#with the was you talk about their characters and their traumas
insolentgod · 2 days
reminder extremely tough and maybe a little harsh.
a lot of folks gotta work themselves to death just to have a halfway comfortable life, some don't even have the basics. many will have to do crazy stuff for money and others dream of giving their loved ones a good life but can't. some will only be able to see luxurious lifestyles on phone screens or in other people's TikTok accounts. and others don't even have the money to pay for internet to see that.
lots of people will spend years hating themselves, hating their appearance, personality, social life, social status, skills, everything about themselves. many live with insecurities, feeling like a supporting character in their own story, some have things that bother them but it's "impossible" to change them so they'll just have to live with it. others spend a fortune on surgeries or treatments to change something about themselves, and many die because of it.
many people will have to live trying to recover from traumas and bad things that hit them, without knowing how to simply erase them from their lives, and unfortunately, some prefer to end their own lives so they don't have to live with those burdens.
many people will have to face horrible diseases, some they simply can't get rid of and others that are incurable. suffering, waiting for a miracle to free them from this torture.
some folks may never achieve their personal goals and dreams, out of fear, lack of opportunity, lack of means, or because they think it's impossible for them. so consequently they will have to surrender to a mediocre life that they hate.
many people will have to spend years in shitty relationships without knowing how to get out, others will see the love of their life being happy with someone else, others will think that love only serves to deeply hurt them, and others will accept horrible things from their partners because they think they don't deserve anything better.
a lot of folks unfortunately live out there lonely, without love, without a good social circle, without friends, with an abusive family, with people who don't want the best for them, with people who only hurt them and make them think that's what they deserve.
you might think I'm a jerk for talking about such harsh examples and I'm sorry if I hurt anyone, but damn..
all these examples I mentioned are really sad and they leave us with a heavy heart thinking that a lot of people go through this. I think everyone deserves a dignified and happy life, you deserve a dignified and happy life. you don't deserve to be like those people in the examples I mentioned, and you're not. because you have a key in your hands. it's like life is a damn game and you have all the hacks and cheats to simply WIN and do whatever you want, while other people don't even dream of that or are too skeptical to try.
but you know what's funniest about this? it's that this shit ain't just any game, it's your life. it's literally your damn life and you're there playing with the law? saying "oh I can't" "oh persisting is too hard" "I think I'll never have my desires".
girl, I'll kill you if you keep thinking like that.
there are folks who just don't take the loa seriously, and that's why they never fulfill their desires!!!!!!!!!!!! and they won't have anyone to blame for their failure but themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the LOA community is very small, discovering about it was extremely lucky. so tell me a good reason why you know about it and simply can't manifest? exactly. there isn't one! you can and you should.
I'm not here to judge your difficulties in manifesting (even if I judge everything and everyone), because having difficulties and keep trying is one thing and simply giving up and saying "I can't manifest" is another.
it was a blessing from the universe, God, higher power, whatever you believe in. you discovering LOA was the damn greatest blessing of your life, don't you see that? don't you really see how blessed you are? maybe in the past you've been through hell, but now, my love, the sun is shining for you, you just have to want to shine. unfortunately a lot of people will never have that luck, there are people who would kill to be blessed like this. so please, I beg you... use this tool and have the damn happiest life you can, enjoy it and stop playing with the law.
tell me what do you really want? a true and light love? have a look that would never make you feel insecure again? being the pride of mommy and daddy and having their love? having that beautiful house and a happy family? finally healing from depression or other mental disorders and finally being able to live to the fullest? friends who really care about you? want to meet that idol you've been a fan of for a long time and that everyone thinks your passion for him is silly? want to live in that country far away from everyone? want to stop feeling that guilt or any other bad feeling that has been tormenting you for a long time? want to be truly happy for the first time in your life? want to be rich, a millionaire, billionaire, trillionaire? or just have enough money to lead a comfortable life and never have to work again? go ahead, tell me what you want. you can have it.
stop suffering, you don't deserve to suffer. enough torture. take what's yours and move on. you're strong enough for that. the game ain't over for you, you can't just give up like that. the game is yours, it obeys you, and it ends when you decide. take freaking control.
sofri muito na vida, espero um dia ter coragem de contar meu sucesso aqui para vocês. e simplesmente não sei o que seria de mim sem descobrir sobre a LOA, só de pensar nisso enche meu coração de gratidão. Eu me sinto um vencedor. Você merece sentir essa paz de ter vencido também.
God bless you. take care of yourselves and put your head to work.
i ain't that selfish. if you need some backup, im here for you, babe. I wanna see you win. 🌟
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wilcze-kudly · 7 hours
I do find it annoying how a lot of Zutara fans tweak the character's stories, personalities and even the timelines to suit their own needs.
Once again, there's nothing wrong with fanon and headcanons, however if looking through the lense of canon, you're objectively wrong.
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I ended up stumbling on a post from a Zutara shipper. (At this point I'm regretfully considering not following the tags for Zuko or Katara because I get way too much Zutara content lol) I'm not replying directly to her because I don't want this to turn into an argument, and I know she doesn't take criticism very well.
Ok, So let's break this down.
The character who was first out of the group to trust Zuko?
I'm quite sure this is referring to the scene in Ba Sing Se's caves. And yes, that is a very important scene. I think it's a very important scene preceeding Zuko's 'relapse'. It shows how he's matured during his time in Ba Sing Se and therefore it serves to add to our dismay when he joins Azula. I adore the fact that Zuko's journey to redemption is not linear, it certainly adds a lot to the character and shows us how his trauma affected him.
It's also a horrific moment for Katara. To have her worldview on Zuko and firebenders as a whole challenged, and then for it to go blowing up in her face. It rips open old wounds of her childhood. It refreshes her resentment of Zuko and the Fire Nation as a whole. It parallels the death of her mother when Aang dies due to Azula's lighting and she is unable to do anything about it. It places her back in that spot of helplessness. Even though she's grown up, even though she's a master waterbender, she still comes a hair's breadth to losing one of the most important people in her life.
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No wonder she hated Zuko so much after this.
It's an important moment for both characters, but I wouldn't say it is that in a romantic sense. It's a sweet, hopeful moment that then turns absolutely horrific and visceral for both parties.
I could argue that there are other characters who could be given the title of 'first to trust Zuko'. Funnily, Appa being one of them lol.
But other characters trusting Zuko dovetails nicely into the next point.
The character who emotionally connects to Zuko?
Well, technically, I'd argue that most members of the Gaang connect emotionally on one level or another with him?
But I'd argue that Aang is the person Zuko connected with the most. Aang is Zuko's parallel. Aang is the first person to reach out to Zuko. Aang is the person who showed mercy to Zuko, multiple times. Aang is the person who valued Zuko's life, the life of someone whose whole life goal is to capture him.
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This was also an incredibly important moment to Zuko. This is the thing he brings up when trying to convince the Gaang to let him join.
Zuko: Why aren't you saying anything? You once said you thought we could be friends. You know I have good in me.
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The character Zuko feels safest letting his guard down around?
It's Mai. Love her or hate her, her relationship with Zuko is incredibly important to him. Maiko isn't my favourite Zuko ship, in full honesty. But even platonically, Mai and Zuko are one another's reprieve from their respective shitty lives.
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People often talk about Katara touching Zuko's scar while discussing healing his scar, however one could argue that she did so as a medical examination. Mai touching Zuko's scar is a casual thing, neither of them really make a big deal of it and that's the beauty of it.
I'm mainly talking out of my own personal experience, as someone with a huge amount of burn scars, but there is a world of difference between someone inspecting my scars like Katara did and simply accepting them as a part of me, like Mai does for Zuko.
With Mai, Zuko isn't the scarred banished prince, Ozai's son or Azula's brother. He's just Zuko. And they speak freely with one another, arguing like real people do. Often, being comfortable having arguments is actually a sign of being comfortable with one another.
The character who helps Zuko heal from his trauma?
Once again, this is a bit of a flawed question. By the end of the show, Zuko isn't even fully healed, in my opinion. He has made leaps and bounds on the road to recovery, but when he will truly heal if ever is yet to be seen.
Zuko's journey to recovery includes plenty of people. This includes Iroh, Aang, Song and Jin. People who show him the error of his coping mechanism. Who challenge his worldview, who coax him out of the his shell of pain and anger.
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The character known for showing most compassion to others?
Yes, Katara's compassion is a huge part of her character. Her need to help and protect those who cannot do that for themselves cannot be understated.
But Aang's compassion for others and all beings is just as great, if not greater than Katara's. Compassion and nonviolence are huge parts of his culture and his own philosophy.
Aang: Wait, we can't just leave him here. Sokka: Sure we can. Let's go. Aang :No, if we leave him he'll die. Aang airbends himself off Appa and retrieves Zuko, bringing him to Appa. Sokka: [Sarcastically.] Yeah, this makes a lot of sense. Let's bring the guy who's constantly trying to kill us.
Friendly reminder that Aang could've absolutely wrecked Ozai, but held back because his own moral compass was so powerful. Hell, he was friendly and nice to Azula, the woman who literally killed him.
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This is why Aang and Katara work so well together. They're both incredibly compassionate people who will immediately jump in to help others in need. Like they did during the Painted Lady, destroying the factiry together.
The character who primarily bears the burden of having to step up into a parental role?
I think "parental role" is an incredibly vague term. There's a lot of things that go into a "parental role". Katara plays a stereotypically "maternal" role, while someone who plays a "paternal" one would probably be Sokka.
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Katara deals with very "homemaking" tasks like sewing and cooking, etc. And Sokka often takes on the role of leader, hunter, gatherer and also protector, despite being a nonbender.
This coincides nicely with their core childhood traumas. The loss of Katara's mother impacted her greatly, leading her to have to step up into a motherly role. While Sokka was clearly heavily traumatised by his father departing and the crushing responsibility of having to care for his entire village.
Sexism also probably played a part in this dichotomy.
The character who represses their emotions to be strong for others?
I'd argue that this could apply to all the members of the Gaang in some capacity.
Aang's pain is something most of us will never experience and cannot hope to understand. The complete horrific destruction of his culture and home followed him through the entire show. He was entitled to his grief and rage, yet he supressed it. We see during Appa's kidnapping, how easy it would be for Aang to rage, to let himself be destructive. And yet, he wakes up every day and chooses to smile and goof off, because his friends need someone to remind them how to be children.
Sokka puts on a very impressive bravado, despite having a lot of insecurities. However, as the oldest member of the Gaang (pre Zuko) he puts on a facade of the confident and unbothered older brother. Even if he's the butt of almost every joke, he still keeps that demeanour up, letting it slip only a few times.
I'd actually argue that Toph is the person whom this label fits best. While we know Toph as witty, callous and strong, we have to remember that she kept up the facade of her parents' good, helpless little blind girl for no reason other than her mother and father's comfort. She actually hides a lot of her hurt, covering it up with a prickly exterior.
I want to do longer think pieces about Toph and Katara so apologies if this isn't complete.
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I'm actually baffled by the idea of Katara repressing her emotions. She's actually quite straightforward and open about her feelings. She yells and feels a lot of emotions and lets them be heard. She gets angry and sad. She's actually kinda bitchy sometimes and that's honestly why I love her so much.
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The whole inciting incident of the show was her getting so pissed off she somehow pulls a giant iceberg from the bottom of the sea.
She is anything but repressed.
She is angry.
She's angry at the fire nation, at Sokka, at her father, at men, and with good right to be so.
This is what makes her an amazing character and one who broke the mould of a lot of female characters at the time. Her anger and unrestrained emotions rang true with a lot of watchers at the time. I'm not sure why this is being taken away from her rather than celebrated.
I reiterate the point I made at the beginning of this post: there is nothing wrong with headcanons and fanon interpretations for one's enjoyment. I do find it a bit odd when it changes a character too much (because then, why not just create an oc?) but it's all in good fun. However, you shouldn't push that onto other people and how they perceive canon and you certainly shouldn't use it to take away from other characters. It's a very unfair way of entering discourse.
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twig-tea · 2 days
Things from Wandee Goodday ep 3 I can't stop thinking about:
I love so much that we got some good friends with benefits tension around personal boundaries when Dee asked who Yei was and then backed off (but Yak told him anyway). And between the jokes about rimming, Dee demanding Yak pay more attention to his dick last episode, and starting this episode in the 69 position, I am very, very here for this show saying over and over that sex is not just one act.
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[ID: Gif of the beginning of episode 3, whichi is a pan-to-shot of Dee and Yak laying in 69 position on the floor under blankets]
i loved the different responses to hearing someone you love is in a "Friends with Benefits" situation; Kao warned Dee not to catch feelings or read too much into the situation and Cher/Yei teased Yak for lying to himself about what the situation is. Both are super valid and speak to who Dee and Yak are, who Kao and Cher/Yei are, and all of their experiences with love. And it speaks to the closeness of these relationships too, that Cher noticed Yak's necklace gone immediately and Kao similarly clocked its addition on Dee instantly.
Super here for Kao being the ultimate support bestie at work, equal parts haranguing and backing Dee up. Their relationship is perfection.
I really liked Yak peace-ing out of their agreement when Dee dropped a huge request with no context, that was so valid and in the spirit of FWB (he didn't actually owe him a bigger conversation).
I've already reblogged a couple of other people (@negrowhat and @lurkingshan) talking about this so I won't belabour it, but I am judging Dee for not only ignoring Yak's boundaries by going to his workplace and forcing him to train him and then flirting with him during training sessions after Yak both made clear he's worried about being out at work and had ended their agreement. I hope we get more of an explanation for Yak's reticence about dating a man while aiming for the championship as well as his change of mind.
The conversations with Cher and Oyei have me so curious about their history! Tell me everything, show. I put these questions in tags on a gifset (but to put them on main: Where is Oyei and Yak's father (who is also a former champ but apparently uninvolved with this family business, if he's still alive)? What happened to Yak's mother that he doesn't know if he takes after her? Why can they go to Cher's family for financial help but not Yei/Yak's (to the point where they had to take out what sounds like a predatory loan during COVID)? What is Cher afraid of re: being seen being affectionate to Oyei, and where does that come from? Is this history related to why Yak is so worried about his relationship to Dee getting in the way of his championship? All of this is seeded so organically and I'm so, so curious. It also has me even more in my feelings about Cher and Yei calling Yak their son.
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[ID: Gif of Yei saying to Cher: I own this place. What's there to be afraid of? From the set linked in the paragraph above]
[I have a clown theory that Cher and Oyei's relationship is why his dad is out of the picture and his gym is in financial trouble (because it prevented Yei from getting sponsorship despite being a champion), and why Yak is worried about being in a relationship with a man even though he knows his brother won't care...we'll see how much of this the show pulls together!]
The flash of trauma from Dee at the crosswalk was interesting too; where is that going? What happened in Dee's past and how is it going to affect the story in future?
[More clown speculation: Is it related to why Dee is so good with patients and passionate about ortho? Has he seen someone in his life become disabled due to physical injury?]
Speaking of, I really loved seeing Dee be good at his job and great with patients and their families. In addition to it being just nice to see and good for our understanding of his character, it sets him up to have a fighting chance in the contest too, since patients apparently get a vote.
I love love love the camaraderie and giggling between Dee and Yak around making Ter jealous and shoving their fake relationship in those gossiping nurses' faces. The way they are actually friends who like one another and enjoy spending time together is just really wonderful to watch.
My biggest question is: Will Dee get a chance in this narrative to show up for Yak the way Yak has been showing up for Dee? And how can that current imbalance be reconciled with this all leading towards Dee trying to get a placement to go abroad--and his self-stated toxic trait of always needing to win? [shoutout to @chicademartinica for laying that out succinctly in her post]
In the meantime, I'm having a blast.
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AITA for comparing characters’ trauma?
Someone else did it first (I know, I know, I sound like I’m five but bear with me). They said that a character they didn’t like who had been through objectively a huge amount of trauma actually went through LESS trauma than a character they did like who admittedly had some traumatic history, but not nearly to the same extent. Ughhh here I am doing it again
But here’s the thing. My response was that even if you dislike the character, he just objectively has a more traumatic history. What the person was actually upset about was probably the fandom constantly sympathizing with this character and not talking about lot about THEIR favorite character. And that person lived through a lot too, but trust me, it wasn’t the same.
But someone replied to MY response saying that I was basically comparing characters’ trauma and that I suck for saying that. But…………….idk. They’re probably right that comparing isn’t good.
This is a low stake situation cause it’s about fandom but since comparing trauma isn’t something JUST fandom related I want to make sure I’m clear on this NOW (though I definitely don’t plan on comparing any real life people’s trauma!!) because I don’t want to upset other people.
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scarareg · 2 days
From 0 to 10, which grades would you give to PJO ships?
Hi anon! This is such a fun question! Thanks for sending it! I tried to choose the most popular ships because there are so many variations of them, but if you are curious about a specific one that I didn't mention, feel free to ask!
Percabeth (Percy x Annabeth)
3/10 I give it a 3 only because in PJO they are cute but in HOO they are full of red flags and I hate what Rick did with them. I feel like their goals for the future do not align at all, and it is as if they together because that is what they are used to and not because they are in love. It seems like Percy is always trying to accommodate to what Annabeth wants and I think in the long run that would make him miserable, and those feeling will make worst a relationship that is already fragile.
In the future he is going to resent her so bad, because we already see that he doesn't feel comfortable joking/talking about some topics because Annabeth gets mad, now add him feeling like he has to follow everything she says or do just to be "the perfect boyfriend". It is a recipe for disaster
AnnieLuke (Annabeth x Luke)
1/10 this one is complicated. The thing is that I understand the appeal of a childhood besfrieds to lovers, I love those, BUT Luke never saw Annabeth as anything but a little sister. That + the fact that their relationship became toxic, it just make me uncomfortable. Sorry Annie, but this one is not the one, at least in my opinion (and in Luke's lmao)
Perluke (Percy x Luke)
4/10 I see you fans of friends to enemies to lovers or friends to lovers to enemies, I get it, but to me this one lacks that je ne sais quoi to make it appealing. But I can understand why some people like it. And I am part of the team "Percy had a crush on Luke yet he was the last to know"
Percico (Percy x Nico)
10/10 they are my OTP. I like how they complement each other. They have the history, the angst, the complexity. I like the dynamic of two characters who went through a lot, but deal with trauma in opposite ways.
They are ride or die for each other, but they keep that information a secret from each other, which makes their relationship really fun.
Most importantly Nico thinks Percy is cool AF and he adores him just the way he is. Percy is one of the few people who tried to get close to Nico and to understand him.
Their empathetic nature would make this relationship super sweet, tender and calm. For example, if one of them need to rest or are stressed out, they can go to the other and they will know if they need to talk or just want to nap.
Bonus points because their relationship with each other's parents would make their relationship even more interesting and fun!
Perachel (Percy x Rachel)
9/10 love this one! My second fave Percy ship! This is Percy's loss, to be honest. Their chemistry is super natural and they are always having fun! Rachel seems like a low-maintenance partner, so being with her must be pretty easy. She would not make drama if Percy can't be there with her for some time because he has to save the world or whatever. I think he can chill with her, and just like with Nico, Percy just being Percy is enough
Valgrace (Leo x Jason)
9/10 What I like about them is that both are insecure about themselves but always see the best in each other. Jason is Leo's hype man and Leo is always thinking about how impressive Jason is. Where Leo is chaotic, Jason is calm. Where Jason is anxious, Leo is chill. They just screams healthy couple
Jiper (Jason x Piper)
2/10 the problem here is how the relationship started. Both of them are really kind to each other, but their romance is based on a lie, which neither of them is to blame for, but it just feels wrong. To me, after knowing how their relationship started, Piper seems to like Jason enough to stay a couple, and Jason was too kind and just rolled with it, and that is not good reason to stay with someone in my opinion.
Liper (Leo x Piper)
9/10 shout out to @maygirlsposts to make me see the light with this one! Before, it never crossed my mind they could be a couple, but gosh! They are so cute together!
Piper and Leo genuinely have a connection, they share sense of humor, they have been through difficult stuff together and are empathetic towards the other's problems. They have a healthy balance between being chaotic when they are chilling, and having the ability to have honest conversations when necessary. They are overall wholesome AF!
Extra points for being the healthy version of Hephaestus x Aphrodite
Jasico (Jason x Nico)
10/10 this one is not my ship,only because I prefer them as besties, but I see the vision of their shippers; and I give them a 10 because they are probably the healthiest ship Nico has, to be honest.
Jason is always so patient with Nico, and sincere yet kind. Is great to see Nico feeling at ease with him. Jason has the stability Nico needs in a relationship.
Both bring the best of each other, and push the other to do and be the best they can be!
Jeyna (Jason x Reyna)
8/10 oh what could have been! The tragedy of the lost potential! They were too powerful together and Rick couldn't handle that.
They have history together and understand each other deeply. They are both strong mentally and physically, so they could be the standard of a demigod couple. They are both healthy people on their own, so their relationship would naturally be nice.
Their love story could have been so interesting, like: separated by war and the gods, reunited by fate!
To tell you a secret, I see them as Nico's unofficial parents/older siblings. Basically, they both adopted him separately, protect him, and genuinely care about him. They would have been one hell of parents lmao
Jercy (Jason x Percy)
6/10 this one is fun! Again it is not my ship, but I like their dynamic. They give "Two bros,chilling in the hot tub, five feet apart cause they’re not gay" energy
Frazel (Frank x Hazel)
9/10 this is the only canon ship I like! Frank is super sweet and Hazel is always so kind, both are just wholesome AF! Like two teddy bears! I like that they started out as friends and both were seen as the "weird kids", that makes me think their bond is just genuine!
Lazel (Leo x Hazel)
5/10 they are cute, I just prefer them as friends. And not gonna lie, the fact that Hazel's ex is Leo's grandpa makes them kinda weird to me as a couple.
As friends will give them a 8/10, they need more time to get closer, but they already are super fun!
Fraleo (Frank x Leo)
6/10 They are funny! Like wholesome-awkward meets wholesome-chaotic. They just make me laugh because of how cute they would be, completely adorable! Too pure for this world!
I like this, but personally I like my ships with more angst, so I prefer them as friends. But you guys, their shippers, you must be the cutest, most wholesome people out there!
Leo x Frank x Hazel
7/10 I see the vision, but as you can see, I like Leo being their bestie instead of in a romance. But I understand! What's better than a love triangle? An OT3!
Pipabeth (Piper x Annabeth)
8/10 I like them a lot! This is the ship I like for Annabeth. In general I think Annabeth seems more comfortable with women. It feels like Rick wrote her as a lesbian-who-doesn't-know-she-is-one, but did so whithout realizing. Her chemistry with Piper (and with Reyna) just comes naturally and she looks like she is having fun!
Piper's fun personality complements Annabeth's logical one. Piper is all feelings, Annabeth is all brains, love that!
Also, just imagine their mothers' reactions when they find out they are dating!
Pipercy (Piper x Percy)
5/10 this is fun! But it needs that something else to make it super appealing to me, you know. Both are crack heads so they would be hilarious and a menace together! I can see the appeal! For me, I just prefer them as besties, like "Prepare for trouble! And make it double!"
Solangelo (Nico x Will)
3/10 in canon, 10/10 in fanon
First of all, can we talk about how fucking ethereal their ship name is? The ship name gets an ∞/10!
Now, the ship. I will start saying that I LOVE ships that are opposites attracts, but sadly this ship is a bit like Percabeth, but better. Let me explain. The concept is there, but at the moment of writing their romance, Rick kinda sucks. Genuinely think fic writers do a better job writing them.
For starters I have a problem with Nico being outed by Cupid. And I do not like at all that he doesn't have time to process that trauma, neither his crush on Percy and the heartbreak that comes after his rejection. Will is shoehorned into the narrative because "Nico needs a boyfriend" and Will is the only character available. He was a glorified extra.
This takes me to that I feel Rick thinks a relationship will solve all of your problems. I firmly believe that Nico needed time alone to recover from all of his trauma, which is a lot. But Rick's solution for this kind of stuff is "get a partner!". (Leo and Piper also suffered of this)
Is like: "Did you live through World War II? Your mom died and you were immediately stuck in an hotel for maybe one or two months? When you finally got out, were you in another century? Your sister died one week later? Years passed and you lived on your own for a while and felt scared and isolated from everyone you knew? Did you fight another war? Went to Tartarus and came back and then get kidnapped? You almost died, again? Had to fight again? Don't worry, having a boyfriend will solve all your problems!"
And I HATE IT! This is not Will's fault, it's Rick's. So I feel bad for not loving Solangelo in canon, but I really think Nico needs time for himself, he will have time for boyfriends in the future after he gets in a better head space.
Conclusion Will and Nico deserve better writers.
Once again thanks Anon! Would love to know what you think about this!
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twst-megane · 1 day
So I recently just finished Book 5 and I need y’all to know Vil is like my top fav even before starting book 1 and I just ended up loving him more even now and how so much care and knowledge was written to create such a layered and complex character
I’m not that good in gathering my thoughts into posts like this but I just wanted to share my thoughts cuz I genuinely love the writing in Book 5 as of now :3
1. Envy
The baseline that drove to Vil into overblot. How his desire to play the hero and be on stage longer, his inner envy towards Neige, it accumulated so much from childhood till now and to the point of almost potentially killing Neige but I personally don’t think it was the main reason for his OB
2. Reflection
I’m going off by the official ENG translation but I really love his line before overblotting, “Don’t look at me with those eyes”
He knew what he was going to do if Rook hadn’t stopped him and he immediately regretted it, he became the role he detested for all those years and he hated himself even more for it, he couldn’t forgive himself, which I feel is the real reason he OB compared to a simple jealousy buildup over the years and wanting to be the best. I really like this route more as someone with intrusive thoughts during my worst, it’s a horrible feeling when you realised the horrible things you thought of and the thought of acting it.
3. Loneliness
The higher your power, the lonelier you become.
I feel like this can be said for like every housewarden but I’ve rarely seen ppl talk about this aspect regarding Vil. He couldn’t star in hero roles because he was TOO perfect and beautiful that an average person couldn’t relate, it’s the complete opposite to the rest of the housewardens where they were lonely due to being inferior/intimidating which is an interesting thing to spin the loneliness part onto Vil really well.
He didn’t even appear to have any close friends since childhood, I don’t think he’d consider Jack or Neige to be his close friends but more like at a distance due to how far Vil is in most things. But I don’t think loneliness is the main point of his overall character or trauma but it’s an interesting aspect to consider especially when fitting with the rest of the housewardens.
4. Jamil and Vil Parallels
It’s really funny Jamil shares almost the exact same thoughts as Vil and it brings me back to my second point considering both Jamil and Vil have someone they consider to be superior than them being the most pure and kindhearted person (Kalim and Neige). It’s even more interesting Kalim was the one that escalated the OB and not Jamil from the previous pattern of OB characters escalating the next char into OB. Book 5 expanded a lot on Kalim as a character and he never makes the same mistake twice once he learns which is why it was heartwarming he saw the same eyes Jamil made in Vil’s and tries to stop him.
Bonus :
Rook constantly being the observer in the background and always watching out for Vil really warms my heart, even if its for the good, he always thinks the good for Vil specifically. He saved Neige but only cuz he knows Vil isn’t that sort of person. He cares so much about him he’s so sweet.
I really love love love how they touched on how being an actor can make you be perceived. As a kid you’re very impressionable towards specifically live action actors playing a certain character because your brain would find it hard to find a separation between actor and character and could even paint one as a villain in real life. It has happened before and it’s still a thing now so I really love they added this in even if Vil doesn’t seem to be too bothered by it but it minimally added a little fuel to the fire on why he hated the roles as a villain.
Anyway I really love Vil as a character I can dissect him forever nobody can make me hate him I love him so much 😭😭😭
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ashleyquinn03 · 2 days
So I have a question/theory about this moment:
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Well, more of the moment in the past back when she was 15-17 years old. (Next 2 photos for context in case someone didn't know how old she is/was)
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Anyway, my question is: Was Andrew an accident? If so, was it her choice to keep Andrew or was it theirs? (for clarification, I'm talking about the grandparents)
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Because I don't know, this was the 70s maybe 80s when Andrew and Ashley were born. Just as a small history lesson: England (yes, I'm using England as the characters speak English in this game and was confirmed to take place in a fictional country in Europe) legalized abortions in 1967. If we're to say that the Graves siblings were born in the 70s, it could be that the grandparents were against abortion and so forced Mrs Graves to carry Andrew and to keep him. Or maybe because it had just recently been legalized, Mrs Graves still felt like it was taboo or still dangerous, so she decided to have Andrew.
I highly doubt that Andrew was a planned child. It could be why she had him take care of Ashley, make the unplanned child raise the child she actually wanted, but oh no, Ashley didn't turn out like you wanted? Now she dislikes both her children for different reasons.
When most people talk about the parents abuse, they always think about Ashley's neglect and don't realize that Andrew was abused by parentification. If I had to guess, this abuse to Andrew and Ashley probably steamed from the grandparents and this created generational trauma.
All in all, I kinda hope this question is answered in at least one of the Episode 3s. Sorry for my rambles, it's 1 AM and I started questioning shit.
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dollettodraws · 2 days
was rewatching the box earlier, and I couldn’t help but think about how AvA 6/AvA s3 is going to mess up second so bad,,, like MORE than it already has
everyone’s already talked about vic and cho regarding it so I won’t reiterate it here, and idk if anyone else has talked about this so apologies in advance if they have but bruh just imagine this
in probably less than a day, your entire world changes- one second it’s just another regular day with you and your friends and all of a sudden you’re kidnapped alongside this other stick that as far as you’re aware is the most powerful dude ever, and ends up asking for your help and basically dragged you into a fight that wasn’t even yours. then you realise the one responsible is someone like you, a fellow hollowhead who has no special abilities compared to the immense power from dark and chosen. but then oh wait nvm you DO have powers, powers so intense that they had the potential to kill someone, and you can’t even properly process or talk about it with anyone since the moment you found out about this forgotten memory, they lock you up more intensely,,
and it’s only been 2 episodes so far, and there’s supposed to be 5 more, and I can only imagine how WILD it’s gonna get from here on out jdhjshdhcjd
eventually, second finds out his friends were after him, which probably wouldn’t surprise him given everything they’ve been through, but considering everything rocket corp has done so far, second would be extra fearful for them, and what would happen if they got their hands on em. and then he realises that yellow’s been kidnapped too, and suddenly he’s in even more distress.
second’s powers were activated through immense physical and mental trauma, so what’s going to happen to him next if he ends up activating them again in this season??? I can only speculate it’s going to be so much more fucked up, considering how dark season 3 has already been.
and then of course, there’s his relationship with alan, and how that’s going to be impacted (the character, not him irl)
despite the rough patch that was the beginning of their relationship, (yk, that rough patch being deleting his friends and threatening to delete him- wonder who that reminds me of haha :’D) they’ve been having it good and leaving at peace with each other +the colour gang for almost a decade at this point. alan is his creator, and he and the cg know that alan’s a good person. at least, now he is. but I have a feeling in season 3, alan’s past with his previous creations will come to light and suddenly second is questioning everything he thought he knew about the man that he sees as basically a father.
aside from second, literally all of alan’s creations have a vendetta against him (chosen is a bit iffy on this one, despite everything he’s still trying to protect alan from victim, but i still think there’d be a tinge of bitterness given everything he went through because of him).
when dark was the antagonist, his code led him to being extremely destructive, and (in my personal head canon lmao) he was doing everything he could to just fight against the fact that the one person he was SUPPOSED to destroy was his only true friend, and who better to destroy than the very person who gave him that code in the first place?
then there’s victim, who was created solely to be a discardable toy, something to play around with and beat up, and when he got bored, essentially tossed him into the void without a second thought. and now he’s back 17 years later, having taken everything he could from that less than 2 minutes he was alive and tortured, and created all this (rocket corp) to get back at alan and destroy him too.
and of course there’s chosen, who amongst the hollowheads seems to be the only one second can get along with- and he finds out that cho has been through literal hell and back, and that he was alan’s pop up slave and was left isolated and alone and met with nothing but neglect and disregard for the better part of 5 years, and his one confident was programmed to literally kill him, all thanks to, who else- but alan.
and second is in even more dismay and questioning everything. alan couldn’t have really done all that, right? he was a good person, he treats him and the cg so well,, and then he remembers.
wasn’t second going to be deleted by alan at the last second too?
he only let him live at the prospect he could offer something to him.
but that was years ago, he’s not like that anymore right? before, he could answer that question with confidence. I mean, he and the gang have messed up the pc multiple times at this point (ahem, AvM and the actual shorts lmfao) and he hasn’t punished them that gravely! but now that he knows the truth? would he get rid of them now?
aside from what might happen to him physically (given how we’ve seen how rocket corps handles things) the amount of damage this season is just going to do to second’s psyche is INSANE, and I’ve been thinking about it a lot now.
vic and cho, who are basically his brothers- they hate their creator for playing god with them and giving them the worst treatment possible. and then years later, he creates second, who was the only one to see alan’s good nature- and even though it’s not his fault, he would probably feel some sort of guilt and go over and over in his head as to why he didn’t end up like them. if he wasn’t a good animator, would his entire story be completely different?
not to mention that second is just so,,,different from the colour gang. he doesn’t look like them, he wasn’t created to be on a site like them, he was created to be, well- ‘the chosen one’s return’. he knew he was different before, but it didn’t bother him as much. and now, well I feel like this new season is just going to give second a massive identity and/or existential crisis
anyways I think about the hollowheads way too much I’m very normal about this ANYWAYS SNSNDNJDJDJD
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fondcrimes · 4 hours
the "labru chapter" is the kabru chapter
this is a dungeon meshi love manifesto, but not in the way you think. sorry not sorry for the labrubait
what makes chapter 76 so amazing is kabru’s desperation has little to do with laios specifically. it’s not just about kabru being obsessed with laios and making sure he doesn't cause tragedy, either. I think this chapter emphasizes kabru's struggle with the concept of love and companionship. the point of this chapter is that every critical part of kabru collides at once and renders him useless.
(disclaimer: this post includes a lot of projection/speculation but it's to understand kabru's character arc i promise. for clearer analysis and examination of how kabru's ideologies are constructed, check out this really great post)
kabru is a lone visionary
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in ch 76, kabru’s threatened by lycion exposing his true intentions to laios not only bc he wants to prevent laios from joining marcille in her destruction, but also bc laios is also from a short-lived race and kabru needs an ally in his power struggle against elves (esp when the chips are down)
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but has kabru really accepted his need for allies in his plight? kabru has spent his adult life suppressing a human urge to connect meaningfully with others. he even keeps rinsha et al. at arm's length in the name of achieving his masculine hero complex/survivor's guilt goals. he's already quite disillusioned bc most adventurers don't have the same goal as he does. so he uses people and gets on their good side for systematic support. he’s well-intentioned and takes care of his party. but the idea that an ally could also protect HIM and make HIM feel safe as well doesn’t really register with him until later on in the narrative bc camaraderie and allyship, at its core, is about acknowledging intimacy. kabru struggles with intimacy sub-textually (his self-neglect and social insincerity) even though he knows how to simulate it to gain others' trust.
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but he can’t crack laios, he can’t get him to listen. for lack of a better world, kabru is spoiled by the fruits of his superb perception and emotional intelligence. he also doesn’t cope well with failure (bc his goal is too valuable to ~not~ devote himself to) he puts too much value in conquering laios and when he thinks he's failed, he basically crashes out. the real problem is he still doesn’t understand his true feelings--not feelings for laios, but the root of his desire. the root of his goals and the endless search for companionship.
kabru is a strategic historian
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at his core, kabru is a storyteller. he tells himself a variety of stories about his trauma and his goals, which serve as motivation and to some extent, self-protection (as shown in his conversation w mithrun). he deeply understands the role of storytelling in regards to the construction of history and drastic shifts in power.
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as an utayan, he understands that the tragedy that overcame his people was not random, but resulted from elven negligence of a disenfranchised people. it is imperative for kabru to cement himself as a voice for otherwise voiceless people. in his story, he has no choice but to handle the hero, if not become the hero himself.
kabru even has a story about his pursuit of laios, mainly that laios is currently the most capable person of defeating the mage and that he must do whatever it takes to ensure laios doesn’t fuck it up. his instincts are right, sure, but at first, he places special value in laios’ capabilities that almost seems unearned… like yes he’s studied the island adventurers with frightening expertise, so it makes sense he would have a good idea about who is the most equipped to succeed. but his early suspicions of the toudens seems to complicate my perception of his knowledge by adding emotional depth and a layer of tinhattery so to speak.
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canonically, kabru has been rebuffed by laios multiple times (which is so... lolll) when he's talking with his party, kabru hides behind the excuse of dungeon but he’s been trying to get his attention this whole time. to me it reads like he's got a bruised ego from being ignored and is being a hater about it (so real lol). it's funny bc kabru is usually great at taking shit from others (esp elves) if it means nobody suspects/interrogates his true intentions and he can keep the peace. so why does laios tick him off so bad? now we have to get into the psychoanalysis of it all!
kabru is a cynic
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first and foremost, kabru’s cynical philosophy about humans is challenged by the touden mission. but plenty of people don’t care about the impact of their actions, so why does kabru obsess over the toudens at the start? I figured kui changed gears with kabru's characterization following his introduction, but I want to try to connect it to kabru's unresolved survivor's guilt. kabru is the sole survivor of a catastrophe caused by negligence and oversight. he criticizes the negative impact of the toudens' generosity and naïveté and confirms his cynical worldview (the road to hell is paved with best intentions), but still maintains a level-headed perspective. on the other hand, kabru's interactions with laios are tinged with irrational jealousy/resentment/desperation, even prior to kabru learning laios' character/intentions as an adventurer. I cannot emphasize enough that I am employing a neutral definition of jealousy here--it seems kabru is jealous of the freedom to not care the way laios does not care about the fate of the island. this isn't to say laios doesn't care about humans, he does, but he seems so singleminded compared to kabru esp in ch 76. kabru sees laios going to the literal end of the world to save his sister. laios gets to be human selfishly, kind-natured but ultimately self-prioritizing.
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kabru correctly assesses motives (besides his own maybe). falin said she’d do anything to protect laios and marcille. laios has been socially rejected by people his whole life, and at first, he only cares about his sister and monsters. kabru has survived horror but only by accident… he doesn't agree with their pov and more importantly, it doesn’t exactly compute with him. the toudens are wholly unaware of their impact, which does not sit well with kabru at all, who understands the impact of negligence better than anyone else, esp how it ends up harming the less fortunate and extremely marginalized in society. it's reminiscent of the age-old trolley problem. while kabru has been the victim of senseless pain, I suspect kabru can’t yet make sense of senseless love. he gets to look down at their cause and call it selfish because it directly contradicts his lived experience.
kabru is an ethicist with a heroic streak
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it's easy to glean that kabru wants to be the hero utaya should’ve had. while he's hardcore and intense, but not paranoid enough to do something rash. he uses violence as a means of achieving peace. he's self-aware enough to know his skill limits, which seems rational at a glance but the pressure he puts on himself suggests he views himself as inadequate until he achieves his goal. the races of humans are so split up and he sees that this is a matter of power first and foremost.
with the canaries, kabru submits to political pageantry to make a separate case for innocent people. senseless tragedy is unforgivable, but so is the "too little too late" reality of the canary system. he takes on the impossible task of rallying people together to save the dungeon. one read is that he's saving his childhood self from trauma perhaps by saving those like him… he's wishing someone did something before it got bad, wondering why nobody intervened when they had every opportunity to step in. it’s deeper than a sense of duty or fairness, this is about betrayal and retribution.
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throughout his life, kabru struggles with the material inequity and limits of love. the human population is fundamentally segmented into a hierarchy due to lifespans and access to power/resources. his mother was the only one who loved him in utaya and she was ostracized because of his appearance and then she was killed due to senseless tragedy. his frustration with the elves encapsulates this idea perfectly, because he is aware of of the limits of their empathy as a long-lived race and adjusts his strategy and rhetoric accordingly. I think milsiril’s love for kabru is genuine, but still infantilizing and smothering due to the racial imbalance. this continues to inform his politics, as he views their perception of short-lived races with contempt. the worst offense is that their bigotry is nonsensical, meaning their hearts cannot be reasoned with.
dungeon meshi is a story about power and politics, yes, but genuine love and acceptance are the catalysts of change and equality. the "invisible gulf" that marcille is referring to is the inability to view other races with love and care. such is the essence of camaraderie. kabru's backstory, family history, and beliefs/motivations raise two important questions for me: who gets to be loved enough to survive, and then to thrive?
kabru is a monster
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the emphasis on distinguishing between humans and monsters is quite interesting too. of all sentient beings, who qualifies as worthy of "human" treatment? who deserves empathy and acceptance? kabru seeks these answers to fix the world, but also to justify his place in it.
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kabru's lack of self-worth is evident here, but what’s more interesting is he knows many humans suffer worse fates than some monsters. the dehumanization/neglect of fellow humans does not compute, if the premise is humans are superior to demi-humans/non-humans because mutual empathy and understanding. he clings to the superiority of humanity as an appeal to ethos to those in power despite what he might actually believe about himself. to kabru, the true injustice is that humans won’t even save “inferior” humans despite being the same. his unclear heritage manifests as guilt, as he feels directly responsible for his mother's suffering because he is monstrous. then here comes laios, a human who somehow can find it in himself to love monsters.
kabru doesn’t want laios to love him, per se, but laios’ love for monsters and for falin reveals life-altering possibilities for kabru: there is a world where someone could love him even if he were a monster. there is a world where somebody would go to extreme measures just to save him. kabru does not know the extent of laios' trauma but recognizes a sort of kindred spirit but inverse. taking off the ship goggles here--it has less to do with laios specifically, and more to do with what his beliefs/abilities represent for the trajectory of the world (because kabru studies how beliefs/abilities manifest into material reality, after all)
kabru is seeking the power of love
in a different story, kabru would be laios’ archnemesis. they would have a disastrous battle of opposing worldviews in their struggle for dominion. kabru has every right to want to take laios out bc while his affinity for monsters is sympathetic and even charming, it is still a natural threat… kabru has the true hero pathology. he believes he only deserves to live if he can save people for a variety of reasons/traumas. he should do whatever it takes to exterminate laios. but the expectation is subverted in chapter 76 bc we see kabru’s curiosity and ongoing quest for understanding win over his worst fears.
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I feel like I’ve been projecting a lot but bear with me... a huge part of kabru’s character is him trying to figure out how to matter to people, or figuring out why people matter to others in general. it’s not to say he doesn’t matter to his friends or milsiril, but why else would he bother with all the manipulative people-pleasing? it would be less meaningful if he had ulterior motives like greed or power, but he plays into people's expectations/desires for a disastrously noble cause. he’s still actively living in his trauma as a deeply traumatized adult. it’s pure serendipity that laios can send him right back to his past and then pull him right out again. I don't think it's crazy to say kabru (correctly) projects a lot of shit on laios bc he doesn’t know how to deal with those injustices and barriers between people himself.
this is also why I believe kabru's beef with laios is as personal as it is strategic. we have to consider the trajectories of their character arcs (their big missions, respectively) in relation to one another as foils. if laios' love for falin can move mountains and do impossible things, kabru is subconsciously drawn to the magnitude of that love like a magnet. his response to cognitive dissonance is quite remarkable as well. at the root of his unbelievable capacity for understanding and curiosity is the deep wound of being unloved and unprotected. kabru does not avoid or run away from his fears, he quite literally keeps running toward them and follows it down to hell. he wants to identify the true source of his deepest wound.
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to me, this omake connects his childhood curiosity to his search for love, almost as to ask “is there enough room for me to be loved?" and the same can be said for marcille's character arc/ backstory. her biracial heritage has caused her great existential pain and social isolation.
in dungeon meshi, the issues of protection and justice continue to be interpreted through love. if kabru were to go back in time and save utaya, he would’ve needed incomprehensible magic, a supernatural power to save himself, his mother, his hometown. in contrast, laios' mission to save falin is just one manifestation of the surreality of love, all of the impossibilities it permits. the touden party wade through invisible gulfs to save falin, but also each other. kabru doesn’t hate their story, he just can’t fathom it yet.
kabru is a skilled strategist and communicator. and does not listen to his heart or body until he’s absolutely forced to do it. he has insane goals and expectations for himself and will go to great measures for those goals. as cerebral and cold as he might seem, it’s critical to understand that his character arc is about love too. in my opinion, it’s almost as if he’s trying to change his reality in hopes of finding love. my favorite thing about kabru is that he has all the narrative makings of the perfect misunderstood villain who self-destructs at the end of the story. but kabru is too smart for that, too focused on the big-picture impacts and the historical trajectory of the cause. instead, kabru finds the wherewithal to stand down once he understands that laios is capable of loving humanity like he does, or that he could help him see the value in humanity at all.
to love is to understand, and then to surrender.
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OP you’re fighting the good fight defending the Kevin is a coward allegations. Truly I commend you. I think all Kevin is a coward believers should be hit with rocks
Like it genuinely pisses me of when character gets so misinterpreted to the point all people see Kevin as is spinless coward when he's really not. He's rightfully traumatized and not talking shit to freaking Yakuza is not being a coward. Once again Neil's bravary and hot headedness had horrible consequences for people. And in the end Kevin does stand up to riko and manages his fear of moriyamas better. So I don't get why to this day he's still labeled as a coward. He offered to talk to Neil when seeing riko gets him to panic not to mention told Neil to runaway after knowing the truth about him.bravery is not only shit talking. He also did run away and someone in the comments said it that Neil has really nothing to lose at that point and his critique of Kevin's way of dealing with trauma comes from jealousy.
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edelgarfield · 2 days
"so much of our history tells us that pain is what gives purpose" essek im going to need you to unpack that for like three hours.
like is he specifically talking abt his experience after meeting m9, where he thought suffering was the only way to atone for what he's done?
OR is essek saying that's what he thought his whole life prior to meeting m9 and learning there was fulfillment in happiness? (and i think this is the case bc the use of the phrase "our history" seems to imply essek sees this point of view as common, or "default" and that it's something that needs to be unlearned, which he's done)
because essek's moral philosophy & past is a big mystery prior to m9, like we know the broad strokes, he was isolated & prized knowledge above other lives, but we don't fully know where those ideas sprang from. and to some extent, I think it ultimately doesn't matter, bc so much of m9's personal philosophy is about letting go of past pain & choosing to be better moving forward, but that's a whole other post.
but this line imo gives a small peek into how he viewed the world before m9, and it's like. it makes sense, for someone who feels isolated & ostracized for thinking differently to view that struggle as a necessary burden. the idea of the "tortured prodigy" is extremely common, that great accomplishment whether artistic or academic necessitates suffering, both as a result of one's status as a genius & as a means of further developing that skill.
I just think it's super interesting bc imo it implies essek pre-m9 was FULLY aware of how miserable he was, but never took any steps to change it bc he thought suffering was the cost of success. which given it was his radical viewpoints that isolated him, that makes sense. the thing he wants most, knowledge & study of dunamancy, is the very thing that causes him the most pain. this viewpoint is one that not only disregards personal attachment/happiness, but actively discourages any attempt at making connections bc being happy means failure. (and I'm sure if you were to go back & show 80 year old essek his current circumstances, he WOULD consider it failure. essek gave up on the pursuit of knowledge in favor of forming connections with others & atonement.)
i also think this ties in with essek's superiority complex pre-m9, like, he thinks he's better & stronger than others bc he's able to endure suffering. other people pursue happiness & essek see that as a flaw in their character, he's better bc he's able to forego happiness for loftier goals. and it lends itself to the apathy necessary to sacrifice thousands of lives for the pursuit of power. sacrifice is an inevitable cost of advancement.
and i also think that encapsulates the struggles within bell's hells atm, the idea that pain needs to have a purpose, that there has to be a REASON for the trauma & pain we've experienced and as a result, holding onto that pain instead of letting it go
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npd-goro-akechi · 2 days
Yoshizawa, and what I would have liked to see from her character
P5R spoilers, to no ones surprise
I'll be honest, when i first played through P5R I very much did not enjoy Sumire. Didn't hate her, I just could not get myself to engage with her character. Which was a shame, because I saw what they were trying to do, I just think the game did it badly lol. Since then, I've started liking her significantly more. But, again, in no thanks to the game. Every few weeks I feel like I see a post somewhere discussing Sumire so I wanted to put all my thoughts in one coherent post. This mostly covers the direction I wish Atlus had taken to integrate her into the game better, based off completely my own opinions. First, I would have loved for them to lean further into the mysterious, possible-antagonist type I feel like they were teetering on the edge on in the P5R opening scenes in the casino. I think it would have been cool if you saw her hanging around members of the PTs during school, or had cutscenes of seeing Sumire and any of them together as if she was purposely befriending them, or any other small scenes that could have made her look suspicious if you were already coming from that angle, but then looking back after you finish the game, she's just some guy making friends. Of course, players who had played through the P5 vanilla would likely be a bit less suspicious, but with the addition of the 3rd semester I think it would be enough to keep people guessing about her role. I really don't have any detailed and well thought-out examples, though, so maybe it's not fair of me to criticize this part too much
However, I would revamp her fight with Joker in Maruki's palace completely. I feel like it comes off too much like it's Maruki's fault; she gets kept in his palace for a week and then when you meet her she fights you. To me, personally, even though I know she's choosing to do so, it really doesn't feel like it - it just feels like more of Maruki's influence. I think it would be infinitely cooler if she went back with the Phantom Thieves and then while they were all going through the palace she did something to sabotage their progress or try and stop them. It would feel so much more like her own decision and also highlight that desperation to stay as Kasumi - that she would be (apologetically,) willing to do something to halt or possibly harm her friends to avoid going back to how things were. I think if the Phantom Thieves managed to talk her out of it here, it would also work well for her actual awakening - it would likely be more impactful after a fight rather than in P5R, when the PTs are just going through the palace. It pisses me off how agency is a major theme of the game and yet one of the few times Sumire makes a choice, it's so easily brushed off as "Maruki's influence," because the game did not do a good job at portraying otherwise. In a fit of desperation, Sumire decided to fight Joker; she made that choice. But, especially with how the fight goes, with her persona then taking over, that choice is just washed over completely. I want her to be so desperate to hide from her trauma that she goes against the Phantom Thieves, and I want it to be unquestionably her decision.
There's probably more I could write, especially more about just the horror of her character, the whole taking on the role of your dead sister, but really that second part about changing her and Joker's fight is what I really wanted to talk about and dedicated most of my thoughts too lol
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ryuichirou · 2 days
Hmmm, any headcanons for twst boys in nebula college? Saw your drawing of Lilia in the Dragon house and it opened up a whole avenue of possibilities for me :3
Omg Anon!! Yeah, this is exactly what happened to us when I was drawing it, well not this exact sketch, but the one similar to that. The realisation that Nebula College is already thought out enough to have a crossover of sorts really hits hard lol So ironically, we did end up discussing which houses the twst characters would be in. And now you’ve given us the opportunity to share those thoughts, so thank you so much for your ask and for your interest <3
For those who don’t know: Nebula College is a project that Katsu writes (and I illustrate)! Katsu also wrote a post about the cast of Nebula College in NRC a couple of months ago, so it’s only fair to link it in this post >:3 Also, here is the description of all the houses and what they represent.
Riddle – the Dragon house; it’s debatable whether Riddle’s love for discipline and rules is something that is natural to him and not just his trauma lol but he would fit perfectly there: “organised, yet impulsive and loud” sounds like the most Riddle thing ever. He would be great at patrolling the school, plus he is technically a sporty boy.
Ace – the Snake house; the other option was the Unicorn house, and he would really prefer the latter because he would be super excited to be surrounded by rich and dazzling senpais spoiling him for being such an adorable charmer. The boy can dream all he wants, but he is destined to be a Snake because of his slyness and opportunism.
Deuce – the Dragon house, and he would probably be so honored. He would always do his best during the patrols… And also think about how being surrounded by reliable and organised people should be a good influence on him.
Trey – the Snake house; Katsu made two notes about him: the first one “asshole/knave I mean snake”, and the second one is “he’s a boa snake wearing glasses”. I think it describes Trey perfectly: he really is like a large calm and collected boa (the image of a boa snake in glasses is related to some of the cartoons we used to watch as kids lol), but at the same time the man is a liar and a hypocrite, he would fit right in with those fake bitches lol Even though he would probably consider himself a Dragon.
Cater – the Snake house; he is similar to Ace in a way, and I can picture him trying to befriend some of the Unicorns and maybe even succeeding at that, but ultimately he is kind of a poser. He is very good at communicating, but he is even better at knowing things about other people.
Leona – the Unicorn house; he is a prince, so it’s kind of a given. Falena probably graduated from this house as well, so Leona thinks that him being there is kind of a joke; it’s obvious that they people compare them all the time… but hey, at least the Unicorn colours look good on him.
Ruggie – the Snake house, this one is easy lol He also probably hangs out close to the Unicorns (this isn’t how Snakes usually act, it’s just the NRC Snakes are fucking leeches I guess), but that’s because he runs errands for Leona, to whom it’s much easier to talk to Ruggie than to fellow Unicorns.
Jack – the Dragon house; he would probably have a good time there surrounded by those who aren’t just as sporty as him, but also as responsible and earnest. Damn, Deuce would be his dormmate instead of Ace’s 😳
The Octa-Trio are from the Snake house;  there are some meta reasons for that, but also it’s just pretty obvious come on look at these lying bitches lol They are everything a Snake should be: smart, cunning, sociable when necessary, great at making connections and getting information, they’re also good at business and stuff. Azul would probably advocate for connecting with other dorms more though, and Jade would be intrigued by others too. Floyd probably doesn’t really care which dorm he is in, but don’t get fooled: he is one terrifying and dangerous snake…
Kalim – the Unicorn house! Nothing to add here, he is just there. People think he is a good-for-nothing princely type, but he is actually surprisingly good at communication. He is probably well-liked by everyone there.
Jamil – the Snake house, at least until Kalim enrolls and somehow Jamil gets transferred to the Unicorn house for some reason. He would hate it though because he really felt at home surrounded by Snakes, and now… now he is surrounded by Kalim-adjacent people who are amused by the fact that Kalim managed to get his servant to live at his dorm….
Vil – the Unicorn house; he has very strong charisma and amazing leadership skills, he is also charming and stubborn at the same time. He probably wasn’t necessarily expecting to end up there, but he fits in perfectly. But he is kind of a Dragon at heart when it comes to discipline and stuff… similarly to how there are some similarities between Pomefiore and Savanaclaw.
Rook – the Dragon house; his demeanor is a bit off, but honestly Rook could pull off being at every single House successfully, and his demeanor would always be off lol Now this is someone who loves patrolling. When it’s his shift, some students probably make a mistake of assuming that if they can’t see the patrolling guy then he isn’t there. But Rook is always watching…
Epel – I’ll quote Katsu on that one: “Epel is an idiot. The Dragon house, his dream came true” lol He shouldn’t get too happy about getting into the sportiest and “manliest” of dorms though because they are super serious about discipline, and no one is going to allow him to look like a hooligan. Brush your hair, Epel.
Idia – the Raven house- WOW, IS THIS OUR FIRST RAVEN? DANG so much for Night Raven College lol but yeah, Idia is definitely a Raven, and this is the only dorm he would survive in: he’s introverted, but very knowledgeable, perceptive and honestly surprisingly good at reading people for someone who hides from them all the time.
Ortho – the Unicorn house; he probably wanted to join Idia just so they could be together, but he is such an obvious charismatic leader when he wants to be. Considering that this is likely human!Ortho, he would also work as a kid from the Shroud family... Idia and him could be a great example of the Unicorn + Raven alliance.
Lilia – the Dragon house; there are some meta-reasons for that as well, but even without that, Lilia is very organisation-oriented, and he would be very comfortable in a structure that is the Dragon house. He is a great leader, but a different kind of leader, a war general, if you will.
Sebek – the Dragon house; pretty self-explanatory, look at this boy.
Silver – the Dragon house, but a Unicorn at heart. Sometimes it feels like he is in the wrong place, but it’s absolutely not because of how he acts: he does everything he is supposed to very diligently and tries very hard to be an honorable Dragon student. It’s just that if he stands near the Unicorns it just feels… right somehow.
Malleus – technically he should be in the Unicorn house, but he we couldn’t decide: he is kind of a mix of Unicorns and Ravens lol He has a lot of charisma and he is a good leader when he needs to be, and he sure as hell knows how to persuade people, but the overall vibes and architecture of the Raven house + their attitude is very close to him…
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lynsstrange · 2 days
the marauders as color/winter guard performers headcannons
(For the enjoyment of me and the probably one other person on the platform who’s two niche interests somehow overlap)
Section leader during marching season, team captain during winter season
Takes it VERY seriously
Is the reason they have twelve hours of practice a week, but also the reason they score very high
Everyone hates him the second conditioning comes around, constantly yelling at the team (Sirius) to try harder while they’re doing suicides and across the floors at seven in the morning
Rifle prodigy (he cannot stfu about showing off how many rotations he can do)
The overzealous upperclassman that scares off incoming freshmen
Always the one lending money at competitions for food. Also has first aid stuff, electric tape, hand warmers, and just about anything else the team could be in need of packed
Basically Team Mom ™
TECHNICALLY co-captain
Her and James are constantly bickering over whether her position is official (“That’s Mary, our FLAG SERGEANT” “WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN”)
She’s much more involved in flag, doesn’t like weapon as much
A good teacher, but brutally honest to anyone she sees as not meeting expectations
Resident playlist-maker, and has dominion over the speaker in the back of the bus
Is constantly critiquing the show design and advocating for aesthetic cohesion (“the rifles would look so much better if the bolts were taped blue, just saying”)
Is good at weapon, more so sabre
Doesn’t like flag as much, but always gets stuck on solos on it because he’s talented
Manages to miss his drill dot EVERY FUCKING TIME by just a little bit and it sends James into rage
Never really knows the counts, but always in time
Manages to look good even in the shittiest of costumes
Trauma dumps and tells wildass stories in the back of the bus on the way back from late night comps
Constant guard terminology sexual innuendo (“Remus, I need you to strip- your silk, Remus, mind out of the gutter 🙄”)
He doesn’t know how he got here
Meaning he got dragged into it by Sirius and James
(Mostly James)
Is basically being held hostage because of his skill- that being that he’s a lot stronger than he looks, so he’s good at rifle when he actually tries
Always has some dusty ass beat up novel in his competition duffle (me)
Late to practice or gone often because he has so many other academic commitments lmao
Always covered in bruises from getting whacked by equipment
Competitive only when it comes to Sirius. (Sirius can do a one handed forty five?? Remus can do a DOUBLE one handed forty five)
Marching band historian during fall season
Runs the guard’s social media pages
Organizes all team parties
A STICKLER for team traditions, and makes sure they’re continued on each year
Pretty well-rounded, but prefers flag
Like Remus, only truly competitive and spiteful when it comes to James
All the freshmen love her because she’s a good teacher, and she has a special talent of talking just about anyone into auditioning
Always mad about the state of disarray in the guard room
Like Remus, isn’t sure how he ended up here
Isn’t really that great at anything, but he tries real hard
Plays trumpet or smth during marching season lmao
And somehow ended up in guard by peer pressure and a crippling fear of being left out
Weapon NERD
And honestly all around guard nerd
Is almost as enthusiastic as James
She even did baton for a short period of time for fun
Is one of those people who can just whip rifle around in that effortless way (you know the type of person I’m talking about)
Constantly coming to James with feedback about choreography, and they’re always either getting along very well or at odds
Definitely on her way to DCI
Resident makeup helper (she can do a mean cat eye, even on a highway in a school bus)
Maybe at some point I’ll do the skittles or other various characters lol but for now I’m imagining just the in-universe Gryffindors/marauders as one team haha
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msp9 · 3 days
WHATS HAPPENING IN CASA DE CHAOS #part 1: YAZ/Yasmina (mostly her ptsd, analyzing screenshots)
This is gonna be my series of me yapping about each character, for example what have they been up to, hopes, speculations, theories... etc. (from the info we have from the clips and ep 1)
So Yaz, or should i call her doctor Yaz? Get it? Bc she's a phycology student.... Career: Never mind so as i said apparently, Yaz is studying psychology in college, for what i assume like around 3 years depending when she started. This is such a big step for her character's growth. After everything she's been through, including her mental health struggles and internal conflicts, she's switched gears and is now pursuing a degree in psychology to help others who may have experienced similar traumas. Also in the clip, she seems excited to show Sammy her new project, which suggests that she's genuinely enjoying her studies and feels passionate about the field. She went from a she's-a-runner-she's-a-track-star to a mature phycology student. Overall, this shows that Yaz is now dedicated to making a positive impact on others through her education and future career. I'm so happy for her. It makes sm sense for her character to pursue this specific career. Overall, looks like shes been fine on the island. (not) .
Ptsd: So Yaz seems to have moved to a non-dinosaur island of some kind. Personally i assume that is for her trauma and struggles when the dinosaurs got to the main land. (and obviously safety) She is obviously the most effected one from jwcc.
Now in trailer 3 we can see 1 moment that could possibly be connected to her Ptsd:
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Here we see Yaz on the ground, she obviously looks scared but i wanted to point out the lights hitting her. They dont really look that "connected" to the scene? Im not sure how to axplain this... Just the way it shines on her clothes and hair and the fact that we cant see the backround clearly, looks like it could be some kind of illusion, or one of her dreams. To stand with my point is the exact next scene:
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We see, a what I'm 99% sure is a dinosaur, attacking her. The coloring and environment is similar so we can assume this is from the same scene. It ofc cuts off before we can see anything else, to me it looks as if the camera shows Yas's point of view. Which makes me believe this is in fact a nightmares of hers. Another point i want to make is just how much darker this whole dream is. Just look at it!!! Its super darker compared to the season 4 ones. Plus in another clip they showed blood. So i wouldn't question if the nightmare were a lot worse then they used to. And the way the Dino attacks its dark yk? you don't even have time to react.
Basically where i want to get to is that, she is not done with ptsd yall.
3) Yaz and Sammy :Okay even if the clips don't showcase much. They have definitely not lost contact as Yasmina states "this is the project I've been talking to you abt". So obviously she has been talking abt it a lot. When it comes to why Sammy was acting out of character when Yaz was showing her project . My personal theory is that Sammy is just trying to make Yaz come with them and leave the island. and from what i speculate here we will probably get a yasammy argument. Overall they are probably together and from what we've seen we might get some tension between them. I'm all in for that. (As long as they don't breakup)
Thank you for reading my big Yaz rant, am i going to make more of these with the other characters? We'll see. Probably yes.
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Annon-Guy: What are your thoughts on Rachel Alucard and Mei Amanohokosaka as characters?
I'm asking because Tsundere type characters being devisive, with Harsh Tsunderes being hated for being "abusive" girls that deserve to die for attacking physically and/or verbally.(whether they're in love or not)
It's apparent that we Western Fans (no offense to you) don't view them the way Japanese Fans do.
It is interesting how widely JP and Western tastes differ! I have a buddy who is really into studying fandom culture, and we’ve talked about the wildly different reactions to tsundere between the cultures! I wonder if I should call her in sometime to discuss why that is…
Anyways, personally I have no problem with the archetype. Sometimes they can annoy me, especially if they feel ‘forced’ into their archetype; if the character seems mean for “absolutely no reason,” to the point where it breaks my immersion, then I tend to dislike them.
I’ve never had this issue with BlazBlue, though. I really, really like BlazBlue’s character writing. I’d still say that if I ever met these girls in real life, I probably wouldn’t want to go drinking with them… but as characters in their stories, and as believable products of their environments, I adore them!!
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Rachel is SUCH a tragic fucking character. You can like or dislike how she’s coping with it, but if you engage with her character on any meaningful level, you have to acknowledge that her cruel, jaded behavior is a believable response to the situation she’s in. It’s not nice, it’s not pretty- neither is the life she’s trapped in. In what world has trauma or helplessness ever made us prettier, cleaner people?
She’s cold, distant, unempathetic- because if she lets herself remember how much she cares, the weight of it all might break her. She’s incredibly sensitive under that cold porcelain shell; she snaps into aggression very quickly when under pressure. Specifically when confronted things that she hasn’t been able to distance herself from, things she cares too much about to feign distant superiority.
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Powerlessness is something of a through-line among the tsundere characters in BB. Mei is also a character struggling with powerlessness, pain, and fear; and she responds to her situation n a lot of the same ways Rachel does.
To avoid feeling weak or trapped, she falls back on her lineage, seeking escape in her sense of pride. She’d rather tell everyone (including herself) that she’s separate and above everything around her. The alternative would require her to face the horrible truth that if she did try to seek comfort or companionship under her employment (servitude, extortion, etc.) to Unomaru, she would be denied it.
Her fear turns to aggression when backed into a corner, when her mask of aloof superiority can no longer protect her. In these cases, she can be explosively emotional; which isn’t at all surprising, considering how much she’s bottling up all the time.
Thinking about it a little, Rachel and Mei share a few more parallels, don’t they??? They both get very quiet when they let down their walls, reflecting the exhaustion they suffer from. They’re both in a uniquely knowledgeable position, with access to information about the world that most people don’t have, which further serves to alienate them- and creates this sort of “being the world’s protector” feeling I’d argue they both express.
They both lost their parents incredibly young, inheriting positions of nobility, leadership, and responsibility they were certainly not prepared for. They both keep going in the hope that a specific man in their lives will one day be able to have a future.
Their designs share several elements too. A delicate, doll-like feel to their features. Long straight hair that veils them from the world (despite Rachel tying hers up) and, in JP media, often symbolizes spiritualism and divinity. They both wear lolita fashion, with many layers that could also be argued to ‘shield’ them from the rest of the world, providing a form of mental armor and obscuring how small and fragile they are under it all.
I doubt these similarities are coincidence.
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