#won't tag anyone this time aha
visinox · 8 months
What is your favorite ship and why?👀👀👀
Ehehe what a question :) I'll answer this for iterator ships! I do have favorite slugcat ships as well but those will come with my slugcat design post.
I have two favorites actually, that would be trafficlight and lilypad! Both of which are present with my version of the iterators.
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Trafficlight is appealing to me in a way I haven't really found a way to articulate ahah. I just think Hara and Suns' personalities provide excellent contrast, I always am a sucker for the charismatic bold type and shy nervous type falling for each other. With the added layers of Suns making mistakes at times and Hara having the guts to tell them how it is.
With how I portray trafficlight, they realize their feelings at the exact same time but have absolutely opposite responses. Hara accepts it and begins to watch if Suns feels the same, while Suns is absolutely petrified AAHAH.
My version of Suns is quite cynical and tends to overthink, they also feel obligated to not go against the ancient's wishes lest something terrible happen (at least they think something might). They feel if they were to love Hara they would become tethered to life, which obviously they aren't supposed to be. So they fear angering the ancients spirits or whatever.
They are also aware they are absolutely head over heels for Hara, and they also fear loving him too much- Like they won't know how to move on when something bad inevitably happens.
Meanwhile, Hara has none of this existential dread LMAO. He doesn't care what the ancients think, and he has accepted they will all meet an end at some point, so they might as well enjoy things while it lasts. It takes Suns time to calm their anxieties, but they do eventually.
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My version of Lilypad, meanwhile, is queerplatonic! That's why I kind of struggle tagging it as specifically lilypad- But y'know AHHWFUIIHFW. I will probably in the future though just with the addition of queerplatonic tags :) I'm still a bit new at this Tumblr buidness
But mine at least, they have an incredibly intimate friendship, they love each other very much, they know each other better then anyone else, they are besties 5 ever
If Suns is Hara's romantic soulmate, Moon is Hara's platonic soulmate. They are the oldest in their local group so they have a very particular "old friend" dynamic, something they call each other frequently. They're just a couple of geezers, they've always been a constant for each other through thick and thin.
I love this because they're just two goobers who love each other and I love that for them! They're mellow, like to have a good laugh, a very comfortable ship indeed. When things aren't going to hell that is.
And that's the post!
So sorry it was a bit lengthy, but thank you for asking this, and thank you for reading! It was very fun to answer aha. And both include Hara, alas he has two hands for a reason <3.
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therealvinelle · 10 months
What's your opinion on the fandom's obsession with Smeyers mormonism? I'd just recently discovered your metas(and they're so interesting btw they brilliantly expand upon the almost kinda psychological horror esque feel of the characters and story). But then I go into your replies and tags expecting everyone to marvel at your genius exploration of what's eluded to in the canon text or just the likelihood or natural outcomes of certain scenarios and decisions that have/may have not happened in the context of the overall story. Instead it's most of the time just a bunch of people going, "Aha. Confirmed it! That's so because Meyers a Mormon" or "See, that insert literally anything happened because of the Mormom themes, characterizations and ...idolization??? of insert literally any character/aspect of the lore. "
It would be a lie to say it isn't irritating even speaking as an atheist because it literally stifles any actual exploration of nuance within the books. Any theory, character analysis, or legitimate in/out of universe explanation in regard to canon can be boiled down to such an archaic supposition. And it's not just your blog. I see it everywhere here on tumblr when discussing anything twilight. Even people indifferent to twilight and twilight antis alike are of such strong conviction that they erase any character's belief or motivation or really anything Meyer has said in regards to that matter
Seeing as I'm running a doylism purist blog I obviously agree with you. The author's religious belief are a non-issue to me when I read Meyer's works, or anyone else's for that matter.
I say that, but there are exceptions - there's something strikingly Calvinist permeating the world of Harry Potter in that people are born good or bad and the juxtaposition between Tom Riddle and Harry Potter seems to boil down to Tom being a bad person who will make bad choices while Harry is a good person who will make good choices, and this extends to the rest of the cast and the Hogwarts houses as well. However, these are children's books with Good Guys and Bad Guys and I won't pretend to understand what's happening in JKR's brain, and so you won't see me saying that Harry Potter is Calvinist: merely that there are parallels that can be drawn.
Similarly, taking a step outside the YA genre I find that Victor Hugo's own political and religious personal journeys are reflected in Jean Valjean and Marius Pontmercy, but while it adds to the reading experience it doesn't make me see the characters any differently. They stand on their own.
I bring up these examples for a reason - sometimes, no matter how Doylist you want to be, you read a book and you can tell that, "oh this is an allegory for apartheid", or "I can tell the author is writing about personal experiences with trauma" or the plain old "you know, this feels like the author was projecting a lot" (frequently found on Ao3).
Twilight, for me, is not one such work. My thoughts on Mormonism and Twilight are summed up here, but one point I feel I should make is that although Twilight never read as Mormon to me, I also straight up know very little about Mormonism, so who knows, maybe I would be picking things up if I was more into it. As it is, however, the analyses of Mormonism in Meyer I've seen have been consistently reductive and superficial, where things like "Carlisle is a young blond leader -> Joseph Smith, the Cullens are a perfect family -> they're mormons, nobody in this YA series drinks alcohol -> they're mormons" are presented as compelling evidence, so I've yet to be convinced of it.
To actually answer your question though, I would just block "Mormonism", "LDS", and "Joseph Smith" on tumblr saviour and smile blissfully at my Mormon free dash. In fact I would do that anyway, regardless of what the Twilight fandom is posting.
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writerman · 2 months
20 Questions for fic writers
Tagged by @nocompromise-noregrets Thank you! <3
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?: A meagre 45 works aha.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?: 547,326 I can guarantee you that 200,000 of those words are from 2 fics alone.
3. What fandoms do you write for?: Tolkien, Twilight, and a myriad of video games.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?:
Barduil Prompt Collection (6406)
Fireside Shenanigans (Good Omens) (4917)
Iston i nîf gîn (Hobbit Bard/Thranduil) (4734)
As You Exhale, I Breathe In (Twilight Garrett/Aro) (3037)
Easier For You to See (Saints Row The Third) (2924)
5. Do you respond to comments?:
Always, unless it's @morticia-butler then I just go message her on discord lmao
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?:
Probably As You Exhale, I Breathe In. I enjoy a good angsty ending and as far as I was concerned I was never going to write another Garrett/Aro fic again so I wanted it to be bittersweet and angsty lmao.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?: Ah, I suppose the majority of my Barduil prompts/fics. I don't know if the fandom would allow me to kill either of them aha.
8. Do you get hate on fics?:
No, generally I don't get a lot of comments in general because I write for a rare pair and I don't update often enough.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?:
I do, and when I examine the smut its... generally violent and bloody. I'm not sure what that says about me...
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?: I don't think so? I write AUs sometimes based on the world of another franchise but not often.
11. A ghost ate this one
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?:
I think it was a Thor & Loki one, other than that no?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?:
There was an attempt but I am so spotty with updates and writing that I think I annoyed the person I was working on the fic with. Sorry friend, I didn't mean to frustrate you.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?: Garrett/Aro, it has been in my brain since 2019 and won't let go, and also Barduil but I fear I can't really write for them anymore.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?: Oil and Water my latest Barduil fic. I just don't have it in me to write for them anymore. I don't know why and genuinely there are a gamut of Barduil fic out there being actively written and updates. My works would not be missed so it's all good.
16. What are your writing strengths?:
Emotion- inner turmoil, perhaps dialogue.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?:
Updating, maybe description of the world around the characters.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?:
It's fine, but can be a bit clunky and generally adding translations somewhere kind of pulls me out of a fic, but that is my own opinion on it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?:
Yu Gi Oh, babeeeey!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?:
Probably the one I am hoping to finish this week, Thrall. It is my magnum opus to be quite dramatic about it. I don't think I've ever written anything like it before.
It's very different to the sweet fluffy works I did for Barduil.
But given the characters, it is quite fitting. I have loved and hated writing it. I have had many emotions writing it and gained and lost very close friends while writing it so it harbours a lot of hurt.
I tag: Anyone who would like to fill this out.
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veradragonjedi · 1 year
Ahhhh finally got to this!!! Thank you so much @doublechocolate my beloved and @insertmeaningfulusername dear!!!! Sorry I took so long
1. Are you named after anyone?
I don't think so? I might be? My little brother is named after two great grandathers.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday evening. I was writing angst lol. I made myself and Din Djarin cry
3. Do you have kids?
No! Thank god!
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
It's a weird topic for me. I might do? But because I'm autistic I can't tell if I'm being serious myself or not, let alone other people, so if I do use it I don't notice often aha-
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
Not many I won't lie 😅 I love going on walks and swimming, but I don't play many sports.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their accent, their subconcious reactions to things I say, their clothes and what I think could be why they wear them. Or at least, if I'm particularly zoned in. If I'm not? You could ask me an hour later what they were like and I'd be like ummm 😳
7. What's your eye colour?
Brown :3
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I can't watch scary movies lollll any gore and I start shaking violently and feeling sick, and I love movies with happy endings, but I also love love love bittersweet, cathartic, and sad endings.
9. Any special talent?
Probably not. Writing isn't special, maybe? Or art? Idk it feels cliche to say stuff like that haha. I'm pretty good at identifying moths lol, maybe that? Or noticing small details? But I think that's another artist thing hehe
10. Where were you born?
In... a hospital.
11. What are your hobbies?
Art, writing, going on walks, playing video games with my brother :3
12. Do you have any pets?
I used to have rats aha, I miss them more every day. I might get a parrot or a dog in future :3
13. How tall are you?
Oh god. Short. Um. 5'4"?? 5'5 maybe?
14. Favourite subject in school?
English, art and biology!!
15. Dream job?
Gonna start training properly to be a marine biologist as soon as I can!
Tagging uhhhhh @airlocksandaviaries @positivityjediprince @deviltownresident @chaosgod4life or whatever blog you wanna use and @rose-lalonde-fangirl @athelstan-anglecyning @distinguished-coffee-grounds @surfing-on-a-soundwave ily guys
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the-pink-quill · 2 months
Thanks for tagging me @eyesof-kkomi
are you named after anyone? no
when was the last time you cried? Sometime this month (was reading a super angsty KimChay fic)
do you have kids? absolutely not. Don't have any now and won't have any in the future
what sports do you play/have played? Badminton and Swimming
do you use sarcasm? yes but my family takes it so literally it is tiring
what is the first thing you notice about people? Clothes and accessories.
what is your eye colour? dark brown, almost black
scary movies or happy endings? happy endings (i enjoy torturing myself with angst with happy endings) <- copying this because same. Give me all the angst and jealousy, but by god the chaacters need to have a HEA
any talents? uuuhh usually being first noticing problems? like a sudden aha! lightbulb moment <- this, and my penchant for languages. I may not be fluent but I know enough to watch an anime episode with no subtitles and understand everything. I haven't put int the same no of hours in K/T/C-dramas so the fluency is not there yet, but let's see
where were you born? 🌏
do you have any pets? I was raised to fear animals (easiest way to ensure your child never asks for a pet, not that it stopped me) If I ever get over it, would love to get a big dog (the videos are so cute but dogs irl scare me still)
dream job? Author
how tall are you? 152 cm or 4'11''
favourite subject in school? English and Math
Tagging anyone who wants to do it
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frozenhi-chews · 1 year
☀️ SunLight ☀️
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Okay yeah, time to unveil that crush of mine that I had stated a while ago. It's Sunburst!! I had realized I was shipping him and Starlight, because I was projecting onto Starlight and liked Sunburst, aha! But regardless, he is so cute!
With that comes Pancake as a pony, so there's some lore with her underneath the cut!
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Pancake is MASSIVE. She's around the size of Celestia. I'm not sure if she's bigger or smaller yet.
She also can barely shapeshift. Once she does though, she can grow extra limbs and become something of a centaur. Hey, she's half alien!
Pancake also is trying to learn levitation magic, one of the most basic spells in MLP. Some others criticized her for it till she dramatically summoned ghosts. Pancake's still a necromancer, she never learned levitation because who needs to when you got ten prehensile tails?
Also on a similar note to size and magic, she's her own version of an Alicorn. Not quite like Celestia and Luna, just her own weird Terrorvant version. (Also she can still spew acid)
I'm not sure how she and Sunburst meet, but it isn't when she first fell into Equestria. After panicking about being in a different form, she hid to make sure no one would see her
Pancake does arrive in the Crystal Empire and that's how they meet. (At least that's the general idea). Sunburst, being surprised at seeing such a large and kinda frightening Alicorn, has no idea how to react and simply just. Talks. Pancake, being shocked that he isn't screaming, talks back. And that's where the two form a friendship
Once Sunburst learns that she's from another world, and is in fact half alien, he bombards her with questions. To which she answers underneath the notion he won't tell anyone else. They kinda bond really quickly
Later in her and Sunburst's relationship, she moves in with him. In the Crystal Empire. She's not accustomed to the cold, so to accommodate that she grew extra fur. She's REALLY fluffy and Sunburst likes to use her as a pillow.
Sunburst and Pancake talk a lot. Infodumping, chatting about mundane life things to weird specific stuff.
She does become a part of Sunburst's friend group, with Starlight, Maud, Trixie, etc. Despite being such an odd creature, she fits right in
You can imagine Twilight's reaction to seeing Pancake for the first time XD
And that's kinda it for now! Hope you enjoyed!! Aa
Tagging: @dwdoesarts @speedstershipping @spooky-selfshipping-scene @eternally-smitten | lmk if you wanna be taken off or added on
Now if you'll excuse me I'll work on that header for the Panspam one-shot I made
[Click for better quality, reblogs appreciated]
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lightvsdark18 · 1 year
Some responses to voicelines (Floyd)
You havin' fun gathering all this junk? You're like one of those merpeople who are into collectin' stuff that fell to the bottom of the sea.
... Yeah, most likely.
What're you doing today? Maybe I'll tag along.
(lies) The library.
Man, every day's a party when I'm with you. I can't get enough!
Aw. You're fun too, sometimes.
School Uniform
You wanna know what kinda classes we had in the sea? I can bring you to one, if you're interested. Hee hee...
I'm now concerned.
I got a perfect score on the test, but he still gets mad at me for skipping class. I don't get it. If I get good grades, what does it matter?
Because you're here to work and not lollygag.
Aha ha! Keep that up and I'll squeeze you silly.
And I'll squeeze you back.
P.E. Uniform
I'm kind of feeling it today. Wanna try me?
Try you at what?
Apparently, if you over-exercise, you won't get tall. I'm still growing, so I gotta be careful!
Wait, you're still growing? Damn, boy, how tall do you need to be?
I'm not in the mood for Basketball Club today. You go in my place.
(flat) No.
I'm suuuper flexible. You wanna see? I can show you!
Eh, sure, why not.
Wanna play tag or something? I'll be "it." Better start running.
Floyd, no... Boy, stop smiling like that.
If you're having trouble finishing your homework, hit up Azul. He'll help you out with anything if you pay his price.
Not interested.
If you mix everything in according to the recipe, you already know it's gonna work out, right? That's the most boring thing.
It helps you remember the recipe because you're physically making it instead of just reading it and memorizing.
Want me to help out with that experiment? Aha ha, don't be so shy.
It's not shyness, it's just me not trusting you.
I'll give you the potion I just made. You wanna know what it does? How should I know?
You made it. You know what? Nevermind, I don't want the potion anymore.
Here. Have some cookies I made from random stuff. You'll enjoy every last bite for me, won't you?
Actually, I'm not hungry. (Lie)
Ceremonial Robes
Want me to teach you the rules here at Night Raven College?
You actually know the rules? Heh.
Standing still is so boring. How about you and I do a little something fun instead?
I rather not cause trouble, or be in it.
The black carriage even came down under the sea to get us. It's a pretty sweet ride, if I do say so myself.
The black carriage went to the bottom of the ocean? Wait, actually thinking about it, it shouldn't be surprising considering I'm here. But that's just raises the question on how far the carriage can go.
Sitting still for a whole ceremony is such a waste of time. Oooh, I've got an idea. I'll tail you, Shrimpy.
You'll what?
You're so funny, Shrimpy. Aren't you scared I'll get back at you for all that poking?
No, not really because I'll just poke you back.
Oh, whatever is the matter? Ha! I was pretending to be Jade. Did it work? You can tell us apart if you look real close.
I really didn't expect your voice to change. Good job.
Dorm Uniform
You got a very serious problem? There might be something we can do. Heh heh heh...
("My safety is in danger, isn't it?")
Don't be so scared. I just wanna give you a nice squeeze.
Nice for you or me?
I won't squeeze anyone who makes good on their payment. But if you DON'T... You ain't getting any mercy from me. Hee hee!
("What's wrong with these guys?")
Bowties are all tight and uncomfortable, don'tcha think? I dunno how Jade and the others deal with 'em.
I never worn a bowtie, but I know I couldn't handle it either.
Lookit these socks. They got an octopus pattern on 'em! Just as cute as the Sea Witch herself, right?
Can I get a pair?
Outdoor Wear
I hope camping on land's as action-packed as camping under the sea!
You can go camping in the sea? What is it like?
Check out this moray mascot I got. It's supposed to be Jade, since he wanted to come camping. Looks just like him, yeah?
Heh, yeah it does.
Now to just cast the line and wait— nope, I'm bored. How about we ditch this and get up to somethin' fun?
Stay at the line. I'll tell you a story if it will entertain you.
The fairies by the lake were so teeny. One little squeeze and they'd probably just disappear.
Please don't squeeze them.
How's a campfire different from a regular bonfire?
I don't really know.
Oh man, I'm DIGGIN' that look, Shrimpy. I gotta make your face contort in fear more often.
Please don't.
I MAY have gone a skosh overboard on the pranks last year. I'm takin' it easy this time around.
This is you taking it easy? I'm lucky I wasn't here last year.
Azul asked me to chip in with pumpkin carvin'. It turned out to be more fun than I expected, so I made a moray jack-o'-lantern.
Can I see it?
That your idea of scarin' someone, Shrimpy? It ain't workin'. How's about I show you how it's done?
I rather you not. I'm not trying to genuinely scare anyone because I don't feel like it.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Hi, I’ve been wanting to ask this for ages. Do you have any good book recs for queer history pre-20th century? I don’t have much of a preference on whether they’re popular or academic press, or if they focus on individuals or a larger scope. It’s just so easy (for obvious reasons) to find stuff about more recent history and I’d like some variety.
Also since you asked for prompts while you have the plague, I’d love anything that comes to mind with more Leia.
Do I have any recs for pre-20th century queer history? Ahaha. Ahahaahaha. Aha. Hah. I, uh, may have a few. The best place to start is in my queer history tag, which will contain the various books, topics, and questions that I have discussed over the years. There are many recs for all periods of premodern queer history, which is one of my chief academic specialties. If that is not sufficient for your purposes, DM me and I can email you my bespoke 10+ page bibliography on medieval and early modern queer history.
As for Leia, please enjoy this small snippet of feelings set after the end of Kenobi episode 4:
If she's honest, Leia Organa still does not know for sure why any of this is happening.
It started so simply: running away from the palace on Alderaan, as she's done countless times and which she is usually indulged by doting nannies and droids, even though they have to give her a stern scolding for the sake of form. Her parents are also resignedly used to it, though Mother has started to make more noises about how this won't be tolerated as much when Leia is older and has real responsiblities. As for Senator Bail Organa -- well, he adores her, he always gives her a secret smile when he hears that she's shown up some interfering bureaucrat or officious minor relatives, and Leia would shrivel into dust if she ever really disappointed him. But still, that shouldn't have ended like this. She's been kidnapped, rescued, kidnapped again, fallen off a building, seized by strange people who really aren't polite, almost tortured, interrogated by the frightening Inquisitor Reva who told her that Ben was dead, and she almost believed it until he appeared and saved her again. Lifted her down from the rack, fought his way through endless hallways like a real Jedi with a real lightsaber, and has promised to take her home. Home.
They're sitting side by side on the transport, Lola safely tucked into her bag, the little droid's presence a familiar and comforting hum that Leia can feel at the edges of awareness, the way she can with everyone she knows well, or even those she's just met. She has never had a name for the strange things she can do, the way she can look into someone's eyes and know their entire history and their deepest fears, and Bail and Breha have warned her that it's not something to talk about with anyone outside the family. Leia isn't dumb, stupid -- she knows that the Empire hunts Jedi and anyone who might be attached to the Jedi in any way at all, and she's snuck away to the library at odd hours and called up all the holo-records she can get her hands on, either with her own clearance or by faking her father's. She isn't sure, not entirely. But she thinks it's called the Force.
Leia has never known how to feel about that, and even less so now. She's known from a young age that she is adopted; the Organas have always been honest about that. But they turn considerably more evasive when she asks who her birth parents are. One of them, she's deduced, must have been a Jedi somehow, or connected to the Force. That was why she thought Ben must be her real father, when she first met him. He was so concerned about her, but he's never met her, and he can do the things that the Jedi used to do. She saw him fight, the searing blue glow of his lightsaber, the way he kept battling off all those stormtroopers and tried to hold back an entire ocean for her sake. Who else could love her that way, but her father?
And yet, he's said he's not, and Leia can sense that that's the truth. It makes no sense, but maybe now is not the time for mysteries. He looks so tired and so sad, and he sits as if he's still in terrible pain. Inquisitor Reva told her that he burned to death, and maybe that part wasn't entirely a lie. Just then, Leia desperately wants to be a grownup, a full diplomat and not just a little girl playing at it, being trained for an important destiny that she doesn't fully understand. She can't think what else to do. So she reaches out and takes his hand.
Ben -- she's heard people, including Tala and Reva, call him Obi-Wan, but in her mind, that's who he is -- looks at her, startled. Leia's briefly afraid that she's done something wrong, since it's clear that he's been alone for so long and doesn't know how to accept the simplest of comforts, but then he takes hold of her small hand with his large, rough one and squeezes. They sit there like that for what feels like forever; it's hard to tell in hyperspace anyway, and it doesn't matter. Then he exhales raggedly and says, "Thank you, Leia."
She bobs her head awkwardly. She isn't sure what to say. He's the one who rescued her from an obviously terrible fate, and she still doesn't know why Reva and the rest of the Empire want her so badly. Yes, she's a princess of Alderaan, she's the daughter of an important Republic politician who the Emperor still doesn't trust -- but maybe there's something beyond that. She will understand that one day, Leia vows to herself fiercely. She will.
"Thank you, Ben," she says back, quietly. "For saving me."
"No." Obi-Wan Kenobi looks down at her, weary and gentle, an old broken-down man who loves her so much for reasons she can't fathom, and Leia doesn't care at all for why. "You saved me."
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zutarashonor · 1 year
take me (in the arms of a lovable beast) on ao3
ship: zhongli x childe
tags: modern au, interior designer zhongli!, smut, fluff, light angst, top/bottom versatile, switch childe & zhongli, marriage proposal, car sex, childe is a tease
summary: On the night before Christmas, Zhongli wishes for one thing: to have his soul touched once again. Love's sweeter the second time, right?
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When your soul yearns, it begs to be touched. The last time Zhongli was intimate with anyone was when he was in his final year of college. His friends warned him about Childe and his promiscuous habits.
However, he didn't listen. That is why, two years later, Zhongli hasn't recovered from the heartbreak of seeing Childe's lips pressed against someone else's. Zhongli didn't care who was receiving the kiss. What pierced through his chest was the fact that he didn't hear from Childe that day.
Zhongli pretended that Childe didn't exist the next day and the day after... until, the two grew apart. No matter how many excuses and explanations Zhongli would've heard, everything was background noise. It was crystal clear; to Childe, everyone was disposable.
The Christmas decorations in the mall are not up to par to last year's. Working as an interior designer, Zhongli noticed the slightest details. The way the snowman was placed behind the shops where very few passersby came to take pictures irked him. The Christmas tree could've been better placed in the middle but no, they preferred the dull ceiling display.
Weak choice of color too. Why are there white flowers dangling from the ceiling? Zhongli sighed at the poor taste of the designers.
25% OFF!!! BUY NOW!
The main reason Zhongli decided to go to the mall was to treat himself. The workload in Carlton Company has been steadily at its highest yet. In the pantry, the coffee machine was out of service and Zhongli can remember how unstable his office workers were. That's not healthy. So, having a different environment to indulge in was what he needed.
Hmm, not bad. Rummaging on the first rack he saw, a beige button-up trench coat caught his eye. Now, finding his size is where the battle starts. 
Aha! Medium! Just as he was about to take the coat out of the rack, a hand stopped him. 
"Uh, sorry. I got it first" Zhongli raised his head and here he was standing right in front of him. Those familiar eyes that glistened, so irresistible that one can't help to glamor at their beauty. Those same curls he ran his hands through. The slight dimple on his right cheek. Zhongli lowers his gaze and saw the same plump lips that he devoured. At that moment, everything came back in a flash.
Without thinking twice, Zhongli turned around and walked away from the shop. He thought he could forget about that autumn shade of orange and how Childe's hands wrapped around his body. There's no point. His soul ached when he saw that same worried face. Childe held the same expression on his face on the day they broke up. 
The joyful occasion paled in comparison to Zhongli's mood. Should I just leave? His footsteps stalled their way towards the exit, unsure of where to go. 
"No! Wai- Zhongli! Hold on" 
He heard Childe's voice but he couldn't look back. The heart will return when swayed with sweet nothings. Zhongli didn't want that. No, Zhongli didn't want to carry the weight of knowing he'll simply be replaced after a few uses.
I can't go back.
A height shorter than Zhongli's enveloped his arms around the taller man. As if it was just yesterday, those same hands tightly took hold of Zhongli's chest and made sure that the other won't break away from his embrace. 
"I can explain what happened" Childe has his face buried on Zhongli's jacket as his voice muffled the words, "Please don't leave me, Zhongli"
The taller man can't believe what he heard so he chuckles. "Really? After two years?" Removing himself from Childe's embrace, he starts to walk away.
"I'll buy you coffee. I know it sounds crazy but we can talk this out" 
Zhongli's feet stop moving forward.
"Give me one good reason why I should give you a chance"
There was no awkward pause as Childe blurts out "I never got over you!" Once more, the taller man was glued to a sobbing mess that refused to pull away.
Zhongli didn't move one bit. He didn't turn to face him nor did he try to hug Childe back. All he knew was that welcoming back his past will hurt him more than it did betore. What's worse was how much he wanted to look at Childe. He wanted that same feeling. During those two years without Childe, Zhongli craved affection. Yet, he was so scared.
"You know, that day... I was so excited. It was a week before the final week of college. I had everything planned out. The house. I wanted to live with you" Childe's tears stained Zhongli's jacket while he wipes away then he continues.
"That was my ex. The person that took you away from me. He's the type of person that holds grudges. I made it clear to him that he meant nothing to me, that I have someone else. He pretended to not hear anything and kissed me"
Zhongli didn't know what to say. "But, why didn't you call me that day? You know that I saw you two. Where was the Childe that didn't stop pestering me wherever I go? Where was he when I needed him the most?"
"I'll admit that I panicked and didn't know how to reach you. I thought the next day would be perfect to talk things over. And then, you started to avoid me. Honestly, I understand why you reacted the way you did"
That's when Zhongli finally turned to face Childe and he reached for the crying man's hand; a hand that was held a tight grip on his jacket. With interlocked fingers and their warmth seeping into their emotions, they both wandered in each other's eyes. For the first time in two years, they were falling hard once again.
"I was losing control after the fact that you stopped talking to me. I was unsure of what to do. Everyday, I left you letters in your mailbox. I know social media was already a thing but I wanted to give you something handmade. I wanted you to look at me more. I never received anything back from you. Just like that, my world crumbled because you were not there anymore"
Before Childe could say anything more, Zhongli smiled and hugged him. They closed their eyes and cherished the moment as it felt like an eternity since they last touched each other. Zhongli and Childe were so deprived of each other's presence that their tears streamed down their faces and tightened their embrace.
In that moment, it felt right. 
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| warning: nsfw below |
"Your place or mine?" Zhongli kept his eyes on the road while Childe had other plans.
"I don't care" A hand sneaked its way on top of a growing bulge in Zhongli's pants.
"C-Childe..." The traffic light stopped at red and Zhongli let out a moan. "Please, I'm driving"
"Now, you're not" Childe smirks as he kept applying friction. When he saw Zhongli struggle to keep his composure and continuously arch his thighs forward, the rhythm sped up. Swift hands were working to unbuckle Zhongli's belt as precum started to leak through the pants.
A long friend welcomed Childe. The veins were sprouting and its flesh a shade of pink. As if Zhongli was being tortured, slow strokes were enough to make him go wild. The occasional warmth of Childe's tongue didn't help either.
Good Lord, I can't make it. Thankfully, they were a few blocks away from Zhongli's house. "Please... C-Childe, faster"
At once, Childe's hands worked at a rapid speed. "Do you feel it, Zhongli?" 
"Ah.. y-yes" Struggling to keep his eyes open, Zhongli focused his eyes on the traffic light. He could feel his stomach building up to his climax.
Childe grins at the sight of a whimpering man, reacting to every touch on his body. "How long has it been since you got laid?"
"Don't stop.." Childe leaned down and dived his lips towards Zhongli's member.
His laugh creates a vibrating sensation and stops to ask, "What did you say?"
The taller man had enough of the teasing and grabbed Childe's soft curls, shoving himself into his pretty mouth. The pleasure was too strong to the point that Zhongli was thrusting and bucking his hips, anything to get him to his finish. After sucking it inch by inch, Childe smirks and grabs hold of Zhongli's hand. When distracted, he pulls out and gives the taller man's cock a quick smooch. 
Fastening his belt, Zhongli thought he was on the brink of death when the traffic light became green. I'm going to get him for this.
As soon as they reached the parking, Zhongli turns off the engine and says "Backseat. Now"
"You never change, Zhongli" Childe chuckles as he slowly opens the door of the car. Every move of his was a teasing game that turned on the gears for them both.
"Don't test me. You know I can rip you to pieces any minute"
Before entering the backseat of the car, Childe lifts the taller man's chin up and presses his lips on the neck and his tongue played circular motions around his Adam's apple. Childe sneakily snaked his hands under Zhongli's jacket and immediately, the piece of clothing is gone.
Those erect and perky nipples came in full display for Childe to devour. One hand playing with the right bud and the other gently cupping Zhongli's face, the kiss amplified even more into heavy breaths and moans of pleasure.
The same person that threatened to rip Childe 'into pieces' is now flushed red and is pinned against the car window. 
"Childe... Ahh, B-Backseat... Mmnnngh... Now"
"Why?" Childe smiles as he sees how desperate the taller man is so he leans into his ear and in between soft kisses on the nape of his neck, he breathily asked "Do you want me to fuck you?"
Zhongli could feel something hard against his legs. Childe guided Zhongli's right hand in between his pants, letting the taller man feel his length. 
With dark brown eyes that sparkled as tears formed in his crescent eyelids, Zhongli begged "Take me..." He spreads his legs wide and placed both his hands around Childe's neck. Leaning his face forward, Zhongli whispers to Childe's ear "Do as you please"
After Childe unzipped the taller man's pants, he heard a relieved moan from his lips. Zhongli's face was pressed against the hood of the car and his hands were crossed on his back. When they thought time would not be wasted, Childe kneeled down and massaged the firm figure, spanking both cheeks at once. 
"C-Childe... I can't wait anymore"
"Weren't you going to rip me into pieces earlier?" Without warning, a hot tongue slid in Zhongli's hole and Childe chuckles when he could feel the taller man's hand trying to find something to grip on.
In between slurping and kissing the hole that clenched in and out, Childe would say smug remarks that caused Zhongli to further go into a spiral of squeaking moans. "You must like me a lot to react like that... Oh... Zhongli.. the whore you are right now"
As Childe unbuckles his belt, he made sure the leather tickled Zhongli's bare ass. A trembling taller man opened his mouth as Childe teases even more, "Say aaahhh... open that beautiful mouth nice and wide" 
Childe shoves two fingers inside Zhongli's mouth and shoves his cock in, just as his lover wanted. After a moment, the fingers were replaced with Childe's hungry mouth devouring Zhongli every time their lips touch. 
"Whew... Zhongli, I feel like marrying you right here, right now" Childe whispers and strokes his lover's length in time with his thrusts. Hard and fast. 
"What do you say..." Childe had to pause in between as his breaths became erratic from the pleasure. "... to that? Should we..."
Before he could finish his proposal, Zhongli was high above the clouds from his climax. Even though Zhongli was breathing hard, he switched positions so that Childe was now pressed against the car window. 
"Didn't I say something about ripping you into pieces?" Zhongli mercilessly thrusts inside Childe's ass while gripping his right cheek.
The pace didn't decelerate as Zhongli kept going. Meanwhile, Childe had his eyes shut as he caresses Zhongli's face. "Ahhh... Zhongli. P-Please marry me!" 
Their eyes met as Childe was near his finish. The taller man smashes his lips against his lover's. As their breaths fan each other's faces, Childe moans out loud as he reached his climax.
The taller man dearly holds his lover's face, afraid to let go. Zhongli lingers in Childe's eyes once again as he answers his question from earlier. 
"Merry Chistmas, Childe" Zhongli's eyes crinkled as his lips curl upwards. His lover responded with a confused face but was reassured when Zhongli shouted at his neighborhood, "We're getting married!" 
As crazy as this couple was to jump around bare naked in their personal car park with the blinds open, their smiles speak truth.
On that night before Christmas, Zhongli wished for his soul to be touched again. And here he was, waiting at the aisle.The sight before his eyes left him breathless. There were twinkles around his pupils as he was captivated at his soon-to-be-husband. Zhongli sighs. Childe has always been beautiful. 
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seamless-socks · 11 months
so knowing what i know about tumblr, i prolly missed an ass load of tags. if you see this and don't like… uh… sadness? death? more sadness? shitting on the old man in the sky (if he or she or whatever it could be even exists)? dying men who are a little bit irish and also texan somehow??? flee my friend!!! fleeeeee!!!
still here? too bad for you. this is unrefined, utterly. i wrote it at four am and merely reread it. once. please leave constructive criticism. i know it's not good, don't tell me for fuck's sake, not without some advice. i'll accept slander disguised as helpful tips but JUST BARELY AND YOU'RE ON THINNNNN FUCKING ICE PAL
I screamed at first. Flailed wildly, struggled to tear off my suit before Allen had stopped me. Shouted curses through my visor at the cold, unresponsive stars scattered throughout the black. Tear tracks ran down my face, little salty trails that had long dried. My strangled gasps had calmed down to even little sips of oxygen.
To be honest, I didn't much see the point. We were gonna die anyways. They'd left us behind. How the fuck could they have left us behind? How little did they care about us that the moment the first signs of danger appeared, they'd cut us off and disappeared? How were those the people I'd come to know over the past few months?
"Hey. Max." Allen. Shit, that guy couldn't let a man throw himself a pity fest in peace. Too good for this business, I always thought.
Allen and I were tied together at our waists using our severed o2 cords. It left our hands free and kept us from drifting out of range of one another. I'm pretty sure no one wants to die alone.
Don't look towards Eleanor.
I didn't look towards Eleanor.
"What," I snapped over my intercom with more bite than I'd intended. I immediately regretted it when Allen didn't reply, going silent except for the faint sounds of his breathing. Shit, shit, no, I didn't mean it--
"Got anyone special waiting for you back home?" His question was so surprising I couldn't help but let out an embarrassed laugh.
"Oh, fuck, no. Why, you interested, big boy?" I heard him inhale sharply, and I could just picture him stammering in my head. Wh-- huh, no-- I didn't-- I wasn't-- Max, now is not the time! Unfortunately for my own amusement, I didn't really feel like teasing Allen while we were waiting around for our respective imminent demises. "Aha, no, don't worry, just kidding with you." I sighed. "Tell you the truth, nah. If I had a man waiting for me, this is not the business I would have gone into. Only one waiting for me is my cute tabby cat, Arnold, but my asshole of a sister and I agree on one thing-- that girl deserves a good home. I'm not worried about her."
Allen chewed his lip. "I take it you and your sister aren't particularly close?"
I shrugged, trying to push the memories away. "Yeah, not really. Madds was… yeah, doesn't matter how we got like this, honestly, but there ain't much coming back from it." I gave a short, dry laugh. "Especially not now. What about you? Got someone I should know about so I can tease you in our last moments?"
"…" And I fucked up again. I was really good at that, it seemed, but hey, he'd asked first. Why ask if you didn't want it turned around on you?
"…Okay, promise me you won't laugh." Well, that got my eyebrows shooting skyward. Starward. What fuckin' ever.
"Not so sure how hard that'll be, but sure. I'll do my best."
He took a deep breath and then let it out explosively, causing the intercom to spaz out for a second. I winced at the white noise before it cleared up. "Alright, okay. Well, I'm not sure it counts, but… no, really, promise me you won't laugh."
"Cross my heart and hope to die." I started making an X over my heart but couldn't quite reach. Clumsy thing, spacesuits are. "…Eh, I'm with it in spirit. Seriously, though, I won't laugh. It'd be a real douche thing to do right now."
I couldn't see his face, but I swear he smiled. "Thanks. So there was this boy, right? Grade one, I walk up and ask him, do you wanna be friends? Just like that. And he just goes, sure! And that was that, we were friends. Kids are sweet like that, huh?" I grinned and nodded before remembering he couldn't see it. "So we hung out every day at school afterwards. I can't really remember what we did that first year, but it must've been fun, cuz when grade 2 rolled around, I was over the moon to see we were in the same class again. We talked at lunch breaks, and in class, when they let us. Holy shit, we talked so much. I don't think I've ever talked to anyone else in my life as much as I talked with him."
"What did you talk about?" I hummed, crossing my legs.
"Oh, things. It wasn't really important. Whatever caught our interest. What would you do if you had this power, what if you turned into a dinosaur, what's your favorite book, that sort of thing. We just went really in depth, like ridiculously in depth for a couple of… what, five year olds? But it was fun. Made me look forward to coming to school more than I already did."
"Aw, Allen, you were a teacher's pet?" I groaned mockingly. He laughed.
"Yeah, I guess that's what you'd call it. We both were. Quiet, liked to learn. Don't think the whole 'opposites attract' thing is true, to be honest. Third grade rolled around, and we both discovered that we loved to write stories. They were dumbass stories, but we were in third grade, what do you expect? We encouraged each other and I think my enthusiasm might have carried on to him, because later on, turned out he didn't really wanna write anymore. But that's not relevant right now. We made up this game where one of us would create a scenario and the other would pretend to be a character in the scenario, like writing a book in real time."
"Holy shit, Allen, you were a nerd even in third grade!? I mean, knowing you, yeah, but I thought that was more of a high schooler thing."
"Hey, I said no laughing! I know it was stupid."
"Sorry, sorry. You know I'm not serious. Just teasing and all. Sorry."
"…I don't mind, actually. Takes my mind off the… all this."
We both went quiet. I could feel the weight of the stars pressing in on me.
"…Anyways. Fourth, fifth, sixth, we got better at writing and critiqued each other's work. Made some comics together at the start of class, while the teachers were getting the other kids to calm down. Some of them I've still got at home, actually. Maybe I can show them t…."
"Ah. We kept playing that game, by the way. Had some real wild times, or as wild as you could get when it's all in your head. Looking back, he's the only person I really talked to those whole six years. Teachers liked me, sure, and I guess my classmates did, too, but all they remembered me for was being that slightly weird quiet kid who hung around his friend all the time. I think it fucked me up a bit when we went to different schools. I made some new friends, but it got a little exhausting keeping up those friendships, and I wasn't getting what I wanted out of them, so I just stopped talking to them. First year of high school rolled around, and when it was over, it really hit me. We hadn't talked in months. Hadn't met in a year. I didn't make any new friends. I don't see the point in talking about it now, but well. After that, I just drifted on through. Grades slipped. If I'd been better about keeping them up, maybe we'd never have met." Maybe he wouldn't be dying here with me, was what he was saying. "Ah, shit, sorry, that came out wrong--"
"Allen," I silenced him. "Don't worry. I get it. Keep going. Or don't, whatever you want."
He cleared his throat, and I couldn't help but notice his voice becoming a bit more warbley as he continued. "Shit. Well, it wasn't until grade twelve happened that I realized I wanted to die."
He stopped abruptly. Jesus fucking christ. That was… Jesus christ! I mean, now was as good a time as ever to spill your guts, but I'd never imagined Allen of all people…
"Fuuuuck, sorry. Shouldn't have told you that. That was rude."
"I don't mind. I think if it's helping you, it's good. Is it helping you?"
He sniffed. "Yeah."
"Okay. You can go on," I encouraged him softly. When did I get so calm and nurturing all of a sudden? Since your best mate admitted he wanted to kill himself, and hasn't told you it ever went away. Asshole.
"So I dropped out of school and became a cargo shipper. Kept drifting along, got caught smuggling goods with a shady crew, sentenced to shipping essential supplies through dangerous quadrants. You know how it went after. Things got better, I guess? And now… shit, now I don't wanna die, but if we get out of this mess, what the fuck am I gonna do with my life? Just keep drifting along? If my friend saw me now, he'd be a helluva lot more disappointed than I could handle. I miss him."
"What was his name?" The quiet question elicited a burst of laughter.
"And that's the real kicker-- for being the main part of my life I enjoyed the most, I can't remember. I can't remember his fucking name. It's like some huge, cosmic joke-- or maybe a twisted story with a solemn, shitty old moral at the end." Allen suddenly snarled, becoming more bitter than I'd ever heard from him. "Agh, if there is some grand old fuck up there, I'm gonna kick him in the jewels a few times. Bastard's an asshole."
That surprised a cackle out of me. "Oh, I'd drink to that. A real cunt." I raised my fist and shook it into empty space comically. "Hear that? Suck my big one, God!"
Allen was laughing with me. "Yeah, go find yourself a real hobby instead of giving kids cancer and shitting on the homeless!"
I laughed harder. Fuck, why hadn't he shown this side of himself back when we were living together on the ship? Cuz he was scared, probably. You're not the most welcoming kinda guy, if you haven't noticed. From what he's told you about his youth, are you really surprised?
We chuckled together for a good while after, a soft, tender thing between us. It was comfortable. Given more time, maybe I could've been the friend Allen needed. Given more time, this conversation never would have happened, and I wouldn't have seen this side of him in the first place. Given more time, I'd just keep on being a right old cunt like I'd always been.
The air felt thinner. The laughing had tired me out, and no matter how deeply I breathed, I couldn't get the ache out of my lungs. "Welp. I think this is it," I chirped, trying to keep the fear out of my voice. "See you on the other side, Allen."
"Same to you, Max."
"…Uh, and if you happen to hear any delirious apologies about Madeline… ignore em, please. That'd be embarrassing."
"After what I just told you? Couldn't embarrass me if you tried, whoever Madeline is."
"Oof, I wouldn't be so sure of that. You don't wanna test me."
"Haha, you're right. I don't wanna test you."
We both subsided. I had a bit of a stupid smile on my face while black crept in on the sides of my vision. My lungs constricted and my breaths turned to gasps turned to wheezes. Muffled came the sounds of Allen going through a similar crisis, but I didn't have the brains for much sympathy at the moment. Mostly just a bunch of 'oh, wahhh, I don't wanna die' nonsense. Well, not nonsense. I don't wanna die. Don't think Allen does, really, either. There's no light at the end of the tunnel. A bunch of little ones, maybe, holes poked in a big old black blanket thrown over sticks by a couple of little kids. They're laughing. They're smiling. I can see wisps of Allen's curly blond hair, and the tangled brown mat of my own.
Everything's gonna be fine, I wanna tell him. We'll meet again.
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hopebokki · 7 years
30 Question Tag
Rules: answer 30 questions then tag 20 blogs you would like to know better.
I did this a while back, but since i was tagged by @diamante-chan, @lord-seunghyun and @mostlytabi I will do it again, updated version lol. THANK YOU for the tag ~
1. Nickname/s: Lala 2. Gender: Female 3. Star sign: Leo 4. Height: 164 cm
5. Time: 6:59 pm 6. Birthday: 12th August 7. Favorite bands: Bigbang, Winner, Day6, Mamamoo, 2ne1, Monsta X, Hyukoh, One Republic, Twenty One Pilots, Fewjar 8. Favorite solo artists: Bigbang solos, Zico, Dean, Beenzino, will list AKMU and Bolbbalgan4 here too, even tho they’re both duos 9. Song stuck in my head: Malibou - Miley Cyrus (I like the song ok) 10. Last movie watched: Arrival (highly recommended!!) 11. Last show watched: Game Of Thrones season 7 ep 1 12. When did i create my blog: October 2016 13. What do i post: BIGBANG, Daesung, Todae, Winner and Day6 sometimes, as well as others, but it’s mostly BB and Dae lol 14. Last thing googled: Bigbang made shirt (b/c i really need one) 15. Do you have other blogs: I have one, but I’m not active there lol.. -> @aimberh (don’t want to delete either, I hope I’ll find some time for it now during summer) 16. Do you get asks: Rarely.. *hint hint* 17. Why did u choose your url: I got into BB and noticed I often daydreamed.. about them.. mostly about Dae.. so there it is lol (the xx b/c the other versions weren’t available, it’s not pretty but does the job lol) 18. Following: 157 (I need some more tbh, my dash is so dry) 19. Followers: 574 20. Favorite colors: Forest green, blue, grey, black, coral, matt red shades 21. Average hours of sleep: 6 to 7 maybe 22. Lucky number: 12 23. Instruments: used to play piano (had lessons for 11 years) but nowadays it takes me months to learn a new piece lol 24. What am I wearing: a band shirt and sweatpants 25. How many blankets I sleep with: 1 26. Dream job: I’m boring I don’t have one.. does not having a job count ._. something involving international communication kind of thing, idk 27. Dream trip: Korea, Japan, Canada, Finland 28. Favorite food: Mango, blueberries, pizza, lemon-basil-mint-iceream <3 29. Nationality: German 30. Favorite song now: Dinosaur - AKMU (I’m in love)
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EspresseLeine Week 2021
Hello everyone! Welcome to EspresseLeine Week 2021! I'm your host, Jingle or Bazooka (either works), and my main blog is @fanaticalfool!
This will be the pinned post for this blog, so make sure you read through it all carefully!!
What is EspresseLeine?
EspresseLeine is the slash ship between Espresso Cookie and Madeleine Cookie from Cookie Run: Kingdom by DevSisters!
How can I participate?
You may draw, write, edit, or really anything! You don't have to do the full week or participate at all if you don't want to, though :] I won't force you!!
When does it Start and End?
It starts on Sunday, October 24th EST and ends Saturday, October 30th EST!
But don't stress too much if you don't get your submission in on time!! Late submissions are accepted :))
What are The Prompts?
The Prompts are Here!
How should I submit my entry?
You can post it on your own and tag it with #espresseleine week 2021!!
or you could submit it in the submissions box here but I'd prefer it if you made your own post and tagged it fjkdkfkskf
Aha that's about it for general info!! Please send an ask if you have any questions or suggestions gjdkfkfjfj
Basic DNI Criteria (Queerphobic, TERF, Pedo, Incest, Pro Shipper, etc.)
If you Post about Religion (it makes me uncomfy I'm sorry :[[)
"Anyone can Interact"
Just a General Shitty Person
May I get a promo?
Pls tell me if you want your tag removed!!
[ @smashing-cookies @espressoline @espressocookiebf @the-l-spacer @azurebluuu @midnightemy35 @kachowkachowhowyoulikemenow @p-p-pandemonium @a-gold-giraffe-statue + anyone else! ]
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flopsy-art · 2 years
Tag a few people you want to know better/ don't reblog, make a new post!
@redminibike1 aHHH THANKS FOR TAGGING ME hehehe (also I'm so glad you like my stuff, it warms my heart 💕)
favourite colour: Orange! You can probably tell just by scrolling through my art. That kind of slighlty yellow-y brown orange is my favourite :D
last song you listened to: I won't let you down by OK Go (it has the ✨vibes✨, what can I say)
last movie you watched: Deadpool lol
last series you watched: hmm Black Books,,, I'm a sucker for that stupid british comedy. It's a comfort show at this point, I can recite most of the episodes.
sweet, spicy or savoury: savoury then sweet and then spicy (I love spicy food I'm just SUPER sensitive to flavours and spicy food tends to hurt my brain aha)
coffee or tea: I CANT CHOOSE. Coffee, but only if it's like proper coffee. Rest of the time I'm a sucker for a good chai tea.
three ships: can... can I say my ocs? I'm gotta put my oc's on this list. Thinking about Okuzy/ Sap lmao. Codywan has a grip on my soul currently as well,,, also Thranto. Thats mainly cause I love Eli and his funky southern accent (please listen to the Thrawn audio books)
currently working on: many things. So many things. There's an animatic I'm doing for Sap and Okuzy. I'm doing a one shot comic that's like 30 pages with my little sci-fi story I've been writing for ages. Right now I'm sewing some pants for a larp costume. It goes on.
favorite clothing item: I have this jacket I got for like 5 bucks at the thrift shop and it!!! It's great. It's just slighlty too big for me, has pockets that shut with buttons, the lining is this beautiful tartan and it has a secret pocket on the inside!! I also drew on the underside of the collar and it's very pretty I love it alot, I wear it all the time.
comfort food: vegetable fritters. I don't know, they feel like home hehe
favorite time of year: ahh that time of autumn just as the leaves start falling and the ground is littered with oranges and purples and yellows!! It's great
favorite fic: ahh I can't pick one! most of my favourite fics are dinluke and codywan lmao
No Glory in the West by @leorizanzel is definitely one of them, I love it so much 😭😭
Also To Build a Home by @subtlehysteria makes me cry every time. Theres something about good asexual characters that gets me right in the heart.
Find it On Your Own (but I'll be here when you return) by our very own @redminibike1 is here too cause- cause CODY!! BAD BATCH!! I love it alot.
(I'm sticking Reunion on this list because I have read it a million times and iT MAKES ME SO HECKING HAPPY OMG. SAP AND OKUZY AND PERI AND *sobbing* )
passively tagging @mistr3ssquickly @ineffablestardust and anyone else who wants to do this hehe :3 have fun y'all
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drunken-drengr · 3 years
Fictional Characters You Associate With Your OC
Many thanks to @dungeons-and-dragon-age and @little-lightning-lavellan for the tags! Since I was tagged twice, I'll do both dwarves, yeah? I won't tag anyone, but feel free to try this.
Karrie Cadash
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Merida - "Brave"
Merida was a huge inspiration for Karrie in the first place. Her fiery, wild hair, and her determined attitude are what I associate Karrie with. Their heritage and families are rather similar, as well. They both share the same drive for independence and freedom, the right to spin their own fates.
Eivor Varinsdottir - "Assassin's Creed: Valhalla"
Eivor also influenced Karrie, somewhere along the line. Gave her more balance, more control, more wisdom. But they've also always both shared the same thirst for glory and valor, a drive to reclaim what was once theirs. They're so obsessed with glory, they'll do anything for a taste of it, a chance of redemption. Eventually, though, they realize that what they've really wanted all along was in front of them the entire time.
Gimli - "The Lord of the Rings"
Ah, what can I say? Dwarves will be dwarves. Karrie and Gimli share the same bluntness, humor, taste for ale, and distaste for elves. But, eventually, they both come to love elves. They make for good companions. Like Gimli, Karrie is determined, loyal, stubborn, and really itching for a fight and a mug of mead.
Midna - "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess"
Midna kind of displays the more childish nature of Karrie- if it could be called that. Maybe not childish, but impish. True, Karrie is a serious, yet hardy warrior, but at times she enjoys messing around. Playing pranks, cracking jokes, teasing, all in her arsenal. Midna and Karrie just share that sort of smugness, they're on the same vibe. They also happen to share the same fiery temper.
Jasper - "Steven Universe"
Jasper's whole character development isn't too unlike Karrie's. Karrie goes from being an absolutely stubborn, angry, and rather close-minded arse, to, er, an almost equally stubborn and angry arse, minus the close-mindedness. Also umm they both like smashing skulls and being uhhh buff badass women with the uhh wild hair....
Thragnr "Ragnar" Aeducan
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Thorin Oakenshield - "The Hobbit"
Thorin was the main inspiration behind Thragnr, originally. I wanted a noble dwarf, a wise and brave prince who was sound in his actions. Thorin just kind of fit the role. Eventually, Ragnar is able to overcome his long to reclaim what he once had in Orzammar, a bit unlike Thorin, but I think it's for the best. Both are strong and independent leaders, maybe a bit too independent at times.
Eivor Varinsson - "Assassin's Creed: Valhalla"
Aha, once again, Eivor. Rather than Karrie suiting the younger, more glory obsessed Eivor, Ragnar fits the older, wiser version of Eivor post-Odin. Sure, he once thirsted for glory in his younger days, but after coming to the surface, he began to accept what he had, and stopped endlessly chasing what was out of reach. Only then could he really be at peace with himself.
Fili - "The Hobbit"
Fili was also an inspiration for Ragnar, more design wise really. But also in that aspect of Fili and Ragnar being young princes, eager to be King one day. But we all know neither got what they deserved. Two fair princes in the end, wronged one way or another.
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nextstopparis · 3 years
fic tag game - thnk u for thinking of me @southfarthing 🥺❤️❤️
how many works do you have on ao3?
29..... its rlly bothering me i need to get one more up gbjjhbhb
what's your total ao3 word count?
how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
ive only written for merlin:)
what are your top five fics by kudos?
1. all the things we did not become, 2.08 fix it fic for glompfest
2. he won't tell you that he loves you (but he loves you), a lil fluff for merthur week 2020
3. frozen deep blue (you painted me golden), angsty arthur returns fic bc i sort of got annoyed by the idea that the only issues they would encounter would be arthur adjusting to the modern world.
4. how it was supposed to be, like pre s4 fic (except uthers already dead lol) based on a tsoa scene that i sob over every time.
5. build a house in paradise, modern au slice of life fic full of domesticity.
do you respond to comments? why or why not?
yes i do! it might take a WHILE though bc im just. bad at things. idk i get stressed over saying thank you to strangers online ok leave me alone. but yes id o eventually. (at least i have thus far)
what's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
omg. OMG WAIT LOL i was gonna say none bc i dont tend to do angsty endings BUT I DO HAVE ONE!!! (well two, but thisis the angstier one i think): tell me why this has to end is pretty angsty although it does. like. end as the show did lol. well anyway. omg i completely forgot abt that fic:/
do you write crossovers? if so, what is the craziest one you've written?
i dont write crossovers
have you ever received hate on a fic?
errr not that ive been made aware of lol.
do you write smut? if so, what kind?
i do not write smut.. the closest ive gotten is alluding to it skdjncjsnc
have you ever had a fic stolen?
lol why would anyone want to steal my fic skjdncskjncs but no
have you ever had a fic translated?
have you ever co-written a fic before?
NO BUT ID LIKE TO ONE DAY i think itd be really cool:(
what's your all time favourite ship?
well hm. *looks at entire blog dedicated to merthur and like 600 bookmarked fics also about them* ummm,,,, thats a really hard question aha...
whats a WIP that you want to finish but dont think you ever will?
is it a wip if its still just an idea that i havent actually written anything for??? its based on gold rush by taylor swift (ohmygod im so annoying) and i REALLY like the idea but i think im just too scared to start it bc like. it deserves better than me u know sjdcnksdjnksnc ugh.
what are your writing strengths?
my english teacher in hs once told me that im good with voice which is great for writing crack i think
what are your writing weaknesses?
dialogue, plotting, tenses really kick my ass too bc i can never decide if i want to do it in the present or the past. like wtf
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
errrr.... i dont really have that much of an opinion on it? it would be nice to understand what im reading though,,
what was the first fandom you wrote for?
whats your favourite fic you've written?
invent the future. its the longest thing ive written which already makes it something im really proud of, but i also just like the ideas i explored in it about forgiveness and justice and the nature of destiny and stuff (wowzers im sort of so-fist-o-kate-id huh). it started out as a single sentence and then accidentally became a pendragon siblings relationship repair fic which. i mean. whatever lol. also its the first merwenthur fic ive written which im pleased abt bc i LOVE THEM. and OKAY. so maybe its also just 60k words of an arthur character study. GOSH leave me alone...
tagging: @shana-rosee , @witchmd13 , and @queerofthedagger (if you want ofc!!)
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ecccentrick · 2 years
fanfic writer ask game
Ahh thank you @moonwaif 💕💕💕💕💕 glad you're proud of your furby fic because it's very good!!
What's your all-time favorite ship?
Probably Hualian followed closely by Wangxian. It just depends on the mood, I guess.
How many works do you have on AO3?
What's your total AO3 word count?
Only 181,068 as of right now.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. who wants to be right as rain? (Haikyuu!!!)
2. Lance's Week of Wonders (Voltron (derogatory))
3. Lance's Mission Impossible
4. That One Time Tsushima Had Feelings Or Something (Haikyuu!!)
5. ....I won't speak of this one.
Do you reply to comments, why or why not?
I always want to but I get nervous about how to reply, because I always sound the same in them, and then dally too long and suddenly it'd be weird to reply to them.
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Probably my one and only mdzs fic at the moment (since I'm not going to speak of my fics from a certain fandom ahaha). I used to be drawn towards angsty endings but now I just want to write happy ones.
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
The fic I'm writing right now, I think!
Do you write crossovers?
Also the one I'm writing right now! It's a tgcf/mdzs crossover and I'm very excited about it!
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not yet, the closest thing I've gotten is some unsolicited corrections. I don't think my fics are popular enough to really get hate, but I could be wrong and have just gotten lucky that I haven't encountered a nasty reader as of now.
But, once, when I was but a wee child that didn't even know what fanfic was, I wrote awful original fiction on wattpad and I still remember someone who commented that autumn leaves smell gross so what I was describing was dumb.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not really. I think there's a chance I might write suggestive things in the future but nothing super explicit.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, but someone once put one fic on goodreads to rate it, so that might count? Though I wouldn't go that far. I get some people use it to keep track of fics (which is what ao3 bookmarks are for but whatever) but I don't like them treating it like it's a real, professionally published work that they can review accordingly because I do this for free, you know?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but it's a dream aha.
Have you ever co-written a fic with anyone?
Yup, with my best friend! We used to write a lot together before her life got really busy. She still helps me with my fics, editing and bouncing ideas back and forth, so we still have a creative process together. Which is also kinda what I'm doing with @ moonwaif rn!!
What's a WIP you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
What are your writing strengths?
Emotions!!! I love writing about them. Sometimes too much.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot! And dialogue's my frenemy.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Uh, probably not much more than honorific s if those count. Or if it's an important thing from canon that's already in a different language. And, maybe if I had a person who speaks that language help me with it. I was in the Voltron fandom so I...really know how bad it can look.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
What's your favorite fic you've written?
The one I'm writing right now! Though that can change with any gentle breeze, especially when I'm feeling hypercritical of my writing lol.
I'm still relatively new to the mxtx fandom writer wise so I don't know who to tag, so anyone who follows me and wants to do it go ahead and act like I tagged you!
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