#you may be able to find my friend’s blog if she also posts this story lol
voiceshearingyouloud · 11 months
Me rocking up to the line for the fall out boy pit in jean shorts and a floral t-shirt meanwhile everyone else is full goth 👍 I’m definitely cool
#it was aweeeeesome#such a good setlist For Real#however the worst crowd and pit experience of my life#30 crowdsurfers. many people shoving and pushing right next to me and trying to start a fight/get me kicked out#multiple actual fights requiring security to kick people out#and I got kicked in the head by one of the 30 crowdsurfers#and there were 3 openers so I was standing for 6.5 hours with no break at all#however I didn’t die and we got G.I.N.A.S.F.S live so it’s all good#and I was Very Close to Patrick stump#one behind baricade because of the evil VIPs#I did nearly get out to the bottom of the line because the people my best friend and I were with were evil but we were good and ditched them#and got better spots than them so like. sucks to suck#you may be able to find my friend’s blog if she also posts this story lol#anne speaks#it was aweeeesome though#also re: the actual text of the post; I feel like it’s more of a poser move to dress up emo just for the concert if I never do normally than#to just arrive as I always am and actually know the songs#also I wasn’t gonna wear my only black t shirt on a hot as hell day where I already was extremely hot and got badly sunburned so.#this whole experience made me hate pit but also I will easily be persuaded to do it again since I was so close to the band… and surely no#crowd will be this terrible#they had to stop playing for a bit while security kicked this one guy out lol#get roasted idiot; patrick stump thinks you’re stupid
0 notes
annymation · 6 months
Reimagining the characters in Wish
(Part 1- Asha)
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Hey guys! I don’t really know how to start this, but let’s just say that I… Didn’t like how Disney’s 100th anniversary movie turned out, like at all.
But I can tell there was a lot of unexplored potential beneath this story, that in my opinion felt overly simple and bare bones.
But if you love it, that’s awesome, more power to you, I wish I could’ve loved it too. And I don’t want to rewrite it to show I’m “better than the writers at Disney” because I’m definitely not lol, I have no experience in writing, and I’m sure they put a lot of passion into the project and I respect them for that. But this movie inspired me with ideas for a different story that I think is worth telling.
But I won’t start telling it today, instead, I'll start a series of blogs sharing my ideas for changes in the characters and their stories, after I get some feedback I will start posting more of the story itself.
If you’re interested, then come along!
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- Asha is a 18 year old girl, with a passion for drawing and helping those around her, sometimes even worrying more about helping others than helping herself
- She’s like a big sister to her 7 friends, always being the voice of reason and acting responsible, but not in a bossy way, she’s actually very playful with them
- To the people of Rosas tho, she's seen as kind of a weirdo, for you see, she spends almost every time of the day drawing in her sketchbook
- She practices everyday to become a better artist, and the people of Rosas find this to be very peculiar, after all, why would you take so much effort to perfect a talent when you can simply wait to turn 18 and wish for the king to make you an amazing artist?
- Asha doesn’t mind these comments, although they have made her less willing to share her drawings with others that aren’t her 7 friends
- As the story progresses we see Asha flourish from a shy and introverted girl to a brave woman who after discovering a terrifying secret about the kingdom’s rulers, steps in and inspires others to join her and fight an evil sorcerer king and his alchemist wife (yes, I made Amaya an alchemist, more on that on part 2 when I talk about how I’d change Magnifico and Amaya)
- Some Disney characters that share similarities with her personality wise are: Belle, Tiana, Pocahontas and Esmeralda
Main Traits:
Calm and mature
Passionate about her interests (drawing, dancing, philosophy and stars)
Helpful and generous
Perceptive and always questioning things around her that no one pays attention to (like why do all the artists only paint the King and Queen?)
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Oooh boy I gave this poor girl so much angst, okay let’s go
Asha grew up with her grandfather, her parents both died in a fire when she was just a baby
(this isn’t just to fit the “haha Disney princess has no parents” cliche, there’s plot relevance in this “mysterious fire” that I’ll talk about later)
Growing up with her grandpa, he’d always support her dream to be an artist, like her mother, who was an art teacher
Her mother not only drew really well, but she also was able to create the illusion that her drawings could move, by flipping through the pages of her sketch books
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In other words, her mom was an animator
Asha saw this technic her mom used as a form of magic, so she would often tell her grandpa she wanted to “Do magic just like my mom”
Her father was a philosopher (this was established in the actual movie but never explored haha whyyyy), who taught people that working hard to achieve your dreams is not only rewarding, but also essential, because it’s part of the human nature to persevere and fight for what we believe, even if we fail, even if it’s hard, just keep moving forward.
This philosophy may sound very “umm duh” for me and you since we all know and hear everywhere nothing in life comes for free… But that’s not the case in Rosas
In this rewrite the kingdom wasn’t created by Magnifico, but rather the kingdom has existed for many generations, being ruled by different kings before Magnifico who also granted wishes… but I’m getting ahead of myself.
The point is that the culture of just asking the king to give you or make you whatever you want to be has been in this kingdom’s culture since forever, so when Asha’s dad comes out saying “hey! Maybe we should stop just relying on the king to make our dreams come true, right?” He’s actually being quite a revolutionary… and sharing a very dangerous belief to other people…
At this point you might suspect what caused that “mysterious fire”
So, back to Asha, growing up with her grandpa, they shared a lot of happy memories together. Reading her father's books and her mother's art books helped Asha connect with them even tho she never had them in her life.
But as her grandfather grew older, he became senile.
Asha went from being taken care of by her grandpa to being the one who took care of him when she was still around 13 years old, and when she turned 15 her grandfather passed away of old age
Asha went on to live with her best friend Dahlia, the two became like sisters.
Though she managed to move on from the loss of her grandfather, she could never shake the feeling that he died without getting his wish granted... But she had no way to prove that, it was just a feeling
The wish granting system works different in my rewrite, instead of there being a public wish granting ceremony once a month, there would only be a public wish TAKING ceremony, that would work just like in the movie, you turn 18, you go give your wish to the king yada yada yada.
But the wish granting part would work like this: Almost every night the king would release the wishes up in the sky, they would float down like balloons to their respective owners while they sleep, and once they woke up in the morning they'd feel that their wishes were granted, for they would wake up changed.
With this method, there's no way of confirming if someone really got their wish granted or not, unless you went to ask the king.
Asha never did ask the king if he granted her grandfather's wish, but her grandfather would sometimes express how he wasn't feeling completely fulfilled in his life, he felt like there was something... missing.
This feeling of hollowness persisted in him until the very end, no matter how hard Asha tried to help her grandfather, she never knew him as his real self, because he gave part of his soul to the king, the most beautiful part of his soul, his wish.
Asha had no proof that her grandfather didn't get his wish granted, only a gut feeling.
But because of this, Asha wasn't that thrilled to give her own wish to king magnifico, knowing there was the possibility of it never being granted.
Not to mention she didn’t even know what to wish for, “I’m just 18 and you guys expect me to already know what’s my heart’s deepest desire? I’m still figuring that out, all I know is that I wanna draw”
Plus she wanted to follow her father's philosophy and achieve her wish on her own, eventually, when she figured out what her wish even was.
Asha never rebelled against the system tho, she wasn't a confrontational person. She just accepted the people of Rosas preferred to rely on the king's magic, but that just wasn't for her.
However, on her 18 birthday, when it was expected of her to give her wish to the king, she simply said she didn't have a wish, and even if she did she wouldn’t want to hand it over, she wanted to make it come true on her own. This lead to an argument with the king, and after a series of events (that I don't have time to summarize here, but you can find out about it on my rewrite) leads to her finding out a terrible truth about her kingdom. And that's how her story begins.
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- I’d keep these braid ornaments that Asha had in the concept art
- Since in my rewrite she’s not that invested in the kingdom of Rosas, I’d remove all the Kingdom of Rosas symbols that are present in her design (there are a LOT of them)
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- I’d replace these Rosas insignia with more star and constellations themed symbols, to reflect how Asha believes that the stars are connected to people and they can guide us, just like how her father believed.
Final Thoughts
My intentions with these changes were to give Asha a strong emotional hook, and something that makes her feel relatable.
The emotional hook here is how she spent so much of her life taking care of her grandfather that she kinda never had time to worry about her own desires, that alone can be relatable to caregivers of elderly people that watch their grandparents or even their own parents lose themselves as time passes, and end up worrying more about the person they’re taking care of than themselves.
Asha has this internal emotional conflict where she feels she needs to constantly help others the same way she helped her grandfather, and one of the things she’ll learn as the story progresses is that it’s not selfish of her to want more for HERSELF.
Another thing that would be relatable about Asha is her passion for drawing, and how most people in Rosas would say she’s wasting her time practicing so much when she can just wait until she turns 18 and wish to be amazing at drawing.
She’d never stop believing that taking her time to improve on her talent and trying again and again was worth every second of her time, because let me tell ya folks, drawing is HARD, and animating like Asha’s mom did is even HARDER, it takes a whole lot of practice, and Asha was determined to keep trying.
She’d be much like Belle, remaining true to herself even tho those around her considered her odd, and very passionate about drawing just as much Belle was passionate about reading.
I also find it funny how Asha’s motivations are fairly down to earth, like in Disney movies you usually have:
I want to be free from these palace walls!
I want to explore the ocean!
I want to open a restaurant!
I want to find true love!
And then there’s Asha here like
“My life is fine, I just wanna chill and draw stuff”
And that’s it, but, in her environment where everyone is expected to have this great wish that they have to give to the king so he’ll make it a reality, she’s kinda the odd one out, and I love that. Would be a great subversion of the Disney formula.
Of course after she learns Magnifico and Amaya’s true intentions she gets a lot more agency and the desire to save her people, her “call for adventure” if you will.
But what are Magnifico and Amaya’s true intentions? Click here for part 2 and find out!
Thank You For Reading!
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Kelly Link's "Book of Love"
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Kelly Link is one of science fiction's most important writers, a master of the short story to rank with the likes of Ted Chiang. For a decade, Kelly's friends have traded whispers that she was working on a novel – a giant novel – and the rumors were true and the novel is glorious and you will love it:
It's called The Book of Love and it's massive – 650 pages! It is glorious. It is tricky.
If you've read Link's short stories (which honestly, you must read), you know her signature move: a bone-dry witty delivery, used to spin tales of deceptive whimsy and quirkiness, disarming you with daffiness while she sets the hook and yanks. That's the unmistakeable, inimitable texture of a Kelly Link story: deft literary brushstrokes, painting a picture so charming and silly that you don't even notice when she cuts you without mercy.
Turns out that she can quite handily do this for hundreds of pages, and the effect only gets better when it's given space to unfold.
Hard to tell you about this one without spoilers! But I'll tell you this much. It's a story about three teenaged friends who return from death and find themselves in the music room at their high school, face to face with their mild-mannered music teacher, Mr Anabin. Anabin explains what's happened in frustratingly cryptic – and very emphatic – terms, but is interrupted when a sinister shape-shifting wolf enters the music room.
This is Bogomil, and whenever he speaks, Mr Anabin turns his back – and vice versa. Anabin and Bogomil appear to be rivals, and Bogomil may or may not have been the keeper of the land of the dead from which the three have escaped. There's also a forth, a tattered shade who's been dead so long they don't remember who they are or anything about themselves. Bogomil would like to take the four back to the deadlands, but Anabin proposes a contest and Bogomil agrees – but no one explains the contest or its rules (or even its stakes) to the four dead teenagers.
That's the wind up. The pitch that follows is flawless, a long and twisting mystery about friendship, love, queerness, rock-and-roll, stardom, parenthood, loyalty, lust and duty. There's a terrifying elder god of Lovecraftian proportions. There are ghosts upon ghosts. There are ancient grudges. There are sudden revelations that come from unexpected angles but are, in retrospect, perfectly set up.
More than anything, there are characters. It's impossible not to love Link's characters, despite (because of) their self-destructive choices and their impossible dilemmas. They are so sweet, but they are also by turns mean and spiteful and resentful, like the pinch of salt that transforms a caramel from inedible spun sugar into something that bites even as it delights.
These characters, so very likable, are often dead or at death's door, and that peril propels the story like an unstoppable locomotive. From the very start, it's clear that some of them can't survive to the end, and Link is merciless in making you root for all of them, even though this means rooting against them all. This, in turn, creates moments of toe-curling, sublime horror.
Link has built a complex machine with more moving parts than anyone has any business being able to keep track of. And yet, each of these parts meshes flawlessly with all the others. The book ends with such triumphant perfection that it lingers long after you put it down. I can't wait to read this one again.
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Motivation Tactics
Summary: You’re having a hard time finding the motivation to finish a work assignment with an upcoming deadline. While you're on a conference call, Bradley decides to help you release some of the frustration and tension you’re feeling. His knees may not thank him later, but you sure will.
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x Reader (no use of y/n)
Word Count: 2.2K 
Warnings: oral sex (f receiving), language, talk of work deadlines and jerk coworkers. 
Notes: Some shameless shenanigans, because why not? This can be read as a standalone, though I envisioned it within the RYEWID/Forgetful Boy universe, but there’s no specification on if this is before or after the series. 
“God, you are such a fucking dick.”
Bradley raised his eyebrows as he approached your office. He had just gotten home from work and you hadn’t responded when he called out for you upon entering the house. He had climbed the stairs with the intent to find you and clearly he’d been right in his assumption that you were holed up where you spent the majority of your work day. 
“What’d I d-woah,” he exclaimed as he made it to the doorway. 
Something Bradley had learned about you very early on was that you were, frankly put, a neat freak. It complemented his own tidy tendencies well. Your house was always clean and organized, to the point where your friends made jokes about being able to eat off the floors. It was important to you. 
This…was not that.
Your desk was in the middle of the room instead of its normal place against the wall, computer wires stretching from the outlet. Your bookshelf was backed into a different corner than it normally was but all the books and knick knacks were strewn out across the carpet. The chair you kept in the corner was on the opposite side of the room with the throw pillow nowhere to be found. 
You were there amongst it all, seated at your desk chair. Your hair was piled on top of your head, glasses perched on your nose. You barely offered him a glance as you angrily typed away on your keyboard. 
“Not you,” you clarified. “This jerk!” 
“Okay…but why is your desk in the middle of the room?”
Bradley winced at the glare you sent him as you explained you had gotten a bout of writer’s block and started to rearrange your office as a distraction. You had been in the middle of it when you got a phone call from the editor you had been partnering with, someone you had worked with several times and who often sought you out to write for her, telling you that another journalist had requested the assignment. 
“That’s bullshit,” Bradley said, feeling genuine frustration on your behalf. You worked harder than almost anyone he knew, and were so passionate about every story you write. He remembered how excited you had been the night before when this one landed in your inbox. “Is she going to let him have it?” 
“No,” you scoffed with a shake of your head, “but now he’s emailing me trying to tell me that his sources are better than mine and he isn’t going to give me access to them. Well jokes on him because I already spoke with them. But he’s also threatening to write it anyway and post independently on a blog. So I need to get this finished, but I have this stupid conference call in ten minutes that I don’t even know why I agreed to be on. And my office is a mess!” 
“Hey hey hey,” he soothed, nearly accidentally tripping over your printer on the floor as he walked further into the room to your side. He swung your chair around to face him as he dropped to a knee to be more level with you. He turned your face to look at him with a long finger hooked under your chin. Leaning in, he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips. You were still frowning when he pulled away, but the crease in your forehead had smoothed slightly. Still, he ran his thumb over your lips and to your cheek, pushing up on your skin to force a smile on your face. You swatted at his hand at the action, but you were giggling now and Bradley felt as accomplished as he had been all day; he always did when he was the source of your laughter.
“What are you struggling with, Pumpkin?” he asked. He rested his hands on your bare thighs, rubbing up and down slowly. You were in an old Navy sweatshirt and loose athletic shorts and as much as he loved you dolled up for him, he loved these looks of yours just as much. Truthfully, he loved you in anything, or even nothing at all.
He listened as you rambled on about what you were working on, offering his input when appropriate. He knew that sometimes you just needed to talk it out and he was always happy to be on the receiving end. After about five minutes, you were speaking mostly to yourself as you worked through your ideas, jotting them down in a notebook. He sat back on his feet, just watching you until your computer started dinging to signal the start of your conference call.
He pressed a kiss to your lips and swiped your water bottle from on top of a stack of books, intent on refilling it for you. 
When he got back to your office, your eyes were darting between your monitors and you were tapping your pen against the surface of your desk. He could hear someone droning on about ethics in journalism and sourcing. He knew you were barely paying attention and that your mind was working a mile a minute wanting to get back to work, and that you’d be restless like this until the call was over and you could. 
You chewed on your bottom lip before soothing it over with your tongue, and an idea popped in Bradley's head that immediately had him stirring in his pants. He thought it over for a moment before ultimately deciding that the pros far outweigh the cons, and if you didn’t want it, you could stop him.
With that in mind, he set your water down. You glanced up at him with a smile, and he winked at you before sinking to his knees in front of the desk, crawling under it as best as he could. It was a tight fit, but he made it work. You jerked when he started dancing his way up your legs, just barely ghosting over your skin with his fingertips. When he got to the hem of your shorts, a hand reached down to grab his wrist. He paused in his movements, but after a moment, you let him go and lifted your hips to help him achieve his task of tugging your shorts and underwear down. With a smirk, he spread your legs wider. You scooted closer to the edge of the chair without him even having to ask. 
Bradley left gentle presses of his lips on the inside of your thigh, nipping at the skin every few kisses and then soothing it over with his tongue. You were squirming in anticipation and he stroked his thumbs in the curve of where your hips met your stomach, trying to help you relax. He blew a soft breath over where you were starting to glisten for him and your whole body shuddered. He took your right leg and draped it over his shoulder, shimmying as close to you as you could.  He pressed one hand against your lower stomach beneath your sweatshirt and gripped one of the arms of your chair to keep it steady with the other before he finally leant in. 
He flattened his tongue against your folds, licking a solitary stripe up and gathering your juices on his tongue. He groaned quietly at your taste as he dove back in. He switched between licking into you and sucking your clit into his mouth. He knew the altering sensations were something you enjoyed. As much as your position allowed, your hips started to move against his mouth. He pulled away and the hand on your stomach came down to hold your hip instead. 
“Stay still for me, baby. Can you do that?” 
You let out a breathy promise of doing what he asked and Bradley kissed the inside of your thigh. 
“Good girl.” 
He nudged your clit with his nose before licking into you again. You whined quietly for him, and he wished he could see your face from this angle. One of your hands crept below the desk and found a home on the back of his head, fingers threaded through his curls, holding him against your cunt. Your other leg came to drape across his free shoulder. Your wetness coated his face. He was completely surrounded by your taste and scent and he hummed happily, making you shiver again. 
Bradley wasn’t hurried in getting you off. Instead, he ate you out leisurely. He explored every inch of your pussy with his mouth and tongue. He would focus on the areas he knew you were the most sensitive for a few seconds longer than the rest before moving on. Your fingers tightened in his hair every time he did it.  You tasted so good that he thought he could stay on his knees between your legs like this for hours, his knees and back be damned.
The speaker on the call said your name and you gasped quietly, clearly not expecting it. Bradley paused for a moment, giving you a false sense of security. He heard your mouse click and the small ding that indicated you had taken yourself off mute and pulled your clit between his lips and sucked hard. Your hips jerked and he tightened his grip on the chair to make sure you didn’t accidentally fall. You coughed to cover up the words you stuttered over, clearing your throat. You pulled hard on his hair, but your thighs tightened around his head. 
You didn’t want him to stop, but he knew he’d pay for that stunt later - he couldn’t wait. 
He went back to his previous pace as you spoke. You kept it as short as you could and Bradley almost chuckled when someone asked you a question, forcing you to expand. You were starting to tremble. 
He didn’t really comprehend any of what you were saying, but your voice washed over him like a pleasant hum. He zeroed in on how much he loved listening to you and imagined you were demanding him go harder and moaning his name instead of speaking about ethics and writing styles, never taking his mouth off of you. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but he registered you saying your goodbyes right before your laptop slammed shut, and his name really was falling from your lips. 
“God, fuck, Bradley!” 
You sounded wrecked and it had him doubling down on his efforts. You had been so patient with him and now he was more determined than ever to make you come for him. 
He brought the hand that was holding your hip down to your pussy. He didn’t hesitate before he slipped two fingers inside of you. You were so wet, and as he started fucking you with them, your cunt let out the most obscene sounds. He drew your clit back into his mouth, humming and sucking. You pushed his head further into you and grinded your hips against his face and this time he let you, knowing you were close. The hand that wasn’t in his hair slapped down against the top of your desk. The moment he curled his fingers inside of you, you were shattering. 
The moan you let out was long, loud, and absolutely beautiful. Bradley removed his fingers but didn’t let up with his mouth until you were done riding out the orgasm you had earned. You let your legs fall from his shoulders as your whole body shook.
When your hand fell from his hair, he pushed your chair back far enough to let him pop up between you and the desk. His back popped and he knew he’d be sore later, but it didn’t stop him from licking his lips and grinning at you, slumped back in your chair with your chest heaving. 
“You think you can concentrate now?” he asked.
You laughed breathlessly and sat up straighter to pull him into a kiss. You licked into his mouth with no hesitation of tasting yourself and Bradley’s dick twitched, hard in his khaki pants. 
God, he loved you so much. 
When you separated, the dazed smile was still on your face, but you nodded at his previous question. 
“Good,” he said. “Why don’t you take your laptop out to the back porch and write out there, and I’ll get your office back in order for you?” 
You hummed in response, and after he helped you slide your shorts back on, you followed his advice and unplugged your laptop from the dock it was set up on. Your legs were a little shaky as the two of you stood and Bradley steadied you with a hand on your hip, a smirk threatening to take over his face. 
You rolled your eyes at the look, and before he could even process you were moving, the hand not holding your laptop reached down to palm him through his uniform pants. He choked out a groan as you squeezed. But just as quickly as you had done it, you were stepping away from him completely. Unlike him, though, your smirk was planted firmly on your face. You winked at him over your shoulder as you walked to the door. There was an extra bounce in your step as you called back to him. 
“I’m suddenly feeling incredibly motivated to get this done. Maybe when I do, you can proofread it while I return the favor.” 
End Notes: My work days would be SO much better if this is how they went. I hope you enjoyed it, and would love to hear your feedback. Likes/comments/reblogs mean the world💚
Special thanks to Mak and Em for everything, as always.
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hi! firstly, i wanted to thank you for your blog :) its actually gotten me into ttrpgs and you run a great service! secondly! im in the market for a two player ttprg for people who… haven't exactly played ttrpgs ever before! we both like the genres horror and comedy. as for mechanics, we love character creation and coming up with lore / improv on the fly! any games that fit this would be great. thank you so much, mint!
THEME: Duet Games for Beginners
Hello, and thank you so much for your message! Welcome to the hobby, there’s oodles of fantastic games out there and I’m glad that you find my posts helpful. Let’s get started, shall we?
First of all, I’m also going to shout out @jeffstormer 's Party of One podcast, which was my jumping off point for looking for 2-player games that would work for you. I heavily recommend checking him out, as he has years of experience playing (and running) games for two, regardless of whether they’re designed to be played that way.
Second of all, I tried to recommend games that either come with a lot of tools or that are pretty short, because I wanted to give you options that either really guide you through the process or don't overwhelm you with instructions. Your mileage may vary, but I hope something here stands out!
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Dead Friend: A Game of Necromancy, by Ghostly Rituals.
Dead Friend is a roleplaying game for a necromancer and a ghost. That is, it's a collaborative storytelling game for two players. You will each play the role of a friend, one living and one dead. You will ask and answer questions to develop the characters, their community, their history together, and the motivations leading up to their final conflict.
The script follows the dramatic structure of a necromancy ritual, and you will use the spellbook of instructions throughout the entire game like a witch reading spells from an ancient grimoire. The mood may be spooky or intimate, heartwrenching or hilarious — it is up to you as storytellers. Dead Friend requires 1 Tarot deck or 1 deck of mundane playing cards.
I think this game looks like a good combination of horror and comedy, as it carries horrific tones but allows you to choose the mood. You’ll be answering question prompts throughout the game using tarot cards, so this is another excellent method of creating lore as you play. This game has an actual play episode of it with Jeff Stormer and Dani Costello that you can listen to if you want an example of play as well!
Standoff, by Matthew R.F. Baloušek.
The necromancer shrieks with cruel laughter, plunging the glowing dagger into the warrior's heart. "Fool! All your struggle was for naught. Your soul will be but a tasty morsel for my dark master!"
He starts to pull the dagger out, but finds his wrist stopped cold by Francesca's iron grip. She stares back with an icy glare. A glint of light catches the necromancer's eye, and he looks down to see the talisman of protection.
Wresting the dagger from the necromancer's cold hands, Francesca grins. "I hid all my vital organs in a pocket dimension!" Taking a free hand to dip a finger in what appeared to be blood, she tastes it and chortles. "You wasted the ichor of Ag'tekk on nothing more than a large ketchup packet!"
Standoff is a game where everyone works together to tell a ridiculous story full of twists, ripostes, counter-feints, and triple-double-crosses.
This is a chance to take turns one-upping each-other in a world of your own design. You’ll need a number of index cards in order to write down what you introduce to the world, but little else. What I appreciate about this game is the structure it provides - I find that structured sections and examples help new players get used to coming up with pieces as they go.
This is improv comedy at its finest - and it can also play with a larger group! There aren’t specific characters assigned to each player, but if you want to take more responsibility for either the Protagonist or the Antagonist then you should still be able to do that. This game looks exceptional, and I hope you check it out!
What’s A Vapourwave, by fen slattery.
A two-player, 200 word RPG about explaining vaporwave to your grandpa. Based on a true story.
One player is Casey, who kinda knows what vaporwave is. Another is Grandpa, who loves Casey and wants to understand their life. Played via text message.
This is a simple game that can be played via text message that navigates a humorous attempt at a grandfather doing his best to understand his grandchild. I love the aesthetic of this game, and I can see how easy it is to let the conversation within this game devolve into hilarity.
Heart Full of Trash, by StarshineScribbles.
Heart Full Of Trash is a  2-player roleplaying game where you play as raccoons on a date! 
Sort your recycling as you create your characters and tell the story of their romantic endeavours. Will your date be a triumph or will your raccoons develop a deep and long-lasting friendship?
Either way, by the time the game is over, your recycling will be sorted and ready for correct disposal. 
This is an adorably cute game that leans much closer to the comedy side of your request. The two of you will actually sort your recycling as you role-play - so since you’re using something you already have in your house, you don’t need to go and buy any extra gaming materials! This game is a bit closer to an improve game as well, so it might be a good introduction for someone who is less familiar with traditional character sheets and rolling dice.
You’re in Space and Everything’s Fucked, by Nevyn Holmes.
You’re in Space and Everything’s Fucked is a love letter to sci-fi cosmic horror and gore-filled splatter films.
You're In Space And Everything's Fucked emulates the trappings of isolation space horror video games through the lens of a tabletop role-playing game and is inspired by similarly fucked-up situations found in the Dead Space, System Shock, and Alien franchises.
The Station takes on the role of monsters and setting; generating both as the Struggler explores. They take a bird's-eye-view of the story and throw obstacles and objectives at the Struggler.
The Struggler fills the boots of the hapless sap that ended up in this situation. They scavenge, sneak, and generally work to survive by any means necessary in the face of horrifying creatures and untrustworthy NPCs.
The Demo version of this game is designed for two players, although it looks like the Kickstarter that Dinoberry Press ran back in March is for a bigger game down the road. The game includes a character creation section, a hint of map generation, and a handful of generated Boss Monsters! Because you generate the map as you go, I think this gives you a chance to come up with lore as you go. If you want chilling horror and a constant struggle for survival, this is the game for you.
Games I've Recommended in the Past
My Duet Flirty Games Post.
My Epic Two-Player Games Post.
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lovelybrooke · 3 months
Here I am again, answering more Elden Ring stuff from @oldworldpoolhall. I've been thinking about making a separate blog for Elden Ring Stuff, just because I think It vastly different from the other stuff I write for, but ultimately it's just a thought.
"About the post, I do agree with Miquella feeling a bit prideful about how the reader is close to him. It’s easier too, with how his powers are implied to function, and well— as unconventional as it sounds his appearance somewhat helps his case for you to be less guarded around him, as wise and smart as he may be...And there’s a specific closeness that isn’t available for the others like you said, because Miquella has known them for longer through the dreams. Being in dreams feels a lot more intrusive, a lot more intimate in a way."
A large reason reader feels so safe around Miquella is because his looks. He's probably one of the strongest Empyrean's and is the most likely to bring about a new age, but reader doesn't really process that since they aren't of this world. They can't really comprehend how strong Miquella is, and it's what makes him so easy to trust when reader first finds themself in this strange world. And like you mentioned, Miquella knows a lot about reader because of their shared power over dreams. Maybe Miquella teaches reader more about their powers, in hopes that reader can stay with them longer.
"Although that is one of the things Miquella is superior in, it doesn’t mean his siblings doesn’t have anything to offer for the reader. For example Malenia, though she’d choose to admire you from a distance to avoid hurting you with rot by accident, it’s very sweet, because there’s just the charm of someone a bit quiet and resilient finding comfort in you, someone who doesn’t really quite know any better because you don’t belong in this world...We also have Godwyn who has Fortissax, while his siblings can provide you with what he may lack, there’s his friendliness, and the fact that he may even tell you stories of glory and dragons and take you flying through the air with him. He cannot take you back to your home, but he’ll try to make you appreciate the lands he was born in a bit more with him."
I failed to mention this earlier, but I do think reader would meet Melania second, after Miquella. Obviously, he wants you to meet his twin, and I think since she's able to tell that Miquella cares for you she grows close to you quickly. Like you said, she keeps a distance from you for your safety, but she does find you very comforting. A friend who isn't just her brother. I could imagine her seeking comfort in you when she loses limbs and parts of her eyesight. It's nice, and when she's with you and Miquella she feels almost normal. I think the other Demigods have their own way of bonding with the reader but I think it has to do with how closely they are connected to Marika. I think she doesn't let you be around Rennala's children as much, Radagon having to be the voice of reason. You do eventually meet them, but I think there would be a lot of tension between the two families when it comes to you.
"In a vaguely romantic context, I think Miquella would prefer the reader as a consort. They’re someone he’s close with in a way, connected in a manner that no one else knows. Although this is done in the typical Elden ring fashion lmao."
I imagine Marika has totally control over betrothals, and could see her betrothing you to one of her children as a last resort. She notices you fading, leaving this world, and so she betroths you to one of her children to hopefully keep you from leaving. Of course, this doesn't work, and you eventually return back to your world, but it was a last ditch effort to keep you with them. I could see her betrothing you to Godwynn, perhaps even one of Ranni's children if she wants to keep tensions low with them, but Miquella might be a good contender.
From my knowledge, Miquella's Haligtree was created after the Shattering, as an opposition to the greater will. I think this because I don't see Marika allowing direct opposition to the Greater Will, especially not from her children. If she sensed a bit of defiance from her son then she would be less likely to bethroth you to him, and in fact even keep you away from him. If he really wanted you to become his consort, then it would be after his mother/father was trapped within the Erdtree.
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sincerely-sofie · 1 hour
I saw your tag about meeting your boyfriend because of posting on Tumblr and I'm very curious as to how that happened. Like, did you find each other's blogs, saw you had stuff in common and met up IRL? What happened? Please give us details (if you're willing to talk about it, no worries if not!)
Also, for a boyfriend tag, may I suggest... Calcium. Cuz you're a skeleton and calcium makes bones stronger... I'll see myself out
(Referencing the tags of this post)
Oh my gosh. Buddy you have just opened up Pandora’s box. Brace yourself for the most adorable couple origin story ever.
He followed me fairly early on into the process of me posting my work on Tumblr. I don’t remember exactly, but I think my TPiaG mini comic “Heart-to-Heartbreak” was the first post he ever reblogged from me. After that, he was super enthusiastic and involved with my blog and engaged with basically every post I ever made. This guy was one of THE followers of my work— if I posted something, he was always there to like it and share super thoughtful commentary or hilarious jokes.
I absolutely adored him even back then, and we had barely exchanged a handful of messages on Tumblr where he thanked me for inspiring him to get back into art and writing, and I blubbered about how meaningful that was to me. We eventually followed each other on Spotify and I think that’s about the point when I really should have realized I had it bad for him. I was CONSTANTLY rambling to my mom about how much I wanted to be this internet stranger’s best friend, but I was super hesitant because our family has been huge on online stranger danger and never really talking to anyone unless you know exactly who they are in real life. I’m an adult and all, yeah, but I was still super anxious about internet strangers at large— though he never once made me uncomfortable or wary :>
Eventually, he made a goofy post about it being his birthday, and I bolted to tell my mom about that and how I didn’t have enough time that day to polish up any content of his favorite characters I’ve written and post it as a gift for him. I was utterly distraught and pretty much full-on monologuing to my ever-so patient mother about how much I wanted to befriend this man and how amazing he was and how shy I felt about the matter, and she looked me dead in the eyes and told me to ask him if he wanted to message each other more and get to know each other better.
I sent him a message over Tumblr, we exchanged Discord usernames, and I’m pretty sure it was just over a week of messaging and getting to know each other more and more every day later when he told me he thought he was in love with me— to which I very eloquently rattled off a bunch of nonsense that ended in “I don’t know how to communicate this other than by saying ‘dude, same’.”
After that, we’ve only gotten more and more mutually obsessed. Thankfully he’s in the same country as me, and we’re even timezone neighbors, so he’s not on the opposite side of the world— and when I realized some of my household were going on a trip to the same state where he lived for a family wedding, I SCRAMBLED to insert myself into that trip last-minute. We had originally thought that we’d meet up when he could drive to my state (a process that would take a long time because of some complicating factors), but when I realized my family were flying down there, I was practically foaming at the mouth with the thought of seeing him so much sooner. We met up not that long ago and were even able to meet some of each other’s family members (my family absolutely adores him, and I think his likes me a fair bit too, hehe). But listen: when I tell you I adored him before, I was absolutely head-over-heels for him when we met in person. I got to hug him and I had this thought come to mind of “Oh. This is the person I want to marry.” And I’ve never once doubted it :>
During the times we met up we mostly sat around and basked in each other’s presence and stared at each other. I ended up breaking eye contact a lot because I kept getting flustered and also because this man is TALL and I had to periodically rest my neck 😂 I was able to give him some pins I had made of our PMD team that represents us, and my boyfriend. My boyfriend, you guys. He had the gall to send me a screenshot of an eBay listing of the world’s most adorable Snorlax plush weeks before while we were on a call together, bought it immediately after I had said I loved the plush’s face as we hung up, and then GAVE ME IT WHEN WE MET UP.
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Look at him. That’s my son now. I was trying to think of what to name the little guy when my toddler niece dubbed him Tummy. My boyfriend approves of the monicker— as he should, because it’s the bestest name for the bestest boy.
TL;DR— He followed me on tumblr, I desperately wanted to be friends with him and sent him my Discord username on his birthday, we exchanged “I love you”s a week later, and I was almost sick on a plane because I was so excited to see him during a trip to his state for a family member’s wedding. We are absolutely obsessed with each other and kind of instantly Knew from the get-go that we’re going to be each other’s Person™️.
As for the tag, I'm not sure I’ll go with it but I’m starting to consider “The Boyfriend Bird Feeder”, because it works out to the acronym BFBF which I find funny, I mainly want to make the tag as a way for him to easily find posts where I’m talking about how amazing he is whenever he needs a pick-me-up (and so people can block the tag if they find me raving about my man so much annoying lol), and his persona that we spent all day yesterday cooking up looks like this:
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coffehbeans · 4 months
Welcome to my Blog! Have some coffee ☕
Hello everyone! I'm Coffeh. I'm a 21-year-old Brazilian graphic designer irl, but here I share my art and stories about g/t and reblog things I like! Hope you can enjoy this silly little corner I have for myself.
If you're a nsfw blog or a vore blog, I ask you to not interact with my posts, please. I just like to filter my Tumblr experience this way. I also block empty blogs, just in case they're a bot.
Now onto the fun part! I'll divide my stories in universes and characters, with trope lists and everything. Pick any that you like, there's a little bit of everything! Hope I can make y'all fall in love with my silly little blorbos <3
Tales from Immers (Berk, Kylon and Rosemary)
Fantasy and adventure, friendship, curses, growing into a giant, intentional fearplay.
This story is going to become my first multichapter! Currently on the planning phase and ongoing. I have a few chapters out, but they'll be rewritten.
Summary: Kylon is a self-procclaimed genius who invented an airship, trying to get by in a prejudiced village with his best friend, Rosemary. One day, he ventures too far into the Imore Woods, and what he finds might involve him and his friend with the place's local legend.
Chapter 1
Character tags: #oc: kylon #oc: rosemary #oc: berk
Royalty (Estelle and Alaric)
Friendship, royal setting, giant race, arranged marriage, platonic slow burn, hurt and comfort, unintentional fearplay.
Summary: A young princess named Estelle must live in the castle of the prince of the giants, Alaric, in order to achieve piece for the human kingdom.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Character Tags: #oc: estelle #oc: alaric
Sinking Ships (Aegir and Caytlin)
Fantasy, merfolk, fluff, friendship, bittersweet ending, angst.
Summary: A marine biologist gets stranded by the sea, and is saved by a merman in the proccess. Determined to find out more about eachother, they form an unlikely bond. But Caytlin's relentless ambition might put their friendship to the test.
Chapter 1
Character tags: #oc: caytlin #oc: aegir
Survivor (Sunflower and Juhren)
Fantasy and adventure, childhood friends, eventual romance, rekindling friendship, fantasy races, hurt and comfort, unintentional fearplay.
For now I only have a collection of short stories involving these characters, they're my oldest g/t ocs! <3
Summary: In a world where all sentient beings are magical, humans are the magicless outcasts, being hunted down and killed in some places for unknown reasons. Sunflower is a human disguised as a magical race, living peacefully in a remote village. But when the nordem, powerful giants who are in war against the Capital, attack and destroy her safe haven, Sunflower has to run away and escape her country in order to survive. But being a human in a world full of magic is dangerous, specially when there's a price on her head, and she finds herself having to rely on the very same species that made her run away in the first place. In the process, Sunflower may reencounter an old friend.
A Nest Of Memories
How they Met
Character tags: #oc: sunflower #oc: juhren
Out of Bounds (Ethan, Helena, Seb and Zora)
Sci-fi and drama, angst with a bittersweet ending, post-apocalyptic, utopia, growing into a giant, family bonds, friendship.
Summary: A genetic mutation starts affecting 5% of the world's population, making them grow into towering 130-feet-tall giants. Ethan Greenwood has everything in life: a loving mom, lots of friends, a promising career as a public defender, and the safety within the borders of Steelfort. But when he's diagnosed with the hyperon syndrome himself, Ethan has to struggle with the changes in his body and the loss of his perfect life. Will he be able to retain his humanity, even as it gets further away from his grasp? And will Helena, his mother, and his best friends, Zora and Seb, reach out to him, both physically and emotionally?
This is going to become a novel in the far future (hopefully). For now, I have some short stories exploring the characters and the world.
Sleepover and Snacks
Character tags: #oc: ethan #oc: zora #oc: seb #oc: helena
G/t Night Dream (Cole and Lia)
Sci-fi, dystopian, memory loss, friendship groups, romance, tiny people being oppressed, borrowers (to an extent), angst with a bittersweet ending, growing into a giant.
Summary: Humanity has known how to hide and run for over a century now. On Earth, the hyperion are the superior, evolved race, while humanity are treated as less than pests, and are killed on sight by the titans. In a hidden underground society, a human resistance tries to get by as they borrow resources from the terrifying giants. Cole has been a reliable leader of his scavenging group for a while now, and he gains the loyalty, friendship and admiration of a new member, someone he had saved from the hyperion, called Lia. But when Cole is captured and turned into one of them, Lia decides it's her turn to save him.
For now, only a few snippets of these characters' stories are avaiable.
Character tags: #oc: lia #oc: cole
(Placeholder title ashush no idea how to name her universe yet)
Fantasy, drama, tragic, sad ending, hurt and comfort, angst, monster and monster transformation, memory loss (eventual recovery).
Summary: Since the disappearance of his wife seven years ago, Edward Becker has been dealing with the toll this caused on his mental health. One night, however, she does come back, showing him that there exists a fate worse than death.
Character tags: #oc: cordelia #oc: edward
I mean, basically most of the stories I've tagged above are from these two bigger tags for now, with the exception of G/t July's "Element", which feature characters I'm not sure I'll write more about. But any other short story that doesn't have a definite character, I'll put in this section.
Last but not least, My Wattpad Profile, if you guys prefer that over Tumblr.
Anyway, thanks for visiting my page! Don't forget to grab a coffee when you leave☕
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ask-the-royal-absol · 8 months
(Hey, so I'll very much be posting the end of the event soon and then it'll be back to the story. I've definitely had fun during the event and it's given me a chance to have a bit of a break from the story so I can consider certain things and plan certain things for it. Sorry if I didn't get the chance to answer your ask or respond to any responses to asks I sent. I definitely had a lot going on these past two months and tried to squeeze every possible moment with drawing so I could answer as many as I could.
Was Destino 100% in character for this? Maybe not 100% but it was just a bit of fun. I know some people don't care for the whole human version of characters but it was a nice change of pace for me. Will this event affect the story or Destino and Felix? That will depend entirely on what you all decide in a post that will come up.
It does mean I've had the chance to find a new way of drawing Destino and the crew which you'll definitely see in the next part. It may take me a bit longer for drawing updates from now, considering I'll have a whole new set of backgrounds I'll need to draw. It's like I've made an entire world or something. It'll also take a bit more time because there's certain things I'm gonna add into the backgrounds that hint to future things and the general lore of the world.
I'm certainly looking forward to the next section of the story. We'll get to see Hope's home turf as well as meet some different characters. Hope's friends, family and other Pokémon that she knows. And, ultimately, I'm looking forward to the start of Destino's journey on the surface. It'll be interesting for them to see how the world that has existed above them has been affected by the removal of dark, ghost and poison types. All exciting stuff.
Thank you to everyone for sticking around for these past couple of months while I've been doing this event. Hit 360 followers which is nice. I'm hoping I'll be able to send my characters out for asks when I'm fully back into the story. I'll create a post soon for asks.
I have got another side blog for Singularity and his family and that will provide some context for this blog and it's world. There will be some things on there which will reference the events on here as well as provide some history for events that have happened. It won't update as much as this blog because my priority will always be this one but I'll still try to update once a week or couple of weeks on there. They will also be there for legendary Pokémon interactions. Heck, Singularity has definitely started some relationships with other Pokémon during the event so I'd be keen for him to interact more with those Pokémon.
Thank you for reading! I hope your day goes well!)
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messinwitheddie · 3 months
1:Whatever happened to Yeet after Tallest Purple died? Where was she?
2:Cini doesn’t it burn when you let smoke go through your eyes? Why not blow it out?
3:Does Tak have a scar on her abdomen? What happened there?
4:Who would look best in a two piece swimsuit? Tallest Dava? Kii or Miyuki?
5:Dib’s son had kids, right? The twin babies?
6:Hows the professor coming along?
All very good questions, which is why I feel obligated to warn everyone cringe, self-indulgent answers are ahead.
1. Yeet ends up deserting the Irken empire altogether for Mem's hive. She agrees to let Zim downgrade her PAK, severing herself from the CB's core collective. She stays in Mem's hive and continues to perform lookout/ guard duties as well as assist Purple with certain everyday tasks, as he is rendered disabled after being cut off from things like his hovor belts/ smart gauntlets (hence why he often walks with a cane after being de-measured. The measuring process is very damaging to the body.)
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Yeet also volunteeres to lead an exploration expedition across Mem's mystery planet to help gather information about the surface beyond Mem's hive's known territories. She helped Zim, Dib and Reg draw accurate maps and extensively document the flora and fauna of the continent the hive occupies and eventually the whole planet.
In between expeditions, Yeet volunteers to bodyguard the Resisty-serving Cantina Gir (or frylord “Gorr-May" as he is eventually knighted after earning the title of Frylord in his own right) secretly opens on Mem’s mystery planet. Gir/Gorr-May is only able to sneak away and cook at the cantina occasionally, as the CB full system takeover puts him/ his employees at a huge risk. His apprentice, Mem's daughter, Vicious, does most of the cooking for the cantina.
Yeet provides Mem's hive with a much needed boost in silk, as her “condition" never improves, so she volunteers her time to silk spinning, laundry and mending clothes. She makes dolls for the smeets/ other infant species in her spare time. Yeet enjoys much more meaningful enrichment after joining Mem's hive. She stays active, happy and very much appreciated there, even if her and Gir/Gorr-May never have a swarm of their own (a mutual agreement between the two if them.).
Where Yeet is exactly when Purple dies, is not yet determined. She is very upset when she discovered he had passed. She mourned him deeply; Purple was one of her best friends, despite everything. He even officiated her and Gir's union.
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2. Cini has a bad habit of holding in when he puffs on his amber pipe because he believes the old superstition that doing so will increase the effects of the amber (somehow smoke is able to pass through Irken tear ducts in my personal head canon. This is unhealthy and unnecessary. Do not hold in smoke. Don’t smoke in general, in case any minors are ignoring my blog boundaries lol).
3. Tenn (whispering) “That's just a prominent stretch mark from our pregnancies. She's a little bitter. Mine all faded before hers, so just don’t bring it up. She trained our swarms to attack on command.”
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Tak “I can hear you over there!”
4. Why do you have to pit 3 bad bitches against each other? ^0
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5.You know what? I cannot for the life of me find the drawing you are referring to. Slowly but surely , I'm organizing my drawing room, but have yet to come across it. It is lost in tumblr limbo for sure.
I changed the story around since drawing/ posting that.
Reg temporarily cuts ties with both the Membrane and Van Verminstrasser families while in college during his early to mid 20’s. He goes through a whole para-spiritual/ environmental extremist fase. Part of the reason he joins Dib on his second trip to Mem's planet is to dodge arrest for “acts of environmental terrorism" in several countries. At some point in that time frame Reg sires a daughter, Prisha, shortly after his baby sister, Wyn, is born. (Dib and Mabel struggle to have a child for years before Mabel agrees to use ML’s cloning facilities. It's a whole thing. Yes, Dib is VERY upset he missed the birth of his grandchild.)
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(Wyn and Prisha grow up to be close friends. Prisha regularly guest stars on Wyn's reboot of "Probing the Membrane of Science" show.
Reg and Prisha's life research/ field work is a major reason why Dib's great(s) grandson, Dro's generation of humans can still breathe clean air/ drink fresh water on Earth in the distant future.)
Dib is most likely holding both his daughter and granddaughter in that drawing. He and Reg slowly repair their bond, to the whole family ‘s/ Zim's relief.
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6. Prof Membrane is very much enjoying his retirement by living his lifelong dream of exploring/ researching the uncharted depths of the earth's oceans. Dib is proud of his dad and extremely happy for him, but at the same time is constantly nervous something will go wrong and personally checks in on the Prof's research team/ inspects the equipment involved in the expedition.
[Slowly but surely I will start answering asks again soon. Been working on other things. Sorry...]
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gay-jewish-bucky · 2 years
hi! so I've been following your blog for a while now and I love your posts I absolutely adore them and I'm so grateful for what you do!
i wanna read up more on arnie, could you possibly point me towards resources?
hope you're having a good day! x
hello! sorry this took me so long, my inbox is a bit of a mess!
here are my posts that go into detail:
The MCU!Bucky we know and love dearly is based off of a gay Jewish character Arnie Roth (Earth 616)
Arnie Roth 40th Anniversary
a comprehensive breakdown of arnie roth’s comic appearances 
Tweets from J.M. DeMatteis
some articles:
Marvel's First Gay Couple, Arnie and Michael: A Love Story
Arnie Roth – GAY LEAGUE
Captain America May Never Have A Boyfriend, But He's Long Had A Gay Best Friend
Remembering Captain America's Forgotten Gay Best Friend
How the “Code Authority” Kept LGBT Characters Out of Comics
I also highly recommend my friend, and semi-popular tiktoker, Danielle Silverstone! Through Danielle I was re-introduced to Arnie Roth, and she has a lot of videos about him (if you use #ArnieRoth you'll be able to find them).
The bulk of conversations and coverage regarding Arnie surrounded CA:CW and the #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend era and quickly fell out of the public zeitgeist, but in my search I have come across reddit posts from this year that discuss him and that makes me unbelievably happy.
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mtdthoughts · 5 months
Migi & Dali Character Analysis Pt. 1
If you've read my review or my other posts in this blog, you can probably tell that I find the character cast of Migi & Dali to be the strongest part of the series. Yet, it is a bit strange that after so many posts analyzing the story, I haven't written any comprehensive descriptions for the characters.
The closest thing to a character analysis I've done is a character ranking, where I ranked the characters based on how much I like them and give a brief description.
In this series of posts, I will give a full analysis for each character, where the twins will come last since they are the main focus of the series and have the most character development, and so have the most to write about.
Here's a list of all parts of the character analysis:
Part 1 (this post) : Youko, Osamu, Sardine, Fidelite, Micchan
Part 2 : Akira, Karen, Maruta, Akiyama
Part 3 : Metry, Reiko
Part 4 : Eiji
Part 5 : Migi
Part 6 : Dali
Keep in mind that full *spoilers* will be given.
This post will be about the Sonoyama household (minus the twins) as well as Micchan.
Youko Sonoyama: She is a nice old woman and cares deeply for her son's happiness. Despite not having children, she has proven to be just as (if not more) loving as any mother towards her child, as she noticed the twins, and her love was able to move Dali to tears. She doesn't maintain unreasonable expectations (though she will not condone horrible misbehavior) and just wants the best for her son(s). She has a cheerful and bubbly personality, but can also be a bit impulsive and hysterical (like Migi), requiring her husband Osamu to calm her down from time to time. In terms of hobbies, she loves cooking and baking cherry pie, and in general loves doing things to make her family happy. She is arguably the biggest factor for Migi's character development and growth (e.g. cherry pie, striped underwear, etc.) as he moves on from revenge and learns to care for his brother, and she serves as an important foil to Reiko Ichijo (more on this when I discuss Reiko).
Osamu Sonoyama: He is a nice old man, and like Youko, cares deeply about his son's happiness, and often gives sage advice for him. He is very much a gentleman, and was even noted to be quite passionate in his younger days, as he was persistent in courting Youko. His old age has limited him in many ways, but he tries not to let that bother him too much, as he now has a son to spend time with. In terms of hobbies, he has stereotypical "old man hobbies" such as reading, writing poetry, bird-watching, etc.
Sardine: He is the Sonoyamas' Golden Retriever, and is friendly and playful much like the stereotype. He loves sardines and is a glutton, and is also a bit mischievous as he gave the twins a bit of a hard time in the early story. However, he is also strongly loyal to his family and will protect them whenever necessary. He seems to get along well with Migi in particular, and so we can form a symbolic association between the two. This makes sense as Migi was the first to accept the Sonoyamas, and their personalities are quite similar.
Fidelite: He is the Ichijos' Doberman and later becomes the Sonoyamas'. He is strongly loyal, disciplined, tough, and cool. He may be intimidating at first glance, but is actually a sweetheart and loves playing, unlike the stereotype. He seems to get along well with Dali in particular, and so we can form a symbolic association between the two. This makes sense as Dali was the second to accept to the Sonoyamas, and their personalities are quite similar.
Micchan/Mitchan (Mrs. Mitsuyama): She is a gossipy but friendly housekeeper and likely Youko's best friend. She is extremely professional and takes pride in being a housekeeper, though she'll be willing to do a little snooping if it means uncovering a juicy secret. Nonetheless, she is very kind and compassionate and has a strong sense of justice, since she risked her life to expose Reiko, save the twins, and she tried to get them to save Eiji. Her willpower was so great that she even came back as a ghost to help save the triplets. Her initial disappearance likely weighed heavily upon Dali, which likely caused him to see the revenge mission as extremely dangerous and became unwilling to risk Migi's life, which could explain why he desperately went with the Sali plan. Later, her death probably also weighed heavily upon Dali as he realized the consequences of what he started.
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koreanstudyjunkie · 2 years
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👂Korean Listening Tips: Improve Listening Skills
Tip Number One: listen to material that is on your level / listen to the right material
Listening to korean dramas as a beginner is usually not the best idea to effectively improve your listening skills. Youtube videos are the better option, because Korean used in youtube videos is actually used in real life. On the other hand, dramas are scripted and not as natural.
Korean dramas also have a lot of niche vocabulary. For example, if you watch a drama about hospitals words like “blood pressure” or organ names or anything else like that will appear often. That’s one of the reasons dramas can be hard to understand.
Lingq app is a good place to find stories that you can read and listen to at the same time. Podcasts are also very good for listening practice.
Music doesn’t count in my opinion. If you started studying like a month or a few weeks ago maybe, but at that point I think you are much too new to practice listening in the way I mention in this post. You should keep learning more vocabulary & grammar before attempting active listening. Of course listening to the language is good to help familiarize yourself with the sounds, but don’t expect to understand more than a word or two here or there at your very beginner level.
Tip Number Two: don’t be aftaid of subtitles
I am against using ONLY English subtitles (or subtitles in other languages besides Koresn) whilst practicing listening in Korean. Try using Korean subtitles while you watch youtube videos and while you watch your favorite Korean dramas. For very beginners, using subs in your native language could be a chance to understand more and get familiarized with how fast Korean is and the different sounds. I suggest watching once with Eng subs & again with Korean subs
Tip Number Three: read more
Reading and listening are one in the same - they both have to do with taking in context and interpreting what that context means. In other words, reading will improve your listening skills and vice versa. You should read and listen to improve your overall comprehension of the Korean language.
As with listening materials, try to find things that are on your level to read. Maybe reading Harry Potter books in Korean as a beginner aren’t the best for this unfortunately. Lingq & Naver Blogs are good places to find things to read. You can also go to wattpad and find some rather interesting stories in Korean. You can read webtoons as well.
Tip Number Four: take it slow
Nothing wrong with changing the speed of a video or a drama to understand it better. Koreans do speak rather fast and slowing down your audio can help a bit. I would say listen to it normally once and then again slower and then again normally. Or you could start slow and then go back to normal audio. Listening to things more than once is a good thing too. You’ll catch things that you didn’t the first time around.
Tip Number Five: change your mindset
Don’t aim to understand every single word and grammar you hear. If you can just get the gist of what is said - you’re doing great. Trying to focus on every word as it is said actually is what causes you to not be able to keep up with whatever audio you’re listening to.
A good tip also is to look at the mouth of the person while they are speaking - if their mouth is visible at least. You can also do this in real life conversations or just with online videos. This actually can really help you understand better although It may seem weird.
Another tip for understanding dramas would be alternating subtitles between your native language and Korean. For example, I watched Squid Game with my family in English subs, but went back to study on my own and watched with just Korean subs. So If you watch one episode with Korean/English subs first and then rewatch and switch it can help alot
One of my goals was to understand Korean dramas - this was the first few months of starting Korean. I remember telling one of my friends that was studying with me at the time and she said “It’s gonna be a long time before you can do that”. And wow she was right. It’s like 5 years later and It’s still hard for me to understand Korean dramas😂 She stopped studying years ago, but here I am still chugging along.
I was watching this drama called “내일” or “tomorrow” on Netflix with just Korean subtitles. I could get the gist of a lot of things but there were also entire scenes (like 5 or so minutes at a time) 😬where I had no clue what was happening. I’ve been studying this drama as practice and I went through and broke down those scenese I didn’t understand🫢
But to be fair this drama is about grim reapers and death and I don’t know the vocabulary that well in that area😂 so I’ve learned a lot just from Episode 1. I have just moved to the 2nd episode and there are like 16 currently and more being added I think😳 I want to study the whole thing but I don’t know If I’ll stick to it that long lol
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outrunningthedark · 1 year
i've been following u for years now and i love ur blog! but i wonder if u feel like ur getting less enjoyment out of 911? i ask bcuz i feel like the posts and asks i see from u about the show seem overwhelmingly negative, and i just wonder if maybe...u haven't noticed? which sounds dumb but i've definitely gotten into the "habit" of being a fan of something and not realizing until way after the fact that i'm not actually a fan anymore? i'm sorry if this seems presumptuous!!
Reasons why my posts are probably coming off as negative (which is not the first time I've heard this, lol): - I choose to respond to "negativity" rather than delete it because the opinion is usually coming from a place of confusion or frustration, not just trolling for attention. I like to let people know that their feelings are understandable even if not everyone agrees (ie the 'baiting' discussion - is it textbook qbait? nope. but they're also not doing anything to halt the speculation) And tbh, someone else's interpretation has no impact on my own feelings or my experience with the fandom. Negativity that isn't related to real life (excusing ableism, for instance) isn't thought about beyond the few asks I may get in a day when there's more difficult things going on as soon as I sign off. If someone not liking my favorite show was the catalyst for a bad mood...I'd consider my day pretty successful up to that point, lol. - I ship Buddie and want to see the Buckley-Diaz fam be a real thing because of Christopher. I'm not one of the fans who say "ngl idc about Buddie, I just want my fave to be gay" - that's cool, do you, but I want the chemistry and the story more than the "representation". Limited or no Buddie means my interest in the show will take a hit. - My favorite individual character is Chimney. The one that was written out for most of 5A without explanation. I started thinking differently about the show back then, and how he's been handled upon returning has not changed my opinion of the show runners re: undervaluing his presence. - How the show writes Maddie pisses me off because (as an anon talked about the other day) she's *still* disconnected from nearly everyone. It doesn't bother me if "all she does is cry" because I get that Jennifer has a knack for it, but I *do* understand how some could find it tiresome to see her emotional so often. Give her something funny! Let her have a one-on-one convo with a friend where she gets to relax! Make people have a reaction other than "Ugh, not this again" because, I'm sorry, not EVERYONE is gonna love your fave character upon first meeting them or connect to their story. You have to give them a reason to care, especially as the seasons go on. Show a different side, something else someone might be able to relate to! - Idk how anyone can get (genuinely) excited for future episodes of this show when there is a clear divide between how the fandom feels about certain characters and their arcs vs. how the people actually making the decisions approach the situation. Yes, being in a fandom will result in "taking things too seriously" because some people make their fave piece of media their entire personality, but having a show runner be like "lol, we have this running joke about Buck's abandonment issues" or admitting that she struggles to fill in gaps in the story is not going to make the fandom - the people taking the time to read these comments and react on social media - feel like she gives a shit about any of this.
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deandoesthingstome · 11 months
Hi friend! I saved this ask for today because who doesn't need a serotonin boost on a Monday, right? 😘
So, here we go!
8. What I like the most about your writing I love that your writing is rather fast-paced and that you really know how to keep suspense high. Your writing throws the reader right into the story, enthralls you, and it doesn't let you go. I also love that you use a vivid or lively kind of language. (And since I mostly have to look up a few words, I get to extend my vocabulary that way 😊)
11. Something I wish/hope you write Let's jump to Night Moves, chapter 4, the scene with Walter in the shower, aka things that live rent-free in my head:
God, he wanted to show her how right she was. Wanted to see her lean back for him, hang her head off the side of a bed and stare up at him, waiting for him to put his cock deep down her throat.
Well, I want to see that, too 👀 So if you and the muse ever decide to elaborate on that, I'm so here for it, you know 😏
Also, I adore your latest Geralt piece travel the breadth of extremities and I hope we'll get to read more Geralt fics from you someday 😍
Maja. Friend. Fellow fic writer. Please, please forgive me for the delayed reply. I got this on Monday and I squealed with delight from all the serotonin and then I promptly ignored you while I posted Ch 6 of Walk with Me.
I hope you understand, and I think you do considering your reaction to the installment as well as your comment about the thing you like best about my writing and I really am so flattered that it comes off that way for you! I'm gonna put the rest under the cut because it got wordy!
Also, and this goes for anyone reading: never hesitate to ask about a missing reply. Tumblr IS notorious for eating asks.
As for Walter and Alex, well, I hope you understand why I had a hard time making that scene a reality given what she goes through. I felt like the pressure and intensity of that position would cause her some damage, especially because Walter is going to have a hard time going easy on her while he watches her tilt back and beg for him. He doesn't mean to hurt her, of course, but his animal instinct is gonna take over, like a switch is gonna flip, brain short-circuit, something, when he sees her shift around all on her own with no prompting from him. He'll remember the way he felt about her the first time he laid eyes on her and he will have no control, right? Right??? If I ever get an itch to revisit them down the road when she's healed up a little more and able to take him that way, you'll be the first to get a tag. PInky promise!
Geralt is a heady whisper of desire to me. He flits in and out of my consciousness at the oddest times. I only know him through TWN; never read the books or played the games, so the inspiration comes from the show, and of course, of-fucking-course, Henry himself. And it may be an unpopular opinion (I see various takes from the blogs I follow) but I'm also a Yenralt lover. I sometimes feel bad taking him away from her. We'll see if the second part of S3 (which is only 3 episodes long???) will wind it's way into any more passionate trysts with him. But I also fear when the end comes, I'll never find the same desire for LH's Geralt. Especially because I'm probably not watching it. Ugh.
Thank you again, Maja. Heart you!
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flecks-of-stardust · 1 year
Pinned Post Eyyy
Call me a name enough times and I'll probably start responding to it, which is what happened to me with Fleck. I also go by Stardust. Pronouns are yes and whatever is funny, but as a general rule of thumb, please use neopronouns and they/them for me if I don't know you. I also use mirror pronouns.
Not a spoiler free blog. I can and will post full spoilers of the stuff I'm interested in. Most commonly blogging about Rain World (including Downpour) at the moment, with a smattering of Hollow Knight and Bug Fables stuff. You can blacklist the main tags if need be.
I may occasionally talk about politics related to my home city. If I do, it'll be tagged with #hong kong rants for blacklisting purposes.
If you talk about hating any sort of arthropod and wanting to kill them I don't want you here. I don't care if you have a phobia or if you have a legitimate reason to be afraid, I don't want to see bug hate. Yes this includes wasps, yes this includes mosquitoes, yes this includes generally unpopular bugs. I block on sight if you leave comments like that on my blog.
For those interested in getting a better look at my header image, here is the associated post!
Current main project(s)
I run @innocence-wont-save-you, an interactive fiction game about Unparalleled Innocence! You can find more information about it on that blog and its pinned post.
I sometimes post IWSY stuff on this blog as well, particularly stuff that is not in character for the IWSY blog. Those posts are tagged with #IWSY, which also includes posts that I find relevant to the overall story. I love talking about the story and the worldbuilding I've done for it, so feel free to talk to me about that! I will gently nudge you over to the blog itself though, because it's designed to take questions like that!
I am also conducting independent research on people's experiences with imaginary friends. If you'd like to participate in the research, this post has more information and a link to the survey.
Other projects
You may have seen me talk about Dreamless and Deathless on this blog before. Those are now split off from their respective source material into an original story universe, Godslayers. Their respective tags, #dreamless au and #deathless au, now serve as archiving, if you'd still like to look through them for whatever reason. They are not linked because I'm unsure of how much I'm comfortable sharing; expect posts in there to be pruned.
I have some stuff related to my Hollow Knight work that I am comfortable sharing, though!:
bug color vision, specifically worldbuilding around non-human color vision that you can use for your buggy writing
language analysis of hollow knight, which is what it says on the tin
and there is #translation complaints, a series I started to talk about Hollow Knight's Chinese translation. It's been a while since I've updated this, but I will go back to it eventually.
Crochet Patterns
I currently have two released crochet patterns! All are free to use, and if you make one with my pattern, feel free to tag me to show me what you've made!
Mini Iterators — Make your own fun sized iterator puppet! (Cloak not included.)
Tiny Slugcats — Make your own pocket sized slugcat!
Tag directory
I crochet and knit a lot, as you may be able to tell from my header! I have dedicated tags for my crochet and knitting projects, which are #crochet shenanigans and #knit mischief respectively.
I have a general tag for my art, #my art, for non-fiber art pieces as well.
Writing wise, I've put a lot of my writing on Tumblr. Rain World pieces use the tag #rain showers, and other writing (usually prose) is tagged #little natterings. Additionally, I've put a few multi-chapter stories on my blog, which are:
#the echo of destruction, a series of seven stories about the iterators.
#avengeance, a four chapter short story about Arti.
#lunar greetings, a five chapter story about Moon and those she meets.
#memory fragments, a series that features the various members of Survivor and Monk's family. This is currently still being written.
All of these stories can also be found on AO3, where I use the same username.
I'm very lazy about following people, so if I talk to you a lot but haven't followed you, don't take it personally. I just like to keep my dash tidy.
For my own use: Pup Masterlist
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