#Cute and sad
houseofevanbuckley · 2 months
A huge bullying scandal happens in LA
Sadly very basic stuff but it shakes the town and so the administration are looking for out members of the city to speak in schools
Buck who’s been dating Tommy for a couple of months now volunteer for it along with Hen
After giving his name for it he goes back to Tommy’s place where he spend most of his free time now and tells him about it
“See, I’m an ally” he says before Tommy tackle him on his couch
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icycoldninja · 5 months
i've been reading your fics revently and really enjoy them! i was wondering if you could write some angsty fluff with dante and/or raiden (separately)?
kinda like they both have nightmares about their past, their s/o comforts them if that's good enough. have a good day! 😊
Thank you, you too! I'm so glad you like my work, cause I'm pretty proud of them myself. Nightmare comfort is one of my favorite things to write about since it's the perfect blend of fluff and angst. I'll start with the Raiden one and post Dante's fic at a later date. Hope you enjoy. 💜
Update: Here is part two of your request. Thanks so much once again. 💜
Safe (Raiden x Reader angst/fluff)
You awoke abruptly, startled by the metallic creaking of Raiden's joints as he tossed and turned restlessly in his sleep. "Please...don't..." He mumbled, grasping frantically at nothing. "Please..." He was sobbing now, hot tears flowing down his cheeks as he trembled and grabbed at the sheets, titanium claws ripping right through the fragile linen. "Please...make it stop. I don't want to..." He shuddered, metal muscles tensing with fear. "No...no more..." You rolled over, reaching towards the cyborg in an attempt to comfort him, but your hand was roughly knocked away when Raiden suddenly sat upright, panting heavily. "No!" He screamed, not realizing he was awake. His breathing was ragged and frantic; his body glowed red, a sign he was about to transition into Jack the Ripper--that is, unless you did something soon.
You quickly flicked on the lights, causing Raiden to jump and look about the room fearfully. He was now curled up on the bed, knees to his chest, the sheets having been kicked off during his fitful slumber. "Rai, it's alright." You whispered, edging towards him tentatively. The red glow emanating from beneath his armor hadn't subsided yet, meaning that there was a chance he could become very violent at any moment. "Calm down. Shhhh," You carefully wrapped an arm around him and began rubbing circles in his leaden shoulder. "It's OK, Rai. I'm here." Raiden sucked in a deep, shuddering breath before nodding and unfurling himself from his tense position. "Do you...want to talk about it?" You asked, still rubbing his shoulder. Raiden stared at his knees for a while, tears streaming from his eyes. Eventually, he gathered enough of himself to speak.
"I...I dreamed of when the Patriots captured me...the "modifications" they gave me." He scrunched his eyes shut, tears still dripping from them. "It hurt....so much....I never want to go through that again..." He buried his face in his hands, futilely attempting to hide his choked sobs. "Raiden..." You were at a complete loss. Seeing Raiden, the usually calm, collected, ultra powerful, nearly unstoppable cyborg ninja break down like this hurt your heart. Watching him sob and shiver over an incident that must have been truly traumatic broke your heart and made you want to cry too. "Raiden...I'm so sorry." There was really nothing else you could say. Slowly, tenderly, you reached out and pried his cold, steely hands away from his face, revealing the puffy, red, teary eyes that lay beneath. "Hey, it's gonna be ok." You assured him, running a hand through his hair while the other wiped the tears from his cheeks. "I'm here, and I'm gonna protect you. I promise. You're OK now. The Patriots are gone--you're safe. You'll always be safe when you're with me. I swear it." Raiden sniffed, looking up at you with watery gray eyes; a tiny smile visible on his face. "Thanks, Y/N. Thank you for...for being here." You grinned, playfully mussing up his hair before kissing him on the cheek. "I'm always gonna be here for you, Rai-Rai. I love you." Raiden nodded, obviously feeling better, and wrapped his arms around you, trapping you in a tight hug. "I love you too, Y/N. Now...let's get some sleep." You nodded, wriggling out of his grasp for a brief moment to turn off the lights before rolling back on top of him. "Night Rai." Raiden chuckled, pressing a firm-jawed kiss to your jaw. "Sleep well, sweetheart."
Having successfully calmed Raiden down from his nightmare, you and your beloved drifted off to sleep, content and comfortable, and most of all, safe in each other's arms.
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the-baddest-of-batches · 10 months
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We were children, and they sent us to war.
[Alt Text: four image post beginning with a cadet running through the rain on Kamino, a puddle reflecting Umbara beneath him. There is text reading WE WERE CHILDREN and it follows with a bloodied clone trooper slamming a rifle into the ground where a broken clone helmet sits. He is screaming. There is text behind him repeating GOOD SOLDIERS FOLLOW ORDERS, GOOD SOLDIERS DIE. The next image is prceeded by the words AND THEY SENT US and depicts the same man in clone armor which is greyscale standing in front of a half melted skull. Lines indicate mandalorian armor on top of him, like a ghost of the future. He looks broken and sad and the text reads YOU HAVE BECOME SCARS, AND DENIAL...and above the last image is are the words TO WAR followed by a red dominated image of the same clone in green and yellow mandalorian armor now. He turns away from a lonely clone trooper helmet and dc-15s blaster which are set in front of a monument reflecting past clone's shoes. It appears he is walking away. The text in the image is YOU ARE MY DESTROYER.]
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marylily-my-beloved · 2 months
more marylily headcanons bc they give me life (and at the request of @her-midas-touch)
Lily would be an early riser and an early sleeper. So every time she woke up and Mary was still asleep she would give her a little forehead kiss and then write a small note and then get ready for her day. And every time Mary came to bed and Lily was already asleep, she would curl around her and kiss her hair until she fell asleep.
Lily would always bite her nails, so whenever Mary saw her biting them she would take her hand and kiss her knuckles to make her stop (it never worked)
Mary loved to bake but she was always busy, so Lily would try to make time for them to bake together and they would bake the cutest and yummiest stuff (frog bread, strawberry cinnamon rolls, the works).
In Hogwarts whenever Lily was struggling on Divination Mary would help her, and when Mary was struggling in Potions Lily would help her.
When they came out to Sirius and Remus, Sirius and Remus came out to them, and then they all immensely felt relief but also needed to hand each other money for the bets they made
Sometimes when Lily and Mary would sync up, they would lie in bed together, kissing to try to relax (it didn’t help them relax, but it did make them feel better.)
Before they got together Mary would always try to make Lily little trinkets during the holidays, and gave them to her when they got back to Hogwarts. And sometimes she used to write letters confessing her love but she always hid them and decided against giving them to Lily. After Hogwarts when they moved in together, Lily found this pile of letters and looked through every single one. She was even more in love with Mary, so she showed her and then gave her a love letter that she had written. (In an ideal world this would be canon…)
(This one is kind of sad, beware. Canon, eww.) In their Hogwarts days, before Lily and James got together, and even when they were together, Lily and Mary would always be a bit too close, they would kiss and every time they did Lily distanced herself from Mary until Mary would come and beg for forgiveness, and then they would be friends again. And then when Lily and James died, Mary went to Lily’s grave, and all she could do was beg for forgiveness, beg to see Lily one more time. But this time, the begging didn’t work, and Mary was all alone.
Mary would always think about the cons of everything instead of the pros, but everytime she thought about Lily and her love for her, she couldn't think of a single con
Before Lily had died by a few days, she had gone to see Mary somewhere and Mary had ditched her. Mary had ditched her because she thought that Lily would never want to see her again, her "best friend" that was a little too in love with her, but when lily died, all that Mary could think about was the fact that she ditched her.
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tinyperson00 · 4 months
"im off to heaven now"
TW: Death + blood
Poor babies 😭
-lazy edit-
more of an explanation on her death coming soon (once I finish my drawings lol)
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sashthesloth · 23 days
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I love the little squad of shades who follow Mel around the Crossroads when she gets back from a win
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nkogneatho · 4 months
Toji has never once shown his vulnerability towards the scar he has on his lips. He never even talks about them. But you know he is somewhere insecure about it when he stops and stares in the mirror while shaving, green eyes scanning the scar. Or when he purposely rests the right side of his face in his hand so the palm hides it. He thought he was being subtle with it, but you noticed. You noticed how deep down he was scared to even talk about it, let alone wear it with pride. That scar was a nightmare and he hated how it was visible to him, to everyone in the most obvious place.
"Toji?" you cooed from behind, walking into the hall while he was watching TV.
"Yes, baby?"
"I bought a new gloss, and i want to test if it's transfer proof."
"Don't know what that is but c'mere, lovie. Sit on my lap while you do it." You smiled and plopped yourself on his lap. Before he could finally look at you, you pressed your tinted glossy lips at the end of his lips where the scar settled.
he tried opening his lips to catch yours but you didn't really kiss his lips. he was so confused why you were pecking one spot.
*one peck. two peck. three peck. smooches tightly*
"D'ya know? I love this." You ran your thumb over the skin. "It makes me realize how strong you are, Toji. Sooo strong. Please don't hide it. It makes you look more handsome." He couldn't form words. The sudden love bomb opened a can of bad memories. Yet, oddly, he was comforted by your words. For a man so big, he was still weak over you and your love. Because you determined his vulnerability. Which is why your relationship was perfect. He is not the kind of man to be vocal about his issues but you read him like an open book. You understand him before he even has to spell it out.
Toji rested his forehead against yours, inhaling and exhaling with his eyes closed. God. He feels so in love, it kills him. What would he do without you? Everyone picked his flesh till it was just his heart exposed in the dirt, still struggling to beat. But you found it. Not to pick anymore flesh(there was none left). But to rip open your ribs and keep that heart locked in you forever. Safe and sound.
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opikiquu · 24 days
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deadeery · 8 months
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wolfpai999 · 3 months
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Circus balloon dogs!! 🎪🎈
I wanna make these into stickers and maybe buttons c:
Would anyone want to take em home?
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himbo-in-limbo · 8 months
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Theirs kid souls in there….kids like Bluey right??? 😭
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Will Abby ever meet Elizabeth 👀
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I’ve technically drawn that once before! In newer comics? We’ll see,,
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Father and Daughter, Goodbye. 2024.
More art prep as we move into our final mission. One of Suru and Mav’s father-daughter traditions.
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babyanimalgifs · 1 month
That tail droop when the doggo’s date left
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a--z--u--l · 6 months
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dollster · 2 months
me after acting like it didn’t matter to me
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