#Doves Type
blueiskewl · 29 days
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Remnants of a Legendary Typeface Have Been Rescued From the Thames River
Doves Type was thrown into the water a century ago, following a dispute between its creators.
The depths of the river Thames in London hold many unexpected stories, gleaned from the recovery of prehistoric tools, Roman pottery, medieval jewelry, and much more besides. Yet the tale of the lost (and since recovered) Doves typeface is surely one of the most peculiar.
A little over a century ago, the printer T.J. Cobden-Sanderson took it upon himself to surreptitiously dump every piece of this carefully honed metal letterpress type into the river. It was an act of retribution against his business partner, Emery Walker, whom he believed was attempting to swindle him.
The pair had conceived this idiosyncratic Arts and Crafts typeface when they founded the Doves Press in the London’s Hammersmith neighborhood, in 1900. They worked with draftsman Percy Tiffin and master punch-cutter Edward Prince to faithfully recall the Renaissance clarity of 15th-century Venetian fonts, designed by the revolutionary master typographer Nicolas Jensen.
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With its extra-wide capital letters, diamond shaped punctuation and unique off-kilter dots on the letter “i,” Doves Type became the press’s hallmark, surpassing fussier typographic attempts by their friend and sometime collaborator, William Morris.
The letterforms only existed as a unique 16pt edition, meaning that when Cobden-Sanderson decided to “bequeath” every single piece of molded lead to the Thames, he effectively destroyed any prospect of the typeface ever being printed again. That might well have been the case, were it not for several individuals and a particularly tenacious graphic designer.
Robert Green first became fascinated with Doves Type in the mid-2000s, scouring printed editions and online facsimiles, to try and faithfully redraw and digitize every line. In 2013, he released the first downloadable version on typespec, but remained dissatisfied. In October 2014, he decided to take to the river to see if he could find any of the original pieces.
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Using historical accounts and Cobden-Sanderson’s diaries, he pinpointed the exact spot where the printer had offloaded his wares, from a shadowy spot on Hammersmith bridge. “I’d only been down there 20 minutes and I found three pieces,” he said. “So, I got in touch with the Port of London Authority and they came down to search in a meticulous spiral.” The team of scuba divers used the rather low-tech tools of a bucket and a sieve to sift through the riverbed.
Green managed to recover a total of 151 sorts (the name for individual pieces of type) out of a possible 500,000. “It’s a tiny fraction, but when I was down by the river on my own, for one second it all felt very cosmic,” he said. “It was like Cobden-Sanderson had dropped the type from the bridge and straight into my hands. Time just collapsed.”
The finds have enabled him to further develop his digitized version and has also connected him with official mudlarks (people who search riverbanks for lost treasures, with special permits issued) who have uncovered even more of the type.
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Jason Sandy, an architect, author and member of the Society of Thames Mudlarks, found 12 pieces, which he has donated to Emery Walker’s House at 7 Hammersmith Terrace. This private museum was once home to both business partners, and retains its stunning domestic Arts and Crafts interior.
Much like Green, Sandy was captivated by the Doves Type story, and mounted an exhibition at the house that displays hundreds of these salvaged pieces, including those discovered by Green, as well as mudlarks Lucasz Orlinski and Angus McArthur. The show was supplemented by a whole host of Sandy’s other finds, including jewelry and tools. An extant copy of the Doves English Bible is also on display.
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“It is not that unusual to find pieces of type in the river,” Sandy said. “Particularly around Fleet Street, where newspaper typesetters would throw pieces in the water when they couldn’t be bothered to put them back in their cases. But this is a legendary story and we mudlarks love a good challenge.” The community is naturally secretive about exactly where and how things are found. For example, Orlinski has worked under the cover of night with a head torch, to search for treasures at his own mysterious spot on the riverbank.
For Sandy, the thrill comes from the discovery of both rare and everyday artifacts, which can lead to an entirely new line of inquiry: “The Thames is very democratic. It gives you a clear picture of what people have been wearing or using over thousands of years. And it’s not carefully curated by a museum. The river gives up these objects randomly, and you experience these amazing stories of ordinary Londoners. It creates a very tangible connection to the past. Every object leads you down a rabbit hole.”
By Holly Black.
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god-of-annwn · 2 months
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The Doves Type was a typeface created by T.J. Cobden-Sanderson and Emery Walker of The Doves Press, founded in 1900. When the partnership was eventually dissolved in 1909 after a bitter dispute, ownership of the Dove Type was appointed to Cobden-Sanderson, whereupon his death the ownership would pass to Walker.
Rather than let this happen, Cobden-Smith began to dispose of the type matrices into the River Thames off Hammersmith Bridge. Cobden-Sanderson wrote in his personal journals that he "bequeathed to the river" the type itself. Beginning in 1916, under the cloak of midnight, Cobden-Sanderson began the slow task of disposing of Doves into the river. He said that he completed the task in January 1917 after 170 trips in total to the bridge.
Over 150 pieces of the typeface were recovered from the riverbed by Robert Green in 2014, with the help of the Port of London Authority and the acquisition of a mudlarking license.
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metabotulism · 1 year
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venusforfran · 5 months
oh BTW here's my teeny tiny list of my favourite pigeon species
White breasted ground dove
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Nicobar pigeon
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Cinnamon headed green pigeon
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Yellow footed green pigeon
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Pheasant pigeon
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Yellow breasted fruit dove
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Many coloured fruit dove
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Crowned pigeon
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darksilvania · 4 months
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COORIER (Flying/Psychic) - The Messenger Pokemon
Decided to finish this one for Valentine's Day, but got it ready too early so I decided to post it anyways, maybe I will make something new for Valentine.
COORIER is based on the Luzon Bleeding-Heart (Gallicolumba luzonica) mixed with a Mailman/Delivery Courier
It has the ability Overcoat as a reference to the phrase “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds” often associated with the postal office
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knightleyfans · 4 months
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Keira Knightley filming Black Doves in London, January 2024.
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mr-stottlemonk · 3 months
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he's lying in the last one.
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cali · 1 year
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stone ship launch site in the valley of the splitheaded witches
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slimeranch7 · 10 months
How do you feel about a/b/o forced marriage/arranged marriage with female characters? If you like the idea, which of the Genshin characters would you like to go with that route? I felt like Eula(if she had any privileges of her family), Ayaka and Ninguang would be interested. It’s really interesting
ABO is ok at best by itself. But top that with forced marriage and it becomes a gourmet meal 🤤
- headcanons w/ eula, ayaka, ningguang and Kokomi (in that order)
Mild dead dove content below the cut!!
Eula, before defecting from her family, would absolutely abuse her privilege and power as a Lawrence member to 'steer' you into her path. She would be ruthless in eradicating her contenders with any means possible. She would be persistent in pursuing you. She is educated, trained, resourceful and practical, seeking to use any means available to her to forcefully garner your interest.
Unlike the rest of your potential interests, she has no more reputation left to spare, so anything goes. Even underhanded murder isn't off the table. If she has to play the villain, saving you from those disgusting alphas, she would cultivate all that negativity and turn it into productivity. You don't need to understand her motive, because no one does but herself, and she's already gotten used to that. But you're not getting away from her, and she makes that abundantly clear when she corners you at a fancy ball, silent and imposing, but ready to waltz with your hands in hers- whether you like it or not.
Ayaka would be so much more covert in pursuing your interest. It would start of far more innocent at first- extra make-up, inviting you for little dates, catering to your tastes whenever you visit the Kamisato estate. Even going so far as to rigorously studying your usual schedule and planning ahead for deviances when you begin to show signs of interest in someone that isn't her.
That's when it gets more intense. Her hands become so much colder and rigid holding yours. Her gentle disposition stays unwavering, and yet her gaze doesn't feel present. She's a tad bit more pushy when it comes to inviting you over to her home for tea and dango. Sweet little Ayaka is a gentle summer breeze, a generous breath of fresh air, but when winter comes-if you aren't prepared- the icy storms can entrap you in a deadly ballad.
Ningguang is purposeful and upfront when she confronts you. At first, you can be in it for mora. Your life starts humble, but suddenly you're filthy rich and a hundred feet off the air, reigning over the city of Liyue. You get to enjoy all the fine food and wine imported from whichever region you ask for. Your clothes are silky smooth, jewelry sparkling, and you haven't seen the same dress twice. Ningguang is generous with her mora, but she is certainly not generous with her expectations from you. You can't leave the jade chamber. The only woman you can look at is her- not even her secretaries- and if you so much as glance up by mistake, you're punished and locked in solitary confinement until you 'understand who you belong to'. Your heats cannot be suppressed- she will take care of it for you in its entirety.
If- when you are expecting, she becomes even more controlling. Your diet and exercise become closely monitored by specialists (whom you cannot spare a glance at). You don't even get to choose your clothes anymore. You are an object of her affection. A mate, for her to love and cherish, but not to share. After all, the Tianquan likes to keep her private and work life separate.
An honourable mention that I think would absolutely take advantage of her position to snag a little submissive and breedable cutie off the streets for themselves:
Kokomi: a stressed out (and admittedly pent up) tactician enthusiast turned war general and divine priestess of Watatsumi actually gets pressured into finding a mate (real; not click bait). She kind of just picks and chooses some random bloke minding their own business from the side and it happens to be you. You can't really say no, not in front of everyone, not in front of the divine priestess, so like, you're just forced to go along, back into the shrine with her.
You grow on her a bit, and eventually she kind of just uses you as a crash pillow after a long day of being a leader and doing leader things. It's not terrible- still technically forced, but she's open for suggestions on how to be a better, more communicative mate. A little awkward and too formal to be a spouse, but she eventually loosens up enough for comfortable conversations over dinner. Most of it is about your day, and the rest is just her being a nerd about war strategies, and stuff. Perhaps it's best you let her grow on you, too.
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hitachiincest · 2 months
theres drama rn on twitter w a yuri fan/yuri fans getting angry at yaoi writers bc 'there should b more [for the] yuri instead' & acting up & insinuating misogyny, etc etc & u kno what? if yuri fans want ppl to write more f/f fics, alright then, so be it! they didnt specify what kind tho... ^_^ *finger of the monkey's paw curls in as the dove begins to die*
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ninadove · 1 year
“It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero”
Actually Taylor you have no idea what you’re talking about I’m doing amazing thank you very much
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blood-orange-juice · 7 months
Hello! Speaking of Skirk/Childe as “nuclear waste levels of toxic”, what’s your ideal dynamic for them, be it romantic, platonic, or otherwise?
Platonic, maybe he had a crush on her but it didn't last long.
I have a bunch of friends who studied martial arts extremely seriously (I did a bit of that too, although only as a hobby) and pretty much made it their whole life. And I know that relationship with a teacher/shifu is of a very special type
In most cases at least 50% of the time you profoundly hate them. They demand the impossible, don't take you seriously, criticise you to no end and playfully poke at things you consider pretty much core to your existence. Many see annoying their pupils as a form of training. Many have huge egos and they make it your problem.
(these are the good ones. the bad ones are... bad)
Adding romance to that mix would either ruin that dynamic or turn in into a planet-ending disaster I'm not capable of imagining.
So, yeah, for me 100% platonic. Although I'll happily read a well-written dead dove.
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clay-pidgeon · 10 months
art tip: you can do whatever you want forever
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mearchy · 2 months
I used to read a lot of really really dark sad whump fics pretty much exclusively. Characters getting absolutely mentally and physically annihilated in the worst, most soul-crushing circumstances possible. Lots of hurt no comfort. Lots of apocalypses. Over the past five or six years, I’ve turned to reading mostly stories about characters getting dogs and having adventures with them, or growing old together, or escaping bad circumstances against all odds. Fix-it AUs. Slice-of-life fics. I’m not necessarily a happier person. I think I just value those stories more than I did. Something something the dystopia is here something something wisdom comes with age. Dykwim
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darksilvania · 1 year
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COORIER (Flying/Psychic) The messenger pokemon
This distant relative of PIDOVES is used to deliver letters and love messages by many. They use their psychic powers to read peoples hearts and track their loved ones, always finding the recipient of their letters without fail.
They can be equiped with a special Item called "Lovey-Dovey Satchel" used to store letters and other presents.
They know moves like Heart Stamp and Present, and their signature move is "Love Message", a psychic-type move that does double damage if the target is infatuated. If equiped with its satchel, it will show him throwing heart-stamped letters 💌 if not, they will be heart shaped projectiles
It has the ability Overcoat to protect itself from weather effects as a reference to the phrase "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds" often associated with the postal office
It is based on the Luzon bleeding-heart Dove mixed with a mailman
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knightleyfans · 4 months
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Keira Knightley filming Black Doves in London, January 2024.
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