#yup calling a 40 year old man a baby again
chrishemsworthsbitch · 10 months
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Happy birthday big guy, i hope you know how loved you are 🥺
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ele-sme · 1 year
“In my delulu era” expect i been in this era since the moment i was born, growing up without friends. At some point in my early years of life, (and im not talking about 7 or 8 im talking about 2 or 3) i must have thinked “people likes good children who are always nice and being cute” so here I'm a 15-year-old girl who has been a people pleasure all her life. I forgive anyone since i can remember, my first best friend? was embarrassed of me and would tell our other classmates i was her friend always leaving me alone during break. My sisters? both dicks, we are so not meant for each other all 3 of us have another personality all 3 of us hating the others one. My parents? My dad a old man who decided he wanted another couple of children at 40+ who is not a bad idea but since the relationships with the other two aren't great maybe you should have thinked twice last week he beated up my younger sister, MY BABY SISTER and i just watch without saying anything, i don't even know if i want to stay with him anymore, which is crazy because he is my daddy my hero and i can't do anything if not hate me for thinking this, my mom a woman who had children late in life, living her youth and I'm like great good for you mom but then i learn she lefted her boyfriend of ten years because his dad died and he was distant for six months, okay but what else? Or yes! at march i had a fever 40 Celsius i reapt 40 FUCKING CELSIUS and she kepted complain about her pains, MOM YOU ARE 53 IS OBLIUS YOU BACK HURT. My best friend, i know this man for now 4 years and Wanna know what he talled me when i telled what my father did? “Until 40 years ago people everyone were doing it then it become strange” i can't even stand enter our chat. my other friend, i know her only for 9 months but she gotta be the most self centerd girl i ever knew, she never asked about me but when i talled her she started she gotten mad at me for not coming when i had the fever at march, she did not come to my birthday party because the guy who she has a crush had a game, fun fuct?she never talked to him and she had this crush for 2 years, whiteout taliking, she likes him only because of his appearance for all she can know he can be the most sexist man alive but still she preferred to go to his game. My grandmother, i don't know i fuck about my grandmother, she love me and my sister but she never calls we need to call her, i didn't call her and im didn't hear from her in a month, don't get me wrong i love her but jeez grandma you can call sometimes i don't need to always do it. All my fucking EVER classmates from the kindergarten to high school fuck you all, i tried be your friends elementary but i was a strange kid for your standards so alone, all day until i gotten home which i was alone again. To my kindergarten friends i loved you guys but why no one asked me ever to go to your home? Why when Lucrezia maded jokes on me you guys were laughing? I'm fat, i know it im always has been hope not always gotta be but at this point i don't care. to my middle school classmates i never been in more of a toxic place but at least you were my friends, if you aren't understanding i maded friendship with THE BOYZ, yup really stupid of me. to my high school classmates, school is ending and i never tried so hard to make friends but none of you even tried and im honestly tired i just would like someone to ask to go with me Friday night to do something instead of being home all day, and to my new classmates fuck you girls, i been nice since day one to you, i complimented  your clothes and your hair, were the first to welcome you in the class and now you all joking on me behind my back well you girls know what?fuck you, hope you parents change you of schools and you go through what you making me. I'm tired to be the people pleases, the one who is nice, the boring person in the room, im fun i swear i simple can't act with people who i don't know well close i want you guys to make a move for me not i doing all the moves to win this fucking game, i want to give my first fucking kiss, i want i guy who i can kiss in all the way i want to and i don't want to wait until im 18 to do so thanks to a site or a app, i want to get drunk i want to go clubbing all night even if i don't like it. i want many and i mean many friends, i want a high school sweetheart i don't want what I'm having now, i don't deserve this I DESERVE BETTER.
sorry guys for this post i just needed to let go of something, it actually helped me so yay
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puckngrind · 4 years
Marry Me - J. Toews
Song inspiration: Marry Me by Jason Derulo
Warning: swearing, mentions of sex
Word count: 2066
Part 2
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🎶105 is the number that comes to my head.
When I think of all the years I wanna be with you. 
Wake up every morning with you in my bed.
That's precisely what I plan to do. 🎶
Your announcement that you accepted a position in Chicago, found a roommate, and leaving your hometown in the matter of 2 weeks didn’t go over well. You didn’t exactly care because you fell in love with Chicago the moment you stepped foot off the plane for the interview. Your best friend went with you to cover up the real motives and you two hit all the suggestions including the way too fancy for you restaurant. This is where you actually ran head first into him. Your head was down making your way to the restroom and he was turning the corner. You made your apologies and your eyes wandered up to the very tall handsome man who’s suit cost more the entire contents of your suitcase. You were sure of it.
“Sorry, my fault.” His fingers brushed your elbow as you scurried past him. Not even giving him a chance to continue. You could feel the pink in your cheeks before even hitting the door. It was a tell-tale sign how embarrassed you were about the run in. Collecting yourself and returning to your table you were attempting to act like you didn’t just physically run into the most handsome man you’ve set eyes on in real life.
“You good (y/n)?” Your bestie, Savannah, takes a long sip of her drink and takes in your mood change.
“Yup, just embarrassing myself like normal.” You pinch your nose and recount the run in...literally.
“Handsome man? Where?” Savannah pops up a bit from her seat to see if she can put eyes on this man. You were focused getting her to stop that when the server placed the drink on the table you physically jumped.
“From the gentleman over there. He sends his apologies.” The server brought your attention to the room off your best friend’s shoulder where the same man you ran into was standing drink in hand and raised it up towards you. You do the same and the silent squeal coming from Savannah’s mouth was only noticeable to you.
“I swear (y/n), if you don’t go thank that fine fine man I’m gonna for you!” You worked up all the nerve possible and walked towards him.
“Thank you for the drink but I really should be apologizing to you.” His smile was intoxicating.
“Call it even then? I’m Jon, and you are?” He puts out his hand to shake yours. You nervously wipe your palm on your dress and place your hand in his.  His grip firm but gentle.
“(Y/N). Are you having a party or something?” You blurt out taking in the room behind him with maybe twenty similarly dressed men loudly joking around.
“Um, something like that.  It’s a work thing.”  You look down at your hands realizing he hasn’t let go of yours.
“So you are from around here?”  You slip your hand out his.  Shocked at how large they were.
“No, I work here.  You?” His stare into your eyes is intense that you some how babble on about the job interview and possible move.  He listens intently.  “This may sound forward, but I would love to show you around if you get the job.”
“OH!  That’s...wow...uh...how will you know?”  You fumble realizing it and bringing your gaze down to your shoes that are kicking at the carpet.
“How about you give me your number and we can start from there?”  His phone comes into view at your hand level.  You nervously type in your number and name and hand it back.
Jon types away and smiles.  “Well, (y/n), I’ll let you get back to your dinner and I’ll talk to you soon.”  He reaches out again to pull your attention to his face before retreating to your respective tables.  
“Your phone vibrated while you were gone.”  Your best friend just looks down at your phone that was face down at the table and then back up to your pink cheeks. 
“Yeah.  I assumed Jon texted me.”  You flip over the phone to find an unknown number.
Jon: Hi, this is Jon.  The man you ran into.  I’m hoping you respond to this after you finish your dinner.
You couldn’t wipe the smile off your face the next two weeks.  The two of you texted back and forth and he was so excited when you sent him word about the job.  He helped you find a roommate.  One of his co-worker’s girlfriends.  You were slightly concerned about rooming with a stranger but something about how Jon treated you made you trust him.
Jon met you and Savannah at your new place with some of his friends to help move you in.  You didn’t have much by Kelly said you didn’t need much.
“We are going to go clean up and will meet you out to celebrate.”  Jon side hugged you after finishing getting you settled.  You and the girls fall on the couch and start talking.
“So they aren’t all from the US are they?”  Savannah finally questions Kelly.
“Nope.  Actually most of them aren’t.”  Kelly just laughs.
“And what exactly do they do?  Savannah continues.
“I was told not to disclose that information.”  Kelly pops up and heads to change.
“What does that mean?”  Savannah waits to hear Kelly’s door before blurting out.
“I don’t know.”  You think Jon will tell you sooner or later.
“And how can the two of you afford this...in CHICAGO?”  Savannah has moved to the view which you will admit was not what you were expecting.
“Again, I don’t know.”  Kelly emerges as you finish your statement.
“Let’s go ladies!”  She claps and you grab your bags and head to her car.
Jon is waiting for you on the sidewalk.  You take in the third style you’ve seen him in.  Suit, sweats, and now jeans and a button down that hugs him just enough.  All makes him look so damn sexy.  You shake the thought out of your mind.  Savannah snags a pic of you and her before heading inside.
The first night in Chicago was amazing.  Deep dish pizza even though Jon just got a salad, a bar for drinks, then back to your place.  You hardly even looked at your phone but decided to step out to the patio to text your mom.  The door was caught behind you and Jon was standing there.
“Want company?”  He asks.  
“Sure.  Just texting my mom.”  You finally look at your phone since before dinner.  Your brother’s text notification on the screen
Brother: Why is the captain of the Blackhawks behind you in the snap Savannah sent me?
“OH!”  You answer aloud
“Oh?”  He questions.
“My brother says the captain of the Blackhawks was behind me in the picture Savannah sent.  I didn’t even realize.”  You click into snapchat and Jon’s hand stops you.
“So....” He grabs your phone and places it on the table.
“Jon, why did you do that?”  You look up at him.
“I’ve got something to tell you.”  You seem concerned but his soft expression doesn’t make you less worried.
“Ok, what is it?”
“Kelly told me Savannah asked what I did for a living.”  Jon leans against the railing.
“Yeah.  Said you wanted to tell me.”  You lean about two feet from him.
“And I knew when I met you that you had no idea who I was or any of my coworkers.”  
“Should I?”  You question looking back at the gathering in your now living space.
“If you watched hockey, maybe.”  He chuckles a little.  “I am said captain your brother is talking about (y/n).”  Jon’s hand covers yours.
“Holy shit!”  You blurt out.  “How...why...fuck.  Sorry.”  Jon laughs uncontrollably.  “Why are you laughing at me?”
“Because I was terrified what you might think.  I like you (y/n).  I’m not sure exactly how you feel about me.”
“I like you too.  Which is weird because this is only the 2nd time we’ve seen each other.”  You look up and Jon has closed the distance.  His hand comes up to your face.
“And knowing what I do doesn’t scare you?”
“Why would it?”  Your eyebrow raises.  
“Some previous women only wanted to date me because of my status.”  He admitted.
“Well that’s dumb.”  You look into his eyes and he smiles.
“It is. Can I kiss you?”  His thumb slides down your cheek.  You nod because your heart is beating out of your chest and words were not forming.  His lips grace yours and that’s where your relationship started.
That was two years ago and you two didn’t spend much time apart.  The first summer you stayed in Chicago and you realized quickly when you met him in Winnipeg that you couldn’t ask him to stay in Chicago with you during summers.  You loved seeing him home in his element.  You moved in that August and found a job that was more freelance giving you a schedule that could bend around his season.
“I love that I get to wake up every morning to you.”  Jon whispers in your ear one morning.
“You mean when you aren’t on the road.”  You giggle.
“Yeah, but your face is the first I see on the road too.”  His lips ghost yours.  “Eventually my career will be over and we will be an old retired married couple.”
“Married couple huh?”  You question as his body presses into yours.
“Not rushed, but yes.  We will be retired in our 40s bugging the hell out of our kids.”  You feel him growing between your bodies as he kisses your skin.  The conversation left to explore each other.
🎶 Will forever be enough, so there ain't no need to rush.
But one day, I won't be able to ask you loud enough.
I'll say will you marry me.
I swear that I will mean it.
I'll say will you marry me.
How many girls in the world can make me feel like this?
Baby I don't ever plan to find out.
The more I look, the more I find the reasons why.
You're the love of my life.🎶
Your phone buzzes with a text while facetiming Savannah.  Your weekly bestie time.
Jon: Wear the dress you wore the night we met and an Uber will pick you up at 7pm.
You: Okay?  Any reason?
Jon: Trust me.  Love you.
With that you went to the back of your closet to fish out the dress and got ready.
As promised the Uber was waiting for you when you left your shared condo.  
“Where are we going?”  You look up from your phone without the driver answering and realize you are heading towards the restaurant you first ran into Jon.  He’s standing out front in the same suit he was wearing that night.  Opening the door he holds his hand out for you.
“J, what are we doing here?”  You eye your handsome boyfriend and he takes your arm in his and escorts you in.  “No one is here Jon.”  You look around at the normally packed restaurant.
“Well, I wanted to bring you back to the place we met.”  He stops at the door where you gave him your number.  “This is the place I realized I needed to know more about you.”  His expression wasn’t one you’ve seen before.
“Same.  I couldn’t stop smiling for two straight weeks.”  You admit and he chuckles breathes in deep.
“You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I to shout out it from the root top that you are mine.”  He starts then reaches into his pocket.  You gasp realizing exactly what was going on.  He gets on one knee and holds your hand.
“I love you with my whole being.  Would you make the the luckiest man on the world and be my wife?”  He pops open the box with one hand to reveal the perfect engagement ring.
“YES!”  You shout as he stands and kisses you passionately.
“Cannot wait to make you Mrs. Toews!”  He places the ring on your left ring hand and you wipe the tear from his eyes.
“I love you Mr. Toews!” You breathe out as he pulls you in.  
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blankdblank · 3 years
Brother Dearest Pt 39
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Final exams were on you before you knew it and with Teddy across your chest reviewing your textbooks and notes for each class you heard the chatter of heavily pregnant Dawn on a phone call with family back home in Canada where her parents were readying for your return at the end of the week and the birth sure to follow. Norma meanwhile had her own feet up reading a book against Victor’s chest up on their floor where James was adding the framed pictures she had wanted to decorate the nursery that would be mirrored in the larger house when you got to Canada would be the focus of your distracting whims. You wanted to marry James more than anything but the constant final detail calls from the important guests and the film crew had your skin nearly crawling in your urge to run away to some silent island somewhere.
Ottawa was where the residential house for the Monarch of Canada traditionally stayed, however being 40 hours from Alberta you had been told that they would stay in Ottawa and fly to Alberta then drive the hour plus distance to your tiny town that didn’t have an airstrip. Turning the next page of your book you heard Elliot ask, “Are you certain you don’t require my help with studying?”
That had you sigh and close the book you had finished to lay your hands on Teddy’s back at the book joining the others on the ground beside the couch your were lounging on. “I’ve gone through the books three times. Only thing that could throw this is my Cultural Diversity course essays. No telling what he’ll get to typing up.”
His grin eased out, “Well Humphrey has always tried to come up with new questions for his students.”
Shifting your eyes from Teddy in his slumbering grumble to Elliot you asked, “You don’t mind my inviting you to the wedding?”
“I would never refuse your invitation.” He said making your grin creep out a bit more, “I don’t doubt Prince Loki wouldn’t try to sneak in as well. He has been back again recently?”
“On my last visit to the MoMA yes, though it seems since I told him his father his father doesn’t care about the troubles we are facing here he seems to be more on a progress report on our efforts.”
That had Elliot chuckle, “Oh, yes, that should go over well with Queen Frigga when she hears that if it is his plan.”
“Can’t imagine how they could make matters any better.”
Elliot, “Well they most certainly won’t interfere now knowing you are here and our ships are nearly here. We can go at our own leisure and do as we please without their interference.”
Looking his face over you asked, “Would they be a threat if they tried to fight us? Just curious.”
Again he smirked saying, “Jaqi they couldn’t touch us with a twenty foot pole in hand to hand combat and their weapons are futile against our defenses. They know this is a lost territory they no longer have dominion over this planet even with the two of us and Venom here, and possibly your young cousin you have informed me of.”
“I don’t want our people to take rule over this planet throwing the people out of their roles.”
“That has always been your way. We will subtly work our way and influence into their cultures unnoticed. No conquering, all our people merely wish to be among your presence again.”
Dawn sighed on her way to join you both asking, “What is this about presents?”
Smirking at her you said, “Just talking about the incoming aliens.”
Dawn, “Well I hope they don’t want to come to the wedding,” behind her back she gripped the arms of her usual chair she lowered into and eased her feet up onto the footstool you moved over with a shift of your fingers.
Elliot, “Oh no, they are still a good few years away still.”
Dawn, “Right, you mentioned that. Sorry.”
He shook his head, “No apology necessary, travel between galaxies is quite rough to gauge for some. And there is no telling if they come across some digger portals that could cut the travel in half.” At your confused brow tick he clarified, “Digger portals can be used for long term transport runs and also more often by scavenger crews who often move them out of their designated locations for rather amusing bits of helpfulness for those who tend to come across them.”
Dawn, “I can’t imagine what space would be like. Living here is so hard to compare to space.”
Elliot said, “Just imagine space like a forest, every now and then planets would be hidden tunnels under trees and caves with animals as stars, asteroids and meteors. One day you’ll see.” She looked over his face in his comforting smile, “You will.”
“I’ve been wondering,” You said luring his eyes back to you, “You said your wife was waiting to be re-bodied.” He gave you a confirming nod in a silent agreement he would answer anything you asked, “Would my dad be with them, when they get here?”
“Erich would never miss the chance to rejoin your side. He most certainly will be.” Wetting his lips he sat up lifting a finger to say, “In fact, the only thing that would have him deterred from returning to your side would be his affection for your, mother.”
His final word was given haltingly in seeing the flinch of pain in your face, “My mother,”
“No no, merely I meant that it would be because he had through the Fates located her essence in the kingdom of the dead beyond the gates of the realm of Hel. She has been given a high place to claim as her own after aiding in your second form solidifying. Surely upon hearing your ranks have arrived he would travel to join us. He would not choose to dwell there with her when returning to you could bring about your awakening which surely could grant her a second becoming.”
Dawn asked, “That means she could, come back?”
Elliot, “In a sense. It would be her essence, however her past would be absolved from her memory. Not you of course, however the memories of her first husband namely among her other sufferings.”
“She would forget Steve?”
Elliot replied, “Unfortunately.”
“I suppose that seems a bit fair. Give her a happy second beginning with my dad, he wouldn’t be my dad anymore would he?”
Elliot, “He was honored to have been chosen for that role and will uphold it again should you wish to extend that bond.”
“I won’t ever get a simple life will I?”
Softly he chuckled, “Oh it will be truly simple, in that, you will be loved by our people and eventually by these mortals.” Glancing at Dawn feeling her eyes landing on him, “Never including you of course, you have been adopted as kin. The Fates will not claim you from your children or Eddie. Symbiote mates are never targeted or taken after the lone time one dared to try and a civilization was torn in half.”
She asked him, “Can you grow like Venom when you fight?”
Elliot, “I can if I wish to.”
“So what do you know about black holes?”
You asked spreading his smile to share some more of the supposed barriers that could be mistaken as ways to keep us from your people that serves a greater purpose for your people that he spilled every detail. Even through James coming down to sit with you, settling underneath your legs he laid across his lap welcoming the chance to rub your legs and feet.
15 exams or projects to get your full credits and one at a time each was crossed off the list of credits you were acquiring. Even your slot on the yearbook was credited to you with the actual yearbook as proof, several of which purchased by the students of the graduating class they’d sent your way for signatures to join others through the signature sections. Proudly among the crowds you shuffled through the sheets of grade reports to each class and club as well as the final sheet of credit requirements that you had marked off a good chunk of the final bachelor’s degree working towards the eventual Masters degrees.
While school was your main focus at this event again your smile split wider seeing James strolling hunched over with Teddy at his side. The now walking 11 month old boy with bouncing strawberry blonde curls and silvery blue eyes contrasting Dawn’s brunette locks and Eddie’s sandy brown locks that grow softer in shade to match Teddy’s shade when grown out. All day he’d been giggling and waving to the women fawning over him, each stealing yearning glances of the loving man focused solely on the child who showed his true father side only egging the press on for dreams of what your babies might turn out to look like. Loud and shrill the boy giggled and bounced on his feet once turned again in your entrance to the garden. On his hips James’ hands fixed, “Let’s go fly to Bunny, hmm?”
Up he was lifted and giggled the way across the pathway in the steps to add your papers to your purse, also housing the book of photographs you had taken in the photography club, now in the crook of your arm to free your hands to accept hold of him. “Look at you, flying!”
Hands out he smiled melting into your arms for the hug you gave him, sighing out, “My Bunny.” Closing his eyes a moment at the kiss you pressed to his temple.
James asked with adoring smile still locked in place, “Everything handled?”
“Yup, I know it took a while,”
Shaking his head he replied, “Oh we’ve been having fun.”
Teddy said, “I did fly, My Bunny.” Easing his head back to catch your eye widening your smile.
“Yes you did. Maybe one day you can teach me to fly so well, I keep falling when I try.” Again he giggled and looked around at the school and crowds on your way to the subway to get home. All the way talking to the boy who was getting more comfortable at talking and gesturing in each of his surroundings to those around him. On the surface he might seem out of place between the two of you except for the curls you shared with hair color hinting that James might have had a blue eyed lighter haired parent for those assuming he belonged to you. Those knowing your mother Sarah however knew exactly where any blonde children of yours might come from poking that bruised past for them and you, wondering and deep down hoping that if you did have boys that none of them would look like Steve. For how badly he scarred you to have a child that would mirror him was a terrifying notion to have to reach that moment to completely sever that blame and pain for the blows he dealt on your life up to his death.
Norma clearly bleached her hair by her frequent trips to the salon only luring up wonder for what the two incoming babies could look like. Dawn was on the verge of popping and in the morning you were set to arrive in Canada after having spent the week readying everything to travel back home for the summer break. The end of April would give you time to ready the houses and oversee the details the town was readying for your big day. Hopefully for you Dawn wouldn’t go into labor mid trip or at least could have some time to relax at home before it would be set off for a somewhat relaxing birth. You didn’t know just what you were more anxious for but in her later months you enjoyed taking charge of Teddy whenever possible between classes to let her get more rest to lessen her worries concerning her first birth.
The Brocks were ready and everyone had plans for the upcoming trip to come and celebrate with you after their chance to meet the new baby. While it would have been nice for them to be there the day of for what was coming they granted Dawn the freedom to entirely have this birth with her family at her side where they could share in the christening Father Thomas would hold upon his arrival. Bags by the door were passed to get to the lunch to finish off the rest of your food in the fridge so they rest could be taken from the pantry to fill the one in your summer home.
Halfway through finishing off your meal you felt eyes on your silent gaze at the plate, lost to the realization how your childhood apartment building was all yours now, and you actually had a summer home and a business all your own that was hugely successful. That Kodak contest and revealed image in the photography magazines had you on a second Spring ad that had come out for a new camera they sent you a free one with a year supply of film to add to the film for Steve’s old camera packed along with the bags to be taken up with you. There was even an interview on what camera you had been photographed using at your trip to the White House and in your photography club along with a shot of a display of some of your pictures from the club. Clearly you had talent and now there was a hint for a new possible future job in the art field that could be so accommodating to a stay at home mother they guessed you might grow to be.
Inhaling sharply mid reach for the rest of your juice post sip and return of your glass you said to Eddie, who was looking at you, “I got a letter yesterday from a book publisher in Canada who wanted to publish a copy of my photos from school.”
Victor said, “That’s what that letter was then.”
Norma smiled saying, “Oh that’s fantastic news.”
James, “We can drop off the book to the place on the way up if you like.”
“We have an appointment next week. They need me to bring in the negatives and some titles at least for each, and a title.”
Norma, “You should just go for Bunny as the title.”
Dawn asked, “Doesn’t that cost money to make books?”
“They called saying they see how papers on the pictures have sold saying they would front the costs as long as I guarantee for my second book I use them to publish.”
Eddie, “Ah, well that makes sense, and at least they have hopes you’ll have a second book to follow the first obviously successful book.”
James moved his free hand to your lower arm on the table, “Me and Vic would be glad to take you there.”
“Well you’d have to, they can’t exactly legally have the contract with just my name on it.” Sharply James inhaled and you said, “Besides, should be fun, first comics now art books. Really rule the paper universe.” That had the corner of his mouth twitch upwards, “Plus you can imagine what they’ll say about my floating object and fantasy shots. Who knows, for the second book I could sneak in a picture of Venom and really terrify them.”
Eddie chuckled saying, “Oh we could have some fun with that. Have a whole book on him around the house, vacuuming with a couch over my head all the way to playing with the kids.”
“That reminds me. How’d you get through the bank robbery scene?” You asked Victor.  
He smiled saying, ��Thought up they shove you in a bag not knowing who you are, and that venom is latched onto you and they call and demand more money for ransom and Eddie picks up and says good luck. They turn around finding tiny Venom Bunny eating a third member of the robbers. The last one gets to live after writing a note on the money that is returned to the bank with his shaking self tied up and terrified while you and Venom sharing some chili fries on the beachside city where you tied off the boat back from the island they took you to.” Your smile spread through your excited giggles.
James said, “Meanwhile baby Teddy is wreaking havoc back home for us and poor helpless Eddie. Guys love the idea and are mocking up a copy for us.”
“Should be our best yet. I do have the sketches nearly done on the ideas I had for the wedding edition.” To James you said, “We’re kidnapping some people.”
Eddie rumbled around his mouthful, “Oh we better kidnap some people.” Causing your smile to split wider.
Just by the light of the headlights on the moonless night the wood boarding off the house was removed easily by you enabling you to walk inside with Olive and Pepper who were glad to be out of the truck from the long drive as James with Whiskers on his shoulders and Teddy’s carrier basket in hand followed you listening for any possible geese or stowaway animals inside. In the dark you found the fireplace and lit up the living room and the lantern beside it that through the now open window Victor accepted hold of from you to find the switch to flip on the electric box. The buzz from the flip could clearly be heard and Norma grinned flipping the light switch to light up the house in each room you went through while unpacking. At the table however she joined Dawn waiting on the tea kettle you filled and put on the stove for them to let them relax.
Neighbors along the way had caught the rumble of the engines and flashes of lights through parted curtains surely announcing the return to part of the town that would know by morning of your return. Dawn’s family surely would be the first to show up, and far from inconvenient as with a groan she woke up in the night to her first contraction. Hours after she was lulled back to sleep Eddie sat up with Victor coming in hourly to check on how her pain was progressing. Closer to breakfast backrubs kept her content as possible while she, by the position of the baby, was far off still. Fully able to grumble her way to breakfast and back to bed again to lay over the rubber sheet prepped bed from the kit you had found and set up to ready for the Doctor who’d be arriving shortly.
Steadily however labor grew heavier. During her family excitedly helping her to calm through the growing contractions in turns of minding Teddy she progressed farther to where it was you and her mother and sister there when she was close to crowning. “Just one push from the head Dawn,” the Doc said in her break leaning back against your chest in her place now on her knees on a stool bench to help with the position of the baby over a second rubber sheet.
Her breath deepening to your hands smoothing down her back feeling her next contraction rolling over her mingling with the gas the mask her mom was holding for pain relieving gas that was helping to ease this process. The mask was pulled away and on her next deep breath she bore down feeling her sister’s hands on her shoulders to keep her in your hold from falling forward onto the Doctor’s back. The first cry of the little girl the Doctor cut the cord and settled into a blanket her grandmother took hold of to gently bathe let the men downstairs let out a calming breath shared by the relatives around them. It didn’t take long for the bed to be readied and Dawn to be cleaned off and cleared for her bed rest break to cuddle and bond with her little girl before the others came in to meet her.
“Marigold Dove Pear.” The name was added to the birth certificate and while held by her beaming father the hazel eyed infant’s name was echoed through the house. Even Teddy stole his own chance to leave a photographed picture of a kiss on his sister’s cheek to be taken off by you to allow Dawn to take a nap.
In the yard you played with Teddy catching glances of James holding Marigold through Eddie and Dawn’s family hushedly trying to decide which clothes to put her in from the vast supply compiled for her. James’ eyes wandered to Victor on his stroll to join you after he’d ensured Norma was comfortable in her lounger on the porch with a snack and drink to wear off his lingering nerves knowing he’d have possibly the same troubles in sleeping as he did on Teddy’s first night. Dawn at least would have a nice rest and through the next few days was up and around quite easily relaxed on her way to being on her way to fitting into that dress to make your day special for you.
Everything you had done compiled in her times alone resting brought up her same thoughts on how she wanted to be a great big sister for you. You’d been nothing but supportive and loved Teddy beyond belief easing her final months taking up so much of his care for a debt she couldn’t repay and helped her through the birth of her second child to their family. All on top of everything else you were handling you had earned a day all about you and your fellow bashful spouse to silence the world and let you enjoy your summer and finalized marriage. This had been a long year from your press tours to the explosive Congressman ordeal rehashed when his son was publicized to have died and himself not so long afterwards overshadowed by the news of Norma being pregnant adding a second surprise wedding to be placed in front of yours along with three babies. She didn’t regret how she had gotten here but against how much she knew you wanted to have a special non-eloping wedding she had hoped you would have jumped the gun and gotten hitched like they had to not have to wait so long.
Negatives in hand through the doors of Freckled Moose publishing office in the well lit lobby the smiling group including the head of the building along with the man who would be your Editor beside the head of the rest of the printing process. “Welcome, Miss Pear, Mr Howlett, Mr Creed. We’re all so glad you could make it today.”
“Yes, it was interesting to get your letter, actually being asked to have someone want to see my pictures in an actual book.”
Head of the Company smiled saying, “There’s no shortage of people who since you have been written on a Photography club to see just what you have been capturing.”
“And you want to publish all of it, no matter what?”
The three of them replied, “Every image.”
The Editor asked, “You did bring the descriptions for each and the title for the book?”
“Yes. Thought it’d just be Bunny, if that’d be good?”
He nodded and said, “That sounds marvelous actually, and just how many pictures are we discussing?”
From your purse you pulled out the book you had been given from the club parting their lips at the size of it, “58 images, we had to do two a week and the rest are from the final project, it’s big from the grades and notes on the back of each.”
The Head of the Company said, “Why don’t we head to my office and we can look that over and talk about order and how the book is going to be set up along with contract terms?”
You nodded and they turned to guide you to the office, where on the couch across from their chairs you showed them the pictures that they agreed to only adjust the order of a few images within the month they had been captured keeping the genres of photographs together. Beside the notepad now housing the current order of images and new order with copied descriptions you had written them a copy. The contracts came next with the new terms the guys had talked them down to over the past week for you to simply sign agreeing that for each book they get 20% of the proceeds to go with the five agreed signing appearances when the books did get released into books across Canada. $8 was decided upon already stunning you a bit for being nearly half the price of an ironing board and nowhere near as useful for people who might be buying these glorified paperweights most buyers might not look at more than upon purchasing them.
The photography assembly line came next, or rather a brightly lit office with different stations where you would choose the paper style, font, color for the covers and title across the front. Bit by bit each image size was assigned, easily the same to mostly take up the same space on each of the pages housing the pictures with the description on the bottom of each page.
The final step was the first hand over of the negatives that were rearranged to the new order to be taken over to the printing department to get started on the process that according to them the designated amount of prints would be met within a few days and the negatives would be returned to you for the binding process would be started to finalize the process. Along with the copy of a picture of you in your favorite armchair, Mr Whiskers in your lap beside you holding your camera taking a picture of Pepper and Olive seated on either side of you. The picture that made you smirk reminiscent of portraits and pictures of men in power James and Victor had helped to work your four pawed accomplices into the perfect positions for the image that most would have chosen an image with you or Teddy to make you seem more matronly.
This would grab attention, and the men smirked taking the image as a joke for a moment until the brothers gave subtle hints in their faces and posture in each confirming glance over your head that was the only image to be handed over. That image would be the first page along with the intro for the book that you had written. Other than that you had pretty much completed the mock up of the solid dark grey book with purple letters for the title Bunny. For whatever little notoriety you had at least this could be a little bit of money to add to your nest egg or could easily be hidden away on a shelf in a book store or storage room somewhere if it fails miserably. Just 58 images could be a drop in the bucket for everything in the future that could be recorded in all the years to come.
The trio were the ones to show you out confirming that each step of the way they would keep you posted on the progress of the process until the big release. In their dip back inside you ignored the muffled comment on how soon to get the first few pages ready to be printed in the closing of the doors behind you on the walk to the car. Victor broke the silence saying, “Told you they’d love it.”
Looking up at him you smirked saying, “Oh yes, didn’t stop them from doubting my picture you took of me though.”
James, “They didn’t doubt the picture.”
You lifted a brow to look at him and Victor said, “Nope, they just imagined we’d be piggybacking into the image since we were so hard on the contracts for you.”
“How did you get them up to 80% profits, thought they would be wanting something more like half.”
Victor hummed back, “You took the images, all they are doing is printing them into a book and adding some words on the cover above your chosen snippets.”
James, “Editor didn’t do much, you provided everything, all they are doing is printing and distribution, taking the costs for the business side of this they are getting a killing on this deal just by utilizing your popularity and name. Even just day to day in school your name comes up, people are curious on what you are doing, how we are all getting along through life. Even just with photographs and not being a famous photographer still people are still going to want to buy your book, and second book. There were press at Barnard asking to browse yearbooks for pictures you took for them.”
Victor, “How you think and see the world is fascinating, what you choose to capture is poignant, that picture of the house you built for the frog to the shadows of beams in your school is phenomenally expressive of who you are and what you dream of. And most people might just see ‘oh an adorable picture of a frog’ or ‘oh some shadows’, but no one else would have built that house for that frog or twisted like that for those shadows, all of that after coming out of five years of war. Even Truman and King George are going to want to know what you took pictures of.”
“All curiosity then.” You said and James’ arm eased you a bit more into his side pressing a kiss to your temple.
Victor, “So much more than curiosity. No one cared what Van Gogh painted in his lifetime,”
“I am not Van Gogh,”
James, “No, but you certainly weren’t going to go ignored like he was.”
“They are never going to put my pictures up in a museum.”
Victor, “Oh I very much bet otherwise.” He said turning your head upon reaching the car, “There have been whispers of exhibits on women in the war.”
That parted your lips and James said, “You do realize this war will go down in history, people are going to talk about this war against Hitler and all those camps for decades. There are dozens of Civil War exhibits in this country, even just the airplanes built since their invention have been collected even when discontinued for public use. Egypt and Ancient Rome have exhibits all around the world. The first woman Medic Officer in Canadian history is going in an exhibit. People are going to write books about us. People have written books about the battalions Vic and I have been in through each of our wars since our first enlistment.”
“How do you deal with that?” you asked and he simply leaned in to claim a comforting kiss followed by a second on your nose as Victor opened the driver’s side door.
At the pat of his hand on the hood he said, “Let’s go pick up your hats Pipsqueak.” Dropping into the car that James moved to open the passenger side door to.
“You’re both too calm with this.”
James hummed back, “Just wait till someone tries to trash your name and you’ll see us burn the world down to change their minds and make them apologize.”
“You burn the world down and those Asgardians will come drop down on all of us.”
Victor laughed from inside the car, “They come down here they won’t stand a chance if they come to try to fight you. Now if they want to buy a book they are free to get in line, and there will be lines.” He finished with a smile at your slide to the middle spot on the bench seat with legs crossed against James’ in his closing the door on his settling inside.
The drive didn’t take long while they both shared their own assumptions on how the sales would go in your comfortable place against James’ side glad for his arm across your lap to hold your hand out of the way from the stick shift. Before you could even park the excited Hatter’s Wife hastened to the door to open it for the three of you to let you in for the final display and payment hand over for the second half of the hats.
Smiling widely the Hatter greeted you with a warm handshake and pat on the back of your hand clasped in his, “Welcome back, we are so glad to have been chosen as your personal Hatters.” He released your hand and shook the brothers’ hands while you held back your smile from spreading awkwardly across your face at his claim on any future business you now had to come up with some more of somehow to appease his assumption. “Now, we shall start with our Bride.”
He said with a smile until his wife said, “That is, we also can fit you in the private room if you prefer to surprise the Groom on the day of.”
“Here is good,” you said in his pause luring his smile out again in his turn to fetch your hat from the back. “Managed to keep the dress a secret along with the shoes but think I just might want to spread a bit of jealousy at the details on mine.” You said easing onto the stool she motioned you to so he could settle it in place.
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The Hatter returned and smiled at your eyeing the white marvel he lifted and settled gingerly onto your head like a crown. More so the action had the guys about in tears for the first glimpse of you as a Bride, and when you stood to walk to the mirrors they were drawn after you admiring the pristine white top hat you almost didn’t want to touch to keep it clean. The shorter styled top hat with a ribbon accented with a shimmering broach and a white feather was circled by a net like ribbon draped around the rise of the hat with a tail that would be lowered as the portion to cover your face. You had Mamma Brock’s veil but like the other women who wore it a second sheer layer would cover your face as hers was woven lace stitched to heavy barely see through silk and would be too difficult to actually make it down the aisle or even across a room.
Around your face his fingers eased the net veil portion down saying, “And this will simply be lovely and quite easy to see through on the big day. Should you wish to add a hair piece if you secured it above a bun then it should fit nicely along with this hat.”
“I do have a silk and hand woven lace veil that I am borrowing for the day, this should help to keep it in place while I walk to the reception after if it’s a bit windy.”
James chuckled humming out, “You’re not walking, I’m carrying you the full way.” The Hatter looked his way and he said, “Tradition, the barn is just a stone’s throw from the church, Bride is carried to her seat.”
Hatter’s Wife, “Oh that sounds lovely for wedding traditions.” She said stealing a glance at the ring on James’ hand adding, “Along with your Groom already wearing his ring.”
Victor said showing off is two rings on his ring finger, “Family tradition we get two rings too so we can brag up to the big day.”
The assistant came out with the other female hat design while the Hatter claimed your hat again he took back to its box that gave you the second hat to admire and shift the shorter accented by a silk flower ending the ribbon, the netting simply was a tuft in the front and right side minus the tail yours had. Just as breathtaking as the first to be followed by both of the brothers admiring their own grey top hats accented with black ribbons and James’ with a purple accenting fold of ribbon on the side where the ends met.
Pt 40
All –
@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​, @aspiringtranslator​ ​,@thegreyberet​, @patanghill17​, @jesgisborne​, @curvestrology​, @alishlieb​, @jogregor​, @armitageadoration​, @fizzyxcustard​, @lilith15000​, @marvels-ghost​, @catthefearless​, @imjusthereforthereads​, @c-s-stars​, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​, @mariannetora​, @shes-a-killer-kween, @ggbbhehe4455, @xxbyimm (Hobbit x oc)
X Marvel-Cast - @himoverflowers, @theincaprincess​, @changlingkhat
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blissfulparker · 4 years
12 days of Christmas Day.4⇒T.H
Summary→ tom plans on proposing to you on Christmas, although when toms been gone for months and left you with Harrison who started to let his feelings for you come back, 12 days of Christmas quickly becomes 12 days of tension
Warnings→ fluff, jealousy
A/n→this part is very short and I am aware, next chapter will be filled with flashbacks and the chapter after that is fluff but more drama🤭Anyways, I hope you enjoy. I’m gonna get to happiness is a butterfly very soon I promise. I might not be too active this next weeks because I am taking finals and this year I am really stressed about them so I hope you guys understand🥺
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There were eight days left until Christmas, toms nerves we’re starting to rack up about proposing. He knew you’d say yes so why was he so nervous? He talked to his dad about it and he told him it was very normal and that he was nervous when he proposed to Nikki, Toms mother. Tom nodded understanding that it was just a regular feeling to have but with his best friend acting weird around you and you not, it made him feel off.
“We’ve got stuff to do today mister.” You smack tom with a pillow and he groans as you’re already half ready.
The difference between you and tom was that you could be a morning bird, especially around this time of year. Getting ready and out of the house by 10am was the move one morning. You loved getting to the stores right as they opened to beat the holiday rush and that’s exactly what you were doing today.
“It’s only, 11:40!” He moans at the rude awakening. Rubbing his eyes and stretching slightly, he rolls over and falls back asleep.
“Tom, it’s nearly 12.” You place your hands on your hips. “I need to go to the store so we can host our Christmas dinner party.” You drop the pillow and stand away from the bed so he can’t pull you into it.
“Christmas dinner is like six days away. Can’t we wait?” He asked with a groggily morning voice and you roll your eyes.
“Tom, the day before Christmas Eve is our anniversary. And I know we always spend it on Christmas because it’s two days off and we just splurge then but I really don’t wanna leave the house two days before Christmas to shop for anything we forgot, the stores will have nothing! And besides, I can easily think of a few other ways to spend our anniversary.” You wink and he sits up rubbing his eyes now awake at your suggestion.
“Okay, okay, I get it. But like...it’s cold outside.” He whines like a baby and you laugh as you make your way back over to the bathroom.
“Well put on a coat because I need help and you’re home and I wanna spend time with you.” You put mascara on and he groans again. He wraps his arms around you and almost falls asleep against your warm figure.
“I’ll buy you lunch if you stop fussing.” He fusses even more and you roll your eyes.
“I’ll make you cinnamon cookies if you stop pouting.” You look over and that statement makes him jerk up and put on some pants. You laugh as he does. He comes over and presses kisses to your cheeks. Just as he starts to try something the sound of the front door opens. Tom groans as he lets his head fall into your neck.
“Harrison probably just left something.” You wiggle out of Toms arms. You make your way out of the room and tom stays in the bathroom getting ready to wash his face and start his day.
“Hey.” You say as you catch Harrison.
“Hi.” He swallows hard. He looks at your shirt and sees you’re wearing no bra. It’s cold outside so your hardened nipples don’t help.
“Did you forget something?” You ask and he nods.
“Yeah.” He can barely take his eyes off them. He knows he should control himself but he can’t, he doesn’t know why but he can’t. “Tom here?” He asks and as if on command Tom comes walking out shirtless in front of his best friend.
“Hey.” Tom comes out. He sees the interaction between the two of you, the air is thick and something is definitely off. He wants to know exactly what’s wrong but he thinks it’s best to just let it lay low.
“Harrison just forgot something.” You nod and he does too. You walk over to tom feeling like you need to remind Harrison you can’t be with him you have tom.
“I left my AirPods the other day. Sorry if I Interrupted anything.” He clears his throat and then walks to the guest bedroom, well, his old bedroom. Harrison was moving in with Harry and tuwaine after Tom talked about the engagement. Tom said that you two could leave but Haz didn’t want a big house all to himself. He liked the company of Harry and tuwaine. It was a better choice.
“What’s up with him?” Tom mouthed and you just shook your head.
“Nothing.” You smile and kiss his cheek. Tom clenches his jaw almost furious that he’s being lied to about something. Someone is lying to someone about something and he wants to know who and what it is.
“You should come to lunch with (y/n) and i.” Tom offered and it caught Haz in his tracks. “Should bring Amanda. It would be like a double date.” Tom suggested and you looked at haz nodding for him to say yes. It was easy if he just said yes and moved on. “I also wanted to call you tonight if you didn’t mind.”
Harrison nodded quickly and bounced back and forth on his heels to toes.
“Yeah, that’d be fun.” He nodded and tom did too.
“Well text you when we figure out a place. We’re just going shopping today aren’t we babe?” He looks over and you nod.
“Yup, shopping.” You smile and the air gets thicker.
“Right. That sounds amazing. I’ll Uhh...tell ‘mada.” He clears his throat while waking out.
“That was strange.” Tom made a face and you kissed his jaw to say nothing was happening,
“It’s haz what do you think?” You shrug trying to act normal about the situation. Tom nods trying once again to not let it get under his skin. He knew you wouldn’t cheat, he knew it, but he also had to remember Harrison’s old crush on you years ago. How you were his favorite but was quickly dropped after he found out how much tom loved you.
“I think he’s acting strange since I got home.” Tom followed you back into the bathroom and you turned around. You bite your lip thinking maybe it should come from haz, not you, if it was you it’d be biased.
“Maybe he’s just getting use to being back with Amanda? They had an odd break up and maybe he’s trying to ease back onto it.
“Right.” He says and wraps his arms around you and rests his head on his shoulder. “Something is off about her. I think she likes me.” Tom admits and you make a face.
“That’s always a way to boost your girlfriends ego.” You day as you go to the room and grab your bag.
“I don’t like her back obviously but she gets a little too touchy. Remember Arden a few years back? Well, only two years back. She was so in love with me she would try and make up lies to get us to break up? She kinda reminds me of Arden but a less hardcore way.” Tom says and you laugh remembering the quite terrifying girl.
“Well, she does have a tattoo of a heart on her hip. She showed me. So unless you like girls with their heart near their pussy then she’s the girl for you.” You wink and he makes a face.
“You Wear your heart on your sleeve darling.” He kisses you once more and slips on his shoes. “Don’t forget your gloves!” He reminds. You open his sock drawer trying to find his gloves because they were thicker. You dig around and find a small crumpled half piece of paper labeled ‘the engagement plan.’ Your heart sped up and you couldn’t read any of it because you were so nervous, so disappointed in yourself for finding it and ruining the surprise.
“Did you find them?” He calls out and you shut the drawer not caring about his gloves anymore and move over to your dresser and pull out white ones.
“Found them!” You shout back. You bit your lip scared to face tom because you knew the plan.
You were going to become Mrs. holland while Harrison couldn’t get over a crush on you. It didn’t come to you that the small box under the tree was going to be the best Christmas present of your life.
Permanent Taglist: @angelsparkers @dahliaspidey @parkersvibes @itssss-a-bean @ppkrtingle e @myfinalwords @bocauhl ul @tinyplanet-explorers @softbaby-tom @awesomeblackcottontail @rosebeegraham @stormyholland @unicorn-princess-1999 @spideyyypeter @marshyrebelcloud @oh-epiphany @yeahimcrying @highlydisfunctional1 @disgustangg @pterstingle @quacksonhq q @starlightparker @reblogsfics @tomsrebeleyebrow
12 days of Christmas: @bibby-baby @spideylovin @wonderland-londonboy @peter-man-parker @sleepingthestral @spiderbibby @thevelvetseries
222 notes · View notes
cmzucchero · 4 years
i have no ‘sick days’
summary: it’s flu season, and the bau has a sick garcia on their hands
requested: yup! :) (requests are still open!!)
warnings: normal criminal minds stuff
“Good morning, all of my wonderful-“
Garcia’s welcoming was interrupted by her loud sneeze, causing Spencer to scoot a bit closer to Morgan and away from Garcia.
Hotch, Rossi, and JJ all said “bless you” in unison without looking up from their files.
“Excuse me, thank you- wonderful crime fighters. We have a new case- someone horrible is hitting Atlanta Georgia.”
“Why are they calling us? This looks like any usual gang kill.” Derek pointed out.
“Because...” Garcia fidgeted with the remote and pulled up a set of photos the city’s M.E. had taken. “All of the victims have had an itsy bitsy little number on their arm. The first time the M.E. noticed it, the number was already at 8...now it’s at 11. She located most of the other victims.”
“What on earth would cause someone to murder 11 kids?” Emily asked with a look dusted with disgust.
“Why did it take so long for the police to contact us?” Derek asked
“Well, one police captain thought they were all kids from the same gang- which they are- but after poking around the other captain noticed not everyone had a number...only the victims. I do want to wa-war-“ another sneeze came from Garcia making everyone jump, and Spencer inching even closer to Morgan.
“Garcia, are you feeling okay?” JJ asked, worry starting to fill everyone’s faces.
“-warn you that the two captains are butting heads. Yes I’m fine, I must have allergies or something, I’ll go take some allegra.”
After some more questions and statements, hotch told everyone they’ll be leaving in 30 minutes.
Derek and JJ followed Garcia to her ‘bat cave’ after grabbing their go bags.
“Garcia, are you sure it’s allergies, nothing is in season.” JJ asked
“Yeah, it’s probably dust.” Garcia said, taking her seat in her ‘throne of all knowledge’.
“Baby girl, they clean and dust this place every night.”
“Actually, our janitors come in about every week. There are seven floors, so they do a floor every night.” Spencer chimed in from the door, not daring to come in any closer.
“Yes, exactly, allergies! Thank you boy wonder.”
“But, with that being said, this year the flu has a sudden spike. People are twice as likely to get it. Because of the lack of cleaning, anyone who has it can spread it to an entire floor.”
Everyone in the room slowly started getting farther apart from each other.
“But I don’t get sick.” Garcia said defensively.
“Save it boy wonder. I break statistics. I haven’t gotten sick in 15 years. Strep was the last thing I got. Damn you Terry.” Garcia said the last part more towards herself but everyone shared glances and raised eyebrows in response.
“Garcia I think you should probably still sit at home.” JJ offered
“If i’m infected I won’t infect anyone else, I’m in my own bubble.”
Spencer was about to respond with another technicality, but Hotch interrupted his thought stating the plane was ready.
After the team landed and everyone got settled into their new office accommodations, Emily called Garcia for any new background information on their victims.
“Hey Garcia,” JJ started.
“Hello my lovely lady and gents, I assume you’re calling for some background info on our victims.”
“You read our mind” Emily said smiling, looking over the file once again.
“Aw are you still surprised by that, darling?” Garcia quipped. “Well their backgrounds are all tragically similar. They all have absent parents, all failing or dropped out of school, most of them have criminal records- theft, fights, vandalism- all that. It’s the make-up of any stereotypical gang member.” After Garcia said all of this, she muted herself before letting out a series of coughs. She knew if Hotch suspected her of being sick, him and all of the other members would insist on her going home. 
“Thank you, Garcia.” Hotch answered stone faced. 
Garcia went to unmute her mic when she noticed the red light wasn’t on. ‘shi-’ 
“You’re welcome, sir. Call me if you’ve got any more questions!” Garcia quickly hung up, hoping, miraculously, they did not hear her coughs. That hope was quickly disappearing when a string of knocks interrupted the silence of her dark room. 
She stumbled up from her chair and made her way to the door, swinging it open. Anderson stood there smiling.
She let out a huff, and turned her back. He followed her in and shut the door behind him. 
“This is not necessary, I’m not sick.” Garcia said, still not turning around.
“My orders come from Agent Hotchner, I’m sorry Garcia, but he insisted.” 
Penelope let out another huff and started looking around the room for all of her belongings she will need for the time out. 
“Fine, but you tell agent hotchner that I will still be assigned to this case. I can do every bit of it from my humble abode as I can here.” Garcia said with a persistent and annoyed tone. 
Anderson put his hands up, and stepped aside so Penelope could walk by. 
After Anderson escorted Penelope into her apartment, he left her feeling annoyed, although, deep down, she felt very warm and cheerful, knowing how much her team cared for her. 
After setting up her makeshift computer station, she went to the kitchen.
“Hmm... well Penelope, if you are sick, I guess you need some food, don’t you?” Garcia said to herself. 
“Okay, but I’m not really hungry...” Garcia stood in front of the open fridge, contemplating her options. 
Sergio came up and rubbed up against her legs, hoping to get a special treat he knew garcia kept in the fridge- but to no avail.
Garcia shut the door and made her way back to her living room, where she will be conducting her magic. 
Hours went by of Garcia looking at the victims, their families and friends, and records of the gang they were a part of. Finally, her phone rang.
“Oh, I thought you guys forgot about me!” Garcia said exasperated.
“Who could ever forget you, baby girl?” Derek quipped. 
Garcia let out a soft chuckle, focusing on the topic again when she heard Reid start talking.
“Do you have any information on the gang leader’s right-hand man, Emmett Mundane?”
“Yes, I do. I did some research while waiting in my jail cell.”
Rossi’s voice suddenly happened into the call. 
“I hardly think your apartment would be as bland as a jail cell.” 
“You would be correct; however, that does not mean I can’t get claustrophobic.”
“Garcia, you work in a dark room for 40 plus hours a week.” Emily said, leaning towards the phone. 
“It’s different when you’re forced into isolation, Em. I just sent all of the info on Mundane. Does he look good for it?”
“We think so- Thank you Garcia.” derek ended
There was some more downtime, now being spent watching doctor who and supergirl reruns. 
Garcia decided she should probably check her temperature just in case, since she was starting to heat up.
“jeez, 101!” Garcia started to feel a bit guilty going to work with a fever, possibly infecting others. She started cleaning up her small apartment, knowing she will not be feeling up to doing much of anything in the following days. After she finished sweeping, she made herself a cup of water and a smoothie filled with super fruits and kale, then, once again sitting down to watch her tv shows.
The team called Garcia when they got onto the plane. It turns out that Emmett was the unsub. He started picking off all of the kids that he thought could threaten his attention from the gang leader. The numbers turned out to be how he thought the were kids ranked, in his eyes. 
After some time and a quick nap later, Garcia heard a knock coming from her door. She checked the peep-hole and saw the morphed and funny-looking versions of her team. She unlocked the door and slowly started to open it.
The team was welcomed in by Garcia covering the bottom half of her face in her shirt she pulled up in hopes to block any virus from coming out. They filed in, each holding something to help Garcia get up to her usual perky self. JJ brought some brownies, Emily brought wine, Rossi brought a pasta dish that supposedly cured his grandmother’s cancer, Hotch brought soup, Spencer brought some health juice that was jammed packed with carefully chosen healing super fruits and ingredients, and Derek brought a huge stuffed animal and a peach smoothie. 
Garcia’s heart swelled and her eyes started to swell up with tears. She met the faces of her team, all looking at her with sympathy and wishing they had their Garcia back. Not a second went by before Garcia’s eyes grew and she started ushering her friends out of her “infected apartement”. She thanked all of them, sincerely and shut the door. 
She walked to the kitchen where everything was left, cupping her hands over her heart. 
‘I really do have the best people, don’t I’ she thought to herself before digging into all of her goodies.
AN: I hope you guys enjoyed this! To anon, I really hope I fulfilled the request! It was so much fun to write! I just got my old laptop to start working again so I can write more often, so keep sending those requests!! Thank you for reading! Love you guys!! <3
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allie1804-fan · 4 years
Please Assist Me (Chapter 17)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8,  Chapter 9, Ch6apter 10 , Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15 , Chapter 16
Warnings: Some explicit Content
 He Said
The wrap for the film in November left me high - it had been an amazing experience again for me but the joy at the film completing was made so much better by the knowledge that I would soon be back home, holding Sophia in my arms.
I got back to my apartment after the wrap party at around midnight, slightly inebriated and dialled her back in LA.  
“It’s done, I’m coming home” I declared.
“you seem happy” she said laughing at my slurred speech “are you drunk?”
“little bit I think, yup! You alone?”
“a ha – kids are at Julie’s today”
“ooooh goody, wanna play?”
 She Said
When Ke called me after the wrap party, he was clearly a little drunk, a bit goofy ……and horny. A few times whilst he’d been away, we’d masturbated together and I knew that was where this was going today. I moved into the bedroom and he started softly instructing me as to which garments to remove, what to show him and telling me everything he wanted to do to me when he got back.  He was the master of story telling and timing, holding off telling me to touch myself for as long as he could so that when the time came and he encouraged me ……….
“now  touch yourself, imagine my tongue….”
I was off like a firecracker, screaming his name which pushed him over the edge too, a loud grunt coming through the speaker of the iPad.
I propped the iPad up against his pillow on the bed and we stared at each other, smiling and I know I was blushing a little.
“Why do you always blush when we do that? We are allowed you know, you are my girlfriend right?”
I nodded, giggling a little.
“Yeah, it’s just that it’s 3.30 in the afternoon here - it feels very decadent to be touching myself while the kids are off doing their school day!”
“Where are they on Friday? I get in at around 7am?”
“Lucky you, it’s Miranda’s day. But you should get some sleep”
“I’ll sleep on the plane …………..and after I’ve taken you!”
“Promises, promises”
He Said
“Told you!”
“Told me what?” Sophia breathed as she lay back on the pillow, her long brown hair fanning out around her and her chest still rosy pink with the flush of orgasm.
“Told you I’d take you first before sleep today” I murmured, sinking into the pillow and yawning.
“Poor old man’s sleepy”
“Hey, less of the old”
Sophia pulled up the covers and ran soothing hands over my shoulders”
“Get some rest baby and thank you”
“For what?”
“Coming back to me and keeping your promise”
I could feel myself drifting into dreams already “mmm no problem, I love you Sophia, I’m so glad to be home”
“Love you too Ke”
When I woke up it was early afternoon and Sophia had made a spread of some of my favourite things for lunch, chief among which was a Peanut butter and jelly sandwich! I feasted and we talked about our plans for the time we now had together.  There were still restrictions in California due to Covid so there were limitations on how much we could do but truth be told my main priority was investing time with this newly forming family, seeing some other family and friends and taking some bike rides.  There would be John Wick training in the new year but until then, my time was my own.
 She Said
Once Keanu was back and we’d got over the initial rush of excitement to be together again, we settled into something of a routine.
He’d stay over a couple of nights a week and at least once a week I’d spend the day with him at his house, often just enjoying a decadent day between the sheets.  A Wednesday would be similar for us to a Sunday for a couple who didn’t have kids in the house bouncing out of bed at 7am!
Whilst we did have a routine of sorts there were still adjustments to be made. One of these took me a little by surprise and was partly triggered by a routine letter from my doctor.
Keanu was there as I opened it.
“Everything OK?
“Oh, yeah sure, it’s just about my coil. It’s going to expire soon so I have to go in for a consult”
“Oh and are you just going to get another one or ….?”
“Or what ?”
I had known this decision was coming soon and it had got me questioning whether it was the end of the road for me and babies. Some friends around me were still having more kids and that was one factor in me questioning it. The last new baby had arrived only a couple of weeks ago  - it was Julie’s so we’d gone to visit, taking a gift.  I got to cuddle her little boy Matthew too since we were in the bubble together. I remembered Keanu’s indulgent expression as I’d declared
“Babies just rule don’t they? Every home should have one! – but then again they are soooo much work!”  
I was only joking around but it was true, I did love babies and I couldn’t say for sure that I was content with declaring an end to my child-bearing years by getting another coil fitted for 10 or more years. I know you can take them out early but the fact that it could just go in and stay in did make that particular choice feel quite final. On the other hand, it was safe and super convenient and meant no condoms which I had never liked and most men I knew didn’t either. I wondered what Keanu thought of my comment. He was so great with my 2 kids  - I didn’t know whether he regretted not having kids of his own – I mean I guess that was kind of inevitable given what he had lost but I didn’t know if it was something he wanted still.
“Or …… do you ever wonder about having more kids?”
“Gosh, I don’t know”
“No? You weren’t thinking about it when cuddling baby Matthew the other day?”
I blushed.
“Well, maybe it crossed my mind that this decision was coming up”
I took a deep breath
“And I wasn’t sure I was completely ready to …….. to close the door” I admitted.
 He Said
I sat at my desk, a blank piece of paper in front of me. I was about to embark on a methodical analysis of my thoughts on having a kid with Sophia. After she’d said she wasn’t sure she was ready to close the door, she asked me what I wanted.  Gosh, that took the wind out of my sails even though I had been the one to lift the lid by asking her about her coil. To be honest, it was the way she had been with baby Matthew that had started me thinking before that and had re-awakened in me something I’d not felt since my 40s: The longing to have a child of my own.
I started jotting down thoughts  - pros and cons and trying somehow to think about how positive or negative they each were. It was no good weighing a negative like sleepless nights against a positive like giving my mother grandchildren and my sisters a niece or nephew.  I was still pouring over my page, filling it with thoughts and adding circles around key words and phrases when Sophia popped her head around the corner to say hi. She’d just arrived after dropping the kids at Miranda’s.
“Hey what’s this?”  she asked leaning over my shoulder and kissing my cheek.
“Well, it’s me attempting to be rational, practical, you know about what we talked about yesterday”
“Oh, I see” she responded as she started to scan the page.
“you’re not too old” she exclaimed, picking up on one of the negatives I’d written.
“You sure ?– I mean I could be nearly 80 when they’re 20 something – my mom was 40 when I was 20!”
“Yeah but I’ll be 50 when Eva is 20  - 20 was very young to have a kid by today’s standards. What are the numbers next to each thing?”
“A scoring system” I said blushing a bit.
“Oh my god, how scientific are we getting!?”
“Like I said” I defended, “I’m trying to be pragmatic, weigh things in the balance which is hard when you have things like this in the mix”
I pointed to the biggest word on the page which I’d started to draw around. It was ‘Love’ and it was certainly the thing that counted most in the balance. The love that a child could bring into my life and everyone else in our families was why seeing Sophia with Matthew that day had sparked all those feelings. It didn’t really matter that much that I might need to do fewer projects, that I’d have less freedom and time to myself for creative projects, that we’d be building a complex family melding with the existing one. I think the only thing on the page I could see that made me hesitate were the words “Loss” , “risk and “disappointment”. How on earth could we embark on this path and accept that maybe Sophia wouldn’t get pregnant, what steps would we take if that was the case or would we just agree that if it didn’t happen on its own then that was the end of it. Or maybe she would conceive and then we’d lose the baby like Ava  ……… That option almost equalled the love one in terms of being the opposite in negative points.
“Come on,  take a break, have some lunch with me and then talk me through it OK? Maybe I should do the same task huh? We’ll work it out” she soothed, squeezing my hand.
She Said
Keanu was quiet through lunch. I could tell that this topic was really taxing  his head and heart and I felt guilty that my contraceptive choices had brought this to the fore. He reassured me that in fact, it was seeing me with baby Matthew that had really started the thoughts spinning round his mind.
Whilst I teased him about his giant mind map of pros and cons with its elaborate points system,  it was really useful as a prompt to talk it through. It didn’t strip emotion out of it, after all, how could it with the word love and all its layers of meaning sitting at the centre of the page, but it meant we did consider everything as best we could.
It was the first time we’d talked in any detail about Ava and that experience of loss. He told me most of it, leaning back in the lounger by the pool, eyes closed, holding my hand, an occasional tear leaking out. The horror of giving birth to a silent, dead baby filled me with sorrow for him and Jen and, if I’m honest, some fear for myself. Fear of being the one to do that to him again, fear of embarking on something that held such potential danger. It had never felt that way as I had innocently embarked on my pregnancies with Eva and Miguel.
By the time I had to leave that afternoon, we had almost got to our conclusion, but agreed to sleep on it for a few days. Ironically, he called this technique “incubation”! He said you didn’t actually have to actively think about it but letting it just sit in the back of your mind meant that you would process it and come to a conclusion that you were comfortable with.
 He Said
I wanted to pinch myself when I thought back to last Christmas Eve. The two years could not be more different. This evening, at nearly midnight, I found myself hovering outside Miguel’s bedroom door, checking for the steady sounds of him sleeping before sneaking in with his stocking containing a few presents for when he woke up.  Sophia was doing the same outside Eva’s door. As I crept up to his bed, looking at his angelic little face, almost black hair sticking out of the covers just a bit, I felt centred and certain about our decisions last month.
He and Eva were my family too now, not officially in law, but in practice they spent more time with me than with their Dad these days.  They were comfortable with me, even as an occasional disciplinarian not just a playmate. And that was enough for me and Sophia - if we added to the brood with a child of our own, then great; We weren’t making any efforts to stop a pregnancy  and we were both taking care of our health but we would not have any fertility interventions and would stop if  nothing had happened after a couple of years since Sophia was nearly 40.  We had both agreed that we didn’t want to push our luck too far with a risky pregnancy.
 She Said
My main memory of our first Christmas together was Keanu’s goofy grin that seemed to be permanently plastered on his face for the whole holidays.  It was there for all the special meals we shared, there when we all opened our gifts from him (purchased without PA help!) and there when he closed the bedroom door and came to make love to me each night, stifling the sounds of our passion from the kids with his kisses.
We were in a cocoon of love and tenderness - I knew work was on the horizon for him and that would change our rhythm again soon enough but for now, we could bask in each other’s love, enjoy the children together and carry a little spark of hope that I might be able to fall pregnant with his child before long.
Once the holidays were over, Keanu was back to developing John Wick 4 and starting a new programme of training.  We would have to endure some separation again once shooting started in April in New York but we were all decamping at the start to his apartment there since it would be the holidays then. We even had plans to decorate a bedroom each for the children so they would feel at home when we visited. I wanted them to feel safe and secure. It turned out that this was the one thing I couldn’t guarantee for them, now their mother was publicly dating a movie-star.
@fortheloveoffanfic @kindainlovewithkeanu @omg-imagine @iworshipkeanureeves @fics-not-tragedies @ficsnroses @keanureevesisbae @penwieldingdreamer @witty-wallflower @paperplanesandwallflowers @bitchyslut99 @ladyreapermc @toomanystoriessolittletime @fanficsrusz @keanuficfiles   
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
70 Scrubs Prompts
Yup, another prompt list. Most of these are actually light and funny, though some are a little heavier. I tried to pick ones that would work outside of a hospital setting. Again it’s super long so cutting at 15. 
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1 “And who’s to say this isn’t what happens? Who can tell me that my fantasies won’t come true? Just this once ... “ — John JD Dorian
2 “Look NAME, I don’t know if it’s possible for me to put how I feel about you into words, but I guess I’ll give it a shot. I never really believed I’d find somebody that I love as much as you. I love you more than anything in the whole world. NAME, I love you more than FRIEND.” “Oh my god” “It's kind of hard for me to say, but it's true.” — John JD Dorian and Elliot Reid
3 “I grew up on the street ... No, not the hood. The Sesame Street.” — John JD Dorian
4 “As I looked at all the relationships around me ... Some that had gone on forever ... some that were reigniting ... and some that had just begun ... I realized something: It should have been me.” — John JD Dorian
5 “NAME, you can’t test love. When I met NAME, it seemed he/she was more in love with his/her best friend than with me.” “Honey, they’ve got that almond biscotti FRIEND loves, so I was wondering if I could borrow some money so I can get him/her some.” “No, you got him/her a present yesterday.” — Carla and Turk
6 “You’ve been wrong so many times that I'm not even going to say something is wrong anymore. I'm going to say that it's 'NAME'.
— Perry Cox
7 “I just took a pregnancy test, just tell me when a minute's up.” “I just put some pizza rolls on the microwave oven; the minute that bad boy rings we're good to go.” “Oh, my god, I can't stand it, 30 more seconds.” “OK baby, don't get too excited, they have to cool off for at least a minute.” — Carla and Turk
8 “So, uh, you going to lunch with your brother/sister?” “Yeah, I... well, you know, I would've invited you, but I already made the reservation for two.” “So call and change it to three.” “Ohh, I'm not gonna mess with that hostess. You know, she uses sharp tones.” — Elliot Reid and John JD Dorian
9 “Nothing in this world, that's worth having comes easy.” — Bob Kelso
10 “Yeah, I'm not that great with kids. They've got such tiny hands. It's creepy.” — Elliot Reid
11 “I love this moment so much, I want to have sex with it.” — Perry Cox
12 “Oh, my God! I'm gagging and vomiting at the same time. I'm... I'm gavomiting!” — Perry Cox
13 “So he/she has a cute butt. Everyone has a cute butt. I have a cute butt.” “You should bring it in someday.” — John JD Dorian & Carla Espinosa
14 “The problem with people who only want what they can’t have is that once they have what they want, they don’t want it anymore.” — John JD Dorian
15 “I guess when you care about someone, you’ll do whatever you can to make ’em happy.” —John JD Dorian
16 “The truth is, it is all your memories, the joyful ones and the heartbreaking ones that make up who you are as a person” — John JD Dorian
17 “‘Cause even if it breaks your heart to be ‘just friends’, if you really care about someone, you’ll take the hit.“ — John JD Dorian
18 “The easiest way to lose something is to want it too badly.” — John JD Dorian
19 “Sometimes in life when you get what you want, you end up missing what you left behind.” — John JD Dorian
20 “Sex is only good for two things. Making babies and revenge.” — Jordan Sullivan
21 “What's going on?” “I love you too dumpling, but I have to work late. I'll make it up to you this weekend.” “NAME’s on the phone with his/her mom/dad/parent, so we're taking five.” — Jordan Sullivan, Ted Buckland and Perry Cox
22 “By the way, NAME’s here but I'm not going to kiss and tell.” “Oh really? Cause I just got your text that said "bone city".” “Oh really? That came through?” — JD and Elliot
23 “You're gonna love it here, sport.” “Get out while you still can.” “Uh...” “Seriously, get out while you still can.” — Bob Kelso, Ted Buckland, and Keith Dudemeister
24 “Ted, what are you doing?” “I like to do stomach crunches after lunch.” “Ted, lunch was four hours ago.” “Yep, I wasted most of my Tuesday.” “It's Wednesday.” “Aw, man! I missed SHOW!” — John JD Dorian and Ted Buckland
25 “Well, it took a whole tube of gel, but I finally got my hair down.” “No one male or female ever cared, NAME.” — Ted Buckland and Perry Cox
26 “Thirsty, huh?” “Helps the tears taste less bitter.” “Cheers.” — John JD Dorian and Ted Buckland
27 “I have to get ready man. I want my date with NAME to be perfect. What do you think about a romantic horseback ride on the beach?” “Ooh, like you and I did for your birthday.” “Yeah but except this time with two horses.” — John JD Dorian and Turk
28 “I am wearing red. Should I not be wearing red around her?” “She's pregnant, she's not a bull.” — Elliot Reid and Turk
29 “This is why the headache didn't go away, it is actually pronounced 'analgesic', not 'ANALgesic'. The pills go into your mouth.” — Turk
30 [She/he sees NAME holding a beer] “What are you doing? [He/she threatens to open it] “You better not open that.” [He/she opens it] “Okay, you better not drink it.” [He/she takes a sip] “All right, You better not enjoy it.” [He/she expresses enjoyment, person A bitch slaps his/her beer] “Did you just bitch slap my beer?” “Are you calling me a bitch?” “Yes. Yes, I am!” — Carla and Turk
31 “Is there another guy on this planet who is that sensitive?” “Okay, let it out. I've got you. NAME has got you. Hold me tighter, a little too tight...There is a good spot.” — Turk and JD
32 person a “This plan is fool proof.” Person c “That is impossible. You two are involved.” Person c “We will see about that!” [Person a and c crash into each other as they try to walk away] — JD, Perry Cox and Turk
33 person a “I don't think we have anymore wine. NAME, can I have some of yours?” [Person C’s narration: I felt like NAME was starting to blame me for all of this.] [person b Spills his/ her wine in person c’s face) “I spilled mine too, honey. You know what you should do? Ask for some NAME’s.” [Person C Spills his/her wine on his/her crotch] “I spilled mine too.” — Carla, Turk and JD
34 “Wait NAME! I have an idea.” “You have another idea? Well I've got to tell you, I'm done with your ideas and not just for now but forever! Okay, are we clear on that?”  “It's a good one.” “I'm listening.” — JD and Turk
35 “He/she is not allowed to dream about me. It gets too freaky in there.” “Cirque de Soleil freaky. One time, he/she was skinless.” — Carla and Turk
36 “How often do you make love?” “Twice today.” “Actually it was three times. You were asleep for the last one.” “Wow, that really happened? I thought it was weird that you were in one of my sex dreams.” — Marston, Turk and Carla
37 “How was your first stress-free day?” “Horrible. And you?” “Worse. Let's make a baby. If it doesn't work this time I'll kill myself.” “Not helping with the stress.” — Carla and Turk
38 “Dude, there you are. Two things; First, the aliens are here and they're wearing track suits.” “Oh, that's Nana.” — Turk and JD
39 “Are you nude right now?” “Yeah! How'd you know?” “Your voice is always higher when you're nude.” “That's true.” “It's not weird you know that at all.” —JD, Turk and Perry Cox
40 “You know, I actually like NAME. So, don't do that thing you always do.” “If you're referring to the game "Find the Saltine", relax. I don't even play that with NAME anymore.” [Later] “Behind your ear.” [Withdrawing Saltine from behind his ear] “My friend, you have found the Saltine. Uh, but, don't tell NAME we're still playing.”— Elliot Reid, JD and Turk
41 “Dude, he/she keeps a hug schedule with his/her friends!” “Okay, NAME ... looks like someone's getting crossed off their 2 o' clock spot and getting penciled in for never! How does that feel? Does it sting?” Person B Narration: He's hurting! Hug him/her ... hug him/her now! — Turk and JD
42 “Dude, don't sweat it - It says here that the ostrich is generally a docile creature.” “Thank God!” “It also says their kick can kill a man!” — Turk and JD
43 “Just don't repeat the same mistakes you made with me. For instance, don't speed down the road pretending your brakes are out. I don't care if it got you laid once in high school. It is not funny and I still have not forgiven you for killing that pony.” — Elliot Reid
44 “NAME, I don't photograph well. On my driver's license, I look like Gary Busey.” — Elliot Reid
45 “We have a very complicated past.” “Yeah, I hurt him/her, and I'm not proud.” Person B narration: I'm a little proud. — Elliot and JD
46 “NAME and I keep it superficial.” “Love the superficial. Dynamite teeth today!” “Oh thanks buddy!” “Sparkly.” “Yeah!” — Elliot and JD
47 “Will you tell me what NAME’s fantasy was?” “Nope.” “Did it involve chains?” “No.” “Whips?” “Mm-mm.” “Candle wax?” “No.” “Role-playing?” “No.” “Lasers?” “Mm-mm.” “Hamsters?” “Negative.” “Was he/she a Mexican apple thief?” “If only ...” — JD and Elliot
48 “Why don't you just move into my place?” “Oh, great, then we'll be two losers under one roof.” — Elliot and JD
49 “NAME, what you said before ... I knew you were right. Anyway, I'm sorry I got mad. You were wrong about one thing, though - we are moving forward.” “NAME, I'm thirty years old; I'm single, I'm homeless, and I'm pretty sure I just soiled myself.”
— Elliot and JD
50 Person A “Ohhh, my God, you're right.” Person B “Don't let him/her be your puppet-master.” Person C “Hey!” Person B “Hey.” Person C “What's up?” Person B “I have a headache.” Person C “Take some aspirin.” Person B “Don't tell me what to do! You're not the boss of me!” — Carla, Elliot and Jake
51 “I've never connected with a guy/girl like this before. I mean, even though it's only been two weeks, I already feel like I know NAME better than I know myself.” “What does he/she do for a living?” “I should know that.” — Elliot and Carla
52 “Look, the reason I've been acting so weird and having my friends hang around us all the time is because I really think that we have a shot for something great, and I don't wanna go and ruin it by sleeping with you too fast. I mean, what was I supposed to do?” “Well, you...you could have just told me that.” “Yes, but you're forgetting I'm a crazy person!” — Elliot and Jake
53 “I've seen the Wiggles live in concert ... twice.” “Did they perform 'Big Red Car'?” “They opened and closed the show with it. It was awesome.” — Perry Cox and Turk
54 “What's wrong with me?” “You're an annoying, whining man-child.” “That question wasn't directed to you!” “What question?” — JD and Perry Cox
55 “I’m notifying all my old boyfriends/girlfriends today that I'm officially off the market.” “I'm sure the 'pulse' setting on your shower head will be devastated!” — Elliot Reid and Perry Cox
56 “If there is one thing I have learned, it's that you can't schedule love.” “I think your credit card statement would beg to differ.” — Bob Kelso and Perry Cox
57 “Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present, Man/Woman Not Caring.” [points to self] — Perry Cox
58 “If you're worried about people seeing your ass, do what all the other girls do and tie a sweater around your waist.” — Perry Cox
59 “Should I talk slower or get a nurse that speaks fluent moron?” — Perry Cox
60 “Do you actually listen to yourself when you speak, or do you find you drift in and out?” — Perry Cox
61 [thinking] Why don't I ever listen to me? — JD
62 “And you know what else? I quit!” “No you don't!” “Well I'm leaving early today!” “No, you're not! You're coming back to my office to do busy work!” “Fine, but I'm getting a soda first!” “Whatever.” — Ted Buckland and Bob Kelso
63 “Your dog is creepy.” “Aww...be nice to Rowdy. The guy we bought him from used to keep him in a box full of old hats.” — Elliot and JD
64 “I thought we cared about each other ...” “Oh please, if you didn't want to sleep with me, you'd have done the same thing.” “Well, I'll tell you one thing, the last thing in the world I wanna do is sleep wit'cha now!” “Do me right here.” “Okay.” “See!” — JD and Elliot
65 “Huh! I put all those fliers up, and nobody wants me to live with them!” “Oh, come on, NAME. I'm sure you'll eventually find a roommate who's a... clean, non-smoking vegetarian that rinses the shower thoroughly after each usage.” “Oh, well, if you don't, it gets mildewy.” “You know, you should move in with my friend: Anal McLooney.” — Elliot and JD
66 “You know, I've been thinking a lot about us lately.” “Me too.” “God, you drive me crazy.” “Oh, you drive me crazy!” “Sometimes I just lay awake at night, thinking about how unbelievably lucky I am to have you in my life.” “Sometimes you're so controlling it makes me want to strangle you..” — Paul and Elliot
67 “Tonight, I am going to make all of your fantasies come true.” “You know, NAME, I would be happy just to have sex above the covers once.” “Yeah ... never gonna happen.” — Elliot and Paul
68 “You know, it's funny... when I said "I love you," it was an accident - and I never really loved you at all.” “That is an absolute riot.” — Elliot and Paul
69 “Okay, here's what you do: First you say that, even though our relationship is ending, you don't have any regrets.” “Oh, my God! Are you actually telling me how to break up with you?” “You're right. Go ahead.” “If you could just start me off, that'd be super.” — Paul and Elliot
70 Person A “You never explained that U2 thing, did you!” Person B “You know, I've been thinking about it, and maybe it's not such a bad thing that that happened! Right? I mean, things have been going really well between us, and maybe it was fate! I could've been looking at my Bel Biv Devoe CD and said, "I love Bel Biv Devoe" - which I do, by the way. And I'm not ashamed of it.” Person A and B “That girl is poison..." Person A “NAME, look, I just think that if you guys are meant to get to this point, it'll happen... naturally.” Person B “You're right! "I love U2!" Dammit! Why do I always have to say every little thing that comes into my head!? Ugh, I really wish you wouldn't stand so close to me after you take your hummus break. See! I didn't need to say that! I'm gonna tell him.” Person C “Love you!” Person B “Love you more!” Person A “Ugh!” Person B “You know what - brush your teeth, then judge me!” — Carla, Elliot and Paul
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justanoutlawfic · 4 years
Coming Home: Chapt. 3
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Summary: Emma is forced to stay in Storybrooke longer than expected and runs into some familiar faces...along with one she just can't recognize. 
Also on AO3/FF
Emma has only ever had three good father figures in her life. At least that she can remember. It’s more than a lot of foster kids might have had, she realizes, but in one way or another, they’ve let her down.
 There was the first dad she ever really had. The father that fostered her for three years. She can’t remember much about him except that he smiled a lot and they’d get bear claws every Saturday morning. At least towards the end of her stay with the Smiths, which was where she got her old last name. She changed it not long after she left the Nolans and found herself living on the street. An older boy told her a different way of looking at “The Ugly Duckling”. The duck became the swan, because she believed in herself. Emma supposed she could believe in herself too.
 There was Bill, when she was around 12 or 13, the years all start to blend together. He took her to a father/daughter dance at her middle school. He and Katie were going to take her on her very first vacation: a camping trip. Her foster brothers, their biological sons, were going to come along. Then Lily had to go and ruin all of that. The way Bill looked at her and said that she had put “his children” at risk. She realized he was never going to love her the same way he did Max and Zach. He hadn’t even fought for her when she ran away.
 The last was David. She had been with him less than the Smiths, but longer than Bill and Katie. For seven months, she had a home. David had promised her that he was going to be her forever father. After Jerry Smith, it was a promise she treasured. And then after David, it was a promise she never really believed again. She didn’t understand how he could go from playing with her, teaching her how to make cookies and checking for monsters in her closet…to just letting her slip away.
 Emma dealt with Henry at the beach. The kid was messed up, there was no doubt in her mind about that. He resented Regina and Emma felt for him, but she also knew that was his mom. They needed to work out whatever issues they had. Henry kept trying to insist his life sucked but Emma struggled with feeling for him. He had a mom that had called the police the minute he went missing. A mom that genuinely seemed to miss him. Regina and Henry were going through a rough patch, but they were going to be okay.
 It broke her heart to watch him forlornly walk into the house, but she knew just as she had 10 years ago, that it was for the best. Regina looked at her skeptically and Emma couldn’t blame her there. This was the second time her kid had run off in 24 hours and Emma had been the one to show up with him. She said her goodbyes and climbed into her bug, fully intending on heading out of Storybrooke and back to her life in Boston.
Until her bug stalled in the middle of Main Street. Which, like her former foster mother, hadn’t changed a bit.
 Billy, the mechanic, came fairly quick once Emma got the number from the waitress at the diner. His news, however, wasn’t as bright.
 “I’m a bit backed up,” he said. “I’m not going to be able to get to this for a while.”
Emma groaned. “You have got to be kidding me. I’m trying to get out of town. I’m not even from around here, what am I supposed to do now?”
Billy gestured behind him to the inn. “There’s a bed and breakfast? You could stay there.”
Emma shut her eyes, tipping her head backwards. She supposed she didn’t have much of a choice. “How backed up are you?” She asked.
“A week.”
“Of course. And you’re the only mechanic in town?”
“This is Storybrooke.”
 Emma turned around and headed towards the bed and breakfast. She hadn’t ever had a reason to stay there during her first go around in Storybrooke. She did happen to know the owners. If they remembered her, was going to be another question.
 Emma walked inside and up to the front desk. No one was around, at least not at first. Suddenly, she could hear arguing coming down the stairs. Yup, that was familiar. She remembered once asking Mary Margaret and David why Ruby fought so often with her grandmother, but they never had an answer.
 “I should have gotten out of this town when I had a chance!” Ruby yelled.
“I’m sorry my hip replacement ruined your travel plans,” Granny called back. She saw Emma and her entire demeanor changed. “A guest. My, we don’t get many of those.”
Emma arched an eyebrow. “You don’t?”
“No.” She scurried behind the desk. “It’s just you?”
“Yes. I’m looking to stay about a week.”
“Sounds perfect. Would you like a forest view or a square view? Normally there’s an upgrade for the square, but I can waive it.”
Emma couldn’t help but smile as Granny frantically busied herself behind the desk, looking for her ledger and a pen. It was clear she didn’t recognize her yet. “The square is fine.”
“You look familiar,” Ruby piped up. “But I haven’t seen you in a while.” She looked a bit closer. “You’re not…you’re not the kid that Mary Margaret and David fostered way back when, are you?”
Emma cringed at the mention of Mary Margaret and David. “I am.”
“Wow. I can’t believe it’s you.” Ruby looked her up and down. “You’re…you’re so grown up!”
“Yeah that’s what happens when you get forced out of town.” Emma turned away from Ruby and back to Granny who had the book open once again.
“What was your last name again, sweetie?”
“It’s changed, actually. Swan. Emma Swan.”
An unfamiliar accented voice spoke up from behind them. “Emma.” She turned her head and found a shorter man with shoulder length brown hair, dressed in a fancy suit. A cane was clutched in his hand. For the life of her, Emma could not place his face. “What a lovely name.”
“Thanks,” she replied, not knowing what else to say. Emma was one of the most popular baby names out there, not like it was something more unique. Yet, the man just kept smiling at her. It was starting to creep her out.
Granny reached out past her holding a wad of cash. “It’s all here,” she said firmly, though Emma could tell her usual demeaner was cracking.
“Yes, of course it is, dear.” He accepted the money and placed it into his jacket pocket. Then, he turned to face Emma. “Enjoy your stay…Emma.”
 He slowly walked out of the inn, making sure to look at each and every one of them as he did. The door shut behind him with a ring of the bell above it. Emma finally got the nerve to speak to Ruby again.
 “Who was that?”
“Mr. Gold.” Ruby shuddered a little, watching behind the curtain as he walked away. “He owns this place.”
“You mean the inn?”
“No,” Granny looked deeply afraid. “The town.”
 Emma tilted her head and more memories began to flood back. She vaguely remembered a Mr. Gold working with her former foster parents towards the end of her stay in Storybrooke. He was an attorney, they told her and would be helping them adopt her. That obviously hadn’t happened.
 She shook it off, not wanting to keep thinking about the past. “Can I get the key to my room, please?” She asked. “It’s been a long day.”
Emma woke up the following morning, slightly forgetting where she was. For a minute she expected to be back in her Boston apartment with the calligraphy painted front door. Instead, she had a lumpy mattress under back and a scratchy blanket over her body. She climbed out of bed and walked to the window, not caring that she was just in a white tank top and her underwear. On the streets below her, the town was aflutter with people heading to work and school. She cracked her neck, trying to get the pressure of the awful night from out of her.
 Before she could text her boss to let him know she’d be out of commission for the week, there was a knock at the door. Heading over, she opened it hesitantly to find Regina Mills on the other side holding a basket of apples. This town was too strange for her liking. Had it been that way when she was little?
 “Did you know that the honey crisp tree is one of the most vigorous apple trees?”
 Emma tilted her head. It was too early and she hadn’t had any coffee or cocoa to deal with this agricultural lesson.
 “It can survive temperatures as low as 40 below and keep growing,” Regina prattled on. She gave Emma a soft, yet firm smile. Emma suddenly realized she wasn’t here to give her gardening tips. No, this was a threat. “It can weather any storm. I’ve had one I’ve tended to since I was a little girl. And to this day, I have yet to taste anything more delicious than the fruit it offers.” She plucked an apple off the top and offered it to Emma, who slowly took it.
“Thanks,” she said, giving Regina a weird look.
Regina extended the basket to her. “I’m sure you’ll enjoy them on your drive home.”
“Actually, I’m going to stay awhile.” Regina blinked several times in under two seconds. “My car broke down and you only have one mechanic. He said it’s going to take a week.”
“Oh.” Regina loosened only slightly. “With all due respect, Miss Swan, I do think it’d be best if you stayed away from Henry during this time.”
“With all due respect, Madam Mayor, your son’s the one that sought me out. I have no intentions of further complicating your lives. I just want my bug fixed so I can leave and get back to my life.”
 Regina didn’t look so convinced, but she nodded nonetheless.
 “I do have him in therapy, you know.” Emma raised an eyebrow. “Henry. The situation is under control. I know what’s best for my son.”
Emma hadn’t planned on questioning Regina’s authority, but she could tell the woman was clearly afraid she was. “You’re his mom,” is all she said in response.
“Yes. I am.”
 Regina walked away, taking the rest of her apples with her. Emma sighed and took a bite of the one she left behind. At least she got a free breakfast.
Emma didn’t know what else to do with her morning, so after grabbing a cup of coffee from Granny’s she decided to take a walk.
 The town really was the same. None of the shops had been updated in the past 23 years. The people all looked the same for the most part too. It was like they all drank some version of spiked water or had great deals with plastic surgeons.
 Or Henry’s theory about them all being cursed by Regina is true.
 Emma rolled her eyes. There was something weird about the town, but magic wasn’t it. Fairytales, wishes on shooting stars, she stopped believing on all of that ages ago. Henry was still a kid, it was cute that he thought that his school teacher was Snow White. Maybe less cute that he viewed his mom as the Evil Queen but what pre-teen didn’t at times?
 As Emma rounded the corner to go off Main Street, she found herself walking to the house where she had spent most of her time in Storybrooke when she first lived there. The big blue house with the wraparound porch. There had once been a yellow and white bike, that David helped her learn to ride. Mary Margaret’s garden was long gone. Her old foster mom’s station wagon and David’s truck weren’t in the driveway, instead replaced by two Volvos. She had seen Mary Margaret’s car at the school, so was there a chance that they no longer lived there?
“I had a feeling I might find you here.”
 His voice was soothing, like warm water. She didn’t want to turn around and see his face. She tried to block out the memories, just as she had over the years. Yet, the most prominent one floated up. The two of them sitting in front of the TV, wearing matching jerseys and yelling at it at the top of their lungs. She had tried her best to learn everything about football and had probably failed. She mostly liked the snacks that David made before the games and the way she could curl up against his chest, most likely falling asleep. It had been the first way they could truly bond after she came to live with them.
 “What, you’re stalking me now?”
“We were afraid last night that you left, that we missed our chance. Then word got around town that you checked into the inn last night. We had some hope.”
“My car broke down, just waiting for it to be fixed.” She suddenly had a weird feeling. “Did you mess with it?”
“No, no. I wouldn’t do that. I wouldn’t put you in danger. All of that, was just one big coincidence.”
 For some reason, Emma believed him. She slowly turned around, forcing herself to look at the man she had once called “Daddy”. Like everyone else in the stupid town, he looked exactly the same. Blonde hair, blue eyes and a bit of fuzz around the cheeks. It used to scratch her when he gave her a kiss, but she never complained. He even still dressed the same, just like Mary Margaret. David wore a blue flannel shirt and some jeans. His badge stuck out over the pocket of his pants, showing off that he still held the same career.
 David’s eyes glistened at the sight of her and she almost had to look away again. “Mary Margaret was right, you’re all grown up now. I don’t get how that’s possible.”
“It’s been 23 years.”
“I just…I didn’t think that much time had passed. In my mind, you’re still 5 years old and we’re going out for ice cream after school.”
Emma didn’t smile at the memory. “I told your wife what I’m going to tell you. I don’t want to talk to you.”
“Mary Margaret and I aren’t together anymore.”
 That’s one thing that changed.
 She remembered looking through David and Mary Margaret’s photo albums, more specifically their wedding one. Mary Margaret always looked like a princess to her. She even wore a tiara. In those seven months she spent with them, David and Mary Margaret had probably been the healthiest relationship she had seen until Bill and Katie. They laughed together, they kissed and went on the occasional date night. The two were always saying “I love you”. To Emma at that age, it was like being fostered by a fairytale couple. The way they looked at each other as if they were the only two in the room. It made her feel safe somehow.
 Now it was like all of that was taken away, on top of their happy family.
 “Well that’s…too bad.” She wanted to ask why. She didn’t get how two people that in love didn’t work out, but she didn’t want to feel even more involved in their lives. “It still doesn’t change what I said.”
“Stay in Storybrooke, Emma.”
“I’m here for the week until my car gets fixed.”
“Stay longer than that.”
“Why do you even care?” Emma threw her hands in the air. “You two gave me away and then couldn’t even be bothered to say goodbye or explain why to me.”
“It was a complicated situation. We wanted to but social services…”
“No, that’s bullshit. You two were just two more people in my life that let me down.”
David let out a disgruntled sigh. “If that were true, then why would we be here fighting for you Emma? Why would I be trying to get you to hear us out when you clearly hate us? For God’s sake, I was your father…”
“I don’t know! Maybe you have some weird guilt! Maybe you think it’ll get Mary Margaret to talk to you! What I do know is, you’re not my dad, David.” She fixed him with a look. “You made sure of that.”
“Emma, we lo….”
Emma stormed away, not letting him get another word out. She didn’t want to hear it.
 She didn’t want to hear that they loved her. Because what did it matter? They had just let her go in the end.
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eeveedel · 5 years
okayyyyy :) 
This is literally the most wild drabble I’ve ever written, I loved this idea and then on Twitter I got some food kink requests so here we are. 
Please be advised his fic contains adult content intended for 18+ audiences, as well as chubby/fat kink and sexual feeding. If that at all makes you uncomfortable or is triggering to you please don’t read. If you’re interested, then enjoy some unedited stupid boys, rushed and messy sex, and a dumb ending xo 
Pool parties were Louis’s favorite part of summer.
Aside from the chance it gave him to survive the summer heat wave by mooching off his much richer friend’s pool, parties like this also gave him an excuse to wear his dumbest swimsuits, like the palm-leaf covered Speedo he had chosen today. He loved nothing more than doing sloppy, half-remembered flips off the diving board and draping himself over one of Liam and Zayn’s stupid novelty pool floaties while he let the sun deepen his tan, all while letting as much of his body as possible be shown off in his tin swimwear.
Most of all, he liked doing all that while feeling his alpha’s gaze on him.
Louis shifted on the hot pink inflatable pool chair he had planted himself on, and looked at the side of the pool.
Harry had laid down in one of the poolside loungers, bone dry and drinking a beer while he watched Louis in the pool.
He looked fucking delicious. He always did, but something about the sight of Louis’s alpha in an old swimsuit, his round, soft belly flopping a little over the waistband, made him feel hot all over.
Louis should be used to his boyfriend’s body enough to not almost get a stiffy in public over it, and yet here they were. He had first met Harry over a year and a half ago, when Harry had spilled his rum and Cherry Coke all over Louis’s new white shirt at Niall’s annual Christmas party. Louis had cursed him out thoroughly before actually looking up and immediately going quiet at the gaze of a tall, warm-looking alpha in front of me. An alpha who also was sporting a sizable beer gut belly under a very old looking t-shirt, which made Louis’s chest warm up for some reason.
After gazing at his alpha for a few more moments, Louis rolled off the floatie and into the water. He swam over to the nearest pool ladder so he could climb out, and then once he was out of the pool he promptly flopped down on the lounge chair with Harry. Immediately, put his arms around the alpha’s middle and his chin on Harry’s shoulder, giving his round cheek a kiss.
“Hi, alpha,” Louis giggled, throwing a leg over Harry’s lap. Harry smiled at him, his sunglasses dipping down his nose so he could give Louis a full, bright green glance.
“Hey, baby,” he said, skimming his fingers over Louis’s dripping wet skin, “You want a towel?”
“No, I think I’ll air dry,” Louis said, “Mind if I stay here?”
Harry kissed the side of Louis’s head and squeezed his hip.
“Not at all.”
Louis smiled and snuggled into Harry’s shoulder, absentmindedly rubbing his hand over his alpha’s sun-warmed skin.
Zayn and Niall had taken up the loungers next to Harry’s own chair, both of them looking half-asleep and at least a little burned. A minute later, Liam emerged from the sliding glass door at the back of his grossly huge house to hand Zayn a beer and give the omega a kiss. Then he sat down on the last free lounger, lifting up a glass of clear liquid and lime rinds to his lips.
“Liam,” Niall said, “Is that tequila? At two in the afternoon?[if !supportLineBreakNewLine][endif]
Liam shrugged and nodded.
“Yup,” Liam said, “I’m cutting out glutton for the summer. No beer.”
“Fine, but tequila? Straight ass tequila?” Niall argued.
“It’s better than you think!”
Niall grunted at that, sliding his sunglasses up to rest in his sun-bleached hair.
“Whatever. You’re always on some weird fucking health kick. Last year you ate that weird cold salad out of a Ziploc bag all of June.”
“It’s called farro, and it did wonders to my bum, I’ll have you know.”
Liam took another sip of his tequila, and then smiled at all of them.
“You know, I’m thinking of do P90X again, too,” he announced, “I’m trying to start a little club to do it in the afternoons, make it easier.”
“P90X?” Niall repeated, “The fuck is this, 2009?”
“Fuck off, it’s still effective,” Liam scoffed.
“Well, count me out,” Niall said.
“Yeah, babe, you know I’m not doing that,” Zayn added, making Liam sigh.
“God, whatever,” he turned to Harry, pointing at him with his beer bottle, “Styles? You in?”
“No thanks,” Harry shrugged.
“Oh, come on,” Liam laughed, “No offense man, but you could use it more than any of us. You really let yourself go since uni.”
Harry snorted, taking another swig of his beer.
“I’m alright right now, thanks,” Harry said, and squeezed Louis’s hip, “Besides, Louis’s not really into six packs, are you baby?”
Louis blushed, and prodded Harry with an elbow.
So maybe Harry was right. Louis had seen pictures of Harry when he was in university, when he probably weighed less than Louis.; knew exactly what Liam was referring to when he said Harry had let himself go a little bit. Harry had once told him that he reckoned he had gained about 40 pounds in beer, take out, and office job laziness since then, but he never seemed upset by that. And while Louis could appreciate pictures of Harry’s old physique, it didn’t hold a candle for him compared to what his boyfriend looked like now.
But just because he had a kink for his boyfriend being chubby didn’t mean their entire friend group needed it spelled out for them.
“Shut up,” he grumbled.
Harry chuckled, and drained his bottle.  
“Speaking of six packs,” he said, “Louis, baby, can you go get me another beer?”
“Isn’t that like your fourth today?” Niall said, “How are you drinking more than me and you’re not even buzzed?”
Harry patted the side of his belly with a smirk.
“Higher alcohol tolerance,” he said, “Guess it comes with letting yourself go.”
Louis flushed again, and then peeled himself away from Harry’s side, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“I’ll go grab that beer for you, babe,” Louis said. He got to his feet, looking at everyone else, “You guys need anything?”
“I need you not to cream yourself on my patio,” Zayn jutted in.
“Fuck you,” Louis snapped, and then grabbed the handle of the sliding glass door.
“Hey, Liam, remember when you ate six bananas a day for a month in uni and ended up in the hospital with B12 deficiency?” Niall asked from behind him, which made Liam scoff angrily and then begin ranting about something he had read in a fitness journal that month.
Louis glanced behind him, and was just able to catch Harry looking at him over his shoulder. The alpha gave him a wink, a grin spreading on his face to make a dimple form in one of his padded cheeks.
Louis swallowed thickly and went inside.
They got home late, after the boys had talked them into a few more beers and kicking a football around Liam and Zayn’s backyard. By the end, Louis was bone tired, and he nearly had to drag himself through the front door of his own house, his ass still squeezed into his wet Speedo and his arms held down by several containers of leftovers.
He flicked on the kitchen light, Harry close behind him as he opened the fridge to put the leftovers inside.
“That was fun,” Louis said, looking over at his boyfriend.
“It was,” Harry sighed, slumping against the wall. His hands found their way to his stomach, and he rubbed it in slow, gentle circles, “M’fucking stuffed, though.”
He patted his middle, and it sounded firm and hollow. Louis just looked at him, trying to keep his breath normal. Harry was staring at him in the same firm way he had been looking at Louis swimming in the pool. He looked gorgeous, with his long hair tied up and his skin healthy and glowing from the sun. He was wearing the shirt he had put on once they were done at the pool; a yellow Hawaiian shirt covered in green and pink palm leaves. The bottom two buttons were tight against his middle, a bit of his tan skin showing through where the fabric didn’t quite cover him.
“Oh,” Louis said, “Uh – had a bit too much, huh?”
“Oh, yeah,” Harry grinned, “Can’t tell what was the mistake, that third burger or all that potato salad you brought me.”
He patted his belly again, and Louis turned away. He tried to ignore how his traitor of a cock was already chubbing up.
“Don’t do that.”
“Don’t do what?” Harry arched an eyebrow.
“Don’t talk about how full you are.”
“What, I am?” Harry said. He sighed fully, and his belly pushed out. He stroked his hand up the line of buttons that ran down his front. “Hope I don’t pop one of these, I think this shirt.”
“Harry, shut your fucking mouth, I need to take a shower,” Louis snapped, his face already turning red. He snapped the fridge closed and tried to walk past, but Harry grabbed his wrist.
“Do you?”
“Yes, I have chlorine in my hair, it’ll be so dry in the morning if I don’t condition it,” Louis said, “That’s basic science.”
It made Harry laugh, and he let go of Louis’s wrist.
“M’kay, baby,” Harry chuckled, “I’ll be in our room when you’re all done.”
Louis nearly jogged away, slipping into their room and then into their en-suite. He took off his shorts and t-shirt, tossing his Speedo into the sink to soak. He was already half-hard and he cursed weakly as he turned the shower on.
Fucking fuck his beautiful, thick alpha. Fucking fuck his own kink. Fuck all of it. He just needed a shower.
He scrubbed his body and hair down quickly, avoiding his dick entirely. He felt wetness between his cheeks that certainly did not come from the showerhead, and he whimpered as he finished up. Quickly, the water was shut off, and Louis almost tripped getting out of the shower. He wrapped his slender waist in a towel and tried to dab at his soaking hair with a washcloth. When it was no longer dripping all over his shoulders, he shook his head hard, trying to clear his thoughts, before he stepped into the bedroom.
Any thoughts of clearing his thoughts were vanquished when he came into the bedroom.
Harry was there, as promised, sitting up in their California king in just in his black briefs, his full beer belly spilling into his lap and his love handles curving over the briefs’ elastic. He was scrolling through his phone, but he looked up and tossed the device away when Louis walked in. Harry grinned and stretched an arm over his head, showing tattoos that had long faded and stretched out with his arm’s growing width.
“Louis,” Harry said, “Perfect timing.”
“Is it,” Louis said weakly.
“Yeah,” Harry said, and then, the treacherous fucking bastard stuck a thumb into his belly button and grabbed the bottom half of his belly with his other four fingers and shook himself, making his stomach jiggle, “Was just thinking I’m not as full as I was a few minutes ago.”
Louis felt his fingers weaken their grip on the towel and it fell down onto the floor, leaving him naked.
“Oh, yeah?” he asked.
“Mm hm,” Harry hummed, “Think I could go for some dessert. Could you get me something?”
Oh, this bitch. This fucking bitch.
“Sure thing,” Louis agreed, his neck warming, “How about some of those brownies Niall made?”
“That sounds great,” Harry agreed.
“Well,” Louis said, his throat feeling tight, “Let me just go grab that.”  
He nearly sprinted out of the room and into the kitchen. Once he was there, his mind was already racing. He grabbed the Tupperware full of the brownies, which were already caramel covered and iced with little frosting flowers. They were probably enough on his own, but he just tucked the container under one arm and kept exploring the fridge.
Harry wanted to play dirty, get Louis riled up and then decide that tonight was a good time for a feeding and a fucking, which he knew made Louis lose his mind. So Louis was going to do better than some leftover brownies.
After rummaging for a bit, Louis picked up a canister of whipped cream, a bottle of chocolate syrup, and the half-gallon of milk they had their fridge. He shut the fridge door with his knee, and managed to carry his haul back to their room.
Once he was back, Harry watched him with interest, and Louis deposited all the food on the bed before he climbed up himself. He sat with his legs bracketing Harry’s legs, the alpha’s warm stomach touching his own.
“Here are your brownies, gorgeous,” he said, picking up the Tupperware and cracking up open. He picked one off the top, holding it out, “Open up.”
Harry opened his mouth, and Louis gently fed him the dessert, his mouth growing drier at how Harry ate without losing eye contact with Louis.
When Harry had the last bite in his mouth, Louis pulled his hand away and licked at his fingers.
“How is it?” the omega asked.
“Mm,” Harry hummed, and then spoke with his mouth still full, “I think it could use something extra.”
“Well, you’re in luck.”
Louis grabbed the whipped cream from his side, holding it up for Harry to see. He shook up the cold canister, and then tipped it upside down, angling it towards Harry’s face.
“You want some, baby?” he asked, his hand already pressed on the nozzle.
“You know I do, honey.”
Harry opened his mouth and Louis nodded, then put the nozzle on Harry’s tongue and pressed. He pressed until the alpha’s mouth was overflowing with whipped cream. Then he brought his mouth down, lapping up some of the cream from Harry’s mouth and then kissing the alpha’s sugar-covered mouth. Harry moaned as he kissed Louis back, his hands reaching back to grab at Louis’s bum. Louis bounced a bit, his ass shaking Harry’s hands.
Louis pulled away after a few moments, and then smiled again.
“Were those brownies chocolate-y enough, alpha?” Louis asked.
“Could be a little more,” Harry said, “Niall skimped on the cocoa powder, I think.”
“That bastard,” Louis laughed, “I would never do that to you.”
He reached for the chocolate sauce then, opening it up and then tipping it into Harry’s mouth. A little spilled over Harry’s lips and chin as Louis squeezed it along Harry’s tongue. Louis quickly closed the bottle and swooped in, licking the sugary sweetness off of Harry. Harry groaned again, his hands squeezing harder at Louis’s bum. The omega gasped against his lips, and he reached down, holding onto Harry’s belly and jiggling it a little.
Harry’s moan turned into a weak growl, but Louis just pulled away from the kiss and smiled at his alpha, grabbing the half gallon of milk.
“Something to wash that down, alpha?” he asked.
Harry watched him with careful eyes, his gaze flashing.
“Sure,” he said.
He opened his mouth again, and Louis tipped the carton to his lips, a little inevitably spilling on his chin and his chest.
“Oops,” Louis giggled when it spilled, “Clumsy me.”
He screwed the milk carton shut, and then went to work, licking the milk off Harry’s chin and then down on his soft chest. He held onto his boyfriend’s love handles while he did, and Harry just groaned above him.
Louis was just getting to licking at one of Harry’s dark, wide nipples when the alpha grabbed the omega by his hair and yanked his head up.
Louis squeaked in surprise, his eyes going a bit wide as he looked up at Harry’s dark eyes. Harry smiled at him, the expression a bit too soft for his eyes, and then he adjusted his hips and grabbed at his own crotch.
“You want some dessert now too, baby?”
Louis snorted.
“You are a horrible, evil alpha,” Louis said, “Of course I do.”
Harry grinned, then pulled his hard cock out of his briefs, giving it a few unneeded tugs. His fingers then went to grab at Louis’s bum, pulling his cheeks apart and slipping his fingers inside. He fingered Louis quickly and messily, making the omega whine loudly as he did so. Then Harry was lifting him up roughly and planting him down on his cock.
Louis yelped, and then started bouncing, burying his face in Harry’s shoulder as he did. He smelled like rich, spiced wood mixed with the scent of sugar that had come from their dessert, and Louis whimpered at the smell, licking Harry’s shoulder. He kept his hips bouncing, and Harry held a hand on his bum, giving him a squeeze as he moved.
“Such a good omega,” Harry said, “Takes such good care of me. Keeps me well fed and everything.”
Louis whined, nipping at Harry’s skin. He wanted his mouth filled somehow.
Harry’s hips bucked, and Louis yelped as he felt the alpha’s cock jab harder into him. He felt Harry’s big, powerful body move under him, his belly shaking and heaving as he moved. Harry was grunting, the sounds deep and labored by the food in his belly. It only made Louis whine higher in his throat, and he brought his hands up, clawing his blunt nails on Harry’s furry chest. He pulled his mouth off Harry’s shoulder, his jaw a bit sore and his mouth dry as he spoke.
“M’so glad you’re my alpha,” he said, “Glad I don’t have an alpha like Liam. Just want an alpha I can feed and spoil all I want.”
Harry chuckled at that, kissing Louis sweetly despite still pounding into him hard. When he pulled away he slapped his own belly, the sound loud and sharp, and Louis almost cried. He felt more slick pour out of him, and he bit his lip.
“You spoil me so good, sweetheart,” Harry said, his voice deep and nearly a growl. He bucked his hips up, and Louis yelped again, “You want my knot?”
“Yes,” Louis hiccupped, “Oh, god, please.”
“Yeah, I know what you need,” Harry said, still fucking into Louis, “You like a big alpha with a big knot, huh?”
“H – Harry,” Louis gasped, and then squeaked weakly as Harry moaned under him, and he felt a knot start to expand himself him. His thin body shook, and he felt himself coming, a mess all over Harry’s bloated stomach.
Harry held and kissed him as Louis sat tied on his knot, and Louis just hung onto him, scenting himself against Harry’s neck and whining. Harry kissed his neck gently, calling him a good boy and a good omega, and Louis clung to Harry tightly, feeling his own release dry between them.
When Harry’s knot was deflated Louis climbed off his alpha with shaky legs, clearing the bed of Harry’s late-night snacks.
“Leave those,” Harry said when Louis started to get off the bed with it.
“The milk needs to go in the fridge, asshole,” Louis mumbled, but still struggled to waddle out of the room with his shaky legs and sore ass. He put the food away as quickly as he could, and then he was right back in his room, his body cuddling up next to Harry. The alpha rubbed them both down with a washcloth, and then wrapped a thick arm around Louis, giving him a kiss on the top of the head.
“Thanks for my snack, baby,” he said, and Louis giggled. He reached his hand up, rubbing over the tight skin of Harry’s belly, and it made the alpha moan in appreciation.
“God, I still wonder where the fuck you came from,” Harry said, “How did I get so lucky with you?”
Louis shrugged, snuggling deeper in Harry’s soft side.
“M’lucky,” he mumbled, and he meant it. Here, next to his big, soft alpha, he felt safe and at home, pretty satiated and content.
And he would be ready to give Harry whatever he wanted in the morning, whether it was breakfast or something more.
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chrishemsworthsbitch · 4 months
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Big ass cat
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The lovely @thelordofshadows suggested that I answered every question, probably after recognizing how hyped I was about Apaera, so here I go!
Answers under the cut because this is going to be a loooong post.
01. What is their favorite food? Overall, she prefers fruity sweets like baked apples. She especially likes anything cinnamon flavored. If desserts don’t count, then a fish stew.
02. Do they have a fear of an animal? If so, what animal? Not really. Unless the animals are corrupted somehow.
03. What do they wear to bed? Pants and a loose long sleeved shirt. Might layer a nightdress underneath for extra warmth.
04. Do they like cuddling? She’d be caught dead before admitting it to anyone, but yes and that says a lot.
05. Do they have a secret handshake with anyone? She prefers absurd questions or phrases, to identify people in disguise.
06. What do they look like? She has pitch black skin and hair. Her eyes have a silver iris and she is usually shrouded in darkness.
07. Do they like chocolate? LOVE chocolate!
08. What are their good and bad traits? Her good trait is her empathy, for most things living. Her bad trait is her stubbornness.
09. Do they have any artistic talent? Not quiet artistic, but she does know how to play a few melodies on the flute.
10. What is their favorite room to be in, in the house  they live in? The tallest part of the tower where she can gaze out from
11. Do they believe in luck? Yes, and she actually considers herself to be quiet fortunate. Lady luck isn’t always sweet to her, but she respects the ups and down as a bigger part of the chaos she thrives in. (As answered previously)
12. Can they do magic? Yes, she can cast the spells she’s blessed with. Usually illusion magic.
13. Do they believe in dragons? It’d be harder not to.
14. What is a pet peeve of theirs? When the person she is talking to vanishes.
15. What was the last thing they cried about? Besides from pain, the loss of someone important enough to stir up emotion inside her.
16. What is their sexuality? Generally uninterested, both sexually and romantically, so asexual aromantic. Before her transition to the being she is currently she hadn’t given it much thought.
17. Do they have a best friend? If so, who, and what makes them their best friend? Life long friendships are difficult for her. Besides the few she connects with during their life, probably someone with the same lifespan as her. A certain tiefling comes to mind.
18. Have they ever been in a romantic relationship? No, since her crush short of died, unfortunately. Her feelings are quiet numb either way.
19. What does their relationship with their family look like? Are they close? Distant? Ect. Her family by blood, she has long lost contact with. She doesn’t really recall them anymore, besides her little sister who she still thinks about from time to time. Her found family she is quiet close to, despite all of them having their own paths in life.
20. Do they have a pet? She had a few pets in their earlier years, but it was apparent to her that her lifestyle wasn’t really suited for an animal.
21. Do they have a familiar? Not for a while, no.
22. Are they a supernatural being? Yes, quiet a strong one too. A shadow.
23. How do they usually wear their hair? Short, with the sides shaved. Sometimes on a little horse’s tail.
24. Can they play an instrument? If so, what instrument and what can they play? As previously mentioned, she knows how to play the flute.
25. What type a high schooler are/were they? If she ever went to high school, she’d be a mix of a jock and a goth.
26. Have they ever been in a physical fight before? If so, with who? Who won? Quiet a lot, actually. Some she has won, some she has lost, but she survived all of them but one.
27. What is their favourite holiday? Midnight.
28. If they could have one wish, what would they wish for? Depending on her age, either for her soul to be complete again, or, after certain events, to aid a certain someone in which ever way they’d need, if you catch my drift.
29. Do they wants kids? If they already have kids, do they want more? She doesn’t want kids of her own, but she does like taking care of kids and spending time with them.
30. Do they have a job? She has worked quiet a few jobs here in there over the years.
31. Do they know how to drive? Like a cart? A carriage? Nope, but she can ride a horse.
32. Do they get stressed out easily? Quiet the opposite, if she is stressed out then shit are really going down.
33. Did they ever dye their hair before? If so, to what colour? Did they like it? As part of a disguise, perhaps, but never permanently. She didn’t really mind it.
34. Have they ever broken the law? Never, I swear to Cyric.
35. Do they own a plant? A little pot with a nocturnal lily.
36. Have they ever rode a horse before? Yup, in quiet a few trips.
37. What is their favorite gif?
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Is there a reason for this? Yes, absolutely.
38. Do they get along with others easily? Yes, when she doesn’t tease around and poke at them
39. Do they have any tattoos? Not yet, not against it thought. Perhaps once she finds something special enough to her.
40. If I wanted to draw them, what would be distinct physical features that I would have to know to draw them correctly? Her eyes, the whites are actually black while the silver iris has a purple tint to it. Other than that, her nails, which she uses as a martial art’s weapon. Like claws.
41. What is their favourite breed of dog? All dogs are good dogs, but if she was to pick one, she’d go with something fluffy, like a samoyed or a husky.
42. Do they live with anyone? If so, who? She used to live with the people that trained her, then those that she trained. Monks and other shadows.
43. Where is their dream vacation? Somewhere across the great sea. Exploring is an acceptable vacation activity, no?
44. Do they know more than one language? Other than common, she speaks halfling and dwarvish. Over the years, she has also picked up thieves’ cant  and hand cant
45. Are they a quick learner? When survival depends on it. Though her wits are sharper than her memory.
46. Have they ever won a contest before? If so, what for? What did they win? Contest for worst sacrifice ever?
47. If the world were to end in 24 hours, where would they be and who would they be with? If the world was to end in 24 hours, that means someone’s plan went terrible wrong, so naturally, she’d be by someone’s side, trying to stop the world’s end.
48. What does their room look like? Unmade bed, desk filled with papers, pens, ink bottles, a half melted candle. Lot’s of clutter, spell components everywhere. Cloaks, hats and boots, all organized neatly in some corner along with other equipment. Little trinkets with emotional value pilled up high next to the gear.
49. If they could have an extinct animal for a pet, what would they have? Not an extinct animal, but she wouldn’t mind a pseudo-dragon.
50. If they got called out by someone, what would they do? Admit her mistake an try her best to correct it as soon as possible.
51. Have they ever shot a gun before? Prefers crossbows.
52. Have they ever been axe throwing? A few times, not their weapon of preference.
53. What is something that they want but can’t have? Her feelings to be returned by their crush and her soul to be whole again.
54. Do they know how to fish? Yes, she finds it quiet relaxing.
55. What is something they always wanted to do but too scared? Confess, though it wouldn’t make any difference. She is convinced that he already knows.
56. Do they own their own baby pictures? Nope, but she has an idea who would if she ever wanted them.
57. What makes them standout among others? The shadows leaking from her skin. Now if we are talking about other shadows, her empathy.
58. Do they like to show off? Perhaps..
59. What is their favourite song? Choir Noir - Shadow Moses Beneath the Mask (Cover by Adriana) Leonard Cohen - You Want It Darker
60. What would be their dream vehicle? Doesn’t really have one, teleporting through shadows is fine with her.
61. What is their favourite book? Lot’s of favorites over the years, couldn’t really name one.
62. Who, in their opinion, makes the best food? Anyone willing to cook instead of spawning food with magic.
63. Are they approachable? It depends on what she is doing at the time, but most times, yes.
64. Did they ever change their appearance? She sees no point to it, besides disguises.
65. What makes them smile? Hanging out with humans, listening their tales, about their lives, their every day worries. Old friends.
66. Do they like glowsticks? .. Doesn’t need the light exactly.
67. What is something that is simple, but always makes them smile? Dogs.
68. Are they a day or night person? Night person. 110%
69. Are they allergic to anything? Nightbringers and all other worshipers of Shar.
70. What do you, the creator of this OC, like most about them? Her unbreakable will and the tendency absolutely wreck havoc where that is needed. To be sacrificed to a cruel god who feeds of your pain and misery and at that instance decide that instead of caving in your misery, you will instead become the worst sacrifice they’ve ever received by laughing at their face.. Idk man, I think that takes some balls. (As previously answered)
71. Who is their ride or die? Again, a certain tiefling comes to mind.
72. Do they currently have a significant other? If not, are they going to get one later one? I mean, a girl can hope.
73. What attracts them to another person? Freedom, knowing that the people around her will never hold her back.
74. Who is one person that can always make them laugh? Drasek Riven, he doesn’t even have to say anything. He can just be there.
75. Have they ever partied too hard and their friends had to take them home? Yes, not a fond memory of hers’.
76. Who would be their cuddle buddy? Whoever would be brave enough to recognize that she is actually touch starved.
77. Who would cheer them up after a long day? Usually, she is one to stay alone, so when she is in need of company, she’ll just start up a conversation with a stranger.
78. If they had a nightmare, who would they run to? By now, she is used to nightmares, but if she could, her brothers and sisters are who she’d go to. She wouldn’t say anything, their company is enough to calm her most of the times. When not, meditating in an empty dark room usually helps calm her down.
79. What object to the care for the most? It’s not the object it’s self but the information in it. A small book with maps of all the places she has visited.
80. Do they like other people’s children? Yes, love to hang out with them and love to look after them. The little sprouts are really entertaining.
81. How would they react if someone broke into their home? Three stunning strikes? They are bound to fail at least one. Questions will be asked afterwards.
82. Does anyone make them have butterflies in their stomach? Nope, surely not, she is a coldblooded thousands year old being. Of course, there is no one in this plane that makes her feel that way.
83. What is something that they are good at? Taking care of others, listening, paying attention to their reactions.
84. What is their neutral expression? A little scary, but she usually smiles.
85. Do they like to cook? For herself and for others.
86. What is something they can’t leave home without? Her mask.. Even if worn around her writs, she still needs the security of being able to cast spells.
87. Who is someone that they rely on? The asshole who gives her her spell slots.
88. Do they liked to be tickled? Hard pass. Dislikes when people touch her out of the blue.
89. Have they ever been a sword fight before? Is it considered a sword fight if she wasn’t holding a sword?
90. What is a joke that they would find funny? -Then perish- jokes.
91. Do they have a place that can go and turn off their brain? Usually any room without much light, otherwise, a closet will do.
92. What was their childhood like? She doesn’t remember a lot of it, but she know she was happy. One of her few memories is of her and her little sister playing explorers in their mother’s garden. The years after turning to a shade she also considers a short of childhood or at least teen hood as she had to readjust and find new balances in her life. It took her a while to figure out how to care for people again when she could hardly feel anything, but little by little she managed to give up her spite. Those years were the roughest for her.
93. What are they like as an adult? After her second “puberty”, she learned to be quiet more free spirited, relaxed and easy going thought with certain events that happened in her life span, her spite towards a certain group of individuals reignited.
94. Do they take criticism well? Most of the times. She wants to generally improve herself.
95. Have they ever jumped out of a plane? Well.. Not a plane, no. But I can imagine her jumping off of a floating city.
96. Who do they like to make jokes with? The bastard that gives her her assignments.
97. Have you ever drawn them before? If you are comfortable with it, would you post a picture?
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drake-the-incubus · 4 years
1-50. Your turn >:3
1. Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?
I hope so! Hey @hero-of-bowerstone do you love me?
2. Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?
I’m turning 22 and have done nothing with my life. It depends. I don’t really know many 18 year olds.
3. When’s the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time?
Re-reading my favourite book series a couple of days ago. Menoetius please love yourself more my baby, my child. Also writing my last fic is probably sooner. Cause Xiphrus needs love.
4. Would you ever smile at a stranger?
Uh… how the fuck do people smile?
5. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?
Uh yeah. He’s blocked and hopefully will leave me the fuck alone.
6. Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?
Uh not really. I have tailored playlists.
7. What exactly are you wearing right now?
A t-shirt, shorts and underwear? I need to change actually but that requires a shower and I’m too lazy to get that ready :/
8. How often do you listen to music?
24/7. Unless I’m watching a video/video calling, I’m constantly listening to music. When I say I’ve listened to a song for a week straight, it’s likely the song has been looped… for a week straight.
9. Do you wear jeans or sweats more?
Sweats, jeans fucking suck and cause issues I’d rather not deal with.
10. Do you think your life will change dramatically before 2013?
I mean the year already passed but back then I was going into 7th I think? If you mean the turn of this year, yeah I fucking do look at the world.
11. Are you a social or an antisocial person?
Anti-Social. I don’t like spending time with people too much and need a lot of alone time. That being said I crave attention from friends.
12. Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with the letter ‘A’?
I don’t know? I’ve kissed a lot of people I have forgotten bc of truth or dare. Not that I recall.
13. What about ‘R’?
See the same as above.
14. Can you drive a stick shift?
No, and legally if I drive I’m going to be arrested as my learners expires soon and I a) have no glasses, b) can’t concentrate on the road to pass a driver’s test. Also why the fuck do people drive those, it’s… so unreliable.
15. Do you care if people talk badly about you?
If they’re not telling me to my face, yeah. If you have a problem with me, bring it up to me. I don’t like people talking behind my back. That being said, nah. Talk shit about me to my face all you want I don’t give a shit.
16. Are you going out of town soon?
I’m spending the next month in another province so the answer is, already out of town. I’ll be going out of this town quite often.
17. When was the last time you cried?
A few days ago I cried over Menoetius losing his fucking shit at love and then again when Joxeia was struggling.
18. Have you ever told someone you loved them?
Plenty of times. Then it got thrown back into my face almost the same amount.
19. If you could change your eye color, would you?
Yes and no. If I could have full heterochromia with a blood red eye I’ll fucking take it. That shit’s cool and I still love it. Otherwise only to make my own centerlized-heterochromia more distinct. (Blue/Green Split)
20. Is there a boy who you would do absolutely everything for?
My boyfriend? IG. I mean fictionally a lot of boys. IRL I don’t think I could do everything for anyone. Not my style.
21. Name something you dislike about the day you’re having.
I’m hungry and I can’t finish the series I’ve been waiting on bc scanlators dont have the final two chapters.
22. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead?
No. Ew. It reminds me of what parents are supposed to do. Otherwise why’re you checking my fever? What’s the point?
23. Are you dating the last person you talked to?
Uh depends on what that’s defined as. I talked out loud, verbally to my boyfriend so yeah. Otherwise, no.
24. What are you sitting on right now?
A very uncomfortable arm chair/lazy boy type thing.
25. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you?
My boyfriend. My friends. Also bold of you to assume my family tells me they love me.
26. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
Yes, I want a lot of people. Fictional characters are nice, man. Otherwise kinda. On and off.
27. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?
Staff on a server.
28. Do you get a lot of colds?
Yes! It fucking sucks because I sound like I’m dying MORE now.
29. Where is the shirt you are wearing from?
RTX 2018 when I went down there. Wish I could go again.
30. Does anyone hate you?
I would think, someone does, I'm not the most likeable person in the universe. I secretly think everyone does.
31. Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room?
I should fucking hope not. If there is my boyfriend is going to have to answer some questions.
32. Do you like watching scary movies?
That’s my favourite movie genre.
33. Do you want your tongue pierced?
Ew no. Someone else does and I hate them for it. No that shit is… no. Good on other people but I know ppl who have had it and no.
34. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be?
Um… 2016 bc that ruined my life :)
35. Did you have a dream last night?
Fuck if I know. I woke up hungry and focused on that.
36. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
Yesterday. My boyfriend.
37. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
I don’t know if I even want to be married, but given what’s going on if I’m not then my bf might cry? So I think yes if we get the finances.
38. Do you think someone has feelings for you?
Uh… my boyfriend. But otherwise? Yeah. I’m fairly aware a lot of people develop feelings for me. It kinda weirds me out bc 90% of the time it’s never romantic.
39. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
Uh. Statistically speaking someone probably is.
40. Did you have a good day yesterday?
Nope. I don’t really think it was a net good or bad day.
41. Think back 2 months ago; were you in a relationship?
Yeah. We’re two years in September.
42. In the next 48 hours, will you hang out with a girl?
I currently share a house with my sister in law. We just had a conversation when I reached this question actually.
43. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?
Yes and that brings up bad memories.
44. What’s the best part about school?
I got away from my abusive parents. Got to write in class. Met some friends. Uh. Learned about many things, people who’re 13 and spent five minutes learning about, argue with me on them. I learned how to write and use none of that knowledge now.
45. Do you have any pictures on your Facebook?
I wish I didn’t, but yeah because I had to upload things for my parents. Including images of before I was out as trans.
46. Do you ever pass notes to your friends in school?
Yup. Pretty common past time.
47. Do you replay things that have happened in your head?
Obsessively. So much so I’ve caused issues. So now I keep fictional worlds going as a coping mechanism.
48. Were you single over the last summer?
Nope. Won’t be this one either,
49. Is your life anything like it was two years ago?
Hahaha. Fuck no and im glad for it. Not with my parents, not struggling with other issues, not with my ex. Shit’s baller.
50. What are you supposed to be doing right now?
Probably writing a fanfic or planning a book. Cleaning. Could use a shower. Will I do any of these? Probably not, my boyfriend jacked my PC.
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viiavi · 6 years
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Get to know me tag
3 more traits to add to the 3 that’s been on my profile for a long time now.
I was tagged by @galaxysuede​. Thank you!! ♥
I tag @ceechalla, @vvildhoneypie, @bloomlet, @naelu, @keysims, @shellywellylove, @nolan-sims, @a-kind-red, @simxiety, @frostsims21, @racingllama, @foursims and whoever else is interested!
2. WHAT IS YOUR NICKNAME? Still Jay, lol
3. BIRTHDAY? Summer baby
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK SERIES? I don’t read as much as I used to, but growing up, I was a huge Goosebumps fan. Now, I’m waiting for the next book in the Song of Ice and Fire series
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? Now, idk. But as a child, I loved Mary Downing Hahn.
7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE RADIO STATION?  I don’t have a favorite radio station, but I really enjoy 96.5 with Delilah because I’m an old fart
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG? "Evan Finds the Third Room” by Khruangbin
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO? Shades of Man by Khruangbin
13. WHAT TV SHOW WOULD YOU RECOMMEND FOR EVERYBODY TO WATCH? Parks & Rec is good, Breaking Bad, The Good Place.
14. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE TO WATCH WHEN YOU’RE FEELING DOWN? Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
15. DO YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES? Yes! Not as much as I used to though
16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? Failure and loneliness
22. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU MISS FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD? Peace of mind/less responsibilities.
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? My boyfriend
24. WHAT IS YOUR EYE COLOR? Dark brown
26. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU LOVE? My family, my boyfriend, my friends and my dogs
27. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU TRUST? Boyfriend, again. He is the only person I can truly be myself with
28. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN? See above. Also, my family and my dogs.
29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? Yes! I’m excited for a trip I’m going to soon!
30. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST OBSESSION? Coffee and video games
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? Sailor Moon, Are you Afraid of the Dark, All That
32. WHO OF THE OPPOSITE GENDER CAN YOU TELL ANYTHING TO, IF ANYONE? I think we already know this... starts with a B, ends with a D
33. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? I would like to say no, but I am
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? Not really... all of mine are pretty common
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? I don’t remember. I think a documentary about fragrances
42. WHAT SUPERPOWER DO YOU WISH YOU HAD? I would love telekinesis/telepathy. Or, the power to materialize anything you desire
43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? By the ocean, or when I’m gardening
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? I appreciate the small things in life, so I smile to a lot of things, and would be too tedious to list
46. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK? Water, all the way.
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? Passive aggressiveness, though I am guilty of it myself sometimes
50. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A CONCERT? Yes! The latest one I went to was Journey’s with my Madre
51. ARE YOU VEGAN/VEGETARIAN? No, I have to force myself to eat most veggies
53. WHAT FICTIONAL WORLD WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE IN? Gonna go with Harry Potter world for this
54. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU WORRY ABOUT? Finances and health.
55. ARE YOU SCARED OF THE DARK? I’m a little embarrassed to admit that yes, I still am.
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? Yes! No one is saying I’m good at it though, lmao
57. HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL? Once, maybe? Idk, I actually liked school
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? A little town by the sea
60. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? Yup, I have 3 dogs
61. ARE YOU MORE OF AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL? For a long time, I considered myself a night owl, but now that I’m older, I think I’m leaning more towards early bird
62. DO YOU LIKE SUNRISES OR SUNSETS BETTER? Sunrises! I love walking on crisp mornings with the sun just starting to peak through the horizon
63. DO YOU KNOW HOW TO DRIVE? Yes! And I must say, it is BORING AF
64. DO YOU PREFER EARBUDS OR HEADPHONES? Headphones! Earbuds never stay in my ear
65. HAVE YOU EVER HAD BRACES? Yes, for four years
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? My mom! She is the most patient, caring, emphatic, talented and hard working person that I know. I strive to one day be as good of a person as her
68. DO YOU READ COMIC BOOKS? I used to. Me, Garfield and Archie Comics go way back
70. DO YOU PREFER TO READ ON AN ELECTRONIC DEVICE OR WITH A REAL BOOK? The real thing. Reading on a electronic device all day makes my head hurt
72. DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? I have an older sister and brother
73. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? A foot massager for my mom
74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 160cm
75. CAN YOU COOK? Yes! But I don’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would
76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? Coffee, bouganvilleas, and bear hugs
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? People who litter, broken promises, and when people don’t give me a sufficient amount of time to do/prepare for something
78. DO YOU HAVE MORE FEMALE FRIENDS OR MORE MALE FRIENDS? Nowadays, I have more male friends
82. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Yesterday, while watching a documentary, lol
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? Laura from Garden Answers, lol
85. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE APP? The calculator app, lol
86. WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARENT(S) LIKE? I’m definitely closer to my mother than I am to my father. My dad and I have had a strained relationship while I was growing up, but now that I’m out of the house, our relationship has gotten better.
87. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOREIGN ACCENT? I love the Creole accent
90. CAN YOU JUGGLE? I can juggle one ball
91. ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? Not really. But as I’ve gotten older, I feel a little bit more religious than I was before
92. DO YOU FIND OUTER SPACE OF THE DEEP OCEAN TO BE MORE INTERESTING? That’s a tough question, and definitely not one I can choose between. Both are really interesting
96. CAN YOU WIGGLE YOUR EARS? Only when I also move my entire face
97. HOW OFTEN DO YOU ADMIT THAT YOU WERE WRONG ABOUT SOMETHING? Certainly not an easy thing to do, but I admit that I’m wrong most of the time
98. DO YOU PREFER THE FOREST OR THE BEACH? I love both! But I’m drawn to large bodies of water
99. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PIECE OF ADVICE THAT ANYONE HAS EVER GIVEN YOU? It’s on the tip of my tongue... tip of my tongue 😕
100. ARE YOU A GOOD LIAR? I don’t think so, lol
102. DO YOU TALK TO YOURSELF? Yes, and I’m not afraid to admit it
103. ARE YOU AN INTROVERT OR AN EXTROVERT? I’m an introvert, but can be an extrovert when liquid courage is around
105. DO YOU BELIEVE IN SECOND CHANCES? Yes, wholeheartedly
106. IF YOU FOUND A WALLET FULL OF MONEY ON THE GROUND, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Pick it up, look around, call out and probably mail it back to the person who lost it
107. DO YOU BELIEVE THAT PEOPLE ARE CAPABLE OF CHANGE? Yes! Everyone is capable of change. Though the rate of growth varies greatly from individual to individual, so the amount of change you may hope to see is often not what you get. Giving people second chances and wanting to grow takes a lot of time and patience.
108. ARE YOU TICKLISH? Certainly
109. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON A PLANE? Yes, and I hate them
111. WHAT FICTIONAL CHARACTER DO YOU WISH WAS REAL? Let’s go with Captain America with this one, idk
112. DO YOU HAVE ANY TATTOOS? Yes, I have 2!
113. WHAT IS THE BEST DECISION THAT YOU’VE MADE IN YOUR LIFE SO FAR? Cutting toxic people from my life
114. DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA? Yes, definitely
115. DO YOU WEAR GLASSES OR CONTACTS? I do, though, my simself aint wearing any
116. DO YOU WANT CHILDREN? Absolutely
117. WHO IS THE SMARTEST PERSON YOU KNOW? My boyfriend is one of the smartest people I know
118. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MEMORY? I took my dog to the groomer’s and she asked for my dog’s name, and brain kept glitching and making my mouth say “Boner”
121. DO YOU LIKE ADVENTURES? YES!! I love spontaneity
122. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON TV? I don’t think so
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 31
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? “Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one” - Bruce Lee
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uncomfortably deep and personal questions
questions here
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
thankfully, me and my mom are super close.... we don’t talk about my dad tho
02: Who’s the last person you said “i love you” too?
man, i tell everyone that i love them. i truly love everyone that shows even the slightest bit of kindness towards me
03: Do you regret anything?
04: Are you insecure?
oh yea. part of it is my introverted, soft spoken personality, and part of it is just how negatively i see myself oop
05: What is your relationship status?
single, unfortunately lol
06: How do you want to die?
painlessly. the pain that comes with death is what scares me the most i think
07: When did you last eat?
lunch!! i had a bomb ass colombian dish,, man do my people know how cook good food
08: Played any sports?
does show choir count?? aggressive dancing with aggressive singing??
09: Do you bite your nails?
10: When was your last physical fight?
i know i say that i want to slap people sometimes, but i’ve never actually done it
11: Do you like someone?
y’all, im always attracted to someone sksksk
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
yes, but we don’t talk about him
14: Do you miss someone?
oh god yes...
15: Have any pets?
yes!! i have one lil doggie
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
i’m very tired lol. it’s like 11pm which is v late for me since i have 7am classes
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
nope, bathrooms are gross
18: Are you scared of spiders?
yes, have you seen them??
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
yes, imagine all the things you could change or prevent
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
honestly, it’s been a while, i don’t really remember
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
i’m gonna go see a play that one of my friends is starring in on saturday and then i’m gonna celebrate my birthday with my doggo on sunday
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
ahh, this is such a difficult question. i want to give my kids the childhood that i never got. but what happens if by some circumstance, i give them the childhood i had, and negatively impact their life through it?
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
i just have my ears pierced
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
english and art! math and science are my worst. i guess i function best when i’m able to use the creative and imaginative side of me whereas i fail when logic and reason come into play
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
yes yes yes and yes
26: What are you craving right now?
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
no, never
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
no. unless something changed in their heart and they, for some reason, felt bad for treating me so badly, and decided to weep, no
30: What’s irritating you right now?
so many things ahhh,, why do i have to be so introverted? why am i so deperate to find love, when it keeps biting me in the butt?.why can’t i make friends as easily as other people?
31: Does somebody love you?
honestly, i don’t think anyone does, maybe only my mother?
32: What is your favourite color?
33: Do you have trust issues?
oh god i wish i did. i wish i was able to keep people at a distance. i let people in and basically ask them to use my secrets, my insecurities, my whatever, to break me. and then the cycle goes on and on
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
i dreamt about me meeting billie eilish a couple of days ago. it was v nice
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
i don’t know lol, there’s not a lot of people around to see me cry i guess
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
yea, it’s not good i know
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
no, but it’s definitely not the worst, and i’m thankful for that
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
i don’t remember, but i do know that i was v late to the game
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
god no
51: Favourite food?
colombian food, thai food, japanese food
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
i want to believe this, but sometimes shitty things happen and i’m like wow, there’s literally no benefit or reason to why this happened except to make me feel like shit
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
kissed my doggo goodnight
54: Is cheating ever okay?
if you’re my friend, i’m just gonna say that even if you’ve cheated on someone before, i don’t see you as less of a person or a friend. people make mistakes, and it’s also part of who i am: someone who tried to look past the bad and see the good, ahhh i don’t know how to explain this the right way but i hope you understand my pov. anyways, i’ve been cheated on before and it sucked balls. so no, i don’t think it’s ever ok in a relationship. but i also don’t think that it’s something that should affect your friendship with someone. i think cheating is something that needs to be dealt with among the cheater and the cheated and shouldn’t bleed into your friendship with a random, uninvolved person. but you can totally disagree with me and that’s fine!! everyone is subject to their own opinion based on their own experiences and personalities etc.
55: Are you mean?
i don’t think so!! but then again, i can’t really be the judge of that lol. i try my hardest to be the friend that i’ve always wanted, if that makes sense. i try to be kind, and supportive, and positive, and there for them, etc.
56: How many people have you fist fought?
no one, ive never gotten into a physical fight
57: Do you believe in true love?
it’s not that i believe in true love, it’s that i hope and pray for it. i hope that one day i’ll find it
58: Favourite weather?
cold, cloudy, people walking around in big, fluffy jackets and scarves
59: Do you like the snow?
yes! i saw snow for the first time in my life a couple of weeks ago!
60: Do you wanna get married?
ahhhh,, my parents set a really bad example for good marriage. my parents’ marriage taught me that men can change over time. and that once they’re safe in the bounds of marriage, theyll stop their act, get tired of you, and act like a totally new person. and that... scares me. i don’t want a husband like my dad and i’m so afraid that the same situation will happen to me
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
yes, names like baby, sweetheart, love, honey etc. make my heart weak
62: What makes you happy?
real friends, tight hugs, platonic cuddling, romantic cuddling, acts of service, uplifting words, hand holding, forehead kisses, soft intimacy, need i go on?
63: Would you change your name?
i wold ditch my last name.. can you guess why? i’d love if my middle name became my last name, legally
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
romantically? yea
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
nothing, cuz that kind of stuff doesn’t happen to me
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
no. i try my hardest to only let my friends see the happy side of me. i don’t like burdening them with all the bad emotions i sometimes feel. my complete self would be if i shared ALL of my emotions, the bad as well as the good. but i think it’s better this way, they would most definitely get annoyed after a little bit of time
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
probably my friend tino
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
i don’t remember,, it’s been a long time since i’ve actually talks about truly deep subjects with someone personally,,
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
i want to believe it. i want to believe that i’ll one day find the person of my dreams. the person that fits so perfectly with me and is just so perfect ahhh
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
i don’t know, i’m selfish when it comes to dying. death scares me
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theinsanecrayonbox · 5 years
Current Packverse setting and players ramblings and art under a cut to avoid dash spam
now fair warning, this has Omegaverse connotations BUT only with those who have the feral genes. other humans, nope; other mutants, nope. only ferals. and ferals come in male presenting Alpha and Omegas; female ferals are actually a mutation within the feral mutation itself, brought about by intermixing with non-ferals. this is also why most female ferals are much more animal presenting too. Alphas are like the standard human male; Omegas are more hyena-like with a pseudo penis, but they don’t give birth via that, they have female genitalia, but a masculine urinary tract; that helps with territory marking after all. gender presents in pups when they’re about a week old, as swelling around the gentalia goes down enough to either reveal testicles or the lack there of. Omegas have a period cycle that’s 30-40 days long, but they go into heat every 3-4 months (so either every other, or every third period). heats can be suppressed (as in the pheromones dampened) with herbal/medicinal supplements, but aside from that is a regular cycle. Alphas do go into rut upon catching the heat pheromones, and anyone familiar with Omegaverse themes knows what that means.
so, still with me after that info dump? want the art and characters now?
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Romulus and Remus
yup these guys are in here, some of the oldest ferals still around. Romulus is an Alpha, while Remus is an Omega; as gender transitioning became more a thing, she made herself far more female presenting, but that leads to in like ancient Rome how she was thought of as male, thus the myths about the “brothers”. but since Rom knows how ferals should work, when he discovers that Victor is an Omega, he’s quite interested since those are rare these days (again, that trait is recessive unless the other parent is also a feral), thus also explaining why he made so many clones, to try to increase his potential breeding stock.
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Zebadiah and Victoria Creed
Victor’s parents. We’ll get more into the family life after the the next image, but to note is that Victoria here is actually a generation or two away from a native “white wolf” feral Omega. so as Victor was growing up, she’s the one that recognized what he was. whereas with Zeb, he was a bit of a drunk, and would go on religious fueled zealot rants (which makes you winder why he’d marry a woman with “savage roots” huh?)
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Luther, Victor, Saul, and Clara Creed
this comes in 2 parts, despite me showing all 4 siblings together, because actually there’s about a 14 year difference between Victor and Saul 
Luther is the eldest child, and is male (and most likely an Alpha), while Victor is the second born and an Omega. as i said above, Victoria recognized what he was, and tried to make sure he could pass for male (as in warning him about period and heats, supplying him with the correct herbs to take to suppress the heats), but when that happened...yeah...Luther being an Alpha was kinda shown, since he was affected by the heat pheromones and that was actually the trigger to Victor killing his brother (pie metaphor...yeah...). 
when that was discovered, Zeb locked him in the basement and tortured him right; that included him calling him a demon, a monster, in the skin of a man but deceiving with forbidden fruit sorta deal...he also went “you took my son from me so you will replace it yourself” because in his mind, Victor was not his son at all, so there was nothing wrong with this and so...Saul was born. Saul is Victor’s son, raised by his mother as his brother, because his father made her.
Clara is at most a year younger than Saul; Victoria tried to distract Zeb from doing things to Victor with herself as bait, so yeah she fell pregnant too.
Victor broke out by the time he was 16 and he ran away, but a couple years later he went back home and killed his father. he then steppe din to take care of his family, but he couldn’t really deal with Saul’s presence due to what he meant to him; the only reasons he didn’t kill him was because his mother begged him not to. thus the years of abuse he inflicted upon him, yet not on Clara.
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Victor/Sabretooth, Saul, Clara Creed
after Victor forced Saul to disfigure Clara, she convinced him to run away. Victoria kinda lost it, so Victor set her up somewhere safe, and he went off to try to track down his siblings. Meanwhile, they went to the circus and had the adventure with Logan, which ended with Logan killing Saul. so when Victor finally found his sister and learned what happened, he started his hunt of Logan, because even though he hated what Saul was, he was still his pup.
Clara learned the truth between Victor and Saul from Victoria on her death bed (maybe even unintentionally, she might’ve had dementia at this point), many years after the death of her brother. She’s still around, and though she understands a bit now, she still won’t forgive him for what he did.
Victor went about his life normally, maintaining a regiment to keep his heats in control for the most part, and using birth control and also typically not taking male sexual partners. When he joined Weapon X with Logan though, they discovered his Omega status, and thought that breeding tehir own feral fighters was a great idea (probably Rom’s idea honestly). so they attempted to force a breeding between the two, but Victor escaped and gave birth to a still born son. this is why they all thought that Laura and Kyle were related to him, because they were both created by Weapon X. this would also explain why, to create Weapon H, they went and took samples from OML and Victor, despite the two being so similar, because Victor’s feral mutation is actually slightly better due to him being an Omega.
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Graydon, Clarice (Ferguson)/Blink, Kyle (Gibney)/Wild Child, Hudson Creed
Victor’s kids!
Graydon was actually carried by Victor; when he was starting to get serious with Leni Zauber/Mystique, before they actually had sex he told her the truth about him being an Omega. Mystique, realizing she hadn’t yet proven her own gender identity as Leni, decided to say she was a transwoman. so Mystique impregnated Victor, and the pregnancy went unrealized until the last leg of it so at the birth, when Mystique claimed the child was stillborn, Victor didn’t question it; in reality she stole Graydon away, but when he didn’t display any powers, abandoned him as usual. so the years later when Victor meets Graydon he’s honestly shocked to know he was alive, and actually didn’t believe his claims of being his kid, since you know, he can’t sire children, but Mystique confirmed it, so yeah.
not pictured, but to note; while Victor was working with Frank Payne/Constrictor the two of them slipped up a few times while drunk and did sleep together. Victor did fall pregnant, but he miscarries, and never told Frank.
Clarice is his adopted daughter, rescued from Sinister’s clutches when he was with Birdy; her family gave her to Sinister to “cure her mutations” when she was young, and he refused to give her back to her family. this also led to the three living at the X-Mansion for a coupe years while Victor raised his kids and Birdy’s death is what made him leave.
Kyle was part of the Weapon X shenanigans (more of that below with Laura). it turns out that while with Weapon X, they harvested eggs from Victor, and Kyle seems to be one of the children born from that. it was assumed that Logan was his father, but there’s been questions of that now. Kyle is an Alpha.
Kyle and Clarice end up working for X-Factor when their both adults as a couple.
Hudson is Victor’s youngest (and he’s still unborn/a baby, not the adult shown here whoops lol) and his biological father is Old Man Logan. Victor went into heat while with Weapon X-force (over usage of healing factor neutralized his suppressants and birth control) and OML, either not remembering that Victor was an Omega OR his Victor wasn’t one, went after him, and succumbed to the heat pheromones. OML wanted Victor not to have Hudson, so Victor left the team for a time and started training Belle instead, before eventually going back and bringing her with him. pretty sure Hudson’s an Alpha, but i’m not settled on that yet since as i said, he’s still either unborn or a baby right now.
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Laura Kinney/Wolverine, Bellona (Kinney) Creed/Talon, Gabby Kinney/Honey Badger, Kylie Kinney/Sabretooth
as stated above, when Laura and Kyle first showed up, it was thought that they were both created using Victor and Logan’s DNA from their “breeding project”. it was kinda disproved though that Laura was...at least in a large enough sense. HOWEVER, Alchemax seemed to actually do that; with each new clone iteration they created of Laura, they changed the genes ever so slightly, hoping to encourage a healing factor (since this was post T-mist). so while Laura has maybe 5% Victor in her, Belle and gabby both have more from a combination of them using Victor’s eggs as a base, as well as modifying for the healing factor. this led to Belle’s eventual mutation being the Creed claws, rather than the Howlett ones.
After SHIELD takes custody of Belle, and her mutation triggers and she “sheds” her old skin, Victor is offered the opportunity to take custody of her to help acclimate her to her powers and what not, which he does. she then goes back to Weapon X-Force with him and is part of the team.
Kylie is from an alternate reality where Victor and Logan’s roles were reversed (good/evil at the least) so she’s in essence the Sabretooth version of X-23.
all 4 of them are female. in Laura’s case, the didn’t use the Omega genes from Victor so she doesn’t have any of those. Gabby and Belle might have some of those, but not enough for them to affect them. also, Belle might be sterile due to her albinism.
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Logan Howlett/Wolverine, Old Man Logan, Daken, Jimmy Hudson
yeah, the Wolverines are included because they are important.
Logan did not raise Laura here, Victor did; he refused to because he thought she was part Victor, and since Victor was kind of living with the Xmen for the time, he just ran away from his responsibilities like usual. after a couple years he did get over himself and try to reconnect with Laura before his death, but he never reached out to Kyle in the same way.
OML’s from the dystopian future, but whether it’s this settings’ future or another is now debated, since in his past he raised Laura, while here he didn’t; could it be age mixing up his memories or just reality shenanigans? in any case, as stated above, he’s Hudson’s biological father, but wants nothing to do with him. he’s...trying to push victor to be better sure, but having a kid...he is afraid that because Hudson is Victor’s child, that means he will go bad. he also was not fully in favor for Victor training belle, since you know, he kinda has a thing against Gabby.
oh and both Logans are Alphas duh
Daken’s pretty much unchanged. he’s an Alpha, and thanks to Rom’s upbringing, knows about Omegas and all that stuff. he’s accepted Laura and Gabby as his sisters, debated whether he’ll do the same for Belle (since she identifies as a Creed), and he does not claim Kyle as his brother but he doesn’t hate him or anything.
Jimmy’s from the Ultimateverse where they didn’t have the Alpha/Omega dynamics, so i’m still in debate if that just automatically makes him an Alpha, or if he’ll have a transition period as he fully adjusts to this reality and might present as an Omega. he doesn’t really interact with the others much...i just like Jimmy
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Arkady Rossovitch/Omega Red, Lazar Engel
included despite not being a feral, because Arkady is Hudson’s adoptive father, and Belle’s adoptive father/best friend
Omega Red is pretty much the same save for this specific point; he’s always been gay. when they did the super solider treatment (which they were more willing to do to him, because his orientation meant he was more expendable) they made him a eunic because 1) gay people are bad in their minds and 2) it’d mean less distractions for their weapon (you know, no emotions = perfect weapon). also with the radiation in his body, it was just less body parts to worry about i guess. when he was resurrected, he was brought back intact (yay new body) but when SICKLE got him, his brother Vassily probably made sure to repeat the process...because he hates his brother...but then again, with better medical stuff now, maybe he was just given a vasectomy instead of a full genitalia removal.
Arkady and Victor start a relationship when he joins Weapon X-Force, and oddly kinda falls in love with the idea of being Hudson’s father, since he never thought of having kids (because evil weapon, and also was unable to). he also connects with Belle, and the two become bffs real quick too, which leads to him and Vic hooking up even more i think.
Lazar is one of Red’s clones...or a clone of one of his clones. Belle finds him when trying to hunt down Red after Victor’s death, so the two of them wind up teaming up and bonding over the whole “clone of a clone” thing. when the whole family finally gets back together, Arkady and Lazar are a bit apprehensive around one another, and the debate of “are you my son or brother” comes up, but Lazar follows Belle’s lead and just calls Arkady his father.
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