kairiscorner · 10 months
A one shot or fic where Gabriel falls in love with a villain. Miguel would disapprove but Gabi doesn’t care!
OOOOO anon. ily. platonically. THIS IS SO CUTE AAAAAAA i eat it up for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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i'd let them eat my heart anyway. — gabriel o'hara x villain!reader
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summary: he was told to stay away from you, since you're his brother's archenemy or whatever, but all he can focus on is how kissable you are... word count: 550
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his brother's words of warning and berating entered one ear and exited out the other as he reminisced how quickly you could've shut him up and silenced him. yeah, maybe you were keeping him alive for spider man to save, or you were maybe... teasing him?
"gabri," miguel called out to him as he caught his younger brother gazing off into space, smiling like a doofus who was madly--oh no. gabri's eyes widened and a warmth coated his cheeks as he nearly stumbled over and fell from where he was leaning against. "ah, uh, yeah, mig?" "stay away from them, you have no idea just what they're capable of." he reminded his younger brother again as he nodded dismissively and still smiled to himself. "yeah, yeah, i got it, entiendo, hermano." he said as he walked away with a pep in his step as miguel sighed and muttered to himself how gabri, despite his intelligence and proficiency at anything technical, was extremely hopeless at anything romantic.
as gabri cleared up the mess on his work table, he heard a whooshing sound from outside of his laboratory. he whipped his head around to see just what dashed by, and before he could dismiss it as the wind, he was soon faced with you when he turned around. you grinned at gabri as his eyes widened, as his lips parted instinctively for you as you leaned closer to him. "ah, b-bella, i-" "shh... gabe, listen," you said as you pressed your index finger against his lips as he muttered an, "of course," as he got flustered in the face and stared at you with undivided attention.
"did spider man visit you tonight?" you asked him slowly and in a sultry voice, to which gabri shook his head profusely. you pursed your lips together and sighed exaggeratedly. "what a shame... i would've maybe kissed you if you gave me some information about him to work with, but i guess..." you trailed off as you pulled away from gabri, with him mumbling as he reached out for you and your tempting figure. "wait!" he exclaimed as you turned around and made him freeze up all over again. "i... i have some information on... on spider man..." he muttered as you grinned gleefully and was about to flatter him to get him to fess it up, but he stood his ground and told you that his information came with a price.
you groaned at the catch. "what price?" and so, gabri perked up and leaned closer towards you. "besame, hermosa." he said in a low, husky voice as he grinned as widely as you did earlier. he placed both hands of his on your hips, though he backed away when you showed him a dagger and brought it close to his nose as he inched closer towards you. "woah, that's hot." gabri teased as you rolled your eyes and reluctantly placed your hands on either sides of his face and gradually kissed him on his lips gently. "okay, info on spidey, now." you demanded as gabri lapped at his lips, tasting your lipstick as he chuckled. "one more, bella..." he pleaded with you as you grumbled and kissed him again, and... you two kept at it for a little more than two kisses that night.
a/n: he kept forgetting he had to give you info on miggy, so he kept telling you to kiss him so he remembers <33
tags !! @binibinileonara @miguelswifey04
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b-00-biez · 2 years
What's it like getting festive with the slashers🎄
Warning:none just pure fluff
Characters: Thomas hewitt, Bo sinclair, Lester Sinclair, Michael Myers, Brahms Heelshire
Thomas Hewitt
You for real know that their family celebrates thanksgiving and its Thomas' favorite
They all get together at one table and eat but this time it's with you 🥺��
Yeah he has work and all but its a holiday give him a break Hoyt
Omg and he helps Luda Mae with the cooking and it's *chefs kiss*
He can't buy presents for you but he makes them just for you🥺
But like if you got married and had a kid. He would have a santa costume
Like those trends where parents plant evidence that santa is there
Big foot prints, Someone ate the milk and cookies etc.
Bo Sinclair
Not really a festive guy so it's going to take a lot of convincing to get him to join in
"Dress up as Mrs. Claus and maybe I'll join in on the fun🥴"
Nu uh he needs to behave this christmas or else santa doesnt give him a present
Although he's not festive, he still supports his brother in celebrating it aka Lester
Like he would help him put christmas lights around the house, inflate santa claus and set more decorations up
You gave him a toy truck
A toy truck.
Yeah he feels offended that you bought him a kid's toy but like you told him it reminded you of him.
He says he doesn't like it but you see the toy just sitting on his truck at the front.
But he gives you a red lingerie from Christmas😒✋ cant complain though it does enhances your body
Lester Sinclair
The Christmas enthusiast
He would clearly have the most colorful house around town
He is the one who plans fun activities on Christmas
Like my god it felt like heaven when you took a sip
Like a little elf outfit 🥺
He actually gives you something you like unlike Bo 😒
Like makeup? sure. A squishmello Certainly! ANYTHING
You gave him an Advent Calendar and he was squealing like a lil kid
"omg Y/n you gave me a present!"
He's such a bundle of joy honestly
He also helps Vincent cook
Yes He and Vincent know how to cook in this house
He bakes little sugar cookies with you to complement the hot cocoa he made
Michael Myers
he doesn't know why you want to celebrate a holiday like this
He cant kill people cause they're all together but does he give a shit no but its an inconvenient for him
If you persuade him until he gives in
He might join in
You have to do all the cooking sorry
This man doesnt like cooking a lot especially if it's just the two of you
He is the actual grinch
He steals presents and a fucking christmas tree qhen you asked him to buy one
No , hes not going to buy one its expensive😒
So now it's like a surprise since you dont know what you get from the presents he stole
It was mostly toys and some were a bit expensive but nonetheless you thanked your boyfriend for participating
Nu uh hes not going to put christmas lights
Inside is okay like lil ornaments around
His favorite activity in the holiday is just to cuddle with you beside the fireplace
Brahms Heelshire
Is excited for Christmas internally
He gets what he wants and sometimes it gets boring once you get it all
so most of the toys hehad growing up is either displayed in his room or somewhere else in the attic
He is happy when his mother was opening presents for him like a little kid
When he was a kid he would honestly stay up just to see santa claus but falls asleep
He forgot that innocent feeling once he got older
You told him they could make a snowman and honestly
Little by little you restored his childhood
Opening your presents was a fun thing for him
He probably gets another book or maybe just maybe he gets a cellphone or a PS5
Yes you want him to just be aware what is happening to the world outside of his manor
He sometimes sneaks a few orders on Amazon to get you a gift or
This little bastard gives you missing items that are yours!
He gave it back but once Christmas is over he is going to take it again
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old-poptart · 1 year
hanako/tsukasa(and if possible boy!akane) x a Brazilian reader?? like, who has a stronger accent, and has weird habits aaaaa I'm going to die 🦄
a/n: YIPPEE YAY!!!! WE LOVE LATINOS RAHHHHHH, dont die dawg 😓
warnings: none i could think of
Hanako 🌺, Tsukasa 🥀, and Akane Aoi 👓 with a Brazilian reader (gender neutral):
Hanako 🌺:
"gorgeous.. absolutely gorgeous"
he thinks it's so cool that you're brazilian!!!
he honestly sees it as a pro, having a hot ahh latino s/o is a win in his book
hanako would wanna learn how to speak portuguese (it's so that he can flirt with you more in the language)
correct his pronunciation please he's butchering it so much
your accent is so cute!! he loves hearing it, he'd make up stupid excuses to hear you talk more ☠️
"really? and how do you say 'i have the best and hottest boyfriend in the world and i would never give him up for anything'?"
loves to tease you about it though, nothing about you is safe from his teasing ahh 😹
hanako would love to try any dishes from there, especially the ones you like
"is there anything like donuts???"
if you celebrate any traditions, he would love to celebrate them with you! you're such a pleasure to be around~
all in all, he loves you and your habits, ya goober
Tsukasa 🥀:
"ooo that's interesting!! you interest me as well~"
big question asker dawg
you better have some snacks with you it's gonna be a long ride of questions ranging from your mother tongue to what do you do to celebrate events
he will do whatever in his power to get you anything remotely similar to your favorite brazilian foods or lil trinkets
"look s/o!! i got you some maria mole!!"
"tsukasa that's just a marshmallow-"
he's tryin dawg give him some credit
does not understand what you say whenever you speak your mother tongue but always smiles when you do
like hanako, he thinks your accent is very cute!! the way you pronounce your words brings a blush to his ghostly face
tsukasa himself is weird too, so he would gladly partake in any questionable activities you have planned
he would learn any dances that interest you so that he can show off his moves to you
he's moving like a twig please help him
Akane Aoi 👓:
"oh please, enlighten me!"
i have a suspicion that akane has some portuguese up his sleeve
it's a bit rusty bear with him he's trying his best, he wants to impress you 😓
he loves to learn about your culture!! no matter what you talk to him about, whether it's your favorite food or event, he's all ears
akane would love to attend any events with you in his free time
"oh ive seen this dance before!! it looks marvelous"
dawg is so in love with you
i can see that different dialects fascinate him, so when he hears your voice he can't help but smile and giggle like a lil girl
if you're ever insecure about your accent, he'll reassure you a ton!! positive affirmations being whispered between your lips as you two kiss, how romantic~
he'd be more than happy to try out some dishes!!
he'd learn to cook your favorite dish
overall, he loves you and your goofy lil antics. what a cute couple~
-ooga :D
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misojunnie · 10 months
hi! another &team writer >< tysm for writing for the teammies. i rlly love LOVEEE ur k, nicho, ej as ur bf aaaaaaa you got their personality so accurately TT
can i request how k would react if he’s jealous? and vice versa if his gf is jealous? thank u again sm! take care and i hope u have a great day/night <3
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☆ k as your jealous bf! (and vice versa)
#warnings: fem reader, some perviness, jealousy, basically everything in the rq
K liked to believe he wasn’t a jealous man, but he was wrong. He only realized how wrong he was in situations like this; some nameless fucko smiling at you brightly, chatting you up as you slid his drink over the counter.
You smiled in return, and from the way you were chatting, it was clear you knew him. It made K’s blood boil the way his gaze flickered down to your low neckline. Maybe it was karmic retribution for not asking before dropping by your workplace, but he was ready to kill this guy nonetheless.
But this is K we’re talking about. He might be a jealous, lovesick idiot, but he has game.
K slides up to the counter, dropping a little gift bag on the counter as he takes a seat at the bar. When you notice his presence, you squeal with delight. K relishes at how obviously put-out the intruder is.
“K!” you say happily, reaching over the counter to pull him into an embrace.
“Hey, baby.” he says, enunciating the last word as if to prove a point. For a moment, it’s as if the other man isn’t even there, and that’s how he likes it. “Sorry, am I interrupting your conversation, hm?” he feigns politeness, rubbing your back with one of his large hands.
“Oh, no,” you say quickly, gesturing towards your company. “This is Fuma, one of my friends from uni.” He waves in a way that conveys disinterest.
“You her boyfriend?” he asks, and K turns to you with a smirk.”
“Am I?” he practically purrs, and you flush in the face, in disbelief that he’s making you answer instead.
“Yes, of course.” you say, face hot when he presses a kiss on your lips that lasts for just a second too long to remain classy.
“I think I’m gonna head out.” Fuma says, downing the rest of his drink and pointing to the door. “I’ll see you later, y/n.”
“Nice to meet you.” K says smugly, the man scowling as he exits. You turn to K in confusion after Fuma is out of sight, cocking your head.
“What’s up with you today?” you say obliviously. He leans over the counter easily to peck your cheek, sitting down and crossing his arms.
“Don’t hang out with losers like that, baby. It makes me jealous.” Your cheeks go aflame.
“You’re so shameless.”
and vice versa ;)
Seeing another girl post your boyfriend was just about the worst thing someone could experience.
This bitch “Karina”…you didn’t know her but she was immediately at the top of your shit list. You didn’t even know that K had female friends, much less ones he had never told you about.
“Koga?” you said in the vague direction of your boyfriend sitting on the couch. His head snapped up immediately at the use of his government name. This could only mean trouble.
“Yeah baby?” he asked hesitantly, pursing his lips when you turned your phone towards him, showing your screen covered in photos of him and a birthday wish from a girl who wasn’t you.
“Who’s Karina?” you ask, a pout evident on your lower lip, jutted out petulantly. He chuckled at your clear displeasure, which only pissed you off more. “Don’t laugh, Koga. I’m asking you a question.”
“Just a classmate, honey.” he got up from the couch, striding over to you in just a few steps. “Why? You jealous?”
“I’m not jealous.” you said stubbornly. “I’m just curious as to why she’s wishing you a happy birthday. Nothing to be happy about.” He held back a laugh.
“You know internet culture. There’s always some random wishing you a happy birthday.”
“There are photos of you.”
“Those are from the high school reunion. Pure coincidence that we were both there. I don’t even know her that well.” You grumbled, but still put your phone down, satisfied with your boyfriend’s response. He came around from behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. “You’re so cute when you’re jealous.”
“I told you, I’m not jealous.”
“Sure. And I’m not madly in love with you.”
a/n: WHEW sorry this rq took so long!!! I’ve been super focused on my sunghoon project, I’ve been neglecting my requests 🥲 this was rlly fun to write tho!!
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totaldrama-showdowns · 4 months
Submissions for the Non-Human Showdown! Including ones that are invalid!
Fang (x2)
“He's Fang ❤”
Cody Jr (x2)
“Cody Jr! No! Not Aunty Heather!”
Mr Coconut (x2)
“The og. Should have won every season /serious”
vince the alligator (x2)
“The lore… so immaculate”
the don box (x2)
“bzzz i have a stupid fucking clue for you. ah fuck the interns put me in a lame outfit again”
“what id don on about he's slaying in that shirt”
wt pineapple (x2)
Irene the fish (x2)
“shes so beautiful i’d kiss her too”
“The final remaining member of Team Victory after DJs elimination, Irene went on to win the million and the hearts of many.”
the chrarry baby (x2)
“Goo goo gaa gaa”
“ive got my eye on u chris mclean”
Princess Beth Doll
“I WANT TO BUY ONE SO BAD IRL!!!!! Also, this too is yuri”
Old Jester from reboot S2ep9
“I love when Damien hugged him! That's scene is soooo cute. Also I love fluffy animal!”
Bobo :)
“SEASON 2 SPOILERS Bobo is the name of the bear that had the Raj mask in season 2 episode 12 :) idk I just think he’s silly”
DJ’s bunny
the Chris-shaped cake that Julia's group made
“I wanna eat that thang”
Dramarama Cody
“He's an alien”
Theodore (MK's stuffed unicorn)
(the arts and crafts) Shed (from season 1)
“shed sweep”
that evil little seal from wt
“sooo little and evil. who can hate him”
caleb rock
“possibly the best version of him out there”
the skull duncan carved for courtney
“you cant deny how iconic it was”
eva’s mp3 player
“the most important character in td history”
heather’s various hairstyles
“possibly the most diverse and versatile entity in td historu”
pahkitew island
“The best one”
ryan seacrests car
“very fast”
chef's car (total dramarama and gen 4)
“MY CAR!!!!!”
alien clone cody
“AAAAAAA*explodes into green goo*”
chris's wig
heather's wig
total drama yum yuk happy go time candy fish tails
“You ate it!”
trents five finger shirt
princess courtney CD
“all the greatest hits!”
owens butt
anne maria’s hair style
“Ey im walkin here”
bridgettes surfboard
the fake antlers from the paintball ep
manitobas fedora
beary <3
“it’s LITERALLY beary”
ripper’s world record breaking fart
“he did it”
the portrait of cody as blue boy in wt
“funny looking”
sierra’s pizza box-cum-laptop*
“she uses the internet AND eats witj it. shes a genius”
*Mod Note: this refers to cum meaning: combined with; also used as (used to describe things with a dual nature or function).
waynes accent
“Eh we play hockey eh”
mal ventriloquist doll
“aaah im evil mal doll”
alejandro puppet
“we do a little trolling”
Chef 2.0
“He made him from a cashew”
Mt. Kīlauea
“She has the mercy to have her lava not hot enough to kill Alejandro, Ezekiel, and that random intern like... Everyone say "thank you" or somethin idk. Do you think she feels bad that Alejandro ended up in a robot suit because”
Immunity idol s4-5
“They ruined it's design in the reboot boooooooo”
MK's infernape
“Listen, she's a gamer and she's based. She would totally pick chimchar in bdsp. She probably hates people who tells her to "play platinum" because that was a game made for old people.
Try and exclude this submission, I dare you. There's nothing that says I can't submit theoretical non-humans. There's a non-zero chance that MK has an Infernape and I know it's been raised to have some awesome sneaky move. If you exclude this, I bet you'd allow "Mike's Torterra" because only a grass type fan would be a fire type and MK hater!!
Julia would keep her piplup unevolved and beat her console into tiny bits when she gets to Cynthia btw”
the drone of shame
“[picks up victim and flies away] wheeee”
that giant bowl of rice they fall into in japan
“mm giant bowl of rice”
noah’s dog
“his epic dog”
celine dion cardboard cutout
“love fucking wins #duncney”
the face huggers from Area 51
“rip tyler”
ezekiel MISSING milk carton
“Sad! He died.”
the eagle chris shot and killed
“someone arrest this man. again”
the confessional
“it’s always there for you”
geoff’s splinter
the bread from codys pants
“man i need to rewatch island. i fucking love the pants bread”
That ice cream snowman from SMS
“the one from raptear specifically. let's go lesbians”
that pizza chase threw the challenge for
“clearly he should be with it rather than emma. chemma? chipper? chazee? nope never fucking heard of them”
Momma's Spice
“*sprinkles it on op's head* mmmm tasty”
The Gilded Chris award
WT barf bags
“give a real f to those guys. never appeared after episode 7.”
the toxic marshmallow of loserdom
“killer of staci's hair”
The lavatory confessional
“bitch is iconic. 6/8 is a passing mark!!!”
Courtney's PDA
“why wouldnt they call it a phone idk but its so camp”
The Cassowaries
“Male cassowaries are responsible for raising the young. We love an involved father.”
Fire-breathing winged mountain goats
“You could make an Undertale reference with this (also they're really cool)”
Giant Beetle
“Dott shippers will like this one”
Mutated Maggots
“They're pretty cute!”
Six-Legged Rats
scott bird
“what a beautiful bird”
Chef's car
“It may play a role in mkulia canon”
that rainbow porridge in episode 8 of the reboot
“aw hell naw chris cookin up the gay porridge”
The cassowary that fell in love with Zee
“We love an iconic single mother looking for love”
The rat in the cargo hold that appears on screen for 0.5 seconds during Ezekiel's solo in "Come Fly With Us"
“That rat really carried the whole song. Iconic. Astounding. Never before seen talent. Lady Gaga is shaking in her Demonias.”
The Erymanthian Boar
“It wrecked Duncan's shit in Greece.”
The dock of shame
“So many teens walked on her, i think she deserves some recognizion”
gwen's blender necklace
Zoey's hamster (Miss Puffycheeks)
“It's cute and can punch a cat, need I say more?”
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celestie0 · 5 days
genuinely so mad that i’m entering my 4th year of uni with no gorgeous soccer player to crush on wth 😭😭 i want my cute college romance damnitt!!!
chapter 10 was SO CUTE omg, gojo’s trying and we love that, he’s so sweet for getting more people to come to the event :’))) reader has to go salsa dancing with him omg that would be SO fun. lowkey got emotional when she started reminiscing about her uni years and club work ending bc i’m gonna experience that at some point next year when leaving my Computer Science club. i’m gonna miss those nerds 🥲
also the part where he shows up at her door with a kitten made me squeal bc it was so cute, which quickly turned into wheezing laughter when the reader started crying LMAO like girl same, I too would burst into tears if i couldn’t keep the stray cat found by the boy who was courting me
anyways, this was a great read, thank you so much for feeding our delusions 🫶 take care queen!!
HIIII darling <33 OMG same i get so sick w loneliness whenever i write kickoff couple’s interactions im like i just want a hot soccer boy to bully me ab my height ✋🏼😔 i’d like to think i’m manifesting when writing the story
ouu im so glad you liked ittt 🫶🏼😭 yes omg i guess it’s mostly a fluff chapter?? aaaaaaa. AWW my dear yes omg i feel you, leaving my clubs on campus was soooo bittersweet and i really channeled that hindsight feeling in the chapter. it’s ok tho bb!! you still have lots of time to make wonderful memories <33
HAHAH SAME I GET SO EMOTIONAL ABOUT CATS i also like to think maybe reader was on her period or sumn n seeing a tiny lil tuxedo kitten in gojo’s hand made her sob from melancholy 😭😭 i’d cry so hard bc i’d wanna keep it so bad
aaa thanks sm for the ask n for reading <33 i could kiss u rn :””) have a wonderful day bb!!
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bunny584 · 22 days
This is gonna be long, bear with me
Come sit with me, Bunbun, I brought hot cocoa (and also liquor if you need it)
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First of all, thank you. I don't think I say it enough, but thank you, thank you, thank you. If it wasn't for you, I don't think I would have gotten into writing JJK stuff nearly as quickly as I did. Your writing continues to get me all fluffy and happy, and encourages me to keep writing
There's something about like...medical angst that's just different. I dunno how to put it. Maybe I get edgy sometimes and get the urge to write my own medical angst, but I'm always so nervous about getting it wrong, so I'm definitely delighted to see how you do it. Especially considering your knowledge! I do my best to research and understand, but it's still one of those things that makes me a bit nervous as I don't want to represent anything incorrectly
I don't think that different forms of grief are shown a lot, one of which includes sex, so I'm happy to see a new depiction of grief in a story. Especially coming from you! I admire you a lot for a bunch of reasons ❤️ it always fascinates me to see how the thoughts of other people process and appear on paper (or text), and I get so damn giddy when you post a new update (or in general) because it's, like...there's one of my fav authors! You make me fangirl, damnit.
This whole chapter was just a wild ride, from the boys struggling, like Satoru taking it out on Sugaru (pls give the man some extra love and kisses :( ) to just the whole chaos, to Mama Darling, TO THE FUCKIN PREGNANCY REVEAL?? THEN THE LOSS???? AAAAAA THAT HIT LIKE A SUCKER PUNCH, the boys were SO close to being papas :c </3 hhhhhhhh your writing is so good but FUCK I weep for each baby involved, literal and emotional </3 I know I gotta be patient but I can’t wait for them to get back on that baby-making grind. I’ll be a good girl, I swear, so I’ll dream whilst I wait for another gift from you
Next next
Whenever I think about posting my stories, I get nervous because I'm a shy, praise-whore of a bean, but it's also because I wanna make a good impression on someone who I love and look up to reading my stuff. Like, "this author is so good, I hope they like my writing, too," type of deal. I'm bad at articulating my own feelings BFKFBFKDN I’m so antsy about you reading my fic because I want you to like it aaaaaaa (mildly related, I did a TINY rewrite of the pianist!Satoru fic to make it better, and by tiny I mean that I just went back in with a thesaurus lmao)
I'm okay! I'm a strong girl, I got this, I CAN DO IT FOR YOU
I can do it for your writing because it's worth it! Plus, crying can be very cathartic! I very much approve of using writing/reading as an emotional outlet to vent out one's feelings and get that sweet, sweet catharsis. The only part I don't like about crying is how stuffy my nose gets. I'm unable to blow my nose because it plugs my ears hardcore which drives me insane and makes me dizzy, but otherwise it can be so freeing. Even if the heart hurts, I know you have the power to mend the cracks and breaks with lacquer and gold dust
It makes me happy that you consider my heart, by the way ❤️ don't be afraid to write whatever your heart desires, even if it hurts! I know we'll be here for each other through and through to heal our souls 
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(P.S. you're beautiful, both inside and out ❤️ yellow suits you, like the sun 💛)
BABY!!!!! My sweet girl. I was waiting for when you’d forgive me enough for that hell of a chapter I promise heaven is coming soon.
Okay, let’s talk about it.
1. Hi, you don’t ever have to thank me for writing. Your loyal readership, constant support, and incredible, insightful comments are thanks enough. You are one of my favorites, I do hope I’ve made it abundantly clear.
2. Medical angst is god tier. Its raw. Its omnipresent. With your technical writing skill you’d carry it out, flawlessly.
3. You always make me blush like a fool when you compliment my work in ways I don’t deserve 😭😭😭 I’ve already warned you! Affection means I fall first and hard and that’s a natural disaster for all parties involved??? In all seriousness, the way you respond to my words on paper is…probably one of the most beautiful things to come out of this hobby I picked up last October.
4. You are insanely talented. Tether me is incredible. My commentary is in my drafts because I wrote as I read. You’ll be receiving a full, unhinged review tomorrow. And to this day, Pianist! Satoru takes the cake for my favorite take on that boy.
5. I know you’re strong. And you can take what I dish out. It doesn’t stop the pause I have before I hit publish 😅 there are a few of you. With pretty, pretty tender souls that I know have put me in time out at least a time or two with the recent infusion of angst/hurt. Quietly I wonder if you guys will come back to me. I’ve been lucky so far that you always do.
Whew, getting me a lil emotional. To my curly haired soulmate - I adore you, thank you for being here and being you 💕
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hydine · 1 year
I'm too busy to take screenshots/gifs right now, so some live thoughts on One Piece episode 1046 while I'm watching
- I still love Sanji. God, he's gorgeous. And so worried about Zoro
- I wonder if Chopper is gonna do something about the aftereffects of his new rumble ball. Maybe alongside Vegapunk? Since the last rumble ball modification was made with Caesar Clown, an ex-member of MADS, it would make sense if Vegapunk helped Chopper with that, as Vegapunk was also a member of MADS
- Have I already mentioned that Sanji is fucking gorgeous and that I love him?
- I STILL HAVE ALL THE HYPES FOR MARCO AAAAAAA (during my first watch of the series I never understood the hype around him when he appeared in Marineford War arc, I honestly wish I could go back in time to slap my younger self, because Marco is such a blessing and how could anyone not hype him?!)
- Lunarians are mentioned and I still wonder if Sanji is at least part Lunarian. I kinda hope not? Sanji being part Lunarian, I mean. I feel like it would take away from his character. But then again, I'm ✨trusting the process✨
- ZORO IS BACK, and omg Zoro no need to be this badass, I will always worship you
- The way Marco cleared the stage for Zoro and how Zoro jumped into action was just *chef's kiss*
- Sanji and Zoro both attacking Queen and King at the same time, my ZoSan heart is feasting, I'm lying dead on the floor and went to fangirl heaven
- The animation looks SO GOOD I'm in love 😭
- Everyone is hyped for Zoro being back (yes, I'm worried too, Doc), and no sooner than Zoro getting a liiittle bit of attention, Sanji pokes snarky remarks at him. I guess he's jealous 🤣
- I absolutely love the dynamic between Sanji and Zoro. Even outside of my ZoSan brainrot, only the bestestest of friends could bitch at each other like that and still lay down their life for each other.
- Zoro starting a sentence and Sanji finishing it? My ZoSan brainrot is kicking by now, pls help
- Didn't Oda confirm that Zoro is not a relative of Ushimaru? Can someone pls clarify? Because again, the connection is VERY MUCH in our faces. Even if he's not a relative, there must be some sort of connection here. (also swirly eyebrows fox, remind u of someone? Hehe)
- The bits of Marco in this episode AAAAA 😭❤️❤️❤️
-Izo saving Marco, Marco trusted Izo that he'd save him, I just can't---
- Marco, while being carried by Izo, just casually asking a seemingly random question to Izo, AND THEN THE LITTLE "HEHE" FROM MARCO, shit I'm dead
- Focus back on Zoro and Sanji, the way Zoro instantly notices something is wrong with Sanji and looks over to him, don't ever tell me they're not close to each other
- King's boots, holy shit
- Zoro and Sanji protecting each other 😭❤️❤️❤️
- Not the Germa 66 insert, pls no, that was so fucking random and unnecessary
- A reference to Sanji's flaming legs and Lunarians, huh. I WONDER. But then again, Sanji says he's human, so that's what he is.
- In case I haven't mentioned it earlier, I love Sanji, AND GOD HE'S SO GORGEOUS. HAVE YOU EVEN SEEN THIS EPISODE.
- Man, Zoro is something else. That man is a beast. A fucking hot beast, tho. Consider me horny AND afraid. I will worship this man until I die.
- I won't rule out Hiyori as a possible romance candidate for Zoro, but this episode made me think of Enma not being a poetic symbol of romantic ties between Hiyori and Zoro, but more like a connection between Shogun and Daimyo? Idk how to put this into words. Like Oden was meant to be Shogun of Wano Kuni, wouldn't that have meant that Ushimaru would be Daimyo of Ringo under Oden's rule? And we get it in our faces ALL THE TIME that Zoro is practically like a new Ushimaru? And Hiyori is Oden's daughter. I don't know if you know what I'm trying to get at. I might try and elaborate in another post, if anyone's interested
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dawbi · 3 years
bnha boys when you try on their hero suit (gif reaction)
warnings - none !!
characters - midoriya, bakugou, todoroki, iida, dabi, hawks
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can this boy simp even more than he does already ?? just put on the suit and if you put on the bunny ears all might mask part, he is your number one fanboy let’s keep it real. “ohmygoshyoulooksoadorableineedtotakepicturesdon’tmove aaaaaaa” pulls out his phone and takes at least 100 and you’re like over it but he still won’t stop gushing about you. is hugging you so tight and placing kisses all over your face as he tells you should get a matching one ☹️ if he's feeling a bit down after an argument, just put it on and cuddle up to him. midoriya will fall in love all over again. will have one of the 100 pictures he took as his lock screen for sure. if you find it embarrassing he’s all like “but y/n, i wanna see it everyday 😢 “ just let him plssss.
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oh he’s proud and already showing you off. why wouldn’t his s/o look great in his suit ?? already thinks your hot, but this just took you to a new level 😳. “hmmm ? you pull it off so well babe.” i am a sfw blog remember that, but this boy is grabby and this shows some skin so, be careful lol. you’d be surprised by his reaction because you’d expect something brash from him. but bakugou just doesn’t care to keep up his tsundere title because he is too in love with you wearing anything that’s his. it’s his lowkey possessive side but you didn’t hear that from me 🤐 thinks it's so cute if you struggle holding up the arm pieces. but bakugou doesn't say a word and just pulls you in for a kiss. the pride he has is you now 😔
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you would witness another moment of todoroki smiling. lucky you 🥺 thinks it’s so adorable ahhhhhh. it warms his heart seeing the one he loves try on something that showcases what he works hard for everyday. just enjoying small moments like this that he wishes to protect always. “it looks better on you.” todoroki just worships you and truly believes you pull it off better than him. on a rough day doing hero work, he looks down at his suit and pictures the day you trying it on. it brings a smile to face and his heart warms up pushing him to get through the day awww 😞 this would push him to give you more his clothes for you to wear. shouto will grow obsessed with this because he loves things that remind him of you 💖
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listen iida loves it but he is worried lol. has to help you put it on because it’s complicated sheeesh. “listen y/n. i understand this is cute and all but it’s heavy. you’re gonna get hurt.” you’ll have to tell him to chill. make sure you can at least walk the walk lol. it's probably a bit heavy so, you might be like this🧍for a bit. iida would think this is so adorable. all of sudden you feel the head armor being pulled off and iida planting a kiss on the tip of your nose. "okay love that's enough. lemme help you outta this." suggests wearing his sweater next time lol. lowkey wishes he could have you in it longer but iida is too worried if anything wrong were to happen. he just cares about you that much but kinda regrets not taking a video ☹️💞
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omg please wear this mans jacket. secretly has always wanted you to try it on, even leaves it out hoping you’ll put it on one day. and when you do ?? dabi.exe has stopped working. this guy is lowkey annoying because i feel like he’d keep up the villain front that he’s soft for no one. so toga might point it out like “ooh look. y/n is wearing your jacket.” “mmm. it better not get dirty.” inside though ?? his heart is having complications you could mistake it for cardiac arrest. he’s living that young teenage love he never got to experience and has always internally craved ahh. when everyone is gone, dabi’s all over you and literally smothering you. “baby, i can’t breathe.” “you look so...so good in this.” he’s not listening by the way, just relishing the moment 🥺
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oh hawks is completely here for this. may joke around and say “i kinda wear it better tho.” but he’s really lying because he thinks it’s so cute omg. like the holes in the back where his wings would go through ? glimpses of your shirt would be there instead. keigo would find that so adorable and even lightly poke you through the holes. would probably inspire him to wanna do matching couple outfits lol. like if you find an exact jacket waiting for you at home, you know who it is. will be salty if you take it off too soon, mans just wants to enjoy the moment. grabs you buy the jacket collar to go in for a kiss. but keigo still teases you with "too bad. the glasses are in the way 😛" secretly took a picture and plans on having it as his home screen 💓
a/n - sorry i’ve been inactive lately. classes are killing me 😩
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zackcrazyvalentine · 2 years
Idea for a fluffy youkai! au
Playing in the snow with Ace and warming up inside. Duce carrying master on his back while flying(master reaching up to feel the snowflakes on their fingers). Cuddling with Cater while reading a book near a fireplace. Cooking baked goods with Trey. And Riddle helping carrying groceries on your way back.
Reminder: I am not the creator of this AU (@twstedforyou is the rightful creator). These are just personal headcanons and fan speculations, we’re just having fun
Deuce's part makes me think of the aftermath: Master and the rest of the Heartslabyul youkai having to defrost his wings bc parts of them got frozen after flying so high up. Little birdie getting blasted with hair dryers, bundled up in towels and blankets, placed in front of the fireplace/heater, with a warm cup of lemongrass or some similar tea blend to help his health
Ace is a little jealous of the treatment... Well, foxboy, you do have cold resistant fur... but I'm sure Master wouldn't say no to pampering you like that, too!
AAAAAAA IMAGINE IF YOU MAKE GINGERBREAD/SUGAR COOKIES WITH TREY AND YOU SHAPE AND DECORATE THEM LIKE YOUR FAMILIARS 😭❤❤❤❤ Two foxes, one a deep red color, the other an orange color A human shape with distinct horns and markings on its face Two birds, one green and the other deep blue And a grey kitty with blue fire on its tails and ears
When Trey notices what you're doing, mixing so many frosting colors, he laughs a very warm and joyful laugh. May even give you a kiss on the top of your head
As soon as he spots you sitting with a blanket by the heat, Cater swoops in under the cover and cuddles you 💖 It takes a while for the rest of the boys to notice where he's at. A fight for a cuddle pile ensues lol
-- --
Thank you very much for sharing!
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lovemom · 4 years
Mother and son:
Laura is 37 yrs old. Blonde hair, blue eyes, petite body, really beautiful for a women her age. Her son Max is 21 yrs old. She gave birth to him at 16 yrs old his father Tom was 18 at the time. They married young and have been married ever since. They live your typical middle class suburban life. Tom is in sales and Laura is a 4th grade teacher. Laura’s marriage is not all that great and she has been unhappy for some time. Choosing to stick around for the consistent and comfortable life.
Max having just graduated college, is still coming up in the business world. He’s always been close to his mom being that she had him so young. He has had a few girlfriends and being a good looking guy himself he never had trouble getting girls. He first started noticing his mom in high school, noticing her body and beauty. he has had had a little crush on her for the longest, even though he knew it was wrong. He’s witnessed his parents fight before but always stayed on the sideline.
It was a hot June night, Laura his mom was off for summer break, just recently graduating college, Max found a job and was content. He was still living with his parents and saving his money. Tom was away on business for a few days leaving them alone, which was normal for his job.
Laura has noticed how handsome her son had gotten as he got older. Proud of the man he had become, he was as she thought going to be a better man then his father from that countless long and deep conversations they have had in the past. One night Max was sitting in his room after just getting home from a long day and night at the office, when he heard his mom sobbing and upset. Laura had found out her uncle has passed away, (the only immediate family member she was close with) as she sat in her room crying. Her husband refused to come home early and be there for his wife.
“Mom, can I come in” Max says knocking on the door He walks in sitting on his moms bed
“What’s wrong?” Max asks
She starts telling him what happened as she breaks down Max holds his mom, Hugging her tight, consoling her. They both realize they don’t really want to let go as they hug tight
“Everything will be ok, I’ll stay with you for a while”Max says
Laura looks up at her son smiling, touching his cheek softly, they end up laying down next to each other, talking for hours until eventually falling asleep. Laura wakes up after a few hours and she notices she’s snuggled with her son, his cock rock hard is pressed against her ass. She knows it’s wrong and she should wake him up to leave but she likes it deep down. This is the first time she has cuddled with a man other then her husband. she likes the feeling of her sons body pressed on hers, she feels safe and comfortable. She’s secretly turned on as she takes his arm putting it around her stomach and wiggles her ass into her sons cock, pressing their bodies closer, she knows it’s wrong but she can’t help it as she falls back asleep. Max wakes up in the morning with a raging hard on, his moms ass pressed on him, he can’t help check his moms body out as she lays there sleeping. She’s beautiful he thinks, he quickly gets up embarrassed and he starts to get ready for his day. He has jerked off to his mom before but hasn’t in a while, he starts jerk off in the shower thinking of his mom. This is so wrong he thinks as he finishes up feeling ashamed but he cant help it, he leaves the house to go to work, without waking his mom.
Laura wakes up feeling horny, noticing her son has left already. She lays there thinking of her son in her bed. she hasn’t been able to stop thinking about her sons cock, the thought of it gets her wet, she starts to touch herself and then starts to play with her pussy, fingering herself to the thought of her son. She imagines her son making love to her, this is so wrong she thinks. she’s still sad but can’t help but feel anxious all day wanting her son to come home. Max comes home around 7pm, he brings food for him and his mom. They have a nice dinner, Laura notices her son checking her out. They don’t speak of what happened the night before. They hang out talking and watching TV all night. They have done this before but something felt different tonight. Max gets closer to his mom putting his arm around her Laura rests his head on his shoulder
“Max thank you for being there for me baby” Laura says looking up at him then wrapping her arms around him hugging him tight. They hug each other realizing that neither of them want to let go, Laura can’t help but hold tight as she loves how he smells and feels. They let go but stare Into each other’s eyes as they are still close, before they really realize what’s going on Max leans in and then his mother leans in and like its natural they lock lips and kiss, they passionately kiss as her son slips his tongue in her mouth. What seemed like an eternity, Laura snaps out of it and pulls back noticing what is going on
“Sorry hunny”
She says embarrassed
“It’s ok mom”
Max says smiling at her touching on her hand
Laura can’t help but feel so turned on by her own son, this is so wrong she thinks as her son feels on her hand and leans in again and kisses her again. He slips his tongue in her mouth as she lets him and they start to kiss passionately and softly, she is so turned on as he touches her neck. She comes to her senses again and pulls back
“Sorry baby, we shouldn’t be doing this, it’s inappropriate”
She says looking away not knowing what to think
“I think I’ll go to sleep”
She says getting up and hurrying off.
Laura lays in bed with just panties and a shirt and she can’t help but think of her own son, she knows it’s wrong but she can’t help it as she gets wet over him. Laura can’t sleep as her mind is racing, the kiss was amazing she thought, he’s a way better kisser then his father is. Max goes to his room and lays down but he can’t help but think of his mom as his cock gets so hard. He gets bold and decides to go into her room
“Mom, are you awake, can I lay with you” he says walking in slowly
“I don’t know hunny” Laura whispers back, she knows deep down she wants him in her bed, even though it’s wrong
“Just for a little while I guess” she says
Her son wearing only boxers gets under the covers with her. They both lay there, the sexual tension between them is hard to ignore. after a while he gets closer and she can’t help but snuggle into him. he puts his arm around her stomach as she holds it tight and feels on his arm, they move closer together, his cock pressed on her ass again. He can hear his moms breathing changing
“I like this mom” Max says
“Your arms feel good around me” she whispers
She wiggles her ass pushing it more into her sons cock to her surprise. They lay like that for a while as he gets bold and starts to feel on her stomach and now her titys as he kisses the back of her neck slowly. Laura moans as her son touches her and kisses on her. She should put a stop to it she thinks but they haven’t really done anything yet. He keeps feeling on her tits. His hand starts to go further down near her pussy as he keeps sucking her neck
“Max no” Laura moans grabbing his hand moving it back up
He kisses on her neck as he keeps touching her Laura can’t help it as she moans softly She turns to face him now as she can feel his raging hard on
“Mom it’s ok, I love you”He says leaning in to kiss her, she kisses back as they start to kiss passionately, swapping tongue, sucking on each other necks, He lifts her shirt up and starts to kiss her titys“We should stop” she moans
she is so wet and horny from her sons touch, deep down she doesn’t want him to stop as he takes her nipple in his mouth he starts sucking on it, Laura runs her fingers through her sons hair as he sucks on her nipples. “Your all I think about” he whispers moaning as he takes her shirt off, his hand goes to her inner thighs traveling up to her pussy as she tries to grab his hand.... “baby what are you doing to mommy” she says moaning as they start to kiss again. Laura moans into her sons mouth as he softly starts to rub on her Pussy outside her panties. Max can feel how wet his mom is and knows she won’t be able to resist much longer. He keeps rubbing her pussy and she can’t take it anymore as she takes his hand sliding it down her panties. he feels on her clit and pokes at her hole. She’s so wet and still tight Max thinks to himself. Laura feels her sons finger slip into her as he starts to finger her. she moans no, no, no but she doesn’t want him to stop, they keep kissing and sucking on each other as he keeps fingering her she leaves hickeys on her son.
They reach the point of no return as she reaches down and grabs at his cock, feeling it and stroking it. Max moans as his mom starts to jerk him off and her son fingers her. Max can’t take it anymore as he starts to slides his moms panties off. Next he takes off his boxers, his rock hard on springs out as they are both naked now, kissing and touching each other, Max positions himself on top as his mom gets on her back putting her son between her legs. Her pussy is soaking wet by now as his cock pokes at her hole before she knows it max grabs his dick and guides it in the head pops through into her Pussy as she stops him grabbing his hips.
“We cant do this baby, it’s wrong” she moans as she knows she wants it and it’s too late to stop now, they have crossed the line and have become more then mother and son.
“Mom I want you to be mine” max says as he moans and she looks him in the eye. They start to kiss passionately as he pushes more of his cock in
“Aaaaaaa” she moans and gasps as she can’t believe that her son is really indside her. Her pussy is snug around his cock as her eyes roll back and pushes on her sons back making him go deeper. “You feel so good in mommy” she moans as she opens her legs wider as he thrusts in her and goes deeper. They start to make love passionately as she moans and screams. Max pulls his cock all the way out and thrusts back in as the feeling is amazing. Mom and son making love, Laura is having the best sex of her life as she bucks her hips up to meet her sons thrusts. The passion of fucking her own son is nothing like she ever felt, she knew her son wouldn’t last much longer as he thrusts in her. She wraps her legs around him as she’s soaking wet from cumming already. She doesn’t want him to stop, she is not on birth control and knows he shouldn’t but she wants him to cum in her.
“Don’t pull out” she whispers in his ear as he thrusts in deep. This sends Max over the edge as he can’t take it anymore. Laura feels her son swelling up, his body jerks as he starts to cum in her, exploding in her shooting cum deep into her pussy. He keeps shooting what seems like an endless stream of cum into her, flooding her pussy.
Laura and her son fall fast asleep cuddling, his cock still buried in his mom. The next morning Laura wakes up fully realizing what has happened as her sons naked body lays next to her sleeping with his morning wood poking at her. She had fucked her son, it was very wrong but she liked it. She reaches down grabbing his cock and stroking it as her head goes down, throwing the covers off. She kisses his cock as he sleeps, swirling her tongue on the tip, licking his shaft up and down as she starts to suck, engulfing his whole cock in her mouth deep throating. Max wakes up to his mom sucking him off “ mom” he moans as he looks down, Laura looks up at her son as she sucks, you can see the passion in her eyes. She starts to suck and lick on his ballls ticking him as she strokes his cock, the feeling is amazing for max as he moans loudly and pushes on her head. it’s the best blowjob he has ever gotten and it’s from his mom. She keeps sucking for a while and she knows her son won’t last long as hus cock twitches..
“Mom I’m going to cum” he says moaning. She looks up at him smiling as she deep throats his whole cock. He starts to cum, shooting cum deep in her throat as she sucks and swallows everything. Max lifts his mom up as she finishes “wow mom that was amazing” he says as they kiss passionately. Max slips one of his fingers into his moms mouth and then he reaches down and starts to finger her as they keep kissing, swapping tongue. He curls his finger getting her G spot this sends her over the edge as she screams loudly “oooooooo baby” she moans getting really wet. “Don’t stop” she whispers as she sucks on his neck, leaving a dark hickey. Max stops fingering her and starts to go down on her, he licks his moms pussy, sucking on her clit, which drives her crazy. She moans as her eyes roll back and she arches her back. He starts sucking on her pussy lips as she pushes on her sons head, wrapping her legs around his head, they interwine fingers as he shoves his tongue in his moms pussy, she gets soaking wet as she starts to cum on his face. It’s been a long time since Laura has orgasmed there both out of breath as they cuddle not saying a word. There kissing on each other as they lay there, Laura realizes she’s in love with her son and doesn’t want this to stop. She kisses him and slips her tongue in his mouth as she feels him already hard again. Max puts his mom on top as they kiss, he kisses her and sucks on her nipples as she guides is cock in, pushing her hips forward getting him deeper. She starts to ride her son putting her hands on his chest as she rides, her back and head arch back as she rides, her tongue sticking out. He grabs at her hips as he thrust up to meet her riding. She slows down the pace so he can last longer as she comes down to him kissing him, “I love you” she says to her son looking him in the eyes “I love you too mom” Max says as he flips his mom over getting on top. He starts to thrust in his mom deep and slowly as she wraps her legs around him tight and her arms around his head.
“Don’t pull out” she whispers in his ear again as she feels his cock twitching inside her. he can’t hold it anymore “Mo... Mom” he moans as his body jerks and he starts to cum deep in her. Shooting cum deep into her pussy, she moans as she feels cum flooding her pussy. He empty’s out in her as they lay there not wanting to move. Max calls out of work for the next few days to stay with his mom. They make love all over the house, the kitchen, the couch, in the shower, even in the car after a night out, never using protection. They spend hours cuddling, talking about life after making love. They both realize that they don’t want to stop, they have crossed into dangerous territory but they are truly in love and can’t live without each other.
Tom eventually comes home, Laura and her son Max try to act normal and go about their business. It’s harder then they thought, truth is Laura lies awake at night with her husband wishing her son was there instead. Wishing they were cuddling naked, Max lays in bed at night jerking off to his mom. One night as Tom slept, Laura couldn’t take it anymore, she quietly gets up going to her sons room. She watches as he sleeps, she closes the door locking it, starts taking off her night gown and then lets her panties drop to her ankles, kicking them away. Naked she climbs under the covers with her son who is only wearing boxers. She reaches down stroking his cock
“Max” she whispers waking him up. She keeps jerking him off, playing with his balls as he wakes up. Max thinks he is dreaming as he opens his eyes “mom is that you” he whispers, “yes baby, I’ve missed you” Laura says, “I’ve missed you more mom” he says as they start to kiss passionately “but dad” he starts to say as she cuts him off putting her fingers on his lips “ just make love to me” she whispers as she lets her son get on top. Her pussy is already wet from anticipation of her sons cock, she grabs it guiding it into her pussy wasting no time. Max thrusts in slowly as they lay there making love in the dark quietly, never picking up the pace. She wraps herself around her sons body, there both sweating as they make love slowly, the feeling is so sensual and incredible, not making a noise. she makes love to her son as her husband and his father lay sleeping in the next room. They make love twice that night, both times her son cumming in her before she goes back to bed with Tom. Her pussy full of her sons cum as she falls fast asleep.
After a few days Laura and her son Max still can’t stop thinking of each other. They sneak off and kiss passionately whenever they can, touching each other before they have to go back to acting normal. Laura sucks here sons cock one day as her husband is outside doing yard work, the thrill and excitement of the whole thing is so hot for them. It’s not just sex for them, the connection and passion they have just can’t be ignored. Laura finds herself day dreaming about her son, he’s all she can think about, he makes her feel young again and she’s truly in love. One night her husband tried to initiate sex with her but she made an excuse about being tired. It’s been 3 weeks since he came back from the business trip and she has been denying him since. As she lays there she realizes she wants to be with her son and even though it’s wrong and no one will ever understand she can’t live without him.
One night they plan to get away just the two of them for the night, max tells his parents he’s sleeping out tonight so they don’t worry. His mom Laura tells Tom that she is going out with friends for a few hours. They meet at a nice hotel about an hour away to ensure know one will really know them if they saw them. Max arrives first lighting a few candles and putting roses all over the place as he prepares a romantic scene. His mom arrives a short time later, Max opens the door and he sees his mom standing there in a short, tight black skirt and a red top, that’s also pretty tight. He takes her hand leading her inside “wow mom, you look amazing” he says as he looks admiring her......”thank you baby” she says smiling looking around at the beautiful set up, no one has ever did something so romantic for her, not even her own husband in all the years of marriage. They embrace hugging tight.. “I miss you” max says... “I missed you more then you know” Laura replies melting in her sons arms. He sucks on her neck as they begin to kiss. Laura slips her tongue in his mouth as she bites his lip, they stand there swapping tongue passionately as they touch on each other. Max finally picks her up, carrying her to the bedroom gently laying her down on the bed. they lay down cuddling and kissing passionately as they start to remove each others clothing slowly, not ripping it off as they take their time. They get naked and max can’t help but feel on her whole body, rubbing her pussy teasing it. Laura tells her son “hold me baby” as she cuddles into him, his arms around her as she burys her face into his chest and neck area. They lay there cuddling, her sons rock hard cock poking at her stomach. She softly plants kisses on him “I want this every night” she says dropping hints to her son about the future not knowing he’s been thinking of ways they can be together. She starts to cry tears of joy as she lays there
“What’s wrong mom” Max says concerned... “nothing baby, I’m just so happy” she says looking up at him as they kiss. “Mom I want to be with you” he says looking in her eyes “I, I” he says stuttering nervous.. “i know it’s wrong but I’m in love with you too” she says back.... “your all I think about mom, your the only women I want in my life, I want you to be my wife” he says “what, are you serious” Laura says shocked trying to hide her excitement that her son feels the same exact way as she does. She’s been afraid to say it outloud but she wants this forbidden love and deep down she wants to have her sons baby...... “im sorry but yes I’m serious mom, I’ve been thinking a lot, divorce dad let’s run away to another state” he says as he kisses on her cheek, lips and neck “fuck everything and everybody, let’s do it” he says holding her tight. Laura reaches up caressing her sons face at a loss of words she kisses him, slipping her tongue in his mouth as she reaches down and strokes her sons cock. “I want to be your wife” she whispers confirming to her son that she feels the same way. This sends max into joy, his cock is throbbing, as he positions himself on top of his mom. He grabs his cock guiding it inside of his moms hole, she’s already wet as he thrusts in.... “oooooooo god” she moans as he thrusts she kisses him, moaning into his mouth. Max slowly thrusts in his mom as they lay there making love, slowly and passionately. He picks up the pace and slows down when he feels he is close....... “I love you so much mom” he says breathing hard moaning.. she wraps her legs around him tight, their favorite position. they kiss and she wraps her arms around his neck tight, there bodies pressed together, her pussy snug around his cock... “I love you baby, cum in mommy, get me pregnant” she says moaning. Max can’t hold it as his mom tells him this, he thrusts in deep, she feels his cock swell in her. He explodes in her as his body jerks, shooting cum deep into her pussy, flooding her pussy walls. Sucking on his neck as he empties out in her, the feeling is incredible for Laura as they collapse on the bed. she wonders if she might already be pregnant by her son, they have been fucking like crazy for more then a month and not once has her son ever pulled out. They kiss and cuddle in the after math of their love making.
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ibelongtowrath · 3 years
(Hi! You’re so nice omg, and so is everyone who liked the poly MC, I did not expect that! Sorry this took a few days, life got in the way and so did writer’s block lol. I’m so happy y’all liked my filth 😂 Poly MC Part 2. I might spam u with part 3 if that’s ok because I wanna write jealous Purgatory Hall boys/royals 👀)
So, when Satan said they’ll know who you belong to and they’ll smell us on you for weeks and Asmo said they’ve got the whole weekend, they weren’t lying.
They really, really weren’t lying. Luckily, neither was Lucifer when he told you not to be afraid to rest. They’re demons and they can be infuriating even at their very best, but they always have your comfort in mind. When the exhaustion finally begins to catch up to you, hours after leaving Diavolo’s party, Beel’s big hands are helping your smaller body grind into his own from where you’re perched in his lap, on his cock.
Belphie, naturally, is the first to notice. He coos your name, lips coming close to your ear as Beel stops moving you and starts moving inside you. Pounding into you from below, big body ramming into you hard enough that you swear you’re seeing stars. Your fingers hang limply from his broad shoulders, and somewhere close, you hear him tell you it’s alright to rest, we’ll take care of everything, you’ve been so good for us. Belphie echoes the statements, voice low and almost coaxing, as your exhaustion wins out over your pleasure and you plunge into darkness.
It isn’t for long. Belphie meets you in dreams more often than he seems to meet you in the waking world, and this is no exception — often you’ve found yourself in wet dreams of his own construction, but this? This is different.
Very faintly, you can still feel the ache and the force of Beel’s body entering your own, the sheer ferocity of his cock hitting the tender deep parts of you, following you into dreams. In your dreams, though, Belphie is careful not to touch you — ghosts over your body with a feather-like touch until the deluge of sensation, both physical and mental, leaves you quivering. The seventh-born chuckles, his eyes dark violet when he meets your gaze, when he asks “What do you want? Tell me. Anything you want, I’ll give you.”
You tell him, with quivering lips, and you know this is his way of marking up your soul while the others do their work on the rest of your body. They want you marked in every capacity, so there’s no room for doubt, so even angels like Simeon won’t be able to look at you without knowing what you’ve done for these seven. The way you’ve let them inside you — all of you, your heart, soul, the tight wet space between your legs. There’s no part of you they haven’t touched.
It could be minutes or hours, but when you wake again you wake gasping, wet, moaning for more. It’s something about the dream, the dream and the sheets beneath your body, the dream and something deliciously thick sliding between your thighs. You woke at the best part of the dream, the very peak of it, before you could cum, only to be thrust back into the waking world. Your room. They’d moved you to your room and they hadn’t stopped.
“There they are,” Asmo sings cheerfully. His body is slung over yours, hands roaming across the aching, love-bitten skin. He nuzzles you, scents you. Says mine without saying a single word.
“Did you sleep well?” Belphie chuckles near your ear. You open your mouth, maybe to reply, but he bites your shoulder hard and what comes out instead is a strangled moan. “Do you remember seeing me? I tried to make it as eventful as possible while you still got to rest, you know.”
Still half in the hazy memory of the wet dream he’d supplied you with, you moan again, arching your back against the small ocean of pillows and blankets that’s become of your bed. You’re surrounded by them all still, Asmo over you and Belphie beside you. Beel sits beside the latter, bending to kiss your belly or your chest every so often. Satan sits beside Asmo, his fingers threading lightly through your hair in some mocking attempt to soothe you while they take turns rearranging your fucking organs.
Levi is between your legs now, your ankles in his hands while he moves just right against you, until you can’t focus on anything but the fullness inside you. Lucifer stands nearby, watching the space where you two are connected with keen fixation, as if measuring and judging every thrust and your reaction to it. It might have been humiliating if you weren’t already so far gone. You want to say something, but the words are battered out of you with every hard, clumsy thrust. You think you hear Mammon’s voice, and then Belphie is gone and you can taste your favorite greedy demon, cigarettes and something spicy and warm. Your hands tangle in his hair. “Mine,” he growls when he lets you breathe, only to push his mouth against yours once more.
Faintly, you hear Levi mutter, “Ours.” His hands grip your hips hard enough to bruise and you feel the flood of his warmth coating you, dripping down your thighs, one of many loads they’d pumped into you since you’ve returned home. You whimper. You’re so full, and you decide then that’s the way you’d like to stay, forever and ever, for always —
“Yours,” you gasp, when you can breathe again. Your lashes flutter, and out of the corner of your eye, you think you catch Lucifer’s smile.
No need to apologize, I know life can get in the way a lot!
This is just… so good?! Amazing! So hot and sexy and filthy but tasteful and damn! You’re a great writer, and of course you are welcome to write and send me a Part 3! I don’t think anyone would argue with that 👀
I would 100% let Belphie give me a wet dream, it’s so sexy and aaaaaaa
Thank you for another piece of absolute gold yet again omg
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gureshinlover · 2 years
/SHinya: why were we fighting again? Guren: to save the world. Shinya and others: haha cringe lol (I LOVE THEM SM)
Mahiru: *kills like at least 50 people in that room* Guren: Here i am mahiru, tell me how to save you!!!!!!! (they also fight like 5 years old “You cant save me” “I can” “no you cant”-)
mahiru its not the right time to be hot im about to hate you
SHE S PULLING SHIGURE’S HAIR :(( anyway shigure x mito moments when shigure falls and mito gets worried “Shigure-san!!”
mahiru’s like “why are you touching some other girl’s breasts in front of me” I-
here we are with the question “what’s the meaning of life” again (said by mahiru)
Shinya’s smile after mahiru talking- I can stare and cry at that smile for hours
GUYS SHINYA CALLED GUREN CHARMING I THINK OR EVEN MORE LIKE “that’s what makes him attractive/ that’s why i’m/we/you(idk) drawn into him” and repeated it to mahiru, “that’s why you’re attracted to him right”(he was talking about why guren is a stupid and  never takes the “right” way and rabbits blah blah”
Shinya: Which one do you choose  mahiru, right way or guren
Mahiru: And what  did you choose shinya?
Shinya: I chose guren. It’s stupid right? You can laugh all you want. But you’re jealous right? AAAA
Mahiru: ...yes
Shinya: you can still make it, christmas isnt over yet. Forget the right path and accept weakness.
these were already in novel but i’ll translate again:
Shinya: ahh damn it. it’s game over huh 
Guren: don’t talk!! I’ll give you all my power...
Shinya: Guren...
Guren: shut up!
Shinya: guren please listen
Guren: i said shut up!!
Shinya: ...I’ll die.
Guren: You won’t!
Shinya: ...I will
Guren: NO!!
Shinya: ...but... it was   fun. Meeting you.. all of you... playing games...
Guren: Please shut up!!
Shinya: i found the meaning of life.. Meeting you... And like a softy running away... I’ll die (I didnt also get here but the japanese for softy is  甘ちゃん) -and then he says another thing i didnt understand but ends with “isn’t this my win?”) we said we’d stay alive together and win, right?
Guren: ahh we did...
Shinya continues: and don’t get angry... if you get angry it’s our loss... Even if i die... like softies, like weaklings, let’s die together..(OH MY GOD SHINYAAA) if we do that that’s our win, i decided so.
and it’s the chapter’s end huh... I don’t want to see the next chapter and guren kissing mahiru and stuff but i’ll be busy redrawing these pages all the time anyway so idc/
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imagines-mha · 3 years
✩hq boys as attractive things men do✩
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Daichi- that one gaze w the softest eyes that just tells u he thinks ur the WHOLE universe like that one flynn ryder look HES SO FUCKIN CUTE
Sugawara- leans on the edge of doorways whenever hes talking to you and gives you that one (1) lazy lil smile tht makes ur heart WEAK
Asahi- wearing sweaters. like huge, tan cozy sweaters and he just wraps his arms around you and suddenly u feel so safe smh this is all i need
Noya- always makes you laugh no matter where you are - especially whenever its in a place you arent allowed to laugh
Tanaka- stretching while standing up so u can see his happy trail and v-line. he acts like he doesnt know what hes doin but trust me. trust me. he does. 
Ennoshita: reading in public like at a cafe or some shit damnnnn
kageyama- lowers his voice whenever hes talking to you in public so noone else can hear but it makes his voice just sound SO SEXY
Tsukki- puts his hand on ur lower back whenever you guys are walking somewhere 
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Kuroo- when he leans down while ur walking to hear u better AAAAAAA
kenma- watches you intently whenever ur doing minor things- like laundry etc n just gives you a lil smirk when you meet his gaze
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oikawa- literally never afraid to ask for kisses. hell lean down and pull you into him no matter where tf you are and it makes u feel so WANTED
Iwa- the driving thing where he leans over to check if any cars are coming and he puts his entire MF ARM on the back of ur seat and u have to try ur hardest not to just pounce on him
Matsukawa- puts his hands on the tops of doorways whenever hes talking to you HES SO TALL ASDFGHJK
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Bokuto- shows his forearms whenever hes wearing button down shirts hnnnghhhh
Akaashi- putting on and taking off a tie. bonus points if he sighs and runs his fingers through his hair too the organs i would sell to see him do this
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Ushijima- has the nicest morning voice ever, and ALWAYS pulls you in for extra cuddles
Shirabu- goes to the library and educates the mf shit out of himself
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Kita- hes always rlly sweet to children like has NO SHAME talking to them in a baby voice and taking care of whatever they need help with they all mf love him
Atsumu- takes off his shirt by pulling it over his head with his thumb and fore fingers hes a nerd tho he secretly practiced how to do it in his room for months smh
Osamu- wearing a tight, plain black t-shirt. head empty just this wtf
Suna- skateboards and always has the most mysterious aura about him like my mans has a total of 74 followers on instagram NOONE kNOWS HIM
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Futakuchi- calling you princess or sweetheart in a teasing way idk if i just have a degradation kink but this is HOT
Terushima- whispering random things in your ear in public like mans could be reciting his shopping list to you and hell make it sound like hes tellin u the most SINFUL shit
Daisho- so protective over you and for WHAT. FOR W H A T. idk but its HOT
Sakusa- when hes just out of the shower and he smells good and hes all fresh and hairs fluffy MWAH 
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koutarousangel · 3 years
I saw that you write for jjk and I was wondering maybe if I could get a gojo , itadori, megumi and inumaki headcannon of how they would take care of you when you’re sick , love ur writing so far ☺️
author’s note : aaaaaaa thank you for your request !! sorry it took a hot minute to put it up, but things have been all over the place. i hope you like it ! also yuji, megumi and toge are aged up !
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gojo’s definitely the type of s/o who will tease you for getting sick
like you’ll text him telling him that you don’t feel too well and he’ll just tease the ever living shit out of you, for something you couldn’t really control????
“oh babe you’re so lovesick because of me 😍 that’s so embarrassing 🤭”
we all know he overuses emojis don’t deny it
you knew you should’ve listened to him and wore a scarf the last time you’d gone out together … so his ‘i told you so’ was completely valid 
doesn’t mean you appreciate it though
for a hot second you think that that was going to be the extent of his care but the man proves you wrong when he just lets himself into your apartment and is just carrying a copious amount of bags filled with … well everything.
mans has medicine, different teas depending on what you’re coming down with, snacks and treats, movies to watch and most importantly, soup to warm you up and make you feel better
he thought about getting the ingredients to make the soup himself, but he just wants to cuddle you as quickly as possible, so making soup would put a wrench in that plan 
you just about cry as he brings out the items and lists them off matter-of-factly
he didn’t think it was a big deal because he just makes sure that the people he cares about have everything they need and you were at the top of that list
gojo might be a complete ass and acts like he’s all too-cool for anything and everything, but he’s just a big sap who likes to spoil you
will cuddle and kiss you, asking if you feel better with every kiss, despite you telling him not to get close to you otherwise he would get sick and you know how insufferable he gets when he’s sick 
( even though you still obviously take care of him, despite him telling you that he’s ‘the strongest’ while sniffling into his tissues )
he’ll coddle you for as long as you’re feeling horrible, not letting you get up from the blankets he’d bundled you up in, bringing you anything you wanted ( even though he complained slightly because he had to get up from the cuddle-zone ) but then he’ll encourage you to get up and walk a little and push you to go shower because it’ll make you feel better
don’t worry, he’ll join you in the shower to help and then dry you off after, before carrying you to bed and going back to cuddletown.
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okay yuji is the epitome of sweetheart
he cares for people a whole lot, even if he doesn’t know them
so when you call him telling him that you don’t feel too good, just be prepared for him to show up in an instant, with anything you might need.
his grandfather taught him how to be a complete gentleman, and supplied him with cooking skills ( and in the latest episode ? we been known he made you that bombass meatball soup ) 
he’ll help you eat it if you’re feeling too crappy to move, but mostly he’ll just gently nudge your hand and encourage you to eat
after successfully getting you to get some food into your system, he’ll carry you back to the your place of choice, whether it’s the living room or your bedroom, and tuck you underneath the blankets, advising you to sit up for a bit so that the food doesn’t upset your stomach.
yuji will make idle conversation with you, playing with your fingers or hair until you start to show signs of sleep, which is when the conversation turns quieter and he occasionally hums a small tune
when you’re asleep, he’ll get up from next to you and head to the kitchen to clean up, before moving around the apartment and tidying anything that needs to be tidied 
his grandfather’s teachings have always remained with him, so that’s why he’s such a gentleman
you’d think that he’d be a bit more chaotic, but he’s just a caring sweetheart who knows how to take good care of people ( pls im so soft )
when he finishes everything that needs to be done, yuji rejoins you and makes sure that you’re covered with the blankets and that you’re comfortable, before sitting next to you and putting on a movie or tv show, idly playing with your hair and making sure to keep his voice down even if there’s a funny or surprising scene.
eventually he falls asleep too ,,,,,, only to then wake up startled a couple of hours later because shit you were meant to take your medicine and you’d both forgotten
so he gently wakes you up, and after a lot of protests and groaning, manages to give you the medicine and makes you drink water because hydration is important
then depending on how you’re feeling, he’ll either let you get back to sleep, or let you rest your head on his chest as you continued to watch whatever’s on tv together.
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you’d think that he’d be a little bit stiff, but mans picks up so quickly that something’s up
like you don’t message him at the time you usually do and suddenly his senses are tingling and he ends up messaging or calling you instead
the moment he hears your voice and it maybe sounds a bit hoarse or hears a couple of sick sniffles, he’ll question you about it and as soon as you confirm that you are indeed sick, he’ll tell you to wait up for him and despite your protests, he ignores them and a couple of minutes later he’s at your door
he doesn’t really show up with anything because he just wanted to make sure that you were okay ... he’d make do with whatever you have anyway
megumi’s quick to ask you if you need anything in particular and he will get it for you, warning you not to move from your comfortable position because you needed rest.
will definitely be the type of person to put his hand against your forehead to check for a fever, and then bring over a damp cloth to wipe your face with it
he’ll fix your hair so that it’s out of your face and not creating any heat or discomfort
usually he’d want to rest his head in your lap but since he’s taking care of you, he’ll switch up roles and let you rest your head in his lap and he’ll gently caress your cheek and draw lines down the side of your face and jaw and while this is comforting, this is also another way to keep himself informed on if you’re developing a fever or if it’s getting better if you already had one
he makes sure that you’re doing everything necessary to get better, so taking your medicine, drinking water, getting enough sleep, eating the right stuff ... all he wants is to see your lovely smile and to help you feel better.
you love his voice, and he knows this since you mention it whenever you get the chance, so he’ll grab a book or find something on his phone to read out to you, filing the silence with his voice while he’s holding onto your hand, pulling it away to turn over the page only to return it promptly after.
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super caring, super observant, super patient
he’s not going to say much, but you best believe that he’s always going to keep an eye on you, especially if he can’t be next to you because he’s getting you something to make you feel better. he’ll keep checking in on you, uttering “leaf mustard?” whenever he hears you cough or shuffling around, waiting for you to calm his concern before returning to what he was doing before.
will pin you down with a glare if you try to move or get up for anything except the bathroom ; he’s there to help you, so that you could rest and get better quicker, so you getting up to do things would be counter-productive ... 
won’t use his cursed speech on you because you always warn him not to so that he doesn’t get hurt, but you know through his glare that he would do it if you tested him ... he only wants to see you get better
anything you’ll ask of him, he’ll get you and he’ll make sure to press a kiss to the side of your head when he leaves and then when he comes back
once you’re all settled and he makes sure that everything is done, he’ll come and sit next to you; at first he’ll sit on the ground next to your head as you lay down, ignoring you when you try to push his face away so that he didn’t get close. he’ll keep moving your hair out of your face and tracing little shapes, gently booping your nose to get you to scrunch up your face and let out a laugh.
at the sign of your first yawn, he’ll move up and cradle you in his arms, rubbing your sides, making sure that you weren’t cold or overheated, and that you were comfortable enough to fall asleep so that you can sleep off your sickness
he’ll watch you as you sleep, worry in his eyes as your reddened cheeks from the fever stubbornly don’t let up, but after pressing the cold cloth to your face a couple of times, making sure not to wake you, he realised that your heated cheeks are cooling off, and a small smile rests on his face because you’re slowly getting better.
toge will kiss the side of your head softly before resting his head back and turning his attention to either the television or to his phone, before he starts feeling sleepy himself and ends up taking a nap with you, his arms stubbornly wrapped around you, making you feel safe.
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michiigii-writes · 3 years
This is a Bit More Oof.
NSFW, rated lemon.
Short but sweet. And AAAAAAA.
July 7 - Gavin x MC
Minor pushed the door to the department’s roof open, calling for his coworker at the top of his lungs. He needed Gavin’s advice for something, but he was nowhere to be found in the police department. Looking around the rooftop, he didn’t see his friend anywhere, but just before he gave up, he noticed some movement across the way. To his delight, he saw Gavin’s love interest, the young producer, seated behind a row of huge, wooden crates. He could only see her head and shoulders, but she was there, and wherever she was…
“Hey!” Minor called out her name, not noticing the startled expression on her face when she saw him at the doorway, “Have you seen Gavin?”
“H-have I?” She looked around the rooftop before calling back, “What do you need him for?”
“I wanna ask him something for a shoot,” Minor answered, starting to walk across the roof to her, “Do you mind if I wait with-“
“Wha-what about the morgue?!” she exclaimed, holding a hand out over the crates in a stopping motion, “I think he mentioned something about the morgue?”
“The morgue?” Minor visibly paled, swallowing self-consciously, “Uh…that sounds creepy…”
“Yeah, but he mentioned he would be stopping by there,” she said, nodding emphatically, “For a while. And then he’d be headed to…to training.”
“I guess I could wait for him at the gym,” Minor said thoughtfully, then nodded to himself, “Yeah. I’m gonna go to the gym.”
He smiled at the girl on the other side of the building, “Thanks for your help! Oh, is that a new sundress? It’s really cute!”
“Thanks, Minor,” she laughed a little, “Good luck finding him.”
“See you later!”
He waved over his shoulder, already turning to go back downstairs, and finally, the metal door clanged shut and he was gone. The young producer gave a small sigh of relief; that had been too close.
“Huh. Minor likes the dress, too,” Gavin said thoughtfully.
The tall, handsome officer was lying on the rooftop, completely hidden by the wooden crates. His girlfriend was straddled on top of him, where he could easily take advantage of the perks that came with wearing a skirt.
“I told you you looked pretty,” he smirked, then stifled a grunt when he felt her clamp slightly around his erection.
“We almost got caught!” She exclaimed in a stage whisper, even though they were the only ones on the rooftop, again, “You didn’t see how close Minor got!”
“Well…” Gavin sat up, pulling the girl closer into his arms and rubbing her back soothingly, “Maybe I don’t care. Maybe I’m more upset about how close you got before he interrupted us.”
“You’re awful,” she muttered, cupping his face in her hands.
“Let me make it up to you,” he replied, grazing her nose with his before pulling her into a kiss.
It was such a bad idea. Anybody could walk onto the roof again and catch them. It was such a terrible idea and they really should stop.
But instead of pushing him away, she melted into his arms, gasping softly as she felt his hips grind up against her. She let him feather kisses against her jaw, her neck, let him curve her backwards as his lips trailed down her neckline. She let his strong arms cradle her thighs and ass, moving her up and down his hot length, her breath quickening between little moans and sighs.
Oh, they really were making such a mistake.
But her misgivings were steadily being blown away by bliss, and she knew this wouldn’t be the last time she visited him in a sundress.
(The prompt for today was “Sex Under the Sun Dress”)
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