yandere-3-sagau · 1 year
To Take for Granted
Genshin Cult AU x Reader Angst
word count: 862
warning(s): genshin cult au, angst, neglect, death, mentions of suicide
They say to never meet your heroes.
Imagine you isekai but as your mortal self with no special divine powers. Only the knowledge of the characters and the game you played.
At first, the acolytes are amazed to be in the presence of the creator. They worship you, give you everything you could ever want and shower you in praise and affection.
However, the more you stay, the more their affection and worship begins to dwindle.
They begin to lose faith.
You don’t meet their godly expectations. You’re not as divine and all knowing as they had originally thought. They don’t gain any divine blessings or power from worshipping or devoting themselves to you.
You are not their perfect creator, you have flaws. You’re human.
The archons no longer prioritize you, choosing to take care of their prospective nations than to cater to you.
Their attitude change is gradual and you notice their declining interest in you pretty early on, but you can’t do anything to stop it. It’s not long before your lively temple becomes desolate with little to no visitors.
Although you’re hurt and disappointed, you are a bit grateful. You’ve read stories of imposters being slaughtered so you feel like being forgotten is better than being hunted. Still, you’re not one to stay where you’re unwanted. You begin to do research on how to return back to your original world. You’ve had your fill of Teyvat and you think it’s time to go home.
Eventually, you come to the conclusion that the only way to return is to die in this world.
Though you’re scared, you push through and find the most peaceful way to pass. A poison that will stop your heart in your sleep.
After traveling to all of the beautiful viewpoints of Teyvat one final time, you return to your temple and consume the poison.
When you open your eyes once more, you’re back home in your bed. The familiar Genshin Impact loading screen is open on your phone.
With a sad smile, you delete the app.
In Teyvat, the archons, adepti, everyone is panicking.
Plants are dying and the weather is unstable. Farmers are unable to yield any crops from the constantly changing weather. Monsters are becoming increasingly violent and restless and no one can seem to find an explanation.
Until one character remembers you.
Their supposed creator. Everyone decides to pay a visit to your temple on the off chance that you may know of a solution to their current issues.
The area around your temple is peaceful. Birds are chirping, the sun is shining along with a soft wind that keeps the area nice and warm. It’s a stark difference from the cold and gloomy weather all around Teyvat.
They knock on the doors to your temple but no one answers. After waiting for a while, they let themselves in.
They find you laying peacefully on the silk sheets of your bed. Your eyes are closed and you have a small smile on your face. If it wasn’t for your cold skin and the absence of a pulse, they would have thought you were sleeping.
When the archons announce the death of the creator, the cause of all of their problems becomes apparent to all.
The land of Teyvat itself, is in mourning.
The period of morning lasts for one whole year.
Even as the mourning period of Teyvat ends and all goes back to normal, the characters are still not at ease.
When they realize that you’re truly gone, the characters have no idea what to feel. They didn’t notice at first how much your presence truly effects the land of Teyvat.
Something about their world now just seems so artificial.
Without the presence of the creator, it seems as if everything’s become stagnant. Water still runs, clouds still float in the sky but for some reason nothing seems real. The characters feel as if they have no purpose, no drive.
They begin to notice things that they’ve never noticed before. The citizens in each of their nations seem to say the same things over and over again. The people they help with tasks, have the same reoccurring problem. It becomes unsettling.
The acolytes that have originally lost faith have become more religious than ever. They pray every single day, hoping that you’d hear them and realize how sorry they are to have neglected you.
Some have become so devoted to the point of studying how to summon or even descend a god. To forcefully bring you back to Teyvat just so they could see you in person once more.
They had beaten themselves up over the layer of dust accumulated on the furniture in your temple. Now, your acolytes come in personally everyday to make sure every inch of your temple is spotless.
But no matter how much time passes or how much they pray, they are unable to feel your presence.
Though disheartened, they understand. You must still be upset with them but how can they prove themselves to you if they never see you again? However, it’s okay if you’re not ready to come back to Teyvat. They will come to you instead.
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lovelyney · 2 years
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─────────𝐀 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐔𝐒──────
DESC: “Maybe he shouldn’t have hidden his feelings behind harsh words and accusations,” he thought as he stared at your lifeless body.
PAIRINGS: Tighnari x (GN!) Reader
SCENT: angst
WARNINGS: hanahaki, throwing up, blood, tighnari’s a dick, dead dove do not eat.
FLORIST’S NOTE: here it is! finally. also, autosave feature? bless u, tumblr gods.
FLORIST’S NOTE﹙02﹚: uh Fawn here a few months after this was published </3 i'm super flattered you all like this so much; truthfully, i'm very insecure about my ability to write good angst, so it means so much!!
SONG: Secret Garden ― Empath-P
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YOU OBSERVED WITH DEFEATED EYES as Tighnari, yet again, swaddled your hands in gauze. You tried to take out a Withering Zone by yourself, wanting to help clear his schedule. However, despite having a vision of your own, you weren’t very familiar with the process and ended up getting hurt, much to the forest ranger’s dismay. 
Your throat ran dry as you struggled to find the right words to say without upsetting him more. It was clear he was about to snap at any moment, so you chose to stay silent, despite your anxiety eating away at the stillness.
“(NAME) for the last time, stop biting off more than you can chew,” the fox-eared boy berated, his gaze as bitter as the medicine he brews. “What was the point in bothering with something you clearly had no idea how to deal with? were you begging for a death wish?” 
You swallowed thickly, your stomach churning as he awaited your response. “My only intention was to take some of the burdens off your shoulders. . .” You answered feebly.
With an exasperated sigh, he rubbed his temples in frustration. “So you wanted to help me and ended up doing the exact opposite? Yeah, that sounds about right. 
“(NAME) this is what? The fifth time you’ve gotten yourself hurt trying to ‘help?’ Don’t you realize you’re only making things harder for the both of us?” Tighnari crossed his arms against his chest, growing more impatient with you by the minute. “Achons, we’re going to run out of medical supplies if you keep getting into situations like these. Can’t you learn to take a hint?” 
The harsh tone of his voice engulfed you in shame, his words ripping your heart into shreds. “I—I just—” your attempt to defend yourself was met with the burning stare of his multicolored eyes. 
He chastised, “save it, (NAME). You give me the same exact excuse every. single. time. Taking care of you like this again is already a migraine as it is.” With that, he packed the medical supplies into his backpack, not sparing you another glance. 
Tighnari criticizing and reminding you how all you do is pull everyone down had become routine by this point. He never told you directly that burdened everyone, yet he clearly didn’t care about hurting your feelings, so you never understood why he didn’t just give it to you straight.
He never acted so rashly to the other trainees, so it led you to believe that it was personal. That said, you don’t know what you did to make him hate you so much. And to add salt to the wound, you admired Tighnari a lot. Hidden beneath his sarcastic nature, he was diligent and dedicated to his work. You could tell he cared for everyone within the confines of the forest, although you highly doubted that to be your case. 
As you carefully observed him, you not-so-surprisingly developed feelings for him. You find it hard to believe now, but he treated you gently when you first met him. That memory felt so foreign after all he did was suffocate you with his accusations. Since then, you shoveled your feelings into the very back of your mind. 
“Are you even listening, (NAME)?” badgered Tighnari, snapping you out of your depressive reverie. 
Nodding slowly, you chewed the inside of your cheek, feeling your emotions consume you from the inside out. “Y—Yes, of course, Master. . .” 
“Really? Because ever since I got here, you’ve done nothing but stare at the ground helplessly.” He shook his head and sighed in defeat, “whatever. It’s not like you ever heed my advice anyways.
“Collei and I are going to be gone for a few days on an expedition. You are not to leave Gandhara Ville until I return. Do I make myself clear?” he said, his large ears flicking in aggravation.
That immediately grabbed your attention as your eyes shot open. You deflected, “I—I’m sorry?! Tighnari, I get that you’re mad at me and all, but I am not a child! I don’t need supervision!” Your face burned hot with humiliation as tears formed in your eyes. 
Tighnari’s eyes softened briefly at your defeated expression before returning to their normal venomous state. “Then quit giving me a reason to treat you like one, (NAME). Now, I’ll be taking my leave.” Before you could answer, he left your room, leaving you alone in your misery. 
After a few minutes of silence, Collei wandered in, her gaze saddening as she regarded your trembling figure. “Oh, (NAME). . .” She lamented and sat next to you, gingerly wrapping her arms around you. “I’m—I’m sorry. . . I don’t know why he’s been treating you so horribly lately; he’s usually never like this. . .” Muttered the girl as she rubbed circles on your back. “I’ll talk to him, o-okay? Please don’t cry. . .” 
Withdrawing from your friend’s hold, you rubbed away your tears with a forced smile in hopes of comforting her. “Don’t worry about me, Collei. I’ll—I’ll be alright,” you soothed, your weakened voice revealing the truth behind your words. 
Tighnari peeked his head over the opening, swallowing thickly when he noticed your tear-stained cheeks. “Collei, come with me, would you? I need to have a word with you.” He dictated, averting his regard away from you.
The girl perked up, “y—yes, Master!” She stood up and turned to you, carefully bringing your head to her chest once more. “I’ll figure something out, okay? D—Don’t worry,” she assured before bidding you goodbye and following Tighnari out. 
After the two left your line of sight, your throat and chest tightened. Scrambling into the bathroom, you stumbled over, suddenly coughing violently. You wiped the sweat from your temple, sighing in relief when it ceased. “What caused that I wonder?” You questioned and fluttered open your eyes. While staring downward at what appeared to be lotus petals, you suddenly felt overwhelming dizzy. Had it gotten that bad?
Your hands clutched your chest as bile burned your esophagus. You weakly shoved yourself up and flushed the toilet. You knew that hanahaki was life-threatening if not treated immediately. However, confessing seemed impossible given the circumstances of your relationship and who you’re in love with. Your other option was to have it surgically removed, but that also meant removing your capability to feel emotions. Nevertheless, you wanted to be a forest ranger like Tighnari and help people, so you’d much rather die of the flower that bloomed in your chest than be an empty husk and not feel anything. 
Laying on your bed, you watched Tighnari and Collei converse—probably about your probation if you were to be completely honest. You let out a meek laugh and closed your eyes, allowing your body and mind some well-deserved rest.
“Maybe if this disease takes me, I won’t burden him anymore. . .”
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The following morning was horrible. Following your wake-up, you had to race to the bathroom to throw up again; your lungs and chest burned from how fierce the fits were. Making matters worse, you got far from enough sleep because of the feeling of lotuses climbing your throat.
“(NAME)? It’s Collei! I just wanted to check on you before Master and I head out!”
Your eyes flew open at your friend’s voice. Shit. She wouldn’t take this well at all. Quickly flushing the toilet, you grabbed a towel and patted your face dry, hoping your tiredness wasn’t evident. 
“(NAME)? Are—are you alright?” She worried and walked into your bedroom. Her expression dimmed upon taking in your condition. “You look so tired! Did you not get enough sleep?” Fuck.
You compelled a weak smile, “I—I’m fine! Don’t worry about me, I’m just a little—” Your sentence stopped midway as you covered your mouth, hacking up more bloodied petals. Your hanahaki did not seem to appreciate you lying about your feelings for the sake of others. 
Collei paled immensely, her hand going to mimic your own. “(NAME). . . You—you’re. . .” Tears welled in her rose-colored eyes as she watched you recover. “We have to tell—”
“NO!” you interjected sharply. Sighing, you let out a quiet apology. “I—I’m sorry. . . I didn’t mean to yell like that. I just. . . please don’t tell Tighnari.” You muttered, voice enfeebled from your lack of sleep.
“B—But, (NAME). . . If y-you don’t get help. . .” 
“I know. But I don’t think I can take any more of his disdains. especially when he’s—” You, or rather the hanahaki, cut you off as more petals emerged from your throat and onto your shaking hands.  
Seeing the connection, her eyes softened. She lamented, “oh, (NAME). . . You like him, don’t you?” Her arms circled around you, “please, I—I don’t want to lose you. I promise I’ll talk him into apologizing! You don’t deserve this. . .”
Shaking your head, you gently patted the girl’s hair, her heartfelt words shattering your heart furthermore. “Collei, I—I’m not sure I can promise anything at this rate. . .” You imparted. “I’m not sure if Tighnari is someone you can reason with, as well. . .” 
“Collei? It’s time to go,” Tighnari announced from outside. Speak of the devil, and he shall appear. . .
The green-haired girl pulled away from you, looking at your (COLOR) eyes with her own pleading ones. “Everything will be alright, okay? I promise. . .” She sniffled.
You nodded despite your views contradicting hers. Watching her leave, your gaze, hopeless and cold, flickered to Tighnari. You couldn’t help but wonder what occupied his mind; has he even thought of you and how you felt once? Probably not. 
The fox-eared ranger caught a glimpse of your eyes and shivered; that’s right, shivered. The way they looked so dull put a pit in his stomach, and he couldn’t tell why at the time. He looked at his student curiously, “what were you two talking about?”
Collei sighed, “i-it was nothing, Master. . .” 
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The realization that you didn’t have much time left dawned on you as you gazed in the mirror. Your once bright and lively eyes were now dulled and impassive, almost as if you’d already gotten the surgery. You heeded Tighnari’s words, staying locked inside your hut and not bothering anybody. After all, that’s what he wanted, right?
Your condition worsened faster than you initially hoped. Every day and night, you retched at least five blood-covered lotuses, leaving you more weakened than the last. You couldn’t even estimate how much blood you had lost by now. With each passing second, your life slipped from your fingers like grains of sand. It seemed to tease you with the thought of death, never actually finishing you off—until now. In most cases, people have at least a few weeks to make the choice; you, unfortunately, did not with how fast your feelings developed. 
Reaching up, you wiped the blood from your lips, leaving a metallic taste in your mouth. Normally you would be grossed out by it, but it was almost comforting by now because it signaled you didn’t have to endure this pain much longer.
You staggered to your desk and pulled out a few things: an envelope, a piece of paper, and a quill. Your fingers trembled as you dipped the feather in ink and scrawled the name ‘Tighnari’ on the envelope. He’d admonish you for the handwriting, but when you’re on death’s doorstep, you can’t really expect perfect writing, can you?
With an unstable breath, you began composing the letter with all the energy you could gather.
“Dear, Master Tighnari. . .”
Tighnari took a deep breath as the faint outline of Gandhara Ville came into his field of vision. Ever since had and Collei finished the expedition, this dreadful feeling like something horrible happened stuck to him like a leech. And no matter what he did, it continued to suck the energy out of him. In retrospect, he’s had this feeling since he left. Worse part about it? He couldn’t figure out why; it’s like he could sense an anomaly but couldn’t see it. 
Collei quickly picked on her teacher’s anxiety and flashed a smile, hoping to comfort him. “M—Master, I’m sure everything will be fine! You know how nice (NAME) is! I’m—I’m sure they’ll forgive you! they’re normally so sweet no matter the circumstances!” She encouraged, though, deep within her mind, she was scared herself. She knew how much his words impacted you.
Tighnari dragged out a sigh, his fingers going through his dark hair. “That’s. . . That’s the problem, Collei. I. . . I treated them so fucking awful, and all they did was sit there and take it they didn’t dare speak up,” he seethed, wincing as he recalled the look in your eyes before they departed. “Archons, who knows if they’ll find it in their heart to even forgive me? I treated them like a toddler when I really meant to protect them. God, my delivery was fucking horrid, wasn’t it? I really messed this up.” He looked at Collei with defeated eyes, “That’s what you were talking to them about, wasn’t it? How vile I treated them. That’s why they were crying the other day.”  
The trainee harshly bit her lip, knowing that’s exactly what happened. She knew that he treated you like a weed in a garden full of lotuses when in reality, you were the flowers themself. And now, with your hanahaki, Celestia knows how much pain you must be in—both physically and emotionally. 
Only then did she remember that you had gotten hanahaki the day they left, and her heart sank. She swallowed hard, feeling her heart weigh heavy in her chest as it pounded against her ribcage. “Um, M—Master Tighnari. . .” she quavered.
He glanced her way, the pit in his stomach swallowing him whole when he regarded how horrified she appeared to be.  “Hm? What’s the matter, Collei?” Inquired the boy, his ears flickering in nervous anticipation. Oh god, did something actually happen to you? 
“I—I normally wouldn’t ask of you something like this, but please, when we get back, g-go check on them? They’re. . . they’re not well. . . ” She uttered aside, her voice wobbling as if she was on the brink of tears.
Her words confirmed Tighnari’s initial thoughts; there was something wrong. “Collei. . . what happened?” he spoke curtly. Hearing no answer, his chest tightened, and he could hear his breathing pick up. “Collei. Tell me now. I need to know if they’re in danger.” His voice rattled as he communicated, his anxiety clawing at his every thought. 
Collei’s shoulders shook with small sobs, “(NAME). . . They—they have Hanahaki. They didn’t want me to tell you because t-they hic knew you’d yell at them in some sort of way. . . A-and they’ve had it for a few days now and—”
“—Collei, I need you to be honest with me. Does (NAME) have romantic feelings for me?”
Glancing up at her teacher with a pitiful expression, she wiped her eyes with her sleeves. “Yes, Master, t—they do. . . I believe they have for a while,” she sniveled.
“Fuck.” He muttered and sprinted towards the ville, leaving poor Collei behind. However, at that time, I don’t think she minded; she recognized that he needed to find you as soon as possible—to save you. 
Pushing past everyone in the village, he shoved himself inside your hut. “(N-NAME)?! Are—are you here? We—we need to talk!” He called out, his voice breaking from breathing so heavily. “(NAME). . .?”
“Shit, shit! (NAME), where—where did you go now. . .” fretted Tighnari, his mind racing with every outcome possible. His eyes caught onto a wax-sealed envelope that sat neatly on your dresser. He picked it up and felt an overwhelming sense of dread wash over him as he stared at it. “It’s addressed to me. . .”
“ Dear Master Tighnari, 
As much as it hurts to me say this, but by the time you’ve finished reading this, I’ll have passed away. I don’t quite know what to put in this letter. . . Even as I’m writing this, my mind is blanking. I feel like there’s so much I have to say, but unfortunately, I don’t have much time before this disease takes its final toll on me.
I’m sure Collei’s told you by now of my hanahaki. I don’t blame her; the poor girl looked like she would pass out when she found me puking flowers. I know what you’re thinking, “(NAME), you lummox. So you’d rather just sit and watch yourself die than confess?” Well, Tighnari, would YOU confess to someone who’s admitted you’re nothing but a thorn in their side? If you haven’t figured it out by now, it’s you who I’m in love with. Have been for a while now. 
I must apologize for plaguing both you and everyone in Gandhara Ville. That was never my intention; I only wanted to repay the kindness everyone gave me, no matter if it cost my life or not. But, unfortunately, as you said, I ended up doing the entire opposite. And for that, I sincerely apologize. I wish I could take it all back. 
I hope you know that despite everything, I don’t harbor any negative feelings toward you. And maybe, in a different reality, things wouldn’t have turned out like this. 
Did you know that I’ve admired you from day one? And I’ll continue to do so in the afterlife. You’re genuinely incredible in my eyes; you’re diligent and passionate, everything I wished I was. You’re incredibly dedicated to the forest, which is admirable. And I supposed that’s why I fell so incredibly hard for you. Maybe you knew I loved you; maybe you didn’t. It’s all meaningless now that I lay on my deathbed made out of my own flowers. It’s strangely comforting, even though I’ve lived far from a fulfilling life. 
I honestly didn’t think my feelings had gotten this bad; I thought I had successfully pushed them away for the greater good. But, with how fast the hanahaki materialized, it seems I unestimated myself. That proves just how much I truly adored you. Never doubt your capabilities, alright? You’re truly unique, Tighnari.
This is where we part, my dear fox friend. My strength is running out, and so is the ink. Once more, I’m truly sorry for all the pain I’ve caused; I hope you can find it in you to forgive me. Please take care of Collei for me? Tell her I’m sorry I couldn’t make it; Celestia knows I tried to push through for her.
I love you, Tighnari. My love will continue to bloom for you in the form of lotus flowers. So, whenever you see one, I hope you think of me and how much I admired you. (: 
Yours Truly, (NAME). ”
The words blurred together as tears muddied Tighnari’s vision. Every written word cut deeper and deeper, but he forced himself to read it all. At first, he thought it was staged or a joke of some sort, and a part of him wished it was, but he could recognize your handwriting from a mile away. “No, no. . . this cannot be happening. . . They can’t be—” he thought to himself as he pocketed the note. He seethed, “FUCK! Where could they have gone?!” He pulled his hair stressfully as he wracked his brain for answers.
“My love will continue to bloom for you in the form of lotus flowers.”
His eyes snapped open when it clicked—the river not too far from here was known for the lotuses that bloomed in it. You couldn’t have gone far either, not in your condition, at least. 
Tighnari hurriedly sped out of the ville, ignoring everyone’s worried stares. “Please don’t be too late please be alive.” He prayed silently. He halted and surveyed the familiar spot, spotting a figure lying near the river’s shallows. he uttered, “(N—NAME). . .?”
Stumbling over, his pretty eyes drowned in tears the second he laid eyes on you. You were sprawled out, bloodied flowers sticking to your lifeless body. Blood smeared on your lips and fingers, and thank the Archons, your eyes were closed, or else Tighnari would’ve gone into cardiac arrest from crying so hard.
He collapsed at your side, cradling your face in his hands; the warmth of his palms contrasted with the chill of your skin. Shaking his head in denial, he thumbed at your face hoping to find some kind of reaction that proved you were still alive. “No, no,��NO! Come on, (NAME)! W—wake up! You c-can’t. . .” He hiccuped. 
Tighnari gathered you in his arms, concealing his face in the crook of your neck to hide how hard he sobbed. “I. . . I’m so sorry, flower. T—This is all my fault. . . I-If I would’ve just told you how I felt instead of being a moron, then none of this would’ve happened—you wouldn’t have. . .” A sob strangled his throat and cut off his words.
“I—I thought I was protecting you from yourself. . . B-but I somehow did the exact opposite. I was the cause of your pain, and because of how shitty I treated you, you feared telling me how you felt. I. . . I’m so sorry, (NAME). Y-you didn’t deserve to go through so much pain alone.”   
“Master, I heard—o-oh my god.” 
Collei’s eyes rounded in horror, her figure starting to tremble as the situation settled in her head. “(N-NAME). . .” she croaked and dropped next to Tighnari, her hands shakily finding yours. Like her mentor, she was quick to shake her head in denial. “N—no. . . They can’t be. . . How—how did it—” bewailed the girl as her hand squeezed your fragile one. She turned to Tighnari, who looked to be on the verge of passing out from crying so hard. “M—Master, they’re. . . they’re not, r-right? They can’t be. . .”
The ranger shakily pulled out the letter and handed it to her, watching as the girl sobbed harder at its contents. “T—They found comfort in their death because of how much pain they were in. . .” He murmured weakly. As he pressed a kiss to your hair, he noticed that your fingers grasped something.  
Tighnari gingerly grabbed your hand and unraveled your fingers from what you held. A singular clean lotus. He smiled, weak and faint, plucking the lotus from your grip and tucking it in his hair—a memento of your love for him and his love for you. 
“My love for you will continue to blossom in life and in death. . . N—no matter where you are, you will be the first and last my heart is occupied with. There’s no room left for anyone else, flower. . . There never was in the beginning.
“I will look at each and every flower and think of how selfless and caring you were. Your love and dedication will continue to burn bright in Gandhara Ville. I will make sure of it. . .” 
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azzumei · 1 year
2, plus 4.
a/n: no, no just imagine. JUST LOOKOK
what if..
xiao having quadruplets which are actually his siblings reincarnations?
genre: fluff
summary: a really cute and wholesome family
warnings: mentions of sex, giving birth, babies.
[name] indicates you, afab reader, xiao being strict ig, reader is immortal, kinda ooc xiao, SHORT BUT PLS BARE WITH ME IM NOT THAT CREATIVE AND IM NEW ::cry::
wc: over 100
the first time you met was the aftermath of a strong blizzard in the local villages.
you watched him, as he ate the snow from the blood stained ground, the sun shining upon you two.
his clothes, torn apart, wounds uncovered, scattered around his body and probably infected, his hair as messy as (your lif-) your cats litter box.
you approach him slowly, then you sat down right in front of him.
you gave him a piece of warm, fluffy bread that you had in your basket. He hesitated to take it at first but really, hunger was the main problem here. (like my mom in my lif-)
he ate it in a millisecond. (yum ig) then you offered to fix his appearance in your house that was just 2 blocks away.
he didnt cooperate at first, but when you offered a certain dish (which is almond tofu btw) that is as sweet as the dreams he, and similiar beings allegedly eat. (in your knowledge of course)
then he finally accepted.
you gave him a pair of shoes you were carrying in your bag so he can walk properly. (dora is that you)
when you both got there, you immediately gave him a bath (dw u didnt look at his penpen), fix his hair, gave him a new pair of clothes and make him satisfy his hunger (and ofcourse how could u forget the almond tofu?)
you gave him a room to sleep in, and tons of blankets.
he was comfortable, but he knew that he had to go.
when you woke up he just vanished.
you thought you probably finally made a friend, but they always just had to go.
the second time you saw him was when he was training with his siblings, you didnt recognize him at first but you got there.
you saw that they needed a medic to assist the yakshas in the wounds that they receive in battles. good thing you practiced medicine.
you worked your way up to make him recognize you, and to atleast talk with him.
alas, you got what you wanted.
''you seem familiar, have we...met before?'' he asked.
''you have! do you remember me, alatus?''
''i believe that i dont go by that name, atleast not anymore. so it seems that i have met you far back.''
''oh right! my name is [name]. do you now remember?'
''..i do remember you. i thank you for giving me...hospitality that day.''
''no problem, so uh, shall i continue treating you, general?''
''yes, yes you may.''
from that day onward, you both were talking everytime he went to your medic tent.
but nothing really lasts forever, yes?
you were rushing the civillians out of the blood painted space,
trying to treat the wounded as you are able.
the bloody screams haunted your ears, the blood splatters on your uniform and tainted hand in red, gave you terror.
your friend, the general alatus. being tortured by karmic debt, killing him slowly.
his siblings, all covered in blood.
you just had to.
you had to save him even if it means not seeing him
ever again.
now here you are, still haunted by that day, but doing quite well.
delivering herbs to baizhu..
doing commissions for extra money..
yeah but thats not it.
there was something wrong.
you had a goal, but you cant really make it up.
you want see him again.
you need him.
you searched for him day and night
and you finally got a clue, he apparently resided in wangshu inn.
you greeted verr goldet, then asked her if you could borrow the kitchen for a second. she allowed it, and you sprinted right onto the ingredient storage.
grabbing the ingredients for almond tofu, you started to make it.
once you were done, you didnt waste a single breath of going to the balcony.
you called his name and offered almond tofu.
and there he was, right in front of you.
''what do you need, morta-'' he froze. he looked at you up and down.
you were familiar to him, he knows that you both had a bond.
''general alatus, its me. do you remember?''
''of course i remember you, medic.''
then you started a friendship again. (wow its so fast)
strangers to friends, and now
friends to lovers.
you both were just close friends in mortals eyes.
but only if they knew what you both do in your shared bedroom.
xiao always asked during heated times or any part of the day actually, ''why would you be with me? why would you keep being here, by my side. knowing what i did, and my karmic debt-''
you always gave an answer that gave him warmth.
''because i would never even leave a wonderful being like you, i love you, xiao. so dont ever think about that.''
so uh anyway
but as xiao believed, he thought that you both should do those intimate, and close things as a married couple, to follow tradition and courtesy.
so you both wed each other.
xiao's proposal was sweet. short but meaningful.
your ring finger, now decorated with a jade band.
its been about.. 21 years since you have wed, 13 years as mere partners, 450 years since you were both just friends.
you both have spent a lifetime together, maybe longer than that i suppose.
you thought, that maybe life would be a lot more cheerful if you both had children.
you first presented the idea to xiao, he was hesitant at first but he agreed (he would do anything for you.)
so you gave it a try.
at the 3rd try, you were finally with child..ren..?
somehow, xiao sensed that there were more than just one.
they were not one, but four.
if you think xiao would be so overprotective over you even before you got pregnant, then you were wrong. he is 2x. wait no 10x even more protective than before.
when you just want to cook something for yourself, he stops you and he always said
''request the chef for some food, no need to make it yourself. its dangerous.''
and when you want to go out to get some fresh air he is ALWAYS beside you.
''xiao, dear, can i just go out to the garden for a bit? its not like there are monsters around right?, plus you can clear them out in no time!''
''no. if you are willing to go out i will be beside you.''
but dw after your hours of scolding he finally accepts and just watches over you.
when your due date arrived, you both were just gazing upon the moon on the balcony.
the starlit sky being so beautiful, children playing happily, grass and flowers waving..
it was so peaceful.
then you asked:
''love, what names shall we give our children?''
''..im not good with names, i could ask mora- i mean zhongli to give some suggestions.''
''hmmm... since there are four of them, shall we give them the names of your siblings?''
''do you think it is a bad idea?--''
''no, no. I think its...wonderful.''
you both wrapped your arms in eachother,
while you notice something was kind of...
a watery sensation?-
''xiao, i think my water just broke.''
and there he was panicking.
what if something happened to you? or what if something happened to your children?
what if-
the sounds of new born babies crying occupied his ears.
and he was relieved.
''giving birth is tough-...they tore through my fucking pus- i mean what can i expect...the perks of giving birth..''
''love, get some rest. ill look after them for you.''
2 twin girls, and 2 twin boys.
huh, what a coincidence.
a/n ; SORRY THIS WAS SO FUCKIGN SHORT I RAN OUT OF IDEAS but dont worry, i will make a fic about how they grew up, and how they are. anyway, thank you @c3lest14 for being my beta reader! and thank you for the wonderful art that was inspired by [name] in this fic:D
the art btw: (its so gorg)
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ok ok goodbye every1<3 have a nice day
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bbykento · 2 months
does anyone know that one childe fic where he was royalty or something & he neglects reader then theres kaeya who kidnaps sweet ljttle reader?? 🥹
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geewintg · 1 year
Serendipity in the Winds
Genshin Impact Wanderer (Scaramouche) x reader
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Synopsis: You were saved by a man who’s identity was hidden under a large hat. Though you forgot overtime and never remembered, a certain encounter at the hands of the fatui tapped an erased memory swept away by whirlwinds of what should have been forgotten.
Note: You are not traveler
In your childhood, there was a traveller dressed in flowing garbs of purple and red accents. Amidst the wreckage of the once-you-call home, he saw you sitting in the house reduced to ashes and burnt charcoal. The fire around crackled and popped with ardent ire for what is left to burn.
Everything's gone. The village. Your home. The people. 
Adults were slaughtered, kids were abducted, all livelihood burned in sea of flaming red. The aftermath of screams and metal echoed hollow in the silent wind. 
Everyone's gone, except for you. 
That's when you met him. A helpless child, you are, with no tears left to shed. You slept, clutching a wooden doll of what is left of your jubilant memories. 
"Poor you. Abandoned. Cruel is the world, isn't it?" The man had no face, but his voice dripped with surly mock as if he found it amusing. "There's nothing left for you here yet you cling to worthless things it reminds you of. So what are you waiting for?" 
You could only gaze up with no voice left to speak. A flurry of blue and red was all you could remember until you find yourself waking from a soft, warm bed.
"Coming, Sir!" you yelled after the call as you hastily threw the white sheets over the string line to dry them. 
You lived with an old childless couple. They took you in after the catastrophe that fell over the distant, secluded village. The fatui raided the village. You surviving was a miracle. 
You could barely remember what happened. Cries of woe and the screams of desperate flee were the only clear-cut thing that rung your ears. Fire. Fire. Smoke and fire. 
Your parents hid you in a clay pot and covered you with heavy things, tucking you away near the root of a tree. Cover your ears, they said. When you got out, everything was...gone. 
Then a traveler dressed in flowing garbs of purple and red accents, a large hat covering his face. 
A traveler dressed in flowing garbs; face hidden away by the rim of his hat... 
A traveler with no face.... 
A man....... 
You blanked out at the raging bubbles of the tea broiled too much to liking. What were you thinking about again? 
Ah, yes, your old village. The old couple was shocked to see a knocked-out child on their steps, thin from shock and barely moving. You were dehydrated and severely famished. 
They didn't know how you managed to crawl your way through here. You didn't know how you got here. You just somehow...did. 
You frowned. 
There's no point in thinking of the past. What matters is you're alive and well. You could say it was the grace of your archon. 
During one of your errands, you came across a group of trees and decided to pick lavendermelons to roast for dinner's miso soup. But as you were reaching for one on a branch, a party of electro slimes emerged from the ground, surrounding the tree and trapping you in place. 
Oop... Well, you're screwed. 
The slimes don’t seem to be leaving anytime soon so you’re stuck up in a tree for a good while. You sighed to yourself. After quite a while, the shadow casted by the tree moves slowly and you’re getting worried of how you’re getting yourself out. It was a lost cause until you find two figures walking down the dirt pathway. 
You called out to them and managed to get their attention. Though, unfortunately, it seems it wasn’t the help you were looking for. 
Two fatuis. Both are armed against a poor defenseless you. 
The lean one covered with black and red nodded his head to his larger companion. They aimed for the slimes underneath you and rid of them easily. You gulped as you helped yourself down. 
“T-thank you,” you stammered even if you didn’t want to, and you can’t bring yourself to meet their gazes. “How can… how can I ever repay you?” 
“Should her do?” One of them asked and they shared a look that made your stomach drop. 
The leaner one grabbed your wrist and pulled you harshly. “Since we saved your life, it only makes sense if you pay us back with it.” 
If there was anyone who’d come across the same path moments later, they’d only see lavendermelons wasted on the grass. 
“Walk,” they said. You did, with a gun’s muzzle at your head. 
You could only count the remaining days as you busied yourself staring at every rock you pass by on the road. 
“Hey, chief, this doesn’t seem the right direction.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“This place doesn’t give us any landmark on the map.” 
The sky already started to crowd with dark clouds and the orange sky was barely visible. The winds picked up and you three were all in the middle of nowhere in the trees. 
The “chief” growled and nudged you with his gun. “Hey, you know where we are.” 
You shook your head, cowering away, rubbing soothingly of where he shoved you. 
“You mean you live here and you don’t know where we are,” he remarked “useless bitch-” He grabbed you by the collar and you leaned your face back from the glowing red pupils gleaming past the mask, whimpering. 
“I-I don’t know!” 
This is it. Even the sky was ready mourning for you as it dropped its fresh tears on your cheek. At least, this way. No one would know your wets eyes. Your desperate yells and cries of help. At the very least, you wouldn’t look pathetic at the encounter of another fatui not like the first time you hid away and let everyone around you suffer. 
Maybe it was fate. You were supposed to meet the same fate as those in your village but you narrowly avoided it by hairbreadth. Now it came to take you that is long overdue. 
As he raised his other hand, someone strolled by. A man dressed in blue and white, hiding his face away with a large hat. His flowing garbs rode the cool passing wind like careless, unperturbed waves, much like he was right now. 
No, no! “R-run away!” 
But he acted like he didn’t hear you and continued walking. Before he could pass through, the bigger one of the fatui stopped him and pointed his machine. 
“Hey you!” the chief said, “Take us to an inn.” 
The short man paused. At that moment, you wanted to cry. Why didn’t he run away? It was so simple, so stupid. 
All the fatui does is ruin lives! 
“Two big, strong fatuis, asking me to be their chaperone,” he scoffed, “How amusing.” 
It was all like a blur. You laid on the muddy pathway, drenched in the rain all over, but you kept your eyes on the majestic figure that floats. A god? Is he a god? Your savior? 
Two bodies dropped on the ground with a sickening thud as they fell from a great height. But those weren’t the things that concerned you, you were more in awe of the man who graciously saved you. 
As he descended down, you took in all of his features. For once, you saw his face. Midnight purple hair and dark blue eyes. It was then when his feet touched the ground, you were deprived of his holy sight when his hat reappeared once more, shielding everything from you. 
You snapped from your stupor when he spared you his gaze. “I- my god. My savior!” You rushed to him and held the hem of his sleeves in a flurry of emotions. “Thankyou thankyou thankyou!” 
Your tears mixed with the light dose of rain drops but you could care less. All you care was that you were alive, safe, and breathing. 
“How can I ever repay you, my lord?” 
The look on his face was in the mixture of bewilderment then shifting to disgust. It was then you realized that you were getting his clothes soaked. 
“I’m sorry, really sorry,” you bowed you head multiple times when you stepped back. But you grabbed his hands and asked him what he wanted. 
He said, “Yeah, yeah, just go back to where you came from.” 
He didn’t seem interested in whatever payback you’re giving, but you didn’t want to leave without a good deed left unpaid. So you tugged him and said, “My home isn’t far from here, my lord. Are you a wanderer? I can offer you a place to stay in for the night and then we can consider my debt as paid.” 
When he was about to reject it, you hastily added, “And I will stop bothering you.” 
He paused and considered it then grumbling a “fine.”
When you made it back to the village, there were a few people who greeted you with familiarity while casting their unsure, wary gazes on the hooded figure that tailed behind you. All it takes was a “it’s fine, he’s with me” to completely get their cases off the stranger—your savior’s—back. 
It astounds you how these people wouldn’t know until a little later that you were abducted hours ago if you didn’t come home like you normally would. You would have become a cold case. 
As you stepped on the porch of your home, the door immediately opened with your frenzied adoptive mother who was so surprised yet relieved to finally see you. 
“What happened?” she asked as she checked every nook and cranny, cupping your face and twisting it side to side. “It was almost getting dark and you’re still not home. I thought something happened to you! My goodness, graces of the archons above don’t ever do that again.” That’s when she took notice of the man behind you. “Who is this young man?” she whispered to your ear. 
“Mother, this is the man who saved me from the fatui.” 
Your ears almost fell off hearing her scream. 
“It’s okay now. This man passed by and saved me when they were taking me somewhere.” 
“You’re not hurt, are you?” she frantically looked for any injuries on your arms and sighed when she didn’t see one. Although you do have minor scratches. Then she ushered you both inside. “Come, you two, let’s dry you off. It’s pouring outside.”
As you two dried yourselves off, you noticed that not once did he took off his hat. You didn’t say anything but he looked at you and said, “What? I’m not taking it off,” as if he knew what you were thinking. 
But you only smiled. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t.” 
When dinner time came, the nameless wanderer did not join the table. Even when called, he didn’t come. He just sat up on the roof of the house and stared at the sky. That was until you came with a bowl in hand and offered it to him. 
“I don’t need it.” 
“But it’s for you, so you wouldn’t go hungry on your journey,” you said, dismayed as you look down on the poor rejected piece of artistry you did with the bowl. 
“Like I said, I don’t need it.” 
“Even if we made it for you?” 
You saw him cringed and fight back the urge to say the same thing. After a moment of internal struggle, seeing that you wouldn’t stop until he eats, he sighed in defeat, “Fine. Give me the bowl. You said you made this? Let’s see of how much of a chef you claim you were. You better not burn my tongue off.” 
You just laughed at his remarks. For some reason, it doesn’t sound as spiteful as he tries to make it to be. 
After taking a sip, he fell silent. He didn’t comment anything but you can see the surprise in his eyes as he took another spoonful in his mouth. You enjoyed his reaction. 
There was a tingle in your stomach. This young man felt oddly familiar, but you can’t place a finger on it. Did he remind you of someone? 
You can’t remember. Someone as striking as him would definitely be impressionable on the first meeting. But then, how? You mostly felt it when you met him there, gazing up to his benevolent figure, saving you from the fatui. 
You’ve been there. 
You’ve met him. 
You think… 
“Why are you making a face? Why? Did it make you nervous that you’re feeding me your bad cooking?” He huffed as he set down the emptied bowl beside him. That snapped you out of your reverie. 
“Oh, no, I was just thinking of something…” you admittedly said, absent-minded. “Have we met before?” 
“What? Are you delusional?” 
“I’m kidding.” You scratched your head with a laugh. “It’s just that. I had a tingle.” But before you could go any further, you remembered something, “Oh! Hold on, wait a moment, I’ll get something.” 
You came back with something in hand. When you gave it to him, you looked at you for the first time in confusion. “What is this doll for?” He held it limply in the air. 
You laughed. “That’s something precious to me. A memory of my old village…” you gaze up with stars reflected in your eyes as you thought of your fond memories. “That was all that’s left after the fatui burned it down. So even if it meant miniscule to you that you saved me from those two, it meant the whole world to me.” 
He said nothing and stared at the doll with an expression you couldn’t quite decipher. It was gone the moment that you tried to look into it. Or maybe he had none at all. To him, it could just be another random doll, a token of gratitude. 
But to you, at the very least, it would be something to remind him of this encounter. 
You came close then your lips met his cold cheeks. The winds blew and the beautiful visage of his flowing robes and surprised expression will be forever etched in your mind. “Thank you,” you whispered.
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who wants to be the Veronika to my JD?
hello! Reiko. half turkish half japanese. 7Teen, Hobbies, volleyball, piano, drawing, writing and reading! . 𝐦𝐲 𝐃𝐍𝐈
November 22
who wants to be the Veronika to my JD?
𝗥𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗹𝘆 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻
Rules under the cut
Genshin impacts
Schoolbus graveyard
Honkai star rail
Blue period
Maybe more??
Anything that's morally wrong
minor x adult
Character x charecter
Male! Reader sorry
Mc!reader, as in trailblazer or traveler
All of the genshin guys
If you want women I could do that too!
Same as genshin
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tehaxo · 1 year
Christmas is for everyone.
pairing: scaramouche x gn!reader
modern AU: christmas, implied enemies to lovers.
warnings: none
A/N: Merry Christmas guys! Christmas one-shot for you guys <3 enjoy!
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Everyone was in the Christmas spirit, with bright smiles, and danced happily to the music but Scaramouche stood in his sad little corner with a frown.
He was the odd one out at the party, he was definitely not feeling the Christmas spirit! You couldn’t help but notice how lonely he looked and decided you would go over to him to annoy him.
“You look miserable.” You snickered at him with a smirk. He then looked over at you and his frown deepened. “Yeah, after seeing you. You’d be doing me a huge favor if you left me alone,” he spat back and crossed his arms.
You rolled your eyes and stood next to him, “When did I ever do favors for you? Just be glad you have company.” He huffed and looked away at you, his gaze on all of the happy people crowded together and dancing which caught your attention.
He looked… envious? “I’ve just always found Christmas a dumb holiday. Because one, I’m not a Christian. Two… I’ve just- never really celebrated it before. And I don’t know how to,” he admitted to you out of the blue.
You laughed at his small outburst and shook your head, “You don’t gotta be Christian to celebrate Christmas idiot! It’s for everyone.” You paused as you realized, and got a perfect idea. “So I’m guessing this is your first Christmas? Well, let’s go make it a memorable one then!” You exclaimed and grabbed his hand rushing to the “dance floor” with him.
“Hey! What are you doing? Let go of-“
“Shut it and dance!”
He stood there awkwardly while you did some of your fabulous signature dance moves, all while encouraging Scaramouche. He eventually gave in, but he was a bit shy. He danced in a “quiet” manner but hey he at least tried which made you happy.
After a few minutes of displaying your best dance moves, you started getting tired and playfully bowed to the people who gathered around the two of you then dragged Scaramouche to a couch.
“Ya sure know how to dance, dance king Scaramouche.” You teased as you both took a seat. “Be quiet, I have shame unlike you. Your dancing was by far the worst here,” he grumbled.
You giggled at him and his attempt to insult, normally you would’ve clapped back to him with another one but what caught your eye was his smile. His lips were turned up so slightly, if it weren’t for you sitting right next to him you wouldn’t have ever noticed. “Hey… You’re smiling.”
He looked over at you and his smile diminished, “Yeah so what? Should I not be?” He questioned while embarrassed you put him on the spot like that. You smiled and leaned over to him, your hand raised then you poked his cheek softly.
“No, it’s not that. Don’t mean to stereotype you as an edge lord that doesn’t have emotions, but you barely smile,” you pulled your hand away and felt warm when you saw his confused expression. “You look good when you smile, that’s all,” you said truthfully and looked away from his gaze with a blush.
He felt his heart skip a beat at your words and too blushed. He’s received many compliments before. Though he’s never acknowledged them he found to hate it at times. He cursed at himself for allowing himself to let his walls down because now he was acting like a child in love.
“I’d say the same to you… You have a pretty smile,” he said in a quiet tone all while staring at you with confidence. You both were lost in each other's eyes and you couldn’t tell if time was slowing down or speeding up because all you could focus on was Scaramouche.
His beautiful eyes, and his cute smile. The way his cheeks were a pink blush, you took in every one of his details not missing one thing. There was nothing but love laced deep into your eyes, at that very moment your heartbeats resonated with each other.
They called out to each other and sang their songs loudly, with passion. They connected as they unlocked the depths within, they overflowed out and grew a seed. A seed that would soon bloom into a flower, growing into happiness.
Scaramouche shook his head as he snapped out of it and cleared his throat which made you do the same. It was now awkward but still felt right.
“Well I don’t know much of Christmas yet but I can tell you’re for sure feeling the spirit,” Scaramouche chuckled as he pointed at your face. Your rose your eyebrow and your head tilt, but before you could say a word he continued. “Your face, it’s red. Almost as red as Santa’s hat.”
You irked and punched his arm to which he burst into laughter as he caressed his arm. “Don’t act like you weren’t either stupid!” You snapped at him in an attempt to fluster him as well but he stood his ground.
“I was not. You’re delusional.”
“No way! Now you’re just lying out of your ass.”
Yeesh, back to the bickering already- Or not? You two broke into silly little giggles for a good minute or two after wiping tears from your eyes.
“See, this is how you celebrate Christmas. You spend time with people you enjoy and smile with them. Exchanging gifts and being happy with each other. I’m sure when Christmas rolls around next year, you’ll love it.” You said happily and pat his shoulder.
“With people you enjoy? Is that so? Then, will you spend it with me next year?” He asked and showed an earnest smile. Your eyes widened and you blinked, you were baffled. The dude you fought constantly, and competed with, implied that he enjoyed spending time with you.
He always wore a scowl on his face, but now he had the most precious smile that you could not resist. “I’d love to.”
You couldn’t deny it any longer. For so long, you’ve pushed away the feelings. You feel as if fireworks were set off in you, but embracing them had to be the best thing you’ve ever done.
“Hey you two, what’re ya doin'? Stop sitting there and join the party. We’re gonna play some uno and monopoly,” The host of the party, and Scaramouche’s friend, Childe called out.
It was now Scaramouche’s turn to grab your hand and drag you to the tables of people. But this time, you both were happy.
Happily in love with each other.
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gimme-noodles-please · 11 months
“even if your heart is breaking, just keep smiling and pretending”
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character x gn reader!
angsty shit
heavily inspired by Haniyyah’s Fiance Scaramouche bot
tw// su*c*dal thoughts + implied su*c*de
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You slowly opened eyes and the first thing you saw was unfamiliar white square tiles on the ceiling. This looked nothing like your room. The air smelled different too. What… happened?
Memories started hitting you like the truck that hit you (im sorry i just had to) during the accident that caused you to land in this god forsaken coma. How long were you even out? All you could remember was rushing for a date with your lover at your usual hangout spot, you were just crossing the traffic light, waving happily at your lover who gently smiled at you, waving back but their expression turns drastically into one of panic. You could see them mouthing something which you couldn’t tell, and in confusion you turned your head to the side just in time to see a truck a few milliseconds from hitting you before everything turned black.
“You’re finally awake!” One of the nurses exclaimed excitedly. You winced at the sudden loudness, “how-how long was I out for?” You asked, looking over to her lethargically. She just smiled sympathetically and patted your hand as if to comfort you. “2 years.” “2 years… wAIT WHAT? TWO WHOLE FREAKING YEARS?”
“Oh my god Y/N! You’re finally awake!” Your best friend squealed excitedly, immediately hugging you tightly, causing you to cough slightly and weakly patted her back. “Y-yeah, I am.” You laughed softly, however your happy expression quickly melded into a blank one when you noticed how your lover and your best friend had matching engagement rings. “You two…” You started, glancing at the both of them for answers.
Your lover just looked away from you, instead nudging your best friend to reply you instead. “We got engaged!” She giggled happily, causing you to nod and quickly force a smile on your face. “Wow! That’s great news!” You smiled, trying your best to keep your anger at bay. Why was this happening? Oh god, how you wished you had died from the accident. Why would your lover do such a thing? And of all people, with your best friend? That bastard…
“I will leave you both alone now.” Your best friends says, noticing the slight tense atmosphere and quickly excuses herself, leaving you both alone. Inhaling a deep sigh, you turned away, refusing to give your lover a single glance. “Explain.” You said plainly, your voice completely devoid of emotions despite how much you could feel your anger boiling. You honestly had no idea what to feel right now. Anger? Sadness? Happiness? It was just all too confusing and overwhelming.
“I’m sorry.” Your lover started, clearing their throat before continuing. “Y/N, I’m sorry, about all these but, you were in coma for so long. I really did loved you, I really did. But, your best friend was next to me the entire time and comforting me and I just… fell in love with her along the way.” They explained, but of course it does not make you feel any better. You could understand their point but how would anyone react if they were in your position? Hurt and confused, right?
“Just leave.” Was all you could say. You hated this. You hated all of it. You could feel the tears already filling your eyes, still refusing to even look at your lover; well, ex-lover. “Leave, please.”
Your ex-lover just stands up quietly, the only evidence of it was the sound of the chair scraping the floor and their footsteps until the door closes behind them. It was then you finally broke down, letting out all the tears you had been holding.
Why was this happening? What did you do to deserve this? You sniffed, trying to wipe away the tears but they just couldn’t stop. Perhaps they never loved you enough at all. If only you knew this would happen, you would have been more careful. If only you could’ve woken up earlier, this would not happen. If only you had died, you would not have to deal with this pain. Right now, you were just an obstruction to their happiness. Not while you still love them. They are the love of your life and she is your best friend, how could you ever wish ill on them?
The next day, the nurses and doctors were thrown into a flurry panic, hurrying to contact your family and friends. Your bed was completely empty when the nurse came in for your morning check-up and the only thing left was a few letters placed on your bed. Some were dedicated to each member of your family. Some to your closest friends. And one, specifically for your best friend and ex-lover.
“By the time you are reading this, I am gone. I’m sorry I can’t attend your wedding but I promise, I will be there cheering in spirit (literally). I’m sorry for being so selfish. I’m sorry for making you both worry. Thank you for waiting for me and I am truly sorry. May you both find happiness. I wish you both all the best and a happy lifelong marriage.
p.s. to (character name), if you dare hurt her, I will haunt your nightmares”
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im sorry, idk what i wrote. i just lost motivation
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fuyuu-chan · 10 months
Always There For You
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Imagine (Modern AU)
When you are sad and tired, but he's always there for you, he would give you a hug and let you cry if you feel like crying, he would cheer you, making or ordering your favorite food, cuddling you and doing stuff you both enjoy like watching movies, shows and making desserts, he would also ask you if you want to walk in a park and get some fresh air. But if you want to be alone, he will leave you for a moment and come back to you again, he will give you space but he wanted to make sure that you know he's always there for you and wanted to make you happy again :')
The next day whether you feel better or still sad you both go outside as he insists and he will bring you to the mall to go shopping and spoils you <3 and you both will eat at your favorite restaurant or try a new restaurant :)
- Vyn Richter, Marius Von Hagen, Artem Wing, Luke Pearce, Ayato Kamisato, Kaveh, Jing Yuan, Luocha, Shoto Todoroki, Rengoku, Obanai, Megumi (And other CHARACTERS you like)
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Please do not copy, translate, repost to any other social media platforms
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madam-kumo · 2 years
The One and Oni and The Good Boy(Itto and Gorou HC)
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Itto's ideal date is onikabuto searching in the forests of Inazuma.
Itto loves it when you help him paint his horns.
He's had to help style Kuki's hair before so he enjoys in greatly when you ask him for help doing so.
He fanboys anytime your fighting something, even as small as a hilichurl.
This man will make a festival dedicated to you... Even when Sara lectures him about it.
Anytime you stay at his house, expect him to paint your nails for you.
He will gossip with you if you have tea.
Kuki and his gang are silently rooting you two on...
Gorou's favorite date is going to the tea house and relaxing together or archery training together
He is worried about you 24/7 and will check up on you nearly every hour or so.
If there was anyone he would trust with his vision, it would be you or Kokomi
He absolutely adores when you pet his ears or tail.
His gift to you is polishing your armor and or weapons till there shiny.
He enjoys eating ramen with you while watching the sun set.
You two have three dogs, each is a Shiba.
He loves cuddling into you while you two are resting, he feels like he's protecting you from the other clans and that your far from harm.
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jinx06 · 2 years
*・༓☾ 𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐘/𝐧. "𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨𝐨."
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐘/𝐧. "𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨𝐨." ❄️❃⭒ ' dont deny it now ' 💠 tall Gn reader x scara (not like super tall though,) reader's fatui name is ur choice but it stands for F/N ! Reader is a hydro polearm user 🌀❃⭒ Ft, Scarababes (scaramouche) ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃
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It was a raining evening, It was muddy as you walked around the flat ground of the forest. "this is such a pain..Just where is that thing that La signora asked me to find.." You sighed, Knowing there was a bit of a challenge since la signora asked a lot of people on the fatui to find this certain 'thing', and whoever can find it firstly will receive a nice Prize from her. It was no problem though, You were One of the strongest person on the fatui dealing with a bit of people who were to have the certain thing, will be mostlikely not be a problem to you. After walking around You heard a movement from a few miles away, eyes wide, Who may this person be? Quickly getting on the spot to ambush. Somebody spoked, "I know someone's there, come on out." Hah..What a pain, slowly standing up as you expose yourself, "oh wow! Its just You Scarababes" Who are you to call him that?! sometimes he wished your tongue just could be cut off. " , he's eyes twitched, Your eyes catched what he had on his other hand. A small chest who has a very elegant silver and blue colours. A flashback came running to your head. " Remember F/N What you'll be looking for is a small chest that is nicely painted in silver white and blue. Do you understand?" La Signora said with a cold voice yet smiling a bit. "Yes. i do La Signora." you bowed your head at her request, Coming back to you're senses You blinked for a seconds and with the speed of light you saw him running away, No. no that wont happen! quickly running after him, " Wait up! You see i need that thing that you're holding! " You laughed off running after his asz, " in you fucking dreams Y/N! " he smirked fasting his phase, he also had the audacity to call you By your own name, I guess its quite fair to call him scarababes, no? " Well i guess you leave me no choice! " taking a few darts that you would put in your pockets, aiming at his hand so that he can let the chest go, We all know this is not gonna work but we might aswell try am i right? shooting them at his hands you smiled, knowing he'll just dodge it right away But no no! Look at that he dropped it! now its on the ground, ' Shit, fuck fuck.! ' he whispered, "oh wow? it worked, " you laughed off loudly, quickly running for the chest he took out his sword. "You think i'll Give this to you just because i dropped it? Your gonna have to fight for it, Y/n." He smirked, Wow he's such an asz! OK. Thats ok! you can defeat him, You two almost has the same strength. ok, nevermind maybe hes like 20% stronger.. but thats A OK , did the fatui knew who you were? you the a mastermind at strategies, You could defeat more than 40 ruin hunters just by using your mind! aka strategy coughs, Anyways.. You got out your polearm as well, " ok then, Im coming in! " you said already making a plan ahead of the fight, 40 minutes has passed by and your slowly loosing stamina, And you could see him sweating too, There was really no scars both of you just had been dodging each other this whole time, " are you scared to hit me? jeez this is no fun. " Scaramouche rolled his eyes, " well are you? this whole time you had left me no scars, Scarababes." you made the last word a bit more loud to piss him off, "hah, You fucker. i'll make this the last time you call me that." he smirked, running fast to probably cut your tongue, oh no you made him angry woooow, sweat dripping down your forehead you prepared yourself for the impact. and the moment you could see him like a few inches away he quickly slipped by the mud hes eyes wide, full on swearing on his mind. you quickly catched him by the waist, "catched you scarababes! archons, dont run so fast can't you see its raining and the ground is full of mu--ACK!" you just got slapped by a short man.."dont you fucking dare call me that again!!" he hissed, But you could definitely see his ears get a bit red, "ok ok! " you put your hands up, he notice you got the chest. "You-- give me that!" he reached up his arms. but to you're advatages your taller than him! "how about we just share?" you smiled.
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yandere-3-sagau · 1 year
The Fourth Betrayal Pt. 2
Yandere!Wanderer x Creator!Reader
word count: 753
warning(s): heavy mentions of death and genocide
Part 2 to this Drabble
─── ・ 。゚✧: *.☽ .* : ✧.───
“Poor Wanderer… so prideful over being the creator’s favorite… only for him to be abandoned in the end.”
The words sting but he can’t say anything to refute it. The truth of it sends him further into despair than ever before. He could feel his own sanity slipping away as the days pass without you by his side.
You’ve showed him happiness only to rip it away from him.
He can’t accept that.
But he’s different from before. He’s evolved and learned from his mistakes. He knows he can’t be too forward in his plans. He can’t be too obvious. He won’t get anywhere with all his cards laid out for everyone to see.
It is quite easy to befriend the traveler. Especially when their eyes are filled with pity. They’re considerate, treating him carefully as if he’ll burst out into tears with just one mention of the creator.
Though this pity irritates him, it makes it easy for him to play his part; lost and broken - the abandoned puppet looking for a purpose in life.
He accompanies the traveler on their mission. They complete quests, defeat enemies, and gain rewards. As the traveler becomes stronger, wanderer becomes stronger as well.
Eventually, the Tsarista manages to collect all of the gnoses. Like always, the heroic traveler comes to retrieve them while the Wanderer comes to traveler’s aid.
After an intense battle, the hero finally defeats the Tsarista, successfully making it out alive only weakened.
Wanderer takes advantage of this moment of weakness. With his travel partner’s back turned, he delivers the final blow, killing the Traveler. Paimon attempts to fly away but he catches up, flying even faster.
With no other witnesses, a tragic story spreads throughout Teyvat of the traveler and their companion falling in the epic battle against the Tsarista and the Fatui.
After the first sibling is taken out of the way, it isn’t long before the second sibling follows.
With the news of their sibling’s death, they halt their plans and mourn their loss. That small period is enough for Wanderer. Meticulous plans are sent into motion and not long after, more news is released of the fall of the Abyss Order.
Now, the only obstacles left are the archons.
During his adventures with the traveler, Wanderer fought many battles side by side with the different archons.
With the power of all gnoses as well as the knowledge of the archon’s abilities, defeating them was easy.
The adepti, all of the vision users - no matter how powerful they are, no one is able to defeat the new god that slaughtered the seven archons.
Seven little bottles are strung on a chain like a flashy necklace. As Kuni fiddles with the chain on his body, he comes to the sort of realization that his wish was granted. He has everything his former self could only ever dream about. Not only did he become a god but he became the only god in Teyvat.
Yet, he isn’t happy. How can he feel content with mere scraps when he experienced true happiness and satisfaction in your arms?
Having all the power in the world is nothing compared to having you by his side.
Even with the traveling siblings and the archons gone, his ambitions don’t end there. In fact, being a god isn’t at all his goal in the first place. It is just another stepping stone towards his true purpose.
You’ve given him a taste of paradise and he’s become addicted. Only you can sate this never ending longing. Only you can ease the excruciating pain the comes with your absence.
He clasps his hands together, kneeling in front of your newly built statue. Closing his eyes, he prays.
“You are the creator of Teyvat, right? So, it’s safe to say that Teyvat is your child.
Then… will you come back if your child is on the brink of death?
When your people are dying and the lands you love are doused in flames?
Will you finally come back to me?
I guess we’ll have to see.
Let’s hope you come fast… or I might be the only living being to greet you when you arrive.“
Outside, the sky is lit with orange hues even in the dead of night. The sounds of screams echo loudly as a scorching fire engulfs the cities and villages.
He knows that his prayer is one of many being sent to you. Though, that doesn’t bother him. Quite the opposite, in fact.
He wishes, for your sake and the sake of the remaining population of Teyvat, that their prayers reach you.
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duranriz · 11 months
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So this is my first time making fanfiction haha anyways
AFAB READER!! Pure Angst No comfort, Angst Angst Angst, Modern/Highschool AU. Friendzoned
You Reject Him.
× Xiao ×
You and Xiao had a very close bond, You two were Bestfriends of sorts. Ever since you two were Kids you were always together, Through Kindergarten, Elementary, And now im Highschool. He would always say that he would never have a crush on you, Trying to hide the fact that he actually had a crush on you. He was..Scared of the day he wanted to confess to you..
- The Day of Confessing -
' Xiao had prepared what he wanted to say. Memorizing all the words he wanted to say to you, How he loves you so much even since elementary. '
" Can you follow me (Y/N)..? " Xiao said Nervously..Praying deep inside that you say Yes to him..
"Sure what is it Xiao?"
"J-just follow me I have something important to say.."
' Xiao held (Y/N)'s Hand leading her to the school's garden..Full of blooming and colorful Flowers.. '
"W-what did you want to tell me Xiao..?"
' Xiao frozed up..Blushing like crazy.. '
" I just wanted to say..That ..I-i love you! I love you very much (Y/N) I've had a crush on you since Elementary..A-and I uhm.. want you to be my one true love (Y/N) Plea- "
' Xiao was scared when (Y/N) shushed him.. He saw the disappointing look on (Y/N)'s Face.. '
"I'm so sorry Xiao..I don't feel the same way with you..I thought that you being soft was just you being a Kind and friendly friend..I'm sorry for rejecting you Xiao..It's better if we stayed as Friends.."
(Y/N) walked away from him..putting her head down in disappointment..
"T-that's fine..I'm sorry for wasting your time.."
' Xiao was in tears..Breathing heavily as the tears started to fall from his face..He accepted that he was Rejected by the person he put all his time to..Accepted that maybe you two weren't meant for each other.. He accepted that you didn't like him..
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ore11 · 11 months
Many of the writers on this site are very good at reading the characters properly especially you (genshin x reader writers).
I'm honestly annoyed with how much characters getting mischaracterizations on other sites.
Hope you guys stay healthy and happy.
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amaryl1s · 11 months
.𖤣𖥧.𖤣𖥧 𝔹𝕒𝕚𝕫𝕙𝕦 .𖤣𖥧.𖤣𖥧
Requested by someone on Discord!! Blooming romance type of relationship. Fem!self insert. Might make a part two depending on how far I get before I go offline for a week lol
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Y/n's chest heaved as she dragged her bag behind her. She looked up to the sky to try and gauge what time it was, she guessed about 1-2 in the afternoon. Her (e/c) hues lingered on the wispy puffs of what seemed like cotton candy. The trees swayed softly as she turned her determined gaze back to the path in front of her and continued to trudge on through rocky up and down slopes of Liyue. 
A few hours had drawled for what seemed to be an eternity until Y/n decided to put a paused in her quest atop a relatively large hill. (h/c) bounced softly and her clothes billowed slightly as the breeze picked up. Her gaze traveled along the beautiful view of the harbor. A small relieved smile graced her face, crinkling her eyes slightly. 
Being an Amurta scholar, Y/n was more than happy to share her findings related to medicine, but it was rare for her to find someone, other than Tighnari, to trade tips and secrets of the trade. This was a pretty big deal to her, that's why she barely hesitated to take the trip to Liyue. With a newfound pep in her step, and the relief of not sleeping outside, she returned to walking. 
Slowly making her way through the harbor, Y/n swiveled her head every which way taking in new sights and smells and sounds and feelings she had never before experienced in Sumeru. Some of the food smelled so spicy it burned her nostrils. A strangers shoulder abruptly broke her out of her reverie. 
"Ah-! I'm so sorry, I should've been looking where I was going!!" The (h/c) girl bowed her head slightly.  
The stranger merely laughed and responded with a "It's not a problem!"
She smiled gratefully and wished him a good day. When her gaze swiftly flowed back to in front of her she saw a round almost empty space, save for a fountain, a couple benches, and a few people. She briskly walked to a bench and started taking inventory of the supplies she had brought with her. 
The devoted student had spent a pretty penny on medicinal herbs and way too much time on making the ointments and pills for them to be lost before she got the renowned physician of Liyue Harbor. It took her but 3 minutes to go through everything, and thankfully everything was there. From the mushrooms to flowers to ointments to the letter she was supposed to show the owner of Bubu Pharmacy. The letter was going to give proof that she was the one he was talking to, and that she was a legitimate pursuer of medicinal prowess.
Satisfied with her job, she quickly and neatly put everything back its place and stopped at a nearby shop to ask for directions to the pharmacy. 
"Hey, there!" A friendly looking man with boyish looks grinned at Y/n. "My names Chen the Sharp! You up to try some grilled tiger fish?!" Chen exclaimed.
"Yes, I would love to." Gently smiling she asked, "Do you know where I might find Bubu Pharmacy?"
He handed her the fish and nodded. "Yeah, it's up straight there, you'll cross a bridge and there'll be a three-way crossing. You go straight there, too. Continue down that path and there's no way you'll miss it." Chen pointed in the path adjacent toward the one she had just been walking on barely 5 minutes previous. She chuckled, amusement sparkling in her eyes
"Thank you, Chen." Y/n turned and started eating her fish along the way, earning her some stares but she had dawdled long enough and didn't want him waiting on her any longer. 
Following Chen's instructions she quickly found herself in the reception room of the pharmacy. "Hello?" Y/n softly called out. "Any one here?" 
A small, slightly disoriented face pops out from below the counter top way to the left. (Y/n)'s irises widened with the shock of seeing a young child with a slip of paper on her forehead. (E/c) eyes intently watch the pastel purple locks bounce as she makes her way towards the center of the counter. 
"Hello, I am Qiqi. May I see your prescription?" The young girl states almost jerkily in a tone of voice that made took the Amurta scholar aback. 
With her composure lost, Y/n stumbles over her words. "Uh-.. N-no, I don't... I-" Brows furrowed, she shakes her head, quickly and neatly putting herself back together like a puzzle she's studied for hours. "I apologize if I'm being intrusive, Qiqi, but... Where are your parents?" Y/n smiled gently down at Qiqi.
The young girl blinked, then shrugged theatrically. "Baizhu is takes care of me."
Y/n blinks back. 'Okay, then... I guess I won't pry.' She muses to herself. "Hm... Uhm~... I-.." 
Lips opening and closing like fishes, she tries to figure out what to say next before Qiqi speaks up once more. "Do you have your prescription? If not, tell me your name and I can look for you in the logbook." 
"No, no, I don't have a prescription, don't worry about that... I'm here to speak with Baizhu, actually. Do you know he is or where I could find him?" Y/n purses her lips, internally scolding herself for losing her composure and for getting so far off topic. 
Qiqi bobs her head in affirmation. "Baizhu went out to get some ingredients we have run low on. He should return shortly."
A sigh of impatience and anticipation escapes her lips, but she smiles. "Thank you, Qiqi." 
The young girl responds with a hum and tell her to take a seat if she was waiting. Y/n quickly obliged and decided that she was going to take inventory again to pass the time. Everything was there as expected so the scholar opted to take a look around the pharmacy. She took note of the simplicity and dull colors. It may not seem as if interior design is important in such a place but it is. If the walls are too colorful or chaotic it could rile up scared patients or relatives even more. If there are people freaking out if could cause much emotional distress to patients. 
While Y/n was picking apart a particular choice of decoration, the door swung open revealing a green haired man with a gentle expression. "Hello, my name is Baizhu, a practitioner of medicine at Bubu Pharmacy, here." Y/n stands up and returns his smile. She opens her bag and pulls out the letter he had recently sent her. Opening her mouth to introduce herself in return but pauses once Baizhu's gaze turns analytical and he runs his amber irises up and down. A slight warmth settles on her cheeks and ears. "Are you experiencing any discomfort? If so, where? And how many days have the symptoms persisted?" He quickly crosses the room with long strides thanks to lengthy legs. 
"Oh, no, don't worry!" Y/n holds out the letter. "You and I have been writing back and forth for a while now. You had told me in your most recent letter to show it to you as proof it was me." She raises a hand to brush a lock of hair behind her ear with a shy smile. 
"Ah, my apologies, I was expecting you a little later." She noticed how his eyes lit up as he skimmed the letter, ensuring the authenticity. Baizhu starts walking toward the counter and opens the door, beckoning Y/n over. "Come, we can talk more back here." 
Smiling brighter than before, Y/n basically hops over toward him. "I brought some items of medicinal value to share with you. From a letter you sent a while back it seemed like you were interested in the kinds of things that Sumeru's plants could do, so I gathered some of the basic ones as well as the more interesting and lesser known ones I experimented with myself." Her excitement built quickly and Y/n's tone quickly went higher. Baizhu glanced back at the girl, mild surprise written over his soft features. Y/n was in the middle of rummaging through her bag when she look up and misunderstood his expression. "Uh... Did I say something?" A nervous laugh bubbled up.
He smiled reassuringly before shaking his head. "No, nothing like that. It's just I haven't had the pleasure of meeting someone with the same amount of enthusiasm for medicine as myself. Please, continue." He turned back around and started pulling out Liyue exclusive ingredients.
Y/n blinked in surprise before breaking out into a dazzling smile. She pulled out a rugged looking leather back notebook and set it on a nearby counter, for him to easily grab and peruse. "That is all my finding compiled into a singular notebook. You can keep it if you so wish. Most of what's in there is either common knowledge in Sumeru, well, I guess more for the Amurta Darshan but whatever, or I have memorized." 
Baizhu looked up from the notebooks first page in shock. "I couldn't possibly... This is proof of all you're hard work. I can't take this away from you..." 
She laughs and shakes her head before responding. "Proof of my hard work is in all my reports displayed at the Akedemiya for anyone and everyone to look at. So, no worries"
The physician huffs out a laugh. "Fine, but only if you allow me to give you several slips of paper referring to some of Liyue's medicinal plants and herbs." He bargained.
The Amuta scholar's face flushes and she exclaims,"Huh?! I couldn't possibly have you do that for me!!" Y/n shakes her head waved her hands 
He laughs at her response. "I insist." 
Y/n purses her lips, her face cooling down but definitely still warm. "Okay..."
A sigh is heard from Baizhu, but it certainly did not come from Baizhu. His scarf stirred slightly. Then a tiny snake head popped up from over his shoulder. "Would you sstop flirting? It'sss kind of annoying." 
Y/n took a surprised step back. "The snake.. Just... That-.. What???"
Baizhu shook his head and sighed. "Come now, Changsheng, I just want to make a good, lasting impression on our, hopefully, new friend here." He turned his attention back his guest, only to let out a sweet little laugh. His eyes closed and his chest shook slightly while he laughed. "...What are you doing with your face?" 
"The snake just... just talked!!" Her voice shook slightly, as she had heard of such things happening in Liyue, just had never believed it to be real. 
Changsheng looked at Y/n disdainfully. "Yess. Jusst asss you do. Thiss sshould not be new to one of you age..." The snake haughtily stuck her nose in the air.
Y/n gasped. "Ah..! I'm sorry, Changsheng, was it?" Baizhu nodded and she flicked her eyes over to see amusement ever present in his eyes. "... I apologize for my ignorance."
Changsheng lowers her head and nods before resting her head on Baizhu's shoulder once more, closing her eyes. 
Baizhu laughs, obviously having a good laugh. "No need to suck up to Changsheng! She's just sour." To which the snake 'hmph!'s and turns away. "Now, let's get back to business, shall we?" 
The 2 physicians get to talking and don't stop until until much later. When they both walk out into the chilly night air Y/n turns towards him and sheepishly asks. "Hey... You don't suppose any inns are open at this time of night, do you?"
Baizhu laughs for the umpteenth time that evening. "No, I don't suppose any will be. You can stay with me for the time being. As long as I can trust you won't steal or snoop in anything." He teases softly.
Y/n's face lights up, in both gratefulness and embarrassment. She cover the lower half of her face with the back of her hand and turns away slightly "... You won't have to worry about that... Thank you..."
Baizhu's smile broadens. "Come, follow me, then." They walk side by side to his house and to the pharmacy for a while to come.
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Word count: 2029 this took longer than expected but it was fun lol
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ph03n1x-fl4m3s · 1 year
a l o n g w a l k
well... what ever did happen when Y/n followed Scara to school? what was the aftermath of chapter 4!? well...
"I swear to the great lord above, I will cut your legs off."
"Oh wow... that's so sexy." You responded, smirking at the angry, short boy.
"You are insufferable." He huffed.
Scaramouche was quite upset at the fact that you were following him; despite the fact that you literally gave him a warning.
You continued to trail him until you got to the school. While you were following, he was spouting insults and threats at you. You know, the usual.
(you tried to follow him on the way home, but he punched you before you could)
little behind the scenes (melatonin by PH03N1XFl4M3S on wattpad)
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