#yandere nordics
yanxidarlings · 9 months
Hello there! I don't know if the inbox is open but could I request the Nordics (separate) with a darling (romantic) who just keeps questioning why they chose them of all people as they continue to try and leave them? Thank you and have a wonderful day!
matthias honestly see's his darlings insecurity as fishing for compliments - normally he would shower them in verbal affection, especially if asked, but assuming that this is just after getting caught trying to escape, he's a bit pissed. "i don't know, i could probably find someone better couldn't i" yes this little shit is using his darlings moment of self consciousness as manipulative ammunition.
his darling is probably crushed at his words, matthias feels a bit bad seeing how their face falls, but it's for the best. if things go as planned, his darling will start to put more effort into the 'relationship', and stops trying to escape.
or his darling could completely shy away from him after hearing his words, smart decision, darling, if he see's how dejected they are, matthias is going to feel really bad.
he didn't mean it, min elskede!, he was just in a bad mood, it's like when you're feeling insecure and try to up and leave!. please forgive him.
it's best not to drag this out any further, and take the apology and pampering, lest matthias starts to think his darling is attempting to manipulate him, and believe me, you do not want to entirely loose his trust.
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lukas wonders the exact same thing sometimes. he really tried to shake his obsession, it's not like he wants to be so attached to his darling but he is.
he doesn't answer his darling initially, too busy enchanting the basement to keep them from trying to escape again. this likely puts his already distressed darling on the edge, and might lead them to think he's decided to dispose of them when he doesn't come and visit for the next week.
the darlings words linger in lukas's mind; if he hadn't already kidnapped them, he might have tried to distance himself from them and focus on his responsibilities as a big brother and a country (to no avail), but he can't risk his darling going off and telling everyone about what he had done, so, in that week he decides to put his darling out of their misery.
finally, after a week, he re-emerges into the basement, with a tray of food in his hands, his darling is soiled and starving at this point, so they don't fight back when he hand feeds them the love potion infused fiskesuppe.
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tino's heart just about breaks upon hearing his darlings words - it all makes sense now! his darling does love him, they just struggle with insecurities, that he clearly desperately needs to address.
so, if his darling doesn't like physical affection, verbal affection or being smothered, they just made the stupidest decision of their life; tino now dedicates his days to boosting his darlings self esteem. best to go along with his self love boot cam, he'll forget all previous grievances.
but assuming 10 hours of standing naked in front of a mirror complimenting themselves just creeps them out, and they still want to escape from tino's clutches; they once again try to leave when the chance presents itself.
finland goes absolutely insane, no one can calm him down when he realises his darling isn't home when he returns from the latest world meeting - after all he did for them? were they even being sincere or was it all another ploy to escape?! throw all previous trust out the window, once he gets his darling back he's going full tiger mum.
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"who made you think this" berwalds instantly ready to throw hands, start a war, go viking mode. it's simply incomprehensible to him that his darling doesn't adore themselves as much as he adores them.
it must be someone's elses poisonous words corrupting his darling self image, probably denmark, or maybe prussia, germany and austria, or it could be-
if berwald hadn't kidnapped his darling yet, expect to wake up in his house the next morning - clearly his darling is being horridly abused by the people they surround themselves with to think that they aren't worthy of love.
whilst he wasn't planning on pursuing a romantic relationship with his darling, and was content in his position as their guardian angel, if it's what he thinks they need, he'll do whatever he must to ensure their wellbeing.
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here we have the angsty teenager, who immediately takes it as his darling mocking him. fine! be that way, he didn't even like them that much to begin with (lies). once he realises how immature he's being, he panics.
did he just ruin his entire relationship with his darling over his own insecurity? emil screams into his pillow when it occurs to him that his darling was being sincere. even if they weren't, he couldn't stay away from them for that long. if he wasn't already stalking them, he's picked up the habit now: they hate him so how else is he to get his fill of them?.
after a few months of being estranged, emil works up the courage to make amends. but it isn't the same, his beloved is on edge, they don't trust him like they used to. it drives him to absolute insanity loosing the closeness he once had with his darling.
he doesn't sleep, he doesn't eat, he just follows and watches them in a desperate attempt to get close to them again.
eventually, his brothers get concerned, lukas can't stand to see his baby brother so distressed, so he does what all good brothers do and puts icelands darling under a love potion. to emils horror. at first he thinks they've come around, but is quick to become suspicious of the sudden affection he's receiving.
emil will demand lukas undo the love potion, when his darling is back to their senses he's so embarrassed, he stutters apologies, as the door opens.
norway walks in with a suitcase, "here's all their stuff" "WHAT"
isn't norway a great big brother kidnapping icelands darling for him.
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way to reinforce kunuk's belief that he and his darling are soulmates, reader. just when he thinks his darling can't get any more perfect for him, they say this. it's kinda disturbing to see the heart eyes he gives them as they pour out their heart to him, probably sobbing too.
he immediately counters with his own belief that he isn't good enough for his darling, but he loves them so much that he's gotten past that to bring them together (kidnap them).
if anything his darling made him more attached to them, he goes from being attached at the hip with them to being their conjoined twin; if kunuk wasn't open with them before, he sure as hell is now. if he was, all boundries between him and his darling fade at this point.
kunuk also uses his darlings insecurity as a way to isolate them from others; no one understands them like he does, as no one understands him as they do, so what's the point of going to america's birthday bash when he and his darling could stay home and cuddle?
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thatanimeramenchick · 6 months
Can I some yandere Nordics pls!!
Of course! Thank you for your patience, I've been in a bit of writing slump the last two years.
Since nothing specific was requested, I think I’ll just go with some personal head cannons that I have on how their personality works with their yandere-ness.
I imagine Denmark as being very similar to America for some reason. He’d be loud, assertive, and maybe a bit delusional. Will loudly enter your life and try to hit on you. I feel like he’s a bit less obnoxious than America though (eh, maybe I just find him hotter) so he’s able to get you to put up with a lot more of his weirdness, and you won’t be scared off as easily.
He just laughs his way through their denials of love or just out right ignores their protests. You don’t love him? You’re so funny how you play hard to get! If you become too difficult though, he will use force to get you to comply.
He could become volatile if he has you in his grasp, and you are being quite nasty. If you manage to cut past that denial he has put up, his truly terrifying side will come out.
I have this weird feeling that Denmark and Norway have total opposite approaches to trying to seduce and keep their lover, but they are both the exactly the same in that they would be very domineering and controlling. Unlike Denmark, he doesn’t act delusional about your relationship, he is very aware that you don’t like him, he just doesn’t care.
Tries to entrap you in a subtle way. Like a fairy luring a naive child into the deep woods, he wishes to lure your heart to his own. If you respond positively to his affection, he’s never letting you go, even if that means locking you up. A negative reaction though will cause him to act in a more aggressive manner, though he dislikes it. Maybe he’ll knock you out with some tea and lock you in his basement. Once your “his” though, he will tend to dote on you in private, perhaps to a nagging obsessive degree.
Can be quite patient. No matter how much you protest that you hate him, he will wait it out. He's willing to play the long game in manipulation or even after obtaining you if you are being stubborn in reciprocating his affection.
Finland knows better than both Norway and Denmark: you catch way more flies with honey than with vinegar. I see Finland as being like Norway in that he tries to sweeten his “lover” into his arms, but unlike Norway he doesn’t do this through the excessive doting and nagging, as much as gently nudging and knowing just what the object of his affection needs.
He doesn’t stalk in the traditional sense, but he likes to study you. Pays close attention to everything you say, where you go, and what you do and holds it in his memory bank so he can take out the information whenever he needs it.
Also, I don’t think he’s the type who would prefer to kidnap. Rather, I feel like he’s the type to ruin the relationship you have with someone else or get you fired by pulling some behind the scene strings and then wait with open arms for you to come to him for comfort. He’ll make it look like he has the whole world offered to you on a silver platter. What you don’t know won’t hurt you, right?
I feel like Iceland is still in that awkward stage where you like someone and have literally no idea how to express it like a human being. So he tries to overcompensate in a way that makes him seem desperate and sad.
Naturally, most people aren’t attracted to that, and he just as naturally freaks out like there’s no tomorrow and acts drastically. Depending on a lot of factors this acting drastically could range from him stalking you to full blown ruining your life and/or kidnapping you.
May have some "nobody loves or understands me" pity parties if you express genuine dislike or disgust towards him. He could be pulling this to be manipulative, but I think a bit of it is genuine.
Also kind of socially awkward but more in the creepy way? It’s not intentional though! He just has this aura about him that makes people naturally fear for their lives. I feel like he expresses his affection for you in a way that just isn’t really effective and creeps the average person out, but it’s not meant to be taken that way.
Will bluntly try to win you over. He will announce to you that you two are going out on a date and when and where, and happily ignore any protests or looks of confusion.
He will also tell other people that you two are dating, regardless of whether its true or not, especially to anyone who may even show the slightest interest. If that doesn’t scare them off, the aforementioned creepy aura probably will.
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yandere norway headcanons pls (maybe some nsfw teehee)
Forgive me but I can’t think of N$F W headcannons right now for him. His personality airs on the side of asexual and not really the type to be into situations. But what’s do I know it’s just the ramblings of a woman who’s lost her mind probably.
Anyways hope you like this post!
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He’s one of the most difficult to read Yandere, similar to that of Sweden, Iceland, and Japan.
When he does have a darling that he takes an interest in he will not approach you at all.
In fact by the time you do meet him it’s at least a year before he will introduce himself to you. He takes his sweet time in trying to figure out your personality through parasocial interaction, information that his magical friends bring him, and through subtle gestures that you get the hint and follow his lead. He’s not a particularly dangerous Yandere, somewhat forceful but not to the degree where it trips red flags like England would, as a fellow magical yandere.
Dude will go through all of your socials and read the backlogs. He will be entertained by the more than a decade old post that you wrote and about how you hate HS. He will build a perfect picture in his head of how you actually are in reality and anticipates the changes that have occurred in your life that have led you to be the human that you are now. Perfect in his eyes, and feels that you waste too much time in (home country). Where the standards of living are pathetic compared to the happiness that his people have.
He will occasionally join a stream you have going, IG live, Tiktok live etc Just to hear your voice so that when he goes to sleep at night he has something that can ease his mind and add to his imagination. The sight and sound of you flood his mind like great tides flowing in from the Northern Sea. He can sleep soundly.
His magical friends from the other side will aid him by pilfering things that you 9 times out of 10 won’t realize are missing. Things like a lip-gloss, sticky-notes that you used for meetings over zoom, that water bottle you thought you left on the bus.
He watches you like a tv show of sorts from his magical room. It’s nice for him to be able to gaze at your beauty from afar without having to exert himself.
Eventually the numerous sea of strings will overwhelm his soul and he will eventually want to be much closer to you than to have just the vision of you. Which at least as far as Yandere’s go is not nearly as bad as what England might do.
Norway is going to want to meet you in a fantasy he created and keep you there. He was able to look into your past memories using his magic to learn more about you and what makes you comfortable, what are your deepest dreams, etc.
“What makes you happy?”
Late one night. You brought your tired eyelids to a close. You had just survived a long tumultuous day . You didn’t want to think about anything. You didn’t want to think about anyone. You just wanted to sleep. When your eyelids closed for the last time you were brought to a new reality, one of which were it felt as though it were real.
“Oh (insert greeting that is most common for your nationality but for more friendly terms) Y/N how are you? Ready to bake (favorite dessert) and watch the ocean cam? I heard that tonight is supposed to be particularly exciting because of the storms raging on tonight.”
“Oh yeah! I’ve been in a haze of sorts. Hahah.” Not fully aware of your body but you wanted to at least try to regain some control. Everything felt fine even though you felt a little lightheaded but nothing too intense to hinder your basic functionality. All will be fine in this sweet daydream since Norway is great at keeping his close family entertained.
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Yandere Werewolf Nordics or Allies that's in love with a quiet fox darling. Their territories are close and they have somewhat of an unspoken agreement. Other than that the darling doesn't pay them any mind and is worried about finding a suitable mate ( that isn't them )
Nordics becuase yeah! >:D
Here's the thing is because i can I am gonna make the nordics a group that lives together (I am excluding iceland since he is a minor) the nordic 4 as a group knowing where you live and thrive will stalk you as a pack and will drive you. Knowing you are trying to find a suitable mate that isn't them infuriates them and drives them to wanting you more. They start off slowly and they begin their drive putting their hunting territories where you live, they begin to make you aware you're in their territory and once they catch you they will use the territory terms to their advantage. They just take you and they have to decide as a group what to do, since they are gonna have to share you (the best they possibly can without murdering eachother). Hope you like to be shared.
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elenamegan14 · 5 months
Yandere One Piece - Irish/Nordic Fae Folk Myth X F!Reader - Pookah!Luffy
PROLOGUE Pookah - a mischievous yet friendly fae, capable of shapeshifting into any form as they please - malevolent ones included. Legends have told that anyone lucky or unlucky enough to get a ride from Pookah will experience the wildest travel of their lives. 
You barely have the time to calm yourself when the Pookah circles you around like a wolf waiting for its prey to move. You’ve been here for a few minutes and already you encountered a fairy folk! Fortunately, luck seemed to be on your side - Pookahs are not relatively dangerous unless you treat them with care. 
However, Pookah’s personality is proven to be quite a challenge,  considering this one has the childish personality of a hyperactive boy, drunk with too many candies. Also, he seems to be the talkative type too, jumping around whenever you tried to side-stepped him. 
“A human! Sweet! Haven’t seen a human for a while! I mean, on my side anyway. My brothers saw humans all the time because they got permission for it, but I don’t!” The Pookah grumbled, “They said that I need to practice more on my human transformation, but I think it’s perfect!” He gestured towards himself, forgetting about his longish furry ears and tail. 
“I… see. That’s very nice, but I have to go.” 
Frustratingly, Luffy seems to follow you around, not giving you a moment of rest. It did not help that he had no sense of personal space, always coming in inches close to you - a new toy that he had never seen. 
“By the way, my name is Luffy! What’s yours?” 
You are about to instinctively answer but a particular warning from your parents hit you on the head. An iron-clad superstition rules that any good children must follow to survive Grand Line if they happened to stumble upon it. 
Never tell them your real name, Y/N. That’s how they control you - words have more power in the fairy world than in the human world. 
Frowning, you turned your head away from Luffy, “You don’t need to know.” 
“Aw, you’re no fun! What am I supposed to call you then? Seaweed? Meat-girl? Oh! I can call you… ‘Wet Blankie’! Because, you know-” 
“Alright, I got it! Call me any way you like but you’ll never find out what my name is!” You boldly asserted, keeping to yourself that you can endure the humiliation of being weirdly dubbed for now. 
“Fine!” Luffy stuck his tongue out, “...wet blankie.” he added the last part with a laugh, earning him a scowl. 
Hurriedly, you walked at a faster pace, hoping to leave the Pookah to his ministrations 
“So, whatcha doing here? Are you going somewhere?” “No, I’m lost! I don’t know where I am, what time is it…” You trailed mournfully, “I even started to lose my way around this place.” 
“Oh well, Grand Line can be a maze sometimes. Heck, even my friend, Zoro got lost here plenty of times… and he’s a native!”
A certain name from Luffy’s speech puts you into a standstill horror, “Grand Line? As in… THE Grand Line? I’m here in THAT Grand Line?” 
“Dang, no need to say three times. But yeah, you’re in Grand Line! You’ll love it! There are so many fun places here - there are so many interesting things happening around here-” 
A shudder of panic courses through your body, “No, no, no, no, no! I’m not supposed to be here! My parents told me to stay away from this place! That’s where the fairy folks live, I’ve heard stories of what they’ll do to humans! I have to get out of here!” 
Unbeknownst to you, Luffy studied you a little more carefully than the first time he met you. As if he can sense something beyond your appearance. 
“That’s… an interesting way to put it,” Luffy droned, “Somehow, you felt different than other humans who fell here.” “You mean there are other humans besides me here?” “Great!” You raised your hands exasperatedly, “I’m lost in this god-forsaken forest,  I can’t find my classmates, and I’m supposed to be home right now! But I’m stuck here! This sucks!” You sobbed
“If you like to… I can give you a ride,” Luffy smiled gently, “I know my way around Grand Line, I can take you to the entrance.” You gasped indignantly at his idiocy, “Are you mad? I can’t trust fairies - that’s the third most important rule that everybody knows!” Luffy’s eyebrows raised in confusion, “Really? Then what’s the second one? I mean, you did tell me the first rule is-” 
“-not to reveal my real name to a fairy, I KNOW. You KNOW,” You repeated the rule as if you were schooling a first grader, “The second rule is not to eat and drink anything that the fairies offer.” 
“What?!” Luffy jumped in horror, “That’s a terrible rule! You can't do that! Everybody has to eat! Who made that? This is the first time I’ve ever heard it!” 
You rolled your eyes in irritation, “Not if you’re a human. They’ll be bound to the fairy world forever if they eat anything in here, and I still want to go home.” 
“Not if I can ask the bigwigs to change it!” An optimistic grin burst from Luffy’s face, “I mean, I managed to change a few rules after causing some trouble from time to time again. Which reminds me - I need to hide from my grandpa - he is so pissed off after I destroyed the palace’s garden the other day.” 
“You do that while I’m searching for any entrances here,” you murmured, slipping by Luffy.
“Alright, suit yourself!” Luffy shrugged nonchalantly. 
Time passed, and you still need to find an entrance. You felt as if the forest was keen on making you even more lost on your path - each shrub seemed to change, pebbles moving out of your marked gaze, not giving you the slightest hope of any exit. What makes matters worse is that you estimated that the sun will set soon. The risk of falling under the clutches of the fairy folk increases with each second you have wasted. 
Just as you circled anguishedly around the rock for the fourth time, Luffy popped back again, keeping his irritating grin at your hopeless attempt. “You know, I still can help-”
“Oh, alright!” You snapped, realizing that it’s futile to rely on your own… for now, “But be warned - I have ways to kill you if you break your promise. Got it?” 
“Sure thing! I can still take you on if you do! Shishishi!” Luffy innocently chuckled - you felt tempted to smack his head at his indifference. 
In just one breath, Luffy transformed himself into a creature that wasn’t a horse but not a mammal either. It was more of like… a rabbit-horse. You were hesitant to approach him but Luffy casually grinned again, lowering his back before. 
“Hop on! Don’t worry, I’ll make sure that you won’t fall!” 
“I’ll make sure of it too.” You murmured, climbing onto his back. 
Luffy is proof that all legends about Pookah giving their passengers the wildest ride of their lives are true. As you let yourself settle in, Luffy sprints at a breakneck speed - so fast and rough that you must hang onto his neck for your dear life. You didn’t even try to utter a scream, only small whimpers in fear of biting your tongue. 
So many thoughts ran through your head. Is it a mistake to trust Luffy? How much time had passed - hopefully you would only miss a day or two. And will you make it out of here? You can almost imagine yourself running through the exit out of Grand Line, ignoring any of Luffy’s farewells and just stomping straight to Stelly and Sarie, giving them the beating of their lifetimes at the dining hall. There was also a huge hope that you would be reunited home again with your parents, maybe you could explain why you had lost your iron earrings and being in the Grand Line in the first place-
Luffy suddenly came to an abrupt stop. Before you can recollect yourself, Luffy turned back into his default form, unaware that he let his occupant fall behind his back. 
You quickly rose to your feet, nursing your sore arm, “W-Wha? Why did you stop-?” 
Luffy’s eyes grimaced, “Someone’s in our path. Look.” Luffy pointed towards a figure in a near distance. 
It was a male fairy - an intimidating one at that. Build impressively in a visage fit for royalty, but contains plenty of rebelliousness on the side. Freckles adorn his face like stars and black, wavy hair frames his fiery visage. Behind his back are a pair of transparent, fiery wings that almost resemble that of a hawk. By mortal standards, he is… magnificent.
Your blood ran cold. You recognize the mark on his wings from the illustrations that your mother once drew. She is an impressive artist, painting one bestiary after another with near accuracy. There was no doubt that right in front of your mortal eyes was the son of the Fairy King himself, Portgas D. Ace.
The very same one who thinks burning mortals who pissed him off can be considered normal in Grand Line. 
“Wha- what is he doing here? H-H-He’s not supposed to be here-” You stammered. 
“Who’s not here who?” Luffy stared at you in question.
“That fairy! Ace! I heard stories about him - he’s dangerous! We have to go!” You furiously shook your head, already searching for a hiding spot. 
Upon looking at the fairy in question, Luffy’s face lightens up, “Oh, yeah! You’re right! That’s my brother! OII! ACE-!” 
You felt your heart drop at this revelation. Brother. He just has to be Luffy’s brother - why not? It didn’t help that Ace’s attention was stirred by Luffy’s ruckus. Rushing to Luffy’s side, you grabbed his arm as tightly as possible. 
“No!” You pleaded, shaking, “Don’t let him see me! I can’t be seen by a fae folk, especially him!” 
“What? Why not? I know Ace very well, he won’t hurt-” 
“Luffy, please.” 
There was a slight hesitation when Luffy analyzed the fear in your voice. It was a gamble, whether or not Luffy would listen to you. Pouting always works, that’s how you got a leeway from the authorities if you happen to be in any sort of problem - like that time you accidentally broke Mayor Woodlsap’s window for a lighter punishment from him. You put your best one yet, coupled with a doe eye that made you seem helpless and innocent. 
A few seconds later, Luffy solemnly nodded, “Okay, I won’t tell him that you’re here. Just hide wherever you can, alright? I’ll come and get you when he’s gone.”
You didn’t think twice and made a run for the nearest bushes and rocks that concealed your entire body. Your head peered out upon the two fairy brothers conversing after Ace made his way to Luffy. 
Everything about Ace is breathtaking. His beauty is every bit as true as the stories told by swoony-eyed village women. You also have to remind yourself - thanks to your father’s stern warnings time and time again - that Ace is also well-known for his trickery. He is a fairy that would burn humans into a pile of dust or turn them into trinkets if he fancies. 
The fact that Ace is unpredictably harmful.
It felt like forever when you counted until five minutes passed by, trying to make out what Ace was saying to Luffy. He seems to whisper something into Luffy’s ears, but the distance is far too wide for you to listen. So you rely on your eyes instead, observing Luffy’s face slowly form into an enthusiastic expression as Ace conversed excitedly with his brother. 
You silently breathed in relief when Luffy waved goodbye to Ace, gently coaxing you out of the hiding spot, “He’s gone, don’t worry.”
“What are you talking about with Ace?” You brushed off the dirt in a hurry and climbed to Luffy’s back once more. 
“Noooo….thing?” Luffy innocently answered - you rolled your eyes. 
“Okay, fine. How far are we to the edge of the entrance?” 
“Won't be long now. We just need to make a BIIIG dash straight there…” Luffy pointed straight at a cluster of trees. 
“Alright,” you nodded, “Let’s go.” 
You barely notice a sliver of Luffy’s dark grin as he runs with all his might towards the clearing. You ignored all the branches, the leaves, and the force of the wind that blinded you - all you care about is reaching the end - to home. 
A bright light blinded you at the end of the path. When Luffy stops and lets you off his back carefully, you slowly adjust your eyes to the new surroundings. 
But it wasn't the entrance as you might have hoped. 
It was a lakeside. 
A lakeside that is also full of various fairy folks - bathing and playing and hanging around one another. 
It dawns on you that Ace had persuaded his brother to lead you to a trap. 
“Hey, guys!” Luffy shouted, dragging you towards them, “I brought a new friend!” 
A green-haired demon-like fae folk sighed exasperatedly, getting out of the water, “Luffy. How many times do we have to tell you not to bring any more weird people-” 
That’s when his eyes landed on you. 
Everything went quiet. Several eyes gazed upon you in interest for a few seconds. 
And then it exploded into elated chatters. 
Oh no. 
“Luffy…” A blonde nymph-like man with swirly eyebrows eyed you as if his birthday came early, “You didn't tell me that you caught a human girl.” 
His statement brought an ominous wonder to the rest of the occupants in the lake. 
“Somehow, you know how to lighten our day, Luffy.” A fae with a top hat chuckled, already getting up from his position, and making his way carefully around you. 
“Come little human, would you like to join us…?” A pretty maiden with long dark hair and piercing blue gaze, a Huldufolk, she recognized, put down her book, and extended her arm at her. 
“Listen up, I want her first.” A large troll with red hair quipped, taking in your fearful form. 
“Mind your turn, Eustass-ya,” Another fae, dark and attractive, scanned your visage, “It’s been a while since I have a human to play with. The last one didn’t last long on my table.” 
An overwhelming sensation flooded your brain - the fae folks sauntered towards you closely, each with every step you took back. Luffy’s reckless decision had earned you a cold, hard target from every fae folk on your back. In a split second, you did the only thing you could think of.
You ran. 
Several cries of “Come back!”, “Play with us!” rang all across the field. But you did not listen. No, not when every mere form of danger is right by your footsteps. 
Hurt. Sickened. Betrayed. These are the only things that are in your mind. Oh, how foolish you are - no matter how good his intentions are, Luffy is still a fairy who plays tricks upon humans - and now you are his next victim. 
Your mind is made up in determination when Luffy springs before you again, trying to explain something. By now, you have already pulled out the cross from your bag and brandished it upon Luffy who backed away. 
“I shouldn’t have trusted you,” You growled dangerously, hovering the cross like a weapon.
“Wait! What’s-your-name, I can explain-!” 
“Oh, you have already explained enough! Now begone!” 
Luffy drew a wicked grin, “Yeah, I was planning to take you back…” Luffy circled you in a predatory manner, “...but my brother Ace had better plans.”
Luffy effortlessly dodged the cross that you had swiped at him, “GET AWAY FROM ME! I wasted enough time with you around! I’ll go home myself!” 
“I like you, you’re interesting. Join my pack.” You gasped - Luffy’s arms started to stretch like rubber, coiling onto your other weaponless arm. 
“I refuse!” You hissed, trying to escape from his bond. 
“Then I refuse your refusal!” Luffy starts to lose his calmness, and he holds you even tighter, “Please Wet blankie! What’s-your-name! I promise you, they are not going to hurt you-!” 
“Go away!” You screeched with all your might, pushing Luffy away and hoping that your cross might make a nick on him. You kept running, you could care less if Luffy begged you to stop, you can't simply look back. Perhaps you assumed that Ace summoned himself right next to Luffy, his eyes boring at your running form. He grabbed Luffy by his shoulder, in a regality fit for a king.
“Don't let her go, Luff,” Ace spoke, honeyed and full of dark intent, “All of us had waited years to have her back. We can’t lose her now.” 
“No…” Luffy nodded, “I won’t. We’ll get her.” 
There is nothing worse than to run from fairies and get lost again in their forest. Exhausted as you are, there is no willingness from you to yield from their relentless pursuit. You are going home, and that is final. 
Then your nose picked up a salt-like scent. The ground is becoming more coarser as well. You finally realize that as you are busy fleeing for your life, you end up on a sandy beach. Not too distant from you is an ominous cave on the seawater, far too eerie to enter. 
And yet, as if curiosity overrides your logic, you decided to take a closer look at it instead. 
“Come here…” You jumped. There was a faint voice coming from the cave. So you know how to play this game. You firmly planted your foot into the sand, ignoring the voice that keeps persistently trying to coax you inside. 
You crossed your arms and looked away.
The cave lets out a guttural growl - something comes out. You kept your fingers clenched onto the cross as a creature, a merman-like being, swims out, and reaches near you. Aside from his long hair, a striking feature of him is his strange triangle-shaped eyebrows that frame his sharp eyes. 
“Must you be so stubborn, child? I know what was going on here, and I am here to help.” He drawled. 
Basil Hawkins, the Marmennill, is here to lead you.
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Hello! I was hoping if you would be willing to do the 2p Nordics with a very short s/o? NSFW if possible!
Of course! I hope you enjoy this :D fair warning tho I'm tall so I naturally don't have a lot of experience with being short ^^;;;
2p Denmark/Markell Køhler
He likes it a little too much in the wrong way (cough pervert cough)
He thinks that you being tinier than him is cute, and he will make you wear cute stuff and then fuck you in it, the size difference turns him on
2p Finland/Thurston Väinämöinen
He's already short enough as it is and he hates it, thinks it makes him look weak. That also applies to a possible SO, you would ideally be tall and lean so you can defend yourself and fight of course
He likes it in the bedroom kinda, he prefers having power over you, but that's about it, he'd still fuck you regardless of height, he just finds taller people to be better mates
2p Iceland/Erikur Steillson
Also prefers an SO who is shorter than him, so you're in luck, because he definitely enjoys the power trip of having a shorter SO both inside and outside the bedroom
It also makes it much easier to kidnap you and tie you to the bed until you agree to be his. His communication skills are shit, blame Loki for that one. Actually none of them really taught him any of that
2p Norway/Loki Thomassen
He doesn't have a preference for height other than it being close to his own. You can be as short as you like and he'll still kidnap you, force a love potion on you and then treat you like his most precious play thing
A short SO definitely also gets the short end of the stick, as he overpowers them more easily that way, size matters in this case
2p Sweden/Bernard Oxenstierna
His preferences lean towards a shorter SO but it's not really as outspoken as some of the others preferences. Mostly he likes picking up a short SO and swinging you around like in a dance and also because it's easier to move you around during sex if you're small
His yandere tendencies also have him leaning towards shorter people, they are easier to control physically. It's gonna be fun that day a short person absolutely wrecks him because he thinks them a weakling
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I'm a little late for mermay, can you do mermaid or pirate Nordics falling in love with an Octomer darling that they've seen occasionally above water ( the darling prefers not to be seen around the surface to much, they prefer to be in deep waters. ). You can decide if you want them yandere or not.
Happy Mermay to one and all. Let the warm ocean waves carry you away to the lagoons full of colors and fun.
It’s never too late!! As I write this almost a year later… I also mixed the ideas of pirates and mermaids around. Same with Yandere and non, I hope you don’t mind.
            The smell of salt and subtle sulfur accompanied the ocean’s crashing waves like the scent of fresh popcorn at a busy theater. The grey stones were warm and smooth as (Y/N) basked upon them.
            Stretching and curling her inky tentacles, she shifted more fully onto the tiny, sea stack. Cozy in nature’s embrace, the great Cecelia of the North Sea allowed her eyes to flutter shut to the sea’s lullaby.
Blissfully unaware of the eyes.
Eyes that were full of a painful longing that burned like the dying remains of an oil fire on a starless ocean night. Maybe… He thought they could be together. Maybe, their worlds could be one.
            Denmark: The cacophony of loud howls and jeers shocked (Y/N) awake. Scrambling with contracting leucophores turning her body whiter than seafoam to escape the quickly approaching wooden whaler.
Instead of diving off the rocks into the cool sea, the Cecelia smashed into the thick, coarse, rope net. As the fibers tightened around her flexible body (Y/N) screamed and flailed.
Her sharp claws did nothing against the harsh strands as she was lifted away from the depths.
Louder the cheers became as she swung above the rowdy crew. Their hands reached to pull at (Y/N)’s form, in return, she gnashed her sharp teeth at them. Clawing for any flesh to destroy in hopes that creating fear would cause them to return her to the sea.
Each strike was like a failed hunt as each swipe became more sluggish. She thought the torture would never end when a loud voice called for the men to stop.
Silently, all eyes turned to the wheelhouse. She shivered as the blond man stepped down the wooden steps, walking closer. His men moved aside like fish before a shark. Though, she was the only prey in his violet-blue gaze.
Frozen she watched as he slowly reached out his scarred hand. The callous palm rested on her cold, moist tentacle seeming to savor her. 
(Y/N) hissed and lunged causing the net to sway. Grinning as her claws dripped red from catching the captain's hand.
His men somehow became stiller than a sea before a hurricane, and the Great Cecelia paid them no mind. Focused on her small win.
The captain looked at his injured hand before chuckling. Loudly it rang through the silence before the crew joined like terrified seagulls. 
“Thank min havkanin for the mark, but” He turned to the men behind him. “I think you need time to calm down. Don't you lot agree?!"
The chorus was louder than any whale song as the men affirmed their captain. 
"Then to the tank!" He yelled, before licking the blood off his hand.
Smiling as he made eye contact with (Y/N). 
            Sweden: As the sun passed its peak, (Y/N) awoke to the feeling of her tightened skin as it dried. Stretching should have been relaxing, but the state of her skin was more akin to a fresh sunburn after a nap in the summer.
Sluggishly she slunk back to the depths, shivering as the cold enveloped her. Quickly, her body readjusted to its primary environment, swirling in a graceful twirl as she sank to the seafloor.
The sand puffed like a smoke cloud as she rested, observing the blue world as a rumble came from her stomach.
A familiar scent bloomed like an anemone across the current. Blood, fresh and fishy.
Eyes dilated, (Y/N) followed the scent. Wondering if the injured being would be simple prey, or if would it lead her to a feeding frenzy that should be avoided.
Around the stones and across the sand, she glided. Stopping when the source was in sight.
A small, silver herring speared on what appeared to be a string of crystal struggled in front of a dark tube.
(Y/N) stalked closer, her curiosity pushing aside any fear as she reached for the fish. Her hand was a breath away when the fish was snagged back.
She blinked. Stunned, but that nagging of wanting, pushed her on. Forcing her way into the dark tube.
The fish glinted in the low light. Slowly, she again reached forward. Fingertips grazed the smooth scales when a loud bang turned her world black.
Gasping, (Y/N) turned and pushed against the now-closed entrance. Whimpers and cries hurting her throat from overuse. Deafening her from the subtle scrapping.
A sudden jostle banged her against the end of the trap as she was again exposed to the light.
Her hands pressed against the now clear sides to stabilize against the rocking movement. Her eyes froze on the whitetip shark man that was carrying her away.
His sharp smile offered no comfort as his muffled voice spoke to her.
“Ready to go home sjöstjärna?”
            Norway: Those thoughts of oneness rang through his mind like a belled buoy during a storm. Creating visions of a happy future that were as vivid as lighting.
Lidolf swam closer, timing his strokes with the tide. Hoping the foam hid his black-and-white form.
 As the cetacean was stilled by the pile of stone, he monitored his future mate for movement.  Slowly he lifted his hands over the rocks, dropping drops of seawater onto them. Hovering over her hips.
  There was no hesitation as Lidolf clamped down. Digging his claws into her soft flesh as he ripped her away from the world above.
The blond orca laughed as his manet began her panicked struggle. Her teeth and claws only left scratches in his blubbery hide.
He forced her head close as he nuzzled her neck, rapidly swimming off. Taking her away far from the warmth above while speaking promises of their new home.
Hours passed as the water chilled and large ice floats appeared, and (Y/N) began to weaken from the struggle. Her voice felt hoarse from screaming curses and insults at her captor. The Cecealia’s tentacles and arms hung limply with bruised tips.
With heavy eyes, (Y/N) noted how the never-quiet Lidolf had silenced himself. His face was stoic with focus as he gazed at different floats.
Suddenly, he popped up with a “That’s it!” and rushed between two colliding bergs. Turning sharply to the left before swimming into a large iceberg, that was protected by thick floats.
Once deep within the icy wall, (Y/N) felt Lidolf finally release his titanium grip. She seized the opportunity, pushing his arms aside. Putting distance between her and the orca male.
Eye to eye, they remained in a standoff. (Y/N) tensed as Lidolf spread his arms, welcoming her to their icy home.
“As I told you hours ago, I’m not your MATE!”
Dashing, (Y/N) used her tentacles to propel herself forward and around the crazed merman reaching for her again.
The chase felt one-sided as (Y/N) twisted and turned looking for the exit, and waiting for the orca to pull her back. Bite her with a claim and drag her deeper in. 
Looking back, that would have been a daydream compared to the nightmare he used. 
She had reached the exit, ready to bolt into the dark sea when his voice bounced off the ice in a language unknown to modern sea life. As quickly as it rumbled, it faded. Leaving (Y/N) frozen in silence.
When nothing happened, (Y/N) cautiously shuffled. She placed one tentacle out into the unknown, allowing it to curl against the uneven surface. The moment it settled, she screamed.
 Burning, red sigils ran up her form like fire racing over oil causing her to collapse against the berg. 
Panting, shaking (Y/N) was vulnerable to the gentle arms that scooped her. Tightly she was cradled against Lidolf, as he placed kisses along her hairline. Murmuring Norwegian comforts.
“What have you done to me?”
Clicking, Lidolf nuzzled her once more. “Making sure min manet stays home.”
            Iceland: (Y/N) scrunched her face as a small, warm current of air blew across her face. It didn’t last long before it disappeared, but that peace also didn’t last as another blew across her face. The Cecelia groaned and swatted the air hoping that the breeze came from a stubborn bug or stupid gull.
As her arm came down again, a deep giggle erupted like metal being dropped on a tile.
She snapped to attention like a spooked alligator. Nose to nose, she was with a charcoal-haired merman that had the brightest yellow eyes that she had ever seen.
“Who are you!?”
“Me?!” Cocked the cetacean male while putting his hand on his thin chest. “I’m Erlingr, sjókindin mín.”
Umming, (Y/N) opened her mouth to question the strange name forced upon her when Erlingr leaned forward. Their noses almost touched again.
“Do you wanna play a game?”
His request sounded innocent, but something in the tone wasn’t. Like a stranger holding candy doesn’t appear harmful, there is something about him that causes the skin to prickle.
“No,” (Y/N) shook as she slowly sunk back into the sea. “I’ve got to go.”
Her endeavor for distance was halted when Erlingr popped up in a flurry of bubbles.
He questioned why not, there is no harm in having fun.
Again, (Y/N) pushed back. Claiming she had to go hunt and reset her cove.
With each excuse (Y/N) could see how his fists tightened and he drew ever closer. Forcing her against the stone and blocking all exits.
There was no space left for breathing and she snapped at the skinny dolphin. Demanding he let her go with a futile push.
Erlingr leaned back and smiled showing his sharp teeth. “If you win my game, I will. But…”
“If you fail, you come home with me.”
            Finland: The sea’s movement may have rocked the dingy, but the man within paid it no mind. Instead, his mind was occupied by his merienkelini on the stone. Her sleeping form would make his work so much easier.
Carefully, the Finnish pirate lifted the modified musket from the wooden floor. Adjusted the weapon for perfect alignment despite the constant motion of the ocean.
Click, boom!
The dart flew and hit (Y/N). The dart scraping only woke her a moment before the medication within knocked her back into dreamland.
Within minutes Niilo had rowed his boat to the sea stack. Tying it to the rock as he moved his prize onto the wet floor.
He smiled at her unconscious form before reaching for the small flare under his seat.
 Another series of clicks and boom turned the sky a flash red.
His crew would be here soon, and hopefully, his merienkelini will enjoy her tank.
            Denmark: Underneath the waves circled a blunt-nosed six-gill merman. His pale and tan countershading blended him in well with the sand as he stared at the being above the waves. Paying no mind to the mackerel that struggled in his right hand.
Breathing deeply, he floated to the surface, dragging the panicking fish with him. A look of determination in his violet-blue eyes as he closed in on Cecelia.
Using his hands, Markell lifted himself to be level with the stone top. Eye to eye he was with the now awoken mermaid.
For a moment he stared, savoring the way her head cocked to the side with droopy eyes made her look like a newborn seal pup.
“Umm… Can I help you?”
Blinking, Markell nodded before slamming the mackerel on the stone. Dazing the large fish.
“Care to share a meal, havkanin?”
            Sweden: Before slumber can fully pull (Y/N) under its spell, a gentle hum rose above the crashing wave. At first, she tried ignoring it thinking it was nothing more than a passing cruise celebrating some odd human milestone. But as the singing grew louder she twitched.
Once, then twice as the serenade continued its crescendo.
The great Cecelia slowly lifted herself on to her arms. Cautiously, glancing around the ocean surface for the owner of the voice.
To her surprise, it was not from a great yacht, but a small dingy that bounced against the gentle waves. Inside sat a man dressed in a blue captain’s coat with a peacock feather in his black tricorne. He smiled as his voice carried tales of pirates and their adventures.
Seemingly unnoticed, (Y/N) swam closer, quietly propelled by her tentacles. As the wooden side became eye level, she reached out and held to the smooth side.
Her grip bumped the boat, causing (Y/N) to wince as the soothing siren stopped.
A dark shadow overhead caused her to look up.
The man’s face was under the sea looking directly into her (E/C) eyes. His black-framed glasses almost floated away from his own gun-steel eyes.
“Hello, sjöstjärna!” He bubbled.
            Norway: Explosions rang loud like thunder and threw up water in the form of splashes like a reverse rainstorm. The aftershocks caused the sea stack to sway before it crumbled, throwing (Y/N) back into the freezing depths.
She gasped, watching as the marine life fled before the sinking balls of iron. Hastily resurfacing, (Y/N) turned in multiple circles, looking for the cause of the chaos.
Before she could locate anything, a screaming whistle forced her back into the water. The splash from above allowed for an easy dodge of the sinking cannonball.
As more iron rained from above, (Y/N) dove deep, hiding within the remains of the stack.
It felt like hours as she hid from the surface violence.
Eventually, the fury above slowed to a drizzle of metal before stopping altogether with darkness.
 Biting her lip (Y/N) slowly placed a tentacle in the exposed sand. Resting it for a second before quickly pulling it back. Hesitantly she repeated the process with more of her body until she was able to gaze up.
Above was the bottom of a large vessel. Its dark wood appeared well sealed but covered in barnacles like the great whales.
In an almost crawl, she swam to the side of the boat and surfaced. To be greeted once more by a splash.
Her attempt to bolt back to the newly formed cave was spoiled by warm flesh.
Thrashing, (Y/N) realized that one of the humans had grabbed her. Holding her in a grip that rivaled her own.
Teeth gnashing, (Y/N) arched backward. Ready to soak those ivory points red when she froze like stunned prey.
All over they covered him like stripes on a sand tiger. (Y/N) expected someone like this to be ready to kill her, drag her from the sea, and skewer her like pork on a spit. Yet, he smiled and gazed at her like a lost treasure finally found.
The strange man took advantage of the confusion, bringing her back to the surface. He took a deep breath to restore what he lost while under the waves.
Her confusion deepened like an abyss when with no introduction, he made a request.
“Are you willing to join me on a quest, Manet?”
            Iceland: (Y/N) choked on the air as a sudden splash awoke her from the world of dreams. Her (h/c) hair clung to her like a second skin as she coughed up the coarse irritation that had taken residency in her throat.
A simple sweep of her hand not only corrected her dripping hair but also allowed her to take in the odd sight before her.
It was a skinny, young man, barely in years of adulthood. His bright, magma-yellow eyes looked like they should have popped, but instead, they were sunk in from starvation. Dark hair that must have once rivaled pure ebony looked more like an off-grey from days of grime.
Yet, despite the obvious suffering he smiled at her with Labrador energy.
“Hi!” he greeted as he reached for her arms. Missing as (Y/N) drew them closer to herself. “My name's Erlingr but call me Eri!”
(Y/N) continued to curl in on herself as she gave the young man a bombastic side-eye. “H-h-how did you get here?”
Erlingr’s smile somehow got bigger as he told the tale of his older brother, Lidolf leaving him behind. Claiming that his senior had ordered him to guard their treasure until his return. Which he believed would be any day now.
“Are you sure? It sounds like he stranded you to die?”
The stranded pirate sputtered in offense. “Of course not! Lidolf loves me, and even if he tried our brothers would have stopped him!”
(Y/N) couldn’t help but raise a brow at the lone man. “Ookay then… But why engage with me then?”
“Because I’m alone, and I see that you’re always alone. And I thought someone as pretty as you, sjókindin, shouldn’t be alone.”
Now, it was (Y/N)’s turn to feel offended as she felt heat flush under her skin. “WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I’M ALONE!”
“Well…” Erlingr started. “For the last month I’ve been here, I’ve never seen you talk to or interact with anything.”
(Y/N) attempted to argue that was only on the surface. Under the sea, there was plenty of social activity for the cecealia.
But, he rebutted by mentioning how in a twenty-four-hour period, she was either above the surface or near it for at least eighteen hours. Which meant she was sleeping in a den the rest of the time.
Dumbfounded, the mer could only stare in confused silence. How was she supposed to respond to him?
“So, you wanna be friends?”
            Finland: (Y/N) felt something rough against her tentacles that rested in the tide. Startled and wide awake she glanced around the surface, looking for suspicious shadows.
There was nothing. Not a wave off beat, splash uncounted, and floating object unnoticed.
Still, the prickling feeling lingered as her chest tightened. She felt like she was gazing into the face of her executioner as she leaned closer to the sea. Hoping a closer view would expel her fears.
(Y/N) gasped as her hearts raced when a shark silhouette erupted from the darkness. Its large, serrated teeth sawing into her tentacles as momentum breached the fish from the ocean.
Together cecealia and shark flew in an arch before crashing back into the water below. An array of bubbles, ink, and blood blinded (Y/N) as she thrashed. The shark chomped and shook (Y/N) like a treat filled chew toy.
She tried to claw at the dead eyes while screeching like a banshee, but it was futile against the shark’s shakes.
As the water transformed from a dark purple to a cloudy ruby, (Y/N)’s vision was overtaken by black spots. She could feel the knife-like teeth cleave deeper into her flesh, about to sever it.
The red cloud split as she sank, free from death’s jaws.
Her numbing mind attempted to process the lone, long figure fighting off her predator. His claws gliding through the shark skin like it was soggy paper, leaving red tides in the wake.
The vision spots had changed to a growing dark edge. Gradually it took over, leaving her alone with the final sound she heard was a haunting howl.
The darkness remained for (Y/N) as she contemplated whether the pain she felt was meant as a punishment in death or that she had survived the fearsome beast. If it was the latter, how many hours had it been, and how did she?
“I know you’re awake merienkelini.”
(Y/N)’s (E/C) eye cracked open revealing a simple cave. Its grey walls had been craved from centuries of tiny movements, but that wasn’t what held her interest.
 The long, Harbour Porpoise merman that watched her with crossed arms did. As she stared at the annoyed man, faded scars became obvious. They littered his pale human half and speckled down to the grey and white tail.
“Um… How did I get here?”
The merman rolled his red eyes as he scoffed. “Did the shark tango really take that much out of you?”
“Yes.” She murmured, looking down at her seaweed-bandaged body. Wincing at the loss of three tentacles.
The sound of a disgruntled sigh and shuffle of movement brought her attention back to him.
“Names Niilo and…” He sighed again with a small blush. “I guess you can stay with me until you’ve recovered.”
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sarahowritesostucky · 2 months
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Happy Little Family
📖"A Clever, Tricky Little Kitty Cat: Just like her Mommy"
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4407
Tags: dark!Bucky, mafia/mob au, dubcon/noncon, a/b/o, threats and coercion, rape, forced pregnancy, forced domestic "bliss", yandere, kid fic
Summary: You thought you'd left behind the man who turned out to be more dangerous than you'd ever imagined. But one day he walks back into your life and reminds you that, come hell or high water, you're all going to be one happy. little. family.
This chapter: Bucky shows up unannounced at your cottage, shattering the peaceful life you thought you'd reclaimed for yourself and your daughter. He's reclaiming what's his, and he isn't planning on accepting a "no."
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Nickname Dictionary: vorishka = "little thief" mamochka = "mommy/little mother" kotenok= "kitty/kitten" omegya = (made up) Russian spelling of omega omegechka = (made up) "little omega" shlyukha = "slut" krasotka = "Pretty(n.)/pretty one"
1. A Clever, Tricky Little Kitty Cat, Just like her Mommy
"And then the knight took the princess away to his castle, and they lived happily ever after."
You're just outside the nursery when you hear his voice, and ice cold fear instantly floods your chest. You drop the laundry basket and run into the room, and there he is: seated in the chair you nurse from, reading one of the antique fairytale books that your mom gave at the shower, holding your baby. 
"James," you breathe, horrified. He's been smiling down at June, but now his face smooths out as he looks up at you. He isn't frowning or glaring, but you know him, and there's a storm behind those eyes that makes dread curl heavy in your stomach. "Hi Doll," he says quietly. "It's good to see you again."
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Your heart pounds in your chest. You feel sick. One wrong move and who knows what he'll do. You take a cautious step forward, eyes searching James' body and anywhere nearby for a gun. You don't see one. You take another step. "James," you warn,
June makes a happy gurgle at seeing you, and James coos down at her, "Aw, yeah Sweetie. I'm happy to see Mommy too."
Mommy. Hearing that word come out of his mouth, in a setting like this, is a nightmare you've woken from more than once. You lick your lips and hold out your arms, pleading, "Please give her to me."
He acts like he hasn't even heard you, smiling and tapping June's body with one finger. "We were just reading a story. Little lady is gonna be a big reader one day, I bet. Gonna grow up to be real smart." His gaze slides back to you, with what you interpret as a world-of-hurt-coming-your-way look glimmering in his eyes. "A clever, tricky little kitty cat. Just like her Mommy."
A whimper escapes you, unbidden. 
June starts squirming in his lap, eager to get to you. When he doesn’t hand her over, she starts to fuss. He coos at her and bounces her in his arms to calm her, kisses the top of her head while keeping his somber, reproachful eyes on you. “You left your door unlocked,” he says. “She was alone.”
She’d been down for her nap when you went downstairs and popped across the street to visit with Hilde, your one friend in the world. It’s so common for mothers to do, in this tiny, Nordic village you’ve settled in. It’s the culture here. It’s supposed to be safe. You swallow thickly, eyes flitting around to try and think of what to do. You think of your gun, so far away. You’d talked yourself out of keeping it tucked behind your bed, so now the only weapon you own is down in the kitchen. But maybe … maybe if you can get him away from June … 
“You should be more careful, Little thief. You never know who might break in and take everything you love.”
“The only thing we had to guard against here was you,” you hiss. “And I’m not fool enough to think a locked door would keep you out.”
“You’re damned right it wouldn’t.” He tosses the storybook aside like trash and stands up with June in his arms. “But you are a fool if you thought there was anywhere in the world you could go where I wouldn’t find you.”
You flinch forward compulsively, unable to think of your own safety over your baby’s. “Please, James,” you beg. “Please. Just give her to me.” 
“Oh no, Dollface,” he purrs, voice deceptively soft. “We’ve got a lot of catching up to do, and you aren’t gonna want her in the room when it happens.” His hands tighten threateningly on June’s little body. “Whose baby is this?”
You blanch. “Don’t hurt her.” 
“Aw. You don’t want me to hurt her?” 
“No, please!” The sob that’s been working its way up in your throat finally breaks. It’s killing you not to rush forward and snatch her from his arms. “Please, I'll do anything.”
“Is that so?” He stares at you long and hard. The few seconds of silence are torturous as he holds your daughter away from you. 
James is one of the deadliest people you’ve ever met, and he’s capable of horrendous violence, but he wouldn’t hurt a baby, that much you do know. What you have to worry about most right now isn’t him physically hurting her; it’s him wanting her, whisking her away right alongside you, when he inevitably takes you from this place. There’s nothing you can do to prevent your own fate, but if there’s anything you can do to keep him from getting his hands on June, you’ll do it. Your eyes flit around the nursery frantically, its pale, dream-like decorations taunting you as you try to think of what to do. It feels surreal to have a man like James standing in this room, feels wrong.
Your heart leaps when he suddenly moves, but he’s only turning to walk over to the crib, bending and placing June in it with a surprising amount of care. Something painful lances in your chest at seeing him handle her so gently, but when he turns back around to you, all of that gentleness is gone. “Come on,” he snaps. “To the other bedroom.” 
You hesitate, not wanting to leave your daughter alone, but he stalks forward and grabs your upper arm, herding you out of the nursery and down the hallway. In your bedroom, he pushes you onto the bed. You land in a heap and scramble to prop back up on your hands, trying to swipe the hair out of your face.
“Whose baby is that?” he demands. “Tell me. I want to hear you say it.”
His Voice. God. After almost a year and a half it should be lessened. The pull you feel when you hear it has no right to tug at you the way it does. You’re not even mated, which makes it all the more insulting. It gets in through your ears and spreads throughout your body, like an invasive plant, growing and sinking its roots into you and tug, tug tugging on your will: Whose baby is that.
You fight the awful urge to tell him, as you rapidly, fearfully weigh your options. It’s hard to think when you’re so frightened, so taken aback. Most people might think it wise to admit the truth, but you know this man, this alpha, and you know he’ll never let her go if he knows that she’s his. Anything, you think. You have to do anything you can to keep her from that life, that world. 
Heart in your throat, you insist, “Noone.”
“Noone?” His visage darkens. “Artificial insemination, then? I know they’re progressive and all up here, but don’t take me for a fool, mamochka.”
“It was just some guy! Just a one night stand, I swear!”
He surges in, gets one knee up on the bed and pushes you onto your back when you try to get up, leaning over you and holding you down by your shoulders. “So you did let another man fuck you,” he growls.
You jut your chin out and hiss, “Yes.” (Lying Rule #1: deliver your bullshit with confidence).
“Who? Was he alpha?”
“Why do you care? It was one night in Oslo.” (Rule #2: add in one or two unimportant details.)
“What’s. his. name?” 
A bitter sound escapes you (Rule #3: attach honest emotion to it, if you can). “I don’t know his name. I never did. I was just racking up a roster, just wanted to get laid after getting away from you.”
He bares his teeth at you in a snarl, furious, and shoves you harder against the mattress. You cry out and try to hit him, but he catches your wrists and holds them down to the bed easily, shoving you again, one of his powerful thighs pressed up between yours. “You’re mine,” he growls, getting in your face, lying on top of you. “Noone else’s. Not ever.”
You whimper and nod, shaken and keenly aware of his body on top of yours, his strength. James is a massive hulk of an alpha, capable of overpowering you in any situation, and even through your frantic thoughts, you know you’ll never be able to get away from him in close contact like this. He’s so angry, his scent gone thick and choking. You’re too panicked to plan out what it is you’re going to say next, you just wind up instinctively trying to placate him, blurting out, “What do you want?”
He leers down at you. “I want what’s mine. What’s always been mine.” On your wrists, his fingers tighten cruelly. “You’ve had your fun now, and gotten away with it for too damn long. You’re coming home with me, Little thief.”
You gasp as the pressure on your wrists increases painfully, mind flying to that cold, Siberian fortress and the life that awaits you there. You might be able to get away from him before then, but you might not, and you can’t risk June being trapped there as well. “Okay, okay! I’ll go with you, I will. Wherever you want. Just … Please let me give her to the neighbor. Please.”
He smiles nastily down at you. “Oh, you don’t want her to come along? Another man’s pup?”
Tears press at the backs of your eyes at the thought of leaving your daughter behind, but you shake your head. “Please. Just take her over to the woman across the street. She’ll look after her. Please James, she's my daughter. I won’t fight you if you leave her there. She’s nothing to you. Just let her stay where it’s safe.” 
Something in his expression shifts, but you don’t have time to figure out what the emotion might be, before he shutters again. He leans down and purrs, “Oh, I don’t know, vorishka [little thief]. You stole some very valuable things from me. And since I don’t see any fucking Picassos hanging in this hovel you call a house, I assume they’re in the wind.”
It wasn’t as though you’d simply been able to run away. Escaping had required finances, techniques, firms of dangerous men hired to plant false leads, erase tracks, ferret you away into oblivion, and then move halfway across the globe and buy yourself a new identity. The bribes alone had eaten up most of the money. You shudder in his grip, knowing that the paintings wouldn’t save you, even if you did have them. “They’re gone.” 
“I know they’re gone, Little thief.” He shoves his thigh down against you. “So how are you gonna make it up to me?”
You whimper. “I can’t,” you plead. “James. I don’t have anything.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that. I can think of a few ways you can start repaying your debt.” He runs one hand down your side, groping your waist as he breathes softly against your ear: “For instance, do you have any idea what she’d be worth on the black market?”
It takes you a split second to figure out what he means, and your heart seizes in terror as soon as you do. You know James is involved in every type of shady, illegal dealing there is in the world, but you’d never even considered the idea of human trafficking. Now that he’s said it, you panic that you’ve made a huge mistake by lying that the baby isn’t his. “James,” you whisper, horrified. “Alpha, please.”
“Oh, it’s Alpha, now, is it?” He chuckles meanly, the sound making your stomach churn. You’re about to say something else, beg in some other, pitiful way, tell him he’s June’s father, but instead you cry out as his hand fists in your hair and yanks your head to the side. His breath hits hot against your skin and he drags his nose up the side of your neck, scenting you. “Mmm,” he hums darkly, pleased. “You spread your legs for another man, but you didn’t let anyone in here.”
You squeak when his teeth scrape over your still-unmarked glands. “No!” you gasp, just as much an answer as it is a plea for nim not to bite you. “I didn’t, I didn’—”
“Shut up,” he snaps, closing his teeth down on the spot. You whine as he pulls your hair and slowly increases the pressure of his bite, threatening to break the skin. Horrified, you feel your body responding with arousal, heat blooming deep in your core. You squeeze your eyes shut, and sure enough few seconds later James is inhaling deeply and chuckling. “Oh, kotenok [kitten]. Still the same as ever, huh?” He shifts, hand slipping down between your legs and cupping you from over the fabric of your dress. “Ripe for your Alpha’s touch, even after all this time. How sweet.” Humiliated rage bubbles up inside of you and you glare up at him. He’s looking down fondly at you, eyes heated and lip drawn into his mouth. He lets it slide back out between his teeth and murmurs, “It’s okay, you know. It’s everything to me, omegechka [little omega], the way you respond. It’s only natural.” You growl angrily, but he just hums and tugs your hair again, other hand molding to your mound and rubbing. “Shh sh sh,” he hushes, when you cry out louder. “Don’t want to scare the whelp, do you?” 
You freeze, listening to try and hear June. She’s whining from over in her room,  not understanding why she’s been left alone when she can hear her mommy’s voice just down the hall. “Please,” you whisper, locking eyes with James again. “Please. Let me go to her.”
He grinds the heel of his hand against you. “I told you, Dollface. You don’t want her here for this.”
He kisses you on the mouth, chaste and lingering; so gentle that for a split second it makes you ache for what you once had with him. James always was very good at making love to you, at lavishing you with a softness and a tenderness even in the darkest of times. But now you can only shiver underneath his weight, because you know that’s not what’s about to happen. 
“Seventeen months, moya omegya,”  he rumbles quietly, lips brushing yours with the words. “My bed suddenly cold, not knowing if you were alive or dead. Do you have any idea what that did to me?”
His tone of voice is so intimately familiar that it makes your heart clench, bringing back memories of a life you’ve fought so hard to put behind you. “Please,” you whisper. “Don’t do this.”
He tuts and shakes his head softly, as if he’s actually remorseful. “How this goes depends entirely on you. I want you to know that.” He hasn’t stopped working his hand against you, rubbing his palm against your clit and smiling at how you shudder beneath him and your body betrays you. You watch his nostrils flare as he smells the reaction he’s pulling from you against your will. “Sweet girl,” he coos. “You just can’t help it, can you?” You toss your head and screw your eyes shut, but he’s having none of it. He yanks your hair and hisses at you to open your eyes. “No,” he warns, once he’s got your attention. He moves back, getting up onto his knees and shrugging off his jacket. “You’re going to watch. The whole time.” His hands land on his belt, the buckle clinking as he opens it and undoes his pants. “I want to look right in your eyes while I take back what’s mine.” He shoves his pants down along with his underwear. His cock springs free, already hard and wet at the tip. A part of him that’s been inside you hundreds of times, probably. Something you’ve craved and debased yourself for. 
Seeing it reignites your shame, but it’s the way you feel your cunt pulse and release a fresh wave of slick, that really makes you start resisting again. “Nnh!”
“Ah ah ah, Dollface. That’s not gonna work.”
“Nugh! Lemmo go!”  
You fight, of course you do, but it’s almost worse that way, as it only points out how comically mismatched you are to him. He laughs at you and holds down your thrashing body, barely even grunting from the effort of subduing you. “Shh sh sh,” he hushes, chuckling breathily as he forces you down with one hand and strokes himself with the other. “I have to tell you, kotenok. I’ve been looking forward to this.” 
“I hate you!” You manage to get a hand free and you flail, hitting and clawing at him. He inhales sharply as your nails scratch his face. He knocks your hand away with a surprised hiss and, wide eyed, touches the spot where a tiny line of red is welling up on his cheek. The next thing you know, he’s backhanding you, sending spots into your vision and knocking you out of your senses for a few seconds. Your ears ring and you blink, stunned.
His hand appears at your throat, squeezing, pressing up against the arteries. You briefly grapple with him, grabbing his forearm and fighting, but then his thumb notches into place and digs into your glands. Your cries taper off and you go limp with a pathetic, mewling whimper. “Nnnh …”
He leers down at you, adjusting his grip, still jerking his cock as he subdues you with the Hold. “Weak,” he says. “But that’s just how I like you.”
His thumb rubs in circles, sending a rush of liquid gold through your veins. It worsens the situation between your legs, and you can’t hide that any more than you can hide the humiliated tears that prick to your eyes as he shoves your dress up and rips your underwear straight off of you. He coos when he looks down and sees how wet you are. “Oh, omegechka.” He knees your legs further apart and drags his cockhead through your folds. “And this is you hating me?”
You shake with a silent sob, despising him with your whole being, hating yourself for reacting this way. Before James, you’d never met a man who coveted your omega nature so much, hadn’t known what it was to need an alpha that way, to have your body need him. And to think: you used to like it.
He lines himself up and sinks inside of you in one, unyielding push, forcing you to open to him, carving out his space inside of you. You cry out at the force of it, body clamping down hard and the delicate skin at your entrance stinging from the stretch, but he doesn’t stop until he’s fully seated. “Fuck,” he groans, grinding in deep, his pubic bone pressing against your clit, laughing darkly when it makes you squeal. “Oh, you sensitive?” He does it again, and again, doesn’t stop until he gets a high pitched, warbling moan from you. “Theere she is.” He digs his thumb in harder against your glands and stares right in your eyes as he watches the effect it has on you, soaking up the flush in your face and the furious tears welling at the corners of your eyes. “I know, Sweetheart, I know,” he murmurs. “You really can’t help it, can you?” You whimper and he nods along in mock sympathy. “Poor little thing. I can’t imagine what it must be like, to need it that bad.” 
He pulls out halfway and shoves back in, hard, rumbling in pleasure when it elicits another yelp from you. His other hand grabs at your waist, fingers digging into the soft give of your body. He hums dirtily. “I have to say, I’m pleasantly surprised. You look good for having just pushed out that pup. You look healthy.” You whine in protest and he fucks in hard again, baring his teeth in a mean smile. “Yeah, momma, you heard me.” He pulls out, thrusts back in. 
He laughs. “Don’t be like that, krasotka [Pretty(n.)]. I like it. You always were too skinny for my taste.” He runs his hand from your waist up to the top of your dress, yanking it down along with the cup of your bra, and groaning when your swollen breast spills out. You squeal in rage as he curses quietly, eyes going molten and unfocused. “Fuck, Honey, look at you.”
You start thrashing again hard, trying to hit him, but you only get a glancing blow to the side of his head before he refixes his hand on your throat and clamps down in another Hold. He gives you a firm shake. “Settle down. I told you: I like it..”
“Nnn, fuck you!” You spit on him, but he only laughs and wipes it away, leering down at you and continuing gleefully,
“Shouldn’t be skinny like some damn underwear model. Mm mn, naw. Now you’re nice and soft, just like you should be. Somethin’ for Alpha to grab onto. Bitty waist and a fat ass.” He grabs your waist again and pulls you down into the next roll of his hips, changing the angle and hitting that spot inside of you that makes stars burst in your vision.
“Mmhm. Right there baby? Yeah, thaat’s the spot. I remember.” He’s panting open-mouthed, breathless as he taunts you, “I remember everything. What you like. How you feel. The sounds you make. Fuck.”  He shoves into you hard and holds there, his licked-red lips curling up wickedly. “Your cunt’s fluttering around me, Sweetheart. Clamping down so fucking hard.” 
He laughs, but his smile slackens as his own pleasure continues to build. He angles back and looks down your body, stares at where his cock is disappearing inside of you with lewd, wet sounds. “Shit, momma. And this pussy snapped back real good, didn’t it?” 
You cry out angrily, but it’s what he wants: to see you aroused and humiliated and furious at him. He sets a punishing pace, his hips slamming against you hard on the end of each, brutal thrust; his open belt and the zip of his fly digging into your ass every time he grinds inside. “You haven't been fucking anybody,” he says smugly. “How long’s it really been, mamochka? Hm? How long since another man was in this cunt?”
You moan miserably, his cock driving hard against your walls, too rough but not painful enough to keep it from feeling good. James is big, has an alpha’s cock, and it’s never been a physical possibility for him to be inside of you and not rub against every spot that makes your body light up in pleasure. You shake your head and try to close your eyes, but he pushes his hand up harder underneath your jaw, shaking you. “Uh uh. Look at me.” 
You can’t fight off the command of his Voice, not when he’s already dominating you so completely. Your eyes open against your will, full of tears, and he rumbles in satisfaction. 
Every whimper and mewl you make drives him on, stoking the angry satisfaction that’s burning in his eyes—eyes that you can’t look away from as you cry out again and again, little “Ah, ah, ah's” that interrupt the cadence of your skin slapping together, all of his eager growls and satisfied grunts.
“That’s it, shlyukha,” he pants, hips snapping in hard, again and again. “You—ugh—you let Alpha know how good that feels. Don’t hold it back from me.” His breathing is getting heavier the closer he gets, his composure and even his anger losing some of their hold as he fucks you harder, sinks down on you farther, covers you with his body fully as he ruts into you in pursuit of his climax. “Shit,”  he hisses not far from your ear, face stuffed in your neck. 
You keen high in your throat at his proximity to your bonding glands—a plaintive sound that directly contradicts the panicked ‘no!’ that flashes in your brain. His hand leaves the front of your neck and scoops around behind instead, gripping you at the nape in a Scruff that feels just as toe-curlingly right as the Hold had. 
For a very split second, his breath hitches and his growling trips into a needy whimper. “O-oh …” And that’s when you feel it: his knot starting to catch on the end of each thrust.
“Ah!” You cry out sharply and grab onto him, helpless to keep your body from seeking out more, from clinging to him and clamping down hard as his knot grows and triggers you into orgasm. “Hhgnn …”
He goes feral when he feels your body locking down on him, growling and shoving in and grinding to ensure that he catches inside and ties you together. His hand abandons your neck entirely as he gives in to the instinct to rut, both arms wrapping around your waist, scooping under your back and holding you still for him to fuck furiously against. The tug of his knot inside your cunt makes you sob and come harder, losing sense of yourself as the pleasure cuts through you like a knife. 
“Fuck, fuck, ohhfuck …” The sound of his deep voice, so lost in the desperation and helplessness of his own pleasure, makes your belly flare hot with new arousal even as you’re coming down the other side of it. You gasp and pant, and eventually whimper as the bliss dissipates and you become more aware of him on top of you, grunting and groaning and fucking into your tie as he rides out the long, debilitating climax of an alpha.
You keep your eyes closed and cry, hating that it still feels good as he fucks into you, grinds down on your clit and gives your another orgasm, and another. You wait for him to finish as your brain fills with the high that comes after, that unavoidable pink cloud that you know is going to seal your fate and make you helpless to him for the next thirty minutes, at least. You squeeze your eyes shut and turn your head in the direction of the pillows. 
As the high starts to take you, you think about how, if you’d just kept your gun holstered behind by the headboard like you’d planned, you could be blowing his brains out right about now.
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A.N.: Soooo ... This is the rape-iest thing I've ever ever written. I hope y'all are okay. Just wanted to drop a note to let you know that this fic WILL lighten up and not be quite so, well, rapey, in the future. Thanks for reading! 💖Sarah
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Story Masterlist
🍵Consider tipping your friendly neighborhood starving artist smut author!
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This has been a fill for:
Event: @anyfandomdarkbingo
Card: sarahyellow/sarah-writes-stucky
Square I2: Face Slapping
Event: @badthingshappenbingo
Card: sarah-writes-stucky/sarahyellow
Square G3: rape/non-con
Event: @marvel-smash-bingo
Card: sarah-writes-stucky
Square O5: Rough Sex
Event: @sebastianstanbingo
Card: saraowritesostucky
Square N5: Revenge Sex'
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Tag List (I'm doing my best, people 😅): @cjand10, @violetwinterwidow01, @ppbhquinn, @myfavbuckyfics, @liannafae, @sadsackssss, @timidquindim, @dakotali, @rayofdawnworld
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darkbluekies · 15 days
The origin of the ocs
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Silas Achilleos:
I have always loved to write and read mafia fics. I wrote them before I wrote fanfiction, during fanfiction and now. When I created this account, I wanted a mafia man who's main characteristic was that he was kinky. I didn't like the ones I had read about that bent their partner over their lap for every little thing and that their entire relationship was built on sex. I wanted someone that felt human. So i made him in November 2022.
Silas name comes from a store I used to walk by all the time. I have no recollection of knowing about the name before I saw that store, so unconsiously the name must have come from there. I liked it because it was a name I hadn't been familiar with and I could "mold" the name to whatever I wanted, i had no connection to a certain person. I could make my own. His surname, Achilleos, was chosen because it reminded me of the character "achilles" and how he was untouchable besides one part of his body. Like this, i wanted darling to be Silas "achilles heel".
Silas personality comes from my want of something different. I wanted some humor, some drama, some weak spot. I made him childish, hypocritical, emotional. I didn't want him to be 2d.
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Dr Karl Kry:
I have always loved the atmosphere of hospitals. I don't know why. They almost give me "backroom" vibes. I thought that it could be interesting to try to write about a doctor even though I have no medical knowledge. I have always loved to write characters that are weak and dependent on someone, which would work perfectly if I created a doctor. I created him in December 2022.
Dr Karl Kry's name comes from swedish. "Karl" means "man" and "Kry" means the opposite of being sick (not sure if english has the exact word). I thought that it could be fun if a doctor had that surname because only swedes/nordics would be able to get that little joke.
His personality is a bit of a mixture between the sterotypical swede and an opposite to what you think a doctor should be like. He's cold, quiet, doesn't like touch and is very modest while still being very professional and "sweet". He is quite old fashioned and carries traits that were normal then.
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King Edmund of Vesanus
He wasn't supposed to be a character. I had gotten inspired to write the "Masquarade massacre/dance with death" oneshot because of a music video i used to watch when i was a kid (Eric Saade: Masquarade) and i wrote the oneshot in January 2023. It quickly became my most liked story so I decided to add him to the characters.
Edmund's name was originally Edward, but I have a character in one of my private novels with the same name and I thought that it would be weird for me if I named them the same thing. I decided to use a similar name and I decided upon Edmund. It sounded like it could belong to a royal. His kingdom "Vesanus" is in latin and means "mad/insane/frenzied" and I thoght that fit him extremely well.
His personality comes from the stereotypical spoiled king imagine, but I also wanted to make him ... human? He is a teenage boy who doesn't know who he is and only knows that he is the crown. He is lost and I think that shows. Edmund is ignorant, spoiled, rude and yet teasing, humorous, childish and caring.
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Jerry (Yubin) Kim:
My first girl. She was created as a side character in a kpop mafia fanfiction i wrote back in 2020 and then reaccured in another kpop mafia fanfiction i wrote in 2021, although she was not a yandere back then. I loved her character and knew that I had to add her here.
Her name is special, to me. I don't remember why I named her Jerry, all I know is that I wanted a male name for a girl, and Jerry is a boy name that also feel like a girls name. That is the name she goes by, but her birth name is Yubin, although she doesn't go by that anymore. Her surname is a popular surname in korean, so that doesn't have much behind it.
Her personality is a rollercoaster. When I created her back in 2020, she was a bit different to what she is now. She was much happier, joked a lot, didn't have much darkness in her. She was pretty flat. Now that she's here, she has evolved into a much more human like character, much more rounded. She is a pretender. She feels one thing but pretends to feel different. All her joking persona isn't all real, she is pretty emotional. Jerry has many layers and many emotions she can't understand, she feels a lot of guilt, fear, love and hate, but presents a careless, joking girl to everyone else.
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Hedwig Carter:
Hedwig is a character that was evolved from another character I was writing. In the beginning of this account, i tried out different kinds of characters to find the ones I wanted. I was writing a "quiet kid" yandere oneshot because I wanted this typical yandere setting, aka being in school. But I didn't like the character, I already had men (kry and silas) and I wanted it to feel like yandere simulator, so I scrapped that oneshot and created a girl. She wasn't supposed to be rich, but I decided to add it to have more to work with. I created her out on an evening walk in January 2023.
I don't like when characters who are supposed to be "normal" have "non-normal" names. I cannot imagine a girl who goes to school like everyone else having a name like "elowen", "amethyst" etc. i want the name to fit the situation and feel natural. Hedwig is one of those names. It feels wealthy, yet natural. It is distinctive, yet normal. The name Carter came to me when playing the game "titanic adventure out of time" when you have to go down to the cargo and the steward are like "YOURE A CARTER!!!" because the Carters owned the car that was on board the ship and a car in 1912 was expensive and etc. The name just stuck with me and felt like old money wealth, which she is.
Hedwig's personality is meant to be the opposite to Jerry, but they are quite alike too. Hedwig is sweet, innocent and loving. She doesn't like being mean. I wanted a rich popular girl that wasn't rude, entitled or a mean girl. Hedwig has a hard time controlling her emotions and can easily become "hysteric". I wanted an opposite to what's usually done - the rich popular girl is the one obsessed with someone instead of the other way around.
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astral--horrorshow · 8 months
Red Snow - Platonic Yandere Mud Dogs x GN Reader
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A/N: Happy spooky month, everyone!! This is the first of two stories I'm going to release for October. They're based off of horror/thriller media, and credit to @yandere-toons for the inspiration of merging a horror movie with a yandere scenario with their Invader Zim story!
This story is based off of the film "No Exit", and even though the protag in the film and this share the same name, they aren't the same, that's a just a coincidence.
Try to guess what the second story is based off of! Here's a hint: It most likely served as inspiration for a nordic horror game that's getting a third installment in 2024!!
If anyone wants to draw fanart based off of this story or take any sort of inspiration based off of it, please feel free!! I'd be happy to see anything you make!
Her: You better not be writing a 6000+ fanfic for characters who only had 5 minutes of screentime when I get there!
Warning: This story is meant for entertainment purposes only and not meant to romanticize or encourage any of the behaviors found in it.
TW: a gun, blood, kidnapping, restraints, semi infantilizism, being struck, hinted fear mongering, slight gore, death, this is strictly platonic
Word Count: 6246
Summary: Darby is stranded at a rest stop in a snowstorm with 5 complete strangers when they unveil a chilling discovery.
Darby wrapped their hands around the mug of coffee, warming their hands up through their fur. They sighed in relief as they began to feel their fingers again, the snow melting.
A snowstorm raged outside, beating against the windows of the rest stop and coating them with layer after layer of dull frost. Looking around, Darby swallowed hard as they took a nervous glance at the people they would be sharing the rest stop with for the foreseeable future. Three other yōkai shared the table in the center of the room with them, with a fourth napping in the corner of the room, and another making himself a cup of coffee. Their hand instinctively drifted to the pocket on their jeans, attempting to soothe their nerves by rubbing the denim-covered contents. The air was thick and hard to breathe in, not with Darby’s nerves.
“What’s your name, kid?”
The cat yōkai jolted, yanking their hand away from their pocket and staring at the bat yōkai from across the table. “Sorry?” They breathed out, trying to regain the air in their lungs.
“I said, what’s your name?”
“Oh! Oh. Darby, sorry…”
“Nothing to apologize for,” the bat said, reaching up and scratching his big ear, “But you’ll want to get used to me. We’ll be here for a while.
Darby swallowed again, and nodded. The bat gave a half-smile to them, and spoke again.
“I’m Rafferty, and this is my wife-”
“Juane,” the borzoi yōkai next to him butted in.
“Right, Juane,” Rafferty turned to the eel on Darby’s right and opened his mouth, but the eel beat him to it.
“I’m Mickey!” He said, cheerfully.
“Well, hello, Mickey.” Juane said, staring at him with a turned head. Mickey grinned at her, which unsettled Darby. In fact, all of the yōkai in that room freaked them out. They didn’t know what it was. Maybe it was the way Juane’s eyes seemed to stare at them from behind her long snout, maybe it was Rafferty’s intimidating aura or Mickey’s freaky grin.
Everyone sat in near-silence again, the sound of the coffee maker and the snowstorm being the only companion to the yōkai’s ears. Mickey looked like he wanted to say something, but he took a glance at the rat making the coffee, and kept his mouth shut. Darby took notice of this, and an uneasy feeling burrowed into their stomach. Maybe they were overthinking it, but maybe not. Why would Mickey stop himself from talking after looking at a stranger?
Darby clutched their knees. They needed to be away from people, to clear their head. They stood up from the table, the grating sound of the chair scooting back on the hardwood making them internally wince. They half-stumbled to the bathroom, unaware of the burning stare boring into their back.
Inside the bathroom, Darby pulled out their phone to find it had no service. Even though they were expecting it, being in a rest stop in the middle of nowhere with a snowstorm raging outside, they still groaned. The thought of being completely stranded with the unsettling strangers that they had just met made them feel sick. They buried their head in their hands, taking a deep breath. Maybe they could get some service outside. They needed to get away from all of that thick air, anyways.
Darby trekked out of the bathroom, not sparing even a passing glance at the other yōkai while they walked towards the doors. They pushed the doors open, the frigid air drawing all heat from their body and bits of ice pelting their coat and nose. They didn’t mind. It was freeing. Refreshing, even. Their boots crunched against the snow as they took their phone out of the pocket of their olive green jacket, holding up like a flare in hopes of getting at least a single bar. They tramped around in the thick snow, trying not to let go of their phone by gripping as tight as they could with their quickly numbing fingers.
A metallic-sounding thud barley pierced Darby’s ears through the vociferous whistling of the storm, but they heard it, nonetheless. There was another thud, and Darby snapped their head towards the vehicle it came from, a large, dark van.
Darby lowered their phone and stumbled towards the van, glancing back at the rest stop windows. Nobody had moved or was looking at them. They jumped behind the van, standing at its back doors. One of the windows had been covered up with something, but the other one had only snow as its curtain. They wiped away the snow with their hand, and immediately jumped back.
There was a human in the van.
Your arms and shins were tightly bound together with rope, and a gag covered your mouth. You banged on the window with your arms and Darby could hear you whimper as they stumbled back in shock. Shaking off their surprise, they turned back to the window again to make sure that nobody was looking, and threw themselves to the door window.
“Hey, hey, I’m gonna get you out of here, alright? I’m gonna help you, you’re gonna be okay.”
You continued to whimper, attempting to open the van doors with your bound and mittened hands to no avail. Darby tried the doors, too. Locked.
Darby panted in fear, eyes widening when they glanced back at the window and saw a figure standing tall with their back turned. Darby practically leaped to the other side of the van, pressing their back to it and holding their hand up to their chest, feeling their heart beating fast. They didn’t want to believe that they were in this situation, that they were dreaming, or hallucinating.
Taking a deep breath, they attempted to calm their nerves. They only had to play it cool until they could get help. But who knows how long that would be? And they didn’t even know who the van even belonged to! Everyone in there was an equal suspect, and Darby didn’t even know the other two’s names! They groaned and tugged on their ears. The cat yōkai couldn’t just pull you out, but there had to be a way to help, there had to!
Darby smoothed some of the frazzled fur on their head and took another breath. It was going to be hard, but playing cool was their only option until they could deduce who the owner of the van was, or at least get one bar of service. They walked back to the rest stop, holding their phone above their head again.
They tucked it back into their pocket when they opened the doors, swallowing the lump in their throat when they saw the two other yōkai, now sitting at the table. The rat decked out in purple smiled at Darby as they walked inside with what might’ve been a warm smile if he didn’t have such an air of coldness to him. Darby tried their best to smile at him back, though it probably looked more like a grimace. They didn’t smile much, anyways.
They sat back down in their chair, taking in the sight of playing cards on the table and the scent of cheap instant coffee wafting in the air. “Well, hello,” the rat said in a friendly tone, “It looks like we have everyone here! My name’s Danny.”
He reached a hand out to Darby, and they gingerly shook it. “Darby…”
Though the ogre yōkai to the right of Danny was sitting at the table with everyone else, he didn’t make any move to speak, focusing more on the deck of cards in his hands, which he was shuffling with his thick fingers. Darby eyed him nervously. Silent and sullen-seeming, he might’ve been the type to hide a human in his van, but Darby stopped themself from making any assumptions. If there was one thing their mother taught them, it’s that one can’t judge from feeling alone. Darby knew plenty of quiet and sullen people, including themself. That didn’t mean that they had a human in their car. The snake in the grass could be any one of the people they shared the table with.
“So, where are you all headed?”
Rafferty struck up conversation again, glancing around at everyone. “I’m headed to Shimmering Isle with Juane.”
“I’m going to the Enclave. Don’t you just need a change of scenery every once in a while?” Danny said, raising his coffee cup up to his mouth.
“That’s neat, son. And where are you headed, Darby?”
Darby’s throat went dry as they opened their mouth to speak, eyes darting around the room as they tried to think up a place for them to say. They just wanted to get away from the Hidden City, they didn’t realize they would have to lie to a stranger about it.
Luckily for them, Danny spilled his coffee on Mickey, and luckily for Mickey, it was only lukewarm at that point. Still, he groaned when the dark liquid stained his bright orange t-shirt and ran down his tail. Danny apologized profusely, but it didn’t seem genuine to Darby. Maybe not to Mickey, either, as he was glaring at Danny like he had just defaced a priceless family heirloom.
Darby took advantage of the commotion and slipped inside the bathroom again, looking around for a window or a back door until they saw a big hole covered up with a piece of flimsy plywood. They grabbed a crowbar near the hole, and pried it open with some effort. They rushed back to the van and slipped the edge of the crowbar between the cracks of the passenger seat door, prying it open, too.
The cat yōkai crawled inside the car and closed the door behind them, practically diving to you. They lifted up your head gently, awkwardly petting it with their other hand in an attempt to soothe your cries and whimpers from behind your gag. “Hey, it’ll be fine, it’ll be fine,” they repeated like a mantra, trying to convince themselves more than you. “My name is Darby, and I’m gonna get us out of here, okay? We’re gonna get out here.”
Darby grabbed the side of your gag, attempting to pull it off when they heard the driver’s side handle jiggling, whoever was attempting to open it was having a hard time. Darby’s eyes widened, and their eyes darted around to find a hiding place. Spotting a pile of blankets in the corner right behind the driver’s seat, they slipped under it, tucking the crowbar in, pulling their legs in and internally praying that their ears didn’t stick out.
The door opened, and someone slid into the front seat. Yanking the door shut, Mickey’s voice muttered angrily.
“You could’ve just tapped me, you could’ve done ANYTHING but spill coffee on me! Man, this is totally gonna stain!”
Tears ran down your face as you craned your neck to gaze up at Mickey, curling into yourself on the floor. He heard your sniffles and looked down at you, his face now set in gentle confusion and concern instead of the death glare he sported merely a moment ago. “Oh, sorry, little pike. I didn’t mean to scare you,” he said, “It’s just- Danny can be such an a-” Mickey cut himself off, taking a deep, shaky breath. “Danny can be very mean… sometimes.”
He said this through gritted teeth, as though it was physically painful for him to talk in the way one would to a kindergartener. He ran his arm over the fin on the top of his head, closing his eyes. “Oh, yeah!” He exclaimed, opening his eyes again, “I’m supposed to be checking on you. Are you okay?” He took notice of your puffy eyes and shaky breaths, “You don’t look so good-”
MIckey halted his sentence, his eyes widening as he looked at the uncovered back window and the piece of cardboard near your feet, “What the hell?! Did you do that?!” He pulled himself into the back, scrambling towards the door. He snatched the cardboard up from the floor and put it back on the window before turning back around to you. “We told you not to touch the windows!”
You started to sob again, eyes shutting tightly as you curled up into yourself. “Hey, hey, hey, don’t cry. You’re gonna be okay.” Mickey switched back to his gentle tone, petting your head with his arm, “Trust me, things’ll get a lot better when we get to Jadetown.” He said this while using his other arm to reach into one of the many boxes in the van, pulling out a shirt exactly like the one he was wearing, except that it didn’t have a coffee stain on it. He pulled off his black coat, inspecting the stormy fur that lined the hood to see if there was any trace of coffee on it, and set it aside to change his shirt.
After Mickey pulled his coat back on, he grinned at you and petted your head again. “I have to go back inside now, people’ll think I’ve died, haha!” He clambered back into the driver's seat and got out of the van. He slithered towards the rest stop again, pulling his jacket closer around him. Mickey wasn’t paying attention to the world in front of him, as always, so it was a surprise when he bumped into the chest of Leonard, with Danny behind him. If looks could kill, the ogre yōkai would have a bigger body count than he already had, but it wasn’t directed at Mickey, no, he was glaring at their van. The eel looked back at him and the van, confused.
“What is it, Len?” Mickey asked, “Is there a scratch on the paint, or-”
“No, there isn’t a scratch!” Leonard snarled, “Where’s the cat?”
Mickey looked back to the van, eyes shooting towards the bootprints leading towards its back door.
Once they were sure that Mickey was back inside, Darby slipped out of it again, and rushed over to you again. This time, they were able to take off your gag, and you coughed and cried and took shaky, deep breaths as though your head had just been let up out of a bucket of water. Darby lifted your head up, wrapping an arm around your back in support.
“What did he mean by ‘we’? Are there other people with him?”
You let out another sob, “Yes, yes, yes- Please, please help me…” You spoke incoherently after you has answered Darby’s question, but their blood ran cold as they looked up and saw three figures standing outside of the rest stop door, their stares rapt on the van. Darby’s fur stood up on end, and after they stumbled back, tipping a few boxes over mistakenly, they pulled open the back door and fell into the snow. They scrambled into the surrounding forest, hoping to loop back while your kidnappers were distracted.
You felt the hope that you would be saved disappear with Darby into the trees, tears flowing from your eyes and down your face in grief for your potential freedom. The harsh wind from the open door felt bitterly cold. The sliding door on the side of the van was yanked open by Leonard, who looked at the open back door and the objects littered around the van from Darby’s getaway. He seethed in anger, clenching his fist. “Mickey, come with me. Danny, stay here.” As he and Mickey ran off after the cat yōkai who could ruin everything for them, Danny got into the back of the van and closed all the doors. After he re-fastened the gag around your mouth, he pet your cheek and smiled.
Darby stumbled through the trees, pushing branches out of their way and trying not to trip over roots and rocks hidden under the heavy snow. They heard shouting behind them, along with the faint sound of a pair of footsteps that weren’t their own and what sounded like something being dragged across the snow.
The farther they ran, the harder it was for them to keep their balance. They nearly slipped with every step, but they refused to let themself give up. If those criminals caught them, they would be as good as dead. Darby started to practically climb up the hill, seeing the distant light from the rest stop glowing above their head. The running and shouting was getting closer, “Get back here! You’ll ruin everything!”
They ignored every word the ogre and the eel shouted at them, only focused on their goal; get back to the stop and tell Rafferty and Juane what was going on. That was the only way they would have even a sliver of a chance saving you. The light grew brighter, they were almost there! But anything that seems too good to be true usually is, for the moment they caught a glimpse of the roof, Danny jumped in front of them from seemingly nowhere, making them stumble back.
The back of their boot snagged on a root hidden deep beneath the glimmering snow, but instead of falling back on the hill and landing upside-down, they started to roll down the hill, getting face-full after face-full of dirt, leaves, and snow. Leonard reached out to grab them, but they knocked him over so that he started to roll, too.
Darby and Leonard hit a tree, hard. It knocked the wind out of Darby’s lungs, but Leonard was able to recover faster. Darby opened their swirling eyes and saw a gun slipping out of the inside pocket of Leonard’s jacket as he was reaching out for them. Just as it fell out, they shot their hand out and gripped it like their life depended on it, which it did.
Quickly regaining their senses, Darby pushed themself back with their feet, taking advantage of Leonard’s shock to stand up and point the gun in front of them, shifting its aim between Danny, Mickey, and Leonard, who had stood up and was closing in on them with the other two.
“Come on, kid,” Danny said, “We don’t want trouble. Hand over the gun and keep your mouth shut, and nothing bad will happen to you.”
“I’m not an idiot, don’t lie to me!” Darby said, voice raised, “Stay away, or I’ll shoot you. I’ll do it!”
Danny honed in on the way they were holding the gun, and scoffed internally. They didn’t know how to use that thing. If he were to run out and grab it, he would’ve been able to push them into the stream aways down before they figured out where the trigger was.
“No, you won’t. Come on, we want to get out of here just as much as you do.”
“I bet you do. Why do you have a human?”
“It’s impolite to ask about other people’s business, dear,” he condescended, taking tiny steps forwards.
“It’s everyone’s business if you have it tied up!”
“You don’t know anything!” Leonard yelled, making Darby jump.
The moment the cat's eyes flitted away from him, Danny lunged at them. The two struggled with the gun for a few seconds before it fired into the snow, startling everyone. Darby pushed the rat off of them and made a mad dash towards the top, going as twice as fast as they had before. Crashing footsteps sounded through the forest, but this time, only in the forest. There was no fourth accomplice waiting to grab them at the stop, so they made it safely into the rest stop again, slamming the glass doors behind them. Rafferty and Juane stared at them, apt confusion on both of their faces.
“What’s wrong, Darby? What’s going on?”
The cat was out of breath, holding their hand up to their chest and wheezing. “Dan, Mick, Leonard-”
“What about them-” Rafferty began to inquire, but cut himself off at the sight of the aforementioned yōkai nearing the door, each with a menacing look and a weapon in their hand. Darby turned to face them and wondered, did they get the other two from the truck? They probably did, Darby thought, but shook their head. It wasn’t important where they got the weapons when they were closing in like a kettle of vultures to roadkill.
“What are they doing, Darby?” Juane asked, holding on to her husband's arm as they backed up out of their seats.
“They have a human tied up in their van, and they know I know it.”
The two elder yōkai gasped, holding on to each other tighter. “What are we going to do?” Juane asked, “I haven’t fought since-”
“No, no. Go hide.” Darby interrupted, “I started this. I’ll finish it.”
Rafferty and Juane looked at each other for a moment, then nodded. Darby continued to stare down the approaching criminals as the sound of swift footsteps faded behind them. Each of them had a murderous look on their face.
As they got closer and closer, Darby realized something. They had no weapon of their own. They left the crowbar in the van, and even if they did have it, they were facing three yōkai that had probably killed before. Darby never once won a schoolyard fight, what made them think they could take on three criminals? They backed up as they thought of the foolishness of their plan, mentally berating themself for their impulsiveness.
This was all their fault. They were going to be murdered, then Rafferty and Juane would probably be found and face the same fate. Then you would get carted off to who-knows-where and be subjected to who-knows-what. For the first time in months, tears welled up in Darby’s eyes as they stumbled backwards and hit the wall.
You squirmed across the floor towards the pile of blankets in the corner that Darby had taken refuge under. None of your captors has time to search the van. You shoved your bound arms under the blanket, feeling up and down until your hands hit the cold piece of metal. You grabbed it, and tried to tug on the knot of your ropes with the end of it as hard you could.
Minutes passed with barely any results, and you were about to give up when you felt the grip the ropes had on your arms loosen. Your soul rose and flew, and you continued to tug until they had slipped off. You pushed yourself up and started to practically throw every restraint off, cradling yourself once you threw the ropes and the gag far away from you.
The only thing you wanted to do was curl up and cry, but you had already done enough of that the past few days. You had to get out of here, maybe Darby was still alive. Maybe they were still around. Probably not, you thought to yourself. If they were fast, the Mud Dogs were faster. The last time you had tried to run, they had caught you in under a minute. But maybe there were still other people who could help you. You had been drilled countless times about how no other yōkai would like humans as much, but this could be your last chance. If they had made it to Jadetown, who knows when you would be allowed outside again? They did say they had to lay low for a while, you heard them arguing about it.
Shaking off your fears, you crawled into the driver's seat and opened the door, falling face-first into the snow. You stood on your wobbly legs and stumbled to the hood of the truck, where you saw the wide-open doors of the building your captors were in, and a bullet going into your would-be savior's head. Blood and flesh splattered all over the dark wood of the walls, and you suppressed a scream.
You fell backwards into the snow, putting a hand over your mouth and scooting away. You couldn’t find the strength to stand up. You took a glance around the parking lot. There were definitely more than two cars, but who did they belong to? You couldn’t see or hear anyone else in the building. You didn’t think they were dead. You would’ve heard screaming or a gunshot or-
You broke yourself out of your thoughts. Now wasn’t the time to worry about that. You needed to get away. If one of them turned around, your freedom would come to an end. No, you had to get into the woods. At least you could be a little concealed there. Then you could figure out what to do.
With newfound confidence and adrenaline, you made yourself stand up again. You glanced around, and saw the entrance to a hiking trail 30 yards away from you. Trying to be as quiet as possible, you stumbled to the trail, heading into more darkness.
The Mud Dogs walked out of the bathroom, having killed the other two yōkai that were in there and washing the blood off of their faces and hands. Leonard smoothed his hair, closing his eyes and taking a breath. It had been a long night. First, the storm. Then Darby came along. He growled at the thought of them, trying to hold himself back from kicking their body. This was all their fault. They had to lay low, and the cat almost ruined everything. He sighed. There was no use hanging up on it.
“Why is the van door open?”
Leonard and Danny snapped up at Mickey’s question, honing in on the parking lot. He was right, it was open. Tiny footsteps led to the side, going off into the forest. Leonard froze. You didn’t.
You did.
When the Mud Dogs ran out and opened the van, you were nowhere to be found. Your restraints were on the floor with a crowbar. Leonard barely bit back his scream of anger. All of the trouble they went through tonight, and now you had run off into the snowy woods without proper clothes and you were going to freeze to death if they didn’t find you on time. Just wonderful.
The three ran after your footsteps into the woods, Leonard ordering Mickey to go right after it had gotten too dark to see the forest floor. Leonard and Danny tramped forwards, pushing branches aside and keeping their ears open for any noises over the snowstorm. Danny groaned internally. Out of all the things to forget back in the Hidden City, why did it have to be the flashlight?
“Dollface! Come back!” Danny shouted, his voice echoing off the trees.
“There’s no use in yelling, Danny. They’re not going to come to us no matter how cold they are.”
“Well, at least I’m trying.” Danny mumbled, feeling his feet numb through his boots, “Maybe Mickey found them…”
“He would’ve yelled for us. Go left, I’ll keep going on ahead. They couldn't have gone far.”
You dragged your numb feet through the deep snow, trying to stay awake. The snow had soaked through your socks, which were worse-for-wear. You tried to keep yourself optimistic in spite of your numb hands and feet and exhausted mind and body. All you needed to do was make it to a road, or a house, or someone who wasn’t a criminal. That was all you…
You fell to your knees, throwing your hands in front of you to stop your nose from hitting the ground. You could barely hold yourself up, your arms shaking from weakness and the cold. Snow and ice whipped at your face, making you somehow sting and feel numb at the same time. Your attempts to push yourself up were in vain, as you fell into the snow the moment you lifted your arms. You could only turn your head to the side to avoid suffocating in the snow, and nothing else. Your thoughts felt foggy and the snow twisted to swirls in your vision. You were so cold. So tired. You just wanted to go home.
Danny called out your name, his ears twitching for any sort of answer or noise. Along with his insane worry, he also held anger at you. How could you do this to them? Why didn’t you just stay put?
“Hey, I found them!”
Mickey’s shout rang throughout the woods, and Danny ran towards the sound of his voice. Leonard was already there, kneeling towards your unconscious body and hoisting you off of the ground, feeling your pulse.
“Are they alive?” Danny asked, feeling his heart sink to his stomach.
“Yeah, they are, but they’re freezing. Let’s get them by that heater.”
They sped off towards the rest stop, Leonard carrying you in his arms. They reached the indoors, Mickey closing the doors behind them after he had retrieved a few lengths of rope from the van. Leonard pulled a chair in front of the heater on the left side of the room, setting you down in it. Mickey tied your arms and legs to the chair’s own limbs, making sure to tighten them to the point where you were sure to have bruises on your skin if you struggled.
Leonard cast off his jacket and threw it over you, making sure that your practically frozen fingers and feet still faced the heater. As mad as he was at you, he wouldn’t go so far as to cause body parts to fall off. He sank into a chair, leaning back and closing his eyes. It had been a long night. They just needed to sit for a while.
Danny clenched his hands around his chair, his sharp nails digging into the wood. They needed to keep you on a tighter leash. Look what you did the moment they took their eyes off of you. It was all the cat's fault. You had already gotten worked up, all antsy inside the van. Their little intervention didn’t do you any favors. Danny steeled himself. They learned something from this. You were going to learn something from this. It had been about a month since they had taken you in, and you still didn’t realize how much they cared for you. He gripped the seat in anger again. Ungrateful brat.
Mickey was grabbing random objects on the other side of the room to electrocute until they were either crispy or ash, the smell of burning filling the room. He threw his debris to the side before continuing on something else. Leonard turned his head towards his teal cohort. “Mickey! Stop that!”
Mickey gave him a death stare, but ceased his violence towards inanimate objects. He slithered over to a chair and crossed his arms, like a kid who was forced to go to their siblings piano recital.
Leonard rubbed his face with his hands. They still needed to take care of you, even if you had run off. What was the point in saving you if they didn’t take care of you afterwards? And besides, the last thing they needed was for you to get sick. Danny was the only one who really knew how to care of a sick person, and he would be fuming at you for a few days, at the very least.
He walked to the counter, taking a TV dinner and shoving it into the microwave. Once it was done, he took it out and walked over to you, pulling up a chair and sitting across from you. He grabbed your shoulder and shook you until your bleary eyes opened to a sliver.
The light was blinding after being stuck in a dark van for so long. You closed them again, but Leonard shook you again.
“Wake up,” He said.
Your entire body felt hot and cold at the same time, truly punctuating your discomfort. You were shivering and your head hurt something awful. Leonard poked a spoon against your lips. “Eat.”
You had refused to eat early in your captivity. It didn’t go well. The thought of having food shoved down your throat made you want to gag, so you opened your mouth and ate the food you were offered. You had to admit, it made you hurt a little less, having something in your stomach. Even if it was a crappy frozen dinner.
Leonard tossed out the plastic container, walked into the bathroom, and closed the door. You could vaguely hear the sound of a sink inside.
Just as you were about to try to sleep off the pain, Danny stood up. You watched him jerk his head towards the bathroom at Mickey, and the eel got up and went in. Danny walked towards you with a purpose in his steps and eyes, and he didn’t stop until he was right in front of you.
“How could you?” He almost whispered, the rage in his eyes apparent. “After everything we’ve done for you, how well we treat you, you still run from us?” He said, his voice raising, “What, do you think we’re not good enough, huh?”
Danny clenched his fists and narrowed his eyes at you. “You selfish, ungrateful brat. We take such good care of you, and you just spit that goodwill back in our face.” He leaned forwards and grabbed your face, his nails digging into your cheeks. “Never do this again. Even think about it, and I’ll show you just how bad I can be.”
You started to sniffle, which turned into full-on sobbing in a matter of moments. Your cries filled Danny with even more rage. How could you be the one crying? He hadn’t even done anything that was worth spilling tears over. He gritted his teeth as his mind went blind with rage. He’d give you something to cry about.
He raised his hand, and brought it down upon your cheek.
Danny took a step back from you as your sobbing stopped for a second, and came back in full force, a bright handprint now on your cheek. A wave of guilt flashed over him, but he turned away from you so he didn’t have to look at your trembling. You deserved it, he told himself over and over.
Leonard and Mickey walk back into the room a moment later, talking in hushed voices. When he hears your crying, Leonard halts and stares at you and the blooming bruise on your cheek. His eyes widen, and Mickey looks back and forth between everyone before grinning.
“Looks like Dan got to them first,” He said, and strolled back to his seat. Leonard turned his gaze on Danny’s back with clenched fists and a twitching eye. “What were you thinking?!” He snaps, “They’re already all cold and roughed up, what if you broke them?!”
Danny scoffs, his gaze focused on the wall and all the guilt seeming to wash away from him. “Oh, please. They’re not made of glass. They deserved it.”
Leonard took a deep breath. “We’ve all had a long night. Don’t make it even longer.”
Danny didn’t respond. Leonard resisted the urge to yell at him. As much as he wanted to, he had to make sure that Danny didn’t do lasting damage. He grabbed an ice pack from the freezer and approached you, pulling up a chair.
He held your chin up with one hand and held the ice pack up to your bruising cheek with the other. By then, your sobbing had turned to quiet hiccups and sniffles, and you were merely shivering instead of shaking like a leaf. Leonard didn’t show it, but concern rose in his chest. You ran, and that deserved consequences, but you were only a human. A tiny human, at that, weak and fragile. He had heard the stories. Humans could die if they went to bed wrong. Unfortunately, his cohorts didn’t know that, if he wasn’t there to stop them, they would’ve already broken you, and then what?
He sighed and looked at you. You diverted your gaze away from him as much as you could with his grip on your face. “Hey,” He almost whispered, “I’ll tell Danny to leave you alone, but if you run again, I might not be able to stop him.”
You finally faced him as he let go of your chin, and nodded. Your cheek flared in pain as it rubbed against the ice pack.
The Mud Dogs loaded into their van again, the approaching dawn apparent. Fresh ropes bound your arms and legs, although the gag wasn’t as tight as to not hurt your cheek. Mickey sat next to you, leaning against the wall. When you looked into the gloomy skies of the yōkai world through your glimpses of the windshield, you imagined the sun shining on your face
Taglist: @yanteetle @oleander-nin
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dottores · 2 years
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pairings: cyno x fem!reader x tighnari, tartaglia x fem!reader.
— featuring: collei, kaeya alberich, dottore, scaramouche, aether, paimon, alhaitham, dehya, lisa minci, amber teigrov, lesser lord kusanali, candace, the rest of the harbingers and the tsaritsa.
summary: the last thing you were supposed to do was fall in love. now a decision must be made—one that you are not yet prepared to deal with the consequences of.
genre: antagonist!reader, fatui!reader, canon divergence, strangers to lovers to enemies (cyno & tighnari), lowkey enemies/rivals to lovers to enemies (cyno), khaenri’ahn royal!reader (diamond pupil), childhood friends to fwb (tartaglia), right person wrong time (tartaglia), un(?)requited love (tartaglia), obsessive and v lowkey yandere behavior (tartaglia).
general warnings: fem!reader, heavy themes of betrayal, angst and romance, reader’s got some mental health issues made worse by delusions, khaenri’ah lore/theories implemented + original worldbuilding (especially for khaenri’ah—based off of old nordic religion/tradition/culture) reader has a scar + partially blind in one eye.
status: incomplete — updates every other friday (maybe).
taglist: open (34/50. comment on this post. no asks).
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
Can you do Platonic yandere nekotalia Nordics with their owner darling, please?
Of course !
🇩🇰 Denmark 🇩🇰
This cat will fling himself at you the moment you walk through your door. He will slowly slide how your clothes without remorse and his navy blues look at you, leaving behind huge claw marks. How in the world could you possibly be mad at a face like that? You let his clingy behavior slide yet again in favor of you scooping him up like the little chaotic fur baby that he is. If she smells another animal on you that you’ve been giving away your affection he will be unhappy. He will hiss at your offending clothing until you wash it off the ungodly stench. He might also retaliate by shredding up all your toilet paper.
🇫🇮 Finland 🇫🇮
He will do figure eights around your legs when you first arrive at your home. You’ve learned to coordinate your steps into a dance of sorts so you don’t crush your beloved European Shorthair. As you set your belongings on the dining room table he will hop up on it and begin to do the special wiggle dance that he only does for you. He designed it to be a dance that maintains your attention for extended periods of time and 60% it does work. His antics will intensify if he smells another animal on you tenfold. ‘I want you to love only me y/n! ME!’ As he dances his little heart out.
🇮🇸 Iceland 🇮🇸
This fluffy but spicy blue-eyed boi will peer out from his newest hiding spot of the day when you arrive home. He will come out of his hiding place with his cute little nose poking at the air as he carries around his stuffed puffin. He will proceed to sit in the main hallway entrance and give you an all-too-knowing look of
‘Give me belly rubs and cat treats or I won’t let you pass.’
You indulge him because you love your Ares (Seljavegur) cat.
🇳🇴 Norway 🇳🇴
The mysterious kitty loves to disappear and reappear at will. You’ll hear purring but won’t know where it's coming from if you don’t actually give your full attention to him. You’ll call out his name but he will not come. He will only do so about 40% of the time. Brings home dead animals to show that he loves you and would do anything for you. He for some reason is able to appear in the hood of your hoodie that you always wear around the house. He does this to rub off some of his scent and cat hair to wipe away the smell of other animals you’ve been around.
🇸🇪 Sweden 🇸🇪
The stoic sweetheart cat waits patiently for you at the dining room table like clockwork, around the same time you return to your home. He reves his muscles up for the leap that he wants to make. Once you set your coat down: game on. You will feel his claws and paws on your back and his claws beginning to scratch the surface of your back. He quickly will drape himself over you like a life cat scarf of sorts. He doesn't like to be away from his sweetheart owner. If you try to remove him he will let out long yowling meows as if you are hurting him. So it’s best to allow him to stay close to you.
138 notes · View notes
could i request a yandere nordic (without iceland) x reader? nsfw if you want
Reader is female in this BTW
You stared at the note in front of you. Living with 4 room mates was interesting to say the least...college was hard but at least you had your roommates there for you, they were there when you laughed and cried. they gave you chocolate on your periods and got what you needed for cravings. they left a note since you were on your periods that they were heading out for the night. Mathias, Berwald ,Tino, and Sigurd...its weird they are all out at once but Sigurd usually went out to visit his little brother Erikur. You laid in bed deciding to just listen to music and go to sleep with your heating pad. Little to your knowledge the boys were waiting for you to fall asleep. Once you fell asleep, they took you away to a cabin in the woods...Upon walking up you were freaked out to see the windows nailed shut and your roommates waiting for you to wake up. “Holy fuck guys??” you yelled angry and confused. Mathias gave you an odd smile “ you're awake. perfect!” He grinned. You raised a brow “ what kind of fucked up prank is this??” You sat up. Sigurd shook his head “ this isn't a prank (name), we took you here because we decided not to share you with the world.” Berwald sat on the bed “Please understand we do this to protect you because we love you-” He was trying to bargain. You were angry! How dare they come and take you away from the world!! You screamed as loud as you could before your voice got tired of it. Mathias laughed “nice try lille elsker!~ we are far out the nearest town is roughly 60KM away!”. You felt your heart drop...what? how dare they? You wanted to go home....you couldn't help but to start crying you were confused and scared and angry all in one.  
“ Please! I don’t understand what did i do wrong?” you choked in your sobs, you were immediately held by Tino. He comforted you by hugging you “Please don’t cry we did this to protect you- we are all off the grids and we’ve faked your death so you don’t even exist anymore! We love you (name)! Please understand...” he sounded worried. this is worse! people think you’re DEAD?!?!? You screamed and cried while the other 3 men watched with no pity at all. In fact they looked at you as if you were crazy. you weren't fucking crazy! these assholes who stole you are fucking nuts! You decided it wouldn’t be best to run, not right now at least. you needed to earn trust and to run at the right moment but you would have to play pretend until then before you could run. 
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aubrey-plush12 · 1 month
Can I request platonic yandere Nordic Bunny x human reader? If not that’s ok
Ofc you can
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Yandere!nordic bunny x reader platonic:
🎸˚。𖦹☆°‧⋆ 🎸˚。𖦹☆°‧⋆ 🎸˚。𖦹☆°‧⋆
-how do you even manage to make a living guitar want you all to himself.
-you’re the first person nordic has as a friend and he is not letting you go once he becomes attached to you so much he would kill any of his minions for you.
-if he even sees one of his minions being rude to you or making you feel hurt in any way he will instantly zap them with his ray or turn them into another crab like the rest of them.
-he tries to find excuses to keep you with him for even longer,if it’s asking for your opinion on a plan or asking for you to play board games or card games with him you will always get sidetracked from what you were going to originally do that you forget.
-you will always be around him 24/7,even when you’re busy.he will always follow you around and will say he just wants to make sure you’re ok.and no matter how many times you tell him that you’re fine he’ll still be by your side.
-whenever he notices your sadness from the fact that you’re stuck in his headquarters he tries to cheer you up in any way he can,telling you that it’s for your own good and will try to buy your happiness with food or items you’d love.
-he would definitely yell at his minions and possibly blame it on them for your sadness.probably yell some outrageous threats at them until you’re no longer sad.And his minions would just beg for you to at least pretend to be happy because they don’t want to be hit with the ray.
-if you try to leave him or his headquarters he’ll bring you back.and he’ll put extra security in his headquarters to make sure you don’t even think of leaving him again.
-he would never resort to hurting you,seeing too as too fragile to hurt.but he will make threats that are obviously bluffs just to try and scare you into not leaving his headquarters again.
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elenamegan14 · 8 months
Yandere One Piece - Irish/Nordic Fae Folk Myth X F!Reader - Prologue
It's a spooky season, and I have yet to see any Yandere One Piece reader fics based on Slavic myths and legends! Blame me for being too invested in Bramble: the Mountain King game.
Once, there was a childless couple who lived in a quaint village. Although the village is rich in tradition and harvest, it was also a fearsome place. Not far from them lies a great forest called the Grand Line, a home of every fae folks, each more astounding and nightmarish than man had ever known. 
But that was where our story began. 
One night, on a full moon during a winter’s eve, the couple is visited by a frail, old woman. They immediately brought her in, warmed her, and fed her. When all is done, she transforms into a beautiful fairy. A member of the fairy monarchy, Rogue. 
To thank the couple, Rogue rewarded them with something they had yearned for years: a child. And so, on the first day of Spring, a healthy baby girl was born. 
Alas, even the fairy world has it;s own rules, and the rule is crueler than the rules of mankind. A baby who is granted life by the fairy must be returned back by the ripe age of thirteen. Rogue did not want her work to go to waste, so she told the couple that they must move the child away from the village, never to enter any fairy rings at any cost, and give their child a pair of special earrings made of iron to protect them. 
Thus, the family evaded the pursuit of the fae folks beyond the age of thirteen. In retaliation, the fae folks began to terrorize the villagers - they would not stop to torment them until the child was given to them. Furious at the fleeing family for putting them into this bedlam, the villagers set up a trap to return the child back to the Grand Line. 
Eighteen years have passed, and the child grew up in the Kingdom of Goa. With each passing day, the blessings from Rogue had made the child cunning, wise, and attractive. The child was a curious oddity amongst her peers, but there was one person who despised her existence more so than the others. 
Sarie is the daughter of a notorious monarchy in the Goa Kingdom. Although she has everything in the palm of her hand, she is wicked jealous of the child’s charm and beauty. Her opportunity stuck when a vengeful villager asked her to cooperate to rid of the child’s existence in the mortal world. 
Soon after, Sarie begged her fiancee, Sterry, to arrange a special trip only for his classmates, the child included, straight to the child’s original village. Sterry and his cohorts lured the child to the edge of the forest, right before the entrance of Grand Line. Once there, Sarie threw her scarf into the middle of the fairy ring and asked the child to pick it up for her. 
The child is confused. Why should she follow such a petty instruction? Also, the child pleaded that she was not supposed to enter the fairy ring at any cost. However, Sterry and their classmates loudly demanded her to do so. 
When the child reluctantly tried to enter the fairy ring, Sterry once again ordered the child to take off the child’s iron earrings for Sarie. She tried to refuse but Sterry warned her that if she disobeyed, he would make sure that she became the enemy of Goa. 
The child had always wanted to be accepted by Sterry and Sarie - she did not understand what she had done wrong to receive his ire. The child also knew that Sarie and Sterry’s family had more power than her family did. She hastily took off her earrings and gave them to Sarie. With a heavy heart, she entered the fairy ring. 
Sterry and Sarie’s deception became light once she turned around inside the fairy ring, only to find herself alone in a strange forest. She ran back and forth, calling for her classmates. 
None answered. 
Alone, terrified, and confused, the child trekked into the woods of Grand Line on her own, in hoping to find her way home… not knowing that she had fulfilled her promise…
And break the village’s curse. 
You are wandering around the fogged oath, unable to see what's beyond. Suddenly, you heard footsteps. Behind you, in front of you, everywhere! You barely have a moment's rest when a mischievous-looking human-like creature appears before your very eyes. Shrieking, you fall back behind, astounded by what you see.
"Shishishi! Did I scare you?" The creature grinned hugely, enhancing his unique shaggy features with a stitched scar underneath his left eye.
Monkey D. Luffy, the Pookah, has arrived. Next
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11queensupreme11 · 4 months
I have a question about mom Loki AU
How would the gods react to finding out that baby Percy's real mother is Sally?
How would the Nordic and Greek family react? What about romantic and platonic yanderes? Would they accept? Would someone secretly order Sally's murder?
I don't know if Poseidon would react well to learning that baby Percy was generated by another God, even if it is an alternative version of him, he will probably justify, to himself, that the alternative version continues to be his essence he is older so HE is the original version while PJ Poseidon is the copy so since baby Percy is made of half of that Poseidon's ichor she is also made of half of his ichor
What interests me most is Loki's reaction, I feel like he wouldn't accept it, this baby came from him so it's his daughter, accepting that your dear little baby only exists because of a human woman and that he was only a temporary charmer is an unacceptable idea
The humans' reactions would also be interesting because at the same time they believe that a baby should be returned to its family, they also realize how dangerous the PJ world is for baby Percy, why return her to a world where she will be where Will she have to initially grow up in poverty only to later grow up being hunted and killed? If her mother really loves her, she would agree to leave her daughter in a place where she will be properly raised with love and protection certainly their opinion was not influenced by being slightly platonic yanderes
And the valkyries would be desperately trying to convince Sally and PJ Poseidon to leave baby Percy in this universe, they know that if baby Percy is taken the gods will destroy this and the PJ universe trying to get her back
Shiva is fighting tooth and nail for baby Percy to stay so he can delight in the sight of her and his own son playing, no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE is going to stop this play date
not only would they be pissed as fuck, but they're also NEVER going to accept sally as percy's mom. eventually, they'd deal with the fact that sally was the first person to actually carry percy in the womb, but they won't ever accept HER. partly because they want baby percy and partly because sally's a human, so they're just never going to accept her or care that she was the bio mom. sally's human, she doesn't have any rights or say to them.
loki is downright disgusted at the fact that HIS baby's bio mom is actually a human who, more importantly, wants her back. he's not even gonna bother hiring an assassin or trying to kill her secretly, ITS ON SIGHT THE SECOND HE SEES HER. hell, he could be taking baby percy on a walk with a stroller and if he sees sally, he's jumping that poor woman with no hesitation 😭😭😭
poseidon is probably gonna be the second most pissed about this right behind loki. while loki's got beef with sally, he's got beef with pjo!poseidon lol. he will degrade the shit outta that man and point out every singly little flaw his counterpart has: he's practically a kid, he has a deadbeat to all his 1234282347 kids, his seas are filthy, his family's a mess, he's a serial cheater like zeus, he isn't even allowed to RAISE percy so why should he have her, etc etc. he actually brings up a LOT of good points, which is when the ror humans start to lean more for the ror parents
what really makes the ror humans go for ror!poseidon and loki is how demigods' lives work back in pjo verse. it's way too dangerous and the fact that the gods can't even interfere in their lives to protect them is ultimately what makes them choose the ror!parents over sally and pjo!poseidon. the same for the valkyries tbh. they'd be more sympathetic for them unlike the ror!gods, but they really rather percy stay in their universe instead since she would actually have a higher chance of survival
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