#Floppy is year of the Rat
commanderfloppy · 1 year
Happy Lunar New Year!
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Ever wanted to know what Lunar Year your character was born in? Well look no further!
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I based the conversion from our calendar to the Tyrian one on the fact that early Living World releases were supposed to go along with real world time!
Years also listed below the cut (since it's hard to read upside down <3)
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strigital · 5 months
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just a small bunch of Alek because he is the babiest of girls 😔
think it's about time i explained who tf he is and why i'm always sad about him so here are a few fun facts about the boi!:
saw his parents get brutaly unalived by Arasaka aged 16 and had to delta the fuck outta there with a toddler sister in his arms
got stranded in the desert outside Night City with nothing to his name but dad's old jacket, enough eddies to buy like one burger and a hungry child to care for
came across some Nomads (the Bakkers) and for a year or two Selita Bakker took the babes under her wing (then she fucken died and he had to leave again)
was forced into a life of crime just to make sure his sis didn't starve
he'd disappear for days or weeks doing gig after gig while Jaxine stayed with Mama Welles, Padre, Dr. Vik or Mama Fabienne (a kind-hearted haitian proprietress of The Birdhouse, an orphanage set up in the ruins of a small theatre tucked away somewhere between Dogtown and GIM) more about her sometime later
because of that Jax basically raised herself and Alek forever hated himself for not being there for her when she needed him most
he called her Jacket all the time and only used her name when she done fucked up and needed an ass woopin' (she was a hooligan who'd get locked up on possession charges aged 14...)
the nickname came from the fact that after they became orphans Jax would only ever shut up and stop crying while swaddled into her dad's giant jacket; she'd even wobble around like a penguin wearing it like a giant ass cape. and so it stuck. Jacket (sometimes it was JJ when Alek was in a hurry)
back in the world of edgerunning he was known as Vulture or V for short. his selling pitch was "got a bone to pick with somebody? Vulture's your man!"
as a side job he also ran an indie rock group "The Vultures". music helped him cope with day-to-day traumatic shit he had to endure. it's through the showbiz that he met Kerry Eurodyne and developed a hopeless crush on the celeb. feelings were mutual AF but both gonks were too shy to say anything. Kerry would only find out about it some years later from his sis when she became a walking floppy disk for Johnny_Silverhand.exe
at some point he utterly peaked in the merc world. every dog at the Afterlife knew his face and everybody wanted to work with him. even Rogue at some point advertised him to her clients as "the" man to do the job
at the pinnacle of his career Alek chipped in some mean mantis blades, top of the line Kiroshis, a Militech-made Sandevistan and a gazillion more enhancements that made him a fucken beast to be reckoned with. he also trained relentlessly and folks even mistook him for an ex-military, even though everything he knew was self-taught. he never stopped improving his body and mind and because of this (or maybe inspite of this?) he started showing the first symptoms of cyberpsychosis sometime around 2070. despite that, he'd keep his illness under control up until his death in 2074
it was also around this time that he klepped a pristine Type-66 Avenger off some corpo rat. he took the beaut to the Nomads to have it juiced up and after some work the wheels came out black as midnight, equipped with CrystalDome tech, guns upon guns, meanest freaking engine and tyres that could cling to walls if need be. don't ask how many people died staring down that bumper approaching them head-on at supersonic speeds, cause the answer is too many. Jax always felt like he loved that damned car more than her sometimes... and whenever she asked to take the beastie for a spin he'd always reply "over my dead body". who knew fucker meant it literally?!
Alek lied to Jaxine her whole life in a desperate bid to protect her from literally the entire world. the story of how they became orphans, what he did as a job, where he went off to for days on end... girl grew up knowing nothing about real Alek. only years later when with the help of a mutual friend she discovers his secret pad in the Glen that she'd start to piece together who he really was
Alek was afraid of his illness taking away his memory, so he scrolled damn near everything. birthday parties, hangouts at the shooting range, hikes into the badlands... every more or less important moment with Jaxie got recorded onto a BD shard and tucked away like a precious little slice of life that he was losing alongside his self-destructing neural links. later, Jaxie would spend hours rolling them over and over again, reliving the life that Arasaka took from them
throughout his career Alek's sole purpose in life (besides keeping his lil' sis alive) was revenge on Arasaka. specifically, he wanted to end Saburo himself with his own hands. any gig that involved messing with 'Saka or allowed him to gather crucial info was an automatic green light for him
he knew his dad didn't die in the assault and suspected he was Soulkilled like many other enemies of the corp (old man did in fact manage a anti-corpo group of vigilantes for like a decade before getting ratted out by somebody). at some point while on a gig to steal some 'Saka intel he got a hold of his dad's engram's copy. not like the Relic which would delete your personality, but the old gen - one that you plug in and talk to like your average hologram. of course, Alek never told Jax that he had their dead father on a shard slotted into his head at all times... and old man Bryce didn't want to traumatize his junior kid even further, either
dad wholeheartedly supported his son's mission to topple Arasaka, which was probably a bad idea... because history tends to repeat itself and eventually 'Saka discovered Alek's true identity and connected numerous crimes against them back to him. Adam Smasher was on his way to smash Alek...
too late did Alek realize that he done fucked up. he got all the crucial info locked away in his pad, the keys from it he left in his wheels and send that mf off into the sunset with a trusted fella. he recorded a sordid confession for Jaxie with a shitton of i'm-sorry's and i-love-you's and sent her away by... lying, again. he told her some drug dealers where coming to collect their due and he wanted her out of danger while he dealt with them. but the metal man Smasher showed up and the epic fight ensued. Alek knew he had no chance but he wasn't gonna make it easy for the dickwipe that zeroed his fam. the least he could do is hurt the bitch. and so as Jaxie was speeding away on Alek's bike - explosion. both Alek and his digitized dad were gone for good. Jaxie was left to fend for herself, not knowing that 'Saka now knew that they didn't wipe all of the Bryces and were looking for the one that got away
eventually she'd learn the whole tragic ass truth. and despite Alek's last wish for Jaxine to leave 'Saka be and just live her life, she made it her life goal to avenge her family. somehow, someway. one Johnny Silverhand would later come in extremely handy in this quest of hers
even though his life was hard and short, he did try to live to the fullest. he put his heart and soul into his music, he tried his damned best to show Jaxine that he loved her, and he looked out for his friends. Rogue would describe him as "the good villain" - a guy who despite having bloodied hands that never dried, always tried to do well by others. there was a short time when he was considered the deadliest motherfucker in town the mention of whose name sent shivers down gangoons' spines. and then he, like many before him and after, died
so if ya wanna honor the legendary Vulture whose flight was cut short, come down to the Afterlife and ask Claire for a shot of The Vulture: Armagnac Massy on the rocks with a splash of Cirrus Cola and a mint garnish. expensive, you say? if you knew him, you'd know he was worth every ennie
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blorbologist · 10 months
D6 for Paté, please.
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1. Bio-related Thought about them
Look, by all rights Pâté shouldn't exist. A good taxidermy can survive a long time, but that's kept under carefully maintained conditions that reduce the likelihood of bacteria getting a foothold, and proper preperation. Prior to becoming an imp mechanically, he was treated as very floppy - so my guess what that he was just a stuffed pelt with the corvid skull, a theory which got completely blown out the water when he did the Ribs Thing. Dried, preserved flesh doesn't pose easily! But a good stuffed taxidermy shouldn't have bones! Unless maybe she couldn't quite remove the delicate ribs and kept the chest cavity as-is, maybe?
Given Laudna has been roaming around for 30-odd years with him hanging from her belt - exposed to the elements - and how floppy he was, this leaves me with two main ideas:
Pâté is an ever-revolving rotation of rats. The skull would keep well enough, but eventually time and bacteria would mess with the rat body and Laudna would replace that. (I recall Marisha noting how Laudna got his head but not bringing up the rat part's origin, so! Could work.) It’s decently grisly and visceral and so sad, in a way, to imagine Laudna remaking her friend over and over because she keeps seeing him ruined (and now he's ruined a different way and she can’t just restart and shut him up).
He's never just been a dead rat. You know what else moves, fairly limber, despite being long dead? Laudna, the corpses in the de Rolo tombs, half of Whitestone that one time. You know, undead. Delilah or Laudna would have been imbuing him with a little bit of magic, if not enough to animate him, to keep him from decaying. I can’t say if there'd be some goal behind it or if it was entirely unintentiona, but... yeah, I'm with Ashton on not trusting Pâté as far as I can throw em.
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lagt-duck · 1 year
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I wanna do something silly and like
Explain the plushies in my room
So bed.
We got Kermit and Hamtaro: both were in the show business, nowadays they are kinda just retired and enjoy chilling
Then u have uuuh Christmas Donald, who is still in the show business, he is overworked and would just like some days to go out and fish with his nephews please
Then u have the children tm
Cupcake Pompompurin and my panda unicorn squishmallows : pompompurin also works but he isn't as overworked as like Donald
Then you have twitch streamer girl and her little brother squishmallows (the beluga is called Jaiden) and at the end you have the old father who looks very gruff but is actually a Sweetheart
His name is Fat shark, he costed me more then kermit
That is I bought him for 3€ while Kermit costed me only 1€
Hamtaro costed me 6€ because the guy who sold me wanted to get rid of it and his wife wasn't near
Then you have the shelves
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As you can see at the bottom we have Boris and Sylvester the marmot who are probably having gay uncle conversations (they aren't married with each other)
Going up we have rat omens, and rat Bruno plush, who exists because i am broke and good at sewing
Made by yarn you can also see the frog and Jeremy the dinosaur who i am very proud of making
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We then have the actual merch shelf
Butterfree was made by me, woobat is original.
The Oswald plushie is also original and i got it from Disneyland Paris!
We then have my tiny lion plushie Who i named Garibaldi, because one of his back legs is a lil shorter, and my friends that year kept singing how Garibaldi was wounded to the leg
And at last we have soldier. The duck. Who is a Tru trooper and deserve the world
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Special mentions to the giant Eevee stuffed with polyester under my desk. His ears are floppy and he isn't great to hug
But he was won at one of those games in a park so i am happy with it
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chronicwhorebatman · 1 year
uhhhh could u pls pls tell me ur hcs (if u have them) about the batfamilys hairstyles thru the years. do u believe in long hair discowing?? whats jasons hair like as robin vs red hood? give me a whole timeline if u want
you know what? hell yeah.
long post so here’s a cut
bruce. bruce, in his childhood, had the same haircut the whole time!! then his mother died and she cut it for him so for about a year and a half (nearing 10 years old) he had this steadily growing mop of hair that was not cleaned or brushed. occasionally alfred would attempt to get it clean but bruce would hiss like a feral cat so it didn’t get very far
THEN he shaved most of his hair off because it was unsalvageable to a nearly ten year old
then he had a FUCK TON of teenage mistakes. including bleached slightly long hair, although he kept it short at the back because bruce in my head never wants to revisit his Grief Hair phase <33 there were a lot more mistakes but i don’t have those pinpointed but i haven’t decided on them yet! know that he had frosted tips at one point though. it’s important to me.
as an adult he has the regular ass haircut he has in every comic lmao. as bruce it’s just neatly combed, as brucie it’s always sleep-mussed or sex-mussed, and as matches malone his hair is slicked back with so much gel it fucking drips. as matches malone he is a slimy little disgusting rat by design. in his secret drag persona he wears a wig like a coward.
dick. as a kid, dick has the same haircut as his father, whatever that might be!! he’s a baby mimicry and it’s adorable. he also briefly copied his mother’s hair only to discover it took way too much work
the father part also applies to bruce! although i don’t believe dick saw bruce as his father until he was well on his way into adulthood i do believe that he copied his haircut. i will not explain this clash with anything other than imagining dick as a tiny bruce clone is hilarious
discowing era dick had a mullet and bruce hated every second of it.
after that i think dick had short hair but quite floppy round the front? like lotta fringe <33
baby jason is continually fascinated w dick’s hair <33333
jason. jason had relatively short hair when bruce found him but it was growing longer (did not have money for a haircut) but he got it cut when he got adopted. unfortunately he now also has bruce hair because he didn’t care what his hair looked like because he was busy being excited about robin
after he died his hair grew out a bit because when he was comatose nobody was looking after him :(
w the league they shaved his hair because it was kinda gross tbh. he had shaved hair for a while
he grew it back out to what he generally looks like in comic panels, fuck if i know what that’s called. unfortunately the fucker shaved it again at the beginning of being red hood. jason your hair is pretty stop doing this
he then did a whole lot of things to get rid of his white streak from shaving to dying to threatening to colouring it in with sharpie. jokes on him it takes less than 12h to come off <333
tim. tim has had one haircut his entire life! it’s your average white boy haircut.
damian. damian is baby and has only had one haircut. he vaguely resembles a spiky hedgehog.
steph. not batfamily (unless by marriage <3) but including here because my hcs for cass and duke are also “they have had one haircut their whole life” mainly because my brain broke when i tried to picture anything else :/ i’ll leave my brain to marinate on cass and duke and get back to you because i also love them and this feels so bland
ANYWAY steph has long blonde hair then she cuts it into a bob then grows it out again. the cycle continues unless she cuts her hair a lot shorter! which she keeps for longer because she doesn’t like the half grown in half grown out look! then it’s back to the cycle <333
alfred has never had different hair ever. my brain also broke trying to picture it
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
So my spring break is next week and I'm making a list of movies to watch and I'm looking for some Alan Alda movies, any recommendations?
You have come to the RIGHT PLACE!!
It kind of depends on what you're looking for, because he's in some very different movies. The ones in bold are the ones I'd recommend, and you can choose depending on your mood.
Alan Alda wrote five movies, four of which he also directed:
The Seduction of Joe Tynan (did not direct) The Four Seasons Sweet Liberty A New Life Betsy's Wedding
If you like politics movies, I'd recommend Joe Tynan. It's an enjoyable movie featuring a young Meryl Streep (also the source of "I'm very oral.")
The Four Seasons is one of my personal favorite movies. It's about the friendships between a bunch of middle aged, upper middle class adults and Carol Burnett is incredible. Two of Alan Alda's daughters also have small roles in it.
Sweet Liberty is a very different experience if you have read Never Have Your Dog Stuffed or know about Alan Alda's childhood. This movie is therapy. As a movie, it has its moments, but it's not great in my opinion. You can have fun with accidental gay subtext, though.
I actually really enjoyed A New Life but I wouldn't say it's a top recommendation. Unless you want to see Alan Alda with a perm.
Betsy's Wedding exceeded my expectations, but they were very low. I wouldn't recommend it until you're starting to run out of Alan Alda movies.
Now for movies Alan Alda simply acted in:
Same Time Next Year I really loved this movie! It's adapted from a play. It's about two people who are married to other people, but meet at the same bed and breakfast on the same weekend every year for an affair. One of the first Alan Alda movies I watched and I'd recommend it.
The Mephisto Waltz This movie is not good, but it is incredible. It's a bad 70s horror movie. The aesthetic is delightful. Everyone in this movie wants Alan Alda's body. His hair is also very floppy. I had such a great time watching it.
Paper Lion He plays George Plimpton, a writer who went undercover as a quarterback for the Detroit Lions. A fun movie if you're into watching young Alan Alda interact with football players.
The Glass House This movie is very dark (like, content warning dark, though not overly graphic). It's the movie he was filming in the Utah State Prison when he got the script for MASH. I thought it was good, but only watch it if you're comfortable.
White Mile In the 90s he said this was his best work which I don't agree with but it is fun, he plays a slightly unhinged and amoral executive and also looks like a drowned rat in one scene. Recommend if you're a fan of "rich people fuck around with nature and find out" movies. A little less Alan Alda centric than some of the others.
Canadian Bacon Michael Moore comedy from the 90s about America invading Canada. It's very topical, but I think it's funny even if you're not keyed into 90s politics. He plays an incompetent U.S. president.
And the Band Played On This is not so much an Alan Alda movie as it is an ensemble movie that Alan Alda has a part in, but it's a pretty good movie in my opinion and I think it's Alan Alda's best performance. He's the closest thing the movie has to a villain (aside from the Reagan administration, who aren't really directly represented) and he is so delightful as a sleazy, petty scientist. It's a heavy movie because it's about the early days of the AIDS crisis. I like it because the heroes are epidemiologists. He also wears tennis shorts.
These are not all the Alan Alda movies I've seen, but the others were bad, contained very little of him, or both.
I have heard he was very good in Crimes and Misdemeanors but I haven't watched it yet because I've never actually watched a Woody Allen movie. I probably will pirate it eventually, but I can't give an opinion on it.
I hope this helps!
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tinyshe · 10 months
Garden Report & Frugal Living 23.07.26
Did a batch of unseasoned stewing toms (roma) and a half batch of pickled peppers (bell in dill seed & acv). The remaining produce from those two cases went into the dehydrator once the blueb’s were finished. At present, all the gooseberries have been picked and they also went into the dehydrator. Somewhere in all that tray shuffling I threw in a large bunch of parsley (flat leaf Italian) and a big batch of lemon verbena.  I love drying food. Start out with a big bunch of something and shrinking it down magically to a smaller space and then re-hydrating, it magically gets big again.
I was surprised to find that the little plum sapling next to the fruitless plum is an offspring of the plum I grew from the fruit of my grandfather’s little tree. Some little creature deposited a pit and there it grew. I am happy with that. Its like a tiny piece of my grandfather’s garden is thriving now in two places in mine.
The warmer weather we get in Autumn has arrived a little early. The tomato plants in the garden are gangling and need staking. None of the blossoms are being pollinated. Maybe now that is warmer and not so damp there can be more of a chance.
The sea buckthorn are almost ready to pick. A little bit more than last year but maybe because the birds have not found them yet.  The rats are testing out a few of the green apples. Keeping my eyes on the blackberries as that the little buggers got most of the raspberries.
The peas I  pre-germed and planted have not broken through the soil. I’m impatient and assume the worse that they just turned to frothy rot.  I’m tempted to poke around and look as its been a week!
Took the hops out of the hazels. The hops had reached over and grabbed them, creating a canopy over the clothes line. Wove branches and trimmed a few while looking for nuts -- there was a good show of catkins this Winter-Spring so was hopeful.  Also trimming another pathway in anticipation of taking down the almond -- it is just suckering profusely and is just an unproductive floppy mess. Because of the suckers I have lost my lemon balm. Hoping to get a sitting area free as well.
I am very tempted to disperse all the different amendments I have: ground kelp, worm compost, oyster, glacier dust, etc I don’t know why ... I’m just in the mood to clean and get rid of things ... to ‘tidy up’ in a big way. I have lots of cardboard that needs to be laid down and mulched as well.
Will be crocheting dish wash clothes in the next couple of days while playing at waiting. I like to make them out of cotton yarn because they are dual purpose: in the heat of the moment pot holder; or absorbent and thick wash cloth (better than store bought). I can get two clothes out of a ball skein easily for the same price or less than those in the shop.
Hope every one is getting out there loving life and making things grow!
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For all of the papyruses, what pet would they get on the surface?
All the papy's? this is gonna be a long post, but alright! i'll cut it off at Tango's for length's sake.
(Undertale) Puff
Puff loves dogs! Specifically, he'd get a labrador. He's very active on the surface, so he'd be able to keep up with them easily.
(Underswap) - Rus
Rus actually prefers dogs. Sure, he likes cats, but on the surface once he starts to feel better, he actually gets a bit more exciteable, and he's surprisingly good at keeping up with dogs. Though, he'd probably get a bulldog, he is still lazy, after all.
(Underfell) - Edge
Edge adores cats. He likes dogs too, and would probably own one as well, but his first love will always be cats. He'd adopt the tiniest kitten he could find, or whatever scarred cat looked at him first. He's very weak for animals.
(Swapfell Purple) - Ghost
Ghost would own fish. Dog or cat wise he's a cat guy, but honestly? this man loves fish. he'll spend hours just watching them swim around.
(Fellswap Red) - Fuzz
He'd get a service dog for his anxiety and panic attacks, but he wouldn't get any other pets. He's fine with just one.
(Fellswap Gold) - Coffee
He would also have a service dog! though, he'd also get a cat, he finds them extremely soothing.
(Dancetale) - Tango
Tango would get a bird. not a very big one, just a budgie or something, but he'd spoil them.
(Danceswap) - Hoodie
Hoodie would have rats. Most pets are just a bit too much for him, but he adores his little rat buddies. Of course, their all puns.
(Dancefell) - Twist
Twist would get a snake, he's more of a germaphobe than most fell paps, and can't stand the idea of cleaning up animal mess from his nice clean home, so cleaning up animal mess from an enclosure is far better. Plus, their quiet and pretty. In his opinion, snakes are the best pets.
(Outertale) - Charon
He'd get hermit crabs, he's actually very interested about fish, due to the fact their essentially his opposite. he's from really far from earth, and their from deep in the earth.
(Outerswap) - Orion
Like Charon, he loves the ocean, possibly even more, but his favourite water pet would be an urchin. He'd give it a little hat.
(Outerfell) - Orbit
Like the other two, he'd get a water pet, specifically leeches. why leeches? he finds the idea that they suck blood both badass and kind of funny. He's a bit twisted in the humor department.
(Horrortale) - Aza
Like Fuzz and Coffee, he'd require a service dog. though, for more physical activities than mental support. The underground did quite a bit of damage to his health, so he can't always get up. His dear dog helps him with grabbing things. He also has a cat, who's lazier than any sans in the multiverse and will just lay with him all day unless he feels okay enough to get up.
(Horrorswap) - Rusty
It'd take a long time for him to think about getting a pet, but when he would, he'd get frogs. He was luckier in terms of physical health, so he doesn't require a service animal. he more just wants one to keep him company when hes in his room.
(Horrorfell) - Claw
Claw would be extremely nervous about getting any type of animal, and it'd take years until he felt like he was safe enough for an animal to go near him. Not because he's dangerous, but because the underground left his hands very, very sharp and very very long, and he couldn't judge his own strength or sharpness and didn't want to hurt anything. eventually, though, he too would get a cat. the first time it fell asleep on his chest, he cried.
(Mafiatale) - Sniper
He, like Puff, is a dog person. Though he'd probably for a german shepard, he just loves their fur patterns and floppy ears. He'd never take it anywhere near the dangerous parts of mob territory, though, that's his baby.
(Mafiaswap) - Con
One word: Ferret. he loves ferrets more than he loves honey, and thats saying something. He'd totally hold it like hes wielding a rifle and 'shoot' his brother
(Mafiafell) - Boss
Cats. lots of cats. he's the crazy cat man of the mafia. If you thought Edge was soft for animals, that's nothing compared to Boss. though, his claws are bigger than edge's, so he'd be pretty careful with them.
(Reapertale) - Soul
Soul has a pet crow he shares with his brother, it's actually an immortal crow gifted to them by Life so they'd have a pet that could never be killed. It ended up adopting the spirit of a raven hatchling, and raising it as its own.
(Reaperswap) - Scythe
He'd get rats and turtles, he couldn't make up his mind so he decided to have both. He teaches his rats to do tricks and solve his brother's puzzles.
(Reaperfell) - Demise
Rabbits, especially lop-eared ones. He isn't the biggest fan of noisy animals, so a nice quiet rabbit is exactly his speed.
(Echotale) - Patch
He owns rats, which are all named after elements on the periodic table. His brother calls them lab rats.
(Dusttale) - Craze
He is dead, no pets for him
(Dustswap) - Axe
Oddly enough, chickens. he has a whole coop of them, and stopped eating chicken meat the moment he brought them home. He will kill you if you try hurt them.
(Dustfell) - Thorn
he is also dead, no pets for him either.
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Some thoughts/ideas about Jellycat Designs.
I wanted to talk about some design ideas and things I'd like to see more of in designs. This is just based on my personal tastes of course and not me trying to speak for everyone or trying to make demands (none of this post is, I'm just sharing thoughts).
I'd love to see more new floppy designs.
I'd also love more squishy 12-20" designs.
Pastel colours are my favourite colours. I'd particularly like some festive pastel designs.
I always love seeing Jellycats with clothes.
I think a Jellycat that looks intentionally scruffy and well loved, with visible stitching effects and patches would be so sweet (kinda like Tatty Ted but unique to Jellycat).
A bigger pigeon (similar size to Cecile Chicken but pigeony)
Some sort of one eyed creature
Mixed-up critters where they take parts of one animal or mythical creature and parts of another and put them together
A dragon like Dexter where the whole thing is fluffy but in pastel colours, they could also do one that is black but the spikes are different colours in rainbow order, the wings could be rainbow or just one rainbow colour or black, or mostly white with pastel rainbow.
They could also do more types of dragon. I'd most like to see a floppy Chinese dragon, and they could do a few colourways (white red and gold, colourful, black and white etc)
It's the year of the rabbit so some sort of new fancy bunny would be great, maybe something with beans and really big floppy ears and the "Beautifully Scrumptious" very soft type of fabric.
They could also do a few Large Bashful Bunnies with the Beautifully Scrumptious fabric in a few colours (obviously I'd like cream or white and a pastel colour, a natural colour is also a good idea I think though if there were 3 as an example.
Maybe a dog that looks like or is a bichon (because my old family dog passed away in 2022 and I'd love to have a soft Jellycat tribute).
Floppy long haired cats, the fabric on Wilf Wolf and Bo Bigfoot would be perfect for this. I like getting ones that resemble my cat or cats I loved before as tributes, so a black cat, a black and white cat, a ginger, and a brown tabby, it's actually hard to find plushies with long fur that aren't kinda solid.
A black curly dog.
Characters like the Riverside Ramblers but like farmers, so wearing dungarees and plaid and swandri and such.
Animals that look like they've been painting with little aprons or clothes with paint splats.
Bigger sleeping animals, or animals with sleeping faces don't need to be huge just a good size to cuddle.
A frowny or sad faced design (I know this could be polarising though).
A rat design that looks more like a rat.
Pig with wings.
More dinos in more colours are always welcome, I'd love parasaurolophus and ankylosaurus designs especially.
Huge Barnabus Pig.
A loris!
Palas Cat.
Raccoon that is shaped more like a raccoon, the way they look kinda chunky but baggy in a way xD
Red Panda.
Designs inspired by yokai.
Would love more animals in the Blowzy Belle and Fuzzkin series.
More Aliens.
Sea Slugs.
That's a lot of ideas xD some are very simple but of course they'd be spread out over time I'm not saying these are ideas for this year, just ideas in general. My preference is also usually floppy so that's what I'm imagining for most of these but obviously making all of them floppy wouldn't be wise because variety is good (I wouldn't complain if all of them were big, squishy and/or floppy though xD).
Lastly here are a bunch of very quick phone doodles for ideas for Dexter-style dragons (they'd be fluffy all over like Dexter is)
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Finally remembered to actually finish this up and post it.
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karltface · 14 hours
Guess what time it is.
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Extra fortified! And rather hefty at that; this should be interesting.
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Natural Wonders comes first, and needs multiple groupings. The growing rat is grey, so that'll sit well with the white one. Old Diplodocus is always fun, as are the cheesy 90s black critters. Frogs are charmingly vintage, but I must call attention to that lovely blue lizard. It's an incredibly floppy jiggler of some sort, but damned if I can place it.
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And then there's bug friends. More 90s critters, a couple colorful beetles, and a gat-dang copepod! I'm leaving the flash on that one, though. Too fragile.
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Here's a fun mix. Couple spaceships, a handful of milk caps with slammer, and far too many Madballs pop beads. I'm running out of ways to drape these on stuff. Nah, they're fun. My Krusher looks like a rainbow Hollywood Hogan.
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Peeps! Speaking of Hogan, that's clearly him on the left there. I think it's Neptuneman, actually. But still. He and Asuraman are helping drunk Gumby stay up, while some manner of ogre walks his Bizarro Pokeys. A very impressive astronaut is done with their crap.
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You bet we're still going! There's always a healthy dose of spookitude in these, and this is quite a pile of buttons. They're the GeneriCo sort I've reviewed before, and always a fun giveaway if you know a lot of Halloween people. The keychain skeleton is younger than the pocket clip duder by about 10 years, but they have equal charm.
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Munch Bunch strikes again! I'm starting to think this was a double box, due to issues on one end or the other. I always forget these things. Anyway, I like to sneak these onto pens wherever I go. That one still looks sinister in yellow.
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Another oddball mix: the eye, which I took to be a standalone item, is in fact Oculus Orbus, or rather the knockoff counterpart thereof, like the green suction-cup faces here. So that's fun. Stacking totems are cool, the rings are always a hit, and the slime heads prove kids have always dug that stuff. A sticker and classic gag round out the good times.
It's been Greasy, folks.
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cranberrybogmummy · 2 days
Clyde  M Nesmith (Mortal age appearance: 31, Born 1905. ‘died’ 1936 actual age 119) 
Background: Clyde Maurice Nesmith is gaunt and pale with gray eyes and floppy white blonde hair, would be handsome but is so thin, and tired looking.
He is the last scion of an old New England Puritan family, the crumbling Queen Anne house the vampires live in was his in life. His family at one point was ‘old money’ but lost most of their fortune due to bad investments by his grandfather. Clyde’s father was a speculator from Scotland who walked away from the marriage shortly after Clyde was born, apparently marriage was too much. So Clyde was taken back to the family home and raised by his maternal relatives: his mother, spinster aunts and uncles. He always was an introverted dreamy boy but also steady and hardworking. He enjoyed writing and stories and was a big fan of early fantasy and horror writers.
 He did have a trust set up for him when he came of age by a distant family member who still had money. That self-same family member (second cousin) got Clyde a position as a private secretary to one of his business connections; a very wealthy tycoon hoping that it would lead Clyde to a good career. However there was a stumbling block which no one foresaw Flora the 21 year old daughter of the tycoon who was back for the summer from college. Clyde was 23, she was 21 neither of their families approved of this budding relationship, but both were young and utterly besotted. They eloped, married in front of a Judge, Flora’s best friend Mavis was the witness. The young couple went to New York city where Clyde wrote short stories, pulp: horror, fantasy, and sci fi stories for publication and tried his hand at journalism… It wasn't a lot of money at all and they struggled not only because of the shabby apartment they lived in, the lack of money but the fact Clyde also was sometimes sleeping with men.  
Then Flora became pregnant, she almost died giving birth to a sickly infant that only lived a few hours. Five months under this her family came for her and took her to ‘recover’, six months after that Clyde realized she wasn’t coming back when the processor server showed up at his job and gave him the divorce papers. He lived in rooming houses and down at heels apartments in New York, eking out a living trying to write and sell his stories to Weird Tales, Strange Tales, and the like. His life was miserable, but his imagination was a roaring furnace of activity. At this time he was also seeing male lovers. In 1934 his mother  wrote to him, because she was sick, dying  of  tuberculosis. He went back to the family home to tend to her.
The queen Anne structure that he grew up in was starting to fall into neglect at the time. It was just his mother, him and the nurse. He went back to his reading and creating work on his fantasy world ‘masterwork’ stories of which he told his mother to amuse her. She died in 1935. Clyde continued to live in the house, alone writing his ever growing story, drawing pictures and maps for it. He lived off the money from the trust set up for him, though it wasn’t much.
Until one of his old lovers came to visit. Clyde didn’t know it but this lover and intermittent friend was a vampire, who was planning on eating Clyde.
The vampire loved Clyde’s stories and weird imaginings, listening to him and reading his stuff for hours. The vampire also knew Clyde was dying of the tuberculosis that killed his mother. The vampire decided that he wanted to listen to Clyde’s stories and never let Clyde’s unique mind die. So turned Clyde into a vampire.
Now it has been 88 years down the line. The Vampire is not living near or with Clyde. Clyde hunts mostly animals: deer, rats, any creature that is unfortunate to stumble onto his property at night, really, rarely takes humans. Clyde creates his same fantasy world: languages, races, lore, vast murals and genealogies. Two things though have changed: around about the 50’s Clyde and his Sire began selling off his property to developers, there was a lot of land and it didn’t seem so bad. But now, the suburbs have taken over all the land around Clyde’s house and somehow it is now in the HOA neighborhood… and in violation of a lot of the rules, bad news is they can buy Clyde’s house.  Also Clyde’s Sire invited his vampire friend who needed a place to stay a Spanish dwarf vampire who called herself ‘Mariposa’ and she brought with her, her sire: Leo, and his friends Jack and Arabella. So now there are five vampires… Clyde just says he doesn’t mind but really, really wants to be left alone to create.
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rattyshipss · 7 months
me crawling into ur inbox..
hi siri ilyyyy /p ur so sweet i just wanted to thank u for everything!!! now gush about ur f/os!!!
(CRAWL UP HERE AND GIMME A KITH😤💖 Oh my god what do you mean? You're the sweet one and I should be the one thanking you🥺💖 Ily too!🥰 And I'm so so sorry for how long it took me to get to this!💖)
Using this as an opportunity to gush about a new f/o I dreamt up last night because that's a common thing for me and now I have butterflies😳💖
Mf was my boss at a new place I was working (But it wasn't like in a creepy way he was genuinly respectful and wonderful💖) At one point he also conspired with someone I knew and pretended they were working through a technical problem when they were really paying off my first bunch of years working at the place because it was some sort of program we had to pay for😅💖 I might change that up a bit tho to make it make sense😂💖 (He seemed so genuinly excited to tell me the news too it was really heartwarming😭💖)
He had like black slightly floppy hair, the closest I can find is an actor I saw a picture of the other day rumored to be in agggtm and I immediately thought back to that picture and I-
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So this is him I don't have a name for him yet (Feel free to send in suggestions!💖) and I now love him💖 He's so respectful but I can't tell him the name of one of my old coworkers or he'll be out for blood🙃💖 Also during the dream it was my birthday and me, him, and my friend were all trying to go see a horror movie together for my birthday👀💖 He'd absolutely love and immediately take in and coparent my rats with me💖 And his favorite Taylor Swift song is Maroon I feel it in my bones💖
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elkiwifuckedyourmom · 2 years
Not me making 10 natlan ocs even though we know zero to none things about natlan.
we got:
Trigger happy paci-fists
2 and a half archon
▪︎22 yr old who is trying her best
▪︎15 yr old with the mental capacity of a husky
▪︎11 yr old who holds the braincell
Edgy 15 year old
▪︎Thinks he's badass just cause he put his vision in his eye (doesn't have a tragic backstory, dumbass fell on his face)
▪︎Actually pretty good with his abilities
▪︎Vriska kinnie
Socially inept adults
Fruity child of murata
▪︎Fuck you dad, I want to be a star 💅
▪︎Grew up in a cult like mentallity
▪︎"This is what friends do right?"
God who fell asleep for 600 years and has no idea whats going on
▪︎How do you do fellow kids
▪︎Fruit but doesn't realize it
▪︎"What do you mean you don't kiss the homies goodnight?"
Totally normal humans
("What the fuck is therapy?")
Not katheryne
▪︎Sick of everyone's shit
▪︎Trying not to blow their cover, utterly failing to do so
▪︎Assigned big sister
Scaredy-cat ghost
▪︎Died of fright
▪︎Thinks she's doing a good job disguising, she isn't
▪︎She baby
Flying rat menace
▪︎Big floppy ears and wing blankie
▪︎No one knows how he got here
▪︎Likes to eat inanimate objects because "he likes the crunch"
French clown (don't call him that)
▪︎Doesn't even pretend to disguise
▪︎ Your local friendly cryptid
▪︎"How the fuck did he get there??"
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darthzz-ploo-world · 2 years
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Be wary of many doodles below, from various points in time!
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Bench sketch!
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Mot! A friend's sona.
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when u find a bug
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abstract thingy
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Egg and some kind of sea slug inspired lady! They like to hug a bunch.
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Floppy bunny character of mine, she has a button mask!
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Some doodle I don't remember much about from last year.
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Zizz. She is plotting.
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Spooky doodle from 2020.
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My bat!
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joeyskattebo · 2 years
Now you see me, now you dont
Millions of years ago on the planet Burochaoch in the far distant galaxy of Zeronkosos the Kotoniis, 20 feet tall purple elephants that walk upright have just completed the construction of Dixbk their first city with wifi. Dixbx looks as though it were it a whole city of Chuck 'E Cheese tubes and slides. Everything was fine until the Faffrains came to Burochaoch. They were 25 foot tall upright Buffalos with mohawks and Rat like faces. They were mean and stole the WiFi of Dixbk. Their planet was so far away from Burochaoch that they had billions of years earlier. The Faffrains were so annoying and would talk the Kotoniis big floppy purple ears off. One day it was discovered that the Faffrains had a severe sugar allergy, so the Kotoniis had served them their Xoknfj, glowing ice cream. That did the trick and then fixed their internet connection.
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manyminded · 2 years
I had the weirdest multi fandom dream so I’m putting it on tumblr
So the main two characters were EvilXisuma and WormMan. It switched between the POV of those two quite a bit, but I also saw others too. It wasn’t shown but it was mentioned that they both competed in 3rd Life. (Near the end of that series WM got to blow EX up :]) (EX apparently hated 3rd Life)
Then the next bit; Queen replaced Dark Enchantress, and Rouxls Kaard was there too I think. But the cookies of darkness were there! maybe! I honestly couldn’t really tell!
oh also everyone was a fictive in a system. which… okay. but also it was a fanfic too?? I honestly have no idea. a bunch of weird side things happened
like. at one point 4 (bfdi)’s source was homestuck and then it switched to undertale? and then lollipop (bfdi) had to very slowly & forcefully say ‘floppy discs’ (but it was spelled ‘floffffydiscs’) because she was mute for some reason? and she was trying to communicate with ruby (bfdi) I think. both of these were never mentioned again
okay so besides from that we were in this big evil city? that was inside queen I think?? everything was like red and evil or something . Oh and mini queen heads floated away whenever you left a building
it was mentioned that there was a Harry Potter shop that was open all year but was only festive during September and EX mentioned at the end of September anyone who went there just. Cried. Idk what they did any other months
basically for the main dream we were in this mix of a school assembly room and a diner. We were waiting to get fed when we noticed Red Velvet Cookie (named Magma Cookie in the dream) sneaking out of the place & the entire city I think?? with the help of lilo from lilo and stitch. WM immediately ratted them out too Queen (not cool dude! Not cool!) who was talking to us at the time. Luckily, Queen didn’t believe him.
also there was this kid who looked like a mixture of noelle (deltarune) and orphan cookie 1 (from the crémé republic?? yk??) although I didn’t notice that at the time. Anyway she bugged queen to hell and back like good job girl
then uh there was this pizza place that also sold burgers I think. idk
at some point everyone turned TINY, (think of race for the keys with mini key tiny) and we had to call for help. First we tried Magma Cookie, since he escaped before everything, but then iron man and Superman came and saved us (thanks!)
then super man said “How did you get IronMan to [something something I forgot]?” And we replied “The feminist agenda”
and then we woke up
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