#(( It took years before I even remotely believed someone again))
incognit0slut · 5 months
Better for you
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Spencer spends the change of year with a new resolution as he starts looking at his rival differently.
words: 4.6k Category: fluff (surprisingly this is not my usual NSFW work) warnings: kissing, suggestive content a/n: I’m killing two birds with one stone here. One, I caved in and did another part for this rival couple. And two, I wrote this as a participation in @imagining-in-the-margins office party writing challenge🥳 Here are the prompts: 1. The team hardly believes it when Character A agrees to dance with B. 2. “I just never saw you as a... party type of person."
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WAS A PARTY SUPPOSED TO BE THIS BORING? A subtle sigh escaped her lips as she glanced around the backyard. When Rossi invited the team to gather around at his house in celebration of the new year, everybody was on board.
"Who would say no to a David Rossi party?" JJ had said, which led her to bring her family along the occasion. Even Simmons brought his wife and five little kids. And now Rossi’s place never looked so alive with this many people, it seemed that everyone was present at this joyful soirée.
Everyone but one person, that is.
She turned her attention back to the drink in her hand, leaning against the open bar Rossi had set up, her mind drifting towards a certain man. It wasn't like she was keeping tabs on him. Really, she wasn't. It just happened that his absence became surprisingly noticeable when he decided to take some time off work to visit his mom, even days before Christmas break.
How long had it been since the last time she saw him? Two weeks? Three? It seemed like a considerable amount of time had passed since she saw was forced to work with him, which happened during the case in a remote town. And despite successfully apprehending the Unsub days later, her resistance to temptation, unfortunately, wasn't as successful.
It was hard not to think of what happened during the travel when it kept playing in her mind like a broken record. It was as if the memories were engraved in her brain—his slick, sweaty body pressing against hers; his soft lips caressing her skin; his large hands roaming her curves, traveling to places that had her hot and wet—
What the hell was wrong with her?
She took a sip of her drink—or more like chugging it down—trying to test if the burning sensation could wash away her filthy mind.
"Whoa," a sudden voice broke through her haze and she looked up to find Luke standing close to her. "Easy there."
His easygoing grin met her gaze as he gestured toward her almost empty glass. She shrugged, aiming the glass toward him in a mock toast. "Just trying to enjoy the party."
"Yeah?" He chuckled, leaning against the bar.
She shot him a sideways glance. "What's it to you, Alvez?"
His grin widened. "Well, when someone's drinking like they're on a mission, it catches my attention. Everything okay?"
She hesitated for a moment before responding, her tone calm. "I'm just getting into the party spirit, you know?"
Luke raised an eyebrow, his playful demeanor unwavering. "Is that so? Or are you trying to drown out some thoughts?"
She scoffed. "Thoughts? What thoughts?"
"The kind that makes you chug down your drink."
"You're imagining things. I'm simply enjoying this..." Her eyes scanned the party, trying to find a word describing the ongoing festive. "...ambiance."
"Alone by the table full of alcohol?"
"Well, someone's got to keep an eye on these drinks from disappearing too quickly."
"Hmm," He responded. "It kind of seems like you're waiting for someone to join the party."
Her cheeks warmed slightly, and she scoffed again. "I know who you're referring to, and no, I am not waiting for anyone."
He leaned in, the mischief in his eyes unwavering. "So, you're telling me that if Reid walked in right now, you wouldn't do a happy dance?"
"Please, there would be no happy dance," she said, rolling her eyes. "Just a casual acknowledgment, maybe."
"Casual acknowledgment? You're going with that?" His grin widened, his teasing persistence unyielding. "There's nothing casual about you two."
"If you mean hating each other's gut, then sure, there is nothing casual about Reid and me."
"He doesn't hate you, you know." She gave him a deadpanned look, her skepticism evident in her arched brow. Luke laughed. "Fine, he disliked the idea of having another prodigy on the team. When he got out of prison, he felt like you were his replacement."
She frowned. "I kind of was. Emily wanted someone to fill in for his absence while he was away."
Luke raised an eyebrow, his expression turning thoughtful. "True, but I think you're starting to grow on him." She shook her head, trying to brush off the comment. "I'm serious, I think you made an impression."
Her skepticism lingered as she fully turned towards him, pointing a finger at him. "So you’re telling me every time he tried to pick a fight he was actually impressed by my intelligence?"
"Well, Reid's got this... unique way of expressing himself, but trust me, he respects you."
She raised an eyebrow. "Now you're just pushing it."
"There's got to be something more than what you're letting on. He's not exactly subtle, you know."
She leaned back slightly, trying to maintain composure. "You're reading too much into it. Reid and I have..." a complicated dynamic between coworkers who hate each other but had sex twice—well, three, including that one time in the shower. "...a professional relationship," she decided to say.
His grin widened. "Professional? I've seen the way you two spar during cases."
She huffed. "It's just our way of solving problems. It doesn't mean anything more."
Luke's expression turned thoughtful. "I've worked with him for a while, and he usually doesn't go back and forth with people in smart talk. There must be something about you that intrigues him."
"Or irritates him," she added dryly. "You're giving him too much credit."
"Maybe," he admitted with a laugh. "But I don’t know, he might surprise you one of these days."
She shot him a skeptical glance. "I highly doubt that."
"Yeah?" He suddenly looked past her, a sly grin forming. "Then maybe should find out for yourself."
Confused, she turned around to see what had caught his attention…. And time seemed to slow as her eyes widened in surprise when she spotted Spencer entering the party, a casual smile on his face as he greeted everyone. For a moment, their eyes locked, and despite her attempts to remain nonchalant, a subtle flutter danced in her chest.
She quickly looked away, her attempt to maintain composure falling apart.
"See what I mean?" Luke's voice broke through her thoughts.
She rolled her eyes, trying to deflect. "It's just a party, people look at each other. There's nothing special."
He raised an eyebrow and responded with a hint of sarcasm. “Sure."
"I'm serious. Stop reading into it."
"Alright, I won't."
That only annoyed her even more. She took a deep breath, attempting to regain control of the situation. "You're insufferable."
"What? I believe you," he replied. "I mean, nothing could've happened between two people who were locked together and then forced to share a room, right?"
She shot him a glare, but before she could say anything, she felt a presence coming up behind her. A sudden chill ran down her spine as she caught a whiff of scent she was accustomed to by now, something woody and fresh with a subtle hint of sweetness.
"Reid," Luke greeted as he gave her a side glance before moving towards Spencer, casually dropping an arm around his shoulders. "It's good to see you. How's your mom?"
Spencer's eyes met hers briefly before responding to Luke, "She's doing well, thanks."
“Good to hear.” Luke nodded his head towards her. "Y/n here was just telling me how much she missed you during the holidays."
Suppressing a groan, she shot him a warning look. Spencer, however, responded with a small smile. "You did?"
Her cheeks warmed slightly, caught off guard by his direct question. She feigned nonchalance, offering a casual shrug. "Please, I was just mourning the lack of someone to challenge my wisdom."
Luke chuckled and gave her one last pointed look before excusing himself with a pretense of Rossi calling him somewhere from the crowd. Her eyes narrowed on his back as he walked away, shaking her head in disbelief. "That man coming close to being second place on my hate list."
"I take it I'm still on your number one spot then."
She turned towards him at the sound of his voice, and now that they were alone, she finally took her time to observe him.
Her eyes scanned his clothes, taking in the details. From the carefully styled hair that hinted at the time he took to prepare, to the open dress shirt that he seemed unbothered to button all the way, exposing his long neck and the slight expanse of his chest. He looked good. He looked clean, polished, and undeniably handsome.
She blinked and cleared her throat, attempting to regain composure. "Well, you certainly took your time getting ready."
He met her gaze with a hint of amusement in his eyes, seemingly aware of her scrutinizing observation. "I believe in making a good impression," he replied, a subtle smile on his lips.
She arched an eyebrow, resisting the urge to acknowledge the effect his appearance had on her. "Trying to win over the crowd with something beyond your brain?"
"Partly," he admitted, "And partly because someone once told me that a well-dressed genius is a force to be reckoned with."
"Must have been Garcia."
He grinned. "You know her well."
She took another sip of her drink, a blend of sweet and bitter notes dancing on her tongue. Keeping her eyes on him over the rim of her glass, she observed the play of shadows on his face, accentuating the angles of his features. The ambient light from the party cast a subtle glow, and she couldn't help but notice how it highlighted the soft strands of hair that fell gracefully across his forehead.
"I'm actually surprised to see you here," she slowly remarked, her voice laced with curiosity.
"Surprised? Should I be offended?"
"I just never saw you as a... party type of person."
"I'm not," he agreed. "The only exception of social gathering I can endure is with everyone present here."
"Including me?"
“Especially you."
Her demeanor faltered for a split second, caught off guard by the unexpected turn in his tone. It wasn't the usual witty remark she anticipated. A flicker of surprise crossed her features before she could conceal it, her throat clearing as she attempted to regain control over her beating heart.
"Especially… me?" she echoed, attempting to mask the surprise in her voice.
Spencer's gaze held a warmth that felt unfamiliar, and he nodded. "It seems social events are more bearable when you're around."
She tilted her head and studied him. "You're just saying that because you have someone to pick a fight with."
"A fight?" He wondered. "Is that what we've been doing?"
"It's what we've always been doing."
"Not for the past few weeks, we haven't."
She knew what he was referring to. Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of indulging in a conversation about their sexual escapades, she instead responded with, "Well, you haven't, I'm still trying to play my part here."
He chuckled softly, the sound resonating in the quiet space between them. "And what part would that be?"
"The one where I constantly question the liability of your knowledge, of course."
Spencer's smile widened, the lines of his face softening. "Maybe," he began, his voice low, "We can explore different roles that don't involve any fighting."
She raised an eyebrow. "Are you suggesting a truce, Dr. Reid?"
"More like a change of tactics, Dr. L/n," he replied, gently taking the glass from her hand and placing it by the bar.
Her frown deepened, uncertainty in her eyes. "What are you doing?"
He nodded toward the center of the backyard where most of their team members filled the space of the party. "Dance with me."
She gazed towards the dance floor, then back at him, and her brows furrowed. That did not sound like the Spencer she knew, heck, she wasn't sure she had ever seen him dance before. Her eyes narrowed further when he gave her a grin.
"Come on, it's just a dance. It won't kill you," he urged, extending a hand towards her.
She eyed his outstretched hand with mock skepticism. "Are you implying that dancing with you is some kind of survival?"
Spencer grinned. "Considering the number of times you've survived my intellect, this should be a walk in the park."
She rolled her eyes. "Intellect, yes. Dancing? I'll take my chances."
"Are you afraid you'll step on my toes?" he teased.
"More like I'm afraid you'll step on mine," she shot back.
Spencer chuckled. "Just one dance, and if you don't enjoy it, you can revert to questioning the liability of my knowledge."
Her eyes drifted between his outstretched hand and his gaze, a silent contemplation unfolding within her. She knew that if she agreed to this, there was no turning back. Was it a wise decision? Probably not. But a small, rebellious part of her was curious to see how the night would unfold.
Spencer watched her with a patient expression, his hand still extended. The music continued to play, a steady beat that seemed to echo the pulse of the night, and after a moment's hesitation, she sighed in mock exasperation.
"Fine," she said, finally placing her hand in his, "But I reserve the right to make sarcastic remarks about your dance moves later."
"Deal," he agreed, leading her onto the dance floor with a grin.
She could feel everyone's scrutiny on them as he pulled her onto the dance floor, her breath hitching when he grabbed her other hand and placed her arms around his neck before snaking his arms around her waist.
"Everyone's watching us, aren't they?" she asked as they started to move to the soft beat of the music.
Spencer's gaze held a mischievous glint as he twirled her around, navigating the dance floor with surprising grace. "Let them watch," he replied, his voice low, sending a shiver down her spine. "It's just a dance, after all."
"You don't strike me as the 'just a dance' kind of person." She arched an eyebrow, unable to shake off the sense that there was more to this move than met the eye. "You don't even strike me as someone who even knows how to dance."
He shrugged. "Dancing is easy. All you have to do is move in circles and hold on to your partner."
He proved his point by pulling her further into his arms, and she couldn't help but notice the contrast in their heights. His broad chest pressed against her, the softness of his abdomen against her stomach, while his arms securely wrapped around her body.
Her breath caught for a moment, her gaze instinctively locking with his. The initial awkwardness transformed into a surprising ease, and she reciprocated the movements with a newfound confidence. The subtle sways and turns took on a rhythm of their own, syncing perfectly with the music that enveloped them.
"See?" he whispered, the warmth of his breath sending a shiver down her spine. "Easy."
They continued to move to the rhythm, and she couldn't help but notice the intensity in his gaze. The world around them seemed to blur, and for a moment, she actually enjoyed being held close to him.
But before she could fully relax in his arms, JJ appeared on the dance floor, hand in hand with her husband Will. The look of disbelief in their friend's eyes was unmistakable as the couple approached them while being tangled in their own dance.
"Are my eyes deceiving me," JJ teased, a playful smile dancing on her lips. "Or are you two getting along quite well?"
She rolled her eyes, attempting to maintain a casual facade. "It's just a dance. Don't read too much into it."
JJ's grin widened as she exchanged a knowing look with Will. "I didn't think I'd see the day when you and Reid would willingly share the dance floor."
She shot a glance at Spencer, and there was a momentary flicker of something in his eyes—was it surprise? amusement? She couldn't quite place it. Collecting herself, she responded with a mock grimace, "He forced me into it."
Spencer's expression turned playful. "I have a way of convincing people to do things they didn't know they wanted to do."
"You mean manipulate."
He chuckled. "Persuade, Y/n. It's all about perspective."
From the corner of her eyes, she saw JJ and Will exchanging another pointed look. "Either way, you both look like you're having a good time."
"And you both look good together," Will added.
"Thank you."
"We're not together."
They both looked at each other while JJ raised an eyebrow, her grin widening. "Yet here you are. Spence, you might have just discovered a hidden talent—getting Y/n to dance."
She let out a sigh. "Don't encourage him."
Spencer leaned in, his tone low. "You're just mad because you're enjoying this."
She narrowed her eyes. "Let's not get carried away."
"Come on, just admit it," The corners of his lips lifted in a playful smirk. "You're having more fun than you expected."
"Fun?" She scoffed, attempting to deflect the growing warmth in her cheeks. "I wouldn't call this fun. It's just an unfortunate consequence of being at a party."
"Yet you can't deny that you're not entirely opposed to the idea."
She shot him a glare. "You're dangerously close to overestimating your influence."
"Or maybe you're underestimating your willingness to enjoy the moment."
She shook her head, turning towards JJ. "Can you believe him—"
She stopped when she realized they had been left alone for a while, noticing JJ and Will were already at the other side of the dance floor. However as her eyes scanned around them, the scrutiny of the others didn't go unnoticed by her. She fixed her gaze back on Spencer.
"We must be such a sight to see," she remarked. "I bet they're starting some rumors about us."
He raised his eyebrows. "You think they haven't already?"
She sighed, acknowledging his words. "Fair point."
"What do you think they're saying about us?"
She considered for a moment. "That we secretly don't hate each other," she responded after contemplating her answer. "I think they might be disappointed when they realize the truth."
His arms instinctively tightened around her waist. "And what's the truth?"
She studied him, her heart suddenly beating fast. Weeks ago, she would have answered the question with certainty, stating that they were nothing more than coworkers who were both very stubborn. But as she felt his eyes watching her intently, she wasn't so sure anymore.
"The truth?" she echoed, her voice a little softer than she intended. "I don't know, Reid. What is our truth?"
He held her gaze, and for a moment, she was hypnotized by the look in his eyes. "Well, the part where we secretly don't hate each other is true, for me at least."
Her breath caught as she absorbed his words.
“…you don't hate me?"
"Hate is a very strong word." Spencer leaned in, his breath warm against her ear. "Hate is often fueled by fear or misunderstanding. It's a complex emotion rooted in our perceptions and experiences. So, in a way, hate is a reflection of the mind rather than a true evaluation of a person."
She couldn't help but let out a disbelieving laugh. "Did you just use psychology to explain why you don't hate me?"
"Considering our line of work, it seemed appropriate."
She shook her head in amusement. "Only you would analyze hate in the middle of a dance."
Spencer continued, "Well, understanding emotions is crucial in our field. And I believe there's more to us than mere hostility."
She pursed her lips together, her mind suddenly going through the times they often bickered. "I still find it hard to believe you didn't hate me the first time we met."
"Dislike would be a better way to put it. But I was at my lowest point at that time. It wasn't just you, I was angry at everyone. At the circumstances. At myself." He slightly leaned back and sighed. "And I admit, it was wrong of me to take it out on you."
Then after a moment of silence, he whispered, "I'm sorry."
She felt the warmth of his embrace, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against hers. The apology hung in the air and she found herself at a loss for words. For a fleeting moment, the walls she had built seemed to crumble, leaving her standing on the precipice of something unfamiliar.
She took a deep breath, her voice barely above a whisper, "And how do you see me now?"
Spencer's gaze held a thoughtful intensity as he considered her question. "I think you're someone who challenges me. There's a depth to you beyond the harsh glare and cold shoulder." He eased, pressing a hand on her lower back. "And, if I may say, someone who looks surprisingly stunning on the dance floor."
A blush crept over her cheeks, and she narrowed her eyes, wondering if he had another motive behind the compliment. "You're using flattery now? Are you trying to get in my pants again?"
He laughed. "Is it working?"
She rolled her eyes, suppressing a smile. "Nice try, Reid. Flattery might get you far, but not that far."
His grin widened, and he guided her through the dance floor with ease. "Well, I'll have to come up with better tactics then."
His touch, gentle and deliberate, sent a shiver down her spine as his thumb traced an almost hypnotic pattern on the small of her back through the fabric of her dress. The soft caress felt both intimate and tender, catching her off guard. "I mean it though," he said, his voice a soft murmur that resonated with honesty. "You do look beautiful tonight."
There was something in his gaze that was unfamiliar, even hearing him easily compliment her was foreign in her ears. Her confusion must have been evident on her face because he smiled at her. "What?"
She shook her head, dismissing her thoughts. "Nothing. It's just... unexpected, coming from you."
He chuckled, the sound vibrating against her as they moved in sync with the music. "It's part of my New Year's resolution."
"What? To be nicer?" She guessed. "Be a better person?"
"To be a better person for you," he corrected.
Her heartbeat picked up, and she found herself drawing closer to him, the music weaving a subtle spell around them. The warmth radiating from him, the soft glow of the string lights, and the gentle melody created an intimate atmosphere that blurred the lines between the hostility she often wore.
The distance between them diminished, and she felt the subtle shift in the air. Without registering what she was doing, her fingers came up behind his neck, softly playing with the strands of his hair. They were so soft, just like the look reflected in his eyes. Then her gaze went down to his lips; they too looked incredibly soft.
"Stop looking at me like that."
Her eyes snapped to his. "Like what?"
"Like you want to close the distance between us," he whispered, his voice a low murmur that sent a shiver down her spine. "Because I'm trying to restrain myself from doing just that."
His fingers found the small of her back, pressing gently, while hers continued their silent dance in his hair. Every touch, every movement, fueled the escalating heat between them. His proximity was intoxicating, and the magnetic pull between them was undeniable. The distance diminished further until she could feel his breath, warm and inviting, grazing against her lips.
But before she could indulge herself, Garcia's voice echoed somewhere in the crowd. "It's the final countdown, people!"
Suddenly becoming aware of their surroundings, she released her arms from around his neck and shifted her gaze elsewhere. Her eyes landed on the projector screen, previously used by the kids for a movie marathon and now it displayed the vibrant scenes of people joyously ringing in the New Year celebration.
As the digital numbers on the screen ticked down, the energy in the backyard intensified. The countdown became a collective heartbeat, a shared anticipation that echoed through the crowd.
"Ten! Nine! Eight!"
In those final moments, she stole a glance at Spencer, their eyes locking silently.
"Seven! Six! Five!"
But his stare became so intense that she quickly looked away.
"Four! Three! Two! One! Happy New Year!"
The cheers erupted, and the backyard was bathed in the glow of fireworks, the sky above adorned with bursts of color. She watched the dazzling display in awe, the explosions of light reflecting in her eyes.
Amidst the celebratory chaos, she noticed her friends wrapped in the arms of their loved ones, celebrating happily. JJ and Will shared a sweet kiss, Simmons was embraced by his family, Penelope and Luke exchanged laughter, and even Rossi, with a subtle smile, clinked glasses with Emily and Tara.
And as the colorful explosions painted the night sky, she felt a lingering gaze on her. Turning, she found Spencer watching her intently. His eyes were searching hers as if he were asking for permission to close the short distance separating them.
She knew what he meant. It was beyond asking permission to kiss her. It was a gentle plea to understand the unspoken boundaries that lingered between them. Engaging in intimacy behind closed doors was one thing, but to take that step in front of their peers meant exposing a vulnerability she had carefully guarded. Did she want to cross that line?
A part of her wavered, finding herself drawn to him—his warm brown eyes, his smile, everything about him seemed to call out to a part of her that she had kept guarded. The barriers she had meticulously built started to feel like fragile walls as everything around them started to fade, leaving only the soft glow of string lights and the distant echoes of laughter.
Oh, fuck it.
Feeling the pull of an undeniable force, she took a step closer with a small, bashful smile playing on her lips. It was all the answer he needed. Closing the distance between them, he framed her face with his large hands, his warm touch sending a shiver down her spine. Surrounded by the cheers of the crowd and the vibrant display of fireworks overhead, he finally leaned down, gently brushing his lips against hers.
Warmth spread through her body as he held her, his touch gentle yet possessive. He tipped her jaw, allowing his mouth to move along with hers. His tongue easily slipped into her as he continued to taste the subtle hint of liquor she had been drinking. Spencer was never one to drink, but he didn't mind tasting it on her. If anything, he couldn't get enough.
Her arms instinctively traveled underneath his suit jacket, seeking more of his warmth as she wrapped them around his waist. The fabric of his suit was smooth under her fingertips, and the heat of his body radiated through the layers of clothing.
The kiss deepened as he continued to explore her mouth, growing more intense with each passing second, and it wasn't until they heard someone through their haze calling out, "There are kids here!" that he finally pulled away.
He laughed, a soft, genuine sound and she couldn't help but join in. He then rested his forehead against hers, their breaths mingling in the small space that separated them. The lingering taste of their kiss hung in the air, and for a moment, they simply stood there. The reality of the situation slowly sank in, and they exchanged a glance filled with a mix of surprise and amusement.
"I guess we got carried away," he mumbled.
"You think?" She chuckled, her fingers playing with the lapels of his suit jacket. "We should keep it PG-13 for now."
His fingers gently traced the curve of her cheek. "Does that mean we can go R-rated later?"
She let out a laugh, throwing her head back in mirth. "You're relentless."
He smiled, savoring the moment of ease between them, and he found himself captivated by the genuine joy she radiated. His gaze traveled around the backyard and noticed everyone watching them with amused grins. He leaned down and pulled her flush against him. "Everyone's watching us."
She groaned and hid her face in the crook of his neck. "I can already imagine their teasing."
There was a moment of silence before he responded, "I think it's worth it."
"What is?" she mumbled into his neck.
He pulled away and looked down at her. In a tender gesture, he brushed a strand of hair away from her face, his touch lingering for a moment longer than necessary. "I can handle the constant teasing if it means I get to hold you like this."
The corners of her lips curled into a soft smile. "You're willing to endure their teasing just to hold me?"
His gaze met hers, unwavering. "More than willing."
Her gaze softened as she looked at him. She couldn't believe how this night had turned out, yet, here they were—wrapped up in a dance of their own. It was a position she would've never imagined herself in. And despite her best efforts to resist, the walls she had meticulously built were crumbling.
"Can I kiss you again?" He whispered. "I promise I'll make it family-friendly."
The corners of her lips curled as she laughed. The unexpected turn of events had brought them to a place she never anticipated, but surprisingly, it felt oddly right.
"I suppose one more won't hurt."
His smile widened, and with a hint of mischief in his eyes, he leaned in, capturing her lips in a tender kiss. "Happy New Year," he whispered against her lips.
She found herself smiling, realizing that perhaps, unexpected as it was, this change of year wasn't so bad. She closed her eyes, savoring the moment, and wondered where her life would take her this year. The path ahead seemed unclear, but one thing was certain—Spencer Reid had managed to find his way into her heart.
a/n: if you’ve followed the story since lose control, this is the ending for this short series. As much as I wanted to write smut again for the last part, the fluff was calling out to me :3
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yuta-nation · 5 months
forever and ever...(yuta okkotsu)
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summary: he has been waiting for this moment for 5 years. the moment you're his forever.
content: just fluff! mdni!!
wc: .5k
a/n: got this suggestion from my irl bestie. he's a genius.
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Yuta can vividly remember the last time he felt this nervous. He was sixteen, standing outside a classroom door, listening to Gojo try to hype up the other students to meet him. Gojo asked the students to give him a hand before Yuta entered. He heard one student (Maki, he later learned) groan in complaint, one student (Toge) respond “Salmon,” and one hum of acknowledgment (from Panda). His shoulders sagged as he put a hand on the door to slide it open, but he paused for a moment when he heard faint, almost shy claps. The sound of one student being even remotely excited to meet him soothed his heart as he finally slid open the door. He had entered, eyes meeting yours, and all sense of nervousness or unease left his body. It didn’t matter that the rest of the students lunged to attack him, it didn’t matter that he was starting at a new school, or joining a society he knew nothing about, because you were there. 
And now five years later, the situation was reversed. He stood at the altar with Toge and Panda beside him and Maki standing tall on the bridesmaids’ side. Gojo stood in the middle, blindfold abandoned so as to not mar the photos of him officiating. The only one missing was you, and Yuta watched the door intently, waiting for you to make your entrance. After what felt like ages, the doors opened to reveal you as you began your march down the aisle. 
Yuta felt all the breath leave his body the moment he laid eyes on you. He had never seen anyone more beautiful, never seen anything so stunning. He felt the tears prick his eyes, felt their warmth as they ran down his face, but he made no move to wipe them. He didn’t want to take his eyes off you for even a second. You were enchanting as you made your way to him, and for a moment he was filled with dread at the thought of this all being a dream. That he would wake up from this moment and it wouldn’t have been real, that you would be with someone else, someone better, and he would be without you. He had almost deluded himself into believing that he was dreaming when you finally reached him and took his hand.
Your touch was all the proof he needed to know that this was real, that you were here, ready to marry him. He couldn’t hold in his sobs at your touch, causing you to shed your own tears. You reached to wipe his eyes and cradle his face in your hands. You held him for a moment before Gojo cleared his throat and began speaking. 
When it came time to exchange vows, the tears flowed again. You couldn’t keep your shoulders from shaking when Yuta spoke.
“I vow to love you forever, protect you always, and cherish you endlessly. I’ve known my heart belonged to you since I was sixteen. With this ring, now the world will know that I am yours until the day I die. I love you.”
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insomniumstella · 1 year
drunken nights
bucky x reader
summary: this story genuinely does not have anything that could remotely resemble a plot.
warnings: smut, 18&up only
word count: 1,369
author’s note: foreplay? never heard of it. i should stop writing when i’m drunk because this is the filthiest of filth i have ever written, but also it could somehow be filthier? idk atp, so i might write a more in-depth follow up once i’m sober. anyways, obsessed by zandros & limi would be the perfect song if you like reading with music in the background!
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“You’re such a pretty girl,” he hissed, the sound low and almost delicate, “my girl.” The statement stood true, she thought — she was Bucky’s as much as he was hers, and y/n couldn’t imagine being someone else’s. Not after the events they’ve been through. She had been the woman who stood by his side for years, even when the whole world tried convincing the man he couldn’t ever live as anyone, but the Winter Soldier.
“Thank you.” She felt her cheeks heat up, her words coming out mumbled as she wrapped her lips around his cock once more.
James Buchanan Barnes was as perfect as boyfriends could get, and after the painstakingly hard mission he had just gotten home from, y/n believed he deserved to come undone, whether it was by her mouth or her entire body. James was the kind of man she was willing to provide special treatment for, always; the first and the only for he had ruined her. No one fucked better than James Barnes.
She licked his red tip, tasting the salty pre-cum with delight. Bucky’s abs clenched, involuntary, letting the woman know he was close, and y/n licked a prominent vein on the base of his shaft before continuing her assault on his impressive length when he allowed a strained whimper to pass through his lips.
“Don’t you dare stop, doll.” He clenched the sheets with his flesh hand, the metal appendage coming to grip the base of her neck, guiding his cock deeper down her throat, so deep, she choked, with spit running down both the skin of James’s upper thighs and her chin.
This must be what heaven feels like, he wondered as she took him to the top, forcing his body to crash in the sweetest of waves, his orgasm overtaking the entirety of his body, stretching from Bucky’s tiptoes to his head, short moans falling out of his mouth like a prayer. Her mouth was perfect, she was perfect, and as she licked his slit clean of the salty substance, James decided, that, yes, y/n must be a part of heaven, for I couldn’t imagine such a place without her. 
He allowed himself a moment of uninterrupted peace, the aftershock of his orgasm still settling in his bones. It was only when he opened his eyes did he notice y/n, eyes wide and curious, staring at him. Though she was just on top of him, taking control, she had gone back to seeming utterly submissive, the expression on her face permitting James the knowledge that he had already known for years — she wanted to, and she would, do anything and everything he’d ask of her. She’d let him mold her like clay in any shape or form he craved for the night. And, no, James would never take advantage of the woman, but, yes, he would grant her the most satisfying of pleasure, and, maybe, only if she agreed, which she always did anyways, he’d ruin her further, driving his cock into her pussy from the most outrageous of positions he could think of until the only coherent word she could muster was a weak sound of his name. 
“Princess,” he purred, “would you please get down on all fours for me?” He smiled innocently, and y/n could not disobey the charming expression. 
“Yes, Sir.” 
James came to kneel behind her, his dick hard once again, almost throbbing for friction, and when the back of her thighs touched his own, he swore he could probably come again just from the sight of y/n on her knees and forearms, back arched at a perfect angle. 
He palmed himself a few times before teasing her entrance. She was dripping from anticipation and the previous orgasm James ripped from her. It was so fresh in her mind it didn’t register as a memory — his lips sucking her clit, his long fingers diving between her aching walls. He had pinned her thighs to their shared bed, forcing the woman to keep them open no matter how much she wanted to close her legs from the intensity of it all. He had been simultaneously soft and rough, edging her until all she could do was beg, broken please falling from her mouth, accompanied by let me come, sir. 
“You’re taking my cock so well, doll.” James praised his girlfriend once he finally bottomed out, heavy balls slapping against the skin of her inner thighs, and she let out a high-pitched moan. “Shit,” he cursed under his breath after a couple of strokes, each more desperate than the last, “have you always been this tight?”
She didn’t answer, too lost in the pleasure of James thrusting in and out, each stroke hitting the most sensitive spot inside her. 
“I asked you a question,” the man swiftly removed himself from y/n’s heat, gripping the base of his dick to drag it along her slit. She whined from the gruesome sensation of clenching around emptiness and having the one thing she craved above all be so close yet so far.
James chuckled, grabbing her waist, and sneaked his other hand to rub y/n’s clit in achingly slow and too soft of circles.
“Mmmh.” She hummed, too lost in the regained pleasure, and though it wasn’t nearly enough, it was something to please her needy body. It was as the physical vessel y/n called her body needed James to survive, for she’d be dead without his touch, a shell of a person if James Barnes didn’t wreck her insides there and then.
His hand left her waist as he thrust into y/n, coming to rest on her stomach. James massaged the area, loving the way he could feel the bulge of his cock. “Feel this?” James asked, and she nodded without missing a beat. He chuckled, clasping her neck with his metal hand and pulling the woman up so her back would rest against his muscular chest. “I'm the only man who has ever made you feel this good," he thrusted up, fingers digging into her skin, "aren't I?"
"Yes, daddy," she moaned without thinking, her own hands searching to grab anything she could reach, whether it was the sheets or Bucky's forearm from when his right arm circled her waist.
He paused all movement for a second, too turned on by a single word than he cared to admit before speeding up, each stroke becoming speedier, rougher. James needed y/n to orgasm as much as he needed to breathe, his own release chasing after him. "That's right," he trailed sloppy kisses from the base of y/n's neck to her jawline, "daddy will take care of you, doll," he placed one final kiss and shoved her body into the bed again, hands caressing her lower back before he pushed it down for a deeper arch, "real good care."
She could only mumble and whine with her face stuffed into the pillow and ass arched high up in the air, Bucky's calloused hand landing deliciously painful smacks on her tender skin. One, she moaned from the contact, silently counting in her head, two, three. The woman was expecting a fourth smack to land on the skin of her butt, perhaps the side of her thighs, as she could feel James throbbing inside her and knew his concentration was somewhere between lost and forgotten, but it never came. Instead, his fingers, both flesh, and metal dug into her hips as he covered her walls with thick, hot ropes of cum, and she clenched around him, finding herself coming for the second time that night. 
She moaned, loud and unapologetic, allowing the orgasm to seep into her bones until it was nothing but a whisper of the pleasure Bucky had given her. His movements had stilled, but James didn't care to pull out, letting his cock soften inside her.
He smiled, even though she couldn't see it, and leaned down to place comfortingly soft kisses on y/n's shoulders. "I love you." He whispered into her skin. "My good girl," James pulled out, watching the mesmerizing sight of his cum leaking out of his girl before he pushed it back inside her with two of his fingers, "mine only."
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kidney9-9 · 3 days
Visions - Peter Parker
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@theslayerofthevampires asked: Hey! You asked for requests so here I am:) I was wondering if you could do a Peter Parker x psychic reader one and this could take place around homecoming era where the reader has had the gift of premonitions ever since she was little. She attends school with Peter Parker and friends unaware that he's Spider-Man. One day when she helps Peter pick up something that he dropped and she has a premonition that involves the Peter being trapped under rubble the premonition is so violent that it cause her to faint
Hey there! I hope you enjoy this oneshot. It went kinda long and I cut it off at an odd moment because I wasn't sure how to continue it without it being super long! Thanks for sending this one in :)
Peter Parker x Reader [Fluff and Angst] Warnings: Violence, visions, mention of death, fainting
Starting a new school again made your head hurt like hell. You and your family had to move to this new area because of your dad’s job and thankfully, this was supposed to be the last time you guys would move. Hopefully, you’d enjoy this new school you were going to, as a sophomore. It was upsetting that you had to leave your friends once again, after living in your old home for about two years.
Your head was hurting even more than normal, since you started to have more and more premonitions after moving to such a big city. Your dad’s job usually took you all to somewhat remote places. The most remote place you had to live was in a small town in Alaska for about three years, when you were in elementary school.
These premonitions started the night your grandmother passed away. It was awful, the first ever premonition you had was the view of your grandmother’s funeral and you hadn’t known at the time that she had just passed away.
Thankfully, there had been a little box set aside for you from your grandmother that explained why you had this supposed “gift”. It passed onto every other generation of women born in your family, after the last person with the gift had died. You were “blessed” (you had believed yourself to be doomed) with the gift of seeing the future. You would get random visions every day, lasting only a few seconds at a time. Sometimes touching something or someone would trigger a more powerful vision, one where you’d feel like you were really there.
This big new city had been causing you to have visions every other hour of the day, it was terrible.
And this school was huge! You had applied to it when you heard you were moving and thankfully your application was accepted. Each classroom had about 30 people in them, and the courtyard was twice the size of the football field.
The start of the first day was a bore so far. You were in your fourth class, right before lunch, and you stared at the board as the teacher droned on and on about following their rules.
“All borrowed pencils will go back into this container here. I count all my pencils at the beginning and end of class, so please return them. You will need access to a laptop this year for my class, because we will be writing a lot of essays. If you need a laptop, you can always rent one in the library here on campus, using your student ID number. We will also be using a textbook and various online sources, so please look on my syllabus to see which textbook to pick up at the library sometime this week.” He continued and you took a few notes to remember the things he was talking about.
“This is so boring.” Someone whined behind you, and you mumbled back, “Right?” This spurred on a surprised laugh from the person behind you, so you turned around to see who it was.
It was a guy, with dark brown hair parted at his forehead, wearing a graphic t-shirt of an old cartoon character. “I’m Ned, it’s nice to meet you.” He whispered to you, eyes going back and forth from the teacher to you.
You nodded politely and smiled to him, telling him your name, “It’s nice to meet you too. Cool shirt.”
Ned visibly brightened up and you smiled even more back to him. You turned around when you heard your teacher clear his throat and continued the lecture. A few minutes went by and finally the teacher said to introduce yourself and talk with others around the classroom.
You turned your chair around to face Ned and smiled at him again. “Hey, so we have history together. Do you know anything about this class and teacher?” You awkwardly bring up, trying to start a conversation.
“Oh yeah! He’s kind of a jerk when he doesn’t have an energy drink on his desk. And his breath stinks really bad, so prepare yourself if you ever need to talk one on one with him. But I think he lets people choose their own partners in class.” Ned rambles, then looks at your notes, “Wow. You’re prepared! Are you like, good at school? You should join our team for the Academic Decathlon this year!”
You laughed slightly, “I mean, I just write down what seems important and remember the dates.”
“That’s perfect, we’re always looking for new people to join. Are you good with math and science as well?” Ned asked and you nodded.
“I am, I was actually in a math club in my last school.” You shrugged, and Ned’s eyes widened.
“If you join our team, I will literally do anything you want as a favor. Seriously, we only had like 3 girls last year, it’s always good to diversify our team! Please, join. You seem cool too, since you recognized who was on my shirt.” Ned begged, leaning closer to you on his desk.
You let out a surprised laugh, “I’ll think about it. Maybe if I meet more of the members, I’ll join?”
“Stay with me during lunch, I’ll introduce you to my friend Peter! He’s part of the club too. And Liz Allen’s part of the team too if you heard of her.” Ned mentioned.
You shook your head, “I don’t know anyone here. Just know the classmates that sat next to me during class.”
“Oh, okay! Yeah, I think you’ll get along with the rest of the team, they’re pretty nice.” Ned shrugged.
You sat next to Ned after grabbing some food. The cafeteria was somewhat busy, but it seemed like everyone was grouped up mostly, and getting ready for Homecoming. You took a bite out of your food as Ned spoke up to someone, as they sat next to him on the bench.
“Oh hey, this is Peter Parker, my friend I was talking about earlier.” He introduced you and Peter together. You smile and wave politely to him, finishing your bite.
“Hi Peter. It’s nice to meet you. You’re on the Academic Decathlon team here?” You started the conversation between the three of you and Ned launched into explaining to Peter how you two met and how he thought you’d do great on the team.
“Yeah! I think the teacher would welcome you on the team anytime during the year, so it doesn’t matter if you’re new. Plus, I think there’s a trip soon, for our competition, so that would be fun. I’m not sure I’ll be there for it, but you should totally go with Ned.” Peter told you and you nodded.
“Oh sweet. I think I’ll join you guys for a meeting then and I’ll see if I like it.” You responded and took a sip of water.
“Why do you keep cancelling things, Peter? It sucks, you’re like my best friend and you’re always going on about your internship. Tony Stark’s gotta let you off the leach sometimes.” Ned complained, noticing Peter’s words about possibly not going on the trip.
“Woah, Tony Stark?” You asked, impressed. Tony Stark didn’t hire high school interns, you had researched that a while ago when you lived somewhere in California. There was a Stark Industries building a few streets away from your old school and you wanted to intern there for a little but was told it wasn’t possible.
Peter must be super smart, you figured, to get an internship at that company.
“Oh yeah, I’ve been a bit busy with that. And I always have to make sure I’m available for Tony Stark whenever. He could need me anytime, so I want to make sure I can help him out.” Peter replied, making Ned pout.
“That’s so annoying. Can’t you like tell Tony to chill out or something?” Ned groaned, rolling his eyes as Peter shook his head.
“I can’t just blow him off like that. And… besides I talk to his assistant, or something more than I talk to Tony since he’s really busy.” Peter huffed out.
“Still, that’s so cool you know him and have an internship. What do you guys do?” You asked, and Peter lit up, starting to talk about robotics and technology he was working on.
“Well, he’s got me reading and learning about MIT’s newest robot. I think he’s working on something with the Avengers too, so we only talk every so often about this stuff.” He brought up and you oohed in interest.
“The Avengers are cool, I heard something’s up with Captain America though. I don’t think we know all the details though, since the news keeps repeating what they’re saying about him.” You said, and Nod hummed in response to your words as he chewed on something.
“I used to think he was awesome until he did those videos for gym classes. Now he’s just some weirdo boomer.” Ned groaned.
Peter laughed, “He’s kind of strong regardless of that.”
A few weeks went by as you started to get used to living here. You became friends with Ned and Peter, along with MJ, who had started to tag along whenever you brought her into the conversation. You joined the Academic Decathlon team, and also started to become friends with a few of them there. You mostly hung out with Ned outside of class, going to his place and building some Lego sculptures as you two watched old timey shows on TV.
Peter would sometimes join along, always appearing to be sweaty for some reason. You and Ned would tease him about running errands for Tony Stark, but Peter would brush it off and say he was just busy a lot now. You met his aunt, May, who was such a sweetheart. She had squealed in joy when Peter said you were his friend, which made you all laugh.
“Peter typically only stuck with Ned all the time! I’m just so happy he’s growing up and getting more friends in his life.” May remarked afterwards.
You introduced May to your mom one day since they both had similar interests. May’s job with a charity organization had connected her with one of your relatives out of state, which led to her connecting more with your family and you. It felt like a small world when you found out about her connection!
You, Ned, and Peter (and sometimes MJ) started going to a deli near the school to finish up some homework and then hang out and decide if you guys would go to Ned’s place or Peter’s place, since both you and MJ lived a bit further away from the school.
You got pretty close with MJ, outside of the group when both Ned and Peter would hang out to do stuff together. MJ was someone who really recognized there was something different about you, when she caught onto the fact you’d randomly know if there would be something special about the day.
She had mentioned it in conversation once and then kept quiet about it after you got a little antsy about the fact she was onto your secret.
“Yeah, I see when you blink out of our conversations sometimes and come back looking a bit different. It’s like you went somewhere, didn’t you?” MJ said, to which you quickly laughed loudly and brought up another subject.
She would wink at you whenever you randomly say not to do something or go somewhere. It made your heart jump a little in concern, but it made you happy that she didn’t do anything else about it.
Sometimes, just you and Peter would be hanging out when Ned’s family needed his help with something, and you and Peter would quietly stay together in Ned’s room while he went and helped. It was never awkward, but it felt peaceful and you two got along great.
He talked about Star Wars a lot and even lent you one of his special edition versions of the second original movie. You would bring up a lot of random facts you learned about Star Wars, something you’ve started doing to see if Peter also knew that much about Star Wars, since you were a fan.
Sometimes he would bring up some inventions that he was thinking of. When you responded once to one of his ramblings about making something stretchy and sticky, with “Isn’t that what Spiderman uses?”, he turned red and apologized about being nerdy with science.
You didn’t think he needed to apologize for something that seemed to make him genuinely happy, and when you said that he laughed and said it was a bit of a habit. He seemed to talk more about stuff that made him happy after that and smiled more openly around you.
You had an appointment today to talk about moving your English class to an Advanced Placement English class with your counselor, which was lucky because Peter had an appointment with the same counselor today as well. You both walked together to the office, and you sat down outside the counselor’s office while Peter walked in first since he had his appointment before you.
You pulled out your phone to scroll through as you waited. After ten minutes or so, you glanced up at the sound of a chair scraping against the floor.
“Okay Peter, you seriously have to consider at least hanging onto a few extracurricular clubs if you want to be taken seriously for consideration of a scholarship to Ivy League schools. I know you have your internship with Stark Industries, but you should keep your options open.” The counselor spoke up loudly as the door opened.
You stood up when the door opened, smiling at Peter as he walked out the door. He looked a bit upset, but still smiled back, “Your turn. I’ll wait here for you.”
You nodded silently, wondering if he was alright. You’d speak to him after your appointment. The counselor welcomed you in by saying your name.
“Hi, it’s good to finally see you again after emailing you a few weeks ago. So, how are you settling in? Do you like it here?” She asked as you sat down, and the door closed again. You shifted in the chair as you set your bag down on the floor.
“It’s going well, I like it here. I’m actually friends with Peter.” You nodded back towards the door, and she smiled in understanding.
“Aw, I’m glad you guys get along. I see here you’re also in the Academic Decathlon as him. Are you enjoying that? I think there’s a trip in two weeks! Are you going?” She asked a few questions and you fiddled with your fingers as you answered.
“Oh yeah, I’m going there and yeah, it’s really fun. Everyone’s pretty sweet in the group.” You answered back.
“Well, I’m happy to hear you’re settling in nicely. So, you wanted to move classes to a higher placement? I thought I saw you had a little trouble with reading in your file, do you feel ready to move to a higher class?” She asked, and you almost flinched at the question, being reminded of your visions. They happened more often while you were reading, and during school, that caused a few problems.
“Oh, it’s getting better, I think I can handle it. I just have a little trouble with reading out loud sometimes, I have trouble focusing on the words.” You explained, avoiding outright telling her the reason why you had trouble with that.
“Okay, well we can always have accommodations be made for you if that ever becomes a problem in the classroom, but I think it’s good we met up, so we understand where you want to go now. I’ll place you in the advanced class and I’ll email you in about a week to check in on how it’s going. I’ll send you your new classroom number and your new teacher’s email address. You’ll start going to the new English class tomorrow, does that sound good?” She spoke and you nodded along to what she said.
“Yeah, thank you. That’s all good!” You responded happily.
“Well, I think that’s it for this meeting. Thank you for coming in, I’ll see you later. Let me know if you need anything or want anything, dear. It was nice to meet you.” She said as you started to get up.
“Okay, thank you again. Bye!” You started to leave but she quickly gasped, “Oh wait! I forgot, give this paper to Peter for me, please. Thank you again.”
You took the paper she was holding and walked out the door, smiling politely at her. You didn’t look down at the paper, fearing it was something private and only for Peter, so you gazed up and walked towards the chair Peter was sitting in.
You hold the paper out in front of you as Peter gets up from the chair. “Hey, did it go good?” He asked, as you hand him the paper.
“Yeah, I got into the class I wanted.” You nodded, then added on, “Oh yeah, she wanted to give this to you, she forgot to give it to you before you left.”
Peter blinks down at the paper and sighs, then drags his bag down his shoulder, onto his arm and opens up the zipper.
“Shoot. I got to show this to Aunt May.” He said as he grabbed a folder from his bag, He flimsily opened it and started to put the paper into the folder. Just then, the door opened loudly from the other side of the office, causing Peter to flinch and drop his folder and papers.
He groaned loudly and leaned down, and you leaned down with him, helping him pick his stuff up. “Oh, is this all the stuff to study from the team?” You asked, seeing a few papers about some subjects’ you guys have been studying for.
You pick up one of the papers and hand it over to him, his fingers sliding against yours as he accepted the paper and your eyes glazed over as a vision hit you when you were unprepared. You stayed frozen in the moment, trying to blink off the vision but none of that worked, especially since it hit you so strongly this time.
At first, all you saw was darkness and heard deep rumbling and cracks, then you refocused your eyesight, blinking at what appeared to be a person struggling underneath rubble. You gasped as you walked forward in the vision, noticing it was Peter, your friend. He was stuck, struggling, and heaving as a piece of huge concrete laid atop him.
“I gotta get out of this, I gotta…” Peter gasped, over and over again, trying to breathe in fresh air. Blood was leaking down his face, and he was slurring his words, and you knelled down near him, your heart pounding harder than ever before.
“Peter!” You cried out, trying to help him but you couldn’t, you were ghost like in your visions. Your vision turned black, as if staring at the ocean during a dark night, waves of worry hitting you.
Your body hit the floor before Peter could even react, absolutely surprising and worrying him as your body lay down. Your eyes were closed, and you were incredibly pale, looking sickly. Peter quickly dropped his things, calling out your name as he picked you up.
“Oh my! What happened?!” The counselor gasped loudly, as she stepped into the room.
Peter shrugged, feeling panicked, “I think she fainted! Can I take her to the nurse?” He looked down at you, softly putting his hand near your wrist to check your heartrate. He sighed in relief to see it was mostly normal, just a little lower than an average teen’s heartrate.
“Of course, please do.” The counselor responded and Peter picked you up completely, leaving his stuff on the floor for later.
He took you to the nurse’s office as fast as he could, putting you on one of the beds in the corner of the room. He explained what happened to the nurse as he started to freak out a little more, sitting down next to your bed.
“Should I do anything to help? Can I call her mom? I know her, she’s really good friends with my Aunt. Is she going to be, okay? Can I stay here with her during class? I don’t want to leave her alone, especially if she’s hurt.” Peter rambled, putting his hand near yours and holding onto it tightly. He didn’t want to let go, he was worried.
The nurse sighed, “Well, you can stay, go ahead, and call her mom for me. She should be fine. It sounds like she might have just had a little fainting spell. Maybe she has really low blood sugar, but we’ll know when she wakes up.”
Peter thanked the nurse and called your mom, explaining what happened. In the meantime, you slowly started to wake up, still reeling from what you saw.
“Peter!” You gasped as you started to fully wake up, and he squeezed your hand softly, “Hey, how are you feeling?”
You felt horrible and scared for him, your eyes searched up and down his face, trying to see if there was any blood there, but you knew it was going to happen in the future. You were terrified. “Are you okay?” You still had to ask, still scared by what you saw.
“Wait – what, of course I’m okay! Are you? You fainted! Do you need some water? I called your mom and she’s coming by to pick you up from school so you can stay at home. Are you feeling alright?” He rambled, face slowly red from not breathing in.
“Mm, good. You need to stay safe. I’m okay, just… tired. Didn’t get much sleep last night.” You lied to him. His face contorted worriedly, as he squeezed your hand once more and you tried to smile at him.
“I promise I’m okay Peter.” You wanted to say it was him that would not be okay, that he needed to stay safe, but you couldn’t. You were glad your mom was coming to pick you up. She was one of the only people that understood your visions.
She didn’t have them, but having grown up with her mom having visions, she knew what they were, and understood that they were passed on through the family. In fact, she was probably going to ask you once you guys were in private if things were okay and if you guys needed to do anything.
There was only two other times your visions had helped prevent tragedies and emergencies.
The first time was when there was an earthquake in California when you and your family lived there, and the vision warned you that the large tree in your backyard would collapse against the house and severely injure you and your dad. You had the vision eight days before the earthquake, and you all made sure to be away from where the majority of the earthquake would hit.
The second was during your cousin’s first birthday party, where she had reached out and grabbed the lit candle off the cake and dropped it into a bush, where a large fire started and caused an explosion in your uncle’s house. You got that vision after touching the birthday invitation note, ten days before it happened.
They both terrified you and your family. And you were so very grateful that you guys managed to avoid it.
You hoped you’d be able to prevent this from happening. You tried to look for clues of your vision to see where it happened and when it would happen, but you hadn’t really gotten over the shock. You’d look over it when you could, but for now you couldn’t really recall the details.
You really didn’t want Peter to get hurt so badly like this. And since this was such a big city, it probably would hurt multiple people, instead of just Peter. You were terrified.
You blinked back into focus when Peter said your name, and you looked over at him. “You good? I’m really worried about you. You seem really sick.” He asked worriedly.
You shook your head, “It’s fine, I promise. Thank you, Peter. Really, thank you for helping me and bringing me here. You’re a good person.”
He blushed slightly as he gazed back at you, “Of course. I know we just met this year, but we’ve become really close, so I just wanted to make sure you’re alright. I care about you, you know?”
You felt your heart flutter slightly at his kind words, “I really care about you too. You’re special to me.” His eyes widened at that, and his hand unknowingly went slack in yours, and you quickly added on, “Uh, you and Ned and MJ… yeah. Really special.”
He quickly smiled softly to your words, but his eyes seemed a little duller than they did a moment ago. “Yeah, of course. I feel the same way about you. And them too, I guess.” He shrugged at the end silly, causing you to chuckle just a bit.
A knock at the door caused both you and Peter to look over, to see your mom walk in. You grinned at her as she came in, and silently nodded back to her when you saw the silent question in her eyes.
She signed you out of school for the day at the nurse’s desk, “Thank you for taking care of her.” She said to the nurse, but she snorted and pointed over to Peter.
“This boy here is the one that really cared for her. They’re so sweet, what a lovely couple.” The nurse said sweetly, and you coughed as Peter’s hand moved out of yours swiftly.
“We’re not a couple!” You yelped out at the same time Peter said, “Not together!”
Your mom and the nurse laughed at the two of you. “Oh, it’s alright, either way, you guys seem close. I’m glad my daughter has met someone so kind.” She said to Peter in a grateful tone.
Peter’s ears turned red at your mom’s words, and he nodded back, “Oh yeah, she’s kind too.”
“Hm, well anyway, say goodbye to Peter. I’m taking you home to rest. I can tell you need some rest.” Your mom said towards you, and you nodded and glanced over to Peter as you slowly got up from the bed. He helped you up, using his hand to support your back as you stood up.
“Thank you again. You’re really sweet. I’ll see you tomorrow maybe. I’m not sure if I’ll go to school tomorrow.” You spoke in a low volume to Peter, who smiled sweetly at you. You wanted to reach out and hug him, but you held off.
“Yeah, it’s no problem and text me after you get some rest! I’ll tell Ned and MJ you went home today.” He responded. You and your mom left the office after a few more moments, and Peter watched as you left.
He couldn’t help but worry about you, wondering why you fainted. He was scared to see you look so sick at that moment. It was also at that moment that he realized how much he really cared for you, much more than a friend would care. Either way, he was happy you went home to rest. He just hoped you’d feel better soon.
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
dad! trevor zegras x fem! reader
summary: in which your baby says her first word while Trevor is on a roadie.
warnings: pet names?
notes: i wrote this in about 2 hours and it was not proofread. so for all i know, this could be absolute trash.
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“mama. can we say mama?” i probably looked like a crazy person, bent over the front of the cart, talking to my 10 month old in the grocery store with a rats nest of hair and wearing leggings with a heavily stained oversized Anaheim Ducks t-shirt. and the usual stares over being a 21 year old mom aren’t helping.
this has been the first time since Addy was born that no one was staying with me while Trevor is on a roadie, and it’s been a bit harder than i anticipated. it’s been exhausting because although Addy is delaying with her words, she excelled with her other milestones. namely walking. she took her first steps about two weeks ago and has been toddling about the apartment ever since, so life has turned into a fun little ‘where’s waldo?’ game every time i turn around for the past two days. she’s also going through a sleep regression, so she’s waking up every hour again, which leaves me with little to no time to sleep or shower or do anything besides dote on her. and then, of course, when i opened the cupboard this morning, i realized we were on the last jar of baby food, so cue a trip to the store.
Addy just makes some babbling noises and scream laughs in my face, making me flinch and straighten back up.
“alright duckling, i hear you loud and clear. let’s get checked out so we can go back home for some Bluey time, yeah?” i worked quickly and swiftly, scanning each glass jar of food at the self check out and bagging them based on vegetable, fruit, medley, or meal.
when i finally get out to the car and buckle Addy in, her little blue eyes, exact replicas of Trevor’s, sweep over my face as wide as saucers.
“can we try that again?” i make conversation as i finish buckling her car seat. “can you say mama? mama. mama.”
once again, my baby just stares back at me.
“or not. that’s cool too. you can totally not speak at all if you want. doesn’t matter to mommy, as long as you’re happy and healthy.”
with the grocery bags placed in the passengers seat, i start the drive back to the apartment.
when we get back, i turn the tv onto Bluey and set Addy in her jumper in the living room. giving myself some time to wash the dishes piling in the sink. about 10 minutes into it though, my phone starts ringing back in the living room. drying my hands on a dish towel, i walk the ten or so steps back to the couch and swipe at the answer button on my phone screen without even checking the caller id.
“hey babe!” Trevor’s face fills the screen in a facetime and his voice is like music to my ears.
“hi love! how was morning practice?” i use the remote sitting on the arm of the couch to pause the tv show while i go sit beside the jumper so Trevor can see our beautiful baby.
“it was good! the sharks aren’t ready for us.” his face lights up as soon as Addy comes into the camera view.
“that’s great. i believe in y’all! show those fish who the real predator is!” his laugh at my joke brings a smile to my lips and i’m overwhelmed with gratitude that this is the man i’ll be vowing to spend the rest of my life with this summer.
“how’s daddy’s little duckling?! daddy’s so happy to see your pretty little face! yes, he is!” his baby talk oddly causes my heart to skip a beat. “dada misses you so much. i can’t wait to be home tomorrow night so i can kiss all over your tiny face.”
“duh- duh” Addy babbles and i smile at Trevor on the screen.
“we’re taking dada’s absence to try and learn the word mama, aren’t we baby?” i direct the end of my sentence to Addy, who’s still babbling sounds.
“that’s cheating!” Trevor’s whine is joking and he opens his mouth to say something else, but before he can get a word out, someone else does.
“dada.” my eyes go wide, Trevor’s copying, and we both avert our gaze to our 10 month old, who just said her first word. her chubby little fingers are making grabby motions towards my phone, straight at her father.
“that’s right babygirl! say it again! say dada!” Trevor is frantic and i can see tears welling in his eyes, even through the screen.
“you can do it baby! say dada!” i encourage her, my own tears falling freely down my cheeks.
“dada. dada!” she looks at Trevor and repeats the word before looking up at me. “dada.”
“oh my god, she did it Trev! she said her first word!”
“i know! i was so worried it wasn’t gonna happen! i mean, i would love her regardless, but she did it! and it was dada!” the smile he wears is breathtaking and wide.
“she misses you. so do i.”
“i miss you too, baby. i’ll be home tomorrow night.”
Trevor gets home tonight and i have not gotten a reprieve from the endless shouts of dada, all morning. at the moment, Addy is wobbling down the hallway towards Trev and i’s room for the fifth time today, repeatedly shouting “dada! dada!”
i can’t be for certain, but i have a feeling she keeps assuming he’s in our room and is calling out for him. she’s definitely a daddy’s girl, although that’s not a surprise because she has been since she was born.
i’m currently trailing behind her, recording a video. after a few seconds, i scoop her up into my arms and send the video to Trevor.
to: Trev Swift
**video attachment**
she’s been doing this all day. babygirl is looking for her dada!
from: Trev Swift
oh my little duckling! be home in 2 hours
i blow raspberries on her cheek and readjust her on my hip.
“daddy will be home soon! isn’t that exciting?! i’m thinking playpen time until then.” i stop beside the pack n’ play set up in the living room already stocked with a few teething toys and blocks, and set Addy inside. i put some Mickey Mouse on the tv and sit on the couch, grabbing the book i’m currently reading off of the side table.
about 30 minutes later i notice it’s been suspiciously silent and look over to Addy, only to find her napping. i smile at the sight of my sleeping daughter, and go back to reading my book.
before i even realize how much time has passed, i hear the front door opening and a thud hit the ground. Trevor’s home. i bookmark my page and snap my book shut, leaping up from the couch and making my way towards the front of the apartment, meeting Trev in the dining room.
“hi, baby.” his arms snake around my waist and he leans down to plant a kiss on my lips. “where’s Addy?”
“napping. she passed out in the playpen about an hour and a half ago.” i slip my arms around my fiancé’s neck, laying my head on his chest. “how were your trips?”
“eh. they were fine. but i missed my girls.”
we pull back and share one more kiss, this one a little deeper, before the sound of Addy’s cries drifts towards us from the other room.
“you wanna get your daughter? i need a shower.”
“oh so now she’s my daughter?” he laughs as we walk into the living room. a big smile graces his lips and he scoops Addy up and into his arms. “hey babygirl! daddy’s home and he’s not going anywhere any time soon.”
“dada!” Addy shouts and slaps both her tiny palms onto his cheeks, squishing his face.
“yeah, duckling. dada.”
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skinnypaleangryperson · 7 months
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This scene is so intense-I can really feel the tension with what Prime is saying, the emotional climax of the devastation of the fact that this is all that Rick can do, and it's basically everything that has ever been between the both of them and their beliefs coming together. On the surface, it looks like Rick is finally winning, and he's getting what he wants, and Prime is the one that is getting himself ended because of what he did and what he believed.
But I think Prime is going down with this shit eating smile on his face because he knows that Rick can literally never get what he wanted and he's in profound psychological torment possibly for the rest of his life. What Rick was ended up with, not just after he kills Prime, but all these years before, is inherently a sign of that Rick lost and that Prime won, at least in terms of his spite that he has to Rick that he didn't choose power over family.
He satisfied, because he knows that he stowed Rick permanently away in a disorienting, devastating confusion of an incredibly unwanted compromise that someone less enduring of spirit would not be able to live with especially daily- away in the absolute worst position that he could be with his heart and what he wanted in life, which was literally just to be a husband and to be with his original family. Prime has an incredibly devastating hook over Rick; which is basically that Rick has no option but to take Prime's family, the version of himself that he absolutely detests the most, and has to pretend like it's a decent life to replace the one that he would have had with his original family. It's inherently devastating and insulting beyond belief for him to have to settle for the family of the man that he can't stand, that took away everything from his own self, almost like being forced to take whatever crumbs that he can get that's left over from Prime's maliciousness that didn't care about his family because he had his own taken away. it must be such a harrowing, empty feeling, to know that Rick does love the family that he settled for but also have this knowing in the back of his head and that he is under Prime's foot for the rest of his life, even long after Prime is dead, and that is the permanent power that he has over him, for as long as Rick wants anything that even remotely resembles a family life.
I think the worst part about the fact is that Rick knows this, or he seems to certainly at least feel it, and no amount of technical physical power is going to change that battle that he has to win inside himself, if they're even is any way to win a grief like that.
By the time he gets back to his family, I feel like it's this harrowing and devastatingly confusing combination of emotion that is his own personal hell. It's a confusing degree between wanting to love this family that he's already built an entire life of out of the past couple of years, maybe a decade at this point, knowing that to some degree that he does love them and he does care about them with this sickly version of what should have been the profound and sweet version and of the simple version that he would have given his own family-while at the have the same time having this profoundly lonely secret devastation that he has to carry around that he can't express anywhere that everything that Prime said was correct; that this isn't his family, that he has to learn how to live with that every minute of every day, that he still doesn't have his wife, his original family, and there's probably some infuriating disorienting devastation and anger, but more than that, depression, towards the family that he is with and that is muddled with the fondness that he's forced himself to find with them because even that would be better than the other contrast of having no family at all, which he was forced to be left with initially.
So he eats, he plays, he sits, he has conversations, but it fucking hurts every day, and it might never not hurt again.
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Return to Ravenbrooks:
Entry 8
Name: Finch [REDACTED]
Date of Birth: 1996
Gender: F
Current Address: 910 Friendly Court
Height: 5'0
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black
Key features: Dyed hair, grey pink lipgloss, lip piercing
Role: Scout
Abilities: Eyesight, accuracy, flexibility
Occupation: "Wouldn't you like to know"
Status: Fair
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"Dude!" Delroy jumped back.
"What the hell Nicky?!" Maritza was staring, dumbfounded. I let out a long 'impressed' whistle. He was already reeling from the impact before Aaron even hit the floor. I think he might've broken something.
"Mmmppphhhh- Holy aliens-" he exhaled through gritted teeth.
"Nice shot, first time throwing a punch?" I smirked.
"Not the time Finch." Trin shot me a glare, I don't know when she managed to learn such a mean look, but it always caught me off guard. I pursed my lips impatiently. Sure enough, he busted a knuckle and probably fractured something from the way he was now babying his hand. We couldn't find the will to care though, or at least were too busy recovering from the shock. "I thought you guys were best friends?"
Nicky didn't respond, but the two exchanged a look. God I hate when they do that. Looks like that are how we got here in the first place.
"Delroy, do you have any rope on you?" She asked. Delroy looked completely off put by this, but there was that look again.
"What kind?"
"What're you got?"
I leaned my head back and sighed, rubbing my forehead. "Please tell me we're not doing what I think we're doing..." I felt Maritza's arm rest on my shoulder.
"No way, we're 'just taking a quick look' remember?" She smirked and stifling the laugh it gave me was difficult at best. Jabbing her however, was much easier.
"I mean, we were going to question him anyways- eventually. Right?" Enzo tried to reason while helping lift Aaron.
I don't know why I of all of us was given the camera for this. Or why we needed a camera for it. I mean sure we took pictures all the time while investigating but this felt- creepy.
"This is like CIA kinda shit guys."
"He'll be fine. He can deal with a little interrogation after what he did." Nicky shook his head. He's still nursing his hand, even in its loose bandage.
I don't blame Aaron for his freak-out when he wakes up. I suppose being tied to a chair in your kitchen while the kid who tried to break your face stands over you.
"Nicky?" What the hell?" He looked around frantically. Or as much as possible when someone grabs your face. It's borderline weird how grabby he got. Checking his nostrils, the underside of his chin, his cheeks, inside his ears, pupils. Finally when he was done looking for- whatever that was he took a step back and cupped his hands over his face.
"Why couldn't you have just been a changeling or something?!" He yelled into his hands.
"Wha- did you actually punch me over more alien nonsense?!" He wiggled under the knots. Nicky rubbed his temples and paced heavily.
"No! But- You're not supposed to be here! You're dead!" He stopped to gesture towards him. Maybe he thought it would make him not be here. "I mean- they looked through the whole house! The town! You were just gone!"
Aaron's face scrunched, a mix of pain, and what I could only assume was embarrassed regret. Like a dog caught chewing the remote.
"Besides!" He rubbed his bangs back, "You must be dead! I can't imagine any other reason that you'd go 12 years without calling or sending a letter or just doing, I dunno, anything to tell your best friend you're not dead!" He threw his hands in the air, and like a cue, Aaron's expression worsened.
"Look I wanted to, I really did just-"
"Just what Aaron? You can go get a fancy degree and put your life together so perfectly, but you can't bother to find a way to tell me you were okay? I went nuts trying to find you! I went through school a laughing stock because no one believed me that you needed help!"
"And because you broke your window with a chair and acted like a total asylum patient," I added. His shoulder's scrunched, and I could almost feel his want to turn his scolding to me next. But he stayed facing Aaron. Clearly, this was more intense than I'd realized. And, suddenly holding the camera didn't seem so bad. Wish I had popcorn, though.
"I just- ugh. Aliens, forgive me..." he buried his face in his hands again, dragging them slowly down his cheeks. "I would've been fine if you simply really never wanted to see me again, but I needed something! I was so sure that- that you were just waiting for me to stop messing around and do what I was supposed to!"
"Nick, I-" Aaron paused, shifting under his ropes again. "For god's sake, can you guys untie me?!"
"No, you had a strong dead arm when we were kids. I'm not testing your shots now that you're-" Nicky gestured madly at him again. "I dunno, a football player? A wrestler?"
"An architect."
"Seriously?" He looked him over several times. "Whatever, point is, I'm not testing the structural integrity of my bones today"
"Any more than you already have," I added. This time, he did look back, I met his eyes with a flashing grin.
"I'm not going to punch you," Aaron promised with a sigh, letting his head drop. The way his hair fell around his face, I almost would've thrown model in with that list of job guesses.
Nicky folded his arms, jerking his head away in a "hmph." Aaron accepted this solid, 'no' with another sigh.
"Look, I couldn't say anything because I-" he paused and grumbled. "I was busy, okay?"
Nicky looked ready to try and break his other hand. Instead, he just ran it through his bangs again. "Busy... right. Right... well, am I going to meet the wife 'n kids?"
Aaron choked on the air, "What?!"
"Well I can only assume a perfect family came with your busy-ness"
"Dude- Gross! No!" He spat the words like he was still a middle schooler. Ready to talk about how kissing girls gave you cooties. Nicky chorted, stifling giggles, which slowly turned to laughter.
"Yeah, right, sorry. You probably couldn't even manage to kiss a girl"
"I could too!" Aaron started to laugh as well. "Dude, shut up! Stop laughing!"
"You stop! I'm pissed at you!" There's something about watching two grown men giggling uncontrollably that's just, boring.
I stopped the recording, "Are you two gonna keep at this for much longer?" The louder laughter occasionally intertwined with 'dude' drowned out my question almost entirely. "...Whatever. Have fun weirdos."
I'd be willing to bet good money they didn't even hear the door shut behind me.
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aphrodisiac-siren · 1 year
Dynasty of Flames
Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen-Royce Reader
Summary: Being born into the most respected and equally feared houses in the realm made people look up to you as if you were a god and the devil himself, in equal measure. People say that when a Targaryen is born, the gods flip a coin; and when news of the birth of Daemon’s firstborn- a girl, spread, people could only wait in anticipation to see which side of the coin faced up during her birth. 
Warnings: Incest (duh), maybe some swearing??
Part 1, Part 2,
Part 3
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The morning air was cold and a thick fog surrounded the boat that swiftly floated top the waters, sailing along the path that led to King's Landing.
Y/N stood on the upper-deck, facing the port side of the boat to gaze into the distance as she doodled in her little pocket book; though there was very little she could see, courtesy of the fog. She wondered why there was such a big concern regarding Luke's succession when he was already named Lord of the Tides and furthermore, why it required the entirety of the family to travel to the Keep to settle the dispute. It was not that she did not like the Red Keep, she just did not like sailing.
"Have you eaten?" Jace walked up the stairs to join his half-sister on the upper deck. Even though he was a few years younger, he'd formed a habit of mother-henning his siblings, fitting into the role of being the one who would one day sit the throne and take on the job of protecting them.
"I did, before we left home" Y/N sweetly smiled at the boy, momentarily looking toward him. Jace had grown up to be rather loving around her, given their history of never getting along at first and she was glad to have someone such as himself by her side.
"It's a good thing you do not get seasick like our brother" he chuckled "he's finally fallen asleep now, though I believe he will awake in a rather bad mood"
"He does get grumpy after his afternoon naps" Y/N playfully grinned at all the past memories of Luke waking up and just being an irritable puppy until it was time for tea "Are you nervous about going back? Luke seemed a touch uneasy"
Jace sighed at the question. He did feel a bit hesitant with regards to going back and facing the other half of his family; the half that did not like him. Though, even if he would never admit it out loud, he knew he and his brother played some part in creating a tense atmosphere between them and a certain uncle.
"I won’t lie, I am a bit nervous yes" Jace pressed his lips into a line.
"Aemond?" Y/N asked and Jace heaved a long sigh before he nodded silently.
"Whatever happened, it was all years ago" Y/N tried to provide some comfort "I'm sure he won’t lash out at the mere sight of you"
"Of course you'd think that, he's your friend" Jace chuckled softly to himself "but us boys, we've never been even remotely close to that"
"Again, that was years ago. People change Jace" the older girl looked at him adoringly "and if he initiates anything, I promise I'll be by your side unlike the last time"
"Thank you sister" Jace replied with an appreciative glance though he had a feeling that deep down the princess would side with Aemond. The both of them had been together ever since they’d learned how to walk and he knew that if things ever got heated like the last time, Y/N would once again rush to Aemond's defence.
It took all morning to reach King's Landing and everyone was more than happy to leave the boat and walk on land once again. Thankfully the carriage ride back to the castle was a short one.
Upon their arrival, neither the queen nor her children were present to welcome Rhaenyra and her family. No one had expected for the King to be present for he was far too ill to do so. Still, at the very least his hand, Otto Hightower could make himself present. Instead, Lord Beasburry stood at the doors to welcome them.
"How lazy can one get to not make any effort to simply walk to the doors of the courtyard" Y/N mumbled to Luke and Rhaena "Is it really that big of a task to greet your guests?"
Luke chortled at the older girl's rant. She most certainly was Daemon's daughter.
Once they'd all entered the castle, everyone headed off into different directions to look around. Rhaenyra and Daemon to meet with Alicent, Baela and Rhaena to look for their grandmother Rhaenys, Jace and Luke to have a look at their former training yard. The younger boys went along with their mother while Y/N decided to visit her old nursery.
The castle felt so familiar but at the same time, so different. It was hard to describe but it did have that sense of home that Y/N found rather welcoming.
As she grew closer to her old room, she heard a faint and distant sound of someone singing from within so she cautiously and silently walked closer. She stood by the doorway as she looked into the nursery. It was so much different from when she'd last seen it. The drapes were no longer blue: her favourite colour, but they were now a pale shade of yellow and the cradle that used to sit closer to the window was now in the very middle of the room. There was a baby inside cooing at a man who was looking into the cradle, playfully wiggling his fingers in the child's face as he sang a calming melody.
He had his back facing Y/N but judging by the pearly white hair, It couldn’t be anyone other than the king's sons. He had a lovely voice, Y/N thought. She couldn’t see his face but he had hair that was short, and slightly wavy.
The boy leaned away from the cradle, standing at his full height before turning around to face Y/N. There was a moment of confusion before he smiled warmly.
"Princess" he stretched his arms out "I am so happy to see you Y/N, though I am a touch insulted you mistook me for my brother"
Yes, I can see that now, Y/N thought to herself when she saw the boy she was talking to had both his eyes.
"Apologies, prince Aegon" the younger girl smiled back "It's just that Aemond too has short hair and I noticed-"
"Oh, it’s fine Y/N" Aegon laughed as he waved his arm at her "I was just teasing. Did you just arrive? How was the journey?"
"Quiet tiresome. Terrible storm that toppled our boat and then I had to fight off a sea serpent" Y/N scoffed as she pretended to wipe sweat off her forehead "I had to swim all the way back"
"Quiet the adventure" Aegon chuckled but was interrupted by the sound of the baby giggling "Ah, seems like Maelor is just as fascinated by your voyage. Come, let me introduce you to my youngest son"
Aegon gently picked up the babe in his arms who cooed adorably in his father's embrace.
"Maelor, I would like to introduce you to the most beautiful girl in all of the seven kingdoms" Aegon softly bounced the little boy, a gesture that made him giggle.
"Oh hush now" Y/N laughed as she lovingly smiled at Maelor "Hello little prince"
The small boy stretched his arms toward the girl, indicating that he wanted to be carried by her and Aegon let Y/N hold the baby. Maelor looked up at the princess, wide-eyed before he reached up to grab her hair in his little hand, pulling it closer to put in his mouth.
"Ah ah" Aegon tutted as he uncurled Maelor's fingers to free his grasp "Please do not tug on her hair, I'm afraid that job is solely reserved for your uncle, Aemond"
"Aegon" Y/N gasped at the statement that made the older boy chortle at her reaction "Aemond is my friend"
"Of course princess" he suppressed his laughter "do not use that word in his presence, might upset him"
Y/N rolled her eyes. Ever since they were children, Aegon had been teasing them both.
The girl tilted her head to see Helaena by the door and immediately her face lit up. The both of them used to write to each other a lot over the years and had grown quiet close. Aegon took Maelor from her arms so that she could greet his sister-wife.
"Oh, I've missed you my dearest" Helaena engulfed Y/N in a warm hug.
"And I you, my darling" Y/N hugged her tighted as Aegon cleared his throat.
"You see that?" He turned toward Maelor "Y/N is stealing away your mother from us"
"Stealing?" Y/N raised a brow "Helaena was always mine. It was you who stole her away from me"
"Oh shut up" Aegon rolled his eyes with a chuckle.
"Perhaps we could run away tonight and get married in Dorne" Helaena nudged the younger princess' arm "You ready the kids and I'll ready Dreamfyre"
"I'm right here, you childish imbeciles" Aegon made a face that had both girls burst into fits of laughter.
"Have you met Aemond yet?" Aegon asked "He should be at the training yard, if I’m not mistaken"
"Why aren’t you training as well?" Helaena asked.
"I was on my way, but Maelor wasn’t in his best mood" the older boy explained "I decided to stay with him in the nursery"
"In the training yard, you say" Y/N gave each of them a curt nod "may I be excused? I should go and.. meet him"
"If you intend to snog him, now would be a bad time" Aegon shouted from the nursery as Y/N walked out "Cole is with him presently but I would be happy to drag the knight away to give you both privacy!"
Y/N shook her head as she laughed at his antics.
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By the time Y/N arrived at the training yard, it was for the most part, empty.
The twins who served as knights of the king's guard, Ser Erryk and Arryk Cargyll were putting away the weapons near the little shed under which all the weaponry was kept.
Y/N spotted Ser Criston Cole not too far from the twins and made her way toward the knight.
"Ser Ciston" she greeted and she could swear she saw him jump just a little when she called his name while approaching from behind.
He too, just like Aegon, did not recognise her at first but one look at her unique hair seemed to remind him of who it was he was talking to.
"Princess" he bowed "how nice to have you back after all these years. You've grown even more beautiful from when I last saw you"
"Oh you flatter me" Y/N smiled at the compliment "I was told I would find Prince Aemond at the training yard, is he here?"
"He is"
Y/N bit her lip to reign over the girlish grin creeping to her lips. She hadn’t heard his voice in years but she knew exactly how he spoke despite him sounding nothing like how he used to. The accent, the tone delivery; it was obvious that it was Aemond who was stood right behind her.
The girl spun around slowly to look at the prince. He was taller, so so much taller than her. And his hair too was much longer than how it was a child. She found it funny how she mistook Aegon for Aemond because of how short he'd kept his hair meanwhile Aemond outgrew his hair like how Aegon once did. The only difference was, Aemond's hair wasn't as wavy and unkept as Aegon's. His left eye, or more like the place where his left eye would’ve been, was covered with an eye patch.
He wore black, as opposed to the green he always incorporated into his wardrobe as a child. Y/N liked it, he looked absolutely dashing.
"Hello" she simply said with a smile and Aemond's facial features softened
"Lovely to see you again, princess" he reached out to take her hand in his and brought it to his lips to place a gentle kiss, never once tearing his gaze away from hers.
"You've grown taller" the girl stated and Aemond breathed lightly in amusement, without even a hint of his familiar warm smile.
"And y-you.." Aemond trailed off, still processing the fact that she was standing right before him, her hand still in his. Not realising he'd momentarily zoned out, his gaze fixated on something his mind wasn’t aware of in the present.
"If you are contemplating commenting on my breasts, I would advise you not to" Y/N raised a brow and she heard Cole drop one of the weapons behind her, perhaps in response to her blunt forwardness "Unless you are attempting to have me despise you"
"What- no, that’s not what I-" Aemond fumbled over his words, something he never did. He only just realised that while he had spaced out into oblivion, his disassociated gaze had fixated the décolletage of her dress, that allowed for a bit of her cleavage to be exposed without compromising her modesty "My apologies princess, I did not mean to-"
Y/N chuckled at how his cheeks turned pink, just a tiny bit. She did frown inwardly when she noticed that his freckles that she liked so much had faded away.
"I've missed you" the princess earnestly said as she looked up at him with her beautiful lavender eyes "Issa rōvēgrie naejot rȳ mōrī rȳbagon aōha elēni"
"It feels nice to finally hear your voice"
"Likewise" Aemond responded tenderly. He was slightly surprised to hear her speak Valyrian with such fluency. When they were little, they used to have lessons together to learn the language and she always had a hard time with it. He knew he shouldn’t be that surprised though, she was Daemon's daughter after all. He was well aware her father used to help her a lot when it came to speaking Valyrian, something he wished his own father would’ve done.
"You don’t smile as much" Y/N pointed out all of a sudden. He seemed so closed up and cold. He usually was rather talkative around her, always ranting about something he'd read in a book or about how one day he would have a dragon of his own and they could both fly together. But now he was so rigid, barely saying a few words at a time. It made her a touch disappointed that she was so eager to see him; meanwhile, he seemed not to be.
"You weren't at court" the boy simply replied; a comment that had Y/N grinning ever so slightly and lifted her spirits a bit after his cold demeanour had drowned them.
She wanted to stay and talk some more after years of being able to do so only through letters but she knew her father would be expecting her along with the others. He'd told her that he needed all of them present in a bit when they would go to greet the King. Besides, Aemond did not seem to want to talk to her as much as she did.
"I'd love to talk some more but I must find kepa, he'll be expecting me" she informed as she took a few steps away from him and walked toward the castle. Deciding to push her luck, given her bold nature, she made another statement that she hoped would make Aemond loosen up a bit.
"Ēdā mēre hen olvie gevie līrinon" she told him before she turned away.
"You had one of the most beautiful smiles"
"īlē se drīve inkot bē pōntoma" Aemond whispered to himself as he watched her walk back inside the castle.
"You were the reason behind almost all of them"
Taglist: @yentroucnagol
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tommysversion · 1 year
Heyooo, I love all of your work!!! Low-key binge read all of it!!! I don’t know if this is like a weird or bad ask, but I really want to read a fic of Joel Miller or Din Djarin seeing the readers SH scars for the first time and asking them who did that to them or getting worried. I think this would need some sort of fluffy ending lol
I struggle with SH and just kind of want to see how you think he would react to seeing such scars.
Hello anon! This is not remotely a bad or weird ask, I’m sorry I didn’t get to it sooner. This is something that’s very very personal to me, as well. I struggled with SH and attempts for ten years. I’ll be clean four years in October. I’m sorry this isn’t as long as I wanted it to be, I got kind of emotional writing this. I hope you like it, and I hope you’re doing alright. My inbox is always open if you need someone to talk to. 💞
{ Scars }
You didn’t think anything of it when you rolled up your sleeves to prepare dinner. That the scars were there was as natural to you as anything else, your hair colour, the freckles on your arms, the shape of your nose. 
You were so used to them being there, the old ones and the not so old, some covered and some not, that they didn’t even register to you. You weren’t exactly comfortable showing them to people, though, and so usually you wore long sleeves. 
It made sense that Joel hadn’t seen them. If anything, you’d been subconsciously trying to make sure he didn’t, not so much afraid of what he might think of you, as you wanted to avoid the conversation. 
Tonight it was inevitable, as he leaned against the kitchen bench, watching you, his gaze eventually falling to your hands, your bare arms. He stopped mid sentence; he had been talking about teaching Ellie how to play guitar, how he would teach her a few old songs he liked. 
“And I thought I’d teach her Country Ro-“ 
He circled the bench, taking your hands in his, turning your arms face up so he could see the scars there. 
His first, almost foolish thought, was to ask who had done this to you; to worry that you had been tortured. But then he looked a little closer, and realised, releasing one of your wrists and almost absently touching the scar on his head, because he knew. 
“I’m not gonna ask if you’re alright, sweetheart.” He said finally, “because I know that’s a stupid question. So instead I’m gonna ask if you’re safe?” 
You took a moment to breathe before you could look up at him, forcing yourself to exhale before you nodded. 
“It’s been… a while. You probably think I’m stupid, or weak, or-“ 
He shook his head, leaned down to kiss your forehead, cutting you off. 
“I don’t. I don’t think you’re weak. I know… I know what it’s like. To have so much pain inside that you don’t know what to do with it.” 
Again his hand brushed his own scar, remembering the cool metal of the gun to his temple, the way his hand had shaken, the way he had flinched. The trail of self destruction that had followed that failed attempt. 
“I just…”
“I know.” He reassured you, releasing your other wrist so he could wrap his arms around you, holding you close. “Believe me, baby girl, I know.” 
The idea that this man, the epitome of survivor and strength, knew exactly how you felt was… calming. Reassuring. He had survived so much, had worked through so much pain and come out the other side. If he could do it… if he was there with you… perhaps… so could you. 
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briteboy · 1 year
Someone is sending an ask about your past blog and your fanfic you wrote about two teen anime boys. I suggest you acknowledge it on this blog to let people know instead of trying to rebrand and have a “redemption arc” when what you did is more than wrong, it’s disgusting
if i was really trying to rebrand i wouldn't leave my previous url permanently in my header so people wouldn't forget. ("redemption arc" is from an anon message i received, just for clarification.) i've said this before, but i'll reiterate: anyone who's curious can go to that url and see the post that lives there where i've made my final statement about the situation (and reposted on this blog as well at the time), where i also make it clear that i'm not "rebranding"...i simply got sick of my last url. believe it or not i am just a person and not everything i do is purposely diabolical.
i've tried to handle this as responsibly as i can, i've spoken about this ad nauseam and i've apologized multiple times. what more am i supposed to do or say if i'm not actively harming anyone or contributing to the problem, and haven't been for years now? genuinely asking. like...yeah, it was weird and gross. i'm not disagreeing with you. i'm sorry and i'd go back in time to stop myself from writing fanfiction of aged up personifications of teenage anime characters– or better yet, urge my even younger self to question the norms of fandoms and the like that i'd grown up in, where this was commonplace– if i could.
i don't know how many different ways i can make it clear that i'm not even remotely the same person i was then in any capacity. anyone who's known me for years could tell you this. i could apologize again and again but people would still hold it against me. so at this point i think it's well within my rights to live my life and enjoy my hobbies (completely unrelated to the situation at hand) without being indebted to those who know me through the narrow lens of sims tumblr for a mistake i made 5 years ago and took accountability for at the time, and again even now. as long as this keeps being rehashed, i will continue to do so. it's all i can do.
i know that very insular online communities like to think some people are just Bad Forever but that's just not how life works, especially in the case of ignorance where people actually take the time to reflect, learn and grow after realizing the wrongness of their actions. but if believing that makes you feel more comfortable, then i invite you not to engage with me. we're both better off that way. more than that, i encourage you to consider the fact that people change. that's all i have to say.
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password-door-lock · 8 months
Mystictober Day 12-- Text Message
Unknown glances down at his phone. In the time that it’s taken for him to gain control of the special security system, you’ve sent him a grand total of 57 messages. He's never even had to consider putting his phone on silent before, but ever since he left you in that apartment with his contact information (Why? Why did he leave it so that you could reach out to him whenever you felt like it? What was going through his head at the time to convince him that doing so would be anything remotely close to a good idea?), it's become a necessity. Now, he's seriously thinking about trying out do not disturb mode— yet another new experience, one more corner that you've backed him into. You're a strange one, that's for sure, but he knew as much before he even sent you to the apartment. Against his better judgment, Unknown wonders if you actually have something worthwhile to tell him this time, a legitimate concern or— though admittedly unlikely— an important piece of intelligence about the RFA. There's very little that Unknown doesn't know already, but maybe you’ll surprise him, after all.
MC: Hey MC: Hey MC: Hey MC: Hacker Man MC: You said you'd come get me MC: Can you step on it? MC: I hate it here!!
Ah. Okay, so no intelligence, then. The other 50 messages contain disinterested reports of conversations between the other RFA members— many of which Unknown has already scrolled through— though he might appreciate the summaries you provide of your phone conversations, were there any actual information exchanged. As far as Unknown can tell, the RFA members have gone completely feral since your introduction, and now none of them have the common sense to remember that it may not be entirely prudent to fall so hard for someone they've never even met in person. Then again, you aren't doing much better, with the kinds of messages you send to him— even if you actually believed his cover story and took the “selfie” that he sent you at face value, you still know next to nothing about the person he's pretending to be, let alone who he actually is. You may have figured out that he's a hacker, but that's hardly enough familiarity to justify the sheer quantity of messages you’ve sent, let alone their contents.
Maybe if he responds to you, you'll stop bothering him while he's working. It's a long shot, but at this point, Unknown is willing to try anything. It's not that he dislikes you— really, he doesn't have a very strong opinion either way— but you’re beginning to distract him from his task. 
Unknown: Didn't I tell you to wait patiently? MC: No
You respond right away, which shouldn't surprise him as much as it does. For one thing, your chief entertainment by this point is nothing more exciting than laying on the Savior's old bed, atop the dusty, year-old sheets, scrolling on your phone and watching strangers argue about asinine nonsense such as cats and fish-shaped buns. Unknown can’t really blame you for jumping at the chance to have a more engaging conversation. For another, you've obviously developed a bit of a crush on the image of him that you've created inside your mind. That’s pathetic, Unknown thinks, but probably good for his plan— if you like him, then you’ll do as he tells you, right? 
MC: You told me to enjoy my time Unknown: Okay Unknown: Then do that, prince(ss).  MC: How am I supposed to enjoy it if you won't talk to me? Unknown: Just talk to the RFA members Unknown: They like you a lot. Unknown: Don't you like them back? MC: Like like or like like like?
Unknown has to read your message five times before he figures out what you're talking about, and he’s annoyed to discover that it's just more nonsense. He doesn't care who you may or may not be crushing on, so he elects to change the subject.
Unknown: You really want me to come get you? MC: Yes please!
That was fast. He really shouldn't have been expecting anything else— after all, you obviously like him, and it's clear that you aren't particularly happy to be spending so much time with the RFA. Unknown supposes that he'd feel much the same in your position, although nothing is stopping you from at least attempting to leave the apartment— in fact, if you tried to escape, he would be forced to come collect you sooner than expected. Are you... waiting for him? That’s an exciting idea.
Unknown: Then Unknown: Show me that you can listen. Unknown: Don't text me unless I text you first Unknown: And don’t try to call me again, either.  Unknown: Can you do that for me? 
Hook, line, and sinker, or so he hopes, at least. You don’t exactly have a perfect track record with following instructions. 
MC: Oh MC: Okay, sure MC: And then will you come get me?
You really are a strange one, Unknown thinks. He has no idea why you like him enough to want to go with him so badly, but when he considers his options, he finds that the best one is probably to tell you the truth— after all, he’s going to bring you to Magenta eventually either way, and maybe if he makes a promise or two, he'll be able to get you back under his thumb. By now it's less about his peace and quiet and more about making sure you understand that your only tasks are to obey him and to be his eyes. 
Unknown: Sure.
You don't respond. Unknown supposes that this is an indication that you've gotten the message— good. Maybe you won’t be half as much trouble as he thought.
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eriquin · 11 months
The Trolley Problem, Part 7
Formerly Time Travel. Steve gets some advice from his dad, or Dadvice.
(master post)
Part 7:
When Monday morning rolled around, he had to drag himself back to school. He had a math test on Wednesday and a history paper due on Friday but he couldn’t bring himself to care when he knew he only had two weeks left to figure out how to keep everything from going to hell. Nancy kept batting her eyelashes at him whenever they passed in the hall and it flustered him in a way that passed for lovesick to his friends, but he knew better. He could play out their whole history in his head—that was one of the things he remembered clearly—and there was no way he could repeat it. The weirdest part of everything was how much older he felt. Three years was a long time for someone his age, and those three years had been especially long. 
Steve tried again to think this through, but kept running up against his lack of imagination. The best thing he could think of was to fight the demogorgon and keep it from abducting Will, but he was absolutely certain that he wouldn’t be able to fight it by himself, and also that screwing that up might get both him and Will killed. This was the kind of thing that Dustin would have figured out, but on his own he was pretty lost.
He brought it up with his dad that night, in an attempt to try to get his thoughts in order and an outsider perspective on it. “What if you had a kind of outrageous story? How would you get people to believe it?”
Dad was flipping through the channels, looking for something to watch. He put the remote down and turned to look at Steve. “Is this about your sports predictions? Do I need to go make a bet somewhere?” 
Steve shook his head. “No, it’s not that. Well, it’s kind of that.” He rubbed his chin and tried to think of how to explain it. “It’s more like... What if I’m thinking of some kind of story I want to tell, like for a book? But it’s a kind of weird, science fiction or horror thing. How do I make people believe it?”
“People in real life, or people in your book?” 
Steve grimaced. “I mean... I want the people in the book to act like real life people. Like, if you had someone who knew something terrible was going to happen, but he could only make a difference if he could get people to believe him before it started happening, how could he do that?”
Dad gave him a concerned look. “Steve, did you have a vision of something terrible happening?” 
He sighed and rubbed his forehead, knowing this wasn’t going to get him anywhere if he tried to be serious about it. “Yes. Hawkins is going to be split by an earthquake and overrun with monsters from another world.” 
It took a second, but Dad laughed. “Oh, that kind of story. Like the Twilight Zone. Okay, let’s go back a tick. Where is this coming from?”
“I was just thinking about how, like, that baseball game? What I really had had a vision, and it was for some kind of disaster or something that I couldn’t just wait around to see happen. Then I thought how that’d make a cool story.” He shrugged sheepishly. “Creative writing class, you know? I wanted to write up something about our bet and it kind of got away from me.”
Dad scratched his chin in the same way that Steve did when he was thinking. With his beard, it made him look wiser. “So you’re writing this story, and you want to find some way for the people in the story to believe your prophecy maker?” 
“Yeah, like... If it was set hundreds of years ago, they would’ve burned him at the stake. Or maybe if it’s in the far future, they have, like, mind reading equipment, but if it was set today, or even five or ten years ago? How would you do that?”
“And what’s the disaster he’s trying to prevent? Some kind of monster invasion?”
Steve hemmed and hawed and voiced what he was sure his dad was thinking. “That’s a bit much, isn’t it?”
Dad chuckled. “A little bit.”
“Maybe I should go with something more mundane, like a murder. Or, like, a big accident. But it’s got to be preventable.” He furrowed his brow. “But if it was something super weird, like monsters, that’d be really hard for him to convince anyone to help. They’d probably just lock him up for being crazy.”
“I mean, it’s your story. Maybe people can just believe him?” 
Steve shrugged. “I mean, I guess,” he said. “But don’t I need to convince the reader, too? Like, doesn’t the person reading the story need to believe that the people believe him?”
Dad laughed again. “Oh, you’re thinking ahead. I like that. Yes, a good story has to convince the reader as well. So if you are going to go with monsters, maybe your protagonist lies and says it’s something more mundane, like a murder or a plane crash or something. At least, until he can get people to help him.”
“Or something...” Steve tapped his finger on his arm, thinking. “Hah, maybe instead of monsters, it’s a Russian infiltration of an American town, and he has to be careful who he talks to because they might be spies.”
“Oh, now you’re talking,” Dad said. “Spy thriller plus time travel. That’d be something interesting.”
“Or a secret government experiment that he’s not supposed to know about.” Steve raised his eyebrows. All of these ideas were a little too close to home, but it was nice to see Dad humoring his imagination. 
“Wild stuff,” he said. “Let me know if you write it up. I want to read it.”
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sunshinechay · 11 months
So I want to talk about Tai for a second.
Specifically I want to talk about this moment right here:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Tai says point blank that he’s wanted to get rid of his hearing loss but he doesn’t feel any better now that it’s gone.
Of course I think he hates the way it happened, no one wants to go through anything even remotely similar to what he is going through right now. The emotional pain of having argued with someone important to you, the mental pain of knowing you fucked up in so many situations that you can’t figure your way out of. But this is something he’s wanted for at least the last 2 years. But by his own admission, he doesn’t feel better and I don’t think that’s going to chance any time soon.
It’s been talked about by everyone that Tai’s conflict resolution style is to clam up, to go silence and refuse to communicate. This is why this moment and the ensuing arguement with Patts is so painful. I agree with @bengiyo when he said that Tai is someone who reads too much romance. He has a skewed view of the way relationships are supposed to work. I also think though, that as time as gone on Tai has become more aware of that. He is still naive and fucks up so badly it’s completely understand why Patts reacts the way he does, but I don’t think he’s unaware of his fault. However he lacks the ability to convey the way he feels ( @lurkingshan and @ginnymoonbeam both have great posts here and here in which they discuss his conflict style and lack of ability to communicate) and now he has lost the best tool he had for making Patts believe that Tai finally knows that he will always choose Patts.
For all of Tai’s hang ups about the soulmate bond, I think he also recognizes that Patts doesn’t have those hang ups and that he does hold the believe that it means that they were meant to chose each other. It’s why Patts gets anxious, angry and upset when Lomfon acts the way he does. Why he is so frantic when he tries to confront Tai about it. Sure Tai might not have talked to him for 2 years, but he was still there and they still found their way to each other and that had to meant something, right?
But now it’s gone and Tai doesn’t know how to tell Patts that he does choose Patts because not only should Patts have already known that but the connection was also always there to prove it. Tai shouldn’t have to say it out loud because he shouldn’t have too. Again he thinks Patts should already know that. It’s horribly naive and shows Tai’s lack of dating experience but it’s what he believes in that moment.
The show is of course trying to point out that they don’t need it to have a successful relationship. They need hard work and good communication, but within the internal logic of the universe, I get why Tai would think this. Why should Patts doubt that Tai would choose him. They’ve already said they choose each other and they have (had) that connection.
But now that connection is gone. It’s gone because of Tai and he already regrets that it’s gone and that he took it away. I wouldn’t be surprised if we find out later that he wants it back. A classic case of don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone.
Hopefully before that happens (if it does), Patts and Tai will finally communicate with each other and get on the same page and learn how to work around their conflicts in way that both are able to do. Tai needs to grow up a bit more and learn that life’s not a romance novel (even though we might want it to be sometimes) and that it’s hard but worth it to try and make the best of it.
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ladykardasi · 2 years
I posted in a reblog about transfems.
I did so in an offensive way. Again, like last time, not realizing I was being offensive. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be. I was trying to be supportive. It obviously did NOT come across that way. Again. I'm sorry.
Transgendered people. I'm begging you to try to understand this from my perspective.
I was raised in a lower middle class home in Sweden. I think I was 15 or 16 before I knew there was something called homosexuality.
It took about another ten years before I knew about transgendered people.
I've never, ever looked down on or thought anything wrong about either gay, lesbian, bi, transgender or any other gender assignation. What makes someone happy is fine with me as long as it's not hurting anyone else.
I'm a curious person and thus have tried to interact with transgendered persons. I am very interested in the human condition in all its forms.
HOWEVER I am living in a remote village. Maybe 100 households or so. I'm also ill which means I am home most of the time. I don't leave the house often because of illness.
That means that most of my social interactions are online. I have very few close friends, and the queerest person I know is me. And the queerest thing about me is that I read slash.
Yeah, not the best way to understand the intricacies of being trans. I do want to understand though, and I do want to interact, but twice now I have done so in a hurtful way without even realizing it until I was blocked by people I've considered friends online.
Not close friends but friends nonetheless. I hurt those people without meaning to.
I was trying to be inclusive and sympathetic when I realized this discussion I was in was a transgender issue, but by then it was too late and... Open mouth, insert both feet.
I'm sorry that I am clueless about being transgender. I'm sorry that I hurt people with my ignorance.
There's only so much you can learn online about something like this. It's like trying to understand what it's like to be Japanese by reading about it. You may understand some things on a superficial level, and you might even sympathize, but unless you have someone in your life to talk to about it, who is actually experiencing it, it's difficult to really get it. To understand what it's like. In my zeal to try to sympathize, I came across as doing the exact opposite of what I meant to do.
For that I'm sorry, and it really saddens me that I lost someone I consider a friend.
If anyone would like to point me to Snape-centric stories dealing with this issue in an informative, well written and believable way, please point me to them.
If you know of other resources that might be helpful, point me to those as well.
I do not, and cannot understand what it's like on a visceral level what it's like to be mistreated, abused, discriminated and shunned by society, family and friends alike for being gay or transgender. I don't think that's possible.
I have other issues that are difficult in my life, but they don't compare.
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apathetic-theme-song · 9 months
honestly i'd love to see more of your angstshipping!! i'm really enjoying malik goes to therapy and i'd love to see more of your take on them :)
it's funny, i was working on an angstshipping smut fic a verrrrry long time ago and ran out of steam. so in honor of Ryou's birthday, here's the sfw version
Ryou sighed as he closed the door, resting his forehead against the wood. The apartment seemed stiflingly quiet now, the chatter of his friends' voices fading down the hallway. To their credit, they'd cleaned up pretty well before leaving; only a few stray napkins and paper plates were lying around.
"I've never seen someone so relieved to watch their friends leave." He turned his head to smile at Marik, who was leaning against the living room door.
"I'm always happy to see them," Ryou said, standing up straight and smoothing a hand over his hair. "I know telling me beforehand defeats the purpose of a surprise party, but -"
"You really don't like surprises, do you?"
"I just would've liked to tidy up a bit first."
Marik rolled his eyes and disappeared into the living room. "Nothing you can do about it now," he called from around the corner.
"I know." Ryou sighed, pulling away from the door to follow him. Marik had made himself at home on the couch, and as soon as Ryou sat down, he wrapped his arm around his shoulders, hugging him close. "I'm grateful," he affirmed, resting his head against Marik's shoulder.
"Good. It took a lot of effort to get you out of the house today, you homebody."
Ryou wrinkled his nose, blushing despite himself. "We can't all be extroverts! I'm not nearly as charming as you, anyway."
"Aw, trying to deflect with compliments, Mr. Fanclub? I appreciate it, but it's not going to work." Marik kissed the top of his head.
Ryou huffed but smiled as he reached for the remote to turn on the TV. It clicked on to some procedural crime show as he said, "It must have been hard to plan this with you being in Egypt."
"I have an email now, remember?" Marik sounded so proud that Ryou couldn't help but laugh to himself. "Only two years into being a proper citizen and everything."
"I guess I'm so used to your family visiting that I forgot."
"The perks of having a culturally important sister." Marik squeezed Ryou closer to himself, idly playing with his hair. His voice dropped to sound cartoonishly evil. "But now I have you all to myself!"
Ryou gasped dramatically, pulling away to look at him. "This was your plan all along!"
Marik turned, lowering his hands to grab Ryou by the waist as he climbed onto his lap. "And you completely fell for it, you fool." With that, he buried his face against Ryou's neck, assaulting him with little kisses.
Ryou squirmed, laughing out a "No!" even as he craned his neck to give Marik a better angle. He could feel the smile on Marik's lips as he worked up to his jaw and, eventually, ended by kissing his nose.
"You used to turn bright red whenever I even looked at you," Marik said fondly, brushing a thumb over Ryou's cheek.
As if on cue, his cheeks heated up, and Ryou averted his eyes. "This is still kind of hard to believe."
"That I like you?"
"No, I'm used to that." He flushed even harder, eyes widening. "Oh - that sounded conceited. Sorry, I guess it's just that... Even with all my quirks, you're still here. People are usually scared off once they get past me being 'cute'."
He held his breath as Marik sighed, lowering his hand to play with his hair again. "Alright. Point one: it's okay to sound conceited sometimes. It's nice to be humble, but you need to know your worth. Two: I'm not going to lie, physical attraction definitely played a part. But it's everything else that's made me want to stay. Anyone that didn't bother to get to know you beyond your looks is a fool."
Ryou's entire body was heating up as he talked, and he eventually had to cover his face with his hands. "You're trying to kill me on my birthday. This is really rude."
"I mean it. And the fact I'm the one that has to tell you this should be a crime." Marik paused, finally dropping his hair. "Although the ghost-hunting is kind of weird."
At that, Ryou peeked through his fingers, brows furrowed. "You don't have to come with me!"
"But I love that you love it. And the picnics are worth it."
"So it's my cooking that's keeping you around."
Marik gently grabbed his hands and pulled them away from his face. "A little." Ryou smiled and, to his own surprise, leaned forward to kiss him. Marik was also surprised if his hesitation was any indication. Eventually, he relaxed into it, entwining their fingers together. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against Ryou's, his eyes crinkling playfully. "Happy birthday, hobi."
"Thank you," Ryou said, staring up at him and feeling incredibly lucky.
They fell asleep shortly after, tangling together in Ryou's full-sized bed. Marik didn't spend the night much, but when Ryou woke up in the morning with a faceful of blonde hair, Marik's legs and arms draped over him as he drooled on the pillows, he couldn't help but think that maybe, he should stay more often.
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ficklefic · 9 months
Kyomt please :)
this is actually my favourite fic i've ever written, if you can believe such a statement. kyomt stands for 'kiss you one more time', from the song without a blush by hatchie. if you listen to the song you'll likely pick out the themes that will pop up in this story.
anyway this ask made me reread the whole thing. not to toot my own horn or whatever but it's so good.
it starts the summer after junior year, when quinn dyes her hair pink and effectively rewrites senior year. i don't want to spoil anything because i do want to post this story at some point. anyway, here's a scene:
17 AUGUST 2011 - 365 DAYS UNTIL THEN Here was how Rachel and Quinn started dating. The sweltering heat of August made it impossible to do anything remotely out of doors, so they took to hanging out in Rachel’s basement most days, with music playing through the surround sound music system. Right now, Fleetwood Mac played. Quinn reclined in the middle of the stage, arms spread out before her. Rachel rested her head on Quinn’s stomach. A fan blew a breeze in their general direction, tousling their hair with its mild breeze. “Quinn,” Rachel whined. “I’m so lonely.” “Go back to Finn, then.” Quinn said lazily. “Nooooo,” Rachel rolled onto her stomach and peered into Quinn’s face. She opened her eye and saw brown eyes looking at her with such intent. “I’m lonely but not that lonely. Please, if I ever think it’s a good idea to go back to him, slap me because I would have lost my mind.” Quinn grinned and closed her eyes again. “What do you even want? Someone to make out with?” “Not just, though that would be lovely,” Rachel shifted her position so her head rested on the crook of Quinn’s elbow. She continued to look at Quinn—and Quinn could feel her gaze, felt it prickle the skin of her cheek as if Rachel stared lasers at her. “I want someone to share my days with, my thoughts, feelings. Someone to think about when something fun happens, or even when nothing happens—” Silence fell and Quinn waited a few minutes before opening her eyes in concern. What she saw shocked her. Rachel’s eyes, her face, her eyelashes, her nose, dangerously close to her own face. She did not rear back. “Rachel? Something on your mind?” “Yes. You.” Quinn chuckled and dug her heels into her eyes to rub the sleepiness from it. The cold floor made her drowsy, as did Rachel’s proximity. Her scent, her pliant warmth as a contrast to the floor they lay on. “What are you going on about?” “We could be dating, Quinn. You and me.” She opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling. “I thought you want to go through senior year single and carefree?” “I did say that, didn’t I?” Rachel sat up, and so did Quinn. They sat cross-legged across from each other. Rachel’s shoulders sagged, and the expression on her face turned serious. Quinn laughed. “Do you even like me beyond being my friend?” Quinn asked. The incredulity in her tone was front and centre to mask the rapid beating of her heart. “We’ve been doing everything people who are dating do,” Rachel retorted. “We send good morning and good night texts. You were my plus one to that fundraising event in the Jewish community centre. I was your plus one to that church event your mom forced you to go to,” she ticked these things off on her fingers. “And I can’t imagine having a day go by where we don’t talk, even if it’s something as nonsensical as the song stuck in your head while you shower or what I had for breakfast that day. The only thing we haven’t done is…” at this, Rachel flushed. Quinn smirked and leaned back, her arms keeping her propped and upright. “Is what, Rachel?” “Kiss. We haven’t kissed. We’re effectively dating, but we just haven’t kissed.” “And? Do you want to kiss me?” “Quinn,” Rachel chastised. “It’s all I can think about right now.” The pink-haired girl giggled and gave a one-shoulder shrug. “Every time I ever told you to shut up, I’ve always imagined kissing you to do it. So.” A slow smile illuminated Rachel’s features, and Quinn wondered whether she showed her cards too soon. “Is that so? I knew it. I so knew it.” She lunged forward and grabbed a fistful of Quinn’s shirt to pull her close. Their lips a hair’s breadth away. “You obviously have a lot you need to express, huh?” The echo of a long-ago conversation made Quinn smile. “Oh you have no idea.” Rachel burst into giggles, even as her lips pressed against the curves of Quinn’s smiling mouth. So, they started dating and had their first kiss in one go. Talk about two birds sniped with a single stone.
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