#(cue to angel saying “can i say i told you so?” (they never told her so)
weñl since I'm new to the AU and already ate every post.... Could you drop some lore of The Prototype and his link to the toys? (especially with Catnap seeing as how he recently calls him "dad" but I wonder how before he allowed Theo to consider him a God and worship him)
For my AU, the Prototype was originally Elliot Ludwig himself. He had an adopted daughter and lost her due to an illness, and then had the brilliant idea to start dubiously ethical experiments in order to bring her back. He eventually volunteered himself to be the first human to become a toy, only to realize, far too late, that without him in charge mr. Harley "what is ethics if not another rule to break in the name of SCIENCE" Sawyer would go "what if i broke every single rule Elliot ever imposed on me". Also I have adopted @lassieposting's hc about Elliot being a military veteran, which is important for this because now this man feels like he, once again, is seeing a tragedy that should have never existed at ALL.
Prototype took care of little Theo/Catnap as if he were his own son (also taken from lassieposting because good headcanons are GOOD headcanons), and after the Hour of Joy and him realizing that the toys can't go outside without risking even more death and people hunting them, he taught Catnap how to hunt. After he learned how to look after himself Catnap became more independent, and Theo was always a kind of religious boy, and that combined with him seeing Prototype as a hero made him undergo the biggest catholic moment in the history of Playtime Co.
Prototype doesn't like being called a god, but Catnap doing that did help him impose more rules on the toys ("don't go outside so humans won't find us and capture us again", "don't torture each other even if you are really hungry", "if you see a human kill it and give it to me so we can all have food"). Unfortunately their distance grew as time went on, and Prototype just. Never actually tried doing anything to stop Catnap from being like That. Again, it was helping him, and he sees Catnap as the child he failed to protect, and he just never knew how to address the elephant in the room. This entire situation was 100% Prototype's fault for not attempting to sit down with Catnap and tell him to cut it off.
Prototype has a trillion communication issues, honestly. For this AU he helped deliver Poppy's call for help to the Player/Angel, not that she knew that, because he decided that everyone had enough. He wanted someone to save the toys, even if by "saving" it meant "killing them off", because Prototype figured it was better than being alive in that nightmare.
And then Angel saved Huggy, throwing Prototype's whole plan away.
And then Bunzo, the mini huggies, PJ Pug-a-Pillar, and then Mommy Long Legs, and then Miss Delight and Dogday, and then Catnap, even when the big feline begged Prototype to end his suffering. The Angel took care of all of them. They never dared leave anyone behind.
Prototype changed his plan for it to just be for him to die, because he caused everyone to become a toy. He deserved that fate more than anyone, at least in his eyes.
And then Angel convinced him to live. The deal they made was for Prototype to help them take care of everyone and stop anyone from ever find all the documentation about how the experiments were done, and only just enough info for the humans outside to know the toys are alive and were previously innocent children. After Angel finds a bigger house, Catnap convinces Prototype to come in with them, and he reluctantly agrees.
It'll be really funny when Angel realizes Poppy was Elliot's daughter, because our favorite porcelain doll does NOT know Elliot is the Prototype. Actually, NO ONE knows that, not even Catnap himself. When Angel finds out they DEMAND Prototype to talk to Poppy because what the HECK, you already failed to communicate with one kid and now you fail to communicate with ANOTHER?
Anyways, family drama aside, Angel and Prototype unironically make a very good parent duo. Prototype knows how the toys work, while Angel knows how to be gentle and assuring. They teach the other a lot about what to do, but the majority of the toys are too afraid to talk with Prototype to learn that he's Father Material If You Ignore The Communication Issues. Catnap can confirm!
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wisteriaiswriting · 4 months
Can you do an autistic trans(if you do that) male reader who doesn’t really get social cues but is overall pretty quiet and reserved with the people from the Hazbin hotel?
𝕊𝕚𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝔹𝕦𝕥 𝔽𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕝𝕪
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Words: 1111
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He will be unaware at first, so his first impression about you is not good. Thinks you’re being rude on purpose, but when he finds out that's not the case he’ll feel slightly bad.
For his assumptions he’ll subtly apologize by dropping presents in your room (Unnamed of course.) and lending you a helping hand.
If you two become close he will take you to his tailor to get matching suits, different colours obviously, can’t have you taking his signature colour now, can we?
For the first few days you’ve been at the hotel Alastor has been weirdly stand offish. Others didn’t mind, often glad he’s staying away rather than closer. But you wanted to know why, so you asked Charlie.
Who asked Alastor, to which he gracefully answered.
“Well, I don’t enjoy seeing terrible manners around the hotel, surely you don’t either?” At his words the reason for avoidance clicked in her head.
“Why didn't you say so? Well knowing you, you wouldn’t… But Y/N isn’t that good with social cues, so he doesn’t mean any of, whatever he’s been doing.”
“Oh…” At her words he left the room, finding you. “Well hello my Handsome fellow,”
“Hi?” After his most recent actions you didn’t expect him to just waltz up to you.
“Unfortunately someone has ruined my suit,” Correct, a good chunk was missing. “And hopefully you would accompany me?”
“Sure, I guess?”
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She's unsurprisingly similar when it comes to social cues.
When it comes to you being autistic or trans she won’t notice, that’ll be the last thing she knows.
You two can not be left alone, someone will need to supervise you both.
It has been barely a week since you fell into hell and it’s been terrible. There were too many things happen that you could say or even recall, so today was meant to be relaxing. Or at least somewhat close, until someone pulled you around.
They were your only friend here, so of course you had to follow. After a few hours walking around you found you both in front of a hotel, one called the ‘Hazbin hotel.’ Excitedly knocking at the door while you watched.
Within seconds the door swung open revealing an excited blonde.
“Oh my, hi!” Pulling you both in as she spoke, which allowed you to see other people hanging around. “I’m Charlie, and welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!”
“Told ya you’d like it here.”
You were both aware nothing was said beforehand but you didn’t confront them. Seemed like the others knew something was up, so they had Charlie pull you away.
“Since you're new, how about a private tour of the Hazbin Hotel?”
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Compared to the other hotel residents your quietness is a surprise, but a welcome one at that.
If you ask or signal at all to her she’ll be at your side to subtly help you with social cues and anything else needed.
Especially if you’re new (Also if not) she’ll help you get masculine clothing, although she might have to get others help as she isn’t the most masculine either.
Charlie had just brought you to the hotel in a… not so good condition. She wasn’t sure what you went through to look like that but she knew you needed some help, and she was going to help where she could.
“Alastor, I need your help”
“You know the newbie, I have to get him some clothes. Problem is I have no clue where to go.” At her words his smile increases slightly.
“I could help, for a price…”
While she wanted to help she wouldn’t risk anything with Alastor, maybe Angel would be better.
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𝔸𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕝 𝔻𝕦𝕤𝕥:
He’s seen some shit during his time down in hell, so your actions and attitude isn’t seen as weird to him.
To a degree he’ll take advantage of you. Never anything you wouldn’t want, but to keep him safe from Vaggie or Alastor.
But only he can do it, if anyone else even tries he’ll be there to protect you.
“Vaggie, why would I do that?”
“Oh I don’t know, maybe you–”
“Doesn’t matter, I would never when Y/N is with me!”
At his words Vaggie looked down at you, finding you wrapped in Angels pairs of arms. You had a few blooming bruises around your face but otherwise seemed alright.
“Just… Don’t do it again, I don’t want to see Y/N or Charlie get mad at you.”
“Really, Y/N mad at me? Never!” One pair of hands had come up to cup your cheeks, able to leave multiple kisses. Causing Vaggie to leave quickly.
“Now, let me take care of those bruises.”
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𝕊𝕚𝕣 ℙ𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤:
He’s been thrown into the same boat as you, has absolutely no understanding of social cues.
If anything the eggs make it worse, as they are somehow worse than sir pentious.
He has accidentally hurt the both of you at once somehow, no one is sure how that happened.
The streets didn’t seem too busy, which was weird for hell. But it might’ve been the fact you and Sir Pentious just weren’t aware of them walking. His tail was swaying dangerously behind him, knocking over any people.
During this his eggs were scattered around the both of you. Some stayed behind, in between and some strayed next to you. Which caused an even bigger barrier to form, now people had to step off the path.
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When he first meets you he won’t really care, he’s had worst people hang around.
If he’s being honest he understands and gets social cues, but majority of the time he just doesn’t care about them.
Even then he knows with your lack of awareness you’re likely to get into some unwanted trouble, so he hangs around a lot more.
Husk never had the heart to blame you for any trouble, he knew you never meant it. So tonight he accompanied you to a nearby bar, intending for at least a semi-nice night out. But of course someone had to ruin it.
A drunk demon decided he wanted to bother you for the night, ignoring Husk the whole time. But over time his anger rose, you weren’t even looking at him and you didn’t seem interested.
In which you weren’t, but he seemed so incessant that you spoke, even if you didn’t. His attitude quickly became clear very quickly, except you didn’t notice. As he reached for you Husk was quicker, sending a card flying into his head.
That caused everyone to start their own fights. Which gave you two the chance to leave, with minimal injuries of course. Taking the chance you both ran out, luckily no one else was waiting outside.
“We’re going back.”
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hotchfiles · 3 months
↪ day four. sympathy for the devil — #marchhotchness — NSFW ; MDNI!
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ❝ [last true mouthpiece] ❞
pairing: virgin!aaron hotchner x virgin!reader. summary:  "i would battle all nine circles of hell to feel like that again." content warnings: major catholic church disrespect going on. some making out. m! receiving oral. MDNI! word count: 1.3k
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      God was supposedly pure, free of all sin, free of everything evil that scattered the earth. Free of carnal desires. Free of hypocrisy. 
      Church was supposed to be the place to be blessed with His kindness, His love, His overpowering goodness. For Aaron it was just another place to be a Hotchner.
      Not Aaron, not Hotch, a Hotchner.
      It was a place to be proper, to look attentive, to have his fingers pass through the beads of his rosary as if it really meant something to him or to most of the people sitting there. 
      It’s his first summer back home after he was unwillingly sent to boarding school.
      If there’s a place he wish he wasn’t forced to be, it would be the place where everyone swore to be good, as good as God, but weren’t.
      There’s at least three woman exchanging glances with his father, his baby brother is sleeping peacefully on his baby carrier, thanks to the nanny as their mother didn’t look at him for one second since they entered church, her eyes going from her friends to the priest only, making notes of what the ladies were wearing, how their kids were behaving. Nothing good came out of his family. 
      Not even him, he had his knuckles hidden under white bandage, band-aid on his chin. The signs of his rebellion clear, still his mother would tell the neighbors how sports were tricky for clumsy Aaron. 
      The only thing close to the pureness and kindness of a God inside that luxurious place was you.
      The warm smile you gave him, the way your fingers brushed his skin to ask what happened to him. The way your voice said his name sounded like an angel. It made him believe in angels. 
      But the way you made him feel at times was pure sin. If you were an angel, you were a fallen one, beautiful, good, kind… sinful. Aligned with the devil and its desires.
      But if it meant being able to be closer to you, Aaron would knee down and pray to God, or to Satan, or to any deity that could make it happen. He would believe anything your lips told him to. 
      He would sin in your behalf as you were the only true God he could believe, that’s why when you left your seat during Sunday mass to get water, he followed you, captured by the way your hips moved, it had been six months since the last time you two spoke, the flirtatious looks and words leading to nothing of substance. 
      “Boarding school not treating you well?” You ask him teasingly, but he can see the worry in your eyes as you touch his chin. He winces at the touch, but holds your wrist before you can move. 
      “Their therapist say I need to learn how to manage my rage.” You chuckle, you’ve never seen him angry, not at you or with you, he was always the softest, most polite boy, the most beautiful soul you’ve ever met. He was bigger than church, his presence made you feel surrounded by good. It’s a shame he doesn’t feel that way about himself. 
      You look around, knowing the cues by heart, most people have their eyes closed to pray, and you pull him by his hand quickly, knowing where the altar boys would change, he knew it as well, having been one for years as a child. You locked the two of you inside, breath heavy as you did so. 
      At this point the only thing that has ever happened between you two was lingering hugs, suggestive conversations and a quick kiss during spin the bottle. You wanted more of him, you wanted to make him feel good. 
      Brushing your lips against his chin, you pinned him to the nearest wall, taking his hurt hand and placing soft kisses against the bandage as well, the way he left soft sighs at your touch made you feel invincible, still, you stop yourself for a minute, looking at him for approval, Aaron slips his hand behind your neck and pulls you closer for a kiss years in the making, as hungry and needy as you. 
      You’re both desperate to feel each other, to feel something real when you’ve been raised in a community where nothing was, his lips are chapped against your strawberry tasting soft ones, his hands are rough and on your waist under your shirt and he smiles at the thought of you having to fight off not wearing a dress to mass. 
      Aaron’s cheeks flush at how aroused he’s feeling, ashamed to be feeling like that in a place of adoration of everything non carnal, he feels sinful, but the way your body is glued to his, hardening his cock even more, makes him forget about it as he moans into your mouth.
      His belt is unbuckled with ease by your hands, but he stops you before you can do anything else. 
      “Wh–What are you doing?” Making out, having someone straddle him, feeling the friction over his clothed crotch–that's the most he had done with someone until now, and there you were with your godly eyes, your red bitten lips and your hands about to make him sin even more. 
      “I–I want to make you feel good.” You don’t have much experience either, but still before he can protest to anything you shove your hand into his pants and boxers, feeling him fill your hand and twitch at your touch. 
      He nods in a frenzy, helping you by pulling his bottom clothes down to his thighs as you lower yourself, taking him in your mouth delicately at first, feeling the different taste in your tongue as you bobbed your head slowly, your hand holding his cock at the base. 
      Touching your cheek with one of his hands to catch your attention, he gets you to glue your eyes to his instantly, your mouth still at work as you did so, his other hand guides yours, telling you to move it along with your mouth, showing you what felt good to him. 
      Aaron can faintly hear the priest citing scripture, telling children to respect their parents in the Lord, and he almost feels bad for what he’s letting you do to him, but your mouth may be the closest he has felt to the divine and if God has a problem with that than maybe he wasn’t worth praying to. 
      The confidence he gets from the lust in your eyes leads his hand to your hair, pushing you and softly, to the best of his ability, holding you down, it’s clear he doesn’t want to hurt you but he can feel his orgasm building up, he knows it well from the nights jerking off in his bedroom to the image of you, before he can warn you between the moaning mess he is trying to bite inside his lips, you feel his cock twitching inside your mouth, the warmth of his cum filling your mouth. 
      You swallow it down in a reflex, the hollowing motion of your cheeks making him whine. You only let him go when he pulls you up by your hair, and it’s your turn to moan. 
      His lips and yours feel like two magnets, glued together as soon as you balance yourself, sharing with him his own taste, his tongue meddling with yours made you tingle. 
      “I just got us both a free ride to hell, right?” You laugh into his lips and he nods, dropping your arms only to pull his pants up. 
      “I think I would battle all nine circles of hell to feel like that again.” His citation of Dante’s Inferno feels silly along with his teenage hormones filled attempt to flirt, you don’t mind it, his brain was the second most attractive thing about him after all, losing only to the eyes that didn’t leave you as you both got out, again taking advantage of a prayer to get back to your seats. 
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remember-the-fanfics · 2 months
Belated April Fool's! Had this thought on the first but was at work so enjoy it now!
If GenZ!Overlord!Reader went to Heaven instead of hell
I lost any kind of format along the way, tell me if you find it, I would like it back.
• You appeared at the Golden/Pearly gates in a panic confused state, yelling as soon as you saw the person watching over the gate.
• Scaring Saint Peter which made him yell and then you both were yelling
"Why are you screaming?!"
"Because you were screaming!"
"Well I'm sorry for screaming! Where am I?!
• Saint Peter told you this was Heaven and ask for your name, after giving it he confirmed you were ment to be here.
• Asking him how you died because it was a blur to remember
• Telling you only the Seraphim would know and that you would get some of it back when you adjust to being a Winner.
• Cue you walking off to find a Seraphim before he finished and Peter quickly following you because you have no idea where you were going.
• Quickly running into Emily talking to some winners, seeing you with Peter went to greet you.
• Seeing you were young, more young than most Winners when they appear, most usually have mid 20's to mid 40's age look.
• Asking her if she would know how you died.
• Emily telling you that Sera would know being the High Seraphim.
"Why is her name is just a part of Seraphim?"
• Emily lead you and Peter to Sera's office.
• Sera confused on why would Emily and Peter bring a new winner to her.
• Asking your question again, Sera repeated Peter saying you'll remember in time.
"I wasn't alone before I died! I just want to know if-."
"You're sibling is alive, you made quite sure of that."
"Oh thank God... Wait can I say that here?"
• You left with Peter for him to show you to where you would stay in Heaven.
• You quickly became friends with Emily, getting to know most of the winners and angels that go to her.
• Emily enjoyed having someone younger than her to hang out with, well technically physically she's older than most of the winners but mentally she's older than you.
• She even showed you how to fly with your new wings with minor issues.
• You had barely any control to begin with so when you got high enough your wings decided to forget how to fly.
• Ending with you crashing on the ground or into people.
• One time you crashed into a window of Sera's office, one of your few injuries in Heaven.
"(Y/n)! You need to be more careful of yourself." Said Sera, quickly coming over to you. "Are you alright?"
"Oh shoot, I'm sorry!" You said getting off the ground trying to shake off shards of glass. "I told Emily that I shouldn't fly in the area yet.." You quickly noticed you had cuts, that were bleeding gold.
"You're injured, let's me see it." Said Sera before hovering her hand over you, with a subtle light, she had quickly healed your injuries. "There, you should be healed now."
You looked up at her with awe in your eyes.
"You can do magic?!"
• Quickly asking her if you could do magic
• Saying that you could probably do small amount like the rest of the winners to help with day to day.
• Emily came in and you rushed to her with a new found interest and Emily was quickly on border to help you learn
• Almost leaving Sera alone to clean up the mess you made before making your way back but she ushered you and Emily away saying she could handle it.
• Quickly your lessons with Emily turned into flying and magic lessons with the help of other winners.
• Finally getting the hag of flying, you flew through what magic that you could be taught from the winners.
• After finding an injured Angel that you never before with what hopefully not blood on them (you didn't ask)
• She did not want to be seen by any of the winner when you appeared out of nowhere.
• You were young for even a winner, she noticed quickly, wondering why a child was bothering her.
• Asking if her wing was alright, it looked like it went though hell.
• Saying yes before hissing in pain when you faintly touched it
"If you thought it was injured why would you touch it?!
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you!"
• Quickly shutting up when in a flash of light of your own, healed her wing.
• Still apologizing to her and introducing yourself.
• She introduced her self as Vaggie, saying she was apart of Heaven's Army.
• You obviously questioned why Heaven had an army since it's Heaven.
• Vaggie said it was for incase anything happened, explaining her injury as training gone wrong.
• You believed her, not knowing what day it was and where she was just before.
• You told her to be more careful and if she ever want, you could meet up again.
• After giving her where to usually find you during the day, leaving to find Emily to tell her.
• Emily was with Sera for the day, so you found both of them.
• Explaining what had happen to the two of them.
"You must be alot strong than most Winners, (Y/n)." Said Emily, looking to Sera for information.
"Yes, usually only Angel could heal or do any decent amount of magic, I'll have to see about." Said Sera. "Why don't you two go celebrate (Y/n)'s magic with some ice cream? I'll look into this."
• Sera quickly got into contact with the winner turned archangel, Adam, about meeting with you.
• Telling to not be to inappropriate around you nor tell you anything that he shouldn't.
• He said he would try atleast.
• You meet Adam and Lute at a train area that you never seen before because usally winner dont come over here
• Neither of the two was expecting someone so young so Adam didn't think you were actually (Y/n).
• After realizing who you were, instantly trys to get you make a holy beam of light to shot something because he's never really met someone who died and was possibly almost as powerful as he is.
• He's still number one
• After demonstrated what he ment, you did it on a less large scale because damn Adam just about destroyed a whole chunk of the ground.
"Well Danger tits, I don't think we're dealing with a winner anymore. They're fucking archangel like me!" Said Adam watching you do some minor things he showed you.
"Do you think Sera would let them know or join us, sir?" Asked Lute.
"Ha fuck no." Said Adam laughing, "If you haven't noticed they close with Emily and they're a kid."
"The file that Sera sent over is that they died just after they turned 18." Said Lute. "...Protecting their brother, sir." Adam stiffened at the mentioned of it.
"Of course... the old man does like doing shit in mysterious ways." Said Adam, noticing (Y/n) was talking to another recruit.
"Hey Vauh-gie!" He yelled across the area before heading towards the two.
"Adam, sir." Said Vaggie, (Y/n) noticing the way Adam said Vaggies name.
"Why you over here talking to the recruit kid?" Asked Adam, using (Y/n) as something to lean on.
"Just catching up, she was wondering why I was here." Said (Y/n).
• Lute quickly got Vaggie to leave you and Adam some inane task while you told Adam he said Vaggie's name wrong.
• He told you he knew her name and he was correct but you defend her saying it's her name, she decided how it pronounced.
• You soon had weekly training with Adam and sometimes Lute, who wanted you to have some fighting skill.
• But Lute quickly found out that you wouldn't fight unless absolutely needed to
• Having a way with words you could talk down any arguments that the exorcists had when they would have solved it in a fight
• Lute would rather have them brawl than listen to another conversation about talking about your feelings.
• You quickly became a favorite among most of the exorcist, being around Adam and Lute most times.
• The two treated you like a kid most of the time when you weren't training.
• Adam saw the betterment of Humanity in you, reminding him of what his first two sons could have been like
• Being the opposite of what happened to Able and Cain does that.
• Lute saw you as reason to keep Heaven safe
• Not wanting you to ever actually use your training to protect yourself
• Because why would you? You're in Heaven, nothing can hurt you, right?
• You would show Emily what you could do after every training session.
• You learned how to make non-dangerous fireworks to help Emily bring joy to the winners.
• Sera would tell you that God had chosen you to be an archangel, that would usally come with a job but you were to young for any of it so she let you help with Emily job.
• You were a chaotic force of good to excit people, telling them new kind of jokes.
• Emily had to stop you from making to many dark humor jokes, everyday.
• Some Winners would ask if something was still a thing and you had no idea what they were talking about Like 'Wat?'
• Then them explaining what it was and purpose.
• You would never have to take a history class again with how much people talk about the past to you.
• Winners would forget that you are too young for something.
"You had to use a brick as phone?"
• Having friends with most angels and winners was nice, you were just as popular as Emily these days.
• Then Adam and Lute came back from what they told you was a training expedition that they do yearly.
• With Vaggies halo (they disposed of her wings, to graphic for you to see.)
• Lute and Adam explained that Vaggie had died in an accident after betraying Heaven.
"Oh... I thought Angels couldn't die?" You muttered, trying to wipe the tears from your eyes.
"She stopped being Protected by... the holy light when she betrayed us." Said Lute, trying to come up with an excuse.
"Don't think sweat about it, kid. You still have these two badasses here to keep you safe." Said Adam.
"I didn't think I could lose anyone here.
• The two tried to comfort you, never seeing you cry before.
• In their own messed up way.
• Cursing vaggie in vain in their heads.
• They hung around you the next few days, keeping you company while you mourn your friend.
• Emily would bring you snacks to try and cheer you up.
• Sera sent a letter saying that she wished you well and take the time you need.
• The next few year went in a blur, everyday was the same.
• Helping Emily with the winner, train with Adam and Lute, chat with Sera every few days, and having lunch with Saint Peter.
• You never would have guess that time worked differently than on earth.
• Definitely not expecting your younger brother showing up one day, being older than you.
• Finding you with Emily, the same age you were that day.
"(Y/n)?" He said looking right at you, you looked confused for a second before realizing who he was.
"Frederick? Freddy? What are you doing here?! You should be alive!" You said before rushing for a bone crushing hug.
"I died at 87, I'm guess time works differently up here." He said, "I knew you would be up here, I lived a good life and done good things just for the possibility to see you again."
"I missed you! Let me tell you everything!" You said,
• Introducing Emily to your brother and telling her you need to catch up.
• She excitedly ushered you away saying she can handle things.
• Emily told Sera after the day was done
• Frederick answered all your questions and you answered his.
"So am I your older brother now?"
"Not a chance. You're still my little brother, just not quite that little anymore."
• Introducing him to everyone, not taking an issue when Sera wanted to meet him alone.
• Sera wanted to see if he had any magical prowess like you did.
• He had more than a normal winner but not enough to be in the class of Archangel like you and Adam.
"Would you do anything to protect (Y/n)? They are quite naiveté when it comes to certain things, being so young when they died. You're older and wiser than them now."
• Sera gaslighting
• Frederick questioned where it was going and had to swear not to tell a soul about what Sera was about to say.
• He was surprised when told than Heaven sent angel down to hell to kill sinners.
• Sera telling him that she didn't tell (Y/n) about this because of their age and unwilling to hurt people without reason.
• But he had time and age to come to term that somethings need to happen for the greater good.
• So he joined in with Adam and Lute, training for the extermination day.
• Telling you that he wanted to train his magic as well with them.
• Adam meeting the last peice of the puzzle of your death, who you died protecting, your own brother.
• Adam got along with him well enough, being a bad influence on him.
• Lute trained him on fighting, going hard to make sure he could protect Heaven and you.
• Probably had a version of out of love, the toxic version.
• After another portion of time, Emily told you that the princess of hell was coming for a meeting to talk about the redemption of sinners souls.
• You were excited about the concept, seeing potential about it.
• Youre brother didn't think so, telling you that they were in Hell for a reason.
• Sera didn't want Emily or you to meet anyone coming from Hell but the two of you convinced her.
• Meeting up with the group after they got past the gate.
• Seeing Charlie and someone who looked very familiar
• Clapping after Peter and Emily's song.
"Good job Em and Pete!" You said cheering the two.
"So um who are exactly?" Asked Charlie, exited to meet another angel.
"Oh I'm (Y/n), I help Emily to keep the Winners happy. I'm an winner turned Archangel like old man Adam." Introducing yourself to the two.
"You're friends with Adam?!" Said Charlie, not expecting Adam to actually have friends.
"Yep, trained me. He's been training my brother now of days, Freddy."
• She wasn't expecting you to be siblings with one of the main antagonist from her meeting with Adam.
• Frederick kept shutting her idea down and trashed talked her along with Lute.
• You were the exact opposite of your brother.
• When Adam, Lute, and your brother saw you with Charlie and Vaggie showing them around with Emily and Sera.
• They were pissed, Lute had to stop both from trying to fight them in the open.
"They don't need to be influenced by a hellspawn."
• When Adam and Lute went to bothered Vaggie, Frederick went to you to the Zoo.
• Keeping an eye on Charlie and making side japs at her until you intervened.
"Dude if you're gonna be a butt to her then leave."
• He quickly stopped making fun of Charlie, just stared at her from your side.
• With Lute and Adam, they questioned if you realized who Vaggie was.
• With a no, they said how unimportant she must have been.
• In the court room, you stood next Adam.
• Pointing out hole in his responses.
• After believing that this Angel Dust should be here, you questioned with Emily.
• With the big extermination day reveal, you and Emily were shocked.
• "Neither of you knew?"
• That what Adam and Lute does once every year, and now with your brother
"I just want to protect you, this is for the great good, you will not get hurt for me again."
"I don't need to be protected! There's no good in any of this, you hurt me doing so."
• Then the whole Vaggie reveal, you were pissed at Adam and Lute.
"You said she died! You hurt her and left her there to do so! You let me mourn when she was alive!"
"Kid, listen she didn't do what was needed so we didn't need her anymore! She defied the order and must of paid the price."
"There would be nothing to pay if you didn't murder anyone! She spared a kid, younger than I, and you said she defied the order? There is no order to this!"
• Then you were arguing with everyone you trusted but Emily.
• Sera dismissing the court saying no soul in Hell could be saved.
• Then Adams threat to Charlie's hotel, portaling the two back.
• You decided that you weren't gonna sit here safe while they fright for their soul
• You weren't a kid like Heaven treated you.
• So you jumped in after them to fight against everyone you knew.
Just some facts between hell and Heaven Genz!Reader
• When in hell you had to learn to be grown up quickly, while Heaven kept treating you as a kid.
• Frederick wouldn't be an antagonist in the hell version because he wouldn't have a reason to be
• I was gonna write about your older sibling but I'm tried, I've been working on this for a week+
• The end is up to fate, do you fight Heaven and get stuck in hell or does your old friends and family drag you back?
• Most youngs souls that died get reborn but there are some cases that slip though so they would be stuck where ever they got sent.
• Heaven you is less chaotic and speak your mind because it's Heaven,
Okay love yall I'm gonna go look at other fanfics
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turvi · 1 year
Helloooooooo! I saw your clingy Severus fic, and absolutely loved it so muchhhhhhh!
If possible, could I request something a bit like the opposite? I would love to see Severus with an s/o who’s BEYOND cuddly, and will kind of just find him between classes (or whenever they can rlly) and just cling to him like a needy cat XD.
They won’t do it if he’s not comfy with it, but I could also see Sev melting if s/o would just cuddle up to him even if people are around lol
Ahh, thank you so much for this request. I am glad you loved the fic. I hope you enjoy it.
Severus was returning back to his office for the lunch break. The students make way for the potions master. His ominous presence scares all the living souls present in Hogwarts. All except one.
His wife.
She waits in his office preparing tea for him. As soon as he enters his office the smell of cinnamon and tea fills his senses. He never liked the strong smell of spices. But he never even told his wife either. He wondered why. He would always look for opportunities to ridicule or critique people. But he could never do that to his Y/n.
His sweet Y/n. She is an angel really. But Godric it feels like she keeps making an excuse just to cling to him. But he doesn't hate it. No. Even though he doesn't show it he accepts the warmth Y/n has for him. He has been cold and lonely without her.
She feels like the spring that comes after a harsh cold. The kind of spring that mother earth celebrates. The kind of spring that brings out life.
As if on cue Y/n turns back and smiles brightly at his sight. He thinks she might be the only one who is this happy to see him. And he is thankful. And as expected before Severus could even greet her she took him in her arms.
Even after being together for Godric knows how long (because it feels like he has known her for his whole life), his heart still flutters when she holds him like this. He can only pat her back. And she gets it. It's his way of saying he loves her. He loves how she gets he is still not used to this type of affection.
As she busies herself in making tea for him again he remembers how she had unexpectedly shown up in his life. So full of love and life. He previously hated how bright she is. How she could find the good in the bad. Heck, she found something great in him hence she decided to spend her life with him.
He remembers how he would be annoyed at how clingy she is. How he would grumble and groan when she would hug him tightly. How he would frown and tell her she is constricting his breathing. But he wouldn't admit how he would look up at his office door every time it would open, expecting her. How it would break his heart to find it was someone else and not her. When she got sick and had taken leave for a few days..he missed the feeling..he craved it. How when he finally saw her he had to control himself from taking her into his arms then and there.
Like usual she put his tea on the coffee table and took a seat right beside him, nuzzling her nose in his neck. He shivered when he felt her breath against his skin and surprisingly his hands as if they had their own mind dragged her closer to him.
He didn't even pay attention to the tea sitting on his coffee table despite its strong smell. His onyx eyes focused on her. The sunlight seemed to have been glowing brighter as it hit her skin. He was almost afraid to touch her even though he had ravished her last night. He was afraid his touch would ruin something so beautiful like her.
He looked into her eyes. They always looked soft and kind. His touch is featherlight on her cheeks. She leaned into his touch even though it was light. His heart raced as she leaned into him, her eyes asking for permission.
He knew he couldn't love her anymore. His eyes teared up watching her still being respectful of his boundaries as if he will say no and she will still love him as much as she did on the day she met him.
He met her halfway and kissed her passionately. Y/n was surprised when she felt his arms tightening around her waist. She smiled at him as they broke from their kiss. He was slowly but surely accepting the kind of love she had for him.
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akanesheep · 1 year
What pet would they give MC:
Lucifer wouldn’t just gift them a pet, but that pet requires the ability of homing and caring. He would gift them an aviary. Attached to this aviary would be a large enclosed area with a pair of peacocks. He selected them personally, ensuring that not only were they physically beautiful, but also that their personalities meshed well together. After all, he wants to ensure that this gift, as all other gifts he gives you, are as perfect as possible.
Mammon would pick a pair of his young crows and assign them to you. As they are his familiars, he can keep a watch on you no matter where you are. Crows are also resourceful and able to work out how to live no matter where they are… they do like to stay in the aviary a lot, but most often they stay in the tree within your room.
Levi know without being told that a snake is a bad idea, look what happened with Henry 1.0… so he will get you a goldfish also. And if you want, he would get you an aquarium set up for your room.
‘What? You want Lily to be in the same tank as Henry??’
Cue happy Levi noises.
Many an evening are spent watching the two goldfish swim happily together as you hold hands and cuddle.
Come on… do I even need to say it?
You open the box to find an adorably fluffy silver furred kitten inside with a green collar. A small heart tag hangs from her neck.
‘Diana’ you read and then giggle softly. ‘You remembered?’
You had told him about your favorite show to watch as a child, which had started as a manga. He read them all with you when he managed to get a full set for your birthday.
‘Of course I did… when the owner of the cat cafe told me he had a surprise litter he offered me first choice. When I saw her I knew.’
I mean, it could have been a unicorn, technically, but unicorns are for war. (Guy Kay fans ftw) Satan wants no part of you near a battlefield, so he hasn’t even allowed you to see his own unicorn.
Asmodeus, Beel, & Belphie:
Ok, you guys don’t hate me… but these three just aren’t animal people. Like they don’t hate animals at all… but they’re the least able to truly care for animals.
For Asmo, his priorities just aren’t there. And that’s ok. He knows his limits and is responsible enough to stay in them. He’s ok with other people’s pets as long as they stay off of him. He puts a lot into every aspect of his appearance and doesn’t want to give that up. (No hate at all for him. He know what he does and doesn’t want, and not everyone wants a pet). If you asked him for a pet, he would get you one, but he has no self-interest.
Also, his ‘animal’ is a scorpion, which horrifies him, he wouldn’t give one as a pet.
For Beel, he loves animals, especially dogs… but also has a tendency to eat animals if he goes on a rampage…he would never want to put you in a situation where he would accidentally hurt your pet.
His ‘animal’ being a fly isn’t really the kind of pet anyone wants…
For Belphie: I mean, while he’d love to get you a cow to rampage through the HoL gardens and piss Lucifer off, the truth is, he just isn’t willing/able to put that kind of effort into a pet. Instead, he’ll get you a cow plushie.
Our sweet demon would get you a phoenix. He finds them absolutely fascinating, and you remind him of one, the way you always rise through any troubles in your wake.
(Dragons are not pets, but they will befriend you)
He has enough on his plate without adding another pet. He’ll just assign you a Little D to take care of whatever you need while he is away.
Simeon & Luke:
This angel would gift you a pair of white doves.
They don’t get along with Mammon’s crows, so don’t let them in the aviary at the same time! Luckily they tend to avoid each other. That said, these doves are super sweet, just like the angels who gave them to you
No. Keep this man away from the pets. His penchant for experimenting on others is already problematic at best. Lucifer banned him from the aviary after he turned one of the peacocks into an owl and turned a crow into a mouse… it got really crazy for a few minutes.
This man is the pet, good luck us.
Hope you liked it, I wanted to keep this one light hearted.
I’m thinking of doing some more song vids, let me know what you think?
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inezdeortiz · 4 months
AU: Crossover
Characters:Alastor, Raiden Mei and Bronya(mentioned), Niffty is sort of part of this, the rest of the Hazbin Hotel cast are also part of this.
OS/HCS/IMG:Half OS half HCs
This fic I made is a crossover between the Honkaiverse and the Hazbin Hotel! Honkai beasts will still be called Honkai(Houkai), but in Hell Herrschers are called Monarchs, since the word 'Herrscher' has a lot of meaning like ruler, monarchs, law maker, but since Herrschers are much more powerful like a God they'll be stronger than our beloved Radio Demon sadly, Valkyries are still called Valkyries. Our beloved Raiden Mei and Bronya are mentioned in this fic!
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Herrscher of Flamescion!
Alastor was intrigued by your intense flames cause they were hotter and in a unusual color which is blue
Fire is always orange or red right? So then why is it blue in someway?
He soon finds out that the blue flame that you harness is hotter than the flames of Hell
You explained your story to Alastor, beginning to the part where you wanted to be the strongest Valkyrie, then which then twisted to you turning into the well feared Herrscher of the Void
Then it all comes down to finding out the past of the Herrscher inside you, then finally learning that all the beauty of the world can and will be protected
Niffty is fascinated by your kindness, bravery, and how much you love the world
You always talk about Bronya and Mei to Angel and Charlie!
You always brag that Mei's cooking is the best in the world and how Bronya always and still bullies you when it comes to things and still calling you 'Idiotka'
Sometimes Alastor can't help but worry when you fight dangerously with those flames, you always have to reassure him that the flames does nothing to you!
Charlie or Alastor has to hold Niffty back when you're fighting since you fight with fire and Niffty thinks it's hot enough to burn an whole entire building.
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Herrscher of Finality!
Ever since you became the Herrscher of Finality and Mei the Herrscher of Origin, then Bronya the Herrscher of Truth
you have been on the moon since then
Of course you visited your old friends before going to the Moon
Everyone in the hotel was surprised to see you in a new look and new profound power!
Lucifer was though a bit confused about who you are since he never met you cause you were usually out defeating Honkai, or just out somewhere making sure that the Honkai doesn't make any destruction as possible.
Lucifer was a bit overwhelmed as well as Alastor too, you were the Herrscher of Finality and the somewhat Cocoon of Finality making you more powerful than him and Alastor combined
Charlie gave you and bone-crushing hug which you retracted back but Vaggie had to pull her back since she thought you couldn't breathe to her hug—
Angel was complimenting your new look and how much you have grown too!
Back then you were just a naïve teen who knew nothing about the world but now look who you are now! You grew and became mature as you grew
Rosie loved chatting with you when you visited the Cannibal Town with Alastor
After all the reunion and stuff, it all came down to you telling them that you have to go to the Moon, to be able to neutralize the Honkai and they'll be safe from them from now on
Cue to Charlie and Niffty hogging on you with tears and saying that you did so much to them.
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"I think it's time I announce this before I disappear again.."
You looked at Charlie, then Vaggie, then the rest, and then at the demon you saw as a brother...Alastor as much as you wanted to stay here but you had no choice but to stay alone once again at the Moon, You already told Mei and Bronya in advance.
You took a deep inhale and a deep exhale, finally letting the words come out of your mouth.
"I'm going to the Moon, the real Moon. . .I had no choice but to accept what I came into ever since I became Herrscher of Finality well, some situations has choices but that was my only choice, I can neutralize the Honkai"
Everyone looked at you in disbelief including Alastor despite his smile but the statics around him and the twitch of his ear already made it obvious that he was in disbelief.
Charlie started sobbing and she lounged at you hugging you tightly as if you will disappear if she lets go.
"Can't you just stay here? sob..all the memories we made in here sob in the hotel.."
Vaggie grabbed her and let her sob on her chest, Angel and Niffty walked up to you with tears in their eyes.
"Well, I'll miss my partner-in-pranks..sniff stay safe okay?"
"Promise we'll be able to talk?"
"Niffty stop being stupid, there's no way to be able to communicate with her through space."
You laughed at Niffty's puppy eye, as she cried.
You took out a odd looking device that was in oval shaped with the pattern of the Cocoon of Finality in it.
The device had mostly white in it but with some purple and pink in the middle with a hologram in the middle of that pattern.
"Here, a device where you can talk to me anything after all I'll be bored in space!"
You gave them the device that you took out, and taught Angel how to call her.
"Just press this and. . .bam! You can call me! and I'll be able to respond! I'm thankful for Aunt Theresa's advanced technology devices to hand them to me!"
A door suddenly appears behind you, the door had the pattern of the Moon and the Cocoon.
You looked over your shoulder to see the door waiting to be opened which meant that your time is now up.
"Seems like this is see you later. .if you need me just call me alright!"
You waved as you walked towards the door but before you could touch the door knob, a keychain that included Charlie, Vaggie, Niffty, Husk, Angel, Sir Pentious, Alastor, and finally Lucifer himself.
You turned around to see who did it and you glanced at Alastor's way as he pointed at the keychain signing that he made it, and finally wave just like everyone else.
"Don't worry, I'll come and visit once in a while."
You finally opened the door and entered the space, the door disappeaing behind you.
You looked ahead of you the Cocoon of Finality was there, moving from time to time you stared at the keychain that was in your hand, you smiled and sighed.
Everyone was finally safe at last from the threat of Honkai, and Valkyries can now rest and live the peaceful life they wished ever since they started fighting for the sake of the world.
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I loved making this! and also the reason why I made this platonic cause of Alastor's sexuality as I said, I want to respect his sexuality and everything about him, I hope you understand the reason why I made this platonic. Let me know if you want part two where Reader comes back in Hell!
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Could you do all the greasers and a f!greaser whose neruodivergent? (More so autism but it’s the 60s and no one knows anything then) They know that’s the reason most people don’t hang with her, because she’s not the best at convo and eye contact, but they like her cause she’s cool? Also TwoBit takes her on a few dates
Ponyboy Curtis
-tbh the least bothered
-I think he’s the most likely to see through the bullshit of other people’s stupidity
-genuinely sees you as human
-doesn’t mind whenever you stim
-honestly I hc that he stims himself
-I feel like he’s a bit on the spectrum (I do headcanon him as that)
-he doesn’t like loud noises and if you have sensitivity he’d go somewhere quiet with you to calm down
-also if you have a special subject and go into depth explaining it to him
-he’d love it
-finds it fascinating and learns more about it just to chat with you about it
-yall are in you’re own world and the gang is just like 🤷‍♀️👍
Johnny Cade
-I feel like he’d be a bit unsure of you at first
-but he gets struggling with eye contact and people
-he would just sit there with you while you snapped your fingers or something (that’s how I stim 🤷‍♀️)
-he’d listen to the rhythm and just vibe tbh
-he thinks you’re pretty cool and if anyone has shit to say he’s tellin them tf off
Sodapop Curtis
-so sweet
-I don’t think he’d judge you in the first place
-I think he ships you and two bit a lot
-If you struggle with anything he would help you
-like explaining stuff
-also helps you a lot with social cues
-he’s super supportive though
-he literally thinks you’re an angel sent down to like, tame two bit
Darry Curtis
-he’s the most likely to try and research
-like learn more about you and certain things
-and when he can’t find anything he wants to try to conduct research
-but he quickly learns about you not liking certain textures, sounds, your trouble with social cues
-and I feel like he would try to understand understand on some level
-the last person who made fun of you got punched by him
-he is really good at giving compressed hugs
-also learns wether you like tighter or looser hugs
-n asks before he hugs you
Dally Winston
-ignorant little shit
-I’m sorry he’d be mean at first because he’s an ignorant little shit
-probably made some rude and hurtful jokes
-and you told him straight up “Stop. You’re being a dick and you don’t even know me.”
-and he was kinda like 🤯
-he played it off as like yeah whatever but
- rest of the gang was irritated with him
-so he stopped making jokes and actually learned you were pretty cool
-he listens to your special subject rants
-and if anyone has shit to say about you they can expect Dallas Winston on their doorstep
Two bit Mathews
-ok but he’s so supportive
-I feel like he made friendly jokes at you, but not quite offensive like dallys
-match made in heaven tbh
-you guys balance each other out
-he probably has shoplifted headphones for you (not noise canceling because it’s the 60s)
-but it was the least he could do
-so in love he actually thinks about your wedding and doesn’t tell anyone
-drinks a lot less when he’s dating you and shows you off to his mom and sister
-if anyone has anything to say the rest of the gang has to hold him back so he won’t get arrested
-asks about all of your needs
-learns them very quickly and is super caring
-textures make you shudder? He’s never letting you touch them again.
-You won’t like the way soap feels on your skin when you do the dishes? He’s doing them every night
-he has his show on too loud and it’s bothering you? It’s always at a lower volume and he grabs you something to block the noise
-I think he thinks it cute when you stim
-he would plan out your dates so carefully
-but whenever you ask him like oh you chose this spot because I mentioned it was my favorite right he downplays the effort so much
-if you have a special subject he’d listen to your rants
-he fs makes jokes about your special subject
Steve Randle
-the second most judgemental next to dally
-but when sodapop lets him know you really are chill
-and people are just dicks
-he actually starts talking to you
-he actually likes you a lot and thinks it’s cool you have your special thing
-just like he has his cars
-he’s fascinated and if anyone makes fun of your special subjects/hobbies
-he runs them over with a car (jkjk)
-he gets the strongest urge to though
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naomis-daydream · 1 year
essence in the air // letitia wright
summary: interviewer!reader. it seems there’s a lot of underlying chemistry between you and your interviewee, Letitia Wright
a/n: saw clips of tish flirting w interviewers and here we are. i included a lil piece inspired by @drletitiawright and @aaliyg talking about a Dr kink 😏
warnings: just fluff. flirty reader and flustered tish. reader is from the Dominican Republic and speaks Spanish (very minimal)
you exhale softly as you get last minute touch ups to hair and makeup. you glance across from you to look at your interviewee—Letitia Wright. she was dressed in a off white hoodie with matching sweats, a black jacket, and air forces, scrolling on her phone while her glasses reflect the bright screen.
you were very excited for this interview. you had gotten great reviews from many stars and prided yourself on having laidback, fun sessions with all guests for Essence Magazine. from Lashana Lynch to Keke Palmer, your issue of celebrity interviews in the magazine and on their channel had been something viewers looked forward to, which was very beneficial for your paycheck.
she looks up, catching your gaze as she offers a smile. you return the gesture, crossing your legs in the lounge chair. “you ready?” you ask as the cosmetologists left.
she inhales sharply, “yep, though i wish you’d told me about the dress code,” she says, eyeing your exposed legs from the slit in your dress. “i would’ve come in something nicer.”
“girl, you’d look good in a trash bag. besides, the whole point of this is for you to have fun and be comfortable. as long as that’s happening, you’re good.”
“says the one wearing a body con dress,” she says as you wave a hand at her. “you go out in designer everyday, you’ll be good for 30 minutes, hon.” she laughs, humming in agreement.
the tech guy comes in, cueing you as the cameraman starting rolling.
“hey guys, I’m y/n y/l/n with Essence Magazine, and today i’m here with esteemed movie star, devoted Christian, and—as of recent weeks— doctor in arts and letters, miss letitia wright. how you doing, angel?”
a smile dances across her face, eyes surely lighting up behind her black sunglasses. “wow, what an introduction. thank you. i-i’m well, how are you?”
“great, thank you,” you begin. “so, tell me a little about how you earned your doctorate, what’s it in, and what it means to you?”
she sighs briefly, “man, it’s um, it’s definitely an honor, such a blessing to even be considered for something like that. it’s in arts and letters, as you said, and to have it come from a school in my home country, Guyana, made it that much more…moving for me. i’ve been acting since I was a teenager and never dreamed of any of this happening.” she said, gesturing around us with her hands. “from small projects in London to…”
“being an international award-winning actress?”
“yes! it’s all a lot, but being recognized for my work is-is great.” she finishes.
“do any of your friends or family use the title or is it just a formality?”
“nah, after i got it some did as a lil joke but for the most part I’m same ol tish.”
so, can I call you doctor?” you tease.
she laughs lightly, shaking her head. though her words contradict her as she replies. “i-i suppose so, yeah, yeah you can.”
“dr. wright.” you said. “has nice ring to it. though mrs. wright wouldn’t sound too bad either.”
her laughter was fuller this time. “bad. you are bad.”
you shrug lightly, a knowing smile on your face.
“but in all seriousness, it’s nice to see representation for Afro Caribbeans out here. being an inspiration for so many across the world, and a role model for young people everywhere to see someone who looks like them, who comes from a place like them, on screen. we don’t see enough of us gettin’ our flowers. I’m glad you are.”
she nods humbly. “you Caribbean? stop playin, what part?”
“la República Dominicana, act like you know,” you said smiling. She hummed in admiration. “oh, the accent, ok I see you. you speak any Spanish?”
“eres muy hermosa y tienes mucho talento.”
you’re very beautiful and have so much talent.
you say the short sentence to her, none of which she understands, yet she leaned forward to rest her elbows on her knees as she listened. “i don’t know what you said, but it sounded hella good,” she smiles.
you shook head as you laughed. “man, you something else,” you said as you looked at her again, to which she put her hands up in defense.
“speaking of accents, in a lot of your productions you’re seen using your regular British accent, as well as those from various parts of Africa.”
“yet, we rarely hear you with an american accent onscreen. can you give me your best american accent right now?”
“right now?” she asks, pointing down.
“right now, go.”
she shakes her shoulders out before turning to the camera. “hey y’all, i’m letitia wright here with Essence Magazine,” she says in the absolute worst attempt of a southern accent you’ve ever heard.
your eyes go wide before you bust out laughing, shaking your head. “come on, now. don’t do me like that,” she says, a shy smile on her face.
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry,” you begin as you calm yourself. “it’s just refreshing to know there’s something you’re not good at.”
“i haven’t had any roles that require an american accent yet, so there’s time to perfect it.” you nod in agreement.
“so for the real question of the hour,” you say as she leans back in her seat, waiting for you to continue. “why you always got them glasses on?”
she smacks her teeth, trying—and failing—to suppress the smirk that grows on her face. “man, i thought we were gonna get deep.”
“oh, we can get deep, angel. i mean, why hide the eyes? the windows to the soul. i bet you have a beautiful soul, yet the entire time you’ve been here i haven’t got to see for myself.”
“my eyes or my soul?” she asks, tilting her head back.
you open your mouth to respond, yet can’t find the words. you begin to smile as she points at you. “ahh, i got you there, huh?” she says, grills glowing under the studio lights.
you roll your eyes as you reply. “alright, alright. don’t let it happen again.”
“my bad, baby girl. here,” she says, reaching up to take off her shades. “to make it up to you.” she sets them down on the small glass table between you.
“aw, thank you, dr. wright.” you say, thankful for the gift of melanin, and blush applied previously, that the heat rising to your face isn’t visible.
“my eyes…do they live up to your expectations?”
you lean forward, not missing the way her eyes drop to your cleavage as she does the same. you pause to really look at her, defined jawline, toned skin, fresh haircut, before going back up to her eyes.
“they are…subpar.” you say, swiping her glasses from the table as you slide them over your eyes.
“wow,” she says, bringing a hand to her heart as she leaned back. “it’s like that?”
you wave her off. “i’m just teasing, relax,” you assure as she mumbles, “yeah, ok.”
with the glasses off, you can really feel her gaze on you, though luckily part of yours is hidden this time.
“now look who’s hiding,” she comments, nodding her chin up at you.
“a nice change of pace. i think i look good, right? real official.”
she laughs before she responds. “yeah, you look good.”
you smile as you take them off, putting them on the neckline of your dress.
“so, can I count on seeing you at Essence Fest?” you ask with a sickeningly sweet smile, one that prevents her from answering with anything other than yes. “yeah, yeah you’ll see me there.” she replies while nodding with a smile.
you turn to the cameraman, “ok, i think we’re good!” you turn back to her, “thanks again for coming! it’s been a joy to have you.”
“thank you for having me. truly one of the best interviews i’ve had in a long time.”
“just doing my job, angel.”
she shakes her head, looking at the floor. “of course, of course. would you mind if we have a picture?”
“not at all,” you say, going to sit on the arm of her chair. you do a few sitting, her signature smize and a couple hand motions. you both get up to do standing shots, some with her hands clasped in front of her and others with her arm around your middle.
once you’re done she pulls you in for a hug. your hands slide up her shoulder blades as hers find their way around your waist once more. she gives you a caring squeeze which you reciprocate. you feel pressure between your chests which makes you pull away as you realize. “oh! don’t forget your glasses,” you pull them from the hem of your dress, extending a hand towards her.
“please, keep ‘em,” she assures, giving you one last smile—small yet warm—before heading out.
“bye, doctor!” you call as she leaves.
she turns around, walking backwards with her hands in her pockets. “see you soon.”
you packed up for the day, locking up your office and the main studio. walking out the building, your stride pauses as you feel your phone buzz in you purse. you pull it out to see a notification from instagram.
letitiawright started following you
you smiled at the message, seeing you missed two others from a couple hours ago.
letitawright mentioned you on their story
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letitawright tagged you in a post
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liked by essence, danaigurira, and others
letitiawright new issue of @essence for the March 2023 issue. You can watch the interview on their channel and see the wonderful photos this spring✨
koffee 😍🖤
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a/n: best believe she looked up whatever the hell you said and blushed
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rans-baby · 2 years
when they see you in someone else's jacket
pt. 2 (mikey, kokonoi, wakasa)
ran would say he's a pretty confident guy, ask anyone around him
his consistently relaxed demeanor exuded authority to the people around him
but that doesn't mean he doesn't have his insecurities
for example: he's constantly worried about his hair, what his fit for the day should be, whether his shoes were still dirty from the blood from the fight he had the night before, ya know the important things in life
he didn't realize how insecure he was about his relationship with you until he saw you in that oversized jacket when you knocked on his door
as you were about to come in, he made you stop
"what the fuck is THAT?"
needless to say you were confused as to what he was referring to
"why is my baby in that monstrosity??"
that's when it clicked in your head
"it was cold in the classroom and a classmate lended me his jacket! isn't that sweet? :)"
he was flabbergasted, appalled, shocked, outraged, sickened
"it's getting kinda cold out here can i.... come in?"
however, his thoughts were racing "is she moving on? does she think I can't provide for her? would she be better off without me?"
but right when those thoughts threatened to overwhelm him, you took the jacket off grabbed his face
"babe if you literally ever came to school, i would've asked you" "fair point"
he finally let you in when he felt you shivering, but insisted that you take a shower
"you reek of another man, do you want me to lose it princess?"
and honestly, maybe you did just a little
when you came back, the jacket was gone and all you could hear him saying was, "had kill it with FIRE"
honestly, you shouldn't have been surprised when the next day, your classmate had transferred out of your school
now rin was more open with his insecurities
he liked to communicate them with you to avoid any unnecessary arguments and that worked about 90% of the time
the one insecurity he couldn't get over though was the thought that you might leave him for his big brother one day
he's constantly been living in his shadow, and honestly, he didn't mind because at the end of the day he had you
but he couldn't stop those thoughts when he saw you wearing ran's jacket one day
you were out on a date when he went in for a hug and realized that you didn't smell like... you
he knew that scent all too well and when he abruptly pulled back, you couldn't help but be a little hurt
"angel, whose is that?" already knowing the answer and ready to hear the words he's been dreading since the beginning of your relationship
you didn't understand why he was questioning you since he'd never told you about his deep seated worry that constantly plagued his mind
"'s ran's! he lent it to me the other day when it was raining and i haven't been able to give it back since then so i wore it to remember to return it! you think you can give it back to him?"
but that did little to ease his mind
"what were you guys... doing together?"
cue your nervous face
"i knew it, you've finally decided he's better than me too huh?"
the confusion that swept across your face made him do a double take
"what are you talking about darling?"
"you're leaving me for him aren't you? it's okay i get it."
as he began to walk away, you grabbed his arm with a strength he didn't know you had
tears began to fill your eyes
"darling, we were planning a surprise for your birthday, didn't mean to hurt your feelings"
all he felt in that moment was relief
he turned his body around so fast it almost gave him whiplash as he gathered you in his arms
"promise me you won't ever leave me, can't live without you"
"pinky promise, he's too high maintenance for me anyways"
haru haru haru
his world revolves around your happiness; as long as you're happy so is he!
but he would be lying when he said the world may have stopped for a moment when he saw you in takeomi's jacket, smiling and laughing with him
most people would call him unhinged, crazy, but you knew better
you knew about the side he'd never shown anyone, the inner child that was still hurt by his brother's treatment of him so honestly you should've known better
but you never had any ill intentions you swear!
when you saw a familiar pink ponytail moving in the corner of your eye, you immediately threw the jacket at takeomi's face "hey! rude!"
but honestly, you couldn't care less
you chased after him (she's a runner she's a trackstar)
as you grabbed him arm to make him turn to face you, your heart broke when you saw tears in his eyes
"so you wanna go be someone else's whore? that's fine, but you really do have shit taste"
his rough words did little to phase you because you knew where they were coming from
"honey, he was showing me baby pictures of you and i saw the one of you washing your hands in the toilet like menace i know you are ♡. it got a lil cold so he offered me his jacket. i've been trying to build a relationship with him so that i could get his approval one day"
"his approval for what? his approval doesn't mean shit to me"
you knew better, you knew deep inside that he still cared for his siblings
"was tryna pick out a ring for you, for us"
his head was spinning and you could see the moment when he finally realized what you meant
you reached up for his face and did the thing that you knew would calm him down
you scratched the back of his ear and he couldn't help but release a purr at the feeling
"that's right kitten, 's always going to be you in every lifetime"
dedicating rindou for @megumi-divine and haru for @bxnten ♡
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phantasmiac · 2 years
au where dabi is happily living a normal life with you, until you get pregnant (don’t worry, only happy endings in this au). part of my phoenix quirk au expanded on here and here.
cw/tw: afab/fem!reader, pregnancy, abortion mention, alcohol mention, like one sexual reference ig but no smut
wc: 2.7k
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when you find out you’re pregnant, touya isn’t happy. this was never part of the plan for either of you. with your guys’.. peculiar situation, kids weren’t exactly ideal. i mean fuck the situation, touya just wasn’t built for kids, period. raising one of his own was just a disaster waiting to grow up and explode in your faces. so, no, he wasn’t happy. but no big deal; you’ll get rid of it, problem solved, that would be the end of it; if only you didn’t get it into your head that maybe this was possible. cue the heated arguments where you’re all up in each other's faces, arms waving around erratically.
he’s been too easygoing, too compliant, touya thinks. now you think he’s some kind of miracle worker, a sinner turned saint. but you argue that you’ve seen how much he’s grown, how you know he’d do right by this… thing that’s growing inside you. eventually the arguments stop. you’re both tired and hit the bed. he turns his back towards you, because apparently you deserve it. but he doesn’t expect you to do the same, and gets a little pissed all over again. what’s even more agitating is how quick you are to fall asleep. how could you possibly be on the way to dreamland while he’s stuck wide awake with this fucking bomb you just dropped on him?
the next day he goes to work, clocks out and invites his friend out to a diner (no bar. he’s sure if he steps foot into one of those he won’t be strong enough to pass on a drink this time). his friend doesn’t know whether to be overjoyed or concerned at the fact that this is the first time touya is offering, but he doesn’t pry and touya doesn’t offer any explanation. he’s sure if he told the idiot about the news his first reaction would be to congratulate the two of you and that’s not what he wants to hear. he just can’t face you right now.
eventually it’s time to take his ass home. it’s late, so he figures he’ll walk in to see your sleeping figure on the bed, frown etched onto your features. and he really hopes you decided to be an asshole today, decided that he deserved to starve for being a douche yesterday, because he thinks he’ll have to kill himself if he sees a cold dish sitting on the kitchen table. but of fucking course the first thing his eyes set on as he opens the front door is a bowl of udon. his favorite? either you’re an angel (of course you are) or you really want that fucking baby. but you’re missing from the table, so he walks to the bedroom. his eyes screw shut and his hand freezes at the knob upon hearing your sniffles from the other side. how the hell does he go about this?
he loses a bit of his balance while he’s lost in thought, creaking one of the floorboards underneath the weight of his sudden movement. instantly, the door swings open. his eyes follow suit, and find your big, teary ones blinking back up at him. your face is all red and splotchy like you’ve been at this for awhile now. before he can even open his mouth to speak, you’ve circled your arms around him, burying your head into his chest, holding on like he’ll sprint if you loosen your grip. but he’s an idiot, thinking holy shit you really do want that baby. you’re really going to beg him like thi-
“i’m sorry. i shouldn’t have been so insistent yesterday. if you’re not ready now or — or ever! that’s fine. we can get rid of it. i’m grateful for what we have now. baby or no baby, it doesn’t matter as long as we have each other. that’s what’s most important to me. just….. don’t disappear, please?”
you and your fucking bombs. what the hell is he supposed to say to that? it’s simple, says the little devil on his shoulder, burnt and stapled together. tell her that sounds like a damn plan! and he’s about to comply, but he’s only able to get out a syllable; that’s enough to get you to noticeably hold your breath, anxiously waiting for his response, arms still keeping him caged. he can see your eyes trying to decipher his, attempting to see beyond them and reach into his brain and pull out his thoughts. you’re obliging him, hoping it’ll be enough. always obliging him.
touya will never stop feeling in debt to you for dabi’s sins. that therapist of his would probably have a thing or two to say about that, but as far as touya has noticed he doesn’t have a ring on his finger or any frames on his walls so what the fuck would he know (he doesn’t know anything, really, or else that confidentiality bullshit would’ve been thrown out the window a long time ago). touya has the god damn love of his life standing right in front of him, and if they want the sun then he’s going to fly and snatch it right out of the sky for them.
which is why, against his better judgment, he lets out a groan before breaking his silence. “forget it.”
his voice startles you, but once you’ve processed his words, your lip begins to tremble and your eyebrows furrow, and not in the good way; touya knows the difference. he quickly continues.
“forget what i said yesterday. i was being a pussy.” now you’re confused, he notes, and he can’t help but smile at how cute and dumb you’re being, so he ruffles your hair and kisses the top of your head.
“let’s have the thing.” he murmurs into your hair.
you gasp and perk up at that, eyes sparkling and ready to flood; in the good way, this time. as if afraid he’ll change his mind if you stare at him for too long, you plant your face back on his chest and remain there for a solid minute, basking in the comfortable silence.
he’s confused to see you frowning again when you finally separate from one another.
“don’t call our baby a thing.”
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if he were being completely honest, touya wasn’t all that excited to meet the load he’d shot inside of you, even after agreeing not to exterminate it. he was just there for the ride, neutral faced, sitting next to you while you had your arms thrown up in the air and screamed with joy. but he was always by your side, nonetheless. want to paint stars all over the guest room-turned-nursery? you’re a real cornball, but sure, he’s rolling up his sleeves. going furniture shopping? he’s driving the cart AND he’s gonna start getting picky halfway through (especially when you browse through the baby clothes section. you’re just looking, you don’t know the gender yet, but if you pick up something he finds ugly he’s letting you know that no spawn of his is gonna be caught wearing that).
all your friends are so excited for the two of you when you break the news and it irks him. what the hell are they so excited for? you two are the ones that are going to have to deal with a brat running around the house until it decides to leave. they ask him if he’s hoping for a boy or a girl and he really doesn’t give a shit, it’s going to be a pain in the ass either way. and it’s as if the universe is swatting him on the back of the head for thinking such a thing, because at your next appointment that nurse he’s so excited to never see again says “you’re not going to believe this”.
twins. TWINS. oh fuck.
towards the end of your pregnancy, he’d randomly become hyper aware of the fact that you could just… BURST out of nowhere, anyplace, anytime and it freaked him the fuck out. if you made any movement that wasn’t very heavily-pregnant-person of you, you had him clutching at his heart. luckily he isn’t there when it happens. he gets a call from your co-worker and speeds to the hospital.
touya’s seen some crazy shit but watching you give birth has gotta be in his top three. and it sucks, because you’re in so much pain and he can’t do anything about it except let you break every bone in his hand under your grip. he hates seeing you like this. but it comes to an end, eventually.
you’re crying tears of joy, as you hold your babies in your arms and he feels a fire light up inside his heart, seeing you so happy. then you ask him if he wants to hold them and, well, what’s he gonna do, say no?
so he takes them, while everyone is watching him as if waiting for some video worthy reaction and it makes him want to scoff. and then he glances down at them, at their little faces that look so much like his, so tiny and vulnerable in his arms, and something so unexplainable and otherworldly happens inside of him that he genuinely thinks he’s been possessed. these are his children. how? how could a man — who’s sole creation was once the trail of ashes left in his wake — produce something so pure and innocent? and the nurses watching him are going to be real pleased because he feels a lump growing in his throat with every passing second, tears following suit. these children of his, they look so much like the baby in the photos his mother had shown him in that album once as a kid. and he can’t help but think to himself: if this is anything like what his old man saw resting in his arms the day he was born, how could he possibly think to bring so much pain upon that little face? he can’t fathom it.
there are tears threatening to fall as he looks back up at you, eyes shining as if to say we created this. and you’re looking at him, head leaning to the side, eyes droopy with exhaustion, but still smiling, like you aren’t surprised; like you expected this. like you’re silently telling him i told you so.
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touya thinks his babies are the cutest; or rather, the only cute babies in the entire world. says it’s because they look like him, obviously. he hates when people learn you have kids and start talking about their own because he’s already heard enough; his are better, period. you have a boy, ryu, and a girl, yuki. they have all his features except his eyes and hair, and for that, he feels the universe cut him some slack. he absolutely hates when other people ask to hold them but says yes so you don’t give him a dirty look and scold him later on about being rude. smirks when they start crying and giving him the grabby hands to take them back, cooing at them innocently.
during the first month he was the equivalent of a college student binge watching crash course lectures the night before an exam; so much for “not caring” during your pregnancy. and you wanna tease him for it but he makes it work ???? he’s a super fast learner and doesn’t complain. but it does give you another reason to say i told you so. before kids, he could’ve slept through doomsday, now he can hear them blink awake from the next room. and he practically levitates out of bed and takes care of the issue like some sims character on autopilot. he finds it so easy to go back to sleep afterwards, and you want to strangle him for it.
you get a double baby carrier and he thinks it looks so goofy until he tries it once and never looks back. but you start to regret your purchase because he actually looks so hot wearing it. a responsible father of two with tattoos all over his yummy arms and piercings on his face? what a whore! but worry not because he absolutely loves referring to you as the mother of his kids and is going to brag about it at every given opportunity. thinks you’re the milf supreme.
even though he’s obsessed with his babies he gives them ugly nicknames like smelly and stinky. CRIES BACK IN THEIR FACES WHEN THEY WAIL. he also holds them in the most absurd ways (making sure it doesn’t hurt them, of course) and makes them dance to songs by moving their little limbs around, he thinks it’s hilarious. buys them silly little clothes like heavy metal onesies. your favorite antic of his is when he pretends like he understands their babbles and has full on conversations with them. they babble back like they actually understand him and it’s the cutest thing EVER, he’ll be like “oh yeah?” “and then what?” “I was actually thinking that too”.
yuki grows up to be a total daddy’s girl, has as much fervor and energy as he did when he was a toddler. they’re always bantering, but yuki always brags about how cool her daddy is and touya spoils his princess rotten. when she has her little temper tantrums, crying and throwing herself on the ground, he mimics her actions. it makes her laugh and quickly forget whatever she was mad about in the first place. she loves being the center of attention, loves being the best at everything and touya becomes a little afraid that she might be a little too much like his younger self. that she might share the same dream as most kids: to become a hero. but she doesn’t; everyone wants to be a hero and she doesn’t want to be like everyone else, is what she says. touya thinks that calls for a celebration.
ryu, on the other hand, is timid, sensitive, and loves to cling to his mama. touya always teases him by saying that they’ll have to compete for you. it gets ryu riled up and they always end up play fighting. he loves to draw and paint, and touya hypes him up every single time he comes to the two of you with a new “piece”, saying he’s getting tired of all the art museums begging to have them. he brings out a side of ryu that no one else can; the perfect father, just for him and his sister.
another thing he never gets tired of doing is purposely mixing up their names. “i’m not ryu!” yuki cries, and touya facepalms in faux embarrassment. “aw man,” he groans. “twins are so confusing”. the kids eat right out of the palm of his hand every time, spending the next five minutes whining about how they’re clearly different looking. eventually they get too old for the bit, but he persists, earning an eye roll from the twins while he chuckles in self satisfaction. real dad-like behavior.
as he watches his babies grow up, touya thinks about what could have been if he hadn’t pushed his siblings away. through the twins’ dynamic, he’s able to see just how broad the meaning of “hero” is; how he could’ve fulfilled his dream by just being the big brother he was literally born to be. because he thinks yuki is a hero when she protects her brother from the losers (her words, not his) who think he’s too quiet or too shy. and he thinks ryu is a hero when he gives his sister a hug when she’s struggling to be strong, and wipes her tears away when she finally cracks. if he couldn’t be a hero to the masses, maybe he could’ve tried being one to his baby brothers and baby sister.
so yeah, touya has regrets. but never about what the two of you have built together. and where touya has regrets about the past, he has a million more wishes about the future. they’re all about the prosperity of his little family. but the one he clings onto the most, the one he whispers into the night sky, is the wish for his kids to carry the image they have of him to their eventual graves. the wish that they’ll never find out about the horrors their beloved father was once capable of.
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darkmasterofcupcakes · 4 months
In hazbin hotel, being Gay has no bearings on going to Hell or Heaven (the "vile and blasphemous" line was because Charlie is Lucifer's daughter) , so I don't think Vaggie would feel too weird about being attracted to women, especially once more openly gay, Trans etc people arrive.
For the first century and some of her life? Sure.
But I think she would be accepting of it in the last 80-90 years of her time in heaven, especially since the Sisterhood of the Exorcists is promoting a very violent mindset and killing sinners in secrets, it leave little room for interactions outside of the group, cue experimentations.
Also, considering how Agatha annoyed Lute for not being "proper" regarding the "out of wedlock baby" and single mom status, I think it would fuel her desire to accept Vaggie's gayness.
I can even see Lute appreciate how it can make Vaggie feel more like a part of the group on the more pragmatic side, or at least use it as an argument for people who are bothering her on it and that she won't just ignore or scare into silence.
I never really thought about that, but you do have a point. I think a lot of people assume Lute is homophobic (and maybe she is) because of her line about Charlie and Vaggie's relationship, and well as one of the comments about Angel in her solo during "You Didn't Know" but you could argue that, like you pointed out, her issue with Charlie and Vaggie dating could be more based on Charlie's status as a demon/Lucifer's daughter than them both being women. And the thing with Angel could just be a commentary on him being so willing to have what is implied to be casual sex in general, regardless of the gender of his partners. Obviously those are still not good views to have, but they are possibly alternatives.
I do think that Vaggie would still struggle a bit for a while, though part of it would be her just kind of making the wrong assumptions regarding why her mother was essentially judged behind her back? At least when she was young. Because she heard occasional whispers (and the one time she asked about her grandmother and why she'd never met her, Lute did explain that Agatha didn't like the fact that Lute wasn't married to Vaggie's father) where people would say pretty insulting things about her mother when Lute herself wasn't there to hear, regarding the fact that she wasn't even in an official relationship with, much less married to, Vaggie's father. And young Vaggie initially made the wrong assumption that the issue was more about the fact that her mother wasn't in relationship with a man, period, rather than the truth, which is that the issue was that Lute was an unwed single mother by choice.
But Vaggie did likely figure it out more as she got older and especially after officially joining the Exorcists....at least in part due to the reasons you pointed out. With how secretive the Exorcists are supposed to be, while it's probably not impossible that some of them have partners outside of the group who just are told cover stories for what they do for work and/or what they're doing when they're gone during Extermination Day, a lot of them likely just have relationships among each other to avoid any of that. And in my AU at least, while Charlie was Vaggie's first serious girlfriend, I will say her first kind of trying out a relationship with anyone was likely with another Exorcists, probably one who joined around the same time she did. She likely did still feel weird about it for a while, and didn't fully realize she was a lesbian until a fair bit later.
Lute likely was more accepting of Vaggie's sexuality than some might expect, partially out of spite regarding how hurt she was at how her own parents, especially her mother, who she had been very close to before Vaggie was born, basically cut her out of their lives for her decision to raise Vaggie on her own. So while she obviously couldn't be as accepting as she wanted to tell herself she would be - she does still find the relationship between Vaggie and Charlie shameful, sadly - she is fully accepting of her daughter being gay. Also helps that I might actually headcanon Lute as not actually being straight, but rather gray-ace or demi - she's pretty much only interested in Adam in regards to sex or romance (though the romance part even she's in denial about).
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animeniacss · 3 months
So Close Yet So Far - Mingyu x Reader - Chapter 17 - Red Means Failure
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Synopsis: Your college friend, Kim Mingyu, has had a grip on your heart since the first day you met. Over the past few years, as you acquired more friendships and memories, those feelings only grew. However, recently, Mingyu has seemed a bit more distant, at least when it comes to any ideas of romance. It only gets worse when rumors fly that he's off to Japan to receive a marriage proposal! Unsure what to do, you wonder how you can keep Mingyu by your side without jeopardizing your friendship or your growing feelings. You never expected that waking up one drunken morning next to two hot angels would be your ticket into Mingyu's heart.
Genre: Romance, College!AU, Modern Fantasy, Comedy, Angsty
Length: approx. 6k words
Chapter 17 - Red Means Failure
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"There has to be something we can do," Minnie said.
"Like what?" Hoshi asked. Kicking one leg over the other, his sharp eyes scanned the people sitting around your apartment. "We can't do anything."
"We can't let him just get married to her," Minnie said. "She fucked over and tricked all of us. That bi-."
"Hey. Name-calling won't solve anything." Seungkwan called out, and Minnie scowled a bit, the curse word sitting half-uttered behind her lips. He turned towards the two men sitting on the couch. "I think they're somehow taking it the hardest."
"What did she say to you that has you in such a state of shock?" Hoshi asked curiously.
Joshua looked over at the three individuals at the table. His eyes fell over to Jihoon, standing over the coffee machine. His back was turned, hands on his hips as he watched the coffee brew. "She said Mingyu and Mina are getting married by Christmas." He looked at Jeonghan, who seemed just as frazzled about everything as he did. He leaned back, pressing a finger against his lip as he chewed on the nail.
Jeonghan and Joshua had gotten you into your bed in hopes that sleep would calm you down. As you settled into bed, the comfort of the blankets made your body relax. Jeonghan and Joshua watched your eyes close, burying into your pillow. The silence was their cue to leave you be, for now, slowly making their way out of the room. Just as they were about to open the door, you commented:
"Mina heard me the night I told Joshua I loved him, thinking it was Mingyu." Joshua gripped the doorknob, both of them turning to face you. You sat up in bed once again, the blanket your soft shield as it wrapped around your shoulders.
"She heard?" Jeonghan asked softly. You nodded, and Joshua rested his shoulder against the door. Guilt caused him unable to look at you as you spoke, the door acting as support for his body.
"I guess so..." you said softly. "And Mingyu believes her. Even when I said that it wasn't true."
Jeonghan smiled. "He'll come to his senses. I think he's going through a lot, right?" You nodded.
"...He might actually love her." You sniffled, shaking your head. "How could I have missed it?" Joshua watched as Jeonghan walked back over to you, gently laying you back down and fixing the blanket at your feet.
"Get some rest. We can figure it out tomorrow." As you were falling asleep, Jeonghan led Joshua out of the room.
Joshua had no idea how to explain this to the others, knowing it would lead to many other questions that he was in no way prepared to answer. He instead shook his head. "She didn't say anything else," he said simply.
Jihoon cut through the tension when he turned towards the group. "Coffee?" he asked. "I feel we all need something to wake ourselves up." Minnie, Seungkwan, and Hoshi lifted their hand in interest, each getting their own cup. He turned to the two on the couch. "What about you guys?"
"Yeah," Jeonghan called, and Joshua nodded. Jihoon walked over and passed them both cups. The steam bubbled up towards their faces, the sensation seemingly soothing their bodies, which were still tense. Their shoulders relaxed, and Joshua immediately put the cup to his lips.
"So, is Mingyu just going to marry her and that's it?" Minnie asked. "That can't be it. Not after everything."
"We can't even get in contact with him," Seungkwan said sadly. "This sucks..." Hoshi nodded in agreement, a pout on his face.
"We can't keep sleeping on this pull-out couch," Joshua said, looking at Jeonghan. "It hurts my back."
"...Wait what?" Minnie asked eyebrow arched at his comment.
Jihoon muttered under his breath: "Oh, for fucks sake." He put his hands on his hips. "Why are all of you the ones down in the dumps? Your friend is in that room crying herself to sleep. She's asleep now, but when she wakes up and remembers that none of this is a dream, she's going to need all of us to have ourselves pulled together!" The pep talk caused a smile to form on Hoshi's face, but he immediately hid it behind the cup of coffee. He watched as Woozi ran a hand through his hair as he turned back to Joshua and Jeonghan, who were still chatting about the pull-out couch. "You guys need to make this right. If you can't do that then maybe you deserve to be stuck here. On the pull-out couch."
Jeonghan looked up at the man standing before them. "We can't break up a marriage, Jihoon." Joshua pointed out. "That actively goes against everything we stand for."
"It does?" Minnie eyed her friends.
"Don't you flirt with her constantly?" Hoshi asked.
Seungkwan added: "Joshua don't you have like a mega crush on her?"
"Who said that?!" Joshua eyed Seungkwan who only offered him an unamused side eye, sipping his drink. "Yeesh...." Joshua turned his head, trying to ignore Jeonghan and Jihoon's stare.
Jihoon sighed. "First off, they're not married yet."
"They're engaged," Jeonghan said.
"I'm starting to understand more why you're stuck here in the first place." Joshua pointed out, cheeks still red. Jihoon scoffed.
Jihoon rubbed his temples to hold back a growing headache. "If you guys don't think you can do that, then allow me to take the lead."
"How?" Jeonghan asked.
"Better question: why?" Joshua added
Jihoon smiled a bit, his long black locks swaying a bit as they grazed his shoulders. "I actually kind of like the both of them." He said simply. "It would suck if he ends up in a miserable marriage."
The sound of you opening your door alerted everyone's attention. You stepped out, eyes still red and puffy from your tidal wave of tears previously. Your face was pale, and you resembled that of a corpse rather than a person.
"Why are you all staring at me?" you asked. Jihoon turned to you and smiled in a way that immediately comforted you.
"We all have to plan outfits for Mingyu's engagement party!"
You were silent for a moment, everyone's breath caught in their throat as they waited for you to respond. "You think I want to go?" You asked softly.
Woozi pursed his lips. "Do you?" He asked.
You looked down at your feet as you thought about the answer. Did you want to see Mina on Mingyu's arm all night, people fawning over their happy future as they remained all smiles? No.
However, you thought back to Mina's statement at the estate: I'm sure he would want you there...
I just want to be with you. Whatever that means, I'll do it.
Mingyu's promise made your heart tighten. You wanted to know if he really meant that now. "...Okay." You said, and Woozi grinned.
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
As the group left the apartment, Hoshi found himself lagging. He watched as his friends chatted before him, Minnie and Seungkwan planning to head towards the bus station on their way home, seeming to plan to continue their hang out even after leaving. Among the planning, Hoshi looked to his right, seeing Jihoon put his hands in his pockets. He turned to Minnie, Hoshi, and Seungkwan, smiling. "I'll see you guys, okay?"
"You're not coming, Hyung?" Seungkwan asked. Jihoon shook his head.
"Not this time. Next time, I swear." He looked at Hoshi for just a second, offering a quick wave before he headed down the opposite way. Hoshi's paces slowed, hands in his pockets as he studied Jihoon's back for a moment. A deep breath steadied his body, and he finally turned towards his friends, only to be shocked when they were staring back.
Hoshi's cheeks tinted pink as he scratched the back of his head. "I'm going to."
"Good luck, Hyung." Seungkwan grinned. Hoshi looked at his friends, only to see them motion towards Jihoon, who was heading further and further down the street. Hoshi nodded, turning on his heel and heading towards Jihoon, his pace quickening a bit as they reached the corner.
"Wo-uh." Hoshi stopped himself when Woozi turned in his direction. He looked shocked to hear his name called. "Woozi..." he finally muttered out. He motioned to the street. "Can I walk this way with you?"
"Sure. I can't stop you." Woozi said. Hoshi quickly caught up, the duo standing at the corner as they waited for the light to change from red to green. Hoshi watched the people on the other side of the street. In hopes of hiding his hands, he kept them in tight balls in his pockets. Woozi looked over. "Where are you heading?"
Hoshi shrugged. "I need to run some errands..." he said, looking away. Woozi chuckled a bit, nodding his head.
"Right," he said. Hoshi looked over at him.
"Do you think it will work?" Hoshi asked. "Whatever it is you're going to plan?"
"It should," Woozi said simply. "Mina's one vindictive bone in her body is so weak it's the easiest to break. That's a good thing."
"You're saying we're going to break her bones?"
"No, Hoshi, come on." Woozi shook his head behind a laugh. An embarrassed smile tilted at the corners of his lips as Woozi continued. "All we need to do is show her how miserable her decision will leave Mingyu. That's what she cares about, she just needs to see it."
"What if she doesn't?" Hoshi asked. Woozi looked at him once again, and Hoshi caught glimpses of that same genuine empathy he had known years prior.
"I won't let that happen," he said. "Not to them."
"Mingyu and -."
"Any of them." Woozi quickly clarified. Hoshi felt his entire body relax, releasing a weight that he didn't know was tied to his shoulders.
Hoshi's amused smile dropped when his stomach rumbled. Coffee didn't seem to be enough to settle his stomach. He looked up at the sky as it began darkening, nighttime fast approaching. "Want to get something to eat?" he asked curiously. Woozi looked over at him. "I still know a lot of pretty good places in the area." The light soon turned green, and Hoshi motioned to him. "Come on."
Woozi stood back for a minute, studying the back of Hoshi's head. He put his hands in his pockets, watching as the taller male strolled across the street. His eyes looked up to the street sign, the green sign signaling that it was ok - it was safe - to simply 'GO'. He didn't know in what context that meant in the moment, so his feet were nervous to move ahead. "Come on!" He called again, making Woozi look up. Instinctively, he began moving his legs, at a quick enough pace to reach Hoshi's side. He watched as Hoshi scanned the area, trying to determine what the best place was. "I think there's a few good burger places nearby. Or should we get pizza?"
Woozi couldn't help but furrow his eyebrows together as he listened to Hoshi rattle off ideas. Not because he was trying to think of places, but because their last real conversation from the airport the week prior replayed in his mind.
I'll only talk to you for the sake of our friend group.
Hearing Hoshi go quiet, Woozi looked over, seeing he was waiting for his own suggestions. Woozi shrugged, nodding: "Burgers sound good."
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
Woozi stared out the window of the burger joint, watching the world go by before him. He could hear Hoshi at the register, and he finally mustered the strength to turn and face him. Hoshi was digging in his pocket for his wallet, smiling sweetly at the young teen at the counter who was taking their order. He bit his lip, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms.
I'm regretting this. Woozi thought to himself. He looked over his shoulder again. Maybe I can go while he has his back turned and-. Woozi covered his face. No, bailing is what got you here in the first place, idiot.
"Are you okay?" Woozi looked up, seeing Hoshi settling across from him with a tray of food. He reached for his first, and Woozi hesitantly followed. "I haven't been here in a while. They have great french fries." Woozi watched Hoshi reach for one as he sang its praise, popping one into his mouth. His eyes curled into little crescents and a cat-like smile danced on his face. "Mhm. Still good."
Woozi simply gripped his drink. He was still the exact same, even now.
The duo ate in silence for a few short minutes, Hoshi enjoying his food and Woozi at a loss for what he could even say. He glanced up at Hoshi a few times but looked away when Hoshi threatened to meet his gaze. "Hyung," Hoshi said, and Woozi wanted to curl up and die. He looked over. "How is your uhm..." Hoshi looked around, scanning who was nearby before he finished his question. His arm reached behind him, patting his back. "You know. From the beach."
"Oh." Woozi felt his back throb where his wings lay dormant. "They don't hurt anymore."
"It looks like it hurt when everything happened."
"It did." Woozi bit his burger and covered his mouth. Hoshi set the fry he was about to eat back onto the tray. He leaned forward, studying Woozi.
"Are Shua-Hyung and Jeonghan-Hyung..."
"You know better than to ask me that." Woozi's eyes darted up to him, and Hoshi nodded, biting his lip. It was time to change the topic, and despite Woozi not wanting to open up an old can of worms, it would be easier than sitting within the topic of angels. "I thought you weren't talking to me. Why did you change your mind?"
Hoshi only deepened his frown, pressing his fingers together. "That wasn't nice of me to say..." he said, apologetic eyes staring across the table. Woozi inhaled, shaking his head.
"Nah. I wouldn't blame you." Woozi said simply. "I deserved it with how I handled everything."
"Why did you leave?" Hoshi asked. "I would have understood."
"You saw my wings turn black and start falling off. No sane human would understand."
Hoshi smiled. "You think I'm sane?"
The familiarity of Hoshi's playful comments made Woozi laugh a bit. "Either way, it's not easy to wake up after your wings burn your back and just go 'I fell for a human instead of trying to make a contract with him and just as I was about to confess my feelings was rejected by the same human, therefore damning me out of heaven for eternity and making a complete ass of myself." Hoshi pursed his lips together, the corners turning up a bit.
"You did a pretty good job just now." He said, and Woozi suppressed another laugh. "It was really overwhelming. I didn't know how to handle everything." When he saw Woozi nod, Hoshi only pulled another fry from his container. "But it hurt me more knowing you left, and then never even bothered to contact me again. I thought I did something wrong."
Woozi shook his head. "You didn't. I was the fool." He took a bite of one of his fries, allowing the momentary break of chewing it to keep his mind focused. "This is why I won't let this go to shit. I know what it feels like to fuck up, and I know what it's like to stare the one thing you need to fix it right in the face." Woozi crumpled up his wrapper, turning and tossing it in the nearby trash can. He looked at Hoshi one more time. "I'm sorry I didn't contact you again."
Hoshi's little smile eased some of Woozi's tension in his shoulders, and he allowed them to relax. "I'm sorry I caused you to fuck up everything with my natural charms and cuteness."
"Oh God." Woozi covered his face as he heard Hoshi begin laughing across from him.
"I always knew you were cute, Woozi-Hyung." He said. "Just look at your face."
"Please, stop," Woozi begged, but Hoshi only continued to laugh. Hidden behind his hands, Woozi was unable to control his amused smile. He had found himself tasting heaven once again.
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
In the weeks leading up to the engagement party, Mingyu felt more alone than ever. His father and Mina splurged and surprised them with their apartment in the nicest part of Goyang, as it was a nice distance from the school and work while giving the duo some 'privacy'. Mingyu shivered when his father worded his gift like that. He was in the living room, staring up at the ceiling. He could hear Mina in the other room, muffled one-way conversation happening. He couldn't make out what she was saying, but he also could not care less. He knew it was something about their upcoming engagement party. August 27th was closer every day. It felt like a beast, a curse that got closer and closer to him with each day Mina cheerfully checked off the calendar. She had it hung up in the kitchen, and Mingyu was forced to see the date, which she put in a multiple of pink hearts, inch closer and closer every time he woke up.
He had not been able to talk to his friends if they would even want to speak to him after all of this. Mina assured him that they would show up to their party, but he had his doubts. How could they, after their unwavering support for him and you to succeed, smile in his direction with another girl on his arm?
How could he bear to even look at some of them? His mind immediately flashed to the photos Mina had of Joshua and you from the beach house. He could only imagine how the conversation went at the beach house. His fists clenched as the thoughts threatened to come back. An annoyed string of swear words left his lips instead, hoping that would send the thoughts into the air and out of his mind. He closed his eyes, draping one arm over his eyes to keep as much light pollution out of view as possible.
Instead of the beach house, another memory took its place. The campus library is filled with tons of other students walking in and out. In front of him stood Joshua, a bitter and jealous look on his face.
Do you love her or something?!
The face Joshua made right before he collapsed seemed to be answering the same question in real-time. Confusion and shock sat in his widened eyes, lips slightly apart as if to argue something back, yet no words were coming out.
Mingyu did not catch it then, but that expression was all he needed to know that, at the very least, Joshua's feelings for you were 100 percent real. Was every hug, every comment, every playful declaration of love a real attempt at winning your heart?
I should have been more careful. I didn't think I'd end up losing in a love triangle I did not even know I was in. Mingyu covered his face with his hands. Just then, an image of you flashed in his brain, dangling your necklace in your hands just before he reached out to catch it.
Consider it a wedding present.
Mingyu could barely think of your necklace, currently locked in his dresser drawer, without wanting to throw up. I can't believe I ruined everything right after I got it. He thought to himself. Maybe I do deserve to be stuck here. Sitting up, Mingyu looked over at the sound of a door opening. Mina stepped out into view, phone still pressed to his ear. When she turned and caught his gaze, she smiled sweetly. Mingyu nodded his head.
"Perfect. We'll see you then. Thank you so much." She finally hung up on the phone, setting it into her pocket. "I finally got a hold of that pesky flower company. They promised they'll get all of our flowers there on time, and waived the delivery fee for the hassle. Isn't that sweet?"
"Uhm. Yes." Mingyu said simply. He watched as she sat down beside him, letting out an exhausted sigh.
"I can't believe after this we still have an entire wedding to plan for Christmas! I don't think I'll be able to handle it all."
Mingyu fiddled with his fingers, unsure how he wanted to reply if he even should in the first place. Finally, he did. "It'll be here fast."
"I know!" She clasped her hands together. When she finally caught that Mingyu seemed distant, she looked over. "Are you okay?"
Mingyu avoided his gaze. "Yeah." He assured. Mina smiled.
"I was thinking of taking you out for dinner tonight." She said. "My treat, since you've been so upset." Mingyu looked over.
"Do you want me to pretend to be happy? I'll be tired much earlier in the day if I pretend to be happy."
Mina sighed. "Are you still thinking about Joshua and-." Mingyu finally looked at her, serious and still eyes silently encouraging her not to finish her sentence. She pursed her lips together but ultimately decided to continue. "I know it's hard. But I think it's better this way."
"How? My father threatened to expel her because he knows how badly I'm against this." He refused to look at Mina. "Please explain how us being forced into a marriage together because of a threat is the better outcome."
"They'll be happy together and we'll be happy. We have a lot of responsibilities in our companies and they'll only get bigger when we graduate. We're going to help each other in ways only we can."
Mingyu ran a hand through his hair, nodding his head. "You seem to be the only one who thinks that." He finally rose from his seat. Mina got up as well, reaching out and taking Mingyu's hand. He turned to face her, seeing her eyes watering. He sighed, looking away. His free hand reached out and took his other, gently removing her hand from his. He stuck them in his pockets.
"Mina, I'm sorry. I can't feel bad for you anymore. That's what got me stuck here in the first place." Mina sank back on the couch as Mingyu simply walked into his room, closing the door behind him. She looked over to the calendar, staring at the pink hearts decorating their engagement party.
This is what is best. Your father said so. He'll come to his senses. Mina thought to herself, gripping her fists tightly in her hands. Just be patient with him. He has a lot going on, and he'll be grateful when you're still by his side at the end.
August 27th really could not come soon enough.
-----------August 20th, Summer (D-7 Days to the Party) --------------
"So, what's your plan?" Joshua asked. He looked over at Jihoon, who was spinning a beer in his hands. He watched the contents inside spin like a mini twister, before throwing the drink back. Joshua and Jeonghan looked at one another, shaking off the feeling of judgment that flew through their mind before Jihoon spoke.
"Simple." He said. "We make Mina feel guilty."
"...That's it?" Jeonghan asked.
Jihoon rolled his eyes. "No, that's not it." He stated. "She already trusts me, we had a bit of rapport during the vacation on Jeju Island. I know exactly how she feels. I can play to her weaknesses in a way you two won't. Make her feel real guilt over what she's choosing to do."
"...So basically, you're going to act like a devil," Joshua said eyebrows arched in surprise. "Use a human's deepest fear and manipulate them to benefit your own."
Another sip of beer before he spoke. "Is it really that different from what the two of you have been doing?" Woozi grinned when the older angels went silent. "Hehe. See? I knew it."
"It was supposed to be playful." Jeonghan tried to clarify. "Not romantic."
"Doesn't matter," Woozi said. "Not only are you trying to make Mingyu jealous by making him think you two are flirting with her or fighting over her, but it actually kind of happened to end up romantic." Joshua immediately felt guilt wash over him and he covered his face with his hand, groaning into it.
"I'm over it. Please stop bringing it up," he begged.
"I will when you two get back into heaven. Deal?" Woozi poured himself another drink. He watched the duo. "If you want to go on a date with her so badly, take her to the engagement party and make Mingyu think she's moved on." Jeonghan and Joshua stared at their fallen brother for a moment, and he only took this as permission to explain further. "If you take her and make it look like she's moved on, it'll upset Mingyu. If Mina sees him upset, she'll realize he's never going to change his mind. She's not vindictive, she's desperate to prove herself right. She's hurting too, watching the one person she can't have been so close to her yet still out of her reach."
Jeonghan glanced at Joshua when Woozi said this but turned back to the drink in his hands just as quickly to avoid being caught. "So we just need to give her a chance to have a good time."
"What will you do?" Jeonghan asked next.
"If I know the two of them well, Mingyu will probably try to get her alone. We want that. If it happens, I'll try to get Mina to accidentally stumble on them or something. She needs to hear the raw truth from the both of them somehow, and it won't happen if they know she's there."
"You seem pretty confident this will happen the way you think." Jeonghan chuckled. Woozi shrugged.
"If all of this ultimately fails, I'll introduce the two of you to beer." He grinned, and Jeonghan's amused smirk immediately dropped. "Do you think she still has the red dress he loves in her closet?" He asked, throwing yet another drink back.
-------------------April 27th, Summer (Present Day) --------------------
"I'm sweating. Can you tell I'm sweating?" You looked behind you, but a set of hands jerked your head forward again.
"Stop moving while I do your hair," Minnie said. "And no, you can't tell."
Jeonghan handed you perfume anyway, and you thanked him. When you looked at the duo, you watched as they stood to the side, chatting to one another. Jeonghan was wearing a loose white shirt instead of a button-up. It was under a fitted black blazer and pair of black dress pants, and he had a little burgundy corsage pinned to his chest. Joshua's hair was slicked back a bit, a few smaller pieces draped in front of his face. He was dressed in a traditional black suit with a crisp burgundy tie that he was fixing as he looked himself over in the mirror. You had to look away, this being the first time since you met them that you were unable to withstand their charms. They would make a statement at the party. "There." Minnie stepped back, and you looked yourself over. Once again you were in your favorite red dress, your hair curled this time and falling around your shoulders. You brushed some away from your ear to check your silver earrings. "Stunning, as always."
"Looking at the entire thing, I feel that this is a bit inappropriate for an engagement party." Your worries were met by a pat on the back from Minnie.
"Nah. You look fine. It's a party, just focus on having fun. Besides, if Mina says anything, then we can paint it like she's jealous. She knows Mingyu loves you in this dress." You sighed.
"That's malicious." You said, and Minnie grinned. When you checked the clock, you felt your heart speed up. "I need some air." You said, the trio watching as you hurried to the balcony, closing the door behind you. Minnie excused herself to the bathroom to finish getting herself ready, and Jeonghan plopped himself on the couch. He seemed pretty calm despite what was about to happen tonight, resting his chin in his hands.
"You can't look nervous, Joshua," Jeonghan commented, alerting his friend's eyes to him. Jeonghan smiled. "Do you think it won't work?"
Joshua shook his head. "I don't know," he said. He put his hands in his pockets. "This is kind of all my fault."
Jeonghan scoffed. "No, it's not. You didn't tell Mina to get Mingyu's father involved, or set their engagement up."
Joshua didn't seem convinced, and Jeonghan tossed a pillow at his friend. When the cushion hit his shoulder, swaying Joshua a bit in his spot, Jeonghan continued to offer a smile. "Just make sure you have a good time tonight. If we have a good time, she'll have a good time. We can do that." Joshua nodded. Jeonghan looked towards the balcony, watching you pace the length of it. Your lips were moving, but the thick glass and screens made it impossible to make out what you were saying. Jeonghan finally rose from the couch, putting his hands in his pockets. He walked towards Joshua, patting him on the shoulder. "I'll go outside and see if I can catch anyone arriving," he said simply. Joshua watched Jeonghan make his way towards the door before his eyes fell back to you on the balcony. He watched as you rested against the railing, back to his, and eyes cast down at the city below. He inhaled a deep breath as he watched you.
You seemed to have the same thought as Jeonghan, watching the street for your friends to all arrive. The cool summer air tickled your arms and cheeks, and you allowed it to soothe you. The background noise of cars and trains moving along the road was your white noise at this moment, a rhythmic tune to help calm your frantically beating heart.
What am I going to do when I see them? You thought to yourself. How can I allow myself to be happy for them when I'm not? You reached a hand up to your neck, but instead of the cool sensation of a cherry blossom charm and heart gem, you only felt your skin, warmth radiating against your fingers. You looked down, lips tugged into a tight frown. Is this the way it was always meant to be? Maybe I've deluded myself for too long.
A sudden unknown noise came from behind you, a screeching sound, and it pulled you from your temporary thoughts. Joshua stepped out, closing the door behind him. He offered you a little smile as you turned to him. "Hi," you said. "Where's Minnie and Jeonghan?"
"Minnie is finishing herself up and Jeonghan went downstairs to see if anyone else got here yet," he said. You nodded, turning back towards the railing. Joshua felt a footstep forward to approach your side, however, he stopped himself, instead pressing his back against the brick wall exterior of your apartment. He watched you for a minute. "I'm sorry." he finally said
His comment caused you to turn yourself to face him. "Hm?" you frowned. "Why?"
Joshua smiled a hint of sadness in it. "I've caused you a lot of problems when I should have been helping."
"You did not." you tried to assure, but Joshua shook his head.
"I did. I'm much stupider than I look, you know." He pursed his lips together. "I allowed this entire misunderstanding to happen because I was complicit and stupid."
You smiled. "Joshua-."
"I have almost completely ruined everything for all of us. You, Mingyu, Jeonghan, me." He sighed. "I knew being on earth for a long time, I would feel a bit more like a human. But it's scary to see just how much it's affected me." You could see the pain in his eyes as he tried to avoid looking at you. Arms crossed over your chest, and you nodded.
"Humans are scary, I guess." You said simply. "Just look at Seungkwan." Joshua laughed at your successful joke, shaking his head. "You have done a lot to help me. Jeonghan too. You both have done so much for me, I'll never be able to repay you." Joshua glanced up, watching as you tucked some hair behind your ear.
"You look nice," Joshua said. He saw your cheeks turn red and he nodded. "It'll get Mingyu's attention when he sees you. Like always." You smoothed out the dress around your hips and smiled. When Joshua saw that flattered smile fall to a frown, he followed you. "What's wrong?"
You glanced at him. "I'm scared," you said softly. "What if it's already too late? He already doesn't trust me anymore. What if I'm not good enough anymore? If I ever was..."
Joshua finally stepped closer. He pulled the little handkerchief from his chest pocket, handing it to you. "Mingyu is crazy about you. Anyone who knows him knows that." He said. "We'll fix this. I promise." You looked up at him, and he continued to offer you a comforting smile. "I can't use my power to calm you down anymore but-." he extended a hand towards you. You looked down, reaching out and taking it. He only offered one little squeeze before pulling his hand back. "I promise it will be fine. Jeonghan and I will be with you all night, so if you need someone to calm you down, I'll at least try." You laughed a bit to yourself, nodding your head.
The sound of the door caused you both to look back into the apartment. Minnie exited the bathroom and Jeonghan returned from outside. "I guess it's almost time." You said. "We should probably go."
"Right," Joshua said. You both stepped back inside and headed out the door. Before you left, you looked at Jeonghan as he fixed his hair in a mirror one last time, before turning to you.
"Do you think this will work?" you asked him. Jeonghan smiled, patting you on the shoulder.
"If not, we're going to need a place to stay for a while."
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
Mingyu watched from the window of his hotel room as cars below emptied tons of guests, all of them flocking into the hotel and towards the hall they had rented out for the party. Mingyu looked himself over in the mirror. Usually wearing a suit and attending a party would make him smile. However, he found himself unable to prop up the corners of his lips, even just a little to pretend he was enjoying himself.
He looked out the window once more, and a sight caught his eye. He saw you and your friends on the other side of the street. Jihoon, Hoshi, and Seungkwan were meeting up with you guys, all of you dressed to the nines for the night. He felt his breath catch in his throat when he saw you arrive, quick to hug Hoshi as you all seemed to compliment one another on your outfits. Mingyu watched Seungkwan take your hand, spinning you around while Hoshi did the same for Minnie, seemingly hyping up the girl's attire to the entire friend group. He smiled a bit, wishing that he was by their side enjoying himself. He could sense the comfort and glee from across the street, despite the situation they were finding themselves in for his selfishness.
God, he felt so selfish.
Mingyu fixed the cuffs of his sleeves as he started towards the door. "Let's get this night over with." Opening the door, he stepped into the hall of the hotel. Down the hall, he could hear Mina's door unlock and looked over to see her step out. For a second, when he couldn't see her face, he allowed himself to exist in a world where another face was waiting to look at him with a lovestruck expression because it was the only way he could provide a halfway decent expression at this moment.
"Are you ready?" She asked, turning to him with a smile.
Mingyu did not know how to respond. 
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pjsk-writin · 2 years
Kinda a joke prompt but I almost gave my friend a heart attack the other day and thought this was a decent situation for a writing prompt. For Shizuku, Hanasato, and Rui (I love Tsukasa sm but it feels off to request a reader with a health condition for him lol): The character is out on a walk with the reader, who suddenly stops walking. They stop and ask what's up and the reader just says "one moment" before immediately passing out and falling over. Bonus points if the character didn't know the reader was prone to passing out until now <3.
HELP OMGS......well I hope you're doing ok!! and I hope you like this! <3
♡ PASSING OUT - Shizuku Hinomori, Minori Hanasato and Rui Kamishiro x Reader
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Shizuku loves going on walks, but due to her horrible sense of direction, she usually needs someone to walk with her. That's where you come in!
Walks with her are usually peaceful, a calm energy washing over you both as you just enjoy the atmosphere
Well, until one day. You suddenly came to a halt, causing Shizuku to turn to you in confusion
She pauses as well, "Hm? Are you okay?" You nodded, looking at her, "Yeah, one sec-" before you just fall to the ground, passing out
She's terrified, she's never seen that happen before- Are you dying???
She also has no idea where the two of you are, so she can't take you anywhere. She settles for sitting on the ground, resting your head on her lap
When you wake up, you have a very concerned Shizuku looming above you-
You explain your condition, and while she's relieved she knows now, she wishes you told her before that jumpscare-
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Minori doesn't go on walks often unless she's taking Samo out, and she invites you to tag along at times!
The walks are usually fun, with Minori sprinting after Samo whenever he has random bursts of energy-
However, there was one day where you suddenly paused in your tracks. She stopped as well, telling Samo to stop before looking at you
"Hey angel, did something happen??" "Ah, I mean...Hold on-" Cue you falling to the ground and passing out-
She's scared and scares Samo in the process, who ends up barking at you-
She doesn't know how to move you, but she tries her hardest! It's when she's close to calling 911 that you end up regain consciousness
She's absolutely relieved, and pulls you into a hug-
After you explain your condition, she starts preparing you and herself for whenever that happens again-
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Rui often takes walks to flesh his ideas out and plan for shows coming soon. He invites you along so that he has somebody to talk things through with
These walks can usually get quite chaotic, with Rui spouting crazy idea after crazy idea, and you just have to stand there shaking your head
However, one day, in the middle of one of his rambles, you stopped walking. He doesn’t notice at first, but when you don't respond to one of his questions, he looks around for you
"Dearest? Did the idea blow your mind that much?" "Ah no, I just-" You then proceed to fall to the ground and pass out-
He's shocked for only a second, before he quickly scoops you up in his arms on instinct
He had no idea what even happened, but his immediate reaction is to take you to a hospital. They would definitely know what was wrong-
You wake up in his arms, and it’s probably the most serious you've seen him
You have to stop his hurried pace by tapping his chest, explaining your condition. He stares at you before putting you back down, wrapping your arms together before continuing to walk. He'l doesn't tell you, but he's planning to build a robot that can help you-
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Going Seventeen: Point of Omniscient Interfere Penalty
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Imagine Haerim on the opposite team to the rest of the 95line. Our girl felt so betrayed when she saw the Hide and Seek episode she didn't speak to them for a WHOLE day. In the court room episode Seungcheol tried to get her on their side with his puppy eyes but Haerim resisted with "look Seungcheol, I'm sorry but I can never trust you guys again!" Which left all the members in histerics.
And so she showed no mercy in this episode, refusing to give stickers to her fellow 95ers. Haerim's revenge. She did however cave slightly for Jeonghan (did you notice he looked really tired in this episode) and gave him stickers when she asked him to make her food.
You can bet Hoshi got most of his stickers from Haerim. Cue Cheol whining, "mediator-nim, she's playing favourites!" And Wonwoo's like 'what do you want me to do?'
Sage was having too much fun in this episode, handing out stickers generously. She's way to soft for her members and they knew how to take advantage of that. Waiting on her hand and foot, seeing to her very wish, Sage is Seventeen's princess and this episode only proved it further.
But of cause she can't go without teasing the girls on the penalty team. "Hey Zora, Sunnie. I'll give you 10 stickers if you perform for me." She dragged them both the to karaoke and picked New Jeans' Hype Boy for them to sing. "You have to do the dance too." Zora obviously didn't know the dance very well while Sunnie was way to enthusiastic, needless to say their performance was very entertaining for the members. Afterwards Sage proceeded to give them 5 stickers each, which was met with protests from the two girls. "You said 10 stickers each!" "No I said 10 stickers between the two of you, 5 each." Zora called for "Mediator Oppa" and Wonwoo came over laughing to break up the squabble between the three girls. (Sage ended up giving them 10 each)
Speaking of, let's see what Zora and Sunnie did this episode. Zora filled her grape shirt pretty quickly, finishing 3rd behind Hoshi and Joshua. Collecting stickers was an easy task for her, she isn't Seventeen's fake Maknae for nothing. Really, she just had to look at Woozi and he'd give her a sticker. He's like "Kyungie come here. You look cute today, have a sticker." Her fellow 97liners were also easy targets, it seems they gave her stickers for simply breathing. Dk and Mingyu being so soft for her like "Kyungminie, a heart for a sticker." She'd then shower them with aegyo and they'd shower her with stickers.
In reality the members felt bad for her. Out of her team mates Zora was the most innocent and wasn't keen on cheating in the Hide and Seek episode. She was like "shouldn't we play fair. This doesn't feel right." "Come on Zora, where's your sense of fun." So she had no choice but to follow the members evil plans. She pleaded that she was innocent in the court room saying "I was a victim of peer pressure." Evidence was found that she had been a part of the crime by sending pictures to the members during the game. "because they told me too!" Poor Zora, an angel in a team of devils.
Meanwhile, Sunnie had way to much fun collecting stickers. True to her entertainer image she put on quite a show. After being dragged to karaoke by Sage she stayed there for a while. She grabbed her cap and placed it in the floor near the stage, grabbing the mic she announced. "Hello everyone. I'm Sunnie from Seventeen. I'll be your entertainment this evening." She gestured to her hat on the floor. "Please leave a tip if you enjoy my performance, I would be very happy." "Are you busking?" Laughted Woozi, who was sitting closest to the stage. This girl is too extra and had many of the members laughing with her over the top performance of Antifragile. "I hope Le Sserafim members don't see this." Is what Haerim said as she put some stickers in Sunnie's hat.
After a few songs she got tired of karaoke and set out to gather stickers in other ways. She participated in whatever Dino suggested like writing poems, doing skits and taking photos. When Mingyu said he wanted some of Jun's coffee only for Jun to say he was out, Sunnie jumped to her feet. "I'll get you some for 5 stickers!" "I'll give you 5 more stickers if you get me some too." Said DK. Before long she gathered enough stickers to fill her shirt finishing 4th.
At the end Vernon came out in his judge outfit to announce that they had served their punishment (except Seungcheol hadn't filled in all the grapes and had to stay behind to clean up, much to Haerim's satisfaction.)
(I couldn't sleep so I watched the recent Going Seventeen episodes again and decided to write up what the girls did in these episodes. I hope you enjoyed and maybe learned a little more about the girls. If you have any thoughts of your own please sent them into my inbox, I would be very happy to hear from you.)
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obsessedasusual · 2 years
Lonely No More - One
Bishop Losa xOC Series
Summary: There was never a dull moment, being the only Reyes sister. But between overbearing brothers, being the family peacekeeper, and countless disaster dates, Amalia finds herself wishing she had someone to unwind with after a hectic day. Funnily enough, Bishop Losa wishes for the same thing.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions/allusions to sex, alcohol
Note: 1.5k - Finally happy to start posting this!!! I’ve been writing this in the background for a while now and it just never felt right to start posting lmaoooooo but I love bishop so let’s do this🥸
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She could hear the bass of the music pounding before she even left her car. In true Mayans fashion, they had the playlist roaring. Judging by the song currently playing, her money was on it being Coco’s playlist.
A Friday night, and instead of being out at a bar finding true love, she was sober driving her brothers.
Usually they would just crash on a couch somewhere in the clubhouse, or as she’d once found Angel - on a pool table.
Amalia was greeted by a couple of club hangarounds as she crossed the yard, shooting them a wave and a friendly smile. It was almost a gift, how well she was able to get on with people. Making friends wherever she went.
The smell of smoke and spilled alcohol was overwhelming when she finally made her way through the door. Quickly spotting EZ at duty behind the bar and making her way over.
“Why do I feel like I’ve turned up hours too early?” She questioned her brother as she slumped down on a bar stool.
EZ shot her a smile and slid over a bottle of coke, “I wouldn't say hours too early but, there’s no way you’re dragging him out of here yet.” Nodding his head to where Angel was stood around the pool table with Gilly and Coco, cute blonde hanging off his arm.
She let out a playful groan and took a sip of her drink, “I hate coke.”
EZ rolled his eyes but before he could respond, a rough voice sounded from behind.
“We’ll be sure to have some lemonade stocked for you next time, sweetheart.”
Amalia turned in her seat to face the president, “I would very much appreciate that thank you, Bishop.”
He smiled at her before speaking to her brother, “Beer, prospect.” EZ was quick to oblige and hand Bishop his beer, “Haven’t seen you for a while, querida. You been keeping well?”
She nodded mid-sip as Bishop moved to lean back against the bar, “I’ve been keeping very well. How about you, Mr President? Staying sane?”
Bishop let out a chuckle and nodded, “As much as I can when I’ve gotta deal with the fuckin’ Reyes brothers.”
“I’ll drink to that.” She laughed.
Her head snapped to the side when she heard someone call her name from across the room. Gilly caught her eye and was waving her over to where they were playing pool.
“That’s my cue.” Amalia smiled, turning to face Bishop, “Good to see you, Bishop.”
He nodded fondly at her, “Pleasure as always, sweetheart.”
She made her way over to the pool table and was instantly greeted with a bear hug. Gilly was the happiest drunk she had ever come across, “Took your advice about that girl. Worked like a charm. Taking her out next week.” He beamed down at you.
“I told you it would! You guys need to trust me more.” She teased.
“Thought you had a date tonight?” Angel spoke up from across the table, taking in his sister's dressed up appearance.
“I did,” she nodded, “He cancelled last minute. So here I am.”
“Asshole.” Coco muttered as he took his turn. She clapped excitedly when he sunk his shot while Angel cursed.
“You ain’t dragging me home yet.” Angel remarked and Amalia rolled her eyes.
“Relax. You can play with your friends for a while longer and I’ll cut you off when it’s time to go.” She was met with her brother’s middle finger.
She hung around the friends for another 20 minutes. Listening to the bullshit that came out of their mouths and watching their childish antics. It was hard to believe that these guys were meant to be big, bad bikers. Amalia soon grew sick of unwillingly watching her brother stick his tongue down his lady friend's throat and made her escape outside, fresh bottle of coke in hand.
The fire pit was still smouldering away even though no one was around to stoke it so she decided to settle on the old couch in front of it.
Her train of thought was interrupted when she felt the couch dip beside her and turned to see Bishop making himself comfortable.
“We boring you in there?” He teased. Amalia laughed and shook her head.
“A Mayans party is anything but boring. However, there is only so much a gal can take when it comes to seeing her brother trying to ‘get down’ in the middle of it.”
Bishop let out a deep chuckle, “If you think that’s bad, you’ll hate what I have to say about this couch.”
She was taking a sip of her drink when he said it and almost choked as she laughed, “Please don’t ruin this couch for me.”
He held out his hands in surrender, “I’ll take it to the grave.”
Bishop took a long swig of his beer as the two sat in silence.
“You don’t have to sit here with me all night, Bish. Go entertain the troops.”
He turned to smile at her and shook his head, “Gotta make sure you don’t indulge in anything but coke. I hear you’re on sober driver duty.”
“Yeah, I’m kind of a saint.” She smirked, staring at the fire.
“EZ too? The kid hardly drinks when he’s behind the bar.” Bishop queried. Amalia had made her appearances at the club numerous times before, but it was never to sober drive. The guys would usually just crash on a nearby couch when they were wasted.
“True, but I don’t trust him to wake up on time tomorrow,” she explained, “We have an early morning thing with pop at the shop. Angel didn’t turn up last time and Pop didn’t talk to him for a week. I do not want to deal with a repeat of that.”
Bishop studied her side profile for a time, “At least one Reyes sibling has a couple of brain cells.”
She shot him a toothy grin, “It’s what I pride myself on.”
The older man took a final sip of his drink, leaving his bottle on the ground as he stood up and offered the Reyes sister his hand.
“C’mon, querida. Let’s go round up your brothers and send you on your way.” She looked up at him with a warm smile and hopeful look in her eyes, accepting his hand.
“Really? The nights still young, Bish. Don’t you need someone at the bar?” He shook his head at her question as he led her back to the clubhouse.
“Don’t worry about it. We’ve got someone else to take over.”
Amalia lightly squeezed his hand before dropping it, “You’re the best.”
Her statement was met with a nod and a wink, “I know.”
The heat hit the pair like a train as they made their way through the door and to the bar, Bishop getting EZ’s attention straight away.
“Prospect. You’re good here. Head out with your sister.”
Ez looked between the two, confused. Amalia’s nodding stopped him from questioning his president though and accepted without argument, “Uh- sure. A, you might need to work on Angel a bit.”
The three turned to where the oldest Reyes sibling was still standing at the pool table, now doing shots of tequila.
“Jesus Christ.” She muttered. That was going to be fun to put to bed, she thought as she walked over, dodging drunk members as she went, “Angel!” Yelling over the music, “Let’s go. You’re gonna want a decent sleep.”
Angel’s eyes met hers and he frowned, “Hell no. It’s barely 10!”
Before she could try to argue a rough hand gently squeezed at her bicep. Bishop.
“Get goin’, Angel.”
Angel’s gaze turned to one of disbelief, “Man, how the fuck d’you get Prez on your side, A?”
Amalia smiled cheekily, “I have my ways.”
To her absolute shock, Angel didn’t put up any further fight. Sharing a look with his president and throwing his head back, groaning dramatically, “Fine.”
He bid farewell to those around him, landing a final kiss on his arm candy’s lips and left toward the door, throwing his arm around EZ’s shoulders when he got there.
Amalia turned to Bishop in awe, “You know, I’ve been his sober driver many times and it has never been that easy. You’re a fucking miracle worker.”
Bishop gave her a small wink and placed his hand on her back to lead her out, “Sometimes you gotta pull rank, querida.”
He guided her the entire way out to her car where Angel was shoving EZ toward the back door, “Ain’t no way I’m getting in the backseat, little brother.”
She had to roll her eyes at the childish antics, some things never change.
“Well, Mr President,” she began, “thank you for your help tonight, and of course the company.”
Bishop grinned down at her, “Anytime, sweetheart. Drive safe. And don’t be a stranger.”
“Enjoy your night, Bishop.”
He reached out to give her arm a light squeeze before turning away with a final nod and a friendly smile. Making his way back to the party.
Amalia smiled at his back and walked around the car to get in her door.
“You better not be fucking him.”
“Jesus Christ, Angel, no.”
She and EZ spoke over each other. Rolling her eyes, she started the car and began the short journey home.
Chapter Two
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