#'you're the only one I'd follow til the end of time / if we fall we fall together baby don't think twice again'
ereborne · 17 days
Song of the Day: May 14
"Diamond on a Landmine” by Billy Talent
#song of the day#buckle up babes this one's a nice showcase of how my brain retains memories which is to say it's a long path to a close destination#in early 2011 when Leverage's season three had recently wrapped#one of my friends was writing a character study piece for Eliot with a partial focus on his toxic relationship with Damien Moreau#and they made a writing playlist for the fic that included this song#(and also 'Laughing with a Mouth of Blood' by St Vincent. absolutely killer song)#and I like the song but for whatever reason I never looked up anything else by Billy Talent#(I was at the time not spending so much time looking up new music but more just letting it come to me#in 2017 St Vincent came out with 'Los Ageless' and I was like oh I know her!! and I started paying attention to her albums#which is good because then in 2021 she released the Daddy's Home album which has 'Pay Your Way in Pain' /and/ 'The Melting of the Sun'#which are absolutely incredible tracks and my life would've been less without them)#and then today I saw a Call of Duty post with lyrics from Billy Talent's 'Afraid of Heights'#and I didn't recognize the lyrics so I went and pulled up the song as how I do#and as it played I was like. do I know this? no. I know something like this. what is it?#and at first I was convinced I'd just been listening to it but then why couldn't I place it? and then I realized I hadn't heard it recently#but I had been /thinking/ about something /related/ to it--which I had been. sort of. there's a Damien Moreau post queued for tomorrow--#and then in Afraid of Heights the chorus was wrapping up#'you're the only one I'd follow til the end of time / if we fall we fall together baby don't think twice again'#and something clicked and I dragged 'Diamond on a Landmine' up out of the depths of my various-artists folder#it's a great song got an excellent build to it#'alone at last / I can't wait til we're alone at last / all I wanted was a second chance / a second chance / to hold you in my arms at last#and the visual of 'better watch your step / she's a diamond on a landmine' is fantastic#anyway! I made giant scotch eggs with my family's spicy sausage ball mix instead of the normal breading and they're amazing#a good day#two weeks into May already can you imagine
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nerinefy · 5 months
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★ synopsis: during a stroll, you find yourself facing him- the love of your life, down on one knee as the clock strikes 12 and the striking lights of the fireworks dance across the sky. despite the blaring noises heard in the background, there is only one thing you hear, "will you be with me? now and forever...?"
★ details: pronouns: you/yours | imagine | fluff | 700+ words
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You and the Astral Express Crew decided to visit Aurum Alley for their latest festivities for the new year. Due to all the stellaron catching and unrelated side quests along the way, you have never had the chance to explore the rich variety of goods sold throughout the market. Holding hands, you and Dan Heng went and strolled through the bustling streets. It was still quite a gentle and intimate moment despite the rush the alley was filled with. It wasn't often you two had the time to loosen up and think about each other's warmth and presence.
"Oh look, I've been meaning to try those new snacks they have at Tall Auntie's!" March 7th, who in fact was also there the whole time, informed the two of you. "I'll go buy some so sadly I'll have to leave you two here. I mean, not that it's your losses..." She grinned and winked at the two of you while pointing finger guns. "So am I coming or...?" Caelus asks. The pink-haired girl stared at him, annoyed before grabbing his hand with a tug, "we'll be off then," she said as they slowly disappeared into the crowd. In turn, Dan Heng sighed at the two's antics but then turned his face to look at you, squeezing your hand slightly.
With a deep breath, he asks, "Would you like to go somewhere?"
You tilt your head, "Why? Where? And uh...aren't you forgetting the-"
"Do you trust me?" he interrupts the string of thoughts you're blurting out in confusion.
You pinch the bridge of your nose, "I guess they're fine on their own. The blind leading the blind."
He chuckles lightly, "They'll be Welt's problem now sadly." He then leads you towards a secluded place up and near the beautiful shimmering skies.
"Woah, where did you find this place? The view's majestic!" You ask in astonishment, your eyes shining even brighter than the stars above.
"I think I've seen this place somewhere in his memories, and I thought I'd like to show it to you too..." He answered, his eyes wandering towards the sky. "I just realized that...all of these missions we go to...it was just- it was different..." He begins. "Right after you came and traveled with us...everything changed. You gave me more purpose in this life and I'm so grateful for the color you've spread in this world, in our world. Dire situations still give me hope and unwanted circumstances still give me the push to go on...all because of you. Going through all these expeditions and knowing you're there by my side, fills me with ease I've never felt before. You gave me a new home, a place of serenity and security...all in your arms. I know I've been blabbering too much, so I'll stop and get straight to the point..." He says as he slowly gets down on one knee, revealing the small velvet box he's been holding onto the whole time. Sweat dripped down his forehead and his palms began to get shaky despite the snow falling around you- that's the effect you have on him. You gasp as you realize, tears forming in your eyes. "I may not promise forever, but 'til the end of our lives...may I be yours and will you be mine?"
You then grabbed him by the collar to lift him and kissed him, lip to lip, skin to skin, as the fireworks began shooting up to the sky. "I don't want to spend the new year with you." You mumble in between kisses, the man in front of you then wrinkles his forehead in disappointment. "I want to spend my whole life with you..." you giggle as he sighs in relief.
"Happy New Year, my love..." he mutters, a faint blush tainting his pale skin. Click You look from the sides in surprise as you see the crew standing in awe.
"Sorry Dan Heng, we couldn't help it! We just had to..." March 7th says, still holding the camera up near her eye, and Caelus smiling at the two of you.
"Congratulations...I hope we still see you two after the wedding," Welt says while giving you a nod of approval.
"I hope not to see you all after this..." Dan Heng sighs, hiding a chuckle under his breath. With that, you feel a squeeze on your hand once more, and you're reminded that you're not alone anymore. He's forever yours, truly.
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©nerinefy 2023-2024 all rights reserved. do not plagiarize, repost, or translate.
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m3gumix · 2 years
Lovesick ; Chainsaw man
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Characters : Power , Angel Devil , Beam Warnings : NOT PROOFREAD. masc pronouns for reader in Power's part , gender neutral / non-binary pronouns for Angel Devil and Beam. Possibly ooc for everyone- [ uh the Beam & Power one were made specifically for @rayuki and someone else ..& I asked for them to give me scenarios with their favs while I made the Angel Devil one for myself- ] Synopsis : Them falling inlove with the reader and/or love at first sight. Basically just as the title says..Lovesick Request[s] : #1 ; Power : "Power seeing someone outside of Aki's apartment while home alone and gets bored so she says hi to them" #2 ; Beam : "Romantic scenario let’sss seeee uhhhhh he wants to hold ur hand but is a little too nervous so he tries to find ways to let you know he wants too. Or he tries to find ways to build up courage to ask you- either is fine." A/n : Hello loves! I'm finally writing again! This time for chainsaw man because the anime was hype and I'm having a csm brainrot. I'm taking Chainsaw man requests!! NO NSFW. Other than that enjoy <33
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Denji and Aki left power to watch over the apartment. Why? Who knows, perhaps they couldn't trust her enough with this mission. "But then why bring Denji?" She's repeated that sentence in her head over a million times. Before they even left Aki had told her to not go anywhere and to not open the door for anyone, would she listen? Probably not. But she hasn't done anything yet...surprisingly, she's just been sitting with Meowy while rolling on the floor. "Can you believe them Meowy! How rude of them to leave me here by myself- I should've just went anyway! As a matter of fact- I will! They can't tell me what to do!" She stood up with a huff as she put on her shoes and began stomping to the door, slamming it open she kept that pout on her face til she noticed a male leaning on the railing infront of Aki's apartment. He had the uniform on, what was he doing here? Was he sent to watch over Power? "That's ridiculous! I can watch over myself!" "You! Why are you here! Who are you- Did Aki send you to come watch me! Well I can watch myself I'll have you know-" She yelled at y/n as he just turned around, a confused look on his face. He chuckled at the confusion washed over Power's face "I'm just here to get some fresh air..no need to be so angry." She slowly put her arm down and blankly stared at the male. "If you're not busy, would you like to stay with me for a bit?" Trying to break the silence , Y/n asked Power a simple question that he hoped she would respond too. She narrowed her eyes at him and thought about his offer. "Hmm...Fine. I suppose I could spend my time with you, human." She proudly smiled and she walked towards the male. The two of them continued having a conversation about random things, just to pass time, it was mainly Power talking about anything and everything but they enjoyed each other's company. These conversations went from minutes then quickly to hours long. But sadly it had to end when Y/n got called for a job. "Ah- sorry..I gotta go..I got called in. Wait- I never got your name?" Power stopped her ranting and stood proudly with her hands on her hips. "The name's Power! Be happy that I chose to waste away my time with you, Human!" Y/n only stared at her before smiling and tucking away some of her hair behind her ears, "Hello Power..the name's y/n." Power's eyes went wide as she stared back at him as he parted his hand away from her and began walking away. She felt something completely new- something she's never felt ever, it was like....this warm feeling in her cheeks. Was it getting hot in here? Why does it suddenly feel like her face is burning- Oh silly Power, you're inlove!
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"It's so hot...can we go get another icecream before working again." The red headed devil slowly followed behind you while yawning. You kept your eyes ahead.. ignoring any sighing and groaning the small male let out. "As much as I'd really love too, Aki would kill us if we did." You reasoned with Angel, continuing to go to your location. "How about when we're done I'll get you some more, 'kay?" He looked up at the sky in thought, silently pondering your offer for a few minutes before finally responding. "You promise?" "I promise." The both of you continued to walk in silence before you heard Angel's groaning again. "Something's in my eye...I can't get it out.." Turning around to see what he was complaining about , you noticed his eyes seemed to be watering a bit. You sighed as you pulled out a tissue from your pocket and leaned a bit closer to his face. "There..all done. Your eyelashes are pretty long, that's probably what was in your eye." He stared at you with his usual blank face. You both stood there looking at each other in yet again, another comfortable silence. "Hey...there was this movie I saw, a man and a woman were standing like this.." He took a small step forward towards you before continuing. "They were about this far from each other,..and then they kissed." You slightly tilted your head in confusion. "What's your point?" Angel looked away and sighed , "I've never done something like that, and probably won't. Things like that never really interested me it just- never mind.." You sighed and put the tissue over your mouth, you leaned even closer to Angel as his face slightly scrunched up a bit as if he was confused. When he was about to ask what you were even doing his eyes widened when you put the tissue over his mouth and leaned down to give him a soft kiss over the thin cloth. "There, was that okay?" You stepped back as he looked down, touching his lips before letting out a long groan and crouching down on the floor as he felt his cheeks heat up a little bit. "I...I can't work anymore today.."
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Living in a beach house was probably one of the best choices you've made, you get to go out to the ocean...nice views...a lovely house not near too many people, and then....Beam. A fiend that you've become friends with..I suppose? You could say atleast, he'd visit you pretty often whenever you were just relaxing outside or just whenever he saw you he'd come running- Speaking of which, he was sitting next to you right now. It was night and you decided to just sit outside and look at the stars and as usual, Beam came to see you. "Hello Beam, it's nice to see you again." You smiled as you looked at him, Beam flashing you a toothy smile in return. "Yes! Nice to see you too!" You chuckled at his response as you looked back at the sky, Beam rocked back and forth as he looked up as well. There was silence between the both of you but you felt as if someone kept staring at you. To relieve your curiosity , you turned to face Beam...ah..Yeah, he was staring- He let out a startled noise when you turned to face him before quickly looking back. You brushed it off as just you catching him off guard, but as you continued to look at the scenery you could see Beam out of the corner of your eyes turning to look at you once more. "Ah- uhm!" You turned to look at Beam as he started talking, "yes?" He continued looking at you as he fumbled with his hands a bit, you rested you hand in your palm as you patiently waited for him to let out whatever he needed to say. Whenever Beam seemed to be around you , he always felt much more happy than he usually is. He'd feel his face heat up at the warm smile you'd always give him when he was around.. But at the same time,..as much as he'd want to hug you and such like he does with Denji..he never seems to have the courage to do so. Why? He's never felt like that before? Your eyes widened and you let out a small gasp as Beam grabbed your hands in his. "Beam..thinks your pretty! The most beautiful human alive!" You stared at him with wide eyes as you felt your own face slowly heating up. You both stared at each other in silence before you laughed. "Thank you Beam, but you're much prettier than I am."
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electricserenade · 2 months
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COWBOY CARTER — Beyoncé | Unreal Unearth: Unheard — Hozier | Prelude to Ecstasy — The Last Dinner Party | SOS — SZA
If you gain inspiration from this station and its prompts, be sure to tag me in the work or like/reblog — thank you listeners
"You're my love"
"I just hope you love yourself like that"
"I really hope the best for you"
"Born to be a protector" / "I will be your protector"
"I feel proud of who I am, because you need me"
"Inhalin' whiskey when you kiss my neck"
"They couldn't have me and they never will"
"Sometimes I hold you closer just to know you're real"
"Sometimes I take a day off just to turn you on"
"I don't like the way she's lookin' at you"
"You say change religions, now I spend sundays with you"
"Something 'bout those tears of yours"
"How does it feel to be adored?"
"Sunrise in the morning, you're all I need"
"Didn't know what I wanted 'til I saw your face"
"Don't know what you're doin' tonight"
"Been a while since I haven't tried to pull away"
"I'd go wherever you take me"
"Love you down to the bone"
"I hope you know that once I loved you"
"I just pray that we don't crash"
"When i'm long gone, you'll call my name"
"I stayed away from you too long"
"And I come home tomorrow"
"It's yours, baby, you can crash here, come here"
"Put on a show make it nasty"
"Baby, let me sink into your arms"
"Drink me 'til its done"
"I plan to steal your heart again"
"Ain't that the scary thing"
"Slip into my dreams every night"
"Who am I to judge, my baby?"
"Baby, I've been waitin' my whole life for you"
"This is the real you, huh"
"This is the real me, huh"
"And when I get up to walk, I wanna feel weak"
"I ain't goin' far"
"I'm gonna give you the best years of your life"
"Baby, I've been waitin' my whole life for you and I"
"Have mercy on me"
"I need to make you proud"
UNHEARD — Hozier
"How do you sleep so well?"
"You're too sweet for me"
"But you worry some, I know"
"Put my body to work"
"I wanna lose me"
"I wanna fade away with you"
"I wanna kill the lights"
"I don't need to know where we begin and end"
"I only need the working of my hands"
"Some part of me came alive the first time that you called me baby"
"C'mere to me, when was the last time?"
"How could you think, darlin', I'd scare so easily?"
"There's not one thing that I would change"
"If I could hold you for a minute"
"Heaven is not fit to house a love like you and I"
"I feel lighter than I have in so much time"
"If you need to, darling, lean your weight to me"
"Don't fall away from me"
"Let me put my lips to somethin'"
"Come and get some"
"Let me see the heat get to you"
"Wake up feeling like a millionare"
"I haven't felt it since then"
"We knew what our love was worth"
"We didn't get it right, but love, we did our best"
"I know we want this to go easy"
"When people say that something is forever either way it ends"
"As natural as another leg around you in the bed frame"
"Look, I wanna be loud, so loud, I'm talking seismic"
"I'm still glad I met you"
"I'd no choice but to love you"
"I thought you were like an angel to me"
"It ain't hate being alone" / "It ain't the empty home, baby" / "You know I'm good on my own"
"You know, it's more the being unknown"
"One bright morning changes all things"
"Your eyes open, at first a thousand miles away but turning, shoot a silver bullet point-blank range"
"Could this be how every day begins?"
"Like I lived my whole life before the first light"
"But after this I'm never gonna be the same and I am never going back again"
Prelude to Ecstasy — The Last Dinner Party
"Bite marks on my neck I could never say no"
"You don't wanna hurt me but I want you to"
"My darling, believe me, I was born to be with you"
"Ain't it fun to hold the world in your hands?"
"Do you want me or do you want control?"
"I can't win them all"
"Do you want me to care when you just disappear?"
"I wish I didn't want you"
"I will hold your hands to stop them from shaking"
"If it takes all night, I will be on your side"
"When you're lyin' here, I believe you love me"
"And what I'm feeling isn't lust, it's envy"
"I wish I knew you back when we were both small"
"Pray for me on your knees"
"Stay through the night I'd spend the mornings by your side"
"Cleanse my soul, make me whole"
"Dance in the morning glow"
"Hold me, we can't go back"
"Foolish thinking I could have you"
"Picture me in bed under your crucifix"
"I'd die for you, no questions asked"
"If anyone could kill me, it would probably be you"
"I wish that I had the guts the dignity to put up a fight"
"Oh anyone could kill me, and I'd never ever let it be you"
"'Cause we're a lot alike"
"I will fuck you like nothing matters"
"I'm putting all my bets on you"
"This is the only thing I know how to do"
"Damn right I'm the one"
"I can't let you finish"
"He's so needy"
"I just want what's mine"
"If I can't have you no one should"
"How'd I get here?"
"I get the sense that it's a lost cause"
"I did it all for love"
"I get the sense that you might really love her"
"I had to do it to you"
"The art of war, goddamnit, I'm drained"
"With a rush that feels like, we committin' a crime"
"You know where you belong"
"Wherever you are, whatever you need, don't call me"
"I lay awake if you're not around me"
"Help me understand how you speak your love language"
"You don't wanna be without me"
"I don't want to be alone"
"My, my, how the times change"
"Moments stolen taste better"
Oh, I need you, but it takes time"
"Loved me better when you tried less"
"I can't lose when I'm with you"
"I still wonder if you notice me"
"Don't care, just lay here beside me"
"I need your touch, not your scrutiny"
"You better learn how to face it"
"I make no exceptions"
"You can trust in me"
"Can you make me happy? Can you keep me happy?"
"I been thinkin' 'bout you, haven't got much sleep"
"Can you still come and get me?"
"I fuck him 'cause I really miss you"
"It's too late, I don't wanna lose what's left of you"
"I don't wanna see you with anyone but me"
"How am I supposed to let you go?"
"Only like myself when I'm with you"
"I got everything that I need, and I want more"
"Hate how you look at her 'cause you never saw me"
"I wish I was special"
"Is it bad that I want more?"
"Figure out how I should be loved"
"Is it too late for us?"
"Everything reminds me of us"
"Lead me, don't look back, it's all about you"
"It's what you say and how you do me"
"Who needs self-esteem anyway?"
"For you, I try"
"I can't shake this habit"
"I've been up, baby"
"Shitty of you to make me feel like this"
"You've been making me feel like I'm always in my mind"
"I don't mind who's watching"
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purintarts · 4 months
LOVER | Music Prompt | Xavier LnD
Turn this song on before you start reading ;) >>>
Taylor Swift x Shawn Mendes LOVER
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I wish to invite all the lovers to the dancefloor for this waltz," the announcer smiled as he nodded at the band of musicians.
The men went up to their lovers and requests for the dance.
Old and young, couple-by-couple walked to the dancefloor.
We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January And this is our place, we make the rules
The couples swayed around, eyes not leaving the other, faces beaming with love.
I smiled as I watched them, swaying my head to the beat.
Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close? Forever and ever
"Young lady, are you not going to dance?" the elder woman sitting on the chair beside me, her cane leaned on the table, questioned.
"I might, if someone were to ask me," I chuckled.
"These men are very rude, why haven't they asked a pretty lady as yourself for a dance," she shook her head as she scanned the ballroom.
"It is alright Ma'am. There is always next time," I bowed my head to her before turning back to the scene.
Well, there is someone who I wish to dance with.
However, Crown Price Xavier was whisked away with political affairs and I haven't seen him at all tonight.
On the other side of the hall, Crown Prince Xavier walked in the hall alongside with his aides.
His eyes slightly widened at the sound of current popular song amongst the lovers and couples dancing.
He glanced around the room and automatically flick his gaze towards one corner.
The lady in golden was standing looking happily at the scene while sipping her glass.
I'll sing love songs to you when we're eighty See, I finally got you now, honey, I won't let you fall
Xavier quickly made his way towards her.
"Your highness" "Crown Prince"
People bowed to him as he passed. He could only nod before rushing towards his target.
Why is the ballroom so big? The song will end before he gets to her.
'Wait, why didn't I teleport?' Xavier mentally facepalm himself.
Forever and ever, ah Take me out, and take me home (Forever and ever) You're my, my, my-
Just as I was about to take another sip of my drink, a hand with golden glow took the glass away from my hand and put it aside.
The glacier eyes met mine, with a boyish grin, he took my now empty hand and lead me to the dance floor.
My lover~
Everyone made way for the Crown Prince Xavier. Their surprise expressions couldn't be hidden.
Crown Prince Xavier will dance ! Such a rare sight !
Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand? With every guitar string scar on my hand
Xavier pulled me against him, his left hand held my right.
His right hand grabbed my left hand, placing on his shoulder before bringing his hand to my waist.
Looking into his gentle eyes, I couldn't help but to grin.
I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover Look in my eyes, they will tell you the truth
Xavier swayed with me. His eyes never leaving me.
The girl in my story has always been you I'd go down with the Titanic, it's true, for you, lover
Xavier leaned close to me before pulling back, he twirled me. Just like my golden dress, specs of glowing light seems to float around me - following my movement.
He step forward and leaned into my back, holding my waist -
And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover (Save you a seat)
He took a hold of my hands again and turned me to face him. We swayed following the beat of the music.
As the beat gotten upbeat, our steps fasten and more glowing lights surrounded us.
Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close?
I heard the people cheering but I could only see Xavier. His intense eyes put me in a spell, unable to look away.
You're my, my, my, my Oh, you're my, my, my, my
Xavier twirl me once more, before bowing to me. I followed in suit and curtsy to him.
Darling, you're my, my, my, my
He brought my right hand towards his lips, his eyes look into mine.
Placing a gentle kiss on the back of my hand.
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youvegotrpmemes · 4 months
lyric starters from my current On Repeat playlist (part 3)
Show me how to lie, you're getting better all the time
And no one even knew it was really only you
Nice work you did, you're gonna go far, kid
Hit 'em right between the eyes
And if you can't get what you want, well, it's all because of me
My dear, there are secrets here
If only I could break the chain of disappointments weighing me down
I won't be afraid
It's the fear, and not the ghost, that leaves me haunted
You're an anchor for all the heaviest regrets inside of you
I heard you tellin' lies
I know we're the crooked kind
It ain't a talk of "if," just one of "when" and "how"
So, collect your scars and wear 'em well
They're never truly gone
I carry their blood too
I'm far from where I wanna be
I get lost in my delusional reality
It's kinda hard to think about your own mortality
And I'm hoping for a never ending odyssey
Just give me something good
I've made up my mind over and over
I can't be everything you want me to be
But it's all gone
It's all the same sound and my ears are burning
Never to be moved by the words of a liar
The dark doesn't frighten me
I chose to close my eyes
The night doesn't frighten me
I chose to let it thrive
Oh, my precious child, how lucky you are
I got a friend that's losing sleep
I never needed a reason for keeping secrets from myself
I'll wreck this if I have to
Tell me what good would that do
I'd be so good to you
And I don't know how this is wrong
You were a friend of mine
They don't know you like I do
I can never go back home again
Don't you ever tell me I'm not loving you best
And I just need a minute, I just need a breath
It's very hard to drink to my continued success
It's getting better in the worst way
I like to push it and push it until my luck is over
Please just follow me
I wonder how we used to ever go so long without it
I am right beside you
I thought you wanted me
I've been here so very long
I never took you for a trick but sometimes I don't know what you want
I could take it if you need to take this out on someone
I don't know how it got this way
But these problems aside, I think I taught you well
We're here to stay
But you're a king and I'm a lionheart
We're still the same
I'll be here to hold your hand
You won't be alone, we're unstoppable
Don't be ‘fraid to show what we're going for
Oh, all you need to know is that we're holding on
Even if we fall, we will rise up
No, we're not gonna stop until we reach it
We all have our burdens, yeah, but we just keep on fighting and we never look back
I know I was born for this
They just don't get it, I think they forget I'm not done 'til I'm on top
I believe we can write our story
We come from different places, but have the same name
We are the broken ones who chose to spark a flame
I've struggled for years and through all the tears I've faced the doubts I hide
I never gave into my fears deep within 'cause I heard my voice inside
Don't ever lose your hope
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fullstcp · 2 months
"Future Nostalgia" by Dua Lipa Sentence Starters
"I wanna change the game."
"I know you're dying trying to figure me out."
"My name's on the tip of your tongue, keep running your mouth."
"No matter what you do, I'm gonna get it without ya."
"Can't be a rolling stone if you live in a glass house."
"I can't build you up if you ain't tough enough."
"Did the heartbreak change me? Maybe."
"But look at where I ended up."
"I'm all good already."
"So moved on, it's scary."
"I'm not where you left me at all."
"Don't start caring about me now."
"Walk away, you know how."
"Aren't you the guy who tried to hurt me with the word 'goodbye'?"
"Thought it took some time to survive you, I'm better on the other side."
"Guess I never had a love like this."
"You got me losing all my cool."
"I love the way you move."
"I like us better when we're intertwined."
"My love makes you brand new."
"Common love isn't for us."
"We created something phenomenal. Don't you agree?"
"You got me feeling diamond rich."
"Nothing on this planet compares to it."
"Who needs to go to sleep when I got you next to me?"
"I know you got my back and you know I got you."
"Love the simulation we're dreaming in."
"I don't wanna live another life cause this one's pretty nice."
"If you wanna run away with me, I know a galaxy and I can take you for a ride."
"If you're feeling like you need a little bit of company, you met me at the perfect time."
"You want me, I want you."
"I believe that you're for me."
"I see us written in the stars."
"I feel like we're forever every time we get together."
"You can fly away with me tonight."
"Let me take you for a ride."
"Somewhere in the middle, I think I lied a little."
"I know that I seem a little stressed out, but you're here now."
"Hate it when you love me unattended."
"I miss ya, and I need your love."
"When my mind is running wild, could you help me slow it down?"
"Put my mind at ease."
"Would you help me out, please?"
"I'ma love you like a fool. Breathe you in 'til I hallucinate."
"I can make it pretty, I could string you along."
"I couldn't live without your touch."
"I could never have too much."
"I'll breathe you in forever and ever."
"I'm losing my mind."
"I hallucinate when you call my name."
"Put you in my hall of fame, middle of the wall."
"You're my one, my favorite, my ride or die."
"Wanna be right where you are."
"Let's go dancing in the dark."
"Kill me slowly with your kiss."
"Make me lose my mind."
"I never thought that I would find a way out."
"I can't believe there's something left in my chest anymore."
"Goddamn, you got me in love again."
"I used to think that I was made out of stone."
"Show me heaven's right here."
"Never have I ever met somebody like you."
"Used to be afraid of love and what it might do."
"I'd rather die than have to live in a storm like before."
"I can't believe I finally found someone."
"You're the one that I want."
"I'm not afraid anymore."
"We're in love."
"I've always been the one to say the first goodbye."
"You say my name like I have never heard before."
"I'm indecisive, but this time, I know for sure."
"I hope I'm not the only one that feels it all."
"Are you falling?"
"You know you can get whatever you want from me."
"I'm afraid of all the things it could do to me."
"I was doing better alone."
"When you said 'Hello', I knew that was the end of it all."
"Now there ain't no letting you go."
"Am I falling in love with the one that could break my heart?"
"I wonder, when you go, if I stay on your mind."
"Everyone before you was a waste of time."
"You love to disappoint me, don't ya?"
"You tell me what I want, but ain't no follow through."
"If you only knew me the way you know my body."
"I've been thinking it'd be better if we didn't know each other."
"Got me thinking it'd be better if we didn't stay together."
"Isn't it funny how we laugh it off to hide our fear when there's nothing funny here?"
"Boys will be boys, but girls will be women."
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bisexualbuckleyy · 2 years
shadowhunters ships as taylor swift songs
the saga of unhinged shadowhunters chronicles posts continues! once again this post is absurdly long so i'm putting it under a cut. let me know your thoughts/other songs that remind you of particular ships cause i'm always down to talk about that!
clace: state of grace 
we fall in love 'til it hurts or bleeds, or fades in time
and i never saw you coming, and i’ll never be the same 
so you were never a saint, and I've loved in shades of wrong, we learn to live with the pain, mosaic broken hearts
malec: lover 
and there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear, have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years?
can I go where you go? can we always be this close forever and ever?
my heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue, all's well that ends well to end up with you
sizzy: wildest dreams 
say you'll remember me, standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset, babe, red lips and rosy cheeks, say you'll see me again, even if it's just in your wildest dreams
someday when you leave me, i bet these memories follow you around
say you'll see me again, even if it's just pretend
wessa: peace 
but I'm a fire, and I'll keep your brittle heart warm, if your cascade ocean wave blues come, all these people think love's for show, but I would die for you in secret
and you know that I'd swing with you for the fences, sit with you in the trenches, give you my wild, give you a child, give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other
i'd give you my sunshine, give you my best, but the rain is always gonna come if you're standing with me
jessa: invisible string 
and isn't it just so pretty to think all along there was some invisible string tying you to me?
something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire, chains around my demons, wool to brave the seasons, one single thread of gold tied me to you
hell was the journey but it brought me heaven
blackstairs: cruel summer 
devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes, what doesn't kill me makes me want you more
said, "I'm fine," but it wasn't true, i don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you
and I screamed “for whatever it's worth, I love you, ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?”
kit x ty: death by a thousand cuts 
saying goodbye is death by a thousand cuts, flashbacks waking me up
i look through the windows of this love, even though we boarded them up, chandelier's still flickering here, cause i can't pretend it's ok when it's not
i take the long way home, i ask the traffic lights if it'll be all right, they say, "i don't know"
and what once was ours is no one's now, i see you everywhere, the only thing we share is this small town
my heart, my hips, my body, my love, trying to find a part of me that you didn't touch
quiet my fears with the touch of your hand, paper cut stings from our paper thin plans
gave you too much but it wasn't enough, but i'll be all right, it's just a thousand cuts
kierarktina: dancing with our hands tied 
my love had been frozen, deep blue, but you painted me golden
and darling, you had turned my bed into a sacred oasis, people started talking, putting us through our paces, i knew there was no one in the world who could take it
i loved you in spite of deep fears that the world would divide us, so, baby, can we dance, oh, through an avalanche?
i'd kiss you as the lights went out, swaying as the room burned down, i'd hold you as the water rushes in, if i could dance with you again
jordelia: cardigan 
when you are young, they assume you know nothing
and when i felt like i was an old cardigan under someone's bed, you put me on and said i was your favorite
a friend to all is a friend to none, chase two girls, lose the one
you drew stars around my scars, but now I'm bleeding 
cause I knew you, stepping on the last train, marked me like a bloodstain
but i knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss, i knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs, the smell of smoke would hang around this long, cause i knew everything when i was young
thomastair: treacherous 
and i'll do anything you say, if you say it with your hands
and i'd be smart to walk away, but you're quicksand
your name has echoed through my mind, and i just think you should, think you should know, that nothing safe is worth the drive, and i would follow you, follow you home
ghostwriter: enchanted 
your eyes whispered, "have we met?" 'cross the room your silhouette, starts to make its way to me
i'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home, i'll spend forever wondering if you knew, i was enchanted to meet you
this is me praying that this was the very first page, not where the story line ends
arianna: august 
whispers of "are you sure?" "never have I ever before"
but i can see us lost in the memory, august slipped away into a moment in time, cause it was never mine, and i can see us twisted in bedsheets, august sipped away like a bottle of wine, cause you were never mine
back when we were still changing for the better, wanting was enough, for me, it was enough to live for the hope of it all
so much for summer love and saying "us" cause you weren't mine to lose
charles/alastair: the story of us 
i used to know my place was the spot next to you, now i’m searching the room for an empty seat, cause lately i don't even know what page you're on
so many things that i wish you knew, so many walls up i can't break through
now i’m standing alone in a crowded room and we're not speaking, and i’m dying to know is it killing you like it's killing me, yeah?
james/grace: my tears ricochet 
even on my worst day, did i deserve, babe, all the hell you gave me? cause i loved you, i swear i loved you, ’til my dying day
and i can go anywhere I want, anywhere i want, just not home
you had to kill me, but it killed you just the same, cursing my name, wishing i stayed, you turned into your worst fears
fairstairs: run 
give me the keys, i’ll bring the car back around, we shouldn't be in this town, and my so-called friends, they don't know, i’d drive away before i let you go, so give me a reason and don't say no
and run, like you'd run from the law, darling, let's run, run from it all, we can go where our eyes can take us, go where no one else is
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sheyffer · 10 months
Today marks the first anniversary of my Detentionaire fic Let the Future Tell the Truth, following Finnwich's life from the very beginnings of MWF to a hypothetical season five - at a final (almost) 130k words, it explores the backstories of everyone caught up in this conspiracy and discusses a lot of questions the show never got to answer, so if that sounds like something up your alley, definitely check it out!
To celebrate, I thought I'd share some songs that have accompanied me while writing the fic, songs that really fit the characters or certain points in the story (and always hit me in the feels because of it). Spoilers ahead!
Ghosts in the Water (Arrows to Athens)
There's no room for martyrs There's not any time for us to doubt But the grey makes it harder Burning to see but we won't close our eyes now 'Cause this is a fight to break the silence These are the lies we've made To try to hold ourselves up now The pull of the tide is always quiet But this is a fight to take one more breath before we drown
To start this off, have one of many songs that are just wonderful MWF vibes in general :')
Ship in Port (Radical Face)
You said the ship in port is the safer one But it's not the reason it was made So forgive me if I wander off And forgive me more if I just stay
Going somewhat chronologically, here's song one of two that always hit me in the feels for Maxwell and Lo, for their beautiful confrontation in chapter four.
Frozen Pines (Lord Huron)
I am ready to follow you even though I don't know where I will wait in the night until you decide to take me there 'Cause I know I don't wanna stay here forever, it's time to be moving on I don't wanna be the only one living when all of my friends are gone
And song two of two! This one's for when Maxwell sets out to find Lo again.
Secret of Life (Lord Huron)
What you crossed was a line at the edge of the void And you can't crawl back without making a choice But then something escaped when you opened the gate You cheated death and sealed your fate
Speaking of Lord Huron, have one of the absolute best songs for MWFP overall :')
Promiseland (Mika)
One person's lie is just another man's truth We kept on running from the devil, but the devil was you Every time I see the light, I'm falling deeper in debt If I've never seen the good, how can it come to an end?
I've linked this one in the fic itself before, but yeah, it really is just one of the most perfect Kan songs out there.
Birth of Serpents (The Mountain Goats)
Crawl through the tunnel and follow, follow the light northwest See that young man who dwells inside his body like an uninvited guest See the tunnel twist, clutch your birthright in your fist Let the camera do its dirty work down there in the dark Sink low, rise high Bring back some blurry pictures to remember all your darker moments by
Title-wise and with some of the lyrics, this one obviously makes for another wonderful song for Kan, but at the same time, I really do like it for Luke. Both of them also have a bit of a connection to cameras, so it really works well with the lyrics.
False Prophecy (Abney Park)
I reached from darkness, I saw the day And now I'm awake And in my darkness I found a way To transcend my fate I took a step toward the light of day
One of my all time favorite Ištaran songs.
On the Faultline (Sonata Arctica)
Here I stand and look at my life Barren, cold, and incomplete Mirror smiles at me with a teary disdain Pointing out the faults in me Memories of holidays with you Will rain on me from time to time We have the road within ourselves To countless paradises When there is a tunnel there's a light The thought is causing tremors On the faultline between you and I
And another, this time about his relationship with Emesh (and also one of my favorite songs of all time in general).
Gossip (Måneskin)
Sip the gossip, drink 'til you choke Sip the gossip, burn down your throat You're not iconic, you are just like them all Don't act like you don't know
This one could just be Coral Grove's theme song tbh - and fun fact, I do have an abandoned PMV storyboard with it lying around :') It's also very reminiscent of the way Wendell calls out Maxwell in parts of the fic.
Privately Owned Spiral Galaxy (Crywank)
This song is super hard to quote lines from, but just know that it's perfect for Art after his diagnosis and him starting out with his cloning scheme :3
Loki (The Mechanisms)
Flashes like camera bulbs fire in my brain Is this truly me, am I going insane? In faint bloody flashes I watch people die And if that was me, then who am I? Oohhh, you can't erase me Oohhh, you can't unmake me
And this is Art realizing how messed up his clones are becoming... poor guy :')
The Loneliest (Måneskin)
'Cause I don't even care about the time I've got left here The only thing I know now is that I wanna spend it With you, with you, nobody else here Tonight is gonna be the loneliest
Alright, last Art song for now. Speaking of his complicated legacy... you already know this one, it's what heavily influenced a certain Maxwell/Art scene - good stuff.
When I Say Go (caseJackal)
I drown you out when I say so Tear down the walls when I say go I’ll holler lies, to save the show They’ll fall in line when I say go Can’t drown me out when I say so Tear down the walls when I say go All hollow lies, like every show You fall in line when I say go Run for your lives I’m already in control
Switching from Art to Fateous, here's one for the very end of the fic, and for him and his eventual plan. Fateous used to be one of my least favorite characters, but honestly, writing about him during the fic has made me appreciate him quite a bit (though he's still far from a morally decent person ofc).
One Last Song (Lord of the Lost)
If I could sing one last song before the world ends If I could sing one last song to say goodbye If I could sing one last song to all my children If I could sing one last song before we die If I could sing one last song to my parents If I could sing one last song with all my friends If I could sing one last song to everyone I've hurt And beg their forgiveness before this life ends I'd give everything I have, say all the things I left unsaid If I could sing one last song, I'll make it a good one
Starting off the heartbreaking Maxwell songs, have this absolute gem (especially the acoustic version I linked). Messes me up every time :')
Still Feel It (caseJackal)
So is it right to be so sure we've Already seen the worst? Should we try to act so worthy Of this thing we never got to work? Are we cursed, do we deserve it? Not just those of us who never learned? It's not the end of the world If we're still here to feel it hurt
Heartbreaking Maxwell song #2. If I had to pick one song to be the theme song for the entire fic, this would be it - everything about it just fits perfectly, from the lyrics to the music itself that sounds like him playing it on his organ at Coral Grove. Although there is one more song that really captures the essence of the story, and that's the one I'll end on:
Stellarcide (caseJackal)
(No matter) if our planets align (No matter) if we die or survive this (No matter) when our stars collide You still light me up like stellarcide When you and I mix
There's hardly a better song to describe the beautifully complex relationship Maxwell and Ištaran have :') It's definitely one of my favorite things I got to explore over the course of the fic.
Bonus: Some fun songs from other tv shows
Tez Says (Victor & Valentino)
Now heed my words, listen to my diction The truth is often stranger than fiction You can't trust them and they don't trust you But believe in me 'cause I believe in you More than a smoking mirror I make the real feel realer I speak and it manifests 'Cause I'm simply the best
One thing Tez has over Finnwich is his very own official song... love this guy, as short as his appearance in the fic was.
Nothing Left to Lose (Tangled: The Series)
Yes, it's true, my path is dark, but I see where it ends My rivals will fall as my power ascends Despise me, that's fine I'm taking what's mine even so Not like you You lost your nerve, you lost the game But you and I, we're not the same I'm not lost, this fate was mine to choose So I chose to lose my doubts and lose my chains Lose each weakness that remains Now that I have nothing left to lose
This scene was a massive influence for the Kan/Maxwell conversation in the later parts of the fic, although I had known that one would happen long before this song came out. Makes it all the more exciting!
And finally, here's a song for @pewcat2 in particular, I know how much you like the character this is (tangentially) about :3
To everyone who's read all of this, thanks for all your support with the fic! I hope you enjoyed this little journey into some of the stuff that inspired it, although this really is just a bit of a best of. I have plenty more songs I associate with the fic and Detentionaire overall, but this post is long enough already :') Either way, see you at the next fic!
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Now I'm waiting on the corner in the back of your mind
It's a lonely place to live, and I got nowhere to hide
Cause you told me that you'd never be afraid of heights again
Nobody ever thought that we could make it this high
You're the only one I'd follow 'til the end of time
If we fall, we fall together baby, don't think twice again
Together I know, together I know
That we'd burn like a rocket's afterglow
Together I know, together I know
We could conquer the stars beyond this world
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The Hardest Part Lyrics That Alter My Brain Chemistry
Noah (Stand Still):
"when i turned twenty, i was overcome with the thought that i might not turn twenty-one" "there'd be nothing left of me except these songs" "when you don't know where you're going just stand still, soon enough you will" "and when all the hopes and joy you feel turn into paranoia, cause it will, remember just stand still." "life's not over but i'm feeling twice the pain" "i'm not better, but i'm not quite the same" "it keeps coming so i keep counting the days" "it don't get easier just harder yes it will, remember just stand still" "just stand still and watch the sunset bleed with only dirt under your feet to feel" "sixty-seven thousand miles an hour around the sun and that is how it feels" "in a universe that's infinite yet everything gets lost in it" "you'll be right, you'll be wrong, you'll be fine cause life goes on and on"
Ready To Go:
"is it what i deserve for spending the last of my love on someone i knew that i'd always lose?" "its inevitable and we both know that we're on borrowed time" "how fast and far it flies" "there's too many memories getting the best of me" "i loved you first but you'll be the first to leave"
Mr. Percocet:
"my heart gets pulled into pieces whenever you're poured up" "you are malevolent and benevolent" "you are the devil that i revel in" "you're only kind when you're all fucked up" "you're only mine til your high is gone" "i wish you'd still love me when your drugs wear off in the morning" "you want someone to worship the worst of your mistakes"
Every Beginning Ends:
"someone's at fault but i'm not blaming you" "you have to wake up every morning and choose to love someone but i'm finding that harder the more that i'm falling out of love with you" "every beginning has ended with you"
Hardest Part:
"the hardest part of going home is facing that you're getting older and everything you've ever known is over" "cause its been so long and the day's soon gone" "all the paths are overgrown" "the sun is down its getting colder" "in your eyes i see the fire that so long ago was burning" "through our smiles we try to hide it, all the years that we've been hurting" "we don't get too long that's why i'm holding on"
I Just Want A Lover:
"i can't believe i didn't see a mistake is just a state of my identity" "i believed that i would never ever get it right" "the twisting of the knife, the bend until the break and then it all goes wrong" "a kiss and i go blind, can't see its just my fate" "its unlivable" "i just want a lover who's in love with me, not another liar making love to me" "i'm sick of hoping, tired of waiting" "i pick my conscience over clarity and deal with the disparity its anarchy" "and the narcissists all run at me with guns ablaze no empathy, insanity"
"afraid of love and afraid of change" "fell into you like a leap of faith" "i guess i met you at the wrong time" "now i've got you on my mind and i'm wondering tonight if it could've been more but we were left unfinished" "that one night was beautiful, streets were cold, but we were warm" "i've got a slideshow inside my head of might've-dones and could've-beens" "if its a purely hypothetical love, tell me why i gotta miss it so much?" "all i've got is a memory, its a masterpiece, but its incomplete" "i just fill in the empty space with a dream of what we'd be if i had stayed"
My Side Of The Bed:
"i know you want space. its not what you said, but how you said that you're fine" "i believe there's something missing in me" "i can't stop thinking bout how you felt hollow when i was holding you last night" "i'm just too fragile to speak" "there's something broken in me" "if you're gonna make it, you gotta be tough, but i'm not" "my heart's paper thin and the softest of words can send me spiraling"
I Burned LA Down:
"you left a hole in my chest when you left and my heart followed you out the door" "i stood and bled in the hall, watched it all, and the mess that it left on the floor" "if i gave you less, would you want me more?" "embers in the dark can look just like shooting stars to a bitter broken heart" "i was never a part of your plan" "you can't make a god of somebody who's not even half of a half-decent man"
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roulettepuke · 2 months
and when I try to walk away you'd hurt yourself to make me stay // who do we become when we are losing what we love? // to satisfy them, but what about me?/they don't know a thing about my life with you/all I wanna do is do nothing with you // nothing in this world keeps me confused/all it takes, look in your eyes // broken, beaten down, can't even get around/without an old man cane, I fall and hit the ground/shivering in the cold, I'm bitter and alone // if you walk out on me/I'm walking after you // could you love me though I speak with knives? // I'm just a soul whose intentions are good/oh lord, please don't let me be misunderstood // love is a verb/love is a doing word // and it was you/the one that would be breaking my heart/when you decided to walk away/when I wanted you to stay // I look in your eyes and I can see/we've loved so dangerously // I have my sentence now at last I know just how you felt/my home in your arms now we know nothing matters // I only keep myself this sick in the head 'cause I know how the words get you off/me and you setting in a honeymoon/if I woke up next to you // I don't know what to do with you/'cause you don't know what you do to me // everywhere I look you're all I see/just a fading fucking reminder of who I used to be/you make this all go away/I just want something I can never have // I need to feel needed and I need it more than I let on // well, there’s plenty of fish in the wrong sea/hold me, distract me, dress me up in bubbles, baby/save me from the troubles of my own skin now // nobody wants to be alone but that is not why I want you/it's no use, I just love you // you and me have a disease/you affect me, you infect me/I'm afflicted, you're addicted // and I saw god cry in the reflection of my enemies // I know you're tired of loving with nobody to love // he needs me/I oughta leave him, but he needs me/I know that I aint very bright/just to tag along/oh, but right or wrong/I'm his and I'm here/and I'm gonna be his friend or his lover // he gets me so high // I could follow you to the beginning just to relive the start/and maybe then we'd remember to slow down at all of our favorite parts // I wish I could live without you/you'll always be next to me // the air between us is punishing, but nothing happens/scared to say it, even to yourself/for just the possibility/I'd have given anything/we play along, we sell/but only so much we can tell ourselves // I feel love a different way // doctor, won't you come and help me take this pain away? // I never meant to do all that I've done to you/please, baby, say it's not too late // wanna make out and kiss hard?/wait never mind // I want to make you as lonely as me/so you can get addicted to this // and if there is nothing left for me to do/but retrace those footsteps that led me to you // baby, can I ride with you? // stuck on you til' the end of time/you've got me trapped, I can't escape your incessant whine // it's not living if it's not with you // I will not kiss you/‘cause the hardest part of this is leaving you // what makes you so special?/I’m gonna leave you/I’m gonna teach you/how we’re all alone // I intend to be independently blue // a composer but never composed/singing the symphonies of the overdosed // a kiss with a fist is better than none // why can you read me like no one else? // you been puttin’ up with my shit just way too long // trade baby blues for wide eyed browns
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ohgaylor · 3 years
the subtle and not so subtle gayness of red (taylor’s version)
State of Grace (Taylor's Version)
And I've loved in shades of wrong, we learn to live with the pain, mosaic broken hearts. But this love is brave and wild
this is a state of grace, this is the worthwhile fight. love is a ruthless game unless you play it good and right
these are the hands of fate, you're my Achilles heel this is the golden age of something good and right and real
Red (Taylor's Version)
faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ending so suddenly
loving him is like trying to change your mind once you're already flying through the free fall
touching him was like realizing all you ever wanted was right there in front of you
regretting him was like wishing you never found out that love could be that strong
Treacherous (Taylor's Version)
put your lips close to mine as long as they don't touch out of focus, eye to eye 'til the gravity's too much and I'll do anything you say if you say it with your hands and I'd be smart to walk away but you're quicksand
this slope is treacherous this path is reckless this slope is treacherous and I-I-I like it
I can't decide if it's a choice getting swept away. I hear the sound of my own voice asking you to stay. all we are is skin and bone trained to get along, forever going with the flow but you're friction
and I will get you, get you alone
that nothing safe is worth the drive and I would follow you, follow you home I'll follow you
I Knew You Were Trouble (Taylor's Version)
and the saddest fear comes creeping in, that you never loved me, or her, or anyone, or anything
All Too Well (Taylor's Version)
I Almost Do (Taylor's Version)
oh, we made quite a mess, babe. it's probably better off this way and I confess, baby in my dreams, you're touching my face. and asking me if I wanna try again with you and I almost do
Holy Ground (Taylor's Version)
took off faster than a green light, go yeah you skip the conversation when you already know. I left a note on the door with a joke we'd made and that was the first day 
Sad Beautiful Tragic (Taylor's Version)
we had a beautiful magic love there what a sad, beautiful, tragic love affair 
in dreams, I meet you in warm conversation and we both wake in lonely beds, different cities and time is taking its sweet time erasing you and you've got your demons and darling, they all look like me
The Lucky One (Taylor's Version)
now, it's big black cars and Riviera views and your lover in the foyer doesn't even know you 
and your secrets end up splashed on the news front page 
and they tell you that you're lucky, but you're so confused
Everything Has Changed (Featuring Ed Sheeran) (Taylor's Version)
and all my walls stood tall, painted blue, and I'll take 'em down, take 'em down and open up the door for you
come back and tell me why I'm feeling like I've missed you all this time, and meet me there tonight and let me know that it's not all in my mind
Come Back...Be Here (Taylor's Version)
the delicate beginning rush the feeling you can know so much without knowing anything at all
this is falling in love in the cruelest way
'cause it's not fair that you're not around
Better Man (Taylor's Version) (From the Vault)
I know the bravest thing I ever did was run
Nothing New (Featuring Phoebe Bridgers) (Taylor's Version) (From the Vault)
I know someday I'm gonna meet her
it's a fever dream, the kind of radiance you only have at seventeen
Message in a Bottle (Taylor's Version) (From the Vault)
'cause you could be the one that I love, I could be the one that you dream of, a message in a bottle is all I can do
standin' here, hopin' it gets to you, you could be the one that I keep, and I could be the reason you can't sleep at night
Run (Featuring Ed Sheeran) (Taylor's Version) (From the Vault)
and run, like you'd run from the law. darling, let's run, run from it all. we can go where our eyes can take us, go where no one else is, run
and the note from the locket, you keep it in your pocket since I gave it to you. there's a heart on your sleeve I'll take it when I leave, and hold it for you
there's been this hole in my heart, this thing was a shot in the dark, say you'll never let 'em tear us apart and I'll hold onto you while we run
The Very First Night (Taylor's Version) (From the Vault)
I drive down different roads but they all lead back to you
'cause they don't know about the night in the hotel, they weren't riding in the car when we both fell, didn't read the note on the Polaroid picture, they don't know how much I miss you
no one knows about the words that we whisper, no one knows how much I miss you
I'm the one on the phone as you whisper "do you know how much I miss you?"
All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor's Version) (From the Vault)
oh, your sweet disposition and my wide-eyed gaze, we're singing in the car, getting lost upstate
and you were tossing me the car keys, "fuck the patriarchy" key chain on the ground, we were always skipping town
and there we are again when nobody had to know
you kept me like a secret, but I kept you like an oath, sacred prayer and we'd swear to remember it all too well
just between us, did the love affair maim you all too well?
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tteokggukk · 3 years
fireworks → knj
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⭒ pairing: namjoon x reader
⭒ genre: fluff, friends to lovers
⭒ words: 1.1k
⭒ warnings: none
⭒ summary: it’s new year’s eve and you decide to ditch finding someone for a new year’s kiss. instead, you spend your time waiting for the fireworks with your best friend, namjoon, stalling and talking about how fireworks worked.
⭒ a/n: just wanna say i’m not a physics major asDAJSLK so pls don’t come for me ✌
permanent taglist: @100percent-dum-dum @boraength @rageyoudamnednerd​
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You've never felt this comfortable in weeks.
The night breeze felt cool on your skin as you watched the people below enjoying the festivities tonight during new year's eve. From the top of this hill, everything felt calmer. It was quieter, and there was no need to interact with all your other friends and acquaintances. It was just you, the night sky, the stars, and Namjoon.
He was busier these days but always made sure to make time for you. You assured him that you didn't need him to constantly stay by your side, you respected how hard he worked and was just grateful that you could talk to him anytime. Namjoon never listened though. He'd always arrive at the smallest of issues, ready to make you feel better. He'd take you on spontaneous museum dates and walks on nature parks, and even on late night drives.
Namjoon was the perfect description of a best friend.
Was, because the more time you spent with him, the more you began to notice the dimples on his cheeks every time he smiled, the way he explains just about anything with eloquence, and how he's always attentive when it comes to your needs. It definitely bothered you, because even his clumsiness was beginning to be endearing when it was something you used to tease him about nonstop.
In your eyes, Namjoon was slowly becoming more than just a friend. 
You feel the heat begin to pool on your face at the thought of what he was starting to mean to you.
"Here," Namjoon covers you with his thick jacket when he notices you touching your cheeks, mistakenly thinking you were cold when really, you were feeling flustered, "You should've worn something thicker."
"That's why I have you," you tease, flashing him one of your cheesy smiles. Namjoon smiled at your words before looking up at the sky.
"What time is it?" He asks, not quite meeting your gaze. You catch the way he's fidgeting with his fingers and how he was on his toes swaying back and forth— one of the tells that he was nervous. 
Why was he?
Your brow raises at his behavior. Checking the time on your watch, you jokingly ask, "A few minutes left 'til midnight. Why? Do you wanna leave?"
He looks down and laughs, stuffing his hands in his pockets, "Of course not, I wanna watch with you."
"You sure?"
"Yes, ____, there's nowhere else I'd rather be," he sends you a reassuring smile that immediately fills your body with warmth. You had to look away before you broke into a crazy-looking grin in front of him.
"What about you? I might be keeping you from a potential new year's kiss partner," Namjoon says teasingly as he leans on the fence, trying to act as normal as possible.
"Psh, please. Even if I were down there no one would wanna touch these lips," you snorted, "Instead, I'll annoy you by talking about how fireworks work."
"You wouldn't be annoying me because I'm actually looking forward to it."
Those words were nowhere close to a confession, maybe not even close to what might be hinted as a confession, but your heart still did several backflips at what you heard. It's safe to say you were now struggling to keep your cool even in this cold weather. You cleared your throat.
Before you could think of saying something clever, the sound of people counting completely grabbed your attention.
50 seconds left ‘til midnight.
Namjoon was fidgeting even more now, but you didn’t notice because of how occupied you were with the thought of fireworks.
"People are counting," Namjoon says followed by a nervous laugh.
"I know," you gulped.
Should you tell him? Or should you just shrug it off and talk about fireworks?
 "So the way fireworks work can be explained by the law of conservation of energy, one of the most basic laws of physics," You start. Namjoon's eyes turn wide at the way you started explaining at lightning speed.
Maybe it’s best to keep these feelings to yourself.
"Before it ignites, it's total chemical energy must remain the same after it explodes. The energy is then released as light, heat, sound, and movement," you continued. 
40 seconds.
While you went on talking about chemical energy, you unknowingly washed away the nervousness Namjoon previously felt by the sound of your voice.
He's realized this before, but everything was much clearer tonight. Every little thing he's done for you these past couple of weeks was done out of something more than friendship— and he knew. As you continued talking about the physics involved in fireworks, Namjoon knew all he wanted was to get lost in your eyes and listen to the sound of your voice forever.
"There's also an action-reaction involved because it gives off hot exhaust gases that fire backwards, creating an opposite equal reaction."
30 seconds.
"So tell me if I've got this right," Namjoon places his hands on your shoulders, "Law of conservation of energy?"
"Right," You nodded.
"Law of action-reaction."
"And ____, I'm in love with you."
"Right— wait, what?" 
You could feel your heat leaping out of your chest while he stared deeply into your eyes. Are you sure you heard him right? Or were you hearing things? You wanted to ask him to say it one more time just to be sure, but at this point it was impossible to even choke out your words.
"I'm in love with you. I have been all this time," Namjoon continues, "You're the first person I want to see at the end of a busy day and you're the only one I want to be with whenever we go to certain places. I'd go on endless night drives with you while listening to you talk about the physics involved in fireworks and other things and I'm— I'm just deeply, wholeheartedly, in love with you.”
“Ten, nine, eight…” The crowd below continues counting down, even louder this time. Namjoon continues searching your eyes, feeling afraid that you wouldn’t reciprocate his feelings. His hands fall from your shoulders, but he doesn’t leave.
“Namjoon, I’m in l--“
Just as you were about to confess, the sound of the crowd drowns out your voice.
“What?” Namjoon squints and leans closer to you, but the crowd only gets louder.
There was no point in trying to shout it out. With one last sigh, you decide to muster up all your courage to gently grab the fabric of his shirt to pull him even closer.
Three, two, one.
As the fireworks lit up the sky, all you could hear was the sound of your heartbeat while Namjoon’s soft lips were pressed against yours. You could feel each other smiling through the kiss while his large hands cupped your face, making you feel even warmer. When you two finally pulled away, you couldn’t help but chuckle at the shy grin on Namjoon’s face. The sound of your laugh leaves him wanting more as he pulls you in for another.
Looks like you got your new year’s kiss after all.
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↣ all rights reserved © 2021 tteokggukk. please do not repost. translations/modifications are not allowed.
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moonflms · 3 years
➷。˚tissues — nct doyoung
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PROLOGUE ༄ -traveling to osaka after constant promotions, doyoung takes you abroad for a trip you both needed. in the middle of exploring the city, doyoung insisted to buy some tissues at a local convenience store.
PAIRING ༄ - idol! doyoung x idol! fem reader
GENREs ༄ - fluff, sentimental, travelling, idol au
W. COUNT ༄ - around 1k+
NOTES ༄ - first oneshot here ! lowercased. expect grammar and typo errors. simple wording.
do not repost. copyright belongs to @moonflms 2021. reblogs and likes are deeply appreciated! originally posted on my wattpad (@johnsparrot) and on twitter (@suhhvsco). enjoy reading!
"and why do we need a box of tissues, 'young?" you asked doyoung who was currently holding two different types of dry tissue from the same brand. "trust me! plus i'm pretty sure you wouldn't want wipes to ruin the make-up you have on." he convinced.
"if you insist. take the soft one." doyoung then returned the other box. "plus i don't have make-up on, stupid."
"oh, i know. it's that your natural beauty makes it seem like you have make-up done by a professional." he rubbed your nape as you paid for the things you've purchased, including the tissue box. you felt butterflies floating around in you and doyoung knew it very well. "that's why i have my mouth hanging open every time we'd attend a gala back in seoul. the make-up makes you even more gorgeous," he giggled as he side-hugged, making your cheeks turn slightly pink.
leaving the counter you both headed-out of the convenience store, greeted by the cold breeze of japan's winter.
you and doyoung planned for the past months to travel out of korea for a trip, just for the both of you. no cameras, no promotions, just quality time with each other. it was currently the second week of your travel and you both were finally back from sapporo.
hearing the news, the boys were excited about their deserved break after the constant promotions and guesting's held. most members expressed that they'd be staying home, considering tripping around korea instead.
doyoung wanted to visit japan despite being there a couple of times already. since the given break period was wide, he took the chance to go abroad. yuta, who would be heading back to his homeland a week later than the couple, immediately offered that his sister was willing to tour them around osaka. his sister could speak korean so that's a plus. shotaro contacted you and shyly gave a list of parks, landmarks, and foods to try out while being there.
the week you both arrived was calm, the opposite of what was expected. you predicted fans would be swarming the airport, knowing about sm's announcement and obviously doyoung's recent insta stories. but it was free, yeah there were a few fans with signs but it was different. they stood a good distance away as they greeted both of you warmly even from afar.
the first three days were in osaka as yuta's sister gave a tour around the city. food-tripping, shopping and lastly dinner at yuta's parents' house by the end of the day. 'tourists spots and pictorials are a must', claimed by doyoung during the months before.
doyoung wanted to bring you to sapporo as you fantasized about playing in the snow with the amazing surroundings.
"it's sad sapporo is so close yet so far." you sighed. "and who said we weren't be visiting?" he asked, making your eyes sparkle following by a tackle hug
doyoung's only goal was to visit beautiful cities, didn't matter whether it was near or far— as long as he was right beside you. he wants memories with the person he loves the most! he wants to give back to the person who has dealt with such consequences for the past years of their relationship. he's at peace as long it was you.
the week was ending and you both came back from sapporo a day ago. only a few more days left and it was time to head back to korea, so you both made the best out of the remaining time left.
right now, you both were walking to a park shotaro has visited a couple of times. you walked hand-in-hand, gathering warmth battling the snowing environment. fans were aware of them, but they respectfully gave them time to bond.
entering the park was the sight of cherry blossoms slowly falling to the ground making a pretty coverage above the path. trees dusted with snow, highlighting their pleasing green color, the same goes for the bushes. the park wasn't overall crowded, just right.
"excuse me?" a voice called out. it was a girl in her school uniform, a fan.
as the both of you turned around you immediately smiled. why? the fan gave you a bouquet of flowers! feeling touched, you hugged the fan despite you weren't allowed to. doyoung watched the scene happen with one of his infamous gummy smiles.
you noticed doyoung was really smiley since this morning. really clingy as well. you never brought it up as you felt it was not needed.
you both were now sitting on a bench as you both finished your pictorials, even managing to ask some stranger to take your couple photos (thanks to doyoung's japanese lessons).
you were held close to doyoung, while you both watched everything happen before you. "that guy low-key resembles yuta, don't he?" you asked as doyoung chuckled. "it's osaka afterall, pumpkin" he squeezed you from the side.
the thing is, the stranger really looked like your boyfriend's member, almost the exact person.
"hey, y/n.." doyoung started. you hummed in response.
"do you remember that one time we guested for hello counselor?" he questioned
"i do. why do you ask?" doyoung took off your glove from your right hand, following his as he interlocked his hands with yours. "that was nearly seven years ago. wow, time does fly fast." doyoung caressed the upper part of your hand with his thumb.
"and we met for the first time, who knew your ideal type was among me and my members?" you reminisced how your boyfriend confessed his ideal type (which was you) during the guesting, saving jaehyun's ass who the question was originally for. "jaehyun couldn't answer the question so i had to step in, i was being honest too!" doyoung perked up as you hit his shoulder, flustered.
"do i have to bring up that one time you talked about marriage plans on live broadcast? you were crazy 'young!" you saw doyoung turn red. "okay finee, we'll set that aside, ...for now" your bunny looked at you as he smirk, landing another smack on his shoulder.
"people were against it at first, but you were brave enough to deal with everything with me... thank you, baby." he pecked your hand. "look, you're so handsy as if you didn't panic holding sejeong's hand during your station" you joked since you felt the sentimental air getting intense. doyoung laughed as he whined, "stop~ i'm a pro now!"
"but, i really am! who knew we'd get this far! everything was stressful, well that's life. but it was made bearable because of your help." he continued
"six years going seven, despite all the hate at the start. i really applaud you for being such a strong woman," he added. "thank you. handling your whiney ass could get rough sometimes." you laughed once again as he whined.
"okay shut up, bear with my cheesy moment for a bit."
"honestly, i was scared. scared that i'd lose you after the news broke. i didn't want you to be gone by my side. instead, i wanted you to be by my side forever."
"kim doyoung where are you going with this!" you were teary as your boyfriend became sentimental.
he was right, it was hard to keep up with everything. "i was also scared. everything could've ended or went wrong just because of what we want." you admitted.
"exactly. but... we made it anyways" he pecked your cheek.
"y/n.. i love you, so much. and i know you know that. " he paused as he got teary as well. the journey you've gone through together started taking a toll on what you both feel at the moment. you could sense fans from afar that they were keeping an eye on you both. doyoung stood up as he pulled you with him. he hugged you as he brought his hand up to your head, making you rest your chin on his shoulder.
"y/n, i can't put into words how much you've done just for me. i can't express how you've done a great job on everything. i'm sorry that there were times where we argued, times where i wasn't by your side when you needed it... times where i might have blown off all the stress and frustrations on you. you didn't deserve those."
you were now crying, as he did as well. you could feel his heartbeat against yours, in the same pace.
"and what i meant earlier, i really mean it." doyoung emphasized. "i know you do, dongyoung."
"and that includes being with you for a long time" you felt your heart quicken its beat.
"y/n, i can see us together 'til the end, and i will make sure of it."
doyoung broke the hug as he looked behind, he waved his hand. you saw that yuta lookalike with a few others, it was his members. fans started to crowd from afar. he cupped and squished your tear-drenched face. he places a peck as he took a small velvet box out of his coat. you saw the box and started to break down. fans afar were screaming.
"doyoung?" you said in between sobs.
"as i said, i'll make sure of it. y/n, i want to have kids who have your eyes, our talents, and our smile. it may sound cliché, but i want to start a new life with you. no longer as my girlfriend, but my last love. my... wife."
members and fans had their cameras on, capturing the moment.
"take off that promise ring, now." he commanded as you did. "i'm going to fulfill that promise we made years ago." he left a peck on your knuckles.
"y/n.." he knelt down on one knee, holding your right hand which was ungloved earlier.
"don't worry, i asked everyone for their blessings. your parents, the guys, your members, hell— do i have to mention the tasks hyoyeon made me do before i could get her consent?!" he exclaimed.
"y/n... will you?" he opened the box as it revealed the prettiest ring.
you looked over the members who were crying tears of joy, mouthing a yes. you looked over the fans, which made them shout a yes.
"why wouldn't i?" he immediately stood up and carried you, crying as he spun you around.
he carefully placed you down as he places the ring on your digit. he hugged you once again, kissing your forehead. taeyong, whose face was drenched and shivering from the cold handed out a box of tissues, the exact one you've paid for at the store. now understanding why your now fiancé insisted earlier. you looked at him getting an 'i told you so' from him.
outdoing his goal, doyoung did not only garner undying memories, but a life-long partner as well.
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luvrl0sers · 2 years
Hi i would like to order a tarot reading for bts
My songs:
The Shirelles - Will you love me tomorrow
Carpenters - Yesterday once more
Arctic Monkeys - Baby i’m yours
Lee Hi - Only
Bts - Pied Piper
✨thank you✨
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❧ 𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖔𝖙 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖓𝖔. 15
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐢𝐬…
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐞 𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝…
“tonight you're mine completely
you give your love so sweetly
tonight the light of love is in your eyes
but will you love me tomorrow?”
“tonight with words unspoken
tonight the light of love is in your eyes
you say that i’m the only one
but will my heart be broken
when the night meets the morning sun?”
“i’d like to know that your love
is love i can be sure of
so tell me now, and i won't ask again
will you still love me tomorrow?”
❧ 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰 - 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐬
“when i was young
i’d listen to the radio
waitin' for my favorite songs
when they played i'd sing along
it made me smile.”
“those were such happy times
and not so long ago
how i wondered where they'd gone
but they're back again
just like a long lost friend
all the songs i loved so well.”
“it was songs of love that
i would sing to them
and i’d memorize each word
those old melodies
still sound so good to me
as they melt the years away.”
❧ 𝐲𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 - 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
“baby, i’m yours,
and i'll be yours until the sun no longer shines
yours until the poets run out of rhyme
in other words, until the end of time”
“i’m gonna stay right here by your side
and do my best to keep you satisfied
nothin' in the world could drive me away
every day, you'll hear me say
baby, i’m yours”
“yours until the mountain crumbles to the sea
in other words, until the eternity”
“‘til the stars fall from the sky
(baby, i’m yours)
'til the rivers all run dry
(baby, i’m yours)”
❧ 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐢’𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 - 𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐲𝐬
“on rainy nights or on lonely days
please color me with your shiny light
i’ll do better when you promise me we will stay together”
“now i believe
la-la-la-la-la, i sing a song like this
with the one i was desperately looking for
my, oh my, oh my, oh my love
be my only love”
“every step we take
it’s like a dance we perform together”
“on tiring nights and busy days
please make room in your heart for me to rest”
“my only one, when i see you
i want to lean on you, i want to have you
a love like this would make
even the most immature dream come true”
❧ 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 - 𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐡𝐢
“so this song is a reward i’m giving to you
you’re not being punished
come here, i’m your paradise
can’t close your eyes”
“follow the sound of the pipe, follow this song
it’s a bit dangerous but i’m so sweet
i’m here to save you, i’m here to ruin you”
“don’t worry, my hands
they’re only warm for you
if i’m ruining you right now
please forgive me
because i can’t live without you
because you know all of this”
𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐢𝐩𝐞𝐫 - 𝐛𝐭𝐬
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tysm for your patience and for your order, dear!~ 💓💞💕✨
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