#you know when they use “died of wounds” for someone who was hurt in battle but dies after receiving medical attention
pharawee · 1 year
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cammys-imagines24 · 6 months
°•Taking Care of Injured Mizu•°
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It's not that Mizu is an unruly patient but rather, it's just that she's had to go it alone for so long.
So, to have someone care for her and nurse her back to health, hell, to have someone actually care whether she lives or dies, is such a foreign concept to her that she might never get used to it.
Of course she'll drink the medicine you brew for her, though she'll scrunch up her nose cutely at its bitter taste and of course she'll let you stitch her up.
If only because it's far more practical to have someone else sew up gaping wounds than when she does it herself. Your stitches are far neater than hers.
And, though Mizu will never in a million years admit it outloud, you stitching her up turns her on. Just a bit. Okay, a lot.
Your tender hold on her shoulder or hipbone to keep her steady, your look of careful concentration as you pull the thread through, say, a stab wound on her abdomen...
Sometimes you even gnaw on your bottom lip and furrow your brows as you practically straddle her to get as close as possible.
She'll find herself sucking in a breath and not from the pain. She'll find herself blushing a bit if you say the words "hold still," when she winces away.
If you'd let Mizu, she'd gladly pin you down to the ground and have her way with you. The fact that she's covered in blood be damned.
But, she knows better. You'd protest. You'd say she's too hurt for sex and though she'd vehemently disagree with you, she begrudingly accepts just being quietly turned on with you nonethewiser.
Good luck getting the stubborn Samurai to stay in bed though. She's unaware of the concept of bedrest.
She's always had to push through her pain and suffer in silence. Always moving forward, fighting through the ruined landscape of her body, battle after battle.
To have you gently push her back down onto the bed and force her to sleep, is odd.
It tingles a part of her heart as she's not used to being nursed back to health by someone who loves her.
It makes her feel all warm inside when you run a damp cloth over her forehead to cool her fever or when you knead out the knots in her tense back with your hands.
Being taken care of... it almost brings a tear to Mizu's eye when she sees you act as her protector for a change.
Staying awake at her bedside, keeping watch for would be enemies, attending to her and fetching anything you think might make her more comfortable.
She will get right back to training before she probably should, you've learned to accept it, albeit unwillingly.
You'll just be ready with your needle and thread for the inevitability that she opens her stitches back up doing something strenuous.
Often what gets Mizu to stay in bed longer is if you promise cuddles.
To her, there is no better remedy than you being in her arms. No better medicine.
Just the feel of you safe and sound in her embrace, your face pressed against her chest, a stray lock of your hair tickling the nape of her neck, the slow rise and fall of your body as you breathe...
There is no better balm and Mizu feels more grateful to you than you'll ever know.
Your love heals her beyond the limits of her body. You've healed her heart.
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ane-doodles · 1 month
Hello! Love your multiple Lambs and your artstyle! You, me, @poppy-purpura, and @agnusloomis are the only ones I know of currently with multiple Lambs. Tell me of your Sorrow and Fondness Lamb, and also the Showman. How did those two come to be? Drink water plenty. May a kind week grace you.
Yayayaya! At first I tried to resist having so many AUs... but in the end it's something that makes me happy, even if I'm not able to write/draw a good story for everyone in the end.
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Oh yes rambling time LETS GO!! (notice that a LONG post is coming)
Suemy (Fondness & Sorrows AU) This is born from a kind of "What if" from Chain for a promise, in which instead of Avana being the last lamb, the one who survives is her twin sister Suemy.
If you have had the opportunity to read my little ramblings previously you will have an idea of what this entails, if not I will tell you already: in CFP the tragedy occurs two days before Suemy's wedding, she and her partner being the first to die, followed by the parents of the family and finally Caleb (the older brother) who dies protecting Avana.
However, in F&S the formula changes: Caleb and Suemy's partner are the first to die in order to give the sheeps time to escape, but this does not last more than a couple of days since both are found easily and in an attempt desperate to protect her sister, Avana dies, leaving Suemy alone as the lamb of the prophecy.
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Suemy is someone sweet, kind, I originally designed her based on the image of a princess with a heart of gold and a soft and melodious voice. So here she is now, heartbroken, alone, incapable of attachment, completely detached from the cult and fulfilling a mission assigned to her while grief suffocates her. She becomes an untouchable and perfect figure in the eyes of her followers, but inside so small with a wound that she herself refuses to let heal and that bleeds her heart every day.
But, "oh lucky one... A god has set his eyes on her.
In two lives immersed in the sadness of loss and betrayal, both meet to perhaps repair a little of the damage accumulated by the passage of time and repressed feelings.
Narinder was initially hardened by the pain and frustration of his siblings' betrayal, combined with the helplessness of being dependent on someone else to free himself. A whirlwind of strong and changing emotions within him that blind his vision, focusing only on a revenge calculated for more than a thousand years without rest...
But a hardened heart is capable of softening in the face of the purest tears, and with a delicate hand the wounds can be sutured..."
This AU is a kind of Post-Canon bad ending Hurt/Comfort. There is not much plot to tell, it focuses mainly on the thousand and one ways in which Narinder cares for and pampers the lamb in order to make her feel good, while at the same time the desire for revenge (the main reason for being freed) is replaced with the desire to protect such a delicate flower that bleeds in his hands.
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Now, about The Showman... Funny story
This lamb was supposed to be my Lambsona, something for personal use to scribble among my class notes... But little by little it evolved.
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The Box AU is a sort of "bin of discarded ideas" (it basically has all the ideas, scenes, and dynamics that I decided to leave out or modify from CFP but still enjoy). The Box AU is totally self-indulgent and I'm still amazed today at how far I've come in thinking about this AU (I've even considered twisting it a bit and turning it into an original story).
Anyway, the story in a nutshell: In short the game was broken.
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Einar is a black sheep, they was separated from the group due to superstitions, but they never took It the wrong way. They became a kind of traveler/storyteller when they abandoned their flock, thanks to this they was the last lamb to survive.
The lamb is strong... Too strong actually, but they lacks any battle skills which makes them die often (it's based on my save file, because despite playing on easy mode I'm terrible at combat). Frustrated with this, they decides to find another way to complete their mission of freeing The One Who Waits.
By chance, they discovers a book with ancient knowledge of the gods of the ancient faith, where there are multiple rituals forgotten by time. Thanks to this, they learn a way to invoke the god of death and free him from his punishment!! ...But with the price that he is now trapped in a mortal body with his powers reduced and a suppressed rage towards the lamb.
Even so, Einar considers it a victory and offers to help him rebuild, expand and please the cult, so that through devotion his powers return, but of course, the crown is missing.
It turns out that the crown is "stuck" to Einar's head, as they were designated as the perfect vessel, which is why the crown rejects the cat's attempts to retrieve it. On one occasion Narinder reviews the ancient book of the lamb and discovers a possible solution to his problem... A union ritual. Once he and the lamb unite the power of the crown will be divided, then it will be a matter of getting rid of the usurper.
Either way, this won't be so easy. Since in this AU Narinder and the lamb don't really know each other (the ritual happens before confronting Leshy). So there you see Narinder behind the lamb trying to convince him of a marriage while Einar rejects him a thousand and one times without the slightest interest and trying to discover a way to grow the cult.
I love the dynamic between these two in this AU. A combination of comedy, silliness, misunderstandings, adorableness, and a manhwa-style romance (because hey, the marriage of convenience trope has to come from somewhere).
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I like to imagine that between Narinder's frustrated attempts to conquer/convince Einar, he gradually develops a special affection for them, while for his part the lamb sees the god as a companion, a friend and someone with whom maybe they wants to identify himself in some way (you know... A black sheep and a black cat)
And well! This is a kind of summary/introduction!!
I'm sorry for making such a LONG text, but I really like thinking about them and the idea of sharing a bit of my brainrot was too tempting to contain...
F&S doesn't have much material currently, but I'm drawing a couple of sketches from time to time (still figuring out how to do Narinder's post-imprisonment design).
On the contrary, Box AU has a considerable amount of material, scenes, ideas, sketches and even its own shitten with a sequel! So if you're interested in that let me know and I'll make a super post dedicated to this AU.
Have a wonderful day!!
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vdoesstuff · 3 months
Fic #15 (Zosan)
It was an ambush.
Some random pirate gang had jumped out of nowhere and attacked them. The sound of battle filled the air. A pirate jumped from the upper deck of the Merry. Sanji turned his head just in time to see the man falling toward him, but before he could act, he was unconscious.
When he came to, he tried to take in his surroundings as quickly as he could. There was a door in the corner. A table in front of him. A light hanging from the ceiling. And his hands were tied behind the chair he was sitting in. Ok, he thought. I’m not dead.
The door slammed open. It was the same pirate that had knocked him out. Sanji scanned the room for any way he could escape, or fight. Nothing. He was screwed. In a way though, he was glad it was him instead of anyone else. He’d rather himself get hurt than anyone else.
“Alright. You’re gonna tell us where your captain is.”
Sanji said nothing.
“We just need his bounty, not you. If you cooperate, we can let you go.” The man grinned.
Sanji remained silent.
“You ain’t gon’ tell us nothin?”
Sanji smirked. He shook his head.
Sanji sat in the corner of the cell. His entire body ached. The iron cuffs were heavy against his (probably broken) wrist. His head felt heavy on his shoulders. He leaned against the cold, stone wall, and closed his eyes. He should’ve probably been used to this, considering his childhood, yet here he was. He considered his options. He could,
Escape, and probably get killed in the process,
Sit here until either he died or someone came to rescue him,
3. Give up Luffy’s location.
He scoffed. Of course he would never betray his captain. He could never do that to Luffy. Stay here it is then, He thought.
———— Zoro lunged forward.
Wado heavy in his mouth, he swung. And he didn’t miss. The screams of his victim stopped. A silence filled the room. He sheathed his swords, and looked around. No one left. No tricks, or surprise attacks. Nothing like the ambush that had taken Sanji away from him. He sighed. He missed his cook, and he was here somewhere.
I have to get him back, Zoro thought. He opened the door to reveal Sanji, lying on the floor. Oh god. His arm was angled in a way it probably shouldn’t be, and he was covered in bruises.
“Oh, cook.”
Sanji didn’t remember falling asleep. But he woke up to the sound of the door creaking open to reveal Zoro, covered in blood. He ran for Sanji, embracing him. Sanji winced in pain, and Zoro eased. He immediately started cutting the chains on Sanji’s wrists.
“I’m sorry. I got here as fast as I could.” Zoro’s voice was quiet. His breathing was sharp. The iron cuffs fell to the floor. Sanji tried to stand. He yelped in pain, and fell back to the ground. His leg was definitely broken. Just how many bones had he broken?
“Hey, cook, easy. Be careful.” Zoro picked up Sanji, and started carrying him out.
“I’m fine, I can walk.” Zoro gave him a look.
“Cook, your leg is broken. You can’t walk.” Sanji sighed in resignation. He leaned his head against Zoro’s chest. He could hear the familiar thump-thump of his heartbeat. It was comforting, knowing Zoro was there.
As they approached the Going Merry, Sanji could hear the cheers of the rest of the crew. He wasn’t fully conscious, and was in a lot of pain, but he could pick up Zoro yelling for Chopper, Nami crying as she saw the shape Sanji was in, and Luffy cheering that everyone was at least alive. After that, he couldn’t remember anything. When he woke up, he was in Chopper’s office. All of his wounds were bandaged, and his leg was elevated. Zoro was sitting in the chair by his bed, arms crossed, head hung.
“Hey marimo,” Sanji croaked. Zoro perked his head up.
“Oh, cook.” Zoro leapt up to embrace Sanji. “I’m sorry.”
“What do you have to be sorry about?”
“I’m sorry I let this happen to you.”
“Mosshead, it’s not your fault. I’m the one who got captured.” Zoro held Sanji tighter.
“What did they do to you?” He cried quietly.
“Shhh marimo. I’m okay.”
“What did they do to you?”
“I’m used to it.” Zoro knew about Sanji’s childhood. He understood Sanji had been through this kind of thing before.
“That’s worse, dumbass.” Zoro cried into Sanji’s shoulder. “I can’t lose you.” Sanji leaned into Zoro’s embrace and cried silent tears.
They stayed like that for a while. Crying into each other’s shoulders. After neither of them had any tears left to cry, Zoro gently laid Sanji back down into the bed. He stroked Sanji’s hair.
“I missed you, mosshead.” Sanji smiled up at Zoro.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t get there sooner. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Oh, marimo.”
Sanji sat up, and kissed Zoro.
Zoro knocked him to the ground with the hilt of his sword.
“Did you hurt him?”
“Who even are you? And who are you talking abou?”
“Did. You. Hurt Him.” Zoro held Wado to the man’s throat.
“Who? The blondie? We had him here a while ago.”
Zoro didn’t think twice.
The man’s head hit the floor with a thud.
“Hm. Just like the good old days.” Zoro smiled. He reminisced about his bounty hunting days, as he placed the dripping head in the brown paper bag.
When he got back to the ship, he approached Sanji in the kitchen.
“Hey marimo,” Sanji smiled. “What’s in the bag?” His eyes drifted to the red stained bottom of the bag. “And why is it dripping?” Zoro handed him the bag. Sanji opened the twisted top. The dawning realization was visible on his face.
“ZORO, WHAT THE FUCK.” His eyes were wide in shock. He smiled softly. “That’s really sweet of you.” He put the bag on the counter. Zoro’s face was hot. Sanji leaned up, and kissed Zoro.
Credit to @tired-dragon22 and @mikeltheluffy for being my guinea pigs lol
Y’all were helpful af
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bookdragonideas · 1 month
Healers are killers.
Katara doesn't know when she learns that. Maybe she's the first to realize. But healers are killers.
They have to be sometimes. When mercy is quick and painless, instead of drawn out suffering. But all to often its more of a choice.
Sometimes it's something completely different.
Katara knows how the human body works. She's helped her Grangran since she was small, and trained with the northern healers whenever she had a spare moment. She knows what muscles connect, where injuries are often found. The different ways a bone can break, and just how far you can wander into exhaustion before collapse. And she has seen, time and time again, just how far you can push a person to the brink of death before they fall off.
Humans are surprisingly durable. Until they aren't.
No one knows this better than a healer.
A man might break every bone in his body and still live to play with his grandkids. A single splinter can end a life or rob a person of their limbs.
For Katara it's a balance. And she likes to think that she uses the balance well. Water whips that only cause curable injuries. Never drowning enough to cause serious illness. Cuts that hurt but don't bleed enough to kill. She may not be a pacifist like Aang but she avoids killing when she can.
It's in the north when she first notices a twist of this balance.
Talking with the healers in the hut about herbs and the difference between North and South. A man came in with extensive injuries. But nothing that wouldn't heal in time. Until one of the other woman gave him the wrong medication, with a lethal dose.
Katara noticed, went to say something, thinking it a simple mistake. But Master Yagoda caught her eye and warned her off with a stern look.
Later she learned why. How the man had been injured. Who had injured him. No blame was cast. No voices questioned the death. And at the burial no one cried.
She had seen before, in the Earth Kingdom. Earth healers who treated everyone after a battle. Who would give Firebenders sleeping draughts they wouldn't wake from.
But that was different. That was war. That was enemies to dangerous to keep prisoner and a gentler death than execution.
This had nothing to do with the war.
Months later Katara stood above a woman who could have been kin. A trusted teacher turned monster. She sobbed in her brother's arms and deep down she wondered. How much blame lay in the war? Had Sozin never conquered would this power remained unknown? Or would it have made itself known somehow?
Years later when she fights another who claimed this twisted power she gets her answer.
Some evils cannot be blamed on the war.
She uses Bloodbending only a handful of times in her life. Mostly in desperation or defensive. Once in shameful anger, against a man wearing armor that reminded her of her mother.
And once in the dark of a small family's house. Where a newborn baby needed blood to flow more than Katara needed to restrain herself.
No one knew. Except for Aang, who she didn't keep secrets from. And Sokka who saw more than she gave him credit for.
But she knew.
She gave the wrong medicine to a mother whose half grown children cowered in fear. The children went to live with their cousins and learned to laugh again.
She failed to clean the wound on a man whose girlfriend was bruised and broken in a different way. He survived but she gained power over him for long enough to reconsider the relationship.
She healed Ozai, when Zuko asked. But if that healing only went skin deep? Well she had been distracted by helping Mai wrangle young Izumi. And Zuko never blamed her.
The two sides of her bending twisted alongside each other. A balance.
She interrogates a man who was involved in multiple kidnappings. She knows how far to push someone before they break. And afterwards she smooths a healing hand over tarnished skin. They find the children. And the man dies of unknown causes.
Some rebels attack Sokka and Zuko during one of their visits to the Earth Kingdom. If she hunts them down to deliver killing blows? She was just trying to capture them, no one can prove otherwise.
Bloodbending keeps getting rediscovered.
Katara teaches her students that you can heal someone with their own blood if the situation is desperate.
She watches as the the world changes, as old friends and family grow old and die.
Katara knows, as her own bones begins to ache, that some secrets do not remain secret.
She teaches what she can. Twists the narrative whenever possible. And sends a significant look to her newest prodigy as she gives a cruel man the wrong medicine.
Healers are killers.
This truth is far older than the war. It's a secret built into the very concept of the word. A balance every gentle healer holds.
Healers are killers.
But they are healers before they are killers. And Katara will do her part to ensure it stays that way.
Two years before she dies Bloodbending is announced as the newest form of Waterbender healing. Zuko and Toph congratulate her. Zuko looks sad. Toph looks serious. They understand.
Healers are killers.
In the next hundred years others will learn this too. Katara only hopes that they keep it a secret, as she did. She settles into her cozy home in her rebuilt tribe. She spends the rest of her life keeping the balance between the two sides of her own bending.
Healers are killers.
Katara has always been both.
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mistachesme · 2 years
Could I request Dehya or Dainsleif with:
❛ you’re a weapon, and weapons don’t weep. ❜
Thank you for requesting dehya for this. I love her sm 🥺
Pure angst
The man you nursed back to life, meets your betrayed expression with an emotionless face.
"That's it?" You question him in disbelief. "All the days we spent didn't mean anything to you?"
Pain washes over his face. He outstretches his hand to reach your crying form but decides against it.
"I wish to bring you no harm." Dainsleif's usually calm voice is cracking. "I can't take you with me. My journey ahead is far more dangerous. It's best we part our ways."
There's rebuttal in your eyes and he can't stand it. Hell, he couldn't stand you from the beginning.
You saved the dying man. Cooked him food and stayed by his side until he recovered his strength.
The last battle was brutal. He barely survived it. He was so used to his solitary. He doesn't remember the last time someone took care of him.
But now that he had a taste of your affection. It's killing him. He doesn't want to be away from you. He cherished the times he spent with you more than you can imagine.
"I will be going." He whispers faintly before turning his back to you. Every step he takes, gets him further away from you.
"Don't leave me." You scream, making him flinch. Yet, he doesn't stop walking. "Dain.... I love you."
You are sobbing as you watch the love of your life walk away. And it feels like you died a little when he doesn't even look your way.
Your voice gets fainter and fainter until he can't hear you anymore.
Dainsleif was once a feared knight from a nation that is long gone. He's a warrior who didn't need a weapon; he is a weapon himself.
And yet, he lost.
"You are a weapon," he thinks to himself sadly. "And weapons don't weep."
She always comes back to you.
Somedays she comes home with little wounds on her body which makes you frown with worry.
"It's nothing." She laughs, trying to reassure you. "It's just a scratch, and the mora I gained from this commission makes it all worth it."
Somedays she won't be home until weeks. You try not to show it really. Yet, the worry on your face is so obvious.
You wait for the knock on the main door with baited breath. It's been so long since you last saw her. So, you pace around the room with both impatience and excitement.
You missed her so much.
When you hear a soft knock on the door, you rush to open it. And before you know it, you are in her arms.
"Dehya," you breathed in relief. "You are back."
You hear her chuckle against your ear. "I will always come back to you."
Although her voice is cheerful, you can hear the hint of something in it.
You lift your head to look in her eyes. "Is something wrong?"
"Nothing." she says with a smile. "I missed you."
"I missed you more." You tell her shyly.
"It was a long mission." She explains as she took a seat on your sofa. "... and a very difficult one too."
You nod in understanding.
"Were you hurt?"
She shakes her head in an unreadable expression.
"The commission was a success." She continues, her eyes turning glassy. "And, we lost some of our people."
There is a moment of silence. And, then you shuffle closer to her.
Cupping her face you tell her, "It's okay to let it out."
Dehya frowns. Her lips tremble with sadness as she blinks back the tears.
"'You are a weapon, and weapons don't weep' is what you are thinking no?" You tell her with a sad smile. "To me you are only my dehya. It's okay to cry in front of me."
It's like the dam broke. The weight of the mission and its loss finally gets to her. So you lend her your shoulder when she crumbles in front of you.
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dark-elf-writes · 1 month
Master of death Harry at UA who accidentally summons Oboro’s ghost and doesn’t get why Shota and Hizashi are crying but doesn’t say anything as they cry
I read this as MoD Harry as a student doing this which makes this funnier and also more heartbreaking.
Like Harry leaving after the battle and needing to do something different, something that doesn’t involve a castle of ghosts and the memory of blood on his hands and screams in his ears, he ends up, through a letter sent to him at exactly the right moment courtesy of Nezu (and how he managed to get a letter delivered to an unplayable address Harry isn’t sure he wants to know), as the oldest member of 1-A.
He doesn’t really know what to claim as a quirk because his magic is fucked and telling people is illegal but then he summons a ghost (the previous tenant of his apartment who had a heart attack and Merlin he is going to have words with his realtor) literally the night before and decides “Necromancer” is close enough. Besides the dead flock to him now (had they always?) whether he wants them to or not, it’s only fair that he gets something out of it other than a terrible sleep schedule and the world’s first anti-ghost ward outside his bathroom.
And UA has no shortage of ghosts. Students, alumni, and former teachers alike follow Harry’s every step from the moment he enters the gates a day before everyone else (for a meeting with his new teachers to “see where he places due to his unique circumstances” which sounded like kind way to say “we know you have a year four education in non magical subjects”) but one in particular shoos the others away with a smile and whisper of… something herding them off. He doesn’t fully manifest, invisible to everyone but Harry, as he follows his steps.
“Hey, kid, you’re the transfer right?”
If Harry was less used to ghosts he would be a little offended about being called “kid” by someone who looked the same age as him, but Ghosts were frozen as how they were when they died. For better or worse.
At least when around Harry they didn’t show their death wounds. Instead appearing whole and unblemished.
The meeting room was full when Harry entered, the ghost at his shoulder, and he fought the urge to check for exits. He didn’t need a window to get away with his magic, didn’t think any of the people here were strong enough to stop him if he wanted to leave, quirks or no, not since he had collected the hallows and everything changed.
“Er, hello.”
Well, maybe not everything changed.
Several of the teachers smile, one with the most ridiculous hairstyle he has ever seen beaming particularly brightly, but it was Nezu that drew his eye.
Nezu who smiled at him and gestured to where a steaming cup of tea waited at the empty space on the table. “Potter-kun. How lovely it is to meet you in person.”
Harry had barely made it to table when he felt the familiar yank of his power slipping the leash — less common now but always at the worst moments — and a moment later the ghost still following him gasped as color flooded him.
Huh. His hair was blue. Teddy would like that.
The blond teacher stood so quickly their chair flipped behind them followed by two others wide eyed and disbelieving as they stared at the ghost. The ghost who watched them with eyes just as wide, wiggling his fingers and gasping when their eyes followed the movement.
“You can see me?!”
Harry froze, not daring to breathe. Fuck this was bad, but the question was how bad.
Then one of the teachers, the woman who Harry was very careful to not look below her shoulders, sobbed.
Right… this was… not a great way to start a new school. “Traumatize your professors” was usually a term four activity for him not before school had officially started. Still it couldn’t hurt to let them talk for a while. He could always send the ghost away if things went south… probably… maybe… eventually.
Harry sank into his seat and drained his tea in one long swallow. This was going to be along day.
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Fire & Blood: Chapter 24: Time is a illusion (Dark Aemond x reader oc, x aegon ii ) 18+ minors do not interact and MAJOR BOOK SPOILERS/SHOW SPOILERS ATABF reader ocish she has a name its complicated
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🔷Summary: After the events of Blood and Cheese and Rook's rest, you return to your husband and your king.
🔷Author's note: MAJOR book spoilers but not all that happens is canon.
🔷Wordcount:3187 (thats short sorry)
🔷Warnings: murder, mentions of toxic relationship, slight smut and BOOK SPOILERS also childloss and child murder targaryens commiting war crimes. war being war.
It seems that the days have become shorter or the nights have become longer. That, or you don’t have a healthy idea of time anymore. 
Time, in a way, has become an illusion. Days may pass, hours may go, weeks end, months follow each other closer and closer up as if entangled in a dance. But you know the truth now: No matter how quick the time goes, it remains an illusion. A lie everyone tells themselves to feel better. ‘’It will pass.’’ Your servant girl said when she was braiding your hair.
You laughed at her words. What will pass, exactly? Pain? You have become used to pain, to grief, to feeling as if someone is suffocating you while in truth that is you, and you alone hiding your emotions. Pain does not scare you. It's familiar, in a way. You hold onto it. But the idea that it will pass, that one day you’ll be left with nothing but acceptance and an empty cradle? A half-burned husband that can’t give you anymore children and you, sitting on his iron throne because he can’t get up from the bed? That is what terrifies you. That one day this rage, this pain and hurt will be nothing.
That you will be nothing.
Months have passed since you last saw Aegon. The last time you saw him awake and well was long before the battle of Rook's rest and your pregnancy. You had his child warmly nestled inside of your womb where no one could hurt it. No soul dared to touch you as Aegon’s wife, safe be for the loyalists of Rhaenyra.
And that is exactly who killed your innocent baby, Helaena on her name day. You named her after the sister Aegon and Aemond shared, perhaps to mend the wound between the two of them, or perhaps to sway their mother to your cause, but whatever reason you may have had in the beginning didn’t matter so much in the end. Before Helaena would see her first morning sun, a dagger ended her life. An assassin’s blade.
You have been called forward now, to see your husband, your king and your longlife friend Aegon who has just awoken as a miracle from his comatic state. He got injured during a battle at Rook Rest, where he and his brother, Prince Aemond slew the traitor Princess Rhaenys and killed her dragon. You were at home, of course, heavily pregnant with his child that would end in a disaster as most things do.
Every instinct tells you to run far away from both Aegon and Aemond. One had captured you in a literal cage for weeks, months perhaps. The other crowned you without your consent, made you his wife for the world to see, and made you a target. Both were boys, once perhaps. You were a girl in love, perhaps. But boys become men, and love eventually dies. That is how life has been before you, why would it be any different now?
Your husband and your king stares back at you with living eyes full of admiration and joy. It is not joy, you notice. It’s something even more heartbreaking then that. He has that look most men have, when they think their wives have squeezed out a perfect heir that will save the husband from damnation. This is what they call ‘’Pride.’’
He is proud of you.
There used to be days you could never not look at the prince, his fierce beautiful eyes, short silver locks and out of this world beauty that was indescribable with any pencil this world and the next could offer. There were moments your daylight extended by seeing his face, as in a way, it protected you from the dark.
O, how you long for such simple times.
To be a girl again, with a book in your hands, smacking a hangover Aegon when Aemond comments that you should behave yourself.
‘’My love, my Brienne.’’ The King speaks, his voice a bit raspy but hearable. You faithfully accept his left hand reaching out to squeeze your fingers but your eyes are locked to the monstrous arm where metal and skin meet one another, and where the fire of a dragon made Aegon part man, part metal. You shudder to think of the nights you will spend sleeping and waking up, suddenly feeling that cold metal arm touch you. 
There is joy and kindness, and hope and brightness in his eyes. Emotions you haven’t felt in months. Emotions you aren’t sure that are real now, or ever were real. Hope for fools, perhaps. Doom for nations, for certain.
Another matter, perhaps but it does prove your suspicion as to why every single soldier, every servant and Maester, Queen Alicent and even Prince Aemond left the room when you entered. 
No one, not the coldhearted Green Queen, not the Terror of the Trident, not the fierce King’s guard or the all knowing Maesters had the guts and the balls to do what is now your task. No one informed him of the passing of your child. No one. That is now your task. The task of a mourning mother, a childless Queen and a shell of the person you once were.
Cravens, all of them be damned.
Aegon forces his hands on the wood of the bed, lifting himself up to sit so he may have some dignity while addressing you. You could not care if he was in a casket or lost all his limbs he could never lose his dignity. Your love is tested for him when you see him winch in pain as the poppy milk wears off, and you are for the very first time in your life unsure if your love is strong enough to face this.
It is not that he has lost his attractiveness. But it is that constant reminder, that constant bug flying in your face showing you how much pain Aegon is in, how much suffering he endures and who you should all blame for that. This war started the moment Aegon was born and it will end with the death of her. 
Aegon pretends to not be altered by his new disabilities, by his new life. He takes a deep sharp breath revealing just how much this is killing him from inside out. A man like Aegon who prided himself with his beauty, with his grace and long legs…..
How much of that light will remain now that the flame has blown out, all that remains is shadow?
In his eyes realisation starts to form and you both come silently to the conclusion that life will be unlike anything it ever was before. It will heal this wound. A new scar will appear. But how much scars can a flesh handle before it starts infecting and begins to rot?
You rub your ring and watch Aegon for a while, your mind thinking of multiple ways to start the conversation, yet they all feel as cheap little lies as you try to hold off the inevitable. You rather watch your husband pass out and sleep than him sitting here awake and in a clear state of mind aware you must deliver the news now.
He knows you won’t speak. So he does. “You look well-”
Your snort interrupts him. Your hair has begun to grey and your skin is full of scratches and wounds where you keep peeling at, until it bleeds and spreads over your skin, just to feel something. Your eyes are darkened and hollow, as a starving girl. You don’t long for food. You long for justice. “I am not.” Is your cutthroat cruel response to his simple opener.
“You are not wearing your crown.” Aegon says, pointing with two fingers to your head. You don’t have the energy to wear the damned thing. It does not help that no one does what you want anyway. You are a Queen consort, not a King born from the womb of the former Queen. You needed Aegon’s approval for everything and while he would give you the world his council would rather see you die yesterday than tomorrow.
“Without you I am no Queen.” It is true. ‘’Your men treat me like an accessory. A fun little token playing dress up. I have been in power for months since you slept and not one time has my word been considered.’’ 
It is like a spell has been broken and a curse has lifted on Aegon as he slowly tilts his head.
 “My son. I deserve to see him.”  He says. ‘’I don’t know why you didn’t bring him. I don’t know why the servants told me he was asleep and I don’t know-’’
A cold idea creeps into your mind, as a dark seed has finally taken root and begins to spread its weed over your mind. ‘’What servants?’’ You ask, faking interest.
‘’The blonde new girl.’’ The king says. ‘’It is not important.’’
You sit down on his bed, breaking the distance between the two of you. You lock your hands into his own, feeling where metal and men meet, feeling where scars are appearing and wounds are healing. You owe him the truth. “It was a girl.” You begin.
Aegon’s brows nearly become one.
“It was?” You understand he must be disappointed. 
You fiercely sit up.
“Yes. I named her Helaena. I know she's not what you wanted nor needed-” Aegon shuts you up with a kiss on your mouth, missing you by a inch as he stumbles over. He smiles, genuinely and happy when kissing you a dozen times.
And yet you deserve none of it.
“My Queen, my Brienne. Where is she? I must see her.” He rambles. 
“Assassins came.’ You whisper in his ear. His smile vanishes within a blink of an eye and you see him figure it out on his own. Yet he plays pretend and dumb, a way he always protected his feelings. 
“They were all killed. I'm unharmed.”
You wish it were guards instead.
“Helaena was not unharmed. They killed her. I watched them kill her, Aegon.” You break down, and you break down hard. You fall from your safe haven of mind and break, shatter and crumble to ashes as you let out the one after the other horrifying sob.
“I have been so alone these last few months. Aemond barely visited me. You were asleep. And my child, who I did not even deserve for the way I resented her early on for not being a son…” Your voice dies off as gasps and cries escape your throat; your vision becomes blurry with tears. “I can't do this anymore. I lost too much. I suffered too many losses. My mother, my father and my sister. And then you and my baby. I will never-” This is not going well. You struggle to breath and the pain on your chest increases.
“You still have me.” Aegon mutters, holding you as well as he can. Yet the moment you see his melted arm, you begin to panic again.
“Aegon, can't you see? Whatever we had, whatever was growing between us: We will never have it back the way it was. I can't find myself. I am lost in a darkness where I can't seem to find light, no matter what way I turn.”
“Then let me help you-” He whispers, no begs, commands and yet wishes in the same sentence. ‘’Please, Brienne. You know I have loved you. More than I have loved everything. I would set this world on fire to see you smile, and I would snuff out every bit of light if the dark brought you comfort, my love.’’
“I don't want to find the light, Aegon. Not anymore. I am the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Your Queen, your lady wife and your love. You took a vow without me knowing so, but you promised to protect and honour me.’’ You tell him.
“I did.” He mutters, staring at the ring that once belonged to his father. When he finally looks up there are tears rolling down his cheeks as well.
Your plan might be cruelty. Your heart will never be pure after this. But honestly: Who cares about purity, who cares about justice, for it has become clear that this world does not. The gods keep laughing at your attempts at goodness, and you have been far too kind with the struggles they have given you. “I want you to get on Sunfyre. I want you to mobilise your army. And I want you to burn everything that even dares to blink in the direction of that whore's Castle.” You vow. At first you see him tear up. Then he silently cups his own face with his hands, crying as he doubles over on the bed, clutching you so tightly you are sure his nails are digging in his skin.
“...Aegon?” You ask.
“Sunfyre…” He begins with a heartbreaking sob. “He'll never fly again. One of his wings got ripped off his body. He'll never fly. Neither will I.” You understand the truth of this horrendous discovery. Your husband lost his beloved pet, and you just lost another great way of destroying enemies. Your husband started this war with Vhagar, Dreamfyre, and Sunfyre under his command and now only Vhagar is in state to ride to battle.
Aegon needs you. But you can’t be what he needs. Not anymore.
“I can't stay with you.” You tell him before pushing him off your body. And as a coward, you run away from him, your royal duties and the looming dread of destiny.
“Brienne! Come back…” his shouts are ignored.
You don’t come back.
The next time the doors open in your face, you are standing in front of Aemond Targaryen’s bedchamber. You have been here various times yet this time might be considered treason. Aemond is surprised to see you, yet lets you in. You follow him closely, shutting the door shut behind you. 
Prince Aemond has never made a secret of his love for you, and you know it is burning brightly still. ‘’How was my brother?’’ He asks. 
‘’As a corpse brought back to life.’’ You respond, looking at the flames in the fireplace, licking at the wood, destroying it.
Aemond crosses his arms, offended. “You don't find him attractive anymore, is that it?” You laugh. You wish it was that simple. 
You sit down in his chair, ignoring the looks he gives. You are the Queen now. “I sometimes wonder how I came to think you were a clever man, so blinded you often are.”
“I watched my husband go from a healthy man to a broken soul with a metal arm in months and saw my daughter die in front of me. I wish it was as simple as not finding him attractive.’’ He still looked so beautiful. Your Aegon. Yet so broken.
You notice that Aemond has taken a seat next to you. ‘’I am sorry, Brienne. I am sorry for ignoring you. I didn’t know what to say after you lost Helaena. It all felt like nothing was good enough.’’ Such funny creatures, humans be.
‘’Anything would have been enough.’’ you confess. Anyone would be enough. Anything is always better than silence. ‘’Yet, i appreciate your honesty.’’ You reach out for his hand but he pulls away as if he burned himself.
‘’What do you want from me, my Queen? The hour is of the owl. You should not be here given our history.’’ History is such a funny thing. Only survivors will determine what is true of it.
You must feed the dragon, awake the monster and pull its reins once more.
‘’Remember when those men in the woods, tried to rape me? Remember how you burned them all? How we burned that city together?’’ You also had sex with him afterwards, good sex, one of the best times in your life with him.
You smile. ‘’I want to relive old times. I heard that the woman who calls herself queen is from the Vale. I heard it has lovely woods and delightful servants that will scream once you blaze them.’’
As if on queu, a servant appears from behind both of you, clearly clutching Aemonds sheets around her body while she makes a curtsy at you. You feel many confusing emotions. You feel shock, rage and jealousy. Yet you are married. You are happy with your husband.
Am I happy or am I surviving?
It’s the same blonde bitch that lied about your daughter being a son and being alive. You trap her easily, the sheets falling from her body. ‘’I was hoping to see you.’’ You tell her, hissing as you become a bit unhinged. She eyes you with big eyes.
‘’The Queen told me to lie! She said it would break the King’s heart to know you delivered a failure!’’ She cries for mercy.
‘’Brienne,’’ Aemond mutters. You don’t listen. ‘’I will come with you. Just let her go. I was lonely and it was a mistake and it won’t happen again.’’ You know he is lying. It will happen countless times again, and every time is one too many. 
You fall back into Aemonds arms as the girl tries sneaking past you both. When she puts her clothing back on, a single sapphire falls down from her pocket. You and Aemond both watch as she becomes as red as tomato, clearly caught red handed. ‘’Y-your grace. I am so sorry. The war has been starving my family. Prince Aemond has many sapphires, I never…’’ You feel compassion grow, finally. 
You feel like yourself again.
Aemond huffs. ‘’You dare try to steal from our Queen?’’ He asks advancing. You know that tone. You don’t pick up on it until it is too late, and Prince Aemond has captured the thief by his window. You can only utter a word before he pushes her outside of it, and you hear her screams as she falls to her death, her remains shattering around like an artistic painting.
Your breath is racing as Aemond advances with a smirk, cupping your face lightly as you try to become the cold queen again. He grins, giving you a soft kiss on your mouth gently bending your face so he may have another taste, and another…and another. ‘’My little bee.’’ He declares. ‘’I see you are still in there, somewhere. I will burn our enemies together with you, and in exchange you let me feel what I wanted to feel for months now. Do we have a deal, or shall I tell the king-’’ You don’t let him finish his threat before your mouth finally finds his again, your hands already tugging at his eyepatch. Aemond groans in response and picks you up by your hips, carrying you to the bed.
You watch the ceiling as the one eyed prince fucks his troubles and your own away.
And soon?
Soon you’ll destroy Rhaenyra.
The same way she destroyed you.
I really think Brienne is projecting too much on rhaenyra and not enough on her business with aemond/aegon and whatever the heck is going on at the red keep, who keeps letting these assasins in smh.
Anyway: thank you for reading!!:)
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angriel · 1 year
Eywa's Chance: Fralo Pt. 7 (End)
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Fralo - [ˈfɾa.lo] adv. every time, every instance, each time
Warning: Widowed! Jake Sully, Warrior! Reader, Sexual Themes (will put signs), Angst, Absolutely Ass Writing, 17+, Violence, War, Chaos, Peace. Skypeople reader, Jake x Reader, Mentions of killing someone, curse words!
"Eywa Ngahu Fralo" you heard someone said as you drifted off to sleep.
You were standing alone in a middle of something you don't know but all you see was white, You have no idea how long you're here and it seems that you've forgotten who you're. But it doesn't matter as you felt peace by your own company, You don't know why but you feel the urge to wake up, and it is strange for you because you know you're awake.
You can't describe the feeling that tugs in your heart, you feel someone emerged from behind you, you saw a tall blue female alien and it smiled at you. You subconsciously smiled and waved, you stopped waving and thought to yourself why you felt safe with her even though she was much bigger than you.
"You don't have to remember me, Ma (Y/n) I was sent by Eywa to help you. You need to remember who you are (Y/n)" she said by slowly walking towards you, ignoring her comforting presence you maintained your ground in high alert. She held out her hand motioning for you to take her hand.
You were hesitant and just stared at her. She just nodded and said "Just let me help you", and with that you took her hand and memories flood your brain and it began to hurt badly so you involuntarily closed your eyes. But you pushed through not succumbing to the great pain you're feeling.
Suddenly you knew who you're, you remembered everything including how you met Jake, Your meeting with Neytiri, Mating infront of Eywa and lastly, you remembered why you're here. You opened your eyes and heavily panted.
"Ney... Neytiri?" You uttered under your breath, her smile widened and she nodded "Now go and save our mate" she added before disappearing. You felt yourself beginning to wake up and you feel your body getting heavy probably from the injuries you've suffered earlier.
When you opened your eyes you saw dead bodies everywhere you looked, No one was shooting and fighting anymore except for Jake and Lang. You remembered that the war is not yet over. Using the pain in her body to awaken her consciousness.
You collected your breath before standing up and watching as Jake and Lang fought, it was an even battle both exchanging blows that weakened the other. And so you decided to help Jake by running up to a huge boulder next to him and then suddenly you used Jake's shoulder for momentum to lift yourself up and jump towards Lang. Jake was left astonished still processing what you did as he saw you jumping towards Lang.
It all happened so fast as you stabbed Lang at his Arm quickly maneuvering for you to climb on his AMP suit, he took his hands off at the controls of the armor and tries to catch your dagger that'll pierce him but to no avail. You manages to stab his chest looking at him with a sickening smile on your face, He began to lose all of his senses and before it happened he mutters his last words under his breath enough for you to hear him. "I'll see you in hell (Y/n) Lewis".
Lang summoned every last bit of strength left within him and with a quick movement he took his knife out and he stabbed you at the stomach, he weakly smiled feeling victorious, finally avenging his fallen brother. He drew his last breath and died. Jake called your name, watching you fall down slowly with his eyes and feels his world crashing down at the sight of blood seeping out of your wound.
(Y/n) felt as if every strength she had on her body left her as she fell down with Lang, but luckily Jake caught her just in time before her body hit the ground. He panicked and immediately contacted norm through his transmitter.
"Norm! notify Mo'at our tsahik is gravely injured I repeat (Y/n)'s Injured!" He said as he called for his ikran and quickly finding s rope to bind your body closely to his and he made his way on the camp. Norm Hear his call and immediately turned back to Mo'ats tent.
"(Y/n).... (Y/n) is gravely injured! Please I beg you Mo'at... Please do the consciousness transfer on her otherwise This clan will lose another precious Tsahik" Norm exclaimed at Mo'at and she immediately left the tent and gathered all of the tribe.
She stood on top of a rock before saying, "Everyone! Our Tsahik needs help. She need us gather everyone! And make way to the Tree of Souls Now!" Her voice beamed throughout the camp and almost immediately all of the people gathered the others and called for their own ikrans. The one's who doesn't have one was with the riders.
Moat brought (Y/n)'s body with her tying her Avatar's body with her as her ikran swooped down at the directions of their sacred place, she hopes that they're not too late.
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Jake was waiting for all of them at the Tree of Souls hearing a flock of ikrans flying down he feels a little relieved but still it wasn't enough for his face to lit up, he saw Mo'at ran to him and Norm was carrying (Y/n)'s Avatar body. She saw you Catching your breath as you're forcing yourself to be awake despite the heavy weight on your eyes.
"Please do anything to save her.... I - I can't lose her" He said heartbroken and voice cracking in his pleas. Mo'at ordered for Norm to put your Avatar body down aligned with your injured human body. You looked at Jake and said "If I don't make it, please don't blame yourself" Jake shook his head No and replied "You will make it sweetheart don't worry I'm here with you Stay strong for me m'kay?"
Jake wasn't Naive he knew that the consciousness transfer was dangerous and he was the only one who lived through the process, he silently hoped that it will not be like what happened to Grace Augustine. And with that Mo'at Began the Ritual the tribe began to connect their tsaheylu to the ground to make a bond to Eywa and they began to chant.
They've been chanting and chanting as Mo'at is yelling her own chant while Jake is right beside you, you felt his warmth and presence as it gives you a sense of security. You felt vines growing up from the ground and held the both of your bodies some atokirina's started to attached itself at you and you felt Eywa's presence. You smiled to Jake and he returned it while trying his best to hide his worries. But you still saw through them as your eyes are share even if you're injured.
Mo'at felt Eywa's presence all throughout her body and to the tip of her fingertips, More and more Woodsprites are attaching itself to your 2 bodies, you felt yourself losing consciousness but you fought it “ It’s okay baby don’t fight it, I’ll be here for you.” Jake said and he kissed you after comforting you, you replied with a single whine from your mouth and later on you heard them stop chanting. Mo’at turned to you and said “Eywa is deciding, Jake Sully” she saw you closed your eyes.
“Eywa Ngahu Fralo (Y/n)” you heard someone said as you drifted off to sleep. Jake held his breath as he removed the mask off of you and he planted a kiss on your forehead. After a few moments he saw your Avatar body breathing and he was relieved. But he waited for a few moments and you still didn’t open your eyes and that was when he knew that something is wrong.
He began to speak your name as he lightly taps your shoulder but you’re still asleep, Mo’at interfered and said “The Great Mother is talking to her, do not disturb their meeting” She spun around and said something to the tribe in Na’vi “The Tsahik is meeting with Eywa, let us go back home as the Olo’eyktan thanks us for our hardwork!” The tribe rejoiced as they flew to the high camp happy, leaving Jake and (Y/n) alone. He clicked his tongue and proceeds to go home, he put (Y/n)’s 2 bodies in his tent. The human body will be buried to be one with Eywa.
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Meanwhile (Y/n) was all alone but she knew that Eywa was with her. Suddenly a Woman showed up with a stick..... A Cigarette? You put your guard up and hissed at her but she only chuckles "Feisty like Neytiri huh? Who could've thought that Jake is a sucker for Feisty ones". You lowered your guard and looked at her confused, "I'm Grace Augustine" She extended her hand & you take it to shake her hands with her.
"I'm Eywa's assistant now, well sort of." She said "I'm one of Jake's close friends, I'm a scientist that fell in love with the nature of pandora. I fought dor the Na'vi people together with Jake." She explained as the scenes of her helping Jake flashing at the background, after a while she disappeared. You don't understand why she just told you her story but before you can jump into conclusions Another person appeared.
It was a Tall Male Na'vi stood before you, you greeted him and he greeted back. "I was sent here by Eywa to teach you, come" He said. His presence held Authority even greater than Lang.
"I was once the Olo'eyktan of the People, but my reign was cut short my Coronation was a few days before the 1st war." He reminisced as the scenes of his heroic deeds replayed at the background.
"I was shot and fell down the flying machines, Jake the great Toruk Makto and the Olo'eyktan now found me. I passed the Olo'eyktan to him and begged him to ease my pain and he did." He explained further as he smirked.
"Not to brag but, I'm the first female Toruk Makto" You beamed at him and he bursts out laughing offending you. "Interesting, that Sully found his match huh?" He Bowed at you.
"I'm Tsutey, I was a brother to Jale pleased to meet you (y/n)" He said one last time before he disappeared. You started to piece the information together and you're beginning to understand it all, suddenly another woman emerged and peaced at you.
"Sup Jake's Mate Name's Trudy, Pleased to meet you" She said as you waved at her, she smiled at you and waved back with the same energy. She stretched for a moment and released a groan before saying.
"Imma make this quick cause I have a nap to catch on" And with that she hurriedly showed you her late story before she died. "Am Jake's Pilot and I'm hella good at it, Shit's pilot can't even hit my plane dang." She praised herself and we both laughed.
"I sided with the Na'vi's cause fuck humans. I would rather betray my own kind to keep seeing Pandora's beautiful nature than staying loyal to my kind and destroying this treasure" She said. You saw the scene of her bombing the Home tree where many Omaticayans flee for their lives.
"I regret doing that, but I'm glad Eywa gave me another chance" She muttered and she quickly disappeared. You waited for a few moments and no one appeared, you sighed and wondered when are you gonna wake up, you're worried that Jake is waiting for you for a few Hours.
"My child" You heard a soft yet firm voice of someone, you looked around your consciousness but saw no one. You realized that it was Eywa talking to you, You bowed and knelt to the ground to show respect. Suddenly a woman was standing before you.
"Thank you for defending the land, (y/n) may you and Jake lead a peaceful life. But I must warn you my child nothing is permanent" She warned you and proceeds to give you a time lapse of a vision? Many images flooded your brain and you winced.
The last image was a young Na'vi dying infront of you, you heard water clashing and you feel tremendous guilt and sadness. Before it went further the visions stopped and Eywa embraced you wishing you luck for the next chapter of your life. "You should wake up now child, your mate has waited for you" The great mother said before you felt yourself wake up.
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Jake was broken but he doesn't show it he wonders if he's being delusional when he sees (y/n) breathing, he doesn't know if he's loosing his mind or not. But he saw your already big stomach containing his child in you, he doesn't know what to do anymore.
"It's time to let her go Jake it's been 8 months already, look at her! She grew thin! I doubt that child is even alive!" Norm exclaimed at Jake, he has spent the past months convincing Jake to let (Y/n) go and just bury both of her bodies together but Jake keeps on denying it.
"Shut the fuck up Asshole! You don't know what it feels like to lose Both of your mates in one lifetime!" Jake screamed at Norm, he sat down next to you and nuzzled his face in your hands. Norm went quiet and pat Jake at the back.
"I'm sorry man, it's just... It's been a few months you know" He said, Jake just scoffed and looked at him straight in the eye and ordered him to go away. And Norm obeyed.
He nuzzled his face closer to your hands silently hoping you'd wake up. He felt your fingers lightly twitched and he immediately opened his eyes and called your name. He watched you as you regained your consciousness. His eyes teared up and a single tear landed on your skin.
"Ma Jake? Why are you crying?" You asked, he laughed at you and replied "You've been out for 8 months and that's the first thing you'll ask me?".
Your eyes widened "8 months?!" You said while sitting up. But you felt a pain on your stomach, "Shit I forgot I was pregnant" You said and Laughed through the pain. Jake asked you if you're okay and if he need to call Mo'at. You nodded yes as the pain intensified.
He ran outside and called for Mo'at, just as they walked back in you felt your water broke and you screamed in agony as you felt being split in 2. "Fuck! Jake I think Your Child wants to come out!" You said while caressing your stomach.
Mo'at went and called for all of the healers and they made Jake wait outside. You're screaming in pain of giving birth, just then Mo'at made you eat some fruit and said that it'll relieve your pain. And to your surprise it worked! The whole Labor passed and you gave birth without feeling any pain.
A few minutes later You saw your child crying as Mo'at gently placed by your side. "It's a boy! Po Tutan!" As Mo'at screamed in Joy, Jake suddenly bursts in and saw you with his child and said the same thing. "IT'S A BOY!" he kneeled right next to you and asked you what would his name be.
You smiled and close your eyes as you heard Neytiri's whisper on your ear "His name would be Neteyam, Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan" You proudly said as they cheered with the successful birth you did.
As they announced it to the tribe many was happy of the news both by your successful labor and you being well and alive. They began to prepare for a celebration of Neteyam's birthing, you looked at Jake proudly carried Neteyam and he connected his little Tsaheylu on a strand of the Tree of souls.
You have wondered how did you get this type of story in your life when back then you were nothing but a nobody back in being a Marine. But still you were thankful for Eywa for giving this to you, you thanked her for giving you both Jake and Neteyam as well as the tribe of the Omaticaya. And you know to yourself that....
With this it ended a chapter in your life and at the same time it has opened another and you can't wait for the future. But you can't help but be bothered by the Visions that Eywa has showed you.
@fluloa @cleverzonkwombatsludge @thatsenoughformelol @wtf-why-do-i-gotta-do-this @erenjaegerwifee @soxfix @dorck26 @vampsclassiffied @1950schick @lovekeeho @fanboyluvr @buttercake2234 @slutforsmut4ever @witchywannabe3263 @sharni07 @blackgirlwriting
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alexandia03 · 1 month
Tell me about...
Bitter are the wars between brothers
Okay, I was actually waiting for someone to ask about this one and now I am thinking how to talk about it without giving too many spoilers (I am the kind that tells you the entire planned plot when asked because I am that excited).
Basically, Bitter are the wars between brothers is the only semi-complete snippet I wrote so far (like it has 10 pages so far) and it focuses on the main conflict of the second part of Memento Vivere (when I finally get to the IF events), namely Xaden's fallout with his inner circle after a series of mistakes and neglect. RY never talked about how Xaden's friends might feel after he becomes obsessed with Violet and it angered me a little to see that Bodhi had to return to Basgiath with a broken arm (and suffered for months from it) when Brennan was basically there and could have mended him had he and Xaden not decided that saving his energy in case Violet needed something else was more important.
And because the people on the discord server already have access to it, why not give you a little sneak-peak?
“The bones healed wrong after the battle of Resson…” Brennan begins and I bite my tongue not to scoff. Yes, that much we already knew... Anyone with eyes could tell as much. Well, most of us, at least, judging by the bewildered look on Xaden's face, as if he just found out his favorite puppy died. “… so in that regard, the fall was rather fortunate if you want to see it that way, because it reopened the wound and once he regains enough energy for it, I should be able to properly put the bones back in place. Tomorrow, most likely. The mending today took a big toll on him.” And on Brennan himself, I complete in my mind with a scowl. Garrick frowns, his grip on my hand tightening almost to the point it hurts, but I know it is unconscious – and it actually gives me something else to focus on aside from the boiling rage in my chest. “Fortunate? You mean to tell me he lived with a broken arm… for six months?!” He all but shouts, his voice taking a dangerous tone as his hazel eyes moved between Brennan and Xaden, finally understanding why it was so easy for Bodhi to fall off Cuir, why he was favoring his left side. “How could you let it happen?” “Of course, we never meant to put Bodhi in such a position, but after Resson, we had to chance his fracture healing on its own as there were more pressing…” Brennan starts explaining and there is a slight grimace on his face, a prang of guilt. But I came to understand there is a difference between guilt and remorse. “Wait!” Garrick cuts in, his eyes widening even more, but his attention is now solely on Xaden who is uncharacteristically quiet. “You knew his arm was in such a bad condition?” Xaden doesn’t even look at Garrick as he opens his mouth to answer, keeping his eyes on Brennan instead. “You never told me the wound was that serious… You said it would heal in time and there would be no issues. Had I known…”
Or maybe two sneak-peaks because I am feeling generous <3
Anger. And it is pointed towards me like an arrow aimed to pierce my heart. “Fucking traitor. I guess I should have seen this coming.” Traitor? Traitor?! He can’t possibly be talking to me, right? He is probably talking to Brennan after he stopped him… – Fuck it! Who am I freaking trying to fool? He is talking to me and I can’t even lie to myself and say that I didn’t see this coming. “What did you just call me?” I growl, my hand itching to wrap around the hilt of my dagger, but I resist the urge. No, I won’t resort to violence, it’s not the moment and it certainly isn’t worth it. At least not yet. The bastard has the audacity to scoff and roll his eyes at me. “Drop the act. You have been sneaking between me and Bodhi for years trying to push him away from me. It ends today, Imogen. Gods, I can’t believe I have been so blind until now… it’s my fault I allowed this situation to get so far.” “Oh, you are at fault here for a lot, but like always it is easier to blabber about shit than to take responsibility for your fuck ups. You want to pin it on me now that you saw you can’t do it to Brennan? Be my guest, but I can’t take credit for how much you fucked things up with Bodhi, that is all you, asshole.” I bite back, that bit of patience and restraint I was holding on to up to this point finally snapping. Gods, this is truly not the moment for this, for any of this. This is not the time for this stupid argument, not now and certainly not in here, while Bodhi is in pain in the next room. It is not like Xaden will actually listen to logic either, so it is pointless anyway. So I do the only rational thing I can do right now – I turn with the intention of going to Bodhi’s room. “Oh, the fuck you are! I am not letting you anywhere near him to poison his mind with all this vitriol you have against me! Leave him alone, Imogen, I mean it!” Xaden all but yells, shadows extending to form some sort of wall to the door.
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dullweapons · 2 months
okay so since there are a few hylia’s ( i can count about four ? 2 new & 2 from mutuals on side blogs or side muses … im sure there will be more , hell i wanna write a hylia too lol ) so imma write out how ray actually feels about hylia as clear as i can . i don’t really have a problem with hylia myself ? my only problem with her is her being added late into the games but skyward sword is old like me now so im over it . ( i do dislike that we just forgot demise but imma pretend he’s still here hush— @harbingered for my demise 👀 i will pay attention to him i swear )
ray HATES hylia . perhaps the most out of the gods & deities of the world . he curses her & blames her for a lot of things even when she clearly isn’t to blame . he uses her like a scapegoat . someone to point the anger he feels at when there is no one else to blame but himself . he’ll blame her for the troubles zelda goes through , or link or even ganondorf . because he knows hylia . seen her . felt the sting of her magic . saw her bring up the humans to their safe haven in the sky & leave him down there . she didn’t care .
as a child he was taught to worship hylia, as all the children of skyloft settlement were. his family had small statues of her that they gave offerings too . he would pray to her just as his mother told him to . so he was fine with her … maybe a touch annoyed — but that was mostly towards his mother being quite religious & making him repeat hail hylia when he was naughty ( which was often af )
upon being forced into the ancient battle ; his views were forcibly shifted by his father . not by any commands but more due to his father talking about how hylia cares not for him nor any other demons . lamatar believes demise would do right by the demons & monsters ( was that true ? who knows ) . he would beat this idea into ayrin until he began to think it himself .
“ hylia doesn’t care about me. if she did, she would’ve stopped me from joining this war . she wouldn’t have me here …mama says hylia loves us all but no one loves me. she doesn’t either .”
continuing on, ayrin was stuck by the goddess blade causing a horrible scar that glows similarly to TP! ganondorf’s scar. due to it being a holy blade , it couldn’t go away as easily as death or other wounds for the demonic weapon & he was out of battle for weeks. ( visual ref of rays scar here ! ) i have been debating it be hylia who struck him , but it can just be the first link . regardless , he sat there — scared & angry , not just because he failed his father , but hylia hurt . her blade hurts so so much . hylia is pain .
further down the timeline ; he continues to see princesses & queens struggle with their magic or are forced into horrible situations of the cycle born of demise . he sees link , so young forced into battle & losing his childhood only to become a shell . he’s seen ganondorf turned into a monster of anger & greed for what was once a king has become nothing but a pig . if hylia stayed a god perhaps things would be different . perhaps not . regardless, he blames them all : the golden goddesses , hylia & demise . none of them are free from his hate .
but hylia worship has grown strong again by botw & by then — he is a tired , cynical old man . he works hard to make sure his solders are ready for the war that is coming against calamity ganon . he sees the princess struggle to awaken her powers . he scoffs at her & wonders if the blood of the goddess is finally gone from tainting the royal family.
& he prayed to hylia to save them from the calamity when the calamity came & took over all the sheikah technology & his men died trying to get to akkala .
& she did not answer .
so for the hylia rpers i totally understand if you’re like “ damn he a hater idk if i wanna interact “ because he’s never ever gonna warm up to her . also if you wish to discuss what happened between them during the ancient battle please feel free to DM me ! my default does not need to be canon minus 1: ayrin / bby ray going to the war & 2: ray being struck goddess blade . those two are the only requirements — im flexible with anything !
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midzukishino · 1 year
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I'm somewhat brainrotted with these guys rn so there are a few ideas about them. Falcon is the founder of the group known as "Serpents". It started with two old cats (Stoat's Roar and Frostbite), who rescued him from humans (he is a longhair bengal cat). They occupied a huge cave with no intention to take more cats in, but somehow they got several cats who needed help (Falcon brought them). Hawk Feather was one of them. Stoat and Frostbite were too old, so Falcon became a leader, which was obviously not his place. Hot-tempered and impulsive, he didn't take any criticism and fought back anyone who tried to argue with him (though he is not the best fighter). Hawk's former apprentice, Goldfish, died because he tried to challenge Falcon. His wounds were infected. Hawk is a really talented fighter, but he didn't interrupt them, he prefered to watch and he was more than pleased with how it ended. But why "Serpents"? It was Falcon's idea. Though he has a bad temper and is not really strong, he is pretty smart. There are many poisonous bright snakes in vicinity and cats are afraid of them, but Falcon noticed that there weren't just one species. There were two of them! The first one is poisonous (not really dangerous for adult cats if they're not teasing them), the second one is completely harmless. He used them to scare enemies away, cause no one else could see the difference. But later some of the dead members of Serpents started to come back as poisonous snakes. Goldfish was the first one. He wanted to kill Falcon to avenge himself, but Hawk was faster. When cats looked closer at the abnormaly aggressive snake they found familiar tiny bite scars. Lately cats who wanted to help their group or kill someone returned as a snakes, and that's why Serpents prefer to have scars. What about Hawk Feather? He is a cold and heartless jerk, who wouldn't really hurt someone without a good reason, but wouldn't help without it either. The only cat he really cares about is Falcon, who saved his life when he was a teen. Hawk tried to get his attention for a long time, but Falcon only started to notice him after he killed his own reincarnated apprentice to save Falcon's butt, so now Hawk was closer to the leader than anyone could ever be. He is the only true snake around here. Falcon.. is not as bad as he seems to be. He deaply cares about cats he knows well enough, he has empathy (unlike Hawk). But new cats should be really careful with him, because he judges foreign viewpoints to be a danger for the group. 1-2 pics: Hawk Feather and Falcon (Frostbite and Stoat's Roar as snakes)! 3: 1) Young Hawk wakes up in the Serpents' cave, while snakes warm up against him. Very surprised, lol 2) Aspen (tortie she-cat) and Robin (disabled tom) trying to save Goldfish, Falcon is irritated 3) Hawk is killing aspid-Goldfish (it's almost like murdering your apprentice when he is already in Starclan). Not the kind of mate you should be messing with... 4) Stoat’s Roar and Frostbite when Falcon brought Robin. Frostbite isn’t really happy to see more cats 5) Young Hawk's and Falcon's battle practice 6) Old Hawk with aspid-Falcon
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batstorm93672 · 1 year
"You moronic fucking imbecile, only you would find a way to let yourself fall prey to mind control from magic"
Red Hood was fighting Robin. He was under an illusion, solely believing that Robin was someone else. Maybe Joker, Scarecrow, Dent, not like Robin cares who it could be. What matters is ending it.
"I'll kill you!"
"Tt. Try your best"
Red Hood grabbed one of his guns out of the holster, Robin recognizes that one. One of his guns that can and will fatally injure someone. He really is going all out with this.
"What do I have to do to make this end huh? Say some sappy shit? Use words to appeal to your better nature? Talk about how much I care for you or something? Honestly that sounds like something Batman may do, I'm not him and I'm not one for comforting words. There's only so much I can replicate and tolerate from Nightwing's optimistic attitude. Instead I'm doing it my way. Beating you up until you're out"
Robin rolled his eyes as he slid on his knees away from the oncoming bullet. Easy to do, Red Hood isn't even trying at this point.
Robin held his katana, side stepping to easily slice at Hood's arm. No he won't slice his brother's arm off, just a couple cuts and bruises to make him weaker.
Red Hood growled and rolled away, Robin looked down at his feet.
"Son of a b-"
An explosion went off, Robin went tumbling and hit the brick wall. "Cheap tricks Jason"
The battle went on for five more minutes, both having an advantage and disadvantage as every second passed.
Soon Robin was panting, Red Hood had grabbed his katana when he shot Robin's hand. Getting closer, the sharp stab into Robin's shoulder made him cry out. It didn't go all the way through, but it still hurt like hell.
Robin grit his teeth and forced himself up, gripping the katana and pulling it out. There was a lot of blood, but it doesn't matter.
"You know what Jason? You got me all bloody, yet you've yet-" Robin grabbed Red Hood's wrist and pointed the gun to his forehead. "-to shoot me. You've done it before, surely you can do it again. You wanna go back down that path of being a killer? I've done the same, so I have no reason to blame you. So go ahead and shoot me right in the head and I'll be on that ground back in Hell"
Robin pressed his forehead closer, the rim of the gun was most likely making a mark on his head.
Red Hood narrowed his eyes and pressed a bit tighter at the trigger, he was hesitant though...
"Go ahead shoot me right in the face, surely you can"
He held tighter at the trigger, Robin's steeled expression never faltering as he looked directly into Red Hood's eyes. "Shoot me"
The gun was lowered, the click of the safety being back on. Red Hood dropped the gun to the ground.
"There you are, good to know you're back. The meta got away while I was preoccupied with you"
Red Hood grabbed Robin by the shoulders, looking down. "Don't tell me you are still afflicted by the powers" "You... why the hell did you point my gun to your forehead" "To snap you out of it"
Red Hood squeezed Robin's shoulders. "And if it didn't work?! I could've killed you!"
"What matters is that it worked"
"Damian you could have died!"
"Not the first time, may not be the last"
"I could've shot you!"
"I know"
"Were you not afraid? Not even a little?"
Robin looked to the side, why was Jason so insistent on this. He did what had to be done, even if it could've gone wrong, he had to save his brother.
"What does it matter? You're back, that's all that matters"
"Damian. Do you know how much it would hurt if I killed you? It would tear me apart and no one would be okay"
Robin frowned "Stop being so pathetic. I saved you, don't give me such crap" Robin moved away and turned from Red Hood.
Alfred bandaged the stab wound on Damian as Batman looked at the two.
"What happened? How did you get hurt?"
"The meta got away after he attacked us. That's it"
Jason scowled, Bruce is gonna find out anyways why beat around the bush? "The meta made me see illusions, I was hellbent on attacking Damian. He snapped me out of it when he made me have him at gunpoint to the forehead"
"Jason what the hell!"
"He was gonna find out anyways Damian"
"Damian why didn't you say anything?!"
"He's fine, there's no reason to worry father"
"I'm equally worried about you as well"
"Tt. I'm fine, everything is fine. The only thing not fine is the meta getting away"
Damian gripped the sheets and Alfred rested his hand on Damian's shoulder. Damian lightly shrugged Alfred's hand away and bit his lip. Why do they keep wanting to know about his wellbeing? He's fine. Nothing is scary about the situation. Jason was seeing things and Damian took the appropriate steps to get him back. Could there have been better? Maybe. Does that matter? No.
Jason could have definitely shot him and feeling the gun on his forehead doesn't scare him. So why...
"Are you... crying?"
Damian wiped his tears quickly and got up, moving to the staircase. "Jason is fine, that's all that mattered. So can we just drop it"
Damian's hands trembled as he opened his door and moved to his bed, lying down. Covering his face, his breath quickened as he shut his eyes.
It wasn't the gun.
It wasn't the fact that I could have died.
It's the fact that Jason was holding it.
It's the fact that my brother wasn't himself.
The last time someone wasn't in their right of mind ended up with me killed.
Mother wasn't herself and I don't think she ever will be.
Jason could have shot me, because he wasn't himself.
That... that's what terrifies me.
I could have... again...
I don't want to die again by someone I love who I no longer know because something took them away from me.
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twpsyn-who · 1 month
Soulmate AU in which when you touch your soulmate you swap bodies. It needs to be skin on skin contact and is instant. The only way to get back in the previous body is to touch again, otherwise you're stuck like that.
No matter the body all psychological and physical damage stays with you. That means if you get hurt then swap bodies, you will still feel it despite no longer having the wounds. This is only the case of existing wounds prior to swapping ; if new wounds happen to the hurt body after the swap you won't feel them, but the person in the body when it happens will. A very complicated way of saying that you can't get away from pain by swapping bodies with your soulmate as it will follow you.
There's no known consequences to not changing bodies back once swapped, though some might get sick for a few days after swapping back if they waited a long period of time to change back (say over a month, even longer depending on individual)
Now this but, you know... JeanMarco. And of course they find out during their time in the 104th Training Corps, because there's no way their skin didn't touch at least once in +3 years of training and being as close as they are. It isn't until break when they're able to visit home that they learn what it truly means ; up until that point they used it to swap chores (is the only reason why Jean didn't try to kill Eren during their shared chores- because it was actually Marco all along). At that point they knew each other perfectly.
Of course the whole situation was a little bit awkward for both of them when returning. They probably would end up avoiding each other for a bit because teenager boys and stuff, all until someone finally got the guts to mention the tension and ask them what's wrong- which forces them to talk and stuff. Doesn't matter, this is not what I want to talk about.
But the beautiful battle of Trost and what if, hypothetical speaking of course, they touch skin after Jean gets another ODM? And they're so used with each other by now, they don't even notice until the mission is nearly done anyway. And I don't know man, the idea of Jean dying while in Marco's body? Marco (in Jean's body) saying "I need to find Marco" once the mission is a success and research for his soulmate, just for him to not find him?? Not find him until 3 days later when some of them are assigned cleaning duty in Trost and he finds his own fucking body bitten in half???
The realization that it should've been Marco who died that day, but didn't because he was in Jean's body. The realization that not only his soulmate is dead, but he's stuck living his life. He's stuck living the life Jean can't because he died in Marco's place.
SEEING YOUR DEAD SOULMATE EVERYDAY WHEN YOU LOOK IN THE MIRROR. Poor Marco would most likely avoy any reflective surface for a very long time, unable to see Jean's face looking at him.
The guilt of lying to everyone, because how does one even begin to explain what's going on? Him lying to Jean's mother to protect her from the harsh truth of the reality- that her son actually died and the one in front of her was a fake.
And the sad truth is that no one would notice because they've been doing it for months already. They knew how to act like each other to perfection. Even if Marco slipped at some point no one would question it because they got many traits from each other already.
#Ok Armin might notice at some point. But I think somewhere later in the series#And only because of something extremely trivial like idk man Jean thanking Eren for something like#You heard of twins switching lifes now I present to you soulmates doing the exact thing but there's no turning back from it#Don't we all love the swapping bodies trope?#Marco crying when he learns of how Jean truly died because //he only got killed because they thought he was Marco//#With the amount the angst thrown at him Marco might as well just stay dead#anyway#aot#jean kirstein#jeanmarco#aot jean#marco bodt#marco bott#aot marco#jean kirschstein#soulmate au#JeanMarco Soulmates AU#Because there's a weirdly big lack of this trope for them and they deserve more#Hey hey. Is just a little scenario. There's 100% a lot of fluff going on during their training days#Lots of shenanigans too while learning to be comfortable in each other's body and stuff. And The Talk man#Everyone remembers that week in which Jean and Marco avoided each other like the worst week of their life#And some watched loved ones get eaten by titans man like it was THAT bad#Shadis was this 🤏🏻 close to starting an intervention because he wasn't paid enough to put up with whatever was going on#Oh nvm Ymir probably knew but that girl knew a lot of shit and said nothing so it doesn't matter. What's another secret added to the pile?#She could tell right away#Ymir takes one look at you and can tell immediately if you're gay or not. That girl got the gift#Marco living a life Jean would be proud of <3#Also Marco seeing the same exact illusion like Jean saw in canon and being like 'I'm right. Jean was born to be a great leader. I must#follow that path' then joining the Survey Corps because it felt right to do#The amount of times Marco has to stop himself from acting as Titan bait is ridiculous
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chershire23 · 2 months
My Special One
Chapter 13
Slanted is na'vi.
Songs to play when reading.
Towards the sun- Rihanna.
Devil you know- Tim Montana.
Despite Grace trying to stop me I run out mount Spur and fly off into the forest and what I see hurts me so much I almost fall off of Spur midair. Destruction and death falls in the wake of the demon machinery and weapons. Graces school has been shot up and there are arrows as well as bullet holes in the walls. I land and jump off of Spur and the world seems to slow down as I look around me while she takes back off into the air. The bodies of my Na'vi brethren are scattered around me as well as the bodies of humans. Fire surrounds me and I see animals on fire running for their lives trying to escape it. I run around and check the bodies trying to see who was killed and I notice something, they are all some of the younger warriors of the clan. When I get to the last body they are still alive and what scares me the most is it's Sylwanin, my sister. And she is heavily wounded.
Syl, Syl! Oh my Eywa Sylwanin! I shout as I reach her side. Riely, why are you here? She asks weakly. You need to leave now. She says with a painfully sounding cough that sends blood spewing from her mouth. No, no I can't leave you. I need to get you back to mother, we can still save you. I say, fear lacing my voice as I try to stop the bleeding of her wounds. This only results in her blood coating my hands and lower arms. My beautiful little sister, she says her bloody hand reaching up weakly to cup my face. I'm not gonna make it. Please take my bow and knife.....please. She weakly pleads as her other hand grabs the weapons bringing them close to me. No no you can't die you can't! I yell as she forces them into my hands. I love you so much. Please, take them. She says through another cough as her breath turns labored and she starts hyperventilating. She looks me in the eyes as her breathing all of a sudden stops, hands go limp in mine before letting go, falling to the ground. And just like that my oldest sister, the one I looked up to the most, dies in my arms.
Syl? Syl? Wake up please. Sylwanin wake up now please wake up! I scream as hysterics take over my mind. Hugging her head close to my chest i scream and cry in sadness, rage and guilt. Big sis, please come back, please great mother don't take her please! I cry as tears cloud my vision and flow down my face in a river of sadness. Oh shit. I hear a voice behind me say. I turn my head around and I see someone I would have never expected here. Someone who I saw as a second father, Miles Quaritch, a gun in his hands. Seeing him here amongst the death and destruction knowing his status rage fills me and I place Sylwanin's head down gently in the grass. Her blood stains my body as I grip her knife tightly in my hand marching towards him. Now kid listen to me. He begins before I cut him off. I trusted you, I TRUSTED YOU! I scream at him. TRAITER, MURDER! I scream slashing towards him with the knife. He jumps away avoiding my attack.
YOU REALLY THINK YOUR ONE OF THEM KID, HUH? He screams at me. Your human kid, and them....they are nothing but flea bitten blue savages. He says. I hiss at him as something inside of me snaps, but it's not my regular hiss. This, this came from somewhere else deep inside of me. Fine. he says as the mask he wears makes a hissing sound. Have it your way. With that the battle between the two of us begins. Our knives collide as we fight, trying to wound and/or kill the other. We move fast and quick sending blows left and right whether it be with our weapons or hand to hand. Quarich manages to slash my upper left shoulder and blood seeps out of my wound. I barely acknowledge it as I tackle Quaritch to the ground. Pinning him down to the forest floor, I raise the knife above my head. This is for my fallen sisters and brothers. This is for Sylwanin! I scream out as I go to plunge the blade into his chest. Before I could though two sharp pains burst through me as loud bands echo throughout the trees. I look down to see two bullet wounds in my lower abdomen. Getting up I clutch them tightly as I turn and see a unfamiliar soldier lower her gun, popping gum in her mouth.
Falling to the ground I crawl towards my sister's body. When I reach her I lay my head on her chest as tears once more fall from my eyes. I'm sorry sister, I, I couldn't avenge you. I'm so, so sorry. I hiccup as tears run from my eyes. It feels like my life is flashing before my eyes as I think about all the memories me and Sylwanin shared. Like the time where we caused a 'Anstìk stampede when we were younger. I remember how we sat on the branches to catch our breath after escaping before looking at each other and laughing. Or the time when we ganged up on Lyle during a wrestling match. Though one of my favorite memories of Sylwanin was the first time we flew together after she got her Ikran. It was eclipse and the only things we could hear that night was the wind and our laughter as we soared together. She performed all kinds of tricks with me and when we returned home we kept trying to shush the other not wanting to wake everyone up as we couldn't stop giggling.
Weak laughter escapes my mouth and I raise my bloodied hand towards Slywanins face using the last bit of strength left in me to close her eyes. There, now she's just sleeping. I tell myself. We are both sleeping, and this is just a nightmare. When I wake up we will be back home with our parents, no one is dead, and we will all live in peace. My vision starts to fade and the last thing I see before the darkness overcomes me is the blurry images of Ikrans landing and people running towards us.
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cruelfeline · 2 years
I've been reading a lot of your Hordak-related posts recently and the depth of your analysis is really fascinating, thank you so much for publishing it! There's one moment in SPOP that has been kinda bothering me and I haven't seen any posts about it (maybe just because I'm new to the fandom), so I thought I could ask for your thoughts on it. I'm talking about Hordak attacking Glimmer at the end of S4, right before they were transported to the Prime's ship. Every time it makes me feel kinda uneasy and Hordak here seems a little off character to me. What do you think about this scene?
Ah, thank you for your kind words, anon! I'm happy to provide many Hordak-centric words c:
And gosh, yes; Hordak's attack on Glimmer at the end of season four. You're absolutely right: Hordak is very much off-character. Let's take a moment to observe, assess, and address why!
First and foremost, it's useful to acknowledge that, despite Hordak's status as "major villain" at this point in the narrative, this sort of behavior is out of character for him. Hordak, for all of his anger and propensity for tossing things around in a tantrum, never physically touches anyone. He never grabs. He never hits. The most physically deleterious thing he does to another character is choking Catra, and that is done via a machine altering the atmosphere. Never, at any point, does he physically do violence to another.
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Compare this to our other villains: Catra, Shadow Weaver, and Horde Prime. They have zero issue using their own hands to physically hurt and/or intimidate another. But Hordak? Hordak does not do this.
Which is interesting! Like, it's unusual and unexpected enough for his character type as to be very noticeable. So it's just as noticeable when he deviates from this personal norm of his.
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Let's take a look at him as he engages in this unusual behavior. He's scuffed up. Disheveled. Hair's a mess. Clothing is a mess. He's got dirt and scratches on his face. He's sweating. And he's grinning much wider than we've ever seen him grin.
This is so far removed from the ever-stoic, dignified Hordak we're used to seeing. Just like his action, his appearance is out of character. Hordak is never dirty or disheveled. And he's not one to engage in overly-demonstrative displays of emotion.
So what gives? Either the writers have temporarily tossed Hordak's character out the window, or something else is going on, and this deviation from the norm is being used to show us that something.
Let's take a moment to assess what leads up to this scene.
We are at the end of season four, in Destiny Part 2. This episode and Destiny Part 1 both appear to happen over roughly a few hours... certainly no more than a day. So: what does Hordak experience in these hours?
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He learns of Entrapta's fate, for one. He learns that, over the last months-to-a-year, he has been lied to and manipulated by Catra while Entrapta suffered and - as far as he knows - died on Beast Island. Absolutely devastated by this information, he turns on Catra.
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The resulting battle inflicts mulitple wounds, both physical and emotional. Not only is he fighting someone who, until moments ago, he legitimately trusted and perhaps even considered a friend, he is fighting someone who knows his weaknesses. Catra tears into Hordak with her words, for she knows the pain at his core. She knows the hurt he is trying to assuage via his campaign on Etheria, and she targets that mercilessly.
"Why would Horde Prime care about you?"
Physically, she goes for his LUVD crystal, causing him significant pain and essentially disabling him. This likewise causes further emotional distress because, at this moment, this is the only piece of Entrapta he has left. And Catra takes it away.
All of this personalized torment is compounded by wreckage falling on and pinning him.
So! This is where we're at when Hordak attacks Glimmer:
Entrapta is, in his mind, dead. He has been betrayed, emotionally tormented, and beaten by Catra. He no longer has his LUVD crystal. He's lost his last connection to Entrapta, and his armor isn't helping with his pain or mobility. He's been in a violent physical fight and had a whole mass of machine debris fall on him.
It doesn't take much imagination to consider the amount of emotional and physical pain Hordak is in. Like... all of this? All of this that he has gone through over the past... few hours, maybe? It's enough to drive him out of his mind.
That's why he attacks Glimmer as he does. That's why he acts so out of character: because he is. He is out of his mind with grief and rage and serious physical pain. And he's directing all of that trauma at the closest thing available. That closest thing just happens to be Glimmer.
Really, this sort of out-of-character writing is so useful to us as viewers because it emphasizes a severe shift in a character's emotional, mental, and physical state of being. In this case, it shows us how badly harmed Hordak is in this moment, how deeply affected and broken by what's happened.
Very effective, at least for me!
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