#Apple Music Voice Plan
minhtuanmobile · 7 months
Apple đã chính thức loại bỏ Apple Music Voice Plan dành cho Siri
Do mức độ tương tác giữa người dùng với dịch vụ "Apple Music Voice Plan" hạn chế, nên Apple đã chính thức ngừng gói đăng ký này.
Apple đã giới thiệu "Voice Plan" vào tháng 10/2021. Đây là gói đăng ký hàng tháng trị giá 5 USD được thiết kế để cho phép người dùng truy cập danh mục của nền tảng bằng lệnh thoại Siri. 
Apple Music Voice Plan ra mắt chính thức từ tháng 12 - 2021, đã có sẵn trên 17 quốc gia và vùng lãnh thổ. Đây là dịch vụ cho phép người dùng nghe các bài hát, thêm vào danh sách phát, album và các nội dung khác trên Apple Music chỉ bằng lệnh thoại - Siri. Tuy nhiên, dịch vụ có nhược điểm là không hỗ trợ âm thanh không gian, chất lượng Lossless, tải bài hát để sử dụng ngoại tuyến hoặc hiển thị lời bài hát.
Bắt đầu từ ngày hôm qua (1/11), Apple đã chính thức xóa gói này khỏi Apple Music để tập trung nâng cao trải nghiệm âm nhạc các dịch vụ khác. Lý giải cho điều này, Apple nhận thấy rằng dịch vụ này không hấp dẫn với người dùng nên không được ưa chuộng. Tuy nhiên, họ vẫn có thể truy cập vào tất cả tính năng cho đến khi gói này kết thúc. Lúc đó, người dùng sẽ chuyển sang đăng ký mới các dịch vụ khác trong Apple Music.
Để truy cập vào các dịch vụ khác của Apple Music, bạn có thể chuyển sang gói cá nhân với giá 9,99 USD/tháng hoặc gói dành cho gia đình với tối đa 6 tài khoản với giá 14,99 USD/ tháng.
Tác giả: sinhdang090 | Minh Tuấn Mobile
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sarinatendouji · 3 months
started watching ya boy kongming! and shangri-la frontier tonight! they both seem like a lot of fun and they get high ratings so i'm excited to get into them :D
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cookiescribble · 14 days
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A/N: this is just a short little thing i’ve had in my head for a while, and the writer’s block is finally clearing up a little so i’ve been able to write more again :) hope you like it! - mod angel
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Spencer finally have an evening off, and are happy to spend it together. But nights off are never a guarantee when you work at the BAU. (based on 9x23)
CW: suggestive but not explicit behavior, reader gets a little wine drunk, mild discussion of sex lives.
You were enjoying a nice, quiet dinner at home, soft music playing in the background. You were a little dressed up, wearing a casual dress and some jewelry to match, trying to pretend it was a date night and not just spaghetti and wine you got from the grocery store. Making the best out of the little time you had to plan this.
Spencer was sitting across from you, smiling as he held his glass of water out to you. “To finally having a night off?”
You smiled back at him, clinking his cup with your wine glass. “To finally having you all to myself tonight.” You winked at him as you took a sip of wine. It wasn’t anything fancy, but it made the night a little more special.
He took a sip of his water, gesturing to your wine glass. “Be careful with that, you turn into trouble when you have too much wine.” His words sounded like a warning, but his tone was teasing, a grin on his face.
At that, you smiled mischievously, taking a bigger sip of wine. “I think I’m allowed to cause a little trouble on our day off.” You put your glass down, picking up your fork to start eating your dinner. “We deserve to have a little fun tonight.”
Dinner wasn’t much different than it usually was when you two were home together, but it felt nice to be able to sit at the dinner table across from each other after dealing with so much work lately. There was light flirting back and forth between you and Spencer through your meal, setting the mood for the evening. Every sip of wine you took made you feel a little more flushed and bubbly, making the flirting start escalating a bit. You could feel yourself noticing more things about Spencer as he ate across from you: the way his fingers moved around his fork as he twirled it in his plate, the bob of his Adam’s apple as he swallowed his food, the way his lips parted when he took a sip of water…
“That’s a dangerous look you’re giving me, you know.”
You were snapped out of your thoughts when Spencer spoke, a smirk on his face as he set his fork down. You met his eyes, matching his smirk, reaching out to grab his hand from across the table. “Is it?” You asked innocently, starting to trace patterns in the palm of his hand, making him shudder softly.
“It is,” he replied, his voice soft and deep. “I think you know what you’re doing when you look at me like that.” He slowly stood up, walking over to you and tilting your chin up with his finger. “You better be ready to take responsibility for this.”
You stood up, reaching up to tangle your fingers in his hair, bringing your faces close, your lips stopping just short of touching his. “Oh, I’m definitely planning on taking responsibility…” One of your fingers started to trail down his face, slowly tracing over his bottom lip. You could see his face start to heat up a bit at your touch, his breath hitching. “If you’re ready, that is,” you said in a quiet, breathy tone.
That little touch seemed to set him off, as he grabbed your face and crashed his lips with yours, bumping you into the table with the abrupt force.
Suddenly, you both were stumbling through the living room, hands all over each other as you made your way to the bedroom, closing the door behind you. You fell back onto the bed, Spencer taking you into his arms after shrugging off the shirt you mostly unbuttoned on your way here.
His lips were on yours again, the weight of his body starting to push down on you as he settled on top of you. He started pushing down the straps of your dress, his lips moving down to your neck. He started peppering kisses there, quickly at first, before they started getting slower and deeper.
“You look really good in this dress, you know that?” His voice was husky as his tongue met your skin, earning a lustful sigh from you in response. “So pretty…” he whispered between kisses, starting to gently bite down on your neck.
“Spence…” you moaned out, already turning into a mess underneath him, even though you were still fully dressed. The wine mixed with his sweet words and lustful bedroom eyes, you could hardly stand to wait anymore. Your hands tangled in his hair as his teeth grazed your skin, his eyes closed in concentration as he felt your body react underneath him. His lips started slowly trailing downward from your neck, starting to move under your collar…
Suddenly, you were startled by the sound of your phone going off, making you both groan.
“Please tell me it’s not what I think it is,” you pleaded as Spencer stood up to look at your phone. He held it out to you, showing you a text indicating that you had to go into work for a case. You grumbled as you sat up, readjusting your dress. “I swear to god, I am quitting this job. I mean it.”
Spencer laughed, opening the closet to start putting on a purple button-down shirt. “Relax, we’ll get some time to ourselves at the hotel later.” He took out a tie, putting it around his neck as he reached out his hand to help you up out of bed. He placed a quick kiss on your forehead. “Maybe we can continue this then?”
You sigh, starting to rifle through drawers to throw on a sweater over your dress. There wasn’t really time to find a whole new outfit. “I hope so, but I don’t know if I realistically see that happening.”
The two of you rushed to get dressed and ready, knowing you needed to be out the door as soon as possible. You skipped brushing your hair, tying it up for now and just throwing your hairbrush in your go-bag with everything else you needed. Spencer was pulling on a cardigan as he reached out to hug you from the side, kissing your temple before grabbing his messenger bag and throwing it over his shoulder. “Ready?” He asked as you started walking through the door.
“I guess,” you replied, rolling your eyes. Spencer reached down to kiss your cheek as he locked the apartment door behind you, making you smile. “The hotel rooms better be nice,” you added, grabbing his hand as you walked to your car.
“Agreed,” he replied, laughing lightly as you both entered the car, pulling out of the parking lot and heading for the office.
You were walking fast after getting off the elevator, rushing to meet up with everyone, when you heard some of the team members talking.
“So…” You heard JJ’s voice down the hall. “We get Henry to bed, and, y’know, we’re about to finally have some alone time with mommy and daddy, and…” She trailed off, and as you entered the room, you saw her roll her eyes from afar. “You guys know the rest,” she finished, sounding annoyed.
“Ah, trying to dust off the ol’ cobwebs,” Derek joked, laughing.
Penelope hit him on the shoulder. “Inappropriate!” She exclaimed, before turning back to JJ. “Seriously, though, how long has it been?”
You laughed, seeing her intense face as you walked closer to joining everyone. Always so curious. Or nosy, you could say. But it was a part of her that was endearing.
“Too long,” JJ replied flatly.
You finally reached the group, putting your stuff down and greeting everyone.
JJ looked over at you and Spencer, a slight smirk on her face. “Well, looks like I wasn’t the only one interrupted,” she remarked, noticing how you both still looked a little disheveled after rushing to get here.
You groaned, rolling your eyes. “Bite me,” you replied sarcastically.
She gestured over to you, pointing at your neck. “Looks like someone already did,” she snickered.
You looked down to see a small bruise starting to form on your neck. You didn’t really look in the mirror while you were getting ready, so you didn’t notice the mark there.
You looked pointedly at Spencer as your hand went to your neck. He gave you an apologetic look. “Sorry,” he mouthed silently, looking a little guilty.
You quickly took your hair down, grabbing the brush from your bag and starting to smooth your hair down. You could see Penelope open her mouth to ask probing questions. Everyone seemed to be too curious about your relationship, asking way too many questions when you finally told everyone you and Spencer were dating. Especially Penelope. Thankfully, she was cut off before she could say anything.
“Do we know what the case is?” Alex asked, letting you drop the subject of your evening activities and shift the focus to work. You snuck one last glance at Spencer, who smiled at you and reached out for your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze as you settled into your new evening plans.
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beomiracles · 3 months
thin walls
when your new neighbour moves in he disturbs your peace and quiet ── however not all noise is bad noise...
pairing; beomgyuxfemale!reader warnings; masturbation, vaginal fingering ─ very brief though
not proofread hehe ૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა rawr!
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You had always preferred a cozy night in, rather than lively one out. Cuddling up by the TV or reading one of your favourite romance novels in bed was your ideal fun. Having peace and quiet was therefore essential to your living standards, that's why you loved your current apartment, top floor in a calm area meant that it was quiet by 8pm. At least it was, but then two weeks ago a new tenant had moved into the once empty flat next to you.
Though you had never once met the person they had managed to keep you up for the past two weeks, every single night, without fail. The constant sound of what you could only imagine to be a playstation of some sort where violent games involving shooting and bombing had been played. Your living room was wall to wall with theirs and so were your bedrooms. Whoever this person was they did not seem to care that there were other tenants in the building and tonight was the night you'd had enough.
Coming home exhausted from work at 5pm all you wanted was a warm shower a nice dinner and to curl up on the sofa to read your current book, in silence. But no later than 5.30pm had the noise from the apartment next to you already ruined your evening. Violent shooting followed by music so loud that the books on your bookshelves were starting to move.
Stomping to your door you swing it open and in five seconds you've reached the door of the person living next door. You banged loudly on the door in an attempt to overpower the noise from whatever game they were playing. Just as you were about to knock a second time the door clicked open.
Your words got stuck in your throat as you took in the view of your new neighbour. A guy no older than 25, you figured he was around you age, with the silkiest dark hair that reached just above his shoulders. His prominent adams apple immediately caught your eye and you gulped. His eyes glinted in an almost mischievous way as he grinned, seemingly unfazed by your glare. He crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned against the doorframe casually.
"'Sup neighbour," he said in a playful but deep voice. The game made yet another noise from his living room, instantly making you recall why you were there in the first place.
Crossing your arms you frowned, "do you have any idea how loud you're being?" your words come out a bit harsher than you originally intended, though your new neighbour didn't seem to care as he shrugged. "Ain't really thought about that," you scoffed, of course he hadn't. "Well it's about time you do, you aren't the only one living here and the rest of us actually have lives to attend besides-"
"Slow down, ma'am," he takes up his phone and shows it to you, "it's only 7.30pm, don't tell me you're planning on going to bed already?"
You frown, "no of course not but I, what? No!" frustratedly you shake your head, "that doesn't matter, you're being way too loud. And don't ever call me ma'am again, we're probably the same age anyway."
Your neighbour raises an eyebrow, "what do I call you then?"
Dragging a hand across your face you sigh, "y/n, just y/n please." The guy in front of you nods as he extends his hand, "Choi Beomgyu," his grin widens when you shake his hand, "y/l/n y/n," you reply, your tone much calmer this time. "Please just try and be quiet after 8 alright?" Beomgyu nods, "You got it ma'am", just as you're about to tell him off about the ma'am thing the door shuts in your face. Letting out a frustrated sigh you head back to your apartment.
Surprisingly the noise did stop around 8pm and for the first time in two weeks you got a peaceful evening and a good nights sleep. However it didn't last long, not even two days later he was at it again, the game's violent noise fills your apartment and you resist the urge to just walk over there and kill him. By 11pm you can't take it anymore, you swing your legs over your bed and head straight for your door.
This time it takes you three loud bangs to get him to open the door and when he does you give him no chance to utter a single word as you go off about how loud he's being. Telling him how it's almost midnight and on a weekday at that, and not to mention that he's almost managed to rearrange half your furniture with the way he's playing music loud enough to wake the dead.
In the midst of your rant you fail to notice how his eyes linger on your body as a small blush paints his cheeks. It's not until you finish speaking with a sharp intake of breath that he finally says something. Clearing his throat awkwardly as he shifts in the doorway, "you uh, pull off pink pretty well ma'am."
Frowning you look down to realise that you'd left your apartment in only your silk pyjamas that just so happened to consist of a pink tank top with a matching pair of shorts. Coughing rather awkwardly your eyes snap back at him as you feel your cheeks heat up. "I, thanks..?", you clear your throat "that's not what this is about, for christ's sake just pipe down alright?"
Beomgyu nods as his gaze travels across your body, "mhm hm, 'course," rolling your eyes you walk back to your apartment and slam your door shut. You let out a relieved breath as you lean against your door, hoping to have finally reached through to him.
That night had been just like the one two nights earlier, calm and quiet, just how you liked it. And to your very pleasant surprise they continued on to be quiet, on the third night you almost felt a little bad as you hadn't heard as much as a squeak from that game of his. However laying in bed that night quickly made your thoughts on your new neighbour change.
It had been late, much later than you would like to admit when you finally closed your book and flicked off the small light on your bedside table. Snuggling closer against your blankets you close your eyes as your body slowly began to drift to sleep. Just as you were about to slip into the unconscious state of sleep a muffled noise caught your attention.
You couldn't quite make it out and when no further noise was made you brushed it off as you got comfortable again. But there it was again, frowning you sat up on your bed as you flicked the small light on. Squinting as your eyes adjusted to the sudden light you tried to make out where the sound was coming from. It took about a minute until you realised that they must've been coming from the apartment next to yours, Beomgyu's apartment.
Whatever the noises were they weren't loud enough for you to go over and make a third complaint. Opting to still get some sleep you turned off your light and got back in bed. However closing your eyes the muffled noises from the other apartment were all you could focus on. The darkness only seemed to make them louder in your ears as you tossed and turned trying to fall asleep.
The noises however grew louder despite your efforts to block them out and now you could make out exactly what they were. But...that almost sounded like─ a loud whimper followed by a soft moan broke your thoughts and your eyes widened in realisation at what your neighbour was up to.
Gulping you turned onto your back as you stared up at the ceiling, there was no way he was actually? But then you remembered that just like there was only a wall separating your living rooms, there was only one wall between your bedrooms as well.
Uncertain of how to proceed you lay in bed as you listen to the sounds of your neighbour, deep breathy moans mixed with grunts. It felt almost sinful to listen to him without him knowing and you'd just considered moving to your couch when you heard it.
"y/n.. nhhgg─ hmnnhh y/n.."
Your name leaving his lips in such a way made your stomach flutter in more ways than you'd like to admit as you felt a wave of arousal course through you.
Biting your lip hesitantly as you weighed your options, your mind was practically yelling for you to get up and out to your couch. Despite that you couldn't help but wonder if it really would be so wrong to just stay. Against your better judgement one of your hands moved across your stomach and down your panties.
The moans of your neighbour spurring you on as you begin to lightly rub your clit. Letting out a soft breath at the sensation before slipping two fingers inside, shamefully pretending for them to be your neighbours cock filling you up.
As Beomgyu's moans increases on the other side of the wall so does the movements of your fingers. The way your name spills from his lips makes your core clench around your fingers desperately as your other hand comes up to cover your mouth.
"mhhnn, ah, f-fuck y/n," he whimpers and you almost climax at those words alone.
Beomgyu lets out a soft grunt as his breathing turns heavy and you imagine him spilling all over his hand and stomach. The sounds of your neighbour so shamefully cumming to you and the pictures your imagination drew are enough to make your legs tremble as you orgasm. Biting back whines and moans you catch your breath as your hand slips back up from your underwear.
As you stare up at the ceiling in disbelief over what just happened you realise that Beomgyu's apartment has gone quiet. Biting your bottom lip you sigh, maybe you didn't mind having a noisy neighbour after all.
read part two here :3
→ want to get notified whenever a new dream is published? join my TAGLIST ★ all rights reserved ─ @beomiracles 2024
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omegalomania · 1 year
the full apple music interview with zane lowe is out! we got snippets of it when love from the other side dropped, but they finally rolled out the full thing. here are some highlights that stood out to me :)
patrick describes pete's lyrics as what gets him out of bed in the morning. if pete doesn't send him lyrics, he doesn't write a song.
andy and pete used to draw fake snake tattoos on each other using magic markers as kids omg?
so evidently patrick was the one who got covid during hella mega tour. and he hated it and he was miserable and that's when he called neal avron about the new record lmao
patrick says that joe was hesitant at first and he was the one who said that for this record he wanted to make something that they could all savor and spend time on and patrick was immediately on board with that
pete says patrick's job is to interpret him because pete calls his mentality a "little bit off" but patrick is capable of understanding him and translating it
patrick describes his and pete's creative relationship as "twin speak." it's not linear and it's like living in his brain a little bit. he calls it the "weirdest thing i've ever seen" when pete can just Tell that some words that patrick adjusted weren't ones he wrote despite not remembering writing them. patrick says he's gotten better at connective tissue and knowing how pete would say things
pete: back in the day patrick was like, "what's the difference between cry and weep i will KILL YOU. THEY'RE THE SAME THING. I'M GONNA KILL YOU RIGHT NOW."
zane says patrick's vocals are next level for this album. pete agrees that he kills it on this album and said he never would've expected that voice coming from him when they first met. zane says patrick could sing a recipe and it would be good. he then passes patrick a recipe and patrick. sings it???
patrick: i'm not gonna belt it. (starts belting) NINE INCH PIE PLATE ROLLING PIN
patrick says that pete doesn't mean to have rhythm to his words but there's a rhythm to them all the same and patrick can find this syncopation in his words and thinks it's amazing
more talking about patrick and pete's Magical Mystical Transcendent Soul Bond. patrick says "if we were one guy, we'd be an INCREDIBLE DUDE"
patrick and pete say that interviews with all four of them are hard because it's chaos and everyone's talking at once but it all makes perfect sense to them and no one else. zane says that sounds like fun flkjdfd [i agree please do this more it's a joy]
pete says joe really stepped up and wrote a lot for this record!
patrick: "joe is kind of a conundrum because he's this really talented...he's a brilliant writer, a brilliant player, but pete and i became the "team" and it wasn't really a plan, but that's just kind of how it happened. [brief tangent about the hiatus] we come back from the thing and joe is this fully-formed writer with a very distinct - he has one of the most distinctive writing voices. when i hear his parts, when i hear his ideas, i could pick them out of a crowd. like i know the way joe writes, and it's VERY joe." part of the process with post-hiatus was integrating him into the writing process more.
discussing the hiatus and fame and pete says his life kind of "blew up" and took it pretty hard. apparently during production for folie paparazzi actually broke down the gate to neal avron's house
patrick goes on a big tangent about how bad things got during the height of pete's fame. "part of my role is to tell his story. i'm a composer. that's what i like to do. i work on movies, i work on shows, and i work on pete. pete has a story that needs music, and if he's removed from himself, if he's not even able to access himself because he's behind all of this stuff, i don't have a story! so not only did i not have my buddy, which was heartbreaking in its own way, but then i also don't have a purpose as an artist."
patrick says that andy is always ready to play but when you get him happy to play, it's another level
"and trohman, there were these moments where he...he got so excited."
patrick describes writing what a time to be alive as wanting to write the saddest, most desperate song you could hear at a wedding. pete bursts into laughter and calls it "so twisted"
talking about other endeavors outside the band - patrick talks about composing and said joe's been super busy with his book and writing for tv and because there are so many deadlines for stuff like that, it's what hammered home to him that fall out boy needs to not be that. "there's something special about this that can't be...this has to be passionate and art."
discussing how scared patrick was of his own voice while the band took off. patrick was really scared of the song saturday at first because there are some really exposed vocal moments. he describes saturday as a song where everyone in the band lets each other go for it.
zane calls fall out boy the "emo blueprint" and says they were unapologetic in being emotional. patrick immediately says, "that was pete. i don't think we could've done that without him." he and joe were basically kids and patrick was too anxious to talk on stage.
zane says, "i remember interviewing you in the early days and i felt like every time i asked you a question i was bullying you." pete IMMEDIATELY loses his shit.
"in another life where i didn't have a pete...cause saturday, i did write most of that by myself...so there's a world where that song exists without the band. there's no world where i sing it in front of people without pete."
pete says every night before they put out a new song he calls patrick up and gets really scared and wants to back out and patrick talks him down every time
they talk about how scary it was when arm's race released and performing it at the amas. patrick starts laughing rly hard as they get into how there were giant crickets on stage and the crowd was just stone-faced and utterly nonresponsive and their stage manager was utterly panicked
towards the end patrick really loosens up and starts swearing more dlkfjdfd
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devvelle · 2 years
how they act when they miss you
Genre: fluff <3
Characters: first years (Ace, Deuce, Epel, Jack, and Sebek) x gn!reader PART 2
Scenario: you're away from NRC for a few weeks, and they have to find ways to get by until you return.
Notes: each can be taken as platonic or romantic! reader is the Prefect and the reason for the absence is up to your imagination :)
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Ace Trappola ;
Let’s get this out of the way. Ace is not well.
In his eyes, you’re like the whole reason school is fun. So when you’re gone he’s sulking all day, sighing dramatically at the mere mention of your name. 
"Remember the Prefect? I wonder how they're doing these days *sniffle* I hope they haven't forgotten us..." (Definitely gets yelled at by Riddle for acting like you died.)
He'll start spamming you with messages. You thought you’d get a break from Ace? Silly Prefect, not if he has anything to do with it.
He'll text you pictures of the randomest things, tell you every insignificant detail of his day, and ask you bizarre questions, all in the hopes of getting as many replies back as possible.
When you do answer, he's smiling like an idiot, replying asap while you're active. He's happy that you're okay and making time for him.
Ace will need lots of cuddles and quality time when you're back. He will vehemently deny all allegations of his behavior, though. He did no such things, how could you believe that?
Deuce Spade ;
Deuce hides his feelings the best out of everyone, but you are on his mind constantly in the form of daydreams.
He's a bit quieter as a result. Usually you’re the one he’s replying to and speaking to the most, so when you’re not there he prefers to listen instead, picturing what you would be doing or saying.
If someone mentions you though, he’ll be quick to join the conversation.
Would be more involved in his dorm activities as well as track and field. It helps him stay distracted and gives him more time to think about you and what to text you later :')
Being the model student he now is, he'll copy a second set of notes for you so you won't be behind when you return. He'll even draw little pictures on them and leave helpful (and sometimes silly) comments for you. If you see a scribbled out "I miss you :/" or two... ignore it.
Stays cool and collected throughout your absence, in the end. The time without you makes him appreciate you more when you're back. Just promise him you won't leave again.
Epel Felmier ;
Progressively starts spiraling the longer you’re gone.
He calls you nightly for as long as you’re away. 
Goes out of his way to make plans or do interesting things just so he can have more to talk to you about when he calls. 
He’ll make you talk to him until he falls asleep because he finds he usually dreams of you when your voice is the last thing he hears.
Probably gets a bit more snappy, though. Usually you’re there to keep the peace within the group and prevent their schemes, but without you they start to lose it just a bit. Perhaps he’s hoping that if he does something really stupid you’ll come back faster.
It doesn’t work, obviously. You scold him over the phone instead.
And now he's carving your initials into apples aggressively and pouting. You made him more sad. How could you?
Epel is definitely a handful in your absence. Come back asap.
Jack Howl ;
Also doesn't make a big deal out of missing you.
He's very considerate of whatever your circumstances are for being absent, so he leaves you alone unless you text him first.
He'll reply instantly when you do message him, though. He even set a special alert noise for you :')
Definitely carries something of yours with him at all times, like a piece of jewelry or an accessory. He was a bit embarrassed to ask for it from you before you left, but the comfort it brings him makes him glad he did. He’s very sensitive to smells so this little piece of you keeps him from worrying too much while you’re away.
The cutest thing he does though? He listens to the music you like. When he's out on runs he'll have your playlist on shuffle, thinking about you until Leona tells him he's falling behind.
Overall handles it well. You wouldn't even know he missed you if he wasn't seeking you out more than usual after your return.
Sebek Zigvolt ;
Sebek is so good at hiding the fact that he misses you, that he almost fools himself.
Epel and Ace would no doubt tease him relentlessly if they found out, so he keeps quiet and focuses on his duty to Malleus. That's always supposed to be his focus anyway, no sweat.
But when he can get a quiet moment to himself? He’s somehow always going through pictures of you.
There’s a secret folder on his phone titled '🤦‍♂️' that is filled with dozens of pictures of you and him. They’re all selfies you dragged him into while he pretended he didn’t want to be in them, but when you’d sent them to him, he’d saved them all immediately. He’s made sure no one's seen it though, especially you.
(Besides Lilia who’d crept up on him and seen it once and was overjoyed. Sebek is still mortified.)
Occasionally, he’ll check in on you through text and send something like “Make sure you’ve eaten, human!” or an image of the other first-years with, “Why did you make me befriend them?”
Pull him aside and give him a hug when you get back, please. He's in denial but he'll appreciate it.
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a/n: tried out a new format!! I’m going to try hcs like these in between my longer written works just so my brain gets a break :’) kisses, and happy halloween <3
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badaspebble · 7 months
The Way You Dance
Bada Lee x fem!reader
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Warnings: 18+ themes, dom!Bada, needy Bada, dry humping, grinding, hair pulling, biting, dirty talk, degrading, praise, teasing, public sex?, almost getting caught
You had the brilliant idea to tease Bada, knowing how worked up she gets. The outfit you wore with purpose caught her attention almost immediately. Bada looked at you confused as you walked into the dance studio, not understanding why you would wear something so revealing when you were likely going to do some…more than suggestive moves for the choreo.
Smirking, you looked at her perplexed expression as you took your bag off and placed it on the bench.
“Ready for today?” You asked, pretending you didn’t notice Bada looking at your exposed legs.
Bada licked her plump lips, her adams apple moving as she swallowed harshly. “Let’s do it…” She trailed off.
You started the music up, playing SWV by Summer Walker. Bada started doing little jumps to warm up, as you looked down and giggled, hoping this would go the way you wanted.
As soon as both of you heard her voice, you started dancing, hitting the moves smoothly but with energy to make them pop.
Dancing individually was hard on you, as you wanted to hurry up and enact your plan. You could tell that Bada was getting worked up already, even though you haven’t done any part of your plan yet.
When Noah joined in after Summer, that’s when you both started dancing together. Bada’s hands grabbed your waist, her long fingers digging into your skin. You smiled as Bada put her mouth right next to your ear, letting you know how heavy she’s breathing.
Bada was borderline panting as you continued to dance, her hot breath hitting the inside of your ear as she makes your hips grind into her own. Her eyes locking onto yours through the mirror, realizing how flushed you both are.
You grind your hips back into her continuously, as you move your arms to the beat. After a particular beat, your right hand lands in her hair. You bite your bottom lip as you dig your hand into it and tug.
Bada whines shamelessly as she digs her mouth into your neck, not yet kissing as she prefers to rub her lips against you instead. Her breathing gets heavier and her teeth start grazing your pulse point.
You start breathing heavier too, spinning out of her arms and starting to dance individually again. You can hear Bada whine and complain as she watched you dance. You giggled and looked at Bada teasingly as you both start doing moves on the floor. Bada stares at you as you spread your legs teasingly, before arching your back.
Bada’s eyes lit up as the song ends. She rushes towards your phone and makes sure some other songs are played, ones that you haven’t choreographed yet.
Bada walks up to you fast, smirking as she brings her hands around your waist before spinning you around so you’re both facing the mirror.
“Do you think I wouldn’t know what you’re doing? Hm?” Bada rushes out against your neck, biting it and leaving marks.
“You’re so fucking naive…thinking you can tease me without consequences.” She whispers against your now bruised neck, trailing her puffy lips upwards until she’s talking into the shell of your ear.
You only smile, thinking of something bratty to say back. “Maybe you’re the naive one? Maybe I wanted this to happen..” You say as you bite your bottom lip, bringing your hands to grab at both her wrists as her nails dig into you painfully.
Bada inhales harshly, dragging you closer to her. She drags one hand to your head, pulling your hair until she gets more access to your neck. “You’re such a fucking whore, you know that baby? You get all bratty when my fingers aren’t inside of you.” Bada says in between her kisses on your jawline. The hand that was holding your hair makes it’s way to your chin, holding it.
“Keep looking at the mirror, okay baby? Since you can’t do anything else with that dumb little head of yours, I wanna make you see yourself become my little slut again.”
You gulp at her words and her grip, loving the feeling of her hands all over you, no matter how rough they are.
Bada grabs your cunt through your skirt, not even lifting it up. She puts her leg in between yours from behind before pushing you onto it. Her other hand still grips your chin as to make sure you don’t look away.
You hold back a subtle whine as her hand is still pressing into your cunt while she makes you grind on her leg.
Bada licks her lips as she starts nibbling on your lobe. “Let me hear you, pretty thing. Wanna hear how good I make you feel.” Bada basically whines out, desperate to hear you.
You still bite your lip to mask your sounds, not wanting anybody to see you in this state. Bada is the opposite, as she loves the adrenaline of almost being caught. With that idea in mind, Bada’s hand leaves your chin and instead slithers up your crop top, playing with your nipples through your bra.
“B-bada….please baby! ‘S too much…” You manage to whine out as she makes you grind onto her leg harder. You looked at yourself through the mirror, seeing the trail of wetness on Bada’s sweats. It makes you moan shamelessly through your closed lips, secretly loving how close you are already.
“You can take it baby. You were the one walking around like this, weren’t you? You wanted me to ruin you, hm? Look at the mess you’re leaving on me, slut.” Bada says harshly into your ear. Her own voice husky with lust. She audibly gulps as she looks at you in the mirror, looking so lost as she pinches your nipple.
“All mine…you’re all mine to fuck. God, I love it when you’re my little whore” Bada mumbles out, borderline whining. She starts biting everywhere she can see skin, your ear, your jaw, your neck, even your shoulder.
Your eyes turn glossy feeling your lower stomach get hot, as well as your cunt. The pressure becoming too much to ignore. It doesn’t help that you can feel her subtle moans and whines as she bites into you, leaving you with marks.
“Bada-“ You moan out, realizing you’re close. “Baby slow down—“ You whine loudly, the squelching of your cunt as it grinds onto her covered thigh, paired with your whines echoing in the empty studio made you both breathless. You then blink your eyes rapidly as you see Bada through the mirror, biting her lip so hard it starts to bleed. Her eyes are just as glossy as yours while she gasps and swallows harshly.
“I fucking love seeing you like this. Makes me feel so good baby, your sounds are so pretty. Do you make these noises for anybody else? Hm? No? You belong to me, baby? My personal little slut.” Bada moans and stutters into your ear as she pinches your other nipple, twisting it and making sure it hurts. You moan at the stinging sensation, getting closer to the edge.
“Answer me, whore. You gonna cum already, huh? I haven’t even touched your little clit yet..” Bada pouts, pretending to be saddened by the fact. She smirks into your neck as you still don’t answer her, mumbling incoherently. Bada suddenly perks up as she starts hearing footsteps. She bites her lip and holds in a giggle as she makes you grind faster. The sound your cunt makes against her sweats is loud and wet, making sure everybody knows how needy you are for her.
“B-bada…need to-“ You interrupt yourself with a loud moan, not yet hearing footsteps. “Please… ‘m gonna come—“ You whine out as you slump against her, and squeezing your eyes shut.
“Need you to come for me so bad, pretty girl.” Bada lowers the both of you to the ground before making you sit on her thigh. She makes you open your legs wide as she starts to rub you through your panties. “Wish I could tease you but we don’t have time for that.” Bada whines as she hears the footsteps again, this time closer. “Please baby, need you to make a mess on me, okay?” She rubs you faster, focusing on your clit as you still manage to make a mess on her fingers, even through your panties.
“O-oh fuck….fuck fuck fuck Bada— gonna come..please” You whine out, finding the energy to grind on her fingers a little. The pressure in your lower stomach becomes too much, the band holding you back suddenly snapping as your eyes open wide, locking with hers in the mirror. Bada suddenly puts a couple of her fingers in your mouth as you scream out. Your eyes water as you gag on some her fingers and cum on the rest from her other hand. Bada moans with you, eyes rolling back as she nuzzles into your neck.
Once you both calm down, Bada chuckles as she removes her fingers from your mouth, pushing your hair out of the way. She notices you're still too dazed to focus on the footsteps, so she removes her other hand from your cunt and takes off her jacket. She props you up against the mirror and wraps her jacket around you, wiping her hands on a nearby towel before rushing towards the door.
Just as Bada made it to the door, the person knocked. Bada fixed herself before opening the door. “Hey Tatter! Did you need something?” Bada said, smirking as Tatter talks about something, oblivious to the trail on Bada’s sweats, or the heated up room. Bada swallows as her own cunt remains sticky with her wetness, not wanting to risk her pride by telling you she came from just your sounds.
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gretavangroupie · 2 months
The Ripe and The Ruin - (Chapter 1)
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Pairing: Jake Kiszka x Reader, OC x Reader
Word Count: 14.3k
Warnings: Language, Alcohol, Smoking, Angst, Unwelcome Advances, Kissing.
Find the Playlist Here: Apple Music | Spotify
A new series in collaboration with my talented co-writer @gretavanmoon.
"Like all good fruit, the balance of life is in the ripe and ruin."
You absentmindedly swirl the skinny black straw around in your glass, scoffing to yourself as you wonder why the bartender put a stirrer into your Whiskey in the first place. It didn’t need to be stirred. You took it straight. It was fine on its own. Regardless, you sipped around the straw, letting the oaky liquor trickle down the back of your throat.
It wasn’t that you hated flying. It was more that you hated being alone with your thoughts for extended periods of time. Only your phone or a book to occupy your brain, but you knew that only worked for so long. Eventually you’d be left alone to tumble down into those dark, dusty memories that would torment you until you touched down in whatever city you were slated to be in that day. 
You hear Josh’s voice, instinctively causing you to turn your head, watching as he and Daniel stand in front of the camera recording whatever video the social media team planned for the day. You gracefully bowed out of that process all together, the team knowing not to approach you about an idea unless they knew it was something you would agree to. Usually though, it wasn’t. You turn to look at Sam on your right, seeing his gaze fixed upon the two of them. Both of you were now watching them as they played along with the skit, a huff of secondhand embarrassment sizzling through you as you sip from your glass. You’d never be caught dead doing that.
Fools. How is anyone ever supposed to take us seriously if all we show them is this? 
“You ready for another few months of this shit?” you mumble, your lips barely parting from the edge of your glass. 
Sam snickers as he turns back to you. “No. But that’s the job isn’t it?” he answers, swallowing down a gulp of beer, turning to look at you.
“I’m hitting that wall, too.” you answer, meeting the eyes of his girlfriend, Lyla. She sends you a sympathetic look as she squeezes Sam’s arm, giving him the little bit of reassurance he needs. “S’been a shit few weeks.”
Sam doesn’t say anything, instead pursing his lips together and slowly nodding his head as he peers down into his empty glass. Everyone knows better than to indulge you in your misery at this point, vowing not to pick at the festering wound. It’s still fresh and you’re still too volatile.
“Well, we’re going to your happy place, right?” Lyla asks with a hopeful smile. 
“Yeah, yeah we are,” you answer, taking another long pull of Whiskey. It was clear she didn’t know the reason it made you happy in the first place was because of the memories you made there with the person no longer around.
You turn your head ready to fall into those memories you’ve been pushing away for weeks, but fate has other plans as you spot your production team walking towards the boarding gate. They look frantic as they talk to each other, their eyes flicking up and down from their phones in their hands. Paul, your band Manager leads the group, finally slipping his phone into his pocket as he spots the gate. Next to him is Corrine, the Production Manager talking on the phone, balancing it between her ear and shoulder as she follows Paul. Wes, the Tour Manager continues to talk to Paul as they step into the waiting area, but behind him is someone you don’t recognize. 
She’s looking down at her phone, unaware that Wes has come to an abrupt stop in front of her. She runs into him just enough that it gets his attention, a profuse apology falling from her mouth. You laugh a little at the exchange, wondering who this girl is, and why she is with your team. She’s dressed like the rest of them, casual, but still comfortable for a day of travel. A slouchy white long sleeve shirt, a little too thin for the cold January weather, a brown leather backpack, worn and well loved, and a pair of olive green pants that hug her ass just a little too well for 10AM on a Thursday morning. You find yourself unable to pull your eyes away from her, a magnetizing feeling sucking you in the longer you look at her. She laughs with Wes, a bright smile lighting up her face causing an unwelcome twinge in your chest. It’s when she fully turns though, allowing you to see her whole face through the curtain of tousled waves, that you find yourself needing to know who she is. 
You swallow nervously, licking your bottom lip as you turn to Sam. “Who uh, who’s that?” you ask, nodding towards the group. “With Paul, Wes, and Corri?”
Sam turns around in his barstool, looking across the busy walkway to the group standing at the gate. “Oh, um…” he pauses, assessing the situation. “She’s with Paul, so that must be our new runner.”
“What happened to Lucy?” you ask, letting your eyes drift back to the mystery girl. 
“She got engaged and moved to Scotland or some shit, I don’t remember. Ask Josh,” he laughs. 
You hum, trying to remember the email thread where Paul’s new assistant was approved. What was her name…
“You know her name?” Lyla asks, looking at Sam.
Yes, Lyla. Yes. 
“Um, I think it’s….Y/N. Yeah, yeah, Y/N,” he answers confidently, snapping his fingers as he speaks. 
“So she’s the new Lucy…” you hum, flipping your sunglasses down over your eyes. 
“Guess so. We’ll see if she can hack it,” he laughs, sliding his card to the bartender. 
You turn back to look at her, this time your eyes concealed. She is rocking back and forth on her feet, looking around as she hugs her arms across her chest. She seems nervous, pushing her hair behind her ears every few minutes. You’re positively taken by her, unable to peel your eyes away from her every move. You can’t help but study her, and you briefly wonder if it's the alcohol rushing through your brain that has you so focused on her.
The gate agents’ voice blaring through the intercom system snaps you from your thoughts, announcing that your flight was ready to begin boarding. You look to Sam, who is signing the check, and nod your head in silent agreement that you should head over. You toss back the rest of your Whiskey, letting out a sigh as it warms your chest. You grab your black leather backpack and sling it over your shoulders, straightening out your shirt before following Sam across the walkway to the gate. With your glasses still down, you step into the waiting area, watching people line up around you. 
Josh, Ty, Mia, and Daniel appear behind you, startling you a bit as you fumble around in your pocket for your boarding pass. Their conversation is loud and grating, but you tune them out. You check your seat assignment as you move forward in the line, repeating it in your head over and over so you don’t forget it. You try not to pay attention to the pretty mystery girl five people ahead of you, but you just can’t seem to take your eyes off of her. You watch her disappear down the jet bridge as she talks to Paul, and before you can even register it, it’s your turn and the gate agent is scanning your ticket. She sends you on your way with a smile, and as you make the long walk to the plane you wonder if the girl in the green pants is going to make this tour just a little bit more interesting. 
3E. 3E. 3E.
Your eyes scan the row of numbers at the top of the cabin, finally catching sight of your assigned seat. You slide into the aisle seat, tossing your backpack to the floor as you let out a sigh of relief. You made it in one piece. You weren’t late, and everyone seemed to like you so far. 
You take a look around you, admiring the plush seats and ample legroom. You’d never flown first class before. You felt a little out of place as you looked at the people around you. Thankfully it was filled with team members you knew, and the band members and their partners, but still you knew you didn’t belong up here. You kicked your bag beneath the seat in front of you, pulling your shirt sleeves over your hands before reaching up to adjust the air vents that were blowing far too hard. A small shiver left your body as you spun the vents closed, sitting back comfortably in your seat as you waited to see who your seat partner would be. 
Your phone buzzed on your lap, a text from your best friend lighting up your screen. 
10:57am: How many hours is the flight again?
You smile as you quickly text back, running the numbers in your head.
10:58am: I don’t know, like 7 or 8 hours? You’ll be fine. Read a book or something. I’ll text you when I get there. But it will be late…or early? I think? There is a big time difference.
10:59am: Ok, be careful.
You lock your phone and shove it under your leg, your eyes darting to the aisle as more people pass you on their way to their seats. You couldn’t believe your first leg of tour with them was taking you across Europe, allowing you to see places you’d only dreamed about. It wasn’t the job you were worried about, you could do that in your sleep. It was the uncertainty of being in another country with people you didn’t really know. 
Getting to know the bands you worked for was a precarious thing. Always walking the thin line between friend and employee. You knew your place though, and you knew where that boundary lied. Your eyes refocus as someone stops in front of you, dropping their hands. As you look up you see Jake, one of the band members staring back at you.
“I’m…right there,” he says, gently pointing to the seat next to you. 
“Oh, right here?” you ask, genuinely curious how you were seated next to a band member and not with a crew member.
“3F? That’s what this says…” he asks, checking his boarding pass. You nod and stand, letting him slide into the seat. He drops his leather backpack to the ground with a thud, letting out a sigh of relief, much in the same way you had. 
You resettle in your own seat, buckling your seatbelt and pulling it tight across your lap. Your heart is still pounding as you try to calm your nerves, suddenly feeling put on the spot next to your boss. Or– your boss's boss. Shit.
You realize that you know practically nothing about this band, about its members, and really even much of their music beyond their hits. You planned to spend most of this flight acquainting yourself with them, learning their likes and dislikes before making a fool out of yourself in front of them in the green room. You don’t know if you should speak to him, and truthfully you’re a little hesitant since that day at the office, catching him and Josh in an argument. 
You didn’t even know they would be there as you went in to sign your paperwork, but to your surprise they were, standing in the middle of the office playing around on instruments and talking. You made a beeline straight for the management office, mostly unseen, and quickly signed your paperwork. Paul went over some of the timelines and the things you would be responsible for as you took detailed notes on your phone, not wanting to miss a single thing. 
Though, all of that came to a screeching halt as the sound of a chair skidding forcefully across the concrete floors pulled you both from your conversation. From your seat you watched through the small office door as two men moved towards each other, while two more intervened to break up whatever was about to happen. 
You then learned from Paul that the two people that were arguing were the twins, Jake and Josh, and that the other two were their younger brother Sam, and their honorary brother Daniel. You observed in shock as the two of them shouted profanities at each other from either side of the piano, both red faced and worked up over something. 
Paul quickly walked you out the front door with an apology and a laugh, and that was the last you saw of the band and its members, until today.
Out of the corner of your eye, you try to get a good look at him without him noticing. First impressions have always been a big deal to you, and since your first impression of him was nothing short of off-putting, you decide to try again. Give him the benefit of the doubt. 
Worn-in black pants, cuffed at the ankle, a wrinkled beige button up that only conceals half his torso, a thick dark navy overcoat, and a stack of heavy silver necklaces. Oh, and blue-tinted sunglasses. His cologne… now that will be sticking around in your mind for a while. Clean, woodsy, a hint of musk but still kind of sweet.
You hear him clear his throat as he fidgets with his things, putting them all in their places as he finally settles into his seat. He reaches down into his black leather bag that appears to be well-loved, and pulls out a set of wired earbuds. They’re tangled and bunched, and you can’t help but smirk as you watch him try to untangle them. His fingers pull through the twisted white wires, and before you can offer your help, he reluctantly tosses them back down on top of his unzipped bag. “Fuck it,” you hear him mumble under his breath. He huffs again and leans back, tapping his fingers anxiously on his arm rests. 
You let yourself drift back into your own thought as the plane takes off, going over the hundreds of miniscule things you know you’ll have to accomplish as soon as the plane lands. It’s quiet in first class, something you aren't used to with flying on the regular. The peacefulness that comes along with the drone of the plane and the light conversation between everyone is almost enough to help you relax a little, if not for the damned cool air still blowing through the vent above you. 
You shiver a little, cuffing your hands over the ends of your shirt to pull it in more closely to your body. Why you had chosen to forgo a heavier jacket in the middle of winter, you truly don’t know. You decide to distract yourself a little, pulling up the string of endless emails that lie in waiting on your phone, getting a nice head-start on your duties before you have to hit the ground running. 
Jake has been sitting beside you quietly for about an hour now, alternating scrolling his phone every few minutes and looking out his window. The cloud cover is heavy, so being able to see even a glimpse of the ocean below you is a lost cause. You listen as he sighs, crossing one of his legs over the other and folding his hands in his lap. 
Should you strike up conversation? No, he probably doesn’t care to speak to you. But is it rude not to? You’ve already been sitting here for over an hour…
Just as you decide to open your mouth to speak, the plane hits turbulence. The cabin shakes and rumbles, and you can feel your stomach fall. Your hands grip the arm rests with white knuckles as the plane passes through, your eyes gripping shut as tightly as your palms on the arm rests. 
Finally, after what feels like forever the plane evens out again, and you hear the pilot come over the intercom to apologize. You finally let the breath you were holding free from your lungs, and you open your eyes to see Jake with his head leaned low in front of you. 
“You okay?” he asks, an eyebrow cocked. 
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. Just…don’t really enjoy this part much.” you admit, running your sweaty palms over your pants. 
He sits back in his seat once he notices your calmness return. “Me neither, to be honest. No matter how many times you hit turbulence on a plane, you never get used to it. I don’t care what people say.” he says with a sweet smile. You can tell that he was coming down from an anxious episode just the same as you. 
“No joke…” you agree, suddenly wanting a drink even if it was before noon. You push the tiny hairs away from your face as you regain a hold on your bearings, picking up right where you had left off before the turbulent air sent you into a spiral of doom. “I–I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself before, my name’s–”
“Y/N.” he cut in, extending the tips of his fingers out to offer you a friendly handshake. 
You let your hand slowly come up to meet his, suddenly uncaring that it was probably still clammy. “Yeah, that’s me. It’s nice to meet you.” 
For the five seconds your bodies connect, and the even shorter few seconds that his honey brown eyes meet yours, you feel like you were worried for nothing. This guy is nice. Maybe he’ll be easier to talk to than you thought…
His hand disconnects and flies to his chest. “I’m Jake.”
You nod. Of course you already know his name. “Yeah, um…guitar. Right?”
He smiles harder this time. “Yup. That’s my forte, at least. Have you um, ever been to Europe?” He brushes his hand over his nose a few times as his eyes dart back and forth from the seat behind you and back to your face, unable to hold eye contact. Is he nervous?
You turn your body a little more toward him. “No, actually. This is my first time. But I hear good things…”
“Oh shit, you’re gonna love it. Especially this time of year. Things move pretty fast when we get there, but we always try to explore as much as possible. See some sights.” You can tell that he’s truly excited about this excursion, and to be completely honest, you found yourself wanting to hang on his every word. 
“Anything in particular?” you press, wanting to hear the gritty rich sound of his voice again. 
You let him talk on and on about the places he wants to see, and the places that they had already been, even bringing up a few older photos on his phone as he describes their past trips. You try not to look as he scrolls, but his camera roll is full of tons of scenic photos and videos, landscapes, mountains, waterfronts… and of course a few rogue photos of guitars and guitar parts. You wonder if he’s planning to make little vlogs. 
“Italy is my favorite, I think. So much history there. I could’ve stayed for six months if they’d have let me.” Your shoulders are pressed up against each others’ now as you watch his thumb glide over the multitude of media, speeding through the less important ones to get to his favorites. Strange of him to trust a stranger this much to watch him scroll his personal camera roll. He obviously doesn’t have much to hide, even if this is crossing that boundary line…
“The people are great, the food is great, the wine, oh god, don’t get me started on the wine…” he chuckles, and you feel yourself bumping your shoulder against his a little as you laugh along with him. “The terroir is fuckin’ phenomenal, obviously. It’s like a different world.”
“I like a moscato every now and then.” You add, trying to throw in your two cents on your crumbs of wine knowledge. 
He returns with a scrunched nose. “Hmm, a bit sweet for my taste…So, Y/N. What’s your story, how’d you end up with us?” he asks, switching to cross his other leg over, now. 
You swallow, unsure of how to explain years’ worth of ups and downs you’d gone through to a rockstar. Your boss. You decide to keep it short and sweet, he didn’t need to know everything. 
“Well, I spent my entire youth attending a small private school and private high school, so I came up quite the determined and disciplined kid. Kinda sheltered.” You turn again in your seat, tucking one leg up underneath you. “But, I ended up moving away from home and away from family, been in this business for almost, eh, six years now?” You go on, and he listens intently. “Guess you could say I’m a pro at making things happen out of thin air.” You give him a long wink as you snap your fingers together. 
His eyebrows shoot up, and he finally gives you a hundred-watt smile. My god, he’s…
“A-ha, so you got all the good hookups, huh?” He asks, running his fingers over his chin as his cheeks turn the palest shade of pink. 
“S’what the runner does, isn’t it?” You pull your eyes back down to your lap. “Get you everything you need, right when you need it?” 
You bring your eyes back up to his and watch as he swallows hard, his mouth hanging open for just a split second before he catches himself. “Yeah, ehm, I suppose it is. We’re not too bossy, though. Josh can be, but.”
“So I’ve heard, he’s kind of a…diva?” You hadn’t done too much research on them, honestly. You hadn’t had the time. But, what few tiktoks and musics videos you had managed to see were fairly telling of their personalities. 
“He is. He is.” Jake laughs. “Don't let him fool you, though. He’s a big softie with an attitude problem. We all kind of are, honestly.”
“You’re a softie?” You press with a teasing tone. “From the few videos I’ve seen of you playing guitar, you look a little intimidating…” 
“Me? Intimidating?” He clicks his tongue. “Don’t believe everything you see on the internet, Y/N. It’s dangerous…” he growls the last word, and you can feel your insides ripping themselves apart just at the sound of his voice. You have to pull back, now. 
“All the runners we’ve ever had did extensive research on us before they came on tour, did you not do that?” he inquires, throwing you off a bit. 
You don’t really know how to answer, so you tell the truth. “Honestly Jake, no, I didn’t. I’ve toured with a few other bands in my career, and I did that. I researched them, learned all things I thought I needed to know so I didn’t go in blind. And, this time around, I did a little bit, but I kind of wanted to meet you all for myself. Get my own versions of you.” 
“Hm.” He responds with an understanding nod. “Well, you’ll be the first.” 
“Speaking of,” you go on, candidly glancing around the cabin and deciding to go ahead and ask the question that’s been nagging you. “Everyone else is seated with someone, wonder why I’m not with the rest of the team.” 
“What, you don’t wanna sit by me, Y/N?” he asks with a shred of a grin. 
“No no, it’s not that.” you laugh. “Just—“
“Normally I have someone with me, but…we’ve recently…gone our separate ways, I suppose.” He trips over the words a little, stammering through them like it was the first time he’d admitted it. 
“Oh… I see.” you pause, “That’s…never an easy thing.” 
I wonder if that was why he was so snippy that day at the office when you saw him fall off his rocker? 
“Eh, s’alright. Win some, lose some. We had a good run.” He says as he waves off the question. “So, you say you’ve been doing this awhile, you must really miss whoever you’re leaving at home.” 
Skating around the question, aren’t you, Jake?
“No, I’m single, if that’s what you’re asking.” You bite your lip as he doesn’t stop you from elaborating further. “I’m pretty independent, I like structure and uniformity. Growing up I wasn’t allowed much time on my own to have hobbies outside of school and practice. Strict parents. The job has kept me pretty adhered to that mindset, even in my personal life, so.” 
His eyes flick to yours and he squints them a little, as if he’s collecting every single one of your words and hanging them in a closet in his mind. He’s trying his best to figure you out, you can see it on his face. But why? He shouldn’t care…you don’t matter. 
“I can respect that.” He nods again. “My brothers and I, we grew up in a fairly religious household. Was great, don’t get me wrong. Really formed our roots but, as we got older and started to see the world, we kinda got away from it. Began to start seeing things in a different perspective.” He sucks his teeth, as if he’s recounting a hard memory. “Kinda why we moved to Nashville. We knew we had to break away if we wanted the band to be successful.”
You nod in understanding. “I mean, it worked, didn’t it?”
His laugh fills the cabin as it bounces off the walls, a sweet chuckle that makes your heart rate pick up. You could listen to him laugh all day long. 
“S’pose it did.”
“The fuck are you two over here laughing at, huh?” Suddenly Josh’s curls are squished between your seats, his cheeks pinched together as he speaks. “I’m trying to get some shut-eye but I can’t from all the babbling—”
Jake places his hand over entirety of his twin’s face, pressing him through and back into his own seat. “None of your business, fuck off.”
You laugh at their antics, knowing in the back of your mind that you had better get used to it. You feel the air kick on again, fiercely blowing the freezing cold air directly onto you. You shiver a little, balling yourself up and pulling your sleeves closely in toward you again. 
“You want my jacket?” Jake asks, already starting to pull it from his shoulders. 
“No! No no no, thank you, but I’m fine, really.” The last thing you need is that right off that bat. A bad look. Day one. Nope. 
“Seriously, I run naturally hot. Take it.” He replies. 
“Oh yeah? Hence all your layers?” You tease, repositioning in your seat. 
“It’s a fashion statement, thank you very much.” He bites. “All about comfort for me.”
Gotta change the subject. 
“So tell me something I should know about your brothers. Something that would give me brownie points if I wanted to say…impress them with my craft service skills…” you press, giving him a new challenge. 
“Wow um, let’s see…” he brings his fingers to his chin and thinks hard, and you can’t help but feel endeared by the fact that he truly wants to help you out. “Josh stays away from chocolate and dairy and sweets and all that, but his guilty pleasure is those cotton candy flavored grapes. Weird, I know.”
“Oh my god, those are so nasty!” you laugh, but still take note. 
“Danny would be over the moon if you surprised him with salsa verde Doritos, and Sam drinks kombucha more than the normal human should.” he finishes with a stern nod.
“Got it. I think I can make most of that happen, aside from the grapes…” 
“He would kiss you right on the lips, I’m telling you.” Jake giggles again, and you notice how he lights up when he talks about them. 
“So Josh is the dramatic softie, what about the other two?” you ask. 
“Sam’s kinda serious but he’s playful when he wants to be. Sneaky, too. Daniel’s always into something, always busy. Man doesn’t like to sit still,” he concludes, and you commit it all. 
“And what about you?” you ask, feeling your stomach flip for some reason. 
“I thought you said you wanted to get your own versions of us,” he quipped back, parroting your words from earlier. Damn, you had said that.
You toss your hair behind your shoulder. “I did but…You’ll tell me all about them, but not about yourself?”
He crunches his lips together as his eyes scan your face. It makes you a little uncomfortable, how hard he’s really looking at you, but you let him. Stopping him would be a sin you weren’t ready to commit just yet. 
“That’s right.”
The two of you drift off into silence again as the minutes tick by, thankfully not being embarrassingly interrupted by Josh anymore. You decide that you want to listen to some music, so you reach into the pocket of your bag and pull out your AirPods, slipping the left one in first followed by the right. You pull up your music and begin flipping through your playlists, searching for something to match the relaxed tone of the hour. Truly, you feel like you could easily drift off to sleep. 
You find a nice quiet playlist and curl up in your seat, halfway reluctant you didn’t take Jake’s jacket, but also proud of yourself for saying no. You’re fucking freezing. 
You turn your head to the side and close your eyes, ready to drift off into another world. 
You’re jolted awake by turbulence, the plane shaking again as you wake up and get your bearings. “Shit,” you breathe as you sit up straighter, remembering exactly where you are. You notice that in your slumber, your head had fallen against Jake’s shoulder. Fuck. Fuck fuck.
The turbulence only lasts a few seconds before it evens out again, and the calmness returns to your body. You glance at Jake, seeing him looking a little drowsy and shaken, too.
“Jake, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to do that, why didn’t you wake me? I—”
“Hey, don’t worry about it. I kinda dozed off, too,” he replies, stretching his arms high above his head without a care…not like he didn’t just have a stranger asleep with her head on his shoulder.
You look down, noticing that in the time you had drifted off, Jake had covered you with his coat. 
You panic, scrambling a little as you work to pull it from your body before anyone notices. 
His hands are quickly on yours, stopping your action. “Leave it, Y/N. You were shivering in your sleep…you can’t tell me you aren’t cozy right now…” his voice is barely a whisper, and the warmth of his hands grazing overtop of yours, even for a second, is enough to give you a whole other type of chill. 
“Yeah, I—I am warm…” you can’t deny that your body temperature has increased by at least a couple of degrees, and your fingers don’t feel like they’re going to get frostbite anymore. The jacket is heavy, heavier than it looks, and it smells like fresh pine needles and woodsy body soap. Just like…him?
“See?” he growls, backing away. “Just stay put.” 
Stay put? You want to bite back with something that will put him in his place; you explicitly told him you didn’t want his jacket, and he covered you anyway. While you were unconscious. While you couldn’t turn down the offer. 
…But you’re so warm, now. Your tense muscles are finally relaxing. The frigidity of the space has suddenly turned into a toasty furnace with a crackling fire.
Okay, but just until we land…
“What are you listening to?” Jake asks as he stretches again. You turn your phone for him to see, showing a generic playlist of Peaceful Sleep Songs lighting up your lock screen. 
“Agh, no, what is that shit?” Jake snatches your phone from your hand, quickly flipping the screen to unlock with your face before he begins shuffling through your playlists. 
“What are you doing?!” you yelp, reaching for your phone back. He raises his free hand to the air, stopping you from taking it. 
“Aht aht… I’m finding you something better to listen to. Don’t worry about it.” You suddenly hear the quiet music in your ears switch to something else, something you knew for a fact you hadn’t ever heard before. You give it a second as he turns the volume up a few notches, and you realize that it is most definitely brand new to you. 
It’s a solemn, tense-feeling piano beat, followed in by guitar. Lyrics only come in after a minute and a half or so. It sounds like growling, deep and hollow and a bit scary, but beautiful nonetheless. He’s watching your face as you experience it, quickly pressing pause as the song comes to a close. 
“What was that?” you ask, realizing you had really enjoyed it. 
“That was a song called Intro, by Alt-J. I know you’ve heard of Alt-J.” he says as he goes back to work on the phone. 
You slowly shake your head from side to side. “Can’t say I have, actually.” 
His jaw goes slack as his eyebrows raise in disbelief. “What? Like, never?” 
You feel your cheeks turning pink at the thought of a literal rockstar calling you out on your lack of music knowledge. 
“I don’t think so! That’s not what I normally listen to…don’t judge me,” you laugh, reaching for your phone again. 
He swats your hand away. “Ohh no, little fledgling. You’re listening to this. This is the good shit…” he presses play again as a twinkling high-pitched voice comes through your ears. It’s just jumbled words, no backing music or tune. The acapella strikes you as strange at first, until the end when it changes tone a bit, and it’s almost as if the lyrics are giving you advice you didn’t ask for. Warning you of something new and exhilarating, or better yet, dangerous and foreboding. It almost feels as if a black cloud has overcome you, only for a split second, letting you feel the nonexistent pokes and pinches that come along with the emotion of worry. 
The song flows directly into another now, one layered with a lot more sound, and it pulls you from that odd headspace the previous had put you in. You lean over the armrest, looking at the screen to see the title Tessellate. You’ve never heard anything like this kind of music before, and you wonder why Jake chose this particular artist. 
“This is one of their more popular ones, like radio popular, but it’s still one of my favorites on this album. Here in a second you’ll hear it slow down—”
You stop him by pulling your right earbud out, shoving it in his hand. “Shh, you can talk me through the songs later. Let me listen.”
He shuts his mouth, giving you a sweet grin as he takes the bud, placing it in his own ear and pressing play again. You continue on through the album, each song something brand new to you, a genre you’d really never delved into but wish you had, now. It’s enthralling, different, and full of sounds that make your mind sway and swim through mixtures of color and gray. 
You watch as Jake’s fingers tap along exactly with the beat of each song perfectly, down to a tee. The words don’t make much sense to you, and you can hardly distinguish what the singer is saying, but you know that Jake will give you a rundown of it all as soon as time allows him. You don’t know much about him, but his persistence is already apparent. You glance to see his eyelashes hitting his cheeks, his head barely bobbing side to side as he feels the music. You find yourself envious that he can draw inspiration and act on it, turning it into art of his own, whereas all you can do is sit back and listen to it.
Every couple of minutes he perks up from his meditation and adds new songs from their other albums onto the little playlist he’s started for you. You can’t quite make out what he’s titled it, but you can tell it's an emoji of some sort. His thumb flips and flies with precision across your screen as he scrolls and adds songs, and you have to admit, you’re a little excited to get your phone back and learn just what he’s creating for you. Especially for you.
You take a quick deep breath as you recenter yourself, catching your eyes drifting over his hand as he grips your phone. The veins in his hand roll over his knuckles, and you can just barely see the scuffed and calloused ends of his fingertips. Dial it the fuck back Y/N, remember the rules.
“Oooh, this is another one of my favorites,” he remarks, his mouth fairly close to your ear as he tries not to raise his voice over the volume of the music. He turns the screen a little so you can see the title, Taro. “You haven’t— You didn’t come to any of our shows last year by chance, did you?”
You feel a big pang of guilt shoot through your chest, remembering that you had actually been invited by some friends to see them way back when, but you’d turned the invitation down, not knowing who they even were at the time. You shake your head from side to side. “No, I didn’t.”
“This is one of the ones we play to the crowd before we go on. We all love it, it’s a sad, sad love tale based on true events. That’s the cool thing about this group, their lyrics are never really about what you think they are. They’re storytellers, a bit like Josh is, if you think about it. Their themes and over arcs are just…mind blowing sometimes.” Jake’s voice is a tiny murmur in your ear as your shoulders lean on one another’s again, still very taken with the music flowing through your ear. “We grab a lot of inspo from them, sonically and melodically…” You can feel his breath on your cheek, and you find yourself wondering what it would taste like…
“Here, read along with the lyrics. Try not to cry.” He hands your phone back, letting you keep up with the words floating down your screen. And he’s right, it’s heartbreaking without even knowing the context. 
“Wow…That was really beautiful,” you choke, realizing the depth of the story of the song. 
“Yep. Good shit, I told you.” He whips his hand around and takes the phone back as the next song comes in and warms your bones up again. You can feel the bare skin of his elbow brushing against yours, realizing that he was telling the truth about being naturally warm-bodied. Suddenly you don’t feel so bad about cuddling up under his coat. 
He opens your contacts app and adds himself, placing the sword emoji beside his name. He smirks as he hands the phone back. 
“Added your phone number, huh?” you ask rhetorically.
He sucks his teeth as he cracks his fingers. “Yep. How else will I let you know what I might need? Plus, never know when you might need to call me.”
You watch the signs overhead illuminate, a gentle tone ringing through the cabin as the Captain starts to make an announcement. You pause the song and pull your AirPod out, watching Jake do the same. 
“Hey folks, this is your Captain speaking. Just want to let you know we will be landing in Hamburg shortly. I’d expect to be on the ground in the next ten minutes or so, putting us about fifteen minutes ahead of schedule, so sit tight and we’ll have you on the ground in a few. Attendants please prepare for arrival.”
You turn to look at Jake, shrugging as you slide your AirPod back into the case. He raises his eyebrows and drops his jaw. “But we aren’t done! Wait! Hold on!”
He grabs your phone again, and from what you can see he is adding more songs to your playlist. You watch as he scrolls through various different albums by different artists, adding songs as quickly as he can. You smirk as you catch sight of the emoji he’s chosen, the chick icon, a playful nod at his earlier fledgling comment. He peeks over at you every few seconds, trying his best to hurry so you can pack up your things, but in a last effort you watch as he adds himself as a collaborator to the playlist. 
You raise an eyebrow to him as he hands your phone back to you, shrugging with a soft laugh. You feel your insides swirl at the sight of his smile, and you turn your eyes to your phone scrolling through the songs on the playlist. You turn back to him and nod, a silent agreement that you will listen just as you feel the plane starting to land. 
“I wanna keep adding songs for you to listen to, fledgling. If you want me to, of course…” 
You nod. “Of course I do. School away, Jake,” you reply with an air of playful annoyance.
He chuckles. “I plan to.”
As you brace for the landing you grip your hands into the arm rests, letting go of the soft worn in corduroy fabric you’d been playing with for the last hour. Your eyes squint closed as the plane touches down, jolting everyone forward in their seats. Jake grabs his phone as the plane slows down, flashing his screen at you to show a local time of 12:13AM. 
“I see some jet lag in our future,” you smile, sliding his jacket off of your arms. You fold it the best you can and hand it back to him, almost sad you have to give it back to him. “Thanks again for that.”
“Oh yeah, no problem.” He accepts it graciously from you, letting out a soft breath as he unfolds it and slides it back over his shoulders. It fits his personality well, soft and sturdy, worn in and weathered. He flips his hair out from beneath the collar, a barely there smell of peppermint passing through the air. You pull your gaze away from him just as you see his cheeks start to blush from your gaze. You lock your phone and stick it into your backpack at your feet, wondering how in such a short amount of time Jake has managed to infiltrate your thoughts so completely. 
As she turns to grab her bag you open your phone, tapping on the notification that she has added you to her playlist. You accept the invitation with a sly smile before sliding your phone back into your coat pocket. It smells like her now, soft and floral, very different than anything you were used to. Your mind was already circling with things you wanted to add to that playlist when you got a minute, finding it was harder than you thought to think of songs on the fly. 
The first few rows begin to file out of the plane and you watch as Paul stands and turns to look at Y/N, motioning to her to meet up with him after she got off the plane. She nods her head and slides her backpack straps over her shoulders, waiting for her turn to stand. 
“For jet lag…You know…Um, Benadryl,” you offer, your voice a little soft and unsure.
She turns to look at you, pinching her brows together in question. 
“When you get to your room tonight, take a Benadryl. Should knock you out until the morning and help you get on a normal schedule. Works for me, at least.” you finish, nodding to her as the people in front of you stand to leave. 
“Thanks, Jake.” She smiles and nods, sliding out of her seat to walk down the aisle. 
You watch her as she walks up the jet bridge towards the gate, seeing Paul waiting for her in the doorway. The two walk together through the airport, finding it fairly quiet at this hour as most of the flights have landed for the night. You push your sunglasses down onto your nose just as you feel Josh walking up behind you. 
He gives you a gentle nudge in the side to get your attention. “You good?”
“Yeah, yeah. Easy flight,” you answer, still listening and catching bits and pieces of whatever Paul is saying to Y/N, prepping her for the hotel check in and details for the morning. She is typing notes on her phone as she walks, barely looking where she is going, clearly trusting Paul to look out for her more than she should.
You tune out Josh as he rambles on about the flight, Ty jumping in every few words with a retort or a laugh. Your eyes don’t seem to leave her though, watching her talk, watching her walk, shit, just watching her. You can’t seem to shake it. You’d never met anyone like her before. Someone you were so instantly taken with. You wanted to know every single detail about her. 
You feel Josh’s hand as it comes up to your chin, pressing it upward and forcing your jaw shut. “There, you seemed to have dropped that.”
You turn to him angrily, knowing what he’s insinuating, giving him a hard elbow to the arm. “Fuck off, Josh.”
He laughs and pushes you with his shoulder, readjusting his backpack on his other shoulder. “Just an observation, that’s all. Can’t say I blame you, though.”
“Oh are you talking about Jake and Y/N?” Sam interjects, stepping up on your right side in a lanky stride. 
Josh nods, laughing slightly, wanting to keep this banter going. Asshole. 
“Can you two knock it off, fuck,” you growl, hoping she can’t hear them. Your eyes are locked in on her again, and much to your relief she is talking to Paul and can’t hear a word they’re saying.
“He didn’t shut up the entire flight. Lots of whispering and giggles from up there. I didn’t sleep at all. But I did hear his monologue about the genius of Alt-J for the fourth time this year.” Josh quips, earning a laugh from everyone around you. 
“Fuck you again, Josh,” you spit, annoyed at his lack of respect. 
“Damn, so you’re trying to scare her away, then?” Sam teases, giving you a sideways grin. 
You shake your head and push past them forcefully as you step off the escalator into baggage claim, not wanting to engage in this conversation a second longer. Especially because you were afraid they might be right. 
“Shit, not again,” Danny mumbles as you all approach the baggage claim area, immediately noticing a group of fans obviously waiting for your arrival. You take a deep, preparational breath as you can’t help but run into them on your path to the carousel. 
“Let’s just get it over with,” you hear Josh complain as he puts on his faux-happy face. You all love meeting fans. Truly, watching their faces light up when they see you is something that is unparalleled. But coming off of a long flight and already feeling the effects of the time difference, starving, and ready for a drink usually puts all of you in a mood that is generally irked overall. But you always suck it up; this is the life you signed up for. 
This time though, unlike most encounters with fans, is enough to make your general irritation quickly turn into intense aggravation. They swarm you, hugging and pulling and invading your spaces in an extremely unwelcome attempt at meeting each of you. You feel surrounded, and unable to get to your luggage in time before it rounds the carousel again. You keep your cool, just as you always do, curtly smiling and pulling away as your body instructs you to. You pause for quick photos as your eyes search the spinning luggage again. You see your brothers out of the corners of your eyes doing the same… quick ‘hellos’ and ‘nice to meet you’s’ as the crowd just seems to get bigger and bigger. 
Just as your eyes finally fall on your suitcase, you hear a loud clack as you turn and notice someone has knocked Sam’s phone out of his hand. It lands face down on the tile floor, likely cracked and scuffed from the people crowding around you all. You watch as Sam’s face turns up in annoyance, his eyes closed as he composes himself. 
“Okay, that’ll be enough!” You hear Dean, your security, bellow across the crowd. “Please step away, no more photos, no more photos…” Dean makes his way into the center of group, quickly dispersing them. You give Sam a quick look that says, ‘get your phone, let’s go’, and soon enough you’re rolling your suitcase through the middle of the crowded room. 
You see Y/N in the crowd, finding her to be a little flustered from the encounters, but alright nonetheless. You lock eyes with her as she mouths, ‘Are you okay?’, and you nod her off with a look of, ‘Yeah, this happens all the time.’
Your team is surrounding you as you quickly walk through the hallway toward the exit, ready to hop into an unmarked van and zip away to your hotel. You’re still being followed as you make it through the back exit doors.
When you’re finally safe outside the pickup area, everyone breathes a sigh of relief. “Fuck, that was a bad one.” Danny says. “Sam, how's your phone?”
“It’s ok, just a little scuff in the corner but it’ll be fine,” he answers, scanning his eyes over it.
“Guys, keep your phones on, Wes will be texting you tomorrow with where we’re headed next. Get some sleep and something to eat.” Paul instructs as everyone loads their things into the vans. Y/N is standing nearby, and you can tell that she feels a little out of place as she awkwardly crosses one ankle over the other. You take a quick opportunity to knock your elbow into her side, feeling comfortable enough to do that now that you’d sat together so long on the plane, but she’s avoiding eye contact. You hope she doesn’t feel uncomfortable around you.
“Hey, thanks for letting me jam a little with you on the plane,” you say sheepishly. “Sorry if I overstepped any, but I really think you’ll like the music I added for you.”
Finally her composure opens a little. “No, no! You didn’t… overstep. I’m actually excited to hop in my big cozy hotel bed and listen again.” Her words make your stomach fall with nerves, but you quickly suppress it. 
“Y/N, you ready?” you hear Wes ask her as he passes by, heading toward another van.
“Yep, all set!” she answers as she follows him through the dwindling group. She hops into another van, and you worry she’ll be staying at another hotel. For a second you think you won’t see her as much if she is. You climb inside the van and slam the door closed behind you, seeing the group of fans with their phones pressed to the windows of the airport. You plop back down into the middle seat beside Josh, and finally take a full breath of relief. 
“Fuck! I swear to god if I’m getting sick again…” Josh says as he bangs his head against the headrest behind him. You scoot sideways on the van’s bench seat, staying as far away from him as you can. 
“Are you serious?!” Danny says from the seat behind you. “You need a mythical medicine man or some shit.”
“It’s fine, I’m fine, just feel a little congested. I’ll send Y/N out on her first mission for some meds after we get settled in the hotel.” Josh answers, and you keep yourself pressed against the van’s window, purposefully turning your back to him. Can’t have that again. You realize, though, that of course she’ll be in the same hotel as you, management always is. 
The vision of a worried Y/N replays in your mind, seeing her face full of concern as the fans did all but ambush you earlier. You shake the thought, suddenly having a realization that, most likely, everyone else is having, too. 
“I think we should amp up security,” you blurt. “No offense to Dean, but he’s only one guy. There are more than ten of us…” you’re met with a little bit of silence, so you press on. “Just while we’re over here, at least. We’re going to be separated a lot, and I think it would be a good idea if Dean wasn’t being pulled in all different directions.”
“Don’t you think we should have thought of that before we got over here, Jake?” Josh counters. 
“I’ve actually been thinking it for a while. Today just…made me feel like it’s necessary, now,” you respond quietly. What could it hurt? You have the funds, and a few extra eyes on you and your team couldn’t be a bad thing. 
You hear a collective sigh from your brothers, until Sam finally speaks. “Yeah, I kinda felt a little overwhelmed when I dropped my phone and it got kicked away from me. First world problems, I know, but—”
“But someone could have picked it up, and ran off with it. Gotten access to your private information. Stepped on it and shattered it. We’re probably just paranoid, but I don’t know. I don’t think it’s a bad idea…” you suggest. 
“I like the idea.” Josh adds. “Wish we would have talked about it sooner, but I’m sure Paul could get something arranged for us. Those security companies are always looking for overseas gigs.”
“Daniel, you agree?” you ask, twisting your body to the backseat. 
“Yeah, I do, actually,” he decides. 
“Good. It’s settled, then. We’ll talk to Paul first thing in the morning,” you say, happy with your decision of bringing it up. All you can see is a memory of Y/N’s scared face replaying over and over in your mind, and you just can’t seem to shake it.
You quickly curse yourself, you’re in no headspace to be worrying about a woman right now. You’ve gotta keep your head on straight. Tour hasn’t even started yet, and you’re already letting a new girl give you butterflies. You audibly scoff at yourself as you lean your elbow on the window, looking out at the bustling streets outside. You throw your earbuds in, letting the tangle of cords just be what it is, and you pull your phone out to switch the volume up. Of course, Alt-J pops onto your screen the second you look at it, and you wonder if she’s already listening to them, too. 
The city lights are twinkling through the light drizzle of rain, and you finally feel your bones starting to settle into tiredness. Though your mind is racing with excitement to play shows, you let yourself ignore the thoughts and relax into the music blessing your ears. Some room service and a down comforter is calling your name. 
The shrill sound of your hotel room telephone wakes you from a half-sleep. What the hell? What time is it? You don’t remember falling asleep, but the loud TV and the lights still illuminating the room signify you must have accidentally dozed off. 
“Hello?” you answer, realizing that no matter the time, duty calls. 
“Hey, Y/N. It’s Paul. Sorry if I woke you…”
“No, you’re fine. I’m awake,” you lie. 
“Cool. Um, Josh was wondering if you’d run to the pharmacy down the street and pick up the meds I just texted you. He said he would go get them himself, but he’s doing a lung steaming treatment or… something. I dunno. But if you don’t care, here’s your first assignment! I know it’s late, but the pharmacy is apparently open all night.”
You glance at your watch and see that it’s already nearing 1:00AM. “Sure! I don’t care at all. Tell him I’ll have them to him ASAP.” 
“Will do. Hey, turn your location on for me and Wes, okay? Be safe, thanks again,” Paul hangs up the phone before you can say goodbye, and within seconds you’re crawling out of bed and putting your pants back on. Your stomach growls as you realize you fell asleep without eating anything. You make a plan to make a quick trip to the pharmacy, deliver Josh his medicine, then go back out to find something to eat before you end up eating the bag of peanuts you stuffed in your bag on the plane. 
You take a second to check your messages, finding you have three unread messages from Ruth. In the mess and confusion of the day, and the time difference, you’ve been thrown for a loop. You shoot her a quick few texts to let her know you’re alive and well, but you leave out the sweet little detail that you’d shared AirPods with the guitarist of the band you’re touring with. You’d get into that part later.
The walk to the pharmacy is short, thankfully, and you find the things Josh needs without much of an issue at all. The city is still fairly crowded with people at this hour, and you make sure to track your steps backward just the way you came to get back to the hotel. Your stomach rumbles again, and the smells coming from the various restaurants around you have your head spinning with hunger. 
A few quiet knocks on Josh’s hotel room door bring him to answer it within seconds, and his warm composure instantly makes you feel welcome. “Y/N! Thank you so much, seriously. I need to knock this shit out before it gets any worse, and I think you just saved the day,’ he gushes as you see clouds of steam pouring out of his cracked bathroom door, and smell the sweet scent of herbal fragrances as they waft through your nose. “You have any trouble finding the place? Google said it was close by…”
“Anytime, Josh. And no, actually. It was right around the corner,” you answer, handing him the bag of meds.
“Good. Well I won’t bother you again, you heading to sleep?” he asks with a warm tone.
You bite the inside of your lip as your stomach screams at you again. “No, I passed a little pub on my walk, and it smelled amazing as I walked by. Think I’m gonna go have a drink and get something to eat. I’m starving.”
“Go feed yourself, love. Enjoy the city. We’ve got a long day tomorrow!” 
“Will do, see you tomorrow!” you say as he closes the door. 
“Thanks again! See ya!”
You make your way to the elevator and down to the bottom floor, digging your phone out of your pocket to check your location and make sure the pub is still going to be open at this hour. A quick search for Le Marmitone tells you the kitchen doesn’t close for another hour, so you pick up your pace and head straight for the pub. 
The wind and rain have picked up a little bit, and you thank yourself for adding a few layers on before you left your hotel room earlier. The cold air bites at your cheeks as you meander through the people still out walking the streets, and the smell of the food drifting on the wind draws you straight back to the pub. Upon entering the double doors, you find that it is actually a nice restaurant with a bar. 
You grab a seat at the corner of the bar, glancing to the coolers and shelves to see what your drink options are.
“Evening madame, here is a menu. Can I get you a beverage?” a man in a sport coat asks as he hands you the shiny white menu. His accent is thick, but you can understand him fairly easily.
“Hello. Could I have a whiskey soda and a water, please?” you ask as you remove your heavy jacket and hang it over the back of the stool. You look over the menu choices and decide on a bowl of soup and a sandwich, more of a lunch option, but a steaming hot bowl of soup sounds exactly like what you need right now. 
There are a few people still scattered throughout the restaurant, most closing their tabs and leaving for the night. There are a few patrons still at the bar, stuck in conversations with one another or watching whatever game is playing on the big screen. 
The bartender sets your drinks in front of you as you tell him your food order, and you pull out your phone to begin fishing through emails and making your daily checklists. The Whiskey drink is strong, but not too strong, and you let yourself enjoy the immediate warmth it sends coursing through your veins. 
You fill your stomach up as far as it will allow you, and you decide that one more drink probably won’t hurt, as the place doesn’t close up for another hour. You’re enjoying yourself, basking in the calm before the storm that is going to hit promptly at 10AM tomorrow. 
“‘Scuse me, sir. I’ll take one more drink and my check, please,” you alert the bartender. He nods and turns to concoct your drink and print your tab. When he returns, he plops a bright red maraschino cherry onto the top. 
“Gentleman at the end of the bar says this one is on him, ma’am.” He places the white slip of paper in front of you as he removes your dishes, and disappears. Your eyes slowly drift to the left, landing on an older gentleman who had been lingering at the end of the bar since you’d gotten here. His friends have since left, leaving him to finish off a few more rounds by himself. 
He smiles hard when you notice him, and slides off his stool, stumbling his way toward you. You feel your heart rate pick up as he approaches you, and you remember that you do have mace in your purse, should you need it, Ruth’s one request.
“Hello, lovely. Enjoy that drink on me this evening,” he slurs with a heavy accent. He sits down in the stool beside you, and suddenly you’d rather not have that second drink, after all. You glance at the drink, and back to him, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable in his presence. 
“Um, thank you, really. But I—I’ve actually got to go. It’s getting to be later than I thought…” you lie, pulling out some cash from your purse to pay the bill. 
“Nonsense! Have the drink, beautiful. Tell me, where are you from? Your accent tells me it’s somewhere far away from here…” he presses, pushing the drink toward you. His hands are giant, and covered in dark hair. He has a beard of the same color that reaches almost down to his stomach, and you can smell the alcohol radiating from his breath. 
“The States,” you say bluntly, avoiding eye contact with him as the bartender is nowhere to be found. You immediately kick yourself for not telling Dean where you had run off to, all by yourself. You know better than this. 
“Obviously, sweetheart. But where?” he asks. 
“Um, a small town, you’ve probably never heard of it,” you go on, beginning to pull your jacket on and leave the money on the bar top. Suddenly the man’s hand is on the back of the stool, holding it steady as you try to turn it. 
“I’d like to hear all about it, love,” he growls, and you suddenly feel very intimidated. There is no one else around, no other patrons at the bar, you couldn’t feel the presence of another human or employee running about, and you contemplated making a run for it. 
“I promise I’m not here to scare you, just talk. That’s all I’d like to do…” he goes on, backing his hand away from the chair as he notices your panic. Finally, the bartender makes his way back, but instead of taking your check, he continues cleaning and re-stocking for the night. You’re alone, and uncomfortable. Why did you do this to yourself? 
Suddenly you remember that Jake put his number in your phone. You know you can’t get a hold of Dean at this hour, especially since you didn’t tell him you were going anywhere. You can’t make that bad of a first impression before your first day even really happens. 
You quickly turn your attention to your phone, trying to figure out what to do, but then it hits you. You type in the name, taking a deep breath before sending Jake a risky text as a last ditch effort. 
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing here alone, hmm?” the man asks as you turn away from him to type as quickly as you can.
1:47AM: Jake, are you awake?
Your foot taps nervously on the floor, the man next to you doing everything in his power to corner you into this seat. A text bounces back after a minute, and you feel your shoulders relax just a touch. 
Jake 🗡
1:49AM: How did you get this number?
1:50AM: You put it in my phone today on the plane. Are you busy?
Jake 🗡
1:51AM: Oh, hey. No, I’m just getting ready to go to bed, why what’s up? You okay?
1:52AM: No. I don’t think so. I hate to ask this, I know it’s late. Is there any way you could come meet me? I left to get something to eat and didn't tell anyone and this guy here has me cornered into my seat and I don't think he is gonna let me leave alone.
Jake 🗡
1:53AM: Share your location, I’m leaving now.
1:54AM: Thank you. I owe you.
“Did you hear me sweetheart? I said, are you expecting someone?” the man asks, a sly grin on his face as he leans closer to you. 
You quickly glance back down at your phone, sharing your location with Jake and hoping he can find you. You lock your phone and put it in your purse, pretending you’re a lot less anxious than you actually are.
“Actually, yes, I am. My…boyfriend is on his way. He’ll be here in just a second.” you lie, doing your best to speak confidently. “I should probably step outside to meet him.”
“No, no, stay, you haven’t touched your drink,” he says, gesturing to the glass of alcohol. “I know a place down the street, stays open late, too.”
You feel your skin start to grow clammy, the man's intentions suddenly becoming very clear. Your heart is pounding as you try to talk your way out of the situation. You clear your throat, and just as you start to speak you see the front door of the restaurant open. Jake steps inside, looking side to side, his eyes quickly scanning the entirety of the restaurant until he locks eyes with you. 
He nods to the host at the door as he walks toward you, wearing the same clothes from earlier but now his hair is a little messier. You know he got out of bed to do this. 
You instantly stand from your seat as Jake steps up, reaching towards him as he settles himself between you and the man. 
“Hey baby, you finally made it,” you coo, your pleading eyes locked on Jake’s as he wraps his arm around your shoulder in a welcoming hug. You can smell him, the cologne lingering on his coat. The same coat that was wrapped around you only hours ago.
He pulls away and drops his arms to his side as you turn to him. You stare at him just a second longer, hoping he can hear the words you are screaming in your mind. He blinks and turns to look at the man before letting his eyes flick back to you. 
“Yeah, yeah, of course babe, sorry I was late,” he pauses, turning to face the drunk man beside him. “Who is this?”
You let out a small breath of relief as he silently agrees to play along with you. “Oh, he came over from the bar. He sent this drink over, but I just can’t drink it. I already had one and you know I work in the morning,” you answer, hoping he is understanding what you’re trying to say. “Do you want it?”
He looks so effortless standing there with a hand in his jacket pocket. He tilts his head and scrunches his nose just a bit before answering, “Ahh, nah…It looks like a watered down well pour and I just had one myself before I got here. I’m alright. We should probably get going though, we have an early day tomorrow and it’s fairly late already.”
“Oh, you two are terrible liars. He isn’t your boyfriend, is he sweetheart?” the man asks, scoffing at Jake. “You should come with me, I can show you the city better than this fool.”
“That’s an awfully brazen assumption, sir, I must say.” Jake argues, pulling his hand from his coat pocket and grabbing yours. You suck in a harsh breath feeling his fingers lace with yours. Fake or not, there was definitely a new feeling swirling through your veins. 
“Look at her, she’s flustered. This woman hasn’t ever been touched by you. It’s written all over her face.” he continues, looking Jake over. 
“Your boyfriend, your husband, he isn’t any of those things. I don’t see a ring on your finger, and I don’t know how they do things where you’re from, but in this country, you my dear, are fair game.”
You want to snap back. The audacity is astounding. You start to step forward, ready to lay into him, but you feel Jake’s hand squeeze yours and you know he’s telling you to follow his lead this time.
“She is with me, sir,” Jake spits. “And it would be in your best interest to back off.”
“Oh, is that right?” the man counters, standing up from his seat, giving him a few good inches over Jake. Jake didn’t falter though. Of course he didn’t. He knew that didn’t matter.
“Kiss her, then. If she’s yours, kiss her,” he quips. 
“Absolutely not, I don’t have to prove anything to you, and quite frankly sir, it’s none of your business,” Jake snaps, you can tell he’s starting to get mad, his hand gripping yours a little harder. “Let’s go, babe.”
You stand firm next to him, not letting your face show a single waiver of emotion as the man waits to see if you’ll crack. Jake starts to walk away pulling you behind him, but before you can move the man grabs your other arm, taking both of you by surprise. 
“Stay, sugar. Let a real man take you home.”
Jake snaps his head around, hearing the words fall from the man's drunken mouth. For a minute you’re scared. You don’t know how Jake is going to react, his jaw is hard set and his nostrils flared in anger. You hear him curse under his breath as he shakes his head. 
“You know what? Fuckin’ fine…” he challenges, looking at the man then to you, nodding just enough for you to notice.
Just as you feel the anxiety of what he is about to do bloom in your chest, he reads your body language, letting a sweet and quiet ‘S’okay’ slip from his lips.
Your eyes widen a little as you realize what’s about to happen, but take solace in the fact that he’s likely just as nervous as you are. He stops, pulling you in towards him as his hand grabs at your waist.
His fingers grip into your hairline as he tilts your head just enough to deepen the kiss. His tongue swipes over your lips, hot and wet as your hands slide up his body to rest on his chest. You kiss him back, you’re trying to sell this as the real thing, but also partly because you just want to. You try not to think about that part too much as you let your tongue flick against his just for a second before pulling it back. You feel the vibration on your lips as the softest groan leaves his mouth just as he pulls away from you. 
Your lips are wet with the taste of him and your chest is heaving as Jake rubs his lips together and clears his throat. He turns to the man who is standing there staring at the two of you, a bit of challenge in his tone as he speaks. “You good now?”
The man scoffs, mumbling a curse as he bats at the air between you. You feel yourself relax in Jake’s grip as the man turns to walk back to his original place at the bar. A quiet ‘fuck’ leaves Jake’s mouth as he turns his attention back to you, stepping back and releasing his grip on you. 
His eyes search yours just as yours search his, both of you unsure what to say. Instead he looks over to the man again, nodding his head to him as he grabs your hand again and guides you towards the door.
“You okay?” he asks, opening the door and letting you walk out into the drizzle. You pull your jacket closed across your front, the cold air chilling your skin. 
“Yeah, yeah. I’m okay. Thank you– for that,” you murmur as he steps up next to you. He grabs your hand again, lacing his warm fingers with your cold ones, taking you by surprise. 
“Oh, it’s okay now Jake, he isn’t following us,” you offer, looking over your shoulder to check. He doesn’t drop your hand though, in fact you feel his fingertips brush across your knuckles, sending a whole different kind of chill through your body. 
“I know,” he answers, smiling shyly as he peeks at you out of the corner of his eye. You’re positive he can see the blush that has taken over your cheeks, your mouth suddenly dry, and your mind unable to form a response. You feel the butterflies swirling around in your stomach as you walk towards the hotel, the rain starting to taper off finally. 
“You can trust me, you know,” he says, his voice sincere as he guides you around puddles. 
“I barely know you, Jake,” you smile, bumping your shoulder into his. 
“For now,” he answers, squeezing your hand in his. 
He opens the door to the hotel lobby, the warm air instantly hitting you. Jake drops your hand, your fingertips brushing against his. You kind of miss it, in a way you definitely shouldn’t be. 
“Thank you again, for doing all of that. I’m really sorry. I fucked up, I won’t make that mistake again,” you say, watching him press the button for the elevator. Your eyes linger on his lips, a little pink from the cold air outside. 
“It was no problem, I promise. Stop apologizing,” he pauses, motioning for you to step into the elevator. “Let me walk you to your room, what floor?” he asks, his finger hovering over the buttons.
“Oh, no it’s really okay, you don’t have to do that. I promise I’m good now,” you stammer, watching his lips turn up in a huff of laughter. 
“Y/N, what floor?”
“Nine,” you squeak, your eyes fixated on the dimple in his cheek. You feel your skin growing warm just from looking at him, you feel like you might burst into flames just at the thought of how his lips felt on yours. Did you imagine that whole encounter? No way all of that just happened.
“Me as well,” he says, pressing the button as the doors close.
The two of you ride up in silence, casting each other the occasional glance every few seconds. His tongue darts out to wet his lips and you're positive you stopped breathing. The elevator chimes as it reaches the ninth floor, and you nearly jump out of your skin at the sound. 
He smiles at you again as the doors open, gesturing for you to walk ahead of him. “Your room number?”
“Um, I think I'm 924, all the way down,” you answer, your heart jumping in your chest. 
He nods his head and puts a hand into his pocket. “Alright, I’m just up here in 915, but I’ll walk you down.”
“Jake you really don’t have to, you can just–”
He turns to you and laughs, shaking his head again. “Just let me.”
“Fine.” You huff a breath, pulling your own keycard from your purse. He walks only a step behind you, both hands in his pockets now as you step up to your door. You tap your key to the lock and hear it beep, signaling for you to enter. You turn to look at Jake, seeing a softness to his face you hadn’t noticed until now. 
“Thank you, for…being such a gentleman,” you say playfully, smiling at him. 
“My pleasure, Miss Y/N. There is some chivalry left in the world…” he answers, bringing his hand up to rub at his lips. 
You start to enter your room, and hear him speak again, this time very quietly.  “We’re not all bad.”
You turn around to see him shifting his weight still rubbing his fingers over his chin as if he expected you not to hear him. 
He hesitates as he makes eye contact with you, clearly shocked you heard him. You can tell he wants to say something but he’s holding back. Maybe you’ve spooked him. 
He shakes his head with a smile, as if telling himself whatever he wanted to say was stupid. He pulls his phone and his keycard from his pocket and grips them in his hand. “Nothing, nothing, um, have a good evening. I will see you in the morning, I suppose.”
You nod once, giving him a sweet and appreciative smile, “See you in the morning.”
He lingers for just a moment, eyes locked on yours before flicking down to your lips. He catches himself and looks back at you before turning to head down the hallway. You shut the hotel room door and twist the lock, letting out the breath you had been holding with a gasp. 
You spin around, letting your back press against the door as you sink down to the floor with a barely audible squeal. Holy. Shit. What the hell was that?
Pull yourself together Y/N.
You grab your purse and stand up, digging through it as fast as you can in search of your phone. You have no earthly idea what time it is in Nashville but you don’t care as you pull up your texts with Ruth, and begin furiously typing. 
2:34AM: Without going into detail I definitely just kissed the guitarist 🫢
You toss your bag onto the chair and change into your pajamas, your blood still rushing around in your body as you try to calm your nervous system. A text bounces back, and you know it’s her. 
2:40AM: WITHOUT GOING INTO DETAIL???? KISSED? I just got to my desk!!!! I’m here. I’m sat. I’m listening. I want every single detail in a five paragraph essay with MLA formatting.
2:42AM: Lol it is 2:40 in the morning. I will call you tomorrow, which is really still today for you, but kinda tomorrow for me? I don’t know this is confusing but I will call you and give you the full run down because we also shared airpods on the plane and he made me a playlist? Love you goodnight!
2:45AM: Okay. Hang on, I’m googling him. I need to see this man’s face
2:46AM: Wait there’s two guitarists
2:46AM: Ok one is the bassist HELLO?? You kissed HIM?! Aldjsfklsk
2:48AM: It’s totally fine and I am being so normal about this. Talk to you later, if I haven’t pulled all my hair out by then! I’ll be creeping his insta all day! Goodnight!
You laugh as you read her onslaught of messages, knowing that she is likely going out of her mind with possible scenarios. You make your way into the bathroom, washing your face and brushing your teeth so that you can positively melt into the bed and sleep until your alarm forces you awake. You’re patting your face dry as your phone buzzes on the bathroom counter, but the noise it makes isn’t one you’re familiar with. You hang the towel on the ring and pick up your phone, seeing a notification come through that is brand new to you.
‘Jake Added A Song to Your Shared Playlist: 🐥’
He what? 
Your blood runs cold just seeing his name on your phone after…well…whatever that was.
You turn off the bathroom light, hesitantly sliding your finger across the notification, and letting it bring up the playlist. There at the very bottom you see that a new song was added two minutes ago. But not just any song, no. You know this one. You know this one well. You tap on the song hearing the familiar and haunting guitar riff of ‘Kiss Me’ by Sixpence None the Richer start to play through your phone speakers.
You can’t help but to laugh, a smile of shock has your jaw hanging wide open as you stand in your giant fancy hotel room, listening to what you consider to be a fairly romantic song sent straight to you from none other than your knight in shining, well, corduroy, armor. You couldn’t even picture him listening to this song, and somehow that almost made it a little better. 
As the chorus plays you fall backwards onto your bed, the fluffy white sheets enveloping you as a giddy feeling swirls through your chest. He’s thinking about me. He’s thinking about that kiss. You felt guilty for thinking about it, but now? Now you weren’t feeling so guilty. He liked it just as much as you did, clearly. 
Jake Kiszka liked kissing you. 
You couldn’t wipe the stupid smile off of your face if you had to. You didn’t want to. This was quite possibly the most thrilling thing that has happened to you in months. Years! You had all but forgotten about creepy bar man at this point, but god you have half a mind to walk right back into that bar and shake his hand. 
But, you knew you had to calm down. Take a breath. The song came to a close, leaving the hotel room silent. Your mind was still swimming in bliss, replaying the feeling of his lips on yours, the way his hands held yours, the way he smelled, the way his lips tasted, oh god… He was thinking about your kiss. He all but told you so. 
You were also thinking about that kiss. He wanted you to know he was thinking about it. How can you– Oh. A sly grin spreads across your face as you type into the search bar. 
You find the song you’re looking for, your thumb hovering over the add button as you try to talk yourself out of doing this. It could end badly, terribly, really. He is technically your boss, and you know you shouldn’t be doing this, but. Hey, you’re just the runner. You smile as you watch the little box pop up reading ‘Added’.
Your heart starts to pound. Did he get a notification? Is he asleep? Did he see it? Will he understand? Since when did you start communicating with people through song titles?
You rush back to the playlist scrolling to the bottom and smiling as you press play on the new addition to your shared playlist. It's mere seconds before ‘Do It Again’ by Steely Dan starts to play and you laugh, knowing you are absolutely crazy. Do it again, of course you wanted to do it again. God he probably thinks you’re such a loser. Plot twist, you are, but he doesn't have to know that yet. 
You listen to the song, plugging your phone into the charger and turning off the lamp. You’ve always loved Steely Dan, it reminds you of your dad, but then again who doesn’t it remind of their dad? The song comes to a close, your giddy feeling finally starting to wear off as the exhaustion starts to step into its place. Your eyes feel heavy as you roll towards the nightstand to set your alarm, groaning at how soon it’s coming. You lock your phone and settle into the pillows, letting out a content sigh as you recap the day in all of its insane glory. 
Your phone buzzes on the nightstand, the glow illuminating the room for just a brief second. You freeze as you stare up at the ceiling, almost too scared to look. Did he add another song? What if he changed his mind? What if you overstepped? Oh god. You should not have done that. What were you thinking?  
You suck in a breath as you grab your phone, nervously tapping the screen that shows no new songs added, but a text from Jake. 
Jake 🗡
3:04AM: I fully intend to. 
Oh, he definitely saw it.
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twelvemonkeyswere · 10 months
I re-read Good Omens via audiobook and I just collected my favorite details
"Crowley rather liked people" is a quote I still love so much. Even though he is a demon with the job of making people upset each other, he likes humans. The contrast between what they make him do and how he experiences Earth.
That scene with the ducks where Crowley almost drowns a duck and Aziraphale is like "I say, my dear" and Crowley is like "Oh yes I forgot myself" and allows the duck to return to the surface. Crowley is usually very polite about the most unhinged things which I just find endearing
All the times Aziraphale calls Crowley "dear boy"
The fact Aziraphale has "exquisitely manicured" hands lmao. I like to think he does go to the manicurist, same as he has a proper barber in the show
Aziraphale blushes sometimes and often gives mean looks to customers to push them out of shop
I like the on-going theme in the Good Omens universe of wanting to build a better world for loved ones, but how that drive, when taken to an extreme, is self destructive. Adam says he'll make the earth good for the Them, and will make sure the Them will be protected and happy in it. But the Them don't want it, they understand Adam is acting out and is not thinking things through. There is no point in trying to possess something and bend it to will forcefully. It wouldn't be good. It wouldn't be of free will. It would make them just another of his whims and no one, either the Them or Adam, actually want that
Aziraphale thinks Crowley is a creature of God when you "get right down to it", which is a thought both meaner and kinder than he realizes
Crowley is described to have "a voice so laid-back you could lay a carpet on it"and it's my most favorite thing ever lmaooo
"You're seducing women here!" /"I think perhaps you got the wrong shop" is always a brilliant line
Even though everything in the Bently turns into Queen's Greatest Hits, I love that Crowley actually loves music, and keeps his collection of records highly organized
Also love the fact that Crowley keeps his apartment orderly, though that's probably in big part because he doesn't really live there
I do appreciate that Crowley sleeps because he wants to, not because he needs to. Truly a relatable guy.
There's a big HOLY SHIT moment in the audiobook - the speech the American evangelist gives about the apocalypse. It's fucking incredible. The actor is amazing, delivering fire and brimstone and absolute hatred and certainty until Aziraphale pops inside of him.
Death really is Azrael, literally the angel of death
Aziraphale comes up with the solution at the end but ONLY because of Crowley, who challenged Aziraphale about the difference between the great plan and ineffable plan at the very beginning of the book
There are many moments where both Crowley and Aziraphale are thought to be a gay couple, but it really made me laugh that they are at the end of the world, telling each other it's been a pleasure to know each other all this time, and then Shadwell interrupts to call them "Nancy Boys"
Everyone in the Good Omens fandom is right, I do love that in the book, the wings of demons and angels are the same color
Crowley thinks the biggest battle will be heaven and hell vs humanity. This has got me thinking a lot. I figure this is because at some point humanity will rebel against any divine intervention, once we figure out that heaven and hell have been playing dice with us. But we'll see.
It does warm my heart that the story begins and ends with a garden and with the eating of the apple - Adam doesn't know why the old man hates people touching his apples so much, but the world would be a lot less interesting if he didn't. It's a fitting end for a fitting beginning.
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Hazbin Hotel Ep1 Rewrite
Okay, let’s get the shit I like first out of the way. Animation? Beautiful. Art style? Iconic. Music? Pops off.
Okay, now the fun part…
First let me just say, I adore biblical lore. So when I see something changed from the og lore, where I think the og was more interesting, I cannot let it go.
(I’m gonna focus on the Charlie storyline in the episode)
1. The Backstory
Let’s start with the first scene, the backstory of Lucifer and Lilith. In the show, they got some of the timeline and motivations wrong. I understand that the story is sugar coated, but hear me out.
“Once upon a time, there was a dazzling kingdom protected by golden gates, known as Heaven. Home to beings of pure light. Angels that worshiped good and lived in peace and harmony under the rule of God. The most beautiful of the Angels was Lucifer. He was a dreamer, with fantastical ideas for all creation. But he was restricted by God and the elders of Heaven, for they felt his way of thinking was dangerous to the order of their world.
Outraged by this injustice, Lucifer gathered an army of Angels, and declared war on the kingdom of Heaven. The battle raged on for centuries, but in the end, Heaven reigned victorious. As punishment for their betrayal, Lucifer and his army were cast out of Heaven. Banished to a crumbling wasteland, where the light of God could not reach. But Lucifer would not wallow in failure. From the barren landscape he rose a beautiful golden palace, crowned himself king and crafted a plan to share his freedom with God’s newest creation. Humanity.”
(I like to imagine that when Lucifer and his army fell, their wings burned up, leaving scattered feathers everywhere. In order to fly to Eden, Lucifer gathered these burned feathers and turned them into a new pair of wings for himself. They were black, messy, and trailed billowing smoke, but they could fly.)
Now for the Lilith part of the story. The more popular interpretation of her is that she is the first wife of Adam, but there is another version too, one where she is Adam’s second Wife after Eve. I personally prefer the latter because I can’t see anyone sinning or getting cast out of Edan before Eve eats the apple.
“He approached the garden of Edan in disguise, and offered the forbidden fruit of knowledge to the mother of humanity, Eve, who gladly accepted. But with the gift of knowledge and freedom, came a terrible curse. Evil bleed into the earth, and humanity was infected by darkness and sin.
For her disobedience Eve was cast out of Edan, to the dismay of her love, Adam. To appease him, the Angels crafted him a new bride, Lilith. Lilith was beautiful, with a voice so enchanting even Lucifer was mesmerized, but she was strong willed and refused to be subservient to her new husband. She fled from the garden, and rather than chase her, Adam found the tree of knowledge and bit into the forbidden fruit, so he could follow his true love, and be with her once more.
Lilith wandered, lost and alone, until she was found by Lucifer. Enamored by her beauty and iron will, he gave her his heart and made her his queen.”
Then you have the bit about Lucifer becoming depressed while Lilith thrived in Hell. I hate this! I was looking forward to a demonic Mortica and Gomez, not another Stolas and Stella. Plus, I’ve never been a fan of uwu sad misunderstood Lucifer. He is a complex character, but too often he’s over simplified by people who read Paradise Lost in high school and misinterpreted Lucifer as a tragic anti hero who was treated unfairly by the evil Angels. Lucifer can be tragic, even sympathetic. He can be fun and a caring father. But don’t forget that he is king of Hell. He is the prince of pride. He has an ego the size of east Texas and waged war against God himself.
And let’s not forget that in the show he is the head honcho over a strict cast system that encourages violence, allows the worst of the worst to take power, and leaves the hellborn races at the bottom at a severe disadvantage.
In this rewrite, Lucifer and Lilith essentially switch places, except Lilith isn’t a pathetic push over, she’s an incredibly famous rockstar, who’s always busy and not around often, but still has a bigger role in her daughter’s life than her husband, who’s been mia doing king shit.
And the last thing we hear about in the intro monologue is that the exterminations happens to prevent Hell from rising against them, which while that may be the case, don’t have Charlie say it!!! That realization for her would make the entire hotel superfluous! Charlie has to think that the problem truly is overpopulation.
2. Meeting with Adam
Let’s start with Adam himself. I hate this character. Especially as an adaptation of Adam. Yes, Adam is misogynistic. He expected Lilith to be subservient to him, but he wouldn’t be the frat boy type of misogynist, he’d be the old school chivalrous type. Grandpa style sexism. And shouldn’t the father of humanity care about his descendants? It doesn’t make any sense for him to be an executioner. He should be the leader of the guardian Angels or something.
In this rewrite, Adam is not the leader of the executioners, instead it’s the Angel Dumah. Dumah is the angel over the wicked dead, and he was appointed by God to torment sinners in Hell.
I want him to be an actual intimidating antagonist. He rarely speaks (his name means “silence”) and has many eyes (is described as having a thousand eyes)
As for the exorcists, they are Angels, but not actual dead humans wearing mask. They just look like that. Dumah is described as having tens of thousands of Angels of Destruction at his disposal. That’s what the exorcists are going to be, but instead of thousands, I’ll give him five. They don’t speak and are hardly sentient. They stand on top of the tower like gargoyles, until they “come to life” for the execution.
“But it’s a comedy! Shouldn’t they be funny?” No. It’s all about how characters react to them. The Litch in Adventure Time is a good example of this.
So obviously the meeting goes a lot differently.
Charlie gets a call, looks at the number, and excitedly tells everyone to, “shooooosh!” She takes the call nervously, saying, “yeah! Okay! Yes! Of course! I’ll be right there! Thank you SOOO much!!!” She hangs up and happily tells Vaggie that Dumah requested a meeting with her. Vaggie is nervous and says she should probably go with her, but Charlie says that she’ll be fine and tells her to stay and work on the commercial. She leaves excited that the Angels may finally be taking her seriously.
She makes it to the clock tower’s board room, where Dumah sits silently at the end of the table. Charlie nervously starts to greet him before she realizes they’re not alone. The Angels, Gabriel and Uriel have come from Heaven, for a meeting with Hell’s princess.
Uriel remains professional, politely bowing her head as she greeted Charlie. Gabriel on the other hand, threw his arms out, happily yelling, “Charlotte!!!” He wrapped her in an uncomfortably tight and awkward hug, saying how much she’s grown since he last saw her. He’s like a chill but estranged uncle meeting his now adult niece who he hasn’t seen since she was a baby and has no memory of him whatsoever.
Uriel watches the whole thing in embarrassment. She tells Charlie that Dumah had contacted them, regarding some, “interesting,” ideas about the extermination.
Charlie starts with her pitch, but Gabriel insists that they should take some time to catch up first. He claps his hands and summons plates of food for everyone. When we cut back to them, Gabriel is in the middle of telling the story about almost getting his ass kicked by Joseph when he told him his virgin wife was pregnant.
Uriel cuts him off, saying she doesn’t need to hear this story for the eighth millionth time. She turns to Charlie, exasperated, and tells her to get on with the pitch.
Charlie says that she has a potential solution for the over population problem in Hell. Uriel, Gabriel, and Dumah look at her blankly. Gabriel asks, “overpopulation?”
Charlie goes on to explain that she knows overpopulation is a big problem, but 275 sinners were executed this year alone and she just can’t stand to watch her people be slaughtered anymore.
Uriel asks if she’s suggesting an alternative, and Charlie very excitedly pitches her idea for the hotel. Uriel and Gabriel wear a matching “wtf” face and look back and forth at eachother like, “does this girl know what she’s suggesting?”
As Charlie is finishing, Uriel is visibly annoyed. She interrupts Charlie, complaining that this is ridiculous and has all been a massive waste of time as she stands up to leave. Charlie tries to stop her, saying, “please, you don’t understand.”
Uriel snaps back, “no, you don’t understand! They had their chance in life and they earned damnation.”
Charlie responds, “you're wrong. Sinners made mistakes, sure, but everyone makes mistakes.”
Uriel pinches the bridge of her nose (or where a nose would be on a person) “a mistake happens once. It’s an accident, an error in judgment due to naivety. Of course mistakes can be forgiven, but we’re not talking about mistakes, are we? These sinners had a choice, and they chose to live in sin.”
“A choice they now regret!” Charlie defends.
“It takes a lot more than regret to be forgiven.” Uriel says coldly. “It takes remorse.”
Gabriel chimes in, “she has a point, Charlie. It’s easy to make someone regret their actions, but to have them feel true selfless remorse, that is much more difficult.”
Charlie furrows her brow and starts to look defeated.
“But perhaps not impossible.”
Charlie beams with excitement. Gabriel explains that this is a big decision, too big to be made right now, but if she can successfully redeem one demon, they will allow her to come to heaven and pitch her idea to the entire Angelic court. Uriel tries to argue, but Gabriel just says they’ll discuss it later. Charlie gives him a tight hug before he and Uriel disappear.
As she turns to leave, Dumah puts his hand on her shoulder. This is the first time he’s moved in the entire scene. He stares at her coldly and says, “the only reason you’re here is your father has spared you from the executioner’s blade. If I had my way. Each and every one of you would be slaughtered.”
Charlie stares up at him. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
For context, part of the reason Gabriel and Uriel were initially confused by Charlie’s proposal is because they know that Lucifer is trying to keep Hell’s population as high as possible, in preparation for the second war with heaven. That’s why he and the other princes of hell work to manipulate humanity and temp them towards sin (i.e. succubi and incubi). That’s why he arranges marriages between powerful demons to make powerful demon children (i.e. Stolas and Stella). He needs as many demons possible for his army if he’s gonna have a chance at winning. So obviously, sending sinners to heaven, aka the opposing force, is the LAST thing Lucifer would want.
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lovrsm · 5 months
ᴄʜʀɪꜱᴛᴍᴀꜱ ᴛʀᴇᴇ ꜰᴀʀᴍ
sum: Christmas is near the corner, remembering how in this time of the year, everything is magic with the man you love.
word count: 2.5k
pairing: charles leclerc x childhoodbsf!reader
warning: angst, overthinking and FLUFF!!
disclaimers: we’re going to pretend that in Monaco it snows, FOR THE SAKE OF THIS SILLY WRITING. Alright? I investigated what winter is like there, and it’s not even close to snowing🤕. Also, kinda wrote this like a fairy tale, I’m so in love with it wtf😭♥️
Merry Christmas to you all🫶 love you and enjoy!
Spotify - Apple Music
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“Just being in your arms takes me back to that little farm”
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Christmas was around the corner.
Or maybe in a few couple days.
In reality, it was more than a month away.
November, 1st of November, and everything turned a mix of red, white and green. The colors of your favorite time of the year.
Your hands were covered in bags, and the bags filled with presents for all of your loved ones. It was barely afternoon, but you had woken up since 6am to be at stores as quick as you could.
Every single present was planned, even if it’s one time they mentioned they wanted it, or something they’ve been dying for since forever. Your presents were always the best, and everyone knew that.
After you buyed some great amount of gift wrapping, you finally headed home.
You knew you’d take a long time to get home, holiday shopping traffic was surely starting now.
Just a day after halloween and you knew you had to make everything green and white, and hella lot of red.
The rest of the day was for yourself, your family, and for making everything festive. Changing your bedsheets from black to red. Having christmas decorations over the entrance of your house.
The only thing that was missing, was the Christmas tree.
The very thing you waited for all year long.
You weren’t sure if it was the smell, or the shape. But the journey to find the tree, that was all you needed for Christmas.
You closed your eyes, and that silly little Christmas tree farm was the only thing you pictured.
“Sweetie, it’s time to go, they’re here!” My mom screamed from downstairs.
I finished drying my hair, since I had just showered. Quickly, I grabbed all the extra clothes I needed for the cold weather outside.
I rushed downstairs, grabbing a beanie I had by the door in the way.
I could see at the corner of my eye the whole place covered in a blanket of snow.
“Oh, we are ready to go now!” I heard my dad shout as I was locking the door soon a lot of footsteps.
“Took you long enough” I heads a calm voice behind me.
I turned around to see the face I’ve been missing so much. I quickly jumped into his arms. “I’ve missed you too, asshole.” I whispered in his ear. He chuckled, making my whole body shiver with excitement.
“Missed you too, you have no idea.”
I let him go, taking a good look at him. His dimples showing up, and his white pearled teeth shining at me.
I couldn’t hide my smile, he was finally here.
A honk interrupted my thinking. “Come on you two, we want to get early this year!” I heard Lorenzo screaming from his car.
We both rushed to it, my dad, mom and Pascale left in the other car. While the Leclerc’s, my brother and I traveled in this car.
“Hey y/n!” Lorenzo smiled at me through the car mirror “Sup!” Arthur gave me a wave from the co-pilot seat.
“Hi!” I responded as I settled into my seat, putting on my seat belt. Lorenzo wasn't the best driver around.
“So, how was everything both of you? Did you miss us?” My brother started a conversation.
“It’s been crazy! All I could ever imagine, it literally felt like a dream”
“Yeah, all the behind the scenes is absolutely crazy, definitely learned a lot from the team, I think white looks good on us” Arthur completed.
“But, do you know what will look even better?”
“Red!” We all said in union and laughed.
Charles had won the new Ferarri seat for the 2019 season, and we were all so proud of him.
“We all saw you at your races, y/n was the first one to wake up and put on the tv, always.” My brother, Matthias tried to tease me.
Charles turned to look at me with a grin plastered in his face.
“Okeyy, I’m a morning person, alright? What is wrong with that?” I answered normally.
Yeah, I am a morning person, but I would normally go walking on my mornings or maybe do some exercise, not stay home watching tv.
But if Charles was on it, there was no way I would miss it.
“If you say sooo” I leaned out of my seat to look at Matt, since he was on the other side of the car. Charles was in the middle.
“okay.” He quietly answered to my glare.
“Anyway, so what is the first thing you want to do when we get there?” Lorenzo asked from the pilot seat, concentrated on not crashing.
“The sleighs”
“The horses!”
“Maybe we should get the trees first” Charles said calmly, looking at the road ahead.
“Yeah, you know how quickly they buy them, we should get the best two around.” I smiled at them, and everyone nodded in agreement.
Charles was right, the biggest, greenest and beautiful trees were obviously taken as soon as possible.
Last winter we were left with not the best tree because we all got distracted doing something else.
“So, we all know the drill, right?” Arthur asked, turning to look at the three of us in the back.
I smirked, this was going to be fun.
“Maman, papa are with Pascale, I texted them. They are going to wait for you, Enzo”
And with that, we arrived to the parking lot, and thank god we found a good place to park in, I did not want to walk too much after the whole day.
We always end up exhausted.
“Everyone get their phones at maximum volume, if someone calls answer immediately!” We all agreed.
“Go go go gooo!”
I opened the door as fast as I could, and waited for Charles to get out, but in a blink of an eye he already grabbed my hand and started to run to the barns direction.
I was slowly catching to his pace.
Shit he was faster than last year.
He finally stopped at the start of the trees. “Well, we have a lot of options”
Charles was concentrated on watching every single tree in front of us, scrunching his nose in a very cute way.
“Yeah… we better go looking”
Half an hour. A whole 30 minutes we were looking for the damn trees.
All of us took this very seriously.
“Too short”
“Too tall”
“Ew, that’s ugly.”
“Never liked the ones with fake snow.”
“Not fluffy enough”
“Oh come on, there is no way an ornament will look good in that.”
Every time there was an excuse. That was until Arthur and Matthias called us saying they found the 1st one.
Then my maman and papa called right after just to say they finally found another one, the most ‘perfect’ in the place.
In the pictures they sent to us, they looked so cute and wonderful. Surely there was no complaining at all.
So the Christmas tree hunt was over. And now we could peacefully walk around the place.
Charles and I walked silently to our favorite place here, it was somewhere close to the icy and blue ice rink.
Some small open cabins were there, just so people could get somewhere to get warm, and to lit up a bonfire.
The temperatures here were no joke.
Charles and I were basically freezing, even if we had the mittens that his mom made for us last year.
I snuggled into my sweater as I waited for charles to set the bonfire.
“You cold?”
“Mhm” he laughed at my state, I always get easily cold, but that doesn’t mean I hate winter.
It’s actually the exact opposite.
“Your nose is red as a tomato.” He pinched my nose.
“Hey!” He shrugged and smiled while he gave me his white scarf. “Thanks…”
I was now hypnotized by the dancing fire, and Charles came closer, having his arm touching mine.
“I wish you could’ve come with me” He whispered.
“To your races?”
“Everywhere, I needed you there.” He sweetly smiled at me. But I hit him in his arm “ow? What was that for?” He laughed at me.
“For all the times you were reckless and almost gave me a heart attack!… but, I would’ve loved being there with you too, you know that”
He chuckled, since we were little, when he was karting I would always be there for him when he crashed or just had a bump on the way.
But now we were talking about F1, something people should not play with. Cars that go at a speed I can’t even think.
So, yeah, I obviously had my nearly death experiences while watching the tv and having Charles crashing out of nowhere.
But here he was, next to me and I could now feel his warmth.
charles pov.
Missing her is just an understatement, he needed her. Every day it passed without her was absolutely devastating.
Yeah, they texted and called often, but there was nothing like having her by his side.
At this point she’s the air he need to breathe, it was like the sun finally appearing after long rainy days.
She was the first person he called when he got into Ferrari, she was the one who he texted in the middle of the night when he couldn’t sleep.
Charles didn’t even know how much he needed her till she wasn’t by his side anymore.
How do I even tell her?
She’s at my side, peacefully watching the bonfire while I am dying inside to tell her how much se makes me feel.
“Hey…” I started, I don’t even know what Im fucking going to say.
She turned her head to look at me, and tilted her head while shining her big gorgeous eyes at me.
I gulped. She stopped the world completely by just looking at me.
“Are you ok? You look like you’ve seen a ghost” she laughed, and the ends of my lips turned upwards.
“Here, let’s go take some hot cocoa, maybe it’ll help you relax”
She stood up and offered me her hand, and I took it hesitatingly, if I don't do it now when will I do it? I can’t just not tell her.
“Oh god, you’re even paler now.” She looked a bit worried.
“Come on big boy, you will be fine, follow me”
I grunted, but she didn’t stop moving. The cold air hitting us as soon as we left the warmth of the bonfire.
“Here, with marshmallows, just how you like it Charlie.” She showed her teeth at me handing a warm cup of hot chocolate.
“Feeling better?” She placed a falling piece of her hair behind her her ear after taking a sip from her own cup.
“More than ever” I replied.
She looked directly into my eyes, god I could melt right now.
“What was it that you were saying?”
I almost choked.
“Ugh, nothing important”
“Must be, you can always count on me Charlie.” She placed her delicate hand on top of mine.
Charlie, she has called me that since we were little. My parents and hers were friends since forever, and I guess we just followed.
“I just, was thinking about when I was away. Uh, I was just thinking about this… girl.”
ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴠ
I felt a sting on my chest
But that is does the mean anything, right?
“Oh” i just managed to say, I looked at my feet just so I couldn’t meet his angelic eyes.
who am I even fooling at this point?
“It’s just, I really, really want her to be more to me than she is now. I just don’t know how to tell her.”
Cool cool cool cool cool… cool.
“I mean, I don’t know, what is she like?” I looked everywhere just to not look at him.
But I’m pretty sure he must be distracted thinking about this girl.
why am I feeling like this?
“Well” he chuckled. “She’s like, the best woman I’ve ever met. She gets me, and she’s so creative and funny and everything great in this world...”
My heart was slowly breaking by each compliment he gave her.
“…I just want her by my side.”
“Just tell her, if you feel all… this, maybe you should just tell her”
It’s the first time I’ve heard him talk about a girl like this, heck, he even called her a woman.
I finally looked up at him, just to find out he was already looking at me.
His eyes shined with that sparkling light he had. I could resist the smile creeping up my cheeks already.
“Really? I’m just afraid I’ll screw everything up.” He concluded.
“Any girl would be nuts to say no to you.”
His cheeks turned a slightly darker red. I could feel my cheeks burning already.
But I had to stop myself, this isn’t you who he is talking about.
I turned around, I need to take a breath.
“y/n…” he grabbed me by the wrist to turn me around. I met, once again, with her dreamy eyes.
“Yes?” I quietly replied.
“You know who I’m talking about, right?” He raised an eyebrow at me, and gave me a look I couldn’t quite figure out was trying to say.
I shook my head side slowly. I felt my eyes watering.
I looked around just so that he couldn’t catch my glossy eyes.
But I met with a mistletoe just over a head. I opened my mouth in awe.
I felt a shift in the ambiance, I looked back at Charles and saw him smiling showing his dimples.
He was looking at the mistletoe above us.
“I can’t, I just can’t anymore y/n.”
He met my gaze and took both of my hands, I could feel them over my mittens.
“Since we were kids, there was something about you, the is something about you that has always made my heart skip a beat.”
This isn’t happening.
I could feel my mouth slowly forming a smile.
“And I’ve always thought it was normal for me to feel like this with you. But god, being away from you has been hell. I need you, I can’t conform with just texting and calling.”
“Maybe this might sound selfish, but I don’t even want to picture you with someone else who is not me. I thought it was a little crush, but heck, you make me feel this way every single time and I never get tired of it.”
I was completely speechless.
This is happening.
“It’s ok if you don’t feel the same way, but it physically hurts to not tell you how much you actually mean to me. I’d be a fool not to tell you how special you are.”
At this point I started crying.
I cupped his face in my hands.
“What i’m trying to say is… I love you. More than I’ve ever loved anyone.”
I was left with words, I’ve never been good at telling my feelings.
But I am good at showing them.
I slowly looked up at the mistletoe, and he followed my eyes.
I bit my lip. And furrowed my eyebrows asking him with signs, not words.
“Please” he quietly begged. I didn’t even had to think it twice.
I crashed my lips into his, expressing every single ounce of love I had for him. He followed.
It was the most magical night of the year.
Under the sparkling lights, bundled up in their mittens and coats, sweet dreams of holly and ribbons…
The couple finally found their way together, and their souls finally united and all their wishes came true.
Their love was blooming, and it all started in that little Christmas tree farm.
@delicatepeanutsublime @leclercera16 @ironspdy @architect-2015 @buendiabebeta @zlut1r
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9w1ft · 7 months
Interested to hear your interpretation on Suburban Legends
first off the song and beat sounds so similar to mastermind and gold rush. particularly mastermind. listen to the opening seconds back to back! she sings through a lot of it similarly in my opinion
and it has some of the similar mechanics of mastermind in that it leads you to believe the song is going one way but then pulls a switcheroo on you at the end and the swell in the music aids that at the end which makes it a really sweet and emotional listening experience. i’ll get to that in a second.
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i think at the beginning of taylor knowing or being aware of karlie (so like, your kitchen or mine times), this was very much the situation. karlie is in her peripheral vision (on her radar) but just as taylor described in gold rush, karlie seemed like something utterly unattainable. in lover as well we get the line “i’m highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you” and i think this fits with this description of karlie.
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i didn’t come here to make friends echoes their entire conceit of mastermind, and a lot of the kaylor discography that uses the word ‘friend’ — another way to say “i don’t want you like a best friend” etc
also this is a sort of throwaway point but “i didn’t come here to make friends” was a 2000’s reality tv phrase that came into popularity via the show America’s Next Top Model. it was iconic and soon every competitive reality tv show under the sun had contestants saying it.. but it’s origins are from a show about models! of which karlie is one.
more importantly, the “you kiss me in a way that’s gonna screw me up forever” is like the follow up to the gold rush “eyes like sinking ships on waters so inviting i almost jump in” language. it’s cruel summer’s “snuck in through the garden gate every night that summer just to seal my fate” because falling in love with karlie lead to taylor wanting her complications too
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mismatched star signs works because fire signs traditionally match best with air signs. also visually, stars mismatched fits in with mastermind’s “the planets and the fates and all the stars aligned” — things that weren’t in alignment coming into alignment.
there’s a bunch of story page chapter stuff throughout taylor’s discography, some of which makes its way into kaylor but i’d probably write for way too long so i’m just gonna skip over that for now
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this part might be a bit tricky but i sort of blame it on many kaylors not talking that much about really early kaylor possibilities out of (a sort of unearned) respect and the one way street principle of staying in our lane but the idea of taylor saying “i know that when you told me we’d get back together and kissed me that you remember[ed] we were born to be national treasures” isn’t that too wild of a statement if you imagine them as maybe briefly connecting or talking at some point before taylor made her plans to make karlie hers. indeed, we know their paths crossed several times before they were first connected at the 2013 vs fashion show.
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*for posterity, i included the apple music lyrics as the genius lyrics appear to be worded partially incorrectly
this is the part of the song which i just think is so beautifully done. in particular i love the “you don’t knock anymore” of it all
at first it sounds like she’s saying karlie doesn’t knock anymore because she come around anymore, or this idea of there having been a breakup or a period of not being together or something sad, which is matched by the tone of how she sings it for the first time. the waves crashing to the shore feels like a storm.
but at the end of the repetition her voice becomes more upbeat and it dawns on you, you’re like, oh wait karlie doesn’t knock anymore because she doesn’t need to knock anymore, she has a key! (“is that your key in the door?” anyone?)
and suddenly the waves meeting the shore is a pleasant image of unification and happiness. she closes with the thought “you don’t knock anymore and i always knew it” which makes it feel a bit more like mastermind’s “you knew the entire time, and now you’re mine” — always knowing they would get together, taylor always knowing karlie was the one. “and my life had been ruined” is sung in a sort of sweet resignation, one that i find throughout a lot of kaylor music, the idea that she knows its complicated but that its what she chose.
so yeah! that’s why suburban legends is a kaylor song to me 😌
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lady-ashfade · 1 year
I don’t understand you!
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Kaz brekker x fem!reader
This is based off of a scene from TUA, I just randomly thought of it so here it is.
Warnings: Wounds, pain, confusion and kaz being a little bit of a d*ck, cursing, suggestive at the end, spelling mistakes, kinda just a random fic.
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It was clean, quiet and the plan went fine. That’s what you repeated in your head as you make your way to his office. Much to your wishes everything went horribly, there was more of a drop then you had thought and you hurt your leg. Not to mention the relic you had been sent for was moved from what you were told. But you made a promise to kaz that you planned to keep so you went on.
You had almost gotten out, but as soon as you grabbed the old bowl in your hands a guard came into the room. And you had stayed quiet while he looked around the room, until your arm hit something and it came crashing down. One thing lead to another and he had slashed your side. You thanked the saints that you could kill him and get out alive.
Knocking on the door you take a deep breath and fix yourself. “Come in.” You hear his voice call out. Opening in the door you step into his office and focus on walking normally, and tried to show no signs of weakness. Kaz didn’t bother himself to look back at you. “Did it go as planned?” He asked. No, no it didn’t.
“As always.” You walked over and set the bag down in front of him. Kaz stopped what he was doing and opened the bag and saw the bowl was unharmed. Kaz smirked, looking up at you with his eyebrow raised. “I have another job for you.” You let out a deep breath.
You walked over and poured yourself a class of whiskey and hoped he wouldn’t send you tonight. However, kaz took you in and noticed even the slightest things as he always did. Your slight limp, how your eyes held less light in them. And when you leaned over to pour yourself a glass you put a hand on your side and hissed out in pain. Kaz always kept a close eye on you, he knew the things you didn’t even know about yourself.
You couldn’t keep anything from him.
Kaz leaned back in his chair and glared his eyes into the back of your head. “Tell me the details about what happened?” He asked and you turned around. “Why? It’s boring.” You rolled your eyes and took another swig of the liquid. Kaz stood up and made his way over to you, he got so close you felt yourself melt under he stare.
He was so close to you and looked into your eyes, then over your face with that look of his. It confused you but you couldn’t help but get nervous. Kaz turned his attention to the glasses and poured himself one as well. You watched his adam’s apple move as he swallowed, a sigh leaving his lips and it sounded like music to your ears.
“Were there more guards then normal?” You got annoyed at his question, “No, kaz there wasn’t. I don’t know, why you’re still on this. It went smoothly.” You huffed out. He hummed and raised a brow at you. It was a matter of seconds until you yelled in pain as he raised his cane up to your wound and put pressure on it. “Fuck.” You fell back onto the wall, your body screamed at you again. “What the hell was that?” You shouted and put your hands to your sides and felt the blood come through the bandages.
“Just making sure things went smoothly.” He blinked at you in a cocky way and you hated him for a minute. “You could have just asked.” You looked down and pulled your hand away and saw red. It wasn’t noticeable since you were black clothing. You looked back up at him, “How did you know?” You were so sure that you went unnoticed. He titled his head and gave you a knowing look, and surprised you underestimated him.
“You were limping, also you hissed in pain. You should really work on that if you try and hind things from me again.” Rolling your eyes at him you pushed yourself off the wall, “I need to get this looked at.” You said about to walk to the door. Kaz stoped you with his cane, “Nina’s out for the night, Inej is on a mission.” You cured out and groaned.
“I’ll do it.” You looked at him surprised. “Get on the couch.” Searching his face for a minute you nodded and made your way over to the cushions. Kaz cleaned you up himself, with a few pointers from you. But he could get the area better then you could, and you appreciate it. After a while you were all patched up and you laid on his couch.
“Thank you.” You whispered your gratitude. He smirked and you found it intoxicating. “Can’t have you dying in the job, it would be bad representation.” You glared at him playfully. He was above you and looking down, your eye meeting his and you stared into them, taking in their blue color and each detail.
Leaning up as the few seconds went by of just the two of you staring at each other. His body leaned forward to yours and stopping just a inch away, you could hear his breath. You screamed in pain as pressure hit your wound again by his hand. “I don’t understand you!” You shouted in pain and flopped back in frustrated.
He leaned in, he was looking at your lips and stared at you just as you did. Kaz Brekker was a wonder to you. He smirked again and took pride in seeing you like that, so he gave in and leaned down to press a sweet kiss on your lips and pulled away quickly. You wanted to scream in confusion at him, that man wanted to make you go insane.
“Fuck you, Brekker.” You nagged and he just got a evil look on his face. “Don’t worry, you can do that yourself when you’re healed.”
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bgomtori · 6 months
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☆ apple cider - c.bg
synopsis -> where the reader doesn't seem to like beomgyu as much as he does, but secretly she actually does.
-> inspired by beabadoobee's apple cider^^ here
-> music major! beomgyu x art major! reader
-> friends to lovers, sunshine x grumpy trope
-> note! yn may be a little cold and dry, but they'll come to realise!! theyre also a bit mean to gyu. do let me know if i missed out anyth! also im testing out different layouts so pls don't mind me 😞🙏
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"ynn!~" you groaned under your breath as you heard the familiar sounding voice call you from afar. you placed your pencil down, removing your earphones, looking at the boy that was now standing infront of you.
"i bought food for us." beomgyu said, with his signature grin that's always plastered on his face. he placed some beverages and bread on your table before sitting beside you.
"project again?" beomgyu asked, trying to persuade you to show him the drawings you've been planning on submitting as a mid year project. you nodded your head, biting down on the bread beomgyu bought for you. you sipped your banana milk as you opened your sketchbook, showing him your thought process, and the planning you do in order to come up with your final piece. you noticed at how beomgyu admired each and every one of your drafts, and planned work, you could basically see sparkles in his eyes.
"you're so good at this." beomgyu complimented, smiling shyly at you, you smiled slightly, thanking him before getting up to make your way to your next class down the hallways. this startled beomgyu, causing him to jump at the sudden movement.
"where you going?" beomgyu pouted, he barely spent any time with you, and now you're leaving him just like that.
"i'm heading to art class." you replied nonchalently, about to head out of your classroom. beomgyu quickly shoved down the last piece of bread into his mouth, grabbing the plastic wrappers he left on your table, chasing after you. you heard loud thumping noises and turned to see what was happening, only to see beomgyu standing directly beside you. you raised an eyebrow at him, as if you were asking him what he wanted.
"i'm walking you to art class!" beomgyu patted your shoulder, directing you to the direction of the art studio. beomgyu rambled on about his music major and how much pressure the teacher puts on them, you listened and hummed in response, making sure he thinks that you're listening. beomgyu happily continued his rambling session until you came to a halt, beomgyu paused too, to see what was happening
"thanks gyu, see you later?" you waved at him bye before heading into the art studio, beomgyu sadly waved bye to you as well. as soon as you weren't in sight, beomgyu's face turned red, he covered his face in embarrassment as he ran downstairs to find his friendgroup.
"oh no.. he's back." soobin whispered after noticing beomgyu's presence coming down the stairs to the canteen. the entire table sighed, mentally preparing themselves to hear an earful of things about you.
"i'm gonna kms, she said see you later, and thanked me for walking her to her class." beomgyu squeeled, smacking yeonjun's shoulder for emotional support. yeonjun immediately groaned in annoyance, forcefully removing beomgyu's hand from his shoulder.
"she's so.. perfect.." beomgyu continued, letting out a dreamy sigh, cupping his face with his hand as he thought about you.
"all she did was literally the bare minimum as friends, she doesn't even bat an eye towards you. you're in too deep bro." taehyun sighed, rubbing his forehead. beomgyu tuned him out, not caring about what he said.
"you don't even act like this when we interact with you normally." hueningkai shook his head, disappointed with how much of a simp beomgyu is.
"shut up kai, you guys are a different story." beomgyu glared at huening, before going back to daydream about how he should spend his afterschool time with you.
"we've totally lost him." taehyun murmured, noticing how beomgyu zoned out, looking at the wall that was behind huening with heart eyes.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
for what seemed like forever, classes were finally over, beomgyu quickly packed his stuff and zoomed straight out of his classroom to go to yours. he noticed that your classroom was dim, he thought you'd already left without him, he sulked a little until he heard a familiar voice come from inside, he peaked inside and witnessed a horrid sight
"oh, thank you?" you thanked, smiling the guy that was standing infront of you. you held onto the bouquet of flowers and the box of ferrero rocher chocolates, the guy beamed in happiness when you accepted his gift. beomgyu grimaced at the boy, he disliked this feeling of jealousy. furthermore, why did you smile at him so brightly when you barely smile at beomgyu? beomgyu's mind was in chaos.
"uhm, i really appreciate it.. but i want to prioritise my studies first." you replied to the boy's confession, you could see his expression falter, but he still thanked you for your honest reply and left the classroom. you watched as he left, before placing the flowers and chocolates down on your table, opening your bag to pack them in. beomgyu pouted, he turned around and walked down the stairs, stridding towards the main gate.
"i know i've heard stuff about yn not wanting a relationship, but i never thought it'd be true.. fuckk, my chance with her is decreasing every minute." beomgyu mumbled to himself as he took small steps, people around him could sense his sad demeanor. beomgyu took out his phone and earphones, placing them in his ear as he played his playlist.
on the other hand, you felt like something was wrong, you thought that maybe it was the weather, and quickly left your classroom. while walking down the stairs, you checked the timing on when your bus would arrive. 2 minutes. your eyes widened, the next bus would take another 15 minutes to arrive, you immediately sprinted towards the bus stop.
beads of sweat trickled down your forehead, you cursed the hot weather, panting for oxygen. you looked up to see beomgyu sitting on the bench, listening to music on his earphones while looking into the scenary. now it hit you, beomgyu usually picked you up from class after school, but today he didn't. beomgyu had already noticed your presence however he decided to ignore it, he can't face you knowing that you wont reciprocate his feelings. he knew that he can't change your feelings, but he really wanted to finally be yours.
"beomgyu?" you called out, he turned his head to face you, you were about to say something to him but the bus had already arrived. beomgyu stood up and walked towards the entrance of the bus, pretending like he didn't notice you. this wasn't like him at all. you tapped your card, following behind beomgyu, you noticed that he took the outer seat, already dozing off in the comfort of the bus. hence, you assumed that he didn't want you to be seated next to him. you sat in the seat directly behind him, you pulled out your phone and bit your innercheek. why was he acting like that? he was usually clingy around you, did you do something wrong? you were sulking, that was unlike you, you didn't really care. you opened your messaging app, tapping on yunjin's contact.
yn ☆ : he's avoiding me.. but why do i feel uneasy
yunjin !! : oh my god, is this the time where i tell you this??
yn ☆ : tell me what?
yunjin !! : you like him.
yn ☆ : ?? no i dont??
you furrowed your eyebrows, no you didn't like him, you promised yourself to prioritise your studies first before a relationship.
yunjin !! : bro, you're in denial. you like him but you're avoiding the fact that you do indeed like him.
yn ☆ : what are you saying..
yunjin !! : look, you feel upset over the fact that he's avoiding you, you always wait for him in your classroom to find you during break. you even agreed to hang out with him despite you hating interactions with men after your ex did you dirty
yn ☆ : oh..
yn ☆ : well i don't even like him that much..
yunjin !! : mhm..?
you looked up from your phone and stared at the boy seated right infront of you. you recalled what yunjin messaged you, you felt your cheeks grow warm. maybe you did actually like him but you never realised it, you mentally slapped yourself, you've been so dry and cold to him, you just wanted to protect yourself from hurting again, but you fell for someone that might actually prove to you that it wouldn't hurt to love again.
yn ☆ : wait.. i do, fuck
yunjin !! : finally you came to your senses, oh my god, now go talk to him and sort things out. goodluck!
yn ☆ : im so nervous.. seen
your bus finally stopped at where you and beomgyu would usually stop at, you left the bus, following behind him. you noticed that he was about to walk in the opposite direction of you, you quickly chased him down and grabbed a hold of his arm. beomgyu's eyes widened as he saw you grabbing onto him, catching your breath while looking up to him with desperate eyes. he felt his heart racing at the interaction as he removed one side of his earbud.
"can we talk? please." you pleaded, pulling beomgyu towards a less crowded area. beomgyu had many thoughts racing through his mind, why do you want to suddenly talk to him? did you finally notice that he liked you and want to reject him?
"why are you avoiding me.." you asked, looking down to your feet, your hands clutching onto beomgyu's uniform shirt. nothing came out of beomgyu's mouth, he wasn't sure as well, his thoughts got to him.
"i.. i finally came to realise that i actually like you, more than i wanted to. i didn't realise at first until today, but now i think i've been giving quite a lot of hint's that i had feelings for you." you confessed, your cheeks growing warm. beomgyu couldn't believe his ears, what? what were you saying, didn't you want to prioritise your studies first?
"in what way did you.." beomgyu asked, he felt himself going haywire, the tip of his ears growing red
"remember you said you liked the jacket i always wore, i don't know if you noticed, but i subconsciously wore it more so that you'd like me." you said, your eyes darting away from his shocked gaze.
"i say that i prioritise my studies over relationship, cause i was scared of hurting again.. but i kind of realised that it's really nice to talk to you, and i'm comfortable around you. you kinda proved to me that there's hope in loving again? so, let's give this thing a try? " you stated, finally asking him whether you could try a relationship with him.
"i've been waiting for you yn." beomgyu smiled, pulling you into a tight hug. you shrieked in shock, but slowly wrapped your arms around his waist, you could feel his heartbeat racing.
"sorry for avoiding you.. my feelings got to me, but i'll prove to you that i won't hurt you, and i'd slowly make your heart whole again." beomgyu reassured you, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead, you beamed at him as he intertwined your hands with his, walking you to your home.
"also throw away those flowers, i don't want that boy's stuff hanging around in your house." beomgyu mumbled out loud, you chuckled at him.
"you're jealous aren't you." you teased him, nudging him slightly, beomgyu looked at you in shock,
"shut up, i wasn't."
you hummed in suspicion, teasing him more, he pouted as you joked around with him further. you reached your doorstep, as you bidded him goodbye, you gave him a quick peck on his cheek before heading into your cozy home. beomgyu held onto his cheek as his face turned into a bright hue of pink, he screamed internally, scurring off to his home nearby, opening the boys' groupchat, about to tell them the big news.
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bestedoesmeow · 1 year
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c.leclerc ✩ x singer reader (request)
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'' When Ferrari told Charles to film a video with some star, he already knew who it was and how she made him feel the last time. ''
prompt : Y/N L/N is a singer who grew up in Y/HT. She followed her dreams and became a singer, just as she had always wished. However, little did she know that her dreams would soon be consumed by a Monegasque racer she met."
for @duruxoxo
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''Do you have any plans tonight, huh?' Pierre said. Charles was lying on the leather couch across the room while Pierre was flipping through TV channels. It was rare for them to find time to spend together like they used to in the past. Actually, last night when Pierre slept over at Charles's, he confessed. He told him that he missed spending time with him. Charles's cheeks turned red after his statement, and he wrapped his arms around Pierre's neck and squeezed him until he was out of breath. Normally, Charles was not good at expressing his feelings besides anger and rage, but Pierre had definitely found his sweet spot last night. In the morning, they grabbed breakfast and coffee before returning to Charles's family's house. Pierre was watching TV blankly and almost falling asleep when Charles was tucked in a blanket and laughing at some tweets, some of which he showed Pierre.
'Non, ami, pourquoi avez-vous demandé?' (No, mate, why did you ask?) Charles said when he finally locked his phone and placed it on the coffee table in front of him.
'I've got tickets for a concert tonight. Kika and her friend were supposed to go, but Kika had an emergency situation, so maybe you'd like to go, you know, frère à frère.'' Pierre looked at Charles from the couch on which he was lying, unsurely. Charles was not a 'concert' type, but he still asked, hoping he'd say yes, and they'd spend some fun time before he leaves tomorrow.
'Whose concert is it? Do I know him or her?' Charles said. He changed positions on the couch to face Pierre thoroughly.
'Y/N L/N. I never listened to her, but Kika is a big fan, so I suppose we could give it a try? I know you're not quite the concert type, but... '
'Oui, nous pouvons y aller.' (Yes, we can go.) Charles said, with a big smile on his lips that was showing off his dimples clearly in the light. 'Frère à frère.'
Pierre did nothing but smile at him before getting up to get himself an Estrella Galicia beer from the fridge. 'Get me one too, huh, mate?' Charles yelled after him, only to hear Pierre's almost soundless 'yes' before getting back to his tweets.
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It was around eight p.m. when the two left the house to spend the mentioned ''frère à frère'' night. Charles was driving and Pierre was trying to find something to listen for almost like ten minutes. Charles finally lost his patience. He wasn't also the ''waiting'' type.
'' Mec (dude), it's been million hours, are you producing your own music?'' He stated. Before taking a curve. '' Please for the love of god, play something.''
'' D'accord, Charles, d'accord.'' Pierre said before typing Y/N L/N on Charles's Apple Music account's search bar. And put her songs on shuffle.
'' Well at least, we'd know the names of the songs like this.'' He mocked Charles.
'' She has a pleasant voice huh?'' '' Like listenable.'' Charles said while he was tapping his finger on the steering wheel with the music.
'' Oi, this one's name is '' Pretty Boy.'' ( It's Lennon Stella's song, all credits to her)
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Kika's seats were in the first row and almost too close to the stage for Charles to bear. He hated to connect eyes with someone, because he was almost too shy for to proceed it professionally. He'd just blush right away, and try to look at somewhere else which made it too obvious that he wasn't also '' Eye- contact'' type.
Pierre made himself comfortable next to him. The first moment they were out of the Ferrari, media was all over them. They somehow managed to passed through them and find their seats. And from that moment they were not the center of attention anymore.
Stage lights has darkened and a big crowd of claps and screams were heard, Charles looked at the stage almost excitedly to see what she was looking like. Pierre was clapping his hands beside him which encouraged Charles to do so. With the sounds of '' Y/N, L/N'' and screams she finally made it on the stage. With a big smile on her lips. Her black dress was sweeping the floor while she was running on the stage to salute all of her fans, listeners. Charles thought, she looked just like he imagined she would and also thought, she was an unimaginable beauty, she was not a classic mentioned beauty. She had her own unique features, nose, body and everything. Charles couldn't notice but realize he was still clapping his hands when she finally talked.
'' Thank you Monaco for having me tonight, your energy is everything. I am hoping to make this night a memorable one. I love you all.''
It was definetly memorable for Charles. Actually more than memorable.
Last song of the concert was mentioned '' Willow'' ( Taylor Swift) Which Charles liked the best for sure. The rhythm, the lyrics. He imagined it was written for him, oh how good it was to imagine it. Pierre was dancing slowly with the rhythm next to him. Charles was too stunned to dance but also he wanted to dance so bad to the last song of the concert, he wanted to scream the lyrics at the top of his lungs but instead he accommodate his steps with Pierre's and let himself dance slowly with the music.
'' The more that you say The less I know Wherever you stray I follow I'm begging for you to take my hand Wreck my plans That's my man You know that my train could take you home Anywhere else is hollow.''
He could swear that he made the longest eye-contact of his life with somebody he had never seen or heard before. Her gaze focused on Charles for a couple of seconds, which was enough for Charles's cheeks to turn red with excitement and adrenaline. Her smile got bigger when she turned her gaze at everyone who was listening to her at the concert.
'' You were incredible, Monaco. Hoping to see you all very soon again. I love you, I love you and I love you. ''
Charles imagined that he was the one she was whispering these words to. While laying on the bed, snuggling and playing with his three days old facial hair.
'' I love you, I love you and I love you Charles.''
She left the stage as the lights were on again for the second time that night. Pierre looked at Charles's sweaty and happy features. He was more than happy to see his friend like this. He looked like he enjoyed every moment of the concert.
' Tu as apprécié, hein?'' Pierre said before wrapping his arm around his friends's shoulder. Charles's dimples were showing off again with the widest smile he had that night.
' Yes, yes mate, she was incredible.''
The two made their way out of the concert hall trying to slip through the crowd without being realized. It was raining and Charles's heart was pounding.
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It was the race week, and they were in Italy. Charles was anxious, mad, and excited. He was like a bomb ready to explode. Test drives and qualifying had been terrible, and the car was far from perfect; actually, it was far from good or even okay. Carlos, Ravin, and he had a meeting the following day, which forced him to be at his best no matter what. He was walking the track with Carlos when he received the news that Ferrari had planned a video with a singer for a promo, and they were waiting for him to film it. "Be quick," their media manager said. He excused himself and made his way to the paddock with fast steps, wondering who the star he was filming the video with was. He entered the room heavily breathing only to see Y/N standing next to the door of his resting room, with excited eyes. She was speaking with Charles's manager, Nicolas.
"I am so excited; I love Charles, you know..." She stopped when she realized Charles was next to her. Charles smiled at her before turning his eyes to Nicolas. "This is Y/N, Charles, and Y/N, this is Charles," he said.
"I already know her," Charles said. The words slipped from his mouth, and he regretted it soon after, hating how eager he sounded. But her reaction was much more eager than Charles's.
"You know me? Really?"
"Yes," he said, smiling at her shocked features. "Pierre and I came to see you last week in Monaco. You were great. (And I probably fell in love with you; you are the love of my life.)"
"Pierre Gasly? Oh my God, I'm so glad I didn't know you were there because I'd freak out for sure. I'm a big fan."
Charles's ego was stroked, for sure. He wished he were cooler about communicating with people. He took a deep breath before acting, touching her bare shoulder with his almost cold hand. "It was a pleasure, Y/N. You are so talented."
Y/N was stunned by the touch, so much so that she didn't realize she hadn't answered Charles. "Oh, thank you; I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart."
The two walked next to each other to the Ferrari they were filming the video with. They tried to talk, but there was mostly what they call "comfortable silence." Charles wished he were less socially awkward and cooler when it comes to his communication skills.
The team gave Charles the helmets before he was ready to get into the driver's seat, but he felt the urge to open the passenger's door for Y/N. She gave him a beautiful smile as thanks before settling into the passenger's seat.
"Are you ready to wear this?" Charles asked, handing her the helmet.
"Actually, before that, can I hug you? I'm a big fan and I didn't want to seem too needy in front of the others."
"Of course, yeah, amour for sure," he said, thrilled that she had asked him to hug her. Charles hoped his hands weren't too shaky behind her back, though she was too excited to notice.
"Now, are you ready? If you feel like throwing up, just let me know, okay?"
"Oh, definitely. I'm more than ready."
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Charles couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as he heard Y/N's response. He put on his own helmet and revved up the engine of the Ferrari, feeling the raw power of the car beneath him.
As they sped off, the wind rushing through their hair, Charles couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom and exhilaration. The world around them became a blur as they raced down the winding roads, the car hugging the curves with ease.
Y/N let out a whoop of joy and Charles couldn't help but smile. He was glad that he could share this moment with her, that he could give her a glimpse into the life of a professional driver.
As they came to a stop, Y/N turned to him with a grin on her face. "That was amazing," she said.
Charles felt a sense of pride wash over him. "I'm glad you enjoyed it," he replied, his heart racing with adrenaline.
They spent the rest of the day filming the video, Charles and Y/N sharing easy conversation and laughter. As the sun began to set, Charles walked Y/N to her car, feeling a sense of sadness that the day was coming to an end.
"I had a great time today," Y/N said, giving him a warm smile.
Charles felt his cheeks flush. "Me too," he replied, feeling suddenly shy.
Y/N leaned in, giving him a quick hug. "Thanks again for everything," she said, before getting into her car and driving off.
Charles stood there for a moment, feeling a sense of warmth spread through him. He knew that he would never forget this day, and he hoped that he could see Y/N again soon.
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A Trick and A Treat
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Warnings: allusions to non con/dubcon, bullying, and other possible dark elements. Proceed with caution.
Note: Here is another wish!
Please leave some feedback so I know you want me to do more of the wishes I got. Otherwise, I find it hard to keep my motivation.
Wish Corrupted: I wish Rafe Cameron would crash my Halloween party.
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“I think we got everything,” you haul up the reusable grocery bag on your shoulder. 
“It’s going to be awesome,” Claire smiles back at you, “lowkey.”
“Did you hear back from Janie yet? I got the special oat milk she wanted.”
“Um, not yet. She wasn’t sure if she was chilling with us or–
“Huh, yeah, I mean, no worries,” you shrug it off. “Not all of us are cool enough to go to the shore.”
“Who wants to?” Claire wrinkles her nose, “just a bunch of drunk idiots with nothing better to do.”
“Isn’t that what college is?” You chuckle.
She hums in agreement. Neither of you have been a part of the popular crowd. You barely qualify for kook status and in your experience, Pogues are a lot nicer. It’s like walking a tightrope between them; not rich enough to skip college, and not poor enough to hang at the banks.
“I swear I saw one of my professors at the frat,” you lower your voice and giggle, “do you think they ever grow out of it?”
“Not if they can help it,” she rolls her eyes.
You chuckle and carry on. The weight of your snacks is heavier by the step. You should’ve just taken your mother’s Volvo but the walk isn’t that long and you hate to waste the gas. As you come up the incline of your street, you hear a motor rev, followed by a whistle.
“Hey, kitty, kitty,” a voice hollers and as you look back and egg cracks across your face. The shatter is painful as the shell breaks and the yolks leaks down your cheek and chin. 
“Look at that wet pussy!” Another voice calls as the truck chortles and veers off. You sputter and swipe the egg from your face, holding back a sob. You cradle your cheek at the tingling there. Ow.
“Fucking jackasses!” Claire cries out, “god! Go back to high school!” She hollers through cupped hands. She turns back to you and gasps, “oh my god, are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, it’s fine,” you sniff, “I’m fine. Just egg, right?”
“I can’t believe that,” she sneers as she pulls down her sleeve and wipes your face with it, “talk about never growing up.”
“Really, it’s okay,” you adjust the bag on your shoulder and reach to take off the cat ears you picked up from the grocery store as a joke. “I’m okay.”
“It’s not okay,” she grabs the headband from you, “don’t let them ruin the fun.”
She puts them back on your head and glares up the street. She huffs and shakes her head as she grabs your hands and hurries you along. You seal your lips and blink through the swell, you’re not going to cry. High school is over, you’re an adult.
Janie doesn’t turn up but Adelyn does. The three of you have a quaint Halloween planned. Hot drinks and horror movies, who could ask for more?
You make a mess of the kitchen with whipped cream and sprinkles before you crowd onto the couch under a shared blanket in the dark. The titles for the first Halloween play as the music sets a frightening ambience. You sip from your stacked apple cider as Claire licks cream from her fingers as it rips from the brim of her cocoa.
Adelyn turns to lean against the armrest and stretches her legs over Claire’s lap. You sink back into the cushy couch, transfixed by the classic film. You haven’t seen it in years so it’s like watching it all over again. The eerie soundtracks and jarring noises put you on edge and you sit up, leaning in as you expect Michael to pop out at any moment.
You hear a thump and look around. You can’t see much, the curtains are drawn and the screen doesn’t offer much illumination. It’s just the movie. That surround sound always confuses you. Besides, Claire and Adelyn aren’t bothered.
You lean forward and put down your sticky cup. The others are pretty much done too. You cross your arms and nestle into the side of the couch. The music turns frantic as Michael closes in on his next victim. You hold your breath…
“Boo!” The voice is right behind you.
Claire screams and throws her hands up. You look over as a shadow bends over her, grabbing her by the neck and dragging her over the back. What the fuck–
Your hair is clamped in someone’s hand as you’re wrenched against the side of the couch. You shriek as the speaker volume amps up, muffling out the real life terror. Adelyn whimpers as she hits the floor in front of the couch and tries to scramble away.
“Hey Claire Bear,” you recognise the voice as the screen glares off Topper’s features, “happy halloween.”
“Let go!” You hiss and kick out as your feet hit the floor, “get off–”
“Kitty, kitty,” Rafe’s snarls in your ear as his breath grazes against your skin, “I’ve been dying to get my hands on you.”
You can’t believe what’s happening. Your personal tormentor has you locked in his grip. Your face stings with the memory of the shattered egg, the cool drizzle of yolk down your cheek. You shiver and grasp blindly at his hands.
“What are you– why are you doing this?” You gulp out.
Adelyn is dragged under Kelce as he straddles her, groping her as the screen flickers over them. Rafe’s other arm hooks around your waist and he pulls you with him as he backs away. You flaily wildly, head stuck as he keeps his hand tight around your hair.
“Trick or treat,” he growls.
Claire screams and you hear a clatter. You don’t understand. Rafe Cameron hates your guts. He pushed your books on the floor, he shoved you in lockers, he spit on your graduation robes. He’s a monster but not the one you expected that night.
“I got both, don’t worry,” he rasps as he hurls you against a wall.
“Please,” you slide down to your knee, paralysed by the impact, “please, I didn’t do anything–”
“That doesn’t matter,” his shadow looms over you, “cause I’m about to do a whole lot of something.”
He bends over you as you shield yourself with an arm. He pushes it aside and frames your jaw, pulling your head up. He leans in as the surround sound bursts with noise, the metallic shink of stabbing and horrid screams.
“Let’s play a game, kitty,” he runs his finger along your chin, “hide and seek…” he draws his hand away, “I’ll count to ten and you can hide. Then I’ll come find you…”
“Please,” you sniffle.
“One,” he stands over you, “two…”
You put one foot down, shaking as you fight to get the other under you.
“Three,” you stand and stagger around blindly in the dark, “four,” you feel your way into the next room, “five…” you hit a table, sending a vase to the floor, “six…,” you get to the bottom of the stairs, “seven…” you hesitate and turn to face the front door. “Eight…” you stumble towards your escape, “nine…” hand on the knob, “ten.”
The door opens and you dash out. Three steps before you yanked back. You whimper as the door slams shut just as quickly, kicked by your accoster.
Rafe’s arm hooks around your neck and he pulls you back. He chuckles as he hauls you with him, dragging you to the stairs, your feet bouncing off each step as he ascends a step at a time.
“Not fast enough, kitty,” he taunts, “I choose…” his other hand crawls down your stomach and cups your cunt as he reaches the landing “treat.”
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