#when your language skills get to the point where we can have a conversation about why you are NOT allowed to lick the electric outlets
people talk about how "helpless" and "underdeveloped" human babies are compared to newborns from other species (e.g. foals can gallop 24 hours after birth, newly hatched kiwi chicks feed themselves, etc)
But. can you imagine how absolute nightmarish it would be if newborn babies could run around and climb on top of stuff? and think of the birth-giving parent, not only are they exhausted and in pain now their baby is MOBILE AND ROAMING that would be terrifying
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whatsmymeme · 11 months
Why Do You Care?
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Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Request: Can I request an imagine with Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw? I have always loved those rebellious type of people in stories. Can you write an imagine where you're assigned to work together with Bradley, but you two are always at each others throats. The time comes and you take a missile for him. You eject in time and as you're packing up your parachute, Bradley comes up to you and absolutely freaks out. Of course, it's because he cares and loves you ;) Thanks!
Warning(s): Language
Authors Note: I love it! I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 1.3K
"There is no way in hell that I'm working with this asshole!" You shouted, denying it loudly. "He's going to kill me before the enemy even attacks!"
"Gladly," Bradley responded snottily. "You don't know even know how to fly worth a shit."
"How old are you both?" Pete asked sternly. You both fell quiet but continued to glare daggers at each other. "Exactly. Shut up. Put aside your differences and work together. This mission requires the skills you both obtain."
"That's funny that you think that [Y/N] has skills-"
"Rooster!" Pete interrupted impatiently. Bradley immediately shut his mouth. You smirked at him, teasing him for being called out by Pete. "Now, gear up and get in your jets!"
You both nodded and rolled your eyes at each other before departing to go get geared up. As you were gearing up, Natasha sparked a conversation with you. You two had a good discussion, but at the end of it, she mentioned the name of the man you despised.
"So is there a reason you and Rooster are constantly bickering like a married couple?" Natasha asked curiously. You fake gagged. Natasha chuckled. "You know, I think that Maverick put you two together because-"
"Say so more Phoenix," You interrupted, putting your hand up. "I don't need to be throwin' up before this mission."
"Oh come on," Natasha sighed, rolling her eyes. "It's obvious that Rooster has the hots for you."
"He had the hots for my sister growing up," You revealed, feeling disgusting inside. "But it's quite obvious that all he cares about is himself. I've hated him ever since he broke her heart."
"Well, that explains your side, but why does Rooster have it out for you too?"
"When I get revenge, I get revenge." You clearly stated, making Natasha smile. "Anyways, let's get situated. We have people to save. Well, unless it's Bradley."
Natasha smirked. "Sure [Y/N]. You keep tellin' yourself that."
»»----- ♡ -----««
"[Y/N]." You heard Bradley call out as you approached your jet, passing Bradley. You clearly heard him, but you ignored him and continued walking. Bradly huffed in annoyance. "[Y/N]!" Bradley shouted louder. You continued to ignore him. Bradley clenched his jaw in irritation. "[Y/N]! I'M TALKING TO YOU DAMN IT!!!"
His voice was so boisterous, it caught the attention of everyone who was there. You came to a halt and inhaled deeply before turning around to face him. Bradley approached you and told you specific instructions as he reached you. You just kept looking everywhere except him, showing him how much you 'cared'
"You know, it's really rude to not look at the person who is talking to you," Bradley angrily confronted. You dramatically looked back into his eyes and fluttered your eyes multiple times. He wasn't very amused by your sarcastic gesture. "I just want you safe [Y/N]. Don't do anything stupid out there."
Your eyebrows furrowed as he said those words to you. It was as if...He cared. Bradley stormed off before you could point out his out-of-the-blue kindness toward you. You shook those thoughts out of your head and re-focused your attention back on the mission. You had a mission to complete and you had a partner to complete it with.
»»----- ♡ -----««
The tensions were high. You and Bradley only had one more pilot jet to take care of. You were out of ammo but had one more shot for flares. You and Bradley were yelling at each other as you kept each other safe. You watched as Bradley successfully hit the pilot, but before you celebrated, you noticed that the pilot had launched a missile before going down.
The missile was going straight toward Bradley. You yelled at Bradley that he had a missile coming toward him.
"Shit! I don't have anymore flares!" Bradley shouted in panic. "Maybe I can-"
"I can't believe I'm doing this," You muttered to yourself, preparing yourself to take the missile for him. You pressed the buttons and started flying toward him. You put your thumb on the button, but unexpectedly, the missile hit you before you pressed the button. "Shit!"
Your head was spinning as your jet was going downward. It was already a bad situation, but having Bradley screaming in your headset was making it even worse. You needed to focus to get your jet back, but it wasn't long until you figured out that you couldn't. You cursed before you pulled the eject button.
»»----- ♡ -----««
Thankfully, you landed smoothly. Technically, the mission was a success. All the enemy pilots were gone and you survived as well as Bradley. As you were getting out of your parachute, you started getting it back into the bag. You perked up as you heard footsteps rapidly approaching you. You dropped what you were doing and turned around.
It was Bradley! He was running up to you...and he wasn't stopping. You were struck with confusion as he got closer. He was fuming.
Before you could finish your words Bradley shoved you straight to the ground, the impact of his motion caused you to slide a little bit. You were grateful the suit kept you from getting the wind knocked out of you. You were sure it would've been if you weren't wearing all the gear that you were. As you were looking at the sky, it was immediately replaced with the face of an unhappy Bradley.
He towered over you and pointed down at you. "YOU ASSHOLE!!!"
"What?!" You shouted, climbing back up to your feet. You pointed your finger at Bradley. "I saved your LIFE dickhead!"
"WHY DO YOU CARE?!" You screamed back, instantly realizing you really did bicker with Bradley like he was your husband. Bradley paused and seemed to have the look like he had been caught about something. "You may not care about my family, but I care about yours. I don't want your family to know that their son won't return home."
"Of course, I care about your damn family! That's why I left your sister!" Bradley shouted. You lifted an eyebrow in confusion. Bradley groaned in aggravation, running his hands through his hair in distress. "[Y/N] I LOVE YOU!!!"
As those four words echoed clearly through the blue sky, you couldn't remove your gaze from his. You've always wondered what it would be like if someone admitted they loved you, but you never pictured it to be in the middle of the woods and him screaming it at you angrily. You put your finger up to him, indicating that you had to process what he had just said.
Bradley didn't want to wait for another second and continued. "[Y/N]. The moment I met your sister, I fell in love. But the moment I met you, I truly fell in love. You were different. You made me feel things that I've never felt with any other woman in my life."
"Rooster, I don't-"
"I broke up with your sister because she knew that I had feelings for you," Bradley interrupted, throwing you into an even deeper pit of confusion. "I'm an honest man. I didn't want to hurt your sister and I knew keeping secrets from her was going to do that."
"What are you even talking about? You still hurt her! Her heart was broken!"
"Well of course it's going to be broken! Breaking up isn't easy [Y/N]! Mine was broken for months too," Bradley claimed. "But we're both on good terms now. She is still a great woman and she will find that man who will treat her better than I did."
You crossed your arms and removed your gaze from him. You didn't even know what to think about this situation, but you didn't feel against it. Bradley sighed and copied your position.
"This is not how I imagined confessing my love for you."
You raised your eyes back up at Bradley who was staring at the ground. "You really love me?"
Bradley slowly raised his eyes up to meet with you. He gave you a small smile. "Yes. I do. I love you [Y/N]."
"Damn it. Natasha was right," You muttered. "I owe her twenty dollars now."
»»----- ♡ -----««
Thanks for reading!
I do not own this GIF. Credit goes to the owner!
My Wattpad
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minimomoe · 4 months
A L e s s o n i n F r e n c h
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Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x Reader x Kento Nanami
Preview : Nanami pressed his lips to Toji, letting the wine fall out and into Toji’s mouth. Toji let out a low groan, and you watched as the sticky red substance escaped the corner of their mouths as down their chins. You used your thumb to gather the wine on Toji’s face and licked it clean, then tapped Nanami’s jaw. 
“It means threesome. You got ahead of yourself there, Ken. Try not to swallow my man...."
Wd ct: 5k
tags: threesome, married couple plus one, bottom Toji, anal, face riding, blowjobs, anal, lowkey brat taming, come eating, uhhh let me know if I forgot anything
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“Je’n connais pas,” you mumbled into the phone. Toji had a growing frown behind you but your back was turned to him. 
“Vin rouge ou blanc?” You asked into your phone again.
Toji grumbled under his breath. “You could ask me something.” 
Your eyes darted over to him, a smile creeping on your face. You went over to his side giving him a peck on the cheek. “Mon cœur, arrête de froncer les sourcils.”
He gave you a hard stare yet you blinked so sweetly at him he couldn’t really be mad at you. “I don’t know if you know, but I still can’t understand you.” 
“I already have wine, but if you insist on bringing it, get something red. It will pair well with what I have in mind,” Nanami spoke up louder from your phone. Toji’s scowl deepened from the sound of his voice, making you place your finger down the center of his brows to flatten the wrinkles. You held the phone closer to your mouth, still massaging Toji’s face before giving him a peck on the cheek.
“And what may that be?” 
“One of your favorites. À plus tard,” he said curtly then hung up. You stuffed your phone back into your purse and held up two different wines to Toji.
“You said you wanted me to ask you, right?” 
He pointed to the one in your left hand, which you nodded to contently. He doesn’t know shit about wine so he chose the fancier looking one. He saw that it was yet another French brand too late and almost asked you to put it back until he saw you nodded contently. You held it in your arms, strolling down the aisle while Toji tried to talk you out of your plans.
“Do we have to have dinner with him? We can just stay in tonight.” 
“You’re starting to sound like me,” you smirked. “We always stay in.”
“Where’s my baby that has her nightly routine done by 9pm, rubbing her feet under the covers to sleep?”
“Getting excited to eat at our very lovely friend’s house for dinner with, ma cherie. We already agreed to it,” you reminded him. 
Toji ignored the way that he actually liked the French pet names for him. The stupid, lopsided grin he felt growing on his face would have to be stifled for the sake of the argument. 
“Say I got sick.”
“You’re as healthy as a horse.” 
“ You got sick.”
“I was just on the phone with him, he’s not gonna believe that.”
Toji let out an annoyed huff of air. It’s not that Toji didn’t like Nanami. He got along with him just fine… for your sake. Sure, he got a little lost when he was around Nanami and you at the same time because your conversations would move a thousand miles per minute, jumping from topics that required years of context. You told him that you and Nanami had known each other since college, finding yourself in the same classes multiple times over that you two decided to be study buddies until you realized that you liked each other’s company outside of class too. With Nanami you were able to sharpen your language skills, bouncing from Japanese, English,  French, Latin and most recently Arabic. He had the uncanny ability to learn a language as quickly as you could, and it just became your “thing” together even after college, even after you got married to Toji. Once Toji saw that Nanami was going to be around much more than he liked, he tried to keep the snarky remarks to himself. 
Still, there was only so much he could take. 
He just never seemed to meet eye to eye with the blond man, and Nanami has always been territorial over his friends. He didn’t give everyone that title without great care, and when you started dating Toji, Nanami was not too keen on him. He didn’t know how Toji managed to catch your attention but you were genuinely happier around him, so Nanami didn’t make a fuss about it. However, it didn’t mean he had to be friends with the dark haired man. Toji could see the stiff politeness whenever he met Nanami. Toji’s hand gripped the steering wheel tighter when you left the store to go to his house. 
When you both arrived at Nanami’s place you were welcomed to low jazz music floating from his hidden speakers. You were greeted with a warm smile and a short hug, but for Toji who stood behind you Nanami gave him a curt nod. You both followed Nanami inside to his kitchen where he was preparing his meal already. You liked to show up a little earlier just to help him out, so the only thing chopped were a few herbs like garlic and rosemary, and it gave you plenty of time to catch up with each other. 
 “This week was unbelievable. I was telling Toji on our way here that I am very close to quitting my job,” you complained. 
“Do it,” Nanami shrugged. He opened his cabinets for wine glasses, grabbing three and setting them on the counter. Then he remembered you mentioning that Toji never imbibed, so he placed one glass back. 
He did the same last year, quit his job, you were the first person he told about his decision. You remember the day fondly. He has been happier since then, and he has shown no interest in rejoining the corporate world. 
“I told her the same shit but she’s afraid of ‘getting bored’,” Toji sighed. Finally, something Nanami and him could agree on. 
“It’s a really big thing to do! I don’t know how Kenny handled it.” 
“I knew the burnout from continuing would have been worse,” he said softly, and poured the wine glasses halfway. He handed you a glass first, then raised his glass up to you. “I wouldn’t want the same thing to happen to you. So listen to us for once,” he reasoned. Your fingers wrapped around the stem of the glass and you tapped your glass with his. 
You looked at Toji nodding his head. “Oh what the hell. To quitting!”
Nanami laughed at your new enthusiasm. “To quitting,” he echoed. He waited for you to taste first before taking a sip of his own. You let the drink settle fully on your tongue and look down into your cup. 
“C’est doux,” you hummed. 
Nanami grinned and swirled his own glass. He knew you would like it. Your sweet tooth was more manageable than a certain white haired menace he knew, matching his own preferences. He could handle sweetness in doses and this was the perfect amount. “It is, isn’t it?” 
Toji let out a deep sigh and Nanami raised his brow. His presence was brought back to Nanami’s attention and the annoyance settled in. Toji could at least keep the noises to himself.
“Would it kill you to try to learn a few phrases?”
“What good will French do for me?” Toji challenged. 
“It won’t make you lose anything,” he shrugged. 
“So it’s useless.” 
You didn’t know why Toji and Nanami always acted like this when they were around each other. They could be such great friends, you could feel it. You just had to find a way to get them there. 
“Look honey, just say sweet. Doux. ”
You and Nanami waited patiently for Toji to repeat it. He crossed his arms over his chest with a disapproving frown. 
“Pourquoi agit-il comme un enfant?” Nanami whispered it not-so-quietly into your ear. He didn’t need to whisper it at all as there was no way that Toji could understand what he said. It just made watching Toji’s jaw tick more amusing. 
You shoved Nanami’s shoulder then swirled the glass in your hand. 
“Wanna taste?” 
Toji doesn’t drink. He’d rather keep a clear mind at all times for whatever might happen, but he would never say no to a drink from your lips. It was the only way he’d drink anything alcoholic. 
You took another sip and curled your finger to him to get close, then pushed your lips on his. Toji crouched down to be slightly lower than your eye level, letting gravity do all the work while the wine seeped into his mouth. He moaned at the taste, or maybe at you, and his arms tightened around your waist. Once your mouth was empty you gave him one last kiss, your tongue running over the seam of his lips to catch any remnants.  
“Well. What do you rate it?”
His eyes fluttered open. “It is sweet. Not bad.” 
“ Doux ,” you said. You pouted that big eyed pout that broke Toji down no matter how silly the request was. It wasn’t fair to use your brown eyes like that against him and you knew it.
“Doux,” he sighed, and you rewarded him with another wine drunk kiss. He licked his lips after you pulled away, then went back in for another taste. You pushed him away when you remembered that Nanami was standing right next to you. He pretended like he couldn’t see your sickeningly sweet display of affection to each other. 
“It must suck to not have somebody to do this with,” Toji said, unprovoked. You jabbed him with his elbow, taken completely by surprise by the remark, while apologizing for him to Nanami. Toji did not take back what he said, and Nanami shot daggers with him that were aiming to kill. 
“I won’t be able to eat dinner like this,” you muttered. You dragged the arms of both men into Nanami’s living room. You plopped them both down on the couch, then sat on the table in front of them. 
“I need you two to loosen up already. I mean, it’s been a few years already. Neither one of you is going to leave my life so we need to get rid of this attitude now .”
Nanami crossed his legs, stretching his arm over the top of the couch. Toji scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest. 
“I don’t have an attitude,” Nanami said coolly. 
“That’s bullshit,” you and Toji said at the same time, and it was Kento’s turn to roll his eyes. You were becoming so much like Toji. He was so sure that his dearest friend that he’s known for all these years would suddenly morph into the man sitting next to him and he would have two Toji’s to deal with. Nanami’s frown deepened at the thought. 
“And you, baby. Why can’t you hang around Nanamin without looking like I’m forcing you to?”
Toji ran a weary hand down his face. “You’re not forcing me to do anything, I promise,” he sighed. “If I didn’t want to be here with you I wouldn’t be. I just think Nanami has a giant silver stick up his ass.”
“A stick up my ass,” Nanami repeated icily. “I welcome you into my home, try to feed you, and this is how you thank me?”
You tried to intervene before they got too heated. You saw Nanami put his leg back on the ground, turning his body to face your husband. “Okay, Toji that was a little–”
“I wasn’t thanking you.” 
“I don’t know what she sees in you,” Nanami exasperated.
“ Kento .” 
“What? He’s the complete opposite of you in every way.”
“And I love that about him. We’ve been together for too long for you to still be wishing for our downfall.” 
“I’m not and will never wish for your unhappiness. Him on the other hand–”
“I’m not going any-fucking-where,” Toji stated. Nanami pinched the bridge of his nose while you let out a breathy, humourless laugh. It would be funny if Toji and Kento were doing a bit, but they were like this at any given chance. It was like dealing with children that you didn’t have the time nor want for. You sighed, patted your knees, then got up and held your hand out to Toji. 
“Let’s just eat then leave. I won’t make you guys uncomfortable anymore.” 
Both men protested but you gave them a silencing glare. Toji’s mouth snapped shut and Nanami mumbled something that sounded like an apology. They both looked like kicked puppies back in the kitchen, but finally they were quiet. Nanami couldn’t even coax you to speak to him in their mother language, as anything you asked him you answered in English. 
Toji felt the worst of the group. After all, you were pretty excited to have dinner with him here and he felt like he had ruined the night for you. You wouldn’t look him in the eye and get everything you needed yourself, not asking him for help on anything. Toji looked at you so miserably that even Nanami felt bad. 
Toji swallowed his pride, something he only did for you, and engaged in a conversation with Nanami. 
“Have you ever been to France before?” He nudged Nanami as he stood over the stove, turning the sauce so the bottom wouldn’t burn. Nanami looked at you from the corner of his eyes. You feigned deep concentration at the chopping board, oblivious to their conversation. 
“Yes, a few times. For work however, not pleasure.”
“I’ve never been. That’s why I don’t really see the point of learning a language I’m not going to use often. It’s more of a skill you and her have,” Toji said honestly. 
“That makes sense. If there’s no motivation it would be hard to learn. You’ve been to France before, right?” Nanami turned to ask you and you shrugged. 
“Yes. Twice.” 
Nanami pursed his lips together. They were going to have to work a little harder but at least you were talking. 
“That’s right. You took a trip right after graduation and then attended a wedding there, correct?”
You made a sound of agreement. Toji scratched the back of his head hopelessly. 
“I will say Toji, French is pervasive. There’s French influence everywhere so you probably know a lot more of it than you think.” 
Nanami started listing out phrases and Toji was following along, telling him if he heard them before or not. They were doing this together, still preparing the dinner, making your heart thaw in the process. They were really getting along for your sake and it was all you ever wanted. 
“A popular term is ménage à trois,” Nanami murmured. He didn’t know why he brought it up all of a sudden, but it was true nonetheless. 
Immediately Toji’s eyes lit up. A wolfish grin was plastered on his face. “I know that one.”
Nanami rolled his eyes and scoffed. “Of course you do.”
“Remind me what it means again, blondie.” 
You decided that now you wanted to join in on the conversation. A slow smile stretched across your face. You set the knife down on the table, carefully wiping your hands clean with a towel as you answered. “Literally? A household of three.” 
Your eyes shined with a mischievous light and Toji knew that there was more to it. 
“Colloquially?” Nanami brushed Toji’s hand off his face. He took a sip from his glass, maintaining eye contact with Toji and gripped his waist. Toji lurched forward, surprised by the action but he was more concerned with how close Nanami’s face was to his. Nanami gave you a look at the corner of his eyes, asking for permission, looking for rejection. You didn’t look at him yet, instead gazing at Toji who was trying to gauge your reaction. You gave him a nod, and then a look to Nanami that said he’s all yours.
Nanami pressed his lips to Toji, letting the wine fall out and into Toji’s mouth. Toji let out a low groan, and you watched as the sticky red substance escaped the corner of their mouths as down their chins. You used your thumb to gather the wine on Toji’s face and licked it clean, then tapped Nanami’s jaw. 
“It means threesome. You got ahead of yourself there, Ken. Try not to swallow my man.”
“He was going to swallow me,” he retorted. Nanami released Toji and brushed his fingers over his lip. They had only kissed for a few seconds but they were tingling. He eyed Toji, who wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your head, seemingly unfazed. Toji’s ears told a different story. His face was as collected as ever yet they were flaming red, like they could burst to flames. Nanami wondered if he was pushed up against you to hide an erection, because Nanami was doing the same by standing so close to the counter to finish slicing his portion of vegetables. 
“Toji you’re slowing me down,” you complained to the man who was still holding onto you like a koala. His arms around you shortened your range of movement, so he raised them up so they wouldn’t be blocking your elbows. You shook your head yet a smile danced on your lips. No matter how Nanami felt, Toji always brought you joy, and he was glad to see your bright smile again. Toji could be standing, doing absolutely nothing but scowling at people, and you would still gaze dreamily upon him. It was ridiculous to watch from Nanami’s point of view, yet he couldn’t stay mad at it. You were smitten with Toji and he had to accept that.
“I’m not blind, you know. It’s hard to ignore you two fucking each other with your eyes,” you commented, shocking both men. “I don’t think I want to sit through that at the table, so let’s deal with this now.” 
You gazed at Nanami who doubled and tripled checked your expression to make sure he was not reading you wrong. 
“You want to…?”
“If Toji wants to,” you agreed. All eyes were on Toji. 
“Lead the way, cheekbones. I’ll do whatever she says.” 
With that Nanami washes his hands and leads you two to his bedroom. You were right, he couldn’t imagine sitting at the dining table with the way his heart was racing in his chest and his pants getting incredibly tight. It was better to deal with this now. Get it out of his system once and for all. Whatever this was. 
“Your room is exactly how I’d imagine it to be. Cold, ” Toji said pointedly once inside. Everything was neatly folded and tucked away. Dark bedding a few decorative pillows laid on the bed, and you sat down on the edge of it, already making yourself comfortable.
“You were having wet dreams about my bedroom?” Nanami raised a brow, causing the other man to scowl. You pulled Toji down to the bed next to you. Your lips tickled the outer shell of his ear when you spoke, yet your voice had a sharp edge to it that sent chills down your husband’s spine. 
“You’re such a little shit tonight. What is your problem?” 
Your fingernails scraped Toji’s nape and his jaw tightened. While it wasn’t intentional tonight, he liked the way you got rough with him when he was getting on your nerves. 
Nanami cleared his voice. “How are we going to do this?” You and Toji’s attention snapped at him. There was a beat of silence before Toji answered. 
“You’re already in front of me. How ‘bout you get on your knees?” Toji offered with a wicked smile. He had every right to decline, yet with one look at you and your bitten bottom lip Nanami felt compelled to do so. Never in a million years would Nanami think that he would be on his knees in front of Toji this way. He didn’t expect to get hard from it either. 
You rubbed Toji’s shoulders as you moved to sit behind him, cheering Nanami on while he kneeled in front of the other man. 
“Doesn’t Nanamin have the prettiest eyes, Toji? They’re absolutely gorgeous,” you cooed. Kento tugged at the belt holding Toji’s pants together, trying to ignore your compliments that made his ears flame. “I know how much you love brown eyes.” 
He was sure that one was meant just for Toji to hear since you dropped your voice down so low, but he heard it all the same. Nanami zeroed in on the hardening length in Toji’s pants, straining to be released and took his time unzipping his pants. You whispered more obscenities in Toji’s ears while Nanami gently pulled him out of his pants. He was already leaking with precum, making the blonde man smirk. 
“Something funny?” Toji asked gruffly. It’s been so long since anybody else’s hands but yours have been on Toji’s body, and the new feeling was exhilarating. Nanami dragged his tongue from the base to the tip before answering. 
“Nothing in particular. Do you want me to continue?”
“Keep focus on the tip,” you mention, still behind Toji. “He’s incredibly sensitive.”
Nanami kept that in mind as he swallowed Toji’s cock. You both watched him in awe as it seemed like he had no gag reflex. Spit rolled down Toji’s length and he let out a low hiss. By habit he placed his large hand on top of Nanami’s head, barely guiding him because Toji was too worried about busting quick. The sound of Toji’s cock head hitting the back of Nanami’s throat made you want to join in on the fun. 
“That’s enough, Kenny. I don’t want him to come just yet,” you purred. He didn’t hear you, his eyes were closed and he was moaning over Toji’s cock so you slipped onto the floor next to him, one hand running up his thigh to rub his erection through the fabric of his pants and the other one combed through his undercut until you got to the thick of his hair. Toji removed his hand off of his cheek so you could talk to him. You gently tugged his hair until he released Toji’s cock with a soft pop . “Enjoying yourself?”
Nanami looked at you from the corner of his eyes, breathing heavily. Your fingers on his erection made him painfully hard, his hand coming to rest on top of yours. Cum mixed with spit dripped down his chin and you collelected it with your thumb, pushing it up back into his mouth until he sucked on your digit, then you stared straight at Toji. Kento’s eyes were low and heady, making Toji ache even more. He had such long lashes and blinked slowly at him, daring him to say something. You grabbed Nanami by the chin and gave him a kiss, breaking the trance both men were in. 
It wasn’t your first time kissing Nanami. It was New Years during undergrad, and you were happy and drunk and willing to kiss anybody who was within arm’s reach. Nanami just happened to be the closest. It was a drunk and clumsy kiss that led to laughter and shouting “Happy New Year” right in his ear. You only vaguely remembered it the next day, apologizing profusely to your friend who said it wasn’t a big deal. 
However, this kiss was nothing like the one you two had shared those many nights ago. It was downright filthy, full of tongue and teeth, push and pull. The kiss was going to be burned in your mind forever. The fact that Toji was watching you made you put on a show, and Nanami felt the same heated eyes sweep over him. You made quick work with the buttons on Nanami’s shirt, almost popping them in your haste. Kento’s hand slipped past your waistband, gathering the arousal from your sex and fucking you leisurely with his middle finger in contrast to how ravenous he was with his mouth. Toji started to stroke himself from the scene in front of him, and immediately your eyes opened and wandered over to him. Your lips were still moving against Nanami’s, but you took Toji’s length in your free hand and he let go of himself. He watched your hand wrap around him, hissing when you thumbed his slit and you finally broke your kiss with Nanami. 
Nanami’s lips went down to your neck when he no longer had access to your mouth. Your perfume was the same type of subtle sweetness of the wine he drank, intoxicating him further. He managed to remove some of your clothes in his frenzy, and he was finally able to see the delicate lace bra you were wearing that was purple. Your nipples were visible through the berry fabric and peeking over the top of the cup, your breasts threatening to spill over completely. You tilted your head down to Nanami as he left a mark on your chest. 
“Help me out, Kento.” You gestured to Toji’s cock still hard in your hand. You kissed the bottom of his shaft, expecting Nanami to take care of the head. 
“ Fuck .” Toji had two mouths and two different hands on his cock, all moving at different speeds but had the same goal in mind. He had no idea how he was able to hold back from cumming for so long while looking at the both of you on your knees. Sometimes you’d switch off, Nanami flattening his tongue on the underside to feel the large vein hidden there while you swirl your tongue on the head, focusing solely on his tip. Your nose would bump Nanami’s moving around, and when it happened you would share a sloppy kiss before returning to the task at hand. Toji’s balls tightened, and he gave a warning through clenched teeth. 
“I’m going to cum.” 
Once again Nanami was at the top, his lips sealed tight around Toji. You backed off, opting to gently stroke the base of his cock as they had their moment.
“Do not get it in my eye,” Nanami warned. His voice was husky from using his throat but you weren’t sure that Toji could actually hear him. Their stare was electric, and Nanami openly gazed at Toji when he stuck out his tongue, waiting for him to cum. You stroked Toji harder while he cursed and shouted, painting Kento’s accepting mouth and face. The ribbons of cum slowed and some spurted on Nanami’s chest. Nanami looked down on the mess made on his chest, and before he could say anything you licked it off of his body. You didn’t want any of it to go to waste and Nanami wiped the ones off of his face by scooping it off of his finger and salaciously cleaned it off. 
“Take off your clothes,” you ordered when you looked back at your husband. He snapped out of his post-orgasm daze to shrug off his pants and shirt, tossing them to some corner of the room. 
“We were going to have some fun when we got back home,” you shrugged when Nanami wordlessly raised his brow at the blue plug seated in Toji’s ass. He grabbed the base and turned it slowly inside of Toji, who stifled a groan deep in his chest. 
“Is that why you always act like that? You need to have your attitude fucked out of you to behave?”
“Watch it, Nanamin. I could say the same about you,” you quipped. As far as you were concerned, you were the only one who could call out Toji for his brattiness. 
“I’m not the one prepped and ready to go.”
“Not everybody is as vanilla as you, blondie,” Toji smirked. “You should try it someday. It would help that stick in your ass that I was talking about.” 
“All you have to do is ask, Kenny,” you whispered in his ear. Your hand ran down his back, feeling the small of his waist and then cupped his ass. “Either one of us can make you feel good, I promise.” 
The offer was tempting, especially coming from your lips. Your fingers made mindless shapes on his skin, making his heart race. 
“I believe you,” he breathed.
A small smile formed on your lips. “Good. Next time, alright? Let’s not keep my baby waiting.” You kneeled beside Toji on the bed, taking his mouth to tongue him down, leaving Nanami to his devices. 
He watched the scene in front of him, you stroking Toji and your mouth melded in his. Nanami’s fingers grazed over his lips, remembering how yours felt while he grabbed a condom. He pulled the plug out of Toji, taking a moment to view how ready he was, and more blood went straight to Nanami’s cock. He slowly eased himself in Toji’s entrance, pulling back when only the tip entered just to annoy the other man. Toji’s eyes opened to glare at Nanami, then he hooked his leg around his waist, dragging him down and closer. Kento’s hands braced themselves on both sides of Toji’s body, his length going deeper inside of him as he tried to hold himself up. 
“So fucking impatient,” Nanami growled. He pushed the rest of his cock in Toji who moaned loudly in your lips. His teeth dug into your lips, and your free hand found its way to the apex of your thighs, circling your own bud from heated desire. Nanami held nothing back from Toji, fucking him with all the roughness your husband craved. Toji’s eyes rolled to the back of his head when Nanami put his leg over his shoulder to reach the end of him. 
“F-fuck, Kento,” he bit out. Nanami was fucking him like he had something to prove, and Toji was feeling it in his guts. Your hand on his cock only heightened his sensitivity. Then, in his brief moment of clarity, Toji coaxed you to sit on his face. There was no reason for you to get yourself off when his mouth was free, and it would help him to stop drooling over Nanami’s mind breaking strokes. 
You straddled yourself over Toji’s face and he wrapped his arms around your thighs to hold you closer. His nose teasingly nudged your clit, causing you to double over. You splayed your hands over his stomach and gyrated your hips on his tongue. 
Your hands roamed your own body until reaching your chest. Surprisingly your bra was still on, but the cups were pulled down under your bust and you tweaked your own nipple. You were too caught up in the feeling of Toji’s tongue fucking you to take it off completely. Toji who knew exactly what you needed stretched his arm to twist your other nipple.Your moans were not the only ones that could be heard in the room. Nanami gave soft grunts as he fucked Toji, and all of Toji’s noises were muffled by your sex. You grabbed Toji’s wrist and urged him to grab your whole breast tightly. With your head thrown back you wished he could put his hands around your neck instead. You were grazing your throat when your eyes fluttered open, staring up at the ceiling before jerking from Toji’s hands. He rubbed fast circles on your clit that choked you up. You drew ragged breaths that made Nanami swing his hips faster, matching the cadence of your moans. The legs around Toji’s head queened tighter as you rapidly approached your climax, but he chased that high as if it was his own. His tongue skillfully chipped away at your sanity.
“Ke-Kento,” you whined, begging him for help. Not that he’d want to in this situation. His body drifted towards your voice, and you stretched across to meet his mouth again. Your hands balanced yourself on Toji’s stomach again, grabbing his cock to stroke him quickly. You and Nanami shared breaths, your mouth grazing over each other’s before kissing again. Toji’s moans prompted yours, leading to Nanami biting your bottom lip. Every emotion was felt between all three of you, currents of energy jumping from one person to the next. Nanami wasn’t fucking you, but he might as well have been from all the noise you were making. 
You snapped first. You broke the connection of your lips from Nanami’s, throwing your head back to ride out your high on Toji’s tongue. Kento watched you unravel with hearts in his eyes. Your fingers left angry red marks on Toji’s wrists, as you tried to hold his hands while you spiraled down. Toji tightened dangerously around Kento, and despite his will not to Kento came the same time he did. Nanami filled the condom, and Toji painted his own stomach and chest with come for the second time of the night. Muffled curse words shuddered through clenched teeth left everyone’s mouth. You fell to your side in a heap, your head resting next to Toji’s knee as you tried to catch your breath. Nanami had just enough strength to pull out and take off his condom before collapsing on top of Toji. He’d worry about the sticky mess he’s lying on top of later. When your eyes fluttered open to see Toji’s arm thrown over Nanami’s back you let out a breathy giggle. 
Toji spoke first. “Is dinner still going to happen or…” 
Nanami scowled, pinching his thigh and your giggles turned into full on laughter. 
“All you do is take,” Kento grumbled. Toji gave his ass a playful slap in response.
“I guess you two can never really change, but this was a much needed first step,” you snorted. “But seriously, when are we going to eat, Kenny?” 
One would think you meant food. That’s what came out of your mouth, but your eyes hungrily swept over Nanami. 
“Vacuums. You both are vacuums.” 
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hoetolegist · 1 year
Let me have a taste
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Summary: Getting married is not something you want to do right now but sucking off the son of your mom's boss is
Warnings: sexual content, oral sex (m receiving), face-fucking, semi public, 2 seconds of jealous Stefan, oral sex (f receiving), protected sex, dirty talk, language (y'all know I like to curse), y/n is a riding pro, slight choking, explicit kinda
Authors note: this story was low-key an excuse for me to practice my blowjob writing skills lmao so the sex and the ending wasn't really thought out much nonetheless I hope you like it. p.s there's more plot than I thought oop-
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Every time you flew down to Mystic falls to visit your parents, your mom always ended up talking about how disappointed she was about you being 24 and single. This time was no different. You sat at the round glass table with your mom and your dad, eating a casserole that your mom made a few hours prior to your visit. It hasn't even been 10 seconds into eating before your mom cleared her throat to speak, you mentally prepared yourself for what was to come
"Y/n" she began "you're twenty four. You need to settle down and start a family"
You inwardly groaned and rolled your eyes. This is a conversation that you were never able to avoid, not when you were 21, not when you were 22, not when you were 23 and not now. What your parents don't understand is that you are a very busy woman. It's not that you don't want a boyfriend, you'd love to have someone to come home to and talk about your day with but you just don't have time for one right now. Not only were you a young and attractive woman who just wanted to have her fair share of fun before she couldn't anymore but you also had a serious job that requires a lot of your attention
Your mom got married to your dad when she was 22 and then went on to have you at 24. She wants you to follow in her footsteps and start a family early so by the time you're older you don't have to worry about raising children. The thing is though is that your grandparents were millionaires, they coddled and spoiled your mom endlessly, to the point where she didn't need a job or to do anything for that matter so she decided start a family. Although your mom inherited her parents riches when they passed away, you refused to be spoiled rotten. You wanted to work hard for what you have and you did. You love and respect your mother but you refuse to sit around all day in a house too big, being a stay at home mom who does nothing but cook and clean
"Please don't start. I came here to see you and dad, can we not focus on my love life today" you said as you pushed your food around the plate with a fork, avoiding eye contact
Your mom placed her fork on her plate and sighed. "Honey I just want the best for you. I want you to start a family like me. What about that adorable Matt" she replied
"Mom no" you scoffed "wh- why would you even suggest that?"
Matt was a childhood friend of yours from middle school. You still hang out with him probably once or twice a year but you guys drifted apart a long time ago, there were no hard feelings, it's natural. Your mom loves Matt though, every time you see her she says "you and that Matt kid would make a great couple" or "he'll be your husband one day I'm telling you" but she hasn't even seen him since you guys were 18
The sound of your chair scraping the floor filled the room as you pushed back in your seat to get up. "I haven't talked to Matt in a while" you sighed and grabbed the plates before walking through the door that connected the dining room to the kitchen so you could wash your dish "and please stop telling your friends that I'm looking for a husband. If Mrs. Lockwood calls me one more time, I'm pulling my hair out" you said loud enough for her to hear
You began scrubbing the dishes as your mom walked in and leaned on the counter next to you, her brown bangs fanning messily over her forehead. "Okay I'm sorry honey. I just want you to find a ni-"
"nice guy and settle down" you finished for her "I know and I will. Just not now. There's so much I want to do for myself before I have to share my life with anyone else" you turned the faucet off and shook your hands before drying them on the kitchen towel
She sighed but prodded no more, just tapping the counter "okay honey, we have guests later today" she said before heading to the living room. Your dad leaned against the door frame and you knew he was going to say something, having heard that whole conversation. He shook his head before walking over to you and placing his dish in the sink. "She's just looking out for you in the only way she knows how" he kissed the top of your head "I'll talk to her about it okay?"
You nodded as he turned around and walked out of the kitchen. You released a heavy sigh and grabbed your phone off of the counter before leaving through the backdoor to get some fresh air. You had many messages from your friends, they must be worried since you haven't talked to them since you landed which means it has been two days now
Y/n, are you okay?
I said text me when you get there remember??
Bonnie is gonna spam call the group chat if you don't answer
Hey! Just checking in
I stg you better not be dead
I'm calling
[2 missed calls from Bonnie]
[4 missed calls from 'the girls who care']
You chuckled to yourself upon seeing those messages. You decided to three-way call the group chat so you didn't have to go back and forth texting both of your friends. You sat down on the rocking chair as your phone rang
"You bitch" was the first thing you heard once the ringing stopped. Caroline picked up first then Bonnie, they were both scolding you at the same time and you just sat back on the chair and sighed since you couldn't get a word in yet
"Do you understand how worried we were?!" Caroline shouted into her mic
"Seriously, we were about to pack and fly down there" Bonnie added on a bit calmer but you could tell she was just as upset
You waited for them to get silent before you responded "I'm sorry guys. I didn't think things were going to be hectic as soon as I arrived"
They sighed because they knew exactly what you were talking about. The first and last time you ever invited your friends down to visit, your mom embarrassed you endlessly. Not the cute embarrassment when she talks about your baby pictures and coo over your squishy cheeks. No, the embarrassment that comes with getting yelled at in front of your friends for not wanting to get married at 22, the embarrassment of your mom practically telling your friends that they might as well kill themselves if they don't start a family early
"You need to put your foot down y/n" Caroline said with a huff "just cuss her out or something"
"She's my mother Care, I can't cuss my mother out"
"Sure you can" you could picture her rolling her eyes at you "all because she's your mom doesn't mean you have to take the constant disrespect"
Caroline was the one you don't go to for advice and the times you do, you don't really listen to her much. This time, maybe she was right, maybe you do need to put your foot down but if you were going to do it, it wouldn't be today. You waited for Bonnie to say something, anything. She's the calm one, the one that talks some sense into them when things were going wrong and you needed some sense right now
Bonnie sighed exasperated "Y/n, don't cuss your mom out. Caroline, stop suggesting stupid shit like that" you nodded as if she could see you "just sit her down and talk to her about it, your dad is on your side so both of you could team up and make her see that you can make your own decisions about your life and you don't need to be hassled for it"
You face palmed yourself "I've done that already Bonnie. I can't- I can't talk anymore, I've done enough talking with her"
That's when Caroline decided to speak again "well..." she started. You and Bonnie were prepared for her to say something absolutely useless but she said something that actually kind of peaked your interest. "Why don't you just tell her you already have a boyfriend? To get her off of your back at least for the rest of your visit" she said nonchalantly
"Wait- say that again" you demanded, getting up from the swing and pacing the back porch
"Uh, just tell her you have a boyfriend already?" She said it like it was a question "I mean it might be stupid but it could work. Your mom just wants you to settle down, tell her that you will and she'll be excited enough to leave you alone"
"Care you're a fucking genius!" you shouted, you kept your phone stable by using your shoulder as you pumped your fists in victory as if you had the idea yourself. "Gosh I love you guys so much. I'll have to talk to you later okay?"
This plan was absolutely fucking genius. Caroline can be on the dumber side sometimes and her ideas were over the top but there are times where she has those moments that made you want to grab her face and kiss her silly and now was one of those amazing moments.
"Wait" Bonnie tried "Y/n think it through first you can't just-"
You hung up. Of course Bonnie was going to have protests and you'll call her to talk about her opinions later but for now you have a plan and you want to get everything in your head situated first. You texted the chat saying sorry for hanging up so abruptly then you put your phone in the back pocket of your jeans before flinging the back door open
Nobody was in the living room so you threw yourself on the couch and turned on the TV just for some background noise while you sat deep in thought. Deep in the back of your mind you knew this plan would never work but if it did end up working out the way you hoped, you'd have a relaxing rest of your visit. Now you're certain that she'll ask a shit ton of questions, things like "what's his name?" And "when did you meet?" Or "why didn't you tell me this sooner?" So you came up with an answer for all of those questions. Once you came up with your fake backstory and a name to go with it, you decided to go up to your room and take a nap
You knew that you should probably get started on dinner but you were burnt out from the day and the constant nagging you had to put up with. The stairs creaked as you walked up two steps at a time. Your bedroom was still decorated the same from when you were 17 years old. Tacked onto the pale blue walls were multiple BTS posters, a light brown, wooden desk was pushed into the corner closest to the window and right in the middle of the spacey room sat a queen sized bed with pale blue sheets to match the walls and a heavy black comforter because your parents loved to keep the house cold
With a heavy sigh, you closed the door and went to the bathroom that was connected to your room. After washing up and cleaning your face you threw yourself onto the soft bed and curled under the comforter. Later you'll think things through more but right now you need to get some serious shut eye
"Y/n!" You heard a muffled voice shout out. It was your mom standing at the bottom of the stairs calling for dinner. She had a phrase for waking you up when you were a kid "two shouts before I come in and throw ice water on you". You realized that was her second shout once you heard the stairs creak with every step she took to come up
You rolled out of bed, your butt thumping the ground pretty hard. "Shit" you grimaced and lifted yourself to rub your right ass cheek before you heard your doorknob turn. Your mom flung the door open and stood in the doorway with a big blue cup in her hand, no doubt full of the coldest water she could find. "Hi mom, I'm up" you said groggily as she eyed you like you were crazy. You were sitting on the floor half asleep with one eye open, just your bra and panties on, rubbing your bruising ass cheek while your blanket was tangled around your legs, you could be seen as crazy. She opened her mouth to speak but shut it right away, just nodding and shutting the door quickly with a thud
Okay, so not the best way to say hello to your mother but if she knew how to knock she wouldn't have caught you in such a compromising position. You placed one elbow on your bed and another on your bedside table to hoist yourself up with a grunt. "Jesus fucking Christ" you mumbled as you dragged yourself to the bathroom to make yourself presentable. Your mom was inviting one of her co-workers over for dinner and she briefly woke up earlier to tell you to dress your best because there was someone she wanted you to meet
You thought that maybe she was trying to get you to talk to one of her friends so you could get a job in town, you knew how badly she wanted you to move back in with her and your dad. So when you walk down stairs in your black, tight fitted long sleeved shirt, camaflouge print cargo pants - cinched at the ankles, and black, leather converse high tops, you weren't expecting to see one of the most gorgeous men you have ever seen before in your 24 years of living. Your mom was talking to a lady who you assumed was her co-worker while the man looked around the living room, smiling at family pictures and touching the plants
"Oh Y/n you're here!!" Everyone looked at you at the announcement of your arrival. You waved shyly then walked over to your mom with your arms stiffly at your sides. She introduced the woman as Vanessa Salvatore, the CEO of Salvatore inc, the largest car company in all of North America. Your jaw damn near touched your toes, when your mom had said co-worker you wouldn't have thought that she meant the CEO of the goddamn company she worked at
The woman shook your hand firmly and called over the man who was walking around the living room. "This is my son" she said as he walked over. He was dressed in a white button-up shirt, paired with a grey suit and brown shoes, his dirty blonde hair was gelled back, a missed curl falling prettily in front of his eye. As he planted himself next to his mother you noticed that his eyes were a beautiful emerald green and his jaw was chiseled to perfection, it could cut through diamonds if he tried. He was devastatingly gorgeous, taking your eyes off of him would not be easy
"Hello, I'm Stefan Salvatore" he held his hand out and flashed a beautiful, toothy smile. You smiled right back at him and took his hand, shaking firmly like your mom taught you. "Y/n Smith, nice to meet you" you replied, trying to sound professional, this must be something important, pertaining to your mothers job. You pulled your hand back while he stared at you, intensely like he was trying to read you through your eyes. You were starting to feel kind of hot under his gaze so you turned around to go help your father set the table
Your father greeted you with a smile when you walked through the doors "hey honey" he said as he grabbed a stack of napkins "help set these plates, will you?" He kissed your cheek then walked past you to set down the napkins. While you grabbed the plates you heard the kitchen door swing open, you turned around to see who it was and there was Stefan, waving hello to your father as he walked toward you
"Y/n right?" Stefan grabbed the glass cups that were stacked on the counter next to you "sorry if I stared a little back there, you are a gorgeous woman" he said, you could see a slight smirk on his face, he's confident, that's either a good thing or a bad thing. "Thanks, you're a very handsome man" you returned the compliment before going to set the plates down. He followed you to the connected dining room and set a cup down beside every plate you placed on the table. A comfortable silence wrapped around the two of you as you both worked to set the table
After the table was done being set up you called everyone into the dining room to eat. Your mom cooked since you had taken a nap (you reminded yourself to apologize for that later). She made baked macaroni, sliced ham, sliced turkey, yellow rice with gravy and baked chicken. You were ready to dig in but guests first was the biggest rule whenever you had company over. You waited until their plates were fixed then you eagerly stood up and placed some of everything on yours
"So Michelle, I heard that the idea of two engines was your idea" Ms. Salvatore held a hand to her mouth as she talked. Your mom nodded her head "I was quite shocked at hearing that but after learning so much about you I could see that you are a smart woman". You smiled proudly upon hearing this, your mom had been working on that two engine idea for the better part of a year, when she finally got the chance to pitch it to her higher ups she was a big ball of nerves, calling you every two seconds before she had to be in the boardroom
Your mom bowed her head shyly "thank you so much Vanessa" she said gratefully, a hue of pink faint on her cheeks
Conversations flowed perfectly after that. Ms. Salvatore asked you questions like where you worked and where you lived now and you had answered truthfully. You were the head photographer at the modeling agency you worked at in New York, Lights up studios
Mrs. Salvatore's eyes lit up "Oh! A photographer? My Stefan is a model and he lives in New York too" she pat his shoulder "It's hard to get him to come visit since his schedule is very tight but he manages"
"Me too, I visit whenever my schedule dies down a bit" you cleared your throat and looked at Stefan "a model? You are very handsome" you noticed the way your mom looked between you two with a big smile on her face. "Which companies have you worked with?". You wanted to know if he ever worked with your company before, maybe before you began working there he had done some shoots
Stefan shrugged "uh, nothing big just-" he looked at his mom and sighed, she was obviously very proud of his profession "Gucci and Louis Vuitton, places like that" he scratched the back of his head, for some reason embarrassed
Your eyes widened and you put your fork down "Oh wow that's totally big. I would love to see your pictures one day". You could tell he was about to decline but his mom already had her phone in hand and pictures pulled up. Stefan's photos were amazing, he was a natural and whoever his photographer was, they were so very talented. Your breath caught in your throat at one specific photo from an underwear photoshoot, it was hot but it weirded you out that you were looking at it from his moms phone. You sat back up and started chewing on a piece of ham while his mom showed more pictures to your parents
Dinner was great. After you and your mom had finished clearing the table, everyone gathered in the living room. After thanking Mrs. Salvatore for coming over, your dad went upstairs to his room because he had to get to work early tomorrow. Your mom sat next to Mrs. Salvatore on the couch and they seemed to be talking about something important. Stefan was sitting on a recliner, looking a little lost so you decided to sit on the one next to him
"Hey" you said as you sat down "I apologize, I wouldn't have asked if I knew you were going to be a bit uncomfortable". You were feeling bad about his obvious discomfort when you asked to see his pictures. He obviously didn't like talking about his profession much and you didn't mean to pry
He flicked his wrist dismissively "It's fine. I wanted to show them, I just uh, get a little embarrassed when my mom starts to talk about it" he lowered his head "it's stupid"
You shook your head "it's not stupid, I know how you feel". Hearing your parents brag about you is the worst, especially when it's about something as big as what Stefan does. You couldn't even imagine your mom pulling out pictures of you to brag to anyone she has a chance to brag to
"I'm surprised I've never bumped into someone as sexy as you up in New York" Stefan suddenly leaned over and whispered into your ear, deep and raspy. Heat immediately pooled in your stomach at the sinful sound. He's obviously not shy when it comes to flirting, is what you thought to yourself
You chuckled "is that so?". What you did next was bold but you didn't care. You turned your head his way, he was still leaning close to you so now your faces were only inches apart, you could see the shards of gray in his eyes and the way his lips formed a lopsided heart. "Well Mr. Salvatore, now you know where to bump into me" you whispered against his lips. His eyes flickered to your lips then back to your eyes
Just as he was about to reply, Mrs. Salvatore called you both over. You got up at the same time and walked over to the couch. Your mom was looking around nervously and that made you nervous but you didn't say anything, you waited for whatever was about to be said. "Uh, we think you two should go out and get drinks. Let the adults talk some more"
You looked at your mother and just like you thought, she wasn't making eye contact with you. No way was she trying to set you up with her boss's son. "Mom, can I talk to you in the kitchen" you said with a fake smile on your face
"Honey" she laughed awkwardly "we have guests"
"Just for a minute"
You turned around and walked to the kitchen, knowing your mom would be right behind you. "Mom what the fuck?" You whisper shouted once she walked in and the door was closed "your boss's son? Are you serious right now?"
She raised a brow "excuse me young lady? Watch your mouth" she sighed "now it's just to see how compatible you two are. He's a sweet young man and if you're going to get married soon then-"
You threw your hands in the air and interrupted her with a groan "I don't want to get married mom, what don't you understand!"
She was pleading with her eyes now "Y/n just try, you might like Stefan, he's a sweet boy. And he has seemed to take a liking to you already"
"Mom I don't-" You sighed tiredly, you have no more fight left in you and no more strength left to even finish that sentence. Everything you tell her goes in one ear and out the other, you can't do it anymore so you just agreed. You glared at your mom one more time before leaving the kitchen, mumbling a quiet "nice to meet you" to Ms. Salvatore before snatching your car keys from the hook by the front door
"Let's go Stefan" you said with a little sass as you threw the front door open and walked out into the night. Stefan was right behind you, closing the house door and scrambling to sit in the passenger side of your black Mercedes E Class. Once in the car, you started it and exhaled heavily "do you mind if I bluetooth this?" You asked Stefan as you held up your phone, indicating you needed to make a call. He shrugged and sat back, buckling his seat belt
As you pulled out of the driveway the sounds of your phone ringing filled the car. You needed some sense right now before you angrily killed you and Stefan by driving off of the next bridge you cross so you called the only person who could give you some sense. "Hello?" A voice whispered, she was obviously sleeping and you would feel bad if you weren't completely pissed
"Bonnie, why the fuck do I put up with this shit? I can't talk to her and to hell with the fake boyfriend plan, that wasn't going to work anyway and I knew it wasn't the minute I put my head down to nap" you were going on and on, to anybody else the silence would mean Bonnie doesn't really care but you know she's just listening intently "I can't do this shit anymore. I can't keep coming down here and hearing the same shit and worrying about the next man my mom is trying to marry me off to in Mystic Falls. It's exhausting Bonnie"
You weren't even angry anymore just exhausted. You tried to understand your mom, you tried to sympathize with her, you tried to be angry with her but none of it is working. Nothing you do is going to stop the constant nagging and the constant questions about your love life and the silent judgement you get from her friends whose kids are already married
Bonnie hummed "what happened y/n? Did she tell another one of her friends that you want a husband"
"Basically. She invited her boss and the lady's goddamn son to the house for dinner then sent me out to get drinks with the fucking son" you chuckled dryly "she thinks I didn't notice her smiling at us like we were going to get married right there in the fucking living room"
Stefan was looking at you like you were crazy but you paid him no mind. He knew exactly what you were talking about because judging by the way his mom was smiling from ear to ear upon introducing him, she definitely told him he needed to start looking for a wife too
"Is he ugly?" Is what Bonnie asked, you saw Stefan smirk out the corner of your eye and this time it pissed you off so you said the logical answer
"Yes" you bit back a snicker when you saw his eyes widen "and he's shorter than a troll"
"Hey! You're a liar" Stefan said, pointing an accusatory finger at you
"IS HE IN THE CAR?" Bonnie shouted, you winced at how loud it was, leaning over to turn the car volume down a little
You released a laugh, high pitched and squeaky "yeah he is" you laughed harder "you should see the way he's glaring at me"
Before you knew it, all three of you started laughing. It felt nice to laugh like that and you felt less pissed. Bonnie then stopped laughing and called your name, you hummed in acknowledgment. "Just make the most of it okay? Don't think of it as your mom sending you off on a date, think of it as you meeting a new friend" she said
You nodded your head, she's right you need to think more positively. Stefan is funny and handsome, you won't marry him but you sure would fuck him if you had the chance. So why not make the most of it? "You're right Bon, thank you" you sighed "I don't know what I'd do without you". You said your goodbyes and apologized for waking her up then you hung up
"Great friend. Mine would've told me to push you out of the car and take the next flight back to New York" Stefan said once the call ended
You laughed and glanced at him "if I had called my other friend, she would've said the same thing" you stopped at a red light then leaned back in your seat "you're not ugly by the way or short" you said quietly, your joking demeanor long gone
"I know" he replied smugly. You scoffed in disbelief and amusement, so he's definitely not one to turn down a compliment
You shook your head as you started driving again "Salvatore you're something else" you replied, hearing him release a breathy laugh in response
It's a sound you've come to like, maybe a little too much
The music was blaring and you could barely hear the story Stefan was trying to tell you. You both agreed to go to a local night club called "Mindy's", great bar service and great bathrooms to suck someone off. Stefan was leaning back in the booth across from you, his legs were spread out and he had both arms propped up behind him, he threw his head back in a deep laugh at one of his own jokes and you swear it was one of the sexiest things you ever heard
You were still kind of upset about your mother trying to set you up to get married but you tried not to think about it here. You were with Stefan and more than likely going to get fucked tonight, why ruin that with complaints? You tapped on the table "do you want another drink?" You asked Stefan as you slid out of the booth to go get yourself your fourth one of the night. He nodded and allowed his eyes to roam your body as he handed you his empty glass. Your fingers grazed his as you grabbed the cup and you felt tingles from the warmth
You walked away confidently, certain that he was staring at your ass. "Two gin and tonics please" you said with a smile once you reached the bar. The male bartender smirked at you before fixing the drinks
"Here alone?" The bartender asked, his shiny black hair was messy like he had been running his hands through it and his eyes were a striking blue "I'm Landon by the way"
You hummed and replied "with a friend" then you let yourself stare at his plump, red lips as he ran his tongue across the bottom one. "I'm Y/n", the bartender looked at you with some type of intensity in his eyes, you knew he wanted you but you just wanted to flirt. Flirting always calls for a good time
He slid you your drinks then leaned forward "I'd love to take you out sometime" he whispered "I don't see many beautiful women like you in the falls". You almost rolled your eyes, these men don't seem to see beautiful women anywhere. You grabbed the drinks, lifting your brow at an extra he slid over, saying it was "on the house"
You smiled at him and thanked him for the drinks and compliment. "Maybe you'll see me around more" you said, knowing that you'll be leaving soon and not coming back for a couple more months. After telling him that you should get going, you turned around and headed back to your booth
When you got back to the table, Stefan was looking at you with his eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched. You decided to sit next to him instead of across from him. "Got an extra!" you shouted into his ear. He smiled, tight lipped and his eyes were sharper like he was angry. You asked him what was wrong but he just shrugged and said nothing so you hummed and started swaying in your seat to the music
"I want to dance"
Stefan just looked at you and raised a brow as if questioning why but you just grabbed his hand and drug him out of the booth. "Humor me" you said, placing a hand on his chest "just one dance"
He stared into your eyes for a few minutes then he took your hand and walked onto the dance floor. He spun you around, pressing your back to his chest "hm, I think someone else was expecting a dance too" he whispered, his warm breath fanning across your neck. Your breath hitched as he pulled you closer, sliding his left hand down your left arm to intertwine your fingers
He was jealous. You realized it in the way he held you possessively and the way he chose a spot right where the bartender could see you guys. It's not everyday you find a man as sexy as Stefan that wants you so badly so you caught yourself from smiling and decided not to comment on his jealousy
Instead you pushed your hips back as he placed his other hand on your waist to guide your movements. You could feel his heart beating rapidly on your back and you reveled in the feeling, you were making him feel like this. Eventually you were grinding up against him faster and harder and you could feel his breath picking up from the constant friction. You put your head back on his shoulder and closed your eyes, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth when he started to leave feather light kisses down your neck. "Mm" you hummed as arousal swirled in the pits of your stomach, you needed to fuck him now
"I want you” Stefan confessed, low and deep in your ear, his lips grazing your earlobe. “I would fuck you so well” he added, nipping the lobe of your ear afterward
You let out a little gasp when Stefan released your entwined fingers then spun you to face him. You were drunk off both pleasure and alcohol, a dangerous combination. Stefan then kissed you, so deeply and passionately that your knees almost buckled from the feeling. His lips were softer and warmer then you could have ever imagined, not that you had much time to imagine since you just met him not too long ago
You panted as he pulled back just a little "show me then please" you begged. You weren't even going to resort to begging at first but every time he touched you a fire ignited throughout your whole body and the only way to put it out is to feel him inside of you
“Begging already?” Stefan said, his lips still against yours
You whimpered and closed your eyes as he kissed you again. You needed Stefan and it's now or never but before you could tell him to take you to the bathrooms, he was already letting go
“Come on then” he teased in a low voice, sending a shiver down your spine. His hands trailed lightly down your back, just a teasing touch, before he gripped your ass. Then the touch was gone and his warmth was gone. You opened your eyes to see Stefan walking toward the bathrooms, he walked with his head held high and the crowd parted for him like the red sea
Before you knew it you were booking it to the bathrooms. As soon as you opened the door, you were pulled in and pushed against it. Stefan locked it then connected his lips with yours hungrily. You melted into his touch, enjoying the softness of his lips and the taste of alcohol on his tongue as he licked into your mouth. Stefan slid his hands under your shirt to squeeze your waist and the touch sent a lick of heat through your stomach. You pulled back and scanned his body
"Let me suck your dick" it was a demand but a question at the same time
He nodded with a groan "yeah okay". Stefan switched spots so his back was against the door and you were in front of him then he unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants down enough to get his dick out. Your eyes widened, you almost wanted to slap him for having such a perfect dick – it was long, thick and his pretty red tip was already dripping with pre-cum
You quickly sunk down to your knees and stuck your tongue out, licking a broad stripe along the vein on his cock. Stefan released a drawn out moan, letting the back of his head hit the door with a thud. "Fuck" he cursed under his breath as you started to suck on the tip. He put a hand in your hair, not pushing your head but just keeping it there
This turned you on though, you wanted him to grip your hair and fuck his cock down your throat. And you let him know that by sinking down as far as you can, then looking up at him with tears pricking your eyes. His grip in your hair tightened and his breathing picked up. "Okay shit, I get it" he said, smiling down at you and boy was his smile beautiful. "Tap my thigh whenever you want me to stop" he added before pulling his cock out to rub his tip on your lips
When you opened your mouth he took that opportunity to slide in, slowly, just until he hit the back of your throat then he pulled back again and slammed in harder. Your eyes watered but you just breathed through your nose, you wanted this. "So good baby" he breathed as he looked down at you with half lidded eyes. The praise make your pussy clench around nothing, wanting him to fill you up
Stefan gently fisted your hair with both hands as he began to thrust, moving your head along with him. "Those pretty lips were meant to be stretched around my cock" he said as he started thrusting faster, moans getting louder. You're sure anybody who was waiting for the restroom could hear him but that made it even hotter
Drool and tears ran down your face as Stefan brutally hit the back of your throat with each thrust, you closed your eyes and thanked the universe for not giving you a gag reflex. You moaned around his length, hearing him let out a curse from the vibrations just like you thought he would. You continued to look up at him as he stared down at you, he was breathtaking. His forehead glistened with sweat and his tongue swiped across his bottom lip every few seconds. He smiled at you in between a moan and it was the sexiest thing you had ever seen
Soon his thrusts were faltering and his cock was twitching against your tongue with the need to release. "Fuck- I'm gonna cum" he moaned as he put his head back and squeezed his eyes shut. His grip in your hair tightened as he thrusted one more time, stilling with a loud groan as he came hot and salty down your throat. You swallowed it all quickly then sucked on his tip a little more until he was pulling you off from over stimulation
"You're a fucking dream" he breathed out, his eyes following you as you stood back up and wiped your mouth with the back of your hand
"So I've been told" you replied with a laugh as you turned around to walk to the sink to wash your face and fix your hair
After Stefan tucked himself back in and buckled his belt back up he walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. "I don't have condoms on me" he mumbled as he kissed your ear. You tried not to pout in disappointment. You were really hoping to get fucked tonight but you were fine with it, you didn't care much
"It's fine I don't need anything in re-"
"But I have my own place a few blocks away" he interrupted with a face as if he was trying not to laugh and coo at you. That was all he had to say before you were grabbing his arm and unlocking the bathroom door. Of course you cared, you wanted Stefan and he didn't seem like the blowjob and go type of guy anyway. You didn't care about the people staring at the both of you as you flung the door open and walked out
You and Stefan walked to the car in silence because if either of you spoke you'd probably just say fuck it and have the nastiest sex on your backseat. Electricity was buzzing through your veins and you were already wet from earlier, you know he could fuck you good and you're ready to be pinned down and fucked rough
Stefan had already typed his address into your phone's GPS so in just a few minutes you were pulling up a huge driveway. Your eyes widened as something akin to a mansion came into view. His house was fucking huge, there is no way he lives here alone and of course you talked first and asked that very question. "You live here? Alone?" You asked your car came to a halt by the entrance
He shook his head and replied "not alone". You raised a brow and asked with who and he told you that he has a three year old puppy named Rose that he keeps with him every time he visits Mystic Falls, giving the puppy to his parents whenever he isn't here. For some reason you felt a sense of relief at the confirmation of nobody else living there but you ignored it because what would you be relieved for?
When you walked in the house you didn't even have time to process how big and beautiful it was inside before Stefan was grabbing your waist and smashing ypur lips together. You yelped as he picked you up and you quickly wrapped your legs around his waist. "You're so fucking sexy" he said in between nips on your bottom lip. He carried you up a flight of stairs with his lips still connected to yours, not pulling away until he threw you on a big bed in a bedroom way too big for one person. You sat still and looked around as Stefan went to go grab condoms out of his dresser
The room was huge but very bland like something you'd imagine a guest room to look like but you knew it was his room because of the single picture of him accompanied by a tall man with black hair that sat on his dresser. You wanted to ask questions but you didn't want to pry too much
Soon Stefan came back with three condoms, you lifted a brow and giggled. "Three? Are you trying to kill me?" You asked in faux disbelief. You can handle three rounds but you aren't sure if he can, not with you
He laughed lowly while moving to hover over you. "Just hoping you can keep up" he said before pressing his lips against yours, you wrapped your arms around his neck and wrapped your legs around his waist as you pulled him closer and kissed him back harder. You could kiss Stefan forever, it was like your lips were made to be on his
You both grinded against each other before Stefan pulled back to start kissing down your neck. "Tell me what you like" he said as he nipped a sensitive part on your neck "I'm open to anything" he continued, detaching his lips from your neck so he could pull your shirt off, you complied by lifting your arms
"Mm" you moaned as he kissed around your breasts, you indeed wore no bra. Your breasts are big but not too big so you were able to pass without a bra sometimes. "I like rough but not too rough, I don't want to bleed. I like to be choked and please don't hesitate to leave marks, it turns me on". You placed a hand on the back of his head as he started sucking on one of your hard nipples. "If you're too silent I might get up and leave in the middle of it" you laughed when Stefan softly bit your nipple trying to hold back a laugh. "I'm serious, be vocal, I like to hear how good you feel" you said, looking down in time to see Stefan wink at you
"Of course I'll be vocal baby" he mumbled against your skin as he was switching to the other nipple. You shuddered at the pet name again and closed your eyes thinking of more things to tell him
"If I say pineapple that means stop"
Stefan released your nipple with a pop "you better pineapple the shit out of me if you feel any bit of discomfort, got it?" He said with a small smile. You replied with a simple yes before helping him pull his shirt off
This man was carved by angels then double checked by the Greek Gods, you've never seen abs so chiseled and defined. Your mouth hung open as you shamelessly swept his torso with your eyes. Is it weird to say someone has pretty nipples? It probably is but that didn't stop you. "You're nipples are so pretty" you blurted, mentally face palming yourself once you said it
"Thanks" Stefan smiled then pinched one of your nipples "so are yours"
"Just fuck me already" you huffed with a playful roll of your eyes
Stefan kissed you again as he pulled your pants and panties off, quickly pulling his pants and boxers off as well. He stared open mouthed at your pussy and you were about two seconds away from covering up before he began to run his fingers along your glistening folds. He spread you open with two fingers "fuck you're so wet" he removed his fingers and brought them to your lips, you willingly opened your mouth to taste yourself like he wanted you to
He watched you with a hungry look in his eyes which spurred you on more. As much as you wanted to get fucked, you loved the foreplay, you know your orgasm is going to be so much more intense when he does get around to fucking you. You dragged your tongue in between his two fingers and you sucked hard, reminding him of the blowjob you gave him back at the club. "Shit" he whispered, voice heavy with arousal. You released his fingers then watched him move down so his head could be between your thighs
"Gonna taste you first" he said then he stuffed his face into your pussy
You arched up and released a sigh when he licked a stripe up your core and to your clit. He wrapped his lips around it, sucking hard as you grabbed the sheets on either side of your head and squeezed your eyes shut. It felt so good and you wanted so badly to hump his face. "So good Stefan" you whined when he swirled his tongue around your clit then moved to push his tongue through your pulsating hole, using his thumb to rub your clit
It was messy, you were so wet for him and you could hear the way he slurps on your pussy, it pushed you closer and closer to the edge. He pushed two fingers into your hole at once and it felt so good with just a small sting. He hooked his fingers, hitting your g-spot right away. "Right there" you whined breathily, pushing back on his fingers
He was so good at this, knew exactly what to do with his fingers and mouth. But you needed more, you wanted to cum on his cock. You tapped his head "fuck me" you looked at him through half lidded eyes and squeezed your own nipples "I want you so bad" you said, moaning softly when his pressed a kiss to your core
Stefan nodded and quickly sat up on his knees and opened one of the condoms. You watched as he rolled it on then pumped himself a few times. It was hot, he was hot. "Relax for me, okay?" Stefan whispered, rubbing circles into your thighs as he lined himself up with your hole. A quiet moan left you as he pushed in excruciatingly slow, his eyes stuck on where you two are now connected. He rests his hand down on your mound, thumb rubbing small circles into your clit as he rocked his hips into yours
"Shit" Stefan muttered softly to himself. He hadn't really set a pace yet, just lazily rolling his hips and enjoying the feel of your warm, wet pussy squeezing him so tightly. "Fuck you feel so good" he grunted out as he began to speed up his thrusts, fucking into you so hard that his neighbors could probably hear the slap of skin against skin
Stefan slid his hand up your torso to squeeze one of your breasts, rolling your nipple between his thumb and pointer finger. "Oh my God" your eyes rolled into the back of your head, his cock hit your g-spot with each thrust inside of you. You gripped his sheets to keep yourself from sinking your nails into his biceps. "Deeper please Stefan" you whined, not knowing how he could get any deeper but you need him to try
"Ride me" is what he replied "if you want it, then ride me" he challengingly quirked a brow and smirked. He was obviously teasing you but with no hesitation you put your hands on his shoulders and pushed him back, allowing his cock to slide out of you so you can hover above him
"You're so fucking sexy" He whispered as you positioned yourself above his cock and sunk down, he was just in you but the stretch was still there, it was a dull pain. His fingers dug into your sides harshly, hard enough to leave bruises and you'd smile about it if you weren't trying to fit his cock in you
You circled your hips a few times before lifting yourself up and slamming back down. You set the pace and made the movements quick and harsh. Stefan slid his hands down to your ass, helping you bounce up and down on him. "You ride me so well" Stefan groaned, eyebrows furrowing out of pleasure
You couldn’t help but clench around him from the endless praise, the action causing him to buck his hips as he moaned “yeah, just like that”. One particular swivel of your hips had you both groan in unison as you worked his cock to find your sweet spot. You locked into the feeling desperate to find it by grinding his cock deeper because it was right there, making your eyes roll backwards into your head. "Oh F-" you shuddered as you found the spot you were looking for
Stefan looked at you with eyes fogged with pure lust. There was no way he could close his eyes when you moved like that above him. He lifted his hips up to meet yours and although you weren't planning on cumming so quickly, that pushed so far over the edge, you couldn't even see straight as your orgasm knocked the breath out of you. Your vision was blurred, the dull ringing in your ears made your head pound and your body convulsed embarrassingly on top of Stefan
Your pussy fluttered violently around his cock, gripping onto it in a way that made Stefan's body shiver from pure pleasure. He’s moaning loudly, no longer being able to hold back. He brought a hand up to wrap around your throat as he planted his feet on the bed, sat up slightly and started fucking up so hard into you that you damn near saw stars
Both of you were sweating heavily and your skin was burning hot by now but you didn't want to stop, no matter how far you were pushed into oversensitivity
You could tell he was close when you felt him twitch inside of you so you used all of your energy to circle your hips to meet his thrust. "Fuck y/n" was the last thing you heard being whispered near your ear as he spilled inside of you, collapsing on top of you but not entirely as to not crush you
You both layed there for a few minutes breathing heavily. You tapped Stefan's shoulder to tell him to get off of you. With a sigh he pulled out of you and flopped onto your side, pulling off the condom and tying it up. "You're really a dream" he chuckled softly as he threw the condom into a small garbage bin by his bed
"So you've said" you looked at him and smiled. The silence was comfortable, just both of you basking in your post orgasm glow and waiting for your breathing to calm down. Suddenly your phone rang loudly, you sat up quick and felt around for it, picking your pants up off the floor and pulling it out of the back pocket
It was your mom calling, you looked at Stefan with wide eyes and put a finger over your lips. "Hello?" You stood up and paced the room, not bothering to even put your undergarments back on
"Y/n, where are you? It's almost one in the morning"
You bit back the scoff you so badly wanted to release "I'm with Stefan mom. Did you forget that you sent me off to get married to your boss's son?"
She sighed heavily, you could picture her leaning against the counter, rubbing her temples. "But that doesn't mean stay out all night doing God knows what! You still stay under my roof while you're here"
This time you did scoff, rolling your eyes as well "mom excuse my language but what the fuck?" You shook your head as Stefan looked over at you in concern "you begged me to leave the house with a random guy in hopes of me getting married so you can relive that through me, you don't get to lecture me when I don't come home for a couple of hours"
"Now Y/n watch-"
She tried to speak but you just needed to let this out so you interrupted her. "He could've been a serial killer or a kidnapper and if anything had gone left you wouldn't even be hearing my voice right now" you felt your eyes sting with tears, trying as best as you could to blink them back before they could fall "you're lucky that I'm with someone who actually makes me feel a bit safe. I'm not coming home tonight and I'll be packing tomorrow and going back to New York. I love you but I don't love the constant nagging about my love life, you don't respect me or my wishes mom. I'm sick of it" you tried to catch a tear before it slipped but it was too late "get some sleep okay? Goodnight, I love you" you hung up the phone and just stood there, butt naked and facing the wall with tears silently rolling down your face
You wiped your face and took breaths before turning around "uh, I'm gonna go" you walked to the bed and started putting your clothes back on and Stefan just watched. You didn't know if he wanted to say something or if he just didn't care but either way you just wanted to go. As you were putting your shirt on that's when Stefan got up, quickly going to his closet to rummage through a whole bunch of clothes. He pulled out a pair of black gym shorts and a white sleeveless t-shirt
"It's not much but if you uh, want you can take a shower here and stay here for tonight" he scratched the back of his head with one hand while he held out the clothes with the other, it even looked like he was blushing a little, you couldn't help but crack a small smile
You bit your lip to try to hold the smile back "are you sure? I don't want to impose or anything" you said while grabbing the clothes from him
"You're not imposing" he walked up to you and lifted your chin up with his fingers "don't let your mom force you to do anything you don't want to do" the look in his eye made you want to obey every word he said so you nodded your head. He searched your face "I'm serious y/n. I love my mom but if I had allowed her to force me into marriage I wouldn't be who I am today, doing what I love. You're a beautiful woman with a lot going for you, if marriage isn't what you want then don't do it"
Without really thinking about it you pulled him in for a kiss. Both of you were still naked but it wasn't a sex hungry, heat filled kiss, it was passionate and slow and it made butterflies flutter in your belly, you've never felt that before. You pulled away with a big, dopey smile on your face "I won't do anything I don't want to do" you whispered, biting your lip to conceal yet another smile
"So you wanted to kiss me like that?" He teased with a huge smile on his face. You turned away from him and began walking to the bathroom, answering his question by looking over your shoulder and inviting him in with a tilt of your head
"Come shower with me and I'll let you know what I really want"
He laughed loudly and you couldn't help but join in, it was so contagious. "Oh you crazy crazy girl" he said as he followed behind you, ready for whatever you had to offer him
Maybe you don't plan on getting married anytime soon or dating to be honest but Stefan has become a constant in your life and you'd like to keep it that way and when the time comes when you both want to settle down, it wouldn't be too bad if it was with him
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h-sleepingirl · 3 months
Milton Erickson and a Rabbi Walk into a Bar... (Essay)
Finally, I've finished this essay about connections I'm finding between hypnosis, Judaism, magic, and intimacy. It's ~4.5k words, extremely "me," and I'm really thrilled to share it. Enjoy!
My weakness is getting deeply invested in very niche topics.
Hypnosis was my first and most lifelong obsession. It was my confusing, shameful sexual fetish that I eventually took by the horns and -- through my desire to learn as much about it as humanly possible -- turned into a job. But not a normal sex work job where I do hypnosis for money -- a weird job where I just teach about it. The kink community, and the further-specific niche where people want to hypnotize each other during intimate experiences, became my home.
But the value of study doesn't really come from the quantity of people I'm able to engage with. It comes from the way it enriches my life. It creates and benefits from the capability to see overlaps between all of my various interests.
On the surface, it may appear that two skills have no relationship. But the deeper you get into each one, a synthesis appears.
At a certain point when you are learning hypnosis, all seemingly-unrelated information seems to fit effortlessly into your hypnotic knowledge. You can listen to a song and suddenly you learn something new about how to hypnotize someone. Maybe it was a lyric that gave you an evocative emotional response; maybe it was a pattern in the music that you thought about replicating with the rhythm of your hypnotic language.
Over a decade into my own hypnosis learning, I got very lucky and found a second passionate home in communities of Jewish text study about a year ago. I started from almost zero there and found myself again to be a greedy novice, obsessed with digging into it.
Of course, as I got further, it became that I read a page of Talmud (a text of rabbinical law and conversation) and suddenly I learned something new about how to hypnotize someone. And as I progress, it is starting to go the other way: I learn about Torah study by reading about hypnosis and intimacy.
There are two directions this essay can be read. “How can intimacy and hypnosis teach us about Jewish text?” And, “How can Jewish text teach us about intimacy and hypnosis?” One half is of each part written by me as an authority, and the other half is by me as an avid novice. The synthesis of these two parts of me -- just like any synthesis between concepts -- may perhaps create something new.
I’m sure most communities have a version of the idiom, “Ask three people a question and get five answers.” For a long time, this was a source of frustration for me in the hypnosis community. Is hypnosis a state of relaxation and suggestibility? Kind of, but also no. Is it more accurate to say it is based on unconscious behaviors and thoughts? Well -- kind of, but also no. 
So what is it? Well, it’s probably somewhere in the overlap of about 20-30 semi-accurate definitions and frameworks for techniques -- what we’d call “models.” Good luck!
Why is hypnosis so impossible to define and teach? How have we not found a model that we can all agree upon yet? I think many people share this confusion, and it's complicated by the fact that most sources for hypnosis education teach their model as the model. It makes sense -- it would be difficult to teach a complete beginner a handful of complex frameworks with which to understand hypnosis when that person is just trying to muddle through learning “how to hypnotize someone” on a practical, basic level.
…Or would it be? By the time I got involved with Jewish study, I had long given up on chasing the white whale of some unified theory of hypnosis. I was firmly happy with the concept that all ways to describe hypnosis are simply models -- and all models are flawed, while some models are useful. I was delighted, when entering Jewish community spaces, to hear the idiom, “Three Jews, five opinions.”
This concept is baked into Jewish text study, in my experience. You can look at any single line in Torah and find innumerable pieces of commentary on it, ancient and modern, with conflicting interpretations. Torah and other texts are studied over and over -- often on a schedule -- with the idea that there is always something new to learn. And this happens partially by the synthesis of multiple people's perspectives adding to and challenging each other, developing new models. My Torah study group teacher always starts us with a famous line from Pirkei Avot, a text of ethical teachings from early rabbis: “If two sit together and share words of Torah, the Shekhinah [feminine presence of God] abides among them.”
The capacity to develop and hold multiple interpretations at once enriches your relationship with the text. So too do I believe that being able to hold multiple interpretations of what hypnosis is and how it works enhances your skill with it. It is not a failure of the system -- it is the best thing about it.
It is intentional to make the distinction of “relationship with the text” -- not “relationship to the text.”
My job on the surface is to teach hypnosis, but the meta goal is to simply teach something that helps people develop profound intimacy with others. I think that hypnosis is a kind of beautiful magic that is well-suited to this, but it’s not the only path to take.
One of my favorite educators, Georg Barkas, describes themselves as an intimacy educator who teaches rope bondage. Their classes and writings are highly philosophical and align closely with my own ideas about intimacy -- as well as my partner’s, MrDream, from whom I’ve learned so much. I frequently cite Barkas when I talk about hypnosis because I feel the underlying ideas they have about rope bondage are extremely applicable to all kink and intimacy -- and I will continue that trend here.
Barkas recently published an excellent essay looking in detail at the concept of intimacy itself. They posit that our first thought of intimacy is usually about a kind of comfort-seeking and familiarity. That’s contained within the etymology of the word, and socially it’s what many of us think of when we define our relationships as “intimate”: settling in to engage with a partner who we love, know, and understand.
But, Barkas asks, what if we place this word into a different context? They talk of how in scientific endeavors, the goal of “becoming familiar with” is unpredictability and discovering things that are surprising and unexpected. This perhaps offers a different view of intimacy: intimacy where you do not engage with your partner as though you know everything about them; intimacy where being surprised by them and learning something new is the goal.
My partner MrDream teaches about this often in hypnosis education: approaching a partner with genuine curiosity and interest -- “curiosity” implying that you don’t know what to expect, with a positive connotation. There is a kind of delicate balance between being able to anticipate some aspects of what is going to happen hypnotically -- to have a general grasp on psychology and hypnosis theory -- versus holding tight to a philosophy that neither you nor the hypnotic subject really knows how they are going to respond. The unexpected is not to be feared, but celebrated and held as core to our practice. Hypnotic “subjects” (those being hypnotized) who can relax their expectations will often have more intense experiences.
Thus we come to the first time in this essay where I mention Milton Erickson, my favorite forefather of modern hypnosis. Erickson was a hypnotherapist active through the 1900s and is famous (among many things) for presenting a model of hypnosis that wasn’t necessarily an authoritative action done to a person, but a collaborative and guiding action done with a person.
In his book “Hypnotic Realities,” he talks about how his view of clinical hypnosis is defined by how the therapist is able to observe each individual client and directly use those observations to continually develop a unique hypnotic approach with them. The client’s history, interests, and modes of thinking are utilized for the trance, as well as any observable responses they have in the moment. For example, a client with chronic pain may have the frustration they express over that pain incorporated into the trance. This is in deep contrast to hypnosis where the therapist comes in with any kind of “script” or formula to recite ahead of time.
It’s important to Erickson’s model that the therapist doesn’t know exactly what to anticipate, and it’s also important hypnotically that the same is true for the client. A common “Ericksonian” suggestion is, “You don’t have to know what is going to happen, and I don’t know either.” In order to develop the most effective approach with each patient, Erickson would enter into a session with some presumed knowledge, but ultimately learning -- not assuming -- how to best hypnotize each individual person.
We circle back to the phrase, “a relationship with Jewish text.” In my opinion, engaging with Torah is exactly this kind of intimacy. Torah is something we come into in order to poke and prod at it, to interact with it and to see how it interacts back at us. The teacher of my study group always cites a model where Torah itself is a participant in our partnered learning and group discussions. We ask it questions, we push its boundaries, we strive to glean something new and yet unseen. A line that may seem simple on the surface can reveal much more when we explore its context or put it into a different context entirely. 
This is easier for me to say as someone who is coming into learning Torah for the first time, but I am able to look ahead to when I will be fully familiar with the text and still be able to take this expanded definition of intimacy with it. Not coming to it without a sense of comfort, but still engaging with curiosity. MrDream teaches a model for hypnosis that is based on the idea of exploration -- exploring your partner no matter how long you have been with them. You are always coming to them as a different person, shaped by your ever-growing experiences and identity, and your partner changes as a human as well. I believe Torah is also dynamic in this way, as the context within which it exists -- and the way we interpret it -- is constantly shifting.
I have been engaging with spiritual ritual on and off for as long as I’ve been learning hypnosis. The concept of magic has always been alluring to me -- not from a motivation to meet specific goals, but for something more difficult to pin down. I like that ritual, in an esoteric framework, is about looking at various metaphors between ingredients and actions; a candle representing an element of fire which may in turn represent intensity, or purity, or something else. Drawing meaningful connections between concepts like this is a skill I’ve developed in parallel with hypnosis, as well.
I was recently talking with a friend of mine who is also interested in esotericism -- we were sharing our frustrations with various books on magic and ritual. We wondered why so many sources would go on to teach prescriptivist formulas and associations, and not much else. Do this, and that will happen. This symbol represents that. My friend and I agreed that the ritual value of ingredients comes from how you personally assign meaning to them -- but why was everything always trying to teach us their meaning, as opposed to teaching us how to cultivate our own associations?
A week or so later, I happened to go to an excellent class that explored whether or not there was a place for smudging and smoke use in modern Jewish ritual. The teacher first took a careful, measured approach towards looking at indigenous smudging practices and the concept of appropriation. What followed was 30 minutes of history and text exploring examples of smoke in early Judaism, and then 30 minutes of a handful of interpretations of what “smoke” could mean and represent with relation to Jewish ideas -- directly practical to modern ritual. It was utterly excellent and immediately profound for me, as someone who has been yearning to blend my experience with esoteric ritual with my relationship with Judaism.
Observant readers will note that through this essay I speak passively about Judaism -- I am a patrilineal Jew, which for better or worse means that it is not a simple matter to say, “I am ‘fully’ (or ‘not’) Jewish.” (I am in the beginnings of working with a Conservative rabbi -- who affirms that I’m Jewish -- to make my status halachic [lawful], which is deeply exciting.) Opinions on that aside, a relevant piece of information is that the Jewish holiday we celebrated most consistently when I was growing up was Chanukah. While a lot of Jewish practice has been something I’ve been striving towards as an adult, Chanukah has always been “mine.” It was fast approaching after this class, and I felt motivated to use my newfound knowledge to make more ritual out of lighting the candles.
I was deeply surprised when all I did was light a stick of incense before saying the blessings over lighting the menorah, and my experience transformed into something intense. I smelled the incense and couldn’t help but think about what I’d learned about the Rambam’s commentary that incense in the time of the Temple was about making the Temple smell sweet to pray in after the burning of sacrifices. I thought about what I’d learned about the presence of God being smoke and clouds to the ancient Israelites. I thought about things I’d learned from other places -- hiddur mitzvah (the value of beautifying a practice), and a midrash (parable) about God loving the light and rituals we do in a very personal way simply because they are from us.
Esoteric ritual has often felt to me like exerting effort in making the associations of ingredients work for me. But this was effortless. I was doing something that was entirely my own, solidly founded by the broad and deep study I’d done, by my personal relationship with the concepts, by my identity.
In other words, the power behind this ritual came from knowledge, and the knowledge came from my intimacy with it. And that intimacy was not just with the study I had done -- it was also the process of being surprised in real time by what I was learning through the ritual itself.
Hypnosis gains “power,” in so much as we let ourselves use the term, through these same acts of intimacy towards knowledge. It operates directly based on various ingredients: how much we know about hypnosis theory itself, general psychology, the person we are working with, and ourselves. Hypnosis is a ritual -- it is setting aside special time to do something with a collection of ingredients that you have personal associated meanings with. If you can’t connect to those deeply enough, it won’t reach its full potency.
Knowledge, Perception, and Unconsciousness
One of my favorite concepts to teach in hypnosis is, “A change in perception equates to a change in reality.” This is derived from Erickson by MrDream, and it’s something he and I have had a lot of conversations about to refine. The implication of this is not something as trite as hypnosis having the power to change a person’s perceived reality. It is the concept that if you look at something from a different perspective, you gain various different capabilities.
For example, when you are feeling stuck in a situation and you think about what a close friend of yours would do if they were in your shoes, you gain the capability to see more options, to change your actual view of the reality of the problem and therefore change your actions towards it. In hypnosis, this could be the difference between simply telling someone to relax their legs versus another perspective of telling them to imagine what it would be like if their legs just started relaxing. It could be the idea that when a person does feel relaxation from a simple suggestion, their perception changes on what is happening -- they build more belief in hypnosis, and that belief in turn makes the next suggestions easier to buy into.
Erickson’s model of hypnosis is predicated on the idea that hypnosis itself matters, that hypnosis is a time within which someone’s reality changes. In his ideal hypnotic context, the subject feels like they no longer can expect things to behave as they usually do in their “waking” reality. They are thus opened to many different kinds of new experiences and capabilities. To Erickson, perception matters -- by itself, it’s a primary driving force behind literal change and response.
This ties back to our idea of intimacy -- just as I aim to approach my partners with this profound curiosity, just as I aim to approach Torah, I want to have this intimacy of the unexpected with trance itself. I want to allow myself to be surprised by hypnosis, by the things I don’t yet know about it even after more than a decade and thousands of hours of trance. But more than this, in an Ericksonian sense, simply changing my perspective to this motivation is one of the things that lets me get there.
I went through a guided study class about Shabbat (Judaism’s weekly sabbath of rest) with a partner, and so much of the class was in the abstract that it at times felt difficult for me to latch onto. We were learning all of this background context about a view of Shabbat where instead of spiritually striving and reaching on that day, you come in acting as though your spiritual work -- like your other work -- is “finished.”
In one session, we spent a chunk of time parsing through how we could interpret that as actionable. It felt like it just wasn’t clicking for me -- the midrashic texts weren’t offering enough for me to feel like I could make judgments on questions like, “Does this imply I shouldn’t meditate on Shabbat in this context?”
It wasn’t until I slept on it that I found a very simple piece of the puzzle: putting aside the questions of concrete actions, in an Ericksonian sense, the internal act of shifting my perspective would absolutely change the way I behaved and interacted with the day. It would become more indirect and unconscious -- instead of carefully analyzing my actions as I might with other Shabbat prohibitions on work, I could simply let myself act in ways that fit that perspective of “spiritually resting.”
The abstraction of the class made more sense -- perhaps it wasn’t trying to give us direct answers, but rather create a psychological environment for us that was well-suited to this more unconscious processing. Or rather, in addition to the sort of typical conscious halachic interpretation. If I allow myself an opinion here, I’d say that I care about halacha as actionable, but as always, I tend to care more about feelings and what’s internal.
This also lent credence to ways this class and the class on smoke and ritual changed my experiences. I was not given a set of actions to take, but rather a variety of perspectives that unconsciously made me think and behave differently. The concept of “knowledge is power” is both true and alluring in many different contexts, and yet had often fallen through for me in most ritualistic frameworks. The way that it succeeds, I believe, is when you develop a relationship with knowledge that actually changes your internal perspective and perceptions.
With this we return to the concept of models and interpretations. It is serendipitous to be going through these experiences at a time where I am avidly working on my next book -- the thesis of which is that in order for us to progress as hypnotists, we must get comfortable moving fluidly between many differing definitions and frameworks (models) of what hypnosis is and how it works.
It is as the Ericksonian principle would say: If you take a perspective on hypnosis that boils down to “hypnosis is about relaxing the conscious mind,” you will do hypnosis according to that perspective. You will use relaxation-based techniques and make an effort to get someone to think “less consciously.” If you instead take a perspective that is “hypnosis operates based on activation of the conscious mind,” you may do hypnosis that causes someone to think and process in a more stimulating way.
Both and neither are true, and they can coexist. I believe that most models can be useful -- some more useful than others. But the best thing you can do is to not assume that one model is the most correct one -- instead, it is to develop the capacity to work within many at once even while being aware of their boundaries.
Jewish text, in my experience, provides models -- perspectives that themselves give guidance on how to understand things and act. I think especially about midrash and stories that are explicitly intended to fill in the gaps or give an alternate view on something. The question of, “Is there one correct way to do/see things” is more complicated here, but there are areas -- especially in those subtle shifts of mindset for ritual or interpreting text -- where the answer is still “no.”
My time so far in Jewish study supports this in a different way. There is a human element of collaboration and challenge. Learning as we do with a chevruta (study partner) adds another person to the relationship -- it is no longer just between you and the text. There is another human who you are building something with, and it is “intimate” according to our exploratory definition in an even clearer way.
The purpose of a “scene” inside of kink (a “session” of kink play) is to operate in a semi-limited framework -- limitations exist on who is involved, where it begins and ends, how partners communicate, and what themes/topics/activities are involved. These limitations -- though they may be quite broad -- are partially what allow for intense experiences. A scene needs to exist in a different “space” than our daily lives, and it needs to operate by different rules and involve different ingredients. Here, we also see overlaps with the definition of a “ritual.”
This doesn’t just facilitate intensity (and safety) -- it facilitates learning something new about your partner. By taking your relationship and putting it into a limited context, it allows you to observe it in a more careful way, where novel changes can be more obvious.
Studying with a chevruta is much like this. I have had study sessions where my chevruta and I are meeting for the first time and the only thing we are aware of sharing is our desire to dive into a piece of text. I’ve also had chevrutas where we know each other outside of study, and some of our time is schmoozing and catching up. But in all cases, we are limited in scope, and that limitation creates ease of access towards the common goal of expanding our knowledge and relationship with the text. We are focused; we are motivated. We are creating something that we can only create through who we are as individuals and what we are doing as avid learners.
This has surprised me at times with its tenderness and intensity. Building well-founded interpretations with someone is in and of itself very intimate -- not sensually, but humanly. It has given me something I have always wanted -- an intimacy that is pervasive not just in application of knowledge, but in the development of it. A feeling of sacredness and joy from being able to see so many different perspectives.
I long for this connection, this alchemy. Yes, all models are limited. But within those tight, restricting limits is the potential energy of creation.
“And I Must Learn”
There is an infamous story in the Talmud, in Berakhot 62a, where Rav Kahana hides under the bed of his friend Rav Abba. Rav Kahana hears Abba and his wife giggling and starting to have sex, and remarks out loud that Rav Abba is acting like someone who is famished. Rav Abba, mid-sex, understandably says, “Kahana, why the fuck are you under my bed listening to me fuck my wife?” Rav Kahana replies, “It is Torah, and I must learn.”
There was a version of this essay that began with this tale. I am enamored with the vast overlaps I can derive from its briefness: that intimacy can be studied sacredly both as a general concept and specifically with your partner; that we are obligated to learn ourselves, our partners, and general human desire; that there can be a thread of wholeness in every action of your life if you give every action sacred attention.
Even this, though, is a limited-context interpretation. The rabbis of the Talmud were certainly not sex-positive, especially not as we currently use the term. The surrounding triptych of conversations is similarly humorous but seems to comparatively describe sex as dirty or gross, and this bit of text cannot really exist separately from all of the places where there is halacha derived about sex that is about controlling women’s bodies or preventing queer and trans people from being able to live authentically.
But -- we are allowed to interpret like this. We are allowed to play with context and see what we discover.
For me, this is about finding the connections between my actions and my interests; parts of me that synthesize the whole. It is about developing intimacy with Torah, with my learning partners, with my romantic partners; with the people within the writings, with the authors, and with the readers.
Reading Torah is the same as hypnotizing someone is the same being intimate with someone is the same as doing a ritual. All things on a broad enough scale overlap this closely. There is value in this “zooming out” to a wide enough context to see the connections that exist -- just as there is value in celebrating the limitations that arise, models nestled alongside each other, when you “zoom in.”
We need both to be able to treat our learning -- all forms of it -- as something special.
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shutupineedtothink · 8 months
More Moiraine & Lan (and the Bond) thoughts, because I really just can’t help myself.
Just thinking about how we know every Aes Sedai and Warder share the Bond, but we don’t see any other AS/Warder teams using it as a form of communication NEARLY as much as Moiraine and Lan do.
Like these mofos are having full conversations with head tilts and tiny eyebrow raises and 3 seconds of eye contact from the jump. Sometimes not even looking at each other. And it’s extra great if you’re a show only like me because you only realize it when you go back later after all the stuff with the Bond is explained in 1x04/1x05. Like I remember thinking when I was first watching the pilot ‘wow, these two are really in sync, clearly they’ve known each other a long time,’ but it’s so much more than that obviously.
Now, one easy explanation for this is that we’re just seeing them the most, they’re main characters, and s1 especially does a lot of work hyping up the Bond and how important it is so that we get the full impact of them being cut off later. Makes sense.
But… idk like even Alanna and Ihvon and Maksim, who are actually in a romantic relationship, don’t seem to prefer the Bond as a way to communicate. We even see them have their little diplomatic discussion before Ihvon goes to follow Tomas. It’s an actual conversation. Maksim even prefers the Bond masked, so I guess in that way they kind of have to talk to each other.
Verin and Tomas are pretty quiet in general, but still it’s not emphasized that they use the Bond to communicate that much. Perhaps this is also highlighted by Tomas’s advice to Lan that the Bond isn’t the only common language they share with their Aes Sedai.
Except for Moiraine and Lan, it’s like AT LEAST 80%. It’s the primary way they communicate. Because 1. they’re both so naturally reserved on the outside (but feel very deeply on the inside), and 2. I imagine it comes in handy to be extra good at it when you’re on the road searching for the Dragon Reborn and you don’t want everyone around you to know what you’re about.
Then there’s Stepin’s comment from s1 to Kerene, “Can you imagine their dinners?” Which is funny but also very telling. To all the other Aes Sedai and Warders, Moiraine and Lan seem pretty cold and distant, to everyone else and each other. But again, that’s by design to protect their mission. They’re just having conversations no one else can see, even other Bonded pairs. It’s like most AS and their Warders use the Bond as insurance, a fail safe even, to understand and communicate with each other, with normal human communication (i.e. TALKING) as the primary method. But for Moiraine and Lan it’s the other way around.
My POINT BEING, that this adds weight to their storyline in S2. Like they are REALLY struggling because on top of everything else, this fundamental piece of their relationship and communication is just gone. And it opens a door for Moiraine to push Lan away, when she NEVER would have been able to before, practically or emotionally. And he reels from her attacks because he’s just not as good at understanding her without the Bond, when he would have seen right through that shit before, just from feeling alone. So Tomas can say to him, you need to really listen, but 20 years of shared emotional mind reading is not that easy to bypass. You don’t learn normal person communication skills overnight. Certainly not when there’s this gaping hole in your head/heart where another person you probably knew better than yourself should be but isn’t.
Anyway, I think it just adds even more credence to why they’re both so lost throughout most of S2, especially Lan. And what makes them so badass with the Bond but so absolutely uncoordinated without it. And why every other Aes Sedai/Warder thinks they’re fuckin weird. And why we love them, because who doesn’t want to be so fundamentally understood like that? Who doesn’t want their own secret language with someone that no one else really gets, but that person gets you on a level so real it can’t be replaced? That’s what we’re all reaching for, and that’s what they have with each other. For better or worse.
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utilitycaster · 7 months
Hey! Because I have seen various, various, various takes on Ashton’s actions in ep77– both on twitter (whew) and on here— and I am loving all of the different perspectives on it, I was wondering what your opinion was on the take that Ashton may have manipulated Fearne in the conversation they both had right before absorbing the shard.
Personally, I feel like it may be a bit more complicated than that, but I still don’t know.
I think this post I made sums it up. It's not. Ashton tells Fearne precisely what they intend to do. He then does it. Fearne has the opportunity to refuse this request, or to tell the rest of Bells Hells, and she chooses not to. Yes, he compliments her and tells her that he trusts her to do the right thing when most wouldn't. Laudna asks Imogen to kill her if Delilah takes over in virtually the same exact language earlier than episode, and I don't think that's manipulative either:
Laudna to Imogen: And if anything happens and I become her little puppet, I trust you to make the right choice. (Implication this is a request for a mercy killing in the context of Delilah and Laudna's lives being inseparable; is understood as such by Imogen as demonstrated from her response and her later scene in the temple)
Ashton to Fearne: Things are going to happen, and I trust you to help me make the right decision, and I hope you trust me to help make the right decision.
The fact one is being brought up and not the other really points out that the Twitter talks out their collective ass ten times more often than they do their collective mouth; and the fact that they cannot distinguish "put Fearne in a somewhat uncomfortable position" from manipulation really points out that touching grass is not enough; they need to develop meaningful relationships with a wide variety of people in the real world.
Going along with a friend's stupid-ass decision that they encouraged you to join in and immediately regretting it is not, in fact, manipulation; it's your friend at most being kind of a dick and you exercising your agency to make your own stupid-ass decisions. It would have been wiser and nicer of Ashton to ask the party who wanted to take the shard, sure, but Fearne actively agrees with them that they should get it, and Ashton is not really defined by wisdom and being nice, and also, the above would be way more boring.
I don't want to go into this because it's a massive out-of-scope rant not limited to this particular situation, and I'd like to drag my sleep schedule back into a reasonable place tonight, but I think a lot of the more rancid discourse, whatever it may be but especially about interpersonal relationships between characters, arises for the following reasons, and I have little patience for any of them.
Thinking the only way to be a Good Person is to use 2023-approved therapy speak (and, frankly, frequently 2023 Rando on Tiktok claiming expertise who is actually a freshman psych students with no friends and a D average approved "therapy speak")
Relatedly, an all-consuming fear of any conflict, fictional, real, or otherwise, and the accompanying lack of any conflict resolution skills; this is also why they think this is manipulative, because if Fearne said no, that would be Conflict which is bad so positioning someone where conflict might be required for them to express themselves must be evil.
The genuine belief that you can only understand someone if you get everything right on the first try; either you read their mind perfectly or you have failed and are probably a manipulator or abuser for potentially leading to misunderstandings which lead to conflict which, as we see from the above point, is evil.
A refusal to admit that sometimes people are merely 1. assholes or 2. stupid. I frequently talk about opinions I cannot stand, and I almost as frequently get questions about how this opinion is problematic, and the vast majority of the time? It's not. I think it says something quite worrying, actually, that people are more comfortable and even eager to assume that a stranger is hateful or bigoted rather than merely inconsiderate or not that bright. Ashton made a poorly informed decision and made Fearne party to it. It was dumb and it wasn't really nice. That's literally it.
Anyway here's the five geek social fallacies; I recommend reading any Twitter Take(TM) and deciding how many of them they are applying to the narrative, cast, and fandom. See if you can get a full house.
(also upon re-reading this I'm pretty brusque and I promise it's not directed at you; I just genuinely think that the majority of the Twitter fandom, and certainly the loudest voices thereof, are so stupid a Detect Thoughts spell on them would fail on the basis of intelligence alone and the fact that their takes gain traction baffles and infuriates me)
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A3! Mikage Hisoka | SR - SUNNY WINTER | Translation
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Disclaimer: Neither English nor Japanese is my native language, but I did my best with the translation. If you find any mistakes, feel free to tell me. By  the way, Director’s name will be Izumi.
Winter Troupe Fan Service Study ~Hisoka Mikage / 1
Tasuku: Aah, Tsumugi. Did you already finish tidying up the storage room?  Tsumugi: Mhm, I finished it.  Guy: You were tidying it up?  Tsumugi: The manager asked me and the other troupe leaders to tidy up and sweep the storage room.  Azuma: So that’s the reason. I’m sure you did a great job.  Tsumugi: Thank you.  Tsumugi: Ah, right. In the storage room is the uchiwa that the autumn troupe made for their fan service study.  Hisoka: …Uchiwa?  Izumi: Oh, so there’s where it is! Tsumugi: Banri-kun said they put it in the storage room because we could use it if we have another live concert.  Tasuku: The storage room will get cluttered if you keep all kinds of things there.  Homare: But there’s the possibility of finding another use for it, don’t you think?  Hisoka: I’ve seen Omi using an uchiwa to fan the rice.  Azuma: He uses it when making vinegared rice, right?  Tasuku: That’s not how you would use a fan service uchiwa. Tsumugi: So I was asked if the winter troupe would do a fan service study… should we do it?  Tasuku: Fan service study…? I helped Citron with his back then.  Guy: Since the other troupes are doing it, we could also do it.  Izumi: I agree. There’s no telling when we will have another live concert. Tsumugi: Speaking of which, the other troupes seemed to search for how to make good of their individual characteristics in their fan service.  Azuma: Then, should we do the same and search for a fan service that could make good use of our individual characteristics?  Homare: Indeed, fan service is truly important, after all. Then let’s try it out promptly!  Homare: Come on, Hisoka-kun. Think up as well!  Hisoka: …Think up what?  Homare: Fan service. Didn’t you hear our conversation?  Hisoka: Fan service…  Hisoka: What could be like that? Azuma: A wink and pointing to the fans are the most common, aren’t they? Tsumugi: Those things might make fans happy.  Hisoka: … Guy: Something came to your mind? Hisoka: …Nothing.  Tasuku: Think about it some more.  Tsumugi: But Hisoka-kun might still make them happy even if it isn’t some direct fanservice like a wink or pointing at them.  Hisoka: What do you mean?  Tsumugi: I thought there might be fans who would appreciate you even if they just saw you zoned out…  Azuma: In that case, purposely refusing the fan service requests could work too, don’t you think?  Azuma: I’ve heard that type of fan service has been in vogue recently.  Homare: I see… so Hisoka-kun’s selfish personality can be fan service, too!  Hisoka: …I don’t want to hear that from Arisu.
Winter Troupe Fan Service Study ~Hisoka Mikage / 2
Tsumugi: Very well. Now that we defined that, we can work on Hisoka’s fan service. Azuma: Then, why don’t we make preparations for it? Tasuku: What do you mean by preparations?  Azuma: Fufu, you’ll see.  Hisoka: Hm?
Taichi: And I finished the uchiwa~!  Azuma: Thank you, doggie.  Tsumugi: By preparations… You meant making uchiwas, didn’t you?  Guy: They are of high quality.  Taichi: Since I had many chances to make uchiwas lately, I feel like my skills have been improving!  Taichi: But for these, Azuma-san gave me a hand.  Azuma: It was fun making them together.  Azuma: Now the winter troupe will hold the uchiwas made by doggie, and Hisoka will reject all the fan service requests.  Hisoka: How troublesome…  Tasuku: You only have to reject them.  Homare: Hisoka-kun, this is a genuine study!  Guy: Yukishiro and Nanao made preparations for this. Would you give it a try?  Tsumugi: Please, Hisoka-kun.  Hisoka: …Okay.  Azuma: Then, choose the uchiwa you like the most, everyone.  Guy: Understood.  Tasuku: We hold them…? Azuma: It’s for the fan service study. Let’s give our support to Hisoka.  Tsumugi: Then, I will go first.  Tsumugi: “Give us a wink.” Hisoka: …I don’t wanna.  Taichi: Woah! I don’t know why, but that went straight to my heart!  Guy: “Send a kiss.” Hisoka: …I won’t. Taichi: Ooh! He’s making an x with his hands for it. That’s so cute~. Tsumugi: Yes, his gestures are on point.  Azuma: This might be very lovable for the fans.  Tasuku: …I’m next?  Tasuku: “Point at me.”  Hisoka: No.  Homare: Hm? That was a quick answer compared to the other two.  Tasuku: Hey.  Hisoka: …From time to time.  Azuma: Fufu. Then, how about this one?  Azuma: “Do you want a futon?” Hisoka: I…  Taichi: You can do it, Hisoka-san!  Hisoka: I… don’t… want it.  Guy: He could endure it.  Homare: Very good, Hisoka-kun!  Homare: Then… for the last one. What would you do with this one?  Homare: “Do you want marshmallows?”  Hisoka: Yes, please.  Taichi: Hisoka-san!  Tasuku: Default answer, huh?  Tsumugi: He was so close…  Azuma: But Hisoka had a great run, don’t you think?  Hisoka: …Having self-restraint with things I like is nothing like me.  Hisoka: And with that say, Arisu, give me a marshmallow.  Homare: You really never change…  Guy: That’s how Mikage is.
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luvskyxx · 1 year
Can i request rafe as a dad maybe?
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Warning: fighting, swearing, and fluff.
Summary: a fight with rafe based on your parenting skills ruins dinner.
It was late in the afternoon. Rafe just got home from work eager to get out of his suit he rips off his tie once he was through the door. 
“hey honey,” he spoke softly kissing your head as he walked into the kitchen taking samples of the food you were cooking. 
“hey” you warned holding up the knife you were using as a threatening tool. he only gave a smile back as he knew you would never hurt him. 
“Daddy!” your kids ran over to rafe begging to be lifted. which he gladly did with a loud huff as he pretended they have gotten too heavy for him.
“Hey kiddos” he smiled as he lifted the two kids up. “how was hanging out with mommy all day?” he waited for a response but they were too excited that he was home to even answer. “huh?” he smiled at you before looking at the kids again.
“Mommy said we can have cookies” your son pointed to the jar of cookies that sat in the middle of the counter far enough so no little hands could grab the jar. 
“after dinner” you warned as you continued to cut up the food. 
“after dinner” Rafe looks at his son with a sad face before he sets them back down. wines both let out as their little feet hit the floor. “I’ve got to change then we can play I promise” he tries to explain but they didn’t care what he was wearing he could still play. 
“let daddy change then he will play with you guys,” you told them as they wined more. disappointed that they had to wait this long for him to come home now he has to change? it was unfair. the kids eventually gave in walking back over to the living room where they forgot all about the conversation you just had with them.
“smells good” Rafe spoke giving you a kiss on the head before leaving the room to change. a smile appearing on your face as his little signs of affection were just enough to brighten your day. with simple calls at lunch or little notes if you don’t get up early enough to say goodbye before he goes to work. even the little kisses on your head as he complements you. you loved them all. 
it was different once you had the kids. though two boys were not ideal rafe made it worth it. promising to be the best husband and dad he could be. he wanted to do better. it only was proven when he quit the drugs and stopped parting. he changed for you for your family. 
“Fuck!” you yell as you cut yourself with the knife. it was the smallest cut yet it hurt like a bitch. 
“Watch your mouth!” Rafe came in the room his shirt half on his body as he pulled his arms in. 
“fuck you!” you spoke in anger as you held your hand in pain. you walked to the bathroom as you tried not to leak blood all over the floor. 
“I keep fucking telling you to stop doing that in front of my kids” rafe follows you into the bathroom angry at the profanity you use. His kids? you looked at him with an irritated look like this argument could not wait till after you stopped bleeding. “our” he corrected himself. 
Rafe hated the profanity you used or that his friends did. always yelling at them even if the kids were not around. it didn’t matter if the kids were not once you use it you can stop. 
it was one of the things you hated about rafes development. he was so protective over the kids. too much sometimes. you understood that this language was not to be spread around children. much less yours but it still felt good to let out a piece of that anger now and then. 
“Do you even think about what they say?”
“Rafe they are 2 and 4 I’m sure that small little curse word blew over their heads”
“And what if it didn’t? What if they start saying it around other kids? Who’s going to look like the bad parent?”
“I’m the one who would look like the bad parent Rafe because I’m the one who is with them 24/7” once your first child was born Rafe made sure you didn’t have to work he hated knowing you wouldn’t be home when he was. He hated going to work. He just wanted to be with you.
So Rafe took a job with his dad making enough money to provide for the family. While you stayed home with the kids. You didn’t mind you liked spending time with the kids. It also gave you more time to find hobbies of your interest.
“It’s because of you they know it!”
“I can’t have this conversation with you anymore Rafe” you walk out of the bathroom as your hand is now wrapped up in a towel.
“No!” He yells following you into the kitchen. “Why can’t you so much as keep your mouth shut”
“Rafe it slipped up don’t act like you never said it before” the argument was brought into the middle of the house. Your boys are fully aware of the argument now.
The knew your fights. The fights would end either horribly with the cops called or fights that would end up with everyone going to bed early.
It wasn’t fair to the boys that your fights had to involve them. You knew that witch is why you hated fighting with Rafe. You hated him being mad at you. Hated how the veins would pop out of his head when he got mad. How he wanted to punch something to relieve his anger.
“I’m not the one swearing in front of the boys now am I?” You tried to go back to cutting the vegetables to finish the dinner but Rafe just kept pushing this conversation.
“Fine rafe” you drop the knife looking at him with frustration as to why this argument had to go on for so long. why when this day was going so well? “Sense you have a problem with it I should just go pack my shit right now. Let you raise the boys how you want” you storm away angrily.
Rafe leaning angst the counter with his head in his hands as he lets out a sigh. Not a relieving sigh it was a frustrated one. He was frustrated with himself more than you. Frustrated that he pushed you away.
It only took about five more minutes before he came storming into the bedroom after you. Finding a suitcases on the bed with clothes shoved on top. His attention was pulled away as he heard the hangers shuffling around in the closet as he made his way into the room.
“Baby please stop!” He begged as he saw you going threw the clothes in your closet. Picking out witch ones you wanted. You knew you couldn’t take all of your clothes. At least not now. Not when you didn’t even know where you where going. My best guess was the parking lot of the grocery store.
“You raise the boys how you feel is fit Rafe you won’t hear me complain” you stated pushing past him as he stood in the door way of your bedroom and the closet. You shoved whatever you could find into a suitcase as Rafe continued to follow you from the bedroom to the closet begging you to stay.
“Where are you even going to go?!” He questioned his hands flying in the air with anger. He caused this he knows that but he did it for a good reason. At least it was until you started packing.
“I don’t know Rafe” you only spoke as it was the truth. You knew anywhere you went Rafe would follow. He knew your go to places. The friends you would hangout with. Where to find you if you when’s missing at the bar. He knew you all too well.
“Just please stop packing” he begged as you continued to pull more clothes out of the closet. It became very clear that you weren’t going to have enough room for all there clothes. Clothes that Rafe would buy you for your birthday or anniversary or even just a reminder that he loved you. The only way he knew how to express his live was threw money. “Y/n!!” He finally yelled as he startled you. “stop fucking packing!” His the voice was raised. High enough for the kids to hear.
“So much for the swearing rule” you grabbed the bags you packed as you made your way out the bedroom. Rafe yelled behind you as he followed you.
“Everything I do is for you!” His hands where out in the open like that was his only excuse. “I work for you for our family!”
“I never asked you to Rafe! Never have I once asked for this!” You turn back to face him. He was a lot closer than you thought making you look up at him.
“You didn’t fucking have to!” You continued to walk into the living room past the boys as you made your way to the front door. “I did this because I love you!”
“And yet you’re still complaining about this! Complaining about a decision you made” you turned your body back around as you continued to yell at him. The boys now looking at you too. As this was more interfacing then tv at the moment. It terrified the boys to see you both fight. Worried if their hands were going to be thrown as they did to each other at times.
“Im complaining because you don’t understand the language you use around these boys!” His hands went from his the sides of his head to pointing at the boys who where across from us. Your eyes look at the two young Camerons before turning to the first Cameron.
“All I do is look after them Rafe for once I just want to go out with my friends. Swear for once!” You turned back around walking to the front door. This time Rafe didn’t follow you. Whether it was frustration or irritation by your actions you didn’t know.
“I never said you couldn’t” his hands fell to his face as he rubbed his face in frustration.
“I can’t Rafe! Ever!” You turn around to face him for the last time. “Your always out! I can’t get a babysitter because you slept with every girl in OBX and you won’t let any guys around me!”
“That's because they always hit on you!” He threw his hands up.
“I’m leaving! You can find whatever whore to take my place I don’t care anymore” you finally walked out the door slamming it in the process. Rafe no far behind you as you head the door reopen.
“Y/n!” He spoke following you to your car. “Y/n! Just get back inside please!” He begged as you got into the front seat. His hands on the door forcing it to stay open. “If not for me for the boys…Please! They need you… and so do I” you just sat in the car you hand holding the keys as you looked out the windshield debating weather to go back inside or not. Debating weather you wanted to pretend this argument never happens and save it for another one in the future or to just drive away.
“Please baby!” You let out a sigh dropping your hand from the steering wheel as you got out of the car. Rafe was quick to grab you as he held you trying not to cry. “I love you so much baby” you wrapped your hands around his neck as he did his with your waist. Not wanting to let go of him. “You're such a good mom to the boys! I’m sorry for overreacting” his voice broke down as he hated how he caused this mess. Hated how one little word changed everything.
“I'm sorry too” you spoke softly hugging him tighter as you didn’t want to look him in the eyes just yet. You didn’t want to admit you were sorry to his face. It was easier this way. You both meant the apology it was just harder to say it with one another staring down at you. Wondering if they meant it. “Your right the boys learn from us they don’t need to be saying that kind of stuff”
You knew he was right from the beginning. You just hated him to be right. It made you feel weak and stupid. But watching your mouth was so important when your around young kids. Kids who love to copy what adults do. Which is why you were cautious around the boys from now on. Not just to make Rafe happy but you as well.
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coldtwaer · 5 months
To deal with a Karen 
(or “a subversion of the ‘eat the underpaid worker’ trope")
Tags: One-shot, Vore, M/F Vore, open-ended Vore (fatal or non-fatal based on preference), Same size Vore,  Stores, Karens, Revenge 
Warnings: Language, Very small amount of prey discrimination (don’t worry the one who does it gets what she deserves >:) )
Word count: 1275
Rowan hated his job.
It was even more annoying that his coworker and surprisingly friend, Dennis, was being especially cheerful on one of the days when Rowan would rather be at home or doing anything else. 
“Good morning my favorite manager!” Dennis waved with a smile on his face. There was no telling why the man was so nice. Especially when he worked a 9 to 5 at a shitty supermarket. 
“Good morning, Dennis” Rowan replied with a small grumble. There was nothing ‘good’ about this morning, but he didn’t want to hurt his friend’s feelings. Well, crush’s feelings, but he would never admit to that. 
Dennis looked like he wanted to continue the conversation so Rowan quickly added “We have a lot to do so get to work”
With a small sigh, Dennis nodded and went to his cash register to ring up the early bird customers. Rowan dug his black and red faded hair as he looked at his coworker doing his job, in some ways that positivity felt contagious. But he couldn’t think too hard about that right now. After all, there was work to be done
The morning went on normally and turned into the afternoon. Rowan went to the break room to have his lunch break, which was a relief because he was starving. His stomach growled to confirm the fact. He started digging through his bag to try and find where he had put his lunch in the first place. But there was a problem, a major problem. It wasn't there.
“Shit” Rowan muttered with frustration. Of course, this just had to happen on the same day he skipped out on breakfast since he had already been running late. Well, there wasn’t much he could do about it now and he didn’t want to leave Dennis and his other coworker Luka on their own just so he could get something to eat since even going to his house and back would take longer than the measly ten minutes allotted to him. However his hunger did put a thought in his head that he did not like.
“No, I will not be eating my coworkers” Rowan put a hand on his stomach and tried to soothe it the best he could. He knew that as a pred these kinds of thoughts were normal but it didn’t make them feel any less weird. Then again it wasn’t like he had never swallowed someone down before. 
Before he could continue to complain internally about his gnawing hunger, he heard a fuss going on outside the break room. It sounded like some kind of argument. Rowan peeked his head through the door to see what was going on which he found out very quickly when he looked over at Dennis’s cashier station and saw a woman yelling at the colorful-haired man. 
“Do you know how long I’ve waited in this line just for you to tell me this coupon is expired? You shouldn’t even be selling these cheap quality things for the price you are.” The Karen said as she put her hands on her hips
“I’m sorry Miss but I can’t control the price of the item or that the coupon is expired” Dennis’s smile was clearly forced at this point which probably meant that this conversation hadn’t been pleasant from the start. Rowan frowned at the fact that such a good person has to deal with people like this customer.
“Well as someone who works here, you should know how to properly accommodate customers. Or maybe I should just get your manager” the woman said with a huff.
Rowan scowled as he debated whether he should intervene but Dennis had dealt with plenty of rude customers before so he decided to trust his skills but he would keep watching just in case.
“The manager is currently attending to other matters right now so he will not be able to help you anymore than I can” Dennis's eyes went towards the break room where he and Rowan made eye contact for just a moment. 
Those gentle green eyes Dennis must have some kind of power because even though it was brief, that look was enough to make Rowan’s heart beat faster.
“Well, you aren’t doing anything to help me! Honestly, if they must hire prey like you they could at least choose competent ones” the Karen bluntly stated
Dennis froze at her words and his eyes became a bit teary.
“I’m sorry Miss…” he looked down. 
That was it. That was the last thing this woman would
say to Dennis. Rowan had made up his mind. He quickly walked to the station and behind the counter.
“Excuse me, I’m the manager, may I help you?” Rowan asked as he made sure to gently move Dennis further behind him to discourage him from dealing with the situation any further.
“Yes! You see I-“ 
“Yes, I know about your problems with the item price, your coupon, and apparently my coworker. And you know what? I think I have a solution that will work for both of us” Rowan gave a smile.
He then turned to go from behind the counter but before he fully exited he discreetly whispered to Dennis. “Sorry to do this to you but I need to ‘deal’ with this customer so I need you to watch the store for a bit” his stomach growled.
“Uh, okay, at least don’t be too mean” Dennis whispered back.
Rowan sighed and reluctantly nodded before making his way to the woman. “This way please, I will help you as quickly as possible.”
Inside the break room, there was a small office room for the manager to do paperwork. Aka Rowan. He brought the woman inside and made sure to close the door behind him. “There should be some coupons over there on that desk for you to pick from,” he said keeping the same facade. 
“Thank god someone here sees reason. You must be a pred like me” The woman made her way to the desk which meant her back was now facing him. Perfect.
“ I don’t see any coupons here,” the woman said with confusion in her voice. 
Rowan laughed. His black painted nails sharpened into claws before they pieced the woman’s arms and injected their venom. “And you won’t find any” he replied.
“What the – I can’t move! “ the woman panicked.
“That’s the point, it’s been a while since I’ve eaten another pred so I don’t need you thrashing around too much.” Rowan licked his lips as his stomach groaned and whined for this woman to be in it sooner. 
Rowan wanted to tell off this woman for what she had said and done but he remembered what Dennis had told him. Damn, that pretty man. So he simply opened his mouth wide and brought her in. 
The woman's paralyzed body made it easy to swallow and she practically slid down his throat. He lifted his head and started to use gravity to help push her down. Eventually, he was able to finish.
He took some deep breaths and he held his now heavy stomach. “There you go…right where people like you belong” 
His stomach gave an appreciative gurgle for the woman that was now inside it. Rowan sat down on the swivel chair that was by the desk and started rubbing his stomach with one hand and he rested his head on the other. It felt good to be full.
He decided that he would relax for now since eating her still had taken a lot out of him. He thought about Dennis, about those green eyes…
Rowan hated his job…sometimes.
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bestworstcase · 7 months
Your points about Salem really make it evident why Salem and Cinder being at Beacon is probably the only time that we can really learn the truth about her:
Because it's basically near impossible for her to be truthful about anything except only to those she knows she can trust absolutely, or at least those who are able to challenge the facade she puts up around herself.
Tyrian, for all of his devotion, knows nothing about her except what he wants out of her (Destroy the World for reasons not explained).
Hazel was always someone who was on the borderline of betraying her due to his own moral complications. Emerald is basically an automatic no due to her own history with those who try to deceive her. Mercury is a giant question mark so far.
Watts is a big maybe depending on how you interpret his character, though it does lean towards something akin to mutual respect (and the fact that he's tellingly the only one in canon who doesn't seem to project his own desires onto her, not factoring in the dubious canonicity of the JL x RWBY films)
Cinder's basically the only person other than Salem's contact at Beacon who would be willing (or really even consider) carving through the layers of bullshit to figure out what's actually going on, even though I get the feeling she still has to sort out her own side of things in relation to the parallels with the Madame and Salem made in "Midnight".
salem divulges information more or less on the same principle jinn does, which is “if you ask, i will answer”—which is complicated somewhat by the fact that she also really doesn’t know how to communicate what she’s thinking in a straightforward way (cinder asks what’s the point of leaving ruby alive -> “never underestimate the usefulness of others; take leonardo. he was one of ozpin’s most trusted, but now…” -> what salem is trying to express is that summer rose, her general, is ruby’s mother and she’s optimistic about the possibility of getting ruby on their side down the line, but she talks in a circle around her actual point because she isn’t used to having conversations with people, like cinder, who actually talk to her like a person)
so part of the problem is that nobody asks and part of the problem is that salem, while generally honest in that i don’t think she ever lies when asked a direct question, does not think or talk in straight lines. she’s cryptic. i don’t think she’s being cryptic on purpose so much as she’s incredibly fucking old and has spent most of her very long life alone.
and conversely part of the solution is that cinder is likely to ask and summer did ask, and summer has had fourteen years by this point to unravel salem’s cryptic best efforts to probably have a mostly complete understanding of what salem’s deal is and the requisite social skills to, like, translate for cinder. salem Wants People To Know The Truth, she’s not trying to hide, she’s just not making an active effort to not be hidden, so it’s all tipped to start coming out once she enters an environment where it’s her and one person who already knows the game and a second person who is mainly desperate for salem to treat her like an equal.
where oz is the man behind the curtain, salem is stuck behind a mirror. she just needs to be asked, and heard.
(re: her inability to communicate properly, this woman describes the murderdivorce and forever crusade situation as a bad “working relationship.” every time she has to go off-script is a train wreck. she’s on her 1174932th language. someone help her)
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herofics · 6 months
Hii could i get a scenario where the reader is feeling really sad and depressed the guys (Dabi, Bakugo, Shigaraki) trying to comfort her with cuddles and hugs because that's her love language
A/N: I honestly thought I’d already have something like this written that I could just link to you, but I don’t? At least, I’m pretty sure. I didn’t go through all the post titled “fluff” in my masterlist, so there might have been something there, but oh well, I wrote these anyway. I’m not big on physical affection, which is probably also a reason for why I haven’t written stuff for this specifically. Bakugou is also an adult, since I find it easier to write that way. Finally, some content for wattpad too, it’s been pretty dead over there. I didn’t do Shiggy, because I honestly ran out of steam with this and even the stuff I wrote was not particularly good, so I didn’t want to ruin it even more
He had seen you go through this spiral so many times before. You were rarely able to stop the cycle yourself, so that was left to him. You’d never asked that of him and he knew you wouldn’t, but he did it anyway.
Dabi wasn’t really one to offer conversational help. He could listen to you for hours, sure, but he wouldn’t say much. He knew you sometimes just needed to vent, and you didn’t need or want his advice, so he was fine with just lending an ear, at least to a certain point.
This was one of those times. You were just sitting on the couch next to him, telling him about how you weren’t really feeling like yourself lately. You had been going on about it for a while now, and Dabi found he was getting tired. It wasn’t really because of you, he just hadn’t slept in a while, and he needed a break.
“We can continue this later, but I need to get some shut-eye, so are you comin with me or stayin here by yourself?” Dabi yawned.
“You go, I’m gonna start a movie or something” you muttered.
Dabi ruffled your hair as he walked by, earning a little “hey” as a protest. He smirked to himself as he made his way to the bedroom. He threw off his jacket and let himself fall onto the bed. He didn’t even pull the covers over himself, he just went to sleep.
You were feeling a bit cold on the couch all by yourself, and you just wanted to be held. Being around Dabi made you feel warm, not just physically, but emotionally too. You were well aware his emotional skills were quite lacking, but he was there when you needed him and this was one of those times.
You sneaked into the bedroom, and laid down next to Dabi on the bed. You didn’t want to wake him up, but just being near him helped you feel better.
Dabi stirred as he felt someone lay down on the bed. He didn’t even open his eyes, he just reached for you and pulled you closer to him. He didn’t even need to think about it, his body just acted on its own. He knew he slept better with you there anyway.
You weren’t even really sure if you’d woken him up or if this was just his natural response to you being near him. You let him pull you to him and wrap his arms around your waist. He buried his face into your chest and just held you close.
You couldn’t help but smile a little. He didn’t need to say anything to make you feel loved. His touch told you enough. He made you feel warm, like the feeling of cold you had felt had never even been there in the first place. Dabi could always chase away whatever bad feeling you were having. You didn’t even really know why this man had such an effect on you, all you knew was that you loved him and he loved you. That was all you needed to know.
~Bakugou Katsuki~
Bakugou hadn’t really heard from you in a couple of days, and it had him worried. You had answered a couple of his texts with something short, but otherwise, nothing. He had been stuck at work for the last few days, so he hadn’t been able to come over and check on you. Being a pro-hero was hard work, and it was very important for Bakugou, but so were you. He had tried to call you a couple times, but you never picked up, so he decided to take a day off work and surprise you.
You hadn’t been doing too well. Getting out of bed was hard and you had managed to drag yourself into the shower that morning for the first time in a few days. You were still tired, but you felt a little bit better now that you were clean. You hadn’t gotten any calls from Bakugou since the day before, and somehow that felt like a relief. You hadn’t been able to pick up his calls, it just felt too overwhelming. You’d answered a couple of his texts, but you weren’t really feeling like talking with him. You just hoped your short responses would be enough to keep him from worrying too much. You didn’t want to make him worry, but it was pretty much inevitable.
You were sitting at the kitchen table, drinking a cup of tea and nibbling on a piece of toast, when you heard the front door open behind the corner. Only your parents and Bakugou had a key. You were dreading that your mom or dad had come to check on you, but when Bakugou appeared from behind the corner, you almost sighed in relief.
“What are you doing here?” you asked, taking a sip of your tea.
“What the fuck do you think? I came to check on you, you haven’t answered my calls” Bakugou growled.
“I’m good, I’ve just been busy with remote work, no need to worry” you tried to assure him.
“That’s crap, you don’t work at 9 in the evening. I know you always stop working at 5 in the afternoon at the latest” Bakugou rolled his eyes.
“Well, maybe I’ve been switching up my schedule” you retorted.
“I fuckin doubt that, you’re pretty set in your ways” Bakugou rolled his eyes.
“Okay, you checked on me. You can leave now” you said with an annoyed tone.
You didn’t want to argue with him, but you also weren’t really feeling like dealing with his attitude right now. You knew he was just simply being himself. You knew he didn’t mean to be annoying or to get on your nerves, but right now pretty much everything was getting on your nerves.
Bakugou sighed, he didn’t want to argue with you, or make you upset, which he still had clearly managed to achieve.
“You’re not going to get rid of me that easily” Bakugou said, and sat down on the chair next to you.
He turned the chair so he was facing you and took your hands in his.
“I’m really not in the mood to get into this with you. I just really don’t feel like dealing with anyone right now” you sighed.
“I get it, okay. I also know you well enough to know that when you get pissed so easily, you’re not doing well”
He was right. Normally, you would have much more patience and you wouldn’t snap at him so easily.
“Sometimes I hate that you know me so well” you muttered, feeling like you were going to start crying.
Bakugou stood up and pulled you up with him.
“Get your ass up, to the couch” Bakugou motioned.
Bakugou sat down and pulled you into his lap, wrapping his arms around you.
You didn’t even realize how much you’d missed him. Somehow you always ended up avoiding the people that had always helped you previously, it was a bit funny actually. It was the same cycle every time, you started feeling more depressed, you isolated yourself, and Bakugou ended up pushing his way in. You’d known each other for long enough for him to know the patterns you tended to fall into.
You relaxed against him and just took a few deep breaths. It’s not like this was going to make it all go away, but Bakugou’s presence certainly helped. You felt like you wanted to cry, to just let it all out and wallow in it for just a moment, so maybe it would go away.
“It’s okay babe, I’m here for you”
“I don’t know why I’m like this Kats. Obviously depression is a big part of it, but I don’t know why I constantly keep falling back into it. What’s wrong with me?”
“There’s nothing fuckin wrong with you. Sometimes life just throws more at us than we can handle”
“Yeah, I guess” you sighed. “Can we just stay like this for a while? I don’t really feel like talking about it”
“Sure, anything you want” he said and kissed you on the cheek. “Anything for you”
That’s how you stayed, you in Bakugou’s lap, snuggled to his chest with his arms around you, keeping you safe. 
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I have something that's been bugging me regarding a moderately popular request from fans to add a way to romance Astarion without having sex with him.
There are so many reasons why this is a very sweet but poor take. I'll start with game reasons and then explain the trauma connection
That route would then become the "Morally pure" or "Only Right" option. Now I know you're just thinking personally you would be more comfortable with that kind of story but people absolutely would not leave it alone. I already see how the ascended versus spawn ending conflict looks, now imagine having a completely morally pure Romance run where you never once do anything that has a perceivable negative connotation.
I could carry on, but now I'm going to move into speculation, fueled by my perspective, which is informed by my experiences:
He wouldn't have gone for it. Certainly not in act one where he's doing everything he can to pin someone down, and this is the only skill he thinks he has at this moment, he's acting on instinct his instinct is to seduce.
You can say that you try to build a friendship throughout act one just like you would in the regular route because hey we also have halsin and minthara who you don't even get to romance until later on in the game, sure, I hear you. So in that case, having not romanced you in act 1 he is now on par with however he would be in a friend playthrough.
He is also in a completely different mental space by the end of it, and since he never had to pretend to be in love with you, he never had to keep up a facade of a developing romance because he wasn't banging you, which he considered a transactional thing that was part of the whole "getting protection" thing
Let me expand a little. Even if you were flirty back, Astarions plans were always "seduce you, sleep with you, manipulate your feeling so you'd never turn on me" and he believes that the sex is part of how you get something out of it too, since he sees NO VALUE in himself as a person, and states in game that he has little to offer but complications.
He would close the book on you romantically the minute you didn't let him sleep with you, just like he does in a regular playthrough. If you wrote it as him going along with a slow burn seduction, same romance talk but no sex, maybe even teasing him along, you may have gotten through Act 1, I will give you that that could be written, and would make great fanfiction. But we are talking about putting this in the canon, in the game, keep that in mind.
Say you get to act 2, the point where he says he needs a break from sex. If this gets you excited, thinking "this is where it pays off" .... No! Because he would never have that conversation, due to not having had sex.
How could you re-write it? Maybe he wasn't in a relationship with you this whole time even though you were pursuing him but you said no sex which would have frustrated him (you see where I'm going with this)
Maybe this is the point where you say like I would like to help you fight Cazador and do everything as your partner because I love you, or... However. You'd have to have the romance confession, because he couldn't confess to you because the only reason in his mind he confesses to you is out of guilt from having used you for you guessed it
So now let's say you fully support him when you're saying romantic things to him and for some reason you write in that he's tolerating this and it's fine,
He's a complete wreck all the way up until the end of the Cazador quest. This is not the time where he would be getting cuddly and snuggly and Kissy or even spending more time with the main character because in the Canon he is so upset that he's pretty much snapping at everybody, if you romanced him he's taking a break and he will not commit to what you guys are and he's still putting on a bit of a front with the same kind of language and tones of voice he used when he was manipulating you and act one showing that he's kind of going through the motions right now.
So you would have to rewrite the entire romance that from this morally pure point of view he would be in such a better place emotionally with you or the romance wouldn't be able to start until after cazadors quest.
Then you get into endgame where you either ascended him or you left him as a spawn, and the friendship route does what it does but how would you write the graveyard scene how would you do any of this because he would have had no reason to confess any of his trauma to you ever because you were so supportive how would you have gotten that information out of him?
If you didn't know any of that stuff then why is he bringing you to the graveyard how deep did your relationship really get? How did you get a relationship that's deep with him when he wouldn't have divulged that information?
You even see in the love test he is a very private person and the only reason he was ever honest with you was to apologize for how he manipulated you with sex.
I actually could keep going on about this but I'm using voice to text and it's midnight and I should probably just go to bed so anyway I'm not here to super duper put you guys down or anything I think it's very very sweet I think it is beautiful and I think you should write fanfic about it.
I do not think it belongs in the game
Now you go enjoy the things you enjoy, I will read all of your fanfiction, I will love all of your art. I enjoy the hell out of you beautiful creatures who just want the best for this sad vampire man. And wait, can you make it work in his Origin?? Idk maybe try that idea out I haven't thought that one through.
Sometimes really good writing puts us in positions where we feel a little uncomfortable. And that just makes it good writing. I love you all thanks for coming to My Opinions Based on the information I Currently Have 😂
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esterzach · 4 months
Now... I'm on the end of S 2 of Farscape, this is hardly the first watch. More like around the 5th... It's all your fault. You, around here, who keep making gifs! There are things I am addicted to. This is one of them. It took only a look, and the old habits are back. Also, Crichton now looks even more deranged. But damn I love them. Now that is a dramatic love story. These characters are amazing. Oddly it never felt... incomplete. In comparison to The X-files, back in the day, I was wondering about the logic behind so many of the episodes, and after every episode. It felt so many times, that there was this abyss, a huge skip of time, something important that I somehow missed, or jumping into a completely different world. They would say things and after that -nothing, as if never happened. Maybe I just remember incorrectly. But with Farscape, this shit never felt that way, and we are talking aliens, made-up words, planets, space, time jumps, insane shit like creating made-up realities, playing with vague concepts, with difficult themes. Oddly enough after so many American TV shows and movies, Australian productions felt a lot more sane. The characters feel a lot more relatable. The way they speak, the way they react emotionally. The way they react to each other. Australians seem warmer, more open, and more genuine, even when it's about some evil character who does unspeakable things. They feel a lot more human to me. They seem to avoid this way of telling a story when characters conveniently miss some important information, even though everyone else knows it, or miscommunicate on purpose, with no logic, and they are much more understanding and forgiving, almost as if they know and accept that no one is without flaws... They seem much braver in depicting sides of human behavior, that are distasteful or controversial. And the judgment seems way less. As if they don't expect a person to always be able to take the high ground, and that's fine. Maybe I am wrong, and it's not like I have seen that much of Australian TV, but... this is how it feels. In comparison, US characters are expected to behave in a certain way, almost like society doesn't tolerate any mistakes, and it is expected to know perfectly what to do in every given situation and get over hurt and pain in the span of 3 to 5 business days, with no time off, no explanations. Mistakes are punished brutally, so much so that there is no second chance, no attempt to understand, even if we are talking about young people or children. But at the same time, certain people can get away with pretty much everything, because of their status in society and no one can say anything. There is a certain lack of communication and normal human conversations, these moments of talking about nothing in general, but about random small things, things that make up the human character - tastes in food, music, animals, favourite things, small oddities, dislikes, fears...
All of a sudden, you have people who know nothing about someone who they spent years around and call a friend. And all of a sudden - huge surprise, they have a close relative, who they never mentioned, a childhood that is beyond insane, some amazing skill they never shared before, like speaking an exotic language or being able to fly a plane, or spending their youth in jail, but in the same in a jungle of South America with some isolated tribe, or riding elephants in Africa or something... Or having a child with a former lover, they never spoke about. I mean, is this normal? Not to talk among each other? Is this not considered important? Or this is just for the sake of storytelling? Odd... It feels like with the way stories are told, I always have to wonder where is this going, and what to expect, always on my toes, even when there is no point to the story. I don't know if I am making any sense...
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amaya-7 · 11 months
How the Hashira’s act when jealous !!
Characters: renkogu, mitsuri, obanai, giyuu, muichiro, shinobu, sanemi
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
CW: Explicit language, blasphemy, reader is fem!leaning, a sprinkle of suggestive content (literally the size of dust dw), Muichiro is a menace to society, su1c1de is mentioned sarcastically
- Lmk if I missed anything
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_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Giyuu ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
➶ My guy is NOT having it
➶ Hmm
➶ He’ll probably just stare at the person who’s making him jealous
➶ He’s not blinking
➶ He’s not breathing
➶ Pls breath
➶ It’s like, you know that look your mother (or parent) gave you when little 12yr old you flipped them off behind their back and they turned around? You learned your lesson that day.
➶ That is the look Giyuu has on his face
➶ Good lord
➶ You’re looking in between him and the other dude and notice that they’re both just staring at each other
➶ Like, c’mon now
➶ They’re like lizards or something
➶ But in his head, you’re the one person who can put up with him and his questionable social skills
➶ His luck can’t get that good again, so if this other guys thinks he has a chance
➶ Giyuu will be ready to rumble
➶ And by that I mean he’s walking away (with you ofc)
➶ You ask him if he’s okay afterwards because wtf
➶ He’s just “yeah >:(”
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Shinobu ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
✾ You’re both down at the local markets to stock up her pharmaceuticals and this person just won’t stop staring at you?
✾ Oh? And now they have the audacity to come and strike up a conversation? WITH YOU?
✾ “I know where you live”
✾ Help? 😭
✾ That person looks at her and asks what she said and Shinobu’s just like “oh nothing, nothing! 🥰”
✾ She’s not the most physically affectionate person
✾ But she will make a point of standing closer than is needed next to you
✾ That person says something funny? She lightly laughing along, covering her mouth with her free hand girlishly
✾ But don’t be fooled
✾ She’s trying her best to suppress the enormous boner her middle finger has rn
✾ She’s adjusting her kimono that she wears for going into town, she’s clearing her throat lightly, she’s brushing dust off of your shoulder
✾ Miss girl is giving every sign under the sun that she doesn’t give a shit about your pursuer
✾ If they haven’t gotten the hint that Shinobu is telling them to fly away,
✾ She’ll give an “Oh, how impressive! Though we would love to hear you mention that for the 4th time again, I think it’s really time for us to get a move on.”
✾ And she’s giving them that smile
✾ ‘time to go before I lose my shit :)’
✾ Is what she’s really thinking
✾ Props to her for that insane self control
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Rengoku ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
҉ Imagine a big wall
҉ And on that big wall is written “thou cock, shall be blocked!”
҉ It’s him
҉ He’s eccentric in his persona, we all know that
҉ So say someone walks up to you
҉ They’re so blinded by love at first sight that they don’t notice the massive, 5’10, 72kg, gorgeously muscled, face carved by angels themselves, man standing next to you
҉ Seriously
҉ It’s like trying to compare a cactus to Jesus
҉ Kyojuro just watches at first, a little sickly feeling in his stomach
҉ The person is literally about to get on their knees for you
҉ But Kyojuro says no 🙅‍♀️
҉ “Surely you have better things to do with your life, my good sir! Stealing another man’s partner can’t be your top priority!”
҉ You look at him and then the guy
҉ The guy is staring at Kyojuro
҉ “That is my partner!” He continues
҉ “For me!”
҉ Please we get it
҉ Bro was so quick to shatter his heart
҉ The other guy is just standing there, eyebrows furrowed while Kyojuro beams at him
҉ “Can we go…?” You say
҉ “We can go wherever you wish my love!”
҉ It’s just overkill at this point
҉ The other guy will never recover
҉ Even though Kyojuro is feeling petty, he’ll still give the guy a pat on the shoulder as you both walk off
҉ Because his heart weighs 24kg of pure gold
҉ I’m so in love
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Mitsuri ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
❥ Like her teacher, she has a heart of pure gold
❥ Her getting jealous would be very different to everyone else
❥ She’d probably get sad
❥ My poor pookie
❥ You’re both strolling through a nearby town on her day off, holding hands, hearts in both of your eyes, frolicking near the food stalls
❥ And all of a sudden
❥ Your shoulder is being touched by someone other than the love of your life
❥ Awful
❥ Sacrilegious
❥ The person is obviously under the influence of alcohol
❥ On a Tuesday afternoon nevertheless
❥ They’re asking you to ditch your “friend” and go have fun with them
❥ You decline, Mitsuri steps in to clarify that you’re courting, but the person just doesn’t get it?
❥ You call them a creep (along with a few more colourful words) and leave
❥ You notice that Mitsuri is pretty quiet
❥ So you ask her if she’s okay
❥ “I-if I’M okay? I should be asking you that! I’m so sorry I didn’t step in more! People like that are just the worst! They should be treated the same as demons for violating human beings like that! Ohhhh, if I ever see that fiddle-faddle-fuc-”
❥ So, you do eventually calm her down
❥ You can tell that she’s a bit more than jealous; her pride, ego, and self-esteem took a small hit too
❥ So you comfort her like the loving partner you are, and she brings her love to the table too
❥ You both end up gushing over each other in squeals and tears
❥ It’s back to a world made of cotton candy and butterflies with you two
❥ There’s a few civilian side-eyes
❥ But who gives a shit when love conquers all
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Obanai ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
୭ He is letting mental middle fingers fly into the world
୭ Someone is getting a little too friendly with you
୭ Do you see that big rock on the ground? Because Obanai definitely does ‼️
୭ He’ll be making voodoo dolls later if this keeps up
୭ Be stringing them together while humming a little tune, distant screams in the background
୭ However, his posture isn’t aggressive at all
୭ But it’s definitely threatening
୭ Slightly hunched shoulders, eyes nothing more than slits, an ominous aura surrounding him
୭ You, on the other hand, look like a ray of fucking sunshine!
୭ You’re being polite, bowing slightly in appreciation whenever you’re complimented, laughing at the persons witty remarks
୭ Physical representation of Yin & Yang
୭ The other person thinks they hear a bee buzzing around
୭ It’s actually Obanai mumbling curses and casting spells
୭ Bro’s a witch ‼️
୭ Now, this man would kiss the ground you walked on if it was socially acceptable
୭ So to see someone else act like they would do that?
୭ Nah
୭ He’s letting Kaburamaru loose as you speak
୭ Just kidding
୭ He knows you would beat his ass if he did that
୭ Hashira or not
୭ So when he’s decided that the moment was long overdue, he puts a hand on your lower back and guides you away from the parasite
୭ He later found out that said “parasite” was just your cousin
୭ He misread the situation so bad
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Sanemi ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
༄ؘ Good
༄ؘ Fucking
༄ؘ Luck
༄ؘ It’s common knowledge that he has some mental alpha male shit going on
༄ؘ Heard of the saying ‘Don’t poke a sleeping bear’?
༄ؘ Well what if I told you that bear was awake
༄ؘ And it just let it’s food run away
༄ؘ And it’s been poked by 263 other sticks
༄ؘ And it’s on fire
༄ؘ Does this remind you of anyone?
༄ؘ It is on SITE if someone makes him jealous
༄ؘ The problem will be dealt in 3 seconds. Permanently.
༄ؘ Jk Sanemi wouldn’t go that far. He’s just a ‘lil boi
༄ؘ I feel like he would jump to conclusions too quickly like I mentioned with Iguro
༄ؘ But he would be very confronting about his anger towards the person who’s completely disregarding his presence
༄ؘ He’s immediately speaking up
༄ؘ Ain’t got no time to be brushed off
༄ؘ “Huh? You’re not going to compliment my attire too? Careful, I might start thinking you’re trying to take something that’s not yours.”
༄ؘ “You’re a funny one, aren’t you? It’s a shame I didn’t laugh. Let’s go somewhere else and I can show you how real men make jokes.”
༄ؘ He’s got the other dude shitting bricks
༄ؘ Sanemi is definitely the scariest of them all, but when it boils down to it, he’s just growing tough skin so the people he loves don’t have to
༄ؘ But, it might be best to keep him away from public spaces
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Muichiro ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
✧ The sass is astronomical
✧ The sarcasm is absolutely brutal
✧ The amount of roasts this boy throws around will fund firefighters pay checks for years
✧ Absolute legend
✧ He see’s that you’re not paying enough attention to him? That guy on the train is talking to you about that hobby you share for too long?
✧ No one is safe
✧ “Maybe if you went outside more you’d have more than one topic to discuss.”
✧ “You enjoy travelling? You couldn’t find your way out of a paper bag with a lamp and map if you tried.”
✧ “Sharp as a marble, that one.”
✧ “Oh I’m sure you’ll go far someday. And I really hope you stay there.”
✧ People around you are gasping left, right and centre
✧ You feel the need to apologise with seppaku atp
✧ There’s just no other way to atone for those spitballs of fire
✧ Might as well be a dragon
✧ “Sorry everyone, he’s just hungry..”
✧ He ain’t hungry he’s just like that
✧ The other guy on the train stops talking to you because that would be suicide
✧ You notice that Muichiro’s mood has lifted incredibly
✧ “Why did you do that?”
✧ “I don’t appreciate being treated like I’m not here.”
✧ Yes ur majesty
✧ “Anyways, I brought a board to play shogi with so let’s do that to pass some time!”
✧ Yes!! Let’s pretend the guy you just roasted alive isn’t sobbing into a napkin over there
✧ He’s just an angsty teen boy who needs your attention to live apparently
✧ He’s also petty and isn’t above disrespecting his elders (as we’ve previously seen)
✧ So, be careful with dividing your attention because the consequences are mortifying 💀
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Hello Ms. Raven. I hope you're having a good day. I really love reading your twst analysis because I can understand the boys more! There's something bothering me and I really need your opinion. English is not my first language so I hope you can understand me🙏. Most fanfics depicts Adeuce and Grim as a dumb troublemakers that gives Yuu problems almost everyday. This really annoys me. Every first year has their own type of intelligence. Ace and Deuce are smart and capable. I don't know how to elaborate this but I know you get what I mean.
[You can read my TWST analyses here!]
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Yeah, I totally get what you mean! 💦 It’s honestly really easy to define a character by a single trait (or a handful of traits), since it’s difficult to write the full breadth of TWST’s very complex and fleshed out characters.
Some of the misinterpretations and misunderstandings come down to not reading certain materials, as a lot of lore is scattered throughout events and vignettes (with some character lore being in vignettes that don’t even focus on them). I think if you were to read the main story and literally nothing else (or only a few supplemental vignettes), it would be somewhat understandable to be under the impression that Adeuce and Grim are dumb troublemakers (since that’s how the main story generally presents them).
Of course, with TWST being TWST, a character is never as shallow as “dumb troublemaker” and nothing else 😅 because a core theme of the game is that nothing is “black and white”, or one extreme. There’s always more to the story that isn’t being told, especially at a surface level viewing.
I think part of the reason why Adeuce and Grim are seen as unintelligent (besides how the main story presents them) is because it’s often pointed out that they don’t perform well academically. It’s true that they don’t get the best grades, but I wish people wouldn’t act as though this somehow makes them “lesser than” other characters. It puts the onus on grades and grades alone to define a character’s skill and worth, which shouldn’t be true, whether in fiction or in the real world. (It reminds me of a conversation Riddle and Azul had in episode 6, where Riddle is the one placing the emphasis on grades equating to an individual’s competence, and Azul tells him that titles like “top student” don’t get you anywhere if you don’t have real world experience or know how to use that knowledge.)
Even within the realm of “intelligence”, there’s many different classifications of intelligence that extend beyond what we typically think of as “intelligence” (ability to test well and perform well in a typical academic setting): social intelligence, kinesthetic intelligence, linguistic intelligence, naturalistic intelligence, musical intelligence, etc. Intelligence isn’t limited to JUST being book smart, it also includes how that knowledge is used and applied.
This applies to Adeuce, Grim, and literally every character (I wrote this brief analysis on why Kalim, another character typically regarded as unintelligent, is actually intelligent in his own way); they have have their own strengths and are intelligent in their own ways. For example, Ace is extremely good at lying (as we see in episode 3, when he served as the distraction for the museum guards). He is also adept at copying others, as he is able to watch others perform dances or routines once before roughly being able to mimic those movements. His cheery veneer is an easy act to get others to open up to him and to trust him before he tears them down—something we witness several times whenever Ace interacts with Deuce, or heck, even when Ace first meets Yuu in the prologue.
Deuce, while definitely the dimmer of the duo, makes up for his lack of wit with sheer determination. He’s much more motivated to better himself than Ace is, and also a lot more sensitive and considerate of his classmates. Additionally, Deuce is the most introspective of the trio, often reflecting on his mistakes and thinking about how he can improve from them (which is evident in his backstory, Wish Upon a Star, and the main story). It is this self-reflection that ultimately builds up to him discovering his unique magic in episode 5, because he finally realizes that his true strength lies not in thinking, but in his stubbornness.
bdjsvsdiwjskd I could go on and on, but I’m going to stop right there before this response gets any longer since I think I’ve made my point by now 🥲 I don’t like it when grades or very generalized intelligence is implied to be the “end all, be all” of anyone’s worth, because it really shouldn’t be (and this is coming from me, a straight A student). Different people have different things to offer, and I think we should be more accepting of that rather than automatically brand characters that are literally just your average teenagers as “dumb”.
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