#'I want them to sob in hysterics as they bleed to death'
densoro · 1 month
0 notes
What's Your Favorite Scary Movie // Shuriri // 18+
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Pairing: Ghostface!Shuriri x Fem!Reader 
Warning: Mentioned Death // Violence // Blood // Fluff // Angst // Attempted Robbery // Guns // Murder // Smut // Threesome //  
Word Count: 5.6k
A/N: I started over SO MANY TIMES. Felt like it wasn’t right or something was off but I am happy with how this one turned out. Sorry for making yall wait but here is the Ghostface crossover fic as promised. Not proofread so forgive the errors.
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When you first saw them, they were in the middle of one of their nightly outings. You shouldn’t have been there. You were supposed to meet some friends for a movie. But you just had to be stupid as fuck and try to help a woman who had ran into you. She was bleeding, scared, and disoriented. You would think she ran from a car accident or something. She held onto you while sobbing as you tried to calm her down. "Hey let's go ahead and get you to a hospital okay. You look like you've been hit by a car." You rubbed her shoulders making sure you didn't brush over any wounds. "What's your name? Where did you come from?" She cried into your shoulder before wiping blood off her cheek. "Anita. I was coming from a party and they started chasing me. Stabbed me." She was starting to become hysterical and you brushed her hair down. "Who chased you?' You said as a figure stepped out of the shadows. "We have to run!" She screamed out pulling you behind her as you navigated through the park. The figure was ducking through the trees and you went ahead of her as she started to slow down. You took the lead and ran ahead with her hand in yours. You could see the street ahead and smiled. "Come on, we're almost there." You couldn't wait to get to safety. Just as you passed through the gate the woman was snatched away from you with such force you nearly tripped up. The woman locked eyes with you and you can see the fear swimming in her brown eyes before she was stabbed in her stomach. You wanted to scream but couldn't. The scene in front of you had you frozen in place. The knife was yanked out before they stabbed her again, this time you can see the life fade from her eyes. You should run. Dropping her body they turned the mask in your direction and you felt glued to your spot. Your eyes flickered from the figure to the now dead Anita on the ground. The masked figure gave a small nod and you frowned in confusion. Get up and run. You jumped to your feet and booked it into the street. Running down the sidewalk you kept your eyes forward trying to get to your house. It's right there. Dashing up the steps you grabbed your key and went for the doorknob but the silence behind you had your hair on your neck standing straight. Your thoughts cut short when your head was tilted back as a rag was put over your mouth and nose. You reached back while your legs kicked in the air, trying your best to get out of their iron grip. "Relax, pretty girl." And just like that you were out like a light. 
When you came to you were in a bedroom with your hands and feet tied together. Pulling at the restraints you silently cursed as it didn't budge. This is not happening. The door slowly opened and you saw the mask. You leaned further into the headboard and watched them as they set the knife down on the small table. "You good. I won't hurt you." 
"What do you want with me? Why didn't you kill me at the park?" You couldn't help the questions that rolled off your tongue as they made their way closer to you. "Hate to break it to you ma, but you was in the wrong place at the wrong time. What was a pretty thing like you doing alone at night. You ever watch the news? Ever watch scary movies?" They said with a distorted voice and you felt a shiver run down your spine. The mask was lifted high enough for you to see their dark lips and you held your breath. "Use your words ma. It’s rude to not answer a genuine question." They stated in a light tone and you sighed. You waited anxiously as they took the mask completely off their head and your shoulders fell. She was gorgeous. And also dangerous, but you can’t knock her looks. You were sure your eyes were like saucers as she approached you. "Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you. As long as you don't try anything." You shrunk back into the headboard not knowing what else to do. You wanted to try and escape but with your feet tied together it wouldn't do you much good. She was so ruthless and dangerous when she killed people. She has blood on her hands but yet she spoke so softly to you. Inviting. As if she was afraid you'd despise her. "You're the one going around killing people?" Your fear must've been written all over your face because she was trying her hardest to stay calm. “Nothing gets past you huh pretty?” If you were in any other situation your heart would flutter but she just killed someone AND kidnapped you. You held your hard stare before you gave a small tug on your restraints with a sigh. "This necessary?"
"For now yeah. It was the only way she was gonna let you stay here." You frowned up and looked at the girl. "She?" Riri nodded her head as she walked to the side of the bed. You felt uneasy but did your best to look as calm as possible. "Never been kidnapped before." You mumbled trying to make subtle conversation. You caught her stare and saw a slight glint of worry in her dark eyes. "It ain’t personal. You saw us. Got to make sure you won't say anything to anybody. Wouldn’t want you getting hurt." 
"So she's awake? She better be with how much trouble we just went through for her." A voice called out and you looked behind Riri to see a taller woman leaning on the doorframe wiping her hands with a paper towel. Your stare glued to the red stains. She was a bit thinner but she looks like she could snap you in half if she wanted to. You were sure she was the one that grabbed you. Her curls fell over her eyes but you were sure she was looking right through you. Her accent made it known that she wasn’t from around here. You wanted to seem tough but you stuck in a room with two bitches that kill people. “This is my partner. Wish I coulda introduced yall on a lighter note.” You didn’t miss how she sized you up before a scoff left her lips. “This is her? The one who almost got away. Bast are we getting sloppy?” She slowly approached you before grabbing your chin. “Just because we left you alive doesn’t mean you’re out of the woods. So for your sake you better be on your best behavior.”
A couple hours have passed since you’ve woken up and you've still been kept in the dark on what they were planning to do with you. If they were gonna kill you, you’d like to know. There was a small knock at the door and you sat up quietly. Riri popped her head in the door and your palms started to sweat. "You still looking at me like imma stab you or some shit."
"Like you did ole girl at the park? I'm scared aight. Pretty sure I can be, you’ve killed people." You stated as the other woman walked in shortly after. "She has a right to be afraid. After what we did to those people. I would be too if I was in her position." You winced at the playfulness laced in her words as you watched the two carefully. "Please. I don’t have time for you acting like that.” You were sure she was toying with you at this point. Making you feel uncomfortable on purpose. “Shuri-” A name slipped off her tongue and the three of you sat in silence. The girl noticed her mistake and looked at her partner. “Look, we can only go forward from here. She’s here. Right now. It’s either you get over it or we send her back. Where she could potentially call the cops. The choice was made and now here we are.” You watched the two go back and forth not really knowing if it's your place to say anything. "Why do you think Riri left you alive hm?" She tilted her head and for the first time in this conversation you locked eyes with her. 
"I honestly don’t know. I’m just trying to stay alive here. If I upset you, I’m not doing it on purpose." You tried to level with her but she shook her head. You rubbed your hands down your dirty jeans and she scoffed. 
"You don't have anything to be afraid of. She made sure I knew you were off limits. So I can't kill you. But that doesn't mean I can't harm you." She pulled your chin up so you were looking her in the face. "Shuri-" The taller woman ignored her partner and continued to intimidate you. "You have become a thorn in my side the second we brought you back here." 
"Likewise." You mumbled and she raised an eyebrow. 
"So you do have a little bark in you." She smirked and you balled your fists. "You look like you want to say something. So say it."
"You seem to already know. So why should I?" You scowled and she grabbed the back of your. "Do not forget who you are talking to. I can rip your life away from you in less than a second." For a split second you saw the darkness in her eyes and you felt anger crawl up your spin. "Yo Shuri what the fuck! Let her go." Riri shouted, running to free you from the woman's grip. "Shuri, please calm down. We aint kids no more use your damn words."
"She shouldn't be here." Shuri spat as she ignored Riri's attempts to calm her down. You had enough at this point. You didn’t care if they stabbed you to death or slit your throat. You did NOTHING wrong. "You can talk to me any kind of shit way but when I bite back it’s a problem. What’s the matter, can’t handle what you dish out princess?” You spat before she grabbed her hunting knife off the table. You staggered a bit but refused to back down. You are too deep in the argument to back away now. She swung once but you back away so her next bet was to tackle you to the floor. You brought a hand to the back of her head, grabbing a fist full of curls. She brought the knife up and you used your free arm to cover your chest and neck. “Shuri! Ease up!” Riri ran up to grab her arm before the taller woman swung back. Riri dodged just in time before the blade made contact with her neck. Her eyes grew wide in shock before you felt Shuri’s anger disappear. “Shit. I’m sorry usana. I didn’t mean to snap at you.” She got off you, dropping the blade to cup Riri’s cheeks. You watched the exchange in silence before getting to your feet and walking out of the room, leaving the two alone. Riri came to you to apologize on Shuri's behalf sometime after but everything she was saying went in one ear and out the other. You had completely disassociated yourself. She saw you made no effort to speak and let out a sigh. The look on your face. She’d seen it before. When Shuri found out her mother had passed it's like everything else didn't matter. She wouldn't eat or sleep. Riri was the first to notice how you shut everything out. You just sat there and slept. And Shuri has been gone for the past 3 hours. The younger girl waited for Shrui to return and jumped to her feet when the door was pushed open. 
"Hey." Shuri locked eyes with her before setting her gear on the table. "Hey. How's um.." 
"She still hasn't said anything. You really freaked her out earlier. You can’t be snapping on people like that.” Shuri leaned on the counter with her head down as Riri reamined in her spot. “I know. I know.”
“Look Shuri, I think we're good to take her back home." 
"Out of the question."
"She was on the security footage from that night. The last person to see that woman. Alive. The police have swarmed her home. Checking everything inside and out. With her not being that for so long they're ready to pin it on her." Now she cares? You listened in on their conversation since Riri mentioned you going home but Shuri had a point. You'd be sent to jail on sight. The police force for this town was more of a 'act now ask questions later' kinda setup. "She has to stay here. You said it yourself, just till things calm down." Shuri left a lingering kiss to Riri's lips before she walked down the hall without another word and Riri looked back at the closed door separating you. On the other side you couldn’t help but feel a sense of peace. Shuri was right. You’d have to stay for awhile, a few more days at least. Taking a seat on the bed, you fiddled with your nails when the door opened. Riri walked around to face you with a blank stare. "Hey ma. Listen, I’m sorry about her, but unfortunately you can't go home just yet. Not if you don't want to get arrested." You didn't even flinch in response to her words and she sighed. She tightly grabbed your chin, she made sure you looked at her. Your eyes focused and went wide as she looked at you. "There's no point in sulking now. It's either you stay here with us or go back to get arrested. Which one you prefer?" You remained silent as a smirk appeared on her lips. "You need to loosen up a bit. I can help with that but you gotta tell me yes." You stared up at her with wide eyes before you took your lip between your teeth. “Promise she won’t kill me?” You couldn’t help your shaky voice as she brought her hands to your cheeks. Another voice cut in as she opened her lips to speak. “Cross my heart.” Shuri opened the door with a small smirk. You stared up at her but Riri grabbed your chin, pulling you into a feverish kiss. 
"You okay with this?" You nodded, pulling her flush against you with a soft kiss. Her hands immediately went to your waist as you fell back against the mattress. Any hesitation she held washed away as her kisses became sloppy and hot. "Then tell us what you want, let me hear how you want to get fucked?" Pulling at your pants she slipped her hand over your panties causing you to throw your head back. Riri left a trail of kisses, tongue and spit down your neck as Shuri leaned against the doorframe, watching the scene in front of her unfold. 
"Riri, fuck don't stop." You moaned out while the woman worked diligently on rubbing circles around your covered clit. Your legs spread to give her room to move when the sensation became more than a small jolt of pleasure. You urged her to go faster as she felt the wet spot she created, gently rubbing you down. "You can be louder than that. I know that for a fact." You groaned at her words before she pushed two fingers past the waistband and stroked your folds. "So fucking wet for me." She slipped her fingers inside you as her tongue dragged along your skin. You took the lead and started fucking yourself on her digits while she pulled at your shirt to reveal your gray bra. Not long after the piece was on the floor, giving Riri a chance to clasp her lips around your nipple. She curled her fingers as she sped up the pace, fucking you a bit harder. Shuri watched on as you clenched around her lover's fingers, feeling her own wetness start to pool between her legs. You took her so well. Brushing against your g spot, Riri groaned as you quickly come undone by her hand. "Fuck Ri I'm gonna come. I'm coming." You moaned as your juices spilled into her hand. She pulled away to admire the shine on her fingers before slipping on in her mouth. "You taste so fucking good." You move in for a desperate kiss with half lidded eyes, still warm and sensitive in bliss. You could taste yourself on her tongue before feeling another body beside you. You locked eyes with Shuri, tensing up before Riri tapped your shoulder. 
"It's alright. She gone take care of you too." You felt at ease by her words as Shuri leaned in to kiss your forehead. You sighed into her touch as her hand gently wrapped around your throat. Riri latched onto your pulse to keep herself busy as you fell into the passion of the kiss. "I’m sorry for earlier. I didn’t mean to scare you." Riri groaned against your skin before repositioning against the headboard. She brought her hands up to cup your breasts while Shuri pulled your panties down your legs painfully slow. "Will you forgive me Y/N?.”
"Trust us ma. We both know how to treat a lady." Riri added as she spread your legs. Gently tilting your head back to plant a hungry kiss to your lips. When you pulled away Shuri nestled her own hips between your thighs. "This is why you didn't answer my question earlier?" You said as she rubbed the tip of her strap along your dripping slit. She took her time slipping into you causing you to wince from the slight burn of her stretching you out. This one will take some getting used to. She was halfway inside before she grabbed your chin. "Look at me. Usana." The xhosa slipped off her tongue as you stared into her dark eyes. She then took the chance to fully bury herself into your warmth. Riri on the other hand took the chance to wrap her arm around your body to find the throbbing bundle of nerves aching to be touched. "Oh my god." You moaned out leaning against Riri's now bare chest. When she shed her shirt you'll never know. "Wait. Ri let me taste you baby. Please." You whined and she gave a small nod. "When you ask so nicely. Shuri pulled out to let you maneuver until you were hovering over Riri's clothed pussy. You helped her shimmy out of her shorts before a moan left your lips as you laid eyes on the wetness dripping down her thighs. Your tongue peeked from between your lips as you gave a single lick along her slit. The moan that left her was utterly disgusting and you wanted to pull more from her. She usually never let's you go down on her. You started to lap at her pussy as Shuri ran the tip of her strap over your drooling folds. With a sudden thrust you moaned into Riri's heat, the vibrations sending her into a frenzy. The woman behind you started her own pace while you flatten your tongue and lapped up Riri's arousal. You moaned out as she grabbed your hair to use your face to chase her orgasm. You slid a finger past her walls while your mouth worked its magic.
"Fuuuuuuuuuck that's it." Shuri wasted no time pounding into you while you helped Riri with her own. You licked, spit and sucked on her pussy until you felt her clench around your finger. "She's still so pretty when she comes." Shuri joked as Riri's body went limp on the bed. You could tell Shuri was close. The toy brushed against her clit with the same intensity she was giving to fuck you. The knot was so close to coming loose. The toy pushed against your abused g spot and you felt a second orgasm creep up on you. You clenched down on her strap feeling your juices gush out over her thighs. Soon after her grip tightened over the skin of your ass and her orgasm wrecked through her. "Look at that. You're so pretty like this." Riri held your cheeks as Shuri pulled out of you. Your body went slack against Riri's chest as you took a minute to come down from cloud nine. Shuri peppered a trail of kisses down your back. "You did so good for us Y/N. You groaned in response, not being able to form words as Riri ran her fingers over your scalp. “We’re not through with you yet, beautiful.”
You pulled yourself out of your trance from last night's activities when the lightning lit up the night sky. Leaning on the counter you opened the cabinet to get a bowl down. After filling the dish with Cinnamon Toast crunch you heard your phone buzz. Your eyes lit up when you saw a certain group chat icon on your screen.
Shuri: Didn't take you for a squirter.
You felt your face grow hot before hiding behind a pillow. 
Y/N: Neither did I but I guess you're just good with your hands. 
Riri: If you do that everytime, It'll get even better. You trying to slide through tonight?
Y/N: I can't. Got a tutoring session.
Shuri: With who? 
Y/N: That girl Tiana. Said she needed some help so she could pass her herbology lecture. But she was supposed to be here an hour ago. Idek if she's still coming.
Neither of them responded for a couple minutes and you began to wonder if something happened.
Y/N: Yall okay?
Shuri: Yeah, I had to make a call.
Riri: But she asking for help then don't show. Bitch crazy. Couldn't have been me. 
Y/N: Yeah I know you'd charge her an extra $300. 
Riri: Nah $400 just because I don't like ha ass.
Y/N: Ri! You stupid as hell 
Riri: I'm just saying. But look yall start the movie without me, imma swing by later. I need to handle something.
Y/N: Everything alright?
Riri: Yeah. The brainless jock ass thought I was playing about paying me. 
Y/N: Don't go to hard on him 
Riri: I won't ma.
You sat down your phone and put on some sweatpants before heading to the kitchen with your phone now in hand. You turned on the news and stopped in your tracks as the bright red letters urgent news caught your attention. 
"It's been 6 days since Anita Ubie was found stabbed to death just outside of Chicago's outskirts. This marks the fourth killing in the span of 2 weeks. We have suggested that everyone be cautious and the authorities have begun to set a curfew in place.
Your mind began racing over the past couple of days. It could’ve been you. But it wasn’t. There’s nothing you could do now. They brought you home so you could talk to the police and clear your own name. Thanks to Shuri it was said that a man Anita was seeing snapped and killed her when he found out she was cheating on him. You just so happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. You shook your head of the thought and went into your kitchen. You proceeded to put your dishes in the sink before the doorbell rang. You stood still in the middle of the kitchen, dumbfounded. You weren't expecting company at this time of night. You creeped up to the peephole and let out a sigh of relief when you saw a familiar face. You opened the door to see Tiana fixing her makeup with a man next to her. You recognized him as her sneaky link Tay.
"Bitch you were supposed to be here 2 hours ago. Alone." You sneered not to keen on people wasting your time. 
"Girl relax, I had to stop by Tay's place. I swear he can make any stress I have disappear with a good dick down. But decided at the last minute to bring him, he won't be in the way. I promise." She sighed, stretching her arms above her head as she walked in with Tay on her heels. 
"You reach out to me, saying you want a girls night. Then you wasted my time because of a dick appointment? THEN you show up here with said dick appointment. Where ya man? Cause last I heard, its sure as hell not Tay. You chuckled, closing your door. Not aware of the eyes watching the scene unfold.
"Look, he's not giving it to me the way I need it and Tay can. But that's a secret that stays between us." She frowned as you rolled your eyes. "Look, I'm sorry. It won't happen again."
"Let's just get this over with. I got shit to do. Just make sure you pay me my money when we done. Its extra for me to keep your little secret." You told her as you led the way to your living room. You took notice of how Tiana scanned the room before sitting on the couch.
"I gotchu. Maybe Tay can help you out sometime." You laughed at her offer before setting your books down on the table. "Nah. Don’t root for that team." 
"Really! I never would've thought." She said and you nodded before starting your late night study session. "Girl, what the fuck made you move all the way out here? All this land surely can be scary at night huh."
"It's alright. I tend to like being alone so it's not that big of a deal." You told her as she leaned down to grab the remote.
"Have you seen the news lately? People turning up dead left and right. Makes me not want to leave the house anymore." She stated with a shiver.
"Yeah shits wild. That's why you gotta have something to protect yourself. I always keep my pistol somewhere nearby." Your eyes moved from Tiana to Tay who seemed a little skittish. "You aight? You've been a bit jittery since you got here. I'm not going to shoot you. Not unless you give me a reason to." 
"Nah, just tired is all. Been up all day doing some yard work for a couple down the street from my house. Haven't really wound down yet." He told you but kept diverting his eyes away from you. 
"Yeah. In this heat I'm sure working all day will do it to ya. Hey I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back." You told the couple as you grabbed your phone and went down the hall. You hadn't noticed how Tiana burned holes in your back and entire walk until you closed the door. After doing your business you unlocked your phone to see a slew of messages from your best friend, Shuri, and Riri?
Nia: Bitch call me when you read this!
Shuri: Y/N Call me!
Nia: Bitch I know you're tutoring Tiana today. Watch yo back. Especially if she bring that bum ass nigga Tay. Streets whispering that they gone try to pull some shit on you. Saying they just robbed Jerome and his sister after she invited them over to her place. From what I'm hearing, the bitch don't like you. Please be careful. 
Riri: You said you was tutoring Tiana? Did that bitch bring somebody to yo house.
You frowned as you read the messages and cursed. You should have kicked them both out when she showed up 2 hours late with this nigga. You ran the water to pretend you're washing your hands before going under the sink for the gun you have hidden there. Sticking the gun in the back of your pants you walked out with a slight scowl. "I got to cut tonight short. We're done here."
"What but we haven't gotten to the last chapter yet."
"Yeah I'm pretty tired. Picked up an early shift tomorrow and can't afford to be late." You lied with a smile and Tiana's eye twitched. 
"Okay. We'll just have to finish another time then." She said grabbing her books. "Yeah. I'll get to you when I have an opening." She failed to conceal her annoyance as she let a sigh leave her lips. "Don't you want me to pay you?"
"On the house."
"In that case girl, I need you to hand over everything you got." Her friendly persona quickly dropped as Tay aimed a gun at you. You reached for your own and aimed back as you put distance between you and them.
"Don't fuck with me Tiana. Get the fuck out my house." You sneered as you noticed a shadow walk past the window. "Now."
"Look. I know you tight with Riri Williams. That bitch got people dropping bands to help them pass classes. Now all of a sudden yall fucking? I hear the gossip." She shouted as you began to back up. "There's a lot of students paying her Y/N. Meaning it's a shit ton of money. I just know she giving you a cut, so give it up and we'll leave."
"Bitch fuck you and your pansy ass side piece." You spat and her smile faded into a scowl. "I could always make Tay shoot yo ass hoe!"
"How many people you brought to my house?" Her expression switched to confusion for a split second and she scoffed, not even noticing your attention was on the door. "What? Why would I bring groupies to rob yo stupid ass?"
"So who the fuck is at my door?" You questioned and the two of them turned to look. You could see a figure standing there but you refused to run to check.
"How the fuck should I know? Tay tell them to come back later. We're in the middle of something." She said as Tay walked up to the door. He swung open the door to reveal someone dressed in a black cloak with a white mask. 
"The fuck. Nigga it's a little early to be dressing up for Halloween. Look at this nigga bruh." Tay laughed and Tiana giggled behind her hand. "Look bruh you gotta go. We busy right now. But when we're done, you're more than welcome to take some more of her shit. We just want the money."
"Shut yo ass up Tay. You talk too damn much." Tiana sneered as you aimed your gun at her. 
"Get. Out." She let her mask fall as fear crossed her features. Tay had the gun and he was preoccupied. 
"Tay. Shoot this bitch. We'll just take what we want and leave her bleeding out on the floor." She spat before Tay gasped. We both turned to look at the door in time to see Tay drop the gun. He sounded as if he was trying to speak but weird gurgling sounds came out instead. "Tay quit playing!" Tay turned at the sound of her voice and your eyes widened. His throat had been slit and his hand held the cut to try and stop the bleeding but to no avail. The person at the door tilted their head and you bolted up the stairs, Tiana not far behind screaming her head off. You could hear the steps of the intruder as you ran to your room. Tiana locked herself in your hallway bathroom. You slipped under your bed with your pocket knife close. The house sat silent. Not a word was said. But you could hear the slow footsteps echoing throughout the hall. Black boots stopped in front of the bathroom door and they rattled the handle. Tiana screamed for them to stop but they continued to torment the girl. That was until a voice called out from downstairs. "Tiana! Oh shit, is that Tay? Fuck- Tiana!" The intruder dashed down the hall as Devon came up the stairs. "Devon. They're still out there! They killed Tay." Tiana’s voice cracked as she cried in the bathroom. 
"What, who?" He asked, leaning into the door. "Unlock the door. There's no one out here." As the lock clicked she opened the door but the intruder chose to strike and bury their knife in his back. This one was different. Taller. Slimmer. Stronger. Devon shouted in pain as he was pushed into the bathroom. Between his shouts of pain and Tiana's screams of fear you put a hand over your mouth to silence your own sobs. Tiana slipped out the bathroom unscathed just to trip over her own feet. She crawled into your room before she was grabbed by the hair to lift her up off the floor. You locked eyes with her as the same knife that killed Tay, slid across her neck leaving a thick red line. She began choking on her own blood until she lay still on the floor. The intruders silently backed out of the room leaving you alone under the bed. Your carpet began to stain red the longer Tiana's body laid there. Moving from under the bed you quietly tried to reach the door and run yo ass up outta there. Fuck me.
You tiptoed down the steps trying to avoid tripping over Devon while searching for the masked intruder. When you reached the doorway a gloved hand reached out and wrapped around your neck and you stopped in your tracks. Staring into the dark voids of the mask you just stopped fighting and relaxed. You felt another presence behind you and looked up to see another mask. Tilting their head as they stared down at you, running a gloved finger down your neck.
"What's the matter ma, cat got your tongue?" The voice was distorted and you gave a small sigh. "Took you two long enough."
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aberfaeth · 2 years
teeny bullet train thing im not going 2 clean up [SPOILERS]
Tangerine lifts his necklace off and feels all of his heart go with it. Blood drying underneath his fingernails, metal chain warm where it rested against his neck, sharp ache of pulled muscles and bruises and bone fractures—none of it registers. Lemon is dead. Lemon is dead, and Tangerine wasn’t there to die alongside him, and he told him to be careful god fucking damnit, but now he’s dead. Tangerine felt his eyes burn for only a moment before something in his brain flipped a switch and now he’s—like this. Numb, cold, static fuzzing along all his edges.
With shaking hands barely attached to his own nervous system, he tucks the necklace careful over Lemon’s head of tight curls, notes the spasm in his chest with a detached apathy. This body’s a rental, now, anyway. Tangerine is going to run out the lease finding the White Death. He has no illusions about his ability to kill him, not after so fucking many have failed before him, but he knows he’ll die trying. And then he and Lemon will be reborn together, the way they always planned to. 
As fruit trees, maybe. In a garden together, roots intertwined, branches warring to be taller than the other. That would be nice.
Tangerine swallows, throat clenching over nothing. He finds a gun on the floor. Reloads, cajoling his traitorous, trembling fingers into obedience. Takes one last moment to curl a hand against Lemon’s neck, the way he’d done to Tangerine, not ten minutes previous. 
Lemon’s neck, which is still warm. 
Which is still tapping a faint, rhythmic beat.
“Shit fucking shit,” Tangerine gasps, scrambling forward. The gun clatters uselessly onto the bathroom floor. Tangerine grasps at Lemon’s neck. Finds a slow but steady pulse, there--laughs wet and hysterical, pain and relief and the white-hot fire of tears crashing into him. It’s like emerging from the River fucking Styx. Tangerine’s brother is alive. He’s bleeding, but he’s alive, and Tangerine has never been one for believing in God but he feels like thanking someone. Well—Lemon, maybe, for not fucking dying without him. “Thank you,” Tangerine mutters against his chest, bumping his forehead against the Kevlar vest. “Thank you thank you thank you.”
“Whassat?” Lemon grumbles, swatting aimlessly upwards. He was always the slower waker, out of the two of them—that wore off when they started sleeping with guns under their pillows, and to see his nose wrinkle in protest makes Tangerine want to cry with a vicious ferocity. 
And, fuck, why the fuck not. This day has already gone to such shit. 
“Oh, no no no,” Lemon says, voice going all high-pitched and panicked. He’s never been good with tears. When they were little, Tangerine scraped his knee on the concrete outside, and he’d fled. Came back two minutes later with a juicebox. “Don’t—I’m alright, see?”
“I fucking know,” Tangerine gets out through gritted teeth, another aborted sob choking its way out. “Stupid bastard, scaring me half to death, what the fuck even happened to you?”
Lemon roots around for something on the floor, shakes that stupid Fiji water bottle. “Think I got drugged. Teen girl in a pink sweater vest shot me, like, three times.” He winces. “Even with the vest, it fucking hurts, bro.”
Tangerine blinks. “So—you were right, then, about there being a Diesel.”
Lemon grins, then, and his teeth are a little stained with blood but even still Tangerine would be hard pressed to come up with a better sight. “I’m always right.”
“Yeah, you are,” Tangerine says, aiming for dry and landing solidly on fond. He grabs Lemon’s wrist, locates his pulse there, too, the last of that sharp-sour heartache escaping his chest with a sigh.
“Should we—I dunno, should we try to go and find the case?” Lemon asks.
Tangerine recoils. “Fuck no,” he says, squeezing tighter around Lemon’s wrist. “Fuck the case and fuck this whole fucking train. We are going to wait right here until the next stop, and if anyone opens that door I’m going to shoot them right in the  fucking face.”
Lemon chuckles, and then grimances, like it hurts. Tangerine shifts to put less pressure on his ribs, but keeps two fingers on his pulse. He thinks he might go insane, otherwise.
Of course, the person who opens the door is Ladybug, and an old man sharing a few facial similarities to the other prone body on the floor next to them. And he’s not dead, either, and the White Death is coming after them with an army, and there’s no time for Tangerine to shoot anyone, which sucks. There’s a bomb in the briefcase, apparently, which doubly sucks, because it means they’re absolutely not getting any money out of this travesty.
“We need a new handler,” Tangerine says, after this information has been revealed. He’s making a molotov out of some high class bourbon, which pains him—actually, that might just be the wounds.
“I like Julian,” Lemon says, in the voice that tells Tangerine he’s being contrary for its own sake. He’s over with Yuichi, fashioning a spear out of a knife and some kind of stick. The man seems to have taken being shot by him remarkably well.
“Julian sent us off on a suicide mission,” Tangerine bites. 
“He super did,” Ladybug chimes in, as though anyone asked. “You guys not know the squad you knocked off in Bolivia was the White Death’s?”
“Clearly fucking not,” Tangerine growls, fist tightening around the neck of the bottle. He takes a long breath in, lets it out slow. “Wouldn’t’ve taken the stupid job if we had.”
“Well, I’m glad we’ve managed to overcome our differences,” Ladybug says, blithely. Lemon was right—he’s immensely shootable. Something in his tone, maybe.
Tangerine shares an exasperated glance with his brother, and all that irritation bleeds out, replaced one-to-one by pure unfiltered gratitude. Lemon slaps a Thomas sticker into his palm, warm hand against warm hand, and there’s blood under their fingernails and pulled muscles and bruises and bone fractures—but luck is on their side, after all. They’re going to be just fine.
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sundaynightlive · 11 months
You Are in Love (Steddie)
Yeah, I’m a Swiftie, deal with it.
(TW: blood and death, I guess?)
Steve and Eddie’s dramatic ass reunion after the Upside Down debacle, secretly-daring-before-season-4 edition.
Just some sappy, fluffy shit. So short—impossibly short.
I have so much I wanna write and post but my wifi is down and I hate writing on my phone so we all out of luck until my grandpa fixes it lmao.
You can hear it in the silence.
Quiet, as the dust clears. Steve’s heartbeat is in his fucking throat—the tear is closed, and they’re alive. They’re all alive, even—
You can feel it on the way home.
It’s time he was honest, he knows that. He knows how long he’s been lying, how much he’s been hiding from his people—his family. They didn’t deserve that, but he couldn’t help not being ready.
He’d only managed to tell Rob, for obvious reasons.
He’s far from Steve, separated by the chaos, bleeding profusely from long scars on his back where there used to be wings—dirty, hair soaked with rain and blood and sweat—he’s looking at Steve, wide-eyed, probably shocked to be alive when not too long ago he was undead, and not long before that, just dead.
God, how that had torn Steve apart—no one to cry to except Wayne and Rob, nobody to talk to, avoiding Dustin like a plague, unable to offer a shoulder when he needed one himself.
More than a shoulder—whole bodies, whole hearts and minds to console him in his grief.
And Dustin is still pissed at him for this, and Steve has a lot of apologizing to do for the way he’s been. He has a lot of apologizing to do for his refusal to explain himself.
But right now isn’t the time to worry about that.
You can see it with the lights out.
Steve is crying before he’s moving, choking out sobs before he even thinks to go towards Eddie to hold him for the first time in ages.
He’s wiping his eyes, rooted to the spot, blubbering like a goddamn baby until Robin pushes at his shoulder, urging him forward, and he realizes that yeah.
Yeah, he should probably go.
“Go, Steve.”
You are in love. True love.
He stumbles first, and then he’s running. He’s never run while crying before, and finds himself teetering and stumbling, but it’s not enough to stop it.
It’s been so long. So long.
God, Steve can’t wait to bring Eddie home, to laugh and cry and settle in Wayne’s arms, too, and then get that fucker in a shower, and maybe climb in there with him.
Or a bath. Maybe even a bath.
He can’t wait to crawl into bed with him again, to wake up in the morning to coffee and breakfast, courtesy of Wayne. He can’t wait to show him all the things he’s missed, to bring him to Hellfire and let him learn Will’s campaign, to get him a job, to get him a life. Get him his life back.
He can’t wait to wake up whole. Without that empty fucking space, and that empty fucking vest.
“You fucking idiot,” he sobs.
You are in love.
Eddie holds him, bares the force of him and then holds him tightly, laughing hysterically, crying, too. Steve is smearing blood across his hands and Ed’s back, and he can’t bring himself to fucking care. It’s not terrible—the scars won’t be terrible.
Eddie’s alive. He’s alive.
And really, Steve could care less about the eyes on them, curious onlookers plus Robin, who is yelling something like—
“Fuck yeah! We’re alive, motherfuckers!”
���I’m sorry,” Eddie says, hoarse, and Steve pulls out of the hug, tears streaming down his face. “I know I said I—“
“You wanted to kiss me before we split up, you dumb son of a bitch,” Steve manages, voice breaking, shaking his head slightly at the intense relief washing through every cell in his body, “So do it, Munson.”
The smile he’s gifted is worth every second of agony.
Eddie’s hands come around his face and pull him forward. Robin hoots and hollers. Steve just pulls his boyfriend closer, crying profusely and hoping to never wake from this moment. Nothing in his life will ever feel like this again—
And, to be fair, it shouldn’t.
You can hear it in the silence…
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TW’s before we start: Mentions of d3ath, mentions of su1cide, mentions of $h, mentions of an0rexia, very angsty, emo
If any of that triggers you, please don’t read. Also, If you haven’t read part 1, please do that before continuing the story. If part 1 would trigger you, don’t read, please.
 “No…nonononono this isn’t real this isn’t happening THIS ISN’T HAPPENING” Kyle sobs. Kenny grabs y/n’s hand and presses it to his face, silent. Butters is bawling hysterically. Tears are rolling down Craig’s face, which nobody has seen before. Tweek figured everything out, and presses himself to Craig, crying quietly. Stan can’t process what’s happening, and is just standing, frozen. Even Cartman, who is still trying to look “kewl” in front of the guys is on the verge of tears. Paramedics bust through the door to get to her. One is performing CPR whilst two others are trying to stop the bleeding. “This is my fault… this is all my fault..” Kyle mutters while pacing back and forth, pulling his hair. “It’s not your fault Kahl..” Cartman says, his voice cracking. “YES IT IS. If I would’ve told Kenny to go in when he saw her cutting herself, she wouldn’t be DEAD.” He says, breaking down. As they all sit there in silence, the only sounds being their cries, the paramedic is still trying to resuscitate y/n. “Please don’t go..” Kenny whispers, still holding her hand. Suddenly, as if she heard Kenny’s wish, she breathes in deep. Everybody gasps. Y/n’s breathing was slow, but there. The paramedics start to carry her to the ambulance, and the boys follow them outside. “Meet us at the hospital.” “Can’t we be in the ambulance?” “No. You can’t. I don’t want you kids to see anymore of this.” 
The boys practically run into the hospital, “WHERE IS Y/N?” They shout, panicked at the receptionist. “Oh. D’ya mean the girl who tried to kill herself? She’s in room 420.” “Hah. 420.” Cartman jokes as they step into the elevator. “Now is NOT the time for jokes, fatass.” Kyle replies. 
They stand in front of the door for a moment, and walk in. “You must be the boys that found her.” The doctor says. The boys nod in unison. “What are her stats?” Craig asks, monotone. “Well, she is extremely malnourished, and, well, on the verge of death. You boys are lucky to have found her when you did. If you had been any later, she wouldn’t have made it.”  The doctor’s eyes narrow, “how did you find her anyways?” “NGGGGGHHH. TOO MUCH PRESSURE.” Tweek exclaims. “Calm down, honey. It’s okay.” “NGGGHOW IS THIS OKAY??” “Just play with your fidget spinners, honey. It’ll all be alright. We can go sit in the waiting room and I’ll buy you a coffee, okay?” “GGHHOKAY” Craig holds Tweek’s back as they walk back towards the elevator. The others explain the whole situation to the doctor. 
After a while, they decide to stay the night in the hospital with y/n until she wakes up. They decide to sleep there, go to school, then return afterwards. They knew it would at least be a few days before she woke up, but they still wanted to be by her side. 
About 3 weeks after this whole ordeal, y/n shifts, her eyes fluttering open. Everyone was asleep except Kyle. He couldn’t sleep, he was still panged with guilt. Tweek was sitting on Craig’s lap with his head on Craig’s chest, Butters was using Kenny’s shoulder as a pillow and Kenny was using Butters’ head, Stan held Kyle’s hand as he slept, and Cartman was on the floor. Kyle looked up and saw y/n look around. “SHE’S AWAKE!” Kyle exclaims as he jumps up from his chair and turns the light on. The boys practically jumped from their seats and ran to y/n’s bed. “Where am I?” Y/n asks. “Oh my god…” Kenny says breathlessly. Kyle slaps y/n across the face. “Owie..” “DON’T EVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN.” He shouts, tears forming in his eyes. “I won’t.” Y/n sits up surprisingly easily and is bombarded by all of the boys hugging her at once. “I love you guys.” “Oh don’t say that I’m gonna cry..” Stan says while everyone else chuckles. 
A few days later, y/n has miraculously made a full recovery and returns to school. The group of boys refuse to leave her side. They even follow her to the bathroom. They watch her eat and take turns staying the night at her house with her. Whenever y/n feels like hurting herself again, she remembers seeing the sadness on her friends’ faces and talks to either Mr.Mackey or one of the guys about it. She spends a lot of time in Mr.Mackey’s office now, but the boys still insist on coming in with her. Y/n’s scars are now faded and she has fully recovered from an0rexia. Her relationships with her friends are better than ever now, they don’t ever talk about the incident, (except for Cartman, who still makes jokes about the room number). They are all living their happy little lives together.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 2 years
Save Me/ 11
Pairing- Yoongi x Named Reader
Word count- 4.9k
Includes- Explicit violence, blood, torture emotional and physical, heartbreak, attempted murder, terror, gunshots, description of injuries, sort of death, Han-Jae is a murderous psychopath, miracles
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine
@xuxibelle @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13
Series Masterlist
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Yoongi POV
God, I'm so bored
I love the guys but going over this tour stuff is so boring
I just want to be with Joanne
I'm so happy she's coming on tour with us
I can't imagine leaving her and missing her for three months
My phone starts ringing and I look down at it
She's face timing me
I wonder why
"Yoongi!", the manager calls my name
"Sorry", I mumble and silence the phone
I'll call her back later
But then my phone rings again and I get annoyed stares from around the room
I silence the phone again
A minute later it rings again
"Oh god just answer it and tell them you'll call them back.", the manager says, getting up and leaving, "Call me when you're done"
I nod
I walk across the room to the window and answer the phone
Something is blocking the view and I can't see her
"YOONGI!", she screams, fear in her voice
I immediately stiffen and panic, "Joanne! What's wrong?"
"YOONGI!", she screams, "Don't come home!"
"What, why?", I panic, "I can't see you"
"I found her", a familiar voice says and my blood runs cold
Oh god no
"JOANNE!", I scream
"What happened?", Namjoon yells
"You wanna see her?", Han-jae taunts
"Where is she?", I shout
"Ok here you go"
Whatever was covering the camera disappears and I scream at what see
She's lying on the floor on her back
There's blood everywhere
Her face is a bloody mess and I see wounds all over her body.
And they're bleeding a lot
"No! Joanne! What did you do to her!", I shriek
"Oh my god Joanne!", I hear Jungkook yell and I turn to see him looking at my phone, tears pouring down his face
"Holy shit!", Namjoon shouts, "Call the police!"
"No!", Han-jae yells, "If you call the police you'll never find her body. Or any parts of her"
Parts of her?
He can't....he wouldn't....that's going too far even for him
"No, stop, no", I cry
"No police", he repeats
"No fine, no", I sob, "Don't hurt her. Please, don't hurt her anymore."
"Oh my god!", I hear Jimin breathe and I turn to see all of them behind me staring in horror at my phone
"Well I can't promise that", he says
She's sobbing in the background, calling for me
He turns from me and punches her in the side of her face
"No stop! No! Oh god no!", I cry, fear and rage flooding my body
"Shut up! I told you to stop calling for him", he screams at her
She doesn't listen
She keeps calling me
He turns her phone to himself and rolls his eyes, "I think she wants to talk to you"
He puts the phone closer to her
"Joanne! Joanne!", I sob, so scared
She looks so hurt, in so much pain
"Yoongi! Yoongi!", she cries
"I'm here jagi. I'm here", I cry hysterically
"D..dd.... don't, come home. Hhh..he's going to kill you after he kills me"
Blood is pouring from cuts on her face, she's in pain and she's still worried about me
"I don't care. I don't care", I shout, "If you die, I don't care if he kills me"
I hear Jungkook crying hysterically
Namjoon comes over and puts his arm around me, holding me up as I watch the love of my life bleed out on our floor
"No Yoongi. No. I don't want you to die", she cries, "Please don't come home."
"I don't want you to die either", I cry
"Aww well too bad.", Han-jae says as he moves the phone away from her
"What do you want?", I shout, "What do you want? I'll give you anything you want, just don't hurt her anymore"
"Want? I don't want anything. I told her that she's mine and the only way she can leave me is by dying."
"You fucking animal!", I scream, "Let her go"
"Well as you can see Yoongi, she can't go anywhere. See I stabbed her a lot and even if she wanted to I don't think she can move."
He stabbed her?
Stabbed her?
What the fuck is wrong with him?
"No..you fucking bastard, how could you hurt her?"
He moves the phone over her body and I see knife wounds all over
I cry harder
He lifts her arm up and I see more wounds
"Oh god, oh god", Tae cries
"Fuck", Jin whispers
Then he moves the phone to her collarbone and I see something sticking out
A knife
"See this? It's actually stuck in her bone! I can't get it out."
He reached for the knife and twists it
She lets out the most animalistic scream I ever heard
"Stop", I whisper in horror
He continues to turn and twist the knife
She's screaming so loudly and my heart is shattering
I can't breathe
I should be there, I should of stopped this
I should of killed him when I had the chance
"Stop it! Stop it!", Jungkook screams, "Stop it!"
He tries to lift the knife out but instead he lifts her up by the knife
She cries out and I hear her begging him
"Stop. Please, stop. Just kill me, please. Just kill me"
"No Jo no. Don't say that.", I wail
"It hurts Yoongi. It hurts so much. I want it to stop", she says through tears
"No jagi, please. Don't leave me", I beg
"Oh you're not gonna die yet. I'm not done with you yet."
I hear fumbling and Han-jae says, "Hey Yoongi. Look what I got."
A gun comes into view
"No!", I scream, "No don't. No!"
"Yoongi!", she screams, terror in her eyes
Han-jae cocks the gun and shoots her in the shoulder
I never knew a human could scream that way
He leans over and holds the camera above her
Her shoulder is bleeding a lot
I see his hand come into frame and he sticks his thumb in the bullet wound
I scream as she does
He twists his finger in the wound and as she screams he says, "Say his fucking name again. I dare you. Every time you say his name, I'm going to put another bullet in you."
"Stop! Stop! Oh god!", I cry
I can't believe what I'm fucking seeing
I can't believe I'm watching her die
"Fuck this", I hear Jimin say, "I'm calling the cops"
He walks away and I hear him on his phone, "You need to get to the apartment immediately. Han-jae Hwung is there and he's torturing Joanne Russo. He's going to kill her."
"Yoongi", she whimpers, her eyes closed
The gun goes off again and she groans
"Uh oh, I think she's dying", Han-jae says, "I shot her in the leg and she didn't scream
"Just kill me", she begs him, "Please. It hurts so much. I want to die. Just kill me"
Han-jae laughs
He actually laughs
"I don't want you to die yet. I want you to suffer"
"Yoongi", she calls me and I break down screaming
Another gun shot
She whimpers so softly
"Yeah she's dying"
"Why are you doing this?", I cry, "Why?"
"Because she left me for you. Now I'm taking away what you love."
"Don't, please don't", I beg
"She was wrong about one thing though. I'm not going to kill you. I want you to live knowing what you lost, knowing that you watched her die."
I cry harder
He moves the camera to her face.
"Hey. Wake up.", he shakes her and her eyes open slowly
"Any last words to your precious Yoongi?"
She looks at the camera and I crumble to the floor as I see unconditional love in her eyes
She smiles softly and says, "I love you Yoongi. Always. Forever"
"I love you Joanne", I tell her
She smiles again and closes her eyes
The camera moves and the next thing I see is the gun pointing at her head
Her eyes are closed and she's whimpering, struggling to breathe, a wet sound coming from her mouth
"No. Please. Don't. Don't take her from me"
"Say good bye Yoongi"
"No!", I shout
He pulls the trigger and shoots her in the head
She doesn't move, doesn't flinch, doesn't cry out, doesn't make a sound
"No", I scream crying and standing up
He killed her
He fucking killed her
And made me watch
"You're dead!", I scream at him, "You're fucking dead. I will hunt you down and I'm going to kill you. I'm going to make you wish you pulled the trigger on your head instead of hers."
"Good luck", he says then ends the call
I scream and throw the phone across the room, it shattering into pieces
I turn to see the guys looking at me
Jungkook is still crying hysterically, Tae holding him trying to calm him even though he's crying too
Jimin is standing looking shocked
Hobi is crying on the couch with Jin sitting next to him his head in his hands, shoulders shaking
Namjoon is kneeling on the floor where I was watching my jagi die
"Where's the fucking cops!", I scream, "Why didn't they come?"
"T.th..theyy said they'll be there as soon as they could. Th..they said the cops were dealing with a hostage situation."
I scream, then turn and walk out of the room
As I walk down the hallway, the guys follow me
"Where are you going?", Namjoon asks panicky
"To her", I growl
"You can't go there! He could be waiting for you!"
Anger fills my body as I continue to walk
"You know what Namjoon, I really don't give a fuck"
I whirl around to face him and them
"No Namjoon, you listen. I just watched some fucking animal torture and kkk...ki...", I stop and breathe
Fuck I can't even say the words
"I just watched the love of my life, the only girl I ever loved be tortured and killed. He made me watch her die and I couldn't help her. I was supposed to protect her and I failed her twice", I say through tears
Oh god I failed at protecting my baby
I left her home
I should of taken her with me
I shouldn't have let her out of my sight
And now she's gone
"I just want her. I want hold her before she has to be put in the fucking ground. And if he's there to kill me then he can. He took everything from me, she was everything. And I don't want to live in a world that she's not in."
I turn around and keep walking
"Do you want us to come with you?", Namjoon asks
"No. Just leave me alone"
I walk up the stairs to my apartment
I open the door and I see blood everywhere
The fucking cops still haven't shown up yet
I walk inside, to where I know she is
I look down and see her there
I sink to my knees crying
There's so much blood, most of her skin covered with it.
I look at her face and I lose it
I pick her up and hold her to me, sobbing in her hair, rocking back and forth
"Why? Why did you have to leave?", I cry
My god the agony is enormous
It's taking my breath away
"Why did you have to be taken from me? I can't live without you. I don't want to. I want to be with you"
Why did this have to happen?
My life is over
I died when she did
I mean what I said to Namjoon.
I don't want to live without her
I don't care if I die
The agony I feel at knowing she'll never smile at me again, never talk to me again, that I'll never see her again, is killing me
I sit there and just hold my world in my arms
I'm fucking enraged
I'm furious that he found her
I'm furious at what he did to her
But most of all, I'm furious at myself
I wasn't there
I promised to protect her
I swore I'd never let anything happen to her
And I failed
And this time she died
She screamed for me
She screamed for me and I couldn't do anything
That thought breaks me and I scream
She called for me and I wasn't there
She screamed for me to not come home
"Yoongi don't come home!", I can still hear her scream, "Please don't come home!"
She was scared
For me
When she was being killed she was scared for me
I don't deserve her
I look down and just stare at her through tears
And her chest moves
"What?", I say to myself
Am I seeing things now?
Am I wishing so badly that she was alive that I'm imagining her breathing?
Her chest moves again
I put my hand on her chest where her heart is
And I feel a heartbeat
"What?", I whisper
Her heart beats again
It's faint but it's there
I put my head down to her mouth and listen
I hear her breathing
It's shallow
But she's breathing
I look at her head, which I avoided looking at because I didn't want to see the bullet wound
I move her hair around but I don't see anything
I saw him shoot her
I turn her head to the side and see a huge cut along the side of her forehead
I look down and I see the bullet on the floor
He missed
He missed!
I need to get her to a hospital
I don't know where her phone is and mine is on the floor in pieces at the BigHit
I can't call an ambulance
"Shit!", I gasp
I pick her up, hold her close to me and run out of the door to her car
I put her in the back seat and I climb in the driver seat
I turned the car on and speed to the hospital
I burst in the emergency room, carrying her and screaming for help
"Help please. Help!"
I run to the front of the emergency room
"Help!", I scream hysterically, "She needs help! She's going to die! Please don't let her die!"
Nurses run to me
"Holy shit! Get a stretcher now!"
"What happened?", one asked me as they lead me to a stretcher
"She was stabbed and shot"
"By who?"
"Han-jae Hwung. But please help her. Save her. I love her. Please", I beg
The stretcher comes and I'm instructed to put her on it
They wheel her to a section of the emergency room and I follow
The nurses and a doctor immediately crowd around her, hooking her up to machines
"Faint pulse"
"She's barely breathing"
"She needs surgery, now."
"She needs x-rays!"
"She needs blood. She lost a lot, find her blood type now"
Amidst all this, I stand there crying not knowing what to do
I can only watch and not do anything to help
The heart machine suddenly starts making a loud rapid beeping sounds
"She's going into cardiac arrest!"
"Get the paddles! Get her shirt off!"
A nurse cuts her shirt open as the doctor gets some kind of paddle things
"Fully charged"
The doctor puts the paddles on her chest and the impact from whatever coming out of them causes her body to jerk up
The sight makes me sob harder
"It's not working"
"Shut up. Again!"
Please please please, I pray.
Please let her survive
I hear a long loud noise from the machine
"She's gone"
The doctor hands the paddles to a nurse and starts giving her CPR
"Give her 1 c.f. of Epinephrine and 10 of Atropine now"
A nurse grabs two needles and injects her with them
"Sir, she's gone, we should call it"
Call what?
Call WHAT?
The doctor ignores him and keeps doing chest compressions
"Time of death, 9:37 pm", a nurse says
"No", I sob
No no
She can't be dead
I can't, not again
I'm leaning against the wall sobbing hysterically when I hear a beeping sound
"She's back!", the doctor shouts, "Her heartbeat is back. Give me the paddles!"
He shocks her again and the machine goes back to the regular beeping sound
"Weak but stable for now."
"Prep for emergency surgery. Go!"
The nurses start wheeling her away from me
I make a move to go with her but a nurse stops me
"I'm sorry but you can't go with her"
"She's going to be in surgery for what looks like a while."
"What do I do?", I ask, tears still falling
"I'm sorry. I know it's hard but you have to wait."
"Wait?", I repeated
"Yes. You have to wait in the waiting room. You also have to fill out paperwork and answer questions"
"Paperwork? You have paper work on her. She was here last year."
"What's her name?"
"Joanne Russo"
She nods, "Ok but you still have to wait in the waiting room. We're going to do everything to save her."
She motions for a nurse to lead me to a waiting room
When I get there I use the phone and call Namjoon
I have been sitting in this damn waiting room for hours
Namjoon and the guys came as soon as I called and they've been waiting with me
They were shocked when they heard she was still alive
Shocked and praying she'd make it
The guys are all asleep except for Namjoon and Hobi.
We're watching the T.V. and something flashes on the screen
"Breaking news"
"BTS rapper Suga, real name Min, Yoongi, was seen running into this hospital's emergency room carrying a bloody girl"
"Shit", I whisper
A clip plays, showing me running in the room screaming for help
"Help. She needs help! She's going to die. Please don't let her die!"
It cuts back to the reporter
"According to the clip Min, Yoongi states that the young woman was stabbed and shot."
The screen cuts back to the clip
"She was stabbed and shot", I hear my voice.
"By who?"
"Han-jae Hwung", I hear myself scream, "But please help her. Save her. I love her. Please"
This is going to be a problem
Not for me because I don't give a shit but for the managers and the company
And the guys
I feel bad for them but at the same time I don't.
Because I don't care about shit like this and media coverage
I don't care if everyone knows I love her
But the managers will
They'll care about us losing fans because it'll get out that one of us is dating
But I don't
I would rather lose all our fans if it means she's alive
"An hour later the rest of BTS show up at the hospital."
A clip plays of the guys running into the hospital
They get to me and I see myself explaining to them that she's alive
"What?", Hobi yells in the video
"Thank god!", Jin proclaims
"She's going to be ok, right?", I hear Jungkook say on the tv right before he starts to cry again
Tae puts an arm around him to comfort him
Back to the reporter
"There are many questions left unanswered. What does BTS know about this crime committed to this woman? Who is this woman that brings out so much emotion in the members? And did she survive?"
"Well this is gonna suck", Namjoon says
"Yeah after everything we're gonna have to deal with this petty shit", Hobi adds
"I'm not dealing with anything. I don't care.", I say
"Don't worry Yoongi, we'll handle it", Namjoon says
"Thanks", I nod at him
I hope someone comes out to talk to us soon
I need to hear that she's alive
I need it
A few hours later a doctor comes into the waiting room
He's wearing scrubs
Bloody scrubs
"Min, Yoongi?", he calls
I jump up and he comes over to me
"Please. Sit", he says and I do
The rest of the guys come and sit around me
"Is she ok?", Jungkook blurted out
"As much as can be expected"
I breathe a sigh of relief
"She's stable for now but in critical condition."
"What does that mean?", Tae asks
"It means that while she is stable for now, something can go wrong. And honestly we are not sure if she will survive the night."
"What", I choke out
She has to survive
She survived all this, she can't die
"Her injuries were extremely extensive. She's being monitored round the clock in the intensive care ward. It's a miracle she survived with the condition she was in"
"Can I see her?", I ask
I need to see her, be with her in case....
"In a little while, yes.", the doctor said
I nod
"It was also a complete miracle we were able to save the baby"
My eyes snap up to him
"Baby? What baby?", I asked completely shocked
His eyes widen, "You didn't know? She's four months pregnant."
"What?", I whisper
"Yes. It was very fortunate that she was not stabbed in the stomach. In fact, except for a bruise, her stomach was completely left alone."
"Wha..What?", I stutter
"We suspect that the assailant was sitting on her stomach to hold her down while he attacked her. That would explain why there's no injury there."
"Oh god", I whisper
"She does have some defensive wounds on her hands which means she fought back."
Of course she fought back.
She's a fighter
It's one of the things I love about her
"I need to explain a few things to you about her injuries. I need to report them to the police and I want you to hear them from me first."
I nod
"I'm sorry to tell you these things and it will be difficult to hear."
"I know", I said
"I read her the files we have on her. And needless to say this attack was much worse."
She wasn't stabbed or shot last time
"Joanne has severe injuries. She was stabbed 13 times, with her arms taking most of the wounds. Other areas that were stabbed are her calf that was very deep, her shoulder blade, her chest, her side, her collarbone and her back. Her arm was severely cut open from one of the stab wounds, when it was dragged down her arm. We repaired it as best we could and hopefully with physical therapy, she'll be able to gain full motion of her arm back. The plate put in her arm from last year has knife marks indented on it, so we replaced those"
I'm numb as I listen to him
She was stabbed thirteen times
Who does that to someone?
Someone they supposedly love?
"Some cuts were shallow and others deep and we stitched and stapled them closed."
I bite my lip to keep from falling apart
"The knife that was removed from her collarbone, shattered it and we had to put pins and a plate in place to repair it."
I just sit there listening to what my baby had to go through with tears falling down my face
"She was shot four times. Once in the shoulder, once in the thigh, once her forearm and once by her head. We took out three bullets. Thankfully she was just grazed in the head by the fourth bullet and not actually shot."
"Yeah great", I say sarcastically
"It really is fortunate Mr. Min. If that bullet went in her head, she would have died instantly."
I close my eyes for a second, just trying not to flip out
He continues, "Two ribs broke and one of them punctured her lung. It was repaired and a chest tube was inserted to help drain the air and expand her lung. We had to leave it in for now"
I guess that was the wet sound I heard when she breathed during the face time
"Most of her left orbital bone shattered. It's a miracle her eye was not injured. The pins put in last year completely broke as well so new pins were put in to help repair it as well as plates to strengthen the bone. She cannot get hit there with force again. If she does the bone will collapse completely and she will lose her eye. It can't be repaired again."
"No oh my god!", Hobi yells out, "Oh god!"
Jesus Christ
She can lose her eye
Fucking hell
I'm going to murder Han-jae
I should of killed him the first time I found him hurting her
"I'm sorry. Her right eye had a very large deep cut from her forehead to her jaw. Her eyelid was cut too but not as severe as her face. Thankfully her eye was not injured and we stitched the wound closed"
She could have lost both her eyes because of that bastard
This is fucking insane
"She was hit in the jaw multiple times which caused some breaks in the bone. Again, we put pins in place to repair it and had to wire her jaw shut. It has to stay that way at least for the first part of her recovery. She will be on a liquid diet and we will monitor her and the baby while she is. We will make sure the baby gets the nutrition it needs"
"Shit", Jin whispers
"She lost a lot of blood and we did give her blood during surgery. We were not able to give her much anesthesia during the surgery. Normally it is safe for pregnant women but with her body in it's weak state and that fact that she flatlined once, we made the decision to not use much, if any. Thankfully she was unconscious for most of the surgery."
Did he say most?
"She woke up?" I gasp
"I wouldn't say wake up like we think about it. She made some sounds and we gave her as little as possible to keep her unconscious.
Unfortunately, we took x-rays before we found out she's pregnant. We've done everything since to protect the baby."
Fuck this is so much to take in at once
"Joanne also has a concussion but I'm happy to say that she did not flatline during the surgery like she did in the emergency room or during surgery last year."
I nod
I don't know what to feel right now
I'm happy that she's alive but I'm heartbroken, upset and so fucking angry that she's in this condition
And honestly I'm wondering how she survived all this
It really is a miracle
I hope she survives the night
She has to
"Mr. Min?"
I snap out of my thoughts and look up at the doctor.
"I was saying that even though she did not flatline her heart is still weak. She hasn't woken up and right now all we can do is wait for her to wake up on her own"
"O...ok", I whisper
"She's in recovery right now and I'll let the nurses know to get you in a little bit. I'm sorry but only one person is allowed in the intensive care at a time"
"That's fine. It's fine", Namjoon says,
"We just want to know she's ok"
The doctor nods then turns to leave
"Wait!", I say
"Yes?", he says as he turns to me
"The baby. Wha..what is it?", I ask
"A boy. You're going to have a son", he says
A boy
My boy
My baby is giving me a boy.
I actually smile a little bit
"Congratulations", the doctor says then leaves
"Congratulations Yoongi!", Namjoon says hugging me, "She's alive and you're having a baby!"
"Yeah", I say
"She'll make it Yoongi. She will. She's strong", Hobi tells me
"She's a fighter", Jimin adds
I nod
I know she is
She's been like that her whole life
I sigh in some sort of relief and wait to be brought to her
Half an hour later a nurse brings me to the intensive care
I told the guys they didn't have to stay
I told them to handle the media however they wanted
To tell them whatever they wanted
I really don't care
I'm brought to a room and I go inside
I see her in the bed, hooked up to all kinds of wires and I instantly break down
She looks so small in the huge bed, a bandage on her head and one over her eye, her face covered in bruises and stitches
I go over to the chair next to her bed and collapse on it
I take her hand and hold it desperately, putting my head on the bed and crying
"Please Jo. Please wake up. Don't leave me. I love you. I love you so much", I beg, to her, to the world, to god, to whoever, "Please baby. Don't go."
I reach up and stroke her hair, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I wasn't there. I broke my promise and I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you."
There's no reaction from her and it tears me up inside
"We're gonna have a baby", I choke out, touching her stomach
"A boy. Our son. He needs his mom to live so he can be born. He needs his mom. I need you. Please jagi, please."
I lay my head down again, gripping her hand tightly and I just cry.
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raulfictitious · 2 months
Stepping into the Sky - Prologue
"It's over, it's all over."
The words were whispered by an emotionally shattered Molly Weasley as she stared, dully, at the pale, terror-stricken face of her dead son: Ronald.
Her day had started out so normally. At least, it was normal considering the current circumstances. She woke up at five, made breakfast for Arthur and Ginny, bustled around the house grumbling at the dirt the twins had left behind after their visit last night, fed the hens and yelled at Ginny for leaving her plate on the table as usual. She didn't look at the family cloak, knowing all hands were at mortal peril and she squeezed her eyes shut every time they made a pass over that section of the wall. She was busy dusting the family photographs in the living room when the fireplace lit up Fleur tumbled out and crashed into the small table a little ahead. Molly screamed and rushed to help her daughter-in-law to the couch. She wondered why Fleur's clothes were so sticky and gasped when she realized it was all blood.
"Arthur," Molly screamed. "Arthur please where are you!"
"Bill," Fleur choked out weakly. "Where iz Bill?" At that very moment, her eyes rolled back into her head and she went limp.
Arthur rushed into the room with Ginny hot on his heels and they both inhaled sharply at the bloody scene.
"Arthur, get help and get to Shell Cottage! Bill is in danger!" Molly was in hysterics by now. "Ginny! Get towels, lots of them! We have to stop the bleeding until help arrives!"
Neither of them argued and rushed to do as they were told. Ginny brought the towels and together they tried to stem the blood flowing out of Fleur's mangled stomach. Ginny threw up as soon as her mother lifted her shirt and saw the extent of Fleur's wounds. Molly knew basic healing techniques but Fleur's wounds were out of her league and within minutes, Fleur was dead.
"Mum," Ginny sobbed. "Mum, she's gone." Molly ignored Ginny's pleas and continued to put pressure on her wounds while whispering words of comfort in her ears.
By the time Nurse Pomfrey arrived, Molly was clutching the bloodied towels in her hands and staring at the body of Fleur with surreal detachment. Ginny had run away to her room and was flinging cutting hexes around blindly. Tears were still pouring down her cheeks and she didn't want to be there when her father brought the news of the fate of Bill. She knew in her heart he was dead. She let out a scream of anguish and sliced her bed cleanly into two.
Arthur came back thirty minutes later, pale and worried. Pomfrey had, by then, sadly announced that Fleur was really gone and had covered her body with a white sheet that she conjured. She helped Molly clean her hands and vanish the blood that had soaked into her clothes too. This was when Arthur arrived with news that Bill was missing and the order was doing their best to look for him.
Remus and Tonks followed Arthur out of the fireplace and they grimly announced that the death eaters had found a way to break through the fidelius and they had to abandon all their safe houses.
A sudden rage seized Molly and she stood up abruptly with fire in her eyes. "Let them come," she hissed, wanting nothing more than to kill as many Death Eaters as she could. "Let them see what an enraged mother is capable of!"
"This is hard for me too, Molly," Arthur said gently, while inside, he too, wanted to unleash his fury on the Death Eaters. "But we have to go and we have to go now!"
Molly's rage was extinguished in the blink of an eye and she started to sob. "Oh, Arthur! Bill is dead isn't he?!"
"Get Ginny down now," he said to Tonks and Remus, but at that very moment the fireplace flared up again and the twins, followed by Kingsley, stumbled out.
They did not bother with niceties and looked at Arthur gravely. "Grimmauld place is taken," George said solemnly. "And there's word coming in that Voldemort has Harry."
"That's not possible!"
"I don't know if it's true but I just spoke with Charlie and we're all meeting up at the cave Sirius camped out in during Ron's third year," Fred said.
Molly gasped when she suddenly felt a presence wash down on her.
Arthur noticed and realized what it was immediately. "Have they come already?" he asked in horror.
"No, it's somebody the wards recognize," she said quickly. "I would have felt pain if the wards were taken down." She hurried to the door filled with hope of finding Bill outside, alive and well. "And will someone please get Ginny down before she tears the house into pieces!" she snapped angrily. She had ignored the destructive noises coming from above but now that she had hope, her temper too had made a return. "Pack whatever we can," she said to Arthur. "I'm going to see who it is."
"Molly no!" Arthur yelled, but all he yelled at was a swinging door. Molly was already gone. Frustrated at her impulsiveness, he ran up the stairs, two at a time, and hammered at Ginny's door angrily. "Ginny, get out here right now! We have to leave immediately!"
That was the last thing he ever said.
The Burrow was ripped apart, not by Ginny's spells, but by a dozen exploding hexes fired simultaneously. Death Eaters had broken through the wards from the south and were marching towards the Burrow with the intent to kill.
Molly; before the sudden appearance of the death eaters, had rushed to the spot where she had felt the intrusion. The wards told her the exact location and she froze when she saw who the intruder was.
It was Ronald. His arms and legs were bent at unnatural angles and he had a look of sheer terror written all over his face. There were terrible bruises on his neck and Molly's mind immediately made the connection to strangulation and torture. Molly dropped to her knees, feeling her heartbreak, and at that moment, she felt a sharp pain in her chest.
Molly didn't even flinch when the Burrow exploded. Her mind had broken at the sight of her son's mutilated body and all the fight she had in her was gone.
"It's over. It's all over."
There were flaming shards of wood and metal dropping all around her but she didn't care or she didn't even notice. Her eyes could only see Ronald's blue ones, wide open and empty.
There were signs of a battle taking place behind her but in spite of that Molly kept repeating the same words. "It's over. It's all over."
"Mum!" Ginny screamed, running away from the battle. She had been thrown out of the house by the power of the blast and had landed on the haystack which saved her life. "Mum, we have to get out of here! Mum! Fred and Kingsley are still fighting! Mum, are you listening?!" She caught up with her kneeling mother and saw what she was looking at. "Mum," she said, her voice trembling. "Mum, please get up. We have to run away."
"And go where Ginny?" Molly said softly. "It is over, we have lost."
Ginny grabbed her mother roughly and looked at her straight in the eye. Her clothes were torn, she was dirty and she was bleeding profusely from her arm. A cutting curse had nicked her when she was running. "Mum," she said fiercely. "We have to-"
She never finished her sentence. A killing curse slammed into her back and she crumpled to the ground; dead.
Molly didn't react. Everyone was already dead in her mind. She knew she was dead too. She gently wrapped her arms around her daughter, lifted her and laid her down beside her brother. Her listless eyes turned around and realized there was complete silence but for the black robes that were marching towards her.
The Order of the Phoenix was done for.
"All is lost," she whispered, still on her knees and now looking into the ecstatic face of Bellatrix Lestrange.
"That's right, filthy muggle lover," the witch cackled. "The dark lord has won!" Bellatrix Lestrange raised her wand, her eyes alive with insanity, and Molly Weasley's blood sprayed out of her neck coating the laughing woman and heightening her pleasure. The Death Eaters watched with delight as the woman's body fell atop her children and her head rolled some distance away. They cheered wildly, knowing their victory was complete.
"Let us leave Bella," Lucius Malfoy said, his eyes sparkling maliciously. "One yet remains."
One by one they all left until it was just Lucius who remained. He laughed when he soaked in the bloody scene spread out in front of him. "I am now redeemed!" he said with cruel delight and apparated.
In another part of Britain, a celebration of a different kind was taking place. Harry Potter was hanging by chains in the basement of Malfoy Manor and he swung from corner to corner, as his captors turned his body into a punching bag to satisfy their lust for violence. His wrists had been skinned nearly to the bone because of the constant friction between steel and skin. His face was swollen in several places; deep cuts criss crossed each other all over his back and torso; his pants were left on but there was a steady drip of blood trickling down to the floor through them, down his feet and toes. Harry had been tortured for an entire day brutally and he no longer felt pain. The more they beat him, the more he felt disconnected from his body.
Anthony Dolohov's fist connected with Harry's gut and he rocked back towards Goyle spewing blood from his mouth. Gregory Goyle laughed cruelly and kicked him on the hips sending him spinning towards Mulciber. This was the game Harry was involved in for the past hour and it was quite tame considering the unspeakable acts of torture that he had gone through before that.
Severus Snape watched all of this without moving a muscle to help the boy he had sworn to protect. He had failed to stay true to his promise and now Harry Potter's life was to end. There was only one thing left to do; flee.
Rudolphus Lestrange burst into the basement and the Death Eaters turned around to welcome their brethren but their expressions changed to fear when they realized who it was. They stopped their beating and for a moment the only sound that could be heard was the squeaking sound of the chains moving back and forth with a barely conscious Harry as an extension.
Deep within his mind, in a corner still untouched and unbroken, Harry wished they would start beating him again. He wished this because every time they stopped, he was drawn back into his body and the pain was agonizing. He wanted to scream but he couldn't muster the energy that it required and instead, he was screaming in his mind. It was just a matter of time before he went mad like the Longbottoms.
Lestrange gestured towards Harry and commanded, "Bring him, it's time."
The cuffs opened and Harry fell to the floor in a heap. The stab of pain that shot through his body made him cough up blood. Harry supposed the only reason that he wasn't dead was because Voldemort wasn't the one doing the torturing. He could only be killed by Voldemort and maybe there was some other force keeping him alive until Voldemort did the final deed. Harry was praying for that time to come soon.
"Quit it half-blood," snarled one of the Death Eaters and backhanded him across his cheek. He was then levitated to the main hall of Malfoy Manor, where the final event was to be held.
They had almost escaped Malfoy manor but it was not to be. Dobby had come to their rescue and had helped Luna Lovegood and Ollivander to escape first. Then the elf had been ready to take Harry, Hermione and Ron with him who were in the midst of a short battle. But before the brave elf could apparate, a silver knife was embedded in his heart. Dobby's firm grip on Harry's hand loosened and he fell.
"Dobby no!"
Harry turned the brave elf around, his eyes shining with fear for Dobby. "Dobby!" But the elf just smiled, glad to see the face of his hero, and then his eyes fluttered shut, forever.
In their shock, they failed to react when the remaining death eaters retaliated, and Ron was struck down by Yaxley. Harry was restrained by three Death Eaters and Hermione was blasted off her feet by Bellatrix, who had found another wand. Harry was forced to watch his best friend choke to death while the insane witch stomped on Hermione's neck until the last threads of life had left the witch. Harry couldn't stop the tears that crawled down his cheeks. He was then taken to the dungeons to be tortured. Voldemort showed up moments later, looking terribly smug, and while the Death Eaters held him down, Voldemort tried to break through Harry's mind shields. The Dark Lord was shocked to find the boy's mind was occluded to a level of strength that even he couldn't penetrate. It was strong.
The sting of being unable to break into Harry's mind enraged Voldemort and he commanded his men to bring Harry to an inch of his life. In that time, after gaining vital information from Grindelwald and the Ministry, he ordered the extermination of the Order of the Phoenix.
"How does it feel, Harry?" Lord Voldemort asked in a languid fashion from his throne when Harry was thrown in front of his feet.
The hatred that coursed through Harry's veins gave him the strength to look up into those horrible red eyes and spit blood on the dark lord's robes.
A second later Harry felt a foot smash into his face breaking his nose. The force of the kick sent him reeling backwards and he fell on his back. There were angry yells and calls for his decapitation from the crowd of Death Eaters after that insult but Voldemort just smiled. He calmly got up from his throne and knelt next to Harry.
The dark lord gently stroked Harry's cheek and Harry tried to jerk his head away.
"You have lost Harry," he said maliciously. "All your friends are dead and when I say all, I mean all."
Harry's breathing became faster. The order was safe! He thought desperately. They were under the fidelius charm and yet he could sense that the dark lord was telling the truth. His eyes scrunched up in anguish and he wanted nothing more than to somehow reach up and squeeze the life out of this monster above him.
"Two choices stand before you: join me or suffer for all eternity," he said softly.
Harry looked into those serpentine eyes and managed to choke out one word. "Never."
"I'm so glad you feel that way," he crooned and straightened up. "Bind him," he commanded.
Lucius and Bellatrix grabbed him and strapped him to the center of an elaborate rune circle.
"Has your mind snapped yet or do you still remember the prophecy, Harry?" Harry didn't respond but his eyes said it all. "Hmmm- I guess you do. It says that I cannot be killed by anyone's hand except for yours and you cannot be killed unless I kill you myself. Of course, prophecies are always open to interpretation but I, being an integral part of it, chose to interpret it so! Do you understand?"
The words pierced through Harry's mind and dread began to spread through his gut.
"Ooh, it looks like you understand!" Voldemort said in delight. He grabbed a fist full of Harry's hair, yanked his face up and looked into his dull green eyes. "I win Potter. My Horcruxes will keep me alive forever and my life cannot be taken by anyone else," he whispered and once again tried to penetrate the anguished boy's mind. This time he succeeded. He saw Harry's entire life flash before his eyes and at long last, he let Harry's head fall back on the floor. He had learnt whatever he needed to know.
He stared down at the boy's shivering body dispassionately before sighing and stepping back. "Begin," he commanded.
Lucius, Bellatrix and he himself took their positions around Harry and placed their wands at the edge of the rune circle. "Necto," all three said at once and began to pour their magic into the runes.
The runes, one by one, began to glow red. Once all the runes had turned red, together they said, "Mutatio."
The runes changed color to black and the suffocating power in the room jumped. The power was so strong that many Death Eaters were brought to their knees and their wands began to vibrate with power. Suddenly the power dropped and at the very instant, they screamed, "Signum!"
The runes began to smoke and the power in the room increased to such levels that almost everyone - except for Voldemort, Lucius and Bellatrix – were gasping for breath. Harry's screams began to reverberate throughout the room. One by one the runes rose above the floor and were burned into his body. Every time a rune disappeared into Harry, the structure of his body visibly began to change.
The death eaters looked on in wonder as a film seemed to settle over the 17-year-old boy and distorted everything about him. When all the runes were absorbed into Harry, the powerful magic began to die down allowing the occupants to breathe again and Harry could no longer be heard screaming.
What the Death Eaters saw shocked them to their core. Instead of a dead Harry Potter, which was what they were expecting, there was an inconspicuous brown slab in his place with three runes etched into it. The closest translation of the runes on the slab was imprisonment, eternity and liberty.
Voldemort knelt next to the slab and said, "It is easy to undo this seal but I'm going to make sure such an option never arises. You will live forever and maybe you will remain conscious or maybe you won't. But you won't ever be a thorn in my side again. Goodbye Harry James Potter."
The dark lord levitated the slab in front of him and took it out to the gardens of Malfoy Manor. He then pointed it towards the sky under the watchful eyes of all his followers.
"Dissiliatin tenebrasmundi," Voldemort roared and the slab took off into the sky. It went higher and higher and just when it seemed like it was about to fall back to the ground, the slab that was Harry Potter went supersonic, defying the pull of gravity. A few seconds later a booming sound almost burst every eardrum in the vicinity.
Harry Potter was lost to the world forever.
On board Serenity, August 2517
"Zoe, pack down the cargo. Wash, heat up Serenity. We're blowing out of this mess in a half hour." said Malcolm Reynolds, Captain of the firefly class vessel Serenity. Malcolm 'Mal' Reynolds was tall and fair, with a charming face and hardened eyes. He was fun-loving most of the time but if the situation called for it, he was tough and unyielding. He was the captain of a crew which smuggled illegal and sometimes legal cargo from one planet to another.
"Already there," Hoban Washburn said, climbing up the stairs two at a time to get to the bridge. Hoban Washburn, also known as Wash, was a pilot of unparalleled skill and he was the designated comedian and pilot on Serenity. He had curly blonde hair and mischievous blue eyes that were always looking for a moment to exploit and joke about.
"Come on Kaylee," Malcolm called to his mechanic, "let's go get our wayward babes."
After the captain and the mechanic left; Zoe, the first mate of the ship, was faced with an odd problem that needed immediate solving. River Tam: one of the paying passengers on their ship ran past her screaming in terror and hid herself in the secret compartment in the cargo bay which was used for smuggling. The almost 17-year-old girl was followed by an old, dark man with hair like a white bush stuck on his head.
"River!" he shouted, bemused.
"Shepherd, what did you…? Oh my god, what happened to your hair!?" Zoe laughed. Usually, the preacher, who was also another paying passenger on board, had his hair neatly tied up and today when River Tam saw, for the first time, what a wild mess it was, she freaked out.
"What do you mean what happened to my hair?!" Derriel Book said indignantly. "It's fine!" Book was a preacher, a man of faith, who had somehow found his way onto a ship of smugglers.
"River, honey, do you mind coming out so that we can start loading this cargo?"
"No," River Tam replied petulantly. "The hair is a problem."
"Shepherd, go back to your room and do something about that… that mess!"
"Fine," he grumbled and retreated back to his room.
"The Shepherd's gone back to his room and he's tied up his hair and he promises to keep it away from you," Zoe said, suppressing the urge to laugh.
Very cautiously River peeked out of the hidden compartment and looked for signs of a mass of white hair that she thought was capable of crushing the Shepherds brain and hers next, once it was done with the preacher.
"See," Zoe said earnestly, "He's gone."
"Doesn't mean his brains are safe," she said worriedly. Most girls would not react in the way River Tam did, but River Tam was a very special and unique girl. She was capable of reading minds and was known as a Reader. She also had an IQ that was off the charts and it was for these reasons; the Alliance – the authority over the entire human race – recruited her into one of their schools for the gifted while in reality, they spent three years experimenting with her brain. She was now a fugitive living on board Serenity along with her rescuer and brother, Simon Tam.
"Maybe not, but right now you gotta help me hide this cargo, understand?"
River rolled her eyes but picked one end of the long and heavy rectangular containers with ease. River was short with long wavy dark brown hair and large penetrating brown eyes. She looked frail and weak but she was easily the strongest and most dangerous person on the ship. She was deeply intuitive and prone to having sudden mental breakdowns.
"Where's Simon?" she asked the long-legged, dark-skinned beauty.
"They're getting Jayne who is basking in the glory of being a hero," Zoe said with a smirk.
River muttered a string of explicit words under her breath describing the trigger-happy man.
"Well that about sums him up," Zoe agreed with a laugh as they pushed the goods into the hole. River glared at Zoe and they quietly loaded the rest of the containers. They were going to put in the last one when River suddenly dropped her end and her eyes widened in terror.
"Not real, it's not real," she breathed out.
"River?" Zoe called out frowning.
"Can't, won't ... It's not supposed to exist!" she screamed and backed away from the cargo.
"River honey, calm down," Zoe said, alarmed. "What's wrong?"
River pointed a shaky finger at the last container and whispered, "It's not real, it can't be real… bones and flesh!"
Zoe didn't know how to handle the mentally unstable child. Only Simon could calm her down in such situations.
River's eyes began to tear up and she sank to the floor. "We have to destroy it, we have to break it!"
"We're not breaking or destroying anything. We need to deliver those goods intact or we won't get paid." Zoe was bewildered and she couldn't imagine what the cause of River's breakdown was.
"There should be three but there are four," River cried hysterically.
"Wha-?" Zoe then realized with a start that River was right. Bernoulli had mentioned that there were three containers but what they had was four containers. She took a closer look at the last one and came to a startling realization that it was just a slab. She dusted off the top layer and found some faded inscriptions on it.
"How did you know?" she asked River mystified.
But River wasn't listening. "It's an anomaly. Destroy it, crush it, cast it out." She just kept rambling so Zoe just wrapped her arms around the shivering girl and waited for the captain to get back. She just prayed that the Preacher wouldn't make a sudden appearance. She didn't even want to imagine what would happen to River then!
She was extremely relieved when she saw Mal coming up the ramp and then she saw the state the doctor was in.
"What in the rutting hell happened!"
"River!" Simon cried out and hurriedly limped over to his sister. "What happened?"
"Ruddy mudders," Jayne growled. Jayne was a huge muscular man with dark reddish brown hair and dark blue eyes who had a talent for tracking and killing things. His intelligence on the other hand was often subject to debate; mostly the debates were to determine if he was smarter than a monkey or smarter than a pig.
"What happen'd to River, Zoe?" asked a worried Kaylee. Kaywinnet Lee Frye or Kaylee as she was known to everyone; had a personality that exuded cheerfulness and sweetness. Her bright attitude about everything in life ensured that there was no sadness around her, even in times of great hardships. She was a gifted mechanic and had started to intuitively fix machines when she was just a child. She was fair, with light brown hair similar to River's but shorter and curlier and eyes that sparkled with happiness.
It shouldn't be here Simon, it shouldn't," River insisted.
"All of you quiet down!" Mal yelled, getting annoyed at all the chaos. He then walked briskly towards a black box with a small button and speaker and pressed it. It was a ship-wide communicator and into it, he said, "Get us off this moon and put the ship in orbit, Wash. We'll wait for Inara to dock her shuttle before setting course for Ariel. Once the ship is in the air, I want everybody down in the cargo bay on the double."
Mal's commanding voice ensured that everyone calmed down - River included, but she was still shaking and looking at the brown slab with distrust and fear.
"Ruddy mudders," Jayne muttered under his breath. He was still in shock about the events that had happened in the last twenty-four hours. Who would have thought that he, a mercenary, would have a statue of mud, built in his honor!
"Jayne," Mal warned.
Mal listened patiently as Zoe explained what had happened since he had left.
"If there are four containers we just deliver four instead of three. Might even get us a better payoff," he said to Zoe and then turned to the doctor. "Doc, you might have to increase your efforts in keeping your sister calm!"
River muttered more expletives under her breath.
"And wash her mouth while you at it," he added. "Did the Academy teach her how to swear too?"
"But Mal it's just a slab of... well clay I guess," Wash said. He had put the ship on autopilot and hurried down. "Don't you think Bernoulli will think that we've screwed him over?"
"Maybe it was just used as a support for the merchandise," Jayne said. "There's some delicate stuff in there you know."
"River seems to think it's something more Cap'n,"
"There's something written here," Wash murmured as he examined the slab, "But it's unlike any language that we know of." He ran his finger gently on the symbols and with a start, he realized they could be pressed in.
River started hyperventilating again and screamed, "NO DON'T!" But it was too late, Wash had applied some pressure on the symbol and one of them sank in.
Everybody backed away as the innocent-looking slab began to glow a pale shade of white.
"Mei Yong Ma duh Tse Gu Yong!"
The light grew blindly bright for a moment and when it died down everyone was shocked to see a body of a teenage boy dressed in rags in place of the brown slab.
"What in the hell?" Mal breathed in wonder.
Simon was the first to spring into action and took hold of the boy's wrist. "His pulse is very weak," he said urgently. "We have to take him to the infirmary." Simon Tam was a doctor and he had abandoned everything he had to rescue his sister. He had, at one time, been a supporter of Alliance propaganda but all that changed after he found out what they were doing to his sister. He had a handsome chiseled face and dark, short black hair and intelligent dark eyes.
"Huh? Oh yea, do your thing doc."
"Help me carry him, Jayne."
"I ain't touching a person that comes out of nowhere doc," Jayne said raising his hands in surrender and backed away.
"I'll help," Book said and together they carried the boy to the infirmary with Kaylee in tow.
Wash, Zoe and Mal just stared at each other helplessly. "Have you ever seen such technology?" Zoe asked in amazement.
"I haven't," Wash said, bewildered. "I pressed a button and a boy came out... Am I a magician?" he asked, sounding hopeful.
"You're a pilot Wash, definitely not a freaky magician," Mal said, rolling his eyes.
"It's probably Alliance tech," Jayne growled. "Maybe it's a new type of prison and that kid is a criminal." Jayne didn't know how close to the truth he was. At that moment, something thumped into the side of the ship and a loud latching sound was heard.
"Inara's back," Zoe said. "Let's head up."
The cargo hold was the lowest level of the ship and above that were the engine room and shuttle docking bays. The ship could hold two shuttles and one shuttle was rented out to a woman named Inara Serra and she was a companion.
A Companion is a person trained from the age of twelve in the art of self-control, religion, physical and emotional pleasures, psychology and a lot more things that are kept secret by the Guild of Companions. They form a part of the elite society of the Alliance and usually accompany the wealthy and powerful. Inara Serra was well on her way to becoming a high priestess of the Companion house of Madarassa but she, however, chose to travel the outer rim of the solar system among what the elite would refer to as scum.
The shuttle door slid open and out stepped a beautiful woman, dressed in an exquisite gold and red silk robe. She had curly black hair that was elegantly tied into a bun and a necklace with an image of Buddha hung from her neck. She wore dark red lipstick and the perfect amount of makeup even though any man or woman would, without a doubt, say that she didn't require it.
Mal hated her profession and he had intense feelings for her. "Finished whoring yourself out today?" he said crudely. To him, companion was just a fancy word for prostitute and he never kept that thought to himself. He made sure she knew what he thought of her job.
"Are you jealous, Mal?" Inara shot back. Her voice was low and soft. She too had feelings for Mal, but their relationship was too rocky and too full of conflict. She hated Mal's ego and his belief that he was right about everything.
"Mal, let's not get sidetracked," Zoe reminded.
Mal was startled. He was ready and raring to get into an argument with Inara. Zoe's voice cut through his tunnel vision and he remembered what kind of a situation they had on board. "Right," he mumbled. "Bernoulli's cargo had an extra something and that something turned into a boy," he said to Inara.
Inara stared at him like he was mad and rambling nonsense.
Zoe tutted under her breath and she explained everything to Inara calmly and clearly as they went to the Infirmary to check on the boy's status.
No one noticed River, still standing in the cargo bay, with death in her eyes.
"Is he going to be okay Simon?" Kaylee asked, staring at the boy in concern. Another aspect of Kaylee's personality was that she was extremely kind-hearted and sometimes naïve too.
"Well his vitals are fine now. His heart rate was terribly slow at first but now it's back to normal," Simon said. "Physically there's nothing wrong with him."
Mal walked into the infirmary and behind him, Jayne, Zoe, Wash and Inara followed. "Wake him," he commanded.
"I don't think that's a good idea captain," Simon began.
"Wake him now."
Simon sighed but complied with the order anyway and gave the boy a shot of epinephrine.
The boy woke up with a jerk and his eyes darted around the room in panic as he tried to clear his heavily confused mind. He tried to move but found that he didn't have the strength to do so.
"Who are you kid?"
He blinked at the voice and forced himself to calm down and focus. Why was it so hard to remember?
"I asked you a question. Who are you?"
"I-," he rasped.'
"Give him some water doc."
The boy accepted it gratefully and felt rejuvenated as water slid down his throat. Everybody waited for him to settle when finally, with the doctor's help he pushed himself into a sitting position. It was impossible not to notice his brilliant emerald-green eyes. Kaylee gasped and looked like she wanted to say something but a look from Mal silenced her.
"Where am I?" he asked hoarsely. His voice sounded like he hadn't spoken in a long time. The crew immediately noticed how his accent was similar to Badger's.
"You're aboard my ship, Serenity and I'm Captain Reynolds. Who are you?"
The boy frowned. "I'm on a ship?"
"Answer the gorram question boy," Jayne growled. "Who are you?"
"I'm Harry, Harry Potter and I honestly don't seem to remember much," he said, giving Jayne a wary look.
"How can you not remember anything?" Inara asked curiously. Harry spotted the source of the voice and his eyes widened at the beauty of the woman.
"Erm... everything seems to be a bit hazy in my mind," Harry said with an apologetic smile.
"Well, could you at least tell us how you turned into a person from what seemed to be a simple slab made of stone!" Wash asked. "Or were you a person who was turned into a slab of stone?"
"I'm sorry what?"
"You came out of nowhere. I pressed some weird button on... well you! And the stone turned into you! It was like magic!"
Harry zoned out at the mention of the word magic.
"It wasn't magic, Wash," Zoe said, hitting her husband over his head. "It was just some Alliance technology that's all."
"Zoe," Mal whispered, pointing towards Harry. The boy had gone rigid all of a sudden and according to the life support machine, his heart rate was steadily increasing.
"What's going on Simon?"
"I have no idea." He pressed his stethoscope to Harry's chest and listened for abnormalities.
Everything was coming back to Harry; the capture, the fighting, the torture and the ritual. That god-awful ritual which made him want to claw his eyes out.
"I need to get back!" he said in panic and jumped off the bed. Being immobile for so long made it difficult for him to stand on his feet and fell to the floor in a heap. He pulled out all the wires and needles attached to him and tried to move towards the door. Magic that had been kept dormant for centuries was coursing through his body once more and helping him regain control over his limbs.
"Hey, hey, calm down kid," Simon said, holding on to Harry and beckoning Wash to come and help him.
"No, you don't understand! He's going to kill them all! I have to go back and stop him!"
"Wha-" Kaylee began but Mal cut her off.
"Where do you need to go, kid?" he asked, hoping to get some answers.
"London," Harry replied urgently. "I need to get to London. Where are we heading right now?"
There was stunned silence.
"Are we still in the North Sea?" he asked, not recognising the shift in the atmosphere until Mal burst out laughing.
"London!" he said between gasps. "Kid, are you talking about the Earth that was?"
"Earth that was?" Harry asked, perplexed. What did the man mean by Earth that was?
"And we're not in a sea Harry Potter," Zoe added, "We're in space."
"I think he's another nut job the Alliance has been playing around with Mal," Jayne said. "We cannot afford to have any more gorram fugitives on board the ship!"
"Space? What do you mean space?" Harry was terribly confused and agitated. These people appeared to be muggles. How was he to explain to them how dire his situation was! He needed to get back to London and look for his surviving friends. He knew they were safe under the fidelius. He prayed they were still safe and alive. He needed to get back to them.
Zoe and Simon hauled him to the feet and took him to the bridge. "You're floating in the black Harry," Kaylee said sympathetically.
"It's black. It's nighttime. So what?"
"It's space kid … As in outer space … As in outside a planet's atmosphere."
Harry took a closer look and his eyes told him they were right. His mind didn't accept it. There were odd instruments all around him and outside, he could see some stars far away, but they were much larger than he remembered and they were not twinkling. He looked around him and saw all these unfamiliar people staring at him with curiosity and suspicion.
"No, that's not possible," Harry whispered finally. He couldn't accept that he was actually in space even if it seemed like these people were telling the truth. "This is crazy! Spaceships don't exist!"
"It is what it is, kid," Mal said.
"Stay back," Harry mumbled and quick as a light he grabbed Mal's gun, "STAY BACK," he yelled. He trained the gun on Mal and kept moving it side to side trying to keep it on all the crew members at the same time.
"Whoa, whoa, you do not want to be playing with that kid," Mal said trying to placate Harry and signaled Zoe and Jayne to keep their weapons away.
"Who are you really?" Harry spat venomously. "You all are working for Voldemort aren't you?"
"Who the hell is Voldemort?"
"Don't lie! This is one of his mind games, isn't it? Don't think you can fool me!"
"Kid, Harry, look outside and tell me what you see?"
Harry was panting and was very close to a nervous breakdown. "I- there's nothing," he stammered.
"That's right and do you really think we're working for this Voldemort guy?" he asked solemnly.
"N-no, you all look like muggles to me," he said. He was losing it. His eyes and mind were telling him two very different stories.
"Whatever that word means, I won't take it as an insult," Mal said and edged closer to the boy. "Now just put the gun down and we'll talk without the need for violence understand?"
Harry hesitated.
"No! Stay back!"
"Harry," Mal said calmly, "Take a deep breath and think. Are you really going to use that weapon? Do you even know how to use it?"
Harry's hands began to shake badly and he lowered the gun a little.
"Good," said the captain and punched Harry in the jaw knocking him out cold.
"Was that necessary cap'n?" Kaylee said dolefully. "He looked so lost and confused."
"A gun in the hand of an unstable person is much more dangerous than in the hands of one with the intent to use it, Kaylee," Mal said wisely. "Secure him, Jayne. We'll question him once he wakes up."
"With pleasure," Jayne said grinning with sadistic intentions.
A/N: To read more of my works do check out : https://www.patreon.com/raulfictitious
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The Foundations of Decay
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x F!Reader
Warnings: not comic accurate, death, graphic injury, blood, angst, so, so, so much angst
Word Count: 2879
A/N: In honour of My Chemical Romance releasing a new song, here’s the Jason’s death fic I promised. Didn’t think I would have time to post today, but my lab got out early. This is not comic accurate at all, so sorry about that, but I wanted to make this as angsty as possible. I might do more parts of this if people want them. Anyway, I hope you like it!!!
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Headcanon Requests Open!
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“Take me! Just let him go!” Y/N screamed, nearly hysterical, her eyes never leaving the knife the Joker had pressed against Jason’s neck. Jason was pretty much limp in his grip. His mask was missing which meant she could see all the bruises on his face, and his suit was shattered in several places, red oozing from underneath each crack. His blue eyes were focused on her, wide with fear. She knew, after everything that happened with Dick, she should have never agreed for Jason to take his place. She should have fought Bruce tooth and nail against it. But she had not. And now they might both die on this roof.
“You’re not who I was expecting, princess.” The Joker tried to smile, giving her his usual grimace.
He was right, it was Bruce who was supposed to get the message. But he was out when it arrived and he had not responded to any of her attempts to contact him. So, she had come in his place because the message had said there was a time limit.
“Please, you can kill me. Just let Jason go.” The tears were screaming down her cheeks now.
“Mom, run.” Jason choked out before the Joker shushed him by pressing the knife closer to his skin.
Y/N’s heart broke, he only ever called her mom when he was sick or scared or really wanted something. “Please. If you want to hurt Batman, you can use me.” Even though the Joker knew Batman was Bruce, she refused to give him the satisfaction of using Bruce’s name.
“Maybe he’s not the only one I want to hurt.” A dangerous glint appeared in the Joker’s eyes.
He moved the knife from Jason’s throat and just for a moment, Y/N thought he was going to let him go. But then he plunged the knife into Jason’s stomach through one of the gaps in his armour and twisted the blade. Y/N screamed as he pulled the knife back out and laughed manically as he dropped Jason to the floor. He moved to the fire escape, ready to leave, but Y/N was no longer paying him any attention, not when her boy was bleeding on the floor. She raced forward and dropped to her knees by Jason’s side.
“Mom?” It was a question, but neither of them really knew what he was asking.
She pulled him into her lap, supporting his head as she pressed both of her hands against his wound. “It’s okay, sweetheart, I’m right here. I’m right here.”
“I’m sorry.” There was blood on his lips. “Mom, I’m sorry.”
“No, you don’t have anything to apologise for.” She told him, looking at the blood pouring through her fingers. She knew there was no point even calling for an ambulance.
“Dick will blame himself, don’t let him.” He pleaded with her. “Dad too. It’s not his fault. Tell Grace-” He cut himself off with a sob. “Tell Grace I wish I could see her grow up, my baby sister. Don’t let her follow us, it never ends well.”
“I won’t. I promise, I won’t.” The sobs were racking through her chest.
“Thank you.” His said weakly. “For taking me in.”
She pressed her lips against his forehead. “I’d do it again. You’re my son.”
He moved a hand up to her face and smiled at her before one final breath rattled through his chest. His hand fell away and his blue eyes fluttered shut.
“No. No, no.” Her hand shook as she brought it up to his face and tried to wake him up, even though she knew he was gone. “No. Please, no.” She clutched his body to her and screamed. The sound was broken, pure grief, and anyone who heard it would know that someone had just lost a part of themselves.  
That was how Bruce found her not long after, covered in blood and sobbing as she hugged Jason’s body to her. His legs gave out and he collapsed to his knees next to her, his hands reaching up and pulling the cowl off. He knew he needed to be Bruce Wayne for this, not Batman. His eye make-up streaked down his cheeks from his tears as he reached out and rested his hand on her shoulder.
She flinched away from him. “Where were you?” She knew it was not his fault, but her grief reared it’s ugly head in her chest, looking for someone to blame.
“I’m sorry.” He knew there was no explanation that he could give her that would make it better. Not this time. “We need to call the police.”
She shook her head, gently shifting Jason onto the floor. Her hands moved to the remnants of his suit, systematically stripping him of all the pieces. The pieces she had built with her own hands, the pieces that were supposed to keep him safe. When she was done, she gathered all the pieces together and forced them into Bruce’s arms. “I need to call the police, you need to go back to the tower.”
She cut him off. “I got a message. It told me to come alone, so I did, and you were none the wiser.”
“No, I’ll stay-”
“Go home!” She screamed at him, a fresh round of sobs breaking free from her chest as she pulled her phone out of her pocket and moved Jason’s head back into her lap, her fingers running through his messy black hair in a sorry attempt to bring it to order.
Bruce watched her, his heart breaking, before he pulled his cowl back on and gathered Jason’s suit back up. He left, but not before pressing his lips against her temple.
She screwed her eyes shut and took a deep breath before dialling 911.
No one had been able to find Y/N any clean clothes and Bruce was so distracted that he had forgot to grab her any before he made his way to the station. They had wrapped a blanket around her shoulders, but it did nothing to disguise the fact she was covered in Jason’s blood. The police had believed her story without a second thought. After all, it was not the first time she had run straight into danger without a single thought for her own wellbeing. The entire time they were at the station, she could not bring herself to look at Bruce and she knew he had noticed.
“Mr and Mrs Wayne, we don’t need anything else from you tonight. You’re free to leave.” Gordon told them.
“Thank you, Lieutenant.” Bruce nodded and turned to Y/N.
She kept her eyes forward, staring at nothing. But she moved her hand away from him as he tried to take it. They both stood and she wrapped her arms around herself as she followed him to where he had parked the car. She kept the blanket around her as she got into the car, unwilling to let the blood on her stain the expensive leather.
Bruce watched her curl into herself as he drove off and stopped himself from reaching out to touch her again. She had every right to be mad at him. He had failed to be there when she needed him, when the message came in from the Joker. She had to watch Jason be mortally wounded and had held him as he died in her arms. He had failed to protect them both.
They rode in the elevator back up to the penthouse in silence as she pressed herself into the corner. Alfred was waiting in the main room, but she walked straight past him and made her way upstairs. She knew Bruce was following her so she locked herself in their bathroom and ignored his subsequent knocking on the door. She turned the shower on high and climbed in, still fully clothed. She watched the red stained water run down the drain, washing her clean of the blood. Jason’s blood. She ripped the wet fabric from her body as sobs racked through her chest again.
When she eventually calmed down, she scrubbed her skin raw in an attempt to clean off all the blood before shutting the water off. She left the bloody clothes where they were on the shower floor and dried herself off.  She wiped a hand over the mirror to clear the steam that had accumulated and looked into her own red-rimmed eyes. She pulled the lens case out of the draw next to the sink and pulled the contact lenses out of her eyes, stowing them safely in the case. She took a deep breath and walked back into the bedroom. Bruce was no where to be seen and she knew he knew that she needed space for a little while.
She got dressed almost robotically, pulling on a pair of leggings and a hoodie, and climbed into bed. She knew she would not be able to sleep tonight, but she did not know what else to do. There was a knock on the door and she was going to ignore it, but it was not Alfred or Bruce’s voice that called out to her.
“Y/N?” Dick cracked open the bedroom door and cautiously walked in. She knew Alfred must have called him to tell him the news.
All it took was a look at her other black-haired boy and she broke again. That seemed to trigger Dick too, because suddenly he was sobbing into her shoulder as she gripped onto him. She ran her fingers through his hair like she used to do when he was a kid, her mothering instincts kicking in and making him focus on his grief rather than her own.
“I should have been there. I could have saved him.” Dick sobbed into her shoulder, his hands turning into fists in the back of her hoodie.
“He knew you’d say that.” She told him through her own tears, succeeding in making him sob harder into her. “He told me to not let you blame yourself. There was nothing you could have done. Sweetheart, there was nothing you could have done.”
She carried on running her fingers through his hair and he eventually cried himself to sleep. She tucked him in the bed and pressed a kiss against his forehead. She walked into the bathroom and grabbed the lens case and put it in the hoodie pocket, just in case Dick decided to go in the bathroom later, he did not ever need to see what they had recorded. She walked out of the room, closing the door quietly behind her, and walked down the hall to Grace’s room. She peaked her head in to find Grace fast asleep, none the wiser to everything that had happened only a few hours ago. Y/N shut the door again and made her way downstairs.
Alfred was sat at the table in the main room with the tea set in front of him. He poured her a cup and handed it to her as she sat down at the table. She cradled it in both of her hands, her heart feeling empty.
“Where’s Dick?” He asked her, his voice rough. She knew Jason’s death was affecting him just as much as the rest of them.
“Sleeping. He exhausted himself crying.” She swallowed the lump in her throat. “Where’s Bruce?”
“Down in the station, I believe.” He told her, watching her closely.
She nodded, and they finished their cups of tea in silence. She pushed her way up from the table and made her way over to the elevator without a word. Her mind seemed to be working logically again and she needed to be near him.
Bruce was stood at his desk, uploading his contact lens footage. As she walked over to him, she could see herself on the screen, clutching Jason’s body and sobbing. He had laid Jason’s suit out on one of her work benches. She knew he was letting her decide what she wanted to do with it. He paused the video but kept his eyes on the screen as she came to a stop next to him. There were tears running down his cheeks and she reached out and rested her hand over his. He turned his hand over and laced their fingers together.
“I’m sorry.” He sounded broken. “I should have been there.”
She shook her head and squeezed his hand. “It’s not your fault.”
He turned towards her and she threw her arms around him. She buried her head in his shoulder and ran her fingers through his hair as he pulled her flush against him. He used a hand to shove everything off his desk behind them and hoisted her onto the desk. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him into her as she rested her forehead against his shoulder. He leaned into her, resting his head on top of hers. They stayed wrapped around each other for a long while, until she pulled back.
She knew he was watching her carefully as she reached into her pocket with a shaking hand and pulled out the lens case. She looked back up at him as she held the case out for him. He was looking at her with wide eyes, understanding exactly what she was offering him. His hand shook almost as much as hers as he moved it from her hip and took the case from her. He stepped back from her, just enough so he could reach out and pull the top desk drawer open, stowing the case away until either of them could build up the courage to watch what it contained.
He moved back to her and opened his mouth to say something, but the elevator rattling to a stop drew both of their attention. They watched as Dick walked out, his blue eyes getting glassy again as he caught sight of Jason’s suit laid out on the bench.
“Alfred asked me to come and get you.” He forced himself to look away from Jason’s suit, his eyes focusing on them instead. “Grace is awake. No one’s told her yet.”
Y/N gripped onto the material of Bruce’s shirt, her eyes moving from Dick to Bruce. “What are we going to tell her?”
“I don’t know.” Bruce let out a sharp breath.
“The truth?” Dick suggested, drawing the attention of the other two. “At least, what you told the police. She’s old enough to at least know that.”
Y/N nodded. “Yeah, you’re right.” She pushed herself off the desk, her legs shaking as they took her weight. “We shouldn’t put it off.”
Bruce screwed his eyes shut and sucked in a breath through his teeth.  He turned to Y/N, took her hand and pressed a kiss to her temple before turning to face Dick. “Yeah, let’s go.”
The three of them got into the elevator and a few stray tears slipped back down Dick’s cheeks. Y/N reached out and squeezed his arm. He shot her a small smile, but it dropped again as the elevator doors opened and all three of them realised what was about to happen.
Grace was sitting with Alfred at the table with an empty bowl of cereal in front of her. She turned to look at the three of them as they stepped out of the elevator and Y/N tightened her grip on Bruce’s hand.
“What’s going on?” Grace asked them. “Alfred said I’m not going to school today.”
Y/N glanced at Bruce and knew he was frozen. So, she left him and Dick in front of the elevator, walked forward and crouched down in front of Grace. “No, you’re not. Some-something happened last night.” She took a deep breath to steady herself. “A bad man took Jason.”
“What? Are the police going to get him back?” Grace looked from her mom to her dad and then to her brother, before looking back at Y/N.
“Grace, Jason-” Y/N took another shaky breath and looked up at the ceiling in an effort to keep her tears at bay. “Jason’s not coming home. He-he’s dead. No one could get to him in time.”
Grace’s eyes got wide as she struggled to grasp what Y/N had just told her. Dick let out another sob and Y/N glanced back at him as Bruce unfroze enough to wrap an arm around Dick’s shoulders and pull him into him. But then she turned her attention back to Grace.
“I don’t- He was here at dinner last night.” Grace’s blue-grey eyes got glassy.
Taglist: In the reblogs
“I know, sweetheart. He was. But sometimes… sometimes that’s all the time it takes for people to be gone.” Y/N explained, pulling Grace into her arms as she started crying. Y/N sat back on the floor, pulling Grace into her lap and running her fingers through her hair in an attempt to comfort her as she sobbed into her shoulder. Y/N glanced up at Bruce and knew he was thinking exactly what she was; nothing was going to be the same now.
Part 2
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sinfulwrites · 2 years
May I request Thomas Hewitt with a future S/O who is dragged by Hoyt to the Hewitt residence, but unlike the other victims they don't spit a single swear word at Thomas or attempt to hit him? They just do whatever they are told with the most fearful look on their face, not wanting to be hurt or even killed. When their time arrives they struggle and look at Tommy with pleading eyes, they even ask him to please spare them with the softest tone of voice
Sorry if it's too complex :(((
Feel free to ignore if that's the case and thank you for taking the time to read this! <3
Firstly, you do not have to apologize for being too complex. I love complex. You know exactly what you want, and it makes it so much easier for me to make something for you! I appreciate it more than anything.
I hope you enjoy this! I didn't add any romantic elements in it, but I tried to get everything in here from your request! I hope you enjoy it. I had a lot of fun writing it.
(Violence and dark content warning, Hoyt is a warning on his own, vomit is mentioned but not in graphic detail, cow prod torture, the term "doll" is used but I kept this as gender neutral as I could)
Down down down, in the Hewitt house.
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The scorching asphalt cooking in the brutal Texas sun was now dyed a deep shade of crimson. You were driving through this small deserted Texas town with some friends to bunker down somewhere warmer for the winter. Everything was fine, music was playing, you and your friends were having a good time jamming along in the car. Perhaps it was because you guys were so distracted that it happened. You don’t know why it happened, but the tires suddenly blew. The car was yanked on it’s side and skidded along the pavement, rolling every now and then. That was how you got ejected by the car, almost crushed to death if you were an inch off from the now windowless vehicle. Your forearms and legs felt like they were on fire, one look told you the whole story, road burn. You could only watch as the car did it’s last flip before settling on it’s side in the middle of the road. Your legs ache in protest but you forced yourself to your bleeding feet and limped over to the car to check on your friends.
The car’s interior was drenched in crimson. The driver of the car had their head bashed in after they slammed face first into the steering wheel, and the friend in the backseat had large shards of the windshield in their stomach and a piece of the car jammed in their throat. That was all you could see before vomiting at the sight you just saw, all over the vehicle and the road, it even got on your feet. A trembling hand found itself in your hair and clenched out of stress as you began to stumble and pace around the car, the only thing able to leave your mouth being very hushed “no… no…”
That’s when you heard it. The sound of police sirens, the sound so beautiful to your ears at this very moment. Tears ran hot down your cheeks and you could only laugh at the relief that washed over you when you saw the police car creep up to the disaster a mere feet away from you. You practically fell into this man’s arms when get approached you, a sobbing mess the second he caught you. You were in hysterics, so much so you failed to give his red flags any care; particularly the shotgun he pulled out with him.
“Woah there, get it together!” The man held you up by your shoulder with complete disregard to your patches of bleeding skin in the process to look you in the eye.
“Officer, my friends, my friends they…!” You fell back into sobs and tried to collapse back into this officer, but he kept you up straight.
“Get a hold of yourself, you're okay! Talk to me, what about your friends?"
You wiped your eyes with your trembling fingers while turning to the car, another sob leaving you when you looked back at the crash. "They're…"
"They're what? Are they hurt?" His fingers tightened on your shoulders, to keep you focused. That's what you assumed, anyway.
"No, no they're dead, all of them! They're all dead!"
You expected a shred of sympathy at the very least, but your confession only smeared a nasty smirk across the officer's face, which immediately made your stomach turn. You just now noticed how tight his grip was on your arms, you could finally feel how his nails were digging in. You had the wits to try and pull away, but it was far too late. He wasn't letting go.
"Now now, don't you go running off, you're in no condition for that." His hands readjusted his grip on you to pull you closer to him as you were desperately trying to keep as much space between you as you could. A sound akin to a whimper wiggled out of your mouth when you both were practically touching noses.
"Now. Be a doll and show me what happened to your friends. I'm sure they're alright, you're just all riled up because of the crash, we don't wanna leave 'em to bleed to death, do we?"
You wanted to puke again. You couldn't muster any words from your trembling lips, so all you could do in protest was shake your head. You knew immediately that it was the wrong thing to do. That sick smirk melted into an angry frown, and before you could even blink, the barrel of his shotgun pressed into your chin.
"I don't remember asking you to. Get over there and show me!"
With a harsh shove you fell right back into the crash you stumbled away from. Your already bleeding arms were made even worse thanks to falling on the broken glass. A whimper of pain slipped past your lips again but you got back to your feet too quickly to pay it any mind. Your trembling hands peeled the last remaining piece of remaining metal debris on the windshield to show the demented cop the corpses of your friends. You couldn't bear to look at them, you simply hung your head and sobbed, your tears joining the pavement with the blood and vomit.
"Aw damn, guess you were right. Those are some dead sons of bitches." That horribly fake smile crept back in his lips as he sauntered on over to the car next to you. You were such a trembling mess the harsh pat on the shoulder he gave you almost pushed you on the ground. "A'right, let's load em up."
You looked up at the man in disbelief, and he responded by spitting at your feet before gesturing to your car; with his shotgun.
"Sir… Sir, please…" No sooner than you got those words the gun was pointed at you again.
"I said load them up! You really gonna leave your friends here like roadkill? Who raised you?!"
That was enough for your tearful obedience. You muttered apologies to your friend's corpses as you dragged them to the cop car, the cop berating you every second of the way. When both corpses were placed in the back seat of the cruiser, the officer handcuffed you and shoved you in the front seat. All you could do was bow your head and lay your hands in your lap. The sound of metal dragging on the ground got your attention; answering the question you’ve had since the crash started. The line of barbed wire told you what you needed to know, someone did this. And you had a good idea of who it was.
The gorgeous sunset displayed behind the rural farms of the Texas countryside did nothing to comfort you in this drive to god knows where. Your eyes burnt from all the tears you had cried, they just simply could not produce anymore at this point. Your head laid against the window after your body simply gave up, too exhausted to fight anymore. Aching too bad to put up a fight. Each turn the car made down the occasional whimper to leave your lips, and caused an evil cackle from the man in the driver’s seat. With each turn, you realized your fate. You’re going to die; if you’re lucky, that would be it. If this man just wanted you dead, he would have killed you back on the road. One final turn placed a house in your line of sight, off in the distance. If you weren’t in the situation that you were in you would have admired the architecture. All it did was give you the strength to speak once again.
“Where are you taking me, officer?”
“Can you not fuckin read?” The man almost didn’t let you finish your sentence, he was so irritated by your simple question. He tapped his badge. “That there says sheriff. You can read, can’t you?”
All you could do was shut your eyes in shame, in fear even a wrong look will land you in even more hot water. “Where… Where are you taking me, sheriff?”
“You sure do ask lots of questions. You got the right to remain silent, you know that right?”
This is it. I’m going to die here. That was your final thought as your head fell back against the glass in defeat. The car stopping brought you nothing but dread. You heard the man leave the vehicle, taking his guns with him so you couldn’t use them against him. Not that the idea even came to your head anymore. Your fight or flight instincts have abandoned you, you’ve simply given up.
“Oh good, you’re already out here, boy.” You heard the sheriff speak to someone, getting your attention enough to open your eyes again to see the sun has almost completely abandoned you. There was maybe a minute of sunlight left. What caught your true attention was the man approaching the vehicle with the one who dragged you here. The sheriff terrified you because of his gun, but this man didn't need a weapon to scare you. The fact he dwarfed the entire car was enough to get you trembling and sobbing again against the seat.
The back seat was thrown open, and you could hear the man barking orders at the other, something about taking them downstairs, but you couldn't hear well because of your sobbing.
A smack on the window made you scream, but you mellowed back out into pathetic sobs right after. "Get this one tied up and gagged! I'm tired of hearing their mouth!" With that, the man stomped off to the house, after giving your tearful face the stink eye.
Your eyes fell shut as your head fell back against the seat in defeat. You heard the shuffling behind you, you felt the car rocking as the man removing the bodies in the back seat. Your body sprang out in goose bumps when you heard the back door shut, knowing that meant one thing. You were next. The passenger door opened, and so did your eyes finally. They tearfully looked up at the man towering over you but it earned you no mercy, you were scooped up out of the car and thrown over his shoulder to be carried to god knows where. All you could do was cry into the back of this man's shirt, helpless to stop this even if you wanted to.
The sounds of boots hitting the floor boards told you you entered the house, the smell also told you that. Something was cooking, but you couldn't tell what it was. Just as you managed to rip your face from the back of this man's now tear soaked shirt to see your surroundings you were suddenly grabbed by your hips and swung off his shoulder into a chair. He dropped you hard enough to knock the wind out of you, keeping you subdued enough to tie your hands to the arm rests.
"Please, don't do this…" You whimper out, but it falls on seemingly deaf ears. Your restraints are simply tightened to make sure you weren't going anywhere.
Now tied up, you and the man were both able to get a good look at each other. He did more than look, however. His large hand found its way in your hair to move your head around as he examined your face, his fingers tracing your face while also tracing his own, which was half obscured to your gaze by the mask he wore over his nose and mouth. A question couldn't even come out of your throat, you were terrified of the answer as to why you were being inspected like this. The level of delicacy in his touches just confused you, his hand was pulling your head around by the hair but he wasn't jerking your head around. His fingers barely grazed you when they touched your face. You had nothing but questions, but no guts to ask them.
The sounds of footsteps behind you made you stiffen up and start to panic again when you felt a second pair of hands hold your shoulders, familiar hands.
"Well now, it seems someone finally learned to keep their mouth shut. Guess we won't have to gag you." The sheriff grinned that nasty grin down at your tearful face. His hand trailed up your throat to your chin, and you wanted to puke when he licked his lips. "It's better when you can scream anyways…" You didn't want to know what that meant.
His calloused hands found the glass on your arms, making you gasp and jumped when he purposely pushed the glass in further. "Oop. Sorry, forgot about your little tumble earlier." His sadism just made you sick.
"Well, don't you worry. Thomas here will get you cleaned up for supper. You can stay, can't you?"
The two men exited the room, leaving you alone to wallow in your situation. Your eyes examined the whole room, your stomach not feeling any better by all your discoveries. Blood all over the table and floor, fingers laying on the table next to a pair of ears, there were some organs hanging from the light fixture in what you assumed to be décor. All these discoveries just brought you to tears ago, but all you did was drop your head and let the tears drop. That man, Thomas, tied you up so tight you couldn't even wiggle your arms. You almost wanted to faint, your injuries were catching up to you now that your adrenaline was wearing off. You were dizzy, your throat was painfully dry and sore from sobbing. You felt like cattle awaiting the slaughter.
Those heavy footsteps approached the room you were held captive in. That large man rounded the corner into the dining room and approached you once again with a cloth and water in a bowl, along with some tweezers. One of your hands was untied by him, but before you could even think of escaping he caught your wrist and pulled it towards him so he could keep you still and also so he could examine the glass in your arms. The tweezers were picked up and put to use removing the glass in your arms. While the hold on your wrist was tight, he was careful in removing the glass. You still flinched and gasped in pain regardless, you couldn't watch after a while, in fear of being sick again. When all the glass was removed and placed on the table in front of you the man put the tweezers down to reestablish your bonds. Once you were tied down again, he soaked the cloth in the water in the bowl to clean your arms with, after ringing it out over the bowl first. You hissed in pain when he began to clean you, but you did nothing to stop it.
"Please, just let me go…" You whispered to him, in fear of the sheriff hearing. The man simply sighed behind his mask before holding your face again by the chin, lifting it to meet his gaze. It was to clean the blood and dirt off your face, which you just closed your eyes in response to. The man may have been gentle with you, but you could tell he wasn't going to let you go. Even if he didn't seem to want to be doing this.
You were left alone again after he finished cleaning you. Your back fell back in the chair and you stared at the ceiling. The room was spinning, your head was pounding. Your eyes rolled back into your head and they shut. They stayed shut, even when you could hear commotion around you. People talking, plates being set, silverware and cups soon following. A pair of footsteps came up behind you and stayed there. You could feel the eyes staring at you, but your eyes were just too heavy to open.
You may not have been able to open your eyes on your own, but a shock of electricity did the trick. They snapped open and so did your mouth, screaming in response to the sudden jab in your side that delivered a harsh bolt of electricity.
"Does your momma let you sleep at your dinner table? Huh?" There was the sheriff yet again, this time holding a cattle prod in his hands. He jabbed you again with it, in the stomach this time. You wanted to curl up in a ball to avoid it, but your restraints made it impossible. All you could do was scream in protest, which was mocked by the one torturing you. "I'm starting to think you have no damn manners! Use your inside voice when you're at our table, asshole."
"Hoyt, give it a rest, won't you?" You heard a woman yell out from the kitchen. You saw her a moment later, carrying a pot to the table. "I told you not to bring any of those things to the table."
Amidst your pained cries you heard the man behind you huff and walk away from you, muttering to himself on the way. Your side and stomach now ached relentlessly, the electric shock still coursing through you in unrelenting waves along with the aches. There was no one to comfort you, you were left to slump in the chair and watch the table be set. The smell of supper filled your nose, but it only made you feel sick in this situation. Food was the last thing you wanted right now.
Hoyt rejoined the dining room, along with the woman and a new man you haven't seen yet. He was a double amputee, and he didn't even spare you a passing glance. There was no acknowledgement. Not from him, not from the woman either. The only one to give you a glance was Hoyt, who just winked at you when you locked eyes. Everyone took their seats in front of their bowls, Hoyt stayed standing though. He looked around for a moment before sighing and leaving the room.
"Thomas!" Hoyt shouted from down the hall. "Thomas, get your ass up here, we're ready to eat, boy!!" The man playing sheriff came back to the dining room without Thomas, but not even a second passed by before Hoyt was hollering again. "Thomas!!!"
A part of you almost wanted to tell him to relax, he just called for him, but you wisely kept your mouth shut. Hoyt was about to scream again before the sound of a large metal door swung open and fast, heavy footsteps rushed to the dining room. It was Thomas, you already knew it was him, but he seemed to linger behind you out of your vision. His arrival was just met with an eye roll from Hoyt.
"There you are, making us all wait…" Hoyt took his place at the front of the table, taking a deep sigh before taking a seat in front of his bowl. His eyes met yours again. He got an idea, you could tell by the glint in his eye, it made you want to cry again.
"You know, I think we should let our guest say grace tonight."
Now all eyes were on you. Your heart began to race as you looked between everyone staring at you, expecting you to start saying grace. You started to tremble, knowing you couldn't say grace, you never had before. Your family wasn't religious. Hoyt slammed his fist on the table, making your eyes shut and drop heavy tears down your cheeks.
"I said, say grace! We can't eat until you say it, damn it!"
"Please sir, I don't know how! Please…"
That seemed to put the nail in the coffin. Hoyt was disgusted, at least he looked it. "You don't know how to say grace? Oh I've had it with you, we don't let your sinful kind sit at this table! Thomas, take them downstairs!"
Your heart immediately dropped, you shook your head and tried to plead for your life but Thomas had his hands on you before you could even open your mouth. Your hands were freed from your bonds and you were lifted like you were previously from the car, flung over the same shoulder just as before as well. The dining room was long out of sight. The front door was moving further and further from you, and the tight grip on your thighs told you it wasn't going to be any closer in your future.
You were taken down a set of stairs. You could hear water splashing once you reached the bottom, seeing the muddy puddle the man walked through before you looked up and saw much worse sights. Blood soaked every inch of the room, bloody tools littered the walls, human faces lined the tables that were free of tools or junk. There was a giant bloody table in the center of the room, the middle of it seemingly ripped into by something. Your fight or flight finally kicked it, but it was too late, you were dropped on the bloody table and had the wind knocked out of you once again. Your head throbbed after being hit against the wood, but it was the least of your worries right now. Thomas held you down with a single hand on your throat, and you didn't have to test it to know he could keep you there one handed if he had to.
"Please don't do this! Please…" You wept, collapsing into a sobbing, pleading mess. It was all you could do, it was the only thing you could do. "Please don't kill me, please…"
Your words seemed to fall on deaf ears again as the man shuffled around for a tool to kill you, you presumed. His hand even left your throat, but all you did was curl up and sob. Running didn't even seem like an option anymore. You wouldn't get very far. You heard him pick up someone, and when you looked over you saw it was a chainsaw.
"No…" Your forehead hit the table in defeat. You were trembling like a leaf on this bloody butchers table, feeling as pathetic as you probably looked. He stepped in front of you with the weapon, and all you could do was sob. "No, please…"
The chainsaw revved up. The ear piercing sound made you want to scream, but all you did was finally look up at him with your tearful gaze, your last attempt as mercy for your life. It seemed to do nothing as Thomas lifted the chainsaw above you, but he just couldn't seem to bring himself to do it. Your tearful eyes locked with his own, and deep down, you could see the guilt in his eyes. The rest of the folk upstairs may have been unphased by your desperate pleas for your life, but this man wasn't. You were pulling at his heart strings.
The chainsaw was slowly brought down, though it was not turned off. Thomas reached out towards you, his hand once again on your face to wipe the tears running over your previous tear stains, and you leaned in despite the circumstances. You just wept as he wiped your tears. He couldn't kill you, not like this. There was something about you, you were different. You weren't like every other poor soul who got dragged down here, none begged so fearfully, so genuinely. You were afraid of him, but not the way others were. You feared him because of the circumstances, not because you thought he was some creature. You were a good person, and he just couldn't put his saw through you like he did so many others.
And so, the chainsaw hit the ground.
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lazyalani · 2 years
| Sanzu Haruchiyo × [F!Reader]
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| Comfort
| angst, bonten, cursings, death, sanzu breaks down, koko and sanzu friendship? sanzu is traumatized :(
| Summary: Koko accidentally hits a sensitive nerve and everything comes crashing back down on Sanzu.
| Tokyo Revengers Masterlist
| Main Masterlist
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"What the hell is wrong with your necklace, Koko? BAHAHAHA! It looks like junk!" Sanzu bursted out laughing, pointing his finger at his co-worker's necklace.
"Real mature, pinky." Ran stated.
"Real original, Jose Rizal." Sanzu retorted.
"Who the fuck is that--"
Koko immediately changed moods from proudly showing off his necklace to wanting to bash the strawberry's head in Takeomi's dirty toilet.
"Oh yeah? What's wrong with your fucking bracelet, then? It looks trash--" Koko got cut off by Rindou's horrified yell.
Koko irritatedly looked at him. "What?!"
Ran and Takeomi instantly turned to look at Sanzu's reaction, hoping he wouldn't snap.
Sanzu's face that turned blank earlier suddenly formed a big smile as he just laughed and turned to walk away from them.
"You guys act as if he really would get offended, look at that bastard laughing!" Koko exclaimed.
"Can you hear him?! That little shit's really crazy--"
"Haru!" You called out to your boyfriend.
"Geez, I can hear you, you know? You need to stop screaming out of nowhere." He replied.
You just giggled and took his wrist, placing a certain item.
Sanzu blinked and inspected it. "A bracelet? Is there an ocassion? Did I forget it's my birthday again? But why a bracelet-- pink at that." He checked out the date on his phone.
You laughed at him. "No! Silly, is it bad that I just want to give you a present? And hey, pink suits you, okay? Just wear it for me everytime, alright?? It's a symbol of our love and loyalty!" You held out your pinky.
He sighed and wrapped his pinky around yours. "Alright, I promise. This is really cringey though."
"I love you too!"
"--HAHAHAhahaha..." His laughs slowly turned into sobs as he shut the door of his room.
"Ahh.... It hurts. Fuck." He slid down beside his bed, holding his head as tears fell down his face. He didn't know why. Or maybe he did.
"Why does it hurt? [Name]? make it stop, please." He looked at your picture on his bedside table. However, his heart ached more.
It was your picture afterall, your Funeral Picture.
He started slapping his own head, crying hysterically and stopped as he felt a hand on his shoulders. He looked up. It was Koko, staring down at him with a grim look on his face.
"Hey, Rindou told me.. about it, and I... I'm sorry, man." Sanzu just stared at him.
"I know it hurts, I do. The feeling of losing someone you love, it makes your heart bleed non-stop. You don't have to keep it all in, you know? It's better to let it all out. The emotions you keep deep inside you, it's better to let it free. I'm not saying you should forget her, rather, I'm saying to just accept what had happened and love her freely without keeping those negative thoughts and emotions away when you think of her. That way, instead of being in pain when thinking of her, you'll feel calmness and free. We might be criminals, but we care for each other you know? Even just a little. Afterall, we're the only ones who accept each other despite being sick fucks."
Sanzu teared up at his words and cried again. This time, with comfort from a friend. Koko let out a small, small smile but stayed beside Sanzu.
Koko's presence was enough comfort for Sanzu, knowing they both understood each other.
Maybe, just maybe, Sanzu could let someone in again.
A sad but warm and free whisper crossed through the air to a certain soul of a woman.
"I'll be fine now, darling. I love you, my angel, my savior, my soulmate, my Y/N. You can rest now." He smiles.
And you smile with him.
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themrsackerman · 3 years
Angel of Paradis
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Reader
Warnings: Spoilers from Season 4. Mentions of gun violence, blood, death
A/N: Now I know EP8 is only the beginning of the end but goddamn it hurts!! I love potato girl and losing her just tore me to bits. So here, take this. Its my way of coping I guess..
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Levi is pissed off. From the start, he disliked the plan but it wasn't like Eren gave you all much of a choice. So the moment the kid got on the airship, he was welcomed with one of the captain's infamous kicks. The cockpit wall quakes with the impact and Hange sighs, shooting you a look. "I think you need to get out there and make sure Levi doesn't kill Eren, Y/n." She says exasperatedly and you nod, rising from your seat next to Onyankopon.
"I'll be right back." You say and she flashes you a knowing grin, shaking her head slightly. Even the commander knows you're the only one who could reign in the Levi Ackerman.
You see Levi on the corner glaring at Eren as he was being tied up. You sigh heavily, seeing Eren steaming as he heals. Jaw probably unhinged from the captain's kick. You sat beside him on the bench and pulled out a handkerchief, wiping his face clean from dirt and blood.
"Y/n-san." He greets you monotonously and you gave him a kind smile. "Hey, kid." You greet back, tucking loose strands of his now long hair behind his ear.
Your heart aches at the sight. He used to have so much fire, had the same will to fight for humanity that you only ever saw in your mentor, Erwin. Now all you see is ember of pure hatred and cold blooded need for revenge. "I'm glad you're okay." You murmur. Eren's blank stare softens for a second and a small smile hints the corner of his mouth. "Glad to see you too, Lieutenant." He says quietly and out of the corner of your eyes, you see Levi roll his eyes and make a disgruntled sound as he turns around.
You walk up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. Levi meets your gaze with his dull gray ones for a second and sighs, his expression softening too. At this you smile a little and say, "We still have a long battle to fight ahead of us, Captain. Things might not have gone smoothly, but we won today." You remind him and as if proving your point, right on the other side of the ship you hear the soldiers celebrate as they reunite.
"You're right." He agrees. Levi then takes a deep breath and grabs the hand you placed on his shoulder so he can bring it to his face. He turns his head and placed a chaste kiss on your palm. Your heart flutters at the gesture. It isn't grand but was still something you couldn't quite get used to. You two never declared your love for one another, never really had the luxury of time or chance to do so, but small acts like this was enough to let you know that your presence provided him the calm he sorely needs. And that was all you want. Be his peace in this war.
"I'm going to check if the rest of the squad made it back up." You tell him, grazing your thumb on his lower lip and he reluctantly lets you go. "Be back as soon as you can. Meeting will start as soon as this fucking monkey heals enough." He says, cold glare flashing at the other Jaeger who is a pile of steam still laying on the ground. "Okay, I'll just check on Lima's squad. They're the last ones to be picked up supposedly." Levi nods again and watches you leave before turning to talk to Yelena.
You smile past Floch and the other soldiers who are weeping, hugging and making their tributes for those whom had fallen in battle. You then saw three of the soldiers you've grown close with through the years. They were huddled in the corner, sharing a hug.
You hear Jean say in protest, "Dont hug people with that lump ass iron gear on.", while shrugging off Connie's arm. You chuckle at this and tackled him back to the embrace. "Shut the hell up, Jean. I would take Connie's armored hugs any day!" To which the trio whines out, " Lieutenant Y/l/n!!" when you squished them tight.
Although the new gear designed by Hange was in deed not made for hugging, you four relaxed in the uncomfortable embrace. Grounded by the fact that you all made it safe despite the battle you had just gone through. Connie and Sasha smile up at you while Jean tries to still look annoyed, although the softness in his eyes says otherwise.
The soldiers left below start coming in and the cheering just grows even louder. You didn't have the heart to stop them because you yourself are quite happy that today was a success despite some casualties. Now, you have the War Hammer titan as well and were able to destroy the fleet. Now, the Eldians' chance stands higher against this damn war.
"Did you hear that just now?"
Sasha asks out of the blue and you turn to her in wonder. Honestly you couldn't hear anything but the soldiers celebrating. But out of the lot of you, you know Sasha's sense of hearing is far superior than all of you combined. So you take a step back from the crowd and actually looked around.
"Hey, quiet down!!"Jean yells over the chanting but Floch shouts, "Make some noise! Victory!!!" And was echoed by the rest as they embraced and pumped their fists in the air.
"Hey!" Jean tries again only to be pulled by Connie to the side to ask, "Isn't Lobov-san still out there?"
"No, I think he came aboard." Jean says thoughtfully and this was when something didn't sit quite right with you. Commander Lobov is a man that is hard to miss. And with his dedication to this mission to make up for his years being a useless garrison, he would be amongst the soldiers cheering the loudest for the said victory.
Your instincts has never failed you before and its the very reason why you are so good at your job and able to survive this long. But sometimes, you wish that your instincts aren't always right because you always perceive danger. And right now, every fiber of your being is telling you something is fucking wrong.
That if you were to look out the airship right now, you'll probably see the commander lifeless.
Or worse, an enemy may have made its way up to the ship.
Your blood runs cold for a split second before you acted purely out of instinct. You shove Sasha to the side, dreading as you head for the airship's side door and at the exact moment.. someone aboards.
Your gaze met the kid's muddy brown ones. It was determined, filled with fury and you saw that there isn't any trace of hesitation as her finger pulls the trigger. You knew you didn't stand a chance judging by look on her face and her sure aim on your torso. The word of warning you want to let out was caught in your throat as she fires.
You remember seeing those crazed brown eyes and then the ceiling of the airship the next. The sensation of what can only be compared to fire piercing your skin spreads through your chest and insides like molten metal. You hear the indistinct noise of the soldiers' voices grow louder yet muffled at the same time around you.
From happy cheers to manic, hysterical screaming.
You couldn't catch your breath at first and you aren't sure from which. Was it from falling flat on your back? Or was it the searing pain that made tears leak from your eyes?
And then above the chaos, you hear your three closest comrades call your name in unison.
"Lieutenant Y/n, hey!!!" Connie's frantic voice shrill through the limited space of the ship. "Hang in there, hey!" You feel him rattle you, placing his rough calloused hand against your cheek. Jean's panic stricken face comes to your field of vision and you whimper,  "A kid." You gasp. "In the airship."
"Bandages! Now! We need to stop the bleeding!" Jean commands shakily and the rest of the soldiers that aren't capturing the two intruders scramble to get the med kit and the captain.
"Y/n-san, please hold on until we make it to the island!!" Connie pleads but hopelessness crawls his veins as he sees your blood flood the wooden floors.
"Keep him safe." You whisper out to nobody. The captain in mind. Your eye lids grow heavy but you didn't want to close them. No. You can't die. You promised him.
"Don't you dare die on me, Y/l/n." His voice echoes in your mind, compelling you to keep breathing despite how excruciating it feels.
Sasha who was frozen at first, snapped out of her shock as she hears Connie's voice call your name out of sheer panic when your eyes fall close. She then runs to meet the soldier carrying the bandages and was at your side in an instant. With trembling hands, Sasha tries with all her might to wrap you up and stop the bleeding.
"No, no, no, no!!" She starts sobbing while watching the bandage turn red, your gushing blood seeping through no matter how tight she puts the wrap around you. "Y/n-san, no, you can't leave us like this." Sasha hiccups, wiping her tears hastily before grabbing your now cold clammy hand and pressing it to her face. "Please!" She cries, eyes falling close.
If you hadn't pushed her, if you didn't step in her place, it would have been her that got shot. Guilt rakes through her as she watches you desperately fight for your life.
You can feel yourself drifting and you felt helpless. You then meet Sasha's, Jean's and then Connie's gaze, muttering with your remaining strength, "Protect him." And it was no request but an order.
Jean stumbles away, his hands going over his ears, unable to stand your labored breaths and Connie and Sasha's whimpering. Jean felt like hurling when Floch turned the kids to him. The other responsible for you being on the brink of death.
But to those two kids, they are the enemies who wreck havoc to their hometown. Floch wanted to kill them and throw them out but what good would that do? Would taking their lives save yours? And knowing you, who practically treat soldiers like them like your kids even though you were just a few years older than them, you would be disappointed in him at the mere thought of hurting these kids.
Jean can almost hear your angelic voice, "They're just children." You would say. So with a vexed expression and heavy turmoil growing within him, he ties them up and led them to where the captain and commander are.
Jean swallows hard when the captain's cold gaze met his and asks, "Who are these kids?"
By the looks of it, he still does not know.
"They killed Lobov-san and used his gear to come aboard." A lump forms in his throat, suddenly can no longer meet the captain's gaze. "A-and this one here, she.. shot Lieutenant Y/l/n."
Levi's eyes widen. Did he just hear Jean correctly? You? Shot? You were with him just minutes ago. No, how is that possible?-
"Captain, I-I don't think she'll make it." He continues, voice faltering. The grievance in Jean's face make Levi's blood run cold. He stumbles forward a bit as Armin and Mikasa run past him but he seemed frozen in his tracks.
You got hurt but you'll pull through this. You always have. You promised him. And you are one of the toughest people he knows.
Levi tries to convince himself as he glared back at Zeke. He tries to distract himself from the cold fear of losing you with the blinding rage he feels for the Beast Titan wielder. But then, the door swings open again and Levi felt something terribly wrong right away.
And when Connie appears with tears sliding down his face and says,
"Y/n-san.. is dead."
Levi's entire world shifts.
Everyone was shellshocked for a moment. Because how could you be gone just like that? When you were just with them just minutes ago providing comfort to all of them? Passing by and giving them a wave of peace and calmness like the angel that you are.
Hange wobbles, her knees growing weak and its as if someone had punched her in the chest. The pain reminiscent as the day she watched Moblit vanish before her eyes. You were her right hand woman. Her confidant.
Eren's head hung in disbelief. His mind clouded by your kind smile just earlier and telling him you're actually glad to see him. Him. The monster who had just devastated a whole town and killed probably thousands of people. He thought that by now, he'd have gotten used to losing the people around him but losing you is gutting him. Its was like losing family. A sister.
"Connie.. did Y/n-san have any last words?" He asks mindlessly, wanting to know what your last thoughts were. Connie blinks through his tears and his eyes drifts to the captain, whose face was undreadable and knuckles threatening to split open at how tightly his balled fists are clenched.
"She said.. 'Protect him.'" Connie mutters and Levi's facade breaks.
The mob of weeping soldiers parted as the captain staggers to the back of the ship where you lay. Armin and Mikasa were still curled up beside you, their faces red and puffy from wailing. Both of them reluctantly stood up and stepped away as he walks closer. His gaze was still trained on the ground as he puts one foot in front of the other.
He shudders and stop midstep as his foot steps on the crimson stained wood. Before he knows it, he falls on his knees with a thud. Your pale hand comes into his field of vision and he takes a deep shakey breath as he reaches for it. His eyes darts everywhere but your face. The bandage on your middle, the boots on your feet that he had his fair share of shinning as his token of appreciation for you making his morning teas, the emblem of the Wings of Freedom embedded on your breast plate.
Your hand felt cold and stiff against his. A stark contast of the warmth it exuded on his cheek just moments ago.
"Y/n?" He croaks.
Suddenly his breathing shallows as the deafening silence stretches on. He can still smell you but can no longer feel you although you're right fucking there. Levi wanted this to some fucked up nightmare. But then, as he steels his nerves and finally looked at your face, his heart shatters.
Your hair is uncharacteristically dishevelled, e/c eyes lifeless, pupils middilated and your mouth parted ever so slightly.
Levi pulls you in his arms frantically, plethora of would have been and should have been anchoring his heart into a sea of regret.
He should have never let you out the damn door.
He should have held you tighter.
He should have you talked to you longer.
He should have told you.. he loves you.
He never even got to tell you.
Levi's face crumples, face reddening before a resentful yell erupts from him. The soldiers wince at the sound. It was pure agony and it pierces through each and everyone of them, bringing the lot of them back to tears if they ever stopped in the first place.
The entire flight back to Paradis, Levi held you the way he wished he did while you were still with him.
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vividsprinter · 3 years
A Very Long Engagement: Cloud Strife x Reader
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...unless you’re Cloud. In which case you definitely get paid enough to care.
Warnings: Angst, injury, cursing, trauma.
Cloud burst into Seventh Heaven like a man possessed, surrounded by his friends in the Avalanche group. They were all in a panic, but none so more than Cloud – he was hysterical. He held the limp body of his fiancé close to his body, tears streaming down his face as he willed you to stay alive.
Please. I can’t bear to lose anyone else.
I couldn’t survive it.
Desperation took over his legs as he charged up the stairs behind the bar, gingerly laying you down on the bed in the first available room.
“No no no!” He choked out, frantically trying to stop the bleeding in your abdomen and legs with whatever sheets and quilts were nearby.
“Cloud,” Tifa said, a hint of urgency in her voice. She placed a hand on his shoulder as he sobbed over your semi-conscious form, trying to pull him away from you so she could begin assessing the damage.
You had been on a run-of-the-mill mission for Avalanche, but the group had been split up and you had ended up being jumped by a group of hounds in the Shinra complex. Normally, you had no problem taking care of yourself, but they had caught you by surprise, and you had paid for it big time. Even in your half-asleep state, you could still hear Cloud’s anguished cry as they sunk their teeth into your flesh.
“Cloud.” Tifa repeated, more sternly this time, “Let me work.”
“Y/N… Y/N Please… Please don’t leave me,” he murmured to you quietly, not paying attention to anything else that was going on. He was shaking like a leaf, and he felt a tightness in his chest as he struggled to get air in.
“Cloud! Get out of the fucking way before she bleeds to death!!” Barret shouted, horrified that Cloud had allowed himself to become so distraught that all his common sense had gone out the window. You needed medical attention – and fast.
Finally, Cloud turned to face the group, his pained eyes looking utterly lost and helpless. All he could manage in response was a nod, shuffling towards the head end of the bed and kneeling down on the floorboards beside you. He took your hand and held it tightly, kissing it just below where your engagement ring was sitting. It was a beautiful turquoise-blue stone set in silver, with filigree patterns engraved on the band, and you loved it because the gem reminded you of Cloud’s mako-infused eyes.
With his other hand, Cloud gently brushed your hair away from your clammy face as he looked down at Tifa, who was grimacing as she assessed your wounds. Cloud’s stomach dropped as he bit his lip and dropped his head, fearing the worst.
At that moment, you let out a weak cough and opened your E/C eyes, gazing over to Cloud.
“Y/N!” he exclaimed, placing a palm to the side of your face gently.
“Stay with me. Stay with me. You’re back at the bar. We’re gonna fix you up,” he said softly.
“Cloud, she’s haemorrhaging. We need to stop the bleeding and stitch her up, ASAP,” Tifa said quietly to him. She didn’t want you to overhear and panic.
“Where’s the healing materia?” he snapped at her under his breath.
“We don’t… We don’t have any,” she replied sadly. Cloud looked to the rest of the group desperately, his eyes pleading with each and every of them. They all hung their heads.
“I’m sorry, Cloud,” Barret said, looking to the floor whilst Aerith let out a sob, grabbing onto Biggs.
“Just save her… Please.” Cloud begged, turning back to you with worry consuming his features.
There was a small commotion in the background as the team leaped into action, with some mutterings about fire materia, bandages and antiseptic. Cloud, desperate to keep you conscious, continued whispering sweet nothings to you as he came apart at the seams. He had already lost so many and seen too much death for one human to bear. It would be his undoing if he lost you too.
“Hey… Look at me,” he cooed, caressing your hair lovingly, “I love you… I love you…You’re gonna be Ok.”
“Barret, take her legs. Cloud you take the top half, and you keep her still - do you hear me?” Tifa instructed, her voice cracking slightly.
“Wait. What’s going on? What’re you doing?!” Cloud asked feverishly, eyeing Tifa as she opened a bottle of antiseptic. She poured a copious amount onto some clean fabric.
“Hold her, Cloud. This is going to hurt.”
He looked down to the end of the bed to see Barret begrudgingly holding your shins down. Barret couldn’t bring himself look back at Cloud, and eventually closed his eyes, trying to imagine he was anywhere else as the impending dread began to set in.
Tifa nodded at Cloud as she hovered the drenched material over one of your wounds, as if warning him to brace himself. In one swift move, she pressed it against you, and held it there.
You flinched as the liquid touched your open skin, weeping as much as your weak body would allow you to in this state. You tried to move away from the stinging sensation being inflicted on you, but you could not escape – you were being held down.
You looked to Cloud for respite and tried with little success to pull his arm off you. By looking into his beautiful ocean-like eyes, you could tell his heart was breaking. As Tifa cleaned the rest of your wounds, your body gradually became desensitised to the burning of the antiseptic, and all you could do was whimper quietly as the tears left your eyes.
“Biggs, the knife,” Tifa said.
“Knife?!” Cloud asked in horror. His eyes widened in alarm as Biggs brought over a knife that had been heated to an extremely high temperature with one of the only materia they did have – fire.
Realising what was coming next, Cloud shut his eyes for a moment and clenched his jaw, a fresh tear escaping. He held your hand even more tightly and looked at you guiltily, a lump forming in his throat.
“Cloud?” you croaked out, starting to worry about what was coming next.
“I’m so sorry. I’m here… I’m sorry…” he repeated over and over, as he placed his forehead against yours, holding you by the shoulder forcefully with his other hand.
Your eyes looked at him questioningly, terrified.
“Here goes,” Tifa said, gulping, lowering the scorching blade to your bleeding flesh.
This time, your body was most definitely not desensitised, and Cloud was not prepared for the sound that came out of your mouth.
It was brutal.
You screamed and screamed like a wounded animal, writhing against your human restraints. The sound you made was one of anguish, pain, and suffering. It was excruciating for him to listen to.
“Jesus Christ, will someone get her some fucking anaesthetic?!” Cloud yelled angrily at the entire room, still hysterical.
“We don’t have any!! Don’t you think we would have given it to her if we did?!” Tifa screamed back at him, almost starting to cry herself.
Cloud closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, slowly bringing his forehead back down to rest against yours. He dare not speak, for he was worried that if he did, he too might let out cries of anguish. How could he do that when he was not injured, and you were suffering so much? You felt his wet tears drip into your hair as he cried.
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry,” he kept saying to you, as if he thought it would help somehow.
Whilst Tifa continued cauterising each wound, you became more and more distressed, unable to take much more of the pain. It was endless, and the burning sensation lingered deep in your bones, even after the blade had been taken away. Honestly, you wanted to give up. Your body was giving out. You felt as though you were being tortured, and you wanted it to stop.
“Please. Please… just let me die!” You choked out in between screams, looking at Cloud pleadingly.
Cloud opened his eyes, torment apparent on his face. He looked down to Barret, who was still holding your legs, for support and assurance. Barret’s head was hung in shame, and he was flinching each time the blistering knife touched your skin.
Shaking, Cloud looked back at you. Visions of his mother and his friend Zack plagued him as he saw you barely cling to life.
“No… I can’t Y/N. I won’t. Please… Don’t leave me. Please,” he said, feeling selfish that he was asking you to continue suffering on his behalf.
But he couldn’t just let you die.
“Tifa – how much longer?!” he asked frantically, not taking his eyes off you.
“Just one more!”
“Y/N. I’m here. I’m so sorry. I need you to be brave for me, this is the last one. I promise,” he said, willing you to carry on.
Cloud tightened his grip on your shoulder, and you knew what was coming next. You shook your head at him desperately, begging him to make it stop, but it was too late.
You screamed again, gripping Cloud’s hand as though your life depended on it. He winced as the smell of burning flesh swept around the room once more, praying to himself that you would make it and that this endless agony wouldn’t end up being your final moments. He’d never forgive himself if they were.
“Ok, Aerith – needle and thread please,” Tifa finally called out, slight relief evident in her voice that the worst was now over.
Cloud exhaled, glad that he no longer had to watch you endure so much pain whilst he was unable to do a thing to help. As your wounds were sewn up expertly by Aerith, Tifa slumped against the wall, completely drained. Her eyes were red and puffy, and her hands were shaking. Lying limply on the bed, you fell in and out of consciousness as Aerith worked her magic.
Once Aerith had finished closing your wounds, she started placing dressings over them to keep them clean. Tifa had originally offered to do this, but she was way too shaken up to help at this point.
“Ok, thanks everyone. I think Cloud and I can take it from here. You guys get some rest,” Aerith suggested as she worked, glancing over at Cloud who, in short, was an absolute state.
At first, nobody moved, too stunned from what had just transpired to manoeuvre even one muscle. Tifa was the worst out of everyone, zoning out as she stared blankly ahead.
Eventually, Biggs helped Tifa to her feet and essentially carried her out of the room, whilst Barret stood up and said sombrely to nobody in particular:
“Never ask me to do that again.”
He then wiped his brow and also left the room.
“Cloud, you Ok?” Aerith asked softly after several moments of silence. She was working on your final dressing now, and she knew the whole group were worried about him. They knew he had deep-rooted abandonment issues, and they also knew how incredibly attached he was to you. If he wasn’t so utterly loving, it would be considered unhealthy.
“Just tell me she’s going to be OK,” Cloud replied, his voice wavering slightly as he kept his eyes glued to your face. He still had not let go of your hand.
“We’ve given her the best possible chance,” Aerith said, never capable of telling a lie.
Cloud sniffled slightly, wiping his eyes with his free hand. Once she had finished packing away the sewing kit, Aerith walked over to Cloud and squeezed his shoulder comfortingly.
“Have faith. Your girl’s a fighter, remember?” She offered, smiling at him. He only gave a small nod in response, still not taking his eyes off you.
The moment Aerith left the room, Cloud brought a gloved hand up to his eyes. He couldn’t hold it in anymore and completely broke down, sobbing uncontrollably.
He didn’t leave your side for hours and hours. When you eventually came to again, he was right there. His face was pale, and his hair was tousled; his eyes red and sore from all the tears that had escaped him that evening. Cloud still trembled slightly – it was such a small amount that it was barely visible to the naked eye, but you could feel it against your skin.
You slowly raised a hand to his cheek, concern taking over your face. He looked absolutely terrible as he studied you intently, a huge burden clearly on his mind. For a split second, all you saw was him, but then your nervous system kicked back in.
“Cloud, my insides are burning!! Help! Help!”
You started to panic. You felt like you were on fire – it was excruciating.
“Y/N… We… We had to cauterise your wounds. We have no anaesthetic – we’ve looked everywhere. I’m so sorry.”
“Then knock me out – please. I beg you!”
“Are you crazy?! Like hell am I giving you a head injury on top of everything else!”
You started to weep again, unable to comprehend the pain that you were in. Every second felt like an hour.
Cloud felt so helpless. He felt so… useless.
“Fuck this,” he said, getting to his feet for the first time since you had been brought into the room.
“Cloud? Where are you going?”
“I love you too much to watch you suffer like this. I’m going to find something to help you, and I will be back the second I find it.”
He stepped out of the room, and you heard his footsteps fade as he jogged down the steps to the bar.
“Cloud?!” Tifa exclaimed in surprise, as he stepped behind the bar without invitation, grabbing two bottles of the strongest spirits he could find.
“What the hell are you doing?!” she asked him accusingly as he tried to walk off with the stolen alcohol.
“I can’t watch her suffer anymore, Tifa. It’s killing me. This is the only thing I can think of to help her with the pain.”
“So, you’re going to get her drunk? Have you lost your mind Cloud Strife?!” Tifa scolded in disbelief.
“I can’t just sit there and do nothing!!” He retorted, raising his voice slightly.
“You can’t give her booze, fool. It could thin her blood. Shit, don’t they teach you anything in soldier school?” Barret chimed in from behind, removing both bottles from Cloud’s grasp and placing them back behind the bar.
“Cloud, Aerith has gone home to look for any materia she may have left behind.  I understand it’s hard for you to watch Y/N in so much pain. Believe me, I know. But it will only be a little longer, Ok?” she said, trying to reason with him.
Cloud remembered the look on Tifa’s face earlier whilst she was cauterising your wounds. He realised in that moment that she probably understood better than most what he was going through.
“All right,” he said tiredly, before dragging his weary legs back up the stairs.
He ran straight to your side again once he opened the door, seeing that you were still in enormous amounts of pain. Cloud kissed your head tenderly to try and comfort you, but you struggled to keep still. Everything hurt, and it went on like this for hours. Your only respite came when the door opened once more to reveal Aerith carrying a glowing green orb of materia. She was pink in the face and looked like she had been running around all afternoon. It transpired that not only had she raced home and managed to find some sleep materia, but she had also spent all afternoon trying to trade it for some healing materia. Nowhere would agree to this trade, citing that healing materia was ‘like gold dust’, so she would have to make do with what she had. Eyeing you worriedly, she used the materia to knock you out, and then looked over to Cloud.
“I don’t like the look of this. She’s got a fever,” she said to him as she felt your forehead.
“Cloud, run some cloths under the tap and bring them over, would you? We need to get her temperature down.”
He nodded and ran to the bathroom, doing as she asked. He vowed at that moment that he would do anything to make sure you survive this, and he was never, ever going to let this happen to you again.
Continue reading @ AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32962063
Ask box is open!  Am giving Tumblr a whirl to motivate myself to stay creative and write some shorter pieces :)
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darkmulti · 3 years
I see your request is open for hc yay!
Can i request A!JKxO!Reader where jK has a huge dick and reader is a virgin and also his mate. So JK marries her and forcefully deflowered her and forcing orgasms out of her (bleeding/blood play while deflowering her is up to you). She found out JK’s obsessions of forcing orgasms out of hers until she passed out every night. JK also has a breeding and breastfeeding kink so he wanna knock her up just so he can breastfeed on her. He locked her up, all the time he spends with her is used to breed her while forcing as many orgasms out of her. Ok thats too long of an ask, sorry.. 🥺 thanks! 💜
⚠️: NON CON, mention of blood, breeding kink, breast feeding kink, multiple orgasm, dacryphilia kink, angst, death, murder, slapping, somnophilia kink, rough sex
Pairing: Alpha!Jungkook x Omega!Virgin!reader
-> sorry for any mistakes
Your breed and Jungkook’s breed are not on good terms
The reason why is because your breed have better senses and are a lot stronger
Jungkook’s breed is the second strongest and let me tell you, they don’t like second place
Since they outdo your breed in numbers, they travel around in large packs and kill wolves your kind
If they eliminate all of you, they’ll be on top
Your parents raised you to stay away from them
They’re just trying to keep you safe because you’re their only child
They allowed you to explore the forest, but you couldn’t go too far
They still needed to be able to smell you out
You’re parents also told you howl if you felt like you were in danger
And you can only explore during the day time
Once it’s night, you must stay close to your parents so they can protect you
One day, you were sitting close to edge of a cliff
This was your favourite spot because it gave the perfect view of the sun setting
10 minutes later, you decided to go back to your pack only to be horrified by the scene
Your pack… everyone was dead
Blood everywhere
Bite marks all over their body
You walked into the crime scene more and saw your parents dead on the ground, next to each other
You immediately burst out into tears, not believing what you’re seeing
“Mom! Mom, please! Wake up!” You nudged her but it was too late
You sat down in between your parents and grieved the whole night
Why couldn’t they kill you too?
You were about to close your eyes but, caught an unfamiliar scent
Your natural instincts kicked in and you got up
You started looking around but that’s when something attacked you from behind
You fall to the ground and knock out after they give you one hard blow to the head
The next morning, you woke up in a bed
You frantically looked around, trying to put the pieces together, but that’s when he popped out of no where
His scent didn’t fail to reach you and once you inhaled it, you remembered all the traumatizing events of last night
Your heart rate increased and you immediately started to panic
“Where’s my mom?! Where am I?! Take me home!”
You started to freak out
“My mom told me to stay away from monsters like you! Leave me alone!”
You let out a piercing howl and made a run for it
However, Jungkook was faster and much, much stronger
He got a hold of your wrist and dragged you back to the room
He quickly pulled out his phone and shoved it in your face
You were squirming around at first but once you heard a familiar cry, you stopped
Jungkook was showing you live footage of wolves your breed, tied up god knows where and howling for help
Your heart crumbled into a million pieces
“W-why are you doing this to us?” You choked on your sobs while watching your breed beg for mercy
“Marry me, and I’ll let them go.”
You looked at him, appalled
“Marry? I won’t marry you. After you killed my family, you want to get married?!”
You pushed him away from you and slapped him
Jungkook poked his cheek with his tongue and quickly dialed a number
“Kill them all.”
You look up wide eyed and shouted “No!”
“You don’t wanna marry me so, now I have to kill them.”
“Wait! No! I’ll marry you! Please set them free!”
Jungkook smirked in victory and told his buddies to stop
“Wedding is tomorrow. Everything is planned, all you have to do is get all dolled up for me and say “I do.”
He left your room as you sat down on the edge of the bed, wiping your tears away
The next day was the worst day of your life
They woke you up early so, they could start getting you ready for the wedding
Once you said “I do” at the alter and signed the paper, Jungkook lips turned into a evil grin
After sealing your marriage with your first kiss, Jungkook drove you both back to your new house
Once you got inside you turned around and faced him
“I did what you asked. I got married to you and now, I’m your mate. You got what you wanted. Now show me live footage that you’re letting the wolves go.”
“You’re so cute, y’know? You really fell for it. The footage wasn’t live. Those wolves have been dead for a while. I could show you the footage of me killing them, if you’d like.”
Your heart dropped into your stomach
“What do you mean? It wasn’t real?!”
“You’re so naive, little one.”
You look at him, dumbfounded
“Why did you kill all of them? Why did you kill my pack? I just don’t understand. Why did you kill all of them just to marry me in the end?”
“Lower your voice, I don’t like being talked to in that way.”
“Go fuck yourself!” You yelled and turned around to leave
He pulled you back and carried you downstairs to the basement while you kept thrashing and yelling
“Let me go, you sick bastard! I don’t want to be near you. Your scent is disgusting!”
You made the worst mistake of your life that night
That was the first time you made him angry
He tried controlling himself but, after you insulted his scent, he wasn’t going to go easy on you
One hard slap after another shut you up pretty quickly
Now, you were terrified of him
Your cheeks were warm and stinging as hot tears glided down
All you could think was “why?”
Why was this happening to you?
Why was only your breed being targeted?
Why did he kill all those wolves?
It mentally tore you apart
You couldn’t wrap your head around anything going on
Before you could fight back, Jungkook got on top of you and pulled your dress down
“W-what’re you doing?!” You quickly grab your dress and struggled to keep it up
“No! No, please! I’m not ready! Please, I’m not ready! I hate you!”
You began to panic, so naturally you howled
“Please! I want my first to be someone I love! Please, don’t do this to me! I’ve never done anything bad in my life! You can kill me if you’d like!”
Crying and fighting wasn’t enough to stop Jungkook
He pushed his whole length in and started fucking you hard without letting you adjust
You frantically cover your breast and private part with your hands but he flipped you around and took you from behind
You felt disgusting and worthless
Your blood was streaming down your thigh and it covered his cock
Jungkook grabbed your ripped wedding dress and wiped up all the blood so, you’ll never forget this day
He threw it in front of you to make you feel even more bad about yourself
You looked away from the dress and focused on your breathing
The speed he was going at was unbearable therefore, it was quite hard to catch your breath
You started to cry for help, calling for anyone who was brave enough to save you
Jungkook’s size wasn’t easy to adjust to
It felt like you were being ripped apart
Especially because it was your first time
“P-please! S-slower! I can’t-”
Your voice cracked in between your sobs
You felt his cock grow inside of you and his tip began rubbing against your cervix
The pain was too much to handle so, you started to cry harder
“No! Too much! I can’t take it!” You wailed, trying to move away from him
He pulled you right back and went as deep as he possibly could
You came around him and thought it was over
Little did you know, it was just the beginning
Hours later, you were under him sobbing hysterically
You were filled with his cum to the point where it was leaking out of you
There was literally a puddle of cum in between your legs
You had bruises all over your arms and body because of his tight grip
And his strong scent made your head spin
You were a helpless, mess
Hickeys covered your neck, collarbone and jawline
Your lips were swollen from all the rough kisses
Your clit was burning from overstimulation
Your cheek was red and bruised
But, Jungkook didn’t plan on stopping
You felt like you were going to pass out when suddenly ripples of forced pleasure pushed through your body
You held your breath and tried fighting off the feeling but it was impossible
You started to cry more, not being able to handle the fierce orgasm
You sobbed uncontrollably, not know what was happening to your body
Before you could open your eyes again, you passed out
Jungkook hovered over you again and fucked you 10x harder after watching you spasm around him
He didn’t care that you were unconscious
You looked so hot in that moment, he couldn’t resist
This continued on for the rest of the year until he purposely impregnated you
If his offspring had a mix of his genes and a mix of your genes, it’d definitely be one of the strongest wolves to ever live
You were crying so hard, telling him to stop because you weren’t on anything
After you found out you were pregnant, he blamed it on you
“You have one fucking job and it was to take your pill.”
“I ran out of pills and I told you that night! I told you to stop. Jungkook, I tried my best to warn you but you didn’t listen-”
He pushed you back on the bed and forced another orgasm out of you, not caring about your pregnancy
You couldn’t fight him off so, you stayed still and hoped for the best
You didn’t want to stress out because it would be bad for your baby
Although you were pregnant, Jungkook demanded sex
Even when you were 8 months pregnant, he still fucked you as hard as he could
You were in so much pain but handled it for your child
The next month, you gave birth
You were obviously new to the mom life and it was quite difficult to adjust
Usually, women have to wait 4-6 weeks before engaging in sexual intercourse
The doctor explained it to both you and Jungkook, so it’s not like he doesn’t know
After you breast feed your newborn son, you tuck him into bed and go to your shared bedroom
You were still in a lot of pain and really wanted some rest
Jungkook was out hunting and when he came home, he was a bit intoxicated
You smelt the alcohol the moment he stepped in the house
He stumbled his way upstairs and slammed the door shut, scaring your newborn
Your son started to cry so you quickly got up to put him back to sleep but Jungkook didn’t allow you
“See what you’ve done? You wouldn’t have to deal with this shit if you had just taken your pill.”
You ignored him and went to your son’s room to put him back to sleep
Jungkook followed you to his room and pulled you out before you could pick up your son
“Did you listen to what I said? I’m fed up with this attitude of yours.”
“Let’s not fight in front of him. We’ll talk in the room.”
You escaped his grip and put your son back to sleep
When you enter your room, you see Jungkook sitting on the edge of the bed with his belt in hand 
Your heart dropped to your stomach
“N-not today. It hasn’t even been 24 hours yet.”
He scoffed, “do you really think I give a shit?”
He raised his voice a little and you gestured him to keep it down
“Don’t yell, he’s sleeping.”
“This is my house, I can talk however I’d like.”
There was no winning against him, especially if he’s intoxicated
You thought you could hold him off for the night until he’s sober again, but you were completely wrong
You were going to your side of the bed when he whipped his belt below your butt
He pulled you by the hair onto the bed and pulled down your night shorts
“I can’t, Jungkook! It hasn’t been 4 weeks! No!”
Jungkook always gets what he wants
His body weight kept you down as his cock plunged deep inside your cunt
You haven’t healed properly, so the pain was intolerable
You covered your mouth with your hand and sobbed
You still needed to be quiet but it hurts so bad
You pushed your face into your pillow and attempted to let out quiet whimpers
“It hurts! Please, slower!” You whispered
Jungkook purposely went faster and the skin slapping was so loud, you were afraid it’d wake up the baby
You were gasping for air, trying to get his body weight off of you so you could breathe normally
An hour after, you had another orgasm
You clutched onto the bedsheets and tried your hardest to remain silent
Jungkook came inside you again and collapsed on top of you, making you groan
He grabbed your right breast and began sucking as hard as he could until milk squirted onto his tongue
You tried squirming around to get him off, but the more resistant you are the more aggressive he gets
In the end, you passed out like always
You kept your distance from him and gave all your attention to your son
He hated that your attention wasn’t on him 24/7
So, he gave your son to his parents for a full month and kept you locked up in the basement
For that whole month, he fucke you senselessly
You were having orgasms every night; you couldn’t do it anymore
He’d bite down on your nipples and manhandle you all sorts of ways
You were exhausted but your son’s life was always on the line
Jungkook could easily hurt him
He doesn’t really care about your son
(I mean, he does but he acts like he doesn’t so he can use it against you.)
Jungkook only looks at your son as your weakness
He’ll make you have three orgasms in a row and if you tell him to stop or slow down, he mentions your son and it immediately shuts you up
He loved having so much power over you
He could literally fuck you for the rest of your life
You didn’t understand why this was happening to you, but there was nothing that you could do about it
There’s no one that could help you and even if there was, Jungkook will always one step ahead
No one dares to mess with him
I know this has lots of mistakes. I’m so sorry😭
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nightfall-kachiniko · 3 years
requesting really any angst with the aot girls 😭 just need some angst i will take any go nuts
「 AOT Girls (+hanji) reacting to you dying in their arms 」
Paring : Mikasa x reader, Annie x reader, Pieck x reader, Hanji (she/they) x reader
~ 「 I suggest you listen to this song while reading for a more emotional experience (if you’re in the mood to cry lmao) 」 ~
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She cant believe her eyes. All that she can think of is how bad she failed you as you laid in her arms, blooding spilling out your mouth and head. Your arms and legs were gashed in big marks, as you felt the world before you slowly cave in.
“Y/N PLEASE!” Mikasa cried out, holding your hand. You tried to give her a small smile. “PLEASE DONT PLEASE JUST STAY PLEASE!” The woman cried hugging you. “I-I Am so sorry..” she gasped in between her tears, profusely apologizing at not being able to save you.
“you remember when we were kids?” You softly said, looking back on the memories, “Y/N P-PLEASE….p-please… please don’t leave me please please..” her sons became whispers, unable to control her emotions. “When we used to run around like animals,” you softly chuckled. You looked up at the weeping woman that was ontop of you. Slowly reaching out your arm, you placed it on her cheek, “I love you..” you confessed.
“my love..please..” Mikasa cried, her words begging like a prayer. She hiccuped as she grabbed your hand tighter, holding it. “We’ll meet again, I promise.” You said, accepting your fate. “No no.. no! Please y/n just wait a little longer please!” The Raven haired woman cried. “I love you, so much mika,”
“P-please.. please…” she whispered as you kissed her. “Another life my dear,” tears streamed down your cheeks at the sight of the end of you. “Forever and always Mikasa, I’ll always love you..” Mikasa hugged your frail body tighter her teeth gritting as her heart basically pumped out of her chest. “I love.. you to..” she said, holding back anymore tears. “I’ll.. see you.. later…” and as with your final words you took your last breath as the world faded forever around you. “Y/n.. honey..” she said, “y/n..” Mikasa tried shaking you but to no avail.
She weeped as she held your body, screaming at the top of her lungs as she cried. That’s all she could do, for her lover was gone. ‘Another life, we’ll meet again,’ was the words that lingered in her head. She still couldn’t accept the fate of her lover, the one of death.
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Zipping through the trees as she rushed over to you, not giving a shit about the titan that just ate another one of your comrades. Annie scrambled to your body as it hit the floor of the forest, blood rushing out of your head as your stomach had been impaled, gash next to your heart and she knew, you weren’t going to make it.
“Y/N!” she screamed coming down from the trees. The sky up above was all you could stare at. You couldn’t move, your body almost on the state of paralysis. “Y/n!” Annie ran to you, kneeling at your side. Your wounds were bad, injuries that even the best doctor in Marley couldn’t even fix. “Honey.. honey hey!” She said, grabbing your hand, “it’s gonna be okay,” the blonde said, tears welting up in her eyes. “A-ah…” you groaned out in pain.
Annie dug through her bag, her hands shaky and panicked, trying to find bandages. “Shit,” she panted as she hurried to take off her jacket. She placed her jacket on your gash, pushing down hard, trying to stop the bleeding. But it just wouldn’t work, blood kept seeping through it, and the now blood soaked jacket was no use.
“annie..” you tried calling out to her as she dug through her bag again, trying to find something, anything, to help. “Annie… hey..” you saw the way she was worried, her panicked expression and tear filled eyes giving you no sign of hope. “W-WHAT!” She yelled at you, jolting her head towards you. “It’s okay..” you tried to give her a reassuring smile, softly trying to grasp her hand but due to your injuries to no effort.
“I- I JUST NEED TO APPLY PRESSURE I-!” you interrupted her unnerved yelling. “It’s okay.. you cant do anything about it …” you tried saying to her. “N-NO! DAMNIT I JUST NEED SOMETHING! ANYTHING!”
“Annie, love..” Your girlfriend broke down crying into her palms, her tears everlasting and her face a bright pink from crying so much. “I’m glad I got to call you my girlfriend..” you lazily smiled, “NO DON’T YOU FUCKING GIVE UP YET!” The blonde screamed at you, tears soaring down her face. “ WHY DIDN’T YOU JUST STAY NEAR ME I COULD’VE…I…”
She wanted to curl up into a ball and die along side you there. She knew she couldn’t do a thing about your fate, and now that it’s approaching sooner than the breaths you take she couldn’t accept it. “You mean the world to me… you know that..?” You told Annie. She tightly grasped onto your hand, holding it close to her face and kissing your fist, sobbing hysterically. “Y/n please you’re my only reason of living..” she whispered, trying to catch her breath. “You’ve got a purpose, more than me.. okay..?” Tears of your own rolled down your cheeks.
“You’re not a lost girl, annie, you’ll find your way..”
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Eren jeager’s first attack on Marley at Willy’s speech was a shock to everyone. The chaos all around you had suffered long and far as the titans began their fight, punching, kicking. Laura Tyburs titan emerging and Eren jeager eating it. Your body laid lifelessly on the road. Lights soaring up ahead of you as the sound of ‘three dimensional Maneuver gear’ flew past.
Pieck saw you on the ground, her eyes scared and filled with terror. “POCK! GO KILL EREN!” She demanded, screaming as her titan form hurried to you. Pieck stopped with a thud as she emerged from her titan, seeing you on the ground.
“LOVE!” She screamed at you, her fingers near your neck checking your pulse. “Mmm..” you moaned in pain, as your tired eyes scanned the blurry vision infront of you. “I- I NEED TO GET YOU TO SAFETY I-!” She panicked as she saw one of the scouts fly above you both. Her gaze worried as she tried to lift you up.
“Pieck..”you said. “I- I HAVE TO GET YOU TO A DOCTOR I-!” “Why are you.. yelling..” you said in confusion. Blood trickled down her hands that laid under your back as she picked you up onto her lap. “What’s..happening…?” You said, unknowingly. “I-I’m scared…” you managed to get out in between gasps of air.
“I-it…” The woman stopped in her tracks, “d-dont be scared y/n.. I promise everything’s gonna be okay we”re going to get you to a doctor and they’ll take care of you and by tonight we’ll be in bed together cuddling-“
“I don’t think I’ll make it till tonight..” your tired voice said. “It’s okay though.. I just wanna spend right now.. with y-you…” Tears fell heavily down Pieck’s face as she kissed your cheek, gritting her teeth trying to not make you panic. “No no baby you will, you will I promise love!” She said, brushing your hair with her hands. “PIECK! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” A man running up to Pieck in Marley’s military uniform screamed at her. “GO GET A DOCTOR!” She yelled back, holding your hand tightly. “IT’S Y/N! PLEASE JUST GET HER HELP!”
you groaned in pain, your hands becoming numb as your vision faded from dark to light. “Pieck.. Thank you..” She jolted her head towards you, terror written all over her face. She saw how you lost that glimmer, that spark in your eyes. “W-what y-y/n baby please..” she said desperately.
“I don’t feel anything Pieck,” You said to her. “Y/n we’re getting you help I-I promise!” She wiped her tears. “You know I’ll see you again lovely..” Pieck looked at you in horror, “no love.. no please just hold on.. please,” she cried, her body shaking over yours. Tears falling down onto your wound. “I remember our first date…and I was so awkward….and I fell over with the drinks.. and even the waiter laughed” you recalled, trying to remember happier times.
“Y/n.. oh sweetie oh..” she held her mouth as she sobbed, hysterical. “You know.. you were the best girlfriend I could ask for… peck peck..” calling her by her nickname. “I love you…”
“Please don’t go..” Pieck cried. “Please.. please..y/n… please..”
“How lucky I am… to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard…” You whispered. “Forever.. My Pieck..”
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The ground below the section commander scattered with blood.
The titans surrounding the entire wall, trapping you all. The mission to retake wall Maria has failed. Almost all the horses had been crushed. Rock flew in Hanji’s way as they braced themself for impact. In the distance your ODM gear worked faulty and you fell halfway down the wall, rock hitting you as it smashed into your body and then into the wall, inches behind you. You harshly hit the ground, landing on your side. Rock blasted in your rib cage as you screamed in pain. And for a moment your vision blurred and you blacked out.
“Y/N! Y/N!” you heard your lover screaming at you, shaking your body. You slowly opened your eyes to be greeted by Hanji, their eyes watery and filled with tears as they wrapped bandages around your wound. “h-hanji…” you managed to get out, as you looked up at her, their glasses broken and their eye bleeding swell.
She wrapped the bandages around your bleeding wounds as they cried. “Honey..?” You looked at hanji as they looked back. “I did good..right?” You asked her. Hanji gritted their teeth “ no you’re not leaving just yet! I’ll be damned if you do!” They replied fiercely. “Hanji… but I think I’m ready..”
“NO GODDAMNIT!” she snapped at you, their eyes deranged and red, tears still flowing down them. They punches the floor as they gave up in frustration, begging to full on weep. “Baby..” you said, saddened by hanjis expression. “I’ll be okay.. I swear… no matter what..”
“Why Couldnt Erwin just let you stay home!” She cried, gripping their chest as if they were gasping for air. “Hanji.. I promise..” you said to her, blood trickling out your mouth as your eyes lazily focused on the person in front of you, weeping about your soon to be fate. “I had fun..” you said to yourself. “I met you… I love you Hanji..” you said to them.
They looked at you, pain in their eyes as they tightly hugged you, pulling you into their arms. She sat you on top of her lap, hugging your numb body. Blood scattering all over her clothes. You buried your head into their shoulder as they petted your hair, sobbing. “I’m so glad we were put here at the same time.. aren’t you.. my crazy scientist…?”
Hanji couldn’t speak. The feeling of the loss of you overbares them. They couldn’t say anything. They just cried into you, absorbing the last few seconds you have with them. “I love you so fucking much y/n.. I love you… I love you… I love you.. I love you..” they kept repeating, kissing your cheek as they said. “P-please don’t leave me please..”
“I’m never gonna leave you…” you said to her, “I’ll always be right here,” you said, putting your fist to Hanji’s heart.
“I offered my heart….right section commander…?” You asked as they gritted their teeth, trying to not scream from crying. “Please Hanji.. I did good right…?”
“You did… amazing….you gave it your all..” She said,replying to you. “I love you…” they cried.
“I love you more..”
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➪ Kachiniko ||♡︎ My Blog ♥︎ || ☾What I write ☽ 08/02/21
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battlinghurricanes · 2 years
[AO3 link if you want to read it there]
(I wonder if Deiphobus would have actually gone out to help Hektor face Achilles if he hadn't been injured the day before. Would he have tried? Would they have let him?
AU where Athena still uses Deiphobus to trap and kill Hektor but she doesn't have to take on his image. Deiphobus hasn't been injured and he tries to go and help his brother and Athena ensures no one stands in his way. All she needs is for Hektor to stop running. So Deiphobus goes and Hektor stops and he has the support of his brother beside him. But Achilles has the support of a goddess, one who warps Deiphobus's devotion to Hektor into the opportunity to butcher them both)
Achilles kills Hektor and half kills Deiphobus.
Tugged beneath the bottomless red ocean of pain, the world slides away for a while. The voices of the Achaeans bleed through like the screeches of gluttonous crows, their words a loss but their smugness blatant and shrill. He thinks he sees Hektor move, but only from the stab of an irreverent Argive sword, he finds when he tries desperately to focus his swimming vision.
Pain rips through him at a callous jostle, his belt stripped to bind his hands. Hektor is lashed behind the chariot and Deiphobus is dumped inside.
He will serve well, Achilles thinks, to round out the Trojans he stole for sacrificial slaughter, an atrocity so inhuman no other man would admit to even considering it. But Achilles’ grief is an inhuman, irredeemable monstrosity in and of itself. He takes to butchery with ecstasy to slake his abhorrent bloodlust with the abandoned corpse of his lover as paltry justification.
The chariot bears the brothers ever further from their home. Deiphobus watches with outrage the indignity of Hektor’s body dragged behind the cart, loathing Achilles beyond anything. Mustering all his strength, he claws weakly at Achilles’ ankle and pulls back a broken wrist in return.
Hektor’s hair has come loose now. He would hate that, Deiphobus thinks, then gags on the urge to sob hysterically, stifled only by the agony of three broken ribs.
When they reach the Achaean camp, tears have spilled from his eyes and bile pooled in his mouth from his choked, wretched grieving.
They put him with twelve others- twelve others, he shudders with another visceral gag- bound and pinned in by Myrmidon spears. They’re still damp and pitiful; Achilles corralled them out of the Scamander. He sees two of his half brothers, Ascanius and Telestas. Sees a friend, Maltheon, who looks halfway to the House of Hades already, sprawled on his side with eyes closed, wheezing shallowly.
The luckiest of all of them.
The eleven other Trojans flinch and shiver and whimper when they arrive. Not because of Deiphobus; Hektor’s corpse is in sight. One man keens aloud and recoils from a swift strike to his shoulder.
Achilles abandons them, but not Hektor. His chariot heads the rest as the Achaeans drive around the carefully arranged body of Patroclus, further inside the camp, but still within view. There, after three cruel circuits, does Achilles dump Hektor’s body, a barbarous desecration. Deiphobus looks upon the empty eyes of his brother who he loved above all and wonders if he will ever be buried.
(He knows Hektor deserves so much more than that, but all the rest has been stolen away. His son, his wife, his home, Hektor should be there and Deiphobus would rip the world apart if he could see it done. But reality is cold and irrevocable. He shouldn’t have told Hektor to fight. He should have given him the chance to run. Deiphobus is going to die now anyway, he should have- used his death to let his brother escape Achilles’ massacre. He should have... This should have......)
The Argives mourn and feast through the fall of night. The smoke and shouts and throbbing chaos only compounds upon Deiphobus’s delirious, injured daze. The Argives retire, though men remain to guard them, and he sleeps less so than faints, unaware till the morning.
It is no mercy to the Trojans, only a prolonging of the inevitable. Achilles still hungers. His depraved disregard for any life other than his own will devour still so many more.
The Achaeans will never know. They will never learn that Achilles requested Zeus to cut them down, murder them, for Achilles’ own gratification. A request Lord Zeus answered.
Under the morning sun they build a pyre for Patroclus, only one of the many victims of that vile request. They pile timber, pass in procession, cut their hair. They lay offerings, make sacrifices. Then Achilles turns to them and the Myrmidons drag them forward.
The youngest, Palmenus, trembles violently. Maltheon’s head lolls, unresponsive.
One by one, Achilles slits the throats of the thirteen Trojans, soaking his hands in their blood. As he waits to die, Deiphobus gazes at the body of Hektor, laying discarded, alone, beyond his reach.
The vision fades as he dies.
Limp, his corpse falls into Achilles’ arms and he drops him and all of them at the base of the pyre, fodder for the fire. A fire that refuses to burn, but once more Achilles prays and once more the gods answer and the fire roars to life and consumes them.
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dreamsclock · 3 years
...au where dream dies at the final disc confrontation, (loosing a cannon life during the minecraft hit, but didn't tell anyone)
Also can I take check anon?
i’m not the proudest of this ficlet bc i wrote it while sick ndkjncdk, but i hope it’s okay anyway !! :)
warnings: major character death, permanent death, grief, emotional distress, murder, trauma, crying, hurt no comfort, unhappy ending
And the villain drops dead, because at the end of the story, all good villains do.
Sapnap watches, stares numbly as he does so — it’s easy to be big talk by donning armour and joining in group discussions about killing Dream, harder to keep up his strength in those ideas upon seeing him, impossible to comprehend when Dream sinks to the floor, dead. It’s not graceful, it’s not even dignified: his death is messy and inelegant and makes Sapnap want to laugh, hysterically, at the falseness of it all.
Because it’s a joke, isn’t it? It has to be a joke.
Dream doesn’t die so easily.
...His Dream doesn’t die so easily.
And yet there he lies, unmoving, to prove otherwise: Sapnap is at his side, because of course he is, though he doesn’t quite remember how he’d got there, and he’s prying at his mask with hands that shake too much to be his own. Nothing feels real — disconnected from his own body, the mad desperation that possesses him speaks through his mouth, croaks out a “turn away” that has people obeying automatically, all of them stunned.
It’s not supposed to be this easy. And fuck, it hasn’t been easy — not for Tommy, who looks like he’s going to collapse any minute, not Tubbo, who is mute and exhausted and bleeding worryingly heavily from his shoulder, not for fucking any of them, and somehow Sapnap still can’t believe Dream would die so easily. The fight hadn’t even broken out. There had been no big fight: he’d surrendered, dropped his weapons and armour, and died.
It has to be a joke. This can’t be Dream.
Sapnap stares into the face of his best friend after removing his mask and sees that it is. No impersonator on earth could fake Dream’s face, because he’s the only one who’s seen it, because Dream’s face is unique in the happiness it brings Sapnap. The same joy is drowned out now by a tidal wave of thundering horror: a sharp overwhelming thudding of his heart that sings your fault your fault your fault your your your in an off key rhythm he can’t dismiss from his head.
He’s only dimly aware of the ragged noise that leaves his lips, only dimly aware of collapsing over Dream’s body, seizing his hand with a desperate urgency and trying to will him back to life through sheer force of desperation alone. And it doesn’t work, obviously, but the fact it doesn’t only leaves him feeling worse.
Try harder, he urges himself, and then the thought returns that you should have tried harder with him before, and leaves him sobbing, breathing in the familiar scent of Dream’s hoodie and unable to comprehend the reality of the situation.
Dream is dead. He’ll be back, because he promised never to leave him alone. Dream can’t come back. But he will. Dream is dead and gone and it’s your fault and it’s my fault and Dream promised he wouldn’t leave my side he promised it would be him and George and me forever and this is not forever and
“Sap,” Quackity whispers, and he’s tugging him away from Dream, turning him to cry into his arms instead, “Sap, hey, come on, I’ve got you, I promise I’ve got you.”
He doesn’t say it’s okay, because for Sapnap it’s not, and both of them know it. Sapnap crawls into his arms and doesn’t once let go of his iron grip of Dream’s hoodie, clenching his fist hard enough to hurt inside it and feeling the world crumble apart around the three of them. Quackity doesn’t say it’s okay, because despite Sapnap being so eager to fight Dream, despite him training to put a sword through his stomach, he’d never wanted it — Sapnap hadn’t wanted this, hadn’t expected it, and nothing will ever be alright again.
The others are moving out. Taking Tommy and Tubbo back to base. And Sapnap is frozen. Quackity doesn’t try to move him. Inexplicably, he misses Karl.
(He misses Dream. There’s nothing inexplicable about that. He misses Dream, and he misses his best friend, and he misses his brother.)
The villain lies, dead, unmoving, long into the night until Quackity manages to coax Sapnap to his feet and into picking Dream up to take through the portal.
The server rejoices that night. They celebrate, they dance: Tommy laughs in dizzying relief and Tubbo cries in happiness to know they’re safe.
Sapnap digs Dream’s grave alone, and buries him without a funeral.
It’s not what his best friend would have asked for, but it’s the best he can give him.
(He cries alone, to the distant sound of music, until the sun begins to rise and it starts to rain.)
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