#will at the airport but REAL hugs. and the fact that it's treated normally. like. ok. i am fine i am so normal and fine over this i am
bylertruther · 2 years
just remembered lucas and will's excited tappy-hands hugs and also their strong, stable, full body, will's chin hooked over his shoulder hugs . i am both Healed and also Dead
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cherriesfineline · 3 years
Au Pair – Chapter I
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It's finally here – I'm sorry this took so long, this past few weeks have been a mess but here it is, our first chapter for the Au Pair series; I kinda hate this, ngl- I always hate first chapters, a lot of introductory info and bla bla but yeah.
In the weird case you happen to enjoy this and want to be added into the taglist (starting next chapter) you can request it here.
Feedback, likes or reblogs are so, so appreciated! I'm very much new to the whole writing world so yeah it'd be really helpful to hear your thoughts about this <3
Love you all, have a wonderful week beauties!
Warnings: none specifically for this chapter – age gap.
WC: 6.6k
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Y/N was tired, to say the least.
And it wasn’t the tiredness she used to feel after a long work shift at her previous job -where her boss was an old, grumpy lady with horrible manners- or the exhaustion felt after spending hours crying due to a fight with her mother. No, this was different. It was a tiredness she couldn’t get rid of; a tiredness no lavender smelling bath or hours upon hours of sleep could amend.
She couldn't pinpoint the exact moment her brain shifted in such a drastic way. Y/N could easily recognize and admit her life had never been an exciting one; a memorable one. Ever since she was a little girl it all seemed to fly by; graduations, birthdays, friendships – nothing ever seemed to leave an impact and nothing ever seemed as exciting as everyone else put it to be. She knew she struggled with allowing herself to enjoy things, but this far her life had been pretty average.
Maybe it was the fact that she was 22 years old and never been in a real relationship what skyrocketed her fear of dying alone. Now, she knew it might seem exaggerated – 22 years wasn’t a long life at all, but the pungent emptiness she’d been feeling felt like her inevitable destiny – like that’s how life was supposed to be for her.
England felt different, though. But in all honesty, her emotions hadn’t had switched into completely different ones like she’d expected to happen when she applied for this job as an Au Pair all the way back in February.
With a steaming hot cup of coffee between her cold hands, she sat down next to Coco (a very soft grey Scottish Fold) on the giant couch of her new home, scratching in between his tiny ears earning a low purr in response. Coco had become one of her closest friends so far, along with Anya, a three year old girl with cute blonde locks and a laugh so contagious it made the muscles on your cheeks ache after a long playdate.
Maybe moving away wasn’t the smartest choice. It actually might be one of the stupidest choices she had ever made, actually – moving all the way across the globe when she cried herself to sleep most nights due to her loneliness overcoming her (almost inexistent) self-awareness. Y/N liked to believe she had a wide understanding of her emotions, but it was a blatant lie.
At least she was distracted for most of the day – taking care of two kids and looking after a teenager wasn’t an easy task. It required a lot of mental presence; but by the time she was in bed at night, it all hit back again. She thought maybe this is how life is supposed to be for her, lonely – maybe it was not her brain playing her tricks but her brain making her see how her life truly was.
It’d been two weeks since the Lockehold family picked Y/N up from the airport, and on one side getting physically adjusted to this new life hadn't been as rough as she thought it’d be. She did have it easy, if she had to admit – a big room in a giant, beautiful home and a car to her disposal. Emotionally, on the other side, life was still the same.
She knew the moment she heard heels hitting the cold marble staircase Bella was on her way down with Ivy, the eldest of the three sisters, following close behind, complaining about a hangout she was apparently going to miss because they “are expecting a guest” as Bella announced, meaning neither of her parents could drive her. That’s how Y/N found herself sitting in her (borrowed) blue Jeep Renegade driving Ivy to her friend Lily’s house – who lived in the same rich, over-the-top neighborhood as her guest family, which meant the ride to and back was no longer than twenty minutes. During those minutes together, though, Y/N could physically feel the irritation running through Ivy’s blood because first, she still wasn’t too fond of Y/N because she is 16 and doesn’t need a babysitter -her words, not Y/N’s- and second, Y/N is still not accustomed to driving on the other side of the road.
Technically, Y/N had the weekends off. Living with the same people who employed her gladly didn’t mean working 24/7, but she hoped she could earn a couple of points in her favor if she took her free time to drive her around.
After a short conversation between the two (where Ivy refused to save Y/N’s number in case an emergency came up because she could always call her dad), Y/N dropped her off and drove back to the Lockehold’s. What caught her off guard, was the sight of someone in the driveway at the house next door getting suitcases out of the trunk of a black cab – there hadn’t been any movement in the old Victorian mansion since she’d moved in next door. A man, definitely very tall, dressed in a dark suit is all Y/N could decipher since it was already dark outside and she had to strictly concentrate on not switching to the opposite side of the road out of habit.
Alex was coming down the stairs when Y/N locked the front door – Bella’s husband was a very handsome man for his age, probably anyone could admit it. He was kind of scary sometimes, but was a true sweetheart on the inside; he’s in his mid-40’s and it was clear as day his family meant everything to him, he even treated Y/N like his own daughter, always making sure she’s comfortable and inviting her to most family hangouts – even though Y/N declined pretty often to allow them to have quality time as a family (and because being too socially involved drained her, but they needn’t have to know that)
“You wanna join us for dinner? We have a guest tonight. A family friend.”
“Oh, no, I'm good, you guys enjoy yourselves. I’ll say hello, though.” Y/N replied with a smile; and as before mentioned, even though she had the weekends to herself, they still loved to insist on her joining them for fancy dinners and whatnot. The Lockehold’s loved being hostesses, loved having people around (from what Y/N learned this past two weeks) but she really wanted -and needed- some time for herself after being with them the entire week, and even though she loved hanging out with them, she just wasn’t in the mood tonight.
“You sure? Bella made homemade pasta, from scratch. Her specialty.” Mouthwatering, Y/N thought. Bella was such an amazing cook, and even though she worked hours upon hours every day, she still came to her husband and kids in time to make dinner every night, not missing a single day.
“Sounds delicious, but I think I’ll pass, I’m just really tired.” And before anyone could make another comment, the loud bell ringing through the main floor of the house startled Y/N as it’s louder than ordinary – and sounded kind of old and creepy, in her opinion. By the time the constant thud in her chest lowered to a normal speed, she could recognize Bella’s voice in the foyer, meaning she was the one who received their guest, with a deep voice following after saying 'thank you for having me'.
"He's here!" Alex clasped his hands together, a wide smile appearing in his face. Y/N followed him into the living room where Bella was already chatting animatedly with a man; tall and with broad shoulders (but not excessively; just the right amount) his figure was leaning slightly forward as he listened to Bella rambling about all the 'good things he had missed while he was away'. His hands were clasped on his back and when he lifted his head, he made direct eye contact with Y/N without even having to search for her eyes. His brown curls were perfectly placed on top of his head looking extremely soft, and when he ran his hand through it Y/N couldn’t help but swallow harshly. He undoubtedly looked like someone who belonged in Hollywood next to a young Leo DiCaprio and he was definitely older than Y/N – probably already in his 30's, she guessed, but ageing like the finest wine. He had the softest looking wrinkles in the corners of his eyes – those eyes, forest green; reminded Y/N of what used to be home for her. His intense gaze held a lot of emotion, a lot of thought, unlike his face, that appeared stiff and cold, with a slight crease between his brows. His pink, heart-shaped lips were pressed in a line, a cute mole adorning one side of his chin.
"Harry! It's so good to see you, we've missed you." Alex's excitement forced him to drift his gaze away from Y/N, leaving her like a heated teenager salivating for him. Y/N honestly thought he might had left her speechless and most likely with increasing probabilities to make a fool out of herself if someone needed her to talk, as she was certain she wouldn't be able to formulate any coherent sentences.
Harry. It totally suited him, Y/N repeated his name a couple of times inside her head to check on its pronunciation. Alex reached him and pulled him in a big hug, patting each other's back, and Harry's lips broke into a huge smile making a line of pearly white teeth appear. And dimples. God, he had dimples.
This is how I die, Y/N thought.
"So good to see you, Alex." If sex was a sound, his voice would definitely be it.
"Your skin is glowing, Harry. Italy always does you wonders." Bella gushed. And she was right – his skin had this beautiful golden undertone, but it looked natural and radiant, almost like the sun itself kissed and caressed his skin with the softest touches. Alex snapped Y/N into reality when he turned to face her and grabbed her hand to pull her closer to them, starting a long introduction no one was paying much attention to, explaining how he’d missed her arrival, like he even cared, and how she was the Au Pair they’d all been talking about ever since February. It wasn’t until Alex mentioned something about Y/N and Harry probably seeing each other a lot she was suddenly interested in what was actually going on.
“He owns the school the girl’s attend.” Alex directed towards her. Now, Y/N assumed the moment she laid eyes on him he was probably rich – who wears a suit to a Sunday dinner with friends? Rich people are weird, that’s something we can all agree on; but owning a school which’s monthly fees per kid were worth three of her salaries? That was quite unexpected.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Harry." Y/N offered him her hand, trying to sound as casual as possible, even if her skin felt like it was burning under his intense gaze and her eyes were definitely betraying her.
"The pleasure’s all mine, Y/N." He shook her hand. His strong hold sent shivers down her spine; the cold rings making a big contrast against the heat his hand radiated and she couldn't help but fantasize about how his touch would feel in some other places.
The sudden embarrassment feeling hot against her cheeks made her turn around impossibly faster, feeling guilty at the dirty thoughts consuming her brain while around her bosses – and in front of him. Making a beeline straight to her room, announcing she was calling it a night, she sent Harry a quick -but quite charming- smile, and couldn’t help but soften at the sound of Anya running down the stairs yelling an excited ‘Harryyyy’ once she was past the kitchen.
She knew she got lucky with her commodities – an entire studio-like apartment past the main kitchen of the house, where the servant’s area used to be located a handful of decades ago; but she cussed in a whisper when she remembered half way through her making of a sandwich (four hours after she’d retreated to her bedroom and because she decided on skipping dinner that night, not having enough energy to cook) that her lazy ass still hadn’t bought mayonnaise. Her small kitchen had enough space to hold her snacks, along with some ingredients to make a few meals, since she only had to worry about food on the weekends. Reluctantly, she took the small plate holding her sandwich and made her way towards the main kitchen. There was no way in hell she’d eat a sandwich with no mayo – never in a million years, too dry to go down her throat.
I guess they won't mind if I grab just enough to put on my sandwich, she thought. The house was quiet, everyone probably already in bed, therefore she almost pissed herself when she found Harry sitting in one of the kitchen stools, looking down at his phone with an annoyed expression adorning his face. Almost as if he could sense someone was in the same room, he looked up to find Y/N standing at the kitchen threshold, his face abandoning any sort of emotion.
"Hi." Y/N walked towards the fridge on the far right of the kitchen, opposite from where she came in. "Sorry, I thought no one was here."
"Don't worry, just waiting for Bella and Alex to come back down to have some tea, they're putting the girls to sleep. Would you like to join us?" He offered. And honestly, she'd love to say yes and just listen to him talk with that deep, melodic voice, but her stomach was really hating her right now.
"I'm good, just grabbing some mayo. Thank you, though." She declined with a small smile.
"Next time." He sounded more demanding than suggesting, which slightly baffled Y/N. "Can I ask where you are from?" He asked respectfully.
"A small town in the Argentine Patagonia." Y/N replied with her back facing him as she busied herself with the mayonnaise container.
"Never been to Argentina. Or anywhere in South America, actually." And when Y/N turned around, sandwich in hand ready to go back to her room, their eyes met across the kitchen and she felt the heat creeping up her neck for the second time that night. Y/N wondered how his gaze was always this intense – she wasn’t a fan of how they’d barely exchanged a few words and somehow she felt so exposed.
"You should. It's beautiful." She almost, almost, choked on her own words and when she looked down at her fuzzy pink socks and back to him to try and calm her growing nerves down, he surprised her when she caught him looking up and down her body – in any other case she definitely would’ve felt creeped out, but there was something about him, the fact that he definitely didn’t do it with the intention of her catching him (she noticed how he shifted uncomfortably on his seat after the exchange) and how he simply added a “I’m sure it is," afterwards, she knew she was fucked right then and there – she wanted him looking at her. Was that something bad?
But then – then she remembered how she was wearing her soft cotton pajamas, and she began wondering if he was just laughing internally at her outfit instead of checking her out like she initially thought. And just like a save from heaven, Bella and Alex appeared in the kitchen discussing who was picking Ivy up from her friend's house. "Hi Y/N, still awake?"
"Yeah, got hungry. Stole a bit of mayo, hope you don't mind." She shyly held the plate up.
"Please, this is your house too." Alex waved her off.
"Thanks. Gonna go back now." Y/N pointed towards the small hallway that led to her room. "Goodnight." Turning her body to walk away, she caught Harry's eyes, again, still staring at her, but decided on simply walking away, breaking eye contact, making that small interaction their last one for the night.
The following week consisted of Anya and Y/N playing lots of fun games, trying to get a word out of Charlie and Ivy ignoring her for the most part. Her relationship with each of them was completely different, each trusting her at their own peace, getting used to having a stranger around. Anya seemed the only one openly excited to hang out with Y/N every day, and even though she could tell Charlie didn't exactly mind her presence, she still hadn't talked to her as much as she'd like her to.
"What are you up to, Charlie?" Y/N asked the seven year old as she sat next to her in the big playroom they had on the main floor. Charlie kept her gaze locked on her drawing with a handful of crayons on her right hand as she drew with her left. "You're left handed? That's so cool!" Bella had mentioned some time ago that Charlie had a really hard time letting people in, Y/N knew it'd take some time for her to see her as a friend -like she wanted her to- rather than someone who gets paid to hang out with her, but Bella confessed Charlie was actually really excited to meet Y/N, which felt like a small relief, knowing she actually wanted her there – unlike Ivy. Charlie spoke only when necessary and struggled with making friends but her psych pedagogue said she's just really shy and that ‘once she breaks out of her shell, she's unstoppable’. "I love the birds you drew here." Y/N pointed at some small birds sitting in a tree branch.
"Bluebirds." She murmured.
Getting a single word from her was considered progress, in Y/N’s opinion, but that’s all she got for the entire afternoon – even after constantly sending comments her way while playing with Anya so Charlie wouldn’t feel left out, not a single word came out of her mouth. Anya mentioned Harry at some point while talking about her favorite doll (which Harry had gifted her for her 3rd birthday) and the flash of captivating green eyes almost blinded her internally (she couldn’t deny she’d thought about Harry every once in a while this past week)
And it wasn’t until later that same day, after spending a long while sitting alone in a nearby park, she got the chance to see him again – even if he had scared her (almost) to death, she couldn’t help but feel an annoying flutter in her stomach.
She would like to say she loved her long walks during the most unreasonable times at night, but her reasoning behind her late night needs of distraction didn’t exactly thrill her. It was during the quietest and most peaceful times of the day when her mind seemed to speed faster than ever before; the sleepless nights and brain-wrecking thinking of how alone and empty she actually felt, along with the laziness and reluctance when it came to things that used to make her happy weighed her down like carrying a sack of potatoes on her back.
As she was walking past her neighbor's house (the one where she had seen that man with the suitcases last week) she noticed someone sitting on the large porch. Weird, she thought. She hadn't noticed any movement in the house since that night a week ago, to the point she even considered it being empty again. The silhouette seemed oddly familiar though she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.
"Y/N." She slightly jumped as she heard them call for her, in a strong and deep accent. Was that...
"Harry?" She asked befuddled. Did he live there? She watched as he stood up from his sitting position on the outdoor couch and walked across his front yard to take a closer look at him stopping at the bottom of the short staircase that leads to the porch. "What are you doing up so late?" And then something clicked in her brain – he was probably the man she saw that night, with his suitcases. It made sense, how he probably got home from vacation the same day he had dinner at the Lockehold's – the same day Bella mentioned something about him being in Italy
"Can't sleep." He simply replied, with a small sigh. He then nodded to the seat behind him, and Y/N could physically feel her brain going a thousand miles per minute. She sat on the far left of the couch as he retook his seat on the right, "what are you doing up so late?" He repeated her question.
And Y/N repeated his answer. "Can't sleep."
So they sat in silence, what felt like hours barely being a few seconds. "Didn't know you lived next door." Y/N took the time to take in his side profile - sharp and long nose, the tip curving slightly downwards when he spoke the next line.
"Never mentioned it." He replied apathetically. The unexpected switch in his tone made her immediately shut up, and even though it confused Y/N as to why he would want her joining him if he didn't want to talk, she was dreading going back to her room alone to drown in her thoughts again. She'd take uncomfortable company over being alone when her head got like this, it helped her get distracted; overthinking this situation instead of the same scenarios that constantly lived in her head.
They again sat in silence for a while, this time for longer than a few minutes, and even though it was slightly uncomfortable, there was an unspoken understanding between them. He just wanted company, and so did she. This time, however, it was him who tried for conversation. "Why did you choose England for your Au Pair program?"
"I was actually convinced I was going to choose France," Y/N shared with a soft tone, "but when I met the girls in one of my interviews I just knew I had to come here. Anya was so excited about meeting me, she thought it was already settled." She ended with a small smile on her lips. The memory of Anya smiling happily at her through the computer screen even when she hadn't had met her yet warming her heart.
It was true, the fact that she’d chosen England because of the girls. She wanted to learn French – she knew her way around the English language pretty well; but the French family whom interviewed her didn’t come close to the Lockehold’s at all – she thought maybe the experience of living in a whole different continent with a wonderful family was better than choosing a place because of the language – the experience was being experienced either way.
"Anya is a very special kid. They all are." Harry declared, the left corner of his mouth turning upwards in a small half smile.
Y/N nodded slowly before asking, "How long have you known them?" She could recall Alex saying he was a family friend – but she had no other information about him besides that.
"A while." The small conversation went for a long while, he shared the real reason as to why he was awake so late, explaining how he has struggled with falling asleep ever since he was young, but besides that comment, he kept his life very private; not sharing much information about himself during their chat, and every time Y/N reciprocated a question, he would either answer vaguely or didn't answer at all, changing the subject with another question. "It's really late" He commented, Y/N’s phone reading 1:08am.
"Yeah, I should probably go to bed." She lifted her head to look at him, who was already searching for her eyes. Y/N cleared her throat when a few moments passed by, again, with no one speaking a word. She wondered what could possibly be going through his head at the time, but he nodded, got up and said, "I'll see you around, Y/N." Her name flowed so nicely out of his lips it made her knees get weak. Locking herself in her bedroom (after entering it by the door at the side of the house – which leaded straight to her room) she laid in bed trying to understand why they’d just hang out in his front porch way past midnight when they clearly didn’t know each other very well – or at all, better said.
First day of classes came by in a heartbeat. The first Monday of September Y/N found herself getting up earlier than she was accustomed to, since the girl's sleeping schedule was different during the summer. 6:15am read her alarm when she lazily threw the soft covers off her body. A quick shower and minimal makeup application later, she stood naked next to her bed checking the weather app, as to know how to prepare the girl's clothes.
After putting a soft pink sweater on and a pair of flared jeans, Y/N left the warmth of her room to wake the girls up. Going for Charlie first (since she didn't need any help changing into her uniform and Ivy used her own alarm) she didn't give Y/N any work at all, waking up immediately after softly calling her name once. Picking her uniform from her closet and leaving it for her to change, Y/N left Charlie’s room to walk towards the next door.
"Morning, Anya." She whispered as she brushed some of her hair out of her face. Anya’s little nose scrunched up and a soft whimper left her mouth as she switched positions, now laying on her side, "gotta wake up, love." Y/N shook her arm softly, and she finally opened her eyes, a tired smile creeping up her face as she noticed it was Y/N sitting next to her. Y/N left her to rub the tiredness off her eyes while she picked her clothes (since her daycare was at the same school her older sister's attended -Harry's school, Y/N couldn't help but think- her uniform consisted of only a white t-shirt with the school logo along with any pair of bottoms she chose for the day.
After picking up her cute small rain boots and help her get dressed up, Y/N did a cute hairstyle on her with the small butterfly hair clips she chose, and went back to Charlie's room to do her hair, Anya coming along.
They arrived at their school; a big, period-like brick building with hundreds of students roaming around and a beautiful fountain at the front – which actually made Y/N’s childhood look like a big joke; the school she had attended was located in the middle of the mountains in a remote field.
"I'll be here at two thirty. Good luck, girls, I'll see you later." Ivy walked away sending a 'mhm' her way to let her know she heard her, and Charlie offered a small smile along with a wave and walked away like her sister. Y/N took Anya off her car seat and helped her get out of the car, her tiny backpack sitting on Y/N’s right shoulder as she grabbed the hand Anya offered her.
"Mommy said I have the penguins' classroom!" She said with excitement as they walked through the doors at the right wing of the building.
"That's so cool! I love penguins, let's search for the door which has penguins on it, shall we?" Y/N suggested even though she could clearly see their door at the end of the hallway.
"Yes! This one has elephants," she pointed at the door they were passing, "look, butterflies!"
"Like your hairclips!" Y/N exclaimed, and she giggled nodding her head. "Ah! Look what we found..." Y/N pointed at the next door.
"Penguins!" She skipped towards the door, dragging Y/N along. They entered the big and colorful classroom where they found some kids crying in their parent’s arms, others being as excited as Anya.
"Hi there! Anya, am I correct?" A woman who appeared to be around Y/N’s age came up to them, scrunching down to be on Anya’s eye level. She nodded frantically, excitement dripping from her smile. "My name is Miss Pia, I'm going to be your teacher this year." She introduced herself, Anya gave her an even bigger smile and slyly asked if she could go meet her classmates, to which Miss Pia agreed, asking her to first hang her small backpack in the rack at the back of the room, taking it from my hands and running excitedly to do it.
"You must be Y/N, then?" Miss Pia asked, getting back up to her feet. She was short with blonde curly hair sitting high in a ponytail, rosy cheeks and a cute teacher apron on top of her regular clothes.
"I am." Y/N offered her hand.
"The administration office said we would be having an Au Pair this year, they always give us a heads up with situations like these." She explained, and Y/N nodded as she continued, "we have the parents, nannies or in this case, Au Pairs," they both laughed," stay for the introduction, you can leave afterwards."
"Perfect, I'll sit at the back with the rest of the parents." Y/N ended up staying for about half an hour, smiling at Anya every time she turned to search for her when something exciting seemed to be happening. She won't be needing any adaptation, as Miss Pia said, and she was dismissed right before they had their first trip to the playground outside, taking advantage of the fact that it hadn't started raining yet.
Right when Y/N was walking out of the building, she spotted Harry at the main entrance, reading something on his phone. He was wearing a navy blue suit with a white shirt underneath, and he looked even more handsome in the daylight. She made her way towards him, walking up the marble stairs (marble stairs! In a school?), and when he noticed her, he put his phone away and slowly (and trying to be as discrete as possible – which he failed to, again) looked up and down her body. Something about him giving her his full attention made her insides burn, and she couldn’t help but bit her bottom lip to suppress a smile.
"Hi." She stopped in front of him, taking a moment to look at his eyes; they definitely looked a lot lighter now that there was natural light surrounding them.
"Hi." He repeated, "Dropped the girl's off?" He motioned towards the building with his head.
"Yes, just left Anya’s classroom." She shifted her weight from one foot to the other.
"Miss Pia?" He asked, squinting his eyes.
"Yes. She's nice, looks like she knows what she's doing." Y/N shrugged. She didn't exactly know her enough to have a conversation about her – and she most definitely couldn’t be one to talk, since she herself didn’t know what she was doing half of the time. “How’s the first day back been so far?” He got cut off from his next comment by his phone, and the small crease between his eyebrows grew deeper, which didn’t go unnoticed by Y/N. "I'll leave you to it." She announced, but his eyes found hers again, and it was almost like he was asking for her to not leave him to it, but Y/N didn’t trust her instincts, not with him – not when he made her so nervous her brain couldn’t process things around him, and she was scared of misreading his expressions; he was hard to read. Not like she was expert at reading people but he was frustratingly confusing.
They didn't see each other again until a week later on a Tuesday evening – the same day Charlie, Anya and her decided to go for a walk and treat themselves with ice cream from a cute shop across from (what had come to be) her favorite park, Harry and Y/N found each other's eyes across his front garden, just like that night, but this time it was easy for her to recognize him as she could see his face clear and glowing from the sunset shine. His eyes were glued to her until the fence that divided their houses blocked his view, and again, Y/N wondered what could be going through his head.
It wasn’t until after dinner, past her work hours, she decided to leave the house through the door on her room with the sparking curiosity to test if she would run into Harry. Stopping on the sidewalk in front of his house, she noticed he was not sitting outside, and even though that's exactly what she had expected -he was not going to sit there for hours and hours, right?- There still was a small feeling of disappointment that rushed through her, and when she snapped back into reality, it was too late to stop herself as she knocked on his front door.
And Y/N didn’t know where to hide – not like hiding would be less embarrassing but God she did hate herself that moment. The embarrassment running through her veins was painful and made her lightheaded – she knew she had trouble sometimes with not thinking things through, but this was beyond her. He barely knew her. And suddenly his door was wide open.
"Y/N?" Of course she was not lucky enough for him to be asleep and not hearing her knock – life would’ve been too in her favor for that to happen. Of course he was very awake with a half drank cup of tea in his hand and the softest looking pair of grey sweatpants hanging low on his hips. "Are you ok? You look really pale." His voice was calm, probably the softest it'd ever been in her presence. At least he doesn't sound mad, Y/N thought.
Harry wanted to be confused, but he was more curious than anything else. For some reason, he felt very intrigued by Y/N – how she seemed confident but insanely insecure at the same time; it reminded him of himself, if he had to be honest. He just learned how to hide the latter.
"Uh, yeah- um, I was-" she nervously turned around halfway to look behind her and back at him again. He raised his eyebrows in curiosity and Y/N really tried her hardest not to step over her words. "I was about to go for a walk, uh, I was wondering if you'd like to join me?" Stupid. So, so stupid, Y/N thought.
"No, I'm good." He replied, finding oh-so-amusing the way her eyes gave her embarrassment away – he was having fun, watching her like a lost puppy trying to think through her next words.
Her mind was, of course, over speeding. She now felt even more embarrassed. Of course he doesn't want to go for a walk, Y/N conscience spoke to her, it's a Tuesday night and he's probably tired and I'm his friends' Au Pair – he probably thinks I'm this young and annoying girl who has a stupid crush and- "would you like to join me?" He interrupted her self-beating up raising his cup and she noticed the half smile adorning his face, almost like he could tell the wheels in her brain were fast-moving.
"Wouldn't want to interrupt-"
"You're not. I wouldn't have invited you in if you were. C'mon in, now. It's kinda cold out here." He disappeared inside of his house, leaving her on his porch with an open mouth and a blank brain. After closing the door behind her and taking her black vans off, she turned on her left as she guessed that was the way Harry went – and she knew she’d guessed correctly when she stepped into a big open-plan concept living room with a giant kitchen on the far back, Harry standing with his back towards her preparing her tea, "sugar?"
"No, thank you." She sat in one of the stools at the kitchen island as she took the scene in front of her. Her very cute (and much older), very hot neighbor Harry, in sweatpants and a very thin white shirt, a small patch of skin showing on his hip, making her tea. His shoulders were broad and she could see his back muscles moving as he poured steaming hot water into the cup, the little curls on his neck so inviting, if only she could run her hand through his soft looking hair just once-
"There you go. Cardamom." He snapped her out of her (probably inappropriate) thoughts, and she thanked him as she grabbed the cup from where he placed it; he stayed in his position standing in front of her on the other side of the island, with his forearms against the cold marble, sipping on his own mug, thinking about how strange it felt to have someone he wasn’t close with sitting in his kitchen after so long. "Why are you up so late?"
"I couldn't sleep."
"I figured. I couldn't either, looks like we both have a bit of sleeping issues, huh?" He sounded playful, but tired. Y/N knew exactly how it felt, being so tired but not being able to peacefully go to bed and get some needed rest.
"I remember you mentioning it before, I figured I'd check if you were up. Walking helps me relax, thought maybe you'd enjoy it too." OK, that wasn't entirely true but her reasoning to be there was quite similar – to check if he was up so they could, maybe, share a quiet night like that one a few weeks ago. None of them understood why they found such comfort in each other’s company – none of them felt like they needed to try too hard.
At some point during their conversation they moved to the couch, where they laid with a wide gap between their bodies. "Elton John's was definitely an interesting read. Lots of crazy anecdotes, you should read it."
"Probably not as good as Keith's, but I'll give it a go." He let a dimpled smile creep into his face, turning his head to look at her from across the couch and the annoying turn her stomach made obliged her to return it, just as bright as his. Finding out their music taste was quite similar made Y/N’s insides all warm and fuzzy, he showed her his vinyl collection (which was quite large) and ranted about how the modern industry was missing a rock star with some of that unexplainable essence old rock bands have – to which she respond saying maybe that something that makes them special was the fact that they were old bands... added to the fact that even though she was an old music lover, modern pop was her guilty pleasure.
Their third teacups were long forgotten on the modern coffee table by the time he noticed Y/N’s eyes were slowly beginning to close and he, as last time, said, "it's really late." And Y/N only nodded and tiredly got up from her position, with him following close behind.
"Goodnight, Harry. Thank you for having me even though I came unannounced." She shyly said, her actions still making her embarrassed even though it had already been a couple of hours.
"My pleasure. We should- do this again," He coughed into his hand, and uncomfortably continued, "I enjoy your company." That sentence alone made her heart explode with a thousand emotions, because even though they barely knew each other and it clearly pained him to admit he enjoyed having her around, his presence made her calm but anxious in a peculiar mixture of emotions. All she did in return was gift him a big smile, face hot of embarrassment (a nice kind of embarrassment, that feeling when you just want to smile really big and tightly hug whoever is making you feel that way) and slowly pushed herself up on her tiptoes to give him a sweet kiss on the cheek. "Bye." He said lastly, and closed his front door with red cheeks and dimples on display.
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- Joey.
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randomoranges · 2 years
im so cool with my cool ideas writing the cool things. ha.
Squeaky Clean
December 27th 2021
 The drive back home from the airport had been, surprisingly, quite animated. Edward hadn’t been sure what to expect when Étienne arrived, but his boyfriend, miraculously, had been in good spirits, all things considered, and had chatted up a storm as they went back to Edward’s place.
 The long, seemingly never-ending hug they’d exchanged at the airport upon Étienne’s arrival had been expected, but what had surprised Edward was the fact that he’d clung on, holding Étienne close and furrowing his mask-clad face in his boyfriend’s multi-layered shoulder, not wanting to let go. He knew he’d missed him, sure, but now that Étienne was here, it hit him just how much he actually had and just how thankful he was that Étienne had decided, once more, to fly out to see him. The last conversation they’d had over the phone had played back in his head, and even then, it had still surprised him.
 “Okay, but when I come over,” Étienne had started over the phone during their Christmas call, after telling him that his sister had actually gifted him with a box of rapid-tests as a pseudo gag, “I want you to treat me as a housemate – not a guest. I don’t want you to play host.” He’d warned him, voice stern. “I don’t want you to worry about appearances and such,” Étienne had clarified when he hadn’t answered. “If it’s leftover Tuesday, then it’s leftover Tuesday. If it’s laundry day and you wanna wear your rattiest pair of joggers, then so be it. I don’t want to impose and I know how you get.”
 He supposed that after spending months with him, Étienne had picked up on a few of his habits.
 “But what if you get bored of – everything,” He’d deflected. It was always his fear. Might always be his biggest fear. The last thing he wanted was for Étienne to judge him for his way of living. Or to get tired of his day to day life. Not find it very stimulating or exciting. He knew his boyfriend liked the crowds, the action and being on the go. What if you get bored of me. He’d thought real hard.
 Étienne had given him an earful on the subject and had assured him that no, he would not get bored and that he very much knew what he was getting into. He didn’t want to be a burden and didn’t want Edward to be exhausted catering to him.
 In the end, Edward had promised to do his best not to go overboard and Étienne had told him he’d let him know if he started acting like a host.
 There’d been the obligatory quips about the weather, afterwards – once they’d each let go of one another, and Étienne had nearly walked back inside the airport to return home – or throw caution to the wind and book himself a ticket to anywhere else in the world that had positive degrees, but they’d eventually made it to the car and had then headed towards Edward’s place.
 It was only once they’d gotten to the safety of Edward’s home that Edward himself had pulled Étienne for a much needed kiss, after Étienne had unleashed Mercury to let her get reacquainted with Edward’s place, but before he could properly start un-layering.
 Étienne had been more than happy to comply, but just as he thought this would turn into more, Edward had stepped back and had let him remove his boots, while he wandered off, returning a moment later with the laundry basket.
 “If you don’t mind,” He said, “Strip.” He shoved the basket towards his boyfriend and Étienne gave him a quizzical, if intrigued sort of look, as he pulled off his scarf.
 “Not that I mind, but? This is a new way of doing things?”
 Edward rolled his eyes fondly and poked him with the basket, “I’m not taking any chances. I’m gonna throw your clothes in for a wash. To be sure.” He put on his most convincing of airs, but Étienne wasn’t buying it.
 “Of course; it’s just to be safe,” He nodded along and proceeded to remove each of the multitude of layers he’d put on, since apparently, the weather out here had to be colder than normal.
 “Might be a good idea for you to wash up as well. To be safe, obviously.” Edward told him and Étienne didn’t miss the way his boyfriend’s eyes roamed over his body as another layer was shed.
 “Obviously,” He reiterated and if he swayed his hips just so, or if he leaned a little to the side to show off a stretch of skin a bit, it was all purely accidental. Not intentional at all.
 “You know,” Étienne started, now down to one of his last layers, enjoying far too much the heated looks he was getting from Edward as the laundry basket kept getting fuller, “You gave me a really long hug earlier.” He paused, waiting to see if Edward would catch on. “I think you should strip as well. To be safe.” He added, before he removed his undershirt and put it on top of the pile.
 Edward blinked and then grinned, “You know, I think you’re right.” To prove his point, he put the laundry basket down and then removed his own shirt, throwing it in as well. “D’you think I should join you in the shower as well?”
 “Oh, absolutely – that way, we can both make sure we’re clean.”
 Edward laughed and pulled him towards the washroom, “You’re absolutely right.”
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shadowturtlesstuff · 3 years
You are in love
cressworth modern au, based on you are in love-taylor swift for thomas’s birthday
i have dress from audrey rose’s perspective written but not fully edited yet so i’m still working on that as well as the asks but they should be done soon. enjoy!
I wake early, sliding out of bed so I do not disturb Thomas or our cat. I quickly put on one of Thomas's jumpers and made my way into the kitchen. He had mentioned a few months back that his birthday usually went uncelebrated by his family, and since I had met him a month after his birthday last year and that he'd made my own incredibly special, I have been planning to return the sentiment all month. 
I pour myself a coffee as Sir Isaac jumps onto the counter, purring at me for food. Dacina and Illeana will be arriving back in London soon, my own family should be waking up soon and preparing for tonight. A few of our friends will come too, as will our cat. I’m sure if I didn't bring Sir Isaac with us Thomas would make us go back home to pick up ‘our son’. Which means I have a few hours with Thomas all to myself before we spoil him rotten at the party. 
“Audrey Rose?” I hear Thomas call from our bedroom, tiredness lacing his words. We’d stayed up late watching films together, then Thomas had read to me, one of his romance novels, then we'd fallen asleep in each other's arms. I was blissfully content to stay there all day if I didn't have to ensure everything would be set up right for his party. 
Thomas still struggled opening up to people other than me, and he struggled to believe he was a good person worthy of any love. Some days were better, but I found him with a strange look on his face sometimes whilst he looked at me. It was normally when I was doing such a mundane task, or something ridiculous, but I'd always catch him with such a vulnerable face it made my heart melt. And made me kiss him to try and convince him how much I loved him.
“In here!” I shout back, pouring myself coffee and then dealing with Sir Isaac. I heard Thomas move, slowly making his way to the kitchen. I check the time on my phone, and the message from Dacina saying they are at the airport. He hasn't seen his sister in a few years, she's been travelling the world as a private investigator with her girlfriend, and I know how much he misses her. 
I turn to find Thomas on the stool, his messy hair and tired face making him appear so much younger than he is and also utterly adorable. His messy hair is my favourite look. I reach to press a kiss to his temple. Thomas isn't a morning person, he prefers keeping me locked in his arms until we have to get up so we aren't late for work. “Why are we up so early?” he complains, taking my hand in his. He narrows his eyes at me slightly. “You planned something didn't you?” he sighs at my smirk. I'm surprised he didn't figure out anything sooner.
“Of course I did. But before we do anything, what would you like for breakfast?”
“Wadsworth, do we need to be awake now or is it whatever you've planned occurring later tonight?”
“Tonight but-”
He stands and wraps his arms around my waist, burying his head in the crook of my neck. He whines for emphasis and I can't help laughing at his dramatic nature. We stand for a minute, him holding me and me stealing his warmth until he pulls back and attempts to drag me back to bed. 
“Do you not want your gifts?” This makes him stop slightly and face me. 
“You got me something?”
“Many things. Some for now, some for the event later.” 
His curiosity gets the better of him and he sits back down.  Sir Issac jumps onto his lap, purring. I have two gifts planned for now, and two for the party. Panic flows through me at the thought he won't like them, but it is too late to change them. I slid the box to him that was hidden in one of our kitchen counters. He smiles warmly at me, I can tell by the sad look in his eye he is wondering why I'm going through all the effort as he messes with the ribbon. 
“Open it then Thomas.” Slowly he pulls the ribbon. He refuses to meet my eyes, and he hesitates in opening it. “I love you Thomas. More than I can comprehend. When I look at you, or think about you, my fears ebb away, the ghosts that haunt me leave.”
He opens the lid, looks at the gifts. I got him a notebook and a sketchbook as well as a novel. I'd contemplated what would mean the most to Thomas, what he loved and what he needed. We both work for my uncle as morticians, so a notebook is always useful but I want him to use it for himself. And the sketchbook was something that screamed something Thomas would adore. It was black with little roses hidden on the cover. He ran his finger over them. I'd always loved watching Thomas draw, he was incredibly talented but he rarely drew anything for himself. 
The novel was his favourite book. I'd managed to get a special edition of it, and I’d written inside the cover pages. Whilst I preferred reading autonomy books or science books, Thomas preferred romance novels. We've formed this new habit of him reading them to me before bed, or him talking to me about the book over breakfast. He'd tried to get me to read this book on my own for ages, so I finally gave in. I cried when I finished it. I understood why Thomas loved it. He saw himself in the main character, this perceived monster without feeling, when all along he was seeking acceptance. So I knew that this would mean alot to him. To us. 
The silence clung to the air, but despite my heart racing fast I could feel Thomas's love radiating off him as he picked up the book. Opening it I held my breath as I watched him read what I wrote. As I watched a tear slide down his cheek. His eyes found mine once he finished and he smiled at me. “You are my best friend Wadswoth. I hope you never forget that fact.” His voice is no more than a whisper as he sets the book down, walks around the island and envelopes in a tight hug. As he held me I understood why people went crazy when in love. The feeling of having someone you loved loving you just as fiercely was intoxicating. It meant more than anything else. So I held him tightly even as sir Issac tried to break us up because we weren't giving him attention. 
Eventually Thomas let go of me to rub Sir Isaac's head. “You aren't going to make me cry like that tonight are you?” He half teases whilst beginning to make his own coffee. I take his place stroking our cat as I tell him he needn't worry about my other gifts. Most of them were sweet treats and a few other books.
“Very well.” was all he replied with. Silence washes over us as we go about our daily routine. We steal kisses as we make breakfast, working around each other perfectly in our small kitchen. The rest of the day passes much the same. I do some research on our latest case as well as keep in contact with those attending the party and setting it up. Thomas is somewhere else in the flat, most likely reading. 
When we have an hour before the party I pack away my things and find Thomas in the living room, his sketchbook in his lap. I peek over his shoulder and find that he has drawn me. Drawn me buried in my work, my hair in a messy bun and spilling over my face. His hoodie drowned me and my hand rested on my cup of coffee as I read something. Despite the chaos of my work I look peaceful. I gasp slightly at the details and he looks over his shoulder at me. 
“Wadsworth. I didn't know what to start with so I drew my favourite thing.” He smiles at me and gestures for me to come sit next to him. He turns a page and shows me smaller drawings, some of me, some of us both. They are all perfectly drawn. I take his hand in mine and place a small kiss before taking the book of him to look closely at them. 
There is one of me in a long pink summer dress, one we had taken the day we rescued Sir Issac. We’d been walking through the park, discussing our case when we heard him. He'd been lying with an injured leg, no collar or any way to find the owner. So we took him to the vet and later kept him. Then there was another one of me reading something, one of me cooking, reaching into the cupboards to find something with a bright smile on my face. There is one of us both lying in bed, me sticking my tongue out at the camera and him laughing at me. I didn't know when he took half these photos but I'd never felt happier as I looked up at him, his eyes hesitant at my reaction. I felt a tear run down my cheek and I looked back down at the drawings.
I hear Thomas tell me to look up and when I don't I feel his hand gently on my chin and lift me. I'm all too aware of how close we are, our shoulders brush against each other and all I feel is such love for this wonderful man. “I picked some of my favourite days, and some of the times that looked real. I love watching you do some tedious task, because you make it enjoyable somehow.”
“Which is your favorite?” my voice is barely above a whisper.
“This,” he says pointing to the one of us in bed. “You were drunk that night-”
“I was not!” 
“You were,” he laughs at the memory, “I tucked you into bed but you made me hold you, then decided we needed to do something. So I took some photos of us, you with the most absurd faces, but there's one where I'm looking at you and you can see something in me clicked. I'd realised I loved you so much that night and that I'd do anything to prove it to you.” 
He wiped the tear, caressing my cheek as he planted a kiss on my lips. 
“Will you teach me?” I ask because I'm utterly terrible at drawing, at most creative things. 
“Of course. I'm guessing you came to tell me we have to get ready?”
We dress, order a taxi and make our way to the party. Were greeted by my uncle who hands Thomas a set of scalpels, then my father who shakes his hand and laughs with him. It is still so bizarre at how friendly they were. My cousin wraps me in a tight hug and slowly the party develops. Dacian and Illeana get here slightly late but make up for it by telling us tales of our adventure. I leave Thomas to catch up with his sister and find Liza at the buffet, Sir Isaac poking her leg to try and get her to give him food. I roll my eyes at him. Thomas is a terrible role model. 
“Sorry about our little beast, he is so much like Thomas the pest.” I pick up our cat and stroke him behind the ears and he purrs loudly. Liza laughs at me. “How are you?” I ask. It's been months since we saw each other. Last I heard she was part of a magic group of sorts and her mother hated it. But she was happy so at some point I would bring Thomas to see one of her shows. 
“I'm good, me and Harry are, well. He's an ass but that's a story for another time. Will you and the birthday boy be dancing tonight? I'm sure Thomas would love being the center of attention like that.” He would, very much so. There were a few couples dancing, I looked towards the floor and found that Illeana and Dacina were there so I tried to find Thomas. He hasn't moved from our table but had his sketchbook out, staring intensely at it. 
“We might. And you must tell me about what has happened with Harry. Perhaps sometime this week we can go for tea?” 
Sir Isaac jumps from my arms, seemingly bored so Liza takes that opportunity to wrap me in another hug. 
“Yes, I love that.” She tells me before walking off to find aunt Amelia. So I pile a bunch of sweets onto my plate and make my way back to Thomas. 
“You are meant to socialise at parties Thomas.” I say as a way of greeting. I set the plate before him and he smiles brightly at all the sugary treats. 
“Right, yes, sorry I'll finish this later.” I go to steal a peek at what he's drawing but he closes it too fast and tells me it's a surprise. “Dance with me Wadsworth.” he stands holding his arm out. We make our way onto the dance floor and I spot Liza beaming at me, getting her phone out to record us probably. Her hopelessly romantic heart means she likes to capture moments between Thomas and I. Something she has in common with Thomas apparently. 
We start dancing slowly, his arms around my waist, making small circles as we spin. “Will you tell me what you were drawing or do I have to wait?”
“You obviously. You look devastatingly beautiful tonight. Your dress is perfect. I had to.” He says such matters of factly that it makes me laugh. I would very much like to draw Thomas, to be able to be half as talented as him. The dress I'm wearing is a midnight blue, matching his own suit. It rested over my shoulders, falling into a tight waist and flowing at the knees so when Thomas spun me it wrapped around me. 
“Happy birthday Thomas.” His smile in return is better than anything I've seen before, it is so genuine and full of love that I stop dancing for just a second so I can always remember it. The music turns to silence for me as we continue to spin, all I can think about it Thomas. I steal a kiss and we remain dancing in silence, words not needed to convey our feelings.
@city-of-fae @fangirling-again @padfoot-sirius-black @fandomtakeover@purplecreatorhorsewagon @throneoftsc @the-hoofflepooff @kittycat2187 @goatahoan @boredbookwormgirl @loveyatopluto @lovecakeandmore
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smytimagine · 4 years
Part III | Surprise Visitors
We get some other character’s perspectives in this chapter!
Warnings: Mild swearing
Word Count: 3,442
A/N: I’m in the middle of writing other chapters but I can’t decide, does Y/N end up with Grayson… or Ethan?!
part 1 part 2
Thank God the next day was Saturday, and although that didn’t mean a whole lot since I usually spent the day with the twins anyway, today was different.
I spent the whole night curled up in my bed watching chick flicks and ignoring Ethan’s persistent calls and texts. To be fair, I felt bad and had at least let him know I made it home safely but didn’t respond after that. It’s not like it was Ethan’s fault, he didn’t know about Grayson’s new girlfriend either, but I couldn’t tell Ethan how I felt if I wasn’t even sure how I felt.
Grayson had always been my best friend. When I moved out to LA from Connecticut the twins were the first real friends I had made. I had prior experience as a personal assistant to very wealthy CEO’s at large companies, and a recruiter had seen my resume and asked me if I was interested in a position with two clients who were social media moguls. I had no idea who the twins were when I met them, as I suppose I wasn’t their target demographic. I was 3 years older than them and had no idea what vine even was, never mind that they had blown up on the app. I guess you could say I wasn’t the trendiest teen back then. 
The three of us had hit it off right away, probably because I treated them like normal people, I never put them on a pedestal. I wasn’t blind to how girls looked at them, I was even an unwilling target to some online slander from people who wanted to pin me to one of them. But it was never like that. We truly were just best friends, until now.
As I sat in my bed debating if I was ever going to crawl out of this mess of blankets and sheets, I wasn’t sure where I stood with the twins. Of course, I would always be professional when it came to work, but I now felt this awkwardness around Grayson. What was Ethan hinting at when he told Grayson he needed to tell me about his girlfriend? Why would they think I needed to know? Grayson didn’t owe me anything. Was there some kind of secret behind my back about me liking Grayson? Because certainly, I had never implied that, or at least I don’t think I did? Ethan would never go behind my back and make something like that up, so I wasn’t sure where any of this stemmed from.
Noon rolled around and I finally pulled myself together enough to drag my ass out of bed and into the kitchen for some food. Still drowning in Ethan’s sweatshirt and a pair of PJ shorts I had thrown on.
“Well it’s about damn time,” a deep voice said from behind me
I jumped and threw my back against the fridge, I held a knife stabbed halfway through an avocado in my hand, looking towards my couch to see a mop of dark hair facing away from me towards the wall of windows
“We have a spare key in case of emergencies Y/N. After you texted me you were home last night you never answered any of my other attempts to talk. I was genuinely worried about you. I came over around 3 am and saw you sleeping in bed surrounded by tissues. I decided I would sleep on the couch and be here when you woke up, I didn’t want you to be alone. I texted you that, but apparently, you decided to just let your phone die. Now please, put down the knife, that avocado isn’t very threatening ” Ethan laughed as he made his way towards me.
My heart melted. Here I was wasting the day away feeling sorry for myself when this man in front of me came over just to see if I was okay and then slept here in case I needed anything. What the hell did I do to deserve him?
I didn’t say anything, I tossed the knife on the counter and walked towards Ethan, I tucked my head into his chest and felt him wrap his arms around me. He pecked the top of my head and rubbed his hands slowly up and down my back. We stood silently in the embrace for a while.
“I’m okay E, to be honest, I’m not even sure why I was so upset. I told you before there was nothing going on between Gray and me, and now it’s just proof.” I said softly
“Y/N, you may not have thought there was anything, but there was - there is. I saw it, the guys all saw it. To be honest, you weren’t the only one let down last night. After the guys left they all texted me bummed out about the whole situation. There is absolutely no one who is as perfect for Gray as you. Literally, everyone around you guys can see that”
I felt myself smile into Ethan’s chest at his kind words, it felt nice that everyone thought so highly of me. That they all thought that I was good enough for their best friend and brother. But at the end of the day, it didn’t matter. He had a girlfriend, and she wasn’t me.
I pulled away from him with his hands still resting on my shoulders. I tried to change the subject, as anything would be a better conversation than this.
“So, what should we do today Etee?” I smirked as I teased him. He hated that nickname and I knew it, but it was cute.
Ethan sighed at my use of his name, “Well, Mom and Cam are coming into town today actually, I’m supposed to pick them up in a few hours. Do you want to come?”
I loved the twin’s family. Their sister was my age and so much fun to gang up on the boys with. Their mom Lisa was the best. She was super supportive of everything the boys did and would even check up on me once in a while. My mom had never been exactly present in my life, so in a way, she helped to fill the void.
“Is that even a question?!” I asked, suddenly feeling my mood shift to pure excitement.
“I thought you might like that, we have to pick them up around 2:30, it’s going to take us an hour to get there from here, so you better get your ass in the shower because you fucking stink,” He said, pulling his head to the side implying he was trying to escape me.
“Oh, fuck you, dude. I absolutely do not stink, and even if I did, it’s your sweatshirt, which means you’re the stinky one” I scoffed at him, smirked, then turned to head down the hall towards the shower.
Ethan POV
I watched Y/N walk away and head towards the bathroom, my eyes inspecting every inch of her body. She was perfect. She had absolutely no idea how perfect she actually was. I couldn’t stand the fact that my idiot brother had this perfect of a woman pining for him and decided to ignore her for someone else.
Don’t get me wrong, I love my brother. He’s my best friend. But he can be a real idiot. The thing is, I’m not even sure he knows Y/N is crazy for him. In fact, Y/N doesn’t even know she’s crazy about him, but everyone else knows. They are so perfect for each other it makes me want to vomit out of jealousy. Someday I want to find someone as perfect as she is, though I know it will be a challenge.
I told her my mom and sister were coming into town today, and they are. But, I might have left out the part that I called them late last night and asked them to come. I explained what happened at the fire and when they agreed to come, I booked them on the next available flight out here.
They loved Y/N as much as Grayson and I did. My mom thought of her as her own, considering Y/N’s mom wasn’t the best. She left when Y/N was little and calls her once in a while when she runs low on money. Grayson and I have been throwing extra cash into her paychecks to cover it. We told her it was a pay raise, which part of it was, but we doubled it and if Y/N knew she would kill us. She never asks for anything, never expects anything, and never tries to inconvenience anyone. Her dad has always tried his best, but he works a lot and isn’t sure how to relate to her as a grown woman. Over the last two years, she has become more of a Dolan than a Y/L/N, my whole family accepts her with open arms, and secretly hopes one day she will actually be a Dolan. Of course, none of that will happen if Grayson stays with whatever her name is.
I showered, got dressed, fixed my hair and makeup and headed back out to the living room where Ethan was half asleep scrolling through twitter. He clicked his phone screen off when he noticed I had entered the room
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“Damn” Ethan whispered to himself
I could feel my cheeks blush slightly
“Uh, you ready, E?”
“I’ve been ready, the question is, are you?” he replied, trying to cover for his trip up
“I’m ready! Let’s go get these beautiful ladies so I can ditch you and hang out with some real winners” I laughed as I pulled him up off the couch. 
We hopped up into Ethan’s jeep and headed towards the airport. I absolutely loved this car. He had modified it so perfectly that everything about it screamed Ethan. He turned up the radio and started bobbing his head while I pulled my sunglasses over my eyes and leaned my head back into the headrest, letting my hair blow in the wind. He looked over at me, smiled and placed his hand on my knee. This wasn’t odd for us, it was his way of letting me know he was there, but that he didn’t want to turn down his music to talk. All of which, I was okay with. I didn’t want to talk.
“Y/N/N!” Cameron screamed as she ran up and threw her arms around me in the biggest hug. I laughed and looked over her shoulder to see Lisa coming along smiling at the two of us
“Hey gorgeous, what the heck! I didn’t know you ladies were coming into town! I usually have you guys on the twin’s schedules for weeks before you visit” I said looking between Cameron and Lisa with an excited confusion.
Both women looked over at Ethan, unsure of what he actually told Y/N, clearly not the truth, and went along with the story line.
“Oh well, we wanted to surprise the boys and didn’t say anything until last night to them about coming to visit… SURPRISE!” Lisa fibbed as she embraced Y/N in a hug while shooting Ethan wide eyes hoping she said the right thing. He nodded in acceptance of her answer.
We all got back into Ethan’s jeep, his mom and sister in the back as they had insisted I sit in front. I always felt wrong about making a parent sit in the back, but Lisa had insisted.
I suddenly felt a wave of dread wash over me. They would definitely want to go back to the boy’s house to drop off their things and say hi to Grayson. I, on the other hand, did not want to say hi to Grayson until at least Monday.
Lisa POV
I had insisted Y/N sit up front with Ethan. She was so sweet how she always offered me the front, but I knew she needed to be next to my son more than I did right now. As we drove back to the boy’s house I watched how Ethan would smile and look at her and how she mirrored the gesture. To be honest, I would be over the moon if she dated Ethan, the chemistry between them was undeniable. I could tell from a mother’s perspective that she truly made Ethan happy, but I didn’t know if either of them actually felt that way towards each other. Ethan had always insisted it wasn’t like that and that he was pulling for Y/N to get with Grayson. I would be a lucky parent to have that girl end up with either of my sons, so if Ethan felt that way and everyone was happy, it would be okay with me. 
But that’s not why we’re here.
When Ethan called in the middle of the night I panicked. No parent likes to receive phone calls from their children at odd hours of the night. He sounded very concerned about Y/N and had mentioned that Grayson screwed up. I had kind of put the pieces together and Ethan filled in the details about Gray’s new girlfriend. My heart hurt for the poor girl. As far as I knew no words were ever exchanged from her about Grayson in that way, but we weren’t blind to it. She spent plenty of time with us both here and in New Jersey and I found myself daydreaming about the days of her and Grayson having kids running around my home and sitting together on our front porch hand in hand. She was everything he had ever said he wanted in a woman. Sometimes, we can’t see two inches in front of our face, and surely this was the situation with my son.
As we rounded the bend towards the gate I was all too familiar with, Ethan gently squeezed my knee. I looked over at him and he nodded in acknowledgment that he knew this would be hard for me but that he knew I could do it. And I would.
We parked in Ethan’s usual spot and everyone hopped out. I helped Lisa grab her bag as we headed towards the front door. Suddenly it opened
“E, where the hell have you been…” Grayson’s voice trailed off as he came storming out of the house and realized Ethan wasn’t alone.
“Mom? Cam? What are you guys doing here? Y/N were they on our calendars?” He looked at me happy but concerned
“Uh… I” I started but Ethan jumped in
“No, I stayed at Y/N’s last night because she wasn’t feeling well, mom texted me while I was there that it was a surprise and we just got back from picking them up” he explained, while looking at his mom and sister for back up. The three nodded in agreement.
“Okay… wait you stayed at Y/N’s?” Grayson asked looking between me and Ethan. He really had no idea what had happened last night, and here was Ethan covering my tracks. But Gray wasn’t stupid, he knew it wasn’t normal for Ethan to stay at my house even if I wasn’t feeling well. But Ethan brushed it off and changed the subject.
“Okay, let’s get inside, I want to drop off their bags so we can show them the new tiny home,” he said. Although there wasn’t much to show them except the empty shell at this point, it got the subject off of me and away from Grayson’s questions.  
The four of us walked past Grayson in the driveway as he turned to watch us. I could tell something about this situation didn’t sit right with him, but I didn’t know why. He had a girlfriend. Ethan staying at my house was no concern of his.
We walked through the door and immediately I regretted being there. I could tell she was still there because there was a woman’s bag on the side table. She spent the night
We gathered in the kitchen, deciding what to do for the evening when Grayson came back into the kitchen with her in tow.
“Hey Mom, Cam, I want you to meet someone special. This is my girlfriend Alyana” Grayson said introducing the three of them.
Someone special. The words stung my ears. I hated what this was doing to me. How the heck was I supposed to come to work every day if I couldn’t even get through 5 minutes of being here. Surely now that she’s been introduced to everyone, Grayson plans to have her around a lot more. I was going to have to handle that. 
I turned my attention to Ethan who was looking at his phone, ignoring the interaction in the room. He looked up from his phone and pulled my chair closer to his so I could see the video he was watching.
Cameron POV
Surely my brother was joking. He presented this girl to us like she was some shiny surf board he won at the teen choice awards. The fake smile plastered on her face when she said hi was enough to make me puke. I saw right through her, and I knew if I saw through her so did Ethan. Grayson might be his twin but we were more on the same wavelength when it came to stuff like this. We can both spot a faker from miles away, while Grayson has the worst judge of character of anyone I know, clearly. Considering Y/N is sitting in the dining room with Ethan while this dumb ass is flaunting a girl I could replicate off of Instagram in a second.
“Hi, I’m Cameron” I tried my best to smile.
“I know! I’ve heard so much about the famous Cam” she said
“Cameron” I corrected her.
Grayson shot me a look. He knew I was being salty, but she didn’t know me. She didn’t know anything about me. Surely we were not on a nickname basis. My family and friends call me Cam, not some bimbo who’s using my brother for clout.
“Right, Cameron” she giggled her fake giggle.
I smiled roughly and turned to go sit with Ethan and Y/N. Surely whatever they were talking about would be much more fun than what was happening here.
Cam came and sat down next to me, smiling and placing her head on my shoulder. Did she know something I didn’t? Why did that smile seem sympathetic?
“Hey, do you guys want to go down to the beach for a little while and then grab some food?” Ethan broke the silence.
“Is that even a question? I absolutely want to go anywhere but here” I laughed while nudging him with my shoulder.
“I’m in, let me go get Mom,” Cameron said
“Can we please just go the four of us?” I asked Ethan quietly. I really didn’t know if I could handle staring at Grayson and Bimbo Barbie all night. Was I jealous of her? It was surely starting to seem that way.
Ethan nodded in agreement and quickly sent a text. At first, I didn’t know to whom until a pissed off Grayson stormed into the room.
Our Assistant? So now that’s how he saw me? What the fuck is happening.
“We just figured you guys might want some alone time Gray, no big deal, we’ll bring you guys back food if you want” Ethan covered for me. Again
I looked between Ethan and Grayson for a minute. Them arguing wasn’t really anything out of the norm, but I knew secretly it was because of me. Over my stupid feelings and it made me feel horrible.
“It’s okay E, I don’t have to go, you guys should go out as a family. Your mom and sister just got here, you should catch up” I tried to intervene.
“Well, all I see in this room is family” Lisa chimed in looking at me square in the eye. She was not going to let me bow out that easily. Little did I know she had come here for me, not them.
“Fine Ma, then we’ll all go,” Grayson said in a chilling tone, giving Ethan a smug look.
Great so it’ll just be me, the Dolans and Bimbo Barbie . One big happy family.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
Best Christmas of all; Tom Holland x child reader
*Author’s note*
Okay WOW! I am a TERRIBLE Person BUT I GOT IT DONE. To the Watson anon from long ago as well as @artistintraining239​ I FINALLY GOT THE TOM HOLLAND REQUEST DONE!!!!!! Now @artistintraining239​ I made a SLIGHT change in the adoption part of the story so I hope you’ll accept what I ended up doing for that part, and to the Watson anon whomever you maybe, you are LITERALLY THE MOST PATIENT PERSON EVER!! You requested something from me like 2 years ago around Christmas time and I couldn’t do it cause it ended up as shit, so you gave me a second chance and I PROMISED I DELIVER AND SO I DID!!! It took awhile for me to try and add the ideas you had mixed with this other requester listed above but I F***IN DID IT!!! 
Not really any warnings just PURE, TOM HOLLAND FLUFF, foster care (just for characterization), Tessa makes an appearance, and having no knowledge of Tom’s family. I’m just using them here for the story, RESPECT THEIR PRIVACY'S. 
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It’s a miracle when a person can go up on the big screen and become someone famous, it’s another miracle when you get adopted after losing your family in a housefire before you reach your teenage years.  I gained both miracles.  The best place to start is probably from the beginning when I was chosen to costar in the upcoming Marvel movie Spiderman: Homecoming.
I was chosen out of hundreds if not thousands of little girls to play the cousin of Peter Parker aka Spiderman, Jenna Hawkins (Brown spider).  Jenna’s character was that while she was Peter Parker’s cousin, she would eventually become a sidekick of Spiderman who not only was a quick learner thanks to her cousin, but she was the perfect silent weapon because no one would suspect a child (much like how real brown spider bites can be deadly but not really kill).
I had asked my current foster mom if I could audition for the film and thankfully she said yes but she had to run it by the system if I could audition for a film role.  Surprisingly the foster system I was put in allowed me to audition and by a miracle I got the role.
So I was flown out from my home of Colorado Springs to New York where they were filming Spiderman: Homecoming.  And surprisingly the entire cast didn’t treat me with sympathy or made me feel out of place because I was a foster child, they saw the potential in me as an actress and as a person.
They looked past the fact that I was a foster kid and just saw me, which I really liked, especially from some of my heroes like Mr. Downey (oh I guess I should say Robert since he told me that Mr. Downey made him sound like his dad), Tom Holland and of course my true role model Zendaya (since I love KC Undercover).
Now it was getting close to the holiday seasons, my favorite time of year actually Christmas time.  I’ve always wanted to know how people celebrate Christmas unfortunately the foster family I live with didn’t celebrate Christmas (something to do with religion or something) so they just treat Christmas like any other day.
So while everyone was closing up the set and locking their trailers, I was sitting in my movie chair while my agent locked up my trailer.  As I was scrolling through my phone, I heard the familiar voice of Tom call out to me.
“Hey (n/n)!” I looked up and smiled at him.  I got out of my chair and raced up to him to give him a big hug.  “Whoa oh man you really are getting strong aren’t yah? Almost knock me off my feet.”
“Sorry Tom.”
“Hey don’t even worry about it. So you excited for the holidays? You got any idea what you’re gonna get for Christmas?” at that point I looked down and I told him.
“Not really.”
“Why not? You’ve been the sweetest girl I’ve met, I’m sure Santa’s got you at the top of his nice list.”
“Maybe. But I won’t know cause the foster parents I’m with don’t celebrate Christmas.”
“Really?” I nodded. “Well do they celebrate a different holiday? Like Hanukah or Kwanzaa?” I shook my head no.
“The only holidays they really celebrate are New Years, Valentine’s day, 4th of July, and Halloween.”
“Wait so not even Thanksgiving? Cause I hear that’s a big celebration here.”
“They just treat it like a normal day. I think their reason for not celebrating the December holidays is religion or something. And I’ve always wanted to celebrate Christmas but—I was either too young to remember how my first Christmas went or because of now. But what are you doing for Christmas Tom?” I asked trying to lighten the mood since I had seen that I made him upset.
“Well just gonna go home, be with Tessa and my brothers and the rest of the family.”
“Wow, that sounds like fun. I hope you have a good Christmas Tom. I’ll see you in the New Year when we get back to filming.” I turned and went to grab my phone when Tom said.
“Actually (y/n). Would you like to come to London with me for Christmas?” I turned to him and was shocked at what I just heard him say.
“You—you’d really want me there?”
“Yeah. I mean I was hoping to kinda make it a surprise by tomorrow but as you know I’m—pretty terrible at keeping secrets. So I got in touch with your foster parents and the foster system you’re under and they’ve allowed you to come spend the holidays with me.”
“Really? They did?”
“Yeah. So—do you wanna come with me and meet my family?”
“Yes!” I ran back towards him and hugged him again.  This time he picked me up so that I could now wrap my arms around his neck.
“That’s great! So the plane leaves in a few hours, why don’t you get your stuff and I’ll meet you outside with Harry and we can drive up to the airport.”
“Okay.” We then pecked each other’s cheeks and I quickly raced off to find my bag that my agent Mr. Jones had.  He handed me my bag and told me to behave and that if anything happened, just call either him or my foster parents.  I told him I would be on my best behavior and with that we hugged each other and I walked outside the studio and saw Tom and Harrison outside about to get into the taxi.
“Ahh (n/n) over here!” I rushed over as fast as I could before Tom met me half way and picked me up and tossed me in the air making me giggle as he held onto me with one arm before taking my suitcase with his other hand.
“So you ready to see England (y/n)?” asked Harry.
“Yeah. Is it really as big as they make it in the movies?” I asked.
“You’ll have to see for yourself.” He answered.  We all then piled in the car and Harry told the driver to take us to the airport.
“You think Tessa will remember me?” I asked Tom.
“Of course she’ll remember you. She loves you.”
“Is flying over an ocean different than flying over cities?”
“Not really. You nervous about flying overseas?”
“I mean a little. Sorry.”
“No, no there’s no need to apologize love. I remember flying overseas the first time and it can be scary. But you’ve got me, right?”
“Right.” I said with a nod.
“So there’s nothing to be afraid of (n/n). I’ll be right there with you the entire time. And you can always hold my hand if you feel a little scared, okay?”
“Okay, thanks Tom.”
“No problem.” It took a long time but we finally arrived at the airport and we did all the usual stuff they make you do at the airport before we were finally allowed to head to our gate.  It was about an hour and a half wait before our plane even arrived so Tom and I ended up playing Super Mario Kart on our Nintendo switches.
I was in my lead with Mario but Tom cheated and bashed into me with his Yoshi.
“Hey that’s cheating!” I exclaimed.
“All’s fair in Mario Kart my dear (y/n). And Yoshi is the best there is.” He mocked back at me.
“Yoshi’s a cheater and a bully.” I whined as I tried to take back the lead.  Then just my luck, Tom’s cell chimes his text tone and he had no choice but to answer it because for some reason it kept chiming repeatedly.  So as he looked down at his phone, I crashed into Yoshi and took back the lead and won the race. “I win!”
“What oh that’s not fair you knew I was distracted!”
“All’s fair in Mario Kart Tom.” I threw his words back at him.
“Ohh she got you there mate.” Harry laughed.
“Okay, okay then, alright then yah little miss smarty pants.” Tom said with a quirk of his brow while I did my victory dance just to rub it in Tom’s face that I won and he lost.
“1st class flight nonstop to London England now boarding, 1st class passengers only can now board.”
“Ohh that’s us. Get your tickets ready.” Harry said as the three of us grabbed our small bags and we showed the lady our tickets before going through the tunnel and finally getting on the plane.  We got into our seats and I looked out the window seat and waited another long time before we finally started to take off.
As the plane began to take off, I felt my stomach beginning to sink down to my feet. That’s probably the one thing I didn’t like when it came to flying, that and having my ears popping.  I rubbed my ears as I could feel them beginning to ache, that’s when Tom took my hand and said.
“You best not do that, it’ll only make it worse.”
“Then what can I do to make them stop ringing and popping?” I asked.
“Here’s a trick my dad taught me. Plug your nose, like you’re about to dive in a pool.” He said as he demonstrated for me and I followed suit. “Then as hard as you can blow from your nose. That’ll make your ears pop open.”
“Your voice sounds funny Tom.” I giggled hearing how his voice sounded with his nose plugged up.
“Well so does your little missy.” He mocked back. “Okay so let’s blow together on three okay?” I nodded. “One….”
“Three.” And as hard as I could I blew as hard as I could.  “It didn’t work.”
“Try it again, sometimes it takes a couple of tries.” He told me.  He counted down again and I blew as hard as I could again, this time feeling my ears pop however the second they did I was met with this agonizing pain as I began to rub them again. “No, no don’t rub them it’ll only make them worse.”
“But it hurts Tom!” I whined out.
“I know but trust me, the pain’s gonna subside soon. Just give it a moment. Here wanna hear a story about Tessa that my mum told me awhile ago?” I nodded and he then told me of how Paddy taught Tessa a new trick with balancing food on top of her nose before getting the command to eat it.
Hearing that story gave me a good distraction and soon enough my ears were better and no linger hurting anymore.  It was then we were told by the captain that we could now take our electronic devices out and that’s when Tom proceeded to take pictures of Harry and I and he posted it up on Instagram telling his fans that we were on our way home for Christmas.
He then even showed me the video of the trick he told me about earlier. Apparently his brother Paddy managed to get a recording of it as well and he sent it to Tom.  So I got to see for myself Tessa’s new trick.
“Do you think she’ll come to the airport?” I asked him.
“Maybe, mum and dad know how much I love spoiling that Princess of mine. Well next to you munchkin.” He said with a playful ruffle of my hair.
“Tom!” I whined out.  He chuckled and we proceeded to watch all the videos of Tessa that he had.  We continued with a few more games of Super Mario Kart or Mario vs. Sonic the Olympics.  After several hours even with it still being daylight out the window, I began to grow tired.
“It’ll still be a long while before we get to London, why don’t you take a little nap?”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. See that’s the best part about long flights, you get to catch up on sleep. And I know these past few months have been rough on you even with just 10 hours of filming you have to do. So go on take a little nap.”
“Okay, hey Harry?”
“Yeah?” he said as he looked up from his phone.
“Please beat Tom in another round of Mario Kart for me will you?”
“Hey! You win one time and you act like you’ve won the super bowl.” Tom said which made Harrison laugh.
“I’ll win one for you kiddo. Besides someone needs to knock this rotter down to size.” He said gesturing to Tom to which Tom glared at him.
“Okay you cheeky little kitten, go to sleep.” He brought out my pillow and blanket and lowered the window screen down so the sun wasn’t shining in my eyes and covered me up.  I placed myself against the wall and soon I fell fast asleep, suddenly feeling the exhaustion from the past few months from all the filming and jumping and swinging I had to learn for the film.
“(Y/n)? Hey (Y/n),” I moaned tiredly and woke up to see that I had went from the wall to spreading across Tom’s lap. “We’re here.” I looked outside to see that it was still pitch black out.
“What time is it?” I said as I stretched myself out.
“A little past 3am. So it’s still early for you to be fully awake. But don’t worry we’ll meet my parents in the car and you can go back to sleep on the way to the house.” He unbuckled my seatbelt and packed my blanket and pillow away in my bag. He picked up my bag then he went and picked me up. “Okay there we go love.”
I wrapped my arms around his neck and clung onto him like a sleepy koala while Tom walked out holding onto me with his arms wrapped around me.  From my constant eyes opening and closing trying to fight off sleep, I saw Tom walk through the tunnel before we were finally out the gate and I felt him waving.
“Hey mum, hey dad.”
“Welcome home son, Harrison, and this tired young thing must be (y/n).” I turned to look up and as I rubbed my eyes, I saw Tom’s parents.  They looked like nice people but I was just too tired to fully introduced myself.
“Now Dominic, you can tease the girl when she’s fully awake. C’mon you three must be exhausted. Let’s get you all home and into bed.” Tom’s mum said.
“Thanks mum.” Tom adjusted me back into his arms so that I was now lying against him but I still clung onto him as we all left the airport.  I don’t really remember much after that because soon I went back to sleep against Tom’s chest.
When I woke up the next morning I found myself in a bedroom.  It was painted gray and the sheets were a dark blue color.  I heard the door open and the next thing I knew this big mass of gray came hopping right towards me and I was greeted with wet kisses.  I knew only one creature who greeted me like that.
“Tessa! Awww Tess I missed you so much!” I cooed as I scratched her belly and squished her face between my hands.
“She could hardly contain herself when we came home last night.” I looked up and I saw Tom leaning up against the edge of the door.  “It does warm my heart to see you liking Tessa.”
“Why wouldn’t I? She’s an angel.”
“Guess it’s kinda due to her breed. Blue Staffys’ are considered one of the most dangerous dogs here in the UK.”
“But that doesn’t mean she’s vicious. It’s the same with pit bulls. My foster dad back home tries to keep me away from the neighbors white and brown pitbull Titan every time he escapes. But he’s not vicious, unless you count licking someone to death vicious.”
“Man I’m so glad you think that way (y/n).”
“Yeah. That’s what Mrs. Spencer always tells me whenever it comes to dogs. I wish I could have one, or a cat for that matter but my foster dad’s allergic to cats and my foster mom is terrified of dogs, unless they’re the purse dogs but I don’t really like them.”
“Why’s that? Just out of curiosity.” He asked as he came over and sat down at the foot of the bed while Tessa placed her paw on my lap finally calming down.
“Not big enough. I’ve always wanted a dog that I could cuddly with like a teddy bear. Or play fetch with. At my last foster home that I could remember, there was this family that has these Chicha…..Chicas…..I can never pronounce the name.”
“Yes that’s it. They had about five of them and they weren’t very nice. Those are the dogs my current foster dad would say were vicious, because they always attacked anything and one of them even ripped my favorite jeans apart.”
“Ahh man that’s terrible. I’m sorry that happened to you.” He said as he gently stroked down my hair.
“Yeah but it’s better than what it could’ve been.”
“True, true, but you never need to worry about getting hurt by this pretty princess.” Tom cooed as he leaned over and kissed Tessa’s head repeatedly.
“So it’s Christmas Eve, what do you guys usually do first?”
“Oh right it is. Well if you’ll come downstairs with me my lady, I will show you firsthand what Christmas is like in the Holland household.” I then got out of bed and Tessa hopped down and went on ahead and raced down the stairs with Tom and I following behind her.
When we got downstairs, all I could see was pure magic.  Lights and Christmas decorations everywhere.  There were tiny villages out along some of the tables and china cabinets standing all on top of some type of cotton or something, which made it look like the villages were on top of snow.
“Wow, this is so pretty.” I said in awe.
“You really like it dear? My mum and I collected those little Christmas villages every year when I was growing up. Each year we’d add a new addition to our collection and make our little Christmas town grow even bigger.” I looked up and there I saw a woman standing beside me.
“Morning mum.” Tom said.
“Morning love, did you sleep okay?” she asked as Tom hugged her.
“Always. (Y/n) this is my lovely mum Nicola, mum this is (y/n).”
“It’s an honor to meet you (y/n). Tom’s told us so much about you.” She said as she knelt down to my height and held out her hand.  I shyly shook it and said.
“Tom’s told me a lot about his family. You all seem really nice.”
“Well Paddy and Harry cane be rambunctious and tricky little buggers but they’re cool.”
“Thomas behave.” His mom lectured him which made me giggle.
“So shall we get started on the gingerbread houses mum?”
“Yes we shall. But as punishment for your comment against your brothers, you’re gonna be doing the hard part of gluing the house together.”
“Aww mum!” whine Tom which made me snicker. “Laugh it up fuzzball.” Tom said to me.
“Hey who you calling a fuzzball you stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy looking nerf-herder!”
“Whose scruffy looking?”
“Alight, alright enough you two. At this point the both of you are looking at gluing the gingerbread house together.”
“Sorry Mrs. Holland.” I apologized.
“It’s fine dear, now then both of you in the kitchen now.” Tom and I then raced to the kitchen with his mum telling us not to run in the house.  A few minutes later, his dad and his brothers Harry, Sam and Paddy all arrived in the kitchen.  His brother’s were pretty good, especially Paddy who let me in on all the embarrassing stories of Tom.
“And then there was this one time when he was in Year 11 when he went to the winter formal and tried to ask this girl he liked by…..”
“NO! Don’t you dare tell that story!” Tom shouted at him.
“Why not I think (y/n) should hear it.” Paddy mocked.
“What? What happened?” I asked.
“It’s nothing, nothing happened.”
“Tom went outside her house with a boombox playing some sappy love song.” Sam said.
“N you didn’t.” I proclaimed.
“So what if I did?”
“What did you think you were in, the 1980?”
“Hey she loved 80’s movies and Say Anything was her favorite so I figured she’d think it was sweet.”
“Yeah till she said it was corny and turned yah down.” Said Paddy.
“Well I thought it was real sweet the way Tom asked out his date. Of course she turned out to not be the one, but that’s fine because at least now I know that I raised my little Thomas to be a romantic.” His mom said as she came over and pinched his cheek.
“Mum please!”
“Alright, alright enough talk. Let’s get this gingerbread house up and ready to go.” His dad stated.
“So how exactly do you make gingerbread houses?” I asked.
“Just watch us and jump in whenever you think you got it.” Said Paddy as his brother Sam got the supplies.  He dumped out the cookies while Tom’s mom and dad got the icing and graham crackers out.
It was then the Hollands’ began to build their gingerbread house.  Just as Tom was about to glue the pieces together, I decided to step in and I told Paddy.
“I can hold it.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah I got this.”
“Okay now (n/n) be sure you hold this nice and still while I glue it okay?”
“I got it Tom.” He then proceeded to start gluing the walls together then once he was done, he placed his hands over mine to give it a bit more pressure so that the two pieces could stay glued together.
“Hey (y/n) mind helping me out with this? I’m trying to pick the glitter patterns for this year but I can’t figure out what to do.” His mom said.  Tom allowed my hands to come out from under his and I quickly went over and she helped me look over the glitter patterns.
“Hmm……what about the silver and gold pattern? Like in Rudolph.”
“Brilliant. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Oi (y/n), mind helping us pick out the gumdrop patterns. We got the colors we want but can’t figure out the pattern.” Sam said.  I looked over to see the three colors they’ve chosen; purple, green, yellow and red.
“Hmm…..why not do purple, yellow, green and red? Cause red and blue make purple, so by ending it with red we can start back to the purple, even without the blue.”
“Oh yeah. Thanks (n/n).” Sam said as he ruffled my hair.  It took awhile but finally we managed to get the gingerbread house all done and decorated.
“Alright everyone, I officially declare that the 2016 Gingerbread Holland house is officially made.” His dad proclaimed and we all applauded.
“And of course let’s not forget the biggest help of all, Miss (Y/n) (l/n).” Tom proclaimed as his family clapped for me as Tom picked me up and paraded me around the kitchen.
After the gingerbread house we were watching some Christmas movies while his mom was making us some lunch.  Right now we were watching one of the old animated movies, we had just gotten done with Rudolph and now we were watching Frosty the Snowman.
“See before Olaf came along with his warm hugs, Frosty was the OG. He was the man!” Harry proclaimed.
“We get it Harry, you love Frosty and hate Frozen, let it go.” Sam said which made Paddy laugh.
“I see what you did, good one Sam.” They fist bumped with each other.
“You guys are such dicks.” Harry said.
“Harry! Language!” Tom said as he covered my ears trying to block my ears from hearing the words.  Truth is I’ve heard every single bad word in the book thanks to my foster mom’s brother.
“Lunch is served.” Tom’s mom came in with a plate of sandwiches, ranging from ham, ham and cheese, veggie sandwiches, or turkey.  I grabbed a plain ham sandwich and that’s when I felt a nudge at my leg.  I looked down and there was Tessa looking up at me with those big brown eyes, she licked her chops as she eyed my sandwich.
“Ah-ah Tessa, go on scoot. Scoot!” Tom’s dad said as he took notice of Tessa from the chair that was beside me.
“Tess,” Tom said before giving one whistle and Tessa went over to Tom and he told her, “Tessa down. Down. Good girl Tess.” When I saw Tessa lie on her stomach, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her.  I heard her take a deep sigh as she began to close her eyes.
I looked around to make sure no one was looking before ripping a part of my sandwich off and I lowered it down towards Tessa.  She immediately lifted her head and reached her neck out before finally scarfing down the sandwich.  I patted her head and quickly went back to watching TV.
“I saw that.” I heard Tom whisper in my ear.  Uh-oh busted.  I looked up at him with the most innocent face and whispered back.
“Saw what?”
“Don’t you play dumb, you’re gonna get it later little missy.” He teased as he pressed his forehead against mine before turning his attention back to the TV.  I gulped thinking just what did Tom have in mind.
When the sun began to set, it was time for Christmas dinner.  There was turkey, pudding, pies, cookies (which I helped make with Tom’s mom), cakes and fruits and veggies.  As we all gathered around the table, I ate a piece of turkey, I was suddenly feeling this—bubbly feeling in my stomach.  I don’t know how to describe it, it’s like—that feeling you get in your stomach when you’re sad but also overjoyed with happiness.
“(N/n), you okay?” I heard Tom say.  I nodded and hummed before turning back to my turkey.  “Are you sure? You’ve got the deep in thought look.”
“I’m fine Tom, really. I just…..feel happy to be included in…..a family. For once.” The room went quiet for a long time before Tom’s mom placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and she said.
“We’ve enjoyed having you here with us (y/n).”
“My wife’s right. You’ve been a really big help today, we hope you’ve had an equally good time here with us and that we helped make this a good Christmas for you.” His dad added.
“I have. In fact I—I think this maybe the Christmas I will always remember the most.” I said with a soft smile.  The Holland’s all smiled and I felt Tom pat my back while his brother Harry ruffled my hair and I felt Tessa at my feet.
After dinner we gathered in the living room after getting into our pajamas, I helped place down the cookies for Santa with Paddy. He placed down the milk while I placed down the cookies.
“Okay there’s one last tradition we have before we go to bed.” Tom told me as he sat me down into his lap.
“What’s that?”
“Every Christmas eve we take one gift and open it up, sorta like a sneak peek at what’s coming tomorrow morning.”
“We started shortly after Sam was born, the kid could hardly wait to open up his presents so we decided on one gift just to get him to go back to sleep.” His dad explained.
“I wanna play Santa, I wanna play Santa!” Paddy exclaimed.
“No, no, no Paddy you played Santa last year. Let’s let Tom be Santa this year.” His mom said.  Tom picked me up and I sat beside Tessa and stroked her head while Tom began to pass out presents.
I got my present which was just a simple Christmas bag with red and green paper stuffed inside to hide my present while everyone else got boxes.  Maybe my present was a snow globe or some type of clothing?
“Hang on guys, hold on. I think it’s only fair that we let our biggest help and guest (y/n) open up her present first.” Tom announced once all the presents were given out.  They all agreed before turning to face me.
“Okay, if you all say so.” I dug through the bag and pulled out the green and red wrapping paper to reveal an envelope.  Okay I was confused? Why was I given an envelope, if it was a Christmas cars I doubt it could fit in this small thing.
“Here I’ll help open it, Harry hand me the letter opener by the dining room table.” Tom said as he came up next to me.  Harry got up and he got the small knife and Tom thanked his brother before opening the envelope with a single swipe.
He handed it back to me and I took out a few pieces of folded paper.  I unfolded the hamburger styled papers and I saw at top the name of the Foster Care system I was put under.  There was all these big words but the one thing that did catch my eye was the signature of Tom’s parents at the bottom.  I looked through the other papers and kept seeing their signatures.
“Something I was running through the Foster system as well as my parents. I’ve really enjoyed having you around (n/n), you’re like the little sister I never had and……we want you to be a part of our family.” Tom said as he brought me up onto his lap.
“You—you all…..wanna adopt me?”
“Yes love, if you’ll have us that is. I mean, Tom’s told us so much about it it’s like you’re practically part of the family.” His mom said.
“So what do you say poppet, want to be a Holland?” I was……overjoyed.  A wide smile spread across my face as tears filled my eyes. I couldn’t even form any words as I nodded allowing the tears to fall down my face.  Soon my new family all came up and surrounded me in a group hug.
At this point I don’t care what else I might’ve gotten for Christmas, all that mattered now was this.  I had gotten the one wish I had always wanted, the one gift I hoped I would get someday.  A family.
It was then the next morning, waking up that Christmas day, in fact it became a White Christmas day, I got to spend the entire morning with my new family making snow angels with my new brothers, having snowball fights, learning how to build a snowman with my new mom and dad, and playing around with my dog Tessa.
In the years to come those Christmases grew to be better than the last but none of them will ever compare to my first Christmas I had with my new family.
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laulink · 5 years
Winter’s “anger issues”
I can’t believe that’s what this fandom found to bitch about next. A stressed woman, worried about her sister who has disappeared for around 2 months, voices one (ridiculous) threat no one believes she would have gone through with and raises her voice when she realises her sister could have gotten herself killed because she STOLE FROM THE FUCKING MILITARY THAT CLOSED THE KINGDOM’S FUCKING BORDERS and people say she has “anger issues”. Is this for real ? It feels like the discourse about Tai’s joke in volume 4 all over again.
Winter chose to say “You have 10 seconds to get those off before I start hurting you” and people consider that a sign of anger issues. If Winter actually had anger issues, she wouldn’t have been so in control of herself when she said this, she would have been way more menacing, her tone darker, her posture more threatening. Instead her tone was matter-of-fact, hands crossed behind her back instead of resting on her sword or assuming a fighting stance, staying in place instead of taking a step toward the guards, back straight, non-threatening, the posture an officer would assume while giving orders to her subordinates. Because of this, the cops actually had to take a second and share a look to realise she was serious and they better really take those handcuffs off quickly because Winter might not start jamming their heads in the ground after those 10 seconds, but they don’t want to see her actually angry. What’s more, Ironwood SMILES at Winter’s reaction. He knows she wouldn’t actually hurt the soldiers, but she’s respected and feared enough that she can get this kind of reaction from other soldiers and he finds it funny to see them cower before her because they don’t know that she wouldn’t actually hurt them and their expressions must admittedly be priceless.
Also, I want to point out that they’re part of the military : discipline is a serious matter there and missteps can be harshly punished if they are big ones. We know that because, after Qrow destroyed an Atlesian Knight and started a fight with Winter in volume 3, destroying part of the airport and scaring civilians, Ironwood told him “If you were one of my men I would have you shot”. Winter may not have really meant her threat to hurt the soldiers if they didn’t obey, but even if she had, that’s not because she has anger issues, it’s because it’s normal in the military to punish mistakes and it would be a mistake to disregard Winter’s orders and keep the kids handcuffed when they are allies instead of criminals.
As for the part with the Atlas airship, put herself in her shoes for a bit : she came back from Mistral something like 1 or 2 months ago and one of the first thing she was informed of was that her little sister had left home and could not be found anywhere in Atlas or Mantle. Weiss has been gone for weeks, Winter had no idea where she was, and when she finally sees Weiss again, her sister is in handcuffs and her team leader is saying they stole an Atlas airship to fly their way to the kingdom. A stolen airship would have been shot down, first by the people they stole from in Argus (which, remember, almost happened), second by the kingdom they tried to get in because of the borders being closed, roaming the streets of Mantle is not the safest activity you can find in Atlas and Weiss was brought to the Academy in handcuffs. Not only was Winter forced to control her joy at seeing her little sister back, safe and sound after weeks of radio silence because they were in front of her commanding officer, she was also faced with the facts that Weiss could have lost her life before even entering the kingdom and got into even more trouble after landing in Mantle. I’m not surprised Winter’s emotions got the better of her and she raised her voice : she was so worried for Weiss, the very idea of her potentially losing her sister made her panic and lash out. But she calmed down as soon as she had Weiss in her arms and was reminded that her sister was alright and would be safe from now on.
(also, we know for a fact that Winter lashing out wasn’t out of anger but worry because Weiss recognised her sister’s feelings as such and proceeded to reassure her instead of getting afraid of Winter. Weiss knows her sister isn’t angry but just worried and tells us as such, why would you call those feelings “anger issues” ?)
Also, I’ve seen a couple people compare Winter’s reaction to Yang’s when she was reunited with Ruby. I understand why : both are older sisters who were worried about their younger sisters, both times there was a hug to reassure the one freaking out... But the context and information both Yang and Winter were given is HIGHLY different :
- Yang knew where Ruby was, roughly, had an idea of what kind of trouble her sister could have gotten into, knew WHY she had left in the first place, what she wanted to do and knew that Qrow had been there all the way to keep Ruby safe. When Yang entered that house, she wasn’t wondering in what state she would find Ruby, if she would be ok or anything like this. She knew Ruby was fine and just wanted to hug her sister because they hadn’t seen each other in a long time. And she had no reason to freak out about Ruby almost dying because no one told her about the Nucleavee and such, in Yang’s mind the worst her sister much have faced was regular Grimm, maybe some bandits and Qrow was there to keep her safe anyway.
-Winter, on the other hand, didn’t know ANYTHING about what Weiss might have been faced with. Maybe Klein had told her why Weiss left and where she was supposedly headed, but that’s it : she didn’t know if Weiss had found someone to look out for her, which meant her sister might have been all alone in Anima, a continent she had never been to before and that was full of bandits on top of the Grimm. She didn’t know what Weiss intended to do there, since joining Winter had been her goal but Winter had already left. She didn’t know if Weiss was safe, if she was alone, where she was or what she was doing, Winter knew NOTHING. And then she sees her sister there, right in front of her, but can’t hug her and reassure herself this is real because of the audience, and she hears Weiss could have been killed for stealing an airship and all her worries come rushing back and she snaps.
Anyway, Winter’s reactions were not born out of anger, they’re understandable, come from a place of discipline and worry and she’s not a bomb two seconds away from exploding, so please people, do stop treating her like she’s gonna punch everyone at the slightest inconvenience.
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sunsetspidey · 5 years
a little too much ⎮s.m.
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pairing: reader x shawn mendes
summary: the release of the señorita music video was all it took for her insecurities to become too much
warnings: a few bad words, some angst, insecurities, mention of anxiety 
a/n: this is based off a request from @skarsgard-bill-sstuff! i hope you like it and that i did your request justice. p.s. i’m sorry for taking ages to write it
disclaimer: i do not have anything against camila or shawmila or whatever. just putting that out there. i just want my smol bean to be happy. ok that’s all.
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Y/N wasn’t sure when the insecurities started, but they were there and they were real. So, so real and she couldn’t find the switch to turn them off. When they first forced their way into her head, she pushed them away, telling herself that she had absolutely no reason to feel this way. Shawn could have anyone he wanted (he practically had girls throwing themselves at him everywhere he went) and he had chosen her. He didn’t hold back on his affection and compliments either, only enforcing the fact that her doubts were unnecessary.
Maybe that was why they had started - when his affection grew less and less frequent, and his compliments turned into complaints. When he had called her a bitch because she had asked him if he could clean up his clothes in their bedroom, she told herself that he was stressed about the upcoming tour. He had apologized the same night, wrapping his arm around her waist and whispering sweet nothings into her ear, so she hadn’t thought much about it. It happened again a few weeks later and it didn’t take long before outbursts and namecalling became common in their conversations. 
Y/N wasn’t completely innocent, either, and she was fully aware. Instead of trying to reason with him when he started acting like that, she would return his hurtful words and only fuel his anger farther. It was sort of a vicious cycle that either of them seemed to know how to stop. She desperately needed it to, though, because she didn’t know how much more of the arguing she could handle. The more they argued, the more the insecurities and what-ifs were gnawing at the back of her mind. Some days, they were the first thing she thought of in the morning and the last thing she thought of before succumbing to sleep. They plagued her everyday life and she hated it. 
The release of the music video for Señorita was all it took to push her over the edge. When Shawn told her about his collaboration with his long-term best friend, you had been nothing but supportive. She even offered an opinion or two on the lyrics when the two of them had been stuck. Shawn had told her all about the concept for the music video during a FaceTime call while on tour in Europe, but neglecting to mention that he and Camila were the ones starring in it. Y/N had joined Shawn’s livestream on Instagram the day he was premiering it on YouTube, joining the fans in teasing him as he couldn’t figure it out. For the first time in a while, she had watched the video simultaneously with his fans and while they were freaking out about how good it was, she had been freaking out about something else entirely. 
She was meeting him in Los Angeles two weeks after the release and those two weeks had been horrible. There were reminders everywhere; online, her text messages, the TV. The song was breaking records, which made it worthy of the news and that also meant she would photos and short clips whether she wanted to or not. A few of her friends had texted her, attempting to subtly ask if she was okay with Shawn being all over Camila like that. She wasn’t, but she wouldn’t tell them that, playing it off like it was no big deal. He was hers and she trusted him - at least that was what she tried telling herself. 
The worst part was the comments and her Twitter mentions got the worst of it. Fans were mentioning her every minute of every day, asking about her opinions of the video. It seemed Shawn’s fans were divided, which she appreciated. While a majority were talking about how he should break up with her and date Camila instead, the minority was on her side. They would send her supportive messages and tag her in edits of her and Shawn. She saw all of it and the edits reminded her of how long it had been since the two of them had been out in public. The photos used were almost four months old and she couldn’t ignore how it tugged on her heartstrings. 
Y/N watched Shawn from the side of the stage as he soundchecked, leaning against the concrete wall, her arms across her chest. She had arrived late the previous night and she was positive she hadn’t been able to hide her disappointment when Brian came to pick her up from the airport. To avoid his concerned stares, she had mumbled an excuse about being exhausted and pretended to fall asleep on the ride back to the hotel. Shawn had been asleep when she let herself into the hotel room, barely acknowledging her as she climbed into bed. It had taken her hours to fall asleep, her heart aching as he listened to his steady breathing. She had felt out of place sleeping next to him suddenly and it pained her massively. When she woke up the next morning, Shawn hadn’t been anywhere in sight, a simple text letting her know that he had gone to the gym.
Needless to say, she hadn’t gotten much sleep. She had barely seen Shawn, the two of them yet to exchange any words, and it seemed that his crew was beginning to notice. Brian had made his mission to keep her occupied, it appeared, barely letting her out of his sight. He had taken her to breakfast in the morning, sharing a Lyft with her to the arena, and declined Connor’s invitation of exploring the city. She had been able to sneak away when Alessia struck up a conversation with him and she had sent the Canadian singer a grateful smile as she exited the green room. Y/N was convinced Alessia knew about the chaos inside her head, but she was too heartbroken to ask about it. 
As the familiar tune of Fallin’ All In You filled the empty arena, she swallowed the lump in her throat, furiously blinking away the glossiness in her eyes. She distracted herself with her phone, avoiding Twitter, scrolling through her feed on Instagram instead. Eventually, her boyfriend’s angelic singing fades out and as applause entered her ears, she slipped her phone into the back pocket of her boyfriend jeans. Pushing herself off the wall, she straightened her spine, determined to steal back some of his attention. He stumbled down the stairs, almost knocking her over in the process. A look she wasn’t able to fully interpret crossed his face as he realized who she was. 
“Babe!” he exclaimed, his lips stretching into a smile. She didn’t have time to respond before he pulled her into a hug, her breath momentarily disappearing as she collided with his chest. “What d’you think?” 
“You sound great,” she admitted, reluctantly pulling away. It felt like it had been an eternity since he held like her that and she had almost forgotten his scent. “like always. The voice of an angel.” 
His cheeks were already rosy, but she knew him and could easily spot the blush turning a shade darker. He chuckled, running a hand through his mop of curls and she wished her fingers could replace his. His laughter - easily one of her favorite sounds in the world - would normally send a warm tingle throughout her body, but this time around it caused her nothing but misery. She missed being able to make him laugh without even trying. 
“’m sorry I wasn’t there when you woke up,” he apologized, his thumb caressing the crease of her wrist. “Connor and I went to the gym and you were gone when I got back.”
She noticed the exaggerated pout of his lips, but ignored it. “Brian treated me to breakfast.” 
Shawn nodded. “He told me. Heard you ate three whole waffles.” 
There was a teasing smirk dancing on his lips and normally she would either elbow him or swat his chest to which he would pull her close and tickle her sides. Not even his playful banter could lift the blanket of mixed emotions she seemed to be tangled in. She was sad; sad because she felt like she didn’t know her boyfriend anymore, sad because he didn’t seem to notice them growing apart, sad because she knew he could do so much better than her. Her sadness was accompanied by anger and frustration for all the same reasons. She was upset with Shawn for acting the way he had been acting, for not telling her about the music video and pretending like it wasn’t a big deal. She was upset with herself because, in reality, she felt pathetic for feeling this way. 
“Do you love me?” 
Her question-like accusation was abrupt. So abrupt that it momentarily felt like everybody in the arena had stopped their actions to listen to their conversation. She was certain that if she dropped a pin, you’d be able to hear it come in contact with the grey concrete floors. Shawn’s playful exterior faltered immediately, his brows furrowing as if trying to figure out if she had said what he heard. His hand fell from hers in surprise and she missed his warm touch instantly. 
“After everything we’ve been through, you still think I don’t love you?” Shawn uttered, disbelief dripping from his words. 
“I don’t know, okay? I can’t tell. I-I don’t know who you are anymore, Shawn.”
His name felt foreign on her tongue and by the way his eyes widened, he wasn’t expecting to hear his first name fall from her lips either. For the two, almost three years, their respective pet names were all they had exchanged as a means of referring to one another. Shawn had expanded his nickname vocabulary as they grew more serious and she wasn’t complaining; some of his favorites being honey and baby. Y/N had her fair share of pet names for him, too, but the most favorable one was rockstar. It always tugged at the corner of his lips and more often than not, it elicited a smile from her favorite person in the whole world. 
“What do you mean?”
“You haven’t noticed? Shawn, we can barely get through a conversation without coming for each other’s throats. I feel like I haven’t seen you in months. Even when you’re home, you spend all your time with your friends and when you’re here, you’re with Camila,” she informed, the words spilling out before she could really consider them.
“That’s not—”
“It’s true, so please don’t try to make any excuses. And next time you decide to practically hump her in a music video, how about a heads up first, hm?” 
Shawn’s wide eyes glanced around quickly and although she could tell his anxiety was getting to him, she couldn’t stop herself. She was on a roll and she needed to get the words off her chest. Over the past couple of months, she had been bottling these feelings up, too afraid that if she spoke of them aloud, Shawn would agree with the haunting voice in her head. She knew it hadn’t been the same between them lately, but she also knew that she didn’t want to be with anyone else. Shawn was the one who could make her laugh on her darkest days and she wanted - needed - him in her life. 
Maybe that was the reason her eyes watered as hers met his. She recognized the guilt within them immediately, but it was gone almost as soon as it disappeared. The flicker of remorse was replaced with anger and she knew then that he wasn’t about to just stand there and listen to her, he would put up a fight. She dug her nails into the palm of her hand, determined to at least appear stronger than she was. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of crying. 
“I told you about the music video weeks before we filmed it!”
“Yeah, but you never told me you were the one doing all those things with Camila. If I had known, I wouldn’t be as supportive as I was.” 
Shawn scoffs, his eyebrows quirking. “Supportive? If you were supportive you wouldn’t be out here complaining about me being gone when it’s my job. You knew what it would be like when we started dating.”
He was right and they both knew it. It had been a frequent discussion amongst the two of them as their relationship grew more serious. Shawn made sure to let her know that with his second album nearing its release, there would be even more touring and more interviews, but she had already fallen head over heels for him and was certain they could withstand every obstacle thrown their way. She was proven right as he left for his second world tour, their relationship blooming like a flower in spring. It seemed as though the two of them were invincible and she missed that feeling more than she could express. 
She still wanted them to be. There was not an ounce of doubt within her that she wanted to be with him. The two of them were often mentioned in magazines despite their relationship being fairly private. Headlines like ‘Hollywood power couple Shawn and Y/N’ and ‘Long-term couple Mendes and Y/L/N’ were more frequent than she would like to admit. It was flattering, she couldn’t deny it, but it was also scary. She knew that if the two of them were to split, the press would be all over them in a heartbeat, like vultures attacking their prey. She had been with him for so long that she couldn’t imagine a future without him, but the dark thoughts filling her head were telling her that would be impossible.  
“I’m not complaining,” she muttered, the tears threatening to spill once again. “I’m just saying that you’ve been spending a lot of time with Camila and other friends instead of me. You don’t even invite me along.”
“I do spend time with you, Y/N,” she tried her best not to shudder as her name fell from his lips. It sounded like poison and by the brief look of shock in his eyes, she assumed it tasted like it, too. “Camila’s one of my best friends. I’ve known her longer than I’ve known you.” 
His words were like thorns pricking her skin. It felt like her skin was on fire. Her insecurities were right at the front of her mind instantaneously and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t push them away. She was well-aware that Camila had known him longer and while a part of her hated it, she knew how much she and their friendship meant to Shawn. Camila was sweet and Y/N considered her a friend, so she had never really been insecure until recently. She trusted Shawn and she trusted Camila, but her own thoughts were getting the best of her. 
“Yeah, I know, your fans remind me every day. I don’t know if you notice, but they tag me in photos and tweets all the time and ninety percent of the time it’s to tell me that you should be dating her and not me. Sometimes, I feel like you want it to happen as much as them.” 
She wasn’t sure what she noticed first; the way his expression softened or the salty tear coming in contact with her bottom lip. Inwardly cursing herself for not being able to hold her tears at bay, she brought her hand to her face, frustratingly using the back of her hand to wipe away the escaped tears. She hated not being able to control her tears, it was increasingly difficult when she couldn’t even control her emotions. She was angry and terrified and hurt and sad. It was a cocktail she didn’t like the taste of. 
“What d’you mean? Of course, I don’t! We’re just friends.” 
“Yeah,” she sighed, a scoff escaping her. “And friends don’t know the way you taste, right? Your fans were the ones who pointed it out, actually, but you do seem to have a lot of songs about unrequited love, so it makes you wonder who—”
“Don’t use my lyrics against me,” Shawn mumbled, taking a hesitant step forward as if to test the boundaries. She didn’t have the energy to move and remained in her spot. “I love Camila, but the love I have for her is completely different from the one I have for you. Baby, I love you so much it hurts. Those songs are either based off old feelings or story ideas I make up in my head. You know that.” 
“I-I just,” she sighed and before she could wipe away her continuous tears, Shawn beats her to it. His thumb moves gingerly across her cheek, taking the signs of her weakness with it. “She’s so gorgeous and the whole world practically wants the two of you to date and I... I just feel like I’m not enough.”
“You are,” Shawn proclaimed immediately, his large hand resting against your damp cheek. “You are more than enough. I don’t care what the world thinks or what my fans are saying. I want you. I’m sorry I’ve been so distant. There’s been a lot going on with the tour and traveling and planning the- it’s been hectic and you deserve better and I’m sorry.”
“I’m stupid. I’m sorry. I-I just get insecure and social media makes it worse sometimes.”
Shawn shook his head, using his thumb to lift your chin gently. “Hey, you’re not stupid. We all have our insecurities and yours are as real as anyone else’s. I’m really sorry about the music video, but please know that I was thinking of you the whole time and it was fucking awkward. I have the day off tomorrow. Let’s hang out, just the two of us, yeah? No phones. No friends. Sound good?”
She nodded and that was all it took for him to pull her back into his arms. She could feel his nose in her hair and she smiled against his chest. Her insecurities wouldn’t disappear just like that, they both knew that, but the fact that he understood where she was coming from was all she needed. She could hear his small inhale and she knew he was smelling her hair to see if she smelled like home, making her smile even wider. Interlacing her hands behind his back, she hugged him tighter, determined to never let him go. She could only hope that he was in it for the long-run too and his next words were really all the reassurance she needed.
“About fucking time,” Brian exclaimed, startling the two of you apart. “I was about to take Y/N and let you have Camila, man.” 
“Fuck off. No one’s taking her. She’s mine and she always will be.”  
should i create a tag list? also, come talk to me about this! i love hearing your opinions 🧡
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jiwonscologne · 4 years
Love is a Triangle
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Pairing: Double B x Reader
Genre: Fluff
 It’s a Sunday afternoon and I’m in the kitchen, washing my hands. My phone buzzes on the living room table but my hands are full of soap and I can’t see who’s trying to contact me. Thankfully, I see Jiwon passing by and he hears my ringtone too.
 - Could you see who it is? - I say, cleaning my wet hands.
 - It’s Maya.
 - Oh! Answer it and put it on speaker please.
 - Hi little sister!
 - Hey, what’s up?
 - Are you decent?
 - Yeah, why?
 - I’mma call you on FaceTime.
 - Okay. - I untie my hair and prepare myself for the camera.
 - Hey. I have news. - She seems really excited, I can feel the anticipation growing in me.
 - What? - Maya smiles like she never did before and shows me the shiny ring on her finger. I widen my eyes from the surprise. - No! Oh My God! - I scream.
 - I’m getting married.
 - Are you for real? Maya, this is crazy!
 - I know right, I’m still in shock, I’m so happy.
 - I can’t believe it, congratulations.
 - It’s going to be this Spring and I want you to be there, no excuses.
 - Yes, I can’t wait!
 - Me neither, you know me, I’m already planning everything. I just want the day to come.
 - If it’s this Spring it’s so close, time is going to run by in an instant, don’t worry.
 - Okay, one more thing. I’m going to send you an official invite soon but promise me you will bring Hanbin and Jiwon with you.
 - Yes, I promise. We won’t miss it.
 - Thank you. Well, I just wanted to tell you first before I tell mom and dad.
 - Wait, who have you told?
 - You, my friends and Tyler’s.
 - I was the first in the family to know? Aww.
 - Yeah I mean, they’re coming for dinner tonight and I’m going to tell them then.
 - Ahh, I’m so excited. Give Tyler a hug for me.
 - I will. Bye, I gotta go. - She waves and we end the call.
 - Oh My God! - I scream and lean my back on the couch.
 - Is everything okay? - Hanbin enters the living room.
 - Maya and Tyler are engaged!
 - Your sister? - Jiwon joins us.
 - Yes! Isn’t this crazy?
 - Yes, wow.
 - I’m so happy for them. - Hanbin confesses.
 - She said it’s going to be this Spring and she wants us to come.
 - Really? That’s so nice! - Jiwon is surprised.
 - Do you have a schedule already?
 - We got some things but don’t worry, I’ll clear it up for the big day if we have anything on the date. - Hanbin figures the solution.
 - When is it exactly?
 - She didn’t say, she only told me we’re getting an invitation card soon.
 - Oh, great!
2 Days Before the Wedding
- Okay, do you have everything?
- Yes, I'm done. - Jiwon answers, checking the bags.
- Bin, are you ready? - I shout from the hall.
- Uhh...wait I... - He stutters from our bedroom, so I go check what's taking him so long.
I look at his travel bag still open and his belongings all over the place.
 - I was thinking I could bring my camera. - Hanbin is running around, packing clothes and other things on his suitcase.
 - Yes that's a good idea, I like when you photograph us. 
He stops. - Summer baby...what if your parents don't like me? Or Jiwon?
 - Don't say that, come on, you're so sweet and gentle. - He sighs.
 - Yes but what if...
 - Hey, - I grab his shoulders. - it's gonna be okay. Worry about packing now, we can't miss the flight.
 - You're right, I'm just nervous.
 I see him saving his laptop and I get worried. - You're not planning on working in there, are you?
 - No, just a little bit on the plane.
 - Just on the plane. You promise. - I say out loud so he reassures me.
 - Yes, beautiful.
 - Do you have everything now?
 - Hanbin are you ready or not? Let's go! - Jiwon shouts from the other room, losing his temper. He’s always the one who gets ready first, no matter what the situation is.
 - Yes, I do! - He shouts back and we go to Jiwon, where he's sitting in a suitcase. 
 - Can we go now? - He speaks, tired of waiting. - I nod.
 We finally arrive at the airport full of people running around to get their check-in done, just like us. Their bodyguards insisted to come with us so the fans wouldn't approach us. They did a great job but I asked Hanbin for them not to disturb us at the wedding weekend, so when we enter the plane, no one will have the need to treat us in a special way. I know that can't always be avoided but we all want to make family events somewhat normal, that's why he already took care of everything before I said something.
 It's a 13-hour flight and I have a difficult time to sleep on planes so I try to make myself busy with conversation.
 - How come your uncle didn't come with us? - Jiwon asks.
 - Oh, he's already in America, he had a conference there this week and he decided to stay for the wedding.
 - Is he joining us for dinner tonight, then?
 - No, he’s going to visit some friends.
 - Are you nervous about seeing your family? - Hanbin opens a pack of gummy bears.
 - Kinda. It's her wedding you know, and I just sense a lot of people asking me unnecessary questions.
 - Babygirl, you've done a wonderful job here in Korea and you always know what to answer in those situations. If they happen, just do what you always do. And if you don't want to talk to them we're here to help you too. - Jiwon takes a red gummy bear.
 - Well, what if they judge you? Or what if they treat you differently just because you're celebrities?
 - Let them, babe. We can't change how people see us, - he puts two gums into his mouth - we just have to live our lives the way we are.
 - Don't think too much about it, Summer baby. - I smile at Hanbin and he offers me a gummy bear.
 I put my headphones on and enjoy the playlist I made for the weekend. 30 minutes later after take off, and Jiwon is already sleeping. I look over him and I see Hanbin is working on his computer. I hope he can enjoy himself at the party and not have his mind worried about music, he deserves a break.
 They offer us dinner after an hour, and Hanbin and I accept it. Following our meal, Hanbin decides to get some sleep too and I watch them both, resting side by side, for a while. 4 hours vanish easily when I think about how these days will pass by. I choose to book a hotel for us and then I try to rest for a little bit. I happily notice that I have fallen asleep for about 3 hours without noticing. I observe the flight attendant walking around the passenger seats asking if they would like some breakfast. I call her and she brings me some bread with an omelet and a cup of coffee, like I required. Whilst I eat, I feel Jiwon waking up and smelling my food.
 - Hi. - I say, finishing the piece of bread I have in my mouth. He smiles softly, then gives me a kiss on the cheek. - Do you want breakfast? - He nods, still sleepy.
 - I'm just going to the bathroom first.
We speak in a low voice.
 - Do you want me to order for you?
 - No, thanks. - He gets up and analyzes how he will pass without waking Hanbin up. He succeeds and comes back 3 minutes later to do the same. The flight attendant who brought me my breakfast, brings his. He hasn’t eaten in so long because of sleeping. - Did you sleep? - He asks me, breaking the bread.
 - Yes, actually.
 - Is everything okay? - He checks on me.
 - She asked me to write a toast for her.
 - Really? How is it?
 - It's...a blank paper right now.
 - Oh I'm sure you'll think of something, you're great with words.
 - I have great teachers. - We smile at each other.
 Jiwon finishes his breakfast and plays some games on his phone while I think about my unwritten toast.
 - Aren't you going back to sleep? - He pauses his game to answer me.
 - No, I want to stay wake to keep you company.
 I get tired of ripping pages off my notepad so I binge-watch Friends to cheer me up while Jiwon watches a movie. In the meantime, Hanbin wakes up, startled. Jiwon grabs his arm, trying to understand what's going on. I watch the whole scene in concern.
 - Bin. - He calls.
 - Where-where are we? - He seems confused and sleepy.
 - We're on the plane. To America. - Jiwon stays calm so maybe he can pass that energy to him. - Are you okay?
 Hanbin sighs, deeply. Relaxation in him is starting to show. - Yes, I just had this crazy dream. Don't worry, it's over. - He smiles at me to reassure me he's actually fine.
 - Do you wanna tell us about it?
 - No, it's not worth it. - Hanbin smiles again and rests his hand on Jiwon's.
 - Do you want to go back to sleep? - I speak.
 - No. - He chuckles. - I want to hear the reason why you're watching Friends for the millionth time. - We all laugh. - How long is it until we land?
 - Hm, I don't know I lost track of time when I... - I don't want to finish my sentence because I know (!) they will mock me again.
 - Look what that tv show does.
  Hanbin checks on the monitor of the chair seat in front of him, how much time of flight we have left. - We have one hour and a half to kill.
 - Oh great, do you want to eat lunch here? And then we can grab something on the way to my parents house?
 - Sure, let's eat.
 We get pasta and I show them the hotel room that I booked for us on these three days. Jiwon gets a little upset for the fact that I didn't use his credit card to pay for the stay, like he said I should do, if I was the one to make the reservation.
 The plane lands at EDT 2pm in New York and we're all glad that we can finally get up and walk freely. We get our bags and catch a cab to go to the hotel. Sleeping in a hotel in New York is new to me since I lived in Brooklyn with my parents and siblings when I was in America, but I guess this time everything is new. I'm happy I can introduce Hanbin and Jiwon my life before I met them.
 I ask them if they're hungry and they answer me 'no' so we take a little walk through the city after dropping off our belongings on the hotel. After an hour we decide to go back to the room to relax a little bit and get ready.
 - Summer baby I know you said for me not to worry about what your parents might think of me, us, but I can't keep my mind busy with anything else now so...what do you think I should wear? Do they know what I look like? What if I mess up my English? - Hanbin has two jackets in his hands.
 - Hanbin, you've talked to them on FaceTime, of course they know what you look like. - I smile a little bit, subtly, so it doesn't seem like I am enjoying his nervousness. - And they see you on pictures all the time. Also, your english is great, you’re just lacking practice. This is a great opportunity to work on that!
 - Relax Bin, everything's gonna be okay. - Jiwon encourages him.
 - Yes, be yourselves and everything is going to be fine.
 - Should I wear a cap, is that okay? I feel like my hair is a mess. - Jiwon asks, looking at himself in the mirror.
 - Oh I thought you said "relax, everything is gonna be okay". - I tease him.
 - And it is but I mean...I can't look bad, we're going to meet your parents and siblings for the first time! - I cross my arms and watch them freak out. - Oh God, should I wear a cap or not? Hanbin, why are you standing there, help me!! - Jiwon shouts and Hanbin is still struggling with his outerwear.
 - Yes, wear a cap, your hair seems jetlagged too. - Hanbin says in the most innocent way but I can't hold my laugh anymore so I let it out. On the other hand, he is trying a long coat. I think they brought more clothes than me. - Do you think this is too formal?
 - Yes, baby...just wear what you were wearing on the plane.
 - On the pla...okay, you're crazy. I'm not listening to you. - He turns to Jiwon. - Babe, what do you think of this?
 - Perfect. But wait, if you wear that, do I look too casual? Do we look too different? What if they think we don't match? - I facepalm myself. They are so nervous, I don't think they're the same men anymore. 
 - Where are my relaxed boyfriends? I think I left them in Korea. - I start 'looking for them' under the bed.
 - Babe, don't make fun of us, alright? Or may I remind you the time you met my parents? - Hanbin recalls.
 - Oh yeah, I remember that. - Jiwon chuckles and puts on a button up shirt.
 - Okay, I don't like this game anymore. - I admit. - Will you hurry up, though? If you want to impress them, don't be late.
 - Yes, yes, I'm done. - Hanbin adjusts himself.
 - Me too. - Jiwon gets out of the bathroom.
 I stare at them, nicely dressed to impress and I smile, in love, and I think about how lucky I am to have them both.
 We call an uber and we take around 30 minutes to get to Brooklyn. When I locate the house, I tell the driver to stop. I'm about to ring the bell but first I check on them.
 - Are you ready?
 - Totally, let's do this. - Jiwon hints a little sarcasm in his voice.
 - Oh man, this is it. - Hanbin mentally prepares himself.
 - Boys, it's going to be fine, they're gonna love you. There's nothing to be nervous about, they are very welcoming. - I reach my hand to touch the bell but someone opens the door and we get surprised.
 - I thought I heard a car outside. - My dad informs us.
 - Dad! Hi, how are you? - We hug each other. 
 - Come on in. - He gestures with his hand.
 - Dad, this is Jiwon and Hanbin.
 - Hi, it's so nice to finally meet you. You look taller in person, I'm impressed. - He shakes their hands and they chuckle. - Welcome to our family. - He smiles. - Honey, they're here!
 My mother comes rushing to the hall to introduce herself. - Oh, my daughter is finally home. - She gives me a comfortable hug. - Hello boys, nice to meet you, I'm Michelle, Summer’s mother.
 Hanbin steps up first. - Hello, I'm Hanbin. - My mom greets him with a kiss.
 - Hi, I'm Jiwon. - A kiss once again.
 - Okay, come on into the living room, I was just finishing making dinner. You're hungry, aren't you? - They smile respectfully.
 - I am, can't wait to eat mom's home cooked meal again. - I break silence and sit on the middle couch. Hanbin and Jiwon follow me.
 - Summer, is that you? - I hear Maya coming down the stairs. - Oh my God, look at all of you! - Tyler, her fiance, is behind her. They introduce themselves to my boyfriends and they do the same, more relaxed this time. They also congratulate my sister and Tyler for their engagement. - Gosh, you guys are tall! - Maya compares their height with hers.
 - That's what I was saying! - My dad joins us again.
 - Andrew, don’t make the kids uncomfortable. - My mom places the food on the table.
 - What? I was just saying, being tall is not a bad thing.
 - Where’s Jamie? - I ask.
 - He went to get some ice, on the convenience store. - Maya answers me.
 - Alright! Dinner’s ready everyone. Let’s just wait for the ice that Jamie will bring. - My mom looks at her watch. - Any minute now. - She changes the subject and turns to me, Hanbin and Jiwon. - So, how did you get here? Was it a long way or..?
 - Yeah, but I think it was harder for Summer because we - Jiwon points to himself and Hanbin. - are used to this due to the world tours that we do.
 - Oh right, you guys must be on an airplane far too many times. - Tyler ads.
 - Yes. - Hanbin laughs.
 We hear the door opening and my brother Jamie appears in the living room, watching us sitting on the couch.
  - Oh, you’re all here! Hi!
  - Hey. - I hug him and my mother takes the ice on his hand to the counter. - Jiwon and Hanbin, it’s my brother Jamie, you remember him, right?
  - Yes, of course! - Jiwon gets up suddenly off the couch and extends his hand to Jamie. Hanbin follows him. My brother is the only one in my family who knew them before today because he visited Korea for a couple of days last year and we gave him a tour around Seoul.
 - Nice to see you again, guys.
 - Well, since we’re all here, shall we begin our meal? - My mother speaks and everyone answers with a yes. I want Hanbin and Jiwon to sit next to me so I can be in the middle and check on them during dinner so they don’t feel uncomfortable but Maya ruins that when she sits on my right. Jiwon seems a little lost in this situation but Hanbin tells him to sit next to him. Well, at least I have one of them by my side.  - I made a pumpkin soup to start because...well, I was craving it,  - I chuckle at my mom. - I hope you like it. - We eat the soup and then the main course while they try to know each other better. Maya surprisingly whispers in my ear:
 -  They are both so cute and not to mention sexy, you got lucky, I bet you have a lot of fun with them.
 - Maya! Tyler is in front of you, how could you say that? - I “scream whisper”.
 - Oh come on I’m just telling the truth, don’t you agree with me?
 - Yes. - I blush. Maya smiles and tells me I’m cute.
 Hanbin touches me on my arm. - Baby I’m sweating, it’s so hot in here, I don’t know what to do. - He shakes his sweater.
 - Babe, just take it off. Do it in the bathroom. - I’m trying to understand why is he panicking, although I look up front so I don’t worry my family.
 He touches my arm again. - I don’t know where’s the bathroom. - He whispers.
  I sigh. - I’ll take you there.
 We both get up but before we can take a step, Jiwon grabs Binnie’s hand.
 - Where-where are you going?
 - To the bathroom. - He answers.
 - Don’t leave me here, I wanna go too. - Jiwon tries to keep it down.
 - Hanbin is just going to take off his sweater. - I clarify the situation so he doesn’t have to worry about how long we will take.
 - I can help, let me go too please.
 I close my eyes and I breathe. I didn’t want to disturb dinner by getting up with both of them because it’s so unnecessary, but everyone is looking now so I’ll just act like it’s normal, excusing myself, as if we really do need to use the bathroom.
 We enter, by my choosing, in the biggest bathroom of the house. As soon as I close the door, Hanbin breathes deep and takes his v-neck shirt off.
 - My gosh, I’m so nervous I don’t know how to talk. - He shares.
 - Me too, I need to loosen up. - Jiwon admits.
 - What? I saw you guys talking to my mom. - I’m stunned.
 - Yeah but believe me, I don’t remember what I said.
 - I was trying to anticipate every sentence because I’m afraid to say something stupid. - Jiwon unbuttons one button of his shirt.
 - You’re not going to say something stupid. - I assure him.
 He gets closer to Hanbin. - I’m not like you, you always know what to say. - Jiwon grabs his waist and puts his mouth near his lips. Hanbin is focused on the mirror but easily realizes he wants a kiss so he gives it to him. Jiwon starts running his hands under Hanbin’s white shirt but he stops him.
 - Don’t start this here, babe.
 - Sorry. I just wanted to distract my mind a little bit, I’m nervous. And not being able to kiss you in front of them is driving me crazy.
 - Can I get a kiss too? - I’m jealous.
 Jiwon smiles and kisses me. He looks at me and puts a piece of hair behind my ear, admiring me. - You’re beautiful.
 We come back to the dinner table, more at ease. My family and them, seem to be having a great time. Sometimes I see Jiwon and Hanbin whispering to each other but I can’t hear them so I become curious about it. That’s a shame but it’s wonderful to see all of them getting along well, talking and laughing together. From the looks of it, this weekend will be fine and a happy experience.
 When we get home, I was so tired I fell in the bed and only woke up in the afternoon.
Wedding Day
 - What are you doing? - Hanbin sees me in the chair of the bar, writing.
 - I’m just finishing my toast.
 - Aww, can I read?
 - You already did. - I remind him.
 - Not the part that you’re writing. - He ads.
 - Bin, we don’t have time. I can already sense a bride emergency so I need to finish this as soon as possible.
 - Okay, I won’t bother you, I’m gonna talk to Jamie. - He turns around.
 - Wait! It’s done. - I get up and fold the paper and smile at him. He gazes at me, grabbing my face. I place my hands on his blazer.
 - You look so beautiful today, you know that, right? - I look at him and he kisses me. I smile and blush by his compliment and act.
 - Oh, you’re here. - Jiwon approaches us.
 - Where have you been? - Hanbin asks.
 - Donghyuk called, so I went to a more quiet place.
 - Donghyuk? What did he want?
 - It was because of a song. - Jiwon tries to let the matter go.
 - What song? Did something happen?
 - No, I mean, everything’s fine, he just wanted an opinion, - Jiwon grabs his shoulders - relax.
 - Don’t scare me. - Hanbin warns him and he smiles, saying “no”.
 - Okay, are you done? We should go.
 We start walking through the botanical garden until we find the chairs and the beautiful white arch, where my older sister Maya and Tyler will get married. We wait about half an hour till Tyler shows up with his best man. He looks very elegant and has a different glow. I guess because of how happy he must feel. Next, are the bridesmaids, walking and dropping flowers over the path Maya will walk in. After four minutes, Maya appears with my dad by her side. Every guest stands up and smiles at them. Tyler covers his mouth and starts crying by seeing her. As soon as Maya is by his side, she wipes his tears and they smile so passionately at each other that I get emotional. I can feel Hanbin looking at me with a sincere smile. I support my head on his chest and he hugs me. We finally hear the priest say “you can kiss the bride” so everyone happily applauds.
 Dinner comes and it’s time for the speeches and dances. When I notice the guests enjoying their dessert, I take my chance to make my toast so I stand up and I hit my glass with a fork to get attention. Jiwon and Hanbin wish me luck.
 - Hello, I’m Maya’s younger sister. I’m so happy to be here, at your wedding. I remember when I met Tyler I could see how much they liked each other so I always rooted for you two. When I went to live in Korea, even though Maya wasn’t there to help me physically, she did help me emotionally. She made me believe in myself, she gave me courage to face my fears and because of that I found true love. - I look at my boyfriends, sitting next to me. - Without her I wouldn’t be so brave and I wouldn’t be so happy. So I am glad that you found your true love and that you’re happy. Tyler is an impeccable guy and you are perfect for each other. Congratulations to you both, I wish you a lifetime of happiness. - I raise my glass and everyone follows my lead and drinks.
 It was the most beautiful ceremony I’ve ever been to. There was no hard part, just magical moments with the people that I love.
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singledarkshade · 4 years
Home Sweet Home
Summary: Amy visits for Rory’s birthday. Sequel to The Doctor And The Nurse, A Fishy Tail, Getting To Know You and Kernel Of Stubborness.                                ********************************************* The Doctor wandered through the TARDIS trying to find Rory. He’d been out of the medical bay for less than a day after three days unconscious being healed from his injuries the Magistrate had inflicted on him. Although he knew that physically Rory was fine, the Doctor was concerned about how he was coping.
After half an hour he finally found Rory in the library, curled up in a large oversized chair reading a book on Gallifreyan physiology.
“Should I be worried?” the Doctor asked, making Rory jump slightly.
“This was the only book I could take,” Rory noted, “I’m guessing there is a reason for it.”
The Doctor chuckled, stroking the wall fondly, “Likely the TARDIS being overprotective after seeing you injured. I know how to help you, but you don’t know how to help me.” He grimaced, “At least you didn’t.”
Chuckling slightly, Rory marked his place in the book and put it on the small table beside him.
“I wanted to see how you’re feeling,” the Doctor moved to his reason he was looking for his friend.
Rory shrugged, “Fine.”
Nodding Rory replied, “Fine.”
Before the Doctor could say anything, Rory’s phone buzzed. He frowned confused when Rory hit the button not answering whoever was calling.
“Something wrong?” the Doctor asked concerned.
Shrugging Rory slid off his seat and started looking at book on the shelf, avoiding the Doctor’s eyes he said, “Nothing.”
“Who was calling?”
Rory avoided the other man’s eyes as he mumbled, “Amy.”
The Doctor watched Rory as he moved through the stacks, worried by the fact he was avoiding calls from his closest friend.
“Are you sure you don’t want to talk to her?” the Doctor asked.
Shrugging Rory replied, “It’ll just be a check in call. It’s a bit hard to feign excitement over her travels when I’ve seen other worlds.”
“But it is fair not taking her call?” the Doctor asked, “She obviously misses you. Why else would she call so regularly?”
Confused the Doctor asked, “Why would she be calling out of guilt?”
“Because we made plans together and she left,” Rory replied sharply, “After she persuaded me to move far away from everyone and everything I knew.”
Surprised at the anger in Rory’s voice, the Doctor picked up the phone and looked at it. Hitting the button, the redhead appeared on the screen grinning at him while a small message showed there was a voicemail waiting for Rory.
“So, this will just be a brief hello,” the Doctor asked, showing Rory the screen.
Sighing in irritation, Rory unlocked his phone and dialled the voicemail before putting it on speaker phone.
“Hi,” Amy’s bright voice came, “I’m guessing you’re at work since you didn’t pick up. Just to let you know I’m at the airport. Hopefully, I’ll get a taxi quickly and I’ll be at the flat in an hour or so. Let me know when your shift ends, and I’ll order food. I’m looking forward to seeing you for your birthday. Bye.”
The Doctor looked at Rory whose eyes had widened in shock.
“We should head back to your flat,” the Doctor started out and headed towards the console room with Rory following on behind. Reaching the control panel, he stalled and turned to the younger man.
“What date am I heading for?”
 Amy hung up the phone disappointed Rory hadn’t answered but he worked shifts, so it was more than likely he was at the hospital. He knew she was coming; she’d sent him the flight details two weeks ago and Rory would never forget.
He was her best friend, the one person she had always been able to rely on and she hated that she’d let him down by taking the job with Clayton and Julia.
But Rory had always encouraged her to be who she was, and to do what was best for her.
It was why she’d taken the job because she knew he would support her.
To her relief, she managed to get a taxi quickly and sat watching the city fly past. Excitement bubbled up inside her as they came closer to her best friend’s home.
When the taxi stopped, Amy quickly paid and jumped out. Pulling her keys for Rory’s flat out the bag, Amy smiled.
She couldn’t wait to see him.
 Opening the front door, Amy realised quickly the flat was empty. Disappointed Rory wasn’t home Amy dropped her bag in the bedroom, frowning when she saw the picture of them that Rory usually had sitting there was gone.
Part of her felt hurt, because she kept the same picture with her wherever she went so it meant her best friend was always with her. But another part hoped this meant he had met someone who would have been uncomfortable with her picture on his bedside cabinet.
She checked her phone and frowned that he hadn’t got back to her, so she jumped in for a quick shower and put on a clean top and jeans. Checking the time, Amy decided to order some food since Rory would likely be hungry after his shift. She was getting a little concerned that he hadn’t contacted her at all since she’d landed, Rory normally would have called her back by now. Shaking herself, Amy found the takeout menus and quickly ordered them some pizza.
Waiting for the food, Amy found Rory’s stash of soda and threw a few in the fridge before she sat down. If this was anyone else, Amy knew she’d have to tidy up a bit, but Rory was the most unnaturally neat person she knew.
The bell rang and Amy took the pizza off the delivery man. Paying him, she was about to close the door when she saw Rory appear at the gate.
Dropping the pizza box onto the floor she ran and threw her arms around her best friend.
 Rory couldn’t stop his smile when Amy jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly. Wrapping his arms around her, he held onto her for a moment.
“So,” she pulled back, “Dinner’s ready.”
Laughing he walked inside with her. He’d never let a call from Amy just go to his voicemail if he was able to answer it before. Rory was so relieved the Doctor had made him listen and was able to bring him to the right time and place.
Amy grabbed the pizza and, despite the fact this was his flat, she sorted everything.
“So,” Amy slid onto the couch beside him placing their food on the table, “I noticed my picture is missing from your room.”
Rory grimaced.
“Is there something or someone I should know about?” a sly grin crossed her face
“I broke the frame last week when I went to turn off my alarm clock,” Rory lied, “I haven’t had a chance to get it fixed.”
Amy frowned, “I was hoping you might have met someone.”
Rory shrugged, “When?”
“No cute nurses or doctors working with you?” Amy teased.
“Nope,” Rory murmured before turning the conversation away from him, “What about you?”
Amy shrugged, “I spend most of my time working. It can be a real slog. Especially the days where Julia films me and Clayton having sex, so he has references to write the scenes.”
Rory spat out his water as Amy laughed at him.
“Julia told me that would get you,” she chuckled, pleased with herself.
Frowning at her, Rory asked, “What are you actually doing?”
“I’m working with both Clayton and Julia and learning so much,” Amy told him excitedly, “They’re a bit like the parents I moved to get away from, but I put up with it. I do research for Clayton and read chapters making sure there’s no inconsistencies or spelling errors but with Julia, we go for trips into the mountains or look at ancient ruins and a few weeks ago we joined a cooking class for authentic Indian cuisine.”
Rory smiled softly, “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.”
“I am,” she grinned, the world lighting up around her, “I’m getting to see the most incredible places, and learning all about the history and the culture. I wish you could experience it with me.”
“Well, I…” Rory started, trailing off and deciding not to tell her about the Doctor or what he’d been doing for the past few days. Pain remembered stabbed at his ribs and he forced a smile onto his face, “I’ll just have to do with the pictures and videos you send me.”
 They talked for hours before Amy’s need for sleep caught up with her.
“You take the bed,” Rory told her, “I can sleep on the couch.”
She frowned, “I can’t take your bed.”
“Amy, we have this argument every time,” Rory reminded her, “And I always win. We’re both tired, so let’s pretend we discussed it and I’ll see you in the morning.”
With a fond smile, Amy gently kissed his cheek, “I’ll see you in the morning.”
Rory watched her head into the bedroom and waited until he was sure she was asleep.
“Rory,” the Doctor answered the phone.
“Just to let you know Amy will be here until the day after tomorrow,” Rory said before the Doctor could ask how he was.
“I’ll go for a wander and pick you up then,” the Doctor replied, “It’ll give me some time to think up somewhere fun for us to visit.”
Rory hesitated before asking, “You will be back?”
“I promise you, Rory,” the Doctor said, “I’ll be back. Are you taking Amy to the airport? Because I can meet you there.”
A smile touched Rory’s lips and relief filled him, “That sounds great. I’ll send you the flight details.”
“Get some sleep,” the Doctor told him before hanging up.
Sighing Rory lay on the couch and put the TV on low. He didn’t want to sleep right now, he didn’t want to dream so he watched bad movies until he couldn’t stay awake any more.
 The next day they did the tourist thing, travelling on one of the tour buses around London to see the sights. It was a nice day, so they sat upstairs laughing and joking as they listened to the guide. As it was his birthday, Amy treated him to dinner that night giving him a handcrafted wooden chest she’d bought in a marketplace in Peru and afterwards they headed back to the flat to watch a movie.
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” Amy demanded, while the credits rolled.
Squirming slightly, Rory asked, “What do you mean?”
“You forget how well I know you,” Amy frowned, “You’ve been quiet, and you barely slept last night.”
“I wasn’t tired,” Rory replied quickly.
Amy rolled her eyes, “You’re also a terrible liar.”
“I’m worried, Rory,” she whispered, “You didn’t call me back, you’re not sleeping and you’re just not yourself. Is something wrong?”
Rory stared at her for a moment before shrugging, “Work is just tiring and…I’m missing you.”
Amy wrapped her arms around him tightly, “I’m sorry.”
“No,” Rory whispered, “This is an amazing opportunity, and I would never want you to give up something like this. You’re travelling and learning, and I know you love it.”
Amy nodded, “I do. But I hate I abandoned you.”
“You didn’t…”
“I did,” Amy cut him off, “And I am sorry.”
Rory hugged her close, “I know.”
“You know you don’t have to come with me to the airport tomorrow,” Amy told him.
“I want to,” Rory said, adding softly, “I should have picked you up.”
“You have to work,” Amy chuckled, “As much as I’m not looking forward to another flight so soon, I do love the fact I’m flying business class.”
“Fancy,” Rory chuckled.
“Julia booked the tickets,” Amy smiled, she moved slightly sitting to look at him, “It’s going to be a few months from now but Clayton’s first novel is getting a tenth anniversary special edition so we’ll be in London for a small book tour. You can meet them.”
Rory frowned, “Really.”
“They want to meet you,” Amy smiled, “Since I talk about you all the time.”
Uncomfortably Rory nodded, “If you want.”
She hugged him again and kissed his cheek, “I need to sleep. I’ll see you in the morning and we can go out for breakfast before we head to the airport.”
 Time moved too fast and, far too soon, Rory and Amy were sitting in the taxi heading to the airport. He could see how excited she was to be heading back to the job she loved. And the cold weight in his stomach became heavier.
Waiting while she checked in, Rory walked with her to just outside security. Amy hugged him tightly for several minutes before she took a deep breath and let him go.
“Call me when you land,” Rory told her, “Let me know when you’re coming back for the book tour.”
“I will,” Amy promised before she whispered, “Love you.”
Rory smiled and hugged her again, “Love you too.”
Grabbing her bag, making sure she had her passport and boarding pass before she disappeared through the doors.
“I take it you didn’t tell her what you’re doing,” the Doctor said making Rory turn.
Rory shrugged, “Why would I? She’d only worry.”
The Doctor gave a small frown before he shrugged, “Are you ready?”
Nodding Rory followed him to where the TARDIS was waiting for them. Walking to the console, Rory turned to the Doctor.
“Where are we going now?”
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Catfish {t.h.}
part 5!
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gif by @peteparkrrs
Summary: What happens when you start falling in love with a boy online, completely unaware that it’s Tom Holland behind the computer screen?
Warnings: mentions of a past emotionally abusive relationship (based on real events that happened to me); swearing
part 4 | series masterlist
Chris watched as you walked through the halls on the last day of school for graduating seniors. He was leaning against his locker, his eyebrows furrowed while you were smiling at your phone and talking to Laura. 
Seeing you smile at something that wasn’t him made his blood boil. He should be the one making you smile like that. He pushed himself off of the lockers and was about to make his way over to you when the bell rang and you disappeared into a nearby classroom. 
“Can you believe it’s our last day of high school?” Laura whispered as you sat down in your respective seats. Shannon sat behind you, working her curly hair into a braid and tossing it over her shoulder. 
“Guys, we graduate in like...a week,” she said. 
“I don’t want to think about it,” you laughed as you typed a reply to Peter’s latest message. 
He was recently telling you how he had taken his dog for a walk when she made friends with a few other dogs at the park, and you couldn’t help but think about how absolutely adorable he was when he talked about something that got him excited. 
Laura watched you wearily out of the corner of her eye. You told her and Shannon everything about your conversations with Peter and how happy he made you when you stayed up late at night talking on the phone. But you had yet to see a picture of the British boy that somehow managed to steal your heart, and Laura was starting to get more suspicious. 
“(Y/N),” she whispered, leaning over. “Have you seen a picture of him yet?”
You snapped your attention towards your friend, as she looked at you with furrowed eyebrows and her lips pressed in a thin line. Every time she asked about Peter’s identity, you got aggressively defensive. 
“Why?” you demanded. 
Laura sighed. She knew you only got defensive because a part of you must have suspicions of your own. You’ve been talking to Peter for almost two months now, and you haven’t seen a picture or even video-chatted. 
You would never admit it to your friends, but you did have your own suspicions that you never wanted to address directly because you were afraid of the answer. You were afraid of getting your heart broken because you had created such a perfect picture of what Peter was like that you were terrified of it being shattered. 
Laura didn’t even bother arguing with you at this point, so she turned back to her seat and faced the front of the classroom, hoping that maybe you would come to some sort of sense. 
Tom was in trouble. 
The feelings he had developed over the last few months talking to you had grown stronger, and he had never in a million years thought that something like this would happen to him. When he messaged you, he only had intentions to get to know someone who didn’t know who he actually was without all the fame and cameras following him around everywhere.
But now here he was, about to go to America for the Spider-Man: Homecoming press tour, and all he could think about was how you were in America. He fell in love with the phone calls that you had almost every night, and he loved the way that you would talk to him like he was just a normal guy who you wanted to get to know better.
However, every time you referred to him as Peter, Tom’s heart would sink to the bottom of his stomach. It was a constant reminder of the fact that he was lying to you and he had dug himself a hole too deep that he had no idea how to get out of. 
He wanted to tell you who he really was, more than anything, but he was so terrified of losing you that the thought made him feel nauseous. He knew he was being selfish, he was being so damn selfish, but something about you just made his heart go into a frenzy. 
“Ready? We have to be at the airport in an hour,” Harrison said, poking his head into Tom’s room. Tom huffed and grabbed his luggage before wheeling it out into the living room. 
He shot you a quick message about how he won’t be able to talk for a while, but he knew you were probably in school since it was your last day before graduation, so you may not see it until later. 
He shoved his phone in his pocket and followed Harrison out to the car waiting in the driveway.
“Find out who (Y/N)’s talking to,” Chris snarled to his best friend, Bobby, who sat next to him at lunch. Bobby froze, mid-bite of his sandwich and looked at Chris as if he had grown two heads. 
“Are you insane?”
“I said find out,” Chris snapped. 
“Bro, you broke up six months ago. Move on.”
Bobby’s comment made Chris’s blood boil. He didn’t like being told what to do, and he especially didn’t appreciate it coming from his so-called best friend. But, he knew that when you were dating, you always took a liking to Bobby. You used to tell Chris that Bobby was his nicest friend, and Chris used to accuse you of having a crush on him. 
Chris resented Bobby for that ever since, but he kept him close for convenience. 
“I didn’t ask for your fucking input,” Chris spat, swatting Bobby’s sandwich out of his mouth. 
Bobby stared at Chris with a look that said you’re fucking crazy. 
“Fine,” Bobby huffed, and stood from the lunch table. He was so tired of Chris’s shit that he found it was easier to just keep him happy until graduation and then he would never have to deal with him again. 
Bobby spotted you standing near the entrance of the cafeteria, talking to a girl he thought was Shannon. As he approached you, he offered you a small smile. You turned to Shannon and said something, causing Shannon to glance back to Bobby and then turn and leave. 
“Hey, (Y/N),” Bobby greeted. 
“What?” you asked, crossing your arms over your chest. You knew that Bobby was a good guy deep down, but as long as he was still friends with Chris, you wanted nothing to do with him. 
“Look, I’m going to be blunt with you. Chris wants me to find out who you’re talking to,” Bobby said, gesturing to the phone in your hand. 
You scoffed. “Can he get a life?”
“I’ve been trying to tell him that for months.”
You laughed dryly and shifted your weight. “Yeah, well he doesn’t listen to anyone but himself.”
Bobby stared at you with a sad look in his eyes. He always felt guilty for the way he let Chris treat you, and he realized he should have stepped in sooner, but he was so concerned with keeping his reputation as one of the varsity lacrosse players that he did whatever Chris told him. He felt like a coward.
“(Y/N)...I’m sorry I never stood up for you,” Bobby apologized. “Chris treated you terribly.”
You looked at Bobby, trying to read his expression to see if this was just a way for him to get you to trust him before telling him about Peter. But you knew Bobby had tried talking to Chris about the way he talked to you before and Chris punched him in the face and then blamed it on the lacrosse ball hitting him at practice. 
“It’s okay,” you sighed. “I got away from him and that’s all that matters.”
Bobby smiled sadly and looked down at his feet. “Listen, you don’t have to tell me anything about who you’re talking to. I wasn’t going to tell him anyways.”
You offered Bobby a small close-lipped smile, and nodded. “Thanks, Bobby.”
With a silent nod, Bobby turned on his heel and walked back to the table where Chris was waiting impatiently. You scowled when Chris looked over at you and turned away from him. 
Chris was never physical with you, no he wouldn’t dare lay a hand on you. Instead, he tried to control you with his words, calling you every bad name in the book from dumb bitch to that c-word you hated so much. He tried to isolate you from all your friends, even going so far as to hacking into your phone and blocking their numbers. You despised him, and you would never let him control you again. 
You couldn’t wait to graduate and get away from him forever. You were both attending different colleges, and you were pretty sure the one he was going to for lacrosse was in the state next over. 
“Hey, you okay?” Shannon asked, coming back over to you with Laura. “What did Bobby want?”
“Nothing,” you said with a shrug. “He just apologized for not stepping in when Chris was being a jerk.”
Laura scoffed. “A little late for that, don’t you think?”
You shrugged again. “I’m glad he said it. It was nice.”
Laura sighed and gave you a side hug. “We’re almost done, boo.”
The bell rang, and you and your two best friends went to your second to last class of senior year. 
Graduation came and went faster than you were expecting and before you knew it, you were sitting on your couch with no school work to do for the first time in twelve years. The summer between high school and college was the one summer you felt you actually had off and you could not wait to relax. 
You were currently talking to Peter on the phone while he said he had just gotten back from the gym. Your heart fluttered when he told you that he had missed talking to you on the phone, since you hadn’t been able to talk as regularly due to his job, that you still didn’t know anything about. 
“I can’t talk for long, darling, but I wanted to know how graduation was,” Peter said. You didn’t think you’d ever be over his English accent. Everything he said sounded so much cuter. 
“It was really lovely,” you gushed. “The weather was perfect, and I got some good pictures with my friends.”
“That’s amazing, love,” Peter said, and you could practically hear him smiling through the phone. “I’d love to see pictures one day.”
“I’d love to see pictures of you, too,” you said, your heart thumping in your chest. You wondered what excuse he may make up now. 
Instead of making a verbal excuse, Peter suddenly changed the topic. 
“I’m so sorry, darling, but I have to go, my best friend is at the door. I’ll talk to you soon though, yeah?” he said. 
You sighed, your heart sinking in your chest. “Yeah, okay.”
“Have a good day, love.”
“You too.”
The phone call ended and you felt like you were left in complete silence. Every time he skirted your questions about his life, what he looked like, even his siblings’ names, you would just get so discouraged. Laura was constantly asking if he had finally sent you a picture or maybe FaceTimed you, but the answer was always no. 
You were so afraid of getting your heart broken, that you didn’t want to face the reality that something suspicious was going on here, and even though you could hear Peter’s voice and you knew he wasn’t an old man, there was still something off about him and his identity. 
A knock at your front door pulled your attention away from your phone as you read through your most recent conversation with Peter. It contained a lot of flirting and a lot of you talking about if and when you would finally meet. Although a part of you expected Peter to be talking in a hypothetical way, while you meant every word you said.
You got up to answer the door, greeted by a disheveled looking Laura who looked as though she had just sprinted to your house.
“What’s wrong with you?” you gasped, but Laura pushed her way past you into your house. 
“You need to see this,” she huffed, pulling out her phone. 
You stared at her, frowning as she looked up a video on YouTube, finally settling on an interview with a Tom Holland about the new Spider-Man movie coming up. You had heard about the new movie, but you didn’t know anything about the star of it. 
Laura hit play, and the interviewer started off by asking Tom about the Queens accent he plays as Peter Parker in the movie, and followed it up by confirming that he is not from Queens as his character is. 
Tom replied by saying, “I am not, I am a native of South West, London, darling.”
As soon as the words left his mouth your heart plummeted. Darling. Peter had just called you that a mere five minutes ago, and the word was still ringing in your head.
The way Tom had spoke, the way his accent dripped off of each syllable made your head dizzy. You knew that voice. You talked to that voice every damn day, and you knew it so well it was engraved in your mind like some sort of song. You knew how Peter spoke, and you watched how Tom spoke and you felt like you were going insane because they were just so damn similar. 
Laura watched you as the video continued to play, but you didn’t even have to listen because that one line did it for you. No one else said darling like Peter did, but Tom Holland just said it. 
Your knees were weak and you had to sit down at your kitchen table, shutting the video off after you couldn’t take it anymore. Every word Tom said, you imagined Peter saying it, and the nausea hit you like a wave, but Laura was able to grab the nearest trash bin as you wretched into it, while also rubbing your back. 
Tears stung your eyes as you lifted your head, thanking Laura while she handed you a paper towel to wipe your mouth. You looked at the paused video on Laura’s phone, and brought it back to when he said the word darling and hit play once more. 
You thought that maybe if you heard it again, you would be able to tell that that wasn’t Peter, that Tom Holland the up and coming movie star of the Marcel Cinematic Universe was not your Peter. 
He couldn’t be...
You refused to meet Laura’s gaze, because you knew it was filled with some sort of pity, and you really didn’t want her to say she told you so, but every fiber in your being was filled with dread as you listened to each phoneme that came out of Tom’s mouth. 
“(Y/N)...” Laura trailed off. “He sounds exactly like-”
part 6
okay I know my time line is a little off because that interview™ came out after Homecoming, but I figured that she would find out it was Tom from the word darling so....here we are
taglist: @slythxr // @greenarrowhead // @your-daily-dose-of-fangirl // @loxbbg // @didanyonesaybuckybarnes // @strang-ersclub // @roaringgoodshow //  @skeletalwolfcat // @peterbrokenparker // @jackiehollanderr // @krispykreeme // @eye-of-the-owl // @  eternal-l-appel-du-vide // @lifeandloveandhappiness // @16wiishes // @snifelisnifsnif // @fxded-jackgyeom // @dxftprettyboys // @spookyconsultingcriminal // @yourwonderbelle // @too-much-spidey // @savethebabyseals // @apseventy // @starkslovebot // @binaruma // @just-a-littlebit-of-everything // @lifeisabitchandsoareyou // @iloveyouthreethousand-o6 // 
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girls-scenarios · 5 years
Happy Down Under
Idol: Rosé (BlackPink)
Prompt: scenario where reader surprises blackpink rosé with a trip to australia for their anniversary!! + Can i have a scenario where Rośe and her gf visit Australia 🤟
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: I decided to combine these two requests since they’re basically the same thing. Also the only part of Australia I know is Brisbane because of the time Sunny and Hyoyeon went there on Battle Trip so that’s where they’re going instead of Melbourne- Anyway, I hope you all enjoy!
♡ Tip Jar♡
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This was something you’d been planning for a long time. Ever since Rosé told you that she had gotten the time off to celebrate your anniversary, you had started planning to make it special. The two of you had been dating for five years and it was only right that it be special this year. But it hadn’t been until you saw a few posts of your friends vacationing in Australia that you decided that was what you were going to do: you were going to take her back home.
After some planning and research, you’d decided to spend a few days in her hometown of Melbourne before getting back on the plane and flying to Brisbane, where the two of you would spend the rest of your trip. And now that you had plane tickets, reservations, and everything else you needed for the trip, the only thing left to do was tell your girlfriend. And that had to be perfect too, so you got reservations at a new hip restaurant in Seoul the week before the trip and made sure that she could make it.
“Our anniversary is next week, did you forget and think it was this week?” She joked as she got out of the car and took your arm, smiling widely. You laughed and shook your head, reaching over to tuck a stray piece of her hair back into place as the two of you headed inside. Rosé always looked lovely, but tonight she was wearing a cute dress (not too fancy, but not too plain) with her hair curled and falling over her shoulders, and there was still glitter on her eyelids from her earlier photo shoot makeup, and you couldn’t help but stare a little.
“You look nice tonight,” you said as the two of you stepped inside, “is this dress new?”
“It is, do you like it?” She grinned at you and swished her hips ever so slightly, making the bottom of the skirt sway with her movements. It looked wonderful on her (although she could honestly pull off anything).
“I love it, but I also love you in anything so....” You playfully trailed off and she rolled her eyes, but you could tell that she liked your compliments. Before she could say anything in return, the host called your name and the two of you were sat at a more private table in the back of the restaurant to keep her away from prying eyes and curious ears. As she marveled at the decoration and menu, you just nodded along, distracted by the plane tickets in your pocket. When should you give them to her? Would she even be happy to see them?
“Babe? What are you in the mood for?” Her voice snapped you out of your thoughts and you glanced down at the menu, looking over it. There were plenty of good options and lots of new, trendy things that you’d been wanting to try.
“I’m really not sure. Why don’t you choose an appetizer and drinks while I decide?”
She gave you a look. “Why does it feel like your treating me special today?”
“Do I not treat you special every day?”
“You do, it just feels different today.” She was onto you, but you didn’t want to reveal the surprise just yet.
“I just wanted to treat you tonight, that’s all.”
“Okay,” she said, but she still looked a little curious as she looked down at the menu. Once the food was ordered and the drinks were at the table, though, she turned her attention back to you. “So why the fancy restaurant tonight?” There was a little twinkle in her eye that you recognized, and you knew she wasn’t going to let this go until you admitted why you had taken her out. Still, you wanted to keep her guessing a little longer.
“Can I not just take my wonderful girlfriend out to dinner?”
“Of course you can, but usually we go out to places we already know. This place has valet parking and white linen, it’s too nice for just a night out.”
“Yelp made me do it,” you joked, raising your hands, and she giggled, taking a sip of her drink.
“Sure it did. Like the time Yelp made you drive halfway across the city to go get green tea ice cream?”
“I needed it, Rosé, you don’t understand.”
“No, I really don’t,” she said, but there was a smile on her face. “So, Yelp recommended this place?”
“Yeah, I have it tell me when there’s new restaurants near us, and this one popped up. It’s hot right now too, hence the long list of reservations. I thought it would be cool.”
She looked around and nodded. “It is pretty cool. I like things like this.”
“I know. That’s why I brought you here,” you said, grinning, and she quickly stuck her tongue out at you after making sure no one was looking to see her being silly and childish.
“Okay, you win this round. But how are you going to up this place for our anniversary?”
“I thought you were doing the anniversary reservations?” That wasn’t true, of course, but seeing her eyes widen in slight panic was fun.
“Wait, what? You said you were doing it!”
“I know. I’m just playing with you. Don’t worry, I’ve got everything covered.”
With a little groan, she took a sip of her drink and glared playfully at you. “Don’t scare me like that!”
“Sorry, sorry. Will a gift make up for it?”
“I knew something was up with you,” she said, narrowing her eyes suspiciously as you took out the small package containing the tickets.
“Just open it, I was trying to surprise you.” She carefully took the package and looked at it for a moment before opening it. At first, she didn’t realize what she was looking at, but as her eyes moved over the words on the paper, they widened and her mouth dropped open.
“Wait, is this for real?”
“Yep. We’re going to Australia for our anniversary!”
She turned to look at you and her eyes were misty, a smile blooming on her face as she put down the package and leaned back in her chair. “Babe! Oh my god, that’s so awesome! When did you get the tickets?”
“A while back, but I wanted to wait to surprise you. We’re spending three days in Melbourne, then we’re going to Brisbane for the rest of the week.”
“Wow. This is. Wow. I wasn’t expecting this at all.”
You grinned and reached across the table to take her free hand. “Good, it was supposed to be a surprise.”
Laughing and shaking her head, she squeezed your hand and looked once again at the tickets. “I’m really going home?”
“You’re going home.” At your words, she beamed, glowing even in the dim lighting of the restaurant, and your heart jumped in your chest. You were so glad you’d made it special.
The flight to Australia was long, but most of it was spent sleeping or watching pieces of TV shows that you normally didn’t watch, so it didn’t end up being so bad. When the two of you landed, however, both of you were eager to stretch your legs and not be in the air anymore.
“My neck hurts,” Rosé said, a quiet whine in her voice as she massaged the back of her neck, wincing a little. “I wish I wouldn’t have forgotten my neck pillow in the car.”
“I told you to ask them if they had any,” you replied, reaching over to help her as the two of you waited for your luggage, rubbing at the tight muscles. “They probably had some on the plane.”
“Not like mine. Plus, I didn’t want to bother them.”
“It’s their job, Rosé.”
“I know, but still.” The intercom clicked on overhead, announcing that the luggage for your plane would be coming out, and the two of you stepped closer. You watched closely as she looked down at her phone, raising it up to the ceiling to try and get service.
“Oh, my parents are here to pick us up in the pick-up area.”
“We’ll head that way after we grab the luggage,” you said, glancing over at her. Despite the discomfort in her muscles from the long ride and the slight bags under her eyes from not sleeping the night before, she looked so excited she was basically glowing. “Are you excited to see them?” You didn’t need to ask, but you felt like you should.
“Of course! I mean, they’ve come to Korea in the past so it’s not like I never see them but it’s good to be back home.”
After the two of you had your luggage, you moved outside, warmth hitting you as soon as the doors opened. It only took her a minute to spot her parents car, and as she walked quickly ahead of you, waving her hand and grinning widely, you smiled to yourself. This was exactly the reaction you’d been hoping for.
The rest of the day was spent with the family, eating some of Rosé’s favorite foods and laughing with everyone as you got to know them better. Old photos of Rosé were given to you and stories of her school days were told until her ears were red an your lungs hurt from laughing too much, happy to learn so much more about your girlfriend.
In fact, most of the time in Melbourne was spent that way, with Rosé spending as much time with her family as she could before she had to leave again. She showed you places she went as a kid and took you to see markets, gardens, and galleries with her family. This was the only part of the trip you hadn’t planned, leaving it all up to her and her family, but there wasn’t a single dull moment and you never felt stressed at all. In fact, all you felt was happy and full, and you found yourself sad when the day to go to Brisbane rolled around.
“You guys are going to have a lot of fun over there,” her family assured the two of you as they dropped you back at the airport. After a misty goodbye and lots of hugs, the two of you were back on the airplane. The flight was much shorter than the other one, though, and when the two of you arrived, the warm sun greeted you and made you feel better again.
“Where are we going first?” Rosé asked as the two of you climbed into the taxi, obviously just as excited as you were.
“First, our hotel. Then, the beach.”
“The beach! I’m excited.”
The hotel was beautiful and located right on the coast, making its swimming pool look like it extended into the ocean. The room was large and although she’d definitely been in nice hotel rooms before, Rosé’s mouth dropped open, and you considered that a good sign.
“The bed is so big!” She exclaimed as she sat down her bags and flopped down, arms spread wide, making you laugh as you open the curtains to reveal a wall of windows, with one door leading out onto a balcony that overlooked the beach. The view made both of you gasp and stare, and you were really glad you’d gotten a room facing the beach. “Woah. I have to Instagram this.” You watched as she scrambled up and grabbed her phone to take a photo, a smile spreading over your face.
“So I take it you like it?”
“I love it. It’s so beautiful. It’s also the perfect photo spot,” she said, turning to you with a grin. “Are you ready to take my picture here every single morning?”
“Anything for you,” you replied, and she blew you a kiss before opening the door to step outside. You followed her out, and the two of you leaned against the side of the balcony, wind gently blowing through your hair as you watched the waves splash against the beach.
After a moment of basking in the warm sunlight and the sounds of the ocean, Rosé turned to you and title her head towards the beach. “What do you say we get changed and go down there now?”
“Sounds good to me,” you said, standing up straight, and she grinned, flipping her hair over her shoulder.
“Good, because I bought a cute new swimsuit and I can’t wait for you to see it!” You couldn’t help smiling at her excitement, leaning in to quickly press a kiss to her cheek.
“I can’t wait to see it.”
She laughed and gave you a quick kiss on the lips, and as the two of you walked back inside, she cleared her throat. “Hey, (Y/N)?”
“Thanks for this. I really needed a break from everything and I’m having a great time.”
The days seemed to fly by, which you guessed made sense, because you were having so much fun. Rosé was having fun too, if the way she bounced slightly when she talked and took near a hundred photos was any indication. The two of you had done everything, visiting botanical gardens, going to amusement parks, checking out the hip streets and shops, and even going to a Koala sanctuary where Rosé almost cried because she got to hold one. The photos make both of you laugh, because Rosé’s eyes are misty and she looks like a mother with her baby, and your photo happened to be snapped at the exact moment the Koala moved in your arms, making the expression on your face look something between terrified and excited. The photos go straight into the suitcases for safekeeping.
Before you knew it, the trip was almost over. Tomorrow would be the last day, but as you laid on the massage table, eyes closed, you knew today had to be the most special, since today was your actual anniversary. Getting the spa treatment was good, but you still had something special lined up. Something you knew she would enjoy. The thought brought a smile to your face an you opened your eyes to glance over at your girlfriend beside you. She looked happy and content, a small smile on her lips, and you knew today was going to be good.
The rest of the day went as planned, spending some time relaxing by the beach and drinking fruity blended cocktails that made Rosé wrinkle her nose up cutely every time she sipped because it was so cold. The water was slightly warm, though, and the two of you pushed and chased each other into the tide as you searched for seashells to bring home. After both of you were wet and you’d taken a couple photos of Rosé with the seashells in her hands, the two of you headed back up to the room for a hot shower and a nap. She still didn’t know what plans were for dinner, and that was how you wanted to keep it.
You woke up a little bit earlier than her to go through your luggage and make sure the present you’d bought for her was nicely wrapped and placed on her bedside table for her to see when she woke up. Then, you made her a small cup of coffee and went to her side, gently waking her up.
“Roseanne, baby, wake up. We need to go to dinner,” you said, smiling when she blinked a few times and sat up, rubbing sleepily at her eyes. “Here’s some coffee to help you wake up.”
She gave you a sleepy smile as she accepted it and glanced over at the bedside table, raising her eyebrows. “Is this for me?”
“Happy anniversary, love.” Almost immediately, she perked up, taking a sip of the coffee as she moved closer to the gifts.
“Wow, thank you. You beat me to it, let me grab my gift to you.” She placed her coffee beside the present and stood up, shuffling over to her suitcase, and you laughed softly and climbed onto the bed, sitting cross-legged as you waited for her to come back. After she was back into the bed and you had a box in your lap, she leaned in, giving you a sleepy kiss that tasted like coffee and the hint of fruit from the cocktail before. “Happy anniversary, I love you.”
“I love you too. Thanks for putting up with me for five years.”
She giggled and shook her head. “I don’t have to put up with you, don’t be silly. It’s been a great five years, though.”
“Good. I’m glad.” The two of you just stared at each other for a moment, smiling, before both of you burst into laughter and leaned into each other. “Let’s open these gifts.”
You opened yours first, and inside was a gorgeous watch that looked like it had cost some money. Your mouth dropped open as you carefully took it out of the box. Both of your initials were carved into the back, as well as the date of your anniversary and a little message: thank you for five wonderful years. You could feel happy tears welling up, but you quickly pushed them down, smiling instead as you slid the watch onto your wrist and carefully clasped it shut.
“Do you like it?” She asked, sounding a little breathless.
“I love it. Thank you so much, baby,” you said, voice softer than before as you leaned forward to give her a little kiss as a thank you. “Your turn.”
She gave you a smile before opening her own gift. Inside was a vintage bag she’d been looking at and a ring box, and as she pulled it out, her eyes became misty and you reached over to gently touch her hand.
“It’s a promise ring. So that every time you wear it, you can know that I love you and one day, want to marry you.” It was a simple ring, thin rose gold with a rose shaped diamond in the middle, but it was something that you knew would look great on her. At your words, tears started to come, and she quickly wiped at them as she leaned into you, carefully taking the ring out to look at it closer.
“Thank you. I love it,” she whispered, even though it was just the two of you in the room. You helped her put it on her finger, and she raised her eyebrows, looking up at you. “How did you know my ring size?”
“I might have employed Jennie to get it for me,” you said, smiling and giving her another kiss. “I wanted it to be perfect.”
“Everything has been perfect so far. I’m never going to forget this trip.” Those words made your heart swell, and you wrapped her in your arms, laughing softly as she rubbed her wet face against your neck.
“I’m never going to forget it either.”
The two of you just sat there like that for a while, quietly talking and touching, until Rosé’s stomach grumbled and she looked up at you with a sheepish grin. “I’m starving. What’s for dinner?”
“I saved the best for last. We’re going to a place called Eat Street,” you said, and her eyes widened.
“Wait, really? I really wanted to go there!”
“I know, that’s why we’re going!” She let out a little cheer and bounced a bit on the bed, placing the purse on the bed stand and hopping up.
“Come on, let’s get ready and go! I want to get there as soon as possible so I can try the donuts!” You laughed and let her pull you up from the bed, watching affectionately as she rushed around the room grabbing her things to get ready. As she headed for the bathroom, she turned around to blow you a kiss. “Baby, I love you!”
“I love you too!”
The next day on the plane, you were sad to be leaving, but the warmth from the sun lingered on your skin and the photos on your phone were proof of the fun the two of you had. Rosé was asleep on your shoulder, and you looked down at your Instagram, smiling at the photo of her with cotton candy bigger than her head, looking very excited. The ring you’d gotten her was on her finger, gleaming in the florescent lights, and she hadn’t taken it off since you gave it to her.
You turned off your phone and closed your eyes, deciding to sleep the long flight away. You knew that when you woke up, Rosé’s sleepy voice would greet you, telling you that you were there, and she’d have that glowing smile on her face and the ring on her finger. And now, she was beside you, sleeping soundly with her hand in yours and her head on your shoulder, a constant warmth at your side even as you left the heat of Australia behind. Everything had been perfect, and you were happier than you’d ever been. With a smile, you leaned into your girlfriend’s warm touch and drifted off to sleep with the sound of the ocean still ringing in your ears, knowing that this would be a moment you would never forget.
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myhockeyfics · 5 years
Player: Matthew Tkachuk
Length: 5.2k
Requested: Yes [request can be seen at the end of the text]
Smut: Yes
Content: Oral, Vaginal
Summary: No, you will not be telling anyone about the first time Matt told you he loved you.
Matt 😍: Hope you’re ready for tonight 😏
You roll your eyes after reading the text from your boyfriend.
You: I’m ready babe, are you?
Matt 😍: Of course I am!
You can almost hear the indignant tone in his voice, as if he was standing right new to you, and not in an airport 1,500 miles away in Arizona. He’s on his way back home, finally, and you’re so excited. The two of you have plans for tonight, the first night in a while that the two of you both have off, with no plans tomorrow either. It’s going to be so hot, and exactly what you need after a long week, and a long two weeks since you last saw Matt.
You: I went shopping for tonight, so maybe you really are the one who isn’t ready.
Matt 😍: Oh fuck. Wish I was there already.
You can’t resist an opening like that to mess with Matt, so you respond playfully.
You: Yeah? What would you be doing if you were here with me? ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
The number of winking faces should be enough to clue Matt into the way you’re making fun of many of the texts you’ve received from him before when he’s tried to sext. Honestly, you would be up for it right now if he could, but he’s probably pretty close to boarding. Also, Matt certainly is a lot of things in bed, but an exhibitionist surprisingly isn’t one of them.
Matt 😍: Babe, you can’t just tease me like that.
Matt 😍: We’re about to board. See you soon.
There’s a lot you could be doing to get ready for tonight, but honestly, a nap sounds great right now. In fact, you don’t know how much sleep you’re going to be able to get tonight so, in a way this is preparing. You plug your phone in after setting an alarm, and almost immediately you’re asleep.
The sound of your alarm wakes you, and you blearily hit stop. Taking midday naps always throws you off for a while, but you have things to do, people to see, people to do. Your outfit for tonight is already set, but there’s other things you need to do to get ready. Your appointment at the salon for a wax is in a bit over an hour from now, and you know how much Matt likes it when you’re bare and smooth. The first time you had sex while completely waxed you honestly though Matt might come before he even got in you It’s not something you have particularly strong feelings about, but Matt clearly does, so you figure that you’ll treat him tonight.
Other than that, you want to take a nice, deep shower before you head to the salon, so you are fully clean, and you can do your hair when you get back. Full body exfoliation, moisturizer, shaving your legs, the works. It’s nice to have a little time to yourself to pamper your whole body, especially in anticipation of a night like tonight.
After you get out of the shower, you wrap yourself up in the smallest towel that you can find that will cover you, and you snap a quick picture in the steamy bathroom mirror. You send it to Matt without further thought.
You: Getting ready… [picture attached]
Matt normally turns his phone off during flights, as part of his routine, saying it’s a good time for team bonding, so he probably won’t get it until he’s back in Calgary. That’s fine, it will be a nice surprise for him as he lands.
You quickly get dressed in comfy clothes, leggings and a plain white t-shirt that’s probably Matt’s based on how big it is. It’s fine, all you’re doing is going to the salon and back to your apartment. Before you leave, you have enough time to start to pack your bag for tonight. You don’t need much, but you and Matt are also kind of in that weird stage of a relationship where it’s defined, but still pretty new. You’re exclusive, and you spend a lot of time together, but you haven’t left a toothbrush at his place yet. So you grab a spare toothbrush, your face wash and moisturizer, and some clothes for tomorrow.
Finally, it’s almost time to leave for the salon, so you quickly comb out your hair and work through some serum. Your reminder to leave goes off, so you gather your phone, purse, and keys, and walk out the door, off to your next step in getting ready for tonight.
After your waxing appointment, it feels like the rest of the afternoon flies by. Matt should be landing any moment, it’s only about a three hour plane ride from Phoenix.You smirk to yourself as you remember the picture that you sent him. Tonight is gonna be awesome.
You try and curl up with a book for a little while to burn time, but you keep getting antsier and antsier. You just want to see Matt, and you also just want to get fucked. It’s been a long couple of weeks while he’s been on this road trip, and there’s nothing quite like having Matt inside you. Sometimes he grips your hips hard enough that you have finger shaped bruises the next day, lingering long after the act itself. You need the feeling that gives you, the little bit of floatiness, and bite of pain.
There’s no way you can concentrate on a book now, so you cut your losses and decide to start getting ready. The two of you are planning to stay in tonight, not letting each other out of sight. Thus, you want to dress pretty casually, with a little surprise underneath. You take the lingerie you bought for tonight out of your drawer, and lay it on the bed, looking it over one last time.
The lingerie is black and lacey, and like nothing else you own. How you’ve gone this long without buying black lingerie, you have no idea, but this set caught your eye in the store, and you knew you had to buy it. You pull off your leggings and t-shirt, and begin to pull on the panties. Looking in the mirror, you admire the way the cut emphasizes your ass, but the real treat is the fact that the panties are crotchless. You can’t really tell, just looking straight on, but you know as soon as Matt gets between your legs he’ll be delighted. The bra is pretty standard, but it makes your tits look fantastic, so you’re feeling great.
You’re humming along to the music you have playing in the background when it cuts out and your ringtone starts playing. A quick glance tells you that it’s Matt, so you pick up the phone with a smile.
“Hey baby,” you say, “how was your flight?”
“It was fine, pumped to be home,” Matt says, and you roll your eyes to yourself a little, fondly. Matt’s vocabulary is sometimes a little fratty, but it’s charming.
“Are you home yet? I was going to head over soon,” you say, before putting the phone on speaker so you can continue getting ready.
“I’m just in the car now, like ten minutes away,” he responds. “I was thinking of grabbing sushi for tonight? It’ll take a while, so if I order if when I get home it should get there right around when you do.” Sushi does sound good, so you tell him that.
“Sushi is a go, babe. You know what I like, and make sure to ask for extra wasabi.”
“I got you baby, I’m gonna go now, let you finish getting ready for me,” Matt says, and you can hear the smirk in his voice.
“Shut up Matty,” you respond, “see you soon.”
“Catch ya later babe.”
Once Matt hangs up, you look in the mirror again. While you were on the phone you had pulled on a pair of high-waisted print pants and a plain black shirt. It’s casual, but flattering, and it’s comfy. You sit down so you can throw your hair up into two french braids, working quickly, once again bopping to the music. You finish the first one easily, before you accidentally drop the second one. You undo the loose mess of a braid and restart, and this time you finish the braid nicely. Makeup doesn’t take too long, mostly just the basics. If you have your way, it’ll all end up smeared on Matt’s pillows so you don’t care too much.
You give your room a quick clean once you’re ready, putting away your makeup, and throwing your dirty clothes and towels into the hamper. You spritz on some on the perfume that Matt has complimented before, as a final touch to your outfit. You gather your things, including your overnight bag and charger, before slipping on a pair of sandals and heading out the door.
Matt’s smile takes your breath away as he opens the door. It’s so good to see his face, it feels like it been months, even if it’s only been a couple weeks.
“Hey babe,” he says, pulling you into a tight hug. “The food just got here, so perfect timing,” he murmurs into your hair. He still doesn’t let you go as you try to pull away. Instead, Matt pulls you with him as he tries to walk backwards, unwilling to part from you for even just the few steps from the front door into the living room.
“Matty, if you’re not careful we’re gonna end up on the floor, and you’re gonna end up on the IR,” you say, trying to pull away a little more forcefully, This time, he lets you go, reluctantly, but immediately grabs your hand for the rest of the walk to the living room. Matt is already a clingy, touchy kind of guy, but this is next level, You don’t know what’s gotten into him, but you like it. A lot.
Flopping down onto the couch, he pulls you onto of him. Your legs go to either side of his hips, and you sit there, admiring his face. He really is pretty, the asshole.
“So, were you good while I was gone?” he asks, and you can feel your face flushing, you know exactly what he’s talking about.
“Of course I was,” you respond, huffing a little. It wasn’t the first time that Matt had asked you to hold off on playing with yourself while he was gone, but it was the longest trip so far. He grips your hips a little tighter.
“Is that so? You were a good girl for me?” he asks, and you nod, a little frantically. You can already feel yourself getting worked up. Matt barely has to do anything and you find yourself ready to go. “And that picture you sent me today? Don’t think I didn’t see it or care, you little tease. Is that what good girls do?”
“No,” you mumble. You know that Matt would stop if you asked him to, especially since the picture really wasn’t intended as a tease, but more as a treat, and you both knew it. But you find yourself craving the kind of sex that comes from this. The feeling of Matt’s powerful thighs below you has you shivering a little in anticipation.
“Hmm. Alright, baby, what do you think? 10 spankings?” he asks, and fuck, his voice had dropped, all warm and gruff. You nod, nuzzling into his neck. Matt runs his hands down your spine gently, before tapping your ass with one hand. “You know what to do baby.”
You stand and begin to take off your clothes, sliding your sandals off. Your shirt and pants come off quickly, and you know Matt wants you to leave your panties and bra on for this.
“Is this for me? Very nice, you really are my little slut,” he says, and you can feel your cheeks blazing. Matt sits back onto the couch, so you have room to lay over his lap. He lets you shift around until comfortable, before he pulls your hands behind your back, holding them in one hand. Fuck, his hands are so, so big.
Matt presses your hands down into your back with one hand, holding tightly, and you feel his other hand come up and smooth over your ass, dipping between your thighs, running lightly down your slit. You feel his fingers slip into your panties, through the hole in them, and you know he can already feel how wet you are.
“Wow, you really are a naughty little slut, aren’t you? Crotchless panties?” he says, and you whimper, burying your face into the couch. “None of that, I want to hear you. Count ‘em out.”
Matt rearranges his grip on your wrists, before pulling his hand out of your panties. With no more warning, he smacks your ass, twice, in quick succession.
“One, two.” you pants. Matt trails a finger over the skin he just hit, before pulling back again and smacking your other asscheek. “Three.”
“Maybe I should spank you a little harder, huh, I don’t think this is enough for you,” Matt says, and you shift around in his lap. He rubs his hand over your ass. “Spread your legs,” he orders. You comply, carefully, not wanting to fall onto the ground. Matt hums, almost like he’s deliberating, before you feel his smack your pussy.
“Oh my god!”
“How many is that?” he asks, and you can feel yourself getting a little fuzzy.
“Good.” Quickly, he spanks you, five, six, seven.
“Seven,” you pant. You feel sweaty and sticky, and you just want Matt to keep going. The next hit is much harder than the rest, and you swear Matt’s handprint is going to be on your ass for days. “Eight.”
“Two more,” Matt says. He lays another stinging slap to your pussy, and you jump.
Matt’s last slap is even harder than the last few, but that’s it, it’s over.
“Ten,” you pant. You relax your whole body, and you can feel Matt rubbing over your ass, really making you feel the marks he left behind.
“Up.” Matt commands, so you stand in front of him, between his legs. “You’re a little slut today, aren’t you? Crotchless panties, enjoying your spanking?”  You nod. “I thought so. Take off that bra, play with your tits for me a little.”
The whole thing feels illicit, and sexy, standing in front of Matt. You unsnap your bra, and begin playing with your nipples. Matt is just sitting there, fully clothed. Everything feels hot and dirty.
“Fuck,” you say, pinching your nipples at the same time. You clench your thighs together, and Matt smirks a little. Matt stands, and grabs you around the waist. He pushes you down onto couch on your knees. You lean your forehead onto the back of the couch and keep your hands on your nipples, sticking your ass back towards Matt.
“Such a pretty little slut,” he says, smacking your ass again, not quite a spank, but enough to send shivers down your spine. “I’m gonna fuck you just like this, and you’re not gonna come until I do, got it?” You nod, and let go out your nipples, knowing that if you keep going you could probably come just from that while Matt is fucking you.
Matt comes up behind you and slips a finger into your pussy, roughing pumping it in and out. It feels really fucking good, and you’re clearly already on edge. He quickly adds another, not caring for your pleasure, beyond making sure that you’re comfortable. Another finger joins the other two, pumping them quickly. It’s not quite painful, but it has a bite that you like. Finally Matt pulls his fingers out. He moves from behind you over to one of the side tables where you know he keep condoms. Matt tears one open, quickly rolling it down his cock.
“Stick your ass out further,” he says and you comply. Thank goodness Matt has such a deep couch, or you would be on the ground. Instead, you have enough room to almost be on your hands and knees. Your pussy is at the perfect height for Matt’s cock, and you can feel him lightly rubbing it up and down your pussy. Your panties are still on, and there’s something so hot about wearing them while Matt fucks you.
The feeling of Matt’s cock pounding into you is like no other. He’s thick, and decently long, and fills you up so well. Once he’s in, he just keeps going, never slowing down.
“Fuck, you’re so tight, even if you are a little slut.” he says, already breathless.
He keeps pounding in and out, and you feel one of his hands come up and push your shoulders and head down, ass up even further in this position. He holds you folded down like that for a while, pumping in and out. His thick cock is stretching you just right, and you can feel yourself edging closer.
“Shit babe,” Matt pants. His hips are working so fast, smacking into you. You’re sure that everywhere along your thighs and ass make contact with him will be red by the time he’s done. Matt’s hand on your shoulder disappears, but then you feel him grab your braids and pull your head back holding onto them. He’s pulling hard enough that you feel just a hint of pain, but in the best way. It hurts so, so good. Matt’s other hand is gripping your waist tightly, and it feels grounding, the pain from both things. Matt continues fucking you so hard, and so deep. You can feel your orgasm building quickly, but you are trying to distract yourself, so you can hold off like Matt wants.
“Matt, Matt, I’m getting close,” you say. Matt growls and uses his hand that was holding your waist to smack your ass.
“You do not get to come until I do, little slut, got it?” He says, and somehow, he begins fucking your pussy even harder. “Fucking shit, your little cunt feel so good around my cock, hot and tight.”
“Matt, please, please, please,” his grip on your hair tightens. He begins  smacking your ass with his free hand, and his thrusts becomes more erratic as he get closer and closer.
“Fuck, babe, fuck, I love you so much,” he says, panting, and he grips both your hips in his hands, pulling you in as he fucking into you, and wait what? Before you can think about what he just said, Matt lets out a huge moan, and pulls you up so your back presses against his chest as he comes. He’s wearing a condom, but fuck if you can’t feel his warmth inside of you.
He pants for a moment as he comes down, but he stays inside of you, moving in and out slowly, One of his hands reaches around to play with your clit. You’re so full and you’re still on the edge, and fuck, this is not going to take very long.
“Come on baby, come for me, play with your nipples, I know you want to.” You groan along with his words, and begin playing with your tits again. Matt speeds up his rubbing against your clit, and you clench down on his cock, and fuck, that’s it. Your climax rushes over you and you slump back onto Matt’s chest, precariously rocking on your knees on the edge of the couch until Matt grips you more firmly around the waist. His fingers on your clit slow down slightly, but he increases the pressure, working you through your orgasm.
Eventually he gives your clit one last pat, and pulls his hand back until he can wrap both arms around you from behind hugging you to his chest. He pulls out gently, and you can feel him pulling off the condom, before tying it off and chucking it at the trashcan in the corner of the living room. Whatever, that’s his problem. He pulls you up onto wobbly legs until he can maneuver himself onto the couch and pulls you down to lay on top of him.
“Matt?” He hums, so you push forward. “Did you mean it?”
“Did I mean what?” he asks, and you can’t tell if he’s being serious, or if he’s trying to hide that he just said I love you for the very first time in the middle of some rough sex on his couch. He seems genuine, and you don’t really want to mess with the afterglow you’re enjoying.
“Nevermind.” You bury your face in his chest, and breathe in his scent, happily. You hope he means it, but you kinda want to let him decide when to tell you again. If he feels it, he will. Matt’s running a hand gently up and down your spine, comfortably. He is warm, and comfortable, and he pulls a blanket on top of the two of you from the back of the couch. Your eyes grow heavy, and before you know it, you’re falling asleep on his chest.
“Hey sweetheart, wake up,” you can feel Matt’s hand brushing over your forehead. “Wanna eat dinner?” You kind of groan into his chest, rubbing your head back and forth. “Come on baby, I got all your favorites in the fridge. I got spicy tuna, a tootsie roll, a rainbow roll, and more. Anything sound good?”
You sit up, still a little groggy, but you can feel your stomach growling.
“How long was I out?” you ask, standing up. You blush a little when you realize that you’re still pretty naked, besides your panties, and you reach over and pull on Matt’s discarded t-shirt.
“Don’t get dressed on my account baby, you look real good,” Matt leers at you, jokingly. “We were only out like a half hour.” He grabs his boxers and pulls them on, before grabbing your hand and leading you towards the kitchen. Matt pushes you towards one of the stools at the kitchen island, before heading to the fridge. He pulls out a couple takeout bags, before turning around. “What do you want to drink? Water, beer, wine, Gatorade?”
“I’m good with water, want some too?” you ask, standing and heading towards the cupboard where he keeps the glasses.
“Yes please, baby,” he says, and he begins pulling out boxes from the bags, laying them out on the island. You fill two glasses with ice and water, before settling back onto the stool you had been sitting on. You push a glass towards him, before grabbing yours and taking a few large sips. You hadn’t realized how thirsty you were either. “Thanks,” Matt says, before also taking a sip of water.
The two of you dig in and demolish the sushi Matt had bought. You can feel yourself getting sleepy again, slowly moving through the motions of eating and drinking your water. You refill a couple times, making sure that you’re plenty hydrated.
“I’m gonna go get ready for bed, okay?” you tell Matt, while he’s finishing up his food. While you pack away sushi, there’s nothing quite like seeing the massive quantity hockey players put away. He nods, and you rub his shoulder for a second before heading back to the living room to grab your overnight bag.
When you get into the bathroom in his bedroom, it becomes clear that you hadn’t needed to pack a bag for tonight at all. Your brand of face wash is sitting at one of the sinks in his bathroom, next to the sink where all of Matt’s stuff is. Your toothpaste brand, and a toothbrush just like your own is also sitting there. Your heart swells, seeing all the things Matt went out of his way to purchase and leave for you. It would be sweet enough if he bought these things for you, but he made sure he had the right brands too. A quick glance at the shower shows the familiar bottles of your shampoo and conditioner.
You have no doubt in your mind now - Matt loves you. He may not be totally comfortable saying it out loud just yet, but he’s showing you through the way he treats you, and how he thinks about you. It’s comforting and sweet, and you love this man so much. You pull off your panties and Matt’s t-shirt and go to the bathroom, before deciding to take a quick shower. You quickly soap up, using Matt’s body wash, and you love the scent of him all around you. Rinsing off, you wrap yourself in a soft, fluffy towel, fresh from the towel warmer, one of Matt’s indulgences.
As you’re finishing up your nightly routine, Matt comes into the bathroom. He bumps your hip with his, before he begins washing his face. As Matt begins to brush his teeth you kiss his shoulder, before heading back to the bedroom, still in the towel. The shower turns on and you’re glad Matt is showering, you’re fine sleeping with him when you’re both sweaty, but he’s going to be all nice and clean, smelling wonderful. You pull out a clean pair of underwear that you brought, and grab one of Matt’s Flames t-shirts, because he can never get enough of you in his number.
You crawl into the bed and lean back onto the pillow, messing around on your phone until Matt comes out. He drops his towel and pulls on his boxers, looking back at you over his shoulder, overly flirtatious, until you both laugh. He gets into bed alongside you, and you put your phone onto the nightstand onto the charger, yet another item he must have bought for you and put out.
“Was tonight good for you baby?” he asks, brushing some of the hair that has fallen out of the braids out of your face.
“It was, and thanks for dinner, and all my stuff in the bathroom, too.”
“Of course, anything for you.” Matt kisses your nose, before giving your mouth a quick peck too. It doesn’t evolve into anything else. Both of you are clearly exhausted, and you have all day together tomorrow as well. “Sleep time?”
You nod, and turn over, so Matt can spoon around you. His hips press up against yours, and his arms comes to rest over your side. You can feel his nose buried in your hair, softly letting his breath wash over you. It doesn’t take long to fall asleep again, and Matt quickly follows you.
Waking up in the morning is slow going. You can feel Matt’s arm still around you, and he’s still breathing softly into your neck. The two of you must have been so exhausted last night that neither of you moved much. You turn around under Matt’s arm so you can look at him.
In his sleep, he looks so peaceful, and almost sweet, nothing like the goofy troublemaker you know he is. He has a faint smile on his face as he sleeps. You are torn between wanting to wake him up, and letting him sleep as long as he can. Luckily, the decision is made for you when his alarm begins to go off.
Matt wakes up slowly and smiles at you, but makes no move to turn off his alarm. Finally you get fed up and reach over him to turn it off, and just after you do, he pulls you down onto him.
“Aha, my plan worked,” he laughs.
“You’re so dumb,” you say, but you lean down and give him a quick closed mouth kiss. You lean your head on his chest, and listen to his heartbeat, slow and steady.
“I do love you, you know,” he says, and that makes you sit up. You look him in the eyes, and can see nothing but the truth.
“Yeah?” you ask, not wanting to break the moment.
“Yeah, I don’t know, I just got so nervous when I said it last night, and it’s not like I wanted the first time I told you to be while we were fucking but, I guess, it just kind of came out,” he says, a little sheepishly.
“Baby, I love you too,” you say, and you can see a grin growing on his face.
“Really?” he asks, as if it wasn’t basically a given that you were in love with this wonderful man.
Matt quickly flips the two of you over and settles between your legs. He begins kissing all over your neck, biting and nipping at it randomly.
“Baby please don’t leave too many marks, I hate covering them up.” Matt pulls back and gives you the puppy eyes, and you’re a weak, weak woman. “Fine, do whatever.” He takes that quite literally and begins sucking on your neck in earnest, while sliding a hand up your (his) shirt.
“Love seeing you in my shit,” he says, when he pulls back for a second, “it’s so hot.”
“And I love wearing it, you know that,” you say, gasping, as he works a particularly sensitive part of your neck, just below your hairline. “Come on, Matty, do something.” This spurs him on and he tugs down your underwear as far as he can before giving up and having to move down your body.
Matt finishes pulling the underwear off and immediately spreads your legs and dives in. Matt is maybe not the most technically advanced giver of oral sex, but what he may lack in technique he makes up for in pure enthusiasm. He licks delicately around your entrance, trying to draw out as much slick as he can, before beginning to drag his tongue up and down your slit, stopping just before your clit every time. He’s knows exactly what he’s doing, and fuck, if it isn’t working.
“I forgot to tell you how much I appreciated this last night, babygirl,” he says, stroking the bare lips of your pussy. “You know I like you all smooth and bare, just like this.”
“Yeah,” you gasp, “I did it for you Matt, always for you.”
“I love being able to see your pussy getting all wet and sticky so easily, I barely have to spread your legs and you’re all pink and soft and wet for me.”
“Baby, Matty, please,” you reach down to tangle your hands in his curls. You tug a little and he groans, but he finally licks over your clit. It feels really fucking good, and you’re somehow already so close to the edge. He licks back down your slit to your entrance, thrusting his tongue inside. You’ve told him before how that doesn’t really do that much for you, but he likes it because of how much he can taste you, straight from the source, as he put it. God, just the thought of that made you so  much hotter, so much closer.
“Come on sweetheart, let me hear you,” Matt says, briefly pulling back. He lays a kiss that would have been sweet in any other situation on your clit, sending a jolt up your spine. You let out a loud moan, trailing off into a sigh. Finally he slides a finger into you, and begins sucking on your clit in earnest, rubbing it with his lips. You can hear yourself getting louder and louder as you get closer. Your orgasm washes over you, less powerful than last night, but it lasts longer, making you shiver and tremble beneath him. “That’s right baby.”
Matt licks into you one last time, and you clench your thighs around his head in shock, before letting him go so he can back off. He lays his head on your stomach and smirks up at you.
“Love you, angel.”
“Love you too, Matty.”
request:  OMG! I love your stories!! You are amazing! Can you do a Matt Tkachuk smut where he accidentally let’s I loves you slip out for the first time in the relationship during rough sex!! Omg please never stop writing!!
a/n: hope you enjoyed! i am currently working on other requests, which can be seen here! i’m a little slow, but i will get them done if you send one in!
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polygamyff · 5 years
20. Part 2
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Maurice is so abrupt, not in a bad way but he comes out with bright ideas so random. I am still trying to digest the fact I have a whole ass mansion in my name, I came back to the apartment and he stayed there I didn’t want too because none my things are there and also I promise Leon I would have a meal with him so I left him there, he texts me last night. We going France, be ready in the morning. I want to see my mom today but it’s so early I doubt she will be awake so I will just need to text her, just to let her know where I have gone but I wanted to tell my parents about this, I have a whole mansion on my name. Leon near made a scene with his dramatic self, he got a little emotional about the thing. For Maurice to remember him and he’s not leaving him on his own, but I know Leon will find his feet and he will move out when he is ready. I will let him build his coins up, I am happy for Leon because he needed that boost “Leon can you do me a favour, can you carry my suitcase down. I think the SUV is downstairs” Maurice is so cute, he’s like Leon wanted to go France bring him along. He has such a good heart and he treats everyone, but that can also invite the bad people along in his life so he needs to be not so much giving and keep some for himself “I will, I am so excited to see this home. I wanted to go today actually but fuck it France it is, he is so spontaneous about things. Least you know you will be back on time for work, he got a jet too” this is why I trust him to do such things on the weekend, we did it before and we can do it again “I also took my sexy things, we can have sex there. I am so happy” finally some sex in my life, I need it.
It’s so early, I am tired still. The sun hasn’t even come up yet and we are going to the airport, he better be there “so are you feeling better with everything now? Is the bond more strong? Do not believe that he is yours? That is what I wanted to say?” nodding my head “I do, I feel like he is mine. He was saying he wants to come home to me, his first real family home. We have dog, thought I would mention. Malik is house sitting but Maurice is also there. But we have a dog and she is called Khaleesi, I have a picture actually” opening my bag at the side of me “she is an all white pitbull, her blue eyes is so beautiful. Malik got it us as a present for the home. She has a real gold chain with diamonds on it” it’s my home screen now, turning my phone to Leon “y’all all cute and shit, and I missed this. Looking like a cute ass family, let’s sell the dog though. That gold chain, don’t be shocked when she has disappeared” squinting my eyes at Leon “you don’t do that, that is my dog ok? You treat it nicely bitch” Leon is forever trying to sell something “that thing better not come above me though, I mean more” Leon snapped his neck to the side looking away from me.
I am such a mess, I will do my make-up on the jet because I want to sleep still. Maurice and this black jet, it’s sexy actually and I am shocked it’s his “we out here, late at night. Well shit it’s the morning but it’s dark as shit, but we going France. Look at this!” Leon twirled around showing the jet while his phone in his hand, shaking my head at him “morning Robyn” the air hostess knows my name “morning” walking up the steps “there goes my girl Robyn, we lit!” Leon can put that shit away now, people don’t deserve to know what we doing “Leon, I hope your page is private?” I don’t want to get Maurice in trouble “it is, I have friends only” it best be, clocking Maurice sat in the seat all alone he looks so cute “awww you got no friends?” placing my bag on the seat, Maurice looked at me in shock “I didn’t even see you come, I must have fell asleep with my eyes open” Maurice shuffled out of his seat “I am used to having a lonely jet anyways, I missed you in bed” Maurice wrapped his arms around me “I missed you too, you should have came but I did call you and you didn’t pick up so I assumed you fell asleep” it feels so good to be back in his arms “I fell asleep on the couch, that dog woke me up licking my face, stank as shit” I wish I was there to see that.
Maurice looks so sleepy but at least we are in the air and going to France “I got the bed made up in the back if you want to use it, you said you did” wrapping my arms around his arm, resting my head on his shoulder “I have my bed here” Leon rolled his eyes “where is Malik? So I am just going to be the third wheel in this?” Leon ha started “well you wanted to sit across me and stare into my eyes, you can move” Maurice said “and Malik is house sitting, there’s building work going on and also he has a dog to look after. The little bitch is forever wanting love” I gasped “Maurice, that is our daughter!” moving my head back “she is right, that is your daughter Maurice” Leon agreed “you better give her love Maurice, ok?” Maurice rolled his eyes “sure, I will. By locking her in a room. She is scared to jump off a couch, like grow up” Leon busted out laughing “that is funny, you in a for a shock boy. Watch when he has that baby girl, but how does it feel to not be sleeping in a hotel room?” Leon asked him, resting my head back on his shoulder “good, I feel at home more. Like I have a home to go too, I felt at peace being there. I can’t wait for everything to be moved in and we can just be a family for real” Leon cooed out “that is cute, I cannot wait to see it though. It looks so beautiful, from the pictures Robyn showed. I always wanted to ask Maurice, seeing as like your family is about boys and getting an heir. Did you deep down want a boy?” I never really asked him that, good question “hand on my heart, no. I always wanted to be a dad just because I always wanted that love, that need. I knew having a child I would get that, so I always wanted one. A girl or boy it’s me, it would be that anyways. I am just happy Leon, I don’t care what it is, I mean if I have all daughters then I will be like the hell? But nah, I am happy” that warms my heart to hear.
This is breathtaking, we can see the Eiffel tower from our room “what you think? You like the room? I got Leon in a whole different room, we will catch up with him after but you like baby?” he always asks like he needs approval when he doesn’t “oh my god, it’s beautiful. Just to see this, I never thought I would. Oh god” turning to him, I feel very overwhelmed “mind me, I am just a mess” Maurice hugged me “It’s ok, I am going to show you the world. You always getting emotional on me” he chuckled “because this is what dreams are made of, I can’t even deal. My heart is so filled” Maurice rubbed my back “I always wanted to share these things with the person I love, I am finally getting too. My heart is so overjoyed, the love I have in my heart means more than anything” hugging him tight “god, can you love more? Is that a thing, my heart is just filled. It makes me cry because I can’t believe it” Maurice is shocking me every single time, I cannot even deal with the things he is doing. He is working around my job and I should do the same for him, I have been such a bitch to him and I shouldn’t have.
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Robyn is changing her dress so I thought I would just see Leon and also tell him that we going to shop, knocking on the door. I could just open his door but I am being normal for once “coming!” hearing him shout, hearing him run at the door. He dragged it open “thank you so much, France, this room. I could kiss you but I won’t, I did it before and I don’t want to push it but thank you!” stepping into his room “it’s ok Leon, a friend that makes my baby happy is a friend of mine” he let the door close “you’re honestly the best but you came, is she not ready or is she being annoying? I done told her to be more nice” licking my lips laughing “so coming here was for a reason, you know when Robyn was speaking to me and saying things like I have no title it got to me. I was speaking to Malik when she left, he said go for it and that was it” digging into my pocket “I got this a while ago, when I found out Robyn got pregnant because I knew she is the one I want. I don’t know how she is goign to react because yes I am married but I want her to think of that as nothing but I am going to propose to her, this is the first time with me doing this” pulling the box out, Leon placed his hands over his mouth in shock “I want her to be secured, she has a title. She will be my fiancé” opening the box with the ring “oh my god! Can I touch it!?” Leon said, holding the box out to him “will she like it?” Leon is staring at the ring in shock “like it? Maurice she is going to be in shock, she is not expecting this. You have already shocked her about the home, wow. She will say yes, I know her. Awww, this is so romantic” I grinned “the ring is beautiful my friend” breathing out “I been stressing about it, like I bought but with everything happening I was like I will never get to use it. I was going to keep it and give it to my daughter when she is eighteen, this is how much I thought I lost Robyn. Your reaction makes me secure, thank you” I can rest easy now.
Walking into the boutique with Robyn, this boutique does like baby clothing which you ain’t going to get in America “how did you know about this?” Robyn asked “my sister, I asked her to look at some stores. I could make like easy and say everything in the stores for baby girls?” Robyn shook her head, the store assistant walked over to us with a smile “Bonjour, do you need any help?” she asked “erm well I want to get some clothing for my baby soon to come” she smiled at both me and Robyn “come with me” Leon went to shop on his own, this street is full of shops so we will meet up after “it’s going to be a girl” I said, I am so excited about this “we have the looks, so this is what we have in the latest fashion, these are sets” Robyn cooed out “our daughter will look so cute! In that Maurice, she will look so French” I am sure she will “she can always grow into them, so it is good to buy even if they big. This outfit is beautiful and just came in today” the assistant said “I need you to do me a favour, I want you to put through anything that is for newborn girl, anything just put it through. We ain’t got anything yet so newborn outfits I want to buy” Robyn eyeballed me but this cuts time “we will look at these for when she is older” I am looking but Robyn will be here forever if I don’t cut it.
I had to come to Burberry, I want my daughter dressed in style “so it’s a baby girl” the assistant asked, placing my arm around Robyn “yes, it’s a girl” I have said this so many times now “congratulations, and you are so beautiful but you can’t drink. Would you like water? And sir would you like wine?” this is why I love coming to these stores “yes and I think my woman will want the water” Robyn is in shock, she ain’t used to it. These assistant will do anything for you, they will make sure they cater to us “that is fine, you can take a seat while we bring you the full range of things” nodding my head “Maurice, this is mental. I can’t believe how the rich get treated” I smirked “it’s crazy Robyn, they will jump through hoops, the woman that is speaking to me knows me” walking towards the seating area, looking around me “she knows Naomi, this is why she is like oh a girl? She doesn’t know what to say but she can’t say shit” Robyn let out an oh “no wonder, she was looking me up and down and then she was like a daughter? And then made you repeat again, oh well” that is what I want to hear from Robyn, oh fucking well.
Downing the wine, and placing it down “I want the blanket” I said straight up, why not my baby needs to lay in cashmere “this is the latest cashmere baby grow, red would be perfect for her. Christmas, think of it” she ain’t wrong “she will be born around November too so she could wear it for Christmas” looking over at Robyn “you thinking way ahead but yes” this is easy, we get to sit and choose “bodysuits, we have all of them. You want me to show you them all?” shaking my head “I’ll take them” I will buy them either way “I think Miss, you will love this. We got it out because we thought you will love it, it’s a poncho for your daughter” Robyn gasped “oh my god, Maurice. She is going to look so beautiful! Look at it!” Robyn took the poncho from her “look!” she screamed, she is so dramatic “I see it baby, it’s nice” Robyn is so happy about the little things, a poncho and she is getting emotional “also a trench coat for baby and then mother” the two ladies held them up “yes, let’s make them boujee. I like it” I said smiling, Robyn is so emotional “I can’t wait until she is here, oh my god” Robyn is so excited now.
We had to get another car, there was too many bags, so we needed a car for the bags “Robyn Willis, did you max out his cards?” Leon said pointing “Maurice tell him it was you! It was him, he kept say yes at everything. I had to walk away, hearing that total made my ears bleed but wow. Maurice she is so spoilt already, we love you daddy” I chuckled as Robyn hugged me “daddy now huh? Well I did my own shopping and now I am boujee too” kissing the top of Robyn’ head “well I think Robyn is now embracing her boujee side so all is well” the car is still being loaded up, Robyn and I are getting some real looks on this but do I care, I really don’t “we could have got this from America you know?” Robyn said “no, we can tell our daughter that she got her clothes from France. Only the best, that boutique has some nice ass baby clothes though, don’t you think?” Robyn nodded her head “we need to go and get bottles and pacifiers and toys for her. And also we have a baby crib, Leon got that” I forgot about it “oh that cheap thing” I said laughing Leon gasped “I have you know Mr Davenport I spend a lot on that, it’s real wood” I couldn’t stop laughing “I am joking, it looks expensive. It’s nice” Leon is funny.
Not even going to lie but I was going to wear a suit but it was too much, I will stick to wearing a white and black double stripe sweatshirt, black jeans and white sneakers “did you bathe in aftershave?” Robyn came up behind me, she reached over and grabbed her clutch bag “uhm a little” I am so very nervous, this is the first time I am doing such a thing, turning to Robyn “turn around” I said, I know my baby looks pretty. Robyn turned to me in her hot pink dress, a high slit cut that goes up the left side of leg and stops at her thigh “you like it?” Robyn asked, she looks all nervous “you look beautiful, you really do” she always knows how to dress “do my arms look fat? They all out” shaking my head “baby Bonita is making an appearance though, can see the bump a little” she looks so beautiful “thank you baby” Robyn turned back around, I like this more thick Robyn. I can’t wait to see her naked, she keeps on hiding away from me when she changes.
I am so nervous, like proposing but the situation I am in. What if she says no because of it, rejection will kill me. Running my fingers through my chin hair, I am nervous “you’re so quiet over there” turning my head away from the window “am I? I am just tired. This is why I am wearing shades, I didn’t sleep on the jet unlike you two” the driver stopped “we eating here? You can eat here?” Leon said in shock “yes you can, you better eat up, shit costs a lot” sliding open the door as I got out, turning around “come on” holding my hand out to Robyn “give me your clutch” she got these big heels on, women. Taking the clutch from her and then held my free hand out “why do you women wear such high heels, like chill. Robyn shuffled out of the car “because I like wearing them” holding her clutch out to her “you need help there diva?” I asked Leon “boy shut up” he hit my arm as he got out “the Eiffel tower! Bon fucking Jour bitches!!! I am so happy, this bitch is big” looking up at the tower “it is big” my mind is on this proposal so nothing else matters to me.
Last time I came here it was with Naomi actually, it was a business trip. Ally was with us too so it wasn’t much of anything, my shades got yanked off “we was talking too, what is wrong?” sitting up in the chair “nothing just thinking, but you both like it? Shit is nice at night, the beef is nice here too right?” let me change the subject “it was beautifully made I would say, thank you so much Maurice. I mean I am the third wheel but I didn’t expect this and I didn’t expect you to be like this, rich boy and all that. You are so down to earth and I like that” Leon is sweet “thank you Leon, it means a lot. To have someone genuine about shit and actually say it because they mean it, I have spent thousands on people. That was when Shawn and I kind of stopped talking because he was like you’re wasting money but that was when I just didn’t want to be high on my own, shit comes full circle and now look. I am happiest now” Robyn placed her hand on top of mine.
Shit is so nerve wracking, I didn’t expect to be this way. I didn’t think I would be like this but I do actually care for her, I thought of this in so little time. I didn’t like Robyn thinking she had no title when she does, she has my heart, forever and always. Leon nudged me, Robyn walked ahead, we are walking further away from the Eiffel tower so it’s in the background, I hope my plan works “you are acting mad nervous, relax” I can’t relax right now “I am scared” I admitted “don’t be” he is saying it like this is not the second biggest thing I will do, besides the baby “come on, there is a violinist in the night. This is so cute” walking around the water fountain, Robyn is walking really fast. I set this up, that violinist is there because of me but there is a few people here in the night “this is it” taking in a deep breath “this is so romantic, the candles are heart shaped around him too just playing” Robyn is really gushing over this “it is babe” digging my hand in my pocket, the violinist looked at me and I winked at him to change the song “this is actually so romantic, we have to take a picture Maurice” stepping back a little, the violinist started playing Al Green - Let’s Stay Together. Swallowing hard getting the box out from my pocket “you know when I first met you, I mean the second time. In Starbucks, I was already falling in deep from the moment you said my name. I did die a little inside but I can’t imagine a life without you, I just can’t see myself being with anyone else. Someone that makes me feel whole, brings me so much happiness” getting down on one knee “this is probably the most scariest things I am doing right now” the crowd started pointing and that is when Robyn slow self turned to me “I know baby, the best moment was seeing you-” Robyn stopped speaking staring down at me “I want to be there for you for the happy times, the sad times and even the bad. You make me function, I want you to wear the title of being my wife, that is what you are to me. Will you marry me?” I feel my heart thumping against my chest, I am so scared. Robyn stared at me like I wasn’t real, I wish she would speak “Maurice, oh my god. Yes! Yes I will” Leon shrieked out behind me, getting up from my position hugging Robyn, the crowd cheered.
Placing the ring on Robyn’ finger “my make up is a mess, it’s beautiful” Robyn can’t stop crying “I am so relieved, and I did this. This violinist is here for you. I set it up” Robyn sobbed out even more “no way” she hugged me “my besties are getting married, I am crying!” Leon hugged us both “you deserve Robyn, I am so happy! Oh my god. You do” Robyn could have given me a heart attack if she said no, my heart is just overjoyed “I recorded, I got the video” Leon said “Robyn, stop crying. I keep telling you this. You have a title, you have everything. I don’t want you to worry” placing my hands at the side of her face “I didn’t expect this, I don’t deserve it. I am not worthy, I am crying because I am just in shock” pressing a kiss to Robyn’ forehead “you deserve it Robyn, stop crying. You my fiancé now baby. You mean a lot to me, this is all for you. We came here for you, if you don’t believe me then there is something really wrong” Robyn laughed “it’s you, nobody else. We got a home, you got a ring, we got a baby next to come. We set, ok” Robyn nodded her head, I am glad that is over with because it was something I wanted to do but was like is it too quick.
I can now relax, resting my head back on the headrest in the car. Leon is helping Robyn to save her make-up, there is no point in doing that. We are going back to the hotel, also I am actually tired “my parents are going to probably faint, this is happened so quick too. Maurice did you ask ask my dad?” Robyn asked but I shook my head “he going to have to just deal with it, I am real Robyn and the only thing I care about is you and my daughter” she has to believe me now “I can never doubt that Maurice, you have just made my life. I couldn’t see a life without you, you’re the other half to me. You have made me whole, I met my soul partner and not many people get that and I have. This is why I cry, I just think it’s not real but it is. You are such a romantic though” I smiled “I am, it’s amazing what you can do when you’re in love, the ideas that you come up with” only a man in love will do that.
I am just still coming down from the fact I proposed, this cigarette was needed. I don’t even want sex, I will just snuggle up to my thickums. I know for a fact Robyn is going to feel so good to cuddle, she all thick and chubby. She ate a whole lot too, I am here for it. Putting out my cigarette and smiling at the Eiffel tower like a goof, this is just amazing. This is just a blessing, a blessing I have always wished for. Sliding closed the balcony door “Maurice?” Robyn said “yes” locking the door “I am going to get room service to bring me some drinks and chips, you want some? I am hungry still” because I was so nervous about the proposal I didn’t really eat “mhmm why don’t you just eat me” Robyn stepped out from the corner of the bathroom, the air got caught in my throat and the blood just rushed right down to my dick. I swallowed hard, Robyn in the red lace lingerie, her stomach exposed with the slit “wow” is the only thing that came out from my mouth “you like” Robyn walked over to me “I am in shock, wow, you look so sexy” licking my lips, Robyn stood in front of me. Looking down at Robyn in the lace, her nipples can seen through the lace “you look amazing Robyn, like wow. My dick is throbbing” reaching my hand up, the back of my hand grazing her nipple and feeling the urge to devour her.
“You need a pillow?” I asked like a gentleman I am “no thank you, I am fine” Robyn stared up into my eyes as I towered over her. My left hand gripped my dick, stroking my full length “you really letting me do what I want? I mean I don’t mind, but are you ok with that?” Robyn smiled at me “I want too, also I want to show you what I can do, what I think I can do. I mean I could do it wrong” she is so cute “can I just love you?” Robyn hit my hand away from my dick “I am sexy, not cute! Stop it” Robyn’ head moved back and ran the tip of my dick across her lips, biting on my bottom lip just watching that turned me on even more. Robyn stuck her tongue out, licking the tip before opening her mouth wide enough to slide the head of his dick inside her mouth. She hummed out a moan, using the smooth flat of her tongue to please me, lapping it around the head. I thrust my hips forward, slowly inching my dick deeper into the warmth of her mouth. I let out a load groan, and almost imploded when Robyn hummed out another moan against my dick. The vibrations coming deep from the back of her throat and travelling to the centre of her mouth, tingling around my dick.
Our eyes were still locked together while Robyn completely worshipped my dick with her mouth. Her lips tugged on my dick while her tongue flickered along the tip to the base. Robyn placed her tongue against the roof of her mouth before pushing it forward and gently sucking down on me “oh fuck Robyn” my head snapped back closing my eyes “Robyn” She slowly pulling back she allowed my dick to slip from her lips and dangle in front of her, looking back down at Robyn, she is so bad. I breathed out heavily. Robyn manoeuvred her neck around, she placed light kisses along my length until she reached the base and then her tongue briefly licked my balls before her mouth claimed my balls. My breathing was becoming ragged, my heart was a beat away from exploding out of my chest. Digging my toes into the carpet clad flooring I stood on, I groaned out her name again. Robyn thrusting my dick deeply into her mouth, she focused her eyes on my contorted face. I clenched my eyes shut and my mouth fell open in a daze. My knees went weak as an electrifying sensation completely washed over me. Robyn didn’t stop thrusting my dick in her mouth as I came.
Clasping my hand around her arm I yanked Robyn up, and she stood with her nipples pressed against his chest “that was so bomb, fuck me Robyn. I, you did great. You didn’t do that before?” Robyn shook her head “I just knew about, I prayed and did it. I did well?” Robyn blushed “you are perfect babe, that was everything. Jesus, you had my toes curling” I pressed my lips against hers, I lifted her chin and placed my hands around her neck. Travelling my lips down her neck, running my tongue up the side of her neck I teased her ear with my teeth. Robyn wrapped her arms around my neck and then I lifted her up, her legs around my waist “I am about to make love to you, I don’t want baby Bonita being awaken by us either” Robyn pressed kissed to my lips “make it like you did the first time” she said against my lips.
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abandon all your logic (and put your money on it), chapter 1
Alvareider, One Day At A Time. #75 off this list. All chapters here. 
Also on AO3. Shoutout to @gelbmantrees for being my most loyal subject. 
Penelope woke up in bed with Schneider.
That was weird. 
But somehow, that was not the strangest part. It wasn’t her bed. 
And he was sprawled half across her, in a way that was both overly familiar and so uncomfortable, she couldn’t figure out how she had possibly slept through it.
Also, she was naked.
She cataloged all those things with her eyes closed, squeezed tight in self-defense against the many facts she couldn’t explain-and the sight that had greeted her upon waking.
Schneider was naked, too. 
His breathing was deep in the thick, slow rhythm of sleep, which made her feel safe enough to open her eyes again, holding perfectly still beneath him while she looked around.
Okay, so she was in his bed. 
She’d never been in his bed before, but she recognized his bedroom--albeit from a different angle than she’d ever seen it from in the past.
Why the hell was she naked in a bed with Schneider? How did she even get in his apartment?
The last thing she remembered was going to sleep in her own bed, in her own apartment. Her weekend had been long, with Elena finally settled at college and the last of Alex’s school supplies picked up for the start of his sophomore year. 
But it had also been a good couple of days, even though it made her sad. Her little girl was going to Columbia, and Alex understood that he would be keeping his grades up if he wanted to play baseball this year--though he was showing real potential for scouts and scholarships, she refused to let him be one of those men who retired with no other skills at thirty. Even if he had his own mansion.
She saw Schneider yesterday, Penelope thought, forehead wrinkled in concentration as he slept next to her. 
He’d gone with her to help move Elena into her dorm, and drove her home when they got back. Penelope couldn’t believe he’d actually parked his car at the airport before their flight out--the fees were insane. 
Saying goodbye to their new Ivy Leaguer was so emotional, though, that she was worn through and fell asleep on the plane. She didn’t comment on the money he owed LAX as they left. It was just nice to be home with minimal stress.
He’d even treated her to lunch, joking about Elena’s new dorm room until she stopped feeling like she was about to cry at any moment. He’d come over to dinner that night too, the whole family pretending Elena’s absence wasn’t a bittersweet presence at the table.
But none of that explained this. She very clearly remembered ending the day alone, in her own bedroom. 
So this had to be a dream. 
That was the only logical conclusion, she decided, and that meant that none of this was real.
Why she was having what seemed very much like a post-sex dream about Schneider was a question Penelope would deal with after she woke up. 
As Schneider began to stir, his arms hugging her tight for a second before he moved to the empty side of the bed, she wished hard that she knew how to make herself wake up. She’d never been any good at that--it would have been a nice skill to have after she came home from Afghanistan.
It would really come in handy now. 
Schneider stretched with a groan, then turned to look at her, face transforming into a sleepy smile. 
“Hey, Pen.”
Hey, Pen? She thought, starting to feel hysterical. He woke up practically smothering her into a pillow--naked--and that was all he had to say for himself?
Wake up, wake up, wake up.
It wasn’t working, and Schneider’s hand brushed her side before splaying across her stomach. 
“Sleep okay?”
She was having the sneaking suspicion that holding very still and waiting to wake up weren’t going to cut it. What was the normal procedure for a lucid dream? Playing along? 
“I think so,” she replied, trying to keep her voice steady. Dream Schneider clearly thought this was a normal morning, so she needed to pretend she did too. Even though Dream Schneider was insane.
“Good.” He turned back her way, long enough to press a kiss to her bare shoulder, then sat up. Feeling extra aware of his lack of clothing, Penelope kept her eyes fixed on the ceiling.
“It’s your turn to make breakfast,” he reminded her through a yawn. “Want me to take it?”
“God, no.” What would Schneider even make for breakfast? She was sure she didn’t want to find out. 
“Hey,” he complained. “You promised to stop teasing me about how I cook. You ate like four waffles yesterday before work, so I don’t believe you anyway.”
Sufficiently scolded, Penelope squeezed her eyes shut until she saw stars. Nope, still here. 
She gave up trying to induce a wake-up. “Sorry.”
“Apology accepted. You’ve got a couple hours until we need to be downstairs, if you want to grab more sleep.”
“No...I’m good.”
Good was the wrong word, on so many levels.
“‘Kay.” Schneider left the bed. She felt the movement and listened to the sound of him opening doors and drawers. 
Thank god. 
At least if he put some clothes on, she could face him. Maybe figure out why she was dreaming like this. 
She’d had dreams with Schneider in them before; that wasn’t weird. He was in her life, so it made sense that sometimes he would pop up in her dreams. As her best friend, as part of the family...one confusing night, as her husband in an arranged marriage? Her brain got real freaky sometimes. 
But she’d never dreamed them into a life like this--where it was normal for her to wake up in Schneider’s bed. 
She knew it had to be normal, in this dream world, because when she braved a look in his direction, next to a half-dressed Schneider she saw her own lotion and lipstick on top of his dresser. 
And those were her clothes in his closet.
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amzngphil-rp · 5 years
The Ghost of Las Vegas|| Closed Phan AU
Phil? What? Oh..*breath* sorry..who am I speaking to? Oh..let’s just say..it’s him..but better..and that voice is so sexy.  Phil!..*breathes* What are you doing?...SHhh Beta...This can’t be you..it’s not like you.. It’s not...
Dan and Phil had just finished their honeymoon buzz, living comfortably in Manchester. Dan had gone into adolescent psychology, working as a school counsellor and working up to be a part of a larger program that helps out youth. He wore his ring religiously, he polished it twice a week and kissed Phil goodbye every day when he went to work. Things felt like a dream, he could get up in the morning and smile at his husband, go to work. He’s motivated, and Phil was motivating him. He was happy, Phil was happy. Zack became a bit of a joke to them and would show up routinely to settle a petty fight brought on by overworking and immaturity.
They hadn’t spoken much about children, much less how’d they’d do it. Their conversations about the future were just as small and baseless as their arguments. Phil was ready, he wanted the settled life of kids and a home with his husband and continue his work as a film production assistant and producer to PJ mostly because he’d gotten bigger and maybe getting some bigger things to work on at the same time. 
He was going to get what he asked for, just maybe not in the way would want such a blessing to fall into their lap. It all started when an old friend was treating the newlyweds. 
“Well I don’t care, I don’t like how handsy and possessive she is about you when we’re around each other,” Dan explained, brushing his teeth, then walking into their bedroom and putting the toothbrush and toothpaste into a small plastic bag and threw it into his suitcase.
“Dan, she’s just...a little too friendly. And I’ve already talked to her about it and she said that she’s going to talk to you and me so that we reach an understanding-” Phil started to explain before being cut off.
“I’m married. I’m not trying to ‘understand’ how a girl doesn’t know when to give up because she thinks she’s entitled to you in some weird way. I go through it enough..Why does no one think I can handle being with you?!” Dan snapped, face red with an upset. It was very annoying, “You...I know you’re not perfect and I’m not...the strongest, but you love me...why is that anyone’s business?-”
Phil understands, Zack is eating this up. He’s so enveloped in the fact that it gets him every time. And that he’s made all of their friends and some family against him because, honestly, he could do better. However, he’s so much easier to control than others- it doesn’t take much. As they finish their quick hug, he sighs at the other and gives him a smirk, “You’re gonna be okay with your parents?”
“Yeah, pfft! You kidding? Ever since we got married, they’ve been so excited about my married life and things, so I just get to keep talking to them about how things are going and what we share and all of that,” Dan explained, “Also my brother wanted to ask about my honeymoon..I’m looking forward to going home for the first time in a while..” He really was, and he wished he could have his man with him to make it all worth it, but Cat wants him, and he’s gotta be fair.
“Well I’m going to talk to her about taking over her lease in the states, so we have a summer home when she moves to Las Vegas...It’ll be nice, right?” Phil assured him, “It’s mostly business and catching up...she plays poker and stuff now, you know?”
“It just means she’s better at lying,” Dan giggled. 
Cat and Phil hugged as he walked from baggage claim and quickly loaded his things into the car. 
“Vegas, huh? It’s crazy thinking you live among all this...gambling and buffets..and water displays,” Phil started as Cat drove.
“I play poker competitively now...I’m really getting into it, and I really really needed the cash,” she explained, giggling. Her chest rising and falling with a big sigh. 
“So uhh..you getting a smaller place right?”
“Yes, I am, and you guys said you wanted to take over my lease..I was wondering how..that was going to work,” she began. Phil sighs, “No, no, no! I mean it! You guys don’t have permanent citizenship in the US...”
“We do now..we have dual citizenship between here and the UK so that we don’t have to fly so far to go home to relax.”
“Well, what’s gonna happen when you guys have kids, you know?”
“Probably gonna keep the house, so they understand that their parents have a proper experience about our two places we love. We’d probably send them to school in the UK, though..summers, Christmas in the US, that kind of thing.”
“Oh...so..you guys have all the paperwork to apply then?”
“Oh yea, absolutely..”
“It’s a..pretty stressful process, you know, gotta make sure that your income and credit line up. Criminal background checks and...things..It’s Vegas, after all, they don’t need gangsters and mob bosses moving into their facilities temporarily and things like that.”
“Well I’m sure it’ll be a lot easier seeing as we’re just a gay couple,” Phil chided with a soft chuckle.
“You’d think so..it’s a little tricky,” Cat said slowly, making a turn towards the long road from the airport to her new apartment, “I just remembered that I left the keys at my place..uhh is it alright if I go and grab it?”
“Yeah, yeah...no problem. You can give me a tour while I’m there!” Phil said, looking at the upside.
Cat turned the car in the direction of her new place as they continued talking for some time; then an awkward silence fell over the vehicle. Phil knew what it was about. It was the same old conversation- well, argument. 
“Phil, I am really proud of you for doing your thing and I’m glad I can help you anyway that I can,” Cat began after taking a deep breath.
“Don’t start,” Phil cut her off, knowing this beginning too well, “I can’t believe you’d even talk about this outside of our wedding day, you promised!” 
“I know what I promised, but-”
“But nothing. You are not always going to bend rules and cross boundaries because you see something that you want-”
“Phil, all I know is that things weren’t this stressful when we were together. You weren’t bisexual when I met you. You and I were having so much fun-” 
“Zach is why you liked me being with you,” he mentioned.
“Who the hell is Zach? I recall only being with you and what you and I did-”
“Are you even replacing your memories of me with memories of another guy?! I cannot- actually cannot-”
“Catherine, shut the fuck up!” Phil snapped, causing Cat to immediately stop and look at the man and then quickly back to the road as they were at the stoplight. Phil was slightly panting and staring the girl down to imply that he was serious. “Zach- okay well, you see...Zach is me, but it’s a whole other part of me. He’s aggressive, sexual, and, more importantly, manipulative. I’m bisexual, yes, so what happened between us was real, but it’s only from what I remember. Back then, I didn’t really know or remember anything else. They’re Zach’s memories.”
“So...like a twin?” Cat asked, furrowing her brow as she finally was listening to Phil. 
“Yeah, something like a twin. He just liked to come and go with my anxiety and I didn’t really know that until I was at the Youni and I got treated for it. They made me keep a journal for when I had any thoughts that weren’t my own, to Zach filling the book out himself and even though I love Dan, he’s his obsession. Meaning that good or bad, he wanted Dan. He had already worked you through and so he was setting up how things were going to be.”
“Oh...wow...so this apartment thing-”
“Is both an apology and me showing Zach who has control here.”
“That-That....It sounds like a really tough thing to go through. I’m sorry Phil...Well, why don’t I..uhh take you out, to dinner or lunch?! After the tours we can grab some food at this place that I take my friends to on their birthdays, I mean, it’s not your birthday, but you’ll like it a lot!” Cat said as they pulled into her parking space in her garage.
They toured the large suite and played with Beta for a little while before they grabbed the keys and went back out to the other apartment. Their drive had gone so normal and casual, like back when they were in school together. They hung close and when they got to the apartment, she looked at the large space again and sighed. Phil came up to her and put his arm around her shoulders. She leans into the touch and smiles at him rubbing her arm. He kisses the top of her head and walks her out of the apartment. “You’ll be okay, I promise. You’re gonna be the 20-time World Series of Poker Champion Cat Valdez with a.. I dunno, a Pepsi sponsorship...” Phil reassured her, knowing how hard it was for her to have to sublet and turn the lease over for the apartment to live in a smaller place with only one dog. 
[Incoming Call: Daniel]
Hey Sweetie! How’s your jet lag?
*groans, sighs* Ugh..it’s harder when I didn’t have you to sleep with on the plane..
Oh baby...*chuckles softly*
How’s it going with the witch?
She uhh..took it well. She did come around to what was going on after I had explained...
No-No! No “but”. She’s completely understood what’s going on and she told me that she apologizes for making our relationship hard and any part of our marriage hard...
Wow..well, only time will tell
I know, Danny...Let’s just be happy we can sleep in the states after this.
You mean sleep in the states alone?
Yeah, sleep in the states alone.
Hey, Phil..
Can we get an apartment in Japan, too? Cus we like being there, too!
Maybe. We’d have to prove we’d live there-
Well, the kids can live on their own or we can rent out the places and live only in Japan!
Okay..maybe later..
You promise.
I promise, husband.
Several Weeks Later....
Dan and Phil sit quietly, cuddled up and scrolling through Twitter and not really watching some TV show. They would exchange small kisses and jokes here and there and the two could not be happier or more at peace. Phil’s phone rings and when Dan sees it, he moves back a little, looking at him confused. 
“She wouldn’t call you unless it’s important,” Dan reassured himself, and answered it for him, but quickly handed him the phone. He got up and grabbed the empty bowl on the coffee table and walked into the kitchen. Phil could hear water running as he washed out his bowl and heard Cat’s voice over the phone.
“Uhh is Dan there?” she asked, timidly.
“You know he is, he’s gone a stepped into the kitchen for a tick. What’s wrong? Is everything alright?” he asks, his stomach beginning to turn. To be safe, he put the call on speaker.
“So I don’t want to alarm you, but uhhhm. You said that when Zach is present, you like..don’t remember what happens bc it’s a completely different set of memories right?” 
“Yeah...why? Did something happen?” 
“It’s more of what already happened-”
“Catherine!” Dan piped up as he walked back into the room, “What the actual fuck are you saying?”
“I’m saying, before I was rudely interrupted, that I’m pregnant!” Cat said, now exulting a smile in her voice and now her distress sounds more like pride. He can hear her holding herself and laying her bed with Beta, biting her lip in anticipation.
“Ha, very funny. Nice to hear from you again,” Dan blurted, completely incredulous that she called them with a prank. The prolonged silence and distress on Phil’s face, soon melted his sass into rage, “Phillip Michael Lester-Howell....is she telling the truth?”
“I’m telling the truth. I’m 5 weeks already. They told me the time of conception was around the last time I saw Phil-”
Dan immediately hangs up the phone when he rips it out of Phil’s hand, putting it on the couch and storms into their bedroom. He was so blind with rage and upset. He did a few laps around their bed, and then went into the hall closet to grab his luggage. He began silently, yet aggressively packing much of his dark clothes as tears began to stream down his face. 
Phil was frozen. The color he had left had vanished from his face and he was a statue. He called Cat back and took a deep breath, “What happened?” she asked before he could even say anything.
“Dan’s leaving,” he said gruffly and quiet, “And I don’t know what will happen next.”
“What will happen next...is that I come out to England and get the best maternal care that you have to offer me.”
[Incoming Call: Phillip]
Dan, h-how’s work going on for you? Alright yeah?
Yea I guess. How’s the alien doing? Is she done vomiting all over our house?
Not quite. 
Where is she even sleeping? S-
Don’t. She doesn’t sleep with me. She sleeps in the guest room. She told me it’s more comfortable because our bed is too soft. 
That’s good. So if I came over I could smell you all over my side.
Yes, I wish I didn’t have the whole bed to myself...
Well until the bed you made leaves, I’m standing my ground, babe. I miss you though...
This is stupid. Why can’t you live with her?
Because she hates me. You know that she hates me. And especially when she knows that we’re keeping the baby.
She’s a girl...
I know that, Phi-
No..I mean, she’s having a girl...We’re gonna have a daughter.
Oh...I wanted...*scoffs* I actually didn’t know what I wanted..(Is that Phil?)
Hey Bryonny...are you taking good care of Dan for me?
More than you’ll know! I appreciate you basically giving me a husband.
I’m only renting him out, so don’t get too crazy, okay Bry?
I get that. I barely see him. He’s usually out or he’s talking to PJ or Joey or something. Also he works, so he’s usually busy.
Keep taking care of him for me. And can you put him on again?
Sure thing love.
Babe, something is wrong..
I’m fine! Stop worrying so-
No I mean something is wrong with me..
What? You’re dying of a broken heart?
Daniel...I think Zach is gone..
What?! Are serious?
Yeah...I haven’t had an episode in a long time..No journal entries or anything. I think I need to go to the doctor...
Well that’s a good thing..right? No more Zach making your life hell?
I don’t have a good feeling about it..
Look babe. I know it feels weird not having him around, but it’s probably for the better. It should mean that it’s the start of new things to come.
If..If you say so...(Philly come here! She’s kicking!) Uhh I’ll see you later. I’ll come and visit some time this weekend. I’ll take you to lunch or something.
If I don’t have something to do but then, then I don’t see why not...
Alright (Phiiiill!) 
You should go see what she wants. Look, I love you, miss you.
Love you, miss you...
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