#Chester Mystery Plays
zmkccommonplace · 10 months
Sinners to their places, please.
John Young, director of Chester's mystery plays during a rehearsal.
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stuartforster · 2 years
Haunted places in England: Chester walking tours
Haunted places in England: Chester walking tours
Stuart Forster talks to David Atkinson, a Green Badge Guide offering Chester walking tours exploring the dark history of one the most haunted places in England. Disclosure: Some of the links below and banners are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. 2,000 years of history mean that Chester has the reputation of…
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millenniummmbop · 2 years
hey i just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for the linkin park ygo content,,!! i just got into ygo and your art made me have another INTENSE wave of linkin park and now i can't stop thinking about yugi and seto while listening and i even have the hybrid theory lp at home and am SO tempted to recreate your fanart every time i walk past it it's insane
anyway your brain is godly thank you for this connection
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U don’t know how happy this ask makes me it gets me SO FUCKING ECCSTATIC to know that the venn diagram of “yugioh fans” and “linkin park enjoyers” is a flat fucking circle for a lot of us slfjsldjfglsgjlsfjlskfjlkfj 
#asks#fallen-juniper-leaves#seto kaiba#yugi mutou#sketchbook#GOD I COULD TALK FOREVER ABOUT THE OBSESSIVE CONNECTION MY BRAIN HAS B/W YUGIOH AND LINKIN PARK#LIKE LITERALLY ONE OF THE VERY FIRST THINGS I MADE WHEN I STARTED GETTING BACK INTO YGO#WAS A DUMB ONE-SHOT WHERE EVERYONE GOES TO A LINKIN PARK CONCERT TOGETHER#AND THEN SOMETHING SOMETHING MAGIC SHENANIGANS AND YAMI YUGI HAS TO GO S0 ON SOME MOTHER FUCKERS#IN THE MOSH PIT AS LINKIN PARK PLAYS BLEED IT OUT OR SOME SHIT#but also and this is important#the guys from linkin park are drawn in the hanah barbara art style and the entire adventure is treated like one of those#old episodes of scooby doo where they meet a celebrity guest and they help them solve the mystery#and they speak in like preppy hip 60s slang and they're all nice and polite until the musical number at the end#where chester just SCREAMS into the mic and everyone just starts raging and going crazy going stupid#i think like 3 of the sketches made it onto my doodle dump from the end of last year and NOTHING ELSE#this was 100% a self-indulgent dumb little au thing that was never meant to see the light of day#but shit maybe i'll actually will this into existence some day sldfjsljglsjglsfjlsdfjldskf#oh right the doodle lmfao#they're having a karaoke contest i guess#kaiba wanted SO bad to do chester's part but sadly he just doesn't have the upper range UnU#there's probably like a dozen or so more thematically appropriate LP songs they could've been singing here#but waiting for the end is literally my favorite song of anything they've ever released ever#so i'm selfishly deciding it's both of their favorite too 8)))))#FUCK i love linkin park
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carewyncromwell · 9 months
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"Don't talk 'bout me
Like how you might know how I feel --
Top of the world, but your world isn't real...
Your world's an ideal...
So go have fun -- I really couldn't care less."
~"Therefore I Am" by Billie Eilish
When Carewyn Cromwell first joined the Department of Magical Law Enforcement as an up-and-coming lawyer in the spring of 1991, Cornelius Fudge -- the Minister for Magic -- was very eager to welcome her and show support for her budding career. It didn't take long for Carewyn to figure out that Fudge had heard all about her and her brother Jacob's exploits dealing with the Cursed Vaults and apprehending R -- not just from Dumbledore, but from OWL examiner Professor Tofty and infamous Auror Mad-Eye Moody -- and although Carewyn had had plenty of people side-eye her for her dealing with the Vaults at school, it seemed Fudge held no such disapproval. On the contrary, he seemed very keen on interacting with Carewyn, especially around his support staff and the rest of the Wizengamot. And it wasn't until Carewyn finally met him (as well as his Senior Undersecretary, Dolores Umbridge) that she figured out why.
Carewyn had known she wouldn't be the first Cromwell that sought a career in Magical Law. Her Head of House, Severus Snape, purposefully brought it up to her in their Career Advice session, to make sure she was aware that -- at the time of her interest -- Carewyn's ruthless grandfather, Charles Cromwell, was an influential member of the Wizengamot. After Charles's arrest and lifetime imprisonment, the Cromwell Clan's reputation had understandably been tarnished. Carewyn and Jacob's reputations, however, were shining and pristine, because they were the Cromwells who had actually defeated Charles and the rest of R and in the process saved Hogwarts from the danger of the Cursed Vaults. And considering that Fudge was related to the Cromwell Clan through marriage (a fact that still left Carewyn reeling) and had apparently done his fair share of socializing with Charles Cromwell while unaware of his crimes, it was very clear that Fudge wanted to distance himself from that old association, preferably by being on good terms with the people who'd brought Charles to justice. And since Carewyn was now pursuing a promising new career at the Ministry, Fudge had clearly deemed it in his best interest to throw his support behind Carewyn, so as to have her esteem and reputation likewise reflect nicely on him.
So Fudge only has interest in being around people who make him look good, rather than anyone with actual integrity, Carewyn thought cynically. Guess I shouldn't be surprised that the chief politician around here acts like it.
Despite herself, though, Carewyn was disappointed. All the more so when she learned in the spring of 1993 just how self-absorbed the man was, despite being given charge of the entire British Wizarding World.
It all started when -- in the midst of a busy night shift -- Carewyn's meeting with fellow lawyer Chester Davies was interrupted by her old school friend Ben Copper bursting into her office.
"Carewyn," he said urgently, "Hagrid's been arrested."
Both Carewyn and Chester whirled around.
"What!?" they cried in unison.
"How can that be?" Chester immediately followed up, sounding confused. "I didn't even know Hagrid was under investigation -- let alone charged with anything..."
He looked to Carewyn as if to ask if she had, but Carewyn wasn't paying attention. She got up from her chair and strolled around her desk over to Ben, taking hold of his shoulder and steering him into the office so she could close the door.
"Tell me everything," she said seriously.
Ben rested his forehead on his clenched fist as he propped his elbow against the wall of Carewyn's office.
"I was just finishing up my work for the day, when I saw Hagrid by the Floo grates with two Hitwizards, talking to Cornelius Fudge," he explained. "Fudge was apologizing, saying something about 'it just being a precaution' and that he was sure once things at Hogwarts settled down, he'd be able to go about his business as usual. Fudge even tried to tell Hagrid that Azkaban shouldn't really be that bad for him -- "
Ben looked absolutely disgusted repeating back such a blatant lie. Carewyn was just as furious herself.
"'Shouldn't be that bad?'" she repeated, her soft voice nonetheless dripping with horror and umbrage. "What, does he think only violent criminals are affected by dementors?"
"Likely!" Ben spat, his brown eyes flashing with righteous anger. "I went over and asked what was going on, and Hagrid explained that it was because of the whole 'Chamber of Secrets' mess. Fudge didn't seem to want to talk about it and kind of just blustered the same rubbish he'd said to Hagrid -- claimed the Hogwarts school governors had been concerned and he'd thought he should take measures to 'reassure' them and the public -- "
"Reassure them?" said Chester, his mouth falling open in disbelief. "But -- you can't mean -- the Minister can't really think that Hagrid opened the Chamber of Secrets?"
"No -- but apparently because Hagrid was expelled right after the Chamber of Secrets opened the first time, Fudge is perfectly willing to throw him under the bus anyway, just to make it look like he's doing something," Ben said vindictively. "Apparently he's letting the exact same thing happen to Dumbledore too."
"What do you mean?" said Carewyn, her eyebrows furrowing.
Ben leaned his back up against the wall, crossing his arms.
"Hagrid said that Dumbledore and Fudge had come to see him at his hut about an hour ago, when Lucius Malfoy crashed the meeting out of nowhere, just to round Dumbledore up and expel him from the grounds. Apparently that snake Malfoy somehow got all of the other school governors to sign off on the proposal."
The mention of Lucius Malfoy made Carewyn's eyes flare with resentment. Of course Malfoy would be the sort to take advantage of a bad situation to try to oust his old master You-Know-Who's greatest enemy.
"But -- but taking Dumbledore away could only make things worse," said Chester. He clearly had a hard time making sense of all this. "Surely the Minister wouldn't agree to that? He's gone to Dumbledore for advice for years..."
"But how could Fudge have arrested Hagrid in the first place?" Carewyn rerouted the conversation sharply. "The Hitwizards can't arrest anyone without the charges first going through the Department of Magical Law Enforcement...how fast must the charges have gone through, for Chester and me not to have heard anything about them?"
"That's because Fudge didn't involve the Hitwizards or the Wizengamot at first," Ben said coldly. "The Hitwizards I saw looked just as surprised by what they were hearing as I was...even if they did end up going lockstep with Fudge and took Hagrid away through the grate anyway. I reckon Fudge just asked Hagrid to come with him quietly, so he wouldn't have to get the Hitwizards involved..."
"Or have his activities draw too much attention," Carewyn finished.
Her low voice evoked the rumbles of an earthquake as she swept to the door. Opening it, she glanced over her shoulder at Chester, her blue eyes blazing with righteous fire despite the stoicism of her face.
"Chester...I'm afraid I'll have to leave you to finish editing the case file," she said curtly.
"What are you planning to do?" asked Chester.
"Speak to Madam Bones. Hagrid needs a lawyer, and I intend to be it."
It only took a half-hour for Carewyn to blaze through all the paperwork needed to become Hagrid's official legal counsel. Unfortunately Azkaban's visiting hours were only from sun-up to sun-down, with each visitor only being allowed an hour each day with a Patronus escort either provided by the warden or conjured by the visitor themselves. The conditions were very familiar to Carewyn -- she'd been reminded them every time she chose to visit Patricia Rakepick in her lonely cell block.
When Carewyn finally made it to Azkaban first thing the next morning and was led to the cell Hagrid had been squeezed into, she found the poor gamekeeper crumpled up in a huge ball, sobbing like a child.
"Dad -- 'm sorry, Dad -- "
Even with her Abraxan Winged Horse Patronus protecting her from the dementors' influence, Carewyn could feel a cold, ocean-like wave of despair crash over her, just looking at Hagrid. Her almond-shaped blue eyes welled up with empathetic pain.
"...Oh, Hagrid..."
She clutched the bars of his cell with her free hand as her Patronus swept through the bars, lightly brushing its nose along Hagrid's arm. Hagrid choked, blinking up through his tears as he shakily raised his head.
The grief and paleness of Hagrid's usually rosy, happy face broke Carewyn's heart. She could feel her own eyes welling up with traces of tears as she tried to smile at him.
"It's me, Hagrid," Carewyn said gently. "It's Carewyn."
Hagrid's beetle-black eyes widened. Then, just as abruptly, they flooded with even more tears, which streamed down his face like pouring rain might streak down a windowpane.
He couldn't keep himself from breaking down into full sobs as he crawled over and slapped his oversized hands up against the bars -- they were too small for him to grab them the way Carewyn had. Even so, Carewyn tried to take his hand as best she could, even if it only resulted in her holding his pinky and ring finger.
"It's okay, Hagrid," Carewyn whispered as soothingly as she could. Her Abraxan Patronus gently rested its transparent wing over Hagrid's shoulder and rested its head beside his arm. "It's going to be okay..."
It took sitting with Carewyn and her Patronus for a couple of minutes before Hagrid was able to speak coherently. He told Carewyn everything that had happened, including the reason Fudge had thought he could be behind the attacks in the first place.
"...Th' whole lot thought that he'd been what hurt poor Myrtle Warren, bu' -- bu' I'm tellin' you, Aragog wouldn't-a done it!" said Hagrid. "I tol' 'em that at th' time too...bu' only Professor Dumbledore believed me..."
Carewyn nodded. That sounded about right -- for as much as she resented Dumbledore, the Headmaster had always supported Hagrid. And given the Headmaster's own talent for Legilimency, Carewyn suspected Dumbledore knew full-well Hagrid was telling the truth, just as much as she herself was certain of it. But she also knew that her intuitions based on her Legilimency couldn't be used as evidence of either guilt or innocence...and even if Hagrid didn't believe Aragog was the beast from the Chamber of Secrets and Carewyn doubted it as well, plenty of people could see the circumstances as pretty damning, on their own.
"And because no one else believed you, Headmaster Dippet expelled you with the thought that it would make the attacks stop," surmised Carewyn.
Hagrid hung his head. "...Yeah. An' well...th' attacks did stop, after tha'. Dunno why, aside from th' person maybe decidin' t' cut 'is losses..."
Carewyn's lips came together grimly as she looked at the floor. The gamekeeper's face went that little bit paler as his eyes flooded with fresh tears.
"Yeh -- yeh don't think I did it, d'yeh?" he said desperately. "I-I would never! I woulda never hurt 'em -- Nick an' Mrs. Norris, an' -- an' poor Hermione -- oh, Carewyn, I never woulda -- !"
Carewyn gave Hagrid's pinky a reassuring squeeze.
"I know, Hagrid," she said firmly. "I know you didn't do it. All of those Pureblood wizarding families that claimed to be related to Salazar Slytherin have died out -- and trust me, 'Hagrid' was not one of them. And the beast inside the Chamber of Secrets was supposedly put there by Salazar Slytherin around the time he and the other four Founders made the Cursed Vaults, back in the 9th century. Acromantula weren't bred until the 18th century. Aragog couldn't be Slytherin's monster."
Her eyes softened.
"...And I know you, Hagrid. You love everyone at Hogwarts, even the brattiest students. I know you would never do anything to hurt them."
Hagrid's teary eyes crinkled up to make room for a very weak, watery smile.
"...Thank you, Carewyn," he gave a loud sniff. "It...it means a lot...knowin' yeh believe in me..."
Carewyn gave a gentle pat to his hand through the bars. Hagrid gave another loud sniff.
"...D'yeh...d'yeh know if the Wizengamot'll be able t' stop Malfoy? Get 'em t' bring Dumbledore back?"
Carewyn pursed her lips grimly. "There's nothing for them to stop, at present. The school governors' job is to oversee the school and its Headmaster -- them asking Dumbledore to resign is a completely legal action for them to take."
Hagrid looked distressed. "Bu' -- bu' withou' Dumbledore there, everyone'll be in more danger than ever! Professor Dumbledore was likely the only thing that kept th' Heir o' Slytherin from goin' all out -- "
"That doesn't mean the Wizengamot can overrule the governors' decision," Carewyn said sternly. She then said a bit more gently, "...I know how much you respect Dumbledore -- and you're right, Dumbledore has warded Dark wizards away from the school before..."
Not that he was able to prevent R from sending Jacob and me threats, but they still didn't feel bold enough to show up in full-force until Dumbledore was away...
"...But however foolish their decision might be, it doesn't break any laws. And law enforcement is meant for that purpose -- enforcing laws that have been broken."
Hagrid looked incredibly disheartened.
"They're gonna regret it later," he muttered miserably. "Yeh jus' wait an' see..."
Carewyn gave Hagrid's pinky another light squeeze, exhaling quietly through her nose.
She thought so too -- but she was so unhappy just contemplating the consequences that she didn't have to heart to say so.
The consequences, as it turned out, were even worse than Carewyn could've envisioned.
After going out for an afternoon coffee break with Talbott one May day, Carewyn found the Ministry Atrium in disarray, with multiple owls flying in and out of the offices of the Minister of Magic and his support staff and nosy reporters crowding around in an attempt to figure out what was going on.
Tonks emerged from the crowd and filled them in -- apparently the reporters had heard rumors that there'd been another attack at Hogwarts by the Heir of Slytherin, this time with a student actually being taken into the Chamber itself. It was only once Talbott convinced Tonks to change herself temporarily into one of Dolores Umbridge's staffers so she could force her way through the reporters and get more information from the support staff herself that she found out who it was -- and when the pink-haired Auror caught up with Talbott and Carewyn in the Atrium, her heart-shaped face was as white as a sheet.
"Weasley," Tonks whispered shakily. "Fudge said the girl's name was Weasley..."
Talbott's shoulders stiffened as Carewyn's hands flew to her mouth in horror.
"Ginny," she gasped.
Talbott, Tonks, and Carewyn all bolted to the lift, taking it up to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement where they could use the Auror Department's Floo Network grate specifically meant for communication. Upon trying to contact the Burrow, however, Carewyn found the house quiet and deserted.
"Are they not there?" Tonks asked Carewyn anxiously as she took her head out of the grate. The ginger-haired lawyer shook her head.
"The school must've contacted Mr. and Mrs. Weasley as soon as it happened," Talbott said solemnly.
Carewyn nodded, her red lips knitting together tightly. "I've got to write to Bill and Charlie right away -- "
"I'll go to Hogsmeade," said Talbott at once. "There might be more information, closer to the school..."
"And I'll go back downstairs!" Tonks agreed. "Maybe I'll pick up some more intel, huddled in with all those reporters -- "
The three dispersed, with Talbott and Tonks heading back to the lift and Carewyn heading to her office. Once she'd very quickly written out a letter each for Bill and Charlie and put all of the expediting stamps on them that she possibly could, she then set about writing another more formal letter to Azkaban prison. Then she raced back to the lift, gave Bill and Charlie's letters to the two fastest owls she could find, and then headed straight for the Minister for Magic's office with the final piece of paper in her hand. The tiny ginger-haired lawyer had some trouble pushing her way through the crowd of reporters until Tonks -- disguised as one of them and therefore much taller and more muscular than usual -- managed to push everyone back enough that it gave her an opening.
When Carewyn reached the slightly open door of the Minister for Magic's office, she didn't even bother to knock the way she probably would've in any other circumstance. Quite frankly she didn't think the Minister would've heard her knock even if she tried, and if he did, he likely would've tried to ignore it, given how much owls were swooping in and out of his office and how noisy it was outside.
"Minister!" Carewyn said urgently.
Fudge looked up, incredibly startled. He'd been pacing the room, one letter in his hands and five left more open on his desk. His trademark light green bowler hat was hanging off the side of his high-backed chair, and he looked incredibly harried.
"Carewyn!" said Fudge, trying and failing to smile. "How nice it is to see you!"
Once Carewyn was in, she immediately shut the door behind her so sharply that Fudge gave a start.
"Ah -- forgive me, my dear, but...I'm afraid I'm very busy at the moment --"
"I know," said Carewyn. "Minister -- I need you to sign a release letter for Rubeus Hagrid."
Fudge was taken aback. "Hagrid? I-I don't -- "
"If the Heir of Slytherin has taken Ginny Weasley into the Chamber of Secrets, then he's still at Hogwarts," Carewyn said sharply. "Therefore Hagrid is innocent."
"Well, yes, but...that'll be dealt with, in due time," said Fudge with an attempt at a reassuring smile as he put down the letter in his hands and started to make a stack of it with the others. "I'll be sure to send along a proper letter to Azkaban, once I get these papers in order, and calm the press -- "
"You needn't send anything," Carewyn cut him off firmly. "I've already written out a formal release, and I'll be happy to deliver it myself -- you only need to sign it."
She put the letter down smack-dab in the center of his desk, right on over the stack of parchment he was organizing. Fudge, however, seemed hesitant to look at it, and instead busied himself with consulting the stack.
"Ah, well...I do appreciate your initiative, Carewyn," Fudge said in a weak attempt at indulgence, "but as I said, this...all will be dealt with, in due time. Now I'm truly sorry, but I'm afraid we'll have to speak more later -- I do have so much to do, in the light of all this -- "
"Minister!" Carewyn said, clearly upset.
" -- responding to all these letters from the governors, from Minerva McGonagall, from Arthur Weasley -- coordinating a response, for all press releases, and sending it along to the Prophet -- all before heading out to the school myself, to ascertain the gravity of the situation -- "
Carewyn could hear Fudge's rambling, but it was oddly muffled, in her own ears. Because of her Legilimency, she could sense Fudge's feelings wafting off of him just as clearly as she could hear him with her ears -- and in that moment, when she herself was so urgent, all she could feel from Fudge was the desire to run. To avoid, to push away, to ignore -- to not deal with his terrible mistake at that moment, and instead just try to make himself look as capable as he could to the public at large --
All that Carewyn could feel coming off of Fudge was cowardice.
And it was this that made Carewyn cut into his rambling with the cold sharpness of a knife.
Carewyn managed to catch Fudge's eye, and when he made eye contact with her, his voice immediately died in his throat. Her almond-shaped blue eyes were burning with a kind of cold disapproval the likes of which he'd never seen.
"I realize that you wish to be seen as a compassionate and attentive leader," Carewyn said very softly. "But trust that, in leaving an innocent person locked up in a prison manned by creatures that can drive people mad with their Dark aura alone -- when all you'd have to do to help him is sign your name...you currently appear as anything but."
Fudge opened his mouth, trying to stammer out a weak attempt at a stern response. "N-now, Carewyn -- I-I already told you I'd deal with -- "
But Carewyn merely picked up the release letter again and slapped it right back down on the desk in front of him.
"Minister -- you've already wrongfully sent a man to Azkaban before he'd even been formally charged with a crime," she murmured. "All while being quite certain he hadn't committed the crime in the first place, to the point that you reassured him that he'd probably be released 'once things settled down.'"
Carewyn's blue eyes narrowed.
"...Don't shame yourself further."
The Minister's face had lost quite a bit of its color as he stared at Carewyn. He rather shakily lowered himself down into his chair, regarding Carewyn with a wariness he never had before. Then, looking almost cowed, he averted his eyes, reached for the quill in the inkpot at his desk, and signed the release letter. He mutely held the letter out for Carewyn to take.
"Thank you," Carewyn said quietly.
She turned on her heel and headed for the door. When she opened it, ten owls swooped in, flocking around Fudge's desk and raining even more letters onto and around his desk.
"If I may make a suggestion, Minister," Carewyn said a bit more levelly as she left, "going to Hogwarts right now to deal with the problem would both make you look more proactive and give you some relief from all these letters."
Without waiting for Fudge's response, Carewyn left his office. Once she'd pushed her way through the crowd of reporters (even taking out her wand at one point to better coax them back), she dashed over to the closest Floo Network grate, snatching up some Powder in her free hand and chucking it down at her heeled feet as she climbed in.
"Azkaban Prison!"
And in a burst of emerald green flames, Carewyn had disappeared.
Once Hagrid had been released from his cell, Carewyn brought him with her to her mother Lane's new cottage, out in the country. The half-giant was still in pretty poor shape after his three-week-long stint in Azkaban, and since Carewyn knew he'd never fit in her tiny London flat, she figured at least Lane's new home would be a comfortable place to get Hagrid fed and healed and await further news from the Weasleys and Hogwarts.
As the night wore on, Carewyn received a few short updates from Tonks and Talbott -- Hogwarts was going to be closed; the girl's parents were at the school; the school governors were convening for a secret closed-door meeting. It wasn't until very early the following morning that Carewyn, Hagrid, and Lane received the news they'd all been hoping for, in the form of a long letter from Mrs. Weasley.
Carewyn dear, Bill wrote to Arthur and me telling me of your letter to him, so after following up with him and Charlie via Floo, I thought it best to write to you straightaway. Ginny is all right. My son Ron, his friend Harry, and their Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, Gilderoy Lockhart, were able to locate the Chamber of Secrets, and Harry, bless him, was able to both kill Slytherin's monster (a basilisk! Merlin's beard, I was terrified, thinking of that poor boy facing off against that thing!) and rescue Ginny. Arthur and I are so grateful, even now I still can't stop crying. We're so relieved to know Ginny's safe, and that Ron and Harry are both safe as well. Unfortunately poor Gilderoy Lockhart apparently had his memory wiped...at his own hand, no less! He actually had the audacity to try to modify my son's memory! I suppose it's true what they say about never meeting your heroes!! Oh well, it seems Professor Dumbledore will have to find yet another Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher for next year. Oh, yes, I nearly forgot -- Dumbledore has returned to Hogwarts! Apparently all of the school governors (excluding Lucius Malfoy) heard about what happened to Ginny and immediately sent a letter to Dumbledore begging for him to come back. And he did, of course -- he was so gentle with Ginny, after her ordeal... Oh, but Carewyn dear, truly, I cannot thank you enough for caring so much for Bill and Charlie. Arthur had sent them his own letters not long before we left for Hogwarts, but from what I understand, your letters reached both Bill and Charlie well before Arthur's did, and I appreciate you trying so hard to make sure they knew what was going on as quickly as possible. Arthur and I send our love, and Ginny as well. Do consider coming over to the Burrow for a visit sometime soon -- Ginny was a bit cheered at the thought of having "another girl" over for dinner! Your mother and brother are more than welcome as well, if they're available. Arthur would be delighted to know what your mother thinks about pinball machines. All our love, Molly Weasley
Not long later, Hagrid returned to Hogwarts, and Carewyn returned to work at the Ministry. It was when she returned to the Ministry that Carewyn noticed Cornelius Fudge's attitude toward her had gone through a considerable change. When she arrived in the Atrium, she caught sight of the Minister likewise heading into work. At the sight of her, Fudge immediately approached her -- but his smile was not as wide open and overly amiable as it was before.
"Hello, Miss Cromwell," he said.
Carewyn blinked. "...Minister."
Fudge inclined his head respectfully. Taking a quick glance around the Atrium, he then spoke a bit more stridently.
"...Professor Dumbledore told me that Hagrid has settled himself back in nicely. He expressed admiration, for your defense of him...Madam Bones did, as well."
Carewyn frowned as her eyes drifted off toward the lift.
"Hagrid was my client," she said simply. "It was my job to advocate for his well-being. And it wasn't either lawful or right for him to remain imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit."
To Carewyn's surprise, Fudge's pleasant expression actually seemed to crack a bit, betraying something strangely insecure.
"I suppose so," said the Minister a bit stiffly. "Well then, Miss Cromwell...I'm afraid I must be off."
He paused. Then, forcing a slightly more politician-worthy smile, he asked, "I hope...I might likewise call on you in the future...should I wish for an expert legal opinion? Madam Bones does speak very highly of your abilities as a lawyer, you know."
Carewyn cocked her eyebrows in surprise. She honestly wasn't expecting that.
"...Of course," she said, once she'd recovered.
Fudge tipped his lime green bowler to her, before turning and sweeping away toward his office. As Carewyn watched him go, she couldn't help but frown.
It was bizarre -- it didn't feel like Fudge disliked her now or anything after she'd so coldly called him out in his office. Even so, there was a wall around his feelings that wasn't there before: something guarded. And yet it didn't seem suspicious or mistrustful. If anything, it felt almost formal: like Fudge was standing that bit taller and being that bit more detached and dignified than before. Less like he was trying to buddy up to Carewyn and use her as a prop to elevate himself and more like how an employer would treat a high-ranked employee...
And then it hit her.
Fudge had called her "Miss Cromwell." Not "Carewyn," not "Carewyn, my dear" -- but "Miss Cromwell." In the same sort of respectful tone of voice he'd use for Madam Bones and other older, respectable Ministry employees.
He was speaking to Carewyn not like a child that he could coax onto his side through coddling and fawning...but as an adult he wished to coax onto his side through decidedly more political means.
Carewyn's red lips came together tightly as she turned and headed for the lift, tossing her much shorter ginger bob off her neck.
Well, even if Fudge was truly nothing but a politician at heart, at least now he saw her as an adult who wouldn't become his sycophant just because he acted nice to her.
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julia4today · 2 months
can you do like hobie x reader but miguel is readers father and he finds out that reader is dating hobie
yes. for this though we will have to kind of work around gabriella. we’ll just say she exists and is your older sister || i’m not really sure what ages i should use so i’ll leave that ambiguous.
mahogany fluff —- oneshot
(hobie x spanish speaking!reader) —— fem prns
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avoidance. a skill you need to learn if you are going to sneak around and evade your parent. especially if that parent is 6’9 and 110% muscle.
your origin story with hobie is one that’s messy at best. especially considering the obvious blockade that was your father. him being overprotective and also hobie’s boss are two things that one never wants paired together. yet, love is one thing that can overcome. — i’m just kidding, there wasn’t a powerful we love each other moment, mostly just a lot of laughing.
it was mid july and your father was just as engrossed with work as always. you wanted to spend time together, have fun. he said he would love to but honestly you didnt think it would happen. you began to go to headquarters yourself and drag him from work. like, literally drag him.
this obviously garnered lots of attention, for one, who is this girl yelling at boss? a certain spider also happened to catch wind of the girl. he would join the crowd, laughing, cheering mildly aswell.
“dijiste que vendrías a cenar conmigo y con gabi . ¿y dónde te encuentro? ¡no en la cena! ¡hicimos empanadas, imbécil!”
“¡lo siento, mi princesa! i promise i didn’t mean to miss dinner.”
“yeah well you did, no empanadas for you. we’ll feed them to chester instead.” you say, turning around and walking away. leaving miguel to bask in the shame. you giggled at the thought of your dog getting more empanadas than your own father.
while miguel was busy being questioned about the strange girl who just walked up in here, hobie walks off to go talk to her.
“man you are an ace! that was barmy. who are you?” hobie leads with a compliment, genuinely impressed and a little refreshed at your presence, how not scared you were to yell at miguel. “a new spider recruit?”
you stop, rolling your eyes a little, still fuming at your dad. turning to greet the voice your mood immediately switches. his smooth accent and his sharp features should’ve made you a puddle right there. “n-no i’m not a spider recruit. i’m that pendejo’s daughter.”
“na shot,”
“don’t get your knickers in a twist,” you say mildly mocking his thick cockney.
“how d’you know?”
“i watch a lot television.” a laugh coming from both of you meld together.
“i’m just amazed at how you stood to the boss like tha’,”
“it’s a lot easier when the boss comes home and watches the soaps with you. what’s your name mysterious spider who’s following me home?”
“hobie, hobie brown. you’re a cheeky one, can’t believe you come from ‘im.”
“no, i’m y/n.” he laughs at your stupid joke, making your face heat up.
“i’d be chuffed to hang out with you sometime y/n. maybe visit my earth?”
“papá no me deja ir a diferentes tierras,” you shrug. “says it’s too dangerous.”
hobie nods, pretending he knows what’s you said. “atleast let me get to know you. ya like ackee?”
“mhm,” you say, a little suspicious but also mildly intrigued.
“‘ow bout tomorrow you come ‘ere n i’ll take you to some real jamaican food.”
“alright hobie, i’ll play.” you giggle and continue to your car.
he smiles waving. knowing what he’s getting himself into.
sorry no part 2! i’m really sorry to those who are disappointed by this :(
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kneelingshadowsalome · 9 months
How do you think König would handle a woman who was like a skittish feral cat. Ya know the ones, you can make the little pspsps noises and they’ll look at you confused. Like they might approach but won’t because they don’t trust you. And even when they eventually come over, you must be crouched down to their level or else they will bite and claw. And maybe the first few times you had to learn the lesson that they want you on their level. I dunno. I remembered this feral cat named Chester from when I was little and when I forgot that I needed to be crouched to pet him, he bit me.
Omg this is so CUTE
I’m thinking of a loner woman who likes to keep to herself, watch series or just do her own thing, paint or play an instrument, do yoga or read... Like this woman needs nobody. She’s so introverted even König can’t compare, she prefers to entertain herself, doesn’t need any friends, she certainly doesn’t need a loud, sweaty, needy manchild in her life.
König is naturally drawn to her because she’s this mysterious and shy character (König mistakes her quiet demeanor as timidness of course) but to his confusion, this lady doesn’t seem interested in his antics at all, she’s not even scared, only looks back at him with indifference in her stare.
He starts to court her relentlessly (pspspspsps!) and through time, she hesitantly comes to sniff around… maybe accepts a small treat too, but just when König thinks it's all good, he goes and blurts out the stupidest thing (something only König would say, like deja vu to the cunt licking comment or something of the similar sort) and she just slaps him and walks away (fucking disappointed lol)
König looks after her withdrawing form with heart eyes while rubbing his jaw: he felt that slap all the way in his cock… Guy's even more in love now :/
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autismprotocol · 3 months
TMAGP Theory Board (Episode 8-9)
Hi guys sorry about the missed week of theory crafting my schoolwork has been extra demanding and I haven't been able to get around to updating the board until now so here's the updated board
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Episode 8 especially was insane so I'm gonna break the episode breakdown into two sections.
What Happened in Episode 8: Running On Empty
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New Norris Statement! it's been a while since we heard from our buddy and he did not disappoint. though there's not much to say story-wise this was just a cool incident report I loved the way they described the Lonely as a constantly hungry entity. I also noticed that the pattern of Norris's statements having to do with lost love continues to be true. it's much more subtle than his previous two incidents but the statement giver does mention losing his wife because of divorce. which I believe still follows the pattern I've theorized is taking place. 
Something up with Alice. She seems more depressed and serious than she usually is in this episode. (through episode 9 I think I know why but I'll get to that later. I don't believe she is completely in the dark like some of the newer employees and after hearing about Gwen's promotion she is getting suspicious. we have yet to know if Alice knows what's happening. but her behavior in this episode might give us a hint about how naive she actually is.
Colin is Absent. After his freakout in EP 7, Colin is MIA. according to Lena, he's on a mental health break but I would not be surprised if that is a lie.
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Gerry and Gertrude are Alive!! Probably the most exciting development in this episode was meeting an alive Gerry Keay and Gertrude Robison. Sam is on the hunt for info about the Magnus Institute after the emails Jon has been sending him and he and Celia end up meeting Gerry who in this universe is considerably more happy and lives with Gertrude. I'm interested to know what role Gertrude plays in this universe is she at all connected to the Institute? I definitely think something is up with her because of the way she tries to deflect Sam's question to Gerry.
Celia Lore. after the meeting with Gerry leads to a dead end for Sam, Celia asks him to help her with her mystery. "I'm trying to look into... Weird physics stuff: time travel, other dimensions, teleportation" More proof for this Celia being from from Archives. why else would she be looking into other dimensions specifically if she wasn't trying to figure out what happened at the Panopticon. (Remember as far as we know Celia before the change in Archives was just a normal person she had no connection to the entities or the Institute.) when Sam asks, she says it's for her friend's podcast but I think she's lying. or not telling the full truth.
Georgie Barker Perhaps? speaking of the friend. our last reveal of the episode is Georgie in protocol. I don't think she is from Archives because Georgie appears after Jons's sacrifice in MAG 200. 
And thats it for episode 8 so im gonna move on to Episode 9
What happened in Episode 9: Rolling With It
Sam is back to filling out onboarding paperwork but the questions on it are strange. asking about past traumas, how many dead things you've seen recently, and the infamous question why? similar types of questions that appear in TMA job interviews.
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A Magnus Statement!?! After Celia tells Sam she can't find anything at the Magnus Institute Sam considers cutting his losses and letting it go. But then Chester without any prompting begins reading a Magnus statement incident to Sam. I still believe Chester is Jon and he acts as a mentor to Sam trying to keep him safe by providing him with bits of the answers he's looking for. (this way Sam won't be in danger of looking for answers elsewhere and maybe he won't be targeted by this unknown force that had killed RedCanary and driven Colin to extreme paranoia.) the statement reveals that the institute collected and stored artifacts much like the Institute in Archives. 
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What's the deal with the Institute? the statement Chester shares this episode is pretty standard Magnus stuff, magic fear dice is just another Thursday for TMAG enjoyers. but what I found most interesting was the pre-statement info. What does this viability survey mean? viable for what? I and my roommate have a kind of joke theory that the Institute in this universe is a hub for training and creating new avatars but now I'm starting to think this might actually be the case. I think they are looking for people who have the potential to become avatars as subjects. for the agents, they might be employing avatars to work for the institute and the catalyst has to be finding an avatar that can complete the ritual and bring the Change. The unknown statement giver in this episode can't be a subject because they are already claimed by a power from the dice (still unsure what power it is ) they have low potential to become an agent because based on the end of the statement they now want nothing to do with the dice stepping away from their identity as a fear avatar and then dying. and for some reason, the institute must see some potential that this individual can serve as a catalyst for the ritual. I'm hopeful we'll get another avatar statement and maybe we can revisit this Viability survey again 
Gwen's First assignment. Gwen gets her first Liason assignment and it has brought up a major player from the protocol ARG. Mr Bonzo is this weird mascot character that showed up multiple times in the ARG that was launched back in the fall of 2023. Gwen is tasked with delivering an envelope with a name and address to Nigel Dickerson someone who according to Gwen is known for Mr. Bonzo. Basically, I have no idea where this is going but I definitely think it must be important. 
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Poor Alice. Alice meets with Teddy to catch up. Nothing story significant happens here but we do learn that maybe Alice still harbors some romantic feelings towards Sam.
The Ruins. After her conversation with Teddy Alice is approached by Sam with a request. He wants to go to the old Magnus Institute ruins and wants Alice to come with him. This is definitely a bad idea but she agrees and that's where we leave off
and thats it for now. The story is getting so good and I'm already attached to all the characters so im terrified to see what Sam and alice dig up at the ruins (Sam clearly didn't heed the warning of the RedCanary)
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irradiatedsnakes · 3 months
btw in the tmagp launch celebratory stream alice's voice actor said her favorite scene that'd been recorded by that point was "alice and sam go to a place". so i suppose we'll be getting that next week :]
other notes. this statement (hey! actually a statement this time! what the fuck) was SOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD
the cursed dice angle is so good, the way the statement giver took on that role (roll), played the part, UGH it's so fun. the theme of choice that was brought up is also so good- just. ONE more roll for old time's sake :) especially given that this is a TMI statement and how HUGE IMPORTANT of a theme choice and free will were in tma, felt very fitting. fantastic, loved that.
continuing on my stuff about the entities in tmagp- once again some things here feel very on the nose, particularly the statement giver literally calling himself a mysterious stranger. this feels like a fun little red herring to me, for people a bit hung up on the entities stuff. that's how i interpreted it, anyways. i wanna know more about this world so fucking bad, dude.
also, the institute's in manchester in tmagp, not chelsea/london. which means no milbank prison, no panopticon. interesting. (though soemthing that was known from the arg already- i really need to deep dive on that. tomorrow, maybe.) statement taking and artifact storage are still a thing, evidently, but noting that there's no mention of an archivist or anything like that. and the subject/agent/catalyst stuff, that's Very interesting.
once again, chester bringing up a magnus-related statement, here in obvious reply to what sam was talking about- just when he was considering to celia about dropping his investigations- clearly (imo) to goad him into not leaving it behind. excellent. and fun given the first TMI-related incident with redcanary had the obvious conclusion of THE MAGNUS INSTITUTE IS WEIRD AND DANGEROUS while also having enough mystery to draw sam in further. sam's seen the canary die in the coalmine and has made the decision to keep digging and that's fantastic.
now! characters! sam's paperwork :) VERY intriguing that he's getting all this stuff and celia's got none of it- he said it was due to that box about the response department, but i've got my doubts about that being the reason he's being saddled with all this weird stuff. also the questions on the thing made me laugh, very good. sam and celia have such good interactions, i love how they bounce off each other. also, with regards to the paperwork- i think there's a connection to be made about the statement giver's continued rolling of the dice (it always felt like my choice.) and sam filling out all this creepy, utterly pointless paperwork to "refuse to give it the satisfaction of giving up".
GWEN AND LENA. nigel dickerson, you know, from tv? possibly. i don't watch television. i do hope we'll be seeing exactly what gwen is being told to do next episode.. delivering something, keeping calm, recording the detailed reactions to what's being delivered. maybe we'll get a bit more of a clue as to what the oair is actually for. i do like that gwen's not become one bit less indignant, skeptical, and disrespectful towards lena now that she's got this job. i'm very excited to see her on her fist job she's gonna suck at it i think
i'll admit i was a little surprised to see teddy again. i was worried for a sec he might be going in the direction of getting dragged back to the oair, but nah. not yet, at least :) and ALICE. ALIIIIICE auaaaaagh!!! i don't know if i have much to say baout this part that isn't just (shaking a plushie in my mouth like a dog). very neat that she has agreed to help sam investigate this and actually go to the institute when she's been so staunchly don't get caught up in the creepy stuff! leave the magnus institute stuff ALONE you don't want to get into this spooky shit! like.. she does not want to get involved with spooky shit and she doesn't want sam to get involved with spooky shit but she cares about him and their friendship a lot and this is obviously important to him. so. (plus, the thing about alice's brother having been at the institute alongside sam and gerry..) i like them both so much. i am so excited for next weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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rebeccasteventaylor · 4 months
Listening again…
Spoilers below
Alice knows more than she’s letting on I think. I know everyone adores her and rightly so but I also don’t trust her.
I think if Freddie tried to update then it’d lose Chester and Norris and that’s why it can’t update. So Freddie was created around the same time as this world’s Magnus Institute burned down?
Practically screamed when Norris said in Martin’s voice - I just couldn’t face the thought of the rest of my life never hearing him again.
Norris sounds like Martin not just in the voice but the emotion and empathy and understanding in his voice. I swear that’s Martin.
Who is The Consultant and The Company in the first story?
Lena is picking on Gwen and I don’t think we’ve been told Gwen’s last name yet (I know it but first listen we didn’t know it). But now we know she’s a Bouchard, her wanting Lena’s job at OIAR is ominous.
Ah, Colin my beloved. Too early to ship him with Sam? Probably. I haven’t defined my ships yet.
Gwen is very curious about Sam.
I may have screamed when Jon’s voice said ‘Magnus Institute ruins’
Spelunking and urban exploring play such a huge role in both Magnus stories. I think what RedCanary is feeling is echoes of the other Magnus Institute - when they feel watched or like someone is behind them.
Symbols? Stains? RedCanary went back there, didn’t they? They’ve gone back to the Magnus Institute and never came out again.
Sam’s shaken by the Magnus Institute reference - blast from the past? But he also has a past with Alice. Do they both have a link to the Institute?
Ooh, I’d missed that before - Alice is Sam’s ex…
So Sam’s life had fallen apart and this job is supposed to be him rebuilding? Echoes of - well, almost everyone in the Institute.
Who is Colin talking to at the end? The computer? Something in the computer?
I tried to have a look at the transcripts but the site has crashed because too many people are accessing it.
And now - episode 2, written by Alexander J Newall
What does DPHW stand for? Sam is very eager to decode the system. And wants to stay. He is investigating?
‘We’ll unpack that ominous silence later’ great line.
Interesting that this statement isn’t read, but we hear the actual voices of the artist and therapist
Oh that poor woman. I feel that. I hate the way I look too, and I understand that need to remake oneself
Ink5ouls serpent design that feels real and the way they behave - is this the Distortion?
More symbols.
‘I could feel when the knife scraped bone’ oh that line is chilling.
Alice just ignores it all? She doesn’t care. But that never works out well.
Outsourcing? Redundancies? Seems like normal office conversations but in Magnus world office language is usually a metaphor for something horrific.
I like how clunky the computers sound. I remember computers like that.
Why was Alice’s brother introduced? Brothers don’t do well either.
Dredgermen dig things up long buried in the depths. And Alice’s brother’s band is called that.
A really good beginning. Loads of intrigue and mystery and some really good characters. Cannot wait for more.
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I’m wondering if references to TMA in TMAGP Red Herrings or a distraction?
Sorry its a bit of a long ramble (hence under the cut)
We know that there are going to be multiple series of Protocol, and that it will follow a similar narrative format to Archives, with a long overarching mystery plot.
We also know that Archives is not required listening for Protocol, and thus you don’t need to have listened or know much about Archives to enjoy or understand protocol. Therefore, for me at least, if that’s the case, then if the crux of the narrative is serving as a direct follow on from Archives, it feels almost too early in both the long run and the series to have literally gone to the ruins of the Institute, and meeting characters from Archives directly.
Don’t get me wrong, Archives is definitely going to play a large role in the world, at the very least we know this via Chester and Norris, But I’m wondering if they’re getting the more direct references out the way earlier on, so that Protocol can then develop the itself almost a bit more free of the Shadow of Archives?
Given how popular archives was they knew people are going to be drawing All Of The Links, so maybe this was a way of almost drawing the line in the sand to keep them separate early on? And given we know Alex and Jonny enjoy a bit of Mild Emotional Torment I wouldn’t be surprised if they made sure to build up the hype regarding Archives based elements in protocol just before the Hiatus cause they know it’d drive us a lil insane.
Also listening back to particularly series One and Two of Archives, there are a frankly surprising amount of references to the Powers and foreshadowing of later events, all of which fly under the radar unless you know what happens later on, and I’m wondering if the references to Gerry, Gurtrude and going to the Institute etc might also be being used as a sort of smokescreen? Knowing that Archives fans are going to be super hyped about the return of fan favourite characters maybe being used as a wee bit of a distraction as the groundwork for later events/world building is being laid? Then whilst we are all focused on [ERROR] having crawled out of the ruins of the institutes we don’t notice as Needles and Mr Bonzo come up behind us and Do a Bit Of A Murder (as a treat on their date night).
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pines-ghosts · 1 year
Pls necesito saber tus headcanons de NU. Aunque sean solo datos random xD
ESPAÑOL | ENGLISH (I made it with a translator bc… laziness…. Apologies if there’s something that sounds weird haha )
Timmy 🪄:
- Tiene un diario personal y utiliza muchos post-it | - He has a personal diary and uses a lot of post-it notes
- es muy sociable | He's very sociable
- utiliza ropa street wear / skater | Wear street wear / skater clothes
- muy bueno en juegos de estrategia y memorice 🧩 | Very good at strategy and memory games 🧩
- escucha música pop-rock/punk pero se pone a llorar con las de One direction | He listens to pop-rock/punk music but starts crying with One Direction
- va a TODOS los partidos de béisbol de Chester | - he goes to ALL Chester's baseball games
- sólo le gusta el café helado | - he only likes iced coffee
- los diseños de los tatuajes que tiene ,los realizó de manera inconsciente | - the designs of the tattoos he has , were made unconsciously
- le encanta trabajar en el café con Chester | - He loves working in the cafe with Chester
- cuando sus ex compañeros van al café se sorprenden ya que, Timmy creció y se puso guapo 😌 | When his former classmates go to the coffee shop they are surprised since, Timmy grew up and got handsome 😌
- siempre se le pierden los audífonos y ha cambiado como 3 veces la pantalla de su celular | He always loses his headphones and he has changed his cell phone screen about 3 times
- no tiene contacto con sus padres | He doesn't have contact with his parents
- siempre recibe números de teléfono de los clientes cuando va retirar las tazas de las mesas del café | He always receives phone numbers from customers when he is going to pick up the cups from the coffee tables
- se hace la manicura con Verónica | he does his manicure with Veronica
Jimmy⚛️ :
- ropa semi formal / retro
- está en la universidad y trabaja en el área de seguridad en Retroville ( a veces) | He's at the university and works in the security area in Retroville (sometimes)
- estudia robótica y algo de neurología | Study robotics and some neurology
- tiene 2 piercings y no planea hacerse más | - he has 2 piercings and doesn't plan to do any more
- no le gustan los tatuajes | doesn’t like tattoos
- es compañero de clases con Cindy (my beloved ❣️) | He's Cindy’s classmate. (my beloved ❣️
- le gustan las manzanas verdes no las rojas | He likes green apples, not red ones
- no cree en el horóscopo , pero cuando pequeño buscó la compatibilidad de su signo con el de Timmy | He doesn't believe in the horoscope, but when he was little he looked for the compatibility of his sign with Timmy's
- nunca lo va a aceptar pero 1 vez jugó en una página de juegos online a la calculadora del amor con su nombre y el de Timmy (😂) | He's never going to accept it but 1 time he played the love calculator on an online games page with his name and Timmy's (😂)
- ve videos de misterio en YoutUbe y trata de resolverlos | Watch mystery videos on YoutUbe and try to solve them
- le pide a Cindy consejos amorosos | He asks Cindy for loving advice
- es re celoso (está wea es canon jajaja ) | He's a jealous boy ( this shit is canon hahaha)
- debido a que maneja piezas pesadas todos los días, tiene buen un tono muscular | Because he handles heavy parts every day, he has a good muscle tone
- una vez intentó entrar en el club de atletismo…sólo duró un día , no le gusta sudar | Once he tried to enter the athletics club... it only lasted one day, he doesn't like to sweat
- todavía tiene a Goddard 💕 | He still has Goddard 💕
- va a las Comic-con | He goes to the Comic-con
Danny 👻:
- ropa punk / goth (aesthetic)/ street wear
- aunque no logró estudiar astronomía, tiene como profesión maestro de ciencias | Although he didn't manage to study astronomy, he has a science teacher as a profession
- siempre se inscribe en cursos de astronomía 🪐 | He always enrolls in astronomy courses 🪐
- realiza cursos de astronomía y ciencia para niños junto a Tucker (presenciales y on-line ) | He does astronomy and science classes for children with Tucker
- tiene una tienda de ropa junto a Sam | He has a clothing store with Sam
- siempre está pendiente de Timmy | He's always looking out for Timmy
- Jazz le recomendó no seguir trabajando con sus padres ( lo estresan mucho) , por lo que los ayuda cuando lo necesiten | Jazz recommended him not to continue working with his parents (they stress him a lot), so he helps them when they need it
- cinéfilo | movie enthusiast
- Ama la ciencia ficción | loves sci- fi
- cuando salió el anuncio de Avatar (el camino del agua) lloró | When the announcement of Avatar (the way of the water) came out, he cried
- Ve Tierra de osos y se pone a llorar por que Koda le recuerda a Timmy de pequeño | He sees Brother Bear and starts crying because Koda reminds him of Timmy as a child |
- fuma | smokes
- cuando está muy estresado en vez de fumar, come maní | When he's very stressed instead of smoking, he eats peanuts
- cuando se aburre va a asustar a quienes están jugando con la ouija | When he gets bored he's going to scare those who are playing with the ouija
- tiene 3 gatos y dos perros ( además de Cujo) | He has 3 cats and two dogs (besides Cujo)
Bob 🫧
- estilo preppy / sporty
- les hace el almuerzo a los demás | He makes lunch for the others
- saca a pasear ,junto a Timmy , a : Gary, las mascotas de Danny y Goddard | Go with Timmy for a walk along with : Gary, Danny’s pets and Goddard
- le gusta hacer “diamond painting” (lo vio en TikTok) | He likes to do "diamond painting" (he saw it on TikTok)
- le gusta salir de compras con Timmy | He likes to go shopping with Timmy
- Cuando tiene tiempo libre, le escribe cartas a los chicos | When he has free time, he writes letters to the boys.
- le gusta tomar jugo de frutas y la piña colada | He likes to drink fruit juice and piña colada
- va junto a Jimmy a las Comic-Con para ver a Sireno man y Chico percebe | He goes with Jimmy to the Comic-Con to see Mermaid man and Barnacle boy
- juega Candy Crush | plays candy crush
- tiene un tatuaje en la espalda | He has a tattoo on his back
- Le encanta ir a los conciertos de Arenita | He loves to go to Sandy's concerts
- le enseña karate a niños pequeños | He teaches karate to young children
- Todavía no tiene licencia de conducir | He still doesn't have a driver's license
- le gusta armar legos | He likes to build legos
- cuando va a ver a los demás , le gusta comprar libros en los diferentes universos | When he goes to see others, he likes to buy books in the different universes
- Se hace la manicura junto a Timmy | He does his manicure with Timmy.
- siempre le esconde dulces a los chicos en sus chaquetas o bolsas | He always puts candy for the boys in their jackets or bags
- le prohibieron la entrada al acuario de Dimmsdale porque quería salvar a un pulpo y un delfín, metiéndose dentro de los estanques. | He was banned from entering the Dimmsdale aquarium because he wanted to save an octopus and a dolphin, getting into the ponds.
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Where Angels Fear To Tread
Rating: T Characters: Plo Koon, Commander Wolffe, the Jedi Council, assorted Jedi & Clone side characters, a whole bunch of OCs Chapters: 9/? Fic Contains – star warstrek crossover, a whole lotta culture clash, discussion of genocide and war and other Clone Wars-typical topics, Jedi culture/worldbuilding, and the authors playing fast and loose with both canons.
THEN: In the midst of the Clone Wars, a newly-minted Jedi Knight vanishes, suspected of defecting. But the woman brought back to face the Council is not Knight Tulin, but an officer of an extragalactic organization that calls itself ‘Starfleet’. Curiosity, and a determination to rectify the mistake, drive Plo Koon to take the lost Commander Chester under his wing. But between Republic Intelligence’s sinister interest in their extra-galactic visitor, the growing Separatist determination to capture her for themselves, and the good Commander’s own determined escape attempts, keeping Chester alive is hard enough–let alone getting her home. NOW: In the horrific wake of Order 66, a badly injured Plo Koon stakes his survival on one last desperate hyperspace jump, to a mysterious anomaly that might offer hope for him–and for what little remains of the Jedi Order. For Captain Diane Chester, Plo’s arrival is confirmation of all her fears. Now, she’s got to keep the Empire’s grubby hands off the Alpha Quadrant with only one ship, one Jedi, and that greatest Starfleet tradition–a hell of a lot of showmanship.
sooooo a few months ago @severeannoyance and myself were yelling excitedly at each other about, respectively, star trek and star wars, and somehow this turned into inflicting our assorted blorbos on each other. Then @squireofgeekdom joined the crew, and suddenly we had approximately 150k words of narrative collision.
I have been meaning to post this link for like six weeks and I kept forgetting skjhgjdhf
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silent-simblr · 2 months
okay so Florence Delarosa just fucking died on the first day i was playing her??? 😭😭😭 making her the second sim to not die of old age in this uberhood playthrough, and the fourth in total
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i'm literally fuming right now, i had so many plans for my lesbian icon and her flower shop. how am i supposed to leave her beautiful house and flourishing business? it just feels wrong
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the whole Pleasant dynasty decided to show up for some reason
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and then the Aspirs, too
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sorry, Jason, no flower shipments here anymore, i'm afraid
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so i've got that idea... i know the whole point of playing the uberhood is to play with the premades, but i literally lost one just like that, and i feel bad about it. so i came up with some story about her death not being just the mysterious illness taking her, but it was an actual mafia that she was running from got up to her. i will make a criminal boss, make him a counterfeiter, and then slowly expand my band with sims who want to become a criminal mastermind (like Malcolm or Chester Gieke). he will live in Florence's house, pretending to be her distant relative, and use her flower shop as covering for his counterfeit activities so here he is. name's Fiorello. remember his face, you'll see it on the wanted posters all around the uberhood soon enough
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the drama is just too real guys, and i'm not even doing anything myself
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tylersocaskblog · 5 months
Tyler’s OC ask blog!
Who is askable?
Core four:
1. Laurence Miller (he/they)
Age: 16
Birthday: December 25, 2002
2. Calvin Victor (he/him)
Age: 15
Birthday: May 1, 2003
3. Tyler Johnson (he/him)
Age: 15
Birthday: June 19, 2003
4. Felix Jasper (he/him)
Age: 14
Birthday: Febuary 14 13(??)
(He time travelled to 2018 when he was 14, same goes for Chester, Ron, Gladwin and Humphery besides the age part, they are all their respected ages.)
The medievals:
5. Chester Jasper (he/it)
Age: 23
Birthday: March 29, 13(??)
6. Ron Freeman (they/he)
Age: 27
Birthday: September 1, 13(??)
7. Humphery Teavee (he/him)
Age: 37
Birthday: March 30, 13(??)
8. Gladwin Dempsey (he/him)
Age: 29
Birthday: July 17, 13(??)
Oscar’s group (i need a better name)
9. Carlos Carvana (he/she)
Age: 17
Birthday: August 24, 2001
10. Oscar Fiddle/Victor (he/they)
Age: 18
Birthday: Febuary 29, 2000
11. Philip Fiddle (he/him)
Age: 16
Birthday: April 10, 2002
12. Hunter Blount (he/it/xim)
Age: 17
Birthday: October 29, 2001
13. Xaiver Blount (he/they)
Age: 17
Birthday: October 29, 2001
14. Sir Stars (they/them)
Age: unknown
Birthday: unkown
15. Florence (piece of Sir Stars)
Age: 6 (stopped aging)
Birthday: December 25, 2002
16. Lelix (piece of Sir Stars)
Age: 4 (stopped aging)
Birthday: Febuary 14, 13(??)
Accessories (its only one cuz… the rest arent available yet)
17. Yun // Tyler’s top hat (it/he)
Age: unknown
Birthday: October 13, 1905
18. Void Foroune (he/she)
Age: 31
Birthday: November 9, 13(??)
19. Zander Lyinx (he/they/it)
Age: 62
Birthday: November 30, 1956
20. Zayn Lyinx (he/it/meow/blood)
Age: 26
Birthday: January 31, 1992
21. Luna Miller (she/her)
Age: 11
Birthday: June 15, 2007
22. Dylan Daniel (He/him)
Age: 17
Birthday: September 12, 2001
Fairytail characters that I’ve adapted due to my play
23. Pinocchio (he/him)
Age: 16
Birthday: January 22, 2002
24. The Gingerbread man (he/him)
Age: 17
Birthday: August 3, 2001
25. Jestle(?) (he/they/it)
Age: 19
Birthday: Febuary 14 13(??)
I would prefer some serious questions every now and then, no hugs either cuz that kinda slightly counts as free fanart to me and I don’t have time for that stuff… however you can do sillyness too!!
Mary (she/her) is also available for asks I just forgot to add her to the bunch🤷‍♂️. Her husband Joesph is too, when they answer it will be to the time they were alive.
Certain asks, especially if specified will be in the future.
Example of one I’ve answered already like when I first got it:
“Felix why did you forgive Dylan😱”
I made this one be in the future because that event didnt happen yet.
There can be NSFW jokes but like,, no straight up dirtyness like most of my characters are minors so adult humour is aloud but like no… yknow i already said it above.
You can ask questions to me to but you have to say like ‘To you’ or ‘To creator’ or ‘To author’ etc. (Canonically Xavier has more of my personality like a self insert kind of thing, but he won’t know about the lore or nothing so don’t ask him that stuff)
You can about their sexualities and stuff, since I cant find a way to make it look good in the list😭
Calvin, Oscar and Philip are the children of Chloe Victor. Oscar and Philip are adopted. Their father is not in their life.
Laurence and Luna are brother and sister, the children of Beaux (orginally known as Waverly) and Roselyn (orginally known as Xin). Their parents are deceased. Florence is a fragment of certain memories from Laurence.
Hunter and Xavier are twins, Hunter is an hour older. The two have an older brother Milo, who is in his 20’s and a younger brother Alexander who is 6. They have parents that love and care for them, but they have no further character.
Felix has an older brother, Chester and two older sisters, Amelia and Alice who are also twins. Their mother is Mary and the father is Joesph. Felix and Chester are the only living family. Felix sees Humphery and Gladwin as his ‘gaurdians’ now and he’s been adopted by them, they do not call themselves parents as they consider that as being in a relationship together and they are not. Lelix is a fragment of certain memories from Felix.
Zayn is the son of Zander, the mother has passed away. Zayn is also an only child, but would like to have a son or daughter in the near future; perhaps by adoption.
Jestle’s family is deceased.
Calvin and Tyler are childhood friends, together they found Laurence in 2012. Calvin and Laurence clicked while day by day Tyler got excluded. They are all still friends, Tyler is firm on not telling them he feels left out.
Calvin has a crush on Laurence despite strongly believing he doesn’t like men. He thinks its friendship he feels but deep inside, he wants love. Laurence gets frustrated with Calvin not being self aware, but still adores the man for his dumb things, cute things, many things.
Felix and Tyler began to date in 2018, just before the main story begins. The two love eachother dearly and are the sweetest, lovey-dovey pair.
Laurence and Tyler have an odd friendship, Laurence will often interupt Tyler with a ‘Shh!’ but will talk to him after school (…sometimes) but he does care for Tyler. Tyler thinks Laurence hates him, so he tries so keep him happy.
Chester and Ron’s relationship isn’t really shown, but they met once time travelled and began to date about a month later. They’re very respectful to each other and always make sure they both have equal attention. They’ve tried poly’s before but most of the time the other person favours one and gives the other less attention, so they’ve stopped doing poly relationships all together.
Chester and Felix’s relationship really depends on the time. At first when they were kids they were loving brothers who would always play together, then Mary stabbed Chester and Felix witnessed it, he was confident that his brother was dead as he ran away. Void came and took away his memories of the event (so basically he only knows his brother is dead and his mother is bad but that is all he knows.) it made his earlier memories a little fuzzier too but they are still there. He runs into the sirs, blah blah blah, Chester later comes to the castle Felix is at then hides in the basement for a while. His mom comes in, Chester tries to hypnotize her with his magic but she pulls out a mirror, making his hypnosis bounce back at him. (If you read the backstory on wattpad this is much easier to understand). By the time Felix is 14 and Chester is 23 the main events play. At this point Chester keeps claiming he’s Felix’s brother but he’s acting so unlike himself that Felix doesn’t believe him (he also thinks he’s dead too) and every time Chester claims it the more frustrated Felix gets with it. Later Chester is put into a cellar after he kills his mother and he visits him sometimes as the hypnosis has went off of him at that point and eventually the two reconcile and realize they are brothers and have an emotional scene together. Once theyre time travelled Felix lives with the sirs, but goes to Chester’s house often after school.
Felix and the Sirs are also a complicated trio, Felix looks up to both of them and sees Humphery as more like a father figure while he’s more scared of Gladwin. Gladwin really hates Felix but… has his moments. Very rare ones though. While Humphery and Felix have more of a connection, Humphery understands Felix and is more willing to believe him when it comes down to things, though he’s more caring he somewhat tried to hide it but it’s easier to get him to break or to get him to care. He finds Felix somewhat annoying but y’know… who doesn’t (/j).
Thats all the relationships I’ll be doing, its like a lot of writing sorry gamers.
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bl33ditout · 10 months
i was tagged by @coping-via-clint-eastwood to do this - thank you sm friend! :D
rules: bold the ones that are true and tag 15 people to do the same
i’m over 5’5” // i wear glasses/contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear make-up // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how i look (usually) // i prefer nike to adidas (I don't wear either one lol) // i wear baseball hats backwards (i don't wear hats)
Hobbies & Talents
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language (i know some Japanese but not quite fluent) // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing (except i'm tone deaf...) // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year (basically my whole life lol) // i have a crush (yeah, Chester Bennington and Keanu Reeves lmao) // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long distance relationship // i am an only child (used to be) // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sun rise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colours // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed (no but that would be AWESOME) // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs (i don't currently but used to)
Tagging @mollyhale @recurringsquidmotif @666yen @hexedvampire @wetwithblood @violetbudd @mimirotten @ominous-mongoose @bled4days @are-we-really-doing-this @disruptxrr @aliceinmadnessland @ch3rryzzz @corpsemaggot @fellphoenix (no pressure ofc!)
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domaslut · 2 years
Pairing: Chester Davies x reader (18+).
Prompt: Chester and the reader have a sexual intercourse during a party. In the middle of it, Chester loses his cool and decides to let everyone hear your moans for him.
Warning: smut and language, basically!
You moaned, causing Chester to clasp his hand over your mouth to muffle the sinful sighs escaping your lips. You were so beautiful, when you struggled to keep yourself calm and collected. He loved teasing you, edging you until you lost your usual cool, yet you were at a party and he could have never forgiven himself, if someone had walked on you two giving in to lust.
“Hush love… – he hoarsely whispered, thrusting up into you – Won’t you be a good girl for daddy?” he asked, watching your eyes roll back. He had hit a certain spot, apparently.
You cried out his name, although all he could discern were mere high-pitched moans and incoherent sounds. Tears peeked at your lashes as Chester held your hands up with his huge one and kept you in place with the other. You loved it when he dropped his reserved façade and took the full control.
“Chester, please, I need you…” you murmured, batting your eyes closed in despair.
The former Ravenclaw prefect flashed you a smug smile and planted a chaste kiss over your lips “Hold on tigh, milady” he purred, his hues reduced to two dark pools of malice and lust. He craved you. You nodded in response, wrapping your legs firmly around his waist, and he pulled out of your aching core until the tip of his length brushed your entrance.
Your mouth ajar and the way you were longing for him made him snap. No, he was done playing nice. He needed to let people know you were his and his alone.
“You know, what? I don’t give a damn about who might hear us anymore” he then blurted out, before thrusting into you harshly, quickly, filling you up completely. You yelped out, both in pleasure and pain and his name fell from your red-painted lips as an ancient, unholy mantra. You felt your walls clamping down on his member and, as he found his pace, you realised that it was going to be a long night.
[some Chester smut for y’all, we need it].
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