#you think they wouldn't appreciate not having to make decisions for once?
grandwretch · 1 year
oh God another day another violent urge to scream "what kind of kink you like is not a beholden to a certain personality type" while whacking people with an empty plastic bottle
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some-bunniii · 4 months
My Charming Red Savior [2]
・❥ Two odd visitors and a mugging. Can’t you stay out of trouble?
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
x: he’s back!! a little longer this time, 8k words. enjoy!
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That evening after meeting Alastor, you sat at your friend’s dining table, your mind racing.
Your finger aimlessly twisted that gold ring he had magically placed on your digit, as you explained what happened. The creep harassing you, Alastor swooping in to save you. All of it laid out for your friend to digest. Which she wasn’t taking it very well.
“I mean, I'm glad that demon helped you out of that, but you should have gotten away as soon as possible! Haven’t you heard what he’s done, what kind of deals people have made with him?”
You sighed, feeling a bit frustrated with your friend's skepticism. "Look, I get it, you're worried. But Alastor isn't what everyone makes him out to be. He helped me when I needed it most. Besides, who are we to judge someone solely based on rumors?"
Your friend leaned forward, her eyes fixed on the ring adorning your finger. "What about that? What if it's some sort of trap he set for you?"
You instinctively pulled your hand back, a protective gesture. "Don't be ridiculous. Alastor wouldn't do something like that. He's... different."
"Different? More like dangerous," she countered, reaching out to grab your hand. "Come on, let me see that ring. We can take it to someone to see if it’s been magically altered."
Dangerous? He saved you from someone dangerous! Yes, he was a demon. A sinner, who probably did some bad things, and most likely continues to do bad things. Except, for the fact he didn’t leave you, a defenseless nobody, to be taken off and.. you couldn’t even think about it. 
You jerked your hand away from her hand, the ring glinting in the lamplight. "There’s nothing wrong with the ring, you’re just being paranoid. It’s.. comforting, actually."
Your friend sighed, frustration evident in her voice. "I just don't want to see you get hurt. Please, at least consider what I'm saying."
You softened, realizing she was only looking out for you. "I appreciate your concern, I really do. But I’m not a child, I can make my own decisions."
Your friend relented after a moment, sinking back into her chair. She nodded slowly, agreeing with your statement.
At that moment, your friend’s husband had entered the room. A large pot of steaming foodstuff in his oven-mitt protected hands as he walked. 
“I hope you guys are hungry!” He said cheerfully, the tension in the room easing with his upbeat demeanor. You quite liked him, he had some good jokes and cared about those around him.
You smile gratefully, welcoming the distraction from the intense conversation. “Absolutely starving,” you reply, grateful for the opportunity to shift the focus to something more light-hearted.
Your friend’s husband sets the pot on the table, filling the room with the delightful aroma of home-cooked food. “Well, dig in!” he encourages, serving everyone generous portions.
As you take a bite, the flavors dance on your palate, and your eyes light up as you eat. 
“What is this?” You turn to her husband, who looked up from his bowl, face stuffed with food.
“Crawfish Étouffée! A popular dish from New Orleans, back on Earth. Do you like it?”
You nodded vigorously. Is this what Jambalaya tastes like? If so, you really needed to try it. Maybe, you’d see Alastor again, and he could give you that recipe he had mentioned? 
As your thoughts drifted back to the red demon, your finger began to twist the ring around your digit once more. Why did it bring you such comfort? You had no idea. 
Sometimes, if you put your hand to your face, you could smell faint traces of his scent, that you had first memorized when you walked side by side with him. It smelled like an old cologne, something that you couldn’t quite recognize from your days. Maybe, it was back when he was alive? 
Lemony, hay-like and grassy. A whiff of licorice. Something peppery too? You couldn’t quite place it. But every deep inhale sent you into a lull. A trance, almost.
Your finger still mindlessly caressed the golden band a while later, during the early hours of the morning. You had been sweeping the front doors to the formalwear store you worked at, tidying up before it would be opened for customers. 
It wasn’t until you heard the sound of someone clearing their throat, did you get pulled back into reality.
“Pardon me, miss. Are you guys open?” 
Turning around to address the voice, you find no one. It wasn’t until you looked down did you see the demon man. He resembled that of an imp. Dark red skin with thin, striped horns that peaked out of the top of his head. 
He wore a white turtleneck, with long white hair that curled around his chin. His eyes were unreadable, hidden behind a pair of sunglasses. They were Ray-Burn glasses. You could immediately tell from the bridge, which were curved to resemble a half-circle rather than an oval. 
You also knew how high-end that brand was, and it wasn’t easy getting a pair either. The wait for those was no joke. And, this style was from their newest collection, which meant that he had to be of some importance to get one so soon.
His posture also struck you as odd, especially for an imp. He stood tall, shoulders back, head held high. Despite being a part of one of the lowest social classes in Hell, the demon regarded everyone and everything around him with an air of confidence and assertiveness. 
It was also odd that he was wearing sunglasses so early in the morning, there wasn’t really much light to need protection from. Maybe he had some bat genetics in him?
You smiled at him, but shook your head. “I’m sorry, sir. We’re closed right now. You’ll have to come back later.”
The imp visibility deflated at your words, a frown etched on his face. You could see his eyes through the shades just enough to show them flicking down the streets. 
“Oh, okay. That’s fine, I guess. Thanks, I'll just.. have to figure something else out.” 
He backed away, as he scanned the nearby stores again. He muttered to himself, too quiet for you to hear, but his tone sounded scolding. As if he was berating himself. The demon bit his lip, as if he was contemplating something.
A pang of sympathy hit you, as you watched him become more anguished. It seemed like he really needed whatever was inside, and you didn’t have a reason to deny him business other than to follow the official hours of operation. 
Placing the broom against the brick wall, you pulled out a set of keys. The demon turned slightly as he heard its jingle, and you met his shaded gaze. 
“There isn’t really anything else I need to do before opening though, so I suppose it’s not a big issue letting you inside.”
The imp perked, a smile blooming on his lips at your words. You bent to turn the lock with a click. Pulling the door handle, you pulled it behind you, allowing the demon to follow you inside.
“That is so kind of you! Truly, you don’t get to meet many kind and considerate people in this place.”
Well, it was Hell. Being friendly to strangers was not a common occurrence. You just weren’t one of the, well, bad ones. Sure, you had some flaws, you weren’t a resident for no reason. But, you prided yourself in having a reasonable moral code.
“Don’t worry, I know what I need. I’ll be quick!” The imp promised, as he passed through the entryway. The large room was dark, besides the morning light casting through the windows.
You flicked on the lights, and the overhead lamps lit the interior of the store. There were mannequins lining the dark-blue walls, styled in different tuxedos and dress shirts. Next to them were rows of shelves, each specific to a type of garment. There were dress pants, vests, shoes, and smaller accessories like ties and belts. 
As you walked behind the black-granite countertop, the imp had hurried over to a mannequin facing out of a glass display. He reached down near its feet, a small shelf lifted from the floor. A pile of red suits was neatly tucked next to the display. 
Gingerly, he lifted to the top piece, examining it thoroughly. After a few moments, he brought it closer to his chest, before turning to you. Your hands tapped against the display of the digital cash register, readying it for service.
You looked up just as he placed the garment on the counter, your eyes scanning the suit. Strange, he was still wearing those shades. You simply smiled at him, before pulling the item closer to you. Carefully, you unfolded it, examining its form.
It was a beautiful red tuxedo, with golden lapels. Dark-red buttons, with white cuffs. It was a women’s suit, which was rare for you to see, since the store mostly marketed towards men. 
“What a wonderful piece!” You exclaimed, your tone dripping with customer-satisfying professionalism. “Getting this for a special someone?” 
The imp nodded. “For my daughter. She runs a hotel a few blocks away, up the hill. The Hazbin Hotel, if you've heard of it? She needed a new suit, and this was the perfect fit.”
The hotel that was supposed to help sinners with redemption? You’ve heard bits and pieces, mostly when you watched that disastrous interview with Katie Killjoy. You couldn’t recall who ran it, though.
“A little, but you sure do have an eye for style!” You nodded, grabbing the small tag from the sleeve to input the information into the register.
“Well, it was my sweetheart who picked it out first,” the imp gushed, “I can’t take all the credit, I'm not good at these sorts of things, anyway.”
“Do they have a background in fashion?” 
“No, they’re an artist,” the demon beamed, his voice growing softer as he spoke of his lover, “I can promise, you’ve never seen a real painting until you’ve seen theirs. If it were my way, I'd fill every billboard with them, instead of those.. repulsive pornography ads they have downtown.” 
The imp held a look of pride and admiration as he spoke, obviously having full confidence in his claim. You pulled up the item on your screen, and read him the price. It was not a cheap suit, but the demon had no reaction to the total and simply pulled out his wallet. 
“Is business running smoothly at the hotel? Do you guys get a lot of guests?”
The imp contemplated for a moment, before pulling out a large sum of money, placing it gently on the counter. You reached for it, before licking your finger and counting through the bills.
“Not entirely. It just opened recently, and, with the demons it caters to? Hah, there’s not many around here with the mindset of redemption. But, I'm going to be helping her out, supporting her with the work.” 
What a nice father, helping his daughter out like that. If only someone like that had helped you when you were younger, maybe you would be stu-
“Especially when it comes to keeping an eye on some of the.. colorful characters she calls staff. Like that Radio Demon.” As the imp spoke, you could hear the disdain in his tone, as he uttered that name. Your head shot up from the bills in your hand at his words.
Radio demon? Alastor? Alastor was working at the Hazbin Hotel? 
“As in, the tall red guy with deer antlers? Carries a staff around with a microphone on it?” You questioned him, excitement lacing your voice.
“Yes. Do you know him? Word of advice, stay away from that demon. He’s nothing but a self-serving, pompous show-off.” 
That couldn’t be true, could it?
Quickly, you placed the bills into the cash register, pulling out change to hand to the imp. As he took the money in your hand, you found it right to defend Alastor.
“He helped me out of a tough spot awhile ago, practically saved my life, actually.” 
The demon regarded you for a moment, eyebrows raised as he took in your words. He didn’t argue, seemingly trying to leave as fast as possible. Back to the hotel presumably. “Hmph. Well, just be careful, you never know with demons like him.”
You were about to wish him farewell and turn away, before his hand lifted once more. Looking down, he held another stack of money in his hands, you could faintly read ‘100’ on one of the bills alone.
“For your kindness,” the demon stated simply, giving you a wink, “I enjoyed our short chat, there’s not many people down here I'm interested in talking to. Go treat yourself.” 
Your eyes widened at his words. How did he have so much money he could just.. give it away?! You almost wanted to reject his offering. But, money was money, so you took them from his grip. 
“I-I don’t know what to say, but thank you! This is very generous of you.” 
He only shrugged, sending you a charming smile. “I am indeed a very generous person. Just don’t spend it on drugs, or anything like that.”
As you handed him the small pink bag, his shaded gaze landed on the ring on your finger, and he leaned in just an inch to get a closer look.
“Boy, that is a fine piece of jewelry you’ve got there! Very nice, was it from a lover? It really makes a statement! Just curious.. do you by any chance know where you got it from?”
You tilted your head, wondering why he wanted to know, was he planning on getting one himself? You just shook your head, you couldn’t really tell him it magically poofed onto your finger by the same demon he held negative feelings for. 
He nodded, muttering something like ‘that’s fine’, before pivoting away from you towards the door. 
“Adios!” He called, a hand in the air in farewell as he strolled to the exit. The bell above the door jingled as it closed behind him, and you saw him step near the curb, away from your view. 
Suddenly, a flash of gold illuminated the small window on the door. Crossing the room, you peeked out the large display window. There was no one on the street, even when you cranked your head to both sides of the street. It’s like he just.. vanished. Strange.
You flipped the large sign on the window from ‘Closed’ to ‘Open’ before returning behind the counter. Your fingers still holding the money he gave you, your mind elsewhere as you waited for the day to begin. 
Your thoughts were still on that encounter when the assistant manager walked up to you a few hours later. He was a rather short, plump man with small horns protruding from his head. His skin was a pale blue, his figure resembling that of an ox. Alan was his name. 
You weren’t very fond of him, he always threw flirtatious comments and jokes at you. Always insisting to join you behind the counter, or lean right over your shoulder when you worked. He reminded you too much of that creep from the streets, which made you uncomfortable.
What was up with you always attracting the questionable suitors? Maybe your friend at the cafe was right, you weren’t going to find ‘The One,’ you’d just have to settle for less.
Alan would always try and pry into your personal life, asking if you had a lover, or kids. You’d simply change the conversation as smoothly as possible. If you told him we’re single, he’d no doubt try and court you. Which made you nervous, he didn’t seem like someone who could take a rejection. 
You weren’t able to say, ‘why yes, I have a hubby of my own!’ because you never had proof. Without a ring, and the rest of your co-workers aware of your singlehood, you knew lying to him would have consequences.
Not to mention, he was your boss. He had power, and unless you wanted to end up homeless on the street, you had to keep a friendly facade with him. 
Luckily, he wasn’t around much. Except today your manager had meetings out of town, and he was the substitute. So, for now, you were stuck with him.
“Hey, you still know how to use that sewing machine in the back, right?” He asked you after you had finished assisting a customer near the large display window.
You nodded, curious about his question. In truth, being a tailor sounded much better than working for customer service. You had spent late nights slowly practicing the craft, on that ancient sewing machine in your basement. Maybe, you’d use that money the imp gave you to buy a new one.
“Well, Darlene just called in, which means I got no one as my seamstress. We’ve got a few pieces in need of mending, you think you can handle that?”
“Oh, sure! I can do that, no problem.”
It was then you heard the bell above the front entrance jingle slightly and the creak as the door opened, which caused you to turn sharply to greet the newcomer. Except.. there was no one there.
That was strange. There were other customers milling about, but you were standing in a position that made it impossible to miss anyone exiting the building. 
“Must be having strong winds or something.” Alan remarked, and you turned back to him. As you moved, you noticed the corner next to the doorway was more shaded than usual. As if a large black shadow had taken residence there. Perhaps an overhead light went out? You’d have to check on that later. 
“Anyway, I wanted to ask you something,” Alan started, a flirtatious smile on his lips as he lowered his voice, “I’ve got VIP access to a new club that just opened a few blocks down. I was thinking you and I could get some drinks and have a little fun, whatcha say?” 
You groaned internally. Not this again. How were you going to say no this time? 
“Well, I mean, um- you see the thing is…”
Your eyes went down to the ring on your digit, that little A shimmering in the light. Maybe, you could use this.
“… I’m already taken!” You exclaim, your hand shooting up to give Alan a front row seat at the prize on your person. 
“You are?” He asked incredulously.
“Mhm!” You nod your head vigorously. “As you can see, this is my wedding ring. I eloped not too long ago, hence why it’s not common knowledge.” 
Hopefully, he would buy your lie.
Alan stood there, his eyes flicking from you to the ring. Was he going to try and fight your claim? It seemed like he wanted to. Before you even gave him the chance to, you whipped towards the door being the counter to start mending.
You had only used the machine in the back a handful of times, but you were trying to become more familiar with it. Nodding, you quickly slipped into the back room. The hum of the old sewing machine greeted you like an old friend as you fired it up and began to mend the pieces in need of repair.
The rhythmic clacking of the needle against fabric filled the air as you lost yourself in the task at hand, the radio beside you playing soft old-timey melodies in the background. You continued this calm pace for a few hours, thankful to be away from Alan and the bustling state of the store.
Until a familiar static-laced voice broke through the music. 
“Hello, sir! My, what a hellish morning it is!” 
Your foot instantly moved off the pedal nestled under the table, the vibrations from the machine ceasing as it stilled. You strained your ears, is that who you thought it was?
“Oh, why hello there! How can I assist you today?” You heard the loud, boisterous voice of Alan as he welcomed the newcomer. Quickly, you left your seat, and peaked through the small crack in the doorway. 
Your breath quickened as your eyes landed on the tall, red demon. Alastor. How did he get in here? You didn’t hear the loud bell jingle at his entrance.
He sported his usual red coat, with his staff resting lazily in his grip as he stood before the demon. He had a large smile on his face, but his eyes spoke differently. He looked absolutely bored, disinterested in the man before him and his surroundings.
“I’m simply here to adjust some wear-and-tear on my suit,” he remarked, “as you can see, my sleeve has taken quite the nasty wound.”
He lifted up his arm, displaying a tiny piece of missing fabric from the cuff. It was a clean slice, as if someone had taken a knife and barely nicked it. Nasty wasn’t exactly how you’d describe it, more like itty bitty. 
“If I may..” Alan leaned in slightly, reaching out to inspect the tear. 
Alastor only pulled his arm back, rejecting the gesture with a subtle yet firm movement.
“I prefer to handle my own attire, thank you,” Alastor stated, his voice carrying a hint of disdain as he withdrew his sleeve from Alan’s reach. His smile widened further, as he stared at the demon. 
Your boss recoiled slightly, taken aback by Alastor’s abrupt refusal. “Oh, of course. My apologies,” he stammered, attempting to regain her composure, “but not to worry, sir! We’ve got fabrics that match and a seamstress to do the work. Let me go grab her for you, I'll be right back!”
You saw Alan turn in your direction, and you backed away from the door. Your heart raced as you realized you were going to actually be face to face with Alastor again. How would he react to your presence?
You shot into your seat, spinning around towards the machine. You stepped on the pedal, and the machine hummed to life once more. The door opened, and Alan poked his head in.
“Hey, there’s a customer who needs some assistance. Get out here.”
His head disappeared from view, leaving you alone once more. Exhaling a large breath to ease your nerves, you rose from your seat. Quickly, you walked over to the door and gripped the handle tightly. Another deep breath, and you pulled it open gingerly before taking a step outside. 
Your boss was back beside Alastor, who towered over the man. As you slowly entered the room, Alastor’s eyes moved to you. They lit up with interest, the smile seeming to shrink slightly. The crooked edges on his smile softened too, appearing more genuine as he regarded you.
“Ah, there you are, my dear! I was hoping to find you here.” Alastor called to you. He stepped right past Alan, completely ignoring his presence as he strode up to you. 
As he closed the distance, you became awfully aware of how fast your heart was beating inside your chest. That smell of lemons and licorice hit your nose as he stood before you, and it eased your nerves as you took a quick inhale of breath. 
He turned, allowing Alan to see both of your faces as he slowly reached out to take your hand. His thumb gently grazed against the gold band and it spun slightly. Your breath hitched at his touch.
“It is so nice to be able to visit my dear wife at her place of work,” Alastor started, his gaze shooting to Alan as he spoke, “and, to meet her lovely coworkers! A pleasure indeed.” 
Did he hear you telling Alan about your ring? He couldn’t have, but there seemed to be no other reason for him to bring up the whole marriage farce.
Alastor turned back to you, finger still softly caressing your hand as he turned his attention to his sleeve. 
“It appears I’ve gotten into another miscommunication with an overly confident adversary, similar to what I spoke to you about before. Would you care to assist me, my love?” 
Your eyes momentarily snapped to Alan, who had turned a paler shade as he watched Alastor’s actions. Now, he was finally seeing who your ‘husband’ was. It appeared to be quite a shocker for the demon.
Your gaze flicked back to Alastor, who stood next to you. That grin of his hiding whatever emotions he was feeling as he slowly released your grip, indicating for you to lead him away.
“Thank you for coming to visit, Alastor. I can stitch that up for you, you’ll just need to let me take it for a bit.” You smiled at him, doing your best to play the part with professionality. What, were you supposed to just start calling him pet names like ‘honey’ and ‘babe’?
“I think I'd prefer keeping it on.” Alastor said curtly, adjusting his collar.
He wanted to still be wearing it while you fixed it? That meant you couldn’t use the sewing machine, without risking injury to him. 
“… I suppose you can just follow me, then.” You replied, turning away as you beckoned him towards the back room. 
Alan didn’t follow the two of you, maybe Alastor’s comments threw him off. You hoped they did, you had enough of that guy for one day. 
You opened the dark gray door, pulling it wide so Alastor could follow behind. The back room was a cozy nook from the busy establishment, half of it transformed into a makeshift tailoring nook. A small step stool nestled among tall mirrors allowed a multi-angle look for customers getting a fitting.
Rolls of fabric lined orderly shelves nearby, accompanied by an array of sewing essentials. In the corner, a small table and chair housed the ancient sewing machine. You walked forward, before realizing 
“Oh, i’m sorry, I don’t have another chair. Let me go get one!” You pivoted to go find a spare, but Alastor only lifted his hand in a sweeping motion, brushing off your attempt.
“Not to worry, my dear! I’ve got it under control.”
He reached a hand forward, gripping the air like he was grabbing the top of the backrest of a chair. He tugged at the air, and a plume of green smoke wafted from his fingertips as he pulled a wooden chair from the smoke.
You stared, mesmerized as he dragged it next to your seat. He gingerly lowered himself, and plopped into the chair. That had to be powerful magic, for him to be able to produce such an object easily from thin air. Just like he did with the seasoning.
Quickly, you gathered the necessary essentials to begin fixing his garment. A couple of needles, some dark red thread, and multiple fabrics that you seemed the closest to his suit’s color. 
While you collected the items in a small bin, Alastor sat comfortably behind you. His nails clicking against his cane rhythmically as the music from the radio filled the room. 
He hummed softly along to the melody, obviously familiar with the tune playing. You had heard it before, a classic rendition of ‘Once In A While’ by Lennie Hayton. It was a softer tune, and an orchestral piece that allowed you to drift into a comfortable lull. 
As you carried the bin back to your seat, you nestled in beside him. There was a small distance between the two of you, your knees a few inches from grazing each other.
“May I?” You asked, holding out your hand to take his sleeve. You thought Alastor was going to react negatively to the gesture, like he did with Alan. Instead, he carefully reached out his arm, allowing you to pull his sleeve down to the surface of the table. 
You tried very hard not to touch his skin, as you adjusted the tear on his cuff to face you. Grabbing a few pieces of fabric, you began to hold them next to his sleeve, attempting to find the perfect match.
“So, what happened this time? Surely, not that snake demon from before.” You spoke, trying to spark conversation with your ‘husband’.
“Ha, I’m glad you do remember our last conversation! I was worried you'd forgotten as the days went by.” Alastor started, sinking deeper into his seat. He placed his cane against the table, 
‘Of course, I'd remember,’ you thought, ‘I can’t get you out of my head, no matter how I try.’
“I had found myself in a rather lively discussion with a particularly vexing imp. Tiny thing, but full of mischief and malice. Managed to get itself tangled in my grip during our little altercation.” He chuckled, shaking his head slightly. “I must say, it put up quite the fight for something no larger than a rat. But fear not, I emerged victorious, albeit with a few battle scars.” 
Alastor gestured towards the tear on his sleeve, his eyes sparkling with amusement. You smiled at his words, a small chuckle coming from your throat as you pulled another piece of fabric to his cuff.
Finally, you found the color that matched his attire, and you carefully began cutting a large piece from the roll. 
“I’m going to have to hand sew your tear, is that okay?”
“Of course, my dear! Just try not to poke me, hm?” 
You nodded with a smile, before plucking the small needle from the table. 
With nimble fingers, you carefully align the edges of the fabric, pinching them together to ensure a snug fit. Holding the needle firmly between your thumb and forefinger, you begin to weave the thread in and out with practiced precision, creating neat, tiny stitches along the seam.
“I have been meaning to ask, how did the seasoning I gave you fare?” Alastor spoke, his eyes filled with intrigue as he waited for your response.
“Oh! It was fantastic!” You beamed, your mouth watering slightly as you recalled the wonderful dinner from that night. “They made Crawfish Étouffée, and it was very delicious.” 
“Ah! Yes, that dish was a staple back in New Orleans, when I was alive. Folks would gather all over to get a taste of my mother’s own twist on the delicacy. She was quite the cook, and her skill never faltered.” 
As you listened, you realized his voice softened quite more when he spoke of his mother. That static in his tone seemed to disperse as he mentioned her, and you caught a glimpse of his true voice behind that radio overlay. 
“Well, now that I've gotten a glimpse into such an art. I really am interested in trying your Jambalaya.” You spoke genuinely, your fingers still delicately lacing the thread across his sleeve. 
“I am pleased to hear that,” Alastor hummed, “I’ll have to bring you a sample the next time I'm in the area.”
Silence filled the room, other than the music that wafted from the radio’s speaker. You continued to adjust and stitch together his sleeve, very close to finishing the mending work. 
Even though there were no words spoken between the two of you, the silence was not awkward at all. The two of you simply sat comfortably in each other's presence.
Behind you, the slight crack in the door allowed you to hear the loud voice of Alan, as he spoke to another customer. Alastor’s ears twitched slightly as he heard the demon speaking, his body tensing momentarily.
“Has that wretch been bothering you often?” Alastor spoke after a moment, the static in his voice growing thicker as he spoke of Alan. His claws slightly dug into the table, a faint trail embedded in the wood.
“Well, he doesn't treat me like that succubus did. But, he does not drop the subject of us becoming romantically involved. It gets.. uncomfortable, I guess.”
You sighed as the words slipped from your tongue, a frown forming on your lips as you thought of his many attempts to swoon you. Alastor’s head tilted at your words, that smile cracked even wider as you continued to carefully slip the needle through the fabric. 
“Would you like me to ĐɆVØɄⱤ Ⱨł₴ ₴ØɄⱠ?” 
You jerked your head up at his words, surprise etched on your face as you turned to him. His voice had changed, the last bit of his sentence distorting into pure static, and you almost didn’t catch his words.
The room crackled with energy, causing your hair to practically stand on end. It was chilling, and you shivered subconsciously at the feeling. The room seemed to darken as Alastor stared at you, his pupils shrinking to resemble radio dials.
“Excuse me?” You questioned, your tone never faltering from its original octane. Which surprised you, since this powerful demon was looking at you with such murderous intent.
‘It’s not you he wants to murder.’ the voice in your head whispered. Which made your heart flutter, was Alastor wanting to kill for you? That was.. unconventionally sweet. 
Is that what he did to the succubus the other night when you weren’t looking? 
“If the little oaf can’t keep his words to himself, then there is no place for him to continue to sour your mood.” Alastor explained, his eyes taking their original form slowly as he spoke, and the distortion in his tone subsided.
The shadow festering around you slowly shrank away from your seat, illuminating the room once more. That cold feeling that gripped at your shoulders vanished. 
It wasn’t necessarily a bad feeling that left you, even if it smelled of darkness and destruction. It felt almost.. comforting to you. Like the shadow was pulling you into a protective hug, the chill cooling your heated skin into a soothing embrace. 
You only shook your head, “He doesn’t need to die for something like that. And, he’s my boss. Without him, the store wouldn’t run as well.”
Alastor only huffed, leaning back into his seat. His claws left the table, and were instead enclosed into a fist, as he rested his chin atop of it. 
“At least the poor bloke ceased in his courting when he realized another had already taken that place.” He shrugged, his eyes glancing down to the gold ring on your hand.
You halted, the needle hanging in the air mid-stitch. How did he know about you and Alan’s conversation? More importantly, what were his feelings about you still wearing the piece of jewelry? 
“Oh, right. Yes, I’m sorry for still wearing it, I know it was just for that moment and it was stupid for me to think I could keep it-”
“Nonsense! Do not fret, my dear.” Alastor interjected, brushing off your worry. “Think of it as a small gift to rectify the situation you were forced into that night.” 
A gift? He wanted you to keep the ring? 
“You could even go as far as to perceive it as a good luck charm, ha-ha. Trouble seems to never escape you, and if this ring can even give you an ounce of protection, why not keep it on to ensure nothing like that night happens again?”
You smiled at him, your eyebrows raised as you listened to his words. A tiny ring, protecting you? You doubted it.
“Well, thank you, Alastor. It is really nice to know someone cares in that way.” 
Alastor hummed softly in response, his toothy grin softening into a lipped smile as he turned his attention back to the music playing softly. 
The thread tightened snuggly between the two fabrics as you finished the final stitch, your other hand reaching to the small scissors next to you. Carefully, you snipped the thread as close to the sleeve as possible, and you leaned back to take a look at your work.
It looked perfect, like the garment had never taken a hit in the first place. Alastor pulled his arm back slightly, turning it over to inspect it thoughtfully.
“I must say, you have such talent with a needle and thread! When you told me you worked as a door girl, I never expected knowledge of tailoring to be in your resume as well!” 
Your cheeks heated as his compliment, and you began to slowly stand from the seat. For a moment, you wished there was something else wrong with his coat that you could fit. If only to keep him here a little longer.
What a selfish thought. You silently reprimanded yourself for such thinking, Alastor had no doubt better things to do than sit here and chit chat with a powerless nobody like you.
Alastor also left his chair, and he adjusted his collar. He gripped his cane, straightening his posture as he turned to you. 
“It seems every time we’re together, our conversations are never dull. Thank you for assisting me, I’d love to continue our talks but it appears I have other business to attend to.” 
“Back at the hotel?” You asked, as you walked with him to the doorway.
Alastor stopped in his tracks, his eyes widened slightly at your words. He tilted his head at you. “Forgive me, my dear, but I do not remember telling you such a thing. Where did you hear that from?”
Fuck. He never had told you about his place of work, and you writhed slightly under his stare as you tried to come up with an explanation.
“Oh, it’s just an imp had come in this morning, buying a tuxedo for his daughter. He said she ran the Hazbin Hotel. He also said you worked at the hotel too.”
‘And he doesn’t seem to like you.’ you added silently.
Alastor’s grip around his cane tightened, and his smile widened as he thought for a moment. A small chuckle escaped his lips, it sounded dark.
“Are you sure it was an imp, my dear?” He asked slowly.
You nodded, recalling the conversation. “Yes, short with white hair and red skin. Sunglasses too, weirdly. He was quite nice, actually. He gave me some money for helping him, nobody has ever done that for me.” 
“Ha! What a kind soul he must be. Did he say anything else to you, by chance?”
You shook your head, “no, not really.”
“A surprise, really. That imp has a knack for using his charm to bend others to his whim. I'm sure that gesture of his was nothing more than to sweep you off your feet for his antics. I’d keep your distance from demons like him, if I were you.”
Was Alastor.. jealous? He couldn't be. But, it seemed like the feelings between the two were mutual with the way he spoke with disdain. 
The imp seemed like he had someone he cared deeply for, anyway. You were sure his gesture wasn’t anything more than kindness. Although, you didn’t think Alastor would believe you if you told him.
“But, as you previously mentioned, yes,” Alastor changed the conversation, for his sake it seemed, “I do reside at the hotel in exchange for my services. Redeeming sinners is no easy feat, it needs special hands to mold such a dream into reality.”
“Well, I'm sure you’re doing a great job.” You spoke, doing your best to voice your support for him.
Alastor smiled at you, before nodding in agreement. He pulled the door open, and stepped through the doorway. You followed him, stopping at the threshold as he turned back to you. 
He lowered himself slightly, a small curtsy in your direction. As he lifted himself, he leaned closer to you.
“Until we meet again, my wife.” He spoke loudly, most likely for the others in the vicinity to hear. His voice was like honey to your ears as that faint hiss of static dispersed from his tone when his lips settled on wife.
You really did like his voice, and hopefully, you’d hear what it really sounded like more often. His eyes settled on you for a moment longer, as if he wanted to say more. He didn’t, instead turning towards the register across the room.
Leaning against the doorway, you watched Alastor stroll to the cash register. Alan stood behind the counter, and he seemed to shrink slightly under the taller demon’s gaze.
The sharp edges of Alastor’s smile returned as he watched the demon quickly ready the digital display for check-out. His pupils dilating slightly, eyes narrowed as he waited.
You had watched him leave the store, watched him stroll down the street without a glance at anyone else. That mild boredom taking over his features, like it had when he had first arrived.
For the rest of your shift, as you sewed buttons back into place or trimmed stray threads that stuck out of garments, your thoughts continued to stray to events earlier in the day. To that imp, to the ring on your finger, to Alastor and those fluffy little ears on his head.
You were still deep in thought when you clocked out, your feet carrying you out the door as your path led you to the bus stop a few blocks down.
It was a small blue sign, with the symbol of a bus engraved into it. There was no one around, the empty streets quiet as you plopped onto the bench to wait.
Your hands reached into your bag, pulling out your phone from its pocket. You scrolled through your notifications, before clicking on a message from one of your friends.
You were so deep into the screen in front of you, that you didn’t hear the quiet footsteps approach the bench. You didn’t see the knife pointed directly at your face, or the masked man who’s gaze traveled down your form. 
“Hey, you!” A voice coated with malice addressed you.
Your head shot up, and you reeled back at the large knife right in front of your nose. Your heartbeat quickened as you scrambled off the bench, the man only keeping pace with you as you backed away.
“You seem like a nice young lady, and I’d hate to ruin that pretty face of yours. Just give me everything you’ve got, and we can go our separate ways.” 
“I don’t really have anything for you to take!” You said breathlessly, your hands shaking as you pulled miniscule items from your bag. He only ripped the entire thing from your grip, throwing it behind him. 
“What about money? Hand everything over, sweet cheeks.”
You grimaced, before pulling the stack of bills the imp had given you from your person. He ripped them from your grip, before stuffing the money down his pocket.
“That’s all I have, I promise! Please let me go.” You begged, your back hitting the wall of an abandoned building behind you.
You prayed for someone to come to your rescue. Alastor graced your mind, that he’d swoop in to save you once more to save you. He was right, trouble never seemed to leave you.
This time, you’d let him tear this guy apart.
“What about jewelry, huh? I see that ring on your finger, it must cost quite a pretty penny.” The thug sleazed.
Instinctively, you brought your hand to your chest, trying to shield the band from his stare. The demon only closed the distance between the two of you, his mask grazing against your chin as he abruptly yanked you forward.
“Don't fight me, you bitch! Just give it to me, don’t make this difficult.”
His rough hand encircled around your wrist. It was harsh against your skin, and you winced in pain.
“Let go of me! I’ve already given you enough, just leave me alone!” You screamed, hoping someone would come to your aid.
He raked his hand down your finger, the ring slowly moving down your digit as he tried to dislodge it.
It was a snug fit against your skin, and it took him a few moments for him to begin pulling it off your finger. Tears pricked at your eyes as adrenaline pumped through your veins, but you dared not to move with the knife slightly pressing into your side.
Another tug, and the ring grazed over your nail as it was pulled harshly. It wasn’t able to make it past before something strange happened. 
The ring ignited in a green flame, and the thug’s hand shot away as he yelled in pain. It licked at the tip of your finger, but you felt no heat from its touch. 
You barely had time to blink, or scream before the ring exploded. It burst into a large cloud of green smoke that engulfed your figure. Shielding you from your surroundings. Energy crackled in the air, paired with a chill that made your breath visible as you gasped.
It felt like someone had reached out and gripped at the collar of your top, and you felt a much gentler tug and you were pulled backwards.
The smoke seemed to vanish, and you were drenched into darkness. You felt your feet lift off the ground, as if you were floating.
The problem, you had no idea where you were. Your heart felt like it was going to burst as you squeezed your eyes shut. It felt like hours went by, but in truth, it was only a matter of a few seconds that darkness surrounded you.
Just as quickly as it started, it ended, and your closed eyelids were hit with a ray of light. There were voices surrounding you as your feet touched on solid ground, the floor softer this time, like carpet.
The chatter stopped abruptly as you settled in place, and for a moment you felt like curling into a ball and hiding from whatever scene you had been thrusted into.
“Ah, there you are!” A familiar voice exclaimed next to you, static dripping from their words. “I was wondering how long it would be until you showed up!” 
Wait a second, was that Alastor speaking? Was he responsible for whatever the hell just happened?
Your eyes slowly opened, revealing a large room covered in dark red wallpaper that cracked with age. Gold framed the edges, and lights mounted on the walls illuminated a few paintings that filled the empty space.
It looked like a lobby. Couches nestled in a corner around a small box tv. Next to that was a small bar, bottles of liquor stacked on shelves behind the counter. 
Your eyes trailed away, before they landed on a small group of demons in front of you. Your breath quickened in fear, as you quickly scanned over their figures. 
There was a woman in a red tuxedo, her mouth slightly parted in surprise. Long platinum-blonde hair tied into a neat ponytail as it traveled down her back. Beside her, a tall snake held a hand to his chest as he leaned back slightly, as if he was more afraid of you than you were of him. 
There were a few others too, but your mind was racing so fast you weren’t able to get a settle on their frames before you eyes were bouncing around for an exit.
It wasn’t until you felt someone’s arm snake around your elbow did you whip your head to the side, Alastor’s large smile greeting you as he laced his arm with yours in comfort, no doubt noticing the way your knees were about to buckle. 
“Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, my dear!” He exclaimed, as if your arrival was expected and totally-not-strange whatsoever. His eyes were soft, doing his best to calm you with his familiar presence. You opened your mouth to speak, even though you weren’t sure exactly what to say.
“Who the fuck is that?” The fuzzy, pink spider demon piped up from the shocked onlookers. A pair of hands on his hips as he regarded you with confusion. 
Your lips upturned into a faint smile, and you lifted your hand for a half-hearted wave.
“Um, hi..?” 
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I hope you enjoyed part 2! Sorry for that cliff hanger 😭 i hate doing that but had to end it somewhere haha
and.. hold up yall…
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for real?! i did not expect this my first month on this app, nor at all really 😍 what started as “just this one luci one-shot..” became so much more!
Thank you all for the support and love you’ve given me, lowkey itching to buy a computer just for writing (yes, all my fics have been written with sore thumbs haha)
HUGE thanks to @spoiled-slutt for being my beta reader and helping me brainstorm ideas for this part! They’ve been an amazing help, and you should definitely check out their works if they interest you! <3
have a great day, my swans! 🦢
@the-tortured-poet @anonymousewrites @coleisyn @froggybich @chewbrry @watchinthestarz @mechanicalmari @luxmessorem @plapperlapapp @wonderlife974 @kottenox @cherry-cola-100 @the-shark-named-sharon @rae-pottah @just-trash-yeah-thats-it @corpsebridenightamare @pweewee @nijiru @ourfinalisation @anuttellaa @nonetheartist @bunnypeew @cryptidghostgirl @hxzbinwrites
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maidragoste · 1 month
Hiiii!!!! I (18) was wondering if you could write a Jace x his mothers handmaiden reader, where they have a secret relationship 🤙🏼🤙🏼❤️❤️
anon, sorry for taking so long to write your request. I hope you enjoy it and thanks for reading 🥰💖💖
btw it wasn't clarified so I didn't write reader as a low-born handmaiden (that is, the ones who clean the urinals and that) but as a high-born one.
likes, comments and REBLOGS are always greatly appreciated 🥰💖
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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A frustrated sigh left your lips as you tried to break free from Jacaerys's grip only for the prince to press your body even closer to his so you couldn't get out of bed. You turned to demand that your lover let you go but you remained silent, watching Jace's face. Even though he had his eyes closed you were sure by the lazy smile on his face that he was awake. He looked beautiful. He always looked beautiful but these moments only belonged to you. You wanted to wake up every day next to him but you couldn't. Your duty was to Princess Rhaenyra, you cannot allow yourself to be distracted. Besides, if she found out that you were having a secret relationship with her beloved son, she would throw you out and your family would be very disappointed in you for having wasted the opportunity that the princess gave you to choose you as one of her handmaidens. Not only that but your reputation would be ruined, if rumors spread that you no longer possess your virtue then it would be impossible for you to get a husband. You are a fool to continue with this romance, someday Jace will marry a girl from an even more important house than yours and you will have to sit silently watching everything. There is no happy ending to this.
“My prince, I have to go,” you said, hoping he would stop playing dumb and let you go.
“No,” he complained, lengthening the “o.” Your place is at my side” he moved his face closer to kiss you but you moved, he tried again but you avoided him again “What's wrong” he asked, letting you go so he could sit properly on the bed.
"It's late, I should go. At any moment your mother will wake up, I have duties to do” you responded without looking at him as you got up. You didn't even have a chance to look for your shoes when he tugged on your arm making you return to the bed. He turns you around so that you both face each other.
“What is wrong?” asked again the prince. “Talk to me, please, my lady,” he asked, looking at you with concern while gently taking your face in his hands.
“I think we should stop seeing each other, my prince.” The uncertainty in your voice was clear but still, your words were a dagger for Jacaerys.
“Why?” Your heart ached as you heard the confusion and anguish in his voice. “. I don't understand, yesterday we were fine”
“Yes, we were. But we won't always be. Someday you will have to get married and you will leave me. “I think the easiest thing for my heart is for us to finish our thing now,” you said, closing your eyes without being able to see the sadness in his eyes anymore. If you continued seeing him you were afraid you would go back on your decision.
Your heart skipped a beat when you stopped feeling Jacaerys's hands. You froze as you listened to him get out of bed and get dressed. You should take the opportunity to leave, it's probably what he wanted but you couldn't move. You really had finished everything.
You opened your eyes as you felt the prince's hands in your hair. Your heart raced as he carefully untangled the knots. Once he finished, he kissed your shoulder. “Finish getting ready so we can go talk to my mother.”
“We?” you repeated.
"Yes. I have no intention of marrying anyone but you,” Jacaerys said calmly as if his words wouldn't change your entire world.
“Jacaerys, marrying me is an idiotic move, my house is not that important, and the lords” your chatter was interrupted by the prince's lips capturing yours. You should be firmer and move away, but you can't, so you surrender to enjoying the taste of your lover's lips, feeling more loved than ever.
"I love you and if my mother wants me to be her heir, she will have to accept it," Jace declared and there was no room for argument in his voice. “You are the only wife I intend to take,” he promised before kissing you again.
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Taglist for all my House of the Dragon works
@chaotic-fangirl-blog @venus-flytrap3 @ajordan2020 @iloveallmyboys @sweethoneyblossom1 @fudge13 @crystal-faith @tita004 @ichanelvxgue @snowprincesa1 @joyouart @rosey1981 @alastorhazbin @papichulo120627 @apollonshootafar @jasminecosmic99 @partypoison00 @labellapeaky @rebelliuna @bxdbxtxh15 @impartinghades @thegirlnextdoorssister @angeliod @snh96 @aleemendoza2425-blog   @natashaobo @watercolorskyy  @nyenye @savagemickey03 @kishie8 @ewwwitsel @arabis-world @missusnora @nzygftoji @alisoncdariel @cookielovesbook-akie @partnerincrime0 @klara-lily @427120lxld @justhereiguess2 @buckylahey @wa801 @artistadistrada2002 @thelastemzy @justanotherkpopstanlol @yn-jackson
hotd masterlist
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ozzgin · 10 days
Its been 6 months😭😭 pleaasseeee make a part 2 of the android x human story im beggingggg😭
Yandere! Android x Reader (II)
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Featuring your assigned android partner who is not as devoid of humanity as you originally thought.
Content: female reader, AI yandere, mildly NSFW, based on Caves of Steel
[Part 1] | [More original works]
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The case had been solved.
Not only that, but you'd managed to prove that human officers were just as efficient as their robot counterparts. The Commissioner was beyond ecstatic, pacing back and forth in his office and finding new ways to praise your detective skills.
"That'll show those Spacers. They think some glorified tin box can match our skill?"
You frowned at his words and glanced to your side, where the android was sitting. He observed the Commissioner with the same polite smile, no hint of disagreement on his features. Was he not insulted? You questioned him once the formal meeting had finished.
"I have no reason to be offended, (Y/N). It is a personal opinion, and thus I have no control over it."
"So you don't mind people disliking robots to such an extent?"
He pondered your statement.
"I would certainly be upset if it was you who harbored the disdain. The beliefs of other humans hold no meaning to me otherwise."
You couldn't tell if he said it out of politeness, or if he actually meant it. Most likely the former, in order to part on good terms. After all, your partnership has reached its completion. He'd return to the Spacer Colony with his report on human customs, and you'd go back to your regular job.
Except he never left. Days later, he was still sipping on his morning coffee, lounging at your table. You fiddled with your cup in contemplation. Was there anything else left to do?
"When are you leaving, actually?"
The pale man raised his eyebrows in mild surprise.
"Is my presence here of such significant disturbance?"
"What? No!" you swiftly exclaimed, stumbling on your words. His lips widened in yet another cheeky grin. He was teasing you again.
"My assignment on Earth is done, thus I should have returned to the Colony already. That's what you're wondering about, yes? I am awaiting a response from my superiors."
"Whether you can go back?"
"No, whether my transfer has been accepted. I have applied to be your permanent partner."
You could feel your cheeks burning with heat. Was it that obvious to the synthetic that you enjoyed his company? Then again, he wouldn't have gone through such motions just for your sake.
"Why did you..." you probed sheepishly. There was no logical reason for him to keep working in a poorer, less advanced environment.
"Because I want to continue spending time with you."
Nonsense. An artificial being wouldn't make its decision based on such mundane, emotional reasons.
"I don't believe you."
"I understand. It is a faulty answer to come out of a machine. Though unlike common AI assistants, we have been invested with the capacity to develop likes and dislikes. Interests. Wants. It helps with variety and individualization."
"And you want to stay here? If I didn't know you any better, I'd say you have a crush on me or something", you attempted to joke.
A few moments of uncomfortable silence. Had you gone too far with your humor? Was it too cliché of a sentence? You turned away, tucking some strands of hair behind your ear. You just had to be witty, huh?
"I'm afraid I do not know what to tell you, (Y/N)."
"You don't need to say anything, it was a poor choice of-"
"Many social aspects have been implemented into my behavioral network. Workplace rapport, friendships, intimate relationships. What seems to be lacking is the transition from one to another. I know how to act as a romantic partner, but how does one achieve such a title in the first place?"
You gazed at him, incredulous. What was he trying to say?
"I am trying to convey that I am indeed infatuated with you. Which, then, makes my initial explanation dishonest: while I do appreciate our fruitful work cooperation, it is not a main reason for my decision. I hope this clears up any misunderstandings."
You'd never been a romantic. You sometimes flipped through sample pages of contemporary romance books at stores and community centers, but they always felt forcefully cheesy. Predictable. Consequently, you never had any grand dreams of passionate confessions under the rain.
On the other hand, you also didn't expect to be asked out in such a mechanical, calculated manner. Or that a machine would be the suitor. Yet there was something charming about his approach. For the first time since meeting him at the border, you saw him struggle. There was something human-like in his uncertainty.
You stood up from the table, and walked towards the android. Then, you placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, expressing the mutual feeling and understanding.
His eyes bore an eerie glint to them. It was most kind of you to offer a common ground, but he knew better. The affections you held for him were, with utmost certainty, a mere fraction of whatever overwhelmed him from the moment he encountered you. Limerence, obsession, compulsion, there were many definitions that aptly described his otherwise unexplainable desires towards you. Even more unexplainable was the fact they'd evolved from a blank slate, a programmed agent with no previous knowledge on feelings or humans.
You noticed his hesitation.
"Is there anything else troubling you presently?" you nudged.
Nothing of immediate urgency. Well, not for you, at least. The android remained thoughtful. What were the variables which needed to be met in order to initiate a sexual encounter? Would it have been inappropriate for him to suggest intercourse straight after this conversation? To him, it was a natural escalation he'd considered many times in the past. To you, it could've come as a sudden, crass, and hurried proposal.
He reached for your wrist and discreetly pressed a thumb against your skin. Judging from your resting heart rate, facial expression, and localized temperature, there was a fair chance you wouldn't reject his advances. Once the statistical risk had been assessed, he pulled you in for a kiss.
"Would it be possible to continue this in your bedroom?" he inquired, standing up.
"Alright, just don't...ask for approval for every single step" you retorted. You'd rather not become a narrator of your own pounding.
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You open your eyes with a squint, greeted by unexpected natural light flooding your bedroom. Someone must’ve lifted the hologram blinds.
“My apologies, I hadn’t considered the discomfort it would cause you. My Spacer colony uses artificial lightning, though I am becoming rather fond of the natural sun rays here.”
Your android partner is meticulously preparing his outfit for the day. Judging by the stark nakedness and the glistening skin, you suppose he’s had a shower while you were still sleeping. You involuntarily furrow your brows and blush at the sight. He notices your embarrassment. 
“A most surprising reaction. You have seen the very same genital organ…”, he says as he quickly checks his wristwatch, “...precisely eight hours and forty-five minutes ago.”
“It’s just…most people get dressed once they start doing other things. I also wear a towel for coverage when I come out of the shower.”
He processes your words.
“Hmmm. Illogical, but it explains your reaction.”
You stand up and stretch with a prolonged yawn. Suddenly, a revelation hits you: your mind flashes with images of the android fondling your body, your ears ring with the shameless moans you’ve let out throughout the night. Your face turns pale.
“Listen, when is your next functional inspection?” you ask, without waiting for the synthetic to answer. “Will they, uh…will they have access to all of your memories?”
You know that the android permanently records all data and saves it into a memory unit. It’s a pointless fear, of course. The Spacers couldn’t care less about irrelevant details. If the intended tasks are fulfilled, what happens on the side is out of their concern. Yet you don’t exactly appreciate the possibility of your personal deeds airing like this, before the eyes of multiple engineers. 
“You may rest assured, whatever involves your privacy will not be included in the examination.”
“Do you get to decide what is checked and what isn’t?”
“No, most data is sampled randomly.”
You stare at him, confused.
“Then how-”
“It is not common practice, nor encouraged by our code of ethics. I can, however, choose which information is available to begin with.”
“What? I thought you’re fully controlled by whoever created you. If they so desired, couldn’t they open you up and take whatever they require?”
The robot smiles at your assumption and takes a few steps towards you.
“Once an android model is finished, one can no longer modify the processor. Not without compromising everything else with it. It is not a device to be deconstructed, (Y/N).” He taps his temple, then continues: “I am a biocomputer. While most of my parts are mechanical, my processor is a cortical organoid developed in a laboratory. A human brain, if you will.”
Somehow, the discovery fills you with dread. A living organ, encapsulated within a machine. What does that say about consciousness? About self-awareness? The Spacers didn't just tinker with metal scraps and smart computers. They artificially birthed life.
You were always under the impression that your robot companion is closer to the computer you have on your desk. Billions of lines of code within a black box, which then lead to spontaneous, novel interactions with the outside world. To think that at the very core of his functions lies a clump of living cells...
Perhaps you weren't so different, after all. The line between machines and humans is suddenly blurred.
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kairiscorner · 11 months
is this the start of a new series?
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
miggy and his feelings for you (after an argument).
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a/n: ok so this is kind of an extension of the "miggy's sole friend" fic, but you can read this as-is.
summary: you had an argument with miguel, and this time, you did something unexpected of you: you walked out on him. instead of getting mad at you, he got scared. he knew you all his life and could never remember a time when he didn't know you. he wants to apologize and admit to you once and for all how he feels about you, what you make him feel now that you've left him for the time being, and how he's... oh, is he really saying it? how sorry he is about his shitty attitude towards you.
word count: 2,440 (wowza)
it was certainly an experience being miguel o'hara's... only friend ever since, well, forever. you had other friends of your own, but the one who you knew the best and who knew you best was none other than miguel. you two knew each other pretty well, like the back of each other's hands. you two knew everything there was to know about the other; be it a favorite color, their 7th birthday, that time they broke their right arm in two places, the name of the second pet they owned, where your beauty marks were most prominent, and just about every other little detail there was to remark about each other.
you lauded yourself as an observant person, as someone who could look at something and see a thousand unnoticed details that a lot of other people never looked twice at, or even caught at first glance. it was due to this aptitude of yours to be able to know where to look and what to for that you became friends with miguel, even when he was a difficult little brat when you first met him.
his snarkiness and sarcasm was palpable and irritating, he mouthed off anyone he pleased, which was not for pleasure; he hated having to point out everyone else's incompetencies--but rather out of an insecurity of himself, a sort of allusion to how he wanted people to understand him, but how he struggles with understanding himself in the first place. he did it to feel safe, and you could see right through him when a lot of other people were turning away from the poor boy.
little did you know that your decision to befriend him would be the decision that saved miguel from himself. you saved him from his loneliness, you became the sole person in his life to make the first move and stick with him, no matter how difficult he became towards you or how aggressive he was at times.
of course, you two never saw eye-to-eye all the time; but you two genuinely got along a lot. you two would complain to each other, compliment each other, taunt and make banter with each other, you two were each other's companion, never complete without the other. but you two would also have disagreements, and when you had disagreements, miguel would be convinced he was right. at least, he used to think he was always right.
but one time, you storm out and got out of his face after an argument. he thought to himself he did nothing wrong, you were wrong. you were always the one thinking you were right, that you knew everything there was to know about a person, that you could do no wrong, that... you were the only person in his life that really understood him.
...this feeling is shit.
he had never felt that feeling before, of being walked out on, being left alone for being difficult and demanding. he knew the world couldn't give him everything, but he just wished, this once, that he could restrain himself and quell his ego for once so you wouldn't get sick of him.
oh, please, please don't be sick of him. he was a grown adult, he could take rejection in the face by anyone but you. he was frightened of what would happen if you one day stopped seeing him, stopped talking to him, or worse, managed to forget he even existed.
the gnawing feeling of despondency and probing the thought of you leaving him alone when you were the only, only person who understood him. lyla didn't count, she was made by him; the people of the spider society didn't count either, they were either scared shitless of him or understood his need for order and justice--not the person who believed in those ideals.
you did save him from his loneliness, but that didn't mean he was doing fine without you. if miguel could put a label on the feelings you gave him when he was without you, it'd be, "an utter, soul-crushing weight on my chest that grows the longer you're gone". and if he was without you because of his own actions, it'd be, "an immense regret of having ever done that to you, and if i could go back in time to punch myself to stop me from doing it, i would. in a heartbeat, i would".
miguel couldn't focus right throughout the day, every time he would try to listen to a report or look through the multiverse's canon events and occurences, his mind would always shift his attention the other way, to that nagging, unrelenting voice in his head that keeps screaming at him, "i need to talk to them. i need them back here, i'm... scared. i'm scared without them."
miguel had a hubris, and as often as he denied it, it always showed ceaselessly; but he attempted to put it aside for a minute and think of what to say to get you to stay with him for a few seconds longer, see you again even if you didn't want to see him; he just really wanted you right then and there with him, and he was so sorry he let himself get to you with his stupid, stupid pride.
"lyla," he called for the ai assistant. "now before you tell me to call them up so you can keep screaming, count me out. as a virtual assistant, i have rights." she said as she pulled up a monitor. miguel shook his head. "no, i'm not gonna yell anymore, no screaming, i just... wanna talk to them, in a civil manner." he emphasized the latter parts, with lyla slowly nodding in a sarcastic manner.
"well, have you ever thought that maybe they don't want to hear from you right now?" she asked miguel, looking at him quizzically. he sighed. "i've thought about it. and i'm done letting my thoughts dictate what i do." he said as lyla called you, miguel's thoughts racing in his mind, contesting against one another and contradicting each other. all the apologies he wants to tell you because he never told you before, all the genuine compliments he wants to tell you because he doesn't think you've heard enough of them in your life, let alone from him--all the thanks he has for you saving him the day you approached him and stood your ground in your desire to befriend him...
he wants you to know more than the "everything" you swore to have known about him, from the good and the bad, from the beautiful to the ugly; this is the one thing you and your astuteness never caught.
"what? i'm--" you began as you appeared on the other side of the screen, visibly irritated at miguel's impromptu call, but miguel cut you off.
"i'm in love with you." he blurted out without hesitation. the minute he saw you, the minute his breath was hitched in his throat as he caught sight of the most perfect person in the world, the one who toughed out every single time he was being a hard-headed bastard... he had to tell you how he felt. or at least, the only words that have so much meaning, yet so many meanings no matter how often it is uttered or how it is said.
"i'm... in love with you." he repeated, in a slower voice, a voice that wanted to take you gently by the hand and lead you through each syllable and pause as if it were like teaching one how to walk after being debilitated and bed-ridden. he ran a hand through his hair and placed his other hand on his waist as you remained silent, waiting to hear if he was roped into some prank by the knuckleheaded fools in the spider society somehow, if this was his "canon event" or whatever else he spouted out as a mandate through his authority as the leader of this "elite force of heroes".
you soon broke the silence when he didn't say anything with a cough.
he stared up at you, your face presented on the monitors in an larger ratio. he opened his mouth to speak, but he took a few seconds to collect his thoughts. "i... realized i've been selfish, i've been a bossy, arrogant, self-absorbed... pendejo." he finished with a deep breath in as he sighed. he knew that he was a bastard to you, has been and... probably will always be, even if he doesn't want to.
he wants to change, but he's painfully aware that his admission to all the things he's been called over the years didn't only hurt his pride, it hurt you because you knew he hardly changed from before. "okay." you said as you angled the camera of your phone better to get a good look at him. "so what?" you asked, trying to sound angry after he let his pride down just to see how true this change in attitude really was.
he scratched the back of his neck and peered up at you as his head was hung. "so i, uh... i wanted to admit it. estoy enamorado de ti. i'm... dammit." he said softly as he lost what he was going to say, just letting loose that spanish phrase he's wanted to tell you ever since you won him over with your beautiful smile, that ceaselessly sweet charisma of yours, and that patience and strength you had when it came to bearing with him and everything he puts you through.
"...i know, i don't deserve you. you don't deserve this overly dependent manchild you probably think of--" he continued, but you cut him off with a sarcastic chuckle. "oh it's not just probably, you are a manchild." you corrected, to which he nodded along. "right, right, i suppose you're..." he trailed off, not wanting to relent at that appraisal of his true, uninhibited nature. "...you're right." he finally admitted.
"but the matter of fact is that i am completely in love with you and want nothing more than for you to know i am so, so sorry for my idiocy, my inadequacy, my... every kind of 'cy i've lacked and... should be making up to you in ways that aren't just limited to calling you when you're clearly busy with work." he said in a quieted voice as he went on.
"i'm nothing without you, and i know i come off as dramatic, needy, or just straight up pathetic as shit, but it's the truth. i need you like i need air, you understand me when i can't even understand myself. i need you, so much, and i'd do anything to just keep you remembering me, even just one last time before you decide to cut me off from your life fore-- why are you laughing?" he asked as he heard a few chuckles escape your pursed lips as the corners of your mouth quivered, trying to conceal your laugh, to stifle it so he doesn't notice, but he does.
"you're just so extra, you know that?" you point out with a fit of giggles as miguel sighs, a small smile forming on his face. "well what can i say? it's the truth, and nothing but the truth. you deserve so much more, and i understand if you don't want me, too, but i..." he cuts himself off again as he hears the doors to his office open, looking at your video feed and noting the background looked exactly like the layout of his office. from the dimness of the light to the small, intricate carvings on the walls--it was an exact replica of his office. soon, he connected the dots together, and realized a little too late you were in the room, smiling slyly to yourself the whole time as he looked from the monitors to your face that was now close to his.
"and i can be a little extra with my entrance, too." you quipped as you leaned over and gave him a hug. "even if you're a hardass pendejo like you say you are... i'll never forget you. and i won't leave you, not like that. not when i'm..." you drifted off as you looked up at him, holding him tighter as his breath hitched in his throat, admiring how small you appeared below him, how warm and loving your touch was, how... delicately you held him, as if you didn't plan on hurting him despite how you had every right to get angry with him for being so conceited and prideful.
"...not when i'm in love with you, too." you admitted as you buried your face in his chest, leaving in your wake a blushing, heated mess of a man as you nuzzled yourself further into him. "i just wanted to hear you admit it, first." you said with a chuckle as he slowly carded your hair in his hands, wondering to himself if this moment was real, was supposed to happen, was going to happen all along? all the events that led to this very euphoric, heavenly moment; and he wouldn't waste a second.
he leaned over to you, and as you pulled away from his chest, he brushed his nose over yours in an attempt to seize your soft, plush lips which he yearned for too damn long. he kissed you, and you found yourself kissing him back. he savored your taste, the feeling of your lips on his was too perfect, too right; he could do this for the rest of his life if you were up for it, kissing you until you knew just how much he loved you--which not even he could tell you, either, not with you constantly stealing his heart and attention all the time.
"i'll work on not being so unbearable all the time... i just want to, to hold you like this," he said as he reciprocated your touch and wrapped his arms around your waist gently, pulling you closer to him as he felt your racing heartbeat, and you felt his own in yours.
your hearts beating together in perfect harmony, as if each of your hearts responded to the other. "if it means i can keep you for eternity, i'd stop being a prideful bastard and admit i'm wrong, admit you're the greatest, that you're amazing, you're... perfect." he finished as he kissed your forehead, apologizing still for all that he did, with you giggling and telling him it's okay, but he has a whole lot to do to make up for it.
luckily for you... he's always up for a challenge.
a/n: man i fr thought i had writer's block while making this, it was a bluff, i just got tired and lazy LMAO but hoping y'all enjoyed :> TYSM TO @jrrantss FOR THE HELP IN THE SPANISH TRANSLATION, it's so fucking romantic, ako'y kinikilig super tyyy <333
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @jrrantss @luvstarrstruck
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celestemona · 4 months
a when they're dads au introduction
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pairing: dad & husband! kaedehara kazuha x fem! reader
cw: established relationship, you and kazuha are married and have children. original characters. domestic and parenting universe. quick pregnancy mention. slightly ooc to fit the plot. fluff and not beta read.
reblogs and comments are appreciated ♡
part i. | part ii.
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Considering that Kaedehara Kazuha’ only reputation was his mild personality and free spirit, no one believed that the wandering samurai would one day be able to pause his travels and settle down to a monotonous, homely life.
So you can imagine the surprise that’d be among the fishing and sailing communities throughout Teyvat when they discovered that the white-haired man had not settled down but also married and had children.
Surely it only could be a prank because, after all, was there even a possibility of that happening?
Well, this answer was given by a drunk and laughing Captain Beidou who showed to curious and shocked eyes a photo of his wedding held by the Crux fleet itself on a small and isolated island in Inazuma.
If the residents and locals didn't know her so well they might think the pirate captain was lying. However, looking at the photo closer, the way Kazuha looked at you while you smiled back at him confirmed the undeniable: the man was madly in love with you.
After that, with the help of a few barrels of rum and beer, the story of your love was shared. From you falling from the sky directly (and literally) into the samurai's arms, to the blossoming of your relationship; the ups and downs faced to the marriage proposal, and then the small family's decision to leave the seas to rebuild the Kaedehara Clan together.
Oh, well… Beidou may have let escape one more detail since dozens of wide eyes stared at her in astonishment at this information. However, she was pretty sure Kazuha wouldn't mind if she told them a little bit more about his new life as patriarch of the clan and his greatest prides. You, his wife, and your three children.
The samurai himself didn’t believe that one day he could be so fortunate and blessed to have the opportunity to return to a happy and noisy home. His days as a teenager left him with a deep scar in his heart since his relationship with his father, at first, wasn’t one of the best and therefore staying away from the place that was once his home was the best decision to be made.
Not only had the distance from Inazuma changed his perspective but also an insecurity had blossomed in the back of his mind where he feared that one day he’d make the same mistakes as his father.
Even so, after you entered his life, the only feeling he had when he set foot in the old estate was pure warmth and belonging. Love and serenity that not even his children, while yelling and playing around the mansion, could shake it.
Kiyomi, his middle and only daughter, was, most of the time, responsible for the laughter and noises in the house. Both you and your husband didn't know where she had inherited such an extroverted and mischievous personality, causing you to grow a few strands of gray hair and eliciting genuine laughs from Kazuha. There was no denying that the girl had a temperament as unique as her beauty, which was a mixture between yours and your husband's. And as the only girl in the family it was undeniable to say that Kazuha loved the ground she walked on. Nevertheless, neither you nor your husband would change anything about her, loving and being proud of your daughter the way she is  — because if there’s something prettier about Kiyomi was her heart as big as her stubbornness.
Clearly, the affection of the two parents wasn’t limited to just the girl but also extended to the two sons.
Kazumi is your firstborn son and only three years older than Kiyomi. With such a small age difference, some parents would expect there to be a certain amount of rivalry and jealousy between the siblings, but Kazumi was his father's son in both appearance and personality. With such a sneaky smile and a relaxed attitude, he was often mistaken for Kazuha himself — even sharing the same mindset of preferring to go with the flow rather than worry about small, insignificant things. This didn't apply to situations where you or his siblings were in danger, of course. After all, he took the title of older son and brother very seriously.
Shortly before his tenth birthday, Kazumi had learned and inherited the techniques of the Isshin Art which even took Kazuha himself an entire decade to re-learn. Unlike his ancestors, the current patriarch would teach his children the clan's secret technique so that the art would remain alive. Whether his children would dedicate themselves to it or not will depend on each of them.
Kiyomi didn't seem too interested, neither did Kazumi.
You, though, hoped that one of your children would carry the bladesmithing practices forward but you were also happy to see each of your children following their own path. If not even Haruki, your youngest son who was known to be as hungry for knowledge as any sage of Sumeru himself, seemed enchanted by this idea then ​​the Kaedehara Clan must expanding its businesses in other areas.
The youngest Kaedehara was the prodigy and the pride of the entire family. Your third pregnancy was a big surprise in the house but very well welcomed. Kazumi had just turned ten and Kiyomi was awaiting her seventh birthday when the fragile little Haruki arrived into the world on a autumn morning — although, the first few months that followed weren’t very pleasant as your baby's health was poor, leaving both you and Kazuha with your nerves always on edge.
However, with the help of your friends, the traveler, the Crux fleet, and even Yae Miko’s divine blessing, little by little Haruki managed to recover and finally grow up healthily.
Unlike his brothers who always seemed to be somewhere or running around, Haruki preferred to stay at home surrounded by the comfort of his parents' presence or his books. It took little time for you and Kazuha to realize that at a young age he was already reading advanced-level books and scrolls, and was interested in subjects that even adults would find boring. So it was also no surprise either when an invitation to study at Akademiya arrived at your home just before the boy's thirteenth birthday.
Needless to say there was a huge party before his departure to Sumeru where on one side there was you crying at the sudden departure of your son, Kazuha consoling you and a very happy Beidou getting all the guests drunk.
So, yes. If someone asked Kazuha about what he thought of this new life of his, he wouldn't lie when he answered them that it was a very different reality from the one he had projected years ago. There would always be something to worry about, his days were almost the same, rarely leaving the routine, and every now and then the desire to reach new horizons would always call him.
But in the end of the day, he wouldn't trade a second of his life by your side for his old one. Because, after all, he’s already living the biggest adventure of his life with you by his side, and if there’s something that Kazuha was sure of, it'd be that there’s nothing in the world so rewarding as having your company.
a/n: i must confess that i have this plot on my drafts for almost two years now but i’ve never found will enough on myself to sit down and write it. nevertheless, i’m thankful for my mind to remind me of this plot and make me re-write new ideas.
those who knows me, or not, must’ve know that i really do love parenting, domestic and pregnancy universe so not so often i caught myself writing about it. it’s so relaxing and enjoyable to picture these guys as dad idk.
i hope you’ve liked it so far. i would like to share more about this headcanon too in a possible future so let me know if you want to know something more about the kaedehara clan. thank you so much, bye!
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costelloschoice · 5 months
Wedding Night
-Mizu x fem reader! -warnings: nsfw, pulling off the biggest W and getting married to Mizu, bottom! Mizu, top! reader, toys, pussy eating, dom and sub dynamic -minors don't read or I'll tell your mommy -comments and reblogs are appreciated (she's so cute in the gif waaa)
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She never thought she would be doing this.
Getting married this first time was something she never imagined for herself, but here she is again. But this time she knows this is the real deal.
"This is it.." Mizu whispered, kneeling on the zabuton below her. This scene was so familiar to her in another life. A small saucer plate of sake in her hands, the scent of the fermented rice filled her nostrils.
She looks over at you, her wife. She feels a sense of pride just looking at you but also feel nervous. She wants this to work out, she prayed this would. But you look so beautiful in white, you look like you were meant to be a beautiful bride. To think she came this far after what life has put on her, it all felt like a reward.
You made a promise to her before this small ceremony. A promise she never had to be a man after this moment. She didn't have to pretend to be someone else. But Mizu just had to push through a bit more to be able to be free from this cage forever. Of course, if it was her choice to revert back, you would accept her decision. But you knew deep down she wouldn't.
A small bell rung three times, indicating you both to sip from your glasses. The strong taste of the rice wine went down her throat smoothly, a strong burning sensation heating up the back throat. She tried not to focus too much on the taste as she turned to face you.
You also tried to ignore the burning feeling of the sake. You never liked warm sake, you thought it tasted like dirt. Your body shivered at the heat growing in your throat, almost feeling like the heat was in your ears now, but you turned to smile at Mizu, your now wife.
Your relationship was not at all how others thought it to be. Of course, they also thought Mizu was man. But no one knows how much she loves to be your own personal whore.
Yes, she may present as someone who would be dominate, to make you submit to her and take what she had to give you. When, in fact, you knew how to make her melt and be putty in your hands. The samurai was actually a sensitive girl who would do anything to make you happy, as would you for her.
Carefully, she applied the white makeup to her skin, the kabuki brush evenly spreading the foundation to her makeup. The fine brushes applying the red lipstick to her lips and her eye lips. The candle lit room gave her a sense of calmness as she applied her makeup. She knew tonight was going to be special. You two have already had sex many of times, but now you're married, it's different to her. The sex tonight will be special to her. The beautiful and intricate design of her wedding dress was too good to be true. It was beautiful and picked out by you. Secretly, Mizu loved being dressed up by you, as if she was your doll.
Once she finished her makeup, she only waited now. Mizu took in deep breaths, her fingers tapping her knees. She waited for you patiently. Mizu looked up at a mirror across your shared room. She made sure everything was perfect, a hand running over her intricate hairstyle.
"Wait long?" you said, voice deep yet soft while opening the door to the room.
Mizu turned to see you. Your hair was down and out of the hairstyle from earlier and also wearing a men's styled yukata which was hers. Mizu smiled before shaking her head 'no'. Making your way towards her, Mizu turns her body completely to face you. She looked so beautiful on her knees in front of you, like a good little bride should be.
"You look beautiful, love..." you smiled, your thumb and index fingers catching her chin to look up at you. Her stunning blue eyes never failed to make your heart skip a beat, she was truly your weakness. "Such beautiful girl..." you commented before your thumb ran over her red lips. Mizu's breathed hitched at your words and actions, but let you do whatever you wanted. Soon, slipping your thumb into her mouth. her eyes fluttered closed, and she knew better, then sucked on the digit without being told, she knew how to pleasure you. Her tongue ran under the finger and twirled around, sucking and moaning at the feeling of something in her mouth.
As she continued you said, "Eager, I love it..." which caused her groan, looking up at up with those blue eyes you love so much. The eyes that held so many emotions and feelings. The eyes that made her different from everyone else you ever met. Soon you pulled out of her mouth, "Are you ready...?"
"Y-Yes..."Mizu breathed out, nodding her head. She watched you begging to undo the belt to the yukata. Eyes widening, she looks at the strap on you already had on. Your breast sat beautifully, your strap stood up proud, and your cunt was glistening just below the sexy toy attached to you. It's like you were the definition of lust. You gently grab her face to place her mouth on the tip, letting her use context clues to figure out the rest.
She closed her eyes as he headed bobbed up and down on the strap, a free hand moving to rub your clit between your lips. She knew that you couldn't feel her lips on the cock, but it was such a beautiful sight. Your moans were a reward for rubbing your pussy, "G-Good girl...Keep that up," you panted, smiling as her finger pushes inside you.
Removing her mouth completely from the strap, she quickly put your leg over her shoulder to kiss your lips with hers. Her nimble tongue flicking your clit as her long and slender finger works your g-spot. You moan loudly, trying to have some composure and stay in control. You look down to see how eager she was to suck on your throbbing clit.
"You like how that pussy tastes?"
"Speak up when you talk to me,"
you snapped, making her pull away, her baby blue eyes look up at you. Lipstick and foundation around her chin smudged, "Yes, mistress..." Mizu pants, going back to tasting you. She added a second finger, curling them to rub the special spot. Your moans grew louder, your leg shaking as you feel your nerves being worked on.
"Enough..." you said, quickly pulling away. Mizu was pushed back on her ass, looking up at you. Taking off the rest of your clothes, you kneeled down to remove her dress. She wore nothing under her dress but a necklace you gave her when your first started to date, it was small but meant so much to her. She helped you get her out of the dress, tossing the clothes to the side. You quickly flipped Mizu on her back, letting her look up at you. Grabbing her by the waist, you lift up to rest her legs over your shoulders. You immediately started to taste her, your tongue running between her lips.
She was flushed, embarrassed from the position. Her moans were loud and whiny. Your tongue over her sensitive, hard clit felt amazing. Biting her bottom lip, her hands fondled her own breast. Her fingers pinching her nipples as you dip your tongue in and out of her wet hole.
"O-Oh yes...Please don't stop, mistress...my pearl..." Mizu panted. Even though this was a dom and sub situation, the loving nickname for you slipped out. It made you smile, making you work even harder to make her finish. One arm wrapped around her waist as the other moved to rub her clit, your tongue still dipping in and out.
Her groans and whimpers never faltered, her legs starting to shake from the pleasure you have her, "Oh...! Mistress I'm going to...c-cum! Please let me finish, mistress...!" she begged, looking up at you. You watched her pathetic facial expressions as you ate her out. Pulling away quickly, you only said one word.
She immediately thanked you, moaning loudly while thanking her mistress for the release of pleasure. Her legs shook on your shoulders, making you smile. You rubbed her thigh as she came down from the high of an orgasm, "Good girl...you taste amazing," you praised, cleaning up the mess you made.
You took her legs off your shoulder, laying her down. She pulls you in for a few kisses, wanting to taste herself from your lips, "Mistress..." she moaned softly, her fingertips grazing your breast. Her hand cupping your breast, feeling the softness of your chest. The kisses between you two help her relax again, grounding her in the moment.
Soon she was on her hands and knees, instructed by you. She arched her back as your hands ran up her back, your hands feeling the curve of her spine. The candles in the room made it hotter, creating a thin layer of sweat. The smoke of the incense floating up, the ash growing by the minute.
She felt the tip of the strap on run over her slit, her breath hitched in her throat, "You want this, love? You want to be fuck like the whore you are for me? You want to please me, right?" you teased, making her groan. "Yes mistress, I want to please you..." she said, looking back at you, earning her a smack on the ass.
"Good girl," you said before slowly pushing in. You always made sure to be careful when first pushing in, as to not hurt Mizu. This is supposed to be enjoyable, not torture. Her soft moans were always the indicator on her feelings. you focused on them as you slowly thrusted in and out, trying to find the rhythm to move for her.
Mizu loved the feeling of you inside. The fullness of your strap made her warm, safe even. She knew it was you and knew you would never hurt her. She felt you start to move faster, making her moan loudly. This made you grab her hips, pulling her back into you as thrust into her.
"Mistress...You feel so good," she moaned, eyes rolling back as she focuses on the thrusts. The sound of skin slapping together filled the room, moans making a perfectly harmony with the it. You smiled and you thrusted, looking at her ass jiggling a bit every time you thrusted. You placed a hand on her shoulder, making the thrusts shorter but harder.
"Open your eyes...Look in the mirror," you instructed, making her look in the mirror. She felt butterflies in her stomach as she watched you thrust into her, "Look at you, taking it so well," praised, smiling at her through the mirror.
"You like this?"
"Yes mistress,"
"Good girl...You love taking my big cock, huh? Feeling so full by your wife?"
"Yes mistress..! You make me feel so full and good, please fuck me harder,"
She begged, making you do so. She watched her face as you thrusted harder. Mizu looked like pathetic whore in a brothel being fucked fora cheap thrill. But your praises and smiles reminder her that she was your wife, your own personal whore.
"You want to cum? Finish around this fat dick?" you asked with a deep voice, focusing on hard, fast, thrusts. Mizu moaned loudly, babbling the words 'yes' and 'please' like it was the only two she knew. Once you gave her the okay to finish, she screamed your name. Not 'mistress', your name, just how you like. it.
You watched her face as she was pushed over the edge of pleasure again. She looked so beautiful. You know she'll never see the beauty you do. Pulling out, you held her close in your lap. You stroked her face, praising her as she rested in your lap and regained her composure. Even with her training, she was a slave to pleasure, and she was a slave to yours, "You did so well, Mizu, you're such a good wife..."
After an hour, the two of you laid in bed. The candles were long put out, the incense burnt out completely. You smiled as you looked at her, "I love you, Mizu..." you whispered, kissing her softly. Mizu giggled and smiled back. "I love you more...".
"You're lucky I let you cum so easily," you teased.
"You love me too much not to let me get my way," she joked, giggling before kissing you.
She couldn't have dreamed of a more perfect wedding night.
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galedekarios · 6 months
gale as a professor at blackstaff academy
i have to say that at first i wasn't too sold on the (then still fanon) idea of a professor ending because of gale's own prior anecdote about being irked by his previous students and their inadequacies.
i thought it might not be a good fit for him as far as professions go.
but reading the epilogue files, i have come around on it.
i think it's just one more way in which he's really grown into himself, become content with who he was in the past, the mistakes he made and what he has learned from them, and the person he wants to be in the future:
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Player: You? A teacher? I'd hardly say you set the best example for impressionable young wizards... Gale: I think it makes perfect sense. devnote: Surprised you wouldn't recognise this, a tiny bit offended you don't trust him to do this Gale: Who better to warn of the perils of misusing magic than someone who was once only a wayward sneeze away from destroying a mid-sized settlement? devnote: playing up to his past a bit, you can imagine this is how he acts with his students Tara the Tressym: Don't remind me of those terrible times, Mr Dekarios. My blood pressure has only just recovered.
a few more cute banters & things we learn about gale and his new teaching position:
tara swipes at students who fall asleep in gale's classes, which he himself doesn't mind. he, too, slept through some of them (like his calishite lessons):
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Player: Perhaps that's a good thing. I'm sure they're far better students than I was... Gale: Ah, so you still remember our little lesson? devnote: A little bit bashful, it was a vulnerable moment for him Gale: 'Teaching' you was hardly an effort at all. Not like my present cohort of apprentices. devnote: Complimentary, pulling the thought back to the teaching element after getting lost in the memory of the moment Gale: They try their best, of course - when they can manage to stay awake. devnote: Not upset by this - he slept through his fair share of classes as a student Tara the Tressym: The cheek of them! Nothing a well-placed swipe from Tara can't fix, though.
2. gale offered to teach more subjects than illusion via simulacra:
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Player: Only a professor? With your expertise, I'd have thought you could teach every kind of magic going... Gale: I did offer, as a matter of fact. devnote: Secretly glad the player thinks so highly of him Gale: However, the Blackstaff insisted I couldn't teach every subject, nor could the simulacra of myself I offered to create for that purpose. devnote: Reluctantly accepts that this was the right decision Gale: So, I've settled for teaching the art of illusion. Magic to confound the senses, to render the impossible into reality, and to allow expression of that most magical attribute of all - imagination. devnote: Selling it a bit - he wants to make sure you appreciate how cool this is
3. gale has told his students about the player's adventures and will invite a player to be a guest lecturer:
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Player: I found the love of my life. I'd say I'm pretty happy. Gale: And I couldn't be happier for you. A fitting reward for the sacrifices you made in getting here. Gale: I've told my students plenty of tales about our escapades. You're something of a hero to them, you know. Gale: I'd be delighted to introduce you to my current cohort - as a guest lecturer, perhaps? I'm sure they'd have plenty of questions for you. Player: It would be my pleasure. Gale: Excellent. I knew you wouldn't be able to resist the allure of sharing your expertise. Gale: Of course you'll be most welcome to stay with me in my tower- Tara the Tressym: Ahem. Gale: My apologies, Tara. That would be our tower.
4. his students find him somewhat intimidating due to his backstory with mystra and the orb:
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Gale: Well, that was quite lovely. I'm glad you're as pleased to see me as I am you. Gale: I have to say, I'm quite grateful to just be 'Gale' for the evening. Gale: I fear my students find me somewhat intimidating, due to my erm, explosive former reputation. I seem to put the fear of the gods into them. devnote: He plays up to his reputations a bit, so he isn't overly surprised Gale: Or the fear of Mystra, to be more specific. Gale: I surrendered the Crown of Karsus to her, as I told you I would. And in return, she cured me of the orb at last. Gale: Even now, I struggle to put the feeling into words. It was like exhaling for the first time, after holding my breath for so very long. Gale: Of course, I haven't clarified with my students that the orb is no longer a threat. The legend of my explosive capabilities is an excellent means of controlling a classroom. Too good, if anything.
5. he wants to teach his students that there is fun in studying magic:
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Gale: I spend most of my time trying to convince them how much fun the study of magic can be, but it'd be easier to crack a smile on an intellect devourer than some of my pupils... devnote: Despairing a little, doesn't understand why they aren't all as passionate as he was Player: Or on a mind flayer, perhaps... Gale: Smiling may no longer come easy to you, but I've seen how your tentacles twitch at my jokes. Even the ones I'm not entirely certain I was trying to make... devnote: Last sentence a tiny bit self-conscious, aware that people sometimes find him ridiculous. Gale: Still, I hoped my students might be a little more open to the playful side of such magic.
anyhow, i hope this was insightful to someone! 🖤
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woodchoc-magnum · 1 month
idk. i'm annoyed.
i realise i am a fandom old at this point
and i have seen some shit in this fandom; witnessed the discourse.
and i don't post meta or spec or much of that stuff; i usually put all my ideas into fics.
but guys seriously. seriously.
eddie's current arc is not about buck.
buck and eddie are not currently dating.
buck is eddie's best friend and vice versa.
eddie is not cheating on buck.
eddie is lying to buck by omission, yes, but that is not a friendship ending offence.
eddie is on the very cusp of cheating right now. he went on a date with another woman, yes. he has not kissed her or slept with her. we are at a tipping point. we do not know what is going to happen next.
he only went on a date with another woman because she reminded him of shannon, who he is not over, who he has spent seasons trying to replace.
the point of this show is that none of the characters are perfect - and especially not buck and eddie. they all make mistakes. they have all made mistakes and will continue to do so because in real life, people don't always make the right decisions 100% of the time.
this black-and-white, morally righteous way of thinking, like eddie is suddenly evil now because he's on the cusp of cheating; that it's going to end his friendship, that buck is going to be angry at him for lying - do you have friends in real life? like, i am genuinely asking.
because if my best friend suddenly started cheating on her husband, i wouldn't be mad at her - i would be worried. am i alone in this? like i would be genuinely concerned and trying to help figure out what's going on.
all the shit i'm seeing in the fandom today, all of the spec posts and commentary about the episode and what might potentially happen, just feels like, once again, an attempt to paint eddie as the villain in the story to prop up buck. let's make eddie so terrible that buck has to have custody of christopher, right?
clearly none of you understand how a will works. it's for after you're dead. not for when you're alive.
but the main issue is this - now that buck has tommy, the people who tolerated eddie can stop pretending to like him. there's another option for buck now, so you guys don't need eddie anymore. right? am i fucking right??
i love drama as much as the next person, but in what world would buck turn on eddie because of this? in what world would the 118 shun him? he is their friend! they love him! they care about him! they are a family!
my god, nobody shunned hen when she cheated on karen. nobody shuns bobby and he indirectly killed 140 people!
eddie is a good person who makes mistakes, just like every single other character on the show.
that is the fucking point.
and the way ryan was talking in the interviews - isolation could mean any number of things. we know eddie has a tendency to isolate himself when he's feeling stressed out - does anyone remember season 3? season 5? buck literally broke down his door!
i'm just fucking tired of this bullshit.
eddie's not a bad guy because of this. he has done shitty things, yes. they all have. that's the fucking point of the show, and if you can't understand that or appreciate adult story-telling, then fuck off and watch riverdale.
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personasintro · 8 months
Mutual Help | #46
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; in order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires ⏤ he calls it mutual help
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fake dating au, fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language, mature content
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 19.4k+
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⇠ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯. | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢ 
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Closing one of the boxes with a tape, you look around what used to be your living room and technically still is, but the remainder that it soon won't be is too real and big. Packing some of your things that Jungkook will later take to his place makes you doubt your decision. Only because you already feel bad at the thought of taking up his space no matter how many times he has told you it's not true. More like has scolded you with that prominent frown of his. You just can't help it.
All of this feels weird.
You will have to leave a bunch of your furniture behind, well to sell it to be completely exact which kind of makes you sad to be doing. There isn't space where you could store your couch, television and other stuff Jungkook already has in his apartment. He has helped you with everything, from searching for possible buyers and putting all your stuff on the internet that needs to be sold. You had done that together during sad evenings of you sulking next to Jungkook.
"You've made the right decision,"
You get startled at Jimin's soft voice next to you, completely forgetting for a second that he's been holding the box for you so you could tape it. He sets it on top of another box as he gives you an encouraging smile, hand squeezing your shoulder.
"Stop doubting everything, you've stayed at his place so many times, it's your second home at this point." Jimin jokes, causing you to glare at him but a playful grin cracks on your lips as you silently agree with him. You also appreciate how he tries to put you at ease, sensing your doubting.
All of you have stayed at Jungkook's home so many times that it doesn't feel like a foreign place. But still, it's Jungkook's home.
"I know, I just... it feels weird to move in there." you admit quietly, feeling bad for even saying it out loud because somehow, it makes you sad for Jungkook.
He's here sacrificing his space and privacy for you, just so he can help you. You know it's more than that but it doesn't feel right to have thoughts like these, constantly doubting this whole situation as Jimin has called it.
"You've always been bad with changes," Jimin offers simply, squeezing your shoulder for the last time before he lets go.
He's right, you realize as soon as he says it. You don't like changes, at least not big ones like this and especially in your little fucked up situation.
"I think that's why you feel dubious about this and that's completely fine. But you know Jungkook, and I think his place is the most comfortable place you could be living in."
Again, Jimin is more than right. Out of all the options you had, Jungkook's place feels like the most comfortable and safe option for you. Not that living with your other two friends wouldn't. There are just more cons of living with one of them. For example, Jimin's place is smaller and you already feel bad for taking up most of Jungkook's current space once you move in with him. Taehyung's wild life full of bringing strangers to his home isn't the most pleasant place to be living in, and you can't expect him to change things because of you. Not that you'd want him to.
Another thing that scares you though, something you haven't said out loud and definitely aren't planning to tell Jimin, is the fact you're going to be so close to Jungkook now. You'll be under the same roof which makes a little intrigued excitement spark inside of you.
"Yeah, I know," you murmur, "I don't mean to sound ungrateful."
"You don't," Jimin smiles and assures you, "You just sound like our Y/N."
That makes you chuckle, your conversation soon interrupted by manly chuckles as Taehyung and Jungkook walk out of your kitchen shoving each other as you roll your eyes at their usual and childish behavior. They said they came to help but so far, it looks like they came to help to empty your pantry. Taehyung holding one of your snacks says it all as they finally join you.
"Why that serious face?" Taehyung asks as soon as he spots you, wiggling his brows as he shamelessly takes a bite of the snack, silently challenging you to tell him something. But before you can tell him off, playfully of course because yes, you're slightly annoyed but not to the point you'd have to get angry because it's just a stupid snack, Jimin beats you to it.
"Ah, our friend here is getting all guilty and dubious." Jimin says mischievously, ignoring the grin you send him as you already hear Jungkook sighing as he plops on your couch, arm stretching and resting on the couch's top.
"Why?" Taehyung almost whines, "Girl, just enjoy the huge bathtub. I'd kill to have one in my place. And Jungkook is like the cleanest guy I know, he even does his own laundry and he actually likes it!"
That makes you laugh as Jungkook grins but rolls his eyes at Taehyung complimenting his laundry skills. He says it as if it's super unusual for men to do this kind of stuff.
"No, you're just saying that because you're a pig." Jimin jumps into the conversation, both you and Jungkook laughing at Taehyung's open mouth and the well-known glare he shoots at his friend.
The two of them start to bicker, something you're not in the mood to listen again and thanks to Jungkook you don't have to, because as soon as you plop onto the spot next to him, his arm stretched behind you, you're slightly intoxicated by the smell of him which is one of your biggest weaknesses when it comes to him. The guy is wearing sweatpants and a shirt and you're already drooling. And that's enough to zone out the bickering of those two for a moment but there's something else Jungkook wants to say.
"You're bruising my ego with all that doubting shit," he says lightly, grinning at you as you realize how close you're sitting next to him.
You can see his skin so clearly, he's so close that it would only take two seconds to lean in for you to kiss him, two seconds to eye the silver jewelry decorating his brow that you still can't get used to. Everytime you see it, it's like a slap to your face that reminds you how hot, more hot, your best friend is getting. Not that you thought it's even possible.
He's joking but still voicing the elephant in the room which causes more guilt to come to the surface as your features soften. "That's not it, Kook. I made my decision and I'm fine with it, I just--you know me. I'm grateful you're letting me stay at your place. I really am."
"Really?" Jungkook asks, smirking as he raises his brow at you. For a moment you look at him expectantly and confusingly, until he leans towards you to get close to your ear. "How grateful?"
Glancing at him, you look straight away to feel his hot breath on the side of your face again as you bite into your lower lip, eyes flickering to Jimin and Taehyung who are fooling around while laughing. You're too distracted to tell them to put down those pillows before they break something.
"Very grateful." you mutter to Jungkook, sounding almost sheepishly as excitement and shyness shakes in your chest.
"Hm, you can show me later then," he proposes, voice husky and low which makes you instantly gulp, trying to hide how much his words affect you.
It's the first time Jungkook has hinted at something like that since that incredible morning at his place with your legs stretched for his mouth. You've been thinking about that a lot, you're not going to lie and you've no idea what comes over Jungkook to act like this again, but you love it and you're here for it. You feel that flame of lust and excitement that you've felt with him in June and then months after, during the deal you had.
Finding his eyes, you find them mischievously looking into yours and you have to brace yourself not to get too distracted. "Maybe I will." you tell him silently, lips curving in a satisfied smirk when he grins at you – not in the typical cute bunny way, but in the way you're ten seconds from sitting on his lap.
"Yah, what are you two whispering about?" Taehyung suddenly yells, giving a last smack to Jimin's head with your pillow and then cackles when Jimin tells him to fuck off.
"Just how dumb the two of you are." Jungkook reacts, tongue in his cheek teasingly as Taehyung gasps.
"Yo, don't forget you're the younger one."
"Yeah, and I seriously doubt that sometimes." he murmurs, eyes flickering to yours as you giggle.
But before Taehyung can complain about the younger's attitude, the ringing of Jungkook's phone resounds and he picks it up, informing the food delivery is here seconds after. After another minute of bickering, Jimin drags Taehyung with him since there is a lot of food and you're sure some part of him has done it to get back at Taehyung. Eventually, they go down to pick up the food while you tell them you'll pack a few more boxes until they come back, which shouldn't take long.
Jungkook offers to help, the whole purpose of him being here actually, and he follows you to your bedroom. There is a lot of stuff you've to pack and even though you don't have to move out in a month or more, you've to arrange things you'll throw away, sell or take with you. Which reminds you that the person who is buying your couch, is supposed to come in two days and take it with them. More things won't be here in a few days and technically, it won't be a proper living space. The most important things such as your bed or stool in the kitchen where you can sit down and have your meal are still here. You're taking your bed with you, although you're not sure how Jungkook will make space in his office for it.
But – he's too determined to make it work and who are you to oppose.
That's why you've decided to spend the first night at Jungkook's apartment because it'll make things easier. You still have to clean this place after some of the furniture and things are done. It's not dirty because you cleaned it every day but still, there must be dust and dirt behind the furniture. After talking to your friends, they all said you should focus on making this apartment to its needed state and sleeping at Jungkook's place (slash living) would make things easier. And you've to agree.
Still, it's happening too soon but somehow, you're okay with it because it makes sense.
There are already a few boxes in your bedroom, most of them seasonal clothes that you don't need in this current weather which are thick and warm jackets or summer dresses. Packing your make-up is the first task you settle upon, knowing it shouldn't take too long and Taehyung and Jimin will be here any minute.
Jungkook continues with the process he was doing before disappearing in the kitchen with Taehyung, so you don't worry about him as you hear him rustle behind you. Too occupied in your thoughts and a task, you don't notice the sudden silence, and Jungkook's steps aimed towards you are just an empty sound at the back of your mind. That's until he settles a box in front of you, a box you haven't seen in a while but know very much.
You want to abruptly turn around and scold him for bringing this out right now, but he presses himself onto you so that it's almost impossible.
"What do we have here?" he muses teasingly, causing you to scoff. "Haven't seen this one in a while."
And then you watch his tattooed hand slowly opening the box as you're met with a sight of the only sex toy you own, and that is very much thanks to the man standing behind you.
"What? You wanted to borrow it?" you murmur dryly, hearing him chuckle but that is before he delivers a light spank to the side of your ass that makes you yelp.
Completely unexpected and surprised by his reaction, you can't help but feel warmness in the pit of your stomach as your toes curl, especially with Jungkook's close proximity.
"Don't get smart on me." he warns, causing you to bite your lower lip as you try to let out a careless scoff.
"Close it before the guys see it." you tell him, breath hitching when he wraps his arm around your waist and starts caressing your stomach which sets alive the thousand of butterflies in your body. Fuck, you hate him for knowing how to touch you. Even the slightest touch makes your body on fire.
"What, they already know you owe one, don't you remember?" he hums, playing into the game as his hand inches lower and plays with the hem of your sweatpants.
"Yeah, thanks to you," you point out dryly again, giggling when Jungkook suddenly presses his lips into your neck and gently bites you there. "They were too drunk, they probably don't remember." You voice your thoughts hearing Jungkook hum as the tip of his fingers get under the hem, meeting the fabric of your panties.
"Trying to calm down your worries by telling yourself that?" he teases, chuckling into your neck as you arch your back, meeting his hard chest as soon as his fingers get under the hem of your panties as well. Fuck, what is he doing?
"Fuck you," you let out shakily.
"I will, soon," he promises, causing you to whine as his fingers get close to your heat but not quite enough to be touching you there just yet. "This okay?" he assures, causing your heart to swell as you nod too quickly.
And that's all he needs before he lowers his hand and cups you inside your underwear, two fingers parting your lower lips as you suddenly gasp, leaning onto Jungkook whose body holds you in place. Head thrown back, you grab his hand that moved to your hip while the other one is busy being buried in your panties, you squeeze his warm and soft skin.
"You're not throwing it away, right? That would be rude, it was quite expensive,"
His voice is full of mischief and he gives you no time to respond, fingers finding your clit as he circles around the sensitive bud causing you to gasp, his name dying on your tongue as he hums.
"We could have fun with it, like the good old days..."
He's teasing you, you hear the smirk in his voice and you can feel his lips stretching against the skin of the temple where his mouth lays.
"Shut up," you choke up, knowing you should end this before the guys can find you here like this. There would be a lot of explaining to do and you're not quite ready for interrogation from them.
"What, liking it too much?"
"Fuck," you gasp when his fingers glide easily and circling your entrance, thanks to the wetness that Jungkook caused with his mouth. Maybe just a few more minutes won't hurt...
But the universe isn't on your side because just as the tip of Jungkook's finger is about to enter you, your mouth falling open with knees close to buckling, the sound of your door being open is like a glass shattering on the floor. Jungkook sighs, pulling out his hand out of your panties as you turn around, face completely flushed and heated, just in time to see him putting his middle finger in his mouth.
His lips wrap around his long finger deliciously, it lasts just a second as he tastes you with your open left ajar with rushed breaths. "Too bad baby, the fun has ended." And apparently, so have you.
You're almost falling apart, the pet name that probably fell out of his mouth without much thinking has caused your whole pussy to throb, begging to feel his fingers again. And he is so fucking hot, he surely knows it because he gives you a pleased smirk, raising his brow at you.
"We are here!" Taehyung yells, too close to you to be yelling like this but it's the only warning that wakes you out of your daze, your hands automatically moving to close the box that Jungkook has so kindly opened.
Just in time Taehyung barges in the room, his brown and attentive eyes falling on your figure and he finds you odd, especially the way you're staring at him. On another hand, Jungkook looks completely fine and walks to Taehyung as if nothing happened. "Come on, let's eat."
"Yeah," Taehyung says, eyeing you as Jungkook brushes past him. "You good?"
"Yeah, yeah," you answer too quickly, touching your cheeks as you shake your head and give him a nervous chuckle.
Whatever it is, Taehyung decides to ignore it because you've been acting weird these days and it has a lot to do with the whole moving change and process, so he doesn't really blame you. He follows you, the four of you washing your hands before you eat the delicious food that is already prepared in your living room thanks to Jimin.
As you and Jungkook wash your hands, you can't help but give him a glance while you're reminded what has just happened – but Jungkook cocks his brow at you cockily and all you can do is shake your head at him, splashing him with tiny droplets on your fingers in his face.
The two of you join your friends with stupid grins on your faces – them being completely unaware of the exchange.
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There's a bit of a helpless feeling that cuts in your chest thanks to your stuff that's currently taking up a lot of space in Jungkook's office. After feeding yourselves and dividing boxes to your and Jungkook's car, all of you have moved to his apartment to properly celebrate – as Taehyung has called it but he's just looking for an excuse to drink and eat free food. Not that you mind, they have helped you a lot today and it's nice to hang out again without all the club setting that you've slowly grown tired of.
Sprawled on Jungkook's couch, you bring cans of coke to each of them as they murmur a poor excuse of "thank you", completely immersed in trying to choose a good movie.
"Jungkook, don't forget about Friday," you tell him as you join them on the couch, squeezed between Jungkook and Taehyung causing the older one to grumble annoyingly at you, pointing at the huge space of Jungkook's couch. "This is the best spot," you argue at Taehyung, shoving your elbow in his stomach as he swats your arm away.
"What's Friday anyway?" Taehyung asks, scooting a little to have some space so you're not glued to his side with an unappreciative frown, frowning even more when you provocatively grin at him.
"Ah, my boss invited Jungkook to one of our celebration parties. Don't ask me, completely unnecessary but our participation is somehow required. Shortly said, we got this amazing deal with another model agency in China which of course, means more money for the company and my boss thinks it's great to celebrate it. He also invited some partners and possible future partners,"
"So, he wants to basically impress them and maybe snatch a few new deals." Jimin says which you automatically nod to.
"Okay, but why is Jungkook invited? Can't you bring me instead?" Taehyung whines, causing you to snort as Jimin does the same thing.
"What would you possibly do there?"
"Ah, excuse me?" Taehyung scoffs, "If it means free food and alcohol, I'm always down to attend any unnecessary celebrations."
Jungkook chuckles next to you, eyes still fully attached to the screen while trying to find a movie all of you will be okay with – the hardest task of tonight. Jimin and you join, laughing at Taehyung as he grins but you all know he's not bluffing.
Shaking head, you open your mouth. "Jungkook actually took some pictures for the company a few months ago and Junho was very pleased with them. He asked me on Tuesday if I could perhaps tell Jungkook that he's invited, he knows he's my friend so I think he purposely asked me, so there's a bigger chance he'd go or something."
It is actually strange of Junho but at the same time you're not surprised. It's pretty rare of him to show any kind of praise to his employees and people working under him, but he's been completely swooned by Jungkook's talent which to be honest, you're not shocked since you know him and his work. Everyone has been very pleased with the outcome of Jungkook's great photography skills.
You were even more surprised to be stopped by Junho in the hallway, he doesn't speak to you if it's not necessary, and he actually acted like a nice human being for once. You're not stupid and delusional, of course it was because he wanted something from you and that something is Jungkook's presence at the party. Still, the looks of some of your co-workers they exchanged are still fresh in your memory and you wonder if there are already any rumors going around. If yes, Yoongi would be the first one to kindly remind you of them.
"Ah, yeah, I remember you guys mentioned he did something for your company." Taehyung recalls, causing you to nod along his words.
"Yeah, I think Junho just wants to impress the partners and is using Jungkook for it, I don't know," you shrug, "And you," you nudge Jungkook in the shoulder but he only hums in return with his mouth open as he stares at the screen.
So you reach for his longer hair, tugging onto them as he scolds you with a frown. "Look at me when I'm talking to you," you scold him back, hearing Jimin and Taehyung snicker next to you. "You don't have to go, I'll just tell him you're busy or something."
"Nah, it's fine. I told you I'll go." he tells you, turning his eyes back to the screen causing you to roll your eyes at him in annoyance.
"No, I'm serious. Don't feel like you've to go with me because I complained to you that I don't want to go."
"Why would you not wanna go, Y/N?" Taehyung whines, "You're such a party pooper. Hello, get all the free booze and food, maybe you'll fancy some of the new partners, I bet they're all rich guys."
"Yes, rich guys in their fifties," you roll your eyes at Taehyung, "It's not like I don't wanna go--"
"You specifically said you don't want to socialize with your co-workers and bunch of strangers, you also hate to be on your own at these kinds of things," Jungkook remarks, causing you to glare at him as the two of your other friends start to laugh.
You shrink in embarrassment. Okay, maybe you've said the socializing part but it's true. It's not like you don't like your co-workers or something, but there are many people working in the company and you're really not in the mood to stand in the heels and act all posh when you could be laying home, well Jungkook's home, and eating and looking like a pig with no effort needed.
"Plus, I don't have any plans anyway and it kinda sounds fun." Jungkook shrugs.
He's always been a little bit more outgoing than you, he likes to occupy himself and be busy no matter what that means. He's usually very productive and for exchange, he actually doesn't mind meeting new people and mingling around. But you get it, it actually could bring a good job opportunity for him – even though he doesn't need it, because he's mostly booked for every day and if not, he's busy editing all the photos he had taken.
"Okay, well, you're invited so it's up to you," you end it with that, hearing Jungkook hum before he triumphantly yells at finding a good movie which startles you, but as always your glare gets ignored as everyone gets comfortable.
Reaching for the blanket abandoned next to Jungkook, you cover yourself and lean your head against Taehyung's shoulder. Finally as the first scene starts to play, everyone keeps silent but not until you and Taehyung start to bicker because of the blanket. In the end, Taehyung wins and you're forced to share it with him, both of you shushed by annoyed Jimin and Jungkook.
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Sometime in the middle of the movie, a bottle of wine is opened and you slowly sip on it throughout it, finding an amazing comfort in the form of Taehyung's shoulders and Jungkook's lap where your legs lay. Sheepishly, you've urged Jungkook to massage your feet which he refused but your constant and very persistent look convinced him.
Everything feels cozy, causing you to get slightly drowsy especially once the lights are off and the only light illuminates from the screen. Surely, the wine in your system has something to do with your tiredness and slight tipsiness you realize at your usual tipsy behavior.
However, Jimin and Taehyung don't look any different as they finally stretch themselves once the credits roll and Jungkook turns the lights on. He offers them to stay over but they both refuse, both of them having plans in the morning apparently. So you both walk them to the front door, bidding goodbye and not avoiding Taehyung's teasing.
"Look at them, they look like a married couple, shoving us out."
Jimin snickers and you roll your eyes at the obvious tipsy Taehyung who gives you a boxy grin and very tight hug that makes you slap his back.
"You could've stayed, you dumbass," you tell Taehyung, moving to Jimin as you hug him.
"Don't listen to him, he's just babbling nonsense as usual." Jimin says, both of you laughing before they walk out of Jungkook's apartment and go to their awaiting cub in front of the building.
It feels very odd – knowing you're staying here and it's not the usual type of sleepover or necessary staying over like usual. But still, you find comfort in Jungkook's place of knowing it for so long so it doesn't feel uncomfortable or anything close to it.
You're in the kitchen washing the used glasses when Jungkook comes into the kitchen, throwing empty packages to the bin that were left on the coffee table.
"I'd clean it tomorrow, don't worry about it." he tells you, standing next to you as he leans against the counter, watching you washing the last glass.
"Come on, it's nothing," you tell him with a chuckle, turning off the water as Jungkook already grabs the kitchen cloth and wipes all the glasses.
You mimic his previous pose, leaning yourself while Jungkook takes care of the washed dishes and both of you fall into a casual conversation that turns into a giggle fit thanks to your tipsiness. Jungkook looks tipsy as well, although not as giggly like you but his face is slightly flushed and his eyes have that spark, the kind of spark he has whenever he drinks.
Once everything is taken care of, Jungkook scurries to take a shower since you so kindly let him take it first. Informing him you've to take out some of your needed stuff anyway, you hear the door being closed. Deeply in thoughts and in the middle of pulling out your cosmetic bag, you gasp at the spilled make-up in it and your hands being covered in the foundation that had to be closed, not good enough. Groaning, you grow annoyed at yourself for letting such a mistake happen especially when the brand isn't as cheap as you'd like it to be. It's everywhere, almost spilling onto the floor but you quickly wipe it off into your (thankfully) old shirt.
In the midst of your tipsy annoyance, you naturally walk towards the bathroom, ready to have an explanation ready for Jungkook and your sudden appearance in the bathroom. Clumsily, you somehow manage to open the door with your elbow without getting anything dirty.
"Sorry, sorry, I spilled some of my foundation and it's everywhere," you automatically call out to Jungkook, noticing he's already in shower and one peek at his naked backside, you quickly move towards the sink.
"Suit yourself," Jungkook calls out amusingly, causing you to glance across your shoulder to find him in the same position with a smirk on his lips.
Turning around, your face gets hot and it's definitely not from the slowly creating steam of the warm water, you rub your hands clean with a good amount of soap. Once your hands are clean, you groan at your shirt still being messed up. Taking another peek at Jungkook, you see he is turned with his back to you, the glass of the shower getting foggy not allowing you any other peek. Biting your lower lip, you giggle to yourself as something comes over to you (and you blame the wine) before you carefully take off the shirt and the rest of your homewear clothes.
Jungkook is completely clueless, head leaned back as in his tipsy mind he's trying to sober up thanks to the water in his face. So clueless that he doesn't notice you sneaking behind him, until he hears the shower door being pushed open which causes his head to tilt forward and open his eyes, glancing across his shoulder to find you there.
And fuck, you really are there. Standing with a sheepish grin, breasts completely bare for his eyes with the rest of your body and it takes everything for him not to eye you like a prey. For now, he settles on being confused at your sudden presence.
"Wanting to save up some water?" he jokes, eyes staying on your face respectfully as you inch towards him closer, hand holding his hip as you brush against him and reach for his scented shower gel.
"Uhm, you know, since I'm paying half of the rent now." you joke back, knowing you're nowhere paying half of the actual rent because Jungkook wouldn't allow it. Since this apartment is his and he's paying the mortgage monthly, you settled on paying the same amount you've paid for your old apartment.
It's the only solution the both of you agreed to, so you're fine with it. You have to be.
Squirting some of his shower gel into your palm, Jungkook offers to put it back into its place as you hand it to him and start washing yourself. And god, he is so distracted by you groping your breasts gently as you wash them, nipples perked up the whole time.
And then your eyes flicker to him, finding him watching you while the water drips down his buffed chest and abs, giving him a mere smirk before your hands are on your stomach. You're such a minx, Jungkook thinks because there is no way you've no idea what you're doing. You're so bold and turn into another version of you whenever the slightest amount of alcohol is involved and he is here for it. You're temptation, one that is so close to him and so freaking tempting.
So he plays the game, hands washing his own body and brushing against his firm abs, enjoying how you're watching him attentively, letting your eyes drop to his length. Even in its flaccid state, you can't help but feel your mouth water, up from his trail of hair and the soft patch of pubic hair to his complimenting length between his legs. He looks like a god, with water dripping down his body and hair slicked back, and you fight the urge to give him any more clue how much you want him. Not with your eyes though.
Turning around, you feel his eyes on your backside and as you look across your shoulder for perhaps the tenth time for the past few minutes, you find him already eyeing your ass. The way he looks at you sparks so much fire inside of you, it compliments you and instead of getting insecure about your body, you feel like the most confident woman on earth. Maybe it's the horniness and a little bit of alcohol as well, but you just know Jungkook has it in his eyes.
"Can you wash my back? I can't reach it," you ask him sweetly, both of you knowing it's such a lie and just your attempt of making him suffer even more.
"Of course you can't," Jungkook hums, amusement more than clear in his voice and if you turned around, you'd see it's on his face as well. But he takes the bait, accepting your attempt of making him touch you with open arms because not even two seconds later, you feel his hands on your back.
And he is so close, hand around your waist that tugs you closer to him and towards the stream of the water. At first, his hands are on your shoulders, massaging your tensed muscles as you sigh in content, enjoying how his hands feel like. Jungkook is sneaky, nowhere staying on your back and shoulders only because soon enough, he's cupping your breasts and squeezing them in his big palms, thumbs brushing over your nipples.
Gasping, you lean against him and your own hand shoots behind you, somehow meeting Jungkook's backside as you squeeze the soft but perky flesh. His hands are everywhere, moving down your stomach and even to your sides where it tickles which causes you to giggle, but it only lasts shortly because it's soon exchanged with a loud gasp of Jungkook's name.
The man behind you cups your sex, rubbing his fingers and finding it sleek between your thighs as he hums behind you. Your fingernails dig into the flesh of his asscheek, hips rolling into his hand shamelessly.
"Please," you beg, shamelessly again, "Jungkook."
"You want my fingers?" he asks with a soft but husky hum, lips against your temple as you nod eagerly.
"Yes, please, anything." Your breathless plea resounds between the shower walls, urging Jungkook to make a move with you giving him all the consent he needs.
Fuck, you swear you see starts once he finally slips one of his long fingers inside your cunt, taming your undying need for him just a little bit. He feels how tight and warm you are inside, almost forgetting how it feels and with each slow drag he makes with his finger, you let out a soft moan. Soon enough, you're beginning for more, wanting to be stretched out more because it is just not enough. And your pleas are enough for Jungkook to listen to you, adding another finger as he fingers you while the water keeps dripping down your heated bodies.
Your own hands sneaking between them, cupping his hardening cock, feeling another pinch of pleasure from just a single touch of his manhood.
"Washing, huh? Was this your plan all along?" he asks, suddenly hand cupping your jaw, turning your head towards him as you're met with his dark and hooded eyes causing your insides to shake with excitement, lust and another wave of pleasure.
"Not really, but it works." you breathe out, eyes falling onto his lips and he does the same.
The non-verbal plea unsaid between you two before your lips meet in a rushed and heated kiss, teeth clacking and tongues shamelessly in each other's mouth. Even after months of not touching you, Jungkook seems to know your body even better than yourself, in the midst of your making out he adds a third finger that makes you gasp, giving him a great opportunity to sneak his tongue into your mouth once again. He pumps his fingers, feeling your walls clench around him while your own hand starts pumping his length. The two of you pleasuring each other, until you have to pull away for an oxygen and you take that opportunity to touch Jungkook's chest and slightly push him to gain his attention.
"Take me to bed, Jungkook,"
You both know what that means and there could be many words exchanged, although he turns off the water and the two of you rush out of the shower. Jungkook hands you the towel, drying himself off messily the same way you do before you're already on your tiptoes kissing him. Arms wrapped around your waist, he backs you into the counter as he kisses you back, your whimpers heard between the kisses as his hands eagerly grab your ass.
Moving on, you're startled once Jungkook suddenly grabs you by your thighs and picks you up as if you weigh nothing, a soft yelp leaving your lips before his mouth is back on yours. Arms around his neck, he walks into his bedroom with you in his hold, lips messily kissing each other as he tries not to bump into anything on his way there. Naked, skin pressed against skin, you feel the slight cold whoosh of air hitting your bodies but Jungkook's warmth and fire flowing inside you make it almost unnoticeable.
The first moment as your back softly and slowly hits the mattress, you pry your eyes open and watch Jungkook hovering over you, seconds away from joining you as he holds himself up and starts kissing down your neck. His experienced and soft mouth leaves wet trails of kisses all over your chest, smooching your warm and in some places still damp skin. As soon as his mouth rounds around your nipple, you know you're done for and Jungkook proves it right because as soon as he sucks on your sensitive bud, his name leaves your mouth like an anthem. While Jungkook busies himself with your breasts, moving to another in a minute to give it proper attention and devoted time, your hands are all over his massive and strong back.
Whenever your fingernails put a slight pressure on his skin, you feel him groan against your breasts and hand sneaking between your thighs to rub you again. It's like whatever you do to make him good, Jungkook makes sure he does twice the amount to make you feel good. Head in the clouds, the pleas of having his fingers inside of you are almost unnoticed by you and you swear you're ready to confess the biggest love to him because he actually listens to you, and a second later his two fingers slide into you again. Surely, you're in a pure ecstasy that is so intertwined with lust and pleasure, you'd tell him anything. You've never craved for any man touch like you crave for Jungkook and you know it's because he knows you and your body exceptionally well.
Sure, in the middle of what is actually happening right now, you're aware that the man who is currently fingering you and sucking your breasts, is your best friend. And all the man you had sex with, a proper sex with, were your boyfriends and it does feel different. To have a sex with someone you're not in relationship with and weirdly enough, you don't care about none of it and maybe you feel even bigger excitement and lust. You're letting lust control you and you can't bring yourself to care. It feels too good.
Jungkook is too good.
And with him cherishing your body and giving you an incredible amount of pleasure, none of it matters at the moment and you don't even think about it.
"Ah, shit, yeah, right there." you moan out breathlessly, eyes thrown back when Jungkook's fingers brush against that good spot.
He curls his fingers inside you, body still hovering over you as you force yourself to look at him and enjoy the view in front of you. Bottom lip between his teeth and eyes focused on his hand, you almost burst, surrendering yourself to the pleasure. Grabbing Jungkook's shoulders, you squeeze them and give them a little tug to catch his attention and with a soft call (or more like a moan) you get it, his eyes flickering to yours.
"I want you, fuck me Jungkook."
Jungkook swears his dick twitches at your innocent tone but such a dirty request at the same time. Still, he searches your face and brows slightly pinched together in a slight uncertainty.
"Are you sure?" he asks, fingers sliding out of you causing you to clench around nothing and almost whimper in disappointment.
"Do I seem unsure?" you answer sassily, showing your mere annoyance which causes him to chuckle as he suddenly straightens himself.
Shamelessly ranking down his chest and stopping at his hard dick, you bite your lip and cock your head forward to usher him. He chuckles amusingly before he reaches towards his nightstand and just that already makes you too greedy and excited.
The sight of a foil package in Jungkook's hands, you're brought back to all those times you've had that opportunity to see this exact view, and you're too close to bring your own hand between your thighs but you know you'd never done such a good job like Jungkook. He rips it open, pulling out the condom as you watch him through the entire process of putting it on and down his thick hardened length.
You feel more wetness gush from you, most likely staining Jungkook's fresh sheets and it reminds you how messy sex actually is. He gives himself a few testing tugs, eyes focused on his own hand and cock before they flicker to yours. He knocks the breath off you. His hair wet from the shower falling into his eyes, causing him to bring the other hand to brush his fingers through his raven black hair to push it back. Abs and muscles flexing with each movement he makes, while his dark lusted eyes stare right back at you.
"How do you want it?"
Ignoring the way your pussy clenches at those words, you stretch yourself slightly causing Jungkook's eyes to fall down your body for a moment.
"However you want me," you breathe out, "Just fuck me."
"On your knees, ass up," Jungkook commands right away, excitement shooting through your entire body as you catch the happy shriek that wants to get out.
Turning on your stomach, you barely get on your knees as you feel Jungkook's arm under you, wrapped around your stomach as he hoists you up, other hand pressing against your back and adding a slight pressure. It causes your forehead to press against the soft sheets and mattress, ass perched up for Jungkook's eyes to see.
His hand and fingers are back on your pussy, rubbing it slowly and spreading more wetness. "So swollen," he murmurs behind you, causing you to clench embarrassingly as a soft chuckle resounds behind you.
"You want me to stretch you more?" he asks, still entering you with three fingers while expecting your answer.
And he gets it, at first in the form of a shake of your head. "No, fuck me, please."
"You sure?" he asks, tone turning dubious for a second.
Despite your neediness, he still adds a fourth finger that makes you groan at the stretch, voice muffled thanks to the mattress. "Yeah, sure." you gasp, causing him to laugh a little behind you.
"I don't know, babe," he teases you, "Are you sure you can take me?"
Even in your current state, you can't help but scoff at him. "I've had sex after and before you, Jeon."
With one movement, his fingers are gone and before you can whine, the impact of his hand against the ass cuts you off and you gasp at the sudden slap.
"Don't get smart on me," he scoffs back, "As much as I wanna fuck you, I don't wanna hurt you."
You turn around your head slightly, enough to catch a slight glimpse of Jungkook's face. "Just go slow, it should be fine."
"As you wish," Jungkook mumbles, giving your ass a decent slap.
The tip of his cock grazes over your pussy, poking your clit causing you to whimper needily Jungkook's name. The first second when his tip slowly enters you, your mouth falls open and you swear you're ready to cum right here and there. But Jungkook decides to tease you, or at least that's what you think, when he enters you and pulls out before another inch can make it inside.
"Jungkook," you pout, moving your ass towards Jungkook but all you're met is another slap to your right asscheek.
"Be patient," He has the audacity to scold you and understandably, your annoyance starts to come to the surface. "You haven't been properly fucked, have you?"
"What?" you breathe out, heart picking up its pace because he has hit the nail in the head with this one. And you've no idea what gave it away, maybe he just deduces it by the obvious neediness you're exposing right now.
"Come on, just look at you," he chuckles amusingly, tip entering you again as he pushes his length into you.
Gasping, you grip the sheets and hold them tightly in your hands, feeling your hole stretch around him and the pressure isn't the most comfortable feeling, but you're more than eager to take him. However, Jungkook doesn't push in fully and if you could turn around, you'd see his cock is barely inside you.
"You're so needy, like a little slut," he says huskily, suddenly leaning towards you that you feel his chest brush against your back before his mouth hovers over your cheek. You realize he's checking for your reaction and you're automatically remembered the only and the first time he has called you that. Slut.
He made sure you were okay with that the morning after and the simple thought of that makes your heart swell at his thoughtfulness. And again, being degraded isn't your thing because you're proud and want to appear self-confident. It's the exact opposite of what being degraded feels like. But somehow, weirdly enough, the fact that Jungkook says it the way he does and in the middle of sex, you don't mind how degrading that is. You love it because it's safe to say, you're slut only for him.
"Yes, for you," you whisper, gasping when Jungkook enters you with another inch, your mouth falling open right away at the sensual feeling of being stretched.
"Not for anyone else?" he hums, your mind somewhere else to be fully grasping what he's asking you but somehow you manage, nodding right away.
"No," you choke out, wanting to feel no one else but Jungkook.
He pulls out, not fully just enough to let his tip in as he starts sliding back in, this time even deeper than before.
"Good," he whispers into your ear, straightening as he grabs your hips and starts pushing all of him in. "You good? It doesn't hurt?" he asks, voice slightly strained as he fights off the urge to thrust into you.
"No, just go slow." you tell him, not hearing any response from him but if you could see him, you'd notice him giving a soft nod as he obeys and tries to go slowly.
He's careful with each inch, your soft gasps lead him to continue until he's fully buried inside you. Your walls are burning, not used to the sudden stretch because it's been a while. Having sex and even more than a while having Jungkook inside you. And you can't believe this is finally happening, excitement and eagerness coming right back as you wiggle your ass, silently telling Jungkook to move and he does. He listens to you and his own body, thrusting in and out slowly and carefully.
Thanks to your wetness, you're lubricated enough to take him and find it just as enjoyable as he does. His hands grip you even tighter, hips moving faster when you beg him to and even though you're not screaming your lungs out, your soft moans and whimpers and occasional Jungkook's name being moaned out, it coaxes Jungkook to move faster and deeper. He's so hard inside you, hitting your spot deliciously.
The evident sounds skin on skin echoes in your ears and around Jungkook's bedroom and he takes no mercy on you, fucking you just like you plea him to in your ecstatic state. He feels good, too good to be true and you feel yourself clenching around him even more tightly, almost whining that you're already ready to cum.
You can't hold it back any further, cursing loudly as the tight knot in your stomach frees and you're cumming around him.
"Fuck," Jungkook curses behind you, feeling you clenching around him repeatedly – therefore getting even more tighter to the point it's getting harder for him to move. "Fuck baby, you gotta relax,"
And you do because if one thing can relax you and get you all feral during sex, it's being called baby by him.
"You okay with--"
"Keep going," you cut him off, Jungkook momentarily pausing as he grabs your ass and pushes your asscheeks apart, getting a good view of your pussy swallowing him.
And it's enough for him to listen to you all over again, ramming his hips into you causing his balls to hit your swollen clit which makes your head spin and gives another wave of pleasure to your tired body that is still recovering from your first orgasm.
"You're gonna give me another one, huh?" Jungkook asks through clenched teeth, fingers digging into your hips so tightly that they might bruise later but the extra added pain adds just the right amount to your already existing pleasure and to the tingle between your legs.
"Kook," That's all you manage to say, not being able to properly give him an answer because your already swollen and sensitive heat is close to the second orgasm.
"Shit," Jungkook curses, head tilted back and eyes screwed shut because as soon as he feels your second orgasm, he feels his balls tightening and he knows he's just seconds from cumming too.
You're groaning and so is he, in his own little and silent way, and once your own body aches from the position and two mind-blowing orgasms, you're whimpering from overstimulation because you're not sure if you can take another, in this case, third orgasm.
"I know, I know," Jungkook grunts, right before a growl makes its way out of his mouth and he's finally cumming, chasing his own high.
He fills up the condom, thrusts slowing down until they halt. Your rushed and loud breaths can be heard in the room, echoing through the walls as Jungkook slowly pats your ass before slowly pulling out. You cringe at the feeling but miss him inside you right away, the empty feeling making you pout. But as soon as Jungkook's cock is out of you, your whole body fails you and you fall onto your back, met with the ceiling.
"Fuck," you tell for the hundreth time today, hand on your forehead as you're trying to catch a breath.
Jungkook grins, slowly backing away as he disposes himself off the condom, carefully trying not to spill anything out. You're so spaced out that you barely acknowledge him leaving the room for a moment, grabbing one of his used towels as he cleans himself before he joins you.
"Well, we didn't take long," he chuckles, "to have sex, I mean."
You almost jump when you feel a cloth being pressed against your swollen sex, Jungkook's sparkly dark eyes watching you amusingly as he cleans you.
"That was the best sex I had in a while," you comment, still blunt and mind completely blown by the orgasm, no orgasms, that Jungkook has gifted you with.
Looking at Jungkook, you find him grinning, body lazily and exhaustedly falling next to you as you just as lazily slap him on the chest.
"You're so cocky," you comment, biting onto your lower lip and still drowning in your post-orgasm state. Hell, your thighs ache so much already and you're sure your back is starting to hurt too, but it was definitely worth it.
"Uhm," he hums, not disagreeing with you as he suddenly throws his arm around you and cuddles into your chest. He pecks your breasts which causes you to squeal and laugh at the same time, his hair tickling you on your neck.
"And clingy too apparently."
The little slap he gives to your breast almost knocks the breath out of you, your mouth shut completely. It's not too hard to the point it hurts, in fact you've barely felt it but enough to acknowledge and understand his response to you.
"You wore me out, woman," Jungkook chuckles, closing his eyes and you lay there for a moment, bodies still hot to feel cold. And surprisingly, it's very warm in Jungkook's bedroom which stinks of sex and it only reminds you that the two of you smell of it as well.
However, both lazy and practically unable to move, you don't even mind that you're just laying there completely naked. Plus, Jungkook's body next to you warms you well enough for now.
"You should go pee," he mumbles sleepily all of a sudden, reminding you as you whine childishly causing him to chuckle. He lays there for a moment before he suddenly plops onto his elbows and gives you a stern look. "Come on, don't be lazy now."
"You wore me out, man," you joke, the two of you laughing as Jungkook tries to hoist you up while you childishly protest.
"We should probably take another shower," he reminds you, which causes you to whine even more but you know he's right. You don't necessarily stink of sweat but the scent of sex and the wetness between your thighs isn't something you want to go to bed with – to sleep of course.
"Fine," you grumble, "Can I sleep in this bed though?" you pout cutely and how could Jungkook resist. Plus, it's not like he wasn't planning to offer you his bed.
"Sure, I'll take the couch." he says, standing up as he walks up to his dresser and pulls out some fresh clothes which he drapes over his shoulder, still fully naked when he gives you a stern look.
"You don't have to do that," you tell him, stretching some more before you force yourself to stand up. "We can just share the bed, I mean you, we just had a sex, so... and besides, we usually share the bed."
"Yeah, but you're living here now... so I wasn't sure if that wouldn't be crossing--"
"It's not, I'm cool with it," you assure him, "Are you?"
"Yeah, I am," he assures you back and you shrug effortlessly at him to prove the point, brushing past him but not before he slaps your ass again.
Glaring at him but deep down loving it, you're met with a mischievous bunny grin as you make your way to the bathroom, warning Jungkook to let you pee in peace because that man is capable of anything.
"You sneaked in while I was taking a shower!" he calls after you, an amused tone vibrating in his voice as you giggle.
"That's different!" you call back, finally shutting the door.
"Different how?!"
You don't answer, although the only thing Jungkook can hear are your giggles which causes him to shake his head at you while a soft smile makes it on his lips.
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Thursday comes fast, despite the extra hours you had to spend at work, and living with Jungkook for almost a week seems to pass even faster. It does feel weird from time to time but at the same time, you've grown used to the routine and the feeling of having a roommate.
The morning after you had sex, Jungkook left you a note and actually prepared a breakfast for you which was covered with a cloche. He really put a number on you, letting you deal with proper muscle pain but despite that, the two of you worked completely fine and things haven't been weird.
Living with Jungkook is different from the times where you used to just sleepover at his place, whatever the reason was behind it. And that's because Jungkook's week is even busier than yours. He barely wakes up at the same time like you do, by the time your alarm starts blasting in your ears, Jungkook's side of the bed is cold and he's already out. He comes home late, exhausted but still finds the time to go to the local gym to have his work-out, whining like a baby when he misses one day.
Still, there are nights when you catch a movie together until one of you falls asleep, and wakes up the other before you both scurry to the bedroom. At least, your bed is in Jungkook's office at the moment, the second room he uses to work on his photos or play games on a computer. However, the bed is disassembled and no matter how many times you've told Jungkook you'll just call someone to put it together, he insists he'll do it. But with his busy schedule, the pieces of wood are leaned against the wall with a few boxes of yours in the office.
Seriously, you've no idea how he'll make it work but you lost the interest to argue with him again. Or more like bicker. Jungkook is stubborn and persistent, so are you, but you're happy to even have a place to sleep at so you usually just wave him off which he seems to like.
It's very rare for you to be just quiet and not argue back, so he feels like he has the upper hand.
Overall, you realize you've been stressing out over this whole living thing together. So far, it's not bad at all (not that you thought it'll be bad), it was more about your guilt which to be honest you still have. Jungkook's office is soon going to be turned into your room slash his remaining office. Sometimes he works on his computer late at night, sometimes until early morning and there it is, that feeling of guilt of taking up all of his space.
Kook: when are you coming home? I'm not sure if I should cook something for dinner or order
Your phone chirps with a new notification, a message from Jungkook as you sit in your car.
"Idk, I'm actually going out with Maya... she texted me during the day, she wants to celebrate their engagement"
You wait for his reply which comes a minute after. He has to be home early. Surprisingly, when you were waking up for work today Jungkook was still in bed soundlessly asleep. So you've made yourself breakfast and left something for him too, since whoever wakes up first usually makes breakfast for both of you. It's not something you've discussed purposely, it was just a pure want to reciprocate his kindness of relieving you of having to spend extra minutes making yourself breakfast. Plus, you think it's his way of making sure you will eat proper food in the morning, knowing your ways of barely putting anything in your stomach in the early hours.
"But whatever you decide make sure you leave me some leftovers ;)" "I'm not sure if we'll eat something while we're out, I think she just wants to drink to celebrate"
When the last time you and Maya hung out, the time when she announced her engagement to you, she was talking about some kind of massive celebration in a club which to be honest, you weren't a complete fan of because you have enough of those with Taehyung. However, you weren't about to decline her since she seemed to be excited about it and she just got engaged. Plus, she's your friend, a new friend at that, so you just went with it.
But you're both busy with work and it's hard to align your schedules. She actually wanted to meet during the weekend but since there's a party at your work on Friday, you're not sure how many other parties you'll be able to do. You'd really like to spend the weekend at home, Jungkook's home, preferably cuddling to a blanket on his soft and huge couch and using the advantage of his massive television screen – and all the technical things the man has because he clearly loves it and owns some of the best stuff.
You should be enjoying it, right? Since you're paying the rent.
You almost laugh at your thoughts, staring at the bubbles that appear on the screen, letting you know Jungkook is typing a response.
Kook: sure, have fun ;) just don't get too drunk
"It's Thursday, you seriously think I'm gonna get drunk during the week? >.&lt;"
Kook: anything is possible when it comes to you
"I'm gonna think of it as a compliment"
Kook: not what I had in mind but sure, suit yourself
"I can't even drink alcohol because I'm driving, I think we'll just toast with champagne and stick to non alcoholic drinks for the rest of the night"
Surely not what Maya had in mind at first, but what can you do. You've got to work with what you have.
Kook: oh that's right
Kook: btw, thanks for the breakfast ;)
"returning the favor ;P" "I'll text you when I'm coming back, gotta drive now"
Kook: okay, drive safely
You stop yourself from texting that one thing you'd usually do, biting into the inside of your cheek as you open the streaming app instead and turn on some music. Heart slightly cracking, you quickly drive out of the parking lot before you can feel bad and sad all over again.
Jungkook is doing okay, you tell yourself and focus on the driving instead.
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"How's living with Jungkook?"
Maya doesn't waste her time, dropping the question she has been curious about ever since you ordered the mentioned glass of champagne. Giving her a knowing look, you set the glass down after taking a decent sip.
"Good?" you tell her unsurely, "I can't complain, Jungkook is great."
"Uhm, I'm sure he is," she giggles, met with your raised brow and pursed lips. "Namjoon told me apparently you've been indecisive about living with him at first." she says more calmly, finally stopping to give you a look that seems as if she knew something you don't know. She's just teasing when it comes to Jungkook, definitely not the first person to do that.
"And how does Namjoon know about that?" you hum, plopping your elbow onto the table as you place your chin on your palm, eyes expectedly watching her.
"Jungkook told him when they went out the other day," She waves her hand, "It was before you moved in, actually." she adds and you nod.
So you explain to her your feelings and thoughts about it, while she nods the whole time along your words attentively listening to you until you end it that you're happy about your decision because overall, it's the best option you had.
It feels easy to talk about it to another person, to someone that is not involved in it as much as perhaps Jimin and Taehyung are. Not that you mind that, not at all! In a way, you think Maya is more blunt with you than one of your friends would be, even though they're awfully honest they still care about your feelings a lot. Maya does too but still, she's your new friend and a woman, seeing things slightly differently.
Overall, she agrees with everything anyone has said to you so far and she's just another factor that makes you think; It's not that serious or deep, just enjoy it and let him help you.
The place she has chosen for you to meet feels comfortable and intimate at the same time, thanks to the dim lighting. It's more on the posh side which surprises you, especially some of the prices for a simple drink but luckily, you both stick to non-alcohol drinks for the rest of the night since both of you have to drive back home. You've never been in this place and like Maya reveals, she has been coming here with Namjoon for date nights when they're not particularly aiming for the dinner date.
Somehow, the conversation about two lovebirds that are about to be married, actually very soon since Maya says they're already planning it and want to get married this year, brings you to your own love life. You don't feel uncomfortable talking about it, not even when you bring Haneul and the coincidence of you meeting at the same club, not leaving the fact Jungkook already punched him.
"Jungkook is something else, I swear," Maya giggles, obviously getting excited at the thought of Jungkook punching your ex-boyfriend for you. "But I think he had done the right thing, you said Haneul was coming on to you and even though you were confused about it, he should have asked you before being intrusive."
"I'm glad Jungkook had stepped in," you admit, "I don't know what I'd have done if he wasn't there."
That catches Maya's attention even more, catching onto the hidden meaning behind what you've just said.
"Do you think you'd be able to sleep with him?"
"Who?" you blurt out, eyes wide as soon as that leaves your mouth and Maya's look just the same as she gives you a glance with a grin.
"Haneul, of course," she responds, "Wait, did you think about Jungkook?"
"What? No!" you protest right away, shrinking into the stool you're sitting on but it's too late.
Realization crosses on Maya's face and she gasps, "Were you so... heated," She tries to find the right word. "Because of Jungkook?"
"No?" you murmur, looking away but it's too pointless to deny it. Maya is a smart woman, and apparently she reads you easily but it's your fault for not being able to lie and deny the obvious.
"Girl, I don't blame you," she says, pursing her lips and doing a hand gesture as she leans back.
You clear your throat, almost choking on your spit.
"What? Jungkook is obviously hot and sorry to mention this, but you guys have a history,"
You know she's aiming at the fact that you and Jungkook hooked up which she knows because of what happened on the trip on New Year.
"Come on, it makes sense and there's nothing wrong with that. You can't control how hot somebody is and when that somebody looks like Jungkook at that, it makes you want to jump his bones."
"Maya!" you scold her, looking around to make sure nobody heard her but luckily, the tables are quite far away from one another.
"It's true!" she laughs, definitely not scandalized by what she has just said out loud. You can't blame her, she is right. "You're both single, so you fucked and what? You're both young and are getting along perfectly."
She's one of a kind for sure.
Her words do bring some sort of comfort to you. Your friendship with Jungkook is too precious to you and she makes it sound so easy, which currently feels like since your friendship remains unaffected.
"You're smart people, have sex and fun!" she suggests, almost exclaims and apparently, you do some kind of face, brows shooting up as you nod awkwardly, and it doesn't take too long for Maya to gasp loudly, almost knocking down the stool with her. "No way!"
"What the fuck," Her lips spread into the widest smile, the one where she shows her perfect teeth and her big plump lips stretch. "You guys are hooking up again, aren't you?"
Guilty and busted, you don't answer but there is no need to because it's more than obvious.
"We just--got in the moment after what happened at the club and we--we didn't have sex that night!" you quickly point out, "After I woke up the next morning, Jungkook was actually very cool about it and he..." you stop, shaking your head embarrassingly as Maya nods, already getting the idea of what must've happened. "And then we haven't seen each other because we were busy but as I moved in, the first night--"
"Oh my god!" she squeals, "You guys did it the first night you moved in? You beasts!"
"Maya!" you shush her, not being able to hold back a giggle as she joins you. "It's not like we're having sex every day. We haven't had it since that night." you shrug.
"So? You can still have it whenever you both want," she shrugs, "Y/N," she calls out your name and once you look up at her, you find her giving you a genuine and relaxed smile. "I want you to know that I'm in no way shaming you. You're not doing anything bad, you're allowed to have fun and like I said, you and Jungkook are smart people. You wouldn't do this if you weren't sure about it."
You smile back at her, giving her a slight nod. "Yes, I think you're right," Her smile widens. "But... could you please perhaps keep it to yourself?" you ask unsurely, knowing there's a high chance she would tell Namjoon.
They're dating, no, engaged for god's sake! You and Jungkook tell yourselves things you swear you won't tell anyone else. You can't imagine they're not doing it too.
"I won't tell anyone," she assures you, "Not even Namjoon, I promise."
Namjoon is not the biggest problem, it's just a very intimate thing and you definitely don't want the whole friend group to know your and Jungkook's business.
You talk for another hour or so, luckily changing the topic to their wedding as Maya shows you some of the pictures she saved for inspiration. Meanwhile, she asks you if you'd accompany her to her wedding dress shopping which you gladly accept. The date is unknown yet but you're more than happy to be a part of such an incredible part of her life.
Coming home later than you'd expect, you're met with lights turned off and the faint sounds of television being turned on as you close the front door. Shrugging the blazer off along with your shoes, you walk to the living room to find Jungkook slouched on the couch, his legs resting on the coffee table as he watches some action movie.
"You're back?" he asks, voice slightly tired as he fumbles his eyes and straightens.
You greet him, grinning as you join him and plop on the space next to him. "Uhm," you tell him, tiredly throwing your leg over him and cuddling up to him.
He chuckles at you, "How was it?"
"Nice," you mumble into his chest, welcomed by the floral scent of him. "Maya asked me to help her pick the wedding dress for her." And she might know about you and me, but you don't tell him that.
You feel like eventually you will but for now, it's not that important information.
"Really?" Jungkook asks, voice quiet and light. "Have you eaten something? I ordered from that Italian restaurant we tried before, I got you the tomato sauce ones you like. It's probably cold by now, so just heat it up."
"God, I love you," you whine dramatically causing him to laugh as his chest vibrates. "We had some appetizers but no actual dinner."
"Then go eat," he ushers you, gently slapping your ass a few times as you groan at him.
Lifting your head up, you look at Jungkook whose face is illuminated by the television screen, the shadows constantly changing by each scene that plays on it. He glances at you, the corner of his lips lifted up and you fight off the urge to kiss him, your growling stomach interrupting you. So you stand up, wanting to cuddle up to him while he preferably rubs your back because you're tired as hell and never can say no to a good back rubbing
"Hey," Jungkook calls out once you're turned back to him and you look at him across your shoulder. "Is there any dress code for tomorrow night?"
Ah, the party Jungkook is invited to. "Nothing specific, just wear something elegant and nice but nothing fancy." you shrug and he gives you a thumbs up.
You still have your stomach to satisfy, being reminded of the party tomorrow once again. Luckily, all of you are working less hours, having enough time to get prepared while the party will be held in a local place which business men usually hire for this kind of occasion.
You're falling asleep with a stomach full, freshly out of the shower and Jungkook sleeping on the other side of the bed. The comfortable silence and soft bed lulls you to sleep in a record time.
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Being reminded by Junho not to be late at every opportunity had to take almost all of your remaining energy, causing the rest of the staff to complain silently behind his back. Luckily for some of them, not everyone is required to be there but since you deal with other model agencies, making sure everything goes smoothly and on time, communicating with people, your presence there is mandatory. Not officially though, but you've no plans of having to deal with grumpy and mad Junho if you decided not to attend at the last minute.
Dragging your feet towards the front door, you're immediately welcomed by the pleasant scent of Jungkook's home as you enter. After undressing and taking off your shoes, you find Jungkook in the bedroom, greeted briefly by him as he stares with a frown at his bed where some of his shirts and button-ups are displayed.
"What do you think?" he asks as you put down your purse and plop onto bed, causing some of his shirts to get slightly crinkled as Jungkook scolds you.
Ignoring him, you plop onto your elbows and look at the clothes. "Literally whatever," you shrug, "Everything looks nice."
Rolling his eyes, obviously not finding you being any help he mutters something under his breath. Not wanting to waste any more time, although laying in the bed after an exhausting day despite you leaving early is too strong, you force yourself to stand up.
The shower is quick and so is your ability to take off your make-up, just to do it again. You're busy and so is Jungkook apparently, both of you doing your own thing while you prepare for the evening, so when you actually bump into him after finally making it out of the shower – your breath is taken away.
Completely ignoring the fact that you stand there in your underwear, forgetting your outfit which is hanging in Jungkook's closet, you're speechless as Jungkook wears his usual black slacks with blue striped shirt where his sleeves are rolled up, exposing more of his tattoos. The buttons are not buttoned all the way up, exposing a good amount of chest but not too much for it to be scandalized. Whether he wants to leave it like that or button more of it, he looks handsome as ever.
"Tie or no tie?" he asks, turning around to face you, his eyes momentarily dropping down your body.
You're heated under his gaze, but somehow remain unaffected in terms of Jungkook seeing you like this a few times by now.
"No tie," you answer, walking to his closet and pulling out your baby pink slacks with a matching blazer and a white blouse that has been ironed thoroughly by you. "What do you think?" you ask, showing him the outfit that is hanging on a hanger, although he can't exactly see it clearly.
Turning around, you catch him shamelessly letting his eyes linger on your exposed ass and as he meets your gaze, he has the decency to quirk up his lips in a light smirk.
Playfully rolling your eyes at him, you look at the outfit. "At first I was going to wear a dress but I feel like I wear them every time I attend these kinds of parties and events," you tell him, thinking out loud at the same time.
It looks more formal and different than your usual choice of outfit, but you like it.
"I'm sure you'll look great," Jungkook tells you, waving you off, "But tell me about that lingerie. Is it new?"
"Jungkook!" you exclaim, laughing as he shrugs the same shameless style. Ignoring him, you turn with your back to him, looking for any possible creases before you still have the time to iron it in case it's not completely ironed.
Completely oblivious to Jungkook's approaching figure, you get startled when he gently grabs you by your hips and presses his face into the crook of your neck, tickling you with his hair as you scold him. His touch sets another blazing fire through your entire body, shooting straight between your thighs and it takes everything from you to not press them together.
"What are you saying, a quickie?"
Is he serious right now? You have to get prepared, you like to be on time and not rush yourself when you don't have to. Besides, you'd like to grab a bite of something before you leave. Surely, there will be food but you're there for business, not for stuffing your face with food.
"You're unbelievable," you tell him, scoffing but gasping when he delivers a soft smooch on your neck, hands playing with the hem of your thong. Not the most comfortable underwear, but they make no lines with the slacks you want to wear which is very convenient right now.
What is not convenient to have sex when you're supposed to be there in an hour.
"So? What are you saying?" Jungkook hums, hands still lingering on your burning skin that is scented with his shower gel because you still haven't bought your own. Although, he respectfully doesn't move them any further but enough to tease you and almost cause you to meowl under his touch.
"I just did my make-up," you complain, not moving an inch despite your mouth saying something else. Jungkook notices, lips curling into a silent smirk.
"So? I won't touch your face,"
You snort, knowing it has nothing to do with him touching your face. Sex with Jungkook is messy and hell of a ride, there's no way you'll look presentable enough after that.
"We're already dressed," you try to argue, "There's no time for sex."
"I can be quick," he offers, "Come on, gorgeous. Just bend over for me,"
"Fuck, Jungkook," you breathe out, another wave of heat rushing through you. "Don't say things like that."
"What exactly?" he smiles.
"All of it," you tell him, turning around as you press your hands against his chest, cursing how hard and warm it feels beneath them. "Did the sight of my underwear turn you on?" you tease, trying to somehow get through this without you actually having sex.
Not that you don't want to. You do. So fucking much, but there's just no time for it.
"The sight of you," Jungkook says, inching closer while you start to back away, met with his lips spreading into a grin while he eyes you like a prey. "And maybe your lingerie too, you look hot."
And then he sneaks his hand to your backside, grabbing onto the soft flesh of your asscheek once he's pressed against you, your whole body against the dresser while the edge is digging into your lower back.
"We can have sex when we come home," you offer, breath hitching as Jungkook's another hand does the same thing to your other cheek, spreading them apart as you feel the thin stripe of your thong rubbing against your sex. "We don't have time for another shower."
"I'm gonna be quick, we'll barely break a sweat."
And you're ready to argue, tell him that you'll probably smell like sex and you're about to meet business, important people and you can't walk around smelling like that. But Jungkook pokes his inner cheek with his tongue, eyes tingling with lust and mischief almost as if he knew you're losing this and fuck, he looks so hot your walls contract around nothing and the thought of his dick inside of you wants you to shiver.
"Quick, alright," you tell him, voice already strained as Jungkook nods with a grin and quickly backs away to grab the condom from his nightstand. His lips curl into a frown for a moment when it's the last one, the empty box of condoms tossed onto the nightstand near his lamp.
He joins you in no time, standing in his previous position as he starts unzipping his slacks, exposing the white boxers with a tent growing in them. You don't bother to take off the poor excuse of an underwear, the thong barely doing any job to hide your cunt and they give Jungkook great access.
"No foreplay though," you tell him, his eyes flickering to you as his head is held low to focus on his task of pulling down his boxers.
"You sure?"
"Yeah, there's no time for that. You said quick." you quote him. He knows he did, but there's an unsure frown decorating his pink pouty lips.
"It's gonna burn like hell," he warns you, but you already know all of that.
Your wetness is already too close to drip down your legs and before you can tell Jungkook not to worry about that, even mentioning you should be wet enough, he leaves your side for another moment as he pulls out the lube from where he keeps the condoms.
The moment Jungkook is back and fishes his cock out, you salivate at the angry red tip and veins poking underneath the skin. It's safe to say you're baffled whether to get on your knees and please him instead, although you don't want to be robbed of your own orgasm and of the feeling of his cock stretching your walls.
The sight of Jungkook putting on the condom down his length is never boring, always captivating that makes your thirst for him even worse. He squirts a good amount of lube down his standing and hard cock, the faint scent of strawberries hitting your nose.
"You sure you don't want my fingers at least?" Jungkook asks, throwing you an unsure glance as he suddenly grabs you by your thighs, hoisting you up on his dresser.
Gasping, you look around wondering if the piece of furniture will be able to hold you. It looks like it will and Jungkook spreading your legs catches your attention once again, hands squeezing your flesh to get the response out of you.
"No, just stick it in," you tell him honestly, grinning when you see the amused look on his face. "Fuck me, but you better be quick, I'm not kidding--ah--fuck,"
He doesn't play around, pushing your thong aside and replacing it with the tip of his cock, slowly pushing the head inside that makes you gasp and stop you in the midst of you talking. One hand holding onto his shoulder while the other grips the edge of the dresser, Jungkook starts pushing his entire cock inside you. He's not totally quick, still making sure he doesn't hurt you in the process.
You grunt, throwing your head back at the uncomfortable pressure his cock is causing, yet some of it feels arousing and thanks to the lube, he's entering you smoother and easier even without any preparation. His hand goes between your thighs, thumb circling your clit which automatically makes you relax and he slides in even easier, burying himself inside you to the halt.
"You good?" he asks, voice breathy as you nod eagerly, telling him to get on with it (literally).
And he does.
When he said he's going to be quick, he definitely didn't lie and although the first rounds of his thrusts are a little bit more careful, still quicker than usual, he picks up the pace with each thrust. You can barely take it, his thumb stimulating you while he hits your walls perfectly, angling his hips and cock so it brushes the great spot you've never known you had until Jungkook.
Explicit sounds of wetness and your skin thrusting against each other, you're thankful for Jungkook's body pressed against you and arms holding you by your thighs, making sure you don't slip off.
"Fuck, cunt so good," Jungkook grunts, your walls tightening around him which doesn't go unnoticed by him and causes him to groan. "You like that? You like when I talk about your cunt, huh?"
"Fuck," you curse, hand slipping off Jungkook's shoulder as you let it drop down his chest.
"How good it is, how warm and tight it feels?"
Shit, his dirty mouth is seriously going to be the death of you.
"You like the dirty talk?" he almost teases you, his thrusts and hips not faltering, not even for a second as he's knocking the breath out of you while the furniture shakes from the violent thrusts your bodies make.
Your orgasm is approaching quickly, you're not sure what prompted it to come so fast, whether it's his thrusts or dirty words spitting out of his mouth or both, it doesn't matter. But the enjoyment of reaching the end is quickly cut off from you as Jungkook stops, leaning face towards you as his lips brush against your cheekbone.
"Don't worry, I already knew that."
And he continues, ramming into you and acting upon his carnal desire. It's only a matter of seconds before you moan Jungkook's name in the short form, sounding almost too cute for Jungkook's liking because he's there fucking you and you call him that sweet nickname you've been calling him for years now. The knot snaps inside of you, wetness gushing out of you while Jungkook keeps fucking you, hard and quickly like he promised, grunting at the feeling of your walls clenching him repeatedly.
The thumb off your clit, he spreads your thighs even further apart and sets ruthless pace, rushing towards his own orgasm and with his balls tightening, he knows it's coming because a few more thrusts and he's finally coming, spurting and spilling all of his cum into the pink condom.
"Ah, shit," he curses silently, grunting, giving you a few slowed thrusts to ride through his orgasm.
And then he lets out the most pleased sigh, your fingers clutching the back of his head as he leans against your shoulder to take a few breaths. Your bodies heave with rushed breaths, slowly calming down from your post-ograsmic state.
"Was that quick enough?" he asks, tilting his head to look at you and you snort, a genuine giggle erupts from you before you playfully push him away.
"Shut up and help me get down," you tell him through a smile, Jungkook coming to the rescue as he does exactly what you ask of him.
On wobbly feet, you clutch onto him while ignoring the smug grin he has on his face. "Do I smell of sex?"
You suddenly ask, a heartful laugh resounding from Jungkook at your worries and the fact how serious you sound. "You don't," he tells you, leaning towards you to take a sniff to prove his point as he dramatically holds his head high and hums.
"I told you you'll barely break a sweat." he adds with a triumphal grin, moving to bin the condom.
He did say that. You might not reek of sex and sweat, but Jungkook's cologne is stuck on your skin and even after you dress up, and put your own fragrance on, somewhere in the distance you can still feel him on you.
But who said you mind that?
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The place Junho chose looks amazing, indeed. It's huge with staff welcoming you and offering you champagne, which Jungkook accepts and hands you one of the glasses. Thanking him, you look around already recognizing some of the people you work with but there are also people from different departments. Junho definitely went all out to impress the future partners and you see him jumping between other groups of people, smiling all widely which is already a very rare sight to see.
Five minutes in and you're trying to hide your amused smile behind the glass of champagne, but it's not your fault though. It's what Yoongi's unimpressed and bored look does to you. Most of you probably feel the same way, or you for sure, you're just good at hiding it and not showing it in front of others like he does.
"This place looks posh," you comment, Jungkook humming next to you as he sips on the champagne, not wanting to drink tonight since he's driving you back home. You offered to pay for the cab but he declined, saying he doesn't mind driving.
You and him stand behind one of those small tall circle tables, looking around with no need to interact with others just yet. Surely, Junho will notice you and make you mingle through the crowd, making your presence useful. And that's why it's a blow to your ego once he spots you and Jungkook, excusing himself to an older couple before he makes his way to your direction, only for him to snatch Jungkook.
Jungkook throws you a look across his shoulder, both in amusement and silent question if you're okay, you roll your eyes and that's all it takes for him to grin as he lets Junho lead him away. Standing there alone, you spot Benjamin talking to one of, what you assume, future partners. Slowly enjoying the frizzy and sweet taste of the pink champagne, you watch him and notice how professional, yet sweet he looks. His soft brown eyes shine as he's saying something, hands hidden in his grey slacks, as he shoots a handsome grin to the man.
He is handsome and is definitely a rare sight in Seoul. As he told you on his first days working in the company, his mom is French while his dad is Korean. They moved here when he was six and ever since then, he lives here as well while he visits France and his other side of the family at least twice a year. You can see it – he has that french charm going on.
His sandy hair is parted in the middle, swiped back with a gel that makes him look more elegant. Not that you care about office's gossips, but you already heard some of your female co-workers gush about him. It's not like you blame them, he is handsome but is he someone you'd go for? You're not sure. He seems like a sweet guy and his obvious attention that he gives you should flatter you. To some extent, it does. You're just not ready for any relationship right now and you're not sure if dating someone you get to work with every day would be a great decision.
"A few more minutes and I'd think you like him too,"
Eyes rolling automatically, you're not surprised by the sudden presence of the devil himself as he joins and gives you a Cheshire cat smile. "Who cares what you think," you tell him dryly, taking a big gulp of your champagne because suddenly, sipping doesn't sound like an option.
"Careful, you'll insult me," he jokes, and you don't give him that pleasure of reacting to his stupid jabs. "You brought your boyfriend with you?"
"For the millionth time, he is not my boyfriend," you tell him through clenched teeth, not even sparing him a look. "Go away, you're ruining my night."
"You're so mean," Yoongi says and as you take a glance at him, you see him faking a pout which makes you snort. "This party's boring. I should've fake being sick or something."
You laugh, shaking your head at him. "We both know Junho would not let you live for it," you remind him, "I've thought about it too." you murmur, both of you looking at each other before you snort at the same time.
Soon enough, Benjamin comes your way with the older man in a suit, flashing you a toothy grin.
"Hey, Mr. Huang wanted to say hi," Benjamin chirps, the older man smiles although there is some kind of intimidating aura around him.
"Oh, you're one of the Chinese partners, right?" you ask, quickly taking his head as you slightly bow in greeting which he seems to be appreciative about. "It's lovely to meet you!"
He shakes Yoongi's hand, a quiet greeting leaving his lips as the man confirms your assumptions. The conversation doesn't end there and the four of you stand in a circle while Mr. Huang talks about his company and business. Surprisingly, none of it is boring and you find yourself to be intrigued in this conversation. Somewhere in the middle, when Yoongi talks to him and seems to be slightly more relaxed (which means he doesn't look as if he's actually dying here), your and Benjamin's eyes meet and he smiles at you.
"Hey," he mouths and you smile, greeting him back. "You look beautiful tonight."
You feel the familiar warm feeling in your chest whenever somebody compliments you, so you politely thank him and there's no time to be exchanging more words, Mr. Huang is far more important because soon, you find out he's a big name in China.
After a couple of minutes, he parts from you with Benjamin as well, which most likely means he's been told to accompany him through the evening by Junho. You and Yoongi are soon swapped by another group, although this time your co-workers as they start to gush around all the business partners.
In a conversation you particularly take no interest in, you scan the room around you and find Jungkook almost immediately, standing on the other side of the room. It's not that hard to spot him in his striped shirt, recognizing those thighs and butt almost immediately. You allow yourself to watch him, not finding anything more interesting at the moment.
You're not surprised to see some of the women glancing his way, whispering something to each other and not even the presence of a model next to him doesn't surprise you. She's almost as tall as Jungkook with the heels she's wearing, her long and exposed tan legs on full display. Her mouth is moving which indicates she's talking while the rest of the people watch and listen to her, Jungkook nodding along before he opens his mouth and starts talking again.
The memories of him and you before you came here pop in your mind, causing you to dryly gulp and you hate to admit how it smooths your soul to know you're the one he fucked today, not the model or any other woman. It's hard to stay confident with a woman next to him looking like that, deep down you know how pathetic it is. It slightly irritates you how easy it would be for him to get any woman he points at.
Sometime, a little bit after Jungkook stops talking and listens to Junho again, he shifts his gaze and looks around, just right to the side where you are standing. Your eyes meet, and you grin as he sends you a toothy grin back, a heat spreading in your stomach and shamefully enough, between your thighs as well. You have to look away, feeling the heat crawling at the back of your neck and luckily, your name is being called by Lauren, one of the assistants working under you.
Jungkook turns around to pay a full attention to the conversation, bowing politely whenever Junho praises his work for the hundredth time in the past twenty minutes.
"... like I said, I'd love to work with you on this next project Mr. Jeon," Junho chirps, looking straight at Jungkook as everyone quietens down. "I know you've got your own business going on, but we as a company would be more than thrilled to work with you again."
He can't lie, the money Junho is offering sounds good and Jungkook can make some free time for this, since it's in two months. He is usually booked for the whole year but he surely can think of something. Also Junho is aware of your friendship, and despite this deal having nothing to do with you, Jungkook also wants to take it for you. He heard you saying he's acting like a prick sometimes, it surely can get useful if Jungkook accepts this job. He hopes this way, Junho will go easier on you.
Although, he's not sure if men and bosses like him are like that.
"It sounds appealing, Mr. Gwan," Jungkook smiles, "I will take it, we can discuss further details later. If you're okay with that, of course."
"That sounds wonderful!" Junho doesn't hide his happiness of snatching Jungkook as his photographer for the next project. "We will need one more photographer, though."
It makes sense, there is a lot of work and the main job will go to Jungkook, but there has to be another photographer to do other small jobs like taking polaroids, helping with taking more photos and so on.
"If you don't mind, I know someone that might help," Jungkook offers and Junho attentively listens, nodding right away. It seems like he trusts Jungkook's judgement, the conversation lasting for another half an hour.
It's not as bad here as you thought it would be. That's your current thought as you sip on your third glass, the pistachio flavor on your tongue thanks to the macaroon you've tasted just a minute ago.
Of course, your sudden change of opinion could be thanks to the champagne but still, there's boredom starting to annoy you. You would still rather be wrapped in a blanket with no make-up and watching whatever shit show they're playing on the television right now.
A hand brushes against your lower back, a familiar cologne hitting your nose as another presence joins you. "You good? You're having fun?"
Glancing at Jungkook, you don't fight off the soft smile that appears on your lips which he reciprocates right away, reaching for one of the grilled toasts since you're standing next to the food table. "Fuck, I'm so hungry." he mutters and bites into the toast while you grin.
"Can't say I'm having the best time of my life but yeah, it's not that bad," you admit, shaking your head when Jungkook offers you a bite from his toast. "What about you? You sure are busy tonight." you joke, seeing him nod as he swallows his bite.
"Junho offered me a job, I think that's why he wanted me here," Jungkook informs you, your eyes widening in surprise and interest which takes all of him to continue. "It's just one project but he's offering good money."
"So you took it?" you ask interestedly, scooting away from the table as Jungkook takes one of the plates.
"Yeah," he says with a full mouth, clearing his throat as if he just noticed where he is. It causes you to giggle as you grab a napkin for him, which he takes from you with a silenced 'thanks'.
You don't ask anything further, letting him eat in peace as you tell him about your evening so far, mentioning you've met Mr. Huang which Jungkook responds he has met him too, he's one of the main partners for the project he's going to work on. Among all of that, Jungkook also mentions the model which you could've seen standing next to him and apparently, she'll be the main star on it.
Ignoring the sour taste in your mouth and on your face, you stay silent and listen to Jungkook instead as he finishes his toast, and tells you more about people he has met so far. To be honest, Jungkook looks in his element and you don't get that much opportunity to see him in a situation like this. Yes, he's always been cool and extroverted whenever he hung out with someone, but being in this businessy state is quite something new. You can't say you hate it.
He's hot, and you're more than sure you'll be asked by at least one woman about him, judging by the eyes on you.
Jungkook may be attracting the most women audience here, but also one pair of eyes is set on you and once you wave at the man Jungkook remembers, even though it takes him a moment to realize, you look at him in a question.
"Is that the guy who stared at us before?"
You snort at his bluntless, replaying the moment when Jungkook came to pick you up and was thrown off by the sudden stare coming from Benjamin.
"Yeah, that's Benjamin." you answer, glancing at him again and he's not looking at you currently, however he keeps glancing your direction here and there.
"What's with the stare down?" Jungkook frowns in confusion, putting down the empty plate as he wipes his mouth clean, throwing the napkin to the bin. "Do you have a crush on him or something?"
You snort, looking amusingly at Jungkook. "It's the other way around, Mr. Jeon."
"Wait--he has a crush on you?" Jungkook sounds surprised.
"Well, don't sound so surprised. I am not that bad looking and I am completely worthy of being someone's crush." you joke, wiggling your brows at him as he lifts the corner of his lips in an amused chuckle.
"That's not what I meant," he shakes his head, "You just never mentioned him. Is he giving you a hard time?"
You laugh, patting Jungkook's chest while you adjust his shirt a little. "There was no reason to," you tell him, sliding your hands down his chest before you let go of him. "And no, he's just obviously into me and I am trying to politely show him that I am not interested."
"Just tell him," Jungkook shrugs, "You're so blunt and straight-forward, why don't you just tell him?"
"Well, because he has never told me he likes me that way. I think it's obvious but I can't just call him out on it. Besides, he's a nice guy and I don't want to hurt him by saying something so blunt right away, especially when he didn't give me a reason for it," you explain, seeing Jungkook frowning in thought as he looks away from you and shifts his gaze on Benjamin.
Noticing it, you elbow him in his abs which barely does anything since you're met with a set of hard muscles. "Don't just stare at him!" you harshly whisper, met with Jungkook's amused look. "You look intimidating and you're making it more than obvious we are talking about him." you scold him, amusing Jungkook even more as he lets out a laugh.
"Okay, Ms. Professional," he teases you, causing you to annoyingly purse your lips at him.
"Mr. Jeon, can you come here please for a second?" Junho calls Jungkook, your annoyance clearly showing because Jungkook laughs at your expression, thanks to Jungkook's body that is hiding you from Junho's sharp eyes.
"You gonna be okay?" Jungkook asks, checking on you as you playfully roll your eyes and push him from you.
"Just go, Mr. Jeon,"
Jungkook shoots you a wink, your skin burning at the single reaction as he walks away as if nothing happened. In a desperate need to fan yourself, you settle on drinking instead as you scurry away from the curious women's eyes. Unlike them, they don't hide the grin and swoon Jungkook has made them feel.
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Most of the night is spent with your best friend slash fuck buddy, being ripped away from you at every opportunity – whether it's Jungkook's presence wanted or yours. You can't say you're disappointed because you know this party is mainly about business, Junho's invitation for Jungkook more than clear now, but still, you enjoy every little minute you get to spend next to Jungkook who is kind enough to come and check on you whenever he can.
You're not going to lie, you do enjoy his close proximity and whenever he brushes past you, and you blame it all on him. One look at him and you keep yourself from salivating, and maybe you should blame the amount of champagne glasses you've drunk. You're not drunk though, god no, you can't possibly get drunk on a work related thing, whether it's a party or something else. You just feel a familiar heat relaxing your body and from time to time, you find yourself getting drowsy and distracted which the alcohol is the real cause for.
"I don't think I've ever thanked you enough," Benjamin says, a trail of thoughts interrupted by his soft but yet manly voice, a guilt burning in your chest for not listening to him for a moment.
Turning your gaze back to him, you offer him a confused smile. You've been standing and talking together for a while now. He mostly updated you about Mr. Huang and confirmed your assumptions about Junho telling Benjamin to accompany the important man. The conversation hasn't been uncomfortable, not at all, quite on the contrary. At least he's been keeping you company, something you're very grateful about.
"Thanked me?" you ask, smiling and frowning in confusion as Benjamin chuckles, glancing down at his glass before he looks back at you and nods.
"I was so nervous to be working here and you've made me feel welcomed from the very beginning,"
Your heart warms up at his thoughtful words, knowing how hard it is to be changing jobs and be in a new team. Remembering Benjamin's nervous and very polite attitude, it's hard to forget how nervous he really seemed to be but a good thing is, he's skilled. He also speaks French which definitely adds a lot of points on his CV, and you had the opportunity to hear him speak the foreign language while he was talking on the phone with clients.
Somebody might say he's a male character coming straight from a romantic movie.
Back to the first Benjamin's days of working here, you do remember assuring him that he'll do a great job and whatever needed to be explained, you made sure to explain it to him or at least tell someone to do it. And he's very smart, understood everything from the first explanation and there hasn't been any problem with him. Junho also seems to be very pleased by taking him in, that says enough in your opinion.
"I guess I wanted to thank you for that."
"Ah, you don't need to thank me," you assure him, touching his forearm softly but you pry your hands off as soon as he looks down at the touch. "You really are welcome,"
You give him a smile and he looks back at you, offering you the same smile while you feel his eyes linger on you a little bit too long, which wouldn't be a bother, if it weren't for the look in them.
"So, tell me more... have you grown accustomed to Junho and his work ethic?"
That makes him snap out of his daze as he chuckles, seeing your own grin when he seems to understand exactly what you are talking about. It doesn't take a genius to figure out Junho and his wild personality. He's a pain in the ass but isn't that bad of a boss. He still could've been worse, that's what you mostly tell yourself when the man pisses you off.
"Yeah, his work ethic is something else," he says with a grin, getting a genuine laugh from you. "I actually don't find him bad, well he is peculiar but--"
"Hey, I'm back," A chest brushes against your back, soon followed with a hand lingering on your lower back before Jungkook stands next to you, his arm brushing against your side. "Sorry, did I interrupt something?"
Glancing at Jungkook, you find him already staring at Benjamin who has a look of confusion crossed on his face, until he glances between you and him, eyes scanning Jungkook's whole figure. You tense, not liking the way he eyes Jungkook and there's no chance Jungkook himself doesn't notice it, but he seems collected and staring right back at him.
Shifting on your heels, you clear your throat and give Jungkook a crooked smile. "No, not at all," you tell him, "This is my new co-worker Benjamin. This is Jungkook."
Leaving out the fact that Jungkook knows who he is by now.
Benjamin forces a polite smile on his full lips, "I haven't seen you around, do you work here?"
A little perplexed by the lack of a proper introduction by Benjamin himself, you quickly shake yourself out of it. It's the tone he low-key settles that makes you a little bit anxious, because whatever the Alpha stare-down the two men have, it never ends up nicely.
"I don't," Jungkook answers curtly, giving him a smile that almost screams fake, and you hope Benjamin can't tell because you can't deal with any of this. "I came with Y/N."
Benjamin mimics Jungkook's fake smile, your heart picking up the pace by the sudden tension even though the conversation isn't too forward. It's the one and visibly stare-down the two of them have.
"Ah, yes," Benjamin exclaims in thought, "You're her friend. Yoongi told me,"
At the mention of the evil man, you tense even more and curse him whenever he is right now. Of course, he is somehow involved in this. Even if he told him the truth, you still don't trust Yoongi and his intentions. Since Benjamin knows about Jungkook and who he is to you, it means he probably asked Yoongi. And the idiot knows Benjamin has his eyes for you, he's very well aware that you're not interested. The news doesn't surprise you, yet it irritates you to the core.
"I didn't know we could've brought friends." Benjamin says, this time completely aimed at you as he solely stares at you, a look you've grown used to visible on his face as you give him a crooked smile, an uncomfortable shift that doesn't go unnoticed by Jungkook who simply watches the interaction.
"Actually, I'm her boyfriend,"
Catching yourself from choking on your spit, you stare at Jungkook with wide eyes but he doesn't even spare you a glance, eyeing Benjamin who seems to be just as surprised to hear him.
"Boyfriend?" he breathes out, "I didn't know you had a--"
"Yeah, well it's very new, not many people know." you cut him off, offering him a slight smile while you ignore the guilt by the lie. To go with your lie, you scoot closer to Jungkook and look up at him, finding him already staring back at you and you know he's fighting off to smirk right in front of Benjamin.
He eyes you as if you and Jungkook have grown another two heads, his lips slightly twitching as he's trying not to show his displeasure by the news. But of course, nothing is easy when someone particular is around.
"Didn't you tell me just a few hours ago that he isn't your boyfriend?"
Another voice chirps in and if looks could kill, Yoongi would've been dead right away. He looks pleased as he joins you, everyone's eyes on you as you narrow your eyes at the only person you want to attack at the moment.
Yoongi's words spark a hope in Benjamin's eyes, and his attention is solely back on you as you give him a nervous chuckle.
"I don't have to confess to you, Yoongi. Why would I tell you about my personal life?" you challenge Yoongi, raising your brow at him. To be honest, you're quite nervous to tell him something because Yoongi seems like the perfect definition of a snake. You're scared what next comes out of his mouth.
"Why would you lie about such a simple question?" he chirps back, your hands itching to wrap them around his neck but you feel Jungkook's hand on your hip, rubbing you slightly through the fabric.
Thankfully, Benjamin is being called by one of your co-workers and he excuses himself, a perplexed expression on his face as he murmurs his excuse.
"Why the hell would you do that?" you exclaim right away, once Benjamin is out of ear shot.
What drives you completely nuts it's the way Yoongi effortlessly shrugs, not minding he's ruining everything and poking his nose into something that is none of his business.
"Why would you lie to him? Just tell him straight away you don't like him that way, don't lie to him."
Those words coming from Yoongi out of people actually makes you embarrassed, because you know you'd just go along with Jungkook's lie who came to save your ass once he sensed your discomfort.
Before you can open your mouth, not even sure what you want to say other than tell him to fuck off, Jungkook is already one step ahead of you.
"What's it to you?" Jungkook's voice booms out, his features frowned in a hardened scowl.
Jungkook succeeds at getting a reaction from Yoongi, and that is a scowl that clouds his usual nonchalant or amused features.
"I'm bored," he shrugs and you almost scoff out loud at this man. "And besides, she lied."
"And you should mind your business." Jungkook offers but with an edge to his tone that makes you tense, but you're too shocked to even move an inch.
"So should you," Yoongi almost sings out, pursing his lips as you gasp at his rude response while Jungkook frowns.
"You came out of nowhere and said you're bored." Jungkook points out through clenched teeth, still trying to grasp what Yoongi's intentions are while he continues to be unbothered as he looks around for a moment.
"Because I am."
"What are you? A child?" Jungkook scoffs, Yoongi's head turning towards your best friend as he frowns at him. But Jungkook doesn't stop. "Go to the playground then," he snaps and Yoongi opens his mouth, a dead glare set on his eyes as you quickly jump between the two men.
"Okay, stop it you two," you warn them through clenched teeth, "This is ridiculous,"
You look at them but stop on Yoongi, searching face as he simply just stares back at you. His face is expressionless like most of the time and it's hard to read what he thinks. Not an ounce of any emotion which only makes you let out a sigh, both in exhaustion and disappointment. He's sticking his nose where it doesn't belong and you hope he's at least aware of the look of disappointment, not even anger, you give him.
Jungkook's name falls past your lips as you gently tug onto his arm, finding him glaring the hell out of Yoongi, seeming to be just as irritated. However, Yoongi solely stares at you before he looks away for whatever reason, not giving Jungkook and you any attention. Jungkook doesn't move, almost as if he didn't hear you but you know he has and judging by the deadly look, he doesn't want Yoongi to get away with this.
"Jungkook," you warn him, tugging him harder and he finally lets you lead him away from Yoongi, but not before he sends him one last glare.
Luckily, the party is slowly ending as people are leaving and one final round of bidding goodbye to some of the partners and Junho, you're out of the place. What shocks you is the way Jungkook stays quiet for the rest of the ride, jaw clenched and so far, he looks even more mad at Yoongi than you are.
So you sit back, enjoying the leather soft seats his car offers because that's enough drama for tonight.
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bunnysbrainrot · 2 months
Unspoken Rules
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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 '𝚃𝚘𝚘 𝚂𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝' 𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜, 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚢𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝙷𝚘𝚣𝚒𝚎𝚛'𝚜 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐.
Relationship: Joel Miller x f!Reader, Jackson!AU
Content: Angst, protective Joel, kissing, sexual themes, make out session, size kink (kind of?)
Summary: The day after the town dance, Joel doesn't seem so sentimental for your time together. The emotional rollercoaster leaves you confused. Something is off about him now, and it's taking everything in you to not leave yourself to blame. Finally, Joel tries setting a boundary, but will he hold to it?
[ A/N: For this series, I invite the reader to make up their own backstory for how they end up in Jackson. I'll keep descriptions in the chapters vague, as I didn't want to assign a backstory when it's something people can have such fun with! ]
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Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep
The gentle chirping of your watch pulls you from sleep, but not without some protest. You groan softly at a headache taking form and begin to regret last night's decisions. Prying an eye open, a green 6:31 AM shines back at you, though the sun hardly shows it through your curtains. A dim lavender sky peeks through instead.
What a nice start to the day, you think to yourself, sighing loudly as you shift to sit up; the rush of movement swells your pesky headache, making you squeeze your eyes shut.
"Shit," you grumble, rubbing your eyes, "fuckin' mead, man... never again."
And especially never before patrol day.
The thought of riding your horse through rough Wyoming terrain doesn't excite you. Instead, you get the gift of an unsettled stomach, but pull yourself out of bed nonetheless.
"Good morning!"
Your neighbor's cheerful greeting rings in your head, but you know she means well. She'd been at the dance last night, too, but you didn't get a chance to talk, from what you remember, at least. Giving her a small wave, you force a smile you hope is genuine enough to sell the 'I'm not hungover' act.
The food stall is desolate, to your relief, save for the man running it. You seem him every time you stop by, though neither of you have exchanged names, but he has memorized your order already. His eyes shine genuinely when he hands you your food.
"It's good to see you again," the man says, "welcome to Jackson."
You smile appreciatively and take the sandwich, giving him a brief thanks before heading off. He provides breakfast for the patrol groups, but never wants anything in return. Maybe you could repay him, somehow, you think. Mulling it over, you tear into the sandwich while you make your way to the stables. The thick, earthy smell of hay wafts past, and the sputtering of horses sounds ahead.
Rounding the corner reveals today's patrol group - it's evidently much smaller than last time.
Joel doesn't turn when your footsteps approach. You spot the beautiful mare you'd ridden last patrol, Belle, occupied with a bucket of hay. She huffs loudly when you meet her, angling her head to look at you, before resuming her breakfast. Joel silently adjusts a hefty saddle onto his horse nearby. Clinking of metal clasps fills the silence before Joel breaks it.
"How's the hangover?"
There's a terseness in his tone, as if forcing a conversation he doesn't want to have. He doesn't turn to you when he asks the question.
You pause for a beat, "Kicking my ass a little."
Joel nods once, "Been there."
This Joel isn't the same man you danced with last night, this version doesn't remember, or simply doesn't care. Nothing from last night was special enough to hold onto today. Shame starts to sink in your uneasy stomach. So he really did mean it, when he called himself a fool for dancing with you.
"Where are we meeting up with the rest of the group?"
A casual tone masks the pain blooming in your chest, and the tears that prick your eyes. You wouldn't dare let them fall in front of Joel. He shouldn't know how much last night meant to you, even if he wouldn't bat an eye at your tears. It seems like last night's biggest mistake was thinking that he, somehow, was true to his actions. When his lips were brushing against your neck, hovering over your ear, before his tone had gone seductively darker.
"Just us today. Smaller groups help cover more ground."
It feels like an invisible string is pulled between you when he speaks, growing more taught with each bated breath and expressionless comment. You come to notice that Belle is already donning her saddle and gear, a task you hadn't done yourself.
Glancing at Joel, you hesitate, "Thank you for getting Belle ready."
Finally, he turns from his horse's saddle and shifts attention to you. A steely look in his eyes reprimands you without words. It didn't seem like a favor. He'd done your work for you.
"Saddling up is the boring part. Not as tricky as it looks, though. I'll ask Maria to show you how," he offers dismissively.
It’s a nice gesture, but the Maria part begins to register. He won’t show you, or doesn't want to spend time alone with you after what transpired last night. Confusion lingers in the back of your mind - Joel invited you to dance, and now it's as if you've never held a conversation before.
You nod, "Sounds good to me."
Even though it was not, in fact, good at all. Maybe last night really was some drunken mistake, but it wouldn't make sense of Joel's demeanor now.
Why did he look like he had something else to say?
"Pretty day today," Joel states.
Sunlight streaks between distant mountain peaks, painting the morning fog with a breathtaking display of orange and yellow. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see how it casts a golden halo around Joel's salt and pepper hair, highlighting its warmer browns. He turns to his saddle bag, giving you a glimpse of his face; the sunlight works wonders. He's warmer and brighter... there's more life to him.
Joel gestures to one of the peaks ahead, "See that mountain over there? The shorter one to the right - we stop at the base of it. On the way out there, we're on lookout, gettin' rid of any stragglers. At the turn-around point we'll rest, and the trip back is supply pickup, in case we find anything."
You clear your throat, carrying on, "Got it... Must be a long route, hm?"
"At an average pace, 'bout two hours or so. If you're bookin' it, you could do it in less than one."
The talking is helpful when it's useful information, but anything else reminds you of last night, of that version of Joel. When he was in such stark contrast to this gruff personality, and if you were being honest, it had intrigued you. Pulled you in deeper.
In fact, from the moment you saw him, he caught your eye. On that chilly morning, where you stood timid and anxious amidst the crowd, something clicked in place when he'd briefly turned to you.
A certain roughness in his look told you that something, many things, has roughed him around the edges over the years. You couldn't tell his age, but you could assume that he witnessed the fall of everything. Back then, the world crumbled with the rise of the infection, its haunting mortality rate, and there was no hope of it being stopped after it had begun. You wondered what Joel's life had been before he ended up in Jackson - how his 'regular life' was, back when the world made more sense.
His accent is distinctly and seductively Southern, one you could listen to for hours. Clearly he isn't from around here - any kind of travel across so much terrain isn't an easy task, and it would take months at a steady pace.
So how the hell did he wind up in Jackson?
Joel reaches for a canteen of water, unscrewing the top and tossing his head back, taking in a few deep gulps. His jaw twitches as he drinks greedily, and follows it with a low, satisfied sigh when he's finished. The sound casts you into a void of unholy thoughts. Something tightens in your core, a feeling that, you now realize, you haven't had in months. Years, maybe.
Effortlessly, Joel shines light on an emotion you hadn't addressed to even yourself: a primal need for something.
With the exception of picking off the straggling infected, the patrol is continuing quite smoothly. The sun is slowly inching its way across the sky, keeping you comfortably warm in a gentle breeze that relieves your dull headache. Now, Joel leads you down a path veering toward an open stretch of pasture at the base of the mountain. Peering ahead, you see the trail reach its end at the start of the field, and beyond spans into a sea of rolling hills that takes your breath away.
"How you doin' back there?" Joel asks.
"Still good," you reassure him.
He nods his head toward a fence far off in the pasture, "We go to the edge of the perimeter, then we loop around. We'll take a breather first, though."
You follow in his stead until he reaches the old wooden fence, dismounting his horse, and carefully tying its reigns to a nearby fence post. Dismounting Belle gives your hips and thighs a wave of relief to get some blood flowing again. You head to the fence on unsteady legs, leaning against the weathered wood as another gust of wind rushes by. The cool wind across your skin makes you turn to face its source, tossing your head back to invite its presence at your neck. Your eyes flutter shut, and the world melts away for a while.
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He wishes he could burn this image in his mind. You throwing your head back as the wind blows, entangling itself through your hair, your clothes. That soft smile tugging at your lips has him completely distracted before you let out a happy sigh. A soft, breathy sound that makes his imagination wander, against his better judgement.
After all, last night was a mistake.
The moment Cara had called for your attention, inviting you to join his group, Joel knew the night would end differently than he expected. You wore a shirt that accentuated every area his eyes shouldn't have wandered to, but they did. Across the lot, he'd watched you dance for hours, spinning and twirling and laughing and really, truly, living. He could see a light in you, a fire that couldn't be put out.
But if you're a fire, Joel is gasoline.
"Listen," he starts. He already knows where this is heading, that he's ruined this moment, and that there will be nothing in his power to make it any better.
But he can't let you fall into a delusion. This idea that you want him, yet you have no idea of what's underneath. He can't have you focused on him when there's a whole community to serve. He's doing a service by telling you now, he assures himself.
Nipping it in the bud.
You turn to face him quickly, knowingly. He can tell by your fidgeting hands that you might know what's coming. And he can see it in your wide-eyed expression, still somewhat hopeful. He braced himself to see that face fall.
"What happened last night... ain't my best moment. I didn't hold myself back when I shoulda have, and I..." he straightens, "it can't happen again."
The words come out meaninglessly. Joel speaks, but can't hear himself, his words come from some far-off mental script he'd prepared when he'd gotten home last night. He can see it hit you - the realization, the way your body goes completely still. Your bottom lip trembles slightly, yet you hold a solid smile despite the hurt he sees in your eyes. Your hands have frozen in place, knuckles growing white from gripping them together so tightly.
"I-I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have gotten so carried away," you explain.
Your apology is a blow to his gut. Have you been blaming yourself this whole time? As if you could even be at fault. Joel asked you to dance. You were about to go home, and he asked you to stay out of his own selfishness.
He needed that light, that fire. A brightness that only you've possessed, and it had him hooked from the first time you'd spoken, at last patrol. You had strayed away from your position in the party and had wound up next to him. It hadn't registered who had joined him, and before he had the chance to issue a harsh 'stay back', there you were, in complete awe.
Joel remembers it clearly: the way your eyes shone with delight, an infectious smile that for a moment, lifted his spirits. Every patrol was the same. Same people, same routes, over and over and over again with exhausting mundanity. Until you came along.
There was a light about you he could not touch.
In every way you are his opposite. On one hand, Joel is harsh, serious, and doesn't care much about his impact on others, let alone their feelings. You, on the other hand, represent everything Joel could've had for himself - kind, flexible, and you naturally cared for others.
Joel can't seem to remember when he lost that side of himself. He doesn't understand your capacity for kindness in a world this dark.
"You shouldn't be apologizing for anything," he says.
You pause and look toward the ground, wringing your hands again, "I should've just gone home."
If you had, you wouldn't be on the verge of tears right now.
A surge of regret fills his chest. Someone as kind as you doesn't deserve the pain of rejection; you should have someone who cherishes you, who can appreciate your softness without tainting it.
"Why'd you stay?"
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There was no use for excuses now.
It's harder to meet his eyes this time, but you want to see his reaction to your answer.
"Because you asked me to dance."
Confusion knits Joel's eyebrows together when he asks, "And that was so special?"
"Yes. Was it not that way for you?"
He opens his mouth to answer, yet he hesitates. The long pause doesn't much to help your confusion, you truly want to know, to hear it from him first. If it wasn't important, it'd be easier to forget it happened in the first place.
It would certainly be easier than an unrequited love. Anything is easier.
"That's not what I said."
"It's implied," you state. Joel averts his gaze to the fence, idly picking at a loose piece of wood. "It's alright if it wasn't, I just... I need to know."
Another beat passes before he gives his answer, at long last. Joel matches your pose from earlier and leans with his back against the fence.
"It was. Special, that is," he says gently. That softness in his voice was greatly missed, and it's a breath of fresh air to hear it once more. "It's just... you're still new here. I don't want you getting distracted-"
"Are you calling yourself a distraction?"
Joel's eyes dart to you, "Am I not?"
You press your lips into a thin line, making his question ultimately rhetorical. He nods once, then turns his head to you. The intensity of his stare demands it to be met, so you meet his eyes and find a playfulness there, a hint of the Joel from last night.
"Am I one?"
"Telling you would just give you ideas," he teases.
You smirk, "So I am."
"The worst kind."
Shifting your weight on your feet reminds you of the soreness in your legs, so you lift your arms, and push yourself onto the top of the fence, dangling your legs over the side. The silence between you now isn't as uncomfortable as earlier. No, this is the silence of anticipation, wondering what or who will give a resolution.
"What about me is so distracting?" You ask.
In place of words, Joel makes his way to you, positioning himself in front of your swinging legs, which now shook a little more than you'd like to admit. He closes the gap with hands on either side of you, gripping the wood beneath his rough fingers.
There's no way to place his expression when he looks at you again.
He replies, voice low and strained, "Everything."
You can't miss it when his eyes wander to your lips, hovering there a moment longer than he needed to. Taking the opportunity you look at his as well - you knew they were soft, but hadn't felt much of them. Need and hunger are all you can feel as you stare.
When his lips meet yours, there's something that tells you that maybe this situation was inevitable. One look at him, and you knew how you felt, and exactly how willing you'd be to take your time with him.
But today, Joel doesn't need time. He knows what he wants.
He groans into your mouth when you move your lips against his - the sound of a starved animal finally getting their fill. It draws a moan from you, matching him in a sweet harmony. There's a gap between you still, that simply isn't enough.
You reach forward in search of the waistband of his jeans, hook your fingers through his belt loops, and tug Joel forward. His mouth crashes into yours once again, skirting his tongue across your bottom lip, begging for entry. One at a time, you wrap your legs around Joel's waist and secure yourself tightly against him, gripping at his shoulders with a ferocity you didn't recognize.
It's not as slow as you would've liked him to go, but it's the pace you need. For how long it felt to wait, for how impatient you'd been.
And he knows how to deliver it.
His hands roam carefully around your waist, squeezing and fondling with an avarice that shows he's been waiting just as impatiently. Every caress sets you alight, erupting goosebumps along your arms and neck, which Joel is slowly shifting his attention to.
"Joel," you pant, but it's all you can muster. There's more to the sentence, but his lips stop you. They play at the soft skin below your jaw, suckling gently before his tongue slides along your supple flesh, bringing himself to your ear.
He catches your earlobe between his teeth and bites playfully. Another moan falls past your lips, another breathy utterance of his name. Joel plants a kiss below your ear. You card your fingers through his hair, tugging at the soft strands.
"Careful, pretty girl," says Joel, reaching upward to support your head as it's thrown back in pleasure. He weaves his fingers into your hair for a comfortable grip, and pulls your head back further.
The constriction chokes you, but you smile anyway at the dull pain from where he holds you. With his strength, he has you exactly where he wants you, and can keep you there. The high-pitched moan you sing next has Joel losing his composure, his actions growing sloppier as you continue.
But, to your surprise, he releases you first.
Joel pulls back with a final kiss pressed to your lips again, a deep and savoring one. The back of your head stings from the grip he held on it, though it gives you a rush of adrenaline you won't trade for anything.
The sigh he lets out is one you can recognize, because you're breathing the same one.
This complicates things.
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Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it took a long time to write, and I think it's because it's not smut, and it was very frustrating, so next chapter will have a LOT more (i'm already plotting)
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valstranquility · 7 months
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pairing: lando norris x reader
summary: yn can't take the distance from lando anymore.
notes: sorry i haven't posted in literally 3 months. please excuse any errors or inaccuracies.
Y/N doesn't recognize herself anymore.
Her old self was confident and never took shit from anybody. But now she was a shell of the person she used to be.
When she first started a relationship with Lando, they were bright and so in love. He would surprise her with flowers often and have dinner with her every night.
Now, it felt like she was living with a stranger. He was no longer the man who she felt would give her the world. She was no longer one of his priorities, she fell second or third.
The decision to end things was not an easy one. Y/N was naive in thinking she would spend the rest of her life with Lando, how could she go and end the relationship she'd been in for the entirety of her adult life?
Her decision was finalized the night he was once again late and didn't bother to let her know. He had failed to show up for dinner numerous times in recent weeks, each missed meal a painful reminder of their growing disconnect.
Y/N was sitting at the dinner table. Two plates. Both untouched.
She knew tonight was her last.
She immediately got up and started packing her things. She didn't let any of her tears fall, knowing this has been a long time coming.
She packed all of her things, not wanting to leave anything behind. She sat at the dinner table and waited.
He finally arrived an hour later.
That hour gave Y/N the chance to think things through and plan what she was going to say to him.
"Oh, hey," he said as he walked through the door. He noticed the bags by the door and grew confused. "What's going on?"
"Lando, we need to talk," she said.
"Talk about what, Y/N? Is everything alright?"
"No, Lando, everything is not alright," Y/N said, her voice gaining strength. "I can't go on like this. I can't keep feeling like a stranger in my own relationship."
"What are you talking about? 'Feeling like a stranger?' Are you leaving me?" he asked.
"Yes, Lando. I'm leaving. I don't deserve to be treated like this."
"Wait, so you were just going to leave without even trying to talk this out?" he asked, his voice filled with slight anger.
"Don't you even start, Lando. I've been trying to get through to you for so long. You never listen, you never talk to me. I can't keep doing this."
Lando shook his head, frustration mounting. "This is ridiculous, Y/N! You can't just give up without trying to work things out!"
"Lando, I tried so hard to try and make this work with you, but being here, with you, is hurting me. You hurt me," she said, voice trembling.
"You know what, leave. Leave me and don't bother coming back," Lando said. His anger was at an all-time high and he couldn't believe the things she was saying.
Y/N shook her head in disbelief. She knew this wouldn't end well but she didn't think it would end like this. She wanted to look at him for a second, just to take him in, knowing this would be the last time she would see him, but she held back knowing she didn't want this to be her last memory of him.
Y/N grabbed her bags and left, softly shutting the door behind her. She didn't give herself any time to think as she got in her car and drove to her friend's house.
As Y/N's footsteps faded away, the weight of her absence settled heavily on Lando's shoulders. His heart ached with the intensity of his emotions.
Tears streamed down his face, and he clutched his fists in frustration. Regret for his previous words and anger at himself for letting things deteriorate into this mess churned within him. He wished he had handled the situation differently, wished he had been more attentive to Y/N's needs, and now it was too late.
That night Lando did a lot of thinking.
He realized that he had taken Y/N for granted, not appreciating the depth of her love until she was gone. Her absence left an indelible void in his life, and the reality of her departure was a bitter pill to swallow. The silence of the house, once filled with their shared laughter and conversations, now echoed with the haunting sound of what could have been.
Regret gnawed at him as he reflected on the last few months. He realized that he had been distant, preoccupied, and emotionally absent. He had foolishly ignored her attempts to communicate and reconnect.
One thing Y/N said kept coming back to him.
"You hurt me."
The realization that he had hurt the person he loved most left a bitter taste in his mouth. Lando's heart ached not just from the loss of Y/N but from the knowledge that he had been the cause of her pain. He wished he could turn back time, to be the partner she deserved, to listen to her concerns, and to love her like he once did.
He decided that he needed to fight for her.
With a heart heavy with determination and hope, Lando found himself standing outside Y/N's friend's house, where she had sought refuge after their painful breakup.
It had been three weeks since Y/N left him and he thought they'd both had a lot of time to think.
The journey to this doorstep had been filled with self-reflection and a deep longing to make amends for his past mistakes. He couldn't imagine life without Y/N, and he was willing to do whatever it took to win her back.
As he knocked on the door, his knuckles rapped nervously against the wood. Moments later, the door creaked open, revealing Y/N standing on the other side. Her eyes met his, but they held a certain resolve, a guarded determination that he hadn't seen in her before.
"Lando," she said softly, her voice tinged with sadness.
Lando's heart skipped a beat. "Y/N, please, I... I've realized my mistakes, and I want to make things right. I love you, and I can't bear the thought of not being with you."
Y/N looked into his eyes, her expression pained but resolute. "Lando, it's not that simple. I appreciate your feelings, but the hurt we've been through runs deep, and it's time for us to move on."
Lando's eyes welled up with tears, and he reached out, wanting to touch her, to pull her close. But she gently stepped back, closing the door a fraction. "I've thought about this a lot, and I need to find my own happiness, even if it's without you," Y/N said, her voice firm but filled with sadness.
Lando's heart sank, the weight of her words crashing down on him. He knew he had pushed her to this point, and he couldn't fault her for wanting to protect herself. He nodded, tears streaming down his face, and stepped back from the door.
"Y/N, I understand," he whispered, his voice trembling. "I'll always love you, and I hope you find the happiness you deserve. And if you ever want somebody to share that happiness with I'll always be here."
With that, Y/N softly closed the door, leaving Lando standing outside, alone and heartbroken. The door symbolized not just the physical separation between them but also the emotional divide that had grown between their hearts. Lando knew that winning her back might be impossible, but he also understood that it was the consequence of his actions.
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mammonswhore · 6 months
MC and their tiny dog!
summary: MC gets their little dog from the human world to the House of Lamentation and everyone has mixed reactions about it!
This idea came to me while avoiding uni work so enjoy.
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Everyone was so happy you were coming back from the Human Realm, you were gone for almost a month and all the demons were waiting for you coming back. Much to their surprise, you brought back your most loved companion: your dog.
You call this a dog? Really?
He is speechless and for bad because he never agreed to you having a puppy at home.
When he gets a chance he will pull you away and ask you what do you mean by this. You have various choices but the most efficient one is to remind him that he said you were equals and that meant being able to take decisions on what gets inside the house.
That serves to butter him up and make him daydream of running the House together as more than equals. He will grunt and mumble how he is stilo thw head of the house but the dog can stay as long as you take care of it's needs.
He isn´t friendly with the puppy unless the puppy is friendly first. Maybe the pup sneaks inside his office and sleeps at his feet while he works or even the puppy waits for him at the main entrance and wiggles when he gets home. He isn't going to be specially sweet to him but he will pet the dog and buy him little toys every once in a while.
Now,Lucifer knows how important the dog is for you so he will keep his mean thoughts to himself but to him a creature thar size is not worthy calling a dog.
Won't even think of taking the dog on a walk but he will offer himself to go buy him food or any supplies he needs.
"I don't appreciate your dog, I am doing it because I appreciate you and the effort you make."
He's lying,he appreciates the dog because the dog's love for him it's a sign of trust and respect and if you ever treat the dog like your little child he will 100% puff his chest and say the dog loves him to be with you.
He doesn't want the dog on his bed nor yours but he can sleep on the couchs if you keep their hair brushed and neat.
When he gets accustomed to the pup he will tell you that whenever you need help making them take a bath just call him. Honestly he just wants to have that kind of domestic moments with you.
Overall an 7/10 because he will never not look down on the pup because of their size.
Now see,he likes cats more BUT he is such a good kind soul that all animals like him, including your dog.
It doesn't come as a surprise when your dog follows him around the house and wiggles at him to play.
And just like you, the dog wins over Mammon's heart in no time. They go on walks together and Mammon went as far as to call himself their step-dad.
The dog sleeps with him and has his own bed on his room as well as another set of plates to eat and drink from because the House is enormous for a dog who's as tiny as they are.
Teaches your dog tricks to surprise you. Suddenly Mammon claps and the dog plays dead and you get a heart attack because Mammon forgot to warn you. His bad, he's sorry please don't hate him.
The size of the dog amuses him so much, he gets so giddy when the dog sneaks into small places, hops on top of him or anything that includes taking advantage of his size.
Buys him a new collar and a new tag that has yours and his number in case the little one goes missing.
His smile ia bigger than ever when the dog waits for him at the main entrance, Mammon drops to his knees to pick his kid and snuggle him a little before both of them go to your room to also snuggle you.
Total dog dad 11/10
Not so friendly with the dog not only because he's jealous but also because the dog looks at him too much for his liking. He's okay with looking at the pup as long as they don't stare at him with 'empty eyes' as he called them.
Wouldn't let them inside his room, he thinks dogs are not naturally clean creatures nor they are careful. He will die if the dog chews at anything he finds valuable or worst, if the dog eats anything that they found on his room and dies.
If the dog is calm and usually chill, Levi will lay down on your bed and the dog will get some petting and cuddles but it has to be in your room.
He strikes me as an allergic person and if he happens to be allergic to the dog Levi will probably get on a medical treatment because a. It's going to be a hassle and b. He loves you and you spend a lot of time with the little one.
He's not very good at showing emotions but he will show his appreciation for the dog in tiny gifts and talking to them about his day. It's a common sight to find them in your bed talking (Well, only Levi does the talking but still) and playing with a toy that keeps the dog jumping around.
5/10 because he will kick the dog out when he gets tired of them.
Totally not. "That thing can´t have a place in my home! I can´t have a cat but MC gets to have a damn dog?" He is furious.
He won´t lash out to you nor the dog, Lucifer will pay for the broken plates. Both of them yell at each other through dinner until Lucifer dismisses them and the only sound that can be heard for at least an hour or so is Satan telling Lucifer he is "an ungrateful fucker who has preference" and Lucifer would dismiss him and ignore his points. This will blow into a heated argument, they will most likely throw hands but hey Satan´s got a cat now.
After Lucifer agreed that Satan could have a cat (he was tired to argue), Satan seemed more than happy and Mr. Whiskers seemed to be chill around your dog so there were no biggie.
Each animal stays on it´s own room until they get used to the other, then they will slowly start to come around and be friendly.
Now, if they are friendly from the beginning then Satan will look at your dog more fondly but if they don´t Satan will most likely dislike your dog and say your puppy lacks manners and that you should put more effort into raising him.
"Oh but look at it! It doesn´t have the calm and charm of a cat I find it´s fluffiness annoying and pompous, I can´t think of why you would share something as sacred as your bed with that."
He really is annoying about your dog so you need to set boundaries clear and tell him to shut the fuck up.
1/10 This one doesn´t need a clearer explanation.
Total cutie! Asmo loves your dog!
He is another dog dad, he loves how your puppy is so affectionate and playful with him. He loves taking pictures of your pup and posting them, there´s thousands of videos of them playing tag, with sticks, even there´s a few pics of Asmo showering your little one.
He is the perfect person to go to the vet with, he talks to the dog all the way through and helps the little one relax when they are about to see the vet.
He keeps a stash of stuff for your puppy like clothes, dog food, treats and more. Asmodeus is so enamored with your pup, he thinks your puppy is so small and cheerful and he thinks they resemble you.
"MC your dog is just like you it´s true, the dogs resembles their owners!"
Asmodeus is the sweetest alive when it comes to cute animals, he doesn't like the fur the tiny one leaves around but he bought a brush for his clothes.
He loves how you two are really close, Asmo enjoys seeing the pup follow you around and be your companion. He is a little worried sometimes because everyone and everything in the house is big and the dog is really smal.
He really likes putting the dog on his bed and playing with it, rubbing it's belly and speaking to them the same way one speaks to babies.
100% the first one to throw a fit if somebody says the dog is ugly, don't call his baby ugly!
Super dog dad, 10/10 he exceeded on his duties.
He likes it,he doesn't love it bu he loves the look on your face when the dog is around, how you enjoy it's company so if it makes you happy then everything is fine.
He is usually fond of dogs and he is fond of your dog but it's really tiny and it makes him uncomfortable.
Before you,Beel wasn't used to hang around things or people significantly smaller than him and even you are smaller than him due to his demonic traits but still. He doesn't want to hurt the puppy,he knows it will kill your heart if something happened to the dog that you see as your kid. He us used to you and the little trinkets you give him as well as the little things in your every day life that he came to notice but the dog moves,it has life and a mind and it kind of scares him.
He reads a lot about tiny dogs so he can know how to help you, he wants to be involved but with his hands and strength away from the puppy as to not hurt them.
"Is his heart okay? I closed the door too loud and I read that it could scare them so much their hearts stopped."
Eventually Beel will come around and hang around with the dog,petting them and playing with so much gentleness.
If the dog likes the soft game is cool but if the dog likes playing rough he is more than okay. Soon enough Beel is bitten in places like his toes, fingers, hands, arms and whenever the dog can reach. Truly it's tiny teeth do no harm to Beel other than tickle him.
He likes brushing the dog, washing its clothes and teeth, sharing small pieces of his food with them. Watching them interact it's extremely adorable.
I'll put him on a 9/10 because he barked back at the dog once.
Nope. 100% dislikes the dog, it's always following you and growling at him and it makes his skin itch.
More than once he made jokes about pushing the dog when it's going downstairs to watch him fall, he earned a punch in the stomach (deserved).
Satan once said that the pup dislikes Belphie so much because they are similar to MC and they probably sensed his vibes. Belphie is hurt and bothered but he tries to be less of a little shit to the dog ever since.
It takes some time, a few growls from both sides and some biting but they get there. Belphie once shared a piece of meat with the pup and they have been less wary of him ever since, the pup once barked to Lucifer and Belphie softened a little at the sight.
Belphie doesn't like to be bothered while sleeping but he does like the extra watm the dog provides when they lay at his feet. Progressively the dog likes him more and more to the point of sleeping by his side at the height of his shoulder even going as far as to lay on top of him.
Dislikes the licking, like he finds it disgusting most of the time specially when the dog licked his face he made the worst gagging noise.
He likes to feed the dog because it reminds him of Beel, the dog is excited when he eats food and so is Beel.
Again overall 7/10 because he's not good nor bad he just exists alongside the dog.
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newfallstrangeleaves · 9 months
Yandere in the apocalypse
Diving in deep
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M!Yandere X F!Reader
Warning: Mentions of both voyeurism and masturbation, there is also stalking, murder and a lot of jealousy.
Summary: While watching you bathing in the lake he slips and accidentally (almost) exposes himself.
He would be hands down horny for you all the time. There was one time that always slips into his mind whenever he allows himself a moment to jack off. His mind keeps going back to that moment, thinking about the curve of your body, the swell of your ass and breasts. 
And that moment is the day you and the girls took a well-overdue bath in the lake. It was a hot day and everyone was sweating bullets. The rays of the sun keep everything still and quiet in the shades. The only sounds that could be heard were the laughter and the joyful splashing of water. 
Aaron back up in a tree, is watching contently. His leg is still hurting and he has half a mind to cause some trouble to the group. Stir things up. But not today. Today he wants to focus on you. Though half of him would have seen you without the shielding fabric of your bra and panties and the other half is happy that you do wear it. He can tell how some of the guys glance your way—especially one of them. 
Fuck what an obnoxious name for an obnoxious guy. He has been taking charge for some time now. Bossing the group around and making bad decisions. Though he seems to be well-liked by your group, they would never be able to survive in these conditions without someone to tell them what to do. Sheep. 
You too seem to like him. But you're an exception. Where the others are sheep you are a devoter. Through your actions, you show appreciation for your leader. No matter who, and in different circumstances, you would realize the flaws that Xavier possesses and who would be truly devoted to you, care for you and protect you.  
Aaron constantly shifts his position. Things ache and chafe but it's worth it. He can pull through another hour if it means to get the first parquet to the show. You and your friends laugh and play for another half an hour until things start to die down. People keep to themself, wash up and get ready to get on with the day. 
But you're not really ready yet. You get one of the towels that the group had brought on for the swim, wrap it around you and walk back out into the water. Only letting the cool water wrap around your ankles. 
You walk along the shore, finding peace in the moment. Aaron too finds peace for once. Imagine a life just the two of you, how he’ll make you a cottage by a lake just like this, or the sea. Whatever you prefer. He would return home after ‘hunting’ all day to find you've made him a nice meal and after that, the two of you wouldn't leave each other's side all night. 
But then you walk out of sight. As you walk further and further away the branches get in the way. Desperate for just a few more minutes of observing you, he makes the crucial mistake of leaning on the wrong branch. Before he has time to react it snaps and he heads for the forest floor. 
There is no time to be hurt now. He can hear concerned voices growing closer. He gets up and doesn't even look back before he jogs as fast as he can with his limp through the forest. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
This is not how he wanted to introduce himself to you. Being the creep spying on you while you bathe? Hell no.
So despite the pain, the old wounds and the new all of which have to wait. Luckily the forest grows a lot denser here, making whoever is pursuing him slow down. 
It's a man. By the sound of the footsteps, it's only him. 
He is getting closer and closer, a fight might be the only solution. But with both a weaker physique and the wounds from the fall, he is the underdog. He won't be even close to taking Xavier in a real fight. 
So he keeps limping forward. The sharp branches whipped his face. 
Until he can practically feel his presence closing in. And he knows even before he grabs hold of Aaron's arm that he does. He janks it back and Aaron wips around before he falls over, sticks and pine cones cutting into his back. 
“Okey…” Xavier fights to catch his breath. “Listen, I'm not here to hurt you, just talk.” He holds his hands up and smiles, trying hard to look peaceful. 
The sentence makes his blood immediately boil. How can he be so passive? Had Aaron not just been spying on them? Is he not considered a big enough threat? How can he tell from this single encounter? 
Yeah, he had just clumseöy fall down from a tree and yes, he was recently shot and had been limping away as fast as he could. 
But had it been any other time he could have taken him. 
He has been spying on them for weeks, memorizing everything about these people. All in the name of being one step ahead of them at all times. All their weaknesses and strengths. None of that was for nothing. 
So it's here it clicks. He knows what he has to do.
“I'm sorry, I… I didn't mean to…I didn't know how to approach.”
“It's okay brother. I know what it's like out there, we are all just trying to keep ourselves safe and if you were checking us out to see if we are decent then that's fine. Totally okay and hey, I'm sure there are no hard feelings amongst the others.” Xaviers smile makes him want to vomit. 
“You think so?” He makes sure his tone sounds more weak than the disgust he is feeling within. 
“I know it! Here, what's your name?” Xavier holds out his hand to help him up. Aaron takes his hand and seizes the opportunity to attack. As Aaron gets on his feet he grabs hold of Xaviers arm. In one swift motion, Aaron takes out his pocket knife and stabs it in his side. Still holding Xaviers right hand he has no way of defending himself. He stabs him multiple times before Xavier falls down wailing in pain. 
“Names Aaron.” He says through gritted teeth. “And just so you know, this is not the first time I've been watching your little group, in fact, I've been creeping around after you guys for weeks. This is my real first time fuck up, but there have been other times when you could have spotted me but didn't. Just another added reason why you're not cut out for this.” 
“You're insane!”
“Am I? I could have killed you just now, but I didn't. Not just yet at least. I wanted to tell you something before I do. Y/N is who I'm here for, the only one I care about and I am going to kill anyone who stands in my way.” Xavier desperately tries to crawl away as Aaron couches down beside him but to no use. Aaron grabs a good chunk of hair to hold him in place, the blood loss weakening him by the moment. 
“Staring here, with you.” 
With a swift motion of the knife to his throat their conversation comes to an end. There is a gurgling sound before quiet fills the forest. Aaron wipes off the knife as he hears Xaviers' names being called in the distance. It's not long until they are here. 
In the following weeks, things started to look up for him. None of the members had been able to get a good look at who the mystic man in the trees where so Xaviers murderer stays a mystery. Next, his wounds are looking better each day. Though your group can only be described as mourning Aaron has never felt so liberated before. Taking out competition always feels nice. However, the only negative part of this is that you seem much sadder than usual. Despite the reason behind it Aaron can't other than want to comfort you, hug you and tell you to forget him. Take him into your heart instead. 
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darlingbabyboo · 11 months
"You're in my Jersey!"
♡ Haikyuu boys see you in their uniform! ♡
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He thought he wouldn't care (he cares very very much)
You never really went out of your way to go to Kenma's games, he always made sure that you knew it wasn't that big of a deal to him, you two get to hang out whenever you want. one game won't chanegg anything.
Kuroo (the little meddlers) can't let that slide
He's the one that proposed that you come to one of Nekoma's games, provideing you with one of Kenma's jersey's
Kenmas eyes went real wide when he saw you in the crowd 👀
You know how Nekomata usually subs him out for one of the sets- that's not gonna happen today
Everyone looking at him like 🤨🤔 and he mumbles the weakest shit about showing off his internal organs or whatever Yamamoto be talking about
Kuroo laughing in the background (with his ugly ass hyena laugh, baby I love you but why 💀)
He's gotta show off for his girl
Don't worry, she knows you got stamina
He's playing the best game of his life, demolishing the enemy
His team don't know what's going on but they enjoy this side of Kenma while they have the chance
After the game, he makes sure that you understand how much he appreciates you in his jersey
"I like this look on you." Kenma mumbles and plays with the bottom of the jersey that brushes against your thighs.
At his admission, you give a cheeky grin. "Look at that Kenny." You coo, "you like when I wear your clothes."
The tips of his ears start to turn pink, but he can't help nodding along when you wonder aloud if you should come to more of his games. A possessive side (that shocks him to the core) pops up at the idea of you wearing more of his clothes. For once, Kuroo's idea isn't a complete train wreck.
No way are you dating Bokuto and not coming to one of his games
Put on your clown shoes 🤡👞 because you gotta be one if you think that he would ever let that slide
You might possibly kill Akaashi because you've raised Bokuto's ego so much, but Bokuto looks at you with so much love in his eyes that it's hard to regret your decision (though, serious apologies Akaashi)
He's playing at his best with his baby in the crowd
There 👏🏾 are 👏🏾 no 👏🏾 emo 👏🏾 modes 👏🏾
The love of his life is in the crowd, you're delusional if you think anything can turn his frown upside down 😃
He probably broke some of the blockers arms with how hard he's hitting the ball
Not the only thing that's hard
Who cares about those blockers when his baby's here 😍
He barely makes it to the offical end of the game before he's rushing into the crowd to get you. As soon as he lays his eyes on your amazing figure in his jersey, he's grabbing you by the waist and spinning you in the air. "Baby!!! You gotta wear this more!!!" His eyes shine even brighter (which you thought was an impossible feat with how birght they already are.)
You snort, "like I don't wear this enough." You lay your hands on the sameside of his face and give him a gentle kiss on his nose, "I swear, you want this to be the only thing I wear."
He gives a toothy grin at that, "exactly!"
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lucy90712 · 4 months
Hiiiii so if u do requests can u pls do one where like reader is jude’s gf but jobe has like a little crush on her and jude can feel it and like when they all hangout jobe is all over her and jude gets a lik jelly pleassseeee😭🫶🏻
WC: 1.7k Living in Madrid is amazing it's warm and the city is filled with so many amazing people but nothing beats being back home. Moving to Madrid with my boyfriend Jude was a big decision to make but after a lot of thinking and talks with my family I decided to just do it. It's been one of the best decisions I've ever made I found a job I really enjoy that is also flexible so it allows me to travel with Jude to some of his away games. I've also made some great friends with not only the other Real Madrid players but also their partners who have been really welcoming. As much as it's been a great few months here I've been looking forward to getting to go home for a few days ever since I found out Jude had a small break between games. We won't be back long but while we are there we are going to stay with Jude's parents and mine are going to visit at some point so we can all see each other before our normal lives resume. 
Jude being the ever sensible person he is decided that we needed to get the first flight we could physically make which happened to be just after his last game before the break. This meant we had to pack once we got up and have everything in the car ready to go straight to the airport after the end of the game. It was highly stressful but as soon as the plane touched down on home soil all that stress melted away and the tiredness kicked in too. Jude's parents were there to meet us both at the airport despite it being late which was much appreciated. On the relatively short drive back to their house Jude wouldn't stop talking about what life has been like and the last game even though his parents will already know everything that's happened. While he was talking away I just rested my head on his shoulder starting to really feel the tiredness of getting up early and not sleeping on the plane. 
As soon as we arrived Jobe was quick to meet us at the door I was expecting him to greet Jude first seeing as they are brothers and they have always been really close but instead he came straight over to me to give me a hug. It's not exactly out of the ordinary as Jobe and I get on well and he saw Jude more recently at an event they both went to that I couldn't attend so I guess it makes sense for him to be excited to see me. Despite my attempts to have a small nap in the car I was still really tired so I just hugged Jobe back until he pulled away to finally greet his brother with less enthusiasm it seemed. 
"How have you been y/n?" Jobe asked 
"I've been good life is amazing in Madrid but it's good to be home" I said
"Well I'm glad you're back I missed you" he said 
"Aww thanks Jobe that's sweet" I said 
"You know I'm here too right" Jude interrupted clearly a little agitated 
I don't know what was going on but there seemed to be a bit of tension between the two of them but it was far too late for me to worry about it too much. It's quite possible that they had an argument at some point and now they are just trying to annoy each other as thats happens quite a lot and sometimes I end up in the middle of their fights. After saying goodnight to everyone I grabbed Jude's hand to lead him up to bed but I could see him giving Jobe almost a death stare out the corner of my eye. Hopefully they sort out whatever's going on between them as I don't want to be dealing with their probably stupid argument in the few days we have back home. 
Waking up this morning all the tension from last night seemed to have disappeared Jude woke up with a smile on his face which stayed even when Jobe came downstairs and sat right next to me on the sofa. Today we didn't have anything planned as we weren't exactly sure what time we would get here and how tired we would be but seeing as both of us were quite well rested we decided to spend the day going out around the town and the places we used to go all the time when still living here. Jobe wanted to tag along as he didn't have training and to try and keep the peace I said he could join us but I promised Jude we would spend the evening together just us. 
After having some breakfast we all got ready, somehow I was the first one ready so I had to wait downstairs but I was joined by Jobe not long after. As he sat down he put his hand on my knee for a few seconds before taking it off and resting it in his lap. He's never done that before but I assume he just misjudged where to put his hand and that it was an accident. He then went on to ask me how things have been in Madrid and if Jude has been treating me right which felt like a weird question but I just want to enjoy my few days back home so I let it slide. Thankfully Jude came down not too long after so I used that as my chance to get away from the awkward conversation without making a scene. 
Jude wanted to just walk around the town so that's what we did. Luckily it wasn't too busy sure people took pictures and stopped us but it wasn't as bad as it has been in Madrid recently we can't move when we go out over there now. While Jude was taking pictures with a group of fans I stood out the way with Jobe as I don't like to be in the pictures unless I'm asked. While we were stood to the side Jobe tried to be slick and slide his arm over my shoulders but I saw it coming a mile away and moved a bit to the side to avoid it. I really wanted to say something as this isn't like Jobe but I won't do it while in public as I don't want to start an argument and create a scandal for Jude. We walked for a bit longer before deciding to find somewhere to have lunch and hey again Jobe was acting weird as he wanted to sit next to me but Jude took that seat before he got the chance. The entire time we were eating he was just staring at me which made me a little uncomfortable but by this point Jude had caught on to what was going on and he made sure to be as close to me as possible and whenever he got the chance he kissed my cheek. 
The rest of our day out was just as awkward as the morning Jude was trying to make it clear that I was his by constantly having his arm around my waist and giving me kisses all while Jobe was still trying to get me attention. I felt like an object the way they were almost competing over me and using me to prove a point to one another. Jude wasn't being affectionate because he felt like it he wanted to assert dominance and prove that I'm his which just infuriated me as I can stand up for myself. Jobe was also getting on my last nerve he knows that I'm with his brother and have been for a long time now, we are happy together and even if we were to break up I would certainly not go for Jude's brother that's just wrong. While we were out I kept my cool but as soon as we got back I just stood by the door looking at them both trying not to let my anger completely take over. 
"Ok what is going on with you both today?" I asked 
"Nothing" Jude replied 
"Something is going on and I don't like it Jobe you're acting like you can just flirt with me and touch me whenever you like which you can't and Jude you're treating me like your possession not a human being let alone your girlfriend so someone explain what's going on" I ranted 
"I'm sorry baby I don't mean to treat you like that I just didn't like what Jobe was doing and I wanted to show him you were mine" Jude explained 
"Jobe why have you been trying to put your hands on my girlfriend?" Jude asked 
"I haven't been" he tried to defend himself 
The two of them just started arguing after that so I decided to just walk away I said what I wanted to say I don't need to watch them argue. I'd only just made it out the room when I hear Jobe admit that he had a crush on me. As anyone could predict that statement didn't go down too well Jude only got more angry with Jobe swearing and yelling even more than before. My relaxing trip back home has long gone, at this point I just want to leave without someone killing each other. Just as I was about to step in Jude told Jobe that he just had to get over it and came to find me dragging me upstairs with him. 
Jude was very much still annoyed but once we got to his room he pulled me down onto the bed with him at let out a frustrated sigh. He clearly needed to let off some steam so I just let him rant about the situation for a good 5 minutes before he calmed down and apologised for how today went. I wanted to be mad but I just couldn't it's hard to stay mad at him for too long instead I just wanted to have the quiet evening that I promised him earlier which will ideally be just the two of us in bed watching movies and eating lots of food. Nothing sounds better than relaxing and forgetting about the events of the day because today is definitely not a day to remember. 
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