#‘ what name would you pick’ ‘Dracula. duh.’
bruciemilf · 1 month
Okay but TJ being a doctor like Thomas but an at home one and he would be Batman when desperately needs him to be (Bruce is sick or hurt or away on business for example)
This makes so much sense for some reason and it seems canon to me
I hear you but chaotic deli owner TJ is so near and dear to me, — don’t get me wrong, guy is canonically a genius, and he FOR SURE hooks Bruce up with the latest tech (thanks to Lucius too, ofc. They’re science bros)
I truly do think TJ wakes up every morning , and his first thought is “hm how can I make Pop twist in his grave today” and just. Does it. Alfred has to live with the fact that his boys are walking disasters, and he wouldn’t change them for the world
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jgmartin · 10 months
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The Dark Web.
The name itself is a meme. It’s become the boomer boogeyman, the back alley of the internet where you go to get your kidneys harvested and sold off to a billionaire’s all-you-can-torture buffet. It’s the skeezy part of town. The no man’s land of the digital world, chock-full of society’s most vile scum.
It’s also pretty boring.
See, the dark web isn’t that much different than the surface web. Sure, it has a cooler name and better privacy, but most people use it for the same shit. Social media? Check. Shopping? Check. Pirating movies? Duh. Did you know Facebook exists on the dark web? You do now.
My parents are terrified of the dark web. They speak about it in hushed breaths, sort of like Ron Weasley talks about Lord Voldemort. It’s as though they think uttering its name too loudly will invoke the wrath of some serial hacker, just waiting in the wings to delete their bank accounts.
Ridiculous, right? I told them they were paranoid. To prove them wrong, I even downloaded the Tor browser and uninstalled Chrome. There’s nothing to fear on the dark web, I said, so long as you’ve got half a brain’s worth of sense in you.
Now, I’m not so sure.
Now, I wish I could take it all back.
I stumbled across the website after a night of drinking. I’d been out with Jared, my best friend since childhood, reminiscing about the good old days of driving Mrs. Crabtree up the wall. When I got home, I felt a bit nostalgic so I went digging for old pictures on Facebook. Like most drunk missions, one thing led to another, and I landed on an old thread listing the most exciting websites on the darkweb.
Spooky, right?
Well, most were fairly vanilla. Some free textbooks here, a bit of hacked video games there. I scrolled down through the responses until I found one buried beneath the others. It had just a single upvote. 
I stared at the link for a few seconds, then cracked a fresh beer and said fuck it.
The website was plain, mostly white text on a black background. Across the top was a banner emblazoned with the words CALL YOUR MONSTERS. I cracked a grin. It was kind of cute, in an edgelord, emo kid sort of way.
After clicking through a few menu links, I landed on the ORDER A MONSTER page. It said that, for $99, they would deliver a personalized monster to a doorstep of my choice. Free shipping, too. The flavor text read:
Perfect for getting even with terrible bosses, backstabbing friends, and childhood enemies!
I laughed. The idea was absolute gold. They even had a Monster Call Guarantee of same-day shipping. How they managed to pull that off, I had no idea. Maybe they had a network of paid actors, patiently waiting to dress up in Halloween costumes and say a few canned lines on somebody’s doorstep? Or maybe it was like Build-a-Bear, where you got to design your own stuffed version of ghouls like Dracula and the Wolfman?
Who knows.
Whatever it was, I decided I was far too drunk to give a shit about how they made it happen. All I knew was a hundred bucks was a damn steal. I smashed the order button and it brought me to a follow-up page titled DESIGN YOUR MONSTER.
I practically licked my lips. This was the juicy bit! The website gave me a drop-down list of selectable options based on modifiable body parts. The mouth, for instance, had FANGS, BROKEN TEETH, NO MOUTH, MULTIPLE MOUTHS, and TOO MANY TEETH.
I thought the idea of too many teeth sounded ridiculous enough to be awesome, so I picked that and went down the list and selected the rest of the monster’s attributes, including its body type, its subspecies, and finally its ‘power’.
The next page said LEAVE A MESSAGE. I mulled it over for a few minutes before deciding to keep it simple. I typed 'boo' into the text field.
Once I was finished, I clicked COMPLETE and it brought me to a new screen that made me jump. It was a webcam video of me, staring shocked at my laptop. The stream was live. At the top of the page, a red text banner proclaimed PERFORM THE BLOOD SACRIFICE.
Uh, what? I cocked an eyebrow. As if in answer to my confusion, a list of instructions faded into view on the bottom of the screen. 
I burst out laughing. This was too wild! Not only were they gonna deliver a ‘monster’ to somebody’s doorstep, but they were gonna include a goofy ritual video too. 
Alright, I decided, I’m game. I went downstairs and grabbed a knife from the kitchen drawer and headed back up to my room. Holding my hand up with a coy grin, I pricked my thumb with the tip of the blade.
“Jared Mayhew!” I announced dramatically, stuffing my bleeding thumb into my mouth and sucking it clean. Once I’d finished, I held it up, drunk and proud, as evidence of my dark ritual complete. Seconds passed and nothing happened. Then, the screen went black and a new page appeared.
I sipped my beer, wondering how Jared would react to my spooky surprise landing on his doorstep tomorrow. I really hoped they included the blood sacrifice bit. Jared and his wife, Alyssa, both hated blood, so they’d never let me live it down— and that was exactly what I wanted.
A couple of seconds later, a new screen popped up.
Already? That didn’t make any sense. How did they manage to create my order and ship it across the country, all in the span of five minutes? 
A depressing realization swept over me. My drunk ass had been duped. There was no way they’d be able to ship something that quickly, so the only explanation was 
A) it was a scam, or
B) it was just some lame video-mail jump-scare.
Now the $99 made more sense. There was no way a tiny start-up could offer same-day delivery and a compelling product for so little money. It was a pipedream logistically. Who the fuck did they think they were? Amazon?
Defeated, I decided that was enough dark web shopping for one night. Time to pack it in. I closed my laptop, brushed my teeth, and hopped into bed.
My phone vibrated.
I stared at it, wondering who would be messaging me at this hour. Jared, maybe? He was just as drunk as I was and probably high as a kite by now too. I chuckled, picking up my phone. The screen indicated one new email— from MONSTERCALL. That was odd. I’d never given them my email.
View results? I heaved a sigh. This was either a virus or some guarantee that Jared got a corny ‘spooky’ email. Still drunk, still making poor decisions, I clicked the link and it opened a video feed.
Of Jared’s house.
I sat up, my tiredness vanishing in a tidal wave of what the fuck. The video was dimly lit, and the way it bobbed up and down looked like it was being recorded off of somebody’s cell phone. Jared’s small, two-bedroom home was there in all of its suburban glory. Something about the video felt off, though. Wrong.
I told myself to relax. This was just some prank or gag. The company probably put out a call for a fraction of the money to any locals, and somebody pulled the contract. No doubt they were going to walk up the front steps, knock on his door, and then say boo and run off or some shit. It wasn’t a big deal. 
So why was my heart racing?
The video neared the house, the footsteps going slowly. In the silence of the night, I heard the person behind the camera breathing. They sounded frightened. Scared. Why? 
Lights went on inside the house, painting the windows in a dull, yellow glow. I squinted, seeing dark shapes darting behind the curtains.
Thoroughly confused, I decided to message Jared and ask if he got my surprise.
TERRANCE: suuup dude, you get my special delivery?? haha
Dark splotches splattered against the glass. A moment later, a woman’s scream rang out, and the window shattered. Two hands reached out from behind billowing curtains, gripping the side of the windowsill. Then two more gripped the top. A figure emerged, lurching out of the opening and into the yard.
It looked familiar. 
Jesus Christ, it looked familiar.
It stood eight feet tall, with large bat wings flared out behind it, and four crooked, muscular arms clenching in and out of fists. The person behind the camera stumbled backward, muttering something incoherent. The creature swiveled its head toward them.
The video feed shifted. Images of the sidewalk flew up and down as the cameraman ran full-tilt from Jared’s house, heaving panicked gasps. I caught muffled fragments of prayers. Then a shriek sounded, followed by the flap of powerful wings.
The video crashed, tumbling in a blur of pixels. A man’s voice shouted for help, and then something heavy crunched, and his voice died with a wheeze. Another shriek filled the night, and a shadow appeared, gazing down toward the discarded cell phone. It had four arms, a pair of wings, and a mouth filled with rows and rows of teeth.
Too many teeth.
I lurched forward, swallowing the vomit in my throat. In one of the creature’s arms was a thirty-something man, struggling wordlessly against the monster’s might. His chest looked like it’d been caved in. The creature leaned towards him, pressed its teeth against his face, and slowly bit down. The man's legs kicked and jolted as the beast’s teeth began rotating like a blender, tearing his flesh from his skull.
It dropped him there, convulsing and dying, then beat its great wings and took off into the sky. Moments later I heard confused shouts. Footsteps pounded against the pavement. More hollers. People called for the police, other neighbors told children to get back inside.
I put my phone down, horrified. It had to have been a joke. There simply was no way that had actually happened. It couldn’t have. It was too gruesome— too violent. That was digital effects all the way. It had to be. Apps were great at that these days. 
Weren’t they?
The next day I got a call from Jared’s parents. His mother tried to talk, but she couldn’t get past the tears, so she put his father, Roger, on the line. He explained that something terrible happened last night.
My breath caught in my chest.
I told myself to relax, that there was nothing to worry about. Monsters didn't exist. I knew that. “What happened?” I asked, as calmly as I could.
"Terrance," Roger said quietly. "This isn't easy to talk about, and god knows it's going to be harder to hear, but last night somebody broke into Jared’s home. Police think it was around two in the morning." 
My jaw hung limp, my hand trembling as I held the phone to my ear. A terrible coincidence. That's all it was. A terrible, horrible coincidence.
"I don't know how to say this," he continued, "so I'm just going to come right out with it." Roger took a deep, shuddering breath, the kind I’d never heard a man like him take in all his life. When he spoke again his voice was as fragile as glass. "The intruder that broke in mutilated them. Jared and Alyssa."
"Mutilated?" I said in a small voice. The sound of Roger’s voice on the phone felt distant suddenly, like the world was falling away from me at a hundred miles an hour. This couldn’t be real. It couldn’t. These things just didn’t happen to people. 
"Yes,” Roger said. “God, Terrance. I hate to give you this news, I do. But you’ve always been Jared’s closest friend, and I didn’t want you hearing about it in the newspaper. It wouldn’t be fair to you.”
He paused. “The police,” he began, pushing the words out. “They said the psychopath ate pieces of them. They say that the monster chewed their faces clean off their skulls.”
I held the phone to my chest as I vomited all over my bedroom floor. I hurled again. Then once more. 
“Terrance?” Roger’s voice said from the receiver. “Are you alright?”
“Yes,” I said, wiping puke from my mouth. “I mean, Jesus, no Roger. I’m so sorry. Holy shit.” My hand slipped through my hair and I gripped it painfully, praying that maybe if I just pulled hard enough, the pain would wake me from this nightmare. 
“The funeral preparations,” I said, guilt pooling inside of me. “I’ll handle them. I’ll handle everything. You and Charlene need to take this time to grieve for your son. It’s the—”
“There won’t be a funeral,” Roger said, voice trembling. 
“What? Why not?”
A sound reached my ears, a sound I’d never heard in my life. I listened as Roger broke down sobbing. This man, this construction foreman who’d never so much as wiped a tear from his eye in the twenty years I’d known him, was crying his eyes out.
“Jared and Alyssa… they’re alive,” he said. “Hooked up to tubes in the hospital. The sick fuck left them, my baby and his wife, mangled on their living room floor. Can you believe that?” He wheezed, and I heard Jared’s mother weeping in the background. “The monster didn’t even have the humanity to put them out of their misery.”
My mouth hung limp. What was there to say to that? What words could alleviate that sort of pain? “I…”
“You need to be careful,” Roger said, and his voice evened out a little. “You’ve gotta be careful, Terrance, alright? You might not be my son, but you were over enough that I practically raised you. Pretty soon you might be all I’ve got left. The cops… Well, they told me they haven’t caught the bastard that did this. He’s still out there. So keep your doors and windows locked, you hear? And don’t let anybody inside you don’t know.”
“Wait—” I said. “They don’t have anything? No leads at all?”
“They’ve got something,” Roger said. “It’s… not much. A crumpled up note they found on Jared’s doorstep.”
“A note?” My heart thrummed. 
"Yeah. But it was just one word. Practically useless."
A lump formed in my throat. “What did it say?”
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #140: Vlad III (Extra)
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Today on Fate and Phantasms we’re making the cooking daddy himself, Vlad III! This build will combine the Brute Fighter and Undead Warlock to create an unstoppable juggernaut who strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies. (Also spears. He strikes spears into the heart of his enemies.)
Check out his build breakdown below the cut, or his character sheet over here!
Next up: Christmas... 2!
Race and Background
Unlike your other self, you’re still a Human of the variant variety, giving you +1 Charisma and +1 Wisdom. Sometimes will is a wisdom save, sometimes its a charisma save, so you’ll be good with both. You also get proficiency with Intimidation because duh, and you get the Piercer feat. This lets you re-roll a die of piercing damage once per turn, and critical hits get an extra die of damage. It also gives you +1 Strength. 
Like a lot of other servants, you’re a Noble. (If you’re sick of this background, yell at history for only focusing on rich people.) This gives you proficiency with History and Persuasion skills.
Ability Scores
“Vlad the Impaler is somewhat terrifying” is a true statement in the sense of “The ocean’s kinda damp.” So make Charisma your highest stat for the highest intimidation bonus. It also takes a surprising amount of force to turn people into shish kebabs, so make sure your Strength is also pretty high. Third on the list of Just Vlad Things is Wisdom for an unbreakable will. It’s sad these couldn’t all be 20s, but we can fix that a little while in. You can’t wage horrific amounts of bloodshed on the populace if you get tired easily, so Constitution comes a bit later. Your Intelligence isn’t great- you’re a noble so it’s not like you’d have a bad education, we just needed other stuff more. Finally, dump Dexterity. Those spikes are cool, but they make it super easy to get caught on stuff.
Class Levels
1. Fighter 1: Unsurprisingly, someone with the name “the Impaler” is pretty good with stabbing people. As a fighter, you get proficiency with Strength and Constitution saves, as well as the Athletics and Survival skills.
Your Defense fighting style gives you +1 AC, and your Second Wind lets you heal yourself as a bonus action once per short rest. The secret to vigilance is knowing when to take a break. 
2. Fighter 2: Thanks to Action Surge, you can now add an extra action to your turn once per short rest. The second secret of vigilance is knowing when to bug out and stab people.
3. Fighter 3: Not gonna lie, despite your upbringing you’re still kind of a brute. The good news is this lets you use Brute Force to shove your spear even further in, dealing 1d4 extra damage with all weapon attacks. This die will grow as you level up.
4. Fighter 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to grab the Heavy Armor Master feat, rounding up your strength and reducing all nonmagical physical damage you take by 3. The third secret of vigilance is not getting hurt. Just don’t do it! It’s that easy.
5. Fighter 5: Fifth level fighters get an Extra Attack each attack action, letting you cut through enemies faster than we’re cutting through these levels!
6. Warlock 1: Despite the update to your looks, you’re still getting some of your power from the legend of Dracula, making you an undead warlock. This gives you a Form of Dread that you can transform into for one minute. While transformed you gain temporary HP, once per turn you can force a wisdom save on a creature, frightening it if it fails, and you are immune to being frightened. You can use this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest. Look, you are a pretty scary guy.
Speaking of things that recharge on long rests, there’s nothing else. 
But there are your Spells, which you cast with Charisma and have spell slots that recharge on short rests. Eldritch Blast and Sword Burst are decent enough substitutes for weapons, as long as you don’t mind them doing force damage. You can also Cause Fear to freak out people even more, and Protection from Evil and Good will help you if you get in too deep with the bigger fish. Or if your bosses try giving you a hard time.
7. Fighter 6: Use this ASI to bump up your Strength for more hitting things. Hitting things is good.
8. Fighter 7: Seventh level brutes get Brutish Durability, letting you add 1d6 to all your saves. In addition, if adding this to a death save increases it past 20, it counts as a natural 20. It’s not quite vampirism but hey, at least you’re not from Ixalan. 
9. Fighter 8: Another ASI, another feat! Grab the Resilient feat to get proficiency with Wisdom saves, and also add 1 to your wisdom score. Mind control’s no joke. Except to you, because you’re really good at ignoring it.
10. Fighter 9: Making things even more unfair for your saves, this level makes you Indomitable, letting you re-roll a failed save once per long rest.
11. Warlock 2: Bouncing back to warlock for a bit more goodies. Eldritch Invocations customize your vampire experience, with Devil’s Sight giving you darkvision for your dumb human eyes and Agonizing Blast making your eldritch spears a bit more of a match for the real ones.
You can also cast Comprehend Languages, because despite being a medieval warlord you can still go to modern Japan and not be horribly confused.
12. Fighter 10: Tenth level brutes get a larger damage increase to their brute force, which now deals 1d6 damage. Your new Superior Technique also lets you make a Menacing Strike once per short rest, using a d6 as your superiority die. Hit somebody, and then they have to make a wisdom save (dc 8+proficiency+strength modifier) or they’re frightened of you for a round.
Have I mentioned you’re scary yet? You’re scary yet.
13. Fighter 11: Eleventh level fighters get another Extra Attack each action. Now you can kill enemies almost as quickly as describing what extra attack does got old.
14. Fighter 12: Last feat, I promise. Use this ASI to grab the Chef feat, rounding out your wisdom and making you a true cooking daddy. This gives you proficiency with cook’s utensils, and as part of a short rest you can cook for the party. This gives 4 plus your proficiency bonus creatures an additional 1d8 hit points when they use their hit dice to heal. Also over the course of an hour or after a long rest, you can cook your proficiency bonus in treats. Creatures can eat a treat as a bonus action to gain some temporary hp.
15. Fighter 13: Another use of Indomitable per long rest? Why, that’s almost as unique as this level description!
16. Fighter 14: Bump up your Constitution for some more HP. Not dying- it’s what’s for dinner.
17. Fighter 15: Fifteenth level brutes learn how to land Devastating Criticals, dealing your fighter level in extra damage when you score a critical hit on a creature.
You may remember that this is the same thing that mercy monk had, and it’s still just as terrifying here.
18. Fighter 16: Use your last ASI to bump your Charisma up a bit, making you even scarier and also more magical.
19. Fighter 17: Another Action Surge per short rest, and another Indomitable per long rest. I don’t think fighter is a simple class, but I absolutely see why people would think that, seeing as they don’t get any new abilities past 9th level.
20. Fighter 18: Your capstone level makes you a Survivor. You’re not gon’ give up, and you’re not gon’ stop. This also means you gain HP each turn as long as you’re bloodied and not at 0 HP. You gain 5 plus your constitution modifier each turn.
You’ve got two of the big three saves (wisdom and charisma) down pat, with each save at least 1d20+1d6+9, and indomitable backing you up. God help your enemies if you’ve got a paladin in the same party, because by that point you’re probably just immune to charms.
On top of that, you deal solid damage, dealing an almost critical hit each turn and even more when you do land a nat 20. Adding your level to your damage was scary on Martha, and it’s still scary here.
You have over 150 hp, an AC of 20, and constant healing. Basically, you can deal tons of damage, and are very hard to kill in the interim.
Despite excelling at the other two saves of the big three, we dumped dexterity, and even all your save nonsense can’t fix a -1 modifier. Also, good luck going anywhere unnoticed.
Eldritch Blast is nice and all, but most of your damage is non-magical, meaning actually fighting those demons you’ve got your eye on will be an issue if you’ve got a stingy DM.
Not going to lie, the second the undead get involved, your options for joining parties gets a bit slimmer. Of course there’s nothing stopping you from putting Vlad in your game as an NPC, but it’s something to keep in mind as a player. (Of course this only made the list because picking weaknesses was pretty hard, but it still counts dammit.)
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choicesreal · 4 years
Romance Club
Hey guys, so if you’re wondering how I’m posting this when I said in my last post that I was going on a hiatus. Well, I am indeed going on a hiatus because two days from now, my doom awaits me, in other words, online classes will start and damn, am I pissed. Moving to the main reason why I’m posting this, I would like to recommend a game that I’ve been playing whilst wasting time and waiting for online classes to start. As you can tell by the title, it’s name is Romance Club. And I have been very pleased with the game, here are the reasons why.
The game does not require diamonds all the time to decide on the MC’s path, it only takes them to decide carefully and thus, it will lead to different ways and endings, in short, the diamonds are not in control of the MC’s ending. The only sad thing about it is that though it is not reliant in diamonds, some of the outfiits are a wee bit too expensive, but that is not really a bad thing because as the diamond premium outfits are expensive, they do not disappoint in the non-diamond choices one, I may be quite bold in saying this but, their non-diamond clothing choice, when in Choices, can be one, and for me, some Choices diamond premium outfits are not worth it.  I am disappointed in Choices, they have not listened to us, unlike what they said, not only that, the LGBTQA+ community cannot move and play freely, considering some of the stories have a locked gender. Or what happened in MFTL, where they basically force Mason in our face, barely have Ava around, and the typical dad who neglects the daughters because his wife died.
Moving on to the stories, I will recommend some stories that I have played and I am pleased with the endings of them (I am not that new in the Romance Club community but it is my first time going vocal about it)
These are the finished stories that I liked:
My Hollywood Story - in this story, you play a newbie actress (Emma) who moves in Hollywood and aspires to become a bigshot actress, of course, her path to her career is never easy, and she meets a lot of people on the way, enemies, friends and lovers. I just finished this now and wow, I am impressed, but I do have a slight bit of a complain, or a plot that I didn’t like. It’s when Gino Gabardino ( an Italian designer that the MC meets because he almost ran her over a car) and MC’s break up, I think it’s not really that much of a thrill when they broke up, of course, it broke my heart to see them to (and it broke my wallet too), but I just thought that it may be better for a much more, compelling and twisting plot that can cause them to break up, not the typical “he sees the girl with his ex and breaks up and flew to somewhere in the end of Earth and comes back 10 years later to get back the MC” Nevertheless, it’s an amazing story.
Shadows of Saintfour - in this story, you play a girl named Sarah O’ Niel who transfers from Baltimore to Saintfour due to her father’s job (I think, I forgot?) but little did she know that Saintfour is not what it seems, mystical and blood-curdling events will happen to her and the people she gets accustomed with.  In this story, I was speechless, the story was really mysterious and can peek your curiosity on what happens next. It’s only kinda frustrating because I couldn’t get the ending I wanted in the end. (I wanted an ending with Masked Man because, duh. He’s hot. Instead I got cursed with my friends and ended up with Derek.) But I actually take the blame in that, I was too careless to pick the choices.
Some of the stories I have been waiting for them to update that I really liked and have been diamond mining for:
(I have not put in a description because I became lazy, peace.)
Chasing You
Heaven’s Secrets
The Legend of the WIllow
Dracula: A Love Story
I know that this is the longest post I have ever written, so I’m sorry, but I want to encourage you to join the game and the community, since it’s small, there’s no toxic people. Please give Romance Club a try, I promise that you would not regret it. As for Choices, please step up your game and DO BETTER.
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sobatsu · 4 years
Eternal love
Summary: For her entire childhood, Lucy Heartfillia had been told time and time again not to go near the old house in the Northern forest as every poor soul who had the courage to venture up there, never returned but what happens when Lucy does go to the house and ends up meeting Natsu Dragneel, a vampire with a mysterious past and has an adoptive human daughter. Will she tell the village about this monster? or will she befriend him and maybe become something more…
Words: 2029
A big thank you to @i-write-fanfics-to-procrastinate for proofreading !
@millennial-star-gazer @trollka21 @lucyheartfiilia @otaku-daydreamer-4673 @doginshoe
They stood in that position for what Lucy felt like was hours, him leaning over her, his face practically buried in her neck while she was just standing there almost as still as a statue if it wasn’t for the fact that she was shaking like a leaf.
She could feel his breathe against her neck, maybe in a different circumstance her thoughts would be have been different, she would have felt something more along the lines of being flustered, maybe even being in love….
But right now, that wasn’t the case, in fact Lucy was starting to say a few prayers, ready for the moment he was going to strike.
“You know, usually when someone tells you their name, you respond back with yo-”
Lucy looked up when he didn’t finish his sentence noticing that his face was no longer at the base of her neck but now upright, staring at her bed with the little bluenette, who, at that moment, had started to stir.
Lucy didn’t even have a second to process what was happening before Natsu practically pushed himself off of her and was right on top of her bed, cuddling the young child close, shushing her back to sleep.
Lucy practically collapsed on to the small stool at her vanity, having to grab a hold of it right after so that she wouldn’t fall, as she stared at Natsu, he was cradling the little girl in his arms, smiling down softly at her as she started to nod slowly back to sleep
The girl looked quite cute as she slept but she was also much too skinny looking for a child around her age, well that’s what Lucy assumed, she didn’t even know what sort of creature Natsu was, let alone his daughter? Lucy didn’t know and she was, quite frankly, too scared to ask.
“Your name.”
“M-my what?”
“You still haven’t told me your name, I told you mine so it’s only polite that you tell me yours.”
Lucy just stared at him in disbelief, “This guy is in my room, was probably going to kill me and he wants me to tell him his name, I don’t even know what he is.”
“Fine, I’ll tell you my name, but you have to tell me exactly what you are.”
Natsu sighed but nodded.
“Fine. I’m Natsu Dragneel, youngest son in the Dragneel family and also that last known Dragneel. Over the years I’ve been given many different names, a lamia, a ghoul, I remember there was this guy I met, had a weird name, Pam Poker I believe he was called, or something along those lines. I bumped into him on my travels, well I say bumped into him but really I mean he saw me while I was hunting and well…..things didn’t really go well from there, he didn’t really understand what I was saying and when I had told him my name he must have misheard me because instead of saying ‘Dragneel’ he ran away screaming Dracula or something…but personally I go by the term Vampire.”
“A V-vampire?” was all that Lucy could stutter out after hearing this, she still didn’t fully understand what it meant but it still sounded quite frightening.
“Yeah well, it’s just something that the Vamp council came up with a very long time ago, I don’t know where they pulled it from but I never bothered to ask.”
“And what qualifies you to be a vampire?” Lucy still didn’t get it, which was quite understandable since Natsu still hadn’t told her what a vampire actually was.
“Well, my blood doesn’t exactly, work like yours does. Your blood goes around the body and keeps you alive, right? Well my blood isn’t working like that, I’m what the doctors would call, ‘dead’ and what the priests would call ‘A demon’.” With that said Natsu started to chuckle.
Lucy scoffed, “That’s not even funny and what does he mean by dead?”
“How can you be standing here, talking to me if you’re d-dead?”
Natsu rolled his eyes.
“My Lord, were you even listening? I just told you, it’s because I’m a vampire, duh.”
“But that still doesn’t explain how that wor-”
“Look Doll, you told me that you’d tell me your name if I told you what I am, which I did so go on, what’s your name?”
For the second time that night, Lucy stared at him in disbelief. “Who on Earth does he think he is? Just because he’s some sort of vampire doesn’t give him the right to just interrupt a lady, like myself, like that. Was this boy ever taught any manners?” but she rolled her eyes and gave him a short, but effective, glare.
“Fine then, if you really want to know my name so bad, its Lucy, Ms. Lucy Heartfillia, first born daughter to Jude and Layla Heartfillia and sole heir to Heartfillia coal factory.”
Lucy hadn’t meant to tell him so much but she was so used to having to do it to potential suitors, because her father wanted her to show off all of her assets, and well Natsu was a male, a relatively good looking one at that, so it just slipped off of her tongue.
“Lucy huh? A bit boring but not too bad.”
Lucy was about to kick him into the next day before she realised that one of his fingers was now covering his lips, in a way to show her that she should be quite but he wasn’t looking at her, Lucy followed his gaze down to the young girl and saw that she was starting to shiver, most likely due to the bedroom window being open and the fire almost being out.
Natsu was about to wrap the little girl with his cloak but Lucy had put up her hand to stop him.
“Under the pillow, there’s a small blanket that she can use.”
“It’s fine, I’ll just use my co-”
“Don’t be ridiculous, that coat would be barely woolly enough to make me warm let alone her, and look at her she’s shivering just take the blanket already before she freezes to death.”
Natsu simply obliged and took the small blanket from underneath the pillow, it was on the small side, yes, but it was also big enough for the four-year-old and felt very warm already from being under the pillow, so he wrapped her up in it and just started to cuddle her close to him.
Lucy stared at the little girl again, and after seeing her a little more closely before Natsu had covered her, she was definitely too skinny for Lucy’s liking and without a single thought, she went over to the tray of bread that Virgo had left for her, even though she wasn’t supposed to be getting anything, and she wrapped it up before handing it to the man.
“I know it’s not much but please, take it for her.”
Natsu just eyed the package carefully before bowing slightly and taking it.
“Thank you, this means a lot to us.”
Lucy was about to just smile and say no problem, hoping that he would now leave with the bread and the girl but then she noticed that he had shifted a little more comfortably on the bed and all those hopes went out the window.
“Juvia isn’t my actual daughter you know. Four years ago, the day of one of the biggest storms I had seen in this century, some mad and cruel person, had decided to leave her outside my house, knowing that she was most likely going to die, either by the weather due to no one finding her, or front the rumoured monster living in that house, A.K.A me.”
Lucy could feel the tears in her eyes start to form, “what type of cruel monster would leave their daughter all alone like that, let alone in that area during the storm”, was the only thing going through Lucy’s head at that moment.
“I went outside later that night to go hunt, it was the perfect time as well since the storm was starting to slightly die down but it was still too bad for a normal human like you to survive so no one would have been able to find me plus there was a high chance that there would have been an excess amount of...well..food lying around.”
Lucy shuddered, knowing exactly what he meant by food.
“I had barely opened the door when I heard it, the cries coming from the baby, they were soft but you could tell that she was in pain, she was so small and I could tell that she was shaking like a leaf, so I picked her up and brought her in, I held her close trying my hardest to make her even slightly warmer.
“I knew it wouldn’t work very well since, well, my blood is completely cold, so I started up my fire in the parlour and I sat there with her for almost five hours before she finally started to feel much warmer.
“She had also stopped crying at this point so I took this chance to go down to the village and try to find some sort of food for the baby, I didn’t have one of those baby carriages so I wrapped one of my old cloaks around me like a sling and then placed her inside of it, pretty smart don’t you think!
“I didn’t know exactly what I needed to get her but I had some...help... in this situation so I borrowed some items from some of the shops and I returned home, ready to take care of her for a little while before the storm lifted, then once it did lift I’d bring her to the orphanage.”
Everything went quite for a moment after that and Lucy was getting more and more impatient waiting.
“So what happened?”
“How come you never brought her to the orphanage”
“.....I just haven’t had the time to do it yet.”
“....but it’s been four years?”
“Yeah so?”
“Well you’d think that after all this time that you would have had time at some st-”
“Lucy? I’m coming up for a second, we still need to discuss some details about your marriage.” Lucy could hear Jude coming up the stairs right after saying this and Lucy was in a panic, she turned back round towards the door after hearing her father knocking.
“Lucy? Can I come in?”
“Of course Papa! Just give me one second to get changed.”
Lucy quickly turned around to face Natsu again so that she could warn him to go, but when she looked at the bed, Natsu was gone, replaced by a breeze coming from the now open window.
“Lucy? Is everything okay in there?”
“Oh yes Papa! You can come in now.”
For the rest of the night, Lucy was in her room talking to her father about her potential marriage with Laxus Dreyar, Lucy had met him countless times at his father’s different events, and she had to admit that he was quite good looking, but anyone with a pair of eyes could see that he was in love with the governor’s daughter but alas he was destined to marry Lucy and Lucy was destined to marry him.
By the time Jude left and Lucy was told alone in her chamber it was well past midnight and time for Lucy to go to sleep, but even after getting ready for bed and having a warm glass of milk, Lucy still couldn’t make herself fall asleep. Her mind being kept awake by a certain pink-haired vampire, even when she tried to think about the upcoming marriage, her mind kept brining her back to his hair, his face, his eyes, his lips, him. She was scared before but after hearing about what he did for Juvia even though he had no obligation just made her heart flutter.
She knew she had to see him again and she fell asleep with the thought of going back to the woods tomorrow. While a certain vampire was going through quite the same situation.
Chapter 2 !!! sorry for the long wait ! Family matters but I’m sure you all understand ! I hope you enjoyed !!!
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theyearoftheking · 4 years
Book Nine: Danse Macabre
“Death,” the boy Mark Petrie thinks at one point in ‘Salem’s Lot is when the monsters get you.” And if I had to restrict everything I have ever said or written about the horror genre to one statement...it would be that one”. 
I’m going to save everyone a lot of time here. Unless you’re a true fan of the horror genre (movies, television, and books)- don’t bother reading Danse Macabre. You’re going to be lost, and it’s going to feel like reading a textbook in a foreign language.
I am an intense fan of horror books, and more of a casual fan of horror movies and television shows. So, a lot of this went over my head. But there were some interesting thoughts and lists I’ll summarize for everyone. 
1. In the 2010 updated introduction, Steve talks about how Blair Witch Project was fucking terrifying, and was innovative with it’s low budget, hand-held camera work. He was watching the movie after his car accident, and was so scared he made his son turn the movie off. He’s not wrong. I was terrified (and slightly nauseous from the shaky camera work) the first time I saw Blair Witch Project. But the image of our horror lord and savior scared of the Blair Witch makes me giggle a little bit.
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2. The shade Steve continues to throw at Stanley Kubrick is epic and hilarious. While at a later point in the novel he praises his work, he says this of The Shining movie, “For us, horror movies are a safety valve. They are a kind of dreaming awake, and when a movie about ordinary people living ordinary lives skews off into some blood-soaked nightmare, we’re able to let off the pressure that might otherwise build up until it blows us sky-high like the boiler that explodes and tears apart the Overlook Hotel in The Shining (the book, I mean; in the movie everything freezes solid- how dorky is that?)”. 
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3. Science fiction and horror. Are they mutually exclusive? Is all science fiction also horror? How much of horror is based on science fiction? If you think about it, alien abductions, aliens invading earth, basically anything involving aliens is horrifying. Exhibit A: War of the Worlds. It’s an interesting theme to try and untangle. 
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4. If horror was a deck of tarot cards, you have three main cards: the Vampire, the Werewolf, and The Thing Without a Name. And these three cards can be traced back to three key books: Dr. Jeckyll & Mr. Hyde, Dracula, and Frankenstein. That’s it... these three (while not all particularly well written) are the OGs of horror novels; they were the first of their kind, and their thematic legacies live on today in most horror writing. 
5. As a sometimes writer of books, I underlined this passage so hard, I left a dent on the pages, “I think that writers are made, not born or created out of dreams or childhood trauma- that becoming a writer (or a painter, actor, director, dancer, and so on) is a direct result of conscious will. Of course there has to be some talent involved, but talent is a dreadfully cheap commodity, cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individuals from the successful one is a lot of hard work and study; a constant process of honing.” For more gems like this, pick up Steve’s book On Writing, which is part biography, and part writing manual. 
6. Horror movies can be lumped into a few main categories:
Horror Movie as Economic Nightmare (Amityville Horror)
Horror Film as Political Polemic (The Changeling)
Social Horror Films (The Stepford Wives)
7. According to Steve, the scariest movies ever are:
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8. Steve does a deep dive into what he considers the best horror books. Notably, he gushes over Shirley Jackson (duh. ‘Salem’s Lot was basically one big homage to The Haunting of Hill House); and Ray Bradbury. I had a light bulb moment when Steve was rhapsodizing over Something Wicked this Way Comes (which by the way is one of my favorite books and movies from childhood. Terrifying, moral, and so damn well written). He talks about how the book opens with a salesman going town to town, selling lightning rods. Yes... this is exactly one of the opening chapters of The Dead Zone. I had picked up on other Bradbury imagery, but missed the lightning rod thing all together. That was worth the price of admission, right there. 
We were graced with three Wisconsin references, one of which I think might shed some light on why Steve is always talking about Wisconsin in his books... Arkham House is a small publishing company in Sauk City, Wisconsin specializing in Gothic and horror novels. They were the first to publish books by H.P. Lovecraft, and Ray Bradbury. How cool is that? Right here in little old Wisconsin! I guess we do have some taste after all. 
The second reference was to the 2004 re-make of Dawn of the Dead: “Ana... is relaxing in bed with her husband, Luis, when they are visited by the cute little skate-girl who lives next door in their suburban Milwaukee development.”
Then, there was a reference to horror writer, Robert Bloch, also from Milwaukee... “they probably would have lynched poor Bob Bloch on the spot, had they caught up with him back there in Milwaukee...” 
We’ve also got a feline Dark Tower reference: “Cats, those amoral gunslingers of the animal world, are maybe the scariest mammals going...” 
Danse Macabre was a dense, thick, informative read, but peppered with some humor, and fun facts (I’ve been doing a deep dive on Arkham House). I will say, even with a 2010 updated introduction, the book is dated. So many new horror movies and books have been released since publication. However, the books King does reference are still timeless and pillars of the horror genre. But if you’re strictly a movie fan, maybe pass on this one. 
Total Wisconsin Mentions: 12
Total Dark Tower References: 7
Book Grade: B-
Rebecca’s Definitive Ranking of Stephen King Books
The Shining
The Stand
The Dead Zone
‘Salem’s Lot
Danse Macabre 
Next up is the iconic Creepshow. 
Until next time readers, Long Days and Pleasant Nights, Rebecca
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lashtoncurls · 6 years
Say you love me(AI)
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Summary: Ashton is in love with Y/N, Michael’s best friend
Words: 1.7K
Warnings: curse words, smut
A/N: The first of my Halloween series. Also, my birthday is on Sat and birthday sex is something I'm def NOT getting, so I wrote this. Enjoy, lol!
Mikey: are you really throwing yourself a party? Y/N: yes, because I seem to have friends who don’t appreciate me enough to throw me one Mikey: how do we top last years tho? Y/N: that’s the thing, ya DON'T and just throw me a party, fuckers. It’s not my fault my bday is on Halloween
Y/N placed her phone on the table as another text from Michael came through, stating that he would take care of everything, including the decorating and food. She chuckled to herself and took another drink of her beer, glad that she had convinced him to be the one to throw the party.
Mikey rushed to have everything ready before Crystal brought Y/N back home. It’d been the only thing that he had asked her to help with.
“You’re acting as if she was your girlfriend and not Crys.” Ashton laughed as they helped him set up, already wearing their costumes.
“She’s my best friend. Has been my whole life.” Michael shrugged his shoulders.
When the door handle jiggled and opened, everyone hid hurriedly then yelled surprise as she walked in with Crystal.
“Oh my gosh, thank you!” Y/N put on her best surprise face and smiled as everyone hugged her and wished her a happy birthday.
The party was in full swing, music loud and everyone was laughing and dancing when Y/N found herself in need of some fresh air, the black leather of her dress and the black cloak getting hot.
“What are you even supposed to be?” She heard the husky voice as she walked through the glass doors and sat on the empty lounge chair on her balcony.
“Sexy Dracula, duh.” She laughed and lit the cigarette in her hand, Ashton shaking his head.
“I don’t understand how you and Cal smoke, that shits gross.” He made a face as she blew some smoke his way.
“You’re gross.” She shrugged.
“You weren’t saying that last weekend, sweetheart.” He made his way to her, crouching down so his lips were on her neck from behind. He licked from the base of her neck to her earlobe, biting lightly. Goosebumps raised on her skin, a low moan escaping her red lips “I’ll stay tonight if you want me to. I’ll wait out here.” He moved and began to walk inside as she nodded her head and returned to the cigarette in her hand.
Everyone was having fun and dancing away as Ashton and Y/N kept their eyes on each other the whole night. They would randomly bump into each other and share light touches. Nobody noticed, and if they did, they wouldn't say anything. Y/N had always been vocal about how she felt for him but never did anything about it until recently.
As everyone left, Ashton found himself in her lounge chair in the balcony again, waiting for her like they had agreed. He thought that it was just a one-time thing, but he hadn’t been able to get her off his mind, night and day for the past week she was all he could think of. The way her lips felt against his skin, her hair tickling his nose as he cuddled her until she fell asleep, and the sounds she made while he made love to her. He was confused, but yet here he was, waiting for her to spend another night together.
“Hi.” She drunkenly giggled as she sat on his lap, the material of her dress straining as it stretched “Everyone’s gone.” She hiccuped, making Ashton laugh at her.
“Just how drunk are you, pretty girl?” He asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Dunno, had a lot.” The hiccups continued as she giggled some more. Ashton worried that she would regret it if they did anything, so he changed his mind.
“Maybe I should go home and come back tomorrow when you’re sober.”
“You already said you’d stay. Plus, you haven’t given me my birthday present.” Ashton placed his hands on her waist as she leaned in closer, her hands running through his hair and his chin on her chest.
“Cal and I bought you the tickets to the shows you wanted to go to, baby.” She pouted at his answer.
“You know what I’m talking about.” She smirked, biting her lower lip.
“Fuck, Y/N.” Ashton growled at her, pulling her lip out before she caught his finger with her teeth.
“Let’s go inside, yeah?” She removed herself from his lap and walked inside, her hips swaying in an exaggerated way as she dragged him with her. She picked up her phone from the coffee table then turned to look at Ashton.
“Mikey asked if you had left already.”
“I need to clear that up, are you sure there's nothing between you and him? Nothing at all?” Ashton asked, his palms sweating while he waited for her answer. He wasn't sure why he was so nervous to ask her.
“You silly, silly boy.” Y/N stopped and turned around, her chest crashing into his as he wrapped his arms around her waist and she did the same on his neck.
“Mikey and I are best friends. We have been our whole lives. That boy loves Crystal with his whole heart. Whatever we have, if we did have something is strictly platonic.” Ashton smiled as she finished her answer, her eyes glassy from the alcohol, but he wanted to think that it was because he was here with her.
Y/N gave him a kiss on the cheek, moving again before starting her journey back up to her room. On the way there, she began to take off her costume. Her shoes stayed at the foot of the stairs, accompanied by the cloak she wore. At the door to her room, she took off the dress. Ashton’s eyes widened at the site of her in her lingerie. She was beautiful; her hair falling down her back in waves, her skin glowing in the candlelit room, contrasting the black lace material she wore.
“Did you have this planned out?” Ashton whispered as he began to move the suspenders from his body, Y/N sitting down on the bed. Her room was surrounded with lit candles, the french doors letting the moonlight in. It smelled of fresh dirt and woods, a smell Ashton knew that she loved. The bed was covered in a white fluffy duvet, surrounded by pillows.
“Nope.” Y/N answered as she crawled further into the bed, giving Ashton a full view of her bottom. A low growl left Ashton's lips for the second time tonight, giving Y/N the satisfaction of knowing how into her he was. He crawled on the bed once he had removed his shoes and most of his clothes, leaving him in only his boxers.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” He mumbled against the skin on her shoulders, raising goosebumps again. Y/N was putty in his hands. Since their last night together, she knew that she was his, and she would do anything he wanted her to. Ashton continued to pepper kisses on her shoulders, slowly making his way to her chest. He hooked his finger on the cups of her bra, moving it down and exposing her breasts, her nipples perking up with the breeze in the room. Moans left her mouth as he sucked on her right nipple, his free hand kneading her other breast.
Y/N lifted her chest as he bit her lightly, looking up at how she looked; her swollen lips parted open and eyes fluttered shut. Ashton removed Y/N’s bra, tossing it on the floor. He continued kissing down her stomach, stopping at the hem of her underwear where he bit it, then let it slap back on her skin. She let out a gasp, making Ashton wonder how long he would last. He knew that this was about Y/N, he needed to make her feel good. Ashton wanted to make her feel like she was the only girl in the world.
“Please, Ash.” Y/N writhed under his touch, wanting him to do something to release some pressure from her core.
“So wet for me, kitten.” Ashton replied as his fingers hooked on her underwear again, pulling them and sliding them down her legs. He watched as she spread her legs, the wetness dripping on the sheets below her. He leaned down and wrapped his arms on her thighs, lifting them to his shoulders. As soon as his lips touched her clit, she began to moan again and bucking her hips up.
“Stay still, baby.” He laughed as she groaned and tangled her hands in his hair. Ashton continued to lick and suck, bringing Y/N to her first orgasm of the night. She pulled Ashton up, motioning for him to sit, grabbing his member and pumping her hands a couple times.
“I-I’m not gonna last long if you keep doing th-fuck.” Ashton groaned and pushed Y/N back on the bed. He pulled a condom from his wallet on the night the stand, positioning himself on the entrance of her core. A groan left Ashton’s lips as he began to thrust slowly. One of his hands was placed on Y/Ns hip, the other intertwined with her hand above her head. His thrusts were slow and deep, hitting all the right spots. Ashton noticed the way her eyes had been shut as she moaned his name every time he hit a certain spot.
He knew that he was close, but the feeling of her wrapped around him was heavenly. Y/N was lost in a place of bliss, nothing but her and Ashton existed at this moment. She clenched and Ashton nodded as they finished at the same time, moaning each others name. He pulled out of her and disposed of the condom before moving Y/N under the covers. She lifted herself onto his chest as he wrapped his arms around her.
“Happy birthday, Y/N.” He whispered into her hair as she snored lightly, exhausted. Ashton wondered how he had fallen for this girl so hard. He just hoped that she would feel the same way in the morning.
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Monster Haus Reviews: Super Monsters
Since Monster High (and Ever After High) have no animated specials lined up at this current moment. I’m going to start reviewing Monster High adjacent properties. Today I’ll be reviewing Netflix Original Series Super Monsters!
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It’s a show about the children of famous monsters in pre-school learning how to control their super natural powers before they get into kindergarten. This show debuted on Netflix October 13th 2017, I’ve watched a few episodes and the show is pretty much Monster High for very little kids, it’s cute, colorful, inspired and has a lot of heart in it! But I wouldn’t exactly call in ground breaking it’s got some cute lessons in it for little kids (such as encouraging manners and tidying up)  The kids start the day as humans and at night they turn into their true monster selves.
The main cast is 6 kids and 2 teachers.
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The teachers are Igor (the most good looking version of an Igor I have ever seen) and his Granddaughter Esmie. She is adorable but it’s hard for me to stomach the idea that Igor reproduced to have grandchildren, even this newer handsomer Igor. But she’s super cute! I like the idea of a gothy Pre-school teacher!
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I watched the whole first season and part of the show I do not understand is why the kids start the day as humans, Their parents don’t seem to need to hide or transform so why do the kids? I wouldn’t even mention this is it wasn’t such a big part of the show, every episode consists of two 11 minute episodes and each episode has 2 transformation sequences in it. They say “Sun Down! Monster up!” when they turn into monsters and “Sun Up” when they turn back into humans and go home for the day. They don’t specify why they need to hide as humans at all, I wanna say to avoid prejudice from real humans but they don’t state that, that kind of thing happens in this universe so I’m left a little confused. They go out in public on field trips and to pizza parlors run by humans and no one seems to have a problem with them being monsters...so why the transformations?
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The kids are sweet no matter what form they take, human or monster they are both painfully precious.
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The designs range from super cool! to super samey.
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Let’s go over each kids name, design, personality and super powers!
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Cleo Graves is the daughter of the Mummy! she’s adorable and all but we’ve seen her hundreds of times in media, her name is Cleo and she’s an Egyptian princess. I feel like every time we see a female character from Egypt her name has to be Cleo or she loses her street cred. There are other female rulers of ancient Egypt that could be explored here. in Monster High we have our own Cleo after Cleopatra and Cleo's sister is named Nefera after Queen Nefertiti. If I was going to name this little mummy I would have went with naming her Hattie, after Hatshepsut. I’m also super over the Egyptian princesses as a personality trait thing, Where are the ancient Egyptian punks!? brats? athletes? nerds? spooky weirdos? class clowns? None of these concepts are new, they’ve been around as long as school has and I wish we’d take advantage of that more often.
Her super power is perhaps the most unique thing about her, they say in the show she controls wind but she’s been shown making clouds that rain and controlling sand so I think her power is more like control over the weather and not just the wind.
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*pinches nose bridge* This kids name is Drac Shadows...Drac... Who keeps thinking this is a good name for anyone but Dracula!? There’s tons of old school vampire names out there, Vlad, Ixion, Vincent, Roman, Sterling, Talon etc etc. and they go for Drac, since it’s a kiddie show I would have kept it simple and went with Vlad or Bram. His personality is he’s very self absorbed, He’s a very gifted flyer and has a tendency to show off.  He also tends to jump into situations without fully considering them first. He’s still growing his fangs in (he only has one) and his power is flying...duh. Not a ton to say about him really.
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Katya Spelling has one of the more unique names! She’s a witch and her power is magic (duh) but her personality is very shy, cautious and considerate! Her mother has instilled in her that good witches use their magic to help others and she takes that advice to heart. Shes learning how to fly her broom, no one else is allowed to touch her wand and her familiar is a cat that turns into a plush when she’s in her human form. (pic shown further down)
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*rubs temples* a Frankenstein named Frankie...ground breaking, I’ve never heard that one before. Frank and Frankie seem to be everyone's go-to when naming these types of monsters and I get why but it’s also so painfully over done, they could have at the very least named him Hank or Francis. I really wish they would have kept his glasses when he transforms or the unibrow when he’s in his human costume. they’re both unique features and it’s a shame that he has to trade one for the other. His power is super strength, He’s very sweet but very clumsy and doesn’t know his own strength yet, I appreciate that he’s kind and not just some big dumb doofus.
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Lobo Howler is a werewolf! His power is super speed! I don’t really understand this trend with making werewolves fast, yea they run faster than humans do but it’s not like they're the fastest land animal (that distinction belongs to the cheetah) Wolves aren’t even in the top 25 fastest, so why is it so common to make them fast??? But that’s the only thing about him that’s predictable, he’s an athlete (he wears a varsity jacket) he’s got ants in his pants, he’s hyper active, inquisitive and confident! I have no beef with his name it’s just wolf in Spanish but at least it’s not super common and it makes his ethnicity un-disputably Latino which as I’ve seen many times in cartoons if a character is ambiguously brown people will just say they’re a tanned white person and its important to all little kids to see themselves in media! I don’t really like that his eyes change from brown to green when he’s in his wolf form, Green eyes aren’t even common in wolves (not impossible like blue eyes are, but still very rare) common eye colors in wolves are yellow, amber, orange and brown. so this design choice seems odd.
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Zoey Walker is a zombie! and her power is that she can see and walk though walls! Zoey is by far my favorite character in the group! she is so adorable! She’s an artist (she paints) and she’s book smart! (she likes to read) and she’s considerate of others! I LOVE her design so much! she is so colorful! However what I love the most about her design is also what I dislike the most about it - while she’s very cute she looks nothing like a zombie, as soon as I saw her I assumed she was a living rag doll but they call her a zombie in the show??? I don’t understand it but she’s perfect everywhere else so I’m not going to question it. Zoey the Zombie is a great example of how to name a monster with it being close but not too predictable! Also her last name is hilarious if you are a fan of The Walking Dead.
Like Lobo her eyes also change color when she transforms and just...why!?!?! why green!? is green a more dead-friendly color? it’s cute on her, but why!?
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They also have a class pet (Glorb the Hampster) and Katya’s familiar (Henri the cat)
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In the season finale in they introduce a new character: Spike the Dragon! He’s only in the finale so we don’t know much about him yet other than he’s Chinese (stated that Chinese new year is a big deal in his family)  and his power seems to be to summon clouds and make waves. He’s a little cutie pie! I love his design!... But I really wish they would have went with a different name.
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All in all the show is very cute! I highly recommend it if you have little ones around or if you’re just into spooky cartoons! (like me) It’s a Netflix original show and I really hope it gets picked up for a second season!
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The animation is really cute if not a bit boring but that’s kinda the standard of 3-D cartoons these days, I’m not sure if being 2-D would help or hinder this show.
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I really wish there was an explanation for why they have to change into humans, I just don’t get it. Monsters and humans seem to peacefully coexists in this world. The werewolf kids dad works for the fire department and his fellow fire fighter is a human woman, They took a field trip to a pizza place run by a human man, Their veterinarian is a human woman (she may not be human he name is Dr. Jekyll ) and so far none of them have freaked out in the company of monsters... In fact They went out trick or treating to human houses to show off their powers to “trick” the humans and the humans seem to love them!?!?
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This is not the face of someone whose shocked and afraid of being in front of a zombie. In fact they invite the humans to a Halloween party and they all go, no questions asked, no conflict started. I do not get the transformation sequences at all.
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But it’s fun to see what the kids would be as humans. My favorite part of any non-human media!
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boo1a4 · 6 years
11 question tag!
Hey guys so I was tagged by 5 of my fav gals to do the 11 questions tag (THATS 55 QUESTIONS WHY ARE YALL LIKE THIS) but anyway I was tagged by @s-lay-ing @sambashua @achuu-nice @indiepoptime and @yongpal-i (this tag is fucking eternal help me)
Cloud’s Questions!
Do you know a ksong by heart? (bc I don’t :x I can hum a trillion tho)
Blackpink’s As If Its Your Last, Heize’s Star, Day6 I loved you and You Were Beautiful, most of seventeens title tracks and most of their ballads, lastly  Pristin’s Aloha! I'm sure my pronunciation is way off but those are tho the ones that I've taken the time to actually sit down and learn!
When it comes to friendships, are you low or high maintenance? (As in your friends gotta talk everyday with you or you’ll feel like the friendship is dying OR if you can spend days without talking to them yet you still remain close)  
Ummmm I think it depends on the friendship? also I think I can tend to be a bit of both (cause I'm an insecure ass binch), tho I don't ever feel like my friendships are dying lmao
Do you have a secret that you will take to the grave? (Ofc I’m not asking you to reveal it)
not that I can think of?? like I'm sitting here thinking if there is anything and like honestly no????
Recommend me 5 songs (not necessarily kpop songs)
Dracula Teeth - The Last Shadow Puppets(honestly cloud just listen to all of their music is so great) Daydream In Blue - I Monster (this is honestly one of my all time fav songs I love it too much) No Way Down - The Shins (you know I can't go 2 mins without mentioning them, some great lyrics right here tho also give September a listen in beautiful) Beechwood Park - The Zombies (I'm assuming you know the zombies cloud but on the off chance that you don't BINCH THEY ARE MY ACTUAL FAVORITE well beside cream and zeppelin but they are up there) Kimbra - Miracle (kinda of a random one but this song just never seems to leave me!) Big Bird -Hyukoh (oh that was 6 BUT THIS SONG IS SO GREAT also listen to wing wing!!)
What do you prefer?: first, second or third gen kpop songs?
I generally prefer second generation??? I think????? I like a bit of all of them tho. but like there is no definitive answer to when each of the generations start and end so like I don't even know??? but most of my fav groups as far as music goes are older around 2nd gen but a fair amount of them are gen 3, I have a really strong love for kpop that was released between 2009-2014.
What’s the cheeeeeeeeeesiest thing you’ve done? (one time a former friend of mine was telling me about a problem she had and at the end of our convo I kissed her in the forehead bYE)
girl idk just my whole fucking life tbh, but my family members and irl friends will all tell you I do this thing where I yell sing songs and change the lyrics to their names this includes badly sung kpop songs IM SCREAMING THO CLOUD WHO ARE YOU AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
If you were asked to participate in a variety show, which one of the following would you pick and why? (Pick two!): problematic men, master key, hello counselor, weekly idol, one fine day, law of the jungle
um probs ofd?? id say weekly idol also but damn the hosts would literally be like who is this weird binch!
Your top 10 kpop songs of 2017?
In no order but 1. Would U - Red Velvet 2. Let’s Hang Out - SF9 3. Night Rather Than Day - EXID 4. Aloha - Pristin 5. Missing You - BTOB 6. I Loved You - Day6 7. Teenager - Got7 8. Habit - Seventeen 9. As If It’s Your Last - Blackpink 10. You, Clouds, Rain - Heize
Would you rather live in a huge mansion or a compact studio house?  
Im a real messy binch so definitely compact studio
Tell me a fun childhood story (I’ll start! One time an aunt gave me money to buy ‘papas’ (potatoes) at the grocery store so bc I’m obedient af I went and asked the counter lady how many of em could I buy with the money I had so she went ‘uhh, not many tbh’ so i ended up getting like two and when I returned to my aunt’s house she laughed her ass off and said: I meant ‘papas fritas’ (potato chips) Not those! - and uh yeah this is funnier in Spanish but it proves that I’m such an innocent angel I mean wow)
ok so I spent a lot of time at my aunt Lori’s house when I was a kid (like summers, and after school) and my cousin was the BUG queen so she hand made leashes for her pet toads (that she caught) and we walked them around on leashes for like a week but I was always so afraid of them and also hurting them so I WAS NOT ABOUT THAT ahahaha dumb story but it makes me laugh alsoalsoalsdo they had this bench swing in their back yard and my cousin my sister and I would swing on it together for hours at a time and one time we were swinging real hard (REAL HARD) and the links?? or whatever that held it to the ceiling it was hanging from snapped and the three of us of us flew off of it and we all collectively blacked out??? it was so weird but I woke up to my cousin stuggling to get me off of her and then there lays my sister underneath the bench just blacked out chilling (she was fine) then my aunt came running out cause she had just heard the loudest crash ahsdfasdf not long after my uncle put stronger links on it and that bench is still there! From time to time when the three of us get together this story gets brought up its still the most hilarious thing ( ALSO CLOUD YOU ARE SO PURE I LOVE)
If you were offered to start a band, would you accept?
yeah I love music so much why not! not sure I would be able to contribute much  lmao
Mir’s Questions!
If you could travel anywhere, but were completely by yourself, where would you go?
hmmmmm do you mean like I wouldn't be visiting anyone and just traveling alone?? or like going someplace where I know no one?? ok cause for the first I would book it straight to az TO SEE YOU MIR!! AND SISTER!! but for the second I would love to go to Japan (my cousin lives there tho so that also doesn't technically count lmao)
What inspires you?
Music, books, and tv shows! Also really well written characters or just interesting people I guess! but on like a ??spiritual?? level my mom?? she's just that binch you know ( like seriously Ive never met anyone kinder or more driven and hard working in my life she's wild)
How many pets would you have in your ideal future? Any specific names or types in mind?
47 KITS, no realistically I want 2 kittos and they will be named Bellamy and Murphy cause I got too also lowkey want to name a cat rami or Elliot or also kaz or Inej damn all the good names wow. Also the name Calloway is my fav name of all time and I WANT SOMETHING WITH THIS NAME
What are you opinions on fedoras
um eww?? what other opinions are there?? what is this question mir I'm???? but like ngl when worn in a none cringe manner then can look nice!
how many spoons can you balance on your face at once (picture or video proof preferred (i’m trying to get someone to do it pls anyone))
girl I've done my time (lowkey did you put this on her cause I told you about my gravy spoon today???)
What is your favorite type of tree?
I like Birch trees!
If you could convince one person to like kpop who would you convert?
damn MY MOM cause then she might listen to something other than bruno mars once in a while
What are three things you are normally associated with and/or what are three things you want to be associated with?
art, sleeping, reading and um idk?? tbh??? like maybe not being shitty and being funny??? idk??? like I don't know????
If you were in a kpop group what position would you hold (ie. leader, main vocal, moodmaker, etc) feel free to tag your mutuals and who they would be!
um hm im a moody binch bonch so probably moodmaker?? mir is main dancer cause yes duh ivy is leader cause she's the only sane one kennedy I feel would be a great rapper like she got that chic thing going she could do it I feel??? and cloud would be our talent tbh??? nom would be the maknae cause she's small I feel! Jeddy would be my happy virus bud cause she's a fun and funny gal ( I love) Jamie ALSO ONE OF OUR TALENTS wow yes I feel a main vocal here she’d go solo and be singing ballads left and right! JESS WOULD BE THE SWEET MOTHER MEMBER THAT EVERYONE LOVES AND IS JUST THE SOFTEST,,,A SUNSHINE GAL.
If you could have any wild animal as a tame pet what would it be?? (i’m ocelot loyal all the way)
damn idk I'm like horrible at taking care of things (including myself) so like honest id just stick to the kit kats
What is your opinion on mint chocolate chip ice cream? (for maj)
The best ice cream (tho I can't eat it anymore and its very cursed)
Nom’s Questions!
how are you? :D
I’m good Nom thanks for asking!
sad ballads or happy upbeat songs?
Im a ballad ho these days they are honestly all I listen to anymore, but I do love me an good upbeat song I'm just slightly more picky about them!
fave anime movie?
ok tie between Whisper of the Heart and Howl’s Movie Castle, I honestly need to see more that arent Ghibli!
dogs or cats?
Cats! (my dog is practically a cat tbh)
do you keep stuffed animals in your room?
I have one! its a portal companion cube! its not technically an animal BUT I LOVE IT ANYWAY ITS ALL IVE GOT!!!! also if you count tsum tsums I've got a few big hero 6 ones!
someone you miss?
My dad, its been especially hard lately.
describe your phone case?
its like rainbow watercolor! I have a pop socket that matches
favorite lore/myths?
Not technically myth or lore but Beowolf! I've seen the movie at least 40 times and I've read the epic! generally I find northern european mythology/literature to be more interesting than southern. but if we’re going for like ubran myths tbh not really my thing ahahaha.
eardbuds or headphones?
both for different things! but when I first listen to an album I like to listen with my headphones!
can I steal your heart?
you already have ~~~~~~~
favorite thing about your ult bias?
His sensitivity and kind heart! I love a sweet boy! Also I'm really here for Boo’s cheeks!
Jamie’s Questions!
If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life what would it be and why?
ohhh there are a few songs that I really really love, Heize’s Star is a song that I listen to daily and I feel like I could listen to it for the rest of my life! also September by The Shins! Miracle Aligner by The Last Shadow Puppets also. Idk man I just really love songs with a mystical quality to them.
If you were in a kpop group what would your group be called and what would your fandom name be?
If you could acquire mastery over ONE skill instantly, what would you pick and why?
Singing!! its just about the only kind of musical talent I think I’d be any good at! Im a vocalist ho I just want to be like my favessssss
First reaction if you spotted your favorite celebrity on the street?
I would literally hide so fast omg
First reaction if your favorite celebrity followed you on your favorite social media site?
SCREAMING ALL THE LOVE FOR BOO SEUNGKWAN 24/7 and literally only doing art of him and nonstop posting it
Snap your fingers and you get to steal your favorite outfit off of a kpop idol. What outfit do you pick, off of whom, and why?
OK literally all of Soonyoungs airport looks cause damn that boy does not get enough credit for his fashion (he's the best dressed in the group fite me)
If you were to get a painless tattoo that you could remove with the press of a button, what would you get and where would you get it?
umm probably something really pretty? and colorful? I'm not sure what put I like  arm tattoos!
What is your most prized possession?
probably my laptop?? also my collection of sketchbooks!
What’s a YouTube/online challenge that you have always wanted to try?
Im always interested to try those youtube art challenges, I've done the three marker challenge before and the draw this again challenge also!
You get a guarantee that your favorite celebrity will see your social media post but you only get 100 characters. What do you say to them?
I would literally just send my art to them! I feel like it says more than 100 characters can!
You wake up in your dream room. What does it look like?
Kennedy’s Questions!
Make a 10-song playlist for your current mood.
it is here
What vine do you quote the most?
what is that?? who you fighting?
What do you value most in a friend?
I like people who are good listeners! but also people can keep a conversation going! But really tho just genuine kindness and openness.
If you could learn any kpop choreography instantly, what would you learn?
DAMN THIS IS HARD, so many great ones that I love a lot but probably Red Flavor?
If you go to your Tumblr activity page, who does it say is your “number one fan?”
damn Idk them so I'm not gonna like tag them or something lol
What is your ideal clothing style?
I like simple dark clothing that is comfortable.
What is your favorite Snapchat filter?
I really like the ugly ones tbh I don't use them enough
What subject would you like to study, but wouldn’t necessarily want to make a career out of? (for example: I really want to learn about botany!)
psychology, I really love learning about how people work.
Would you rather be constantly half an hour early to everything, or constantly 15 minutes late?
early of course, I hate being late
Would you rather have a single day to spend with your top bias or a week to spend with your number 2 bias?
damn neither??? ahahah no a day with boo would be very blessed!
If you could bring back any disbanded OR inactive group, who would you bring back?
My Questions!
if you had to chose one kpop stage outfit to wear for the rest of your life which would you choose?
favorite music video aesthetic?
Group you are most excited for in 2018?
Recommend me some underrated kpop songs/groups?
If you could join any group other than your bias group who would you join and why?
Favorite soloist? and some song recs?
Childhood Story? (thanks Cloud)
Were you in any fandoms before you got into kpop, if so what were they?
Favorite Comeback/debut of 2017?
astrological sign? Myers Briggs type? Hogwarts House (I'm a Gemini, infp, and Gryffindor)
Random question but what are your favorite names?
Tagging : @s-lay-ing @sambashua @achuu-nice @indiepoptime @yongpal-i (y'all can do mine if you feel like it!) @forgetjunnot @babybyuny @kae-popx @kiheehyunie @jeonwoooo @trbldean130 @howcaniwait @joshhjs @maetaamong and if you’ve already done this you don't have to do it again ahahahaha I feel like everyone has done it already lol
ok thats it do it if you want!
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whore4batfam · 7 years
hi moo moo!!!! Can we be friends
of course!! Being friends with people is always lovely! 
though you may not want to be friends with me after this
okay so this is the epitome of crack...Robin (Dick at 15 years old) and Catwoman end up at the wrong place at the wrong time, resulting in them being high af
the results are, admittedly, ridiculous and im so glad this fic has never seen the light of day
Catwoman sat down on the floor with a plop, beer sloshing over. Robin rolled off the couch, purposefully avoiding the coffee table. His foot caught on the coffee table and he fell anyway.
"Share?" he asked, head ringing from its recent encounter with the floor.
She nodded, taking a quick swig and handing it over to him. After several moments passing the bottle back and forth, Catwoman announced that the situation really wasn't acceptable, and D.H. Lawrence once said “A woman has to live her life, or live to repent not having lived it,” and Robin responded with a large "Carpe Diem, baby!" and hit his head on the floor again, and they both decided that life was really too short to sit and cry on the floor, and they really needed to go out and live their life.
Which is why the ended up at the bar.
"How old are you?" the patron questioned, bushy brows lowering.
Robin beckoned him forward, leaning in to whisper in his ear. The man complied but found the only response was whistling gibberish. Finally, after the last "hushnaplaubaba", Robin proclaimed: "I am Robin. I am immortal."
He grinned goofily, flicking the hair out of his masked eyes.
The bartender shrugged.
"That is right!" Catwoman joined in, swinging her legs on the bar stool. "Bow to the omnipresence!" She raised her hands and lowered them in mock worship.
"Oh mah gawd, Cat," Robin gasped in offense. "That is SO not politically correct!"
"Oh mah gawd," she parroted, hand flying to her mouth. She stood up, waving her arms. "I apologize if I offended anyone of mythological origin!"
"Like me!"
"What are you?"
"I fly, duh. A bird-guy."
"You're a fairy!"
"That's what I meant. And you are Bastet, right?"
Her eyes glazed over. "I am."
"You know," she began conversationally, "it's a good thing you're a fairy and not a Roman god."
"Because Rome was so pedo."
"Oh, yeah. Did you know it was legal for slave owners to castrate their slaves?"
"Holy shit. No wonder Spartacus was so mad!"
"I'd be furious if someone tried to take my balls!"
She gazed at him seriously. "Would you fight for them?"
"My balls? Heck yes!"
"SOMEONE," she bellowed, standing up upon her seat. "FIGHT THIS MAN FOR HIS TESTICLES!"
"Just try and take 'em, you nasty bastards!"
"I'll take 'em!" a voice called from the crowd.
Catwoman glared. "Shut the fuck up, you can't have his balls."
"But why--"
When no one responded, she smiled and turned toward the bartender. "This man deserves a shot for defending his balls! Go on, give him a shot!" 
"Oooooh, noooooo, don't cry, lil bro," she cooed, shoving her arms across his neck in a manner that was supposed to be comforting.
"I just don't understand my feelings."
"You think any of us do?"
"I never open up."
"I don't blame you. Your mentor dresses like a bat. Think about it."
"Holy Ham, Batman!" She stopped, smirking thoughtfully. "It is fun."
Robin placed his feet on the coffee table, arms behind his head. "And it annoys people. That's the whole point."
"It's purposefully annoying?"
"Yeah, just there to be a distraction."
"Oh." A moment passed. "Holy Kumquats, Batman!"
"Holy Pancakes, Batman!"
"Holy Sausage, Batman!"
"Holy Blitz, Batman!"
"Holy Shit, Batman!"
"Holy Fuck, Batman!"
They fell to cackling, bumping their feet against that cursed coffee table. Robin looked at it reticently. One more strike and you're out, he seethed at the furniture.
It smirked at him.
"Go to hell," he whispered to it.  
"And just who is the Egyptian goddess?"
"Hey, no fair. Mythological creatures don't supersede superiority--"
"You're nothing but a fairy!"
"Excuse me?"
Both masked figures jumped. Their eyes were wide with terror as they gaped like choking fish on land. That is until they saw just who it was.
"BATMAN!" A joyous whoop rang through the air.
"The Batster!"
"The Grand Municipal!"
"We're not drunk!"
"We're stoned."
"Robbie, pick a Stone Age name."
"Uh...flying eagles."
"Not a Native American name, dimwit."
"That is so politically incorrect I don't even want to look at you right now. I'll be Dirt. You can be..." She placed a finger to her chin in thought. "Stick."
"Because that way everyone knows you still have your balls."
Batman narrowed his eyes. "What about his balls?"
"Nothing!" Robin snapped while Catwoman shouted, "You can't have 'em!"
"I don't want his...Robin, we're leaving."
"Shut up, Dracula poser!"
"Oh, man," Robin murmured, gazing at his hands in shock. "He kinda does look like it."
"Batman," she purred, tilting her head. "I got him drunk"
"You what?"
"Completely sloshed."
"I thought you said you were high?"
"SO high."
"We're Mount Everest right now," Robin piped up from behind him.
"That is it!" Robin roared, throwing himself on the coffee table. "You're going down!" The wood made a terrible splintering sound.
"Ow! You gave me a splinter!"
"Strike three, bitch!"
Batman pulled Robin off the table that is now in shambles, while Robin struggled and growled at the wooden atrocity.
"Fuck you, table," he hissed, hands reaching out like demon claws. "Fuck you!"
"You're gonna die, asshole!"
Robin was promptly grabbed and shook. "Calm down!"
"It's sassing me!" he screeched, struggling against the older man's hold. "Can't you see it sassing me?"
Here Catwoman spoke up. "I can see it sassing you."
Batman glared at the two of them. "The coffee table," he emphasized, "is not sassing anyone."
Robin pouted. "That's because it's a sneaky little shit."
Robin twisted, roaring, "Shut the fuck up, table!" He made a move to attack it again, only to be cuffed rather roughly. "Can't you hear it?" he pleaded rather desperately. "It's laughing. Get it to stop laughing, Batman."
"It's a coffee table."
"It doesn't laugh."
Catwoman pushed him rather sloppily. "You are so narrow minded and judgemental," she accused. "Coffee tables do so laugh. Berenice never shuts up, and she's the curtain rod."
“Get out of my apartment."
He made a move to leave with his intoxicated ward, but halted when she called out, "No, stop. Don't leave me alone."
"You won't be alone in jail."
She blinked. "I didn't steal anything, you son of a bitch."
He blinked also. She was really aggressive. "You're a criminal."
"I'm a cat lady. And you are taking my bro. Give him back."
Batman resisted rolling his eyes.
"He doesn't want to go with you," she added smugly. "Do you, Robbie?"
"No way. I want more weed."
Batman snapped a harsh look at him. "No more weed."
"You can't tell me how to live my life!"
"Or mine!"
He leveled a stern look at both of them.
"2, 4, 6, 8," she hummed, swaying on her feet. "Who do we really hate?"
"Say again?"
"Enough," he ordered.
She set her jaw, taunting instead, "One, two, three, four, who should leave out the door? Batman!"
He made a move to go, but she caught his cape. "No, Grand Municipal. I have a confession to make."
"I don't hate you."
"How comforting."
"I find your fashion choices extremely disturbing, but I don't hate you."
"Your costume is pretty whack too," Robin pointed out.
She sniffed. "And yours looks like you crawled out of a trash heap."
i am so sorry, pls forgive the folly of my youth. i wrote this like 3 years ago :/
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lamiaward · 7 years
Dracula comes to Storybrooke
I don’t own OUAT
Season 6 au. Dracula is in town, and he has his eyes on Regina. Henry and Emma must fight for Regina’s safety as Dracula invades her dreams and steals her strength but do they know what they are up against? After all, there was never anything in the fairy tales about Snow hitting her prince with a rock…..
Warnings : mention of the marriage to Leopold. (non-graphic) Mention of injury.
She is angry. Or rather, she is trying very desperately to be angry, because anger will allow her to be cold and disdainful to the blonde mena- the blonde, to Emma - to pull her walls up and have them be as thorny as possible. It is humiliating, how she can't speak because even swallowing hurts but all she wants is that anger to will protect her, and how she digs her fingers into her own skin because how dare you desire that anger. That anger is the evil queen's. That anger will hurt your family and it. is. WEAK.
Her sight is blurred, and every time she swallows it feels like she has to force several arrows down her throat. She wants to throw herself at something and have it hurt, for searching for that anger so desperately. You have friends, family. You should be grateful for that. You cannot be angry.
She isn't. Or rather- she isn't at who she wants to be. She is furious at herself- for wanting this in the first place, for daring to think happiness is still something she is allowed to strive for, for any of the thousand times she was weak, she doesn't even know- and she can only think how she keeps making the wrong choices, somehow. She thinks of the way Emma's muscles froze beneath her fingers - and hates herself when she can only think of the split-second those lips moved against her and her own lips started to pull up at the corners.
She isn't foolish: she knows what she feels for Emma. Some days, she can even appreciate it. Some days, she isn't furious with herself for how Emma's smiles can wreck her heartrate and how she feels breathless whenever they connect- magically, or just when they talk. Most days however, she is painfully aware of what she has done- of how Emma Swan deserves better than what she could ever be.
Unfortunately, knowing it doesn't protect her.
Fortunately, she doesn't see Emma for at least days after it happens. (and perhaps she further humiliates herself by sobbing into her pillow, and in an especially weak moment, she wakes hungover stares at a thankfully unsent message)
She is miserable and using all the skills learned from a mother like Cora, and a mentor like Rumplestiltskin to hide it. She thinks Henry might know ( he definitely suspect) and he is even smart and instinctual and caring enough to likely guess it has something to do with Emma. Especially since Emma has been trying very hard to avoid Regina, making excuses that ranged from "I've got work" to " I am looking for the creeps that kidnapped you" (she had never actually gotten to telling Emma just how she had arrived at the house in the midst of the forest) . And Henry is cross with her - as he had told her " I can't believe she is being like this, I am so sorry mom"- and even Snow is scolding her daughter - I am not mad Emma, I am just disappointed - like that wouldn't make Emma's longing to run worse.
Snow was family, but sometimes she still thought the woman was an idiot. Especially concerning her daughter, who happened to come from a very different background and logically wasn't always understood by her mother. However, Regina would've expected Snow to at least be able to work out that certain things trickered Emma. Like disappointing her family (it was undoubtly terrifying to the lost girl Emma used to be; disappointing a family must have once meant losing them again)
Things were tense in their family right now- and Regina felt horrible enough that she had barely left her house the past three days. Right until Henry had enough of it - " Mom. You are hardly a threat to the public good anymore. You've saved everyone at least three times, and most of the people kind of love you" - and she was coarced to leave the house by a mixture of Mill's slyness, Swan stubborness and Charming - well charming-ness.
Our son is a force of nature. But she smiled for the first time in days as she was pulled along by a chatting Henry, listening to his stories about lessons and superheroes and writing ideas with the easy, proud smile only he could pull from her. She tried to scold him, but instead laughed when he yelled a greeting at Ruby in the middle of his story, then gently pushed her down and continued talking.  "so I told him he was dumb. Because it is wonderwoman, duh. So of course she would win".
Regina smirked. " I agree, thinking she would lose is rather foolish".
" Right? Anyways, after that Ben was kind of sully. Until I promised we could meet at my place soon again" Regina melted as Henry grinned adorably.  "I think he misses you cooking".
" That is rather sweet of him".
Henry shrugged. " Your cooking is just really good".
" Did you never hear about the rule, Henry?" Ruby had suddenly appeared. Years of experience had taught her to just come to the table because the two would be talking nonstop anyways, so it really didn't matter that she interrupted them.
Regina arched her eyebrow slightly - Ruby could almost hear the 'what now, miss Lucas'- while Henry just smiled at her.  "You shouldn't compliment someone else's cooking when you're in a restaurant - especially not one where the cook has a crossbow"
" I am pretty sure Granny also prefers my mom lasagna".
" No, I don't lass! I have been making delicious meals long before your mother could even spell the word 'lasagna'  " .
Regina bit her lips to hide her smile. " It is rather rude to listen in on people's conversations, miss - "
" Not when the people are blabbering about you, then you can listen in all you want. And none of that miss Lucas bull, Regina, or I will come over there".
" I am terrified. I am sure you knitting needles are very sharp after all "
Henry snorted, while Ruby shook her head and whispered " Are you insane? She has wicked precision with that crossbow of hers".
" I've catched your grandmother's arrows in the past".
Ruby's eyes lit up in recognition.  "Oh yeah. You know, if I hadn't been kind of angrily terrified at the moment, that would've been so awesome".
Henry nodded.  "It was pretty bada- cool".
" Do I need to test your arrow-catching skills, your majesty" Henry grinned at Granny.She had walked over, which she often did when the dinner wasn't too crowded.  She was scowling, but her eyes told him that she wasn't really mad or anything. Just some friendly teasing, which showed his mom had really become part of the Charming family.
" I would not want to harm your ego like that, dear" Regina immediately shot back, the disinterest in her tone and general tone obviously fake. Her eyes were glinting slightly as well.
Granny huffed. " Ha. As if you could!".
" I could catch anything you throw at me".
Henry interrupted the friendly bickering-goading when he was suddenly struck by a thought. " Mom! " .
" Yes, mijo?".
" You should".
Regina frowned. " I should .. catch arrows?".
" Well yeah. It is the perfect way to test your speed , right?".
" Henry, I have told you before - I am not certain it is wise to experiment with my newfound 'talents' " . I have just rejected the darkness- what if I hurt you. Regina felt like she had participated in that foolish 'ice bucket challenge' that Emma and Henry had been talking about before all of this happened. There was so many ways to accidentally hurt Henry.
Henry scoffed. " Mom, you would never hurt me. And- I really think we should gather more intel. And because you won't let me sneak into that house - ".
" Henry. Under no circumstances are you to ever enter any building that has those creatures in it. Understood".
" Yeah. But regardless, if you won't let me find out stuff in that way, we need something else. And I don't think your powers are evil or anything".
It was only years of conditioning by her mother - manners, Regina, are important if you want to marry- that kept her from shifting in her chair. " I hope not" she said, with a glance at Ruby ( Granny had walked back into the kitchen now that the 'fun part' was over). She just smiled.
" Well, I don't think so " he hesitated, then asked. " Or - what does it feel like?".
Like having run a marathon in the burning sun, and forgetting to drink. Like rubbing ice cubes over your gums. Regina had to swallow, both figuratively and literally. She had to swallow the urge to wrinkle her nose with disgust as she swallowed more spit than she thought she could produce. But that was what it had been like, an incredibly itchy and dry throat alternated with moments where her salivory glands were working overtime.
" Mom?".
Regina shook herself. Even as a teenager, I never had issues with my concentration like this. " I- right, what it feels like. It is difficult to describe. I am experiencing several things, Henry" .
" Like what- ".
Regina glanced at Ruby.  "Perhaps we should order first?" . Ruby's pout showed that she understood that Regina had ulterior motives ( namely getting the gossip away from her private business)
" Yeah okay. Hot chocolate with cinnamon, fries and a burger please".
" Henry, please choose at least something moderately healthy. You have already eaten too many unhealthy things the past days".
" The burger has lettuce on it".
" Fine. But only because I will prepare a nutritious meal tonight. And tomorrow. And- did Emma already tell you what she will be preparing for you friday?" Usually, they have family dinners on friday even though every other week it's 'Emma's' friday. But Regina suspects there won't be any family dinners for a while.
Henry snorts. " Mom, I am pretty sure Emma doesn't even plan what she is going to do in the next hour, let alone two days later. She usually just goes to the store with me, and lets me pick something ".
" I will choose something then" Perhaps risotto. I still have not tried that recipe.
"Okay, sure. Are you going to order now?".
Regina sighed, then chuckled. " Of course. I would not want you to explode with impatience, after all"
Henry rolled his eyes, but he returned her grin. She turned to Ruby.  "A chicken wrap, and a coffee please"
" Sure, madam mayor" Ruby immediately said, grinning. Like her grandmother, she liked to tease. Which was why she still called Regina madam mayor, even if they had become somewhat friends thanks to Snow's habit of holding events where she tried to drag Regina off to talk with everyone ( including dwarves. She had come to tolerate Grumpy. Tolerate. Not like him, like Henry insisted she did).
As soon as Ruby disappeared with a wink and a "coming right up, mayor Mills" , Henry tried to convince her. " Come on mom, we need to know more. The book is still not giving enough information!".  
She briefly touched his hand at the aggravated tone.  "Henry"
" I know- I just, what if you suddenly get worse? What if the transformation isn't over yet, or the vampires try something again o-or" Regina left the booth and sat down next to him, throwing an arm around him at the sight of his crestfallen expression.  " todo estará bien, mijo"  
" You can't promise that "
" Corazón- ".
Her own eyes burned at the sight of his wet eyes, and the tear trails on his cheeks. " No! You can't"  he hugged her really tightly for a moment, then pulled back again but stayed close. Before she could reassure him that she was fine, that she wasn't dying or anything, that they would find a solution, he whispered something that made her bite her lip really hard to keep from crying herself.  "No me dejes mama, no me dejes"
She hugged him again. " Nunca, mi cielo".
When he was calmed down enough, she slowly pulled away again and grabbed a tissue from her purse. As she gently wiped away his tears, he leaned against her.  "I thought you wouldn't wake up anymore. That my family would get broken".
Her hand stilled. " Henry, you would never be alone. You would still- ".
She almost flinched at the angry tone.  " I don't care! Nothing is okay if I don't have my entire family" she had a flashback to a four-year-old Henry, the one who was terrified of the old creaking oak tree, to the point where he would grab her hand so very tight and hide his face. " You are my mother. I love you".
"I love you too , sweetheart, I love you so m-much" a few tears slip. But she manages to keep the rest back.
" Then at least do something, please".
Regina sighs. " Like what?".
" I don't know. Just- at least feed or something".
" Henry- ".
" Mom. I am not stupid. I can see you're hurting, that you're becoming more frail and have less energy and- I think you need blood. " he adds the last part in a really quiet voice.
" I am fine".
Henry huffs. " Yeah, right" he is quiet for a while, then:  " you wouldn't have to hurt people. The hospital always has blood available".
It is odd, how the cold in her gums intensify while she feels slightly nauesous at the idea as well. Of course I do, I do not wish to drink blood. Old, cold blood. So unlike Emma's warm- She nearly flinches at that thought. She has been having thoughts like those a lot , but it still unbalances her.
" I will think about it" she finally says, allowing Henry to pull away.
" Promise?".
" I promise"
He seems calmer now, almost relaxed. He even smiles brightly at her, and glances at the kitchen. " I think the food is ready " . She loves how he can still get excited about things like that. About food, and comics, and video games.
She waves Ruby , who had been waiting for a sign that they didn't need some time and space anymore, over. She immediately saunters towards them, hands Henry his food and drink with an affectionate " There you go Henry, try to eat a little slower than usual so you don't choke" and a head ruffle before turning towards Regina.
Her smile abruptly drops. As does her stomach. When she tries to think, all she gets is  'thirsty' . Her eyes flit down, to where she can suddenly hear a heartbeat like a drum, all thumpthumpthumpthump. She hisses, her gums suddenly burning like she has drunk hot chocolate far too quickly.
" Ruby " she says. She is aware- but why- that she should tell the girl to leave, but all she wants her to do is closer. She thinks that sound may have been a plate falling- who cares when Ruby is coming even closer than she had been previously and she she smells so good.  
The sound is nice too Regina thinks when Ruby moans really softly as she yanks her forward and immediately slides her lips over her skin, following the path of blue veins towards - she only realizes the growl was all hers three seconds after it happened. She gasps as it all comes rushing in- the sounds of hushed whispers and yells, the smell of coffee and all the other things you can buy in this diner and the furious-worried face of Granny Lucas.
The crossbow still pointed at Regina.
The arrow planted in the wall next to her, its feathers tickling Regina's skin when she turns her head. The blood on her cheek, the wrong colour when she lowers her hand again.
" You got three seconds girl. You back - or do I need to point this thing at your heart? " it's Granny's growl, and it prompts Regina to lick lips that feel dry and kind of burning before croaking " I am back, I believe".
" Ruby, come stand next to me".
" Gran- ".
" Girl".
" Granny- she wasn't going to hurt me".
Regina feels pleasant shivers, and very unpleasant ones crawling and jumping over her spine. She wants this. If I as much as insinuated I wanted my teeth burried in her neck, she would let me. Ruby's eyes are black, with gold pulsing underneath. She makes an angry sound when a hand wraps around her wrist , and tries to pull her back. Regina might be growling herself.
" Gra- " .
" Shut up  "
Granny's hand, the one that is holding her crossbow as she points it at Regina, is trembling. Regina takes another step towards her- when did I stand up, exactly- and keeps staring at her as she smiles at Ruby.  "Ruby?" she immediately yanks herself free and presses against Regina. Who is only barely aware of a harsh voice, and the wood in her right hand. She tosses the arrow back, in the direction where she can feel the other woman is still standing.
Ruby tastes amazing. There is only a slight hint of iron, an aftertaste really. The first impression is spices and meat and- her magic flares, something explodes and she only barely catches Ruby when her knees buckle. She lays the girl behind her, then slowly grabs the arrow in her shoulder.
" Last warning. I don't want to hurt you Regina- but I will if you don't leave my granddaughter alone". like earlier, it all comes rushing back. She is aware that it is Granny standing there, and that she is trembling slightly but that her lips are pulled tight. She won't hesitate. The boy next to her- that's Regina's son. Regina's brave, kind boy and he is screaming. She thinks he might have been screaming her name first, but now it's all " don't hurt DON'T HURT HER DON'T   "  as he struggles against the person holding him.
Regina collapses, falling on the seat of the booth.
She almost pushes Henry away- you could get hurt, you could get hurt, you could hurt - but ultimately, she cannot bring herself to do so. He sobs as he rushes into her arms, and she pulls him towards her and watches Granny over his shoulder. She still has to lower the crossbow.
" I am sorry, I am s-so sorry". She likes Ruby. She could've hurt her. Usually, this would be the part where she gets angry and fights something - preferably the monsters who did this to her. She should toss her fireballs at their faces- surely fire can still destroy them.
In fact, she might have - were it not for the hand that's suddenly on her shoulder.
She tries to breathe through her mouth only, but it is useless. Ruby is still there, and Regina can smell her, and the blood still on her lips tastes delicious and. She wants more.
She grits her teeth, tries to push the hand away. " Ruby- "  the fool just smiles- and Regina feels her control slipping again when she leans in. She feels something that may be teeth sliding out in her mouth when Ruby murmers  "It's okay. I know you won't hurt me. You have my permission".
Before Regina can do something admittedly stupid, something she will regret, Ruby yells  "hey!" and throws her grandmother an affronted look. Granny just rolls her eyes, tightens the hand around her granddaughter's arm.  " I am not going to let you be bitten by a vampire. Isn't it enough to be a werewolf?".
" I wouldn't immediately turn into a vampire" Ruby pouts.
" No, Ruby".
Ruby sighs. " But she needs blood, doesn't she?".
Regina can function normally again, now that there is a little distance between her and Ruby. " That is a very bad idea, miss Lucas".
Ruby turns to her.  "No, it isn't. I don't know how long you can go without blood, but I am guessing not that long before it turns really unpleasant. I heal faster than most people, so it is pretty safe to bite me" . She grins.  "And it feels pretty awesome- really, I wouldn't mind. At all".
Henry stands and wrinkles his nose at Ruby. " Ew"
" What? It does! It kind of feels like- ".
Regina quickly raises her hand to stop Ruby. " That is enough , miss Lucas",
" Maybe I was going to say it just feels like eating sundae".
Regina snifs.  "I very much doubt that".
Ruby's grin widens.  "You are also really hot, which probably- ".
" Ruby!" Henry throws her the most exagerrated, betrayed and revolted look.
Ruby just laughs and playfully pushes him. " Come on, surely you have heard that before "
" I don't want to hear it" he narrows his eyes at her.  "And you have a girlfriend".
"It is not like I am offering to sleep with her- I am just offering my blood".
" Please do not ever say the word 'sleep' in relation to my mom ever again. Ever".
"Okay, whatever mister sensitive".
" Ruby, please stop torturing my son. And I am not going to bite you".
" I am just asking for a repeat performance  "
" Mom!" Henry scolds, when Regina cannot help herself and smiles flirtatiously at Ruby. Stop that! At least she manages enough control to not say Ruby's name like that again.
" My apologies Henry, but- ".
"You know, we could always go upstairs" Ruby offers.
Regina arches her eyebrows. " I am a queen, and have a bit more class than that".
" Yeah, right" Ruby says. She looks like she is going to add something, but then she glances at Henry and shuts up. Granny snorts, and finally lowers the crossbow.
Henry sighs and looks at Regina.  "It might be a good idea, you know" before Regina can say anything, he quickly clarifies.  "To drink her blood".
" Henry. In most tales, vampirism is strongly linked to mind control. It could be very dangerous to drink anyone's blood"
 "Maybe. But it is also dangerous if you don't! ".
Granny sighs. " I cannot believe I am saying this, but perhaps the boy is right" she gently touches Regina's shoulder. And says... something. Regina doesn't really know. She is distracted for a moment, and she clears her throat but it doesn't make the feeling any better. Without thinking , she grabs Granny's hand
It is yanked back. " Don't even think about it, I am not your walking juice box  ".
" I was hardly going to bite you. Your blood - it is less appealing".
Granny scoffs. " You did not seem to mind two seconds ago ".
" That is likely because I am still very thirsty" Regina admitted.
" So you think you wouldn't drink Granny's blood if you weren't like really thirsty".
" I think so"
" So it matters whose blood it is? ".
" Yes. It smells different- and it makes me feel different".
He wrinkles his nose. " Like, when you drink it".
" No, more like- when I am around people".
" Wait a minute" he quickly grabs his bag, that he had placed on the ground when they entered the diner, and takes out a leatherbound notebook, and a pen in the shape of a lightsaber.  "Okay. So what does it feel like?".
" All the customers are calmed down again, and I think some of them are getting antsy "Granny remarks, looking at severely grumpy-looking people. She looks at Regina. " Can I trust you to only set your teeth in actual food, not humans?".
" I am in possession of something called self-control, miss - Granny "
Granny snorts. " Didn't look like that just minutes ago, little miss selfcontrol. Try to keep your teeth tucked in, or whatever" Regina weakly glares at the woman as she marches away, to the counter.
" Should you not get back to work as well?" she asks Ruby.
" Nah. I am entitled to a lunch break anyways" she plops down next to Regina- or tries to. Before she can , Regina stops her with her hands on Ruby's hips and gently pushes her towards Henry. " Sit next to Henry, dear, not me" her fingers tighten on those hips for a moment, and for a crazy second she thinks about pulling Ruby in her lap.
She tries to be subtle about putting more distance between them, even when Ruby sits down next to Henry with an eyeroll and a little huff. She forces her focus back to Henry.  " What did you want to ask, mijo?".
He clicks his pen. " The blood thing. What does it feel like, and smell like. How do you feel right now - do you think you really need to feed right now or is it okay?" he points the pen at her.  "And no lying! I will know it, and you can't sabotage the research like that".
Regina feels warm, and light, and automatically smiles.  "So you have inherited Emma's 'superpower' now".
He just shrugs, then watches her impatiently. She brushes away a stray lock and stares at her plate. What is the best way to explain? She tries to think back to what she felt when Ruby got so near. And compare it to what she has felt around other people. " My senses are sharper. That is one of the things I noticed immediately. My sense of smell has also improved immensely- so I can smell their blood now. And it's iron but it is also very specific".
" Specific?".
" Yes. Miss Lucas, for example, smells like the earth and spices".
"Oh. What do I smell like?".
"Why do you want to know? ".
" I am curious".
" That new aftershave you 'borrowed'  from David. It is quite... overwhelming".
He blushed and looked down. She clumsily reached for his hand and squeezed it once. " It is smells perfectly fine to humans Henry- it is just a bit much for someone who can smell extremely well".
" You sure?".
" Of course".
"So what does my blood smell like? ".
She sighed. Why did I raise him to question things again, and to persist?  " You smell like ink, and old books and chocolate".
He stares at her. " That isn't what my blood smells like, isn't it?".
" No, but- it is kind of difficult to explain Henry. The most I can offer, is that your blood smells sweet with only a hint of bitterness".
" Oh cool" . He scrabbles something in his notebook. " So have you ever wanted to drink mine?".
She inhales sharply, brings her hand to her forehead for a moment. "  Henry- "
" Mom. I don't care, okay? Like, of course I care that this is happening, that you are in danger and everything but if you have ever wanted it- it won't make me look at you differently".
He is so sweet, so understanding and caring. She smiles at him, forces down the tears that are threatening again. " I know, mi cielo, but - this is all just very confusing".
" Okay".
She sighs, then admits " I have- It was not as pressing, or overwhelming as it has been around other people. But I am thirsty and - " She tries to smile, but it ends up being more of a grimace. This thing I am turning into does not care you are my son, and that I love you and I would never do something like that.
" I get it. But-  "he scrunches up his brow a little.  " it is far stronger around other people? ".
" I- yes. I hardly even have to attempt to control myself around you. It is more that the thirst gets stronger than that I truly want to drink your blood".
" Hm. Interesting. What about gramps and grandma?" her heart aches, like someone froze it and then grabbed it to squeeze it like one of those stressballs Archie once had the nerve to offer to her. That small grin- it is all Emma's.  " Do you want to drink Snow White's blood really badly? ".
She manages a chuckle. "Surprisingly, no. It is- with Snow, the thirst is managable. It is worse than around you - it feels like you have not drunk anything yet, and it is already in the afternoon, and you see a glass of water somewhere. It is that feeling. But it is nothing I cannot ignore, or even something that would be in my mind for a long time".
He scribbles that down as well. " And grandpa?".
" It is different with your grandpa. If I forgot to watch myself around, something might accidentally happen. But I have a feeling that I would have to be incredibly thirsty for that to happen".
"" Huh. What is different about Ruby and Emma then?".  
She tries to hide how that unsetttles her, but she can still feel her eye twitch just a little bit. "Emma?".
" Well yeah, you bit her didn't you?".
" I am certain that was merely because I had only just been... changed Henry".
She sees her own you-do-not-fool-me-you-imbecile look thrown back at her. " Mom. I have seen the weeks after. There were at least three accidents where it almost happened again. Three. And you kept- you kept using the Thrall".
" The Thrall".
He grins for a millisecond. " That is what I call the mindcontrol thing. Pretty good, huh?".
" I am certain I did not- ".
"Mom, you totally did. It is not like I am accusing you or anything, okay. I just noticed that you used the Thrall to like get her closer?".
She feels like the oxygen in the air has suddenly replaced with poison, poison that makes her lungs burst, her stomach lose all functionality, her self-loathing pretty much explode like a volcano.
" Mom. It is okay" she shudders and looks down at her hand, which Henry is gently holding. She can't look at his face. He loves Emma. Surely- he wishes something better for her than me. " Mama"
She glances at him.  " If that is what I did- it was never on purpose Henry. I would never-  " She thinks of arranged marriages, and she used to hope desperately that Leopold would be called away that night. She thinks of Emma's face, grim and dark and pained, as she laughs and tries to pretend the creeps that looked a little too long, touched a little too much - or just wanted her to do things for them that would get them into trouble- when she pretends that was nothing.  "  I would never hurt her. Not anymore- ".
" I know. Duh. Mom, you have stood up to Gold for her, and risked a lot for her, and you cook for her when you know she is going to have a long day for work. Seriously, how many times have you given me food that I should give to her?".
" We are friends" it is the only thing she knows to say.
"Yeah. And I think it is great and all, but- " he steels himself, raises his head slightly. " what happened? Why is mom trying to run again? " it is a question he has asked a lot, and the answers she has given ( "I don't know". " she told us, she is busy") have not been believed.
" I have told you that it is miss Swan's-  ".
" Mom. Will you just be truthful, please. I hate this , okay? I hate that she doesn't just barge in anymore, and that you are subdued, and that grandma is sort of fighting with mom and I hate how we might not have family dinner tomorrow or the day after or the day after that. We need to stick together. You are in danger, and mom is running" he sounds like her, so angry with a lot of pain and fear hiding beneath that anger.
She touches his chin gently.  " Your mother will not run forever, Henry. I am sure she will realize what she is doing, and apologize to you".
"She shouldn't apologize to me, I still see her. She is mistreating you. She should be there to protect you!".
" Henry, I can protect myself. Better than ever, actually".
" But what if you get bitten again, or they kidnap you or they force themselves into your dreams. It is only Emma that has kept you in bed these past weeks. If she hadn't stood guard, and been around you and everything, you would've gone to the graveyard again".
That much is true. She feels herself smile at the memory of Emma holding her hand to keep her from getting away in her sleep, or waking and seeing Emma sit in the chair in front of the bed, or any of the other silly things that Emma did because she cared. Because they were friends. And you ruined all that. You are hurting your family. Again
" I am just saying mom, we need Emma".
" I know, Henry, but this is Emma's choice. Not ours. She has to decide for herself what she wants".
" But- " .
" Henry"
He shuts up, but she knows this isn't the last time he will bring it up- and if he won't bring it up again, he will try to find some way to get Emma to at the very least talk with her again. She knows the look in his eyes, knows him well enough to be aware he is already concocting a new operation.
She should be colder. She can feel the cold- but it isn't touching her. That doesn't make sense , but it is like walking in the Snow wrapped in really thick clothing. She breaths and it is visible, she can feel ice beneath her feet and when she tries to light a fire- it freezes before her heavy limbs and struggling magic can make it work.
" What do you want?".
He steps out of the fog. Or perhaps he stops being part of the fog. When he spreads his arms wide open, his cape billows behind him. There was not any wind just now. "  You, my dear, you".
She almost tries to channel the evil queen before she gets nauseas by the thought that she would still cling to that, even now. Instead, she just shrugs and crosses her arm. She purposefully slides her eyes over him, making sure to keep her expression as bored, as disinterested as possible.  
His hands feel like an electrical shock and a snow storm all at once. "  I believe you to be the perfect fit for my family, Regina" the evil queen probably would have ripped his hands off by now. Regina just stands stockstill as he slides them from bare shoulders to her hips. She waits one more second before she pushes him, hard.
She notes he doesn't breathe when she steps close enough that their lips could brush, pushes him even harder. " You-  " she pushes him again. It is almost easy to find rage now, with his smug smile, with the blood around it glaring in her face.  " are not family".
She hisses at the painful electrical shock she receives where his hands are grabbing her wrists. Looking into his eyes is like fighting sleep but she manages a glare whenever she glances at the blood around his mouth.  "What does a creature like you know about family?" she spits in his face.
He chuckles. He chuckles, but the look in his eyes is so pained Regina forgets for a moment and has to bite her lip to keep herself from asking whether he is okay. " Too much to be happy"  he says, which makes her narrow her eyes.
She tries to make her magic work, but it barely flickers - fear works almost as well as anger usually, why is it not working why is it not working. Perhaps because she isn't afraid. His hands are burried into her hair, yanking on it to bend her head back, and a droplet of spit glides of his fangs and falls on her neck and he smells so much like blood that her own teeth start to burn (not his blood- if he has it. Is that- ) but she isn't afraid. She isn't much of anything.
It is good. It is forgetting pain, and warm baths, and touches that make you shiver in a good way. It is good enough that she doesn't protest as his teeth scratch her neck, and again. And again. Doesn't protest - he is a monster, stop him!, who knows what this will do to you- until she sees it.
She yanks back so quickly and with so much strength that she trips over her own feet and he nearly falls as well. She trips over her own feet again in her haste to get up, hardly feeling the pain as her knees hit the ground, she gets up again and throws herself down next to the body.
Her magic does obey now. It seems as desperate as she is, purple sparks hovering above her hands, as she lowers them to throat and the abundance of blood. She can only focus on the blood- not what is beneath it. Not how that throat is -
She takes exatcly ten minutes to asses the injuries and think about what needs to be healed- how it can be healed.
Regina closes her eyes and pushes at her magic. Pushes and forces it to sink into what is left of skin and grits her teeth ( it is pretty much like kitesurfen during a hurricane). She breathes through her mouth and pushes her hands into the wet earth- No. You don't want that. You can't hurt him. You can't.
Still, she feels herself bending over, gently brushing away brunette locks from a face whose features are still set in an expression of acute terror. Wake up baby, wake up. When she presses her lips to his cheek, she knows it was a mistake. She is too close to all the blood on his neck.
Hungry. Thirsty. It burns- but with cold. She reels back when her fangs shoot down painfully - or she tries because a hand buries into her hair and pushes her towards the crumpled, small body in front of her. She struggles, but she can't fight her own instincts and the extremely strong grip on her head all at the same time.
She can't help licking her lips when she is pushed against that neck, her lips smeared with the blood there - she tries to yank away, or light a fireball or do anything but he just laughs.  His voice so close to her ear, his weight at her back- it all makes her sick.
" Just give in - and I will give you even something better"
" Get the hell away from me" she growls, her fingers burning as she gets ready to thow him off- the sudden flash of heat automatically makes her throw herself forward, using her body as a shield. She keeps pressed down, does not even move when she feels her shoulders burn.
She only stands when a familiar touch is on her arm, and quickly pulls her up.
Emma lifts the child in her arms without another word. She puts away her sword before she starts to walk. Regina presses closer to her, summoning a fireball and glancing around the courtyard. She curls her hand around Emma's arm, then allows her magic to take them.
As soon as they materialize in her bedroom, Emma puts the child down on the bed. She takes a step back, then asks  "Is he - "  she grits her teeth, shakes her head. Regina presses her hands against her stomach in a hopeless effort to calm down- and to keep herself from going over to hug Emma.
She does walk over, and places her hand on Emma's arm though.  " I aleady healed him".
" And he is- ".
" I thought they had ripped his throat at first. But I believe the injuries are more superficial than I believed at first- ".
" Super- Regina, look at all the blood!".
" Yes, well. I do not- " she yanks Emma back from the bedside when the boy suddenly grabs for her arm, his eyes snapping open. She pushes Emma behind her at the ferocious snarl, the sounds, the - well everything. Stubborn idiot she thinks as Emma tries to push past her. Tries being the operative word, because no way that Regina is letting Emma rush towards the boy when he is snarling and spitting like this.
They exchange a startled, worried look and rush forward at the same time when the boy starts to groan instead of hiss, nearly black eyes terrified. He opens his mouth " M-mamma?" then screams. Regina pushes him down as he starts to kick, hit and try to crawl at his own skin. She grimaces when his teeth sink into her hand instead of his own.
" Emma-  "
" Right here" Emma pants, struggling to hold the kicking/screaming/slapping boy down.  "  Jesus kid, calm down okay?".
The boy actually listens for a moment. Regina sees her own pain in Emma's heartbroken expression as the boy's lips tremble and he whispers  "Dolore" .
Regina gently wipes a strand of hair from a very sweaty forehead. " Il dolore si arresta" she whispers. She smiles as he grabs her hand. He swallows, nods. She stares at his arm- it is not just too thin, but the blue veins are pulsing. And - Emma flinches next to her as the boy starts screaming again.
" Regina. What the hell is going on?"
" He is changing "she breathes.
" Shit".
"Quite" she says, trying to grab his arm again as he flails on the bed. His body arches, his eyes rolling, but before Regina can do anything, he already collapses and his head lols to the side. She presses her fingers to his neck, holding her breath-
she looks at Emma.  "He is alive"
" You didn't react like that ".
Regina shrugs.  "I am rather used to pain  ".
" Regina-  ".
" However, we are not knowledgable enough to assume that is the reason. Something else may be going on ".
" You were like that too"  Emma said quietly.
" Like what?" she automatically squeezed Emma's bicep, trying to comfort her.
" In this coma-like state. It was goddamn awful".
" I remember"
They stared at the motionless boy for a moment before Emma asked " what do we do now?".
"He can stay here, as long as he needs".
" And what if he changes? ".
Regina sighed.  "The hospital, I suppose".
" Ah"  Emma is squirming, enough that Regina slowly turns to look at her an arches an eyebrow at her. Emma rolls her eyes slightly, but swallows and softly says "  'm sorry".
" And what , exactly, are you sorry for? " even if a part of her immediately wants to forgive Emma- you are the one who was foolish enough to kiss her- the rest of her wants her to squirm a little. Wants at least a little elboration, because she had just been thinking she might actually get a happy ending when Emma had run away.
She doesn't even know what Emma is feeling, because the cruel ( yes cruel . Giving hope and then ripping it away by running is nothing short of cruel) woman is not looking at her. "  Fine. I am going to check on Henry, miss Swan. I understand if this friendship between us has to come to an en-".
It is impressive how quickly Emma moves forward. Regina sighs as the door slams closed, Emma's magic obviously the culprit.  "Emma. There is no need to damage either my door or my walls- ".
"Regina, hear me out okay? I really like this thing we have. Because you're kind of an asshole at times, but I get that is also because of your very high-maintenance mother and well- everything. But what I said , I meant that. No one understands me like you do. You wouldn't think to judge me, or just forgive me because you are a hero or whatever, or even demand that I be the saviour"
Regina couldn't have frozen more if someone had tried to use squid ink on her again. " You are the only one in this whole damn town I practically had to force to let me help with finding their happy ending" .
Emma swallows, nods. " I would never ruin that. Really. Or do you- do you want to stop being friends?".
" No. I enjoy it" . She almost adds all the other things she wants. How she wants to wake up, and see that awful jacket haphazardly thrown over a chair. How she wants to slap Emma's hand away from the pots and pans on the stove. How she wants to laugh at Emma's silly jokes, and listen to her stories. How she wants to bicker and fight and make up. (because for a moment, she had genuinely believed Emma might want those things, too. But she didn't. She had run away, had she not?)
" Great. I - think it is great, you know. I have never really had friends. Apart from Lily, but that was a freaking mess. And really, what are friends worth when they're just your friends because they are predestined or drawn to you or whatever shit it was that kept pulling Lily to me, and me to Lily" Emma shakes herself. " Anyways, I like it too. I really like your cooking, and you help me with all this stuff- like the magic, and you are pretty great when you are not plotting my downfall " she laughs, a little awkwardly.
" Wonderful"  Regina says emotionless. Just like her mother, destroying me. Although I am certain that the storybook was not alluding to this method of destruction.
"  Yeah. So, friends? " .
She deserves better anyways Regina reminds herself as she tries to smile through the pain.  " Of course. You are forgiven, miss- Emma".
Emma exhales slowly. " That means a lot, thanks. And uh- I really am sorry. I shouldn't have run like that".
" I am familiar with your special brand of coping, Emma" it is not completely gentle, because Regina cannot have Emma running away. Not when that could hurt Henry again. But it is gentle enough that Emma still smiles at her.
" I know. And I- I am trying not to be that person anymore".
" Okay. We have bigger things to be concerned about"  she looks at her wall in purpose, because more of Emma Swan's stupid face and stupid kind expression and she will forever embarrass herself by breaking down crying. And I do not want Emma to feel guilty. She has started to feel far too responsible for people's happiness.
"  I guess- Regina, do we not need to talk more about this. I mean, you-  " She cannot even bring herself to say it, she is so revolted by it. Regina's eyesight is slightly blurry, but she manages to swallow even if it feels like it is not saliva but tiny daggers and glance at Emma. Who looks ready to bolt again.
" No, miss Swan. We need to do what is best for our son. And what is b-best-  " she actually needs several seconds to calm herself, don't cry don't embarrass yourself, and she looks at the wall because if she looks at Emma Swan everything hurts too much. " for Henry, is if his mothers are both here. And they are cooperating. So that is what we will do. You will apologize to Henry. You will explain it to him. And you will never do that again".
She stares at the wall as Emma comes closer. She has to clench her hands into fists to keep herself from actually, physically pushing the woman away. Now that she can no longer fool herself into believing that somewhere, deep down but somewhere , Emma feels like this as well- the very thought of Emma being near her is too hurtful right now.
" Go, mi- Emma".
She hovers, and for a moment Regina desperately wants Emma to reach out. To ask whether that is tears brimming in Regina's eyes. To notice that she is nearly crumbling. Emma reaches for her, but she closes her mouth again before saying something. She squeezes, once, then slowly lets go and gives Regina a timid smile before the door slams,
and Regina crumbles against it.
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