#Am i self sabotaging
lordacne · 1 year
returning to my pit of depression & despair
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pransy123 · 7 months
Singles Girls FAQ Series (Q 2)- Why am I alone ?
There could be many reasons that you are alone , even when you are trying to do your best to find a life partner. Some things you need to evaluate and think about are 1> Do you love yourself the way you are : If you don’t love yourself , chances are that you will convey the same to the guy by acting needy & showing a lack of confidence. 2> Is your heart ready to love : Your own past…
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stuckinapril · 2 months
I genuinely think that any change in behavior starts w telling yourself that your worst days, worst performances, just worst moments in general aren’t who you “truly are.” It’s all about unlearning any thought process that essentially chalks up traits you aren’t proud of to “this is who I really am” “in reality I’m lazy” “in reality I’m just a bad person” bc not only is that never true, but it impedes your efforts to try to do better as well. Anything we struggle with has roots in things like childhood trauma, thoughts you’ve been fed before, your upbringing…. but never that you’re inherently a bad person. What I’m learning this year is that a lot of us doing better & being better & improving really comes down to self-talk—to disavowing the very notion that deep down we’re simply bad.
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to find myself at a beginning is to think of our ending
our middle
our beginning
when your eyes lit up and our tongues danced with passion, with words, with each other
and my heart would fill at every touch,
fire rising up in me to meet your gasoline
the smoke curled around us both and kept us unseen
a hidden love is more powerful than you know
you see i would keep you right under my skin, living between my bones, so that my lungs filled with you instead of air and i breathed you until your scent was more familiar than my own
and yet -
i'm learning to breathe in a new scent and i can't stop myself from clinging to the dark petrichor scent of you -
cigarettes and sex
sweet caramel coffee
black currant and the unholy taste of your skin
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corallapis · 4 days
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denszuu · 1 year
a burning hill // mitski
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bestomato · 8 months
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back again
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notyourdaisybuchanan · 11 months
Rewatching The Bear 2x03 is actually crazy and feels so clarifying because like...
The ep starts with Carmy speaking at Al-Anon about fun, and how maybe he needs to have more of it. He acknowledges that fun is complicated for him because as a kid his family tended to ruin things for him, even though this was often unintentionally done. He says that he thinks if he had more amusement or enjoyment in his own life then it would be easier to provide that for other people. (Big note here that part of the purpose OF a restaurant is to provide amusement and enjoyment for people. Then add in Luca's conversation with Marcus in 2x04 about how the best food comes from being open and inspired, and spending time in the world. So Carmy having fun could theoretically make him better at his job.)
Anyway, Carmy gives that spiel at Al-Anon. Then we get a brief interlude of Syd looking at articles about recent restaurant closings and being stressed.
And then we're immediately back with Syd and Carmy cooking together in his kitchen. She fucks up a dish again, and he suggests they stop cooking and do a palate reset.
Like... this all happens within the first five minutes of the ep. This man has been musing about how he needs to have more fun.... and then he suggests spending the day eating in the city with Syd..... ergo that's his definition of fun. This is literally him making an attempt at doing something for amusement or enjoyment!! He planned this!! I fully believe he had this idea even before Sydney fucked up the dish. This man said I need to have more fun and you know what would be fun? Spending the day with my business partner eating delicious food. So he sends her home with plans to meet in an hour.
And then. AND THEN. Claire calls. First of all when she asks if he's busy, he looks at the white board and the very first thing on the To Do list is "call fridge guy" so like. lmao. I love foreshadowing. And he literally is busy!!! Not with unpleasant tasks to do but with something FUN. Something fun that he planned FOR himself.
And what is it that Claire asks him to do? Is it something fun? No. She asks him to HELP HER MOVE her mom. Like, the least fun task in the history of anything, the thing that people historically HATE being asked to help with. And he doesn't look excited about it! He looks torn. He looks...weird idk. Like ohhhh it's actually so crazy that Carmy bails on a truly fun day with Sydney in order to do a manual labor favor for Claire.
This is so ripe for analysis you simply cannot tell me it doesn't mean anything.
Carmy thinks about how he needs more fun, plans a fun day for himself, and then, when someone he tried to avoid asks him to do a not fun favor, he says yeah, I'll do that instead.
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robinfollies · 4 months
what are they Yapping About….
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c0smickidd0 · 5 months
Y’all really liked seeing comfort, so how about some angst for Xmas <3
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demonboyhalo · 2 years
Charlie Slimecicle is a gift from god holy SHIT his monologue??? y'all i am so, so, so hopeful for c!Quackity now that he's gotten it kicked into his head that his empathy is his most persistent, most inevitable, and most crucial quality. Quackity watching Slime evolve on the harshest lessons of life, taught by both Purpled and him...then having that product of their cynical natures kill them both? having Slime say outright to his face that 'the same human ruined our lives' before making him fall from his creations? Quackity watched as the rules he built to protect himself ended up getting him killed, and then learned his lesson! he says he's making his last chance count bc it's the last legacy he'll get to leave behind. he knows he can't bottle his emotions bc he'll get attached regardless, so now he might actually communicate about issues and meaningfully resolve the tensions he has between Dream, Purpled, and - oh yeah - Karl and Sapnap.
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sl8tersstuff · 3 months
I love life but I’m never going to find a way to live it without an abiding fear that I’m going to be alone forever.
As they say, there’s no guarantee you’ll be loved.
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theonevoice · 4 months
Summary of my evening so far:
1. Started drawing another sad sad Aziraphale
2. Got distracted for a solid minute on the phone
3. Looked back at the screen unprepared
4. Got self-punched in the feelings and cried
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beanghostprincess · 1 month
"I love you" / "It'll pass" but it's established Sanuso breaking up during Water 7 because Sanji is asking if Usopp really will leave him (I love you) but Usopp thinks Sanji deserves better (It'll pass) but then everything happens and they don't have time to talk things out so they stay broken up during all that arc--
It's not even begging or asking him to stay because he knows that will make things worse. It's just... Silence. And Sanji going "You know I love you, right?" and Usopp like "It'll pass". And they don't say anything else to each other until they reunite in Enies Lobby.
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meanslackofart · 2 months
if only someone paid much attention to the words i ever spoke, the inner child would have been healed long back
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bpdohwhatajoy · 5 months
It scares the fuck out of me when someone says they like me but they genuinely don’t know me beyond a surface level and so whenever we talk I just think about how they wouldn’t like me anymore if they actually knew me
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