bubbleguppyyy · 4 months
Oh, Little Birdy.
Chapter 3
Dean x fem! reader, Past! Bucky x fem! reader
Story Synopsis: Being plagued by constant dreams of a man with beautiful green eyes who calls you Birdy can be very confusing if you don't remember ever meeting him. You want to understand these dreams all while trying to understand why you used to harbor feelings for a certain Winter Soldier who wants "nothing" to do with you.
~ Needed some Sammy in this one~
“Do you think they’ll come looking for you?”
You looked up from the book you were reading, locking eyes with a worried Sam. He was speaking softly, being careful to not wake up his brother. He wrung his hands together after you took too long to answer. 
Setting your book down, you sighed and looked out the motel window. At the diner across the street, a black sedan sat idle. It had been following since you made the mistake of using an old credit card, far more worried about getting medical supplies than making sure you were safe. 
“I’m sure they already know where I am. They always do. That’s what gets them off. They let one of us go if we escape. They let us build a life, a family, and then they take it all away. One day I’ll be here and the next I’ll be gone. When that time comes, Sammy, do not let Dean look for me.”
Sam shook his head, walking towards you. You saw a few tears drop but chose not to say anything.
“You know I can’t do that, Birdy. I won’t be able to hold him back if I also want to find you. We can handle them. We can find you and make a plan and bring-
You stood abruptly and grabbed Sam by his shirt, pulling him closer to your face. Your tone was quiet but stern, maybe even desperate.
“You don’t get it, Sam. Hydra isn’t some small group you can wipe out in one night. There are billions upon billions of them and they will never stop doing what they believe is right. Even if that means a human being loses their freedom or even their life over it. They wouldn’t stop at you or Dean either. Anyone you have ever come in contact with would be taken out, wiped from this Earth.”
Sam looked lost, at the loss of any words he might've used to comfort you. He saw the desperation in your eyes, the want to just be free. 
You took a deep breath and licked your lips, tasting the salt from your tears. You lowered your voice even more as you smoothed out the wrinkles in Sam’s shirt.
“But they wouldn’t send an army for you two. They wouldn’t even send a small group. They would send me. I would be turned back into their perfect soldier and tasked with making sure you two were dead. Then, they'll make sure that I remember that moment, the moment I watched the life drain from the only people I have ever called family.”
You swallowed as you looked over at Dean’s sleeping form. He was outlined in the neon light from the motel sign, as peaceful as he’d ever been. He had drank too much at the bar down the road and passed out the moment you guys reached the hotel.
“From the only man I’ve ever loved.”
Sam let out a shaky sigh as he watched you stare at his brother. You and Dean had been dancing around each other since the night you met. Sam knew you both had feelings for each other and it hurt to watch you realize you could never tell Dean.
“You have to stay away, Sammy. When it’s time, you have to let me go, pretend that I never existed. Promise me, you will just walk away.”
Sam cupped one of your cheeks with his hand, wiping the tears that started to spill down your face. The sad smile you gave him caused a lump to form in his throat. 
“I promise. We will walk away no matter what.”
You let out a sigh of relief and hugged Sam. He wrapped his arms around you and nestled his nose in the crown of your hair.
The sound of Dean moving and mumbling startled you both. Breaking the hug, you quickly padded over to Deans's side. You slowly sat down on the bed and ran your fingers through his hair. He made a noise in the back of his throat and snuggled closer to you. 
Sam watched from the other bed, his fingers still crossed and his mind made up. 
“Miss?” “Miss.”
The sound of Friday's voice had you jolting out of another daydream. You realized you had been staring at your knife and quickly put it back in its case, storing it for another time. As you slid the drawer back in place, Friday called out again.
“Miss, someone is here to see you. I told them they would have to wait until you allowed it.”
You sighed and ran a hand down your face. It couldn’t be Tony because he would've just done an override and Sam is allowed in. Your head started to hurt as you tried to figure out who it was. 
“Uh, okay. Let them in Friday.”
The door slid open to reveal the last person you expected to see. Bucky’s hulking frame took up most of the doorway but he looked small as he wrung his hands, eyes averted to the floor. It reminded you of Sammy.
That"s right. Sam and Dean. Those were their names. You need to write those down. 
Looking for a piece of paper and pen, you remembered the soldier at the door. 
“Oh, Bucky, what can I do for you? Do you need your gun?”
You rummaged in one of the many drawers while you waited for him to answer. How the hell was there not any paper or writing utensils in this stupid, fu-
“I wanted to thank you, for earlier. I know Steve can be very overprotective but you were right about me needing more help.”
Bucky’s voice was way too close and as you whipped around, you found him standing right behind you. He was still not looking at you and playing with his hands. You slowly closed the drawer behind you, effectively creating some distance between you and Bucky. Before you could respond he started speaking again. 
“I mean he also doesn’t know the full extent of our past and so I think he just assumes we were aware of each other but not that we worked together or anything. I’m sorry he’s been picking fights with you, that’s my fault. I’ll let him know a little more and tell him to back off.”
Bucky was looking at you now, gunmetal blue eyes staring right through you. Something felt off about this. You and Steve fighting like this happened at least three times a week and Bucky had never found you afterward. He also had never talked to you like this. 
“It’s fine Bucky, really. I understand Steve being overprotective, especially since he just got you back and everyone keeps trying to take you away. I appreciate you being willing to talk to him, it would definitely help me out, especially right now. If you need any help with finding a therapist or just need someone to talk to who knows what you went through, I’m always here.”
You gave Bucky a small smile and received a lopsided grin from him. It looked like he was about to say something else but you noticed a notepad and pen on one of the toolboxes and quickly skirted around Bucky, effectively cutting him off. 
You quickly jotted down the boys' names and any other small detail you needed, ripped it out and stuffed it in your pocket. 
“Well, I’m glad we had this talk, Bucky. I really need to go get things ready for our mission so I’ll be seeing you!”
With that, you bolted out of the weapons room and into the elevator before Bucky could catch up if he wanted to. You had felt him staring at you the entire time you were writing things down and when glanced up at the reflection of him in the glass, he had this unreadable expression on his face. Was he annoyed? Maybe just emotionally constipated? It didn’t matter, you had other things to worry about. 
However, you didn’t realize how careless you had been. You had forgotten you had been in the room with another highly intelligent assassin. Bucky wasn’t dumb. He knew what you had been dreaming about, what you had been remembering. He had done everything in his power to keep it from happening but it was inevitable.
As he shaded the pencil over the indents from your writing, he revealed the names of the men he took you from. 
The name of a man you considered your twin. Your partner in crime.
The name of the man you have always loved. The name of the man that wasn’t him.
You’re a lot closer to figuring it out than Bucky thought. Let’s just hope you don’t remember the night you were taken back from the brothers.
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bubbleguppyyy · 4 months
Encapsulated in Time: Pt. 4
Bucky x fem! reader
~ I destroyed my mouth eating Captn Crunch while writing this ~
Story Synopsis: Bucky knew something was missing from his memories. Something important, something special. He had tried everything to try and recover what it was, but he never could grasp anything. However, he never expected to find those missing memories in a file and an old box of videotapes.
Her body was never found. The only trace left of her in the apartment was the crimson splatter of her blood on the curtain. 
All of her belongings had been taken, even the nails used to hang her paintings. The walls had been repainted to look brand new and the floor had been re-polished. 
Bucky had dropped the phone when Fury told him. Steve had immediately caught it and demanded Fury tell him what was going on. As he explained everything to Steve, Bucky slowly got up and made the familiar trek to the training room. 
Every step he took suddenly felt wrong, every bit of The Soldier draining from him. Suddenly, he wasn’t aware of any of his surroundings, he wouldn’t even know if someone was right in front of him. He suddenly felt like he was back in the 40s. He felt bare and alive, and he didn’t know what to do. 
The training room door slid open the moment he was in front of it. He immediately ripped his t-shirt off and grabbed a punching bag from the side of the room. Bucky watched himself in the mirror as his metal arm dragged the bag. His eyes narrowed as he walked faster to the hook. He barely got the bag hung up before he was throwing punches, knuckles immediately reddening from the rough material. 
Breath labored and a pair of knuckles cracked open, Bucky started to cry. Not because of his knuckles and not because of his arm. It was because of you. He had one job, all he had to do was kill you. He would’ve saved you from any misery Hydra would’ve put you through, but of course, he had to follow orders. There was no way you could’ve known the difference between the words. 
Bucky sobbed harder as he watched the blood from his knuckles splatter on the floor. Why did he have to be so weak when it came to you? Why did he immediately hesitate and switch out of The Soldier the moment he saw you? He should’ve told you the difference between the orders shoot and execute. Maybe then, all he would have had to do was find your gravestone, not your body. 
“Tell me, Soldat, when I give the order to execute, what does it mean?”
“It means to kill no matter what, sir.” 
“Good good, now, what does it mean when I give the order to shoot?”
“It means to just shoot, doesn’t matter where.”
“You’re getting better every day, Soldat.”
The bag flung off the hook, sand spilling out where it landed. 
Bucky gasped for air, throat constricting from the sobs racking his body. Everything hurt, his knuckles, his heart, his lungs. He couldn’t decide if he liked it better when he didn’t feel anything or when he felt everything. Nothing felt real anymore. 
Bucky slipped to his knees, his hands coming to rest in his lap. He turned a shaking hand over to look at his knuckles. They would need some ointment and bandaging but he would live. The glint of his metallic fingers caught his eye, subconsciously causing him to flex them. He watched as the metal plates shifted smoothly with his ministrations, softly smiling as he remembered something you used to do.
“Why do you always hold that hand?”
“Because it’s my favorite part about you. I mean, come on James, a metal arm is pretty radical. I know you don’t like the origin of it, but I think it’s one of the super cool things about you.”
“Whatever you say, dork.”
Bucky kneeled on the mat a little longer before he decided to get up and wrap his knuckles. He would most likely be healed by morning but Steve would kick his ass if he saw that Bucky didn’t wrap his knuckles beforehand. Grabbing his shirt on the way out, Bucky made his way to his room. 
Upon entering, he noticed that another file had been added to the top of the tape box. His curiosity threatened to send him off track but he quickly padded over to the sink to wash his hand. He needs to keep his mind on track. If he keeps getting sidetracked by the thought of you, he might just descend into madness. His routine was already destroyed. 
Slowly turning on the water, Bucky winced as it came rushing out onto the sensitive skin. He watched as the blood washed down the drain, the image of your blood splattering coming to mind. The pain in his hand subsided as Bucky started to daydream again. Different scenarios of what could’ve happened to you playing through his mind.
A knock at the door slipped Bucky out of his dreaming state. Noticing that the bleeding stopped, Bucky turned off the water and grabbed a small towel to dab over his knuckles. Another knock resounded, a voice coming right behind it. 
“Buck, open the door, I just want to check in on you.”
Bucky rolled his eyes at Steve’s overly worried voice. It reminded him of his mothers, always worrying he was overexerting himself. “I’m fine, ma, I promise,” he would say. 
“Friday, let him in and alert him I’m in the restroom and will be right out.” 
“Of course, Sergeant Barnes.” 
Bucky shook his head at the name programmed for him as he grabbed some wrap. He had tried to change it many times but Tony kept changing it back. At least it wasn’t Manchurian Candidate anymore. It only took Bucky threatening to destroy Tony’s CD collection before it was changed. Bucky huffed a laugh at that memory. 
Finishing up wrapping his hand, Bucky walked out of the bathroom to Steve pacing around the room. Bucky watched as the picture of you and him caught Steve’s eye. He went to pick it up but Bucky cleared his throat, causing Steve to whip his head around. Steve averted his eyes, knowing he had been caught. He quickly cleared his throat, covering up his reddened cheeks. 
“I just wanted to check up on you. You left quickly after Fury told you what he found. You know you can talk to me about this stuff, right? I’m always here for you, Bucky.”
Bucky just sighed and shook his head. He knew he could tell Steve anything but this was different. There was so much he still didn’t remember and so much he just wanted to keep to himself. Steve told Bucky all about Peggy back in the day but he also knew Steve kept some things to himself. He would understand if Bucky didn’t want to tell him everything 
“I know I can, Steve, but I’m still trying to wrap my head around everything as well. Once I know more, I’ll tell you what I can.” 
Steve gave him a small smile and nod, his mood lifting some. Bucky sat on the side of the bed and grabbed the new file. He patted the spot next to him, beckoning Steve to come read the information with him. Steve scurried over and plopped beside him, causing Bucky to bounce in his spot some. 
They huddled together and sat the file on each other's leg. Bucky took a deep breath, deja vu hitting him hard. Steve rubbed his shoulder, a silent encouragement. Grabbing the edge of the file, Bucky flipped it open and immediately read the first page. 
Encapsulated in Time: Classified
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bubbleguppyyy · 5 months
Encapsulated in Time: Pt. 3
Bucky x fem! reader
~ Surpriseee ~
Story Synopsis: Bucky knew something was missing from his memories. Something important, something special. He had tried everything to try and recover what it was, but he never could grasp anything. However, he never expected to find those missing memories in a file and an old box of videotapes.
Bucky sat on the floor next to his bed, his back resting against the side of it. Sleep refused to come to him. Very likely because of all the memories of you rushing through his head.
He turned and rubbed his face into the side of the mattress, trying to find some sort of comfortable position. He had been trying to sleep for hours now and he was starting to think he should just get ready for the day.
There was a sliver of moonlight shining through his blackout curtains, illuminating a picture of you he put on his bookshelf. Only your eyes and hair were highlighted.
Bucky always thought you had beautiful eyes. He could stare into them forever. The emotions and love they always held for anything and everything was truly a wonder.
He traces your temple with his eyes to the top of your head. He always loved how much shorter you were to him. He would always rest his arm on your head because you would get this adorable aggravated face and look up at him to tell him off. Ruffling your hair was another fun thing to do.
As Bucky stared more at the picture, a sudden realization came to him. He sat up quickly, scrambling to grab the photo. It’s the one of you and him sitting on a balcony somewhere, you smiling brightly while he simply stared at you.
He held the frame close to his face. Running his finger over your forehead.
He had realized that he didn’t remember where he shot you. He was supposed to shoot you in the middle of your forehead, killing you instantly. Except, he never received that order. You didn’t say execute, you just said “shoot.”
Hydra had programmed him to correlate simple words with actions. Shoot just meant to take a shot, it didn’t matter where. Execute meant to make sure there was a kill.
Had you done that on purpose? Did you bleed out in pain just because he took an order wrong?
Bucky whipped around, searching his room for his phone. He had thrown it early after the Avengers wouldn’t leave him alone.
He found it behind his dresser after having searched every other inch of his room.
His hands were shaking as he picked it up, barely typing the code in. Flipping through his contacts, he pondered what to say. When he came across the name he was looking for, he paused.
Did he really want to know?
He tapped the contact and waited, holding his breath.
“Barnes, you better have a damn good explanation as to why you’re calling me at this hour.”
Bucky wanted to laugh at Fury’s tone but he was barely holding it together.
“I apologize, sir, but what I need to know is very important. It could not wait until morning.”
Fury sighed from the other end, mumbling that Tony was rubbing off on Bucky.
“What is it?”
A lump formed in Bucky’s throat. He was scared, terrified even. If the answer to his question was what he thought it was, it could change the course of everything.
“Wa- was her body ever recovered and if so, where was she shot?”
Fury went silent, no sound of breathing or anything. Bucky strained his enhanced hearing but nothing came through. He started to think Fury thought he was crazy for asking that, or maybe he hung up.
Then, he heard the clacking of a keyboard. Bucky let out a breath he didn’t realize was being held. He fidgeted with the hem of his shirt as he waited for the director to say something.
5 minutes later, Fury finally speaks up.
“I have a request for the files to be pulled but they won’t be here until the morning, Barnes. Try to get some rest and I will call you the moment I know.”
Bucky simply said okay and gave his goodbye, hanging up immediately.
He tossed his phone onto his bed, watching it bounce around for a second. Looking over at the old box, Bucky decided that he wasn’t going to get any sleep.
Next thing Bucky knew, he had gone through half of the tapes in the common room. He couldn’t stop playing them, wanting to remember every song thing about you. Who you were, how you two met, why you chose him.
Your voice was engraved in his mind, creating a haze in his eyes. He was on a video he had taken of you as you got ready for the day. He could see part of himself in the mirror behind you, recorded in his hand.
You were swiping lipstick on when you caught his eyes through the mirror. He could’ve sworn the smile you gave him stopped his breathing. You turned to look at him, your eyes shining with love.
“How come you never let me take videos of you. I want to remember you as well, James.”
He huffed behind the camera, making you giggle. You turned back around and spritzed perfume on. Bucky remembers the exact scent you always used. A mix of almond, cocoa, and vanilla. He called you delectable, like a sweet treat.
The sound of his phone ringing snapped him out of his reverie. The contact on the screen caused his mood to drop. He looked out the window, noticing that it was early morning. He clicked accept.
“Is the Captain around?”
Bucky scrunched his face in confusion. Why would Steve need to be present for this? Of course, Stev decided that was the right moment to go on his run.
He saw Bucky and immediately got ready to ask what he was doing but Bucky just silenced him with a look, beckoning him over.
“Alright, he’s here. Now, what did you find, Fury?”
Steve sat next to him on the couch, giving Bucky a confused look. Bucky just shook his head at him, giving a look that said “I’ll explain later.”
“I hope you’re sitting down, because what I’m about to tell you might make you drop.”
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bubbleguppyyy · 5 months
Oh, Little Birdy
Chapter 2
Dean x fem! reader, Past! Bucky x fem! reader
Story Synopsis: Being plagued by constant dreams of a man with beautiful green eyes who calls you Birdy can be very confusing if you don't remember ever meeting him. You want to understand these dreams all while trying to understand why you used to harbor feelings for a certain Winter Soldier who wants "nothing" to do with you. 
Walking into the meeting room, you were greeted by awkward silence from almost everyone except Sam, Tony, and Wanda. Tony gave you a small smile from the front of the room, trying to ease the tension. Wanda and Sam ushered you to the seat between them. You chanced a glance at Bucky, but he was too busy actively avoiding your gaze by practically hiding behind Steve, who was giving you an annoyed glare. 
You just sighed and sat beside Sam. If they wanted to be petty then you wouldn’t engage with them. Quite honestly, trying to repair your friendship with them was the last thing on your mind, the green eyed man taking up most of your thoughts. You made a mental note to talk to Sam after the meeting.
“Alright, now that everyone is here, we have received another ping of activity going on in an old Hydra base. This one hasn’t been active in a hot minute but Fury said we should take a look just in case we have another group forming again.”
You zoned out as Tony started babbling on about statistics and the specifics of the mission. You would get the rest of the information from Sam or Wanda on the way there. You just couldn’t find the brain capacity to focus on Tony right now.
Sam seemed to notice and rubbed your shoulder to at least try and get you back to the present. You were too busy staring off into space, thinking about what might’ve connected you to this dream man and why you seemed to have feelings for him, yet you ended up with Bucky. None of it made sense. Why would you-
“Are you even listening?”
You slowly turned your head from the glass windows to Tony, about to apologize, but Tony was looking down at the ground awkwardly. That’s when you realized who had asked you that. You whipped your head around to look at Steve who had his hands planted on the table in front of you, looking royally pissed. 
“No, I wasn’t listening. Some people don’t have to know every minuscule detail to do a job, Captain.”
You watched him clench his jaw, eyes hardening. You knew he was about to say something that was going to set you off. You had been more on edge since the dreams started and he had taken note of that. You usually liked rilling him up when you knew he had nothing against you, but now he did have something. 
“Maybe you should be taken off the mission. You’re not in the right mind for this. I’ve noticed you starting to lose it over the past two weeks. You’re not fit for a mission right now.”
The tension was so thick in the room it felt like it was suffocating you. Sam was looking between you and Steve, trying not to get in the middle again and have to choose a side. Tony gave you a pitying look and Wanda simply sighed and shook her head. 
Not fit for the mission? Losing it? Oh, he was about to see losing it.
“Not fit for the mission? Shouldn’t you be telling that to your pal Bucky? I’m not the one considered a national threat. I’m not the one that is under mandatory counseling even though I should be after all of the shit I went through. I’m not the one having to go through court every three months. Do you know what it was like to be one of the only women able to survive the soldier tests? Of course not, you’re fucking Captain America, why would you give a shit about some woman below you? You’re so caught up in yourself that you can’t even see that Bucky needs to rest and get more help, not go on every mission possible. Do not tell me I am not fit for a mission when you won’t even get Bucky, god forbid even me, the help we need.”
Your hands were planted right in front of Steve’s. You were in his face, seething with frustration and anger. He had no idea what you went through. He had no right to tell you what you could and couldn’t do. 
Suddenly, Sam’s hand slid onto your back, causing you to flinch from the unexpected touch. 
“It’s okay, let’s just take a moment away. It’s going to be okay, you’re going on the mission.”
You continued to glare at Steve whose face had softened some but still held that arrogant defiance. You didn’t want to back down, you wanted to see how much he and Bucky’s actions pained you. 
You slid your hands into fists and hung your head. You hated how you couldn’t hold a stare for very long anymore. With a quick glance at everyone, you left the room quickly. You wanted to go to the weapons room. You never understood why but, you always felt the safest there. Especially with the knives and rifles. 
“Friday? If Sam comes looking for me, will you let him know where I am? Also, he’s the only one allowed in here until I leave.”
“Of course, Miss.”
“Thank you, Friday.”
You honestly had to give props to Tony for creating the lifelike AI. She truly was a wonder.
You walked over to your weapons drawer, slowly pulling the entire drawer out to set it on the floor. You grabbed some tools for cleaning and sharpening and set them next to the drawer. Slamming your hand on one of the light switch buttons, you closed the curtains to the surrounding glass windows. 
Sighing as you sat down, you felt the weight of everything that happened come over you. A small sniffle turned into full-blown sobbing, you couldn’t stop it. You just wanted everything to make sense. Why did Bucky avoid you? Why did Steve always pick a fight? Who was the man in your dreams? 
You continued to cry as you grabbed the knife you had been found with. It was a good-sized dagger, its handle made of beautiful silver with swirling designs engraved into it. The blade was long and pointed, fitting perfectly into the personalized holder Nat made for it. 
You ran your finger over the top of the blade, slowly falling into another trance. Your finger stopped on a spot just before the hilt. There, sat a small engraving, two words that have constantly plagued your mind.
“For Birdy”
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bubbleguppyyy · 5 months
Encapsulated in Time: Pt.2
Bucky x fem! reader
~ Here's the part 2! Enjoy! ~
Story Synopsis: Bucky knew something was missing from his memories. Something important, something special. He had tried everything to try and recover what it was, but he never could grasp anything. However, he never expected to find those missing memories in a file and an old box of videotapes
There was a faint buzzing in Bucky’s ears. The edges of the video TV slowly started to blur the harder he stared. The Avengers had all left after Steve read the first part of the file out loud. Bucky had just stared at Steve as the Captain tried to get Bucky to say something, finally giving up after Bucky was more interested in the old VCR player Tony hooked up for him. 
The file still lay in his hands, flipped to an enlarged picture of you and him shopping in an open market. 
You were laughing at something he said (a horrible joke he presumes) and he was giving you the biggest smile as he watched you. The picture was of good quality, catching the small crinkles around your eyes and the way Bucky’s eyes shone with love. 
The sound of you giggling comes from the TV and Bucky realizes that he had been looking at the picture again. 
When he looked up, you were making faces at the camera as he filmed you cooking dinner. 
“Why do you always film me, James? You act like I’m gonna disappear from you or something.”
He listens to himself laugh behind the camera. He knows he’s probably blushing as well, still not used to you calling him by his first name. He has to bite his cheek to keep himself from crying after the film him starts talking.
“I just want some memories of you, baby. You know my memory is a little crazy from certain… things, I just want to make sure if something happens I can remember you. I know you won’t go disappearing on me, I’ll always keep you safe.” What you said after that didn’t register in his head until later.
Bucky truly was a liar. He had blatantly lied to you. Why did he think he could protect you? Why did he let his guard completely down? If he had just walked away when you asked him for directions, you would still be alive. You would still be living that life you always talked about, just without him.
“I want to travel the world with you. I want us to live here in Greece and buy plums from the market before we hop on a random flight to a random city. I want us to be free, James. Just you and me and the world.” 
In that video, you’re lying on your side in the small bed you shared with him. You’re in your silk nightgown and the moonlight illuminates your skin, causing his breath to hitch.
He had always said you were ethereal. You would give him a small smile and just giggle. He thought it was adorable.
He now remembers the night he killed you far more vividly than any of his other memories of you. He knows Hydra was behind that. They always found some way to make him suffer more. 
They captured him when he was on his way back to your apartment with groceries. He had to cut through a dingy alleyway. He never thought about how dangerous it could be, the only thought on his mind was what he was going to make for dinner. The last things he remembered were a bunch of agents surrounding him, the start of the trigger words, and dread filling him before the soldier took over. 
Bucky dropped the groceries, immediately falling into order. 
“Ready for Command.”
His “caregiver” at that time stepped forward. He handed the soldier a sniper rifle and a passport.
“Execute the girl and flee back to base. Be back before dawn or you get worse than the chair. Understood?”
The Winter Soldier didn’t even flinch at the threat, only throwing the rifle strap over his arm and giving a firm nod.
“Copy, sir.”
Next thing he knows, he’s laid out on the roof of the building directly opposite your apartment. You’re sitting in your favorite chair reading a book, not a care in the world. You sip on your tea before shutting your book and getting up to stretch. 
The soldier hovers his finger over the trigger, waiting for you to move into position. 
You step out onto your small balcony, basking in the afternoon sun. Your hair sways with the small breeze and you smile as you slip your eyes closed.
The soldier readies his shot, watching through his scope. He slowly puts his finger on the trigger.
Then, you open your eyes and look directly at him, practically looking straight down the scope. The soldier doesn’t hesitate but Bucky does, James does. He almost feels himself come back to normal, almost throws that rifle behind him, and rushes to get you to safety. 
But then, you mouth a word. A word that has the soldier immediately readying his position. His finger finding the trigger once again.
You close your eyes again and-
He pulls the trigger. 
You fall back through the sheer curtains leading inside, your blood smearing them red. 
That’s what you had mouthed to him. To the Winter Soldier. You knew that no matter what, it was either give the order or you and him would never find peace again. 
James always knew you were right.
“You won’t always be able to protect me, you know that. They will come looking for you eventually. I might have to give an order one day, James. One that the Soldier won’t think twice about but Bucky will, James will. Promise me that no matter what, you won’t hold onto what you did. Promise me that you will continue to live, and be free. I love you, James.”
Bucky slowly closed your file and gathered all the tapes scattered everywhere, slowly stacking them back into the box. 
He lays the file on top of them all and puts the lid on. He lets his hands rest there for a moment. Then, he slowly gets up and walks toward his room.
The Soldier always followed orders and James always kept his promises. 
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bubbleguppyyy · 5 months
Oh, Little Birdy.
Chapter 1
Dean x fem! reader, Past! Bucky x fem! reader
Story Synopsis: Being plagued by constant dreams of a man with beautiful green eyes who calls you Birdy can be very confusing if you don't remember ever meeting him. You want to understand these dreams all while trying to understand why you used to harbor feelings for a certain Winter Soldier who wants "nothing" to do with you.
You really should’ve listened to Soldat when he told you to carry a compass because you had no idea where you were. 
It was damp out, and the roads were starting to become slick from the small mist of rain. Forests surrounded both sides of the narrow road that seemed to go on for miles and miles. You had been wandering it for about 5 miles now with no clue what direction you were going. No cars had passed by in a while and nothing but eerie silence filled your ears. 
None of this would have happened if you had completed your mission correctly. All you were supposed to do was shoot some politician from his second-story bedroom window. His house was in the middle of the woods in a state you couldn’t remember the name of. This was one of the easier jobs you had been given during your time with Hydra. No fighting or contact was involved. 
Everything had been fine, you were programmed to your soldier form and ready to take any order Hydra wanted to give you. You never felt anything in that form. It used to bother you until Hydra made sure that it didn’t. 
Your finger was on the trigger waiting for the order to execute. Next thing you know, you’re being attacked by someone. They were a good fighter, but you were better. The only person you weren’t better than, was Soldat. 
Right before you shot them, they threw some weird powder in your face. It made your eyes hurt and your throat tighten, spurring a coughing fit. You dropped your gun and ripped out your com that had some random Agent screaming Russian in your ear. You dropped to your knees, rubbing your face, trying to get the powder off.
When you finally felt like you could open your eyes, you felt an immense amount of emotions run through you. You gasped as large tears slid down your cheeks. You gripped your chest where your heart hurt. 
Your soldier form had been compromised. 
Everything seemed more vibrant, it wasn’t all just some colorless haze anymore. You could hear the crickets and the sound of the politician's dog barking in the distance. The leaves on the trees rustled with the wind and their light green color almost hurt your eyes. For the first time in a long time, you felt so alive. 
The moment you realized all this, you immediately abandoned your mission and ran as far away as you could. That brought you to the road you had currently been wandering. You kicked a pebble in frustration, shivering slightly from the breeze. 
You stopped walking at the sound of a car coming up fast from behind you. It was blaring music and as you turned around to see what it looked like, it came to a screeching halt a few feet away from you. You shielded your eyes from the headlights while trying to identify the song playing.
You tilted your head and squinted your eyes as two figures got out of the car. 
“You lost, sweetheart?”
The figure that spoke moved in front of the right car light, giving you a break from being temporarily blinded. His voice was deep and smooth. He was tall with broad shoulders and bowed legs that you found sort of endearing in a way. He had short brown hair sort of spiked up and green eyes that shone with mirth as he watched you size him up. 
“Easy there, we aren’t going to hurt you. We just want to make sure you’re okay. What’s your name?” The second figure spoke up when he saw how tense you were. He was taller than the other one with long shaggy brown hair and a kind smile. You gave him a tentative smile and relaxed your shoulders as you thought about what he asked.
The question shouldn’t have been as hard as it was but it had completely stumped you. You had no idea what your real name was. With Hydra, you were either called by your number or by your soldier title. 
You looked between the two as you spoke.
“I’m not sure what my real name is. I haven’t been called it in years. I would prefer that you didn’t call me by my other names since I am sort of escaping the people that called me that so, I guess you can just pick something.”
You watched as they gave each other a worried look, no doubt wondering why you were called something other than your given name. 
You shivered as they silently communicated with each other, hoping they wouldn’t notice. The one that had called you sweetheart seemed to catch it out of the corner of his eye and immediately shrugged off his large leather jacket, carefully approaching you with it. 
When he reached you, he slowly wrapped it around your frame. It engulfed you in a scent of motor oil, leather, and musky vanilla.
You couldn’t look away from his eyes. They were so green, so alive. You felt tears coming on again. 
“How about we call you…. Birdy. Since you said you’re escaping.” He gave you a wink and half smirk, proud of the new name he picked for you. 
You shot a quizzical look at the other guy who looked equally confused as he gave you a shrug.
You turned back towards the man in front of you who looked eager to hear what you had to say about the new name. 
“I guess it does fit my current situation, I like it. Now that you have my name, what are yours?”
You giggled a little when the jacket guy seemed to puff his chest when you said you liked the name. He smiled wider when you laughed at his antics. He then cleared his throat and gestured to himself and the other guy.
“Our names are D-
The emergency alarm and the voice of Friday woke you up in a panicked state. Something about an immediate mission meeting happening. 
You had been so close. So close to understanding the meaning of all of these random dreams. So close to finding out who called you Birdy. 
You slid out of bed and threw on a zip-up hoodie over your crop top and shorts. You grabbed your go bag in case the mission was going to happen right after the meeting. 
Whatever was going on, you hoped it would distract you from the green eyes plaguing your mind.
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bubbleguppyyy · 5 months
~ I try to update as much as I can! ~
~ Started: 12/8/2023 ~
Bucky Barnes
Story Synopsis: Bucky knew something was missing from his memories. Something important, something special. He had tried everything to try and recover what it was, but he never could grasp anything. However, he never expected to find those missing memories in a file and an old box of videotapes.
Encapsulated in Time
Encapsulated in Time: Pt.2
Encapsulated in Time: Pt. 3
Encapsulated in Time: Pt. 4
Oneshots/Two Chapters
Oneshots/Two Chapters
One Piece
Oneshots/Two Chapters
Oneshots/Two Chapters
Oneshots/Two Chapters
-Oh, Little Birdy-
~ Cross between Marvel & Supernatural ~
Story Synopsis: Being plagued by constant dreams of a man with beautiful green eyes who calls you Birdy can be very confusing if you don't remember ever meeting him. You want to understand these dreams all while trying to understand why you used to harbor feelings for a certain Winter Soldier who wants "nothing" to do with you.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Oneshots/Two Chapters
~ These are the main fandoms I'm in! I promise I will be adding more stories soon ~
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bubbleguppyyy · 5 months
Encapsulated in Time
Bucky x Fem! reader
>Here's some angst :)<
Story Synopsis: Bucky knew something was missing from his memories. Something important, something special. He had tried everything to try and recover what it was, but he never could grasp anything. However, he never expected to find those missing memories in a file and an old box of videotapes
Bucky wasn't quite sure how much he enjoyed the life of the Avengers.
Steve was always there for him of course and he continuously checked on Bucky even after he would say he was perfectly fine.
They both knew he wasn't.
Bucky didn't like missions as much as Natasha or Tony did but he still went on them to try and be a part of the team, or something like that.
Steve always told him that he didn't have to. He had a choice now. He could say no, but Bucky still wasn't sure how to do that. How did he make decisions on his own?
Bucky slowly started making friends with everyone (Sam was taking some time). He bonded with Natasha over knives and even with Bruce over yoga classes to soothe anger.
But, he couldn't help but feel something very big was missing from his memory. Bucky remembered a lot of his missions and times when he happened to snap out of the soldier. There were these feelings he couldn't quite place. Longing? Anguish? Why was he feeling these emotions? And why did they come along with the scent of Rosemary?
When the Avengers decided to take a day off, they were hoping not to hear from Fury. Of course, they knew that the man would probably call later tonight with a mission but they certainly did not expect him to walk into the compound with an old box and a file.
"Barnes, I thought I would deliver these myself. Be thankful because my team almost threw them away." Fury set the box on the coffee table in the middle of the common room and gave the file to Bucky.
He held the file, dumbfounded. Bucky had no idea what Fury was talking about. They almost threw what away?
"I can tell you have no idea what I'm talking about. Good thing I saved these. Anyway, as we know, you disappeared from Hydra roughly around 1973 to 1978."
Bucky gave a look to Steve, silently asking if he knew what this was about. Steve shrugged, also looking very confused.
"Fury, why don't you just get to the point?" Natasha asks, trying to seem nonchalant but by the way she's twirling that knife, she's also intrigued.
"I agree with the Widow, Fury. We're all dying to know what's in the box."
Tony is leaning on the armrest of the couch, sipping on a glass of his expensive whiskey. He's grinning at Fury's annoyed look at all of them.
Fury sighs, "I had some agents looking into some things in Greece and they happened to find the box in an old apartment building. The owner said that she remembered you and that she always kept your stuff, hoping you'd come back by to get it."
A flash of a small, middle-aged woman that smelled of butterscotch and had a smile like the sun goes through Bucky's head. He can almost feel the breeze coming from the open windows, the sheer curtains flowing with it.
"I think you should just look in the box yourself, Barnes. Let the memories come back slowly."
With that, Fury quickly left, mumbling about how he needs to find someone to work on patience with the Avengers.
Bucky blankly stared at the file in his hands. He was almost afraid of what he would find. A feeling of dread runs through him and he wants to throw up. He can't remember anything but it's almost like his body knows that whatever is in this file and box, it's going to ruin him.
Steve sits next to Bucky, watching his reaction.
"You don't have to open it right now Buck. You can take some time to process if you'd like. We can leave the room." Steve looked at everyone, hoping they would get the hint, but none of them did. They were too curious.
Bucky just shook his head and swallowed the bile in his throat. He would rather have his friends there. He wasn't sure how he was about to handle this.
Bucky grabbed the edge of the file, preparing to open it. Everyone was on the edge of their seats. This would explain so much to Bucky.
He took and deep breath and opened it.
The first thing he saw was a picture of you, smiling as you rested your head on your palm. The sound of your laugh rang in Bucky's ears, the scent of Rosemary filling his nose. Your name was next, he remembered saying it over and over again, just because he liked the sound of it. Your birthday was next and then-
Status: Deceased. Executed by The Winter Soldier.
>Should I make a part 2?<
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bubbleguppyyy · 6 months
reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something
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bubbleguppyyy · 8 months
“Let tomorrow be tomorrow for tonight.”
- from a friend when I needed it
0 notes
bubbleguppyyy · 11 months
Why does my heart beat for those who do not wish to learn the rhythm?
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bubbleguppyyy · 1 year
We listen to the same music.
I listen to the love songs and think of you.
You listen to the same ones and think of her.
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bubbleguppyyy · 1 year
When will I stop allowing you even when I do not forgive you?
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bubbleguppyyy · 1 year
You loved me as a friend up close.
I loved you as a lover from afar.
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bubbleguppyyy · 1 year
I see love within my dreams but I do not feel it in my bones.
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