#women and deconstruction
recovering-catholic · 10 months
Fuck being a "Proverbs 31 Woman". I wanna be a "Proverbs 7 Woman".
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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King the silly guys, Lupin III!
(for @dying-suffering-french-stalkers)
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tiredyke · 6 months
y’all really think cis dudes who dress femininely as a joke for views online are more enlightened and nuanced in gender than literal trans women lol
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maggiecheungs · 5 months
“utena is a bit like a shoujo equivalent of evangelion” = a common and inevitable comparison that is admittedly not a bad elevator pitch, giving an idea of utena's symbolism and the genre tropes it engages without requiring an essay-length summary of its plot and themes
“utena is evangelion for the girlies” = SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UPPPP
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thinking of the damsel route where the princess turns into an anime girl. thinking about how the mere act of questioning her autonomy made her lose it. because viewing her as brainless made her so. because our perceptions shape who she is, and by not believing her simple want we are not believing her existence as an original person. thinking about how she's a person until we decide she's not being "person enough"
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diana-andraste · 2 months
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Double Portrait with Hat, series of portrait photomontages, Dora Maar, c. 1930s
"To produce this complex image, Maar sandwiched together two negatives of the same model, one frontal and one profile, scavenged from a magazine assignment on springtime hats, and painted the background and hat (or decomposing halo?) onto the negative. Softening the emulsion, she scraped and lifted it off, techniques that involve destruction and suggest disintegration."
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I’m going to voice my opinions on G1 Elita One here for a reader asked me this on ao3 at my fic Heroic Nonsense. I want to keep a record here as well for my future references and maybe find someone with similar ideas. So I still decided to use tags for content classification. Anyone who might feel irritated about me deconstructing this character may leave. But if you resonate with me or are interested in my analysis feel free to discuss.
I guess my view on G1 Elita One is basically negative, both in terms of her characterization and her representation of women.
If we genuinely talk about characterization, I think G1 Elita One is a very one-dimensional and uninteresting character. Because: 1) She doesn’t have a consistent personality or motivation of doing things. Of course you can say that her motivation is to save her boyfriend and lead the “femme bots”, but these don’t look natural, with the lack of a background story. She looks like a puppet squeezed into the show to be the protagonist’s girlfriend.
2) Also about her role. I feel that Hasbro made Elita One a shadow of Optimus Prime, giving her exactly the same position and constantly stressing her importance, when actually she contributes zero to the overall plot development. The “femme bot squad” in the show is an awkward duplicate of the male team, with every femme bot assigned to the male bot at the same position as their girlfriend/love interest(Elita One—Optimus Prime-leader, Chromia— Ironhide-second in command). I do not know the reason why “femme bots” in the play need to fight alone, and I do not know why Elita One is the leader except the fact that she is Optimus’s girlfriend. So what is the play implying by making such a character? Honestly I think this is even worse than having no female characters in the play.
3)Her plot is totally predictable. It’s a classic Hollywood hero-saves-damsel in distress story. From the moment when Alpha Trion asked her to go on a mission on her own (for what? Why? Till today I still think Alpha Trion is doing this simply because he is an avatar of the playwright) I know she will be caught and rescued by Optimus Prime. Such stories are easily guessed and easily forgotten.
If we talk about gender representation, I have to say Elita One hardly represents any pioneering thoughts of feminism or gender equality. To begin with, I want to clarify that feminism/gender equality aims to question and overthrow patriarchy system, which includes breaking the gender stereotypes and challenging fixed gender roles, heteronormative relationships included. Unfortunately Elita One just repeated/ reinforced the stereotypes/ the fixed model of heterosexuality. She is in bright pink, an assigned color to represent females. She is abruptly introduced as Optimus’s girlfriend, without any background information (how they fell in love, why Optimus chose to have a relationship with her in particular, without the biological need to reproduce, what kind of person she is before she met Optimus). It feels like the playwright cannot bear an action hero not being able to “win over” some pretty chicks. She is made/resurrected by Optimus’s parts, which is just like Adam and Eve and confirms her position as “the second sex”. All of her plots are rigid and boring and she lives like a duplicate, or a moon revolving around Optimus. What’s worse, in her very short debut she is still portrayed as “sweet, understanding, and loves her boyfriend so much that she becomes irrational when he is in danger”, the most typical stereotype of a hero’s wife under male gaze.
Judged from my analysis, I think she is basically a functional character. This means she is created to fulfill a purpose in another character’s characterization, rather than existing on her own. In particular, the purpose of her creation is to add a girlfriend to Optimus Prime, so that he fulfills some people’s fantasy of a “normal” male action hero. With this function as the very beginning of her characterization, the playwright will not be able to make her a round character, or give her any believable motivations. Nor does the playwright actually care.
Now that I think about it, this kind of character may work for some people, because they genuinely believe it is necessary for heroes to be paired up with an opposite sex, or like to imagine themselves as “the lucky chosen girl” through this character (this might be harsh). But I just want to say, it doesn’t work for me. In years of reading and using feminist criticism, it has become harder and harder for me not to be picky about characters, or not to be sensitive about gender issues in any show. Repulsion is not the only way I feel about her. She is my least favorite character.
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juni-ravenhall · 2 months
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recovering-catholic · 2 years
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jesusinstilettos · 10 months
Alright I need to say it. I think Gen Z has internalized and repackaged purity culture under a different justification.
(To be clear, this isn’t Gen Z’s fault. Older generations indoctrinated them into it)
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butchscientist · 6 days
some of the dumbest discourse online is arguments over who's allowed to relate to a song. like why can we not just agree that regardless of chappell roan's personal intentions, there are ways to interpret good luck, babe! in ways that resonate with both lesbians and bisexual sapphics and that's something we should celebrate? a bi woman hearing that song and thinking "this is about me!" doesn't invalidate a lesbian thinking the same and vice versa. instead of arguing over who has custody of the song we should enjoy the song together and kiss
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zef-zef · 10 months
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Sophia Loizou - Vestal Waters from: Sophia Loizou - Untold (Houndstooth, 2020)
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klutzymaiden123 · 29 days
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Hi, I love your fanfic and I genuinely think its one of the best superhero stories I’ve read in a very long time. I drew some fanart of Helga/Bluejay but I have no idea if this submission is going to work properly since its the first time, I’ve submitted something through Tumblr. lemme know if it doesn’t come out right.
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femmefatalevibe · 7 months
(possible cw? NSFW)
what advice do you have for trying to be more sex positive?
the way i was raised (cis female) i experienced a lot of purity culture and whatnot so now 95% of sex related things/media/conversations i feel shame/embarrassment or even just uncomfortable bc i don't know how to talk about it/it was shunned growing up.
i don't really desire to try anything (bdsm, roleplay, etc). but i hate being so uncomfortable at the sheer thought of it when i'm alone in a room by myself. (like it's to a point where if I'm alone watching tv and a sex scene comes on i'm like "what if someone walks in and sees this" as if i'm doing something wrong).
i'm also not really into the hookup culture thing either, i've tried it and it's just not for me.
but i've started seeing someone new and i don't want to be uncomfortable around him in any way, trying to break old patterns and whatnot.
i have no problem exploring/masturbating but again, i feel out of my element otherwise.
i don't know where to even start when it comes to sex positivity/embracing sexuality. please help??
(ps i love ur blog)
Hi love! Thank you so much <333
I'm sorry that you had the all-too-common experience of being shamed for your sexuality (such a natural thing, ugh). I'm glad to hear that you're comfortable exploring your own body and being intimate with people you feel a connection to – both of those aspects of intimacy are very important! But please know it's so common for women to feel shame surrounding their sexuality. It's programmed into us (at least in many countries/cultures) since we're very young.
I think the best place to start is to understand that, at least for those of us who aren't asexual, desiring sex and sexual pleasure is as natural as craving chocolate – we're hardwired to seek out pleasure and avoid pain. If something feels good, we're going to want to keep doing it.
Once you fully acknowledge that you can't out-shame yourself out of a natural craving/desire, I think it gets a bit easier to begin integrating this aspect of your being into your personhood. Learning what makes you feel good, turns you on, and makes you feel sexy/desired – alone or partnered – can become a part of your self-discovery journey, not a taboo side to your existence/interpersonal experiences.
Hope this helps xx
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noirineverysense · 5 months
imo I get that people often don't ship black women bc they don't care about them. But I also feel we put too much emphasis on romance and desirability when it comes to talking about black female characters.
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