#David your Campbell showing
electric-drms · 4 months
some things never change
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iamyourdensityy · 1 year
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lesbianpepsi · 11 months
my love, my life
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pairing: jenna ortega x autistic!fem!reader
summary: Jenna was the rock you never knew you needed in your life
link to request
words: 4.007k (im sorry)
warnings: verbally abusive parents, ableism, ableist remarks, r parents are dicks, r has a meltdown, swearing, bad writing
authors note: if i got anything wrong please correct me in a respectful and kind way please, other than that i hope you enjoy this:)
You were the one who begged your parents to allow you to start acting at such a young age, being utterly fixated on the world of acting after seeing Spider-Man for the first time.
In the beginning your parents didn't like the idea of you becoming a child actor, especially after what they heard from a myriad of news sources of how troubled child actors became when they reached their teens.
But after a lot of pleading they reluctantly allowed you to audition for anything that came up. 
You were the young age of six when you got your first real role, it was for a random soup company commercial, it was nothing major but it was something. 
Acting brought you a large sense of comfort, already knowing what was going to happen as you memorised your lines in a blink of an eye. 
You always had a struggle with portraying emotions but eventually you got the hang of it and became much better.
At eight years old you got your first big break; the role of a little sister's killer. The role of Jill Roberts' little sister in Scream Four. 
You blew up. 
At first you weren't a fan of all the attention and even got quite upset over it, the large change of attention by strangers on the street scaring you. 
Your parents on the other hand were absolutely thrilled and began auditioning you for many other movies and tv shows. 
You weren't properly diagnosed with autism till the age of fourteen; long after you had become a child actor. You were shocked but found comfort in that information, it was as if you finally found out the answer to longing question. 
Your parents on the other hand did not believe the doctors when they diagnosed you with autism, refusing to believe the fact and that you were just simply dramatic. 
As your fame grew, your stress and anxiety only did too. It got to the point where you could barely get through an interview before going completely non-verbal for a few days. 
Your parents called you dramatic since you could act in front of cameras but couldn't answer simple questions in front of a few people with flashing cameras.
You defended yourself that it wasn't the same, it never was. You didn't know what was going to happen in those interviews, while you knew everything when acting. 
As the years passed you became even quieter and couldn't attend almost any interview or premier. You stopped auditioning for movies and shows when you were sixteen, deciding to take a two year break of acting. 
Your parents were enraged by that fact and barely interacted with you, leaving you alone in one small house as they bought another large one for themselves with your money. 
You didn't care, as long as you were alone you were happy.
A few days after your eighteenth birthday you received a call, asking if you were willing to come back to play an old role.
Maxine "Max" Roberts, the younger sister of Jill Roberts. 
In the beginning you were reluctant but after a few days of thinking you accepted the role. 
Without a doubt, that was the best decision of your entire life, career wise aside. 
In the set of Scream Five you reconnected with old friends such as Neve Campbell, Courtney Cox and even David Arquette officially as grown adult and no longer a child.
You also managed to make long life friends such as Mikey Madison, Mason Gooding, Dylan Minnette, Jack Quaid and you even meet your favourite youtuber James A. Janisse who made a small cameo in the movie. 
But the person you met on the Scream Five set that changed your life was the actress who played Tara Carpenter; the first Scream character to survive an opening kill. 
Jenna Ortega. 
You and Jenna instantly connected, a feeling you had never felt in your entire lifetime. Jenna understood you better than your own parents, even treating you better than them. 
Before Scream Five was even wrapped you and Jenna began dating; both of you absolutely head over heels for each other.
Jenna helped you tremendously throughout the process after Scream Five was released, helping you in interviews if you got nervous and felt your throat tightening up. Helping you in any premier by always holding your hand if you wanted to squeeze hers if you got too angsty.
She did so much more than your parents ever did. It wasn't a wonder why you hadn't had a proper conversation with them since you were sixteen. 
You were fine with that fact; you didn't need them anymore. You had Jenna. 
"So, I was thinking of some mac 'n cheese for dinner?" Jenna suggested once the credits of 'The Amazing Spider-Man' began playing throughout yours and Jenna's small living room. 
You grinned happily at her as you tapped your finger along with the music that played with the credits. "Well if you're offering of course."
Jenna scrunched her nose adorably as she smiled at you, leaning closer to give you a quick peck on the forehead as she stood up. "I'm presuming you watch the end credit scene?" She asked you as she leaned against the doorway of the kitchen.
You nodded your head as your eyes remained fixated on the screen. "You presume correctly, my love."
"As always, my life." Jenna replied, finishing off your nickname with a small laugh as she entered the kitchen. 
It was a silly joke that started when Jenna found out your all time favourite band was Abba. She had made it her life goal to memorise each of your favourite songs; one of those songs being 'My love, My life'.
You smiled to yourself as you unconsciously played with the bottom of the graphic Spiderman shirt Jenna gave you for your birthday months ago. The material of the shirt was your favourite and didn't irritate you like many other fabrics did. 
After a few minutes passed the end credit scene began playing as the smell of mac 'n cheese started to infiltrate your nose, your smile softened. 
Mumbling the lines along with the characters you were interrupted when three knocks were at the door.
You ignored the fact it was an awkward number as you headed towards the door, confused as to who it could be. 
Maybe it was one of Jenna's siblings you guessed, but as you unlocked the door your jaw dropped as you saw who was standing behind the door with crooked smiles.
"Mother? Father?" You asked bewildered as you stared at them with wide eyes, you hadn't seen them in years. 
Your mother smiled sweetly, the corners of her eyes crinkling as she took a step closer to you with open arms, to which you took a step back at. 
"Y/n, honey, it's been so long." Your mother cooed as she lowered her arms, a small look of hurt in her eyes at your rejection at touch. 
"Four years. It's been four years." You confirm with a deadpan look as you looked at them, they still looked pretty much the same since you last saw them. "Why're you two here?" You asked them rather bluntly, your eyes narrowing questioningly on your father who didn't have the sweet smile your mother had on her face. 
"Is it so wrong for parents to come visit their only daughter? We've missed you so much after all these years." She said as she wrapped an arm around your fathers bicep, leaning into him. Your fathers jaw clenched momentarily as he nodded his head stiffly. "We've missed you so much, rabbit." Your father mumbled out in a gruff tone of voice.
A smile grazed your lips at the nickname your father used to call you when growing up, there was no backstory to it, it was a simple name he had called you for years.
At the nostalgic name you couldn't help to lower your guard as you gave them a genuine smile, to which your parents actually smiled back at you. 
"Y/n?" Jenna's voice broke you off your trance as you snapped your head to the side, Jenna rounding the corner with her hair now in a messy bun.   
Before you could get a word out you heard your mother gasp as she freed your father from her grip, a look of admiration in her eyes as she looked at your girlfriend.
"And you're our Y/n's girlfriend, we've heard so much about you. It's nice to finally meet you." She interrupted, extending her hand out to shake Jenna's.
Jenna glanced at you with a questioning look, you shrugged your shoulders weakly at her look. She sighed as her movie star smile appeared on her face, turning back to face your mother.
"Likewise." She says as she connects her hand with your mothers.
As your mother chatted Jenna's ears off you turned your attention back to your father who was still standing awkwardly in the doorway. 
Your father must've felt eyes on him as he slowly flickered his eyes away from your mothers figure to your eyes, his eyes still as cold as you remembered.
He coughed dryly as he took a singular step towards you, a tight lipped smile on her face as he looked down at you. 
"It's nice to see you again, peanut." He whispered to you, your heart melted at his words. Has your father actually changed? It sure sounded like it. 
"It's nice to see you too, father." You replied back with a whisper, a small smile toyed on your lips. He grinned as he nodded curtly at you before he focused back on your mother.
"Is it alright if we stayed for dinner? It's just we haven't seen our Y/n in such a long time." You heard your mother plead to Jenna, her voice bordering into desperation. 
Jenna's beautiful brown eyes flickered over to you, silently asking you if you were okay with you, you nodded your head. 
She let out a small breath as she nodded her own head, returning to meet your mothers eyes.
"Of course, I hope you don't mind mac 'n cheese." Jenna joked as she took a few steps back, your mother following hot on her trail.
You and your father follow them as you close the front door. Your father turned to look at you as he walked over to the dining table. "You're still obsessed with that?" He asked with what sounded like curiosity to you, meanwhile Jenna's head had snapped back to where you and your father stood at his tone of words which did not sound like it was full of curiosity.
You nodded your head oblivious as you pulled out a chair for him. "Yes I do, it's been my comfort meal for years. I'm surprised you even remembered that." 
He scoffed as he glanced back at you, sitting down in the seat. "I wish I didn't." He grumbled under his breath, thankfully you didn't hear his words as you headed over to the kitchen where your mother and Jenna were at.
Jenna was slowly stirring the pot full of mac 'n cheese as your mother chatted her ear off, a look of fake interest on Jenna's face.
"Do you need help with anything, Jen?" You asked her, interrupting your mother as you moved to stand next to her. She smiled softly at you as she nodded her head. "Could you get the cutlery and bowls out for me please?" You nodded your head as you immediately went to do what she asked for.
Thankfully, your mother left the kitchen as she went to sit down next to your father, whispering to him as their eyes glanced over the apartment.
You grabbed four bowls off of the top shelf with ease as you heard Jenna's hushed voice. 
"Hey," She began, you turned to look at her as you neatly placed the bowls on the counter. "you sure you're okay with them being here?" She finished off in a whisper as she gazed into your eyes. 
You nodded your head as you glanced back at your parents whispering to each other, smiling before you turned to look back at your girlfriend. 
"I'm okay with them being here, really unexpected which annoys me but I haven't seen them in so long." Your tone became even more hushed as you leaned closer to Jenna. "Dad even remembered my nickname and the food I like, that must mean something, right?" 
Jenna sighed as she nodded her head weakly, smiling as weakly as she placed a comforting hand on top of yours. "Okay, if you want them here then they can stay. But the moment you feel like you don't want them here just tell me okay?" 
You nod your head understanding. "Okay, I will, thank you." Jenna gave your hand a reassuring squeeze before she turned back to her pot of mac 'n cheese. 
After a few minutes passed you, Jenna and your parents were seated at your dining table as you all ate your food.
You were sitting in your favourite seat as Jenna sat next to you, your father across from you as your mother sat across from Jenna.
You were eagerly eating your food with a smile on your face, a sense of warmth and comfort hitting you as you ate your food.
"This is really good, Jen, thank you." Jenna's smile managed to make you feel even more at peace. 
"So, Y/n, you got any new movies or shows coming up?" Your mother asked you with intrigue as she slowly ate her food. 
You shook your head as you took another spoonful. "No but I was in the latest Spider-Man movie. It was so cool! I thought I would never be given a chance to be in a Spider-Man movie but I was offered a small role. I even got to design my own Spider-Man character and how she was and -oh my god I even-"
"Lower your voice, Y/n." Your father snapped as he played with his food. "We're not in another room, we're right next to you."
You frowned as you stopped talking immediately, looking down at your half empty bowl embarrassed. "Sorry, father." You said in a voice that you made sure it was quieter than before. 
"And what, baby?" Jenna asked with an encouraging smile on her face, her eyes focused on you and only you. 
You picked up your head as you smiled sheepishly at her. "And I got to meet Daniel Kaluuya who's one of my favourite actors." 
Your father sighed dramatically as he shook his head as he pushed his food around the bowl, he hadn't taken a singular bite of the food.
"How much longer do we have to stay here?" He whispered to your mother in a tone what he thought was low enough, but you and Jenna heard him clearly.
Your eyebrows furrowed together as you loosened your grip on your spoon. "Oh, do you have somewhere else to be?" You asked him sincerely.
He scoffed as he shook his head in disbelief. "Your attitude is still as horrible as I see." 
"I don't understand. I was asking you a question. How was that giving you attitude?" You asked him again, straightening your posture as you desperately searched for Jenna's hand from under the table.
She quickly interlocked your fingers together, her thumb expertly rubbing softly at your skin in an attempt to soothe you.
Your father dismissed you as he turned to look at his wife, a look of annoyance clear on his face. "Ask her. I'm not staying here much longer with that here." He demanded in a hushed whisper.
A deep frown slowly appeared on your face as you stared between your parents, an uneasy feeling started to grow in your stomach.
"What's he talking about, mother?" She sighed at your words, dropping her spoon into the bowl as she leaned against her hands.
"We need to ask a favour from you, honey." Your throat felt tighter as you swallowed dryly, your grip on Jenna's hand tightened.
"What favour?" You asked her, your eyes flickered back to your father who wasn't even looking at you. Your heart clenched uncomfortably in your chest at the sight.
"Well your father and I have been going through some things lately, and it hasn't been fun. It's been especially hard on your dad." The older woman sighed as she closed her eyes momentarily before she reopened them, her eyes teary as she looked into your eyes. "As your parents, we only ask you one favour, Y/n. We raised you and no parent wants to come grovelling to their own flesh and blood for help."
You stayed silent as you listened to her words, your anxiety was starting to increase at a speed that you hadn't felt in years.
"We need to borrow some money." She finally confessed with a pleading gleam in her eyes. "It's the only thing we've ever asked of you, my sweet child. Please, for your mom and dad." 
You should've known they hadn't changed, you should've known. 
As you stared into your parents eyes you swallowed dryly as you slowly opened your mouth.
"No." You whispered out.
"No?" He repeated in a mocking tone. "No? Are you serious? After all we've done for you?"
Your frown deepened as you averted his piercing gaze, looking down in your lap as you unconsciously started to rub your feet against each other.
"We could've given your spastic ass up for adoption but we didn't. And this is how you repay us? What a wonderful fucking daughter we have." 
You shook your head weakly as your movement with your feet started to become more erratic. 
"Get out of our house, right now." Jenna said coldly, trying to keep her temper under control as she didn't want to yell like your father was doing.
A sniffle was heard from your mother as she wiped the tears from her eyes with a tissue. "My own daughter is betraying her only parents." She mumbled to herself.
It was if your heart was in your throat, the feeling as if it was tightening making you shake your head more violently.
"You see what you're doing, you freak, making your own mother cry." Your father pushed as he stood up, banging his fist against the table loudly. 
You flinched at the noise as you shut your eyes tightly, letting go of Jenna's hand as you wrapped your arms around yourself.  
Jenna stood up as you let go of her hand, glaring heavily at your father. "I'm going to ask you again, leave our home and never return or I'll call the cops." She spat out slowly, her voice full of venom. 
"You know what, Miss America, we'll do exactly that. Who would even want that as a child?" He laughed as if it was a joke as he held his wife's sobbing hand. "You're not my child, Y/n. Nobody would even want a reta-"
"Don't you fucking dare finish that sentence." Jenna interrupted the man's words, fury in her eyes as she rounded the table. "You should be ashamed of yourselves, you two are a joke. Get out of our house right now." 
Your father scoffed as he helped pull up his wife from her chair, tightening his hand in hers. 
You weren't looking at them as you kept shaking your head, your eyes shut tightly as you mumbled incoherent words to yourself. The tightening in your throat becoming unbearable.
You heard your father and Jenna argue lowly but you couldn't hear anything they said as your fathers previous words plagued your thoughts loudly.
A wave of unshed tears were piling up behind your shut eyes as you slid off the wooden chair to sit down against the wall, shaking uncontrollably as you shook your head violently. 
Maybe he was right, maybe you were just an unloveable creature.
Behind closed eyes you could notice the room darken, with a shaky gasp you opened your eyes, a flood of tears escaping immediately.
Through the thick tears you could see Jenna crouched down a few feet in front of you, the room itself was darkened as the main light was switched off. The only light remaining in the room was the corner lamp.
"Y/n, can I hold you?" Jenna's disoriented voice asked you, you opened your mouth to say something but nothing came out.
Your fathers cruel words voiced themselves in your mind at your body's rejection of speaking. A sob racked through your body as you desperately nodded your head. Instantaneously the moment you nodded your head Jenna moved to wrap her arms around you, allowing you to lean all your weight into her.
Silent sobs erupted from your body as you clung to Jenna for dear life, hiding your face in the crook of her neck as your arms were wrapped around her tightly. 
"It's okay, it's just you and me, nobody else." She cooed into your ear as she gently rocked you back and forth. You could feel one of her hands rubbing affectionately against your back as she shushed you.
You don't know how long you stayed like that for; In Jenna's protective hold as she rocked you back and forth as you sobbed. 
Eventually as your breathing calmed down and your sobs dying down, Jenna slowed down her rocking but she kept rubbing at your back with her soft palm. 
"You feel a bit better?" She whispered into the dark room, not wanting to startle you with a loud voice. 
You nodded your head mutely as you sniffled, your face still hidden in the crook of her neck.
"You know what they said wasn't true, right?" Jenna softly asked as her hand soothed you. You didn't move as you struggled to swallow, knowing if you nodded your head you would be lying. 
Weakly, you shrugged your shoulders at her words, your fathers words still plagued your mind.
"What they said was absolute nonsense, Y/n, you're none of the things they called you." She reassured you, her voice so soft that if someone was in the kitchen they wouldn't have heard her. "I promise you I'll never let anyone say anything like that to you again, because what they said was lies."
You nodded your head as Jenna rocked you carefully, your breathing calming down. 
"I love you, Y/n, never forget that. I love everything about you, everything." Jenna whispered again as she pressed a feather light kiss to the top of your head. "I wouldn't want you any other way, you're perfect just the way you are, and I love you so much." 
Once again you attempted to speak but nothing except a strangled gasp of air came out, you shut your eyes back immediately as embarrassment coursed through your veins.
"Hey, hey, take your time, you don't have to force yourself to talk, okay? Going non-verbal is perfectly okay." Jenna cooed instantly as she rubbed at your back with a stronger force, you relished in the feeling as you nodded your head.
"Do you want me to reheat your dinner so we can watch the second Amazing Spider-Man movie while we eat it?" Jenna offered you in a gentle voice, she had slowed down on the rocking as you calmed down. 
Mutely, you nodded your head with more eagerness than before. Jenna smiled in relief as she nodded her own head. 
"Okay, I'll go reheat it and you can put the movie on for us. How does that sound?" She said, you pulled away from her as you smiled weakly, nodding your head. Jenna's own smile grew as she nodded her head along with you.
You were still weren’t sure whether your fathers words were true or not, but one thing you were positive of was that Jenna was the best girlfriend.
Jenna will always be your rock as she will always be the love of your life.
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princeloww · 5 months
(Different roles, where to find them and what they're like!!!) (+ more that I didn't go into included at the end)
*disclaimer: this is sort of UK orientated, 'cos I don't know any American streaming services or where stuff is available in other countries, so PLEASE comment other places you can watch things!!!!
- Takin' Over the Asylum (CAMPBELL BAIN)
Follows a DJ and a group of patients trying to keep a radio station going in a mental hospital. David plays one of the main characters, Campbell Bain, a mostly upbeat and energetic young boy with lots of enthusiasm and spirit. Some angst!
☆ YOUTUBE (free)
- Blackpool (PETER CARLISLE)
A body is found in an arcade run by Ripley Holden, and him and his entire family are pulled into the murder investigation surrounding it. DI Peter Carlisle is working on the case, and highly suspicious of Ripley. He's a pretty major character and has a romantic plot - as well as a few funny musical numbers. Includes sex scenes.
The (mostly sexual) adventures of Giacomo Casanova, a charming and fraudulent man who falls in love very quickly and very dramatically with a lot of people, all while essentially bullshitting through life and jumping on every opportunity to make money. Includes sex scenes but also angst, such as illness, injuries, some violence, and general suffering.
- Recovery (ALAN HAMILTON)
A man and his family coping with the recovery and rehabilitation process after he (Alan, David Tennant) suffers from brain damage. Angsty. Lots of crying, suicide references, head injury stuff.
☆ YOUTUBE (free)
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (BARTY CROUCH JR)
I recommend pirating this one so you're not supporting JK Rowling. DT plays Barty Crouch JR, an antagonist and the son of Barty Crouch. He's kind of a minor character, as he's not actually in a lot of scenes.
☆ Probably on most pirating sites (my go to is MYFLIXERX.TO)
- Learners (CHRISTOPHER ??)
Lighthearted movie about a woman trying to pass her driving test. David plays Chris, her driving instructor. He's a bit of a dork, very sweet and kind. Has a love plot, briefly fights a guy. No major angst.
☆ YOUTUBE (free)
- Hamlet (HAMLET)
Hamlet. Prince of Denmark wants vengeance after his father's death. I haven't actually watched this one yet but I assume it's got the same amount of angst and drama as Hamlet typically does.
- Single Father (DAVE TYLER)
After a fatal car accident, Dave Tyler (DT) is left to parent four children on his own. Still struggling through grief, Dave falls in love again and attempts to hide it. Has LOTS of crying, lots of kissing, sex scenes, DT being miserable and sobbing, etc.
- Rex Is Not Your Lawyer (REX ALEXANDER)
Unaired pilot. Only 40 minutes. Show wasn't picked up, but it is very good. Rex is a successful and skilled lawyer who is forced to stop practising when he starts having panic attacks every time he speaks in court. He decides instead to coach people who want to represent themselves. Lots of DT in very tight suits. American accent. Not MAJOR angst but he does has daddy issues and a panic disorder, so.
☆ YOUTUBE (free)
- Fright Night (PETER VINCENT)
A kid discovers that his neighbour is a vampire, and he seeks out a famous vampire slayer to help him. Peter Vincent (DT) does not live up to his name, and turns out to actually be sort of pathetic. No major angst, not a lot of clothes, no romance, but lots of eyeliner. He's very bisexual. Violence, vampire horror, creepy neighbour.
- The Decoy Bride (JAMES ARBER)
Celebrity Lara Tyler tries to get married to her author fiancé James Arber, but the paparazzi interrupts the wedding. Desperate to keep it private, she takes James to the island that he based his book on. Somehow, the paparazzi still find them, and they hire a decoy bride to pretend to be Lara. Romance, kissing, light hearted, minimal angst. David in a funny outfit. Fake dating trope?
- Nativity 2: Danger in the Manger (Donald and Roderick Peterson)
Sequel to Nativity, but you don't need to watch the first one. Primary school teacher Donald Peterson (DT) is forced to take his class to Wales to participate in A Song For Christmas, a festive singing competition. Here he is put against his twin brother, who is a successful composer and with whom he has a strained relationship. Light angst - lots of daddy issues, but generally sweet.
☆ AMAZON, I think its on NOW TV???
- The Escape Artist (WILL BURTON)
A defence lawyer, Will Burton, gets a murderer off free, and very quickly grows to regret it, when his client comes after his family next. Lots of murder. Like three murders I think. Hot lawyer DT.
☆ AMAZON (I can't believe I forgot this one)
- What We Did On Our Holiday (DOUG MCLEOD)
A family go to Scotland for their grandfather's 70th birthday. Doug (DT) and his wife (Rosamund Pike) are getting a divorce, but are hiding it from the rest of the family. Movie is mostly focused on the kids and their grandad, but David has a few moments, and he's generally present throughout. Funny, slightly shocking at times, family film. No major angst. Character death.
- Richard II (RICHARD II)
Shakespeare's Richard II. David plays the titular character, the extravagant, heartless and cold King of England, Richard II. We see his fall from grace as he is stripped of everything he owns and knows. Quite angsty. Long hair, androgynous David. Queer kiss scene (although they are cousins, soo...)
☆ you can find a link in a REDDIT comment if you search for it, AMAZON PRIME
- Broadchurch (ALEC HARDY)
An eleven-year-old boy is murdered in a small town, sending shock-waves through the community. Story follows both the family and communities response to the crime, as well as the investigation done by DI Alec Hardy (DT) and DS Ellie Miller (Olivia Coleman). Lots of angst from Alec. He is sick and hiding it. Injury, dizziness, panic attacks, that sort of thing - as well as a heart attack. He has a lot of trauma and daddy issues. Season three touches on topics of rape (warning).
- Mad To Be Normal (RD LIANG)
Biopic about RD Liang, a Scottish psychiatrist. Sex, misogyny, mental health topics, some self-harm (done by another character)
☆ AMAZON (sensing a pattern)
- Good Omens (CROWLEY)
An angel (Michael Sheen) and a demon work together to stop the end of the world. Queer romance (canon), some angst. Drama, comedy, LGBTQ+. David plays Crowley, the demon (who "sauntered vaguely downwards" rather than fell from heaven)
A COVID lockdown comedy about David Tennant and Michael Sheen talking via Zoom during the lockdown. Actually quite sad at times? Mostly silly, though. Features Georgia Tennant and Anna Lundberg.
☆ BBC Iplayer (UK) (or VPN)
- Around The World in 80 Days (PHILEAS FOGG)
Phileas Fogg, a quiet and reserved man, decides to travel around the world in 80 days, after he receives an anonymous postcard calling him a coward. Cute found family, drama, angst (ex-lover stuff, internalised cowardice, illness, near death experience), some violence. There's a scene where Phileas gets flogged (whipped, essentially) quite violently, and it's somewhat graphic. Touches on themes of racism. Phileas is 100% neurodivergent.
☆ BBC Iplayer (UK) (or VPN)
- Inside Man (HARRY WATLING)
DT plays a vicar, Harry, who is involved in a murder after trying to protect his son - who was accused of having CP. Suicide themes, murder, self-harm - explores the idea that any person can murder, if they're pushed the right way. Includes topics to do with CP and pedophilia.
- Litvinenko (LITVINENKO)
Biopic about Alexander Litvinenko. A group of detectives investigate the poisoning of Litvinenko. David is bald in this show. (Scary)
☆ ITVX (UK) (or VPN)
- Doctor who (10TH AND 14TH DOCTORS)
Do I need to explain Doctor Who???? David Tennant plays the tenth and fourteenth regenerations of The Doctor, a Time Lord from outerspace. He travels around in the TARDIS with human companions.
☆ BBC Iplayer (UK)
I think I'm gonna leave it there, but there are a LOT that I have not touched on. This post is a very accurate and long list of everything on DT's filmography, so i recommend you check that out.
Other things I didn't mention (off the top of my head):
There She Goes, Bad Samaritan, Einstein and Eddington, Rab. C Nesbitt, Bright Young Things, LA Without a Map, Much Ado About Nothing, Duck Patrol, True Love, Gracepoint, Camping (US), Nan's Christmas Carol, Mary Queen of Scots, (You, Me and Him), Secret Smile, Deadwater Fell, Jessica Jones, Dramarama, Spies of Warsaw, AND A LOT MORE. (+ voice acting roles, and also his narrating work on Spy In The Wild (2017)
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mostlyblues · 2 months
In honour of his birthday, I'm going to rant about some of my favourite roles of the global treasure (yes, I'm promoting him from the ‘national’ status), David Tennant. Feel free to add your own.💙
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Fourteen Doctor: This might seem like an odd choice to start with when there are popular choices like the Tenth Doctor and Crowley, but this character holds a very special place in my heart. I've been a fan of DT for about 6 years now and it started with Doctor Who. I love Ten but Fourteen is just more dear to me. Mostly because he made me excited again for one of my favourite TV shows. As a character, he has all the trademark qualities of the Doctor - the genius level intellect, endless compassion, and love for new adventures. But he is somehow more mature and softer, and I loved this development. Also, that blue coat and that (1) button - you know what I'm talking about.
Phileas Fogg: Such an underrated TV show. The chemistry of the trio, the adventures, the title sequence music - there's so much to love about this. And Fogg is such a real character. So far from perfect, this man will often appear as aloof, vain, self-absorbed and even a coward. But I think Phileas is one of the best roles ever played by Tennant. Yes, he's flawed but he's also intelligent, so incredibly kind, and yes, even brave. If you haven't watched this show, I highly recommend it.
Alec Hardy: So different from most other charming roles of DT, Hardy is a sad wet cat. He's grumpy, not nice, and just really tired of the world (who can't relate though?). His reluctant friendship with Ellie is one of the best parts of the grim show. And the fanfic lover in me can't stop screaming about how whumpable he is.
Crowley: I was going for the top three kind of ranking but the thin dark duke slithered his way over. And how can you not love Anthony J. Crowley? From this pure delightful joy while creating stars and nebulae (I can't get over David's face and the happy noises he makes in this scene) to his reluctant and vast love for his Angel and the earth, Crowley is very easy to fall in love with (take notes, Aziraphale. I know you love him but please use your words. Crowley, at least, tried). 
I wanted to add more characters, especially the Shakespearean ones (I love Hamlet, but Benedick has my heart), but the list won't simply ever end then. So, I'm just going to say name all the ones I love and end it here - Simon Yates (There She Goes), Dave Tyler (Single Father), Campbell Bain (Takin' over the Asylum), Harry Watling aka The Sexy Vicar (Inside Man, this show was so freaking stressful but I loved David's character), every single Shakespearean character he ever played (even the ones I haven't or probably won't ever get the chance to see - cries in Macbeth), and, of course, Scrooge McDuck (DuckTales).
So, thank you DT for gifting the world with some of the best, most adorable, wholesome, gender-enviable characters to ever exist. (Except for the creeps, freaks, and ruthless murderers, which we kind of love as well). Happy Birthday! 💙
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disastercit · 3 months
ok complete post of my thoughts and feelings on the episode GO
-why is max here earlier than everyone else 🤨 last time Nikki and Neil showed up late so max being there before them was just natural. did his parents drop him off here at the ass crack of dawn
-lmao that quick little tap of a hug max gave nikki 😭you're not fooling anyone boy 🫵
-neil you KNOW youre not getting science camp
-wow that's two hugs in one episode
-ok so ered being asked to babysit definitely puts the low end of her age range around 14. unless her dads are just wildly irresponsible (not particularly unlikely)
-usually I would guess nikki was freaking out about not changing bc she started her period or something, but she already did in season 3 so idk
-max talking about being completely the same is ironic considering the voice actor change lol
-quartermaster is unknowably old, ok 👍
-speaking of qm, he sure is particularly relevant so far
-mahogany 😏
-cj: its about drive its about power we stay hungry we devour put in the work put in the hours and take what's ours-
-ouh cj I was so right about you
-max talking about his home life??? omg???
-and he's stoned out of his mind of course
-david is so proud of him 😭😭
-ok so my guess was going in completely the wrong direction, neil doesn't get pierced during the season, he takes the piercing off
-apparently the clip we saw during the stream was a "next time on" thing, which I guess is a thing we have now
and here's my bingo so far (I haven't made a decision on CJ just yet)
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the episode was also technically longer than usual, but not by much so I'm not sure it's gonna be a recurring thing.
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Hyperactive Little Rascal -- Campbell Bain
Summary: Reader comes home to find two hyperactive little rascals--a puppy... and her boyfriend, Campbell Bain.
Warning: Fluff, Campbell Being Childish
(Post-Asylum; May be connected to “Sweet Jane” or read alone; If you decided to include this in Sweet Jane, this takes place between the ending of the series and the epilogue written by me.)
1995 (Ten months since the events of Takin’ Over the Asylum)
"Nobody can fully understnad the meaning of love unless he's owned a dog."
Y/n was unlocking the door when she heard a soft overagressive growling sound... like a dog.
"Oh, no, he didn't." She groaned. She opened the door, she heard her boyfriend squeak and shush the obvious puppy as he tried to run and meet the new person who didn't understand the concept of shushing.
"Campbell David Bain." She said, closing the door and standing over her boyfriend like a parent.
"Yes, my love?" He asked, inncoently with an obvious squirming object under his hoodie, trying to get out of the darkness so she could find his tail.
"Don't be innocent with me! Don't try and be cute."
"But love... I can't help it." He teased.
"Campbell, did you get a puppy?"
"No." He lied... badly and then the puppy started to bark.
Y/n put down her stuff and coruched in front of her boyfriend, lifting his hoodie, revealing a furry black and white puppy with bright blue eyes who jumped at Y/n, greeting their new person.
"Maybe..." He changed his answer. "But... it's not my fault. Look at these eyes!" He held up the puppy to Y/n's face like she wasn't already aware of the puppy's presence and the puppy started to give her dozens of kisses. Campbell then frowned and grew jealous, he pulled the puppy away, "Okay, puppy, that's enough. That's my girlfriend. The only puppy you gets to kiss her is me!"
"Campbell." Y/n gave her boyfriend a look.
"Okay, so I may have gone to the park and there was a pet adoption and I looked into this puppy's eyes and suddenly I had him in a carrier."
Y/n sighed, shaking her head. "I guess, it's lucky, you only adopted one."
"So we can keep him!?"
"Well, you adopted him so..."
"Yes! I love you! I love you! I love you!" Campbell shrieked, tackling his girlfriend, straddling her and hugging her, the puppy was confused by the suddenly energy but joined in their celebrations.
Campbell was jealous. Y/n had barley paid any attention to him. All to the puppy.
Good job, Campbell. You lost her to a puppy!
"Campbell, what should we call..." she trailed off to see her boyfriend obviously jealous as his arms were crossing and he was grumbling to himself. She placed the puppy down who immediately got up and trotted along with her. She walked to her boyfriend and stood on her toes and kissed him, heavily, he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed back.
"Don't worry, you'll always be my number one puppy." She giggled.
He grinned goofily as her, he wrapped his arms around her and brought her on the couch with him, kissing her before the puppy shoved his head inbetween the two, apparently trying to see if they were fighting over any food.
"My two hyperactive little rascals." She giggled.
"Little? I am over six feet tall!" Campbell complained.
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"Rascal. That's why we should name him." She grinned.
Campbell pouted, "But I'm your rascal."
"Yeah, you are." She said, pulling him in for another kiss.
Rascal is based off my puppies--they are Australian Shepherd-Poodle Mixes. (I will not show pictures of them though... I might later but not now) Others could be these dark-furred blue-eyed dogs I just Googled: a Siberian Husky, Border Collie, Alaskan Klee Kai, Dalmation, Cathahoula Leopard Dog, etc. But you can suggest your own dog breeds.
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Rascal was originally a girl but male dogs are more hyperactive and highlights Campbell's jealousy.
I have an angst one in the works but I think I'll do a wisdom teeth one (with the reader getting her wisdom teeth out), I just got my wisdom teeth out yesterday/two days ago since it was one-thirty in the morning, and I am miserable. I am more miserable in the way I can eat or drink what I want sort of way. Apparently for days after you get your wisdom teeth out you can’t have hot drinks which includes hot chocolate which I try to drink once a day (it’s one thing if I don’t drink it because I just forgot or I meant to and then suddenly it was too late to make one but actually being told I can’t makes it be on my mind all the time.) My mom refused to let me have the wisdom teeth surgery where they put you under anesthesia when they do it (because she’s a paranoid parent and didn’t want to risk the risks. Also because of when I was sedated when I was a baby, I’ll tell that story on the wisdom teeth one) so I was just numbed but I think the reader will have it so Campbell can take care of her while she's still high from the drugs so kind of parallel the one where he was drunk.
I love dogs, I love cats too (but most of my family are allergic and don’t like them. I refuse to admit I might be allergic, I am allergic to pollen so I say it’s that. It just makes my eyes itch and even if I am, which I refuse to admit, I don’t blame the cats for that) My first dog was a male Boykin Spaniel (I miss him), then a Boykin Spaniel mix (I miss them both) Now, I have a black-and-white female four-year-old Aussie-Doodle with one ice blue eye and one brown eyes named Gizmo after the Mogwai from Gremlins, and a whiteish two-year-old male Aussie-Doodle named Sherlock after Sherlock Holmes. He’s… I think he’s smarter than my brother and mom think, I think he acts doofy because he knows it makes us laugh.
I cannot watch dog movies like Marley and Me, or A Dog’s Purpose, (I mean I did watch them both when I was younger) but I can’t. It just makes me think of my dogs and how I want them to live forever. I want my dogs to live longer than me! And I will not write about dealing with a dog’s death. I already have depression and ADHD (not a fun mix) where I can be totally fine (for me) and then suddenly I spiral and then I just hate everything and am sadder than sad.
My family is primarily a dog family, my nana has had a few dogs though her favorite breed are Scottish Terriers (and her favorite animal is a Fox which is my second favorite after a Tasmanian Devil). My favorite dog breed other than the ones I have are Beagle. I don't know why but I've always had this sort of love for beagles.*
Austrian Shepherds are considered “Einstein dogs” from their high intelligence and Gizmo has a glint in her heterochromatic eyes that are just filled with so much love and intelligence.
They are quite playful, I was actually afraid when we went to get Sherlock that Gizmo wouldn't like him (we drove six hours to get him from a barn and then it took even longer to drive back because he kept getting car sick and throwing up, of course now, he'll eat anything, he has a stomach of steel and is now what we (and the vet) call "thick" (because he scarfed his food down like he was being raced and then tried to eat Gizmo's food. Though, she's possessive so she would wait for him to come to her food before botling to her food or snapping at him.)
Now they're just buddies, Gizmo's like his Mama, they play with each other, they wrestle, they play tug a war with the dog toys we buy before we have to throw them away because they tore them away and sometimes when they have the same toy, they walk in unison. They're both very possessive, they don't like it when we leave or when they think we're leaving. Gizmo barks and barks and Sherlock tries to calm her down by jumping on her and grabbing at the fur on her back so she is occasionally temporarily distracted by him pulling at her fur. Gizmo doesn't want to eat or a treat unless he wants it. She'll be occasionally aggressive with him because she's bigger (and his Mama). Sometimes he'll whine and we'll shout at her to stop and sometimes he'll fight back.
Austrlian Sherpherd usually have their tails cut off, surprisingly, Gizmo didn't though and it's just beautiful and she thinks so too, Remy and Lulu never chased their tails or at least I didn't see them but I've never seen a dog love their own tail so much, she'll be doing something one second and then literally start chasing her tail the next. She'll lay down with her tail in her mouth, she'll continue walking in circles with her tail in her mouth and sometimes she'll put her paw on her tail like she's trying to pull at it, and sometimes she'll walk to another room while walking in cicrlces as she moves because she has her tail in her mouth. It's hilarious! 🤣🤣
Sherlock doesn't, he has a little nub of a tail but he seems like he still has a phantom tail because he wiggles his butt when he's excited. He's kind of like Meatlug from How to Train Your Dragon (combined with Hookfang and the two-headed dragon).
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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, as you and David were rushing the campers back to bed, you found yourself stealing glances at David, the ever-optimistic camp counselor, who was stuck on asking you to take a stroll thru the woods after they all went to bed.
You had developed a crush on David since you arrived at Camp Campbell. His unwavering enthusiasm and infectious positivity were irresistible. naturally you had to say yes to this request to "take a small stroll around the forest!" as David put it.. Little did you know, David felt the same about you. He admired your intelligence, your wit, and the way you always lent a helping hand to take care of the campers.
Tonight, however, was different. As you got to the spot he wanted to show you, a small ledge with a campfire he lit a few minutes earlier you sat beside David, listening to his tales with rapt attention, the air between you seemed charged with an unspoken tension. His knee brushed against yours, sending shivers down your spine. You dared a glance at him, finding his gaze already fixed on you, his eyes filled with an intensity you couldn't ignore.
Lost in the moment, you leaned closer, drawn to him like a moth to a flame. David mirrored your actions, closing the distance between you until your lips met in a soft, tentative kiss. It was electric, sending waves of warmth coursing through your body.
But just as the kiss deepened, getting all sloppy and such, a voice shattered the intimacy. "What the fuck!?" Max exclaimed, standing behind, a mix of shock and amusement written on his face as he snapped a photo with a disposable camera of such.
You and David pulled apart, startled by the interruption. "Max!" you hissed, cheeks burning with embarrassment.
"Whoa, didn't mean to interrupt your little make-out session, jeez." Max smirked, crossing his arms. "And I just when thought Nikki was the one with no self-control! Look at you two!! you were really going at it!! Hah!!"
David's face turned a bright shade of red, matching the flames of the campfire. "M-Max, it's not what it looks like, Wait!" he stammered, trying to regain his composure.
"Sure, sure," Max said, rolling his eyes. "Whatever you say, lovebirds. But I'm definitely telling Gwen about this."
Panic flooded your senses as Max turned rushed off, leaving you and David alone once again. "What are we going to do?" you whispered, nerves tingling with anxiety.
David took a deep breath "Shoot."
You respond. "dammit. we are so cooked." you said, relaxing scooting closer to David
As the night wore on, a sense of unease lingered in the air, overshadowing the usual camaraderie of the campfire gatherings. You and David exchanged nervous glances, both dreading the inevitable confrontation with Gwen.
Finally, as the last embers of the fire began to fade, Gwen approached, her expression a mix of curiosity and concern. "Alright, spill it," she demanded, folding her arms across her chest. "What's going on with you two?"
Your heart raced as you and David exchanged a silent glance, silently agreeing to face the music together. "Gwen, it's not what it looks like," David began, his voice wavering slightly.
But before he could continue, Max interjected with his trademark sarcasm. "Oh, it's exactly what it looks like," he declared, waving what you could only assume to be the photo of you and David, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Lovebirds over here decided to have a little make-out session by the campfire."
Gwen's eyebrows shot up in surprise, her gaze flickering between you and David. "whoa, whoa, what!?" she asked, her tone more teasing-like now, tinged with a hint of amusement.
You nodded, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up your neck. "Yes, but it's not like we were doing anything wrong... technically.." you explained, your voice barely above a whisper.
Gwen sighed, shaking her head in disbelief. "Look, I get it. Camp can be a pretty intense place, and relationships happen," she said, her expression softening. "But just be careful, okay? We don't need any unnecessary drama around here."
You and David exchanged a relieved smile, grateful for Gwen not going off the rails. "Thanks, Gwen. We'll be more discreet from now on," David promised, winking at her squeezing your hand reassuringly.
With that, the tension that had been hanging over the campfire gathering seemed to dissipate, replaced by a sense of acceptance and understanding. As the night drew to a close, you and David found yourselves wrapped in each other's arms once again, the warmth of the campfire mirroring the warmth in your hearts.
And as you watched the stars twinkle overhead, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would face them together, united in your love for each other.
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consanguinitatum · 7 months
DT talk throwback: my interview w/David Blair, director of Takin' Over The Asylum
Over half a decade ago now I was a writer for David Tennant News/DT Forum, one of the bigger unofficial fan sites of DT's at the time (now sadly defunct). During my time there, I got the chance in Jan 2016 to interview David Blair - most notably the director of Takin' Over The Asylum, though he worked with DT in three other shows - about those projects, and what he remembered about David. I didn't want this interview to sink into the depths of the Wayback Machine and I thought y'all might enjoy reading it, so here is that interview in its entirety:
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David Blair, Director / Front Cover of BBC DVD for Takin' Over The Asylum (UK)
Hello Mr. Blair! From 1992-1996 you worked with David Tennant on four separate television shows:  Strathblair in 1992, The Brown Man in 1993, Takin' Over The Asylum in 1994 and A Mug's Game in 1996.   Were you at all involved in the casting process for Strathblair, the first project you worked with David on... If so what did you see in the young actor that won him the role?  And how did that translate into choosing him as Campbell Bain?
I was a Producer at the BBC before I started directing. David was a student at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music & Drama in Glasgow. He asked if he could meet me just to talk through procedure for TV, interviews, etc., as the college appeared more interested in theatre than camera. Indeed, frowned on the latter! He’d be about 18 then. I certainly knew from the outset that he ‘had something,’ and I gave him a few minor opportunities as soon as I embarked on my directing career. To be clear, I only work with actors I want and believe in – still do. Some might say my own career has been stifled by this obduracy but I don’t care. My need of working with great actors is paramount and David’s a shining example of what makes it all worthwhile. I commissioned Takin’ Over The Asylum for the BBC and worked closely with the writer throughout the creative process. I knew as soon as I read the screenplay, David was going to be perfect for Campbell. But I’m not a fascist about this kind of decision-making, so I mentioned to the writer and Casting Director I had a boy ‘in mind’ for the role. I didn’t oversell; I knew he would make it work for himself. There may have been some minor scepticism at first, but when he did his audition, he blew them away.
David's audition tape for Takin' Over The Asylum
Many of David's fans have seen Takin' Over The Asylum and are well-versed with it. Can you talk more about Strathblair, The Brown Man and A Mug's Game, and David's roles in each?  Little is known about the roles he played in those productions. Can you give us any insight into the stories behind all three of the projects themselves, and what was it about David in those years that made you want to cast him in all of them?
In truth, Strathblair and The Brown Man were merely cogs in my directing wheel. They weren’t aesthetically of great merit but gave me a few credits to kick-start my career. What I needed was a ‘signature piece’ and that came along with Takin’ Over The Asylum. In many ways, I regard that as the start of my directing career. In those days, without a high-profile production on your CV, you would more than likely be destined for a treadmill of soaps and ‘continuing drama’. Before Asylum I was picking up scraps; after it, I was being asked what I wanted to do. Thus A Mug’s Game became my second collaboration with Donna Franceschild, who’d written Asylum. Ken Stott, Katy Murphy and others from Asylum were already on board - and really? We just wanted David to ‘be in it’. It wasn’t a huge role but he kindly agreed to come in and do it for us. Played a music student (at the Scottish Academy, as it happens), as I recall but, again, hugely professional and accomplished. In one scene, he had to throw up over the railway tracks at Partick train station in Glasgow.... ah, an enduring memory.....
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Did David do anything on set of any of the productions he worked on with you that totally took you by surprise or that was unexpected?  What did he do?
I think in those days, more than anything, it was important to keep in mind just how young he was. This boy of 21, was commanding the space, displaying an extraordinary ability to create laughter and tears; sometimes both at the same time! He had natural charm and wit and that, combined with this wonderfully spontaneous joie de vivre, made him a joy to be around both on the set and off.
What do you feel David's most unique/valuable attributes as an actor are?  What do you think separates him from his peers as he has matured into the career he has today?
When I look at him now I still largely see the same lad I met all those years ago. Still bursting with enthusiasm and an absolute desire to come out on top – which he’s done consistently. He’s retained his appetite, clearly, and devoured a huge range of roles – never seeking a ‘comfort zone’ in the process. It’s also struck me that he’s never attempted to be somebody he’s not and that truth, integrity, diligence – some might say, ‘Scottishness’ (!) – defines the man we see today.
David has said he considers Takin' Over The Asylum a career-defining project for him. What is your reaction so many years down the line to that comment?
I’ve always been rather humbled by David’s regard for myself and Takin’ Over The Asylum. I genuinely never felt I did anything out of the ordinary. I picked the best man for the job which, God knows, he underlined in spades once he played the role. He gave me as much as I gave him. Of course, there are occasions in my own career where I look back at defining moments and say “if it hadn’t been for so-and-so”.... but, I guess, the reason why we can reflect in that way, is because we didn’t let anybody down. David didn’t – and I hope I didn’t.   Looking back at Takin' Over The Asylum all these years later, do you feel it still holds up as well as it did?  In retrospect do you feel it helped shed as much needed light on the mental health industry as you'd hoped?
Funnily enough, somebody called me the other day to say he’d sat down and watched all six episodes and couldn’t believe how well it’s stood the test of time. I think I agree. I suppose because it’s a subject matter nobody would touch with a bargepole these days – that’s keeps it fresh somehow. All the scripts were vetted by the Association For Mental Health before we signed off on them. The writer had had mental health issues and wanted it to be authentic and in no way derisory. In fact, I remember many of the extras I cast all had had mental issues – one in particular having been institutionalised for 37 years!
I'd like to explore your decision to cast institutionalized patients as extras in Takin' Over The Asylum in a bit more detail. Was this related to filming the series at Gartloch Hospital, and if not, how was the idea first presented and eventually implemented?  Was this something you and Donna discussed as part of your intention to make the show as sensitive to the subject matter and as authentic as you could?  And did you run into any problems with compensating the extras, or any other issues relating to their Sectioned status?
It was simply an idea I had not just to add authenticity, but to have these guys make a worthwhile contribution to the film – and also make them feel good about it, if you like. I wanted to dispel the notion that all mentally ill people were screaming banshees – the story alludes to this anyway – by whose definition are we mad? I also thought it would help the non-mad actors (if there is such a thing!!!) to be surrounded by the ‘real’ rather than the ‘made up’ and thereby enrich their own performances.
Speaking of Gartloch Hospital, how did you choose that particular hospital for the filming location?
Gartloch was one of several mental hospitals around Glasgow being run down at the time, as part of the government’s controversial ‘care in the community’ programme. In other words, ‘we don’t want to pay to look after them any more, so you do it’. Of all the ones I looked at, Gartloch – not least with its huge tower – seemed to provide the best ambience; most suitable for the story and visually rewarding also.
Exploratory views of the interior and exterior of (now abandoned) Gartloch Hospital
As you mentioned, you do certainly seem to gravitate towards actors and writers that inspire you. Years ago you spotted a certain something in David -- so if given an opportunity, would you be willing to work with David again and if you could choose your own ideal role for him, what would that role entail?
Nothing would give me more pleasure than finding a project that both David and I could work on. David, creatively, is a bit of chameleon, so I don’t think there’s an ‘ideal role’ for him as such. A brilliant piece of writing and a character that takes him a place he hasn’t been before would be the simple remit.
Over the years many fans of Takin' Over The Asylum have expressed their desire to know what happened to Campbell and Eddie after we left them. If you were to continue their story, where do you think Campbell and Eddie would be today?
My hunch is that Campbell would have gone on to be a success in the music industry and Eddie would have tumbled into an even darker place, fueled by alcohol and self-doubt. I’ve often imagined Campbell inadvertently bumping into Eddie while he was sleeping in a cardboard box and Campbell doing for Eddie what Eddie had done for Nana in the very first episode.
Lore is - from Donna amongst others -- that you asked her to take a minor character from a play she'd written and make a drama around him. Of course that character is Ready Eddie McKenna. Could you tell us what the name of that play was?  And what was there about Eddie in the framework of that play that made you see him as the kind of character that could carry an entire series - and that Donna was the woman to write it?
With regard to the question below, it’s strange how little fateful moments define what we are and what we do. In my early days as a Producer, I commissioned Donna to write one of four monologues I was overseeing – I didn’t direct it, as it happens, but it was a sterling piece performed by Katy Murphy. The BBC – not myself – then commissioned Donna to adapt a stage play she’d written called And The Cow Jumped Over The Moon to fit a play strand we were doing at the time.
On the day of the studio, the Producer overseeing the project, was taken ill and they asked me to fill in for her ‘in the gallery’. (This was an old TV play where you worked in a rehearsal room for, say, three weeks then shot the whole thing – multi-camera – in a matter of days). Of course, as a result, I became familiar with the material and was indeed taken by this minor character – Eddie – who was a hospital radio DJ. After that, I asked Donna if she felt there might be mileage in creating a serial based around this character. I’d love to go into great and meaningful depth about why I thought that but, in truth, it was just a hunch – although it was one relative to how Donna was writing at that time; I believed she could deliver something unique with wide appeal. She hadn’t done any original TV work at that time (apart from the monologue) and had worries.
It took her some time to finally come up with a first draft – the breakthrough, she told me, came when she switched from just a hospital to a mental hospital. After that, we worked the episodes one at a time getting precisely where we wanted to be on one, before moving on to the next. Not an option that’s often available these days. During this process both Donna and I were supported hugely by the then Head of The Department, Bill Bryden. And that support manifested most clearly in simply leaving us to our own devices. No script executives, story editors or any other distractions. The work we ended up with had the footprint of nobody but ourselves.
And that's that! I hope you all enjoyed this unique insight into Takin' Over The Asylum and DT's work with David Blair.
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kidovna · 8 months
Taking Over the Asylum is SO good! It's so underrated, and I really need to watch it again bc I loved it the first time around too. I was in graduate school at the time for counseling (therapy, not school counseling), and it was fascinating the way that mental health has changed in the past 25 years (at the time I watched it). It was more humanizing in a lot of ways than other tv shows are even now. I can't express the amount of love i have for this show. Campbell is SUCH a comfort character for me! And of course it's always lovely to see David Tennant on tv anyway. I would love to hear your thoughts when you finish! :)
It's so, SO good! I truly can't believe this aired in 1994 when shows were being ableist left and right as an attempt at (shitty) humour.
One thing I appreciated about the show was that they removed the whole 'you can be "fixed" if you make up your mind' narrative. Especially in Rosalie's storyline. Recovery isn't that simple always, and I've seen that on screen way too many times (along with 'love can fix you')
The ableism in the workspaces (regarding Fergus and Campbell) broke my heart and it's good to see that we've actually made big strides. This isn't to say that we've gotten everything right, but it's nice that mental health isn't as stigmatized as it was 30 years ago.
Campbell is 100% a comfort character. Fergus and Rosalie were so dear to me as well :')
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the-sprog · 1 day
The titles of 3 and 4 of your WIP post intrigue me so much, could you tell me a bit more about them?? Thank you Sprog !! 🐻‍❄️🍄😽
Thank you!! Ok so, Number 3: That's not tubular.
This is a Camp Camp fic I started writing but wrote so little of that I didn't even get to the prompt part of it 😅 It's supposed to be about David dagging de-aged by Harrison to when he first joined Camp Campbell! The episode where David tells Max the tale of his and Jasper, telling him about how much of a sourpuss he was, how much he used to be like Max, and Max being like "Yeah you made that up just to make me like camp", is why I wanted to write this. There's some magic bullshit in this show that I think gets overlooked too much.
Harrison made his brother disappear, we should talk about that more.
So I wanted to use this to get Angsty!David and Max to meet. The plan I had for this was to basically give Max a rival. Someone who threatens his place as the one at the top of the food chain. Until they find a way to get him back to Regular!David, that is.
I enjoy writing Max. He's a little kid who's had to grow up too fast and trying his hardest to make everyone hate him, but failing miserably. While David is kinda... refreshing for me. He's unapologetically optimistic to a fault.
It's called "that's not tubular" because uuuuh basically David as a child called people squares, even though it's slang from like the late 40s. And the way people react in the show it's like he swore real bad. So I wanted to use more old slang, and in a situation where tiny!david has to react to something he doesn't like, I feel like tubular would get said.
I'm struggling to choose a snippet for this fic because I haven't touched this idea in... some time... and my punctuation and epithets usage has gotten significantly better in the meantime.
The first one to pick had been Neil, then Space Kid, Erid, Dolph, and so on and so forth, until everyone had a straw in their hands. Max glanced at the other kids’ straws, realizing that David didn’t really understand how drawing straws is supposed to work. All of the straws, but one, have to be the same length. Instead, each camper had in their hand straws of all sizes, making it extremely difficult to figure out who had won. They took some time, comparing each straw, and concluded that Harrison had been the winner of their game.
Numer 4: Ghost for a day (or two)
This one is a sequel to a Danny Phantom fic I published, "Point of Capture". At the end of that fic, Danny is inside a cage and is being dragged to his parents' lab to do some test. In "Ghost for a day (or two)" Danny accepts a truce to let them do non invasive tests to learn more about ghosts and give him a chance at redemption.
He runs away with a power dampener on him.
I got the point of him reaching Sam and Tuck when he escapes. Even though he accepted the truce, he wasn't sure how the dampener would work, so he decides to leave, regroup, and then if it turned out to be truly safe, he'd go back to the Fentons to help them learn more.
This sequel would be about Danny going about his day stuck as Phantom (I know that canonically when he loses his powers he detransforms, but it's less that he loses them and more like he can't access them. So he can't transform) but trying not to make anyone notice while he goes to school and fights ghosts, while also trying to find a way to get his powers back. And also about some headcanons about the philosophy of death in a world where ghosts exist. As well as an exploration of how the Fenton parents think when it comes to ghost morality.
The title is kinda self explainatory, I feel like. Danny gets stuck in ghost mode and it takes longer than he expected to get his powers back.
This wip also suffers from having been written 3 years ago. I haven't touched it since. The punctuation is horrible, especially when it comes to dialogue tags.
His dad reached closer to the cage and freed him. Danny eyed the portal, then his parents who were at that moment preoccupied with setting up their equipment. “I’m sorry” he murmured, then ran to the portal’s button and pressed it. Getting pricked in the finger so many times is starting to get on his nerves. The sound of the opening portal caused his parents to turn around, and his mom to run towards him. Danny didn’t spare any time and jumped inside the green swirl. He said ‘sorry’ again, that time louder than before, after seeing the disappointment and confusion in his father's eyes. It hurt. But he can’t risk it.
I really want to touch up these two fics again. I think there's some real fun to be had, especially with the DP one.
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justforbooks · 7 months
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Matthew Perry, best known for playing Chandler Bing in the hit TV sitcom Friends, has died at 54, according to reports.
Perry drowned at his home in Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles, sources including a representative for the actor and law enforcement told NBC News. Other US outlets also reported Perry had died.
After small roles in Growing Pains, Beverly Hills 90210 and Dream On, Perry scored a role in NBC sitcom Friends in 1994. The comedy, about six friends living in New York City, quickly became a phenomenon, winning multiple Emmys and scoring record ratings.
Perry went on to play the sarcastic and neurotic Chandler in 10 seasons with the 2004 finale reaching over 52 million viewers in the US, making it the most watched TV episode of the 2000s.
“People come up to me every day and say, ‘Hey Chandler!’ I don’t respond to it,” he said in a 2014 interview. “If somebody says, ‘Hi Matthew, I love your work’, that’s one thing. But if somebody goes ‘Yo, Chandler’, I don’t like that. I’m tired of it. I’m not Chandler.”
Perry was born in Massachusetts in 1969 to an American father and a Canadian mother, who would later move her son to Ottawa to work as a press aide to Canadian prime minister Pierre Trudeau. In his bestselling 2022 memoir Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing, Perry recalled acting up after his father abandoned his family to chase his own dreams of becoming an actor – including bullying a young Justin Trudeau. “I decided to end my argument with him when he was put in charge of an entire army,” he wrote.
At 15 Perry moved to Hollywood, with the hope of reconnecting with his father. It was there he began to enjoy acting, and was eventually spotted at a diner, “charming a bunch of young women”, by director William Richert, who left a note asking him to be in his next movie, A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon, alongside River Phoenix.
Perry was 24 when he started playing Chandler and was relatively unknown, just like his co-stars Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc and David Schwimmer. In a 2019 interview, Friends creator David Crane said Chandler was the most difficult character to cast; actors Craig Bierko, Jon Cryer and Jon Favreau were also considered for the role.
“Marta [Kauffman, co-creator] and I were thinking Chandler is just poorly written,” added Crane. “Then Matthew came in and you went, ‘Oh, well, there you go. Done. Done. That’s the guy.’”
Perry was nominated for an Emmy award five times, including once for his Friends role and twice for his role as lawyer Joe Quincy on The West Wing.
During his tenure on Friends, Perry starred in films including Fools Rush In with Salma Hayek, Three to Tango with Neve Campbell and The Whole Nine Yards with Bruce Willis. He also played small roles in Ally McBeal and Scrubs.
In a 2002 interview with the New York Times, he confessed: “I wanted to be famous so badly. You want the attention, you want the bucks, and you want the best seat in the restaurant. I didn’t think what the repercussions would be.”
Perry’s personal life was afflicted by addiction, starting in 1997 when he became addicted to pain medication after a jetski accident. He later claimed to not remember three years of his time on Friends and to spending over $9m on his fight to stay sober.
“I was taking 55 Vicodin a day, I weighed 128lbs, I was on Friends getting watched by 30 million people – and that’s why I can’t watch the show, because I was brutally thin,” he said. Perry later admitted he had suffered severe anxiety “every night” while filming the show and felt nothing when the show ended.
Once Friends ended in 2004, Perry’s next small-screen lead was in Aaron Sorkin’s Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, which was cancelled after one season. In 2009 he starred in hit comedy 17 Again alongside Zac Efron, and later guest-starred on both The Good Wife and The Good Fight.
Perry also led one season sitcom Go On and a remake of The Odd Couple which lasted for three seasons. In 2016 he wrote and starred in play The End of Longing which opened in the West End and later transferred to Broadway.
In 2019, he was put in a two-week coma when his colon exploded due to opiate abuse; he had 14 surgeries due to his opiate abuse. “At this point in my life, the words of gratitude pour out of me because I should be dead, and yet somehow I am not,” he wrote in last year’s Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing, which was a hit with readers and critics. The Guardian’s Barbara Ellen called the memoir “harrowing and revealing about the juncture where extreme compound addiction collides with mega-celebrity”.
“You have to get famous to know that it’s not the answer. And nobody who is not famous will ever truly believe that,” Perry wrote.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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msnihilist · 5 months
Ok one more. 7 Maxvid
For the kiss prompt meme.
7: …to shut them up.
"...and I know that you didn't necessarily want to be here," David was saying, wringing his hands nervously, "but I also know that you made friends and even ended up learning a few new skills, so I sincerely hope that Camp Campbell did something for you, even if it's not what this place did for me."
The bus to take them back to down for pickup was running and the other campers were already sitting inside, waiting. Max could feel Neil and Nikki watching him through the window, wondering what was taking him so long. If it weren't for the bus' engine drowning out their conversation, Max wouldn't be having it at all.
Aware of his friends watching, Max was trying not to look stupidly fond as David blathered on. He was really trying. But he'd had a while now to accept that camp was ending, and come to a couple unwanted realizations.
It was going to be a rough nine months without the only adult in his life who actually gave a shit.
"It's whatever," Max said, feigning nonchalance. But David wasn't done yet.
"No, it's not 'whatever,' Max," David said firmly. "You— Gosh darn it, you're an amazing kid. I know that home probably isn't what you want it to be, and you deserve some place where you feel safe and happy."
"David..." Max softened. He couldn't even really find it within himself to protest. For once, he wanted David to be right. "Look, I'm not—"
"But you are," David stressed. "You're creative and wickedly smart, and you can be a real leader when you want to be. I look at you and I see nothing but incredible potential."
Max's face felt warm. "C'mon, David. Your favoritism is showing."
Read the rest on AO3!
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busted-glowstick · 1 year
Can you please write some Pikeman x reader hcs?
I absolutely adore this request, and i love that a fellow Pikeman lover asked for it ❤️ Also i don’t know if you wanted it like this, but i’ll make it gn- I also ended up writing a kinda partial story along with this, simply because i am just obsessed- aka I’m definitely posting a part 2 of a more detailed version of the story half-
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Pikeman x Reader HCs!
You met the Woodscout boys when they first tried to invade the camp, taking a small liking to the ginger teen.
After a few more run-ins with him, you two snuck out of your respective camps at least 3 times a week to meet eachother in the woods between your camps, finding yourselves losing track of time as you two talked about anything and everything you could think of
He realized he liked you when he next invaded Camp Campbell, attempting to flirt with Gwen like he usually did. But something in his flirting seemed off. Like he was putting less effort to try to impress the tall woman. He didn’t get that same rush in his chest anymore.
At least, not until he saw you. The way you smiled at him from behind the defensive stares of the rest of the campers made his heart flutter. He called for a “tactical retreat” to his other troops, when in all reality he just didn’t want to be seen blushing the way you made him blush.
During your next meet-up, Pikeman seemed a little more.. Nervous, than usual. He avoided looking at you practically the entire time, and when you could catch a glimpse of his face under the moonlight, he had a faint blush.
You laughed softly, turning his face to you as you jokingly asked him if he had a crush on you.
Somehow, his face got brighter-
“Wh-what?! H-how did you know!? I thought i was good at hiding it..”
If the poor guy wasn’t a flustered mess before, he definitely was when you kissed his cheek, telling him you had a crush on him aswell.
The rest of that night was spent in eachothers arms, sharing laughs, kisses, and occasional flirts.
After you two got together, your meet-ups were practically every night. Some nights would be soft and romantic, others would be fun and childlike as if you were just best friends.
Until one night he showed up late, crying.
You immediately grew worried, Your Pikeman never liked to let you see him cry, so it had to be bad.
After asking him a few times he spilled his guts, telling you how he felt like he wasn’t enough for you and that he’s afraid of you finding someone “better” and “more attractive” than him.
You sighed softly, pulling him close as you told him that he was more than enough for you, that he was all you would ever want, and that to you, he was perfect in every way.
You lovingly wiped his tears away before kissing him softly
When you both parted he shakily spoke.
“I.. i love you (y/n).. so fucking much..”
You smiled and told him that you loved him just as much as he did you, making him well up with tears once again.
You both ended up staying there until sunrise, only realizing what had happened when you could head Davids scared girly scream from across the woods.
You cursed lowly, giving your loving redheaded boyfriend a kiss before rushing off, leaving him with a light feeling in his heart and a lovesick smile on his face as he walked back to the Woodscouts camp
What part of you does Pikeman love the most? He would say your smile every time. If you ever asked why he would go on about how your smile makes him feel like he is actually cared for, and how you have a faint smile played onto your lips when you two kiss. If he couldn’t say lips, he would say hands. He just loves the way you and his hands fit so perfectly together.
His petnames for you would include Darling, Sweetheart, My light, and beautiful/handsome/gorgeous. His favorite though would be My Gem, because to him, you are more stunning than any gem in the world.
When you two cuddle, he prefers to be the big spoon, no matter your size compared to him. He loves feeling like he can protect you and just keep you close and safe
He has absolutely z e r o experience when it comes to love, so when you start to show him said love, he will get clingy and needy for your attention. He doesn’t intentionally try to take you away from people, he’s just scared of you leaving him.
He also gets jealous extremely easily, so if he can’t be around you alot, there will be some kind of marking on you to tell anyone and everyone that you are taken, whether that be hickeys, his jacket, a fucking diamond ring. He doesn’t care what it is as long as it lets people know you’re HIS.
His favorite things to do with you is relax in bed with you after a long day of training, watching baking shows as you both cuddle each other closely.
When he has downtime without you, he imagines your guys wedding. He knows it would be absolutely stunning, with everyone you and him care about there, celebrating your love for one another.
On your 4th or 5th anniversary, he didn’t do anything too special. Not because he didn’t care, because he didn’t know what to do before the main event. He got your favorite flowers and made you dinner, watching romcoms with you.
Eventually he sighed shakily, pausing the movie and getting down on one knee, pulling out a small velvet box and opening it. It held a stunning diamond ring/band. He looked up at you with a loving smile, speaking softly
“Darling, you have made me the happiest I have ever been since you appeared in my life. I want to make you feel the same way you have made me feel. So i ask you now, will you allow me to take your hand in marriage and give you the best life i can as I love you with my entire heart, body, mind, and soul.”
When you said yes, he felt nothing but pure bliss. He loved you so much and he wanted to give you the life of your dreams.
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I genuinely loved this request so much, thank you snowie <3
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scotianostra · 8 months
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Happy Birthday Kenneth Campbell "Ken" Stott, born on October 19th 1954 in Edinburgh.
One of my favourite actors, as hard-drinking Detective hero of Ian Rankin's popular book he was Inspector John Rebus to me. Ken's Father was Scottish and a teacher, his mum a Sicilian, he went to the famous George Herriots school before going onto to Mountview Theatre School, where the distinguished actor Sir John Mills was president. Fellow Scot Douglas Henshall was also a student of the school. Before leaving Edinburgh Stott had been in a band called Keyhole some of the members of the group would later join the Bay City Rollers.
Ken went on to work with the Royal Shakespeare Company but the pay was poor and he subsidised his earnings by selling double glazing. His first TV role was in Secret Army for the BBC, parts in TV shows throughout his career have included, Taggart (of course) The Singing Detective, London's Burning, Your Cheatin' Heart and Silent Witness. He was insome good films too, The Debt Collector (with Billy Connolly) , Shallow Grave, (with Ewen MacGregor) and Plunkett & Macleane (with Robert Carlyle).
My favourite shows of Ken's have been the brilliant BBC Scotland series, Takin' Over the Asylum in which starred as Double Glazing salesman, but aspiring disc jockey
with David Tennant and Angus Macfadyen,The ITV series The Vice was also a cracking series where he played DI Pat Chappel and The BBC show Messiah, where again he played a cop, DCI Red Metcalfe where he learned sign language for scenes with his screen wife,and Rebus of course, when the show was resurrected in 2006, Stott was a first choice for many as D.I John Rebus, John Hannah had the role in the first incarnation, mainly due to it being made by his own production company.
On film Ken is probably best known for his role as the Dwarf, Balin in The Hobbit trilogy. He is a popular choice for voice work, as narrator for series such as Trawlermen, a documentary following North Sea trawlers, and Send in the Dogs, following the work of Police Officers and their canine partners.
One of my favourite stories about Ken Stott echoes the no nonsense approach of Rebus, on stage during Arthur Miller's A View From The Bridge, he halted the play when a group of teenage schoolkids were misbehaving and disturbing the show, switching from his stage American to his native Scots accent he told the teacher responsible for the children to remove them, or the play would not go on.
The house lights were switched on and there was then a 15-minute stand-off as discussions took place with the offending youngsters.
The audience took the side of Stott and even resorted to chanting 'out, out, out' in extraordinary scenes. Eventually the three culprits and an embarrassed teacher was forced to creep away before the play resumed at the Duke of York's Theatre.
Recently Ken was in the TV series Devils playing professor Wade in the show. Look out for The Dig, a decent Netflix film about an archaeologist dig in England in 1938 also starring Ralph Fiennes.
Ken reprised his role as Chief Superintendent Bob Toal in the second series of Irvine Welsh's Edinburgh set cop show Crime.
Nominated for many awards, he was lifted two Scottish Baftas and a Laurence Olivier Award.
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theghostbunnie · 1 year
*grabs you by the shoulders forcibly* tell me your Nerris hcs RIGHT NYEOW
AAAAA OK SO she's hinted to be Nonbinary I believe when juggling balls colored the same as the nb flag. So, that's like, cannon actually. (Even if this next part was for a joke they still decided to add in them saying "Well technically human female I prefer elfkin" and even if you jokingly make a character queer it still happened no take backsies! lmao.)
and Yes non-binary people can use she/her pronouns but I think she'd probably use she/they/elf (as in neopronouns) too!
•Nerris is definitely the type of kid that when you're playing pretend they'll bitch that you're not playing it right. It's just when it comes to what SHE'S into it has to be done "accurately" "properly" ect (aka the way elf wants it done) on "Nikki's last day on earth" she's all like nu uh you can't be the knight I am. now the princess runs and gives me a hug for saving her! Which was kinda
(🫵🤨 🏳️‍🌈⁉️)/hj
And she's friends with Nikki, too. She does a slightly similar thing telling Harrison he can't be a mage bc they are. Nerris the type to battle you over the player one controller fr.
Hot take all of her bad behavior is just from being an unchecked child and she'll grow out of most of it. I actually don't like the concept elf bullies Harrison bc she has a crush on him- (don't get me wrong this is 0 Nerrison hate I just don't like when they start from that.) I think she's actually jealous? Threatened of him maybe? Hear me out, before David had all their names remembered he was pulling a Cameron and grouping some together. Specifically only Nerris and Harrison. Nerris reacted childishly like children do and didn't take kindly to that and saw Harrison as immediate competition. (They even argue at one point about who's the most magical.) So that's why she targets him and treats him like a loser to keep him down and make herself feel higher.
It gives me the same vibe kids competing with each other academically rather than in sports bc once something is labeled as a team Nerris actually seems to do okay in it. So I think this is a behavior she learned way more in school, and why I HC her to be one of those honor student types who likes being recognized as the teacher's favorite.
I don't believe Nerris is even that deeply aware of the whys and how's of why they act like this. They just do things, man. Then do silly little flossing dances after.
They probably played movie star planet and all the other child website roleplaying games and started fantasy roleplaying groups on there which was probably difficult with all the family roleplays and wolf clans being a way more popular choice to pretend as. Elf needed something to do in the winter when it got too cold to larp outside !!!! They probably switch over to more writing based forms of roleplay as they got older.
In the show we actually see her playing a game called "Pixies and Pythons" or something instead of DND and there's like hot pixie women on the cover and I'm choosing to believe she DIDN'T bring that from home camp campbell just has offbrand EVERYTHING.
Both of her parents sew and they make all of their costumes for her and I like to think Nerris is very "navy blue starry wizard" aesthetic so they mostly stick to that. Her mom's supportive and will add anything she wants to it but her dad gets excited with hisown ideas and opinions too.
I think Nerris' gender exspression being neutral might've got them certain comments in school and why she specifically decided to make her character's title "Nerris the cute" and why often the first thing she aims against Harrison is his looks. (That, or, the "Nerris the cute" is a title her dad came up with for her before she could. Yes I'm saying this man brought the baby to larp in a carrier.)
Has a whooole collection of dice and she gives some to her friends when they come over but has to specifically pick out the ones she DOESN'T want anymore first.
Them and Harrison are Lord of the Rings VS Harry Potter. (It's possible to like things without supporting, liking, or agreeing with the creator of it. Nerris knows this...) Still calls him a transphobe whenever he brings the franchise up. Can't even defend himself bro they just go "is it bc I'm trans/j"
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