#when the lizard is a sap
lorenzobane · 2 years
Darling, I'm Intoxicated
(A/N: @wanderingwriter87 I don't know- this just came up and slapped me in the face and I blame you. On AO3 here)
Summary: Garak gets a bit too drunk.
“This is ridiculous.”
“No, it is not. You should be flattered that you were invited! I’m so happy you’re branching out more, making new friends–” 
“Stop talking to me like I’m a child, Julian.” 
Julian rolls his eyes. One of Garak’s colleagues at the local municipal building where he acts as County Notary (a job both serving the state but decidedly banal, which Julian knows Garak finds uniquely frustrating) has invited him to his Kosse ceremony. Julian understands the ceremony is quite similar to the Terran custom of bachelor parties, complete with strippers and copious alcohol. 
Garak hadn’t had one. 
Julian had certainly tried to persuade him; he had even said they could share a bachelor party if Garak were so hesitant to have his own (which had been met with a furious noise from Miles over subspace when he told him about it later). Garak remained firm in his refusal, and so Julian eventually gave in. 
It isn’t that the party itself is so significant, Julian thinks. It is more what the party represents, namely- friends. Julian has always been good about joining sports teams and throwing himself into the deep end of social dynamics, social skills be damned, and on Cardassia, he has pretty good success. He is part of a tennis league that meets biweekly, formed of Federation aid workers and local Cardassians who had picked up the game, his coworkers at the hospital he sometimes got drinks with, and, of course, a standing subspace call with Miles. 
Garak has, well, he has him. Julian loves Garak with his entire being. He adores him, wants nothing but joy and happiness from him, relishes talking to him, and could easily spend whole days just lost in him. 
But. But that isn’t healthy, and it isn’t fair. Julian dated a Councilor long enough to know that, at least. 
So, Julian says, “stop behaving like a child then.” 
Garak gives him a look that could drill a hole for dilithium. 
“Now, message me if you need a ride home. I won’t be going anywhere, so any time.” 
“I think I am perfectly capable of finding my way home in the city I was raised in, Doctor.”
“And we are all very impressed,” Julian says soothingly. “Still, call. I’m off tomorrow, so it won’t be a bother.” 
“Which is why I don’t understand why you can’t come with me.”
“Because I wasn’t invited,” Julian reminds him playfully. “Also, you can’t have a couple at your Bachelor Party! Ruines the energy of debauchery.” 
“I will take your word for it.” 
Julian starts steering him towards the door, pressing his comm into his hands. “Have fun!” 
Garak opens his mouth to respond, so Julian cheerfully shuts the door on his face.
Julian looked around their small living room; he isn’t often alone and finds that he’s excited to have a night to himself. Maybe he can watch that new holodrama he’s been meaning to binge, but Garak hasn’t been interested. 
He snuggles in and settles into finally being able to watch something without constant commentary. 
Several hours later, Julian wakes up on the couch to a message notification. He blinks once, not remembering when he fell asleep in the first place, and then reads the message. 
Elim Garak: Darling, I am intoxicated.
Julian chuckles softly under his breath. 
Julian Bashir: Would you like me to pick you up? 
Elim Garak: That would be most appreciated, my dear. 
Julian looks at the time, and his eyes widen; it is late. Much later than Julian thought Garak would be willing to stay out and definitely later than Julian himself had stayed out since Jadzia’s parties on Deep Space Nine. 
He shakes the cobwebs loose and heads for their hovercraft before checking Garak’s location on his PADD and chuckling. 
A Glinn’s Pleasure, a Cardassian Strip Club. There was a term for it (ss’kishta) but for all purposes, it was a strip club. 
Good for him, Julian thinks with a grin. Poor dear so rarely gets to see any scale. Julian has never been the jealous type, and he is perfectly aware that Garak does nothing quickly. He doesn’t eat quickly, doesn’t shower quickly, and doesn’t fuck quickly.
Julian can attest to that. It only took him ten years. 
By the time he gets there, it seems only the Kosse ceremony group is left, with the younger men still vigorously hollering at the dancers. Julian scans the room for signs of his wayward husband when he sees him slumped over a chair in the back of the bar. He’s actually surprised that Garak allowed himself to get this intoxicated with strangers, but he’ll get the full story of how this happened later. 
He walks over to him, ready to gingerly wake him when he looks at the image Garak fell asleep looking at. It was a picture from a vacation they went on two months ago; Julian was wearing a pink shirt that was barely buttoned, gesturing wildly with his hands in the warm Risian sun. His wedding band caught in the light. 
Julian softens even more and gently presses a hand on Garak’s shoulder. “Elim, are you ready to go?” 
“Yes, are you ready to go home?” 
“Yes,” Garak responds, almost desperately swaying into his arms. 
Julian chuckles, “Okay, okay, I’ve got you.” 
He maneuvers them out of the bar taking great pains to keep his partner as upright as possible. Julian passes a brief wave to the boys, who are still partying, as he lugs his husband to the hovercraft. 
As soon as he helps him sit, Garak falls asleep. Julian presses a fond kiss to Garak’s temple and then drives them both home.
Once he manages to get Garak up to their room, and in their bed, he walks back to the living room and orders a hangover cure from the replicator. It works best if applied before sleep to prevent hangover symptoms in the morning rather than curing them once they have already appeared. 
There is a quiet hiss of the hypospray unloading into Garak’s neck, who doesn’t even twitch. A flash of alarm rings through him- Garak is always alert. 
Taking a half step back, watching that Garak is still breathing steadily, he reaches for his tricorder, heart racing. 
Julian sighs and shakes his head at himself, nothing. He’s perfectly fine, save for the dehydration from the alcohol. Exasperated with himself, the war was years ago; he lays down too. 
Julian wakes up before Garak does, which is unsurprising but still sends him to his tricorder for one more quick scan before he officially calls himself paranoid. 
Garak eventually wakes up, wandering into the living room in his traditional robe and perfect posture. Even his hair is neatly plaited. 
“Good morning, love,” Julian says with a smile. 
Garak inclines his head at him, oddly polite, but Julian ignores it. 
“So,” Julian starts, “how was last night?” 
“A tawdry affair,” Garak begins, sighing dramatically. “A bunch of headstrong, foolish young men. The state only knows why they even wanted an old timer like me along.” 
“Of course,” Julian says, his lips curling around a tea cup's rim. “Though I’m sure you still gave them a run for their money,” 
“Oh,” Garak chucked, “I tried to keep up. Though, it has been some time since I have consumed in such excess. I must say, I find myself… surprised by the lack of consequences.” 
Julian gave him a questioning look. “I gave you a hangover treatment last night, of course. It is always better to prevent the problem than to treat it.”
Garak looks at him, seeming almost surprised for half a second before he nods. “Of course. I never doubt your medical expertise. I just presumed that perhaps you’d be more… Upset.” 
“Upset? About what?” 
“Well, that I allowed such an overindulgence. You do so often harp on me about the importance of moderation.” 
“Because it is important, but Garak, going out with your friends every once in a while and having a bit too much isn’t something you need to be punished for. I’m certainly not upset.” 
“Nor about the rather… lewd displays at the venue where you found me?” 
Julian rolls his eyes and goes over to him, pressing a firm kiss on his cheek. “Elim, love, I knew that. Remember? Now, did you have fun?” 
Garak looks conflicted before he smiles, “Well, it has been some time since I’ve seen another Cardassian’s chuva. So, that was refreshing, though surprisingly uninspiring. I suppose I simply have different tastes now.” 
Julian laughs, nuzzling his face into Garak’s neck. He can read between the lines.
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dragonbleps · 1 year
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She's using the twig I gave her :)
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rotten-corpses-blog · 11 months
Dating Billy Loomis Headcannons
Billy is the type of guy to look like he doesn’t like affection, but he loves it and he can’t keep his hands off of you. Y’all can often be seen walking around town or school for that matter; holding hands or Billy just hanging on you.
Don’t say you're tired in front of him, unless you want to be carried. He will just scoop you up and carry you around like it’s the most normal thing on the planet. He will growl anyone who looks at y’all funny, his baby deserves the best.
He whispers the sweetest (and very dirty) things right in your ear to see you blush and get hot all over.
Jealous mf right here, Randy flirting with you? Be prepared for an aggressive makeout session that gets slightly obscene very quickly. He will kill a random dude, no question and absolutely no remorse. 
The only way a relationship with Billy would workout for a long time is if you know about the killings and are somewhat or totally ok with it. He won’t talk about it with you if it makes you queasy tho don’t worry.
If you're having a bad mental health day he will drop everything to be with you and won’t leave until you are completely ok.
He’s bad with his feelings, but he will try so hard to let you know he truly loves and adores you more than anything he has loved before.
He gives you a promise ring at the end of junior year, he gets down on one knee and everything. (then plans a wedding until he actually proposes)
Speaking of marriage,his dream is to get married and start a little family with you. He often thinks about what it would feel like to love and be with you until the end of time.
He can be an asshole, but he’s the sweetest, funniest guy on the planet when you are alone with him
He is really good with kids, everyone thinks he would hate kids but he’s actually great with them and he is a sap for anything small and cute.
If you have really little siblings or babysit, he will get baby fever and will pick out names and nursery themes.
Because of his childhood he really wants to settle down and be better than his parents. He has the belief that if he had kids that all the pain will go away. (poor baby)
He hates his dad, like he doesn’t even like anyone with the same name as him. He will kill him if his dad doesn’t fuck off somewhere else and not give him his location.
He wants animals like snakes and lizards. He becomes a cat dad as well and will let the cat(s) sleep on him. “y/nnnn don’t wake up Wes, he will claw meeee”
Overall, he’s the sweetest boyfriend you could ask for.
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bits-and-babs · 1 year
Dark!Commander Mills x f!Reader
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word count: 3.7K
warnings: 18+ MDNI, Dead Dove Do Not Eat; this fic may be unsettling for some readers. Dark!Mills, Chasing Predator/Prey, fear, tense scenes. DubCon [Non-Con Themes?]. Mentions of body hair, Size Difference/Size Kink. Pussy slapping, unprotected p in v sex, tummy bulge, claiming, cream pie
➛ mills masterlist I| main masterlist |I send an ask I| taglist
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Jagged bark digs into the skin of your back through the thin, soft cotton fabric of your shirt. You feel the amber tree sap seep into the canvas, sticking uncomfortably to your back and clinging to you as you try to ease your hyperventilation. The cells of your lungs vibrate with alarm, stinging as you suck in mouthfuls of oxygen.
Get away.
The sunshine thrashes you, your skin slick with the sweat that rolls down your temples. Heat ebbs at the edges of your mind, teasing you with the promise of unconsciousness. Rest. It urges you to let your knees slump, to ease your aching body down to the forest floor and close your eyes for a moment– you can’t. You can’t be certain how far ahead you were or how much of a head-start he had conceded.
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It had been freezing when you awoke, the cold biting your skin raw even as it thawed. A low hum deafened your ears, subconscious tears frosting your coarse eyelash hairs together and forcing your lids shut. Panicked, you had pushed the heels of your palms to your eyes in an attempt to melt the frosty glue, feeling something slippy and thick smear across the skin of your cheekbone.
The metal tang to the scent that pierced your nostrils indicated you were bleeding, pain leaping forward in your skull and forcing your eyes open in your discomfort. Like a mallet smashed over your head, the sounds of your surroundings cracked through your ear drums. A deafening siren screamed, blurring your vision with the intensity of its volume. Glass tinkled against the metal shell of the cryogenic chamber as you’d wearily pushed yourself from the leather seat you had called home for an estimated double solar-cycle. Your limbs were stiff, unused and preserved in ice for twenty-four months.
Green flooded your vision as you rose to your feet, a flashing light on the data pad of your chamber indicating your apparent survival following defrost. You’d been thankful to see your vitals displayed across the screen– you had felt so awful upon waking that you were almost certain you had died.
Relief that had flooded your veins curdled into distress when the data pad beeped, a cursor swiping across the pixels to dismiss the notification of your stirring.
You hadn’t given the scene much notice from then, jittery fear shuddering over your skin and forcing your feet forward. The ship that had meant to deliver you to Somaris was nowhere in sight, but debris pieces of the vessel had lay strewn across the forest floor. Orange embers still glowed within the metal of some large slabs of metal.
The realisation had been slow to arrive, the throbbing remnants of a concussion sweeping nausea throughout your body as you stumbled over the fallen trees. The piercing ring of the alarm continues to circle your agitated mind, tormenting you with the sinking reality of your plight. Stranded on a planet far beyond the solar system you had come from, surrounded by alien creatures you hadn’t seen stored in information holo-pads and without a ship to re-enter orbit– all while attempting to avoid the person who you had no doubt was hot on your heels.
Initially, you had assumed that the scaly, lizard-like animals were causing the snapping of the twigs in the thick treeline of the forest. While some were humongous, you noticed some were of a smaller size. Even the creatures that reached your hips posed a significant enough threat for you to avoid them by ducking behind tree trunks and bushes, their sharp teeth dripping with saliva when they caught your scent.
Whipping around at the sound of another ‘crunch’, you’d caught sight of him. Long, ebony hair fell in strands in front of his face; his brows pinched together in a stalker's concentration. His lips set in a grim, thin line, recharge-blaster aimed directly at your calves. The amber sap that had coated your skin from the trees appeared to have drenched his eyes, irises burning a bright honey colour in the brutal sunshine.
You hadn’t stopped running since, chest heaving as the cells of your lungs screamed at the intensity of your pace. The thick fabric of your flight suit, coated in leather around the collar, was heavy to carry, your legs aching as you’d lept over each of the fallen trunks in your way.
Shuddering at the memory of the hours you have spent evading capture, you inhale shakily in an attempt to ease your thumping heart. It threatens to crack your sternum, bludgeoning the bone with its rapid pace. Even though you’d stopped for some time, dread kept your heartbeat thrumming like the wings of the birds on your home planet, your blood rushing in your ears and drowning out the squawks of the flying lizards, their beaks long and sharp, wings leathery with clawed hands at the joint.
A stream trickles nearby, the running water rippling around the surrounding rocks. The breeze is cool against your face, tickling your cheekbones in a soft kiss. Despite the rustling of the leaves, the babble of the small brook, and the distant hiss of the hot spring geysers, it’s utterly quiet.
Foreboding chills you to the bone, wringing you dry.
It feels off, this delicate balance of stillness. Trepidation crawls up the vertebrae of your spine and prickles your skin with goosebumps. There’s an ambience; thick with something sinister. It coats your surroundings and lingers in the air like unsparked lighting, threatening to pounce.
Your hair stands on end, blood freezing along with the beat of your heart when you hear it; the zooming charge of a blaster.
“You can’t run from me forever.” It’s delivered with an alarming deadpan, his even voice ricocheting off the tree line. You can’t tell where he is like this, your neck reeling on its shoulders as you frantically search the area.
Darting your eyes amongst the bushes, you spot him- his footsteps cautious as he picks each footfall carefully. He’s learnt from his previous mistake, ensuring not to reveal his position with a snapping twig.
You swallow back a whimper, skirting around the trunk of the tree. Palm pressed to your nose and mouth; you hear your trembling breaths as you attempt to smother them. It’s terrifying, the level of noise you make. You’re certain your pulse gives away your hiding spot- that the vibration of the very cells of your being is connected to an amplifier and blasting through the woodlands.
In contrast, your pursuer is almost silent, barely making a sound as he picks through the undergrowth. You wonder how it’s possible for such a large man to make so little noise. He’s so careful, so silent that you pause your breath to listen for him better. Where-?
“Sweet Thing…” you hear him coo, a slight taunt to his voice that makes your nails dig into the tree's bark. Your lungs threaten to scream, ankles promising to buckle beneath the suffocating pressure.
Crouching as low as you can onto the balls of your feet, you attempt to shuffle around the trunk's circumference. You’re careful to test each footstep, feeling for fragile foliage beneath the sole of your shoe before setting it on the floor. You swallow thickly, wincing as the dried leaves rustle quietly.
It’s as though time momentarily stops. The rubber of your heel catches on the roots of the tree, slipping down the curved surface and sending your foot crashing through the sun-baked foliage with a sickening ‘crunch.’
Tensing up all at once, your muscles pinch with fear. You fail to suppress the heaving breaths that rattle through you now, sucking in mouthfuls of oxygen and wheezing in terror when you exhale.
“Hmm,” a hum sounds to your left, loud to your ears. You bristle, the seams of your person screaming that you need to move, to run. Instead, you stay rooted to the spot, fight or flight bested by the primal instinct to be still. To hide. The atmosphere shifts, the chill of the breeze twisting to an icy disquiet.
Don’t. Don’t move, be still. If you’re still, he won-
They crawl across the curve of your jaw at first, fingertips creeping along the line of the bone before gently grasping your chin. White hot fear holds you perfectly still as his thumb pushes into the soft flesh of your cheek, the scrape of his knuckles biting into your skin as they purse your lips together. With your feeble attempt to shake him, his grip turns solid.
“Got you.”
His gruff voice rasps against the shell of your ear, lips brushing the thin skin and raising goose pimples across your neck and down your spine. Breath caught in your throat, you barely manage a whimper of response– the sound cracks in your vocal cords and sounds more like a startled exhale.
Your resolve fractures into tiny shards as he uses the grip on your chin to tilt your head backwards. Tension cracks between your shoulder blades at the awkward angle, your muscles straining as he pulls them taut. There’s a tensity at your throat, too, the thew connecting your jaw and neck almost pained by the extreme flex.
Amber. The thin strips of gold lay stark against the pitch black of his dilated pupils, irises merely a slither as the abyss swallows them whole. An eagerness paints his expression, even as his thick, dark brows pinch together in concentration. The hulking frame of your hunter stands above you, neck practically folded over to stare down at your kneeling form. He’s scanning your face, assessing each aspect of your visage and taking in the details. The paw grasping at your face tilts it left and right as he searches for… something.
Again, you wail as you feel his thumbprint dig into the soft flesh of your cheek. It braces against the edge of your molars, prints embedding– branding itself into the skin beneath it.
“Shh-Shh,” He hushes you softly, voice somewhat soothing now as he sweeps his knuckles across your temple and over your cheekbone. “Quite the hunt. Chased you all over, 70652. ”
The five digits of your passenger number ring through your eardrums like the alarms that had alerted you to your crash landing. It flits across his expression, a smug, mocking look as the realisation strikes you between your ribs like a wet blade—the pilot. Commander Mills, you had been told before cryostasis, was a skilled enough aeronaut to deliver you safely to the destination of Somaris. It appeared he had failed his mission.
“I- I don’t-”
“Everyone in the cryo-bay is dead,” he speaks over you, matter-of-fact in his unwavering tone. Your eyelashes flutter closed, confident Mills can feel your pulse pump blood through your veins as he trails his fingertips down your jugular. It tingles, the feather-light touch, adrenaline rushing over your body in surging waves. “It’s just us.”
“Hngg-” you mewl as he crouches behind you, dragging his lips gently across your pulse point as he breathes you in- the scent of your evasion. Soil coats you in an earthy smell, the metallic tang of blood from the scrapes of the thorny undergrowth. Mills groans against your jugular, scraping his sharp incisors over the thrum of your heart while savouring you.
“Aren’t you lucky?” He whispers, gravelly voice barely registering at this volume. Mill’s hand slips down your throat, calloused fingertips tracing down your central points. Your throat, your sternum between your breasts. The deliberate trail has your breath quickening, an underlying threat of danger making the hairs on your arms stand on end. “Lucky that I found you before those creatures did? Hmm?”
The delicate intonation of his question is deceptive. He’s not being kind- he’s mocking you. Still, the enamel of his teeth sinking into the concave connecting your neck and shoulder has you crying out, wetness pooling between your thighs.
“Mhm,” he lathes his tongue over the indents his teeth leave behind, splaying his fingers wide as he trails his palm over your stomach. Need unfurls beneath the weight of his hand, twisting and coating your abdomen when his fingers dip just beneath the waistband of the joggers you had been provided before entering cryostasis. “This... Is thanks enough.”
Heat creeps across the apples of your cheeks as you feel his hand slip further into your pants and wedge beneath your panties. You can do nothing but turn your hot face away from him, squeezing your eyes shut when his fingers brush through the thatch of curls across the curve of your pussy. Mills hums softly, your only warning before he’s sliding the pad of his finger through your slick cunt.
“Shit,” he grunts softly, the tip of his nose trailing up the length of your jugular. “So wet for me already.”
Sinews in your jaw ache at the force with which you clench your jaw, trying desperately to swallow down the moans that threaten to bubble up from your throat. Mills is circling his fingertip just barely over your clit now, the delicate touch coiling a throbbing heat between your thighs.
It’s a subconscious response, one that bypasses your brain and jolts your hips forward onto his hand. You don’t mean to, your fingers sinking into the soil beneath you as your body tenses. It sends a bright, hot arc of pleasure through your body and you wail raggedly, the short-lived friction enough to blur your vision.
Mills leaps.
Ripping his hand from your pants, he grabs ahold of your waist in a bruising grip, flipping you over onto your back harshly. It’s so fast, the world careening sideways. When you land it almost winds you, your spine hitting the ground with a thud. Twigs and rocks dig into your flesh, but Mills gives you no real opportunity to complain when he pins your body down with the hulking weight of his own.
Urgency spurs Mills on, pushing his fingers under the waistband of both your joggers and your panties before yanking them down your thighs. He doesn’t bother to remove them, abandoning them over your shins. They bunch around your ankles, movements restricted by the fabric. Your body is trembling, buzzing with something far from the fear he had originally inspired in you.
Mills is huge. Broad and muscular, when he leans his body over yours he almost blocks your whole line of sight. His muscles shadow through the thin fabric of his shirt, sweat causing the material to cling to his damp flesh. The chase across the forest seemed to have had little effect on his athletic frame, the exhaustion that had afflicted you unapparent when he pushes your knees back against your chest.
“Just look at you. Trembling. Panting. It’s gorgeous.” Subtle cruelty drips from his tongue when he praises you, watching your nipples harden as your folds are exposed to the cool air. Honey irises drag over your sopping cunt, greedily lapping up the view. You shouldn’t be enjoying this, so exposed to a stranger you had been running for in fear of your life just moments before.
“Please,” you beg, pathetic sobs cracking in your throat at the desperation to be touched.
“You’re in no place to be directing me, Sweet Thing.”
Despite his apparent refusal, Mills is pushing the trousers of his flight suit past his hips to expose his cock. Again, he refuses to waste time in removing them entirely, removing just enough to ease himself out of the confines of the material. You only catch a glimpse of his cock before he hoists your thighs over his pelvis, but your heart seizes at the sight– an angry, red tip leaks precum that smears across the inside of your thighs, veins protruding across the large shaft. You can’t fit tha-
God, he pushes the pad of his thumb into your clit and you yelp, seeing stars. A steady, wicked throb of bliss pulses through you as he applies pressure to the bundle of nerves, swiping his print back and forth. It’s overwhelming, and you can’t help the way your hips jolt as you feel him attempt to breach your entrance with the head of his cock.
“Stop moving,” Mills orders, hand wrapped around his dick as he sweeps through your folds. You’re sobbing now, tears welling in your eyes as he continues to abuse your swollen clit. He slips again, dark eyes flicking up to your face when your hips jolt upwards to chase his touch, the build of your impending orgasm catching you off guard with how quickly it seems to blossom. The third time, when the tip of his dick notches the inside of your thigh rather than taking root, his patience snaps.
Mills suddenly draws back from you, removing his hand from your clit before bringing his open palm down on your throbbing cunt with a brutal slap. Pain bows through you, blending seamlessly with your bliss and causes a sharp, high pitched cry of his name to tumble from your lungs. In your shock, your hips momentarily still. Taking advantage of your dazed state, Mills quickly lines his pulsing cock against your cunt and drives home, swiftly ramming into you with an abrupt snap of his hips.
A haggard gasp rips through your throat at the sudden intrusion, the painful stretch of his cock cracking through you and making your eyes roll back. Dirt cakes under your fingernails as you grasp feebly at the damp soil, trying and failing to find any kind of purchase to ground yourself.
“Take it,” Mills orders, his gruff voice impossibly reaching lower octaves as he pushes his length further into you. He sits back slightly, his eyes almost pitch black with how his pupils swallow them up as they settle on your cunt. Fascinated, he watches your lips stretch around his girth and paint his protruding veins with your slick. “Make it fit— Shit!”
His crude growl scrapes your eardrums as he bottoms out inside of you, hips flush with your own. You can’t breathe, feeling as though he’s big enough to settle amongst your lungs. You heave shallow breaths, your head pulsing with mind-numbing dizziness.
Then he’s moving. He drives forward at first, reaching depths inside you that make your abdomen ache before pulling out of you. The stark emptiness he leaves you with is short-lived, thrusting forward and stealing what little oxygen you had swallowed down.
Heat simmers through you with each shred of the head of his cock against something blinding inside of you. It gives you no room to think, to move, the cruel pace Mills sets. It’s merciless, pummelling into you and driving you up across the forest floor. “Fuuuuck, that’s good,” Mills groans loudly, holding on tight to your hips to prevent you from sliding away from him. You sob brokenly, hitting his chest with the heel of your palm as you struggle against the orgasm that’s practically hurtling towards you. Christ, his dick is so hard, ramming through you and pushing up against your cervix and causing a delightful ache.
The wet sounds of him thrusting into you are obscene, slick and desperate as he begins to pull you down onto the snaps of his hips. Fat tears stream down your cheeks, collecting in your hairline as you sob his name over and over.
“Look at you,” Mills practically snarls, eyes set on the bulge in your lower abdomen and in awe of what he finds there. Fuck fuck fuck. You can see him, see the outline of his cock driving in and out of you through your abdomen. “Mine.”
Through your haze, you feel Mills press his giant palm against your abdomen, feeling himself twitch and thrust inside of you. His forehead drops against your shoulder, hips beginning to stutter as your walls flutter around him.
It’s overwhelming; the intense pace, the brutality of his thrusts, the way your clit brushes against the pubic hairs on his lower pelvis. You sound fucking wrecked, wails spluttering with each devastating rock of his hips.
“Aha-ah- ohfuck,” you babble, eyes rolling back as your body curls inwards. You’re burning, tightening, your orgasm creeping across the pit of your stomach. “I-I’m gonna-“
Mills groans loudly, and your back arches suddenly when he bites into your collarbone. His teeth sink into your flesh, hard enough to draw blood, and the pain shoves you right over the ledge you’d been dancing over. You cum with a scream of his name, clamping down around his cock as ecstasy surges through you from head to toe. Your vision blurs, hearing cuts out.
“Shit,” you hear him spit distantly, despite the close proximity to your ears. Mills’ hips push up deep inside of you, his body lurching and trembling as he cums inside of you. It feels, even in your altered state of consciousness, like it takes forever. Milking him endlessly, his breath shuddering against the wound on your clavicle as he gently grinds into you to ease himself down from the high.
There’s no movement, no sudden release of your body and flopping to the side. Mills stays stuffed within you, your mixed cum dribbling down the inside of your thighs as he squeezes the flesh of your hips with his palms.
Your sobs of his name had been loud, noisy enough to draw in all kinds of lizard creatures, but Mills seems insistent on remaining like this, scraping his teeth across the curve of your shoulder and beginning to rock into your swollen cunt again.
“There’s a few hours before nightfall,” he talks over your garbled string of noises, overstimulated and exhausted from the hours of running and the brutal way he had fucked into you. “You can take me again before then, can’t you, Sweet Thing? Before we head back to the ship?”
Your body resigns to his question, already far too wearied and submissive to argue what feels more like an order than a question— besides, bliss is already pooling in between your thighs when he pinches your clit with the pads of his forefinger and thumb.
“Good Girl.”
Join the Tag List Misc Character Taglist: @glassbxttless, @peachyproserpina, @pansa-1-san @htccu7gho9
Gif belongs to @zachsnydered
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ok i saw your post about manifesting asks and im here with some real dumb headcanons
- syzoth and ashrah have a heat lamp (because of course. coldblood.)
- they never go out to eat at buffets because they're absolute monsters
- literally ashrah has no table manners. and syzoth is a lizard
- whenever they go out to eat they have to HURRY home or syzoth will end up on the nearest warm surface to digest
- going off the assumption that earthrealm and outworld fauna are completely different, reiko would lose to a hippopotamus in kombat if he ever met one
- johnshi goes to the beach. kenshi relaxes on a towel under an umbrella and does cool beach shit. johnny digs an absolutely fucking giant hole.
- kurtis stryker had an emo phase in high school
I love dumb headcanons
You know how Sareena has a demon form? I headcanon the other members of the sisterhood of shadow also have a demon form. The more Ashrah redeems herself the less she is able to use it. But it still saps her energy and influences her behavior thus the insane appetite.
(I want to make some designs for them- I’ve already made one for Sareena where she’s a boar demon and I’m thinking maybe a crane for Ashrah bc her whole wing/holy theme. Idk for the other two)
Reiko also picked a fight with a kangaroo and it was more embarrassing than losing to Raiden 😭🤚 (he hasn’t even fought the large birds yet- his ass is not gonna survive)
Kenshi has his headphones in the whole time and ends up falling asleep and doesn’t notice when Johnny screams when the wave comes in and fills it with water. They’re still finding sand and Kenshi hates it.
Kurtis has gone scorched earth on his old photos and internet accounts but Kabal still managed to find some and teasing him about it.
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tachimichishrine · 8 months
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tachihara machizou x fem! hirotsu's daughter! reader
warnings: nsfw ; shower sex ; oral (receiving); masturbation (m); cursing ; bondage; fluff to smut ; idk how to write warnings; unedited ill do that later
being a part of the black lizard had its fun, but some days were boring, like today; tachihara slumped his body against the wall as he stole glances at hirotsu, who seemed just as disinterested.
"cigarette?" the old man offered, placing one in his mouth and lighting it while gunshots rang out in the background. some small rival organization - even rival was a generous word - had "forgotten" to pay back the port mafia. one warning was given and they were told to go fuck themselves, so the black lizard battalion was called. apparently, this organization had some kind of powerful ability users as executives, but whoever they were, they didn't show up for the slaughter.
grunts, low level thugs and anyone else got caught in the crossfire. both mafia members watched the wall of suits fire off enough gunshots to fill up the night sky if bullets were stars.
"i still don't get why we gotta be here for this," tachihara grumbled, taking the offer and placing the plume of smoke to his lips. "seems like they just talk a whole lot of shit."
"it's never wrong to be cautious," the senior member retorted. he puckered his lips and made a ring of grey that floated listlessly in the atmosphere alongside the smell of blood. "the boss specifically warned me about a dangerous woman who could wipe out our troops in one shot."
lips curled around the cigarette, sucked on the nicotine and exhaled pure sarcasm. "yeah, well looks like she's a real pain in our asses."
a few moments passed in silence - or rather, with only white noise echoing in the abandoned warehouse, white noise being a steady stream of gunshots. it was music to both their ears - and surely enough, no one showed up. every thug had enough bullet holes in them to make the notion that a single one survived laughable. tachihara pressed his forearm to the wall and pushed himself off, stretching dramatically with a sigh.
before he could complain again about how lame this mission was, the wall exploded.
not so much an "explosion" as a deformation. it was pushed back, and tachihara barely had the time to react before a giant hole was pierced and a woman came out.
"well, fuck," she glanced at the sea of corpses on the ground, then back at tachihara with a playful smirk. "I guess you're the mafia shithead who I was just told I gotta put down. sucks that I got here late though; if you hadn't killed all my subordinates, I might've let you live, pretty boy."
she looked young, too young to be an executive. despite this, she walked with the kind of confidence that got his skin crawling in anticipation. finally, this night gets more interesting.
he pulled his guns out of their holsters and pointed them straight at her face, mimicking her expression. "you're shit out of luck, lady, 'cause I'm gonna-"
hirotsu, who had been briefly blown out of the way, came walking back in with a look of shock on his face. the redhead rolled his eyes; he didn't care whether or not the old man knew this lady, he was going to blow her brains out.
only, as his gaze reverted back onto her, she had the same expression as hirotsu did.
in fact, she was blushing, embarrassed like a schoolgirl who'd gotten caught.
what the fuck?
tachihara felt his hands lower a little as he took in the situation, and his eyes just kept darting to his superior, then to his enemy. shellshocked isn't the right word, they were looking at each other like neither had a clue what to say.
"shouldn't you be in school?!"
"dad, since when are you in the fucking mafia?!"
the woman dropped her gun, groaning with her face in her hands, muttering to herself. "great, this is great. what the hell?! I knew you did shady business, but I didn't think-"
"is this where your university fund money has gone?" the mafioso's face was red too, from what could only be guessed to be anger mixed in with shame and shock.
"no, I'm still in class, I just... hey, don't distract me, old man. why didn't you tell me you were in the port mafia?"
"why didn't you tell me you were a gangster?!"
"because it's none of your business!"
tachihara's presence grew smaller and smaller as he watched the whole debate happen. it was awkward in a manner he couldn't describe, as he felt not only that he was intruding, but that this was definitely not something he should be listening to. he tucked his guns away, mostly out of respect for hirotsu and the fact that he wasn't about to shoot what appeared to be his daughter.
a few moments later they were hugging.
"sorry dad," she muttered as she pulled away from the embrace. "if I had known, I would've told you..."
"it's alright, but you shouldn't keep things like these from me, [_____]."
sighing, the woman chuckled nervously then promised she wouldn't. she crossed her arms and leaned her back against the deformed wall, then took a look around. she seemed to suddenly notice that tachihara was still there.
"well..." she looked at him then giggled a little, likely embarrassed about the whole situation. "I guess I'm not gonna kill you after all, huh?"
he didn't know what to say, because what is there to say? obviously, this conflict couldn't go anywhere further. thankfully, hirotsu intervened. "what will you tell your superiors?"
"no idea. they just called me to ask me to return to base to protect all of these hopeless fuckers-"
her eyes rolled. "dad, I'm not 5, I can swear. pretty boy here agrees, don't you, red?"
it took tachihara a moment to realize she was talking about him. once again, his mouth opened but his boss was quicker to respond.
"do you throw yourself at all men like this, [_____]? I thought I raised you better than that."
ignoring his comment with a wave of her hand in the air as though swatting away a fly, she continued. "as I was saying, they just called me. I could technically tell them that I got here too late and the culprits were gone, but I don't think that would bode well with the news that they just lost 90% of their entry-level grunts."
slightly annoyed, the tuffs of grey hair nodded. "you're right, they won't. what's your plan, then?"
a shrug and a pursing of lips. "no clue. you sure I can't just kill red and bring his body to-"
"why don't you just join the port mafia?"
the suggestion came from the one who had barely spoken all night. of course, he didn't think hirotsu would actually let him be used as a scapegoat, but all this banter felt useless. "since your organization is dead in the water anyways. if you just leave, they'll kill you as their final act, but if you join the mafia, you'll have protection."
another shrug. "he's not wrong," she said, "plus, I could just work with you."
hirotsu wanted to protest, but logically, they were both right. despite not wanting his daughter to get involved, he had faith in the mafia like no other member, and was loyal to no ends.
and that's how hirotsu [_____] found herself a member of the black lizard.
her father hated it, of course. the only people who knew they were related was tachihara and gin, the latter picking up on it after a while of noticing them bickering like they had a past.
over time, tachihara got snippets of the story. it seems like at some point, the old man had some sort of relationship with a woman who didn't know he was in the port mafia. time progressed, and they drifted apart. 5 years later, he saw her again with a child's hand in her own.
it was the only time hirotsu had ever requested time off from the mafia.
it was awkward, his former lover telling him that she didn't think he needed to know about it because she wanted to raise the child herself. however, that's not the kind of man he was, let alone the kind of man he'd ever been. it started by asking her name, then he wanted to be properly introduced to her. after a few years, he would have coffee with his partially estranged daughter every other month. he often sent money, which was never used out of pride. when [_____] decided to pursue her studies, she found the stash of cash her mother had been hiding and decided she didn't care for pride. apparently, she was jumped when getting home after a long day of lectures, and her use of her ability got people talking. before she knew it, she was being recruited to the underground for enough money to set her for life.
it took several years for her relationship with hirotsu to improve, but there seemed to be some kind of mutual respect between father and daughter.
not in the mafia.
"dad, I'm not going to do something just because you-"
"I'm your superior, [_____], you can't give me attitude like a teenager. and don't call me dad in these settings."
tachihara thought it was funny. she seemed to like innocently getting on her dad's nerves, and she often used him to do it. she'd get bold some nights and flirt with him right in front of the old man's face. tachihara would feel guilty if he didn't think it was fucking hilarious.
on this particular evening, she didn't seem to have anything better to do than pester him and do her absolute best to get on his nerves.
"so you're saying you've never seen him drunk? not even once?" she giggled, sitting on the table as he tried to write his report for their last mission. her feet were swinging and the table would shake with every swing of her legs, and it was getting harder and harder to concentrate.
"no, look, can you just shut the fuck up for a second so I can write this?" he nearly snapped the pencil in half. her smirk only grew at the sight of him being frustrated. "do you really have nothing better to do with your time?"
"nahh." her chest vibrated with a playful chuckle. she tilted her head at him, then slammed her hand onto the pile of papers he was trying to fill in. "this is lame, paperwork isn't for our kind. c'mon, don't tell me this isn't boring you out of your mind, red. let's go do something else."
one fleeting thought of 'fuck it', and suddenly they were at a bar, downing shots like they were on a mission.
"I bet... you couldn't handle 3 more," she slurred, liquid swirling around dangerously close to the rim of the glass, threatening to spill over. somehow, her shit eating grin was unaffected by the liquor; if anything, she'd gotten worse. her fingers would settle on his thighs grip too tight and too far up, the tips of her shoes would play footsie with him, and she straight-up tried to kiss him a few times. she couldn't handle her drinks very well, and he had only now realized what a stupid decision it was to take her up on her offer.
"that's enough for the whole month, [_____]," he rolled his eyes with his signature scoff, and grabbed her wrist to push it away from where she was teasing at. "you need to go home."
"are you finally gonna take me home, pretty boy?" she tried to lean in again, and he scooted backwards. flirting with his boss' daughter for fun was one thing, but something about her demeanor tonight seemed serious. he just hoped she was too drunk to remember the blush dusting his cheekbones.
"I am going to call you a cab." he enunciated every word clearly so she understood it, but as soon as his hand reached into his pocket, she placed hers on top to stop him.
the look in her eyes looked completely sober.
"I'm serious," she whispered, and he could practically feel her gaze on his lips. her eyes darted back up to his own, but before she could say something else that would confuse him further, she seemed to realize her words and her entire face flushed a deeper colour.
she stammered something incomprehensible, threw way too much cash onto the table and walked (if you can call it that) outside. tachihara didn't know what to do, so he just watched her go. she'll probably be fine. probably.
he didn't know why his face felt so hot and his cheeks hurt from a subtle smile.
weeks later, and they'd made a tradition of skipping out on reports to go do something, anything except what they were supposed to do. walking along abandoned streets at night in hopes of picking up a fight, or going to a bar and picking someone for the other to take in a fistfight. a lot of it involved fighting. all of it, really. they'd show up to work the next day littered in matching bruises, and hirotsu's face would glow red and he'd have to excuse himself. giggling like children who knew exactly what they were doing.
tonight, tachihara got knocked out by a man twice his size, and it took her using her ability to get him to back off her partner in crime. she dragged him to her apartment to put some ice on it.
"that was really funny," she teased, tossing him a bag of assorted frozen items to place on his temple, which took the brunt of it. "I though you were really a goner for a second, there."
"ha, ha." the sarcasm was dry, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy the thrill of seeing his life flash before his eyes. "I would've liked to see you try."
"an ambulance had to pick up the guy after I was done with him," she retorted, sitting on the sofa next to him with her feet up on the armrest. "actually, I've been meaning to ask you something."
a sigh in response. he took off the frozen bag from his skin and set it on the table, then looked at her. she winced.
"that's gonna need stitches, tachi," she remarked, then thought for a little bit. "I have glue somewhere, we can use that for now then have the port mafia medic fix it tomorrow, yeah?"
she didn't wait for a response, disappeared and reappeared after a string of curses thrown at herself for not being organized enough to know where she puts things. she had what was possibly medical glue but also possibly craft glue in her hands, and she glared at him. "lay down, dr. [_____] is here to save the day."
he quirked up a brow, then quickly relaxed his face after realizing the pain that was brought on by doing that. "weren't you drunk earlier tonight?"
"greatness knows not the bounds of liquor."
"what the fuck does that mean?"
she only giggled, then sat next to his head as she pinched together the skin and tried to apply the glue. her hands were shaking and it was clear she had no idea what she was doing, but tachihara prayed she was doing more good than harm. although, who knows.
"ow, ow, take it fucking easy," he grit his teeth together as she manhandled his injury. he could've sworn he saw her grinning at his pain.
"calm down princess, I'm done," she raised her hands in a sign of innocence, then took a closer look at her work.
tachihara watched in slow motion as her gaze moved further and further up his face.
"is... is your hair dyed?"
the room went dead silent. he had no idea what to respond, and for the first time since he joined the mafia, he felt stupid for letting his guard down. how did he forget to retouch his roots and then let someone get so close? how-
"you'd look really cute with black hair."
"that's your natural hair colour, right?" she kept going, raking her fingertips through his hair. "man, I feel lied to, I called you red for so long. why'd you dye it?"
"because I fuckin' felt like it," he grumbled out, having no other response. he felt such relief when she just giggled to his answer.
"fair enough. red was definitely the right colour, though. you'd look like shit if you went blonde."
he was so glad she let it go. he tried to sit upright, his head still throbbing from the pain, but she just looked at him curiously.
"I'll get you another mystery frozen item from the freezer," she laughed, getting up and rummaging through her kitchen. even with her face in the door of the fridge, she spoke, "I still haven't asked you my question from before, by the way. I just wanted to know how you got into the mafia."
out of one tight situation and into another.
he considered it; he considered it long and hard, way before she'd ever even asked the question. most of the time, if anyone asks, he'd just say it was none of their business. but he couldn't get away with that kind of response with her.
so, he told the truth.
"my... my brother joined the army during the great war. I just... I hated being compared to him by my family, so I wanted to get as far away as possible from his path, and ended up at the mafia. nothing much to it."
at least, part of the truth.
she pulled her face out of the fridge, looking at his expression for a moment. she tossed him another frozen bag and quickly sat back at his side.
"that sucks. was dying your hair also part of your rebellious phase?"
his nostrils flared at her teasing and he rolled his eyes, barely holding back a grin. "shut up."
laughing, she moved her body closer to his and put a hand on his delicately. "seriously, though, sorry to hear that your family didn't treat you right. I mean... I don't have that with my parents, but I know that it's tough being compared with someone else. but I don't know how that would apply to you. you're literally who I wanted to grow up to be."
he put down the ice pack because clearly it was affecting his hearing.
"like... I dunno. you're a badass who doesn't take shit from anybody. I mean, sure, you get your ass handed to you in bar fights and you don't have an ability, but so what? dad respects you, and so do I. not really sure how your brother compares to that."
this time, there wasn't anything to hide the stupid expression on his face. he just looked at her blankly like he'd never received a compliment in his life, which made her laugh even more.
"man, you really do have self-esteem issues, dontcha? if I had known you couldn't handle compliments, I would've said this ages ago. anyways," she got up, again, and stretched out her back, "don't worry about it, let's pretend that conversation ended there. so, are we dying your hair at your place or mine? because I don't have any dye and the store closes soon if we're gonna go buy some."
his mind could barely keep up with the way she was jumping from topic to topic. in the end, he just pushed his confession and her response to the back of his mind, and got up as well with a shrug. "my place, then. but you don't need to-"
"nonsense! I've been wanting to try to dye someone else's hair forever. plus, you're my partner in crime, I can't let anyone see that you're a big fat liar of a redhead."
her laugh felt so comforting to him. he felt like he was floating out of her apartment, out onto the street and all the way back to his own. his mind was just a blur (maybe it was from a concussion from the blow?) and in no time, he found himself sitting down with his head in between her thighs, gloved fingers massaging his scalp.
"okay, so the instructions say to rinse off and you're good!" she beamed, looking at her work proudly. "no need to thank me, by the way. despite my professional work, this one's on the house."
he chuckled, getting up and being careful not to get anything to touch the stained hair. "fine, then I won't thank you. I could've done this myself too, but you insisted, so if anything I should be charging you money."
shaking her head aggressively, she placed a finger on his lips while attempting to look solemn. "in that case, let us never speak of this again."
a few more minutes, and he was in the shower, the excess red streaming down from the water and making a puddle at his feet. she kept talking to him, loudly, from the other side of the door.
"how's it going so far?"
"it's almost all out, just be patient, damn," he laughed back, the final bits of red coming out of his hair until all the water that went through his hair came out clear. he turned off the faucet, and the stream stopped. he had barely dried his hair and wrapped a towel around his hips before he saw the door open.
"[_____], what the fuck-"
"sh, I want to see how it came out," she strolled right up to him and grabbed his face with one hand, tilting it in different directions to see all angles of his wet hair. as if he wasn't nearly naked right now. as if this was perfectly normal. "it looks good, but it's still wet so the colour doesn't show fully yet, right?"
he grabbed her hand and pulled it off of his face, looking at her seriously. "[_____], don't play dumb, you-"
"... saw an opportunity to see you shirtless, and I took it," she shot him a grin. then she suddenly seemed to get a little sad as she shook her head. "sorry, that isn't funny. um... I'll wait outside."
he watched her walk out just as quickly as she walked in. he slipped on his clothes quickly, then walked out to go find her standing at the entrance, putting on her shoes. ready to leave.
"hey, what are you..."
she cut him off, not even maintaining eye contact as she slipped her heel downwards and tied up the shoelaces. "look, tachi, I'm sorry. I just get excited sometimes and forget you don't feel the same way."
"what the fuck do you mean, don't feel the same way?"
now, her gaze met his. she looked confused. "I told you, weeks ago, that I was serious about the flirting. I even tried to kiss you, and kept dodging, so I got the message. it's fine, I get it. boss' daughter, or maybe I'm just not your type or whatever, but it's okay. I don't mind, I'm getting over it."
"holy fuck, [_____], you were drunk when you said that and I thought you were..."
he couldn't finish his thought. it was hard not to notice the hope in her eyes as she seemed to realize that he hadn't actually said no yet.
so, he said yes.
she kicked off her shoes hastily as his hands went to her waist and he pushed her back against the wall, lips eagerly devouring hers. her head slammed backwards, but her hips were pushed forwards to meet his own. her hands on his chest; one of his on her waist while the other secured itself at the base of her neck, pulling her in closer.
it was hot sweaty and fast, and they ended up back in the shower. he didn't expect her hands to roam the way they did, but she'd managed to have his entire chest coated in her touch before they even made it inside.
she murmured his name into his lips, and he responded by biting her lower lip harder. her fingertips were now on his back, his tight frame feeling warm and so right as it grinded on hers. her thigh went up to his side, and tachihara realized just how much she wanted him. fuck. he couldn't believe he waited so long for this for no reason.
he dropped down to his knees. as soon as she saw him look up, her thighs clenched together and he could feel them shaking in anticipation. he threw one leg over his shoulder and his breath barely hit her pussy before he was eating her out like a man starved.
and she was so damn loud. every flick of his tongue on her clit, every time he sucked on her lips, every thrust of his fingers inside of her, she seemed to get more vocal. at first, it was just curses, mumbling fuck like it was the only word left in her vocabulary. then his name. he'd never heard her say it like that before; she'd called him tachi sometimes, but never michizou. just the sound had him dragging his free hand from her ass down to his erection, palming himself as she kept moaning out for him. it was worse when she'd roll out the praises. fuck you feel so good... michizou, hngg... fuck keep doing it like that, you're so perfect... and she'd gasp as he sucked on her needy pussy and tell him how perfect he felt inside of her all over again.
he couldn't even handle getting her to climax before he lost control. his face was still buried between her legs, but he couldn't concentrate on the way her hips would grind on his face anymore. he needed relief and he needed it fast. she glanced down to find him pounding himself, and her hand at the back of his head gripped down on his hair and yanked him upwards. back on his feet, she brought his lips back to her own before briefly pulling away, spitting in her hand and taking his cock in it.
his forehead was pressed up against hers, but he was having trouble maintaining the kiss through broken moans and grunts. he'd try to bite his lower lip to muffle a whimper, but every time he did, she would just pump him harder until it was impossible to muffle the sounds he was making. every scream from his lips drove her pace to the next gear until he was coming undone under the soft drizzle of hot water droplets, washing down his cum from her stomach.
she took it slower, gentler as he felt so fucking raw from falling apart so fast under her touch. she let go of him and placed his cock between her thighs and pressed them together, letting him rock his hips and fuck them as she kisses him again. her lips get rougher, as she goes from peppering his jawline with love to nibbling on his earlobe to piercing his skin and leaving marks on his neck that won't go away anytime soon. he arcs his neck backwards, tilting his chin upwards to give her better access as she gets greedier and greedier, taste of his flesh intoxicating her.
"michizou..." she sighed into his skin, then brought his face back up to her level, one hand in his hair and the other positioned on his abdomen as her thighs are glistening from the hot water vapor of the shower, her arousal trickling down and the pre-cum already leaking out his tip. "fuck, michizou, your body... you're so gorgeous, I just want to wreck you until you forget your own fucking name." her words weren't particularly sultry or pretty, but the way she was murmuring it into another kiss got him hard all over again.
"baby, can we... bedroom..." the ask barely left her lips before his hands went onto her hips, lifting her up a little bit as they stumbled out of the shower, barely wiped themselves dry with the towels and connected their mouths again as he pulled her to his room. she backed him inside then pushed his shoulders, his back bouncing on the mattress as he realized this was the first time he was seeing her, fully bare in front of him, in his bedroom. just the sight of her perky tits and curves got saliva pooling under his tongue and eyes scanning her hungrily.
she turned her head around, looking in his room for a few moments before opening drawers and boxes like she was in a hurry to locate something. he shot her a look.
"[_____], what are you..."
she pulled out two belts from a drawer with a grin on her lips.
she murmured something about not needing to do this if he didn't want to as she climbed on top of him and kissed him gently, but he just rutted his hips upwards in a desperate motion to show her just how much he wanted her.
in one motion, his wrists were tied together with the first belt and pinned above his head. in another, he was biting down on worn leather and a makeshift gag was soaking up all the drool he couldn't control. that was the point: he couldn't control anything. and it felt so fucking amazing.
she kept stealing glances at him as she checked to make sure he was still on board, and when he gave her a slow nod, she flipped him onto his stomach and secured his hips under her own, legs spread out over his ass.
with only her hips, she pushed him downwards so that his dick pushed up against the sheets and the mattress. she knew it wasn't enough to do anything but edge him until he went mad, and no matter how much the bed was shaking and the frame was creaking, it wouldn't be as good as what he felt fucking her thighs. but the view was so damn pretty: his face drowning messily in the sheets, mouth gagged and wrists tied together. she grabbed a handful of his wet hair and yanked him back as she grinded slowly on his ass, dripping lustfully onto him.
it was fun edging him, but the muffled whimpers signaled he was desperate. giving into his desires, she plunged her hand between his parted legs and gripped onto his cock which was humping the mattress. she just held him with a hard grip, and he did all the work for himself, thrusting his hips as well as he could while pinned down by her weight and restrained. tears were prickling at the corners of his eyes. he wanted to tell her how badly he needed her, but the damn gag was turning his pleas into muffled whimpers and moans.
she finally let him out from under her body and flipped him onto his back, but not before stealing in a smack on his ass, which was now coated in her pussy's tears.
"want me to fuck you, baby?" she murmured with a smirk, leaning down to let her lips brush up against the shell of his ear. "is that what you wanna say?"
he nodded hastily, no more shame as now the only thing he could feel was the need for her tight pussy around him. she loosened the gag, then slid it off of his mouth in order to kiss him again. "I wanna hear you. I wanna hear your pretty voice telling me how good I'm fucking your cock, yeah? can you do that for me, michi?"
he couldn't even respond as she lowered herself onto him and dragged a long moan from deep within his lungs, which were on fire. he could barely breathe, he could barely think. all he could do was what she told him and jut his hips upwards to hit her as deep as possible. all the control she had and she couldn't help but curl her toes and dig her fingernails into his shoulders as he screamed out her name and groaned with every thrust. his eyes squeezed shut as he let the feeling wash over him, but they didn't stay that way for long as they locked onto her tits, which were bouncing up and down with her on him, not to mention her face was hot and her hair was still wet from the shower.
it was too much, too fast, despite the slow build up she forced him to endure, suddenly he found himself choking as he tried to tell her that he was close. she was first; walls collapsed around him and she exhaled a thready verse of his name. she finally let him pull out at the last minute, and he came all over himself, stomach coated in the warm sticky liquid. her chest rose and fell with every heavy breath as she watched him, then unfastened the restraints around his wrists.
he wiped his stomach clean with one of the sheets and tossed it somewhere in the corner, a problem for tomorrow, then slipped under the rest of them.
she shot him a hesitant look. "do you want... can I stay?"
he grabbed her wrist and pulled her body onto his, then pressed a lazy kiss on her forehead. "always."
"sap," she teased, snuggling into his warmth and wrapping her arms around his waist. "my dad is gonna go fucking feral when he hears about this."
a gentle chuckle. "isn't that what you've been tryin' to do ever since day 1?"
"shut up, sap," she grumbled into his chest, eyes fluttering shut as she remembers his hair then fluffs it. she craned her neck upwards to get a better look, and smiled softly. "the dye turned out well."
"next time, I'll let the colour grow out," he whispered, dreamy amber eyes looking at her through low eyelids, "since you said it would look cute."
"sap!" she cried out again dramatically, then kissed him slowly again before looking at his face again. "I really did mean it, by the way. when I said that you're perfect to me."
he blushed; somehow, that was what brought the most colour to his face all night. still, he was without a response. he just slid his fingers up her back and pulled her closer. he buried his nose in the top of her head before he thought of a response. "sap."
"shut up."
they giggled and fell asleep in a world where everything was right.
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achaotichuman · 6 months
Could I humbly request tamlin x reader headcanons. Pweese
Your humble request is gratefully accepted. These little head canons here are gender ambiguous because Tam-Tam is for the guys, the gals and the non-binary pals.
(Also sorry for this taking so long, for some reason I didn't see it until a couple of days ago.)
It takes months to get him to warm up to you, but once Tamlin is comfortable he doesn’t hold back affection or warmth. He’ll always keep a hand on your waist or hip, just to be able to touch you. 
Tamlin will share everything he loves with you. Nothing will be fun anymore unless you’re with him. His song-writing turns into poems and songs dedicated to you. His fiddle-playing is always for you to dance to. He’ll always want to take you horseback riding with him. He’ll show you every beautiful spot in the Spring Court. They will become both your spots. 
If you’re away for any period of time, he’ll spend every free moment thinking about you, writing songs and limericks for you. He’ll hide them in your room for you to find once you get back. 
If you ask, he’ll teach you to play the fiddle. He may fear for the safety of the fiddle, but he’ll try his best to be constructive. If you make a particularly screeching noise on it, he may tell you your hurting the poor instrument. 
He’ll try to bring back lizards he found in the forest. If you tell him he can’t bring them home he will give you puppy eyes and insist they are lonely and need a home, (he’s already named them and gotten attatched, so you have to let him keep them.)
He’ll lay with you in bed on rainy days, his head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat. He will whisper into your skin how beautiful you are, how lucky he is to have you, how much he loves you. 
Any and all gifts you give him, no matter how small and insignificant, he keeps. They are all displayed in his office. 
He’ll dance with you in the rain. When the water soaks you both to the bone, he’ll spin you around. When mud clings to both your clothes, he kiss you deeply, unable to stop touching you, unable to be away from you. 
You two sit in his office during long work days. He’ll finish work at his desk, you’ll help him some times, others you’ll sit in the chair near him reading. Sometimes he’ll stop work just to look over at you, how the light hits the side of your face, illuminating your skin and eyes. He’ll be unable to look away, when you notice his gaze he’ll tell you how beautiful you are. He’ll say it like the first time every time. 
He’ll surprise you will dates out in the forest all the time. Using magic, he will create beds of moss under trees, with platters of cheese and fruit. You’ll call him a romantic sap and he will roll his eyes, but you’ll both hold each other and fall asleep under the canopy of leaves. (Once a very big spider crawled onto your arm, but don’t worry, his name is Kevin, Tamlin knows him, he is incredibly polite and friendly.)
If excited or happy, Tamlin will pick you up and spin you around. Kissing you all over your face, you will laugh and Tamlin will think its the most beautiful sound he has ever heard. 
He cannot flirt with you for the life of him. He tried writing down a list of compliements which filled three pages, both sides, but when he tried to tell you even one, he froze and just said he liked the way your shirt looked. To this day neither of you quite know what he meant by that. 
Rhysand once came to the Spring Court, he wanted to taunt Tamlin some more. You watched as he waltzed into Tamlin’s office. Before a word could leave his mouth, you snuck up behind him and hit him in the head with a frying pan. Tamlin had to quickly grab you and put up a shield before Rhysand could retailiate. 
You once mentioned offhandedly how much you loved reading a particular series of books. Tamlin went out and bought every single edition he could find, and had an artist paint a portriat of every character. 
You love a particular kind of berry, Tamlin loves them too. Tamlin pretends to hate them so whenever they are on your plates at dinner, he gives them all to you. He loves the smile on your face a thousand times more than that berry. 
Once you were injured so badly you were on bedrest for weeks, you were taken to Dawn as they have the technology required to treat you. Tamlin stayed by your side the entire time. When you told him he had Court to rule, he told you the Court could wait, when you pointed out that was not how it worked, he told you he ruled the Court so yes that was how it worked. 
He lets you braid his hair, you put ribbions and bows in it. Tamlin will wear the absurd hairstyle everywhere, he is very proud of your handiwork. 
Sometimes Tamlin doesn’t truly believe that he is capable of being loved. The insecurities instilled him over centuries of trauma lurk to the surface. When this happens you grab his face and practically yell that you love him so much and nothing in the world will ever drive that away. Tamlin has to stop tears from falling from his eyes. 
You both like to sit atop of a tall mountain, beside a waterfall, over looking the Spring Court. You rest your head on his shoulder, he wraps a hand around your waist. You couldn’t be happier, neither could he. You tell him you love him, he kisses you and murmurs into your mouth that he loves you.
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sonicasura · 25 days
Man, if the TFP Bots and Cons thought Kong was the top of the food chain, wait til they see Godzilla or Ghidorah. Not sure Godzilla would take kindly to aliens on his world like Kong though.
The first encounter is during the One Shall Rise 3 Parter. Now I must explain Godzilla's role and a bit about Hollow Earth. You can thank Unicron being the planet's core for this.
Hollow Earth is essentially a completely separate dimension altogether. It was supposed to be inside the planet but Unicron's parasitic nature had force it to become a parallel satellite of sorts. To keep Dark Energon from leaking through the natural portals, Titans have adapted to absorb and filter it into harmless radiation.
Godzilla's species are Unicron's prison wardens. Leeching away at his strength until the day comes where he becomes a silent metal husk that supports the planet. On the day he would awaken, one Titanus Gojira will go to the core and sap Unicron's strength til he falls into stasis. Meanwhile the other titans handle the abundance of Dark Energon.
When Unicron's stone avatar manifested Team Prime would never expect backup they received in the form of Godzilla. Nor was anyone ready for the dark deity to say 'Not you again' with sheer frightful familiarity. Miko calls the thermonuclear lizard Godzilla instead of Gojira cause she thinks the name sounds more wicked.
The King dispatches the avatar and everyone is surprised that the area had completely stabilize. Ratchet deduces Godzilla might be one of Earth's natural defenses. Something further proven when the giant lizard shows up at the core while Optimus and Megatron are there.
Godzilla begins to leech Unicron of his energy, filtering it so he could bathe the colossus in an Atomic Breath. A process that keeps the Unmaker asleep with the radiation further weakening him. Megatron immediately flees as he knows he can't fight Godzilla.
Optimus stays behind to help seal Unicron much to Big G's surprise. This gesture leads to Godzilla taking Prime instead once the bot falls into stasis. You can bet the Orion Pax incident just reached a new level of insanity as both factions now have to wrangle the King of Monsters for OP.
And Godzilla is not the type to take thieves lightly.
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Best (Standard) Phineas and Ferb Episode Tournament | Round 2
June 10
My Sweet Ride vs. Moon Farm
Gaming the System vs. When Worlds Collide
The Lemonade Stand vs. The Ballad of Badbeard
Picture This vs. The Doonkelberry Imperative
June 12
Ladies and Gentlemen, Meet Max Modem! vs. Tree to Get Ready
Lotsa Latkes vs. Lost in Danville
Magic Carpet Ride vs. Greece Lightning
Journey to the Center of Candace vs. Elementary, My Dear Stacy
June 14
I Scream, You Scream vs. Hip Hip Parade
Troy Story vs. Sipping with the Enemy
We Call it Maze vs. Bad Hair Day
Got Game? vs. Traffic Cam Caper
June 17
Tri-Stone Area vs. Nerdy Dancin'
Just Our Luck vs. Swiss Family Phineas
It's No Picnic vs. Where's Pinky?
Great Balls of Water vs. Road to Danville
June 19
Unfair Science Fair Redux (Another Story) vs. The Inator Method
Let's Take a Quiz vs. Knot My Problem
Lawn Gnome Beach Party of Terror! vs. Perry Lays an Egg
The Belly of the Beast vs. Happy Birthday, Isabella
June 21
Escape from Phineas Tower vs. La Candace-Cabra
Monster from the Id vs. Flop Starz
Candace Disconnected vs. Ready for the Bettys
Day of the Living Gelatin! vs. Out of Toon
June 24
Bullseye! vs. Steampunx
Attack of the 50-Foot Sister vs. Bowl-R-Ama Drama
Split Personality vs. Isabella and the Temple of Sap
Just Desserts vs. Happy New Year
June 26
Doofapus vs. Crack that Whip
Toy to the World vs. Invasion of the Ferb Snatchers!
Mom's Birthday vs. Tour de Ferb
The Best Lazy Day Ever vs. Vanessassary Roughness
June 28
Bully Bromance Breakup vs. Robot Rodeo
Oh, There You Are, Perry vs. Finding Mary McGuffin
Interview with a Platypus vs. Thaddeus and Thor
Backyard Hodge Podge vs. A Real Boy
July 1
Rollercoaster vs. Gi-Ants
Bubble Boys vs. Comet Kermillian
Cheer Up Candace vs. Drusselsteinoween
She's the Mayor vs. The Baljeatles
July 3
Phineas and Ferb Interrupted vs. Misperceived Monotreme
Fireside Girl Jamboree vs. Are You My Mummy?
Does this Duckbill Make Me Look Fat? vs. The Bully Code
Run, Candace, Run vs. Hail Doofania!
July 5
Ferb Latin vs. That's the Spirit!
Candace Loses Her Head vs. Brain Drain
At the Car Wash vs. Minor Monogram
The Lizard Whisperer vs. Doof 101
July 8
Phineas and Ferb and the Temple of Juatchadoon vs. Voyage to the Bottom of Buford
Skiddley Whiffers vs. Blackout!
I Was a Middle-Aged Robot vs. Candace's Big Day
Make Play vs. Unfair Science Fair
July 10
Undercover Carl vs. Phineas and Ferb-Busters!
One Good Turn vs. Norm Unleashed
Cranius Maximus vs. Delivery of Destiny
Last Train to Bustville vs. Road Trip
July 12
Chez Platypus vs. Meatloaf Surprise
Thanks But No Thanks vs. It's a Mud, Mud, Mud, Mud World
Agent Doof vs. ?
? vs. Ferb TV
July 15
Doof Dynasty vs. ?
? vs. I, Brobot
Tip of the Day vs. What Do It Do?
? vs. Remains of the Platypus
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Nova’s Notes - Dracula Daily - May 25 + 26
The Suitor Squad speaks!!! Ahhh love them <3
Checking in with my favorite wet cat man, Seward is….not doing too well. Let’s listen to his podcast, shall we?
“Ebb tide in appetite to-day. Cannot eat, cannot rest, so diary instead. Since my rebuff of yesterday I have a sort of empty feeling; nothing in the world seems of sufficient importance to be worth the doing…”
Awwww John :(((( to quote Zuko, “That’s rough, buddy.”
Notice how he speaks here. Of course, beside the obvious abruptness and the fall in his appetite today, he also uses the word “rebuff” to describe Lucy’s rejection. Not to Merriam-Webster you, but I wanted to give a quick definition of rebuff because it actually surprised me when I read it:
“an abrupt or ungracious refusal or rejection of an offer, request, or friendly gesture.”
As expected, John is taking this pretty hard because to call Lucy’s rejection of him “abrupt” or “ungracious” is just…untrue? To be fair, we only had Lucy’s side of the story, but that just doesn’t sound like Lucy. I mean, she literally *cried* at the thought of causing him pain!! I’m not trying to police his words here — obviously, it’s his mental breakdown diary and he gets to choose the language — but it does show that he’s not taking this half so well as Quincey (probably) is, and Lucy totally read the vibes right when she worried about him walking away from this broken-hearted. Bro is in the trenches here.
Soooooo he turns to his work at the asylum for help. He really needs to get some better coping mechanisms, but at least we get to meet Renfield!
“In my manner of doing it there was, I now see, something of cruelty. I seemed to wish to keep him to the point of his madness—a thing which I avoid with the patients as I would the mouth of hell. [paragraph break] (Mem., under what circumstances would I not avoid the pit of hell?) Omnia Romæ venalia sunt. Hell has its price! verb. sap”
One thing I love about Dracula is that all of these characters have their own little quirks when talking. Stoker does a fairly good job of giving each character a unique “voice”, which I appreciate. Jonathan writes in a fairly meticulous way with long paragraphs of describing landscapes (plus, “lizard fashion”, of course). Mina writes in much the same way, but different. She seems to break into a more playful style of writing, as you can see with her “???” and “two-pages-to-the-week-with-Sunday-squeezed-in-a-corner-diaries”. Lucy, of course, probably has the most unique voice so far because her letters seem to be written impulsively. In one sentence, she laments how miserable Seward and Quincey are and in the next she celebrates how perfectly happy she is. It’s an active and emotional stream of consciousness we get to see unfold in her letters and — I’ll bet — in the way she talks.
Seward is a new voice and he already is showing a few quirks here. It’s interesting to see how this voice changes since we know he’s actually *speaking* these words, not just writing them down. Unethical behavior with Renfield aside (stop baiting the patients Seward!!!!), notice how he makes a mem. for a rhetorical question.
I find this fascinating because Jonathan does this mem., or memorandum, when he wants to remember something — such as recipes for Mina. But Seward does it when he wants to self-depreciate his own phrasing. Unless, he’s seriously asking the question to remember for later, which he might honestly be due to his next sentences (and in that case, oooooh buddy you’re going to be regretting asking that in a few months). He hits us with a Latin phrase which translates to (from what I could find), “All Rome is for sale” and then ANOTHER ONE which means “a word to the wise” or “enough said”.
What can we garner from this? Other than liking Latin, John likes self-deprecation and also philosophical thoughts about hell, or at least the metaphor of it — and that’s what he wants to save for later. Very interesting!!!
Describing Renfield (who’s 59, huh), I like how he touches on selfish vs. unselfish influences and how that affects humans. I find it interesting that, contrary to popular belief, being unselfish is what Seward would consider to be more dangerous — though it makes sense from his logic.
A selfish person would keep themselves close and be cautious about putting themselves in too much danger. After all, your life is not worth much if you put it at risk and that’s even more true in an asylum. Using “armor” and a “centripetal force” with self as the “fixed point” as metaphors for this kind of behavior is fascinating.
Meanwhile, someone “unselfish” or to put it a different way, acting under the influence of someone else for some unnamed reason (duty, love, etc.) will likely stop at nothing to achieve that goal once they’re put on it. It’s also dangerous to another person because they might not know what that goal is — and might end up being collateral damage as a result. Seward is keen to find out what Renfield’s reasoning is because he doesn’t want to be that collateral damage (and because he’s a curious, semi-unethical doctor buutttt). I like how he adds that only a series of accidents can balance this kind of centripetal force. Thanks for the metaphorical science lessons, Seward!
On to Quincey, my beloved. <333 His letter is to Arthur!
“We've told yarns by the camp-fire in the prairies; and dressed one another's wounds after trying a landing at the Marquesas; and drunk healths on the shore of Titicaca.”
So from the opening lines, we can gather that Quincey and Arthur (and yes, Seward too) have been globetrotting together! Because Titicaca is in South America and the Marquesas happens to be a collective of islands in the Southern Pacific Ocean. Quincey later refers to Seward as their “old pal at the Korea” which *could* mean Korea the country, or as this forum comment section speculates, could also mean the Korea Strait.
It’s super sweet that while Quincey and John want to drown their sorrows in wine, Quincey doesn’t hesitate to invite Arthur to celebrate his engagement to the love of his life as well as theirs oof!
It does seem like Quincey didn’t know before that Arthur was the one Lucy was in love with, because he seemed to speak vaguely to Lucy that he “must be a good fellow if you loved him” and “he’ll have to deal with me if he doesn’t know his happiness”. But, to me, it seems a little too much like what you would say to your friend if you didn’t know the other person. I’m getting a generic “he’ll date you if he knows what’s good for him” vibe.
My guess? Arthur probably wrote to Quincey saying “I’m engaged!!! To Lucy!!!” because they do all know each other and are friends, but maybe Arthur hadn’t wanted to share his feelings with the boy group just yet (he seems like a private person, since Lucy couldn’t get a read on his feelings) or wanted to keep it a surprise until he knew for sure his feelings were reciprocated. Of course, once Quincey received this letter, he put together that “ohhhh Art was my rival the whole time” and probably slapped his knee about the whole thing. It doesn’t stop him from inviting him to the next gathering, though!
The other theory I have is that all three of them knew they loved Lucy and each amicably agreed to still be friends, no matter who she chose (if she chose any of them). It would definitely make sense since Quincey talks about him and Seward “mingling their weeps” as if Arthur would know what he means by that. Additionally, it would make sense, since they all know each other pretty well and likely would know if they all were in love with the same woman, right? That could be why Seward and Quincey were so quick to ask if there was someone else — I mean, yes, that’s always the obvious ask when your proposal fails — but this could add another layer of meaning to their asking.
As for Quincey’s generic approach, that could be explained by him not knowing whether it was Seward or Arthur that Lucy loved (or, perhaps, an unknown third person) and he didn’t want to ask Lucy who it was in that moment, figuring he would find out later if it was indeed one of his friends.
No matter the theory, this letter says a lot about Quincey’s character! He’s obviously a good and honest man for not hesitating to invite his friend to the gathering, even when that friend is engaged to the woman he’s in love with as well. There’s not a lot more to be said about this that hasn’t already been said — but yeah, Quincey is definitely in my top 3 favorite Dracula characters and this is part of why.
Finally, Art’s letter to Quincey!
“Count me in every time. I bear messages which will make both your ears tingle.”
As this is a telegram, he has to make this short and sweet. But make your ears tingle??? Art???? Lol, I’m presuming this is about the proposal or about some other hot gossip (if it’s explained later, I genuinely forgot — again, it’s been two years since I’ve read the book and I keep feeling more and more like a first time reader).
Either way, I hope this is the year we stop calling Arthur boring (if we haven’t already), because he already doesn’t sound boring from just this message and it’s in telegram format.
He sounds like a guy you’d like to party with. “Count me in every time”, “make your ears tingle”? Sounds like a party guy to me! And obviously, he had to be fun-loving and resourceful enough to Quincey if they’ve traveled the world together (and, maybe have seen combat? — not quite clear on that one).
I’ll definitely be keeping a close eye on Arthur this read around. Since I was among the people that called him boring in 2022, I want to see if there’s more to him than meets the eye!
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simplyasimpformen · 2 years
Sapnap(x reader) HC's that I think about randomly before I go to bed.
Bro definitely has a shit tonne of hoodies packed in his closet that he'd let you wear.
He prolly also only let's you wear them because he thinks you look adorable in 'em<3
He'll let you play with his hair/beard.
If you have any pets he'd probably only visit your place to see them.
If you have a cat he'd definitely be all tough and say that he hates the cat, but then you'll find him sleeping on the couch with the cat cuddling against his side.
Sapnap looks like a dog person not gonna lie, like I can imagine if you have a dog that he'd baby it and play with it and talk to it in that dumb ahh voice people make when talking to animals, doesn't matter how big or small the dog is, though I also feel like Sapnap would be terrified of Chihuahua's.
If you have a bird I feel like Sapnap would just sit and stare at it. Like I feel like he'd low-key wanna pet it and have it sit on his shoulder like a pirate but he's too scared to touch it, afraid that the bird'll bite him.
If you have fish he'd definitely be that type to tap on the glass no matter how many times you tell him not to.
If you have any type of reptilian pets(snakes, lizards etc.) he'd probably be absolutely terrified of it or he'd wanna have it slither/run up his arm(though I'm leaning more towards the scared part)
He's not the best cook I'm guessing(idk) so if you don't know how to cook either, you guys probably go out to eat a lot.
If you can cook though and is fairly good in it I feel as though he'd have you cook every night, seeing as he'd most definitely love your cooking.
Bro is the type to pick you up late at night with his Tesla and drive to random places(bro would definitely pull up at a 7/11 with his Tesla at like 3am and buy energy drinks and shit, change my mind)
Dates with Sap would mostly be fancy ahh restaurants, but there is the rare occasion that you guy would spend the whole day cooped up in home watching movies and eating random junk food.
Sapnap would definitely flirt with you every moment he gets.
You and Qauckity would tease Sao whenever y'all can, which usually ends up with you having to apologize to Sap.
If you don't like showing your face on cam, Sapnap would let you sit out of the cameras view while he streams.
If you don't mind being seen he'd have a extra chair set up beside his just for you.
You guys would go on cute lil Minecraft dates that almost always end up in him/or you burning something down.
Like- he'd have his friends help him set up a cute little date for you two and then as the date goes on it all just falls apart, but you still enjoy them nonetheless.
The first time you and Sapnap went on a date he definitely asked Dream what to say and how to act beforehand.
Your first date would probably be at the zoo or something, and he'd tell you random facts about the animals.
I have more but I can't think of any of them right now.
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littledragondork · 2 months
Greetings. I an once again rummaging around for specific lore regarding TES. (And this ask turned out longer than I was expecting so sorry about that!)
So you you know Alchemy, the trans woman from ESO? Do you happen to know if there were any specific details on how she transitioned or if it was just another detail that Bethesda added and then added basically nothing onto? When I looked her up to see if I could figure it out on my own, she just mentioned using magical means to do it, but I'm not sure if that means she used some kind of spell (probably either from the Restoration or Alteration school) or if she just brewed/had someone else brew her own HRT.
Asking because 1) I think it's a nice bit of lore to have some knowledge of and 2) because the character I made for my next College of Winterhold playthrough is trans masc and I was wondering if it would be lore accurate to say he got the Skyrim equivalent of top surgery from one of the teachers or if he just found a testosterone recipe in the library, or if I should just go with the good old fashioned (and probably unsafe but I'm not sure if there are safer materials in the time period of the game) method of using bandages as binding tape.
(Also, if the transition process did involve using some sort of spell, which teacher do you think would be capable of effectively utilizing it? My guess would be Tolfdir (because Alteration magic) or Colette Marence (because Restoration magic), but since Alchemy mentioned that apparently there are plenty of trans people in Summerset it could also be Farlada or whoever the other one was.)
Sadly I don't play enough of ESO to know how she transitioned but I really wish I did, but after reading her dialogue, It seems like she just used magic, (likely alchemical if I had to guess). Bethesda did really nothing else on it except say it's pretty common for people to be trans in Elder scrolls and not everyone would use magic or surgery to transition which is cool. The only real concrete information I could find was that the writers made it vague so people could make up their own ways for how HRT/transitioning works.
@foulserpent has a great post here about Headcanons regarding HRT in TES if you want to give it a look because they did a great job with it!! I personally refer to it when putting HRT in my own TES stories and OCs
I also have a transmasc OC, my HOK Balheim, for his top surgery I just him going to some form of medical place/person as those do exist in universe (that or he just got himself super drunk, readied a ton of super strong healing potions, and did it himself but idk if that fit's his character tbh). I also imagine it was alchemical HRT that he would drink daily and either makes himself or buys from a specific alchemist. But that's just me for my own character.
I know Argonians can use the Hist sap to transition fairly quickly and it's also super common for them to do that, love the trans Lizards! Hist says trans rights! Wish I could just lick a tree to transition but alas.
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Lrt, or, lrp coz this is tumblr-
As much I dislike Malleus (heck, yknow what idc...i really fucking hate that lizard I'm with Leona here...sorry draconians), he is very veeeeeery tragic, like I hate him more but I also feel super bad for him having such a shitty fate like that. So, I have a headcanon for how Malleus could at least redeem himself to be likeable again LMAO.
Idia's jumping Malleus plan will definitely fail. And yada yadee yada with the power of love the trio diasomnia manage to save Malleus. Malleus will feel sad and shit, coz his foster father is still leaving. But then after he learns about how Lilia saved him when he was still an egg. Malleus finally does something very selfless of him: by giving Lilia his magic back. And it's not just a tiny speck of magic like he give to Vil. He will give A LOT. To the point that he's magic is like, very little. Perhaps like 1000 year worth of magic or something. And Lilia will be very pissed coz why in the hell you would do that. Obviously coz Malleus loves him. So Lilia could stay in NRC and the story continues with him. He would laugh it off and be like "why didn't I just did this before lmao this is much easier" And other cast be like "yeah dumbass why???!!! "
And in the moment of his weakness, Malleus is unable to do anything with magic. And perhaps because of that a lot of people are not that afraid of him. He become dependent to other people, not because he's a powerful royalty, but just because he's weak. He finally able to learn how humans live and survive and participates in it. He finally could connect with other dorms leader (and maybe becomes friends with Idia!!!! I hope so coz Idia seems to think he's aight), he could tease his brothers (silsebe) without hurting them. He's just... Living now. He doesn't fear of loosing his magic anymore, like when Rollo saps his magic with fire lotus. And then after his magic got regained, because of his new knowledge, NOW he know how to cope emotions. He could talk to silver or sebek. He could make his own rage room or something idk. My point is he slowly manage to unlearn his tantrum. And everyone is happy the end.
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noxsoulmate · 9 months
💞 Of Lizards, Love & Laundry 💞
🦎 Chapters four to six 🦎
Ship: Tarlos | Fandom: 911 Lone Star Author: noxsoulmate | Artist: paxdracona Read on ao3 | View art on ao3
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Chapters: 4-6/9 | Word Count: 5468 | Total Word Count: 9777 | Rating: Mature | Warnings/Tags: canon compliant, Lou II is the Houdini of Lizards, how Lou II makes his Papa love him, a story told in 7+2 parts, Carlos is so done, but TK knows how to condition his man, sex and spicy food, bribery, fluff, domestic fluff, fluff and smut, fluff and humor, Carlos loves TK, so he puts up with the reptile in their loft, until he starts to love the little monster as well
Inspired by the amazing art of @paxdracona
Created for the @911reversebang
“TK, your lizard got out. Again.”
Lou II might just be the Houdini of lizards, an escape artist par excellence – but he’s also TK’s emotional support lizard, so how could Carlos not start to like the little monster? It certainly has nothing to do with TK’s ways of bribery or attempts at conditioning him, and more with the fact that Lou II is just… growing on him. Even if that means loads and loads of extra laundry.
OR: Carlos Reyes and the Journey of Becoming a Lizard Papa, told in 7+2 parts
🦎 Read chapters 4 to 6 on ao3 🦎
🦎 or start at the beginning 🦎
💞 and please leave lots of love on the wonderful art on ao3 💞
Once again, the biggest thanks to my wonderful artist @paxdracona 🥰 and also so, so much love and many kisses to my readers - thanks for all the positive responses this fic and the art have received 😘 please enjoy the next leg of this journey...
Sneak peek and more art under the cut:
Alternating shifts between him and TK are always the worst and Carlos hates it. He can admit that to himself, at least in the early morning hours when he wakes up alone in bed. Knowing his fiancé should be back soon or just got home usually fills him with warmth, but with Carlos’ alarm going off soon, there will hardly be time to snuggle. More often than not, they only manage a quick hug and kiss and then the other one has to start their morning routine.
Today though, Carlos can hear noises in the kitchen, TK clearly preparing food, and checking his alarm – one bleary eye barely open – he sees that he has about an hour before he needs to be out of the door. He can definitely get some snuggles in with TK today. Maybe he’ll even join him in the shower… 
That alone is motivation enough to not turn around for another five minutes but instead pull himself out of bed. Some people might think Carlos is a morning person and don’t get him wrong, he does love mornings. But not before his first coffee… and in recent years, not before a first good morning kiss from the love of his life.
Yes, he’s a sap, sue him.
Eyes still barely open, he stumbles through the loft by muscle memory alone. Some might say it’s the smell of coffee he’s following but Carlos is pretty sure it’s his fiancé he’s pulled towards like a magnet. He doesn’t even need to open his eyes to find his man, his hands snaking around TK’s waist, his head falling onto TK’s shoulder, breathing him in deeply before he presses a kiss to TK’s neck. He also mumbles something he hopes can be understood as ‘Good morning.’
In his sleepy state, Carlos takes no note at first of TK not melting into him as he usually does. He has, in fact, gone a little stiff. Carlos only notices that something is off when TK starts speaking.
“Uhm, babe? Can it be that your eyes are still closed?”
Carlos frowns, the question not making sense at all. Still, he hums in the affirmative – which pulls a nervous little chuckle from TK.
“Okay, uhm… you might wanna step back from me before you open them.”
Well that’s not an option. He only has so many minutes with TK before work is calling, he will damn well use them to cuddle as close as he can.
But he’s also curious, so of course he opens his eyes. At first, nothing is amiss… but then he feels– 
💞🦎 Continue on ao3 🦎💞
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Noxy’s Tagging List:
@detective-giggles, @sgirl18, @firstprince-history-huh, @beautifulhigh, @rangergurlgleek1211, @shadesofdeviant, @actuallysara, @carlos-in-glasses, @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut, @welcometololaland, @wtfuckevenknows, @lightningboltreader, @meditating-honey-badger, @just-inside-her, @alidravana, @morganaspendragonss, @bonheur-cafe, @heartstringsduet, @ravens-words, @lire-casander, @otter-love-asl, @ramblingdisaster73, @first-kanaphan, @xtltokio, @buckybarnesalways, @mangacat201, @catanisspicy, @lemonlyman-dotcom, @a-kinkajou, @juuls
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bloodnbunnies · 1 year
What are the affectionate names the glams like to give each other?
Ohohoho my friend, you have just hit the jackpot… I’m SUCH A SAP for cute nicknames n shit… I just ADORE it… :] So here’s some nicknames that circulate among the glams :]
To Chica
Chi (pronounced like cheese but w/out the s and e), my dear, sweet pea, sweetheart
To Monty
Bud, tough guy, Monts/Mont
To Roxy
Hotrod, speedster, bullet (cus y’know, they’re very fast when shot XD)
To Bonnie
Honeybunny, honeybun, Bonnibel, bun, bunbun, bon, bonbon, my sweet little bunny ~ (Gee… it’s almost like I ship them XDD some of these are platonic, some lmao)
To Freddy
Hun, strawbearry, Freddy bear, teddy bear, bestie
To Roxy
Honey, sweetie, Roxy-poo, puperoni, puppy, Roxrox
To Monty
Big guy, macho man, stallion, sweetheart, MonMon, Monts, Montgummy
To Bonnie
Bon, Bonbon, fluff-butt, fluffy, Mr. hoppy, funny bun
To Freddy
Fredster, Honeybear, boobear, big bear, darlin’, sweetums, teddy bear, sweetheart, boo, mr cuddly bear, wifey (which started out as a joke but kinda just… stuck lol)
To Chica
Poptart, pumpkin, cupcake, sweetheart, chickadee, Chi, doll
To Monty
Showoff, tough guy, big guy, bumpkin (very much in an affectionate manner tho lol), goofball
To Roxy
Pumpkin, wolfy, pupcake, girly, dear
To Freddy
Teddy, teddy bear, squeaky, squeakers (bc of his nose lol), Fredster, Fatbear (used to be a insult but now it’s just become a nickname that no longer has the intention to hurt behind it, more to poke fun) often calls him by his last name Fazbear to the point it’s become a nickname for him lol
To Chica
Sweet cheeks, chickadee, tiny, girly, lil chick, dolly, ducky (he found out that people used to think she was a duck… now the nickname is stuck lmao), angel face, doll face, barbie girl, pretty girl
To Roxy
Hot stuff, Hotrod, puppy, wolfy, mutt, lil bitch (which he can only call her, along with mutt, because she knows it’s not coming from a bad place and she’s quite comfortable with him), Speedy Gonzales, roadrunner, good-lookin’, darlin, doll face, rugrat
To Bonnie
Little guy, bunny rabbit, cottontail, fluffybutt, lil buddy, bon, bunny, simply just “rabbit”, jerkface, asshole (these are very playful lol)
To Freddy
Dork, dorkatron, doofus, Winnie the pooh (to his dismay), nerd, old man
To Chica
Sweets, sweetcheeks, nugget, cupcake, chick, chicky, lil birdie
To Monty
Lizard, gator man, scales, the occasional fuckface and dumbass, Roxy and Monty’s terms of endearment tend to be straight up insults but they’re close and know the other doesn’t mean it in an insulting way XD, that’s why they’re the only one’s that can do it to each other
To Bonnie
Bunny boy, Bon, thumper (he ain’t too happy with this one XD), mr hops, bucky, goofball
And that’s all… for now at least XD
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dalishthunder · 1 year
Destiny Waits for No One
Chapter 4 - Fool's Gold
Pairing: Eventual Nebarra/LDB (Gender Neutral Reader) Other Characters: Kaidan, Xelzaz, Lucifer, Khash, Inigo, and Lucien Rating: Mature Words: 1875 Additional notes: Very slow burn, frenemies to lovers, Nebarra is an ass, Xelzaz continues to be the coolest Read on AO3
The wing beats were growing distant, and with a quick glance to the skies, you sprinted forward, coming to a sliding halt by the survivor's side. Already, you could feel the heat radiating from their armor.
"Fan out! Get Khash to that barrow we saw not too far back!" You called out over your shoulder.
"On it, Dargonborn!" Behind you, you could hear Khash's protests as Lucifer coaxed her to follow him.
"Inigo, I heard it in that direction, scout it out. No heroics, get back here alive."
"Aye, aye."
As he disappeared into the mists, you reached down to the poor sap, gently helping them sit up. "Are you alright?"
"I'm bleeding out like a gutted nebarra. Of course I'm not alright." He hissed, breath shaky, coming in ragged gasps.
"Hold still, I can heal you." You'd been practicing your healing hands since the last dragon attack. Xelzaz had been more than willing to teach you.
"No!" He coughed, the sound wet, almost bubbling in his throat. "I've seen the kind of scars the legion came away with.Healing potions."
You nodded, fishing around in your pack and pulling out one of the condensed formulas you'd been experimenting with. "Here. Drink this then."
He lifted his helmet only a fraction, and you saw only a very bloody chin as he gulped it down.
You listened intently for the sounds of anyone else, but all of the other bodies were charred beyond recognition. "I'm sorry about your friends."
"Not my friends." His breaths began to steady after a moment, the potion beginning to work its magic.
"O... kay then." You could vaguely see a set of gold eyes staring warily at you from the eye slits of his helm. "Well, who did we save today?"
"... Nebarra. Just... just call me Nebarra." Something about the way he said it almost sounded... defeated.
"That's um... an interesting name." You said, not quite liking how it had rolled off his tongue.
"It isn't a name, it's an insult." He rasped, and he stretched his back, joints popping and crackling like the fire that had consumed the carriage. "It means unwelcome and foreigner in Altmer."
You frowned, "Why would you want me to call you something like that?"
"Because I don't want to tell you my name, and I feel like a bloody nebarra in Skyrim." Strength was beginning to come back to his voice, and his cadence coupled with the condescending way you spoke was... grating.
But you figured he did just survive something traumatic so you let it slide, and you stood, offering your hand to help him to his feet. "Alright then. Where were you headed? Do we need to get you anywhere?"
Nebarra got up on his own. "Not anymore. I was a caravan guard. Ernurd wanted to avoid the roads, so we stuck to the forest. Figured it was contraband or something... must not have been that important if he left most of it out here though. Not that any of that bleeding matters with a giant lizard that can light up a whole valley flying about."
Inigo crept around the cart, "It appears to have headed for the mountains. We should be safe for now."
"Oh, great, a cat.Let me guess, you have contraband as well?" The altmer sounded bored.
You stepped between him and Inigo, "No contraband here. Just a group of intrepid adventurers."
"... Lovely. Well, I unfortunately don't have much that wasn't completely incinerated, and Ernurd certainly isn't going to pay me anymore, so instead of coin, I suppose you can have my sword at your side."
"We don't just let anyone travel with us," You lied.
... Well it wasn't a full lie. You had turned Lydia away when you'd been appointed Thane of Whiterun, and left her back at Dragonsreach.
"What skills do you bring to the table?"
He cracked his neck, rolling his shoulders. "I think you'll find I'm very, very good at killing things."
"And yet, the Dragonborn was the one to save you." Kaidan eyed up your new potential companion with a great disdain, slowly stepping closer until he was only a few feet away. "And you don't even seem particularly grateful."
"What about offering my services free of charge doesn't seem grateful?" Nebarra crossed his arms, straightening up.
You placed a hand on your companion's shoulder, "I'm a thane now. It's my job to save people, Kai. And there's a dragon out there. We have strength in numbers, so let's just get him to safety and discuss compensation after."
"Heel boy." You could hear the sneer in Nebarra's voice. "It seems at least your leader has some sense."
"I'll show you some sense-"
"Enough." Your eyes looked your newest... potential recruit over as you motioned for everyone to head back to the cave to pick up Khash and Lucifer. "Xelzaz, where's the closest settlement?"
"Falkreath. It shouldn't be too far from here."
"Good. Lead the way... mind the skies, everyone." You walked in silence, scanning your surroundings for danger, falling into step beside Nebarra. "I think we got off on the wrong foot, friend-"
"Oh hohoho... we're not friends. I owe you a life debt, no need to take it further than that."
You narrowed your eyes at him.
He truly was grating.
"If we're going to be travelling together, I don't see how it would hurt to at least try."
He turned to look at you, face frustratingly hidden by his helm. "You're new to the whole adventuring thing, aren't you?"
"What makes you think that?" Your smile didn't waver.
"Look, uh.... What did you say your name was?"
"I did-"
He cut you off with a shake of the head, raising a hand to stop you, "Doesn't really matter given you'll probably be dead in a few days. Don't become an adventurer to find yourself; You'll sooner find your grave."
Deep breaths.
Deep breaths.
"You can't talk to the Dragonborn like that!" Lucifer cut in.
"The what?"
"A legendary hero of Skyrim that can shout and eats dragon souls."
Nebarra just laughed... a grating, wretched noise, "Of course I can, I'm the long lost prince of Alinor."
That cause Lucifer pause, and you placed a hand on his shoulder. "Doesn't a prince usually wear a crown?"
He... didn't take to subtlety or sarcasm very well.
"Hence the Long Lost," Drawled the elf.
"That still doesn't give you the right to talk to The Dragonborn like that."
"Yeah!" Khash butt in. "Do not be rude to our friend!"
"Oh, good. Another one."
You exchanged a glance with Xelzaz. "Hey, guys," You interjected, "How about a song for the road to lift the spirits?"
"That is an excellent idea, my friend!" Your Khajiit companion gave you a wolfish smile.
"I'm beginning to think you didn't actually save my life.... You just ruined my death." Nebarra muttered, walking faster to get away from the noise as Inigo began to sing his rendition of Ragnar the Red.
You joined in once or twice, but you didn't quite know the words.
Xelzaz being pleasant, and lovely, as ever introduced himself with some sort of Altmeri greeting only to be rudely dismissed.
"I'm afraid I'm at my limit of for my knowledge of High Elven words."
"Yes, I do imagine the complexities of elf-tongue would prove a difficult task for a slek such as yoursel-"
It took you two bounds to cross the distance.
Torque in the hips. Fist extended. "FUS!"
Your punch sent the elf flying, the intentions of Force behind it strengthening the blow.
Ignoring the blossoming pain in your hand from where bare skin and bone had met with the metal of his armor. "You do NOT speak to him like that. Ever again. Am I understood, fahliil?"
The word had rolled off your tongue as though they were something you understood.
And for some reason... you did.
The singing stopped. All eyes on you once more.
Khash let out a little whoop. "Tusk yeah! Get his ass! Can I punch him next?"
"What in Oblivion was That?" Nebarra hissed, his armor had cushioned him from the full force of the blow.
"That wasn't really necessary," Xelzaz said. "I'm more than capable of dealing with people like him."
But your blood boiled, "You shouldn't have to." You slowly made your way to where Nebarra was sitting up. "You owe me a life debt, and I am willing to overlook how unpleasant you are to me. But Xelzaz is my friend, and I'll not have you speak to any of my friends like that. I will not tolerate slurs in this party. Got it?"
You exhaled, extending out a hand to help him up. He immediately batted it away, getting to his feet himself. "We're going to get along just swimmingly aren't we?"
He hung back towards the rear as you all walked in silence. The mood thoroughly ruined.
"I appreciate your enthusiasm, friend." Xelzaz chuckled after a moment, finally locating the road to Falkreath. He must have noticed your hand because he took it in his own and began inspecting it. "But people like Nebarra aren't worth getting upset over."
"Do you think we should let him travel with us?"
The bruise that had begun to bloom receded as he cast healing hands on you. "That's up to you. I won't complain one way or another."
Gods, he was so cool.
You wished you could keep your cool like that.
"We'll see how he fairs next time we encounter some bandits or something...." You mumbled.
"I say we ditch him the first town we get to." Kaidan muttered, glowering at your newest recruit.
"No... he owes me a life debt, and I'll see he repays it." You narrowed your eyes at Nebarra as well.
"What happened to him proving himself?" Xelzaz asked.
"I've made up my mind. He's coming with us. Just let me know if he mistreats you."
The gates of Falkreath loomed before you.
"I think that's a bad idea, friend. He'd betray you for a single septim, I can smell it on him." Kaidan huffed.
You just winked at him. "And that's where you come in. If he betrays me, I know you'll be able to keep me safe."
You almost missed the way his ears flushed as he gave you a sheepish chuckle, "Aye.... Our bond is forged in battle, I've got back."
"Good." Patting his arm, you ran a few paces ahead to jump up and slap the sign of the inn. "It's settled then. We'll rest the rest of the day, recover, get a few ales, and set out for Riverwood in the morning."
"Won't say no to that plan." Kai grinned. "Hopefully they'll have a good bard.... No offense, Inigo."
"I wasn't offended until you said that." Inigo gave him a dry look.
You all got food, eating with a reedy man named Lucien who offered you a great sum of gold to travel with you. And so your party grew by two in one day.
Kaidan and Khash danced to the bard's tunes, and the mood stayed fairly light... except for one surly elf sipping wine through a straw in the corner.
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