#Athena grant has three kids
braincelllostandfound · 11 months
Athena after learning about Buddie
Athena: tell me this, Edmundo… 
Eddie: I- I think I wanna go now.
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octoberobserver · 8 days
Buddie Fic - Sneak Peek
As Buck woke the morning of June 16th 2024, reality crashed down hard on him.
This Father’s Day was going to be a lot different than any he had had in recent years.
For starters, the Grant-Nashes were out of state visiting family as they waited for the purchase of their new house to go through and for Bobby’s hopefully imminent reinstatement as Captain of the 118, and secondly…
Christopher was in Texas.
Which meant…Eddie was alone.
Had been alone for weeks now. Except, well, not entirely alone. Buck had initially kept finding excuses to camp out on his couch and eventually, after offering up his loft to Bobby and Athena for the next few weeks, was now practically living with him.
This was how he found himself waking up on the Diaz couch, roused from a dream where the three of them were in an ice cream parlour under the sea, to find a text from Bobby waiting for him on his phone, which lay on Eddie’s coffee table.
Bobby - 9:32 am
Sorry I’m missing Father’s Day dinner this time, kid. Dinner at Angelo’s next week to make up for it? May says hi and wants you to know her card is going to beat yours this year.
Buck snorted, quickly typing a reply as he climbed out of his makeshift bed.
Me - 9:32 am
She talks a big game, but I have her beat again. She’ll see. My card has dalmatians on it, Bobby. Dalmatians! Dinner at Angelo’s sounds good. Happy Father’s Day, pops. 🥳🎈💜
He was halfway through brewing some coffee and contemplating what to make Eddie for breakfast when his phone buzzed in his hand. 
Bobby - 9:43 am
You too. I know today in particular, will be hard on you and Eddie. But I know you’ll have his back. And he’ll have yours. Eddie’s invited to dinner, too :)
Buck’s heart cracked as his eyes roamed over the text before he allowed himself a small smile at the old-school emoticon smiley. 
“That Tommy?”
He jumped at least a foot in the air at the sudden voice. 
Head shooting up, he drank in the sight of his best friend, standing in the doorway of the kitchen, looking tired and dishevelled in his sleep pants and an old T-shirt that Buck was convinced used to be his. It had been Eddie’s default state for weeks now, not helped by the overbearing presence of Captain Gerard at work and the aching absence of Chris at home. 
(Read my other Buddie fics here)
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged when the full fic drops! 😊
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andavs · 1 year
Genuine Beer in 9-1-1
There’s been a lot of talk about the Genuine beer that Buck and Eddie keep drinking, so I thought I’d make a post about it! But if we're talking about Genuine beer, I think it's only fair that we look at all of the other beer they use in the show too.
Just a quick note before we start: I don't think their prop department makes any of these. There are vendors that specialize in making props like this, and at least five of these come from the same company.
9-1-1 has a lot of commonly recurring brands of prop beer. They tend to use multiple brands at a time for variety, peaking at six used throughout 3b. There's also a bunch of one-offs they've only used once or twice that I didn't bother including here, and there's some that they've only used in the backgrounds, but I couldn't really read the labels.
They didn't really use prop beer bottles until Hen Begins (2.09), halfway through season 2. Most of the characters are shown drinking wine until Buck, Actually (2.08), and aside from one scene at the end of 1.10, those who do drink beer use a glass.
So without further ado: the beers of 9-1-1.
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Blind Fox Ale is used mostly in seasons 2 and 3. As of 6.15, it's tied with Genuine for most uses, with main characters drinking it nine times. It's shown on screen even more in the background, and pops up in 5a when Michael's drinking one.
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Alexander’s Famous Ale was used in a two episodes during season 2: Chim drinks it twice in Chimney Begins (2.12) and Athena and Hen drink it in Ocean's 9-1-1 (2.15). Red was drinking it at the bar in The One that Got Away (3.16). It's frequently used in the background by extras.
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Grand Ale first popped up in Kids Today (3.01) and stayed through season 3. Chim drank it twice, Michael had it at a Grant-Nash family dinner, and Buck also drank it in Fools (3.12).
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Cerveza Extra was used mostly in season three. Chimney was drinking one at the party for Buck in Kids Today (3.01), Buck had one sitting in front of him at the end of The Searchers (3.03), Chimney was making his way through several in Seize the Day (3.11) and Buck has one in front of him during the party at Eddie's later that episode. Buck also served it to Connor in Peru in Buck Begins (4.05).
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Mendoza Lager was added in season 5 and these are the three times we've seen it: Buck drinks it in Outside Looking In (5.11) while the team is at the bar, he drinks it again on the balcony with Maddie in Starting Over (5.18), and in Tomorrow (6.06), Hen was drinking it when she first met Karen.
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Rio Negro has been used a few times, and so far, Eddie’s the only main character who drinks it. Lena had one with him at the junkyard fight in Rage (3.05), he had one or two at the bar in Seize the Day (3.11) (and extras were also holding it during the party at his house later that episode), and he also drank it in Texas with his family in Hero Complex (5.17). As far as I can tell, this is the only beer that's this character-specific.
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Tux’s Red Ribbon was used once in season 1 at the very end of A Whole New You (1.10), when Chim was hosting a party. I didn't notice it again until In Another Life (6.11), where it was the only brand of beer anyone drank in Buck's coma dream. I'm wondering if they used it in the coma dream because they don't normally use it, to subtly emphasize that things are wrong, or if we're going to see it again sometime soon.
Which brings me to Genuine.
The first time I found Genuine being used is back in Hen Begins (2.09). It’s in the scene where she goes out with Athena, Bethanne (the female cop), and Casey (the gay firefighter). She’s the only one at their table drinking Genuine, though Casey also has a beer in a pint glass. That extra behind her looks like they might have it too.
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Note: this isn't the only brand to be used once earlier and then resurrected later; Tux's was used once in season one, and then again in season 6.
After that the show used other brands and I didn’t see it again until Fear-a-Phobia (5.13) when Chim and Hen drink it during their reunion.
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Buck and Eddie drink it in Let the Games Begin (6.01).
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The guy who blew up his cheating neighbor in Crash & Learn (6.02) was drinking Genuine.
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Buck gave one to Connor in Recovery (6.12). It wasn’t in his fridge a few scenes before when Maddie was stocking it for him (meaningful or continuity error?).
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Eddie had it in his fridge later in Recovery and grabbed two for him and Buck, but drank both himself when Buck fell asleep.
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Buck and Eddie were both drinking one while helping Chris with homework in Mixed Feelings (6.13).
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And Eddie had it again at the poker game. (Many of the extras around them were also drinking Genuine.)
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Eddie also had it in his fridge while on the phone with his mom in 6.15, and it's still there when he calls her again at the end.
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It's shown in Maddie and Chimney's fridge at the end of 6.16.
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All that kind of makes it seem like we're seeing it a lot more often lately, like maybe it's a sign of something building. Of the three beer brands we've seen the main characters drink in season 6, Genuine shows up the most by a wide margin. Mendoza Lager has only been in one scene, and Tux's in two (both in the coma dream).
So is it a sign of something being genuine? Uncovering something genuine? Their prop beer budget got cut and they can only afford one brand? Just the latest favorite in their rotation of prop beers and it doesn't mean anything at all? You be the judge!
(It seems like they try to cycle through brands for the core seven characters to drink every season or two. The ones that were most prevalent in seasons 2 and 3 still occasionally pop up in the background in later seasons, especially in bar scenes, or for characters like Michael and Red. And once you notice them, then you too might find yourself pointing excitedly when you spot a rogue Alexander's Famous Ale on a passing server's tray for the first time in two seasons.)
Bonus unrelated discovery from my search: Back in Hen Begins, Hen had the frog sponge holder first.
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fearlessinger · 2 years
How does Athena foil Apollo?
oh in so many ways… Love that you picked her. (Granted Athena herself, like all the gods who aren't Apollo, has had a relatively low amount of screentime in the rrverse so far, but I believe there's enough to paint a pretty complete picture if you read between the lines, and take into account what other characters - mainly Apollo and her children - say/imply of her. So.)
Athena is Zeus's favorite, I would argue even above Artemis, because she's the only one out of all the gods who never feels the need to resort to going behind his back in the course of the three pentalogies. She's the only member of the Olympian council that we know he actively seeks the advice of.
Apollo on the other hand, is possibly the least favored of Zeus' progeny in the present day. In Apollo’s own words, Zeus “hasn’t trusted [Apollo] for millennia”. By the time we meet him, Apollo has been left by his father barely any room to maneuver even within his own domains, as demonstrated by the fact that he can’t even independently choose to cede the reins of the sun chariot to anyone that Zeus might not approve of. He is the one Zeus immediately points to when he needs a scapegoat. He gets hit with a punishment so harsh it's quite literally a miracle he survived, to the point that we find ourselves wondering, in the end, if he was actually meant to.
But it wasn't always like this. Once upon a time Apollo too enjoyed Zeus' favor. He and Athena both used to be Zeus' main enforcers and right hand people. We still see evidence of this in the kind of relationship they seem to have. 
Athena is the only one of Apollo’s family members whose counsel he explicitly wishes he could ask during his trials, as opposed to his wishing for material help from most of everybody else. She is the only one of the gods to openly speak against Apollo’s punishment, right in front of Zeus too. She words her disapproval carefully enough that she retains plausible deniability, but just barely. And she alone bets on Apollo’s survival in Hermes’ pool. In that last council scene, she and Apollo are able to silently communicate with just a glance. It’s clear that they share some deep camaraderie, an old well established ease with each other that the recent distance between them has not diminished. 
We’re never given the full explanation, but it’s not hard to figure out how their paths must have diverged. It’s not even hard to figure out why. Apollo’s ruled by his heart, while Athena can’t fathom following anything but her brain. As Apollo started more and more chafing under their father's rules, more and more refusing compliance, Athena clearly made the opposite choice. Nowadays they play opposite roles: the beautiful fool and the dutiful lieutenant. Everything about the way Apollo chooses to present himself is a middle finger to his father, whereas Athena is the staunchest of Zeus loyalists. 
And yet it looks like they still have a lot of respect for each other. Which isn’t surprising because they have some significant similarities despite their very different characters. Firstly: they share a similar sense of responsibility. It’s undeniable that Athena takes their job very seriously, and much as it may seem that Apollo has the opposite attitude on the surface, we know, having reached the end of TOA, that that was never the truth. Secondly, they are both extremely intelligent and acutely aware of it. They both expect to be the smartest person in the room at any given time. And they are right except of course for when they are wrong bc their intelligence most definitely does not prevent them from being also incredibly dumb. You may be wondering how can I so confidently make this latter assertion, since we never get a peek into Athena’s head, but I think Annabeth saying that the first lesson Athena’s kids must learn is that “mom is always right and don’t you ever dare suggest otherwise” backs me up here.
On this note, it’s interesting to observe that Athena’s children and Apollo’s children both display a strikingly unusual amount of faith/confidence in their divine parents, compared to… basically all the other demigods. 
Annabeth won’t ever stop singing Athena’s praises/boasting about being her daughter, even as she makes comments like the one I cited above. And Will famously stood in front of the army that was about to raze CHB to the ground in Apollo’s name and called bullshit on the idea that his father would ever approve of such a thing with enough conviction that the matter was considered settled and nobody even for a second thought of doubting Apollo afterwards. 
And yet “dad is always right” is very obviously not an idea that has ever entered the mind of any of Apollo’s children. They show absolutely no reverence, let alone fear, toward their father. Will doesn’t hesitate to legit SCOLD Apollo in front of the whole camp in THO. The loyalty that Apollo’s children have toward their father is nothing like that of the Athena kids toward their mother. In this too it seems like Athena has chosen to stick to the path traced by Zeus, while Apollo has rejected it.
But their divisions aren’t irreconcilable, and that little secret nod she gives Apollo at the end of TON proves it. Remember when I said Athena is the only one out of all the gods who never feels the need to resort to doing stuff behind Zeus’ back? That changes here. For the very first time, we see her take initiative without her father’s knowledge or consent.
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itwoodbeprefect · 2 months
911 season 7 episode 4!! we've arrived!!
the only reason that i understand this long opening section is playing on the bachelor is that i've watched jarvis johnson talk about it before. thank you jarvis johnson.
the i'm taken but he's not scene. buck has a rule. eddie looks confused. hmmm.
fjdkf "hey joey." while watching the previous episode i said buck was bisexual character number 2 this season (after norman) but i may have been wrong. he's number 3, after norman and chimney.
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i mean, admittedly i've never seen a single episode of the bachelor firsthand, but it seems to me like they'd LOVE for something like this to happen. nobody got seriously hurt, it's extremely dramatic and big, lots and lots and lots of free press - what could be better for reality tv?
buck is so pumped to be getting the tour!!
"i guess that night was the most fun i'd had since getting struck by lightning." "you need to raise your bar, kid." fjdkfd. lines that could have worked word for word in a katherine hepburn/cary grant screwball comedy.
fjdkfjdkfj he's just using getting struck by lightning as a point of reference! "ah." is the right response, i think, tommy.
he could give buck lessons if he wants!! honestly i could quote every line of this conversation as notable and fun. i'm having a ball watching this actually happen with audio, instead of looping chunks of a few seconds. (not that there's anything wrong with looping chunks of a few seconds. i love looping chunks of a few seconds, looping chunks of a few seconds are tumblr's liveblood.)
tommy has "something" (a person) "that" (who) should be arriving right now, actually. fjdkf. early practice for when eddie ends up crashing their date next episode
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also, dear god, eddie's giant truck. forgot about that thing.
fjkdf. this poor man, watching his best friend and unknown crush fly off together. admittedly not into the sunset, but to vegas nonetheless
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waffles!!! bobby and athena made it through a cruise on a sinking ship and now there's someone breaking into their home making waffles
harryyy. i was just thinking about him during the last episode!
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ohhhh. he didn't just shoot up into the sky, that actually is a harry recast. interesting
okay, so apparently (x) marcanthonee reis was "sort of ready to move on". assuming that's true, fair enough - for anyone, but especially for a kid playing a role on tv.
ravi's "who's tommy?" is totally fair, and then he gets rewarded for his patience in being totally excluded from buck and eddie's weird jealous bff conversation by getting sent down a sewer. rough day, man
"both like watching half-naked men pummel each other" is certainly a set of words. it certainly is.
not for nothing, but is eddie blind, or is he just enjoying winding buck up a little, being at the center of some (as he would probably assume) friendship jealousy? because buck is. not being normal about this. at all.
buck thinking he's getting invited to the bar trivia thing and being asked to babysit.... i fully knew that was coming, but it's painfully awkward either way. also, dear god, eddie has already asked his girlfriend to babysit his kid twice this week. hmmmmm.
the AIR QUOTES. had to replay that three times, it's excellent, i adore this. the way he says it is SO good
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the little WIGGLE at the second set of air quotes. GOLD
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"get this! [star wars opinion]" jfkdfjk. possibly the funniest 911 has ever been
on his fridge! eddie has a day calendar! underatakeoutmenu
maddie's "with a little heart around it?" line is exactly as good as it seemed in all the gifs. wonderful, amazing, life-changing stuff
uh oh, harry in trouble!
yeah. so. the woman on this home break-in call absolutely shot her son, didn't she?
she did. we needed a nod to athena's recast son subplot.
that's athena's cop side coming out when she tells her son in a weird roundabout way that people are going to pee on him in jail. if buck and eddie sounded like a classic screwball, this is more tango & cash.
OH. we ARE getting into the athena-is-a-cop part of it.
oh my darling. you are being SO weird about this (affectionate).
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insane amazon prime sponsorship just right in the middle of jealous bisexual weight lifting. what is happening
oh my god. oh boy. oh no
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i mean, oh YES, but there's just oodles of secondhand embarassment to go around here. love you though buck, go for it, don't let me stop you
chimney innocently asking what that is buck is heartbrokenly cuddling..... and getting roped into this insane musclebound love triangle. poor chimney, you did nothing wrong.
also though. eddie giggling on the phone and fully and blatantly ignoring buck for that entire scene? there's just so much going on here. everyone's in love with tommy and his cool helicopters.
i was genuinely sort of hoping the athena-breaking-the-news part of this woman-shot-her-son case would remain implied. very sad. only misery here.
buck bullshitting his way into pretending this is totally just his attempt to bond with his future brother-in-law is very funny. nice try, my boy
the face of a chimney realizing he's been tricked :(
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chimney calling himself a basketball beard...... chimney is cleverer than he even knows, i think.
i saw the post @redgoldblue reblogged pointing this out, but. yeah. that IS a whole montage that's just a very long top gun reference. playing with the boys!!!
also, in light of that...... buck & eddie's infamous "you can have my back any time" was also a top gun reference. (specifically, a reference to "you can be my wingman any time."/"bullshit. you can be mine.", as in, this right here.) we all agree on that, right? i've never seen anyone mention it, but that might just be because i only really see 911 content when it happens across my dash, so. we do agree? because. buck&eddie first bonding moments related to top gun.... buck&tommy arc starting with top gun basketball..... i'm just saying. i am. just saying.
sitting here open-mouthedly indignant that buck dragged chim along and then doesn't even let him play. chimney deserves better even in the middle of a dramatic understandably self-centered sexuality crisis
he bucked that up!! oh my god
big sister maddie is Good. i like that
a few minutes to go in the episode and there's a knock at buck's door! who might that be? maybe he ordered something else off of amazon prime (which is canonically really quick and convenient and you don't even need to sign anything).
the way tommy says "evannn." is so good
the fact that it's the terrible fake mouth static over the radio that got buck's attention is amazing. meet cute: we fly into a hurricane and you badly pretend your radio isn't working when someone tries to talk sense into us
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yes 🥺 he is free 🥺
gifs are good and wonderful but there are some things they just can't possibly do justice due to the limitations of the medium and just. seeing buck's quiet wide-eyed response to tommy kissing him and this Big Revelation he's having is definitely one of those things that need to be watched as a full scene with audio. oh gosh
just lovely lovely good very sweet stuff! it's nice. but, like, nice - in a wonderful, good, heartwarming sort of way. god. the distance we've come - incredible.
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juliafied · 1 year
Face to Face
Chapter 4: When You're Smiling and Astride Me
Fandom: Hades
Pairing: Thanatos/Zagreus
Rating: Mature
Chapter(s): 4/5
Words: 8765
Thanatos can’t remember the last time he went on a date that wasn’t with his email inbox, so Charon sets about rectifying the situation by making him a profile on a dating app. Sifting through guys who fish and tourists looking for one night stands, Thanatos comes across his childhood best friend, who he hasn’t spoken to since their strange parting as teenagers. Thanzag modern AU, online dating.
It would have been easier if Thanatos had changed. If he’d become full of himself, like the stereotype of the successful finance guy that he is, or if he’d become one of those weird conspiracy theorists that have been cropping up all around lately. That is, if their friendship had been one of convenient proximity and not of genuine connection.
But he’d been just the same. Self-deprecating, dry yet somehow still affectionate, quick to fluster at Zagreus’ teasing. Exactly as they’d been as kids, climbing with their sandwiches to the top of the hill overlooking the ancient ruins in their neighbourhood, laughing at the tourists with their funny hats and single-use cameras. Just a little taller. Better-spoken, maybe. No longer nervously tossing too-long bangs out of his eyes. He wishes… he wishes he’d asked him about the last seven years, about something other than a college fling that had clearly meant so little that Thanatos had barely remembered the guy’s name. About who he spends time with on the weekends, and if he has a favourite coffee shop closer to work. If he still likes to read everything he can get his hands on. Whether he's been in love.
Achilles nudges him out of his thoughts – the stranger has bought the three of them shots. “You alright, lad?”
“Not sure,” Zagreus says truthfully as the bartender expertly flips his bottle of tequila and fills three shot glasses to the brim. Achilles’ admirer flashes a smile in their direction that doesn’t extend to Zagreus. They’re passed three limes by the bartender, and a moment and a ‘cheers’ later, the alcohol has burned its way to a warm place in Zagreus’ stomach.
He watches as Achilles leans in close to yell in the stranger’s ear, whose hand has migrated to the back of the barstool, thumb grazing Achilles’ shoulder periodically, and this annoys him, though Zag’s not sure why. He finishes his other drink that’s mostly melted ice at this point, but the guy behind the bar is busy again, so he thumbs through the menu. Checks his phone – an email’s come in, from Athena thanking them for their hard work on the grant they’d submitted this afternoon, and a text that’s an overly formal but expected request for a catch up lunch from Meg. He swears she must have a reminder in her calendar. First Friday of the month, check on Zagreus. Scheduled, just like everything else in her life. He slides his phone back in his pocket just in time to order another drink, and before long a margarita is in front of him, ice-cold and beading with condensation. By the time he finishes it, Achilles’ new friend’s hand has made it off the back of the chair and onto Achilles’ waist. Zagreus scowls and taps him on the shoulder.
“Should we dance?”
The booze is thick and heavy in his limbs as they make their way slowly to the most densely-packed part of the club, closest to the speakers and the dense, hard bass that slams into Zagreus’ heart with every beat. He’s not a very good dancer, but Achilles is, moving with ease, catching more than a few eyes around him. Zagreus can’t say he’s never thought about it before, especially back when he first joined the lab, assigned to be mentored directly by basically a demigod in a dress shirt. Even now, as Achilles tosses his hair and shoots a smile over his shoulder, there’s a twinge of something in the pit of Zag’s stomach.
And that’s when he spots him.
Keep reading on AO3
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theseventeenstairs · 2 years
About Bathena fics
I love Bathena, literally can’t stop talking about them. But I don’t read Bathena fics, at least not for a very very long time.
Not because of life or I lost interest in the pair but a large amount of fics there are disgustingly racist towards Michael.
Yes. Michael Grant.
It has created such a toxic environment for me that my first instinct was to high tail out of there and never to return but of all the recent events, it had made me reevaluate my silence.
For such a minor character, the amount of fics about him being a violent black man who was abusive to his family is astonishingly massive. The following two are the ones I want to talk about first. 
Massive TW // description of violence, police abuse, character death below
Best Friend Bobby to Step-Dad Bobby to Dad
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This fic started publishing on the 20th September 2020.
I am only going to talk about the first six chapters because that would be when MIchael decided to set fire to Athena’s house and died as a consequence of his brain tumor.
In Chapter one:
Harry called Bobby Dad 
Harry confessed that Michael didn’t want Harry to call Bobby Dad
Michael wasn’t happy when he found out
Michael was adamant that Harry and May were not Bobby’s kids and never will be, accusing Bobby of killing his own biological children so he had no right
Suddenly Michael was ‘drunk’ despite holding a glass of water in previous paragraphs and grew violent, throwing a water glass at the wall
taunting Bobby about his alcoholism/addiction
Michael throwing a punch at Athena after she demanded that he leaves
Harry calls 9-1-1, on his dad
Aftermath shows that Bobby had pushed Athena out of the way and took the punch, punches back and knocked out Michael
In Chapter two:
Michael came in and ‘half-apologized’ but still saying the same thing about how Bobby didn’t deserve to have anymore kids after what happened in Minnesota
Michael claiming Bobby cannot be the father Harry needs because he can’t equip the boy with the knowledge he needs as a black man
In Chapter three: 
Athena reveals that Michael had a history of jealousy and violence towards her
MIchael showed up at the firehouse after a call and complained that Harry wanted his Dad to pick him up from school but Michael wasn’t the dad he wanted
He was drunk once again, this time driving Harry while drunk
MIchael pulled a gun out and pointed at Bobby
Athena arriving at the scene with everyone holding some sort of weapon or other fire equipment towards Michael, Athena pulling out her own gun at him
Michael swinging the gun and shot at Athena but only hitting her vest
Eddie started punching Michael repeatedly after Michael was tackled
Bobby’s turn to break Michael’s nose
Michael was taken into psychiatric care after scans showing that his tumor has grown
In Chapter four:
CPS has to arrange a visit after the incident and the social worker’s only line of questioning was after Bobby’s alcoholism/addiction and that he is a bad influence on Harry
Athena was noted for non-cooperating during the visit
In Chapter five:
Harry seeing a psychologist and recounted all the things he had witnessed, including Michael being extremely misogynistic towards Athena and calling her slurs (actually the misogyny runs through the chapters but it is too scattered for documentation until now)
An insight to Michael’s mind of the entire situation while he was chained to a bed: Bobby is a danger to Harry, they are overreaching with the charges of child endangerment, driving while intoxicated, and child abuse.
The social worker from the previous chapter somehow is conversing with him and while she couldn’t make a case now, she would take Harry away from Athena and Bobby if she spots a single misdeed
Michael mistreated by the police officer by denying him a trip to the toilet and after convincing the police officer to change his mind and uncuff him to take him to the toilet, punched the police and escaped the psychiatric facility
In Chapter six:
No actual appearance from Michael, the house went on fire and he suddenly collapsed
Athena was informed of his death, that’s it
These are not the whole extent of the racism perpetuated in the fic, Bobby as the white man is the savior of the Grant family and Athena needs his comforting constantly to be able to even function and she is showing her gratitude with sex (in a rated Teen and Up fic as well but that is besides the point)
The tags (“Sorry not sorry”, “I don’t like Michael”) already showed that the author has no qualms or second thoughts in writing Michael as this abusive asshole and her reason for disliking Michael was simply because he was encroaching on screen time of Bathena:
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(I chose to blot out the person asking this because so far there was no evidence of racism from them, it is my impression that asking a question is not racist)
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For someone who doesn’t like Michael, she sure spends a lot of time writing about him, analyzing his actions, writing from his perspective.
Babyboomboom0029 might hide behind the tumor explanation but it was very clear by the comments that tumor or not, she is determined to make Michael the horrible person that has been depicted in her fic.
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Now, let us move on to the second fic:
Wasting All These Tears by @bookk14g​
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Look at the summary and tell me ‘what the fuck’ isn’t your first reaction.
Michael, cheating on Athena with a woman.
Homophobic and racist.
To clarify the racist part: in a later chapter he would be violent towards May just to show that he is most definitely not a good person, that he is willing to harm the kids. 
The kids that Michael would give his life to protect in the show.
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And get this, this story is inspired by Best Friend Bobby to Step-Dad Bobby to Dad:
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Ten chapters, I can’t do the chapters summary without being sick so forgive me if I skip this but storyline would include Michael abusing Athena while she was pregnant and Michael being on the run from the police.
However, the sticking point of this fic was not the fic itself, no, it was the comments and the unspeakable violent things the commenters want to do to Michael, or want the characters to do to him.
TW graphic violence and police brutality description:
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How are you all even okay with typing all these out and then hit send? Wishing a black character die horribly in the hands of the police force? Do you even hear yourselves?
Writers, ask yourself this: why make Michael a villain when he has not shown the slightest inclination of being that person? When Jeffrey Hudson was already well-established by 4th May 2020? 
You have created this version of Michael that is simply a caricature of a violent, abusive black man, for the sole purpose of propping up Bobby and releasing all your hate towards Michael via Bobby and violence. You have created this version of Athena that was nothing but a punching bag. You have created this version of Bobby that his own violence was being celebrated and encouraged instead of being condemned, unlike the Michael in your fic.
Even one of the writers has admitted this Michael is not the one in the show:
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So Why Write It At All?
These two fics are far from it, and there is a big possibility of there being a part two. I am, and will continue to link all these fics not because I want to subject you all to this but because they are there to say  these fics exist, please take care of your mental health first before clicking into any fics and/or exposing yourself in their comments.
To the black fans of 9-1-1, I would like to say the following: I am sorry.
I am sorry for staying silent on this issue for so long, for letting their community grow to this size. I am complicit in this situation and it kept on growing and growing until there are fics inspired by this. I stayed silent when all these people pictured in the comments have commented on my fics. I will strive not to be this person anymore, no more silence.
To all those people who have written these fics and who have commented on those fics and went on to comment on mine: I don’t know if you all have tumblr and can see this but stay away from my fics from now on, I will delete all of them and block all of you from commenting on my future fics.
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buckttommy · 2 years
Safest Haven
6x06 Episode Coda. I was rewatching Tomorrow and couldn't stop thinking about Bobby closing his eyes when they thought Karen was gone. There are a lot of implications in that one, tiny little moment and it stuck with me. So now I'm sharing my feelings with you guys.
1.2k | read on ao3
It never gets easier.
Bobby supposes that that is the nature of the job—that, in some way, watching, hearing spouses grieve is never supposed to get easier. He’s heard it a thousand times before, the old sentiment that once it stops hurting, it’s time to stop doing the job. He doesn’t know if that's true or not. What he does know is that his empathy keeps him human, and that the echo of grief he carries in his chest whenever he watches husbands and wives crumble beside the cooling corpses of their spouses, here only moments ago and now cruelly plucked from existence as gracelessly as they were dropped within it, reminds him what it means to be alive. Reminds him that every day, he has the rare and precious opportunity to give to others what he never had: a chance; hope, fleeting, even if just for a moment.
But it never gets easier.
Hen compresses her wife’s chest, over and over in a macabre rhythm he’s seen before.
One, two, three, stay with me.
One, two, three, what about our kids.
One, two, three, please don’t leave me.
It all smells acrid in his nostrils, tastes like ash on his tongue.
Once upon a time there was a boy who torched everything he loved and walked away without a scar…
It never gets easier.
He closes his eyes, just for a moment. He wants to pray but he’s not sure what to pray for. Does he pray for Karen’s healing? For her revival? That she will open her eyes and suddenly be well again? Bobby’s been on this earth for too long, has seen too many miracles to discount the possibility. But they’ve shocked Karen’s chest three times now, have reached the point where to shock her again feels like a cruel debasement of someone once beloved—always beloved. So what does he pray for? Does he pray for himself, that he be granted the words with which to console Hen? He can tell her he’s walked this path before, but she knows that, and it’s not something she’d want to hear from him anyway. The slip in perception between Bobby the Captain to Bobby the Widow is not a transition made lightly, is a transition Eddie still struggles with on the occasions that they talk about love and loss. So what then? Does he pray for Hen? For her strength? He knows from experience that no amount of holy undergirding prepares you for the death of your spouse, the severance of half your body.
The legends say that soulmates were originally one being, cosmically split and destined to find each other over the course of the universe, but Bobby’s not sure that’s true. Or if it is, everyone he has loved and loss has been, in some way, his soulmate—his wife, his kids, himself. He thinks sometimes that maybe it’s not so much that two human beings are singular parts of one whole so much as it is we are all, in some way, apart of each other. But that doesn’t help him now, and that type of philosophizing won’t help Hen either when she takes her son by the hand and once again steps foot in a house made for three that now only fits two.
It never gets any easier—figuring out what to say, what to pray, how best to ask God to drop something timely and divine in your hands.
But then Chimney catches a pulse. Then, Karen’s eyes open and her hand weakly moves to brush against her wife’s pants, and Bobby thinks that, perhaps, God listens to confusion as much as he listens to sonnets.
Athena pulls up to the hospital only moments after Hen accompanies her wife inside. She takes one look at him before pulling him aside, far away from the prying gazes of the men and women he leads into battle, and folds him into her arms. She is smaller than he is, shorter by more than a couple inches, but he is the one who always feels small in her embrace, cocooned by her warm, honey-soaked presence. He sinks down, knees pressing into the cement, and leans his forehead against her stomach while her fingers carefully scratch across his scalp.
She holds him for several long moments, does not speak or question the occasional, tear-less hitches of his breath. Instead, she hums a wordless tune while he stitches himself back together, a melody half-remembered from the gospel stations he used to hear on the gas station radio when he was a boy. Bobby lets himself sink into the memory of youth and childhood fantasies, visions of following in his father and grandfather’s footsteps just as clear to him now as they were when he was a boy.
I want to be a captain one day, he said one summer, gapped-tooth and sure in the way most children are about both the ridiculous and the sublime. I want to run into fires and lift people up and save lives just like you, Grandpa.
There’s a lot more than being a firefighter than just saving lives, boy, his grandpa always used to say, a mouthful of chewing tobacco in his the pocket of his cheek, staining his teeth. Sometimes you’ve gotta save yourself too.
Bobby didn’t get it then, but he gets it now. Oh, does he get it now. Every breath he takes, every moment he does not allow his grief to send him careening into finding relief at the bottom of a bottle is an act of saving himself. Toward the end, Grandpa was senile, barely able to remember his own name much less anything else. But he was right about that—always right about that.
Carefully, Bobby rises to his feet, his eyelids slipping closed while Athena’s thumb brushes the crows feet at the corners. He is getting too old for this, he thinks absently. The humanity of the job, the crash of feelings with no respite, twenty-four hours of blood-spattered, brain-matter, agonized and condensed grief is a lot upon the body and soul. Too much for one man to bear, when carrying the load of others' stifled grief as well. But when Bobby opens his eyes, his wife is there. Not the wife of his youth, for she sleeps underneath the gentle folds of the earth along with his daughter and son, but the wife of his tomorrow, the wife of his forever. Athena stands tall and strong for him just as he has stood for her, a pillar of holiness in herself.
She squints up at his face, sun beating against her eyes, and cups his jaw. “Ready for duty, Captain Nash?”
Bobby nods. He captures her wrist and slides it toward his mouth and presses a kiss to her palm. “Ready,” he says against her skin.
He leans in and presses a dry kiss on her lips, warm and lingering before stepping out of her atmosphere. With every step he takes back to the truck, he sloughs off the veneer of weary husband and replaces it with the cape of stalwart captain, the spines of his crew straightening up when they see him approach.
It never gets easier—the grief, the reminders of all he’s lost, and the way loss always tastes like alcohol and smoke in the back of his throat. But as Bobby leads his team into the hospital, a battlefield of gruesome uncertainty unto itself, with his wife by his side, he thinks that maybe it doesn’t have to get easier, so long as he always has shelter against the brutal press of the storm.  
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hotpotrandomfics · 22 days
PJO Ciel AU: Stowaway of War Pt.2
Summary: Ciel has to make a choice between inaction or taking a stand. While you can be as enthusiastic to fight, a twelve-year-old spirit may falter without the right motivation.
Part 1: PJO Ciel AU: Stowaway of War Pt.1
Disclaimer:The characters of Justin Colby Peters and Clara Atalanta Ostá are intellectual properties of @mastrmiscellaneous, please follow them for more content on those characters and their creator's brilliant content.
Word Count: 3,390
“Ciel, I think we should talk about what happened in your dream. We can't just keep quiet about something as big as a double cross during attempted peace negotiations. Or the fact you have a creepy older brother wanting to kidnap you.” 
Justin expressed his concerns regarding his best friend's dream of what is potentially to come. Granted, a demigod's dream could be a cause for a glorious victory or agonizing death with the latter being favored. 
Justin, Ciel, and Clara had finished their guard duty as the sun was rising ever so slowly. The trio sat on the first-floor lobby, eating some of their ambrosia squares and nectar supplies after the end of their shift. Given their current state while in the middle of a warzone, it was the only sense of comfort they’d felt for a near day of battle, but finding any comfort at the moment seemed like a fleeting hope. Ciel, unfortunately, wasn’t as well rested as he wished considering a few issues plaguing the young warrior's mind. 
One, Hecate knows he is fighting against her and has a brother of his tasked to try and capture him. Considering she and many of his half siblings are fighting on opposite sides of this war it does make sense for her to try and keep her kids alive. Two, Prometheus was on his way to barter for some unforeseen circumstances. Ciel didn't know much about Prometheus other than he was a savior to the early humans but was punished for it. Three, no one has spotted Michael Yew, and several fellow campers are injured or worse. The latter was his major concern as he wanted to hope his fellow archers would return, but the sinking feeling in his gut begged to differ.
“J, you know we can’t trust dreams. Demigods and dreams aren’t always fun business. You agree, right Clara?” Ciel asked his unclaimed friend who tapped her blade with her free hand, drumming a tune of some punk band. Clara was a wealth of knowledge about demigods, the gods, and monsters alike so her input would be greatly appreciated even if it counters his point. He hoped she supported his idea of keeping his mouth shut to not be a bother, there was already so much going on.
“I have to agree with Justin. You should speak up about if you saw the Queen of Witches. It is not every day you can see what is going on with the enemy, but without hard facts to back you…,” Clara sounded irritated at the idea of not having enough information, something Ciel often wondered why she fixated on such matters. For the two summers he has known her she was always trying to learn more than an Athena kid, but she says it is because she is descended from her, which made her cabin placement all the more weird when considering she has been in Hermes cabin for so long. 
“I still don't think it is a good idea. What about the plans Percy and Annabeth have made? I would be stepping on their toes if it’s a trick…” Ciel's voice filled with concern about what may or may not be critical information. Why did a twelve-year-old boy have to hold such questionable information that could level the playing field?
“Best case, we act on that information and get the upper hand. Worst case, we take an unnecessary risk.” Clara stated as returned her coin to its coin form. She cycled it through her hand while muttering something neither boy could catch in Ancient Greek. Letting her opinion on the matter linger for Ciel to mule over was anxiety-inducing at best, but when it comes to this life it was never a simple yes or no action. Being cunning is what determines a demigod's probability of survival.
“Gods, why can’t things be simple?” Ciel groaned as he lifted himself from where he was on the floor before grabbing his bow. “I’ll go tell Annabeth and Percy. Not like things can get worse, right?”
“We’ll come with you-“ Clara started but her attention was drawn to hurried footsteps from Percy and Thalia, Lady Artemis's current lieutenant of her Hunters, running toward the entrance of the hotel. Ciel just had to jinx himself at the moment as the two children of Zeus and Poseidon made their way to what the boy feared.
“Shit.” Ciel cursed at himself sensing something was off about the situation and ran leaving his friends in the lobby of the Plaza. “PERCY, WAIT!”
Ciel was a few steps too slow to stop what was about to happen with the meeting. His indecisiveness at the moment left him with the other option of giving information from his dream to Annabeth or Thalia. Sadly, Annabeth was still recovering and wasn’t a hundred percent and then there was Thalia who left with Percy to talk to the father of humanity, Prometheus. If he wasn’t quick enough then the place of this “meeting” at Central Park would possibly cost not just the glimmer of hope in Olympus. 
Steeling himself, he hurriedly ran after Percy and Thalia to the meeting sight. He stole a horse from a passed-out patrol officer as he made his way to Central Park, though his horse riding wasn't the best he'd have to deal with discomfort until he reached his destination. After catching up to them within a reasonable time, Ciel dismounted the noble steed and gave it a soft pat before traveling to the meeting. He didn’t know if he was stepping on the leader's toes but given the gravity of a part of his dream coming true means, there is more to come. 
“Thalia, Percy!” Ciel managed to spurt out to them before taking a few breaths before dismounting the kind chestnut steed he rode on. “Prometheus is-“ 
“Hello, Ciel Ambrose Silverstein,” Prometheus the Titan of foresight and crafty counsel gave the boy a small smile. “Hm… your face is quite similar to someone I know.”
“Well I have one of those faces I guess,” Ciel said as he stared at Prometheus with concern. The Titan looked at the boy with a curiosity that bordered uncomfortable as he tried to decipher who he reminded him of that seemed to bug him. “I have a message for my leader, and I’d just be a moment-“
“Why shy away from that, my boy?” Prometheus said as he leaned forward from his seat where he attempting to parlay with Percy. “I’m sure it wouldn’t be so bad to keep it to yourself, right?”
Ciel felt a shiver down his spine but a slight warmth accompanied that sensation. Prometheus didn’t seem disingenuous about the fear or matter to come, hell, it was as though he wanted to take the Titan's advice and shut up. 
“No,” the young Silverstein thought to himself, “this isn’t right.”
“Now if you could leave us to our meeting that would be extremely helpful.” Prometheus beckoned Ciel to just hightail it out of there but the boy forced himself to stand his ground. 
He normally would back out of a confrontation be it his nature as a kid who’s been bullied for some time and a fear of authority figures but Prometheus wasn’t important or someone he’d deem important to him. The Titan was part of the enemy so he wasn’t gonna dance around the issue. 
“Percy, Prometheus is here to convince you to give up the fight! Titan forces are on the march to Central and I know I should have told you at the base camp but-“ Ciel was about to dive down the rabbit hole of explaining that he normally does but Thalia clamped a hand around his shoulder. 
“Easy,” Thalia said not taking her eyes off Prometheus, “Percy, you know this kid, right? Has he ever lied?”
“No, Ciel? Doesn’t have an ounce of liar in him.” Percy said confidently before returning his gaze before he continued his talk with Prometheus. 
Percy ultimately went with his choice of not trusting Prometheus to begin with and gathered the campers to prepare for battle. Though Ciel felt good about speaking up, he wasn’t confident his choice was the right one. If Percy was going to still say no to Prometheus then what point did he serve? Maybe the Fates thought it would be humorous in this time of great strife to put a kid with confidence issues into the fray. 
As predicted, the Titan Army forces began marching towards where the forces of Olympus were making their stand. The battle began as the army of Kronos sought to defeat the limited forces before them but with the aid of Daedalus 23, nature spirits, and satyrs brought by Grover Underwood, they had enough in numbers to hold off but for how long was uncertain. Hyperion, the Lord of the East, had entered the fray and the second scrimmage of the war had begun. 
Ciel worked along the Hunters of Artemis, Apollo cabin, and Clara in a mix of hit-and-run tactics to create discord among the enemy ranks. It was a common strategy they used during their capture-the-flag matches that often gave a slight edge pending the strength of numbers on the opposing side. 
The young son of magic would dodge and hide before beginning short rounds of firing arrows to maim his opponents. The smell of iron coming from open wounds, heaviness of monsters scents, violent torrents and heat created by Percy and Hyperion clash made the battlefield fear continue to rise. The aroma of war was intoxicating but his fear, Ciel's fear was shouting into his mind to run but he couldn’t as the music of the conflict and his friend's war cries kept him playing in this ballade. 
“Hide. Move. Shoot, shoot.” Ciel mantra as he made his way through the battlefield, jumping between nearby trees to have some level of higher ground to work against the monsters and demigods who didn’t expect him. His adrenaline caused his heartbeat to drum heavily as the fight or flight response chanted a melody like the percussion section of an orchestra. 
To him, when one monster or demigod was incapacitated another two or three would take his place. This wasn’t a game like Halo 2, this was a real war that no kid should experience and yet here he was fighting kids no older than him. All because they were scorned by the lack of attention from their godly parents? Well, Ciel could relate as he wished at times he knew his mother earlier in life. 
Now? He wished his mother he had was another goddess because no mother related to him could have earned his father's love. 
“Maybe she heard it,” Ciel pushed that out as he covered some of the Aphrodite kids from some espouses.
“Thanks, Silverstein!” The Aphrodite kids kept their defense of assorted perfumes up as Ciel continued picking off more monsters. 
“Quick! Get back!” Ciel arched backward as he shot a Greek fire arrow to give the Aphrodite kids some breathing room. “Regroup with who you can!”
He then left his perch as the Aphrodite kids regrouped with some of the Hunters and Hephaestus kids, making his to the ground to snatch what arrows he could from fallen foes or misfired spots. The issue with arrows like any form of projectile is that you can only have so many arrows. 
The wind started to pick up like hurricane season which could only mean one thing. Water rising from the Central Park reservoir began to encompass Percy and Hyperion. The wind howled long and the water roared a fierce cry as the hurricane forming took control of the tide of the battle. Soon the two were swept from view until Percy remained as he defeated Hyperion and several Kronos forces fell on the defense before retreating. 
“If only knew how to control my powers. If I had any…” Ciel caught the glimpse of the hurricane as it dispersed, amazed by the power that the son of Poseidon displayed though his lack of attention left him open for an attack. 
Without warning, Ciel felt a cut on his left arm before rolling away and pulling out a celestial bronze knife ready to defend himself. Though the figure that approached him wasn’t what he expected them to meet, the kid in his dreams. A teenager approximately sixteen years old with slightly crooked teeth, leathered armored with ancient runes, and playing cards?
“Well, you’re less impressive than I expected kid. Though you do have an eagle eye.” The teen shuffled his cards as a few demigods flanked him.
“And your acne looks gross like a Cyclops ass!” Ciel was not in expecting this and the cut on his arm did make his less than gentlemanly behavior come out. “Dad would have me put my tips into the swear jar.”
“Well, now that we have met I guess I should introduce myself. I’m Alabaster Torrington.” Alabaster spoke with a tone that he often heard from some of the more “eccentric” people he had met.
It wasn’t every day you met a half-sibling from your crappy witch of a “mother” though the resemblance was evident given his demeanor. Ciel could see how the Mist bent around Alabaster, how the magician veil seemed to bask him in a greenish aura. One thing was certain, he wasn’t gonna get away without a fight or better a distraction. Ciel looked both to his left and right flanks as he watched the forces of CHB working on their regression and if he shouted he wouldn’t be in a good spot, likely killed.
“What do you want?” Ciel asked as he secured his footing, assessing what would be his next move.
“I’ve come to get you. Mother wants you alive, you see, and I’m not going to disappoint her. Especially when have the advantage, Kronos will lead a new age for us all to rule. Those who are loyal will get all they wish but those who aren’t will be…” 
“Well, I haven’t had mom around for fourteen years. Didn’t need her then and don’t need her now, or you. Kronos army has killed so many people that meant something to me and my friends.” 
Ciel’s grip on his knife tightened as he remembered Castor's death in the Battle of Labyrinth. That day he couldn’t stop crying even in the night when should have slept. Castor was like a big brother to him when he first arrived, showed him around with Justin, and helped him learn the basics of magic. Castor even started his swordsmanship training while having a cold from a prank war with the Hermes kids. 
His death hurt more than anything up till the battle, seeing more of his camp mates dying trying to do the right thing. That July 2nd, 2008, will be the day he experienced death at its worst with Castor’s funeral and having to say goodbye. Hell, Mr. D checked on him during the funeral of the fallen for the briefest of moments. The two would share a moment where they both poured Cherry Coke into the eternal flames in mourning. 
If that wasn’t a family then he didn’t know what the Alabaster twist version would be. Alabaster was nothing to him, not a brother of his, and for sure not someone worth joining. Just because they have his mother on their side doesn’t mean he will betray the world for them when they haven’t done a thing for him. Justin, Clara, Lucille, Pollux, and Castor were his siblings, and his only parent was Alexander Silverstein. 
“You’re our mother's son after all. Come on, quit being a pain come willingly or it’s going to get rough for you.” Alabaster extended his arm, offering a hand to Ciel with a sincere smile.
“I’m Alexander Silverstein’s son. So that’s my answer, wanker!” Ciel spat at him as an arrow flew through the air, clipping Alabaster’s hand. 
“Fuck!” Alabaster gripped his hand as his team of demigods and monsters tried to find where the shot came from. 
“Stay away from my bro, you scrawny witch boy!” Justin said as he and a few campers, nymphs, and satyrs sprung out of the nearby pushes to take these guys down. 
Ciel ran to his allies to regroup but one of Kronos ’ demigods grabbed his hoodie, not a fun thing to get dragged by someone at least twice your size. But that meant doing dick things in war was warranted as the son of Hecate twisted in his hoodie and sliced his hand. Freed, he gave the demigod a swift kick below the belt before bolting away. 
“Why?!” The demigod whined their knees buckled and they squirmed in pain.
Rule number one of growing up in St. Augustine, Florida? You never play fair with people, cops, bullies, and alligators. Ciel sprinted further until he was just two yards from his allies before hearing “Duck” from Clara. Following suit, ducked down into a roll before setting his bow in one hand and grabbing an arrow from his quiver, loading it, and firing immediately as a hellhound pounced at him. With perfect timing the arrow hit along beast's throat with Clara's shield bashing the skull midair was something out of a Sam Raimi movie. 
“Move it!” Clara commanded as she and Ciel pushed back to their allies, taking cover behind trees as Alabaster and his team used a combination of magic, arrows, and monster donuts to keep them pinned as they pushed. 
“We need to get somewhere they can’t reach because half of our forces are almost out of the park,” Clara complained as she used the reflexive part of her shield as a mirror to get a count of the onslaught they faced.
“Why didn’t they wait?” Ciel complained as he peeked out but got yanked by his hoodie. Why couldn’t people stop that? “Hey!”
“Stay down, stupid!” Clara shouted. “Ah! I lost my count! Ciel, what are you doing?!”
The boy ignored her as he switched an arrowhead with a Greek fire grenade tip. Lucille Peters, Justin’s daughter of Hephaestus and the fourth friend of their group came up with the idea of making Greek fire grenades, the exact engineering behind it went over his head but he knew enough on how to set it up on arrowheads but he had a very limited supply. Most of the Greek fire supply was monitored and rationed for many traps to keep Camp Half-Blood safe from possible invasions of Kronos forces. The potential was there, however, but by the gods with what they needed for the conflict on short notice? Ciel was willing to take a few punishments for the chance for a Hail Mary idea. 
“Get everyone back Clara! Alabaster is here for me and I’m gonna give him me.” Ciel readied his arrow before calculating how to climb up the tree so he could get the best shot. “I’m gonna jump and you’re going to push me up with your shield. You’re stronger and I know it so cut the holding back and launch me, Ostá!” 
Ciel didn’t wait and made a quick dash towards Clara, angling her shield to be a trampoline and used all her strength (and the magical strength, a blessing perhaps) and sent the bold idiot into the trees. Landing in a tripod stance, both legs and his dominant arm securing himself before reading to shoot the arrow. This idea better work or he was screwed…
“Artemis and Apollo, guide my arrow and help me in this fight…” With that quick prayer, he let his arrow fly between his ally's defensive line and block Alabaster’s offensive line. It worked, the grass between them was burnt as the Greek fire spread in a manner of a diagonal line.
“Hey, Alabastard! You want me? Come get me!” Ciel shouted as he turned and patted his rear in a cartoonish fashion before bouncing from tree to tree, leaving his allies in the dust. 
Alabaster and his squad turned around and began to chase him to fulfill his mission, he wouldn’t him get away or fail. Enough of his siblings had died for the cause and he was going to make him see the light or take him off the board. Whether he likes it or not... 
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eolewyn1010 · 6 months
Reading Percy Jackson TLT was an ordeal for me 3 - Mythology
And here we reach the point where you can argue that this book was written for 12-year-old kids, not for me - someone who read this book for the first time in their late 20s and after studying both Classical Archaeology and History with a focus on Ancient History. And I will counter that while I don't mind reinventing old myths in new contexts, Riordan consistently leaves me with the impression that he just hasn't done his research and keeps pulling stuff out of his ass in The Lightning Thief. The whole treatment of mythology, for all he references specific myths, just winds up terribly inconsistent. And the thing is: I have read better Fantasy at 12 years old that holds up when I re-read it today. By people who made significantly less money and fame with it. Riordan's world does not hold up. Granted, the story around Pan's death making no sense because it's ripped from its lingual context may be a tad niche. But, for another tiny case example, claiming Romeo & Juliet, a couple of suicidal teenagers, are cozy Valentine's imagery does not bode well for Riordan's relationship to source material.
Goddesses whomst?
I'm not on board with his treatment of Greek goddesses in comparison with his treatment of the male gods. Once again, there's no consistency to it. Cue virgin goddesses? Artemis being a virgin goddess is a whole deal. There's an empty honorary hut for her at Camp Half-Blood, empty because she doesn't have any children of her own. Why would a goddess of the hunt and the wilderness care for a hut anyway? All of her myths play out in the forests and open landscapes. An empty hut? That doesn't gel with her mythological character at all. Neither does the only honorary hut for Hera. Why wouldn't Hera have demigod children? "She can't commit adultery; she's the goddess of marriage"? Zeus cheats on her nonstop! Is that just sexist? Possibly not, as Aphrodite gets to cheat on her husband on the regular and pops out kids on the side. But the argument of Aphrodite doing this canonically in her myths falls flat - because there are also myths out there in which Dionysos fathered the Charites on Hera. She is characterized as jealous, imperious, and vindictive. No one ever said Hera is faithful. Few gods are.
You know what god couple is notoriously faithful to each other? Hades and Persephone. I know for a fact that a later protagonist is a half-human son of Hades, so my take is that Riordan cherry-picks the parts of mythology he personally likes and just ignores the rest.
Case in point: He makes such a big point out of Hera's fidelity and Artemis' virginity... and then there's Athena. I won't mention Hestia here because Riordan didn't mention her so far, but Athena, who's mythologically even more famously a virgin goddess than Artemis (Artemis at least has the somewhat ambiguous connection with Orion and her close bonds to her huntresses that can be read as romantic, but mythological Athena is firmly on the eternal single trip). Except that doesn't fit Riordan's notion, so he conveniently ignores it without any explanation. There is zero attempt to make this fit! No "Erichthonios was actually her biological son instead of adopted, so yeah, she always had kids", nothing. She's just randomly the mother of Annabeth, and a few others. And George Washington. I almost spat out my tea.
Then again, I don't really care for the entire hut system anyway. Because it never explains what they do with the children of the lesser gods. Twelve huts. Uh-huh. Except every deity besides the Big Three is free to make children with whomever. So. Where do they put these? Eh, who cares. Only the children of the Big Three have significant powers, amirite. The rest are weaklings. Sure.
Excuse me? "A child of Aphrodite's or Demeter's is not likely to be very powerful" - ex-fucking-cuse me?? Both Aphrodite and Demeter are mythologically capable of kicking Zeus around like a puppet. The myth that is ostensibly about Hades and Persephone is actually all about the power struggle between Zeus, who gave Demeter's daughter away, and Demeter, who wants her daughter back. And Zeus is the one who has to give in. Because Demeter was about to kill the entire world! Her kids, harmless little flower children who don't even get credited with making strawberries grow? Not likely. This tastes so badly like sexism. Because I can't imagine any reason for Riordan to play down Demeter's power other than "nature stuff is flowers, flowers are girly, and girly is lame". She is literally all on earth that grows!
And Aphrodite? As a daughter of Uranos, she isn't even of Zeus' generation of gods. She is the one of the Olympians who is technically of the generation of the Titans. Zeus ain't telling her shit. She doesn't respect the marriage he arranged for her, she has gods fall in love with mortals all over the place, he was too afraid of her wrath to turn her down for the golden apple of Discord. Remember that little tidbit, that led to the Trojan War? And speaking of the Trojan War, there was that episode when Aphrodite gave Hera seductive power so as to distract Zeus. Zeus also asks her for help when he wants to seduce some unsuspecting human woman. The problem with Aphrodite is that, historically speaking, her myths are a stand-in for the power women were said to have over men, manipulating them into complying with their wishes. And somehow, this take manages to come across less sexist than Riordan's. Because it gives Aphrodite, love, and women power and agenda. Riordan? Yeah, according to him, Aphrodite and her children are useless and vain, and sit around all day looking into mirrors. As a goddess of love and beauty and passion, her domain, again, is of a culturally feminine connotation, and Riordan has interestingly not mentioned her early depictions as a Spartan goddess of war seems to look down on this domain - when most of her myths circle around how fucking dangerous it is that someone has all the power in the world to follow her petty, vengeful, fickle impulses. Her kids could be potentially very interesting - they could hold power over human emotions. But nah, they have make-up and... Gucci handbags? How can they afford those?? Does being a child of Aphrodite come with natural wealth?
You win some, you lose some
See, I don't get Riordan's version of Dionysos. He not only is inexplicably ugly, short and pudgy when neither the youth nor the adult depiction of him are shown to look like that; Riordan also throws a ton of goat imagery in there that might make a little sense with the satyrs. It makes none for Dionysos. Why would he be a goat? Because of the horns? Nah, honey, that's not how it works. Satyrs may belong to Dionysos' entourage, but the god who could have features of a goat is Pan. Dionysos is not Pan, and he's not Silenos either. Why does he make goat noises? There must have been a serious mix-up. The goat aspects, the short, pudgy build, the description of his face; all of that reads like either satyrs or sileni.
A part of the book I mostly genuinely enjoyed (at least once it got past the weirdly modernized entry area - a lobby with an elevator? Airport security? Oh, please, fuck off) was the Underworld. The vast part of it is fascinating and builds genuine tension. So I'm at a loss when both Charon and Hades suddenly whine about not having enough money these days. Just why. Would gods. Care for money?? Does Hades have to rent construction machines to expand the Underworld? Does Charon have to pay for human-made suits? Can he not just make himself look however he wants? Again, I don't get it.
I also don't get the part where Chiron goes: "Kronos only cared about your kind as appetizers or sources of easy pleasure." Yeah... as opposed to Zeus and Poseidon, who'd never abuse humans for their pleasure, right? The cherry-picking. It hurts. And the straw that breaks the camel's back is Riordan's Medusa.
Misuse of Medusa Myths
The part about Medusa actually managed to send me into a rage. Riordan failed to choose a version of the myth when making a choice would have been really good. Using both versions of the myth which have developed independently from each other has a result with a really bitter aftertaste. Medusa as Poseidon's ex-girlfriend? The episode in Athena's temple is infamously a story of rape. The whole point of that relatively late myth (it was written by Ovid, an early-empire Roman) was a cruel injustice of gods against mortals. It would have been better if Riordan had left her out entirely. She was supremely unimportant to the plot; it would have helped Poseidon's image not to mention her. Especially since the myth doesn't make sense the way Riordan throws it together with the earlier Medusa that actually has some agenda: He mentions that she has two sisters. So. The three Gorgon sisters were a thing? Then why is the version which ended with Medusa turned into a Gorgon over the whole raped-in-the-temple shenanigans also a thing?
Syncretism does not work that way
Riordan's treatment of Greek-to-Roman deity relationships was pretty much my first red flag in the book. Because he basically explains it as: Poseidon is Neptune, Zeus is Jupiter, Athena is Minerva, and so on. Which, y'know. Is now how syncretism works. The Romans inherited a ton of Etruscan gods way before they went and conquered Greece and assimilated all of their myths, mashing them together with their vaguely corresponding deities and smoothing over anything that didn't fit. Which was a lot. According to Riordan, it seems it was always the same Pantheon. He never mentions the shifts in characterizations and domains syncretism would have brought with itself.
Powers of Poseidon's Progeny
I have zero idea what to do with the powers the demigods inherit from their parents. They are so incredibly plot-convenient. One time, Percy has to get drenched in water to activate his self-healing; another time, he doesn't get wet at all when he dives into a river. He randomly knows the date and time when coming up from the underworld via the sea - what, does Poseidon's DNA come with an ingrained clock? Would have been nice to have at the Lotus-eater Casino. One time, they say he takes naturally to the water; another, he just... makes fire under the surface. Whatever?
He also breaks the laws of physics, by the way. There's this: "I'd have broken my spine if I hadn't hit the soft sand of a dune" - I challenge Riordan to throw himself down on a pile of sand with a lot of momentum and then tell me how soft it was. Sand isn't fluffy or elastic. It's a ton of tiny rocks. And it behaves like rocks. There is zero give. But it's not like Percy is the only one; the laws of physics only apply to mere mortals, I guess. Annabeth during the boat stunt cannot only do highly complicated calculations regarding physics in her head in nano-seconds, she can apparently also watch the world around her in slow motion while the boat she's sitting in is hurled in high-speed against a gate. Her maths only make sense if she has hyper-perception. Then again, so does Percy, apparently, because he calmly observes that Annabeth was right with her calculations - while the two of them are flying through the air. Neat. More exposition on those absurdly heightened senses?
Where does that even come from?
For as much as I liked the part in the Underworld, it still has a ton of "huh?" moments for me. Like Percy randomly mentioning that he imagined Cerberos as a very specific, modern dog breed? But nah, he's actually a different, highly specific, also modern breed. Why would he.
Annabeth thinks Hades is "treacherous, heartless, and greedy" - how did she get that impression? Nothing in his myths points that way. He's more of the stern, dutiful variety, if you ask the Ancient Greeks. Heartless, that may be a valid interpretion. Treacherous? Sounds more like the Disney version. Or highly Christianized Satan imagery. Greedy? For what, exactly?
"Hades was the only god down here [in the Underworld] that mattered." Uh. Yeah, so. For someone who knows his mythology, Percy has apparently never heard of other chthonic deities. He even mentions Persephone! He even meets Charon! He's met the Erinyes, several times! But they don't matter? Does Thanatos matter, Gaia, Melinoë, Hecate? Zagreus? Dionysos in his Orphic cult? This is just dumb. The Underworld was always a collective effort project.
Persephone, "appeasing her husband's temper"? He hardly even has a temper to speak of in the myths! The only things that mythologically pissed him off was some idiot trying to abduct his wife, and some other idiot mistreating his co-deity Thanatos. Persephone has zero precedence for appeasing Hades. And making her out as that gentle, placating influence tastes like sexism again. Has Riordan never even read far enough to get to "the Mistress"? To "dread Persephone"? She's the Queen of the Dead, my dude; the euphemisms were not genuine titles of a lil' softie, she was called the friendlier names because people were frightened to invoke her.
And for stuff outside the Underworld: Annabeth explaining her arachnophobia with Athena's conflict with Arachne?? What? How does that work? Athena doesn't fear Arachne; she's far above her. But Athena's children are... apparently vulnerable to every spider on earth. Every. Single. Species. Is dangerous to them. Not matter how small and non-venomous. No, it doesn't make sense. Camp Half-Blood is mostly nature and huts among forest and fields; are you telling me there is not a single spider there? I also just don't like the attempt to rationalize a phobia with "there's bad blood between my family and that of [insert object of phobia here]". It has a smack of "at least she has a valid reason for her phobia!" Which, y'know. Is just shitty to people with phobias IRL. Nevermind that making up a story of that "we have ancestral beef" kind is historically an excuse for racism.
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So one of my Friends had this HC that what if The Big Three actually grew up together with Zeus' Foster Caretakers from the Mythos?
We all know that in Myths, Zeus was the last born to escape and was taken care by the Nymphs, Kouretes, and even breast-feeded by the She-Goat, "Amalthea".
I imagine that an alternate version where the Six Siblings actually grew up together would've been fascinating, especially on how that we would've imagine the moments where The Kids bond with their Step-Parents besides than their Biological Mother.
None of the less, do you have any headcanons you'd like to share about the Golden Age in the Hercules Universe? I'd like to hear your own thoughts/opinions on Zeus' caretakers (especially Amalthea).
Also, would it be heartwarming to imagine that whenever Hades has terrible flashbacks about the Titan War, Persephone would always be there to comfort him about his Troubled Past with his Father?
Oh wow! I actually didn’t know Zeus had foster parents! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m a dummy when it comes to original Greek mythology sometimes lol.
(long rambles ahead lol)
I did find out through the Hades Challenge PC game that Zeus was raised in Crete (it was one of the little trivia questions Hades asks in the game lol), so I guess that makes sense lol!
Honestly, my whole headcanon/theory I guess for the “Golden Age” of Greece is that (of course) Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades were all born from Rhea and Kronos on the island of Crete. Back then, the world was run by the titans, some were good and some were bad. There were some Olympians that existed as well during this era like Demeter, Hermes, Athena, and Ares (and more of course). The three brothers had a pretty decent childhood and got along with each other (for the most part). They had a great relationship with their mother who loved them with all her heart, but their father was mean and cruel to them, so to protect them from their father’s wrath, Rhea sent her sons away to be raised by nymphs. The boys really missed their mother, though, and wished to stay with her forever.
One day, Kronos decided to start a war against the Olympians and the titans after learning about a prophecy that one of his sons would defeat him and the Olympians would rule. Kronos then kidnapped his two youngest sons (Poseidon and Hades) and swallowed them. Zeus and Rhea found out about this and made a plan to rescue Poseidon and Hades. Rhea would then trick Kronos into eating a rock, claiming it was Zeus. Zeus then leaped into action and defeated his father and rescued his little brothers. Kronos ended up coughing up the rock and placed a curse upon it, so if any Olympian ever looked at the rock they would fall into a deep sleep, but the rock was lost and forgotten for ages. Zeus and Poseidon (and possibly Hades, though, I doubt it because Hades seemed to be in good terms with the titans in the movie) worked together to take down the rest of the unruly titans and locked them away under the sea. For his heroic efforts of saving the cosmos, Zeus became a god and the new ruler of the universe. Rhea decided to become a guardian of the universe and watch over it so it wouldn’t end up the way it was when Kronos ruled. Zeus then created Olympus and granted all Olympians a role as a god and gifted his younger brothers their own realms to rule over, Poseidon: the sea and Hades: the underworld. Hades, of course, wasn’t happy about his new role as a god and to make matters worse, Zeus then commanded that their father, Kronos (as well as some other unruly titans), be sentenced to live in the underworld for the rest of eternity as punishment.
Eventually, Prometheus and Epimetheus (good titans) were given the task of creating mortals and animals with the help of Athena (who was given a city-state that became the capital of Greece: Athens, while her brother was granted his own land: Sparta). Mortals didn’t have much down on Earth though, so Prometheus sneaked up to Olympus and stole fire (which was only used by the gods) and gave it to the mortals and well…we all know what happened after that.
But yeah, that’s pretty much my “Golden Era” theory/story for the Hercules universe lol! I’ll give you a few headcanons about the Big Three when they were kids!
Zeus was the most popular of the three and had the most friends.
Zeus was the first one to discover Amalthea and make her their pet goat
Poseidon and Hades looked “normal” as kids, but after they became gods of their domain, their realms started to change their physical appearance over time.
Hades was actually pretty soft as a kid, but his personality toughened up as he got older.
Poseidon’s favorite activity was swimming when he was younger, but Hades wasn’t too fond of it and preferred playing on land.
Oh and yes! Persephone ABSOLUTELY comforts Hades when he has flashbacks about his father. It’s so freaking sweet lol! They usually come in night terrors and he either wakes up in the middle of the night panting and sweating or he’s tossing and turning and making noises in his sleep. Either way, Persephone wakes up with him and comforts him until they fall back asleep. He gets kinda embarrassed about having the nightmares at first because he didn’t want Persephone thinking he was some wimpy, pathetic god that’s afraid of his own father, but Persephone reassured him instantly that he had nothing to be embarrassed about and his feelings were absolutely valid, so from then on he was much more comfortable talking to her about it. Some nights when he struggles to fall back asleep after his night terrors (when Persephone is not around) he’ll drink a cup of hot tea or coffee (caffeinated, of course, because Hades is well known for hating decaf lol) and basically stay up until morning (of course, he’s much more irritable on those days because he didn’t get much sleep). But yeah, he does his best not to think about his dad or talk about him because it brings up bad memories of his childhood and the day he was nearly killed by his own father.
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bronzeshadows · 1 year
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Panaema is a (boarding) school for the children and descendants of the divine, hidden beyond a veil of mist, of magic. Named so because the school was built upon a blood soaked field. To get there, one needs to find a patch of nature. In this day and age, a park will do (provided that there aren't any prying mortal eyes, even though the existence of mythological monsters, deities and creatures is kind of an open secret at this point). Once there, one only needs to sing the song that Orpheus sang when he attempted to free his wife from the Underworld. If sung correctly, the Earth weeps, and the entrance to Panaema will reveal itself.
All the monsters are real - from the Aeternae to the Ketea Indikoi - but the one who causes the most trouble is Cacia, a daemon with ties to Hercules. In Panaema canon, she is not just a daughter of the night but also a daughter of magic.
Major Characters
Khalida Samay: adoptive granddaughter of Geras Senectus, descendant of Pandaie, daughter of Hercules. (FC: Iman Vellani)
Chthonia "Thonia" Argyris: an amazon in training and the daughter of a giant that Hercules killed, who has nightmares about Amphritrite turning her and her siblings into birds after they pitch themselves off a cliff. (FC: Ally Ioannides)
Alcides "Al" Hasapi: a gargarean in training, who has yet to prove himself and strongly prefers peace over bloodshed despite the fact that his name essentially translates to strong butcher. Gargareans are pretty much the male equivalent of Amazons. (FC: Odiseas Georgiadis)
Eryx Bellini: the son of Aphrodite, who shares his first name with an ancient son of Poseidon. Not a huge fan of boxing, despite what others might say. Khalida's love interest. (FC: Gavin Casalegno)
Kassiani Jeong-Demopoulos: descendant of the oracle Xenoclea. (FC: Lola Tung)
Ione: descendant of Asclepius, has healing powers. Is also Thonia's ex. (FC: Elena Kampouris)
Agreus and Nomios Katsaros: twin sons of Pan.
Descendants of Macaria, Eucleia and Manto (all of them are daughters of Heracles in Panaema canon): they form a group of three.
Other important characters
Linus: son of Apollo, teacher at the school. Fears dogs. Loves astrology. Always wears gloves. Ione is his favorite pupil and she swears up and down that he's actually not that bad of a guy, just the human equivalent of a grumpy cat. Turns out that he can make people sick with just a single touch.
Hercules: The man, the myth, the legend.
Notes of importance
All the myths are real. All the lore is real. The focus in this story will be on how Indian and Greek lore intersects. And also on Hercules.
The government(s) know(s) about everything being real and they struck a deal: their help against monsters and in turn, they are granted a safe space to train the heroes of tomorrow. Think Motherland Fort Salem x Percy Jackson x Legacies.
In regards to fancasting the characters: I'll try my best to go for Greek actors and actresses where I can but seeing as this is my big brain baby, I'm also just going to fancast my favorite actors and actresses.
Some of the characters mentioned have died in their myths. How are they alive again? They resurrected people through the Adonis programme: souls were snatched from Elysium and Asclepius made them new bodies. Hercules being one of the first.
The mathematics probably doesn't add up timeline wise but I have dyscalculia.
More kids / descendants of Hercules will pop up at some point.
Tracy Spiridakos, Marie Avgeropoulos, Adele Exarchopoilos, Athena Karkanis and Melina Kanakaredes will also be fancasted into this project as teachers at some point.
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journeythroughtherain · 8 months
You know what I'd love from a future season of 9-1-1? Father's day episode. There are so many different dads running around now it would be interesting to see the various relationships explored.
The Grant kids and the three dads between them. Hen and Karen handling Denny's relationship with his bio dad after last season. Eddie's healing relationship with Ramón. An update on what, if anything, has happened between Buck and his dad since the supposed therapy attempts. Chim's dad actually talking to Chim directly about the damage he caused. Chim and John. Chris including Buck in his father's day plans, and Eddie encouraging him.
I also would love Bobby thinking of Robert jr, since we got that one episode focused on Brook – maybe in connection to his admittance he sees Buck as a son too.
Or a Mother's day episode. Hen and Karen with all their kids. Hen and Toni; May, Athena and Beatrice; Chim and Anne and Chim's mom; Maddie and Jee-Yun and Buck; Buck and Maddie and Margaret. Eddie and Helena, because what happened there?
(I know there have been episodes with parental themes before but considering the amount of parent related trauma and issues the main cast has they have enough material for half a season at least.)
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toughpaperround · 2 years
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I posted 5,605 times in 2022
72 posts created (1%)
5,533 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,498 of my posts in 2022
Only 20% of my posts had no tags
#911 fox - 1,427 posts
#buddie - 993 posts
#911 fanart - 328 posts
#911 spoilers - 282 posts
#fic rec - 274 posts
#eddie diaz - 247 posts
#911 crack - 214 posts
#911 cast - 186 posts
#evan 'buck' buckley - 177 posts
#118 firefam - 150 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#great parallel there of chim's line about 'buck has a harder job to do' (post-sniper) and then the kids needing their dad in this episode
My Top Posts in 2022:
So now we know Buck has a special dial-tone set for calls from Chris, agreed?
So what is it?
42 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
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911 Firefam from the 5b finale montage (see more here x)
[Image ID: Eddie, having just slid down the fireman's pole on his way to answer an alarm call: "Been waiting months to do that 😁"
End ID]
43 notes - Posted May 23, 2022
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5x16 'May Day' - something was missing from this scene 😉
[Image ID: Linda and Eddie in Dispatch are watching May Grant standing up for herself with Claudette. The scene has been edited to replace Linda's coffee mug with an oversized popcorn bucket. End ID]
66 notes - Posted May 21, 2022
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Hen: I cannot believe I'm in a firetruck with FOUR straight dudes and not one of you can answer me on this!
Bobby, Chim, Eddie & Buck: …
(Then they all reply at once)
Bobby: Umm, four? No, I think you mean three.
Chim: Well at least I do know there's only three straight dudes in here.
Eddie: Ha! No wait, there's three.
Buck: Hang on. Bobby, Eddie, Chim, yes okay - there's not four of 'em Hen. It's three.
Hen: What? Three of… Umm… well, thanks for sharing that with me 😊
(After shift)
Hen (to Karen): Babe I really think I need to get my gaydar recalibrated
76 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
9-1-1 (fox) Buddie Hockey fic recs 🏒
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'Two Minutes For Roughing' by ok_thanks (M, 11k) a Hockey AU in which NHL winger!Eddie gets traded onto HockeyHimbo!Buck's team.
'Betrayal' by allisonRW96 | @homerforsure (M, 4k) from a whumptober series, so the hockey fic is just this single chapter. More to come from this author! NHL Centre!Buck is betrayed by someone from his past in this whumpy fic.
"love's not a game" by thatbuddie (talktothesky) | @thatbuddie (3k, E) a hockey AU PWP (with surprise added plot) in which two rivals get steamy
'Penalty Killer' by gutterson (M, 6k, WIP) a hockey AU in which both Buck and Eddie are players for the Dallas Stars.
"steppin' into fate" by r_holland | @onward--upward (M, 3k, WIP) a hockey AU in which NHL winger!Buck is concerned about his place on the team after a trade is announced
'puck or fuck' by jewishbucke | @movedto-jewishbucke (T, 2k, WIP) in which Buck's interested in the new goaltender, Eddie Diaz.
"Buck's Bakes At Christmas" by Mansikka | @mansikkaomenabanaani (T, 30k, the first part of a longer series), in which Buck is a baker who invites NHL!Eddie onto his TV show's Christmas special
'Unbridled Hope and Happiness' by chucks_prophet (G, 2k) in which NHL!Eddie meets FigureSkater!Buck and it's hard to tell who is the more charmed.
And finally, some bathena love: 'Fangirl' by ladyjax (T, 2k) in which Athena is a fan of Bobby when he plays for the LAFD hockey team.
And buddie hockey fanart? So good! Try @jooleah (X), and @macarenaandrad3 (X)
More next time on some ice-skating fics! Do suggest any I've missed, or send corrections/tags to add? Cheers!
Rec Lists Masterlist
100 notes - Posted April 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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valliass · 3 years
This might get me hanged but the further I get into rereading pjo the more I dislike annabeth chase
#i used to love her when I was a kid but#a long while back I saw a post that was like#'if you don't get why I hate percabeth swap their genders in your head'#and after think abt it I was like. oooooooo yeah okay that's a little bit.....#but eventually a couple months afterwards I just went#'I'm probably just imagining things! it has been five years since I've read rhe books'#'I must've just tainted my memories a bit things couldn't be that bad'#'annabeth was a likable character I remember loving her everything's fine'#and then I started rereading the books in full for the first time in half a decade and#annabeth really is a jerk to everyone but especially her boyfriend *all the time*#'haha I need to keep you from being useless and screwing everything up'#'haha my boyfriend is an idiot and I'm inherently superior to him isn't that so funny'#granted it's probably rick riordan's incapability of writing women#she was clearly meant to be a strong girlboss type#but instead of coming off as confident and aware of her skill#she just insults people. and acts like her mother makes her better than everyone else#and don't you dare come at me with the#'yeah ofc she was rude in tlt she was twelve she grows out of it'#I am on mark of athena. she does not get better#and then there's three scenes in particular that just#make her impossible to ever seem likable to me ever again#1. the judo flip. why are u blaming ur boyfriend for getting kidnapped#you could've broken his spine girl#2. that scene where she calls rachel mortal as an insult#bc ig she feels she's inherently superior to non-demigods? which is uhhhhh#and 3. tlo 'you're a coward'#he is *dying* you kissed once last year and never made any commitment to each other#but now you're calling him a coward and saying he runs away from everything#because he won't date you???? while he's *dying*??????????#this is long and rambly and I'll probs delete later but god is she getting on my nerves
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let’s talk about christopher and santa claus for a minute. 
because the thing is. that kid is a national treasure and possibly magic. because he has santa’s ear. direct line to christmas miracles. 
and the best part is. it’s canon. 
but before we get to that. we need to talk about eddie being scared of santa when he was a kid. about the difference in eddie and christopher’s childhoods.
because eddie’s childhood lacked magic. santa wasn’t a right jolly old elf with a red suit and a belly laugh. just a creepy guy with a fake beard who smelled bad. a stranger he was forced to go see. that scared him so much he got sick. twice.
christopher’s childhood tho. filled with magic. when he was little and not feeling well (maybe around one of his surgeries?) and missing eddie. shannon caves. tries to cheer chris up with a giant tree for the backyard. but we didn't have enough ornaments to cover it, so we just loaded it up with lights and ribbon. I got the sleeping bags out, and we laid under it, just staring up at the branches for hours.
which is the most magical thing I’ve ever heard.
so really it’s no surprise that christopher believes in the magic of christmas. the power of santa. miracles and the christmas spirit. 
because christopher only asked for one thing that christmas. one very specific gift. not toys. not candy. he just wants his dad. w-when you were gone, I asked santa for you to come back, and you did.
which makes me wonder what time of year it was when eddie’s helicopter was shot down. did he arrive home in time for the holidays? with his wrist in a cast and his arm in a sling and propped up by a cane. wounded but alive. home for the holidays. which is all that would matter to little christopher. that dad’s back. dad’s staying. forever.
and since christopher’s wish came true before. since santa came thru before. why wouldn’t it work again? because christopher’s got his dad. a new life, in a new city, with a new best friend. and everything is perfect. everything except the lack of shannon. christopher misses his mom. so he forgoes toys and candy once again. goes with eddie and buck to see santa. I asked him to find mom. will he?
the answer is yes. because she’s already back. has been for a while. eddie’s just been reluctant to let shannon see christopher. because he’s scared she’ll break his heart if she decided to leave again. because eddie doesn’t believe in magic. and I think that includes happily ever afters. 
but christopher believes in magic and wishes. and eddie knows that. and he’ll do everything in his power to keep it that way. cause he loves christopher more than himself. loves that he believes in magic and miracles and santa.
because it allows eddie to believe thru christopher. just for a second. but seconds accumulate. grow. build. into something magical all eddie’s own.
so they get another giant tree. cover it in ribbons and lights. turn the floor into a wrapping paper treasure map for christopher to follow into the front yard. where shannon is waiting. mommy! mommy! I missed you so much. I knew Santa could do it again.
and then so much happens. by the time next christmas rolls around shannon has died and christopher’s survived a tsunami. and eddie has to work thru the holiday. buck too. christmas is ruined. 
we don’t see chris talking about santa this year. or to santa. I think that’s probably on purpose. this year is about the absence of christmas spirit. and how that absence radiates out into their lives. chris storming away. giving eddie the silent treatment. buck saying he’s working too.
missing pieces. lack of communication. absent people.
but you cannot convince me that when the holidays go awry. that christopher won’t turn to his old pal santa to fix this particular problem. that he won’t ask for another christmas miracle. that his family can be together for the holidays. christopher and his dad and his buck. it tracks with christopher’s history.
and the thing is. santa comes thru. via buck. who plans a surpise holiday party at the 118. ropes athena and maddie into gathering their friends and family all together. throws the biggest holiday party in the history of the firefam.
and now I’m thinking the s5 holiday episode would be the perfect time for buddie to go canon. buck and eddie have been getting closer since their begins eps. they’ve both grown as people. tried other relationships. neither of which work out. both of which they choose to end. 
actually, yes. I am into this. and here’s how it happens:
the sniper and the blackout puts things in perspective. which leads to eddie to breaking up with ana. buck realizes where his priorities are and he breaks up with taylor soon after. that’s when the shoulder bumps and playful banter starts to ramp up. they’ve always been in each other’s space and at each other’s homes. now it’s just more. buck and eddie become buck&eddie. 
there’s no big declaration or passionate kiss. 911 doesn’t really do that. what we will get is a buddie hug after a too-close call that lingers a little too long. and eddie doing his sustained eye contact thing. and buck reciprocating with his eye flutter thing. then eddie reaching with his hands. then buck’s blinding smile. then...
END CREDITS. because it’ll hurt so good. 
mid-way thru the next ep we’ll get confirmation in the form of carla. she’ll stumble over buck coming out of eddie’s room. there will be a little light teasing. it’s about time interspereced with domestic fluff. they will keep it to themselves for now. 
and then eddie’s parents guilt trip him into going to texas for the holidays. buck has a christmas eve shift, but has christmas day off. and plans with maddie, chim, albert, and the hans for jee-yun’s first christmas. plus holiday dinner with athena and bobby’s family. he’s not going to be alone. 
doesn’t feel that way tho.
and then there’s a scene at the airport that mirrors the end of s1. only instead of abby leaving it’s eddie and christopher. with buck and eddie both pretending to be okay. neither of them are. 
cue eddie in texas. where everything goes wrong. of course it does. helena and ramon keep making jabs about how eddie’s raising christopher. they will never think he’s enough. even worse they don’t treat christopher like an autonomous person. but a consolation prize. a parenthood do-over.
and eddie’s miserable. christopher’s miserable. they both miss buck.
there’s definitely a firefighter santa involved. a lesson about family being who you chose. christopher won’t stop talking about last christmas at the station. about buck.
which is why. when everything comes to a head over christmas eve dinner. eddie makes an executive decision. books a red-eye flight and bundles him and christopher off to the airport. 
buck’s out on a call when eddie and christopher arrive. it was only a 2 hr flight but it’s still really late. they both conk out on the sofas. and that’s where buck spots them when the trucks pull into the station. he’s doesn’t go all the way over to them. just watches them from afar. like he’s always done. 
until eddie wakes up. sees him watching. reaches his hand out to buck and drags him into their space. physically connects the three of them. kisses his hand. merry christmas buck. 
neither buck or eddie notice that chris is also awake. watching them with a mischieveous smile on his face. because christopher believes in magic. the christmas spirit. santa claus. and apparently santa claus believes in christopher because that man has granted each and every one of his wishes.
dad. mom. family. buck. 
christopher has been slowly building his own family. via christmas miracles and the help of his good friend santa claus. 
outside the window it starts snowing.
and it feels like magic. 
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