#[ klaus mikaelson / answered ]
andreal831 · 3 months
Outside of Elijah/Klaus (cause there was absolutely 0 reason both of them died), which character in all of TVDU do you think had the most unnecessary/dumb death?
Honestly Klaus and Elijah aren't even in my top. Yes, both of them dying was dumb, but there are so many other death's that were more unnecessary. At least Elijah and Klaus made it to the end of TO.
Some honorable mentions: Hayley, Tyler, Gia, Josh, Enzo, Jo, Lexi, Sophie, Eve, Jesse, Aaron, Aya, Jackson, all of the hybrids, Carol, Henry, Celeste (first time), Genevie (first time and kind of second time). I'm sure there are more.
But my most unnecessary/dumb death is Cami O'Connell.
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There was zero reason for her to die and it was because she wasn't meant to die. I firmly believe she was meant to be the school psychologist in Legacies. It would have made so much sense for her to be there for Hope after Hope lost so much of her family. It also would have allow a woman on the show to have a happy ending that wasn't centered around a man. Her happy ending would have been watching over Hope and helping all of the supernatural children, fulfilling her family's destiny.
Cami still had so much of a story left to tell. She was so young and full of promise. She lost her entire family due to the supernatural world and then was forced into it herself. If anyone in TO is a parallel to Elena, it is Cami. Her family legacy was so entrenched in the supernatural that it was only a matter of time before she herself was pulled into it.
Even her death made no sense. Lucien wanted to hurt Klaus for 'stealing' Aurora from him, but at that point, Lucien had the ability to kill Klaus. Sure, maybe he wanted him to suffer, so why not go after Hope? She was out in the bayou essentially unprotected (let's be honest, what could Mary have done?).
Even if we accept Lucien wanted to make it even by taking away Klaus' love, how did they not save her? Like two days later the entire Mikaelson gang is bitten and Freya just magically thinks of a way to freeze them and save them all? They couldn't have thought of that a little quicker? It's funny how they always manage to think of life saving magic when the plot/Mikaelsons require it, but there's no other options when it comes to sacrificing other characters.
Even if we accept that she died, they really didn't even make an effort to bring her back? Davina was able to be brought back from the dead after her soul was shredded. I know the other side was gone at that point, but let's not pretend the show didn't just bring back characters with very little rhyme or reason. The Mikaelsons didn't even attempt to find a way to bring her back.
And no one even say it was to help Klaus' character development. I hate when women are killed to further a man's development. It was clear in the writing that Klaus still needed Cami for his development. He was just at the brink of trying to be a better person, he was nowhere near done. We can clearly see this in the amount of scenes Hayley becomes ooc in order to be Cami for Klaus. Or Caroline coming in season 5, which made no sense, was clearly meant to be Cami.
Cami was an O'Connell and this meant something in New Orleans. People who claim her character was just a love interest were not watching. Her character was going to unite New Orleans. Not Hayley, not Hope, and definitely not the Mikaelsons. Every faction adored her. Marcel and Vincent loved her and would have done anything to keep her safe. The Mikaelsons each loved her outside of her relationship with Klaus. She would have always been a mother figure to Hope, no matter what her relationship was. Hayley loved her as well. We don't see her interact with the wolves too much but that's because they were largely forgotten in the writing. But every faction loved her and respected her. Her legacy was fixing the war in New Orleans. Which I love the writers just kind of dropped and everything magically go better when the Mikaelsons left, even though the war had been going on longer than the Mikaelsons were there.
The writers had not planned to kill her off but because of the toxicity of the fandom, they killed her off. This is just bad writing. They writers often cared more about ratings than the actual art of story telling and the show suffered because of it.
Thanks for the ask! What other deaths do you all think were unnecessary?
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super-oddity · 7 months
me @ rebecca yarros now that i’m stuck in limbo waiting for book 3:
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mythorhuman · 5 months
What are your favourite bonnie ships and why?
Sorry I didn't see this earlier! This is the hardest question. I ship almost all of them because Kat has a lot of chemistry with a lot of people. Many of my favorite Bonnie ships don't even have fics and if they do, then the fics are short or rare.
Let's start with the obvious favorite: Klonnie. I am literally writing a fic for them. Why? They are just the hottest cast members and I'm very interested in the power dynamics between the characters. Also, I'm just really interested in how these two could influence each other. Whether that means tapping into Bonnie's dark side or Klaus becoming a better man, there's potential for growth as individuals.
I'd also like to acknowledge Stefonnie as a ship I hold dear to my heart. I live for Paulerina's chemistry plus Stefan and Bonnie are almost mirrors of each other in a way I find intriguing. Remember when I mentioned rare pairs? I also ship Bonnie with both of Stefan's doppelgangers. Silas and Bonnie have an obvious history, but Tom and Bonnie never met. BonTom is my crack ship for Bonnie just getting the fuck out of MF.
Bonkai and Bamon are almost interchangeable to me. I like both. The potential was there from day one with Bamon. I don't buy them as platonic soulmates. They were meant to be lovers. Bonkai with witch!Kai is superior. Heretic!Kai was stupid and he died immediately which does sorta make sense in canon but is still annoying. There's a lot of unresolved sexual tension here with both ships and they deserve a chance to explore their feelings.
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can you make headcanons about yandere kol mikaelson x fem human reader
I can absolutely do headcanons for Kol Mikaelson! Thank you very much for the ask anon and I hope you enjoy these headcanons!
AN: This ask and my response to it deals with yandere content, kidnapping, canon typical violence, and behaviours. This means it will have dark elements. I do not condone yandere behaviours in real life. 
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Despite their frequent fights and arguments, Kol and Klaus are very similar.
They are similar when it comes to the type of yandere they are and how they treat their darlings.
You bumped into Kol after he had stormed away from Davina following their argument about her controlling Mikael with magic. Kol had called her reckless and thoughtless. He was also furious with her because she had lied to and manipulated him into revealing his father's location.
Still angry, Kol gazed down at you with a sneer. As soon as he saw you, his sneer faded away. You were the most beautiful being that he had ever seen.
You didn't know much about the Mikaelsons but you did know that you were in danger and an apology quickly fell from your lips.
Charmingly, Kol lifted one of your hands and pressed a kiss to your knuckles, "A beautiful creature such as yourself should not worry about apologising when something so wonderful has transpired from our meeting."
Still on edge, you pulled your hand back and without hesitation, Kol introduced himself. You were about to do the same when there was a whoosh of air and you found yourself pressed against a tree with a vampire snarling at you and someone who looked to be a teenager standing behind the vampire.
That was how you met Mikael and Davina. Proudly, Davina revealed herself to be a witch and that Mikael was the father of the Mikaelsons, the Original vampires.
Underneath her pride and her smugness, you detected a hint of fear which worried you. Throughout Davina's introduction, Mikael hadn't said a thing. The vampire hunter stepped back at Davina's spoken command and you detected resentment in his gaze as he did so.
"I have a bad feeling that Mikael is fighting her control. How long do I have before he breaks free?" You wondered as your hands scraped against the bark.
The answer: not very long. Following your disappearance, Kol had gone to the only beings that stood a chance against their father. His tone was impatient and his words were biting and in the end, he convinced his siblings to assist him in fighting their father.
The Originals didn't take long to find you and during the fight, Davina's bracelet was destroyed. You trembled as you saw the same look of utter fury on Kol and Mikael's faces but for very different reasons.
Davina ran to your side, figuring that she would be safe next to you. It didn't take you long to realise that she was controlling Mikael with the bracelet. Your expression told her just what you thought about that idea of hers and she ducked her head.
The fight between the Originals and their father was violent, bloody, and rapid. Mikael was destroyed by his children and Kol was seething with rage at the fact that Davina had sought shelter from her actions next to you.
Kol eventually calmed down and from that point on, you interacted with the Mikaelsons on a frequent basis. Dinner parties with the Original siblings were always interesting and incredibly chaotic. You respected Elijah's constant efforts to try and maintain order when it came to his family.
It took time but eventually, you and Davina moved from merely tolerating each other's existence (Kol did go to her when he needed magical help) to an almost friendship.
Occasionally, you get glimpses of Kol's darker nature. Kol isn't one to hesitate if he feels insulted or if there is the tiniest hint that you are upset or uncomfortable. You jokingly referred to him once as your hellhound and to your surprise, Kol laughed.
He liked the nickname and so it stuck.
While Kol has access to some of the wealth that his family does, he prefers to show his love and appreciation in other ways. The Mikaelson will spend time with you (casually threatening those who interrupt your time with him) and he will tell you stories of his childhood before things became complicated.
He likes it when you hum tunes from movies and he will drop everything to watch movies with you. Kol will cuddle with you during the movie and the two of you will end up missing the ending because you've fallen asleep in his arms and he is so entranced by the way you fit perfectly in his arms and the way you look when you are sleeping.
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tophsazulas · 1 year
Unpopular TVD opinions?
-Caroline is no better than Elena
-Tyler is overhated
-Forwood>>>SC + KC
-The good brother/bad brother thing is bull
-Elena deserved better than the Salvatores
-I don’t ship either but I’d take DE over KC any day of the damn week
-Klaus is not morally superior to Damon like a lot of stans say
-Rebekah is the best Mikaelson
-Katherine is the best villain on TVD
-Klaus is a horrible villain
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countrymusiclover · 4 days
Tag me please (in everything) 🩷🩷🩷
Are you talking about all my current stories???
Dr. Redheaded Neighbor - Will Halstead
It's About Time - Georgie Cooper
The Last Velaryon - Robb Stark
Detective Stabler's Daughter - Spencer Reid
Family is More than Blood - Klaus Mikaelson
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klausysworld · 9 months
Hey if you wouldn’t mind answering, how do I make a masterlist? Cause I looked on TikTok and I couldn’t find anything on how to make one
It took so long I swearrr
I had @klaustopia trying to explain it to me 😭
Basically so for my klaus one
I made separate ones for the different types of things I wrote (HeadCanons/smuts/etc) and then had to link them together for example:
I put the title
“Klaus Mikaelson”
Then you want to go the post you want to link to it and press the three dots so you can see
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This. Then copy the link
And go to your title
Double tap it so you see…
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Press the paper clip looking thing
And then
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So you now have
“Klaus mikaelson”
And it takes you to the post
You kind of just have to do this over and over.
Just keep attaching posts to each other until it looks pretty 🤍
Hope this helped and I didn’t make it seem more complicated than it is 😃
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(R) (Drabbles): Klaus Mikealson- Mate
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Is it possible to be able to tell that you’re connected to someone before you even know it? Before you can tell that person feels the same way about you. It’s a cruel world to only find out after something horrible happens to them.
That’s the world that Klaus lived in, and he forever hated the way that life looked at him. Life itself loathed man and made everything a problem. Life here loathed Klaus Mikealson from the day he was born right up until now. 
He had seen you, from afar of course. stuck in a group of rather annoying people. Fucking Salvatores protecting their precious Elena, and her bunch of friends. There was code to this shit and Klaus believed that it.
Believed in the fact that there was always something in motion. He wanted the curse that had been laid upon him to be lifted.
 His father had made his life shitty. His werewolf side had been left dormant, left to side, and rustling within him. anger would boil over and it aches at every chance. 
He thought you were different, you made the ache go away in his chest. There was always a problem though that was just how life was for Klaus. That said the problem was that Klaus had already released his hybrid curse, he wanted more and more from the small town of Mystic Falls.
Homebound with everything that Klaus needed in order to bring more of his own kind to life. All he needed was a few very important things. 
A werewolf, A vampire, and finally a doppelganger. As always from the start of time there’s always been a price to each ritual, and for everything to go well something was taken away from the person performing it. 
He had let the curse run wild in Mystic Falls. He was waiting for the other shoe to drop. Klaus wanted a whole lot of things. He had known a few things, one that Elena was dead. That made things rather simple especially since he had Stefan back on his side.
Right there like his little errand boy. He wasn’t meant to keep staring at you from afar. He just loved the way you held yourself. Fuck it, if it wasn’t what was supposed to happen. 
He wanted to know more about you. He had already started his hybrid process. His hybrids were popping up everywhere. He hadn’t taken notice that you were getting ready to be changed, a werewolf at first and now here you were going to be changed into a hybrid. He watched with feet planted into the ground as your eyes changed and you were flipped from werewolf to hybrid.
Your own demeanor changed and the more he watched the more he wanted you. He was worried, scared even that he would not make it through the process but whatever was to happen he knew that he had to make his chance happen. 
From that point forward you were his and he was yours. Klaus made sure of that. 
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based on the backstory and personalities of the Mikalesons, do you have any headcannons about Mikaelsons + religion?
i think it's honestly SUCH an interesting topic and concept seeing as how their all you know immortals n shit and magics real and etc etc. unlike say, btvs where Willow literally invokes Osiris, tvd doesn't really make any solid references or claims about the whole Deity Situation until apparently legacies but I haven't watched it yet and sounds Kinda Dumb so I'm ignoring that lol. But the rule of thumb with shows like these seems to be that once you say draculas and witches are Super Real then it's open season for Zeus enter stage right like it's an episode of Xena. Which when you look at the Mikaelsons....... Wild.
I think that Freya, Finn and Rebekah are the most unironically straight-forwardly religious and I think they've stuck to the norse/scandinavian beliefs they grew up with. Freya both because of the 1,000 years of Napping Nonsense but also because she's a witch and that's the school she was taught in so she's sticking with it. Finn for similar naptime reasons and also because he doesn't see a reason to change and didn't even when they were in France and hanging out with christians. For Rebekah it's like pure sentimentality. She likes a lot of the aesthetics of mainly catholicism (the swagiest of sects) but at the end of the day she's still out here making offerings to Freya (the goddess not the sister fdjkgdfsdfs) because she's a sappy little sentimental bitch and that's what brings her comfort. I don't think she's particularly religious which I think Freya and Finn are but she enjoys the celebrations and finds comfort in the actions/words/rituals/prayers/etc.
Kol and Elijah are more wiggly in their beliefs. Kol still calls back to his roots a LOT but he's also expanded out over the years since he's still a witch at heart and a curious cat. He's less interested in following any one religion and more in what resonates with him. So his believe system is very eclectic. What he believes in he believes in 10000% and is dead serious about. He's also experimented and educated himself about world religions the most out of all of them. Dude could probably teach a clss tbh.
Elijah is the one who's actually been the closest you can be to an atheist in a world like this. He's had periods of like, religious nihilism and periods were he's a little more hopeful about it. He's just spent so much of his life trying to be the Good Reliable Son and like Niklaus praying for divine intervention both with their father and with Niklaus only to get shit in return that it broke him and he just stopped and abandoned all religion/spirituality and focused only on the tangible. Hope's birth fucking shakes him to the core lol. Generally tho even after her he's still more in the like, "not my scene but i do love a good festivity" camp.
Niklaus is an evangelical's idea of an atheist where it's not "i don't believe in god" but instead "i feel god personally slighted me at my bday party so now i'll hurl rocks at him for the rest of my life out of pure spite". his sense of abandonment, unwantedness and paranoia doesn't stop at the threshold of religion. Ofc, he's old as dirt and literally has his own coven that bitches KEEP FORGETTING HE HAS so he's not in doubt that the divine exists. But Thor didn't protect him from his father's abuse so fuck that guy and jesus didn't fix SHIT for him so equally fuck him.
Wouldn't be shocked tho to see him "ironically" do rites/sacrifices to Odin via shit like the death of an enemy/creatively using old school practices for physical/psychological torture bc he's Like That. Does he also end up carving a mjolnir into Hope's crib and giving her a little one on a necklace? yes but this ain't about that hush.
Kol and Niklaus are also the most likely to have an affinity for gods like Loki and his children for reasons I feel are obvious lol. The holiday arguments this creates between them and Finn are unhinged.
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wearesociety · 11 months
idgaf i guess i’m a hypocrit bcos i HATE damon but i love klaus. “but klaus compelled cami.” yeah but did he fuck her? LMAO NO. i genuinely don’t think he slept with women after he compelled them. i’m going to be so honest and i’m not being biased bcos i love him but i do think sexually consent is a big thing to him. elijah is a feminist and a gentleman so we know he definitely didn’t do that to women & i’m sure he taught klaus abt that shit. but anyways yeah i don’t think klaus has done that shit to women (in my opinion). kol definitely has, he has womanizer and sexism written all over him
i think they have done different levels of Irresponsible things. but comparing damon to klaus is laughable. this man killed Jeremy twice i believe and still ended up with elena with a child. He hasn’t ever had a single consequence for his action and it was mainly due to julie’s favoritism.
That’s why I liked Klaus because I know julie didn’t write him to
Ian said “This guy could literally — I’m saying this as an analogy because it’s so terrible — he could walk into an orphanage and kill 100 kids and somehow the audience would forgive him and love him like, ‘Oh well you know he’s having a really bad day, Elena and he are fighting.’ It’s crazy what this guy gets away with and it’s not fair.”
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anewkindofme · 29 days
So I know you’ve talked about if Stefan was a girl in the past, which has made me think about what if Marcel was a girl? I don’t know if you’ve talked about this yet or not, but I’ve always found the concept interesting. Like would they have met the same way? Would klaus be even more possessive- similar to how he is with Rebekah? Would he be similar to how he is with Hope? The girl wouldn’t have gone to fight in the war so how would that change their dynamic? I honestly have so many ideas - but I don’t want to bug you with all of them but I would love to hear your opinion on this! <3
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First off, you're not bothering me at all and I'd love to hear your ideas!
I think he'd probably find her the same way, to be honest. Being whipped by that asshole and Marcella standing up for herself. Except, I don't think it'd be Klaus seeing himself in her, it'd be him seeing Rebekah getting whipped by Mikael. Which I do believe had to have happened a few times. So, he steps in, kills the asshole and basically adopts her on the spot.
But yes, they would have a much different relationship. Again, Klaus saw nothing but himself in Marcel and so badly wanted to right the wrongs of Mikael. Whereas, I do think he wanted to break the abusive cycle when it came to Hope (and would the same for Marcella), but I also feel it was almost his way of trying to make up how he was with Rebekah. He was protective but when it came to things Hope wanted to do, he was supportive. She wanted to dabble in witchcraft? Safely, he allowed it. He indulged her love of art. Yes, he went into typical protective daddy mode with boys but he let her have that sweet moment with Landon. He did abandon her (which, I could write several essays on how fucked up it is that basically all of the family did, including Hayley but that's not what you asked lmao), but he truly thought with her best interest and not his.
But...Hope got the Klaus that went through centuries of growth. She got the dad that Marcel should've had. But, in the 1800s...he was not this man.
I think he would've been how he was with Rebekah, but knock it up to about 100 because Marcella would be human. I think he'd try to keep her sheltered as much as possible. She would not be allowed to leave the house alone. She'd always have to have an escort. If she merely thought about being with a boy, that boy would be dead.
He'd indulge her, there's no doubt about that. She'd have everything her heart desires. She's his sweet, precious princess. He wouldn't treat her as a warrior at all. Rather, just a fragile doll. It'd take time for her to see that she wasn't delicate.
As you said, she couldn't join the war as a soldier but she could've served as a nurse. I see her turning soldiers before they died as a way to save them. Kind of like the female version of Carlisle Cullen. And when Klaus found out...he'd be pissed.
I don't think he ever stopped looking at any of his kids like children. Even when he and Marcel had their rivalry, it's clear he (and Elijah) viewed him as a petulant little prince throwing a temper tantrum because he's mad at his daddy and uncle. And once again, I think it'd double with Marcella with Klaus not taking her seriously. I think the MIkaelson family overall is "above their time" when it comes to gender roles, sexuality, etc. That being said, Klaus holds some extremely sexist ideals. He says he supports women doing what they love and says they are warriors in their own right...but then he tries to step in and control things, even in a loving way. Like, he knows Rebekah can fend for herself but also thinks "She's my baby sister, she needs more protecting than my brothers". So, I think he'd do the same with Marcella. Even when she was a vampire, he'd think "This is my baby, no way in hell!"
Though, I think Marcella would be more straightforward than Marcel was when it came to defying Klaus. Marcel had to elaborately fake his death. I see Marcella snapping and daring Klaus to dagger her like he has his family. Or compel her to follow his every move. Really bait him into an argument. I don't think Klaus ever struck young Marcel (outside spanking him), but I do think there was that slight fear that he'd do it. Whereas, I don't think Marcella would have that fear. She'd call his bluff and threaten to run away.
And this is where I see it diverging. He does dagger Marcella. He keeps her in a coffin for 80 years because he will not lose his little girl. When Elijah undaggers the rest of his siblings, he undaggers his niece as well.
And I think having his daughter would be what pushed Klaus to try to be better. Especially when she wants very little to do with him. Eventually, she takes off for New Orleans. Klaus follows her. But The Originals would be about them, along with the rest of the family rebuilding that bond. Because as possessive as Klaus was, he was a loving father and Marcella just wants her dad back. She just can't have it be how it was before.
Marcella (Gerard) Mikaelson, as portrayed by Sierra McClain
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andreal831 · 4 months
Do you think the Mikaelsons would have had different dynamics if they weren't born in that order? Like if Klaus was older than Elijah, or Rebekah older than them?
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I think it could make some slight differences but I also think a lot of their behavior is just their personality/trauma responses.
For example, Elijah's behavior has more to do with what was happening in their family while he was born/young rather than his birth order. How Elijah behaves, he seems like he would be an eldest child, but he is actually a middle child. However, because his family had lost Freya and was going through a turbulent time, a lot of pressure and responsibility was put on him. He steps up and acts like the oldest sibling.
Same thing with Rebekah. Yes, she is the baby and often acts like it and is treated like it from her siblings. However, it is also because they had lost Freya and she was the only girl. Even if she had been born the oldest, they still would have treated her like the baby if they had lost Freya. She also lived through a lot of time periods where women were treated as second class citizens and that affects how she interacts with the world and even how her siblings view her.
Kol would be Kol no matter where he was born. He has a very independent nature and likely wouldn't have stepped up if he was the oldest. Not because he can't handle responsibility, but because he wouldn't allow his siblings to be pawned off on him like Elijah did. He probably would have taken off earlier if he had been the oldest.
Finn never acted like the oldest sibling. A big part of this is because he was traumatized as a youngest sibling. He loved Freya and clearly holds onto those memories, when he was the youngest with a big sister looking after him. After he lost Freya and became a big brother, he never took on the role of the big brother. Rather he behaved as if he was an only child. If he had been born last, maybe he would have felt closer to his family because he wouldn't be so traumatized by losing Freya and wouldn't have developed an unhealthy attachment to his mother. But it was that trauma that influenced him more than his birth order.
Freya is an interesting one because, while she is the oldest, she is also the youngest. Yes, she was born first, but she also has the least amount of life experience. Even Finn was awake more than her over the thousand years. I wish the show would have played more into this. She wanted to be the oldest and take on the responsibilities of the family but she didn't know how. The family was so used to letting Elijah fill that spot that they had trouble letting Freya take over. Freya does have a take charge personality so even if she had been born last or in the middle, she likely would still partner up with Elijah to take care of the rest of them.
Klaus is the only one who really felt like his birth order. He is very much the stereotypical middle child. He loves to boss his baby siblings around but also loves to sit back and let his older siblings clean up his mess. Although, I don't think him being born in a different order would affect his behavior. A lot of the time he is pretending to be the "leader" of the family while Elijah is handling things behind the scene. He is also very much treated like the baby of the family by Elijah and Rebekah and even Freya at times. A lot of his behavior is from how Esther and Mikael treated him as a child. Esther seemed to baby him and, of course, Mikael abused him. This dynamic stunted his emotional growth. And again, this wasn't because of his birth order but because of his parents.
Thanks for the ask!
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devilsanddarlings · 11 months
025, an empty balcony while a party goes on inside.
(For Hope's father. Buffy's trying to sneak out lol)
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"You know, love, there's these things called doors people use when they wish to leave. Perhaps you might have heard of them?"
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kylermalloy · 11 months
Another ask wahoo! Uh. Ok do what do u think of the parallels between how rebekah and elijah were introduced and the type of relationships they each have with klaus at their time of introduction? How do you think it looks to stefan of all people seeing as he has a connection to rebekah as well?
Well, that depends on what you mean by introduction. We meet Elijah at a time when he’s completely at odds with Klaus—trying to kill him, in fact! But we don’t see them interact until Elijah reveals his past to Elena. And there…well, they were not at odds at all back then. They were close. Smiling, happy, enjoying each other’s company even if they felt differently about Katherine and humanity and emotions.
And when we meet Rebekah…they’re much the same, honestly. Except Klaus is even more overbearing toward her, since she’s his little sister instead of his big brother. Klaus can shove Elijah against a wall and yell at him for letting Katherine escape, but Rebekah? He’ll manhandle her all evening, telling her off for the great crime of enjoying herself at a party he’s bored of and wants to leave.
Stefan is directly witness to this, but he doesn’t witness Klaus and Elijah’s relationship firsthand for a while. He only hears what Elijah tells him—vague things like “I had a family once. Klaus hunted them all down and one by one, he took them from me.” (Which is honestly soooo funny in retrospect, because the writers clearly hadn’t figured Elijah’s full backstory, and they were just throwing things at the wall that made Klaus sound ~evil~)
So I imagine Stefan’s thinking Rebekah is Klaus’s biggest supporter, whereas Elijah was a detractor. An obstacle. And honestly, that’s not too far off! Klaus and Rebekah have a tumultuous relationship, but Rebekah loves him through it all. Meanwhile, Elijah, despite loving him, stands by Klaus, and in front of him if necessary. He’s Klaus’s supporter, enabler, and empty voice of reason. Even his threats are toothless—the one time he decides to go on the warpath and kill Klaus, Klaus convinces him to stop with just a few words.
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hi can you make headcanons about yandere klaus mikaelson courting his lady love (human female reader)?
Thanks for the ask and I can definitely do that anon! I hope you enjoy these headcanons!
AN: This ask and my response to it deals with yandere content, canon typical violence, and behaviours. This means it will have dark elements. I do not condone yandere behaviours in real life. 
The reader in this scenario is the same as the reader in this scenario.
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First and foremost when it comes to courting you (which he explains in extensive detail), Klaus is big on gift-giving.
He doesn't spoil you with frivolous gifts (even though he has more than enough money to do so if he chose). Instead, his gifts to you are practical.
You need to cast a spell? Klaus has the ingredients prepared before you even walk in the door and he will hand them to you making sure that his fingers brush and linger against yours.
You need to translate words into Latin? There's a heavy dictionary sitting on your bed when you return from work and you know for a fact that this dictionary has been out of print for at least forty years.
In saying that, if you manage to convince Klaus to visit a place like a carnival (which doesn't really take much convincing to be honest because it's you), you will be walking out of there with both of your arms full of stuffed animals and an absolutely sated sweet tooth. Klaus will only fall further in love with you if you offer him some of your food at the carnival.
Another part of Klaus' attempts to court you is that he spends time with you. He can be a bit grumpy when you're translating words into Latin because you're not paying attention to him and he'll often mutter about how Aramaic is superior to Latin.
His protests cease the second that he thinks you need any kind of help. He's right there by your side, resting his chin on your shoulder and murmuring in your ear to remember what Freya taught you.
If you still need a bit more help, Klaus will reluctantly remove himself from your presence and use his speed to find Freya to ask her for help.
Klaus isn't particularly fond of asking others for help but he figures that the sooner you finish this task, the sooner he can have your undivided attention.
He takes pride in showing you his paintings. The way that you admire his talent and skill never fails to brighten his day and his mood.
The Mikaelsons are known for hosting grand parties and events. If the situation calls for it, Klaus is more than happy to dance with you. It's another way he shows everyone that you're his.
Klaus is fine with humans and vampires admiring you to an extent but if any of them show any indication that they want something more....they risk his wrath and that of the other Originals.
And so, he has a quiet word with Rebekah, Elijah, and Freya before these grand events about removing any other person or vampire that shows even the slightest interest in courting you.
Klaus treats you to a life of luxury and ensures that you want for nothing, especially on your birthday.
Why then would you want anyone else?
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shadowcatgirl09 · 5 months
Klaus and kai in a scene together
Not gonna lie here, Niklaus doesn't really do much for me. Then there's the fact that between TVD and TO he felt like two different people. I read some fics were he's in them with Kai and they have that enemy mine situation going on or a lowkey rivalry over Bonnie but that's about it. Though I admit I would read a fic that has a primary focus on BonKai with a side of Niklaus but he gotta be with Greta.
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