#Ahsoka clone wars
131-vr · 2 months
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I saw someone using the gif, so, I cleaned it up.
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the-wanderer · 4 months
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adrunkskeletonsduck · 8 months
your favs would be pro Palestine
my heart breaks for my people, but their strength shines through more than ever . They have endured 76 years of oppression and violence, and they continue to endure, continue to show kindness and humanity in the face of such evil. I dream of a day when I will see a free Palestine. 🇵🇸❤️
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kiwiimdm · 6 months
Thought i would try a new style 😌
Open for commisions!
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almostunbrokenarts · 5 months
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maddywillow · 2 months
I already know what the comments are gonna say but let me break it down. I know AI isn't one of the most liked things in the world, especially here on Tumblr of all places, but AS AN ARTIST MYSELF I can understand why people don't like it. However I think it can be used to make some pretty neat things and I wanted to share what I generated using AI, because I had an idea. An idea Invisioning star wars characters in a lofi setting/aesthetic. I wanted to share them with y'all because I think they came out really cool and maybe can act as inspiration cause the force knows artist block is a b!tch and a half. Hope y'all enjoy part 1 cause I definitely wanna generate more of these.
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alitherandom · 5 days
Sketches! ✨
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jedikaylin · 1 year
Star Wars winter ❄️
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moomoog017 · 5 months
Little Ahsoka Tano w/ her happy meal ♥︎
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This is little Ahsoka with her happy meal after begging Anakin for a LONG time, he finally gave in. I love their brother/sis relationship it’s so adorable!! 🥹
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A cute head canon my bf and I thought of while rewatching The Clone Wars. Hope you like!
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haat-ade-rise · 28 days
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A scared little Ahsoka who took on a bigger fight than she could... It's okay though, she'll make it out!
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This episode was amazing
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131-vr · 27 days
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Cody still does not like tea. You could tell I put all of my efforts into Obis hands, then I gave up on Cody. 
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the-wanderer · 7 months
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Skyguy and Snips
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adrunkskeletonsduck · 2 years
Cᴀɴᴛ Rᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ ᴛᴏ Fᴏʀɢᴇᴛ Yᴏᴜ
➜ Pairing: Ahsoka Tano x Jedi!reader
➜ Synopsis: Six moments. There were six distinctive moments in time that you clung to like a child does a blanket. Those encounters, rare silvers of moments, meant everything to you. They lead you down a path of attachment and to the gates of love, far beyond what was allowed for a Jedi such as yourself to travel down, but you couldn’t find it within yourself to care. As long as you were with her, the only person to ever spread that slow sweet feeling over your heart, life seemed a little bit easier. As your encounters grow, so do your feelings as you come face to face with your seventh encounter, except this one is different.
➜ Warnings: Gn!reader, mentions of wounds, slight spice, not properly proofread, fluff
➜ Word Count: 1.6k
➜ Notes: im so in love with her
Sᴛᴀʀᴡᴀʀs Mᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ
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The first time you saw her was in halls of the Jedi temple. She had been walking with her master, Anakin Skywalker, when she had passed you. You didn’t know anything about her, just that you were both about fourteen, recently assigned to your masters and ready to take on the world with them. You weren't sure why your stomach had done a flip or why your face had gone a deep shade of red when you’d made eye contact with her. You weren't sure why your heart started beating faster when she’d tipped her head and gave you a small friendly smile before looking away. You weren't sure what that feeling that had flooded your chest had been. Despite your best efforts to not dwell on the encounter too much, you found yourself thinking about it at every spare moment your mind got. At times you’d walk around the Temple aimlessly in hopes you’d bump into her again, but to no avail you didn’t see her again. That was what started it all.  
The second time you saw her was during training. That was the day you’d become friends. Both your masters decided that it’d do you some good to spare with each other while they were preoccupied for the day. Although you hadn't thought of your first encounter in quite a while, you never truly forgot, and immediately recognized her. How could anyone truly forget her? You’d pushed yourselves relentlessly that day, simply motivated by the others presence. You found her a worthy opponent, and she had found you one to. By the end of the day, you were both collapsed on the training mats in exhaustion, laughing at something that wasn't even funny and throwing comments out that only made the lame joke funnier.  
The third time you saw her was during the second battle of Geonosis. You’d saved her life that time, pushing her out of the way of blaster fire that would have hit her square in the chest. The laser had grazed your side, and it had burned like hell, but your mind had been occupied on other things as you pushed yourself up from on top of her and checked her for wounds. It had been impossible not to notice the proximity and tension that arose around the two of you as you did. Touching her face and running your hands down her body, making sure that she wasn’t at all injured. In time you were forced to turn your attention to the searing pain in your side though. Of course, she had noticed, you’d tried to quell her worry for you as she called for a medic and held your hand as he worked on you, reassuring her by saying that if she was okay, then you were okay.  
The fourth time you saw her was in the hanger after she’d gotten back from, what you had heard, was a daringly dangerous mission. You’d rushed to the hanger at the news of her arrival, worry flooding your body as you ran down the winding halls of the temple. But when you arrived, she was standing unharmed and whole, not a single scratch across her body. She looked as lively and lovely as ever. You’d called her name from across the hanger as you approached, a wide smile plastered on your face as pride flooded you. You enveloped her in a tight hug, letting her lead you from the hanger to the roof of the temple so the two of you could catch up. That was the first time she’d held your hand. Flipping it over and sliding her hand into yours, letting them fit snuggly together as the two of you spoke about anything and everything while watching the sun set, sinking slowly behind the tall coruscantian skyscrapers and casting a warm pink- orange glow across the planet.  
The fifth time you saw her was the day you had become best friends. You’d gone out together for dinner, both of you sick of the cafeteria food and ready for something new and authentic. The restaurant you chose wasn’t fancy or expensive, but it wasn’t fast food. You’d asked your masters to barrow some credits and been on your way, taking a speeder cab to the place. You remembered every detail from that night. How much you both had laughed, the stupid grins on your faces, how delicious the food had been, and the feeling of satisfaction after such an amazing meal. You remembered every joke, giggle, smile, and word that had fell from her plump lips during dinner. And you remembered the short moments of vulnerability you shared with each other, the comforting words and touches as you spilled parts of your hearts out to the other after you’d finished. Everything. You remembered everything.  
The sixth time you saw her was during a relief mission. The mission itself was simple enough but your blossoming feelings for your best friend were making it harder than it should have been. You weren't sure if you’d been imagining it but she seemed to be very touchy that day. Brushing her fingers against yours as she passed you something while you helped the locals unload boxes, or locking your pinkies together as you walked side by side. You didn’t mind though, holding on to each little bit of skin-to-skin contact like oxygen. Finally, when you were leaving the planet, you worked up the nerve to ask her about her odd behavior. She had pursed her lips, blushing and asking if it had bothered you. You’d shook your head, erasing an invisible boundary in your relationship. From then on, the small touches that had previously been out of the ordinary became a norm for the two of you.  
Today, the seventh time you saw her, was the day you became lovers. Her eyes shone like stars as she looked at you, her skin glowing in the moonlight as you stood before each other. It was late, and neither of you had any business being out of the temple at this hour, let alone here, in the middle of some field. But she had asked you to meet her here and you could never seem to say no to her.  
“Ahsoka...” you whispered, your grip on her hand tightening slightly. She titled her head at you, a small smile tugging at her lips as she looked at you. “What do you mean by that?”  
“I mean exactly what I said,” she whispered back to you, her tone was gentle and she spoke to you tenderly as if you might break if she raised her voice a bit to much.  
Your eyes widened, “You mean, you actually-” her smile widened as you tripped over your words. The way she was looking at you melted your heart, because you knew that look. That was how you looked at her when her back was turned away from you. With your eyes sparkling with adoration and awe, admiring everything about her, the curve of her nose or shape of her lips, or the smirk they were pulled into.  
“Yes. I love you. I’m in love with you.” Your mouth parted at her words, and a breath escaped you, followed by airy laughs that pulled your lips into a grin as it settled on you. Joy washed upon you and flooded your signature, you felt as if you were falling for her all over again 
“Say it again,” you begged, and she was more than happy to oblige to your request as you pulled her closer and brought your hands up to cup her face, brushing your thumbs against her skin and running them across her bottom lip gently.  
“I’m in love with you,” she leaned into your touch, “so so in love with you.” You looked at her in awe, listening intently to her words, clinging onto each one of them like they were your life line. 
“Can I kiss you?” you asked her, so quietly that if she wasn’t so close, she wouldn’t have heard you. She took a sharp breath in and you were about to pull away realizing that you must have overstepped, but she gave a small nod that you just barley caught.  
The kiss was hesitant at first, your lips just barley brushing against hers, giving her room to pull away and change her mind. She didn’t, leaning into you and pressing her lips more firmly against yours instead. It was all you needed, slipping your eyes fully shut and letting yourself get lost in the feel of her. Your lips worked against each other rhythmically, dancing together in a routine they had memorized long ago. The kisses, previously filled with a gentle love and passion, were quickly becoming heated and hungry.  
You pulled her flush against you, eliciting a gasp from her swollen lips and you took the opportunity, sliding your tongue into her mouth. She whined into the kiss as your tongue brushed against hers, and you hummed in response, wanting to hear more from her, but the lack of oxygen was catching up to you. Reluctantly, you pulled away with a pant, heavy breaths falling from both of your slightly swollen lips.  
You lean your forehead against hers, threading your fingers through hers, “Ahsoka,” you say through pants, eyes still firmly shut. She hums in response, signaling you to continue. Swallowing hard, you open your eyes to look at her. Warmth floods your chest and butterflies erupt in your stomach at the way she looks at you. It’s the final push you need, and your confession comes tumbling down your lips as you press another gentle kiss to her lips. 
“I love you to.”  
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kiwiimdm · 6 months
Christmas spirit in the galaxy ☃️
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skysharkk · 8 months
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