orbiyoo · 2 years
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more clowns
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therooknook · 2 years
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Typical Parisian behavior
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thisultraviolet · 1 year
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twistedtalking · 6 months
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○-------->Your Path to Another World<--------●
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♤---->The Impersonator<----->She/her<------♡
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●~~~~~~~~Makes your wildest dreams~~~~~~●
○~~~~~~~~~~~~And Darkest Nightmares ~~~~~~~~○
●<~~~~~~~~~~~~come true~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>●
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----Welcome to Wonderland----
/Waiting list/
Important: There are Bible verses after each fic post. If that makes you uncomfortable, please unfollow me.
Here's a post explaining why I add them.
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foxes-that-run · 2 months
Any idea on why florida if the songs are haylor? We know it's not him now but this is such a coincidence https://twitter.com/Larry1dForrever/status/1695925031568544152?t=-aI49Hxe33RHX6UBR0ZsnA&s=19
This is mystery I’d like to solve! I can say Taylor just after the Joever announcement, Harry was MIA in America after the Golf Masters in Georgia. Taylor wore a Gucci Lion ring the same as Harry’s with a green stone on 12 April then went to Florida for Eras, where she played a heap of Haylor songs including wonderland which is really rare. Florence’s lyrics refer to a hurricane by her name, that was in 2018 but I don’t know if affected Florida.
The 1975 was touring Australia, as they were for most of the Maylor “relationship”.
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12 April - TS Gucci lion Electric lady No pap
13 April - Treacherous/speak now, Florida (Harry MIA)
14 April - The Great War/YOYOK, Florida. Holy ground replace EHC in Eras Red intro. MH cries on stage in Sydney
15 April - Mad Woman/Mean (MH Australia)
19 April - Taylor NY dinner with friends. Taylor gives a fan a thumbs up that she OK. Great unfollowing. Joe seen in London next day.
21 April - Played Wonderland (!!) and You're not sorry. In the Betty Speech "I just imagined myself in the woods"
And then those tweets from the account that was made before Harrys House came out
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fortunefms · 2 months
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𓏲  *  (  cis  woman,  she/her  )  ⸺  pictures  of  eleanor  louisa  middleton,  the  forty  year  old  artist/business  partner,  have  been  showing  up  all  over  my  feed,  and  considering  the  last  time  they  were  #trending,  it  was  due  to  someone  making  a  plagiarism  claim  —  i’m  not  likely  to  unfollow  anytime  soon.  with  their  an erdem white cotton maxi dress with black paint splattered loafers,  they’ve  managed  to  garner  a  reputation  for  being  more  compassionate  than  erratic.  their  critics  say  that  they’re  more  delusional  than  creative  when  they  aren’t  too  busy  focusing  on  their  paint  splattered  loafers,  trying  to  master  technology  and  frantically  double  messaging  people.  reputation.com  has  taken  to  calling  them  alice  in  wonderland  in  order  to  avoid  a  lawsuit  (  again  ).
triggers: death, adoption, mental illness
eleanor was born to a single mother. she was never planned and was indeed a strain on the household. her mother hid her pregnancy with her until she went into labor and told her parents. it was a disaster and continued to be when el was born. none of it was her fault but her mother was already suffering from mental illness, something that wasn’t helped by the judgemental people around her. then suddenly, the woman was gone in an accident - eleanor's own family didn't want her. she would scream for her mother, for anyone but they wouldn't come.
at the age of five, she was adopted by the daughter of edward astor middleton, a known billionaire . money prevailed in getting the woman what she wanted, a child when she was a single and vile person that would say and do anything to get one. when unable to conceive herself, she looked towards adoption and the process was much quicker taking a five year old, plus, she skipped out baby night feeding so it was of no concern to her.
it took her a while to get settled but with edward’s help, eleanor managed. she always felt a bit out of place with her peers; she didn’t catch onto jokes that fast nor did she necessarily care about designer things or status. she was labelled as odd and that’s how it stayed. she loved singing, mainly to herself and also art. that was her happy place along with being with people - even if they didn’t understand her, she still found the positives to enjoy it. her grandfather was very supportive with whatever she wanted but she never once asked for anything apart from ‘dinners and dance parties’. in the absence of her mother's caring, edward was the one to make her feel like she was exactly where she needed to be, even be quick to put her into therapy, not because she was broken but because she needed that external support where she could be honest. el was always grateful, always reminded that she got lucky with the life by her mother and edward took that pressure off. the whole world probably had some opinion on the billionaire but he was perfect to her.
when she was in her teen years, she worked as a model for her mother’s cosmetic company. without realising it, el was responsible for her mother’s success because it made the woman branch out into new foundation shades - it wasn’t perfect but it was a step in the right direction and her mother was applauded whilst felicity became the face of the entire company - not just the face but the name of astoria cosmetics. you couldn’t go anywhere without seeing her face. it did cause controversy with her being young, as well as eleanor receiving hate for how she looked but it got people talking.
it was a lot of pressure to put on her but she was agreeable in nature and never wanted to upset her mother so never said anything. she fell into her art work as a way to process emotions and things she cared about . through connections, she did manage to get a place at nyu but she’d crumble and pull out only a few months in. it was mainly sitting in her studio, headphones on being in a completely different world while she created and that was and continues to be her happy place.
the news that her grandfather was ill and he wasn’t going to get better hit eleanor the hardest. he was the one person who she felt understood her, the one that tied her to a lot of things and made her feel loved. impulsive and intense behaviour came from her during this time, that was in her second month at university. living in denial was a hard place to be as her mental health deteriorated quickly - el's mother wasn’t the talkative type and every time she tried to accept reality and try to talk about her feelings with the woman, she’d be shut down and thrown into a schedule. she’d dropped out and hadn’t told her mother - being dishonest was not her thing...
she had a breakdown at a photoshoot. the photographer was quick to intervene and attempted to comfort her until they could get her somewhere safe. a day after, she was hospitalised but her mother wanted to get her out quickly to 'salvage their reputation'. the entire ordeal upset her.. it was just her and her mother and although she felt broken, she needed to be there to comfort her mom because she could see that the woman was struggling - it was hindering them both that she still didn’t want to talk about it.
the reading of edward middleton’s will was a big event. eleanor wasn’t expecting to get anything as he’d given her more than enough love to make up for the lack in her life. it was a great surprise to everyone, including her, when edward left everything to her. overwhelmed didn’t even cover it. his savings, current bank account, shares in his company, property... everything. she was so confused as to why and did feel sorry for her mother but she didn’t even have time to think about what she wanted to do with the billions (tabloids will say millions which is half-true because they underestimate the situation) before the woman that she called mother would be filing to court to try get it revoked and passed to her. 
eleanor did not want to fight with her mother. the woman didn’t even tell her about it, a lawyer made her aware that her mother wanted to take it from her and was bringing her sanity into question. despite her mental illness, the ordeal was ruled in her favour but winning against her own mother didn't feel like a win at all. she'd dropped out of university but had the luxury of focusing on her artwork as she had the privilege to do so. all it took was one person to come into her studio and the rest was history. eleanor was always humble, never flaunting her wealth in people's face (not for the most part, anyways). when she did, it was because she wasn't that self aware to recognise she was doing it.
she managed to keep herself steady for a while. her medication and therapy was working, she felt comfortable, her artwork was being admired and sold for $$$$$$$$ - she was happy, right? she felt like she had gone from someone that was easily satisfied to never being satisfied. it was then when she found someone she'd call her best friend. the two were very different but got on really well - eleanor felt safe, like they wouldn't judge her and when she had a bad day, they'd always find a way to cheer her up and if they couldn't, they'd make sure to sit with her in her penthouse to make sure she wasn't alone.
however, pressures would get to her - with deadlines, her attempting to try have a hand in her grandfather's company from a legacy... everything seemed so stressful and then it felt so threatening. it was a long time coming but she sold the majority of her shares in her grandfather's company (she still owns 25% but is more a nepo figure than actually having to do anything). however, it didn't feel like a weight had been lifted - her grandfather would be so disappointed with her. she just wasn't up to - she was flighty, unreliable, a people-pleaser and whilst he'd always encouraged being kind, there was a point where she needed to stop letting people walk all over her.
the last straw was when someone accused her of plagiarising their work. she hadn't, she'd done no such thing - if anything, they had taken some inspiration from a few of her pieces. another law suit was following and she really didn't want that to happen again. the other was adamant that she'd stolen from then when she hadn't; it was quite upsetting to her. eleanor was far from professional in the weeks that followed. perhaps she'd dreamt of the other's piece before they even released it? or she'd seem their artwork in passing? she didn't know but none were good defences. "i didn't know!" or "sometimes i have dreams that come true" wasn't something that would hold up either and she was crumbling at the start of proceedings. she felt like if it came out to the public, her image would be ruined and it would lead them to question other pieces. art was her passion and she automatically assumed the worst because she felt like it - eleanor had always been her worst critic.
she was already having an episode but people in her circles were ignoring it. it hadn't helped that her therapist had moved on because of a new opportunity and whilst she had set her up with someone else, there were issues from the get-go. her awareness and fear of everything getting worse was making it worse in itself, until she was no longer aware of it and labelled everything as fact because it felt so real to her... it was the footman in her building that took her to the hospital after she returned to her penthouse block, looking worse for wear, without any shoes on and then she insisted on taking the stairs up because she was too afraid of the elevator (that she'd used earlier that morning)... she was hospitalised and admitted to in-patient therapy for four weeks, missing one of her own art shows but it was used as a fundraiser for a mental health charity instead of the money going to her - she'd decided she didn't need it.
things aren't settled with the other artist as of yet but she's trying to come to some sort of arrangement - she just doesn't want to look like she's guilty but perhaps she's unintentionally done it. eleanor doesn't trust herself right now at all, especially after recent events. however, she's really trying to take care of herself and try to get over this newly found fear of creating something. however, pretending that it was just a blip and isn't a worry for her isn't doing her any favours.
little facts:
she’s not bothered about designer labels. if it’s pretty, she’ll buy it, whether it’s from chanel or a charity shop, it doesn’t matter to her (but she will buy her basics from brands like the row just because she can).
tries to be positive to everyone and everything but it makes her feel good. she is naive when it comes to trusting people but wants to be loved so is ultimately a people pleaser.
cries very easily - if she’s happy, sad or scared, she’ll be crying. el also very much wears her heart on her sleeve!
was labelled as ‘kooky’ pretty early on but doesn’t really mind. she does try to fit in but it never ends up being how she imagined. she's diagnosed with schizophrenia. it's not that she hides it, just doesn't feel the need to mention it most of the time.
has drunk since she was a teen and still doesn’t know her limits :)
she is messy, both in organising and behaviour.
either cant sleep so she decides to scrap book while listening to music at three am or she does nothing but sleep.
has taken up yoga for the first time and she thinks she's terrible at it - not flexible and unbalanced but she does run a lot when she needs to clear her head and will say it's better to do that here than across the country on a treadmill.
loves to wear suits and blazers! messes her hair up within 3 mins of leaving the house.
she's recently been giving a plant as a gift to help her focus and look after something (part of her self-care) but she's really bad at keeping green things alive - she's really trying though.
is incredibly loyal and loving but doesn’t try to ask too many questions. her personality can sometimes be imposing as it is.
is trying to act like nothing is happening so is over-compensating with her chirpy personality.
likes all types of music apart from country, sorry :/
her fave colours are blue, green and purple but not together
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twsthc · 1 year
twisted wonderland headcanons
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hello and welcome to twisted wonderland headcanons ⚰🪞 my name is ciel!
ABOUT: mere headcanons account, mostly a place where i can collect my thoughts about characters as someone into the game. I post other's headcanons as well, submissions are open 🦇!
⚠️ this account is not spoiler free (spoilers will be tagged ofc)
MUTE: not twsthc for things that aren't technically a formal headcanon. all reblogs will be headcanon related/adjacent
i will unfollow or block you if you post rollo pos
hc masterdoc
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viilpstick · 6 months
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જ⁀➴ All those days watching from the windows, all those years outside looking in, all that time never even knowing. Just how blind I've been. Now I'm here, blinking in the starlight, now I'm here, suddenly I see. Standing here, it's all so clear, I'm where I'm meant to be.
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My Twisted Wonderland Ocs
Christmas Story | Rosantée’ West Wing (finished)
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𐙚 moots ♡ ♡ ! moot's name
♡ ! mah's art ♡ ! mah's writing ♡ ! addie's art ♡ ! addie's writing
𐙚 twisted wonderland 🗝 barbs' plays twst 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ🗝️ ⋆ ⋆ ࣪ 𖥔 . characters ⋆ ࣪ 𖥔 . oc's names
important 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ✧ events 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ✧ reblog 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ✧ inbox 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ✧
barbs' simp hours 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ♡ barbs' rambles 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ♡ barbs' draws 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ♡ barbs' writes 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ♡ ocs 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ♡
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➤ DNI LIST: DO NOT INTERACT ─ support israel? fucking unfollow me. people who hc vil/epel as transgender, proshippers, fatsphobic, lgbtqphobics, fujoshi/fundashis, mha/dreamsmp/adrew tate/viziepop stans/fans . . .
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jacksmannequins · 4 months
so as a newer follower what are your thoughts on the dianna thing really? was there fruitiness or are you trolling? should i deep dive 👀
ok so disclaimer i know nothing for certain, i don't know either of these people, this is all for fun, if you hate fun just unfollow me, those songs were once about her life but they're now about mine and my life is very gay. ok.
*cracks knuckles*
wonderland is soooooo fruity just on its own. too in love to think straight. hidden in a secret world (like a closet) where life was perfect until it wasn't. we pretended it could last forever but we're both girls so of course it was just pretend. the watching that turned to talking and the talking that turned to screams. haven't you heard what becomes of curious minds?
but then you've got the dianna of it all. i mean, she was OBSESSED with alice in wonderland. not just her tattoo, but her blog, her social media posts, she loved loved loved alice in wonderland. so like, it's kinda weird for your best friend to take what you're obsessed with, use it as a metaphor for love, and then for you to delete your blog, remove your tattoo, and never speak of it again. like i'm not trolling with this post i genuinely feel like it's as close to irrefutable as fun gaylorism speculation gets.
there are other things to do with their potential relationship that i could discuss, but my main argument is always wonderland. other songs i think could be about dianna include the very first night, treacherous, out of the woods, and i know places! happy to expand on any of these or more, which could be about her but i'm less inclined to say one way or another.
tl;dr: not trolling. dianna's tattoo and its removal are very important for both me and society.
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i have been on tumblr for god knows how long without ever introducing myself so.
Hi, I’m Chloe, I’m (almost) 20, I’m from the UK. I’m currently a second year uni student studying to be an english teacher and i have been on tumblr for like…idek atp more than 6 years at least. I’m bisexual and it really shows when I see an older woman ;) Oh and I also use She/Her pronouns!
I don’t write fanfics and instead just scream about them but i always get the urge to return to writing so theres a possibility that i might just randomly dump something 🫡🫶🏻. Not saying it’ll be good more so just “here have this”
update - not a full week after this post, i have written a Hotchniss fic entitled ‘The Phoenix and The Rocket’ :)
fun fact about me : I am a religious pagan. I have had a very complicated relationship religion (big up my catholic dad and protestant mother. shitheads for that) and eventually i decided on ‘why not all’ so :) yeah. I’m not practicing due to space right now so i have no personal relationships with deities but LOVE to hear about interactions that others have. Tell me about Loki being a little shit! Tell me about Apollo bullying you! love it.
Interests that might crop up
- Criminal Minds (I am a Hotchniss shipper. I also headcanon Emily to be Bi with a female preference.)
- OUAT (Specifically SwanQueen)
- Currently watching supergirl :)
- Marvel (Black Widow in particular)
- Twilight (briefly had a hyperfixation and now it wont leave me alone)
- Alice in wonderland / tinkerbell (Both my comfort films with very happy childhood mems <3)
Some of you might remember that i was a pretty hardcore h*rryp*tter blog a few years back. I am no longer a fan / in support of that extremely problematic franchise but don’t blame the ones that love it if you want to unfollow me.
I’m rlly nice i promise :)
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crudevillain · 4 days
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♡ independent. private. highly selective.♡
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♡ Deadman Wonderland canon roleplay blog, based in the BNHA / MHA fandom and DMWL canon
♡ AUs & crossovers available ( upon request ). ♡
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♡ carrd  ♡
♡ affiliated with: TBA ♡
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♡ muse(s): Minatsuki Tamaki, Toto Sakigami, & Yosuga Mitsuzaki 
hello, I'm Wrennly. I'm 25 years old, American, & taken. I go by she/they or she/her pronouns as well. I am pagan, practice witchcraft, & own 2 lizards ( Fiona and Hildagarrd ) & a cat ( Addison ).
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♡ mobile rules below cut ♡
♡ there will be no comparisons to deities, whether that's ic or ooc.
♡ I will wait up to a week or two for a message back whether that's IC or OOC if I've followed you recently. I will unfollow after not hearing anything. if I'm the one who continuously reaches out, with no reciprocation, I will remove you. I understand being busy, but if I reach out and don't get a reply after a while, I will end our relationship.
♡ relationship depreciation does not apply here, & let me explain. "whether I talk to you in a day, or in a year. I'll see you when I see you; until then, take care". this means that if you disappear, and stop replying, I will not be angry. however, I will remove you from discord or tumblr because I like to keep my circle to those who actively enjoys writing with me / speaking to me.
♡ I am neurodivergent; I have PTSD, Borderline Personality Disorder, Anxiety, & Depression. I work part-time as well as have a life outside of tumblr. I'm in a committed relationship, & that takes up a lot of my time as well as another blog ( @qvartzdied ).
♡ I frequently engage in cannabis usage, and are pro-cannabis as medicine. as such, sometimes ( usually later in the evening ), I will be intoxicated. if this makes you uncomfortable, do not follow me. I will not curb my personality for the comfort of yours.
♡ I also follow a lot of people, so I may forget your alias/pronouns/muses! I always try to reread everything before contacting people, but sometimes I am a forgetful bean! please offer me grace!
♡ I am closing my circle down to select people and friends. this means that I am private and highly selective. I will not follow if a muse page, rules, and age of mun ( you must be 21+ ) aren't readily available on the blog. 
♡ muses are written at an age-range. meaning, some may be underage in one thread scenario, but of age in another. always look at tags for extra information. most times, consider adult ages as default.
♡ NSFW and other content will appear on the blog, which includes but are not limited to NSFW: smut, mentions of rape, explorations of human psyche, religious mentions, drug usage, sex work, abuse, pregnancy issues, abortion / miscarriage, sexuality, cannibalism, blood, gore and so many more. do not follow if under 21+.
♡ also, please reblog from source. I will post frequent in character musings, aesthetics, fanart, and so on for my muses. it helps me maintain muse
♡ blog is drama-free, will never post roleplay drama or politics drama. life updates will be periodically given based on how often I'm promising to be online, but cannot for any reason.
TOXICITY CLAUSE. I used to be a shitty rp partner & friend! I never committed bigoted acts like racism or sexism, but I'd have the tendency to collect ships or participate in drama etc. my past aliases include Sam, Sammi, Stormi, Peaches, & now Wrennly. all problems have been fixed.
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wealthtv · 2 months
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GOOD  AFTERNOON  PASSENGERS,  this is an annoucement  for  flight  AA118  to  NEW  YORK  CITY.  this  is  a  boarding  call  for  the  following  passenger(s):  ELEANOR LOUISA MIDDLETON, NICOLAS RIVERS, VINCENT SEOKWON HWANG.  please  proceed  to  gate  42A  immediately.  please  have  your  boarding  pass  and  identification  ready.  the  captains  will  order  for  the  doors  of  the  aircraft  to  close  in  approximately  24  hours  time.  thank  you.
𓏲  *  (  ruth  wilson,  cis  woman,  she/her  )  ⸺  pictures  of  ELEANOR  LOUISA  MIDDLETON,  the  forty  year  old  artist/business  partner,  have  been  showing  up  all  over  my  feed,  and  considering  the  last  time  they  were  #trending,  it  was  due  to  someone  making  a  plagiarism  claim  —  i’m  not  likely  to  unfollow  anytime  soon.  with  their  signature  outfit  /  look,  they’ve  managed  to  garner  a  reputation  for  being  more  compassionate  than  erratic.  their  critics  say  that  they’re  more  delusional  than  creative  when  they  aren’t  too  busy  focusing  on  their  paint  splattered  loafers,  trying  to  master  technology  and  frantically  double  messaging  people.  reputation.com  has  taken  to  calling  them  ALICE  IN  WONDERLAND  in  order  to  avoid  a  lawsuit  (  again  ).
𓏲   *     (  manu  rios,  cis  male,  he/him  )     ⸺     pictures  of  full  NICOLAS  'NIC'  RIVERS,   the   twenty-five  year  old   nba  player  ,   have  been  showing  up  all  over  my  feed,  and  considering  the  last  time  they  were  #trending,  it  was  due  to  supposedly  mistreating  a  worker  at  a  restaurant  —  i’m  not  likely  to  unfollow  anytime  soon.  with  their  white  prada  tank  top  &  cargo  pants,  black  cap  and  sunglasses  with  balenciaga  sneakers  they’ve  managed  to  garner  a  reputation  for  being  more  humorous  than  selfish.  their  critics  say  that  they’re  more  manipulative  than  kind  when  they  aren’t  too  busy  focusing  on  their  early  runs  just  to  end  up  at  a  coffee  shop,  high  priced  sneaker  collection,  wearing  gym  clothes  everywhere  just  to  be  comfortable.  reputation.com  has  taken  to  calling  them  net ninja  in  order  to  avoid  a  lawsuit  (  again  ).   
𓏲   *    (  jung  jaehyun,  cis  man,  he/him,  justin  bieber  cc  )  )    ⸺    pictures  of  vincent  seokwon  hwang,   the   twenty8   year   old   singer,   have  been  showing  up  all  over  my  feed,  and  considering  the  last  time  they  were  #trending,  it  was  due  to  being  seen  arriving  and  leaving  his  launch  party  with  a  different  person  on  his  arm  —  i’m  not  likely  to  unfollow  anytime  soon.  with  casual  attire  often  paired  with  bulgari  rings  and  a  silver  chain,  they’ve  managed  to  garner  a  reputation  for  being  more  easygoing  than  reckless.  their  critics  say  that  they’re  more  vain  than  passionate  when  they  aren’t  too  busy  focusing  on  their  boyish  grin  that  forgives  far  too  many  misgivings  ;  flashes  of  cameras  outside  a  rowdy  nightclub  ;  clothes  and  empty  bottles  forgotten  in  hotel  rooms  ;  moonlight  dancing  on  the  edge  of  calm  water  ;  pristine  home  never  to  be  caught  by  a  wandering  eye  .  reputation.com  has  taken  to  calling  them  eros  in  order  to  avoid  a  lawsuit  (  again  ). 
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a-gin-soaked-raccoon · 3 months
Acct creation process?
So tumblr required me to not only subscribe to various topics, but FORCED me to follow a quota of blogs from their limited offered selection to make my account. In order to make this display of authority more fun for me, I thought I'd post my notes during this process in a stream-of-consciousness fashion: ***This is just my impressions based on the blog titles tumblr threw at me while making my account. I've literally never seen a single one of any of your posts. If I've misjudged you, that's a me problem. Don't get pissed. Or do, I guess, I'm not your mom. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ***
@gulistan-blog: Except it looks like it's actually written in (gaelic?)? Maybe see if there's anything good. or just if the words look pretty.
@aesthetic: generic af title. probs trash. delete asap, unless it turns out to be a magical aldi-brand unicorn.
@annoyingdreamlanddestiny: gross url. titled poison. initial vibe is toxic. review, but drop asap unless ironic.
@neon-wonderlands: called "lost in the 80s". honestly i don't hate it. not sure why. wait and see.
@seabeck: "I'm only happy when it rains". literally love the title. Drop if necessary, but if so you have to listen to the song while you do <3.
@emirkocturk: literally no idea what it is, tagged in #architecture. Only followed cuz I think its written in Turkish? pretty words.
@daily-spooky: dunno wat but it looks goth-centric. I haven't taken the hook, but the bait is intriguing so I'm nibbling.
@remash: dunno just vibe shit?
@falseficus: title is "dad shirt enthusiast". promising. to be explored.
@dianasson: "witchcraft, folklore, ..." ? so many possiblities. i dont even know where to start.
@1989taylorsversion: "folklore, but gay" need I laborate?
@octobersociety: possibly. but seems reposty. probs to be deleted.
@theshitpostcalligrapher: i like the picture they paint with their words. stay tuned.
@diaryofrey: its a gamble. probs trash, but nobody hits the jackpot without rolling the dice.
@classichorrorblog: i like horror. i dont like blogs. it'll be a battle, we'll see who survives.
@obsessedbyneon: So '80s again. CRT monitors? cool. Hairspray & chlorofluorocarbon pollution? not cool. we'll see which category this falls in.
@charleshuettner: 2d animation? broad topic. that's like "TEXT POSTS" but pictures. k. ill follow but ill probs leave.
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mogai-sunflowers · 1 year
WAUGH accidentally unfollowed when trying to get to your blog :anguish:
Anyways, how are you? - @wonderland-coining
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akikocho · 1 year
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I'm Aki Kocho. I'm an artist...well not an active one due to artblock (for 2 years). I'm an active OC creator who always share my OCs' information for fun. I am also a Character x Oc/Yume Character enthusiast. Nice to meet you
This account is my new account. My previous acc was @butterflystarry-8104 but due to me being forgetful at emails and passwords, I couldn't use the account :'D
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
➥ This account is full of rant, shitpost/meme posting, OC headcanons/memes etc. This is also a safe place for LGBTQ people and this is just a friendly but not so friendly account.
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
➥ The user said feel free to call them by these names: Aki, Kocho or both
➥ This user is in legal age
➥ This user is a Biromantic Asexual using He/She/They pronouns. But they're very comfortable if you say "He and They" pronouns
➥ This user's MBTI is INTP-T and their Zodiac sign is Leo
➥ This user is an agnostic.
➥ This user rants a lot. Please be minded about it and if you're uncomfortable, unfollow this account.
➥ This user speaks Bisaya, Tagalog and English. They also want to learn new languages soon.
➥ This user HATES anti-ocs and anti-rareshippers. Feel free to unfollow/block this account if you are one.
➥ This user is pro-fiction. If you don't like a person like this then unfriend and block this account.
➥ This user shares a lot of questionable things. Feel free to tell them if you're uncomfortable with it.
➥ Please be minded that I don't support JKR even though I'm having a hyperfixtation to her works. I DON'T support the transphobe author nor satisfied with her works. My stories related to JKR's work are changed to what I like. Hope you understand.
➥ Feel free to interact with this user.
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
➥ Anime (Demon Slayer, Haikyuu, Tokyo Revengers, BNHA, Dr Stone, etc)
➥ Games (Obey Me, Twisted Wonderland, Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Criminal Case, The Arcana, Genshin Impact, Project Sekai)
➥ Novels
➥ Musicals (Hamilton and many other musicals that I forgot the titles 😭)
➥ Music
➥ Writing
➥ Creating OCs
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
✰ Twitter
➥ @kocho_aki
✰ Tiktok
➥ @kocho8104
✰ Instagram
➥ to be added
✰ Discord
➥ Aki Kocho #7960
✰ Facebook
➥ Aki Kocho
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
✰ Maya Bell Avery
✰ Malachi Brett Avery
✰ Jacob Bennett Avery - TBA
✰ The Sallow Twins: Castor and Astral - TBA
✰ Festie Yawa - TBA
✰ Ma. Audrey Hecate
✰ Alexander Roman Avery - TBA
✰ Magnolia Summers - TBA
✰ Edith Bishop - TBA
✰ Marigold Beau Avery - TBA
✰ Aki's HPHM Dialogues Part 1
✰ Aki's HPHM Dialogues Part 2
✰ Aki's HPHM Dialogues Part 3
✰ Aki's HPHM Dialogues Part 4
✰ Maya in Charlie's Level 10 Friendship Reward
✰ Post Hogwarts Avery Twins Headshot art
✰ The Diamond Empire King: Malachi
✰ 10 of Diamonds: The Duchess: Maya
✰ The Runaway Candidate: Jacob Bennett
✰ Avery Siblings memes
✰ HPHM OC memes
✰ CharMay's Children
✰ AndreChi's Daughters
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FINALLY! I JUST DID A PROPER INTRODUCTION! I just copied it from my FB introduction because I'm lazy asf. Anyways, I hope I can meet new moots here and interact with them also :DD
I'm also putting my tags in this post :))
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zorkaya-moved · 1 year
going to update rules regarding fandoms I interact/don't interact with later, but for now...
FANDOMS I'M JUST REALLY NOT INTERESTED INTERACTING WITH: I tried to get into them, I tried to be interested in them, but I just couldn't. It's hard for me to really think of any possibilities to interact with anyone from this fandom. I might follow back, but most likely not. It's very hard for me to write responses/replies to any of these fandoms. Either Zarina as a character doesn't mesh with these, or I just cannot think of anything to do nor have an interest in looking into it. I will get stuck, I will have 0 idea what to do, I will have a hard time following up.
Pokemon Bleach Digimon
FANDOMS I WILL NOT INTERACT AT ALL: Don't follow me if you're a single muse blog (be it canon or oc centered around those fandoms). Don't send me muses from these fandoms. Canon characters from these fandoms but in another verse are also not working for this, so don't send characters from there in general.
Killing Stalking BNHA/MHA Mogeko Voltron
FANDOMS I WILL INTERACT ON A STRICT BASIS: Usually, it's either you are my close friend, or you know someone I know who I can trust regarding this fandom. I may follow back as well if I don't know you or you know anyone I'm affiliated with, but if I see anything that makes me uncomfortable, I'll unfollow you right away.
Owari No Seraph Twisted Wonderland Genshin Impact Honkai Impact Fate Series Naruto Fire Emblem Shingeki no Kyojin Osomatsu-san
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