#whoever commented friendship is found in the dances
lostheretics · 4 months
▸ chapter 6; bonnie, clyde, and the others on the side
pt. 1 || pt. 2 || pt. 3 || pt. 4 || pt. 5 || pt. 6
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✵ cast : jung wooyoung x fem!reader, kim hongjoong, lee juyeon, kim younghoon, ateez, mentioned oc and many kpop artists name or group
✵ genre : romance, marriage life, eventual angst, smut, mafia!au, non idol!au
✵ summary : there's you, and me, and us, and oh wait. perhaps there's more.
in which marriage is not always a paradise, honeymoon avenue somehow is far behind as you look through the rearview mirror. and beware of the road ahead, for accidents might happen. road work, traffic jam,
or some stranger trying to get a lift, perhaps for a permanent front seat.
✵ notes : 6k-ish. thanks for waiting, to those whoever awaits i guess. PLS REBLOG (i will appreciate this sm) AND GIVE SOME THOUGHTS IF U HAVE THEM. ENJOY
☒ warnings: bad words here and there (it's life, but still minors dni) but do remind me if i missed something.
☒ i do not condone mafia acts nor any acts that goes against the law at all. everything mentioned are just purely fiction, made to entertain myself and fellow readers in this particular platforms.
☒ do not repost this on any other platform without my permission!
✓ reblogging, liking, and commenting this post in tumblr (through comment or askbox) are very much appreciated.
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i don’t know how exactly to start this one. 
but it’s about younghoon, the crown prince of seoul, the heir of the seoul kim family and the huge problem he’s facing right now. he’s in a deep shit. the shit being the problem that could swallow him whole. the huge problem being falling in love. 
how is it a problem? one might ask.
well, he fell in love with a woman he’s not supposed to fall in love with. for god’s sake, it was supposed to be just a one night job. a good friendship, a good business partner if it goes for more. but he overstepped. he couldn’t help it. not to mention the woman he fell in love with is already tied down to another man. 
simply put, he somehow fell in love with jung y/n. 
and most of all, over a single fucking ice cream night. 
as he laid on his bed, his mind could only go back on repeating the moment, on and on again. 
you were such a good dancer. 
you’re a really good dancer. 
younghoon’s brain kept on saying so as each of his hand held your waist and hand, guiding you through a dance in one of mrs. han’s party that you got yourself into. 
he still couldn’t believe how easy it is for you to get an invitation over a single lunch and conversation with mrs. han. 
safe to say you had charmed the lady. 
and not long into the party, you had once again charmed your way into her heart. and her daughter’s heart more importantly, with the talk of younghoon’s brother, the main target of the whole operation. you charmed them so much to the point that mrs. han had set a formal date to meet both the families up. of course, with the thoughts of marital proposal and possible mergers of the two powers. 
the outcome of it might still change, but you still got the two families to meet up with each other and that alone is impressive enough to him. 
that’s why you and younghoon spend the rest of the evening dancing and chatting. the job is practically finished, and what’s left was easing up to each other. 
“i owe you for this one. a promise and more, i think. you’ve landed my whole family a new ally, and my brother a possible wife. in less than a month, i might add.” he had said while leading you on a dance. 
you’ve found that younghoon, more than just a charming man, is also a good and down earthed one. 
you smiled at him, “it’s a possible outcome, but not yet certain, mr. kim.”
“younghoon. it’s kinda too fast, but we’ve come this far and i think it’s safe to say we can certainly be on first name basis now, y/n.” he said, “only if you’re comfortable with it, of course.”
“…if you say so, younghoon.” 
younghoon smiled back. it might sound awkward still, but for that, time can be the cure. not everything can be done instantly anyways. 
the dance stopped after a while. younghoon and you had several rounds of conversations around the room, keeping the couple act up. his hand would be guiding you by your back, fixing your dress or holding your drink or handbag whenever you need the help, including you in every conversation. 
he truly is a gentleman. 
mrs. han, as the socialite she is, invited many important guests. though filled with other socialite wives, there are some prominent figures like deputy chief of the police, in which younghoon is close to, several high ranked people from ministry of health, or even other well-known and successful businessmen and businesswomen from all around the country. everything fell like a domino effect to you, just by knowing younghoon alone. 
after a while, you and younghoon came to the realization that you both were not a fan of the crowd. hence, you both decided to shy away from the crowd and opting to sit by the empty gardens, a bowl of ice cream in on one hand and your champagne glasses on the other. 
quietness filled you both as you enjoy the way the star shone that night, while munching on the vanilla ice cream you got from the ice cream bar inside. 
“this reminds me of the first time i met you, you know.” younghoon broke the silence. you turned to him with a raised eyebrow, telling him to elaborate. 
“i was getting away from the crowd in juyeon’s party so i went to the gardens. instead of watching the sky, i had to watch this lady fainting in the middle of the garden in a party—“
“ugh.” you groaned. 
“—and i had no choice but to help her, because i’m such a gentleman.” he jested. 
you closed your eyes. “that’s the most embarrassing thing to ever happen in my entire life.”
“imagine the shock when i learned this lady who fainted would soon become my business partner? and great one at that?” 
“great one? i’m flattered, younghoon.”
“and you should be. with the amount of achievement? so many in so little time.” younghoon said. 
you chuckled lightly. you looked at the hem of your dress, playing with it to satisfy your fidgety urge. 
“i had to. you know, for the family. for my husband, given the state we were in.” you murmured, “i only want stability, if not with peace.”
it wasn’t the first time you mentioned your husband’s name to him. some people in the mafia know that you are jung wooyoung’s wife, and he your husband. younghoon knew that too. but most of the times you were with younghoon, you never failed to mention your husband’s name. him being a great caporegime, good strategist, good husband who took you to meetings, et cetera. and always with a smile on your face. it never failed to amaze younghoon just how much love you have for him. 
“how does it feel like?” he blurted out suddenly. 
“to be married. to be in love in this… society of ours.” he said. “you seemed to be in love with your husband, which isn’t an everyday thing that happen here, you know? ‘cause most relationships are… benefit based. arranged marriage, forced ones… so how?”
“oh, that.” you smiled. “because there isn’t any benefit. we’re just… in love with each other. i didn’t came from any mafia group or family, it just happen that i worked for one without knowing they’re one, and i just met wooyoung. just like that. it’s unlikely in the mafia world, and the ways are also unlikely to happen in a normal world. but we dated, we fell harder, and decided to settle down.”
“and to me, at least, it feels great. i don’t think i’ll ever feel this way again. not before him, not after him.” you had mouthed in the end, unconsciously pouring up some of you heart contents. 
younghood sighed. “must be beautiful.”
“you could’ve got all of it, you know. just now.” 
“how so?”
“the arrangement with the han’s daughter. might be an arrangement, but a good and stable one at that. i mean, you’re the crown prince of your family. you have power. just treat her right, and tell her to treat you right, then you wait for the love to bloom. might take time, might not be the same as mine, but a win win solution still.” you expressed. “why giving it all away for your brother? no offense, he looks like a great guy like you, but why?”
younghoon chuckled. the usual question. after all, who in their right mind would give away all powers like just that? 
“hm, where do i start?” he murmured to himself, then continued.
“to put it easily, i’m here, but i don’t wanna be here. my heart isn’t fully in this. despite my rank, birth and responsibilities, my brother is more suited for this job. that's why he's always around me, i might hand him this job. hence, the arrangement and all."
“what is it then, the thing you want to do the most?”
he leaned back a bit. eyes looking up, seemingly thinking and lost in his thoughts. you stared at him, stared at the way his eyes mirror the twinkling of the stars, and the way he tugged his lips up. 
“a doctor.” he quietly said, after a while. “a real one. not for my family’s business. going all around the world as a volunteer, and actually helping actual people in need.”
“when i was in uni, i wanted to pursue a med career. but my dad didn’t really approve of it— of my future career choices in med as a volunteer. and med field are most held by my uncle and his children. so my dad offered me a chance for a med career, just not in the actual med field, but more on the business site. so i took law as my major and business as my minor and took over one of our hospitals.” he explained, before continuing, “but, i still make the best out of it. i volunteered a lot in uni, and my hospital is one of the best hospital in seoul in its practices, and we have a lot charity events to help people.”
you stared at him, awed. there was no words that could describe how amazed you are. 
“wow.” was all you could say. 
silence filled the both of you for quite some time. each of you let the conversation sink in deep, trying to understand each character, though perhaps in a light that’s slightly different from the usual one in the underworld. there were no hostility, no walls kept up too high, no tactics. 
just two people in a mellow moment, enjoying each other’s company and in harmony. 
following your own question, he then asked.
“what about you, y/n? what kind of life do you want to live?”
now, it was your time to be the one deep in thoughts. the one who stare at the stars, humming to yourself, thinking of the right answer. 
“not a mafia one, to be honest.” you murmured, “but… ever since i met wooyoung, i feel like… i’ve lived my life. that i’m living in the life that i want,” 
”with the one that i love most.”
somehow your words seemed so sincere to younghoon’s ears. so pure, so innocent, and so dreamy. something that he once dreamed of, something, or dare he say, someone that he wished for. 
and somehow, you left younghoon star struck. 
how will he ever move on? how will he ever find someone if he set such standard for his love life? a fairytale like love life, in this kind of environment. 
he wondered about the life that you have with wooyoung, wondered if he ever will have those life. he wondered what if he was the one you met instead of wooyoung. 
wishful thinking, eh?
but that’s all they are; thoughts. his gentlemanly self wouldn’t have it in his heart to steal like that. to take someone else away just for his own. no, he’s not that kind of man, and he stood by that. 
yet it didn’t do anything to erase your pictures from his mind. at least for the night. it doesn’t lessen the warmth bubbling in his gut as he type his message to you in his phone; the eagerness to see you as soon as possible. 
me: evening y/n. is tomorrow’s plan still up?
younghoon put his hand down, tapping his phone against his bedsheet as he anxiously wait for a reply; if any would come. the clock on his bedside table showed the time. 1:47 am. you must’ve fallen asleep, right?
jung y/n: wouldn’t miss it. see u soon, hoon
younghoon think he might need to see a doctor now. his heart’s beating way too fast. 
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you: woo you: i dont think i can send lunch today cause im visiting the kims at their house. im sorry :(((((( you: pls dont miss lunch ok i asked the butler to send u some food. ilysm you: also idk when i’ll be home, so pls sleep early. i promise u’ll see me in ur dreams xo
you sighed, just after your thumb clicked on the send button for the last message. 
sending lunch for wooyoung is one of your sacred daily routine ever since marriage, and this would be the first time for you not to do so. you sighed again, trying to get the uneasiness to subside so you can focus on your job today. 
but it’s still there. prickling you slightly from the inside, initiating the thoughts and realization that you haven’t met wooyoung that much these past few days. 
waking up today, you could only share a quick peck as wooyoung was in a hurry for a mission, so he said. last few days you could only drop his lunch and left as quick to continue your own job. suddenly everyone everywhere needed you. 
you miss him.
last night you were together, you remember as if it was just yesterday, you recalled how you were talking about this exact problem, this exact thing. it fears you of how fast it came true to life. and you fear even more if it ever will go even further. 
woo: im gonna cry woo: jk but it’s ok babe i’ll be on a mission anw today, i dont know when i’ll be done. but i’ll be home tonight woo: come back fast if u can, ok? i love you too
just as you finished reading his replies, a sound of horn blasted as a black shiny car pulled up in front of you. the door to the driver side opened up, and you were gifted with the sight of younghoon emerging from the car, offering you a bright smile.
“ready?” was all he said while opening the passenger door, inviting you into his car. 
you nod and said a small yes, entering his car. you stare at your screen for a little while, before typing a quick response. 
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wifey: i’ll try my best. 
a sigh escaped through his lips after your last message to him. putting his phone back to the slot beside him, wooyoung could only stare far into the dark alleys in front of him. his mind filled with you it made his heart heavy. 
it was never a problem before, when he had to go far or for a while on missions away from you. you’d miss him, he’d miss you, but right then he knew that whatever the circumstances, when he came back home you’ll always be there. 
it’s not the case now. 
he’s away for missions, and you’re away for business. when you’re home, he might not be home, and when he’s home, you might not be. 
for that, he feels the subtle ache in his chest. 
his fingers mindlessly tapped against the wheel of his car, before he was pulled back to his senses. the passenger door opened, showing jiwoo and her smile. 
and her tight red dress. 
“take a picture, it’ll last longer.” her snickers made him clear his throat, looking somewhere else to avoid jiwoo’s playful glint. he mentally slapped himself for even staring at jiwoo, but as a man, how could he not?
her neck is on display, as were her long legs. the dress short, but long enough to keep the gun and some knives hidden away. and with her features, anyone would be swooned by her presence. 
maybe that’s why she got assigned for this mission, and again, with wooyoung. 
what the fuck am i thinking? i have a wife.
“what takes you so long?” 
“chill, i was getting some snacks for us. you said we’ll be spying and tailing a lot, so i figured we’ll be staying in the car quite a lot.” 
“nah, change of plans.”
“san called. seonghwa said we should go undercover into the club and get the stuff ourselves. so i’ll go as a gambler and you,” he eyed her up and down, “you, conveniently, will be enough as a distraction. did you knew we’re doing this for the mission?”
“nope, i was just feeling myself with the dress.” she shrugged. wooyoung raised a brow, but found nothing came up into his mind nor out of his mind, so he just started driving, wanting nothing more than to finish the mission. 
“so what’s the stuff we’re getting?” jiwoo asked as they parked a few buildings before the club. the car came to a halt, the sight of the dimly lit club welcomed their eyes. 
“san said it’s a ledger.” he got himself ready, “hongjoong needs something in there. it’s a proof, list of government officers getting involved in the human trafficking ring.”
“that’s terrible.”
“there are better words to describe how disgusting that is, but sure. now,” he turned to jiwoo, “i’ll go in, act kinda drunk and gamble some money for the ledger. you’ll be the distraction and a plan b; should i fail in getting the ledger, you should be the one getting it. okay?”
parting there, wooyoung got out of the car and walked to the club. 
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so here’s the thing about missions. they can be safe, they can be risky. zero to two means safe, something like spying or just plain investigating. on the other hand, field missions can have more risks, depending on the type of job. whether you have to stay low, or to kill as little as possible, or to not be seen yet has to be there on the spot. it depends. 
and on a scale from one to ten, wooyoung is absolutely fucked. 
it was supposed to be a ‘get in, get out’ type of job and without being seen. yet he managed to make a group of 10 people running after him in the club, after he tried to trick the dealer, a.k.a the owner of the club —the stupidest thing he's ever done in a mission.
“stop right there!” 
a gunshot was heard, luckily not hitting wooyoung anywhere. but guns are out, which means his had to, whether he liked it or not.
he ran in between the crowd of people dancing and getting high, staying as low and as unseen as possible —which, he kinda failed in the first place, but he did his absolute best—, and he took out his glock from his hidden holster, shooting enemies in his sight. thankfully the music is loud enough to cover the sound of his gun. the ledger is safe in the bag, but if he’s not, then there’s no point in doing the mission any longer. but he had to hold on. 
all while he ran and shoot, he cursed jiwoo for not holding them for long. she should’ve been a distraction, but perhaps not distracting enough. 
“fuck!” he shouted.
and right after, the power went out in the whole club.
all the lights, all the music suddenly died, and the party goers could only ah-ed in unison clearly disappointed at the outcome. wooyoung couldn’t see anything in the dark, and had to stop for a while. he looked around, and found the group of men running after him starting to turn on their flashlights. he was about to run when suddenly someone grabbed his hand.
“it’s me, jiwoo!” the voice whispered loudly. wooyoung looked up and found jiwoo holding him, pulling him away from the crowd. she handed him a shirt and a new hat, rushing to cover him with it.
“let’s get out.”
jiwoo guided him out, away from the prying eyes in the darkness, before the power went back on. the backdoor was empty, leaving only wooyoung and jiwoo. jiwoo kept holding onto wooyoung, pulling him as they ran for their car a few blocks down. wooyoung almost threw himself into the car, sighed loudly when he felt the leather seat touched his back.
“what the fuck was that?” he spat out to jiwoo.
“you tell me! how’d you get chased by those guys? i thought we’re doing this quietly?” she spat back.
“that was the plan, but you failed to hold them back.”
jiwoo rolled her eyes. “no, you failed to realize that they have more security than what you think.”
“the fuck was that supposed to mean? i had mingi and san check everything before we go in. and they're doing a bidding for the ledgers anyways.” wooyoung hit back, making her sigh before explaining.
“you were already far into the club when i found out that the bidding is for tomorrow, so the ledger being there was still a top secret until tonight. reaching out would be risky, and i couldn’t explain it that fast, so i had to do plan c.”
“plan c?”
“i broke into their cctvs and jammed the whole thing so there’s no track of you, then cut out the power to get you out of there.”
he contemplated her answers for a while. sighing again, wooyoung laid back to his chair, trying to ease his breathing. 
“thank you.” he said defeatedly. 
“we’re partners. i protect you, and you protect me woo,” she shrugged. “now move your ass and let me drive. you’re hurt.”
he glanced towards his body trying to find the hurting part. he reached behind his shoulder, wincing when felt a cut wound along his upper shoulder blade. blood was evident on his fingertips when he pulled them back. it must be enemies’ knife cutting through when they fought, and didn’t realize up until jiwoo point it out. 
“just a scratch.”
“yeah well that scratch probably needs a few stitches. c’mon.”
jiwoo moved into the driver’s seat, then drove the car away from the chaotic club. for a while, no one said a word, except wooyoung when he gave a call to san about the mission. the sight of endless trees and dark road made him drowsy, and soon he fell into his slumber. 
“hey, wake up.”
wooyoung jolted awake, blinking his sleepiness away after jiwoo woke him up. he looked around in confusion, realizing they’re not back at their base.
“where are we?”
“other town nearby. let’s be safe and make sure they lost our tracks completely,” she pushed his seat back to create more space before shimmying herself into the tight spot. “take your shirt off.”
the comical look in his eyes made jiwoo laughed as she reached for his shirt.
“yo! yes you’re hot–“
“i’m hot?” she chuckled.
“yes, no– shit– i got a wife ji–“ 
“’m not trying to fuck, silly. i’m trying to fix your wound. now take the damn shirt off.”
with jiwoo's determination, he had no choice but to take off his shirt hesitantly, glancing back to jiwoo, “look away.”
“shut the fuck up i've literally seen your body when we spar.”
off his shirt goes, showing his skin that glows under the yellow lights. jiwoo handed him a soju to distract him from the pain as she stitch his wound up. he winced a couple of times when the needle poked through his skin, but he held on.
jiwoo’s fingertips are cold, soothing to his hot wounded skin. despite the harsh words, she’s light with her hands. the sound of his and her quiet breathing filled the air.
“the pharmacist said there’s a motel just down the road, maybe we should crash there for the night.”
maybe it’s the soju he downed to the last drop. maybe he lost too much blood because of that wound. maybe it’s the fact that he’s half naked, tipsy, and jiwoo is wearing a red, absolutely sexy dress, but holy fuck, did jung wooyoung just glitched in the brain at the mention of a motel and staying the night out with another woman. 
“it’s almost 2 in the morning.” she murmured. “the drive to the base would take 2 to 3 hours, and honestly i’m tired. you’re wounded and no doubt tipsy, i’m not about to let us crash somewhere down the road.”
that makes sense. but he had other ideas, as he reached out to the console, trying to find his phone. maybe someone could fetch them up, wooyoung thought. he tapped on the screen a couple of times, clicking on the power button but to no avail. the screen stayed dark.
“shit, my phone’s dead.” he glanced towards jiwoo who just shrugged.
“mine’s dead too.”
and no one thought of bringing a charger with them.
he groaned, leaning back to his seat. after a few beat of silence, he just nodded. “well, i guess we have no choice.”
somewhere in him, it feels wrong. like something is poking through his chest as jiwoo drove down the road, right to the said motel and parked the car. like there’s an unseen stop sign in him, reminding him to not to do it as jiwoo pulled him to the motel room.
but what could go wrong? wooyoung doesn’t like jiwoo in that way.
not even the way she took her dress off carelessly in front of him, opting to change into a bathrobe that’s not even tied properly. not the way he clearly saw her pair of underwear.
but no, he doesn’t like her like that. and he’s sure of that. yet, the blaring sound of siren kept playing in his mind, reminding him that this isn’t right. 
but perhaps it’s the soju that calmed the siren down, as he doze off into his slumber once again.
jung wooyoung woke up that morning, with a headache and pain on his shoulder. and that dull thing poking through his chest, and the same siren blasted again in his head when he saw himself; splayed on the bed half naked, with jiwoo and her loose robe, limbs tangled with each other underneath the sheets.
nothing happened last night, he's damn sure of it and remembered every single second that passed before he fell asleep.
yet, still, he doesn’t like this feeling. 
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“are you okay?”
younghoon nudged you, who immediately woke up from the empty daydream you had just now. 
“you’ve been out of it for like, a solid 5 minutes. are you okay? did my father say something to offend you?” 
“no. nothing important.”
yes. it was something that could change her whole life.
you sighed, “it’s just… i forgot to tell wooyoung that i’m staying out last night. he hates sleeping alone.” she lied. though, not entirely. she did forgot to tell wooyoung about the whole staying out for the night last night. wooyoung would absolutely gone batshit, but judging from the lack of his messages on your phone, he might not have known it yet. which is strange. 
guilt bubbled up in younghoon, easily seen through his eyes. “i’m really sorry about last night. my father… tend to get too friendly and would sometimes step over the boundaries, like insisting for you to stay the night. i should’ve said no and took you home. god, he even made you stay up late.” he grumbled.
“it’s okay, he meant well. i just forgot to tell wooyoung, that’s all.”
“when i drop you off, i’ll explain everything to wooyoung and hongjoong, so they won’t have any weird ideas about it.” younghoon said, “you’re a married woman after all. we don’t want any trouble.”
you smiled and nodded, “thank you for the offer. i’d be thankful.”
younghoon smiled back, and continued driving towards ateez mansion, as you fall back to yet another set of daydreaming, or, more specifically contemplating your whole existence after the talk with younghoon’s father last night.
over some of his words.
01.59 am
a sigh almost left your mouth, along with a yawn, but you held back as best as you could. after all, you’re presented before kim younghoon’s father, the senior in kim’s family and not to mention one of the prominent figure in the business.
but you have no regrets, all the time passed wasn’t for nothing. and he’s a pleasant man.
“you work diligently, younghoon have said this a lot. he’s not easy to get close with,” the man chuckled, “well, it’s a shame that you’re married. i would’ve offered my son to you, he seemed intrigued.”
“you flatter me, sir. and more often than not, younghoon is the one who helped me a lot since i got into the business.”
he smiled, putting down his cup of tea. “so i’ve heard. ah, didn’t you meet younghoon through the lees?”
you nodded, “yes. lee juyeon, to be precise. though, i don’t know what younghoon has told you about it…”
“he told me everything. of why juyeon gave you to us, what you want and what he wanted. that boy,” he shook his head, tsk-ing, “ruthless as his father was. the whole people in the business had to tip toe around him if they want to be alive. jiyoung would never do that.” then he proceeded to say something that made you raise a brow.
“her child would never.”
“i thought that was just a rumor?”
the man smiled knowingly. “well, sweet lady, this old man here has a reason for supporting lee jiyoung when the sibling war happened, and still is, until now. i know a secret or two, things that others don’t know.” mr. kim explained with a longing gaze. “she’s my best friend, after all.”
“like, a secret marriage?”
you shoot your shot. 
“i was one of the few to witness her marriage. she loved seo rim well, despite the fast that he’s just a bodyguard. going against his elder’s wishes of marrying someone more prominent in the business to secure her safety and her throne, me being one of them.” 
“and now for that, she had to lose everything. but whatever people say, it was a lawful marriage.”
“seo rim?”
mr. kim laughed, “oh, oops. the name’s out i guess.”
you pressed him again, shooting your shot one more time. “but, what about the child? was it a girl or a boy? where are they?”
but to that question, mr. kim just shrugged. he downed his tea before filling his cup again. “dunno. but if i do, i’d protect them with all i have.”
you closed your mouth, only nodding to his answer. you laid back to your chair. the new information filled your head so it all circled your mind. secret marriage, possible offspring of lee jiyoung. seo rim. the name echoed in your mind. a name you never know before,
but now you do. 
mr. kim hummed, staring into the fire in front of him, seemingly in his own mind. you stared at the old man, a few white strands of hair on his head, several lines on his face, and you wonder, what does it feels like to witness a war and survived. he lived long, enough to know the lee jiyoung, to witness things that others don’t. long enough to know people, wise enough to know what to do and what not. 
hence the question.
“why me?”
“why did you tell me this? we just met today. and even if you do know me, it’s only from younghoon and that’s not even enough.” you murmured, “so why are you telling me this?”
the man hummed again. “because i know,” he said, making you raise a brow. he continued, “i know i can trust you.”
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“where have you been?!”
san’s screeching voice was the first to greet wooyoung when he stepped out of his car with jiwoo. the said man had his hands on his hips, eagle eyes staring down judgingly at the two partners.
“bed’s empty, no note, car gone! you could’ve died!”
wooyoung massaged his temples. “now’s not the time to quote some harry potter line, san.” he groaned.
san shrugged. “it was a moment. and seriously, where have you been? you two! not even a text or a call, we were about to hunt you down!” he accusingly said. “you and y/n both, woo. thankfully y/n told us her whereabouts just this morning. but you? radio silent.”
“my phone died, and so did jiwoo’s.” wooyoung lifted his head when he realized san mentioned your name. “y/n did what?”
slowly, san lowered his hands from his hips. his eyes starting to grow wide with confusion in it. “she didn’t tell you?”
“tell me what?” wooyoung pressed.
“she’s staying out last night as well. at the kim’s.”
his brain short circuited, trying to process san’s words a couple of times. when he finally processed the whole sentences, it left him utterly dumbfounded.
just after he screamed, a black car stopped behind them. the sight of kim younghoon getting out of the car greeted them, along with you, whose door was held open by younghoon. 
“speak of the devil.” san blurted.
wooyoung ignored his remarks, opting to trot his way to you. he threw a look on younghoon, before pulling you away from him.
“you didn’t come home last night? why? why didn’t you tell me?” he pressed, his hand still circling your wrist.
you quickly felt guilty. “i’m sorry love, it was younghoon’s father sudden invitation. i couldn’t really get my phone, that was my fault.” you ran your free hand over his bicep, trying to soothe the anger away. “won’t happen again. what time did you get home last night?”
“he stayed out as well.” san replied from behind you. your eyes widened, while he freezed.
“what? you didn’t tell me anything about it. what happened? wha-“ your palm acidentally touched to his shoulder blades, feeling the rough bandage underneath it, “were you hurt?”
but wooyoung turned away, pushing your hand lightly. “just a scratch, it doesn’t matter.” he turned his gaze back to you, once again giving you a questioning look. “why didn’t you come home? why would you stay at someone else’s place? baby, you’re my wife. what would other people say?”
younghoon slotted himself between the two of you. clearing his throat, he explained, “mr. jung, that was my fault. my father can be quite pushy, he insisted that mrs. jung must stay the night because he wanted her company and to talk. i’m sorry, i should’ve insisted on taking her home.”
“damn right you should’ve.” wooyoung spat, earning a slap on his chest from you. 
younghoon bowed slightly. “i’m sorry. i’ll make sure no one knows about this, and i’ll explain everything to hongjoong. if these words ever comes out i won’t hesitate to straighten things up and i certainly won’t let this ruin your or y/n’s reputations. once again, i’m sorry.” the man doesn’t even lift his head, bowing once again. “i’m sorry. excuse me.”
“hoon–“ you tried to call him but to no avail, as the man quickly got into his car and drove away. you watched in guilt as his black car went further. throwing a side eye at wooyoung, you detached yourself from him, grumbling as you walked away. he followed right behind you.
“i can’t believe you just did that!”
wooyoung scoffed. “am i not allowed to do that? you’re my wife, and your husband is questioning why were you staying the night at some other man’s house!”
stopping in your tracks, you turned back to glare at him. “i did nothing with younghoon, heck i even stayed at a different wing in his mansion!” you point your finger, “you were staying out last night as well! with your partner who, by the way is also a woman! did you see me complaining or accusing you of anything? no text no nothing, who knows what you did out there?”
…splayed on the bed half naked, with jiwoo and her loose robe, limbs tangled with each other underneath the sheets.
“how could you accuse me of cheating?we didn't do anything!”
“i didn’t even say the word. you put those in your own mouth.”
“i got injured, she was tired, both of our phones are dead, we had no choice but to stay out!”
“that’s exactly what happened to me! younghoon’s father wanted to speak, yes he’s a fucking pushover and that’s kinda annoying so i had no choice but to do as he says because he’s that important, but i did nothing other than talking.” you half shouted. “kim younghoon is an ally, woo. an important one right now. i’m not doing this for me, this whole thing is a business, but then you shouted at him, being completely unprofessional and irrational, i—“
you bit your lip, trying to held your emotions back. “if something goes wrong, hongjoong’s gonna be mad. i’m trying my best right now to gain his trust, to gain something for us, but y—“ you choked back your tears out of frustration, trying your best not to let out a single drop of it. 
seeing how you almost broke down lessen his anger. 
“you two, enough.” 
hongjoong’s voice blared through the whole hallway, making you both turned your heads. you quickly wiped a single tear, trying to compose yourself. 
hongjoong had his hands on his pocket, eyes icy as he stared down at the both of you.
“how many times do i have to tell you to keep your goddamn professionalism first in the business?” he gritted through his teeth. you and wooyoung could only stare at the floor beneath you. you heard a sigh coming out of hongjoong’s mouth.
“younghoon explained everything to me, even gave me a proof of y/n’s room. i know you’re angry, but you shouldn’t have shouted at him, woo. and y/n you should’ve known better than to stay at someone else’s place. the fuck is wrong with you two? i'm not even married but i at least know this.”
you and wooyoung could only turn away from hongjoong's gaze, clearly lost your faces.
he shook his head, opting to leave the problem behind. “make up later, however it is. now, you both clean after yourselves, especially you, y/n.” he pointed at you, “you have a lunch reservation with lee juyeon. i approved it for you. i’ll pick you up after for a meeting with stray kids.”
“she just came back from younghoon, now she has to go out with another man again?”
hongjoong only stared at him. “i said stay professional.” he said, before he turned back and walked away.
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there’s something sour left in his tongue.
he’s fully aware of the cause, he just couldn’t say it out loud. so he just sat there on the edge of the bed, watching as you prepare yourself.
the both of you talked and sort things out, explaining each problems while you changed his bandage for a fresher one. both of you talked about how it was unavoidable, things you’ve said before, just with cool heads.
but it still left something unpleasant.
you were stepping into a nice green dress, zipping it up. you strapped your heels, then fixed your makeup. a little blush here and there, your hand danced oh so delicately across your face, it would’ve make him all giddy if it wasn’t for the fact that you were about to go out with some other man.
you caught him staring at you from the vanity mirror, the hardness on his face was unmistakable. you sighed as you turned around, walking towards him. wooyoung turned his gaze to the floor, so you reached for his hands, cradling in it your own.
bringing his knuckles to your lips, you kissed it. “i know you’re upset.” you murmured. he stayed quiet, so you continued.
“i don’t know when will all of this stop. but remember the promise we made? hm?” you cradled his face. “i’ll do anything to keep us together and safe. because i love you, and i need you to understand that there’ll be no one other than you.” you pressed. 
“others don’t matter. just you.”
you looked at his lips, crouched down to give him a soft kiss. though a little unresponsive, he gave into the kiss. 
“i love you too.” he murmured into your lips.
the same words came from the both of your lips. the both of you truly are each other’s halves, in one heart, in one mind, in one act.
even when the same unpleasant feelings resides in both of your hearts, and you both refused to address it. 
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kim younghoon: i’m sorry about this morning.  y/n: it’s alright. i’m sorry my husband shouted at you. we’ve talked abt it tho kim younghoon: it’s okay. he did the right thing.  (typing…) (typing…) (typing…)  kim younghoon: he’s ur husband, i understand y/n: thank you kim younghoon: y/n y/n: yes? (typing…) (typing…) kim younghoon: we’re still up for tomorrow? y/n: yes. i’ll see u soon.
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“ah! if it’s not the rising star of ateez.” 
juyeon gleamed as soon as he saw you, smile so wide his eyes smiled with him. and to your surprise, he quickly reached for your hand, planting a kiss on your knuckles.
your husband, who escorted you there was right behind you with hongjoong. both of them were stunned at the sight.
but before anyone could say anything, juyeon excused himself, “i’m sorry mr. jung, i don’t mean anything bad. it’s just, i’m really happy to see y/n. i’ve never been so connected in conversations other than with her.” he grinned, “though, if she was available i’d definitely try my luck.”
he laughed, forcing everyone to laugh with him.
hongjoong spoke, “well, we understand. she’s pleasant to be with, perhaps that’s why our wooyoung loves her so.” he nudged wooyoung, “isn’t that right, woo?”
“yes.” he replied dryly, earning a glare and a squeeze on his shoulder. but he couldn't care less.
“well,” juyeon clasped his hand together, “we should go in. i’m starving, and i wish to have a good conversation today with y/n. if i may?”
juyeon offered his hand to you. glancing between juyeon and wooyoung, you have no choice but to take juyeon’s hand, careful in not looking too eager. you threw a guilty look at him.
while walking inside, you typed a quick text.
y/n: i’m sorry. i had no idea he’d do that, he never does y/n: i’m so sorry baby y/n: it doesn’t mean a thing to me
woo: it’s ok.  (typing…) (typing…) woo: come home whenever ur done.
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23.47 pm.
you glanced at your watch, sighing defeatedly. you definitely won’t be home as quick as you wanted today.
you already miss wooyoung. but you have to do this.
the alleyway was dark. the sound of your heels clicking against the pavement echoed in the air. the small restaurant was about to close, the light about to go off altogether. you lightly knocked on the door. “excuse me.” you called.
a buffed looking man came out from the kitchen, a knife on his hand. “we’re closing. what do you want?” he gruffly said.
“uhm, sorry,” you stuttered, “is mr. kim’s soju… no,” you quickly regained yourself.
“i want to talk to the soju maker himself, mr. kim. there’s this… old soju i’m looking for, which i don’t know the brand is.” 
the big man stood there for a while, processing your words. he went back to the kitchen, and you heard some murmurs before he came back outside, now smiling. “mr. kim is waiting for you in the kitchen.”
the man escorted you inside, through the messy wet kitchen up until a door. he knocked on the door, announcing your arrival. “come in.” a baritone voice responded. he opened the door, ushering you to come in, before closing the door.
an old man sat on his study, his white hair tousled and a pair of glasses sat on top of his nose. his weary eyes studied your form.
“it’s been a while since someone used that code. soju maker…” he chuckled. “people usually looks for fresher soju, something done, but now you’re looking for something older. tell me, what are you looking for miss?”
he pointed the chair across him, signaling you to take a seat. putting aside your handbag, you took a seat. there’s a beat of silence, before you let your voice out.
“it’s a who, sir.” you said, before continuing.
“i’m looking for seo rim.”
(to be continued)
damnnnn 8 months. i have no words for myself fr😩🤚
i hope y guys still enjoy this. i feel like i should add more things, but i’m afraid it’ll make the whole thing stale ykwim
but we’re getting CLOSER and CLOSER to the main problem, aka the timeline when y/n got shot (mafia!woo y/n caught in the crossfire), which is the very first fic that started this all
anyways. TOODLES. enjoy
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darkstar225 · 9 months
Twice's 10th member disappears after an argument with her favourite unnie
A/N: I got an ask on Tumblr and I loved writing it, ty! I hope the anon that gave me this idea likes it! :) (Ik it's angst but it's so good, like?? Ily anon)
The request: can you do a twice 10th member where Y/N gets into an big heavy argument with one of the members which causes her to leave upset for hours without her phone, worrying everyone especially because they have no way of contacting her. When she comes back it's around 3am and she comes back all bloodied, bruised, and disassociated not really speaking. (I know it's angsty sorry)
PS: Tysm for everyone who reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
Y/N had always been the 10th member of TWICE, a fact she cherished with all her heart. Being part of one of the most popular K-pop groups in the world was a dream come true. She had laughed, danced, and cried with her fellow members. Yet, her strongest bond was with Jihyo, the group's leader.
Jihyo was more than just an idol to Y/N. She was a mentor, a sister, sometimes a mother and the pillar TWICE's maknae leaned on during the most challenging times. Today, however, was different. A brewing argument had escalated into a heated quarrel, and their once harmonious relationship had cracked.
It had started innocently enough... Y/N had suggested a new choreography move during practice, hoping to infuse some freshness into their routine. But Jihyo had shot it down immediately, citing concerns about safety and cohesion. What began as a professional disagreement had spiralled into a personal clash.
The argument had raged on for hours, with both of them stubbornly sticking to their positions. It was a war of wills, neither willing to back down. Y/N's eyes had welled up with tears as frustration and hurt welled up inside her. Jihyo's words were tinged with anger and had cut deep, like a knife through her heart.
Jihyo - I can't believe you're so stubborn, Y/N!
Y/N, unable to contain her own rage any longer, snapped back for the first time. 
Y/N - Well, at least I'm not a control freak who thinks she knows everything!
The room had gone silent, save for the heavy breathing of the two women. Their bandmates (sisters), who had been practising alongside them, exchanged worried glances. This was far from the usual friendship that TWICE was known for.
Jihyo's eyes filled with tears, and the youngest instantly regretted her harsh words. But instead of apologizing, she stormed out of the practice room, leaving everyone in stunned silence.
Hours passed, but Y/N didn't return. Her absence gnawed at the members like a persistent itch. They tried calling her phone, but it went straight to voicemail. Messages were left unanswered, and worry began to replace anger. They knew that when Y/N was upset, she often went on long walks to clear her head. But this time, it felt different.
Jihyo, burdened with guilt and concern, paced back and forth in their dormitory. She couldn't shake the image of her kid's tear-streaked face from her mind. She knew she had crossed a line with her comments, and now, their argument had led to the younger girl's disappearance.
As the hours stretched into the early morning, TWICE decided they had to take action. They couldn't let their angel wander the streets alone and upset. At 3 AM they finally grabbed their jackets and headed out, hoping to find her.
The night was cool, and the streets of Seoul were dimly lit. TWICE members walked in pairs, calling out Y/N's name as they went. Their worry deepened with every unanswered call. They checked all of their girl's favourite spots, but she was nowhere to be found.
Jihyo felt a sinking sensation in her chest. She couldn't bear the thought of her baby being out there alone, hurt and upset because of her. Guilt gnawed at her, clawing at her conscience like a relentless beast.
They searched for hours, their voices growing hoarse from calling their babygirl's name. Desperation hung in the air, heavy and suffocating. It wasn't just about finding her anymore, it was about making things right.
Finally, as the sky began to lighten with the approach of dawn, they spotted her. Y/N was walking slowly along the riverbank, her steps unsteady. She looked dishevelled, her clothes torn, and her face was stained with tears. But what shocked them the most were the bruises on her arms and the blood on her cheek.
Jihyo was the first to cry out, rushing towards her. The other members followed suit, their worry giving them strength.
Jihyo - Baby! 
But Y/N seemed distant, her eyes glazed over. She didn't respond to their calls. It was as if she was there physically but not mentally. She didn't seem to recognize them.
Nayeon, the group's eldest member and one of the maknae's mom, reached out to touch Y/N's shoulder gently. 
Nayeon - Kiddo, it's us. You're safe now.
Y/N flinched at the touch, her gaze finally focusing on Nayeon's face. She seemed to be processing their presence slowly as if emerging from a deep fog.
Tears filled Jihyo's eyes as she took in her youngest's battered appearance. She blamed herself for this, for pushing Y/N to the point where she had left, vulnerable and alone.
Momo (known for her motherly instincts with Y/N, ft everyone else lol) put her arm around TWICE's honey and led her away from the riverbank. 
Momo - Let's get you home, okay my love?
As they walked back to their dormitory, Y/N remained mostly silent, only muttering a few words in response to their questions. It was clear she was in shock. The members tried to piece together what had happened, but Y/N's disjointed sentences didn't reveal much.
Back in their dorm, they gently cleaned the maknae up, tending to her injuries. There were more bruises on her body than they had initially seen. Jihyo couldn't hold back her tears as she applied a soothing ointment to her child's cheek, the one with the fresh scrape. It was a painful reminder of the harsh words she had thrown at her earlier.
After cleaning her up, they tried to get Y/N to eat something, but she refused. She sat on the edge of her bed, staring blankly at the wall. It was as if her spirit had been broken.
Jihyo couldn't take it any longer. She had to talk to their girl, to apologize and beg for forgiveness. She sat down beside her and took Y/N's hands in her own, her voice trembling with guilt.
Jihyo - Sweetheart, I'm so sorry.
Jihyo choked out, tears streaming down her face. 
Jihyo - I never should have said those things to you. I was wrong, and I hurt you, and I can't forgive myself for that.
Y/N finally looked at her, her eyes filled with a mixture of pain and confusion. 
Y/N - Omma... I don't even remember what we were fighting about.
Jihyo's heart ached at those words. It was a testament to how far they had let their anger escalate. 
Jihyo - It doesn't matter, kid. I hurt you, and I promise I'll do everything to make it right for us, I'm your momma and I'm here for you boo.
As the sun rose outside their window, casting a warm glow on the room, TWICE gathered around their youngest, offering her their support and love. They knew it would take time for her to heal, both physically and emotionally. But they were willing to stand by her, just as they always had.
In the end, the argument that had torn them apart had brought them closer than ever before. They had learned the importance of communication and they were determined to be there for each other, no matter what challenges lay ahead. And this made them all share the same thought:
We are proud of our precious maknae.
A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3
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kiss-my-freckle · 5 months
Even though Sage encouraged Damon to seduce and objectify women, I don't think he immediately put it to practice though it did cause him to start having thoughts along that wavelength. He didn't immediately accept what Sage told him about pursuing women who seem disinterested and asked Sage what if they aren't interested even if he approaches women who look disinterested. He may have started having objectifying thoughts but I don't think he was confident in it being right to approach women in that manner at the time like he was about her advice on feeding. He was shown to immediately put Sage's advice about enjoying the feed to use, with him trying to teach Stefan too. In later flashbacks he was never shown to assault women. When he found out Charlotte was sired in the 40s he didn't take advantage of it and went out of his way to help her break it. Sage may have planted the seed about objectifying women, but just as Katherine taught him to enjoy the taste of blood in 1864 when he was hesitant, he didn't apply it until later. Katherine discouraged Damon from wiping blood with a handkershief because as a vampire he would have to get used to it, but many years later before Sage approached him he was wiping the blood on his face with it and was miserable. My guess is Damon didn't start to objectify women until after he shut his humanity off. I also wonder if he lost his virginity to Katherine because she was implied as being his first love with the I'm the one who taught you how to love comment and I don't see 1864 him as sleeping with someone before that unless he had serious feelings.
Sage's education was less about objectifying women and more about enjoying the feed. Damon has better control over his bloodlust than most vampires, and I feel that's all due to Sage. There is a downside to her education, and it's all based on emotion. Is it better for Damon to be a ripper and feel the guilt, or better for him to feed like he does at the college party and feel no guilt. Stefan can't stop feeding on Elena, but Damon can. However, Stefan feels more guilt than Damon does. This difference is every reason why Elena has to take Stefan to the 20s dance. Elena has to work through her fear and Stefan has to work through his guilt, and they have to do it in the very place it happened.
"You're a vampire, you take it." Sage's comment is what being a vampire means. "Vampires will take whatever they want. They will hurt whoever they want. And they'll do it without remorse. It's their nature." 3x6 is just different in the fact that Elena's scenes with Alaric are specific to Stefan. It's Stefan's nature to feed on Elena whether she allows him to or not.
Damon objectifies women because he's more or less filling the void. Given how he spoke, I do believe Sage was the first woman he had sex with since he became a vampire. Every woman since then is only there because Katherine is absent from his life. It then switches to Elena. Sex and/or friendship is all any woman can offer him because his heart belongs to another. That's the only reason he objectifies women. If not for that void, food is all they'd be to him. He'd simply feed on them just as he feeds on anyone else.
Damon hates having anyone sired to him because he doesn't like to be completely in control. Being sired is a one-all, no different than Klaus compelling Stefan he will simply obey. Damon would rather have to compel a woman over and over again because he'd know exactly what he's compelling them to do and when.
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wits-writing · 3 years
What’s so Funny About Vengeance, the Night, and Batman? – Two Superhero Parodies in Conversation
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Back in 2016, the first trailers for Director Chris McKay’s The Lego Batman Movie hit. A spinoff of the take on the iconic hero, voiced by Will Arnett, from 2014’s The Lego Movie. Those trailers spelled out a plot covering how Batman’s life of crimefighting is turned upside down when Robin unexpectedly enters the picture. It was a funny trailer, promising another insightful comedy from the crew behind The Lego Movie. A promise it handily delivered on when it came out in February 2017 with an animated feature steeped wall-to-wall jokes for the sake of mocking Bruce Wayne’s angst filled crusade that can only come from understanding what’s made the character withstand the test of time.
But there was a thought I and others had from seeing that trailer up to watching the actual movie:
“This seems… familiar.”
Holy Musical B@man! is a 2012 fan-made stage production parody of DC Comics’ biggest cash cow. It was produced as the fifth musical from YouTube-based cult phenomenon Starkid Productions, from a book by Matt and Nick Lang, music by Nick Gage and Scott Lamp with lyrics by Gage. The story of the musical details how Robin’s unexpected entrance ends up turning Batman’s (Joe Walker) life of crimefighting upside down. Among Starkids’ fandom derived projects in their early existence, as they’ve mainly moved on to well-received original material in recent years, Holy Musical B@man! is my personal favorite. I go back to it frequently, appreciating it as a fan of both superheroes and musicals. (Especially since good material that touches on both of those isn’t exactly easy to come by. Right, Spider-Man?)
While I glibly summarized the similarities between them by oversimplifying their plots, there’s a lot in the details, both major and minor, that separates how they explore themes like solitude, friendship, love, and what superhero stories mean. It’s something I’ve wanted to dig into for a while and I found a lot in both of them I hadn’t considered before by putting them in conversation. I definitely recommend watching both of them, because of how in-depth this piece goes including discussing their endings. However, nothing I can say will replace the experience of watching them and if I had included everything I could’ve commented on in both of them, this already massive piece would easily be twice as long minimum.
Up front, I want to say this isn’t about comparing The Lego Batman Movie and Holy Musical B@man in terms of quality. Not only are they shaped for vastly different mediums with different needs/expectations, animation versus stagecraft, but they also had different resources at their disposal. Even if both are in some ways riffing on the aesthetic of the 1990s Batman movies and the Adam West TV show, Lego Batman does it with the ability to make gorgeously animated frames packed to the brim with detail while Holy Musical often leans into its low-fi aesthetic of characters miming props and sets to add extra humor. They’re also for different audiences, Lego Batman clearly for all-ages while Holy Musical has the characters cursing for emphasis on a regular basis. On top of those factors, after picking through each of these for everything worth commenting on that I could find, I can’t say which I wholly prefer thanks in part to these fundamental differences.
This piece is more about digging through the details to explore the commonalities, differences, and what makes them effective mocking love letters to one of the biggest superheroes in existence.
(Also, since I’m going to be using the word “Batman” a lot, I’ll be calling Lego Batman just “Batman” and referring to the version from Holy Musical as “B@man”, with the exception of quoted dialogue.)
[Full Piece Under the Cut]
Setting the Tone
The beginning is, in fact, a very good place to start when discussing how these parodies frame their versions of the caped crusader. Each one uses a song about lavishing their respective Batmen with praise about how they are the best superheroes ever and play over sequences of the title hero kicking wholesale ass. A key distinction comes in who’s singing each song. Holy Musical B@man’s self-titled opening number is sung from the perspective of an omniscient narrator recounting B@man’s origin and later a chorus made up of the Gotham citizenry. Meanwhile, “Who’s the (Bat) Man” from Lego Batman is a brag-tacular song written by Batman about himself, even playing diegetically for all his villains to hear as he beats them up.
Holy Musical opens on a quick recap of Batman’s origin:
“One shot, Two shots in the night and they’re gone And he’s all left alone He’s just one boy Two dead at his feet and their blood stains the street And there’s nothing, no there’s nothing he can do!”
We then get a Bat-dance break as the music goes from slow and moody to energetic to reflect Batman turning that tragedy into the driving force behind his one-man war on crime. Assured by the narrator that he’s “the baddest man that there’s ever been!” and “Now there’s nothing, no there’s nothing he can’t do!” flipping the last lyric of the first verse. For the rest of the opening scene the lyrics matter less than what’s happening to establish both this fan-parody’s version of Batman and how the people of Gotham (“he’ll never refuse ‘em”) view him.
Lego Batman skips the origin recap, and in general talks around the death of the Waynes to keep the light tone going since it’s still a kids movie about a popular toy even if there are deeper themes at play. Instead, it continues a trend The Lego Movie began for this version of the character writing music about how he’s an edgy, dark, awesome, cool guy. While that movie kept it to Batman angry-whiteboy-rapping about “Darkness! NO PARENTS!”, this one expands to more elaborate boasts in the song “Who’s the (Bat) Man” by Patrick Stump:
“In the darkest night I make the bad guys fall There’s a million heroes But I’m the best of them all!”
Batman singing this song about himself, as opposed to having it sung by others aims the crosshairs of parody squarely on the hero’s ego. His abilities make fighting his villains effortless, like this opening battle is more an opportunity to perform the song than a life-or-death struggle. Even Joker’s aware of that as he shouts, “Stop him before he starts singing!” This Batman doesn��t see himself as missing out on anything in life, even if he still feels that deep down. Being Batman is the coolest thing in the world that anyone would envy. He’s Batman, therefore everyone should envy him.
The songs aren’t only part of the equation for how these two works’ opening scenes establish their leading hero. While both songs are about Batman being cool, they’re separated by the accompanying scenes. Lego Batman keep the opening within the Joker’s perspective until Batman shows up and the action kicks in. Once it does, we’re shown a Batman at the top of his solo-hero game. Meanwhile, Holy Musical’s opening is about B@man building his reputation and by the end of the song he has all the citizens of Gotham singing his praises with the titular lyrics. Both are about being in awe of the title hero, one framed by Joker’s frustration at Batman’s ease in foiling his schemes yet again and the other about the people of Gotham growing to love their city’s hero (probably against their better judgement.)
That’s woven into the fabric of what kind of schemes Batman is foiling in each of these. Joker’s plan to bomb Gotham with the help of every supervillain in Batman’s Rogues Gallery is hilariously high stakes and the type of plan most Batman stories, even parodies, would save for the climax. Neatly exemplified by how that’s almost the exact structure of Holy Musical’s final showdown. Starting with these stakes works as an extension of this Batman’s nature as a living children’s toy and therefore the embodiment of a child’s idea of what makes Batman cool, his ability to wipe the floor with anyone that gets in his way “because he’s Batman.” It also emphasizes Joker as the only member of the Rogues Gallery that matters to Lego Batman’s story, every other Bat-villain is either a purely visual cameo or only gets a couple lines maximum.
The crime’s being stopped by B@man are more in the “Year One” gangster/organized crime category rather than anything spectacle heavy. Though said crimes are comically exaggerated:
Gangster 1: Take these here drugs, put ‘em into them there guns, and then hand ‘em out to those gamblin’ prostitutes! Gangster 2: Should we really be doing these illegal activities? In a children’s hospital for orphans?
These fit into that model of crime the Dark Knight fights in his early days and add tiny humanizing moments between the crooks (“Oh, Matches! You make me laugh like nobody else!”) in turn making the arrival of B@man and the violence he deals out a stronger punchline. Further emphasized by the hero calling out the exact physical damage he does with each hit before warning them to never do crime again saying, “Support your families like the rest of us! Be born billionaires!” Later in the song his techniques get more extreme and violence more indiscriminate, as he uses his Bat-plane to patrol and gun down whoever he sees as a criminal, including a storeowner accidentally taking a single dollar from his own register. (“God’s not up here! Only Batman!”)
A commonality between these two openings is how Commissioner Jim Gordon gets portrayed. Both are hapless goofs at their core, playing more on the portrayal of the character in the 60s TV show and 90s Burton/Schumacher movies than the serious-minded character present in comics, Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy, and other adaptations. Lauren Lopez’s portrayal in Holy Musical gets overwhelmed by everything thrown at him, eventually giving up and getting out of B@man’s way (“I’m not gonna tell Batman what to do! He’s Batman!”) Hector Elizondo’s Gordon in Lego Batman clearly reached the “stay out of Batman’s way” point a long time ago, happy to have “the guy who flips on the Bat-signal” be his sole defining trait. While the characterizations are close, their roles do end up differing. Lopez’s Gordon sticks around to have a few more comedic scenes as the play goes on, where Elizondo’s exist to set up a contrast with his daughter Barbara and her way of approaching Batman when she becomes Police Commissioner.
These opening sequences both end in similar manners as well; the citizens of Gotham lavishing praise on their respective Batmen and a confrontation between Batman and the Joker. Praise from the citizenry in Holy Musical comes on the heels of a letter from B@man read out on the news about how much they and the city of Gotham suck. They praise B@man for his angsty nature as a “dark hero” and how they “wouldn’t want him any other way!”, establishing the motif of Gotham’s citizens in Holy Musical as stand-ins for the Batman fandom. Lego Batman uses the praise of the Gotham citizens after Batman’s victory in the opening scene as a lead in to contrast their certainty that Batman must have an exciting private life with the reality we’re shown. Which makes sense since Lego-Batman’s relationship to the people of Gotham is never presented as something at stake.
Greater contrast comes in how the confrontations with the Joker are handled, Lego Batman has an argument between the hero and villain that’s intentionally coded as relationship drama, Batman saying “There is no ‘us’” when Joker declares himself Batman’s greatest enemy. The confrontation in Holy Musical gets purposefully underplayed as an offstage encounter narrated to the audience as a Vicki Vale news report. This takes Joker off the board for the rest of the play in contrast to the Batman/Joker relationship drama that forms one of Lego Batman’s key pillars. While they take different forms, the respective citizenry praise and villain confrontation parts of these openings lead directly into the number one common thematic element between these Bat-parodies: Batman’s loneliness.
One is the Darkest, Saddest, Loneliest Number
Batman as an isolated hero forms one of the core tenants of the most popular understanding of the character. Each of these parodies picks at that beyond the broody posturing. There’s no dedicated segment in this piece about how these works’ versions of the title character function bleeds into every other aspect of them, but each starts from the idea of Batman as a man-child with trouble communicating his emotions. Time’s taken to give the audience a view of where their attitudes have left them early in the story.
Both heroes show their loneliness through interactions with their respective Alfreds. Holy Musical has the stalwart butler, played by Chris Allen, try to comfort B@man by asking if he has any friends he enjoys being around. When B@man cites Lucius Fox as a friend he calls him right away, only to discover Lucius Fox is Alfred’s true identity and Alfred Pennyworth was an elaborate ruse he came up with to protect Bruce on his father’s wishes. Ironically, finding out his closest friend was living a double life causes Bruce to push Alfred away (the play keeps referring to him as Alfred after this, so that’s what I’m going to do as well.) After he’s fired he immediately comes back in a new disguise as “O’Malley the Irish Butler” (same outfit he wore before but with a Party City Leprechaun hat.) That’s unfortunately the start of a running gag in Holy Musical that ends up at the worst joke in the play, when Alfred disguises himself as “Quon Li the Chinese Butler” doing an incredibly cringeworthy “substituting L’s for R’s” bit with his voice. It’s been my least favorite bit in the play since I first saw it in 2012 and legitimately makes me hesitate at times to recommend it. Even if it’s relatively small bit and the rest holds ups.
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That disclaimer out of the way, that conversation between B@man and Alfred leads into the title hero reflecting on his sadness through the musical’s I Want Song, “Dark, Sad, Lonely Knight.” The song’s split into two halves, the first Alfred reflecting on whether he played a part in Bruce’s current condition and the second B@man longing for a connection. The song does a good job balancing between the sincerity over the hero’s sadness and getting good laughs out of it:
“Think of the children Next time you gun down the mama and papa Their only mama and papa Because they probably don’t have another mama and papa!”
The “I Want” portion of the song coming in the end with the repetition of the lryics “I want to be somebody’s buddy.”
Rather than another song number, Lego Batman covers Batman’s sadness through a pair of montages and visual humor. The first comes after the opening battle, where we see Batman taking off all his costume except for the mask hanging out alone in Wayne Manor, showing how little separation he puts between identities. Compared to Holy Musical where the equivalent scene is the first we see of Bruce without the mask on, which may come down to practicality since anyone who’s worn a mask like that knows they get hot and sweaty fast. Batman is constantly made to appear small among the giant empty rooms of his estate as he eats dinner, jams on his guitar, and watches romantic movies alone.
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Ralph Fienne’s Alfred coming in at the end of this sequence witnessing Batman looking at a photo of himself as a boy with his parents for the last time. Alfred outlines Batman’s fear of being part of a family again only to be met with Batman denying he has any feelings ever. Pennyworth’s role as a surrogate father gets put into greater focus here than in Holy Musical, as we get glimpses of Alfred reading a book titled “How to Deal with Your Out-of-Control Child.” Also shown in smaller scenes of Alfred dealing with Batman’s insistent terminology for his crime fighting equipment, like calling his cowl an “armored face disguise.”
Batman’s denial of his pain contrasts how B@man wallows in it. Though he’s forced to confront it a little as the Joker’s plan ends up leaving him with no crimefighting to fall back on to ignore his issues. This montage gets set to the song “One” by Harry Nilsson and details Batman, unable to express his true feelings, eventually letting them out in the form of tempter tantrums. There’s also some humor through juxtaposition as Batman walks solemnly through the streets of Gotham City, rendered black and white, as the citizens chant “No more crime!” in celebration, while flipping over cars and firing guns into the air.
A disruption to their loneliness eventually comes in the form of a sensational character find.
Robin – The Son/BFF Wonder
Between both Bat-parodies, the two Robins’ characterizations are as close as anyone’s between them. Each is nominally Dick Grayson but are ultimately more representative of the idea of Robin as the original superhero sidekick and his influence on Batman’s life. The play and movie also both make the obvious jokes about Dick’s name and the classic Robin costume’s lack of pants at different points. Dick’s origin also gets sidestepped in each version to skip ahead to the part where he starts being an influence in Batman’s life.
Robin’s introduction to the comics in Detective Comics #38 in 1940, marking the start of Batman’s literal “Year Two” as a character, predating the introduction of Joker, Catwoman, and Alfred, among others. Making him Batman’s longest lasting ally in the character’s history. His presence and acrobatics shift the tone by adding a dash of swashbuckling to Batman’s adventures, inspired by the character’s namesake Robin Hood, though both parodies take a page out of Batman Forever and associate the name with the bird for the sake of a joke. Robin is as core to Batman as his origin, but more self-serious adaptations (i.e., the mainstream cinematic ones that were happening around the times both Holy Musical and Lego Batman came out) tend to avoid the character’s inclusion. These two works being parody, therefore anything but self-serious, give themselves permission to examine why Robin matters and how different characters react to his presence. Rejection of Robin as a character and concept comes out in some form in each of these works, from Batman himself in Lego Batman and the Gotham citizens in Holy Musical.
The chain of events that lead to Dick becoming Robin in Lego Batman are a string of consequences for Batman’s self-absorption. A scene of Bruce barely listening as Dick asks for advice on getting adopted escalating to absentmindedly signing the adoption paperwork. Batman doesn’t realize he has a son until after his sadness montage. Alfred forces Batman to start interacting with Dick against his will. The broody loner wanting nothing to do with the cheery kid, played to “golly gee gosh” perfection by Michael Cera, until he sees the utility of him. Batman doesn’t even have the idea to give Robin a costume or codename because he clearly views the sidekick’s presence as a temporary measure for breaking into Superman’s fortress, made clear by how he lists “expendable” as a quality Dick needs if he wants to go on a mission.
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This makes Robin the catalyst for Batman’s shifting perspective throughout Lego Batman. When Robin succeeds in his first mission, the Dark Knight is hesitant to truly compliment him and chalks up his ward’s feats to “unbelievable obeying.” Other moments have Robin’s presence poke holes in Batman’s tough guy demeanor, like the first time Batman and Robin ride in the Bat-mobile together, Robin asks where the seatbelts are and Batman growls “Life doesn’t give you seatbelts!”, only for Batman to make a sudden stop causing Robin to hit his head on the windshield and Batman genuinely apologizes. They share more genuine moments together as the film goes, like Batman suggesting they beatbox together to keeps their spirits up after they’ve been imprisoned for breaking into Arkham Asylum. Robin’s representative of Batman gradually letting people in throughout these moments.
On the exact opposite end of the spectrum, B@man needs zero extra prompting to let Robin into his life. Nick Lang’s Robin (henceforth called “Rob!n” to keep with this arbitrary naming scheme I’ve concocted) does get brought into his life by Alfred thanks to a personal ad (“‘Dog for sale’? No… ‘Orphan for sale’! Even better!”) but it’s a short path to B@man deciding to let Dick fight alongside him. The briefest hesitance on the hero’s part, “To be Batman… is to be alone”, is quelled by Rob!n saying “We could be alone… together.” Their first scene together quickly establishing the absurd sincerity exemplified by this incarnation of the Dynamic Duo. An energy carried directly into the Act 1 closing number, “The Dynamic Duet”, a joyful ode between the heroes about how they’re “Long lost brothers who found each other” sung as they beat up supervillains (and the occasional random civilian.)
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That song also ties into the contrast between the Batman/Robin dynamic and the B@man/Rob!n one. While Holy Musical is portraying a brotherly/BFF bond between the two heroes, Lego Batman leans into the surrogate son angle. While both are mainly about their stories’ Batman being able to connect with others, the son angle of Lego Batman adds an additional layer of “Batman needs to take responsibility for himself and others” and a parallel to Alfred as Batman’s own surrogate father. It also adds to the queer-coding of Batman in Lego Batman as Batman’s excuse to Robin for why he can go on missions is that Bruce and he are sharing custody, Robin even calling Batman’s dual identities “dads” before he knows the truth.
In the absence of the accepting personal responsibility through fatherhood element, the conflict Rob!n brings out in Holy Musical forms between B@man and the citizens of Gotham. “Citizens as stand-ins for fandom” is at it’s clearest here as the Act 2 opener is called “Robin Sucks!” featuring the citizens singing about how… well, you read the title. Their objections to Rob!n’s existence has nothing to do with what the young hero has done or failed to do, but come from arguments purely about the aesthetic of Rob!n fighting alongside B@man. Most blatantly shown by one of the citizens wearing a Heath Ledger Joker t-shirt saying Rob!n’s presence “ruins the gritty realism of a man who fights crime dressed as a bat.” It works as the Act 2 opener by establishing that B@man and the citizens conflicting opinions on his sidekick end up driving that half of the story, exemplified in B@man’s complete confusion about why people hate Rob!n (“Robin ruined Batman? But that’s not true… Robin make Batman happy.”)
Both Robins play into the internal conflict their respective mentors are going through, but what would a superhero story, even a parody, be without some colorful characters to provide that sweet external conflict.
Going Rogue
Both works have the threat comes from an army of villains assembled under a ringleader, Zach Galifianakis’s Joker in Lego Batman and Jeff Blim as Sweet Tooth in Holy Musical. Both lead the full ensemble of Batman’s classic (and not so classic) Rogues at different points. As mentioned before Joker starts Lego Batman with “assemble the Rogues, blow up Gotham” as his plan, while Sweet Tooth with his candy prop comedy becoming the ringleader of Gotham’s villains is a key turning point in Act 1 of the play. Part of this comes down to how their connections to their respective heroes and environments are framed, Sweet Tooth as a new player on the scene and Joker as Batman’s romantic foil.
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Lego Batman demonstrates Batman and Joker are on “finishing each other’s sentences” levels of intimate that Batman refuses to acknowledge. Shown best in how Joker’s plan only works because he can predict exactly how Batman will act once he starts playing hard to get. When he surrenders the entire Rogues Gallery (without telling them) and himself to police custody, he describes it as him being “off the market.” He knows Batman won’t settle for things ending on these terms and tricks the hero into stealing Superman’s Phantom Zone projector so he can recruit a new, better team of villains for a take two of his masterplan from the start. Going through all this trouble to get Batman to say those three magic words; “I love hate you.” Joker as the significant other wanting his partner to finally reciprocate his feelings and commit works both as a play on how the Batman/Joker relationship often gets approached and an extension of the central theme. Batman is so closed off to interpersonal connections he can’t even properly hate his villains.
Sweet Tooth, while clearly being a riff Heath Ledger and Caesar Romero’s Jokers fused with a dash of Willy Wonka, doesn’t have that kind of connection with B@man. Though there are hints that B@man and his recently deceased Joker may have had one on that level. He laments “[Joker]’s in heaven with mom and dad. Making them laugh, I know it!” when recalling how the Clown Prince of Crime was the one person he enjoyed being around. This makes Joker’s death one of the key triggers to B@man reflecting on his solitude at the start of the play.
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What Sweet Tooth provides the story is a threat to B@man’s new bond with Rob!n. Disrupting that connection forms the delicious center of the Candy King of Crime’s plan in Act 2. He holds Rob!n and Gotham’s people hostage and asks the citizens to decide via Facebook poll if the sidekick lives or dies (in reference to the infamous phone hotline vote from the comic book story A Death in the Family where readers could decide the Jason Todd Robin’s fate.)
With the rest of the villains under the leadership of the respective works’ main antagonists, there’s commentary on their perceived quality as threats. When Holy Musical has Superman talking to Green Lantern about how much B@man’s popularity frustrates him, he comes down especially hard on the Caped Crusader’s villains. Talking about how they all coast by on simple gimmicks with especially harsh attention given to Two Face’s being “the number two.” Saying they’re only famous because B@man screws up and they get to do more damage. Which he compares to his own relationship with his villains:
Superman: You ever heard of Mr. Mxyzptlk? Green Lantern: No. Superman: No, that’s right! That’s because I do my job!
Lego Batman has commentary on the other villains come from Joker, recognizing that even all together they can never beat Batman, because that’s how a Batman story goes. The other villains get portrayed as generally buffoonish, struggling to even build a couch together and described by Joker as “losers dressed in cosplay.” Tricking Batman into sending him to the Phantom Zone provides him the opportunity to gather villains from outside Batman’s mythos and outside DC Comics in general. Recruiting the likes of Sauron, King Kong, Daleks, Agent Smith from The Matrix, and the Wicked Witch of the West, among others. When I first saw and reviewed The Lego Batman Movie, this bugged me because it felt like a missed opportunity to feature lesser-known villains from other DC heroes’ Rogues Galleries. Now, considering the whole movie as meta-commentary on the status of this Batman as a children’s toy, it makes perfect sense that Joker would need to go outside of comics to break the rules of a typical Batman story and have a shot at winning.
The Rogues of Holy Musical get slightly more of a chance to shine, if only because their song “Rogues are We” is one of the catchier tracks from the play. They’re all still more cameo than character when all’s said and done, but Sweet Tooth entering the picture is about him recognizing their potential to operate as a unit, takeover Gotham, and kill B@man. The candy-pun flinging villain wants all of them together, no matter their perceived quality.
Sweet Tooth: “We need every villain in Gotham. Cool themes, lame themes, themes that don’t match their powers, even the villains that take their names from public domain stories.” (Two Face’s “broke ass” still being the exception.)
Both Joker and Sweet Tooth provide extensions of the shared theme of Batman dealing with the new connections in his life, especially with regards to Robin. However, Robin isn’t the only other ally (or potential ally) these Dark Knights have on their side.
Super Friends(?)
The internal crisis of these Caped Crusaders come as much from how they react to other heroic figures as it does from supervillainous machinations. In both cases how Batman views and is viewed by fellow heroes gets centered on a specific figure, Superman in Holy Musical and Commissioner Barbara Gordon (later Batgirl) in Lego Batman. Each serves a vastly different purpose in the larger picture of their stories and relationship to their respective Batmen. Superman reflecting B@man’s loneliness and Barbara symbolizing a new path forward for Batman’s hero work.
Superman’s role in Holy Musical runs more parallel to Lego Batman’s Joker than Barbara. Brian Holden’s performance as the Man of Tomorrow plays into a projected confidence covering anxiety that nobody likes him. Besting the Bat-plane in a race during B@man’s Key to the City ceremony establishes a one upmanship between the two heroes, like Joker’s description of his relationship with Batman at the end of Lego Batman’s opening battle. Though instead of that romantically coded relationship from Lego Batman, this relationship is more connected to childish jealousy. (But if you do want to read the former into Holy Musical B@man, neither hero has an onstage relationship with any woman and part of their eventual fight consist of spanking each other.)
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B@man and Superman’s first real interaction is arguing over who’s the cooler hero until it degrades into yelling “Fuck you!” at each other. B@man storming off in the aftermath of that gets topped off by Superman suggesting he should get the Key to the City instead, citing his strength and longer tenure as a hero (“The first hero, by the way”) as justifications. This only results in the Gotham citizens turning on him for suggesting their city’s hero is anything less than the best, which serves both as a Sam Raimi Spider-Man reference (“You mess with one of us! You mess with all of us!”) and another example of the citizens as stand-ins for fandom. Superman’s veil of cocksureness comes off quickly after that and stays off for the rest of the play. Starting with his conversation with Green Lantern where a civilian comes across them, but barely acts like Superman’s there.
One of the play’s running gags is Superman calling B@man’s number and leaving messages, showing a desperation to reach out and connect with his fellow hero despite initial smugness. Even before the first phone call scene, we see Superman joining B@man to sing “I want to be somebody’s buddy” during “Dark, Sad, Lonely Knight” hinting at what’s to come. The note it consistently comes back to is that Superman’s jealousy stems from Batman’s popularity over him. This is a complete flip of what Lego Batman does with the glimpse at a Batman/Superman dynamic we see when Batman goes to the Superman’s fortress to steal the Phantom Zone projector. The rivalry dynamic there exists solely in Batman’s head, Lego-Superman quickly saying “I would crush you” when Batman suggests the idea of them fighting. Superman’s status among the other DC heroes is also night and day between these works. Where Lego-Superman’s only scene in the movie shows him hosting the Justice League Anniversary Party and explaining he “forgot” to invite Batman, Superman in Holy Musical consistently lies about having friends over (“All night long I’m busy partying with my friends at the Fortress… of Solitude.”)
Superman’s relationship to B@man in Holy Musical develops into larger antagonism thanks to lack of communication with B@man brushing off Supes’ invitations to hang out and fight bad guys (“Where were you for the Solomon Grundy thing? Ended up smaller than I thought, just a couple of cool guys. Me and… Solomon Grundy.”) His own loneliness gets put into stronger focus when he sees the news of Rob!n’s debut as a crimefighter, which makes him reflect on how he misses having Krypto the Super-Dog around. (The explanation for why he doesn’t have his dog anymore is one of my favorite jokes in the play and I won’t ruin it here.)
Where Superman’s a reflection of B@man’s loneliness, Rosario Dawson as Barbara in Lego Batman is a confrontation of Batman’s go it alone attitude. Her job in the story is to be the one poking holes in the foundation of Batman as an idea, starting with her speech at Jim Gordon’s retirement banquet and her instatement as commissioner. She has a by-the-book outlook on crimefighting with the omnicompetence to back it up, thanks to her training at “Harvard for Police.” Babs sees Batman’s current way of operating as ineffectual and wants him to be an official agent of the law. An idea that dumps a bucket of cold water on Batman’s crush he developed immediately upon seeing her, though that never fully goes away.
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Her main point is that Batman “karate chopping poor people” hasn’t made Gotham better in his 80 years of operating. A contrast to Holy Musical’s Jim Gordon announcing that B@man has brought Gotham’s crime rates to an all-time low (“Still the highest in the world, but we’re working on it.”) She wants to see a Batman willing to work with other people. A hope dashed constantly dealing with his childish stubbornness as he tries to foil Joker’s schemes on his own, culminating in her arresting Batman and Robin for breaking into Arkham to send Joker to the Phantom Zone.
Barbara’s role as the one bringing grown-up attitudes and reality into Batman’s world does leave her in the role of comedic straight woman. Humor in her scenes comes from how she reacts to everyone else’s absurdity rather than anything she does to be funny. This works for the role she plays in Lego Batman, since she’s not there to have an arc the way Superman does in Holy Musical. She’s another catalyst for Batman’s to start letting people in as another character he grows to care about. Which starts after she lets the Dynamic Duo out of prison to fight Joker’s new army of Phantom Zone villains on the condition that he plays it by her rules. Leading to a stronger bond between Batman, Robin, Alfred, and her as they start working together.
The two Batmen’s relationships to other heroes, their villains, Robin, and their own solitude each culminate in their own way as their stories reach their conclusions.
Dark Knights & Dawning Realizations
As everything comes down to the final showdowns in these Bat-parodies, the two Caped Crusaders each confront their failures to be there for others and allow themselves to be vulnerable to someone they’ve been antagonizing throughout the story. Each climax has all of Gotham threatened by a bomb and the main villains’ plans coming to fruition only to come undone.
Holy Musical has Sweet Tooth’s kidnapping of Rob!n and forcing Gotham to choose themselves or the sidekick they hate sends B@man into his most exaggerated state in the entire play. It’s the classic superhero movie climax conundrum, duty as a hero versus personal attachment. Alfred, having revealed himself as the “other butlers”, even lampshades how these stories usually go only for that possibility to get shot down by Bruce:
Alfred: A true hero, Master Wayne, finds a way to choose both. B@man: You’re right, Alfred. I know what I have to do… Fuck Gotham, I’m saving Robin!
B@man’s selfishness effectively makes him the real villain of Holy Musical’s second act. Lego Batman has shades of that aspect as well, where Batman gets sent to the Phantom Zone by Joker for his repeated refusal to acknowledge their relationship. Where the AI running the interdimensional prison, Phyllis voiced by Ellie Kemper, confronts him with the way he’s treated Robin, Alfred, Barbara, and even Joker:
Phyllis: You’re not a traditional bad guy, but you’re not exactly a good guy either. You even abandoned your friends. Batman: No! I was trying to protect them! Phyllis: By pushing them away? Batman: Well… yeah. Phyllis: Are they really the ones you’re protecting?
Batman watches what’s happening back in Gotham and sees Robin emulate his grim and gritty tendencies to save the day in his absence makes him desperately scream, “Don’t do what I would do!” It’s the universe rubbing what a jerk he’s been in his face. He’s forced to take a look at himself and make a change. B@man’s not made to do that kind of self-reflection until after he’s defeated Sweet Tooth but failed to stop the villain’s bomb. He’s ready to give up on Gotham forever and leave with Rob!n, until his sidekick pulls up Sweet Tooth’s poll and it shows the unanimous result in favor of saving the Boy Wonder. Despite everything they said at the start of Act 2, the people want to help their hero in return for all the times he helped them. All of them calling back to the Raimi Spider-Man reference from Act 1, “You mess with one of us. You mess with all of us.”
Both heroes’ chance at redemption and self-improvement comes from opening themselves up to the people they pushed out and dismissed earlier in their stories. Batman takes on the role he reduced the Commissioner down to at the beginning of the movie and flips on signals for Barbara, Alfred, and Robin to show how he’s truly prepared to work as a team, not just with his friends and family but with the villains of Gotham the Joker pushed aside as well. Teamwork makes the dream work and they’re all able to work together to get Joker’s army back into the Phantom Zone but like in Holy Musical they fail to stop the bomb threatening Gotham. Which he can only prevent from destroying the city by confessing his true feeling to Joker
Batman: If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have learned how connected I am with all of these people and you. So, if you help me save Gotham, you’ll help me save us. Joker: You just said “us?” Batman: Yeah, Batman and the Joker. So, what do you say? Joker: You had me at “shut up!”
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The equivalent moment from Holy Musical comes from B@man needing to put aside his pride and encourage a disheartened Superman to save Gotham for him. This happens in the aftermath of a fight the two heroes had where Superman tried to stop B@man before he faced Sweet Tooth, B@man winning out through use of kryptonite. That fight doesn’t fit into any direct parallel with Lego Batman, but it is important context for how Superman’s feeling about B@man before Superman finally gets his long-awaited phone call from the Dark Knight. Also, the song accompanying the fight, “To Be a Man”, is one of the funniest scenes in the play. What this speech from B@man does is bring the idea of Holy Musical B@man as a commentary on fandom full circle:
B@man: I forgot what it means to be a superhero. But we’re really not that different, you and me, at our heart. I mean really all superheroes are pretty much the same… Something bad happened to us once when we were young, so we dedicated our whole lives to doing a little bit of good. That’s why we got into this crazy superhero business. Not to be the most popular, or even the most powerful. Because if that were the case, hell, you’d have the rest of us put out of a job!
This speech extends into an exchange between the heroes about how superheroes are cool, not despite anything superficially silly but because of it. Bringing it back to the “Robin Sucks!” theme that started Act 2, saying “Some people think Robin is stupid. But those people are pretentious douchebags. Because, literally, the only difference between Robin and me is our costumes.” The speech culminates in what I genuinely think is one of the best Batman lines ever written, as B@man’s final plea to Superman is “Where’s that man who’s faster than a gun?” calling back to the trauma that created Batman across all versions and what he can see in someone like Superman. So, B@man sacrificing his pride and fully trusting in another hero saves Gotham, the way Batman letting Joker know what their relationship means to him did in Lego Batman.
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Each of these parodies ends by delivering a Batman willing to open himself up to a new team of heroes fighting at his side, the newly minted Bat-Family in Lego Batman and the league for justice known as the Super Friends in Holy Musical. Putting them side by side like this shows how creators don’t need the resources of a Hollywood studio to make something exactly as meaningful and how the best parodies come from love of the material no matter who’s behind them.
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redwingstan · 3 years
Fireworks [Torres x Reader]
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➽Summary: In which you—alongside Torres— investigate the Flag Smashers in the middle of Carnival. This takes place after the Blip, prior to Torres communicating with Sam.
➽Pairing: Joaquin Torres x you (pronouns: she/her)
➽Word Count: 1,594
➽Warnings: Fluff, enemies-ish to lovers—but not really, I guess?
➽Author’s Note: I apologize for the inaccuracies of my portrayal of Torres' characterization/personality. This was hard to write because he had very little screen time but I hope you enjoy it, regardless. Feel free to like/comment/critique, and/or reblog!
➽Song: Hot Wings ( I Wanna Party) [reverb]
Men and women, dressed in gorgeously bright colors, wore smiles that could only be the product of social unity and togetherness. Streamers, confetti, and feathers fell down like snow—meandering through the cool breeze that passed through. Shouts of joy knocked against your eardrums, though it was nothing compared to the hail of bullets you heard during your times of combat. The smell of freshly cooked meat tickled your nose, triggering a growl from your stomach.
The music was loud—the bass you could feel against your chest, enticing your heart to bang against your ribcage to set it free. Whoever had permeated this sudden beat was enticing you to move along with the crowd before you.
“Looks like we’ll have to walk through,” Torres shouted next to you as he shut the car door.
He walked around and stood before the yellow tape blocking the car’s path that led to the rest of the paved road.
“Or...party our way through,” Torres added with a glint of mischief in his eyes.
You rolled your eyes and pulled out your cell phone to look at the coordinates that marked where the compound should be. You both were in search of a cluster of FlagSmashers within the city. It wasn’t an official mission given to you and Torres by any official commander. In fact, Torres had struck out on his own to find them, because the FlagSmashers had been wreaking havoc wherever they went. When Torres first developed this plan he called you first, informing you about what he was doing in the case that something might happen to him and he didn’t return home.
But you were unwilling to let him go through with it alone—so you followed him across the country to ensure he would return back to the States alive.
“If we go around, I think we have a better chance of making it to the compound,” You said, your fingers hovering over the red dots of the coordinate map on your phone. You never liked crowds so you were looking for the least complicated route.
“The quickest way is through. We’ll get there faster before they’re on the move again,” Torres said, adjusting the sleeves of his jacket.
“Are you serious?” You lifted a brow. “If anything, it’ll take us longer to—”
“Just stay close to me. We can meander through and take a shortcut.” Torres walked over and took your cell phone from your hands, running his pointer finger along the detoured path he created in an effort to show you what he had in mind.
You quickly took your phone back and looked at the coordinates again.
“Torres, I don’t think—”
“Come on, Y/N!”
You lifted your eyes and found Torres already ducking under the yellow tape. He waved to you, gesturing for you to follow before he sprinted towards the tail end of a crowd welcoming an array of floats that carried dancers in multicolored costumes.
You groaned internally. There was never a dull moment when you were around Torres. He was headstrong but in the gentlest way possible—you had realized. He was never overbearing, but persistent in the sense that it was almost childlike, juvenile. You two had served together for a couple of years now and he still had a way of getting under your skin with that goofy, yet convincing grin; and his occasional proverbs laced with a casual undertone.
And although he was a functioning adult, you still felt responsible for him. So, with your pride wounded, you shoved your phone away and ducked under the yellow tape. You sprinted until you and Torres were side by side.
You both slowed in pace and the moment you two approached the crowd, Torres stuck out his hand.
“I can follow you just fine,” You said, knowing that was a lie. But you weren’t going to give him another chance at making your heart palpitate and your palms sweat. “I’ll stick close.”
Torres lifted a brow before letting his hand flop to his side.
“Suit yourself,” he said.
The two of you walked through the assortment of partygoers. Children chased one another, running around between partygoers’ legs while the adults danced to the heavy drum being played nearby. Eventually the path grew too narrow to the point where you were forced to trail behind Torres. You kept your eyes locked on his back the entire way, determined not to lose him in the crowd.
As you both approached the center of the crowd where the majority of the people were, Torres suddenly stopped. Before you could brace yourself, you ran directly into his back. For a moment, you had forgotten why bothered to come.
Suddenly Torres turned around, a pair of decorative masks in his hand. With his free hand, he reached out to keep you stable.
“Sorry about that,” he said before offering an apologetic smile. “You alright?”
You glared at him.
Torres held up his hands in defense, the masks hanging from his fingers by the string.
“Remind me to never take you to a party when we get back home.” He flashed another one of his signature smiles.
You rolled your eyes in an effort to brush off his comment as a joke. You two were only friends, but as of lately you couldn't but take some of his jokes about your friendship too seriously.
“I told you I don't like crowds,” You said, crossing your arms. You stepped around a passing couple who had sparkles in their free hands.
“And I told you, you didn't have to come,” he said with a short chuckle as your cheeks grew warm.
Suddenly, he stepped forward and fit the strap of the mask over the back of your head.
“But since we are here, we might as well blend in with the crowd,” he said.
Gently, he fit the mask over your eyes, adjusting it until it was straight, his fingers grazing your cheekbones before he stepped back to put his on.
“I’m starting to think this is just an excuse for you to partake in the festivities,” You said, your eyes trained on the pair of eyes hidden behind a dark green mask.
“With all that’s happened, we can’t afford to miss an opportunity to live a little,” he said.
"You're too young to be this wise," You joked.
Torres grinned before offering his hand once more. You politely declined and instead, took the lead this time.
The music grew louder as you traversed through the sweaty bodies around you. With every tiny space you maneuvered your way through you were oblivious to the fact that you were leaving Torres in the dust.
Festive smoke filled the miniscule gaps between dancers and onlookers. It grew thicker and thicker, to the point where you could barely see where you were going. You fanned the air and briefly stopped to rub at your eyes that were starting to water. You braced for Torres to stumble into you, but was surprised when you realized it was only a man carrying an assortment of meats on a stick.
Eventually you continued your trek through the crowd, eyes searching for a young man wearing a dark green mask.
When the smoke cleared, you couldn’t see him. Instead, you were met with another crowd—this one more festive than the last. You squeezed your way through, not bothering to excuse yourself since the music was too loud.
You stumbled around for a while, keeping your eyes peeled for Torres. At one point, you balanced yourself on the tips of your toes in an effort to be certain you hadn’t walked by without seeing him.
You turned around and saw him approaching you. Pushing through the crowd, you meet him halfway. Just as you neared one another, you tripped over someone’s foot and fell forward. Before you could hit the concrete face first, Torres caught you, his hands firmly grasping you by both of your arms.
“So much for sticking close,” Torres said as he helped you to stand upright.
“I told you I don’t like crowds,” You said, stepping back only to step forward again as people began dancing near you. You gripped onto Torres’ arm to keep you from getting knocked down again.
A cool breeze passed as the both of you remained in close proximity to each other. The sound of the music and the people faded into the background and for a second, you forgot where you were and why you were there. A sudden transverse force inclined you to lean forward just as Torres did, the air around you both falling silent as your masks were mere inches apart...
The sound of a sudden explosion pulled you two apart. You gripped onto Torres’ bicep, your other hand going to the gun at your waist, ready to defend yourself. Torres stiffened, the gentle caress against your elbow turning into a protective grip.
You lifted your head to the sky and suddenly, out of relief, you smiled.
“Fireworks,” You said, lowering your hand to your side.
Torres did the same and followed your gaze.
“Fireworks,” he echoed with a small chuckle.
The two of you held onto one another—Torres’ hand resting on your elbow, while your fingers clung loosely to the bicep of his jacket—as you two gazed up at the decorative sky. Eventually, Torres looked down at you, his grin slowly diminishing.
“Come on,” he urged gently. “We have to go.”
Without warning, he took you by the hand, pulling you through the crowd with you by his side.
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chuuango · 2 years
In honour of Chuuya’s birthday (and my first post on this sideblog), bsd (but mostly Chuuya) headcannons.
-Chuuya likes rock music. Any sort of rock is good but he especially likes classic rock
-He does have a love of Taylor swift tho. Higuchi is #1 swiftie and they (along with Tachihara, who also listens to taylor swift) got together when red (Taylor’s version) came out to listen to it.
-Ango has a fear of spiders (which was discovered when Dazai put one of those fake spider things in his coat pocket and when Ango found it he nearly fell over)
-Chuuya and Dazai, when they were teenagers, went to an amusement park (for a mission or to mess around idc) and at Chuuya’s insistence they went on a lot of the rides. Chuuya is 100% an adrenaline junkie and loves roller coasters more the faster/more exciting they are and forced Dazai to come with him. Dazai absolutely hates the roller coasters and after getting off one of them he threw up and then they went home.
-Yosano taught Kenji how to make friendship bracelets once and so he made one for Kyouka when she joined the ADA and Kyouka thought it was amazing and so she asked Kenji to teach her. They ended up making friendship bracelets for everyone in the ADA
-Poe once offhandedly referenced the gummy bear song to Ranpo but Ranpo got really interested and listened to it and then ended up loving it and played it everywhere in the ADA for days.
-Chuuya likes to take photos of things and places so he has a whole collection of photographs but he mostly tucks them away into books because he thinks it’s dangerous to have photos of himself/people he cares about/places he’s been or frequently goes lying around.
-Dazai hated having his photo taken in the PM but on occasion he let Chuuya get pictures of him and when he left he took one (a picture of one of the rare moments of peace between them, Chuuya in the kitchen and swatting Dazai’s hand away from the food. It had actually been taken by Kouyou with Chuuya’s camera). The rest of them, Chuuya tucked into his least favorite poetry book that he owned.
-Chuuya is shockingly good at puzzle and tabletop games. He’s absolutely cracked at things like wordle and the PM learned quickly that Chuuya is very good at chess (because he and Dazai used to play a lot, though Chuuya never won against him).
-The PM has a game night, the black lizard run it and invite whoever they want to each week but Elise is always there, whether they told her when it was or not
-Games of twister get very competitive.
-Gin once won, after Tachihara was unable to bend over her because she held a knife out over her thigh so he couldn’t lean against her without getting cut.
-Higuchi loves to be dealer in card games and knows a lot of cool card tricks.
-Elise dominates in monopoly.
-Dazai and Ranpo love to go to movie theatres and watch random movies and then review them like professional critics online later. Dazai often comments how boring a lot of the movies are and Ranpo says how murder mystery movies could’ve been better.
-Chuuya has the top score at dance dance revolution in the arcade he and Dazai went to.
-Every year on his birthday, Chuuya takes the day off and wanders around Yokohama and anywhere nearby, visiting places that are important to him. This includes a lot of graveyards.
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skinsharpenedteeth · 3 years
Coming Up Easy - The First Dance
You can also check this out on AO3!!
Michael reclined in bed against the pillows he’d stacked against the wall so he could read his phone, drink a beer, and be semi-comfortable. It’d been a long, long day and he was having trouble winding down from it. He’d put on one of Isobel’s Spotify playlists on random while he dicked around on his phone. He knew what he wanted to do. He’d been scrolling through his photo’s gallery for ten minutes staring at the few pictures he had of them together. He wished he had more. He was pointedly trying to stay out of the private file he had that definitely showed more of them together because he’d been visiting that file way too often since Alex had moved.
Finishing his beer, Michael chucked the empty bottle into the trash and opened a new one. Feeling daring, he shot Alex a text.
Me 10:02 p.m. >> You up?
Alex 10:03 p.m. >> I am. In fact, I’m cooking.
Me 10:05 p.m. >> I call bullshit. You hate cooking.
<<Alex is requesting a video chat session: Accept?>>
Biting his lip, Michael had a second to wonder how he was going to look before saying ‘Fuck it’ and pushing his thumb against the accept key. Alex’s face filled his phone screen and Michael would be lying to say his heart didn’t flutter a little at the sight of his slightly red, smiling face.
“Oh my God, I missed your face,” Alex said without preamble. Michael found himself smiling despite himself.
“Yeah? Need me to send you pictures daily?” Michael teased.
“No, I don’t want to get spoiled. This is a treat for me. I’ve been looking at strangers for weeks now,” Alex replied. Michael was trying not to stare because Alex looked so good and it just made Michael want to go over to his place and tackle him against the refrigerator. He couldn’t though. That sort of thing would take planning and plane tickets and passports and so much more work than it did a month ago. Sighing to himself, Michael tried to keep the conversation flowing.
“Any cute ones?” Michael asked, kicking himself immediately. Alex’s eyebrows drew together for a moment before he wiped the expression away.
“Uh, not yet. I’ll probably have to get on a dating app or something to really meet people,” Alex replied awkwardly, smile turning brittle as he spoke. Faintly, Michael could hear music in the background of Alex’s kitchen.
“So what are you listening to while you cook? And what are you cooking? You burned a peanut butter and jelly sandwich once!” Michael exclaimed, eyes flitting around the screen trying to see behind Alex’s head. Alex rolled his eyes, but his smile was more genuine.
“I’m listening to that new Miley Cyrus song “Can't Stop”. Have you heard it?” Alex asked, moving closer to his Bluetooth speaker and turning up the volume so Michael could listen in.
“No, I haven’t. I’ll have to listen to it later, sounds good,” Michael commented. Alex was closing his eyes and the phone was swaying like he was dancing to the music.
“Oh shit, I’m going to put you down on the counter. I gotta stir,” Alex exclaimed a moment later and suddenly Michael could see much more of Alex’s apartment kitchen and of Alex himself. He was wearing his old MCR t-shirt they’d spent one night turning into a tank top and sweatpants. The large, gaping armholes showed off the hint of muscle on his back and chest and made Michael’s mouth water and his entire body ache with want to touch him. He watched Alex grab a spatula and start stirring it around a frying pan, hips still moving with the beat of the song as he concentrated. Michael had to clear his voice as his mouth went suddenly dry at the visual of those hips in action. Alex had always been good with rhythm, but being best friends with Liz had also given him a swivel to his dancing style that was frankly indecent.
“So, uh, what are you cooking?” Michael asked again, trying not to get too mesmerized by Alex dancing and mouthing the words to the song into the end of the spatula when he wasn’t stirring.
“Stirfry. Something so basic even I can’t fuck it up, hopefully,” Alex joked. He picked the phone up so he could turn the camera for Michael to look in the pan. Looked like soggy frozen veggies mixed with overcooked chicken in something that might’ve been brown sauce.
“Looks great,” Michael lied as Alex put the phone back down. Alex looked at him for a moment and started laughing.
“Okay, it looks like dog vomit, but it’ll be edible. Someone never taught me how to cook, despite being excellent at it,” Alex joked, giving Michael a dirty look through the phone. Fuck, Michael wanted to kiss that look off his face.
“I was trying to make my friendship indispensable to you. Apparently, I failed since you moved to another country and left me to languish in the desert alone and lonely,” Michael said dramatically. Alex barked out another laugh before turning back to the pan and shaking his head down at it. He moved it off the heating element and flipped the dial. Michael watched him as he bent over and settled on his elbows in front of the phone. He looked… well, Michael was glad his own camera was facing front.
“You’re indispensable to me no matter what, even without the cooking lessons. Just you wait, you’ll come up here for a visit and soon I’ll have a roommate,” Alex joked.
“We’ll see about that,” Michael retorted as another song came on. The song immediately sent him back to a small, dusty shed that smelled like sweat, metal, wood, and damp cotton. He could feel Alex’s warm hands on his hips nudging him to shift with the beat to the left and right while they both stared at his bare feet.
“Is this….?” Michael started but stopped as he became sure that it was. Alex had been looking over his shoulder towards the speaker and when Michael spoke up, he turned back to the phone. His cheeks were slightly pink and he looked sheepish.
“Yeah, this is Hellogoodbye. Remembering the same thing I am?” Alex asked, looking at Michael nervously through the phone. Michael let his head fall back against the wall behind him and he took a long pull from his beer before answering.
“Yeah, I think so. You teaching me to dance for prom?” Michael asked, not looking at the phone but hearing Alex clear his voice.
“Yeah, that,” he answered, voice subdued. They fell into silence and Michael had no doubt they were both trapped in a shared memory.
“I don’t even want to go to prom. I’ve managed to miss every other dance in high school, I don’t see why Isobel is so insistent I go to this one!” Michael raged, walking the length of the Mane’s shed back and forth while Alex watched from the futon. They were both shirtless and slightly sweaty, only partially dressed after their makeout and hand job session. Alex was leaned over with his elbows on his knees watching Michael warily.
“It’s just a dance, Michael. Go if it’ll make her happy. I’m going, you can come hang out with me,” Alex said, tone slightly exasperated. He’d been listening to Michael bitch about Isobel’s insistence for him to go to prom for a week already and it was beginning to grate on his nerves. Michael stopped and looked at him, arms raised and expression clearing asking ‘Are you actually agreeing with her?!’. Alex just kept looking at him blankly. ‘Yes,’ his expression replied. ‘I’m agreeing with her.’ With a defeated sigh, Michael let his arms drop suddenly and slap against his sides.
“I don’t even know how to dance,” he mumbled, almost too low for Alex to hear him. Alex gave him a complicated look, somewhere between amusement and pity.
“That’s easy enough to fix. I can teach you that much,” Alex replied, standing up.
“What? No, I don’t want to know! It’s just going to be weird. I’m not going to have anything to do except stand around and drink punch. It’s going to be expensive and lame,” Michael whined, even as he watched Alex go over to his iPod and put it into the stereo he’d brought out to the shed. He ignored Michael’s protests and found a song with an easily recognizable beat. It started up, sounding poppy and electronic, and Michael rolled his eyes. Alex caught him at it.
“Hey, this is going to be easy. Quit being such an ass about it,” Alex griped, coming to stand in front of Michael. He placed his hands on Michael’s hips and looked him straight in the eyes. “Okay. Just follow my movements. Right now we’re just finding the beat.”
Michael swallowed and nodded, throat suddenly dry at the feeling of Alex being close to him and semi-nude and touching him. It seemed Alex put him on a hair-trigger to want sex. With a gentle push and pull, Alex moved Michael and himself back and forth until they were swaying with the beat.
“Okay, this is literally the most basic form of slow dancing. It’s just swaying from side to side. Put your hands on my shoulders and just keep following me,” Alex instructed. Michael raised his arms and lazily draped his arms over Alex’s shoulders like he’d seen every girl do in every teen movie ever. He’d rolled his eyes again as he did it and Alex pinched his side for his sass. “I’m doing you a favor, dipshit. Be nice.”
“Ow! Fine, fine. I’ll be nice. Now what?” Michael asked as they continued to sway. It felt so weird to be standing there in Alex’s shed just shifting his weight back and forth. Without warning, Alex began to pull Michael’s body closer to him while he moved back too. Michael stumbled a little, his foot stepping on the one Alex had kept still.
“Okay, sorry, I didn’t explain. That’s my bad,” Alex apologized once they’d untangled themselves. He grabbed Michael’s hips again and began the original swaying. Once they’d gotten back in rhythm with the song, Alex tried to explain. “So we’re going to basically be moving in a box. Whoever’s leading, so me this time, is always outlining the box with their movements while whoever’s following, you, is tracing the inside of the box.”
Michael gave him a confused look. Making a discontent noise, Alex stepped close until his stomach and hips were resting against Michael’s. Michael gave him a wide-eyed look, wondering if Alex had decided to save dancing for later and more fucking for now…
“Close your eyes,” Alex ordered. Michael closed them obediently, waiting for the gentle pressure of Alex’s lips against his. Instead, Alex continued talking. “Now follow my lead.”
Michael felt the pull of Alex’s body to the right and he instinctually followed. Then Alex moved him backward. It threw Michael off for a second, but then he felt the gentle pressure of Alex’s left leg pressing against his right and he moved that leg back. Then they glided to the left and then Alex was pulling Michael forward. This time he felt which of Alex’s legs was staying still and which was moving away and followed suit. They did this two more times before he felt Alex’s breath by his ear.
“This is a box step. You’re dancing,” he whispered. Despite the heat of the spring day which baked against the poorly insulated shed walls, Michael felt goosebumps break out along his shoulders and chest at the feeling of Alex’s breath against his ear. Opening his eyes, he pulled back to look at Alex’s face and immediately stepped wrong and made them stumble.
“Damnit!” Michael yelled, dropping his arms.
“No, Michael. It’s fine. It just takes practice,” Alex consoled.
“I’m just not made for dancing,” Michael grouched, turning away and taking a few steps to put space between them. The song changed to some other top 100 pop slow jam, and after a minute he felt Alex hook his chin over one of his shoulders and press his chest to Michael’s back. His arms wrapped around Michael’s crossed ones and he immediately started swaying them again.
“You are. Dancing isn’t so different from fucking. It’s about tempo and rhythm and matching or counterpointing movements. You’re great at fucking, you could be good at dancing,” Alex said quietly. He started kissing Michael’s neck and shoulder intently and heat started to pool in Michael’s gut at the feeling of Alex pressing against him and moving slowly. “Maybe you can dance with me at prom and I’ll make sure you don’t make a fool of yourself?”
“You want to dance with me at prom? Isn’t that a bit… public?” Michael asked. He didn’t really mind it being public, but he didn’t want Alex to say something and not realize the consequences.
“We’ll be out of here in a couple months anyway. Fuck ‘em if they can’t hang, right?” Alex said, voice tight behind his teasing tone.
“Yeah, sure. I’ll dance with you at prom then,” Michael replied easily. He turned his head and Alex kissed the corner of his mouth.
“You’re a good friend. I wouldn’t have anyone to dance with either without you,” Alex said. Michael’s heart ached against his ribs, but he nodded anyway.
“We didn’t get to dance at prom,” Alex said simply when the silence stretched.
“No, you had to go get into a fight with Valenti before I could get in from pictures with Iz and Max,” Michael agreed.
“Wish we had,” Alex replied, sounding wistful.
“Yeah, me too,” Michael agreed. The silence was sad now and he hated it. Michael tried to think of something to say. Clearing his throat, he went with the first thing that came to his mind. “So you adding rice to that stirfry or something?”
“Uh, I was going to just get some like minute rice and dump it on top when I reheated this,” Alex explained. Michael grimaced and Alex laughed.
“Jerk,” Alex said, but a smile was back on his face.
“Just let me know if you end up in the hospital with food poisoning. I’ll send you flowers,” Michael replied with a grin.
“Ugh, shut UP! It’s fine!” Alex exclaimed, grabbing a fork from a drawer and scooping up some onto it. “See?!”
He put it in his mouth and Michael waited. He saw him grimace and chew slowly.
“So good, right?” Michael teased.
“It’s fine,” Alex said after swallowing. Michael waited, Alex and he looked at each other through the screen, before Alex grimaced and then stood up abruptly. “UGH, FINE! It’s gross!”
Michael chuckled.
“Poor baby,” Michael cooed. Alex flipped him off but laughed along with him.
“Yeah, poor me. Well, shit. Now I have to clean all this up and I have nothing to show for it,” Alex groused. Michael watched him rub his hands over his face in frustration and stare at the pan of ruined food.
“Going to try again?” Michael asked. Alex looked over at him and shook his head.
“No. I gotta get to bed. It’s already late. This was just kind of a spur-of-the-moment decision anyway,” Alex replied morosely.
“Hey, you’ll get it next time. Just call me and I’ll walk you through it on video,” Michael offered. Alex sighed and nodded.
“Probably for the best,” he agreed. “Well, I better get to bed. It was nice seeing your face.”
“It was good seeing yours. Miss you,” Michael said before he could chicken out.
“Miss you too. Night,” Alex said with a smile.
“Night,” Michael replied before the call ended. He took a deep sigh and set his phone down on his chest before taking a sip of his lukewarm beer.
Damn, he missed that fucker.
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fangirlyah · 4 years
✦bedtime stories - Edmund Pevensie x Reader
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summary: your teen adventures in the great kingdom of narnia now became bedtime stories for your children. 
warnings: just too much sweetness
word count: 1,242
a/n: according to the books the ages of the characters should be different, but in this one-shot their ages will be those agreed by wikipedia reasoning with the actors’ age in the year of recording of the second film (it is an approximation). at the side of the real names of the characters, there are names that y/n gives them to tell the story:
Peter/Patrick  - 20
Susan/Sophie - 17
Edmund/Ethan - 15/16
Lucy/Laila - 12
Prince Caspian/Christopher - 26
y/n  / Mérida 
"mom! can you tell us a story?!” you peeked through the open door of your children's room, you were heading for your own bedroom to rest but you couldn't ignore your children's request. the light from a small desk lamp illuminated the room, while the three children went to their respective beds. it was ten o'clock at night and none of them could fall asleep. 
"please! I want one of those about the magic kingdom!" your eldest son, of eight years old, exclaimed. 
"its name is narnia, silly" mary, the only girl, corrected her brother. 
you went into their room and took a seat william’s bed, your youngest son. 
"if you promise to go to sleep later, i will tell you a story" 
"yes mommy" will move his little body, of a four year old boy, to sit on his mommy's lap.
"well, tonight's story begins when little queen laila turned thirteen. it was a sunny day and the whole kingdom was celebrating. every creature, animal and human being was overflowing with joy as the queen had stopped being a child to start becoming a woman. the war with the telmarines had come to a successful end so every habitant of the narnian’s kingdom had more than one reason to celebrate. 
sophie, laila and mérida were eagerly preparing for the celebration. the maids had made beautiful dresses for each of them..”
"where were the kings?!"
"they were also getting ready for the party, arranging their fancy clothes and making sure their hair was well neat, as they had to make a good impression. 
the main courtyard of the castle was adorned with garlands of cloth in the little queen's favourite colours and the tables were full of delights to be enjoyed. 
when sophie and mérida came down the three kings were already waiting for them with smiles on their faces. christopher had a very big smile, which when he saw the older queen became even bigger...”
"and ethan and merida?, you told us that they were in love, mum! how did ethan react?" your daughter asked enthusiastically, making her brother fake a vomit. 
"oh yes, they were very much in love. ethan was fascinated by the view in front of him, the queen mérida was beautiful. for that moment there were no wedding plans but, as soon as ethan saw her, he wanted to propose there at that moment..." 
"she knew he wanted to propose to her?!" 
"she found out years later when he finally did it, after years of friendship"
"there were warriors at the party?!" your eldest son stood on his bed imitating a soldier in the middle of a battle. 
"they were all at the celebration. queen lucy was so gentle that she had not allowed anyone to miss the feast. when the birthday girl came down the big stairs everyone had smiles on their faces and applauded her loudly. the food on the long tables quickly disappeared and the same with the drinks, but the guests remained dancing in the courtyard to the rhythm of the band playing on a small stage. ethan had not allowed mérida to dance with anyone but himself, keeping their hands together most of the time. not even his older brother, patrick, who had tried to dance a song with the girl.  the birthday girl passed through almost every arm of the guests giving them big hugs in thanks for their presence. the music only stopped when the lion, aslan, appeared at the party to give the little queen a few words of courtesy…” 
"you have the same name!” william pointed with his little arm at his brother. 
"I still don't understand, mum, how I was named after a fantasy lion" you just smiled to continue. 
"aslan was very happy for the little girl, so he gave her a valuable sword with a public speech wishing her well as a ruler of the kingdom of narnia. when night came and the servants took a large citrus and chocolate cake from the kitchen to sing a typical narnian birthday song. patrick, ethan, sophie and laila were already familiar with such a song as they had heard it countless times. but both christopher and mérida did not yet know it…” 
"mérida only knew the happy birthday song, so silly!l" 
"exactly, she had arrived in narnia a year ago so the birthdays she had lived in the kingdom were few. chistopher only knew the telmarine song and, given the circumstances, it was not advisable to sing it..." your children laughed thanks to your sarcastic comment "even though it was almost midnight and the guests had already left, none of the kings and queens or the princess merida seemed to take away their smile. the moon was full and when they were the last ones left in the large courtyard laila said 'this was the best birthday ever' causing a satisfaction in the faces of all those who had helped organize. when they thought they would close the night merida shouted 'whoever gets me first has the plague!' and so everyone began to run, ending up barefoot moving, with difficulty, on the white sand of the beach, with even bigger smiles. that night everyone slept in complete peace after a long time of suffering, they were one big happy family". 
when you finished telling the story your children were already relaxed, trapped between the colourful blankets of their beds. you snuggled them up even more, covering them with the blankets to keep them from getting cold at night. when you were about to leave a voice woke you up.
"yes, dear?" you answered to your daughter when you were about to step into the hallway outside her bedroom.
"can you tell us when ethan and mérida got married tomorrow?" 
"of course" satisfied, she turned her back on you. 
when you had already closed the door, you bent down to pick up a toy dinosaur that was on the floor when you heard a voice. 
"psss, aslan!" your daughter shouted whispering. 
"what do you want, mary?" a sleepy boy answered. 
"do you think mummy is mérida and daddy is ethan?" 
"you're crazy, these are just fantasy stories" 
"but violet told me that aunt susan tells her the same bedtime stories! maybe the kings and queens, are dad and his brothers and sisters!" 
"mary, you ate too many turkish delights today. go to sleep" 
when you heard that the conversation was over, you went to your room with a smile on your face that only grew bigger when you saw your husband lying down reading a book. 
"they will start to get suspicious if you keep telling them about narnia" edmund looked at you as you took off your dressing gown and went into bed to leave a soft kiss on his freshly shaved cheek. 
"I think they already do" you added comically making him laugh "guess what they want me to tell them now" ed looked at you with raised eyebrows waiting for an answer 
"they want me to tell them when you proposed to me and we got married" 
"oh for aslan, that's so embarrassing" he said, recalling his chequered proposal. 
"I'm sure more than one man has dropped the ring on the grass while he was kneeling" you loved to bring that up, because that way you could see him blushing and feel his face hiding in your neck.
"tomorrow i tell them the story" 
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youare-mysonshine · 4 years
miss independent || oscar diaz
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(gif is not mine. credit to owner💗)
Summary: Oscar has feelings for the reader meanwhile the reader has feelings for Mario. Oscar is struggling to accept that.
Requested: yes!
Pairing: Oscar Diaz x reader, Mario Martinez x reader
Warnings: a bit of angst, cursing as per usual.
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: to whoever requested this, I hope this is what you wanted. I decided to use Mario because I just felt like he fit perfectly. Obviously this takes place during season 2 and amber isn’t a thing lmao I wrote this way before season 3 came out and I kinda just left it because I got stuck, but I’m back and I figured I’d finish it. It’s not the best but ENJOY! I’m open to doing a second part, I have been doing Oscar dirty and I am sorry lmao
When Y/N and Mario had ended their relationship, there was absolutely no bad blood between them - they had been together for most of high school. They were each other’s first loves. They went through a great deal together. They essentially grew together. They had been together way too long to end on bad terms.
No, the reason that they had ended was because Mario had gone away to college and Y/N had stayed in Freeridge, having decided to take a break from school for about a year or so. It hadn’t been an easy decision, but they both ultimately agreed that they should break up - prior to him leaving for college, they had agreed that long distance would be just fine, that they’d be able to do it, but once he was gone, it was an entirely different story. They barely talked, Mario was busy with meeting knew people, going out with his new friends and focusing on school. It was something Y/N didn’t blame him for, she knew what the deal was when he went away, but still, life was getting in the way and neither of them wanted to make the other feel like they weren’t important.
Their break up had been hard but amicable. And it certainly wasn’t something that someone could just get over in a short amount of time. Neither of them knew if they’d get back together again, but the feelings were still there. Y/N was sure that they’d always be there. A connection with someone like that, it didn’t just go away. It’d stay with you, forever.
It had been a few weeks after their break up that Y/N had gone out to the liquor a few blocks away from her house to buy some snacks - call it comfort food - when a green car had slowed down across the street from her to match her pace. Inside the car, which was blasting music so loud she could almost feel the bass of it reverberate against the sidewalk, were about 4 guys. Prophets, she quickly realized, judging by amount of green they wore.
“Damn ma, what you doin’ out here alone? You lookin’ fine as fuck. Let me get that ass.” Was among one of the many things thrown her way. Being a young woman, it hadn’t been the first time that she had been cat called and it likely wouldn’t be the last, but that fact never stopped it from being creepy and making her uncomfortable, especially when it was coming from the Prophets, one of Freeridge’s known gangs. Especially given that they had been following her in their car, going as fast she was going to keep up with her.
Y/N had sped up her walking but that did nothing because they sped up too, still yelling things at her through the window. Her heart had begun racing and she could feel the cold sweat on her forehead - were they gonna follow her home? The young woman had contemplated just booking it and hoping that they’d lose interest and leave when she heard the rumble of another engine, this time heading in her direction. Up ahead she could see a familiar cherry red impala. She knew who it belonged too. Almost everybody knew who it belonged too.
Oscar had sped up just slightly when he had seen the green car, coming to a stop when he was beside Y/N, effectively blocking her from the view of the Prophet’s. Suddenly, she had gotten just that much more freaked out because she knew, everybody knew, of the tension between the two gangs, the Santos and the Prophets. She didn’t want to find herself in the middle of a shootout when all she had just wanted to do was go home and eat her damn fucking chips.
“The fuck you doin’ on this block? This is Santos territory. You punk asses know you shouldn’t be here.” She had heard Oscar say. “Get the fuck outta here. Now.” He left no room for discussion. That deathly calm, but frightening stare wasn’t something she wanted to be on the receiving end of. Across the street, she could see the Prophets in the car debating his words, contemplating on listening to the Santo and leaving or starting some shit. In the end, they decided on heeding his words and they drove off, not before throwing some comments his way, and her way.
“We’ll be seeing you, Spooky.” “Watch your back.” “We’ll be seeing you too, ma.” None of it phased Oscar, who watched as they disappeared through the side mirror of his car. Suddenly, his dark eyes were on her and she left out a tiny breath she wasn’t aware she had been holding.
“You good?” He asked, nodding his head at her. The y/h/c haired female gave a small nod, clutching at the plastic bag in her hand.
“Uh, yeah. Thanks for that. I didn’t think they were gonna leave me alone.” She admitted, sending a small smile his way. His dark eyes analyzed her for a second, and she began to grow hot under his gaze, feeling the heat creep up her neck, to her cheeks, all the way to the very tops of her ears.
“You’re Mario’s girlfriend, right?” And that sent a painful little jab to her heart, the remembrance that she and Mario were no longer a couple. Clearing her throat, Y/N shook her head.
“Uh, no. No, we broke up after he left for college. Long distance just wasn’t our thing.” She revealed. Oscar gave a slow nod at her words, letting out a little ‘hm’. She had figured the conversation was over at that point so she was about to turn away and carry on her journey home when his deep voice spoke up once more.
“You want a ride?”
Now, Y/N had been familiar with Oscar because of Mario, but they had never actually had a full blown conversation like the one they were just having. They had never been alone together, they had never spent copious amounts of time together. Oscar had gone to prison for a considerable amount of time as well. So, the fact that he had offered to give her a ride was a bit surprising to her, and she had almost declined his offer when the words of that one Prophet replayed in her mind.
“We’ll be seeing you too, ma.”
Were they lurking around a corner somewhere, waiting until she walked away from Oscar? Waiting to follow her again? Now, maybe she was being entirely paranoid but she certainly did not want to take that risk. So, giving Oscar a nod, she walked a few steps forward, pulled open the door and climbed into the passenger seat of his precious car.
That had been the start of an unlikely and very surprising friendship between Y/N and Oscar Diaz.
After that fateful day where he saved her from being harassed by Prophets, they had started hanging out more, they had become quite close. She’d spend more time at his house than her own. They’d drink cheap beer and smoke blunts and just talk about anything and everything. Dumb shit, funny shit, little shit. It was a friendship that Y/N had really grown to cherish. Hell, Oscar had even let her drive his car, and that wasn’t something he let anybody do, not even his brother.
(“You better not fucking crash my car, pendeja.” “Shut the fuck up, I’m not gonna crash shit. Relax, vato.”)
But somewhere along the line, it had changed for Oscar. Having a girl as a friend was something that he was never really used to - he hadn’t anticipated on an actual full blown friendship to form between him and Y/N but he couldn’t say that he regretted it. Y/N looked at him and saw something more than just a cholo, more than just a guy with two strikes working against him. He really did start to care about her, and he looked forward to the days where she’d go over to his house and they’d just hang out. Or the days where they’d get into his car, drive down to the beach and watch the sunset.
He had found himself wanting more than just a friendship - it was her smile, the way her smile seemed to light up the entire room. It was her eyes, the way they’d twinkle and shine so bright they could rival the stars. It was her nose, the way she’d crinkle it up every time she’d take a drink from some beer, which he’d always tease her about because she could never seem to get used to the bitter taste.
But the only issue was that she still had feelings for her ex. Oscar knew this, it wasn’t exactly as if it was a secret - Y/N openly talked about Mario with Oscar, she’d tell him how she missed him, how she often thought about them and their relationship. It was a tough pill to swallow, and it was why he had almost reconsidered inviting Mario to the Santos party, but nah, he wasn’t like that. He could be fucked up if he wanted, but Mario had always been good to him, he respected him too much to start acting like a dick.
Music played from the speakers that stood beside the DJ booth. People were dancing, drinking, smoking - it was a good time, everyone was having fun.
Everyone but Oscar that is.
His eyes kept drifting over toward Y/N and Mario as they sat on that worn, nasty old couch in their own little world, deep in conversation. He took notice of the way her eyes were shining bright, of that smile that never left her face. Or Mario’s face.
Y/N had arrived shortly after Mario and Ruby had and when she had caught sight of Mario, it was like she was that nervous girl going on her first date with him again. She thought that overtime her feelings for him would fade, that distance would make her move on. But it didn’t. And seeing Mario again.. she remembered just how much she truly loved him.
So, she and Mario had stuck by each other’s side throughout the entire party, talking, catching up, reminiscing about old times.
“So, you and Oscar? How’d that happen?” Mario asked her. He had been a little surprised when he found out that his ex-girlfriend had struck up a friendship with the gang leader. She had told him herself when they started talking again, and Ruby had told him that they had spent an awful amount of time together.
Y/N’s smile softened and she turned to glance over at Oscar who was having a conversation. But it was like he felt her eyes on him because he turned and looked over at her. Their eyes met and she sent him that sweet smile that had him falling for her all over again. Then she turned back to Mario.
“It was after you left, actually. I went to the store and some Prophets rolled up on me,” Mario looked concerned, his brows furrowing. “But, Oscar was riding by in his car, he saw and he helped me out. He gave me a ride home and after that, we just started seeing each other more. Hanging out. He’s cool, I like him.” She said, that smile never leaving her face.
“So, there’s nothing more going on between you two?”
“What? No! He’s my best friend!” Y/N said. “Honestly.. I.. I haven’t been with anyone since we broke up.” She admitted. “I miss you. It’s hard being without you. Oscar made it easier, but.. I still miss you. I’m glad you’re here, Mario.” She said. Her ex-boyfriend gave her a smile, that smile that had her weak in the knees.
“I missed you too, Y/N.”
Oscar knew he was probably being a cock blocker but he didn’t care. He walked over and you noticed him immediately, sending a smile his way. “Why you guys hidin’ over here? It’s a party. Little Ruby is making more friends than you two.” He nodded over to the young Martinez who was indeed having the time of his life. It was the happiest that Mario had seen his brother in a while and he was glad.
“We were just talking. Catching up. She told me how you helped her after some Prophets rolled up on her. Thank you for that.” Mario said as the two stood up off the couch. Oscar shrugged his shoulders as he looked down at the female, his eyes sparkling as he looked at her.
“It was nothing. I’d do anything for her. She knows that.”
“I do know that. And you know that I’d do anything for you too. You’re my best friend and I love you.” She said to Oscar and his heart actually sank down into his stomach.
Best friend.
That’s all he was to her. Her best friend and nothing more. She was his best friend but he wanted it to be more. But standing with her and Mario, seeing the way the two looked at each other.. he knew nothing more would ever come from it.
But at the same time… having Y/N in his life as his friend was better than not having her in his life at all. If she was with Mario, then all he could do was support her and be there for her because all he really wanted was for her to be happy. If it was Mario that made her happy then so be it. Mario was a good dude so he didn’t have to worry about him hurting her.
He had her in his life one way or another and he was just thankful for that.
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elsanna-shenanigans · 3 years
April Contest Submission #10: Green Like Flowers
Words: ca. 4,000 Setting: Modern AU Lemon: No CW: mild angst
The train whistled as it left the station. A piercing scream, cutting through the dewy darkness of early morning. Birds, startled awake from their nightly slumber, took to the sky. Fleeing like their wings were on fire, up and away from branches that were all but safe a few moments before. Their small black bodies quickly lost to a sky that had not yet been kissed by an unforgiving sun.
The engine chugged, rhythmically turning large, cold steel wheels. Pulling both itself and its posy of railcars along with it. Quickly picking up speed, outside one of the windows; a dog ran alongside the tracks. His tongue hanging outside his large muzzle, flopping with each bounding leap. He ran on a well-worn path, a frequent activity. The further the train went, the more he fell behind until Elsa could no longer see him. So too did the path fade. Giving way to leaf-covered ground and sparse trees. The click-clack of the train melted into nothing, like the ocean waves when one lives by the sea.
Elsa Settled into her seat but dared not to rest. Her mind racing fasting then the landscape outside the window. The train was still mostly empty, many seats were vacant. She glanced around, taking everything in without fear of looking creepy. The floor was carpet tiles, frayed on every edge but free of at least large debris. The seats, two on each side of the aisle, were a worn blue fabric. Each headrest was adorned with stark white doctor’s table paper. Fluorescent lightbulbs of varying shades of white and yellow had been illuminating the narrow walkways, now dimmed. Allowing the high-backed seats to cast long shadows.
A few rows back an older man sat slouched in his seat, his fedora, which had seen better days, was pulled down to cover his eyes. The ghost of a beard was painted across a jaw held tight by clenched teeth. Next to him, an older woman sat, knitting with the speed of a youth long past. She was counting to herself or perhaps singing. Her thin lips moving in unison with dancing needles. So the yarn was tugged and so too the corners of her mouth.
In another row a small child was fast asleep, curled into his’s mother’s side. The woman’s head tilted back, mouth agape. She wore what looked to be a brand new hoodie, a large sports logo plastered across the chest. It wasn’t a team Elsa recognized, the child shifted slightly, and they too wore a matching hoodie.
Elsa turned back so she was facing forward once more.  She glanced out the smudged windows to see the faintest hint of light, peeking over the horizon. And she took a moment to marvel at the fact she had to travel North, then West, then South, then West again just to reach the opposite coast. All the years of human advancements and there still wasn’t a train that simply went East to West. Instead, it zig-zagged across rivers, over the plains, and through mountains.
A movement to her left caused her to turn. A man about her age sat restlessly in his seat. Large headphones completely engulfed his ears. One hand clutching a phone, the other gesturing wildly through the air - pointer finger and thumb fully extended with the remaining fingers ever so slightly curved inward. His voice was barely above a whisper, Elsa had to strain to hear the words which were choppy, loose, but forever moving forward like a rushing stream over stones.
Just then the door between cars slid open, spilling the outside in. Chains rattled, wind blew, the click-clack of the track demanded attention. And standing there, a young ember, sparking as intense eyes surveyed the nearly empty train car before settling on Elsa and finally flicking to the seat next to her. The door closed as if in agreement and the woman floated over. Two copper veins of braids framed a speckled face. She smiled and sat down without asking.
“I’m Anna,” she said, it wasn’t a comment or an introduction, it was a commanding statement. She was Anna and whoever she was, Elsa had no choice but to deal with the sudden intrusion.
“Elsa.” She replied, trying to match the other’s tone.
This earned a nod from Anna, her head tipping back, chin raised for a brief moment before landing in neutral again. Silence settled like a heavy fog. Elsa was never good at small talk. Through the defining silence, she heard the ticking of knitting needles and soft rap lyrics start again. Nothing from the mother or child, this new woman’s entrance had not been enough to wake them from slumber.
“Where are you headed?” Anna asked, keeping her voice low.
“San Francisco,” Elsa replied, trying to ignore how much the woman’s eyes stabbed right through her.
“Oh what?!?” she paused to take a breath and bring her volume back down. “I’m going there too, maybe we can be train buddies!”
And suddenly the flames that protected the young woman from the outside world parted and Elsa saw, not a commanding bitch of a woman, but an innocence - a kindness that she hadn’t seen in a person in a long time.
“Buddies,” Elsa repeated slowly as if tasting the word for the first time.
This earned another smile from Anna, who had either not noticed Elsa’s lack of enthusiasm or chose to ignore it.
“Well it’s what like, 15 days to get from here,” she pointed beyond Elsa to the series of trees whipping past the window. “Aaaall the way over to there. So I think, it would be nice to have someone to talk to, have meals with, maybe exchange playlists…”
“I mean I don’t know,” she pulled her arms in like pulling a trenchcoat closed. She dared not to let the demons out nor let any new evil in. She hated meeting new people, hated that period of time when stupid questions are asked. Hated, even more, when the friendship was temporary, formed for convenience rather than growth. Why spend all that time putting cereal in a bowl piece by price only to find out theres no milk.
Elsa was not yet old in the traditional sense, but she had lived many lifetimes. Broken enough hearts and had enough hearts be broken, both from love and friendship, to waste even more hourglass sand on the freckled book in the seat next to hers.
“No offense but I don’t really know you.”
Anna laughed, a full-bellied laugh that had her eye squeezed shut and her head tipped back against the paper covering the headrest. Elsa felt her face start to numb and fought the urge to bounce her leg. Her teeth sank into her bottom lip and she turned her head to study the trees.
“We can be train buddies while we get to know each other. Like, we might as well anyway, seeing as we’re going to be seeing a lot of each other anyways.”
Elsa didn’t turn her head, “It is a long train.”  
“Yes and no, the length? Sure. But there’s the cargo cars, the sleeper cars, the dining cars, the private cars, and THEN there’s the passenger cars like this one. Sooo I think I’m gucci when I say; we’ll be seeing a lot of each other.”
“Gucci?” Elsa turned, pulled by the odd choice of word. She was met with yet another smile from her unwanted companion and she regretted turning at all.
“Yeah you know, ‘it’s gucci’ or ‘it’s all good’ same thing.” Anna shrugged but otherwise didn’t move, oblivious to Elsa’s inner turmoil and discomfort, instead, she used this as an opening. Like a racer who finally found a way to pass the leader.
“So, let’s just get all the weird basic stuff out of the way. I’m Anna like I said. I’m from Tennessee, born there, lived there, and went to school there. My favorite color is green. I don’t have any pets or siblings. My parents are divorced but they kinda get along. And I fly drones and do photos for realtors. In my spare time, I like watching movies and pretending to read.”
Behind them, the child resting against his mother stirred, his muffed words, likely exaggerated, were somehow loud enough to be heard over everything else. When his mother didn’t respond, he yawned louder till she awoke will a start. Immediately the child leapt up and took off running towards the door Anna came through. Elsa feared he would open it but he waited, bouncing on his heels till his mother, groggy with sleep and not yet aware of the world, shuffled over. Together they disappeared through the door.
“Aaaand you?” Anna asked. Elsa sighed, the reprieve caused by the commotion had ended and she found herself backed into a corner. She had to at least give some answer or she feared the girl would never leave.
“I’m Elsa, I am from the East Coast. I have a master’s degree. I enjoy the color blue.”
  A few beats passed, the train clicking along the tracks. The sun was higher now, its warm beams reaching out at greedy fingers, casting golden whispers within the other girl’s braids.
“Wait, that’s it?”
“I told you so much more. Are you one of the people who can’t open up and I have to ask a bunch of questions to get them to talk?”
Elsa flinched, she was one of those people. But she didn’t like being called out so directly like that.
Anna smirked, catching the flinch. “I’ll make it less of an interrogation and more of an exchange, so it’s not so scary, alright?”
Elsa nodded, it was actually a good solution to this trap she was in, as much as it pained her to admit that.
“I’m moving to San Francisco or the outskirts at least. What about you?”
“More or less, the same.”
“I have a job lined up with a big real estate firm downtown, I start at the end of the month. And you?”
“At the end of the month, I will be starting my job as well.”
Anna sighed and shifted in her seat, readying a new approach like a hunter with a spear. “So why the train?”
Elsa felt her face redden and she mumbled a quick “I just felt like it.”
And in the spear went, embedded deep within. Its jagged backwards teeth holding it in place. It wasn’t a good answer. It was a very bad answer, one that said too much without saying much at all.
“Oh come on, that’s not an answer!” Anna waited a beat for Elsa to answer before pressing further. “So I’ll ask again, why the train? And this time, no mumbling,  I need you to say it… out loud.”
Elsa exhaled through her nose. And opened her mouth to speak before closing it again. She was at the crossroads of telling a stranger a lie or speaking the truth into existence for the first time. Giving a name to the shadow of guilt that hung over her, maybe it would let go and take with it this spear. Maybe still the light that so gently clung, in a smooth loving caress to Anna’s skin would, if only for a moment, grant her one kiss of its warmth. And so she chose the path, and took a deep breath, and pushed forward.
“I left my husband at the altar. I packed as much as I could into a few pieces of luggage, and hopped on the first train headed west.”
For once, since their meeting, Anna was quiet and Elsa suddenly felt the need to fill the silence.
“I left him my car and anything I didn’t pack, like the dog and my piano. I quit my pointless job as an actuarial analyst via email right before I boarded the train.”
Anna exhaled loudly and blinked purposely a few times before speaking, “You.. wow. Just left everything behind huh?”
“I wanted to get out of town quickly. I couldn’t breathe.” Elsa tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
“So you chose probably the slowest mode of transportation to go across the entire country, just because you ‘felt like it’?”
“I figured it would be a fun adventure and give me time to think.”
Anna laughed, “You mean to brood?”
“I didn’t say that”
“Come on Elsa, you weren’t seriously going to mope and look dramatically out the window for 2 weeks were you?”
“Well, when you put it like that, I guess not.”
“Meaning, yes Anna I was but you called me out on it and now I don’t know what to say. Right?”
Elsa made a face, she had known this woman for less than an hour and she was already so far in her head that Elsa might as well charge her rent. But saying her, what she now saw as reckless and impulsive plan, out loud was freeing.
She felt warmth on the back of her neck and turned back to the window to see the sunlight set fire to a field of corn. Brown wispy tops of long green stocks danced in waves, long endless rows bent and swayed. A lone tree in the middle of the field broke the pattern, the stalks that had come to worship at its feet paid the price for being in the shade. They were shorter and more sparse, yet the further from the tree, the more they grew. The further away from the city, the train went, the more Elsa felt like those corn stalks away from the tree.
The dining car was busier, packed full of life and people. All of whom were in various states of dress. Some sporting loose-fitting sweats, wiping sleep from their eyes. Others in formal business attire, already on their third cup of coffee and 7th morning briefing. The clicking of their keyboards and monotone voices of video calls faded into the conglomerate of sounds contained in the frankly small space.
“Can I get you ladies anything this morning?” a younger woman in uniform asked, she placed two small, single-page menus in front of Elsa and Anna, who each sat on opposite sides of a small booth.
“A coffee and some toast, please.” Elsa handed the menu back, she hadn’t bothered looking, it was a simple basic order that she never struggled to find anywhere she went.
“Umm,” Anna on the other hand was scanning the menu up and down, trying to decide. “Orange juice and a coffee and a bagel with butter instead of cream cheese. Please!” the woman smiled and took her menu, continuing down the row.
It wasn’t long before the food and drinks arrived. Elsa put one sugar in her coffee and sipped it slowly. Outside the large, clean, windows of the dining car, there were vast sprawling fields. It had been only a few days since Anna became her companion and nearly that entire time, the train had seemed to be continually chugging through the same boring field. So much for seeing the country.
Anna dumped several packets of sugar and a few creams into her coffee before taking a large swig and chasing the hot liquid with orange juice. She made a face and busied herself with her bagel.
This is how their mornings went, and it was a comfortable enough routine.
“So listen,” Anna said. They were back in their seats in the passenger car. “The next stop is going to be a long one, apparently there’s a delay further up the tracks and they’re holding us at this next station for a few hours.”
“Yes, I know this. I heard the announcement too.” Elsa mused
“Yeah ok but listen, they said 4 plus hours right? So I googled things around there and I found this!” she handed Elsa her phone, on it was a photo of a waterfall with text below that mentioned a hiking trail.
“I don’t hike, plus I don’t think we have time anyway.” “We wouldn’t BUT! This,” she jabbed the phone screen. “Is a 10-minute walk from the station. See it’s part of a hiking trail but the station itself is a rest stop for the trail. So we’re going.”
There was that commanding presence coming out again. If the waterfall was so close to the station itself, Anna did have a point. So Elsa agreed.
An hour or so later they were stepping off the train onto a dusty brick platform. To call this a station was being generous. There was a small building, which contained two single restrooms, and one vending machine that looked like it hadn’t been serviced in years.
A soft hand grabbed Elsa’s forearm and she found herself being pulled away from the building and towards the beaten path to the waterfall.
“You know, when I left home. No one checked on me. No one text or calls. Not even from my would-be husband.”
“Not text or even a Facebook message?”
“Nope.” Elsa left out a sigh. “I’m not surprised honestly. People say I’m difficult to get to know. At the wedding, the bride’s side was nearly empty. The few people over there just sat there because the groom’s side was full and they wanted a better view.”
Anna picked up a small pebble and tossed it into the stream, it made a soft plop sound before sinking below the surface. “Why did you guys want to get married then?”
“Well,” Elsa chewed on her lower lip for a moment before answering. “When you’re in business people expect things from you. It’s incredibly outdated and sexist too. But you’re expected to have a wife or a husband, expected to have children, expected to own a home, or at least rent somewhere nice. Have a good, clean car, new tech, nice clothes. All those things.”
She paused to copy Anna’s move with the pebble but missed the water completely, the small stone disappearing somewhere in the woods.
“We met at a company gathering and didn’t hate each other. Our drinks were the same, we watched the same evening news, had the same mild interest in the local sports team. It was enough to bolster a conversation. We started dating a few weeks later.”
“What about the wedding?”
Elsa laughed or at least made a sound that was like a laugh. “We had been dating for 2 years. And when I saying dating, I mean we were each other’s plus one to events, and we had dinner together at the nice restaurants. He was up for a promotion, asked if I wanted to get married and I agreed.”
“Wait what, he didn’t romantically propose?”
“No, we were never really intimate. A kiss here and there, maybe a night over to relieve stress. But if I’m honest, we spent most of our time apart and doing our own thing.”
Anna picked up a stick and picked at the bark, her brows pulled together and the ghost of a frown on her face.
“Did you love him?” she asked quietly
Elsa didn’t answer right away, choosing instead to turn her attention to the waterfall. Finally, after a few long minutes of silence, she answered. “No. No, I didn’t love him. And I would bet everything I own that he didn’t love me either.”
This time Anna sighed and scooted closer to Elsa. “You deserve to be loved, Elsa.”
“I’m not sure I even know what love is.”
Anna stood and walked in front of her field of view. Hands on her hips. “Sure you do!”
Elsa responded by standing and making a face.
“Elsa love isn’t a contract, it’s not a business proposal. It’s work and it’s hard but it also good and warm. Love is telling someone about your day and them listening and offering advice. Love is watching a movie together and laughing at the stupid parts. Love is holding someone while they’re sick and telling them dumb jokes to make them feel better. Love is a lot of things, but what love isn’t is convenient.”
“He was very convenient…”
“But was he love?”
Anna reached out and took Elsa’s hand, giving it a light squeeze. “It’s okay, you know? You’re going to be okay. Fresh coast, fresh start.”
“Fresh coast, fresh start?” Elsa repeated, confused.
“Yeah, you’re moving to the West Coast, fresh coast, to start anew, fresh start.”
“Fresh coast, fresh start.” Elsa said again, “You know what, I like that.”
Anna beamed and that warm feeling prickled on the back of Elsa’s neck again.
“So we have the colors all picked out, purple and green. And my dress is white but it’s ever so slightly green like it will catch the light, it’s so pretty.” Anna said. They were back in the dining car, having just finished dinner. About a week had passed since the waterfall adventure and train was rolling again. This time outside the window the fields were broken by large rocks and streams. Anna had her phone out, swiping through photos of her wedding prep.
“You sound excited,” Elsa commented, taking a sip of wine.
“Oh, I am! It’s going to be a lot of fun…” Anna looked up suddenly and stared right at Elsa. “You should come!”
“You don’t have to invite me.”
“Oh please, we’re like practically sisters at this point. Like I know what brand of tampon you used and I know that you snore when you sleep.”
“That’s… that’s a weird thing to know.”
“Elsa, everyone snores, pay attention, I’m forwarding you the rsvp so you can fill out what type of food you want.”
Elsa had to smile as she pulled out her phone to answer the email. “What a strange trip this has been. One day I’m running from my own wedding, and now I’m getting invited to a stranger’s.”
“Not a stranger, a friend,” Anna added, smiling warmly.
“A friend,” Elsa repeated, genuinely returning Annan’s smile.
“You know I was just sitting in the dining car, having a coffee and playing a pointless game on my phone. When I suddenly just felt this pull to leave. And I followed it blindly till I saw you. Then it’s like everything clicked. I think we were meant to find each other.”
Elsa was quiet for some time, considering this. Anna had swooped into her field of vision and hadn’t left since. And for once she didn’t mind the company. That warm feeling was back and with it, Elsa found herself agreeing. “I think we were meant to find each other too.”
In the morning they would be arriving in San Francisco and would be going their separate ways. It was likely they wouldn’t see each other again. Sure, they had exchanged numbers - but in a city of 3 million people, it was easy to lose a single soul.
She didn’t want to lose Anna though. This blaze of a woman who dared to knock down Elsa’s walls with a bulldozer. She had never really had a close friend, and as Anna, asleep on her shoulder, stirred in response to a dream - Elsa couldn’t help but wonder if this is what it felt like to be loved.
Anna shifted, reaching out her hand, searching for something. Fingers moved with a purpose, slowly curling and uncurling until their ship reached the harbor. And she wrapped them around Elsa’s hand, holding firmly, as if she was once again reading Elsa’s mind and was too, afraid to let her go.
Elsa decided then and there, that this time would be different. This time she wouldn’t close the door on someone. She gave Anna’s hand a slight squeeze, causing Anna to nestle into the old woman’s neck.
Elsa turned to watch the lights from the city fade into the darkness of the desert. Her neck was warm and this time it traveled down and warmed her whole body. She ran a thumb over Anna’s hand and smiled.
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ghostiesblog · 3 years
happy 100 followers!!!!!!!!! could you write a small flarrie secret admirer drabble? if not that’s totally ok!! congrats again!!!
Thank you anon!!! This is NOT a small drabble lmao I have no concept of doing anything in moderation. Might even edit it a bit in a while and post it on ao3. Thank you for the awesome prompt. Here ya go:
I'm not magical, I can't read your mind
Pairings: Flarrie | Warnings: none
There’s a rose on Flynn’s desk. There’s a rose on Flynn’s desk. And she has no idea who put it there.
Well- she does know who put it there, she knows that it’s Nick’s job this year to distribute the Valentine’s Day roses and messages, a school tradition that Flynn normally despises and mocks to no end. But someone must have bought the rose, addressed it to her and handed it in and Flynn absolutely cannot fathom who would do that for her.
Definitely not the person she wishes this was from. But now is not the time to think about that.
Almost frantically, she scans the rose for an attached message, or at least an indication about who the sender is.
Nothing. In fact, it looks like the cardboard tag has been ripped off, leaving only the corner with her own name, attached to a piece of string.
“Ooh”, Julie says, waggling her eyebrows, when she spots Flynn puzzling over her flower. “Who’s this from?”
“No idea”, Flynn says, dragging her thumb across the jagged edges of the destroyed tag. “No idea…”
Later in the hallway, Flynn tries her best to stealthily transfer the rose from her backpack into her locker. She fails, obviously, because she when she looks around she catches Carrie blatantly staring at her from a few feet away.
“What?” she snaps, irritably. Yes, Carrie has very clearly been trying to be nicer to both her and Julie, but Flynn is still weary of this new found peace.
She also might be a bit annoyed simply because she got a rose and it isn’t from Carrie.
Immediately, something in Carrie’s posture changes and her face scrunches up.
“Nothing”, she says. “Just wondering who’s stupid enough to send you a rose.”
Flynn feels like she’s been punched in the chest. “What’s that supposed to mean?!” she says incredulously.
“Don’t you hate valentine’s day?” Carrie asks and now Flynn is just confused. Why does she still remember that?
“It’s anonymously”, Julie chimes in unhelpfully. “From a secret admirer”
She sings those last words teasingly, like she’s done all the way through English lesson. Like she has any room to talk with the songs Luke and her write about each other on the daily.
Carrie raises an eyebrow, seemingly unimpressed.
“Someone sent you a rose and didn’t even write their name? That’s so stupid.”
“It’s not-“, Flynn starts and then breaks off. Why does she suddenly feel defensive over this anonymous sender?
“Sounds like a coward to me”, Carrie says with a sickly sweet smile before turning away. “See you in music”, she calls and disappears down the hallway.
“What has made her revert back to demon today?” Julie says, sounding as confused as Flynn feels.
Flynn doesn’t expect any follow up after the rose on Valentine’s Day. It has been fun coming up with more and more wild theories with Julie and the band (the latest being that it’s a ghost who has fallen for Flynn when they saw her setting up the lightshow at the Orpheum), but to Flynn at least it is clear that that was the end of it.
So when she finds a small envelope on her desk the next morning, it takes her a bit to figure out what’s happening here.
Inside, she finds a small piece of paper with, curiously enough, words clearly written by a real typewriter on it.
To: Flynn
I’m sorry I’m a mess,
But you simply make me speechless.
I couldn’t let you go without a note,
After I trashed the first one I wrote,
So let me just say, though this is nothing new,
I seem to have hopelessly fallen for you.
When Carrie catches Julie and Flynn pouring over the poem during lunch while walking past their table, she scoffs.
“A bit cliché, don’t you think?”
Flynn scowls and hides the note with her hand. “Go away Carrie”
“The meter’s off”, Carrie says haughtily before stalking off.
“How did she spot that so fast?” Julie exclaims incredulously.
The next note shows up in Flynn’s bag while she’s working on a Spanish presentation with Nick and Carrie.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I like your music,
And your rapping too
“Now that’s just tacky”, Carrie says, while spying over Flynn’s shoulder.
Flynn rolls her eyes.
No poem today, just wanted to say that your smile made my day.
“They’re not even trying anymore, are they?” Carrie mocks.
With your gentle soul and your kind eyes,
You chase away the clouds in the skies,
Never met a person, so loyal and strong
And anyone who had you, would be a lucky one.
“Skies? This sounds ridiculous!”
Flynn curses the fact that Carrie keeps seeing these.
I’d write you a song, but no melody is beautiful enough to fit you.
Even Julie calls that one cheesy but for once, even though she sits right there with them, Carrie has nothing to say.
Flynn looks on confused while Carrie scribbles into her notebook with a pinched expression on her face, pen gripped so tightly that it looks like it might break any second.
“She needs to finish this new Dirty Candy song by tomorrow”, Nick explains.
“Yeah and I hate everything I write the second it’s on the page!” Carrie growls, clearly completely lost in whatever she’s dealing with.
I try to tell you every day,
But you just take my breath away
These rhymes seem silly and never enough
Forgive me, I am blinded by love
“Coming on a bit strong there.”
And she’s back.
Hi Flynn,
I think I’m giving up on the rhyming- It’s a bit strange, isn’t it? Also I swear I’m not a stalker! Just a girl who likes you a lot and is too scared to tell you.
You looked so pretty at the dance yesterday, and you were awesome as a DJ- you always are.
“Surely you must be fed up with this nonsense by now?” Carrie asks, when Flynn passes her on her way out of the classroom, the newest note folded neatly in her hand.
The thing is- Flynn is annoyed. But not exactly by the letters. Her secret admirer is sweet and earnest, seems to love music as much as Flynn and all of her friends do and the little poems always brighten her day.
What’s annoying is that she still can’t figure out who this mysterious person with a crush on her is. And that the person she wishes it was is intend on mocking the whole thing to the best of her abilities.
Every time a new note shows up, Carrie is there, ready to tear it into pieces with pointed words and vicious critiques.
Flynn tries to not let it affect her too much. Otherwise, Carrie has been perfectly civil, friendly even and it feels like a bit of their old friendship is restoring, slowly, piece by piece. And what she says about the letters is mostly directed at this person that none of them really know, not at Flynn herself.
It still feels personal, somehow.
I had a bad day today, but you were really nice to me. It made it all a bit better. Thank you.
It’s when Carrie one day snatches one of the notes right out of Flynn’s hand to call it “embarrassing”, “awkward” and “clumsy”, that something in her just snaps.
“You know what Carrie”, she says, loudly, almost shouting it even, “can you, for once, just keep your unnecessary comments to yourself?”
Almost immediately, Carrie’s arrogant smile falls and Flynn uses the moment of surprise to steal back her piece of paper.
“You’ve been so mean to this person. I don’t know what your issue is here but I need you to back off on the attitude. I might not know who this is from, so I don’t even know if I like whoever is writing these but I like the letters.”
Carrie looks absolutely shocked, completely frozen in place, her jaw clenched tightly. Good.
“Yes, they might not be perfect”, Flynn barrels on, “but they’re honest, and raw and so, so kind and I can tell that they come from the heart and isn’t that the most important thing?!”
Without waiting for an answer, Flynn picks up her bag that she leaned against the lockers when she discovered the note and brushes past Carrie. She knows she’s a bit too worked up, but it has been a trying week.
Only a few moments later she realizes that she saw tears forming in Carrie’s eyes.
In Spanish class, Flynn notices the glaring absence of Carrie in the seat in front of her and a little bit of guilt starts building up inside of her. She has no idea what’s going on, but something clearly is up so after their teacher finally lets them go, Flynn goes on to try and find Carrie.
The music room is one of the first places Flynn thinks of and sure enough, she can hear gentle piano notes and Carrie’s voice singing very quietly drifting through the slightly cracked door.
Before barging in, Flynn stops short when she recognizes parts of the lyrics. Is that- one of the poems she received only a week ago?
Slowly, she tiptoes into the room. What she sees is Carrie, cross-legged at the piano, bent over her notebook full of scribbles that she’s clearly reading from and that somehow contain parts of the poetry that has been a big mystery to Flynn and all of her friends for so long. Just now Carrie’s singing the words that are undeniable not just poems, but song lyrics, and she has added onto them and-
Flynn doesn’t understand anything anymore.
“Carrie!” she says, before she can stop herself. Carrie flinches and bolts away from the piano, the chair clattering down to the floor in the process.
“Flynn”, she breathes, looking terrified.
“I-“, Flynn stutters, “What’s going on? Is this some kind of prank?” She doesn’t think she could take that.
“No!” Carrie yells and immediately winces at her volume. “No, I would never do that to you”
“Then why-“, Flynn is getting more confused every second, “you wrote those? I thought you hated- the notes, I though you hated the notes”
To her horror, Carrie is now actually crying.
“I do hate the notes, I mean I feel so stupid, you hate Valentine’s Day and then I send you a rose, but I just- I like so much and I didn’t know what to do and I wanted to tell you but I couldn’t and then I wrote you those notes but they always sounded so stupid to me”
Carrie is full on panic rambling now and Flynn is barely processing all this new information that is thrown at her.
“I just couldn’t stop myself and then you said you actually like the notes? But I know you’d never like me, as a person, I mean I am awesome as a performer but horrible as a friend, let alone as a girlfriend and-“
“Carrie-“, Flynn tries to intersect, “Carrie!”
Carrie stops and finally looks at her, wide eyed.
“I do like you, as a person”, Flynn says. Her heart is beating out of her chest but she is not letting this go.
“I- what?” Carrie looks as confused as Flynn felt just a minute ago. “You do?”
“Yes”, Flynn says and now she can’t stop the smile on her face, “I really like you. Actually, I always wished those notes were from you.”
Carrie blinks. “You. Okay. Okay. Um- I really didn’t-“
Flynn laughs. “Deep Breaths Carrie.”
“I don’t really know what to do with this now, I’m not good at all this”, Carrie says, waving her hands around but she’s smiling too now, wider with every moment.
“How about a date? Milkshakes?” Flynn asks and she doesn’t even feel afraid anymore.
“Yes”, Carrie says, her eyes sparkling with happiness. “I’d love that.”
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pyroclastic727 · 4 years
Owl House Predictions 1-B
Created before The First Day premiered. If I get at least ten of these right, then I get a cookie. Information comes from the trailer, the episode descriptions, and the minigame relics on the Disney website. If you want proof for each theory, ask me in the comments.
The First Day
Luz samples each track at first and can’t decide. She tries to pick potions but mixes magic to end up in the Delinquent Track
Viney uses magic from the blue track with the DNA hand in order to become the monster shown in the trailer.
Luz looks up to Viney and tries to mimic her actions
At the end of the episode, Luz is forced into one track.
Really Small Problems
Luz, Willow, and Gus hang out together in the marketplace. King feels left out and devalued because of his height.
King gets a potion from Tibbles, that’s supposed to make him tall. It’s a trick, so it ends up making Luz, Willow, and Gus into miniature versions of themselves
At first, the three get lost. Then, instead of King finding them, Tibbles does.
Tibbles kidnaps Luz, Willow, and Gus, intending to use them as entertainment and sell them. Eda and King have to rescue the three of them, returning them to normal.
Understanding Willow
Willow and Amity fight over their past. Luz wants to understand it, but neither girl goes into detail. It gets to the point where Luz has to choose between her friendship for Willow or her crush on Amity
Instead, Luz steals a magical artifact from the school: the tweezers that extract memories. She uses them on Willow.
Memories are shown as windows on trees. A person crawls through a window in order to watch a memory. 
We are shown pieces of all their memories, one at a time.
Luz’s memories are of her family and schooling. We see how badly people treated her, and how much of an outcast she felt she was. We also see how her relationship with her mom is strained: sometimes they get along, and sometimes her mom hides creativity, almost as if she’s keeping a secret from her.
Amity’s memories are about her family and pressure. We might get hints at the half-human theory, or the Eda-is-her-mom theory. We see her parents hurting her emotionally, and how any slip-ups were treated with cold disapproval.
Willow’s memories are of bullying and depression. We see how she started as a cheerful, optimistic kid. Then Amity left her, and she became insecure about her abilities. Then Amity bullied her, and she let it get to her. She joined the Abomination Track because either she or her parents wanted her to be cool like Amity. But that isn’t what she’s good at. 
Willow and Amity are ex-friends, but it’s written like they’re the type of exes where they had mini-crushes or platonic crushes on each other, but they were too young to recognize them as such.
Luz damages one of Willow’s memories when they’re in her brain. Amity is panicked because they messed up, and this is her second rulebreaker adventure with Luz, after “Lost In Language.” Luz and Amity have to repair her brain. They see something they shouldn’t see. 
Luz and Amity have to take Willow to Eda, searching for a solution. She helps them heal Amity. Gus is there, too, because that’s the promo picture I’m basing this off of.
Willow and Amity make steps towards making up.
Eda hints at her tragic past. Luz asks about it, but doesn’t press it, because she has boundaries.
Enchanting Grom Fright
It starts with a lunch scene, where Willow and Gus tell Luz about Grom. She thinks it’s like Prom. Either they tell her what it really is, and she’s shocked--or they assume she knows what it is really like, and she never learns.
Her next step is to get a Grom date. She tries to ask Amity, but doesn’t know if Amity is interested. So she stalks Amity, hiding in lockers and peering around corners, trying to build up confidence.
Grom turns out to be a dance and a competition. It’s like prom, except it’s not a popularity competition. Witches have to show off their powers, and whoever is the least powerful is given the Grom Tiara. The Tiara shows the wearer their worst fears. 
Or, Grom is a trial contest. Only the bravest witch volunteers to wear the Grom Tiara and face their worst fears.
Amity knows what Grom is really like, and she’s nervous. She aims to be the best, and reap whatever reward they give the best witch--or to survive the Grom Tiara. So she’s worried, which Luz probably misinterprets.
Luz messes up asking Amity out. They don’t go together, even though they clearly want to.
Or, Luz asks Amity out, and Amity is shocked because Grom isn’t like that. Luz thinks it’s a lack of interest and she’s upset.
Throughout the Grom, they dance and switch partners. Luz has snippets of conversation with Amity, where each person realizes that they might have misunderstood. Before Luz can figure out what’s wrong, a contest is declared. 
If Grom is a power contest, Luz loses the contest. She has to wear the tiara, and she must face her fears.
If Grom is a trial, Luz volunteers to wear the crown, not knowing what it does. She experiences the same problems.
Luz’s fears are about losing what she has. She sees her mom coming through the gate. She sees herself losing King and Eda and Amity. She is stuck at camp, or at her old school, and they’re missing. She stares at a picture of her, Eda, and King. She listens to songs that reminds her of Amity. She draws pictures of her friends and found family, with her in the middle. Her mom finds them and takes them away.
Amity helps her snap out of it. Later, Luz is upset, and Amity has to comfort her. Amity slips up and says something gay, and Luz teases her.
Wing It Like Witches
This is the Quidditch Episode
It starts with Luz, Willow, and Gus talking about Owl House Quidditch. Luz is excited to try it. 
Eda is less enthusiastic. She has a bad experience with it, and encourages Luz to not do it.
Luz learns about Boscha’s claim to beat her. Then she has to do it.
The game has a deadly twist: if she loses, she can actually die. She is dismayed to find that Amity is on the opposing team. 
I literally don’t know sports so that’s all I’m going to speculate about this episode
It ends with some important thing that sets up the main conflict for the last two episodes. Probably Emperor Belos or Lilith doing something sketchy
Agony of a Witch (this is where I would say my predictions are not at all accurate)
The class goes on a field trip
Luz hangs out with Amity at first. Then she gets distracted, as she does, and wanders off
Luz finds something she shouldn’t see: the Emperor’s Coven’s magic system.
The Emperor’s Coven collects all the magic that other covens can’t use. It harvests the magic, making Emperor Belos more powerful. 
Luz tries to stop it but gets trapped. She is temporarily successful. Her uniform becomes multi-colored to signify this.
Eda goes there to rescue her. She has to enlist Lilith’s help. Naturally, it’s a trap
Eda and Lilith get in a fight about their past. Before they can reconcile, Belos finds them and fuses them.
The three-headed Hecate monster from the trailer is comprised of Eda, Lilith, and one other person. It is either Emperor Belos, Camilla, or a secret relative of Eda and Lilith’s. If it is Camilla, then the previous episode would be when she crosses over into the Demon Realm. If it is a secret relative, then the previous episode would reveal that identity
Young Blood, Old Souls
Luz has to defeat Emperor Belos’s big plan
She has to enlist the help of Willow, Gus, and Amity. Amity’s parents tell her not to do so, since they’re big donors to the Emperor’s Coven. She rebels against them for the first time in her life.
Edric and Emira help, somehow. I feel like Tiny Nose will reappear as well
Luz and her mother meet, and Luz has to choose whether to stay or go. It’s not an easy decision
Lumity is not confirmed, since they have a new season
Defeating the big plan reveals something far worse. I don’t know what
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roachspraee · 5 years
Closed Closet (Spinel X Reader)
So I watched the Steven Universe Movie and I am FAMISHED. I knew right away I had to make a fanfic of Spinel, so here ya go! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
I did rush this quite a bit, and in no way am I expecting this to relieve your thirst for Spinel, but I do hope this meets your expectations. I have a bad habit of prioritizing less important things over my actual school work...whoops. This is kinda spicy, enjoy !! ≧◡≦
Tumblr media
Word count: 4,019
Warnings: Foul Language
You sat on the floor comfortably as you leaned back onto your hands. Your nails dug into the carpet on the floor gently as your eyes darted from person to person in the room. Steven had planned a little hangout at Lars' house and invited multiple people. You had wondered for a moment why he hadn't just planned a hangout at the temple, but then you had realized that there was an accident that had recently taken place at the crystal gem's home.
Peridot was left at the house unsupervised by any of the gems while she was baking a cake for Pumpkin's birthday. Once Steven returned home after getting donuts from the Big Donut, he had found the house partially burnt. You nearly knocked yourself out from laughing so hard when Pearl told you about the incident. You couldn't believe that they would leave her all alone like that!
So while Bismuth and a couple other gems repaired the house, Steven decided it would be nice to have a small party with his close friends, which honestly you didn't mind, because you loved hanging out with Beach City's weirdest people.
Your eyes scanned everyone's faces in the room; Lars and Sadie, Connie and Steven, Lapis and Peridot, Pearl and Amethyst, and Garnet with Spinel. Everyone was chatting, some were on the floor like yourself, others were dancing to quiet music, and others were eating snacks while telling jokes. It was nice and calming, that was until your eyes met Spinel's.
The feeling of your heart thrumming at the sight of her eyes almost made you feel dizzy. It was really odd, though, because your heart always did that whenever you were near Spinel. She was always very comfortable with you, she'd call you cute little pet names (which you assumed to be friendly), and she'd always go the extra mile just to make you smile. Whenever she talked about something that really intrigued her or made her excited, her little accent would be audible to your ears and you couldn't help the warm sensation that spread across your face.
You had definitely grown very fond of the gem, regardless of what others think of her. She did have that pissed off looking rest face, which does make her look quite intimidating, but you honestly thought it was cute. You really enjoyed her company, even if she did struggle with her own issues.
But you couldn't help the frown that formed on your lips at the thought of Spinel. Whenever you looked at her you felt disappointed. At the beginning of your friendship, she had opened up to you about her feelings and problems. Whenever she looked agitated or felt down, you were always there to listen and comfort her. If anything, your similar feelings were the reason why you had grown so close. But then she just stopped. She stopped talking to you about her feelings.
Every time you saw her she looked more angry and tense, and if you asked her about how she was doing she'd just brush your question off her shoulder and answer with: "I'm fine dollface, ya don't gotta ask every 2 minutes."
You gave her space from that point on. But the more space you gave her, the more she closed off and the less your conversations lasted. You knew she was lying to you when she said she was fine. There have been times when you saw her, and her eyes were swollen red and puffy as if she's been crying. Words cannot describe the amount of guilt and pain you felt, because you wanted to help her so badly, but she wouldn't let you. She refuses to share anything about her past or feelings with you, and you didn't understand why. What were you doing wrong?
Letting out a sigh, you stood up from your comfortable spot on the floor and made your way over to Spinel and Garnet who sat on Lars' bed. Their conversation had ceased when they saw you approach them, and Garnet waved at you to sit down next to them.
"Hello y/n." Garnet greeted with a soft smile. You returned the smile as you made yourself comfortable on the bed, "Hey Garnet-" You turned over to Spinel and gave her wide grin, ignoring the small wave of nervousness that splashed onto you, "hey Spinel." The pink gem gave you a soft smirk, her eyes instantly growing soft at the sight of you. She greeted you with a small wave of her hand before she placed it behind her head.
You turned to look at Garnet with a relaxed glint in your eyes and you let out a soft sigh, "Man, this is exactly what I needed. We should definitely do this more often." Garnet snorted, lifting a hand to her lips as she shook her head jokingly, "You see us almost everyday y/n." You rolled your eyes playfully at her comment as you let yourself fall onto the bed, the soft cushion of Lars' bed against your back was truly bliss.
"It's still fun. All of us being in one place and just chatting amongst each other is one of the best things in life. Plus, Spinel doesn't come on earth often. So it's nice to see her." You glanced over at Spinel with a, rather confident, wink. You watched as her cheeks turned light pink at your gesture, and she looked away from your face with a soft chuckle, "Thanks sugar, it's nice to see ya too." She winked back, and you could have sworn you felt your heart skip a beat. Man, this gem really has you feeling all sorts of ways.
The sudden voices of Steven and Lars caught everyone's attention, making their eyes turn to the duo that stood in the middle of the room. After they had everyone's eyes set on their figures, Lars began to speak, "So Steven and I had planned a game for us all to play. It's called 7 Minutes in Heaven. Basically-" He stopped mid-sentence as his face scrunched up as if he was trying to remember what he was going to say next.
"hold up." He whipped out his phone from his pocket and began to type furiously on his phone. Steven sighed with a roll of his eyes, "Basically what the game is about-"
"OKAY," Lars interrupted, a big smile formed on his lips as he stared at the screen of his phone, "So basically the game is about having two people enter a small space, like a closet," Lars turned behind him and pointed at a closet door, "and have them spend 7 minutes inside. You can do anything inside, like chat or play games. I've left a small flameless candle inside so you can see, and a few board games if you want to play."
Steven than pulled a small top hat from behind his back and shook it, "Inside this hat is all of your names. We will pull out two random names, and whoever gets called goes inside the closet for 7 minutes. This game is all about privacy, so when you go inside the rest of us will turn up the music and we'll wait until it is time for you to come out. And remember," Steven smiled at everyone in the room happily, "have fun and respect the other person's space. Don't proceed with any activities if the other party doesn't consent to it. Do we understand?" Everyone in the room nodded their heads in agreement.
"Great! Now we will draw the names." Steven lifted the hat and shook it before he reached in to grab a piece of paper. Lars then reached in and grabbed another piece of paper and they both unwrapped the small pieces of paper as their eyes scanned the written names. Your heart began to beat slightly faster than usual. You wouldn't ever admit it to yourself, but you wanted to go inside with Spinel. It had been so long since you've had a genuine conversation with her. You wanted to connect with her so badly. She was growing to become your stranger, and you wanted anything but that. You hoped this would be a perfect opportunity to speak to her.
“Y/n." Lars read out loudly.
Oh goodness.
"Spinel." Steven said, looking up from the paper in between his fingers and smiled, "Alright you two, go on ahead inside."
Wait, did that really just happen?
You didn't realize the smile on your face. You couldn't even feel that you had subconsciously smiled at the fact that you'd be staying in a closet alone with Spinel. You could finally speak to her. What was the likelihood of Steven and Lars actually drawing both of your names like that? What an odd coincidence.
You just hoped this would go smoothly.
Getting up from your comfortable spot on the bed, you made your way over to the closet with Spinel walking straight behind you. You stepped inside the middle-sized closet with Spinel as you heard the volume on the boombox increase. Steven peered inside the closet and smiled at the both of you, "Have fun, you guys. See you in 7 minutes!" And with that, he closed the closet door shut.
Regardless of the blasting music behind the closed doors of the closet, it was pretty quiet. Too quiet. You could hear your blood pump in your ears.
"Since we're gon' be here for 7 minutes, might as well get comfy." Spinel said casually, sitting down on the floor with her legs crossed. You stood there dumbfounded for a second as you gather your thoughts before sitting down across from her. You smiled sheepishly at her, and she smirked, "What'dya wanna do doll?" She turned to a small pile of board games and reached for the one on the top, "Wanna play Monopoly?" She asked, her gaze turning to look at your face and waited for your answer.
You nodded with a small smile, "Yeah, I love Monopoly. Have you played before?" Spinel shook her head softly, her pink hair following her movements as she opened the box and opened the board to set on the floor, "Nah, but you can teach me as we play. How does that sound?" You hummed in agreement with her proposal. You watched as she set down all of the game cash and the figurines on the board, "You can pick a character you want to play as." You told her.
She nodded and picked up a game piece, "Heh, this one's cute." You let a small giggle leave past your lips as you pick up another, "Alright, I'll play as this one." You and Spinel began to play for a few minutes, as you explained to her about the basics of Monopoly and how you have to pass go to collect 200 dollars. You have the rules of the game burned in the back of your brain since you'd always play it with your childhood friends when you were small.
Just as it became your turn, you suddenly stopped and looked up from the board and up to Spinel. She returned your gaze and rose a brow curiously at you. Were you going to speak to her? Were you going to follow through with your feelings? "Spinel," You spoke out her name, and she cocked her head a little to the right, "Something the matter dollface?" Her voice held curiosity and slight concern, but you suddenly felt a wave of irritation and frustration ram into you. And it rams into you hard.
You let out an airless sigh, your fingers letting go of the figurine that you held in your hands, shaking your head in disbelief. Was she being serious right now? Did she seriously just ask what was the matter, when you've been spending the last couple months trying to ask her that question?
"You're really going to ask that right now, Spinel?" You say with a roll of your eyes, feeling every bit of annoyance and hurt that had built inside slowly start to spill out of you.
"You have been emotionally distant from me and from everyone you know. For months I've been trying to help you. But every time I try you push me further and further away! And now you're going to ask me what's the fucking matter!?" You gasped at your sudden outburst and quickly placed your fingers on your lips. You hadn't meant to blow up, it just…happened.
Spinel sat wide-eyed at your words, but you watched as her face grew dark and sinister. You could feel your heart plummet down into your stomach when you watched her expression change drastically within split seconds, and the low growl that erupted in her throat made you want to hide and never come out. You knew damn well you had angered her, and there's no way to go back.
The easygoing smirk she had plastered onto her face was a mere mask, and now her true emotions are slipping past her grasp and all you can manage to do is meet her angry glare.
"I don't gotta tell you shit, toots." She sneered out through her bared teeth, making you flinch at how aggressive she became. You've never heard her growl so deeply before, and it honestly terrified you. You wondered why she hadn't acted so cold to you before…
Her words really hit it home when you started to feel your heart ache in pain, it was pretty damn clear that she wanted nothing to do with you. And god damn it, it hurt. Because no matter what you did or what you said, you knew she was going to shove you away. Fighting fire with fire wasn't a wise decision, but you needed her to hear everything.
"Do you not understand the fact that I'm worried!? What do you take me for? An idiot?? I know you're lying when you say you're FINE Spinel." Your voice grew louder and louder with every word, and you could feel your throat swell and ache at how much you yelled. Your eyes stung as you felt hot, burning tears well up in your eyes, and you tried to keep them from escaping past your lids.
Your hands balled into fists as you continued, "Hell, even the Diamonds know you're hiding something! They worry for you Spinel! Everyone does! I worry about y-you!" Your voice began to crack as for you could no longer look at Spinel while you were saying these things. It was too much for you. All you wanted was for her to be happy, and you can’t even make that happen.
You could see your knuckles turn white from how tightly you were holding your fists. You didn't care if anyone outside the closet could hear you, it wasn't even on your mind. You just needed to get this off your chest, even if Spinel wasn't willing to listen.
"We used to be so close…but then you started pushing me away!"
There was silence for a short while. But the sudden sound of the Monopoly board game flying towards the wall made you squeal in surprise. Spinel was closer to you now, and in the corner of your eye you could see the scattered pieces of the Monopoly game all over the floor, but that wasn't your main focus. Your eyes met with Spinel's, and you could see anger, but there was another emotion, or multiple, that were added to the mix that you couldn't quite identify. You were so overwhelmed with your own emotions that you couldn't even comprehend the situation entirely.
"Lemme tell ya a little somethin' sweetcheeks," She then grabbed a fist full of your shirt and lifted you up so that you were mere inches from her face, you were so close to her that you could feel her hot breath hit your face. A long, cold shiver ran up your spine at the sensation, and it only made your heart race faster than it already was. "I got my reasons for what I do what I do. My feelings ain't got nothin' to do with you. So why don'tcha just mind your own damn business?"
You didn't want to think that her voice could get any deeper, but you were most definitely wrong. The lump in your throat overwhelmed you, along with the heating of your skin, and all you could do was whimper in response to her words. Spinel's grip only grew tighter on your shirt as she pulled you even closer, "Why the hell do ya want me around anyway!? Just so you can leave me all alone like she did? So you can use me up and toss me away when you get bored of me!?" You felt confusion and pain swirl within your heart and soul. What was she talking about?
You didn't understand what she was saying. She was abondoned? By who? Why?
"N-no!" You stammered out, big, hot tears rolled down your cheeks as you turned away from her hateful gaze and to the wall. You hated this. You hated how she made you feel. You hated how she made you hurt for her when she doesn't even care.
"I want you around b-because you're my friend Spinel-" She interrupted you with a dark chuckle, her grip on your shirt forced you to look into her eyes, "Ya don't gotta lie to me babycakes," She pressed her forehead against yours as she continued to snarl out her hurtful words, "I know you're only pretending to care bout' me. When the fuck are ya finally gon' admit that you don't want me, huh!?"
"But I do want you!"
It took you only a few seconds to realize what you had just said, and the true meaning behind your words. Silence. You and Spinel both fell completely quiet, and the words you yelled out echoed within the walls of your head. Your face grew hot, embarrassment had been added to the mix of emotions you were experiencing. Did you just...
Spinel's glare disappeared, and a look of shock had replaced it. Her mouth was held agape, and her eyes were slightly wide. You could see her cheeks flush a deep red. She opened her mouth to say something, but quickly closed it. You left her completely speechless. Your heart threatened to leap out of your chest when you saw her eyes move from your eyes down to your lips.
"Damn you…" Spinel growled before she roughly shoved her lips against yours in a heated kiss. You squeaked in surprise, a new wave of emotions splashed onto you and you closed your eyes shut, focusing on her touch and warmth. Her mouth moved against yours, and your hands instinctively moved to her shoulders. You could feel her hands move to your cheeks as she softly held your face, pulling you closer to her.
Her kisses became more and more heated. You could feel every single emotion that she had kept to herself. Every single kiss held frustration, anger, loneliness, and sadness, and she was giving it all to you. Her lips were so soft against yours. You loved it. You loved her.
Your soul nearly jumped out of your body when you felt her tongue glide against your bottom lip. You accepted her request and let her explore every single spot she desired. You tilted your head to the side to deepen the rough, needy kiss.
“Mmph~” You couldn't help the soft moan that had escaped your throat when you felt her tongue coax your own to play. She tasted so sweet.
You felt her pull away, and to your surprise, you saw tears form in her stunning eyes as her lip quivered.
"God, I need you…" She murmured, pressing kisses on your neck as she placed her hands on your hips. You could feel her tongue glide on your warm skin and you bit your lip, trying so hard to keep your embarrassing noises to yourself.
"I want you…" She softly bit onto your skin, earning herself another moan. You felt her smile against your skin, then she pressed kisses all along your collarbone and up your neck, then gliding her lips along your jaw.
"I love you…" She pressed her lips against yours into another kiss, this time, it's more loving and soft. She let out a soft whimper as she brought you closer to her, her lips moving in sync with your own. You never knew just how much you wanted Spinel until now, and you could honestly say that you were the happiest person in the world.
She let out a groan when you bit onto her lower lip, this time exploring her. Her hands were shaky as they roamed all over your body. Her hand went under your shirt and felt every mile of skin. Your hands traveled up to her hair and you softly gripped onto her pink locks and smiled at how surprisingly soft they were. Her hands went up to your belly and to your chest, feeling you, wanting you.
You pulled away and panted heavily, your forehead flushed against hers. Spinel's face was a deep, beet red color, much like yours, and you just smiled when you saw how the pupils of her eyes shaped into little hearts as she stared at you with adoration and love. You stroked her wet cheeks softly as you pressed a kiss on her nose.
"Wow…" She mumbled, her thumb stroked the skin on your chest gracefully, "You really are somethin' toots." You smiled happily at her, and nuzzled your face in the crook of her neck, "After this party, you're telling me everything that’s on your mind.”
There was a slight pause, so you moved your head to look at Spinel’s face. She looked devastated. Her eyes held so much sadness in them.
"…I'm so sorry I said all those things to ya…" You immediately met her eyes, and saw guilt and regret swirl within her orbs, "All those things I said to ya…I…" She shut her eyes and looked away from you, purely ashamed for what she had said to you. You gently gripped onto her cheeks and quickly comforted her.
"Hey, hey Spinel, look at me," Her glossy eyes met yours, your fingers were quick to wipe away any falling tears from her eyes, "I forgive you. God, you have no idea how much it hurt when you pushed me away like that. But it’s over now, kay? From now on you’re telling me everything that’s on your mind and every emotion you’re feeling. I want to help you, Spinel." You kissed her eyes softly, wrapping your arms around her as you nuzzled into her hair, "Okay? We'll make it through this together. 
Spinel pulled away and gazed at you with a small, sad frown and nodded her head, "Sure thing doll." You slowly stood up to your feet and helped Spinel up, hearing the music of the boombox go quiet and footsteps approaching the closet door, and the sudden light of the room blinded you once the doors had flew open.
"Times up! You guys can come out now." You and Spinel slightly stumbled out of the closet, squinting your eyes as they adjusted to the new lighting. As you made your way over to the bed with Spinel, Amethyst looked over at the both of you and smirked, "Did you guys have fuunn?” Your face started to burn as you remembered you had fought and had an extremely heated make-out session with Spinel in just 7 minutes.
“BAHAHAHAHAH!!” Amethyst laughed hysterically as your red face had answered her question. You just looked away from her in complete embarrassment.
You turned to Spinel when you felt her fingers intertwine with yours, only to see a smug smirk implanted onto her lips, "Ya know…" One of Spinel's hands laid on your thigh as she softly kneaded your skin, "You tasted pretty good. I wonder what other parts of you taste sweet~"
"Lars and Sadie! You guys are up next!"
You swear your heart was going to explode if the night continued.
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shadeofazmeinya · 4 years
Song As Old As Rhyme
Summary: Gavin is a Prince. Jeremy is his new personal guard. What could go wrong?
In which Gavin is unsure of his new guard but slowly realizes that any man who loves cats as much as him surely can’t be that bad.
A/N: For @rtwritingcommunity SpringFairy Event! Got a request from @alienhaus for some Prince and his Knight style au and I went with some very sweet Jerevin! Hope yall enjoy, Comments and Reblogs are very very much appreciated!!
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24117829
Gavin counts the breaths, as the man’s chest rises and falls. An even, blessedly stable beat. In. Out. Rising. Falling. Sturdy. Steady. Alive.
Gavin pulls the covers a little tighter over him, fingers dancing across his fingers before grasping it to stop his own from shaking. Sure Gavin has duties he should be attending to. Sure he has councils to meet with, and ceremonies to appear at, and everything else that comes with being a Prince. But Gavin doesn’t move an inch. Couldn’t be moved. As he watches his fair knight breathe despite the blood-stained bandages wrapped tight across his side. Despite the pain, despite the harm. All because of Gavin.
All because Gavin had to fall in love.
Gavin had wanted to hate him at first. Had nothing but annoyance and disdain. He told Geoff as much when he announced to him his new personal guard.
“I don’t need a nanny anymore,” Gavin huffed as he sat across from Geoff in the King’s chambers, a favored meeting spot of the King and his son. Filled with the finest of couches and silk, the gold seemed to shine in the light coming through all the windows as the maids cleaned and served them tea.
“This isn’t about having a nanny,” Geoff rolled his eyes so far back Gavin half expected the crown to fall off his head. “This is a political move. This Lord Dooley needs to feel like he has a place with the Crown, so we’re hiring his youngest son, Jeremy. His son has been training as a knight, so if we put him as the Prince’s personal bodyguard, the kingdom sees him everywhere, we get this asshole Lord to stop being a dick,” Geoff ended eloquently. “Trust me, I don’t like it much either but it's what we’re going to do.”
“But what if he’s awful?” Gavin whined, slouching in his chair in a very princely manner. It earned a hard look from Geoff as he silently gestured to all the staff around to see him pouting. “What if he’s as horrible as his dad?”
Geoff snorted. “What his dad is like means nothing about him. As you clearly know since you didn’t seem to inherit a lick of my dignity.”
“That’s because I’m adopted, you prick,” Gavin sticked out his tongue but then chuckled softly. He could never truly be mad at Geoff.
“Hey, I still fucking taught you didn’t I?” Geoff retorted with his own laugh, reaching over to ruffle his hair. “Give this guy a chance, ok Gavvers? Maybe he’ll grow on you. Maybe he won’t. You don’t need to talk to him a lot, just don’t be overly mean to him. We need to not piss off this Lord, ok? He keeps a lot of the palace fed.”
“Fine,” Gavin sighed, pushing himself to sit up straight, fixing his hair. “But you owe me like three new cats if he’s awful.”
Geoff laughed, leaning over to kiss his head. “We’ll see. Just give it a shot.”
Despite his promise to Geoff, Gavin knew he wasn’t particularly nice to poor Jeremy at the beginning. He didn’t trust him but mostly just didn’t like this uncomfortable situation of having such a stranger now a constant at his side. Gavin didn’t want to talk with him, (sure maybe he was… scared because he’s not very good at first impressions and talking with strangers but that's besides the point) and for a while the knight seemed fine with that. Would do his duties and little more than that. There was a tension there that Gavin made no move to try to break. At least, not at first.
It was early in the morning about two weeks into the arrangement when they had their first proper conversation. Gavin was finishing getting ready, tiredly adjusting his clothing and making sure he looks as proper as he needs to. Every ring on the right finger, every piece in the right place, a tireless amount of adjusting. Jeremy looked just as exhausted, needing to be awake as long as Gavin. Maybe more since the knight was already dressed and armored.
“Sit,” Gavin hummed as he swore he saw the knight starting to sway on his feet. “The chairs won’t bite.”
Jeremy, as silent as he always had been, raised an eyebrow, looking between Gavin and the chair as if to be sure he wasn’t lying about it biting. As if checking If he was actually allowed. But his exhaustion ultimately won over as Gavin heard the scraping of the chair being moved and then the creak of gaining the weight of a sighing body.
Gavin smiled softly, glad the poor bloke wasn’t protesting about what a proper knight was allowed to do or not. So far Jeremy had seemed stiff around him, like something like this was to be taken seriously.
Gavin started prattling off all the places they’ll need to be today. The things he needed to do and unfortunately Jeremy needed to stand around and watch. Gavin earned noncommittal hums, enough to show he heard him though it didn’t seem like he was paying much attention. Which was fine. Gavin couldn’t expect this knight to care about all his random duties as a Prince.
Gavin was finishing righting his crown, a circlet flashing with gold and silver, when he turned to look over to his knight. And he froze at the sight. Jeremy was smiling, the look much softer than Gavin had ever expected capable of the man. The smile crinkled at the corners of his eyes, the brown in them melting like chocolate on a summer’s day. In Jeremy’s lap, Gavin’s cat, the friendly bugger always bothering anyone who would so much as glance at him. Gavin could hear him purring from across the room, nuzzling as Jeremy stroked his gray fur.
Gavin didn’t realize he was staring until Jeremy lifted his head at the silence. He paused, hands moving off the cat as if he had been stung. “I-I’m sorry, Your Highness,” he stammered, mouth opening and closing. “He came up to me and I just figured he wanted a pet, I don’t mean to offend-“
“It’s fine,” Gavin raised a hand to stop him. “I know how little Fool forces pets from whoever he wants. He seems to like you.”
“Oh, uh, yeah,” Jeremy said, carefully setting his hand back down to scratch Smee’s chin, watching Gavin as if he would object. “I, uh, grew up around cats. Guess this one could tell.”
Gavin felt a smile pulling at his lips, a small chuckle in his chest. “Well, now he’ll never leave you alone. That’s the price to pay.”
Jeremy chuckled softly, it escaping as though he didn’t seem to mean to. “I think I’m ok with that.”
Gavin nodded, staring a little longer as Jeremy petted the cat. Maybe this knight wasn’t as stiff as he thought. As Jeremy chuckled at his goofy cat, petting his belly as he stretched onto his back, Gavin figured maybe they could get along after all.
“How are you holding up?” a soft voice interrupts Gavin’s misery as he looks up. The light of day was lower, but still a few hours before light. Leaving less son coating the room, but still its warmth. The voice entering is a gentle face, Jack, one of his father’s closest advisors. And good friend to Gavin as well.
Gavin sighs, glancing back down to Jeremy to count one more breath. “I’m fine. It’s him we should be worried about.”
“The healer says he will be fine,” Jack assures as he moves over, placing a comforting hand to his shoulder. “The wound has been bandaged and wasn’t deep enough to be fatal. He’s just sleeping off the medication they gave when they were patching him up. Plus, from what I’ve seen, he’s a pretty sturdy guy. I know he’ll be back on his feet in no time.”
Gavin nods as he listens. He’s been told as much already. But until he sees those warm eyes again, he just can’t fully believe it. Can’t calm hs buzzing body.
Jack sighs at his silence, pulling Gavin into a hug. Holding him tight like he used to when he was a child. “It’s not your fault,” Jack says, always able to see right into Gavin’s heart. “He did what he was supposed to, what he trained for. He protected you.”
Gavin shakes his head. “He shouldn’t have needed to. I shouldn’t have been so stupid.”
“Oh, Gav,” Jack says softly, brushing through his hair. “Listen. He will recover. And we have the man who did this in our dungeons. We’ve learned and we’ll adapt. Jeremy will be back at your side before you know it.”
“He better,” Gavin mumbles, not realizing the tears on his face until Jack is offering a tissue to wipe them off. He holds tighter to Jack, voice starting to shake. “I have so much I need to tell him.”
“And he will hear. Just give it a little more time.”
It was a cautious friendship that grew. Mostly centered on Gavin’s cat, as Jeremy would ask questions and Gavin would readily answer him. Gavin found he enjoyed Jeremy’s laugh and voice and Fool loved the attention and it naturally grew from there.
Over time Gavin learned Jeremy had grown up on the coast, been training to be a knight the second he was able. He wasn’t born early enough to benefit from too much inheritance from his father, so he wanted to make his own path in life. Jeremy slowly learned Gavin was an orphan young, his parents a pair of nobles in the court that passed away due to illness. With no other family there had been questions about what to do with him until Geoff took him in. Gavin told him how much of a bleeding heart Geoff is, but how good of a King he is as well.
Gavin also learned Jeremy was hilarious, always having a perfectly timed joke to whisper to him in boring meetings. He learned Jeremy had thought pretty poorly of him at first and Gavin supposed he couldn’t blame him for that.
But they catch on like wildfire once they started really talking. Once Jeremy realized Gavin wasn’t going to expect him to be an emotionless and stern knight all the time. Once Gavin realized Jeremy was forgiving and open. And of course, they both loved Gavin’s lovely cats.
“I’m surprised you don’t take them out more often,” Jeremy hummed as he stroked the fur of Gavin’s new kitten, an orange tabby that was found alone and too cute to stop them from taking in. The tabby paid little mind to the petting, looking around the plants of the garden they sat in, sniffing everything.
“The gardener doesn’t like them,” Gavin chuckled. “Said they trampled her flowers. Though they are much too small to do that bloody bad of damage.”
Jeremy laughed too, shaking his head. “Even little Zipper?” Jeremy held the orange cat in question, the one who convinced Gavin on it’s name.
“I don’t understand it either,” Gavin smiled, reaching to pet Zipper’s head. The cat meowed in protest, ducking to see its new invader and knocking Gavin’s hand into Jeremy’s. They brush for the briefest second and yet Gavin felt his cheeks flush inexplicably.
“We’ll just have to keep sneaking them put when she’s not looking,” Jeremy grinned, oblivious to Gavin’s pause.
“Yeah,” Gavin said, shaking it off and focusing back on the cats, picking Fool up as he jumped over to Gavin’s side. “It’s nice being in the gardens while we can.”
Jeremy focused back on the cat and Gavin felt his cheeks, feeling the warmth that was there. He had no idea why his heart beat just a little bit faster but he found he couldn’t tear his gaze away from his knight.
It wasn’t that Geoff had no enemies. He had very little in fact, the people of the kingdom loved him. But there were some. It was his child that had seemed to have brought them up. Though that had only been when Gavin was younger, newly adopted and adding question to who is heir to the throne. It hadn’t sat well with some but Gavin hadn’t heard more whispers since he had been fully grown. It was easy to think those thoughts and oppositions gone. Easy to ignore and forget when there was so much more taking his attention.
“You know,” Jeremy interrupted the soft silence around them, the candle light flickering, the fireplace lit to take away the bite of the cold night. Jeremy stroked through a cat’s fur that was sleeping on his lap, a tiny pure black one that honestly was more Jeremy’s cat than Gavin’s. “Being Prince certainly wasn’t what I thought it was.”
Gavin chuckled, glancing to him from where he had been bent over his desk, working through a stack of papers all awaiting his ‘official’ response. “Much more boring than you thought?”
“I suppose,” Jeremy hummed. “But also… Much more skillful, I guess. You work hard. And seem to be good at what you do.”
Gavin’s glad for the low light as he felt his cheeks flush as he turned back around so he didn’t have to face Jeremy. “Why thank you,” he chuckled softly. “Expected a pampered brat when you joined?”
“Something like that,” Jeremy shrugged, honest. “Wasn’t sure what to think of you. And now I know I have no idea what to make of you.”
Gavin burst into bright laughter, shaking his head. He set his quill down, glancing back to him. “I hope I’m not that bad of a mess to you.”
“No! No, you’re not a mess,” Jeremy said and there’s… something in his expression. Something Gavin couldn’t place but then Jeremy tore his gaze away, looking back to the cat purring softly in his lap. “Just… different than I thought you’d be. And still full of surprises.”
Gavin watched him, seeing his form surrounded by the fire, tired and quieter but also softer than normal. The rough edges of his form dampened. “Don’t count yourself out, love. You’ve been surprising me from the start too.”
“I have?” Jeremy said, raising his head back up.
“Of course,” Gavin smiled. “A lot funnier than most stuffy old guards I’ve had. And bloody mental in the best ways.”
“Just because I am willing to eat whatever weird shit you find, doesn’t mean I’m that mental,” Jeremy retorted but was laughing softly himself.
“You’re a good man,” Gavin corrected. “And a good friend, even if you didn’t need to be.”
Jeremy blinked and for a moment Gavin could’ve sworn he saw his cheeks darken but then he had turned his head away again. “Thank you,” he coughed. “You’re a good friend too. Even if you didn’t need to be.”
“Gavin, you can’t stay here forever,” Geoff’s soft but firm voice comes through, startling Gavin who was starting to doze in his seat.
“I’m staying just until Jeremy wakes up,” Gavin huffs, running a hand down his face, trying to wipe the sleep from his eyes. He has no idea what time it is, but given how low the lit candles have gone, and the moonlight trickling in from outside, he can tell he’s been here for a bit.
“That could still be a while,” Geoff sighs, moving over and placing a gentle hand on his son’s shoulder. “You need to sleep as well.”
Gavin shakes his head, earning another long suffering sigh but Geoff seems to understand enough to not press. “The man who did this is caught,” he assures instead. “And will be dealt with accordingly. And we’ll increase your protection, have more guards around-“
“What about Jeremy?” Gavin says, looking up to him, panic in those tired eyes. “Is he still going to be my guard?”
“Once he’s fully back on his feet. And if he still wants the position. Though something tells me he will,” Geoff smirks, something knowing in it and Gavin’s cheeks flush a bit under his look.
“You can’t say that for sure,” Gavin huffs, turning his gaze back to Jeremy’s chest. Rising. Falling. Steady.
“I can,” Geoff says, leaning over to kiss Gavin’s head. “Get some sleep, ok? We’ll wake you up the second he does.”
“I don’t think I can sleep,” Gavin admits, leaning into Geoff’s comforting form.
“Well, just get the rest you can then,” Geoff assures, holding his son tight. Tighter than he has in a long time. “I’m so glad you’re ok,” he breathes against him. “And I’m so sorry this happened. To you. And to someone you care about. I want to protect you. I will protect you. Both of you.”
Gavin wraps his arms around him, burying against his chest. Held so tight and so close, Gavin feels tears in his eyes and before he can stop himself, starts crying into Geoff. Crying from fear, from worry, from sorrow of what was almost lost, from guilt of what he had almost caused. But also of relief, for a promise of a second chance. And mostly crying just from the exhaustion from the weight of all if it.
“Cmon, we might be able to make it back!” Jeremy said with a flushed face and bright eyes as he grabbed Gavin’s hand and pulled him along.
“Before what? It’s already raining!” Gavin laughed in turn, holding his other hand above his head though it was useless against the water that fell and soaked through his clothes. They had been in the garden again, too see the new blooms. But the sky opened up suddenly, drenching them though neither really cared.
“Before it gets worse!” Jeremy laughed in turn, not stopping as they ran. Feet splashed through puddles, the wind cut across their faces but the laughter never stopped and Gavin’s never felt more free in the world.
They finally stopped as they reached the threshold of the building, breathless but sharing big grins. Jeremy’s eyes shone as he looked to him and it made Gavin’s heart skip a beat as he stared back. Looked at that carefree, gorgeous smile. A smile like the sun rising, breaking through the chill of morning as it warms your face. Like the first bloom of flowers telling spring is here to fight off the winter. Like a loyal knight cracking jokes under his breath in boring meetings to make his Prince laugh. Like a friend, sitting and playing with his cats, taking care of them, with a loving look on his face.
Gavin blinks and stares as his heart freezes in sudden understanding.
It’s funny in a way, isn’t it? Realizing what you already knew. Understanding what you’ve known. As Gavin watched his knight, his guard, his friend laugh, he finally understood.
Gavin is in love.
Oh no, he’s in love.
Though he was in love, he couldn’t admit it. Refused to admit it aloud. Couldn’t let anything happen from it and so he pulled away. Pulled back so hard because he just couldn’t hurt Jeremy in that way. They couldn’t, shouldn’t be together because that just wasn’t fair to Jeremy. (It was fear too, what if Jeremy didn’t love him back, what if he didn’t want to be friends anymore) And so Gavin wouldn’t talk as much, laugh as much with Jeremy even though it pained his very soul to be away.
It had been nasty, in the end. Jeremy was so desperate, pleading to know what was going on that had Gavin being so distant, so short with him. And Gavin. Gavin just couldn’t bring the words to his lips.
“It doesn’t matter,” Gavin had snapped. “You are just my guard. Guarding me should be all that concerns you.”
“I’m also your friend!” Jeremy snapped, reaching out to him but Gavin forced himself to move away. “Why won’t you talk to me about what’s going on? Did I do something wrong? Just tell me!”
“No! No, you didn’t do anything, I just-“ the words caught in his throat and he shook his head. “I need to be alone. Just leave. Let me be alone.”
Jeremy, the sweet, kind, amazing, person he is just looked more worried than broken but unfortunately listened to Gavin. Stepped out and away, leaving Gavin fully alone as he held back tears and shaking hands. Stupidly fucking alone and that’s why this is all his fault.
After that, it was so sudden, a blur.
He had been alone in the castle, wandering blindly to work through his thoughts. Work through the far too many emotions aching in his bones. Then a flash, metal flashing in the rare drops of candlelight and moonlight flickering in the halls. Gavin, so lost in his head, did not notice the person approaching until it was too late.
Gavin remembers seeing the sword, remembers ducking and falling to the floor. He must’ve yelled, his throat hurt and ached, but he hadn’t realized it. He fought and thrashed as his assailant fell over him, the blade leaving long cuts into the wood of the floor besides his head as the person swung over and over.
Gavin grabbed at his arms, holding them back as the blade aimed towards his neck. Gavin’s arms shook and his body burned as fear gripped him. The person wasn’t relenting, grunting in their effort to kill him, pierce his skin.
Then, suddenly, the attacker was off of him, thrown to the side. And Jeremy, the angel, the beautiful, magnificent creature that he is, was standing there. His own sword drawn, he stood over Gavin’s form, commanding for him to leave, get out.
Relief led to horror as Jeremy swung his sword to fight only for his blood to end up dripping onto the floor, grunts of pain echoing.
And then the earth shattering terror as Jeremy fell to the ground, collapsing. The attacker, wounded themself, had ran. Gavin should’ve ran as Jeremy said but his feet wouldn’t allow him to leave. Rushing forward, he picked up Jeremy’s form, cradling him in his arms as he tried to stop the blood, the life, slipping out of him.
Gavin remembers screaming then. He never wanted to stop.
Gavin didn’t notice when he fell asleep, the exhaustion carrying him over as he slumped across Jeremy’s bed. He feels poking, something touching his shoulder and his first instinct is to groan and shake it off. Then he hears a snicker, familiar, and it makes his heart turn so he blinks and opens his eyes.
And staring back are Jeremy’s own. Open, soft, alive. “Morning, sleepyhead,” comes his teasing voice and Gavin has never been so happy in his life.
“Jeremy,” he breathes, jumping up and holding his hands so tight, tears pricking his eyes as he feels Jeremy hold tight too.
“Hey, Gav. Are you ok? The fucker didn’t hurt you, did he? Fuck, I’m so sorry I wasn’t there, I know I was supposed to always be at your side-“
Gavin cuts him off, instinct, love, desire, pure, pure relief driving him forward as he seals his lips over Jeremy’s. Jeremy’s lips are so much softer than he imagined, warm and firm and it steals Gavin’s breath all over again.
As Gavin comes back to himself, realizing he shouldn’t be doing this, he shouldn’t have done this, Jeremy pushes against him, a blessed sigh escaping as he kisses Gavin back. A desperation in it, leaving them out of breath when they finally part.
“Jeremy, I- I’m so sorry,” Gavin stammers now. “You shouldn’t have gotten hurt, I shouldn’t have-“
“It’s fine,” Jeremy sighs. “I mean, fuck, we have a lot to talk about. But not yet. Soon, but fuck my side hurts and I think I need like a week to recover from that kiss, holy shit.”
Gavin can’t help but chuckle, lifting Jeremy’s hand and pressing a soft kiss to his knuckles. “You’re a pretty good kisser yourself.”
Jeremy smiles, eyes so warm and gorgeous and alive. And finally Gavin’s heart stills in his chest, reassurance firm and steady. He knows now that they’re going to be ok. And that they’ll be ok together.
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fleckcmscott · 4 years
Summary: After a little prompting, Arthur tells Y/N about his first kiss.
Warnings: Angst, Past self-harm (Don’t worry - there’s love, too!)
Words: 2,652
A/N: This was an anonymous request! Whoever you are, thank you for sending it to me. Writing this was a joy. A hearty thanks to Karen for beta-ing!
If you have any thoughts or questions, please comment, feel free to message me, or send me an ask. Requests for Arthur and WWH are open!
If you’ve sent me a request and I haven’t responded, it’s because I am working on it and will answer once it’s posted!
Edit: I apologize for forgetting to thank @sweet-nothings04​ for the title! Love you, girl!
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As Arthur felt the first periods of genuine satisfaction within his own skin, he discovered which activities he enjoyed the most. Performing for children, seeing their small faces beam in reaction to his magic tricks. When he was doing a comedy set somewhere and his laughter didn't occur. Working on material or listening to music. And every second with Y/N at his side.
Weaving himself completely with another person hadn't been something he'd believed possible. But during the past eleven months, his assumptions had changed. Y/N knew about the difficulty he often had interpreting people, about his illnesses, about each time he'd been remanded to Arkham. Instead of recoiling as he'd feared, she reminded him to take his medication on the rare occasion he would forget. The calendar that hung by the kitchen entrance had both his appointments or gigs and her court dates written in his scrawl. She delved into his interests by watching old comedies he rented or shows he picked out. He'd explored hers by paying extra attention to Action News and asking about the cases she was working on. And they'd gotten in the habit of watching Gotham Tonight before heading to bed. It was the repetitive mundanities of normal life, the routines and rhythms they'd fallen into, that he found most intimate.
Yet, she still had the ability to flummox him.
They were walking in Sheldon Park after dropping off their groceries and his three prescription refills at the apartment. It was a lovely evening, the temperatures balmy even though dusk was approaching. The place was more crowded than expected for a Tuesday. A group of kids were riding their bikes through the winding paths. On a nearby bench, an older man smoked a cigar while the woman he was with chattered about the day. And there were quite a few teenage couples, strolling with arms entwined or their lips locked.
Y/N must have noticed them, too, because she nudged him when they passed a pair making out on a knoll near the duck pond. "If we'd met back then, would we have been doing the same thing? All over each other without caring who saw?"
A light laugh caught in his throat. He gave her side-eye, taking a drag off his cigarette. "You already don't care who hears."
She was chuckling when she asked her follow-up, like it was the most normal question in the world. "When was your first kiss?" He halted, mouth agape as she continued on. The answer made him feel self-conscious before even giving it. It had been embarrassingly late, considering what he remembered hearing around school as a teenager.
Y/N put a quarter in the duck pellet machine and turned the crank. "I was fifteen. My ex-husband. We were at a drive-in, watching some terrible movie - Attack of the Grasshoppers or Ants or whatever." Arthur stepped towards her and put out his smoke in the nearby ashtray as she held out her hand. "I knew he liked me, but I was surprised." After splitting the feed with him, carefully pouring it into his upturned palm, she sat on the grass, legs crossed in front of her at the ankles, and tossed some in the water. "He leaned over and kissed me as hard as he could. I pushed him away, then pulled him back again."
The birds swam hurriedly in their direction, a couple of the braver ones daring to come ashore. Arthur crouched down next to her and threw some of the pellets himself. But he stayed quiet. A few minutes later, she leaned towards him. "You don't have to tell me. I know I'm your first serious relationship." Shrugging, she continued. "I just thought there might have been a high school sweetheart. Then we could share embarrassing tales."
He shook his head, throwing the rest of the food and sitting next to her, one knee up with his arm rested on it. "No," he said. "You're my only sweetheart." Normally she wasn't fond of pet names, but she let out a soft sound and scooted closer. Her arm looped through his, a kiss planted on his temple. As his lips pressed together, he wondered what she expected. She'd been surprised by his inexperience when they'd started sleeping together, seemingly unable to comprehend how he'd been single. If she'd been anyone else, he would have assumed she just wanted to make fun of him. But she'd been open about her history, and hadn't laughed at him once so far. "I was twenty-two."
"What were you like back then? Just as beautiful, I'm sure."
A short giggle escaped him, his forehead rested on the heel of his hand. While he'd never been outgoing, never been half as bold as Y/N, he hadn't yet shrunken in on himself. Though he'd had his condition, his mental illnesses had only partially presented themselves. He hadn't already been committed. Life had had its challenges, having taken care of his mother seven years by then. But he'd still been naive enough to hope it could be different. That Penny might get better. That he could meet his special person.
That was too much for this conversation. She'd asked a lighthearted question and deserved a lighthearted answer. So he gave one that encompassed it all. "Younger." It had been awhile since he'd reflected on the circumstances surrounding his first kiss. His brows drew together as he tried to remember all the details. "Her name was Helen. We were coworkers in Gotham Park. At a summer carnival."
The bit of exaggeration was unintentional. He'd been hired to work as a clown. It had been new for him, but given his natural aptitude for dancing and interacting with kids, it'd come easier than expected. The boss had told him to roam the entire grounds. And he'd tried to. But it had become impossible after seeing her.
Arthur's eyelids fluttered at Y/N tracing the veins on the back of his hand. "What did she do to win your heart?"
Not a lot. They hadn't exchanged more than a couple of words, mostly pleasantries and the odd complaint about the weather. But she could have done anything, frankly. He'd been fantasizing about dating for years. What had originally been an innocent desire for attention and friendship had, as he'd grown-up, become a near constant craving for love and connection.
Helen had worked at one of the games, though he couldn't recall exactly which one. The radiance of her skin was nearly as bright as the smile she met customers with. She always wore cute, short sleeved sweater sets, ones that revealed a sliver of her mid-riff. She was kind. Whenever she talked with anyone, she'd laugh easily and be attentive. She seemed smart, too; he'd noticed the textbooks she took notes in. The moment he'd passed by her and she'd glanced up at him with her deep, brown eyes, he'd thought he'd sensed an affinity between them. It had sparked his imagination. "She was nice. And pretty. We didn't get to talk much."
"How was it?" Y/N asked playfully, her caresses flirty as they traveled to the inside of his wrist, a spot they'd learned made his breath catch.
The carnival had normally stayed open until nine. But high winds and heavy rain had forced it to close early. He'd been sprinting by Helen's booth, when she called out to him. The front closure was stuck, she'd explained. Could he help her with it? After a minute or two of trying to fix it, she'd invited him into the back. It had taken a couple seconds to decide to go for it - he'd hoped his hesitancy hadn't been too weird. Once the rope was untangled from the hook it'd been stuck on, he'd rolled down the tarp and secured it shut. Then he'd turned to her.
They'd been drenched. Probably half his clown-makeup had been washed off, leaving his pale skin exposed. Her sweater had clung to her, the silhouette of her hardened nipples visible through the cream fabric. He'd fought to keep his eyes averted. The pitter-patter of the pelting rain had surrounded them, slightly muffled by the tall trees above and the orange canvas of the tent. It had felt pleasantly hazy. She'd looked up at him and said, in the sweetest voice, "Thank you. I owe you one."
"Yeah," he'd replied lamely, when what he'd meant to say was, "I think I love you. You're beautiful. Let's go on a date." His heart had been pounding, open, plain to see, and he'd thought he'd understood her smile correctly. It was rare they were directed his way - surely it must have meant something. When she'd offered her hand for a shake, adrenaline had driven him to take it, step forward, and press his mouth to hers.
After all this time, only vague impressions remained. Her lips had been pliant, warm, and wet. How he'd imagined a ripe plum would feel if he could ever afford one. There'd been enthusiasm on his part. And he was sure he'd been trembling. He hadn't paid attention to her reactions, having been too caught up in his own nervousness and excitement. Finally, he'd been brave enough to kiss a girl. He'd been proud of himself for not laughing.
He'd attempted to snake an arm around her waist, pull her flush against his skinny frame to feel the realness of her, the softness of her breasts, the dip of her waist. But she'd backed off, pushing against his chest as their lips parted. He'd released her instantly but kept her hand. He'd tried to hold it loosely enough to hide his desperation as he felt his heart break.
She'd cleared her throat before starting in. "You're sweet, Arthur. But... This is going to be my senior year. I have to concentrate on school." White noise had filled his ears. "I think you're a little old for me. And I'm seeing someone. And..."
Halfway through her litany of explanations, he'd tuned out and slowly dropped her fingers. His palm automatically went to his abdomen, willing his diaphragm to not betray him. "I'm- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-" He'd squeezed his eyes shut as he broke off, self-disgust filling him. "Why would you like me? I-"
The reassurances she'd given him hadn't mattered much back then. They'd actually made it worse. They'd meant that in lieu of hating him, she simply didn't want him. "I'm not mad." There'd been pity in her half-smile. "It was a nice kiss."
His anguish as he'd gotten ready for work the next morning was overwhelming and unwanted. But his brain wouldn't stop going to Helen. Seeing her again would crush him. The tightness in his chest, the tension in his arms were acute - he didn't know what to do. And anger was welling in him, at himself and what he'd never have. He'd attempted to find distraction in the radio, tobacco, the nearly scalding hot water during his shower. None of it worked. Instead, as he stood in the corner of the living room by his clothes, he banged his head, smashing it into the mirror hanging on the wall.
It was the cracking of the glass that got him to stop, got him to notice what he was doing. The compulsion he'd felt and given into to hurt himself was new. Frightening. And cemented his abnormality. He'd lifted his fingers to his forehead - there'd been no blood, at least. Then he'd squinted at the mirror and groaned, annoyed he'd have to replace it. Quickly, he took it down and threw it in the trash can, not wanting his mother to see what he'd done.
He didn't return to work that day. Or the day after that. He'd stayed at home, calling out sick and missing a week's pay.
Penny had noticed his lack of absence first. Then his failure to do anything besides smoke and get off the couch to use the bathroom. She'd asked if he was okay for the first time in months. And he'd confessed, rasping softly, "No, mom. I need someone." The humiliation he felt at yearning for such simplicities grew as he went through his list. "I want to take her to the movies. To light her cigarette. To hold her." He'd exhaled sharply and flinched. "I want her to laugh at my jokes."
"Oh, Happy," she'd said, patting his arm. In his fragile state, the nickname's familiarity had both calmed and hurt. "Just smile and put on a happy face. You can't feel bad, then." She'd turned back to the television, maternal instincts quickly forgotten. At least around her, he listened and tried to paste a grin on.
Eventually, he had dragged himself back to the carnival - the bills had to be paid somehow. He'd done his best to avoid Helen. She had spotted him once, though, and given a small, friendly wave from across the way. After briefly freezing, he'd chosen to nod back at her, giving her the acknowledgment he would have wanted had their positions been reversed.
He hadn't seen her again. But he'd clung to the memory of that kiss for ages. Reminisced when he'd ached for another life and wanted to believe it might be possible. And for less chaste longings. It had stopped being a placeholder years ago, when he'd realized he'd always live with Penny. Not alone, but lonely, until he was lucky enough to check out forever.
Until he and Y/N had stumbled into each other. Repeatedly. In this harsh city.
"Kissing you is nicer," Arthur said, slinging an arm around Y/N, meeting her gaze.
She giggled. "Oh?" Her tongue darted out to lick her bottom lip, only inches from his own. "And why's that?"
"You love me. And you want me." The touch of his fingertips went to her upper arm, guiding her to recline on the grass. "All the time," he scolded mockingly, rasp barely above a whisper. His lips tickled her, just under her ear, and he delighted in the way she squirmed and batted at his shoulder.
She locked her hands at the nape of his neck and smiled up at him, like he was the only man in the world. Eagerness sparked as her fingers slid under his sweater. "I do," she replied, low and throaty. "I won't pretend I don't." Cradling the back of her head, he bent and sealed their mouths together. She was demanding, as though she sought to capture a piece of him and hold it deep within her. He sighed as he brought his hand to the hem of her blouse, not hesitating before going in for another kiss.
Neither of them heard the hooves of the approaching horse. "Sir? Ma'am?" Arthur turned up towards the mounted police officer shining her flashlight in their faces. "Aren't you two a little old for this?"
Wide-eyed, Arthur's head snapped back to look at Y/N, nearly colliding with her as she held her hand in front of her eyes. Thank god she answered straightaway. "Sorry, officer." She sat up, pushing Arthur off her. The blush currently spreading across her cheeks made him snort. "It's such a beautiful night and, well..." she gestured in his direction. Christ, would she never find it inappropriate to brag about him? He turned away and hid behind his palm.
Y/N stood and brushed off her clothing. "We'll behave, madam. I promise." The cop shook her head and rode off. Y/N covered her mouth as she burst into laughter. "I guess this means we wouldn't have cared who saw." Arthur stood up beside her, pulling up his pants and fixing his hair. "Thanks for sharing that with me," she said.
As she reached to remove a leaf from his jacket, he stepped to her and cupped her face, melding their lips once more. "I'll share anything with you."
Tag list (Let me know if you want to be added!): @harmonioussolve​ @howdylilflower​ @sweet-nothings04​ @stephieraptorr​ @rommies​ @fallenstarsabyss​ @gruffle1​ @octopus-plasma​ @tsukiakarinobara​ @arthur-flecks-lovely-smile​ @another-day-in-chuckletown​
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macybeckham7 · 4 years
Maybe you can make this as a longer thing, or just a normal blurb. So can you have YN who caught Grealish’s attention on IG, they flirt and stuff. They meet up on holiday in Ibiza and Madders gains her attention and the two friends are like ‘she’s fair game’ and then Madders fucks ylu and there is an argument and you tell Grealish that you prefer him and you apologise for a drunken mistake
You had gained the Villa footballers attention a few months back, on IG and he very quickly started to like all of your photos you had posted and commented on a few. He slid into your dms and the two of you got to know each other. You both realised that the two of you were pretty similar, you were both pretty flirty, and nearly always were on facetime with one another. You realised that you were both going to be going to Ibiza and you suggested the two of you should meet. 
He invited you to the villa and your friends all seemed to get on well. You were sat with Jack and very quickly you gained Madders attention, and he couldn't deny how gorgeous you were. It pissed Jack off as he kept taking your attention from him and he knew that Jack was pretty bashful when it came to you. The Leicester City footballer took him to the side and told him after a few days of the two of them flirting with each other and having a good time getting drunk and dancing he thought he could have a thing with you. They both admitting that you were ‘fair game’ and whoever you chose they wouldn't let it get in the way. All your friends all mentioned that you had both the footballers attention, 
They were both trying their hardest with you, they both looked as green with envy as they watched their friend have fun with you. Jack got a little too drunk and John and Tyrone took him back to the villa leaving you and Madders together. One thing led to another and you were falling into bed with you.
The next morning Jack found you both trying to sneak out, and instantly put two and two together. He felt his heart break in his chest and you could see that you had hurt him. 
A few days went by and Jack couldn't help but keep checking your social media to see how you were. You appeared at the villa at silly o’ clock in the morning, you instantly apologising and claiming that your night with James didn't mean a thing and you infact wanted him. He couldn't help but smile as he leaned in to kiss you. You claiming it was just a stupid drunken mistake and that you don't want to ruin their friendship. He scooping you up and claiming that he will show you how to be fucked good, making a small dig at his friend, as you both had a very adventurous and fun filled night together, you both realising that you wanted this to work with each other. 
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