#why yes i did write this to practise writing kissing scenes
mimicteruyo · 1 year
Is Tenshi getting cancelled in this new Mimic fic?
Tenshi the Kissing Bandit
Word Count: 5300 Rating: T Characters/Ship: Tenshi Hinanawi/ all of the following: Iku Nagae, Suika Ibuki, Shinmyoumaru Sukuna, Nitori Kawashiro, Shion Yorigami, and Reimu Hakurei Summary: Five times Tenshi kissed someone, and the time she got punched in the face for it.
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pitchsidestories · 4 months
The Beautiful Game II Lia Wälti x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 3754
a/n: based off this request here. We hope you enjoy this one, we definetly did while writing it ! ❤️
“How many times do we have to tell you Lee that this cap is not working as undercover outfit?”, Lia Wälti clicked her tongue. She and a few of her Arsenal teammates were on their way to meet the girls school football team, you and your best friend Jenna coached together.
Pouting Leah Williamson folded the arms across her chest:” Leave me alone. I love my flat cap.” “Aswell as your grandpa shoes.”, Laura Wienroither kept teasing. Grinning the English defender elbowed her playfully: “You’re just jealous.” “Yes, we just know what’s cozy.”, Kim Little tuned in as she loved them as much as the younger player did. 
Cheekily Leah turned to face her friend:” Don’t you have some leaves to rake up anyway, Wally?” “First, I promised to say hi to my girlfriends’ team.”, the Swiss midfielder reminded them why they came to visit in the first place.  
As if Kim was reading her thoughts she said to the blonde defender: “That’s why we’re here, Leah.” “I know, Kimmy.”, Leah rolled her eyes at her. Clearing her throat the Arsenal Captain replied:” Just saying. Lia, you go first, it’s your girlfriend.”
Warmly Jenna greeted the brunette:” Lia, hi.” “Hi.”, Lia beamed at her and you.  Delighted you told her: “The girls are so excited to meet you, love.” “I hope you didn’t make too big of a deal out of it.”, she laughed. Innocently your best friend shook her head:” No.”
“Great undercover look, Lee.”, you winked at the blonde who was one of the closest friends of your girlfriend. Relieved about your words, she answered: “Thanks. The others gave me shit for it.”
One of your girls, Hazel who was wearing a white bow in her brown hair exclaimed cheerfully:” Girls, this is Leah Williamson!”  “Oh, here we go.”, Kim groaned in frustration while the little footballers quickly surrounded England’s captain. Excited Leah waved at all of them:” Hi girls.”
“Do you want to show them what we practiced?”, you asked your players. Curious Lia glanced at you:” You practised something?” You nodded with a deep smile on your face: “Yes. Hazel, Daisy, do you want to go first?” “Yes!”, Daisy shouted back motivated by the presence of the Arsenal players.
As they were showing their football skills in front of the women who played professionally, Leah looked at them in admiration: ”Oh my god, that’s so cool.” “Impressive.”, Leah commented equally fascinated.
With a shy smile Hazel went to the grown-up teammates:” Can we play with you.” “Sure. Let’s go.”, Leah clapped into her hands before pulling out her football boots ready to join the little girls in their play.
You watched from the sidelines as the girls ran around the field with the injured Laura cheering from the side. Lia snuck up next to you, putting her hand around your waist; “You and Jenna are doing a great job here, love.“
“Thanks, Lia.“ You turned your head towards your girlfriends for a quick kiss. Amy, one of the youngest in the team, pointed at the two of you; “Ewww, Wally kissed Coach!“
“Girls can kiss girls too, idiot!“, Daisy yelled back at her, her dark ponytail swinging angrily from side to side. “Yes, don’t be weird about it. Love is love!“, Hazel agreed.
Amy rolled her eyes in an exaggerated way; “Ugh, I know that. But kissing is ew.“ You stifled a laugh, not sure if you should scold or be proud of your young players.
Kim ruffled Amys messy blonde hair; “I found that ew at your age too.“ “You did?“, Amy asked with big eyes. The Arsenal captain nodded gently; “Yes, you’re still young. That’s okay.“ “You should come play with us.“, the little girl suggested, tugging on Kims sleeve and pulling her with her back to the others.
Lia grinned at you; “I think they like the girls.“ “And the girls like them.“, you added, your eyes on the scene in front of you. “It’s cute.“ Jenna interrupted you, bumping you with her elbow; “Stop looking at them like that.“
“Like that?“, you repeated, hoping that your assistant coach would elaborate. Instead, she shook her head; “You know.“ “Jen!“, you exclaimed. “What?“ “Girls? I invited your team to our next game.“, Leah yelled over from the other side of the pitch.
Daisy cheered in excitement; “It’s going to be amazing!“ You watched Jennas face drop; “Wait, what?“ “You did?“, you also asked, caught somewhere between surprise and confusion. The defender beamed; “Yes, they are so excited.“
Jenna gave Leah a murderous glare before turning towards you in exasperation; “Oh, we’re f-… How do we explain that to their parents?“ Hopeful that this situation can be solved, you shrugged; “We’ll find a solution.“
“Please, we want to go!“, Hazel begged, trying her best attempt at puppy eyes. “Don’t worry, we’ll make it happen. I promise, Hazel.“, you assured the young girl somewhat confident.
She nodded and proposed; “We can talk to our parents too.“ Laura smiled at the group of girls; “We’d love to see you there.“ “We’ll be there. Somehow.“, Jenna sighed in defeat. Lia pressed another quick kiss on your temple; “Can’t wait.“ “Promise.“, you winked at her.
Weeks later, you and Jenna were headed to the Emirates Stadium, followed by your group of young footballers. Impatiently, Amy jumped up and down; “We need to hurry up or we’ll be late!“ “Amy, it’s fine. We won’t be late!“, Jenna reminded for the third time and heaved an annoyed sigh.
“We’re right on time.“, you explained as you entered the stadium. Even Daisy began to get nervous; “Are you sure?“ You nodded as you lead them to their seats; “Yes.“ The girls went suspiciously quiet, only letting out a few gasps at the sight of the pitch. Hazels eyes lit up in awe; “Wow, that’s huge!“
Baffled Daisy turned her head to face your girlfriend:” And you really play here?” “We do.”, Lia nodded.  Excited Amy cheered:” That is so cool!” “It’s, right?”, Leah beamed at the sight of the overjoyed girls. Big eyed Daisy agreed: “It is! It’s so big.”
“I didn’t know girls could play in such big stadium.. I mean the lionesses yes but another girls team.”, Amy mumbled deeply impressed by the size of her surroundings. Next to her Hazel dreamed out loud:” Maybe we can be here too one day!” “That would be awesome.”, her friends admitted.
A big smile was on your lips while you told them:” Everything is possible.” “Feel at home girls. We got to go warm up.”, your girlfriend said softly. Grinning Amy wished her good luck. “Thank you.”, Lia replied, waving at them before joining her teammates for the warmup session.
Delighted, you shouted after her: “See you later.” The way the Swiss woman interacted with the children you were coaching warmed your heart which didn’t got unnoticed by your best friend who pointed that out:” I saw that.”
“What?”, you asked blushing even though you knew exactly to what she was referring to.  Amused she threw her eyebrows up: “That look.” “She’s my girlfriend how am I supposed to look at her?”, you wanted to know playing innocently with your hair. With a dirty grin Jenna answered:” Not like that.” “Oh, please.”, you laughed. 
You let out a relieved sigh when Hazel announced:” The game start!”  Drawing back the attention on them made you get away from the teasing of your friend. Clearing your throat, you changed the topic to a lighter theme:” Right, do you have a favourite player, girls?”
“Kim Little!”, Amy was the first to answer, remembering her lovely meet up with the Arsenal captain. You gave her a knowing look:” She made quite an impression on you during our training, right, Amy?” “Yes. She’s so nice.”, the blonde girl declared. Humming Daisy continued:” I like Leah the most.”
“That’s a great choice too who do you like Hazel?”, you curiously glanced at the girl who wore a red bow for the game today.  With a tone of deep admiration, she confessed:” I like all of them.”  “Yes, they are a great team like you girls.”, you winked at them.
That was the moment Jenna decided to tease you again:” Now ask your coach who her favourite player is.” “Oh, that’s easy.”, Amy rolled her eyes at that question, the answer seeming too obvious for her to say out loud.
Much more motivated Hazel chirmed:” It’s Wally!” “Yes, they are so cute!”, Daisy added giggling. In disgust, Amy wrinkled her nose: “No, they’re ew.”  “Amy stop being such a hater.”, Hazel elbowed the younger one playfully. 
The cheeks of Amy turned hot red:” I’m not. Only when they kiss.” “Same.”, Jenna agreed with her. Laughing you told them:” You two made that very clear.” “Good.”, the young girl seemed satisfied with your reaction. “Rude.”, you replied but you couldn’t really be mad at her.
Hazel interrupted your discussion, bouncing up and down while she pointed towards the pitch; “They scored! You missed the goal!“ “No, we didn’t!“, Amy protested loudly. “Yes, you did!“
While Hazel was still trying to prove her point, the stadium erupted in cheers again. “They scored another one!“, Daisy commented, her eyes big with excitement. Hazel stood up on her seat to get a better view of Alessia Russo; “That was so cool!“ “A pretty goal, right?“, Jenna agreed while pulling the girl back onto her seat. Hazel nodded; “I want to try that in training.“ “We can do that.“, you promised. “Good.“
With a shrug, you suggested; “Maybe Lessie can show you girls at some point.“ “Can she come visit us too?“, the girls asked impatiently. You tilted your head with a wink; “I’ll ask her, okay?“ “Okay.“ “I’m sure she’ll come.“, Jenna said, smirking at you.
You were grateful that the girls’ attention was mostly on the football game. “Another goal!“, Amy announced happily. Daisy raised her arms in the air, almost hitting Hazel in the process; “Yeay!“ Jenna leaned over towards you; “At least your girls team is winning. Imagine if we came here with the girls and Arsenal lost. I wouldn’t want to dry all those tears.“
Her eyes widened like she was horrified by the thought alone. You glanced at your players; “Yes, you’re right about that. But their eyes are sparkling right now.“ “I’m just surprised that they can sit still for that long.“, Jenna remarked, watching the young girls with a wrinkled nose. “They never do during training when you try to teach them tactics.“, you grinned back at her.
Jenna sighed in annoyance; “One day I’ll get them to understand what I want from them.“ “I’m sure you’ll.“, you nodded politely but failed to suppress a smile. “I’ll take the girls home after the game. You can go with your girlfriend.“, your assistant coach smoothly changed the topic. You looked at her in surprise; “Are you sure?“ “Sure.“
“Thank you, Jenna.“, you thanked her which she only acknowledged with a raised eyebrow; “You owe me.“ “What do you want?“, you laughed. With a shrug, Jenna replied; “I’ll tell you when I need something.“ “Okay.“ Her eyes were trained back on the football pitch when she casually mentioned; “Maybe I’ll ask you to set me up with one of the players.“
Your jaw dropped and you turned towards her, your face caught in a state between shock and laughter; “With who?“ “I don’t know. I was just joking.“, Jenna grimaced, obviously weirded out by your excitement. You slapped her on her upper arm; “Man, I thought you were serious!“
Your friend shook her head at you; “You would have wanted to set me up? Our little girls wouldn’t allow that.“ “Only Amy wouldn’t allow it.“, you rolled your eyes with a smile. “Yeah, probably.“, she had to agree. “See?“ Jenna gave you one more disapproving look; “Oh stop it. I’m not going out with one of the Arsenal players. That’s ridiculous.“
“Why not?”, you kept asking innocently. Jenna tried to shrug it off:” I’m not dating a football player.” “That’s what I said too and when Lia stepped into my life.”, you thought out loud with a nostalgic tone. A small smile crept onto the other woman’s lips:” That’s something different.” “Is it?”, you raised an eyebrow.  
Amused she shook her head:” Focus on the game, girl.” “Lia scored!”, you interrupted her blushing.  Dreamily Daisy sighed: “Only for you. That’s so romantic.”  “Ew, disgusting.”, Amy wrinkled her little nose. Enthusiastically Hazel disagreed:” No, she threw a heart at her direction.”
And indeed, Lia did that little gesture which melted your heart. Meanwhile Amy repeated herself:” Yes, disgusting.” “Some things will never change, right Amy?”, you laughed. Now giggling too, the small girl nodded in agreement:” Never.”
After the match ended Jenna was looking at your girls:” Come on girls time to go home.” “Already?”, Hazel pouted, she didn’t want this fantastic day of football to end anytime soon, the air still tasted sweet from Arsenal’s win.
Concentrated your friend was careful to lead them to the exit of the stadium: “Yes, let’s go.” “See you, tomorrow!”, you said your goodbye to them.  Smiling Jenna turned around:“See you.”  “Tell the Arsenal girls they played great!”, Daisy shouted grinning.  You replied quickly:“I’ll, promise.” “Now move, girls.”, your friend said to them.
Swooning Hazel answered:” I’d love to be her.” “No, you don’t. Let’s go.”, Jenna pleaded.  Disgusted Amy reminded her: “Honestly they must smell bad right now.” “You smell bad.”, Hazel rolled her eyes. “Jenna, she said I smell bad!” “No one smells bad and if anyone says that again, I’ll make sure you smell bad for weeks.”, their coach groaned.
Still beaming from the win Lia greeted you: “Hi, where are your girls?” “Jenna offered to take them home alone.”, you explained to your girlfriend. The brunette seemed happy about those news:“That’s nice of her.” “She asked me to do her a favour in the future.., so is someone single in your team?”, you wanted to know from her. A crooked smile lit up her face:” You want to set her up.” “Maybe.”, you played with a string of your hair which escaped your neat ponytail.
Lia who loved to play matchmaker answered: “I’ll ask around.” “Thank you.”  “Did you enjoy the game?”, the brunette changed the topic swiftly. “I did. The girls loved watching the game too.”, you reassured her.
As you mentioned them the eyes of your girlfriend sparkled:” That’s great. I’m happy they liked it here.” “Your goal and celebration for it was amazing.”, you winked at her. Delighted she confirmed:” I don’t usually score goals so that was a great coincidence that I did today.”
 “It was really sweet.”, Laura Wienroither interrupted your conversation smiling.  The Swiss glanced at her:“Thanks, Laura.” “You’re welcome.”, the younger player responded. Hopeful Lia turned back to face you: Can you wait? I’m just taking a shower quickly and then we can go?” “Sure.”, you agreed.
“I’ll hurry up.“, Lia promised, turning around to disappear into the dressing rooms. “Please!“, you called after her.
Your waiting was significantly shortened by Leah walking towards you; ”Hey!“ “Lee, hi.“, you pulled her into a quick hug. “Did you like it?“, the defender asked. “Yes, why?“ “Just asking.“ You shook her head, knowing that the football player had some kind of ulterior motive for her questions; “Leah, tell me.“ “I was genuinely curious if you and your team liked the game.“, she shrugged in response.
Moved by the thought of how happy your players were to see their idols filling out a stadium, you smiled; ”They did, it was so cute.“ “We have something for the girls.“, Leah finally admitted. “You do?“, you asked softly.
The defender pulled a red Arsenal jersey out of her sports bag and held it up for you. The back was covered in signatures. “We all signed this. You can hang it up in your dressing room or something.“, she explained.
You had to bite your lip to stop yourself from getting too emotional about this thoughtful gesture. Gratefully, you took the jersey from her; “Thank you, Lee. The girls will love it.“ Leahs face was lit up by a smile; “You’re welcome.“ “Appreciate it.“ “Lia is done.“, Leah remarked as her team mate appeared next to her, freshly showered and her hair still damp. You waved at the remaining players; “Perfect. See you, girls.“ “Let’s go home.“, Lia suggested with a yawn.
As soon as you arrived, you carefully took the jersey out and placed it on your desk; “I can’t wait for the girls to see the jersey you all signed.“ Lia dropped her bag and appeared right behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist; “It was a cute idea, right?“ “Definitely.“, you agreed, turning towards your girlfriend so you could kiss her cheek. “Leah came up with it.“
“I already thanked her.“ Lias eyes searched for yours; “If your team needs anything, we could help out.“ With a sigh, you removed yourself from her embrace; “I know. There’s still so much to do until the girls get equal opportunities to play that game..“ “But they have better chances than we did. That makes me incredibly happy.“, Lia responded truthfully. You nodded; “Me too. Also I love working with Jen.“
A smile tugged on Lias lips; “I can tell.“ “Also who knows, maybe one of them will become a future lioness.“, you continued enthusiastically. “That would be great.“, your girlfriend agreed. “Jenna would never stop bragging about it.“ Lia sceptically raised an eyebrow; “You wouldn’t either!“
“Yes, true.“, you smiled but a thought rushed trough your brain, making the smile fade far too quickly. “I saw how you looked at the girls…“, you started. The midfielder didn’t seem to follow you. She frowned; “How did I look at them?“ “Like you wished one of them was yours.“ There was silence between the two of you. Lia blinked a few times; “What? No…“ “No?“, you echoed. “I don’t know.“ Taken aback, you apologized; “Sorry… maybe I completely misread it.“
“No. I wasn’t aware that I was doing that.”, the brunette mumbled stunned. Confused you replied: ”You weren’t?” “No.”, she emphasized her answer. You couldn’t think about anything adequate to say so your lips only formed an ,oh’.  
Quickly Lia added: “I’m sorry.” “No, I’m just disappointed you didn’t say anything about wanting children.”, you said to her. Thrown off by your sentence the midfielder asked:” Who says I want children?” “Your eyes.”, you pointed out. The Swiss whispered:” That doesn’t make any sense. It’s stupid to even think about it.” “It’s not.”, you countered seriously.
Nervously Lia went through her hair with one hand:” I’m still playing, and you have your team.” “I’m sure we could make it work if that’s what you wanted.”, you reassured her. Helplessly the brunette bit her lip:” I don’t know. Would you want that?” “I do.”, you announced, your heart beating fast as you told her the truth. 
Slowly your girlfriend realized what you were trying to express all along:” That’s why you asked. You want children.” “Yes, and what do you want, Lia?”, you asked her in return. Her tone changed into something more hopeful:” I do want children. I just didn’t seem feasible.” “Maybe it’s now.” The kiss you exchanged was like a promise to something you both had the desire for but were too afraid to speak out until now.
A bit over a year later you and Lia were mums to a little girl. You even took her to the training of your girls’ team. Annoyed Amy threw her hands up in the air:” She can’t play yet, Jenna.” “Stop it, Ames. Of course she can.”, Jenna told her off.
The little girl wasn’t impressed by her answer: “She’s a baby.” “And? You can’t start early enough.”, her coach shrugged her shoulders. Grinning Daisy continued:” Plus she’s Wallys kid so it’s in her DNA.” “You don’t even know what DNA is.”, Hazel teased her. “Of course I do!”, she protested.
Softly you interrupted them before this could escalate into a proper fight:” Girls, focus on the game.” It seems like your toddler heard it because she kicked the ball into the goal. Baffled Amy was the first to speak:“That was pure luck.” “It’s talent.” Jenna whistled.
Proudly Lia told the blonde defender after her training:” Lee, our little girl scored today.” “Your girl can’t walk yet.”, Leah replied amused. Delighted Steph declared:” She can play football before she can walk.” “She’s Wally’s daughter. She can do everything.”, Laura added. Smiling Alessia nodded:” Yes, she’s a smart cookie.”
“I want to see that before we get too excited.”, Leah tried to calm down her teammates. Beaming Lia played the video in front of her friends:” Here Jenna filmed the big moment.” “Not bad. That’s going to be a good football player.”, the England captain admitted. “Right?” “Of course.”, Laura chirmed.
“Alright, girls. I got to go and pick them up.”, Lia announced, pocketing her phone. Before she left, Leah called after her; “Okay, bring them to our next training.”
As Lia arrived at your football pitch, Daisys voice echoed across the grounds; “Wally!” “Hi, girls.”, she smiled and let your players embrace her in a group hug. ���Hello.”, Hazel mumbled into the midfielders side. Your girlfriend looked up and met your gaze from the other side of the pitch.
You both smiled at each other. “How was training?”, Lia asked. “Someone was trying hard to impress.”, Amy rolled her eyes. Jenna raised an eyebrow at the blonde girl and explained; “She means your daughter. She was not happy with the performance.” “Oh, really?”, Lia laughed.
Nodding, Jenna confirmed; “Really.” The girls were slowly letting go of Lia when you walked over at them, carrying your daughter. “Hi, Lia.”, you greeted her. She leaned over to first kiss you on the cheek before she carefully pressed her lips to her daughters head; “Hi, love.” “We‘re ready.”, you smiled. Taking the toddler from you, Lia suggested; “Let‘s go home.”
Your football team watched as the three of you left the football pitch together. “Goodbye, you three!”, Jenna called after you. You waved at her one last time. Simultaneously, Amy tugged on her coaches shirt; “Jen?” “Yes?”
“Maybe it‘s not that disgusting.“, the girl concluded, tilting her head pensively while she watched on as Lia wrapped her arm around your waist and gently brushed her lips against yours. Jenna remained silent and smiled softly.
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mistaeq · 3 years
the stardust crusaders' hogwarts adventure: HCs
tw // none
dora's note: is this dora posting? what the hell? yes it is, i'm finally working. hopefully. i promise i'm doing by best yes ^^ i felt like doing this today, so... finally got to finish a draft that has been there for quite a while.
DISCLAIMER !! y/n is NOT a student in joseph's HCs, they're a GROWN ADULT with a JOB. !!
taglist: @fragolaaaaaaa @outofthiszawarudo @sky1mercy @cheemerthebebopfreak @berryvalentine @yandere-lovebites @catboy-kira @komaeda-kinnie [if you wanna be removed or added, all it requires is a dm or an ask !!]
kujo jotaro
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♥︎ when he first sat down under the sorting hat, he didn't know what to expect and did not care in which house he would have ended up. everyone in his family, though, always had been one of two precise houses: slytherin or hufflepuff. so, very deep down, he hoped in one of them. but a different one would have been cool with him too, he would have been the first in his family with a different house sorting. he waited for a time that seemed neverending, but earlier than expected, the sorting hat said: "slytherin."
♥︎ the two of you met for the first time during a quidditch tournament. jotaro was a seeker, one of the most precise ones hogwarts had ever had. you caused him an accident, running over him with your broom, causing the two of you to fall to the ground. needless to say, he held a grudge on you for several days, until you had to get along to train for quidditch again.
♥︎ you wouldn't expect it from a wizard like him, but his favourite subjects are care of magical creatures, to study them, protect them, and get on an empathetic level with them, and muggle studies, to get to know more about muggles, in honor of his father, kujo sadao, who's not a wizard.
♥︎ it didn't take long for jotaro to manage to manifest his patronus. he had tried to practice that spell, since before the arrival of the dementors at the school. the two of you used to practice together after quidditch trainings, making you the first person - apart from him, of course - to witness the awaking of his patronus: a beautiful dolphin, a symbol of intelligence and protection.
♥︎ you will probably have to be the one to ask him first out on a date. he's not the best one when it comes to grades, and he spends quite a lot of time with his friends, trying not to think about it. no, he doesn't really care about having the best marks. you should ask one of his best friends, kakyoin noriaki, about what to do to convince him to go out on a date with you. most likely, he'll say yes because he trusts you enough to feel safe.
♥︎ jotaro does not underestimate your powers and doesn't feel the need to constantly protect you, but he must admit that as soon as the teachers of defense against the dark arts start disappearing every year or try to attack the students themselves, he's a little bit worried about you. he starts showing up outside your classroom at the end of every lesson, to check on you and keep you company until you get to you next lesson's classroom.
kakyoin noriaki
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♥︎ when he sat down under the sorting hat, he was really nervous. what if it said that he wasn't even a wizard? what if he ended up in a house that would have disappointed his family? the redhead was shaking like a leaf, even at the point that the sorting hat itself asked him to calm down to allow it to examinate him better. noriaki's terror soon disappeared, as soon as the hat spoke. "okay, okay, my guy. you can calm down. ravenclaw!"
♥︎ the two of you met for the first time in the library of the school. you were looking for a specific book, the one about the fantastic beasts of the wizarding world and where to find them, when a guy who wasn't looking where he was going, hit the ladder you were standing on, making you fall, right... in his arms. ugh, that sounded like a pathetic love story beginning. until you heard a giggle from the corner of the room. the guy that was making fun of that scene was kakyoin.
♥︎ noriaki's favourite subjects are transfiguration, since he always says he has a talent in transforming objects in what he wants, and defence against the dark arts, since he wishes to become a professor one day. why is it related to that? well, since the professors of defence against the dark arts seem to change every year for some reason, his turn will come sooner or later, or not?
♥︎ for kakyoin, it was a little bit more complicated to manifest his patronus. he kept on focusing on the technique and the way he had to move his wand, instead of focusing on his inner power and mind. but after many efforts, it finally showed up: a beautiful fox, symbol of wisdom and guidance. he told you first thing.
♥︎ noriaki will probably be the one to ask you out for a date first. but he would do it through a letter. he's smart enough to write one that will convince you that he's worth it and that he's perfect for you. the redhead can't imagine you already think of him as such. either way, the letter will be very sweer and heartfelt, even if a little bit awkward sometimes. but you'll say yes regardless, he put a lot of effort in it, and has always been respectful towards you.
♥︎ he wouldn't be much worried about you at first, hogwarts is a safe place for the students, after all, right? right? oh, what? in a bathroom the little hermione granger almost got killed by a troll? you know what, nevermind? the guy is gonna be glued to you the whole time, he'll even skip lessons for it, despite how much they mean for him. you're not gonna get attacked by anything, with him by your side.
muhammad avdol
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♥︎ everyone envied him when he sat down under the sorting hat, because despite the young age at the time, he looked absolutely calm and collected. he had no anxiety, and his eyes were closed, in complete relaxation, as if him and the sorting hat had some sort of mental communication going on. his smile was endearing, his fingers intertwined in front of his chest. but the hat seemed to take a lot of time sorting him. "your heart said gryffindor, my dear boy. but your soul spoke hufflepuff to me." the hat declared. but then... "hufflepuff!"
♥︎ the two of you met for the first time on the stairs. yes, the ones that like to change. your books had fallen from your arms on the stairs, and since he was passing by, he decided to lend a helping hand. what you didn't notice, was that you were standing right between the stairs and the floor. when the stairs changed, hadn't it been for muhammad's quick reflex of pulling you on his side, you would have probably fallen down several floors.
♥︎ avdol is naturally gifted, when it comes to subjects like astronomy, or his favourite one, divination. he seems to be the only student who doesn't stare at mrs. trelawney as if she were completely crazy. the majority of the ravenclaws, his friend noriaki included, sometimes don't even listen to her. but avdol does, and he's completely in love with the subject.
♥︎ it hadn't been difficult at all for avdol, to manifest his patronus. almost natural, for him. you weren't there to witness it, but you studied and practiced with him for it several times. the last time he tried, a beautiful and graceful phoenix escaped muhammad's wand, symbol of resurrection and life after death, a patronus that the student took as a symbol of hope.
♥︎ none of you two will ask the other out for a date. the love between you and avdol would bloom spontaneously, without the need of dating. you would find yourselves behaving like a couple just naturally. he likes to give you tarot readings and to stargaze with you. the stargazing sessions are the ones that get the two of you closer to each other.
♥︎ avdol would be protective over you since the very beginning. he can sense something's off in the school, and his tarot readings about hogwarts's future keep getting darker and more mysterious everytime. but every single reading hints at an upcoming source of danger, that most likely would be voldemort, he supposes. he has to keep an eye on you. he's scared.
jean pierre polnareff
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♥︎ oh boy, this guy was mad nervous when he sat down under the sorting hat. everything but slytherin, everything but slytherin. surely, he knew he wouldn't have ended up in ravenclaw. he wasn't that much of a smart guy, but he did his best. either way, everything would have been cool to him, apart from slytherin. it just didn't sit right to him. but luckily, before jean could ask the sorting hat why was it taking so long, it spoke. "okay, okay, i get it. gryffindor, no doubts!" it said, making the young wizard feel relieved.
♥︎ the two of you met for the first time while he was trying so hard to find his way to the next classroom he had to be in. the school was huge, and polnareff couldn't help but to get confused in the corridors. you offered him your help, but he tried to play it cool, running away and dropping a book. well, you would have brought it to him.
♥︎ polnareff's favourite subjects are charms and flying. they're pretty basic, but he finds them the coolest things about being a wizard. he's a huge fan of quidditch too, but he wouldn't see himself playing. flying lessons give him the same feeling of freedom though, and he loves it so much.
♥︎ it took pretty long for jean pierre to manifest his patronus. he just couldn't focus enough. you've been practising with him, and you manifested it first, so it would have been good to try to help him. until he managed to do it. from his wand, a beautiful horse was freed, a symbol of power, independence, freedom, and nobleness. you could tell jean was satisfied, and grateful to you for helping him in manifesting it.
♥︎ he'll definitely be the one to ask you out first, probably not much time after you helped him to manifest his patronus. that event made him so happy and made him grow so fond of you, that he genuinely wants to improve your relationship, and hopefully, get something more from it. hopefully your heart, hopefully a kiss. but he means it genuinely. he's not trying to exploit you to get your help with assignments. for real.
♥︎ as the years go by, polnareff would start noticing hogwarts isn't the same place that it's always been, or that dumbledore claimed it was. he grows more and more protective of you, every year a worse mess happens, and it's always connected to voldemort. he's not liking it at all. not to mention you're worried, since the gryffindors seem to be pretty involved in it. more than you and jean pierre like to admit. he knows something he's not telling.
joseph joestar
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♥︎ in his youth, when he sat down under the sorting hat, he didn't give a shit of what house he would have been sorted in, all he wanted was just start learning magic stuff. joseph was laughing with some handsome boys and pretty girls at the table, and was hoping it wouldn't take long to sort him, his adventure had just started. but the hat actually took really little time to figure out where he was gonna go. "slytherin." it announced, almost immediately.
♥︎ going through the corridors of hogwarts reminds him of many years ago, when you first met. he would never forget the way you told him to go fuck himself, while he was just standing on a chair, reminding everyone that him and his best friend of the time, a young lucius malfoy, were the best kind of wizards because they were purebloods. that was a bunch of bullshit he truly used to believe. luckily, he grew up to understand it wasn't true.
♥︎ now, joseph is a teacher. the last student you would have expected to become one, but he did. a teacher of defense against the dark arts, and he's not planning on leaving anytime soon. he'll keep his eyes open, he heard teachers have been disappearing every year. not to mention a lot of scary stuff is happening at hogwarts. he didn't choose a good time to work.
♥︎ he's always been a quick learner, and he managed to manifest his patronus quicker than many of his classmates. a really cool eagle, a symbol of truth, majesty, strength. despite his attitude, it was clear that joseph was a good wizard, it had to be given to him. and you grew to be into it. to admire it. he secretly liked you, too.
♥︎ joseph took the first step towards you, but he didn't quite ask you out, let's say that to keep his cool, he TOLD you that you and him were gonna date. as if to announce you. you were okay with it, and didn't accept just because you were feeling forced. you accepted because you liked him, and recognized it as a great opportunity to get closer to him. you would have worked on improving the romantic field throughout your relationship.
♥︎ now that he's a teacher, he has to recognize that there's so much going on, that the students do not see. joseph is acknowledged about how dangerous the situation is getting, and more than ever, he reaches out to you, or phones you, no matter the fact that you're working. everyone is talking about voldemort, and he doesn't like the smallest bit of it. he just wants to make sure you're safe.
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Hey, I saw you write fictions. Could you help me understand how to go about writing fictions and what are the basic steps? I want to write a larry fiction but english isn't my first language and my vocabulary isn't advanced. I, however, do want to give a try maybe a short fiction. How do formulate a fiction? I have some ideas but I can't divide them into chapters and generate enough scenes. I have tried to write sometimes but it's always a dead end and I don't know to proceed.
Personally I like how read story where there's seeding in every chapter with some backstory which gradually gets revealed. I am into a/b/o phase right now and want to write a good story with basic yet great plotline which keep my readers hooked.
I have so many questions to ask. Sorry for this long ask and Thank you if you respond.
Hey sweetie. How do I say this without sounding self-deprecating? I'm still a beginner, I technically wrote two fics. I'm currently working on my first "advanced" fic, which means I'm still learning, A LOT. I can't really be a teacher right now, but I can give you some tips. I can help you with what I learned since I started writing and link some good blogs/posts. This is going to be long, so cut.
First, some tips.
1. There are so many superior writers out there, but everyone has to start somewhere.
You can't start writing with the idea you're the greatest writer on the planet. I wrote down my first story when I was eight. Did it have a good plot? No. Did it have well thought out characters? Absolutely not. Did I make a story inspired by my favourite superhero show? Yes. It was probably 300 words max and with horrible grammar. I'm a very imaginative person, so I make stories up in my head, but that was the first one I wrote down. I haven't written much since then, just some school projects and little things here and there. I only started really writing in April, I think. It was rough, but fun. It was a canon-compliant story, so it didn't need that much planning out, I thought. When I finished, I was so proud. Then I started my second fic and I realized my first wasn't the best. I was so sad when I read it back, disappointed it didn't turn out the way I had in mind. But I shook it off, realized it was my first fic, EVER. So I shouldn't put myself down. You have to start writing to get good, you can't expect to be Jane Austin without putting one word down. Don't COMPARE yourself to others.
2. Plot is never truly original.
Like music, there isn't somsthing like an original plot. Everything is taken from something else. Every plot in the world has taken inspiration from somewhere else. You can write an a/b/o fic with a spy theme, it's very clever, but not original. You've taken an a/b/o plot and combined it with a spy plot. Don't be afraid to write a cliche plot, it's about the way you write it. That's why no two fics are the same, the writer is different.
3. Find a beta you trust.
When I first started the first part of my fic (it was a series), I didn't know what a beta really did, so I asked someone to correct my grammar and that was that. In the second and third part of that fic I didn't even do that, I tried to correct everything myself. Part 4 of my series I asked a beta to help me, it was wonderful. It's the best part of my whole fic and I'm forever grateful for that beta. We weren't the best match, so we couldn't continue working together. The fic I'm writing now is much longer than anything I ever written, so I needed a good and available beta. I found one, the angel of all angels. You need to find someone that will help you with your story, but also encourage when you feel like complete trash. Believe me, you will. It's important you have someone to brainstorm with and laugh with over your your character's dumb jokes.
4. Your English is better than you think.
I'm not a native English speaker, shocker right? No, I'm joking, I'm not the best. BUT I'm understandable, right? That's important. You don't need to have fancy words to write a story. Use the words you know and if you want to improve your vocabulary, do that, with time. You don't need to be an native speaker in a day, it takes time. I'll link some good sites for vocabulary.
5. Read more fics
A good way to improve your vocabulary, read more fics. You clearly enjoy it, use it to improve yourself. Not only for vocabulary but for the plot, characterization, world-building, etc. Take in the things you want to remember, forget the rest.
6. Copy and paste
Maybe a bad thing to say, but copy and paste things you like. If there's a sentence in a fic or book you like, copy it. Of course, don't just paste it in your fic, but take inspiration out of it. Why do you like it so much? Why does it come over so good? Any words you want to use? Is the structure of the sentence appealing? Think about it, so you can improve your fic. Especially with areas you struggle with, take a look at other works.
7. Smut is scary, but don't be scared to try.
Is smut something you want to write? You don't have to, but if you want, don't be scared. As someone who wrote two smut scenes in her life, I'm struggling, but I'm trying. Take all the tips above this and just try. Things may go terribly wrong, but that's why you're practising.
8. Research research research!
Things like smut, fantasy, minority groups. You can't just write about it without any knowledge, research it. Articles, youtube videos, blogs on tumblr, etc. A simple kiss scene can be difficult if you have no knowledge about it, read people's first kiss stories or something like that. Want to try and write BDSM, read about it on a BDSM blog. Research the heck out of it.
9. Just to say it again. DON'T COMPARE YOURSELF WITH OTHERS.
Just to summarise, you're you, don't try to be someone else. You're writing style isn't worse than someone else's, it's just different. It makes your work recognisable, your text original, your hours of writing easier. Someone told me I can write young people really well, I owned it. Find what you're good at and own it.
Now that I have given you some important tips to start, I'll answer your question. How to go about writing fiction?
Everyone is different first of all, so please don't take my word for it. This is my routine, I just made up.
1. What do you want to write?
Is it your own idea, a prompt, a fic fest, an exchange?
2. What universe does take part in?
Does take place in the real world or a fantasy world? The past, present or future? Realistic or supernatural? Which country?
3. What is the goal?
Are they supposed to be lovers at the end? Do they have to defeat something/someone? A quest? Where do you want to end the story?
4. Where does it start?
Where does your story start? At the birth of your characters? In the future and you work your way back? In the middle? When your important characters meet each other for the first time?
5. What does it take to get from start to finish?
What happens in the story? What developments happen? Is it a road trip and your characters need to get closer, how do they do that?
6. What are some subplots you want to add?
Are there things that don't really matter for your goal, but you want to add? Friends to lovers but maybe they help someone's mom out one day.
7. Who are your characters?
Their personalities, appearances, quirks, relationships.
8. Who is the protagonist?
Who is the story about? Who is the main character?
9. In whose point of view is it?
Who is telling the story? You, the protagonist, the love interest, a random bystander, etc?
10. Outline.
Write down what you want to do with your story. Every scene needs to be written down. You can always change it of course.
11. Write, write and write.
Take all the tips and write.
I want to give you some links I always use. I will also recommend some blogs.
This tool lets you describe a concept and get back a list of words and phrases related to that concept: https://www.onelook.com/thesaurus/
This article about body language: https://www.writerswrite.co.za/cheat-sheets-for-writing-body-language/
This tumblr post about body language: https://badassunicorn2016.tumblr.com/post/145725344712/writing-tip-june-4th
This article for alternatives for 'said': https://owlcation.com/humanities/400-Alternative-words-for-said
This tumblr post about writing smut: https://larryficsvol28.tumblr.com/post/660062510531182592/smut-101-a-tutorial-for-beginners
This tumblr post about how to make smut sound sexy:https://larryficsvol28.tumblr.com/post/658604597068365824/making-smut-sound-sexy
This tumblr post about turning ideas into a story: https://larryficsvol28.tumblr.com/post/659430707796557824/i-get-lots-of-ideas-for-stories-which-are-just
I have some blogs you can follow that talk about writing.
This podcast blog @roseanddaggerpodcast
This blog has a podcast too and some good fic recs @allwaswell16
These writing blogs @ficsex @writingquestionsanswered @bhficfest https://wordsnstuffblog.com/
Some veterans writers and also have some good fic recs @twopoppies @justalarryblog @kingsofeverything @louandhazaf @hershelsue @lululawrence @pocketsunshineharry @fearlesslysweetcreature @indiaalphawhiskey
I hope I could help you a little. In some weird way I helped myself, hehe. I hope you can finally write the story you want. If you ever have any questions, just come by. I don't know if I can always help you, but I'll try!! Good luck!!
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rosaliepostsstuff · 3 years
Lovey-dovey valentines | G.W.
Pairing: George Weasley x reader
summary: Being in a relationship with George while you’re at Hogwarts, the two of you spend Valentine’s Day together.
word count: 2602
warnings: mentions of food and eating
a/n: this was supposed to come out for valentines but oh well!
tags:  @izzyyy-1 ; @amourtentiaa ; @thisismynerdyself ; @pxroxide-prinxcesss ; @lumos-barnes ; @hufflepuffalice ; @slytherclawbitch ;  @hufflepuff5972 ;  @pandaxnienke ; @harrysweasleys ; @ickle-ronniekins ; @whizboingies​
Feedback means the world!!
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„Y/N!! Y/N, wait up..!” you heard Harry call from behind you, as you reached the moving staircase. You turned around immediately and waited for him, confused about the urgency in the tone of his voice. You were slightly worried he had some new trouble again.
“Hi,” you greeted, once he caught up, breathing a bit heavily. “You alright?” “Brilliant,” he nodded, smiling a bit awkwardly. You began walking together in the direction of your common room. “I, uhm- I think-… I just accidentally asked Cho out on a date.”
You snorted quietly with amusement, wondering how one can do such a thing accidentally. “Or maybe it was her who asked me out, I don’t know…” he mumbled. “She sort of mentioned that the next Hogsmeade weekend falls on Valentines Day and then it kind of happened…” “But that was the goal, wasn’t it?” you interrupted, “ You wanted to go out with Cho?” “Yeah, yeah, I did. I mean, I do.” “Good for you then,” you congratulated your friend and continued walking in comfortable silence as you suspected a million thoughts flooded his mind right now.
The thought of love day approaching got you thinking as well.
You and George have been in a relationship for months now, but this would be your first valentine’s day together. Your relationship was quite serious for your age, you thought. From the very beginning, you were crazy for each other. After a few months, you said your first ‘I love you’, being more certain of it than anything else in your life.
George was leading you to the hospital wing, holding your hand tightly, yet a bit stiffly. His jaw was clenched and he hasn’t said a word the whole way.
You had burnt your hand while practising potion making with an old friend of yours. A friend who, as George knew, used to have a crush on you before you were in a relationship. That was a sensitive topic, you rarely brought it up. George wouldn’t cause a scene over something like that, nor would he try to limit you, but you knew it bugged him.
“Are you upset because I was with Matt?”
“How long is it going to keep upsetting you? You know he doesn’t matter, why are you still jealous?” you stopped walking. “How can I not be?!” he asked sincerely, raising his voice a bit in frustration and turned to face you.
“Because I love you, idiot!” you shouted. “I love you…” you repeated quietly, toning down as you realised what you said. The words that had been circling your mind for weeks, wanting to come out.
All trace of previous anger disappeared from his face as his expression softened and he looked into your eyes, looking for any sign of uncertainty. Your confession shocked him, so much so that his mind went blank and he stared at you in silence.
“Georgie..?” you whispered, your voice quivering a bit as his silence started worrying you in your vulnerable state.
He snapped out of his trance, blinking a few times.
“I love you. Like crazy,” he confessed breathily.
This was all you needed to hear as you threw yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his neck and he hugged you back tightly around your middle, picking you up. “I love you,” you pressed a kiss to the side of his head and hid your face in the crook of his neck. “… with all my heart.”
Although you loved each other dearly and never failed to express your feelings to each other, a big part of your relationship was the friendship you shared. You had also developed a bit of an old married couple dynamic, especially around your group of friends. They even joked you two were the parents of the group – which applied sometimes, but most times you were just as irresponsible as the rest of your teenage friends.
You noticed George laughing and hanging out with his mates by the couches, he saw you right away. You smiled at him, motioning you would go up to your room to leave your things and change then come back.
When you walked down the stairs, George got up right away, walking up to you and took your hand in his. Knowing him, this meant he wanted to go upstairs to his room, eager to spend some time alone with you.
“Hi, bubs,” he leaned down to give you a quick kiss. “Had an okay day?” he asked, already leading you towards the stairs. “Yeah, uneventful but alright. You had any fun?” “Not as much as right now,” he replied cheekily.
When you reached his room, you got comfortable on George’s bed and chatted about your day. When the conversation hit a natural pause, your thoughts came back to valentines. You’ve never had the chance to properly celebrate that day before, except for getting an odd card or two. You also knew you were George’s first proper girlfriend, so you didn’t know what to expect. You didn’t even know if he liked the holiday.
“Do you have any plans for valentines?” you asked a bit out of the blue. George looked at you with a neutral expression and replied, “Yeah, I have a date, actually. This really nice Hufflepuff bloke asked me out,” he carried on, and you quickly realised that you should’ve phrased your question differently with him.
He chuckled at your eye-roll and pinched your waist playfully.
“I thought you liked surprises. If I answer your question, wouldn’t that ruin it - if I had anything planned?” “Not if you just said you were planning something. It would, however, prevent a situation where we both plan out the whole day for the other and clash terribly.” “Mhm, true, true…” he nodded. “Well, I haven’t planned anything yet. Have you?” “No.” “Okay, then…” he nodded, “ Is there anything you’d like to do?”
You thought for a moment, looking at your boyfriend’s face as he smiled at you.
“Can I have you to myself for the whole day?” you asked.
His smile only grew wider as his heart swelled from your pure love. He moved closer to you, his face centimetres away from yours. “You sure you want that?” He kissed you on the cheek and snuggled into your neck, adding, “morning till night-time?” “Yes, morning till night-time,” you replied with a giggle, squirming a bit from the sensation of his face pressed against your sensitive neck, where he started planting soft, delicate kisses.
 On the morning of February 14th, you awoke with a jolt, the excitement of the holiday pushing your usual difficulties with getting out of bed away. Your roommates were still fast asleep, some even snoring quietly. You opened your eyes and pushed the curtains of your four-poster open quickly, then got up to see a gift bag and a bouquet of roses at the foot of the bed.
A smile broke out on your face at once and you could only hope George would be just as happy upon seeing a gift from you after waking up.
You couldn’t help but pick up the flowers first to inspect their beauty closer and run the tips of your fingers over the soft petals. With a flick of your wand, you conjured a glass vase onto your bedside table, filled it with water and put the bouquet in.
Inside the bag were some of your favourite sweets and a pinkish-white envelope. You put the sweets away for later, and picked up the envelope eagerly.
 Dear Y/N,
as you probably already know, I’m not the best at describing my feelings using words. After sitting down to write this I realised there just aren’t any good enough to describe my love for you.
Stick with me and I promise to show you.
I already can’t wait to see you.
Love you, always,
 You blinked away the tears collecting in your eyes, grinning like a fool at the piece of paper. You’d expected the note to be sweet, but it touched you beyond expectations.
You took a refreshing shower, did your morning routine and came back to your dorm room where the day has already started. Some of your roommates chirpy and energetic, some groggily crawling out of their beds. You put on the outfit you had picked out the previous evening and put a considerable amount of effort into your appearance – you really felt good.
Feeling giddy, you stepped out of your room and skipped down the spiralled steps quickly, hoping to find George already waiting for you in the common room.
He was sitting alone – Fred and Lee clearly still sleeping – on the rug in front of the fire. Lazily flicking his wand, he was making butterflies out of an old Daily Prophet, which then flew into the fire, disappearing in a mesmerising sight. George’s cheek was resting on his forearm, on one of his knees, with a slightly bored yet curious expression on his face. He was wearing a cardigan over a t-shirt and his hair was considerably less messy than usual – you smiled adoringly, that was him dressing up for you.
He heard your footsteps as you got closer and turned around, then jumped onto his feet, pocketing his wand. Beaming, he outstretched his arms to hug you.
“Good morning, Georgie,” you greeted before pressing your face into his chest, inhaling his scent, and you wrapped your arms tightly around him. “Hi, Darling,” he replied, leaning down, and you pulled away just enough to kiss.
“Happy valentines day,” he murmured, pressing his lips to your forehead.
 You walked down to breakfast, hand in hand and settled down by the table. You noticed some of the food had a love-day twist to it, like heart-shaped toast.
“Have you thought about what you wanted to do, in more detail?” George asked you before taking a sip of his coffee. “Mmm, actually… I thought, maybe we could just go really cliché, you know? Like, do all those stereotypically-romantic things.” You played with the food on your plate a bit sheepishly, even though your request wasn’t that far-fetched and above all, you had no reason to be shy in front of George. “I want to do that with you,” you added, a bit quieter.
George didn’t answer for a moment, but took his fork with a bit of his food and put it in front of your lips. “Open up,” he instructed with a foolish grin. You looked at him and chuckled, but opened your mouth nonetheless.
Chewing, you bumped into his side playfully but thought to yourself, it really did taste better.
 After lunch, it was time for most of the students to make their way to Hogsmeade. You and George lost the crowd after passing the school gates, you swayed your intertwined hands between the two of you excitedly.
You went on your usual Hogsmeade shop tour first, the necessary stops being Zonko’s for George’s mischief supplies and Honeydukes for some snacks for the two of you.
Walking along one of the side roads, giggling at one of your boyfriend’s jokes, you saw it.
The epitome of corny romance, in all its flowery and frilly glory – Madam Puddifoot’s.
You gasped audibly, making George stop talking. It took him a second to realise what you’ve been looking at, the tea shop usually being ignored by most.
“What?” he asked suspiciously, after adding two and two together. “We have to go in.” “We don’t have to do anything.” “No-n-no- we have to,” you repeated, finally looking at him, just to see him try to force a smile over the slight disgust written on his face.
If there was ever a good time to visit the sickly romantic shop, it was now. You tugged his hand in the direction of the entrance with a wide, mischievous grin on your face.
“I’m so making fun of everyone in there,” he murmured into your ear, going through the door into the cosy space filled with couples. “I know. I’ll be doing that with you,” you replied, scanning the tables to find a nice spot for the two of you.
You had a nice conversation over a cup of tea, drowning out the slightly uncomfortable sounds of others, trying very hard not to look at Roger Davies sucking his girlfriend’s face.
Then, the door opened again and in walked Harry with Cho. You and George both noticed that, George’s eyebrows raised approvingly as he was previously unaware of this particular piece of school gossip.
“Oh, yeah, I forgot about that…” you whispered, suddenly curious again about how your friend’s date is going. You had the best hopes for Harry, you knew he’s had a crush on Cho for a long time and he’s talked to you about it a few times.
You tried not to pay attention to them but to your own boyfriend sitting next to you, now holding your hand. You also couldn’t really see them - when you were turned to George, Harry and Cho were out of your field of view.
But then, your tables weren’t that far away in the small space, you heard Harry ask Cho about going to see Hermione later. It did not take you long to figure out how he completely missed how the question came out.
Your conversation with George stopped and you looked up into his eyes. You knew he heard them too and was thinking the same thing as you. You really shouldn’t. But you did anyway.
The two of you bent lower over the table, turning to the side unsuspiciously. The conversation you were listening in on kept going downhill. “Yikes,” George commented quietly so that only you would hear.
Harry was confused and Cho was getting angry. She turned around, looking over the rest of the tables and George reacted quickly. He took your face by the jaw to turn the back of your head to them, then kissed you hard, making it look like you were snogging the whole time.
You gave up on your spying plans quickly and kissed him back, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck.
Soon, first Cho, then Harry were out of the tea shop, and you went back to just enjoying each other’s presence.
 “M’lady,” George handed you your hot butterbeer as you sat on the edge of the fountain of the clocktower courtyard, deserted so late in the evening. Cushions prepared by George were separating you from the cold stone.
“Why thank you, kind sir,” you replied, batting your lashes as you took the beverage from him, warming both of your hands on it. You snuggled up to George’s side when he sat next to you, wrapping an arm around you – another source of warmth on this cold evening.
But it was absolutely worth it –nature graced you with a cloudless sky, allowing you to stargaze to your heart’s content.
“Did I do a good job?” George asked you after minutes of silence. “Delightful,” you replied genuinely, the happiness clear in the tone of your voice. “So you enjoyed your Valentine’s Day?” he inquired further, kissing your temple. “I loved it, Georgie,” you said, looking up at him, “did you?” “Yeah, me too. And it was nice having just the two of us for the whole day.”
“Mhm,” you brought one of your warm hands to his jaw and brushed your thumb over his skin. “Every day with you is wonderful, but it is nice to have a day like this every once in a while.”
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turkisherlockian · 3 years
Five Years • One-Shot (Benedict Cumberbatch x Reader) [Part 1]
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Summary: Y/N and Benedict have an argument and Benedict leaves. They do not see each other again until five years later, but the words that shouldn't have been said and the lies can't be taken back. And now it's time to tell the truth, Y/N was pregnant and Benedict had no idea.
Word count: 1829
Warnings: Angst, swearing, smut
A/N: Feedbacks are always appreciated and requests are open, though I can't promise that I'll write them quickly as my exams start in a month! However, I hope you enjoy this one ❤️
"It's my job, Ben! You're a professional, you know better!"
"You could have told me at least! I didn't want to see my girlfriend fucking that prick in front of EVERYONE!"
"You're exaggerating, Ben! I didn't cheat on you, I'm an actress!"
"Actress, my ass! You were only a crew member before you met me!"
I gasped, felt like I was going to choke.
"How dare you say that?! Wasn't that you who has 'seen talent in me' and forced me to continue to my acting career?"
"It seems I was wrong, a dog's cries could be more believeable!"
I was done. I couldn't stop my tears and tried not to sob in front of him. "Get out. Get the fuck out!"
He took his car keys and jacket, then left.
2 days later
"Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch was seen with a blonde woman at a pub in London. She covered her face with her bag and the couple avoided the papparazzi."
I broke down in my mother's arms, "He forgot me already, mum! It's been only 2 days and he has another girl! I thought he loved me! Was it all a lie?!"
She kissed my hair and held my face in her soft hands, "If he did, you're going to forget him as well. I can't believe that I thought he was a nice guy!" 
I didn't say anything, I couldn't. Maybe I shouldn't have kicked him out, maybe I should have just... Apologised. Even though I was right. I still love him, oh God, I love him so much and it hurts to know that he did not. How could he just... Forget me in two days?
5 years later...
''Y/N L/N is back in front of cameras after 5 years. The actress remains still silent about why she quit acting after their break up with Benedict Cumberbatch and the thing is, they are in the same film now. The film is based on Machines Like Me by Ian McEwan. Well, now that they both are married and L/N has a daughter, we can not expect anything can we?''
Benedict threw the newspaper at somewhere in his trailer and sighed, leaning back on his bed. He was nervous. It has been 5 years since he last saw her or heard from her. They were childish in the beggining to never contact again and then... They got married. 
He got up as his manager knocked the door, ''Benedict, she just arrived.. Thought you'd like to say hi.''
''I'll be there in five, thank you.'' 
He washed his face with cold water, and took a deep breath. Checking his phone, a sarcastic smile appeared on his face. He called her, his wife, for 8 times and the text he received said ''What???''
Just ignoring the text messsage, he put it back into his pocket and left his trailer.
And there she was. 
Just like how she was 5 years ago. Only difference was her age, and oh... She had a ring on her finger. He knew it already, but it made him feel strange. He could be the one who married her, who became her baby's daddy. But now, he was struggling to keep his own marriage together with a woman who cheated on him...
The moment she turned towards him, when their eyes met they both were brought back to 5 years ago. All the good and bad memories they had, the way they seperated. And she smiled at him which woke him up out of the trance. ''Hey...''
He scratched his scalp, ''Hi...''
''It's been a long time.''
''Yes... How are you?''
''Oh come here, Ben...'' She knew what exactly was going on, and she waited enough to tell him that it was okay. She hugged him tightly and he hugged her back, not as tight as she did in fear of hurting her.
''I missed you.'' He said with a small smile, rubbing her arms. ''I missed you too.'' She touched his cheek, not really sure about what made her do that, but none of them found it weird. It was like seeing your best friend from high school years later.
''I know I'm a little late, shall we start practising?'' He nodded as they sat on the porch and started to do some script reading.
''...I don't care, Jess, I can wait for you forever.''
''But you shouldn't, you have to move on, Charles...'' A tear rolled down her cheek as she held his face in her hands. It reminded them of when he said a dog's cries could be more believable than her's. He took her hand into his and kissed her palm, ''No, my love... I can't.'' He cupped her face and kissed her without hesitation, like he has been waiting for this moment since years. She was frozen for a moment when she felt his lips on her's once again, and slightly moaned at the feeling. That was when he cried along with her, as he kissed her with more passion and now she was kissing him back. The kiss should've lasted shorter but the director didn't want to interrupt them because he knew what was going on and it was real. 
They pulled back and looked into each other's eyes just like the script said, until the director ended shooting the scene. She pressed her lips in order to not cry and forced a small smile, then felt his hand rubbing her back to comfort her. He wasn't feeling as bad as she did, maybe it was because he didn't know the truth... Yet.
Everyone went to have dinner except Y/N. She just made an excuse and stayed in her trailer. Spent a few hours on her own, and cried a little bit. She was about to call her daughter when she heard a knock on the door.
Sniffing, she got up from the bed and opened the door... It was Benedict with a pizza box in his hands. ''I know you love pizza...''
She grinned, ''Come in.''
They both sat on the bed silently until she said ''Thank you for pizza, but I have eaten already. You can eat it if you want...''
''I have eaten as well.''
''I'm sorry.''
She frowned, ''What for?''
''For everything I did earlier... I mean, years ago. It was so childish and a big mistake . I know I'm late but... I just wanted you to know that I am sorry, I truly am.''
''I'm sorry, too, Ben. We both were wrong... I should've told you.''
''And I should have not shouted at you like that and... Said very bad things.''
''You were right.''
''No, I wasn't! Y/N, you are an amazing actress and it haunts me every night that you quit acting because of me.''
She chuckled, ''I didn't quit acting because of you... It was because I had a baby.''
He sighed, ''I've heard that you did... How old is she now?''
That was the tricky question. Instead of simply telling him, she asked ''Would you like to see her?''
''Yeah, I would love to.''
She showed her daughter's photos from her phone, but something was wrong. She looked a lot like... Him. With ginger-ish hair and blue eyes, he couldn't help but think if she was his baby. 
''She doesn't look like you.''
''Yeah... Like her fath--.''
''Can I see him as well?'' He asked harshly.
''I um... Deleted his photos because we are going to divorce.''
''Well, I'm sorry to hear that. How old is she, Y/N?''
Her eyes were welled up quickly and even before she could say something, he stood up and moved his fingers through his hair, trying to stay calm and not to make a mistake like he did years ago. Tears were forming in his eyes, she couldn't have done that could she?
''Y/N...'' He was hurt, he knew it, she was his baby. ''Tell me she isn't...''
''She is!'' She looked up at him, crying. ''She is your daughter, I--''
''For God's sake, Y/N, how could you hide it from me?! How did you do this to her?!''
''How did I do this to her? You could have known if you hadn't left!''
''You told me to FUCK OFF!''
Tears were streaming down on both of their cheeks, whilst Y/N was revealing a secret no one knew except her so-called husband best friend and her mother. Benedict was shocked. He had a baby girl, he was a father.
''And if you had loved me, you wouldn't have had a girlfriend in two days.'' She sobbed and covered her face with her hands, ''I was furious, I was... God I was so stupid! Y/N, look at me...''
He pulled her hands down and held her face, "I never stopped loving you, either. I always regretted every single thing I did, I said but when I realized it all you were married...''
''I was married with Jason.''
''What? Jason?''
''Yes. Of course It was a fake marriage. We divorced after a short while...''
He was about to break down, ''Does she know who...''
''I promised her that she was going to meet her daddy when she grows up.''
''Oh God...'' He started to sob, and she hugged him tightly, ''I'm so sorry, Ben...''
He didn't say anything for a while and cried his eyes out into her chest , and then said ''I want to talk to her.''
She nodded and sniffled as a smile appeared on her face. She took her phone in her hands which were shaking, making a call through Skype. ''She's allowed to play on her iPad today, she should answer soon...'' 
Y/N looked at Benedict before pressing the call button. It ringed, and ringed, but she didn't pick up. ''She must be sleeping...'' 
''Lizzy...'' She tried not to cry as she spoke, ''What are you doing, baby?''
Benedict was amazed. Amazed by how beautiful his little girl was, how high pitched her voice was. He felt like he was done with living, and could die happily but not before breathing her soft curls' scent. His little baby... Lizzy.
''I just brushed my teeth, and wore my pyjamas.''
''I'm so proud of you...'' She said as she wiped her tears, ''I want you to meet someone.''
''Okay... Who is she?''
She giggled, ''It's not a she, darling...'' And she gave the phone to Benedict, his hands were shaking.
''Hello, Lizzy. My name is Benedict... I'm your daddy.'' 
Would love some feedback pls 🥺❤️ wanna read part 2? 🔥😈
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enstarscenarios4uu · 4 years
Hiiii congrats on opening this blog, always so happy to see new enstars writers!!💕🌸 practising through writing seems like a really good idea! can i request headcanons of kohaku, ritsu, mika, hiyori and kanata reacting to their crush confessing to them with a kiss? Thank you!✨ have a nice day💗
Hi!! And thank you! I had a lot of fun writing these headcanons, thank you for requesting!!
kind of angsty because of Mika’s one, enjoy!! 
Small disclaimer: I wasn’t sure about how to portray Kohaku’s and Mika’s accent;;
Kohaku, Ritsu, Mika, Hiyori and Kanata reacting to their crush confessing to them with a kiss.
Kohaku Oukawa
“...?! D-did you just…?”  Wow.
Should… should he take it like you return his feelings…? Is this kind of thing normal?
He’s opening and closing his mouth non-stop, not sure of how he should respond. He read this kind of thing could happen, but he never expected it to actually happen to him!
Once you tell him you like him, he smiles confidently, the blush on his cheeks becoming lighter. 
“You probably already know this, but… I like you too, I really do.” He holds your hands, looking at you in the eye.
“Let’s get along, [Y/N]…~”
When he gets back to his room he buries his face in a pillow and keeps replaying your confession scene in his mind over and over again.
Ritsu Sakuma
“...! Heh… I take it that you like me back, then?”
He’d like to say he’s surprised, but he kind of saw coming that you felt the same way as he did. He’s an observant person after all.
But even if he plays it cool, he didn’t expect you to just come up to him and kiss him out of nowhere. Not that he complains.
You say yes, you actually like him. And he just stares at you for a second before stroking your head, humming softly.
“I see. Then, you’ll have to stay with me for eternity~” 
He’s serious. He won’t let you go away easily now that he knows for sure you like him too. Whatever you reply, he just smiles at you.
He takes you in his arms, hugging you and inhaling your scent. He can’t hide his happiness, and he thinks that maybe, just maybe, opening his heart for you was a good idea, after all.
Mika Kagehira
“Nnah?! Uhm?! Y-you-! You…? Like, like me?! Like me, as in, like me?!”
Poor boy is so nervous he can barely talk. His face is all red and he’s stuttering so much…!
Honestly he thinks you’re not serious. “This was a dare, r-right?! Who told you to do it...?!”  
He has a low self-esteem, that’s why he can’t really process the fact that you -the person he has been admiring for so long now- actually likes him. 
“...what do you mean you’re serious-” It’s not until you say this, and until you kiss him again, that he finally understands.
Tears accumulate in his eyes as he pulls you towards him and closes the distance between you once again in the heat of the moment.
“...I… I love you! I really do! So… so… let’s stay together, please?”
Hiyori Tomoe
“Woah-! Wait, that was a bit rude?!” He’s blushing, his eyes are shining, but you caught him off guard.
He’s had a crush on you for so long, he can barely contain his happiness in this moment. For you it’s also obvious at this point that he likes you too.
“I can’t believe you just did that! Why didn’t I think of it before?!” He’s hugging you right now, saying how he should’ve been the first one to confess and how you were so brave to confess with a kiss.
He’s about to cry out of happiness, despite everything, he wasn’t so sure that you would return his feelings anytime soon.
He holds you tight, he can’t keep his tears anymore. He’s just… happy, relieved. You two stay like this for a while, before he steps away and smiles while cleaning his tears.
“Well, what are we waiting for?! Let’s go on a date right now!!” He takes your hand and takes you on a walk, while you both discuss about where to go for your first date in… a few minutes!
Hiyori is smiling the whole time the rest of the day, you make him so happy he could cry (Again).
Kanata Shinkai
“wait… that means… oh… hehe, I ‘like’ you a lot too~”
He didn’t expect it, sure, but who is he to complain? His crush -you- likes him!!
Kanata might be hard to read, and people tend to keep their distance with him for this, so to know that you actually like him enough to confess with a kiss…
He’s thrilled, he’s so happy he doesn’t know what to do. No matter where you are, he’s going to embrace you and won’t let go for a long time.
“i think i ‘need’ you more than i need water… it’s the ‘same’ for you? hehe, i’m happy…~”
He takes your hand to place a kiss on it, tracing the palm of your hand before intertwining your fingers with his, a small smile on his face.
He’s glad. He’s truly glad, because you feel the same way as he does, because you love him in spite of his eccentricities. He’s giving you his heart and its instructions written down, so please, take care of him for he will also take care of you.
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My big conclusion post of my rewatch of season 3
I have previously described this season as a big fanfiction, and also the "love" season. I was completely right about the love thing - this season IS just 80 episodes of lovers quarrel. Is it like a fanfiction? Yeah, in some regards, but maybe not as much as I originally thought.
I sincerely hope Ludmila seeks therapy. Poor girl.
Parents like Priscila exists in real life and it's a bit interesting to see how she acts all nice and sweet and in a second switches to her real personality. It's also interesting to see how different people react to her. Ludmila, who grew up with her, has a hard time telling anyone something is wrong and gets quiet and does what her mother ones to not get in trouble. Violetta, who grew up with adults around her that treated her with love and care, immediately feels off when Priscila shows her true sides. She doesn't fall for her tricks. I also like that we don't know what happened to Priscila, all we know is that she is getting help.
I have said it before and I will say it again: EVERYONE LOST A BRAINCELL THIS SEASON EXCEPT JADE, WHO GAINED ONE
I really can't understand why Diecesca is the ultimate OTP, i'm sorry. Are they cute? Yes! But OTP worthy? No... I think my problem is that Francesca felt really bad at times for being a relationship with him. After their first kiss, she immediately said it felt wrong. She never wanted hide their love, she wanted to tell Violetta as soon as possible, because she hates lying. Diego told her time after time again that, no, they can't tell, and then sometimes he acted like it was her who didn't want to tell when it was he who had told her not to tell- this is confusing rdfhdxrju
Also Diego was like "we can break up if you don't want to lie" fdzhjk what
Also after their secret was out, they barely had any scenes except like. Casually hanging out.
ALSO I actually felt bad for Francesca, she so BADLY wanted to tell and SOMEONE always interrupted her
It's OOC for Violetta to dress up to spy on Leon - she would not do that. Spy on him? Yes. Create a secret identity? No. BUT I like the concept of her dressing up, Roxy is so different from her. It would have been much more fun if she and Fran just created secret identities for another reason - maybe they don't want to be themselves for once or smth and just... dress up. AND THEN THIS HAPPENS
Gery didn't start out annoying at first - she was kind of the whiny younger sister of Lara or smth. She was fine. And then she HAD to fuck shit up and be a bitch
Since Federico still lives in Vilu's house (even though he's not always home), I have liked the idea of him, Violetta and Ludmila just being chaotic siblings (because I, tbh, don't really ship Fedemila and there's a reason for that, that I will list further down. However, just like Fede and Vilu are a sibling duo, and Vilu and Ludmi also are a sibling duo, I kind of see how Fede and Ludmi also act like siblings)
There was a lot of... sexual undertones sometimes. It could be because i'm older and have a much more dirty mind than I did before, but also... Germán was afraid of Leon and Violetta being alone together in her room, Priscila straight up accused Angie of sleeping with Germán because she saw her in a morning gown, Diego was "so in love" with Francesca that it scared him, Olga tried to get Ramallo all season... hm
The songs are bops, but they are always bops
I lacked a lot of friendship moments, especially between Franletta >:c Season 2 made me ship them and then they give me very little content in season 3
They only had... 1 sleepover this season excuse the sleepover eps are the best ones
Diego and Leon had the most heated rivarly in season 2 and then they ?? barely interacted??? this season?? DION RIVARLY >> DION FRIENDSHIP
This was, as I said, the season of love, and yet my favorite love story was between Naty, Camila and Ludmila and it wasn't even "canon".
Naty legit tried to kiss Ludmila in a scene and Camila canonly wanted to practise kissing with her-
They were in Barcelona on 3 different occassions in under 20 episodes hrxfxjdk
Priscila is homophobic and I don't think I need to give y'all context
Ok but I honestly think Ludmila is a closeted lesbian and a big reason why she hasn't come to terms with it is because of her mother. This is likely also why Priscila dislikes Naty - because Naty is in some ways more "open" with who she is
Pablo and Angie should have been endgame and I feel like they just added Brenda so Pablo wouldn't be alone
The amount of evidence of Naty being gay I have after rewatching... I HAVE to make a video. I have to. It's coming, you'll see.
I can't get over how Leon just... knows Austin from Austin and Ally? He just appeared in his garage?? nedrmgsjkkewdhsue
Germán is a GOOD DAD. I got emotional every time he interacted with Ludmila
Also when Ludmila went inside Violetta's room and asked if she could sleep there ;v; THIS IS THE FAMILY SHE DESERVES
Priscila legit tried to kill several people I-
I... don't get emotional over the last episode. Last ep of season 1, when Violetta was gonna move away and said goodbye to her friends and family and then got to come back and Germán got to see her on stage? Emotional. Season 2, where everyone is having writer's block and Violetta is on the edge of literally being depressed and then her dad plays the piano on stage? Emotional. Season 3, where everyone is happy and get together again and they have a wedding and there are only good vibes all around? Cute. It's cute.
Now, I don't dislike season 3. On the contrary! I love it! It's just that... I like the previous seasons more. Especially season 2, the vibes in that season is so amazing.
I should've done a liveblog on my rewatch of s1 and s2 before hskdjdedhu maybe i'll do that one day, i'm sure I will rewatch them again in a near future.
Before you ask, I WILL NOT LIVEBLOG ON THE MOVIE. THE MOVIE IS A WATTPAD FANFICTION. The only things I like is the visuals and the soundtrack, and the fact that Leonetta probably had offscreen sex on the beach while waiting for rescue.
Anyway you know my post about how I would rewrite Violetta? Kinda want to do that now... though, I would change some things, like making Naty a lesbian and so on.
rkjlrusaudse I don't know what else to write I have so much and yet so little to say
But conclusion this liveblog of my rewatch of the season I remember the least about and FINALLY could watch again because swedish disney plus finally released it
Also I want to... make videos about it. I want to draw fanart. I want to write more fics. I want to... create an incorrect quotes blog or something of this show dshjfdrjue
If y'all want to get the full experience on me rewatching s3, click on the "sara rewatches season 3" tag and get access to all my random comments.
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isthisthingeven0n · 4 years
missed midnight chances : d.d
brief summary: it’s new years eve and all you want to do is kiss david at midnight, but things don’t exactly go to plan 
word count:  1.8k requested: yes by a lovely anon!  warnings: none that i’m aware of? but if there are any do let me know!
* masterlistin’ / masterlistin’ 2.0
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it isn’t me. all rights reserved. - i have to start doing this as I had some shit on my other blog with plagiarism)
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“This is it, right? Like, I have to do it.” You ramble as you sit on the edge of the bathtub whilst Carly is on the toilet, nodding along whilst Erin stands by the sink. 
Erin kneels in front of you, being the only person who isn’t completely drunk just yet. “I think you should.” She slurs her words slightly, but her smile is undeniable. “Like midnight is perfect, right Carls?” She turns her head, watching as Carly pulls off too much toilet paper, causing you to laugh. 
“Girls gotta do it.” Carly calls out, and as she finishes up you open the door to see David stood there, ready to knock. 
Your eyes widen as you stand in front of him. “Oh, hey.” You say as if you’re surprised he’s at the party being held at his own house. 
“Mind if I go?” He mutters as Carly and Erin pass you both, giving you a less conspicuous wink. 
Moving aside, he rests his hand on your arm. Your eyes wander down to it, and David lets out a nervous short laugh. 
“You been drinking, Dave?” You raise an eyebrow, seeing a glint cross his eyes as you smile to him. 
David leans closer, poking his head out before pulling you into the bathroom. He presses his finger to his lips, causing you to chuckle. “I had one or two.” He admits to you like a giddy child. “But don’t tell anyone, I’ll sober up by midnight.” 
“You do you, Dave.” You tell him before opening the door and closing it behind you, allowing yourself a moment to control your accelerating heart rate. 
Walking away from the bathroom, you make your way back to everyone else. “Here,” Erin passes you a shot. “you look like you could use it.” She chuckles as you nod, accepting and knocking it back as the burn eases with each passing drink you receive. 
The hours were passing by faster than you would’ve liked, meaning midnight was getting closer and you still haven’t had the chance to be brave and speak to him. 
It wasn’t due to lack of chance, because there had been multiple times you could’ve brought it up into conversation or spoken alone with him. But you backed out every time. You didn’t want to end the decade with one last rejection, you’d rather end it with not knowing. 
You were sitting on the back of the sofa with Zane whilst Mariah and Heath had a small dance battle. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see David chatting away with Corinna. 
“Baby?” Zane slurs as you turn to face him, seeing David more clearly now.
Smiling to Zane, you take his cup from his grasp, placing it down before he spills it everywhere for the second time tonight. “Zane?” You mimic his tone resulting in him rolling his eyes. 
“Who are you gonna kiss at midnight?” He questions, raising an eyebrow to you as you pause. 
David overhears the question and subconsciously listens in as you stutter. 
“I, I guess I haven’t thought all that much about it.” You nervously laugh it off, but David lowers his gaze and focuses back to Corinna. “That an offer, Hijazi?” 
Your playful tone hurts David’s heart as Zane nods along. “If you want one, you know where I’ll be at midnight.” He rises to his feet, stumbling away as he blows you a kiss to which you catch. 
A moment later, David watches as you quickly walk off toward the garden. “Go on,” Corinna nudges his arm, motioning for him to follow after you. “David, you’re not as subtle as you think you are.” Corinna adds, knowing the puppy dog eyes he gives you when you’re focused elsewhere. 
Leaning against the railings, you exhale deeply. The cool metal on your skin is relaxing as you focus on calming your heart rate down. Why had you feigned interest in Zane’s offer? 
“Nickel for your thoughts?” David speaks up, watching as you tense up before spinning around and facing him. 
Spreading your hands out across the rails, you look up at the stars in the sky. “Just about tonight.” You tell him, hearing his shoes against the grass as he moves closer. “How the sky will be illuminated with colours real soon, any sign of the stars under the thick layer of pollution will be further disguised.” You ramble on, unaware of David focusing on your lips as you talk. 
“How many have you had, Y/n?” He chuckles, watching as you dip your head back down and shoot him a look. 
“Not that many, David.” You shake your head before looking back inside, seeing everyone chatting away as the minutes roll closer. “Anyway, we better go back in.” You stop the growing silence between you both as you step forward whilst David remains still. “You coming?” 
David hovers, looking at your extended hand and a bright smile. He wants nothing more than to take your hand in his, pull you into his embrace and kiss you. But he snaps out of his daydream and shakes his head instead. 
“Okay, see you in there.” You try to hide your disappointment as you wander back to find your friends, trying to forget the glimpse of hope you wore as David started to extend his hand before pulling away.
Pouring yourself another drink, you turn your attention to David standing on the top of the pool table. “This can’t be good.” You mutter to Mariah who nervously exhales.
“Okay, guys!” David claps his hands, ensuring everyone is paying attention. “We have minutes til 2020 so everyone get ready for the group shot.” He announces and your heart sinks. 
Within seconds you’re all taking practise shots of the group photo whilst David’s camera is positioned to record the entire thing. You try to hide your disappointment, knowing the behind the scenes will be edited by him at a later date. 
“One minute!” Natalie shouts and everyone begins to panic, watching the countdown play out. 
Beside you, Zane squeezes your hand as Carly shouts in your ear. 
“-One!” You all yell, letting off party poppers as confetti covers you. 
Laughter leaves your lips as you notice couples kissing and you glance over to see David still smiling brightly. 
“Happy new year.” He turns to face you, smiling as you tuck your hair behind your ear. 
“Happy new year, David.” You tell him softly, trying to hide your disappointment that you didn’t say anything or do anything sooner. “I’m just going to go to the bathroom.” You mutter, walking past him as regret begins to settle in your stomach. 
“Where’s Y/n?” Erin turns to David, seeing his focus drift off toward where you just disappeared. 
“She er, went to the bathroom.” He mutters, rubbing the back of his neck. 
Furrowing her brows together, Erin sighs. “Did she say anything to you?” She questions, but David shakes his head. “God, you guys.” She comments under her breath before walking off to find you.
“Y/n?” Your name is being called from the other side of the door whilst you sit against the bathtub in self-pity. “Come on, open the door.”
Shuffling forward, you slide the lock across as Erin walks in and sits beside you, seeing tear stains across your cheeks. 
“I didn’t do it, Erin.” You sadly tell her. “I had the chance, but I was scared.” 
Erin rests her hand on your knee in comfort as you lean into her embrace, resting your head on her shoulder. “It’s not too late, Y/n. You could still tell him.” She suggests, feeling you shake your head against her. 
“I can’t.” You state. “I, I don’t think I can anymore. Maybe it’s time I just move on from this dumb crush.” You harshly dismiss it, but you and Erin both know it’s more than a dumb crush you wish to label it as.
Outside, David leans against the door as he lifts his fist to knock but hesitates. 
“You might not want to admit it, but you know it’s more.” Erin comments and you sigh deeply. “It’s not easy, especially when you’re close friends to avoid your feelings for him.” 
David raises an eyebrow to himself, leaning closer. 
“I mean, why did it have to be him of all people.” You groan as you bury your hands into your face, unaware of Erin rising to her feet as she nears the door.
“You’ll find the confidence to tell him, Y/n.” She says with a soft smile before opening the door. 
As she pulls the door open, it catches David off guard, causing him to fall down at her feet. 
You tear your hands from your face, seeing David flat on his back as Erin forces back a laugh. “Oh, hey guys.” He tries to play it off as he struggles to catch his breath. 
Erin looks over to you with a small smile on her face. “I’ll leave you two to it.” 
Walking away with a smug grin on her face, Erin is out of hearing distance when David rises to his feet, a tint across his cheeks as he faces you.
“Were you, eavesdropping?” You question, looking him dead in the eyes as he looks back like a deer caught in headlights. 
Shaking his head in response, David takes Erin’s spot beside you. “Okay, maybe I was.” He chuckles under his breath, seeing you smile to yourself. “But you seemed upset out there, I wanted to check you were okay.” 
“I’m fine,” You tell him, but he furrows his brows together, clearly unconvinced. 
“Nope.” He states. “I know you well enough to know when you aren’t ‘fine.’” He air quotes before facing you. “You being fine is laughing and eating snacks on the sofa. You not being fine is the fact you’ve been crying when we’ve just entered a new decade!” He rambles. 
“You pay too much attention, David.” You brush it off, but his focus remains on you. “What?” You question, ignoring the butterflies rising from your stomach. 
“You, you’ve got some confetti in your hair.” He tells you quietly as he lifts his hand up. “Can I?” He asks, watching you nod as he moves closer, his hand gently pulling a string from your hair. 
You wait for him to move back, but he stays closer as his lips hover over yours. 
“Is this okay?” He questions, looking back at your eyes one last time as you nod. 
“Yeah.” You whisper before closing the distance between you, listening to the faint sounds of fireworks outside whilst they begin inside of your heart.
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straykidsftw · 4 years
On Track / HHJ
genre: angst, college!au
requested?: yes (anon)
summary: in which, while making a film for a school project, you and minho have to spend a lot of time together, but your cameraman can’t help but feel jealous
warnings: none
~ {1}
늦었다 / it’s late
너에게 돌아가는 길의 막차가 끊겼다 yeah / the last train back to you has stopped yeah
조금 더 서두를 걸 이 후회도 이미 늦었다 / it’s already too late to regret
“Hey, it’s Hyunjin.”
“Hyunjin!” you exclaimed, “it’s so late! What are you still doing up?”
“You say that like you haven’t just answered my call,” Hyunjin chuckled.
You blushed slightly, stuttering to try and find words before sighing, “you’re right. So, why are you calling?”
“I’m making a film,” Hyunjin said, “for media class. I’m filming and other people from my class are helping on things like sound, writing, directing.”
“I see,” you nodded, “sounds cool.”
“Hopefully,” Hyunjin said, “but, I needed two actors and I wondered whether you’d be up for it? I know you do drama, after all.”
You opened your mouth, shocked and trying to speak, “I– I mean I– I guess I do do drama, yeah.”
Hyunjin chuckled, “so? You don’t have to, it’s totally cool. Oh, Minho’s the male actor, by the way.”
“Lee Minho?!” you exclaimed.
Hyunjin hummed, “yeah. You know him?”
“U-Um kind of, I guess,” you stuttered.
“So, will you do it?”
You’d had a crush on Minho for years. It was kind of pathetic at this point. When you first went to high school the two of you had every class together, and even when the number of classes you had together went further and further down each year, the size of your crush did not. And yet, only a few greetings was the extent of the many conversations the two of you had shared.
So why lose a perfect opportunity?
“Yes!” you smiled, “I’d love to!”
“Great!” Hyunjin exclaimed, “I’ll see you Monday morning, then? Teacher’s given us permission to shoot during lessons.”
You giggled, “why didn’t you start with that?”
“Now I know you’re doing it for me,” Hyunjin said cheekily.
Your mouth hung open as you forced out a laugh and a goodbye before hanging up. Yeah, sure. For Hyunjin.
~ {2}
어떤 이유에서인지 / for whatever reason
다가서지 못한 내가 너무 밉다 / i really hate myself for not getting close to you
어떤 이유를 대서라도 / i should've come up with any reason
이 상황을 막았어야 했는데 / to stop this situation
“Here’s the script,” Hyunjin said, “and this is Lee Minho, your co-star. Read through it together, it’s super easy.”
You smiled, “thank you!”
Hyunjin smiled politely, leaving to talk to the boy holding a microphone, leaving you and Minho alone.
“I’m Y/N,” you said shyly, “nice to meet you.”
Minho smiled, his aura radiating confidence, “nice to meet you. Hyunjin said you were nice, so hopefully working with you will be easy.”
You laughed slightly, “hopefully.”
Minho smiled fondly, motioning over to the desk suddenly, “shall we read?”
You nodded, “that would probably be good.”
Minho chuckled, sitting down and opening the script, patting the chair next to him upon seeing you still in your spot, “come on. I’m nice, I swear.”
You giggled, moving and sitting beside him, hoping he couldn’t hear your abnormally fast heartbeat or see the sweat appearing on your palms.
“Also—“ Hyunjin stopped in the doorway, looking to the two of you, shoulders touching as you laughed and read the script in funny voices.
He walked in, sitting in the middle as Minho furrowed his eyebrows.
“I just– thought you might wanna hear how I planned it,” Hyunjin stuttered.
You nodded, smiling awkwardly, “well, go on then.”
~ {3}
이건 바보라도 알아 eh ya / even a fool knows this eh ya
너만 한 건 내게 없다고 / you're the best thing i've got
다시 널 향해 one more step, I will never stop / once again towards you, one more step, i will never stop
돌아서면 안돼 / i won’t run away
“Hey, Y/N, I was just wondering if—” Minho started, Hyunjin’s loud clap cutting him off.
“Okay! Ready to film?” Hyunjin asked, “last scene, has to be good.”
You nodded, before turning to Minho and winking, “practising extra hard.”
Minho rolled his eyes, holding back a laugh, “you’re such a child.”
Minho’s heart was pounding. How, over the course of only five days, had you managed to encapture him entirely?! Not that you could notice, of course, though the rest of the team had to wonder how dense you were for not noticing the sweet love pouring out his eyes everytime he looked at you.
Hyunjin sighed, clenching and unclenching his jaw, “Felix. Slate please.”
“Okay! Hyunjin’s film, scene 10, take 1,” Felix smiled, clicking the slate before walking away, leaving Hyunjin to film the lines between you and Minho, Chan recording with a boom mic held over your head.
As you spoke, your eyes never left Minho’s. It was terrible. You could feel your heart pounding and you just prayed that he’d ignore the sweat on your palm when he grabbed your hand.
He did grab your hand, but no line was said after that.
You turned around, looking to Minho, before looking down and seeing Hyunjin’s fist tightly gripping Minho’s wrist.
“I’m sorry,” Hyunjin whispered, “I just– I—”
Minho let go of your wrist, Hyunjin letting go of Minho’s as the three of you awkwardly looked at each other.
“You gonna explain?” Minho said.
Hyunjin spluttered, looking from you to Minho before sighing, looking at the floor, “I like you, Y/N. A lot.”
He finally looked up, meeting your eyeline as you stayed silent.
“I’m sorry, I just—”
Minho scoffed, rolling his eyes slightly as he walked straight through the middle of you and Hyunjin, grabbing your wrist and dragging you along with him.
~ {4}
나만 이렇게 그리운 걸까? / it it just me who misses us so much?
너는 얼마나 멀어진 걸까? / i wonder how far you've gone away
우리 함께 할 순간 그 이상 속에 / the ideal moment that we'll be together
너무 익숙해져 버려 일상이 돼버렸는데 / i got too used to it that it became my daily life
“Hyunjin-ah,” Jeongin called, knocking on his best friend’s bedroom door, “I brought strawberry milk.”
Hyunjin sighed, looking to the door where his friend was holding two cartons of milk.
“I used to buy that for Y/N all the time,” Hyunjin groaned, sitting up on the bed as Jeongin made his way in, handing one to Hyunjin.
“Well maybe now it can be our thing,” Jeongin said hopefully.
Hyunjin chuckled at his friend’s innocence, taking a long sip of milk.
Jeongin swore internally. Was he too obvious?
“What do you think she’s doing?”
Jeongin looked at his best friend, trying to hide his pout, “how would I know? I don’t even know her that well.”
Hyunjin shook his head, “neither. I think about that a lot though.”
“What? Not knowing her?”
“No,” Hyunjin laughed, getting lost in his daydream, “where she is.”
He imagines that he was the one to grab your hand. And after the two of you left, you took a visit to the ice-cream shop a few streets away from your school and you both got milkshakes, and Hyunjin made you taste some of his and you got some on your nose and Hyunjin kissed it away—
“Well, she might be with Minho.”
Hyunjin looked at his friend in horror, “d-do you really think so?!”
Jeongin shrugged, sipping on his milk.
Hyunjin groaned, flopping back on his bed. This was the reality. He didn’t grab your hand, and now he was in bed with Jeongin, drinking strawberry milk.
~ {5}
뒤돌아 봐줘 제발 가지 마 / please, turn around and look at me, please don't go
돌이킬 수 없는 실수는 없어 / if you purposefully go further away
더 이상 의미 없는 하루를 멈춰 / i might fall apart
“Hey Hyunjin, isn’t that—”
Jeongin’s innocent words were cut off by his best friend, smacking a hand over his mouth.
“Ow,” Jeongin said calmly, removing the hand, “I’m just saying.”
“Oh shit, what do I do?!” Hyunjin whisper yelled.
“Maybe talk to her?” Jeongin offered.
It broke the younger’s heart to even think of suggesting such a thing, but seeing the boy he loved have his heart broken hurt him even more.
Hyunjin looked at his best friend, “you think?”
“I’ll be round here.”
Hyunjin looked back to you, your hair was swishing slightly as you walked further and further away.
“Y/N!” Hyunjin called, jogging slightly to catch up.
You turned around at the call of your voice, eyebrows shooting up at the sight of Hyunjin.
“Hy-Hyunjin!” you called nervously, “hi.”
“Hi,” he smiled, finally catching up, “it’s been a while.”
You nodded, humming.
“I just—” Hyunjin started, cutting himself off. He just what? Wanted to apologise? Wanted to tell you that he would do anything for you to be his? Wanted to tell you that he should have been the one grabbing your hand that day?
“–wanted to say hi.”
You giggled, relief washing over you, “hi. You alright?”
No. I think about what you’re doing all the time.
“Yeah, yeah, you?” Hyunjin said.
You nodded, “I was just going to Starbucks, do you want to come?”
Hyunjin’s eyebrows raised, laughing slightly in disbelief, “yes! Yeah, that would– that would be nice, yeah.”
“Oh,” Jeongin sighed, watching his best friend walk away, “bye, then.”
~ {6}
시간이 흐르고 흘러도 / even after time keeps passing by
변함없는 간절함이 너를 / this constant desperation of mine
찾게 하는 거야 매일 밤마다 나를 찾아와 / makes me look for you as you come to me every night
“I shouldn’t, I shouldn’t. It’s wrong. It’s not my business. She doesn’t look at me like that.”
Hyunjin sighed, banging his head on his desk as he pressed your contact.
“Hey Hyunjin!” your happy voice rang through the phone.
Hyunjin smiled as he heard your voice, “hey Y/N.”
“What do you need?”
Hyunjin could hear the smile in your voice, and it hurt, because he knew he was about to make it fade.
“I—” Hyunjin sighed, hesitating, “how are you and Minho? Like... what’s going on between you?”
He was right. Even from the sound of the shaky breath you took after his words, he knew you were no longer smiling.
“I don’t even know, Hyunjin,” you sighed, “he’s so tsundere it hurts! I don’t know whether he wants me or not!”
Hyunjin bit back a smile.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t offload my problems.”
Hyunjin shook his head quickly, “no, no! You can rant to me whenever, okay? I’m free all the time. For you.”
You smiled, your heart rate beginning to pick up, “thanks, Hwang.”
~ {7}
더 애타게 하는 너 / you tantalize me more
아프게도 하는 너 / you also hurt me
“God, I love you so much, Jeongin,” Hyunjin groaned, collapsing on the floor, breathless as he took the water bottle from his friend’s hand.
Jeongin chuckled, feeling a blush rise to his cheeks at the words, “it’s just water.”
Hyunjin laughed, “I’m serious, In. You’re always there when I need you, and that’s so amazing.”
Jeongin smiled bashfully, looking at the floor.
“Hey. If I tell you this, you can’t tell anyone, okay?” Hyunjin called, getting off the floor so they were level, and getting so close to Jeongin’s ear that the younger could feel nothing but his heart pounding, “me and Y/N are going so well. She spent the night at mine yesterday.”
Jeongin pulled away quickly, blinking a few times before laughing.
“Oh!” he said, exasperated, “oh. Um, good! For you! Good for you! Well– Well done? Um, I have to go.”
Hyunjin laughed, watching him walk away, “what’s with him?”
Jeongin wiped away his tears as he ran out the park. God, you idiot.
~ {8}
내가 바보라서 알아 / because i’m an idiot, i know
너 없이면 살 수 없다고 / i can’t live without you
“Hey, Y/N,” Hyunjin spoke, his voice dripping with confidence, “I love you.”
You raised your eyebrows, rolling your eyes when you realised he was being serious, “get a new saying.”
Hyunjin laughed, walking over and wrapping his arms around your shoulders, pressing kisses to your temple.
“Hyunjin! I’m here!” Jeongin called.
“Jeongin-ie!” you laughed, trying to break free from your boyfriend’s death-grip.
Hyunjin just chuckled, watching you try to escape, “where are you going, hmm?”
Seungmin looked at Jeongin with a slight eye roll, coughing to get Hyunjin’s attention.
“Sorry,” Hyunjin laughed, walking forward and taking the camera he’d left at Seungmin and Jeongin’s shared apartment, “thanks.”
Since Hyunjin had took the leap to move in with you, Jeongin had to find someone new. Of course Seungmin, within the first few days of moving in, knew of Jeongin’s un-obvious crush. Mixture of sleep talking and alcohol.
“If that’s all, we’ll be going,” Jeongin said, trying not to look Hyunjin in the eye.
“No! Stay for dinner!” you whined, smiling hopefully at the two boys.
Jeongin looked to Seungmin before looking back in your direction, making eye contact with Hyunjin and gulping nervously.
Seungmin grabbed Jeongin’s arm.
“Sorry, we’ve already ordered food,” he said, rather hastily.
“Aw, maybe next time?” you offered.
Seungmin smiled, nodding, “maybe. See you!”
“Bye guys,” you smiled.
“Bye,” Hyunjin said, going back to tickling you with his lips, your giggles ringing through the apartment as Jeongin and Seungmin left.
“Why are you still friends with him?!” Seungmin exclaimed, “you’re only hurting yourself!”
Jeongin turned to look at Seungmin, tears in his eyes as he sighed, “I’m an idiot, right?”
Seungmin scoffed, pulling him into a hug, “kinda.”
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The Most Bodacious Proposal
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27589744
missing scene before bnt proposing to the princesses
It was well past midnight and Bill was still working with Ted on their proposal speeches for princesses. Well, that wasn’t necessarily true. Not exactly. To be more precise- Bill was the one who was working on their proposal speeches for the princesses. Ted, on the other hand, had been staring at the rings  with the oddest intensivity in his eyes. Ten minutes passed by and there was no sign indicating that Ted would wake up from his totally atypical state. 
It was not only the staring thing either. Ted's whole body was completely frozen, his posture fixated in the ways that could only be described as the most uncomfortable. Comparing this to Ted's usual fidgety self, the contrast was jarring to say the least. Quite frankly, Bill was getting more and more worried about what was happening with his most esteemed colleague. 
Ted had to be going through some odious battles of the mental kind and there was an one only way for Bill to find out the source of it all. He had to ask a prized colleague of his what was wrong. After waving hands and saying Ted’s name turned out to be the most unsuccessful in catching his attention, Bill restored to gently tugging his arm. That seemed to do the trick. Ted virgiously shook his head, his hair creating a black halo around his head. Then he smiled sheepishly at Billn as to indicate that he entered again the same dimension everyone else occupied. 
“Sorry for zoning out on you, dude. That was totally unbecoming of me to do.” Ted tried to laugh to show how trivial the matter at hand was. If anything, it made Bill more concerned. It was the most unusual of Ted to hide his worries from Bill like this. Maybe from the others but not from him. The thought that Ted might not know how he could always count on him was nothing but heartbreaking. 
“No need to worry about that, Ted. Just say what non-non-heinous concepts are plaguing you, dude. It’s totally bogus to see you like this.” 
A beat of silence. Ted exhaled deeply, like he was trying to dispose a great weight from his shoulders with this action alone. It must have worked, though. The very next second Ted was ready to share the cause of his recently developed behaviour. Neither of them never could keep anything secret from each other. He should be well aware of that, with the amount of surprise birthday presents that turned out to be totally not a surprise.
“Bill, my lifelong companion, I must tell you something. The whole proposing to the princesses idea is making me feel the most heinous anxiety.” Ted confessed in a hushed tone, not once glancing in his friend's direction. Instead, he made himself busy by playing with his sleeves and looking at where he was touched just a moment before. Everything about this screamed “uncomfortable” to Bill. 
“No way, dude. We already have the rings and almost finished creating our stellar speeches. Jo and Liz are going to be totally enamored by us.”
“Yes way. What if I forget what to say? I don’t think I can do this, dude.”
Bill thoughtfully considered that. To blow a bodacious occasion like this would be the most non-non-non-resplendent thing to do. He could only imagine princesses hating them after this. If only there was a way to make sure everything will go exactly how they planned. 
“Dude, I have an excellent idea!!! We should practise with each other! That way there is no possibility something will go wrong later.” Bill grinned wildly, clearly proud of himself. Now Ted had no reason to be so stressed and they could get back to writing together. 
“You’re totally a genius, dude!” Ted shouted with excitement, weirdly flushed across his whole face but how was Bill to ask what that was about that. They had more important things to ponder about than Ted’s blush or the butterflies in Bill’s stomach at the sight of it. Yes, better to ignore that. 
Three air-guitars, two coffee breaks and one hour later, they were ready for the practice part. Ted was first to go as he had been the more worried one. Emphasis on the “had been” as now Bill suddenly was caught in a wave of uncertainty mixed with anticipation so strong he was starting to get a little light-headed. Nevertheless, before he could utter a word about maybe Ted was right about calling the whole thing off, the boy in question was already on one knee before him and Bill found himself unable to say anything. 
Ted unfolded a piece of paper and Bill couldn’t help but think of that one time the executioner was about to tell everyone he was sentenced to death. But that wasn’t exactly right as even then Ted was still by his side.
“As I swim through this dark and fearful sea of existence, surrounded by various creatures: sharks, eels, yellowtail, not to mention tiny barnacles and algae, man-o-wars, starfish, blowfish, catfish. Oh, no, that's freshwater.” 
Ted paused for felt like a second and an eternity at the same time. Their eyes were locked on each other. Bill took Ted’s unoccupied hand in his, pushed by desire he didn’t understand fully, too scared to think what it could mean. He could see the same kind of fear reflected in the eyes of his companion. Ironically, that was what gave him the strength to get prepared to hear the upcoming question.
“What I mean to say is: babe, will you take this promise ring and wear it always?”
They didn’t plan as far as to establish what the answer should be. If Bill should respond at all while Ted was looking for the said ring. There was no need for that. Bill couldn’t fathom the idea that there was a possibility of him not saying “yes”. Before he even knew that, he was already nodding eagerly. 
“Fuck yeah, dude. You should totally kiss me right now.”
Oh shit. Oh fuck. Shit. Time froze. Ted along with it. His one hand trying to fit the ring on Bill’s finger. The other one still held by Bill. That. That wasn’t something Bill wanted to say. That. That wasn’t something Bill should have said. Ever. They both have their princesses. They were doing all of this for the princesses. It wasn't real. None of it was. Why did he say that? Why-. Everything was screaming at Bill but Ted’s silence was still the loudest thing in the room. 
Bill opened his mouth. He didn’t know what he wanted to say. He just had to break this stillness. Its presence was the most oppressing and both of them were barely able to breathe properly. Bill could feel his hands were shaking. It was barely visible however Ted had to feel the sensation in his own hands. It was probably that what made Ted finally react to Bill's statement.
"I-." Ted started, hesitant of every word he was about to say. "I think you're right, dude. We should do it. Kiss, I mean."
"You're serious, dude?" Bill asked, not sure which answer he was dreading more. His face was on fire. Ted palms were starting to get a little sweaty but the last thing on Bill's mind was letting go of them. 
"The most serious, dude. For practice. Just on the cheek." The last part sounded more like a plea for mercy than a try at reasoning. Ted squeezed Bill's hands as he was waiting for the verdict. Everything about this felt fragile like nothing else before. Bill really doubted anything ever will.
"For practice." Bill repeated. A reminder, unclear for which one of them. Perhaps for both. Perhaps Bill would forever be left guessing if he was the only one. Tomorrow evening they will propose to their princesses. Tomorrow Elizabeth will be the one wearing the ring that’s now resting on Bill’s finger. Tomorrow-
Bill’s rather egregious train of thoughts was cut short by Ted kissing him on the cheek, just as he said he would. It still somehow managed to take Bill by surprise. They lived though the most peculiar adventures like time travel but the sensation of Ted’s lips brushing against his skin was still very much a novelty for Bill. It was such a simple action however none of them thought something like this could happen. It was a strange night, full of the most bizzare turns of events. Akin to a dream you forget the minute you wake up. Not remembering what happened here sounded totally odious.
“So what now, Bill? You wanna try saying it too?” Ted stopped kneeling, now standing before him. Ready to do whatever Bill suggested. His voice was once again cheerful and his smile as wide as the one sewn on his jacket. 
"Thanks dude but I'm way too exhausted to do anything more today. I think I'm just gonna go to sleep now." Bill lied. The truth was, he was a coward. To do anything other than decline this offer felt too dangerous to even consider. So he didn't. He couldn’t.
Instead, he laid on his bed. Thinking about the proposal that didn’t happen and his heart longing for the wrong person to say yes.
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diamondcamefromhell · 4 years
Jaskier x Fem!Reader pt.3
this is the last “writing gift” from me for today so i hope you enjoy, as i progressively go more and more delusional in this part, lol. i still loved writing it, but then again, i love writing about jaskier so, what’s new. also i probs need a name for this, feel free to message me any ideas <3
Warnings: Swearing, death
Word count: 2,186
I continued to stay with them, and Jaskier and I also continued training. Each session made me more comfortable with us being close, leading to way less blushing and heart flattering.
But I was still hopelessly in love with this stupid bard. And there was nothing I could do about it.
Things didn’t seem to get better, as we were approached by an older man, Borch Three, with two, absolutely gorgeous women by his side.  They were warriors, Tea and Vea, and they showed their abilities, which clearly intrigued Jaskier. I couldn’t blame him, they were impressive.
We went to a bar to discuss kings Niedamirs proposition, to hunt down a green dragon for some reward. I wasn’t paying much attention, jealously was getting in a way, as Jaskier couldn’t take his eyes of Tea and Vea. All I know is that we are tagging along because, according to the bard “the crazy witch” showed up.
Her name was Yennefer, and she was a beauty too. Great.
I tie Sky to the post near Roach, petting both of the horses. Geralt gives me a glance, but doesn’t tell me to stop touching her, which I feel is the next level of friendship. I hug Sky, purely because I need emotional support.
“Be good boy, okay? I will see you soon.” He neighs in response, and I twist on my heel. Borch stares at me, grabbing my arm.
“You have his heart, don’t you worry.” He silently whispers and I pull away, blushing.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I say, taking out my dagger.
Geralt decided I was grown enough to have a weapon of my own, kindly giving it to me one evening. He gave me two, actually, one silver and one iron. One for monsters, one for humans. Old man pats my arm, walking away. His place is soon replaced by an excited bard.
I hear the names of Tea and Vea come out of his mouth, and I decide to pay no attention to what he’s saying. Geralt seems distracted too, his eyes glued to the sorceress. This trip looks like it will be fun.
Just weeks ago I was terrified of all monsters. How am I now tagging along to kill a dragon? I stare at silver in my hands. I have not used it, not once. Jaskier and I continued using twigs for our practises. What was I getting myself into?
Next to two beautiful and strong warriors, Jaskier will never look for me. No, he will look just to see if I’m not dead yet. I glance at his lute, wondering how can he be so care free, considering we might not live. I should have said a proper goodbye to Sky. But it was too late.
It takes me awhile to realize the bard has gone quiet. I look at him, and he steals a glance at me.
“If you don’t find me interesting, just let me know.” He says, lifting his head up. Oh, if he only knew how interesting I found him.
“Sorry if I can listen to you blabbering about how amazing Vea and Tea are, as we are walking to kill a dragon.” I bitterly say, rushing ahead, hoping he wont try to converse with me again. But he does.
“I was actually talking about Geralt and Yennefer.” He points out, and I flush red.
“She saved your life, didn’t she?” I roll my eyes. “Why do you still hate her?”
“Okay. I will allow you to calm down.” Now Jaskier rushes ahead, chatting up the warriors as he reaches them.
Our first fight. Wonderful. I grunt. For most of the rest of the day, I am out of it. I just follow, silently. I know I must look like an angry child, but I couldn’t control my feelings. I was scared Jaskier might have found someone better than me. Not that its hard.
I only really snap out of it when Jaskier is almost attacked by some creature, and Yennefers knight kills it. Then we set camp. I don’t even try to mingle with the crew, silently crawling to my tent, feeling sorry for myself.
I wish Sky was here, I wouldn’t have to feel as lonely.
I did think things were progressing the right way between the two of us. But I guess, for him we were just becoming better friends, not anything more. I grunt, pulling up a cover over my face. I knew falling for a bard was a bad idea. But tell that to a lonely heart.
I hear singing, and of course, I recognize Jaskiers voice. I peep through my tent, looking at him. He’s wearing a red matching set, which in the fire makes him look almost ethereal. He plays the lute flawlessly, his voice filling up the air. He smiles at the warriors, but they don’t seem impressed. I know I would have been swept off my feet.
Then the bard glances my way, still smiling, he winks at me. As if we never had our argument. His heart is just too big. I rush back in my tent, falling back on the ground.
The night deepens and the voice silence. I begin to relax, before I hear a silent voice near my tent.
“Lady Y/N?” Jaskier whispers. “May I come in?”
“Jaskier?” I ask, knowing its him. I see him peep inside, smiling. “Sure, come in.”
“Thank you.” I crawl to the furthest corner, to be as far away from him. He seems to notice, and I can make his face out just enough to see that he’s frowning. “I won’t bite.”
“I know, it’s just…” I cant come up with an excuse, so I clear my throat. “Everything okay, Jask?”
“I was going to ask the same thing, Y/N. You have been distant today, didn’t even come out to hear me sing.” He crosses his arms. “And you always come to listen to me.”
“I could hear you from here.” I cant exactly see him, but I know he’s raising his eyebrows right now. “I’m just tired.”
“You’re scared.” Jaskier corrects, I rest my head on my knees.
“Yes, that too.” He giggles.
“But not of the dragon.” I don’t respond to that, just stare at him in the dark, trying to make out his face. Did he come here to tease me again? I wasn’t in a mood for that. “You know, Tae and Vae, they are incredible women.”
“Sure.” I say, gritting my teeth. I try to come up with a plan, where I kick him out, without causing a scene and waking up the entire camp.
“But they’re not dangerously cute.” I imagine he’s smirking right now.
“They’re however dangerous. Strong. Gorgeous.” I point out, closing my eyes. “Hard to impress.”
“Unapproachable, I might add.” Jaskier giggles again, and I stare at the grass, not sure how to feel.
“The Witcher is the most unapproachable… being I’ve met.” I can’t help, but smile. “Yet you made him your friend.”
“You have nothing to worry about,” his tone changes, to a warm and reassuring one, “is all I’m trying to say.”
“I’m not worried.” I say, although I can feel heat rushing to my face. I am glad it’s pitch black, and Jaskier cant see it.
“Okay, then you don’t have to be jealous.” My heart drops as I hang my mouth open. He definitely could see that, as he let’s out a laugh. “Don’t act so surprised, my darling, it’s obvious.”
“I’m not jealous.” I try to defend myself, but to no avail. Even in the dark I can see his smirk, as wide as it gets. “You can flirt with as many women as you please, Jaskier.”
“I may.” He leans back, not taking his eyes off me. “But I only sing about one.”
“I-“ I don’t even know what to say. I feel like I am about to burst. These mixed signals, I want to open this bard’s head and see what he actually thinks. What he feels. I shake my head. “I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have to. I just wanted you to know.” He leans over the tent, closer to me. “I do plan on only singing about one, too.”
“Jaskier…” All of the feelings I have been bottling up for weeks have been waiting for a moment like this.
I must make my shot, even if it doesn’t land, even if it makes things awkward between us. I lean in, pressing my lips against his. It’s a rushed, scared kiss, and I pull away quicker than I want to, but to my surprise, Jaskier leans in now, not letting me escape.
And I don’t plan to.
This kiss feels like I have travelled through a desert and finally got some water. A breath of air after I finished drowning. That sweet sun kiss after a cold winter. It felt like so many things, but most importantly, it felt right.
I wrap my hands around his neck, and I feel him smile. No, I can taste his smile. It tastes like honey, and the best ale your coin could buy. He pulls away, resting his forehead next to mine. He giggles, pulling away more. I look him in the eyes.
“I mean Geralt is the only woman I sing about, but you know.” He teases and I laugh, resting my head on his shoulder. “I guess you will do.”
“Fuck off bard.” I say, still laughing. All of my dreams coming true, right here, right now. I breathe him in, happy to finally hold him so close.
“I couldn’t let my dearest Y/N go to bed with a heavy heart.” Jaskier whispers, pulling away. “But I mustn’t disgrace you, and I will leave. We have a dragon to fight, after we are victorious, we will celebrate.”
“Geralt doesn’t want to kill the dragon.” I remind him, as he sighs, landing one last kiss on my forehead.
“I don’t write history, my lady, I write what people want to hear.” He whispers, and then proceeds to leave the tent. “May you rest easy now, Y/N.”
“You too, Jaskier.”
After my heart calms down, sleeps comes easy, because it feels like I am already dreaming.
The morning is pure chaos. Yennefers knight has been slain. She’s on her own, and although emotionless face is still on, I can tell Geralt is worried sick. Jaskier winks at me, reminding me last night was real, but he also seems slightly annoyed.
The dwarfs offer us a shortcut that we take, and no nobodies surprise, but Jaskiers disappointment, Yennefer joins us on Witchers request. When we reach the actual shortcut, however, I feel like I am about to throw up.
We have to walk around the mountain, from the edge. The path is alright for dwarfs, but us, normal sized humans, it was a death wish. I just got to kiss the man I adore, and now I will die. I silently cussed, as Yennefer ushered Jaskier to go first. I followed right after him, trying to not look down, which proved to be hard, as I needed to know if I am stepping on a path, or on death.
Sadly, things go sour. Borch and his warriors crashed through the planks. Geralt tried to hold on to them, pull them up, but they let go. I felt an ache in my heart, considering I never even gave him, or Tea and Vea a chance. They seemed like good people, only if my heart hadn’t gotten in a way.
The rest of us make it through. Not feeling as excited for our mission as we were before. I hated it now. This trip went from bad, to great, to horrible. I was mentally exhausted. Jaskier went to comfort Geralt. He tried, and from the snippets I caught, he gave him good advice.
What do you truly want.
I stare at the bard, as he sits on that rock alone. Witcher went to chat with Yennefer. I slowly approach Jaskier, sitting next to him. He looks at me.
“What is it that you want, Jaskier?” I ask as he shrugs.
“I want to figure it out.” He says. His hand reach for mine, intertwining our fingers together. “You will be the first to know. But what do you want, Y/N?”
“In my life I never felt like I could want anything.” I say, sighing. “But now, that I have the whole world open… I want to find a home.”
“Home…” Jaskier whispers. I wonder what he’s thinking.
“Home isn’t always a building, however.” I continue. “Sometimes it’s the people, sometimes it’s the forest or an open field. I want to find what home means to me.”
“That’s a good want.” Jaskier smiles. “Maybe I want a home too.”
I grip his hand tighter, as we both stare into the sunset. I hope Geralt and Yennefer also figure something out, as much as Jaskier doesn’t like her, she seems like a nice, strong woman.
I would like a friend like that.
PART FOUR [second to last part, dont worry, i wont drag it on forever lol]
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pairup-squareup · 4 years
lets talk about why r u ep 8, my friends!
some praise: the subs were on point this week. they are still, unfortunately translating clingy as ‘cringing’ but honestly, compared to previous episodes? they were timed right, they made sense. i hope they redo previous episodes.
lets get to some connntent
I’m so very glad this show is as horny as it is. I’m glad the actors are getting to be creative with the way they kiss. It makes everything flow, the difference between something you have control over vs someone else’s ideas for intimacy.
Tutor and Fighter’s dynamic is phenomenal. Fighter, released from the prison of repressed feelings is just exploding, he is crazy for affection. And Tutor is very much into being the one who guides it. Great work, a+, the kiss on the adam’s apple was outstanding.
And then Saifah and Zon!!! Jimmy and Tommy saying that the kiss was supposed to be just a peck, but they ‘went with the flow’ is very cool, and it show that they have input over their characters. No wonder, even when this show makes no goddamn sense, I still like it because the actors are owning their characters, bringing real life to them.
In more Zon news, Tommy is doing a phenomenal job of portraying someone with fairly serious anxiety. It’s little details. The looking for reassurance, but also the hugging of the pillow. As anyone with anxiety knows, you develop little habits to help yourself self soothe when you’ve been activated. And generalised anxiety doesn’t need much to start up.
Zon comforting himself, staying in the present via a grounding technique that also looks cute and innocuous is very good direction, it enriches the character.
Some plus and minuses!
+ candyOn said that there was a lesbian couple in this ep, and people speculate it’s Zol and the girl she was with. CandyOn please give me this, there has been such a dearth of queer girls in bl dramas. 
- god almighty i wish we could have skipped the girls “catching’’ zon and saifah and squealing about it. i know, i know, its the price we pay but christ.
+ they had a lot of story to get to, but they still dedicated a sensible amount of time to building the side couples, keeping the audience aware. more blue pls.
- lmao the audio in this episode was wild. they did not have a handle on the music at all, which is a shame, since its the fuckin music episode
+ zon’s hot mum
- zon’s parents being weird about it all in general.  However I really liked that we had a scene where Zon was legit hurt by their previous behaviour about his writing, and then now, so permissive about practising music.
+ the fighter is a sub agenda is alive and well. Tutor telling Fighter to sit on his hands like. Yes. Thank you for this delicious food.
+++ I cannot tell you how fulfilled I felt at Saifah and Zon’s kiss. It was unbearably tender, and all about choice. A stark contrast to teasing and being ratbags. I’m so happy.
This show’s plot is barely there. We live in a whirlpool of uncertainty. The characters are doing 100% of the lifting because there is no coherent vision. And I love it. I’m brought low with why r u feelings.
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I can see you
Author's note:
First, I never thought I would write a fic after almost two years later. I had this idea after watching a fanmade video about Arthur and Harleen falling for each other. I had fun while writing this, since Arthur is a completely new character (not following the comics). Please note that this is written purely for amusement and I don't profit from it.
Second, sorry for any typos. English is not my first language (Chilean Spanish for the win, everybody!). I hope you like it.
Warnings: angst, self hatred, a bit of swearing, sexual themes and stalking.
Words: 1.730
Summary: Arthur Fleck doesn't live. He barely manages to exist, devoid of any bond. Until one day, a woman reminds him of how much of a human he is.
He had seen her several times, but he never had the courage to talk to her. He usually avoided her when she was too close to him.
Arthur knew himself too well to know what would happen: his hated laughing fits. Therefore, he preferred to love her from distance, without her noting his existence. It was better this way.
The first time Arthur saw this young woman was in the hallway. She was going down the stairs to the seventh floor of the building. He cherished every move she did. This stranger danced while listening to music, thinking no one would notice her. She shook her figure as she mouthed passionately the lyrics of whatever song was listening. Arthur hid near the wall that divided the halls, and thus, the apartments.
He glared at her like a predator. His mouth watery caused by the hunger she woke within him. Arthur swore he could feel her in his arms, dancing vehemently to a song. He wondered during long periods of time how it would feel to touch her skin.
His lust was a loud, thundering storm that kept troubling his already cursed mind. But in the outside, the silence suggested indifference.
It kept like this for months. Arthur had also yearned for innocent things, such as a smile or even a kind word from her. He constantly fantasized about her and the guilt and regret fought after the lustful desires roamed through his fractured psyche. This was too much for him to bear. He wrote about the woman in his journal, dedicating pages of misspelled but honest thoughts. Arthur found a new way to cope with insomnia.
It was a rainy day when his feelings took another radical turn. Arthur returned to his flat after another shitty day of work. He headed towards the elevator, pressing the button to open it. He waited patiently. The bell rang and the sliding door opened.
"Fuck!", he hissed lowly when he saw her. She was carrying a bag and had her hair done in buns. Arthur thought she couldn't be more beautiful.
"Hi" she chirped, grinning at him.
"Hi" was all Arthur could reply after his failed attempt to keep his gaze in the ground. Was she actually talking to him? The beloved stranger noticed a trace of blood in his lips and sweetly asked:
"Are you alright?"
He remained silent for a few seconds, studying her expression. It was so kind and sincere.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Her question echoed through his mind. Even her voice turned out to be as smooth as her appearance. Arthur inhaled deeply.
"I am, miss. Thanks for asking" he replied puzzled, trying to figure out why would she even care.
The door opened and she politely waved goodbye to him and wishing him well. Arthur didn't give a verbal answer but he certainly waved back to her.
Arthur smirked. And his gesture did not disappear until he arrived home.
He built a routine in his free time. If he couldn't be with her, he was satisfied enough to watch her. At night, he usually followed her to the now empty playground. The woman was swinging in a rope made out of clothes stretched and extended in what seemed a big, dome-shaped cage like. The blonde had the habit to exercise there, not bothered by some bystanders (mostly men) who whistled at her.
Despite the jealousy that grew within him, Arthur understood it wasn't strange. He surely wasn't the only one after her affections.
He took a liking to this new scene: watching her move as if she was practising a gymnastic routine was fantastic. Her movements were so delicate, yet sensual. She seemed to go along with the air, soaring with it.
But she didn't notice, obviously. The girl would probably had gone running and screaming for help if she had discovered him.
Arthur was wrong. He was so wrong.
One day, he sneaked around wearing his yellow hoodie to preserve his identity. He was outside the building, hiding in the shadows. There she was again: beautiful and unreachable. Her long, platinum blonde hair fell like a waterfall. Arthur was amazed. She moved her arms in a graceful way once again, to flow through it in a twirl that swinged her back and forth. The girl seemed to smile before the risky move, congratulating herself in silence on this apparent progress.
Arthur laughed out loud, amazed. But he soon clasped a hand in his mouth. She turned around immediately to his direction. Arthur felt the panic and tried to run.
She called him. Not berating him but genuinely interested. There was no violence in her voice. Arthur argued with himself over and over about if this was a good idea from the beginning. The man was walking around like a disoriented dog while grasping his curly locks, out of fear and guilt. He stood still for a while, without saying a word.
He then realized the woman kept calling him.
Arthur tightened his eyelids, fighting the urge to run away. He kept still during long seconds until he finally decided to face her. It was now or never. Little did he know that she was just a few feet away from him.
Once Arthur turned around, he almost tripped taking a step away from her. He stared at the young woman: she showed no signs of fear or disgust. In fact, she seemed curious about him. She clawed at the fence that separated the playground from the building and dead end alleys. He imitated the action, staring directly at her eyes, blue like summer sky. She smiled at him, her perfect teeth shining like pearls. And it was in this moment when Arthur could pay more attention to her attributes. The girl in question was the owner of an astounding beauty: expressive blue eyes, pink full lips which formed a sweet smile. And that was only her face. Arthur was infatuated. Her face lit up once her lips curved into such expression. Was she hypnotizing him?
He wouldn’t mind, of course.
Arthur stared at her mouth, and wonders how it would feel against his own cracked, dry lips.
But her body was another wonder. She wore a white, long, sleeveless shirt adjusted to her body shape, leaving nothing to imagination. God, if he only could trace his fingers down her hips he'd die happily.
He continued his private appreciation watching the grey shorts that left her most of her thighs uncovered. He then darted his eyes up to her hair. Her long, slightly wavy strands of hair were dyed in two different colours: the right side was strawberry pink from the half down. Same with the left side, except the colour was a electric blue. It added a dreamy touch to her.
Arthur pictured himself playing with her hair, doing little curls with it. It looked so silky.
"You've been enjoying my show, have you?"
Arthur looked up to her again.
"Yeah" he muttered, ashamed.
"Why the long face, babe? It's not like I'm upset", the woman said.
Arthur stared at her again, but out of confusion.
"Are you not upset?"
"At all" she quickly replied, "I like when people see me, actually".
Arthur felt a cold shudder in his back. It was in this moment he sensed something in his chest. He perceived it as the natural reaction to the first conversation he held with someone else without the other significant being weirded out of him. This common trait was enough to give him hope of a new, happy chapter on his mirthless life.
"Yeah... You know, I like when people see me too".
The woman nodded and leaned her face into the fence. Arthur took a deep breath and it didn't take too long to emulate the pose. She was bold enough to let him come closer to her as if she wanted him to kiss her.
"What's your name?" He hummed against her face.
"Harleen Quinzel", she answered "and you are...?"
"Arthur" he rushed to give his reply, "my name is Arthur Fleck--".
A chuckle escaped his throat.
'Oh, no. Not now, not now please', Arthur silently begged as his loving expression fade away so shame would take its place.
His brain of course showed no mercy.
The laughing fit lasted almost ten minutes. It was the first time in years that he truly believed he was going to die of suffocation. He struggled with choking more than two times every minute. Arthur wasn't completely drawn into his fit. He looked for a fraction of seconds at the girl. Harleen shocked at first. After a few moments, she joined him believing innocently he was laughing out of amusement.
"You know, you can tell me the joke so we can laugh together".
Arthur wasn't able to silence his noisy curse. He only covered his mouth, shaking his head trying to make her see the desperation in his eyes. Harleen's facial expressions morphed from fun to actual worry when Arthur's hand reached his throat in an useless attempt to breathe, still clawing at the fence with the one that left free. Her eyes widened in horror. Arthur felt too powerless to even show her the card explaining his fucking condition. It was alright if she wanted to run away. He already accepted his shameful defeat.
However, to his surprise, she nimbly climbed up the fence to help him. The stalker was too weak to keep standing but when he was crumbling into the ground, Harleen helped him to stand up.
She spoke to him, reassuringly. And she spoke so many things he couldn't process while taking him to a bench to contain him. So far she was a few seconds ago and now she stood with him throughout the painful laughter.
"I'm sorry--" Arthur tried to hide his face in his arm but Harleen seemed to understand... Or at least took pity on him.
The laughing fit finally ended and Arthur got a card from his pocket. He remained silent, disgusted with himself. The blonde took it and read it carefully. Her serene gaze towards the object comforted Arthur slowly. Once she finished reading it, she returned it to his owner. Harleen seemed truly surprised... Or maybe scared. He didn't know and felt too embarrassed to even talk to her. One thing was for sure:
Arthur Fleck never felt uglier in his life.
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The Shark
My first writing of any kind in like - years. 2K words of me playing with the toys I put away so long ago and missed.
Card shark Killian Jones has taken Mills Casino for a sweet half a million. So they send in the best woman for the job of bringing him down. But when sparks fly, can either of them keep a cool head?
White teeth bit down upon blood red lips. Jade green eyes were framed by brows drawn into a straight line. The fingers of her free hand, the one not holding a fan of cards, drummed lightly against the emerald green baize of the card table. 
Killian Jones resisted the urge to smile. Such tells were clearly those of a novice, one not used to the high stakes of Mills Casino and certainly not the cordoned-off area in which they now played, one step before the high stakes section which sat behind a glossy back door behind her. He eyed the stack of golden chips that lay beside the tiny purse she had placed down when she sat, her long legs swivelling around the short stool, revealing the short hem of her red dress. Not short of coin, at least. He hid a smirk, this time by peeling off the black leather jacket he wore. 
The lass with the golden hair nodded, taking another card into her hand. He watched her brow wrinkle for a second. Bust. Then her eyes raised, meeting his cool blue ones, a flash of electricity racing through his veins. He took a deep breath. Aye, she was gorgeous, but so was he. Clearly he had been too long without company in his bed if only a glance from an attractive woman sent waves of heat through his body, his groin tightening and then thickening in response. Fuck. He frowned and concentrated on his cards.
This was child’s play, she thought, as she watched the dealer take her cards and her chips. Pretending to be bad at Blackjack, looking like a beginner, losing a few- hundred - dollars (expensed, naturally): piece of cake. If she were to be truly honest, the accent threw her. She knew he was British and had been prepared for the queen’s English. But the honey smooth timbre of his foreign tones had threaded straight through her the first time he’d spoken.
She schooled her features in the innocent mask she had practised that afternoon. But ignoring him, well, that had been a little harder. She’d seen a picture, of course. Mills Casino had tabs on all its high rollers, especially when they took the house for a cool half million only a week ago. Actually, Emma had anticipated having to work a little harder to track him down. Surely, he wouldn’t return to the scene of his crime so soon. But the card counting crook had. Maybe he was arrogant. He certainly looked arrogant. All dressed in black, fingers covered in silver rings, shirt unbuttoned to show an almost unseemly amount of chest hair. But that wasn’t just it. There was something there. It was magnetism. Something that didn’t come across in a security image or a copy of his ID. He radiated confidence and… heat. Even from across the table she’d had to thank her great foundation for the hiding the blush she felt when their eyes met and she saw their deep blue.
And blushing was not her. Not Emma Swan, hard ass, ex con, best damn bail bonds person on the east coast.
She signalled to the waitress and ordered a Manhattan. She didn’t often drink on the job, but this was medicinal. She needed to think straight. To relax.
Her lips caressed the rim of the glass. Images of more enjoyable uses for that mouth taunted him every time he looked in her direction. He should stop looking. He was here to work. Almost a week’s break - in honour of the nice payday he had won last week - had been unheard of time for him until now. Routine was important. Focus was essential. Mistakes - fatal. 
Tonight was for taking it easy. Perhaps it was brazen to show his face again, at least so soon. But he was almost certain his activities had gone undetected. That said he had done nothing illegal… more frowned upon. Frowned upon with fists. By casino security. He flinched briefly as he remembered his first foray into the depths that department. He’d had a swollen lip and black eye for a week. And he’d learned a valuable lesson.
She ran her finger tips along her clavicle. Her long wavy hair had fallen over her shoulder, sweeping along the low neckline of her dress, the shade of her cleavage drawing his eyes. 
Bloody hell. What was it about her? He felt�� drunk. Even though his two fingers of rum had remained untouched since he sat down. The cards were turned and he lost. Again. Three hands in a row, his count had been obliterated by blonde hair and long legs. 
He picked up his glass and downed the contents in one go. He nodded to the dealer and tossed him a couple of chips before picking up his jacket and heading for the exit.
What the fuck?
She racked her mind for the file she had built up on him.
Killian Jones never, never, left a table before he had at least doubled up. And he never left the casino floor before 3am. She glanced at her watch. It was just after midnight.
She had to get him tonight. Tomorrow, he could be gone. This was the first sign of him in days. She could just call out regular security to stop him, but Regina Mills valued discretion above all else. She did not want even a whiff of a scene. Which was why her services had been needed.
A second later, she was following him, making rapid little steps in her too-high heels as she headed for the VIP exit that meant high rollers didn’t have to walk the whole casino floor to get to their hotel room - or back onto the street.
She nodded at Tiny, the tall, bearded security officer who held open the door for her, as she made her pursuit. But she had only made a few paces along the dimly lit corridor before she felt a hand upon her wrist. A warm, strong hand. It was him, he’d been waiting where corridor intersected with another, stepping out to block her way as she halted in shock.
She thought he had blue eyes? No, they were sapphire. Dazzling sapphire. Hot, glittering sapphire.
This was the moment when she should have protested, men did not grab her without hearing a piece of her mind. Instead, she shook her arm free and stepped back.
Killian enjoyed watching her expression change - from shock to curiosity to idignance. If he said he wasn’t used to the way women reacted to him, well, he’d be a liar. And a liar he was not. Bending the truth however... 
“Can I help?” he asked, rubbing his fingertips across his lips.
She looked momentarily stunned as if she did not know what to say. But she had followed him. He’d watched out the corner of his eye as she had seen him leave. Things were getting interesting. He liked interesting.
“Are you lost, love?” he asked, caressing the endearment with his tongue, taking a step closer and enjoying her flush.
Her shoulders straightened and she smiled. “I’m exactly where I want to be.”
Interesting. Well then…
He reached out and cupped her cheek. “You blush when you’re winning.”
“I do not-” she protested.
His land moved lower and skimmed across the exposed skin of her chest. “Here,” he added.
He could feel the racing of her heart as his fingers moved. His own pulse answered with a similar beat. By God, she was magnificent.
This was not going according to plan, she thought, as her skin burned from his touch. The cuffs should be on already. He should have been dragged down to the security room by now. Instead she was staring, her mouth a little open, her gaze fixed upon his stubble coated cheek which his knuckles has just passed over. Would those little hairs be hard and rough, or soft? She held out her hand and touched it. Soft, she thought, kissable.
Clearly there was some mutuality in that thought. His gaze dropped to her lips. His free hand found her waist and drew her closer. Then, his mouth was upon hers.
Soft and warm and strong. He tasted like spiced rum. His musky cologne mixed with the smell of the expensive leather jacket he wore. She sank into his kiss, letting her mind block out all the (very good) reasons that this was a very, very bad idea. Convincing herself it was just a kiss as her fingers slotted into his hair and he turned her, pressing her back against the flocked wallpaper of the corridor wall, sliding his thigh between hers. His heavy arousal pressed against her hip and she ground against it. Revelling in the feeling of power it gave - well, the illusion at least.
If the urge to pull up her skirts and take her right there had been even a little stronger, he would not have been able to resist. But Killian Jones was nothing if not a gentleman and even for him, taking a lass up against the wall in a public corridor would be a faux pax. He didn’t even know her name, and such information was a bare minimum requirement for his bed partners, or not bed in this case. He let his hands caress her waist and the delicious curve of her hips, drawing under her buttocks and pulling her tighter against him, torturing himself with the sensation of bodies entwined save for a few layers of infernal clothing. He wanted her. God, he needed her. The ache in his blood since she’d first appeared was reaching fever pitch.
He moved his lips to her neck, nibbling down the soft skin, allowing his lust to cool a moment.
“Do you have a name, love?”
Name. Yes, she had a name.
The question had cracked the spell she was under. Not broken it, she still felt heady with desire and something a little stronger than lust. But her name... It was at stake. This rogue, this scoundrel, with the silken tongue and gorgeous accent was her mark. She laid her head back against the wall, took a deep breath and tried to clear her head and ignore the sensation his lips were making upon her neck.
“Yeah, I do. Swan. Emma Swan,” and with one hand she reached into her purse and pulled out the cuffs she had brought. “Mill’s Security.”
He froze, his lips pulling away from her skin as the words sunk in.
“Ah,” he sighed. He jerked, ready to make a move. But, she was quicker. In a few quick moves, she had his face pressed where she had been, his hands behind him and she was fastening the cuffs. He didn’t struggle, which at first gave her pause, until she swung him around and saw the arrogant smile on his lips.
“Well lass, if that’s what you’re into, you just had to ask.”
She rolled her eyes, “Watch it, buddy.”
“Indeed I shall,” he replied, his eyes travelling down her skimpy red dress.
She pushed him ahead of her along the corridor.
Well, this was a turn for the books. Never had he been bested in such a manner. It felt oddly amusing. Perhaps more so if he wasn’t still feeling somewhat amourous, his body protesting against the abbreviation of the enjoyable activities. He liked this woman, this Swan. The name suited her. Graceful, elegant, strong. No one messed with a swan; powerful buggers they were if you got too close. 
Well then.
He let her steer him along the corridor, taking a left before the exit, stopping at a large unmarked door. She punched a code into the security pad beside it and pushed the door open. Inside, there was a table with a chair on each side and little else to speak of. 
She nudged him to sit.
“So, Swan, not you have me all to yourself, what now?”
She might have rolled her eyes at his question but she couldn't hide the blush. “Puh-lease, you are far too into yourself.”
“Merely an avid observer of womankind.”
She licked her lips. “You sit, I make a call, I get paid and you…” She let the words hang in the air before shrugging. “Well, that’s not my area.”
He chuckled, noting the interesting shiver of disappointment that rippled down his spine. “Tis a pity.”
“Yeah,” she  hummed, letting her eyes linger on him for a moment as she reached for the door handle. She squared her shoulders. “Sit tight, revenue protection have a few things they want to talk to you about.”
One last time, she met his eyes. He fancied he saw regret. 
Then the door closed.
She made the call from the courtesy phone along the hall, cell service being patchy at best in the depths of the casino. Now all she had to do was wait, make the handover and then head home for a hot bath and a large glass of pinot. Or two.
Her skin began to rapidly cool as the fever of those moments together faded into memory. God he could kiss. And his hands… and… She flushed as she revisited the sensations. She’s almost lost herself in the embrace. If it had gone on a moment or two more-
The back of her hand pressed against her mouth. He was a fraud, a conman, a manipulator. Making people feel things was what he did. It meant nothing. Even if it had been so long since she had felt anything beyond the basic mechanics attraction. It had just been to long. That was it. 
She tapped her foot impatiently. They should be here in a moment. She should check on him. 
Hurrying back to the room, she stilled her breathing before entering the code to open it. She would just check. Make sure he was… well, something. The door opened and she peered inside. The handcuffs were on the floor, a corner of the carpet pulled away to reveal a small trap door. More importantly, there was no Killian Jones.
Mother fucker!
Brushing himself off, Killian made his way out of the underground parking lot. The cuff key he always carried was tucked away in his vest pocket. He made a mental note to send Tiny a bonus, those details about the service shafts has come in very useful.
If he felt regret as he joined the busy mele outside the casino, he pushed it away. She was just another woman, this swan. Nothing to concern himself over.
And if he paused at the next sight of blonde hair and red fabric, well, that was another matter.
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missjoker96 · 4 years
This is another piece, written for my beloved friend @arthurflecksgirl because she deserves to be happy and loved.😘
The girl can be every female reader again.
Warning: This piece has nothing to do with my other written stories!! It's an own chapter and it came into my mind earlier. It also reminds on the subway scene, but it's my own written piece.
Enjoy it :)
What For A Cruel World
It was a cool evening in Gotham City as you left your work to go home.
You were alone, because your boyfriend was at home and waited for you to come home and kiss your lips hungrily.
He loved to threat you like his princess, because you were the only one who understand him, take care of him and love him. Other people would only insult him, beat him, kick him to the ground and call him a freak.
Maybe he was a freak, but then you both were two freaks in a cruel world full of hater and criminal people.
You walked to the subway station and waited until the subway arrived. Your heart was racing, because you were alone and not many people were around. A few minutes have passed and the subway arrived.
You got inside and sat down on a single seat and you felt a little safer, but your luck was over as you suddenly hear male voices. You try to ignore them, but it was impossible.
It was new for you that people stared at you in public places and even talk to you and suddenly you remember that you forgot to put your clown make up off.
"Fuck, I totally forgot to put my clown make up off.." You spoke to yourself in a whisper and a cold shiver ran down your back. You hoped that they would let you in peace, because you have nothing done wrong.
There was only a friendly and happy clown girl who wanted her peace.
One of the guys stepped closer and shouted.
"Hey clown! What's up?"
You didn't look at him and tried to ignore them all, but the next one asked his question and this one wasn't polite anymore.
"My friend just asked you something, clown! Better you answer him before I punch into your face."
You were scared and didn't know what to do. You couldn't escape them, because they were three big guys and probably clown haters. Always clowns! Why did they hate clowns? They are there to bring laugh and joy to unhappy faces.
And you were a friendly and happy clown. At least your face told that you look happy. The only part that was missing was your red clown nose, because you already took it off once you left your work. The clown nose made you to a clown and sometimes it was very uncomfortable to wear, because you were not only a nurse. Being a clown doctor made you happy, because you have seen it already in your boyfriend who works as party clown.
He was your idol.
Back to reality...
You began to sweat and you only wished that these guys would let you in peace, but they were looking at you with their annoyed and angered faces.
"I.. I am about to drive home from my work. What do you all want from me?"
You were scared and you looked into the eyes of all three men. One of them began to laugh and touched your hair, because he found you sweet and shy. The second one noticed the red clown nose in your bag and took it out, because he wanted to put it on your own nose. The third man clapped into his hands and spoke to his friend.
"Put her the clown nose on. A clown is only a clown with a red nose, right?"
They were right, but had no idea that you didn't want to wear it anymore. It hurt you within the time and to wear it a whole day, hurt really on your nose. And you never thought about paint a red nose, but this would be the next step in your future as clown doctor.
Children loved clown noses more on clowns, than a painted one. You have seen it yourself and right now you only had two choices.
Put your clown nose on or see the consequences.
Of course you decided to put it on and you grabbed the nose from your bag and after a moment you were the perfect clown again.
"The clown is complete. Is there anything else I can do before I leave the subway? The next station is mine." You looked at them and grabbed your stuff already, because you were ready to leave.
You thought they would let you in peace after you did what they wanted from you, but the fun just began as one of the guys stole your bag and threw it out of his sight. The next guy began to laugh at you and the third began to sing a song about clowns.
You felt how hot tears appear on your eyes and you ran to your bag with your stuff and fell to the ground, because the subway arrived your station. Good that you are a girl, because if you were a man then they would have probably kicked you to the ground. The subway soon stopped and you took your bag in your hand again, but you fell to the ground and all three men laughed.
"Stupid clown!!"
Insults. Clown haters everywhere and you left the subway half crying and ran away. Not many people were around and you didn't care a lot, because you were deeply hurt. Now you understood why people hate clowns and you wanted to know why.
"Look, a lost clown! Can we help you?"
A group of young people were looking at you and you didn't want to talk to them. You were a sad clown now and your make up was a mess of colours and you wore your clown nose.
"I don't need help." You said and stopped to run, because you were already away from the subway station. The next few streets and you would be at home again where your beloved Arthur waited for you. He would save your evening with his lips, his gentle hands and his warm body to keep you warm the whole night.
"Of course not, freak! Leave before we teach you a lection."
Your heart raced again as your ears heard this and you started to run again. What kind of nightmare was this? And why was Gotham such a cruel city beside the dirt and the rat plague? It definetely couldn't continue like this.
You kept on running until you arrived the building where you lived with your boyfriend. After you stepped inside, you waited for the elevator and saw the pictures in your minds again. The pictures of your horrible trip from your work to your home. And it only happened, because you were dressed as a friendly and happy clown.
Once you were in the elevator, you pushed the button to your floor and kicked your foot against the old thing. Anger grew inside of you beside your tears and your faked happy face. You didn't care if your make up was a mess, because you would get rid of it once you were in the bathroom.
The elevator reached your floor.
You stepped outside and went to Appartement 8J.
Instead of knocking at the door, you banged your head against the door. Arthur opened the door and looked shocked at your face expression.
"Oh my god, (your name). What happened to you?"
He took you into his arms and closed the door to check what happened to you. You could see his green eyes, his shocked face and you sank into his arms before you began to speak.
"I hate people. You know me that I am a very shy girl around random people, but just because I am a clown they thought they could hurt me with insults, laughing at me and force me to put my clown nose on. I can't take this anymore, Arthur."
You cried your tears out of your eyes and you smeared your ruined make up on Arthur's face, but he didn't care and stroked your hair gently with his fingers. All you wanted was to be friendly, but to get insulted was enough to hurt you. But Arthur understood you very well.
"They should be glad that I wasn't with you, because then I would have showed them what real fun is. Come, (your name). We will clean the make up from your face and then let me kiss the pain away from you."
He couldn't await the kiss and placed his soft lips upon yours. The clown nose of you was in the way and Arthur giggled before he removed it from your nose. You felt safe in his arms and closed your eyes for a moment, because you needed this affection and love from your boyfriend.
And your voice sounded so sweet as ever before.
"But a clown is only a clown with his red nose on, right sweetheart?"
You looked into his eyes again and he placed his warm hands on your cheeks. A warm smile appeared on his handsome face and he spoke to you with sweet words.
"My sweet, (your name).. Yes, a clown's mark is the red nose. And he wouldn't be the perfect clown without it, but you are the cutest and prettiest clown I've ever seen. Let me remove your make up now."
Arthur's words made you happy and you took the clown nose and put it on his nose. A giggle escaped from your painted lips and you kissed his lips deeply. He repeated your kiss and whispered into your ears.
"I love you so much, (your name)."
You wrapped your arms around Arthur's neck and repeated his words.
"I love you too, Arthur. We both are clowns and we will show it these clown haters."
Arthur looked at you with an evil smirk on his face and took you on his arms. He agreed with you and took you into the bathroom, because he wanted to share a nice and romantic bath with you.
"Yes, we will show them that clowns can fight back in their own funny way. We can defend ourselves better than our enemies can."
You laughed and were so glad that your beloved Arthur was a clown too, like you. And you could thank him to be a clown. He showed you how to practise being a funny clown before you started a second job as clown doctor.
First you were afraid, but now you loved it and the most important thing was that your boyfriend loved your skills as funny clown doctor and he knew that you would make it in your role as clown...
(I wrote this piece, because I knew that you were so sad and hurt the last days and had to write something to make you feel better again. I hope you feel a little better now my dear.♡♡♡)
#Fanfiction #Clowns #ArthurFleck
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