anonymoustalks · 4 years
i cannot hold stable relationships because to some extent im a manchild
(7-3-20) You both like conversation.
You: heyaa
Stranger: hi
You: so I have a question
You: some advice
You: that I want to ask for a friend
Stranger: okie dokie
You: so I have a friend
You: who goes through like a lot of stuff
You: and she needs to vent to ppl
You: but she often exhausts the ppl that she vents to
You: and doesn't want to vent to strangers
You: what should she do?
Stranger: hmmm
Stranger: wait give me a sec to respond
Stranger: she should find a good drug
Stranger: wink wink
You: ohhh
You: ummm what do you mean literally?
Stranger: no
Stranger: i actually dont understand the question
Stranger: see im a bit retarded atm
You: oh are you high?
Stranger: hhahahha... noooooOOooooooooooooooooooooo
Stranger: ..
You: well that's fine
Stranger: :)
You: what do you do on omegle when you're high?
Stranger: im not actually high
Stranger: i just come here to chill and to talk to some people
Stranger: you?
You: ohh okay
You: um not much really
You: I guess I just talk to people too
Stranger: have you had any successful convos thus far?
You: well sure, every once in a while
You: today I talked to a married lady who is cheating on her husband
Stranger: i dont believe you but tell me more!
You: well she thinks marrying him was a mistake
Stranger: yikes
You: she said he's "broken" and only plays pc games
Stranger: do you have like screenshots of that convo?
You: sure hold on a sec
You: https://anonymoustalks.tumblr.com/post/622641993728901120
You: I repost a lot of my omegle conversations onto tumblr lol
Stranger: what for?
Stranger: just curios
You: idk I just collect them
You: sometimes I think they're kind of interesting
Stranger: ahhh.. yeah collections i get that
Stranger: of course of course
Stranger: lots of interesting stories but majority are fake
Stranger: you know that right?
Stranger: people like to portray themselves as something theyre not
You: yup but it's kind of like a pointless hobby amongst pointless hobbies?
You: like when I was a kid I used to collect sea shells
You: and rocks
Stranger: beautifully worded
You: they sat it a line on my window sill
You: but they're just kind of like ugly rocks
You: I think years later I threw them away
Stranger: :(
You: yeah things happen when years pass
You: is there anything that you've regretted over the years?
Stranger: of course
Stranger: many many many things
Stranger: but then again
Stranger: its life
Stranger: regrets are for pussies
Stranger: sorry for being blunt
You: no it's fine
You: do you have like a #1 regret even though apparently you don't keep them lol?
Stranger: Yea I do
Stranger: but I want you to tell me yours first
Stranger: if youre comftrable with that
Stranger: comfortable
You: ohh I don't really have one off the top of my head so I have to think about it first
You: ummm
You: I think the year I regret most was probably my sophomore summer in college
You: I basically spent the entire time depressed and inside my dorm
You: for an entire summer
You: so yeah it's like a really basic and dull thing
You: but I feel like I could have done a lot more with that time
Stranger: same here
Stranger: i understand you one on one
You: or well like that feeling that you've wasted a lot of time
Stranger: yup!
Stranger: im 20 btw
Stranger: what about you
You: ohh cool
You: 26
You: I think I regretted it more after I graduated lol
Stranger: just for the record youre male, right?
You: yup sure
Stranger: okay so you regretted because of sooo.. many missed opportunities??
You: basically yes
Stranger: same here
You: isn't it like... the summer for you right now?
Stranger: its summer but its so foggy here
Stranger: kinda thrilling
You: so what's the missed opportunity that you wish you could be doing?
Stranger: develop social skills
Stranger: when i was young
Stranger: i realized the value of my beauty
Stranger: and i mean i was really good looking
You: past tense?
Stranger: so i didnt bother investing in personality
Stranger: yes
You: oh
You: so you're not happy with your personality?
Stranger: not at all.. i cannot hold stable relationships because to some extent im a manchild
You: that's a pretty harsh thing to say about yourself
Stranger: i simply didnt bother making it more profound and vibrant :(
You: :c
Stranger: i know
You: how do you make yourself more profound and vibrant?
Stranger: idk... i.. was socially outcasted because i couldnt fit in. I was this good looking boy in the crowd that looked vibrant but then again.. no real depth to him
Stranger: im talking in 3rd person a little my bad
You: that's fine, I feel like I know a few people who talk in third person
Stranger: so no way i can find a way to make myself vibrant
You: I'm not totally sure if I understand why you might have been socially outcasted
Stranger: neither do i
Stranger: whats your story
You: or well, you sound pretty normal on omegle at least
Stranger: thank you, that means a lot to me
You: well, I don't really have that much of a story
You: I think it's pretty stereotypical stuff
You: like acting the way I was expected to act
You: doing okay at school and stuff
You: and I didn't really like to get close to people
Stranger: how come..
You: I don't think I was either liked or disliked
You: mhmm I think I'm just the kind of introvert who prefers alone time more than social company?
You: like sometimes i spot a friend in the supermarket and then hide lol
Stranger: is it because no one sees you for who you really are?
Stranger: is that why you.. hide?
You: that's a pretty deep analysis lol
You: uhh I'm not sure if there's that profound of a reason
You: I think I just don't like to hang out with people
Stranger: i dont like it either, but then i again i want it.. but the second i get it, i dont want it
Stranger: do you feel the same way?
You: huuh, maybe, except I rarely want it I think
You: but there have definitely been times I was hanging out with classmates and I felt so awkward
You: since I don't listen to much music or watch tv shows
You: so I have almost nothing to talk about
Stranger: nothing to talk about yet the soul is filled with so many adventurous, thats how i felt
Stranger: i have this thing
Stranger: inside me
Stranger: i have this great world
Stranger: wonderful place
You: oh that sounds interesting
Stranger: and its amazing stories which i tell to myself over and over again but when i tell it to someone else
Stranger: its alien to them... they dont get it.. see it.. or understand it
You: maybe you should write it down
You: and there's a better way to express it
Stranger: of course ive considered writing it down
Stranger: but i like having my own head as a closet
Stranger: where i keep all the special things
You: mhm
You: it sounds very important to you
Stranger: you know
Stranger: i have your other convo opened in a second monitor
Stranger: you can somewhat read between the lines
You: hm?
Stranger: you are an empath
Stranger: right?
You: um, I'm not totally sure haha
You: I just like talking to strangers sometimes
Stranger: oh okay.. i guess you like hearing stories and i like connecting with others
Stranger: hmm
You: ohh do you consider yourself an empath?
Stranger: i am too empathetic to the point where its not good
You: mhmm I've heard some people say that
You: I'm not sure if I've always understood it
You: I think empathy is a good thing
Stranger: its good, but when you feel and understand the other person's pain it could be a curse sometimes
You: mhm...
Stranger: because you get so involved
You: right.. does this have anything to do with the relationships you were talking about earlier?
Stranger: just like a narrator, bringing back some of the old points hahaha
Stranger: im not sure
Stranger: i think its because i... i was looking for something depe within them but didnt find it
Stranger: i guess i was looking for the same broken person like me
You: oh...
You: that sounds very heavy
You: maybe a little dark too
Stranger: oops
Stranger: lets slide back a little
You: haha it's okay ^^
You: I think it's nice that you shared a little more
Stranger: so you come here just to... talk and then.. poooofff.. disapper?
You: yup pretty much!
You: uhh it's kind of the plus side of omegle imo
You: it's kind of no strings attached...
Stranger: im one of those people who does want some strings
You: ahh sorry :c
Stranger: thats okay
Stranger: do you know about the "unbearable lightness of being"?
You: nope
Stranger: its a person who doesnt have strings attached and always wanders around
Stranger: never settles
Stranger: always on the move
Stranger: but as humans
Stranger: we need to settle at some point, thats why its so fun and so depressing
Stranger: it gets hard after awhile
Stranger: yup
You: hard to settle?
Stranger: just doesnt feel comfortable to settle
You: I guess so
You: I think for me I might be looking for escape to some extent?
You: like I feel like I am grounded to a degree
You: but it's nice to wander around my anchor lol
Stranger: lol\
Stranger: i want to escape too.. i have these vivid dreams about always running away.. from something..???
Stranger: idk
Stranger: i just want to.. escape
You: mhmm
You: for me I've been on the same career path for many years
You: and also I've been in the same relationship for 8 years haha
You: so sometimes I'm curious about what kind of life other people have had
You: and I guess for me is somewhat the exciting part about omegle
Stranger: oh...
Stranger: you live for the stories hahahahh
Stranger: thats comforting
You: mhm maybe!
You: I mean, sometimes I feel like that everyone around me irl sounds the same
You: so I feel like it's a bubble
Stranger: it is a bubble
Stranger: its something that is there but we cant see it
Stranger: i wanna pop it but i cant lol
Stranger: its ok :)
You: lol
You: it sounds like you're looking for a lot of really cool and interesting things
You: and I like your positivity
Stranger: thank you so much
Stranger: i know strings for you arent ideal
Stranger: but you can add me on discord
Stranger: afterall, i am looking to make new friends :)
You: mhm I'm sorry :c it's just something that I don't do on omegle
You: but I think you're on a roll today!
Stranger: oh... maybe i am hahahah
You: you sound like a friendly person in general haha
Stranger: compliments upon compliments is really nice to hear, especially from a stranger
Stranger: much appreciated
Stranger: you navigate convos very well
You: well, they're not really compliments
Stranger: a little too well.. makes it a little spooky to know that youre so in control
You: tbh I just don't understand when you said you're socially outcasted / etc
You: because I mean this conversation is fluid because of you too
Stranger: i have 0 friends yet ive had over 6 relationships total
You: well, I mean that's more than a lot of people can say haha xD
You: I think I know a lot of people who struggle to get even one relationship
You: so I think you should have some confidence for yourself
Stranger: hahah i think i should but what im really looking, and have been lookinf for already like 4 years
Stranger: is a friend
Stranger: just a friend
You: mhmm lol I feel like a lot of people on omegle are looking for relationships haha
Stranger: lmfao those horny idiots hahahahahh
Stranger: omg i cant stand them
You: mhm totally
Stranger: yea idk i thought this place is ideal for finding a friend but so many people looking for relationships, like you said
Stranger: idk why
Stranger: lmao
You: mhmm... friends are weird I think
You: or well, it's hard for me to comprehend friendships haha
Stranger: same hahahah
You: well in either case, it was nice talking to you today!
Stranger: Yup!
You: good luck with everything!
Stranger: thank you! Stay safe and take care!
You: byebye!
You have disconnected.
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anonymoustalks · 4 years
I told my husband I felt neglected and tempted to cheat, and he didn't care
(7-3-20) You both like conversation.
You: heya
Stranger: Hiya
You: how's your day?
Stranger: Going ok. Slow. You?
You: I have to go to work in like half an hour
You: I spent my morning reading about the epstein case
Stranger: I'm glad they finally got her
You: one of the victim's memoirs
You: yeah
Stranger: I see
You: it's really jarring to read
You: or well, heavy
Stranger: Yeah. I watched the documentary on Netflix. But it's so much bigger than just them
You: mhm
You: I think for me, as I was reading, it feel like I saw familiar patterns in it, which felt kind of creepy
Stranger: The documentary was unimpressive. Almost like it was covering for the larger conspiracy.
Stranger: Familiar to what?
You: in the sense that I feel like I know certain people like either the victim or the abusers or others
Stranger: I understand. With similar stories.
You: well my uncle has like this company and has a lot of money
You: growing up he had like three houses, a boat
You: and some of his demeanor just seemed familiar to like the way many of the ppl epstein affiliated himself with
You: kind of like the ego/bravado-ness that is kind of trump-y
Stranger: Oof, that's a scary realization
You: a lot of the victims also had really heavy family stories or backgrounds
Stranger: Yeah, that's who they prey upon. Vulnerable.
You: and then I started thinking about some people I met online with heavy histories
You: yeah
Stranger: I see
You: like I have one online friend who just can't stop dating people
You: who honestly aren't good for her
Stranger: Sounds like daddy issues
You: yeah idk
You: I don't always know what's going on with people
You: but it sounds worrisome
Stranger: Yeah. People hide things well.
You: yeah
Stranger: You sound like a good friend, though
You: well, idk
You: yes and no in the sense that I ghosted her from time to time
You: it's just so much to handle
Stranger: I understand
You: like she's a drama magnet
Stranger: Yeah, I have an aversion to those
You: mhm my life is really simple in comparison
You: or well, it's so strange to wrap my head around all this drama that people get into
Stranger: Yeah, it's fascinating to people who live pretty straightforward lives
You: mhm do you go through much drama?
Stranger: I'm not a dramatic person, no. I have zero conflict with friends.
Stranger: But my marriage is very dramatic.
You: ahh... I'm sorry to hear that
Stranger: Lol it's fine
You: would it be prying to ask?
Stranger: Nope. Otherwise I wouldn't have brought it up
Stranger: I got married really young, at 19.
Stranger: We're just very different. He's pretty broken and addicted to pc gaming.
Stranger: Ignores me.
You: ahh :c
Stranger: So I come on here for connection I guess?
Stranger: It's not that dramatic lol.
You: it's just sad I guess
Stranger: And you? Simple life then?
You: well, I have marriage-related complications too I guess
You: although I'm not married
You: just engaged
You: although I feel like I've been delaying the topic of marriage
Stranger: I see. If it's complicated, you should end it, tbh.
You: or I'm not mentally there or something
You: well, it's not altogether that bad
Stranger: That's really selling it, lol
You: like my partner is wonderful in every way
Stranger: Oh
You: I have like lgbt complications of various sorts which makes it feel vaguely complicated for me
Stranger: You're wondering if there's something better?
You: well, not exactly that; I think my fiancee is amazing and we have a really great relationship in terms of companionship
Stranger: Ah, sexually?
You: I think that's where things are a little weirder, yes
You: I mean, we're totally clear and transparent about this
You: but I think it just keeps popping up in my mind from time to time
Stranger: Hmm,that's tough
You: like we trust each other totally and love each other in all of those ways
You: it's just that sex is challenging lol
Stranger: As in your sex isn't great?
You: mhmm... I just don't have much interest in it, I guess?
Stranger: Because of your partner's gender? Or your partner themself?
You: I think maybe it's my gender moreso than theirs idk
You: I think I'm in general just not very interested in women
You: but I feel like my connection with my partner is way more than on a sexual level
Stranger: You're going to suffer if you marry her though
Stranger: Sounds like a friend.
You: I mean I've never dated any guys lol
You: and I'm not sure if I want to
You: we've been together for 8 years lol
Stranger: Is she aware of this?
You: and we finally got engaged last year
You: yup!
Stranger: Well,it's good you're so honest
Stranger: And if she's not scared and trusts you, that's great
You: it's kind of like this hard spot where it feels like we're mutually dependent on each other
You: like it feels too scary for either of us to let go, I guess
Stranger: I understand that
You: and I don't think I want to
Stranger: I wouldn't get married unless I was over the moon about it though.
Stranger: You'll cheat eventually
You: mhm
Stranger: I went ahead and married even with red flags
Stranger: And I 100% regret it
You: I see
Stranger: But I shouldn't project my issues on you
You: it feels like time is slipping away for me
Stranger: How old are you?
You: like I guess in a sense we delayed for so long because we weren't sure
You: I'm 26 she's 28
Stranger: I see. Not that old yet. But I understand. It's really tough to detach after 8 yrs. I'm sorry.
You: yeah
You: or well, I feel like I'm the kind of person who would just sort of carry on with the status quo
You: like we're both very happy cohabitating
Stranger: It's comfortable and you know each other.
You: and then I feel like next thing I know it it's going to be like 10 years lol
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: I've been with someone online for 2 yrs now
Stranger: I'm cheating
You: ohh interesting
You: yeah I can understand
Stranger: And it's like night and day. Of course, it's semi fantasy and I don't have to deal with the day to day problems with him.
Stranger: But I'm experiencing what it's like to truly admire, respect and love someone
You: mhm
Stranger: And to be excited
You: right
Stranger: So I can only offer my experience. But I would really think about it.
You: yeah, thank you for sharing
Stranger: She seems like a really good person. So I understand the conflict.
Stranger: I told my husband I felt neglected and tempted to cheat, and he didn't care. So it's a different boat.
You: ahh :c
Stranger: I wish you the best though. You should stay away from drama friend though. Those people just suck nice people like you into their black holes.
You: aww haha okay
You: yeah and i wish you the best too
You: I guess it's close to my half hour
You: so it was nice talking!
Stranger: Thanks. Have a good day at work!
Stranger: Bye
You: bye!
You have disconnected.
0 notes
anonymoustalks · 4 years
I mean, not to be rude to other countries, but America is somehow one of the most free countries in the world. I believe this has a lot to do with the right to bear arms
(6-23-20) You both like politics.
You: hiyaa
Stranger: hi
Stranger: Where from?
You: us east
Stranger: California
You: mhm
You: anything you care about?
Stranger: Wdym?
You: oh, just things that you're interested in
You: what do you think of affirmative action? I think it's on your ballot in november?
Stranger: Instead of Affirmative action, I support a UBI for all citizens
You: okay
You: they're sort of different though haha
You: so for a yes/no ballot question, which would you be?
Stranger: I'd say no
You: okay
Stranger: How would you describe yourself politically?
You: moderate left
Stranger: Nice. I'm a Paleoconservative/civic nationalist
You: paleoconservative...?
Stranger: Yeah it means I'm a conservative but I think dinosaurs are cool
You: really?
Stranger: Jokes :)
You: >.>
Stranger: Paleoconservatism is basically fusionism with very little foregein intervention
You: fusionism?
Stranger: Fusionism is social conservatism combine with free market capitalism
You: I think it's interesting that you're fond of UBI even though you consider yourself paleoconservative
Stranger: Yeah, I can't really think of an exact label for myself. But I think UBI is the best form of social welfare
You: I thought paleoconservatives were opposed to most forms of social welfare
You: at least, that's what wikipedia seems to say
Stranger: Like I said, I don't fit into one exact label.
You: right
You: so what you do mean my civic nationalist?
Stranger: Maybe civic nationalist isn't the best word, but I'm definitely some kind of nationalist. I basically believe that members of a nation should share similar values.
You: mhm, I was googling wikipedia and it seems to mostly differentiate between ethnic vs. civic nationalism
You: so does that mean you differentiate yourself from the alt right with less of a focus on ethnicity?
Stranger: I'm definitely not an ethnic nationalist. I'm a brown immigrant living in America. And yes, I do differentiate from the alt right because I don't really care about ethnicity
You: right
You: so as an immigrant, you favor immigration restrictions?
Stranger: Yeah. I think some restrictions are necessary, because like I said members of a nation must share similar values.
You: mhm so it sounds like you care particularly about culture?
Stranger: WDYM?
You: mhm I guess to me it sounded like you were saying that members of a nation should have a similar culture?
You: or do you distinguish between values and culture?
Stranger: Not necessarily similar culture. Values are ideals you hold true regardless of your culture. A muslim from Dubai can immigrate here just as easily as a catholic from Italy, as long they share similar values to the nation.
You: mhm "similar values" being?
You: I feel like I've encountered people on omegle who would argue that islamic culture is incompatible with western values, for instance
Stranger: I would define values as ideals. Ideals such as the notion that every individual should be able to dictate their own lives free from governmental authouity (but neccesarly from social consequences) , ideals such as the ideals of justice and virtue
Stranger: And I don't think there is anything inherently in compatible about islam and the west
You: mhm, I just find it curious because I feel like I've encountered people with differing opinions about this subject
Stranger: there are a lot of different opinions on this subject for sure
Stranger: Pro-life or pro-choice?
You: pro-choice
You: so secretary of state mike pompeo is planning to issue a human rights panel that prioritizes freedom of religion over the other rights
Stranger: How? I'm not familiar with this
You: https://www.politico.com/story/2019/07/08/pompeo-panel-unalienable-rights-1400023
You: there was also a nytimes article
You: in a sense it's the US taking a stance that religious freedom is a "human right" in essence more important than the other ones
Stranger: So they're prioritizing the right to freedom of religion over LGBT and women's rights?
You: yes
You: there's criticism that this has broad repercussions internationally
Stranger: Good
You: because in a sense it runs in counter to the UN's definitions of "human rights"
Stranger: I'm bisexual, and I don't believe the government should have a say in what is marriage and what isn't
You: and would limit UN and other countries of criticizing nations like saudi arabia on women's rights
Stranger: That's a violation of free speech as well
You: what is a violation of free speech?
Stranger: Oh nvm. I thought you meant limiting citizen's rights to criticize those countries
Stranger: Still fucked up
You: I also don't believe governments should say what is marriage and what isn't
You: that said, many places have laws explicitly banning homosexual marriage
You: so imo that's sort of like governments trying to have a say
Stranger: That's true. My point is they shouldn't
You: what was your position on abortion?
Stranger: I'm conflicted tbh
You: ah why?
Stranger: I understand that most women want to get an abortion for very legitimate reasons like not being able to afford to raise one, or being the victim of rape, ect. But I also don't think it's fair to take a life because of something it has no control over
You: at what point do you consider an embryo/fetus to be "living"?
You: because I mean, most pro-choice advocates obviously aren't in favor of infanticide
Stranger: At the point it can feel pain
You: so if you define it that way, I think you could prob be in favor of abortion in the first trimester
You: before the embryo develops major organs
Stranger: Yeah I guess that's fair
You: mhm I think most pro-choice advocates aren't so extreme to believe in abortion of full-term babies -- that's kind of a ridiculous position
You: rather I think many pro-life advocates are sort of against abortion as a principle
Stranger: Yeah obviously
You: I think I talked to someone who felt that the "potential" for life was sacred -- like even a single cell zygote after a sperm as fused with an egg
Stranger: I'm an agnostic, so I don't really consider anything to be sacred
You: yeah
You: or well, some people are spiritual enough to believe in souls too
You: and I think some people believe that the soul enters as soon as conception happens
Stranger: opinions on gun control?
You: pro, but I think it should be determined by state
You: I don't like the 2nd amendment lol
You: mhm what do you mean?
Stranger: I think that schools should be required to teach their students basic trigger discipline
You: what does that mean?
Stranger: Like how to handle a gun, different kinds of guns, how to avoid accidents, when to use it ect.
You: oh, but isn't that taught when you get a firearm permit?
Stranger: Make getting a permit mandatory is what I'm saying
You: oh, it's not mandatory?
You: well idk gun laws in other states
Stranger: No, not "If you want a gun you have to have a permit". I mean, "everyone should have a gun, so everyone must be required to get a permit at a certain age"
You: ohhh
You: why should everyone have a gun?
Stranger: Switzerland had a similar law, so it's not that crazy. People shouldn't be forced to get a gun, just a permit. I think firearms are important to protect us incase the government got too powerful, and obviously for people to defend themselves.
You: oh okay
You: I think this is the main "american" value that I don't personally believe very much in
Stranger: I think the second amendment is the second most important amendment, next to the first
Stranger: maybe even more important than the first
You: interesting...
You: I just don't really personally recognize it as a universal as a human right or anything
You: and only a small handful of countries in the world have a "right to bear arms" as a constitutional right
You: there's actually a wikipedia article on this
Stranger: I mean, not to be rude to other countries, but America is somehow one of the most free countries in the world. I believe this has a lot to do with the right to bear arms
You: hmm... I kind of contest that statement, in the sense that I think Canada and Australia are in many circumstances ahead of the US
Stranger: I don't know too much about those countries. Most countries are not in the west, and most eastern countries don't have nearly as much freedom
You: Well to quote wikipedia: "Constitutions which historically guaranteed a right to bear arms are those of Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Liberia, Mexico, Nicaragua and the United States of America."
Stranger: Interesting...
You: basically all other countries don't recognize gun rights as a constitutional right
Stranger: I'll have to look into this later
You: although many countries have laws pertaining how you can get a gun permit though
Stranger: One core American principle I oppose is the concept of democracy
You: hm what do you mean?
Stranger: I don't believe every citizen over certain age should be allowed the right to vote. I'm also a constitutional monarchist
You: ohhh
You: constitutional monarchist?
Stranger: Monarchy with a strict constitution to keep it from abusing it's power
You: ^^ I just had the funny thought that if you don't support democracy you ain't american, so based on your immigration ideas you shouldn't be allowed to immigrate (jkjk)
Stranger: Damn it, I can hear ICE at my door
You: idk, I like having a diversity of ideas
Stranger: Sure, but once you allow unrestricted immigration, your nation over time will loose the same values that made it so great
You: mhmm I believe the US has always being a melting pot
You: I'm still not always clear about what "values" btw
You: I feel like I hear many evangelicals worried about christian values for instance
You: but I think that is tinged through a religious lens
Stranger: True, I'm saying different ideas are bad, I'm saying certain principles must be shared by the citizens of the nation. The values I believe in are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiniess
You: mhm and you think there are immigrants who don't believe in that?
Stranger: Yes. Immigrants that do believe that absolutely should be able to immigrate here
You: it's interesting because I feel like many immigrants tend to lean relatively conservative
You: at least, more conservative than (white) progressive liberals
Stranger: Yeah, I've noticed that as well. Most people that have been rude to me on the basis of my sexuality or skin color have been immigrants
You: in either case, I do think many immigrants strongly supportive of capitalistic values, like right to property and not wanting much social welfare or taxes
You: at least, that's just based on what I think I've noticed
Stranger: yeah that's true as well
Stranger: what do you think of the LGBT community?
You: I'm fine with them
You: why?
Stranger: I support people being LGBT (I am one) but not the community
You: I think that's fine
Stranger: Yeah, I feel like stuff like pride month are only hurting the cause
You: mhm I feel like I had heard someone say something similar
You: although I think freedom of expression is important
Stranger: Of course it is, the government should have no right to ban pride parades and such, but I personally feel like it's harming the cause
You: I think many ppl have different ways of perceiving their own experience and things
Stranger: wdym>
Stranger: 8wdym?
Stranger: *wdym?
You: oh I mean, some people feel like it's beneficial and others thing it is not so
You: we live in a subjective world lol
You: although I think conservative lgbt folks I've talked to don't seem to like the idea of pride as much
You: I wonder if it's because they don't want to be seen as radical by their friends
Stranger: I mean people who oppose the LGBT community oppose it because they think it's not normal, or that we're trying to shove to down their face. Pride months and trying so hard to stand out on the basis of your sexuality or gender which you can't control, makes the people who already oppose it dislike it even more
You: mhm I understand what you're saying
Stranger: I think I have to go no. It was nice talking to you
You: alright have a good evening!
Stranger: you to!
Stranger has disconnected.
0 notes
anonymoustalks · 4 years
One that really always bothered me is that a lot of people assume that if you have some kind of physical deformity, it means you are mentally challneged
(6-21-20)) You both like politics.
Stranger: Hi
You: hiya
Stranger: Age?
You: 26
Stranger: 27
Stranger: Got a topic?
You: I was reading about humiliation
You: and hazing
Stranger: In frats?
You: mhm just in general
You: I was just on the feminism tag
Stranger: Ah
You: we didn't really talk about the it, but the other person mentioned: "Who are we canceling today?"
Stranger: Is that something that actually gets discussed?
You: which I assume is a sarcastic remark
Stranger: I always thought just one person like makes a post, and then everyone else just kinda goes with it
You: yup
Stranger: So, any interesting insight on humiliation and hazing?
You: not really, I'm just trying to understand it
You: I was on reddit today
You: and for my city subreddit
You: someone posted a screenshot of someone saying something on facebook
You: and owner of an auto repair shop
You: basically saying to boycot this guy because he's a white supremacist
You: anyhow I don't have a lot of interesting insights
You: anything that you care about in particular?
Stranger: What do you think about the declining birthrate in developed nations?
You: I don't really have a strong opinion about it
You: I think it's fine
You: although I think some people worry about the economy
Stranger: Do you think it plateaus around 1 child per woman?
Stranger: Or keeps going further down?
You: idk, I'm not super familiar with the statistics or literature
You: is there a stance you have on it?
Stranger: I think it will probably go down significantly further than 1
You: mhm and why is that?
You: and do you think that's a bad thing?
Stranger: Because I don't think the trends that are causing it are going to be abated at all. Its partly economic and party due to cultural shift.
Stranger: I'm not sure
You: I've heard people argue that it's worrisome from an economic standpoint
Stranger: If it continues, we better hope automation is coming along as strongly as people hope
Stranger: people*
You: but at the same time, I'm pro-environment, so I don't think it's all a bad thing if humanity decreases its footprint
You: I mean I don't support genocide or birth control policies
Stranger: Eh, I think technological innovation is more important for our environmental footprint
You: but I'm not complaining if there's less people on the planet
You: or well, I don't think there's anything intrisincally good about having a high world population
Stranger: Intrinsically no
Stranger: Instrumentally, there are advantages
Stranger: Also, it might be a natural consequence of other things that are intrinsically good
You: hm what do you mean?
Stranger: I'd hold that its intrinsically good if people are able to live out there aspirations, and their aspiration might include having kids
You: ahh okay
You: I believe in reproductive freedom
Stranger: I tend to think most people probably will be happier in the long run if they have kids
You: like if people want to have few kids, or more kids, it should be up to them
You: that said it makes sense that we're not at the replacement birthrate
You: like for me, 2 kids is ideal
Stranger: I think that ideal is a bit narrow
You: but you need a lot of people having 3 kids in order to balance the ppl who aren't having kids or 1 kid
You: but I mean, just imo, 3+ kids is a lot
Stranger: You are considering it from a standpoint of sustainable growth if we hold that having 2 kid families is as optimal for development of children as anything else
You: ohh, I just meant it personally
You: like from my own family standpoint
Stranger: Personally, I'm undecided
Stranger: I might not choose to have kids at all. But, if I do choose to do it, I'd prefer a large family
You: are you male or female?
You: just curious
Stranger: Male
Stranger: Yourself?
You: mhm I'm female
You: I think there's an age consideration too
Stranger: I think larger families have better dynamics if the money is there to support them
You: like I think ppl are getting married later
You: and having kids later
You: like I think 3 kids is maybe more reasonable if you start having kids in your 20's
Stranger: Yes, I think this is especially impactful with women
You: but if you start in your 30's there's just not as much time
You: in either case, I'd like to aim for 2
Stranger: Depends on the gender
You: well yeah, I was talking about for women
Stranger: If I do decide to get married and have kids, I'll likely marry a woman considerably younger than myself
You: mhm I think it's somewhat kind of random who ppl end up encountering
You: well unless you do like formal dating/matchmaking I guess
Stranger: I think that depends on the person. I have friends who are more picky and friends who just take the first thing that comes along
You: I just think it takes time to find someone haha ^^
You: your 20's pass by in a flash lol
Stranger: It really depends on your situation
You: for you, how long do you think it is good to date before marrying?
Stranger: At least 1 yeear
Stranger: year*
Stranger: Probably between 1-2 years
Stranger: I think if you aren't settled on it by the end of 2 years, then its probably not the right one
You: really?
You: I feel like I know a lot of couples who have been dating a long time
You: but haven't married
Stranger: I'm also someone who dates like that too though
Stranger: I give girls expiration dates in my mind. If I get to that date and don't feel like making it more serious, then I dump them.
You: huhh that's interesting
You: I've been in my current relationship for 8 years lol
Stranger: I've never been in one longer than 7 months
Stranger: How old are you again?
You: 26
Stranger: So, this is your only adult relationship
You: yup
You: first and only
Stranger: I'm kinda that complete opposite of you
Stranger: the*
You: yeah I'm aware that I'm kind of unusual
Stranger: I've didn't date all in my teens and early 20s
Stranger: at all*
You: mhm
Stranger: I got my first date, much less first girlfriend, at 23
Stranger: I've dated regularly since then though
You: so what are some reasons why a bunch of them didn't work out?
Stranger: But, never longer than a few months
Stranger: Oh, mostly just that I don't want to settle down
You: oh
Stranger: I'm open to the possibility that I'll fall in love to the extent that I decide I want to settle down with the person even though it doesn't fit my preferred timeframe
You: are you a very objective date-r?
Stranger: But, if that doesn't happen, then I'd rather not date a girl for too long
Stranger: What do you mean?
Stranger: Like, do I have a spread sheet of traits they have to match?
You: yup
Stranger: I have my preferences and dealbreakers like anyone
Stranger: But, I don't think mine are that precise or crazy
You: yeah
You: I guess I'm just unfamiliar with the dating world
You: I have one friend who did online dating (like the paid kind)
You: and it's just eye opening to see what it's like I guess
Stranger: Like, I don't date outside of a certain age range
You: mhm
Stranger: I don't date single moms
You: ohh why not?
Stranger: Because I have no desire to be a step father
You: mhm you sound like you care a lot about having kids
Stranger: Well, 2 things
Stranger: 1. I said if I had them I'd want a lot. I might just decide not have them at all. I'm ok with that
Stranger: 2. My own kids. Not somebody elses. I'd only raise a kid who wasn't my own if it was like a niece or nephew or godchild that was left to me after their parents passed
You: mhm and you wouldn't adopt, clearly
Stranger: Yeah, for me, having kids in large part is about making them, not just having a child to raise
You: hmm
You: I think I like the idea of kids in general
Stranger: So, you don't care if they aren't you own biologically?
You: although I think my parents have expectations
You: I mean I do, but at the same time, I think what I look forward to most is just having them grow up you know?
You: like I don't look forward to childbith lol
Stranger: I mean, if fate forced me to take responsibility for a kid, I'd treat like my own even if they weren't biologically
You: mhm
Stranger: I have a lot of respect for step-father/mothers and adoptive parents
Stranger: Its just not a burden I want to seek out
You: that makes sense
Stranger: I'd be fine not having kids and just living a free life
You: oh for me, if I was infertile or something, i would consider adoptin
Stranger: But, if I do have them, I'll take that burden in return for getting to have my own biological offspring
Stranger: If I found out I was infertile, I would just live the rest of my life for my own enjoyment
You: mhm I have a friend whose dream is to have kids and she's infertile
You: so it's like her goal to adopt
Stranger: It would be sad, but in a way, I think finding out I'm infertile would lift a lot of burden off me
You: even though she's not in a relationship
Stranger: I get that
Stranger: I'm physically handicapped, so I know what's it like to want something and have it taken from you
You: ohh is it okay if I ask how so?
Stranger: Marfans syndrome
Stranger: I have a lot of joint and skeletal issues
You: ahh
Stranger: Though, I'm not in a wheelchair or anything
You: is that the hyperflexibility one?
Stranger: Yeah
You: do you have a lot of joint pain or something?
Stranger: Except I had surgery on both my knees and my spine, so the flexibility isn't really there
You: ohh
Stranger: It causes your connective tisseus to be weak and loose
Stranger: Which is why it can make you more flexible
Stranger: But, your connective tissue also help shape your skeleton and organs while your growing as a kid
Stranger: So, it causes all kinds of deformity and malfunction
You: right
You: are you overall okay?
Stranger: Ok is relative. It still causes issues for me, but I've learned to live with it
You: mhm okay
Stranger: That is why I didn't date till 23
You: what is something that you wish other people knew about marfans that they don't?
Stranger: Its tough when you look weird
Stranger: I mean, I guess just what it is
Stranger: Its a very rare condition and most people have never heard of it
You: mhm
Stranger: I didn't start dating until I graduated college and started making money
You: right
Stranger: Before that point, I guess I was viewed as having nothing to offer
Stranger: Since I couldn't offer looks and social acceptance like other guys
Stranger: But, graduating from a good university and being financially independent puts you ahead of a lot of guys these days
You: Did you experience a lot of bias/prejudice?
Stranger: Oh, sure
You: In what ways?
Stranger: Harrassment, exclusion, physical and verbal abuse, condescension, humiliation, you name it
You: If it's okay, what you mind sharing some examples?
Stranger: Suspicion
You: *would you mind
Stranger: One that really always bothered me is that a lot of people assume that if you have some kind of physical deformity, it means you are mentally challneged
Stranger: And they will hold onto this belief even when presented evidence that clearly makes it impossible
You: ahh :c
Stranger: Like, people at my university said they thought I was mentally handicapped when they first met me.
Stranger: I went to a top 20 university
Stranger: There are no special ed classes there
You: oh my goodness
Stranger: And when I pointed out that out, they just said "Well, you could be like rain man"
You: rain man?
Stranger: Then I would say "you've heard me speak, you should be able to tell I'm not like rain man"
Stranger: Dustin Hoffman movie where he plays a man with severe autism, but he's a savant with numbers
You: ahh
Stranger: People just can't shake their ingrained associations like that
Stranger: Unless you confront them
You: yeah, I wonder what's the best way to debunk those assumptions
Stranger: That is why its annoying. The thing I had to do to prevent that from happening was to be aggressively intellectual when meeting people
You: right
Stranger: Which in turn makes a lot of people intimidated by you or think you are an asshole
You: aw :c
Stranger: And its almost impossible to explain to people
Stranger: Because they will just get defensive and claim that you were assuming things or that you are too sensitive
Stranger: Because for them this is a thing that only came up in dealing with me (most people hardly ever deal with someone in my situation, so I'm often the only one they know like that)
You: right
Stranger: Whereas for me this is somthing that comes up like half time I interact with people
You: mhm totally
Stranger: That's a really annoying one, but there is a lot more just garden variety stuff
Stranger: Like having people call me names. Think they can get away with physically assaulting me.
You: what?
Stranger: In high school the same group of like preppy well to do kids had monopolized every academic based after school club
Stranger: Like debate, model UN, school paper, quiz bowl, ect
Stranger: And they literally just refused to talk to me and would do things like throw away my sign up forms for events
You: that's so mean
Stranger: Good luck trying to explain that to a college recruiter when they ask why you don't have that many extra-curriculars
You: yeah...
You: I always wondering how it would come across
You: trying to explain bullying to a college recruiter
You: is it just something that never makes it onto applications?
Stranger: I actually know, because I tried
You: like it just disappears?
Stranger: He said "I hope you didn't put any of this in your application. Georgetown doesn't like people who play the victim"
You: mhm :c
You: in my high school
You: there was the girl with T1 diabetes
You: and I think a lot ppl saw her as lazy and as a complainer
Stranger: Yeah, people don't know
Stranger: When you are in chronic pain or fatigue and there is nothing you can do, it makes everything 10x harder
You: right
Stranger: And other people think they can understand it because they've been in pain or been tired before
Stranger: But its not the same when its chronic
You: yeah
You: I didn't understand any of that in high school
Stranger: Honestly, I hated high school
Stranger: And college
You: mhm was college just as bad?
Stranger: My life only improved when I was in a position to make money and apply my actual competency in way that was rewarded
Stranger: College was just extremely lonely
Stranger: I didn't make any friends at all until my very last year
You: yeah
Stranger: Even then, I think it probably had something to do with it becoming clearer that I had some kind of status in my future
You: was it a self-esteem thing as well?
Stranger: It all happened after I came back from a really prestigious summer internship
You: mhm
Stranger: Maybe, but I doubt it
Stranger: I've never been shy
Stranger: I've always been very confrontation in dealing with other people
You: right
Stranger: confrontational*
Stranger: That was my strategy rather than shying away
Stranger: Like most people in my situation do
You: mhmm
You: I'm not very confrontational
Stranger: I think most people aren't
Stranger: It would be nice to not feel like I have to be
You: yeah
Stranger: I've envied people who can just show up, relax, and get acceptance
You: mhm
You: does this relate to your outlook on politics as well?
You: since well, this is the politics tag?
Stranger: Perhaps
Stranger: Maybe I'd be more libetarian otherwise
Stranger: libertarian*
You: how do you identify?
Stranger: Just broadly liberal
You: mhm
You: is georgetown liberal?
Stranger: Basically, I'm close to being a libertarian except on welfare issues
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: It has a catholic streak, but mostly catholic progressives
You: mhm
You: have you always been super into politics?
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: That started with 9-11
Stranger: I'm half Pakistani and I grew up in the South, so my existence became politicized early
You: really? weren't you in elementary school
You: ohhhhhh
You: okay yeah
Stranger: That is probably where a lot of my libertarian streak comes from
You: like you were shoved into politics? or your family made a concious choice to partake in it?
Stranger: Like, all of a sudden I was the enemy identified by the government and everyone was mindlessly falling in line behind rhetoric that denied my legitimacy
Stranger: So, naturally I started trying to make sense of it all
You: right :c
You: yeah I don't know what to say
Stranger: It is what it is
Stranger: But, I do have to go
You: okay thanks for sharing
Stranger: Its been nice talking with you
You: mhm you too
You: have a great day
Stranger has disconnected.
0 notes
anonymoustalks · 4 years
Well yes these arguments will lead you to a God but not necessarily the God of Christianity. That is why to prove the Bible and not just God you would have look into evidence for the resserection and so on
(6-20-20) You both like religion.
You: hiyo
Stranger: Hi
You: what's up?
Stranger: Not much
Stranger: You?
You: mhm getting reading for bed ish
You: I'm not religious btw
Stranger: I'm a Christian
Stranger: I don't get to bed til like 2am lol
You: lol that's late
You: why do you come to omegle?
Stranger: Idk have nothing else I would rather do
You: oh is this tag any good btw?
Stranger: Depends who you connect to
Stranger: Some just wanna troll
You: what do you normally talk about?
Stranger: Well there are typically a couple type of people on here
Stranger: One just wants to troll religious people
Stranger: Another wants to deabte
Stranger: Another wants to discuss their beliefs not in a debate way
Stranger: And another just does not want to be connected to perverts
Stranger: That is basically this tag
You: mhm
You: which category do you fit in?
Stranger: Either 2 or 3 depending on what the other person wants to do
You: mhm so you're okay with perverts lol?
Stranger: Lol that is not my purpose for putting this tag but it is a benift
You: is it a problem if I'm a little perverted?
Stranger: Depends what you mean
You: mhm
You: well I'm kind of a hippie
You: I believe in loving everyone
You: and any kind of love that you give to others is good
Stranger: By perverted I mean like weird guy who wants sex
You: oh okay
You: so do you debate with other religious ppl?
You: or more so with less religious ppl?
Stranger: I have both
Stranger: Typically if it is another Christian we just discuss theology
Stranger: If not then either we have a debate or just kinda ask about each others beliefs
You: mhm I have two interests on my mind right now
Stranger: Alright
Stranger: What are they?
You: do you want to hear the first one or the second one?
You: uhh one of them is kind of bad
Stranger: Let's hear the second one
You: so today I ended up reading the book of jonah for some reason
You: and I thought it was interesting
You: because like...
You: mhm... how to put it...?
You: everyone in that story behaves well except jonah
You: so I thought was weird
Stranger: That was kinda the point of the story that you can't escape God
You: what's the meaning of the ending?
You: like the vine plant and stuff
Stranger: Give me a sec to read the last chapter again I have it open so it will be fresh in my mind
You: okay
Stranger: Oh ok so it is basically God telling Jonah that his priorities are messed up because he was supposed to preach to the people on the city but he didn't. So the analogy is that the water for the vine which Jonah never gave was supposed to be Jonah preaching to the people. So God is saying that if you care about taking care of this bone how much more should you care about taking care of the people. That is my interpretation at least. Does that make sense
You: I guess so
You: I thought the city was saved though
You: I guess I just didn't understand why he was upset that the city was saved
Stranger: He was angry but God had mercy on them and thought his whole trip was pointless
Stranger: Because*
You: mhm
Stranger: So then God used the analogy of how the water for the bone was supposed to him preaching to the people so they may be saved
Stranger: Does that make sense?
You: oh okay
You: I guess so
Stranger: Idk why it autocorrected to bone I meant vine
You: oh haha
You: it was a really interesting story
Stranger: Yes it is. It is one of the favorite stories in the bible
You: mhm your favorite, or just a general favorite?
Stranger: Just in general pretty everyone has at least heard of it if you live in a semi religious Christian aeea
Stranger: Area*
You: mhm
You: I also thought it was interesting, that he was so willing to be thrown overboard
You: even though he was running away to begin with
You: and then even then the sailors didn't want to throw overboard haha
You: they're so polite I guess
Stranger: Yea that was interesting
Stranger: Is that the only book you read of the Bible?
You: mhm I've read some others but I've forgotten a lot of them
You: I think I read job before
You: and then genesis exodus I guess
Stranger: Oh ok
You: do you have a favorite book?
Stranger: Proverbs
Stranger: Yea
You: mhm because?
Stranger: I believe it has much wisdom to apply
You: mhm
You: is it long?
Stranger: 31 chapters
You: oh I wonder how long it would take to read it
Stranger: I read it over 2 days at 15 chapters a day
Stranger: I read fairly fast but biblical chapters are not that long
You: mhm
You: okay
You: umm so the other thing I had on my mind
You: I guess it's the bad one
Stranger: Yes
You: so why is sex immoral?
Stranger: Sex is not immortal. We believe sex to be a good thing between a husband and a wife
You: mhm I guess extramarital sex
You: um, explained to someone who isn't necessarily christian
Stranger: Because we believe that sex was made by God for marriage because the two become one flesh.
Stranger: Hold up I have a good verse for it
Stranger: “Food is meant for the stomach and the stomach for food,” and God will destroy both one and the other. The body is meant not for fornication but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. And God raised the Lord and will also raise us by his power. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Should I therefore take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? Never! Do you not know that whoever is united to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For it is said, “The two shall be one flesh.” But anyone united to the Lord becomes one spirit with him. Shun fornication! Every sin that a person commits is outside the body; but the fornicator sins against the body itself. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body. 1 Corinthians 6:13‭-‬20 NRSV
You: mhm
You: I guess I was wondering if it applies to me if I'm not religious
Stranger: What do you mean if it applys to you?
Stranger: Sin is sin and the punishment for sin is death
Stranger: And the way to be saved from death is through christ
You: "bodies are members of Christ"?
Stranger: Yes because he is talking to believers
Stranger: Are bodies are also made in the image of God so I do believe it applys
You: what odes it mean that every sin that a person commits is outside the body?
Stranger: It means that besides sexaul immortality all other sin is committed outside ourselves but sex affects our whole body and makes it one flesh with another
You: would it be bad to marry a prostitute?
Stranger: Depends on the context
You: I was just reading the passage I guess
Stranger: If you are a believer and she is not then it is not good
Stranger: If she is a believer and has turned away then it is fine
You: has turned away?
Stranger: From sin and sexual immortality
You: oh
You: are you familiar with other religions' views on sex
You: ?
Stranger: A little bit with the islamic veiw
Stranger: Not much else
You: I guess I'm wondering if there's some kind of secular argument for why it would be immoral
Stranger: I can give secular arguments as to why it is a bad idea to have sex before marriage
Stranger: But if you were to think secularlly then there is no objective morality so everything is technically not good or bas
Stranger: Bad*
You: mhm
You: I guess I'm just trying to reconcile my feelings overall haha ^^
Stranger: It's alright thats normal
Stranger: I suggest you read some of the gospels tho Jesus has some really good teachings
You: mhm
Stranger: His number one teaching is love God with all you heart and number 2 is love your neighbor as yourself
You: mhm the 2nd teaching I can relate a lot too
You: but the first feels like a problem if I just don't believe
Stranger: Do you reject entirely the existence of a God?
You: mhm I don't have much faith there for it, I guess
Stranger: Have you heard any arguments for God? I find some of them quite convincing
You: well if you want to go ahead, that's fine
Stranger: I am referring to classical arguments not just random ones made up.
Stranger: If you are interested then look these up
You: oh okay
You: yeah idk
Stranger: Calam cosmological argument
You: I probably haven't seen them then
Stranger: Argument from objective morality
Stranger: Ontological argument
Stranger: Argument from intelligent design
Stranger: Argument from reason
Stranger: Fine tuning argument
Stranger: And there are many more but those are my favorite
Stranger: If you are interested check them out
You: mhm okay thanks
Stranger: So
Stranger: Anything else?
You: sorry I started to click around
You: mhm not really
You: like outside of my personal values
You: which I guess is a distortion of jesus's teachings
You: in the sense that I feel like it would be good for a person to dedicate themselves to humanity foremost
You: I feel like it would sit easiest with me
Stranger: I believe that we should dedicate ourselves to God and by doing that we should respect humans who are made in his image
You: like I think doing service for your community is very good
You: mhm
You: but yeah idk much, I'm not very sophisticated
Stranger: That's alright no one knows everything. God used a fisherman to be one of his top Apostles
You: mhm
Stranger: So umm
You: sorry
You: if I'm boring you I guess I don't want to keep you either
Stranger: Nah it's fine I'm not doing anything and I think this is a really nice conversation
You: was it?
Stranger: You seem nice
Stranger: And it went better then a lot of conversations
You: thanks, you too
You: yeah, idk I try to absorb a lot of things
You: I think my personal values just kind of differ from many common religious ones
You: but I like many religious values too
You: mhm like inclusivity is a very important value for me I guess
Stranger: Does that differ from religion?
You: hm?
Stranger: I don't see how it does
Stranger: You said inclusivity is important to you
You: ohh
You: idk, I think homosexuality and lgbt are often viewed as sinful by many religions
You: I guess on a part of the fornification parts
Stranger: I believe homosexuality to be a sin and tha God made marriage for a man and a woman. That does not mean we treat them mean and that does not mean we outcast them. We are to show them the love of Christ and livingly tell them why we believe their ways to be sinful
Stranger: Lovingly*
You: mhm yeah I understand
You: I think for me I think all kinds of love are beautiful
You: and I don't really think anything bad can really arise from wholesome love
Stranger: I just think from a biblical perspective that God made marriage for and man and a woman and made sex for a man and a woman. I see homosexual marriage as a perversion of what God intended
You: would it be better if secular ppl just didn't use the word "marriage"?
You: I was just curious
Stranger: For homosexuals? I guess it would be better but I still think that being In a sexual relationship with someone of the same gender is wrong
You: mhm I mean even for me
You: like if another word like "union" was popularized by people who aren't religious
You: like I think on a casual non-religious standpoint, marriage is sort of like an indication of dedication and exclusivity, plus various legal differences
You: I mean, that's just sort of my own understanding of it
You: but if "marriage" as a word is reserved for the religious sense, I was wondering if there should be another word
Stranger: Idk I see marriage as a union between a man and a woman for life where the two become one flesh. That is the biblical definition of marriage
You: mhm yeah, I understand the biblical definition
Stranger: We have been for like an hour no way
Stranger: That can't be right
You: is that unusual?
You: for you?
Stranger: No I just doesn't seem like ti
You: ohh
You: idk sometimes the conversations i'm in can go for a while
Stranger: Same and I'm fine with that but it just doesn't feel like the time has actually passed
You: mhm well for me I guess I was tabbed away for parts of it
Stranger: Are you gonna look up those arguments I gave earlier
You: I looked up some of them
You: I think you might be a lot more sophisticated in your thinking than me haha
You: um I'm a pretty simple person lol
You: I guess another thought I had was pertaining the afterlife
Stranger: Lol nah your alright. I have more respect for you then a lot of other people I talk to. This one Atheist was so arragant and totally insane and he supposedly is a phisophy student at Princeton.
You: as in, idk if I believe in that either
Stranger: I think you are way smarter them him, just saying because at least you listen
You: I think some people on omegle just really like to argue
You: umm haha lol idk about smart lol
Stranger: Honestly people who think they are the best just because they have a degree like that always drive me insane tho
Stranger: Like ok I get it but that does not make your point automatically true
You: mhm
You: about arguments for god, um, there's sort of like deism, right?
You: sort of like belief that there's some kind of creator, or greater power, but not that they're doing anything
Stranger: Well yes these arguments will lead you to a God but not necessarily the God of Christianity. That is why to prove the Bible and not just God you would have look into evidence for the resserection and so on
You: ah okay
You: I also thought part of faith was believing in something even though there isn't necessarily evidence
You: like sort of testing a person's faith or something
You: or demonstrating faith
Stranger: That is a misdefinion of faith
You: mh?
Stranger: I define faith as putting you trust in something that you see evidence for
Stranger: Faith I see basically as equipment bro trust
Stranger: Equivalent to*
You: equipment bro trust?
You: oooh
Stranger: I make a lot of typos sorry
You: mhm it's okay it was a little funny haha
You: mhm I feel like I have this weird version of faith/trust, where I think it's important to give people it even though they might not have given anything to you
You: at least, that's what I think
Stranger: I don't really understand what you mean by that
You: oh as in, for me it's important to trust others first -- not necessarily wait until they've demonstrated something that proves their trustworthiness in order to trust them
Stranger: I can agree with that to a certain extent execpt I would not just pour out all my secrets on someone else
You: haha
You: I guess there's a limit to it for sure
You: I kind of want to believe the best in people
You: even though I think a lot of people might say that's naive
Stranger: I think it is kind of naive because I know from experience that people are generally not trustworthy unless you know them for a bit
You: mhm maybe I need to formulate my thoughts better
Stranger: That is good for all to do
You: mhm I guess I want to start with the best assumptions for people (cautiously) and only revise them if I have reason to suspect that the best assumptions aren't true
Stranger: I just start kinda neutral
You: sort of like if an ex-felon came looking for a job at a restaurant
You: I want to start with good assumptions when I meet them
Stranger: I would just not assume anything good or bad til I have reason to
You: mhm that seems sensible haha ^^
You: I feel like a lot of people apply risk assessment though
You: like it seems risky to hire someone with a criminal history, so maybe it's better to hire the other person who applied who doesn't have a history
Stranger: Yea but I would not really blame them too much for doing so that is natural
You: mhm I think it's natural to do risk assessment yes
You: maybe I'll never make much money lol
Stranger: Lol or maybe you will
You: did I ask you where you were from?
Stranger: Pennsylvania
Stranger: United States
Stranger: You?
You: new england
You: is your area conservative?
Stranger: I live in a more liberal area of pa but my state is a swing state so it is pretty mixed
You: mhm
You: if there was one thing you could change about the country what would it be?
You: oh and it's late for you, I just realized
Stranger: I stay up way late anyway
Stranger: What I would change?
Stranger: Hmm
Stranger: Make people care more about the Constitution
You: mhm which particular part?
Stranger: Not a particular part just that everyone Respects it as a whole and as the law of the land
You: do you feel like many people disrespect it or try to go around it?
Stranger: Yes I do. For example people trying to limit free speech or limit gun rights
You: mhm
Stranger: What would you change?
You: oh that's hard
You: I have a lot of things, but picking one?
You: I think if there was one big thing that could change, it would be making it so that somehow magically everyone understood that we're not anyone's enemy
You: or that there's nobody who is the "enemy"
You: whether it's on political sides or race or something else
You: and moreso that we all live together and it would be best to find something that we can all respectfully come together on
You: I guess because we also all have a lot in common
Stranger: I agree that we should all not see each other as enimies
Stranger: As jesus once said
Stranger: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, Matthew 5:43‭-‬44 NRSV
You: mhm lol
You: is that the passage where the famous quote comes from?
Stranger: It comes from his sermon on the month in Matthew b5 mount
Stranger: Ignore that so many spelling errors
Stranger: Sermon on the mount on Matthew 5
Stranger: That is better
You: mhm
Stranger: Great passage
Stranger: I suggest you read it
Stranger: It is just one chapter in Matthew
You: okay I'll keep that in mind too
You: mathhew 3?
You: oh 5
Stranger: Matthew 5 yes
You: what does "poor in spirit" mean?
You: from the beatitudes?
Stranger: I interpret that as being humble and acknowledging your flaws
Stranger: Not being overly cocky
You: oh I never asked you what denomination you're affiliated with
Stranger: I am an Evangelical protestant
Stranger: That is a very broad term but i don't really identify with a more specific denomination
Stranger: But I do believe in more specific doctrine
You: mhm does your church not have a specific denomination?
You: or are you one of those who don't go to church?
Stranger: My church does but I don't agree with everything they say
You: ahh
You: how so?
Stranger: I am a Calvinist and they are arminian and I also disagree with certain beliefs about the rapture
You: ohh
You: how did you end up at your church?
Stranger: I grew up Catholic and thought that they were unbiblical so I went to one of the best ones o could find
Stranger: We agree on the core issues and the places we disagree I consider secondary
You: mhm okay
You: how do you define evangelicism btw?
Stranger: An Evangelical is someone who believes bthst salvation is through faith alone
Stranger: We believe that you are saved simply by truly putting byour faith in Jesus and repenting from your sins
Stranger: Not by your good works
You: ahh okay
You: alright, I think it is getting kind of late for me ^^
You: thanks for putting up with me
Stranger: Alright have a good night
You: you too
Stranger: Bye
Stranger has disconnected.
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anonymoustalks · 4 years
i'm like the laziest student there. and administratively, i'm not doing so hot at the church i'm interning at. so i've been asking myself what in the world it is that I really want to do
(6-20-20) You both like religion.
You: hi
Stranger: helloo
Stranger: how's it going
You: it's going fine
You: I'm not religious
Stranger: cool
Stranger: so what's your view on life. broad question i know
You: I thinkk there needs to be more love everywhere
Stranger: true
You: the world needs to be flooded with love
Stranger: were you religious before?
You: nope
Stranger: atheist? or something else?
You: I guess I'm kinda atheist
Stranger: why kind of?
You: I feel like atheist has the connotation of strongly rejecting the existence of god
You: whereas agnostic doesn't have that semblance of strong rejection
Stranger: yeah kinda
Stranger: so you feel in between?
You: well, I feel like I've leaned too much into science growing up
You: and there is no evidence suggesting or not suggesting the existence of god, therefore you can't reject it
Stranger: okay, fair enough
You: anyhow what's your view on life?
Stranger: i'm with you on the fact that there needs to be more love in the world. but i'd add that our definition of love needs more substance
Stranger: something needs to inform or understanding of love
Stranger: our*
You: mhm what do you mean by substance?
Stranger: weight, meaning, concreteness
You: ohh as in love is just too vague of a term?
Stranger: mm not exactly
Stranger: it is vague
Stranger: hm
Stranger: yeah i guess that is part of what i'm saying lol
You: lol
Stranger: we need to know what we mean by it
You: mhm I'd love to hear some examples of what you mean
Stranger: oh boy. i'm not prepared
Stranger: love is such a profound word
You: oh was it too heavy? ^^
Stranger: any questions about what life should be like is heavy haha
Stranger: at least for me
Stranger: they all got a lot of existential weight
You: mhm, well I guess I can start with what I mean, if that helps?
Stranger: hmm here's a start. at what point is an act not an act of love, or at what point is an act an act of love?
Stranger: or actually
Stranger: we could go back further. why love in the first place?
You: mhm I think love is a subjective feeling that a person feels for another
You: and many people define love for themselves in different ways
You: as for why love in the first place -- I think love is a natural human emotion
Stranger: but there's an objective side to love as well. it needs an element of selflessness in order to be love
You: mhm is there?
Stranger: greed and hate are also natural human emotions, but they're not something we should practice.
You: very true
Stranger: but love is different because it promotes corporate happiness
You: as for the selflessness, I think that a love a parent has for their child is commonly regarded as selfless, although a child's love for (idk their grandparent) isn't always perceived as selfless I think
Stranger: yeah, it's a different kind of love
You: are there any bad kinds of love?
Stranger: love for money?
You: lol
Stranger: i would call that lust
Stranger: a lust for money. lust is like a perversion of love
You: mhm
You: so I'm kind of a hippie
You: I think all (or most) expressions of love are pretty much good
You: although I think hippies have this perception of being sex-positive as well
Stranger: word
You: but I think offering love to people, no matter the kind, doesn't necessarily seem bad to me
Stranger: i have a Christian background
Stranger: but i try to be sympathetic (understanding) to other views. just to grow more as a human
You: mhm I think I'm really sympathetic to many christian values
You: but it's weird because I don't think I can really call myself christian
Stranger: offering love to others is great. i just have to make sure my understanding of love is informed by God
Stranger: christianity can get tricky with all the denominations and what not
Stranger: but once you learn to navigate the conversations, it gets better from there
You: mhm
Stranger: hmm
You: are you on this tag a lot?
Stranger: i actually just started using this tag yesterday. also just started chatting with strangers yesterday
You: ohh cool
You: did you have any good conversations?
Stranger: some interesting ones. all pleasant
You: it's nice that they're pleasant
Stranger: yeah
You: I like omegle because I get to learn about other ppl
Stranger: true. one of the reasons why i'm chatting here
You: yup
You: I think my best to like every person that I come across
Stranger: academics will make you arrogant if you're not careful, so i'm kind of using this platform to get better at understanding people
You: ahh are you like an academic?
Stranger: definitely not a scholar
Stranger: but i'm pursuing my masters in religion
You: ohh wow
Stranger: and majored in philosophy (doesn't really mean anything tbh)
You: that sounds really fancy haha
Stranger: it's just a lot of thinking and reading and being bored out of your mind
You: so when you study religion academically, do ppl normally focus on one religion?
You: or is it more comparative?
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: it's comparative to an extent
Stranger: so mainly i'm just studying reformed christianity
Stranger: but we'll interact with the quran. maybe read some articles written about/against the validity of the christian faith
You: right and is getting a masters in religion different from studying theology or going to a theological school?
Stranger: oohhh my bad
Stranger: i kept it general
Stranger: my masters is in divinity. i'm at a theological seminary
You: ahh okay
You: and are you thinking of becoming a pastor?
Stranger: i'll be honest, i've been asking myself that and have been struggling real hard cause of it lol
You: awww
You: what do most people do?
Stranger: most people will get ther masters in divinity to become pastors
You: mhm
You: do you need much of a degree to become a pastor?
Stranger: depends on what kind of church you'd pastor for
Stranger: lots of churches these days would want to know your credibility
You: mhm
Stranger: and make sure you don't come in with some hocus pocus shit
You: right
You: if this isn't too hard on you, if it okay if I ask why you have doubt about your career?
Stranger: a degree definitely helps
Stranger: oh yeah i'm open to questions
Stranger: my initial struggle was that i was torn between seminary and pursuing more of the arts
You: arts?
Stranger: yeah like dance, music, drawing
You: mhmm
Stranger: my passion has always been for the arts. but on the other hand, i have this strong conviction to learn more of the Bible and share it with other people particularly young inquisitive people
Stranger: learned that these two things aren't necessarily mutually exclusive
You: right
Stranger: so i went ahead and went to seminary
You: but you're still conflicted right now?
Stranger: but. i'm like the laziest student there. and administratively, i'm not doing so hot at the church i'm interning at. so i've been asking myself what in the world it is that I really want to do
You: ahh
You: that sounds difficult
Stranger: especially cause being a pastor isn't something i can put upon myself
You: hm what do you mean?
Stranger: i'm gonna use the language of Christian's for a second. you have to be "called" to ministry in order to do ministry
You: ahh
Stranger: i can't just casually pick it up as if it were a trade
You: you don't feel it?
Stranger: man idk. part of me feels like it's because i'm lazy and clouding my judgement.
You: right
Stranger: the other part of me just wants a good breather. just kinda want to live for myself for a second
You: it sounds really difficult
Stranger: not worry about anyone but me, just for a moment
You: is it overwhelming?
Stranger: but what excuse do i have when i've been fucking it up with my laziness?
Stranger: emotionally overwhelming
Stranger: since i internalize all my thoughts and try to process everything
Stranger: i've been holding out okay, but quarantine got me in my feels lol
You: mhm right yeah
You: it's a lot to go through
Stranger: anyway, that's a summary of my story
You: I want to say I support you but I don't know anything haha
Stranger: lol it's all good
You: maybe you need a morale boost?
Stranger: honestly, words of encouragement can go a long way
Stranger: maybe
You: like mean, it's easy to think we're not cut out for something
You: but having a little bit of support get push us there
You: and it's only at the end that we know that we're at someplace we're meant to be
Stranger: yeah amen to that
You: I mean, I assume that's what people mean when they refer to "my family's support" after a long road of things
You: but I think everyone experiences serious... even dramatic doubt at times
You: and sometimes you just need someone to tell you that you can do it
You: that you'll get there
Stranger: mhmm
You: sorry I don't want to spew too much haha ^^
Stranger: nah you're all good. i do it every sunday hahaaaa
Stranger: poor kids
You: haha
You: I think it's a really incredible profession (is that the right term) to be in
You: like it matters so much
Stranger: yeah it's a profession
Stranger: vocation w/e you wanna call it
You: so much responsibility
You: I guess to hold the people that you're guiding, right?
Stranger: yeah, there's a lot to it
Stranger: can be intimidating at times
You: mhm
Stranger: trying to make sure you're humble
Stranger: trying to love the little punks
You: yeah haha
Stranger: hoping to God your mind is in the right place for the sake of your group
You: right
Stranger: and the politics you gotta play with the older people in church. most exhausting part
You: mhmm the politics?
Stranger: some churches are a little two faced
You: meaning?
Stranger: kind of have to be socially adept to be aware of what might be going on between the elders of the church
Stranger: what the church might feel about the head pastor
Stranger: and what they might feel about you
You: right
You: it sounds really complicated
Stranger: and to be able to act accordingly. it's all real petty stuff. not all churches are like this
You: I think I saw a NYTimes article about being conflicted in a church ever since trump was elected
You: like about how some church goers switched to going to more conservative churchs
You: or things like that
You: idk if it's a common thing
Stranger: hm
Stranger: it's more common than it should be
Stranger: members leaving a church to go to another
Stranger: sometimes its justified, sometimes its a lack of commitment and care for the church
Stranger: but yeah, i think this is why i want to define love the way God would have us define it. If I can emulate that, I'm sure it'd help the church
You: mhm, I think I didn't totally understand your explanation haha ^^
Stranger: that's okay
Stranger: i'm just saying love is important and i need to be loving for the sake of the church
You: mhm
Stranger: anyway
Stranger: oh yeah
Stranger: i was curious earlier, what makes you reluctant to call yourself a christian?
You: oh I don't believe in god, really
You: it feels ungenuine for me to say a prayer when I don't believe in him per say
Stranger: makes sense
You: that said, I really support churches
You: I think it's a little bit sad when it feels like American is drifting less and less religious I guess?
You: or to be more specific, I guess it's just a revulsion towards religion
You: that I don't think is totally fair
Stranger: yeah, i feel that
You: because I think churches do great things for their communities
You: history aside
Stranger: haha yeah the history
Stranger: and the things we did in the name of god
You: yeah I hear that a lot -- "christianity is bad because the crusades"
Stranger: i'm sure you know, but it's such an unfair assessment of christianity
Stranger: since it was just evil men using that title to their advantage
You: yup ^^ or well I think all people are flawed
Stranger: yeah, the depravity of mankind
You: I think it means a lot to seek improvement for yourself
Stranger: yeah. not an easy task to do
Stranger: since you have to constantly point out where you are falling short
You: yup
You: sometimes I wonder if I should go looking for something like an interfaith church or something haha
Stranger: that would be interesting
You: idk what they're like at all though
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: this is probably my own biases speaking, but i'd imagine a lot of them would have trouble explaining their worldviews
You: mhm yeah I know nothing about them, so I can't comment
Stranger: i'm guessing they'd be very welcoming though
Stranger: given the "inter" aspect of the group
You: mhm inclusivity is one of my values
Stranger: it's so hard going into churches though
You: going into?
Stranger: like visiting them and trying be part of the community
You: ahh yeah
You: it sounds like a lot of effort
Stranger: for me personally, christian churches would not be my first thought for places to go to for healthy communities
Stranger: healthy, real, non-awkward communities
You: hm? how so?
Stranger: it's probably just because of my observation of churches around me though
Stranger: it's just that churches around me aren't really the greatest at welcoming outsiders
Stranger: they either overcompensate, or just can't interact
You: ahh
You: yeah I can't comment haha; I've never been in that kind of situation
Stranger: hm. as a pastor, i'm supposed to be encouraging you to find yourself a church, but here i am discouraging it lol
You: loool
You: ^^ it's okay, you mean well
Stranger: i mean. if you find a good church, you've found yourself a group of good people. if do decide to find a church, i wish you the best
You: mhm
You: do you find if I ask what denomination you're affiliated with?
Stranger: ask away
You: oh that was the question haha
Stranger: oh
Stranger: presbyterian
Stranger: i don't know if I want to be with the OPC or the PCA
Stranger: both presbyterians though
You: ahh are they very different?
Stranger: very slightly
Stranger: like it almost doesn't matter
You: would you say your church fits in the evangelical category or not really?
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: to be honest, i'm not all too sure what the evangelical category is
You: I was going to ask that haha
Stranger: i just know "evangelical" has been used as a broad term for christians
You: yeah there's an "evangelicalism" wikipedia article
You: it says that 1 in 4 christians in the world can be considered evangelica
You: was just curious if you had a more specific definition to it
Stranger: hm
Stranger: it's been used in more than one way i'm not sure how to define it
You: mhm okay
Stranger: probably not gonna say anything more than that so i don't spread misinformation
Stranger: i will say that they do seem very "spreading the message" oriented
You: ah okay ^^
You: I feel like I am clicking around a ton of random links now
You: what do you think of Liberal Christinaity?
You: or liberal theology
Stranger: oh liberal christianity
Stranger: oooh hot topic at my school. at least for the freshmen
You: ahh how so?
Stranger: some would say it's not christianity at all
Stranger: since it compromises some very important things about christianity
You: yup
You: what would you say is the majority view at your school?
Stranger: about liberal christianity?
Stranger: or in general
You: yup
Stranger: we're against it
You: mhm is that common at a seminal school?
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: some are more aware
Stranger: while others kind of just offer the view there
You: what do you mean by more aware?
Stranger: they might be aware of the discussions revolving around liberal theology
Stranger: but haven't been required to do the ground work to really see why or why not liberal theology is not christian theology
You: mhm
Stranger: while other seminaries (i can only think of one) are more open about liberal theology
Stranger: my school straight up rejects it
You: haha
Stranger: couple others in the area do too
You: is it a regional thing?
Stranger: hmm not really
Stranger: it just happens to be that professors in other schools studied at my school
Stranger: my school was founded as a response to liberal theology
You: ohhhh
You: wow
Stranger: the founder couldn't stay at his old seminary while at the same time teaching what he in his heart knew was wrong
Stranger: so he left
Stranger: and started a school with his own money
You: right
Stranger: took a few brilliant thinkers along with him
Stranger: boom
Stranger: the birth of a humble little seminary with a lot to say
You: yeah
You: I mean I know very little
You: all I know is that some churches are pro-lgbt and others aren't
Stranger: ah
Stranger: a complicated discussion for sure
You: are the pro-lgbt ones liberal christianity?
Stranger: it's usually that way
You: mhmm
Stranger: although, i don't know by how much
You: yeah I was curious about how much of it was geographic
You: like I'm from new england
You: and a lot of the churches in the big cities are pro-lgbt
You: like you can see it posted outside even if you don't go in
Stranger: ohh
Stranger: i guess geography has some correlation to it, but not a necessary correlation
Stranger: guess it has to do with culture
Stranger: and how certain regions are responding to cultural changes
You: mhm
Stranger: anyway, i should head out and get ready for tomorrow. it was awesome chatting with you
You: okay, have a great night!
Stranger: if you happen to look for a christian church
Stranger: try a presbyterian one. i mean, that's my "bias"
Stranger: but
You: haha okay ^^
Stranger: oh but if they're wack
Stranger: don't feel bad about moving on to the next
You: mhm alrightie
You: thanks for everything!
Stranger: thank you for listening!
Stranger: jesus loves you!
You: haha
Stranger: haha. peace
You: byebye!
You have disconnected.
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anonymoustalks · 4 years
The thing is society dosen't really care for men and even many me don't seem to care for men, it's like both men and women never care about men's problems
(6-20-20) You both like Feminism.
You: hiyo
Stranger: Hi
You: what's on your mind?
Stranger: Many things.
You: mhm, anything that you want to talk about?
Stranger: Yours?
You: religion
You: my last conversation was about religion
Stranger: The feminist cult religion?
You: nope, I was on the religion tag
Stranger: Okay.
Stranger: I'm so not religious lol
You: is there a word for anti-feminist?
You: I'm not religious either
Stranger: There is, it is anti-feminist.
Stranger: That's it lol
You: it's a dull word
Stranger: Or anti-feminism.
You: so you are anti-feminism?
Stranger: I don't know but i don't support feminism and i hate most feminiets, the majority of feminists are scum and extremists.
You: mhm I support feminism
Stranger: Well good for you at least you know what you want.
You: mhm and you don't know what you want?
Stranger: I do but i cannot get it.
You: oh what exactly do you want?
Stranger: I want a boyfriend. I am gay.
You: ahh gl with that
Stranger: Gl?
You: good luck
You: where are you from?
Stranger: So do you fund feminists groups?
Stranger: America
You: mhm I donated once to the HRC
You: which supports both lgbt and feminism
Stranger: What's hrc?
You: human rights campaign
Stranger: Ohh
You: I donated 20 dollars to them and then they didn't stop calling me
Stranger: You donated to help what?
Stranger: Why didnt they stop calling you?
You: well if you donate once you're listed as a potential donor
You: so then they keep calling you hoping you'll donate again
Stranger: Yikes!
Stranger: So what did you do?
You: I think it's kind of common
You: I just said I wasn't going to donate
Stranger: What do they use your money for?
You: it's like your typical phone canvasing
You: colleges and univesities do that too
Stranger: I see.
You: they're an advocacy and lobbying group
You: so I think you'd probably dislike them
Stranger: What do they advocate for?
Stranger: It's okay, we're just having a convo.
You: oh that lobby for the passage of pro-lgbt bills in congress
You: *they lobby
Stranger: Are you from america?
You: yes
You: like big industries like guns and pharma all have lobbies in congress -- which means they spend millions to convince politicians to vote a certain way
You: for like other things, the money that goes to lobbying comes from ordinary ppl
Stranger: What's your opinion on metoo and the believeallwomen hashtag?
You: mhmm
Stranger: I mean woudn't you say metoo is toxic?
You: yeah I would say there are circumstances that it is kinda toxic
You: but I think it's important to speak out if you get sexually harrassed
You: there's a long history in the us of women staying silent
Stranger: I do and i would to but that does not justify accusing someone of rape when they did not do it.
Stranger: 2 wrongs don't make a right.
You: mhm, what percentage of people #metoo-ing do you think are lying?
Stranger: I'm saying we shoudn't believe all women cause the stats say 2% to 10% of women lie about rape.
Stranger: I can't even imagine how many more men might have been falsely imori
Stranger: Imprisoned for something they never did.
You: sure, although I think it's good that these 90-98% of women who aren't lying are speaking up now
You: a majority of rape cases are dismissed
You: overwhelming majority
Stranger: I'm not saying they shoudn't cause they should but we need solid evidence before accusing someone of being a rapist
You: sure
You: although I think everyone should have the right to speak their story
Stranger: If anyone tries to rape me of course i would speak up in a heartbeat.
You: I think some companies may overreact in some circumstances to firing someone who get's #metoo'd
You: but I think people should be able to speak up and say it happened
Stranger: Because of false accusations men have killed themeselves and entered years in prison.
You: I mean the imprisonment thing I think that's just not true
You: so few accusations ever lead to prison time
You: I think you could say many men have lost their jobs
Stranger: Are you sure?
You: yup, I'm sure
Stranger: There is news on it.
Stranger: Men have told their stories.
Stranger: Search on youtube
You: yeah, but if they're convicted by a trial and jury, that legitimately means there was like evidence
You: like a dna test or sperm or things like that
You: us courts do not convict without evidence
Stranger: I dont know about that i mean people always see to believe women even without evidence
You: mhm, but the legal system hasn't changed in the US at all
You: I think more ppl are concerned about their employers believe claims and getting fired from their jobs
Stranger: I heard stories where men spent many years for a rape they did not do
You: yes, but you can't get convicted unless there is some evidence that convinces the jury
You: sometimes there can be bad evidence though
You: but it's the same thing of ppl going to prison for murder they didn't commit
You: a rape charge is very serious in the US, and you can't get convicted without serious evidence
Stranger: The jury can just call anything evidence whether it is real or not.
You: mhm idk, it can be sometimes hard to argue dna tests and stuff like that
Stranger: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DO5yrFOX5vh0&ved=2ahUKEwjuhr7l15HqAhWs63MBHVavCq8Qo7QBMAN6BAgCEAE&usg=AOvVaw2Nj1O1PtJHVUDh-T9RW6Bq
Stranger: Maybe you should watch this video, of you want to that is.
You: but again, a lot of ppl support abolishing the death penalty, because there are times when the justice system convicts the wrong ppl
You: but this isn't a problem seen just in rape cases in general
You: it happens with murder convictions and other crimes
You: rape doesn't get special treatment in us courts
Stranger: But why are there so many men in prison for a rape they did not commit then?
You: mhm..... idk, you will have to look up statistics for that
Stranger: Okau
Stranger: Okay
Stranger: Are you like a liberal btw?
You: yup
Stranger: A hillary supporter?
You: lol hillary isn't running
Stranger: I know but you voted for her?
You: versus trump lol?
You: of course
Stranger: Is it true that all feminists believe men have it much easier than women?
Stranger: I just don't see how anyone could think that.
You: well I don't really think that's the case
You: I think each gender has its problems
Stranger: I sometimes feel ny life would be easier if i was a woman.
You: mhm how so?
Stranger: Well i feel like i woudn't be told to man up
You: right
Stranger: People would be more concerned about my mental help
Stranger: I think people woudn't be so hard on me
You: mhm I think it's bad that you had to go through all those things
Stranger: I always felt like the female gender is the privileged gender.
You: idk I think for me it's hard to say one gender is more "privileged" than the other
You: but for me, I think about women who can't get a promotion because her boss thinks she will get pregnant
Stranger: You're entitled to your opinion, i am not trying to change your mind. Just sharing my views.
You: mhm totally
You: you are too
You: so I think there are challenges in different areas
You: and I think society should work together to improve issues experienced by both genders
Stranger: The thing is society dosen't really care for men and even many me don't seem to care for men, it's like both men and women never care about men's problems
Stranger: The suicide rate of men is so high and that upsets me everyday.
You: I think society should care for men, and we should change culture so that society does
Stranger: People still believe me cannot get raped.
You: a lot of ppl tell me that feminists want to "emasculate" men when we say that we should encourage it so that it's more acceptable for men to talk about their feelings
You: and express feelings and talk about their emotions
Stranger: If a woman rapes a man then people think it's not possible and that pisses me off.
You: yeah rape can happen to anybody
You: you were raped? :c
Stranger: No but i am worried about the men who did get raped.
You: mhm
Stranger: I just want to prevent men from getting raped.
You: rape is bad, and I think it's important to look at what we can do to improve it
Stranger: Men are usually less likely to speak up if they are being raped or sexually assaulted.
You: right
You: I think men should speak up
You: or I think we should make the culture acceptable for that
Stranger: I want them to but society also needs to advocate for them.
You: mhm, yup
You: sexual violence hurts everybody involved
Stranger: I know.
You: but yeah, if it's important to you, have you thought about getting involved?
Stranger: I dont know how to
Stranger: Maybe i should join the mens rights
You: well there are rape crisis hotlines for women, maybe you can find one for men?
You: or start one for men?
Stranger: How much would that even cost?
You: most of them are run by volunteers
You: it's basically a phone number
You: and you organize a group of ppl to pick up the phone
Stranger: What is the phone number?
You: I think it depends on the area you're from
Stranger: Oh okay maybe i will try to find out
You: the trevorproject is the lgbt suicide hotline
You: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/
You: you can get trained to volunteer for them and answer the phone
Stranger: So anyways are you married?
You: nope
Stranger: Oh okay
Stranger: How old are you?
You: 26 you?
Stranger: I probably will never get married..
Stranger: 23
You: mhm why not?
Stranger: Well i am gay so i dont think i can get married lol
You: are in the US?
You: it's legal in a bunch of states now
You: supreme court also ruled on anti-discrimination too
Stranger: Not that marriage in essential anyways especially if we consider.how many people get divorced after marriage.
You: mhm if you don't want to get married I can understand that oo
Stranger: I mean marriage was always between a man and a woman so i don't know if.it is really marriage.
You: are you from a conservative state?
Stranger: I mean are there any religions who have same sex marriage?
You: idk, I'm not religious, so for me marriage is a secular union
Stranger: I am not either but marriage was created by religious people.
Stranger: Even though i am not religious i believe in a spiritual world, don't laugh lol
You: no it's fine, I understand
Stranger: Do you believe in the supernatural?
You: I think in a lot of the non-religious countries, or atheist countries, marriage still happens. Maybe the meaning has changed
You: not really
Stranger: Oh okay. So you believe in science only? I believe in both science and the supernatural
You: mhm I guess you could say I lean more towards science
You: maybe I believe in a soul, idk
Stranger: Ok
Stranger: Oh ya do you want to talk about abortion?
You: sure haha ^^
You: do you have strong feelings?
Stranger: Like what strong feelings?
You: some people have very strong opinions about abortion
Stranger: Ya i kinda do
Stranger: Why?
You: pro-life?
You: no just curious, mine are less strong
Stranger: Well i don't join groups so no but i don't like killing a fetus either
You: mhm
You: is there a particular point in pregnancy that you think abortion should be illegal?
Stranger: A fetus is still the child of that mother and father.
Stranger: I think abortion always be illegal unless maybe there are a few exceptions like if the mother will ide
Stranger: *die*
You: have you ever heard of plan b?
You: the birth control pill?
Stranger: No i have not
You: it's the day after pill
You: technically you can think of that as a kind of abortion too
You: since you're aborting the day after
You: sex
Stranger: I dont know about those birth control thingies
Stranger: I dont have a lot of knowledge on many things
You: oh
Stranger: Lol
You: it takes a long time for the fetus to form
You: many states have laws on what point it should be illegal to abort
You: because early on it's like microscopic
Stranger: I really need someone to teach me things i want to learn
Stranger: I think if the sperm meets the ovum and becomes one then isn't that already a life?
You: it depends on how you see it essentially
Stranger: Do you support abortion?
You: yup, up to a limit
Stranger: If i was a woman i would never abort my baby.
You: mhm I don't think I would abort either
You: but I think it's important to have a right to choose to extent
You: having a baby is a life-changing event
Stranger: I believe abortion is murder, even in the early stages i would never abort my baby.
You: mhm
You: I was talking about weeks because at certain weeks the fetus is at a different size
You: like by week 6 it's like the size of a grain of rice
Stranger: I know it is a life changing event but murder is never the answer
Stranger: So you are counting the value of your child by it's size? :(
Stranger: I a
You: mhm well, I think there's a certain point when the fetus develops a heart or a brain
You: and takes its first heartbeat
You: I think for me, before it has developed to that point
You: I mean, in a way, every sperm cell has the potential to become a baby
You: and same with every egg in menstruation
You: so for me internally, I guess we all have a point when we consider life to have started
Stranger: But i dont think sperm is the same thing as a embryo or fetus
You: mhm but the day after fertilization, it's basically just an egg with extra dna
You: from the sperm
Stranger: Are we all a sperm and a ovum according to science?
Stranger: I am curious.
You: mhm in a sense, yeah
You: there's no brain
You: so it's not thinking
Stranger: So you and i are sperms and ovums?
You: well I mean, we've grown a lot
You: I think it's unethical to kill a fetus with a beating heart and brain
Stranger: That's weird cause i never felt like a sperm and ovum
You: because I think at a certain point life has started
You: and I believe the baby has started to feel things
You: lol you wouldn't remember being a zygote (the sperm+ovum)
Stranger: What stage at birth do you think the soul enters the body.
You: mhm somewhere in between heartbeating and having a brain I think
Stranger: I know but it is hard to imagine i was ever a sperm and ovum.
You: yeah but we all started that way
Stranger: What if it was even before that? Then it would be murder :(
Stranger: But it is so weird to think of it
You: I mean, like when ppl have sex there's millions of sperm
You: if it was a different one that fertilized the egg
You: in a sense you could be someone else
You: or when a guy masturbates, those are all potential babies
Stranger: Ya but without the ovum there is no baby
Stranger: And without the sperm there is also no baby
Stranger: So we are 2 parts merged into one? That is creepy
You: lol is it?
You: I guess it's just nature
Stranger: So i am 2 beings in 1?
You: mhm you are you
You: you know another weird thing?
You: so our skin is constantly dying
Stranger: What?
You: like we shed
You: dead skin
Stranger: Ya i know that
You: how long do you think it takes before all of our skin is replaced?
Stranger: Maybe a few years?
You: yeah idk
You: sometimes I think its weird that our body now is totally different from our body a couple years ago
You: like not even the same cells
Stranger: But then why do i still have my scars?
Stranger: Why didn't my scars go away?
You: scars are like dead tissue
You: so when your skin grows, it grows around them
Stranger: Oh. Well that upsetting that they wont go away anytime soon
Stranger: I just thought since scars that arent so deep should go away since they are on the surface of my skin
You: mhm yeah idk
You: how did you get them?
Stranger: I got scratched my sharp things i guesd?
You: oh
Stranger: But some of them are not really that deep at all
Stranger: Yet the marks are still on my fingers
You: mhm
Stranger: What is mhm?
You: oh, it's just a sound of agreeing
Stranger: Are you planing to get married?
You: maybe
You: I think I will probably get going
You: it was nice talking to you
Stranger: Ok
You: bye, I wish for the best
Stranger: Where will you be going?
You: hm? maybe clean a little
Stranger: Ok bye
You: bye
You have disconnected.
0 notes
anonymoustalks · 4 years
But they kept looking for easy salvation die for them sins and they do all sins and live free and expect he make it to paradise to all people
(6-20-20) You both like Religion.
You: hiya
Stranger: Hi
You: I've never used this tag before
Stranger: How are you
You: I'm fine
Stranger: It is ok me too first time
You: are you religious?
Stranger: Yes you can say that
You: oh?
Stranger: Yes for example i never drink never do relations before marriage
Stranger: Do prayer
You: ah
Stranger: So i try my best
You: mhm right
You: where are you from?
Stranger: From algeria
You: ohh that's really cool!
Stranger: And you
You: us
Stranger: Thanks
You: what is algeria like?
Stranger: It's ok beautiful with nice people
You: that's nice
Stranger: It's biggest country in North Africa
You: mhm I didn't know that
Stranger: People are different race than African
Stranger: Called North African
You: ahh
You: how is north african different?
Stranger: Mixer between arab and berber
You: ahh
Stranger: South Africa have black people but north African are different race
You: ahh I see
Stranger: I am talal by the way
Stranger: My name i mean
You: oh okay
You: I don't like to share my name, sorry
You: but it's nice to meet you
Stranger: Yes it is ok
Stranger: Thanks
Stranger: You sound as girl right?
You: yeah
You: is it that obvious?
Stranger: You worry about name because you are young?
You: no not really, I just don't like to get too personal online
Stranger: Little yes but don't worry i do not come to talk bad
Stranger: I just try discuss with people and find friends why not
You: I have one online friend from morocco
You: I never asked her what her life is like
Stranger: Yes it is ok sure you are free
You: is morocco very similar to algeria?
Stranger: We have the same border
Stranger: Anr they anr we you can say same nation
You: oh that similar?
Stranger: Morrocan and Algerian wae before one Land
You: ahh I didn't know
Stranger: Yes in past there was alk consider as north Africa
Stranger: But when occupation of french come it makes border
Stranger: And separate it to countries
You: ahh I see
Stranger: But wr are same nation
You: do you speak french in algeria?
Stranger: W speak Algerian Wich is arabic and mixed with french little
Stranger: In north they use french often
You: ahh
You: sorry I didn't know
Stranger: But for me i don't use it
Stranger: It's ok
Stranger: You are christian right?
You: mhm actually I'm not religious haha ^^
Stranger: It is ok
Stranger: You believe in God or not
You: but I was curious about what kind of people are on this tag
You: mhm I'm not sure
Stranger: I understand
Stranger: So you are type of people who ignore to think about god
You: hm?
Stranger: Not aethiest
Stranger: Just don't think about it right?
You: ohh, yes, that's right
You: I don't really think of myself as athiest
Stranger: It's good
Stranger: Just we need to think about it
Stranger: Because if there is hell and paradise after life we have to work to be in paradise
You: mhm
Stranger: To not lose much
Stranger: After all believe and been good will not tied us to live well
Stranger: We can be good believers and success here and after death right?
You: is your country very religious?
Stranger: Normal not that so hard
Stranger: Normal and religion is good to protect us from hurt ourselves
Stranger: There is no one stop you of doing what you want just people choose to be religious
You: right
Stranger: After all religion and god draw for us the good payh to not get hurt
Stranger: When forbid something just to protect us
Stranger: And don't have to try it and hurt and learn by the hard way
Stranger: And still people are weak and can make mistake and all what needs is redemption
You: mhm
Stranger: And god forgive sins
Stranger: Btw in Islam we believe in Jesus as messenger not god or aon of God
You: yup
Stranger: Cause it is not logical how and why god sent his son to die for sins when he can forgive without killing
Stranger: Also in all bible Jesus never ever ask people to worship him or say i am God
You: mhm
Stranger: In opposite he said. There is no god only the father
Stranger: They true one god is the father
Stranger: When say father not mean his begotten son
You: mhm
Stranger: Because in bible saif about many people as sons
Stranger: For example he said son of God about Adam
You: right
Stranger: And bible said. Anyone led by sperit of god is son of God
Stranger: So word son and father mean just who follow him
You: that makes sense
Stranger: Yes just translation trouble
Stranger: Because bible come by Hebrew
Stranger: Form of hebrow called aramiac
Stranger: And hebrow and arabic are ao close
You: right
Stranger: Can I give you exemple about word father and gos and how can us it?
Stranger: Sorry I talk much hhh
You: sure it's fine
You: I like listening
Stranger: For example in arabic if want say biss of work
Stranger: Or responsible of family wich is the father
Stranger: If translate it word by word we say god of work
Stranger: And god of family
Stranger: Wich mean responsible
You: biss of work?
Stranger: This form ot use of the word god
Stranger: Boss ot work
You: ah okay
Stranger: We say god of work by arabic
You: yeah I did not know that
Stranger: رب العمل
You: god is not a special word?
Stranger: It become special when ay about the god in sky sya allah
Stranger: Because Allah is word used even in jew believe
Stranger: And have no gender and no plural
You: mhm
Stranger: In hebrow bible it written alohim
You: did you study all of these different bibles?
Stranger: I just was interested by religion and search and follow much about it
You: mhm you did not learn it in a school?
Stranger: No I didn't
Stranger: Just self study
You: mhm I think that's really cool to study for yourself
Stranger: By the way you see the idea of die for sine
Stranger: When even bible show with many verses how the work of human matter
Stranger: More and only work wich make human go to heaven
Stranger: Sadly church put many wrong ideas don't exist in bible
You: mhm
Stranger: They worship Jesus even he never said worship me
Stranger: And there is even verses he us like talk to them today
Stranger: He talk in the meaning when he comeback
Stranger: And say him lord lord we do anything by your name
Stranger: And make miracles by your name
Stranger: In last he tell them go away from me i didn't knew you
Stranger: And it's so clear why he said that because they start worship him when he comes to learn them worship the only one God
You: mhm
Stranger: But they kept looking for easy salvation die for them sins and they do all sins and live free and expect he make it to paradise to all people
Stranger: Just by believe in his death
Stranger: When he said in bible verly verly i can do nothing by myself
Stranger: Do you know that even his survive from death proven in Bible?
You: hm?
Stranger: He didn't killed god saved him
Stranger: Have you ever read bible?
Stranger: The story of jonas
You: I have only read small parts of it
Stranger: In part of jonas
Stranger: It talk about how god saved jonas from whales belly
You: ah
Stranger: In the time when israel people come to kill Jesus
Stranger: They ask him for sign or miracle
Stranger: If you want I can look for it and show you
Stranger: Whatever people asking him for miracle he said as Jonas was 3days and 3 night shall the son of Man stay 3 days and 3 night in the heart of Earth
Stranger: So where is the miracle wich Jesus promise to do?
You: mhm
Stranger: He said as jonas anr jonas his miracle was staying alive
Stranger: And jesus promise to show them qs jona
Stranger: As jonas miracle
Stranger: So he survived and prove from Bible
Stranger: You can make sure about what I said for sure
Stranger: I talked alot sorry ☺️
You: it's fine, I went to read about the book of jonah
You: I do not know many of these things
Stranger: Book of jona talk about his story only
Stranger: And the prove of Jesus when he was going to die in other part
Stranger: If you want i will give you the verses
Stranger: Just i don't remember the number but if you wait i can find it
Stranger: Minutes i will find it to you and you will related it with jonas story
Stranger: The story in mathiew 12/39 and 12/40
Stranger: matthew 12 39 and 40 " 39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: 40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
You: mhm
Stranger: Read the 2verse you will understand that Jesus promise them to show them miracle as Jonas
You: right
Stranger: And jonas miracle was?
Stranger: Survive from death
Stranger: So it is so clear that god saved his prophet
You: mhm
Stranger: God would not let his messenger get offended and be nacked on Cross
Stranger: And killed like that
Stranger: And god don't need blood or sacrifice for forgiveness
Stranger: And everyone responsible for his work
You: mhm
Stranger: Logical you can not punish someone because his father guilty
Stranger: You can not for example catch some person anr put in jail because his brother kikk someone
You: right
Stranger: Punishment and award be for each person work
Stranger: Is not logical and not justice
Stranger: How killer be in paradise because he did crime but believe in Jesus anr forgive his sins
Stranger: Justice is when everyone responsible for his work
Stranger: Even bible said that
Stranger: But they show in church parts and hide others
You: mhm I am not very familiar with what church is like
Stranger: For example how it looks if for example his mother killed by gun did he will remember hee by taking gub in his neck?
You: sorry I'm not sure if I'm understanding
Stranger: It's strange how they talk about Jesus and celebrate his death by cross when they believe he die in it
You: ahh
Stranger: It not make sense right?
You: mhm I dunno, I do not know enough about these things
Stranger: It is ok
Stranger: It's really glad to talk to you
You: yes, it was nice talking to you too
You: it must be late for you
Stranger: You are so open mind and respectful
You: thanks for sharing everything
Stranger: I was hoping that we can talk more about this
Stranger: Or have contact whatever where you want
You: oh sorry, I don't like to share contact information
Stranger: It is ok i understand
Stranger: Just keep looking for true
You: mhm it was really nice talking to you
Stranger: You are good girl
Stranger: And really feel sad that we can not keep on touch
You: mhm I'm sure our lives will go our own ways
Stranger: Because I still have much to talk about
Stranger: Yes it will be
You: in either case good night
Stranger: Just keep looking for god
Stranger: You are good person
Stranger: And open heart
You: mhm I'm not totally sure about good person haha
You: but I think we all try to improve
Stranger: God said anyone looking for truth with open heart god will guide him
Stranger: We all sinners
Stranger: And culture and where we born effect alot
Stranger: I consider myself lucky i born in religious family
Stranger: Even so we still survive and try be good in that hatd world
Stranger: Word become Savage and wild
Stranger: And good manners become rare
Stranger: Finding god is first step
You: mhm
Stranger: And do you know what?
Stranger: When someone revet or become Muslim god clean all his sins
You: mhm I'm not totally sure if I am ready for that haha ^^
Stranger: And become as new paper
Stranger: Yes i know you are not ready
Stranger: Read and take your time
You: mhm thank you
You: have a good night
Stranger: Thanks for chat
Stranger: You are kind
You: you too
Stranger: Have good time
Stranger: I guess still early there
You: yup, I think I will go clean
You: bye
Stranger: Bye
You have disconnected.
0 notes
anonymoustalks · 4 years
i’m actually lgbtq myself so i’m glad that the non-discrimination one in the workforce got passed, i’m mostly worried about the healthcare, especially for trans people
(6-20-20) You both like feminism.
You: heya
Stranger: heyo
You: what's on your mind?
Stranger: idk frogs i guess
You: frogs? why frogs?
Stranger: you?
Stranger: they’re pretty cool
You: mhm was just thinking about my last conversation
Stranger: what was it
You: we were talking a little about religious freedom
Stranger: oh cool
You: why are frogs cool?
Stranger: they look really goofy and cute, idk i just think they’re neat
You: aww that's sweet
You: I like tree frogs
Stranger: desert sand frogs are my favorite because they’re so round
You: one time one just sort of got on my friend
Stranger: that’s pretty cool
You: like it went on her arm
You: idk if you're supposed to touch them though
You: like I heard that their skin is really sensitive
You: so like oils and stuff can be bad for them
Stranger: idk either i know you can’t touch poison dart frogs but idk about tree frogs
Stranger: that makes sense though
You: yeah I don't actually know though
Stranger: me neither lol
You: lol I googled desert sand drog
You: *frog
Stranger: they’re incredible
You: they're so squeaky
Stranger: they really are, it’s great
You: it's looks like angry, but cute
Stranger: for sure
You: like I kind of imagine it screeching "I hate youuu!!" but it just comes out as squeaks lol
Stranger: haha yeah, they’re pretty adorable even if they look angry
You: yeah
You: where are you from?
Stranger: chicago, what about you?
You: new england
Stranger: cool cool
You: mhm what brings you to this tag?
Stranger: i think feminism is pretty cool, just a general interest i guess
You: mhm
You: do you have a strong stance on abortion?
Stranger: yeah, i’m pro choice
You: mhm can you explain your reasoning?
Stranger: well i think theres a lot of situations where the person who is pregnant can’t have the baby or like it’s dangerous for them to have a child. or like they were raped and don’t want to have a reminder of that experience. i’m not saying that i think abortion should be glorified, but i think in some cases it’s needed.
You: mhm
You: yeah I'm just trying to develop an opinion for myself
You: I have friends who are like "life is precious" and idk how to respond to them
Stranger: yeah, i think in a lot of these types of opinions, it’s really really hard to change people’s minds
Stranger: i have friends like that too
You: yeah, I'm not always trying to change their opinions
You: but mine aren't totally set either haha
You: I think it's hard to do value-judgements
You: at least for me
Stranger: i get that, it’s good that you’re trying to form your own opinions though
You: scotus has an abortion decision that they're supposed to announce this month I think
Stranger: hm i’ll have to keep an eye out for that
Stranger: i’ve been really focused on the lgbtq workforce and healthcare discrimination cases though
You: mhmm
You: what do you think of them?
Stranger: i’m actually lgbtq myself so i’m glad that the non-discrimination one in the workforce got passed, i’m mostly worried about the healthcare, especially for trans people
You: mhmm what's the healthcare one?
Stranger: it’s deciding if healthcare providers can discriminate against lgbtq people
You: ahh
Stranger: yeah
You: would the workplace discrimination ruling have an affect on the things trump are trying to do with lgbt healthcare?
Stranger: i’m not really sure, i don’t think so though, cause as far as i know it only effects employment
You: mhm
You: what would say is the best way to support lgbt things?
You: *what would you say
Stranger: well i guess if you can, donating to different charities or help centers. there’s the Trevor Project that helps lgbtq youth. also just noticing when stuff that could negatively effect people in the community pop up and try speaking against them.
You: mhm
You: I think it's hard to speak up sometimes
Stranger: also just be accepting to the lgbtq people you encounter is great
Stranger: yeah it is but that won’t stop me from trying lol
You: haha
You: that's good for you
Stranger: thanks
You: I've been thinking a lot about blm
You: and the relationship between activism and how ppl respond to it
Stranger: yeah, it’s definitely interesting. i wholeheartedly support blm, but it’s confusing when some people don’t really support it
You: mhm
You: my fiance's dad is a democrat
You: but blm is making him more conservative
You: so it's weird and I just reflect on that
Stranger: yeah that is weird.. it’s just kinda odd when people don’t fully understand the whole meaning of the movement
You: yeah
You: like I also understand people who say that they need to advocate for things far past the end of the spectrum in order to pull the narrative in a direction
You: I think I'm just weirdly moderate lolol ^^
Stranger: yeah haha, i’m pretty far left if imma be honest, but i like talking to people with different views
You: mhm
You: I think the main reason why I'm not far left is because I think I care about getting things done practically
You: I think I'm a little less sympathetic for things I don't think will pass in congress
Stranger: yeah i get that, i’m really enjoying people taking matters into their own hands though. like direct action stuff
You: mhm I think direct action is super important
You: local action especailly
You: federal government is overrated
Stranger: very true
You: you can do a lot of good things at a community level
Stranger: for sure
You: if it's not too personal, do you mind if I ask in what way you're lgbtq?
You: it's fine if you'd rather not share ^^
Stranger has disconnected.
1 note · View note
anonymoustalks · 4 years
idk if lenins polcy of bruning churches was good but you have to have soem kind of athiest government
(6-20-20) You both like politics.
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: ideology?
You: moderate left
You: you?
Stranger: far left
Stranger: uk
You: ahh kay
You: why do you like omegle?
Stranger: er dunno just fun to chat without consequences i guess
You: mhm that's fair
You: I like to hear about what other ppl think
Stranger: yh and argueing
You: haha I don't really argue that much
Stranger: some people arnt worth ur time
You: mhm maybe
You: where are you from?
Stranger: uk^^
You: I'm from the us
Stranger: noice
You: and I'm totally ignorant of british politics lol
Stranger: i know a little bit about america
You: how does your government work?
Stranger: cos its the centre of the world
You: sorry if this is a really dull question
Stranger: its fine ill asnwer w my limited understanding
You: I just ran into someone who was praising the monarchy
Stranger: pfft
Stranger: haha
Stranger: so basically above everyone we have a queen who approves certain stuff and has the ability to interjec tin products but msotly doesn then you have the unlected house of lords which is aristocrats recommended by other rich ppl and below that the ppl elected
Stranger: we have a prime minister so he doesnt have the same powers as president
Stranger: but hes more powerful than other pm's
You: mhm
You: the house of lords...
Stranger: yep
You: is the aristocracy still a big thing in the uk?
Stranger: its just like the senate in the usa except not elected and idk probaably
You: how does someone get recommended to the house of lords?
Stranger: be rich adn good at something or know someone whos rich
You: ahh I think it's weird that it's so closely tied to wealth
Stranger: not really the uk ruling class make it prtty obvious to us peasnts that its a ruling class fake democracy
Stranger: unlike the usa where everybody is supposed classless
You: right
You: I guess that's a fair statement
Stranger: but yeah fuck the queen
Stranger: how was the guy defedning monarchy?
You: oh he sounded kind of weird
You: like how god and the monarchy is essential for uk's stability and being
Stranger: pfft
You: he didn't really explain much
Stranger: both are irelevant nowadays
You: just pointed out that france and us are chaotic, according to him because there is no monarchy
Stranger: oh yeah thats totally
Stranger: why
You: yeah lol
Stranger: if only they had a monarchy then there owuld be no class and racial conflict
You: so how far left are you?
Stranger: very far
You: anarchist?
Stranger: nope left communist
Stranger: basically anti stalinist communist
You: what does your ideal government look like?
Stranger: well until you have a relatively stateless socialism you have a dictatorship of the proleterait
Stranger: and that has an armed population as the army and has direct democracy and a representive democracy who are payed wages simualr to that of a workmans
Stranger: in brief
You: mhm and membership has a criteria that you must be working class?
Stranger: membership of the democratic process yep
Stranger: a worker
You: mhm
Stranger: not necearily poor
You: what is the exact definition of working class btw?
Stranger: sombody who doesnt own and live off capitlist property
Stranger: or is a cpatilsit in other respects
Stranger: like an investor
Stranger: businessmen landlords and bankers
You: hmm I feel like it's hard for me to draw parallels
You: I know a pharmacist friend
You: who rents his place
You: for extra cash
Stranger: well when we have the revolution i doubt he'll be locked up or anything but youknow
Stranger: hes just a small landlord i guess
Stranger: supplemetning work income
You: so would people just discouraged from doing that kind of stuff?
Stranger: well hosuing will be nationalised as an early step
Stranger: so you wont have to
You: mhm
Stranger: making rent equal to bills
You: my parents also have investments
You: for like retirement
You: and just in general
Stranger: sure
You: was curious what would happen to those
Stranger: well i mean by investor sombody who is rich and does it for a job
You: ah kay
Stranger: the socialsit pension ting will be good anyhow
You: mhm
You: do you think that's it necessary for the world to follow this model? Or do you think that it can still work with just a communist state on it's own?
Stranger: nah for a lot of reasons you cant have it in one or a few states surrounded by cpaitlsit ones
Stranger: for one a DOTP surrounded by cpatilist states is forced to act like one to compete
Stranger: and therefore exploit other countries and its own labourers to the max
You: right, I was curious about that actually
Stranger: that was trotsky's argument
You: mhm
Stranger: he said u cant have 'socialsism in one country' because you have to first have international DOTP
You: dotp stands for?
Stranger: or you just become a state cpaitlist state like stalin
You: dictatorship of the prol.?
Stranger: dictatorship of the proletariat
Stranger: yep
You: mhm, that makes a lot of sense
Stranger: yep
Stranger: DOTP being when workers hold the state but not the economy
Stranger: the economy is still in private hands
You: right
You: I think I mix up all the varieties of socialism and communism
Stranger: yh DOTP isnt so much a variety but a transition
Stranger: from cpaitlism to socialism/com
You: mhm
You: I feel like I think about human nature cynically
Stranger: oh go on
You: as in, I'm skeptical of being satisfied with equality
You: *ppl being
Stranger: well tehy certainly arnt satified by inequality so how bad can it really get?
You: mhm true
Stranger: we dont mean absolute equality
Stranger: just equality of opporutunity to realise ur best self
You: idk if this is school bias or anything, but when we learn about communism, it's often framed that the party just ends up with all the wealth
You: or power
Stranger: theres a reason that idea of so called communism is taught rlly
Stranger: mainly cos of porpaganda but theres some truth
Stranger: under lenin the state was definitely a semi deictatorship of a few workers parties
Stranger: but with a democratic mechanism and worker councils to elect them
You: hm
You: *mhm
Stranger: with the intention of educating a largely illitarate peasant russia into a democratic socialsit society
Stranger: but after the vicotry of stalin after lenins death, whatever redistribution of power was dropped and centrlasing power in the party and in stalin was the priority
You: right
Stranger: so there is a history to it
You: I feel like I was thought that there was a component of ideological purity -- like, if you expressed greater loyalty to the party, you could get more stuff
You: like better food tickets or cars or stuff
You: *taught
Stranger: sure teh soviet union during and after stalin was definitely a class society
You: mhm, how do you avoid class from rearising?
Stranger: you dont centralise power in bureacracy
Stranger: and make it mroe acoutnable
Stranger: you arm the popualtion
Stranger: make durable directly democratic mechanisms
Stranger: accountability at all level
You: so you're saying like enshrining freedom of speech / freedom of arms in the system?
Stranger: im not a freedom of speech absolutist but sure
Stranger: its very important
You: wasn't China kinda of freedom of speech until tianmensquare, were they?
Stranger: ha no
Stranger: you got tortured if you spoke out
You: ah kay
Stranger: same as soviet union really
Stranger: mao wasnt masively different
You: I'm just thinking of the blm protests in the US
Stranger: yh
You: when ppl feel like change isn't happening
You: then they can get violent
Stranger: yep
You: was just curious how your government would handle that
Stranger: well the governmetn and the people are intrinsically merged
Stranger: but it depends like waht the situation would be
You: mhm I mean technically there's universal suffrage in the US but not everyone votes
Stranger: yep
Stranger: electoral college too
You: and I think minority parties can sometimes be the loudest and most opinionated
Stranger: yh
You: so even with a proletariat government I think there might still be disagreement
Stranger: yh
Stranger: for sure
Stranger: and debate
Stranger: whats ur point
You: mhm idk
Stranger: aight sitl idk the answers
You: yeah it's interesting
Stranger: what are u taught abotu socialism in schools
You: mhm, I guess just the things I said?
You: I think we studied east germany and the ussr
Stranger: ah k
Stranger: yep
You: what life was like
You: to live there
Stranger: sure and if you trying and feed everyone this is waht happens type shite
Stranger: you cant be nice with the economy
You: mhm I don't think my teachers tried to make extremely biased conclusions or anything
You: but the curriculum itself could be biased I think
Stranger: k yeah same
Stranger: yeah fr
Stranger: we dont learn at all about the british empire
You: yup
Stranger: like not once
Stranger: or really any british history beyond knights and castles
You: actually in world history class my teacher commented that I was beginning to sound "anti-american" lol
Stranger: haha good
Stranger: anti american what a word
Stranger: being anti imperialist and anti racist is being anti british too
You: lol
Stranger: tells u what they think about britishness
Stranger: its not culture but power
Stranger: which is a load of bs
You: mhm
Stranger: what did you say to teacher
You: idk I'm not very nationalist
You: I didn't say anything, I'm not really the kind of person to argue
Stranger: neither but i like uk just not enough to block refugees to preserve it
Stranger: like some wacko patriots are
You: mhm
Stranger: they act like the uks not been 15% non white since like 1940
You: mhm
You: what do you think of their opinion that a country should have a right to control their own culture/ethnicities?
Stranger: erm
Stranger: well thats tough
Stranger: i think the ideal of direct dmeocracy and a reactioanry population is contradictory
Stranger: and therefore maybe u need more centralised leadership there
You: I think I heard a scenario of belgium or something wanting to block the construction of mosques in like a historical district or something
You: to preserve their national culture/history
Stranger: yep idk
You: yeah idk either
Stranger: but like how would direct democrayc work in somalia
Stranger: or saudi arabia
Stranger: thats a tough question
Stranger: would men use it to repress women
You: mhm yup
You: or well, there are several states that have a democracy
Stranger: its like india was basically a dicatroship for its first 20 years
You: and they voted to impose state religion
You: state religious laws
You: that kind of thing
Stranger: basically cos it would be a bloodbath
Stranger: of relgion and caste
Stranger: so the governmetn had to go against the people to do whats the long term good
You: I think it's sometimes hard to have foresight about what the "long term good" is though
You: like everybody things they are doing things for long term good
You: *thinks
Stranger: well in indias caste removing caste racism and relgious bigotry was a big thing
Stranger: and many people died due to it
You: mhm
You: I think it's really hard for me to know what is "right"
Stranger: and i think general equality is a good thing impose against a population
Stranger: if they dont want it
Stranger: thats the only way change has ever come
You: mhm although I think indoctrination is always possible
Stranger: eh
You: I mean, this is kind of a hot take, but Western values are indoctrinated
Stranger: yeahthey are
You: similarly speaking you could indoctrinate capitalistic values or communist values
Stranger: some are right some are wrong
Stranger: not succesfully
You: and I think the ppl who grow up with whatever they are indoctrinated with are generally happy
You: and support the views they grow up with
Stranger: yeah true
You: although I think it's sad for whoever gets left out of the system
Stranger: like anti deisicimination laws are passed despite a population
Stranger: for a long term good
You: mhm
You: yeah idk governments are hard haha
Stranger: haha yes
Stranger: thats why were still talking about it
You: mhm
You: I don't really know what to think about ppl who support religious states
You: like indonesia has that problem
Stranger: theyre idiots
You: like they want their state to become religious
Stranger: ik snd prolly will
You: but if I imagine myself in their shoes
You: I think they just want to be closer to their religion
You: which is like a personal value
You: like I'm secular, so things like freedom and equality mean a lot to me
Stranger: truw
You: but I can also imagine a different world were idk god and faith matter a lot to me
You: we have pretty significant freedom of religion battles in the us
Stranger: same]
Stranger: if i didnt grow up in suhc an athiest school and get bullied for it id be hardcore jesus
You: oh your family is religious?
Stranger: yep
You: mhm I was reading about the us lgbt anti-discrimination ruling earlier
Stranger: yeah
You: the religious schools here are worried about being affected
You: like they don't want to hire gay teachers
Stranger: good
You: bc they're a religious school
Stranger: get w the program schools
Stranger: idk if lenins polcy of bruning churches was good but you have to have soem kind of athiest government
You: mhm I think anti-discrimination is good, but I feel like I can understand their resistance of feeling like they can't teach their religion the way they want
Stranger: sure yeah
You: idk most things I don't know what to think lol
Stranger: but think about if they dont get agy teachers
Stranger: anti discimination laws dont work
You: hm?
Stranger: cos u can jsut say u didnt disciminate and taht it
You: ohh no it still matters
You: like imagine you are a religious school
You: and a pastor applies and says they are a gay priest
You: and you don't want to hire them
You: they can sue bc discrimination
Stranger: maybe but its a relgious school why u even applying
You: mhm some ppl kind of want to change christianity I think
You: like there are pastors who are much more sympathetic to lgbt
Stranger: eh still
Stranger: lictus and that
Stranger: levictus
You: yeah idk
You: most of the churches in my area are pro-lgbt
Stranger: pretty sure my preist is closeted
You: aww
Stranger: hes very camp
You: camp ?
Stranger: and went to cambridge
Stranger: femenine
You: ahh
Stranger: yep
You: yeah religion is an odd place in politics for me
You: like it's often at the root of weird stuff
Stranger: oh yeah
Stranger: are u relgious
You: that runs counter to like modern science common sense
You: no
You: well, I'm like 20% spiritual I guess
You: but I'm not religious
Stranger: yep
Stranger: never got the difference
You: between spiritual and religious?
Stranger: yep
You: oh, for me, religious is like adhering to a religion, or denomination, or religious practice
You: spiritual is like vaguely believe in something
You: *belieiving
You: without doing anything about it
You have disconnected.
0 notes
anonymoustalks · 4 years
If I have to quote the constitution to you then we are really royally screwed here almost in a literal sense so I bid you farewell and I hope your cause ends up in hell with the rest of the sinful people. Peace!
You both like politics.
You: hii
Stranger: Hello
You: what do you care about?
Stranger: God, the Crown, the Aristocracy and the British family, you?
You: mhm equality, kindness, wishy washy stuff
Stranger: Definitely
You: what about the crown and aristocracy?
Stranger: I care about their almost universal existence in the British nation and the importance of their existence in the current scheme of the political climate.
You: can you explain?
Stranger: Want me to baby feed you? Alright... the Crown are of an utmost importance to our unwritten constitution, our established church and the different classes of people in our society who keep it solid. If they cease to exist then British society will be far less better and potentially in the long run not exist.
You: I guess what I mean I understand why you think this is the case
You: *I don't understand
Stranger: Oh well just look at history. The French and American states are now republican countries with lots of political unrest and instabilities of their own. With this current 'black lives matter' rubbish it's mostly just uni kids on a weekend bender.
You: and you think that having a figurative monarchy helps maintain order/stability?
Stranger: Absolutely, though she is slightly more than figurative constitutionally.
You: what authorities does the monarchy have?
Stranger: If I have to quote the constitution to you then we are really royally screwed here almost in a literal sense so I bid you farewell and I hope your cause ends up in hell with the rest of the sinful people. Peace!
Stranger has disconnected.
0 notes
anonymoustalks · 4 years
It was difficult being vegetarian on dorm, i said i would return once i was done
(6-20-20) You both like conversation.
You: hi
Stranger: Hey
You: anything on your mind?
Stranger: Blank slate over here
Stranger: Very zen
Stranger: Tabula rasa
You: that's nice
You: I've been thinking about my self-esteem
Stranger: How high it is?
You: mhm right now it's kind of on the low side
Stranger: Ooof
Stranger: Everyone has those moments
You: so on omegle I often go to the #politics tag
You: and I often get called dumb
You: and I'm reflecting on that i think
Stranger: Talking politics online is a mistake
You: mhm ^^ yeah it's poor judgement
Stranger: Yeaaa
Stranger: How old are you?
You: 26
You: I like to find strongly opinionated people
You: and talk to them
You: because I want to understand them
Stranger: People who talk politics online arent here to come to an understanding
You: but I think in part through the way I talk, I end up getting called dumb a lot
You: mhm
Stranger: Welp, calling someone dumb isnt cool
You: yeah a lot of them are mean
You: but I want to know why they're angry
Stranger: Read books or articles
You: mhm I guess
Stranger: Not random internet weirdos opinions
You: I feel like I'm just skeptical when I read books/articles by professors or whichever about "white rage" or things like that
You: so I think it's valuable to talk to people from places where I've never been to
Stranger: People have trouble articulating thoughts and opinions, especially with topics that make them angry
You: mhm
You: I try to ask them about what their life is like
You: and things they care about aside from the hot button issues
Stranger: Truu
You: A lot of them are just really mean though
Stranger: Welcome to the internet
You: yeah
You: anyway enough about me
You: what do you normally talk about on omegle? ^^
Stranger: Oof, anything really
Stranger: Books, shows, hobbies
You: mhm
You: I like to talk about values
You: or like things that are important to you
You: kind of like if there is one thing in the world
You: that you would never give up
Stranger: No wonder you've had so many bad experiences
You: lol why?
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: Whats your values?
You: mhm, I think I value empathy
You: and just being kind
Stranger: I can see that
You: as for things I wouldn't give up...
You: I guess my individuality
You: (whatever that means)
You: sorry it's super abstract haha
Stranger: Lol, thats cool
Stranger: Values usually are
You: um, for physical things, I wouldn't want to give up the internet lol
Stranger: Is the internet physical?
You: fine lol, I guess that's abstract lol
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: You dont want to give up the server rooms and cables
You: lol
You: I'm not christian, but I find the concept of giving things up during lent fascinating
Stranger: What about ramadan you western centric shill
You: haha
You: I actually don't know anything about ramadan
Stranger: Ohhh
Stranger: I dont know a ton about it either tbh
You: I think I just remember people talking about fasting
Stranger: Mhmm
Stranger: They fast and avoid water during the day
You: mhm
You: I think lent interests me because I had a lot friends who would be like "I'm giving up chocolate"
You: or something random or specific
Stranger: Truue
You: it made me think about what I would give up, if I were to give something up
Stranger: Depends what the goal is right
Stranger: Whats the goal of lent?
You: mhm
You: umm
Stranger: Like am i trying to be closer to god?
You: (I don't know so I went to wikipedia lol)
Stranger: Trying to understand sacerfice
You: yes sacrifice
Stranger: Truu
Stranger: No idea what i would give up
You: mhmm
Stranger: Social media?
You: I hardly use social media haha
You: I went vegetarian for year and a half in college just because
Stranger: Oh nicee!
Stranger: That can be difficult
You: idk I didn't really have a sophisiticated reason for it
Stranger: I was vegetarian for four years
You: ohhh cool
You: why were you vegetarian?
Stranger: Ethical reasons
You: mhm
Stranger: I didnt like the meat supply chain and resources used for it
You: right
You: for me I had a bad break up and just spontaneously and randomly decided I didn't want to eat meat
Stranger: I'm the opposite of you, i stopped being vegetarian when i went to college
Stranger: Ohhh, yeah breakups suck
You: was there a reason why you stopped?
Stranger: It was difficult being vegetarian on dorm, i said i would return once i was done
You: ahh
Stranger: But i started getting really into fitness
Stranger: Hard to hit the macros with a vegetarian diet
You: right
Stranger: Why'd you stop being vegetarian?
You: mhm... I think I just stopped being vegetarian randomly
You: ...it's probably not very sophisticasted either
You: I've thought about it once or twice why I ended up vegetarian
Stranger: i feel like its appropriate, randomly stop what you randomly started
You: I guess I must have treated it like how ppl sometimes get a haircut after a breakup
You: like I think I wanted a different feeling to my life
Stranger: I didnt know that was a thing lol
You: ohh yeah like it's a stereotype
Stranger: I know about delete facebook and hit the gym
You: haha
Stranger: Didya get a fancy new doo?
You: no not really
Stranger: Rip, you had the perfect excuse to experiment
You: yeah it's true
You: I wanted to dye my hair in college
You: but never got the courage for it
You: and then towards the end, I was worried about jobs after graduating
Stranger: You play it real safe
You: yeah I do haha
You: are you risky?
Stranger: I dont think im risky exactly
Stranger: Just more than you lol
You: lol
You: can you give some examples?
Stranger: I have alot of extreme look changes
You: ohh
Stranger: Its fun
You: yeah it sounds like it would be
Stranger: And if it goes bad its fun to joke about
You: oh haha
You: I get self-conscious easily
Stranger: Yeah i get it
You: a lot of times I convince myself that a lot of peers secretly hate me
Stranger: Ooof, i've done that too
You: I think I need to be friendlier
Stranger: Also imposter syndrome
You: but I'm a huge introvert
Stranger: Mhmmm
You: and yeah imposter syndrome
Stranger: It can be hard to put yourself out there
Stranger: What did you go to college for?
You: biology
Stranger: fancy
You: it's like one of the most common majors lol
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: Did you like it?
You: mhm I liked it enough
Stranger: Thats dope
You: what about you?
Stranger: Finance and accounting
You: oh wow
Stranger: I was actually a biomed major before switching
You: ahh
Stranger: Hated itt
You: I know nothing about finance and accounting haha
Stranger: Especially labs
Stranger: Ughh
You: yeah labs are terrible
Stranger: "I know nothing about finance and accounting haha" Sometimes i feel that way too
You: oh my ^^
You: are you in that as a career right now?
Stranger: Yup yup
Stranger: Well right now im just doing contract work
You: mh so you're wealthy then? (jk jk)
Stranger: Was switching jobs when this shit went down
Stranger: Lol i wish
You: mhm
You: what exactly is contract work?
You: like I know contractors
You: but in terms of finance and accounting...?
Stranger: I do some tax services for clients of an accounting firm i used to work for
You: ahh
You: independent contractor?
Stranger: Yeaa
Stranger: What do you do?
You: ohhh does that count as self-employment?
You: I'm in grad school
You: ...for biology
Stranger: o lawd
Stranger: They got you in the grad trap eh
You: lol
You: haha
You: mhm yeah dunno when I'll be finished lol
Stranger: They almost got me too, but i was broke for too long
You: mhmm
Stranger: fuck you pay me
You: lol
Stranger: i joke, are you enjoying it?
You: yup, well, as much as I can
You: there's the typical stress and things
Stranger: Mhmm
Stranger: So its a masters?
You: phd
Stranger: ooooo
Stranger: You fell hard for it
You: yeah lol
Stranger: Lol, thats cool af
Stranger: Doctor stranger
You: lol I feel like I'm never going to graduate lol
Stranger: You got this
You: you're really supportive and nice (random)
Stranger: Lol thanks
Stranger: People usually say i have a bristly personality
You: really?
You: I think you have an active and engaging personality
You: but also very nice
Stranger: I like poking funnnnn
You: and the active personality gives the perception that you're really listening
You: which matters a lot
Stranger: I'm a good listener i feel like
You: mhm, you seem like one
Stranger: You're pretty chill too
You: thanks ^^
Stranger: Despite fighting politics online
You: lol I don't fightttt
Stranger: Despite trying to bridge the political divide online
You: that sounds terrible lol
Stranger: It is
Stranger: The internet kinda sucks with politics lol
You: mhm
You: I feel like it's hard to have deep conversations irl
Stranger: Depends
Stranger: Some people are more receptive than others
You: mhm true
Stranger: I get online its easier to be yourself, but its also easier to be an asshole
You: mhm true
You: I think I worry a lot about interpersonal relationships irl
Stranger: How so?
You: mhm, like there's a group dynamic I guess?
Stranger: Ohhh
Stranger: So where are you from?
Stranger: Did i ask that already?
You: and the there's work colleagues
You: nope
You: new england somewhere
Stranger: myseriousss
Stranger: Are you lost?
You: new england is small enough it could be like a state if you put it all together haha
Stranger: Go pats
Stranger: With that i exhausted my sports knowledge
You: lol I'm not very knowledgeable either
You: although we hold football watching parties at my house
Stranger: I know people hate the patriots
Stranger: Because they dont inflate their balls or something
You: huuh, see I have no idea what that means
Stranger: Not cool new england, inflate them please
You: lol
Stranger: Wow, you're worst than me
You: yup!
You: I'm also bad with tv shows, movies, and music
You: basically it's hopeless if you want to have a normal conversation with me
Stranger: Im listening to music right now lol
You: lol
Stranger: I love talking about all those topics
Stranger: But i can talk about anything tbh
You: I just don't know anything ^^
You: what do you listen to?
Stranger: Like right now or in general?
You: either
Stranger: Pick one so i can start
You: general!
Stranger: You got it
Stranger: I loveeee
Stranger: Folk music
Stranger: Blue grass
Stranger: R&B
Stranger: Motown
Stranger: Soul
Stranger: Rap
You: cool
Stranger: Thanks
You: I have no idea what blue grass is haha
Stranger: Should i ask what you listen to lol?
You: um the answer would be whatever youtube plays
Stranger: Wise
You: basically pop bc I don't know anything else lol
Stranger: Lol thats fine
Stranger: Pop is fun
You: where are you from?
Stranger: Canada
You: ohh cool
Stranger: Thanks
Stranger: Its pretty nice this time of year where im from
You: mhmm summer
Stranger: Yeaaa
You: I'm like looking up your genres lol
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: Want me to recommend a song?
You: yeah that would be nice
You: I found Wanderlust 🌲 - An Indie/Folk/Pop Playlist | Vol. I
You: because I guess I automatically go to playlists lol
Stranger: always alright- alabama shakes
Stranger: Lol, playlists are a good way to discover music imo
You: I often don't go back to figure out what songs are what though
You: this was my problem with the radio
You: I recognized songs
You: but had no idea who the artists or songs were
Stranger: I do that with albums when i listen to them cover to cover
Stranger: I never know the song names, just how they go
You: mhm
Stranger: So what area if your phd in?
Stranger: Is that too personal to ask?
You: immunology
Stranger: fancyy
You: it always sounds fancy, but I have no clue what I'm doing
Stranger: Give me some fire immunology facts
Stranger: Loool
Stranger: Ohh
You: uhhhhh
You: random facts uhh idk
Stranger: Lol its ok
You: lol kay haha
Stranger: I kinda put you on the spot
You: mhm it's fine, although I was racing in my head to find something that actually makes sense lol
Stranger: Sorry im so dumb : (
You: no, as in immunology seriously doesn't make sense
You: like it's basically jibberish
Stranger: Lol i get alot of it would go over my head, im just kidding
You: like CD45RA+ AB T cells
Stranger: BRAH
Stranger: Thats my favorite cell
You: lol
Stranger: I like how they
Stranger: Multiply
You: lol
Stranger: coolest ribosomes in the game
You: you're so chill
Stranger: I know
Stranger: My cell knowledge is sublime
You: lol
You: is there a reason why you like to come on omegle?
Stranger: Uhhh, i like talking to people
Stranger: So the quarantine kinda sucks for me
You: mhm
You: I forgot it was the quarantine
You: I was just thinking it's a friday night and you seem too cool for omegle on a friday haha
Stranger: Lolllll
Stranger: Trust me, im a massive dork
Stranger: Just a pretty social one
You: right
Stranger: Recommend me a song?
You: ohhhh so tough again
Stranger: Im not letting you off the hook this time
You: :c
Stranger: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You: *goes to dig through youtube history*
Stranger: Lol fair enough
You: do links work on omegle?
You: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0OX-a17Hfk
Stranger: idk
Stranger: Did you send one?
You: yeah I did
Stranger: Naww lol
Stranger: Just tell me title and artist
You: v=W0OX-a17Hfk
Stranger: That works too
You: it's entirely instrumental
You: idk most of the stuff I listen to is just background music
You: for when I'm doing something
Stranger: I feel that, i listen to stuff without lyrics when im working too
Stranger: I like the art work
You: but yeah, I don't have much of a sophisticated taste in music or anything
Stranger: Dont worry, no music degree on the wall here
Stranger: I just know if i like something or dont
You: mhm it feels like most people have a strong sense of what they like an dislike ^^
You: for me it's kind of uhh... blank haha
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: I'll listen to any genre if i like the song
Stranger: This musics chill, i like it
Stranger: Reminds me of harvest moon
Stranger: Used to play as a kid
You: ohh
You: I've never played
You: I did briefly play rune factory on an emulator
You: but otherwise yeah I don't have a long list of games either ^^
You: I think I'm kind of boring overall
Stranger: lol you're not boring
Stranger: I wouldnt be talking to you if you were
You: oh lol
You: thanks
Stranger: Noo problem
Stranger: I'm kinda glad i found someone around my age to talk to tbh
You: ohh I forgot that I told you my age lol
You: do you normally get ppl much younger?
Stranger: I dont go here often tbh
Stranger: But yeah, alot of young people
You: mhm
You: I feel like you're probably the most normal person I've gotten in a while
Stranger: Lol im glad
Stranger: What do you usually get?
You: mhm angry people
Stranger: Also the political tag probably skewed your sample
You: a lot of people trolling or just having fun some way
Stranger: I seriously dont get the fun in trying to upset people
You: yeah I've been trying to understand that too
Stranger: Modern bullying i guess
Stranger: idk
You: like it doesn't work to ask "why do you like to be mean"
You: so I will continue with my research!
Stranger: Lol plz dont for your own sake
You: lol
You: haha
Stranger: Put the scientific method to bed
You: lol
Stranger: Do you know reddit?
You: yup
Stranger: Ask me anything
You: the subreddit?
Stranger: Naw, im doing an ama
You: ohhh
Stranger: You're the only one attending
You: lol
You: okay, I hope you don't mind if I push the pedal then
You: what do you regret most?
You: (I ask heavy stuff often lol >.<)
Stranger: Loll
Stranger: I felt like i should have ended my last relationship sooner than i did
You: mhm why?
Stranger: I was just kinda hoping the problems would get resolved
Stranger: And that kinda lead me to hold on
You: what kind of problems?
Stranger: Drawing the line here lol, i dont wanna be sad all day
You: ahh okay sorry lol
You: yeah I'm really nosy
Stranger: Lol its okk, i just dont wanna dwell in it
You: how long ago did you break up?
Stranger: How about you, whats your biggest regret?
Stranger: Few months ago
You: ohh
You: (I hope you're okay)
Stranger: I'm getting there
You: for me...
You: I guess not asking for help when I needed it
You: I don't have many regrets though
Stranger: Mhmm
Stranger: I never asked for help growing up
You: mhm I'm the same
You: or at least, I'm still really bad at asking for help
Stranger: I didnt wanna bother people, kinda just dealt with it on my own
Stranger: Yeahhh, its hard
You: right
You: and like I have a stupid amount of useless pride for something not important
Stranger: Sometimes i just try to remember that people do want to help alot of the time
Stranger: Oh truue
You: mhm right
Stranger: I also dont like looking dumb lol
You: yeah haha
You: okay for the next AMA: Make a confession of some kind that you don't ordinarily tell people
You: (though I guess this isn't a question)
Stranger: More like a demand
You: lol
You: clearly I'm not in the habit of doing ama's
Stranger: So like im pretty healthy and take care of myself alot
Stranger: And i come across as super confident
Stranger: But im like pretty insecure about my looks
You: mhm
Stranger: Like im pretty critical to myself
You: yeah we're often our own worst critics, right?
Stranger: Yeahhh
Stranger: How about you?
You: ohh
You: umm, how bad do I want to go lol?
Stranger: Lol, your call
You: I think I use omegle to boost my ego. Like I'm not interested in hooking up with anyone, but when people express interest in me it boosts my ego and then I can ditch them
You: >.>
Stranger: Ooof
You: was that heavy one?
Stranger: Lol no, i get it
Stranger: Im just preparing to be disconnected on lol
You: ohh I don't usually dc at all haha
Stranger: Mhmmm
Stranger: Well i think you're pretty cool tbh, take these ego points
You: oh haha
You: idk I think I'm selfish in a lot of various ways
Stranger: I feel like being able to refelct on it is like a good way to begin to address it
Stranger: Some people lives their entire lives without realizing what drives what they do
You: mhm
You: next AMA: What's something you dream of doing?
Stranger: A thru hike
You: thru hike?
Stranger: Its like a long hike that takes weeks or months
You: ahh wow that seems cool
Stranger: It isss, ive been on multiple day hikes
You: mhm I want to do one!
Stranger: But a thru hike would be amazing
Stranger: You can tag along lol
You: I have no idea how you would prepare for one haha
You: lol
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: You know how some people randomly plan holidays or online shop
Stranger: Just to waste time
You: mhm
Stranger: I plan thru hikes and my gear and food list sometimes lol
Stranger: Its pretty dorky
You: I think it's cool
You: wait so for a multi-day hike, how is that planned?
You: like do you usually go with someone?
Stranger: Solo or people
Stranger: I started going solo because its kind of hard to get people to come along
You: what do you pack?
Stranger: And being alone in the wilderness is kind of amazing
You: mhmm
Stranger: Pack alottt of stuff lol
You: lol
Stranger: I subscribe to the ultralight philosophy of hiking
You: mhhhm
Stranger: Where you try to keep gear minimal and light
Stranger: So you can go long distances and bee less tired
You: right
You: what do you see as essential?
Stranger: Tent
Stranger: Sleeping bag or quilt
Stranger: you're so lucky you're american
Stranger: You have better access to gear than i do lol
Stranger: Sleeping pad
Stranger: Backpack
You: really? for some reason I feel like canada has the outdoorsy stereotype haha
Stranger: Its legit amazing here nature wise
Stranger: Just harder and more expensive to get some gear lol
You: mhm
You: how much water/food do you pack?
Stranger: 2000 cals a day usually
Stranger: and i keep filtration tablets on me
Stranger: So i can reup on water
You: mhmm do you usually reup water?
You: I can see water getting a lot
Stranger: Streams usually
You: to carry
Stranger: Dont carry a ton, just reup on water
You: mhm
Stranger: being in nature is fun
Stranger: It feels like a reset for the brain sometimes
You: right totally
You: so do you usually pick hikes with nearby streams/water?
Stranger: Well there are usually trails people do
Stranger: Some people plan their own using a topical map
Stranger: I dontt
You: ah
Stranger: Topographic*
Stranger: Idk what topical is
You: on the surface of something ^^
Stranger: Lol oh
You: I guess it would just make sense to go a visitors center and ask for recommendations
Stranger: Naww, i usually just research it online
Stranger: I rambled a ton my bad lol
You: oh not at all
Stranger: What's something you dream of doing?
You: mhm I want to be lazy and copy yours lol
You: but I guess it's probably something vacation related
Stranger: The more the merrier
You: I'm super bad at planning
You: or more specifically, I procrastinate forever
You: so I don't plan vacations normally lol
Stranger: Loll
Stranger: I kinda like to wing it with a general idea of what i want to do
Stranger: I like exploring cities
Stranger: Where do you want to vacation?
You: ahh
You: mhmm I dunno lol
You: I so bad at being decisive lol
You: I do like outdoorsy things though
You: less so cities
You: I've never been clubbing or anything like that and I don't think I'd want to lol
You: I also don't drink very much
Stranger: Its overrated
Stranger: Im more outdoorsy too
Stranger: BUTTT
Stranger: Im a foodie
You: ohh
Stranger: and love stuffing my face when i visit a city
You: mhm that's cool
You: I think I like food until it gets too expensive
You: and then my heart sinks too much to enjoy it
Stranger: Brah fuck tourist traps
Stranger: I want hole in the wall joints
You: mhm those are great ^^
Stranger: Montreal is legit my favorite city
You: mhm montreal is great!
Stranger: Have you been?
You: yup!
Stranger: yessss!
Stranger: Have you tried the bagels lol
You: I think so
Stranger: Ughhh so good
You: ahhh yeah
Stranger: I bought two bags to bring back home lol
You: yeah I remember it now that I've googled it
You: they're fantastic
Stranger: Yeahhh
Stranger: Best souvlaki i ate was in montreal
You: ohh
You: I didn't know that was a huge thing there
Stranger: Idk if it is tbh
Stranger: But the place i went was fire
Stranger: Hard af to order tbh though lol
Stranger: They didnt speak english or much french
You: ohh interesting
Stranger: My cousin told me usually their daughter works the counter
Stranger: Im guessing thats why lol
You: lol
You: I took french in high school
You: but I forgot it all
Stranger: Welcome to the club
You: mh, it's kind of disappointing in a way
Stranger: Can always brush up on it
You: very true
Stranger: Do you know any other languages?
You: Chinese
Stranger: Mandarin or Cantonese?
You: mandarin
Stranger: Nicee
You: you?
Stranger: I can understand some hindi?
Stranger: Cant really speak much
You: ohh cool!
Stranger: Lol thanks
You: I can also understand better than I can speak
You: although my accent is okay
Stranger: First generation eh
You: mhm
You: uhh I mix up the generations
Stranger: Mhmm
You: I'm second generation
Stranger: Ohhh ok
Stranger: yeah i dont get generations either
Stranger: That means you're born here but your parents arent?
You: yup
Stranger: Ohhh, same then
You: I can never remember if that's first or second generation
Stranger: Preachh
Stranger: Alrii, hit me with another ama
You: mhm
You: let's seeee
You: bah I just thought one but it's basically the same lol
Stranger: Loll
You: biggest mistake lol
You: but that's so close to regret
Stranger: Should i ask?
You: sure
Stranger: OOff lemme think
You: looool
Stranger: lol
Stranger: Uhhhh
Stranger: Celeb crush lol?
You: ohh
Stranger: Sorry, i was struggling
You: no it's fine
You: I've never been a tv or film person so I never know actors
Stranger: Ooof i forgot
Stranger: Lemme think of another then
You: can I cheat and steal your question lol?
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: Nuhh uhhh, if you dont answer it
You: lol so cheap
Stranger: No one to blame but yourself
Stranger: Shoulda gave into celebrity culture like the rest of us
You: I'll just continue to live under a rock lol
Stranger: Ok patrick
You: lol
Stranger: Lol i got one
Stranger: What spongebob character do you relate to the most
You: mhmmm this is a struggle again XD
You: I know like three characters so uhhh
Stranger: loll
Stranger: That should make it easier!
You: oh the snail!
Stranger: Lmaooo
Stranger: I was about to say you're a total gary
You: lol
Stranger: What spongebob character do you think im most like
You: mhm you're outgoing and friendly
Stranger: aww shucks
Stranger: You dont really know me
You: idk I feel like there's so little to chose from so just spongebob
You: mhm very true
Stranger: lol
You: AMA: What do I not know about you?
You: or what I am I getting wrong about you?
Stranger: Oof
Stranger: Thats hard
You: ^^
Stranger: mmmmmm
Stranger: I mean theres alot you dont know about me
Stranger: Uhhh, i'm pretty good at vollleyball and basketball?
Stranger: Such a basic answer
Stranger: I blanked out lol
You: ohh those are cool sports
You: did you play in high school?
Stranger: Naw
Stranger: I was almost in the football team
Stranger: But gave up when i found out how often id have to stay at school
Stranger: Im lazy
You: ahh
You: what did you do afterschool in high school?
Stranger: Study, tv, games
Stranger: I legit sucked in highschool
You: hm sucked?
Stranger: Was super boring, didnt really like going out of my comfort zone
You: ahh
Stranger: What were you like in highscool?
You: I feel like I'm still bad at going out of my comfort zone
You: um, I was basically like the walking stereotype
You: swimming, piano, study, manga, writing
Stranger: Oof, i remember the manga kids lol
You: lol
You: that was mostly at home for me though
You: I read it when I was supposed to be studying
Stranger: We had a circle who hung out in the library
You: ohh
Stranger: I read a little of bit of a manga to try it
Stranger: I've watched some animes though way later on lol
You: mhmm
You: I never watched anime in high school because manga was much more discreet lol
You: I could read it on my computer without my parents knowing lol
Stranger: Loll
Stranger: tiger parents
You: mhm kind of yes and no
You: yours?
Stranger: They were pretty strict
Stranger: Moving away from them really allowed me to grow as a person
You: mhm same
Stranger: Sooo, what mangas did you read
You: ohh I read everything
You: like I was addicted lol
You: I read enough that I forgot what I read and the just all blur together lol
Stranger: Loll woww
Stranger: Do you read books?
You: yup!
You: or well, I mostly stopped reading when I went to uni though
Stranger: Boo
You: yeah I know >.>
You: too many readings for uni instead
Stranger: Pick up reading again imo
You: mhm it would be good
You: what do you read?
Stranger: I jump around alot
Stranger: Some of my favorites are science fiction, mystery, fantasy, historical fiction, dystopian
You: mhm
You: I love dark stuff lol
Stranger: spoooky
Stranger: So like
Stranger: I looooove horror movies
You: (I can't watch horror lol)
Stranger: But i havent read many horror related books lol
Stranger: Loll
Stranger: Thats cool
You: mhm for me I mean dark as in heavy haha
Stranger: Oh truuue
Stranger: Have you read The Road?
You: nope!
Stranger: Pretty good
Stranger: What genres other than dark do you like lol
You: mhm do you like survival?
Stranger: Like not dying?
Stranger: Love it
You: lol
You: I meant as a genre kinda (if that is a genre?)
Stranger: Oof idk, i dont think ive read survival
Stranger: Like man vs nature type of deal?
You: oh as kid I read hatchet and some other similar ones
You: yup
You: as for other genres, in high school when I was still reading a lot, I read a lot of fantasy and generic stereotypical trashy romance stuff
Stranger: Loll
You: oh and animals
Stranger: Like peppa pig?
You: I was the first one in my friend group to pick up twilight lolololol
Stranger: Lolll
Stranger: I never actually read the books or watched the movies
You: lol
Stranger: Do you recommend them?
You: uh, retrospectively no ^^
Stranger: lolll
You: but I did like paranormal romance as a teen
You: as for animals I read stuff like warriors lol
You: and also redwall actually
Stranger: I remember redwall
Stranger: Pretty dark
You: hm? I thought it was fairly normal lol
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: What about watership down?
You: yup I loved that one
You: well, it's a classic
Stranger: Yeaa
Stranger: I didnt read it, i kinda just assumed you would have
You: I did roleplaying forums when I was in high school lol
Stranger: omg loll
Stranger: Was that your rebellious stage?
You: lol not really
You: I was "writing" so
You: lol
Stranger: Truue lol
You: I did like wolf roleplays lol and stuff
You: I was nearly a furry lol
Stranger: Oh lawd
Stranger: Or actually
Stranger: oWO*
You: lol
You: I had a lot of really good memories from then
You: they're sort of like my defining experience on the Internet I think
Stranger: Thats cool
Stranger: A tight knit community can be nice
You: mhm, and it was actually writing, which was nice too
You: it was fun to sort of put characters and stories together
Stranger: Do you still write?
You: mhm super on and off
Stranger: Can iiiii
Stranger: Read it?
You: nope! XD
Stranger: Ughh
You: lol
Stranger: Worth a shot
You: I did nanowrimo freshman year of uni
Stranger: brah im canadian
You: it's an internet thing!
Stranger: Ohhhh
Stranger: Thats cool af
You: yeah but the thing I wrote was total trash lol
Stranger: Can i read that?
You: lol absolutely not lol
Stranger: But i want to so badd
You: when you rush to write 50k words in a month, that's like 1666 words a day
You: so basically you vomit over the page
You: and like your subconscious shows up on it which can be really bad
You: like it's like bad fanfiction but even worse
Stranger: Damn
Stranger: Exposed your Id for the world to see
You: yeah lol
Stranger: Idk if im mixing up id ego andsuperego
Stranger: I dont remember which is which lol
You: I don't remember the difference between them either
Stranger: Oh well
Stranger: Ugh i want to read it so bad lol
You: Ama: worst trouble you've ever been?
You: *been in
Stranger: I got hit for plagiarism once on a throwaway course
Stranger: I didnt do it thoughh
You: what?
Stranger: Lol it was a roman literature course
Stranger: And i used the wrong translation reference
Stranger: And the prof was a stickler for it
Stranger: I could have fought it but i didnt care enough
You: ohh
Stranger: Whops
You: yeah...
Stranger: Thats not even that bad tbh lol
Stranger: I mean maybe if you're a phd, but i was in business school and it was an elective
You: mhm
Stranger: You?
You: oh which one should I pick lol
You: I'll pick a parents one
You: so in high school, I also drew on deviantart
Stranger: whats that
You: ohh it's like the art website
You: deviantart is like one of the biggest art websites, or at least used to be?
Stranger: Waitt
Stranger: Is it that like sex drawing site?
You: mhm no?
Stranger: Lol okk...
Stranger: Go on
You: although I guess people do draw some nsfw things
You: anyway
You: so I had a friend on that site, who had really serious problems
You: he cut and wrote really bloody and graphic pobik
You: poems
You: and we would pm and message each other
You: and my parents found out
You: and then freaked out
You: because they thought I was going to elope
You: to denmark
Stranger: LMAO
You: which is where the guy was
Stranger: Did you?
You: we were like 16
You: lol no
You: and it wasn't romantic
Stranger: darn
Stranger: Still a chance
You: yeah so I got banned from the computer
You: so like overnight I disappeared from the Internet
You: and I got really worried for him because basically I just disappeared one day
You: and like, he's not really stable you know?
Stranger: Mhmm yea
Stranger: Was he ok?
You: mhm like a year or two later he turned out okay
Stranger: Oohhh niceee
You: yeah
You: I only have one sad internet story
You: well with a bad ending
Stranger: Ohhhh
You: but yeah, for some reason I end up finding ppl with problems a lot
Stranger: You found me
You: D:
You: do you have many problems?
Stranger: Loll, i regular amount of problems i think
You: oh okay, I got worried ^^;
Stranger: Lol, i'm good
You: mhm that's good
Stranger: Could use some ice cream
Stranger: Mango
You: what time is it for you?
Stranger: 3am
Stranger: You?
You: same late
Stranger: Your schedule is fucked up too eh
You: mhm
Stranger: Yayy
You: we are doing shifts at my lab right now
You: since we're kind of half capacity
You: and I've been doing a lot of 2-10pm ones
Stranger: Oh truuue
You: the other one is 6am-2pm lol
Stranger: I've just been staying up because i can do contract work whenever lol
Stranger: Oh wowww
You: mhm
You: well it's the easiest way to fit 8-hours twice in a day lol
Stranger: Lol yeahh
Stranger: So what hobbies you have?
Stranger: Do you still draw?
You: uhh they're almost the same as in high school
You: except I'm less active lol
You: and I don't draw
Stranger: Damnn
Stranger: Highschol you was cool af
You: mhm I didn't really share those hobbies in high school lol
Stranger: Probably a good idea at the time lol
You: did you have a bad experience in high school?
Stranger: Longgggg story
You: ohh
Stranger: Ill shorten it i guess lol
You: okay
Stranger: I didnt get to go to the highscool everyone i went to middleschool with went to
Stranger: My parents didnt like that school
Stranger: I went to some catholic school instead and i was pisssseddd
You: ohh
Stranger: So first year i kinda was being a dick
Stranger: After that i kinda coooled off and made friends who i enjoyed hanging out with
You: mhm
Stranger: Wasnt as long as i thought it would be
Stranger: Im just really good at summaries i guess
You: ohh haha, I was expecting more haha
Stranger: sorry
You: mhm it's fine ^^
You: did you stay in touch with your middle school friends?
Stranger: Nooo
You: aww
Stranger: To be honest
Stranger: My parents made the right call
You: mhm how so?
Stranger: That other highschool and my friend circle was not great
You: mhm
Stranger: At the time it was the end of teh world
Stranger: You know, teenager things lol
You: yeah haha
You: did you have siblings?
Stranger: I doo
Stranger: One brother
Stranger: How about you?
You: younger brother!
Stranger: Damn same thing
You: lol
Stranger: Was he a snitch?
You: mhm not really
You: he was adorable actually
Stranger: Thats coool
Stranger: You guys still close?
You: I would say so, kinda
You: I'm not a very lovey-dovey person when it comes to family
Stranger: Mhmm, i get it
You: but yeah, I'm fairly close with my brother, kinda
Stranger: Lol yeah
Stranger: Im also 'kinda' close
You: I guess it's "kinda" for me because we get along really well whenever I'm home
You: but we don't talk a lot when we're apart
Stranger: Lolllll
Stranger: Same
Stranger: WE message eachother on our bdays
Stranger: or if something is up with the parents
You: lol once a year?
You: mhm yeah
Stranger: Yeaaa
Stranger: Hit me with another ama?
You: mhm I didn't prepare one lol
Stranger: Oof
Stranger: Go find a celeb and develop a crush
You: I'm still curious about your ex
You: sorry to dig it up again
Stranger: Its okkk
Stranger: It is what it is
Stranger: I think we just were headed in different directions
Stranger: And the idea of what was held us together
Stranger: When was your last relationship?
You: mhm I need to count lol
You: 5 yeas
Stranger: oh woww
You: is it surprising?
Stranger: Lol idk kinda
You: mhm I kind of had these little fluffy things in between since then but I'm not really counting them
Stranger: Yeaaa
Stranger: I understand
Stranger: Do you date and stuff?
You: mhmm not actively no
Stranger: Truuue
You: how long was your last relationship?
Stranger: 3 years?
You: mhm
Stranger: My longest one
You: mhm it must have been hard
Stranger: It wass, but i knew it had to be done
Stranger: Wasnt fair to either of us
You: mhm
Stranger: Sorry to be such a downer lol
You: no it's fine
You: life has its dark parts and lighter parts
You: I'm very familiar with that
Stranger: Just like cells
You: cells?
You: ohhh
You: those cells lol
Stranger: I'm an amateur cellologist
You: lol
Stranger: My favorite is CD45RA+ AB T cells
You: lol I stuck a bunch of letter together
Stranger: But he's so darn cute
You: mhmm sooo
You: I just realized that the number online right now is way higher than it was this afternoon
Stranger: No idea, i didnt really note it
Stranger: West coast probably hoped on
You: yeah
Stranger: East coast best
You: lol
You: what sites do you frequent aside from omegle?
You: reddit is one...
Stranger: Lol yea
Stranger: Thats the big one
You: mhm what subs?
Stranger: Askhistorians
Stranger: Fitness
Stranger: Books
Stranger: campingandhiking
Stranger: cooking
Stranger: changemy view
Stranger: dataisbeautiful
Stranger: explainlikeim5
You: those are really great subs ^^
Stranger: Lol i just looked down the list
Stranger: On my subscribed
You: was there more or did you stop at E? xD
Stranger: A ton more lol
You: oh lol
You: so many
Stranger: I'll stop though
You: yeah
Stranger: Those are kinda my big ones
Stranger: How about you?
You: mhm I don't use reddit
You: I did briefly in uni
You: actually around the 2016 election I was pretty active haha
Stranger: Ooof
Stranger: You're a big politics buff
You: I was a mod at the NeutralPolitics sub ^^
You: I'm like weirdly proud of that even though it was like only for a month
Stranger: Loll
Stranger: Thats really cool
Stranger: Not as cool as me being a mod of ultimate muscle subreddit
You: whaaat?
Stranger: A niche anime on fox that nobody has watched
You: lol
Stranger: I might make you assistant to the mod if you play your cards right
You: lol
You: mhmm it's getting kind of late I think
Stranger: Yeaaa
Stranger: Any chance you have discord?
Stranger: I had fun talking
You: mhm I do, but I don't share ^^
You: sorry
You: and I had fun talking too
Stranger: Dont worry, i wont out your fanfics
You: lool
You: I have a rules with myself for omegle
You: one of them is that I just don't continue anything offline
You: #pastmistakes
Stranger: Oh nooo
Stranger: What did you do lol
You: lol uhh it's pretty bad lol
Stranger: go onnn
You: umm, it's horrible enough that I probably shouldn't share ^^
Stranger: brahh, i had to talk about my ex
You: mhm but I had some heavy periods in the past
Stranger: dishh
Stranger: Get extra absorbent
You: omggggg rofl
You: basically times that were really emotionally low
You: it's easy to end up with people online for various reasons
You: and not turn out that great
You: I guess is probably the short story ^^
Stranger: You fell for some guy and it got weird?
You: pretty much
You: I actually crush over guys pretty easily online
Stranger: And i'm like super crushable
You: aww
You: but I just think it's better not to
Stranger: Many a maiden had fallen victim to my charm
You: lol
Stranger: I get it, i dont wanna cause you any distress
You: mhm, anyhow, have a wonderful night
Stranger: You tooo
You: goodnight!
Stranger: Gnight
You have disconnected.
0 notes
anonymoustalks · 4 years
I don't see why being sentimental needs to mean giving up property rights
(6-19-20) You both like politics.
Stranger: Hey
Stranger: How are you?
You: I'm fine you?
Stranger: I'm okay
Stranger: Changed my asset allocation a bit
You: ohh fancy
You: how so?
Stranger: Added international equities
You: mhm is there a reason why?
Stranger: Diversification
You: I see
Stranger: It's pretty cheap
Stranger: Fidelity's international index fund is like 0.035% a year
You: ohh
You: is it a lower rate than domestic ones?
Stranger: Yup, that's like $3.5 for every $10,000
Stranger: No
You: oh, it's higher?
You: or about the same?
Stranger: I mean, Fidelity even has a zero expense ratio index series now
Stranger: I don't personally use it but you can get that if you want
You: idk what that means ^^
Stranger: It's 0 for all
Stranger: No expense ratio
Stranger: 0 expense ratio
You: sorry I'm not super financially literate so idk what that means
You: like no fees or something?
Stranger: You don't pay an annual fee on the fund
You: ahh k
Stranger: How old are you?
You: 26
Stranger: Ok
You: you?
Stranger: I'm 24
You: mhm it's good that you're investing
Stranger: I've been investing for a few years now
Stranger: Mostly domestic equities
You: yeah do you just follow index funds?
Stranger: It's painful to change allocation
You: why?
Stranger: I just buy index funds, yes
Stranger: Because selling means taxes
You: mhm
Stranger: Unless you're in a 401k or IRA
You: right
Stranger: But the space there is limited
Stranger: And I invest a lot more than those limits
You: right
Stranger: Index funds are pretty cheap these days
You: mhm I heard they are good to buy
You: I was told that when you're young you should buy riskier though
Stranger: It's like buying a share the one company that you would get
Stranger: if all the companies merged together
You: right
Stranger: Riskier than equities?
You: stocks
Stranger: Like leveraged equities?
Stranger: Yeah?
Stranger: I mean, stock index funds buy stocks
Stranger: Underneath
You: mhm
You: what brings you to omegle?
Stranger: Just bored on a Friday evening
Stranger: Got done with work
Stranger: Reading news
You: ah okay
You: what tags do you normally do?
Stranger: Hm, computer science, investing, politics, san francisco
You: oh you're from SF?
Stranger: Bay Area, yeah
Stranger: Unfortunately
You: mhm expensive
Stranger: Eh
You: not really?
Stranger: I mean, the pay is a fair bit higher
Stranger: Expenses don't scale as much
Stranger: Like the rent here is 2.5K for a 1 bedroom apartment
You: ahh okay
Stranger: I pay 1.25K a month
Stranger: my girlfriend pays 1.25K
Stranger: But my pay would be like 5K a month less in say Tennessee
You: I see
Stranger: So money left after rent is definitely higher here
Stranger: Than wherever else
You: mhm
Stranger: Rent in Tennessee may be 1K a month but who cares really
You: does your workplace have offices in other states?
Stranger: Totally
Stranger: Like ten states
You: mhm
You: yeah I haven't thought very much about how differently the same company in different states
You: *pays
Stranger: Incredibly differently
Stranger: https://www.levels.fyi/locations/
You: I feel like the stereotype is that SF has a lot of fancy tech companies, therefore the salary is high because of the company
Stranger: The median pay in the Bay Area is 239K
Stranger: It's 115K in Dallas
You: mhm
You: (I was just thinking 239k is a lot haha)
Stranger: 136K in Chicago
Stranger: 239K is the median here, you can make more if you are more senior
Stranger: Or perform well above average
Stranger: This is tech
Stranger: Pay
Stranger: I mean
You: right
You: I'm not familiar with tech salaries
Stranger: That site has a good summary
Stranger: Anyway..
You: it's interesting, thanks for sharing it
Stranger: What do you do in life
You: research tech
Stranger: Okay
Stranger: It says you like politics
Stranger: What are your interests there
You: mhm, pretty general I guess
You: I'm mostly here to hear about other ppl's opinions
You: I'm interesting in the diversity of opinions across different areas I guess
You: *interested
Stranger: Are you a guy
You: yup
Stranger: Same
Stranger: Do you plan on getting married
You: mhm... idk
You: you?
Stranger: I'm not
You: that sounds very resolute even though you're cohabitating?
Stranger: Well, yeah, talked this through on the third date
Stranger: We've been together since sophomore year of college
You: right
You: and is there a reason why you dont want to get married?
Stranger: Don't see any reason to
Stranger: All you get is lose property rights
You: mhm in what way?
Stranger: As in you don't own anything
Stranger: The marriage does
Stranger: Which is why things get divvied up in divorce
You: oh, so you prefer to keep things totally separate?
Stranger: Most definitely
You: mhm you sound like a hyper-rational person
You: I feel like the popular norm is to get a prenup
Stranger: Eh
Stranger: I would definitely not call that a norm
Stranger: Almost nobody gets a prenup
You: hm, really?
Stranger: As a % of marriages
You: oh I just thought that the stereotype was that among highly educated people with a lot going into a marriage, they would
Stranger: https://www.oceansidedivorcelawfirm.com/prenup/prenuptial-agreement-statistics/
Stranger: "Despite half of all marriages ending in divorce, only 11% of couples state that there’s a chance their marriage could end in divorce and less than 5% have a prenup in place to protect their interests should they divorce"
You: like marriage laywers and things
You: but idk
You: I feel like not all americans have incomes on the level that you do
Stranger: And prenups get routinely thrown out
Stranger: I mean, that's just not true
Stranger: Jeff Bezos just divorced
Stranger: Richest man on earth
Stranger: Because his wife was extra awesome
Stranger: He only had to give 25% of his assets
Stranger: lol
Stranger: Otherwise it'd be at least 50%
Stranger: Now she's one of the richest people on earth
You: mhm
Stranger: What
You: hm?
Stranger: I mean
Stranger: Jeff Bezos was valedictorian at Princeton
Stranger: In Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Stranger: He started by working at an investment banking firm in NYC
Stranger: He was always elite...
Stranger: Didn't get a prenup
You: right
Stranger: And at any rate
Stranger: The courts just say
Stranger: The wife was under duress
Stranger: Or it has aged out
You: in either case I thought it was just a stereotype, I could just be totally wrong
Stranger: If the marriage is more than a couple years old
You: mhm
Stranger: I think it makes the relationship stronger for sure
Stranger: Given it's so easy to just walk out
You: what makes the relationship stronger?
Stranger: You've really got to be choosing to be with the other person everyday
You: ahh yeah
Stranger: I mean
Stranger: Married people
Stranger: A lot of them
You: I guess I haven't thought very much about the meaning of marriage
Stranger: Just put up with whatever
Stranger: Just to avoid the hassle
You: mhm
You: I guess for me I'm just irrationally sentimental haha
Stranger: Hm, okay
Stranger: I don't see why being sentimental needs to mean giving up property rights
You: I mean from my eyes, you seem to be a hyper-rational person
Stranger: That seems like unnecessary negative judgement on people that don't get married
You: hm? I don't mean it negatively
You: sorry if it came off that way
Stranger: Okay
Stranger: So you said you research tech?
You: you just seem like 500% more rational than everyone haha
Stranger: What do you mean by that exactly
You: research technician?
Stranger: Ah ok
You: like sort of do experiments
Stranger: I read it as
Stranger: I research "tech"
You: oh yeah, it's just the job title
Stranger: Makes sense
Stranger: So what are your political ideas generally
Stranger: Also what state are you in
You: mhm new england
You: I'm kind of moderate left
Stranger: Okay
You: I don't have extremely strong views
You: it's more so I'm very interested in understanding the views of others
You: and I guess the kind of lives that other ppl have
You: I think the coasts are kind of a bubble
You: it's easy to miss what a lot of the country goes through
Stranger: Well
Stranger: The coasts are kind of a bubble
Stranger: But they also do have most of the people
Stranger: So like, pretty representativwe
Stranger: representative*
You: mhm idk if that kind of reasoning works
You: like if you were to hypothetically imagine a world democracy
You: it's like saying asia is representative of the world
Stranger: Well, works if you weight it by people rather than by geographical area
Stranger: No, since Asia only makes up 40% of the world's population
Stranger: And there's little linking India and China
Stranger: Two vastly different cultures
Stranger: Other than white people saying
Stranger: "Ok, this is Europe, which is where I'm at - all this stuff east of me is asia"
You: hm? you've lost me a little
Stranger: I'm just saying Asia as a label doesn't make sense since there's little tying say China to India
Stranger: And moreover Asia is not representative of the world in general
You: oh, idk divisions are arbitrary
Stranger: Most of the GDP is not in Asia
You: or at least, my statement was intended as a counterargument
You: for the coasts being representative of the US based on the premise that most of the population is concentrated there
Stranger: Well, not really as a % of the population
Stranger: If 75% of people were in Asia
Stranger: And all incomes were same across earth
Stranger: Then yes, Asia would pretty much be world
You: mhm I just think that there's a function and purpose to having a government that takes into consideration geography
You: for instance, I don't believe in presidential elections based entirely on popular vote
You: even though I am a democrat
Stranger: Hm, ok
Stranger: Well, there's some chance the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact will go through
You: the design of the senate is to ensure that each state (which is a geographical designation) has a voice in government
You: otherwise states like idk idaho would have no voice at all
Stranger: Sure
You: I think electoral reform is good though
You: in either case I do think a rural-urban divide should be considered
You: and I think protections should exist for rural interests
Stranger: I see
Stranger: So you're voting Joe Biden?
You: yup
Stranger: What policies of his do you like?
You: mhm it's more of a "I definitely won't vote trump"
Stranger: Right
You: what are your thoughts?
Stranger: On his policies?
You: sure, or in general
Stranger: Hm
Stranger: I suppose I'm pretty neutral
Stranger: I think they have similar policies
You: who did you support in the primary?
Stranger: Although I suppose I do prefer Trump's policies more in general although not a fan of him as a person
You: which of his policies did you like?
Stranger: Did not vote in the primaries
Stranger: Cutting corporate tax rates for one
Stranger: That's one I think is definitely important
Stranger: Reducing trade imbalances
Stranger: Especially with China I think is very critical
Stranger: He's got great policy on that
You: are those the tariffs or are you talking about something else?
Stranger: Individual income tax cuts I'm not a fan of
Stranger: He blew a massive hole in the budget
Stranger: I mean the negotiations in general
Stranger: The tariffs are a means to an end
You: ahh I see
You: I haven't seen a lot of data on outcomes of trade
Stranger: Joe Biden has great policy regarding SS
Stranger: He wants to impose the SS taxes after 400,000
Stranger: I think the cap should be removed entirely
Stranger: It's a nonsensical system
You: ah yeah
Stranger: I also like his carbon tax a lot, even though climate change is not really a concern of mine
Stranger: Since it is very much like a VAT or sales tax
Stranger: Which I'm a big fan of by Democrats say they hate...
Stranger: but*
You: mhm
You: it sounds like economics are you main concern
Stranger: Joe Biden also has great immigration policu
Stranger: He has called for a moratorium on deportations
Stranger: Trump is doing buffoonish stuff there
Stranger: Although Biden wants to deport criminals which makes no sense
Stranger: Given the high recidivism levels
Stranger: They just reenter the border illegally and commit more crimes
You: mhm interesting
Stranger: They need to be imprisoned not deported
Stranger: Well
Stranger: Housing policy is my primary concern, over economics
You: oh, how so?
Stranger: But I see that more as a state-level issue and not a federal one
Stranger: Well
Stranger: In the San Francisco Bay Area for instance
Stranger: Over 90% of the land zoned for residential use is zoned single-family
Stranger: i.e. it is illegal to build anything but a single-family house
You: huh
Stranger: Causing massive housing shortages
Stranger: The housing prices are through the roof
Stranger: And especially low earners are very house poor
You: is this a controversial issue at all?
You: I don't understand why your city would keep those zoning regulations
Stranger: Because the homeowners like it
You: mhm
Stranger: The current governor Gavin Newsom ran saying he'll fight for reform
Stranger: But he got nothing done
Stranger: Nothing at all
You: right...
Stranger: The median home price in the Bay Area is like a million dollars
You: are zoning regulations city ordinances?
You: so it would be city council elections?
Stranger: City or county depending on context
Stranger: Yeah, in a lot of cases
You: ahh kay
You: I actually don't know what the housing secretary of various departments do
Stranger: Housing secretary of various departments?
Stranger: What do you mean by that
Stranger: Like the HUD secretary?
You: yup
You: I think there are some state counterparts too
Stranger: The HUD mostly manages so called section 8 housing
Stranger: across the various states
You: subsidizing housing?
Stranger: Yeah
You: ahh okay
You: yeah I know very little about this
You: thanks for explaining it to me
Stranger: Really the important part is increasing supply
Stranger: Subsidizing it is not a cure at all
Stranger: Since you still can't physically put more people in no matter what
Stranger: Unless there are more actual housing units
You: is it the developer who decides whether to make something section 8 versus something normal?
Stranger: Well, depends on the ordinance really
Stranger: Usually they require a certain %
Stranger: Like if you build 100 units, at least 30 have to be rent stabilized
Stranger: Or whatever
You: oh
Stranger: Sometimes they can even contribute to a fund instead of actually building the subsidized housing
You: right
Stranger: No developer in their right mind would do that by their own will
Stranger: I mean
Stranger: It's all silly
Stranger: We have that here
You: mhm
Stranger: But it's just very upsetting seeing so many people so house poor
You: yea
You: thanks for explaining all these things to me
Stranger: Anyway
Stranger: I should have dinner now
Stranger: Nice chat
Stranger: Goodbye
You: alright good night!
Stranger has disconnected.
0 notes
anonymoustalks · 4 years
take your shitty idealism AND FUCK OFF
(6-19-20) You both like politics.
You: hiyoo
Stranger: you know what
You: hm?
Stranger: how about
You: about...?
Stranger: you take your shitty idealism
Stranger: AND FUCK OFF
You: sorry...
Stranger has disconnected.
0 notes
anonymoustalks · 4 years
just hopping to discord, flirting, sexting and either of us getting butthurt and blocking the other person
(6-19-20) You both like nonbinary.
Stranger: not horny
You: hi
You: okay cool
Stranger: hai
Stranger: What brings you here?
You: mhm floating around randomly
You: you?
Stranger: i felt lonely
You: aww
You: I'm not looking for relationships btw
Stranger: i am, but i'm also down to just chat
You: mhm cool!
Stranger: ^_^
You: have you found many relationships off omegle before?
You: just curious
Stranger: yas, at least a dozen
You: ahhh what are they like?
Stranger: just hopping to discord, flirting, sexting and either of us getting butthurt and blocking the other person
Stranger: heh
You: aww
Stranger: it's like, an actual pattern - fascinating
You: yeah... it kind of scares me haha
Stranger: heh
You: I think I did it once or twice and decided never again haha ^^;
Stranger: phrased it poorly, we don't necessarily get butthurt while flirting or sexting, just eventually
You: lol wow
Stranger: i command your wisdom
You: mhm so are you in college?
Stranger: nah, i'm unemployed
Stranger: how about you
You: mhm I'm 26
Stranger: i'm 24
You: grad school
Stranger: please don't laugh, but i've heard it many times and still don't know what it is
You: oh grad school?
Stranger: yas
You: graduate school?
You: school after college?
Stranger: i had no idea that exists
You: oh it's like ppl going for extra degrees
You: like a masters
You: or a law degree or med school or phd
Stranger: i see, thanks for explaining <3
You: no problem ^^
Stranger: i might actually end up there then
You: oh yeah?
Stranger: because currently my plan is to learn full stack development, then work at a startup, save up for going abroad and applying to a university where they teach computer science
You: ohh that's cool
Stranger: and since it's a generic degree thing, you can specialize in all kinds of stuff after that
You: right
You: it's cool that you're into computer science
Stranger: so i have no idea what am i really passionate about, what do i want to end up doing in life, but i thought i'll take this journey to find out
You: mhm right
Stranger: it sounds crazy exciting
Stranger: and i just needed to realize that it doesn't matter how good MOOCs are, you probably can't really learn it at home
You: MOOCs?
Stranger: massive online [something] course
Stranger: heh
You: oooh
Stranger: some universities make their curricula available online
Stranger: for free
You: oh that's cool
Stranger: yeah, it's actually sick
You: yeah I think that's great
Stranger: can you send a hug
You: sure! <3
Stranger: thank
You: *hugs* any day!
Stranger: ^_^
Stranger: gotta fucking love hugs
You: yeah they're great
You: I think skinship is important
Stranger: Come again?
You: ohh just being able to physically in contact with people
You: like hugging and touching
Stranger: ah, yes, that's so important
Stranger: i'm deprived
Stranger: someone touch me :(
You: mhm :c
You: when I was single, I used to wish that there was an easy way to sleep with people
You: without the sex
You: like just cuddling and sleeping
Stranger: ah, like literally sleeping?
You: yup!
You: I'm not that sexual tbh...
Stranger: i see
You: but I love physical intimacy
Stranger: totally valid, hope you know
You: mhm thanks
Stranger: ^_^
Stranger: don't listen to the bigoted fucks
Stranger: but then again, it's not that easy
Stranger: words hurt and shit
Stranger: :(
You: mhm yeah
Stranger: i just want to hug you
You: mhm *hugs*
Stranger: while i'm sexual af, i wouldn't mind to go platonic
You: haha ^^ I think there's nothing wrong with hugs
Stranger: hey, sure
Stranger: it always boils down to the person's needs
You: right
You: something that always worked for me is finding someone who I could just say goodmorning to every morning
Stranger: Hey, would you like to do that with me on discord?
You: preferably someone fluffy
You: mhm I'm taken right now haha sorry ^^
Stranger: i meant like friends, but i respecc
You: mhm, when I was lonely, I would find people and harass them with my cheerfulness haha ^^;
You: I'd like spam them with good morning every day
You: although with time zones it was sometimes painful to wait for them to wake up
Stranger: i see
Stranger: i'll move on, wish you the best
You: mmh
You: you too! good luck!
Stranger: <3
Stranger has disconnected.
2 notes · View notes
anonymoustalks · 4 years
I'm the first male in 6 generations to not become a coal miner. Dads a preacher, grandpas a preacher. I dont line up much with them.
(6-19-20) You both like politics.
You: hiyoo
Stranger: Hello
You: what's on your mind?
Stranger: Where are you from?
You: us east
Stranger: Same here. And mostly just different environmental roll backs. You?
You: mhm bail laws
You: which environmental rollbacks?
Stranger: Ones pertaining to furthering waste dumping into my local streams
You: oh...
Stranger: Making the fish inedible
You: are they local roll backs?
Stranger: Federal
Stranger: With local gov support though
You: ah...
Stranger: Yeah. Money over clean water I guess.
You: yeah I guess
You: are there rollbacks of bills or executive orders?
Stranger: Well this was from rolling back regulations in the clean water act a few months back. But my understanding is there are about 100 other regulations pertaining to water and air quality going to be rolled back.
You: ahh okay
Stranger: So what's on your mind?
You: oh I was just reading about bail reform, nothing particularly specific
You: I'm curious about the clean water act though because I'm not that familiar with it
Stranger: Oh damn, you mentioned that, my bad.
You: did congress vote to repeal it?
You: or does like trump/epa just have the authority to change parts of it?
Stranger: I think this was done by andrew Whittaker, head of EPA. But with urging from trump.
You: ahh I see
Stranger: Former coal exec and lobbyist in charge of the EPA. Lol
Stranger: What a time to be alive
You: yeah... trump clearly just wanted to gut the organization
Stranger: Yeah. I have many disagreements with trump but his stance on the environment is the number 1 thing that irks me.
You: I sometimes get asked by people "what bad things did trump" and I'm not informed enough to list things
You: so it's helpful to know about the clean water act specifically
Stranger: Yeah. If he believed in human driven climate change I could handle a lot more of the stuff he does.
Stranger: He has said the sound from wind turbines cause cancer lol
You: mhm my brother isn't very compelled by moral/stupidity arguments, so if I can't find like legitimate policy changes that trump has done, I don't think I'll be able to convince my brother very well
You: like he doesn't care if trump says stupid stuff
Stranger: Yeah I get that. I'm from west virginia, coal country. So even many of the bad things hes done dont matter with many folks here.
Stranger: I'll give trump credit on his foreign policy and that's it. I really thought we'd be in another war by now.
You: mhm
Stranger: Is your brother a hunter?
You: nope he's like an english major
Stranger: An english major who supports trump. That's an interesting combo.
You: yeah weird, right?
You: or well, he doesn't support anybody
Stranger: But he hates one side more than the other?
You: I'm not sure if he hates either side really
You: it's more like he believes that not that many bad changes have happened under trump
You: so he's fine with him getting reelected
Stranger: Well I guess ignorance is bliss. I dont know how to change someone like that's mind.
You: yeah idk
You: I think he's kind of politically apathetic
Stranger: Besides just pointing out things hes done lol.
You: like things don't affect him so he doesn't care
Stranger: Yeah I get that. I could see how trump would be appealing to people like that. If you remove all real life ramifications trump is funny as hell.
You: mhm
You: so what does your family think?
Stranger: I'm the first male in 6 generations to not become a coal miner. Dads a preacher, grandpas a preacher. I dont line up much with them.
You: ohh ^^
Stranger: But they're good people. Sometimes it's just hard not to lose my mind when discussing politics with them.
You: ahh yeah... do they get heated as well?
Stranger: Only on certain issues that I see as irrelevant. Things like gay marriage still gets them worked up.
You: ahh are you religious at all??
Stranger: Not really. I dont know if there is a god nor do I care. I just try to not be a dick.
You: right
You: I'm kind of visualizing a huge rift in your family haha ^^;
Stranger: Haha well it's not that bad. I keep in much of what I would say for the sake of preserving relationships.
You: ahh true
You: do you have other siblings?
Stranger: I have a sister. Shes turned out like the rest of the family.
You: oh is she older or younger?
Stranger: Older by 2 years. She has a couple children, married to a coal miner, goes to church 3 times a week.
You: ahh sounds conservative ^^
You: do you still live in west virginia or did you move out?
Stranger: I live here currently but only due to covid. I'll be moving to South Korea soon to teach english.
You: ohh wow!
You: that's really cool
Stranger: I'm excited. I've known a few people to do it and they've all loved it.
You: yeah that sounds really exciting
Stranger: I hope I can tune out some of the US politics while I'm there. If that's possible
You: mhm exhausting?
Stranger: Yeah and it's my fault for continually reading about it. But I cant seem to stop.
You: mhm for me I feel like i'm on and off
You: like I can go for months without reading the news
You: I think the protests drew me back to omegle haha
Stranger: That's amazing. I've kept up with it all consistently for 10 years. I love geography so sometimes I can take a break from US politics but it all leads back to politics eventually.
Stranger: I get on here for an hour every day while visiting my grandparents.
You: oh my goodness, that's a lot haha
You: I feel like you must have seen so much on omegle lolol
Stranger: Haha. I try to match on geography but I typically only get politics.
Stranger: It's new to me. Maybe been doing this for a month
You: ahh I see
You: I was like totally thinking to myself (omegle for 10 years?!)
Stranger: Hahahaha. I tried it probably 10 years ago but that was a different time and had nothing to do with politics lol
You: mhm yeah idk what it would have been like 10 years ago
Stranger: About the same. Back then video chat had less people jacking off and more people just goofing off and talking.
You: ohh
You: I never use video chat lol
Stranger: Dont
Stranger: It's terrible now lol
You: I think I might have tried it once and it freaked me out a little lol
Stranger: Yeah definitely. There are many strange people in this world.
You: mhm or at least
You: to some extent it's kind of amazing how many people can be horny at any given time
Stranger: No kidding. It makes me feel strange because of how un-horny i am 99% of the time.
You: i know right?!
Stranger: What's peoples fascination with sex? Like it's fun and all that but people are addicted to it lol
You: mhm yeah, or at least, I would ordinarily think that there'd be better things to do than come onto omegle for it haha ^^;
Stranger: So many of my friends have just always been focused on getting laid. Just never been a top priority for me.
You: ahh I've always been curious what that kind of culture is like
Stranger: Yeah lol. Wanting to jerk off to random strangers after 100x skips...
You: yeah I know lol
Stranger: I was like that in senior year of high school but it quickly lost its appeal. Not the omegle stuff
You: mhm
You: like I've never done tinder so I've always wondered what it was like
You: I read a statistic somewhere that like 50% of college kids did it or something
Stranger: Like if a girl is attractive but has no personality or interest it's impossible for me to be attracted to them
Stranger: Yeah I've never used it either. I considered it once but you needed a facebook and I didnt want to make one.
You: ohh
You: I didn't know it needed a facebook
You: you're pretty oldschool for not having one of those either haha
Stranger: Hahaha. It's because I have too high of an opinion of myself and find it easier to critique others :p
You: lol haha
Stranger: I have one opinion of facebook and even though I know it's incredibly diverse in the way it can be used I stick to my one notion of it
Stranger: I dont have any social media besides a WhatsApp that I downloaded to keep in contact with some international students form college
You: mhmm
You: I have a facebook but it's basically unused haha
You: I'm a bit too introverted I think
Stranger: That's a good quality. The thing that frustrates me about Facebook is however shares their opinion on everything.
You: facebook the company?
Stranger: How everyone*
You: ohh okay
Stranger: No just users
Stranger: I hear so much from friends about unfriending people over political beliefs.
You: ahh wow, I didn't realize there was so much of that kind of stuff
Stranger: Idk if there is for sure. But its prevalent in my friend group lol
You: mhm I'm basically silent and don't post anything haha
You: I don't think most of my friends know my political opinions
You: idk if that's a good or bad thing though
Stranger: Both probably lol. Save yourself some unnecessary conflict but I guess bad in the sense that you should stand up for what you believe
You: mhm right
You: I'm probably a terrible activist ^^;
Stranger: Hahaha. Most activists are terrible and 99% will never see what they want come true. I might be cynical though..
You: mhm, but I mean, I live through inaction, so I feel like it's not my place to criticize since I'm not even doing anything
Stranger: I can respect that. I criticize activists a lot mostly due to the order of my priorities. I can agree with activists but still be angry that they're not rallying against what I'd consider the most important issue.
You: ahh
Stranger: It's an issue
You: yeah it's definitely easy to get drowned out
Stranger: Hopefully living abroad with make me reexamine my beliefs
Stranger: Where there are so many things going wrong at once I just feel hopeless and I believe thinking badly of others is some sort of defense mechanism or something.
You: mhmm
Stranger: But I do have to go. It was nice talking with you. Good luck in your life friend.
You: you too!
You: it was great talking
Stranger: Goodbye
You: bye!
Stranger has disconnected.
0 notes
anonymoustalks · 4 years
irl no ones using my correct pronouns, i get called faggot and tranny, but in bed, these men want my body for what it is
(6-19-20) You both like nonbinary.
You: hey
Stranger: suuup
You: hiya
Stranger: how’re u?
You: I'm fine, trying to navigate a site I'm not familiar with
Stranger: this one?
You: nope, omegle is easy
You: a news site
Stranger: oh true
Stranger: pronouns?
Stranger: mine are they/them/she
You: mhm, I guess they/them
You: I kind of avoid mention of it entirely on omegle haha
Stranger: i just wanna make sure i don’t misgendered
You: sure ^^ it's good to be clear
Stranger: :)
Stranger: how old are you?
You: 26
You: you?
Stranger: oh shit
Stranger: i’m 25
Stranger: nice to meet you
Stranger: lmao
You: oh we're pretty close in age haha
You: I feel like there are many younger enbies
Stranger: yeah we are that doesn’t often happen
Stranger: yeah there are
Stranger: when did you identify?
You: mhm sometime around college probably
Stranger: i only really came into my transness a year ago
Stranger: it was odd and confronting
Stranger: but i’m glad
You: mhm I really struggled with dysphoria and things in college, and then wondered if I was binary trans for a long while
Stranger: oh jeez
Stranger: dysphoria
You: mhm
Stranger: what a mind fuck
Stranger: literally i was gonna ask if you’ve ever been dysphoric
You: ohh haha ^^
You: what about you?
Stranger: sucks ass
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: heavy
You: ahh I'm sorry
Stranger: i’m on antidepressants for it lmao
You: ohh yeah
Stranger: i’ve been coping a lot better with medication
Stranger: but i was mad suicidal for months
Stranger: probs tmi too early lmao but
Stranger: welp
You: no it's fine
You: I'm glad that medication is going well for you ^^
Stranger: thanks :) really saved my life
You: mhm
Stranger: before it, i was so fucking scared to even be awake
Stranger: with my thoughts
You: yeah that sounds so scary
Stranger: i’d shower at 4am in the morning, to avoid the sun light and having to see my reflection
Stranger: removed all the mirrors in my room
You: mmhm I hated mirrors too!!
Stranger: that kinda shit
You: yeah
Stranger: idk it’s a day to day thing
Stranger: wbu?
Stranger: i’m tapping
Stranger: *yapping
You: it can be cyclical for me too
You: when it was worst in college, it would be like every month or two, I would have a very bad week
You: and like I would just not go to any of my classes
You: and not leave my bed basically
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: same
Stranger: like literally
You: but then after a week maybe it would be better for a while
Stranger: same
Stranger: and then back to square one
You: yup and repeat
Stranger: did you ever experience panic attacks
Stranger: or just raging fits of crying
You: mh for me not really
You: crying yes, but not in public as much
Stranger: oh hell no id never let anyone see me cry lmao
You: haha
Stranger: i may be dysphoric but you ain’t gonna have that on me
You: lol
Stranger: that’s for me and these four walls
Stranger: had to use grounding techniques when i’d have an episode
You: mhmm
Stranger: they’d get so bad that my vision would fucking blur
Stranger: and then the come down is just exhaustion
Stranger: lotta sleeping and shit
You: yeah
Stranger: but you know
Stranger: it’s whatever
Stranger: lmao
You: mhm life
You: how's yours right now?
Stranger: limbo really
Stranger: moved out of home for the first time
You: ohh
You: that sounds exciting
Stranger: it’s been a week
You: how are you doing?
Stranger: i’m unemployed tho
You: mhm
Stranger: so i’m stuck at home doing nothing
Stranger: while my flat mate is at work
Stranger: um it’s ok
Stranger: lonely
You: yeah
Stranger: and quiet
You: were you close to your family?
Stranger: nope
You: so you're happy to move out?
Stranger: it was unbearable living there
You: mhm right
Stranger: oh definitely but
Stranger: i miss the noise and commotion
You: yeah I can relate to that
Stranger: it was a smallish house with 7 other people
You: oh that's a lot
Stranger: now i’m all by myself lmao
Stranger: a complete paradigm shift
You: mhmm
Stranger: it’s jarring and i’m still acclimating
You: yeah it might take some time
Stranger: how bout you?
You: I loved living away from home
You: mhm me? I'm engaged actually haha ^^
Stranger: oh wow congrats
You: thanks, I've been really lucky
Stranger: that’s incredible
You: yeah I've been with the same person the entire time
Stranger: how long?
You: mhm 8 years now actually
Stranger: y’all meet in college?
Stranger: whoa what a stint
You: nope we knew each other in high school
You: was ldr in college
Stranger: cool cool
Stranger: they nonbinary?
You: nope, she's cis
Stranger: that’s great
Stranger: that’s actually perfect
You: hm yeah? ^^
Stranger: i don’t like men lmao
Stranger: cis men anyway
You: hahaha
Stranger: my biggest failure is not being born lesbian
You: mhm I prefer guys on average rofl
You: my finace is kind of an exception lol
Stranger: oh wow
Stranger: that’s interesting
You: yeah it's very weird
You: and very complicated too
You: I guess complicated because our relationship isn't perfect either
Stranger: i’m amab and i thought i was a gay cis man for the longest time but as soon as i started reckoning with my gender i guess i became more pan than anything else
Stranger: oh true
You: ohh that's super interesting
You: I'm also amab
Stranger: yeah i was never attracted to cis women
Stranger: but like
Stranger: genderqueer peoples are hot
You: very true ^^
Stranger: trans men are as male as i’ll go lmao
Stranger: gay men are the devil
You: lol ^^
You: for me I thought I was a straight guy as a kid
You: my current fiance was my first real relationship
You: after we hit it off uhh, I felt like something was off
You: and then I had my gender mess
You: and then gradually I think I've just started to like guys more and more
Stranger: oh wow
Stranger: that’s very interesting
You: yeah my finance and I have a very... less sexual... relationship? that's probably the best way to put it
You: although we're very intimate
You: and also very interdependent
Stranger: intimacy is lovely
You: yeah it is ^^
Stranger: but do you wish y’all were more sexual?
Stranger: if that’s ok to ask lmao
You: yup it's fine to ask
You: idk, for me I think sexuality is where the trans things hit hardest for me
Stranger: how so? is it dysphoria induced?
Stranger: body things?
You: maybe
You: I think sexually I've just never really seen myself as a guy, or in a male role
You: either in fantasies or anything
Stranger: very valid
Stranger: i’m the same
You: I don't thirst for that kind of sex in any way
Stranger: i’ve had this weird complex with femininity
You: although for some reason my feelings towards guys are different
Stranger: oh ok so what is comfortable for you?
Stranger: oh true
You: mhm, I guess my fantasies lean towards guys
You: like 98%
Stranger: do you find yourself taking on more feminine/female roles?
You: yup
Stranger: in these scenarios
You: in a trans sense I'm totally straight
Stranger: SAME
Stranger: but i’ve been doing some research
Stranger: and i’ve found that it’s really explained a lot of my dysphoria and how it informs my sexual behaviours
Stranger: so, i’m only attracted to men/masculinity
You: mhm
You: yeah that might be the case for me too
Stranger: but especially sexually, because i feel inadequacy in my transness -my appearance, not being passing or femme enough
You: mhmm
You: yeah I hear you
Stranger: i tend to overcompensate
You: ahh
Stranger: really lean in to this stereotypical female sex partner trope
You: mhm ^^
Stranger: but what i didn’t realise what i was doing was performing gender
You: I think a lot of cis people perform gender as well
Stranger: the gender i never felt really entitled to, because my outward appearance didn’t “earn” it
You: mhm
Stranger: so i’m super sub in bed, never too, need to be feminised esp anatomically
Stranger: *never top
You: ahh yeah
Stranger: female pronouns (not even they them)
You: oh when you dated irl?
You: I've never been with a guy haha ^^
Stranger: i’ve never dated anyone lmao
You: ohhh
Stranger: i’ve just had sex
You: ahh kay
Stranger: a lot of bad sex lmao
You: aww
Stranger: bad sex with horrible men
You: oh :c
Stranger: who could never understand or respect my boundaries
You: that's terrible
Stranger: and i let them have me
Stranger: cos this is what “women” did
You: mhm...
Stranger: i was performing a role cos it was the only time i ever felt like i was
Stranger: being treated like a “woman”
You: yeah I hear you
Stranger: irl no ones using my correct pronouns, i get called faggot and tranny
You: :c
Stranger: but in bed, these men want my body for what it is
You: yeah, I can understand wanting to be desired
Stranger: and it’s the only access i have to femininity
You: wanting to be desired really really badly
You: mhm
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: idk i’ve stopped having sex all together
You: mhm
Stranger: and i’m doing a lot better
You: I'm really glad that you're doing better
Stranger: but i’ve never been in a relationship
Stranger: and tbh i don’t see it for me
Stranger: so there’s that lmao
You: mhm
You: I think a lot of my sense of gender was defined online... I think
Stranger: same
Stranger: it was the only place i found community
You: in the sense that there were a lot of communities that I were a part of
Stranger: yeah that’s really great to hear
You: and I presented female and fit in very well
Stranger: that’s great
You: I don't have many stereotypical guy interests to begin with, so I think that's part of it I guess
Stranger: i’m most active on twitter and follow so many other trans and nonbinary people and it’s so great
Stranger: n e i t h e r
Stranger: lmao
You: mhm there's a lot of really amazing people
Stranger: where are you from?
You: us east
Stranger: i’m from new zealand
You: there were a bunch of cis guys online that I was attracted to
Stranger: yup
Stranger: unfortunately
Stranger: lmao
Stranger: but women
You: lol haha ^^
Stranger: are so fucking beautiful
Stranger: women are art
Stranger: i stare at woman’s bodies in admiration
Stranger: with such love
Stranger: and appreciation
You: mhm
You: I think I just mostly feel envy or jealousy
Stranger: but i’m not attracted to them
Stranger: same
Stranger: it can be triggering
You: YES exactly
You: I actually don't really like looking at beautiful women
Stranger: oh true
Stranger: there bodies are just so magnificent
Stranger: the form of a women is so beautiful to me
Stranger: like, i want it for me
You: mhm
Stranger: i started waist training a month ago
Stranger: it’s odd cos i don’t actually want certain anatomical features
You: hm? certain ones like?
Stranger: like, i don’t want breasts or to have srs
You: ahh
Stranger: i want a more feminised face tho
Stranger: a narrow waist and wider hips
Stranger: bigger ass lmao
You: lol
You: I don't have a very strong sense of what I want
Stranger: i don’t exactly like having a penis
You: mhm
Stranger: i don’t even acknowledge it tbh
Stranger: i’m actually quite indifferent towards it
You: yeah
You: I'm pretty much the same
Stranger: but i do tuck when i’m out
Stranger: but that presented a lot of issues when having sex
Stranger: i was only fucking either dl chasers or gay cis men
Stranger: both of which were like, dick obsessed
You: mhmm
Stranger: and i was like um
Stranger: idk about thissssss
You: don't want it touched
Stranger: i mean they can go down on me lmao
Stranger: but like, i have to be literally laying down
Stranger: legs spread
Stranger: like i’m being eaten out
Stranger: the logistics was a lot lmao
Stranger: and a lot of them didn’t get it
You: mhm
Stranger: in fact none of them did
You: yeah...
Stranger: so i’d just flip over and take it doggy lmao that’s vulgar but true
Stranger: a lot of poor sex
You: mhm
Stranger: more seeking validation than actually enjoying sex for what it is
You: for me when I think about it, I only ever imagine doggy yeah
Stranger: i mean i see a lot for myself
Stranger: it’s just no ones willing
You: yeah
Stranger: and no one understands
Stranger: and where i am currently, i don’t have networks for other genderqueer
You: mhm
Stranger: peoples to link up with
Stranger: they’re all cis and horrible lmao
You: aww
You: is there a reason why you're not into dating?
Stranger: i wanna date a trans guy so bad
You: mhmm
Stranger: oh i don’t have an aversion to dating at all
Stranger: it’s just no ones ever wanted me outside of sex
You: mhm
Stranger: atleast not the way that i’m comfortable with
You: right
Stranger: i mean plenty of gay men have wanted to make me their “boyfriend”
Stranger: but that literally doesn’t make sense
You: yeah
Stranger: and then there are the tranny chasers
Stranger: who are more than willing to feminise me
Stranger: and treat me “womanly”
Stranger: but i’m just a fetish to them
You: they kind of scare me
Stranger: they are scary
Stranger: part of the reason i moved actually
You: oh?
Stranger: yeah we were hooking up at my old place and he wanted too much
Stranger: he was super possessive and manipulative
Stranger: always wanted to hang out with my family
Stranger: they loved him
Stranger: but he was abusive
You: oh :c
Stranger: he wanted to control literally every aspect of my life
Stranger: tried to make me move in with him
Stranger: insisted on picking me up from work etc
Stranger: so i got out and he hasn’t stopped trying to contact me it’s exhausting
You: mhm
Stranger: and my family’s upset about it too lmao
Stranger: they were like “we only just accepted that your ‘gay’ and now you’ve abandoned this perfectly good man”
Stranger: he was very charming
Stranger: most manipulators/abusers are
You: mhm it sounds difficult
Stranger: it’s odd
Stranger: i’m doing much better now
Stranger: but he’s a scary man
You: mhm I think you're doing the right thing
Stranger: yeah he was super manipulative
Stranger: took out a second mortgage to pay for my surgeries
You: oh my goodness....
Stranger: offered at least
Stranger: in exchange for my freedom
Stranger: it was surreal he literally wanted me to be his housewife
Stranger: barefooted in the kitchen making him dinner
You: mhm..............
Stranger: he’d ramble on about it all the time
You: that's terrifyin
Stranger: like it was a mutual dream of ours
Stranger: so i left
You: yeah
Stranger: and left my job that he knew of
You: that's so scary
Stranger: yeah but i’ve got some pretty scary friends too lmao
Stranger: so i’m well supported
You: mhm I'm glad you have a good support group
You: that's really important
Stranger: yeah i emptied out my savings moving here and my friends have taken care of everything else without hesitation
Stranger: it’s been so amazing
Stranger: they’ve been amazing
You: yeah thats great
Stranger: how’s your fiancé?
You: she's well ^^
You: asleep actaully
Stranger: that’s great that y’all have each other
Stranger: does she understand your queerness?
You: yup, I think we keep each other sane
You: well enough ^^
Stranger: as much as cis people can
Stranger: my flat mate is a cis bi woman
Stranger: my best friend
You: she's very open and loves me anyway
You: aww that's great
Stranger: that’s lovely
Stranger: yeah she’s a fantastic ally
Stranger: but is completely conscious of her lack of understanding of my transness
You: I don't openly present as "nonbinary" in public, but at home I where whatever I want
You: *wear
Stranger: that’s understandable
Stranger: i’ve been very femme very publicly for a few years
You: mhmm
Stranger: but to the layman eye, i’m either a “fag” or a “tranny”
You: right
You: I think internally it's possible that I see myself as kind of a butch girl or butch agender or something
Stranger: which i kinda find solace in the latter
You: right
Stranger: that’s so interesting
Stranger: gender is so complex
You: I don't really express or perform very feminine
Stranger: and how it intersects with sexuality
Stranger: oh wow
You: although my interests are kind of feminine
You: and I basically see myself as female sexually I guess
You: I think it's a mixture of those things that I don't really see myself as particularly binary trans
You: that and because transitioning scares me a little
Stranger: that makes a lot of sense
Stranger: that’s valid
Stranger: i don’t see myself as binary trans either
Stranger: but it’s those moments of doubt that really puzzle me
You: that said if I had been born a girl, I think I would have absolutely zero complaints lol
Stranger: right?!
You: yeah lol
You: I think I would be slightly tomboyish/masc but otherwise things would be totally fine
Stranger: so if we were to simplify your ideal gender, not to be reductive, an strictly operating within the narrow parameters of gender
Stranger: you’d be a afab butch?
You: mhm pretty much
You: well, idk about very butch or anything
You: I don't have an extremely strong attachment to femininity
You: but I'm not really that masculine either
You: I kind of avoid features of both
Stranger: that’s valid
Stranger: i feel like my gender is quite fluid
You: there are times when I'm crushing over a guy that the feminine parts just randomly get exaggerated subconsciously though
Stranger: yeah i think that’s our performative gender compulsion being triggered lmao
Stranger: i get that completely
You: mhm, or maybe I just really want him to like me
You: idk
Stranger: no yeah that’s it
Stranger: i slip into this overtly femme character
You: I get a little teasing
Stranger: cos that’s what my lizard brain thinks men want
Stranger: a “woman”
You: mhm
You: yeah I think there are other aspects of my identity that take a big role on the way I perceive myself
You: like my independence is a big part of my identity
You: and various other things
Stranger: oh true
Stranger: it’s all very interesting
Stranger: and confusing and exhausting
You: yeah haha
Stranger: and complex
You: I feel like we can analyze ourselves forever
Stranger: so complex and ever changing
You: trying to explain ouselves
Stranger: that’s all i ever do these days lmao
You: oh lol
You: for me I haven't thought about it as much lately haha
Stranger: that’s great
Stranger: i feel like that’s healthy
You: I think I've gotten to a much more comfortable place in recent years
Stranger: just existing as you are
Stranger: that’s great
Stranger: age tends to do that i feel
You: mhm, and just acceptance of myself I think
Stranger: i mean i’m only just starting to enter that
Stranger: but it’s nice
You: I have girl clothes, and I don't think twice anymore if I just decide to wear something at home
You: it's basically kind of just my clothes now
You: although I wouldn't wear it outside
Stranger: that’s understandable
Stranger: and it’s nice
Stranger: i always edit myself before i leave the house
Stranger: which wig to wear what shoes
You: mhm, and just seeing myself as not-male has helped me too I think
Stranger: it’s liberating
You: mhm
Stranger: riding yourself of the cis male tag
Stranger: and just living as you are in that very moment
You: and being sure that the feminine parts of me are real ^^
You: I think that's a major difference between me now and me years ago
You: the acceptance really, I think
Stranger: yeah that’s so true
Stranger: i think genderfluidity is so valid
You: like I had so much doubt about so many things before
You: when the doubt went away, a lot of things got better
Stranger: that’s amazing i’m so happy for you
You: I'm amazed by how much you've discovered yourself in a relatively short time haha ^^
You: since you mentioned that you only came into your transness a year or so ago
Stranger: yeah?
You: mhm for me it took sooooo long
Stranger: well when i say came into it
Stranger: i’ve always felt lost
You: mhm right
Stranger: never really identifying with being a gay man
Stranger: i always thought the gay men around them were quite monolithic
Stranger: around me*
Stranger: gravitating towards a structure of there queerness
Stranger: that i never quite fit
You: right
Stranger: and then i started to examine my gender rather than my sexuality
Stranger: and that’s when i settled on nonbinary
Stranger: cos it’s quite a flexible term that facilitates gender fluidity and freedom
You: ^^
You: I'm happy for you that it seems like things are coming together
Stranger: yeah it’s about damn time lmaooooo
You: haha yeah
Stranger: it’s been a long journey
You: mhm
Stranger: but i feel like i can finally see myself being happy and uninhibited
You: mhm that's great
Stranger: and whether or not that vision includes a partner or not
Stranger: for the first time in my life
Stranger: doesn’t concern me
You: mhm
Stranger: i’m absolutely enough as i am whoever i am in that very moment
Stranger: and that’s enough for me :)
You: ^^ and that is enough!
Stranger: :)))))) yeah it’s so nice to be able to say that
You: *nods*
You: it's 3 am for me haha
You: I think I will go to bed
Stranger: oh jeez that sounds like a good idea lmao
Stranger: it was lovely chatting :)
You: it was fabulous talking to you ^^
You: I wish you all the wonderful things in the world!
Stranger: likewise have a good rest
Stranger: :)
You: goodnight!
Stranger: bye :)
Stranger has disconnected.
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