#Billy Loomis stopped him
sharpth1ng · 3 months
Idea: Stu getting that damn pheromone perfume for… obvious reasons
Lmao yeah, he would definitely do this. Stu's the kind of dude who would see those old axe commercials with the girls horny attacking dudes wearing it, and be like "I wonder if it works on dudes too-" leading to him spraying axe all over himself, leading to Billy hosing him down like a dog who got into some muck and throwing the axe away.
Also ok. I'm so sorry but I have to do an info dump about pheromones, it's not relevant and you can ignore it if you want but I just need to say:
There's only solid evidence of one actual pheromonal effect in humans, and it's the one that syncs up people's menstrual cycles. Pheromones are chemical compounds released by one individual that are picked up by another individual, and they trigger a consistent physical response. An example is that theres a compound in male mouse urine that triggers the onset of puberty in female mice.
Pheromones aren't processed in the same place as other scent information, they're processed by a specialized area called the vomeronasal organ (VNO). Other animals that have a lot of known pheromonal effects (cats, dogs, rodents, ect.) have a pretty big VNO, but in human's the VNO is vestigial, which basically means that evolution has been deselecting it, so it's shrunken, atrophied, and functionless (aside from maybe doing the menstrual cycle syncing thing, but we don't even have evidence that the VNO is responsible for processing that).
There's some evidence of things that could be pheromonal effects, for example, human babies will crawl towards the scent of their own mother's milk, but in order for this to be a pheromonal effect we would need to be able to isolate a single chemical compound that causes this behaviour and that hasn't happened yet. It's possible those babies are just reacting to the scent of their mother, which is made up of a mix of chemicals, so that wouldn't be a pheromonal effect.
Based on how inconsistent the evidence is around pheromones in humans it's unlikely that we have any super strong pheromonal effects, which isn't surprising. We're a species with a big frontal lobe so we do a lot more thinking and a lot less automatic reacting than other animals, so if we do still react to pheromones they probably only act to alter how likely a behaviour is top happen, rather than directly triggering the behaviour, so that makes them a lot harder to study and prove. But it also means theres not likely any specific pheromone that will make you irresistibly attractive to possible partners.
tl;dr: If you see something claiming to contain pheromones that will drive the people wild it's probably a lie
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daddiesdrarryy · 7 months
"Hear me out he didn't do anything wrong" No! Stop erasing my man's flaws. He did everything wrong and that's why I love him, for all the bad and the worst parts of him
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mrsaltieri-real · 4 months
First Love, Familiar Love (Billy Loomis x Fem!AFAB!Reader)
Words: 2.8k
Warnings: language, smut, oral, (fem receiving) fingering, p in v, creampie, cheating, (kinda) first love, semi-public sex, light dirty talk, pre-established toxic relationship.
A/N: I’m so happy to have (finally) written my first full length Billy Loomis fic! I’ve done a lot of Ethan and a fuck ton of Mickey, how dare I have taken so long to write for the fine as fuck OG! Going to dabble in some poly!Ghostface soon which I’m very excited about but for now, sit back, relax and I hope you enjoy!
@darklylucid I have a feeling your Billy loving self will get a kick outta this for sure ;)
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You’d never given much thought to relationships since your last. The thought of never having another first filled you with an undeniable sense of unease. No more first kisses, first date, first fuck, what was the point?
Why commit yourself to a long life of repetition when you could simply carry on having firsts? Especially when you couldn’t have the person you’d already had your firsts with anymore.
Billy was someone you hadn’t paid much attention to, not since the two of you had ended your very brief yet even more intense relationship a few years back.
The two of you were young, stupid and each other's firsts. It wasn’t a healthy relationship by any means, and it ended as such. Even though you knew it was definitely for the best, you knew there was a part of you that didn’t think it was over. Not yet.
He was hot, undoubtedly having grown into himself over the years when you’d stopped paying attention, but he had also grown more serious. He constantly looked like he was deep in thought, gnawing on the tip of his pen in class whilst clearly not paying attention on the few occasions you’d find your eyes drifting over to him, seeing him completely lost in his own mind.
You didn’t run in the same social circle anymore, inside of school or out. Although that being the case, your friend and colleague at the video store, Randy most certainly did.
It never made much sense as to why Randy would hang around with the likes of Billy Loomis. Other than their shared affiliation of horror movies, they seemed to merely tolerate each other, if that. You were met with the angry rambling of what Billy had done that day from Randy, listening to the boy curse about how much of an asshole he was.
How could you possibly begin to forget about Billy when he was brought up practically all of the time?
“If he’s so much of an asshole, stop hanging out with the guy.” You’d suggested after a particularly long rant from Randy about him, mindlessly drumming your fingers on the counter.
Randy scoffed, pulling the red vine he was chewing on out of his mouth before replying, “I’ve been friends with the rest of them for years, I’m not just gonna stop hanging out with them because Billy Loomis is a fucking asshole.”
You rolled your eyes, sarcastically holding up your hands in surrender. “Fine, fine, whatever. You go home and chill the hell out, I’ll close up.”
Randy hopped down from the register, patting you on the shoulder as you said goodbye.
Being here by yourself was always better anyway. You liked to clean and organize, finding order in the never ending chaos, but it never surprised you just how messy the store would get by the time closing rolled around. The popcorn machine Randy had recommended to the manager like an idiot needed a thorough deep cleaning, kernels were scattered everywhere, tapes were placed in the wrong section, some of them somehow seemed to be missing altogether.
Fucking mahem.
You heard the tingling of the bell above the door as it swung open. “Sorry, we’re closed,” you called out, not bothering to look up from your sweeping.
The door clicked closed quietly and you briefly paused before glancing up.
Billy stood leaning against the counter, his fingers drumming lightly against the withered old wood. He was quite clearly relishing in your confused expression as you looked back at him with cautious eyes.
“Hey… Billy.” You said, eyeing him briefly. “Randy’s gone home.”
“Oh, I know. I was waiting for him to leave.” Billy picked up a tape that was laying beside him, flipping it over to read the cover.
Your confusion and curiosity continued to grow, but it turned into annoyance when you realised you’d actually have to continue to talk to him.
“That’s kinda creepy.” You muttered, letting the broom rest against a glass case. “We’re closed.” You said again, pointing at the clock.
He didn’t look at it, his eyes flickering up from the case to favour resting on you instead.
“Are you fucking him?”
You looked at him, eyebrows arching a fraction. “Am I fucking who?”
You couldn’t help the laugh that burst through your lips, shaking your head in disbelief as you grabbed the broom again. You’d forgotten the fucking nerve of this guy. “Go home, Billy.”
You heard the clatter of the tape hit the counter as he began to stride toward you. “So, you are?”
“Yeah, I’m not dignifying that with a response.” He stopped about a foot away, his hand resting on the freshly cleaned glass display with all the rare tapes. “Can you, like, not? I just cleaned that.” You sighed, stepping forward to slap his hand away.
He didn’t move as you did so, seeming to find your reaction more funny than anything. “You haven’t changed much.” He commented, bringing his free hand up to swipe some loose hair out of his face.
You ignored his comment, looking up at him and feeling nothing but irritation. “Billy, what do you want, seriously? Because the sooner I clean up here, the sooner I can go home.”
Billy shrugged, drumming his fingers against the glass. “I don’t know, I was walking home, saw Randy leave, noticed you were by yourself. Thought you’d appreciate the company.”
“Mmhm. Sure.” You sighed, moving to step around him and deciding to just act like he wasn’t there. That’s when it hit you, the all too familiar scent of his cologne. It smelled exactly like the one you’d gotten him for his birthday a couple of years back. The smell rekindled the brief yet fond memories you’d had with him and it made your heart skip a beat.
Billy had noticed your pause and his face turned from indifferent to slightly concerned. He said your name, tilting his head down to look at you.
You looked up at him, blinking a few times before shaking your head. “Go home, Billy.” You said again, though your voice wasn’t anywhere near as confident.
“I miss you.”
Those three words made you flinch, your grip on the handle of the broom tightening. You didn’t want him to miss you, you didn’t want him to be thinking about you. Didn’t he have a girlfriend now?
I asked him as much and he half smiled, shaking his head. “Sidney? Nah, I’m seeing her, sure, but it’s not… like that.”
“Oh, so your girlfriend isn’t putting out so you thought you’d pop along and see if I would?” Billy seemed to ignore you, his eyes trailing across your body. You felt your cheeks heat up as he did, those annoyingly magnetic brown eyes felt like they were boring straight into your damn soul.
“No, like I said I was walking home and saw you by yourself.” His smile grew a touch, watching your face for any kind of reaction.
Liar. But why did you find yourself falling for it?
“I’m not fucking Randy.” You said quietly. He finally looked into your eyes, the half smile turning into a grin. “Oh, I know. But I needed to try and start a conversation with you somehow, didn’t I?“
You caught yourself smiling as you shook your head. “Asshole.”
Billy chuckled as he brought up his hand, letting his fingers glide across your cheekbone. “Missed you.” He said again, his voice much softer this time without a hint of teasing.
Why were you falling for this crap? Was it because he was your first? First fucking everything? Probably. But you caught yourself not caring as you leaned into his warm touch, letting the familiarity wash over you entirely.
“Missed you.” You echoed softly.
His smell was intoxicating, familiar. Who cares if you’d hardly spoken to him in years? Who cares that it took you this long to get over him entirely.
His lips touched yours before you finished your train of thought. Comfortable. Familiar. You felt yourself melt into it, your fingers curling around the soft material of his plaid shirt as you pulled yourself closer to him, his thumb still gently grazing your cheek.
Fuck, he’d missed you. How your lips tasted, how your breath would quiver and shake every time he was close to you. He couldn’t remember why he was ever stupid enough to let you go entirely.
Before he and Stu put their plan into motion, he knew he had to do this, he had to be with you at least once more time. Taste you, touch you, feel you. Because once he was “serious” with Sidney, he wouldn’t be able to lead you on like that. Not you, you were always his.
His kiss turned more possessive than gentle, his hands sliding down to your waist and under your shirt, his blunt fingers digging into your soft, bare skin. He felt your breathing hitch against him as he pulled your body impossibly closer to his, letting you feel him hardening against you.
It wasn’t long before he’d picked you up and placed you on the glass, hoisting your skirt around your waist and carefully pulling your baby pink panties down your legs, letting his fingers brush your inner thigh as he did.
“Fuck, look how fucking wet you are for me.” He groaned, sliding his finger between your velvety folds to collect the moisture before he brought it to his lips. You were pathetically oversensitive, your cunt clenching around nothing the moment he touched you.
He liked that, he’d forgotten how needy you were, how much your body reacted to the slightest of advances. He couldn’t help but smile as he continued to tease, fingers grazing your sensitive skin, barely even touching you.
It dawned on you how long it had been since you’d been touched like this, and you craved more.
“Please, Billy.” You whined, beginning to grow uncomfortable with the lack of stimulation.
For once, he didn’t need much prompting.
His mouth latched onto your aching clit, sucking at it hungrily and growing at your familiar taste he’d missed so much. His hands pushed your legs further apart for better access, feeling how you throbbed against his mouth. Your hands automatically fell into his soft hair, biting your bottom lip as you tugged at it, your head falling back.
He’d been good with his mouth before, but he’d definitely gotten better. His skilled tongue flicked over your clit, one of his hands moving from your thigh to plunge two fingers inside of your cunt as he continued to lick and suck.
“Oh!” You groaned out, fingers tightening in his hair as you pulled his face impossibly closer to you. He curled up his fingers in response, pressing against the spongy tissue and making your body jerk in response. He knew your body far too well, and had clearly never forgotten how to make you respond to him.
He didn’t want you to cum, not yet. He pulled away all too soon, smiling as he saw the all too familiar mixture of turned on and pissed off gracing your features. He straightened up, his hand moving to grip the base of your hair tightly, making you look up into his brown eyes.
“Do you want it?” He asked, voice smooth and even as ever. All you could do was faintly whisper “yes” in response. That’s all he needed.
Billy didn’t drop his eyes from yours as he smoothly unbuckled his belt, pulling it off and discarding it thoughtlessly, his pants coming down shortly after, but only part way down his ass. He just didn’t want to waste any time.
One of his hands dropped to your waist, the other pumped his cock a few times before nestling the tip at the entrance of your aching cunt. You whined softly, wriggling a little only to be grounded by his large hand before he pushed himself inside of your soaked hole.
You couldn’t help the gasp as he filled you, suddenly feeling deliciously full. Familiarly full. He seemed to feel it too, a soft groan in your ear as he pulled you closer to him by your hips.
“Fuck, I’ve missed this cunt so much.” He sighed into your hair, savouring the feeling of your cunt engulfing him for the first time in years. You were growing more and more impatient, needing movement and friction and he chuckled at you desperate movements from under his grounding hands. “I forgot how impatient you are.”
“Billy, just… Fuck me for God’s sake.” You’d meant for it to come out as an order, but it came out as a plea. He chuckled again, slowly rolling his hips back just to snap the forward again sharply, the sensation making you jolt and sigh into his shoulder.
“So bossy, aren’t you, sweetheart? Some things never change, hm?”
You ignore his teasing voice, your focus entirely surrounding how good his cock made you feel so fucking effortlessly. He hardly even had to try and here you were, already a leaking mess for him.
He held you more securely, one of his hands firmly pressing against the small of your back whilst the other swiftly tucked under your knee, holding your leg more securely around his waist as he fucked you.
He knew your body better than you did, he knew what drove you wild. The kisses he scattered across your neck and down your collarbone drove you insane. The way his fingers would dig into your skin, his breathing in your ear, the filth he was whispering to you…
“Fuck, Billy please don’t stop.” You begged him, pushing yourself down against him greedily, which he thoroughly enjoyed. He continued fucking your on the glass display case as he laughed out, “Think I’m gonna? No fucking way. Been thinking about getting back into this cunt for far too long.”
His words made you moan louder, your fingers clinging to his bicep, nails digging into the toned muscle harshly. He let out something akin to a growl, his own fingers digging into your soft skin hard enough to undoubtedly leave bruises in their wake.
He fucked you in a way you feared only her was able to, slamming into your convulsing pussy vigorously, ruthlessly. Your head fell back, eyes beginning to roll as you felt yourself being dragged closer and closer to the edge. Your clit bumped against him with every thrust, the stimulation only making you feel weaker and weaker. He watched your face, the look of pure ecstasy only making him more and more desperate to cum. No way he was about to pull out.
“Billy… Close…” You managed to utter out. In the past, that was his cue to prepare to pull out. But right now? Fuck that. He held you tighter, his fingers sliding from your hip to your clit to drag circles across it, feeling your cunt tense around him as he did.
“Do it.” He said, his own voice a little breathless.
You couldn’t think, could only focus on how fucking good he was making you feel. Your body stuff ended for a second before you came on his cock, your head falling forward onto his shoulder as you heard him let out a loud groan and a second later, his hot cum filling up your still convulsing pussy. But you didn’t care. Your body remained flush against his for a couple of seconds, soaking in the feeling of his cum filling you up so deliciously.
He gradually softened, pulling himself out of your stuffed cunt and casually pulling his pants back up before grabbing his belt.
You remained sitting on the glass case, Billy’s spunk mixed with your own wetness leaking out of you and making a mess of the glass. He couldn’t help but smile, shrugging once.
“Well, shit, you’ve got more of a cleanup to do now, my bad.”
You rolled your eyes at him, waiting for your thighs to stop trembling before jumping down from the display case and grabbing your panties, about to pull them back on before they were snatched out of your hand.
“What are you-“
“I think I should keep them. As a memento, you know?” He interrupted, the stupid smile that got you back into this situation illuminating his pretty face.
“Oh, right. Forgot how much you like to steal my underwear. Weirdo.” You muttered, squirming a little at the feeling of Billy’s cum leaking out of you onto your inner thighs.
Billy watched you squirm for a moment, the smile never faltering. “Mm. You know, I wish I’d cum inside you before. I like seeing you like this.”
You scoffed at him, shaking your head. “I have to clean up.” You said pointedly.
Billy raised an eyebrow a fraction, eyes flickering down toward your stained thighs.
“You’re telling me.”
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oceanicjessie · 4 months
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A Billy Loomis headshot because I need to figure out how to draw this man before I go insane.
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liverralonee · 2 months
They’re GAY😨😨😨
What’s your favorite / top 5 or more stuilly fics?
i wish i could answer this but the only one i remember reading is debaser 😭 i’ve tried really hard to get into other fics but my attention span is REALLY bad .
i know i’ve read a couple others but ima be honest i didn’t like them it was just random like one shots on ao3 but they were mischaracterizing them (stu especially) so badly that i never finished reading it
i do remember reading this fic like one shot kinda and i loved it it’s called queer as in fuck you by touchydynamite
again i’m sorry i’m honestly trying to get into more stuilly fics just some irl stuff has been kinda holding me back and my attention span is just somehow declining horribly, but yeah if anyone else has stuilly fic recommendations PLEASE 🙏
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reareaotaku · 8 months
Let Me Put a Baby in You
Day 10 of Kinktober: Breeding Kink Pairings: Yandere! Billy Loomis x Reader x Yandere! Stu Macher Tw: Breeding Kink, NSFW, Anal, Baby Fever [This is short, because fuck you]
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You had been getting ice cream with Stu and Billy, kind of their way to apologize for the night before when you saw a baby. You had never really wanted any kids before, thinking they were nasty and gross, but the baby was so cute. Not to mention it was also so well behaved.
"Cute kid, huh?"
You looked back at Stu, a little confused, "What?"
He gives you a knowing kid, "You know, we'd have cute kids."
"I don't want kids." You tell him, though it's not as convincing and confident as it usually is and Stu was going to use that to his advantage.
He hums but doesn't push it further. That should have been your first red flag.
Stu's hands are all over you as Billy's mouth is on your skin. You could feel Stu's cock pressed against you. You groan rubbing yourself back on it.
"Billy, did you see how bunny was looking at that baby?" Stu wraps his arms around you, groping your breast.
Billy smirks, leaning his chin on your shoulder, looking up at Stu. "Baby? Do you want a baby, pretty princess?"
You blush, groaning, "No-"
"That's not what she was saying earlier."
"You're a liar-"
Stu thrusted himself into you, "Am not."
"I can give you a baby, princess," Billy groans against your ear, as he slowly pushes his tip inside of you. Stu seemed to take Billy's innative and finally thrusted himself into your ass.
Your eyes widened and you moaned, which mixed in with Stu's moan.
"I'm going to fill you with so much cum, you're going to be leaking for weeks. Not to mention, where not going to stop until you're pregnant."
"Aww, princess, imagine a mini you~" Stu teases, closing his eyes, imagining such a life.
You knew it was just an excuse for Stu to get into your pants and fuck you.
"As long as they don't have her attitude," Billy remarks, thrusting inside of you.
"I don't have an attitude," You frown, but they ignore you, just continuing to talk about you being pregnant as if you weren't there. They were acting as if they didn't have their cocks stuffed inside of you.
"Imagine how pretty she'd be all big and round. Mmm... My little house wife."
"She would make a pretty House-wife..." Billy says off-handly, causing Stu to smirk.
"See, Billy's on board Y/n."
"I didn't say all that," Billy slowly kissed your neck, "But.... I guess it'd be nice to make you a mom. Baby trap you, huh?"
"I thought baby trapping was for guys?"
You hear Billy laugh, "Well, with a brat like you, it's to keep you under control."
"Keep me under control?" You laugh, pushing your head back, giving Billy and Stu more access to your neck.
"Oh, you know it baby."
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tonixe · 1 year
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"I wanna make you my final girl."
n.o.t.e.s - Skeet Ulrich is fine as hell.
w.a.r.n - p in the v, penetration, creampies, unprotected sex, dub-con to non con, wall sex, fingering.
p.a.i.r.i.n.g - Billy Loomis x fem!reader
w.c. - 1.3k
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Music was blasting through the house, holding your red solo cup filled with some mysterious alcoholic drink.
It was another senior party, and it was of course a party hosted by Stu in his parent's huge house. You got forced to go to the party by Tatum and Stu. You were surprised when Sidney was at the party.
You saw as she walked into the kitchen you were curious about what she was doing; you were barely doing anything at the party than just sipping on your drink and looking around. Walking into the kitchen, to see Sidney emptying a bag of chips into a bowl. You placed your drink onto the counter.
"I didn't know your gonna come to the party, Sid" you put your hands into your skirt pockets, she was taken by surprised by your presence into the kitchen.
"I just didn't want to miss out on the fun, you know?" she responded quietly, as she started eating some of the chips, "Mind if I join in, I don't have anything else to do" you gave her a smile.
"Sure" she passed the bowl of chips, as you grab a handful of chips.
"So, where's Tatum"
"Probably with Stu, doing something important" she shrugged, You giggled when she said the last part, "You mean there probably somewhere fucking" you laughed.
You saw her growing a little grin on her lips, "I guess so" she gave you a little smile, but she was still down.
"What got ya down Sid?" you asked her.
She didn't responded with anything, "Is it with Billy?"
She didn't with your question once again, as she just looked away fro you, "You know it okay Sid, he in the wrong after all, beside he should know it, it wasn't your fault" you said, as you hugged her from behind, "Besides it's party have fun" you gave her a reassuring smile and pat on her back.
"I-i guess so" she said, wiping a tear away from her eyelash, she a laugh a bit.
"I gonna see where's Randy at" she said.
You gave her a head shake, as you watched as she left the kitchen, left with the bowl of chips. 'Oh well', as you dug into the chips. You were now alone, as you sighed out.
You were interrupted in your train of thought, from a group of teenager coming into the kitchen, not trying to bother yourself you just left the chips and walked dusted your hands off.
You walked through the hallways of the house, trying to find the entertain of fun in the party, before getting bumped into by a very drunk Billy.
"B-billy" you stuttered out, you were disgusted by the strong smell of alcohol coming from him. "How much were you drinking tonight?"
"Enough to make me think about you~" he cooed, teasing point at your face, you saw the evident empty flask in his hands.
"God, you need to go home..now," you whispered, holding his shoulders.
"I-i just wanna go home with you, darling." he stuttered out as he caressed your cheek, "You're drunk"
"I'm pretty sober"
"Your going home come on" you tugged at his hand, before getting slammed on a wall, immediately smelling the alcohol and his cologne radaring from him.
"You know, Y/N.." he huffed, looking straight at your face, "You're so pretty, I mean pretty than Sidney in a way" He caressed your face, and you felt his hand sneaking up your skirt.
You grabbed his hand, "Stop, you have a fucking girlfriend, Billy," you hissed at him angrily; he slammed you into the wall forcefully, grabbing your chin, "You know you want it to, Y/N, come on." He forcefully peeled off your panties.
You felt his thick fingers inside of your cunt, your legs wobbling from the impact, as he thrust his finger inside you. "Your wet," he whispered into your ear, and a smuggled smile appeared on his face. You turned your head away from him. His finger fucked you, as you covered your mouth hiding your moans.
"I wanna hear you scream," he whispered into your ear as he took your hand away from your mouth, forcing his tongue into your mouth to kiss. Withdrawing from your lips, being connected by a string of saliva. You whimpered out as his fingers were still trusted inside you before getting withdrawn.
His fingers coated with your slick, as he sucked the liquid from his fingers in front of you before shoving into a hot makeout; it was wrong to enjoy this abuse, especially with your friend's boyfriend.
Your heavy breathing was loud as you tried to calm yourself down before you felt yourself getting lifted off the ground onto Billy's shoulder.
"What the hell, put me down, Billy" you yelled before you were silenced by a slap on the ass as you jolted from the slap.
You buried your face onto the pillow, grabbing it, You could of ask him to stop, but you allowed the thought of him being under the influence; you were a fucking fake, fucking your friend's own boyfriend when there going through something, you felt horrible, but you didn't want it to stop.
You were interrupted in your train of thought before getting split out by his cock, hissing from the pain. His hips collided with your ass as he thrust into you, his hips jackhammering into you.
Your moans ranged out as his cock abused your cunt, as he grabbed the back of your hair, pulling you into his chest, thrusting into you deeper, "Fuck" he groaned out into your ear, "God, your tight," he squeezes her clothed chest, before he took off your shirt, ripped your bra off.
Before he started playing with your nipples, your languid moans made Billy harder by the second. As Billy pulled you into a messy, hot kiss while he plunged himself deeper inside you, You felt yourself feeling your orgasm. His cock massaging your inner walls, "Goddamn, your fucking tight," he groaned into your ear as you clamped down on him.
He removed his arms from your body, and you fell onto the bed, your breath labored, as sweat covered your body.
Before he flipped you, hovering over your body, before he plunged inside you again, your moans were loud, his thrust jolting, as your boobs bounced from the rhythm of his hips.
His body pressed onto your own as you held him, your legs placed on his hips, his thrust getting sloppy, both of your bodies covered with sweat, your nail scratching his back, as your nails stain red. The sounds of the thrust being heard around the room, "B-billy, Im close," you moaned out, "I'm gonna fucking cum inside you" You felt a sense of pleasure washing down on you, moaning his name before clamping down onto his cock, he thrust you a few times into you before spilling himself into you, you felt him softening inside of you, as he groaned into your ear.
You and Billy of your panting were loud before he pulled out of you, as his cum dripped out of you. Billy putting back his clothing back on, zipping up his jeans.
"Where you going." you whimpered out, reaching for him, "Finishing some business," he said before kissing you on the lips, "I'll be back soon, precious." before he caressed his cheek.
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"So you really did that, huh," Stu asked as Stu lit his blunt, puffing out the smoke, before turning his head to Billy.
"It was easy to get her to be submissive." Before he took a blow from his blunt.
"You make her sound more like a dream; maybe if get to enjoy her too," he said before he took a drag from his blunt; he felt a hard glare from Billy after he said that.
"After your done fucking with her."
"If you touch her, I'll fucking kill you."
"Billy, you never share~" Stu playful whined
"Anyways, your ready for the Woodsboro massacre?" Stu asked gleefully.
"Ready to finish up the daughter of the whore" Billy muttered before taking a long drag from his blunt.
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lizthewriter · 8 months
i'm right here / billy loomis
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PAIRING  fem!reader x billy loomis
SUMMARY  you and billy had been dating for quite a while now. you had always been so dependent on him, so clingy, so needy, and you were starting to realize that maybe he didn't like you nearly as much as you thought he did. when you stop calling him and ignore him completely, he's not just angry, but he comes to the realization that he doesn't know who he'd be without you. he's lonely and he needs you just as much, if not more, than you need him.
TAGS  fem!reader x billy loomis, angst, fluff, if you squint, sexual tension, smut, only on the clothes stuff, billy wouldn't dare break my underwear rule, teasing, making out,, desperate men >>>, deranged men >>>>>, billy is a lil' toxic, just a lil' bit, cursing, slight stalking (come on, we're talking about ghostface here, get with the program)
QUOTE  "i'm calling you, pick up your phone . . . well i don't give a fuck about your friends, / i'm right here, here / well baby talk a look around, / i'm the only one that hasn't walked out, / i'm right here," - right here by chase atlantic
WRITTEN  10.25.2023
A/N this is my first smut 😭😭😭😭 also i watched scream for the first time and if billy and stu weren't murderers ... omg 😭😭😭 anyways, i will get up another fic on sunday and one next wednesday ... PLS SEND REQUESTS FOR BILLY AND STU 😭😭😭😭
You once again hung up the phone in a huff - Billy has tried calling you for the fourth time that evening. You would have let the phone ring if the sound of it didn't set you off.
You tossed the clunky phone back onto the other end of the couch and settled onto the cushions with a relieved sigh. Finally, some time for yourself - you had been swamped with so much work recently, it was nice to finally take a moment to relax. You flicked on the television, channel surfing before the phone went off again. You groaned and picked up the phone, pressing the decline button before setting it back down. You let out an incredulous laugh at the irony of the situation. You were ignoring Billy because he barely spent any of his time with you and didn't seem to be putting anywhere near as much effort into your relationship as you were. You were so tired of being taken advantage of and eventually being walked out on by friends and family that you finally, for once, walked out on someone else first. But now, now that you've broken things up with him, he seemed interested in you.
"Asshat," you mumbled under your breath, finally settling on a channel playing some mildly entertaining thriller that was gripping enough to keep you interested, but not so much so that you were discerning and questioning every detail. You laid back down on the couch, head lolling to the side as you space out and got lost in your own thoughts. The one thing that startled you from your own head was the sound of the phone ringing once again.
More than irritated, you grabbed the phone and finally answered, shoving the clunk of plastic next to your ear. "Listen here Billy, I told you once and I don't want to say it again, I'm. Done -"
The voice at the end of the line spoke only your name in greeting, but it soundly oddly gruff and robotic. Not Billy's voice, which made you pause in hesitation. "Yes, that's me . . . what do you want?"
"I always thought The Sixth Sense was a sort of underrated masterpiece."
You launched up from the couch, fear settling into your gut as you glanced out the back patio doors outside. "What kind of prank is this? Stu, are you fucking with me again? Because I swear -"
"It's not Stu, sweetheart. Guess again."
You paused. It was a long shot. But why would he change his voice? You decided to play a little game of your own. "You know what I'm watching, so you must be somewhere outside, in the backyard, right?" You got up from the couch and stared out at the backyard, but no one was there. "Who is this? Randy? Bobby? Which ass decided to piss me off today -"
"I did." The voice, unexpectedly, came from behind you. You jumped at the sound and turned around to face Billy, who was holding up a portable phone. He hung up, tucking away whatever kind of voice modulator he'd been using, and took a step towards you. In return, you took a step back, placing your house phone on a nearby surface.
"What are you doing in my house, Billy? I'm having friends over soon, you can't be here."
"I came over to apologize."
"You?" You asked him incredulously. "Apologize? That's rich. I didn't know the word 'apologize' was even in your vocabulary."
Billy offered you a grimaced smile and took another step forward. "I really mean it this time, all right?"
"Oh sure, yeah, and I'm the Queen of England," you retorted with a roll of your eyes. You glanced at the clock and decided it would be best to prepare snacks now, before your friends got here. You began to walk past him, in the direction of the kitchen. "Go home, Billy, I'm done with you and your indifference."
Before you even took another step away from him, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into his chest. He stared down at you, hunger, desperation, adoration in his eyes. You couldn't help but soften as you stared up at his face - even if you were doing this for yourself, you couldn't help but miss him. And fuck, was he the most beautiful bastard you've ever seen.
He ran his index finger along your cheek, his head bowed as his eyes trailed all across your face. "I didn't appreciate you like I should have . . . I realize that now. I guess it's true. You don't know how good something is until it leaves." He bowed his head closer and closer to you, and you couldn't help but feel yourself weaken. As though you hsd fallen prey to his seduction spell. You had to admit, it was easier to ignore his calls then to ignore his prescene, that sultry voice and those beckoning lips, the brown strands that you wanted to tug on oh so badly. "Give me one more chance. I'll prove it to you that I can be better . . . " And he said the one word you've never heard leave his mouth ever. His voice came out as soft as a whisper, as hot as the fiery gates of hell on your mouth. "Please. I need you."
Your breathes came out hot and heavy - you wanted him bad, so bad. But you knew you shouldn't. You always followed the same toxic, hurtful patterns. You needed to let go of the people that hurt you, but God you couldn't let him go. You tried to find an excuse.
"Billy, my friends are going to be here in ten minutes." Your voice came out much weaker, less assured then intended.
"I could give a flying fuck about your friends. They don't treat you right, no better than I did. Yet here you sit, cleaning the house, buying food and renting movies, all for people who could care less. If you're going to give someone a second chance, let it be me." He held up your hand, pressing gently kisses along the edge of it. His eyes met yours again, dark and lustful, filled with meaning. You just couldn't help yourself - you knew you'd regret this, but honestly . . . you didn't care anymore.
You finally grabbed the back of his head and pushed him down to meet your lips, hands tangling in those chocolate locks of his. His mouth tasted like pennies and cigarettes, apricot and clove. He was far from being shy, he equally reciprocated your actions if not overcompensated and pressed back into you hungrily. He was slightly rough with you, never enough to hurt you, only rile you up. He pushed you back towards the couch, your knees buckling as they met the cushions, forcing you to sit yourself down on the couch. His eyes roamed your body and he gestured towards your shirt.
You leaned up, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and pulling him down to your level. "No. I'm tired of initiating. If you want me, come get me." You released his shirt, sitting back on the couch with crossed arms and watching his next movements.
His eyes widened in slight shock. You had never been one to take the lead and boss him around, but now that you had, he found it incredibly arousing. And he also felt he owed it to you to give you whatever you wanted. After all, he'd been a terrible boyfriend and if he was truly being honest, you deserved better. But that selfish, possessive side to him couldn't let you go, craved you like a starved man.
He pulled off his shirt, revealing the chiseled chest beneath. He wasn't paticularly buff, but he was certainly well built and plenty aesthetically pleasing. He bent down, latching his lips back onto yours. He allowed your hands to roam over his bare torso, smirking slightly at the groan that left your lips. His hands gradually slipped under your shirt, pulling it overhead and revealing the lacy bra beneath. As strong as he was, he was easily able to shift your position so you were laying along the length of the couch. He crawled on top of you, one hand laying atop your breast, the other being used as a crutch to keep him balanced. His lips returned to yours, wet and burning with passion, running along yours smoothly. His other hand slipped down to your waist, tightening around it as his tounge poked through your lips and into your mouth. You couldn't help the soft moan that left your mouth, hips rolling up to meet his. You jolted as you were met with something hardened, a shiver running down your spine.
"Billy . . ." You whined, eyes pleading with him to stop being so painstakingly slow. You wanted him and you wanted him now. "Please. I missed you . . . need you."
"S'okay baby," he responded, lips now meeting the skin of your neck. You missed the feeling of his nose brushing against your skin with every kiss, his roaming hands exploring every inch of your body, those glances from.his darkened eyes that almost unsettled you. "I'll take care of it, I promise."
He rolled his hips up into yours, causing a moan to spill out of your mouth. You had wrapped your arms around his back, hands digging into his shoulder blades. "Missed your pretty little moans, baby." He lifted his head away from your neck, hand running through your hair as he looked down at you. "Promise I'll be better, hm? You'd like that?"
He rolled his hips up again with a smirk and you shut your eyes tight, only able to respond with a high-pitched "mhm!"
"You're - such a tease," you gasped, opening your eyes again, a faint blush spreading over your cheeks.
"I thought you liked when I teased you, pretty girl." You hated the smug smirk painted across his cheeks, but the thing you hated the most was that he was right. You loved the teasing, the degradation, the humiliation, the praise. He knew just how to get you hot and bothered, so much so that you couldn't help but snap at him. You know he did those kinds of things on purpose just you'd give him an attitude and he'd get to punish you. But if you were being honest . . . it turned you on.
"Just - please."
"Please what?" He asked with innocent eyes, rolling his hips up harder but keeping the bulge in his jeans pressed against you this time.
You groaned loudly, clawing at his back. "Not - not fair."
"What's not fair? This?" He rolled his hips upwards against, drawing another moan from your lips.
"N-no, stop -"
He let out a mock sigh of disappointment and began to draw away. "All right, I'll stop, if that's what you really want."
"No!" You exclaimed loudly, grabbing his hand and pulling him back towards you. "Don't leave . . . please."
You wanted to smack that stupid little grin off of his face, but then he dropped his knee between your thighs and the words you had wanted to speak suddenly left your lips. He glanced down at your pajama pants, toying with the waistband teasingly.
"Say the words then."
"What?" You responded with furrowed brows.
"Say, 'Billy, I want you to fuck me.'" His eyes bore into yours - the sweet chocolate now turned to charcoal black. He loved the effect he had on you, he loved messing around with you. Especially when you got all flustered and embaressed like this. "Come on, say it. I know you can, sweetheart."
You paused. "Billy, I -"
The doorbell rang, followed by the sounds of giggles. Your friends all shouted your name and dissolved into another bought of laughter. You glanced back towards Billy, torn about what to do.
He pulled away with a gentle sigh, planting a final kiss to your forehead. "We'll pick this up another time, yeah?" Desperate sex with Billy was always good, at least, you thought.
You held onto his hand for a few more seconss before it slipped away as he walked backwards towards the stairs. He must have crawled inside your bedroom window like he usually does. "Okay. I'll call you in the morning?"
He grinned. "Sounds good, sweetheart. I'll pick you up, too."
The doorbell rang thrice more, your friends yeling at you to come answer the door. Billy grinned and departed up the stairs, but not before grabbing his shirt on the way out. You picked up your own shirt from where it had been discarded on the floor and pulled it on as you approached the front door.
Your friends greeted you enthusiastically as they entered your house and while they were all excitedly chattering about the movies you selected, you could only think of Billy, stupid, seductive Billy.
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Kinktober day 7 | Billy Loomis x Riley!Reader x Stu Macher
Day 7: threesome
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: 18+, threesome, cheating, oral (m receiving)
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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Being sisters came with double the amount of clothes, gossiping in the middle of the night over a bowl of cereal, and liking the same boys. You and Tatum had very different taste in men — she was a James Van Der Beek girl and you preferred Johnny Depp —, but there was something about Stu Macher that pulled both of your heartstrings. 
‘’I saw him first, I call dibs on him,’’ Tatum argued, fighting for Stu. 
‘’He’s not a cute skirt at the mall, you can’t call dibs on a person, Tatum.’’ 
She narrowed her eyes at you. ‘’I don’t care! He’s mine. Back off.’’ 
A series of arguments drove you into a game of who would win Stu Macher. The first to kiss him would win. 
For weeks, you and Tatum competed for Stu, flirting with him at school and at every party. You’d offer him a drink and she would try to get him to dance with her. Stu liked having two sisters flirting and fighting for him, it was exciting. But the game came to an end when Stu kissed Tatum on a Friday night.
‘’I won,’’ she said when she came home that night, a smug smile on her face after sticking her tongue in Stu Macher’s mouth all night. 
Since that night, Tatum assumed she had won, but the hand currently inside your panties playing with your clit was his. 
Your hips bucked at his touch, asking for more. 
Coming behind Stu, Billy laughed as he looked down at you, so needy for his friend’s fingers. ‘’Fucked you twice today and you’re still begging for more?’’ 
Stu looked over his shoulder. ‘’Two times?!’’
Billy hummed, looking smug. ‘’Bet she’s still full with my cum,’’ he teased, his words causing a mixture of embarrassment and excitement to wash over you. 
Stu looked back at you, his hand stopping all movements. ‘’Is that right? You and pretty boy had some fun without me?’’ 
‘’Well, that’s your fault for being at the mall with the wrong sister,’’ Billy said, crashing on the bed.
‘’Tatum told me she was getting lingerie. I couldn’t say ‘no’ to that,’’ Stu defended, being a sucker for women in lingerie.
‘’And lingerie is better than this?’’ Billy asked, tweaking one of your nipples over your shirt and making you mewl. ‘’I don’t think so.’’ 
You moved your hand down over your panties — right over Stu’s hand — and bucked your hips again. ‘’Stu, please.’’ 
The latter cooed, but didn’t give you what you wanted. ‘’Don’t you think you’ve had enough?’’ He pinched your clit, making you moan, then withdrew his hand from your panties. ‘’Such little slut.’’ 
His condescending tone was turning you on, your arousal mixing with Billy’s cum inside you. 
‘’Are you gonna be a good girl tonight?’’ Billy asked, rolling on his side so his face was close to yours. ‘’Since you’re already full down here.’’ He caressed over your panties, feeling the wetness seep through the thin fabric. ‘’Stu and I are gonna fill you up here,’’ Billy explained, dragging his hand up to your lips. He pressed his thumb and you opened your mouth, catching it and sucking on it. ‘’Gonna suck our cocks until we cum and swallow it all, won’t you babydoll?’’ 
You nodded and Billy pulled his thumb out of your mouth, now coated with your saliva, then sat up and reached for his belt to undress. On your right, Stu was doing the same, his stiff cock underneath his pants begging to feel your warm mouth around it. It’s been a few days and he was missing it — missing you.
Once both boys had their cock freed completely, you kneeled on the floor before them and debated who to taste first. Stu’s was red at the tip and shined with pre-cum. He reached down to his cock, pulling his hand up and down on himself before you. 
‘’Can’t pick, uh?’’ Stu teased, continuing to jerk himself. ‘’Let me help you. I say I’m first since he got you to himself all afternoon.’’
It seemed fair enough. 
You moved toward Stu and started by mouthing the tip, tongue lazily teasing him. He watched from above, choking on a breath as you took him into your mouth in one fluid motion, sinking down as deep as you could manage. You slid your tongue against the sensitive underside as you stared up at him through fluttering lashes. 
‘’You like this? Taking my cock like it’s fucking candy?’’ 
You hummed around him, continuing your motions for a few more seconds, then pulled back and moved to Billy, doing the same. His hand immediately went to your hair, cupping the back of your head to keep you there. You tried to come up more for air, but Billy held you in place, needing your mouth a bit longer. 
While your mouth was busy and full, Stu reached down to pull your shirt up and cup one of your tits, fiddling with it while he jerked himself and waited for his turn. He would never say it out loud, but fuck do you look good with his best friend’s cock in your mouth. 
Eventually, Billy let you switch, a string of saliva connecting your tongue to the tip of his cock as you turned back to Stu. Their cocks were mere inches from your lips, making it easy for your mouth to go from a cock to another. You took it deep, eliciting deep moans and groans from them. 
At some point, the ache between your legs had returned. You had tried to squeeze your thighs to get some friction, but it wasn’t nearly enough. You wished they would both fill you up and fuck you until you can’t feel your legs. 
But tonight was not about you.
Stu was the first to shoot his load, his face contorting in ecstasy and thighs trembling as you jerked what you wouldn’t take with your hand. You made sure to not swallow anything, then moved to Billy, a mix of saliva and cum dripping from the corners of your lips. It was a sight right from an adult tape you can rent at the nearby blockbuster. 
‘’Such a cum slut, aren’t you?’’ Billy said, smugly looking down at you, your tongue full of his best friend’s seed. 
You let him fuck your mouth the way he liked, looking up at him through the blur of your teary eyes as his sounds of pleasure intensified. Every movement was bringing him closer to the edge. When he knew he couldn’t hold it in anymore, Billy pulled you back and you stuck out your tongue, ready to catch everything he had to give.
Scream taglist: @misfityanii @beautybyfire @iluvscream191 @mariposa555 @bella7866 @o638 @lulubelle14 @luvvtxinityy @frasersgf  @Eddiefrickenmunson @jasperr-the-friendly-ghost @ghostf4cee @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom @wandaswigglywoos @xjennyx2 @jennasslut @thatonesblog  @mikaelsonsstuff @icarly23 @tcddszn  @bt.oliana  @skyesthebomb @a1mzcruml3y @red1culous @iluurmom @popeheywardssecretgf @michaelangdonsslut @byhrxb @kamthecoolest @kattybug @ravenstrueluv @landryslxys @die4niyahhh  @sl4sh3rfuck3r @radiant-whore  @Meadzy21 @luci1fer @nomorespahgetti  @bloodyhw  @depthsofdespairr  @bellysbeach @wilmalovegood @loupiotesworld  @wenvierismycomfort @t-candy  @s-al-em  @darylscvmdumpster  @tommysaxes  @adaydreamaway08 @johannelis2302nely @aqshua @lynbubble  @luiise  @planetkt  @vampyrgoff  @adrluvh @mymultiveres  @miqi-16 @not-liah  @lovenats01 @doestalker @lonelywitchv2 @lausley336  @arinexeisnotworking @halforangecuts @l3ndryz  @ilovelandry  @your-platonic-gay-lover  @Danniackerman
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully  @aerangi  @hallecarey1  @bxbyyyjocelyn @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @Idkwhattonamethisblogs @grxnde-dwt
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kiss-theggoat · 5 months
Gonna need a part two where the slashers realize their s/o is alive >:’(
Slashers Fix You Up
Slashers Included: Thomas Hewitt, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Asa Emory, Michael Meyers, The Sinclair Brothers
TW: Violence and Gore
Thomas Hewitt:
The wound to your stomach was deep. It tore through deep tissue and muscle, but lucky for you, Thomas knew exactly what to do.
Not only had he been stabbed like that, but he’d become really good at sewing and stitching up human skin.
You woke up, feeling groggy, but immediately recognized the basement you were in. You laid on Tommy’s workbench, shirt off and torso numb.
When you looked down you saw Thomas hunched over you, huge hands trying hard to delicately sew you up, fingers covered in your blood.
You whispered to him, and you could’ve sworn you saw his heart skipped a beat. He jumped up, immediately grabbing the side of your face with relief written all over his face, eyes wide and breath heavy. He wouldn’t know what to do with himself if he lost you.
Billy Loomis:
Nothing when like it was supposed to that night. Sydney got away, Stu stabbed him too hard, and the worst of all…he stood above you, watching your blood pool on the hardwood of Stu’s living room.
He bent down, putting pressure on your wound while looking around the room, taking deep breaths and trying to think rationally…he needed to get you out of here. He quickly lifted you, trying to ignore your pained groans. He hated seeing you like this.
The moment he got your arm around his shoulders and your feet on the ground, he heard them…sirens. He was conflicted. Relief washed over him. He knew you’d be getting help soon but…if he didn’t run…Syd would tell them everything. He’d go to jail, be found guilty for murder.
In that moment, he didn’t care. He helped you limp towards the front door, pushing it open. You’d lost too much blood…you didn’t even realize that Billy was sacrificing himself to save your life.
Stu Macher:
Stu watched his entire world fall apart when Billy stabbed you. He watched you fall, holding your gushing stomach, blood seeping from between your fingers.
He rushed to your side, hands covering your wound as he laid you back onto the ground.
“Just look at me. Don’t worry, keep looking at me.” He refused to let you look at your wound. He didn’t want you to be scared about how hurt you were. He lifted your hands to inspect your wound…he sighed in relief.
“It’s okay baby…the bleeding is slowing down…you’re gonna be okay…”
Asa Emory:
Asa never expected you to fall into one of his traps. He was beating himself up about it, but there was no time. He lifted you onto his operating table, covering your entire body with gauze.
He started slow, sutures and thread in his precise hands. You were covered in deep wounds, caused by rusty nails…he whispered his apologies, holding one hand as he poured antiseptic over you. It burned, it was unbearable…but you trusted him.
He carefully sewed each wound with a single suture, making sure to reassure you and stop the bleeding whenever it happened. It took him hours, but nothing would stop him from fixing you. Fixing your skin, fixing his love.
Michael Meyers:
For the first time in his entire life, he felt guilt. He felt a storm of emotions, but as he stared at your knife wound- the one his dumbass caused…- he knew it wouldn’t kill you. He’d never felt so terrible and so relieved in his life.
He quickly scooped you up, carrying you into the bathroom with shaking fingers. His hands had never shaken before…
He slammed open your medicine cabinet, hard enough to crack the glass, and popped open the first aid kit, sending gauze and band-aids onto the bathroom floor. You’d patched him up plenty of times so it should be easy…right?
Six butterfly bandages, four bandaids, and two complete rolls of gauze later, you felt like you might be suffocated by the first-aid supplies but…he’d tried his best. And, you weren’t bleeding anymore.
Sinclair Brothers:
The blow to the face had broken your eyebrow and sliced your skin, and the fall to the floor left you with a concussion and a sprained wrist. Vincent carried you downstairs gently, knowing he had the supplies to fix you up in his workshop.
All three brothers stayed by your side, and you were never alone over the course of the next week, especially while you were sleeping, until your concussion headache finally went away.
Your face was bruised and swollen and it hurt like nothing else you’d experienced, especially the cut on your eyebrow.
But, every morning when you walked downstairs, you received a kiss on the eyebrow from each Sinclair brother, and they all treated you like you were made of porcelain, even Bo.
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marishoodie7 · 9 months
How slashers would react to you getting on top
Includes: Billy Loomis, Charlie Walker, Patrick Bateman
Content Warning: 18+! P in v, overstimulation, riding
(No pronouns mentioned, but reader has female anatomy!)
: ̗̀➛ Billy
Your head was hitting the headboard with every thrust, his cock buried deep inside you. You forced your eyes open, “Fuck Billy,” you managed.
He grunted in response. You braced your hands on his shoulder and wrapped your legs around his hips. You rocked to the side and flipped him over. His dick slammed into you, even deeper and you moaned as you made yourself comfortable on him.
The strands of hair that had been flopping around had flattened on his forehead. His demeanor changed and he gave you a sly smile, his eyes darkened and his moved his hands to your hips. You rocked back and forth, slowly bouncing on him before finding a steady pace. You bit your lip as you neared your release, a tight knot that had formed in your stomach was unraveling slowly as you neared release.
Your legs shook and your walls clenched tightly around his dick. Billy bucked his hips up sloppily to meet you halfway before going limp. He let out a deep moan and came. You slowed your movements and gave one last bounce before coming onto him. You laid down on his chest and drifted off to sleep as he praised your performance that night.
:➛ Charlie Walker
“Let me take care of you this time.” You urged.
“Fuck, okay,” Charlie gasped as you stroked his cock, “Jesus.” You smiled at his reaction and gently pushed him onto the bed.
“Lie down.” You commanded. You lowered yourself onto him, his dick stretched out your walls. You didn’t know Charlie was so big. You put your hands on his chest and started to roll your hips. He felt so good inside you. You sped up and Charlie’s eyes rolled up into his head, he whimpered as you clenched around his hardened cock.
He bucked upward and desperately grasped at your hips. Hot tears were streaming down his face, and you could feel his dick twitch inside you. He was close, but you had no plans to stop or slow down.
“Fuck, y/n.” He whimpered as he came. You fucked him right through his orgasm, his face was reddening with overstimulation, his eyes were clenched. His hips stop bucking and he let you do all the work, guiding him towards his next orgasm.
Charlie moaned as he nearing his next release, you were getting closer too, but you didn’t stop, you couldn’t. A hot feeling filled you as you came on him. You rolled your hips a few more times before pulling off before Charlie could come. He lay on the bed, whimpering.
“Poor Charlie,” you tutted, without sympathy, “you were such a good boy but I couldn’t let you come this time.” You tan your fingers through his hair as his breath slowed and lost its raggedness. He turned to you and smiled.
“we’re gonna need to do that again sometime.”
: ➛ Patrick Bateman
Patrick drilled into your ass. He loved to hear the pretty screams of pleasure you let out as he fucked you. You were on all fours on the bed and Patrick was grunting above you. He pulled out suddenly and lay down on the bed, his dick rock solid and standing up, and his arms around his head.
“Why don’t we try something different?” He suggested casually as if he hadn’t been pounding into you a moment earlier.
“So you want me to ride you?” You deadpanned. You wouldn’t be opposed to the idea. You had been dreaming of the day where you would get to take charge.
“Yes.” He grinned. You couldn’t help but smile back as you pushed yourself onto him. He tangled his hand into your hair and braced himself for you to quicken the pace. You dig your fingers into his shoulders and sped up, rocking your hips back and forth. His length was stretching out your walls and you could feel his tip hit your g-spot.
You tried to throw your head back but he pulled your hair and forced your face closer to his.
“There you go, slut, ride me like the whore you are. I know how eager you were to wrap my dick around your pussy.” He growled in your ear. Your legs shook and you felt warmth spread through your body. You came on him, and tried to slow down your pace. He only tugged harder and encouraged you to keep going, no matter how sloppy you got.
“Come baby, just ride me a little longer, you got it.” He praised. His dick twitched and he finally released. Your core warmed when it was met with his thick, hot ropes. You unmounted him and slid next to him in the bed. He wrapped his arms around you.
“I should really let you take control more, huh?” He laughed.
“Yeah,” you smiled, “that wasn’t half bad.”
A/N: this is my first time doing head cannons like this! There may be more in the future who know? I hope you enjoyed!
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alien-magnolia · 8 months
Tainted Love
Fic description: This is a dark fic. 18+ MINORS DNI. Dom!-coded Billy Loomis + hyperfeminine, sub-coded afab reader: they are married, committing crimes together <3 and having a wonderful domestic life <3 besides all the blood and murder. Smut/horror genre: kinks include service!, blood!, knifeplay!, ropes!, choking!, spanking!, free-use!, SERVICE, d/s mental dynamics, majorrrr daddy!kink, exhibitionism
If you like this post, pls engage, comment, reblog! It means so much to me, Ty <3 WC 2.7k
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October 10, 1996.
The dark red, yellow, with tinges of brown leaves tumbled down the secluded suburban street. A tan cottage stood at the end of a cul-de-sac, yard neatly trimmed, wind chimes ringing on the porch where they hung. A dim light inside. A black van pulls into the driveway, scaring away a few neighboring birds. The door shuts — a young man enters the house.
You were just about finished with tonight’s dinner when your partner came back from college. You loved Billy dearly, and so you did almost everything for him. It was your dynamic — and he loved it as well. You served him, your Billy, your daddy.
How exactly did you get involved with a serial killer? Involved far enough to be an equal partner in his crimes? Involved enough to be so cautious and excellent at keeping first-degree murder a secret? Involved enough to live with him?
It began last fall. A chilly November morning, fog rolling in on the campus. You walked in your pretty pink outfit, donning lace and frills, kitten heels, and butterfly hair clips. You were only nineteen. Young. Innocent. You were looking for your ‘Introduction to Early Modern Literature’ class, yet happened to wander over on the other, more secluded side of campus. You stumble over a rock on the sidewalk. You fall, beautiful rosy cheek now stained with a gash of bright, red blood.
Your hands, your knees, cut up from the bumpy pavement. You start crying. This was just too embarrassing!! With your social anxiety and shyness, you really hoped nobody had seen this. You did not like to be perceived by people — that is just how you were. You look around — not a soul to be seen.
Except for a man — lean, sitting on a brick bench, cigarette in hand. You couldn’t make out how he looked, yet fear overtook you as he started making his way over. You start to scramble up, hoping to run away from him, yet your bruises were just too intense for you to do so.
His deep voice asks you, “Hey, sweetheart, you okay? You nod. “Yeah jus’ a few scratches. Can’t see too well in the fog,” you sheepishly explain. “Hey, no worries. Here, I’ll help you up, yeah?” You oblige, taking his big calloused hands in yours as he helps you stand. You finally get a good look at him. God — he was handsome. More than handsome. Extremely, extremely, attractive. You got wet just by looking at his deep brown eyes and crooked smile looking down at you.
“Hey. Don’t be too shy, hun. Come. Want me to help you fix those bruises? There’s a bathroom right around the corner, he suggests. You nod silently, agreeing, following him to a door on the left.
He begins wiping your bruises with a wet towel, trying to stop the bleeding. His tongue pokes out of his mouth as he focuses. You see more of him now. He wears all black. Smells like cigarettes and a dusty old basement. “So what brings you to this part of campus?,” he asks, brown eyes focused on your bruises.
“Just got lost. Needed to find one class but couldn’t. Maybe I’ll skip today anyway…,” you trail off. “Aw. Today’s your first day huh?,” he coos at you, with a smile you just couldn’t figure out. “Um. Yes. I don’t really know the campus, so…,” you quietly answer him, afraid to look into his eyes. His voice, his face, it all made you thirst for him even more.
“I could tell. Hey. Maybe you should skip. Been looking for someone to hang out with,” he suggests, finishing up cleaning your bruises, putting a few bandaids on you. “I’m Billy, by the way.” You introduce yourself to him, a little smile forming on your face. You ended up skipping class that day, spending time with him in that secluded courtyard, smoking cigarettes, listening to The Smiths. You ended up fucking in the bathroom a few hours later. You knew that you were indubitably attracted — glued to him and everything that he was. Something did feel a little off about how he treated others — you did not care.
So it was.
~Present day ~
You hear the keys jingle in the doorway, heavy boots make their way towards the kitchen, where you were. You currently donned a short little black dress, fishnets, with nothing underneath. You were waiting for him.
“Hey, sweets. Looking good today,” he compliments you, as he takes your small hand in his, moving you closer to him, wrapping a hand around your waist. You giggle as he peppers your cheek with kisses. “Sweetie. Want’a ask you something,” he insists, quietly, yet confidently. Your big eyelashes blink as you wait for his question.
“Wanna play with me tonight?,” a sinister smile adorns his face, his brown eyes filled with a hint of malice, excitement. Your eyes match his. You loved playing with him, your sessions, where you gave over complete control of yourself, to him. You trusted him completely. He led, you followed.
You were his. His prey, his little girl, his accomplice. You were his, devoted completely, mind and body. The two of you even had matching tattoos: a forever symbol of your unique relationship.
“Yes, daddy. What first?” He chuckles lowly. “Glad you asked, princess. We’re going to the van.” You smile back at him, as he gives you a kiss, pulling you closer to him by your neck. You knew what to do, sticking your hands out, as he takes a rope from the nearby drawer.
The rope felt nice around your wrists, you liked to watch him tie it. You didn’t want your freedom when you played with him. “Daddy’s girl, all tied up, huh? Come sweets. Let’s go to the van,” he sneers at you in the best possible way, as he leads you outside. Still, he manages to grab a coat for you, alongside some knives. You suspected that both of you will be using those later.
“Before we leave our house, thought we might have a bit of fun in the van, what’dya say? I think it’ll be nice for my little girl, yeah?,” he croons at you, caressing your cheek, before gripping it harshly, brown eyes boring into yours.
You’re on your knees for him in his dingy van. His waffle knit white t-shirt feels nice on your bound hands, as you see him start to unbuckle his belt, dropping his jeans to the floor of the van. “Give daddy’s cock some love, hun,” you hear, and his strong arms work to push you down to the floor. You look up at him from your back, you see him towering over you, cock in his calloused hand, slowly rubbing it. He lowers his cock and balls onto your face, you love the feeling of his heavy ball sack on your chin. His cock was wide, not too long, yet wide, weeping, with three beautiful veins and a beauty mark <3
It was all red and ready for your wet throat. You took him eagerly, sucking so much pressure, you felt his silky smooth voice moan out in ecstasy. You keep sucking, swirling your tongue around the mushroom tip of his cockhead. He pulls a knife to the side of your cheek. You stop.
“Look what daddy’s got here hun. You don’t like this little toy, do you?,” he taunts. With that, he lowers the knife to your chest, where he makes a gentle cut on it. He liked to cut you with his knife. Another way to possess you, to mark you as HIS.
“Get up, sweets. Daddy’s gonna cum if you keep this shit up.” He chuckles, and helps you up, wiping that little cut he made with a towel. That same towel now goes in your mouth as a makeshift gag.
His hands tightly grip your hips, pushing you down onto the floor of the van again. Hips spread, gagged, hands still tied, you felt his finger swipe across your clit, down your labia, trailing over your wet, wet, pussy. Your hole was clenching around nothing!! He was going to fix that.
“Aww. Look at you , sweetie. Cheeks all rosy, ass up for me, ready to be bred,” he taunts. You only moan in response. “Does daddy’s little girl want to be bred, hmm? Like a little cow?” You moan in response, he tuts, and lifts your neck up gently. “What was that?,” voice low. Shit. You fucked up.
“Yes, daddy,” your voice is muffled through the gag. He smiles again, that dark smile of his. Sinister. Evil. Exactly what you wanted to see. Without warning, you feel him push into you. Wide, throbbing, filling that sweet spot exactly how you wanted. He went slow for just a little, relishing how good his little girl, his breeding cow, dumpster, was for him. Then he went fast. Too fast. You loved hearing the sound of his cock and balls slap against your ass, your squelching pussy <3
You feel so full of him, you saw stars as his wife cock drilled deeper and deeper into you. You felt him twitch inside, your favorite part!! “Take my cum, baby. Fuckin’ take it,” you hear him grunt, as his hands press your body down into a mating press, his stomach now on top of your back. He had you caged in, tied, gagged, absolutely abusing you on his wide cock. You were in heaven. You were his now, in this moment. The both of you came, and of course, he did not let you squeeze his cum out of you.
“Keep it in, hmm? Want our visitors to know that you’re daddy’s girl.” You nod and smile, making grabby hands at him once he unties your wrists, and takes the towel out of your mouth. He lifts you up into his lap, peppering your face with kisses, smiling up at you as you giggle.
He helps you get dressed, gently cooing at you as you show him the carpet burn you got from being on your knees for so long. He kisses it to make it better <3 and even puts on your white frilly socks for you, helping you with your little black kitten heels and your dress.
“Where to next, daddy?,” you giddily await his answer. “Now, we drive. To meet our special guests for tonight,” he replies, your smile now matching his level of sinister. The both of you were about to go have some fun, with some unconventional guests as well.
It was now almost midnight. After your play session in the van, you couldn’t wait to play in front of your guests!! The both of you listen to heavy metal as Billy speeds down an abandoned road, the rotting leaves blowing towards the sides from the van passing by on the road. He pulls his van up a few meters close to the woods, and parks.
“Coat, baby.” You nod, and he puts your black puffer on. He leads you to the backseat, where a black trunk with a lock is placed. He opens it. His mask. Ghostface. He puts it on his hip, putting on black clothes over his nice ones. He gives you gloves, and a knife. One for himself as well. Binoculars.
“Come, hun. This way.” You follow him up into a tree, where the both of you take turns with your binoculars. He takes out his block of a phone. How you loved the 90’s. He dials the number, telling you to watch their reaction in the windows. “Hi. What’s your favorite scary movie,” Billy's voice drawls out to his unsuspecting victims in the mansion that you were currently hiding outside of.
Billy continued to harass them on the phone, beckoning you down the tree quietly, and closer and closer to the person’s backyard. Billy stays on the phone, pointing at you to stay put, and opens the window on the first floor. You wait outside, as he slips on in.
You knew what to do. You’d wait for his signal, then follow him in. Then, came your favorite part: where Billy shows you off to his victims <3
You see his hand signal through the window. You step on inside, and see the couple tied to each other, this time with metal chains. Billy is wearing his mask. “Just in time for the show, sweetheart. Kneel.”
You do as said, loving the absolutely sadistic smile on his face right now. He puts on your leash ( only for when in front of un-consenting others) and has to crawl to sit at his knees. “You see here, my two pretties, you two are going to watch me fuck my little princess here. After that, I’ll decide if you get to live,” he chuckles in absolute glee.
“By the way, if you two decide to make a sound, or go at my little girl here, I’ll stab ya. Sounds good? My, my, what a perfect, scary movie,” he narrates to himself, to you, to the two victims, who looked like they were about to mentally lose it. <3
He skips with the foreplay, the blowjob, the fingering. He gets right to it. He wants his victims to see his pretty girl, on his own terms. He roughly pushes you down onto the floor, strong hands positioning your hips in place, giving your ass a few harsh spanks <3 you hear the belt buckle slip, and soon enough, you can feel the warmth of his already hard cock near your puffy pussy.
Your eyes are drawn to the couple. You loved being shown off, being watched. They did not want to watch you. But that is okay. Billy is going to make them. :)
They watch in horror as he starts rutting into you like a beast, bloody knife that he used on one of the victims nearing your neck, staying there. The knife soon drops, he gives it to you to hold as he starts losing control. You were too, feeling so full of him, getting an extra serving of his cum :) was your favorite thing to do.
You smiled as the couple looked on in horror. Billy pulled out just the last second before, and came all over your face. “Look so pretty with my cum all over your face, sweet girl. Clean it up f’me, yeah?” You nod.
After you wipe it off, Billy steps back in front of the two victims. “See how nicely I treat my girl? I’m her daddy, after all. Just wanted to show her to you. She’s mine, forever will be. What a nice show the two of you got,” he chuckles, before stabbing one of them, the screams could be heard from down the block.
Billy finished off the other one, not before giving her a good slap and punch. <3 The pool of blood covers the entire kitchen tiling, making it seem red everywhere. It’s on your shoes, on Billy’s. He takes his mask off, and picks you up in his arms.
“Did so good f’me today, sweet girl. So proud of you,” he praises you. “You did good too, Billy. I love how rough you are with them.” He smiles again, giving you a tender kiss. “Let’s leave, huh? Go back home, watch a scary movie?,” he asks. You nod, staying still in his arms as he carries you over the blood, and back out to the woods.
The two of you make it back to the van. They won’t catch you. As long as you’re together, everything was just fine.
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nolovelingers · 10 months
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⋆ ★ movies :: scream ,, scream v ,, scream vi
characters used ᝰ.ᐟ billy loomis / stu macher / sidney prescott / wes hicks / ethan kirsch (landry) / tara carpenter / mindy meeks martin / chad meeks martin
🎧 cw — jealousy (obvi) ,, violence and dark themes (only for the ghost faces) ,, possessiveness ,, gn!reader except for stu and mindys part !!!
billy doesn’t really get jealous often. he’s extremely self-confident in himself and knows that there really is no one better than him. he knows you wouldn’t dare leave him for another, but that doesn’t stop the occasional feeling of possessiveness creeping through his mind at the sight of seeing you with another guy.
he definitely doesn’t mention it to you, not wanting you to know that the sight got to him, even if it was only slightly, and resorts to sending a glare in the person of interests direction when you’re not facing him. the second you turn around he gives you a sweet toothy smile, both cunning and sly all the same and he makes sure to lock eyes with the person while bringing you in for a deep kiss, hand gripping your face securely as if you were a possession.
and of course, he’d send stu to kill the person later that night; not feeling like their death was worth his own time.
彡 “billy, hey.” turning to greet your boyfriend with a chastened and quick kiss to his mouth, he hums, savoring the feeling of your lips moving against his that was all too short in his opinion.
“hey doll.” the corners of his mouth itched up, a smirk creasing over his face that held mischief, a dark sense of playful fun as he observed you, eyes quickly flicking from you to the boy you were currently talking to. he looked at the kid for not longer than a few seconds before returning his stone cold gaze back to you, like the man wasn’t good enough for his eyes to settle on.
“who you talking to?” he asks, only a hint of actual curiosity lingering in his voice, meeting your eyes with his and wrapping an arm around your lower body.
“oh, this is daniel. he’s in my history class.”
billy hums, returning his eyes back to the boy, who’s name was apparently daniel, in an almost predatory way. daniel felt unease through his veins as the loomis boy studied him, and smiled a bit. “nice to meet you.” he said, and billy nodded with a straight face, suddenly holding out his hand to shake. daniel accepted the gesture, loosely shaking his hand but finding himself wincing a bit at the intensity of the blonde haired boys grip.
“im billy. (y/n)‘s boyfriend.” quick to annunciate the boyfriend bit, daniel took the hint, gulping but nodding in understandment.
“alright well, i gotta run. ill see you tomorrow.” excusing himself from the conversation, daniel walks away from the scene, shaking his hand a bit as a way to soothe some of the pain from the hand crushing grip billy had him in; and you were completely oblivious as billy smirked in victory, guiding you back to the school parking lot and quickly taking out his flip phone to text stu about their next possible victim.
ೄྀ࿐ STU MACHER ˊˎ-
unlike billy, stu is an extremely jealous cretin who quickly doubts himself when it comes to his worth in the relationship. after his very first girlfriend, casey becker, left him in the snap of her fingers for a jock, he was left to be decently insecure.
he would do anything to prevent you from having any male interaction and if he could he would have a camera on you at all times to watch you go about your day and see how you’re interacting with others who aren’t him. when he actually witnesses you talking to a guy, he’s quick to jump in.
he’s not subtle at all about it and immediately gets very touchy with you, kissing your cheek and neck in front of the dude as a ‘joke’ and goes out of his way to mock and make fun of the person in question. he will whine and beg you to leave and once you’re away from the person he asks you millions of questions, especially whether or not you were attracted to them.
just like billy, he wants the person dead and for the rest of the day all he can think about is ripping their intestines out and crucifying them to a wall. his imagination runs wild with all the ways he wanted to kill him. he asks billy about it, but billy couldn’t be bothered to care that much and unless it was really, genuinely bothering stu he’d tell him to take care of it himself. after the first three guys billy had helped stu kill all cause of his jealousy, he couldn’t be bothered anymore and he knew you would start to get suspicious. every guy you talked to was disappearing at this rate.
彡 “hey babe, who’s this?” stu jogs up to you from behind, almost crashing into your back as he slings an arm around your shoulder lazily and looks at you with a shit eating grin.
“jackson.” the man introduces himself before you can to the macher killer, and stu swivels his head to the boy. his jealousy only furthering deeper as he noticed the man to be wearing a school football uniform, a jock.
“aww, i wasn’t asking you, jason.” stu’s face falls completely and you turn to him with a devastated look, feeling embarrassed in front of your classmate. “i was asking my beautiful girlfriend.” he pulls you closer to him, his big signature wide mouth smile making its way back over his face. “dont you think she’s beautiful? isn’t she just so pretty? come on jerry you can be honest, my girlfriends hot, isn’t she?” the boys tone had drastically went from playful to deadly, like he was testing him
“stu macher, this is my english teachers teaching assistant!” you warn, your face flushing a red color at stu’s outburst but your boyfriend doesn’t seem to care at all as he doesn’t even look at you, taking a bit of a step closer to the jock.
“oh, so you’re smart then, huh? well, clearly not that much, wearing something as tacky as that. you get dressed in the dark this morning?” he sticks his tongue out, laughing at his own joke and apparently thinking it was the funniest thing in the world as he starts to giggle with a crazed look in his eye, and though jackson felt offended and wanted nothing more than to step forward and suckerpunch macher right in the face, something about the way his eyes held mania and instability freaked the jock out.
he scoffed, rolling his eyes and walking away from the couple. jackson doesn’t even make it three feet away and you can’t get the words out to scold your boyfriend for his behavior before he’s turning you to face him and holding both your shoulders, a serious look on his face.
“babe, be honest with me, did you think he’s cute?”
sidney was a fairly innocent girl who wasn’t used to all the feelings that came along in a relationship, and she never could quite put a label on the word she felt when she saw you talking to other girls. not every girl, just the ones who in her own eyes were particularly pretty or were openly flirty.
she found it hard to trust again after her last relationship, obviously not ending well since he killed all/most her friends and then tried to go after her, but after some time once she started to heal and you showed her love and how a healthy relationship should look and act she was quick to ease into the breath of fresh air you gave her.
she pouts a bit when she’s jealous, and she doesn’t make too big of a deal out of it. depending on her scale of jealousy she’d either mention it briefly to you so you could reassure her or she’d just make sure to be extra lovey with you the rest of the day to earn more of your love and give you extra of hers.
unlike stu or billy she doesn’t make herself present in the conversation, she’ll usually glance from a distance and maybe bring it up to her friends to ask about the girl you were talking to. not that she’d do anything with the information anyway. if she ends up meeting the girl, whether it’s while she’s with you or running into her when it’s just the two of them, she’s very friendly and would even try befriending the person to see the kind of people you surround yourself with.
彡 sidney watched from a short distance the interaction you shared with a girl who’s face was unfamiliar to her. she stood by her locker, face half hidden by the door and taking a glance in your direction every couple minutes.
she couldn’t deny that there was something about seeing you talk to another girl who in her mind was one of the most gorgeous people she’s ever seen, definitely far prettier than her, making her stomach twist and turn with uneasiness.
gnawing her lip a bit she tried to pay no mind to it, being respectful as she waited for you to finish your conversation so you could walk home together like you usually do. her patience worked as it often did, and within minutes she felt your hands snake around her back, and a sweet kiss being pressed to her temple. “hey sid.” you greeted, and she hummed, leaning her weight back into your arms.
“hi.” her voice rasped, a soft and gentle whisper and a smile made its way to her features while she turned around to face you, holding her hand out for you to take, which you gladly did.
“ready to go?”
“yeah.” she smiled, and you briskly leaned in to connect your lips with hers. her heart fluttered at the action and all her worries melted away. there was no reason to be jealous, she was definitely overreacting. she trusted you and the love you had for her.
ೄྀ࿐ WES HICKS ˊˎ-
by nature, wes was a very trusting and caring person. he’s gotten jealous maybe a total of two times throughout your entire relationship. he may have occasional worries, but it’s not typically jealousy he feels. he gets more insecure than he does jealous and reflects it on himself; wondering if he’s really good enough to be your boyfriend.
he is often very protective over you and while there are times you notice his body tense or a light touch of his hand pressed to the small of your back it’s not really jealousy he’s feeling, growing up in a household where his mother is a cop he was raised to be on high alert at all times; afraid a guy might do something to mess with you or make you uncomfortable.
however, on the very very few occasions where it’s jealousy he’s feeling rather than simple protectiveness, he seems to go eerily quiet. his eyes dart back and fourth from your face to the persons, studying your interaction and the body language you’re giving off. if asked about it he’ll brush it off as nothing and force a reassuring smile that fades the second you look away and forms again when you look back.
he won’t mention it ever again and within a few hours he’s back to his normal self. but unless you’re able to notice his jealousy the second it starts, he’s not one to talk or ask about it.
彡 the sun was shining down on the both of you as you sat outside against the tree located right outside tara’s house. you had made plans with all of your friends to have a big hangout and like usual you and your boyfriend had strayed off from the rest of the group to have some alone time.
wes was always huge on private intimacy and liked it better when it was just the two of you. not anything against his friends, he loved all of them, it was just nice to spend time with just his partner. mindy, tara and chad payed no attention as the couple wondered off outside and perched themselves against a woodsy tree. wes had his back completely against the tree, legs widened while you sat between them, your back on his chest and his head on his shoulder while he held onto your body with protective arms; his muscles flexing against you.
you were laughing at something the bleached-haired boy had said when your alone time was cut short, the sound of a door opening and chad stepping outside.
“what’re you two losers doing?” he asked, a teasing lopsided grin on his face as he approached you two after closing the door.
“hey chad, just hanging out.” you greet him with a smile and wes greets him with a ‘hey’ as well, still keeping his arms secured around you.
“mind if i join you? those two girls are kind of driving me crazy right now.” he chuckles, sitting down in front of the both of you and not paying any mind to the fact that you were both cuddled up. “(y/n), you should’ve stayed inside. mindy started recreating a scene from the mummy, it was sorta funny but made me concerned about my relations to her.” you don’t question why chad had aimed the conversation towards you but it’s enough for wes’ jaw to clench against your shoulder before he brought his head up all together and off of you.
“really? wow, im sorry i missed it.” you laugh a bit and chad smiles and laughs with you as you do. you wish you could see your boyfriends face right now as he then removed his arms from around you as well, but since you were sitting up against him you couldn’t turn around and see without making it obvious.
you try not to pay any attention to his sudden change in behavior as you continue making friendly banter with chad, noticing wes completely going mute until he dismisses himself with a toothless smile and a small apology, going back inside and leaving you and chad alone and confused.
ethan gets jealous over you almost every other day, sometimes just by simply thinking about you with someone else. he doesn’t even have to see you talk to someone, or flirt, or interact; he often accidentally makes himself jealous at the idea of being jealous. when he’s jealous he then gets flustered, and has no idea how to express the way he’s feeling.
when he actually sees someone flirting with you though, it ignites a fire in him that would sometimes scare himself. obviously he’s a violent guy, but when it comes to a potential threat between your relationship it only intensifies. he’d kill the person in the most brutal way imaginable, even torturing or fucking with them before hand.
assuming you don’t yet know about his ghostface identity, he’s still the sweet, awkward and adorable ethan youve grown to know and love. in the moment he won’t do much about it, maybe standing behind you and locking eye contact with the person, resting a hand on your hip with fragility and having mock friendliness. the second they leave though is when he gets more vocal about it, pestering you with questions and dread spilling throughout his body the more he thinks about it.
however if you were already aware of his identity he wouldn’t bother to hide his disdain, looking at the mystery person with pure unfiltered disgust and hatred as he kept you close to him and dismissed you from the conversation himself. if they dared to try and intervene or call him out on his behavior they’d better prepare for a good beating, he wouldn’t hesitate before pushing them to the ground and kicking them in the stomach and all over their body repeatedly like a typical 80s bully. he’d come back for the final kill another time when you weren’t with him.
彡 “can we go? im tired.” a very grumpy brunette mumbled from his spot next to you, defensively staring at the male you were talking to. an ‘old friend’ of yours.
“one second e,” you dismissed him without so much as a glance, continuing in your conversation with the guy in front of you. he was maybe 5’10, dark brown hair and hazel green eyes that ethan imagined running red with blood and tears. ethan could definitely take him in a fight.
he was quiet for about a whole minute before he sighs, rather loudly, glancing around the room and waiting for you to notice him. when you don’t face him at his first sigh, ethan let’s out a second huff of air, louder this time.
and you ignore him again. and he sighs again. and again. and agai-
“ethan, i swear to god.” you lecture, finally turning to face him and the guy in front of you laughs a bit at the two of you, which only makes ethan feel angrier.
“im tired. please can we go. pleasee!” he whines, articulating his best puppy dog eyes as he bats his long and dark lashes at you. and of course it works, it always does.
you agree, waving your friend goodbye who understands and sends you off with a smile. as you walk back to your dorms the questions finally roll in.
who was that guy? where’d you meet? did he go to school with the both of you? how long have you known him? what’s his relationship with his family like? do you think hes funny?
you humor him as much as you can before the questions start to get more and more invasive and you finally shut him down, leaving him with a pout as he sadly stares at the floor, making you feel bad and quickly cupping his face and peppering kisses all over. he smiles finally.
by the end of the day, none of the questions actually mattered. ethan decided already the second you approached him that he was a dead man.
contrary to popular belief, tara could actually get jealous quite frequently. though it’s not as often as others on the list, she’s lost a good amount of people in her life and isn’t about to risk loosing the few she now has left.
when she’s jealous she can get snappy as well as sarcastic, to both you and the person she’s feeling jealous of. it’s either that, or she’s just sickeningly nice to both of you to mask her feelings. so sweet in fact that it’s mostly taken as being mocked by the one on the receiving end, which is usually what it is anyway.
she’ll stand by you as you converse, her arms crossed defensively and an rbf like you’ve never seen, but if you try to leave the conversation or ask her if something’s up she’ll tell you to just keep talking to the other person in an annoyed voice.
彡 “you’re so funny!” you blush a bit, embarrassed by the sudden compliment and attention you were receiving from the girl in front of you that originally only approached you for a question she had about the homework in the math class you shared.
“you’re SO funny!” behind you, an annoyed tara mocks the girl, raising her voice to sound high pitched and squeaky as she defensively held her arms crossed against her chest.
“tara,” you mumble, glancing at her expectantly and she sends you a glare, huffing and turning her head away from the both of you.
the girl in front of you awkwardly scratches her head and you give her a sympathetic smile. “thank you maria. ill see you tomorrow.” she nods, sending you an appreciative smile back before glancing at your girlfriend for a second and then quickly away as she realizes the girl was already glaring in her direction before walking away from the two of you.
you sigh, turning to face your girlfriend who still looks pissed off, a grouchy look on her face and arms crossed as she meets your eyes. “tara.” you repeat her name, saying so many things without saying another word. she sighs, dropping her arms back to her sides and looking away from you now in a bit of embarrassment.
“sorry.” she mutters, not meeting your eyes.
“no you’re not.”
she smirks a little. “no im not.”
( ↺ please only read mindys if you identify as female !! )
mindy isn’t often the jealous type and doesn’t really see many people if any at all as a threat to her. especially for no reason. the only exception for her small bursts of jealousy is when someone knows you’re dating and still goes out of their way to make a move on you.
when this happens she gets rather ticked off, probably yelling at or lecturing the person for trying to hit on someone while knowing they’re in a happy relationship. and she’ll really specify that happy bit as if to rub it in their face.
her fits don’t last very long and though she may continue to pout over it for maybe 10 minutes max afterwards all it takes is a little reassuring and she’s back to her usual self. all in all, if she’s jealous she’ll speak out about it herself.
彡 “mindy, look at me.” you instruct your girlfriend, who in fact does not look at you as she zones off into the distance with an aggravated expression.
“i do not understand how some people have the nerve. i mean seriously, she knew you had a girlfriend, she knew that girl was me, and she still went out of her way to flirt with you.” rambling on, you’re unable to get the short haired girl’s attention as she’s lost in thought.
“mindy, will you look at me?” you repeat, currently crouched down in front of her while she rocked back and fourth on a recliner.
“it’s just- it’s so frustrating! she’s such a- a- a snake!” this emits a soft chuckle to part from your lips and you finally decide to just make your girlfriend look at you instead of desperately calling out for her which didn’t seem to be working.
“i love you.” you affirm, cupping the both of her cheeks. the martin girl blushes a bit, taken off guard.
“i love you.”
“i love you too, baby.” she smiles, and you lean up to initiate a soft kiss, her current thoughts pausing temporarily.
by the time you pull away she’s looking at you like you’re the only thing left in the world, cheekily smiling while you continue holding her face in your hands.
“sorry for making a scene back there.” she apologies, referring to back when the entire situation went down and she ended up yelling at the girl who was trying to make a move on you in the first place.
“it’s okay. it was cute. turned me on a little.”
“oh yeah?”
“yeah.” you giggled, and mindy was fast to forget about the entire situation as her priorities shifted entirely to you.
depending on how long the two of you have been together is how chad would go about handling his own jealousy. if the relationship is fairly new or it’s only in the talking stage, he’s the type to go flirt with someone else to make you jealous back, even though you weren’t doing it intentionally.
if you’re about 3 months or so into the relationship though or if he’d liked you for a really long time he wouldn’t resort to that. instead he’d try his best to intimidate the person, keep an arm around you and amplify his personality.
he’d constantly interrupt the two of you rather rudely and make his own conversation, add his own thoughts or ask random questions to the stranger. he’s shameless about it too and does it all with a smile. he’d be friendly enough to the person, trying to make his own opinion on them.
would definitely be unnecessarily affectionate, holding your hand and pressing kisses to the back of your palm or making you randomly sit on one of his legs while bouncing you up and down.
彡 you groaned a bit, your boyfriend now interrupting the conversation for what felt like the twentieth time as he continued to make his presence known, both arms hung over your shoulders as he has you pressed into his chest and his head hovering over yours.
“chad, honey, what are you doing?” you finally ask, excusing yourself for a moment from your friend to talk privately.
“what?” he feigns obliviousness, a knowing smirk on his face as he reached his hands out for you again, pulling you closer to him and resting his hands on your waist.
“you know what.” you sigh, hating the fact you were already trying to fight back a smile the boy made contort on your face.
“just tryna get to know your friends.” he shrugged, leaning a little closer to you. “seeing what’s up. making sure there’s no competition.”
you roll your eyes, finally a small laugh leaving your lips.
“but chad, i get doing that to my guy friends, i guess, but do you really have to do that to the girls too?”
“what? my sisters gay, im just being precautious. nothing unusual.” he shrugged innocently and you smiled as he pulled you into a hug.
“wait, you have guy friends?”
.ೃ࿐ a/n : this took so long to finish , towards the last couple the quality kinda worsened cause i spent all day writing these and finished those ones at night
started 08.05.23. finished 08.05.23.
( scream masterlist )
©️nolovelingers 2023
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t0yac1d · 4 months
Cameras (Multiple Characters x F!Reader)
I wanna get freaky on camera, I love when we get freaky on camera
Warnings: Smut, teasing, finger sucking, oral (male receiving), the slightest bit of choking
Notes: Just a little something while I finish up some requests, enjoy my loves! Also there's like no fucking way that my story on Wattpad, which contains all of these and more, got removed the other day...I'm losing my mind over here babes.
Word Count: 404
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Thinking about how these men would actually be so obsessed and mesmerized by how you look that they just have to record and praise you.
They'll tell you just how pretty you are while also pushing up your skirt, showing the camera your pretty panties while pointing out the wet spot in the middle of them.
They'd push open your legs and tease you through your panties, focusing the camera on your clothed cunt. They'll move their hand up your body, camera following, as they squeeze and grab at your tits.
They'll ask you to take your shirt off while they push your panties aside, one of their fingers playing with your clit. They'd move the camera to focus on your face,
"Such a pretty girl..pretty, pretty, pretty.." They'd mumble, free hand moving back up your body and caressing your face. They'd run their thumb against your bottom lip and tell you to open up for them. You'd take their thumb in your mouth, sucking on it while making eye contact with them through the camera.
Their eyes would dilate and their jaw would go slack. You're just so fucking pretty.
"Wanna put on a show? Wanna show 'em how you suck on cock?"
You'd smile and pull their pants and boxer briefs down in one pull, taking their hard cock in your mouth.
Their moans can be heard clearly in the video. Their hand moved to the back of your head, just resting on top while they watched as you took him in your mouth like the good girl you are.
In all honesty, it didn't take him long before he cumming down your throat and all over your face.
The way you look up at him while sucking on his cock, and the way you give a little smile while doing so just ruins him. You make him weak.
You looked up at him, making eye contact, but not through the camera, no, over it. You look up at him with his cum decorating your face and tongue.
He stopped the recording and threw the camera on the bed. His hand wrapped around your throat and he pulled you in for a sloppy kiss. He tasted his cum that sat on your tongue, some of the cum that was on your face spread on his. He loves when you look so messy, face covered in his cum.
"Such a fucking pretty girl."
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Eren Yeager. Jean Kirstein. Kazuichi Souda. Nagito Komaeda. Rantaro Amami. Tengen Uzui. Akaza. Tetsurou Kuroo. Yuu Nishinoya. Ryuu Tanaka. Kei Tsukishima. Rintarou Suna. JJ Maybank. Billy Loomis. Carl Gallagher. Satoru Gojo. Kento Nanami. Fushiguro Toji. Mike Wheeler. Eddie Munson. Carl Grimes. Elliot. AND MORE!
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differentlovelover · 11 months
Texting slashers “she’s busy” prank
Includes:Stu Macher,Billy Loomis,Jason Voorhees,Micheal Myers,Hannibal Lector(series)
Stu Macher
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After Stu read the response he headed over to the house right away and ran in looking for the “guy” who texted him
It took you a minute to tell him that it wasn’t real and you proved it as well and then he stops and stares at you causing you to giggle as he tackled you onto the bed tickling you
“You thought you where funny?!” He said threw his teeth which caused you to laugh harder and shake your head no. Then after you both layed in each other arms and hung out
Billy Loomis
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Billy don’t take you seriously anyways so why would be now?
I mean billy couldn’t even believe you since well- you are you-
Trust maybe one day you’ll get him and it will be good
Jason Vorrhees
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Translation:baby.want to hang out? Baby busy? Who? (You know his fingers are kinda big so he sometimes misses the keys)
Poor baby didn’t understand what you was talking about but knew it was not right
The audacity you had to do such prank on a innocent man like him
Once you came outside he looked at you confused with his head tilted
“I’m sorry my baby ignore what I said” you shake your head facepalming
He grunts to the door as if to ask is someone in there with you
“No I’m alone baby I swear I just just joking with you” you gently rub his stomach then pat it “lets go big boy” he blinks then follows you just happy your here
Micheal Myers
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Yes that is a picture of the outside of your window
He knew you wasn’t busy. He’s always watching you.
You peaked out the window seeing him standing there staring at you. You giggle nervously and open the door for you
He went inside and looked around then walks back to you as he picked you up over shoulder. “Micheal I’m sorry!-“ you laugh as he takes you to the bedroom and sits you down forcing you to watch the TikTok he sent you.
Hannibal Lector
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Oh lord. He never speaks with the single word. You know you definitely upset him.
He called your phone as you answered “hey Hanni-“ “y/n. Where are you?”
You show your office room with just yourself and your desk and other things. “I’m here alone Hanni- it was a prank-“
He looked at you as he kept his normal nonchalant expression but his eyes slightly looked around the room then he leans back “oh really?..”
“Yes I promise” you sit the phone down looking at him.
“Well in that case..how about you show me just how busy you are right now.” He slightly gave a sly grin as he looked at you.
You blink as you look back- lets just say you probably would prank him again after that-
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malertop · 2 months
!poly Billy Loomis x Stu Macher x Male Reader
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Gif is not mine!
Stu,Billy and Y/N were secretly dating,Stu Macher was obsessed and overprotective with Y/N just like how much Billy was.Y/N was now in one of Stu's famous parties,Y/N wasn't the type of person to go to party,he liked reading books,study,quite..or otherwise you can just you say he was a big nerd,but that didn't stop Billy and Stu to date him and (love) like him.He owns them,they own him and that should be known.But today the party was different because in this party Stu wanted to lose his virginity to Y/N and he made sure he wanted to as much as possible,he called Y/N and told him to go to his room to find something for him which was obviously a lie but he had to get him in his room so he could have sex with him.Stu just entered his room now and saw Y/N sitting in his bed and when he just made eye contact with Stu,Stu just jumped and started kissing Y/N roughly but with love,a lot of love.As him and Y/N we're kissing Stu started to undress himself,Now Stu was shirtless which confused Y/N by his actions and why he is undressing himself,after 5 more minutes of kissing Y/N finally pulled and said "Stu...Stu..." he said while trying to catch his breath "Why are..are you undressing yourself..and..you took all my breath oh my god" Y/N was still out of breath as Stu watched him with a smirk and while Y/N was taking deep breaths he started stripping Infront of Y/N which just shocked him,now Y/N shocked and Stu naked we're next to each other in his king size bed.
"Y/N you don't know how long I've waited for this" Stu said with a smile while Y/N was confused,shocked and all blushy like a tomato "w-wait what,waited for what?" Y/N said with a confused look while Stu was still smiling and then the smile turned into a smirk "for you to fuck me of course!" Stu said as he turned and now Y/N was facing Stu's ass "please Y/N pull that cucumber out of my pussy~" Stu said with a smirk and Y/N could tell by the way he said it,Y/N then grabbed the little peace of the cucumber that was left and couldn't fit inside of his ass and started to pull out while Stu was kind of moaning,Y/N pulled out the whole cucumber out of Stu's asshole which now was wrecked and very much opened "now it's..it's open just for you...so..so fuck my ass and let me lose my virginity Y/N..please!" Stu started begging as he was also taking his breath while Y/N started to get hard then Stu turned to face the other male who was with him.
Stu looked at him in the eyes and after a second he started to kiss Y/N again,while kissing he grabbed Y/N's hand and started rubbing his fingers all around his ass,teasing him and hiss asshole at the same time and fuck he enjoyed it,after more of the rubbing and Y/N out of breath he stopped and pulled out from the kiss,now he was looking at Y/N and then lay down on his bed and put his legs in the air revealing his pink little asshole "C'mon Y/N" as Stu said that he slapped his hole with his hands and continued to talk "fuck that pink little hole and make it into a mess just like that cucumber made it" Stu slapped his hole again "just let me have that cum of yours" he slapped his hole again "all over my ass and all over it" he slapped his hole "PLEASE Y/N JUST FUCK MY PUSSY DUDE!"
Stu said in a tone that sounded like he was about to cry which obviously he used just to get what he wanted and needed,Y/N just looked at his lover and just couldn't handle it and so he pulled of his pants and underwear leaving himself only with his shirt which revealed his big thick dick which shocked Stu completely then Y/N started getting closer to the male who was smiling,Y/N was now facing the laying Stu face and his ass "C'mon dude,just fuck my cunt with your big...big..big dick" Stu said as Y/N's dick hipnotized him and just after a second Stu's eyes winded up as he moaned "oh fuck!" Stu moaned as Y/N started to enter inside of him.
Y/N was thrusting more and more inside of Stu's ass while Stu was just basically loosing his mind,moaning and begging for Y/N to be faster and Y/N just followed his order "Fuc-Fuck it hurts so good" Stu said as his head fall back from the enjoyment "Fuck that pussy Y/N~" Stu said as his eyes rolled from the enjoyment "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck,fuck my cunt deep just like that Y/N, of fuck fuck fuck fuck my cunt..oh my fucking cunt!" Stu said as Y/N's dick could have been seen inside of Stu's stomach "Fuck your wrecking me baby..wrecking that boy pussy so bad..so fu-ungh..ungh oh-oh-oh ye-ye-yeah" Stu kept moaning as Y/N was about to cum soon "Stu..Stu I think i will cum" "Cum inside me,make that pussy pregnant Y/N...fuck,make that pussy pregnant with you seed!~" as Stu said this Y/N couldn't help it but cum inside of his asshole while Stu kept moaning feeling Y/N's seed flowing inside for his asshole,but the cum didn't stop and Y/N eyes crossed as he moaned abd took his dick with one hand and pushed out of Stu's ass thinking it would stop but he continued to cum on Stu's ass "oh fuck" Y/N said as his cum finally stopped,Y/N came in Stu's ass,on top his ass and even in Stu's blanket "Fuck...that was amazing" Stu said as his own ass gaped and pushed out Y/N's seed "fuck...Y/N...you ruined my boy cunt...fuck my boy cunt is ruined" Stu said this as a joke,even tho it was and wasn't with a weak voice,he enjoyed every second of it "..You know...Billy wants to lose his virginity too.." Stu said panting as well as an offer and then Billy entered "I am so not walking tomorrow...am i?" Y/N said in a tired voice while Billy was already started to undress him"Nope" Stu said and looked at Billy who smirked while looked at Stu's gaping hole and then looked at Y/N and said "Oh babe..i am just the next Stu~".
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