#will be putting down a few of the general fandoms my blogs work on right here in the tags
simplegenius042 · 5 months
To all my mutuals...
I'm developing a off-Tumblr list of fellow mutuals who want to be tagged for my stuff and those who wish not to be. (Me on the other hand? Please DO tag me in your stuff, I love being tagged and reading all your works even when I don't say much, which is something I'm trying to get out of the habit of).
Just so I know who actually wants to be tagged for my stuff, would you so kindly like this post? Or comment (even reblog if you want) if you want to state your answer more clearer? (A yes or a no is all I need).
My "stuff" in question includes the following:
WIPs, Publishing of my fics, Music Mondays/Playlists relating to characters/stories, Tag Games, Quizzes, maybe art and other related things (once I expand my comfort zone to become more familiar with that stuff).
While I mostly group together some of my WIPs together (which often include fandoms you may or may not be in) on the blog I'm posting from now (and then reblog them to one of my main story blogs depending on if they include the specific fandom I write for them in), there are times I will be posting from my other three main story blogs which include my @the-untitledverse-blog (fandoms greatly vary and often mix in with original writing), @the-silver-chronicles (mainly Far Cry 5 with some other fandoms mixed in and few original writing), and @life-despair-and-monsters-blog (a couple fandoms mixed in with original story, a smaller scale The UnTitledverse) as well as of course this blog which includes fandoms in all three blogs, but is mostly meant for original story and that one Fallout series I'm cooking up. In fact, my pinned post on this very blog will give you a run down on the fandoms each of these blogs focus on so if you want you can make a more clear decision there.
Anyway, remember to like if yes, or if you want to be more thorough and clear on your answer, comment or reblog either just a yes or a no.
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dilfhos · 8 months
sooo this is gonna be a messy rant on the observations ive made between different writer communities, blog interactions and overall “status”. just silly little things I’ve noticed in my 4+ years being on tumblr btwn 2 diff blogs. and this is about no one specific, a very generalized post so if you find urself offended i honestly dont know what to tell you?? :o do better ig. & if you relate, i feel for you. TLDR @/end.
i dont like interacting/ building connections with people but not for the reasons ppl think. im not stuck up or pretentious or weird or anything. just another anime-enjoyer who loves to write in her free time. nobody special by a longshot!! i enjoy writing, always have since before i was a teen. (wasn’t always ff tho!).
but over the years ive just noticed fandom writing has its gritty sides that no one talks about often and its no mystery why so many prolific/ popular writers deactivated, me included. i had some shitty experiences and have seen friends go bc of it.
firstly, I’ve noticed, once you start interacting and building friendships with people, it’s easier to see the bigger perspective of where ppl stand and the blatant hierarchy of friendships and groups. same applies to that outside. like its literally just me n’ my bsf then my acquaintances bc mfs be weirddd omg its like cults or something. like thats why initially I didn’t interact w/anyone starting on my new blog. that n’ fear of drama following from my last blog ugh. ‘Cept the few i’ve met on my old blog (like my wifey)
not to mention i have bad anxiety. and sometimes im cue-deaf. i dont always pick up what people put down and vice versa and it makes me conscious in a lot of my interactions. so a part of me doesn’t want to interact at all to avoid all awkwardness and possible miscommunications. that’s not to say i don’t notice subtle changes in interactions after one situation / conversation or so forth, that in myself or witnessed between other ppl. (im perceptive, just not that good conversationalist lol. like i really have to try.)
but then…if you don’t interact with people on here, your chances of building an audience or a reader base is slim to none. the likelihood of developing relationships is zip. because you’re already perceived and pegged as just another tumblr writer. pause. to clarify, a writer who doesn’t want any recognition or interactions from mutuals or new friends. or just a lonely writer? a introverted, lonely writer. which leads to little to none interactions (anons, reblogs, moots —exposure.)
so then its like you’re kinda placed btwn a rock n a hard place. and there’s absolutely no problem with that! in fact this is the best part—meeting friends and like-minded people! people that make being online all the more worth it right? thirsting over fictional characters and sharing in each other’s works!
but you have to be in specific circles it seems. but then you can’t imply that you want to be in those circles bc then you’re desperate.
but well, then you cant purposefully want to be independent or be on your own or else you’re a hater, hypocrite or stuck up. not to mention, no one will reblog your stuff lol. no one will interact fr, and you’re friendless essentially. and god forbid if you disagree on something as if opinions don’t exist btw! then you’re being ganged up on. (like omg grow up!)
but then if you reach out you’re seen as trying to wedge in or kiss ass? you interact and follow and you’re ignored or left hanging? (bc im gonna touch your hand when i say this—it never gave fan, your majesty of horny nerds) and this is about ALL the writing communities and fandoms—spicy content, black content and dark content. ALL.
yet no one wants to talk about the pregnant elephant in the room—bias. and favoritism. also people seem to have a hard time being direct with how they’re feeling toward/about someone ( in a good or bad way) which in turn leads to a lot of miscommunication and subliminal attacks. (not to mention hate anons? one of my moots just had her inbox flooded w/them recently, ew.)
you can lead a horse to water AND you can write a 500-word essay on the observations made on tumblr writers as a whole. (a long ass post on the truth on behalf of those feeling this too)
also, slapping a HEY LOOK AT ME! IM A WRITER WHO WANTS INTERACTION AND FRIENDS! on a blog is frankly embarrassing. it shouldn’t even take all that seeing how easy it is for others wanting the same thing.
or doing less to achieve the same result.
not to mention, yall shit on ppl who essentially feel this way altogether bc you peg them as sb who doesn’t “try” or just jealous when their own works are phenomenally written themselves. ive seen it. and ive lived it. never gave jealousy baby.
at the end of the day, we’re all writers— either longterm or hobbyists. (personally, im longterm) self-indulgent or not! and its absolutely amazing when people are being fair in how they spread love and feedback to their writers.
Secondly, its not news that people have to want to reblog your fics so that their followers can reblog, so they can reblog, and their followers can reblog and so forth. but ppl honestly dont care atp bc once they’ve already read it, they owe you nothing. and apparently asking for reblogs is crass and bold. (imma do it anyway) but putting your very all into a story just to turn and see a half-thought out hc soaring 3k in 2hrs and 5k in a day — you have to stfu, open your ass and take it. keep it cute!
you’re getting fucked after all!!
because if you complain—you’re just jealous and lazy and uncreative!! and i hate that to seem like a writer worth a damn, you have to change up your writing style every two weeks to fit in with trending waves.
“no more poetic long fics, nobody’s into that! short, snappy slutty shots are all the rage!” “ppl are only into these specific tropes but you can’t exceed 2k words!” “only add trending characters to these hcs! ppl love them only!” “don’t write too much about a specific character or else ill unfollow you!” its exhausting.
i am well within my right as a literary artist to desire more feedback and interaction on anything i put out. period. and you are too! 🫵
God, im tired of that stupid, ‘you have to enjoy your writing for yourself and not worry about notes’ line. i do love my writing! don’t get me wrong there’s nobody id rather write like if not myself fr. not to mention the inspiration i draw from famous literary authors. however, i would love feedback and the same energy that i see with others in my same caliber.
and when i see others that didn’t even try fr—its a slap in the face to put it bluntly.
i can want silly little comments and notes about something i cherish and put out for that reason and yall aren’t gonna make me feel bad about it. sorry! like yall really be making people feel shitty for wanting the same type of interactions you get! especially when its harmless, bye asf. nb want to recipe to ur peach cobbler b!
the only one giving push back are those appointed popular /top blogs n’ cliques tho. now personally, i honestly dgaf if you have 20 followers or 25k, writing is writing and if its good you should want to support it regardless of following count/interaction right?
unfortunately, and quite unsurprisingly its not the case for the rest of this hellhole lol. there’s always gonna be some “big blog” in any part of tumblr or any social media for that matter.
but when the sole purpose being on a site like tumblr to write is mainly exposure, then it just makes it ten times worse especially if it seems that these blogs are steady at the top of every. single. tag. and listen, i know how initially stupid that sounds but when you’ve picked up on patterns for as long as i have, well iykyk.
so imma be real bc no one else will, half of the posts that yall see with 25k notes have alr been done. just different characters, different words, different dialogue. And 8/10 its been done by sb who only received 100 notes. Thats the evil part. whats more is that it lacks the creativity the one post with 100-300 notes is filled with completely.
POP QUIZ! what post would readers be more inclined to read? — one that says 10k (ohhh that must be popular!) or the one with only 150 (oh i guess nb really liked that one) that no one is even willing to reblog for MORE. and BOOM. now yall wonder why so many great writers LEAVE, its a fucking joke.
so unfortunately its no longer only about or only on readers anymore. its about who you know and who you know is willing to support your fr. who is willing to REBLOG your fics for their friends and followers, so that their friends and followers can reblog. to fit in you actually have to get in these days and it makes it all less enjoyable. makes it a chore and if you aren’t ‘doing it right’ ultimately it makes you feel shitty about your writing. (Please don’t, you are doing amazing. its the platform.)
it makes people not want to jump into writing. it pushes away those who actually want to join writing communities and meet people without feeling like they have to jump thru hoops to thrive or worse—live in other ppls shadows. and then it deters those from speaking up in fear of being shut down by bigger groups. ive seen it happen time and time again.
lastly, and this is the juiciest part! you absolutely cannot say anything about any of this bc you’re complaining and a fisher just looking for attention and not someone who just want things to be fair all over. play the game, right? ( wrong. and if this is your logic, you suck! )
its no longer about making flashy banners and pretty themes. its no longer about how many clever directory links you add or how many games you initiate on your blog or whether or not you’ve reblogged your fic three times already. its about your “friends”, other mutuals, and blogs willing to support you too. not just the audience. audience gonna do what they want regardless. reblog, don’t reblog, whatever. “at least ive read it right?” but everyone knows this. duh! but it’s obvious who doesn’t care as long as they’re on top of that tag! its admirable in a way but it sucks for those wanting to break out and build some kind of readerbase and/or make friends.
TLDR; people need to stop being bias and be fair and open lol. stop picking favorites and share the love all around. you see another person writing your favorite character or trope, give them a fucking chance and reblog, regardless if they’re in your ‘circle’ / radar or not. regardless if you know them or not. hell, let them put you on to a new fandom. bc writing is writing and making new moots and finding new fics seem to be what everyone loves to showcase until its time to actually do it. no wonder people get discouraged to make friends and write, yall treat it like some kind of secret society when its supposed to be fun💀 not a competition. (yall need to dead this clique-y shit. )
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creampuffqueen · 2 months
Creampuffqueen Account Birthday Fic Bash!!!
Hello all my dear friends and followers!! Today is this account's sixth birthday, which is just wild to me. It's hard to believe I've been on tumblr for that long, but here we are. I just wanted to come on here and say how grateful I am for this account and all of the lovely friends I've made from it!
And, as a celebration, both of this account's birthday and the 400 follower milestone I recently passed, I will be opening up my fic requests!
It's been quite a while since I've done this, and it will likely be a long time before I do it again once this is over, so please take advantage of it while y'all can! I'm very excited to create things from my lovely followers' favorite characters and ships!
Now, there are a few rules/guidelines for this. Please take the time to read these before requesting!
When you send in a request, please send in the characters/ships you want AND some kind of prompt. it can be a quote, it can be one of those ship prompt things from a list, it can be some ideas and a general vibe. But please give me something to work with!
If I've posted for the fandom before, it's fair game. This is a multifandom blog and I enjoy all kinds of media. It doesn't matter how long ago it was, if you saw me post for that fandom then I will be down to write for it
These don't all have to be ship fics as I'm more than happy to write gen/friendship focused fics. If you do send in a ship, just note that for the most part I enjoy canon ships over non-canon ones. That's not to say I won't do something non-canon, not at all. But if you're stuck between two ships and one is canon while the other isn't, I'm more likely to enjoy the canon one. If you have a question about a particular ship, please feel free to send in an ask and I will let you know my thoughts on it!
Please keep all prompts SFW
BABYFICS!!! they are my specialty and I love writing them. If you've been craving seeing your favs with cute babies, this is the place to request it. Just putting this out here as I know babyfics aren't a lot of peoples' jam (which is totally cool) but they are mine! In fact they're some of my favorite things to write ;)
I reserve the right to refuse any request. If I won't write it, I will do my best to answer your ask with why so you can send another request if you want
You can send in multiple requests, but please keep in mind that I am just one person, and a busy college student at that. Please have patience! I will be doing my absolute best to get all of these written in a timely manner, but life happens, and I won't be sacrificing grades/personal life for these, no matter how excited I am to write them
I know that's kind of a lot but I want to keep things as streamlined as possible so everyone can request things easier!
Fic requests will remain open for a week or two, depending on how many I get. The fics themselves will be pretty short, probably ~1000 words each, give or take, so I don't burn myself out by writing all of them. This post will be my pinned post for as long as requests are open, and I will remove it once they are closed.
Happy requesting!! I can't wait to see everyone's ideas! Thanks for participating in my account's birthday bash!
For examples of my writing:
Writing Masterlist
Ao3 Account
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midnightfire830 · 7 months
Blog Boundaries
So. It’s come to my attention that I need to set down some ground rules and boundaries. I’ve noticed some, uh, behavior for lack of a better term that just doesn’t sit right with me. So I’m going to lay out my boundaries for my blog and as an artists. I’ll put what I’m ok with and what I’m not ok with so this can kinda be a reference guide for my blog.
This may be a bit harsh and I’m sorry. Those who have gone across those boundaries BEFORE I made this post are ok as long as you start to follow the ground rules from here on.
I am ok with:
- People drawing my AUs and characters as long as you either @ me or mention that it belongs to me. (Hell, I’ll even reblog and help support ur drawings)
- Asks about my AUs and characters in general are ok. From questions about how an AU works/aspects, questions directed to my characters, or even if you wanna give something to the characters (I’ve seen that done in some blogs and as of now I don’t mind that, just pls don’t go overboard, thanks)
- I don’t think I mind inputting your OCs if your doing drawings of my AUs or characters. Just don’t expect me to make it canon or draw it into canon. (This one is iffy I might take this off if it goes overboard)
- Clarification in the comments section. If there was an ask that didn’t fully explain something or you wanted to clear something up then by all means go to the comments I don’t mind. Or put in another ask. That’s another way to do it.
- I also don’t think I mind people putting in requested ideas in asks for now. Tho there’s a chance I won’t do it if I’m not too motivated by the request. (Again this rule may change depending on how it goes from here on)
Things I am NOT ok with:
- Asking me or pressuring me to draw your AUs, characters, or OCs. This has come up a few times but I want to officially put it on record that if you ask me to, I will say no. Even for asks. Any kinds of other OCs or AUs I draw would only be for my close friends.
- Spamming me with the same asks. If you sent in an ask and I didn’t response don’t send in the same ask again. (That includes reiterating the same ask) I can see all interactions with my blog and posts. I see your asks, replies, comments, reblogs, and likes. If I do not respond to your ask it is for a good reason. Sometimes I’m trying to answer other asks, I’m drawing up a response (that takes time), I’m holding on to it for a later date, I’m lacking motivation on answering or I just don’t want to. Pressuring me to answer your ask Doesn’t. Help. Just because you put in an ask doesn’t always mean you’rs entitled to an answer.
- Being aggressive or pushy with asks. I’m ok with playful aggression targeted towards characters (say for example someone expressing they hate Dice from Royalty) that’s ok. But there’s a line. And some have started to toe that line. Please tone it down a bit.
- Please don’t include me in any kinds of drama. Both internet and off. This includes political topics, wars, events, gossip, etc. I seriously don’t want anything to do with it. The purpose of this blog is to share my AUs and ideas and support other artists. Not for internet drama. If you’re gonna tag me it should be about art, AUs, and fandom related. I’m not gonna waste my energy, time, or stress on other stuff like that.
- And ig in terms of topics I want to avoid things like: NSFW, incest, p*dophilia, r*pe, permanent disfiguration (like chopping off limbs stuff outside of I guess whatever I have built into the lore of my AUs), outright physical torture or major character death. (The usual things)
Warning: if you cross one of these boundaries I will give you a few warnings. If you continue to cross boundaries I will block you.
I’m sorry to be harsh about this but I really have to put my foot down on this. I can’t tolerate people who won’t respect my boundaries.
This post might be subject to change and updated as time goes and as I interact more with viewers/readers. If you are wondering if something you’re doing might be crossing a boundary, you can use this post as a reference. I’ll pin it to my blog so anyone can find it.
If you are still not sure or want clarification, or you have a specific circumstance in mind, you can jump down to the comments section of this post, send me an ask, or even go to my DMs (if you want to ask privately). I will more than likely see your question and I’ll try my best to answer as soon as possible. It might take a bit depending on if I’m busy IRL. So please be patient.
Anyway, thank you guys for taking the time to read this and respecting my boundaries. Your support with my blog and art so far is greatly appreciated im excited to continue to interact with y’all going forward! (stars I sound like I’m writing a business email XP)
Also, I apologize if it might come off as harsh or passive aggressive, I’m a little bit steamed at the moment and I’m trying to make this as neutral as possible! 😅
Thanks again,
Last updated: 11/01/23
Also bc this post was helpful, this link will take you to the AU guide I had pinned previously
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dorkfruit · 5 months
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i put this together using my computer's trackpad so the new year is already starting out . bad .
posts: J | F | M | A | M | J | J | A | S | O | N | D
reflections on the year, my plans for the future, some studies i did, and wips for the next year all down below for those who are interested
tldr; we will be ianthing next year so watch out!!
oh dear lord it's been another year. 2024! can you believe it! i don't talk much on this blog because i have a tendency to talk too much, but it's my little new year's treat, so here we go.
i started taking drawing "seriously" in December of 2020, starting to do studies and stuff, and each year since i've ramped it up more and more. this year, i did. a lot of studies. there's probably like at least 200 more in my folder now (not including the 300 days worth of gesture drawings i did), with things like painting, faces, feet, poses, etc. anything i was struggling with, i went right into studying it. my art has been mediocre for a pretty long time now, and it's only the past few months where i feel i'm starting to get the hang of it, which is exciting!
more importantly, i started posting a lot more on this blog. i really like documenting my progress, looking on where i was before and seeing how i've improved. everytime i draw some fanart, im like, oooghh i can't wait to show my (: followers (: !! lots of locked tomb art of course. i've been trying to nail the energy of the different characters, which is why i enjoy books so much, because you get a lot of creative control. drawing ianthe is my fav of course, cause she's my lil nasty, but also i enjoyed doing designs for characters i hadnt thought about before, like judith.
in addition to the locked tomb, we had some new fandoms that got brief moments in between iantheposting: Fear and Hunger, Postal, Faith The Unholy Trinity, and a couple of old ones too, like We Have Always Lived In The Castle and The Merciless.
i posted about 115 times this year, although most of those are shitposts LOL i love posting stuff on my blog and showing people my stuff <3
my plans? do more ianthe art, of course. ill be working on more studies, probably going to work on developing a style, and figuring out how to paint. i'd like to do more actually finished pieces, but let's be honest, it'll still be mostly shitpost doodles. i'd like to do more weird stuff. i've been messing around with some gore and NSFW near the end of the year, and it's fun to draw for me. i like idk art that evokes some type of emotion, especially discomfort, and so i find that type of art fun to do, so if you don't enjoy what i've done thus far in that direction, perhaps this isn't the blog for you. i really like horror media, and so i want to do some stuff like that too.
for specifics, i like western type art, a comic book-esque style i'd like to aim for. but i'd like it to be a little more. weird with it. i find comic books often draw all the characters the same, and make all the characters traditionally attractive, and that's boring to me so i'll have to work on finding a way to keep things weird, while also appealing in a graphic sense. the worst thing my art could be is bland and forgettable.
locked tomb wise... more tridentarii art. need to be really weird with it. i have lots of wips planned, like i have a whole page worth of just thumbnails, so i wanna get some of those done. also i had a few animatics i wanted to do. mostly stupid shit, once i learn how to do animatics, then we'll do actual serious ones. id also like to do more comics. i have some comics storyboarded out with my girlies, i like telling a story so, need practice on that. id also like to develop a way to consistently draw them, for convenience sakes, so i'm not fighting for my life every single time i draw these characters. oh and i wanna do some outfit stuff. i draw them in like. generic clothes everytime but i'd like to come up with a few actual outfit designs, that i can just reference back to. and, of course, more shitposts. lots of stupid shit in 2024 for sure. there was something else i wanted to say here but i can't remember.
oki enough rambling, here's some IMAGES for yall to look at i know everyone loves to look at images.
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began this year by warming up with gesture sketches (almost) every day. i started with 20 poses (30 seconds each), and then in november i was like. ugh my hands suck i need to get better at hands, so i switched to doing 10 hand sketches (60 seconds each). i want my art to be very energetic so it's important that i do these !!
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anatomy studies of extremities because i'm flopping at those -_- ive gotten better with hands but they're still a struggle. i hate feet tho still
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need to get my painting game up. i joined an art forum to get advice, and the biggest suggestion i got was working on my values, so i did various value studies. also lots of faces because my faces flop !!
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random doodles to work on drawing from imagination. on my "sketchbook" pages, as i like to call them, i'm usually pretty loose and messy, since the point is just to be drawing so often these will suck, but that's fine. i don't think very much when i draw faces on here either so they end up being in my Instinctive Style i suppose you could say
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ianthe wip. i was planning to do a few drawings based on the idea of her having Missing Arm nightmares, but the lineart was intimidating to me so i haven't worked on this one more yet /: also there was going to be a toontown gay homosexual toxic yuri comic that i was gonna put here with it but the page is way too long so umm guess that'll have to wait.
anyways. thank you for reading if you got to the bottom of this! i appreciate all the support that i've been getting lately (extra big kissies for the same like 5 people who always reblog my posts youre the best). and we will be ianthing soo hard in 2024 so watch out!!
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wraenata · 9 months
You seem to put a lot of energy into being considerate of others. I'm thankful for it but like, how? I hope you're taking care of yourself.
Hi anon! Thank you very much, I really appreciate this.
I really like being considerate of others, in fact it makes me happy. When I see someone having a down day, I just want them to know that someone saw, and wants things to get better for them. Because that's how I really feel. I love all of you in my phone and I want you to be ok. And I like leaving nice tags for people on their art, because I know how much joy that can bring.
But, ugh, yeah. I'm not going to lie, it takes a lot of energy.
I think I'll put the rest under the cut...
Ever since the months started getting warmer this year I've been having more trouble keeping up with my dash (I'm someone who needs to scroll through the whole thing). Before the wedding I was in and covid about a month ago, I was able to just barely keep up with my dash and also scrolling the rise tag. Because I didn't want to miss anything! I also was able to scroll through ao3 to see what new fics were posted and bookmark ones I wanted to read! I...haven't been able to do that anymore...and I hate it.
I'm so far behind on reading fanfics that I absolutely enjoy because I just don't have the energy for reading anything longer than 1k at a time right now. And I can't start any new ones until I catch up on the old ones. There are so many writing posts I came across on my dash that are stuck in draft jail until I have time and energy to read them. And quite a few art posts that I came across when I just didn't have time.
I try hard to keep up with my dash at work but I only have so much (extremely generous) time to do that. I'm often speed running tags when I don't have a lot of time or energy. And sometimes I can't express just how much I love your art because of that low time or energy. And I hate putting posts in drafts cause it piles up and gives me anxiety. And when I come home its just, dash, all night.
I am eternally grateful for @/teainthesnow, she keeps all the tmnt tagged posts coming onto my dash so I can still see them (if you see this tea I am so appreciative of all the work you do for the fandom, you are an amazing person and I love you/platonic).
I've already unfollowed a few blogs, and I agonized over it, for like weeks, before doing it. But it hasn't been enough. If you noticed I unfollowed you in the past 2 months, please know that it was nothing personal and I hated that I had to do it. I miss seeing your posts and how your day is going. We are mutuals in my heart forever.
In fact I wish I could follow so many more blogs but I have had to stop myself for a while now. And it really fucking sucks. I've tried filtering a bunch of tags to make it easier too but it's not enough.
The fact of the matter is, I need to unfollow more blogs. And I hate to do it. I know I need to do it. I've known for a while now. I don't have the energy to keep up with it anymore, not after getting covid. I'm just so tired. All the time.
If you see that I unfollow you at some point, again, I love you and we are mutuals in my heart forever. All of my followers are my mutuals. My askbox and messages are always open. You can always tag me in posts (and oh my I'm just remembering all the of tag games I haven't had time to do) I just can't keep up with this anymore. I want to get back to reading fanfic and making the mountains of fanart I want to do for people.
I just, I love you all. But I'm so so tired. I really hope if anything comes out of this long ramble, its that I love you all. The rise fandom has given me so much and I want to return that love.
I'm sorry for the late response anon, and I'm sorry for turning your lovely ask into a bit of a vent. I've tried to put this off for as long as I could, but I just can't do it anymore.
I love you all though <3
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abstract-talk · 2 months
Ooh I like you!
I think many of his actual fans have noticed something is off and have been concerned.
One thing I can say from observation is this man had one of the most loyal fanbases.
The simple fact that majority of the people now invested in the real vs pr debate, aren’t even fans. They just want to be right or prove others wrong, so I’m not even going to deep dive in that.
But his legit fans have wanted to know who and what type of person they have supported. He’s done a 180 but, that’s the thing people don’t know if this is him showing his true self or is Chris doing what Chris has to do for whatever reason. Hollywood is a crazy place, that’s all I can say.
I hope he and his team don’t ever try to take his fandom for granted because it backfired immensely.
Fans aren’t entitled to any celebrity’s personal life. At the same time there’s a certain level of respect that should be set both ways.
And I must say the fans should stop putting other humans on pedestals because it’ll always lead to disappointment.
I don’t believe Chris Evans has fooled anyone, I just think there’s more to this than any of us will ever know. I simply wish people would understand just because things appear one way doesn’t mean that’s the truth and opinions and speculation are not facts.
Love your blog!
I would 100% agree with your comment on him having a loyal fanbase. Quite a few have been there since his humble beginnings and there are so many invested who want to see him 'win' in general.
Truthfully, I believe that there is some sort of parasocial relationship that manifests itself due to his particular (and at the time when he posting regularly: refreshing) take on his social media presence. I understand saying parasocial could be up for a debate but I think it is important that he does not owe anyone anything - nor, could you say, anyone owes him anything, such as loyalty to his roles or his "brand", despite him not liking that term.
His issue, from my opinion, is that his loyalty once given is hard to shake. That means trusting people in his circle to guide him with various roles, even down to what reporters/magazines he chooses to engage with. My thoughts on his team are that he needs a refresh, the old 'tried and true' isn't working anymore. That goes for publicist, stylist, etc.
Needing to change and wanting to change are two different things.
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I've held off posting for a long time about the issue regarding Build and Poi.
A lot of things have rubbed me wrong about the way it went down, how the people involved handled it in the beginning, I am severely allergic to Twitter, and all in all, it's been so much to take in and digest over the past few weeks. I have no real understanding of law for any fucking country and I am not a source blog for news or updates or translations. Speaking in support of anyone, to me, seems perfectly inappropriate and useless. As much as I have my own personal thoughts and feelings, I'm aware of biases and that's no basis for an open conversation.
That, and well....I've been here before. I don't mean with the thing about the dug-up tweets that caused a riot a few months ago. I don't even mean controversial celebrity trials in general. I'm talking about people I personally knew very well being in a lawsuit where some hefty accusations were made and the community got split over their feelings about it. It's a fucking nightmare. I don't need to repeat those details because it was a different case and projecting any of those circumstances onto the one in question would be wrong.
So I'm only going to say this once.
Cut it out.
Stop being self-righteous. Stop taking extreme positions and cutting off friends whose thoughts and views vary. I don't care how convincing one side or the other is to you right now - we do not know the truth and there is a fairly long wait for us to have it laid out for us. If you look at those supporting the opposite side as you and don't think of yourself as also potentially supporting a guilty person, please take a moment to reflect. What is your goal by acting that way? To be right? To feel right? To "weed out the idiots"?
Curate your experience all you like, but cutting people off to such extremes is going to make for very small corners and very nasty echo chambers. This fandom looked itself in the mirror and got so ugly the mirror shattered and we're all just shards now. Little pods of pro-this, anti-that, unsure-something-or-other, etc. There's still so many unanswered questions, and evidence to be reviewed and cross-examined. Some of you will still choose to deny the outcome because it doesn't match the narrative in your head. But before you reach that level of desperation, I simply ask that you put your energy toward making and keeping this fandom a place where people can come for escape.
I won't judge you for being open about who you support here, if you have chosen a side. But attacking and othering people really doesn't make you the better person and you're not gonna get some kind of badge of honor for being woke. A lot of us are just people who come to fandom because it's what brings us joy in a world that is very fucked up, so coming into that space to start fires and burn bridges is really shitty. Making people feel uncomfortable to speak up because they might be attacked or cancelled for merely wanting a proper discussion is awful and I've seen enough.
For those of you who could really use a shoulder to lean on, my offer is here. I can't promise to be a perfect support, and if you're looking for some kind of mediator in an argument that won't be it. But I encourage anyone who needs to get their thoughts and feelings out to take that opportunity privately. Take a step back or a break if you feel like that's gonna help. If you're still unsure, do not hesitate to use any resource you can think of until something works. This has been hard on mental health for some people and it deserves to be acknowledged and given the attention necessary to help people recover.
I still love many people in the KinnPorsche fandom. I still love KinnPorsche. I would love things to heal, regardless of whatever comes out of this lawsuit. I would still love another season of the show if it were possible, for current and upcoming BOC projects to do well, and for the other actors and creators impacted to still enjoy happy lives and careers. I hope this post encourages thoughtfulness and honesty, and most of all, unity. If you've read this far, thanks for at least considering my input.
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bonesandthebees · 9 months
Idrk how to start this so I'm gonna get staright to the point lol
I really like the way you write Niki in your fics. In alot of fics I see Niki feels very one dimensional. Which can be fine if she is not a very big part of the story, but I've seen this happen with fics were she is in the main characters. I get that newer writers can have trouble with ceratin characters but it really frustrates me when I know the author COULD add more dimension to Niki but doesn't care enough about her as a character to do it.
I really like the way you write Niki because in all of your fics that I've seen she actually feels like a character with her own personality and goals instead of her just being there.
Idk it just really frustrates me when Niki is written as just "sweet girl who bakes" and given no other personality traits beacause Niki is so complex and so so much more than that
aaaa this means so much to hear you have no idea
I love c!niki as a character. while c!crime are always going to be my favorites from dsmp, I always had such a soft spot for c!niki. the entire reason I broke down and finally made an mcyt blog in the first place was actually bc I wanted to make a post about c!jack and c!niki. she's such a complicated character with so many facets to her so whenever I write her I always try to make her feel like a proper reflection of that
there's always been a problem with the way fandom treats female characters. no matter the fandom, no matter the year, there almost always tends to be a trend in fanworks that flatten out the female characters in comparison to male characters. dsmp is no exception, and is only made worse by how few female characters there are to work with in the first place.
while of course this isn't true for all fics, in a large swath of fics c!puffy gets reduced to either a therapist and/or mother figure, and c!niki is either Generic Nice Girl or a #girlboss with no in between. then a lot of fics tend to forget c!hannah and c!tina exist entirely but that's for another day
c!niki is kind, yes. but she also doesn't deal with emotional issues well. she stands up for what she thinks is right and will stubbornly hold onto incorrect beliefs even when she knows she's in the wrong because it's easier than admitting to herself that she did something terrible. she struggles with finding healthy places to direct her anger. she loves her friends fiercely and will hold deep loyalty to them until she's been betrayed completely, and then she'll return that betrayal in full force.
I'm so glad these kinds of things come through in my fics. I know niki is still a side character in my fics, but I try to make her as fleshed out as I can even with those limitations. one of the reasons I'm really excited for my next project after glass is that niki is going to have a bigger role in it than she's had in any of my fics so far, so I'm really excited that I'll be able to put so much focus on her.
I guess my hope was always that since I have a large audience in this fandom, seeing these more nuanced portrayals of niki would sway the common perception of her and would lead to others putting more effort into writing her. I don't think that happened, but I'm going to keep writing her as best I can bc she's such a fun character to dig into
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inastarlesssky · 3 months
Hey, so this might be a bit random, but I rewatched the first Fantastic Beasts movie recently and I completely forgot how much I loved it at the time. Then I discovered your blog and I was so happy to see that people still talked about the movies and newtina especially. I just think they had so much potential that wasn't really used in the movies and I that kind of inspired me to write a fic about them (I am a sucker for the 'character who breaks the law for the greater good'x'character who is the law' dynamic, you know, with tina investigating what newt was doing in ny). But I feel I am not as deep in the fandom as you are and I am kind of looking for inspiration atm so I have some questions which would help me to get a few starting points and if you could answer some of them I'd be very grateful <3 (if you don't want to, just ignore this, haha).
What is it you like the most about Newt?
What is it you like the most about Tina?
What do you like about their relationship? What makes it so special?
Who fell first? Who fell harder?
How do you think each of them will grow in their relationship? How will Newt change? How will Tina change?
Any first kiss headcanons?
Why do you think Tina is an auror? Is this the right occupation for her?
Why do you think Newt is a magizoologist? (I think it's pretty obvious that this is what is destined to do, so no follow-up question here)
And in general, would you like the idea of a newtina fic where it's basically the plot of Fantastic Beasts 1, but broken down to "Beasts escape Newts case and Tina investigates him but eventually learns that the rules she works for might not be the fairest and also is in conflict between her work ethic and slowly falling in love with Newt"?
Wow, hi! This is random but I completely love it, and thank you for dropping by! I'm so sorry it took me a while to answer this, but I wanted to think well on it and give a good, thought out answer. So here it is.
First of all, I'm so happy that you love them, too! I got into them because I watched the movies, and I can't stop now...they're just lovely and a nice break from the other dark enemies-to-lovers pairings I like, so it's sweet.
Secondly, I am new to this fandom, too, actually. If you're looking for people who've been in it longer and might know more about (for sure they know more about it than I do XD) I might point you in the direction of anyone I'm following or have reblogged. I get my stuff from them, so. C:
I completely agree! There was so much potential and I would have loved to see that story unfold...well, at least we know they got married in the end. Okay, like I said, I don't know so much about the fandom but I'll help how I can. Putting the answers under the cut because whoops, I wrote an essay hi.
What do I like most about Newt?
I like how gentle he is, and innocent. He didn't want to pick a side when it came to it, because as Dumbly says, Newt always just wants to do what's right. I loved seeing how he cared for his creatures, the attentiveness (and the idea that if that's how he treats his creatures, how's he gonna be with the woman he loves? Aka Tina) (Also I'm convinced that as much as he may have wanted to get the international travel ban lifted because he wanted to travel...despite that, I still think it's to a certain degree because he wanted to see her, to talk to her. If not that, look at his decision after Dumbly asked him to help. He initially refuses because he knows they'll lock him up in Azkaban if he breaks the rule, but as soon as he finds out that Tina is Paris, he drops everything and goes. (I'm no expect, but I'd accept this.)
What do I like most about Tina?
She seems very determined and brave. I love how no-nonsense she is! Like she literally just drags Newt halfway across New York because she's taking him into custody. I'm sorry, I don't know her or Newt so much because I still have yet to read the fic recs people have given me...that's my research haha.
What do you like about their relationship?
I love how she is the brave, maybe a little headstrong, confident who knows her ideals and will pursue what's right. and yet Newt's the awkward gremlin boy who's a little scared of her at first but then in love and basically ready to drop everything because of her. (This could be a completely wrong interpretation of them, I'm new to this fandom, as I've said before) But that's the idea I got. (Because I hc that yes, Newt actually wanted to get the international traveling ban lifted BECAUSE lol he wants to travel but wait, there's more. He also wanted to give Tina that copy of his book. I mean, sorry, look, the man in one moment flat out refused Dumbledore bc he'd get thrown in Azkaban if he broke his travel ban....but look, when he finds out that Tina is in Paris, you can't stop him.
How do you think each of them will grow in their relationship? How will Newt change? How will Tina change?
I can see Tina as softening towards creatures and to the idea that the world might be more wonderful than she imagines it to be. Like I see Newt as innocent and optimistic, and I feel like he'd be one to show her to smile more. As for him, I just love the idea of Tina helping him figure out practical things. How to go about looking for a lost Niffler without tearing New York apart in a way that makes the headlines; like she'd teach him to stop, think, plan things out. Maybe, that's a very loose guess of mine.
Any first kiss headcanons?
A first kiss? Not yet, haven't thought one yet, but! I believe it might have been @themysteriousphoenix or @keepmeinmind-01 who wrote this headcanon where Newt was talking to Jacob. Newt's in love, and he tells Jacob that he bowed to Tina bc apparently bowing is how a hippogriff (or some other magical creatures I can't remember) shows its respect for someone or something like that. Anyway, Jacob's like "Uhh okay, why is this good?" Newt's just really excited and tells him, "She bowed back." It's ridiculously cute, and I love it.
Okay, the last two questions about why Tina is an auror and Newt a Magizoologist, I left out because I'm not entirely sure haha and I think I'd need a little more thought, but yes, here is my ridiculously over complicated answer that took 5,000,001 years to write.
Also, yes, dear anon, I would love to read a story like that. If you ever get started on it or are writing it, please hit me up with the link! I'm always looking for more Newtina fics to read.
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paletterph · 1 year
how would u suggest getting into roleplay on tumblr? i try looking at how to work around things but im super confused... like, what are the certain tags people use, icon borders, stuff like that ;w;
hey there! don't worry, once you get the hang of a few things, roleplaying here isn't all that confusing. c: it's just overwhelming at first with how much formatting and graphics are valued on this side of the rp world. i'll try to break it down a little! this is also assuming you have some basic knowledge on how to rp and rp terminology so if you need something more in depth please lmk.
( TAGS ): these are hashtags on posts that are used to indentify what type of post it is. these are typically formatted with special characters and fonts to look fancy! they can also include a little 'quote' if you'd like, or not. there's really no general preference, just whatever you think looks nice. for instance, the OOC tag on my rp account looks like this: #৲   。。 🌿  ∗ ❛⠀ 、 𝐨𝐨𝐜.   ♡   real kaeri hours. it has some special characters, the main tag which is ooc, and a lil cute quote thing. many people would just put the ooc part tho.
you can use sites like this, this and this for text and symbols.
main tags include: ooc, ic, aesthetics, study (usually for quotes or texts), portrait/visage, inbox, memes/prompts, headcanons, promos, tags for your ships/dynamics, and tags for your AUs.
( ICON BORDERS ): icon borders are little icons that we use to show our characters' expressions in threads. they used to literally just be like, 100x100 simple icons waaaay back when but they've become very very fancy which might be intimidating haha. no matter how fancy they look though, the main point IS to show off your character's expression.
you can see in this snippet of one of my posts that i used it to show off how ahri's expression or mood in the scene is intense:
Tumblr media
also, you don't HAVE to use them. a lot of people don't, so don't feel like you need to whip out super fancy icons. that said, i'd try your hand at making some, or getting a template from me or one of my affiliates in my pinned to start off. ~
also please make sure to source all your artwork if you use any fanart. i notice people don't really care to do so in places like twitter but imo it's pretty important, and people here care a lot more about that sort of thing, as we should of course.
( OTHER ): it's a good idea to cut your threads when writing with others. this means removing writing before your partner's last reply, so the thread only shows your partner's latest reply and your reply. this can easily be done with an extension called xkit, and turning on the 'trim reblogs' feature.
it's also become pretty common to use 'carrd' to create little pages for our characters and our accounts, that contain our blog rules and character bio's and verses, etc. you don't have to do this, you can also include these things in your pinned post or in seperate posts, typically linked in your pinned tho.
and if you're unsure what a pinned is, it's just a post at the top of your blog ( you can pin a post with the dots on the top right of a post ) that includes some basic information about your & your character at a glance. typically includes your alias, age, pronouns, if you do or don't write with minors, the name of your character and their fandom. you can also then link your rules/bio/etc or carrd here amongst other things.
joining tumblr rp these days can be a bit overwhelming but if you need anymore help please let me know!! i hope i touched on most of the main things ; ;
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juergenklopp · 11 months
hiii i hope youre enjoying le mans rn! unrelated but id like to get into baseball and youre one of the only blogs i know that follows it, do you have any tips for where to start? :)
Hi hi hello dearest Anon! I had a great time at Le Mans, thank you, sorry for taking this long to answer your ask, hope you're still interested in checking baseball out!
I was drafting a writeup on how and where to start following the MLB, but @baiyunli beat me out to it with this primer that's better than anything I could ever put together—I'm a new fan myself, I'm sure I would've missed so many things. I used to watch it growing up, so getting back into it did feel 'easier' than if I'd gone in completely oblivious of the sport. I'm going to put a little addition to their wonderful post, some notes from my short career of being a baseball fan.
MLB.TV The official streaming service. A season pass for all team is now $60, blackouts and restrictions apply if you're located in the market. With a mlb.com account, you can watch a selected game for free each day. MLB66 (mlb66 [dot] ir) The layout is a bit unintuitive, but it's by far the best 🏴‍☠️ streaming site for MLB. Click on the Select Game button on the top right, and navigate to the game you want to watch. On the bottom right, there's an option to select the home or away broadcast. It can take a few seconds to a minute to load, but so far, it has worked well for me. FSL (mk [dot] freestreams-live1 [dot] top) My go-to for sports streaming. The domain changes regularly, it's worth joining the Discord server for updates.
There's a kind of nostalgic longing for a time I've never been a part of when I scoured Tumblr tags to find mid-late 2010s baseballblr posts: hundreds of notes, some reaching quadruple digits. Anything going double digits feel like breaching containment now, but there are still some blogs posting about baseball on Tumblr.
Here are some, sorted by their allegiance—by no means a complete list and it will be very biased, but it's a start...
GENERAL BASEBALL BLOGS (and those whose allegiance I can't quite place and I'm scared of offending by assuming but I love your blogs I'm so sorry guys) @ baiyunli, once again thank you for the wonderful primer! @ nacseo-scrawl, + Braves, also the go-to for Bananaball content @ greinkeephus, + Phillies and Red Sox @ pindergarten, + the A's @ hootball, for your Americacentric sportsball needs (NHL, MLB, NFL...) PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES @ soyouwinagain, my most beloved, and @ toyotagazoo, also my dearest, who dragged me down to this hell with them... @ kurchatovium, my original Philly sports brain rot enabler (GO BIRDS) @ jcamilov06, + for all your Philadelphia sports needs @ phillyphangirl @ janosglove TORONTO BLUE JAYS @ donttelltheelff @ byebyebichette @ danny-jansen @ 7th-inningstretch @ based--ball @ kevin-gausman LOS ANGELES ANGELS @ whatincornation, the most wonderful and delightful artist in all of sportsblr @ iichliwps @ auditers BOSTON RED SOX @ eovaldi @ barbiebobby PITTSBURGH PIRATES @ fryinreynolds ATLANTA BRAVES @ colonel-clucker @ emietook SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS @ everydaywynns MILWAUKEE BREWERS @ kimsparis NEW YORK YANKEES @ judgerizzo @ gleyby LOS ANGELES DODGERS @ miggys
(Please @ me if you want to be included in/excluded from this list!)
Well, two at-bats, actually, but let's not talk about that one and instead talk about the storied matchup, the one now written in immortality and will be talked about for years to come.
Baseball is considered a slow-burner sport by many, even more so before the official introduction of the pitch clock, 'boring' even on the surface especially compared to sports with constant high-octane action like hockey or basketball. But as with sports in general, among the things that makes the game so exciting (or devastating) is the buildup to the matchup—the storylines and the narratives, as well as the ebb and flow of the clash itself with how the game is structured—it's not over until it's over, a comeback to tie the game and a walkoff win is always possible.
The final of the 2023 World Baseball Classic is one of the prime example of all the stars aligning to make a historic matchup between the best of the best.
Mike Trout is a three-time MVP in the MLB, and is considered as one of the best baseball players of all time. Ohtani Shohei is nicknamed 'The Unicorn' by fans and experts alike, being the first elite two-way player (a player who pitches and bats) and is regarded as the most talented baseball player of all time. They are both in their primes and are currently considered to be two of the best players in the MLB. The term 'generational talent' tends to be thrown around casually in sports—for Trout and Ohtani, it's more than a worthy title.
Ohtani and Trout both play for the Los Angeles Angels in the MLB, with Trout being one of the reasons why Ohtani chose to play for the Angels in the first place. They've been good friends since Ohtani signed with the Angels leading up to the 2018 season. Unfortunately the Angels haven't found success despite both players being extremely successful, breaking long-standing records left right and center. Many consider it to be a shame that Trout and Ohtani were 'wasting' the prime years of their careers not playing 'meaningful' games since the Angels have not made it to the playoffs since their last appearance in 2014.
So we have two of the best players in the game, who happen to be teammates and good friends, playing in the final of baseball's equivalent of the FIFA World Cup on opposite sides representing their respective countries. Added to that is of course the novelty of an elite and truly one of a kind two-way player in Ohtani, pitching to one of the best hitters of all time in Trout.
The matchup was pretty unlikely in the first place too because of how batting orders work, and yet everything aligned for them to be up against each other in the top of the 9th—final barring extra innings—with two outs.
Japan were leading 3–2: strike Trout out, and Ohtani would win it all for Japan.
Here's the link to the full game on YouTube.
The whole tournament was such a treat all throughout, with exciting pool games, upsets, and rallying comebacks in the knockout stage. Two standout games for me are the quarterfinals matchup between Venezuela and the USA and the semifinals clash between Mexico and Japan. Both games were rife with gutsy baserunning and hitting, back-and-forth offense and lead change, and topped off by clutch plays to lead the respective teams to victory.
As much as we can weave romantics about America's pastime, it's also inseparable from how the US projected itself abroad in its foreign and military policy. My dearest @outofbodyinjury's research project led me to look into the history of the sport and its role in USA's long history of war and foreign intervention.
Starting from the 19th and 20th century as the game was growing and all throughout the 21st century, for example in response to 9/11 and the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions, baseball has been omnipresent as a tool to promote and serve US interests. The book The Empire Strikes Out: How Baseball Sold U.S. Foreign Policy and Promoted the American Way Abroad by Robert Elias dives deep into this topic. I have yet to find a DRM-free .epub of the book, but I will try to rip it if there's interest. Here's an .m4b rip of the audiobook, and here's a condensed version of the book: an article by the same author published in The International Journal of the History of Sport.
Once again: @baiyunli is the MVP for their primer, it has pretty much everything you need to know to start getting into the sport, so check that out. Don't hesitate to send me asks or DMs if you have questions! And I fully believe sports teams pick you: it could be through a player that happens to compel you, or the mascot, or the colors of the unis, or just for no reason at all. You'll know and feel it when you're chosen. That being said: LET'S GO PHILS!
And I hope you'll fall in love with baseball as I did :]
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immobiliter · 7 days
🌿 author portrait .
get to know the author behind the blog! repost, do not reblog.
basics .
name/nickname: lottie age: 27 pronouns : she / her years of writing : ten years on tumblr, but many many years before that on various platforms or just writing in general. it's always been one of my hobbies. i wrote fics before tumblr and before that i did a lot of storytelling in the sims 2 fandom ( but yeesh this was years ago lmao let's not talk about it 💀).
reflection .
why did you pick up writing? i don't think i ever made the conscious choice to pick up writing? i've always loved it and had a natural talent for it, from writing stories as a child to doing so much essay writing at college and university and then writing rp. i think the reason i've stuck with rp for so long though is because it's so collaborative? writing can be quite a solitary hobby but it is literally the most fun thing to wake up in the morning to someone writing you a reply to something that has specifically been written for you as a treat and then getting to respond to them. it's the best thing, genuinely.
do you have any writing routines? i guess i do and i don't? sometimes i will just sit and write, no music, no background noise, it all just flows. sometimes i have to warm myself up by watching clips of the muse or listening to their spotify playlist. it really just kinda depends on my mood tbh. because of the number of threads/muses etc i write however, i do tend to have a routine of picking a thread or two and letting them simmer in my brain for a few days before i sit down to write them, that always works quite well for me.
what's your favorite part about writing? aside from the collaborative nature of rp as i talked about above, just being able to embody a character that is completely different to yourself? as a species we read and write and tell stories for the escapism of it all and i love getting to jump into the head of a character who is nothing like me and write them unapologetically as they are.
three things you like about your writing .
one, i'm gonna echo charlie and say my dialogue. it's the thing i put the most effort into when it comes to writing. each muse of mine needs to have a very well-defined voice ( both in terms of their narrative voice which drives the bulk of the reply and their dialogue ) for them to stick for me, and i take a lot of time to study how each of my muses speak when picking them up as i feel like when rping the most important thing is that your muse sounds like the character, especially if they're a canon one. i think also as a brit who has seen a lot of americans online writing brits over the years with varying levels of success, i am particularly stubborn about getting those nuances in dialect and vocabulary right.
two, this is maybe not about my writing per se, but i think my ability to come up with crossover verses for my muses and push them into unfamiliar/other settings? i love exploring a character in their canon, sure, but nothing is more challenging and interesting to me than trying to translate that character (and keep their essence intact) to another piece of media. it also leads to possibly my favourite thing in all of existence, which is crossover interactions and crossover ships. for me there is nothing quite like bringing two characters together from completely different fandoms who would never normally have a reason to interact and seeing them click. it's immensely satisfying too, i think, because that's our work as writing partners to create that dynamic from scratch? it's not a dynamic automatically offered to us.
three, i like that i can write comfortably in different genres? i don't just restrict myself to angst or fluff, sometimes i love writing a good action thread where stuff happens and other times i like writing shenanigans with my more comedic-aligned muses which are just pure, unadulterated fun.
a question for the next person .
write a question for the next person to answer. once you've answered it, leave a new question for someone else to answer.
where is the oddest place that you have written something? okay so not so much tumblr writing because i've figured out that i have to be sat at my desk concentrating in order to write on here, but a couple of times that i've done discord back and forth rp with close friends, it's ended up with me writing hardcore smut at 7.30 in the morning on the way to work lmao.
new question: what time of day is the best or most productive for you to write?
tagging: whoever would like to do this! tagged by: @resolutepath ( thank you!! )
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eviebane · 5 months
First of all, happy new year and congrats on 1000 followers!
I just want to say I love your blog, and it's one of my favourite blogs on tumblr. You're a very important part of the GO fandom, so keep being you :). Your work is amazing; and I really love your video edits (I confess I haven't found the time to read your fanfics yet but it's definitely on my list, I promise).
I've been kind of wanting to try gifmaking for a while, and I read your posts about video editing/gifmaking. If it's not too much trouble, would you be willing to share a few more tips? (Doesn't have to be that detailed, just a few simple tricks for beginners).
Thank you and have a nice day/night!
Oh Anon, you're a sweetie. Thank you!! I'm so pleased that this blog can bring joy to others. All of you are so lovely, it makes everything so much more fun!
I'll share whatever wisdom I can but I'm still a bit of a newbie really; I've only used Davinci Resolve for about 6 months~ or so, so if anyone else has any other tips, please add!!
1) I would recommend Davinci Resolve to anyone who wants to get into video editing as it's free & quite similar to Vegas Pro (which I do have, but personally I prefer Davinci).
2) If you want to make GIFs, I'd recommend creating a project using the settings I use here, then saving it as your 'template' so every time you want to make a new GIF, you don't have to re-do your settings because it'll be saved on that project.
3) You can create multiple tracks - I use this for overlaying audio (and turning off video on that track), or for adding text or effects generators. This is what my War of Hearts edit looks like in DaVinci:
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I used track 3 & 4 for text Track 2 for just audio (you can see I turned off video) Track 1 was my 'main' video & audio track Track A5 was my music
This is what The Book of Love looks like, you can see it was only 3 tracks (music, video, text)
Tumblr media
4) The marker function. This is handy for leaving notes for yourself or sectioning things off while you work, but you can also render those markers to create 'chapters' automatically when you upload it to YouTube. Add a marker with the little blue button, then double click your market & name it. You can use different colours too.
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When you render it, tick 'Chapters from Markers' and make sure the colour matches the markers you want to make into chapters, then export.
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5) Get yourself some new fonts!! I downloaded free fonts from Google [link], installed them, restarted Davinci, and they were ready to use!
6) The 3rd tab. When you click on a clip, you'll get lots of options. PLAY WITH THEM. Just start changing settings & observe what it does. I cannot emphasis enough - just play with Davinci and see what happens. Don't aim to make it something, just aim to learn. Whack a clip down & start putting effects, zoom, cropping, etc on it.
You can colour the image on the 5th tab via colour wheels. Don't worry if it's silly! Again, just click around and see what happens! Here, I'll show you me playing with colours & effects:
Tumblr media
honestly it looks like a meme with the text
7) Speaking of the 5th tab, I ONLY LEARNT THIS LAST WEEK WHICH IS EMBARRASING, but you can copy the colouring you've done to 1 clip onto other clips. Select the clips you want to colour, then scrollwheel click on the clip WITH the colourings you want.
8) Use your arrow keys on the keyboard (⬅️➡️⬇️⬆️) to move along your timeline. It's a lot easier to find the right frame, instead of using your mouse. Here's some basic keyboard shortcuts:
Cut: [Ctrl + X]
Copy: [Ctrl + C]
Undo: [Ctrl + Z]
Redo: [Ctrl + Shift + Z]
Paste: [Ctrl + V]
Select All: [Ctrl + A]
Play/pause [Space]
9) This seems obvious but I have lost hours of editing because I didn't do this. When you start a new project, SAVE IT (File>Save Project) as then it'll start autosaving the project.
10) I would heavily recommend watching some YouTube tutorials if you've never video edited before. I also started out with a pre-installed Windows 'Video Editor' (I think it's called Clipchamp now?) which is extremely basic, so it allowed me to learn without getting overwhelmed with all the bells and whistles that Davinci has. If DaVinci is too much right away, try something easier, but you might get frustrated as it's less control & options (only 1 track, limited colouring options, limited effects/transitions, can't view frame by frame, etc).
In summary: Play around with your editing software & see what happens. Watch edits, look at GIFs- observe how they edit as it might inspire you & help put some of your new skills/knowledge into context. If there's anything I can help with, just drop me a message! Good luck & happy editing ❤️
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musashi · 1 year
A Rabid, Song-by-Song Analysis of Turnabout Musical by Someone Who Knows Jack Shit About Music
Track 1: Turnabout Musical Overture
I love love LOVE the Turnabout Musical series. I have a very deep-seated adoration in my heart for both the original and the recently released reboot. However, I have no one to talk to about either. My AA friends are reluctant to get into it, or they like it but don’t care to discuss it further. I am alone in this ravenous, frothing autistic obsession. So! I will be doing what I do best, rambling passionately on my tumblr blog about every single song in both musicals, one-by-one. I will be doing one song per day! 
DISCLAIMER: I do not know anything about music beyond certain things make my ears happy. I do know a lot about Ace Attorney, though. And acting. And I like musicals, mmm, a lot I think. This is not a professional analysis. I’m 27 and I work Retail HR. Bro I just really love Ace Attorney.
Sweet fucking god I love the overture, you guys.
Some arrangements I have seen of the musical online place it during the intermission, but last I checked the overture usually goes at the beginning, so we are starting with it first. In musical theater, the overture is generally a purely instrumental introduction to pull you into the world of the musical, and TM’s overture is no exception. 
My favourite thing about TM is, easily, its use of leitmotif. I think fandom people in general are all a little obsessed with letimotif. Put succinctly, a leitmotif is a recurring piece of music meant to tie itself to a character or story theme. It can be as little as a few notes, but the general rule is as soon as it establishes itself, you will come to associate it with a character or song. TM (& its descendant, TAAAM) love leitmotif, and it makes me go insane.
The overture is, of course, 6 whole minutes of nothing BUT leitmotif. Honestly, it’s for this reason that the overture is at it’s best when you have, like me, listened to the whole musical a million fucking times and can pick out all of them and just bask in their existence. When I first started listening to TM I found myself skipping the overture every time, and now it is one of my favourite songs in the whole musical, because it does its job at taking the whole damn thing and summarizing it into one beautiful, sweeping song. Let’s break those parts down one by one!
Right off the bat we have Decree of the Prosecutor, track 18. And what a perfect way to pull us in! It is a sweeping, grand anthem meant to represent Miles Edgeworth and the whole of his character, and it is impossible to condense in all its complexity but the overture does its best to fit it into a minute and a half. What a perfect bookend to act one, starting and ending with this tune. Mwah. Chef’s kiss. 
Immediately following is It’s Gotta Be The Butz, track 26, one of my personal favourites. Lighthearted, bouncy, and entirely silly before it dives into a much stronger rendition of the tune, and then it goes light and airy once more. This little rollercoaster encapsulates Larry Butz perfectly—his chaotic nature, his comic relief, and his tendency to fall in love much too quick. 
It fades into I’ll Be There, track 11. Maya does not get a solo song in TM, so this is the closest we have to a true theme for her, and it is the leitmotif they use to represent her when they do, even if it is at its core a song about her and Phoenix’s friendship. The overture starts itself on the more slow, emotional crawl of this song—a brief moment of vulnerability—before the strings kick in and send it cascading back into its place of hope where it more easily lives, and the music box tune brings in the more playful cadence it's known for. Notably, all the parts of the song the overture features are parts Maya sings solo—thus marking it as hers. 
From there we’re onto The Samurai Always Wins, track 14. Another big favourite of mine and one of the crown jewels of the whole musical, I think. It’s a bombastic, magnificent courtroom battle of a song that summarizes with aplomb the nonsense and back and forth that goes down at trial in Ace Attorney. And, of course, huge chunks of the song are set to the actual Steel Samurai theme from the game. Awesome. 
There’s a brief appearance from Make it Right, track 7, a song that Mia and Maya share. A soft little breather between the two of them which fades into a bit of August Day (Track 2), before…
Oh baby! OH BABY! Don’t look at me, don’t talk to me, dont fucking get me STARTED! Did you want unbiased musical opinions that have nothing to do with how my favourite characters are portrayed in this musical? Fuck you, you came to the wrong place! GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!
600,000 Volts (Out of My Way), track 29. The overture introduces us to one of the leitmotifs of our main antagonist, Manfred von Karma. This track is not his solo song, but the part of it they use is a solo portion that he sings. It begins with the organ crawl, arguably his signature instrument in TM as it follows him wherever he goes. Organ is the mark of an imposing and often royal antagonist, alone in his tower while thunder booms across the silhouette of it. Manfred’s is almost a funeral dirge, the rhythmic and precise way it hits every beat—to me, that is also evocative of a ticking clock. Perfectly precise kept time. This is wonderful as an underlying motif because Manfred has a bit of a thing for keeping time in trials and claiming they’ll be over in x amount of minutes. 
So when it kicks up, it sounds terribly ominous! There’s the organ, but then also church bells ringing out below them which, again, seem to be counting down. The beginning of this part of the overture actually seems to borrow its melody from Manfred’s actual solo song, Anything to Win (track 22), but to my ear it’s a little hard to pick out. The bulk of it pulls from 600k, and while that song itself is actually a bone-chilling audio equivalent of a cobra rearing back to strike, in the overture it is downright beautiful. The strings kick in and the melody takes flight! It is soaring and light, regal and beautiful, it makes me feel like I am flying to listen to. The castanets that underline it keep in line with the ticking-clock sort of theme, as well. I am biased, as previously mentioned, because Manfred von Karma is one of my favourite villains in the history of villains—but to me, he has a charisma in the courtroom that comes thru in this excerpt of 600k. In my mind, he is not just good at shutting a courtroom up because he’s imposing—he is good at it because it is very easy to hang on his every word. I will talk about this more in depth when we get to Goodbyes, but suffice to say these wonderful, swelling strings we get sound the way he makes me feel. This is the part of the overture that I blast in my headphones.
600k’s melody fades out, and the previously-there organ stop of Anything to Win takes its place, ending on the most distinct 7-note melody of the whole song. 
Anything to Win fades into Justice for All. This transition might mean absolutely nothing but I’m going to meditate on it for a moment anyways—Manfred von Karma and Mia Fey, in the AA canon, are intentional parallels. I almost never see this analyzed, but TM does not sleep on it! Again, this is an analysis I have planned for a later song, but I just really appreciate that instead of sticking Mia in the beginning of the overture where she might belong, with everyone else from the first act, she is here at the end beside Manfred, because she is to Phoenix what Manfred is to Miles. It’s great.
Mia’s theme is soft and watchful. I don’t have any ear for instruments, I said that upfront, but I think this is an oboe? I love an oboe. Or a sister to the oboe. My estranged sister plays oboe and she’d probably fucking kill me if I told her I was only 80% sure it was oboe. But she’s not here to yell at me so I can be as wrong as I want on the internet. ANYWAYS. Mia’s solo song is as she is—guiding and warm before the flames crackle and catch and become burning passion, undaunted resolve. 
The music builds and swells and bookends back into itself, into the roaring declaration it begins as! It grabs by the arms, dances alongside us for a while, and then TUGS HARD as it pulls us behind the fluttering curtain and takes us into this world it has so expertly crafted. I have always pictured this song as myself dancing through various backdrops as I listen to it. It is, I think, easily the most underrated track of the whole musical. If you’ve skipped over it in the past or listened to it half-heartedly, do me a favour and go give it a listen! And tell me what your favourite leitmotif is from it, because all of them fucking rock.
[Turnabout Huh? What do you mean there's an Ace Attorney Musical?]
Track 2 ->
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rainbowsky · 2 years
First, thank you for all the work you put into your blog - it's been my go-to info source since I came into the fandom a few months ago.
My question is about the new restrictions China just issued on 10/31/22 relating specifically to celebrity endorsements.
Does it seem to you that these might negatively impact our boys in any way? I know you're not clairvoyant, but I'd love to hear your take on this, if you're OK with doing so.
Hi Emrinalexander!
Thanks, I'm so glad you're enjoying my blog! 💛
Yeah, China just loves to tighten the noose. Every few months we see some new set of regulations aimed at enforcing 'core socialist values'.
This type of regulation around endorsements has been around for a while now. Celebrities are expected to take responsibility for what they endorse, and that's nothing new. However there are a few additions and clarifications:
Celebrities are forbidden from endorsing tobacco products (including e-cigarettes), medical products and devices, tutoring services and health foods/formulas.
Celebrities must do their due diligence on companies they endorse and must use the products they endorse - the same version of what's endorsed - to verify quality.
In situations where they endorse 'gendered' products or children's products they can't personally use, family members must use it.
Companies are forbidden from hiring celebrities deemed to have 'lapsed morals' (drug addiction, fraud, tax evasion, etc.) to endorse their products.
Companies aren't allowed to use party leaders or figures in their advertisements.
Celebrities and agencies found to be engaging in false or misleading endorsements will be punished and exposed.
Celebrities are expected to be role models and demonstrate strong, responsible 'core socialist values', and that extends to product endorsements. They must present the types of products in the sort of tone that aligns with the government's vision.
As always with these things, it will all come down to how companies, managers and artists interpret and implement the guidelines. One person's 'too far' will likely be another person's 'not far enough'.
This will not likely impact GG and DD all that much. I suspect they're already very cautious about what they endorse, so they're probably already well positioned to mostly just take this in stride. However, I'm always annoyed when these directives are handed down from on high. I can only imagine how stressful it is to work under these kinds of conditions.
Google translation of the updated regulations:
In recent years, some well-known artists, entertainment stars, Internet celebrities, etc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as stars) have illegally endorsed, falsely endorsed, or even promoted wrong ideas in endorsement activities; some companies believe in traffic first, and choose illegal and unethical celebrities as product endorsements; individual media The control is not strict, and the illegal and immoral stars are allowed to participate in the advertising endorsement activities. The chaos in the field of advertising endorsements has seriously infringed upon the rights and interests of consumers, disrupted the market order, and polluted the social atmosphere, and the people have expressed strong reactions. In order to adhere to the correct orientation of advertising and publicity, clarify the atmosphere of the industry, create a good social environment, maintain the order of the advertising market, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, in accordance with the "Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China" and other laws and regulations, the following opinions are hereby offered on further regulating celebrity advertising endorsement activities.
General requirements
Adhere to the guidance of core socialist values, adhere to problem orientation, address both the symptoms and root causes, follow laws and regulations, be active and prudent, strengthen industry management, strengthen supervision and inspection, strict credit supervision, and advocate social cooperation. Governance, do a good job in propaganda and guidance, effectively clean up the chaos in the entire chain of celebrity advertising endorsements, standardize the behavior of celebrities, enterprises, and media, effectively maintain market order, and create a clear atmosphere in the advertising field.
Standardize celebrity advertising endorsement behavior
All relevant departments should further clarify the rules of celebrity advertising endorsement behavior, strengthen advertising-oriented supervision, strengthen celebrity self-discipline, and standardize celebrity advertising endorsement behavior.
(1) Adhere to the correct orientation. Celebrities should consciously practice socialist core values ​​in their advertising endorsement activities, and endorsement activities should conform to social morals and traditional virtues. Do not publish remarks that are detrimental to the dignity or interests of the country; do not carry out words and deeds that obstruct social stability and social public order; do not promote obscenity, pornography, gambling, superstition, terror, violence, etc.; No hype about privacy; no misconceptions and deformed aesthetics such as extravagance, money worship, entertainment first, etc.; no advertising endorsements with images or similar images of party and state leaders, revolutionary leaders, hero models, etc. If the character image of the drama is used for advertising endorsement, it shall obtain the authorization and permission of the copyright owner of the film and television drama); it is not allowed to promote other speeches and concepts that go against the good social customs.
(2) Do a good job of checking in advance. Before celebrities carry out advertising endorsement activities for commodities or services (hereinafter collectively referred to as commodities), they should fully understand the endorsed company and endorsed products, check the registration information of the endorsed company, relevant qualification approvals, corporate credit records, and endorsed products. Instructions (service procedures), contract terms and transaction conditions involving consumer rights and obligations, and review related advertising scripts. Celebrities should properly record their understanding of the information about the endorsed company, their experience and use of products, keep relevant advertising endorsement contracts and endorsement commodity consumption bills and other materials, and establish a file for undertaking advertising endorsements.
(3) Advocacy with integrity in accordance with the law. Celebrities should strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations, and carry out advertising endorsement activities in accordance with laws, regulations and integrity. It is not allowed to advertise for products that are prohibited from production and sale by law (including prohibited services); it is not allowed to recommend or certify unused products (services that have not been accepted); Enterprises that have obtained approval but have not been approved to make advertising endorsements; must not advertise for tobacco and tobacco products (including electronic cigarettes), off-campus training, medical treatment, medicine, medical equipment, health food and formula food for special medical purposes; must not violate other Laws and regulations on advertising. During the endorsement process, state secrets or personal privacy shall not be revealed; the efficacy of the product shall not be exaggerated; the data that cannot be verified shall not be quoted; the commercial slander shall not be made to other operators; Asset management products must not be directly or disguised as propaganda, promise to guarantee capital and return, or imply capital preservation, risk-free, guaranteed income, etc. by means of predicting investment performance; not blindly promote low thresholds, low interest rates, and easy loans for lending financial products, causing consumption misunderstood.3. Standardize the selection of celebrities to carry out advertising activities
All relevant departments should strengthen the supervision and management of enterprises, consolidate the main responsibility of enterprises, and standardize the advertising endorsement activities of enterprises.
(1) Ensure that the content of the advertisement is true. Enterprises that choose celebrities for advertising endorsements should provide relevant advertising scripts to celebrities and be responsible for the authenticity and legality of the advertising content. Financial product advertisements shall proactively and fully disclose product information and risks, and strictly abide by the financial industry management department's regulations on financial product marketing. If the relevant products are related to the life, health and safety of consumers, the enterprise should take the initiative to remind the endorsement risks to the advertising spokespersons to be selected. The products that enterprises provide to endorsers to experience and use should be consistent with those provided to consumers in terms of quality, price, transaction conditions and service quality.
(2) Proper selection of celebrity endorsements. Before selecting a celebrity endorsement, an enterprise should fully understand the celebrity's employment status and personal credit, pay attention to the unity of economic and social benefits, and consciously resist the selection of illegal and immoral celebrities as advertising spokespersons. Strictly abide by advertising laws and regulations, and must not use celebrities who have been administratively punished for endorsement of false advertisements for less than three years as advertising spokespersons.
(3) Strictly abide by the prohibitive regulations. Enterprises shall not use minors under the age of ten as advertising spokespersons. If the laws and regulations on the protection of minors and relevant regulations on the management of live broadcast marketing have other provisions on the age limit of advertising spokespersons, the provisions shall prevail. Enterprises engaged in medical, pharmaceutical, medical equipment, health food and other industries are not allowed to use advertising spokespersons for advertising. No off-campus training advertisements for primary and secondary schools (including kindergartens) shall be published, and enterprises engaged in other education and training industries shall not use professionals or beneficiaries to carry out advertising endorsement activities. Enterprises engaged in pesticides, veterinary drugs, feed, feed additives, crop seeds, tree seeds, grass seeds, breeding livestock and poultry, aquatic fry and breeding industries shall not use professionals to engage in advertising endorsement activities.4. Strictly manage the release of celebrity endorsement advertisements
All relevant departments should strengthen the supervision and management of advertising publishing units, urge advertising publishing units to strengthen advertising review and content management, and resolutely curb illegal and unethical star advertising endorsements.
(1) Strict internal audit. The operating units of advertising distribution carriers such as newspapers, periodicals, radio, television, movies, and the Internet must properly produce and maintain advertising distribution files in accordance with the law, establish and improve an internal review system for advertising distribution, increase efforts to review the content of celebrity endorsement advertisements, and resolutely correct violations of correct guidance , Use sensitive topics to hype, vulgar, vulgar and kitsch and other bad advertising information, and promptly stop publishing advertisements for illegal and unethical celebrity endorsements.
(2) Strengthen section (column) and live broadcast management. Various media units must strictly implement the festival (column) management system, strengthen the management of live broadcasts in accordance with laws and regulations, and strictly prohibit illegal and immoral celebrities from participating in interviews, variety shows, live broadcasts, etc. to carry out advertising endorsement activities in disguise.
Precise law enforcement and strict supervision
(1) Accurately identify celebrity advertising endorsements. In addition to advertising and recommending products produced or sold by celebrities as advertisers, celebrities recommending or certifying commodities or services through image display, language, text, actions, etc. in commercial advertisements shall be recognized as advertising endorsements in accordance with the law. Although there is no star image in a radio advertisement, if the star's name is indicated and the products are promoted in the star's name, it shall be deemed that the star has made an advertising endorsement. If a star promotes a product in an advertisement by playing the role of a film or television drama, it shall be deemed that the star himself has made the advertisement endorsement. In order to recommend and prove products, celebrities introduce products in the process of participating in entertainment programs, interview programs, and online live broadcasts, which constitute advertising endorsements. If an enterprise falsely uses the name of a star or misappropriates the image of a star for advertising, it is not an advertising endorsement act.
(2) Accurately identify the circumstances in which illegal and unethical celebrities are selected for endorsement in advertisements. If an enterprise knows or should know that a celebrity has made wrong political remarks or other remarks that violate the core socialist values ​​and has caused a bad social impact, but still chooses a celebrity for advertising endorsement, it shall, based on the facts and circumstances, determine that the relevant advertisement obstructs social stability and social public order. If an enterprise knows and should know that celebrities have committed drug abuse, gambling, drunk driving, forced indecency, tax evasion, fraud, securities insider trading and other illegal and criminal acts that have caused bad social impact, and still choose celebrities for advertising endorsements, it should be based on the facts. social good manners.
(3) Accurately grasp the advertising spokesperson's obligation to use the endorsed product. Celebrities themselves should make full use of endorsement products to ensure that the time or quantity of use is sufficient to generate a daily consumption experience; symbolic purchases or use of endorsement products should not be deemed as advertising spokespersons who have fulfilled their obligations to use products in accordance with the law. If a celebrity endorses a product exclusively for infants or for the opposite sex, the product should be fully and reasonably used by the star's close relatives. Celebrities should continue to use endorsement products at a reasonable frequency and frequency during the endorsement period. For electronic products, automobiles and other products with rapid technological iteration, celebrities only use a certain generation of products of a certain brand, and are not allowed to endorse other products of the brand. If a celebrity endorses the overall image of an enterprise or brand in the name of brand “experience officer”, “recommendation officer”, “image ambassador”, etc., the advertisement shall indicate or explain the name of the enterprise or brand used by the celebrity.
(4) Pursuing the responsibilities of all parties involved in illegal acts of advertising endorsement in accordance with the law. Relevant departments should strengthen the supervision of the entire chain of advertising endorsement activities, strictly investigate and punish false and illegal advertisements endorsed by celebrities, and pursue legal responsibilities of advertisers, advertising operators, advertising publishers, advertising spokespersons and related Internet information service providers according to law. For those who make false or illegal endorsements, the stars themselves must be punished resolutely in accordance with the law, and the punishment of the star agency shall not be replaced by the punishment of the star. If a star brokerage company participates in advertising endorsement activities, it shall bear legal responsibility as an advertising operator. For celebrities with false or illegal endorsements, it is necessary to strengthen public exposure, include them in personal integrity records in accordance with laws and regulations, and strengthen joint punishment for dishonesty. After the celebrity endorses falsely and illegally, if it promptly and voluntarily assumes civil compensation liability to consumers, the punishment may be lighter or mitigated in accordance with the law. 6. Strengthen organizational leadership
(1) Improve political standing. Relevant departments should further improve their political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution. From the perspective of implementing the people-centered development concept and promoting the construction of spiritual civilization, they should effectively increase the standardization of celebrity advertising endorsements, so as to keep the land and be responsible. , To be responsible for the soil, to be responsible for the soil, to promote the fundamental control of the chaos of celebrity advertising endorsements, to maintain good social customs, and to enhance the people's sense of gain.
(2) Strengthen cooperation between departments. It is necessary to give full play to the function of the joint conference on rectification of false and illegal advertisements, increase the intensity of joint interviews, joint law enforcement, joint exposure, and joint punishment, play a role in coordinated supervision, and improve supervision efficiency. It is necessary to fully rely on the comprehensive governance working mechanism in the field of entertainment, strengthen education guidance, industry management, supervision during and after events, and star self-discipline to work together to establish a multi-field, cross-departmental collaborative work pattern. It is necessary to strengthen communication and cooperation with public security, taxation and other departments, and if it is found that tax evasion or other illegal and criminal acts are involved in the supervision of celebrity advertising endorsements, it will be transferred to the relevant departments in a timely manner.
(3) Strengthen multi-party co-governance. Relevant departments should strengthen the education, guidance and management of stars and other related groups, increase the guidance of art groups and online performance brokerage agencies, and support art groups and online performance agencies to strengthen the management of their own stars engaged in advertising endorsement activities, Explore the record management of celebrity advertising endorsement contracts and related advertising scripts. Strengthen the supervision of financial institutions and financial marketing activities, and guide and standardize the relevant behaviors of financial institutions in selecting celebrities to carry out advertising endorsements. Support relevant group organizations and industry associations to play the role of education, guidance, and self-discipline, and encourage relevant industry ethics committees to carry out moral reviews and evaluation activities for celebrity advertising endorsements and other activities in accordance with laws and regulations, and play the role of moral restraint and punishment. Urge celebrities, enterprises, and media to carry out self-examination and rectification, and earnestly assume the main responsibility for maintaining the order of the advertising market.
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