#;;musing: roger
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Romi Muse by Roger Rossell
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biteofcherry · 2 months
Werewolves leader, Bucky, and vampire king, Steve, keeping a fragile peace treaty by sharing a concubine.
Every decade a new concubine was appointed from neutral human clans, which provided humans with protection and riches. After ten years of servitude, a concubine was released from the contract and allowed to lead a life however she pleased.
Some fell in love with other vampires and werewolves and chose to mate with them. Some reunited with humans and started families. And some became influential patrons with the wealth they were compensated with.
Bucky and Steve always treated their concubines with respect and attention, many of those relations turned into friendships, but never had either of them wanted for them to stay.
That is until you are offered as their newest concubine.
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(The Golden Dawn - Gwyllm Llwydd)
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"The Muse visits during the act of creation, not before. Don’t wait for her."
- Roger Ebert
“To feed your Muse, then, you should always have been hungry about life since you were a child. If not, it is a little late to start.” ― Ray Bradbury
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ironman-tonystark · 6 months
Sam claims not to have superpowers, and yet he has probably caught both the super-soldiers a dozen times, mid-air, and never once has he dislocated his shoulder.
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the-devils-lover · 27 days
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Roger… roger pls… that is not what you tell the suicidally depressed cat boy, roger…
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captainwidowspring · 5 months
An excerpt from my Captain America music paper, for I just made a seriously disgusting discovery:
"The other appearance of the breaking-up-of-the-Avengers theme is during the Siberia fight, where it is played twice. The first time it plays is when Friday tells Tony, “You can’t beat [Steve] hand to hand,” and it continues as Tony tells Friday to analyze his fight pattern and she does it, up until Friday says, “Countermeasures ready,” and Tony grabs Steve’s shield. The second time it plays is shortly after Steve disables Tony’s suit, and shortly before Steve, exhausted and injured, slides off Tony’s suit and onto the ground; this plays until Steve helps Bucky off the ground and starts to walk away with him. Now, as the previous use of the Avengers-breakup theme helps show that Civil War was more of an Avengers movie than a Cap movie, this use actually happens to show how the film is more of an Iron Man movie than either of those other two. For considering that the theme was obviously meant to have the most impact after Steve broke the arc reactor, the fact that it first shows up a little before then is quite notable: and when exactly it shows up is very revealing. It first appears when Tony does not exactly have the upper hand (though Steve is doing no damage despite pummeling Tony’s suit), but then it stops when Friday allows Tony to get the upper hand over Steve and seriously hurt him, and then it resumes again when Steve is able to thwart Tony and disable his suit.
Such use of the music that symbolizes the Avengers team splintering seems to be the movie implying that if Tony had won the fight, whatever fracture the Avengers were experiencing would be less severe, but it is solidified now that Steve won the fight. Now, this is very much not true, as the entire Siberia fight was literally Tony trying to kill Bucky because he was upset, while Bucky tried to avoid this and Steve defended Bucky: and while Tony did some really despicable things throughout the movie, successfully killing Bucky and/or Steve while he was having a temper tantrum is something he would never be able to come back from. But considering the lengths the movie went to to try to make it seem like Tony was justified in doing this and not acting monstrously, it is not surprising that these fraudulent efforts extended to the music. And curiously, the Avengers-breakup theme does not play when Tony provokes Steve into dropping the shield, even though that is much more symbolic of the Avengers breaking up than Steve preventing Tony from killing him and Bucky. But that, too, might have painted Tony in a bad light, and the movie avoided such a thing at all costs. Civil War is seriously messed up."
Truly, the more one examines this mockery of a Captain America film, the more it becomes clear just how thoroughly rotten this movie is, and how it is most definitely not Cap 3.
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occidentaltourist · 4 months
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katierosereptar SO pleased to add another chapter to my book, “Katie McGrath elevates my words to an unimaginable level.” But seriously, oftentimes as a writer the voice in our heads is quiet. Other times it’s loud, loud, LOUD. Erratic and obnoxious. For this story — a story about nightmares, AI, AND femininity... The voice in my head was that of my good friend. Dark, melodic, gorgeously Irish.
And now, due to the magic of podcasts and the ingenuity of @robbiehyne ,she is literally the voice in your head as well. So much love to sweet Robbie for inviting me to this inaugural season. He gave me something else to think about during the strike and got me back into sci/fi. I missed it so. Check out (UN)LIKEMINDED wherever you listed to podcasts.
Anyways. Enjoy my nightmares read by my forever muse.
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navybrat817 · 12 days
Why am I justifying the crazy things these men are doing? 😂
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killerlittlerejects · 2 months
For anyone that wants to rp but are scared of how I will react to their portrayals of the characters:
Gimme. Gimme em, I will love them. I swear to you on my life. Make em scary, make em mean. Make them sad, and sympathetic. Make them an asshole, or someone who doesn’t express their feelings in a way that is considered the norm. Make them show weakness, be vulnerable. Hell make them loving, we don’t judge here.
I will love your character and will never ask you to change them. So Gimme em!
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redhatmeg · 8 months
I keep wondering about Ace's backstory...
The Marines learned about Roger's baby being somewhere out there, because a witness said that he saw the Pirate King acting unusually, "like a father". I wonder what the witness meant exactly and if it can be attributed to other pirates.
What I mean is: what if the Marines noticed sudden change in, say, Zeff's demeanor? Especially because Red Leg Zeff at some point disappeared to the world - he was a pirate legend and one day he decided to start a restaurant with baby Sanji and without a leg. Maybe some people recognized him just like Don Krieg and also noticed that he is followed by a kid.
Or someone hears Shanks and Yasopp talk about Luffy and Usopp. I learned recently from outside source that the reason Yasopp didn't come back to Syrop Village is because he didn't want to endanger his family. But what if someone makes the connecton between Usopp and Yasopp? What if the Marines learn that Sogeking has a father? Of course, Yasopp is on a Yonkou's crew and he's strong, and Usopp is strong too, so the situation is different.
I don't know, the scenario can't leave my mind.
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keirou-kun · 2 months
Because I feel like showing off some of my chainmail work and no one can fucking stop me. These are some of my favorites. They are a visual pun. Because as you can see. They are little people. Mostly male. Made of chainmail. This, therefore makes them... Maille-men. And because they are all based on characters from various fandoms, that makes them... Fanmaille. Shut up I'm clever XD
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Shameless plug: these are for sale[USD$10 each], I also make jewelry and I do take commissions. let me make you things >w>
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urbanalligatorliving · 3 months
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biteofcherry · 8 months
What you had with him was a little wild, a lot of reckless. Both of you so young, only starting to figure out what you want in your life and how to achieve it. And your goals were so very much on opposite ends of the scale.
Both of you ambitious, both dedicated, but when you searched for light, he craved to rule the darkness.
He started as an errand boy, then earned himself the right to carry a gun and be a driver on certain jobs. And you tried to convince him (and yourself) that you were appalled, that you didn't get a tad wetter when he came to you late in the night and fucked you on a rush of adrenaline.
As predicted, your paths parted. You were off to get your degrees and secure yourself a solid, respectable job. What he did, if he even survived the dangers of the underworld he chose, you had no idea.
Time passed and your memories of him faded in a locked chest of your memory; even if sometimes your body seized with longing as another of your boyfriends couldn't deliver the thrill he used to give you.
Until almost fifteen years later, when a friend of yours scored invites to an elite, invitation-only nightclub in the city. You never expected him to be there. You had no idea he owned the place. No idea he now owned the whole city.
No idea he was going to own you, too.
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theprophetsaid · 1 year
Apparently, Brian wasn’t allowed to tell anyone about his knighthood but says, “I had to tell Rog, didn’t I?” (x) It’s so lovely. He couldn’t keep the secret from his brother. 
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ironman-tonystark · 14 days
I discovered today that Clint's not just the kind of guy who won't move when a pet falls to sleep on him, he won't move regardless of who falls to sleep on him. I passed out during a Cap lecture yesterday and woke up with my head in Clint's lap. Never seen someone more relieved to see me awake.
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the-devils-lover · 27 days
Roger barel’s the type of guy i feel mostly indifferent about at first and then he makes me slightly less normal every time i see him on my screen
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