#24!!! TWENTY FOUR???
cleric4vampire · 3 months
every. single. day. every single day I think about how wyllyam should have been at the club
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autoneurotic · 7 months
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katyleen · 4 months
Shinyu x Reader
{School Au}
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Synopsis: You, an average student suddenly bumped into one of the most popular boy in the school.
Warning: A few curse words, fluff??
‘Damn it where’s my notebook?’ You thought to yourself as you’re rummaging your locker. You’re just an average student, with small circle of friends and average scores, not involved in any of the school drama. You’d like think that you’re living a peaceful life in school….besides the assignments and studies that the teacher gives you. It’s their job though so you can’t really blame them.
Finally after looking at your locker for a while, you finally found your notebook. You grabbed it and closed your locker, immediately walking away to go to your class. You didn’t expect to bumped into something after stepping away from the locker though, which results with you accidentally dropping your book. You looked up to see that you didn’t bump into something but someone. And you certainly didn’t expect to be face-to-face with the most popular boy in the whole school, Shinyu.
“Ah..sorry, I didn’t see you there.” You apologized, slightly bowing to him and then going to reach for your book on the floor but he beats you to it. He bended down and grabbed the book, lightly patted your book to remove the dust.
“I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t have stood that close to you.” He replied sheepishly, holding the book out for you. You take the book from his hands and look at his face. You never really paid attention to a lot of people that’s not close with you, but you didn’t expect that this school has such a handsome boy wandering around.
‘Holy shit I’ve been blessed to see such a pretty face.’ You thought to yourself, snapping out of it when you notice him tilting his head at you.
“Oh uh it’s fine. So…I’m just gonna go now…bye.” You nervously said, walking away from him after waving him goodbye. You almost missed it, but you noticed him waving back at you as you keep walking further away from him.
“YOU BUMPED INTO WHO?” Your friend yelled, making you kicked her leg lightly and shushed her.
“Keep it down will you?! I didn’t even realize that he was there. It’s not like I bumped into him on purpose.” You explained yourself. Your friend laughed and calmed down.
“But seriously, that’s so unexpected. What are the chances that you’d bump into him of all people? If you ask me I think this is fate.” She said. You raised an eyebrow, not understanding wha she’s trying to say. “Aish, I mean he could be your potential boyfriend.”
Your eyes widen, face heating up as you try to deny her statement. “What are you talking about? Many people bump into someone, are you saying that they’ll end up together?” She laughed again, clearly enjoying teasing you.
“I’m kidding. Sigh I really want that to happen to me too y’know? I want to bump into handsome people too. Maybe someone like Youngjae? He seems so mature and charming.” F/n sighed dreamily. You can’t help but rolled your eyes at your friend while laughing.
Youngjae is also from the same group as Shinyu. Their group consist of six people, Shinyu as the reliable one, Dohoon as the playful one, Youngjae as the responsible one, Hanjin known as the nicest boy, Jihoon being the social butterfly of the group, and Kyungmin who is very energetic.
“Ok stop daydreaming now, the teacher is here already.” You snapped her out of her daydream as the teacher walk inside the classroom to start the lesson.
“Finally it’s break time. I’m starving.” F/n said, stretching her arms.
“Yeah let’s hurry before the line gets too long.” You then run to the canteen and buy lunch. You walk toward an empty table and start eating while talking to each other. All of a sudden, everyone around starts to look at the same direction and whispering to each other. You and F/n also got curious and try to look at what everyone is looking at.
There you can see Shinyu and his friends walking to the canteen. Their effects are no joke, even their mere presence can make people stop and admire them. Your friend shot you a teasing look, with you just shaking your head and continue eating. You heard footsteps coming towards your direction but you shrug it off, thinking someone is just passing by, until you hear someone clear their throat.
“Ahem…excuse me. There’s no empty table left so can we sit with you guys?” Someone asked. You and your friend look at the newcomers, suprised to see Shinyu and the others in front of you. F/n stutters for a bit before she managed to say yes. Now, you’re sitting between Shinyu and Hanjin with F/n in front of you between Youngjae and Jihoon. Kyungmin sits next to Shinyu while Dohoon sits next to Youngjae.
“Thank you for letting us sit here. Otherwise, we might have to sit on the floor instead. Jihoon joked, looking at you and F/n. You laughed, saying it’s no problem. As you guys eat, you can’t help but notice how Shinyu sometimes looks at you. You hope it’s not because of earlier.
“Hey aren’t you the girl from earlier?”
Well shit.
“Wait this is the girl that bumped into you earlier? Waahh hyung no wonder you can’t stop talking about h-“ Shinyu immediately covers Kyungmin’s mouth, desperately trying to keep him from continuing his line. Luckily you didn’t quite catch what he just said, but your friend sure did, giving you a mischievous look.
“Don’t listen to what he’s saying. Anyways I’m sorry again for earlier.” He said, seemingly still thinking about what happened. You shake your head while giving him a reassuring smile.
“It’s fine. It was just an accident, I also wasn’t looking where I was going.” You said. “And here I was thinking you’d forget about it by now.” You joked. He hides his face from you, maybe still embarrassed about it? You’re not sure.
“Hahaha hyung, your ears are red. Relax, it happens to anyone don’t let it bother you that much.” Dohoon said. They then eat and make a joke every now and then, and they sometimes include you and F/n too. It seems that they are already comfortable with you guys.
Youngjae, as responsible as ever, looks at his phone and reminded you all, “It’s almost time for the next class. We need to go now if we don’t want to be late.” You all cleaned the table and about to go to your separate ways to your own classroom. Unfortunately, F/n suddenly feels sick and has to go to the infirmary. You offered to accompany her but she insisted that she can go alone. Youngjae offered to go to the infirmary with her although she refused at first, he also insisted and ended up going together.
Shinyu walked up to you hesitantly, looking anywhere but you. “Uh…do you want me to walk you to your class? You know, since your friend seems to be sick and won’t be able to come to class with you.” He offered. You wanted to refused at first, really don’t want to bother him, but Hanjin suddenly popped out.
“Just let him walk you to class, otherwise he’s going to be sulking for the rest of the day.” Shinyu turned to Hanjin and playfully hit him. You can’t help but find the situation cute. You decided to take his offer and now you’re walking together to your class. It was a little awkward because none of you were talking so you were about to open a conversation when he once again beats you to it.
“I just realized that I never got your name. May I know your name please?” He asked. You looked at him, realizing that you know him but he obviously doesn’t know you since you’re not as well known as him.
“Oh my name is Y/n.” You introduced yourself. He nodded and proceeds to ask more questions about you, with you answering and also asking something about him in return. It doesn’t take long for you guys to reach your classroom. You turned to him to let him know that this is your class.
“Alright, I’ll see you around then.” He started to walk away but stopped abruptly. You looked at him confused when he turned to you again. He walked up to you again and he looks nervous.
“Um…Can I…can I have your number? It’s fine if you don’t because we technically just got to know each other today and-“ before he can continue to ramble you held out your hand to him. He looks at your hand and then at you in confusion until it clicked and he hurriedly went to grab his phone from his pocket. He gave you his phone and you put your number in his contacts. You returned his phone to him and he looks at his screen.
“Thank you. I’ll add you to our group chat later. Oh and you can give me your friend’s phone number too so I can also add her to the group chat. Anyways I think I should go now. I’ll see you later, bye.” He then ran off to his class.
You look at F/n worriedly.
“Are you sure you’re ok now?” You asked, wanted to make sure she’s really ok.
“Yes I’m fine now. But you know I actually feel thankful that I felt sick because I get to walk with Youngjae together. Oh and he stayed in the infirmary until he absolutely sure I’ll be fine, isn’t that sweet?” She gushed, clearly not over her little interaction with Youngjae. Though you can’t blame her, anyone who’s in the same shoes as her would feel flustered at least.
A ‘ding’ comes from your phone. You checked to see that someone added to you a group chat.
Hyung who did you add just now?
It’s Y/n
Was that the girl that you walked to her classroom?
Yeah that’s her
Is this Shinyu’s group chat??
Helloo I’m Kyungmin
This is Youngjae
Hanjin here
I’m Jihoon!!
And I’m Shinyu
Wait where’s Dohoon?
Sorry, I was still talking with someone
Wait let me scroll up for a sec
“Oh right F/n do you mind if I give your number to-“. you were cut off by another ‘ding’ to find that Youngjae added her to the group chat.
“Waahh he actually added me. Why are you looking at me like that?” She asked you.
“You also gave your number to him?” You asked. F/n laughed sheepishly as she nodded.
“But hey you also gave Shinyu your number too right? I’m not the only one.” She said. You looked back at your screen, reading the chats after adding all of their numbers.
Alright I’m done reading
Y/n and F/n, welcome to our group chat
Warning, we’re very active in this group chat
But at least we’re fun :D
Lol it’s fine
Me and F/n always text each other too
I can vouch for that
Anyways guys, can anyone help me with my homework?
We have homework?
If it’s math I can help😊
But you have to treat me lunch in exchange😏
Our maknae is actually bargaining
He’s growing up so fast
Just help me please🥺
I also need help!!
Let’s do it together
“Wow they’re actually really fun.” F/n said. You can’t help but agree with her. After texting with the boys and laughing at some of their responses, you and F/n grabbed your bags and leave the classroom as school is over already. F/n left first since she needed to go somewhere after school with her family while you need to put your stuff in your locker first. You were just done putting away your stuff when someone tapped your shoulder. You looked to see Shinyu, who is now smiling at you shyly.
“Hi, is your friend not with you?” He asked, looking around to see if he can spot F/n.
“No she left already. I needed to put my stuff in the locker first before leaving.” You answered him, closing the locker.
“I see…um…” he tries to say something but seems hesitant. You wait patiently for him, wondering what he wants to talk about. After taking a deep breath, he looks at you again with a slightly red face.
“Can I walk you home?”
You blinked, processing what he just said. After it clicked, you replied, “Huh? I mean I don’t want to bother you. You must be tired after school so-“
He cuts you off, “It’s fine. I’m fine with it, I don’t mind. I want to walk you home, you’re not bothering me. You know, I’ll be worried if you’re walking home alone. But you don’t have to say yes-I’m not forcing you to let me walk you home. I understand-“ this time you’re the one who cut him off.
“Haha alright. You can walk me home, thank you.” You accepted his request. He seems giddy, though he tries to hide it by suppressing his smile.
While you’re on the way to your house, you noticed how he subtly moved you to the safer side of the road and slowed down his steps to match yours. This makes you feel warm, appreciating his efforts to make you comfortable. As you walk, you continued your conversation from earlier and get to know each other better. For example, you now know that he has siblings and he’s the youngest, his hobby is drawing, etc. Eventually you reach your house, not even aware that you’ve walked so far already.
“This is my house. Thank you for walking me home Shinyu.” You thanked him again. “Be sure to text me once you’re home ok? Be safe.”
“I will. I’ll get going then. See you tomorrow Y/n.” He said, giving you a little wave before walking to his house. You waited a little bit until you can’t see him anymore before going inside your house. When you stepped inside, you find your mother looking at you with a teasing smile.
“So…who’s the boy?” She asked. You give her a deadpanned look.
“What? I can tell that he’s a nice boy, not to mention cute too. Is he your boyfriend?”
“Mom. Please don’t start with this.” You whined.
After you take a shower and changed into a more comfortable clothes, you noticed a notification popped out on your screen. You checked to see it’s from Shinyu, texting you that he’s home already. You smiled, texting him back and told him to rest. You texted each other for a long time until it’s time for you to sleep.
I have to sleep soon
Alright, it’s getting late anyways
Don’t stay up too late and get enough sleep
You don’t want to be sleepy for school tomorrow
Yes sir🫡
I’ll be off then
Goodnight Shinyu :)
Goodnight :)
Sleep well
You giggled, looking back at his texts. You really enjoy talking with Shinyu. Even though you only started talking to him today, you already feel comfortable around him.
Ever since that day, you always talk to Shinyu and the others. You and F/n often secure seats at your table for them to join you guys in the canteen. You feel like you’re getting closer to them day by day and start to hang out with them even outside of school. Just a week ago, you and F/n were invited to go to the arcade by the boys. You played many games and be competitive with them, constantly challenging each other. It was really fun, but that day you have a certain moment that keeps replaying in your head.
You were waiting for F/n and Dohoon to finish their match in a basketball game when your eyes caught sight of a cute keychain in a claw machine.
“Do you want the keychain?” A voice suddenly said, startling you. Shinyu was beside you, looking at you and the keychain.
“Well it’s cute, but I’m not good at claw machines. Besides, usually these kind of games are rigged right?” You said. He hummed, and then proceeds to enter a coin to the machine.
“Wha-you don’t have to-“ you stopped whatever you wanted to say as you watch him play and successfully grabbed the keychain with the claw. It dropped the keychain to the hole and he grabs it, giving it to you.
“This is the one that you wanted right?” He asked, worried that he got the wrong one. It doesn’t really matter to him, he can just play it again until he gets what you wanted. You look at him in disbelief before laughing.
“Yeah that’s the one. Thank you for getting this for me.” You thanked him.
“No problem. Oh I think they’re done already. Want to go over there now?”
*flashback ended*
You giggled, feeling your heart flutter at the fond memory. You’ve realized that you have feelings for Shinyu for a while now. You don’t know when you started to like him, maybe it’s when he helped you with your studies in the library with him patiently explaining the lessons to you. Or when he invited you to see them dance as they’re in a dance club and you could see the passion in him when he danced. Or maybe that one time when he asked your opinion about his self written rap. After months of getting to know him, you’ve known him not as a popular boy in school but as a shy but reliable guy who can be really competitive in games, as someone who really enjoys dancing, singing and rapping, and as someone who also has a playful and clumsy side. He’s caring towards those who he feels close to, always making sure they’re ok.
But of course, because he’s popular, many people are jealous of your interactions with him.
You were minding your own business when suddenly someone grabbed your hair and slammed you into the wall. You winced in pain, looking at the girls in front of you.
“You bitch. How dare you hang around Shinyu?” One of them sneered and hit you.
“Who even are you? You’re a nobody, and he’s the most popular boy in this school. Do you really think that you’re worth even be in the same place as him?” Another girl said, laughing at you.
You looked around to see students gathering around, but no one bothers to help you. Either they’re too scared or they also agree with the girls. You screamed in pain when one of them kicked you.
“Don’t ever come near him again or else-“
“WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!” A loud voice yelled, making everyone freeze and look towards the source of the voice. You were suprised to see Shinyu, even more so when you noticed how angry he looks right now as he makes his way towards you and the girls.
“S-Shinyu. We were just-“ one of them tried to say something when he cuts her off.
“Do you think I’m blind? Clearly you’re bullying her and for what? For being friends with me? I can decide who I want to be friends with and you can’t change that. Now if you don’t apologize to her right now I’m going to report you to the teachers.” He threatened, glaring at the girls. You have to admit he looks intimidating right now. He then kneels down to you to check for any injuries, glaring at the girls when he hears no apology. They flinched, immediately said sorry and ran away. He then proceeds to give every student who gathers around them a disappointed look.
“You all are no better. Why are you just watching when someone is being hurt? I hope you all are disappointed in yourselves. Shame on you all for allowing this kind of behavior to happen.” They all look guilty as they start to walk away. After that, he gives you his attention again.
“Are you ok? I’m sorry for not being here earlier. Let’s get you to the infirmary.” He said softly, suddenly lifting you up bridal style. You yelped in surprised, arms immediately warped around his neck.
“S-Shinyu-I can walk by my own-“ you tried to get him to put you down but he refused. After arriving at the infirmary, the nurse was nowhere to be seen, so he puts you on the infirmary bed gently and takes it upon himself to help with your injuries.
None of you are saying anything as he treats your wounds until you decided to speak.
“I’m sorry for troubling you. I didn’t expect-“
“Don’t apologize.” He suddenly said. You looked at him. His eyebrows are furrowed and he looks troubled.
“Don’t ever apologize for this. This is not your fault. You don’t need to feel guilty about this.” He takes a deep breath before continuing.
“If anything, I’m sorry for letting this happen to you. I didn’t realize that by being close with you would mean that a lot of people would dislike you to the point of hurting you. If I had known I would’ve-“
“Shinyu.” He stopped himself after hearing you talk.
“You said that this is not my fault, then this is not your fault either. You wouldn’t have known something like this would happen. So what? Does that mean you regret befriending me? Are you regretting the fact that we’ve become so close now?”
“Of course not!” He denied. “I would never regret being friends with you. I would never regret letting myself be close with you. In fact, I’m really thankful for the day you bumped into me.” Now this makes your eyes widen. He then continued, “If it weren’t for that, I wouldn’t have ever met you. I wouldn’t be talking with you, hanging out with you, I wouldn’t-“. he stopped talking, debating whether he should continue or not.
“I wouldn’t be able to fall inlove with you.”
You gasped, clearly didn’t expect him to confess. This whole time you thought he only saw you as a friend but thinking back at it now, there are times where he acts like someone who doesn't just think of you as a friend.
“Shinyu…” you started, hands finding their way to his and hold them.
“I’m also inlove with you.” You confessed. He shots his head up to look at you. A minute has passed, and then two, then he starts blushing to the point where he almost looks like a tomato.
“W-what? Wait..you like me back? I- hang on I need to process this.” He pulled his hands from your hands to hide his face. You laughed at his reaction, trying to pry his hands away from his face.
“Shinyu don’t get shy on me now. You look really cute right now.” His face gets even more red as he tries to say something but failed.
“So…you really like me back?” He asked, finally mustered up the courage to look at you. You give him a smile as you nodded.
“Does that mean…we’re dating then? Are you my girlfriend now? Do you want to be my girlfriend? Can I be your boyfriend?” You hold yourself back from squishing his cheeks.
“Yes I’ll be your girlfriend as long as you’ll be my boyfriend.”
“YES! I’ll be your boyfriend!” He said, grabbing one of your hand and kissed it, making you blush in return.
“Woah weren’t you shy just a few seconds ago? How are you acting so bold now?”
“I mean…I am your boyfriend now right?” He said, smirking at your reaction.
“So…you guys are together now?” F/n asked, looking at you and Shinyu who are holding hands.
“Yeah we’re in a relationship now.” You said. F/n and the rest of the boys gaped at the both of you. After that, they started cheering.
Shinyu went towards the boys and playfully banter with them. Meanwhile, you walk over to F/n.
“So…when are you going to confess to Youngjae?” You asked her.
“Ssshhh. You don’t get to say that after months of pining for each other. How did you not notice how he practically gave you heart eyes?”
You rolled your eyes at her, smacking her shoulder lightly. Shinyu then make his way to you after F/n walks over to the boys to discuss probably more list of him being a simp towards you and hugged you.
“Hmm?? Why the sudden hug?” You asked, returning the hug, not complaining and instead enjoying the warmth he gives off. He then tightens the hug, not wanting to let go.
“Mm, I just really like you.”
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chaotic-orphan · 3 months
Febuwhump: Day Twenty-Four
“I’m doing this because I care about you” @febuwhump prompt
TW: imprisonment, non-consensual restraints, non-con inhibition of powers, stripped of powers, destructive love, toxic relationship, doing wrong for the right reasons, emotional Whump
Hero woke up in bed with a groan. Their mind was foggy, something niggling in the back of their mind seemed too far away to be urgent so Hero ignored it promptly and opened their eyes.
They frowned at the ceiling.
That wasn’t their ceiling.
This wasn’t their bed, or their pillow.
Oh god, Hero thought. I have no idea how I got here, please say they were hot— how much did I drink last night? Did I go out last night? Maybe to cool off? But no—
Hero couldn’t recall anything from last night which was only slightly concerning.
They rolled their lips into their mouth, ready to face the music, or the morning.
“Ah, you’re awake.”
Hero froze, eyes slamming close on instinct. Was it too late to pretend to be asleep?
“Hero. I know you’re awake.”
Wait… Hero knew that voice. Hero frowned and sat up in the bed to a melody of rattling chains. Hero ignored Villain who sat at the end of the bed in a cosy looking armchair and immediately threw the covers off of them.
They followed the length of chain from their wrist that disappeared over the edge of the bed with fear slamming their heart faster in their chest. When they tried to move to see under the bed to where the chain went, the chain holding their other wrist in a metal cuff pulled taut.
Hero’s wide, panicked eyes went to Villain. “What is this?”
Villain raised their hands, showing Hero their palms a placating gesture. “Hero—”
“Villain. What is this?!” Hero asked, pulling at the chains harder. Hero kicked the duvet off their legs to find their ankles chain in the same heavy duty cuffs their wrists were encased in. “This is a little kinky, even for me.”
“Hero, I’m doing this because I care about you.”
Hero’s nostrils flared. “Let me out, Villain.”
“I can’t.”
“Can’t or won’t?!”
Villain raised their head a little higher in the air. “I won’t. Supervillain is making his move today and I refuse to let you get caught up in it.”
Hero blanched. “What?”
Villain stepped around the bed closer to Hero but Hero shook their head, pushing themselves back as much as they could. Until the cuffs around the ankles protested.
“Don’t come near me Villain! Not unless you’re going to release me this instant!”
“I can’t let you die, Hero,” Villain said, their voice quiet and soft.
Hero swallowed the lump in their throat, then schooled their features into a neutral expression and said very matter of factly: “this is the last time I will ask you nicely, Villain. Release me. Now. I don’t want to have to hurt you.”
Villain ran a hand down their face, cupping their cheeks in one hand as they blew out a breath. Then they shook their head, half turning their body away from Hero and shoving their hands into their trouser pockets.
“You can’t,” said Villain with the same soft quietness.
Hero frowned. They didn’t have time for this. “Then I’m sorry, Villain.”
Hero clicked their fingers and nothing happened. Villain tipped their head down to stare at the floor in front of them. Hero clicked their fingers again, picturing the chains snapping and setting them free.
Nothing happened.
Something looked large in their gut like panic, threatening to overwhelm Hero because why couldn’t they summon their magic to them at that time?
They clicked their fingers again. And again. And again.
Then they cast their burning eyes to Villain in question.
Villain held up a small bottle with a cork stopped in its neck. “Villain… what did you do?”
“What I had to,” said Villain. They shook the bottle gently, then looked over at Hero, their face the picture of heartbreak. “I knew you’d try to leave anyway.”
“What did you do, Villain?!” Hero demanded, their emotions threatening to run away with them. “Supervillain commissioned a promising young chemist, a graduate who needed a job if you can believe it, to make a chemical compound that would inhibit your powers for a while.”
It felt as if Villain had just stabbed Hero in the chest. “How long is a while?” Hero demanded, tears prickling the back of their eyes and threatening to fall. “Villain! Look at me!”
Villain’s eyes flicked to Hero’s, their shoulders hunched and resigned. “A little under a week.”
Hero’s heart dropped into their stomach. “What?”
Villain approached quickly, climbing onto the bed and reaching for Hero but Hero backed away until the chains pulled taut and they couldn’t go any further.
Villain’s eyes were glazed over, their chest moving far too quickly to be okay, blubbering excuses at Hero.
“I had to, Hero. Supervillain said that if I didn’t get you out of the picture that he would kill you!”
“I’d rather die trying to stop him than—”
“I know you would!” Villain yelled over Hero, stunning them into silence. Hero was trembling on the bed, seeing the helpless, desperate fury in Villain’s eyes… Villain had never raised their voice at Hero. Not once. “I know you would give your life to save someone else’s but who is looking out to give their life for yours, hmm?! Tell me! Tell me and I’ll let you go!”
The tears fell silently down Hero’s cheeks, not a single name coming to mind that would sacrifice themselves to protect Hero.
Not one except— “you.”
Villain’s shoulders wound tight, setting their jaw as they looked away from Hero.
Hero blinked and a new wave of tears fell. “Villain what did you do?” Hero whispered in a voice that wasn’t their own. It was too frail, too helpless and scared. Too childlike. “Villain.”
“I made a deal with Supervillain,” Villain choked out, tears falling freely down their cheeks and onto the bed as well. “I can’t—” Villain met Hero’s eyes with such conviction, such loyalty that it curled a hand around Hero’s lungs and they let out a soft breath. “I won’t let you die. I won’t. Don’t ask me to. I don’t care if you never forgive me, just as long as you’re still breathing… that’s all that matters to me.”
Hero shook their head, but when Villain placed their hand on Hero’s cheek they didn’t flinch, or wince , or pull away.
“I would let the world burn rather than sacrifice you to save it. They don’t deserve you. You don’t deserve to die for them.”
Hero’s hand reached up to cup Villain’s. “They never asked me to, Villain. I wanted to protect those who can’t protect themselves.”
“I don’t care,” said Villain. “I’ll be the bad guy. I’ll keep you here forever if I have to. That way you won’t hate yourself when Supervillain makes their move. You can hate me instead, I’ll take the burden from you.”
Hero stared at Villain, completely at a loss for words. Isn’t this the love everyone would die for? An all consuming, unwavering loyalty? Unconditional and destructive? Heart wrenching and all too much, overwhelming and sickening?
Hero hated the twisted feeling in their gut that craved that love; the love so hot it threatened to burn both Hero and Villain, but in that moment… there were no words that Hero could say. Nothing they could do because they know if the roles were reversed Hero would have done the same for Villain.
“I hate you,” Hero whispered, their shoulders shaking as they leaned into Villain’s hand.
“I know,” Villain said.
“I hate you so much,” said Hero. Villain crept closer, their other arm wrapping around Hero.
“I know.”
“How dare you take that choice from me,” Hero blubbered, sobs wracking their chest, eyes burning. “How dare you!”
“I know. I know. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
Hero leaned forward into Villain’s arms and sobbed into their shoulder. Villain wrapped their arms tighter around Hero, sniffing back sobs as well. They didn’t deserve to cry, they needed to be strong.
Hero and Villain fell asleep in each other’s arms, salt stained tear trails stuck to their cheeks. It took Supervillain four days to topple the Hero agency and assume control of the city. For now though, the lovers held each other close in their sleep, the guilt would be waiting for them when they awoke.
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tuatara-time · 13 days
TMayNT Day 24: favourite turtle + villain dynamic!
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This may or may not have been influenced by me watching Baxter’s Gambit (2012 s1 e19) again yesterday. This piece is pretty self explanatory I think…
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looselipssinkships-x · 6 months
do y'all ever get a lil sad thinking about how young fall out boy was when they released folie à deux?
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thebluestrokes · 2 months
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Happy 24th Anniversary to the BEST DISNEY MOVIE!
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ghost-proofbaby · 10 months
if, and only if, i finish the epilogue tonight - would you all prefer i post hour 24 tonight and the epilogue on thursday? or would you prefer i post hour 24 thursday, and the epilogue on friday/saturday?
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Currently (re)watching 24 S1E1
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aingeal98 · 5 months
cass visiting cain in blackgate for intel/batman reasons and/or for personal reasons?
"What have you done with Poison Ivy?"
David Cain grins up at the man who stole his daughter. Batman stares back, intense and angry as always.
"I voluntarily put myself in prison and have been here all the time. The question isn't what I've done with her Batman, it's what mistake you made. Like say for example, letting stray members of The Colony escape with their special Batsuits."
He leans back, enjoying the stress on Bruce's face. All he needs is a bottle of vodka and this would be perfect. None of that in solitary confinement sadly, so angry Batman is just going to have to be enough.
"It's going to be such a great look, those stupid Batsuits descending with full force to attack an innocent civilian yet to violate her parole. Does it make you sad, Batman? To see people take a symbol you spent all of your time and effort lovingly crafting, only to have it warped into representing your enemy?"
"Answer the question, Cain."
"Already did." Cain smirks. "I've done nothing. The Colony on the other hand... well who knows. Those idiots always did seem a little trigger happy, and not too good at distinguishing bad people from those attempting to change their ways. Sad, that."
Batman says nothing further, although the rage emanating from his eyes is palpable. Cain detects a slight tremor as he walks away and out of the room, leaving Cain alone.
He waits patiently. Bruce was never going to be the one to make him crack and he knew it. He was just the good cop, the easy way out.
But Cain hasn't seen his daughter in a while. Pleasant visit or not, maybe it's nice to just get a face to face chat every now and then.
Someone grabs his face and slams it all the way off his chair and onto the ground. Excellent technique, if Cain wasn't in so much pain he'd tell her how happy and proud he was that her skills don't seem to have diminished.
"Where is she?" The voice growls out, with a rasp so deep not even Bruce can mimic it.
"Sternativo Drive. 12th house unless they've moved her."
The pressure on his skull eases off. David pushes himself up so that he's sitting facing her.
"I did it for you." he says. "But you already knew that."
Cass glares at him. He sees disgust and fury there, but he also sees recognition. She knows exactly what he's talking about. The fight that sent Ivy back to Arkham last time, the poisonous vines that Cass took on to save another of Bruce's pathetic inferior children, the toxin levels so high she was in a coma for a week.
If David hadn't gotten her resistance to poisons so strong as a child, she would have died. Not that Batman's ever going to thank him for that, or appreciate the masterpiece he created. No, David alone can see all that makes Cassandra wonderful. One day maybe she'll understand that he loves her and wants her to get everything she deserves. After all, Bruce just let Ivy go right back into Arkham. Not even any excessive force used to avenge the girl who was supposed to be his daughter now. Pathetic.
He waits for Cass to reply, to yell how much she hates him. As much as he did it to avenge his daughter, he did it to get her attention too. Doesn't have much else to live for nowadays.
Cassandra sees that, because of course she does. Her expression goes carefully blank, and David's heart sinks.
She turns and walks out without another word.
He sighs, leaning back against the wall. His nose is broken, blood slowly trickling down his face.
Maybe it's time to look into Blackgate's vodka smuggling options.
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fanfictasia · 2 months
Angstpril Day 24
The Ghost Of You
Spoiler: This is an excerpt from The Sith Strike Back
“Are you okay?” Ahsoka queries, crouching in front of him.
Vader blinks, the question catching him by surprise.
“You keep acting… I don’t know. Weird. And it’s weird enough I was able to beat you.”
“It has been a long time since I last saw you,” he replies quietly.
“What happened to me? After – after this?”
“I – I do not know. I found your lightsaber not long after everything fell and I knew you survived but I do not know where you went.”
“We never saw each other again?” Ahsoka asks, biting her lip. He can see the lingering anxiety there and he can sense her longing. She misses him, what he was, but that’s not who he is anymore. He can’t be her Anakin.
“Only once. It did not end well.”
“What do you mean?”
“We fought.” For a moment, he’s half expecting to see the older her instead of the young one. He wants to hear what she has to say about it, to talk to her again, but this isn’t his her. Even if this is really the ‘her’ he remembers. It feels like he’s looking at a ghost.
Ahsoka’s eyes widen, something like horror flickering through her gaze. “I – I can’t imagine that. I mean if you were a Sith – I don’t know. I can’t believe this is the future.”
He’d say that too if he hadn’t been living in it for two decades. “You had reason to be angry,” he tells her, numbly. He doesn’t know what her relationship with that other boy there was, but…
Ahsoka leans forwards unexpectedly, winding her arms around him. Vader freezes only for a moment but pulls her close. She slides half into his lap and he squeezes her a little tighter. Never wants to let go. He can’t even believe what she's doing. He doesn’t even understand why. She knows that he is. But to be fair, she doesn’t know what he’s done yet.
“I missed you,” she murmurs, into his shoulder.
“I missed you too… Snips.” He ignores the way his voice is wavering as he says it.
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delusionalblfan · 1 year
I love how often and comfortably Gun touches Tinn's face and back of the head. Like...it's just so natural. It fits so well in the scenes, and I don't even know if it's always scripted or not, but it just fits!! And it's not awkward. It has an innocence behind it because they did not kiss yet but are so used to Gun's touches. And their surprised looks when both put hands out to hold hands AT THE SAME TIME. They just looked at each other like 'oh you wanna hold hands too? 😊 same same'. They are just so... boyfriends. And I'm using boyfriend as an adjective and I don't care
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acesammy · 5 months
trying to get back into college and they're making me do the fucking drug and alcohol shit again
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draconli · 8 months
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Dragon Elves Day 24: Slime
"This is my dog, Spot. See Spot flip. Good boy!"
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Mood rolling into my 24th year of life:
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snapbackslide · 9 days
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soooo... june 25 ?
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