#But i do read everything! And some genuinely make me very emotional and happy
nopanamaman · 6 months
How often do you read questions on Tumblr without answering them?
I wish I could say never but
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hiskillingjar · 3 months
hello! what kind of reactions do you think the btd characters might have to a normally very serious and aloof mc suddenly breaking down and becoming clingy and needy? btw i loooooooove the way you characterize strade 💗💗💗💗💗
thank you! i love writing him so i'm glad others love it too :3
ren 🦊
i, ah- 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 !!!!!!!!
of course ren would love it. of course he would!
he was so nervous about you being so aloof and distant the first couple of weeks, after all...maybe he wondered if all of this was even worth it :(
but the second you started acting clingy and needy around him, he would go fucking INSANE he would be so so happy
granted he might be a little "🤨" at first, wondering if you were trying to manipulate him. so he'd for sure give it a day or two just to be sure
maybe he'd expect you to prove just how much you need him...maybe a couple of nights in the basement by yourself would do you good, anyway...
but then he wouldn't be able to stop himself from getting just as clingy and needy with you too, so you're just a couple of codependent loved up sweethearts aw!
i'm sure nothing bad will happen there!
law 🥀
i mean law kind of is the aloof and distant one so...they would probably think the attitude change is a little strange
like, why are you behaving this way now? you've been fine for days, you shouldn't be behaving like this...i have to go to work, let go of me...settle down...
they'd take a couple of days to get used to it, for sure, and might even be a little annoyed and short with you in the meantime
but slowly...slowly...
they'd like the way you cling so tightly to them when you slept, and how much you'd grown accustomed to sitting around in their flat all day while they were out without a word of complaint
you get so happy and excited when they come home too...it's a lot easier to read your emotions when you're like this and they can't deny it's kind of nice to have someone so happy to come home to
and the fact that you're so needy, you let them get away with a lot more...gone for days at a time, that's okay, just come home to me, please! leaving behind a couple of bruises when you have sex, that's okay, you didn't mean it!
maybe they'd want to make you even needier...dependent, almost
strade 🔨
girl. come on.
why are you giving this man any degree of leverage over you
you just KNOW he is going to do the worst possible thing with this
he'd expect you to prove just how needy you really are, and how much you really wanted him. i mean, you go from being aloof and bitchy to totally desperate in an instant, how could he NOT want some kind of proof that it's genuine?
and then he'd find it absolutely hilarious.
you're still so needy after everything i do to you, really? haha, how cute! i really thought you'd be smarter than that <3
he'd definitely soak in it for a little while and just. totally let his ego swim in how much you need him
it's hard for a guy to resist someone being dependent on them...or at least that's what he tells himself
he would then start to use it against you, just to see you get all worked up and upset...and easier to play with
you let him get away with so much, after all, how far can he push that until you're doing everything you can to get away from him?
and he loves pushing you as hard as he can, after all
he's never been that good at resisting you...
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likeumeanit9497 · 24 days
yale pt. 2 | c.s |
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chris sturniolo x fem!reader
read part one here!
summary: to commit or not to commit; what will chris and y/n decide? and how will they prove to one another that their mutual decision was the right one?
warnings: smut, oral (m/f receiving), hand stuff (m/f), p in v, unprotected sex (BAD), more fluff than i usually write, 18+
notes: again i'm sorry ab the wait but part two is finally finished! it's a bit longer than my past one shots (almost 6000 words eek) because there's a lottttt of fluff before the smut. i hope ya'll enjoy!!!
Two out of my three final exams were finished, and I was about ready to throw in the towel on my last one of the week. It was Thursday, and tomorrow was my Biology II final, which had been the one that had been stressing me out the most. As soon as I had got back to my small one-bedroom apartment that day, I had buried my nose in my textbooks in an attempt at cramming some last-minute miracle study session into my day.
That was around 3:00, and as I walked into my kitchen to make myself my fourth cup of coffee for the day, the clock on my stove read 9:26. I wanted to cry from exhaustion. Yale finals were no joke, and I had to do well on all of my exams in order to keep my scholarship for next year. On top of the stress caused by all of that, I was having an even more difficult time because my brain had been consumed by something else. Every moment of every day — whether I was trying to get some rest at night or trying to focus on answering the questions correctly on an exam — I was thinking about the last time I had seen Chris.
It had been less than a week, but my mind had replayed every moment of our time together so many times that it had begun feeling like a dream. That, in addition to the lack of proper rest I had been getting, had made me genuinely begin to question whether or not I had imagined everything that he had said before I ran out on him.
I hadn’t heard anything from Chris since then, which really wasn’t that uncommon. We typically only texted when I was back in Boston and we could meet up, and he knew that I would be busy with my finals this week and wouldn’t be back until tomorrow. But regardless of how usual the lack of communication was, I couldn’t help but feel like there was a mutual tension between us even from miles away; and the shortage of interactions between us just felt like confirmation of that.
Since the last time we spoke, I had felt nearly every emotion possible regarding the situation. Guilty, happy, sad, angry, hurt, disappointed, excited, and confused. Very, very confused. There had been so many times where, as I was studying, or showering, or walking to class, I became completely consumed by the urge to text him; sometimes with the intention of telling him that I feel the same way about him as he does about me, other times my intentions were to cuss him out for making the one thing that was easy in my life so complicated. But every time I opened my phone and began typing out a message to him, I got ahold of myself and would hurriedly delete the paragraph.
Frustrated and lost in my own mind once again, I leaned onto the kitchen counter and rested my forehead against my crossed arms. The last thing that I wanted to do was go back to my desk and continue studying, but I knew that I needed to spend at least a few more hours on it if I wanted to secure at least a 90%. But my eyes were beginning to grow heavy, and the cool sensation that came from leaning on my counter was helping me calm down. Maybe I could stay here and collect my thoughts for just a few more minutes…
Four loud knocks at my front door caused my eyes to shoot open. I felt disoriented as I took a moment to take in my surroundings, glancing quickly at the clock I realized that I must have somehow dozed off in my position at the counter. Three more knocks rumbled through my small apartment, these ones more urgent than the last. As my brain finally woke up completely, I was hit with a mini wave of rage. Brad was in the same Biology II class as I was. He must be trying to study for the exam super last minute, and when he realized that he hadn’t even started taking study notes, he decided to show up unannounced at my place to get his hands on mine. It certainly wouldn’t have been the first time.
I stormed toward my front door, beside myself in fury and stress. As I unlocked the door and began turning the handle, I opened my mouth to begin my crazed rant.
“Brad I swear to God I’m not-” My mouth clamped shut and I froze once the door was completely open and the identity of the person on the other side was shown.
“Hi.” Was all he said, his voice tentative and wavering slightly. His bright blue eyes were filled with uncertainty, his slouched shoulders were covered in a light dusting of snow, and held by his hands in the space between us was a bouquet of sunflowers.
“Chris.” His name fell breathlessly from my lips, and I immediately walked toward him and embraced him in a relieving hug. I felt both of our bodies relax as soon as they connected, and we stood in my doorway for what could have been hours; both of us taking a moment to relish in the comfort that came from us finally seeing one another. “What are you doing here?” I finally asked, pulling back from him and taking a good look at his beautiful face. He shifted on his feet before responding, “I just needed to see you.”
His body language showed that he was feeling incredibly vulnerable. I wanted to do everything I could to reassure him, but not yet; it was too soon. So instead, I guided him into my apartment and closed the door behind us.
“So,” I began as he stood awkwardly in my kitchen, “Have you just decided to start carrying those around as some sort of fashion statement or what?” I gestured towards the flowers still gripped firmly in his hand. He blinked quickly before looking down at them as if he had forgotten they were there, and nervously giggled. “No. Uh, I brought these for you?” His voice rose at the end of his sentence, making it sound like a question and I let out a small laugh before gently removing them from his grasp. “I was joking, thank you for these. Sunflowers are my favourite.” I replied before turning my back to him to search through my kitchen cabinets for a vase. “I know they are.” He said in a quiet voice, and I turned back to look at him quickly.
“How’d you know that?” I kept my tone light, partially because I felt like it might make him more comfortable and partially to keep my nerves at bay. “Your lock screen on your phone. It’s of you and your friends in a sunflower field. I asked you about the picture that first time we met when you went to put my number in your phone and you told me that they were your all-time favourite flower, even though you thought they were a bit cliche.” He explained all of this to me while looking down at his feet, and I felt a ripple of shock travel down my spine. How did he remember that seemingly mundane part of our very first interaction, eight months ago?
I cleared my throat as I felt my emotions begin to get the best of me, and finally found a vase hidden deep in one of my cabinets. “Well I do love them,” I finally responded once I regained control over myself, “And look at how beautiful they are! The brighten up my entire kitchen.” I showed him the bouquet, now tucked into their vase, and felt my heart flutter at their vibrancy. “Thank you so much, Chris. I mean it.” I walked over to where he was standing beside my kitchen island, and wrapped my arms around his neck. I playfully brushed my nose against his a few times, before planting a light kiss on his lips. “You have a very good memory.” I added, before moving my lips to his jaw, down to his neck; leaving wet thank-you kisses along the way. His breath hitched once I reached his collarbone, where I spent extra time suckling his delicate skin.
I brought a hand down to his jeans, where I palmed at his semi-hard member. His hands stayed still at his sides, but I could feel his increasing pulse against my lips as I moved them painfully slow back up to his. When my lips made it back to his, I pressed my body against him in an attempt at deepening our movements. His hands finally moved to grab onto my waist, giving me a moment of satisfaction, before he used his new grip to pull me away slightly. “Y/n, wait,” He started, his gaze fixed on me, “I’ve really been needing to talk about last weekend.” My stomach sunk as I began to feel the too-familiar pit of anxiety that had been haunting me for days grow once more. Not wanting him to pick up on how terrified I was to have this conversation, I planted a faux smile on my face and gave him a quick nod. “Me too. Let’s sit.” I replied before walking over to my couch.
“So…” I began once we were both seated on the couch facing each other. Even though I had spent days mulling over every detail of what I might possibly say to Chris once this inevitable conversation happened, I really had no idea how to go about this. And by the unusual silence and bouncing leg coming from Chris’s side of the couch, it was pretty evident that he didn’t know how to either.
“I thought we had agreed that this conversation wouldn’t happen until after I had written all of my finals.” I finally got the courage to speak first, before immediately noticing that my tone came across pretty passive aggressive. “I just mean — sorry, Chris. I’ve just been really stressed out.” I attempted to correct my first sentence once I noticed that his face was riddled with anxiety. Placing a soft hand on his forearm, I continued, “I just mean I’ve been really needing to talk to you, too.” A nervous smile flashed across his face at my words, and I watched as he took a deep breath. “You have?” His tone sounded unsure, and I nodded firmly. “I haven’t been able to think about anything else.” I added, slightly embarrassed by my own admission. “Neither have I.” He added, turning his body slightly so he can face me better.
“I know I told you that I would wait until after you were finished your exams, and I really tried. But I’ve been going crazy these past few days and I really couldn’t wait anymore. I’m sorry.” He confessed, and I scooted closer to his place on the couch. “Don’t be. Trust me, I’ve felt so crazy these past few days too. I’ve gone through every possible emotion whenever I thought about the whole situation, it’s like I can’t get control over my mind. It’s been hell.” I reassured him with the truth.
“Well, how are you feeling about the whole thing?” He asked tentatively, as if he was afraid of my answer. I allowed myself to contemplate for a few moments before answering, so that I could say the right thing. “Well, at first I was scared. It was just so out of the blue Chris, and my brain couldn’t process it all.” I watched him watch me as I spoke, “Then, I felt really angry. I was so mad that after all of this time you decided to drop that bomb of a confession right before I had to start my most stressful week of the year. That, along with the simple fact that I am in a relationship, no matter how toxic, and you went and made things even more complicated.” His gaze dropped to the dead space between us, clearly having a difficult time hearing how upset I had been.
“But,” His eyes met mine again as I continued, “I almost felt relieved? Like, it kind of felt like this was how it was always supposed to end up, if that makes sense. It was like some part of me knew that the universe was planning something like this to happen in a way, and that all of our sneaking around was just the build up.” I felt my heart in my throat as I spoke of feelings that I hadn’t even known I was feeling before; shocked by my own confession. By the expression on his face, I could tell that he was just as confused.
“Wait, what?” Said Chris, his eyes widening slightly. I stared back at him in silence, terrified that I might have said too much and gotten this whole thing wrong. Oh God, what if he came here to back out of what he had said last week? What if his jealousy had just overpowered him in the moment, and he was here to backtrack. Even more, what if he was here to end things between us completely? I began to feel myself panic at all of the thoughts flying through my head at rapid speed, before he finally spoke.
“Are you — are you saying that you might want this too?” Chris asked, his voice one of hesitant optimism. Immediately, I felt my initial wave of dread vanish and a new, almost excited anxiety take its place. I bent forward, resting my arms on my knees, and groaned into my hands at the feeling. “I…do.” I finally said, my voice muffled by the concealment of my face behind my fingers.
The room stayed silent for what felt like forever, my last words sat heavy in the air between us. I was so anxious I couldn’t bear to look anywhere, so I scrunched my eyes tightly shut and made every attempt at calming my nerves.
“Come here.”
Chris’s voice was so soft and calm — a refreshing contrast to the racing thoughts in my own mind — that it caused my eyes to snap open and fall on him. He still looked a bit nervous, but the genuine smile that shone across his face allowed me to release the deep breath that I wasn’t even aware I was holding. I scooted even closer to him, and he immediately wrapped his arms around me. With my head tucked into his neck, I breathed him in; allowing my nervous system a moment to relax.
“We’re really doing this then?” I finally asked as he rubbed gentle circles on my back. He let out a soft chuckle. “Looks like it.” I pulled away from his embrace and brushed his hair out of his beautiful face. “I’m gonna have to end things with Brad tomorrow after our Biology final.” I sighed, dreading the inevitable conversation that was I was sure would be made more difficult by Brad and his disrespect. However, Chris’s pleased expression brought me some joy, because at the end of the day he was who I really wanted.
Feeling like I was on cloud nine, I wrapped my arms around Chris’s neck and pulled him in for a kiss. Right as my lips barely grazed his, however, he mumbled something and pulled back. “No,” he began, shaking his head firmly. “We gotta do this right. Things are different now and we’re not just sneaking around, so it feels wrong to just kiss you behind everyone’s back like we had to before. Take your exam, have a conversation with Brad, and then we can start from the beginning.”
My jaw physically dropped, shocked at the maturity of Chris’s words. I wish he wasn’t but I knew that he was right. Now that we were headed in the direction of something more serious, it would be so much more meaningful to wait until all of the wrinkles of our situation had been ironed out. I gave him a smile and nodded softly, letting him know that he was right.
“So, how did you get here?” I asked, stretching my arms behind my head to work the kinks out of my sore back. “Matt dropped me off. I had to offer to do the laundry for a full month for it though.” I laughed at his response, but was also touched by the idea as I knew that Chris despised laundry more than anything. “Jesus, no kidding, that’s a long drive just to turn right back around and go back to Boston.”
“Well, no. He should still be downstairs. I told him to wait outside for a while just in case things didn’t go so well up here.” He rubbed his neck awkwardly at this fact, but I understood what he meant. “Well, if you want you can tell him to head back and you can spend the night here. I was already planning on heading back home tomorrow night so I can just take you with me.” I offered, glancing quickly at him through my eyelashes as I did to gauge his reaction. Immediately, a smile flashed across his face and he shot up from the couch as if he had been hoping I would say that. “I’m down. Let me just run to his car and grab by duffel bag.” I laughed at his reaction, and the fact that he had clearly intended on staying the night if he played his cards right.
Before walking to the door, he leaned over my figure and planted a quick kiss on the top of my head. “I’ll be right back. Maybe once I grab my stuff I can quiz you for your exam or some shit. Don’t want you to not be prepared tomorrow just because I’m here.” My heard fluttered from the sensation of his lips on my skin in combination with his thoughtful words, and I had to fight the urge to pull his face to mine. Tomorrow couldn’t come fast enough.
Once I finally made it back to my apartment, I slammed the front door shut and slid against it down to the floor. I ran my hands through my snow-covered hair as I tried to catch my breath and wrap my head around what I had just done.
I finally broke up with Brad.
As suspected, he didn’t take it well. To be honest, it had been a bad choice of mine to do it as we were walking towards the exit of the exam building, but I hadn’t expected him to break down into tears and get down on his knees in front of countless other students and professors, begging me to reconsider. I could still hear the echos of his wails as I literally ran away through the double exit doors of the building, and I continued to run as fast as I could until I reached the lobby of my apartment complex.
And now here I was, feeling everything all at once and trying to make sense of all that has happened over the past twenty four hours. As I mulled through everything, the sound of my shower turning on caught my attention. In all of my stress from writing my exam to breaking up with Brad, I had nearly forgotten what all of it was for.
I stood up and slowly walked towards the bathroom. Putting my ear against the door, I smiled as I listened to him quietly sing along to a Ken Carson song playing from his phone as he showered. Checking the door knob, I realized that he had left it unlocked and I decided to enter the humid washroom. The room had already begun to fill up with steam, but I could still see Chris’s back through the glass shower door. He was facing away from me, and the music was loud so he clearly had no clue that I was there.
Quickly and quietly, I began to take off my clothes from the day; keeping my eyes on him the entire time to make sure he still hadn’t noticed my presence. Once fully unclothed, I took my hair out of my messy bun and began walking towards the shower. Standing at the glass now, I brought my knuckles against the cool surface and gently knocked.
At my knocking, Chris’s body jolted and he quickly turned his body to face me. When he saw that it was just me standing there, his body visibly relaxed and a smile crossed his lips. “Hey.” He said as his eyes travelled across my naked body. “Hey.” I returned as I opened the shower door and began climbing in. I stood in front of his naked figure, the stream of water from the shower head beginning to mist my hair.
“Did you talk to him?” Asked Chris, his eyes searching my face; clearly trying to gauge my expression. I tilted my head to the side and smirked slightly. “I did.” He continued to just stare, his bare chest rising and falling rapidly. “I ended it.” I added, causing a smile to immediately cross his face. “So we’re really doing this, huh?” Chris asked as he brought his hands to my hips, pulling my body towards him directly under the shower head. Now getting completely rained on, I squeezed my eyes shut and chuckled. “What, you getting cold feet already kid?” I asked jokingly, opening my eyes to look at him and standing on my tip toes so that I could bring my face closer to his.
“No, obviously not, it’s just,” He paused when I brushed my wet lips against his softly, before whispering, “It’s just a bit scary.” I brought my hands to the back of his head, where I mindlessly twirled my fingers through his curls. “What’s scary?” My hushed tone now matched his as I spoke. “I’ve just never been in a relationship before, and I don’t want to screw anything up. I’m really really out of my realm here Y/n.” He confessed, his tone somber and his eyes fearful.
I grabbed my bottom lip with my teeth, completely understanding what he was saying but not wanting to unintentionally confirm his fears by agreeing. So instead, I wrapped my arms around his waist and held him against me. After a moment of relishing in the feeling of his skin pressed firmly against mine, feeling our hearts beat as one, I spoke.
“Let me show you that you don’t need to be scared of anything.” I gazed up at him as he looked down at me, and after a short while he nodded his head. Rubbing his back delicately, I spoke. “Things aren’t going to be much different, you know,” I began placing soft kisses along his collarbone, “Sure we won’t be sneaking around,” More kisses along his shoulder, “And there will be a certain level of accountability and loyalty that wasn’t there before,” My mouth moved to his jaw, “But those are all good things because,” Finally, my lips were hovering in front of his, so close to touching that I could feel his anxious breath against them.
“They mean that I’m all yours.”
At that, Chris crashed his lips against mine. Our mouths moved in sync as his tongue swirled against mine. I gasped as Chris suddenly pressed my back against the cool tiled wall where he continued to dominate my mouth. I felt his quickly growing member press against my hip, and reached forward to begin stroking it slowly. A soft moan fell from his mouth, and I began to move my hand up and down quicker along his hard shaft. He bucked his hips slightly at the sensation, and moved his lips to leave deep kisses along my neck, down to my nipples. He gave my left nipple one long drag with his tongue before engulfing the entire thing in his mouth. He sucked hard and bit tenderly on the tip of my nipple the way he knew I liked, and I couldn’t help but release a small whine at the building need in between my legs.
“Let me make you feel good.” Chris mumbled against my tit, grabbing my ass firmly with both hands. “Me first.” I replied, a smirk on my face with his cock still tight in my grasp. Slowly, I dropped to my knees on the shower floor and was face to face with his swollen cock. Gazing at me as water dripped down his entire body, Chris watched as I placed my lips around his red tip; swirling my tongue to lap up the salty pre cum that had begun to drip from his slit. I watched his erotic expressions as his body shuddered from the sensation, and slowly began bobbing my head up and down the length of his cock. I began pumping my hand along his last few inches that I couldn’t fit in my mouth, and had to stifle my own anticipatory moan from how turned on I had made myself just by knowing that it was my mouth that was allowing him to feel this pleasure.
Not being able to take the painfully aroused state I was in, I brought my free hand between my own legs; gently massaging my own clit to relieve just a bit of the tension. The immediate satisfaction caused me to moan on Chris’s cock, which in turn caused him to press his hand against the shower wall to support his weakened frame. As he watched me pleasure both of us, his jaw slacked and his eyes glazed over with pure lust. I continued to vigorously bob my head, though I was beginning to get distracted by my own heightened arousal as my fingers maintained their pressure on my swollen clit. As tears welled in my eyes I swallowed the entire length of his shaft and began deep throating him, watching his face as his eyes squeezed shut and his free hand moved to grab my hair.
“Fuck baby, I might cum.” His words came out gravelly through his bright pink lips, and I hummed in response as I continued to swirl my tongue around the base of his dick. Suddenly, Chris released a throaty moan before pulling his hips back and detaching my lips from his member with a pop. Instinctually, I tilted my head up and opened my mouth; sticking my tongue out with a slight smirk. I watched as Chris pumped his cock with his own hand a few times before his warm fluid coated my expectant face. I quickly swallowed the few drops that had landed in my mouth, and smiled softly up at Chris as he watched. He brought his thumb to my lower lip and swiped delicately; collecting a drop of his cum that had landed there before placing it on my tongue. Tauntingly, I closed my lips around his thumb and sucked it gently as his breath hitched.
He took his thumb out of my mouth and helped me to my feet. Wrapping an arm around the small of my back, he guided me directly under the stream of water before tilting my head back so that his seed could wash off of my face. After a moment, he pulled me back out of the water and pressed me into his chest. His hands travelled across my back and down to my ass, where he began massaging softly. As he massaged, the tips of his fingers grazed my slit from the back and I began to feel the urgent need to be touched. I nibbled at his skin and subconsciously arched my back in an attempt to give his hands better access to where I needed them most.
He ran a finger through my slick folds and my heart rate quickened against his chest. “You think you can manage to go again?” I breathed as he continued to tease me. I felt his body shift slightly as he chuckled. “Yup. Just give me a minute.” The words barely left his mouth before he dropped to his knees and backed my body up against the wall in one swift motion. Before I had a moment to process anything, his mouth connected to my bundle of nerves. To grant himself easier access, he grabbed my right leg and put it over his shoulder as I moaned out at the sensation that the new angle provided. His mouth moved rhythmically as his tongue swirled around my clit in the way that he knows drives me crazy, and I already began to feel the early whispers of an orgasm in my lower stomach.
After a few moments of bliss, my body was suddenly jolted into reality when he removed his lips from me and stood up. Keeping me pinned to the wall, he attacked my mouth with his own. Deep and carelessly, our lips moved in sync with one another as Chris simultaneously hooked my leg around his hip to press his body even closer to mine. Suddenly, our kiss was cut off by my open-mouthed gasp as Chris slammed his cock deep into my core. Without giving me a moment to adjust to his size, he began driving into me with quick strokes. I struggled to continue to stand — both because of the slippery shower and the velocity of his movements — so I dug my nails into his back for grip; sure to leave deep scratches by the time we were finished.
“Fuck Chris, you’re so big.” I moaned out, feeling my core stretch out with each of his thrusts. “Oh come on baby, you can take it.” His tone was mocking, but it came out breathless as he relentlessly pummelled into me.
His face was pressed against mine, and my view of his feverish gaze and tightened jaw was interrupted periodically only by his sloppy kisses along my jaw. As his pace began to grow more careless, my vision began to grow blurry from my approaching orgasm. “Chris, please keep going I’m so close.” I begged, fearful that his second orgasm would come quicker than my first.
He brought his hand to my throat and squeezed it delicately, his eyes on mine. “I’ll wait for you, princess. Want to cum with you.” His hand moved from my throat down to my clit, where he began rubbing it fiercely. The additional contact from him instantly sent a jolt of electricity down my spine, and I knew that it was only a matter of time before I was going to reach my climax. “C-chris, I’m — oh God I’m cumming.” I practically screamed as the wave of overwhelming pleasure hit me. As my walls pulsed erratically around his cock, Chris released a raspy moan — a clear indicator that he had also reached his own orgasm. His movements slowed tremendously as we both rode out our highs; both of our fluids and slurred profanities in harmony with one another.
Chris’s hips stopped moving completely as we both leaned our heads against the shower wall, catching our breath. His hand that had previously been on my clit was now resting on my inner thigh where it was thoughtlessly rubbing up and down my soft skin. The thick steam in the shower was making it even harder for me to catch my breath, so I turned the temperature down before stepping under the stream of water to begin cooling myself down. Chris followed suit, and squeezed some shampoo into his hand before lathering my hair with it. Humming at the relaxing feeling of his hands massaging my scalp, I leaned back against his firm chest.
“See, at least you know that part of our relationship didn’t change.” I said jokingly as I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair. “No, it definitely did.” He responded, and I froze. Once again I was worried that he had changed his mind; that maybe he thought the sex might start to be boring, or that sex with emotion was too sappy. Just as those insecurities began to rear their head, Chris’s eyes softened with a big smile as he pulled me towards him. “It got even better.” I felt my body relax in his arms at those words, and I beamed up at him. “I agree.” I pressed a soft kiss to his collar bone.
“Now let’s hurry up, I want to get back to Boston before it gets dark out.” I said as I hurriedly lathered by body with shower gel. Chris moved from his place under the shower head to give me space to wash off before exiting the shower. “Stay at mine tonight? We can watch Christmas movies!” He exclaimed as he grabbed a towel to dry off. I rolled my eyes with a smile. “You’re such a cornball. But unfortunately I think I might be too because that sounds great.” He giggled at this before poking his head back into the shower to plant a kiss on my nose. “I’m really happy we’re doing this.”
“Doing what? Getting excited over watching Christmas movies?” I asked with a chuckle. “No — well, yes. But no. I meant I’m — I’m really happy you’re all mine now.” His words made me melt a little inside, and I brought an affectionate hand to his jaw and brushed my thumb against it. I took a moment to really admire his perfect features — in awe of my current reality where a man as beautiful as him could feel the way he does about me— before responding, “Me too, Chris. I’m happy I’m all yours too.”
@chrattstromboli @sncstur
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whiskeynwriting · 5 months
When You Say My Name
Simon “Ghost” Riley x Female Reader
Word Count: 5.2k
Warnings: 18+ (minors DNI)
Size kink, mask kink, dirty talk, open-ish relationship, kinda cheating?, very brief mention of oral sex (f receiving), semi-public sex, unprotected vaginal sex, alcohol consumption
A/N: Disclaimer - this is written at the point in time before Graves’ betrayal of 141. Also, I hate that bastard. Also also, Ty to @thesleepingmusicneek for beta reading 🥰
Simon “Ghost” Riley Masterlist
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There once was a time where you were treated that way, like the center of attention, the only girl in the world. He’d keep you close, take you out, buy you drinks and gifts and truly, whatever you wanted. His attention was yours and there was no other woman in the world that could compete with it. Everything you could hope to hear, he’d tell you - you’re perfect, I love you, you’re mine. That was, until about a month ago. Now, all of those privileges have been handed off to whatever woman he deems fit for the night. But that was only supposed to be while he was on leave, not while he was home, and most certainly not in front of your goddamn face.
Easily, tears sting your eyes and a jealous lump forms heavily in your throat. Your veins feel like ice and unpleasant embarrassment creeps through your bones. Out of mere spite, you watch them, heart pounding when you hear Graves greet her with, hey doll, alongside a hug and kiss on the cheek. You thought that was only your nickname; he’d never called another woman that, not in the year you’ve been together. Or at least, that’s what you thought.
Phil told you he’d met this woman on his last deployment, and that told you everything you needed to know. You’d assumed with him coming home, you’d spend the evening together, not out at some shitty bar. Still, you came to see him, even though he was acting like he’d rather do anything else than see you. Even off the plane, he greeted you with a simple smile, a half-hug. The only man that approached you with genuine excitement, was Simon.
The hug Ghost gave you lifted your feet from the ground, tight and firm and full of happiness. He’s become a rather close friend as of late; for some reason, you find him easy to talk to. You met when Shadow Company joined 141 on their latest missions, no more than a few months ago now. And since then, you’ve managed to greet each other after every mission, making sure to send the other off when the next trip came around, too. And in between those occasions, Phil would often find the two of you on base together, usually in one of the common rooms. You’d be eating together, or playing pool, sometimes cards. Friendship was the word you often used, but Graves never fully bought it. Slowly but surely, jealousy crept up inside him, and you were more than aware of it.
Right now, though, that nasty, green emotion is consuming you. Your blood boils while you watch him continue to flirt, keeping an arm around her back and a hand securely on her hip. Graves buys her a shot, and then a drink, things he didn’t do for you when you joined him at the bar all but fifteen minutes ago. But then they’re sitting down together and she’s running her hand up his thigh and Christ, you feel like you’re going to be sick. As soon as he approached her, you retreated to the back of the pub, finding the farthest, darkest booth to sulk in. And still, you watch them, torturing yourself.
“All by yourself back here?”
“Fuck,” Jolting, your head snaps up, eyes falling on the bulky figure that is Simon Riley. “Hey, I… yeah.”
“Why’s that?” Casually, he makes himself comfortable, taking the seat across from you with a light sigh. It was something you bonded over, being loners. This type of scene wasn’t his thing, so of course, he came and found you.
Lifting both hands, he sets two glasses on the table, pushing one toward you. “For me?” You ask with a humorous smile, and he nods.
“That fruity thing you like.” Ghost responds before pulling up the edge of his mask to nurse his bourbon. And although you’re in no mood for company, his presence is comforting. Honestly, there’s no one else you’d rather have join you. “Why’re you alone, sweetheart?”
Sweetheart, a name that fell from his lips often. But only for you. Something Graves never liked.
The sentiment behind the name fills you with warmth, alongside the fact that he remembered your drink order. His entire presence prompts a new brew of emotions to swirl inside of you, clashing incredibly with the negativity brought on by Phil.
“Didn’t wanna see any more of that.” Jerking your head in Phil’s direction, you sigh, rolling your eyes.
“Yeah, I, uh…” Ghost looks over as well, taking in the situation. “I’d consider that cheating, if it were me.” He’s honest, he always is.
A huff of annoyance leaves your lips; his comment only stirs the embers that were once settling in your gut. “Yeah, well, lucky for him it’s not.”
“What?” Simon scoffs, turning back toward you. You’re not able to see his expressions, not with that balaclava in the way. In fact, you can hardly see any of his features. With his black hood pulled up, that mask on and even those boney gloves covering his fingers, he’s quite hidden. Something you’ve always found alluring about him.
“Pardon my prodding, but…” Leaning in, Simon scoffs once again, a type of chuckle bouncing from his lips. “What kind of sense is that?”
Since the very first day you met, Simon had an interest in you. He thought you were gorgeous; a cute, sexy little thing that he wanted to keep close to him. That, on top of his general dislike for Graves, made it easy for him to disapprove of your relationship. And he wasn’t ever too subtle about it, either.
One big, dramatic sigh leaves your mouth, your head tilting back against the booth. “It’s complicated.”
He just shrugs. “Fill me in.” Leaning back, he takes another sip from his glass, watching the way your eyes follow his movements. Ghost allows you to take in this small sight, his scarred skin, his growing stubble, the view not many are given. Intriguing. “Unless, you’d rather I just go…”
“No.” Your response is instant. “No, I don’t want you to go. I just… I don’t want you to think badly of him.”
“By the looks of it, he doesn’t seem to care what anyone thinks of him.” And you figure, he’s right. Phil isn’t exactly being secretive about this.
“He, well… he asked me for a, um… an open… relationship.” Ghost simply hums, a thoughtful noise as he nods. “He asked for it about a month ago.”
An open relationship, he thinks. Does that mean… she can sleep with other people, too?
“And you agreed to that?”
Another big sigh. “Yeah.”
“But you didn’t want to?” It’s almost like Simon is laying this out for you, trying to get you to see that Graves is just using you. Clearly, this arrangement isn’t fair.
“I… ugh. Yeah. I just didn’t want to cut things off completely, but… it looks like I should’ve just taken the hit. Would’ve been a hell of a lot easier than this.”
“He’s been with other women?” Ghost clarifies, trying to get the full picture. It baffles him, honestly. How could one man be so disloyal? And to you, of all people?
“Yep, quite a few. He tells me almost every time. Claims the honesty is good.”
Simon laughs at this. “Or he’s just clearing his conscience.”
A small lull wafts through your conversation, and in this pause, Simon knows what he wants to say. He knows what he wants to ask and absolutely has the balls to ask it. But is it the right time? Would you find his prodding offensive? Genuinely, he does cherish your friendship, but he’s wondering if this is his chance to make it something more.
“And have you?” Simon finally asks, the words coming out gently.
“Been with anyone?”
The question isn’t exactly shocking. It’s no secret that Simon is interested in you, and with the way the conversation is going, it was only a matter of time before he asked.
“No, it didn’t interest me. I mean, not at first, anyway.” You’re speaking so openly that you don’t even register that you’ve said it before it leaves your mouth. And when it does, your face runs hot, wondering if he caught on to your wording.
“At first?” Of course he caught onto it. Would she be open to it? He wonders enthusiastically, Do I really have a chance of this going my way?
“Yeah, but I’m starting to think…” Fuck it. “Why not?” A dry laugh comes from your throat, rolling your eyes. “Maybe I should just start moving on.”
With excitement stirring inside him, Simon tries his best to suppress the expression on his still-exposed lips, which are now tilting upward into a mischievous grin. This is just what he wants to hear. And now that you’ve given him somewhat of an opening, he thinks he’ll shoot his shot. “Well… you know I’m always here for you.”
“Yeah?” Laughing at his comment, you look up. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Would he… would he really do this?
With a wicked smile, Simon squints his eyes at you. Hand wrapped firmly around his glass, those thick fingers slide over the condensation, gaze never parting from your own. “I think you know what it means.”
All too often, all too much, these sinful thoughts have crossed his mind. He’s indulged in them, fantasizing about you every time he got the chance. Thinking about how your perfect ass would look bouncing back against him, lubed up with your velvety heat swallowing him whole. Those pretty lips, what would they look like with your cheeks bulging, throat desperately trying to accommodate him? The way you sway your hips makes him want to pin you down, shove himself inside just to watch his dick press against your belly.
Ghost’s offer, or what seems to be an offer, is shocking to you. Finally, you think; a blatant display of his interest. You were starting to think he’d never make a move.
With one last glance over at Phil, you make an easy decision. Seeing him so blatantly disregard not only you, but your entire relationship, has you fuming. And feeling this much pain makes you want to hurt him back. What better way to do that than with Simon? The same man Graves has been jealous of, the same man you’ve wanted for months.
With a flirtatious smirk, you rest your elbows on the table, leaning your weight onto them. The circumstance has butterflies swarming your stomach, but there isn’t a single ounce of hesitancy inside. Just pure, simple excitement.
“Why don’t you spell it out for me?” Now, you need to get the full picture. The last thing you want is to make an even bigger fool of yourself tonight by assuming things.
“I want you.” Simon returns easily. “And you know it, too.”
Playing coy, you shrug, sitting back in your seat. “I don’t know anything. You’ve never made a move.” And your teasing prompts a deep breath from him.
“Well, if I knew about this situation a little sooner, I might’ve.” Eyeing you up and down, Simon’s gaze is slow, saturating your body with his attention. “The late nights we’ve had, those moments on the couch, those sweet hugs every time I come home…”
“I like seeing you come home.” It’s hard to play dumb when you so desperately want him too.
“I wanna come home to you.”
Finally, he’s won, he’s gotten in the last word. Because now, you’re simply stunned. Words escape you, your lips parting in shock. From the way he’s phrasing it, Simon isn’t looking for a simple hookup. He’s interested in you.
“I’ll tell you what,” Ghost then offers, downing the rest of his drink. “I’m gonna head out for a smoke. Whether or not you choose to follow me, is your choice.”
Standing, he steps toward the door, only a few feet from where you’re both seated in the back. But before he leaves, he glances down at you, gently tapping your chin with his thumb. “You know what I want.”
He’s giving you a chance to think this over, to really decide what you want. Because to him, this means more than sex, and you know that.
“Didn’t even have a chance to light a cig.” Simon chuckles, watching you approach him through the dark.
When you find him, he’s leaning up against the bar’s outer wall, cigarette in hand. And when he leans upright, standing to his full height again, you’re mesmerized. Alluring doesn’t do this man justice.
With a small sigh, Ghost watches you step into his space, one gloved hand lifting to your face. He cups it then, swipes his thumb over the bone of your cheek. And his touch feels invigorating on your skin.
“You gonna tell me what you want?”
Offering a small nod, you keep his gaze, something he likes. “You.”
And this time, it’s a gravely sigh, a firm breath as he holds your face with both hands. Easily, smoothly, he’s bringing himself down to you, watching as you rise to the tips of your toes to meet him. You grab onto his forearms, feeling his breath against your face, his lips against your own. And it’s everything you imagined it would be. His kiss is firm and determined; he tastes like betrayal and excitement, like an antidote mixed with poison.
Already, he’s shoving his tongue past your lips and into your mouth, moaning quietly when you reciprocate the action. He doesn’t have an ounce of restraint in him, not anymore, not when you’re acting like this. The eagerness he exudes is so easily returned, like the two of you have been waiting for this moment. And honestly, you don’t know why you haven’t thought about this before. You’re in an open relationship and you haven’t even considered fucking Ghost?
Soft groans vibrate against your mouth before he’s whispering, “C’mere.”
To your delight, he pulls you further in, dropping his hands from your face to your waist. Your height difference prompts him to dive even further down, mouthing at you with an unexpected amount of desire. It fills your insides with excitement, with lust, your nerves sizzling as you continue to chase his touch. And on his end, Simon can barely catch his fucking breath. He’s been waiting for this, fucking dreaming of this. Being this close to you has his heart pounding, his adrenaline rushing.
Naturally, your hands move from his arms to his neck, holding him in the way you’ve been wanting to for so many months. And you think now, Graves finally has something to be jealous of.
“You want me?” Simon asks again, smile growing against your lips. Boldly, those broad palms find your ass, squeezing harshly.
There hasn’t been a single goddamn day in your relationship with Graves where you felt this good, this desired, this genuinely wanted. The way Simon kisses you is dizzying and he tastes like fucking nirvana. Everything about this man is a turn on, from his strength and power to the raw masculinity you so obviously drool over. You’ve longed for this, dreamt about this, what it would feel like to kiss him, touch him, fuck him.
“Yes, yeah.” Your nod is rapid, fingers petting along that sharp jawline.
“I want you; I want you, sweetheart.” He’s mumbling against your lips, moaning wantonly when your tongue makes its way into his mouth. Eagerly, he returns the sentiment, running the wet muscle over your own in slow, heated strokes. “I want you now.”
Regardless of his wording, you don’t expect him to pull you back the way he does, yanking you into the bar’s side alley. Pushing you into the cold, brick wall, Simon presses himself to your back, whispering gruffly into your ear, “That too rough for you?”
Already, he’s rubbing himself against your ass, grinding himself over your taught jeans and wrapping both arms around your belly. Those sinfully sweet lips then find a home on your neck, along your jaw. Everything is moving so fast that it has your heart racing, blood rushing, arousal flooding your system and burning hot between your legs.
Before you can respond, he’s reaching up with both hands, fondling you over your shirt. And the unexpected action has a shiver running throughout the entirety of your body, feeling those broad palms fist your breasts, running his thumbs over the nipples, groping them with overt enthusiasm.
“Perfect fucking tits…”
“No,” Meeting his actions, you soon form a rhythm, swaying your hips back against him. “I like, like when you’re rough.” It’s almost embarrassing, the way you stutter. But you can’t find it in you to care, not when he groans with approval against the base of your neck.
Even through his jeans, you can feel him, hanging thick and heavy between his legs. Continually, he ruts his crotch against your ass, holding you close while breathing humid breaths down your neck and back.
“Fuck… you already feel so fucking good.”
“Yeah?” Ghost chuckles, grabbing onto your hips. “I can make you feel better.”
“Please.” It’s taking everything in you to not reach behind and pull off his mask, to not run your fingers through his hair and tug on the strands.
“Here?” He clarifies, more than willing. And you’ve never done anything close to this but you’ve also never been more excited in your entire goddamn life.
“Yeah,” Nodding, you gulp, feeling dizzy from his affection. “Yes, baby.”
Drunk on him and maybe your few drinks, you’re still sober enough to know you won’t regret any of this. Whether it’s a one-time thing or the start of something more, you won’t regret this.
“Mm…” Using both hands, he cups you, kneading the covered flesh of your backside with slow, firm grabs. He’s eyed you up and down so many times before tonight, imagining what it’d be like to grab you like this. But even through his unwavering lust, he has to be honest. “Haven’t got a condom, love.” It comes out as a mumble, the only time you’ve ever heard Ghost become hesitant.
“I didn’t want one.” It comes alongside a small laugh, a cheeky grin he can just barely see.
Instantly, he’s releasing a breath, moving spit-slick lips to your cheek for a quick kiss. “Perfect girl.” With a pleasant smile of his own, he drops his chin to your shoulder, fingers moving to undo your jeans. And the small ounce of praise has your insides flaming. “My girl.”
His, his.
Keeping his chin against your shoulder, he glances down, sighing when he pushes your jeans past the swell of your backside. Another squeeze, eyes glued to the sight of your bare skin, just as soft and smooth as he’d always imagined. Briefly, he wants to drop to his knees, kiss the sweet flesh he’s only gotten small teases of, bite into it, mark it. But he doesn’t have time for that, not when you’re out in public like this.
Unzipping his fly and popping the button on his pants is quick work, and though the lull is brief, your anticipation continues to grow evermore. You can feel the moment he’s free, resting himself between your cheeks. He’s hot to the touch, and noticeably throbbing.
“Baby…” Slowly, he slides, up and down between your cheeks. A wet trail quickly forms, his prespend smearing across your lower back.
“You want me?” He says it while slithering a hand around to your front, hooking two fingers into your panties so he can pull them down. Forgoing his aggressive nature for this moment, for you, two fingers then find your throbbing nerves, his touch sweet and delicate.
“Need you to say it, love.” His entire body is pressed against your back, keeping you warm and safe. “Need you to tell me.”
Thick fingers toy with your entrance, dipping inside to get a small taste of your wetness, and it feels like fireworks are going off inside your stomach. He then drags both digits up to your clit, circling it while kissing your neck.
“I want you,” Lolling your head back onto his shoulder, you’re surprised at how quickly he then moves. Instantly, he’s retracting his hand and pumping himself against your ass, using the other to spread you open.
“Say it again.” Ghost requests, pressing himself against your thin skin, your pink lips.
“I want you.”
With his swollen tip spreading you open from behind, he pushes forward, groaning openly at your welcoming warmth. Every inch is intimidating, the push of his hips forcing you to accommodate him. Which is easy, especially when he licks up your neck, kissing your jawline and cheek. It’s sloppy, the way he mouths at you, the passion he gives you.
“Simon,” Both palms help to steady yourself against the wall as he continues, shoving himself inside inch by devastating inch. Christ, you can’t even imagine what it’d be like to have him in your mouth.
“Fucking hell,” A forced breath, like the wind had just been knocked from his lungs. It’s only released when he’s entirely inside, pelvis flush with your ass. “Christ, love when you say my name.”
Both of those strong arms then wrap themselves around your center, keeping you entirely against him. Almost naturally, you’re dropping a hand, cupping the space between your legs. You can’t help it, you just want to feel him, your fingertips caressing his base, his scrotum. And that has him losing his goddamn mind, throbbing against your walls in return. Nosing gently over your head, he groans - hums, the simple action showing him just how much you adore this.
Running a hand down your outer thigh, Ghost begins to move, his actions slow but firm. And every drag lights your insides on fire; it’s such an adrenaline rush to finally have him inside.
“How can that bastard ignore you like that?” Simon mumbles, more so to himself than anything else. “Look so fucking sexy in this… perfect body, in these tight little jeans.”
“Baby…” His thrusts are becoming quicker, harder, working himself up to the breaking point that’s soon to come. But not too fast, he wants to make this last.
“Been wanting to feel you since Graves brought you to base.” Ghost suddenly admits, the smack of his pelvis against your skin beginning to radiate into the night.
The words he’s using are truly a force to be reckoned with, every single syllable melting you to absolute putty at his feet. He sounds so serious and genuine, so dominant, so possessive. This is everything you’ve wanted.
Breathless, you look back at him, an adoring smirk crossing your face. “Really?”
“Fuck, yes.” Nipping aggressively at your neck, he moans, Ghost fucking moans.
“You should’ve said something earlier then.”
And at that comment, you think back to Phil. Should you really be doing this? You know it will upset him; but whether or not he has a right to be upset has yet to be determined.
“Yeah? Would you have chosen me instead?” Bringing you back to the present is that gravelly voice, deep and beautifully accented.
Yeah… fuck Graves, and fuck that relationship.
“Yeah?” Simon asks again, pleasantly surprised by your answer.
“Fuck yes.” Reaching back, you find his head, hand sliding down the nape of his neck. You need to hold onto him, somehow, you need to feel more of him.
Honestly, you would have. And you don’t care if that makes you a shitty person or a shitty girlfriend; you gave your all to Phil and he took it for granted.
“You really mean that, sweetheart?”
“Yes, baby. I’m so happy you want me.” Forcing yourself back against him, you bounce off his pelvis, driving him deeper inside.
“Christ,” Dropping his head, his face falls to your bare shoulder, mouthing at you again and again.
Laughing, you chastise him gently. “You’re gonna leave a mark.”
“Want to.” Comes his returned mumble, hands securing themselves to your hips. “Fuck.”
It’s like he can’t even see straight; feeling the gorgeous woman that you are rolling your hips back against him. Asking for more, pulling him in for more.
In the middle of the night, half naked in a fucking backalley, you feel so incredibly exposed; but Ghost makes it feel like you’ve been doing this together all your lives. He touches you like he knows you, like he’s done it a million times. It’s comforting, his presence exuding a warm sense of safety.
Rolling your hips backward, your brows furrow, soft moans continuing to escape you. Images of Simon’s fully naked body suddenly begin to run rampant in your mind, wishing so desperately to experience more of him. His muscles and scars, the light blonde hair leading down to his pelvis, his broad back and wide hands. You want to touch every inch of him, hold him, feel him.
Christ, did you pick the wrong man when you met them. Simon feels so incredibly different than Graves; veinier, thicker. Every inch forces you open, spreads your legs just a bit wider, makes your whines just a little bit higher. It hurts so good and you can’t help but cry out for him.
“Oh… I love that.” Simon admits, slowing to a harsh grind against your ass.
“You like how that feels?” Pulling out only about an inch or so, he shoves himself back in, harsh but not aggressive.
Simon’s body reacts so openly to your own, his lungs shivering with every breath just from the feeling, the sensation of your warmth. And every movement creates a delicious force of friction between your bodies, heat building, arousal peaking.
“Give me control,” He rumbles deeply into your ear, lips briefly brushing by. “Let me show you how good it can be.”
You can smell the bourbon on his breath, can feel the way he grabs for your hips and ass. And at that moment, you fully give in, halting your sultry motions and letting him do whatever the fuck he wants.
“Keep holding onto me like that,” He requests, feeling your nails dig into the skin of his neck.
“Fuck, it turns me on.”
“Simon, fuck I, I can’t…”
“Can't what, sweetheart?” He’s kissing all over your face, your cheek and chin and jaw, sloppy movements to match his increasingly erratic thrusts.
“Can’t believe I didn’t choose you.”
And that shoots a surge of energy through his bones, his thrusts now the product of his unwavering strength. It forces you to shriek, to cry out for him and release the most beautifully whorish sound Simon’s ever heard in his entire life. He fucks into you relentlessly, one arm sliding up to grope your chest again.
“We’re not being very subtle.” Choking out the words, you huff, feeling him punch against your most delicate spot.
“Don’t give a damn.” Comes his mumbled response, mouthing at your neck. “You’re mine, and I want Graves to see.”
“Really, baby?” Your breaths are rapid and heavy, lightheaded from everything you’re experiencing.
“Unless you tell me no, unless I hear otherwise, you’re mine.”
Dipping a hand down, he finds your precious little bud, rubbing firm circles into it. Immediately, your hips jerk beneath his touch, gasps floating from your throat.
“Look how responsive you are,” Nuzzling into your cheek, he kisses it. “Pretty little lover.”
“Baby,” Said alongside a breathless smile, you open your eyes, wishing to see his. “You’re so fucking perfect, baby.”
He feels so warm around you, inside you, keeping you beneath the sturdy barricade of his arms. You want to be his, more than anything in this moment.
“How could any man stray away from you?” He wonders aloud. “Perfect fucking cunt, gorgeous goddamn face.”
Repeatedly, he sinks in to the hilt, bouncing his hips back and forth with easy sways, slapping himself against the seam of your slippery cunt. He wants more than anything to feel your body, your bare skin, have you completely exposed to him. And he’s promising himself that he’ll make that happen.
“Christ, babe,” Huffing out a flurry of rapid breaths, he admits, “I’m close.”
“Baby, fuck.” A whimper slips from your mouth, eyes shutting firmly. You can feel the way he pulses against your walls, can feel the stutter in his hips.
The heat of euphoria curls tightly in his abdomen, the combination of arousal and possession pushing him over the edge. It’s fierce, powerful, legs shaking and breath punching from his chest. But still, he remembers to pull out, free hand shoving your jacket up while the other fists himself. Hot spurts shoot over your lower back, trickling down your ass. It’s sticky and wet but it turns you on more than anything, feeling him cum on you like this.
“Simon,” Arching your back for him, you listen to his ragged breaths, feeling how rapidly he pumps his shaft.
“Fuck me,” Ghost finally speaks, slowing his movements and taking a look at the mess he’s made. “Fuck me…”
Leaning further in, he sighs, kissing the back of your neck while tucking himself away. He’s careful to not get any of his own spend on his hoodie, but when he pulls away, realizes he got some on your jacket by accident.
“Shit, sorry about that.”
“Huh?” Turning around, you finally face him, blissed out expressions taking in the other’s. Briefly, he smiles, until he explains, “Got a little bit on your jacket.”
Surprisingly, you huff a sarcastic laugh, slipping your arms from the material and dropping it to the ground. “It was Phil’s, anyways.”
“Well shit,” Ghost exclaims, picking it up again. “Would've gotten a lot more on it if I’d known that.” All you do is roll your eyes, with the slightest smirk. “Turn around.”
He nods in your direction, watching you follow his request. Using the jacket he cleans his cum off your back, wiping it away before discarding the clothing once again. And then Ghost is pressing himself against your back, kissing your neck while pulling up your pants. He zips them, buttons them, feeling your cheeks plump with a grin.
“Yeah, love?”
Turning around in his hold, you release a wavering breath, hands sliding up his forearms. “Are you sure this is what you want?” Your voice is soft and quiet, hesitant. “I know it’s difficult, when you’re on leave…”
“Not for me.” Instantly, you give him a look of apprehension. But he just shrugs. “Don’t really fancy the barracks bunnies we get. And with the looks of you…” Reaching out, he cups your chin, fingers pressing lightly into your cheeks. “Pretty thing you are… I won’t have a problem being loyal.”
Suddenly, he’s removing himself from you, sliding his arms from the confines of his black hoodie. “Wanna head back to the bar?” He asks while shuffling out of the sleeves, finally taking it off his body. “Or back to base?”
“I don’t really wanna go back in there…” Your response is incredibly timid, not wanting to disappoint him if he wants to stay out.
“Perfect.” If he hasn’t made it clear, Simon isn’t exactly a people person. And then, to your dismay, he pulls down his mask, hiding that gorgeous grin. “Here, love. It’s chilly out.”
He’s handing you his hoodie, the black one he was just wearing. And when you take it in your hands, you realize it has his rank and last name on the back.
“Really?” You’ve never had anything like this, Graves never wanted you to wear anything with his name on it.
“Put it on, babe.” He nods once, cupping your jaw and giving your cheek a kiss through the cloth of his mask. “Keep it.”
320 notes · View notes
steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Requests: Steve adopting an abandoned child post earthquake in Hawkins after the spring break from hell. And him realizing all the ways he was hurt as a child due to his parents neglect. And how he overcomes it and raises his baby-child with gentleness, warmth, patience and love
OKAY GENUINELY I GOT SO CARRIED AWAY WITH THIS PROMPT AND IT STILL WASN'T AS MUCH AS I WANTED TO DO. FAIR WARNING: this is an emotional roller coaster. It ends HAPPY. But there are a lot of sad and bittersweet moments and feelings leading up to that moment. There is the mention of child neglect, and that can be difficult for some people to read, even with a happy ending, so please keep that in mind before starting this. Also, this is not how the law or CPS works at all, and it wasn't in the 80s either, but this is fiction and I do what I want. I hope someone can continue this idea somewhere because it is so special to me now. This is 6200 words of me not knowing how to wrap it up with a bow. I hope you love this my darling, thank you for this one. - Mickala ❤️
Steve spent the last 12 hours pacing the waiting room floor at the hospital. He’d promised the kids he would stay until there was an update on Eddie and Max, and their parents had insisted they go home after they’d been quickly attended to for their minor injuries.
Max was stable, but not awake. They weren’t sure if she ever would be again. Steve passed that on to Nancy so she could call everyone.
Eddie finally made it out of surgery, alive, but barely.
He’d lost a lot of blood and they weren’t able to give him a transfusion until Wayne got there to donate.
It was touch and go for another few hours in recovery.
But things calmed down a bit, his heart rate settling at a normal rate, his oxygen maintaining where it should be with the mask on, the bleeding stopped and his blood regenerating on its own.
He wasn’t awake, but he was alive.
That was enough for Wayne and Hopper to kick him out of the hospital and make him go home.
“Shower. Eat. Sleep. In that order, Harrington,” Hopper said, the gruffness in his voice overruled by the concern.
He was up to speed on everything he missed, and he wasn’t thrilled about how much Steve had put on the line for everyone.
So Steve left, even though he wanted to stay, needed to have eyes on Eddie, on Max.
He had to trust that they were being taken care of.
He made it home, did two of the three things Hopper told him to. His shower was long and hot, finally able to wash away the blood and dirt and Upside Down particles that clung to his skin for the last couple of days. His dinner was quick and unfulfilling, but frozen meals usually are.
And then he did try to sleep. He tried on the couch first, his usual go-to spot after crises. Then he tried to go to his bed, hoping the weight of his comforter would help lull him to sleep.
But two hours later, he was still wide awake.
So he got up, put on jeans and a sweater, and made his way to the school, where emergency services had been set up.
It was chaotic, still very little organization amongst groups. The firefighters had been dispatched all over town, and most medical professionals had been called into the hospital or to help EMTs on calls. A handful of teachers had been put in charge of the check-in process here, making sure anyone who came through was on a list of survivors first, then sent to help where they were needed if they were able.
Steve was able, so he put his name on the list and was told to stand with a group at the far corner of the gym. Everyone in this group was waiting for a dispatch crew of firefighters to come get them to help locate survivors.
They were given vests, gloves, and helmets to wear, and given quick safety briefings. They were told not to move any rubble, that if they suspected someone was under some, to call for the professionals. They were just extra eyes and ears because everyone was stretched too thin for a disaster of this magnitude and help from local towns was slow to arrive.
Steve figured this would help him, if he stayed busy and managed to help people, he wouldn’t think about how helpless he was when it came to Max and Eddie.
The first location they were dropped at was a small neighborhood on the outskirts of town. Most of the homes had been completely demolished, cracks in the ground swallowing pieces of them. If there were any survivors here, they would be in desperate need of medical attention.
But after nearly four hours of searching, only one person was found, their leg trapped under a large wooden beam. The leg was broken, but they were fine other than that.
Steve felt relief that nothing more serious had happened there.
But the second area was worse.
It wasn’t a neighborhood, just a small wooded area surrounding two homes a good distance apart. Surprisingly, the homes were still standing, but everything around them was destroyed. Fires had been only recently extinguished, downed trees and power lines blocking most of the driveway and road in front of them.
“This should be relatively quick, both homes are empty and cars are gone, so we think everyone managed to get out safely, but we do need to be sure,” the firefighter in charge of this group said before leading them forward.
The smaller of the two houses was empty, though a mess, like the occupants had rushed to pack necessities and threw anything else on the ground as they rushed to get out.
The other home, though, was surprisingly clean. Kept up in a way Steve wouldn’t have expected for the panic most people showed while escaping town.
Everyone assumed maybe the occupants hadn’t even been home when the quake hit.
But Steve decided to go upstairs anyway.
Something was telling him this wasn’t normal.
It felt familiar in a way he didn’t want to acknowledge yet.
No one else followed him, all of the volunteers congregating in the living room area to discuss their next location before heading back to the school for a break.
Steve followed his gut, and his gut told him to check the bedroom at the end of the hall.
He opened the door, not surprised to see that nothing seemed strange at first glance.
Then he saw movement out of the corner of his eye, under the bed.
He would’ve checked there anyway, that’s where he would have hidden in this kind of situation, too.
“I guess this place is all clear,” Steve said, quiet enough not to be heard by anyone downstairs yet, but loud enough to be heard by the person under the bed.
It was a kid, Steve figured as much based on the items on the desk in the corner and the poster on the wall.
The small boy crawled out from under the bed, panic on his face.
“Are you gonna take me to my parents?” The boy asked, lips wobbling.
“I’m gonna try. I’m Steve, what’s your name?”
“Nice to meet you, Elliott. How old are you?”
Jesus Christ. Where had his parents even been? Why weren’t they looking for him?
He hoped they were on their way back and just stuck trying to get into town.
But a part of him had already known that wasn’t true. A part of him knew the moment they pulled into the area that he’d find someone left here, someone who shouldn’t have ever been alone.
“Alright, Elliott, let’s get you back to the school. We can put your name on the list so your parents can find you easier, okay? I can stay with you until they get here.”
“I don’t know if they will.”
Steve’s heart stopped for a moment.
Sure, his parents never came back after the Upside Down bullshit, but he’d been a teenager and adult. They probably assumed he wasn’t involved in any of it and was fine.
But Elliott was nine. Even his parents would have come back for him at that age.
They never should have left him alone to begin with, but even they knew the trouble they’d be in for leaving him at that age after a fucking earthquake.
“Of course they will, buddy. It’s just hard getting into Hawkins right now, you’ll see on our way back.”
He placed his hand on Elliott’s shoulder, not surprised when he tensed up under him for a moment before he relaxed.
Steve hadn’t been used to casual touch until he met Nancy.
But Elliott deserved to feel cared for right now, so he kept his hand there, let him get used to it for a moment, and then guided him out the door and down the stairs.
Most of the group had moved back outside, but a few people remained.
One of the few women in the group looked over at his entrance, her jaw dropping when she saw he had a child with him.
“Oh my God!”
Steve held his hand up, knowing Elliott probably didn’t want to draw a lot of attention to himself.
“He’s okay. He managed to find a safe place to hide. His parents might be looking for him though so we should get him back,” Steve said calmly.
No one crowded him, but the firefighter waiting by the van that was transporting everyone checked his heart and lungs, made sure he didn’t have any visible wounds or injuries.
Elliott didn’t let go of Steve the entire time, his hand gripping his forearm like he was terrified to lose him among the group.
Steve didn’t try to pull away, not once.
He knew Elliott needed someone. He could be that someone for him.
When they arrived back at the school, they put his name on the list, and since he was a minor, they had him go to one of the classrooms that was being watched over by security while they tried to contact his parents.
He told them they left for a business trip over a week ago, he didn’t know when they would be back, and his aunt checked on him every morning, but he hadn’t seen her since the quake.
Steve stood by as he spoke to the responsible adults, not letting Elliott out of his sight.
Elliott begged for Steve to come with him to wait while they tried to locate his parents, so he did.
He realized pretty quickly that Elliott must not have slept last night; He curled against Steve’s side on the floor almost immediately and fell asleep, light snores making Steve smile to himself.
The floor was hard, the wall behind him was somehow harder, but he wouldn’t move short of another emergency.
They stayed like that for hours, kids coming and going as more were found and reunited with their families.
Elliott was the youngest one left in the room, all the other kids high school age.
When one of the men from the group he was in earlier came in the room to get another kid, he asked if there was any update on Elliott.
“Nah, they’re still trying to find them. The aunt um…” The guy looked nervously down at the sleeping Elliott. “She didn’t make it. Was on her way to try to get him when another crack hit the road she was driving on, car crashed. They contacted the dad’s business and were told he’s out of the country and won’t be returning calls until next week.”
“How long are they gonna make him stay here while they figure it out?”
“No clue, man. I’ll ask someone.”
But he didn’t come back and Elliott deserved something better than the floor to sleep on.
“Hey, buddy,” Steve said, gently nudging his shoulder to wake him up. “Sorry, just gotta run and ask someone something real quick.”
Elliott grabbed his shirt, holding it in his fist tightly.
“Don’t go! Please,” he begged, tears welling in his eyes.
Steve’s heart broke.
He’d been this kid for so much of his childhood, practically begging people to stick around so he didn’t have to be drenched in loneliness again.
He knew he would be right back, but to Elliott, especially after the quake, he probably felt like anyone who left would be gone forever.
“Come with me. We’ll find you some dinner while I find out how things are going.”
He stood up, his legs numb from sitting on the floor so long, and helped Elliott find his balance after waking up so abruptly.
They left the room, the security nodding them on when he saw Steve was with him, and walked down the hall to the cafeteria area.
They were serving ham and cheese sandwiches, bags of chips, and water for everyone. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for now.
If he could find a phone, maybe he could get Robin to bring him and Elliott more food.
Elliott shyly thanked the person handing out the meals, and Steve slowly guided him to an empty table while his eyes searched for anyone he recognized.
He almost did a happy dance when he saw Dustin and Claudia across the room.
“Hey, that’s actually my friend and his mom. Can you wait here while I grab them?”
Elliott nodded nervously, clearly only letting him walk away because he would be within his sight the entire time.
Steve ran over to them, wincing slightly when the bite on his stomach started pulsing. Probably should take it easier while that healed.
“Dustin!” Steve exclaimed as he got closer.
Dustin’s head shot around, smile lighting up his face as he realized it was Steve.
“Dude! Everyone’s been trying to find you for hours. Have you been here all day?”
“Kinda. I came to help with searching and I found a kid earlier. They’re trying to find his parents, but he’s been kind of attached to me.”
“Damn, I hope they find them soon. Phone lines keep going down. You seen Hopper come by yet?”
“No, has he gotten any sleep yet?”
“Doubt it. Ma, do you have any cookies left for Steve?”
Claudia came bustling over, digging through her purse as she walked.
“Oh, I’m sure I do! Hi, Steve, dear. Hope you’re doing okay in all this madness.”
“I’m doing alright,” Steve gave her a small smile as she managed to find the cookies and hand them over. “Hey, do you know the parents of Elliott Devers?”
“Oh, I know of them, sure. Only met them once, they never seem to be in town. He’s a sweet boy, his aunt seems to take care of him most of the time.”
Steve filled her in on what he knew so far, that Elliott’s aunt had died, that no one could reach his parents, that he’d been alone in the house for at least a full day before Steve found him.
That Elliott didn’t seem to want to be separated from Steve.
Dustin was watching him talk, eyebrows furrowing like he was trying to think of something.
“Wait, his dad’s the guy who was under investigation for tax evasion, fraud, and identity theft, isn’t he?”
Steve’s stomach dropped.
His brain made connections that only children of rich parents can in a matter of seconds.
His parents ran to another country on “business” because that was the only way they were allowed to leave while he was under investigation. No one could reach them because they gave fake information so they could go into hiding. Because he was guilty of all of the things he was under investigation for and didn’t want to lose everything and end up in prison.
Claudia must have realized the same thing, a deep frown settling on her face.
“Elliott is the boy sitting at that table?” She asked as she pointed towards him.
He was watching them as he ate, eyes wide as he kept glancing around the room.
Steve nodded.
“If they ran, and they aren’t coming back, where will he go?” Steve asked.
“I’m sure he’ll be placed with a family who can take him until they can figure out a more permanent place, but that may be hard right now with so many people leaving Hawkins. He may have to leave town,” Claudia said, though Steve could tell she was trying to figure out how to take him in, even if only for a few days.
“What would I have to do to keep him while they keep looking?”
“Oh, that’s a question for Hopper, sweetie. I’m not sure you’d fit the requirements, even though I think he’d be very lucky to get to stay with you,” Claudia touched his arm, giving it a gentle squeeze in comfort.
“Is he coming by?”
“Hopper? Yes, he just got done at the hospital handling some things for Edward,” Claudia said.
“Eddie, Ma, how many times do I have to tell you?”
“The tone! Watch it!” Steve said before Claudia could respond.
She smirked at Steve, then gave Dustin a look that said she wasn’t going to listen to him and walked away.
“I gotta go with her, she’s bringing dinner to Wayne at the hospital.”
“Is Eddie awake?”
“Not yet, but they think it could be anytime. They said the drugs in his system are heavy enough to keep him out for a while.”
“But he seems okay?”
He almost didn’t want to ask, but he had to.
“No news.”
Steve nodded once, acknowledging that Dustin didn’t want to talk about it right now, that it was tough to even think about how she was probably not gonna wake up anytime soon if ever.
“Hey, come by my house tomorrow, okay? We can watch a movie or somethin’.”
Steve gave Dustin a quick hug before making his way back to Elliott, who looked like he might start crying any moment.
“Hey, buddy. Sorry that took longer than I thought, but…” Steve pulled the bag of cookies from behind his back with a smile. “I got cookies! Claudia makes the best chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. You’ll love them.”
Elliott relaxed a little, smiling up at Steve as he reached for the bag of cookies.
“Is she nice? She looks nice.”
“She’s awesome. She always brings me soup if I’m sick.”
“Is that what moms do? My aunt sometimes does, but she doesn’t know how to make the kind I like.”
Steve bit his lip.
“What kind do you like?”
“My favorite is tomato and noodles. She can only make chicken noodle. It’s okay, but sometimes it has a funny taste.”
Steve smiled at him, glad he was at least talking, even if what he was saying was heartbreaking.
“I’m sure Claudia can make you some tomato and noodles. I’ll call and ask.”
“But not now, right?”
Elliott’s voice filled with panic, his eyes widening.
“No, I’m staying with you right now. The chief should be here soon and we can figure out what’s going on, okay?”
“Like, the chief of police? You know him?”
“Yeah, Hopper’s nice. Don’t let his mean face scare you. He’s kind of a teddy bear.”
“Excuse you, I’m not a teddy bear. I’m a grizzly bear,” Hopper said behind Steve.
Elliott laughed, and Hopper tried to hide a small smile. Teddy bear.
“Are you Elliott?” Elliott nodded. “Can we go talk for a few minutes just us? I promise Steve can wait right outside the door.”
Hopper gave Steve a look that said he was about to ruin this kid’s day as if it didn’t already suck enough.
“Um, can Steve come in the room too?”
“If you want him to, sure.”
“I want him to.”
“Okay then, let’s go.”
Steve grabbed everything off the tables, throwing the trash away on the walk towards the teacher’s lounge area that had been set up for the cops to conduct phone calls and interviews as needed.
It was empty now, probably thanks to Hopper taking control quickly.
They sat down around a table, Elliott’s hand finding Steve’s quickly.
“Alright, Elliott, so I have a few questions and then I have some news,” Hopper started, his voice maintaining no emotion the way he’d been taught.
“How long have your parents been gone this time?”
“I dunno. A week, maybe a little longer.”
“And you were alone that whole time?”
Elliott looked to Steve, like he needed help to answer, but Steve just smiled at him and mouthed ‘just be honest, you’re not in trouble.’
“Most of the time. My aunt came to check on me in the mornings and bring me food for the day.”
“Aunt Janice?”
“Bud, I’m sorry to tell ya this, but your Aunt Janice was in a really bad accident and didn’t make it,” Hopper’s voice started to show some emotion, but Steve squeezed Elliott’s hand so he wouldn’t focus on that.
“She died?”
“Yeah, bud. I’m sorry.”
“But who will bring me food in the morning?”
Steve couldn’t do this. Holy shit, he could not do this. How was Hopper able to do this?
“Well, we still haven’t been able to call your parents. Do you know exactly where they might be?”
“I don’t know. They don’t tell me where they go.”
Steve and Hopper looked at each other.
Hopper knew Steve had been in a similar position when he was younger, but no one checked on him. Hopper had often been the one to show up at his door during his early teens to make sure he had food and wasn’t hurt.
“What if he stayed with me until you find them?” Steve asked Hopper.
Elliott turned to him.
“I can stay with you?” He asked excitedly.
“Oh, I’m not sure about that. There’s a process for this kinda thing,” Hopper began.
“Then start the process. He’s staying with me,” Steve said firmly, not caring if he sounded rude, not caring if Hopper hated him for it, just wanting Elliott safe and in a house instead of a school converted to a disaster relief zone.
Hopper eyed him up and down, and the way Elliott was holding his hand and bouncing excitedly in his chair.
“Alright, fine. But it’s a week by week basis until we can get ahold of his parents,” Hopper said directly to Steve.
“Steve, do you have a microwave? I make popcorn so good, like so good. I can make it tonight even!”
Steve smiled at him, and then at Hopper, who was watching with a fond smile.
“I’m sure I have what you need to make some popcorn, buddy.”
“You wait here, I have to get the release from CPS. They’re in the front office.”
Elliott went on and on about all the things they could do while he stayed with him, and when he found out Steve had a pool, he didn’t even stop for breath as he explained that he was the best swimmer when they took a field trip last year to the pool and that he could probably even beat Steve in a race.
Steve just smiled and agreed.
A week with Elliott went by, and it was easy.
Steve was terrified how quickly he just fit in.
He fit in at his house, making it feel like a home, with his rambunctious energy and nightly popcorn making.
He fit in with the kids, showing interest in D&D even though he’d never heard of it before.
He even fit with Robin, who kind of hated kids, but thought Elliott was probably the cutest kid she’d ever met.
One night, while Dustin and Mike were showing Elliott how to build a character, Robin asked him the question he’d been dreading.
“What happens if he can’t stay?”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m assuming they’ll find his parents soon, and when they do, he’ll have to go live with them again. Or at least his mom since his dad will be in prison for life at this rate. How are you gonna handle that?”
He had no clue. He wanted Elliott to have parents who stuck around, and who loved him, and let him pop popcorn every night.
But realistically, even if they did come back, that wasn’t what his life would look like.
His life would be a lot like Steve’s was, sad and lonely, and he didn’t deserve that.
“I’m gonna fight for him. I don’t know what that means yet, but I know that whatever is best for him is what I’m gonna make sure happens.”
Robin wrapped him up in a hug, her arms squeezing him to her.
“You’re gonna be a great dad someday.”
No one had ever said that to him before.
But maybe he could believe it.
Steve was the first person to come to the hospital when Eddie woke up, Elliott excitedly chattering from the backseat of his car the whole way.
It was helping Steve’s nerves, but he knew he wasn’t giving Elliott the attention he needed.
“Sorry, buddy. What was that?”
Elliott was quiet for a moment.
“Are you worried?”
Steve smiled at him in the rearview mirror, his hands gripping the wheel tight.
“A little. You remember how everyone told you about Eddie? How he saved us all and almost died?”
“Yeah, he’s a hero!”
“He is. But he’s still healing and I’m just worried about how hurt he is.”
“Oh. So we can’t hug him or hold his hand to help him feel better?” Elliott groaned. “Oh man, I was gonna bring him popcorn!”
Steve laughed quietly to himself.
“I think he’s on a pretty strict diet right now, buddy. Maybe when he’s out of the hospital we can have him over for a movie and you can make him some.”
“When will he be out?”
“I dunno yet. I think it might still be a little while.”
“Will I still live with you then?”
Steve gulped.
“I hope so.”
“Me too,” Elliott said quietly, staring out the window as they pulled into the hospital parking lot.
His mood was a bit somber as they walked through the halls of the bustling hospital, going to the fifth floor in the elevator where Eddie’s room was.
When he got to the right room, he knocked on the door even though it was open, smiling in at Wayne.
“Hey, come in, Steve. Eddie, Steve’s here,” Wayne said as he turned to Eddie, who was awake, but mostly horizontal still in bed.
“Steve?” Eddie’s rough voice asked.
“Hey, Eds. Hope it’s okay I brought my buddy, Elliott, to say hi. He’s heard a lot about you and Dustin and Mike and Will have been teaching him D&D for when you get out of here.”
Steve walked close to the bed, holding Elliott’s hand. He seemed shy suddenly, which wasn’t like him, not since he was living with Steve.
“Hey, Elliott. You keepin’ Steve company?”
“Yes, sir.”
Wayne snorted.
“Oh, son, you don’t have to be formal with Eddie. He’s barely older than you in his head.”
Eddie glared at Wayne, but smiled at Elliott.
“Seriously, bud, just Eddie is fine. So you ready for a campaign?”
“I dunno. Dustin said maybe I can play with you guys?”
“‘Course you can. I have so many ideas when I get outta here.”
Eddie turned to Steve and gave him a smirk.
“As long as we can host at your place?”
Steve blushed, remembering the last time he had Eddie’s full attention on him, back when his words “make him pay” sounded a lot like “I love you.”
“Yeah. Yeah, we can do that. When do you get out of here?”
Elliott was loosening his anxious grip on Steve’s hand as the nerves wore off.
“They said not for a couple weeks, but I’m gonna walk right out of here the moment I can feel my legs again.”
Elliott let out a giggle and Eddie smiled.
“You can help me, right? I may need some support to run for it.”
“No! You have to stay until you’re all better, goofball.”
“That’s exactly what I told him, Elliott. You’re much wiser than he is,” Wayne said with a roll of his eyes.
Elliott moved closer to the side of the bed, his hands folded in front of him.
“Um. Could I hold your hand? So you feel better?”
Steve was going to cry.
Eddie kind of looked like he might, too.
“Yeah, I could use a hand to hold, bud. Thanks for offering. Wayne’s hand gets sweaty, but don’t tell him I said that,” he whispered the last part to Elliott, but loud enough so everyone could still hear.
Elliott held his hand, sitting carefully on the edge of the bed.
He told Eddie all about the character Dustin and Mike helped him build, about how they might run a practice campaign with him soon. He told him about the popcorn he would make for the first time he came over.
Steve watched fondly, realizing quickly that this wasn’t something he could lose.
Not Elliott, and not Eddie either.
Elliott’s parents were still missing.
It’s been almost a month, Eddie was released from the hospital a day ago, and Elliott was still living with Steve.
The longer he stayed, the more it would hurt if he left.
They got into a routine.
School had been canceled for the rest of the year, so they mostly just made breakfast together, went in the pool, hung out with the kids, visited Eddie, played basketball, and had popcorn every night.
Steve knew Elliott was happy, he knew he was happy.
He was terrified it would end.
They were hosting Eddie for a movie night, and Elliott was more excited than ever.
Steve was a nervous wreck.
He was in charge of making sure Eddie didn’t overdo it, making sure he took his nighttime medications, and getting him to bed at a reasonable hour. According to Wayne, his pills made him tired and he would fight sleep if you didn’t force him into a bed.
Steve spent the day cleaning, baking, and preparing.
By dinner time, when Eddie would be arriving, Elliott was starting to question it.
“What’s wrong? Do you not want Eddie to come over?”
“No! Of course I want him to come over.”
“So…why are you being like this?”
“Is it because you love Eddie?”
Steve choked on air.
“Or do you think Eddie doesn’t love you?”
“Elliott, gonna say a big kid word right now. What the hell do you mean?”
Elliott rolled his eyes.
“You want to make Eddie feel happy and safe here, and you always get this stupid look on your face when we visit him, and then when I asked Wayne if you two were boyfriends he laughed and said ‘probably soon.’ So you love him, right?”
Steve’s mouth was working open and shut, open and shut, no noise coming out.
“Two boys can be together, you know. Robin told me.”
“She what? When?”
“When she told me two girls can be together.”
Steve put his face in his hands and couldn’t help the laugh of disbelief he let out as Elliott touched his back to comfort him.
“Did you not know you loved Eddie?”
“Uh. I guess I didn’t know that other people thought I loved Eddie.”
“Oh. So are you gonna be boyfriends?”
“I…I don’t know, buddy. Maybe.”
“I think you should be. Then it might be like I have two dads.”
Elliott pulled his hand away and suddenly seemed nervous.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that.”
Steve couldn’t handle the look on Elliott’s face.
“Elliott, look at me, buddy.” He waited for Elliott to look at him. “Is that what you think of me as? Like your dad?”
Elliott nodded.
“Come here,” Steve said, pulling Elliott into a hug. “You’re the best kid, you know that?”
Elliott nodded, and Steve let out a wet laugh.
“Uh, everything okay in here?” Eddie said from the doorway.
“Eddie!” Elliott let out, and despite the mood of the previous conversation, he was smiling from ear to ear.
Eddie smiled at him and pulled him into the least hurt side of him for a hug.
He looked at Steve with a questioning look. Steve just shook his head quickly, wiping the tears from his eyes quickly.
“Can I make popcorn now, pleeeeease?” Elliott asked, bouncing on his heels.
“Yes, fine. But only one bowl right now. You can make more after dinner.”
“Okay, dad!” he yelled as he ran to the popcorn maker.
Eddie’s brows raised to his forehead as he looked at Steve, who was crying buckets at this point.
“What’s that about, Stevie?” Eddie whispered as he came up to him.
“I um, I guess he just feels like I’m his dad,” Steve shrugged.
“Are you okay with that?”
“I just don’t want him to go.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” Eddie said, pulling Steve into a crushing hug that had to hurt him. Steve sniffled against his shoulder, letting himself cry for a minute. “Did Hopper say he may have to go soon?”
“No, but I mean, if they find his parents or if CPS decides he has to go to a real family, then he’ll have to.”
“Stevie, they wouldn’t just take him. Not when he’s safe here and wants to be here. I promise.”
“But what if he goes somewhere far away or to people who won’t let me see him?”
Eddie held the back of his head against his shoulder, placing a kiss to the top of his head.
“He won’t. We’ll fight for him to stay here, okay? He’s got a family here, with us. Right?”
“Us?” Steve asked as he pulled away.
“Yeah. Us. Sound okay to you?”
Steve could only nod as he wiped his running nose.
How attractive.
“Hopper still doesn’t have any idea where they are, right?”
“They’ll give up eventually. I hate to say it, but they won’t put more effort into a kid who has a safe place to go when they have bigger problems. Like how half the town is still homeless because of a fucking earthquake.”
“That’s a big kid word!” Elliott yelled from his spot at the counter.
“I’m a big kid!” Eddie yelled back, smirking at Steve.
“But I’m not!” Elliott yelled as they heard the popcorn machine starting up.
Eddie placed a kiss on Steve’s forehead, then one against his lips.
It was soft, chaste, barely a kiss at all.
But it was a perfect first kiss for them.
Another month passed with no news.
Eddie was at Steve’s house almost every day, spending time with Elliott, spending time with the party, with Steve.
Steve had converted the main guest room into Elliott’s permanent bedroom, but was scared to think of it that way still.
Eddie tried to reassure him, but even he was nervous that no final decisions had been made and the case remained open.
Until Hopper came by one night, well after Elliott went to bed. Eddie was doing the dishes while Steve was prepping some fruit for Elliott’s breakfast before his first day of summer camp the next day.
Steve felt his stomach sink.
They were going to take Elliott.
“Steve. Can I come in?”
Steve let him in, his face forced into casual calm, but on the inside he was already screaming and crying about what was about to happen.
Hopper sat down on the chair, gesturing for Steve and Eddie to sit on the couch.
“You’re taking him aren’t you? He can’t stay.”
“What? No.” Hopper frowned. “No, Steve. The opposite actually. We’re closing the case. CPS said after interviews with him, even if his parents did get found or come back on their own, he wouldn’t be put back in their care.”
“But what about putting him with another family?”
Hopper sighed. He watched Eddie place a hand on Steve’s knee to calm him down.
“They’ve spoken in detail with him about his current situation. They believe that you’re the person he wants to live with and they aren’t going to disrupt his life any more than it already has been. If that’s alright with you, of course.”
Steve felt like he could breathe for the first time in his life.
“He can stay? With me?”
“He can stay with you.”
Steve let out a sob and fell against Eddie’s side. Eddie was crying too, but trying to keep more control so he could comfort Steve.
“CPS has to do a home visit to finalize everything, but if you’re good with it, you can officially adopt him. He’s been considered abandoned by his parents, and since it’s been 60 days, they relinquish all rights automatically.”
“How quickly can we do that?”
“We? Both of you?”
“I mean, can we both even do that?”
Hopper shrugged.
“Don’t know. But they’re probably expecting just Steve for now. They’ll call tomorrow to schedule everything and give you a chance to talk to Elliott.”
Steve and Eddie both nodded.
“I’m gonna leave you two to it, but call me if you need me. Congrats, Steve. I know you wanted this. I know he wanted this.”
Hopper saw himself out, closing the door quietly so it wouldn’t wake Elliott up.
“Eddie, did that really happen? Am I dreaming?”
“No, sweetheart, you aren’t dreaming.”
“I get to be his dad.”
“Yeah, you do.”
“And you?”
“What about me?”
“Do you want to be his other dad?”
“I would love to, baby. Let’s ask him tomorrow, though. It’s up to him.”
Steve nodded.
It was up to Elliott, but he knew what Elliott wanted.
He knew what he wanted.
They were gonna be a family. A real family. No more worrying about someone deciding to take Elliott away from him.
He could finally use this house that had been left to him by his parents for something other than being miserable. He could keep it filled with love and laughter and happiness and maybe the occasional stupid argument.
Maybe Elliott would make friends at school in the fall and want to have hangouts here. Maybe they could both save up some money and take him on a vacation somewhere. Maybe someday they could get married and Elliott could be the best man.
Anything could happen.
Steve couldn’t wait.
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good-vs-evo · 2 months
saw some ppl on tiktok getting SO PRESSED about polycules and relationships other than hualian and that was kind of funny so i needed to make and explain my relationship chart
i’d love to explain to them (as a polyam person myself >:3) that love is not a limited commodity and hua cheng falling for yin yu doesn’t mean he suddenly doesn’t care about xie lian at all but i fear that would be lost on them HAHA
also if you… don’t wanna see that kinda stuff… just don’t look at it… don’t hate on people who do… life would be easier for everyone… but moving on
i debated splitting yin yu x he xuan x hua cheng from the moon quartet then decided against it because it was getting waaaay too chaotic
rip to quan yizhen, either he has no manhua art or i couldn’t find it (i haven’t read the manhua yet ffjhshd)
uhhh i got a lot of inspo abt huayin from @devotedbutterfly’s tiktoks and stuff (sorry for going thru like all of ur stuff and generally being a demon on ur tiktok and tumblr ahsjdj) and xuanyin/blackmoon stuff from @ghooostbaby so. yes their stuff is very cool :]
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first chart is different explanations for everyone’s relationship with one another
the second is me trying to simplify them into categories
BUT i’ll explain this a lotttt better in text
uh. this one feels self explanatory
if i have to explain this one it’s over
same as the first two LMAO
xianle trio
yes, i had to break the trio and quartet into different categories
mulian: mu qing always admired xie lian for his self-assuredness, strength, and also beauty. he was a bit jealous of him for a long time, but they were able to talk about it and they both forgave each other for everything that happened in the past. he's had a crush on him since the beginning, but was bad at showing it. xie lian thought mu qing was pretty and a very interesting person; when he got older, he regretted not spending more time getting to know him, so he makes up for it later on in life! he loves when mu qing is softer and shy and more vulnerable than he is usually, and loves how mu qing is a good listener and is pretty emotionally intelligent.
fengqing: well. you get the idea
fenglian: feng xin was always loyal, the first person to have fallen in love with xie lian, and dianxia’s first kiss. he would’ve never left xie lian if xie lian hadn’t told him to. he respected xie lian a lot. xie lian loved how much feng xin cared, and felt immensely guilty about being unable to give him anything more. when they reunite, he showers feng xin with gifts and words of affirmation (he got better at expressing his emotions) and they spend a lot of time together
xianle quartet
all the other ones stay the same, so i’ll just explain the two new ones
huaqing: they were once stuck together and had to talk just out of boredom. they bickered a little but the more they talked the more they realized that there was more to the other. mu qing feels genuinely bad about what he did to hua cheng. he has a hard time apologizing but he tried his best to express his remorse, and hua cheng was pretty shocked (previously thought mu qing was a bit of an asshole) and, since mu qing was being sincere, decided to accept his apology. they hit some rough patches now and then, but xie lian and feng xin help them through it. they realized they’re pretty similar, and team up to stir up trouble with people they don’t like sometimes!
huaxin: feng xin was jealous of hua cheng because he was the one who won xie lian’s heart after 800 years and was really happy when he found out that xie lian liked him too. he admires that hua cheng was strong enough to help xie lian so many times. he also likes that hua cheng is a little cocky sometimes (read: very often), and finds hua cheng very good looking. hua cheng was jealous of feng xin for being the first person to be that close to xie lian, but appreciates how loyal he was throughout everything that happened and finds him pretty cool. he likes the way feng xin curses a lot when he’s pissed (finds it endearing)
yin yu fell first, because hua cheng was so fascinatingly determined and also like the prettiest person he’s ever met. he was intimidating, but could be quite kind, as he was to yin yu when they broke past the employee/employer relationship and became closer
hua cheng began to notice the way yin yu came off as so meek and unnoticeable, but had a kind of poised anger and strength beneath all of that. he trusted yin yu with a lot of more important tasks, paid him well, and considered him as more of a right hand man or partner in crime than a henchman, then eventually as just a partner
e’ming also likes yin yu, and trusts him to take care of it
hua cheng finds it endearing when yin yu gets protective of him (both of them know hua cheng is perfectly capable, but hua cheng finds it sweet regardless)
yin yu cheered hua cheng on a lot with xie lian and patiently listened to everything hua cheng had to say about him
i digress
yin yu fell for xie lian because he heard about him all the time. how could you spend so much time hearing about how wonderful, kind, gracious, and amazing someone is without catching feelings a little? additionally, hua cheng allowed yin yu to visit xie lian’s temple and leave offerings, trusting him to be genuine in his actions. yin yu saw some of the paintings and sculptures of xie lian and found him beautiful. he knows a lot about xie lian's life, and truly wants him to find peace and happiness
xie lian loves how devoted yin yu was to hua cheng and how much he helped him. he knows those years were hard for hua cheng, and he’s glad that he had a companion (contrary to what people say about “cheating”, xie lian is incredibly happy that hua cheng managed to find love while he was waiting). i know yin yu is canonically “plain”, but xie lian loves him and thinks he’s very handsome :) he gives him a lot of compliments and words of affirmation
blackmoon (yinxuan)
taking a moment to appreciate that very awesome ship name
yin yu thought he xuan was terrifying and intense, only to discover that. he’s just a guy (/pos). but he does have a lot going on! he has urges and a complex history and emotions he doesn’t show to a lot of people and plans within plans and is generally such an interesting person with so many layers to him. beneath a lot of those layers is a guy who’s kind and smart and would’ve stayed kind and smart if his life wasn’t utterly ruined
he xuan initially thought yin yu was just kind of pathetic, but learned more about him and started to like him more. he finds his passion really attractive, loves how genuinely sweet, kind, and gentle he is as well as how harsh, cruel, and unrelenting he can be. he treats he xuan well and makes him feel human and real and knows when to leave him alone and knows when he wants attention and cooks for him and-
they feel seen around each other, having experienced similar things (such as having their destiny “stolen” in different ways though) and have experienced suffering in such a firsthand way. they’re ready to just chill together now :)
moon quartet (hua cheng, xie lian, he xuan, and yin yu)
xie lian finds he xuan cool, doesn’t have too many thoughts about him. he xuan thinks xie lian is cute and also mildly terrifying (i’m definitely editing this later on, i just don’t have a lot of thoughts about them yet)
hua cheng and he xuan have been close for a long time, helping each other out with ghost king business. hua cheng let he xuan relax and chill at ghost city when he needed to, and he xuan kept a close eye on the heavenly capital, so they met often and bonded. they’re both motivated by something and are incredibly passionate about that thing, so they mutually admire the other’s drive and courage
i have the least for them so far, but i just think they’d be sweet together :] they’d all help each other heal and be able to talk to each other. they’d love each other a lot and take care of one another when they need it and be there when someone needs someone :3 idk they’re so traumatized and deserve to recover from that i’ll form more thoughts i swear
ANYWAYS. that’s it for now i’m def gonna write stuff for all of these ships :0 they’re all very special to me 💖 i might add them to my 30 day fluff challenge :3 cuz they all deserve some nice fluff! (ill also keep updating + editing! feel free to ask me to explain relationships more, id love to <3)
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro Observations #2
• I see Sagittarius venuses barely getting into relationships, they tend to get a lot more people just crushing on them trying to ask them out then actually being relationships. These people love hard too.
• Capricorn moon & Aquarius moon 🤝 bonding over emotionally/physically distant mothers.
• Fire mars 🤝 irritable explosions every 5 minutes.
• I’ve also noticed how Scorpio suns tend to rely on their friendships. Expecting their friends to be as genuine as them then being disappointed when their ‘friends’ aren’t there for them like they are.
• Having same element moons is very common with siblings but I’d say this applies to cousins too. E.g. I’m a 9H Aquarius moon and my younger cousins are mostly air moons while my older cousins are mostly fire moons.
• They say the sign in your 4th house is one of your parents’ big 3 signs and that is so true! My 4H is Virgo and my mom’s moon is in Virgo. 
• I noticed a lot of great Wattpad writers that I read books from are Virgo suns with Leo mercuries.  • What is it with Gemini risings and smirking at everything? • Scorpio risings are so cute!!
• Pluto-Ascendant people tend to have powerful presences especially if they’re shy! Oh and they have good stage presence too!
• I’ve noticed Scorpio risings tend to be attracted to Gemini risings’ playful personalities!
• Taurus risings are so charming! • Aquarius risings are so chill!
• Virgo risings are literally my other half <3
• 10H suns tend to hear a lot of “I’ve never told anyone this but…” from other people even people they’ve just met. • Aries suns with Aries mercuries are so fiesty & energetic! I love that combo lol.
• Aries suns are literally the only people that exude their placements. I feel like it’s easy to tell wether they have earth placements or water placements, etc…
• Gemini risings are always doing something. Wether that’s multitasking or just bouncing their leg when they’re sat down. Very nervous energy for no reason.
• Earth suns with Air moons are just flat out chaotic!
• I love Water suns with Fire moons, they’re so impulsive and funny without trying. And definitely not the type to get too emotional. But you just know if they’re happy or not depending on the energy levels lol. They tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves.
• Fire suns with Water moons tend to be head strong but overly emotional. Unless they don’t have water risings. They’re also very affectionate and caring. • I swear Capricorn mars are some of the most genuine people ever. They’ll make sure their siblings are doing good and if not they’ll try to help wether that be financially or etc.. They’re the types that wanna put their siblings/closest friends onto the best stuff and they work hard to achieve their goals.
• Nahh because my sister’s a Taurus mars and she literally used to say she wanted to marry a burger when we were like 10.💀😂 Then when we’d eat pizza she’d be like ‘Please don’t tell burger I cheated on him with Pizza’. 😭😭😭
• If you have your luminaries (sun/moon) at 18 & 22 degree you’ve gotta be one of the strongest people emotionally and you’re probably very logical despite your placements.
• Composite charts are soo important because I ran one on me & my youngest sister since we’d never really gotten along and tell me why we have a sag stellium?💀
• Leo rising in composite is literally my favorite rising! Me and my best friend of 6 years have this placement and the rumors are true.🌚
• Taurus placements in composite are really not about that area being sensual. It’s more about keeping things at common ground. Say if you have Taurus moon, it’s about balance between your emotional natures and yes it can be pretty chill. Taurus Mercury—if it’s at Aries degree (1, 13, 25) it won’t even matter because you WILL argue, a LOT. Just like Aries Mercury in composite. • Aries venus in composite is probably my fav! Everything is so genuine and playful. Literally that couple that is always teasing each other or their friends are teasing them about the other! And the emotions just flow open and freely.
• Earth moons in composite literally indicate relationships/friendships that grow with time or just go slowly. They’re also very satisfying if you don’t have a fire sun.
• Pisces moon in composite is so sweet! You both express your emotions, are affectionate towards the other and the union is rather calm. You might also share artistic interests and care for the other deeply. Even if you aren’t the most emotional people.
• Capricorn mars are so passionate and sensual, I’m genuinely tired of people just thinking they’re ‘boring’ especially in composite. Because they’ll make sure you’re enjoying yourself during the act and they’ll know just how to please you. 10/10<3
• Check your Venus persona chart if you feel like you don’t resonate quite well with your venus placement. E.g. my venus is in Pisces in the 10th House at 12 degree and while I do identify with that I’ve also kinda felt like an Aries venus at times. Well it turns out my moon in my venus pc is in Aries! • Capricorn mars can be so vindictive if underdeveloped! They’ll literally plot lol. • If you feel like you can’t really identify with a certain placement, check their persona charts. It’ll definitely help!
• This is just a theory I’ve come up with, but your favourite singer’s big 3 might be in your big 3/6 of your singer persona chart. E.g. my fav singers are Michael Jackson, Prince & Bobby DeBarge. And my big 3 in my singer pc are Gemini sun (Prince’s sun), Sagittarius moon (Bobby’s moon) & Virgo rising (Michael’s sun).
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happy74827 · 6 months
Moral Support
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[Harvey Specter & Teen!Reader]
Synopsis: All you wanted was to spend more time with your busy uncle, but since he’s the best closer in town, even a simple concert at your school is inconvenient. Still, given the importance, you can’t help but try.
WC: 2198
Category: Platonic, Angst/Fluff
New show alert! Well, it's not really new to me since I'm almost on season seven now, and it's an old show to begin with, but this show currently has a death grip over me, and I'm actually shocked it took me this long to start writing for it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this... buffoonery because I sure did.
Harvey Specter was the kind of man that was always on the move. The workaholic attorney practically lived at his job, and if he wasn't there, he was out trying to get more clients. He rarely had time for himself or for those closest to him, which was why you rarely saw him anymore. It was always quick phone calls that were over before you could even grab the phone from your father. The rare occasion that you were able to actually spend time with your uncle was the holidays, and even then, he’d always leave early. There was always some case that required his attention, and you knew better than to complain about it.
He was your hero, and you respected the fact that his work was so important to him. But that didn't stop the sting when he'd cancel plans for the third time in a row. You loved him, and you knew that he loved you, but that didn't mean you didn't miss him. You wanted him to be around, and you wanted him to be proud of you. That was why when you found out that you were picked to do the major solo in your upcoming choir concert, you immediately thought of him. How proud he’d be when he showed up and heard you sing.
But… when you decided to “drop by” his office, you were reminded once again that your uncle was a very busy man. He was hunched over his desk, his hand was in his hair, and his eyes focused on whatever paper he was reading. He didn’t even hear Donna, his amazing secretary, when she told him you were here. So, you walked in and cleared your throat, making him look up.
"Uncle Harvey, hi!" you said happily, walking closer to his desk. He looked tired and not at all happy to see you, but you weren't going to let that deter you.
"Hey, kiddo. What are you doing here?" he asked, not taking his eyes off the papers in front of him. You sat down and leaned forward, trying to read them, but he was quick to snatch them up.
"I just wanted to come see you. I haven't seen you since Christmas."
"Well, I've been busy. You know that." He said, standing up and shuffling the papers into a folder. "What's up, kid?"
Harvey turned back around to face you, a small and tired smile on his lips. You reminded him a lot of Mike, though it really should be the other way around. You were always curious about his work, wanting to learn everything you could. Mike did, too, but he didn’t have the same innocence as you. The smiles you wore were much more genuine.
"Well, I just wanted to ask you something," you said, suddenly feeling shy. He sat down again and leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table and clasping his hands.
You took a deep breath and began to explain, "So, I have this choir concert coming up. I've been taking lessons for a while, and I auditioned and got this huge, big solo in one of the songs.”
"That's great. What's the question?"
"Well,” You let out a sigh, “I was hoping that you would be able to come.”
There was a pause as Harvey let what you said sink in. His expression shifted to something that you couldn't place. There was a mix of emotions in his eyes, and it made you uneasy. You knew what was coming, but you still held onto hope. You held onto the idea that this one time was the exception.
Spoiler alert, it wasn’t.
"As much as I would love to, kiddo, I can't," he said, his tone a bit softer than it was before.
"Can't or won't?"
“I have a case that requires a lot of my attention right now. A man could go to prison for something he didn’t do, and I can't risk that happening because I went to some little show."
"Some little show? Uncle Harvey, this isn’t just some show! This is a big deal, and I want you there. I want you to be proud of me,” you said, trying not to get angry.
"I'm always proud of you."
"It doesn't feel like it."
He looked at you for a moment before letting out a sigh. He leaned back in his chair, running his hands over his face. It was clear that he was stressed and had a lot of work to do, but you still couldn’t help but feel disappointed.
"I have a lot going on, okay?" he said, a bit harsher than before. You felt yourself shrink a little, and you dropped your head, nodding.
"Yeah, I know," you mumbled, standing up and grabbing your bag. "I'm sorry. I'll let you get back to work."
He called after you, but you kept walking. You didn't stop until you got outside, and even then, all you could think about was going home and being alone.
"How'd it go?" Donna asked, sitting at her desk. She had a warm smile on her lips and a cup of coffee in her hands, but it quickly faded when she saw the look on your face.
"Why ask when you already know the answer? I'll see you later," you mumbled, waving as you passed. She called your name, too, but you ignored her like your uncle. You weren't in the mood to talk to anyone. You just wanted to be by yourself. Maybe eat some ice cream, too, just to dissolve the disappointment.
Once out of sight, Donna let out a sigh, shaking her head before deciding to walk into Harvey's office. She was ready to tell him off for how he treated you, but the words died in her throat. He was leaning back in his chair, the same tired expression he'd had when you came in still on his face. It wasn't the fact that he looked so worn that stopped her, though. It was the look of guilt and regret.
"Go away, Donna,” he grumbled, not looking at her. “I don’t want to hear it."
"You should," she replied, closing the door and stepping inside. "She's a kid, Harvey, and she looks up to you."
"I know that."
"Do you? Because, from what I saw, it doesn't seem like it."
"Donna, what do you want from me? I can't just drop everything and go to a show. Not when someone's life is on the line. I have a job to do," Harvey said, his voice rising as he stood up.
"That's a crap excuse, and you know it. You can work around things. I know you can."
"It's not that simple. I have a lot going on, and I can't just let it fall through the cracks."
"But you can let your niece fall through the cracks?"
"She wanted you there, Harvey, and you just dismissed her. Instead of a simple “I’ll try my best,” you said to her face that her show isn’t important enough."
"I did not say that," Harvey snapped, moving around his desk.
"Some little show?" Donna mocked, throwing his words back at him. It got him to pause, his anger fading into something else.
"Don’t quote me. You know I didn't mean it like that."
"Didn't you? You didn't exactly phrase it nicely."
Harvey's jaw tightened, and his hands clenched into fists. Donna could tell that he was holding back. She had hit a sore spot and as much as he wanted to yell, he was stopping himself.
"Why do you care so much?" he asked, his tone sharp.
"Because she's a good kid, and she deserves better than your bullshit."
"Get out," Harvey said, turning his back to her and sitting down. Donna watched him, trying to see if he'd change his mind.
"Fine," she said, "But just think about what I said."
And with that, she walked out of his office, leaving him alone with his thoughts. She wasn’t wrong, and that pissed him off.
He hated being wrong, and even though he didn’t think he was, the guilt that filled his chest wouldn’t let him think anything else.
The next week, you were backstage and trying not to freak out. It wasn’t that you were nervous. You loved to sing, and it wasn't hard to do it in front of a crowd. There were so many people there, and they all cared. You didn't have anything to worry about. It was more so the fact that your uncle was one of the few who wasn’t.
He didn’t call or even send a text. It was radio silence, and it hurt, but you weren’t surprised. As much as you wanted him to be there, he wasn’t going to come. He had more important things to do, and as much as it sucked, you accepted it.
Still, the idea of singing without him knowing about it made you want to throw up.
You didn’t have time to dwell on it though because the concert was starting. Your solo was near the end, and it was the last song, so you didn’t have to sit and watch everyone else for too long. That was good, but not enough to stop you from worrying.
Before you could start panicking, the choir started, and you were forced to focus. All thoughts of your uncle slipped away as the music washed over you, and soon, you were lost. Everything seemed to blur as the sound grew louder and the world became smaller. This was where you were meant to be. On stage, singing your heart out.
Your parents and little sister were in the crowd, and you knew they were cheering for you. You couldn’t hear them, but the image was enough.
You finished your solo, the sound echoing off the walls and making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Everyone was clapping, and you smiled, bowing as the lights dimmed.
As soon as it was all over, you rushed backstage and grabbed your things, ready to go home and relax. But, the minute you walked out the front door with your father, you froze.
“You were a little sharp, don’t you think? It's not terrible; it's just a bit off-key. But we can work on that next time.”
"Harvey." Your father said, not sounding all too happy. You looked up, and sure enough, there he was. “Still an asshole I see.”
"Marcus! How nice to see you too!" Harvey greeted sarcastically, nodding along. He turned his gaze to you and smiled. You could tell he was proud, even though he didn't say it.
"I thought you couldn't make it." You said, a hint of hopefulness in your voice.
"Eh, I figured why the hell not. It's not every day that my niece becomes Hannah Montana," Harvey joked, nudging you playfully. "Seriously, kiddo. You sounded great up there. You really blew it out of the water."
Your face broke out into a smile, and you rushed forward, pulling him into a tight hug. He was stiff at first, not expecting it, but he relaxed quickly. His hand came up to rest on your head, and you pulled back, a bright smile on your lips.
"Donna talked you into coming, didn't she?"
"You have no proof of that."
"I bet she had a list."
"Of reasons why you deserve the world? Absolutely," Harvey said, ruffling your hair. "But, I am glad I came. I needed a break."
"You mean you need sleep," your dad interjected, walking over to stand beside you. He was giving Harvey a stern look, but the older Spector brother couldn’t help but smirk.
"I can't believe you're still a stick in the mud. What happened to the cool dad I once knew?"
"He had to go and get an even bigger headache."
"You say headache; I say blessing," Harvey shot back, earning an eye roll from his younger brother.
"Whatever. We'll talk about it later," Marcus said, "You eating with us, Harvey?"
"If you're offering."
"Well, then let's go. I'm starving, and we can't have you pass out. Who would drive your expensive ass home?"
"Better knock it off before Katie hears you."
"She's used to it."
"Used to what?"
"Me calling you an asshole."
"Oh, yeah? What about-"
"Boys, behave." Your mother said, finally cutting into the conversation. You all turned, a bit shocked, and looked at her.
"I can't help that he's so easy to mess with," Harvey said, pointing to his brother.
"Yeah, right. Like I'm the easy target."
"Alright, alright. Come on, let's go," Katie said, putting an arm around your shoulders and guiding you toward the car. You glanced back at Harvey and waved. He smiled and waved back, falling into step beside your father.
It was a long night of bickering and laughter. A lot of it was your dad and uncle picking on each other, but it was fun. Harvey seemed to relax and not worry about anything else. He was there, and he was happy.
Maybe, for the first time in a long time, he wasn't too busy.
Not for you.
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jarofstyles · 1 year
Reaper 7
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Reaper is a dark story with dark and mature subject matter. 18+ NSFW
This chapter contains some intense emotional whiplash. You learn a bit more about their backstories and trauma, but first... filthy smut :)
Check out our Patreon for exclusive writing and early access!
wc: 10.6k
warnings: smut, crying kink?, daddy kink, talks of death, talks of human trafficking
Harry wasn’t necessarily in a rush to get home, but he definitely appreciated the lack of traffic on the road. He obviously preferred to ride his bike but on days like these where there were barely any cars on the road, he liked to drive.
Bunny was sitting pretty next to him, trying her best to stay still while his hand massaged the inside of her thigh. It was warm and heavy, she really liked it. Of course, any other time they were in the car, he’d done the same thing. Now, they were just both on edge.
The black set would definitely make Harry lose himself in the moment and that’s something Bunny was desperate to experience. His passion, his desire for her. Even seeing it in his eyes got her excited.
Harry was extremely hot while he drove, though. The one hand on the wheel, his jaw clenching as he chewed his gum, he is fingers tapping the leather as the radio played a rock song on low.
He was sex on wheels, really. Her body was thrumming from the near foreplay they’d had shopping and his mixture of touches while they drove. It was hard to behave knowing damn well what he was going to do to her the moment they were behind closed doors.
“I can feel you thinking.” He murmured, squeezing a bit further up her thighs. “What’s running through that pretty little head, darling?”
“That this feels really good and that I have to wait.” She tried her best to get the sentence out without giving away how bothered she was. Unfortunately, her staggered breathing gave her away. “Just want to be home already,” Bunny bit her lip before continuing. “I really want your mouth. I can’t stop thinking about it.” Flashbacks from the night before filled her mind, his hold on her so tight that she felt she’d never get away. It was exactly how she liked it.
“And the way you kept looking at me in the dressing room…” Y/N wouldn’t forget to mention it. She noticed and she wanted him to know this as well, she could read him now. A lot better than before. “Could see you holding back, but your eyes were ripping everything off of me.”
“My mouth?” He laughed, taking a second to peek at her. She was obviously very affected by it and he couldn’t blame her. He had thought of her mouth since she had it wrapped around him the first time.
“I was thinking about it, yeah.” If the stalker wasn’t an issue… “once this shit is settled, I’ll happily make you cum wherever the fuck you want. I’ll take you to places where people can watch us. I don’t care.“ he was an attention whore when it came to sex and no stranger to exhibitionism.
“I had to get you out of the store before I did that. But you behaved incredibly well.” He had genuinely been surprised at how good she had been. His fingers traveled up more, though, because he simply wanted to. She had been good and the privacy in their care was enough to make him feel slightly more comfortable, up the further it could go on her thigh as he continued the massage.
“I’m proud of you, baby. I like when you listen to me. Makes me happy. Especially because it means I get to reward you instead of punishing you. I think you like it either way, though.”’
She liked being good. It was difficult at times to keep it together, but she knew it was better to wait and get what she wanted. Especially when she was still learning his sweetness.
There would come a time when she wouldn’t be so patient, where his need for dominance wouldn’t stop her from pushing for what she wanted. Today wasn’t one of those days, today she wanted to let him take her the way he’d been thinking about in that dressing room.
“I like making you happy, I hope you like making me happy too.” She said with a small smile, turning her head to look at him before leaning in for a kiss on the cheek. “Who would have thought Mr. Reaper was a softy deep down hmm?”
“Mm… no one.” He smirked. They were too busy being terrified that he was going to be one they saw before they met their maker. She was the only one who saw him in this sort of way.
That made her smug. A little arrogant. No one else got to see him like this. But a question caught her curious mind before she could help it, really. Maybe she didn’t want to know the answers but she wanted to ask.
“So… no other girls get to have you like me?” She peeped, picking at her cuticles, avoiding his eyes. “You don’t like…” her pause was anxious. “You don’t take them shopping and call them cute names?”
He didn’t mean to, but he laughed. A real laugh that had his head bobbing, his head shaking no as he squeezed her leg nice and firm. The question was hilarious, all things considered.
“Absolutely the fuck not, babe.” He chuckled. “I… I fuck them and get the fuck out of there quicker than they can redress. I know it makes me sound like an ass- but they knew the score. No promises. I’m not a good guy, Bunny. But I’m trying to be the best I can for you.”
She knew better than to ask why, but her eyes lingered on his profile and admired the way his jaw clenched slightly probably expecting her to say something.
“How is it going so far? Do you like it?” She asked softly, her attempt at calming her mind while his hands proceeded to bring warmth between her thighs. Y/N remembered him saying he never had any girls over at his, this further confirmed her suspicions. She really was the only one he’d been treating this way.
What did that say about her? She didn’t want to get too excited, but to think she could be special to him really did boost her confidence.
“Cause I really like it… it suits you, ya know?”
His fingers drummed on her thigh as she spoke, feeling a bit reassured as she spoke about liking his soft side. It wasn’t something he was sure she would.
His appeal was the bad boy, let me take you for a spin, biker fantasy. He attracted people who wanted to be fucked hard, given when their partners couldn’t give them. They didn’t see him as capable of the softer shit- and thank god for that. He usually wasn’t.
With Y/N? With his Bunny? He couldn’t imagine not taking care of her afterward. Not taking time to hold her and brush the hair from her face, kiss her. It was rare he did that with anyone else, too.
She was just a juxtaposition of things he usually avoided, yet utterly craved with her.
“Does it? Y’like me being sweet on you?” He murmured. “I do. Wouldn’t have it on anyone else though.” They’d get the wrong idea. With Bunny, he didn’t mind if she thought he wanted to keep her around. He did more than ever.
She felt rather proud of herself for it, that she of all people was the one to crack the terrifying Reaper. It was easy, she’d just watched him from the sidelines with her brother. Sterling always had a good judge of character.
“Like when you’re rough with me too.” Bunny felt like she had to say it, she was used to being babies all the time. His rough touch was a good reminder that she could take more despite what others thought of her. She liked the rush she felt and how confident he was that he wouldn’t hurt her.
“You said you didn’t like punishing me earlier… is that true?” Y/N expected Harry to have some sadistic tendencies considering all the people he killed. His need for justice. Surely the thought of her whimpering in a bit of pain or fright excited him. He wouldn’t take it too far with her, right?
“Well… no. I do like punishing you. But I like doing it by giving you pleasure.” He admitted. Of course, he had some mean tendencies. “Love calling you names and making you beg. But I want you to beg me to stop because it feels good.” He let his pinky finger brush the outside of her cunt, feeling her stiffen a bit but continuing on as if he didn’t do anything.
“I’m… very much looking forward to being rougher and exploring what you like. What your limits are. I don’t think I have any.” Not with her, anyways. “I like to baby you… like to take care of you after. But I liked when I had you suck me off and took it away. I like making you earn it. Because we have to be honest…” He smirked while keeping his eyes on the road. “You’re a greedy little thing for me. A slut. I like hearing you beg. Would love to see your pretty eyes cry for me because you want it so badly. But I’ll give it to you.”
“We have plenty of time to do that.” She told him, knowing that it would all unravel with time. The two of them could barely keep their hands off each other, she expected to find out lots about their relationship in the time to come.
“Think you can show me a lot of things I’d like… you definitely have more experience than I do with these things.” Y/N’s responses to him were all natural, she didn’t really have a plan whenever she decided to seduce him. It was much more exciting not knowing what he would do next. Thrilling even.
“Please tell me we are almost home.” Bunny couldn’t wait any longer, every stroke of his fingers had her clenching to relieve some of the pain. Yes, pain. She wanted it so bad it almost hurt.
“Gonna put on that black set and you can do whatever you want.”
Harry was sitting patiently on his bed.
They’d gotten home unscathed because he had physically wrenched his hand away when she started shifting her hips towards his hand, knowing if he didn’t stop he would take her in the car.
As soon as he buried the son of a bitch, he would be taking her places to fuck her specifically. Harry was a big fan of, exhibitionism, even if he was selfish with Y/N. People could look. But he would be damned if they touched.
“Bunny, baby.” He called out. “You’re stalling.” She had been in the bathroom for a bit and he knew that she was aware that she was in for it as soon as she came out. “Want t’see the pretty thing you’ve bought for me to rip off. Come show me how pretty you look.” He was taunting her, and himself. He was hard and wanting, now that they were home safe.
Bunny didn’t mean to stall, but she did want to take a moment to collect himself. She did look amazing. It’s something she definitely would have picked for herself, but would be too nervous to wear for anyone.
It could be a bit much, but that seemed to be just his style. The straps dug into her skin in all the right places, she looked absolutely amazing. This time she had sorted out the clips and even added some knee high tights to complete the look.
“Hold on, you have to wait.” Bunny fixed her hair one last time before taking a step out. She stood there for a moment so he could get a good look at her, doing a little spin for him.
“M’not a patient man.” He murmured to her, eyes taking in her body as she finally exposed herself to him.
The outdid was incredible, really. Lacy babydoll type of thing, black contrasting against her skin. Her hair was in curls down her shoulders, swaying as she moved. The panties underneath clipped to the knee highs making him clench his jaw.
Such a shame all of it was going to be ruined.
“God, you’re fucking beautiful.” He said quietly. She was too pretty and it made him feel unworthy of her. Even if the darker clothing and the hint of desperation in her eyes made it easier to indulge, the feeling still lingered.
Right now, though, he was pushing it away for his own selfish gain. He wanted her and he wanted her fully.
“Come stand in front of me then.” He rested his hands on his knees, eyes dark as they took in her approaching form. He could feel her eagerness, her want just as much as he could feel his own.
“See… if you keep going with this well behaved streak, you are going to be a very spoiled girl.” He tapped his fingers against his jeans, head tilted up as she stood with her hands behind her back waiting for instruction.
“How needy are you, angel? Are you still gagging for it? Or do you think you can wait?”
She let out a whimper at the idea of waiting any longer. She was here anyways, what could a few more moments really change? If anything, it would only result in more praise. Hesitantly, she decided to agree to his terms.
“I think I can wait a little bit.” It was her attempt at trying to be honest, he didn’t have to ask to know she was needy. She really wanted him. Badly. Last night and this morning hadn’t been enough, she swore it could only get better and better from here on out.
“Can I have a kiss please?” Bunny felt like this would become a habit. Her asking for kisses before they participate in the most sexually explicit acts. Harry was good at speaking filth. It was something that was both expected and unexpected from him. The words he picked for her she couldn’t imagine him speaking to anyone else. She didn’t want to. In her eyes, she was the only one.
He melted a little at the request for a kiss. Like he would ever want to deny her a kiss and himself of a taste. But- she knew to ask. She knew that he liked when she had that obedience and he could only be grateful that she was a good girl like this.
“Course you can. C’mere.” standing up, he wrapped his fingers around her jaw and tilted her up so he could cover his lips with her own. Gentle and delicate and sweet, he kissed her lightly and let her melt into his body, hands clutching the bottom of his shirt.
“That’s a good girl.” He murmured against her mouth, pulling back to look down at her damp lips and wide eyes. “Love this mouth. Tastes so good, love the sounds that come out of it… but I especially love the way it feels on me.” He kept his grip with one hand, the other tracing over the lace on her sides.
“You look so pretty. So sexy. Got this innocent little face, but then you get to your body… and fuck, it makes me want to ruin you. Already have some of my marks on this smooth skin, you’re something that I’ve been craving for a long time. Just sinking into your cunt this morning wasn’t enough.” He could never have enough.
“So I want you to get on your knees for me and play with Daddy’s prick. Want to feel you kiss it and suck, because I know you want it in your mouth. Almost did it in the dressing room, didn’t you?”
She felt herself clench around nothing at his words, put under a spell after the sweet kiss he’d laid on her. Bunny wouldn’t have it any other way, if he wanted her now he’d have her. Anyway he liked.
“Yeah…” A shy breath was all she could manage, her cheeks feeling at the thought. “Wanted to make you feel good.” She felt so much power when she’d sucked him off in the kitchen. Seeing him surrender to the pleasure made her feel on top of the world.
“Work so hard to keep me safe, wanna make it worth your while…” Of course, she would have done it anyway, but surely he would be happy to hear that. Slowly she made her decent, but not before pressing kisses down his clothed chest and stomach on her way down.
“I love your cock so much,” She wasn’t lying, she really hadn’t been so obsessed with someone’s dick before. The way it felt inside her, the sheer size, the way it looked… she couldn’t have picked a better option. “Wanna feel it all the time.”
“I know you do, darling. I can see it in your eyes.” That wasn’t an exaggeration either. The night before, the night she had sucked him off, even today in the dressing rooms she had looked incredibly hungry for him. He didn’t want that to stop.
“I’ll keep you safe in any way but… you’re right. Like this incentive.” He gathered her hair back, wrapping it around his fist lightly. He had the control of her head but he liked to let her think she was going to have it for a bit.
“Go ahead and get it out.” He was a tiny bit impatient today because he had been essentially edged the entire time, especially in the fucking lingerie store. Just seeing her now all dressed up in a pretty thing he had bought for her was enough to make him want to do incredibly disgusting things to her.
“Remember what you did last time, hm? Gave it some kisses? Why don’t you do that? Thank me for making you cum last night.” He was being nice right now, but that could very soon change.
Unbuckling the belt and unzipping his jeans with speed, she did her best not to rush with pulling him out as well. Slow and steady, not to seem too eager. It came naturally to her to press kisses against him, smiling at how hard he was.
“How long have you been hard for, daddy?” The name rolled off her tongue, the eyes she was giving him were mischievous. She wouldn’t dare test him now. “Can I…” She toyed with the waistband, pressing kisses against his length closer to where it was peeking out of his boxers. Yes. He was that hard.
“I like dressing up for you, want you to pick things out for me more often.” Maybe that was a kink of hers she had only discovered because of him. She had a feeling that would be happening more often than not.
“Been hard since the first dressing room when I saw you undressing me with your eyes.” He rarely held things back in this regard. Sexually, he was able to be open and honest, and raw. Outside of that, his vulnerabilities got in the way and he clammed up. But with her mouth on his cock, she could coax most answers from jinx
“And then it was bad when we got to your store and I couldn’t just bend you over and fuck you in there. I will, one day. I’ll make you limp leaving those changing rooms, my cum inside of you.” That was an appeal too. The more primal part of owning her. “But we had to wait until now. I still get to see you dressed up… but now I’m going to be able to hear you moan for me.” He stroked the top of her head as he urged her down towards his balls. They were full and heavy, sensitive, and needed a little bit of her attention.
“Give them a kiss, angel.”
She followed his direction, pressing kisses and kitten licks to his swollen balls. He gasped at first, the groan that followed was music to her ears. Her face was growing warm, a smile appearing on her face at his pleasure.
“More?” Bunny asked, allowing her lips to take a bit more into her mouth with a gentle suck. Her tongue glided across the thin, sensitive skin with care. She knew he could take a lot more, that he would take more. All she had to do was be patient and listen to him. That shouldn’t be too hard, right?
Y/N pulled away from him with a pop, pausing for a breath. She could feel her heart rate picking up. The rush of endorphins already made her feel high. Remembering what he liked most, it was easy to repeat the actions while her hands worked on massaging his thighs.
“See? What a fucking natural. You know how to pleasure me.” He was impressed. Very impressed, really, because Y/N was truly weak for him. She wanted to pleasure him just as badly as he wanted to pleasure her. “And you’re filthy. Wish I could take a picture of you down there. You’re making a bit of a mess but you’ll do anything to make me feel good, yeah?”
“Yeah.” She bleated, looking up at him with wet lips before licking up the length of his cock. “I love it. Like being dirty for you.” Without being prompted she took the head of his cock into her mouth, moaning as the taste hit her tongue. This was exactly the type of thing she had needed after the day long edging, lips wrapped around the tip and sucking softly to help herself.
“Just for me.” He warned. “My good little girl. Only letting yourself see how deprived you actually are with me.”
As if she would ever think to leave. She’d been waiting for so long to finally have him, there was no way she’d give him up so easily. Not when he proved to be everything she wanted and more. They hadn’t even properly gotten into things yet.
The weight of his cock on her tongue was enough to pull her eyes to close. Slowly she took more and more of him into her mouth, it felt divinely guided, she was following her desire and it was leading her down a messy and dirty path. She pulled back slightly only to spit over him, spreading it along his shaft with her tongue flat.
She wished in that moment that he could take a photo. It was far too risky, but hopefully, this nightmare would be over soon. They could get back to doing what they did best. Hopefully, this wasn’t just a temporary thing, that he was being honest when he said he wanted this for just as long as she had.
“God- fuck. That’s the shit I like. Spitting on it like that…” He hissed, admiring the mess the was making on his length. Harry was a sucker for messy sex, especially messy blowies- but having Y/N be the one to do it was another level.
She listened clearly to his likes, sitting up again to spit thickly on him a second time, and used her hand to help spread it while she sucked him back into her mouth. The groan of arousal that fell from his lips was her reward, a beautiful one at that.
“Got lucky with you, didn’t I? You’re locked up with me but now I can show you exactly how it is to have good sex. It isn’t hard to teach when I’ve got such an eager little slut on my hands.” He praised mix with the degradation, the pair making her moan against his cock. This was what she liked. His dirty mouth doing both at the same time. “You can take more. You were gagging for it earlier- go ahead. Stuff me down that throat.”
She was holding back, it was true. Bunny wanted more, needed more, but was just waiting for the green light. The slight push forward he gave her was enough to have her take him as far as she could.
Her eyes blinked open, looking up at him with teary eyes as she continued to suck and drool all over him. He loved it. He couldn’t take his eyes off of hers, watching her as she fully relaxed in his grip. His perfect bunny, he groaned at the thought.
“Fuck… might have to keep you forever, hmm?” Harry let out a grunt, “Can’t let you out of my sight. Think they even have a chance with you… I’m going to ruin you.” He meant it in the best way. Harry wanted to ruin her for everyone, she’d never be satisfied.
Just when he felt himself at the back of her throat he pushed himself a little deeper, tugging at the roots of her hair securely.
“Remember you’re mine.”
She gasped around his cock as he pulled it back out, the wet strings of spit connecting her lips to his length as her hand continued to stroke it. He was pleased with her, but the words he said set a little fire in her stomach.
“Mhm. Yours. Should keep me.” She rasped, eyes wide and hot as she took the tip back into her mouth and lowered her head back down. He fucked into her mouth a bit, grunting as he felt her drool dripping down his balls. Just how he liked them.
“That’s right. M’glad you know that you’re mine. This perfect fucking throat is mine too. Such a good little cockslut.” He crooned, pulling her off and up to her feet. His lips pressed against hers even with his taste and her messy face.
“I don’t even know which position to fuck you in. You look so good…”
It was then as he trailed off that Harry had an idea.
“Baby… You still with me?” He hummed, pressing kisses to her face. “You look so pretty, would be a waste if you didn’t see it for yourself… wouldn’t it?” It was then that his hand cradled her jaw and guided her view towards the standing mirror at the foot of his bed.
“Can you turn around for me, my bunny?” He felt a smirk grow on his face. Harry was ready to tease her a bit more, some more tender love and care to the body he loved oh so much. In case she wasn’t aware, he wanted her to see all that he adored.
“Been so good for me, waiting so patiently…” His hands smoothed over her hips, pressing a kiss to the back of her head.
Y/N let out a shaky breath as he stood behind her, his hands stroking over her body as she looked at the pair of them. It brought her back to the dressing room, seeing how good they looked together in that mirror. How they fit.
This time it was more erotic, the droop of her eyes and her slightly wet chin, the need obvious in her face and his cock against the lace of her body suit. His fingers dragged down, her head lulling back onto his shoulder as his hand cupped her cunt.
A breathless moan left her lips as he held her there, humming deep in his chest as his chin rested against the side of her head. “Don’t close your eyes. Look at you. Look at us.” He coaxed.
She obeyed, looking with hooded eyes as his own pierced hers through the mirror. “You look so fucking good, my Bunny. Especially when you dress up for me… my hand holding your cunt. You gave it to me, didn’t you? Handed it right over. And now it’s mind. You’re soaking, ruining the bottom of this pretty set… but you got so needy while sucking me.” His voice broke the quiet of the room, watching her chest heaving slightly as he spoke. “I think we need to reward you. What do you want?”
God she would take anything at this moment just to feel some kind of relief. She wanted his mouth, but she was too impatient. She wanted his fingers, but she knew it wouldn’t be enough. Bunny wanted to feel full.
“I want your cock inside me… please Daddy.”
Harry nearly choked at the softness of her tone, how she went weak to his touch. He swore in that moment he couldn’t let anyone else see her this way. Her vulnerability was something he cherished and vowed to protect, despite the disrespectful thoughts running through his mind.
“I know you do,“ His voice was calm and collected in contrast to what was going on inside of him. “Don’t even want to undress you, look so pretty little dolly.” Harry cooed as he touched and pushed her panties to the side. Wetness coated his fingers instantly and he couldn’t hold back the animalistic groan that left him.
“Bunny,“ He had to take a deep breath to collect himself before he pinned her down to the floor and forgot the whole point of the mirror.
She inhaled sharply as she felt his finger press inside of her, arching slightly to press herself closer to his hand. It was incredible, his touch working its deprived magic over her as she let him do as he pleased.
“More.” She breathed, turning her head and tucking her face under his chin. “More, give me some more. You’ve been teasing and I just want- I need you inside of me so bad, I’m begging.” She had been edged all day long with their foreplay, her body thrumming with need.
“Shhh.” He quieted her down. “I was just getting a feel of your cunt, baby. Trying to see if my cum was still in there.” He never went raw with anyone else, would reject that in a heartbeat. But the only place he wanted to unload was buried deep inside of her. It was a primal thing, probably, but he got a sick satisfaction watching it drip out of her earlier.
“Are y’gonna let me inside of you without a condom, baby? Because I want to fill you up again. I think that’s where my cum belongs.. inside this tight little hole.” He was giving her a chance to tell him no, but prayed she would let it happen again.
In all fairness, she wasn’t in the mindset to say no. She wouldn’t have denied him anyway. It was Harry. It seemed that was the response to everything these days. There was no one she trusted more than him besides her brother. This wasn’t circumstantial.
Even without his protection, she would still want him to fill her with his cum.
“Please… just wanna cum, just wanna cum for you all over, want to get it all wet, want to feel you in my belly— I want you, please don’t make me wait anymore!” She was on the verge of tears, his short strokes over her clit doing little to nothing to dull the ache.
“I’ll do anything you want! Please! Please, please, please, ple—AH” She gasped as he pulled his fingers from her, placing one loud slap over her thigh. Enough to get her attention but not to hurt her.
“That’s pathetic, my angel. So fucking pathetic. Almost in tears because you want my cock that fucking bad?” He grinned and looked into the mirror, using his other hand to fore her face to look at her.
“Look at you, pet. My pretty little whore. Begging for cock, this perfect wet cunt begging just as much as your mouth. M’gonna give it to you, but I want you to watch. Do you understand?”
His fingers pulled from her cunt and she nearly sobbed at the loss, but her protest was muffled as his fingers were stuffed into her mouth. She began to suck instinctually, tasting her arousal all over the digits.
“Clean up your mess. Not the first one you’re going to be cleaning tonight. Brace your hands on the mirror.” He instructed, watching as she did as asked. “Arch your back and stick that pretty ass out for me. There’s my girl.” His murmur was soft, his hands stroking over the skin before he praised her again. “Keep your eyes on us. Don’t look away or I’ll stop.”
His cock was swiped over her weeping cunt, the tip sensitive as he held back a hiss at how good the wet heat felt even just brushed. “Tell me to fuck you, and you can have it.”
“Please fuck me, fuck me, please-” Bunny begged, letting out a shaky breath at her own impatience. Her desperation was obvious, panting a bit now that his fingers were free from her mouth. Harry had never seen something so sincere. A tear fell down her cheek, her hips slightly moving back against him while her hands gripped the mirror.
“Please.” It came out as a breath, making eye contact with him in the mirror. Y/N had reached a breaking point, but she’d never felt so good.
Harry couldn’t hold back a smile at the sight of the tear. She submitted to him fully once again and he was in awe of how perfect she truly was. So willing to give in to him just as willing as he was to please her. How could he ever deny her after this?
“Shhh… baby, relax. Just a second.” Harry cooed, watching the tension leave her body at the news. In one swift motion, he pushed inside of her, doing his best to stay quiet so he could hear her clearly.
“Oh- fuck.” She whimpered, her mouth falling open as he pushed into her. There was still a bit of sensitivity from being fucked last night and this morning, but it almost made it better. The tiny bite of pain as he stretched her open made her breathing quicken. “God, you’re so fucking big.”
It was a stroke to his ego. Looking at her face as she took him paired with the words that fell from her pretty mouth, he hummed as his hands squeezed her hips. “And you’re going to take every single inch. Because you were made to take it.” He kissed her shoulder lightly, eyes on hers as he sunk in a bit deeper before finally filling her to the hilt.
“Are you thinking about how it would have been if I’d given in to you earlier? If I just sunk myself into this pussy in that dressing room? Because I thought about it all fucking day.” He rasped, grinding against her a bit as he felt her clench and adjust to his size. “I was so tempted to do it, even though your naughty mouth doesn’t know how to shut the fuck up. There’s no way you could keep quiet when my cock is inside of you.” His lips brushed her shoulder again as he kissed the other one, a smirk rising on the corner of his lips. “But you love the idea of being caught. Of being heard. I can tell.”
It was hard for her to keep her eyes on them. The intimacy of looking deep into her own eyes, being face to face with her own pleasure was overwhelming. The visual of him looking over her, the way she could see his muscles flexing with every thrust. She already felt her knees threatening to buckle.
“Mmm— I wanted you to keep me quiet.” Something about his hand holding her mouth shut while he fucked her against the wall. Similar to what they were doing right now, actually. “Feels so good, want it harder. I can take it, promise.” It was addicting, the way he pushed into her with such vigor, feeling desired.
“Want you to cum inside again,” Bunny couldn’t hold back her whining, “I want to do this every day, want— wanna feel your cum drip out of me, wannAH!” Harry always liked to surprise her with a hard thrust mid sentence. It was a way to get her attention, a way for him to assert his power.
“Want so many things, my spoiled little dolly…” Harry mumbled, thrusting relentlessly. “So impatient once you get a taste— did you not wait enough today?” He let out a harsh breath through his nose.
“I waited, I was so good, please.” She whispered, blinking away the needy tears in her eyes. If she started crying she likely wouldn’t stop. Her hands gripped the mirror as she looked at them both, his hands gripping her hips so tightly it paled the skin. Her body was hot under his touch, eyes shutting momentarily as he tugged her back harder on his cock with a grunt.
His cock was hard and thick and stretched her so perfectly, barely giving her a second to adjust. Instead, she had lost her breath, feeling his balls thwack against her clit. Being fucked standing up like this was taking her air.
“Fuck…” The whine was desperate, Harry watching her face as her eyes rolled back. She looked incredible like this. Her face slack with pleasure, body tense as he fucked into her with powerful motions. She was dripping down him, making his body even slicker to give it to her.
“Let me see those eyes.” He growled, releasing one of her hips to grab her throat. His hand collared her neck firmly, not squeezing but letting her be aware he was fully in control. That itself had her cunt gushing, eyes snapping open to meet his. “Look at me while I own you. This body is mine. D’you understand me?” His lips brushed her ear. “Who’s pussy is this?”
“Yours.” She whimpered out, eyes locked on his through the mirror. In her peripheral she could still see him sliding inside of her, her tits nearly bursting out of the outfit she had on at the intensity of his thrusts.
“It’s yours. It’s always been yours. ” Bunny was struggling to keep her eyes open, whimpers leaving her mouth. They’d had sex in the shower before and it felt similar to this, but the mirror definitely added a whole new element to it.
“Wanna dress up for you more, wanna do all kinds of things with you, just your little cockslut!” She felt more tears threatening to spill, his hand had moved to rub over her clit and the pleasure overwhelmed her. “Oh my— ah! Fuck! Harry, please please please!”
“That’s my good little whore. Keep begging me.” He grunted, feeling her body growing weaker in his grasp. Her poor legs were shaking as she took a pounding and he knew that she wouldn’t be able to last much longer standing up.
He decided to pull out. Y/N cried out at the loss, babbling about putting it back but Harry was quick to turn her around and bend her over the edge of the bed.
“My needy slut. Your legs were about to give out. Needed you on a surface you could finally give in and hand yourself to me.” His hand came down on her ass roughly, her body jolting at the hit.
“Put it back, give it back, I need it. I need it. Please.” She whined, pressing her ass back as Harry teased her clit with the tip. He gave in to her wishes, the wet flesh parting to take him back into her needy cunt with a cry of relief.
“Yes, yes- thank you, Daddy. Thank you.” She wailed, gripping the blanket as he gave it to her deep. So deep and full, her stomach clenched each time.
Harry couldn’t control himself, it was taking everything in him not to rip the remaining fabric on her body. His hands had left a perfect hue of red over the swell of her ass, smoothing over the skin only to place another sharp spank.
“God, you get better every time? How do you do it angel, hm?” Harry could feel himself coming closer to the edge, his face feeling warm now that the room was filled with heat from their filthy acts. “Go on, tell me your secret?” He purred, leaning down to whisper in her ear.
Bunny shuddered at the sensitivity his whisper triggered, the grazing of his teeth against her earlobe only adding to the mess she was making. Every part of her felt like it was on fire, vibrating with every new touch.
“Was made for you- I was…” she gasped, feeling each and every inch as she filled him. It would be embarrassing how wet she was if he obviously didn’t love it. “It’s your pussy, Harry. It belongs to you. I don’t want a-anyone else inside me.”
The declaration of his ownership went straight to his blood. That’s the type of shit he wanted to hear, especially balls deep inside of her weeping cunt. It was wet and hot and clenching around him harder than it had this morning, seemingly enjoying the deep fuck he was giving. He was a mess- his thighs and balls wet with her slick arousal, her body generously coating him in the proof of her need for him.
“I’m so glad… you and your body know that. It’ll never get better. No one will ever fuck you better than me. This has always been my cunt. Filthy fucking whore.. rubbing yourself in your bed thinking about me while m’at your house with your brother… wanting me to sneak into your room. Yeah, your body’s always belonged to me.”
“Harry— I’m so close, please! Don’t stop, right there, just like that!” Her knuckles turned white from the grip on the bedsheets. The imagery of him fucking her forever was honestly all it took. She’d never felt more satisfied than with him, the way he worshiped her body and mind felt far better than anything she could have imagined.
Never would she have guessed it could be like this. The sound of slapping skin kept Harry’s rhythm for him, his hot breath fanning over her skin.
“So fucking wet for me, listen to you.” He growled, staying quiet for a moment to focus on the sound of her squelching pussy. Harry sponged kisses over her shoulders, nipping the skin here and there to leave small marks. He loved the way she looked adorned in them.
“Make your mess baby, go on… wanna see how hard you can cum for me. Let go.”
Y/N was a wreck. Her body shuddered as his kisses lingered on her shoulder, the heavy sounds of their breathing mixed in with the sounds of pleasure filling up the bedroom. His cock was hitting just right, just at the spot he was claiming as his own and it made her body feel flooded with euphoria. Every bit of him against her was making her crazy.
She tried to reply but she couldn’t. Instead, her body trembled under him as the orgasm overtook her. A broken scream left her swollen lips, a gush of arousal soaking Harry’s cock as he pressed himself down onto her body.
“Fucccck. Perfect fucking pussy.” He grunted, his deep thrusts overtaken by her orgasm. He was so close, so close to the edge and her cunt was trying to milk it from him the best it could.
“M’gonna give you all my cum.” He growled against her ear, the hot words making her shudder as she felt them. “Gonna fill this hole up, mark it as mine. Soon M’gonna fill every one of your holes with my load. Mmm..” he groaned into her neck, keeping her pinned under him. “Ask me nicely for it.”
“Please, daddy… want you to fill me. I want to feel full of you, want it to drip down out of me…” Still breathing heavily, Bunny let out a hum at the feeling of his needy thrusts. She could tell he was getting closer.
“Please! Let me have it, I love how deep I can feel you— why don’t you cum for me?” Y/N squeezed around him just right, purring at the sounds of his strangled groans. Harry wasn’t afraid to moan in her ear, sending goosebumps over her skin.
He fucked her so raw and real, she’d never known sex to be this good before. He loved her body, he never let her forget it. It seemed he also loved her soul, the way he seemed to understand just what to do and how to move.
This was what sex with feelings was like? He understood the hype now. Why people said ‘just wait.’
Sex had always been a mechanical function, something fun, a stress reliever- but god damn, this was something otherworldly. Going bare inside of her, tending to her pleasure, letting her satisfaction become a part of his?
Fuck, he was obsessed.
It didn’t take much but a few more strokes for him to unload deep inside of her, groaning into her neck as his thrusts got sloppy, trying his best to fuck his cum as deep as he could. It was all pure instinct at this point. No guidance from experience would explain his primal need for her and his need to mark her inside and out.
Bunny whimpered at the feeling of him unloading into her, his whole body seemed to soften and his demeanor dropped for a few moments. He was just Harry, fully relaxed and open to the love Bunny was offering. He couldn’t resist her, nuzzling against her neck and pressing kisses and bites to her skin.
“You’re so perfect, bunny…” He mumbled, releasing the small nip of skin he had pulled between his teeth. “Such a perfect girl, I’m never going to let anything bad happen to you.” He whispered, staying deep inside her as he spoke.
With his chest rising and falling, he shifted off from on top of her while placing kisses all down her back. As much as he’d like to stay like that with her forever, the two of them could use some cleaning up.
His heart was still beating hard in his chest, reverberating into his ears as he winced at the cool air on his cock. His eyes though were focused on her cunt. His hands spread her open again, watching the trickle of pearly white cum dribbling down her cunt.
That alone was a sight he wanted to commit to memory. It would be enough to get him to a second round if he allowed himself, but instead, he chose to swipe the mess with his fingers and push it back into her sensitive hole.
Bunny whimpered at the feeling of two of his fingers sliding back into her used cunt, but she didn’t pull away. She let him, the pure filth of the idea of him making sure his load stayed inside of her making her clench a little.
“Shh. Don’t get all worked up again. Just putting my cum where it belongs.” He kissed the small of her back, pulling his fingers out and raising back up to her.
Ever so gently, he curled his hand around her face and slipped the digits into her lips, a surprised noise masked by instinctual sucking. The pure ease of his dirty action, how natural it felt and the taste of them mixed with his fingers made her sigh. He made sure she cleaned them well before pulling them out with a ‘pop’, turning her face to the side, and kissing her deeply. The man needed to taste him on her tongue.
“Thank you, baby.” He pulled back, exhaling against her lips. “Think we need to clean you up, yeah?”
This was new for both of them.
Y/N hadn’t taken a bath in ages let alone with a guy. Harry? Hell, he’d never thought he’d be sat in his bath gently washing a girl off with an exfoliating cloth. He pressed a few kisses to her shoulders, letting her relax into his hold while she sat between his legs. They hadn’t said much to each other since getting into the bath, but it didn’t feel like they needed to.
“Harry…” Bunny’s voice broke him away from his train of thought. “I had a lot of fun with you today,” She was shy telling him this but she was positive no one had ever gotten the chance to tell him something so pure. Sure their day was full of teasing, sexual tension, and sex, but she had felt at ease in a way she hadn’t felt since this all started.
“Was nice to just forget about everything going on and just feel normal…” She explained, turning her head to face him. “Thank you.”
“Y’don’t have to thank me.” He replied, looking into her soft eyes. The warm water of their bath had soothed them. They’d showered briefly to get the sweat and cum off of them before letting the bath fill, Harry was finally able to use the bath salts he had purchased a while ago when he’d suffered a bit of a beating during a fight again. They smelled like lavender and smoothed up their skin quite nicely.
“I had a good time too. I’m going to make sure that soon you can go out and do shit whenever you want without looking over your shoulder.” He kissed her cheek, his tone meaning it was final. There was no way he would rest until this bastard was dead.
“M’sorry that you even have to go through this shit. That... men are creeps. Don’t understand why or how they come up with shit like this. I can’t say I don’t understand your appeal, you’re fucking great.” He murmured, gaining a soft smile from the girl in his arms. “But that doesn’t mean you go out and stalk a girl for it. It just… it makes me sick knowing you’ve felt this way for a while and someone’s been preying on you.” He wished she had told him sooner. Of course, he understood to a degree why she didn’t- but he didn’t fully get it. That was a conversation for another day.
“What was your favorite part?”
There had been a few rare occasions where she was able to speak with him like this, where she felt like she was getting the real side of him reserved for people like Sterling and now her. Harry had a good moral compass, respected innocent people, and cherished their humanity.
“My favorite part?” Bunny smiled back up at him and turned to press a few kisses on his arm. “I liked seeing you try the shirts on… it sounds silly but just seeing you check yourself out in the mirror and hyping yourself up. It was nice.” She really did find it wholesome, the idea of big bad reaper being just a normal guy who still wanted to know if a shirt looked good on him.
“But I think this is my favorite part though,” Bunny admitted, keeping her eyes on him despite how small she felt at that moment. It was sweet. He never let her shy away from it, even let himself dive into it at times. She’d never felt so close to someone.
“Yeah?” He smiled, moving the washcloth chastely with the soapy mix over her chest. It wasn’t sexual in the slightest, even though Harry could go again if she asked. He didn’t think he could ever get enough of her and her body. Her pleasure. It was a new addiction for him.
“I liked it all, I think. Especially seeing you try those things on. Gave me a bit of blue balls but you rectified that situation very well.” He teased with a chuckle, dipping the cloth into the water to rinse the soap off of her.
“You know I’m going to take care of you, right? I’m going to make sure you’re safe no matter what. I know you may not love my decisions sometimes but I hope you can see why I make them.”
He still felt a bit insecure because he knew he was a bad man. He wasn’t good enough for a woman like Y/N. He could never be normal, not when the deepest and darkest parts of him yearned to make people pay for their sins and take them to the afterlife. She hadn’t fully seen him in it, which is surely why she looked at him with rose colored glasses.
As fucked up as it is, he was going to take advantage and soak in that as long as he could. Make sure he got a taste of her affection and what it would be like to be hers… before the inevitable crash happened once she saw what type of monster he really was.
Seeing him smile was all the humanity she needed from him. Reaper rarely smiled, she’d like to think she was the only one who’d ever seen this one. It made her heart swell, to think that she could make him happy. Genuinely happy. To her it didn’t matter who he was or what he did, she knew that behind all of this was a broken young boy who just wanted to be loved.
“I know… you’ve always been there.” Bunny thought back to the time just last year. The reason her brother had left, well, part of the reason. “When dad died and Sterling took off… I didn’t know if Mama and I would make it.”
Bunny had known from a young age her father was always getting into trouble. The bruises on his knuckles, the scars that accumulated over time. He’d always told her it was nothing to worry about, till one day he didn’t come home.
“I just… wish I knew more? Know you were all just trying to protect me, but even Mama couldn’t tell me what happened.”
Harry stiffened slightly at the mention of this topic.
He pulled her closer to him, kissing her jaw as he exhaled tiredly. Did she really want to know? “Because the truth is something we want to protect you from. Not to say you can’t handle it… but because sometimes it feels like a gift to be ignorant of the dangers and tragedies.” He mumbled, the discomfort welling in his throat.
“If you truly want to know? I’ll tell you. You do deserve the truth but… we all agreed maybe you’d be better off just remembering your father as how he was. He was one of the strongest men I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing.” He swallowed around the lump in his throat, trying to keep himself from being upset. It was one of the worst days when he died. It fucked Harry up for a while, as well as most of the guys around when it happened.
None of the guys in the club would be considered model members of society. They were seen as criminals, scary men to stay away from. But there was a real brotherhood to it.
“Been to the clubhouse, know from his jacket he was one of you.” Y/N started, after all, it was her who wore her dad’s old cut now adorned with a Bunny patch. Bikes were always a part of her life, when she was little she thought it was just a hobby. Until Sterling also came home with bruises and scars. Even black eyes. It wasn’t so fun then.
“Sterling was there wasn’t he?” Her voice was quiet, “When it happened…” There was no way for her to know that other than her sisterly intuition. It all made sense to her though, why else would he take off without explanation?
It took her a long time to forgive her brother for leaving, it was Harry who always reminded her not to be so hard on him, giving her updates on what he was doing.
She fully relaxed into his hold, pulling his arms closer to her chest. Bunny just wanted to feel his weight on her, it soothed her.
“He was.” He hated thinking about that day. Harry tried his best to repress any emotions he could simply because it was easier than dealing with them. He took release in sex and fighting and the occasional binge of drugs, as cliche as all of that shit was. He knew it wasn’t what was supposed to be done but he’d never had a person he wanted to talk to.
A confidant.
“It was a deal gone wrong. I can’t tell you everything the club does. I’ll let you know that… we help people run things like guns and drugs. Your father didn’t care about that but the one thing he didn’t like was the dealing of people.” Harry despised it.
It was the most despicable thing someone could do.  In his opinion, anyways.
“I can’t get into the finer details but a person we were helping a deal with… we found out the containers had people in them. Trafficking people. Your father and Viper stopped as soon as they heard the woman’s voice at a rest and opened up the container… along with the drugs, there were a few women. They weren’t of sound mind but one was lucid enough to tell us she had been taken, and that was enough for us to back out. We took the girls and put them in the cars we had tailing, took them out of there.” One of those girls still was around, working to try and clean the clubhouse. They did their best to help but not much could help the trauma she went through. “We then broke into the rest of the containers and found a few more women and we realized how many we needed to get out of there… so we did. We called and said there was an issue with border patrol and called out more people to get these women, these girls out.” Their cries and blank faces haunted him. To know in the past there may have been a woman he didn’t hear and dozens of them could have been smuggled under their noses…
“When the group we were trying to help found out what we did… a massive fight broke out.” He didn’t want to continue, but he would if she wanted more detail about her father.
“I don’t know how much you want to know… but I hope you know your father fought extremely hard. It was a dirty move and…” He swallowed, squeezing her body as he hid his face in her hair. “He died protecting women that were being taken advantage of. He died a hero to those women. I tried to save him. I uh…” He rolled his head back from her hair and rested it on the back of the tub. “It’s why my back is fucked up. They fight dirty with their weapons. The cut and the bullet wound. S’from me trying to cover his body.”
The room was still, heaviness settling around them just as the steam hugged their bodies. The sound of their breathing in sync, the stray droplets of water that bounced off the surface. Y/N let out a long shaky exhale.
It was a lot to think about. With so many thoughts clicking in her mind, Harry swore he heard the cogs turning in her head. Each thought felt like a spike, the way Bunny became aware she had no control over any of this suffering. Ignorance is bliss, but to her, the awareness was accommodating.
She moved so she was straddling his lap, sitting on the span of his thighs so she could look at him. She couldn’t have this conversation with her back faced to him. Her hand moved delicately, cupping his cheek in a hold that was so tender she felt tears prick at her eyes.
The one thing she could do, in a way words would never be able to describe, is kiss him.
It was the softest kiss she’d ever had, it was sinless. Her heart broke for them all. For the women, for her family, for him. Tears spilled from her eyes, but she didn’t bother holding them back this time. She could never express how grateful she was. How lucky she was to have him in her life, how honored she felt to know him so intimately. She pulled away after a beat, taking a second to ground herself in the moment.
Bunny loved this man.
“Thank you for telling me,” Her voice was the gentlest it’s ever been. “It’s not easy reliving those moments in your mind, I’m sorry you had to witness it.” Y/N brushed her thumb over the span of his lips and cheek. A few more tears did fall, but she’d found peace in knowing the truth.
He smiled sadly against her thumb, the little knot in his throat preventing him from speaking. Harry wasn’t a crying type of man, but he did feel emotional thinking about it. It was one of the very worst days of his life.
“I’d do it over and over if I had to. It was the right thing. I don’t regret it but… sometimes I wish that we could go back and be a bit smarter with how we planned it out.” He sighed, letting his eyes gaze into hers. She was perfect, his Bunny. She really fucking was.
“Listen…” He wanted to make sure he got something clear to her. “I know I’ve done good things. But I need you to be aware, to be reminded… m’not a good man. Maybe I can be good to you… I’d never hurt you, I’d rather die. But I’m not good. I’m rotten and dark and I have a lot of problems. I know you’ve got a good view of me now and I don’t want to ruin it, but one day you’re going to be scared of me.” He swallowed, feeling guilt from his core.
“None of us are. As I said… we are all troubled and have a skewed moral compass. We don’t hurt women, children, or animals… innocents. But I’ve got issues, Y/N. I can see you care for me, maybe even as much as I care for you. I just need you to know that before….” He swallowed again, eyes searching hers. “Before we let ourselves slip into the comfortable dynamic we’ve had the last few days. Protect yourself.”
He’d never hurt her, not on purpose, but he knew his issues lay deep.
“I tried to protect your father… I protected your brother and now I’ll protect you. I won’t let anything happen to you as long as m’breathing. I’m sorry we had to hold this from you.”
Her hand moved down to his neck, gently pushing his hair behind his shoulders. She was taking a good look at him. This monster she had been describing, she’d seen him before. The warehouse. She heard enough.
“You can hide all these parts of you from people, but you cannot hide them from me.” Bunny was certain, she knew him far too well. Her fingers toyed with the chain that hung loosely from his neck, eyes flickering back up to his.
“I know you’re capable of many horrific things, Harry, but that does not define who you are.” Y/N refused to believe that he was rotten to his core. He would never have the capacity to care for her as he did without a seed of hope in his heart. Did he really believe to be undeserving of it?
“I promise you. I know what I’m doing… I just need you to let me in.”
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nockfellblues · 1 year
For the second ask- can I have a story of Junpei Yoshino being saved by the reader? Context: Reader is also a sorcerer and was with Itadori at the time of the encounter with Mahito.
Ngl it took me a bit to work out a good concept for this one- idk if its just cuz i never really toyed with making a jjk oc or if i was just having a brain fart lmao and then I started writing and it just kept going??? Either way, here it is! GN reader and can be read as platonic or as a crush if you squint. Again, thanks so much for requesting! I hope you like it! 💕
Warnings: Usual canon compliant violence, mentions of blood.
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“Should we really be doing this?”
Yuji just shrugged with a smile, looking blissfully unaware as you both lounged about in none other than Junpei Yoshino’s house, waiting to start a film while the aforementioned boy grabbed some snacks from his kitchen. Behind you both his mother was blissfully unawares as she slept soundly at the kitchen table with a smile on her face. This was supposed to be an investigation into the troubled boy and the strange circumstances he’d found himself in the middle of, but had quickly turned into the three of you becoming fast friends. Before either you or Yuji knew it, you were sat at the dinner table in the Yoshino residence like you always belonged there.
You couldn’t deny how much you genuinely liked Junpei- he was quiet and reserved with a stalwart sense of justice, but listening to him talk about his favorite films seemed to bring out the absolute best in him and make his smile look so much more alive. It was like a little part of his soul bloomed into a bright glow of happiness and contentment. Something about someone talking about their passions always made them shine in a way that was so beautiful, and you couldn’t deny that his bloom was so very enticing. Of course it helped that you shared taste in movies and in music and that he was seemingly such a sweet boy…
Truly, becoming friends with him like this had been such a breath of fresh air in all of the insanity lately. You were so thankful to have met him, even if the circumstances were.. crazy.
When Nanami had brought you onto this particular investigation you were terrified. Being just a student, and just a first-year at that, you had zero concept of how your curse techniques would be even remotely useful. Especially when Nanami and Shoko showed you the horrific amalgamates this new curse was able to produce. After all, all you could do was alter the physical form of objects, not people; Changing a rock into a knife and imbuing it with cursed energy was a vast difference to changing the shape of a body part, or a whole person, much less their soul. But Gojo had put the idea into Shoko’s head that it was worth a shot to see if you could reach something tangible in the form of a human soul, and so you tried.
Touching the soul was… exhilarating. Being able to see the physical manifestation of a soul was so, so beautiful. But it was also terrifying- being the only hope for these.. people that the patchwork curse left behind. It was like falling into a litany of swirling emotions, memories, passions, and colours, everything that made a person who they are, and trying desperately to wrangle them into a shape that they remembered and holding them there until they understood that this was their true shape and began to.. ‘heal.’ So far the best result was separating their physical forms and returning them to ‘normal’- but, so far, not a single person had survived. They returned to ‘normal’ only to be completely comatose for varying periods of time before slowly fading and, eventually, passing.
“Think any harder and your brain will melt,” Yuji laughed, nudging you with an elbow. You returned his easy smile as Junpei came back with an overflowing bowl of popcorn and some drinks.
“Yum! Alright, let’s get this movie party started!”
You could barely breathe, running as fast as your legs could take you towards the ominous shadowed dome of the veil that had opened over Satozakura High School- Junpei’s school. You had happened to be in the area doing some light shopping when it started- the wrong place at the right time, you supposed. Reaching your senses out you desperately searched for any anomalous energies, until Yuji’s burst of cursed energy lit up like a homing beacon.
“Please don’t let Junpei be here- Please.”
“People don’t have hearts.” You could hear the tears in Junpei’s voice and you raced around the corner of the corridor. You found him kneeling amongst broken glass in the darkened hallway, Yuji standing before him looking angry and distraught.
“You’re still just trying-“
“Junpei, please-“
“They don’t!” Junpei’s voice was absolutely wrecked with what could only be grief as he cut you both off.
“Other wise…” Tears streamed down his face, his entire body shaking as you reached to place a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Otherwise- Then that could only mean that people cursed me and my mom with those hearts! That would just be.. Too much,” he sobbed and shook you hand off to stand.
You backed away as cursed energy gathered within him and made the outline of his soul shimmer a brilliant melancholy blue- when in the world had he come into being able to produce cursed energy?
“I wouldn’t even know what is right and what’s wrong any more!” In a flurry of iridescent blue, a billowing jellyfish shikigami appeared behind him, quickly taking aim and stabbing Yuji with its sharpened tentacles.
“Y-Yuji!” You covered your mouth in shock as he took slow steps towards Junpei leaving a dripping trail of blood behind.
“Why-why didn’t you dodge it?”
“I’m sorry. I said a lot of arrogant stuff without really understanding anything. So, tell me what happened to you.. and I swear to you, if you do, then I wont curse you anymore. Please.” Yuji kneeled before Junpei, his voice soft, and you approached again to return a hand to Junpei’s shoulder.
“We’re your friends, Junpei. So, please, let us help?” You gave his houlder a gentle squeeze as he met your gaze with wide tearful eyes- and the dam broke.
Junpei crumbled before you both, body wracked with heaving sobs as he told you about his mother- the horrifying discovery of her mutilated body and another of those damn fingers of Sukuna’s just left there out in the open. Yuji took his hands in his own and you wrapped your arms over Junpei’s shoulders, letting him cry as you both fought back our own emotions at the news.
“I’m so sorry Junpei..” You gently rubbed his back as Yuji took a moment to process what you’d learned.
“Junpei… join Jujutsu high- You’d like it! There are lots of crazy strong teachers and good, reliable friends there. If we all work together, I guarantee you, we can find whoever it was that cursed your mom… then you can make them pay for what they did!” Yuji’s determination had Junpei’s tears start anew, and you nodded along with him.
“It’s true, Junpei. You’d never be alone, and we’d all do our very best to help you!” Yuji nodded in turn and you moved to hold his shoulders to properly look into his eyes. “Trust us again, Junpei. I swear, we’ll do whatever we can to make this right.”
“That’s a big promise coming from such a weak sorcerer.” At the top of the stair stood a man with silver hair and…a patchwork face. His body seemed to radiate the same shimmer you now equated with the visual manifestation of a soul, but so, so much brighter than you’d ever seen one. It seemed to ripple and move, like it was made of water, as though it didnt know enough to stay in one shape. What is he?
“Who are you?”
“It’s nice to meet you, vessel of Sukuna.”
The three of you stood and you deepened your stance to something more solid and defensive as it all clicked, “Yuji that’s him-!”
“Mahito, don’t do it!”
The Patchwork curse’s arm and shoulder alike began to curn like bubbling water, rapidly morphing as it shot out to slam Yuji into the adjacent wall- a second appendage morphed out of the side and swing too fast, swiping you away and tossing you down the hall like you weighed nothing. You flew until you hit the wall at the the end with a sickening crack. Groaning as you slid to the floor you were distantly aware of Yuji yelling, or saying something, but everything was violently tilting and fading into grey, your ears ringing like crazy and you could feel warm blood drip down your forehead and over your brow. Get up, they need you now!
There was a pulse of that same too-bright glimmer as the patchwork curse did something you couldn’t see and Yuji was yelling again, the tone now distinctly distraught as he yelled for you, then for Junpei. Blinking slowly, you’re positive you blacked out for a moment. You woke again to Yuji begging Sukuna for help while that awful patchwork curse giggled like a child. Dammit, get up! Get up!
Struggling to your feet the world swayed dangerously for a moment before snapping into focus on distinct blue shimmer of Junpei’s soul- now distorted and morphed into.. some.. thing that was collapsed at Yuji’s feet. The curse continued to laugh wildly and Yuji’s soul bloomed into a wild cacophony of bright white noise that was nearly blinding- and then he swung.
Fist meeting the patchwork thing’s face, you could see their souls touch in a way you’d never seen before- and the patchwork curse’s soul seemed to… crack? It was so small and barely there, but it had cracked! Had Yuji really hurt it?
You stumbled towards the thing that was somehow still Junpei, his soul twisted and tangled into some little blue monster that was nearly unrecognizable. The curse was goading Yuji into more of a fight and you could feel their souls and cursed energy bloom yet again as they moved their fight up the flight of stair behind them. Good, that gave you time.
“J-Junpei!” You dropped to his side, the wavering glimmer of his soul now so dim it was almost faded to grey in places. If you were going to help him, it needed to be now. But… You’d never touched a soul so newly wrecked- would it make a difference? Would it hurt him to try when he was so weak? There was no do-over with this, and if you fucked up he would die.
“I… I can do this. Please Junpei, please don’t die on me!” Placing your hands over the center of his mass, where is soul seemed strongest, you pulled at your own cursed energy. Reaching into him you were submerged in a vast, cold ocean of darkness. All you could feel was desolation- the frigid grasp of grief and sorrow as you tried to pull as much of his soul together that you could reach. It was like trying to grab bubbles of shimmering water, Junpei’s soul trying its best to separate and float away.
“Not today- You’re coming back with me, dammit! I’m not giving up on you, so don’t you give up on me, Junpei!”
Pushing the last drifting bubble of his soul in with the rest you could feel your own soul stretch thin trying to compress the pieces into the familiar form of your friend and holding it there-
This has to work. Please! The dark around you seemed to grow brighter and brighter until it was a blindingly bright sky blue as the pressure on your soul seemed to pulse- then something within your souls seemed to snap and everything went black.
“Stop fidgeting, you look great!”
“S-sorry!” Junpei’s face was flushed in embarrassment at your praise as he tugged at the collar to his freshly finished Jujutsu High uniform.
Today was the day you finally got to introduce him to the other first year students and he was a bit of a nervous wreck. You gently swatted his hands away and adjusted the buttons on his collar one final time, returning his nervous look with a reassuring smile.
“You’re sure everyone will be.. cool with this?”
“Absolutely, silly. The others are super cool, and they’re all total weirdos, just like us! That’s why we all fit in so well!”
In hindsight that might have been a little rude to say about your friends but it made Junpei laugh, the first real laugh you’d gotten out of him since everything went to hell.
So it was totally worth it.
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Ahhh okay this was so much longer than I intended it idk i kinda Ike it! Junpei deserved better 😤
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queerxqueen · 5 months
No but I feel like the theory that Felix liked Oliver back is definitely plausible, isn't it? The cheek kiss, hand on thigh, giving him his clothes, not liking when Oliver hooked up with the sister, them often standing close together, even the jerk off session with the open door can all be interpreted that way, right? Or are these moment supposed to be loaded but ultimately mean nothing? What is your theory?
Ahhhh thank you for the ask! Yes, definitely!!! It's less of a theory so much as a particular reading of the film that folks can either agree with or disagree with.
Did Felix love Oliver?
On one hand - we see Felix being so affectionate in their very first meeting, and I do think that was intentional as a way to show that Felix is just like that. Unguarded and affectionate and warm. When his attention is on you, you feel like the most important person in the world. It's just that he eventually grows tired and throws you away and moves on. (See: Eddie. Annabel. "Last year's one.") You're not actually special, you're just the latest of his play things.
So I do think that reading of things is valid.
But god, to me, the idea that Felix at least at some point loved Oliver back makes the tragedy of it all so much richer and tragically beautiful.
It's the things you said - the casual affection. The blatant flirting. The lingering glances over dinner and the intimacy of all their silent communications. The door left open to their shared bathroom while he touches himself. The jealousy and possessiveness. The genuine betrayal and hurt under it all when he discovers Oliver's lies. Nearly kissing Oliver in the maze, despite everything. The protectiveness and savior's complex as a reflection of a sort of misguided white knight romantic hero ideal Felix wants to fulfill. The Juliet-esque angel costume, his illusion that his story is a romance.
But Oliver is so focused on making himself indispensable, so worried about being another one of Felix's old forgotten toys, that he doesn't see that Felix feels something for him too. And then everything goes wrong, when Felix finds out his lies, and Oliver thinks it's too late.
And that's the tragedy, really - that it might not have actually been too late. That if he'd given Felix space and time, he might not have lost Felix from his life completely. As Oliver said, "I mean, we’re going to laugh about this."
Because Felix does care about Oliver. Even after the lie. In the maze scene, he's still looking after Oliver, still caring about him. ("I think you need to see someone. You need help." / "Better?" / "I think you should go to bed.") That kind of gentle is so different from the posturing Felix did toward Oliver earlier in the party ("I tried to be nice but can you fuck off and bother somebody else?") and it shows that, even if Felix is throwing a fit and stewing in his emotions as he does, he still cares about Oliver and wants him to be okay. He wasn't throwing Oliver away just yet. Oliver just thinks he is.
Because Oliver has been waiting for and fearing this moment from the very beginning of their relationship, has seen so many examples of Those Left Behind By The Cattons. He thinks this is it, and he panics. He's impulsive and emotional, despite wanting too seem calculated. He reacts out of hurt and fear, and in doing so, ruins the only chance of getting what he truly wants. He self destructs, and hurts Felix before Felix has the chance to hurt him any more.
And isn't that self-destruction so much more tragic when it isn't inevitable, it isn't justified, but just an emotional reaction? When there was still a chance for a happy ending, but Oliver couldn't see it?
So all this to say (and wow this got long, sorry)... Felix loving Oliver is definitely up for debate depending on how you read Felix's character, but I do think the possibility of him loving Oliver makes the tragic ending that much more gorgeous and real.
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audaciousacolyte · 7 months
Hi lovely! First of all before I request.. How are you? How have you been? And also, I seriously enjoy your writings, keep up with the good work and ignore all the haters! They're not worth your precious time.
As for the request, could I pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee request Oswald the lucky Rabbit, Bendy and Cuphead x female reader? Like, how would they be as boyfriend or husband head canons. I hope it's not too much darling! Take all the time you need!
Have fun and have a lovely day/night/morning/evening!! <33
♡ My own Mr. Loverman ♡
Oswald the lucky Rabbit, Bendy and Cuphead x reader romantic partner headcanons (separate)
AN: 《|| Hello!! Thank you so much for requesting!!! I'm doing quite well, but I have been busy trying to figure out what exactly I should write. I'm relieved that you enjoy my silly rambling, and I will gladly bring you more in the future!!! However, I'm terribly sorry that I don't post too often. Please be patient with me ;w; ||》
(Boyfriend/husband headcanons)
♡| Cuphead is not exactly what Someone would call boyfriend material…at first.
♡| He's brash, arrogant, and quite literally has zero self control.
♡| However, the thing that makes him boyfriend material is that while it might not seem like it, he's actually a really sensitive guy.
♡| Cups likes to hide behind bravado and anger, but underneath, he cares deeply about the people around him. He just…doesn't really know how to express that.
♡| By the time you are dating, he will definitely try to communicate this… kinda.
♡| (You had thought he was mad at you for the longest time, but no. He's just awful at communicating his emotions.)
☆| Nobody knows how he managed to land you as a partner, but Bendy theorizes that there may have been witchcraft involved. (Felix disagrees, but only because he thinks that you know something that everyone else doesn't…which like, he's not wrong??)
♡| When he does announce that y'all are dating, it's at the most random moment possible. No context, no elaboration. Just.
♡| Y'all are dating now. 🤷‍♀️
☆| (Boris nearly had a heart attack when he first said it, because he genuinely did not expect it. However this was not as bad as when Mugs demanded that he was to be Cups' best man at the wedding.)
♡| Very spontaneous. I would expect a lot of last minute dates to places neither of you have been before.
☆| (Bro once took you to a monster truck rally for your anniversary. He said it "seemed cooler than I thought it would be", when you asked him about it)
♡| He is not only one of the most loyal men on the planet, but he's also incredibly attentive! Any attention you want is given to you, and Cups is more than happy to cuddle up with you any time of the day.
♡| Casually (cough cough he's so nervous please help cough cough) proposes during your 4 year anniversary with a genuine diamond ring. Literally cries when you say yes.
♡| The best boyfriend ever. Send Post.
♡| I'm serious though, Bendy is the sweetest boyfriend to have.
♡| Having a bad day? He'll make sure that you get whatever you need to unwind and feel better.
♡| Want to spend some time together? Of course! He'll go set up a movie for the two of you to watch
♡| Can't open something? Don't worry, honey, he can open it for you (♡♡♡swoon♡♡♡)
♡| Whatever comes, through sickness and in health, Bendy will stay by your side for as long as you allow him to.
♡| Can, will and has done everything in his power to give you everything he thinks that you deserve in a partner. Anything you want, you are going to get it.
♡| (The day he proposes is also the day that Boris got tired of listening to his brother gush about you at 4 in the morning and forced him to go get married or he'd tell Felix their tragic backstory (read, he'd tell Felix to sign the damn adoption papers already))
Oswald the lucky Rabbit
♡| When he does propose, it's at a mega-fancy restaurant, and with an intricately carved golden ring. He won't cry when you say yes, but he gets REAL close.
♡| Whether you realize it or not, the two of you have practically been married for like, ever.
♡| Ever since y'all met, you act just like a married couple with how domestic y'all are with each other.
♡| Love at first sight? Nah, MARRIAGE at first sight
♡| Oswald does not notice this at all. He considers you his best friend, and he (loves you) cares about you a lot, but c'mon guys! there is NO WAY he can be in love with you! He's already in love with Ortensia, you know,HIS WIFE?
♡| (Polyamory exists for a REASON Ozzie)
♡| Ortensia would actually be the one to sit him down and talk to him about it, because you and I KNOW that our poor, sweet, dumb bunny boy won't do anything about this.
◇| (Again, like I've said in Oz's general headcanons, she'll be happy if Oswald's happy and if Oswald wants to start a polycule because he's head over heels for his bestie, then she’s okay with it.)
♡| When he does ask you out, and y'all eventually start going steady, he is such a sweetheart. I am a firm believer in hopeless romantic Oswald, and I will die upon this hill.
♡| Any bit of affection is met with really loud purring, and foot thumping.
☆| (Did you know that rabbits can purr? Yeah, neither did I.)
♡♡♡| He and Ortensia team up and propose to you at the same time with matching silver rings, each with their name carved on the inside. They both tackle-hug you to the ground when you say yes
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wlwinry · 2 months
could i know more of your thistlecaster thoughts/any hc’s??
YES sorry ive become insufferable about them im gonna list off everything off the top of my head
classic example of fell first/fell harder. after the breakup w zelda gorgug sorta gradually spirals into being in love w fabian but he's very much like "im not gonna put my crush on him, i'll tell him at some point but i don't wanna mess things up" and he's very...not casual but not constantly freaking out about it. meanwhile fabian gets hit by the metaphorical "in love with gorgug" bus and proceeds to be so uncool about it to the point where everyone BUT gorgug notices his crush. it's the "leans against a vending machine and breaks it" scene w mazey but 10x worse
they spar A Lot, because they're the two main melee fighters/the ones who don't rely heavily on spellcasting in combat, which means they work together on the field A Lot. as such they're very good at reading each other's body language
PDA couple alert. not to trackerbees levels there is no 69ing on the battlefield but fabian is constantly holding gorgug's hand or leaning against his side and gorgug is constantly hugging fabian from behind or resting his chin on his head. fabian is touch-starved (hallariel isn't exactly the cuddling type and bill's physical affection tends to come in random bone-cracking bursts) and just sort of melts into gorgug
he also melts into gorgug bc gorgug is very earnest and sweet and fabian "expressing genuine vulnerability is dangerous" does not know how to process this other than by becoming a ball of deeply enamored mush
you've never seen someone give as many gifts as fabian does. even if it's just smth like a coffee or tea when they meet up before classes bc fabian knows that he needs the extra energy. there's big gifts too, like the giant workshop and lab he converts one of the multiple training rooms in seacaster manor into for gorgug to artifice (state of the art, ofc), but also things like a special holster for drumsticks, pillows enchanted to maximize restful sleep, etc.
gorgug retaliates by making fabian Many Things. often accessories. several with tin flowers on them (he also makes the engagement and wedding rings, when it eventually comes to that. and it does. to me.)
fabian gets a little emotional whenever he's offered another flower
fabian is also big on terms of endearment and pet names but "darling" is very specifically never one of them. gorgug's favorite of the bunch is "flower"
gorgug loves watching fabian dance. fabian also loves watching gorgug artifice. there tends to be an admiring onlooker in their various workspaces
the hangman fully offered to throw itself into a ditch so gorgug would come fix it again if that would help fabian flirt w gorgug. fabian refused. the hangman kept asking and was only effectively stopped when reminded that gorgug owns the hangvan
speaking of the hangvan. good makeout spot.
idk i just think they're so in love and they match up so well i think about them always. fabian also goes to so many cig figs concerts with big ol glittery signs covered in hearts and gorgug is always flustered when he sees him in the crowd, much to fig's delight. when gorgug mentions wanting to write fabian a song she is immediately on board and insists he has to do it
fig needs to know details immediately and gorgug is. so bashful about giving them. meanwhile fabian WANTS to gush and riz is like ily im so happy for you i dont need to know all the details. this does eventually mean fig bugs fabian for details and fabian eagerly gives them
unlike his mother fabian knows loving someone with a human lifespan when you're going to live well beyond one means you have to treasure every single moment with them. so he does. and gorgug knows he will love him no matter what plane he's on, living or dead
i have more this is just. what i've got off the top of my head rn. thanks for letting me be completely insufferable
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ryuichirou · 3 months
Today we talk about Idia ships again + the Leech parents (there is a sketch down there) + some other random stuff!
Anonymous asked:
i found out that one of my favorite western artists has a partner whose art i also like. that makes them the third english speaking artist couple that i can count on for my favorite cesty ships (two shroudcest and the other is of another fandoms' ships), and that includes you two on the list :D i just think it's funny and cute enough to share
Ohh, that’s so cool and adorable! I love artistic duos hehehehe.
Thank you for telling us, Anon! I’m happy that we are on your list ❤️
Anonymous asked:
Do you like reading or hearing about other folks OCs?
I do, but unfortunately I don’t have time, energy or mental capacity to do it these days. There are a lot of people waiting for me to reply at this point and I feel bad enough for making them wait…
Whenever I draw commissions though, I like it when a person talks about the character a little bit. It helps me to get a better feeling of what the character is like as I draw them.
Anonymous asked:
So you have who Idia would be the happiest with…now who would he be the worst off with? Also who would he have the most toxic relationship with and why?
Hmm, let’s just say that any ship that we have with Idia has some potential to become toxic at some point. Especially considering the fact that we kind of love toxic ships lol Ortho/Idia is toxic in a way: aside for obvious reasons, they have codependency, and them being together would enable Idia to never poke his nose out of his shell. But even if this situation ends up being a huge mess and dynamic becomes completely unhealthy, I can’t imagine Idia being miserable or unhappy in any way: Ortho is his everything.
Speaking of shells, Azul/Idia also has a lot of toxic potential, and this is really the point of our Marriage AU with these two. They work well together, and they would have happy moments, they could even end up being an almost healthy couple if they work through their issues (and both of them got plenty), but it requires a lot of dedication, empathy and being able to compromise, and they kind of lack some of these things. Communication also matters – Azul doesn’t want to show his vulnerable side and doesn’t even register some of his own emotions, and Idia doesn’t want to burden himself with helping Azul through this either. So it’s very possible for Idia to realise that he is very unhappy with Azul after some time… well, we talked about it a lot in replies about Idia escaping Azul’s “golden cage” in the AU. It could also take a very dark turn, because Azul is capable of doing scary things when he is hurt, and he is very jealous, petty and vindictive.
Can’t say much about Lilia, because as we established it wouldn’t be much of a relationship, but all the time they would spend together would probably be a happy time for Lilia and Idia; the only thing that sours this experience and makes it a horrible memory is the fact that it would end at some point.
The Tweels would probably be an easy answer for this question lol But then again, they wouldn’t really date… but realistically, Idia is the worst off with them. They’re just playing with Idia, even if they genuinely like him. Even if they’re obsessed with him and want to keep him by their side forever, he is still more of a pet than a partner, and that’s kind of toxic lol
I guess Sebek is also an option, but if they miraculously end up having an affair, it would probably end pretty soon :( It would be a very fast yet toxic storm of emotions lol
Speaking of Sebek…
Anonymous asked:
I notice that in several different posts that Sebek never really sees Idia as an equal rather as someone who should feel lucky that he even has Sebek’s attention for any amount of time. On the flip side, though, I also noticed that Sebek also gets jealous (such as in the Evil Exes post and the reply where he caught Lilia and Idia doing it). Is this a purely possessive thing where he thinks that Idia has no business being with anyone else because reasons, does he genuinely have feelings for him, or does it just hurt his feelings in a general sort of way? What are they, really, in their own minds?
Hehehe SEBEIDE MY LOVELIESSSS thank you for sending an ask about them, Anon! I’m happy to talk about them. And that you saw the Evil Exes post, which means you’re from ko-fi. Thank you for supporting us <3
Sebek is very confused: it’s probably a mix of everything that you’ve described. He doesn’t like Idia because he irritates him and makes him mad in record times with just one little provocation or snarky remark. Idia goes against everything that Sebek believes in, therefore in his mind they are… what exactly? Sebek can’t really pinpoint it, and he probably won’t even want to do so. Even if they have sex several times, Sebek flip-flops between “this is a huge mistake, why would I do it” and “I’m blessing your pathetic self with my glory and you should be thankful”. This is the level of Sebek’s own understanding.
In actuality, he does enjoy the intimacy; he does get thrilled when Idia provokes him. Maybe it’s due to the fact that Idia is just so wrong on so many levels in Sebek’s mind, but he is drawn to him. He wants to fix him, to break his cynical mind into understanding that he is wrong and Sebek is right. But Sebek only gets more mocking, which means no closure, which means the obsession grows stronger.
Is he jealous? Yeah, on a very childish level. He doesn’t like Idia, but he enjoys whatever they have, so he feels possessive. It also feels super wrong to him that people like Lilia would treat Idia any better than he deserves to be treated.
But also Sebek probably wants to be special to Idia. The fact that he spent all this energy screaming his truths into Idia’s snarky face and breaking his body into obedience and yet that ended up meaning absolutely nothing is very painful for his poor soul lol He desperately wants him to say “thank you, Sebek, for explaining to me how the world works”.
As for Idia… he absolutely tries not to think about it and to keep Sebek’s role in his life to a minimum. Even if they were to have sex, Idia probably puts the responsibility completely on Sebek, because it’s always him who initiates things. It’s not Idia’s fault that Sebek’s head is so far up his own ass that he doesn’t understand that he is just horny, and that Idia just happens to be an easy target because he is helpless against this beast. And yes, it doesn’t matter that Idia enjoys it too!
That being said, I think over time, if their relationship continued, Sebek would become calmer and would get used to Idia’s behaviour, at least on some level. He’d still get provoked by him, but he’d become more aware about it and even catch Idia’s intentions from time to time. After Idia’s next even worse remark he’d snap again lol But I do believe that despite this insurmountable obstacle Sebek can develop genuine feelings for Idia and they can get an actual working relationship, Sebek just needs more experience interacting with various people and becoming more open-minded, like Lilia wants him to be.
Anonymous asked:
headcanon that no one asked for, but I kind of love the idea that Idia has a thing for the reliable businessman type. Like, he may say that it doesn't matter who his internet friends are in real life, but he has still unconsciously built this image of Crimson Muscle as a serious older man with a job and a family, and sometimes he gets pretty worried about it. "He always takes the lead with no hesitation, does he have some important executive job irl? Wait, is he married? Agh, what am I saying, that's not something I should be worrying about... I'm his gaming buddy, not some kind of "other woman"! Oh, but he definitely has kids, hasn't he? Oh sevens... what if they are my age? If he finds out would he start treating me like I'm just a brat?". He can't decide if he likes the idea of a steamy romance with an older man (pull yourself together Idia, that'd never happen), or if he is just scared of losing one of his closest friends
I don’t even have much to add, Anon, you nailed it. I absolutely agree that this is the case for Idia. I don’t know why he is so drawn to this image of the older reliable businessman type man who is so experienced and so mature and serious and probably has his own life and family (and yet finds time to hang out with him!)… but he absolutely is. That silly boy.
Anonymous asked:
Do you think Mrs. Rosehearts would look exactly like Madam Red if she ever gets fully revealed?
Good question, both of them are doctors too, aren’t they?
I think Madam Red is too stylish for Mrs. Rosehearts, if that makes sense?? She is one bold woman, and Mrs. Rosehearts strikes me as someone who prefers very old-fashioned kind of look.
Victorian era Madam Red would somehow look more modern than Mrs. Rosehearts lol I also think she doesn’t wear lipstick.
Anonymous asked:
Hey Ryuichi, you probably heard of the Leech Mob theory. Apparently, it's hinted a few times that their parents are in the Mob. So i was wondering how do you picture their parents? As in personally and Appearance?
I enjoy reading how every fan pictures different versions of the Leech parents. I feel like Floyd is more like his dad, while Jade is more like his mom.
( Also, apparently, they have a grandma, too))
Yeah, it’s a pretty obvious thing! We really like that the Octa-boys have this yakuza/mafia motif, and the fact that whenever they talk about their family, it’s always kinda….ehhh... 😳 God how much I hope we’ll get to see their parents! AND THEIR GRANDMA TOO!
I made a rough sketch of how I picture them, but just like with the Ace’s brother sketch from the other day, the designs aren’t 100% concrete yet and we might change some stuff about them. Well, this time this isn’t even much of a design, just silhouettes lol But I think it’s still pretty easy to tell the overall vibe. The dad is freakishly massive and intimidating; the mom is very elegant but dangerous nonetheless.
Also, based on how they look, I guess I agree that Floyd is more like their dad and Jade is more like their mom lol
When it comes to their personalities, I think Papa Leech has this wild, scary and sadistic side that made him a legend in his own way, and he is chaotic in some ways, but he is also very disciplined and makes sure that everyone knows their place. He’s your typical mafia boss, the one which makes an entire room get silent as soon as he just walks in there. He is also a bit calmer now that he used to be + has a bit of a… silly? Side? He gets very into movies when he watches them, he talks to characters, yells at them, sobs when a dog dies, all this stuff. Sometimes he is a fun dad (although his idea of “fun” is sometimes scary), but he is the one who disciplines Jade and Floyd the most.
And Mama Leech is a huge worrywart, but only with her kids. With them she is dramatic and fussy, a bit overprotective, but it’s also not 100% obvious if she is genuinely worried about them or just completely messes with them. She kind of likes embarrassing her boys lol She is also a master of emotional manipulation and is much scarier and more powerful than she actually looks. She also prefers to make it seems like she is just a sweet obedient wife, but Papa Leech married her because of how deadly she actually is.
(don’t mind how sketchy the sketch is, it was a quick one)
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worldofkuro · 7 days
the wedding!!!!! omg you wrote it so romantically i couldn’t stand it i teared up it was beautiful!! and the the meeting with the spirits was so interesting having them all together i can’t wait to see where this all goes!!! thank you again and have such an amazing day gorgeous!! ❤️🦌
My deer 🦌!
What a pleasure to see you once again.
I'm happy you enjoyed it, I have so many problems understanding emotions that it was very difficult for me to find the right words but from what I read from all of you, it seemed like I managed !
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I caught a bouquet at a wedding now too long ago, and I had a talk with my father. This is why Reader's father said many things to her : " At your lowest and as your best, I'll be proud of you, you are my daughter. My job is to make you safe and happy until I die. This is the oath I have taken when I first held you in my arms. I ask God every day for you to be safe and happy, and I shall never stop. I'm a father, even after death." And I wanted you all to hear that, even if this is not your own father, I'll be the one proud of you no matter what you think of yourself.
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This one was a little more subtle, Alastor always has his eyes on Reader. He needs to see it. He is a rational being, while Reader needs to feel him next to him. That is why most of the time in my illustration, Alastor is looking while Reader is bathing in his presence. Strangely, Alastor feels with his mind while Reader feels with her heart.
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Of course, Alice. I couldn't do pictures of the wedding without Alice ! She is truly my favorite character. She is loyal, funny, confident, and everything I wish I had in a friend. She truly wants what is best for you, and she genuinely cares. She would fight Alastor, knowing she would lose if he ever hurt you in some way. And of course, I had to draw her with Alyzée, her soul mate.
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They growned so much, right? I'm proud of how Painted Smile has reached your heart. It was something inside of me. I didn't know if it was worth it to share. I was used to reading such amazing work form author's that I was afraid to show something that didn't seem to be worth it.
But thank to all of you, I'm happy to share it with you. So, even if those words might seem ridiculous when you all give me such praise, thank you. 🧡
( I didn't know why this post was so long, should I apologize?)
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kteezy997 · 6 months
6 Months- Part Twelve, Epilogue//t.c.
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Warnings: okay this one just gets filthy, like tit sucking, female receiving oral sex, missionary, doggy, very possessive Timmy, light breeding kink, breast milk kink? Idk what you’d call it really, oh yeah and there’s cursing, and a cumshot
A/N: This is mostly sex I hope no one is disappointed.
18+ readers only, please
Two Months Later…
Hayden called Cameron to apologize for his behavior when they met for lunch. He sounded sincere, and genuinely embarrassed by the way he acted. He even told her that he was monitoring his drinking and that he was happy for her in her new relationship. To her, he seemed to be doing a lot better.
Cam responded by inviting Hayden for dinner one night, after getting Timmy’s approval. She didn’t need Timmy’s permission for anything, of course, but she didn’t want to make her boyfriend uncomfortable in any way, especially in his own home.
She was thrilled that Timmy welcomed the idea, because she had a new idea in mind.
Hayden, like Timmy, was a good guy with some emotional issues that he was working on. He had the potential to be a great partner for someone. And Cam had someone in mind for Hayden: her agent, Darcy.
Darcy had met Hayden a few times through working with Cameron. She agreed with Cam that Hayden was more like a good friend to her, rather than a lover. Cam had no qualms about setting them up. She would have bet money that they would be compatible.
Cam decided to invite Nova over for dinner too, so it didn’t seem too much like a set-up. But that didn’t really matter because when Hayden came in, he saw Darcy and they locked eyes, it was like instant chemistry. They smiled at each other, exchanging kind hellos. Everyone in the room could feel it, their connection. Cam was satisified.
Even Timmy was impressed by Cam’s matchmaking skills, “I gotta admit it babe, you’re kind of a genius.”
She shrugged and added a little smirk, “I just knew that they would hit it off tonight. I’m so glad that Hayden is doing better and doesn’t hate us anymore.”
“Yeah, I’m glad he came around too. He’s not a bad guy. I'm sure he was just hurt, but that's in the past now."
A little while later, Timmy got settled in bed, and waited for Cam. As she was coming over to the bed, he said, "So, you promised that you'd tell me what the book is about tonight. Spill it, Reese." he smirked.
Cam sighed with a blush, "Okay, here goes: it's inspired by us."
Timmy was taken aback. "How?"
"Very loosely, it's based on our story. Me and you. But he is a mafia boss and she is an aspiring fashion designer. He kidnaps her and gives her six months to fall in love with him."
"Oh, shit." Timmy didn't know what to say. He felt kind of guilty. The bad feelings that he wished away came crawling in, but Cam brought him back.
"You know, it's kind of funny to think of how scared I was in the beginning, and how much I hated you. That was only four months ago, but now I feel like I've known you all my life."
"I only hoped that we would be like this, I feel like you're my soulmate, Cam. I want to do everything in life with you. But I'm sorry for how our story started."
"Don't apologize for it anymore." she leaned over the bed, cupping his face in her hands, "I'm here with you, there is nowhere that I would rather be." She then kissed his lips. When she pulled away from the kiss, she said, "I have the first draft on my phone, want me to read something to you?"
"Yes, please." he implored her.
Cam read a bit of her smut from her unpublished book, Six Months, to Timmy. "'Don't provoke me', warned Nicholas." she read, "'I'm not used to being gentle'."
As she continued to read to him, Timmy got turned on. He started to undress himself and his girlfriend as she kept her eyes on the screen and stimulated him with her words and her voice. "I can't believe you write this stuff. You're just as perverted as me."
Cam grinned and then bit her lip as Timmy started to leave kisses on her thigh. She cleared her throat, reading on, "Sienna looked down, his cock was growing hard, but she paid his desperation no mind." Cam let out a soft moan when she felt Timmy's hands on her breasts, "She turned away from him, but he caught her aggressively by the throat." She did her best to stay focused on her words.
Timmy piped up, "So it seems that Sienna doesn't mind provoking him." he smirked up at Cam. "What happens next?" Without any warning, he latched onto her breast with his mouth.
"Fuck!" Cam whimpered, not expecting it. But she kept up the conversation, knowing that it was fueling her man's libido. "Well, he fucks her in the shower."
Timmy hummed on her tit, letting her know that he was listening. He wanted her to keep reading, all while he sucked her tits.
"Ooh, mm." she moaned as he squeezed the breast that was not occupied by his lips. He pinched the free nipple as he suckled the other. "'What are you gonna do?' Now Sienna was the one daring him. Nicholas was astonished at her disobedience, and he answered, 'I'm gonna wait until you want me, and then I'm gonna fuck you so hard, they will hear you moaning in Nevada." Timmy then bit down on her nipple. "Ahh!"
Timmy chuckled as he popped off of her tit, "You fucking whore. Stealing my line so blatantly for your book, huh?" he nestled between her legs, touching her wet pussy with his deft fingers.
Cam laughed, laying back to let him have his way with her.
"Fuck, just listening to you, I get hard. But that fact that you wrote those words makes me want to fucking impregnate you."
Cam moaned, and he slipped his fingers into her pussy, “Oh? You want me to have your babies, Timmy?”
“Fuck yes, you’re having my kids.” He pumped his fingers in and out, and rubbed her clit with his other hand.
“Mm, yes, of course as many as you want.” she rolled her hips, meeting the thrusts of his fingers.
“I’ll fill you with my cum, my love, and you’ll swell with our baby inside you. I’ll make you a mommy. I want my children to be as smart and beautiful as their mother.”
Wow, he is so into this, Cam thought. “Yes, I want that so much, baby. You know my tits will be huge when you get me pregnant, right?”
“Oh, god yes.” Timmy stopped what he was doing and leaned down, grabbing her breasts, “I want them full of milk for the baby, and for me to try, if you’ll let me?”
Cam giggled, “Okay, only if you’re such a good daddy, I’ll let you suck them for milk.” She was surprised how delighted she was at thought of her man drinking from her. “But the baby would come first.”
“Yes, I know.” He then kissed her, then he caressed her face. “I want to ask you something and you can definitely say no because it’s so fucking weird and possessive of me, but I’d like to be the only one to drink your milk from your boobs. You’d pump milk for the baby, and we’d bottle feed him or her. I just want your tits for myself.” He bit his lip, anxious for her response.
“Hmm, you are oddly possessive. But I kind of love that about you, babe.” Cam touched his cheek. “We can do that. No one has to know, it’s just for you and me. I love how much you love my boobs. It’s a way for you and I to bond too.”
“I don’t want to overstep. It’s your body. You decide what to do with it, not me. It’s just an idea.”
“No, no. It’s okay. I’m not even pregnant yet, so we don’t have to think about it right now.”
“Okay. I want you, now, Cameron.” he said plainly with a grin before he climbed over top of her to kiss her. He then backed down, burrowing between her thighs to lick her pussy.
“Mm.” Cam cried, shoving her hand in his messy hair.
Timmy lapped steadily on her clit for a moment before taking the sensitive bundle gently in his mouth and moaning, making her body vibrate.
She gasped, accidentally squeezing his head with her thighs in response.
He didn’t mind. In fact, he grabbed her thighs, locking himself between them and assaulted her clit some more, holding it in his mouth and rubbing it with his tongue.
“Yes, I’m gonna come, Timmy, don’t stop!” she shrieked, tugging on his curls with one hand and gripping the sheets with the other.
Just another minute more of his tongue fidgeting over her clit, and her knees were knocked together as she came for the first time.
Timmy came up for some air, finally. He panted as he grinned at her, pushing his curls back out of his face. He slid his cock into her before she really had the time to come down from her orgasm.
Cam writhed and arched her back as he pounded into her. His balls slapped her wetness with each thrust.
He put his hand on her, his thumb resting on her pussy and he rubbed her clit that way. His other hand snaked up her body and he squeezed her throat.
She put her hand on his wrist and they locked eyes as he choked her, all while he bucked his hips against her.
He moved his hand from her neck to her jaw, and she sucked on his thumb suggestively, moaning around his digit. Timmy pulled his cock out of her, and picked her up, turning her over with her ass up.
Cam gasped, then bit her lip as he grabbed her by the hips and stuck his cock back in her pussy. She snuggled into the pillow as he took her from behind.
Timmy thrusted hard and began to sweat. He knew he wouldn’t last much longer with his view of Cam’s ass bouncing on his waist. He kneaded the softness of her butt as he stopped moving and he smacked her cheek.
She moaned and steadied herself to back her lower half onto Timmy’s cock.
“Yes, baby. Fuck me. Fuck your future baby daddy’s cock.” He kept his hands on her, running them over her ass and hips as she gained some strength and fucked him back harder.
Cam threw her hips back hard, leaving loud smacks on Timmy.
Timmy shook his head, loving what she was doing to him.
She moaned, growing tired after a moment.
He took ahold of her hips, knowing that she was almost through. He gave her a round of steady thrusts. Gently, he tugged on her hair to raise her head up and she obliged him. He leaned forward and kissed her on the head.
Cam cooed lovingly at his sweet kiss. She whimpered as she felt his fingers on her clit, slow at first, then a little faster. He made her come just a minute later.
Timmy rolled her over, stroking his cock over her stomach.
She panted as she watched him, eager for his cum on her skin.
He groaned softly as his cock spurted out several drops of his cum onto her belly. Once he was finished, he captured her lips in a passionate kiss.
A/N: I may or may not have an idea for a sequel to this, if anyone would be interested?? Or should I move on to something else?
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @tchalamss @softhecreator @chalametbich
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