro took the room directly across from Hunk, Pidge and Keith took the next two (though Shiro suspected they would end up bunking together more often than not), and Lance picked one on the right, which was next to Keith's room. They took a few doboshes to settle in and wash up before meeting up at Shiro's room for a group discussion.
“Everyone feeling alright?” he asked.
“No,” Keith said bluntly. “They obviously don't want us here. I say we get back to the Red Lion and go home.”
“That might not be an option. The Red Lion was on lockdown for months back at the base and it sounds like the only reason she lifted her barrier was to get all of us together. If I heard correctly, she's not the only Lion and if we've been 'chosen' like Hunk suggested, I doubt she'd let us fly anywhere. Katla, thoughts?” Shiro asked.
Katla frowned. “I think we need to find out more before we do anything rash. And before that, we need a way to communicate with Kolivan and let everyone know we're alright. If I can find the right parts, I'll be able to build a communication device and send out a coded message, but that will have to wait until after Hunk gives us that tour. Maybe I'll see something along the way.”
Shiro nodded in agreement and then looked to Lance, who had been unusually quiet since their arrival. He gently nudged the Altean and asked: “How are you feeling?”
“How do you think I feel?” Lance asked waspishly. “We're sitting in the castle of the ones who abandoned my people and left us all to die and you're telling me you want to stay and learn more? I'm with Keith on this one. They don't want us here, so we should leave and take the Lion with us.”
That left Shiro with the final say. “We'll take one quintant to figure out what our best plan is. In the meantime, we get a message back to Kolivan and the others. That will be your task, Katla. Keith, I want you to try and get through to the Red Lion. Maybe she'll listen to you if you explain the situation. Lance...” he trailed off at the surly expression on the younger man's face. “You'll be with me. If we can make peace with Princess Allura and the other two, then that will be best. I need you to tell me everything you know about them.”
“You already heard everything you need to know. They went to sleep for 10,000 years and left us to burn. That's it.”
“I'm sure there's more to it than that,” Shiro said. There was more he wanted to say, but Lance abruptly stood up and left for his own room, signaling the end of that particular conversation.
“Should we go after him?” Katla asked, her brow furrowed in worry.
Shiro shook his head. “Let him take some time for himself. In the meantime, I want the two of you to try and get along with Hunk. He's willing to give us a chance, so we'll do the same for him.”
The pair grumbled a bit but agreed.
Shiro shooed them off to relax while they were waiting for Hunk to return and give them a tour and once they were gone, he took the opportunity to examine his new room more closely. When he found nothing out of the ordinary, he took his own advice and laid down to rest for a while. He was too keyed up to nap, but relaxing in a meditative state was perfectly within his capabilities, so he did that until he heard a knock at his door.
Hunk was on the other side, ready to give them the tour he promised.
After rounding up Katla and Keith (and checking on Lance to see if he wanted to join), the four set off for the kitchen, where Hunk introduced them to food goo, which was a dubious green color that Hunk insisted was perfectly safe and nutritious. Shiro politely tasted some of it and while it wasn't bad, it was so bland that he couldn't bring himself to eat more than a bite.
“It's the only thing that lasts in stasis,” Hunk said apologetically. “I'll send out some scavenger drones later to see what kinds of foods this planet has that we can eat.”
Hunk was careful not to show them any sensitive areas on his tour – they stuck mostly to the floor their rooms were on, which also housed the kitchen and a few other rooms that were used for games or just to relax. He did take them down a few floors to the pool, which was suspended up near the ceiling and not something any of them were interested in using.
He talked all the while; it was a sort of nervous chatter meant to fill the silence permeating the castle. Shiro was the one who responded most often, though Katla couldn't keep her curiosity at bay and had a few questions of her own.
By the time the tour was over, Shiro felt that they had been sufficiently successful at gaining an ally in Hunk. He hoped it would be enough.
Several hours later, as the castle began its cycle into nighttime and all of the lights dimmed to represent that, Keith, Katla, and Lance gathered in Shiro's room to go over their plan for the night.
With Shiro's help, Keith would be sneaking out through the front of the castle to try and talk to the Red Lion. They hoped she would listen and be ready in case they needed to make a hasty escape back to headquarters.
Meanwhile, Katla and Lance were going to find an equipment room so Katla could build something for them to get a message back to Kolivan. Lance was going along to serve as a lookout.
Before they split up, Keith pulled Katla aside.
“Be careful,” he cautioned, his eyes soft as he looked down at her. “Do you have your blade?”
Katla nodded and patted the sheath on her right hip. She smiled at him and then reached up with one hand to caress his cheek. “I'm going to be fine. We're just going down the hall to find that security panel I spotted earlier. I'll hack into it and be back here before you know it. I'm more worried about you and Shiro running into trouble on your way out.”
“We'll be careful,” Keith promised, nuzzling the palm of her hand before pressing a single kiss to it.
Across the room, Lance gaped at the pair of them. “Wha-? Since when is this happening?”
Shiro chuckled at his confusion. “They've been waiting for Katla to finish her training before starting their courtship. It's quite an honor to be able to witness the start of it.”
Lance was silent for a moment as he watched them. When he spoke again, it was to change the subject completely. “Do you trust them? The Alteans, I mean.”
“Trust needs to be earned and that takes more time than a few vargas,” Shiro replied. “But if you're asking me what kind of threat I think they pose to us, I'd say it's low. They're angry. They have every right to be. The most we need to worry about is that they'll try and lock us away since they can't risk us leaving and telling anyone about their location, though they'll find that more difficult than they may think.”
“Because you're all trained to fight,” Lance said, nodding his head.
Shiro smiled. “Because Hunk wants to trust us. I don't think he'd stand idly by and just let it happen. But yes, also because we have spent most of our lives learning to fight.”
Lance frowned at the mention of Hunk, but didn't argue.
Shiro patted Lance on the shoulder and then stepped forward. “Keith, are you ready to go?”
“Yeah,” Keith responded, taking a moment to press his forehead to Katla's before the two of them reluctantly separated.
And with that, they went off to complete their missions, both teams hoping for success.
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ggfj84 · 4 years
“You and Me Against the Universe” - Chapter Two
I didn’t realize it was @sheithmonth! Unfortunately, this story is only three-fourths done, but I wanted to post something for the event. Hope you enjoy this chapter! 
For Day 24 - Soulmates 
Story on AO3 (including Chapter One) 
Chapter Two 
“You’re married?” Lance, the Blue Paladin from Nalquod, squawked once Shiro explained the situation. Lance’s otherworldly blue hair stood on end long after he had gripped both sides of his head. “You got married at the last coalition meeting, and you didn’t even invite us?”
Shiro wrung the back of his neck and offered a sheepish smile in apology. “It’s a bit more complicated than that.”
“No shit, Shir-lock. Perhaps the plait in the room wasn’t a big enough clue.”
Propped up on the couch’s arm, Keith took in the whole scene in a daze. Less than a varga ago, he became the bondmate to the Black Paladin and leader of Voltron in front of the entire coalition and now sat in the paladins’ private quarters with Krolia and Kolivan as they all recovered from the whirlwind ceremony.
“There wasn’t much time,” Allura assured, resting a hand upon the Blue Paladin’s shoulder. “I know you’re hurt –”
“I’m not hurt!”
“I am,” the Olkari next to him, Pidge, replied. Her long antennae jutted out as if they could pierce Shiro’s armor. “It feels like when Matt eloped with his girlfriend out on that casino planet. You could have called us.”
Shiro’s shoulders slumped, and Keith’s own chest threatened to burst from the guilt that swelled within it. “Lotor was making a move to control the entire Daibazaal delegation. I had to act fast or Keith would have been –”
“So you listened to your dick rather than your brain, huh?” Lance spat.
Keith’s translator must have malfunctioned in the middle of Lance’s tirade because one word didn’t come across in Marmoran.
He looked toward Krolia and Kolivan. “What’s a –”
“You don’t want to know,” Shiro cut him off before turning back to the paladins with a heavy sigh. “Look, nothing has changed. Not really. Yes, Keith and I are bonded now, but that’s not going to stop me from being there for you guys.”
“It is a bit more involved than that,” Kolivan admonished, arms crossed and expression severe, while Krolia played with the wayward strands of Keith’s black and indigo braid. “Galran society deems bonding partners as sacred. As such, Shiro, you will be required to attend Blade functions as Keith’s bondmate and accept any invitations to the House of Sincline.”
Allura sighed. “Likewise, partners of paladins and coalition members are appreciated at meetings and galas. Delegates will expect to see you two together.” 
“I thought you said you were going to submit a grievance to remove the bonding clause?” Keith asked. Out the corner of his eyes, he noticed Shiro stiffen, but by the time he turned, the Black Paladin had already looked away.
Krolia pushed a stubborn strand of Keith’s bangs behind his ear. “We can try, kit, but the coalition may decide the removal will be applied to the next delegation’s heirs. Or they may not approve it at all. At the very least, the grievance won’t be heard until the next session, more than three phoebs from now.”
Dread pooled in Keith’s gut. “So you’re saying Shiro and I must stick together until then.”
“At least then.” There was a hint of something in Kolivan’s voice Keith couldn’t place. He thought it might have been resignation…or perhaps relief? “I would suggest you two take some time to discuss your plans as well as your living arrangements. I will be mindful of your new schedule when assigning your missions.”
Krolia pressed a kiss to Keith’s forehead. “We’ll be in our quarters. Come see us after you and Shiro finish your discussion.” She approached Shiro then and coaxed him into a tight embrace. “Thank you, Paladin Shirogane. The Blade of Marmora is in your debt.”
“Uh, my pleasure,” Shiro murmured, ears pink.
Once they left, Allura clapped her hands and turned to the paladins. “We must be off as well. Keith.” She cradled his forearm and offered him a precious, warm smile. “Welcome to the family.”
It should have reassured him, but instead, Keith’s stomach churned. What had he gotten to?
And then he was alone with his new bondmate and consumed by an intense, awkward silence he didn’t know how to traverse.
Shiro let out a quick, rushed laugh. “Bonding…was not my schedule for today. How about you?”
Keith debated about wielding his knife, just to intimidate. “I still don’t understand why you did it.”
Shiro sighed and collapsed to the chair across from Keith, arms dropping over the sides. “Full disclosure? I was engaged once. Few decaphoebs ago. It wasn’t a messy break-up so much as a quick one. Since then, Hunk’s tried to fix me up with his brother-in-law Rax. Allura’s introduced me to every single diplomat on Altea. Lance tried to hook me up with every member of his family. I think he almost convinced his mother to date me.”
Keith surveyed Shiro’s troubled frown, his trembling eyes, and utterly devastating grin. “So…you’re still in love with your ex?”
“What!” Shiro shot straight up. “No. We’re over. I just…I’m tired of everyone trying to find someone for me. Adam was—well, my flight partner for decaphoebs. We weren’t even together for the longest time. I learned that I just don’t…date. I meet someone, get to know them, and then fall in love.”
That made sense, though Keith wondered how many members of the coalition would volunteer to get to know Shiro over dinner. “Then this is mutual beneficial. You help Marmorans keep the Daibazaal delegation reflective of our planet’s people –”
“—and you help me stay sane.”
That was doable, even if Keith’s heart plummeted. “I can do that. So what happens now?”
Shiro struggled and looked down at his cut-off gloves, palms open and wondering. “I guess we get rings, exchange numbers, and then see you at the next diplomatic function for the coalition?”
Keith jerked a shoulder. Their bond already tugged at Keith’s soul, yearning to get to know his mate more intimately, if not physically then emotionally. But Shiro wouldn’t know about the bond, and Keith couldn’t possibility bother him with the unnecessary details. “Yeah, I guess.”
“Great.” Shiro snagged Keith’s wrist, and fire shot through his veins. Shiro typed his number into Keith’s gauntlet and then flashed his patented disarming smile. Did Shiro know how charming it – he –  was? “Don’t forget to write, my mate.”
Keith still hadn’t managed to lift his jaw by the time he meandered out of the paladins’ common room. He stopped short when he noticed Lance standing opposite the exit door, one foot flat against the wall behind him, arms crossed.
“Look, go easy on him, okay?” Lance asked. “And be good to him. He deserves the universe, and he’s decided that’s you.”
If Shiro and he were going to spend time together, Keith was going to need to get along with Shiro’s family. “It’s not like that for him. He’s still getting over his ex, and he could use a break from the endless stream of suitors you and your friends have sent his way.”
Lance snorted and glanced away. “He told you that? And you bought it?”
How else was he supposed to take his mate if not at his word? “What are you saying?”
“I haven’t seen Shiro look at another person since he joined the paladins. I haven’t seen him smile at anyone, not like he does with you. And now he’s jumping into the deep end.” Lance shook his head while stifling a laugh. “Look, just give him time to adjust, find out what he really wants.”
Keith’s heart ached as he glanced over his shoulder at the door. If only Keith didn’t know what he wanted. “I don’t want to hurt him, Lance. I…I want to help him.” Whatever that would actually entail. 
Lance’s eyes narrowed, searching Keith for something, but before Keith could retort, Lance dropped his arms and cocked a wide, mischievous grin. “You said it wasn’t like that for him. You didn’t say it wasn’t like that for you.”
Keith’s mouth dropped, agape, and as he struggled to recover, Lance clasped him on the shoulder. “That’s all I needed to know. See you around, Plait.”
As Lance retreated down the hall, Keith sighed and started off in the opposite direction. In the Galran diplomatic quarters, his mother and Kolivan waited, and he just wanted to forget the day ever happened.
If only the bond pulsating deep within his soul would let him. 
Hoping to post at least one more chapter by the end of Sheith Month!
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alounuitte · 4 years
Where Loyalty Lies
When shipments from a mining station suddenly stop, Lotor's generals look into the reason and get more questions than answers. At the same station several days earlier, the Blade of Marmora encounters a surprise when they try to take out the operation.
Chapter 2 (also on AO3 under LovelyLessie!)
There’s a long moment of silence before Kolivan says, slowly, “It’s a what?”
“A - a child,” he says. “Or, um, a kitten? A - like, a little Galra, I don’t know what—“ 
“I know what a kid is,” Kolivan says, cutting him off. “What is it doing here?” 
“Uh, right now, hiding from me,” Keith replies, taking a few steps back. “It’s back behind the machinery, I don’t think I can get in there.” 
“Proceed with your mission,” Kolivan instructs him. “We will retrieve the child before we go.” 
Keith frowns, chewing on his lower lip. “Is… are they gonna be okay back there while I’m messing around with the controls? I don’t want them to get hurt.”
Silence. He looks at the console, and then back at the gap between the machinery, angling his head until he sees the glint of yellow in the child’s eyes. They haven’t moved, still curled up tight in the narrow space, and he’s suddenly reminded of himself as a child, hiding from sitters in the back of the closet or behind the washer in the cellar. 
“I’m gonna try to get them out of there,” he says. “If I can’t fit, none of you are going to, so we’re gonna have to convince them somehow, right?” 
“A sound argument,” Kolivan agrees. “We will join you shortly to assist.” 
“Don’t get bitten,” Dazvar says quietly, and chuckles. “Kits have sharp teeth.” 
Keith laughs at that and switches his comm off, demasking as he approaches the child again. “Hey,” he says softly, and drops into a crouch. “It’s okay. I’m not gonna hurt you.” 
The kit growls again, eyes narrowing. 
“Can you talk?” Keith asks. “How old are you?” Not that it would mean much to him, really, since he has only a vague concept of how the empire measures time, and no idea how early Galra learn to speak, but it seems like the sort of thing to ask a strange child. 
They hiss in response, and he can make out enough to see the way their teeth bare and their ears twitch back. 
“Okay,” he says, taking a deep breath to steady himself. Patience. “Guess not. That’s...fine.” 
He sits down and unstraps the sheath of his knife, setting it aside. The best thing he can think of to help coax the kit out of hiding is to be less threatening, so he’d better at least put down his weapon. It doesn’t seem to make any difference to them, but anything’s worth trying. 
“I’m Keith,” he says when he can’t think of anything else to say. “Do you have a name? Uh - wait, I guess you don’t talk - or you’re not right now, anyways. I get that, I don’t like to talk to strangers either.” 
He frowns, looking down at his open hands. The kit has stopped growling and is watching him silently from the back of the room, which he thinks might be progress. 
“Sorry,” he says. “I’m not really that great at conversation. Um, I’m…” 
A Paladin, he means to say, and then second guesses himself. Most people they’ve met across the galaxy are reassured by that, but this kid’s family is part of the empire; anything they’ve heard about Voltron probably sounds more like a threat than a consolation. A member of the Blade of Marmora probably isn’t any better, either - if that even means anything to anyone outside of the group. 
“I’m from a really, really far away planet,” he says instead. “Called Earth. But my mom was Galra, so maybe we’re not that different, right? Except you grew up with other Galra…” 
It occurs to him, suddenly, that the guard who was running up to the control room in such a hurry they didn’t even notice him might have been looking for the kit, and then, there was another biosignature on the lower level. His heart drops so fast it makes his stomach lurch. 
“Hey, Therlok,” he says, switching his comm back on. “Did you run into that other guard?”
It’s a brief moment before Therlok replies, “Negative. No interference. Likely in the docking bay.”
Keith breathes a sigh of relief. “Okay,” he says. “Thanks.”
“What is your status?” Kolivan asks. “Have you retrieved the kit?”
“No, they’re still back there.” He looks over and hears them growling softly again, ears flattened against the sides of their head. “I think they don’t like too many voices. I’m going to switch my comm off again.”
“Let us know when you’ve extracted them,” Kolivan says. 
“Will do,” he agrees, and turns off his comm. “Sorry about that,” he tells the kit softly. “I wanted to make sure your family’s okay, that’s all.”
Slowly their growl trails off into silence again. 
“Don’t worry, I understand,” he adds. “I’m not a big fan of too many people talking, either. And our voices sound pretty weird with the masks on, huh? That’s probably kind of scary.” 
The kit still doesn’t move, and he sighs, his breath rumbling in his chest. Patience, he reminds himself again, purring quietly to try and soothe the tension in his shoulders. He doesn’t usually do it around anyone else, but the sound is comforting, and he figures a Galra kitten isn’t going to judge him. 
“They’re probably gonna be coming here pretty soon,” he says. “Don’t be too scared of them, okay? They’re my friends, they won’t hurt you…”
He trails off, staring, as the kit slowly uncurls and creeps a few steps closer. 
“Hey,” he says, giving them a small smile. “You wanna come say hi?” 
They draw back slightly, and then, in a tiny voice, reply, “Hi?” 
“Hi,” he says. “Uh, I mean - hello. Greetings? I guess I don’t know what Galra say to greet each other.” 
The kit angles their head, ears twitching. 
“Do you want to sit out here?” he asks. “I can, um, move farther away, if that would make you feel better.” 
“Maybe,” they say. 
“Okay,” he agrees. “I’m gonna get up and move back, and you can come sit right here.” 
Very carefully, he climbs to his feet and takes a few steps away towards the console before crouching back down on the floor, and the child finally emerges from behind the machinery. 
She can’t be more than five, or the Galra equivalent, anyways - a skinny little thing with wide eyes and round cheeks, the corners of her mouth drawn down in a pout. For a long moment they both survey each other, silent except for Keith still purring under his breath. 
“I’m Vrani,” she says finally. 
Keith grins. “Hi, Vrani,” he says. “I’m Keith.” 
“Keith,” she repeats, and smiles back, all sharp teeth. “You look funny. Where’s your ears?” 
“Right here,” he tells her, pushing his hair up so she can see. “The people from my planet don’t have big pointed ears like Galra do.” 
She frowns, considering that. “But, you’re Galra?” she asks, tilting her head, one ear perked up. 
“Only half,” he says. “My dad’s from Earth. I grew up with other humans, so I don’t know much about the Galra, actually.” 
Vrani comes a little closer and stops three feet away, dropping into a crouch. “You look like them?” she asks. “Humans?” 
“More or less,” he agrees. 
She wrinkles her nose. “Wow,” she says. “That’s really sad.” 
Keith frowns, pretty sure he’s being insulted. “Well, people on Earth don’t know about any other races,” he tells her. “They would have thought I was pretty funny looking if I looked like a Galra.” 
“Hmm,” she muses. “I guess you’re right.” 
“And just because I look human, doesn’t mean I’m not like you in some ways,” he says. 
She giggles, and the sound startles him; there’s a low rumble to it when some of the Blades laugh, like Dazvar, but he’s never heard anyone trill like that. “Like how?” she presses. 
“Uh,” he says. “I… I can see in the dark, humans can’t really do that, I guess. And, um, I have sharp teeth, too, that’s because I’m Galra.” 
“Show me,” she says. 
“What?” he asks, blinking. “Uh, okay.” He bares his teeth for her to show off his oversized canines, and to his surprise she jumps up and runs over to him. “Whoa, hey!” he yelps, but before he can move to stop her she grabs the sides of his face with both hands to peer into his mouth curiously, her claws digging into his cheeks. 
“I guess so,” she says. “Mine are sharper, though.” 
Keith removes her fingers from his mouth, glowering. “Don’t do that,” he tells her.  “Didn’t your parents teach you any manners?” He can taste iron on his tongue; he must be bleeding where her nails scratched the inside of his mouth. 
“I - I just wanted to see better!” she says, her eyes wide. 
“You shouldn’t grab people without asking,” he says, grimacing. “That hurt, and I don’t like being touched.” 
“Sorry,” she mumbles, shrinking into herself and pulling her hands back out of his grasp. 
“It’s fine,” he says, shaking his head, and manages a slight smile, though it stings a little. “You just caught me off guard. You were so scared at first, and then you ran up in my face.” 
“You were purring,” she says, looking up at him. “The soldiers wouldn’t do that, only people who are nice.” 
“Oh,” he says, and realizes he’s stopped in the time since they’ve started talking. “Are the soldiers… not nice to you?” 
She shrugs. “I’m not allowed to talk to them. They’re scary. Avka and Atka say they’ll be mad if they see me.” 
He sighs, trying to focus his breath in his chest. It’s a lot harder to do it on purpose, but now that she’s out in the light he sees the way she relaxes at once when he starts to purr again. 
“Do humans do that?” she asks after a moment, reaching towards his chest tentatively before stopping. 
“I… don’t think so,” he says. “I’m pretty sure it’s just me.” 
“No,” she says, “all Galra can do it, see?” She closes her eyes and he hears a faint thrum in her chest as she breathes. 
He smiles. “Yeah, I guess so,” he agrees, and takes her outstretched hand, letting her rest her palm against his breastbone.
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ephemelody · 5 years
everyone knows my love is you
commission for @/interstelklance on twitter! the prompt was: no one believes keith & lance are dating until their engagement, gasp!
“Pidge, look.” Lance wiggles into a seating position on Keith’s lap, settling in as Keith loops his arms around his waist. “You’ve spent the whole morning with us at our apartment today, watching us do the laundry together and feed each other waffles and cuddle on this couch. I’m wearing Keith’s shirt right now, too, if you haven’t noticed. Do you really think I would do all that if I wasn’t head over heels in love with him?”
“I could kiss him if that helps.”
Keith sounds entirely too hopeful voicing that suggestion. Lance shoots him an admonishing — yet disgustingly giddy — look.
“Holy quiznak,” is all Pidge can push out in the end, realization crashing into her like two terabytes of code. “You guys are engaged.”
They tell Pidge first, because for all her brains and computer smarts, she couldn’t figure out the most obvious answer.
“Hey Lance, when did your photoshop skills get so good?” Pidge asks, staring at a picture of Lance holding his left hand up to the camera, Keith hugging him from behind. They’re on one of the beaches of Cuba, the setting sun casting a golden-pink glow behind their backs, and it’s honestly the perfect picture, with their smiles so broad and bright. “You almost got me!”
“Got what?”
Lance is sprawled on the couch on the other side of the coffee table, his stomach cushioned over Keith’s thighs. He’s working on a stack of Garrison reports, feet kicking up and down as he types away at his tablet. Keith, sitting comfortably beneath his weight, is quietly reading a book.
“This, your Instastory.” Pidge waves her phone in the air. Lance tilts his head sideways to take a look. “That ring almost looks real.”
“Oh, you mean this?”
Lance flicks out his wrist, and resting on his finger is the exact same ring in the picture, red jewel bright as a flame against the band of gold.
Pidge gapes. Lance gloats.  
For several long moments, no one says a word.
Then, Pidge hollers — “Since when?!” Her brain furiously processes through the last several months, wondering how a literal engagement sprung out of nowhere. “When did you guys even start dating?!”
“Since June?” Now Lance looks affronted. “Pidget, I literally announced it everywhere, even on Facebook!”
“But— that? Was a joke?” Pidge feels like a wire in her brain has fried up, gone kaput. Only snatches of memories fizz weakly in the wreckage now: Lance and Keith holding hands, kissing each other good morning at breakfast, hugging each other intimately beneath the soft glow of street lamps. Those had all been for show, as she and the other paladins had collectively believed. “This whole time everyone thought you guys were just messing around! Both of you told us you were better off as friends last year when we tried to set you two up!”
“That was before we got together,” Lance clarifies matter-of-factly. “We’re very much happy boyfriends, partners, future hubby and husband now, thank you very much! I can’t believe that hasn’t been obvious from the start.”
Pidge continues gawping like a fish. Lance flops onto his back, giggling when Keith runs a hand across his stomach.
“Pidge, look.” He wiggles into a seating position on Keith’s lap, settling in as Keith loops his arms around his waist. “You’ve spent the whole morning with us at our apartment today, watching us do the laundry together and feed each other waffles and cuddle on this couch. I’m wearing Keith’s shirt right now, too, if you haven’t noticed. Do you really think I would do all that if I wasn’t head over heels in love with him?” 
“I could kiss him if that helps.”
Keith sounds entirely too hopeful voicing that suggestion. Lance shoots him an admonishing — yet disgustingly giddy — look.
“Holy quiznak,” is all Pidge can push out in the end, realization crashing into her like two terabytes of code. “You guys are engaged.”
Everything made so much more sense now. The way Keith and Lance would always disappear together in the middle of Garrison meetings. The nonstop flirting, touching, gag-inducing nickname calling—
They were meant for each other, in all the best ways.
“Awww, is the little pigeon crying for us?”
Lance makes his way around the coffee table to sit down next to her, bundling her into his arms. Pidge doesn’t dignify him with an answer, but she hugs him fiercely back, wrapping her other arm around Keith when he joins them, a gentle palm patting her head.
These two became her closest friends in the lonely infinity of space; her most trusted comrades on the battlefield, and now the brothers she loves so dearly as they grow older and wiser together. 
She couldn’t be more happy for them.  
Hunk comes next, with his culinary and engineering skills in dire need for the planning of the wedding. Lance and Keith visit him during his restaurant off-hours, walking through the backdoor into a tidy, well-lit kitchen. They find Hunk elbows deep in a line of bakery orders.
“Hunk, will you make us a cake for our wedding?”
“Uh-huh, sure Lance,” Hunk agrees absentmindedly. His brows are deeply furrowed, jaw clenched in perfect concentration as he shapes the loveliest blossom of icing with a nozzle tip. “Who’s wedding?”
“Mine and Keith’s.”
A row of buttercream piping veers jaggedly to the side, streaking the otherwise faultless cake. Hunk lifts his head slowly and blinks at them, as if emerging from a dream.
“You… and Keith?”
Lance nods excitedly as Keith pilfers some of the icing. “Yeah! We were thinking maybe chocolate and peanut brittle, or red velvet in case anyone has allergies. Oh, and a mini rollercoaster going in and out of the cake, with the Lions as the rides!”
“But—” Hunk struggles for words, utterly flummoxed by this sudden turn of events. “You guys aren’t even dating?”
At that, Lance visibly deflates. Hunk grasps for an apology, struck by the distraught on his friend’s face, but the younger man quickly smooths his expression over. “Hunk, I’ve been calling Keith my boyfriend for over a year now.”
“You call me your baby daddy,” Hunk rejoins.  
Keith chokes. Lance scrambles. “Food baby daddy. And there’s a difference Hunk! Have I ever kissed you?”
“Well— no, but—”
“Fondled your pecs?”
“Sucked your dick—?”
“Okay no! I get it now, I get it!”
Lance huffs, satisfied with Hunk’s admission. Meanwhile, Hunk is reshaping the last one and a half years of his life, based on the belief that this entire time, his two best friends had only been messing around with each other, acting overly affectionate just for jokes. Somehow, he and all the other paladins had convinced themselves of that, after watching these two dance around each other for years and years, before announcing that they were perfectly fine staying friends.
But maybe things had changed after that.
Understanding dawns on him, like a giant vat of batter pouring over his head. On instinct, Hunk grabs the nearest loaf of brioche and cuts two slices from it, slapping them over his ears.
“I,” he says gravely, “am an idiot sandwich.”
A beat of perfect silence. 
And then Keith doubles over with laughter, clutching his stomach and the edge of the counter, nearly kneeling on the flour-dusted tiles. Meanwhile, Lance gently takes away the slices of bread from Hunk’s hands, eyes twinkling with fondness and mirth.
“You,” he says very seriously, “are the most delicious sandwich to ever exist. And I know you’re gonna make the best cake Keith and I could ever dream of for the wedding.”
An hour later, after Lance and Keith had left, Romelle walks in, inspecting the state of the kitchen with eyes round as marbles.
“Hunk, what happened?” she asks, staring baffled at the war zone of icing, the lopsided, teetering cake, and the random loaf of brioche sitting on top.
“Started making it, had a break down.” Hunk dusts his hands off on his apron, his shock gradually morphing to a shimmering excitement and happiness for his newly engaged friends. “Bon appétit.”
In retrospect, announcing the news at dinner to the family probably wasn’t the best idea. Shiro’s reaction to it certainly wasn’t expected.
“Don’t you think you’re taking this joke a little too far?” the retired space veteran asks, ladling a plate of bolognese as Keith and Lance regard him with matching bewildered expressions. Next to his side, Adam shifts in his seat, taking a long sip of wine without coming up for air.
Keith manages to answer first. “Joke?” Against the table, his hand wraps tight around Lance’s, the gold bands on their ring fingers twinkling beneath the light, one red star to link the blue. “We’re engaged, Shiro. As my mentor and my brother, I’m asking you to be my best man at the wedding.”
Shiro sets the plate of food down and falters on filling up the next, a waver in the train of his thoughts. True — it wouldn’t be like Keith to joke about something like that. He had been Shiro’s best man at his own wedding after all, and Shiro had promised Keith to return the gesture once it was the younger man’s time. But everyone knows he and Lance haven’t been dating these past few years. Shiro knows he would’ve realized it.
Had he?
“Shiro, we’ve been dating for over year now,” Lance says, cheerful and tinged with a breath of laughter. “Man, and I thought Keith was the dense one in the family. When we got together I literally had to take off all my clothes before he—”
“Lance,” comes the fond, exasperated rasp of Keith’s voice, just as Adam chokes on his second glass of wine.
“We tried setting you guys up last year, though,” Shiro says, sitting down as his mind swirls with confusion. “You guys came home from the date and said that you’d rather remain friends.”
A wry smile crosses Keith’s lips. “I was scared,” he admits, in a moment of vulnerability, “of ruining what I already had with Lance. Loving him in whatever way I could was better than not being able to love him at all.”
Lance’s heart squeezes at the open honesty of his words. He lifts the back of Keith’s hand to press a kiss there, pouring the breadth of his emotions into that light, warm touch. Shiro stares at them, unable to believe that he hadn’t seen it before, the utter love and devotion between them.
“But— but I’m your brother.” How could he not have realized? “I would’ve—”
“There, there, Takashi,” Adam soothes, setting down his wine glass.
“Did you know?”
Adam doesn’t even hesitate. “I did,” he says, and Shiro lets out an anguished, betrayed gasp, burying his head into his arm. “It was obvious, dear.” He gently runs his fingers through the nape of Shiro’s hair, smiling fondly at his husband before turning his gaze to the couple across the table.
“Congratulations, Keith, Lance. Takashi and I will look forward to your wedding.”
Later that night, Lance is oddly quiet as they go to bed.
They had just gotten off the phone with Allura, who was currently staying in Altea with Coran. She had taken the news of their engagement with grace and excitement, though she too had been surprised at first as well.
Keith turns around to take Lance’s hand before shutting off the light.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” he asks, noting the spider-line crease between Lance’s brows and his soft, pursed frown. His blue eyes seem to glisten like a lake beneath sunset, rippling with a sheen of tears.
“Do you know why none of them realized we were dating this whole time? All their combined brain cells, and yet no one connected the dots.” Lance pauses, the frown folding deeper. “Is it because I don’t show my love for you enough?”
Keith’s heart eases from its worry, settling into a familiar, gentle affection. He pulls Lance into his arms, dropping a kiss to the corner of the younger man’s brow.
“Pretty sure all of them combined equals one braincell,” he says, smiling when he hears Lance’s aborted laugh, breath feathering hot across his collarbone. Lance nuzzles into him, nosing the curve of his throat. “We literally made out in front of them for ten minutes during the New Year’s Eve party, remember?”
A leg is thrown over his hip, and Lance tilts his head back just a little to gaze up at him, eyes now twinkling with a brighter, easier light. “I think they were all too drunk to pay any attention to us ravishing each other.”
Keith cocks a brow. “We fucked in the shower when they were all having breakfast the next morning, and you weren’t exactly quiet.” He thinks of the memory fondly, while Lance’s face colors crimson with heat.
“Allura’s walls are soundproof, just so you know. And I can’t believe you kiss me with that filthy mouth, yeesh.”
“You’re marrying this mouth,” Keith counters childishly, boldly, because it’s the truth, and it fills with him joy like none other. In the low light of their bedroom, Lance’s engagement ring shines next to his.
“I know,” Lance whispers, soft and adoring. “I love this mouth,” he presses a finger to Keith’s lips, “I love you, more than anything in the universe.”
And they would have the rest of their lives, sharing that love, together. 
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arinaco · 5 years
The tragedy of Allura in the seasons 7-8
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Edited by https://twitter.com/Nadezhda932
Warning: Allurance will get an unpleasant rating. If you're happy with this ship in S 7-8 - just go by. Because I'm confident in my opinion, and you can't convince me otherwise.
Many people have questions about the behavior of Allura after S7. Someone will even say that the scriptwriters are idiots who tried to abruptly jump from Lotura to Allurance; that Allura is a bastard who decided to use Lance as a backup plan etc.
In response, I will say: screenwriters who wrote the original script for S7-8 knew what they were doing. And Allura is the last person who deserves to be hated at this moment, because she's the most unhappy character in S7-8, and does not deserve such negativity at all.
Let's remember what happened to Allura at the end of S 6.
At the beginning of the season, Lotor's been traveling with paladins for several months. Kral Zera took place. Allura admires Lotor, Allura is in love for the first time, sincerely and seriously.
On the other hand, mice report to Allura about Lance. It probably never occurred to Lance that they would do it (they are mice!), otherwise he would never have said that. And here the problems begin, since such confessions always (!) spoil a good friendship. Not a relationship that cools down over time and becomes friendship, but such a confession.
Why? Because the first thing that Allura felt when she heard this was guilt. She didn't offend Lance, she never encouraged him in this regard, but still felt guilty. And guilt is a terrible thing that can push us to absolutely wrong things.
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"Allura: Oh.... he said that?"
In addition, after such a confession... you may not want this, but this isn't under your control: from now on you will always look at your relationship with this person through the prism of this confession. Awkwardness and constant thoughts about how this person will interpret your actions. You can’t just hug him or express gratitude any other way. Each time you will think about being misunderstood. Because you don't want these relationships, you don't want to offend and you're afraid that your actions will be misunderstood.
In this particular case, Lance didn't even confess directly. If after official confession both are aware of the uncomfortable situation, then only Allura felt uncomfortable The rest interpreted her behavior without taking confession into account. Just because they didn’t know.
And then... Romelle happens. You can’t say otherwise. I have no good attitude towards Romelle simply because after all her actions she got a happy ending, and Allura, whom she had broken all her life, died in depression. Sorry, but this is so unfair that it makes no difference to me how right or wrong Romelle was in her claims.
Too. Much. Blood. Too much lives were sacrificed for her revenge. 
And Allura is the first victim among all.
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"Romelle: You killed my brother and thousands of others!"
Rommelle was brought by Keith. The second culprit of this mess. The culprit is because at that moment of the series Keith felt that he had the right to command and decide. But he didn't feel the weight of this responsibility. Seriously, Keith didn't think about that everyone else would pay for his every mistake. Too much conviction in his being right, too much speed in decisions when he held in his hands, in fact, the fate of the whole universe.
I believe that in the original S8 he should have been poked into it with his face. But here he wasn't. Keith made many hasty decisions for which he never paid - he didn't bear responsibility as a leader.
And the first among them is to leave Lotor in the Rift to die.
It was not Allura who decided to kill Lotor. She wanted to release the rage, but obviously didn't want to leave him in the Rift. The decision was made by Keith. And his statement that they shouldn't waste time on this is ridiculous. Paladins are ready to defend any random guy they've just met, and then they leave to die the one a) with whom they worked together for several months, b) who saved their lives several times, c) who is the head of a huge empire.
But Keith felt that he had the right to decide, and he made a decision. Without thinking about the consequences.
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"Allura: But we can't just leave him!
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Keith: Lotor's made his choice. Let's get out of here, Allura"
After this situation, Allura feels awful. She didn't think that all this would end like this, because she absolutely didn't plan to kill him. And besides, she feels betrayed by the person she loves. Yes, feelings can't disappear at once. At this particular moment, Allura still loves Lotor.
She feels bad. She needs support and understanding. But what does she get?
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"Keith: As I recall, you were the one who got us all cozied up to Lotor"
After all the events Keith, convinced in his right to make decisions, accuses her of trusting Lotor. We can say that this is an echo of being offended at how Allura didn't trust Keith because of his origin. But Keith did wrong anyway.
Having received the support of the others, Keith directly shows that Allura won't receive any sympathy in her grief. That any words on the subject “I love him, but he deceived me” or “I didn't want his death” will be critisized.
And the only one who supports her is Lance. He's here for her without a second thought, simply because he is a good compassionate person.
He did absolutely right in this situation. But this was another nail in the lid of the coffin of friendship with Allura because of a damned confession.
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"Lance: You can't doubt yourself. We need you. The universe needs you"
Because Lance is no longer just a good friend, whose support is natural - he is in love and suffers from non-reciprocity of his feelings. As a result, gratitude overlapped with guilt, and Allura felt obliged to Lance.
Take a look at this cocktail of emotions:
Allura is under stress after the killing and betrayal of Lotor;
Allura feels guilty for trusting Lotor;
Allura feels guilty for the fact that Lance loves her, but she doesn't love him back;
Allura feels obliged to Lance for his support;
And all this accumulates by the beginning of S7.
And all the actions of Allura should be considered taking into account the presence of this terrible clump of feelings.
And I haven’t listed everything yet, by the way.
Allura lost her castle. The castle was her home and the last small stronghold of Altea. Where were all her personal belongings, all that was left of her homeland. The castle made Allura an independent unit with its property, and then she lost it.
As a result, Allura comes to Earth almost without nothing. And she feels it, looking at her friends who were at home surrounded by their relatives. Allura herself literally turned into a refugee, whose position is completely dependent on the loyalty of her friends. She talks about it in plain text, by the way. She becomes dependent on the good attitude of the other paladins.
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"Allura: Each of us was alone, but we were alone together"
If Coran quickly joined the company of commanders and scientists, Allura remained alone simply as a Blue paladin. In an absolutely replaceable role, what Allura understands very well.
And don't forget about the loss of the crown. I laugh in the face of the one who claims that it was easy for Allura to part with the crown. Allura was proud of her legacy, her origin and involvement in the royal family of Altea. She always recalled her old life with nostalgia and said that she's missing all this. Allura was not “an unhappy rich girl, burdened by her position,” Allura was a princess, completely content with her life and proud of how much duty she was destined to fulfill for the benefit of the whole society.
The crown was a symbol of all that Allura treasured so much. In S8, Allura sadly recalls that she is no longer a princess and has no political power.
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"Allura: Oh, right, I... um..."
But back to our S7. It's still more or less tolerant. Allura locks herself in and concentrates on work. At the same time, she can no longer communicate with Lance like it was before. Now Lance is no longer a friend, comrade and brother, he is "a boy who likes me and whom I am afraid to offend by refusal." Allura feels obligated and, wanting to be grateful, wants to encourage Lance by telling him something good. But then again, she can't do it calmly. Now Allura looks at any Lance's actions as potentially romantic.
And it's logical that she is embarrassed. Allura wasn't sophisticated in this matter, and being in a relationship with Lotor doesn't count as at the time she didn't think about at all what was romantic or not.
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"Allura: I wanted to say... stay safe out there"
And naturally, the environment that doesn't know the situation begins to interpret this wrongly. Do you really think that Veronica would persuade Lance to date Allura if she knew that not so long ago the paladins murdered her almost fiance?
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"Veronica: Looks like the princess likes you back"
So Lance himself began to notice that Allura’s attitude towards him had changed.
I won't talk about the sincerity of the feelings of Lance and his personal problems, this is a question on a different topic, about his problems with self-acceptance. I’ll just say that it’s completely in Lance’s character that he immediately started thinking on the topic that “I’m not worthy of Allura, I’m just a simple Cuban guy, she will refuse me”. Moreover, judging by the behavior of Hunk in the S1S8, Lance constantly annoyed Hunk with this topic. But Hunk, being a confident guy (despite his overweight, by the way), didn't understand such problems. If you like a girl - go and tell her about it. Yes, she can refuse you, but this is not the end of the world in fact.
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"Hunk: You asked her, didn’t you? Oh, and she said no" 
That's why Hunk is behaving this way. He probably told Lance more than once that he should go and talk with Allura. Moreover, Hunk knew Allura perfectly. Therefore, he didn't only ask Lance: “Did you confess to her?”, but immediately suggested that she refused him. Since his predictions are what Lance should have heard. And when he kicks Lance to Allura, he wants Lance to just put an end to this. He'll to Allura, she'll refuse him, and Lance will begin to live on, ceasing to torment himself on this subject.
Why this retreat about Hunk? In order to correctly understand the situation with the invitation of Allura on a date.
You know, if Lance pulled himself together and went to invite Allura alone, that would be wonderful. They would have spoken without witnesses, and perhaps Allura was even frank with him. If Lance went with Hunk only, then Hunk would just stand by and didn't get into the conversation. And also everything would have turned out more or less good both for Allura and for Lance.
But, alas, our wonderful Romelle is here again. She obviously had nothing to do at a military facility, and therefore she toiled from boredom. So she sincerely enthusiastically took on the role of matchmaker, wishing everyone only the best, but knowing absolutely nothing about the characters of Lance, Allura, and all that connected them.
And Romelle did the most disgusting thing. She began to persuade Allura.
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"Romelle: It’ll be good to get away for a night and clear your head"
Sorry, but if a girl says that she's busy, it means that she makes you politely understand that she's not interested in the invitation. And if Lance was alone or simply with Hunk, then the hint would be understood, and Lance would back up. Lance, unlike Romelle, is a smart guy.
And just think about what situation Allura faced.
She feels guilty, feels obligated to Lance. She feels dependent on a good relationship with the paladins. She is still struggling with her loss. And they're persuading her, using statements that they're taking care of her, that they wish only good to her, but she doesn't appreciate it.
And Allura broke. She gave up.
I don't believe in claims that Allura tried to drown her pain with these relationships. At no point in S8 Allura looks like a person who's trying to get at least some pleasure from this relationship. At the first opportunity to stay alone, she kicks Lance to the fair. Because this relationship strained Allura even more, and she wanted to at least have a little rest.
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"Allura: Please, go have fun!"
She holds onto Lance as the only person she can get support from. But as a friend, not as a boyfriend. Just because he's the only one from whom she can receive this support.
You know, I have big questions about a kiss on a date. About the kisses of Lance and Allura in the whole S8. No matter how fake it is and that they were not in the original plot. The question is different. From the point of view of commonplace medicine, during a period of stress and depression a woman's libido completely falls. It's the logic of the body: a woman in stress means it's dangerous to have children. The kisses that we see in classic films are kisses after stress, when the euphoria begins. In no one scenario is there a scene where a woman, being stressed or depressed, gives a long romantic kiss to a man.
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Short kisses can be interpreted as an attempt to calm, as a gentle touch or part of a hug. But a long kiss implies the presence of attraction, which a woman in depression doesn't have at all. And from the point of view of medicine and psychology, the kiss of Lance and Allura is interpreted as "It's easier to give, than to explain why you don't want to." When Allura surrendered and simply decided to give Lance what he wants. Because she was tired of fighting beyond the boundaries of her personal space, and this relationship saved her from feeling guilty.
In this situation, by the way, I really want to say a few words in defense of Coran. Because it's believed that he patriarchally blessed Lance on this matter, without being interested in the opinion of Allura. Which is completely wrong. When Lance comes to Coran, Allura has already agreed. Moreover, the first impulse of Coran is protest and indignation. From his point of view, it was a serious misalliance, and a simple Cuban guy was not at all regarded as an equal to his priceless princess. But Coran shuts himself up out of respect and love for Allura, since he considers her opinion. And he begins to educate Lance as a little one on the topic of courtship for girls, showing us what he thinks about Lance's abilities in this regard.
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If Coran was with Allura at the time of the invitation to a date, then Romelle would have been shut up categorically. Alas, Coran was not there at that moment.
We know how it all ended. Very sad and tragic. Relationships with Lance hardly played a huge role in this, in fact, Allura was in very serious condition without them.
During the last seasons she sees how her friends are happy to return home to their families. And then she sees the ghosts of her family, her dead lover. And in the end she very quickly and uncompromisingly decides to sacrifice herself.
Do you understand how this is interpreted?
When life became so bad that death is perceived as deliverance. As a way to get what you lost, but so desperately want to return.
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The owner of the franchise, Bob Koplar, wrote that this sacrifice was a great honor for Allura.
Great honor. To kill yourself after a long depression. She couldn't even talk about why she was depressed. She had no one to talk about. She died looking confident in her decision. Because life has become worse for her than death.
Not a single female character in any animated series for children died such a sad and terrible death. By God, an episode in DotU, where Allura "died" from the Haggar's venom was more gentle for the psyche of children.
So let's say a big thank you to Bob for this wonderful script. And for the broken hearts of children on Christmas holidays.
As well as mine.
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kumeko · 5 years
Characters/Pairings: Keith, Pidge
A/N: Written for the @kidgezine! It was a lot of fun writing these two and having them bump off one another. This is a bit of an in-between seasons piece, a missing scene.
Summary: Take me near the asteroid, Pidge had said. We’ll be safe, she had said. Keith wasn’t sure why he still listened to her sometimes. Hopefully they could fix their spaceship and get out.
“Almost done?” Keith crouched down next to the command panel, his hands hanging loosely off his knees. It was a little strange doing this now, for various reasons—he was a little taller, for one. For two, it had been two years since he’d last done this.
  “Almost!” A pair of sneakers wiggled happily from underneath a buzzing machine. At least, he hoped it was happy and not a panicked response to the heavy metal object squishing his friend. After hearing a few clunks and a soft curse, the feet slowly pulled out, revealing a very grimy and dusty Pidge. “We really need to dust under there.”
“Probably.” Keith grimaced, reaching onto the command panel to grab the towel. At least this explained why she had him search the small ship for one. “Will it run?”
  “Thanks!” Taking off her glasses, she rubbed them clean as she considered his question. “Soon—I reconnected a few things and—” There was a soft splutter, the lights flickered briefly, and Pidge’s smile dropped a notch. “Ok, scratch that. I might have to go under a few more times.”
  “That’s what you said an hour ago.” Keith shook his head and stood up. Looking out the main window, he sighed at the empty expanse of space ahead of them. Somehow, that was always the case. Whether he was trapped on an asteroid for two years, lost in his lion, losing the others and their lions—the ridiculously big and complicated space full of beings to protect was somehow always empty when he needed them to give a hand back.
  Probably for the best anyways. Last time someone had tried to help them, they had also tried to sell them to the empire. Not an experience he was looking forward to repeating. “Once we get this fixed, we should just head back.”
  “Huh?” Pidge stood up, gripping her towel tightly. “I thought we were going to the edge of the Quantum Abyss.”
  “You do know I spent two years there, right?” Keith pointed out dryly. It was a little funny how much shorter she was; he had always been taller but now he felt like a giant. “And I was lucky it was only two years.”
  “Well, yeah, that’s why we’re going there.” Pidge pouted, crossing her arms. Any anger or even power in her stance was lost by the fact that only her glasses were clean and the rest of her face was a black, sooty mess. With popcorn on it.
  Yeah, they definitely needed to clean down there. Allura’s pet mice were fun, but Keith wasn’t too keen to discover just what other rodents existed in the universe. “We’re going only close enough for you to get the data, no more than that.”
  “Good enough!” Pidge grinned, raising the towel once more to wipe her face. Before he could stop her, she smeared it even worse, until she looked almost like a modern art exhibit. Hanging it on her shoulder, she sat down. “Break time! Did you find any snacks?”
  He stared at her moment, debating whether or not to tell her about her face. Well, she’d be going back under anyways soon enough and she couldn’t really get much worse than that. Probably. Grabbing a black bag off his seat, he settled down on the floor next to her. “Just a few—we need to ration our goods until we can move again.”
  Pidge’s hand was already halfway into the bag. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” She pulled out a purple bag with a strange green giraffe-cow hybrid on it. Without hesitation, she popped it open and munched on neon-green striped things that he hoped were chips. “Ahhh, that hits the spot.”
  Did it? Even after all their time out here, he was just as surprised by the food as he was when they first came out here. Gingerly, he pulled out a blinding yellow bag, full of Cheetos. Cheetos with brown spots. They didn’t taste anything at all like cheese and he wondered for a moment if they were actually made out of some space-cheetah. “Better than nothing.”
  “Don’t be like that!” Pidge head-butted his arm before stealing one of his Cheetos. “Ohh, that’s an interesting flavour.”
  “Hey!” Frowning, he tried to grab one of hers in retaliation, but she kept yanking the bag out of reach.
  “You don’t even like them!” She batted his hands away, more fluid and accurate than he’d expected. Keith had remembered her clumsier, only graceful with a screen and a toolbelt. “Your arms are so much longer now!”
  “But not long enough.” Giving up, he returned to his now heavily guarded bag.
  “Really? Is it because you’re half Galra? Will you grow even more?” Pidge poked at his arm now, her food discarded to the side. She’d done this before, when he’d first returned, but somehow the topic never tired her. Her hands slowly inched along his arm, pressing and prodding each muscle. “You’re going to need new clothes.”
  “I already need new clothes.” Keith rolled his eyes, remembering just how little of his wardrobe fit when he returned. Even his favourite jacket didn’t, leading to an awkward tear that left Lance in hysterical laughter.
  “I wonder how long you’ll live—I mean, I thought Lotor and his family were immortal because of the quintessence, but his nanny’s still alive too.” Pidge sighed, resting her cheek on his arm. “And you’re half-human too; I need to study biology.”
  “Really? Do you mean literally immortal or just very—” Keith paused, processing what Pidge had just said. He whipped his face to hers, incredulous eyes wide. “His nanny?”
  “His nanny,” she confirmed, a solemn nod. “She who raised him in the ways of the Galara.”
  “His nanny,” Keith repeated, the word still funny and strange to hear. The Galara had nannies? Lotor had a nanny? It was weird to think of him as a child, listening obediently or even getting punished. “What’s she like?”
  “Strict?” Pidge shrugged, tossing her hands up uncertainly. “You should ask Hunk, she taught him.”
  He wasn’t sure if that was even more of a surprise than finding out he was effectually immortal and Lotor still had his babysitter. “Hunk? Really?”
  “He really liked it.” Pidge bit her lip, before retracting her words. “He sorta liked it and he’s never going back.”
  “I don’t think that’s called liking it.” Keith snorted and after a moment, Pidge joined in, hunching over as she laughed.
  “You should have seen his face, though.” She wiped her eyes, her fingers blurring the tear streaks and oil into a single wet mess.
  Keith resisted the urge to tell her to look at hers—he’d take a discrete photo later. It almost seemed like her face got worse with every second and he wanted the maximum impact. “Next time.”
  She shook her chip bag over her mouth, dropping the last of the crumbs before discarding the bag. Within seconds, she was back onto her creeper seat.  Stretching her arms in front of her, she announced, “Break time is over.”
  Keith nodded, taking another bite of his Cheeto. When she scrunched her brow, nodding at his bag, he shrugged. “I’m not really doing anything.”
  “…” Pidge opened her mouth and then closed it. He could almost see the argument running through her mind, her hand raising and dropping as she tried out different ideas before finally giving up with a sigh. “Yeah, I guess so.” As he smiled, she pouted, staring at him with narrowed eyes and puffed up cheeks. “For now.”
  Again, her threat would have been more convincing if she didn’t now have cheeto streaks added into her Picasso face. More than getting the best shot, he really, really wanted to clean her face. Before he could say anything, she dived back under the console panel. “For now!”
   Her feet were the only indication of progress and he watched them as he ate. Tapping fast meant she was searching for something or doing routine work, while slow tapping indicated something difficult had come up. It was comforting, almost, reminding him of his time at the castle, his time as a paladin. Time had worn the hectic memories into fond ones.  He had half forgotten his disastrous leadership until Lance had kindly reminded him of just how bad it was.
  Somehow, they even had it on video and he wasn’t sure if the black lion had betrayed him or Hunk and Pidge just hacked into every camera they could find and then some.
  “Wrench,” Pidge ordered, holding her hand out from other the panel.
  Digging through her toolbox, he grabbed the first wrench he saw. “This one?”
  She wrapped her hand around it, feeling the head, before dropping it with a clang. “Bigger one.”
  “Bigger…” he dug through the tool box, nails and sockets before finding another wrench. “3/4?”
  “Yep.” Her hand disappeared immediately, and he heard a soft clanging, a swear, and then a sharp click. “Try the command panel.”
  “…the command panel?” He stared at her feet accusingly, as though the guilt could travel up her spine. “You broke the command panel?”
  “Technically, you didn’t even know about it till now, so it was never broken,” Pidge retorted, her foot tapping impatiently. “Did you check?”
  “You know that doesn’t make sense.” Keith went over to the control panel, tapping out various instructions. Life support, check. Docking, check. Flight—well, technically the engines were still down but the instructions worked. “It seems fine so far. Though the engines are still not working.”
  “That’s expected.” She slid out once more and stood up, dusting her hands on her pants. “I can do some calibrations here.”
  Keith eyed her dirty fingers with a grimace and handed her yet another towel. He was almost terrified to look into her workshop, to see just what state she left it. Her black fingerprints were already dotting her pants, the edges of the table, the bag of chips she’d discarded. “Not with those hands.”
  Pidge’s brow rose even as she accepted the towel. “Didn’t know you were such a clean freak.”
  “Only compared to you,” he replied dryly, watching as she ineffectually cleaned her hands. It had gone from funny to—no, it was still funny. It would probably never stop being funny, but they had to get a move on. “Let me do it.”
  “Yes, mom.” Pidge blinked as he took the towel. “Is this because you spent two years with your mom?”
  “What?” Keith shot her a glare, rubbing her fingers a little harder than he needed to. “No.”
  “Oh, come on, you were together for two years, you sure you didn’t pick this up from her?” Pidge tried to suppress her giggles as he rubbed her fingers; she had always been a little ticklish there. “Did—ha—she do this to—ha—you?”
  “She’s not that type of mom.” When Pidge gave him an expectant look, he sighed. “We…talked a lot. About dad. Home. What she did. Myself.” He paused between his points, releasing a newly cleaned finger with each one until finally he let go of her hands. “There, all done.”
  “Ohhh, nice.” She wiggled them in front of her before turning to the control panel. Her fingers danced on the keyboard as she punched code after code. “Did you really just talk for two years?”
  He rubbed the back of his neck—even if they’d done nothing else, the talking would have been more than worth it. Mom was more than a word now; an image, a feeling was attached to it, similar but not quite what he thought of with Dad. “We trained a lot—after we fought off the wolves, we had to make a shelter and find food but then—”
  “Wait, wait, wait.” Pidge stopped typing, squinting at him. “Did you just say wolves?”
  “Huh?” Keith frowned, trying to remember the exact species name. “They weren’t earth wolves, they were…uh…”
  Pidge took a step toward him, her eyes sparkling. “A pack of them?”
  “Yeah?” Keith backed up, unnerved by how long she had been staring at him without blinking. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
  “Holy cow, that is amazing!” Pidge rocked back and forth on her feet, pumping her fists excitedly. “You’re like a real-life ranger.”
  “Ranger?” Keith bit his lip. “Like a park ranger?”
  “Oh please, nothing that normal. It’s a class in Monsters and Mana and you basically lived it.” Pidge lightly bounced up and down as she returned to her keyboard, her hands flying as fast as her mouth did. “You found food and fought off monsters and basically survived in the woods—your stats would be so high if you made a character sheet with this.”
  It was like she was speaking Greek, her mind travelling from one idea to the next quicker than he could keep up. He held up his hand. “Wait, Monsters and Mana”
  “It’s a game. Corran played it with us—oh right, you weren’t there.” Pidge hummed and he could see the gears in her head churning. “It’s like an rpg, but we make everything up.”
  “I somehow feel that is no different than usual,” he snorted and she joined in after glowering at him for a moment.
  “Yeah, I mean, sure—especially when we can’t read the text because it’s an old game and there’s like a gazillion different languages in space, but it’s a bit different.” Pidge chuckled again. “We make up our characters and play a story that Corran’s created. It’s a lot of fun.”
  “Really?” He leaned against the wall, watching her face light up as she explained.
  By now fixing the engines were automatic to her and she barely paid attention to what she typed. “Yeah, like Lance was this not-so-silent assassin and he kept setting off traps, Allura kept injuring herself because she picked an elf and they’re…kinda weak. And Shiro.” Pidge doubled over laughing, her hand hitting the keyboard before he could stop her.
  Keith quickly inspected the keyboard before sighing with relief. They’d just fixed it. If it broke again, they might as well just wait for rescue. Distracted, he asked, “What did he do?”
  “You can pick any character, any class, anything in this game. Literally anything and he picks a paladin. He picks himself.” Pidge stopped to take a breath, her cheeks creased from all the laughter. “Not once, but thrice.”
  “Thrice?” Even if he’d never played the game before, that didn’t sound right.
  “He died because of Allura’s mice and then an attack. So we let him pick a new character. Any character. Shiro just pretended to be his twin brother, Jiro.”
  Keith winced. “I thought he had more imagination than that. And Jiro? Really?”
  “I don’t think he even changed his backstory—he was supposed to be the only survivor! Then again, it’s Shiro,” Pidge guffawed, as though it explained everything. And in a way, it did. Suddenly, she fell silent, staring out the main window into deep space. Her fingers stilled, her feet stopped moving, and Pidge was quiet in a way he rarely saw her. “He wasn’t Shiro, though.”
  Two blades clashed in the chambers of his memory, a mockery of Shiro’s face twisting with insults and lies. That was not Shiro. That was never Shiro. Keith firmly shook his head. “No, he wasn’t.”
  “He just…he just felt like him. Can you even clone that?” Pidge rubbed her arm, looking small and uncomfortable. The rug had been pulled from under all their feet and they were still trying to land. “A person’s goodness? Their personality?”
  “I don’t think so.” Keith looked at his hands, at the human skin hiding Galra blood. Just what did his DNA say? What was encoded in it? His mother’s impatience? His father’s solitude? Were they things he’d inherited or things he learned, things his own clones would have or not? “That’s…that’s not how it works, right?”
  “I don’t know.” Pidge stared at the floor, as though the answers were in the endlessly repeated whorls. Her fingers curled around the table. “Maybe? I…I really should have taken more biology.”
  They were different, he wanted to say, but he remembered the clone’s smile, the way he laughed with all of his body as though it was exploding out of him whenever Lance did something stupid. His hand, firm and gentle, as it rested on Keith’s shoulder, telling him to make a choice.
  They weren’t the same, he wanted to say, but the words were caught in his throat, unlike the clone’s, who always had a strategy ready, who was patient enough to read the battle and find the changing tide. Or maybe it had just felt that way, that he had seen what he wanted to in the clone.
  Even in the end, just before he died, Keith couldn’t be certain if the clone had spared him. If some part of Shiro had woken up beyond the Galra’s control and did the right thing, even if it was for the last time.
  “The Black Lion liked him,” Keith finally said, because it was the only truth they knew. The lions always picked their master and the Black Lion had picked the clone.
  “Yeah, he did.” Pidge pressed her forehead against the cool control panel, taking a deep breath. In, out, Keith matched his own to her rhythm. “That counts for something.”
  “Yeah.” Keith gripped her shoulder, smiling at her when she looked up.
  “Another thing your mom taught you?” Pidge asked, squeezing his hand before straightening up. “You’re usually more awkward than that.”
  “It has been two years,” Keith countered, letting go.
  “Yeah but, you were all alone on that rock.” Pidge went back to typing, a sly grin on her face. “And you’re Keith.”
  “And you’re Pidge and I don’t think even five years will help with your height.”
  “Low blow!” Pidge gave a triumphant final tap and crossed her arm. “Engines are working!”
  “Finally!” Keith manned his station, setting the coordinates for the auto-pilot. “Hopefully we get back before Hunk sends a search party.”
  “It might be too late for that.” Pidge pulled up more screens, double checking their logs. “You know, I kinda missed this.” She gave him an awkward smile. “Talking to you like this, I mean. And everything else.”
  Keith rubbed his neck. It was strange, but one thing his solo missions had taught him was that while he did like being alone, he had also surprisingly enjoyed teamwork. Lance’s inane chatter on the line, Hunk and Pidge geeking out over the latest tech, Allura warring between caution and aggression. “Me too.”
  “And since we have so much to catch up on, what if we go to the—”
  “Pidge, not even for you.” Keith shot down the suggestion.
  “It was worth a try.”
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linferry · 5 years
Paladins sleeping headcanons
I’ve written it way before the finale and I’m still mentally stucked at season 2 honestly. Good simpler times. Well, anyway enjoy~
definitely an early to bed early up person
the best sleep schedule out of everyone
always sleeps on his right side
has a rare gift of falling asleep immediately once his head touches the pillow
Lance hated it back on Earth when he wanted to chat after lights were turned off, but Hunk was already out (he was low-key jealous)
snores a little, but it's actually a quite pleasant, even sound
sleep? what is sleep?
numerous nightmares
tried to stay awake at first, but soon it backfired
now he tries to keep up a healthy routine
often stays up late, but always wakes at 5am
he just has that body clock
likes to sleep on his back, face up
ocassionally snores, but a gentle pat on his nose puts him at ease
when having a nightmare he moans and screams in his sleep
usually Allura or Keith are soon there to help
he's super embarassed about it, but he really appreciates it
loves taking naps when he can inside Black
actually the worst sleep schedule out of everyone
sleep is for the weak or sleep for a week
nothing in between
once she sleeps, nothing can wake her
prefers sleeping on her tummy
makes the whole team worried when she doesn't appear for days only to come out saying she just took a nap
Shiro has numerous talks with her
she'd like to change it, but there's so many tech to explore, so many ideas, books and she gotta look for her family
ocassional nightmares, but she never admits them
he needs his beauty sleep, okay?
he stays up late often, but always tries to get those 8 hours
usually sleeps on the back with his arms up or in a fetal position
very messy sleeper
once woke up with feet on his pillow
on Earth slept in one bed with Hunk at a sleepover once
later Hunk decided he doesn't want to be kicked for the whole night anymore
at the Garrison he had his favorite plushie he always slept with made by his mom when he was little
still misses it
that kind of person that stays up till 3am doing "very important stuff"
be it training, reading or just thinking really hard
hates mornings with passion
could sleep 12 hours straight if it wasn't for his determination
sleeps cuddling to his pillow with both arms and legs
very light sleeper
a tiny sound could wake him up immediately
random all-nighters appear, but he always regrets them
"It won't happen again" he says
a week later he stays the whole night again
falls asleep in random places
once found in the daining hall on three joined chairs
sleep deprivation queen
tends to overwork herself, but takes power naps
kinda convinced that since she was sleeping for 10 000 years she doesn't have to anymore
she's so wrong, everyone's concerned
she's doing fine though
once she nodded off on Shiro's shoulder
as he always repeats, it was the best day of his life
usually braids her hair before sleep
loves to curl up under the bed sheets and rethink all the good things that happened during the day
or stress over defeating Galra
talks in her sleep
once Pidge overheard her saying Shiro's name and teased her about it mercilessly
full healthy schedule
always finds a moment to take a nap
sleeps with eyeband
must have at least 5 pillows or he's just uncomfortable
tries his best to make sure everyone's well-rested
bless him forever
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delaneytveit · 4 years
Like the Ocean
its Lance’s birthday!! Here’s a little fic I literally thought of while trying to sleep last night! I hope you guys like it! 
“So these things-” 
“Relics, Lance.” Pidge corrected him again. 
“Yeah, those. What exactly makes them so important? And why do we have to get them now?” 
Allura sighed, obviously annoyed at Lance’s reluctance to join the mission. Why couldn’t he just do as he’s told for once? 
“You were the one that felt so insecure about your place on the team.” She didn’t mean for it come out as harshly as it did, and it caused her to wince though she knew she had to continue. “To obtain these relics, each of you must undergo the Trials of the Paladins. If you succeed, you return with the relic. If you don't...” 
“We don’t return, do we?” Of everyone on the team, it was clear that Lance was to one who most wanted to return home, and it broke her heart to think that she was the one keeping him from that. But she also knew that he had to be strong. Only the strongest may be a paladin, and if a little homesickness was going to keep Lance from being the Blue Paladin, then he shouldn’t have been chosen in the first place. 
Her silence seemed to answer his question, as he didn’t push anymore. 
“I have the utmost confidence that you will all return.” She spoke finally, and though shaken, Lance sat up straight and attentive. He could do this, she thought. 
The next varga was spent in preparation, briefing each of the paladins on where they would be landing to reach their respective trial. She could not give them their actual task, for she didn’t know. It was part of the Trials that only the Paladin participating would be aware of their task. Soon the Paladins were on their way to their respective planets. 
To say that Lance was concerned was well, and understatement. He knew the importance of this mission, despite what Pidge and Keith may say, he did take it seriously. But he couldn’t get the idea out of his head that he may not even be the true Blue Paladin. 
He had spent many late nights wondering why Blue had chosen him, wondering why him, out of everyone else, and wondering if he really was just a temp until someone more worthy came around. 
After all, he was only a cargo pilot. 
Despite Blue’s constant reassurances flooding his mind, that he could in fact do this, he wasn’t completely convinced. There was however one thing he knew for certain, he would give his life for his team. He would complete this mission for them. 
The planet he landed on was definitely not what he expected. A lush green planet with rivers and springs that created the most intricate pattern in the ground. It was beautiful. 
He followed the tracker to a clearing on the planet, just past a grove of what looked like orange trees, if it wasn’t for the weird pastel blue of the fruits. In the middle of the clearing sat the only evidence of non flora inhabitants. A large stone building surrounded by a courtyard of mosaic - like marble. It was beautiful really. 
He circled around it and landed Blue just on the outskirts of the clearing. 
“Okay Lance, you got this.” He took a finally steadying breath before standing up from his pilot chair and made his way out of the cockpit and out of Blue. 
The first thing he noticed when he stepped foot on the planet, was the florally scent in the barely their breeze. It smelled of roses and jasmine and honey. He took his time enjoying the scents as he made his way to the building, that as he approached he realized looked more like a temple. 
An alien, with long dark purple hair and bright pink skin met Lance at the steps to the temple. Any other situation, Lance wouldn’t have hesitated a pick up line, or even a suggestive joke towards the being, they were honestly breath taking. Contrary to popular belief, he knew quite well that there was a time and place for such a thing, and this was neither the time, nor place. 
“Blue Paladin, Welcome. We have been expecting you for many Deca-Phobes.” They spoke, their voice soft but he could tell there was a haste to it. “Follow me.” 
He did, he followed the guide deep into the temple before stopping in front of a large stone door. 
He watched as the guide knocked twice on the door before a voice called out from the other side for them to enter. 
When he entered, he was immediately surrounded by a group of aliens that looked almost identical to his guide. He was so caught up in the surprise that he hadn’t had time to fully comprehend that they were stripping him of his armor until he was left in nothing but his underarmor. 
“You have no need for that here.” the voice came from behind him, he turned to see a figure dressed in the brightest colours, hair a silver grey, and skin a dark blue. Save for those variations, he could tell that this one was of the same species as the others. “This is a place of peace and reflection, Blue Paladin, Guardian of the Water.” 
He let them lead him to another room, perfumed with incense that reminded him of the jasmine he had smelled outside. He let them undress him before entering the steaming bath that stood before him. He let them dress him in their silks as this was not the place for armor, he must be at his most comfortable for the trials. 
Despite how easy it was to do all of this, how much he enjoyed the pampering and relaxation, he knew that the trials would never be this easy. He was right when the original guide handed him a cup of tea. They had led him into yet another room, this one empty except for a stone slab in the middle of the room.  
“Your trial to to enter Krywon and fill this vial with the water of the Alkori, the most sacred river.” 
“Seems simple enough.” He did as instructed and sat on the slab of stone, a plush blue pillow at the head of it. 
“It would be dangerous to think so. Krywon is in your language, The Land of the Dead. only the dead may enter.” 
Lance felt all the air release from his lungs, so this was it then. He looked towards the tea that was being placed in his hand. 
“So this then, it will...” 
“Kill you? Yes, it will be quick and painless. Almost like falling asleep. However, the properties will only have their desired effect if you drink willingly. If say one were to force it onto you, you would be stripped of any chance of returning to the land of the living.” 
Lance nodded before looking back up at the guide. “And how exactly do I return?” 
The guide gave him a small smile before placing a chaste kiss on his forehead. 
“That you must find for yourself Blue Paladin.” 
They stood back and looked at him expectantly. 
Lance stared at the light Carmel color of the liquid, at the steam coming from it. I can do this. And so, like in the cockpit of the Blue Lion, he took a final steadying breath. Before he could hesitate he emptied the cup into his mouth, and swallowed. The bitter taste of the liquid overpowered the burning sensation on his tongue. 
“See you on the other side.” he gave the guide a small smile, which they returned as they helped guide his already lethargic body down to a laying position. 
His eyes were getting heavy and his breathing slower, he was sure that in any other situation he would have begun panicking, but here he would not. He could not. And so with a smile on his face, he looked to the skylight and let the rays of this foreign sun wash over him. 
“You will do great things, Blue Paladin.” 
The sound of the guide’s encouragement was the last that he heard before he finally closed his eyes. 
As with everything, Lance was the last to return. The others having already eaten dinner by the time he finally made his way into the Blue Lion’s Hangar. 
“Lance!” Pidge yelled barreling straight for him the second his feet touched the floor of the hangar. “Where were you?” 
Lance laughed hugging her back, Hunk making his way over to the two with tears in his eyes. “We thought something happened to you.” 
Shiro suggested that they move to the lounge so everyone could relax and hear of Lance’s trial. 
Lance listened as the others told their stories first, a bowl of food goo in hand that he shoveled into his mouth. 
He heard of Keith, who was forced to climb to the tallest point on an actively exploding volcano. His quest to retrieve a singular rock, still hot from the magma but cold to the touch, the markings of the Red Paladin engraved by the lava. 
He listened as Hunk told his story of his journey into the deepest cave on his planet to relieve a crystal. He joined in the laughter at Hunk’s description of his fight with the giant insects that inhabited the cave. 
Pidge spoke of her trip through a dense rainforest to retrieve the rarest flower that existed on that planet. Apparently only one blooms every 20 deca-phobes. 
Shiro’s was the scariest tale. The thought of having to travel to the highest peak on a planet and attempt to catch lightning in a bottle shook Lance to his core. 
“So what about you, Lance?” Hunk was all too excited to hear about his friend’s trial. 
Lance sat for a moment, deciding where he should start the story. The beginning is as good of a place as ever. 
“Wait wait wait... you mean to tell me that while the rest of us were hauling ass through dangerous territory, you were getting...pampered?” Pidge was beyond belief, no wonder this guy took so long, he probably took a damn nap and forgot he had places to be. 
Lance chuckled at that. “Yeah I guess, my trial was to retrieve this.” He held up the small vial of the swirling liquid. It still looked the way it did in the river, pastel blue and sparkling with minerals. 
He let the team gape at the liquid, it was beautiful. It took a bit for even Allura to calm down.
“No, but really Lance, how did you get it?” Shiro knew there had to be more to the story than Lance just sitting on his ass. 
“He probably just walked outside, you heard him, there were rivers all over the place.” Keith scoffed, getting over his initial amazement. 
“The water inside, it's from this specific river. I guess it's like their most sacred of whatever.” Lance sighed, there was no way to truly convey the importance of the water without showing them the source. An action he refused to even debate. “Its called the Alkori.” 
“Did you have to go through a dangerous forest?” Pidge asked.
“Or a cave?” Hunk piped up.
Lance laughs, but there’s an unease that can’t be hidden. 
“No, the Alkori...it doesn’t exist in this...world.” 
“What do you mean in this world? Where is it? Did you go to another alternate reality?” Pidge was practically bouncing up and down in her seat as she rambled. She only stopped when she realized the length of silence that came from her friend. 
Lance looked up from his hunched shoulders, wiping the tears that threatened to run from his eyes. 
“Lance, where was it?” Shiro placed a comforting hand on Lance’s shoulder, clearly something was bothering him to make him act such a way. And Shiro was way past concerned. 
“...the afterlife.” 
Keith laughed at that, a hearty chuckle before realizing that he was the only one. “The afterlife? Really? And what, you just walked right in there?” he spoke, quick to compose himself. 
He watched as Lance shook his head, “No living being is allowed to cross into Krywon. The land belongs solely to the dead, only the dead may enter.” 
“...so how did you get there? Or did you get a ghost to do your bidding?” Hunk half joked. He didn’t like where this was going. His friend, his very much alive friend was sitting right next to him. Clearly he had something up his sleeve to get the vial. Clearly he couldn’t enter, he was alive. 
“Only the dead may enter.” Lance spoke softly, almost a whisper. “So I had to become one of them.” 
The room was quiet, no one believing what they were hearing. Even the mice had stopped their squeaking, looks of concern pointed towards the Blue Paladin. 
“They gave me this tea,” he continued, “God, it tasted horrible, like microwaved pedialite. But it was effective.” 
The silence was deafening, it reminded him all too much of his time spent among the dead. If the quiet scared him before, now...it was terrifying. 
“20 minutes.” he stopped, taking a shaky breath. “You could say that I was legally gone for 20 minutes. But God, it felt like hours, days even. I wasn’t sure if there would even be anything left for me to return to if I did come back.” 
“...you...you died?” Hunk stared at his best friend through blurry eyes. The man he’s known since they were seven. The kid that even despite his bad days always seemed so alive. 
Lance nods, taking another shaky breath. He refused to lift his head again, refused to let them know that he almost gave up, that he couldn’t even last 20 minutes being dead, when others spent eternity. 
He was alive, now. 
He was here, now. 
He did not let his team down. 
“It was the only way.” 
He kept his eyes on the bottle held in his hands, the swirling hues of blue and grey that he had literally given his life for. 
“When I was there, I met this woman, I guess you could say we kind of have like a cult following now.” He waited for the tell tale laughs or eye rolls from his friends, but received nothing, all of them much too focused to the fact that their friend had entered a world the only way he could. “She made me realize what it actually means to be the Blue Paladin. Why blue chose me in the first place.” He let his voice taper off as he remembered her. The sad girl who saved his life though he couldn’t save hers. 
“That’s right!” Pidge all but yelled, startling the entire room. “We never got to hear about what qualities the Blue Paladin has, because Lance-” 
“couldn’t keep his mouth shut? Yeah. I know it now. At first I thought she was fucking with me, but the more I thought about it, about you guys. It actually made sense.” 
“Blue Paladin, Guardian of water, flexible in both mind and body, adaptable-” 
“calm like the streams, playful like the tides, yet relentless like the waves. With a loyalty that knows no bounds,” Allura rose to her feet and took the few step towards Lance before kneeling in front of him, her hand pushing his face up gently so sea blue eyes met galaxy magenta ones. “This paladin brings balance, and steadiness to Voltron.” 
Lance reciprocated her smile, before bringing his hand up to meet hers and puling it away from his face. He placed the small vial in her hand, “You missed one.” 
Confusion filled her as she tilted her head, “No I don’t think I did, those are-” 
“With a protectiveness that will be the death of him.” Lance spoke carefully. 
Lance was surprised when Allura reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, Hunk and Shiro were quick to follow, and soon, everyone was surrounding Lance in a tight embrace. He almost couldn’t hear Coran over the layers of bodies circling him.
“Protect as you may, Lance, but stay alive. That would be enough for all of us.” 
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kingofthewilderwest · 5 years
Things I Fucking LOVE About VLD S8
Katie watching freaking Defender of the Universe and marveling at how Pidge’s voice actor sounds.
Katie Holt looking adorable wearing ponytails.
Mrs. Holt totally momming Katie.
GIRL’S SHOPPING DAY GIRL’S SHOPPING DAY GIRL’S SHOPPING DAY!!! Getting together Nadia, Ina, Allura, Pidge, and Romelle?!!
Pidge and Nadia being such gaming nerds.
Pidge exploiting her fame as Pidge and dressing up as freaking Darrell Stoker / Retro Pidge. Like you have no idea how much I wanted to scream in happy seeing her with the old outfit and hairstyle, this is such a blessing. SUCH a blessing holy crow.
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Allura wearing one of her old outfits from the 1980s too! So many DOTU references this season!
Coran is having way too much fun with Lance.
Lance and Keith chilling out together on top of the lion watching the sunset and having a good convo. Look how far these two’s relationship has come. Look at them. It’s so good.
Dinner with Lance’s family is so pure.
The visuals with Allura and the tree are so beautiful.
Cute photograph moment! 
There’s an entire episode dedicated to Honerva’s past, showing her struggling emotions now that she’s remembering everything that’s been, showing her internal conflict and struggle, giving us a clear and deep understanding of her hurt and hate.
Baby Lotor is fucking adorable. Like look at that kid. Look at those big eyes. Oh my gosh he’s adorable. 
Lotor’s past is painful and it’s exactly the sort of crap I expected. Received no affection from his father. Was pushed into a Galra empire that didn’t value mercy. Watched the place he cultivated destroyed. Exactly the sort of thing I was expecting from his past to lead to his current state of mind as we meet him in S3. It shows how he’s someone who wants to revolutionize the empire, but is someone whose mind and ideas have been clearly influenced by his culture and upbringing.
I like how the robeasts have been developed throughout the series. How they clearly evoke the past ideas from DOTU/BKG of turning biological creatures into mechanized weapons. How the first season starts with Voltron doing lots of single episodes one-on-one fighting the robeasts, akin to the 1980s show. How the robeasts grow into an increasingly great problem by S8, and are now piloted by brainwashed Alteans. It’s a legitimately cool progression and makes the robeasts feel like a threat even while not repeating the same episode format over and over.
So many Altean warrior ladies on the forefront of Honerva’s forces.
“The Prisoner’s Dilemma” is a fan-fucking-tastic episode all around. One of my favorites for this season for sure.
It starts with Voltron, the ATLAS, the rebels, and the MFEs working together to take down a base. This is an amazing fight moment. It’s showing how far everyone has come since the start, how much they’ve grown, and it sings. And it’s showing REALLY cool team coordination. This is like. All around epically cool I fucking love it.
Matt Holt and his ponytail <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I love how this episode focuses on trying to end the Galra Empire’s remaining power but also trying to show mercy to the Galra. I love how it shows a Galra leader who’s had help from Voltron before still being doubtful - and how more acts from Voltron bring him around. It takes time to convince someone who’s been part of the Galra Empire that Voltron is okay to ally with - and it shows how the Voltron Coalition is gaining ground.
There is some serious nice creepy tension in this episode.
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I love how Lance’s characterization feels like they took him and turned him more into his DOTU self over the course of the series. Honestly, as with all of them! The characters grow into those positions and selves.
“Battle Scars” is probably the episode that got me the most emotional. Olkarion is a planet and culture I loved, too. Watching it fall - watching that beautiful planet actually get destroyed along with many of its citizens - was painful. This is a good way to show Honerva’s power and the high-stakes dangers of her actions.
The idea of Pidge watching the past to learn what happened was a cool narrative effect, and also had good long-term story arc development since she learned how to track the robeasts, too.
Also amazingly good lesson / theme for that episode.
“The Grudge” is another cool episode that’s got the unique twist of the Paladins relying not on their typical weapons, but on having to be resourceful with the minimum. Another good, original premise.
Acxa and Veronica. Acxa and Veronica. Oh my gosh Acxa and Veronica. Acxa and the rest of the MFEs. Acxa and the humans. It’s so great. Acxa saying everything and it’s coming out SUPER edge-lord and everyone’s trying to figure out how to handle it. 
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I fucking love Ina Leifsdottir. I love her personality so much. And I’m 99% sure the writers intended her as autistic representation and I think they did a good job with her.
Okay but this season really has a lot of fun with the MFEs. They don’t steal the show and take too much time, but we get a GREAT sense of personality from them. Rizavi and Kincade together is a delightful combo. I love her energy and love of action. I love his nerdy passions. They’re so fun. 
Let’s be real: one thing Voltron does consistently well is that, no matter how much screen time we have with a character, we get a GREAT sense of their personality, and we love them. There are so many different, lovable, often quirky personalities in Voltron. It’s so rich with its character personalities. I love how there’s a broad cast of characters and yet I can still connect to them all.
I appreciate how S8 wrapped up the story of Lotor’s generals. It would have been easy to have them die, just be casualties, and not have them or their narrative go anywhere. Instead, we get a wrap-up. They’ve been through a lot of twists, turns, and confusing life choices. Now they finally find a place. I like that Lotor’s team (who followed a man who was extremely misguided but wanted some good things) ended up being able to find a productive cause in the end. 
I honestly love the dynamic of ATLAS + Voltron. The Castle of Lions is really cool and I felt extremely sad and nostalgic when they lost it. But ATLAS + Voltron has a legitimately awesome sci-fi, mission-oriented dynamic. The Castle of Lions felt like there was always a home, whereas ATLAS gives the sense of being in space on a journey and mission. It gives me Vehicle Force Voltron vibes, ESPECIALLY with the inclusion of the MFEs.
Speaking of the 80s show and retro Voltron references, we got Merla!
This season focuses a bloody fuckton on Allura, but it shows a lot of depth and conflicted thoughts with her. It shows her as a woman of power. It shows her as someone tempted with problematic solutions or darker powers. It shows her loving, being loved, finding family, and marching ever-steady onward with her purpose. There’s a lot of complex psychology with how Allura’s handling these latest events and it’s written in a way we can understand exactly why she’s making the choices she does, good and bad.
“One... two... three... ALUMINUM!”
I love how Sam Holt overall gives Slav good respect for his more “superstitious”-esque approaches to things, and also valuing Slav for his powerful mind and abilities.
Lots of things from earlier seasons get remembered - Olkarion, Slav, Matt Holt, Shay, the Balmera, and more - and continue to play out in the final conflicts.
I legitimately love seeing Voltron team up with ATLAS in its transformed form. Shiro and Keith working completely equally. Keith’s become a fully-fledged leader. Shiro’s got hoards of respect and leadership power. Together everyone coordinates and kicks butt.
HOW have I not mentioned the visuals yet in this season? This was the most colorful and visually appealing season in Voltron YET - and we’ve been given season after season of really beautiful images. I love how, even though Voltron is set in SPACE, which is so full of voidness, we get so much color and light and appealing color pallets. Voltron is a visual delight.
“Day Forty-Seven” has got to be one of my favorite episodes of this season, if not a stand-out for the entire series to me. Some people might feel differently about this episode than me, but I honestly find it so unique and fun. It’s legitimately hard to try to write an episode following one camera for twenty minutes, while also telling a coherent story. And yet it DOES. We get a good narrative - while at the same time it feels so REAL. “Day Forty-Seven” gives us the ability to watch the entire ATLAS crew work, and allows us to watch Voltron from an outsider’s perspective as they go on dangerous missions - without the music, fanfare, camera angles, etc. And it’s so amusing getting everything from a dog carrying a camera around to Rizavi being upset that yeast is part of the documentary. And it shows so many characters and character dynamics and a sense of a full crew where everyone knows each other. And Rizavi and Kincade together are such a DELIGHT. And oh my goodness I could gush incoherently about this episode for a long time. It’s so much fun.
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Keith and Hunk stuck on a musical ride. Love it. 
The bargaining Pidge and her mom do!!! The Holt family photograph!
Epic arm wrestling competition is epic. And I love how it all started because Shiro felt abashed being called “old.” Poor guy’s still in his 20s! And I love how it turned into all of Team Voltron CELEBRATING THE FUCK out of Shiro winning. Like, these guys have fought countless dangerous foes across the universe. And these dorks get over-the-top excited at Shiro’s accomplishment of winning an arm wrestling competition at a fair.
I laughed so hard at the Warden talking about how he found a purpose in arm wrestling.
The Voltron team joining up with the original Voltron team was pretty cool. I also love how it was animated where we would see the original Team branching off like apparitions out of Voltron, or how we’d see the pilots in the cockpit fading from one to the other.
Allura and Alfor reunion!!! I think this was done right. I am not a fan of stories where a character seems to lose someone, only for that person to magically be brought back. In this case, given the location of where Allura and Alfor unite, we know they’re not going to be able to resume a life of father and daughter. It’s a temporary reunion, and it happens a VERY LONG time after we’ve suffered through all of Allura’s pain in VLD about leaving Alfor behind. It doesn’t compromise the integrity of all the seasons that have come before it about their loss of Alfor and the Alteans, but it also gives us a touching moment of Allura seeing someone she’d never thought she’d see again.
VLD S8 shows that people aren’t cut-and-dry “always evil.” It shows how it’s a complex combination of your environment and your choice. Zarkon isn’t someone who is innately evil pure and simple, nor is Honerva, nor is Lotor. It also makes sure to remind us of the power of choice. Zarkon and Honerva also aren’t JUST victims of the entity - S8 reminds us that they pursued quintessence and poor choices that led to further bad consequences, too. And just because someone might not have been a villain with alternate choices, and just because someone DID become a villain... S8 reminds us that they still took this particular path. It doesn’t erase that Lotor might have wanted to make some positive differences, but turned into a villain. It looks at the complexity of people, how they have both goodness and badness within their potentials. And... it lets it be shown that just because you make a bunch of bad decisions doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to leave those choices and turn around. People aren’t “just evil.”
How have I not yet mentioned I love the uniforms that the Paladins wear when they’re not in their Lions?
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The S3 idea of alternate realities gets brought back in QUITE the way as Voltron chases Honerva through many realities.
I appreciate how Honerva spends so much time trying to find the perfect reality... and when she thinks she’s found it, it doesn’t do what she wants. It’s exactly what we would respect she’d reap. You can’t just tear across space and time to find happiness. At the same time, we can also feel her pain. 
Okay but Honera? I love her armor in this season too. Man I just. Love lots of what people wear this season.
I love Allura’s send-off. I love that the stakes got so high in VLD that we had to lose a main character, but not in a way that felt like a painful death. I love that Voltron was willing to give us a concrete ending where there’s no “going back” to the way things were before. I love that they still give us a sense of hope and growth even with the hurt of losing a main character. I love how it takes Allura, who always had such a strong sense of responsibility, and act on that responsibility in the most responsible and selfless choice possible. I love that she got to embrace every Paladin and say how much they mean to her. I love that they cried. I love how this was done. That’s a proper send-off, one filled with heroicism and selflessness and responsibility and power and strength and emotional pain and also a sense of HOPE.
There are some fucking powerful quotes this season.
I love how we got Altean Lance? Like honestly, when I first heard fans theorizing about it, I thought it was wishful fantasy and the typical desire for AU characters. But the way this was incorporated into VLD actually in canon was really cool.
I love seeing Pidge create Chip. DOTU REFERENCE!!!!!
I love how the Galra Empire has been shown fracturing for seasons, and how it’s finally come to a point Keith can naturally talk about needing change - and it’s believable to think that the Galra would now be open to this change happening.
I love seeing the entire team together after everything’s ended.
I love how in S2 characters talked about defeating the Galra Empire would mean that Voltron was no longer needed. I love how the writers stick with that. I love how the Paladins choose to retire from being Paladins, but intentionally go forth to make the universe a brighter place - there’s still so much to do. I love how the lions themselves choose to fly away. 
I love seeing their selfies. I love that they intentionally make sure Allura’s in their Paladin team reunion selfies. I love seeing how the characters age. 
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I love how Keith’s hair just keeps growing.
I love that ENORMOUS fucking Vehicle Force Voltron reference with the Holts! Holy crap! I’m actually seeing characters like Cliff and Wolo in the background!!! And given the premise of Vehicle Force Voltron seeking out a new planet after humanity has contacted alien civilizations, it feels entirely fitting that this is how Vehicle Force Voltron gets incorporated into the VLD timeline.
I love how the Holts, such a POWERFULLY BRILLIANT family, are the people who keep exploring technology and build the next round of Legendary Defenders.
I love seeing how Hunk’s passion for cooking isn’t treated as trivial. It’s treated as a means of creating intergalactic peace and happiness. He uses it as a way to treat the Alteans with kindness when they’re prisoners on the ATLAS. He uses it to create a culinary revolution after Honerva’s defeated. Hunk is revolutionizing society and making an enormous positive difference because of his passion. That’s majorly epically awesome like fuck I LOVE it.
I love everyone’s endings, honestly. I love how Lance chooses a quieter ending. He wanted a lot of glory as a fighter pilot at the start of VLD S1. He grows into someone so much more mature. Now he’s someone who understands he’s impacted the universe. He’s willing to talk to Alteans at school and spread positive messages with the people in his life. But he’s also taking quiet time for himself. The homesick boy from the early seasons isn’t feeling that more - he has a concrete embedded home to return to, valuing family ever onward. And it’s all embedded in him surrounding himself in the memory of people like Allura he’s held dear. It’s bittersweet and one that happens when someone you love is gone, but it’s not a sad ending, and it’s one that will turn into a lot of happiness, peace, and meaning. This boy’s got a good ending.
I love that we even see where Krolia and Kolivan end up.
And dude. Keith continuing to work with the Blade of Marmora but turning it to humanitarian relief??? This guy’s amazing. So amazing.
I’m a Sheith shipper but I never expected a canon-concrete Sheith end game, so I’m totally happy seeing Shiro’s ending. They gave this guy the happiness he needed. This is someone who’s been trapped in war for so long. He’s had to work so hard without break because of the necessity of defending the universe. This is someone who can finally leave the battlefield and rest. Anyone who thinks for a second Shiro and Keith are any less close just because it’s not romantic is kidding themselves - their relationship shall be as pure and close and powerful and deep as always. And we get an on-screen gay kiss! An on-screen queer marriage!
This is a good ending in that it wraps up all the conflict... but it gives us a look at the hope of the future for everyone’s lives. 
I’m here to spread positivity and excitement for the good Voltron Season 8 did. A show doesn’t have to be “perfect” (nothing’s perfect) to be awesome, meaningful, and enjoyable. This show has been SUCH a wonderful ride, start to finish, and I can’t be more grateful to have been an audience member for this story. It’s going to last as one of my favorite animated series of all time.
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Could we have some fics where Keith and Shiro get married please?
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I think we all need some sappy Sheith weddings in these trying times!
for your one and all - spookyfoot @spookyfoot
3k. (General).
The galaxy brain version of a surprise party is a surprise wedding.
“So, have you two settled on a date yet?” Allura asks.
Coran nods, twirling one end of his mustache thoughtfully. “It’ll have to be when we can get all of the diplomats out here. It’ll be hard to arrange, but I’m sure they’ll make time for the leader of Voltron and the Captain of the Atlas. It’ll be the wedding of the, what’s the word you use on Earth, the century?”
Keith bumps his shoulder against Shiro’s, squeezes his hand and—
”It’s now. The wedding’s right now.”
“What?” everyone choruses.
Wow, Keith thinks, they sound a lot louder in the silence of the desert.
Shiro’s Altean arm rubs at the back of his neck. He chuckles weakly. “Uh. Surprise?”
Devil in a New Dress - Glossolalia @fenri
46k. (Explicit). Contains: NSFW content.
Keith’s sugar daddy is now his fiancé, but when he falls into an identity crisis not even The Perfect Man can sedate, Keith has to learn self-expression is fluid, love is enough, and ‘red velvet’ will always be the answer.
Something Blue - Strange and Intoxicating-rsa-(strangeandintoxicating)
1k. (General).
Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.
Keith needs to find something before the panic sets in on his wedding day.
Spoiler-Free for S8, Shiro and Keith love each other desperately.
happily ever after - ShirosRedKnight (SweetFanfics) @ironswordandstarshield
1k. (General).
Despite all the pomp and circumstance involved in organizing the wedding of two of the Terran paladins who helped saved numerous galaxies from the Galran army, the venue is modest.
Take My Hand - midnightflame @bymidnightflame
5k. (Teen).
There are several moments in his life that Keith will always remember. The ones the led to marrying Takashi Shirogane are some of them.
Marriage of Inconvenience - Lycoria @lycoria
8k. (Teen).
Long, black lashes fluttered, revealing a pair of dark, violet eyes. His mouth held a noticeable droop, cold and unreadable when it came to emotion. His black hair, which Prince Shiro was sure to be around shoulder length from the looks of it, was tied back with a thin purple ribbon.
He fought, of course, to not notice the sharpness of the man’s cheekbones, which were only second to the knife edge he felt under Keith’s stare.
“Oh.” Shiro thought to himself, at the first sight of him.
If this was who he was to take the hand of in a political marriage, maybe he wouldn’t mind that much at all.
A Royal Sheith Wedding AU
Shoulder Touches Mean I Love You - RukaIsAFan
7k. (Teen).
The Vieux is a race of one-sex aliens that lived for millennia a sheltered life. Sure, they have seen aliens and talk to them. But when the paladins of Voltron came to visit to see if the Vieux will join the Voltron Coalition, Shiro (of all people) did something so shocking to the Vieux that talking about fighting the Galra Empire took the back seat.
He touched Keith’s shoulder.
They have to get married in seven days.
The wedding takes five of those days.
Always and Forever - amoleofmonsters @sharkrinsoup
1k. (General).
It’s the day of Shiro’s wedding and he doesn’t understand why he’s so nervous.
there is this - nigiyakapepper
ongoing, ½ chapters, 8k. (Not rated).
Save the date! Snapshots of how Keith and Shiro prepare for their wedding from one month away to the “I do.”
It’s Good To Be Home - AnonymousObsesser
6k. (Not rated). Contains: background Hunk/Pidge/Shay and Allura/Lance.
Surprisingly, “hyperventilating in a dressing room and suffocating on his own tie” was not on his list of A Million Ways to Die in the Universe.
It really should have been.
More Than Enough - Kika988
1k. (Teen).
It had all come together so easily, it was almost hard to believe it was real. Keith honestly hadn’t expected to survive that last fall from the atmosphere, so when he woke up in the hospital, it had seemed perfectly logical to him for his first words to be marry me. Shiro had said yes immediately, though later it had taken some doing to convince him that no, that wasn’t just the pain meds talking and yes, Keith had been entirely serious.
The Bells Before the Battle - Misttiique @misttiique
2k. (Teen).
With their fates sealed, Shiro and Keith decide that the only thing left to do is to get married.
A thrill I’ve never known - tiedbows @hyxlyns
2k. (Not rated).
“Let’s do it.”
“Do what?”
“Get married,” Keith said. “Let’s get married. Right now. Tonight.”
Wedded Blade - kittymills @flashedarrow
40k. (Mature). Contains: NSFW content.
“The second I tried to tell myself I wasn’t in love was the moment I realized I was.”   ―    Lang Leav, The Universe of Us    
Shiro doesn’t want to hide how he feels about Keith anymore, and frankly, the rest of the team is 100% done with pretending they don’t know that Shiro and Keith are In Love™.
When Shiro finally proposes to Keith, they’re all beyond thrilled and want to celebrate… After all the space battles and drama, who wouldn’t love a good wedding?
Shin’ai - Kalira @kalira9
2k. (General).
Shiro and Keith are (finally) getting married, with all of their (space) family around them. And there’s something extra special about their rings.
mafs: foundation - kittymills @flashedarrow
334k. (Explicit). Contains: NSFW content, background ships: Allura/Lance, Lotor/Matt, Hunk/Pidge, Antok/Thace/Kolivan.
{Previously “married at first sight”}
Lance thinks Keith needs some romance in his life– but he knows Keith won’t go looking for it on his own so he signs Keith up for a unique experiment designed to determine if science can predict true love.
The Holt siblings think Shiro works too hard and under that very capable façade lies a soft heart that just needs a bit of love. They’re skeptical of the experiment’s professed success rate but they encourage Shiro to apply – it’s all in the name of science after all.
-Alex & Cas
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