#(( other characters interacting with his babu!
thecleverqueer · 1 year
Random thoughts during The Mandalorian S3:E1 “The Apostate”
*******WARNING: SPOILERS*******
Last chance. Turn back now. No? You good!? You okay!? You sure!? Okay, then let’s get into this:
*Bo-Katan was right. They are absolutely a cult.
*Holy shit! TF with the giant ass crock in the river?!
*Um. If a massive reptile like that surfaced while I was in the middle of my weird cult baptism, I’d consider that a sign from whatever god or ancestors I worshipped that this shit just isn’t for me.
*Din coming in clutch for his cult.
*Crock guts all over the beach! Yes!
*So… Din and the Armorer are having EXACTLY THE SAME conversation that they had in The Book of Boba Fett… again. Because, oops! We did two whole ass episodes of the Mandalorian (which ironically had no Boba Fett despite him being the titular character) because we felt like the name “Boba Fett” couldn’t hold its own weight in fandom, and now folks are going to be lost and confused. Good work!
*Hmm… space whales… Wasn’t I JUST TALKING ABOUT SPACE WHALES!?!
*Is Din asleep at the wheel? He looks like he’s asleep at the wheel. Is it okay to sleep through hyperspace? Come on, Din.
*Wow. Nevarro has been glammed up!
*We have a tree full of Salacious Crumbs….
*Ooo! We have a street band!?! Holy shit! It’s like Mediterranean Europe!
*Greef Karga is dressed to the nines, and he has TWO droids pulling his train. Jeeze, bruh! Class. Nice touch. Carl killing it!
*Greef: I thought you had completely your mission, but you’re still running around here with the same critter.
Din: It’s complicated.*
TRANSLATION: I met a “Jedi” named Ahsoka Tano that freaked out because Grogu had formed an attachment to me, and she refused to have anything to do with his training. She sent me on a wild goose chase across the galaxy to a mountain top in the middle of nowhere so that Grogu may reach out to other Jedi that may take on the task that she was unwilling to do. The kid was kidnapped by the remnants of the Empire, so I amassed a rag-tag team of bad ass lesbians plus Boba Fett to help me rescue him. It nearly went bad, but another Jedi named Luke Skywalker came, rescued us and took Grogu to some unknown forest planet. I went to see Grogu on that planet with Luke, and damn it if Ahsoka Tano wasn’t there… convincing Luke that training Grogu was a bad idea, so Grogu came back to me. Now here we are.
Yeah. That is complicated….. good job making that shit simple.
*Is that a bowl of strawberry Skittles on Greef Karga’s desk? Those look like Skittles. Skittles are now canon. Space whales and skittles… but no gays (scratch that: Gilroy gave us two gays because he’s got balls).
*Wild theory, but hear me out: Greef arguing with these pirates at the doorstep of the school are currently harboring the kids that are going to show up in “The Skeleton Crew”. Jude Law is in there right now lecturing them about something mildly relevant, but he’s not going to be revealed here. The pirates are going to chase Law and the kids out of town because of this interaction right here, and they’re going to get lost when they veer off the trade route somehow (probably via those stinking purrgil). This is the Mandalorian tie-in. Wait for it.
*Oop! Cara Dune mentioned. RIP… your actress was an idiot.
*He, uh, slick passed Grogu like a basket ball just now. WTF? That’s a baby!
The Babu Frik species!!!!
*Din (when Grogu starts grabbing at the Babu Frik dude): He’s young.
Bitch, he’s like, 50. WTF!?! He should absolutely know better than to snatch up another sentient being like that. Train your child better, my man!
*Oh Din, don’t teach Grogu to fly. He still poops his pants. This is the real reason Ahsoka noped out of his training. Grogu is still in pampers, and Ahsoka is a 45-year-old auntie that just wants stir unnecessary shit in the galaxy after sleeping for 8 hours a night.
*Woo!!! Space battle!!!!
*Din: (during said space battle) SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!
Grogu: *chuckling*
*WTF was that fern pirate guy even!?! Oh my god. He was totally a house fern; a walking, talking, sentient, humanoid house fern. That was your inspiration!?
*Holy Shit!! Bo’s ancestral castle! Yum! It’s got concrete walls, House Kryze banners, an ocean view, greenery, fancy statues and a throne. Yes, Bo! Yes!
*Oh no… Bo is brooding on her throne.
*Hmm. Oddly, she doesn’t have her throne blanket in this scene… which absolutely leads me to believe that she becomes so insufferable later in this season that her wife (I can’t tell you if it’s Koska or Ahsoka, but it’s one of them) kicks her out of the bedroom.
*Good to see that despite what appears to be a pretty nasty depressive episode Bo-Katan is in the midst of, she still a seething bitch. That’s my girl!
*I feel like not giving Bo-Katan some sort of comfort animal for her to stroke while she sat sodding on her throne was a missed opportunity (maybe one of those weird dog creatures that were eating the Mantell mix on Shili in TOTJ would have been cool). Opportunity missed, man.
*Mmm… her hatred… I feel her disdain for Din. Damn. She’s tempering her more violent tendencies though, so this gives me hope that she will indeed survive this season.
*Someone call Ahsoka…. Ahsoka has this way of making brains release serotonin and oxytocin with her presence. Have her fix Bo-Katan!
Final thoughts:
Hmm. Visually, it was beautifully done. Nice sound track. Clearly talented director. The writing was kind of hokey (which, I blame Andor for the fact that I even noticed… as Star Wars was always hokey until Tony Gilroy showed up), but it wasn’t absolutely terrible. I love Pedro Pascal. That goes without saying. Katee Sackhoff did a great job delivering Bo, but she’s done it for so long, I feel like she IS Bo. Still worried for my girl, but not nearly as much as before. Not a bad episode. I’m for it. Good. Good.
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radiovisual · 3 years
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(( phone was getting close to dying and i gotta be rested to do stuff tomorrow so thats enough digital art for tonight--NOW. Is time to think about momastor Once More :3c
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Choices Autistic Headcanons
Autistic characters in Choices (my headcanons) (also no coincidence that they are some of my favorite characters!):
Sloane Washington (PM)
Aster D’Yew (TE) —> she arranges her potions in a rainbow order because it makes her happy
Hazel (Hero)
Lucas Thomas (ILITW) —> constantly masking (which has to be so draining). His hands shake when he gives public speeches. He gets really excited when talking about environmental issues and policies, and then gets nervous because he realizes he’s info dumping (but I would listen to him forever).
Sybil (THM)
Lindsay Basu (STD)
Diana (BP) —> “See, for me, differential calculus was always easy. But interacting with men? Little tough.” (Same here just replace “men” with “people” 😅)
Chaz (ROE) —> his special interest is birds 🦢
Charlie (RT) —> her special interests are climate change, environmental activism, and sewing clothes
Aurora Emery (OH)
Aleister Rourke & Grace Tamara Hall (ES)
Evelyn Kassis (FA) —> “I’ve learned how to put on a good show for the cameras and present a version of myself that’s perfect... If you keep the real you out of reach, it’s easier to let all the negative comments roll off you. Of course, that means it’s hard to open up to people, but... it’s mostly worth it.”
Aiden Zhou (HSS) —> his special interest is music! Also “Knowing the beat and moving your feet are two separate skills...”
Horatio Santos (LH)
Mayor Dixon (BaBu)
Other autistic Choices players—anyone else? 🥰♾🌈
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king-hsssy · 3 years
Watching ThunderCats 2011 while baked live post
(Typed this all out on tumblr mobile)
• lion-o is so fun when he’s happy why must they fill the boy with more trauma
• huuuUU asshole cat, mean kitty Tygra
• Cheetara kinda reminds me of Cleo from Clone high idk why
• mmmmm Claudius’ a+ parenting
• bruh lionos vision sequence is fucking nuts, not the vision it’s self but the animation before that
• Claudius stop trashing on LionO for trying to do the bro thing he’s trying to blend in with Tygra and yous cis asses
• snarf wasn’t necessary here
• Claudius is like my fucking friend that I sent out into da wilderness and forgot about is back :D
• Grune has no right being voice by Clancy brown, mr krabs sounding ass
• panthros dead jim
• why is that plaza so damn big
• I love seeing the city social aspects in this show, wish that there was more of that :))))
• WILY TWINS they be mungojerrying and rumpletezering it up love them good for them
• hehehe slithe voiceinf another lizard who gives exposition
• the fact thundera is supposed to have all the cats minus tigers is wack
• I wonder how long it was before Leo’s decedents started becoming grade A dicks
• Tygra must ye be the same ass through out the entire series?? Give this man some growth
• every time I look at LionO I think about how some ppl headcanon that his parents are either cousins or siblings
• hehehe they literally hit cat off tree, violent fireman vibes
• Grune looking finneeeee, he really took over the queens seat at the table huh
• the only one who is actively supportive of lion-o is jaga :( damn..... and later on Panthro even didn’t favor him at first
• look what u did u fucked up a perfectly good lion cub he’s got trauma now
• the Cats are equivalent to sterotypes of small ass country town are like, not smart and knows but fuck about tech besides tractor
• Grune stop filling in the other parental role your making the kid be a combo of u and Claudius and that’s not a good look
• this writing is kinda reminding me of if Bella from twilight had a sister who was a jock
• it’s the line that began the lygra shipping :/
• what does the blue water taste like I wanna know
• the fact that lion-os room doesn’t even looked lived in bc he has to hide so much of his interests :(
• Grandpa :) god I wish jaga was like this for the rest of the series
• FUCK I’m already sad about what’s about to happen to jaga
• WILY TWINS I want them to reach their goals :)
• the tone shift gotdamn
• the fact Tygra and LionO are on good terms 20 mins after they had a big fight is such “your my only sibling” behavior
• mat mercers voice is so flat as Tygra
• I hate thisssss, this scene would have been better in a book or somethin
•thundeians ready as fuck to commit treason and kill royalty
• Cheetara oh how I wish you were like this for the rest of the show. She’s not love interest ™️ all the time yet
• Claudius is just so tired he just wanted to have “it’s been a hot min” sex with his bf not get his kids out of trouble
• the valley that thundera inhabits is either made by a glacier or a gouge from when the Pyramid fell
• this snarf scene is acceptable, shows us that something is rotten in the state of Denmark
• wish it had anime credits I wanna hear a pop song and sad as fuck visuals
• omens p2 babue
• Tygra be big sibling
• LionO just I have so many thoughts about you and your special interest I love u
• and then Tygra boxed his ears
• an entire day has passed an no other character interactions can take place bc plot must happen
• bruh that line reminds me of one kid I knew in school that was like “you can tell someone is ethnic by their smell”
• idk if I like lynxos voice it reminds me of skimbleshanks but he isn’t overtly British
• FUCK you fuck you fuck you
• I was gonna say that lionos mom is probably rolling in her grave bc how his dads treating him but she’d probably do the same thing of her actions toward Tygra are anything to talk about.
• bro the shelter being bombed.....
• I wanna know why they only have the horse things
• Slithe almost hates Claudius as much as I do 🥰
• the silence when the fucking missiles drop holy shit
• that’s right fuckers GUNDUMS
• bruh LionO learning that he bought literal bombs and housed a couple of them in his ROOM
• buddy they are already in da walls
• Ooof Tygra looses two parental figures in one night whooowhwjwowjdjs
• Grune’s just entrepreneurial your just jealous 💅
• Fake Panthro spotted 👁
• he’s just hangin there Claudius no need to worry :)))
• I think I’ve been spelling Claudius name wrong
• Cheetara being cool as shit
• nooo brooo don’t do it he’s not worth iit /hs
• JAGA MAGIC jaga is the wizard thats painted on those vans
• blue cat ppl tree
• bruh they got surrounded quickly
• LionO coming in for da clutch
• mf those lizards where just 🧍
• Claudius revealing that he did indeed have a favorite bf and guess what it isn’t Grune
• Claudius proceeds to get murked and dies thinking his two bfs betrayed him 😔
• this is supposed to be sad wh
• jdjdjd my fucking subtitles went * splash * KDKDJDJFJE
• “sorry for the years of emotional trauma I gave u, you did great” *dies*
• WAIT why did the claw thing go gray is this mf a transformer????
• let the princes feel more emotions 2021
• Broooooo :( the parallels with Cheetara by jaga and the princes by Claudius :(
• also I know nothing about where the hell claudius was stabbed but he fucking died so fast
• I miss tired dog dad mummers
• the lizard who helped LionO bc LionO helped him would have hit different if they were in some form of binding and expressing emotion
• once again why is the courtyard so big here, when we first saw it it appeared to be smaller
• holy shit my AirPods or Hulu did the fading of sound when characters move across the screen this is fucking epic how did in not know this before
• Noooooooo :( jaga I don’t want you to die I’m going to cryyyhh
• idk how I feel about mumm-ra sitting I’ve never seen him sit before I’m so uncomfortable
• bro sword sentience was fucking wasted it would have been so cool in this series
• AAAAHHHHH someone in the writers room has a bondage kink
• this is so stupid, wish the magic was scarier
• OOOH this is when Tygra magicly knows how to use a pistol
• Tygra secretly played COD on one of LionOs busted tech THATS why
• IDKSJDJS his little “hHUOH”
• mumm ra be so fucking slloowwww
• “ you killed my father now prepare to DIE”
• jdjdjdkckekckd mumm ra becomes sonic
• it seems like all the rooms get bigger when ppl leave and renter them
• Grune just standing by watching all this until it’s time to take mummers back to the pyramid it’s just
• :(
• bro Cheetara voices that she wants jaga to stay but doesn’t hang around to hear his reasoning don’t the vibe of that the words put out into da world
• WHaow the lipsyncing there wtf
• lord of the rings quote here
• this shot is very pretty, gets to showcase the city we barely got to know
• ughhugh why that for the ending pose
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bailey-reaper · 3 years
What would interactions between Barok and S/O's kid(s) and other characters be like? Imagine if the habits of others got picked up with enough time spent lol
Honestly, anon, I think the worst behaviours and habits that Babu-van-Ziesk will pick up are all from his father's unique way of behaving in court / his sarcasm.
Children are incredibly perceptive, and I doubt this child would be much different, so soon enough their parents will find a little buckle-shoed foot being slammed on the table in objection and glasses of milk / juice being flung as dramatic punctuation...
Other children probably just teach Babu-van-Zieks how to play marbles and hopscotch and other such fun things...
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randomeditscreates · 3 years
I'm sorry but who can take The Rise of Skywalker seriously, when, one! Emperor Palpatine is around after exploding twice! And even though his fucking ships can't go up! He decides to sent a text message to everyone that's hes back and is going to take over the galaxy. And that he apparently pooped out a very powerful force user[Snoke]
#2. Poe fucking Light Speed skipping, when it's stated in the OT[Original Trilogy] that you can't do it! And the fact that Rey, [Hermit crab] could've done it better, it's from Chewbacca!
#3. Rey, Poe and Finn acting like they've known each other, when this is the first time we get to see them interact with each other.
#4. Passana, not only do they act as if the celebration will cause an issue, when they have no where specifically in Passana to go! Kylo Ren fucking pulls a necklace off of Rey's neck, which causes many questions now!, but for the fact that they were going to be sighted anyways so why do it! Let's not forget that Rey couldn't levitate 6 people when the beginning literally shows her levitate herself with several rocks with no apparent struggle! But no it's fine because they find the mcguffin, and Rey just heals the creature, who just so happens to be covering an exit!
So many fucking conveniences!
#5. Rey after finding the Mcguffin, leaves and almost gets plowed by Kylo, who if you remember doesn't want to kill her!, so why the fuck, would he want to run her the fuck off! I guess it's just for the visuals! Then Kylo explodes and doesn't have a scratch on him, the plot Armour is strong with this one. And of course Chewbacca gets stolen by the First Order and when Rey tries to save him, she fucking shoots lightening out of her hands! I'm sorry but whatever happened to Force Lightening being one of the harded Jedi practice, which is why Palpatine is the only character who has it! You can't just shoot out Force Lightening and especially a character who, compared to any other character barely had any practice!
#6. Babu Frick, a mechanic doesn't have anything to store C3PO memory, and anyways, they find DO, so just have him read the Sith language and you don't have to do this stupid scene, but Fuck it, let's have C3PO death scene with literally no one's he should give two fucks about! Because that'll really pull on the hearstring
#7 Rey finds out she's a Palpatine... and then nothing really changed. She doesn't change and I have no fear that'll she'd turn bad, she's too good, too perfect and not in a positive way. She has a small hissey fit, but as soon as Luke tells her she's not evil,she decides to defeat Palps.
#8. Leia is dead, and we have no reason for how it happens, let's not forget about her stupid prophecy, her son[Kylo] will die at the end of her Jedi training, so she decided to give up her lightsaber to someone who will finish her training, killing her son, it's so stupid and honestly as much as I love Leia, she shouldn't have become a Jedi. But then again she does, so I guess it doesn't fucking matters anymore.
#9. Force Ghosts can use the force! So why in the world wouldn't they decide to come to Exegul to fucking destroy Palps, they can't die! And don't you dare tell me it's because that specific planet has alot of force, because then why in the world would Luke go there! Since he wants to get away from the force! And even still, State that! Or make it fucking clear.
#10. Kylo turns good, so I guess, that's okay, but how the hell did he find Rey on the Death Star, when A, you can only find it using the Wayfinder, B, It's placed in an area where you have to be standing in a specific place and hope that the place did not erode or was scavenged. And don't give me the stupid excuse was that the Wayfinder gives special coordination to the area, but, it you know how any map works, it doesn't give you the exact place to stand, it gives you the general fucking location, and even still, if Rey, was an inch to the left, they would be shit out of luck.
The fucking End! Rey is told to kill Palps so he could inhabit her body, so she kills him....with two Lightsabers, do you remember the Prequels, Mace Window was a skilled opponent and was at his best form and his lightsaber just made Palps bald! But apparently all he needed was an extra lightsaber. Oh and the whole, be with me! Solely there for the director to say that's the reason Rey won, not because she a Mary Sue, and can never lose, like seriously during the entire trilogy, she never fails or changes as a character. So apparently a force Diad can restore a force user to it's full ability, I guess that gives us enough info on force Diads, it not like we not need anymore information, Ashoka is apparently dead! And don't give me the crap about how the director said how she's not, he's just making up for his fuck ups. Kylo Ren heals Rey, and dies, not only can he heals someone with no experience, but even though when Rey heals Kylo of a fatal wound! She's perfectly fine when Kylo heals Rey, he dies! Oh and don't get me started on their kiss, honestly, that is not a kiss siblings have, and if your wondering, yes! Jar Jar Abrams told everyone that this kiss was meant to be a brother and Sister kiss! Honestly I can fix this, Rey dies due to Palps absorbing her powers, and only Kylo survives, and then Kylo kills Palpatine, it both a homage, to the original trilogy with a Skywalker defeating a Palpatine but it wouldn't bring into question of Palpatine inhabiting Rey's body. It would also be a great story arc for Ben[Kylo] as he like his grandfather, decides to become good because of someone they care for. And then if you want he could not die and save Rey, but personally I think these two infections should die together. It might be a somber tale but it would be a change from the original, and you could even show a new force user and then bang you have a new character to create a movie about. Honestly I just never really enjoyed this ending or movie, and the fact that the lat word a Skywalker utters is Ow, is just insulting to their legacy.
Dishonorary mentions: Rey took the Skywalker last name as her own, like Bitch, you did not deserves this, after you take all of their accomplishments and claim them as your own. It also makes no sense in universe as the only Skywalker, she was ever close to was Leia, and she continuously goes by in movies and books as Leia Organa, because you know, even if Vader was her father, she not going to take the name of the man who killed her only parents but also her people. So why not Organa or even Solo, Rey doesn't have a great connection with Luke during The Last Jedi, so why the hell, would she go by that name, also, What about your parents Rey, the people who literally sacrificed themselves for you, I guess fuck them. BTW, I love the fact that Rey's mother convinced Ochi, Ouchi? Doesn't matter, she tells the a Sith assassin, that Rey is not on Jaku, literally word for word, very convincing.
Finn, has some force abilities and while I would love to see how he would react to this ability all he ever does is yell Rey, literally, take a drink everytime he does it and you'll be blackout drunk by the halfway mark, it's so annoying.
Jada is fine, but I hate that's she just a Finn as woman, and their connection only goes as far as the fact that their both were once stormtroopers.
Honestly I enjoyed Zori Bliss' character but she was so useless and was only there to shout encouraging words to Poe, and gives him the medallion, which, if we think about, shouldn't work but I digress.
I'm totally done now, because I'll fully admit, that any other complaints are caused by the Last Jedi,
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salmankhanholics · 3 years
★ Mohnish Bahl: I Thought I Was Finished After Six Flops And Decided To Become A Pilot!
03 January, 2021
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Mohnish Bahl does not miss being in the movies. In fact, he prefers making only sporadic appearances in a film or two now. But his name evokes memories of his villainous turn in ‘Maine Pyar Kiya’ (1989), which he followed up by playing the doting elder brother in ‘Hum Aapke Hain Koun..!’. The Salman Khanand Bhagyashree-starrer celebrated 31 years of its release last week, and ETimes reached out to Mohnish to find out about what he was up to now. During the course of the conversation, the son of legendary actress Nutan recalled how it was a phone call from his mother that changed his life and career, looked back on his long association with Barjatyas, and quipped how Salman has better movie sense than him. Read on... You had already done a few films in Bollywood before bagging a role in ‘Maine Pyar Kiya’.
By the time I got ‘Maine Pyar Kiya’, not only had I started my career but also ended it. I thought I was finished after six flops and decided to become a pilot. I was working on getting a commercial flying license as I wanted to get a job in the aviation sector.
Salman Khan and I bumped into each other quite randomly but became friends almost immediately. He was trying to get into the business of filmmaking back then. When ‘MPK’ came his way, he recommended my name for the villain’s role. He asked me if I'd be interested in doing the role, and I agreed.
 It was tricky for me to do a villain’s role back then as I was a flop hero. But any inclination that I had to play a hero was over by then (laughs). So I took it on but had never expected that it would be a new lease of life for my career and make me viable even 30 years later. I don’t think even Salman had thought about it.
Did you have to audition for the role? Yes, when I agreed to do the role, Salman said, " Jaake audition kar le”. I was down and out in those days as six films featuring me as a hero had flopped; I'd had no work for two-and-half years. Besides, I was 24 and insecure as I didn't know where I was headed in life. You can’t just be a rich parents’ kid and live off their money. And it is not just about income, your self-worth also gets damaged badly in the process. I told my mom about my plans to take up the negative character and since she shared a warm relationship with the Barjatyas, she called Raj Babuji (late film producer Raj Kumar Barjatya) and told him about my plans. Interestingly, it was Soorajji (Barjatya) himself who took my audition and he gave me lines that would go on to achieve cult status: “ Ladka ladki kabhi dost nahi hote”. But after the test, Raj Babuji came up to me and said, “We'd like to cast you in this role, but aap Nutanji ke bete hain aur hum unko kya bolenge about casting you in a villain's role?” I assured them that I had her blessings, but he was still apprehensive. I went back and told my mother that I should be getting films because of her and not losing them! It was only years after my mother's demise, while shooting for ‘Hum Aapke Hai Koun..!’ (1994), that I learned from Raj Babuji that my mom had called and spoken to him about the incident.
What did Nutanji say to Raj Babuji? When we were shooting for ‘Hum Aapke Hai Koun..!’ at Mehboob Studios, Raj Babuji asked me if I recalled the time they were hesitant to sign me for ‘MPK’. I did because I had almost lost the film. He went on to relay how my mother had called him up to tell him to not punish her son for being her son. It hit me hard; it still does. A person like her, who has achieved so much and was such a wonderful soul, felt she was the cause of something that should have been positive. Raj Babuji promised to someday offer her son a leading role and that’s how 'Hum Aapke...' happened. He not only kept the promise in one film but also in ‘Hum Saath Saath Hain’ (1999).
Did you offer any tips to the newbies Salman and Bhagyashree? (Smiles) With my infinite knowledge of films--considering I had so much experience--I kept telling Salman, ' Kaise chalegi yeh picture? Kabootar ke point of view se flashback chal raha hai.Who is the hero of this film?' He shot back saying, 'I am.'
I told him he wasn't and he was perplexed. My explanation was simple: 'End mein villain ko kaun maarta hai? Kabootar! Kabootar hero hai. Isme hero hai hi nahi.' (chuckles) Now it seems like a joke but back then, I was, in my all earnestness, telling him, 'Buddy, this is not the way to go. We are not making a very good film.'
But honestly, Soorajji, Raj Babu ji, Salman, and Salim Khan uncle genuinely believed in the film. I guess that knowledge is what Salman converts into so many 100-crore plus films today.
 Bhagyashree was very young back then and we hardly interacted. But when we meet up today, we often go down memory lane. And what do those trips down memory lane yield now that the film is considered a cult classic? I really didn’t think ‘MPK’ will end up achieving cult status. It was supposed to release in a regular 3-shows-a-day at Metro. A couple of weeks before its release we were told by Raj Babuji that Yash Chopra's Sridevi and Rishi Kapoor-starrer Chandni was doing good business after a long time and that Metro had requested them that they cancel their bookings and instead offered them the morning matinee show which was the 10 show. I felt vindicated and pointed out the Salman that the exhibitors were running away already. I was still not convinced about the kabootar's role.
 Cut to the first day of release. Salman and I were sitting next to each other, watching the film with the audience when the song ‘Kabootar Jaa Jaa’ came on and there was a shower of coins. People were so happy they were throwing loose change at the screen. The sceptic in me still wondered if the people getting excited were planted by the producers.
But during the interval, word got out that we were watching the film in their midst and suddenly people crowded around us and lifted Salman up in the air.
When I didn’t recognise any of them did I realise they were not from the production team (laughs). They also started asking me for an autograph. That's when I realised that I was wrong and that people were actually liking the film. It was the first and the last time I tried gauging the commercial result of a film. But then again, when I was shooting for 'Vaastav' (1999) with Mahesh (Manjrekar), I expressed my doubts about the outcome of the film to him saying the hero is not a hero, he is a broken man. He assured me, 'That is the story, it's about a broken man.' And it went on to be a success. So, I guess I don’t have the knack of understanding whether a film will work at the box office or not. However, I liked ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’ (1998) – Karan Johar’s first film at its trial show. So, I still have hope that I can predict correctly (laughs).
How did your daughter Pranutan get ‘The Notebook’ (2019), her first film? Someone from the unit saw her photographs on Instagram and contacted her. She was also auditioning on her own at the time. It was only when Salman learned about her audition from director Nitin Kakkar, that people came to know that she is my daughter. Salman called and asked me if Pranutan wanted to be an actor and I said yes. So he said, 'You had it, man!'. That was his first reaction (laughs). Then he said, 'She has done an audition. Now it’s not in my hands. It’s in the hands of the director, he has to decide. But you are game, right? You are on for it, right? You are cool with it?” I said “Yes, I am cool with it.' Then, 18 days later, he called me to say that Pranutan is the lead in their next film.
Excerpts from interview 
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bb-8irl · 4 years
I can’t believe I’m doing this again. The number of times I try to write out my feelings towards TROS, I always feel like I haven’t worded it properly, or haven’t said what I’ve needed to say. Or that I still have much to say when I’m done. But after seeing this movie three times, with having a week between the second and third I think I’ve got this. Also, I’m naturally optimistic, so this will probably come off more positive than negative, but I have a lot to say so I literally how no clue how this is going to go.
Heads up this is hella long, do bare with me. And I’m sorry I couldn’t figure out how to do the read more thing.
First, what Star Wars means to me.
To some people, it’s just movies, and yes it is. But they are some of my favorites, even though they are imperfect, I fall in love with the idea of a galaxy far far away. They take me to a world that I can escape to. They have given me characters that I adore, many of which I see parts of myself in, while others inspire me. As a kid I never really saw myself as a princess, I loved princess movies but I never felt like I fit in with them. No, I felt like a Jedi, I felt like this was a world I belonged to. I love the movies, the tv shows, comics, and books. Why do I think this is important to share, mainly for perspective and where I come from when I say what I say about TROS. You don’t have to be a life long fan to have an opinion on this, but this is just from a certain point of view. I’m a Reylo, and I’m going to have strong opinions as a SW fan and as a Reylo. Some opinions that you may agree or disagree with. I’m not here to argue. And I’m not here to say someone cannot feel differently towards any of this.
Where to start?
Well point blank, as an overall Star Wars movie what did I think? I don’t hate it, I don’t think it’s perfect and I think there are MANY problems with it and I really don’t wanna give JJ or Chris any credit for anything good that did come from this movie. But I can’t say that it was a horrible movie, I’d being lying if I said I wasn’t entertained. But it wasn’t great, and really missed the target.
So the writing…
Let me say first that I’m not a writer, or at least not professionally, I write for my own enjoyment in my free time. But in terms of the story we were given, it was…well again I didn’t hate it. But especially after thinking about it, and I know I can’t change anything, but I just wish it didn’t feel like the entire story revolves around Palpatine. Now I like the idea of Palpatine coming back, it does make sense since this mother fucker has been stirring the damn pot and has always had his hand in things. And as much as I actually love the opening sequence, I think it would have been more interesting to see in the in at least first act to see how everything for the resistance and first is going before Palpatine makes himself known. But if were gonna just talk about the literal writing, it was fine, especially Carrie’s scenes I think they did well writing them to try and make it fit. Star Wars in general for writing I give some lenience, just cause the writing has never been perfect, it’ll have its moments but not perfect. So yeah that’s where I stand with that.
Now breaking it down. What did I think? What I liked and didn’t like. What I would have done different.
The title scroll…again it just felt very Palpatine centric when I feel like it could have been a little less of him in the start.
Kylo fighting on Mustafar…HOT it’s fucking HOT because he’s HOT and it’s fucking HOT on Mustafar. Now it was after the fact of the first and second time I saw the movie that I found out he was on Mustafar, which makes sense plot wise if you know all the details of why he’s on Mustafar…and maybe I just didn’t identify they planet well and it’s just me who didn’t notice it was Mustafar. (JK it wasn’t just me, I told my roommate and she was pissed that they didn’t give us any helpful clues.) But I feel like that was something that maybe could have used a bit better of an explanation.
Kylo literally not having the time of day to deal with Palpatine. BIG MOOD BRO. And like that’s
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He’s done being a puppet, he’s not playing around. And I’m proud of my boy for that. Also just the fact that he’s protective boyfriend literally not having it, there’s literally nothing he can be offered that can sway him from Rey.
It was interesting to kinda get a look at how how connected they are. (Hello force soulmates.) I did like seeing how their their memories really do intertwine into one. But I don’t really give JJ or Chris any of the force bond credit. That’s probably the one good thing they took from what Rian left them with and didn’t have to do a 180 on it. But again the force bond was Rian’s creation, they on expanded on it.
Now I like how Poe and Rey butt heads, it’s honestly how I expected that to go. Meanwhile Finn is in the middle of it, trying to keep his little sister and boyfriend from breaking into a full on MMA fight. Overall the trio was cute, I wouldn’t really change much about it honestly. Though they really gave us barely any Rose action which was sincerely disappointing.
Though it was a small interaction, Kylo and Hux was funny. I truly love how much they hate each other, comedic gold.
Pasana party looks like hoot and half. But they really had her look at a group of kids, and have a conversation about how Rey doesn’t have a last name, and played the whole oh she will get something like this by the end…bruh…it’s fine I’ll discuss that more later.
Rey and Bens first force Skype in TROS. He really said, “Palpatine wants you dead.” As a conversation starter, what a Solo. Anyways their conversation was angsty AF, and I expected nothing less than that. I love when he asks her why she didn’t take his hand she asks back, “You could have killed me. Why didn’t you?” And what I love from that is how she, at least from my perspective, answered his question with that question. Because the answer would be because I care/love you too much to ever hurt you. And I’ll bring this up later, but it kinda foreshadows what Rey tells him later.
He ripped that necklace off. And maybe I should have been offended…but that was…
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FINN WAS NOT GOING TO TELL REY HE LOVES HER. I just really needed to say that. Also I know I caught on quicker than most but honestly the minute Finn says “It’s Ren.” My thought process was and I quote. “Mother fucker do you have something you would like to share with the class?” I kinda caught onto the early on that he is force sensitive.
And I’ll cover that topic now real quick. I love Finn, and I honestly am so happy for him. Them making him force sensitive doesn’t bother me, again happy for him. From a writing standpoint though I feel like JJ did that for when people try to say “oh you ruined about how it doesn’t matter where you come from, the force doesn’t care about bloodline.” This is where he points his finger and goes “see, look, we don’t know his bloodline.” And you know I hope that there are better intentions in that, but I wouldn’t be surprised if at least some of the intention was for JJ to try and cover his ass. Regardless I like Finn being force sensitive. But I feel like they were too subtle about to be introducing something like that so late in the game. It kinda just left a lot of people confused.
Also, Poe is a jealous boyfriend…nuff said.
And it was cute how BB-8 kinda had a learning lesson from Rey when she says, “you would have done the same.” When referring to force healing. And then BB-8 kinda uses that concept for D-O when he charges him.
Continuing on to the flip over the tie fighter was epic, shout out to Katie McDonnell who preformed that specific stunt. (I know she’s not the only stunt double, I’m just a fan of Katie, but major props to the whole stunt team.)
Oh and Kylo on Pasana is also…
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Also the Chewie fake out I saw coming which kinda ruined anything emotional JJ was trying to pull on me.
Ok now to Kimji stuff.
Zorii is a cool character. I can buy the history the two had. You get a good feel for past chemistry but I like that she actually doesn’t wanna kiss him. Like I will kiss almost anyone (not Jabba the hut) in Star Wars (ok there’s a fair amount I wouldn’t) but Poe is on that list of whom I would kiss. So props to her for being all been there done that. And Babu Frik is precious.
Force Skype number 2. Firstly I‘m happy to hear the words “I never lied to you.” Come out of Kylos mouth. I’ve just always found that very important thing about him is how honest he is to Rey. He’s not a liar, he’s not deceptive, it’s not really in his character to do so, and specially to Rey I don’t think he would ever consider lying to her.
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The Rey Palpatine situation. I don’t love it but I also don’t hate it…but I don’t like it for sure. I can accept it as canon, but it leaves me with more questions…before I say what I would have done let me just first say this. I have questions on who the fuck did Palpatine fuck. This also just has me questioning the timeline and everything, especially watching it all again. I just started asking where everything falls into the timeline, was he part of raising his son, like there’s a lot of missing pieces, and it kinda just makes me ask why it was it was so important to make her a Palpatine. But like sure if I turn my brain off…ok…Rey is a Palpatine…sure, whatever makes the fanboys shut up on trying to make her a blood related Skywalker. And honestly JJ you don’t get credit for making Anti fanboys shut up. But at least they look EXTRA dumb now when they still try and make her related to Ben.
But ok, now lets really address this. It really was not that necessary to make her Palpatine and sure, yeah it happened. But I really liked the direction Rian was going with in TLJ, that it doesn’t matter who you, that anyone can be force sensitive, that it doesn’t matter where you come from, or who your parentage is, it’s just the matter of the force. What I wish they had went with was this idea that Rey was kinda born for the darkness and Ben for the light, just something very basic. And because they are kinda fighting for the opposite of which the were “created” for it causes a weird shift in the force. It would have fit will with what Rian had already written, explain why Rey is so strong with the force, being Bens equal, and quite literally it would barely change anything that was already there. Literally just changing any lines that involve Rey being Palpatine’s granddaughter. Related or not Palpatine could have known of Rey and was trying to seek here out, her parents wanted to protect leaving her on Jakku, telling Plutt they were selling her for drinking money to make sure there was nothing suspicious going on. Everything happens ala TFA and TLJ, Ben finds out where Rey is suppose to belong in the force, he tells her, she hates it because it’s everything she doesn’t want to be. We get it the ending and Palpatine does the whole kill me and because what you were created to be, Empress of the galaxy and harness all the sith. BOOM. You didn’t have to fuck with her parentage, you didn’t have to try to find loopholes in what Rian gave you. Cause all the shit I just wrote out, I’d believe, I’d that believe more than the whole Palpatine thing.
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Hux was the spy…well I knew he was gonna be up to some bullshit but I didn’t expect that. And while I think that was an interesting twist I kinda was hoping with Hux something a little different. Kinda the same concept of “I need Kylo Ren to loose.” I feel like again if we started a bit before the whole Palpatine shit happens, it would have been interesting to see Hux trying to undermine Kylo. I was hoping to have seen Hux die, but I feel like his part was kinda thrown away. Again, there could have been great potential with him trying to “dethrone” Kylo. I never thought Hux as dumb and so it just felt like we missed out on him trying to take the power.
I love Jannah, I think she was a great character for Finn to relate to. But I’m just saying we had a good set up for a Stormtrooper rebellion…just saying that was some missed potential.
The Rey versus Dark!Rey stuff was cool, and I expected it to be something short, but just saying it would have been cool to have seen a bit more of that. AND would have been cool if it were a vision Ben had seen though.
“You can’t go back to her now. Like I can’t.” Oh my sweet baby boy. The crazy thing is too though is that he probably could have gone back, which is something he realizes when Leia reaches out to him not long after. But you know he wants to go back and truly feels helpless and can’t.
Also he crushed the Wayfinder with one hand…
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The water fight was pretty epic. I was happy to see specifically in this fight and the final fight later on that they were fighting in a very similar way to the prequel Jedi. Like that shit is epic.
Ok and that moment when he stops himself from striking Rey, knowing that no matter how upset he might be at her, and how upset she is with him he never wants to hurt her.
Also I predicted that Leia’s death would be the starter for Bens redemption, and again I really felt for my baby boy. Also I definitely verbally screamed “No!” When Rey impaled him with his lightsaber.
Rey force healing Ben is a tender moment.
Now I know some people don’t like this, but I understand why Rey says, “I did want to take your hand. Ben’s hand.” And I get it. When we go back to when she asks him why he didn’t kill her it’s that same kinda answer he would give. She cares/loves him to much to see him destroyed. She knows that her following him to the dark side would turn him into something he’s not, and turn her into something she’s not. I know a lot of people find this as her not being able to accept him as Kylo, and I think she accepts him for all that he is, but doesn’t want him to loose who he really is. Because as Kylo has lived a tortured destructive life, and she wants him happy. She already knows the side he doesn’t let anyone but her see, and I think she knows that he would loose that. And then from her perspective for herself, Rey has never wanted power, or the want to rule. When he offered her his hand, and offered her basically everything he could, she never wanted any of that, you see that with Palpatine she’s never wanted to rule. Her saying she wanted Bens hand, it’s her telling him she doesn’t need anything but him for her to be with him and love him. And he’s never had that. With Luke he was the prize student, with Snoke he had to live up to this expectation of being Vader and being told he was never good enough. And Rey is there telling him that Ben is enough. It’s the equivalent of Ben saying, “you’re nothing. You come from nothing. But not to me.” He didn’t care where she came from, he loved her just for her, as she loves him for him.
(Wow that was a lot…but I at least think I finally got that out.)
Moving on.
I was so glad that they basically addressed the Han/Ben scene from TFA. For me it was always easy to see Bens struggle in that moment, I’ve always been empathetic with him cause I think of just about everything he had to do this was the most painful and regretful thing he’s ever done. And having to relive was so heartbreaking, but it important for him and important for the audience as a whole. This whole scene, as painful as it is, is healing. With Rey starting with healing him and his scar to him having to have that memory/conversation with his Father.
And yes I was absolutely broken by “Dad.” “I know”. I was so wrapped up in my emotions it took me the third time to realize that was their I love you.
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So Rey going back to Ahch-to, and having her conversation with Luke. And like…again the whole Rey Palpatine thing, again fine it’s canon…this is fine. But this would have been so much less explanation…like I really feel like they made it harder for themselves by making her a Palpatine. But…fine it’s in canon.
Also Leia is a Jedi! Which was already hinted to with Leia training Rey. And Leia is continuously one of my favorite characters…but I never pinned her down to actually go through full on Jedi training. I can believe that she got byLuke but ok no she went all the way. And it’s not out of character for her to just hide something from the family, though this does almost butt heads against canon in terms of Han never even knew she trained…so JJ you kinda made another plot hole…you tried to cover it up, Jedi Leia is a cool concept, and the fact we needed two lightsabers cause someone decided to throw his into the ocean I see why you did it…but bro…she didn’t need be a Jedi to train Rey.
And ok the “some things are stronger than blood.” Which is a great message for her, which I’m just saying could have been used regardless of her parentage. But I digress.
Ok so the Exegol stuff.
Just kinda standard dialogue between Rey and Palps. Again if I could change it, it would really just be her not being his grandfather. The more I think about it the more unnecessary it becomes.
I know some people wanna question how Ben even got to Exegol, that’s honestly a plot hole I don’t mind waiting for the novelization to explain, doesn’t bother me, just thought I’d address it.
And seeing Ben Solo running in with nothing but a blaster in his hand, no plan, just his wife on his mind.
ALSO “ow!” Is the one Ben Solo line we got and it may be the one line…but says so much about Ben Solo.
And man the look that Rey and Ben give each other through the bond, that was the look of love and trust. And when she passes over the lightsaber and Ben freaking goes.
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And then he takes on the Knights of Ren…
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Oh I should address the Dyad situation. Honestly I’m all for anything that confirms that they are literal soulmates in the force. I mean we all kinda called this happening, now there is a literal name for this.
I will say I loved getting to hear from the Jedi, that was a touching moment, yeah it would have been cool to have actually seen them in force ghost form but that’s me being nit picky. Also would I have loved to have seen it be both Rey and Ben defeat Palpatine, they both have been fucked with by Palpatine. But it doesn’t bother me to see Rey defeat him. It again was just kinda a missed opportunity.
Now watching Ben pull himself from that pit and use every last bit of energy he has to get to Rey, scooping her into his arms, looking around helplessly, and hugging her close. Everyone could literally see the inner monologue he was having and my heart was BREAKING. JJ you don’t they any credit for that, Adam is just wonderful and amazing, and is the only one who deserves credit for that.
He gave her his life. HE FUCKING GAVE HER HIS LIFE!
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(Heads up I’m just gonna first talk about from here on till I reach the end before I start talking about changes or things I would have done different…not to mention the thing that really has me upset.)
Now I see the full circle in terms of “finishing what Vader started”, that the whole big reason for Anakin's fall to the dark side was because he wanted to save the person he loved more than anything. So ok I see what you did there JJ, but by no means did that mean that he had to die…but I’m getting ahead of myself.
And can we talk about how Rey looks at him, I really don’t think she realizes what he’s actually done, but she just looks at him with love and adoration oh my fucking heart.
THEY KISS FOLKS REYLO CONFIRMED. They have canonized Reylo…painful as fuck after that so yeah.
And then it happens. Now ok…I have many feelings. But let’s just go with the fact that what’s happened…happened. Fact of the matter is he gave his life to Rey. Now it’s hella romantic, and I do think that if they had tried to kill him any other way I would be fuming (well I kinda am still). But yeah had it been any other way I would have rioted.
And then we get to the ending…celebration is cute. RIP Snap Wexley btw. Then we get to Tatooine. Now it took me a the THIRD time of seeing that movie to actually maybe understand what they were getting at. First two times I was like “really, this is how we end it?” And I’m still saying that, but I understand why she bury’s the lightsabers, it is a sense of closure for the Skywalkers. I’m just gonna assume Tatooine is not a permanent situation…that’s what I would hope at least. And I’m not too mad about her taking the name Skywalker, I guess since she just has to be a Palpatine, I wouldn’t wanna keep the Palpatine name either. And so as far as I know her and Ben are fucking married so let her take on the family name.
Was that ending what I would consider satisfying though? No, not really. Her lightsaber is cool and I’m glad she has one, but not still not satisfied.
Why am I not satisfied you might ask.
Here’s why.
Now if this is me excepting the fact of the matter that Ben is dead. I mainly have a problem with the fact that the ending is almost too vague and gives the audience little to no explanation. Sure I can be left to my assumptions and I’ll get to those, but the majority of the audiences initial interpretation of that ending is, Rey is now going to be just as she started, alone on a desert planet…like bro wtf. This could have been explained so much better, especially the fact that we specifically see Luke and Leia as force ghost. Look I’m gonna assume since I see no ghost Ben is either still with/part of Rey…or because there’s a chance of him coming back. But you could have explained it so much better, and I’m gonna read the novelization with hopes that there is a better explanation. The ending as a whole just felt incomplete, maybe because it was a lack of explanation or maybe something else. But this was suppose to be the end of 9 movies, you can explain yourself a bit more.
Now lemme talk about Bens death. While I would never accept him dying any other way, his death is what I would consider to be unnecessary. And I’m repeating what I said before, but I agree he finished what Vader started, saving the one they love from death, but that doesn’t mean he had to die. Like there’s literally in terms of the plot was no reason for him to die, it doesn’t further anything. Yes Rey is alive, but this is Star Wars all you have to say is “because the force wills it” and that’s all the explanation you would need. Oh Rey and Ben both get to live because the force wills it, because they are Dyad in the force, because they are the balance in the force. Live together, die together. They literally did not say anything about the consequences of force healing, so you literally have freedom to do whatever want. It would not have been impossible for Ben to of had a future, maybe not go to the resistance, but his life, his actual life was just beginning. Since he was in his mother’s womb he was being manipulated by Snoke, his life is turned upside down when his uncle was going to kill him, he runs to the one person he trusts in the galaxy who just so happens to turn out to be his abuser. He gets to be Ben solo for 15 minutes, has literally less than a minute of pure happiness…AND THEN KILL HIM. What’s the point?!?! JJ you literally retconed yourself with the whole die together thing and then kill ONE of them…how do you fuck yourself that badly. IT WAS LITERALLY IN THE SAME SEQUENCE.
And what’s the point of Rey looking at a group of children, probably wondering what it would be like to have a family to then leave her alone like that!
“I always hated that in movies, when you go along and one of the main characters gets killed. It’s a fairytale. You want everybody to live happily ever after and nothing bad happens.” - George fucking Lucas
And yes of course some people will die, it’s a war after all. But when he talks about this journey with a character, it’s not only cliche and over done, it’s just not necessary. Especially when it’s Star Wars a space fairytale where it should end with “and they all lived happily ever after.”
And let me give you perspective from those around me who never shipped Reylo. Firstly a friend who I saw it with my second time around who we’ve talked before about how she’s had in summary said “well I like Kylo more than I like Hux or Snoke.” And her leaving that theatre left her saying “I never realized how much I love Ben Solo.” And then was crushed by the fact that they decided to kill him. Another instance in my step sister who I encouraged to watch Star Wars, though she had no interest, she watched all the movies to humor me. And she knows I ship Reylo, and knows Ben is one of my favorite characters. We saw the movie last night and she, who has no attachment to him at all literally texted me about him dying and said “THAT WAS DEPRESSING” followed it by “I liked it. Like it wasn’t bad. But why did he die. That was totally unnecessary.” And we talked about the ending and how she did perceive Rey as being lonely on Tatooine. And I don’t wanna generalize what the general audiences perception is…but for a lot of people who don’t look too deeply into things, or theorize what things could mean, that’s what they are more than likely going to think.
Anyways, if I had my hands in on this Ben would not be dead. They would kiss, profess each others love. Ben would tell her to go to her friends and to meet him later. Rey would go and celebrate and then tell them she needs to go. She flies the falcon and meets up with Ben, ideally on Naboo. They take the lightsabers Padme’s mausoleum and leave the lightsabers there. Both Ben and Rey rebuild their lightsabers. Bens lightsaber would be white because let’s just say he somehow gets his crystal back and heals it, and Rey’s yellow. It ends with them in the field where Anakin and Padme once were and watch the sunset.
Hm…I don’t know about you but that sounds pretty fucking satisfying.
Now I could get into the fact that I do believe there are deleted scenes, there are different endings and they really thought that was the most satisfying one. And personally I would like to see them, so DFL if you see this, bring it on, you owe us this. That and if you were to give me comics or a novelization of Ben Solo bring brought back to life via world between worlds or whatsoever I will would like that and appreciate it. It’s not like it’s the first time you killed a character and then said “ha you thought they were dead but they’re not.” I just really think Ben deserves more time than what he was given. But I’m not gonna go crazy about how the ending was fucked around with or the alternative ones, I know it’s out there, and a lot of other people have already made post on it.
The movie as a whole is just kinda one big missed opportunity. Not all of it was bad, it had some moments, some things that I even really enjoyed. I appreciated them building onto the force bonds, but I give that credit for Rian cause those wouldn’t have happened without him. And it also just bothers me that JJ really just tried to take the long way around and stretch things around to make it fit with what Rian wrote. When in reality you had a great set up. You have some kind of insight into Rey, that she is drawn to the dark. Ben is supreme leader now what could that mean, and what could Hux possibly be up to. We could have seen some of the rebuilding of the resistance. The idea that maybe it is time for the Jedi order to end, that Ben is right that it’s time to let old things die, the Jedi and sith. And they just messed with it to no end to kinda make sense but, took the most complicated and exhausting route to get to where they did.
My roommate and I literally sat for about an hour discussing what we would have done and realized we had a more cohesive story that lines up with where Rian left off. Like…they really used all their brain cells on how to make Rey being a Palpatine work when that didn’t have to be a thing, they focused all their energy on making Palpatine be part of the whole movie which was not necessary, for the whole plot.
So this isn’t left on an negative, everyone performance wise was amazing. All this above is not a reflection on any of the actors. Daisy showed some incredible growth as an actress and in Rey. Adam was amazing as always and is truly a genius when it comes to understanding his character. Oscar and John were on point, and as far as I know Finn and Poe end up settling down together and stormpilot is canon in my eyes. All my love to The ENTIRE cast.
I know this was a lot, if you actually read all of this I really appreciate it. A lot of this I needed to just get off my chest. I’ll probably have more things to say later on, maybe my mind will change after thinking about something. But for now this is it. Thanks for reading this, hope it all makes sense. I hate to ever say negative things, I like to be positive and optimistic but it’s better to not suppress any of these feeling either.
May the force be with all of you. Always.
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achingforthestars · 4 years
some things i liked and did not like about the rise of skywalker ***spoilers***
now having seen it and having had the time to sit and talk and collect my thoughts, i have a list of the things i didn’t enjoy and, amongst all this negativity, the things i did. 
contains spoilers of course!
things i did not enjoy:
finding out about palpatine off-screen
so stupid! this was one of the things i disliked the most because of what a cheap, lazy writing choice it was. i wanted to see the characters have to put it together, have to work for it and then when facing palpatine, have it be on their terms instead of his? instead we get him announcing his presence and kylo meeting him in the first 3 minutes. 
treatment of characters
i made a post about this. just so much wrong, so many deserved better, most of all rose, rey and ben. a lot of the characters were treated as afterthoughts. 
implied finn having feelings for rey
dumb. overdone. tired.
knights of ren
felt cheap and underused. learned nothing about them, it was something i was waiting 3 movies for and the final chance to show them was wasted. 
the resistance is back to perfect! 
i understand that this was due to the timeskip, which i guess was necessary, but i felt that it was kind of cheap to not show any sort of struggle. a year has passed and BAM they’re right where they were in TFA. the losses faced in TLJ very much felt erased. 
the pacing
awful. just awful. things felt too rushed or too slow pretty much through the entire movie. 
the visuals
much less well-done than TLJ. the use of colour and light was much weaker in my opinion, the locations more generic, and the imagery lacking. that said, palpatine’s lair was so fittingly creepy, and the reylo moment on kijimi/kylo’s ship with the black and white juxtaposition - those were nice. 
irrelevant or convenient plot elements
zorii bliss was not a necessary character. chewie was conveniently on another transport. d-0, while super cute and funny, was also just a deus ex machina. hux being a spy - could have been entirely removed but oh, finn and poe need to get off the ship somehow. rey’s return to ahch-to was rushed, her interactions with luke could have been on any other planet. she did not need to pilot luke’s x-wing specifically but they forced it. lando - lando was basically a consolation prize for chewie with little relevance. pryde literally could have been replaced with hux and made for a more interesting narrative. 
snoke clones
what the fuck was that?
the fleet
somehow the entirety of the fleet was magically stored, 100% operational and with fully functioning crew, under the crust of some random planet? and every single one of those ships has planet-destroying capabilities? 
the other “fleet”
where the fuck were these allies in TLJ, huh? i get that it’s the last stand and maybe more people showed up because of that but damn. 
leia’s absence was felt
i understand this was not in the control of the creators but truly, i felt like there was a gaping hole where leia should have been. 
the Trio
i enjoyed their banter but it felt inconsistent through the movie. rey and poe didn’t get along one minute, the next they’re fine. if this had been introduced and pushed in previous films, it would have made more sense and felt less hollow. as it stands, it felt like a forced attempt to call back the OT vibes that just fell flat.
rey palpatine
ugh. let’s reduce strength to a bloodline and in the process ignore what was set up in the last movie. yay! also, palpatine fucked someone at some point and that is utterly disgusting. 
rey skywalker
felt forced. she did not need to take the skywalker name.
kylo’s transition to ben.
before anyone jumps on me, i want to clarify that specifically i am referring to the speed of his transition from ruthless supreme leader to full on ben. i loved his redemption, i just wish i could have seen him do it more gradually and with a bit more struggle? he just goes from “i will find you rey and turn you dark like me” to “i am ben solo” so quickly that i found it a bit jarring? 
palpatine’s constantly changing plans. 
kill rey, no wait, take the throne rey, no wait, let me kill you both and take the throne myself. pick one you crusty fuck. 
force dyad
honestly why establish it if you’re going to ignore it in about 2 seconds?
inadequate expression of star wars main themes
the ideas of hope, of redemption, of love and of family - all central to star wars, and none properly delivered on. 
ben’s death. 
heartbreaking. he deserved love and happiness and a life. that’s all i can say about that. however, in a transition to things i liked: if he had to die, i’m really pleased that it was with an act of love. he chose to make a sacrifice, the ultimate sacrifice, for his soulmate. i don’t like that he had to die, but i can find peace in the way it happened - on his terms, on the light side, in the arms of the woman he loved.
things i did enjoy (a lot actually):
babu frik
was so fucking funny. that is all. 
also surprisingly funny for a droid i’m usually annoyed by?
i surprisingly really loved her character. i thought she might be an addition like zorii bliss, but i enjoyed naomi ackie’s acting a lot. she felt much more genuine. however i do think there was a missed opportunity in working on her and finn’s shared background as ex-stromtroopers.
force healing abilities
i thought were super cool! i really liked healing the serpent, it was a nice subversion of the expectation to be trapped and outrunning a monster through a labyrinth of corridors. loved how when rey healed kylo, she healed his scar too. just also it’s always nice to see new things being done with the force.
force fighting. 
it was lovely to see force techniques being used in the lightsaber battles (as compared, for instance, to the throne room fight of TLJ); and also to see force-aided physical feats like jumps that don’t look like naruto-style ninja backflips. definitely felt more real.
poe’s moment in the x-wing
taking in the damage and destruction all around him. i felt the weight he was feeling in that moment.
rey picking herself off the ground
after palpatine drains her and kylo’s life force. i loved her moment of peace and centering, gathering the strength to do what comes next. while i didn’t love the voices of the previous jedi, it made for a lovely sequence of “i’m not done with you yet” and showcases her strength.
the moment with ben and han
gorgeous scene echoing han and ben’s last interaction in TFA. just an amazing callback with such different emotion and the final turning of ben back to the light. i really loved this bit.
adam driver’s acting performance in general.
absolutely the best, the most amazing, performance of the film. if nothing else, the switch from kylo to ben, despite having zero dialogue, should speak for itself. he managed to convey a completely different personality through his mannerisms, physicality and visuals alone. oh, and the death/ressurrection scene! the absolute desperation with which he crawls to the woman he loves. the infinite depth of emotion adam manages to transmit through only his eyes and his facial expressiveness. he deserves an oscar nomination for this in my opinion. 
reylo kiss
i don’t even need to explain this. the smile. the pure happiness, the tender touch, the moment of just love and joy and letting themselves be together, finally. i could not have asked for more of a beautiful first kiss. we’re ignoring what comes after. 
overall impression
tros fell flat. i lived for ben’s redemption and reylo, but this was not enough to make up for the mistreatment of most of the characters, the poorly coordinated and frankly rushed structure, and most importantly, the failure to deliver on its themes of family and hope. i felt like it tried to do too much and achieved too little. 
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sincognito · 4 years
The Mandalorian + baby Yoda interactions, a short compilation
Okay, so I decided to do a more detailed list of how Space Dad and his small Green Bean interact in The Mandalorian show since @deckof-dragons and @itsladykit asked for it. I’ll try to keep it as spoiler-free as possible, but putting it under a read more because of some small spoilers for the show!
Episode One: Standard pilot episode, a bit slower than the others because it’s introducing characters, setting scene etc. No interaction between the two of them until they meet at the end of the episode where Mando basically goes “omg it baby” and proceeds to waggle his fingers at him because wtf else do you do when surprised by a small, adorable bean but coo and wave at it. 
Episode Two: Near enough the whole episode is about these two hanging out. Basically, Mando slowly growing more and more attached to this adorable little baby and baby Yoda trying his best to be a good bean and help his new dad (because let’s be real, the child chooses the adopted parents, Mando never really had a say in it tbh). 
Episode Three: Baby Yoda continues to worm his way under the Mando’s armour by being the more pure, sweet babu in the universe. Mando realises that he’s now a dad and has a small crisis because ‘oh no I abandoned my son’ and proceeds to go ham on anyone who thinks otherwise. The other Mandalorians 100% respect breaking the rules to save a good bean and aren’t even mad. 
Episode Four: Space Dad trying to find a nice home where his son can play and run free like all children should. Everyone just accepts that Mando is baby Yoda’s dad with no questions asked and are very supportive of a single dad raising his green son. Mando just wants his boy to have a good, happy life and has already become an overprotective dad. Bonus points for there being a Loth cat for like 5 seconds, because Loth cats are always good. 
Episode Five: Not as much interaction between the two of them, but Mando needs to go out and make some muns to keep him and his smol son fed. Gets chewed out for leaving his son unattended and realises he has much to learn about being a Good Dad (tm), but he’s trying, so that’s what counts. As always everyone who meets baby Yoda falls completely in love with him and he gains a new baby sitter. 
Episode Six: I haven’t finished this episode yet, but I’ve already seen good things from the small spoilers floating on my dash. 
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aaronampora-ao3 · 4 years
Spare Wels Headcanons???
Oooh, my newest fave!
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay as hell (mostly because I don’t really see him being shipped with any of the girls)
Gender Headcanon: I adore trans Wels, but I hate the way I’ve seen him portrayed in fanfics, so... Trans man, but like, not an ‘uwu soft babu’ trans. (There is absolutely nothing wrong with being an ‘uwu soft babu’ trans but in my opinion it doesn’t fit Wels AT ALL and that’s what bothers me.)
A ship I have with said character: Ok so, Wels/Hels is of course amazing, I also like Wels/Xisuma (I recently came up with a really fun idea for them, shoot an ask if you’re interested), and other than that I haven’t seen him interact with other hermits much, so those are my ships for now.
A BROTP I have with said character: I guess I’ll go with Beef, since Wels has been interacting with him a decent amount lately. They’re really fun to watch, especially when Wels was explaining his rap battle with Hels and Beef was trying so hard not to just bust out laughing.
A random headcanon: Wels sleeps with a knife. He literally just has a knife under his pillow at all times and is an incredibly light sleeper. Anytime he wakes up during the night, his hand instantly grabs the hilt and is ready to defend himself if needed. 
General Opinion over said character: I fucking adore him. From the moment he joined this season he pretty much immediately became one of my top favorite hermits.
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ofcorpsesarch · 4 years
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𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝟑 . . . 𝟐 . . . 𝟏 . . .  if you know me at all , you know i’m not at all about the mushy life , but i have had the great fortune of becoming friends with some absolutely wonderful and insanely talented humans over this last decade       and especially within the last two years or so. i figured i’d put on a public display of my love for you all so that no one can ever claim i never did a goddamn nice thing for any of you xoxo.
𝐚𝐦𝐲 . / @landspeeding / @galaeus
i’ve known amy for almost a decade now and she’s one of those friends that i’ve been lucky enough to pick right back up where we left off at in our friendship. besides being an insanely talented writer , amy’s a great friend who can whip a plot up out of nowhere , knows all the good songs to hurt you right in the guts with , and genuinely just puts so friggin’ much into her characters to make them real and tangible. she puts up with all my half-baked ideas and makes them even better , too , which is always nice. but for real , if there’s anyone on this shitshow of a website that you should be writing with : it’s amy. 
𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬 . / @forlibertas / @falsedking / @evilbarbietm
venussssss is someone i’ve only known for the last little bit of this decade , but i feel like i’ve known venus for an eternity and a half. she knows her characters inside and out and develops them so well       like i’m 99% sure she just owns erik stevens’ at this point. possibly created him , too. marvel who? but beyond all that , she’s an amazing friend who is always down to just shoot the shit with or be there if i’m going Through It and helping me keep things in perspective. i feel like , after knowing her for even the brief time that i have , i’ve really grown as a person and had my eyes opened to things that i’ve never considered before which is more than i could absolutely ever ask for. i can talk to them about anything without ever feeling judged , but also know that if i’m in the wrong they’ll steer me right.
𝐣𝐞𝐬𝐬 . / @witheldtruths 
though all of these writers here are obscenely and stupidly talented , jess gets special mention because her world building? unparalleled. her mastery of words? insane. her ability to take a character i despise , but make them interesting and three dimensional and something greater than the source material could have ever produced? there’s none that do it better. writing with jess is one of my greatest joys over the last two years because i know i have a writing partner that inspires me and drives me to come up with new and interesting concepts at every turn of the wheel. and , of course , jess is an absolutely wonderful friend with the best sense of humor and supremely easy to talk to / get along with. 
𝐥𝐨𝐮 . / @warjournal / @runwar
in terms of being proud to know someone and being proud of seeing someone grow , even if it’s only been over a small period of time , my wonderful and talented and creative lou fits the bill on this. like venus and erik , lou owns frank castle’s ass and works so damn hard to create their own version of him that isn’t some cut , copy , paste version. they’re someone i could write novels with at the drop of a hat. they’re someone who’s writing i enjoy reading outside of our own threads because of the dynamics that they create with every person they write with and because they just . . . make their muses that damn interesting to watch. they’ve also been there for me for a lot of bullshit and helped me learn and grow , too , for which i’m always grateful for. 
𝐣𝐚𝐲 . / @kegstandking / @vastidentity
i met jay when i returned from my yearly sabbatical from the rpc earlier this year and i am soooo glad that i did. i gained yet another talented writing friend , but also just a great friend in general. for me , having someone i can just talk to or banter icly back n forth with is the most important thing because it helps me connect to them. and jay’s just all around the best. jay writes a lot of characters that you don’t see often and does so so well! i cannot recommend jay enough to everyone. they write a villain a lot of people despise , for valid reasons , but they don’t shy away from the fact that their character is a villain nor do they woobify or excuse his actions which , of course , is of the utmost importance. also their art? so fucking good. i love seeing their drawings on the dash whenever they post them.
𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐡 . / @talesrotten
morph. my lil babu. when i first came back , morph was one of the first people i met in the stranger things rpc and one of the first people i became friends with. they’re literally just a wonderful shining beacon of a person and they always make me laugh / put a smile on my face despite whatever mood i’m in. morph puts so much effort into their characters , puts so much effort into contributing to the rpc , that we don’t really deserve morph at all but i am so fucking glad we have them. i’m so fucking glad that i met them. they deserve all of the absolute best things and they’re going to get so many good things in this coming year and decade.
𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐧 . / @valorxus
talk about only knowing someone for just a hot minute but being absolutely enamored with them. if you don’t follow rowan , i highly  recommend doing so as soon as possible. like stop reading this and go follow and then come back to finish reading this love fest. out of all the writers i’ve had the pleasure of coming to know in the last ten years , rowan really swooped in at the last second and said HOLD MY BEER. but in the best way. rowan’s writing ability is literally OFF THE CHARTS INSANE AND BEAUTIFUL LIKE HOLY SHIT. i’m rarely jealous of how someone else writes and i rarely go screaming to a mutual friend about how mindblown i am by someone else’s talent , but that’s what i did almost immediately after writing some quick little back n forth things with rowan. you will absolutely not regret interacting with rowan. and then , of course , rowan is an excellent human bean who is so easy to chat with that you immediately feel comfortable and like fast friends with. highly highly highly recommend. 
𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐲 . / @devilsdare / @perfectsonnets
darcy’s another person who swept in before the buzzer rang on 2019 and killed this shitshow decade , but i adore them and their writing so much. i’ve heard a lot about darcy over the last two years due to being friends with lou , but it was just recently that i started following and interacting with them and wow i’m mad that i didn’t do so sooner. crazy talented and just all around excellent to talk to , i love bouncing ideas off of darcy and getting constructive feedback that helps me grow. 
𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐧 . / @lumencoeleste
a goddamned gem. a banana’s writer. malin and i have been writing on and off for the last few years , mostly in closed group rps , but holy fuck have they been the most capable of ripping my heart out and doing the macarena on it. like . . . fuck. but i also wouldn’t have it any other way. malin’s someone i’ll always adore for both their friendship and their talent and the fact that their mind? galaxy brain constantly. 
𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐡 . / @iamnojedii / @livingdamnproof
last , but certainly not least is sarah. i’ve actually known sarah the longest out of everyone on there , from way back when we both used to write fanfic of our favorite band and marvel shit. sarah’s also the only one here i’ve ever met and i literally would kill everyone on this list for her. she’s an all around great person who , for some reason , puts up with my damn bullshit and has been for like       a full decade or more now       AND is a fucking fantastic writer. one day she’s gonna finish her fic and show it to me and i’ll scream into the sun about it for seven years. 
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞'𝐬 𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐬 . here’s a few muns that i just really love and admire whether from afar or from up close and hopefully we become greater friends in the new year / decade ! cheers , bitches.
@kawiikiller / @toendwar / @nailedbats / @curiouskilled / @griefwoven / @deathwitness / @macabreatlas / @vaporvamp / @saberot / @beliefruined / @psychexch / @astra11
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dexi-green · 4 years
Rise of Skywalker was good. Rant/Appreciation, spoilers ahead. Super long and rambling. This is all personal opinion, if you disliked it, thats fine. If you disagree, great.
First some quick points, then the longer stuff.
I loved Babu Frik and D-O
We finally got to see the Knights of Ren in action!
Also all those Star Destroyers?? Like those things are gotdamn huge... and that many of them? Actually scary honestly.
Also not gonna lie.. I wanted to see a gungan. Put some respect on Jar Jar. Or confirm the Darth Jar Jar theory you cowards.
We got to see a proper version of Rey’s version of Luke’s Dark Side cave vision (The TLJ one just wasn’t it for me. The mirrors..okay...)
Storm Troopers fly now... Did they steal stuff from some Mandalorians. Mandalorians are like..the only ones ever to have jet packs like that (that I’m aware of). Maybe the Mandalorian show will see some leftover imperials stealing Mandalorian armor, which they will replicate (obviously badly, because there stuff is no beskar).
I was so happy to see the interactions between Leia and Connix, because I just loved to see Billie with her mom <3 I’m so glad they gave her a role and just kept expanding it.
Hux... I love the back and forth between him and General Pryde, (I was hoping Richard E Grant would’ve played Thrawn but alas...) wondering who the mole is, and OF COURSE ITS HUX! Because he just wants to see Kylo lose. We love it.. I’m kinda sad he was taken out so quick, but it was good while it lasted.
How they tried to push Poe into some kind of.. not relationship, but not too subtlety trying to tell the audience, no he’s not gay, in like...just a bad writing way, like okay gosh, he’s straight (Also Poe was a drug runner...). That LGBTQ “representation” was trash, but definitely better than Endgame’s so-called representation.
I also wished we woulda got more (legacy) cameos, especially in the final battle when all the ships arrive. Maybe the Ghost Crew (I think you can see the ship though), or a character from the Mandalorian show (I was hoping for more tie-in’s in general (baby yoda), but The Mandalorian did sorta set up the force healing ability). My foolish soul was hoping for a super old old clone or a super old and scarred up Mace Windu, or just super old Ahsoka, but this film 100% confirmed no going back that they are totally dead with their voices amongst the other dead jedi :/ I can’t have everything and thats alright. I’m just glad they were in there in some capacity.
JJ has said that the thing Finn was going to tell Rey was that he was force sensitive (none of the good ships flew sadly imo) but that is still...amazing to me. I love it so much. Especially with that exchange between him and Han in TFA “We’ll use the force.” “That’s not how the force works.”. Hopefully he got or gets the chance to tell Rey because then she could train him and <3 Also I think that now makes it go back to no non-force sensitive people have used a lightsaber in the films (aside from Grievous). I loved the inclusion of Jannah and the other storm trooper deserters. Not only because of the kinship with Finn, but also... They are on a moon of Endor... So moon of the Endor system inhabitants, with slightly primitive techniques and tools and things come to help in the final battle? I love it. Putting some respeck on the Ewoks (also we see Ewoks?!?! Specifically Wickett <3) (Also I noticed a Fire, Water, Earth theme. The final battle in the prequels was in fire/lava. The final battle in the original trilogy was on the forest moon of endor, and while not the final battle, Kef Bir is the ocean moon of endor)
Palpatine doing what we all knew he was, using bodies to live through. I mean thats why he always had apprentices, just so he could skip over to them when his body got gross and weak, or at the very least work through them. I definitely wanna know more about the whole Snoke operation. We knew it was insane for some rando to be that powerful to be whispering and seducing Ben to the dark side from birth. And the cloning? like please, tell me more. I loved Palpatine’s exclamation of “Return of the Sith!” as an obvious nod to the films Return of the Jedi and Revenge of the Sith, but also the fact Return was going to be Revenge of the Jedi.
I LOVE LOVEDDDD the small scene of Luke training Leia. Yeah the CGI on their faces wasn’t the best but just being able to see it and knowing that he did go forward and train her as well as other students was everything to me. I’ve always wanted Leia’s force abilities to be more acknowledged outside of the comics, so you know I went crazy in the scene from TLJ (for multiple reasons). Leia training Rey?! Rey referring to her (and Luke) as her jedi masters?! we love to see it <3 Rey going back to Tatooine, back to the moisture farm (I could just hear Aunt Beru calling out for Luke (but also him calling for her and uncle owen when they got disintegrated..oop)). Calling herself a Skywalker, AND SEEING LUKE AND LEIA’S FORCE GHOST!! WE LOVE TO SEE IT (but hate it because it’s the end). THE TWIN SUNS AS THE SAGA ENDS WHERE IT BEGAN!!
The voices of the Jedi at the end?!? I cried. I mean there was Anakin, Obi-Wan (both old and young), Qui Gon, Mace Windu, Yoda, and Luke of course, but also Aaayla Secura, Luminara, Adi Gallia, KANAN JARRUS (who is voice by Freddie Prinze Jr. aka the best Fred Scooby Doo could ask for) , AHSOKA TANO!!! Nothing I want more than more Ahsoka <3 I would’ve loved to see them all show up as Force Ghosts at the end ala the ghosts of Harry’s family in Harry Potter Goblet of Fire/Deathly Hallows but I understand why they opted for voices only. Also no Ki-Adi-Mundi because while everyone was saying, “Rey, You can do it! We are with you!” he just woulda been like, “But...what about the droid attack on the wookiees?”
Han!! Han!! When he appeared to Kylo, after Leia pulled him back as much as she could, and Rey healed him and inched him further, and then of course, Han finished the job. Leia asked him to bring him back and he did in the end. The person he seemingly hated the most (maybe thats tied with Luke. I honestly would’ve liked to see some kinda of thing between Luke and Ben, some reconciliation). The famous Solo “I know” which we all know means I love you. like come onnnnn <3 AND Ben and Leia’s bodies becoming one with the force... but Leia only after Ben... like she was holding on, waiting for him <3 This really made me like Ben/Kylo a bit more, obviously the light side Ben more, because Kylo is actual trash imo.
I cried when Chewie cried for Leia. Her death was sad on it’s own, but Chewie just broke me. He had a happy family, then Ben went bad, Han and Leia split, and Luke left, then when he thinks everything is coming back together, He lost Han, then he lost Luke, now Leia? If you actually watch him he just collapses to the ground, throwing his arms, sobbing... AND HAVING TO SEE HIM IN SHACKLES!?!? And not like “oh we gotta trick these guards” but actually captured and shackled, After all the wookiees being captured and enslaved and he how he had to deal with that...come on man....
I cried when Luke pulled his X-wing out of the water. We all saw it submerged in TLJ, waiting for that moment when someone would do it. The fact that he does it, when he couldn’t back when it happened on Dagobah. It shows how much he’s grown, showed him stepping into Yoda’s role even more fully. He never got to leave that island in it, but Rey did. Plus Rey wearing his Rebel helmet like she wore the helmet in TFA?! Honestly... Two “nobodies” from nowhere sand planets who become the hope and saviors of the galaxy (you could include Anakin in that as well, but he just...kinda sparked the hope in Luke and was his savior so...indirectly the hope and savior).
The only thing I didn't like was the Ben and Rey kiss at the end but luckily it wasn't drawn out and he died right after. Cause you really expect me to believe that within the same movie of him pushing her to her limits and making her believe she killed a friend that she gone be like...oh but you still cute tho?  Also while re-watching everything and watching the prequels last month I remembered how Palpatine influenced the midichlorians/force to make Anakin in Shmi (it might not be canonized though, I’m not sure...). Obviously he’s not a biological father but...he is responsible...so that in a way makes him Kylo's grandfather in a sense. Rey is Sheev’s biological granddaughter so...big yikes. To me Kylo/Ben and Rey have a much better dynamic as brother and sister anyway.. I think a brother and sister bond suit them so much better. A rhyme of Luke and Leia, and the forged sibling bond between Obi-Wan and Anakin. It has pieces of both and would have been beautiful for it to play out that way. About Rey pulling her family in Ben Solo back to the light. I mean she even thought of Han, Leia, and Luke as parental figures... but luke and leia kissed so :/  guess just a family thing. 
Running themes in all of star wars is hope, family, and who you are. In this, the prequels were the darkest. They end in a family divided, hope seemingly lost, and giving into the worst parts of yourself. The original trilogy was about finding the hope in the darkest times, becoming more than you think of yourself, and that family can overcome anything together. This trilogy was about clinging onto hope that you can find and making it a beacon for others, becoming more than what you and others think of you, "subverting destiny", and the fact that family isn't blood, not always. Just because someone tells you you're a monster, just because you started to believe it, doesn't mean you are. Once you have hope you hold onto it with everything you have, no matter how many times you fail or slip.
Rey being a Palpatine isn't "the bad guys bloodline living while the good guys die out". It isn't about bloodlines. Sure Kylo and Vader's terrible deeds will live on in infamy, but so will the entire rebellion's. Instead of being like, "oh well by blood I'm a Palpatine so I gotta use that last name" she made a conscious choice to go by Skywalker, because of what the Skywalker family meant to her and the galaxy, so that their deeds live on and not Palpatine. He will become a bad memory, a scar on history, while Skywalker’s, the positive idea of them, will continue to live and spark hope year and years into the future. Her blood isn't tainted and her grandfathers nature isn't hers, if it was she really would be the empress on the sith throne after Palpatine's death. She would've took Kylo's hand and offers before. Its the same with Kylo. He succumbed to what Rey was actively fighting against. Its the idea its harder to be good than bad.
Palpatine's bloodline living on means nothing unless Rey decided to make it mean something. But she didn't. As far as I'm concerned the only thing the bloodline might've impacted is her connection to the force and how strong it was naturally (like Kylo because of Leia (maybe Han..debatable, i like to believe he’s a little force sensitive) and her and Luke's connection to it because of Anakin). Her parents also actively fought against Palpatine as far as we know, Luke and Leia fought against Vader like... To say oh your parent was like this so you are gonna turn out the same? Yikes. Also Finn and the other stormtrooper deserters? Literally brainwashed from such a young age to be killers but they said no? It seems like the theme was you can fight against your destiny or like Yoda said about the future being hard to see because its constantly moving so "destiny" is kinda just a trash idea, be who you are or the person you want to be, not what others tell you.
Also I see some people saying it destroyed Anakin's legacy, and I have to disagree. To the fan's Anakin's legacy was never killing Palpatine. Sure that was the action, but the act was saving Luke. It was coming back from the dark to the light to save his son and in a way, the rest of the galaxy, at least for a time, it was betraying his master. It was the why he did it, not the how. Not only did he save Luke's life, but he fueled Luke to go forward and continue down the path of hope and light as long as he could. Anakin's true legacy lives on in Luke and Leia and the Rebellion. Palpatine's return doesn't diminish Anakin's sacrifice. Because it wasn’t about just destroying Palpatine. Anakin/Vader's thoughts went to Padme and Luke, and the prophecy of bringing balance, he knew he had to do something. When Luke takes off his helmet when Anakin is dying he thinks, “The boy was good, and the boy had come from him–so there must have been good in him, too. He smiled up again at his son, and for the first time, loved him. And for the first time in many long years, loved himself again, as well.” (coming from the novelization of Return). As long as Luke lived, and Luke's legacy lives on, so does Anakin's and so does Anakin’s return to the light. Anakin's legacy and impact, the good and the bad, will continue. Maybe the people of that galaxy won't know of the person named Anakin compared to sith lord Darth Vader, but his impact will always be there.
Yeah they aren’t always the most perfectly written stories with the best effects and yadda yadda, I know there are some missteps and less then stellar things in this films, but they are here to entertain, and I’m entertained. There is probably so much I’m missing, and I really want to go see it again, and can’t wait till it’s out on DVD or streaming services... 
It was a beautiful film that did the best it could to end a saga thats bigger than anything ever, thats been going on for years, something that is unheard of and never been done. I just want to honor the history, the memory, and the work it all took. I just love these films so much. <3 Also, always remembering Carrie, Peter M. and Peter C., Christoper, and Kenny, and all other actors and crew who have passed who lent their time and effort to all of these films and this entire franchise <3 
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Michael in the Mainstream - Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker
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Star Wars is a franchise very near and dear to my heart. I’ve grown up watching the films and have fond memories of each of them, in particular Revenge of the Sith, which I got to see in theaters with my father. It’s a series that has introduced me to great characters, great actors, great ways to tell stories, and if nothing else the movies were always fun. I never saw a Star Wars movie I couldn’t enjoy on some level.
That all changed with this movie.
The Rise of Skywalker is a wet fart of a finale. It is a mess, it is underwhelming, it is disrespectful to the previous two films, and worst of all it’s bland. But hyperbole aside, this movie isn’t a complete and utter waste; it’s certainly not the worst film of all time or anything, or even the worst Star Wars movie. It’s just a sad case of a mixed bag where the bag skews more to the bad side than the good side.
Let’s go over what I actually did enjoy first. Obviously, the score was fantastic, but I think this goes without saying; John Williams has never once screwed around, so why would he stop now? His music honestly does a lot of the heavy lifting emotion-wise, as scenes such as the supposed trinity of this trilogy’s reunion at the end would not have any sort of impact otherwise. Then we have stuff like the practical effects, which is both a blessing and a curse as they seem to be a sort of dancing bear for this trilogy. As great and lively as they make the worlds, they shouldn’t be what gets focus over story and character development… but hey, Babu Frik is great.
Speaking of characters, there are a few who were handled very well in this film. In terms of comedy, there is C-3PO and Palpatine. C-3PO is just a genuine riot here, and almost every goofy little joke he cracked gave me a genuine chuckle. He’s really at his best here. Palpatine on the other hand is just a character who is so inherently hilarious that it is physically impossible to be mad at him. Like, he’s an evil zombie wizard who spends half the film insulting Kylo Ren and then the other half cackling and shooting lightning in his big arena full of hooded weirdos while strapped to a big dialysis machine and wearing a sparkling red vest under his robe. Sheev Palpatine is pretty much the greatest character in human history, and while his role in this film is so stupid, shoehorned, and underbaked, you cannot help but crack a grin at the sheer lunacy good ol’ Sheev brings to the table. The sheer revelation that this man actually, canonically had more sex than Kylo Ren is enough to send a man into a fit of giggles.
In terms of actual character, Rey gets a solid arc marred by some incredibly poor writing choices, but overall stays solid throughout. Her interactions with Kylo Ren especially solidify her as an interesting and engaging character, and honestly the whole reveal that she’s a Palpatine is intriguing and could have added depth to her… but they managed to bungle it. And it’s an easy fix too; early on, there’s a scene where she and Kylo are playing tug-of-war with a transporter that is holding an iconic character. Rey accidentally unleashes Palpatine lightning and blows it up, seemingly killing the character inside… only for the character to inexplicably be alive two scenes later. Now, if Rey had actually killed said character by accident and spent the rest of the film struggling with her nature, it would make her ultimate showdown and rejection of Grandpa Sheev’s ideology all the more sweeter and satisfying. A moment at the end would have likewise been improved if she had simply not chosen to rename herself and instead chose to just simply be “Rey,” but gotta have that sweet, sweet branding! Still, I think Rey is remarkably done here, though not nearly as good as she was in The Last Jedi.
But the real MVP here is definitely Adam Driver as Kylo Ren. I’m just gonna say it: this guy carries the film. He has had the most remarkably consistent character arc in this new trilogy, and that concludes just as well here, though sadly in the most obvious way: with a redemption. However, it comes not from Rey, as desperate shippers had hoped, but from his parents – Leia and Han both play a part in ensuring their son’s redemption. And when he’s redeemed, the way Driver is able to convey the character of Ben Solo with just his face and body language is incredible enough to make the redeemed man feel like a totally different character than when he was Kylo Ren, and all of this is without speaking. Driver deserves every ounce of praise he gets for these films, and while I feel his arc would have been far more satisfying if it wasn’t a carbon copy of Anakin’s arc, it’s a testament to Driver’s skill that he managed to sell me such a cliché turn of events and made it work.
This is where my kindness dries up, however, as the rest of this is going to be pretty negative. The story here is just an incoherent mess; it honestly feels like an entire trilogy crammed into one film, a film divorced entirely from the other two films. The big problem with this trilogy is how there is so little cohesion between films that each film feels like a soft reset, and nowhere is that more clear than here. It doesn’t help that this film decides to cram in a bunch of stupid backspaces to everything from The Last Jedi, the most awkward and egregious being how they write off the “Holdo Maneuver” as a one in a million shot at success despite the fact that using the far more obvious “using the rebels as suicide bombers is a bit morally iffy and such a move should not be used unless we’re totally desperate” explanation would have sufficed. It honestly feels like the writers were chickening out a lot of the time and decided to try and distract us from their yellow-bellied attempts at ignoring the previous film by slapping us in the face with tons of fanservice. Sometimes it works – the voices of all the fallen Jedi in the final act was an awesome touch (I hear you Qui-Gon, Windu, and Ahsoka!) - but most of them time it is just painfully on-the-nose and groan worthy, such as when Chewbacca gets his medal. The worst offender here is Lando, who is so carelessly tossed into this mess of a plot that it feels really disrespectful to Billy Dee Williams.
Speaking of screwing over characters though, no one got it worse than Finn, Poe, and Rose. With Rose, it’s frankly just insulting they didn’t even try. It would have been so easy to redeem Rose in the eyes of the fans that didn’t like her character in The Last Jedi; if The Clone Wars can make Jar Jar a likable character, then I’m pretty sure a big budget Hollywood blockbuster can fix the issues of a poorly written character in its sequel. Instead though, this film takes the coward’s route and relegates Rose to a role less important to the plot than Babu Frik, who despite his integral role is only in one single scene. Poe is just handled as nonsensically as ever, given really dumb jokes and a forced and unneeded backstory as a spice smuggler, complete with an implied female love interest in an attempt to try and convince us the character is heterosexual.
But Finn gets it worst of all. Not only does he get a forced implied love interest (who is black, because we can’t have miscegenation in our big blockbuster films!), but he just in general gets shafted so hard. Finn being shafted has been a running theme with this trilogy. The first film set him up to be an integral, important main character, one who would even become the main character…. And then he slowly faded from relevance as the writers put him in increasingly bad plotlines, culminating with the slap in the face this movie gives us by implying but not outright stating that Finn can use the Force. There were so many interesting ways they could take Finn’s arc and they chose the route that is, quite frankly, the absolute worst. The fact that Finn got totally shafted in such a way despite being a fan favorite is all the more baffling and honestly has me wondering what the suits at Disney were thinking. If they weren’t actually minimizing a character as beloved as Finn was after The Force Awakens out of racism, what were they even trying to do? John Boyega has a right to be as angry as he is.
There’s other stuff that’s obnoxious. Leia’s scenes are all terrible and poorly executed, which comes off as really disrespectful to Carrie Fisher; the romance in this film which, as mentioned above, is totally forced, but special mention goes to the Ben/Rey kiss at the end, which while not some life-ending travesty is so utterly out of nowhere due to the lack of romantic chemistry between the two in any of these films that it’s laughable; the editing is so incoherent and terrible in places that it feels like it was done by someone on a mixture of crack and Red Bull; the complete waste that is Hux and his childish reasoning for betraying the First Order, completing the character’s change from a terrifying Nazi allegory to a complete and utter joke; the fact that the new First Order general who takes center stage gets so little development despite being a great throwback to Grand Moff Tarkin and a genuinely amazing character otherwise, with a fascinating history with Palpatine that is never explored and no meaningful interactions with the heroes; the complete and utter unexplained nature of Palpatine’s return; and just how painfully unfunny a lot of the humor in this film is. This movie just has so many problems, so many flaws, and it ends on such a completely limp and unsatisfying note that it’s honestly kind of sad.
This film… I don’t know about this film. It’s definitely not the worst Star Wars film, because it at least has some genuinely good bits to it, unlike Attack of the Clones which I can only really justify liking ironically. But that being said, this film is just so unsatisfying, and what’s more, it’s not very memorable. Not much will stick with you with this one, and if it does, it might be more of the bad things rather than the good ones, which is a shame, because I do think there’s some good stuff buried under the garbage here, but I don’t know if it’s worth sitting through this film to find. This is not the worst thing ever, I really can’t stress that enough… but it’s just not fun, engaging, or anything that will really make you feel anything meaningful, and sometimes that’s just worse.
Ultimately, this film has an incredibly uncertain audience. It’s wrapping up a trilogy in one of the biggest franchises on earth with a plotline that tries to pander to fans in a way that feels gross and condescending, leaving the film feeling like it was made for absolutely no one. If you like this, that’s fine; Star Wars is a franchise that has greatness ingrained in its DNA, to the point where I can’t say any of the films are really among the worst I’ve ever seen. But I think generally this is not going to be a film worth watching, and certainly one to skip in any future marathons of the franchise. It really is a shame… this trilogy if nothing else was full of potential to be a new take on Star Wars for a new generation. Instead, it ended up as a confusing, corporate mess. 
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amurr-reha · 5 years
Crystal Exarch!
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First impression
“.......I forgot your name but WHY IS YOUR FACE COVERED, WHERE IS YOUR TAIL. I remember you, but not your name.” 
Impression now
Protect him. The him before and the him as Exarch now I don’t think can really be compared because of how the writing has changed to appeal more on a personal level with us as players. There are mannerisms about him that remind me of Japanese mannerisms though, so while I did like him a lot in ShB - I also wanted to shake him because of the indirectness of it all. I adore how boyish he really is when he interacts with others & I’m glad we get to see more personality from this sweet babu (hopefully going forward).  
Favorite moment
Outside the ‘A Breath of Respite’ moment where we sit with him in Kholusia, I’d have to say after we beat a certain Ascian and basically make him cry with our acknowledgement/choice of dialogue. While (also stated below) I don’t really enjoy the reasoning behind this moment (from his POV), I’m so happy that we connected on a more emotional/personal level with him...
Idea for a story
I’m not really sure how to answer this one because I have trouble with more...passive, insecure characters(?). The Exarch before ShB would better suit anything I could gander up in my head. Otherwise see headcanon below? fffs
Unpopular opinion
I didn’t really enjoy the self-depreciating nature where he felt he wasn’t on par with someone “as great as the WoL” - I’m not a huge fan of “superheros wont notice a nobody like me” rhetoric. Albeit that’s only a VERY SMALL PIECE OF EVERYTHING ELSE HE’S DONE, I still love him so much. 
Favorite relationship
After this last patch, him and Alisaie... I adore familial relationships. I am not a fan of her per say, but I think her attitude is good for someone like the Exarch to gain or regain confidence in himself and to remind him he’s not alone.  ;-;  
Favorite headcanon
This is a tough one for me because I don’t personally headcanon IG characters with my own so I haven’t put much thought into it... hmm. A’murr wouldn’t fit with him outside anything other than familial, so I’d like to imagine he would take time and attempt to educate her in some fashion, yet she’d be a little shit and find idle ways to deter his efforts (weaving flowers or even grass into his hair, throwing pebbles etc. - because there is no way she’d sit in a dreary building for hours). I’d like to imagine that A’murr would be good with getting him to relax - pulling him from work where they’d both disappear, only to be found leaning against each other in some alcove napping (or after she retails stories of her tribe, humming a song her mother taught her while he naps). 
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blogenana · 4 years
I'm on the bajaj track of the show and I love the character of anurag since hes so interesting.
first of all, his saviour complex is his downfall. anurag has to be the saviour, the person who fixes everything and all the problems of everyone around him. which is evident in the fact that he didnt tell nivedita about the bajaj problem until she found out herself; he wants to take the credit for sorting out the issue he just didnt expect bajaj to be a challenging opponent.
this complex has come from the navin babu situation which he saved prerna from and throughout every interaction where he has had to save prerna from. he likes the attention and feeling needed. he needs to be needed. which is why he is so drawn to, in his eyes, the poor and vulnerable prerna who needs to be saved from the world and only he can save her.
with the whole komolika issue he could have easily told her and told his whole family too but no he wanted to be the one to deal with komolika.
this saviour complex is also what makes his actions so foolish. for example when navin kidnapped prerna. when anurag knew where she was he could have easily called the police but no he had to be the one to save her and have all her attention and love which is what delayed the police from saving them and also risked prerna life and his life.
prerna herself always tells him how he is her hero and she is reliant and dependant on him. this doesnt make him a bad character but it sheds some light into why is does what he does.
maybe this is due to how mohini bought him up. being her beloved son she has probably instilled his saviour complex into him where he is the best and he is special and her life is dependant on him.
if you notice every action he takes is due to his desire to be needed and to be the hero which is also why him and prerna work so well.
she needs to be saved and he needs to be the saviour.
this is why all of his pointless sacrifices could have been avoided if be had just communicated and let people help him.
throughout the bajaj track you can see him start to open up to prerna about the issues but only after she forces it out if him. she is starting to change that bad habit out of him.
this and many other reasons is why anurags character is so damn interesting.
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