#10 but on the pH scale
The war was over.
The gods won against the devils and demons with humankind at their command and the Earth as their battlefield.
And now, the Demon King knelt before Ekos, the King of Gods and his champion. His armies decimated, the last devil was still defiant in the face of inevitable death. On the other hand, Ekos couldn't have been more content.
"As much as we gods have suffered the existence of demons, humans have suffered more. And so it befits that a human should slay you. Go ahead Reino, and behead the last evil that plagues your world. Make your name immortal among gods and humans alike, for you alone deserve this honour."
Reino unsheathed his sword and held it up in the sunlight, it's sheen blinding all those who looked at it. A sword strong enough to slay an immortal, infused with the power of Ekos himself. Reino looked thoughtfully at the sword, as if remembering all the struggle that he had been through and all the comrades he had lost.
Ekos and Reino approached the chained Demon King. Reino took his stance, raised his sword high and— impaled Ekos through the heart in curving swish. Ekos, blood gushing through his mouth, fell onto his knees gasping for breath. A hoarse cry of "Why?" escaped his mouth at the shock of this betrayal. No soldier at their side made a move. Only the Demon King looked about, shocked into silence. Reino pulled out the blade and stabbed it on the ground between the immortals.
"I believe I owe you an answer for what I did, King Ekos. Have you tried to feel the presence of your fellow god's yet?"
Ekos didn't speak. Only his eyes grew wider still.
"Yes, you are the last god left right now. All of the others lay slain at the hands of their champions." said Reino, palming the hilt of the blade.
"But… why?"
"Why indeed, King of Gods, why indeed. Tell me who was it that fought this war for you gods. Who were those who died like the fodder they were against the dark forces? Who worshipped you and took up your cause to fight the demons and devils in the first place? It was us men. Mankind has suffered endlessly in this eternal war of you immortals. We are tired of not being granted the safety and assurance that you gods could give but don't. We were tired of being endlessly hunted by creatures of the dark."
Reino walked over to the Demon King and resumed,
"Now, for the war to end all wars, you chose champions across the realm and bestowed half your powers to them. It didn't take long to convince them that it could all be over. You help us kill all of the demons and we end your kind."
"But we gods would have… made the Earth prosper… after it wa— it was all over…"
"You see, we humans don't live long. But our stories do. The words of those before us are passed down through generations. And all we have known is that you gods made us as your cattle. But to use us, you gave us will and intelligence. And that has been your downfall. You never would have elevated us more than what suited you and nipped all ambition to safeguard your supremacy."
"Without gods… magic will cease to be… If some hidden... evil arises... then you will… all… perish…"
"We know what evils arose in the past. Treya herself has told us that not all evils were the spawn of the Underworld. Some were unleashed by you too, Ekos." Reino said while drawing the sword from the ground.
Ekos finally fell silent, knowing this was the end.
"This sword that I hold loses its power with your lifeblood. So first, I end the last demon to ever walk Earth" said Reino, and beheaded the Demon King in one fell swoop.
"And as for you Ekos, King of Gods. Tell me, what kind of god couldn't foresee their own deaths? Or at least know what their Champions intended? You immortals may have been the most powerful beings to walk the Earth, but you are not gods as we deem you to be. Perish in peace, old man, and rest in the afterlife."
And thus, King Reino beheaded Ekos, the King of the Immortals and said:
"Come men. The war has ended. Now, we move into peace."
Wrote a couple of years ago
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fedoranon · 6 months
Scum Villain's Self Saving System (1-4): 7/10
(reminder that I rate everything 7/10 unless I DNF. don't come after me.)
This humble reader would like to sideeye the System's self-congratulatory use of the "good enough for a jerk off" tag. I was able to read this while sitting next to my mother for fuck's sake.
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eroticbellybloatfan · 2 months
Join the Fat Friend Group — Let go and feel the bliss!
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TG Gaining is social. Make your mates bigger. everyone has a better time with a good beer, a big meal, and some belly rubs. Be sure to show it all off and celebrate every curve and roll.
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ZD All preppy jock types look better with another 10 pounds. It adds confidence and you know you should be joining me. Now kneel and suck or get busy feeding me. This fat doesn't grow itself.
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AP Nobody can resist the fat. Even the smallest and thinnest can learn to develop it. And once you feel the fat, it's so easy to let go. And then it's just amazing to let the fat take over every bone!
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KG Abs are perfect building blocks for a nice big belly. See, even my athletic self can compete for a wider and wider body. The vanity comes from watching the scale rise and my smooth skin grow larger and larger. Don't worry about the pound, the fat feels like bliss!
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PH Being a loyal feeder is the best thing you can be for your friends. But you can't forget about yourself! Everyone needs you to join them eventually. It will be hard to stop and you really shouldn't deny yourself anyways, so why not give in like they did? You control the power, let it wash over you too. Join AP in how he went twink to twunk to chunk. Let yourself enjoy life with fat guy gusto.
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yourlocal-edgelord · 21 hours
Steph: Hey tim your a 10 but its on the PH scale
tim: …
Jason: I dunno if im stupid or if i have bad luck but i suctioned a bottle cap to the inside of my mouth and it wont come out :(
Jason: It hurts
Dick: 😱
Tim: Hol up
*4 minutes later*
Damian: …
Tim: Just wanted to see how long you’d wait
Tim: 4 minutes a new record 🎉🎉🎉
Jason: Im an i’d die/kill for you person stuck in a live for me world :/
Steph: idk what to say to that ngl it hits hard
Jason: Once again ur sarcasm shines through
Steph: Yo duke im so hot im the reason you’re black
Duke: …
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lazywitchling · 9 months
I really should rework my book rating scale. 'cause I rate the witch books on a scale of 1-10, except that the way I do it is more like a PH scale, with 5 being smack in the middle and meaning "nothing gained, nothing lost", 0 being "You should actively avoid this book" and 10 being "You need to read this book because it will actually improve your life".
... wait, that's not like a PH scale at all, because both 0 and 10 would be very bad for your health.
ANYWAY you know what I mean.
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noosphe-re · 2 months
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NanoCT slices of the tardigrade Hypsibius exemplaris. Anterior is left (in a-c), dorsal is up (in all images except for c). The slices have a voxel size of 270 nm (in a, c and e), and 200 nm (in b and d), respectively. a Sagittal view through the midline of the body showing the digestive tract. The transition between the midgut and hindgut is marked by the attachment sites of the Malpighian tubules. b Sagittal view through the head region showing the pharynx and the lumen of the buccal tube. c Horizontal view through the ventral body (at the level of the ganglia) showing the second and third leg pairs. The trunk ganglion in each segment lies anterior to the legs of the same segment. Notice the thick ventral longitudinal muscles. d Transverse view through the head region showing the pharynx, a large storage cell, and paired dorsoventral muscles. e Transverse view through the third trunk segment showing the large midgut and paired dorsoventral muscles. Notice how the storage cell labeled in e shows a relatively homogeneous gray value while that in d appears hollow. Abbreviations: br, brain; bt, buccal tube; cg, claw gland; cl, cloaca; es, esophagus; hg, hindgut; le1-le3, legs one to three; mg, midgut; mt, Malpighian tubules; mu, muscle; ph, pharynx; sc, storage cells; sg, salivary glands; tg1-tg2, trunk ganglia one and two. Scale bars: 20 μm (in a), 10 μm (in b and c), 5 μm (in d and e) (Gross, Vladimir & Müller, Mark & Hehn, Lorenz & Ferstl, Simone & Allner, Sebastian & Dierolf, Martin & Achterhold, Klaus & Mayer, Georg & Pfeiffer, Franz. (2019). X-ray imaging of a water bear offers a new look at tardigrade internal anatomy. 5. 10.1186/s40851-019-0130-6.)
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lordeemailarchive · 8 months
Pure Heroine turns 10
Living in Ruins of a Palace within My Dreams
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Photo by Simeon Patience
Firstly, I wanna say thank you for your extremely supportive and kind messages after my last newsletter. I genuinely feel deeply cared for, less alone, and more sure that things will be okay after sending it! Albeit with a slight overshare hangover. I think a part of me knew that I had hit a wall, and that I needed to invite in the compassion and understand I’d been struggling to generate on my own, and then I’d have something to draw from and mirror. It feels like it’s working. I feel incredibly grateful that we have this relationship, that we can each give when the other needs it. Beautiful stuff x
Now, might U have noticed it’s 2013 mode round here????????? Yes that’s right, it’s a very special anniversary… Pure Heroine is... ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。TEN ˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚ YEARS ˚༘♡ ⋆。˚ OLD ੈ✩‧₊˚ TODAY ! ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
You may (like me most of the time) hold the opinion that this album has been MYTHOLOGISED QUITE ENOUGH, but a milestone is a milestone, so I thought coming here and typing some shit to u about this time would be a fun thing for those who care.
2 xxxxtra special ltd time only commemorative designs by Hassan, who did the original of this bootleg tee 10 years ago❤️
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It’s close to midnight, and I’ve just finished scrolling through my entire computer and phone archive from 2011-2013. Going on this memory lane ride has reminded me, for one thing, what a different time it was technologically. We were just starting to be able to see ourselves in real time, but we weren’t constantly connected. I had an iPod touch until halfway through 2013, which didn’t have a front camera or internet access, and my sister and I shared a MacBook, which is where we did our schoolwork and I wrote my lyrics. I took my first few years of selfies on Photo Booth…. Just let that… sink in!!!
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Note the Royals Nat Geo pic in background— it’s happening...
When I was fourteen, my greatest work of art was my bedroom. A very cool, very classic teenage bedroom, Andie’s and Duckie’s from Pretty in Pink meets the Virgin Suicides— fairy lights, fabric on the ceiling, candles, stolen road signs (badman), paper lanterns, beer crate shelves, magazine pictures and club night posters and permanent marker on the walls. Bliss! I’d sit up there and vibe out, taking a lot of selfies. Creating a small-scale work of art using the self, and then examining the product from every angle, was the best method I had to express myself and exercise creativity at that time, and I now see it as an important PH incubation phase, whether I knew it or not. Something really amazing about a young person starting to see their own face and body for the first time, coming to a very secret understanding that they are beautiful. 
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I started to smoke weed, which gave me a deeper understanding of sensory pleasure, and allowed me to start to see my world as a possible work of art. I’d go on long walks around the neighbourhood, and began to mythologise the stuff around me (big empty floodlit rugby fields/bus rides/dark streets/boredom/isolation) into the motifs that would become Pure Heroine. I wore a lot of like, navy lipsticks from the 2 dollar shop. God, this aesthetic, It’s just TOO MUCH.
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At some point in here, I met Joel, and another piece of the puzzle clicked into place. When you’re a teenager, you’re particularly sensitive to adults being condescending to you, not respecting the specific and finely tuned skills you have because of the ones you don’t. I was always on the look out for it, and from the first day meeting Joel, I knew that he would never give me that feeling. Which I’m sure wasn’t easy — my wallet at the time was the foot of a pair of tights that I cut off and knotted at the top — but somehow from the very beginning he made me feel like my ideas had value, like we were peers, in the most sensitive and age-appropriate way. 
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My view for thousands of hours making this album
We got on a call earlier this week and broke down the complete history of making the album. We both agreed that making Pure Heroine was deeply exciting and intimate and free, and still one of our most treasured experiences. I’ve linked it here.The second half of 2013 is when I really met the world, went to America and Australia and Europe for the first time. I found an incredible (for some reason Christmas themed) disposable camera image of my stage outfits all over the floor of my hotel room, which really sums up how ad hoc everything was at the beginning — a jetlagged sixteen year old, late for lobby call and frantically stuffing thousands of dollars of borrowed clothes into a suitcase. 
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In this stage, it felt like I pulled everything off by the skin of my teeth. Every week was the most exciting week of my whole life, I was so tired and still didn’t have a winter coat and took everyone clamouring for a piece of me completely for granted. I had zero cultural context, had no idea if an interview or TV show was huge or small, and so breezed through it all truly not giving a fuck. I am not a naturally nonchalant person, it was literally just too much to care about, I could hardly get up in the morning, so I just said absolutely whatever I felt like, all kinds of wild shit, if someone did something corny I’d say so, I was ruthless in that way that only teens are. Then through that year we went on our first tours, met you guys for the first time, hours and hours of hugs after the show, my favourite part so far and where it started to feel real for me. James took a lot of beautiful film photos through that time, and I’m really grateful he did.
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Ten years goes really fast. One minute you’re wearing a leather collar with a giant crystal hanging off it to a Chanel party, and the next you’re blonde. A lot of stuff isn’t good after ten years. But I am still totally touched by this sweet record. I have deep respect for the vision of the little one making it. 
Going back through all of this has reminded me of something that feels important to point out, whether you make art or not: everything starts out as a bunch of bullshit in a laptop. Pure Heroine was a handful of Photo Booth selfies and emotional Word documents and Tumblr posts (and a gorgeous over-decorated bedroom) before it was even one song. I had no reason, on paper, to believe that I was capable of anything. But if you can trust that the first impulse you had to create came from a place of deep wisdom, develop a few principles for your decision-making, and absorb a lot of stuff you find inspiring, you’ll have something special on your hands. Pure Heroine exists because I had the tiniest inkling of what I’ve now come to see as one of my guiding principles: that each of us have a handful of songs inside us that are ours, and only ours, to sing. Your specific interests and upbringing and physiology and experiences exist only in you; you are sitting on a gold mine that no one can rob. Whatever that means to you, whatever that statement you were born to make is, I invite you to take a big breath and make it.
All my love for another ten years of all this, and more, and more—
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(source: received this email)
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freakyquill · 2 years
Kate and nerdy one liners
Kate: Yel, you know you’re obviously a 10, right?
Yelena, dropping her face in her hands: For the love of Thor not this again…
Kate, smirking: Well, if you were on a pH scale you’d be a 0… ‘Cause girl, you’re far from basic.
Yelena, leaving the room and muttering to herself: Why did I attach her to a wire? What was I thinking when I started dating her???
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fruityyamenrunner · 6 months
The very small size of bacteria and organelles raises an interesting point about scale, as species present at very low concentrations in very small regions may be represented by only a few individual atoms or molecules. For example, the cytoplasm in a bacterial cell of volume 1015 dm3 at pH 6 will contain less than 1000 ‘free’ H ions. Indeed, any element nominally present at less than 1 nmol dm3 may be completely absent in individual cases. The word ‘free’ is significant, particularly for metal ions such as Zn2 that are high in the Irving–Williams series; even a eukaryotic cell with a total Zn concentration of 0.1 mmol dm3 may contain very few uncomplexed Zn2 ions
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montaguues · 2 years
she’s a 10 but the pH scale thinks she’s basic
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bumblebeeappletree · 4 months
Lobster mushroom (hypomyces lactifluorum) is a wonderful fungi used to create various natural colors for your textile and craft projects. It brings a range of pink, peach, orange and purple to protein fibers like wool & silk. Lobster mushrooms are pH sensitive, so you can expand your natural dye palette by adding household items like vinegar and baking soda to shift the color to an acidic or alkaline bath. If you are a fungi fanatic with a love of foraging, the lobster mushroom is ready to be picked! This tutorial will show you how to make dye from this mushroom, shift colors with pH modifiers, as well as the resulting color swatch samples on wool yarn.
0:00 Introduction - Lobster mushroom
1:29 Lobster dye - IFFS 2022
2:27 Characteristics
4:31 pH sensitivity
4:50 Fiber prep
6:33 Ratios
7:16 Dye prep
8:25 Making skeins
9:49 Making dye
10:42 pH shift
13:18 Fiber results
15:39 Wrap up
17:48 Sneak peek of next tutorial
18:22 Bloopers
Lobster mushrooms
pH modifiers - lemon juice, vinegar, cream of tartar, baking soda, washing soda
pH neutral soap
Measuring spoon
Nut milk bag, cheesecloth or muslin
Pot with lid
Textile - wool yarn shown in video
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sio-writes · 1 year
A Botanist's Guide: Chapter 11
<< Chapter 10
<< Chapter 1
Tags for this chapter (spoilers ahead): This chapter is nsfw, and contains vaginal sex
The week brings zero resolution, and zero answers. The constant onslaught of nothingness and boring procedure has kept me in a state of limbo, between wanting to ask and being afraid of the answer. And in either situation, the milestone and whatever the fuck is happening with Kri, it's driving me crazy. My leg keeps bouncing up and down as my brain tries to spread out the extra energy. I keep thinking of what could go wrong-- what will go wrong-- in the days leading up to the review. 
The results from the presentation are due back any day now, and I haven't heard anything. Sometimes that's a good thing, like hearing your name called last and you win the regional award for best baking soda volcano at the science fair. But in my experience here, no news is bad news. It means they're mulling it over, that I didn't do as well as I thought I did. Maybe all those jokes and pats on the back from the board were meant to soften the blow. Maybe I celebrated too early.
Jillie's hand on my shoulder makes me jump, dropping the pH scale on the floor.
"Are you alright?" she asks, her perfect eyebrows pulled down in concern as she bends down to pick the scale up and hand it to me.
I'd been spacing out-- again. It's been happening all week, and no matter what I do, I just can't get it together. There's too many thoughts trying to take up the limited space in my brain, with so many of them revolving around the single presence in the room that I can't ignore.
Kri has returned to his auditing routine, but only shows up when it's mandatory, now once a week. The time we all spend together has been cut to a fraction of what it was, leaving just enough room for him to bicker with me over the water and nothing else.
I should be glad for it-- he's putting distance between us like I wanted, he's back to his super professional self instead of the curious, sarcastic, blindingly earnest alien I wanted to know better. But maybe it's for the best. After thinking it over, his hesitance at coming into my apartment was a refusal, no matter what cultural lens it's seen through. A rejection, clear as day. And I'm trying not to focus on it too much, I'm really not, but it's hard when the guy is sitting fifteen feet away from me.
I allow my scattered thoughts a brief reprieve, and sigh heavily before patching it over with a limp smile. "Nervous."
She pats me on the shoulder. "About what? You knocked it out of the park."
I chew on my nail because my bottom lip is bleeding from biting at it all day. I can't ask Kri, because he's not talking to me. I thought he was being professional for the presentation, but his aloofness has extended into the week. He probably wouldn't tell me anyway, but at least he'd explain why instead of looking at me like I'm a stray mark on his stupid clipboard.
Thinking about anything for too long puts me in a spiral, but I don't know any other method to deal with it other than let it play out in my brain until I have a panic attack. My thoughts, my emotions, they all feel too big for my head, and letting them overflow like a stupid baking soda volcano is what it takes to sort things out. I won't have any answers, but it would stop my leg from bouncing up and down for three hours straight.
Jillie pats my shoulder and turns back to her laptop, and I hazard a glance at Kri across the room. He's deep in something on his clipboard, but that alien-sixth sense must've kicked in because he immediately stops writing and glances up at me.
This crush hasn't gotten any better, to put it mildly. Even when he's acting like the coldest of the cold, he's still considerate. Taking time to leave quietly, never raising his voice, things that seem to be constants no matter whether he's pissed at me or not. The few times we've gotten in each other's face he still radiates warmth, he still smells like fresh water, crisp and clean. Jillie's presence is keeping me grounded, keeping me from hopping into his lap while I twirl a piece of my hair around my finger. I'd gladly suffer in silence for the rest of the year if I could have the Kri that helped me grow plants back.
Kri raises his brow at me, annoyance clear on his face. "Yes?"
Caught, my cheeks burn as I shake my head. "Nothing," and I turn back to the planters.
The relaxation celebration from last week has burnt out of my system, leaving in its place a sour, empty feeling that liquid anxiety likes to fill in.
I'm not glad for this…whatever our friendship has evolved into now. It's like the beginning all over again, like he hit the reset button on his personality and left the rest of us to figure it out. I've even been messing up on purpose. Nothing that would hurt the plants, they're delicate enough as is, but enough that would usually make him stare at me oddly, or mention I was doing it wrong, something that told me that he was paying attention and would start an argument.
Instead, he just glanced at my hands, shook his head, and noted it on his board. 
I want to tear my hair out. I know what I did wrong, inviting him to my house was a mistake, but is that really cause to shut us all out completely? He and Jillie were just getting the hang of speaking to each other, and me and my big mouth had to go and ruin it. Maybe he never changed to begin with, if his commentary on my clothing is anything to go by. To think I could have offended him that badly is a thorn in my side. That the idea of being with me made him take a look at our friendship and tear it to pieces? 
Even so, every time we make eye contact, the words are just underneath my tongue, so close I have te clench my jaw around what my heart desperately wants to scream out. A confession, loud and clear, like the movies-- "You can have me, body and soul," and then I sweep all the (very, very expensive) lab equipment off the table and strike a sexy pose that has him on his knees and everything is okay, it's all gonna work out fine. And then I get my milestone results back and the board is so impressed they decide to give me two greenhouses instead of a communal one.
Yeah, right. I'll suffer alone, thanks.
We all spend the rest of the work day in silence, the speakers from my mp3 Player useless against the litany of emotions crashing against my mind like a pissed off ocean current. But I have work to do, and I'm going to do it well. Now isn't the time to be caught up in petty disputes, no matter how important I feel they are.
A lot gets done, but I'm not satisfied as we close up the lab. In fact, I want to fall into another drink. Kri is long gone, having packed up his shit almost in a hurry before stepping out, leaving Jillie and I on our own. It's like old times, just the two of us as we wander the halls back to the cafeteria for dinner.
I grab food through sheer muscle memory-- an orange, a sandwich, some chips and a drink, knowing full well that I need to eat it, but with zero desire. My appetite is gone, my stomach is in so many knots I was lucky to get a smoothie down at lunch.
I don't say much, and Jillie seems as exhausted as I am as we find an unoccupied booth and slide in. The lack of work and distractions leaves space for my mind to wander like I'd been pushing off all day. 
I could be mad at so many things, and I feel my anger like a rolling thunderstorm as I take a pointed bite of sandwich. It's pushing past the other emotions, making itself present, unavoidable.
The sandwich is bland, and tastes like soap as I chew angrily.
What the fuck was in his audit-- I mean really, notes on my outfits? What the hell, Kri? And why is he suddenly acting like the past month hasn't happened? I know it did, and I know I fucked up, but isn't it a common courtesy to explain these things? We're both adults, I can handle rejection, but it he's going about it in such a juvenile way. I need to know, in no uncertain terms, that he wants nothing to do with me anymore. Then I can sigh, maybe cry a little, and fucking move on with my life.
I thought we had something. Clearly I was wrong, but I thought we could stay friends at the very least. That would be the adult thing to do, but he's been acting like a child. Pissing me off.
Jillie sits up suddenly, patting her pockets, and her face drops. "Oh, shit."
I'm pulled out of my whirlpool of self-pity. "What's up?"
She grimaces. "Could I ask a huge favor?"
I raise my eyebrows, indicating she should go on.
"I think I left the oxygenator on for the last planters." She grimaces, patting over her pockets again. "And my keys in the lab."
Jillie doesn't usually make mistakes like that. It must be a weird day for everyone. 
"I got it," I say, pushing away from the table, wanting to feel useful at least once today. I grab the mandarin orange from my tray and start to peel it as I head towards the door, hoping the smell will activate my stomach.
"You're the best!" Jillie says over my shoulder, and I flip her off as I walk away.
I head towards the lab, grumbling to myself the whole way. It's not a far walk, but I'm working myself into an angry tizzy by the time I slap my key card to the door and it slides open.
Yep, the oxygenator is still on. I click it off and the room falls silent
Jillie's desk is organized, which is strange, but I can't find the key in any drawer, no matter how many times I open them. I move to the countertop that lines the wall, sorting through the mess of papers, plastic pipettes and junk food wrappers. God, we need to have a cleaning day in here.
I'm sorting for another few minutes when I hear Jillie's footsteps come in behind me.
"Sorry, Jills," I start to say as I straighten, and then I stop. It's not Jillie. Kri is peering into a shelf on the opposite wall. 
I frown. "You're not Jillie."
Kri turns his head to face me, looks down at himself, then back to me. "No, I suppose I'm not."
I roll my eyes. "What're you doing here?"
"Picking up the last of my things, apparently." Kri says, his tone clipped like just talking to me is an inconvenience. "I am missing a notation board, and I believe I left it somewhere…" He trails off, switching from searching the shelf to my desk, and I'm struck by the image of our first meeting when he did the exact same thing.
"Hey--! Get out!" Jillie's keys forgotten, I stomp over and pull his arms away from the drawers. Kri doesn't budge, instead tearing himself away from my grip and walking back to the shelf he already checked. Shame burns through me, bright and heated, and I have to clamp my mouth around the words it wants to say.
"Why're you acting like this?!"
Kri sighs, weary, and folds his arms over his chest. "Professional? We are coworkers, as you say."
"This isn't professional! You're back to--" I wave my hands around as if that'll convey what I want to say. "Like when we started out." I start tossing garbage to the ground, hoping to find Jillie's stupid keys so I can leave. "Look, I know I pissed you off--"
"You've never angered me."
My hands close around Jillie's lanyard and I rip it from it's hiding place. I shake the small plastic card at him as I stomp towards the door. "Don't! Lie to me!"
"And I have never lied to you."
"Withholding the truth is still lying!!" 
"Respectfully, I think--"
"Shut up! Shut! Up! Don't you ever stop talking?!" I smash the buttons for the door--wrong code, shaky fingers-- once more, right code. The door almost opens but stops halfway before sliding back. Oh, you've got to be-- I punch the code again. "And what else have you lied to me about, huh?! What else could possibly--" The door cuts me off with a droning buzz, and a strip of lights in the ceiling go red before it shutters closed.
Well, fuck.
"No no no--" the door buzzes, shuddering as it attempts to open, fails, and falls still. I run my hands over my head and pull on the ends of my hair. "Fuck!"
I smack the "Open" button again. The door jolts, there's the sound of creaking metal, and the resounding buzz of an error message. The door flashes red, and I smack it with my open palm.
Vigorously pressing the button only loops the buzz of the error message, and I hold back a scream.
I gesture to the door. "You're strong, can't you…?"
Kri stares at me for a second, expression blank before his eyes roll dramatically. He sets his hands to the door, all four of them, and heaves his shoulders. Once, then again. The door doesn't even shudder.
I hear Jillie's voice on the other side, "Cass?"
"You were taking too long! I came to find you." and she says something else, but the door shudders again and the creaking metal drowns her out. "Sit tight, I'm gonna grab maintenance, okay?"
"Great, just fucking perfect." I start to pace the room. "Of all the people to get stuck with--!" I smack the keypad for the door again, and it responds with the same error beep. Why today? Why now? Things were just starting to flow in the lab again until--
I groan, pulling at my hair. "She set us up! Now I'm stuck in here with you! Why would she do this to me?" I groan and slap the door again. It doesn't help me feel any better and the metal hurts my hand.
Kri steps back and leans against my desk, his arms crossed tightly over his frame. He's not looking at me and-- oh, right, I told him to shut up. Just because the guy is stoic doesn't mean he's emotionless.
I self-consciously rub my arm. "Sorry, I shouldn't have told you to shut up."
Kri looks at me, his expression calculating, before he sighs. "I don't believe she acted alone."
I glare at him. "What do you mean?"
He shrugs. "I asked Ari to deliver my things to my home, they likely colluded with Dr. Masters to get us in here."
I groan. "Perfect, that's just fucking perfect. Stuck in here with you."
I feel it coming, a panic attack, like the shore emptying out before a tsunami. First the presentation, then learning I accidentally invited him into my bed, and now this? It's overwhelming, it's too much. For fucks' sake I don't ask for much, all I want is answers!
I press a hand to my tightening chest, my breathing picking up and my heart starting to race. Yep, there's the panic. 
Kri's voice is tight when he says, "You've mentioned that," before ke kicks off my desk and continues his search. Is he serious?
I plant my hands on my hips. "Why are you ignoring me?"
Kri sighs. "I am searching for my board."
"It's not in here, you idiot!"
Kri heaves a larger sigh, annoyed. "Dr. Rowland, is this really conductive to--"
"Cassie! My name is Cassie! Cassandra! Or are we not friends anymore?! Were we even friends to begin with? Or is that something else you've lied to me about?!"
We're gonna be stuck in here for a while. Maintenance is on the opposite side of the building, and they take their sweet ass time going anywhere. We could be in here for over an hour. I could be stuck with him for over an hour. I bend over, hands on my knees, and try to gulp down air.
Kri rests a hand on my shoulder, and I wrench away from him. I need something to focus on so the attack doesn't start up again.
"Look, I know I fucked up asking you into my house, but that's no reason to be a dick!"
His brow furrows, and he walks to the countertop, putting space between us. "What're you talking about?"
I take a deep breath, something to steady myself within this rising storm. The panic is ebbing, slowly but surely with each breath, but on it's heels comes a flush of embarrassment. "I know what it means, I'm not an idiot!"
He goes tense, his shoulders set back, his hands gripping the countertop behind him. "You knew?"
"Well, I didn't then! But I do now! And I'm sorry that I fucked with your delicate sensibilities! Because I know it's a fucking travesty to imagine yourself with me but that's no excuse to treat me like shit!"
"Is that what you think?" And oh, he's angry now, his voice is deep and dangerous and it's doing things to my head that I can't begin to process because I'm still set on being angry.
My panic is gone, replaced with something that burns in my chest, trying to claw its way out. "Yes! I know it! Because you don't have feelings for me the way I do!"
The world goes silent.
I didn't mean to say that, I really shouldn't have opened my mouth. My face is on fire, but I can't take it back. It's out there now, if it wasn't obvious before. My brain is screaming, my heart is pounding, the room is too warm and I feel like I'm going to throw up.
And for once Kri seems at a loss for words. Like I’ve stunned him. He's not saying anything, but I can make up for that.
“Every fucking time when--it's--“ the words catch in my throat and my voice pitches up. It feels like I'm clawing out my throat. “It's not the same, that's fine and-- I can keep going. But I thought maybe-- I thought we were okay! I thought we could at least stay friends! But if you don't feel the same you could at least tell me or--"
Kri is on me in half a second, hands on my face to keep me still as he presses our lips together, and what I meant to say instantly crumbles to dust in my mouth.
I smell rain; fresh dirt and rain, sharp and crisp. He's soft around the lips, and so warm. His hands are on my face, cupping me gently but with purpose, and I wish my hands would do something other than hover uselessly in the air because I want to grab. I want to touch. I want to sink into the comfort he's offering.
And then it's over. He pulls back, just enough to whisper against my lips, "How could I not want you?" 
My heart flutters and-- No, no, absolutely not! I'm still pissed off! He can't just kiss me and make it all better and-- He leans in and kisses me again. It's just as good as the first, if not better because it's the second time and we may even kiss a third. 
This feels like whiplash, and I should be upset at the back and forth, the push and pull of a stupid man trying to come to terms with his feelings. But right now, as his arms go around my waist, I just melt, my brain turning to mush. Because he feels the same. 
Maybe that sexy pose idea would've worked after all.
I'm the one to pull away this time, if only to catch my breath. I murmur, "You're infuriating."
Kri looks like I slapped him. "I apologize, I--"
"Shut up," I breathe, pulling his face back in and kissing him a third time. My eyes flutter shut, and Kri's hands cup my jaw. We slot together like we were made for each other. 
I'm so relieved, so glad, relaxing into his chest and winding my arms around his neck. What a way to find out the feeling was mutual. I hate that we had to be forced into this situation, but I'll let Jillie slide this time, just because I'm thankful. 
I have to pull away to breathe. The moment lapses, and I feel a twinge of hysteria bubble up in my chest. "So you're not rejecting me--?"
His responding laugh is sharp. "Never."
I tilt my head into another kiss, opening my mouth on a soft groan as Kri slips his tongue between my lips. I wrap my arms over his neck, and the plating under my hands is soft. My fingers map the edges as they overlap, memorizing the small divots of his glow-channels as they trace around his wings. I idly draw my finger over the divot and Kri shivers, his groan vibrating through his chest. The sound drips heat through my nether regions that I affect him so easily, and I want to know what else makes him shudder, what makes him moan. I wonder if he wants the same for me.
"I can't believe you," I say between one kiss and the next. "Holding out on me like this." 
Kri finally leans back, taking a moment to look over my face. "Allow me to make it up to you," he says, his thumb brushing over my cheek. His eyes are lidded, hazed over and soft. I swallow past a lump in my throat and welcome him into my mouth as he leans forward to kiss me again because neither of us can get enough of it. 
Kri leads me backwards, his tongue rubbing against mine in small thrusts as the fingers on my waist begin to poke underneath my shirt, that simple brushing of skin making my muscles jump. I have to let go of his neck to shuck my lab coat, and I step over it just as my back hits the wall. 
The cold demeanor he's been wearing all week is gone, melted away by his own warm hands cradling the back of my head so it doesn't hit the wall. The familiar, confident being with gentle touch is back, exploring under my shirt, grabbing my ass through my jeans. 
Cornered in like this, I'm acutely aware of his height, his size, blocking me in like I'm not allowed to leave. I push up onto my toes and wrap my arms around his neck, only feeling the hands on my thighs at the last second as Kri picks me up and sets me against the wall.
And oh, this is nice. I've never been picked up like this, and the position does something to my head. The height, the hands under my thighs holding me up and the gentle way they squeeze, almost as if in appreciation.
My legs go around his waist, the shift making me taller than Kri, so he pushes up into the kiss, his tongue running sensually along mine before he pulls away. He presses his lips to my neck, parting for that hot tongue against my skin, and I gasp against it, arousal pooling between my legs.
My jeans are too tight, my t-shirt too hot. So I pull my arms back and throw my shirt to the floor, my bra quick behind it. I expect the air to be cold, it always is, it's why I wear long jeans in the lab even through summer, but Kri radiates warmth. 
"There's a perfectly good countertop over there," I say between kisses, gesturing with a hand to the general idea of the countertop.
"But I am right here. And," his wings flutter, and he presses his face into my neck. "I confess this has been a prevalent fantasy of mine."
My eyebrows shoot up in pleasant surprise. "Oh," I say, and a smile, unbidden, finds its way across my face. "Was this fantasy also inside the lab?"
Another wing flutter, then, "If you would prefer that I--"
"No no, this is good. This is…" His teeth bite into my shoulder, and I inhale sharply. "This is perfect."
Curious hands sneak up my shirt, pushing it up around my waist, and my clothes are too scratchy, too restricting. The urge to strip, to be bare and feel Kri against my naked skin, it moves behind my ribcage like a snake, has me arching into him so my sensitive nipples brush his soft matte plating. The hard line of his cock, covered in plating at the moment, brushes the bottom of my thigh. His tongue swipes along the skin over my collarbone, the combined sensations pulling a small sound of pleasure from me and making my arms go right back around his neck.
The hot point of his long tongue over my skin makes me break out in goosebumps as he tastes me. He moves down, over my breasts, pulling a nipple into his mouth with a sensual lick over the tip that has my toes curling in my boots.
He focuses his mouth on the one, teasing the other with a small, tortuous movements of his fingers, pulling sound after sound from me like he's playing an instrument. I forget if ento are into oral at all, but by god do I want to find out.
I'm dizzy with arousal as he licks into my mouth again. Kri kisses me like he can't get enough, like I'm going to disappear if his lips stop touching mine. It's hypnotic, I've never felt this intoxicated by one person.
He pulls away to rest his forehead against mine. "Can I fuck you?"
I did not expect him to ask so directly, and I did not expect to find it so hot. I squeak instead of responding, and he chuckles, the sound low and erotic. 
The fingers digging into my ass squeeze. "Please," he murmurs into my skin, his breath huffing onto my chest. 
I clench my fingers and clear my throat to find my voice. If I was turned on before, I'm soaked now. 
"That--that sounds great." Not the sexiest response in the world, but fuck it, if it gets Kri inside me I'll say what I have to.
He starts to work open my jeans, pulling them down over my hips and taking my underwear with them. He makes to set me down, but the idea of being completely naked in my own laboratory is too much. Too intimate with the alien in front of me, at least right now. So I squeeze my legs around his waist and he takes the hint, hoisting me back up, keeping my jeans mid-way down my thighs. 
My anxiety creeps in, here to ruin the mood. "What if they fix the door?" 
Kri nips at my skin. "We'd better hurry up then," and he sounds far too confident, too level-headed for how taken apart I feel. 
One of his hands moves off my body, reaching below and inwards towards his pelvis. Something shifts with a wet noise, like lube out of a bottle, and Kri sighs out, resting his weight into me. 
I try to lean over, just to see what I'm working with, but as steady as Kri's hands are keeping me, I don't trust myself not to overcorrect and bust my ass on the tile. The scientific portion of my brain wants to see, to examine and study. We got a brief overview of ento anatomy before landing, but that was three years ago. Besides, each human dick is slightly different, the same should apply for ento dick. And I really, really want to see Kri's. 
But the crotch of my jeans are in the way, and Kri's fingers tweaking my nipple are distracting, and I'm more turned on than I have been in years-- including when I was with Stephen. So looking can wait. 
I pull Kri in by the neck, burying my face in the slope where it meets his shoulder, and holding tight. The heat simmering beneath my skin has turned into a broil. I need to forget about everything else, I need to focus on what's here and now. I need him. 
Kri adjusts himself beneath me, shifting my hips in his grasp, and-- I feel his cock at my entrance. It's hot, hotter than the rest of him, and slick as he drags it up to my throbbing clit, although that slickness may just be me. 
That slight brush over my clit sends a jolt of sensation up my spine, and I want him to do it again, over and over. But he runs it down the center again, positioning his cock head-- if he has one-- at my core, and knocks his head against my temple. 
"Tell me if it is too much." 
My mouth opens on a cheeky retort, but it's ripped away when he pushes in, instead coming out as a moan, open-mouthed against his plating, my fingers digging in as I feel ridges and a distinct curvature that pushes deliciously along my walls. He's big, no surprise there, but I wasn't prepared for how full it would make me feel, how as his hips sit against my ass, I feel like I'm being split open. 
Kri sighs out next to my ear as he bottoms out, and I crook my elbow to wrap a hand around his head. "You okay over there?" 
"I'm not going to last," he replies, sounding absolutely wrecked. Even as he takes another breath, his cock twitches inside me, sending a spiraling heat through my abdomen. 
Still, I pat his head, placating. "Quit showing off and fuck me."
He doesn't argue, instead taking another steadying breath before he pulls out almost completely and thrusts back in, starting with a slow pace that helps me adjust to the sheer size of him. It starts as a stretch, which turns into a burn, which dissolves into a bone-deep ache for more, which Kri happily obliges by canting his hips forward and pressing me into the wall.
My soft, feminine panting turns into open-mouthed moans as the curved end of his cock brushes my G-spot on every thrust, making me dizzy with arousal and my clit ache to be touched. I don't care how I sound, I don't care if the whole building can hear me, I only need Kri to know how good he's making me feel.
One of Kri's hands wraps around my jaw, his fingers splaying over my hair as he presses his lips to my neck and licks a slow line up to my ear. The other hand travels-- teasing my hardened nipples, walking over my stomach and thighs, not trying to evoke any response, but feeling just because he can. He squeezes my waist when I moan his name, responding with an equally wrecked sound and slamming me down onto his hard cock.
"I'm very close," Kri breathes into my shoulder. "Do you want me to--"
"No," I shake my head and press a heated kiss to his temple, locking my legs around his waist. "Please, stay."
He moans a short sound into my shoulder, the hands on my ass squeezing as his wings flutter over my feet. "Whatever you want."
I'm lost to the sensations, lost within Kri. My spine goes taut and my toes curl inward, I'm so close to coming from this alone, and I want to stop just to draw it all out and do it again. This feels like finding a puzzle piece I didn't know I was missing. Something has slotted in my brain that I didn't realize was off-kilter. Not the sex alone, but the validation. That Kri wanted me as much as I wanted him.
His cock hits a spot inside me that makes my vision white out, and I'm pushed over the edge. My muscles go rigid and I clamp my arms around his head and I think I gasp out his name as I come hard. The world goes silent as I'm flooded by sensation, blossoming out from my spine to the tips of my toes.
As I come down, there's hands petting my hair, over my face, the outsides of my thighs. Kri is mumbling, not in English or even Universal, but in his native tongue. It's a watery, flowing language, interspersed with chirps and rolling R's that sound like he's purring. I don't know what he's saying, but the attention warms my heart.
His hips have stilled, and there's a liquid warmth drawing a line down the cleft of my ass. He must've come right after me, and my chest tightens at the idea that we came together. I've always been a sap for that kind of thing, it feels like an emotional connection.
Kri's hands wind around my middle, up my back to cradle my head as he catches his breath.
My mind is in similar tatters, I'm running on pure instinct, and right now I want to kiss him. So I tap his head with one hand. "Up."
He tilts his head back far enough to give me a perplexed expression, and I take a second to drink in his face. There's no hair to be messed up, but there's little signs. His lips are swollen and parted as he stares at me, his gaze is lidded as it lazily searches my face. The expression behind his black eyes is heated, not the fiery passion of a few moments ago, but a subdued, long-lasting heat that tells me he's not done with me.
I lean forward and capture his lips in my own, and he accommodates me easily. We make no moves to separate from each other, and I like it that way. Kri slips out of me, and I realize too late that he's tucking himself away before I had a chance to see anything, but I can blame it on his very distracting lips against mine. 
Carefully, he lowers me to the floor. My legs are unsteady, but he keeps me pressed against the wall for balance. He helps me back into my jeans, hands careful and even working to rebutton them, all the while not detaching from my lips. I adjust my underwear until it's comfortable, flinching at the wetness trying to escape and tagging this pair of panties as a lost cause. That's okay, I decide
I could do this forever, I could kiss him for another hour and not get tired. But I'm starting to feel the cold of the lab seep into my skin, making me shiver even with his warm body pressed into mine.
I smile against his mouth and pull back, my smile turning to a grin when he chases after me. 
"Come on, I have to put my clothes back on," I say as he starts on my neck. I give him a weak shove that only spurs him on. 
"No you don't," he grumbles. "You humans and your clothing. All it does is get in the way." 
"Think about it this way, you can tear it off." Kri backs off, his expression falling, then rolling through several other emotions as he thinks through the concept. The final wide-eyed, very interested stare he lands on makes me snort into laughter.
I pick up my bra off the floor and pull it on, laughing again at how Kri scuttles behind me to see how the clasps work. 
"So your grand plan to ignore your feelings," I say. "What was it?"
Kri scoffs as he hands me my shirt. "It was rather stupid."
I grab my labcoat, throwing it on before I step to the center countertop and hop onto the ledge, kicking my feet. "Tell me so I can laugh at you."
He sighs, grabbing my hands and interlacing our fingers. "I believed we were getting too…familiar."
I purse my lips. "And you didn't think to let me know instead of just doing a one-eighty?" 
"I was thinking with my emotions, not my head."
"Yeah, well, you're an idiot."
He smirks, pressing a quick kiss to my knuckles. "I am." Another kiss. Kri's eyes scan my face, and he looks wholly content. He cups my cheek with one hand. "Is it crossing a line to tell you I have dreamt of this?"
"Sap," I say, hiding my grin in the collar of my labcoat. "How, uh…How does it compare?" 
Kri gives me a curious look, scanning my face, then gives me a half-smile while tracing a finger down my arm. "My raw data is inconclusive. I require a larger sample size." 
I bat his hand away. "Oh my god." 
"But," he adds, kissing me gently, but still containing enough heat to short circuit my brain. "As far as first impressions go, my imagination has some catching up to do."
I smile at his words, wanting to tuck my face into my coat again. It may just be the post-sex haze talking, but Kri makes me feel so cherished. I could lose hours under his attention. Even outside of sex, he makes me feel special, and a small, quiet part of my brain is telling me that's how Stephen acted too, but I'm too content, too mushy to worry about it right now.
A yawn creeps it's way through me, and I fall against Kri's chest. I hear his heart beating, slow and steady, and when he hums it travels down his chest and into my head.
"Tired?" he asks, running a hand over my hair.
"Don't get smug about it," I grumble, half of my face pressed into his plating.
"Come," he says, gathering me in his arms and lifting me off the counter. My arms go around him immediately, and he sits us both down on the ground. 
Shifting so I'm laying down, I rest my head on his thigh, and his two left arms fall over me, one stroking my shoulder, the other on my waist. It's slow enough, warm enough, that I'm lulled by it, and I yawn again.
"Wake me up in like, ten minutes," I mumble, my eyes already starting to fall shut.
"Of course," Kri says above me, and his voice is the last thing I hear before the world fades to black.
Chapter 12 >>
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michael-svetbird · 1 year
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• VILLA DEI MISTERI  |  Villa of the Mysteries: "The painted frieze, which can be dated to between 70 and 60 BC. is characterized by the representation of large scale mythological figures." [txt ©PAP] Room 5, Main Wall Painting [side-walls are on the way] Villa of the Mysteries, Pompei Scavi, Pompeii, Regio VI http://pompeiisites.org/en/archaeological-site/villa-of-the-mysteries 70-60 BC.
    Parco Archeologico di Pompei | PAP http://pompeiisites.org/en FB: https://www.facebook.com/pompeiiparcoarcheologico IG: @ pompeii_parco_archeologico TW: @ pompeii_sites
    • Pic 2: - A Maenad, who animated the processions of Dionysus, recoils in fear. - Paniskoi, mythological figures who lived in the woods, suckle a kid and play music.
  • Pic 3: - The preparation of a ritual meal for the deity [3 female figs]. - Silenus playing the lyre.
   • Pic 4: - The reading the liturgy of the ritual [3 figs w/ a boy]. - A pregnant young woman offers sacred cakes.
    • Pics 1 and 5: - General views of the scene [Main wall, Room 5].
    PAP | Michael Svetbird phs©msp | 10-11|2022 6200X4100 600 [I.- III. & V.] [no commercial use | sorry for the watermarks]
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random-bakwaas · 12 days
"you're a 10... on the ph scale" yeah well you're a 14 on the ph scale, cause you're the 1 4 me 🥰 and you're FUCKING BASIC
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sunfish-exotics · 1 year
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Hi there! My name is Morgan, I’m a 31 year old reptile breeder, artist, and weird animal enthusiast from North Carolina! I’ve been keeping reptiles seriously since 2009 and have been producing them on the small scale since 2015. My tumblr blog is very casual and I love interacting with followers! Don’t be afraid to reach out! This is gonna be a long post but it will answer a lot of questions and should be helpful!
Contact Info: Email - [email protected] Discord - sunfish-exotics#2698 You can also get in touch with me through any of the following
My website is - www.sunfishexotics.com (although it needs A LOT of reworking! It’s on the to do list, I promise!)
You can also find me on:
Morph Market
Happy Dragons
I am going to put the rest of this post below a cut but it does have very important info about my art, my projects, and my expo schedule so please click through!
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These are the places you can find and order my artwork! If you see my art for sale elsewhere it is NOT being legally sold- please send me a message so I can deal with that if you see any of my pics out in the wild! I take commissions for a variety of art (digital and traditional) and also occasionally take on commercial work for other reptile businesses. If you’re interested in my art shoot me an email!
Etsy - Toadshade Terrarium This is my main hub for custom orders as well as handmade goods!
TeePublic (new and under construction!)
RainbowMealworms is a partner and is permitted to sell my “Pastel Bearded Dragon” sticker.
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REPTICON - https://repticon.com/
July 8 & 9, 2023
October 14 & 15, 2023
December 9 & 10, 2023  
August 12 & 13, 2023
November 25 & 26, 2023
THE AQUATIC EXPO - https://www.theaquaticexpo.com/
June 10 & 11, 2023
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I currently work with and produce the following species:
Leopard Geckos
Western Hognoses
Northern Mexican Pinesnakes
In the past I have also bred Cornsnakes and Leonis Kingsnakes.
I am raising up the following species with the intent to breed eventually!
Pituophis lineaticollis lineaticollis
Cape Gopher Snakes (Pituophis vertibralis vertibralis)
Tropical Yellow-Red Ratsnakes (Pseudelaphe flavirufa flavirufa)
2023 Planned Pairings
I do not keep a wait-list currently, if you are interested in any of the following pairings keep an eye on my MM and HappyDragons pages!
Western Hognose:
Howlite X Garnet - Snow X Extreme Red het Albino
Howlite X Shale - Snow X Axanthic het Albino
Gabbro X Amethyst - Super Arctic X Purple Line Arctic Anaconda het Sable 50% PH Albino
Citrine X Splendid - Extreme Red Albinoconda X Albinoconda
Leopard Gecko:
Ocean X Periwinkle - Gem Snow Bold Bandit PH Tremper Albino, Eclipse X Lavender Jungle Bold NKH
Northern Mexican Pinesnake (Pituophis deppei jani)
Snapdragon X Marigold (Yellow Wildtype X Tri-Colored Wildtype)
Snapdragon X Dahlia (Yellow Wildtype X Orange Wildtype)
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wearebackbagels · 1 month
Spies/assasins au
(The cathegories are loosely based on the one used in Traveller combined with some categories from DnD, here is the link if you want to have the explanations for each category https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attribute_(role-playing_games)  it could be good for some of these tbf)
( The scale used for rating is like the pH-scale, to get out of the 1-10 shit, which means 7 is neutral, anything higher than 7 is above the norm, anything less is lower than the norm, all ratings start out on 7 and can deviate from that. )
#001 [ Zirnheld, Andre ] Sniper- ’elite’, trained combat assassin.
Mentionable skills/specialities incl: wetjobs, infiltration, impeccable aim. 
(Ratings are based on results from tests made during recrution aswell as observations made within the last six(6)+ months)  
Strength x/14 [^]____7 ____
Dexterity x/14  [^] ____8____
Endurance x/14[^]____7____
Intelligence x/14 [^]____8____
Wisdom/experience x/14 [^]____9_/_7____
Education x/14 [^]____7____
Charisma/social standing x/14 [^]____7_/_7____
Notes: (good at keeping it silent and fast).
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#003 [ Sadler, Mike ] Field ag, wheel artist, weapons/explosives specialist.
Mentionable skills/specialities incl: photographic memory, good orientetion ability, can drive any vehicle there is.
 (Ratings are based on results from tests made during recrution aswell as observations made within the last six(6)+ months) 
Strength x/14 [^]____7____
Endurance x/14 [^]_____6____
Dexterity x/14 [^]___9___
Intelligence x/14 [^] ___11___
Wisdom/experience x/14 [^] ___10_/_11___
Education x/14 [^]____-____
Charisma/ social standing x/14 [^]___7_/ _9____
Notes: (agent does not have a drivings licence).
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 [ Berge, Georges ] Cobbler, interrogator.
Mentionable skills/specialities incl: -
(Following ratings are based on results from tests made during recrution aswell as observations made within the last six(6)+ months):
Strength x/14 [^]____{8}____
Dexterity x/14 [^]____{7}____
Endurance x/14 [^]____{7}___
Intelligence x/14 [^]____8____
Wisdom/experience x/14 [^]____-_/_-____
Education x/14 [^]____10____
Charisma/ social standing x/14 [^] ____10_/_12____
Notes: -
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 [ Mansour, Eve ] Intelligence officer, case officer, grifter, field agent {former}
Mentionable skills/specialities incl: persuation, recruition of agents.
 (Ratings are based on results from tests made during recrution aswell as observations made within the last six(6)+ months)
Strength x/14 [^]____{6}____
Endurance x/14 [^]____{6}____
Dexterity x/14 [^]____{8}_____
Intelligence x/14 [^]____13____
Wisdom/ experience x/14 [^]____12_/_11____
Education x/14 [^]____10____
Charisma/social standing x/14 [^]____12_/_10____
Notes: (always assume agent is one step ahead of you)
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[ Stirling, David ] Case officer, agent handler, interrogator, field agent {former}
Mentionable skills/specialities incl: 
(Ratings are based on results from tests made during recrution aswell as observations made within the last six(6)+ months)
Strength x/14 [^]____{7}____
Endurance x/14 [^]____{8}____
Dexterity x/14 [^]____{6}____
Intelligence x/14 [^]____9____
Wisdom/ experience x/14 [^]____9_/_10____
Education x/14 [^]____5____
Charisma/ social standing x/14 [^]____13_/_11____
Notes: (not good at interrogation)
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#006 [ Essner, Walter ]  Field ag, raven and infiltrator. 
Mentionalbe skills/specialities incl: multilingualism, honeypots.
(Ratings are based on results from tests made during recrution aswell as observations made within the last six(6)+ months)
Strength x/14 [^]____4____
Endurance x/14 [^]____5___
Dexterity x/14 [^]____9____
Intelligence x/14 [^] _____9____
Wisdom/ experience x/14 [^]____8_/_12____
Education x/14 [^]____-____
Charisma/social standing x/14 [^]____4_/_5___
Notes: (can talk dirty in 4 different languages)
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#002 [ Riley, Patrick “Pat” ] Field ag, undercover agent and disguise coordinator {occasional}
Mentionable skills/specialities incl: kidnapping, break ins, sewing.
(Results from recrution) (ratings are based on results from tests made during recrution aswell as observations made within the last six(6)+ months)
Strength x/14 [^]____10____
Endurance x/14 [^]____10____
Dexterity x/14 [^]____7____
Intelligence x/14 [^]____7____
Wisdom/ experience x/14 [^]____7_/_9____
Education x/14 [^]____7____
Charisma/ social standing x/14 [^]____7_/_10____
Notes: (won’t bail you out)
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[ Jordan, Augustin ]  Cryptologist, handler, interrogator and field agent/assassin {former}
Mentionable skills/specialities incl: decryption, encryption.
(Ratings are based on results from tests made during recrution aswell as observations made within the last six(6)+ months)
Strength x/14 [^]____{7}____
Endurance x/14 [^]____{6}____
Dexterity x/14 [^]____{8}____
Intelligence x/14 [^]____10____
Wisdom/experience x/14 [^]____8_/_8____
Education x/14 [^]____8____
Charisma/social standing x/14 [^]____13_/_12____
Notes: (keep agent away from weaponary at all times) (caution: agent uses unorthodox methods of interrogation)
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[ Lewes, Jock ]  Scientific intelligence providor, weapons coordinator, inventor of arms. 
Mentionable skills/specialities incl: explosives, very creative ways of solving problems.
(Ratings are based on results from tests made during recrution aswell as observations made within the last six(6)+ months)
Strength x/14 [^]____{5}____
Endurance x/14 [^]____{8}____
Dexterity x/14 [^]____{4}_____
Intelligence x/14 [^]____14____
Wisdom/experience x/14 [^]____7_/_{7}____
Education x/14 [^]____12____
Charisma/social standing x/14 [^]____9_/_12____
Notes: the following can not be stressed enough: agent is not allowed access to ANY chemical compounds whatsoever. (If agent offers medical attention, refuse, agent is not a trained medic and does not know the difference between a broken arm and a dislocated shoulder)
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007 [ Mayne, Robert “Paddy”] Field ag, hard man, sniper, 
Mentionable skills/specialities incl: bang-and burn operations, assassinations, could kill you with a butterknife, works well under pressure, creative.
(Ratings are based on results from tests made during recrution aswell as observations made within the last six(6)+ months)
Strength x/14 [^]____11____
Endurance x/14 [^]____10____
Dexterity x/14 [^]____9____
Intelligence x/14 [^]____10____
Wisdom/experience x/14 [^]____~9_/_10____
Education x/14 [^]____-____
Charisma/social standing x/14 [^]____7_/_~12____
Notes. Difficult to work with ( is fucking crazy)
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008 [ Seekings, Reginald ] Field ag, special operations agent.
Mentionable skills/specialities incl: hand to hand combat, wetjobs, break ins, good with people.
(Ratings are based on results from tests made during recrution aswell as observations made within the last six(6)+ months)
Strength x/14 [^]____13____
Endurance x/14 [^]____12____
Dexterity x/14 [^]____9____
Intelligence x/14 [^]____7____
Wisdom/experience x/14 [^]____6_/_9____
Education x/14 [^]____6___
Charisma/social standing x/14 [^]____~6_/_10____
Notes: (WILL throw hands if deemed necessary, which agent often does)
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[ Fraser, William “Bill” ]  Tech operations officer, surveillance specialist.
Specialities incl: jailbreak, ciphers.
(Ratings are based on results from tests made during recrution aswell as observations made within the last six(6)+ months)
Strength x/14 [^]____{5}____
Endurance x/14 [^]____{4}____
Dexterity x/14 [^]____{5}____
Intelligence x/14 [^]____12____
Wisdom/experience x/14 [^]____-_/_-____
Education x/14 [^]____-____
Charisma/social standing x/14 [^]____6_/_8____
Notes: (agent most likely has your IP-address as you read this, change all passwords on all platforms you use as soon as possible)
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004 [ Bruckner, Herbert ] Field ag, mole, infiltrator, double agent. 
Mentionable skills/specialities incl: impersonation, manipulation, clandestine operations.
(Ratings are based on results from tests made during recrution aswell as observations made within the last six(6)+ months)
Strength x/14 [^]____8____
Endurance x/14 [^]____7____
Dexterity x/14 [^]____7____
Intelligence x/14 [^]____12____
Wisdom/experience x/14 [^]____10_/_11____
Education x/14 [^]____-____
Charisma/social standing x/14 [^]____4_/_4____
Notes: (untrustworthy) (keep any unnecessary information away from agent)
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[ Kershaw, David “Dave”] Surveillance and data analyst.
Mentionable skills/specialities incl: code breaking, ciphers.
(Ratings are based on results from tests made during recrution aswell as observations made within the last six(6)+ months)
Strength x/14 [^]____6____
Endurance x/14 [^]____7____
Dexterity x/14 [^]____6____
Intelligence x/14 [^]_____8_____
Wisdom/experience x/14 [^]_____-_/_7____
Education x/14 [^]____6____
Charisma/ social standing x/14 [^]____7_/_7____
Notes: (smokes good pot)( works well with agent Fraser)
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005 [ Cooper, John “Johnny” ]  Field ag, raven, plant, undercover agent.
Mentionable skills/specialities: Infiltration, honeypots {occasional}, undercover jobs.
(Ratings are based on results from tests made during recrution aswell as observations made within the last six(6)+ months)
Strength x/14 [^]____6____
Endurance x/14 [^]____6____
Dexterity x/14 [^]____7____
Intelligence x/14 [^]____9____
Wisdom/experience x/14 [^]____8_/_10____
Education x/14 [^]____10____
Charisma/social standing x/14 [^]____4_/_10____
Notes: (can sharm his way into the pants of anyone)
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[ McGonigal, Eoin]  Handler, instructor and trainer of recruits, field agent {former}
Mentionable skills/specialities incl: lvl 8 aim, good with people.
(Ratings are based on results from tests made during recrution aswell as observations made within the last six(6)+ months)
Strength x/14 [^]____7____
 Endurance x/14 [^]____7____
Dexterity x/14 [^]____8____
Intelligence x/14 [^]____10____
Wisdom/experience x/14 [^]____12_/_12____
Education x/14 [^]____11____
Charisma/social standing x/14 [^]____7_/_13____
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Actors and media.
Tom Hygreck --- Veni Vidi Vici (2017)
Tom Glynn-Carney --- Stilts (2019)
Virgile Bramly --- Kill Skills (2016)
Sofia Boutella --- Hotel Artemis (2018)
Connor Swindells --- VS (2018)
Paul Boche ---()
Jacob Ifan --- Bang (2017 -)
César Domboy --- The Walk (2015)
Alfie Allen --- John Wick (2014)
Jack O’Connell --- ‘71 (2014)
Theo Barklem-Biggs --- (?)
Stuart Campbell --- Clique (2018)
Moritz Jahn ---()
Bobby Schoefield --- Locked Down (2021)
Jacob McCarthy --- The Last Summer (2019)
Dónal Finn ---()
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