#which is crazy and i love that so many people love it
zeldasnotes · 7 hours
𝖑𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖘 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 🦇
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🦇 Lilith in Capricorn wants position & status and can be shamed for demanding the same respect and position as men. Example: Hillary Clinton & Kamala Harris both have this placement. Women are often expected to seek status by being a wife so women with this placement can awake a ”Wtf she think she doing?” reaction in men.
🦇 While Lilith most times shows a strong interest, fascination or even obsession with the sign or house its in or with the themes of the planet it aspects it can also show complete rejection of it & not wanting anything to do with it.
🦇 I dont know why but I never felt the need to be bitchy towards men who have their Lilith on my Moon. I get a ”you are not like other men” feeling with this aspect. They dont trigger my fight or flight response. Something very unique with this synastry aspect.
🦇 A lot of Moon conjunct Lilith people physically resemble the Moon in some way physically. Ive seen a lot of them have Moon shaped eyes or a round face & very rounded features, sometimes super shiny hair.
🦇 Lilith in the 11th house might be fixated with the ”in crowd”. Might hate them but at the same time watch them. Its giving Janis Ian from Mean Girls. They often have a past friendship with someone from the in crowd.
🦇 Lilith can show what you hate in society and feel a strong need to rebel against. Lilith 2nd house might rebel against stuff being done to their body(like vaccines),having to pay taxes, might shoplift and refuse to pay for things that are not their fault they need. Like tampoons for example.
🦇 Ive also noticed with Lilith 7th house people want to find something wrong with your partner or even convince themselves they dont love you. People might say stuff like ”He is only with you bc you have money” or something. Its like people are bothered by seeing you be loved.
🦇 Madonna is a good example of a 7th house Lilith. She is often shamed for liking younger men while its considered normal for men to be with younger women.
🦇 Lilith in Libra and the constant triangle drama??? Triangledrama EVERYWHERE. Why does every guy you meet seem to have a crazy ex or a female friend trying to get him? Or a coworker who wants him? Or a mother who competes with you?
🦇 If you have Sun conjunct Lilith you might represent what your dad dislikes about himself. You represent a part of him that he wants to keep buried deep inside himself and being close to you might remind him too much of this. This can make him your first bully.
🦇 With Lilith in the 2nd house there was often early experiences with money restricting them which lead to an inner bitterness which is often not noticed until you hear them talk about money. The reason they werent noticed by others might have been because they didnt have the clothes, phones, makeup or other material things that others had. The epitome of ”I wasnt ugly, I was just poor”
🦇 I find it interesting how many people with strong Lilith placements Ive seen literally live out the myth by being thrown out of ”the garden of Eden”. Most times thrown out by a friendsgroup, a community or neighbourhood. And this was a huge turning point in their lives.
🦇 Lilith in synastry 🤝 they confessing after 10 years they had a crush on you.
🦇 Lilith in Aries when undeveloped can make them very competetive with others of their gender especially concerning how the body looks. Comparing their bodies to others. Might have a trauma with people comparing their body to someone close to them like a sibling or even their mom growing up.
🦇 Lilith in Aries might also assert themselves and being quiet in the complete wrong situations. Might often end up thinking ”Why didnt I stand up for myself” or ”I shouldnt have overreacted”.
🦇 ”The girl he told you not to worry about” aka the one who touches his Lilith. I hate writing this but Ive seen this sooo much. Men talking shit to their girlfriend(their eve) about a woman they have Lilith synastry with.
🦇 Sun conjunct Lilith is basically like having a flashlight shining on your dark side so that everyone can see.
🦇 Lilith dominant women(women with a dominant Lilith energy in their chart no nobody is saying its your dominant planet omg) often get blamed for a mans lust for them. Might hear stuff like ”you were looking at him” ”you seduced him”.
🦇 Lilith reminds me of Saturn a little in the way that you need to learn to handle the energy which is hard but when you do it you will be so powerful and own that energy.
🦇 Having Lilith harshly aspecting Sun or Ascendant is getting shit whatever you do. Especially when its the square or opposition. Someone comes up to you and hits you in the face, people will call you crazy and aggressive if you hit back and a pussy if you dont hit back.
🦇 Lilith in the 8th house needs to understand that some things cant be controlled/hold onto. They often experienced situations in their youth where they were powerless.
🦇 Lilith in Virgo can be gossips because of their strong need to criticize. They need to say whats wrong with stuff. This can results in some verbal attacks and some very strong opinions on people.
🦇 LILITH CONJUNCT VENUS IN SYNASTRY: can mean Lilith shouldnt be attracted to Venus. Venus might not even be their type but Lilith will find them beautiful anyways. This can be very confusing for the Lilith person because Venus represent everything they shouldnt like or arent allowed to like. Lilith might be from a rich family and Venus is from a poor family for example. Can also be an age difference especially where the woman is older and the guy younger so its considered taboo. This one will be painful if Venus is in love with Lilith because Lilith often see Venus as someone socially unacceptable in some way. (10th house synastry can change this tho, because if yall have 10th house synastry he will want to parade you around like a damn trophy LOLLL). Lilith might want Venus as their side chick. They also always seem to bump into eachother when the Lilith person is in a relationship.
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shuenkio · 2 days
Honeymoon 🌹
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Paring: Heeseung X male!reader
Genre: Fluff & Smut
Cw: heavy nsfw ;) cum inside, belly bulge, unprotected sex etc
Summary: You want to ride that crazy cow ride, so hee offers you a free ride.
Read at your own risk.
Word: 2.5k
Lack of massive perfect words, pardon me if it overdoes [words]
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Getting married to Heeseung after knowing each other for quite some time was a great experience. He was lovely, is a gentleman, loves to take care of you, and he's also a grandma's boy. You've never seen him cursing or doing dirty stuff like normal adults do; instead, he was soft toward you, as if you were his diamond. Or maybe he never showed up? 
He decided to take you to his home for your Honey Moon together since he wanted to show you where he was growing up. 
You agreed without any second thought; before the next thing you know, you're already standing under the hot sunlight, shining through your hat. The wind, the fresh air, and the summer felt so ascending. 
"This is amazing, hee!" You said as you breathed in the cold breeze to your lungs. This is better than city life 360°. 
"I know you would like it, Bob. Now let's go to my grandparents's house; we're going to stay there for a few days." He uttered as a soft smile spread over his face, signing in relief as you loved his idea of coming here.
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Arriving at the destination, Heeseung's grandparents immediately came out and greeted both of you with a warm welcome. Not only do they support you, but they also love you as if you're their grandchild and treat you like everyone else. 
They help to move your luggage and stuff, even though you insist they should not; however, it won't work for them. They also prepared your shared room with Heeseung with a lot of decorations that fit your personality, which show how much they're dragged into your background. 
Thanking them is not enough; you want to pay back for all their hard work by showing your gratitude. Again, they won't let you, as they said your presence was more than enough for them. You were touched by their words, as you're on the edge of a crying river, but Heeseung was there to comfort you, or else you would look so ugly in front of them. They're so sweet. 
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During the day, after spending a night at Heeseung's grandparent's house, they suggested your husband take you somewhere nice for your honeymoon because Heeseung is an outside person. He knew a lot of places, and he was born here too, so don't question him. 
Your husband thought for a while before making up his mind by taking you to the racetrack, where people love going there for horse riding, competition, bets for money, and many more thrilling events. 
Your eyes filled with sparks when he recommended Racetrack for your date. You immediately said yes in an aggressive, cute manner. He was giggling at your reaction, smiling from ear to ear as he adored you even more. 
"Okay, then let's go!" 
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At the racetrack. 
Heeseung brought two tickets for both of you for the show of horse racing. The horse racing was epic; you've never seen such a thing like this before since you're a city boy. 
Now you've realized that this is better than any sports you've watched, and you prefer watching this instead of football because, why not? This is so addictive; riding at a fast pace, reaching for the goal, definitely gives the rollercoaster feeling. 
The show comes to an end with a winner, the one you're rooting for as You scream in victory and celebrate the moment with other people. Your lover was standing there beside you, a bit jealous that you forgot about him; however, he just shrugged it off and formed a delightful smile. Seeing you're happy makes him happy too, putting jealousy back away. 
Making your way back home, out of the venue, your eyes suddenly lay on a carnival event. It's a crazy cow ride, where many people come to challenge a bull machine that moves at a wild speed. You release your hand from your husband's grip before running to see. I left Heeseung all alone once again as he scoff in upset with your childish behavior. 
"Love! Love, can I ride that?? It's so cool." You said your eyes turned into stars watching the kids ride that crazy machine. Heeseung narrowed his eyebrow and took a closer look as he shook his head as a sign of no. 
"Awwae, why not? I want to ride that, please." You beg, with your puppy eyes, for your husband's permission, but still, he's disagreeing. As he intertwined your hand, taking you home.
"Nope bob! It's getting late now, and that thing looks dangerous. You don't want to end up at the hospital, don't you?" He responds, barely looking at you while he's talking, which upsets you even more. 
"But come on, love, it was once. I swear, I rarely come to a place like this. Give your husband a chance, please." You left no choice but to try all your methods to melt his heart, but nothing seemed to work on him; he was already ignoring you. 
You pout in disappointment; let it be as you let out a heavy sign as a result. 
A few minutes later, he suddenly spoke. 
"There's something you can ride at home; stop sulking or I'll kiss your swollen lips." He finally broke his silence. In return, a joyful frown appears on your face, jumping in happiness.
"Really, but what kind? Like that machine one? There's another place nearby your grandparents house." You started to question him with a lot of questions. He answered with only one word. 
"You'll see yourself, and it's also the real one." Heeseung replies, bending down to your level before whispering to your ear in a low, seductive tone. His hot breath hits your skin, giving you unexpected goosebumps.
"Tsk, I'll look forward to it then, but if you're lying to me, you're dead." 
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Walking into the room, you throw your body on the soft king bed size; you didn't even bother to get changed since you're too tired to do so. You nuzzle your face, dipping to the bed sheet, breathing in no space air, before you feel a warm hug pressed behind your back with his head brushing into the crooked of your neck. 
"Hmm?" You hum in response, asking what he wanted, until something poked hard underneath your tailbone. You immediately open your eyes from your rest, knowing too well what exactly he wants. 
"Sigh* yes, I want to start this with you, love." Heeseung said, his tone almost sounding guilty. You roll your eyes, lost in thought, asking him to leave your body. As you turn around, look at your surroundings. 
"Bu-.. Y'know, are you thinking what I am thinking? This is your grandparents house." You utter, almost whisper, anxious at the idea that someone might catch both of you doing this couple stuff in the house, especially his grandparents. 
Heeseung laughed under his throat, with a mix of excitement and humor. He moved closer to you as he cupped your face, looking at your endearment. 
"Love! Once I closed this room's door, not even a single fly could interrupt us. This room is noisy.  proof even if you're scream nobody gonna hear ya~" Heeseung mutters as his gaze grows darker at the thought of having you under him. You almost jaw-dropped upon hearing the dirty talk from your husband. This is probably just the beginning; what will come more once he gets full control of you?
"Wow, you're something darling, I have never seen you're like this before." You stutter. His eyes are burning, full of lust and desire, like a wolf wanted to breed its mate, dominant them until they're satisfied. 
You move backwards using the strength in your arm until your back hits the headboard. 
"I want to make sure, do you really want to have s- uh se-" 
"Yes, I want to fuck you, mn! Don't be shy; this is our honeymoon after all, didn't it?" He smirked as his hand traced down on your skin in ecstasy. Your breath hitched at his touch; he was so good at this. Not even a day you'd thought one day you would have sex with him, since he's too good at hiding his wild side. 
"Now do I have your permission, my love?" He licks his lip, patting like a puppy, as he feels like his bulge is getting more painful in these clothes. 
You nod slowly and accept your fate. Heeseung is full of surprises. Even though you're now his husband, there are too many things he is hiding from you for real. 
He began to take your clothes off piece by piece until you left with nothing but a naked body, which turned him on even more at your milky smooth skin. The heat in his body is getting out of control, begging to claim you sooner. 
He soon ripped out his t-shirt and unbuckled his belt.Now both of your clothes are all over the floor, and your two naked bodies lie on the bed, ready for the real moment to start. 
"One moment, mn." Heeseung stood up on his feet, went to close the door, and locked it as he found something in his bag. Then he pulled out a labricate.
Your mind went blank. Question yourself about how the hell he had that without your knowing. As you deep down in your mind, you remember the word he said—that he would take you to the crazy cow ride—but look at you and him now—very unholy. 
Unexpectedly, He pulls your hip with both of his hands, making your head fall to the pillow. He positions himself in front of your entrance as he puts liquid on his huge cock and your hole.
"Hee hee, this is my first time!" You state it out of the blue, which makes him tilt his head in return. You expect a shock reaction from him; however, instead of confusion, a big grin spread across his face. He looks really happy right now after hearing that. 
"Even better, love; don't worry, I'll be gentle." 
You gulp down, ready for what is coming for you, with a mix of thrilling and nervous. 
Without further ado, he put a tip inside you, and as a result, the two of you moan in unison. His head was big enough to spread your hole, rolling his hip to warm you up to get used to his massive size. 
"Please put it in Heeseung; I want you." Your words slipped out of your mouth after you adjusted to the warm skin inside your asshole. His crotch was so big that you wanted them pulsing inside you to ruin your beautiful pink hole. 
Heeseung didn't waste his time, pushing his shaft all inside in a swift motion. Once he's fully in, he begins to move slowly, still respecting your first-time experience. 
His cock is not going to lie; feel too good for you to not grip on the bedsheets underneath. He's making your body tremble and shiver as a small belly bulge is visible on your skin, even though he's just pushing at a slow pace. 
"Faster love! I want faster; I don't care anymore." You said this as you were still catching your breath at his slower speed. What will happen if he pounds on you like an animal? 
"Your wish is my command, my little husband," he said, squeezing tight on your leg and throwing both of your legs on his shoulder. The next thing you know, he slams his crazy big cock inside you at rapid speed. Not even warning you. 
Thumps thumps
The wet noise started to occur in the empty room, and with every pound he pushed in, his lower abdomen was always pressed against your butt cheeks, making you squirm in no time. 
His cock spread your wall, almost tearing you into two, but as he continued to fuck you in, the painful feeling faded away, leaving only the arousal inside. Since this is your first time, naturally, your ass is clenching on his cock like a baby grip. 
He cried out in gasps; your hole sent a shockwave to him. As he continues to grind his hip, jerking inside you, chasing for pleasure and climax,. 
He increases his speed with every thrust once he gets full control and access to your body when your entrance gets used to his cock. 
You catch out of your guard, and after he quickly changes his position, he puts you on top of his stomach, still buried inside of you, as he lay on the bed instead. 
"You said you want to ride a crazy cow ride; go on~ ride me as you please, babe!" Your eyes went wide, realizing he's behind this. Your gaze softens, leaning down before you bite his bottom lip, kissing him in passionate tension. You no longer be mad at him because he's making you feel good right now. He returned your kiss, lurking his tongue inside your mouth with his wet saliva, eating you two in one at the same time. 
"Fuck uhh," you quake, feeling a jolt send all over your body as your body signals your about to cum. 
"Hee-ahh, narggg, I will cum on you. You want it?" You become more breathless with every thrust he pushes in, his finger still busy spreading your hole to take him all in. 
"Don't hold back, love~ cum for me; now would you like it if I filled you in?" He's too close to the edges, hitting you in every sweet spot. He asked for your permission once again if he could spill his cum inside your hole. You nod aggressively without even answering him. 
In the very last few final thrusts, his tip crushed on your G-spot, making you go insane for a sec, as your cum splashed out on his toned abs, unable to hold in. 
"HOLY MOTHER FUCKER AHHH," your chest heaving in an error motion as you arch your back, throwing your face above the ceiling, to the sensitive pleasure he's pushing you in. 
"Ah-... Ahhh, mn, I'm comming b-brace yourself." With another one last push, his cock started to twitching as the warm, hot seed filled you in. He let out a heavy moan, like vomit, as he reached his goal. 
You collapse on his body while his cock falls out of your hole, like a river of cum dripping out of your entrance. 
"That was one of the hell rides, mn? How do you feel, Mn? Am I hurting you?" He presses a kiss on your forehead as he holds on to your waist, supporting your weight on his. 
You inhale and exhale, rolling your eyes to the back of your brain, still feeling it. 
"I never know. Fuck feel this good." 
"So you want another round, mn?" 
"No, but I want you in." 
"Like, what love?" He asked your unfinished question. You couldn't explain what your desire was to him, so you snaked your hand before grabbing his cock and pushing inside of you again. 
"I love how you feel inside; please don't pull out." You responded embarrassed, covering your face in his chest. He snorted at your reaction and boldness, as he started to love this side of you. 
"Anything you want, little one~ not to mention that I could be there forever if you insist." 
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🗣️ please mind my English! ><
🗣️Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥
🗣️ crd to all pics&dividers
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lilghostiequinni · 3 days
His Dancer
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Main Masterlist Lando Masterlist
Pairing: Exotic dancer!female oc (RaeLeigh;Ravenna) x Lando Norris
Warnings: Fluffy (in the relationship), Strip club, Mature themes, Implied smut
Summary: Max takes Lando to a strip club, not expecting him to fall in love with the dancer he paid for. It was never thought to last; not many had known her, and those who did were few. No one knew what she did, but nothing can stay hidden for long.
Requested: NO / yes
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Max brought Lando to a strip club for winning the Miami Grand Prix, the first win of the Briton's career in Formula One.
Max paid one of the dancers to take Lando into the back after a dance.
What Max doesn't expect is to go to Lando's hotel room to find the dancer from the night before leaving the room as he goes to knock.
The dancer offers a smile as she leaves through the door and down the hall.
"You brought her back last night?" He asks as he sees Lando make his way to the door.
"Yeah, I guess so. I had to wait until she got off," Lando then just turns and walks back into the suite as Max follows.
Max chuckles at his friend's admittance of having to wait.
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There wasn't much Lando could do after he was told to enjoy himself for the night; it also didn't help what Max did, paying for a stripper to give him a lap dance and then to the back room.
It's no surprise that Lando waited all night until 2am, when her shift ended.
"What's your name?" She asked when she walked over to Lando.
When she sat across his lap, and he answered, "Lando."
"Oh, are we celebrating?" She asked him as she dragged her finger down his partially opened shirt.
"Yes, what is your name," Lando asks her, watching her face rather than the finger she moved lower and lower.
"Call me Ravenna, Lando," Even the way she said his name was enticing above all else. Lando just got lost in the woman on his lap.
"Your friend over there said that you needed a dance," Ravenna says to the man, hands now to herself, dragging them along her own body.
Lando was entranced and just nodded at Ravenna, not speaking a word because he was left speechless by her beauty.
After his dance, she stands and holds her hand out to Lando, which he takes, and leads him through the masses of people to the back, where Lando gets his own private show.
When he returns to the main area, he finds Max, who smiles at him and just pats his shoulder.
"Please welcome your favorite, her last night here before she jumps ship to Europe, Ravenna Quince!" The announcer says as the whole sense of the club changes, with many cheers.
By the time Ravenna has walked off the stage, she has no clothes on her being as she walks off the stage, throwing one last look into the crowd before she is out of sight, particularly at Lando.
Max leaves about 1am, leaving Lando to himself as he's taken most of Ravenna's attention for the night.
When her shift ends an hour later, she's walked out the door of the club only to find Lando waiting for her next to an Uber.
"I want to take you back with me."
"Yeah, that's not how it works," Raveena tells him as she goes to move away.
"Please, I know that it's crazy, but just tonight, I won my first Grand Prix in my 6th year of Formula One. Just one chance," Lando basically pleads while holding out his hand.
"Alright, just one pretty boy," She says as she grabs his hand.
Lando pulls her in and kisses her, "Ravenna." He says he pulls back.
"My name is Rae," She whispers as she pulls him in again before the Uber driver honks.
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It doesn't take long for Rae to become important to Lando, and it doesn't take long for the opposite.
RaeLeigh quickly falls for the British driver, and by the end of the championship, they're dating, in secret of course.
In the 2025 season, Lando is pulling a strong game, gaining even more attention, and in an interview, he accidentally reveals his relationship with Rae to the world.
Media is a frenzy; that is what it becomes.
But with the publicity comes fans digging into past things and places that had been put down.
Rae had become a dancer to pay bills and as a means to save up for college; the night she met Lando, her life was already changing.
When fans learn of her past in dancing, most say she was in the wrong and was only with Lando for the money.
Just hours after fans started to bully his girlfriend, Lando posts about how true fans wouldn't bully the person who makes him truly happy.
He talks about how that's in the past, and they don't even know the true reasons for her being a dancer, only the rumors and theories that where untrue and thoughtless.
But something else about the day is the day Lando proposed after only a year because Rae truly was the light of his life in any situation and storyline, in any reality or universe.
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A/N: I'm tired, but I'm going to do this; not quite how I wanted it to go, but oh well. Also, the photo at the top will be up later after I've slept. As will the rest of the F1 one-shots.
Tags: @poppyflower-22 @samantha-chicago @barcelonaloverf1life @tallrock35 @hellothere9597
If you want to be removed from a tag list, let me know so I don't keep tagging you. If you are striked through, I don't know if you want to be tagged, but just let me know if you want me to continue or stop
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angstigone · 8 hours
𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐦𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩 (𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐦𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩)
the title is a lyric from 'enter sandman' by metallica
𝗥𝘆𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻 𝗦𝘂𝗸𝘂𝗻𝗮 𝘅 𝗙𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗲! 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 (𝗠𝗼𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗻 𝗔𝗨)
(A/N): hello there, lovelies!
before going any further I'd like to tell y'all that this might be turned into a series if I feel like it and if you'd like to see more, pls don't forget to comment and reblog especially. such a thing always has me reading and writing faster and better!
(also this is based on a low key true story - not having an hot neighbor - but me being unable to sleep).
have a nice day!
SUMMARY: there's something sketchy from the apartment beside your own, with a child constantly wailing. when you finally get to confront your neighbor you find that he's tall, big and especially... hot.
«… I am your… neighbor». «I could have gathered that» he commented grumpily and flashing you a sharp smile.  Shit, his canines were… quite sharp.  You wondered briefly whether he went around ripping people’s throat with those, as dread set in your gut. Maybe he was just a serial killer who used children’s cries to prey upon his victims and you were there - sleep deprived and in a Mermaid Melody pajama - looking death in the face. «… saw you around».
WARNINGS: suggestive (sukuna makes some sexual jokes to reader), this is just banter, I had such a fun time with them bantering, modern au, afab character, she/her pronouns, pre-relationship, getting together, baby yuji being the fussiest baby ever, slight angst towards yuji's family situation, sukuna is a wrestler.
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To say that sleep didn’t come easy to you would be an understatement.
As a light sleeper living in a crappy apartment complex on the middle floor, you were either startled awake by the early morning maintenance work or the crazy lady one floor above you who didn’t understand that she’d have saved up on neighborly glares if she had only finally gotten some hearing aids instead of blasting her TV at full volume either late in the night or early in the morning.
As if this situation wasn’t traumatic enough, somebody moved in the apartment next door and while the previous inhabitants had been students with a poor taste in music and too little money for good alcohol, you were by now sure that the fussiest baby in the whole world had moved in their place.
Everytime you came back home, he’d wail for a few hours - preferably late in the night - till you heard an ushering voice cursing underneath his breath in a clear indication of frustration.
Well, if his father was frustrated, you were ten times more and a bit worried: what could make a child cry so much? 
Was it possible that despite the good reputation of the neighbor, somebody a bit… sketchy had moved?
The thought had you shuddering but your common sense was definitely weakened by the lack of sleep you had gotten since the wailing child had moved next door and you thought to confront the situation.
If anything to assure herself that you had at least tried. 
You struggled with confrontation although - on the card at least - you were a fully grown adult and such an action would get you so many points with your therapist, although you needed a good pep talk and the reward of a steaming cup of hot cocoa in the morning before you brought yourself to knock on your neighbor’s door at one a.m. in the night.
You heard a curse and thought for a moment to bolt and blame it on the musician a few floors above who’d come late through the night from his ‘concerts’ - a pitiful ensemble of ten people, half of which his family, in a less than proper bar - but you eventually thought to hold your ground. 
You were in the right: a few days of crying were normal especially with a younger child but it was by now a few weeks not to talk about the fact that it was past twelve and according to the apartment’s reglementations - which you hadn’t ever read but searched out to assure yourself you’d be in the right - it was by far an infringement of the laws against loud nois…
«What is it?».
You shouldn’t have been so taken aback by the rudeness with which you were greeted as a mountain of a man showed up, opening the door only halfway and regarding you in the - less than flattering - light of the hallway. 
You realized only then that maybe showing up in your comfy pajama hadn’t been the best idea but it’d have been weird if you showed up fully clothed for work, wouldn’t it?
«Ahem… good… good morrow…» where was the whole discourse you had rehearsed while staring at the roof of your bedroom while the damned child kept on crying in the room right next to your own. 
Or so it seemed.
«… I am your… neighbor».
«I could have gathered that» he commented grumpily and flashing you a sharp smile. 
Shit, his canines were… quite sharp. 
You wondered briefly whether he went around ripping people’s throat with those, as dread set in your gut. Maybe he was just a serial killer who used children’s cries to prey upon his victims and you were there - sleep deprived and in a Mermaid Melody pajama - looking death in the face.
«… saw you around».
Well, you hadn’t, and you doubted that you wouldn’t have noticed a man that was past six foot, with bright pink hair and a body that had you feeling things, that weren’t just fear and unease. 
At least, you’d die horny, you had to admit.
«Oh» you shifted awkwardly thinking that it wasn’t too late to simply move back and pretend such a conversation hadn’t happened. 
He might be thinking it was a whole dream when the cries quadrupled in intensity and you inwardly cringed as a buddy headache pressed on your temples. 
Still, it had you regaining your strength and determination: this dude might be a serial killer, but you’d have committed a murder if he didn’t quieten the piercing noise.
«… listen, I don’t mean to… prod into your business…».
«Then don’t» he said, crossing his arms over his chest for a brief moment, before his hand went to the handle of his door, obviously intent on closing it «… it’s one a.m. in the late night. Some people do intend to sleep».
The slightly haughty tone - as if you were the one that made it impossible for this entire floor to sleep - was enough to send precaution to the wind as you adjusted your posture and came closer to the threshold of the apartment to block him from closing the door.
«Listen, whoever you are, I fucking need you to send that baby to sleep».
You expected, once your crass words left your mouth, to be at the very least flipped off because if this man seemed true to his own nature - a tatted body and crazy light in his marron eyes - he’d have at the very least cared little about your comment.
Still, it had you feeling lightly although it didn’t help with the noise in the slightest as the cries went further.
And yet, the man didn’t usher you away - nor threaten you - as a slight tired light shone in his eyes while he ducked his head low but for a moment of weakness, pushing his hands from the crossed hold over his chest onto his hips and squaring up, defensively.
«… if only it was that fucking easy».
«I do believe that it can’t be, but…» but had it been you, you’d have tried everything in the book - and on the Internet - to quieten a fussy child, while weeks were passing by and the sole improvement you got was wearing your noise canceling handcuffs throughout your nightly routine «… if I go another night without sleep, I swear that I’ll finally kill that bitch of Mark from accounting».
Although you were sure you might have sounded like a crazy person to anybody else, the man in front of you cackled at your bluntness and you should have definitely taken this as a sign that he wasn’t mentally stable.
«You think you are the only one who hasn’t been sleeping, sweetheart?» oh not the condescending petname that had you lightly clutching your thighs, and hadn’t you been sure that it was a trick of the light, you’d have believed he had noticed it much to your shame «… you don’t fucking live with the little screecher gobling».
«I live right next door and the walls might as well not exist» you protested not wanting to transform this into a pity competition.
«… well, they do exist or things would be funnier».
Had this arrogant asshole had the audacity to check you out? 
In your Mermaid Melody pajama? 
You were unable to fluster at the intensity of his gaze although you were quick to pout for his further amusement as he added.
«… I know that you won’t believe me, but… I have fucking tried anything. It’s like that fucking goblin has been set into crying mode since birth with no button to switch him off or lower the volume».
Well, if that wasn’t bad news and probably noticing your less than enthusiastic face the potential serial killer shot you a bawdy look:
«Want to have a go at trying to pacify him?».
«Well, it can’t be worse certainly».
You had meant it sarcastically, although again the lack of a filtering system between your brain and mouth due to your sleepy mind was enough was enough that the man grabbed your wrist - much to your protests, although you were aware that you were the soles ones on this floor and you doubted that anybody would have heard you in the floor above as they were all sleeping soundly - and brought you inside, closing the door behind you.
«Hey!» that’s how you died, because you had been a noisy neighbor. It seemed like the start of an Agatha Christie book and that was your sole consolation «… don’t… don’t fucking manhandle me!».
And you were far more startled when he was quick to release you at once as if burned by your genuine fear as he huffed lightly waiting for you to follow him as he set his marron eyes upon you with an hand on his hip, as a bothered mother waiting for her uncollaborative toddler. It definitely felt insulting and it did work in goading you to follow after him as you took notice of a tiny but cozy apartment.
Serial killers weren’t definitely ever what you expected.
«… maybe he needs a woman touch» your neighbor muttered as he came to an halt to a second bedroom - you had passed by his own on the house tour, noticing no dark walls nor altairs to some forgotten divitiny to which you’d be sacrificed later - as he opened it to reveal an actual child sleeping in an appropriate crib with also a fish-shaped lamp holder still lighted up as the child fussed around.
Although that little shit was the reason why you hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep in the past few days, you couldn’t help but feel your heart clench at the sight, as he obviously looked at discomfort and then an idea passed your mind while you turned accusingly towards your neighbor:
«Did you… did you kidnap him?».
It was the sole solution, although you did notice that the baby and him shared the same soft tuft of pink hair.
«What?!» he seemed so offended that you thought you’d be pushed out of the house with a single shove «Fuck no!».
«That’s what a kidnapper would say!».
«If I had to actually kidnap a child, it wouldn’t be the one that can’t keep his mouth shut» well, that wasn’t ominous in the slightest although the man’s quiet rage turned into something different as he passed an hand on the back of his head as if to pacify himself «… it’s my brother’s child. His wife is… she is not doing well… gave birth to the child and is now in the hospital. He’s staying with her and he, obviously, had me babysit it!«.
«That’s now an ‘it’» you felt offense on the child’s part «… that’s your nephew!».
«Tomato, tomato» your neighbor promptly shot back «… alright, want to have a go or are you just satisfied with having cleared up that I am not a child kidnapper?».
«The jury is still out on that one» you humored him although you did believe this weird stranger with arms that could easily choke you was the child’s nephew since as the baby was within your sight you could see the similarities «… can I… can I pick him up?».
Although he might not be a kidnapper, you still thought it’d be rude to pick up the sweet child - when he wasn’t busy wailing he was quite cute - without the adult’s consent, although you received a simple grumble of assent as the sole answer and you moved to gently cradle the child in your arms, startled by the sudden realization that you hadn’t ever hold a baby.
Cousins and siblings had been passed around to you but you hadn’t ever taken care of a baby with the closest being when you had babysat a few neighbor children through a date their parents had gone on ‘to save the marriage’. 
Code for they were swingers who needed a night out and for their children not to know.
So, you couldn’t help but tense up immediately as you reminded yourself to hold the frail neck, while your eyes shot out to the one of the other adult in the room who didn’t seem to have any sarcastic comments for you especially as the child’s loud waning seemed to become far stiller till it became a soft breath.
«How the fuck…».
«Don’t curse in front of the child» one moment with that child and you were already feeling protective of his scrunched up eyebrows and sweet nose «… and I have no clue! I haven’t ever taken care of children that are so little!».
«… well, for a first-timer you are a miracle worker» the pink haired man commented, as he looked down at his nephew «… he never went under that swiftly».
A moment of silence - an awkward one - passed that you took as your cue to leave and go to your bed now that the little threat had been subdued, thinking that it had been a simple chance. Still, the moment that you made to lay down the baby in the crib it started fussing again and threatened to use his powerful lungs again.
«Shit» you cursed as the other man sent you a slight smirk before mouthing “don’t curse in front of the child” «… what… what are we going to do?».
«You have to hold him still he falls further asleep» well, thank you captain Obvious.
«I can’t» not only your arms would have fallen asleep but eventually the child would have realized that you weren’t… well, you weren’t his mother nor an angel. Or a miracle worker.
«Don’t tell me that you have plans right at…» and he shot a look at his watch «… one and half in the morning on a lovely Tuesday night?».
«Aside from being in my bed and sleeping without a wailing baby?» you shoved back the sarcasm as you also cringed at the realization that already half an hour had passed in what you had perceived as being such a little time «… not really, no. Thank you for asking, though».
Although he had been but a cocky arrogant asshole, your neighbor finally broke his pretense as he pushed his hands in the hair promptly mushing it all up in an adorable mop that mirrored the one on the child’s head. 
They were relatives without a doubt.
«… this is… this is the first time… in days… that he stops crying so… I’d… I’d appreciate it if you could stay… at least half an hour. The morning coffee is onto me».
«I don’t drink coffee» whether it was true or not, you were delighted in his surprised expression although you quickly surrendered to his idea. 
Not that you were any eager to spend the time with him, no matter the fact that past the threatening appearance he was quite handsome, in a ruggish way that was simply aided by the fact that he took care of his nephew.
«… but alright. I guess… not that I have much choice».
«If your arms fall asleep, let me know, I’ll switch you for a bit» well, wasn’t he thoughtful and also quickly sufficing you with a chair as you adjusted the child swiftly in your arms to be a bit more comfortable and he hadn’t yet stirred «… by the way… not that this can’t get any more awkward, but I am Ryomen… Sukuna… and this is Yuji, my nephew».
«Lovely to meet you, Yuji» you acknowledged just the child while a light huff of annoyance appeared right on his face «… I am…».
«Nice to meet you, neighbor» it was probably the nicest he had ever been, although the asshole held out his hand quickly daring a look at you holding his nephew as if he expected you to do the two things at once «… saw you around».
«You have already said it, and it doesn’t make you sound any less creepy» you ushered back «… do you make it a habit to lure women into your cave with your cute nephew?».
«Not really» again that shitty smirk that made him at least ten times more attractive «… you are the first one falling for it».
«… in all truth, he is more of a huge cockblock» he went onto adding «… can’t bring women home if he’s all whiny».
«You shouldn’t bring women home at all, with a child!» you were probably the least proper person to give indications about being a parent, still, it felt quite obvious «… please tell me that you have other relatives that can take care of Yuji».
«Obviously if the burden has befallen onto my shoulder it can’t be that way» his grin was slightly more grim and bitter and you did feel a bit guilty at the suggestion «… my grandpa is a bit too tired to raise another child after my brother and me, especially»,
«Can’t blame him».
«And my brother’s wife’s family isn’t that near to Tokyo, so I am forced to take a break from fighting till Kaori gets better or that spineless of Jin gets a grip» he added harshly, as your mind zeroed on a thought.
«You… you fight?» oh that was definitely going to go well.
«Professionally, sweetheart» oh the patronizing petnames how little you had missed them «… you have in front of you one of the best wrestlers in all Japan. Used to be the champion of my category…».
«And then what happened? Broke a leg and that’s your villain origin story?» no way you’d have stroked this man’s ego, although this explained his huge muscles.
«You are a smartass, aren’t you?» he shouted back less amused «… maybe that’s why you get along with the shithead in your hold».
«Would it kill you to be nice to your blood relative?».
«Would it kill you to chill out?» he shot back as you simply regarded him with sarcasm.
«It’s the lack of sleep».
He grimaced letting you have the last laugh.
 For the moment.
An awkward silence filled in as you couldn’t help but feel like maybe the banter - and the patronizing pet names - had decidedly been better than the awkwardness that spread especially as Yuji lightly fussed in your arms, turning onto his stomach adorably as he smushed himself into you.
«He tends to sleep a lot on his stomach, like Jin» you were startled by the slight fondness that filled Sukuna’s voice as you saw a tiny bit of affection «… this also means that when he farts and you are nearby to check onto him you get hit by a deathly gas».
«You are downright horrible».
«Ever been farted by a baby?» you shook your head «… then you can’t talk».
«I am holding your baby» and then swiftly realizing what you had said, you added «… I mean… well, I… oh well, I mean your brother’s baby».
Another silence threatened to loom onto the two of you as he begrudgingly spoke again.
«… what… what about you?» and at your confused look he added «… what do you do?».
«Research» you explained briefly unsure whether to give the story of your life to this weird stranger who got you flustered and annoyed «… library systems and such and before you say, I am - indeed - a nerd».
«I was going to ask whether you were a sexy librarian or a regular one considering what I have seen you wearing» you risked jostling poor Yuji at the startle due to his bold words.
«I am a boring librarian» you shut him down promptly, although he had by now noticed your embarrassment and was smirking openly «… and don’t try to make fun of it, full-time nanny».
That got him exasperated.
«… I told Jin it’s only temporary! A few months!».
«Whatever makes you sleep at night» you said without thinking at your words and lightly laughing at them, alongside Sukuna, only realizing right now that throughout this conversation your whole body had relaxed and although Yuji was starting to become heavy in your arms, your hold on him felt… natural.
«By the way» you were startled by the terrifying news that you were starting to fall for this ‘concerned uncle’ facade «… are you sure you never held a child? I… I’d say you are a natural».
«Is that you way of recruiting me as your personal nanny?» you retorted, a bit flustered by the praise.
«I could pay you good» he went onto commenting as you raised an eyebrow.
«I don’t take payment in nature».
«It shows» your ears felt heated as you fixed him an angry glare «… what? Just saying you are so wound up, pretty girl. I wouldn’t be surprised if you just needed…».
«Little ears are listening to us!» you protested promptly, going to gently cover Yuji’s ears «… God, he has no chance with such an uncle».
«I am actually the fun uncle, I’ll have you know!».
And your whole night proceeded like this, and although you were tired, slightly irritated and with a heavy baby - what did Sukuna make him eat? - in your arm, for the first night in weeks you fell asleep right on the chair with your neighbor plucking Yuji from your arms to set him in the crib again. 
By now the child had fallen deeply asleep and he didn’t startle. 
Neither did you when Sukuna adjusted a blanket around your shoulders as he wasn’t sure whether you’d be able to walk back home although your apartments were one against the other.
And you looked far too peaceful in your slumber, compared to the harshness that marred your features through your verbal spar. 
Not that he minded, though. If anything, it was almost… reinvigorating to talk with somebody who could hold up his barbed wire, after having to deal with his nephew for the entirety of the day.
He gently shot Yuji one more look as he went to go to his own bedroom not wishing to startle either of you.“You scored a cute one, nephew” he muttered amusedly “... can’t believe that this is what I have been brought to do to get a girl’s attention”.
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credits for dividers: @/saradika-graphics
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hatxsheep · 3 days
Note. these aren’t meant to be serious!! this is gn reader (with only one mention of daughter) and meant to be silly. this also isn’t my writing acc but if u guys have a request for platonic tf 141 content go shoot.
CAPTAIN john price
- you sent him many tiktoks and reels, which he always begrudgingly watched during his deployment (mostly because he did miss you)
- he always sends back questions since he dosent understand some slang
- “yap???” “i’m sorry, what does cap mean?”
- when hes home, he was happy to help video you when you were out or when you wanted to do a trend
- but making HIM do a trend?
- it took you forever to convince your dad to do so…but it was worth it
- he would do trends like the “dad lore trend” with him being videoed in x2 speed as he pretended to talk
- “pov: your dad drops the craziest lore on a random tuesday” because he really genuinely does
- or the home depot one…
- “my dad when he sees someone fixing an airplane when we’re about to board our flight” and it’s just him with his hands behind his back or crossed while he watches the repairmen.
- in the end, he enjoys doing these trends with you. but god, if you keep on trying to prank him, he’s actually going to go crazy.
- everyone thinks he’s hot by the way. you have like 50 single/divorced moms in your comment section commenting about him every tiktok he’s in. sometimes people your age.
- “honey, what does beekeeping age mean?”
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LIEUTENANT simon “ghost” riley
- you send him many tiktoks that contain silly puns. he on the other hand, only uses reels. either way, he sends you the dumb ones
- or the ones that are like
- “when your teenager is driving and narrowly avoids a tragic accident” or “me i ask my teenager who they’re going out with and it’s still the same group of people since middle school”
- as a dad, he’s honestly very protective over you, but he’s loosened up a bit over the years. he dosent want to be too strict, nor does he want to be too lax.
- he was terrified of becoming like his father.
- either way, if you thought you had to beg price to let you make tiktoks, you’d have to beg hard for your dad to
- simon won’t let you take tiktoks with his face in it, so he’s always his chest and below….or a mask, sunglasses, and a cap.
- surprisingly sentimental! the one tiktok he agreed to was
- “do i always have to kill spiders in your room?” “ofcourse you do, you’re my dad!”
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- he teared up a bit
SERGEANT john “soap” mactavish
- boy, he loves doing tiktoks with you
- he loves sending them too!! a nice way for you guys to bond while he’s away is him sending you the really stupid tiktoks that the people of your generation would more commonly send
- he DOES now some slang! he….does NOT know some others though, skibidi toilet confuses him slightly
- he took the sigma male thing seriously for a bit because he thought it was a positive thing. he loves protecting his family and being strong
- sadly stopped when you broke the news to him that it was in fact, maybe not the best thing in real life.
- either way, such a good dad to do tiktoks with
- you can do those really silly ones with the tiktoks audios
- “when my dad finds out i get offended when people say i have my dads accent” with the regina george soundtrack
- “regina wait i didnt mean for that to happen!!” “do you know what everyone says about you?!?!”
- he loves doing them with you, he wouldn’t trade quality time with you for the world
- “be honest, do you really not like the accent????”
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SERGEANT kyle “gaz” garrick
- more of a calm dad, but like simon, surprisingly sentimental
- he’s the one from the 141 who’s has the most morality issues, especially doing his job, so he always felt it was best to teach you important values
- he’s drilled into you to never change your ideals for others
- …which leads to him sending motivational quotes or those hopecore videos
- either way, he actually can be pretty silly and he’s the type of dad to get you watermelon every other day for the rest of your life if you say you like it once
- he can be a little blunt with you sometimes though, bless him
- “pov: my dad if he didn’t have me” (i’ll put my helipad over there…my olympic sized swimming pool, OVER THERE!!)
- you do these tiktoks with him (disregard gender because no matter what, he’d make you help)
- this is how poc parents be, pls understand
- you sent him this reel while he was on deployment and he couldn’t stop smiling
- “love you too, pumpkin. remember to take out the dishes”
- “did u have to remind me”
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hotpinkstars · 1 day
hello hello! for the reqs, how about helping kafka get ready for one of those fancier missions? just some sweet intimacy (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
FANCY! - kafka x reader
- helping kafka get ready for a more fancy mission.
- I LOVE TJIS GN. i'm so crazy about kafka i need her to have a rerun rn!!!!! anywayssss this request is so fluffy i love it sm. thank u anon, and enjoy!!
- slight mentions of murder and theft, besides that pure fluff. wc 970
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It was, once again, time for Kafka to leave off for a mission.
You’ve gotten used to this schedule, but you got to keep her a little later today. She didn’t have to be at the banquet hall until 9:00 at night, giving you two the whole day. When the clock hit around 8:00, she hurried into your shared room to put on her dress of choice. 
It was a plum colored dress, very similar to her hair. Instead of the updo her hair was usually in, she decided to leave it down, but she wanted help styling it while she did her makeup.
“Dearest, would you come here?” She called, your footsteps taking you from the other room into the bedroom.
“Yeah? What's up?” You asked, tossing your phone onto the plush bed before standing behind her. “That dress is gorgeous. Suits you well.”
She smiled. “Thank you. I just need help styling my hair for tonight. I don’t know if it should be flat-ironed or curled.”
You hummed, going into the bathroom to grab some supplies. You grabbed both the curling iron and the flat iron, taking some heat protectant so her luscious hair doesn’t fry. 
“How does flat ironing sound? I think it’ll look nice with the dress style. Pair it with some gold eyeshadow and gold jewelry, too,” you stated, running your hands through her hair, applying heat protectant.
She nodded, applying a light coat of foundation while keeping her eye on the time. “Straightening it sounds fine. I barely do it, anyways.”
So you got to work, taking fine care of each strand and going over them a couple times to make the look perfect. She was applying makeup, occasionally chatting with you about little things, or joking about her look. 
You were going over her hair a second time, making sure that all ends and pieces were not missed. 
“So, what's this mission even about anyways? Or is it top-secret?” You smiled, lightly prying. “I won’t tell a soul about it, I swear on my whole life.”
She giggled, looking at you through the mirror. “Jail worthy, as usual. But I won’t get caught. It’s to steal a jewel that Elio needs and wrote in the script. I know exactly how to be successful.”
You nodded. “As long as you don’t kill too many people… but anyways, who’s going with you this time? This seems too nice to have Silver Wolf assist you. Is it solo, or is Blade going with you?”
“Just Bladie. He’s going to be there for a distraction, anyways. I’ll throw him in the middle so everyone will pay attention to him,” she joked, pulling a laugh from you. “But, in all seriousness, he’s necessary to complete the job.”
You were still paying attention to her hair, careful not to leave any strand under the heat for too long. 
“Which gold would look better? The one from this pallet, or this one?” She held out two pallets, one with a more glittery gold, and one that’s a lighter, more toned down version that doesn’t have all of the sparkles. You took another look at her dress before picking which one would look the nicest. 
She nodded, applying the shade of choice. You liked times like this- times where you both could be with each other without conflict waiting to arise, times where she’s not trying to keep away from bounty hunters, and times where there's no tension or anxiety coursing through her veins. This was a moment of peace, where you could both drop your worries and relax for even just a few minutes (in this case, a system hour). 
“Finished! How do you like your hair?” You stepped back, shutting the flat iron off and unplugging it from the side of the wall. She ran her hands through the strands, nodding in approval before smiling at herself through the mirror. 
“It looks nice. It goes well with the dress style. Good call.”
You smiled, happy that she likes the look. You put everything back, allowing her to finish up her makeup. 
When you re-entered the room, you pulled out a couple pairs of high heels for her to pick from. There were varieties of colors- white, nude, silver, gold, black, you name it. She stood up, looking over the selection.
“If you’re going to wear gold jewelry, and you have gold eye makeup on, wear the gold pair of heels. Trust me, it will balance out everything just perfectly!” You advised. You sounded so passionate, leaving a gentle smile painted on the stellaron hunters face. She picked the heels up and put them on, spinning around in the mirror to make sure they fit nicely and feel good to walk in. 
You took some jewelry out of the jewelry box, presenting her with a couple of nice gold necklaces and rings, topped off with a pair of pretty earrings that match the same theme. She chose one of the necklaces and two rings, sliding the rings on and having you put the necklace on. She put the earrings on before toying with her hair, throwing it over her shoulders to hang off her head, spilling onto her back. 
“You’re beautiful, Kafka,” you mumbled, in slight awe of how gorgeous she looked right now. She giggled. “Thank you, dear. I wish you could come with, but it’s too dangerous. I wouldn’t want to risk you being kidnapped, hurt, or killed.”
You nodded, sitting down on the bed. The time hit 8:45, and she walked over to you.
“I better head out now, but I should be back by tomorrow morning,” She said, smiling. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Kafka,” you replied, giving her a long kiss on the lips before escorting her out the door.
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quotevarchive · 1 day
hey! hope this ask finds you well. so, im a bit of an amateur digital historian (in that i take internet history seriously) and i like to write casual essays about websites from time to time. quotev flew up on my radar when i saw some yall on cohost, and ive been reading everything i can about it for the last several days. from what i've gathered, nobody really knew quotev's double life except for q users themselves. in fact, it's been such a well-guarded secret that most are unaware of quotev's existence, much less that it was a quiz site with a secret component to it. so i am putting out a call to you and any quotevians reading: would any yall be open to contributing to a quotev post-mortem? it seems like it was a pretty monumental site to many users, and as for the pain of its loss, i understand it myself: the website i consider basically 'my highschool years' went dark just last year, and knowing that it's essentially lost to everyone but those who were there for it bums me out. BUT quotev is still fresh in the minds of the people who called it home, and i'd love a chance to learn more about its unique culture and what made it so special to its users, even if many users now feel betrayed by it. if you do publish this ask (which you are under no obligation to do so), anyone reading it is free to send me an ask directly and i'll make sure my anon is on in case anybody wants to remain anonymous. also just in case i need to clarify, i'm not trying to write a smear piece or anything tabloidesque involving individual users - i want to know quotev as users knew it, whatever was loved and hated and why it will be bitterly missed.
yes hi!!! This ask is so exciting to me because I have been a little too into quotev history and dynamics and social interaction (hence the blog) for a few years now. I only started “archiving” in late 2022, but feel free to look through my older posts for any info. everything's a bit clogged up with the “quotev death” posts but back in the archive there’s a decent amount of stuff. I collect whatever i can. also feel free to hmu if you have any specific questions.
the hidden social media of quotev was always such a funny thing to me. Even older users who used to roleplay or make quizzes and fanfics there didn’t seem to be quite aware that it had become so centered around the activity feed, and of course any mentions of it on bigger platforms like youtube were always like “cringe 12y/o fanfic haha.” (Not that anything we actually did was any less silly.) anyway, i was always torn about this because i did NOT want quotev to become more popular, but i wished people knew about the crazy shit that really went down there. Your post-mortem is a great idea because you’ll be telling the story of social quotev with no worry of sending new users to the site…because he is already dead
I highly encourage any followers who have fond memories or stupid stories to submit them!
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whoishotteranimepolls · 13 hours
Since we're allowed to ask for someone to explain the appeal of characters, can I add Silvers Rayleigh, Benn Beckman, and Marco to the list? I do not understand why so many of you find them attractive. I mean on the Funny tags post. Rayleigh and Beckman have the most extensive sections, and Marco has some funny ones, too. However, I find them highly unappealing. I mean, Rayleigh is just your drunk Grandpa, and Beckman is your drunk uncle. Marco, unfortunately, looks like a pineapple and is part bird. So I seriously don't know how anyone finds him appealing, but I know his fans are out there, and they're very loyal. So can any of their fans. Please explain to me their appeal. Apparently, you guys exist and not just exist. You guys appear to be ride-or-die loyal, and I do not understand.
Now, I watch One Piece. I enjoy One Piece, and the show has so many attractive male characters, but you guys are going crazy for Silvers Rayleigh, the drunk grandpa with a gambling problem that I'm pretty sure the family only keeps around because he taught everyone how to do tax evasion and is willing to take the fall if anyone gets caught because at his age live in prison doesn't mean all that much anymore
Or Benn Beckman, the drunk uncle with the smoking problem. Now, I'm pretty sure he only has the smoking problem because he had to finish raising Rayleigh's red-headed disaster of a son he found as a stray when Shanks was. What 15? Dealing with a teenage Shanks would turn anyone gray and to smoking, but I don't think gentle parenting works on Shanks, and Beckman should have tried something a little bit more forceful. In fact, I think he should be demanding compensation from Rayleigh because Shanks has only lost one limb on his watch. But back to the point, I'm pretty sure most people find him attractive because of his competency kink. Still, there has to be more to it because of how much is in that section on that nicknames and tags post because, apparently, his fans are. How should I put this? Absolutely rabid for him, and I would love to know why. That's the term I think works best. If you don't believe me seriously, go check out that post
Or poor Marco, that haircut does nothing for you. It's just cursed you with the nickname pineapple head. He's also technically part bird, well actually part Phoenix close enough. And I don't understand why anyone would want to get down and dirty with a Phoenix, but I have seen way too much fanfic to prove otherwise. So, can his fans explain His appeal because? I am just trying to understand you guys.
Because again, I watch One Piece, and there are so many attractive guys on that show, especially of the DILF variety, but I do not understand the Rayleigh, Beckman, or Marco fans. So can any of their fans explain their appeal
Defend Your Blurbo #3
Please remember this post is about curiosity and genuine fandom discourse. Be kind with your answers because this is not a debate essay, this is a discussion between fans.
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Well, here are some photos of the blurbos and questions. Now, they are right when they say Beckman and Rayleigh have two of the most extensive sections on my nickname and funny tags post for one piece, which I will link. So I do understand where they're coming from on that part because when I was first putting that post together, I did not expect those two to have such long sections
Otherwise, One Piece Fandom, Defend Your Blorbos
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 days
there’s a video essay online of a guy dissecting fifty shades of grey and he basically concludes that christian grey bears a closer resemblance to the author than anna and that that might be where a lot of people self insert and that’s how i think about bl comics bc i would like to top and/or dom men as a woman but that is very hard to find so nsfw bl can satisfy that curiosity for me
wow that is a very interesting conclusion? i would love to watch that but honestly i dont doubt it being true
while it is oddly niche and taboo online, i feel like there is probably a higher amount of women who do that kind of projecting w bl than they fully understand. it gets more complicated for straight women especially imo bc yk gender roles in str8 relationships dont rlly allow the same kind of fluidity
part of the reason im so comfortable with my sexuality in terms of being dominant is bc i am bisexual for sure. it gave me freedom to explore that in my sex life without the limitations of gender and helped me find ways to seek that out when i did date or interact with men. like being bisexual helped me figure out that i am in charge before anything else lool
i think its a lot harder for straight women to unpack that part of their sexuality as it is seen as unwomanly in many ways. and i think bl has probably been an outlet for that historically - especially given the actual history of terms fujoshi and fudanshi etc.
its a lot easier to find femdom comics now - but truthfully even a lot of the best manhwas do not fully fit the bdsm niche. there's a crazy amount noncon and dubcon in those roles and while im not against reading that, it is a different thing to actual bdsm which is what i want to read most. i can count on one-hand the amount of bdsm femdom comics with consent and plot that exist in the world and have certainly read all of them
but i cant be picky in the way i can be with bl. it is genuinely a little depressing for me to think about lmao
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gatorbites-imagines · 5 hours
Can you please do Slashers (Norman Bates, Patrick Bateman, Micheal, Jason, Brahms, Billy and Stu. You get the idea) with a, hear me out, a s/o who is just as if more out of pocket and crazy as they are, but here’s the catch their s/o aka you 🫵, don’t even realize how they are acting. (This was a 3 am woke up in the middle of the night with sweats kind of concept) But, do with that what you will.
Slashers x male reader
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I don’t really know Norman, since I’ve never watched Psycho, and Patrick. I know Patrick somewhat at least a little cuz I’ve seen clips, so this is all based off wikis, so I hope it’s still good.
Norman Bates
Norman typically seems to have a more subdued and submissive personality, so for you two to be dating, his mom has to be out of the picture somehow. Maybe you guys still run the motel though.
Norman is possessive of you, not wanting to lose you. So you being just as possessive, if not more, in return, would probably tickle him pink even if he doesn’t want to express it. his second personality would enjoy it if you were just as violent too.
It doesn’t seem like Norman registers that hes got some issues himself, so he probably wouldn’t even notice that you had them too, or that you didn’t realize it either. You two are just two guys who are less than stable, but boy are you happy together in your little murder motel.
Patrick Bateman
You two would be like a house on fire, I think. Having someone just like himself if not worse, would only make Patrick more set in stone about his life and decisions. You two would end up clashing heads pretty regularly, since you both have such eccentric personalities, but then it goes back to being a loving relationship again.
You two are unhealthily co-dependent, and you just push each other to be your worst selves. Your worst, well dressed, manicured and intelligent selves. You guys are probably seen as kinda snobby or full of yourselves to everyone else, but you and Patrick have a great time.
You not realizing that you act this way would excite Patrick I think, since that’s the one up he has on you where you are more than him in every other way. It also excites him in other ways, since you are just like this, and this is who you are without all the debating on if this is right or not.
Michael Myers
You guys met at the asylum, that’s the only place I could imagine you two met. How you two got together I’m not sure, but it wouldn’t take long. You are both quiet and terrifying to be around, but it draws you together.
Neither of you talk much, which just results in you guys being able to communicate in silence. When you guys get out, it’s like a date for you two, going on another Halloween killing spree. If walking slowly around, knives in one hand, and holding the others hand in the other, counts as a date. Its romantic to you two, that’s all that matters.
I don’t think Michael himself really thinks about the way hes acting, so he wouldn’t think about it with you either. That’s just how he is, and how you are, and you go together like two misshapen bloody puzzle pieces.
Jason Voorhees
Jason is a serial killer, yes, but he’s also a nice guy if you look past all of that. So, if you are just chill like him most of the time, and partner up with him to get rid of the people who go where they shouldn’t go, then it would be a pretty nice relationship.
If you were even worse than him, then I could see him silently admiring you as you put together traps even, he didn’t think about. You not looking like Jason also means you can leave the forest to go into town and get different equipment, which just ups your game.
Jason doesn’t have much of an opinion on the fact that you don’t realize that you are worse than him, since this is also just the way he is and has been for who knows how many years. He likes that you are like him and that you aren’t scared of him.
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms is a huge fan that you are as bad as him or worse. Hes a little creep, so he would start salivating knowing you are watching him back, or seeing how you get rid of your ex on your own when they show up at the mansion.
You two are like gasoline on a fire for the other, since you just fuel the worst parts of each other in the best way, in your shared opinion. This means there’s no reason for Brahms to hide in the walls. He still likes doing it though, just so he can watch you, or you can come after him.
Like a good chunk of the others, Brahms doesn’t really register that he’s pretty messed up himself. Living in isolation for so long will do that to ya. So, it doesn’t really mean anything to him that you don’t realize how you’re acting. He just likes that you watch each other’s freak.
Billy Loomis
It excites Billy in multiple ways that you match his crazy. And by multiple ways, I mean it. It gets his blood pumping and gets him flustered to see you match his plans, or even push them further than he could have ever thought of.
You two are both horror movie obsessed bloodthirsty idiots, who both get way too excited about planning and committing the slashing. You just push each other to be worse, and to push the limits more and more. It makes you more likely to be caught, since you guys fuel each other.
To Billy its so hot that this is just how you are and that you don’t even really realize how you are acting, it’s like you are something walking right out of his deepest fantasies. But he’s has to be the voice of reason, and has to make sure you don’t let anything slip in public, just in case.
Stu Macher
Stu doesn’t seem to be the brightest guy out of the ghostface duo, so he’s probably just hyped that you match him, or go even further than him. If you go further than him, then I can imagine Stu also doing even more. Its kind of a cycle, you do something, and he follows.
It’s also what almost gets you guys caught multiple times, since you don’t really think your plans all the way through, since you both are just too excited and into what’s happening. Stu really likes the thrill of it all though, which leads to a lot of make out sessions.
Stu doesn’t really think about it much himself, that what he does is messed up and wrong, so I can’t imagine him thinking about how you act either. You two are kind of two halves of a whole idiot, and if Billy is around that he has to keep you guys on the right track so you don’t out yourselves or do something dumb.
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This doesn't happen anymore but idk I spent so much time trying to find it in my papers that I have to toss it into the internet void
The moment Spruce raced past John’s gesture for a hug, Branch saw his confusion and hurt. JD glanced around, like he thought maybe he got the wrong troll - despite them being the only ones there - but then he saw Spruce go to Branch for a hug and ignore him. He could see JD’s heart break. 
JD loved hugs more than anyone really knew. He struggled  a little with too much at once - which Branch knew he loathed - but he tried not to let that stop him. 
Branch managed to jump back, sliding out of Spruce’s reach. “Whoa!” he just grinned. “Look at you! Someone’s got some crazy reflexes! Come on, let me give you a hug! I haven’t seen you in years!”
“And whose fault is that?” he asked, flatly. 
Spruce stumbled. “Branch…”
“I’m not here to fight. It’s not about me. I’m here to ask for your help.” 
“For what?”
“The perfect family harmony-”
Spruce rolled his eyes then turned to glare at JD who was busy checking out one of the pools, curiously. He tipped his toe in and that jumped back a little, like he felt or saw something he wasn’t expecting. Spruce was glaring. “Did he put you up to this? He really needs to let it go.” 
“JD has nothing to do with it-” 
“Look Bitty. I’m happy to see you but him?” 
“It’s been twenty years. You’re still mad?” 
“It’s not like he apologized.” 
“Are you sure we are in the right place, kiddo?” JD asked, looking back at him, his head tilting a little. As much as JD had seen so many photos, they had all changed in the last twenty years. Spruce was no exception. Clay and Floyd wouldn’t be either. Without that connection of actually remembering them physically, it made it a bit more difficult for JD to identify those people from his past. 
He was probably missing most of the conversation. They had already talked a bit about it, that Branch should do the explaining. Although JD had a habit of making friends with people, there was a history here and their family held grudges. But then again, JD had lately been letting Branch do a lot of the leading lately. It turned out fine, most of the time, although Branch couldn’t help but be worried about the implications. Maybe he was overthinking it, which was entirely possible too. 
“What is that supposed to mean?” Spruce demanded, stepping forward. “Is this a crack about my weight?” 
JD looked absolutely bewildered but finally took a moment to actually look at Spruce a little closer. JD shifted a little, as he often did when it came to people approaching him when upset. Some kind of mechanism, Branch learned, from living out in the wild. It wasn’t something he could really entirely shake. Not that he had tried to much anyway. He was very confused and Branch knew the feeling. “What? Why would I care about some dude’s weight? Each the nachos, man. You run a restaurant.” 
“What?” That seemed to make Spruce even more upset. “Some dude?” 
JD skipped back over to Spruce and looked at him curiously again, but he stuck close to Branch. Another normal thing. The two of them physically kept together when on adventures and other things. Safer that way. It was normal now. “This is one of them right?”
“Excuse me? You’re acting like you have never met me in your life!” Spruce yelled. 
“Not that I can remember,” JD chuckled, nervously. He was trying to play off his discomfort with humor. Just more normal JD things. Branch supposed they had always been normal to him but did Spruce know that? Did he remember some of those things from their childhood? 
“Just because I changed? That is so shallow and I never thought… How have you gotten worse?!” 
“Whoa, dude, chill! Don’t take it personally. I just-” 
“Don’t take it personally? How could I not?”
“It’s Bruce now. And I think it’s time you leave. Obviously the Great John Dory has just become a worse person and I don’t need that. I’ve got a good life with a wife and family! Something you clearly do not have.” 
“SHUT UP!” Branch yelled.
They looked over at him. 
“Would you give it a rest and let us explain?” 
“What is there to explain?” Spruce sneered. “John Dory is here, making fun of me, trying to make me do a family harmony after twenty years of no contact, topping it off with pretending he doesn’t even know me.” 
“He’s not pretending!” Branch shouted, exasperated. 
“He’s not pretending. JD doesn’t remember the first twenty years of his life.” 
“What? What are you talking about?”
“When I was about six, JD stumbled into Pop Village with only the memories of the last couple years. He didn’t know who I was or knew my name.” 
“It totally freaked him out,” JD nodded. 
“I mean, we are kind of freaking out Spruce here.” 
“Yeah. It gets crazier!” JD added. 
“It what?!” 
“Yeah. The King was all like sweet, you can take care of him and I-”
“Where was Gramma?” 
“Asked where was his parents and B was just like dead.” 
“A long time ago.,” Branch frowned. It took a long time to work through that. 
“Yeah. Anyways, I asked B who raised him and he said-” 
“You,” Branch snorted. 
JD grinned like it was an inside joke. It kind of was. Their entire reunion had kind of become an inside joke for the both of them. Although it started rocky, things swung into humor pretty quickly. JD never held what Branch said or acted against him. Part of it was probably because he was young and part of it was simply because JD could find things to laugh at. And it was kind of funny. “And then I was just like ok lets do it.” 
“Let’s… do it?”
“Yeah. Been taking care of this little daredevil ever since.” 
“It took us a bit to build his confidence but he can keep up with me easy.” 
“Better, old man.” 
“Eh… maybe debatable but you're probably not wrong!”
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starryyyeyedfool · 3 days
hey I’ve just found your account and I loooove your writing!! could you do some arthur tv with a singer gf hcs?
𝐀𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐓𝐕 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐠𝐟:
summary: how arthur would react to his partner being a singer
author's note: hey guys! sorry that I kinda disappeared for a while but I'm back now and I've got some ideas im working on rn so hopefully I can finish those soon. tysm for the request anon, hope you enjoy reading :)
please consider checking out my masterlist
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-> he's your biggest fan
-> goes to all your important shows/events to cheer you on, and brings along as many of his/your friends and family as he can
-> would seriously contemplate wearing a shirt with a massive picture of your face on it just to see your reaction
-> one of the rare occasions that he refuses to take photos with fans because he doesn't want to take the attention off you. instead, he just tells them to 'take photos of the real star of the show'
-> as soon as you finish your last song, this man is sprinting backstage so he can meet you as soon as you come off
-> genuinely in awe of your voice. god forbid someone lets arthur choose the playlist for a party because it would be 90% your music, 10% songs george or chris forced him to include
-> drives his housemates crazy by having your music playing constantly. if anyone tries to tell him to shut up, he just turns it up louder
-> whenever you release new songs, arthur promotes them all over his socials, and replies to every comment praising you, giving his own opinions on each of your songs
-> always uses your music in the background of his videos or his instagram. he just loves to show off how talented his wonderful girlfriend is!
-> wears your merch all the time, even more than his friends' or even his own merch; he loves having something that represents you on him, even when you can't be there
-> besides, sometimes people ask him about the merch he is wearing, which means he can do his favourite thing – talk about you
-> fans have made so many cute compilations of him rambling about you and always point out his adorable reaction every time someone mentions your name or one of your songs
-> arthur would be honoured if you ever mentioned him in your music, and if you were to write a whole song about him, the poor guy would almost faint from happiness
-> he also loves it when you sing for him. you may sing in front of people all the time, but when it's just the two of you late at night, it feels so much more intimate and special
-> always asks you to sing when he can't sleep or has had a bad day, your voice seems to relax him like nothing else
-> also, you and arthur hill would be instant besties as you both understand each other in a way that your non-musician friends can't. you guys would totally be each other's opening acts for basically every show, and the fans and arthur absolutely adore it
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summer love
Adam Fantilli x Latina!Reader
synop: Adam and y/n meet during dinner in Italy, spending what seems an endless summer together.
song-spo: mystery of love by sufjan stevens + crazy for you by madonna (this song captures the final scene so perfectly like 13 going on 30 lmao)
genre: slowburn rom-com, heavy on the comedy bc i think i'm hilarious, but def has cute scenes. 7.1K words! (longest i've written??)
Prompts: building tension prompt
an: call me by your name vibezz + one day trip to greece vibez. shy adam with no rizz hehe. too many bad jokes/mentions of his italian ancestry lmao, witty & snarky friendship 😆 i literally forget what team adam favored for his draft my bad. also i know zip of italian culture so hopefully i didn't butcher anything nor have i visited italy lmao
cw: drinking, cussing, skinny dipping, innuendo with spoons?
It was a spontaneous trip which only it made it all the better.
Saving up the money, booking the flight, and the stay. With no itinerary, you spent the past two days on the beach and sleeping in from the jet lag.
You figured you would put your new wardrobe to use by wearing it out to dinner. It was a warm night, the sky turning into a dark blue, eventually turning black with stars sprinkled above.
You wore a loose summer dress to try an Italian cuisine. It was daunting to eat alone in a foreign country but then again you made it across the pond into a foreign country all alone. It didn't come this far to starve. So you ate and drank a bit of wine.
In between sips and chewing, you people watched. Noticing the large touristy family trying to eat dinner in peace. A native Italian couple staring at each other lovingly. And then there was you, all alone with no one across from you but it was okay. You were content. No one there knew you or even acknowledged your presence. With a light breeze in the air and the muffled sounds of people it put you at ease.
You took another and final sip from your glass, as your eyes hooked with a stranger's eyes. They stayed there until the stranger bashfully looked away, failing to hold back a smile.
You noticed this stranger sitting with what seems like his family. Him being the only one on the restaurant patio acknowledging your existence put you on edge.
You avoided looking at his direction as you waved the waiter for the bill. You fidgeted nervously with the table cloth as you waited. When he returned, he not only came back with the bill but a small bowl of pink, you assumed, what was strawberry gelato.
"Oh I didn't order this," you looked at the waiter with confusion,
"No, he did." he pointed across the outdoor patio to said stranger. He had a slight blush to his cheeks, nodding his head to the both of you.
"I see, thank you." you bid goodbye the his service after paying for your meal. You looked back down at the cold dessert and right up the stranger. You took a big sigh as you signaled him to come over to your table. You noticed how his eyes widened and him talking to his presumed family. He made his way to your single table as his family's eyes followed his path.
By the time he sat across from you, his family's eyes were on you, but you ignored them for now,
"Bold move with the soft serve." you finally took a bite of the gelato, waiting for him to make another move.
"Is it? I was just trying to be nice I guess."
"Just nice? What if I didn't call you over? Would you send another dessert?" you teased him, curious of his thinking.
He laughed, "Maybe I would have ordered one for me after the rejection," he took a clean spoon from the table and dove into your dessert, "but you did call me over, so thanks." the spoon made a pop sound when he licked it clean.
"I'm Adam."
"Well Adam, you just took a bite of my gelato."
"Well technically I paid for it." He said as he took another spoonful from your bowl.
"Wow, so thats how you treat a lady?" you dramatically say as you eat more of you and Adam's dessert.
"I'm y/n." you lean back into your chair, staring this man down. You caught what seems like his brother and mother peeking behind his shoulder from their table.
"Is that your family?" you nodded towards their direction. He turned around and saw them snap their heads in any other direction.
He chortled, running his hand through his hair, "Yeah, don't pay attention to them. They'll just embarrass me."
"What, you don't pick up girls often? Especially with dessert?" you joked and he laughed too,
He shook his head as he laughed but stared at you intently with a soft smile, "No, no I don't."
You didn't think his sweet gesture would lead anywhere, but you were starting to like him.
"So, Adam, have you been in Italy before?" It was a silly question to ask but you didn't know anything about him. He went on to tell you how he had family here and he had visited often. He even mentioned his last name and that definitely proved his rich culture to your amusement,
"Fantilli?! Wow, I don't think I've ever heard such an Italian name before!"
"It's not that Italian..." he basked in his shyness as he rambled off on his culture,
"Oh you're kidding, you got the double i and everything." you enjoyed teasing him because you both knew it was light hearted.
"So where are you from?" The shared gelato had been long gone yet the conversation flowed smoothly.
"Nobleton, it's near Toronto, but I live in Columbus for work."
"Columbus as in Ohio?!" you squinted at his answer, forcing him to hold back a laugh.
"Well it wasn't really my choice, LA would have been my first choice."
"Somehow LA is worse than Ohio." you blatantly say making him laugh. Before you could ask him more about which lesser of the cities were his choice, a tall figure appeared at your table.
"Hey bro, mom and dad are ready to head back." The standing figure smiled to you and smirked to Adam making him scoff at him.
"I'll be there in a few." Adam replied
"For sure," he said with another grin as he loudly slapped Adam's shoulder as he walked off.
"Was that your brother?" you asked the obvious,
"Unfortunately," he tried to not reach for his shoulder but his face grimaced in pain.
"Well." you said waiting to see how Adam was going to end this night,
"Well...what?" he chuckled ignorantly
"It was nice talking with you." you said honestly,
"Oh yeah, it was" he stands and gets ready to leave "have a goodnight y/n"
"Adam!" you raise your voice before he turns all the way, "Are you really not gonna ask for my number?"
"I didn't know you still wanted to talk with me." he rubbed the back of his neck,
"You know you have to be more bold than ordering dessert across a restaurant to know if a girl is in interested." you stood up to sort of reach his level, "So?"
He pulled out his phone and handed it to you,
"There, now we can talk more if you want to." you gave back his phone,
"Oh, I want to."
"Then I expect a text whenever possible." Both of you were aware that you would have less than a week together in Italy but it would be enough.
"Your family is waiting," you whispered,
"I'll see you soon y/n," he whispered back,
"I hope so." you watched him walk back to his family and left before they could catch another glimpse of you.
--- Day One ---
The next morning you got dressed for whatever the day presented with. You walked to a near cafe for a freshly brewed cappuccino and buttered pastry.
You were in the middle of journaling your trip so far, about to detail the discourse of the night before, when said discourse sat across from you.
"Morning stranger, I was just going to text you," he said with sunglasses on.
You nonchalantly closed your journal, "Were you? before or after ordering breakfast?"
"Well it looks like you just finished yours," he reached to the small and last portion of your croissant,
"You know what Fantilli, you are making a habit of eating my food."
"I'll make it up to you, c'mon," he softly grabbed your hand and pulled you away from the incoming tourist traffic,
"And where are we going?" you struggled to put your journal back into your bag.
"It's a surprise."
"Let me guess, the beach?"
"Somewhere where only the locals know about," he teased his idea. He noticed his hand was now intertwined with yours and hesitated to remove his hand. Before you even noticed his hand placement, he slyly moved his away to fix his hair under his hat.
After complaining of walking for at least 15 minutes, you finally went off trail, into nature, walking on sand to a huge cove opening of a secluded beach. The both of you stood in the cove's shade, watching the small waves crashing onto shore.
"I'll give you props of your local knowledge," you yelled over the ocean's noise that echoed in the cove with your hands on your hips.
"Does it make up for the croissant?"
"It does. But you still ate my gelato last night,"
"Yeah I knew you wouldn't forget about that so I have another surprise location after this one,"
"Woah, you came prepared Fantilli," you jokingly pushed him away, noticing his newfound confidence in comparison of last night.
"Do you have swim shorts on?" you asked him, inching closer towards the shore,
"Like you said, I came prepared."
"Then, last one to the water owes the other a gelato!" you bolted running halfway through your sentence, tossing your bag to the side, leaving Adam shocked but he was right after you.
Adam was far behind to see you swiftly take off your sundress and dive into the cool clear waters. Coming up for air, you saw him struggle to take off his regular shorts on the shore, leaving him embarrassed by your gaze.
"C'mon Fantilli, do you need my help?!" you yelled across the distance with a smirk. Soon he came into the water too, his shoulders shaking from the cold.
"You owe me a gelato." you said with a grin.
"Fine. But I'll just eat some of it, again." he said with a dumb smirk,
"I won't let you," you splashed a bit of water at him which ensued in a way too serious water fight. After both of you surrendering for the nth time and coughing up water, you dried out in the sun. You started a new journal entry, describing the cove and its scenery.
Adam on the other hand, noticed your small camera in an open pocket of your bag, and took it to himself to capture the late morning with photographs. He caught a single candid of you journaling, the immediate next shot was you noticing him taking pictures.
"What are doing?"
"Capturing memories." he turned the camera over the take a selfie of the two of you, "smile!"
You snatched your camera back to look at the photos and they were actually pretty good.
"So where is this second secret location, hm?"
"It's a secret for a reason."
“I don’t like secrets.” you admitted
“Yeah I can tell.”
“Don’t be rude.” you nudged his shoulder again
“I’m not, I’m just making an observation.” he laughed at your faked offense,
“Just promise me we won’t have to walk as far.”
“I promise we won’t have to walk at all.”
“Now I’m starting to like the sound of this.”
After drying in the sun completely you made it back to the city to call a taxi to take you said secret location.
The taxi dropped you off in the outskirts of the city, off the road there was a large shed of racks on racks of bicycles.
“Okay what exactly is this secret location?” you asked perplexed,
“This is only halfway to our destination, we bike the rest way in.”
Adam rented two bikes for the both of you and although you were caught off guard, you enjoyed biking, catching a breeze rather than walking in uncomfortable shoes.
You wanted to bug Adam again of where you were going on the ride to there, but you soon figured it out. In the distance there were rows of what you assumed were grape vines.
You were so preoccupied of where you were going that you didn’t appreciate the view of the countryside. It was beautiful to say the least, the skies were clear expect with big silky white clouds, the fields were bright green with patches of yellow, and the winding hills in the distance were mesmerizing.
When you reached the vineyard there was again racks on racks of bikes and once stocked away, Adam guided you to join a tour of wine tasting the freshest grapes of Italy, at least that’s what he said.
You weren’t a big drinker, nor a fan of wine but it felt appropriate to wine taste when in Italy. You didn’t want to drink too much because you did have to bike back. Which left you curious on how many people crashed into bushes on the way back.
Luckily the vineyard also had a restaurant so you could finally get something proper to eat along with the alcohol.
“Cheers,” you clinked your glass with Adam’s as the crumbs of lunch sat on your plates.
"I'll give you credit Fantilli, your locations are superb for a tourist like me. I've been graced with your existence to be my personal guide." You had a trait for theatrics.
"Thank you, but to be regarded as only a personal tourist guide hurts a little." Adam put his hand over his heart. He reached your level of theatrics very well.
"Okay in addition to a phenomenal guide, you are becoming a friendly friend."
"Friendly friend." he repeated robotically, mocking you.
"That is what I said." you took another sip of your wine to hide your embarrassment on how to describe what the two of you have. Luckily the waiter had returned with none other than strawberry gelato.
"Here you go, friendly friend, your promised gelato." He pushed the bowl towards you, "And I promise this time I won't eat it," you could tell he meant it as he crossed his arms across his chest.
"How nice of you," you took the first bite of the cold dessert which was much needed for the hot and fun day you two had. Which only made you feel bad for him.
"Do you want some?" you asked as licked your spoon clean,
He stumbled onto his words as he stared at you, "Nope I'm good."
If he really wanted some he would order one for himself, you thought. But hell, he can have a spoonful or two of your gelato. He's made a habit of paying for them so might as well.
You slightly sighed as you pushed the bowl towards him, "Go ahead have some."
"I'm fine really. Plus I bought it for you since you won fair and square." He tried to be humble but you could read him like a book in the moment.
"I can practically hear your salivating all the way from here." You dipped a new spoon into the bowl and gestured to him, "So have some."
"Are you sure?" he finally broke as he uncrossed his arms,
"Yes I'm sure. I don't want you passing out from not eating a cold soft serve on a hot day."
He didn't hesitate on your yes and dove in but was able to mumble with a mouth full, "gelato isn't a soft serve, actually."
"I should have let you passed out."
He smiled as he wiped gelato off his lips. You smiled at how stupidly cute he was. The first day spent together was short as he had plans with his family the later half of the day but promised to have a fun itinerary to spend with you.
--- Day Two ---
Your afternoon was shared with Adam this day. And he went all out this time. He told you to meet him by a near ship dock, which already had you stressed of where this was going.
He texted you the night before to wear active clothes but have a swimsuit on. When he mentioned the first you tried not to complain so early.
So you found yourself dressed in appropriate clothing waiting for him.
"Yo!" you turned to see who was calling and you saw Adam standing in a small size boat with his arms stretched out all proud.
"Hi," you walked forward, "So what's the plan for today?"
"Well do you see that island not that far away?" he pointed towards a small but very clear island across the water, "There is one my best local locations, but we have to get there on boat, obviously." he stretched out his hand to help you step inside.
"And whose boat is this?" you asked out of concern how costly these expenses were,
"My family's." he said with a soft smile. You couldn't tell if that was better or worse.
You placed your bag on the many of available seats, "Okay, so whose steering the boat?" you turned to him with your hands on your hips, looking for any other sign of the driver.
Your eyes followed Adam as he got behind the wheel, staring the engine, turning back to you; "I'm your captain this evening." he said with a big grin as he steered away from the dock, making you lose your balance,
"Oh! Of course you are!" you sarcastically yell over the loud engine. We are so dead, you thought, as you sat down in the passenger seat.
You held onto your hat as the strong winds were begging to pull it off your head. Adam noticed your uneasiness and tried to calm you with his stories of driving since a young age. After the short ride to the island and docking safely you felt slightly confident into his skills.
As soon as you two docked, you didn't notice much of the Island besides a small beach and the mountain itself.
"We're not hiking this Island, are we?" you asked as you both walked towards a base of a trail,
"Fortunately, yes." he answered as he fidgeted with his sunglasses on his nose,
"You do remember me complaining of walking yesterday right?"
"Yep" he said ever so nonchalantly
"So you thought hiking would be the next best thing to do?" you tried to reciprocate his calm demeanor but you could already imagine how sore your legs would be in the morning.
"Listen, the hike is not that bad and the view on top is rewarding!"
Ten minutes into climbing elevation, he lied. You were trying your best to control your breathing as he looked like he was barely breathing.
He was kind enough to stay with your pace though, "Just a little more," he said to inspire motivation,
"Out of curiosity, why are you not heaving like me?" He tried to laugh it off until you came to a stop. You were glad his answer was long enough for you to probe with more questions to give you a break. Nevertheless his answer left you surprised and impressed.
"Now you know why Ohio wasn't my first choice." He grabbed you hand and pulled you to keep on walking.
Now, you didn't hike the whole Island but just high enough to make matters worse, cliff jump. Still holding your hand, Adam slowly guided you towards an opening of trees and bushes to look over a cliff at dark blue water, which only made you feel sick.
"This view is not rewarding. My stomach is churning." you admitted as you pulled back from the scary view, removing your hand from his.
"Oh c'mon we are barely that high up,"
"We are high enough! Even if I were to jump, how do we get our clothes back?" you stared at him intently waiting for an answer,
He just stood there grimacing knowing you wouldn't like the answer, "We hike back...?"
"You're joking." you say exasperatedly. You didn't say it aloud, but these plans were a huge downgrade the day before.
He stepped forward and grabbed your hands, "We already made it up here and technically there is only one fun way down, so why not?"
You stood there staring at him blankly. "I'll hike back alone to get our stuff. Would you do it then?" he tried to negotiate but you were not budging,
"You would have to throw me off this cliff before I jump." your statement led him to raise an eyebrow and smirk,
"You are not throwing me off this damn cliff!" you lightly pushed his arms away,
"I would never. But think about it, if you jump you don't have to walk or hike at all!"
"If I jump, I'll probably never walk again!"
He tried to hold back a laugh, "Literally we are not that high up and if you land right you'll be fine. We'll jump together and I'll make sure."
You looked at him like he was crazy. You slowly walked over to peek over the cliff again and you guessed it wasn't that high. You shut your eyes tight and cursed him out in your head.
"Fuck it if this dive doesn't kill me you better hope it does." You started to take off your shoes and clothes revealing your swimsuit.
Adam stood there watching you and how quickly your mood changed, "You better start stripping because this adrenaline is temporary." He quickly followed suit and was ready to jump.
Your body shook in nerves and excitement, "Ready?" he asked as he held your again for the nth time,
All you could sound out was a scared mhm as you squeezed his hand. Then he started counting, "One...Two...Three!" You felt your body go numb as you ran off that cliff, involuntarily screaming before holding your breath for the cold impact. You opened your eyes underwater as you quickly tried to swim back up for air.
As soon as you broke the surface you looked for Adam. When you found him he broke the surface too and flipped his soaked hair behind him. When he saw you, he smiled making you break out into a huge grin, "You did it!" he yelled in pride,
"That was insane!" you bursted out laughing, almost turning hysterical but Adam started laughing too.
As the ocean's movement was nudging you, you admired at the island and it's size. You took in nature's colors from the dark blue water to the grey and browns rock formation to the bright green foliage of the trees. The sun was heading west on the opposite side, leaving you and Adam to float in the Island's shade.
As your adrenaline started to wear off, you started to feel how cold the water really was and decided to swim back to shore.
As you walked back to the dock, Adam asked, "So do you still want to kill me?"
"Not at the moment, no. Just don't try that scenario ever again."
You patiently waited, wrapped in a towel, for Adam to bring back your stuff, and you didn't feel any bit guilty for it.
He made it back less than 20 minutes, as you saw a glimpse of him jogging down the hill with your bag around him.
"Here you go, my lady" he passed you your bag, out of breath.
"Thank you, kind sir." you slipped on a sun dress you packed away.
After a few minutes of readjusting, you were on your way back to the mainland. Just in time as golden hour was setting in. The cool breeze felt calming after that rush. The breeze slowed down as the boat came to a slow stop.
"What's wrong?" you asked Adam, assuming the worst, if you two were now stranded right between two land markings.
"Just wanted to stop for a bit to enjoy the sunset on the water," He made his way over the rear of the boat with the cushioned seats. You followed his actions, taking a seat next to him; your torsos turned to the vast water. It was nature's silence filled with the calm waves splashing against the boat. Both of you sat there in shared existence, wishing the moment could last longer than it would end.
Adam turned his head to look at you, he noticed how the sun lit up your warm skin tone perfectly. How the golden hour made your hair shine. He couldn't describe it more awkwardly by saying, "You look shiny."
You furrowed your brows with a smirk on your face, "shiny?" you questioned as you looked at him,
"I mean you're glowing." he stumbled over his vocabulary as he wanted to smack himself,
"Glowing?" you poked fun at him crumbling right before your eyes.
"Ugh the sun is hitting your face perfectly. You look good." he said tired of his attempts to simply compliment a girl.
You reiterated plainly as possible, "I look good." ensuing him to groan in embarrassment, covering his face with his hands.
You nudge his shoulder laughing at his embarrassment, "You're adorable," you whisper.
You sat there, hugging your knees, laying your head on them as you admired the boy who has made this trip more special than you could have possibly imagined.
He turned to look at you only to be met with your intimidating gaze, but he held it as he realized for the past 48 hours, his mind has been flooded of you and only you.
As he held your shared gaze, you lifted your head, straightening your posture expecting him to lean forward. Although he considers it, he turns away and clears his throat, "We should head back before it gets dark."
He leaves you sitting at the back of the boat to start the engine. You could have sworn something was happening but didn't think twice of it. You pulled out your journal and began to start a new entry for the unexpectedly thrilling day.
Adam, now seated behind the helm, peered back at you as he started to drive off. He put his sunglasses back on as he shook his head at himself, stupid, he whispered to himself.
--- Day Three ---
The evening of the boat was two days ago. And in the habit of texting, sending voice messages, and calling whenever possible Adam had said his family were insistent on the plans they made beforehand so he couldn't meet you often as he wanted. With unfortunate timing, today was your last full day in Italy, tomorrow morning you will be on a flight back home.
You spent half the day to yourself checking things off your bucket list and trying all the cafes social media influencers suggested. When Adam texted you he was finally available, you told him you wanted to shop at a local market to buy some souvenirs. In less than half an hour he was able to meet you there, props to his running skills.
He found you admiring the gold necklaces at one stand, chatting with the vendor. He admired how bright your face lit up as you laughed, even with blacked-out shades on that made you look so, in the nicest way possible, unapproachable.
He stayed away for a bit to catch his breath. He found himself always running for you, but he would never complain. As he slowed his breath he found a site that he never thought would bother him as much as it did.
He felt his body freeze and go numb as he saw that famous smile of yours show because of a young man. He had dark, almost black hair and was slightly taller than Adam. He saw how he took the necklace you were looking at from your hands and positioned it around your neck. There was a small mirror hanged up and the man guided you to turn towards it to get a better look.
He saw your reflection as you nodded to whatever he was saying. Adam felt his jaw clenching as he saw the man move your hair off your shoulder to help you better.
As the vendor's son was trying to convince you the necklace was perfect for you, your eyes caught Adam in the reflection behind you. You turned to the overly kind man and thanked him but declined his offer for now.
You lightly jogged towards Adam and noticed his stoic expression, "Hey stranger, haven't seen you in a while," It was like he didn't even noticed you ran up to him, his gaze was still stuck on the tall dark haired man.
You placed your shades on your head, "Hello?" you grabbed his left hand to sway it side to side. Your touch is what finally made him acknowledge your presence.
"I don’t see you for two days and you’re already trying to replace me with another Italian?" he sounded so literal but he was joking, kind of.
You noticed how he looked down at you with an ever so slight pout. So you couldn't help to tease him, "Don't kid yourself Fantilli, you're from Nobleton, not Tuscany." you kept fidgeting with his hand,
His jaw dropped just a bit before he pulled his hand away after that comment, "So I'm not Italian enough for you?" he scoffed.
"No I guess not" you say in a sad voice with a pouty lip before grinning,
He crossed his arms across his chest, "I could easily use my Italian skills to get you half the price of whatever jewelry you want."
"Wait you're Italian? You haven't said so at all!?" you replied sarcastically to how many times you've heard the word Italian in a conversation.
He rolled his eyes, making you giggle, as he took two steps to walk away. You stopped him with your hand on his chest to bring him back in front of you,
"I'm just messing with you Adam, I mean your last name speaks for itself does it not?" you smiled up at him hoping you didn't actually hurt his feelings.
"You're a bully." he muttered as he looked at the general view of the market, avoiding your eyes.
"Hmm, I don't think so. But if you say so!" You interlocked your hand with his, "C'mon I really want that necklace and like you said I could use your useful Italian skills." you enunciated the overused word,
"You can get a similar necklace from another vendor." Adam stated as he led the way to another jewelry vendor, "They all sale the same products anyway." he muttered in annoyance at how he couldn't stay mad at you long.
With his help, Adam suggested and was kind enough to buy another a piece of jewelry you were eyeing. And of course he helped you to wear it as soon as you bought it. After more window shopping, you headed to have your final dinner in Italy. It was also the final shared dinner with Adam, but it was fulfilling. As you took advantage of consuming alcohol in a foreign country, conversation flowed with curiosity as you and Adam learned more about each other and life back home. Even if both of your homes were far away from each other.
“I’m gonna miss authentic strawberry gelato,” you licked your lips as you and Adam walked to the outskirts of the nearest beach. You suggested to stargaze on the beach after dinner.
“You have me to thank for that.” He bolstered himself as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you finally met sand.
As you walked a bit further to find the perfect spot to lay down, you plopped yourself to the ground, pulling on Adam’s arm with you. As you laid back you saw the twinkling stars spinning, most likely from the wine.
Adam laid down right next to you and admired the same stars, his stars not spinning as much.
“This is nice,” he whispered over the soft waves,
“This is perfect.” you whispered back,
Your left hand hesitantly searched for Adam’s and once you found it, he instantly interlocked his fingers with yours. He fidgeted with one of the rings he bought you a few hours earlier.
After the shared moment with the ocean as ambient noise, Adam sat up, making you copy him.
“Should we take a final swim?” He asked as he looked ahead at the moon reflected water,
“I don’t have a swimsuit under my dress,” you practically replied,
“So?” he said confidently,
“What are you insinuating, Fantilli?” you started to giggle, some fault at the alcohol.
“C’mon,” he stood up and he helped you up to stand. He walked closer to the water and started to take off his shirt.
“Are serious?” you sobered up quick as you fixated on his back muscles, “the water is going to be freezing!” He continued to take off his shorts, “you might want to turn around,” he offered and he stripped completely naked.
You quickly covered your eyes and shrieked at him for his boldness, “Adam what the hell are you doing!?” You heard him laugh and heard the calm water being disturbed before he shouted from the cold.
Assuming it was safe to look, you saw him floating upright in the dark water,
“Is it cold?” You whispered-yelled, afraid of someone seeing you two but it was late at night and the streets were practically empty.
“It’s alright.” He said through chattering teeth.
“Your turn.” He yelled back from the water,
“You’re insane! I’m not stripping naked!” you crossed your arms as the chilly breeze gave you goosebumps.
“Oh c’mon it’s your last night here, you have to do something insane like skinny dipping!”
You stood there contemplating. If you were going to be honest, you really did want to. You were just afraid of someone catching you two.
“You’ll regret if you don’t.” he broke your silence,
“Turn around!” You caught a glimpse of him smiling before turning around and covering his eyes. You did a final scope of the area and swiftly took of your dress and underwear. You slowly stepped into the freezing water, which felt like torture.
“It’s fucking freezing,” you nudged Adam’s shoulder as he finally turned around.
He smiled very mischievously, “What?” you nervously chuckled
“We’re both entirely naked, yet we can’t see each other because it’s so dark out.” His smile turned into a smirk.
You rolled your eyes and splashed him, not too hard because you were still afraid of being too loud. But that was hopeless as Adam splashed you back harder, ensuing part two of the water fight from the first day.
“Adam stop!” you tried to grab his hands from making any more noise. He finally put his hands down stifling his laughter at your nerves.
“We’re definitely gonna get caught with your loud ass,” you flicked water at him for the final time.
“No we’re not.” he whispered back as he flicked water at you for the final time too.
You stared at him wondering how he’s not at all worried as you are. He stared at you finding how adorable your concern was. The more you stared into his eyes and examining his face, you realized he was doing the exact same thing.
“Why are you staring at me?” you scoffed at his gaze,
“You were staring at me first.” he said matter of factly
“No I wasn’t.” you scoffed again.
Besides the water slightly rippling from trying to stay afloat, something change. You were no longer cold, as you felt heat rush to your cheeks. You noticed how shallow your breathing and how it matched to Adam’s.
Adam felt the change too. He felt his heart racing, he could hear his blood pumping through his ears. His eyes wandered over your face and looked down at your lips.
He slightly cocked his head as he leaned forward, almost immediately you reciprocated as you two slowly kissed in the ocean. Before your lips could savor his touch, your mind pulled you away from him.
“Sorry,” he quickly apologized as soon as he felt your lips disconnected from his.
“No it’s okay. I just wasn’t prepared.” you tried to cool your warm cheeks with the saltwater but it didn’t help. “I didn’t think I was going to kiss you tonight.” you admitted.
“Really? Because I’ve been thinking about it non stop since we were on the boat.” He confessed as he tried to cool the back of his neck with the surrounding water, it didn’t work either.
“Yeah- I mean- I thought about that moment on the boat too. I guess I wasn’t sure if you were going to kiss me or not.”
“I wanted too. I really did, I was just second guessing myself, so I didn’t.” he trailed off his sentence as honesty poured out from the both of you.
Both of you floated there in silence which made you giggle. Before Adam could question you, you pulled him closer for another, longer and sensual, kiss. Neither of you pulling away but each others lips melting into one another’s.
You felt his lips smile making you reciprocate but your paranoia was getting to you again as things were escalating in the water. So when you pulled away to see if anyone was nearby, Adam’s forehead bumped into your nose as he followed your lips for another kiss.
“Ow” you said simultaneously. Both of you laughed it off, Adam cutting off your laughter with multiple swift kisses.
You put a hand on his chest to stop him, “Okay lover boy, let’s get out of here before I wrinkle like a raisin.”
You got out first to dress and Adam followed second. As soon as you both got dressed, he pulled you into another kiss on the beach, making smile into the kiss, again.
He walked you back to your hotel, holding hands of course. Both of you, but Adam especially, were acting delirious. A teenage summer romance in Italy, it couldn’t be anymore perfect.
You dreadfully reached the outside of your building, signaling the end of this night and trip. You turned to Adam for the final time that night, “I’m leaving tomorrow.” You whispered as you wrapped your arms around him as you gazed up at him.
“I’m aware.” He snaked his arms around you.
“It just had to be the last hour we have together for you to kiss me.” You placed the blame on him for not speeding up the process.
“Trust me I’ve been beating myself up since our boating day.” He titled his head back in frustration.
Although the moment was bitter sweet you were elated to get to know Adam, spend your trip with him, and to fall for him.
“Adam, it’s late. I should head in, I still have to pack.” you picked at his chain around his neck.
“Right.” he hoarsely whispered. For a second he had forgotten that the sun would rise again and you would leave to go back home.
“Adam?” you softly held the side of his face to make him to look at you,
“Hm?” he softly responded,
“Will you see me out tomorrow morning? A taxi will be picking me up right here. Can we say goodbye then?”
He fondly smiles as he nods into your hand. You move your hand to the back of his neck. Steadying yourself onto your tip toes to pull him into a kiss. You pulled away first, like always. You whispered, “I’ll see you in the morning.” you took one more look at him for the night and walked inside.
Adam’s long walk back to his bed felt short as he relived the night. The smell your perfume on him. The feel your touch on his lips. He didn’t think of the goodbye. He only thought that he would see you again tomorrow.
--- Final Minutes ---
You regretted booking such an early flight. Too early to have a final Italian breakfast. You would have something at the airport, you thought as you heard your stomach growl.
You messaged Adam last night right after you headed inside what time to meet you, wincing at how early the time would be.
Now you were waiting, in the lobby with your bags, for the taxi to pull up. You checked your phone noticing Adam hadn’t texted you since last night’s meeting time confirmation.
You started to feel a knot in your stomach. Even after what happened last night, hell the whole trip: you second guessed Adam’s intentions. What if he slept in? Or worse, he didn’t show up at all? You were hoping neither.
You saw a taxi pull up front the glass windows of the lobby and stood up with shaky knees because Adam still hadn’t arrived.
As you walked outside, looking around to find him running like you always found him, you didn’t see him. You sighed as you confirmed the taxi was indeed for you. You popped the trunk as you struggled to place your luggage inside. You took one more panoramic glance and opened the back seat door.
“Wait!” you heard someone faintly yell and you knew it was him.
You saw him run up the hilly street, the same road you two walked up last night from the beach. You shook your head as he struggled to sprint up the road. As he neared, you told the driver to wait a few a minutes.
You crossed your arms and leaned back on the cars rear, visibly judging Adam’s tardiness.
“I’m so sorry. I kind of slept in, I got home late last night, but that’s no excuse. Sorry. But you’re still here and now I’m here!” He rambled on showing clear remorse, which only made you grin.
“For a second Fantilli, I thought I imagined everything that happened last night.” you softly laughed off your worries now that his presence proved otherwise.
“Everything that happened last night was very real to me.” He stated its importance of the previous late night.
“And now it’s all coming to an end.” You stood up straight, never losing his eye contact.
“Maybe it’s the end of us in Italy, but it could be more back in the states?” he ended his sentence with hope making you smile, yet again.
“If you wanna say something Fantilli, now’s your chance.” you softly chuckled at his still timid self.
“Will I see you again?” He tucked both of his hands into his pockets, nervous for your response.
“Maybe, who knows?” you shrugged your shoulders sarcastically, “Maybe I’ll see you in Ohio.” you smiled fondly at him,
“Or LA.” he replies as he remembers your first ever conversation.
“Or LA.” you repeated softly.
There was a melancholy silence shared between you two that was quickly interrupted with the taxi drivers loud horn, making both of you jump.
As you admired Adam’s laugh and smile for the last time, you pulled him in for a goodbye kiss. He quickly melted into you, his hands finding your hip and face. This kiss lasting the longest, it was Adam who pulled away first, only inches from your face as he rests his forehead against yours.
“I’ll see you whenever and wherever, Fantilli.” you whispered to him. You titled your head back to give him a soft kiss.
“Goodbye Adam.”
“Goodbye y/n.”
Adam stood there body warm and sweaty from his run but also how naturally you made him felt. He stared at your taxi driving off. As he went to turn around he saw your head pop out the window, dramatically sending him an air kiss. He laughs at your behavior, indulging your antics by dramatically catching it.
As he saw your head pop back into the car he felt his phone buzz. A text message from no one other than you, reading:
Save that kiss, it’ll be a while before I can kiss you again.
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aceofwhump · 8 months
One if my favorite things about this community is that I can make a post that's just me rambling incoherently about my feelings towards a specific whump scene and it gets more notes than any gifset I made. I honestly mean that. I love it. I love that I can ramble like a crazy person and that those rambles hit a chord with sort many people.
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itsaboutspies · 2 months
Absolutely love that the hatchetfield series brought so many new fans to starkid but I wish people would let non hatchetfield things be non hatchetfield and not try relate it back to it all the time
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sentientstump · 11 months
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what's there in the distance
133% team canada back in action? you bet
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