#( Talk shit get hit. || Meme World )
wickedhawtwexler · 1 year
maybe — and i'm just spitballing here — if you have to hunt down someone's email address from their professional website, obtain their phone number without their consent, and text them from a spoofed (?) number with a bizarre area code..... could it perhaps be that this person does not want to speak with you?????
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inf3ct3dd · 9 months
ellie headcanons pt.2! :))
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warnings: mentions of weed/alc , injuries/blood, VERY mild sexual content (boobs and ass 😕)
content: loser!ellie x reader :3
authors note: im back w another BANGER🔥🔥🔥 since ppl loved the last one IM BACK W MORE 😈
pt. 1 ! taglist.! masterlist!!
- CANNOT handle spicy food. my porcelain princess has the spice tolerance of a victorian child she is coughing and crying at the slightest spice 😞😞
- speaking of food…my girl is a CHEF!!! she hates leaving the house and she’s too broke to buy food so she’s just in the kitchen whippin ts!!!! she even has a goofy chef hat that she wears when she cooks. (this is so ellie coded i dont know why)
- loves commentary youtubers . kurtis,danny,nickisnotgreen,jarvis, and chadchad 🔥🔥
- knows so much niche internet drama…she tries to talk abt it and ur like???? literally what are you talking about….which gives her the perfect opportunity to ramble
- so many random injuries CONSTANTLY. she’s constantly covered in cuts and bruises and has no idea where they come from (mostly her awful skateboarding)
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- “this ones for you” before she devastatingly fails to do a trick on her skateboard and falls on her face, and her entire lower face is covered in nose-blood
- whenever she gets hurt, she always asks you to “kiss it better” 😞😞 so cute im dying!!!
- follows you around like a puppy all day. goes with you on all your errands, sits by you while you do work. she is ALWAYS THERE
- if u think shes bad when shes sober, she’s literally the clingiest drunk in the world!!!! she will literally be constantly attached to you. even when you go to the bathroom, she’ll literally hold ur hand through the door while u piss cuz u wouldn’t let her in 😞
- she’s even worse when she’s high, cuz shes so BOLD. will literally just randomly motorboat ur tits while ur talking with zero explanation.
- loves sitting on the floor???? literally will just be down there. sometimes when you’re on the couch she’ll sit by your feet and cling onto one of your legs
- NEEDY!!!! oh my godddd so needy. every time ur doing something not involving her she’s trying to get your attention. most of the time shes doing really stupid shit in front of you for no reason. “babe look” is her favorite thing to say
- literally had a huge bruise on her leg cuz she tried to do a cartwheel inside and banged her leg on the kitchen counter
- whenever you lay on your stomach, she loves laying her head on your ass
“it’s my favorite pillow!!”
- sometimes she just randomly squeezes ur boobs when she walks past you. always with some random sound affect too. she’ll just walk by you while you’re cooking and just honk ‘em 😕
- sleeps DIRECTLY ON TOP OF YOU. like literally lays on you like a starfish all night
-sleeptalker!!! its always the most non-coherent things ever, and it’ll last for like 30 minutes.
“no papa john i don’t wanna hit a nae nae 😞”
- cannot be trusted on the road. she is actually a hazard to public safety
- this is such an unpopular opinion but she is DEFINITELY a passenger princess. she likes staring at you too much she can’t drive she’ll crash!!!!
- does NOT exercise. but she’s like. randomly strong. she’ll carry all your groceries in one trip and push ALL your luggage when you go on vacation
- literally turns into a child when you take her to the beach. building sand castles, swimming in the water, and finding rocks and shells and bringing them to you like a dog
- definitely wears those stupid snorkel goggles when she goes swimming cuz she likes doing flips underwater and hates water in her nose
- LOVES CAMPING!!! that girl can be OUTDOORS.
- has binders full of pokemon cards. she goes to this card shop by her house that has pokemon saturdays and plays matches for like…the whole day. she can and WILL trash talk a 7 year old little boy after beating him
- follows so many niche meme pages
- orange chicken enthusiast.
- this is literally canon in the show but she HATES COFFEE. she is a chai latte woman. with oatmilk cuz like…duh….lesbian
- absolutely goated at just dance for NO REASON
- really good at making string friendship bracelets
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snenbubs · 6 months
I've been reading your work for a while now and the way you write for Mammon is amazing, you're definitely my favourite writer for him. So I was wondering if you aren't too busy if could you please write breakup headcanons for mammon
HELLO! Thank you so, so much!!! It means so much to me that you enjoy what I write! Most of it is my delerious train of thought at like 1am so im honestly shocked at the amount of support ive been getting!
I'm assuming you meant like, if you broke up with Mammon? If thats not what u meant just send in another anon! I wont mind :3
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- Okay, first of all, how dare you?
- He is, the Mammon. You don't just decide when things are over!
- You were smart enough to break it off with him over text, rather than in person, because he absolutely would throw a scene. No matter where you are, public or private. Think Sarah Lynn level shit.... like, literally stabbing himself, in public, to prove a point.
- What is the point? That he loves you!
- He's especially pissed off about the fact that you broke it off with him though. It bruised his ego, he would much, much prefer it if he had been the one to have broken up with you. He would have never done that though.
- He would go through the five stages of grief 100%
- For the first few days he's in DEEP denial about it. He'd go about life as though the two of you were still together, even though you weren't there.
- Pretending that you were on a work trip or something really helped. It gave him a sense of hope that one day you'd return to him, and he'd feel your warm body embraced against his once again.
- But you and Mammon were a big public thing, like, everyone knew about you. So, people started to notice your absence. Where you would always be by his side now bore an empty pocket of air. People started questioning it;
- From simple posts online to 666News interviews asking him invasive questions regarding your lack of publicity. It pissed him right off, because he couldn't pretend you were still with him whilst constantly being reminded that you weren't.
- And then you spoke up about the breakup.
- You made a Tweet regarding the status of your relationship. Que the next stage...
- With the world now aware of your distanced status Mammon was bombarded with crude comments and remarks, from your fans and haters, to his fans and haters. It'd range from "Wow Mammon fumbled the bag hard." to "Now that Mammon is single do you think he'll start letting groupies backstage ?"
- He actually refused to show up to a lot of interviews and talk-shows because every single time theu brought up the headline, he would get so, so angry. He's almost torn through an interviewer once or twice.
- His bargaining phase was the absolute worst phase though.
- Thousands of calls a day, and an equal level of voice messages followed by hundreds of texts. You'd block his number and then BAM, another number calls you. He manipulates the phone manufacturer of Hell to give him an unlimited free supply of phones so expect him to not let up in that department.
- You know that meme where the person is stood outside the door, crying, with an umbrella over their head and fake rain over them. That's him.
- He gets Beelzebub to provide the fake rain and probably prepared a whole speech to recite to you... its not that good though, most of it is deflective bullshit. He wont take his own problems into account at all.
- If you don't take him back after that then he may even resort to the old boombox by the window trick.
- I don't think he'd hit the depression or acceptance stages of grief, though. He's a tempermental character and he resorts to anger if something doesn't go his way. So the traits he shows through this whole ordeal is frustration and desperation.
- He has a strict victim complex too. So he's most likely never going to understand what he did wrong in the relationship.
- Even if he did realise what he did however, he isn't apologising. He expects you to understand and forgive him despite this.
-It would take him a long while to get over you.
-You were one of the only people who would put up with his shitty personality, who could make him feel so loved and adored. It had been a long, long time since someone had made him feel such a way. It was such a fleeting experience, and he will not be recovering from the loss of your love any time soon.
This is a little short, so I do apologise! I hope you enjoy it anon :)
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thinkingaboutjaedyn · 2 months
stupid lil headcanons about mapi
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author notes: i'm pushing out more of these dumb posts than fics but i swear fics are coming 🙏🏾 just let my mind work it's magic y'all. anyways stupid headcanons about mapi that hold no value, enjoy!
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➜ mapi probably asks ingrid to talk to the waitress when she receives the wrong order. it's not really that she's scared to say something, it's just mapi doesn't want to say anything herself
➜ she probably sends ingrid stupid memes in spanish about the most irrelevant things that ingrid is always like "wtf? where did you get these from?" (she got them from twitter)
➜ doesn't care for tiktok that much but sometimes someone sends her an edit off of that app and she giggles
➜ this woman be low-key confused when the barca coach talks about the team's game plan. afterwards she always asks alexia to explain to her in simple terms
➜ we all know she had that emo phase. during that phase she still listened to a lot of spanish music (she couldn't get with the actual emo music) and used tumblr like it was god sent
➜ mapi be giggling and kicking her legs while stalking ingrid's instagram during international break. she has like a thousand photos of ingrid in her gallery, but the instagram posts just hit different
➜ double texts everything. never writes in paragraphs and she probably have many typos in her texts because she be typing at the speed of light
➜ mapi's favorite type of kisses are cheek kisses because she finds them really cute
➜ if the word clingy had a picture in the dictionary, mapi would be the photo. this woman is attached to ingrid so bad and just likes hanging off of her. half of the time she just annoys ingrid but refuses to move away when her when ingrid tells her off
➜ clumsy at the worse moments. could be holding a plate full of food and mapi is going to slip on thin air
➜ likes piggy back rides especially from ingrid
➜ mapi is the biggest cryer when it comes to movies. it could be the happiest movie ever but let one sad thing happen and she's bawling
➜ begs ingrid to do her hair in silly lil hairstyles and always talks cute selfies after
➜ a cuddle bug. not just with ingrid but also her cat
➜ mapi shall not be trusted with knives or any sharp objects, she always end up cutting herself. ingrid has to comfort her afterwards
➜ is so annoying to play against in a fifa game. she will do anything in her power to make you lose (pushing, saying the most out of pocket stuff, screaming at the top of her lungs, anything to her opponent to lose the game)
➜ dyes her hair when stressed (but don't tell anybody that)
➜ either a fun drunk or a sad drunk. depends on the day and if ingrid is around
➜ she randomly flexes in front of ingrid to try to impress her (ingrid doesn't give a fuck but gives many compliments)
➜ speaking of impressing ingrid, this woman will stop a car with her bare hands just to have ingrid give her a compliment. what can be said? #girlfriendvalidationisthebest
➜ 100% is a pouter, a whiner, a "but babeee:("
➜ the type to get a tattoo for her girlfriend and not even tell anyone until someone just notices
➜ mapi is surprisedly flexible, don't ask how she figured that out
➜ follows ingrid around like a lost puppy. she just loves her girl so bad
➜ her favorite season is summer and her favorite thing to do during summer is to go to the beach. for one, she loves to be in the water and for two, she gets to see ingrid in a bikini. a win is a win
➜ says the most random shit that pops up in her mind like "do you think dinosaurs are related to chickens? and if they are related to chickens then when someone eats chicken, are they eating dinosaur meat?" and ingrid would just be like "please just eat your food"
➜ not the best dancer in the world but no body can tell her that
➜ mapi sometimes just gets baby fever and pesters ingrid before forgetting about it then she sees a baby & the process happens all over again
➜ overall mapi is just so silly 😝
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© thinkingaboutjaedyn
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shygirl4991 · 4 months
Chapter 1 Unexpected Meeting
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All art belongs to @b-r-i-n-g-x no reposting art! Idea from @itsajjanea Note: im still on break but with how stressful life is i decided to work only on this fic so keep stress levels down! (gotta get the angst out somehow lol)
Next Chapter
Summary: SMG4 world gets shaken when he learns that SMG3 is dating someone, with this news SMG4 starts to learn what these new strange emotions he is feeling are. With a love rival now appearing in the showgrounds can Four win Three heart or will he lose the battle to a mysterious new person?  Tags: Angst, Romance, Action Adventure, jealously, love confessions, SMG4 discovers he is bi, fluff
SMG3 slaps on his cap excited for the day, he got news from Gary that a rare type of powder was on sale. Exactly what he needed to make a new type of bomb for his cafe, he gives Eggdog a kiss before snapping his fingers for the darkweb. The best part of him learning his meme powers is free travel to the dark web, he walks out humming excitedly to grab the powder when someone bumped into him. He fixes his hat and glares at the person that bumped into him, his eyes then go wide seeing a tall male blinking at him “Oh shit sorry, i didn't see you there!” He watches the person move their blonde hair from their face. 
They flash him a charming smile before offering their hand “Names Aster, and you are?” SMG3 checks out the person in front of him, he notices the orange plaid shirt with a pin of the nonbinary flag by the collar of the shirt. He rolls his eyes walking away “Watch where you're walking next time, i have something important to get!” Aster chuckles following “Oh yeah? So important, I can't have your name?” Three rolls his eyes “How about you earn it then we'll talk,” He turns, making sure to walk far away from Aster in order to get his prize. 
Aster hums as they watch SMG3 walk away, he looks around and sees the shopping center with the live auction. He smirks running over to the crowd, he has been saving money for the day the legendary star powder would be up to purchase.  He was confident no one could outbid him after all Three made sure not to spend his cafe and twitch money on things that weren't needed. He walks into the crowd excitedly watching each item go up for sale then taken by the highest bidder, he chuckles watching the losers cry at the fact they lost their prize. That’s when the last item went up “For our last item, Star powder! It's extremely rare that someone is able to crush a star into an explosive material! After all, Stars can be unpredictable and now it can be yours!! ” 
SMG3 smiles brightly holding his sign tightly ready to begin betting, once it starts he lifts his sign “I'M STARTING BIG BABY!” He bets five hundred to scare off the other bidders. He smirks when he sees the crowd slowly leaving only for his eyes to lock with purple ones “Aster?!” They chuckle, lifting their own sign “Cute numbers purple, but I can beat that.” SMG3 glared at the man as he picked up his sign raising the price. They go at this for a while before Three notices he has started to run out of gold, he breaks into a sweat as he watches Aster walking closer to him not breaking eye contact as they hold their sign “What's wrong purple, running a little low?” 
He watches as Aster lifts the sign, Three felt everything freeze as he realizes he lost. He looks at the bid and the countdown in shock, everything he worked for was for nothing as the timer hit zero making Aster the owner of the powder. They take the powder and smile at Three only to get a glare in return, they sigh showing him the bag “You know i find you cute, you seem to really want this powder for some reason so lets make a deal!” Three takes a step back, suspicious of the person in front of him. They chuckle as they take out a slip of paper “My phone number, all i ask is a date with the cute mystery guy i met here. That's all I ask, one date and I give you the powder, think on it will ya?” 
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Three stares at the number surprised, he takes it and looks up seeing Aster give him a flirtatious wink. SMG3 felt himself blushing as he held the slip of paper tight watching the mysterious person walk away from him. He looked at the paper and to his surprise there really was a number written on it, this had to be some kind of dream. He snaps his fingers returning to the showgrounds confused about the events that happen, some person came out of nowhere hit on him and gave him their number. How long had it been that anyone showed interest in him, he thought back on all the people he dated. He frowns remembering how they all ended with them meeting SMG4 and leaving him to try and win over the other man's heart. 
He takes a deep breath holding back his anger from those people that lied to his face, telling him they loved him only to leave him the moment a better model walks along. He looked at SMG4 picture and felt his heart flutter “Stupid, this whole thing is stupid!” He deletes the photo from his phone and sighs, why was he putting himself through this? 
He looked at the slip of paper and slowly entered the number, he was sure that it was some pizza place. As he waits he walks over to the counter to start brewing coffee for the day, he jumps when he hears a familiar voice on the other line “Hello?” panicked, he hangs up in shock. They really did give him their number, the phone rings and in a panic threw it across the cafe breathing heavily. The phone keeps ringing until he hears a beep letting him know the song has ended, slowly he walks to his phone and picks it up to see a text “Hello, i got a call from this number who is this?” 
He stood there staring at his phone before putting it away, he had to think over this deal. He grabs his cup of coffee lost in thought about Aster, He didn't notice Four walk in with Mario. Four smiles as he taps the counter “My usual if you don't mind Three?” he frowns seeing the man not moving as he looks into his coffee, he exchanges looks with Mario “HEY SMG3!” he waves his arms still not getting the man's attention. Mario starts to scream next “S M G 3!”
Still seeing the man was lost in thought Four was getting worried he walks up to three and gently touches him. The touch broke him out of his thoughts, startled from the contact he tosses the coffee. Three frowns at his coffee now being on the floor “What the hell SMG4!?” surprised by the anger Four glares at him “I didn't do anything you were spaced out i just wanted my coffee!” Three groans handing Four a mop “Fine, clean the mess you made while I get you the drink!”
SMG4 was about to argue why he had to clean the mess when an alert from Three’s phone gets his attention, he turns to see an unknown number text SMG3. He then notices Three tense up at the sound before grabbing the phone and shoving it in his pocket, Four starts to clean up the mess watching Three. “Hey is everything okay?” SMG3 nods, finishing up the coffee and shoving it at Four “Everything is fine, i don't know why you would even care.” SMG4 grabs his coffee and walks over to Mario who swallowed a painted dynamite that Three gave him to shut him up, Four sighs then smiles softly at him causing those flutters to return “you just seemed out of it so i was worried…if you need help you can come to us after all we are friends now!”
The word friend should make him happy to hear, instead he felt pain “Yeah yeah whatever you done or you want to talk my ear off?” SMG4 shakes his head as he pays for his drink and leaves with Mario behind him demanding more spaghetti. SMG3 takes out his phone and calls the number “It's purple, i will take the deal.”
Moments later SMG3 was waiting outside the restaurant nervously, he had to remind himself that he only accepted at that moment because he really wanted to make bombs and not because of how SMG4 made him feel. Aster smiles brightly at Three “Hey you really did show up!” They take out a bag from their pocket and hand it to SMG3. Confused he takes the bag and looks inside, it was the powder. He looks up confused as his date gives him a smug look “I'm a person of my word, i find you cute and want to know you more nothing wrong with that right?” 
SMG3 blushes as he puts the bag under his hat “uh no nothing wrong with that…its SMG3 by the way.”  Aster purple eyes flashes as he gets the man's name.  Three started to feel strange before he noticed Aster offering their hand “Shall we? The food here is to die for!” They chatted during the dinner getting to know each other, it was strange for Three the more they talked the more he felt drawn to Aster. As the date ended Aster offered to walk him back to the cafe, they held hands as they kept talking “Yeah i am pretty good at building things, back when i was all about killing my neighbor i built all kinds of weapons to kill him.” Aster hums as they listen to Three taking notes on every word said. 
Why was he even telling this person all this, his mind was a mess at the moment, sure Aster was attractive but did Three truly want more with this person? They arrive at the cafe, he knew he had to say goodbye to Aster and end the night, that's when he felt his stomach flip. He didn't want to say goodbye, he turns to ask if Aster wanted to stay but freezes when he notices how close they were. The words wouldn't come out as he watches them take his hand and kiss it causing his heart to speed up and his face go red.  “I had a lovely time, you have my number hope we can do this again cutie~” 
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SMG3 was at a loss of words as Aster walked away, slowly touching his face trying to relax. What was going on with him? it was almost as if he was falling for Aster, he shakes his head laughing at the thought as he walks into the cafe. He takes out his phone looking at Aster's number, slowly he shoots them a text before getting the cafe ready for the next day.  Aster chuckles seeing the text “I told you I had this in the bag,” they turn towards a black star “Soon Aster revenge will be ours!” the star laughs as Aster replies to the message “Soon your end will arrive SMG3.” Aster's eyes glow as he puts his phone away.
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blorbologist · 2 months
for the unpopular opinions asks
:DD Thank you! You get Percy rambles because that's where the brain goes past midnight <3
🖤: Which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think?
Very, very quietly: my yearly reminder to everyone that Percy knew what he was doing when he invented Gun. The entire character concept, per Taliesin, is 'what the fuck could motivate someone to make something this awful'. He did not invent Gun to free Whitestone, he did not invent Gun to rid the world of terrible evil, he invented Gun because he was a terrified and hurt and furious teenager who did not care what consequences there were to his actions so long as he maybe, possibly, might be able to kill some of the people responsible for his family's deaths. Once it does hit him that he will have to live with the consequences, that others will live with this same pain because of the havoc firearms can sow, he definitely feels awful! And wants to undo it as best he can! But it remains that he was a deeply selfish character.
And still is! No Mercy Percy is a fun meme and all, but he really leans into a lot of needless cruelty when he's scrambling for control. Which pops up again even after the Briarwoods arc is all done with - he is absolutely furious at Scanlan and some of what he mildly brings up to Vex is horrifying shit to say you'd do to a friend.
Anyways he's perfectly in character in C3 and I will die on this hill. And get raised as an undead by Delilah because PERCY WAS FUCKING RIGHT ABOUT THE WHOLE THING -
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
OK, so I know we (by we I mean me) all love to point at Percy and go 'this man is autistic please let him infodump about the Feywild/clocks/engineering stupid dragon traps'. But there is a really good reason why everyone was shocked by his backstory reveal in C1, and why he's got so few lines in the first two episodes of TLOVM, and that's because he's pretty fucking quiet. And it's something I didn't fully appreciate until recently, so it's really understandable how often it trips people up!
The main thing is that while Lord de Rolo is usually a man of few words, those words are fucking bangers. While a lot of Vax's famous lines tend to be part of a long Shakespearian ramble (which I love), Percy, as a Taliesin character, is a master of the one-liner. Which tends to get over-represented in our memory compared to how often he says very little at all!
Percy often gets wordy when he has a space to do so (a debate with Keyleth, a bit of Whitestone lore Taliesin wants to yell about, nerding out with Tary who is importantly nerding out right back)... and when he's talking to Vex. God he will not shut up when he's one-on-one with Vex. In his conversations with other characters (Vax and Keyleth namely) he usually keeps his input short unless he's doing some arguing. But with Vex? Just won't stop.
So while I do think infodumping can be compliant with canon Percy, he needs to either be doing it in tandem with someone else (he and Keyleth or Tary being little weirdos), he has to have a solid excuse to indulge in it and feel justified, or he and Vex are alone. (Cass can probably get him to infodump, but given her nature as an NPC there isn't much textual evidence alas.)
Ask me about my unpopular opinions!
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
I was meant to send this earlier but I’m just now getting to it.
AEW stars of your choice reacting to the fem!reader having her/a wrestlermaiea moment, like winning a title or ended a rivalry.
AEW Stars React to: Your Wrestlemania Moment
Pairings: Eddie Kingston X Fem!Reader (Platonic?), Ricky Starks X Fem!Reader, Daniel Garcia X Fem! Reader, Mark Briscoe X Fem!Reader (Platonic), Jeff Hardy x Fem!Reader (Platonic?), Hook X Fem!Reader, Dante Martin X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.1K
Supreme Speaks: Thank you to @hookerforhook for requesting and supporting me. I apologize for being off the radar as shit as been hitting the fan in my life. I will upload more posts this week. But as always, my inbox and requests is open for everyone. P.S you are loved and greatly appreciated.
Warnings: None really....i think, gifs are not mine, I repeat: gifs are NOT mine
Taglist: @triscillal @wwenhlimagines @hooks-martin @hookerforhook @sheinthatfandom @eddie-kingstons-wifey
Winning the Title:
You won the Royal Rumble and had a first-class ticket to Wrestlemania
Where, also, you had the opportunity to the main event with Becky (Or Charlotte or whoever else you want)
After a feud that has been brewing for a couple of months, it all came down to this
You were gonna walk in as the challenger and walk out as the champion
And you did exactly that
All while giving the crowd and fans around the world memorable moments and five-star moves
After 15 minutes, the bell rung and all was said and done as you held the championship over your head
You celebrated with those at ringside (family, friends, fans) before blowing a kiss to the camera
But most importantly to the person who has always supported you, no matter where he is
Ending a Rivalry:
You have been in a rivalry with Liv Morgan (or someone else)
At first, you two were running the division as a tag team before being split up due to comparisons and underlying tensions
After months and months of scathing promos, vicious attacks, and iconic moments
You two were set to wrestle in a No Holds Barred match at Wrestlemania
Even though y’all weren’t the main event, ya’ll stole the show
With moments that involved blood (if you wish), ladders, kendo sticks, and breaking tables
In the end, you were the only one standing with your hand raised as the winner
You helped Liv up before hugging in the middle of the ring
Eddie Kingston
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This man would be screaming “I told you so” to everyone and their mommas
Blows up your phone with spam of “You did good! I guess” “Drag her!” “Dawg you suck lol jk” “I’m proud”
You know how Eddie just randomly posts stuff? He’ll just post a pic of you at Wrestlemania followed by memes or old Japanese Wrestling
Eddie would try his best to promote your win to everyone in his line of sight
Cuts a promo and ends with “Also, congrats to Y/N! Hella proud of you skunk”
I also have a feeling that because Eddie is close with you, he would take this win for you a little more personally than how people would expect
He’s happy that you’re experiencing something that he has yet to have
Ricky Starks
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Wishes he was there ringside, but Ricky sends his support from afar
Make three separate Instagram posts and five tweets about you, all talking about how you’re amazing (and how you’ll meet stroke daddy later)
Makes all of his friends congratulate you with posts and comments (will literally take their phones and do it for them if they don’t)
Refers to you in promos to make his opponents (especially ex-WWE) jealous
“Well, unlike you, my girlfriend was actually able to have her Mania moment”
Spoils with presents (wink wink) you as soon as you guys are reunited
Daniel Garcia
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“Your win is my win right? So technically I won at Wrestlemania too?” “No.”
Makes your win his Twitter header (don’t matter if you’re together or not)
Will brag on Isiah’s vlogs and to the JAS
Will taunt people like “Did your girlfriend win at Wrestlemania? No, didn’t think so”
Like Ricky, he will post you on his Instagram and Twitter with simple or funny captions
Would genuinely be proud of you and all of your accomplishments;
And would definitely make your Wrestlemania picture/outfit his Home Screen
Mark Briscoe (My twin flame)
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Would definitely tell you that he saw it coming “I CALLED IT!”
Would send you some flowers that remind him of you and tells you that you did a good job
Mark will ramble on and on about your match to Penta and Fenix
Will turn a promo into being about your win
Will compare your victory to an animated movie where the hero wins all the time
“You know like that one film?” “Cars?” “No…Up! That’s what it called”
Although he hasn’t made it to WWE yet, he is extremely proud of you and will defend your victory till the very end
Jeff Hardy
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As a man who has had his Wrestlemania moment; he’s happy that he had yours sooner rather than later
Will recount his own Wrestlemania moments and reminisce as he looks at your bright smile
Jeff would be the one who dedicates his next gear and facepaint to your Wrestlemania gear
Gives you a spill (speech) about living up to standards and upstaging yourself on future occasions
“And if you don’t feel confident…just jump off the ladder, the floor will catch you”
I want to say that in future matches he would use your signature move or like a common move that you use
Jeff is so damn sweet and will continuously support your accomplishments
Dante Martin
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This man is a cutie patootie
Darius would definitely post Dante’s reaction (involves him jumping up and down and screaming at the screen)
Would FaceTime you and just listen to you talk about the entire thing from your perspective
Would call/text you “I’m so proud of you baby”
Cites you (and this specific moment) as his inspiration for future interviews
Would have flowers delivered to you with a little note attached
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His silent celebrations speak volumes
Would definitely take you out to show how proud he is
I feel like that Hook would be the type to like a post about your victory/moment
But what would really solidify your relationship would be that he posted you on his story with a black heart
That’s also how he confirms your relationship
The wrestling world goes wild as he also wears a hoodie of your merch or posts a picture of ya’ll kissing
Like Dante would also have flowers delivered to you, idc what you say
"I love you and I'm so proud of you"
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harry-sussex · 3 months
I think the issue more than the simple editing is a) the inability to produce a non edited photo and b) blaming it on Catherine herself. Both of these things are only going to fuel conspiracies - I say this as someone who firmly believes that she is simply recovering from abdominal surgery. But it’s not a stretch to say KP have completely messed up the PR and invited the speculation and continue to do so by not setting it straight properly. So no the blurry steps won’t topple an institution, but the image of said institution as being dishonest and throwing its own Princess of wales under the bus sure doesn’t help
I honestly do not think it’s a big deal. The cheating bullshit has died down and resurfaces every few months with almost no traction. The photo is edited as is literally every single photo released by every single royal in the world. I remember Charlotte’s first Christmas, there was a bunch of discourse about her little shoe on the ground and the shadows associated with the way she was sitting on Kate’s lap. Is Kate a graphic designer? No. The insinuation that she meant something harmful by editing her photo more poorly than usual? That’s batshit, and that will die down. In a week, nobody sane is going to say “we can’t trust our next Queen because she photoshopped a sweater cuff.”
And the team very much did not throw Kate under the bus. The team NEVER would have never signed the statement “-C” without her knowing. They’d be fired so fast they wouldn’t know what hit them. Kate did that herself - like I said the other day, the apology came from Kate, not HRH The Princess of Wales. The conspiracies are nothing. The palace has already reiterated their original information about Kate’s return and the stupid shit will all but disappear once she’s back. Sure, it’ll come back up (the conspiracies and the photo) every once in a while, especially when she inevitably takes a long break in August and while the kids are in school, but after her recovery and return after Easter, this will all be a meme. It’s already a meme - two different people sent me a photoshopped pic of Kate the day after her wedding walking out of BP hand in hand with Pete Davidson. A few weeks of making fun of Kate online is not going to hurt her image. It will die down, as it always does with Kate.
I won’t even say that KP invited the speculation. They said Kate would be back after Easter and reiterated that remained the same after the speculation and #WhereIsKate really took off. There’s nothing left for them to do other than live stream Kate’s recovery and post-surgery treatment and have the doctors give a press conference from the throne room once a week. KP did what they could do. The answer is to let #WhereIsKate roll off their backs until she returns.
They can’t combat the internet. We saw this with Harry and Meghan - they can’t combat the stupid shit every time it arises. The logic we have been trying to apply to the Sussexes all this time holds in this current situation with Kate/KP. Address it once maximum and move on. You cannot stop people from talking, all you can do is move past it.
This is so unserious. It is not a big deal. It reflects mildly on Kate right now in the media and she cannot get out there to directly combat the conspiracy bullshit, but that will end in a few weeks and we’ll go to business as usual in a few weeks after that max. The media forgets quickly and the general population on internet forgets even faster. We’re the ones who will remember because we’re active watchers. We can all collectively come to the rational conclusion that this is not a big deal and will not affect Kate’s reputation long-term if we take ourselves out of our bubble and think about this broadly. Wait until she busts out a tiara or hugs a child or wears a beautiful gown or makes a cheeky comment to William - it’ll all go back to business as usual. Pretty princess who is good with kids. She’s far more than that, as we know, but that’s what the media presents her as, and that’s what it’ll go back to, and that’s what the general public will go back to as well, for the most part.
This has literally no effect on the institution or Kate long term. Currently? Yes, it’s a headline and the talk of the town. But if Kate’s image can weather topless photos, her husband’s alleged cheating, the Sussex bullshit, racism accusations, etc. then it can definitely handle #WhereIsKate and the photoshopped picture. Give it a month or two. It’ll all be water under the bridge.
It is so unserious it’s actually funny.
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beesmygod · 2 days
i only read tumblr once a day because i [try] to stay sane so only just caught up with the art discourse, which I do have some bits n shit I want to add: a bit fasile for one but, dont you as an artist have upkeep and resource needs to produce? even if its just like...computer, tablet and necessities to continue existence because art takes time to make, those are real, and cost money. "art" in an absolute sense can be made for free with minimal time through just thinking, but like, a webcomic that is a physical thing made of electronic patterns and hosted on a server, takes time and takes stuff. "Webcomics" isnt a free infinitely repeating resource, and you are more than a machine to create webcomic, and none of us are infinite as a resource! at worst, art hits public domain eventually. that said even from that place of survival in capitalistic society it DOES make sense to at least have free public facing art as PROMOTION even if its just idk downtime sketches, doodles, memes, fanart etc so like im not 100% disagreeing yknow, and I am not and artists cant be a paying consumer my/their own art, art has to exist for the self too, the self that isnt a "paying class", or i just start making marvel movies and then its time to find my cool wet hole in the dirt and express my creative individuality like im a mathmatician of statistical analysis of fluid dynamics.
now that im awake i was going to answer these point by point, but this kind of flies past my point that making art exclusively for those who pay is abysmal and treating your audience like they're thieves is a poisonous and off-putting response to one's perceived "loss of income" (which is not even theft because the item being "stolen" can be reproduced infinitely. im talking about like a digital image like a comic page and not a physical item where there's limited copies lol). people either want to pay you or they dont; you can't force people to pay you by making access to your work harder, worse, more inconvenient, and more degrading to your audience. you can't induce artificial scarcity and be a good person.
like yeah obviously art production takes money. that's why most artists work desk jobs instead of trying to make it a solo venture and just expecting the world around them to pick up their slack. i didn't come out of a lotus blossom with a tablet ready to go, i worked desk jobs from age 15-24 in order to have enough savings to cushion myself if need be and pay for base supplies. i use tablets and items gifted/sold to me at a steep discount by my friends. i lived really poor in order to have the life i wanted. and i really loved it lol. i still think of that time so fondly.
once the comic is produced and posted, it is free for my audience to look at and the reproduction costs of the finished image is 0 dollars. it can be copied and reposted freely without charge. it costs me basically nothing to host. the production costs are currently covered by patreon donations. if they were no longer covered by patreon donations i would get a desk job instead of making my choice to go into the financially unsuccessful field of the arts my audience's personal problem to solve. if i don't make things people want to buy, that's my problem and not my audience's.
yeah, it would suck to have to stop doing this because its no longer financially viable (it is really financially hard right now; the state of the world around us is not conductive to the patreon life), but i wasn't entitled to it anyway. i get to make art for a living bc i have an audience that permits me to. why would i start treating them like dogshit or lying about value of my work to squeeze extra money out of them after what they gifted me?
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damazcuz · 4 months
I've only had this account for about 5 years now. But I've been on tumblr for 13 years, since I was 16 and just starting to learn who I was, what transgender meant, what the world looked like at the time for a group I was swiftly realizing included me.
And for 13 years I have consistently used this site and stayed on, occasionally blog hopping when things felt stale or if things got bad. And things got bad sometimes. You'd get people calling you nasty things in your ask or replies or reblogs or tagging your username to sic their followers on you. And tumblr has always treated targeted harassment as a "Sorry you feel that way. That's not against tos though! Was this answer helpful?" issue whenever it's reported. They've never cared against abuse on their website, IN THE EXCEPTION of cases in which radfems and nazis have maliciously mass reported users for MAYBE hitting their breaking points and MAYBE snapping and saying something stupid that could be used as an excuse. Could be something today or four years ago in your archive but at some point, you had a bad day and posted something that could make tumblr say finally, we can get rid of a pest! or you were just transgender and said as much. A little too loudly in front of the wrong mod.
And this sounds so silly to say. But when you live in a website for 13 years and it's where you have your primary interactions with so many people and where you've met so many of your friends! It starts to feel like your community. Like an apartment building we all live in and visit each other's apartments and talk and decorate and laugh and play. And it's a bit of a dump and we all laugh about the crumbling peeling wallpaper and the slumlord that runs the place. We know the landlord isn't our friend, they just want us to pay rent until we're no good for it anymore. Produce the posts that make this site anything more than a hate forum, make the memes and the art and the posts that end up everywhere from your little sister's pinterest to your mom's Facebook to your uncle's meme subreddit. Keep up the garden and don't pile trash on the curb or you're out. This is "the queerest place on the net" only because queer people live here and hung on with our fingernails to stay here because if you have to leave, what's your fallback? You like your neighbors. They can't all come with you. They won't. Even the kind of crumbly parts feel like home after a while.
Like I want to clarify that Tumblr's reputation as a funny place to chill and scroll and meet people and see new things is not from the transphobes working on staff. Their job is to turn a profit or at least keep it LOOKING profitable, so the site can sell to the next moron to buy it out. The fun and joy of Tumblr is us. WE made this place. When you tear down our decorations and rip out our furnishings and toss us out on the street and look at what's left to show the next prospective tenant, it's a fucking dump. There is nothing left but the shittiest people in our neighborhood who are allowed to stay and make hate posts about us. There's the framework for "someone could make pretty posts here! It's a fixer upper!" But it's shit. It sucks.
I've been spiraling since yesterday over a couple of things I'm not taking well. One is work. "They can't fire us all!" I always joke. And people laugh. Last night my boss and I spent an hour and a half in this miserable fucking meeting, talking about the pressure pushing down on our load bearing team. We fantasized over all 8 of us being able to say "that's enough. I'm better than this. We are all walking out today and we will not come back. Don't text." And we can't. None of us can lose the stability of a full time job that pays kind of okay even though it's killing you. None of us can face that uncerainty. I left with chest pain. It was my first day back after major surgery. I went home and sat in one spot for over six hours almost unmoving, crying and just in disbelief of how unfair it is. We can't leave. But something has to give before my team dissolves and one of us puts a gun in their mouth. And then we all still have to make our shift. Who else will do all that? Who's going to cover, huh? Clock in.
And I spent the rest of my day, which ran to 4 am before I was able to sleep, wishing I could quit and hating what's happening on tumblr just as much. On a fucking blogging platform. Because this has been my fun sandbox for over a decade and it's always kind of sucked, it's full of cat shit and people throw sand at you and you're getting sunburned but it's fun here. You find your people to play with. And then it's like you remember oh yeah, other people here want me dead. The owner of this place wants me to die. He wants everyone that makes this place cool and fun to die. And he'll turn around and say "yeeeah well you shouldn't have joked about being mean to me." And it's like why am I here! Why am I making posts for YOU?
I can't leave employment. I'm only a couple of weeks, maybe a couple months away from homelessness at any given time, with how tight finances are. "Shoestring budget" would be generous. We're making it through sheer force of will. But I can't quit my job, and neither can anyone else.
But I can leave this place that I've hated and loved for so, so long. The other massive drain on my life that wants to see me shrivel and die. I can get up and go. We could all just go. Mass exodus. And I know it won't happen. Give it a week, ten days. People move along. Yeah, that sucked. Well, here we all still are. Still posting. Still tumbling. Still complaining about the landlord. But most people won't leave. How can you walk on your friends and community, knowing they won't all follow? But how do you continue to stay here watching this happen? I'm already listening to people tell me "so? that doesn't affect me. it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. and of course this happened, duhhhh." It's like, feel stupid for getting comfortable here. You should feel stupid for settling in and making it a home and thinking it would be fun here. If you are transgender you are not safe and you are not wanted. Not in the queerest place on the web, either.
It's not about the funny hammer car explosion """threat.""" It was never about the hammer car explosion. That was a dogwhistle through a megaphone to transphobes. Tumblr's darlings. Don't worry. I'll take care of this one that thinks she can speak up against me. And against you. And now there's a defined "REASON" for the ban. Why, Matt hardly knew he was banning a trans woman. All he knew was fear! He had no choice! And you can ignore the ACLU and the claims of systemic transphobia, that's something else. We fixed that!
I want this place to die because it is already rotting. We are scraping at the bones at this point. Walls are crumbling and there's a hole in the floor to the room below and the windows have long been knocked out and the boiler hasn't worked in years. They aren't going to fix it. It has never been the intention to fix it. They want you to leave or die. Whichever. Don't matter. Just get lost. I will find another tenant. I will find another person who will give me more ad revenue. You are replaceable in that sense. Someone else will join tumblr tomorrow. And tumblr will make a buck off them instead.
But they cannot replace the ways in which you and I have made this site livable and bearable and fun. And I want us to leave so that the husk of this place can collapse and blow away in the wind. I want tumblr to take a major hit and I want the loss of ad revenue to HURT THEM. I want a mad scramble to figure out how to fix it all. They can't. They won't. The fix has always been there and it's always been refused. Terfs will never be turned away from tumblr. Neither will nazis. "Sorry you feel that way, but that's not against our tos. Was this answer helpful?"
You know how they say, "it there are ten people at a table and one is a nazi and no one stands up, you have ten nazis"? This feels like that to me. If 20,000 of us wait a week, shrug, and resume joking and playing and say, well, yeah, it's sad that another dozen trans fems were banned last night. But I like it here...
It feels like that. Why are my trans sisters' archives of 5, 10+ years of life and joy being wiped clean? I can't even tell you how many posts I've seen from an op whose url I recognize from last week, but whose username is grey and icon default, because she posted something less than a day ago to say "yo this sucks. Fuck this place and fuck this guy." They've never ever found the terfs and nazis to ban them because they DON'T CARE. Those are the ones they prefer. That they cater to. Post about the ceo being a dumbfuck and in 12 hours, risk losing your community and the ability to look back at your life online. Clean slate. As if you never lived there. Oh, but tumblr isn't a transphobic place. We fired the one and only naughty transphobe on staff who was taking bribes to send out bans. Pay to win moderation. That person's gone. So it's okay and you don't need to worry. It's okay, I promise. It's the queerest place on the web. Get comfortable.
I love my job and I love this place. One of them is going to push me to the edge. But I can choose to leave one. You can choose to leave with me. They can't fire us all.
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
song mingi boyfriend headcanons
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genre: fluff
word count: 0.8k
warnings: cursing
requested?: yes
song rec: holy by justin bieber, chance the rapper
pls like and reblog if you enjoyed! feel free to request anything <3
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when i tell you this man has my HEART
i love him he actually deserves the world
him as a boyfriend?? the best. the bestest.
when i tell you he is hopelessly in love. like. hopelessly. when he falls, he falls hard. and there's no turning back for him
we all know that mingi can be playful and lively, but he also has his shy moments. especially at the start of your relationship, he might stumble over his words or laugh awkwardly, and its mostly because he just can't believe he's finally dating you!
he is so cuddly. like. he wants physical affection a LOT. tries to reign it in at the start of your relationship but it's pretty obvious that he just wants hugs and kisses and cuddles :( he just craves it. he doesn't want to be too overbearing though, so sometimes he will wait for you to initiate any physical affection in the early days. your touch is so relaxing and reassuring to him honestly. as you guys get more comfortable with each other he will feel he doesn't have to worry about being 'too much' and definitely initiate most of the skinship for you guys <3
his favourite cuddles with you are sloppy, messy cuddles. like... a big mass of tangled limbs. he loves being as close to you as possible as well as you both being comfortable, which ends up with you guys being in odd positions a lot of the time. its fine for you guys but every time one of the member
his lips are so soft bruh. and he will constantly have them on you. he kisses you all. the. time. one minute he's sitting there, the next minute he is trailing tiny, ticklish kisses on your neck that make you giggle. even in front of the other members, he's puckering up those smooth lips of his. idk he just likes that sort of contact! so make sure to give him kisses back!!
wants you to wear his clothes. like i know some guys who get annoyed if you keep constantly borrowing their clothes but that is not an issue with mingi. he literally offers you his clothes without you even asking?? he just likes the way they fit on you. he's bigger than you so most of his clothes fall in a droopy, oversized manner, which he thinks makes you look super cosy and cute :(
he has the tendency to rest his head on your lap. will demand you stroke his hair because he absolutely loves it. while you stroke his hair he will tell you about his day but you could hear his voice getting more and more sleepier. will probably end up dosing off like this tbh
mingi has a habit of taking lots and lots and lotsssss of pictures of you. he especially loves the embarrassing ones like when you are snoozing on the couch, mouth open as you snore softly, or when you have just shoved your food in your mouth and he calls your name so you like directly into the camera. then he's run away whilst laughing obnoxiously - he was in the need of a new lockscreen
when you guys are away from each other, he tries to send texts as much as he can. and they are always funny, he might send a bunch of memes and spam you with emojis until you are online lmao. he does prefer facetiming you, especially when he's on tour and hasn't seen your face in ages. he will call you before he's about to go to sleep, but he would end up talking to you longer than anticipated, but all awareness of time goes out the window when mingi is talking to you. who needs sleep anyways?
dates with him would include:
karaoke dates - because he just completely lets loose in front of you, he is would love to do something crazy and random. taking you to a karaoke bar would be a spontaneous thing instead of planned. you guys will be belting a ballad together, hitting all the wrong notes in your awesome duet
shopping - i think it's safe to say that you guys are going to come back with a bunch of random shit. mingi will love to buy cute little things that he probably doesn't need. impulse buys all around!
spa dates - bro loves top be pampered i can't lie. loves having a massage or getting a facial done, he finds it so relaxing especially after a long week. he would love to treat you both to a luxury spa experience, and he would want to do everything like go to the sauna, the steam room, and the jacuzzi!
overall, he is so thankful to have you as a partner. you make him feel safe <3
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howlsnteeth · 3 months
I know this isn't inherently an ask, but I just wanted to say that I recently joined Tumblr just for shits and giggles because, ya know, hellsite- it has its rep, and I figured 'fuck it, why not?' because I'm basically a walking Tumblr post and/or Pinterest cat meme, so like...
That's lowkey unrelated to what I'm wanting to say- just putting the recently joined part out there so maybe you'd understand the anonymous thing... (I talk... WAY too much and am too open a book, I'm so excited and justga hrvrjwvfhwbajfbr- I'm so sorry, bere ["bare"? "bear"? nvm] with me 😭😭)
Anywho, I really love both Sleep Token and Cult of The Lamb, and I've been seeing a few posts here and there of- I'm not sure what you'd call it exactly- those worlds colliding (obviously I follow tags for both consecutively; I would never have expected there to be POSTS FOR BOTH THOUGH???) and it makes me so insanely happy! Finding your page has just
God, it's made me so happy 😭😭 your art is so refreshing and mY GOD, the first piece I saw was your CoTL drawing referencing Atlantic, which is my favorite Sleep Token song (not including singles nor collabs) and from my favorite album (not including eps)- sorry rambling again- and just
I'm not quite sure if I'm making any sense, I'm honestly just rambling hyperfixatedly (if you couldn't already tell), but now that I've written it all down (which was more or less to get it out of my system without actually hitting 'ask' and/or to thank you for and praise your work), I actually DO have a question:
When I first joined Tumblr, I really just... made a kind of miscellaneous, I guess profile? Blog? Or whatever. lol
I wasn't really planning on doing anything with it, but... seeing people like the things I like- I've never been a social media person. I don't use hardly any, minus, like, Pinterest and a few others, and even then, *I* don't post, so do those even count? But I just feel so inspired??? If that makes sense???
I'm thinking about making one dedicated to Sleep Token and CoTL, do you think I should??? I guess I should do it more for me than anyone else, but I'd just
like an outside perspective, ya know??
Thank you! Sorry for the rambling, but if you do answer, just know I GREATLY appreciate it 😭😭😭
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sorry meme response at first because thank u for the accolades! i'm glad you've enjoyed it. as for advice hell yeah i mean if it's something you like then go for it! i'm certainly not the only person drawing cotl/sleep token there's others who rock it!
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bitwynn · 1 year
I have never watched yugioh but ive gained enough knowledge from pop culture osmosis to bullshit something out so-- SAGAU but the reader is a huge Yugioh/trading card game nerd
Even though the skills theyve learned from playing Yugioh and other such TCGs dont precisely translate, their skills in building a deck is UNMATCHED. And their skill in execution of their deck is also insane.
I remember that when i was watching a Drawfee stream or vid or something, Karina, Drawfees resident anime and Yugioh expert kept talking about these builds and decks of cards that would instantly just one shot literally anyone and everyone and i can see it so much. I imagine that before they get isekaied into genshin, they play a lot of rounds of matches against the cpu and the characters all around but thanks to their deck building, everyone is just decimated to the point that the only time they ever co-op in genshin is to either visit friends, farm for materials, or play Genius
I also imagine that they make just-- these INSANE meme decks that SOMEHOW FUCKING WORK?? Like Pokemon deck where you constantly spawn summons like Oz, Gouba, the fUCKING WATER SHITS FROM OCEANID, and so on.
Ofc, they still play the main game but they have spent... a LITTLE too much time playing Genius.
Okay onto the SAGAU part.
Since the world of Teyvat doesn't take card games and the like as seriously as we do (i mean cmon-- theres been news of certain cards and decks being banned in Magic: The Gathering tournaments and Yugioh tournaments with tons of security for calming down raging dedicated card game players for both events), i feel like its gonna HIT THEM LIKE A BRICK how utterly outclassed they are when they play against them.
Because theyre expecting like "oh, the Overseer/Creator/(insert whatever you wanna call urself here) is inviting me to a simple game of cards! This shall be a pleasant and calm afternoon in the Cat's Tail with them!! :))" but then in reality, you just called them over to see how good the "ai" is and to increase the diversity of your cards so you can make more decks. Meaning, they proceed to systematically destroy each and every character, POSSIBLY EVEN with a deck personalized to beating that characters deck into the ground. Card game culture is different here and there AHAHA
God i imagine that, since apparently Cyno is the best player of TCG, after losing you might just get so many pings of Cyno wanting a rematch. Or like, as your reputation in the game circles grows, he might just sneak into Cat's Tail and sit in on one of your matches to see what hes dealing with. Let me tell you, he is going to be stunned and is probably trying to formulate his deck against whatever deck you had on hand that round. And then he peeks into Cat's Tail again and HAH lol, diff deck for diff person. And he just starts making another fUCKING DECK--
When yall finally face off, its literally just This scene. Cyno still loses by a landslide but you had to get a little serious there.
God when you finally get isekaied, have fun integrating our worlds card game culture into theirs AHAHA-- also Cyno Will Be Asking For Rematches Everyday. Have fun making cringey Yugioh and card game references with him AHAHA
I know jack shit abt Yugioh and i used to play some TCGs but that was a long time ago, so if youre actually much more well versed in the subject-- FEEL FREE TO TAKE MY IDEA AND RUN AHAHAHA
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thetwelfthcrow · 7 months
The brocedes friendship and how it went from "we're like family" to "he's not my friend" is mind boggling. Their friendship is (well, was) the most intense the sport has ever seen. I know that it's a meme how one of them has avoided talking about the other for years while the other one refuses to shut up, but when you really look at how much they meant to each other and at all the cruel shit that they then did to each other just because they knew where to hit the other where it hurts, then it's not funny.
That's also why it's so ridiculous when people make a comparison between George and Lewis and brocedes. Nico and Lewis were "family", they literally loved each other. Have people even seen a smidge of what went down, I wonder? That's not to say that George and Lewis won't end up toxic but a bad rivalry between teammates isn't new to f1. Nico and Lewis had a whole relationship prior and outside of f1 that makes what happened and the intensity of how it happened so singular. It's sobering to think about, to be honest, considering that this explosion wouldn't have been half as big if they hadn't meant so much to each other. It still would've been ugly but not like this. Everything that went down was always personal and it's unbelievable how they tore into each other for the whole world to see and that we'll still never get the full story and the true levels or what went down behind closed doors. Just that they came out of it completely damaged and changed.
they ARE mind bogglin' fr fr
it is indeed not funny, it's dramatic. there's a kuzko line from my mamma says that goes 'our way of loving is dramatic, fanatic, slightly pathetic' and it's literally them fr.
any comparison to brocedes is Wrong. no one could ever have such deeprooted and fundamental lore to who they are as a person today the way brocedes does.
george and lewis will likely end up in a toxic teammate-rivalry because george keeps getting called 'the new gen' of mercedes but lewis is Still There. that team would be nothing without lewis so george has to keep on waiting until lewis has his eighth is satisfied and he doesn't strike me as a patient man. he does massively look up to lewis but i wonder how long that'll last. but yeah - all of george v lewis is based on the moment it was clear that george would go to merc, and everything beyond that. before that, there was nothing. whereas, before brocedes became teammates, there was everything.
i think most people are like 'oh brocedes = enemies to lovers' and just leave it as that and then see another 'enemies' to lovers and go, oh just like brocedes! but they have No Clue about the Lore. about the lovers to enemies pipeline of it all. about how it started, how it went and then how it ended and now how it's still affecting them both.
this explosion wouldn't have been half as big if they hadn't meant so much to each other.
no but that's it !!! they Meant so so so much to each other and that's what made it an explosion in the first place! for everything else, it doesn't matter bc there is no one that was as important to lewis as nico, and vice versa!!!!!!!!! but everything changed when the fire nation attacked nico ignored teamorders to favor himself above lewis.
they did come out of it completely changed. no ship will ever manage to hold as much weight as brocedes did. i wish people'd stop pretending, trying.
anon. amazing essay i love u
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taggedmemes · 4 months
he's a fucking liar.
i think somebody's full of shit.
if you got something to say, let's have a talk.
next time he tells you to do something, just fucking do it.
i had a bad week this week.
you have a bad week every week.
my job's to make you sorry you didn't pay when you had the chance.
i got this, but i can't remember who i got it for.
nobody expects you to get it right the first time.
why the fuck would i leave porn in your house?
i'm not just into that stuff.
i'm pretty accident-prone.
i don't even know where the whole santa thing comes from.
is jesus real?
i look up, and on the other side of the clearing there's a unicorn.
i killed the wrong bloke?
next time make sure you got the right guy.
he's a bit shit in the kissing department.
you just gotta find somebody that fits your style.
i don't want to see your fucking balls, you idiot.
i'm punching him in his face.
you punched him three times in the face?
start telling the truth or i'm gonna cut your dick off.
what's with the cowboy hat?
do you think you've got an anger problem?
do you wanna do jail time?
i expect you to behave yourself.
if you're gonna cause trouble, then we'll have to come to some other arrangement.
i thought you wanted to buy me some sexy undies.
generally when you rob somebody, you bring your own bag.
i'm not telling you. it's a surprise.
would you rather have great sex or great food?
no hard feelings? i'm afraid there are hard feelings.
what happened today with those guys is kind of really bothering me.
you were really violent and it bothers me.
i feel like you could have at least tried to talk to the guy.
maybe you could have tried to diffuse the situation.
i'm dealing with two assholes instead of one.
if you respect me, i respect you.
do you enjoy hitting people?
if i hit somebody, i generally got a pretty good reason.
the world is full of assholes.
out here in the real world, there's no consequences.
in your mind, you've done society a favor.
he's got a shitload of drugs and cash lying around.
what the fuck are you doing with that kind of money?
it's starting to feel like you're trying to pull some funny shit.
you pull that shit again, i'll stab you in the head with a fucking fork.
i reckon i can take you down with this spoon before you even get to the fork.
you wouldn't believe me if i told you.
weirdest fucking day of my life.
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thebubblesareevil · 7 months
Guys…I’m tired.
Physically, emotionally, spiritually just…tired.
I don’t have a solid religion because when I was younger I learned about censorship and editing.
I don’t go out and do shit cus I have bills.
I don’t get to spend a lotta time with family because we’re cursed and the moment things look like they’re going right, shit gets bad like real bad.
(Covid, custody battles, speeding tickets, heart attacks, accidents, birthdays, work emergencies all hitting at once…literally that’s about half of what happened one month)
My point is…I’m tired. But shit keeps happening. Both in my life and around the world and I keep seeing these posts about Israel and hamas and other political bullshit.
I feel like a horrible person when I scroll past that stuff on social media, cus I just don’t have enough energy to care.
Would I let shit slide if it happened right in front of me? probably not cus most of my staff are kids and I’m a mean mama bear.
But like…I never wanna talk about different movements/protests/tragedies cus I’m so drained at the end of the day it just makes be feel bad for feeling tired.
I just wanna scroll through memes, write fanfic, play a game, listen to music or (more and more often) just SLEEP.
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